1230.2 - 1241

Chapter 1230: Return (Part Two)

During this process, the two forcefully broke into the minds and spirits of these high-level bugs and obtained some rough clues and pieces of information.

It turned out that this galaxy was only a small and remote region of the giant universe that the bugs conquered, and the tens of billions of bugs that Fei and Zhong Dajun had killed were only a tiny portion in the total bug population. The true homebase of the bugs was in a distant galaxy that seemed like an abyss, and it was extremely mysterious. The entire bug race was controlled by a heaven-defying high-level bug that was known as the [Mother Empress].

As to how powerful the [Mother Empress] was exactly? Fei had no idea.

The true strength and population of the bugs suffocated others.

Just these pieces of rough and basic information made Fei and Zhong Dajun's hearts become heavy.

Since these two had been out for a while, they decided to go back for now.

When these two returned to Earth, the people who survived the catastrophe on this blue planet were celebrating the defeat of the bugs.

China and the United States reached an agreement, and the other nations that were still not conquered made concessions and joined the agreement. Then, the masters of the Northern Region Empire split into groups and quickly wiped out the bugs on Earth. They also captured a few bugs for the scientists to study.

After the catastrophe, the population on Earth was tallied in detail, and it was shown that more than 70 percent of the people died.

The civilization on Earth was on the brink of collapse. With many big cities destroyed and basic infrastructures disabled, the orderliness of Earth was shattered. Many families were broken, and many people lost their loved ones.

With a rough estimate, more than 100 nations on Earth had been destroyed in this catastrophe.

Fortunately, the bugs were defeated, and humans saw the hope of survival. Under the encouragement of the governments, the survivors quickly joined in on the reconstruction of their homes.

It wasn't an exaggeration to say that almost everything on Earth had to be rebuild.

Of course, the exciting new prospect that these masters from the Azeroth Continent, which was in another dimension, brought to Earth made many people see a new direction of development. Those insane abilities of flying in the sky and moving underground piqued many people's interests on Earth. After all, these masters were like Superman.

Fei had injected traces of his energy into some people's bodies. Those people who were selected by Fei in Beijing, as well as Wang Jian and Jian Jie, leaped from being ordinary people to becoming Superman-like existences, making everyone believe that the new era where the people on Earth were going to rapidly evolve had arrived.

Also, there was something that no one expected. With the arrival of the masters from the Northern Region Empire and the descent of the bugs, the laws of power and physics on Earth gradually changed and became similar to those on the Azeroth Continent.

Out of the natives on Earth, some of them started to evolve first and obtained basic supernatural abilities.

A new era on Earth had officially arrived!

When Fei and Zhong Dajun returned to Earth, they first found General Liu Yun and vaguely revealed some pieces of information that they obtained on this trip, allowing the governments on Earth to be more prepared. Also, those giant spaceship-like corpses of the bugs were given to the Joint Laboratory.

The top-tier scientists and the Mad Scientists' Laboratory entered into a partnership.

Seeing Fei's return, the Mad Scientists' Laboratory reported that they had figured out the origin of the white mist that could corrode spirit energy and the mystical technology that could suppress spirit energy inside the underground base below Las Vegas.

Chapter 1231: Before Going Back (Part One)

"Just because of this type of rock?" Fei couldn't believe it as he looked at the fruit of Cain's research.

"The white mist that can corrode spirit energy is made from the powder of these sword-shaped crystalized rocks? A type of ordinary rocks on Earth has such power?"

"According to the people on Earth, it is called aragonite, and its chemical formula is CaCO₃. It is a rare mineral, and it is crystalized, looking like spearheads or small thick swords. They are usually found in the shape of hexagonal crystals of threes…" Cain started to explain using the mineralogy jargons

"Alright, alright, alright. You have only been on Earth for a few days; do you really think that you are a scientist now?" Fei interrupted Cain without hesitation and said, "Just directly tell me how this thing corrodes spirit energy. How will it be helpful to us?"

"It is extremely effective. It is said that the Americans discovered the effect of this type of minerals coincidentally, and they ground these rocks into powder and turned them into a mist. That is how they used it to corrode the spirit energy of the bugs. If we use it according to the magic arrays and alchemy theories, I'm confident I can make a potion that can instantly destroy god-level spirit energy waves and frequencies. This type of crystals is unique, and I can't really explain why such crystals contain mystical energy," Cain explained while pondering, "According to theories, a place with scarce energy like Earth shouldn't attract the Polluters' attention. However, the Polluters did come. I suspect that the Polluters didn't come here to hunt but to get something. Perhaps getting such crystals is one of their missions. After all, such crystals counter the spirit energy of the bugs too well! It almost seems like these crystals were created to be the bugs' kryptonite.

"So powerful?" Fei grabbed a white crystal and emitted a trace of spirit energy. Just as he expected, his spirit energy had a hard time penetrating deep into this crystal. When he mimicked the spirit energy frequencies of the bugs, they were instantly destroyed.

Such crystals were indeed the perfect counters to the bugs!

"What about the suppression of spirit energy? I remember that there was a mystical power in the room where the Americans kept Zhong Dajun. It seems to be a force beyond the laws of nature, and it can suppress all forms of spirit energy to an extreme degree. Did you find the source?" Fei asked as he put away the white crystal in his hand.

"We only found a large deposit of such crystals a few hundred meters below that room. Except for that, there seems to be no other reasons. One thing is for sure; the large deposit of aragonite isn't the reason that your spirit energy was greatly suppressed." Cain also looked confused when this matter was brought up. "Also, the interesting thing is that except for you, others like Torres didn't sense their spirit energy being suppressed in that room."

"What? Fei was shocked. "Only I sensed this power?"

"Yeah." Cain nodded and said, "Let's go. That place has been dug open by us. Perhaps you will make some new discoveries."

While talking, the two walked forward and soon came to the room where the Americans kept Zhong Dajun when the latter fainted.

This room was already hundreds of meters below the ground, and it now looked completed different after the second exploration. The Joint Laboratory was now the top-tier organization on Earth. Under the guidance of people like Cain, a mass-scale operation took place here. The ground was dug, and a ton of aragonite was taken out and safeguarded as a strategic resource. Now, a big mine pit replaced the former room.

As soon as Fei stepped into the mine pit, he released his spirit energy.

This time, he confirmed that his spirit energy which was in the peak Godly King Realm was suppressed to about one-ten-thousandth, falling back to the peak Moon-Class Realm. He felt like a supreme god was hostile toward him and limited his abilities.

Cain and other masters of the Northern Region Empire didn't feel anything.

Chapter 1231: Before Going Back (Part Two)

"What is going on?" Fei was shocked. He slowly walked in a mine tunnel and carefully sensed his surroundings. His spirit energy rushed out like waves and gradually captured some patterns. When he moved toward the northwest direction, that suppression force became stronger.

"Is there something hidden underground?" Fei guessed something.

With godly light illuminating around him, Fei dashed into the ground like a godly dragon that dashed into the ocean. He continued to search around and moved toward the northwest while dashing downward.

His instinct wasn't wrong.

The further he moved in that direction, the more suppressed his spirit energy was. In the end, it dropped to the Half-Moon Realm.

"There must be something here." Fei was sure of it as he quickly moved toward the northwest direction.

After Fei moved downward for a long while, the soil around him gradually became hot. Suddenly, he could only see red before him. He actually dashed into the core of Earth. Lava was all around him, and he felt the shocking temperature outside his protective shield.

Two golden light beams dashed out of Fei's eyes, penetrated the lava, and searched around.

At this place, his spirit energy was suppressed so much that he could only inspect everything around him with his eyes, trying to find the source of the suppression.

"I see it… that is… oh god! It is unbelievable! It is… a set of armor…"

Fei didn't expect to see a set of silver full-body armor at the Earth's core.

This set of armor was no different from a real person, and it was slowly floating in the lava. As if it had a life of its own, it emitted a mass of brilliant and indescribable mist.

This set of armor looked plain; it felt like something that an ordinary swordsman on the Azeroth Continent would wear. There were no complex engravings, and there were also no gems inlaid in it. The streamlined curvatures and smooth surface felt ancient and simple.

"This is the source of the suppression of my spirit energy. Strange… how come it only works on me?" Fei slowly approached this set of armor.

An extremely familiar presence was being emitted from this set of armor, and it seemed to be calling out to Fei silently like a loved one.

When Fei was about ten meters away from this set of armor, his body suddenly shook, and two masses of silver flames flew out of his body without his control, slowly spinning around the silver armor.

They were the Scepter of Creation and the Throne of Creation!

These two most powerful and most insane items of inheritance on Fei seemed to have been revived, and they let out a series of chirps, lightly vibrated, and spun around the armor as if they met an old friend.

"Could it be…"

Chapter 1231: Before Going Back (Part Three)

A streak of lightning flashed in Fei's mind. "Is this set of mysterious armor at the core of Earth a part of the Item Set of Creation? That is why the Scepter of Creation and the Throne of Creation are resonating with it?"

In the next moment, something mystical occurred.

