172 - 177

Chapter 172: Chapter 172

It was obvious that the Japanese Hunter's Association HQ used to be located in the central district of Tokyo, commonly seen as the beating heart of Japan.

But, that was only until the Giants began pouring out from the Gate, of course.

On that fateful day, as Shinjuku's rank S Gate morphed into a full-on dungeon break, the President of the Japanese Association Matsumoto Shigeo managed to save his life through the sacrifices of the Hunters and soldiers stationed on the frontlines. He hurriedly re-established the HQ of the Association in the city of Osaka's local government offices.

There was only one reason why he chose this city, rather than some others located on the north-west of the country.

He figured that, if they failed to protect the city of Osaka and its 2.66 million inhabitants, then there was no hope for Japan, either. In other words, this was their last defence line – their Maginot Line.

And that was also why Association President Matsumoto experienced the event of his sights darkening from despair when he heard the news of Nagoya, which wasn't that far away from Osaka, falling at the hands of the Giant-type monsters.

The nation's utter annihilation was practically around the corner, but it became impossible to beg for international help.

The dastardly scheme cooked up by the Japanese Association was laid bare in full by the President of the Korean Hunter's Association, Goh Gun-Hui. No one wanted to lend their aid to Japan because of that.

After Goh Gun-Hui's press conference was over, the Japanese government, temporarily relocated to Kyoto, summoned Matsumoto Shigeo to appear before them.

He had to kneel down in front of the government's higher-ups baying for his blood.

"The responsibility for this crisis rests solely on me. However, you need someone to sort out this situation. Please, won't you delay the handing out of the punishment until then?"

The Prime Minister of Japan, standing his back to the kneeling Matsumoto Shigeo, made his reply after a short deliberation.


Without a doubt, the Association President Matsumoto had brought this crisis upon them, but just as he said, someone still had to take care of the mess created by the dungeon break.

The punishment could come afterwards.

It wouldn't be too late to make an example out of this man after the flame not just burning on the foot but on the rest of the body was put out first.

It was around at this point that Jin-Woo landed on Japanese soil.

The very first person to rush out and welcome him while forgetting to even put on his shoes properly was Association President Matsumoto.

His fate was already sealed. That didn't mean he wanted to let his mother nation suffer the same fate as him. That's what he thought.

When he first saw Jin-Woo at the airport, his entire body was overcome with goosebumps of nasty shock.

'How could this be…??'

This man was strong.

Matsumoto had been the Association President for many years, and he got to meet many powerful beings up until now. That was how he could tell from just one glance.

He stood next to countless Hunters in his life so far, but hadn't encountered many situations where the hair on the back of his neck stood up straight from the unbelievable chill he felt.

No, actually, this would be his first time.

If only he had a chance to meet Jin-Woo just once before the Jeju Island raid took place, he'd have immediately rescinded the plan to drive the Korean Hunters to their demise.

The words of Goto Ryuji from back then, when he personally met Jin-Woo, were definitely not wrong. This Korean Hunter right in front of his eyes possessed such a powerful pressure.

However, the enemies this time were the Giant-type monsters emerging straight out from a rank S Gate.

Matsumoto judged that, no matter how strong Hunter Seong Jin-Woo was, he alone would not be enough to contend with all those monsters. So, he made a desperate plea.

"Please, I beg of you to focus on defending us, with Osaka as the centre."

The Japanese Hunter's Association wanted Jin-Woo to focus solely on defence and buy them enough time so that they could negotiate with either the Americans or with the Russians.

Too bad, that plan was immediately thrown out the window with one short sentence from the man in question.

"I refuse."

Jin-Woo curtly stated his position.

It was only obvious that the Association President Matsumoto Shigeo and all the other Association-related parties would jump up in sheer fluster. Did he suddenly have a change of heart and no longer wanted to kill the monsters?

Matsumoto could only ask with a tightening chest.

"Then…. Then, what will you do, instead?"

Instead of a verbal reply, Jin-Woo answered with his actions.

He separated his summons into three parties and had them operate on their own, while he too began moving by himself as well.

The number of creatures he summoned out was already astonishing enough, but even then, Matsumoto Shigeo was swallowing his worried gasps over something else entirely.

'Is he really trying to fight against all of the Giants?'

Every Hunter in the world had all said in one voice that such a feat was impossible. But, was he trying to do precisely that?

He had no way of knowing. The best he could do now was to wait while entrusting his, and everyone else's, fate to the heavens above.

He returned to the Hunter's Association HQ and focused on gathering information on the unfolding situation.

Unexpectedly, the answer came back soon enough.

"The city of Nagoya, it's been successfully taken back!!"

"What was that?!"

Matsumoto Shigeo shot up from his chair from that shocking news.

It hadn't been all that long since Hunter Seong Jin-Woo had set off, yet the Giant-type monster in Nagoya had been brought down already?

Even before the Japanese Association President had a chance to calm his fluttering heart, messages began pouring in from all corners of the country.

"A Giant's corpse has been discovered in the city of Nakatsugawa!"

"The city of Shizuoka has been successfully reclaimed!!"

"The cities of Takayama and Nagano both have been….."

Hunter Seong Jin-Woo and his summoned creatures were eliminating the Giant-type monsters scattered throughout the country of Japan as they closed in towards Tokyo.

It was truly an unbelievable speed of advancement.

The Association President Matsumoto Shigeo saw the power of the Korean Hunter capable of changing the impossible into the possible and began shivering where he stood.

His pounding heart showed no signs of slowing down at all.

And finally….

"T-the city of Kofu…. Hunter Seong Jin-Woo, he has arrived in Kofu, sir."

He plopped down on his butt after hearing the news of all the Giants being killed off in Kofu, a city only 130 kilometres removed from Tokyo itself.

"Association President!!"

"Sir, President Matsumoto!!"

His trembling legs didn't want to listen to him at all.

That Korean Hunter was really planning to kill every Giant-type monster found in this nation. A certain thought suddenly entered his mind, then.

'What he's doing right now….. Isn't that what I planned to do to South Korea?'

He was planning to destroy Korea's Hunter system, and by utilising the strengths of the Japanese Hunters, squeeze South Korea as he willed it. But now, the situation had flipped on its head.

Japan and its collapsed Hunter system now found itself under the thumb of one single man, Seong Jin-Woo.

The plan that Matsumoto himself, the Japanese Association, the top Japanese Hunters, and the government combined their resources together to put into motion, and ultimately failed to carry out, was being ably carried out by just one person. He was being successful in doing so, as well.


He dazedly sat in his chair, and issued a new order to the Association's staff members standing around and worrying about him.

"Can you all leave me for a while? I'd like to be alone for a minute or two."

Soon, his office became emptied. His head slowly drooped real low.

A powerful sense of defeat the likes of which he had never tasted before in his life crashed into him like a tidal wave.

He had lost.

He had completely, utterly lost.

However, the emotions rushing in after the sense of defeat finally left him were a brief moment of self-reflection and remorse, and an infinite amount of gratitude.

On that day, he silently sobbed.

And also on that day, Jin-Woo and his summons starting from Osaka and moving eastward, while killing every Giant they ran into, finally arrived on the doorsteps of the city of Tokyo.



Two more Giant-type monsters fell lifelessly to the ground.

[Level up!]

It had been so long since he got to level up so freely like this. He could barely remember the last time it happened.

Jin-Woo tightly clenched his fists.

As he approached closer and closer to where the dungeon break originally started, the city of Tokyo, he alone had hunted down 13 Giant-type monsters. His level rose up by six during this time.

Each of these Giant-type monsters was on the level of a boss creature, so the experience points they gave out were rather substantial. Of course, experience points earned by his Shadow Soldiers in other locations also played a pretty large role, as well.

Every time that message of [Level up!] popped up in his view during his journey, he felt his enthusiasm soar up even higher and higher.

Just like now.

[Level up!]

'That's what I'm talking about!'

Jin-Woo clenched his fists again from that wonderfully-timed message of a level up entering his view. He also heard a familiar voice talking to him in his mind.

'Oh, my king. We have killed off yet another enemy.'

The ones that sent him extra experience points were Beru's ant army, who also happened to possess the fastest marching speed as well.

It was a rather obvious result, though, when considering the fact that Beru was the strongest Shadow Soldier he had, and that the number of ants was also quite large, to begin with. The former ant king always reported back to Jin-Woo every time after killing their enemies.

Jin-Woo congratulated the achievements of the ant army.

'Nicely done. You all did well.'

'I thank thee, oh my king.'

Jin-Woo ended the communication with Beru and used the 'Sensory Sharing' to check up on the status of each of his three armies.

Although it wasn't to the extent of the ant army led by Beru, the army of High Orcs led by Fangs and the army of elite soldiers led by Igrit were also unhindered in their progress as well.

Jin-Woo felt really pleased by the levels of his soldiers that had shot up to a noticeable degree.

"Hyung-nim, should we set up camp here tonight?"

Jin-Woo opened his eyes and ended the 'Sensory Sharing'.

Yu Jin-Ho was asking a question while holding a tent he took out from the vehicle's trunk. Jin-Woo raised his head to see that the day was coming to an end, the dusk casting its shadow on the ground below.