The Throne of Creation slowly flew to below the armor, and a series of silver ripples flashed on the surface of the throne, turning the color of the throne into the color of the armor. The Scepter of Creation flew into one of the gauntlets of the armor… these three saint items slowly combined.

The silver and ancient-looking armor that was floating in lava in silence emitted aggressive silver light. As if it came back to life, a vague silver shadow occupied the empty parts of the armor.

At this moment, it seemed like an ultimate existence who created this world came back to life. This figure grasped onto the scepter, stepped onto the throne, and dressed in the godly armor, returning to the world. While glancing at the past and the future, this figure stood in the river of time and controlled everything in the world including life, aging, sickness, and death. This figure stood above everyone!

Even though Fei was extremely powerful already, he felt like kneeling and worshipping this figure at this moment.

This mystical feeling only occurred for a split second before disappearing.

In the next moment, that overbearing presence disappeared. When Fei opened his eyes again, that vague silver shadow was long gone, and the armor, throne, and scepter perfectly combined, looking like a real figure.

At this moment, that suppression on Fei's spirit energy disappeared.

Fei slowly approached these three saint items and touched the armor with his finger, and he felt a warm and smooth sensation.

At this moment, the armor, throne, and scepter turned into many silver light dots, scattered, and all flew into Fei's body like birds returning to their nest.


Fei was surprised to find that when the last light dot entered his body, a silver ripple appeared on his body.

Fei felt like he was stepping on a solid floor; the Throne of Creation appeared below his feet. He felt like he was holding something; the Scepter of Creation was already in his hands before he realized it. He felt slightly heavy; he was already wearing that mysterious silver armor.

An unprecedented feeling of power engulfed Fei's mind.

"This armor must be the last component in the Item Set of Creation in legends. How come it is on Earth?" Fei couldn't figure out the answer to this question.

At this moment, an image abruptly appeared in his mind.

A handsome man was holding hands with a beautiful woman in the sky. Suddenly, about a few streaks of silver energy flames flew out of their bodies and disappeared into the area around them with long tails of flames. Then, this gorgeous couple shattered into many light dots before vanishing in the world.

Fei was quite shocked; this wasn't his first time seeing this scene.

During the meeting between the three magnets above the City of San Siro, old Pope Stabila took out that scroll which contained the scenes where the Lord of God Clan and the Lord of Demon Clan battled with the bugs. Those two figures were identical to the two that appeared in Fei's mind; they were the Lord of God Clan and the Lord of Demon Clan.

Chapter 1231: Before Going Back (Part Four)

After they won the war against the bugs, their bodies shattered into pieces after they exhausted all their life energy.

Fei's attention was locked on the streaks of silver energy flames that flew out of these two figures' bodies.

"Could it be that those streaks of flames contain the various Items of Creation? The Lord of God Clan and the Lord of Demon Clan awakened the Item Set of Creation with their essence blood, using them to defeat the bugs. In the end, these two ultimate existences died after the exhaustion of life energy and soul energy, and the Item Set of Creation deconstructed and disappeared in the world. Could it be that the throne and the scepter in the set fell into Sky City, and the armor which was the core broke the restriction of time and space, falling into the core of Earth?"

Fei felt like he grasped onto the truth.

Now, everything could be explained! As to why Fei's spirit energy was suppressed, he already had two components of the Item Set of Creation on him, and they established some sorts of relationships, putting pressure on his spirit energy. Also, it was clear that the armor had unique power in suppressing spirit energy.

"Now with this set of armor, do I have the complete Item Set of Creation? I should have the dominating power to rule all things, but my strength didn't really increase significantly. Except for suppressing spirit energy, its power isn't on par with the Scepter of Creation and the Throne of Creation!"

"Or could it be that I haven't grasped the control of the armor?"

"Is there another reason?"

Fei thought to himself for a long time but couldn't figure it out. After searching in the lava at the Earth's core for a while, he didn't make another discovery, so he returned to the surface of the Earth.

Now, a big trend of learning martial arts and magic was happening on Earth. As the laws of nature and power slowly changed on Earth, the people on Earth could obtain warrior energy and magic energy, so the combat technique system and the magic system from the Azeroth Continent were being taught here.

Of course, the high-level figures on Earth focused more on the Joint Laboratory.

Fei decided to return to the Azeroth Continent.

Cain and Akara would temporarily stay on Earth, and Gold Saint Torres of Sagittarius, as well as about a dozen masters of the Northern Region Empire, stayed behind as well. They would work with the governments on Earth and run all kinds of experiments, including the modification of the motherships of life of the bugs and other projects where science and magic would collide.

Everything that Fei was doing right now was preparing for the descent of the bugs that would bring a catastrophe.

From the information that Fei gathered from various sources, it seemed like the descent of the bugs couldn't be stopped.

The world-ending catastrophe was fast approaching!

Fei needed to go back to the Azeroth Continent and deal with the Holy Church and old Pope Stabila. He had to figure out if Stabila was lying, or the latter was fooled. This was a crucial matter. Fei hoped that the latter was true. If the former was true, then… Stabila was a spy of the bugs!

If this was the case, a disaster was waiting! It would mean that the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church couldn't resolve the conflicts through peaceful means, and a full-on regional warfare would take place!

Chapter 1232: A Similar Scene (Part One)

-The Azeroth Continent-

Ever since the meeting at the City of San Siro, the continent entered a period of real peace.

In the Chaos Era, the flames of war spread everywhere. Many civilians who were forced to move away from their homes finally got to go back or find a new home. The continent started to rest and recover.

Especially in the Northern Region and the Southern Region, changes were the most drastic. All the former power dynamics and structures completely reformed, and the various strange and unprecedented policies that the Human Emperor of the North established changed many people's perspectives and the structure of the society. The civilians in the Southern Region and Northern Region benefited the most from such changes since they were at the bottom of the society.

Such changes caused a series of chain reactions.

The most noticeable was the unprecedented vitality that human civilization showed.

The progression speed that the human civilization recently demonstrated was unheard of in the last 1,000 years. In various fields such as warrior energy, magic, agriculture, architecture, music, medicine, and arts grew rapidly like rockets, and many industries prospered.

The war, as well as the new policies that the Human Emperor of the North created, were seen as the catalyst for the growth.

Besides, the existence of the Northern Region Empire was a big deterrent. Since the Human Emperor of the North showed no intention of expanding his control and expressed his desire for peace, all the wars on the continent ended almost overnight. The battle-hungry empires such as Barcelona and Juventus had to hold their tails between their legs and act low-key.

No one wanted to ignite flames of war and anger the Human Emperor of the North. At this point, no one could bare the full-force strike of the Northern Region Empire

Now, even the Holy Church was on the side of the Northern Region Empire. Platini and Blatter's deaths and Stabila's return signaled the end of all conflicts between the Holy Church and the Northern Region Empire. The two forces were now in their "honeymoon".

If what was discussed during the meeting at the City of San Siro between the Human Emperor of the North, Pope Stabila, and the Continental Martial Saint was implemented, the Human Emperor of the North would also become the Pope of the Holy Church. Then, he would become the most powerful figure on the continent, and no one and no force could rival him.

Of course, some people and forces didn't want to see the Human Emperor of the North become stronger and stronger. They tried to instigate new conflicts between the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church, but such conspiracies all failed as the two forces squashed them without mercy.

Now, almost everyone on the continent was looking forward to the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church becoming one.

As time passed by, the pre-arranged date that was agreed on during the meeting at the City of San Siro came.

On this day, the attention of the continent was completely drawn to the Holy Mountain at Sicily Island

According to the agreement, the old Pope Stabila was going to crown the Human Emperor of the North, and the latter was going to become the new Pope of the Holy Church.

This day was going to determine the fate of the continent and change the trajectory that it had for the last 1,000 years.

This day was going to be brilliant and recorded in history.

About half a month ago, the emperors of the super empires, the top-tier nobles, and the famous masters all received the invitation from the Holy Church; the Holy Church hoped that these big figures could come to this crowning ceremony and witness this historical moment.

Many people held pride in the fact that they received the invitation. It meant that their status was acknowledged by the overlord of Azeroth.

In the last three days, Sicily Island became extremely packed and bustling.

In the last 1,000 years, this was the first time that so many non-members of the Holy Church appeared on Sicily Island.

Chapter 1232: A Similar Scene (Part Two)

Godly knights who were in silver armor walked out in neat formations, and the white-robed priests sang holy spiritual songs.

The entire Sicily Island was engulfed in the silver light of victory, and angels could be vaguely seen dancing in the clouds with their wings open.

Under everyone's stares, Human Emperor Alexander of the North landed on the island.

This was an unprecedented ceremony

Except for old Pope Stabila who couldn't come out in person to welcome the Human Emperor of the North due to his weak body, old age, and deteriorating health, all other high-level members of the Holy Church appeared to receive the Human Emperor of the North as subjects.

On the side of the Northern Region Empire, out of the 12 Gold Saints of the 12 Constellations who were the legendary guardians of Sky City and had been following Alexander since he was the King of Chambord, eight of them came. Standing beside these masters, the masters of the [Black-Cloth Shrine] and the Dark Palace of the Northern Region Empire that recently became famous all appeared on Sicily Island.

It was clear that both parties placed great emphasis on this crowning ceremony.

The most prestigious, most powerful, and most influential figures on the continent gathered on Sicily Island. If these people were all wiped out, the entire continent would fall into instant chaos.

However, it was clear that such a possibility didn't even exist.

At this stage, everything was prepared, and everyone was waiting for the right time to come.

On this day, ocean tides surged, and the sun rose from the eastern horizon above the ocean. When the first strike of sunlight hit the peak of the Holy Mountain, the crowning ceremony began.

The majestic silver-armored godly knights rode on white warhorses, and they toured around Sicily Island on the sand. The silver and red flags fluttered in the morning wind like many flying godly dragons. The priests were singing holy spiritual songs on the stairs that led to the Holy Palace, and the songs echoed on the land and the ocean.

The beautiful girls and cute children in the choir also sang along, making the ceremony seem even more holy and pure.

This was the mandatory process that the new popes must take before being officially crowned.

At the same time, the top-tier nobles and famous masters on the continent gathered before the Holy Palace on the peak of the Holy Mountain.

Under the illumination of the first streak of sunlight, the 1,001 white jade steps emitted a holy glamour.

This was indeed a holy place.

Everyone felt like their minds were purified again and again while being engulfed in the holy spiritual songs and white light.

Further away on the white steps, the masters of the Northern Region Empire appeared one after another. They were the most loyal warriors, and they stood on both sides of the steps, creating a path of honor. While single-kneeling and raising their weapons high, they looked like gods who were receiving their lord with powerful energy surges around them.

Finally, Fei appeared before the first step of the staircase that had 1,001 steps.

He was in a pure white robe, and he was holding Queen Angela who was in a black long dress with his left hand and Queen Elena who was in red battle armor with his right hand. Walking side by side, these three people attracted the world's attention. While the holy spiritual songs resonated in the sky, they slowly stepped onto the staircase!

The bell in the Holy Palace sounded at this moment.

Every time Fei and his two queens walked higher by one step, the bell would sound once.

The emperors, nobles, and masters from various empires and forces who were on both sides of the staircase all stood up; no one dared to remain seated at this moment. After all, the man and the two women who were walking past them were the most influential figures on the continent.

At this moment, almost everyone felt an illusion; they felt like this scene was familiar.

When people looked at Fei and Angela, this feeling intensified. They were sure that this scene appeared before, and…

Chapter 1233: Crowning (Part One)

The resonating sound of the bell echoed through the Sicily Island.

Looking at the man and the two women who were walking up the staircase, many people felt strange. They felt like they were seeing the scene that they saw not long ago but occurred more than 1,000 years ago.

When Fei stood with Angela while holding each other's hands, they looked extremely similar to the Lord of God Clan and the Lord of Demon Clan.

A little while ago, the old Pope Stabila of the Holy Church showed the people who appeared at the City of San Siro during the meeting an ancient scroll that sealed some scenes from the ancient Mythical Era. In one of the scenes, the Lord of God Clan and the Lord of Demon Clan stood in the air after defeating the Polluters, and they emitted the dashing and unparalleled presence which was almost identical to what Fei and Angela had right now.

The only difference was that except for Angela who looked extremely similar to the Lord of Demon Clan, there was also the gorgeous Valkyrie Elena.

At this moment, a shaking senior appeared at the gate of the Holy Palace. He had thin hair, many age spots, and deep wrinkles.

He was Pope Stabila.

During the meeting at the City of San Siro a short time ago, this pope who had ruled the Holy Church in another era stated that his life was coming to an end after being tortured in the dungeon below the Holy Mountain, and he couldn't live for more than a year.

Now, about half a year had passed, and the presence of decay and death grew clearer on him.

If it weren't for his great power, perhaps this body would turn into dust when the wind blew on it.

About three days ago when the Human Emperor of the North appeared on Sicily Island, Stabila didn't come out to receive him. Seeing that, many rumors said that this magnate couldn't last any longer. It seemed like Stabila was pushing himself and trying to complete the last crowning ceremony.

Some people were even worried that this old man couldn't last until the ceremony was over.

Others guessed that perhaps he was supported by the last bit of will in his mind. Once his last wish was granted as he placed the crown and the robe one the Human Emperor of the North, this old man would die in the wind and return to the stars' embrace.

At this moment, Stabila no longer looked dominating and heroic. He could barely stand under the support of two old priests who were also white-haired.

Continental Martial Saint Maradona stood beside Stabila expressionlessly.

Seeing Fei coming up the stairs, Stabila concentrated and waited by the gate of the Holy Palace with the Scepter of Ragnarok in one hand, the golden and silver godly robe of the pope in the another, and the Crown of the Gods that represented the highest level of power in the Holy Church on his head.

When the Human Emperor of the North finished walking up the 1,001 steps and arrived before Stabila, the crowning ceremony would officially begin.

People's eyes were shifting between Fei and Stabila.

Only a few extremely fortunate people throughout history could step on these 1,001 steps, and those who stepped on this path all engraved their names and legends in the history of Azeroth without an exception.

Without question, Fei was the youngest out of all these fortunate people. He was so young that it was sickening!

Finally, Fei arrived before Stabila under everyone's stare.

"Child, this moment finally came." A smile could be seen on Stabila's face.

Fei quietly stared at this old man's eyes, and he nodded and replied, "Yeah, it is finally here. I must admit that I almost can't wait."

Chapter 1233: Crowning (Part Two)

"Child, greed is one of the original sins," Stabila said with a smile while draping the golden and silver godly robe of the pope on Fei's body.

Fei nodded and replied, "I think so as well. However, how come some people know about the terrifying consequences of the original sins yet still choose to walk on this path?"[Support the translators and read on Noodletown Translations for free.]

"That is because sometimes, greed is a driving force behind the movement of history." Stabila lightly hit Fei's left and right shoulder with the Scepter of Ragnarok before offering the latter blessings and advice according to the crowning procedure.

"But history is always written by the victor, right?" Fei grabbed the Scepter of Ragnarok that Stabila passed to him and tightly grasped it in his hands, but his smile remained on his face.

"Of course, history is always written by the victor, but who is the final victor?" Stabila's smile didn't disappear as well.

The conversation between these two people was simple and ordinary, but it didn't fit today's occasion.

The two old priests beside Stabila were surprised as they looked at the old man and the young man who were in the process of transferring power. For some reason, they sensed a trace of hostility in this conversation.

Except for these two old priests, no one else overheard this conversation.

This was a conversation that would never appear in the history books.

Then, Stabila slowly took the Crown of the Gods off his head.

Under everyone's stare, and while resonant and pure holy spiritual songs and the loud bell echoed in the area, this crown that represented the highest level of power was placed on Fei's head as the latter single-kneeled.


This was the most important and most significant action today!

When the Crown of the Gods landed on Fei's head, applauses and cheers sounded from around the Holy Palace.

This moment finally arrived!

The Human Emperor of the North became the Pope of the Holy Church!

From now on, a new legend was about to be written on the Azeroth Continent. No one and no force could rival this young man who was only about 24 years old!

This young man was officially unrivaled and could overpower anyone.

The holy spiritual array on Sicily Island was triggered at this moment.

A total of 108 silver holy light beams dashed into the sky, looking like the fanciest and most beautiful fireworks in the world. While the light beams shone in the air, the holy spiritual songs suddenly paused, and the last bell ring from the Holy Palace ended as well. The angels with white wings slowly fell from the sky, looking like blooming white flowers and representing pureness and nobility.

Pope Alexander!

It was a new title!

The youngest pope in the Holy Church's history!

A new era was about to begin for the Holy Church!

"Child, follow me! Just you alone!" Although Stabila still looked weak, he didn't need the two old priests to help him at this moment. While staggering a little, he walked toward the gate of the Holy Palace that was engulfed in holy light.

With the scepter in his hand, the crown on his head, and the godly robe on his body, Fei followed Stabila into the Holy Palace.

At the same time, Continental Martial Saint Maradona also walked into the Holy Palace.

The two old priests looked at each other in shock.

"This isn't set out in the official procedure of the crowning ceremony. Could it be that the old pope can't hold on anymore? He has a few last words for the new pope before he dies? But why did Continental Martial Saint Maradona follow them?"

Under everyone's stare, these three figures disappeared into the brilliant holy light. They were the three most powerful figures on the continent.

Chapter 1234: Time

The light could eliminate the darkness, but it could also hide the darkness.

The brilliant light around the Holy Palace on Sicily Island was holy and bright, and this holy and slightly eye-piercing light devoured Stabila, Fei, and Maradona. It looked as if the light devoured the darkness, but it also seemed like the darkness devoured the light.

The people outside the Holy Palace stood on the two sides of the staircase quietly, and some people looked surprised. Clearly, according to what was on their minds, this shouldn't have happened. As the new Pope of the Holy Church, Alexander should stand before the gate of the Holy Palace and accept the worship of all members of the Holy Church and the congratulations from the masters on the continent.

As soon as he stepped into the Holy Palace, Fei's vision blurred, and he felt like he traveled through a spatial tunnel.

Then, what entered his vision wasn't the interior of a stone palace where many stone pillars stood and many flags with crosses on them hang. Instead, this was a pure-white space. The walls seemed to be engraved from the most beautiful and perfect jade, emitting pure presence. Except for these walls, there was nothing else! This vast place was empty!

"Is this the interior of the Holy Palace?" Fei was a little curious.

"Child, from your eyes, I can see the unhidden desire for power and surging ambition. Do you think that you can truly bear the position of the pope?" Stabila turned around and asked Fei with a strange expression on his face.

"Really? How come I feel like it is you who is ambitious and greedy for power? Mr. Stabila?" Fei answered casually as he looked around the interior of the Holy Palace.

"It looks like you already noticed something." Stabila turned around and walked into the depths of the Holy Palace.

Fei followed Stabila with a good tempo and nodded while saying, "Of course. You might not believe what I say. I recently went to a beautiful place, but I was surprised to find that it was being attacked by the Polluters. This confused me. According to what you said and your evidence, the Polluters were wiped out by the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan. How come they appeared?"

"Oh, so you are the mysterious figure who destroyed [Mother Empress]'s plan and wiped out the soldiers of the clan at the Scorpius Galaxy. I was wondering who could wipe out an entire mid-sized clan of the Divine Race," Stabila said in surprise.

"The Divine Race?" Fei was curious.

"Eh, the bugs like this title and goes by this name." Stabila turned around and smiled at Fei.

The conversation between these two people seemed like a friendly talk between old friends, and they both had smiles on their faces.

However, the short exchange between them completely changed the relationship between them! The change was so shocking that if any of the masters and priests outside the Holy Palace heard this conversation, they would faint due to fear.

The information that was revealed through this conversation was too much and too terrifying!

The most critical change was that Stabila started to transform.

This senior who looked like he was about to be blown onto the ground by the wind no longer looked old. At this moment, with every step he took, it seemed like his vitality recovered by a portion. After about ten steps, his hunched back straightened.

"Call themselves the Divine Race? So funny. How can anything divine look so ugly?" Fei laughed.

With the crown on his head, the scepter in his hand, and the godly robe on his body, Fei laughed out loud, and his laughter that was filled with contempt and disdain resonated inside the Holy Palace.

Stabila who became vigorous stopped walking. He turned around and snorted, "Power is the only beautiful thing in the world. Only those weak and poor races would judge other races by their appearances."

"Really? Then, what about you? Are you a human or a bug in human skin?" Fei's stare suddenly became chilly as well.

Stabila laughed, "Of course, I'm not a poor human."

Stabila's eyes suddenly turned golden and cold, and his pupils enlarged. This pair of eyes would never appear on humans. Many thin and dense red iron-needle-like bone spikes pierced his skin and stood straight, and his nails became sharp like long sabers.

Fei sighed and said, "Then, it seems like the real Stabila died long ago?"

'Stabila' nodded and said, "Do you really think that it is easy to get out of the dungeon at the bottom of Sicily Island where lava and chilly energy appeared in alternation? More than 400 years ago, after I figured out all the information that I needed, I kill him and turned him into a sheet of human skin. He became the best identity that I could take, and I became the other Stabila!"

"Then, his initial disappearance was caused by you, right? Bug, introduce yourself to me. What is your name?" Fei laughed.

"Dicanio! One of the great 72 Clan Chiefs of the Divine Race!"

Fei nodded and asked curiously, "I see. I'm still confused about some things. During the meeting at the City of San Siro, the scrolls that you took out were filled with the power of the gods and demons from the Mythical Era. They can't be fakes. How come they showed scenes where the bugs were destroyed?"

Dicanio laughed and said, "It is because the scenes that you saw weren't complete! Alright, I will let you die in peace with a good understanding."

After saying that, Dicanio took out one scroll and opened it, and red mist flashed and created a big clear screen of light in this empty space.

Fei suddenly understood everything.

No wonder when this scroll was shown at the meeting in the City of San Siro, there was a moment where the scene became extremely unclear and disconnected. Fei thought that it was due to the loss of some power since the scroll was from ancient times, but now it was evident that a scene was taken out on purpose.

Here was the scene that was taken out by Dicanio.

The Lord of the God Clan who was in white looked at the blue wormhole that was gradually disappearing in the sky. Seeing the Polluters that were rushing into the wormhole to escape, this figure no longer had the energy to chase. While tightly holding the hand of the Lord of the Demon Clan, he looked at the vast Azeroth Continent with love and sighed, "We burned our life energy, but we only won about 1,000 years of breathing time for the continent. The [Mother Empress] of the bugs got severely injured. Perhaps it will fall into a deep sleep, but it won't die. Our mission ends here. The 1,000-year plan of the gods and demons starts now. About 1,000 years later, the Polluters will come back and try to redeem themselves. By that time, new heroes will rise on the continent and save all creatures!"

Then, the warning that these two ultimate existences gave humans at the last moment of their lives was shown.

After seeing this, Fei nodded and said, "I got it; such method. You took out this scene and fooled the entire continent."

Dicanio replied, "I only needed time. You are too powerful, and I didn't have the confidence to defeat you a while back. Therefore, I can only rely on this method to delay some time."

Fei asked patiently, "Time? What do you need the time for?"

Chapter 1235: The Person Who Should Have Died (Part One)

Dicanio looked at Fei with unhidden mockery on his face. He sneered and said, "Aren't you going to consider your current situation? As someone who is about to die, your curiosity sure is strong. Should I say that you are dumb or too brave?"

Fei didn't mind Dicanio's mockery and replied calmly, "Since you think that you are the final victor, why don't you thoroughly enjoy the feeling of winning? In my eyes, showing my defeated enemies how I won is a great way to destress and vent all the pent-up emotions."

Dicanio nodded and laughed, "Yes, you are right. Indeed, letting you know why you lost and making you regret your missed opportunities is the perfect entertainment for me. Then, I will let you die with the full awareness of what happened."

After a quick pause, Dicanio said in excitement, "In reality, if you disregarded everything and directly killed me during the meeting at the City of San Siro a while ago, defeating the Holy Church with force, perhaps the catastrophe that is about to strike the Azeroth Continent will arrive later. After all, the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan severely injured [Mother Empress] 1,000 years ago and successfully sealed the spatial coordinates that other dimensions need to come to the Azeroth Continent. Even if [Mother Empress] woke up, the bugs can't locate the Azeroth Continent in a short time."

Fei seemed to have understood something, and he nodded and said, "Oh, I see. Then, you were doing something in the last while and exposed the Azeroth Continent's spatial coordinates?"

"That is right. In the last month, I finally completed my mission. By using the holy power that the Holy Church accumulated in the last 1,000 years, I slowly destroyed the spatial barriers that the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan placed around the Azeroth Continent. Now, [Mother Empress] can come here with billions of bugs! They are about to come to this world!" Dicanio said in excitement, "Alexander, you had an opportunity to stop me, making the plan that I created in the last hundreds of years go to waste. However, you missed it! Do you regret your decision earlier?"

Fei nodded and replied honestly, "Eh, I sure regret my decision now that you told me these details."

"For some reason, seeing you pretend to be calm, I'm suddenly not interested in talking with you anymore. You can directly die. After killing you, [Mother Empress] will have one less obstacle in the way. After you die, the Northern Region Empire will become a plate of sand grains. Our military will be able to hunt and feast on this continent that once shamed the Divine Race."

Dicanio's attitude became cold.

Fei was still smiling, and he asked, "Then, you are a perfect spy? I assume that the gods and demons turned the tables during that war and left some hidden cards on the continent. The bugs that were expelled also left some plans. Could it be that you have been on the continent and moved in secret ever since the great war in the Mythical Era?

Chapter 1235: The Person Who Should Have Died (Part Two)

"You are pretty smart." Dicanio nodded and replied, "The bugs dominated many galaxies and dimensions in the universe and never experienced such a defeat. Although [Mother Empress] was severely injured, many hidden plans were placed on the continent. I'm one of them. My other peers were killed or sealed by the remaining masters of the God Clan and Demon Clan, and only I acted with caution and never exposed my traces. I hid on the continent for hundreds of years, and I finally grasped the opportunity and controlled Pope Stabila with secret spirit energy techniques during his prime. Then, I started to corrode the entire Holy Church. Hahaha! The force that the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan created to defend against the bugs now became a tool of the bugs! Isn't it ironic?"

"It sounds motivating. Out of so many spies, only you succeeded with your plan." Fei even clapped to applaud Dicanio.

"We have wasted enough time for now. Human Emperor of the North, Die! Your friends and peers will soon go to Hell and accompany you. The bugs' revenge will wash the continent with blood. No one will survive!" While Dicanio spoke, the bone spikes on him became sharper and sharper. The old human skin on him gradually fell, and he turned into a human-shaped bug while a powerful presence appeared.

Fei laughed and said, "Your ambition deserves praises, but I'm afraid that you don't have the strength."

As soon as he said that, energy flames rushed out of his body, almost dyeing the interior of the Holy Palace golden. An unimaginably powerful presence surged like a tsunami, instantly engulfing Dicanio.

"Level 9 Godly King Realm?" Dicanio's face changed color, and he said, "In such a short time, your strength skyrocketed this much? I sure can't leave you alive. Die!"

Before he finished speaking, many transparent bone spikes appeared in the air and pierced the golden light around Fei, aiming at Fei's eyes, temples, and forehead.

These transparent bone spikes seemed like invisible and intangible matters, and they blinked in the air and had unpredictable trajectories. It was extremely strange.

"Spirit energy attack? It is useless on me!" Fei laughed.

Then, a translucent golden shield appeared before Fei; it was also a spirit energy technique.

The purple scroll that Fei cultivated contained many secret spirit energy techniques that the gods and demons gathered to counter the bugs.

Therefore, Fei easily blocked this spirit energy attack that would trouble other godly kings.

At this moment, a cunning smile appeared on Dicanio's face.

In the next moment, something terrifying happened.

A powerful hidden force abruptly appeared behind Fei.

A phantom-like shadow struck both of his hands toward Fei's back as if they were sabers, and the power that could destroy a godly king landed on Fei's body.


Fei's body was directly smashed away.

Then, this phantom-like shadow followed Fei and moved like a bolt of lightning. His fast punches contained sharp and shocking holy power, injecting destructive force into Fei's body.

Blatter! This figure was Pope Blatter who should have been executed!

"He is still alive? Such calculations!"

"This was a conspiracy from the very beginning! A conspiracy to fool me!"

Fei instantly understood Dicanio's plan.

No one would be cautious of a dead man.

Dicanio kept Blatter in the dark for this moment! He wanted to use Blatter who should be dead as a hidden card and strike Fei with the method that the latter least expected.

His plan was realized!

Chapter 1236: The Death Penalty (Part One)

"You are colluding with the bugs? Could it be that you are also a bug?" Fei's body that was flying forward paused in mid-air, and he finally got a chance to block Blatter's attack. During that moment, he stared at Blatter and asked with a grim expression.

Blatter looked crazy, and he laughed, "Who said that only bugs can kill you? I'm killing you only because you are fighting me! Besides, Mr. Dicanio already promised me that once the bugs come to the continent, he will beg [Mother Empress] to show mercy on me and give me the physique of a bug, becoming a member of the Divine Race! Haha!"

"You can be a human, but you want to be a bug? Foolish!" Fei unleashed his power and blocked Blatter's terrifying punches.

"Haha! What do you know? As long as I can obtain eternal life, why can't I become a bug?" Blatter laughed, "If I can obtain eternal life, it is worth it if the entire Azeroth Continent is destroyed!"

"Eternal life? Let me grant you eternal death!" Fei punched out as golden energy flames burned around him.


It felt like space was about to shatter. The internal space of the Holy Palace was strengthened by god-tier runes. Otherwise, space would have already shattered under such a forceful impact.

Blatter puked out mouthfuls of blood and backed off in shock. He was only at level 6 Godly King Realm, and there was a giant gap in strength between him and Fei. He only had the advantage since he sneaked attacked. Now that Fei reacted, the tables had been turned.

"A scum like you deserves to die!" Fei's murderous spirit dashed out of his body, and the thick spirit energy shield around him blocked Dicanio's godly-king-level spirit energy attacks.

Fei approached Blatter one step at a time, but Blatter didn't show fear on his face.

Blatter coughed up blood, but he was smiling with joy. He slowly said, "Puff… Cough… You were sneak-attacked by me and got struck with the [Lightning of Gods' Destruction]. My power is already in your organs and soul. Cough… With a thought, I can trigger the lightning energy in you and instantly kill you. Human Emperor of the North, regardless of how powerful you are, you are going to die at my hands! Hahaha!"

"Really?" Fei looked at Blatter with pity and said, "Then trigger your so-called [Lightning of Gods' Destruction] and try."

Blatter's face changed color, and he shouted viciously, "Die! Explode!"

Nothing happened!

The scene that he anticipated where Fei would explode into pieces didn't occur.

"Explode! Explode for me now! Explode! Explode! Explode!"

There was still no reaction.

At this moment, even a fool would know that this "ultimate strike" was useless.

Blatter realized that something was off, and he roared hoarsely while backing off like a bolt of lightning.

"Blatter, you went against the continent! I sentence you to the death penalty." Fei took a step forward and instantly got to Blatter. He ignored his opponent's crazy struggle and grabbed onto the latter's neck, pulling him over

At this moment, Blatter was completely terrified.

"No! Don't kill me! I surrender!" Like a dispirited animal, Blatter shouted, "I will stand with you. I will fight the bugs alongside you. I'm willing to give you everything in the Holy Church…"

"The Holy Church is already mine." Fei wasn't moved, and he twisted his wrist and broke Blatter's neck.

Now that Fei was in the Godly King Realm, he was no longer constrained by special moves and combat techniques. His every casual move contained immeasurable power and could draw the laws of nature.

Chapter 1236: The Death Penalty (Part Two)

This was applied to the battle between Fei and Blatter. The emperor broke Blatter's neck, and the laws of nature destroyed all the life energy inside him.


Fei casually threw Blatter's corpse to the side.

The emperor already instantly drew the godly core energy from the corpse, and the mass of pure silver holy power dashed into Fei's body.

Then, Fei stared at Dicanio with murderous spirit in his eyes as he approached his enemy.

"You are next." Fei's godly-sword-like stare locked onto Dicanio.

A cunning smile appeared on Dicanio's face as if his scheme worked. "You are indeed powerful, and Blatter isn't your match even though he sneak-attacked. By using you, I got rid of a burden. This dirty human wants to become a great bug? Blatter deserves to die! Haha! Human Emperor of the North! I must admit that your existence poses a threat to the bugs, but it is impossible for you to be uninjured after being struck by [Lightning of Gods' Destruction], right?"

Fei suddenly stopped moving.

"Haha! Did I get it right?" Dicanio sneered and said, "You are indeed injured! Now, how much power do you have left?"

Fei raised his head and said with confidence, "Even if I only have ten percent of my strength, you are not my match! Today, you have to die!"

Dicanio laughed, "Indeed. My strength is in spirit energy attacks and tricking others. Both these methods won't work on you. I can't defeat you. However, someone can kill you for me."

Before Dicanio finished, a stout figure slowly appeared beside him in the silver void.

Continental Martial Saint Maradona.

Fei stopped moving again.

Maradona didn't look like he was in the right state. Although it seemed like his eyes were moving around at will, his expression was dull, and a streak of strange spirit energy was surging inside him. This energy was moving in his energy channels and controlling his body.

Maradona was controlled by Dicanio's spirit energy!

"Maradona! Kill this man! He is your enemy! Charge up and kill him with all your power," Dicanio's voice sounded. It sounded strange and hypnotic. Also, Dicanio's expression turned serious.

Clearly, controlling a high-level godly king such as Maradona wasn't a simple task for Dicanio who mastered spirit energy techniques.


Maradona instantly appeared before Fei like a bolt of lightning.

In the next moment, the battle began.

Maradona who was under the control of Dicanio unleashed all his power, and his moves were all merciless as they went for Fei's vital points. The twisted laws of nature surged in this space, looking like many invisible chains and transparent phantoms in the air. As a result, the natural elements instantly became thick.

Fei was forced to counterattack. For him, the situation instantly turned passive. He tried to wake up Maradona who was under Dicanio's control, so he reserved some strength in his attacks. However, his opponent didn't hold back, and each strike was lethal. In a short time, Fei fell into a disadvantage.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The laws of nature and chains of power collided as Fei and Maradona battled each other.

"Puff!" Fei raised his head and puked up a mouthful of faint-golden blood.

The injuries that [Lightning of Gods' Destruction] left in his body couldn't be suppressed anymore when he battled Maradona, an ultimate master who was just as powerful as him.

The hidden lightning energy shocked and injured Fei's organs and meridians, causing blood to be spilled.

Chapter 1237: Ultimate Kill (Part One)

"Hahaha! What do you think? It doesn't feel good to be attacked and suppressed by your close friend, right?" Dicanio laughed hysterically when seeing this.

Also, he heaved a sigh of relief in secret. In reality, the power and talent that the Human Emperor of the North showcased stunned Dicanio, and he felt like a heavy rock was weighing on his mind. Therefore, he could only use schemes to win.

Although he sacrificed Blatter, who was a great chess piece, the mission was completed, right?

Fei was silent and unleashed his full force to defend against Continental Martial Saint Maradona's attacks.

This was Fei's first-time fighting Maradona.

Maradona was the No.1 Master on the Continent in the last 1,000 years, and no one could dispute this. This alone showed his power. Even if Fei was in his prime, he couldn't be sure if the victor of this battle would be him or not, let alone the fact that he was injured at this moment, and he couldn't use his full offensive power since he wanted to wake up Maradona.

There was no way out for Fei in this situation. He couldn't use killing strikes since Maradona was only controlled by Dicanio; he didn't ditch humanity like Blatter, so Fei couldn't try to kill him like what he did to Blatter.

For masters on this level, any bit of hesitation would result in a huge disadvantage in battle.

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All kinds of secret techniques and laws of nature smashed into each other. The terrifying energy waves spread in all directions like tornadoes, and the spatial barriers around the Holy Palace started to ripple. Many black cracks continued to appear before being closed. The scene was terrifying.

"Puff!" Fei puked out mouthfuls of blood. He was already in level 9 Godly King Realm, which was only one step away from the Supreme God Realm. His golden blood was gradually turning back to red. When his blood completely turned red, it would mean that Fei had become a supreme god.

Dicanio was shocked on the side. He had expected the strength of the Human Emperor of the North to be powerful, but the strength that Fei was showing still surprised him. It was fortunate for him that he didn't try to battle Fei himself. Otherwise, he would have been killed in one strike, and all the following plans would go to waste.

"But now, it seems like everything is within my control. I have nothing to worry about," Dicanio thought to himself.

The heated battle continued, and Fei's situation continued to worsen.

"Hahaha! Poor humans! You are fighting each other! Human Emperor of the North, this is something that you didn't expect, right? Haha! You are about to be killed by the person who you want to protect!" Dicanio laughed on the side.

Fei was silent, and he continued to battle and hold on.

"Haha! I forgot to tell you that the Continent Martial Saint isn't a simple figure. In fact, he is the only person on the continent who has the bloodline from the ancient gods and demons! He is a real member of the God Clan! Unfortunately for him, he had protected the continent for 1,000 years, but he lowered his guard for a second and got controlled by me. Now, he is just one of my tools! Haha! Such irony!"

Dicanio continued to provoke Fei with his words.

Fei suddenly understood something. This was his first time learning about Maradona's background.

Chapter 1237: Ultimate Kill (Part Two)

���He is a descendant of the gods? No wonder his talent is unraveled, he stayed on the throne as the most powerful being on the continent for 1,000 years, and even the Holy Church couldn't do anything to him," Fei thought to himself, "Then, the ancient gods and demons left two guardian forces on the continent; the Holy Church is the force on the surface, and Maradona is the force in the dark. Why did these two forces show hostility toward each other for the last 1,000 years? Could it be that it is all an act?"

"After you die, I will turn this only descendant of the gods on the Azeroth Continent into my battle slave! The bugs will use him to expand our territory and wash this land with blood! Ahahaha!" Dicanio laughed hysterically.

This ending was undoubtedly extremely cruel for Maradona who had guarded the Azeroth Continent his entire life.

"So vicious…" Fei was enraged, but this quick moment of distraction allowed Maradona to move.

Maradona captured this opportunity and struck Fei's back, and the fist that was engulfed in terrifying power of destruction penetrated Fei's body and came out of his chest.

"Puff…" Blood gushed out of Fei's mouth like a fountain, and a big hole appeared in his chest.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Maradona didn't hold back at all, and a series of strikes landed on Fei's body. Each strike was full of force and contained the laws of destruction, almost breaking every bone in Fei's body.

Soon, Fei was covered in blood, looking like a blood man.


Fei was sent flying and fell before Dicanio.

Like a murderous beast, Maradona dashed over and was about to continue to attack, completely killing Fei.

"Stop!" Dicanio suddenly spoke, "Back off."

Maradona instantly stopped, and he slowly backed off and stood behind Dicanio.

With a joyous smile on his face, Dicanio slowly walked to Fei who was now unconscious. He giggled, "Hahaha! The most unimaginable genius of the Azeroth Continent in the last 1,000 years fell by my feet! Haha! Now, be obedient and offer me the last bit of value before your soul disappears. Let me search your mind and obtain your secrets. Hahaha! I know that there must be valuable secrets in your head, and there are answers to questions on my mind."

A streak of solid mercury-like spirit energy slowly condensed in mid-air and approached Fei, finally entering Fei's brain via the location between his brows.

Even at this moment, Dicanio showed a high-level of caution.

Dicanio slowly pierced his spirit energy into Fei's mind. If anything seemed off, he would instantly pull out his spirit energy.

Fei's great accumulation of spirit energy still scared Dicanio even though he had fainted.

Gradually, a smile appeared on Dicanio's face; it seemed like he found a few things that he wanted.

At that moment, he finally relaxed.

But also at that moment, Continental Martial Saint Maradona who stood behind Dicanio with a dull expression somehow recovered. His confused eyes turned clear, and his hands pressed onto Dicanio's back without any fanciness.


A streak of extremely powerful energy instantly broke into Dicanio's body without any resistance.

"Puff… what are you doing?" Dicanio turned his head with difficulty. As soon as he saw Maradona's clear eyes, he knew that things had changed. He tried his best to block, but the energy that had entered his body almost instantly controlled his body, making him unable to defend himself.

At the same time, a streak of powerful spirit energy coiled onto the spirit energy spike that Dicanio condensed, counter-invading his mind in a crushing fashion.

This streak of spirit energy came from the person who was covered in blood and lying on the ground in front of him.


"You two…" Dicanio was shocked, and he seemed to have realized something. He lost completely! Even if he wanted to self-detonate, he couldn't do it. Fei's spirit energy controlled his body and his strength. The insane amount of spirit energy engulfed him and searched through his mind rapidly.

Chapter 1238: The War Is Unavoidable (Part One

On the ground, that bloody corpse slowly floated up, and golden energy flames flashed on his body in a split second. All the injuries on Fei's body disappeared, and the giant hole in his chest was gone. The flowing faint-golden blood on the ground also turned into crystal-like golden beads and flew back into Fei's body.

"Not only you know how to set up hidden cards." Fei smiled and said to Dicanio, "I also have them."

"Impossible!" Dicanio's bug face that was full of small faint-silver scales turned ashen, and shock and horror appeared in his green eyes. He shouted, "How is this possible? Maradona was clearly controlled by my spirit energy technique! He can't defend against me! How come he suddenly escaped my spirit energy's control?"

Fei smiled and shook his head. "You sure disappoint me. You clearly knew that my spirit energy isn't weaker than yours, but you were foolish enough to use your spirit energy to create this trap. Do you think I wouldn't be on guard? Besides, I already told you that I went to the planet where the bugs invaded, and I know that the Polluters weren't killed in the ancient time. Therefore, I was doubtful of you since long ago."

Dicanio wasn't willing to accept this. "That doesn't mean anything. You were only suspicious of me. In order to win your trust, I even offered the throne of the pope to you. Aren't you attracted by this one of the most prestigious positions on the continent? Even enough you learned that the Polluters weren't all killed, you can't be sure that I lied. Perhaps I was fooled as well!"

"I did think that at the beginning. I hoped that Stabila, a human master who dominated a century, wouldn't be a shameless person who would betray humanity. If that is the case, I wouldn't have to battle him." While talking about that, Fei looked at Maradona and continued, "Therefore, I first thought of the Continental Martial Saint and asked him to figure out your secrets in the dark."

"This is impossible! I obtained accurate information and knew that you only returned from the other dimension three days ago! Before you returned, Maradona who was unaware had already fallen under my control! I used the godly technique which is an ultimate spirit energy technique that the supreme [Mother Empress] taught me. Even if you found Maradona, you shouldn't have been able to break my control!" Dicanio shouted.

Fei nodded and said, "I'm surprised that you know so much about me. However, have you thought of the possibility where I intentionally leaked my whereabouts to you?"

"You…" Dicanio instantly froze on the spot.

Fei smiled and said, "Indeed, I have to admit the secret spirit energy techniques that the bugs have are powerful. Three days ago, I almost fell for the trap. The good thing was that I studied many unique spirit energy frequencies that only bugs use. Oh, also, I got a set of armor. With this armor, I was able to quietly dissolve the control that you had over Maradona without you noticing. Then, we acted along. That is everything."

Dicanio froze for a moment and then instantly realized something. 7

He shouted in disbelief, "It is the Armor of Creation! How can it be? You actually found the Armor of Creation on that little broken and weak planet! It is one of the saint items that the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan hid 1,000 years ago! We tried to find it in the last 1,000 years! It is indeed on Earth. It is really there. You moved a bit faster and got it! Damn it! AHHH!!! Damn it!"

Chapter 1238: The War Is Unavoidable (Part Two)

"Why the fck are you so worked up?" Maradona struck Dicanio's back with both of his hands again, and another streak of terrifying force was injected into this bug's body. He shouted, "Damn it! I never got schemed like this. I thought that you are the real Stabila, and I didn't have any guard up around you. Sht! You actually fooled me, and I fell into your control. It if weren't for Alexander's timely arrival, I would have become the guiltiest person on the continent!"

Dicanio didn't answer. He coughed up mouthfuls of green, corrosive blood while crazy glints flashed in his eyes.

"Oh! Now you said that… you bugs know about Earth? As soon as the bugs woke up from the long sleep, they went to Earth just to find this set of armor?" Fei suddenly understood this.

"That is right! So what?" Dicanio's expression suddenly turned vicious, and streaks of spirit energy frequencies and waves rippled around him. He roared, "Open! Break the constraints!"

Dicanio tried his best to break free.

Fei laughed, "Stop this useless tactic. Stop resisting. Do you think I don't know that you are telling me this to delay? I told you that my spirit energy is stronger, and my spirit energy techniques are more powerful. Since I'm already familiar with the spirit energy frequencies of the bugs, do you think that you can escape or self-detonate after I invaded your mind?"

While speaking, a streak of strange spirit energy frequencies completely controlled Dicanio, making him unable to move at all.

Complete desperation filled Dicanio's green eyes.

Fei had searched through his mind and learned all the secrets that he knew about the bugs.

Dicanio knew that Fei learned about the spatial coordinates where the bugs were going to descend, where the wormhole that he opened was, and the war plan of the bugs.

All the information that humans on the Azeroth Continent shouldn't know until the day after tomorrow was captured by Fei.

It was over!

It was all over!

Dicanio's mission ended in complete failure.

Time slowly passed by.

Soon, Fei's expression turned extremely grim, and he sighed. He figured out everything.

Unfortunately, the bugs' descent was unavoidable.

From the information that Fei learned from Dicanio's mind, as early as ten days ago, the [Mother Empress] of the bugs that was in the abyss of the universe had woken up all the bug clans that were in a state of deep sleep, and they were coming toward the Azeroth Continent from the abyss of the universe that was far away. The journey would take about 20 days.

It meant that the Azeroth Continent only had about ten days to prepare.

Fei sighed and thought, "This war is unavoidable. The good thing is that I learned a lot of information and isn't in the dark. If I plan accordingly, perhaps the Azeroth Continent won't be destroyed. The only thing is that many creatures on the continent will die in this war. How many beings will die? How many races will go extinct?"

Now, Dicanio lay on the ground like a puddle of mud.

For a bug like him, mission failure was equivalent to death.

The only thing that made him less desperate was that he successfully destroyed the spatial barrier the Lord of the God Clan and the Lord of the Demon Clan placed around the Azeroth Continent and sent the spatial coordinates to the [Mother Empress].

Even if the Human Emperor of the North hid the spatial coordinates of the Azeroth Continent again, the [Mother Empress] could still successfully come here with its great power.

"Alright, our battle ends here. Now, do you want to know why I didn't reveal your identity outside and took the risk by following you into the Holy Palace?" Fei asked with a smile.

"Why?" Dicanio replied with hatred in his voice.

Chapter 1239: I Need to Unite the Continent (Part One)

"It is simple. Although it would be safer to kill you outside, that group of foolishly loyal priests who were brainwashed by you perhaps might be crazy enough to die for you. By then, the unity between the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church might break apart. Also, I wanted to get the information in your head. I had no choice but to plan all this so that you wouldn't get the chance to self-detonate."

Fei laughed proudly as the victor of this battle, "Besides, after I kill you now, I can say that you passed away due to old age when I get out of the Holy Palace. That way, I can smoothly take over the Holy Church, and there won't be any turbulence and suspicion. Wouldn't that be better?"

Dicanio laughed out loud after pausing for a second.

"Ok, alright. I deserve to lose to you. I was planning to search your mind and learn everything about you. Then, like what I did to Stabila, I wanted to take out your flesh and imitate you by wearing your skin. With this strategy, I could disturb the situation on the Azeroth Continent before the troop led by [Mother Empress] gets here. I didn't expect you to use a similar strategy and execute it better. Great. However, Alexander, don't be so smug for too long. [Mother Empress]'s arrival is unavoidable, and your victory today will only help you survive for a little bit longer. When our troop comes, this continent that you want to protect will be turned to dust."

As soon as Dicanio shouted, a streak of messy spirit energy waves exploded from his body, radiating outward in all directions.

In the next moment, Dicanio froze on the spot.

Many thin cracks appeared on his body that was full of scales.

Crack! A series of crisp noises sounded. As if Dicanio's body turned to rock and got smashed, it cracked and turned into tens of thousands of identical rock fragments.

In the end, Dicanio still committed suicide.

"This figure hid on the Azeroth Continent for 1,000 years, and he tried his best and almost messed up the Azeroth Continent. From the viewpoint of the bugs, he is a hero for them. Let him die honorably."

Fei waved his hand, and a streak of golden energy flew out and turned the rock fragments into dust. Then, a wind blew over and scattered the dust in the air.

"He is indeed a powerful figure."

Maradona fell into a trap for the first time in his long life. Dicanio meticulously created this trap, and Maradona had to admit defeat this time. Dicanio created the biggest conspiracy in the history of Azeroth, almost destroying the Holy Church and the Northern Region Empire, two mammoth-like forces. He was quite a figure.

Fei nodded and started to observe the area around him.

The Holy Palace was the most mysterious building on the Holy Mountain at Sicily Island. It was the residence of the pope, and legends said that this building was left here by the ancient gods and demons.

This structure sure was terrifying. Even though peak godly kings battled to the death, it wasn't destroyed by all the powerful forces. Who could imagine that inside this grand and holy building, a pope and a clan chief of the bugs, who were both insanely powerful figures, died one after another in a short time?

The highest-level battle on the continent ended.

From now on, no one could handle Fei on the Azeroth Continent.

"Now, we can go out. Bathing in the cheers, you can officially become the Pope of the Holy Church and the most dominating legend in the history of Azeroth!" Maradona laughed and suggested.

Fei nodded.

Chapter 1239: I Need to Unite the Continent (Part Two)

Time slowly passed by.

The sun rose in the sky outside the Holy Palace, and the sunlight gradually became blazing.

About half an hour passed, but no one knew what was happening inside the Holy Palace.

The brilliant silver walls looked even holier under the illumination of the sunlight, isolating all sounds and presences on the inside.

On both sides of the 1,001 steps, many nobles, emperors, and top-tier masters stared at this most mysterious and holy building on the continent. They held onto their breaths and waited anxiously.

"Such a long time already passed. What is going on inside?"

"The Human Emperor of the North is being crowned as the pope today. This is a critical moment that will determine the fate of the continent. Don't let any accidents occur!"


While everyone stared at the Holy Palace expectantly, the gate of the Holy Palace opened with a loud noise.

Everyone got nervous.

As a breeze blew by, a handsome and tall figure walked out of the gate. Wearing the Crown of the Gods, draped in the golden godly robe, and holding the Scepter of Ragnarok, this figure was engulfed in golden holy light and stood in front of the gate like a deity.

The Human Emperor of the North!

The Pope of the Holy Church!


This man finally came out. Judging from his calm expression, it seemed like no accidents occurred. Behind him was the famous Continental Martial Saint Maradona. The only person who didn't appear was the old Pope Stabila who was on the verge of death.

"Could it be…"

"Stabila His Holiness… passed away!" Fei announced this news that many people expected with a slightly sad expression.

Some people didn't even look surprised. After all, Stabila looked extremely weak, and it was a miracle that he lasted until today.

On the other hand, many priests knelt on the ground and cried.

The new lord was crowned, and the old lord passed away.

A new era came!

It was a perfect cycle! A perfect link between the two generations!

Compared with some of the loyal priests who were crying their hearts out, the masters, nobles, and emperors on the two sides of the staircase weren't moved by Stabila's death. They all congratulated Fei, trying to get close to this undisputed lord of the continent.

What happened today was the most terrible thing for Barcelona and Juventus, and their representatives turned ashen-faced.

The Human Emperor of the North finally became the Pope of the Holy Church, and this was a disaster for these two empires. A few of Fei's brothers were supreme masters of Inter Milan and AC Milan, and it was unlikely for the Human Emperor of the North to let go of Juventus and Barcelona.

Fei glanced at everyone's face, seeing all the expressions of the people who were trying to flatter him, get close to him, avoid him, hide from him, and felt uneasy around him. Then, he looked up at the blue sky and deeply inhaled fresh air before looking down.

"I need to unite the continent." Fei's voice was calm and peaceful as if he was saying something insignificant.

However, everyone shivered as they sensed the dominating tone and attitude.

"Unite the continent?"

"This day finally came?"

Although most of the people who came here today knew that this was unavoidable now that the Human Emperor of the North controlled the two biggest forces on the continent, they didn't expect it to come so soon. This young man didn't wait at all and announced this decisively.

"Can't he wait?"

"Now, who can stop him?"

"From the ancient Mythical Era to now, the Azeroth Continent that hasn't been united in 1,000 years is finally about to come together in this man's hands?"

Even though many people were unwilling, they knew that a legendary era was here, and they weren't the protagonists of this era.

Chapter 1240: A Forceful Unity (Part One)

After announcing his intention to the world, Fei didn't give his opponents any time to prepare and react.

After Fei became the ruler of Sicily Island, the empires in the Western Region, Eastern Region, Southern Region, and Central Region all saw many powerful masters and invincible troops descending on their territories. The giant Xuan'ge that freely flew in the sky cast many huge shadows on the ground, looking like enormous sharks that were swimming in the ocean. Together with the countless silver crystal battle soul warriors that could rival supreme masters, the dominating power of the Northern Region Empire brought shock and fear to everyone.

The overbearing attack methods that the troops of the Northern Region Empire showcased in the sky weren't something that other empires could defend against.

At the same time, the powerful Elf Empire in the Western Region and the Dwarf-Gnome Alliance in the Eastern Region both made shocking announcements. These two superpowers declared their loyalty to the Human Emperor of the North abruptly and joined the military system of the Northern Region Empire.

Some rumors even stated that the mysterious Golden Elf King was one of the 12 gold saints under Human Emperor Alexander of the North's command, and he was most likely the most mysterious and most low-key Gold Saint of Pisces who had never appeared before.

This news quickly shocked the entire continent.

The combination of the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church was already suffocating others. Now with the addition of elves, dwarfs, and gnomes, the Human Emperor of the North was so powerful that no one could stop him.

Those empires that were lower than level 9 all surrendered without much resistance, and their emperors made declarations and swore loyalty toward the Human Emperor of the North.

Those super empires that had great wealth and power were stuck between a rock and a hard place.

Some forces chose to resist and fight back, but the difference in strength between the two sides was too big.

The weak resistance quickly disappeared after the troops of the Northern Region Empire showed powerful attacks.

The powerful troops with the support of the Holy Church were almost invincible.

Everyone could tell that the Human Emperor of the North meant it this time, and this young man wasn't going to wait around. Even those empires that were close to the Northern Region Empire were treated the same in this expedition.

The Juventus Empire in the Central Region and the Barcelona Empire in the Western Region were the first ones to collapse.

From millions of kilometers away, Fei cast a strike with each of his hands, directly removing a giant mountain range and a large forest from the capitals of these two empires. In place of these two landmarks, there were two giant handprints that were thousands of kilometers long.

Such power instantly destroyed most people's courage to fight.

Regardless if it was in terms of the number of masters, the combat strength of the military, and the advancement of weapons, the combination of the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church was unrivaled.

Resisting and surrendering would yield the same result; the Human Emperor of the North would have the last laugh.

However, what surprised many people was that after the royal families of Juventus and Barcelona surrendered, the Human Emperor of the North didn't kill them even though they had prior grudges. He still used many masters and nobles of these two empires to manage the new military districts that were transformed from the two empires.

Even [God's Son] Messi, the figure who created a deep grudge with the Human Emperor of the North due to his expedition to the Zenit Empire, avoided the fate of being slain. It was heard that the Human Emperor of the North and the [God's Son] stayed in the Military Headquarters of Barcelona alone and talked for a night. Then, the Human Emperor of the North left, and Messi somehow lived unexpectedly.

Chapter 1240: A Forceful Unity (Part Two)

Then, the entire continent gradually realized that being conquered by the Human Emperor of the North was different from being conquered by other forces in history. There were no massacres, barbaric robberies, or violent domination. Not much blood was spilled during this process, and there was no large-scale subversion.

The arrival of the troops of the Northern Region Empire and the Holy Church meant a lot more for the civilians living at the bottom of the society, and their tragic lives got much better.

Wherever the troops of the Northern Region Empire went, they would place 12 giant bronze statues in the center of a region, and the Law of the Twelve Tables that the Human Emperor of the North created when he was only the King of Chambord would be implemented.

The Law of the Twelve Tables soon became the law of the sage that many people praised.

The instructors of the Northern Region Empire were great at mobilizing the people at the bottom of society. Those high-level nobles who were agreeing on the surface but trying to resist in the dark soon realized that they were crabs that were stuck in shallow water. With most of their civilians supporting the Human Emperor of the North like maniacs, they couldn't do much.

The situations were different in various places, and the Northern Region Empire didn't only use soft and friendly tactics.

In the Bilbao Empire at the Western Region, high-level nobles conspired and killed the instructors and low-level soldiers of the Northern Region Empire. This incident enraged the Human Emperor of the North, and Golden Lion Lampard, one of the 12 gold saints, went there in person. In half a day, all the high-level nobles of Bilbao were killed, and corpses formed mountains while blood stained the land.

This incident shocked the continent again, and people saw the cold-blooded and merciless side of the Human Emperor of the North.

In the end, those ambitious schemers who tried to use the Human Emperor of the North's kindness and friendly tactics and resist in the dark got stunned, and they all put their tails between their legs and did everything as the Northern Region Empire demanded.

Then, a series of confusing policies were issued from Sky City and affected the entire continent.

The strangest thing was that the Northern Region Empire distributed its unique and terrifying magic weapons to all the military districts under some conditions. Such a large quantity of horrifying magic weapons stunned everyone. Such weapons could instantly turn a weak empire into a level 9 super empire!

Now, people finally realized how powerful the Northern Region Empire really was.

Some people already realized that it seemed like the Human Emperor of the North was trying his best to increase the military power of the entire continent, and it felt like he was preparing for a war with a terrifying force.

"But what kind of power can threaten the Human Emperor of the North in this world?"

People weren't sure when, but some rumors started to flow around.

"The Polluters that destroyed the God Clan and Demon Clan are still around! They are about to arrive!"

"This is the reason why the Human Emperor of the North is doing this."

"Using dominating force and friendly tactics, militarizing everyone on the continent, and releasing the news about the Polluters for the continent to get ready…" Fei stood in the sky and sighed, "I did everything that I can. I hope the continent can survive this. Time is too short. We had ten days, but now less than eight days remain."

There was a vast ocean below Fei, and no one knew an island that could change the fate of the continent hid in here.

Beside Fei, there was [God's Son] Messi.

Chapter 1241: Yassin's Secret (Part One)

"Is this the place?" Fei released his spirit energy and searched on the surface of the ocean, but he couldn't find the island that Messi mentioned.

"This saint island is protected by the laws of nature that only supreme gods can command. It is hiding in this ocean. It can turn into a speck of dust or a waterdrop. Warrior energy, magic energy, and spirit energy all can't detect its location from the outside." [God's Son] Messi had his signature smile on his face, and it seemed like his expression hadn't changed in many years.

"If it weren't for the key that Yassin His Majesty gave me, I wouldn't have found the tunnel and the island."

While saying that, Messi opened his hand, and a mass of golden flames appeared on his palm. Then, he casually waved his hand, and the mass of golden flames flashed and drew a mystical arc in the air. Like the string on a fishing pole, it dashed into the ocean.

In the next moment, the string of light trembled and gave feedback.

"Found it." Messi nodded.

A mass of golden energy flames burned in the air, and Fei and Messi both disappeared from where they were standing.

-On an island-

As the ocean wind blew by, the waves crashed onto the island and disappeared on the white beach. The seagulls let out crisp chirps and extended their wings, flying in the sky and leaving a series of afterimages in the air.

All the greeneries on the island moved in the wind.

This island had a rough diameter of a few hundred kilometers, and it was beautiful and picturesque. Rolling mountains could be seen, and this place looked like a paradise.

Fei stood in the sky above the island and looked down, and he realized that this island was engulfed by a vast presence. The invisible laws of nature engulfed him and the island like a cover, completely blocking off the outside world.

In the center of the island, there was a mountain that was about 500 meters tall. Its shape was strange and looked like a heaven-reaching tower. A vague presence that even Fei couldn't understand was emitted from this mountain, and it seemed like it corresponded with the stars in the sky.

Then, Fei saw two old friends; they were Elder Prince Arshavin and Elder Princess Tanasha.

"Your Majesty." These two people single-knelt before Fei; they already knew what happened in the outside world.

After Emperor Yassin died on the battleground, he passed his throne to Fei. Now, as the Third Prince of Zenit, Fei had developed the Zenit Empire to an unprecedented level. To many Zenitians, the Northern Region Empire was based on the Zenit Empire and countless times stronger.

Now that Fei was here, Elder Prince Arshavin and Elder Princess Tanasha had to greet him as his subjects. After all, they were members of Zenit, and Fei was the lord.

Fei waved his hand, and a streak of soft energy propped these two people off the ground.

These two had complicated expressions on their faces.

A few years back, Fei was only the weak king of a low-level affiliated kingdom of Zenit during the Battle at the Peak of East Mountain of Chambord. Both Elder Prince Arshavin and Elder Princess Tanasha didn't see him as someone important. However, the result of that battle changed because of Fei.

Perhaps from that moment on, the relationships between these three people and their status gradually changed. Now, Elder Prince Arshavin and Elder Princess Tanasha could only look up to Fei.

Messi appeared next to Fei.

Facing this man who was said to have killed their father, Arshavin and Tanasha didn't seem angry or resentful. Instead, they smiled and nodded. It was clear that they knew each other well, and this wasn't Messi's first time coming here.