His 'Tiredness' gauge wasn't all that high due to the effects of stamina recovery potions he bought from the Store, as well as from levelling up. However, his mental fatigue had certainly piled up recently.

'Looks like I should take a break.'

Jin-Woo nodded his head.

Today's campsite had been decided. They quickly set up the tent and got ready to eat dinner.

The heat had cooled off before long and the breeze of the encroaching evening felt chilly. It was already autumn now.

Jin-Woo thought to himself that winter was just around the corner as he warmed up the food the Japanese Association had supplied him with.


If he were to split the rise and fall of the human civilisation in terms of seasons, then the appearance of Tokyo's outer edges certainly gave off the aura of winter in full bloom.

For some reason, though, Tokyo that no longer resembled a city came across as a somewhat familiar sight to him.

'Where have I seen this before?'

Jin-Woo combed his memories for a little while before finding his answer.

'….The Demon's Castle.'

The sight of the ruined, crumbling cities he saw back then resembled Tokyo's current appearance. The only difference being, there were no flames burning right now.

When his thoughts arrived at this point, a dark shadow crept up over his expression.

'Could it be….?'

From the very first floor of the Demon's Castle, all the way up to its final floor, every city found within the dungeon was destroyed almost beyond recognition.

If that was the System's way of giving away hints, then what was the so-called architect trying to tell him?

Jin-Woo smirked to himself.

'Does it really matter now?'

The so-called architect, the manager of the System, was dead and gone inside a dungeon. Seeing that there was no further contact after that, the chances of that guy still being alive were slim, to say the least.

'And, even if what I saw back then was the prediction of the coming events…..'

'….I shall stop them.'

That was why he continued to grow stronger. He chased after greater strength, because he didn't want to be toyed around with by powers he couldn't fight against.

Raise his level, get his hands on new skills, and raise his level up even higher…..

And eventually, he had arrived at this point in time.


The 'Black Heart' beat loudly once as if to react to his thoughts.

Jin-Woo pressed his hand to his chest to feel that as a thin smile spread across his lips. The doctor in the hospital told him that he was completely normal.

["We haven't found any abnormalities with you. Hunter-nim, you're perfectly healthy."]

The day before his departure, Jin-Woo went to a hospital to get a complete check up on his health.

The doctor had him scanned from top to bottom but still failed to discover the second heart or anything similar to that.

The 'Back Heart', then, couldn't have been a physical change taking place within his flesh. It did exist and he could definitely feel its heartbeat, but it also did not exist in reality, too.

'What the heck does that even mean?'

Jin-Woo wryly laughed to himself.

He was sort of relieved by the fact that his body structure was no different from other people's, but if that was the case, where was this tremor from his chest coming from?

It was then – a light breeze blew in from the city centre of Tokyo. And it carried this sticky and utterly horrifying magical energy that was hard to even fathom how dense it was.


Yu Jin-Ho formed a worried expression. This was truly an astonishing power level that even someone like him with a lower threshold of perception could sense.

Jin-Woo wordlessly nodded his head. He didn't have to think too hard where this breeze blew in from. It was from that massive Giant guarding the Gate in Shinjuku.

This aura was on another realm altogether compared to what he sensed from other Giants so far. He was this far away, yet goosebumps broke out on his arms just for a moment there.

However, a smile still formed on Jin-Woo's face.

As if it was responding to that powerful wave of magic energy, the 'Black Heart' began pounding even harder than before.

How many levels would he gain after killing that monster? Also, what kind of a soldier would come out from its shadow?

Anticipation was bubbling up within him already.

Chapter 173: Chapter 173

Igrit's elite soldier army was the first to arrive in Tokyo.

Fang's High Orc army was the next to arrive.

Igrit discovered the approaching High Orc army and lightly nodded his head as his greeting to their Chieftain. The corners of Fang's lips, hidden under his black hood, arched up as he too, nodded his head.

The elite soldiers army, the division of Ice Bears that acted alongside them, and the High Orc army had now gathered in one spot. And a short while later.

Tap, tap, tap.

The sounds of marching footsteps uniformly resounded out in the surrounding air. Just beyond the ash-grey fog, a large-sized battalion of Shadow Soldiers approached the location.

As befitting of the soldiers that had taken the longest route but also hunted down the most Giants, Beru and his ant army were the last to arrive. The former ant king led the pack and emerged from the settling fog of dust first.

Just like before, Igrit sent out a greeting first.


However, Beru didn't display any hint of acknowledgement and walked right past Igrit, strode up to Jin-Woo's back before kneeling down on one knee in a dignified manner.

"Ah. You all have arrived."

Only then did Jin-Woo tear his eyes away from the distant Giant to take a look behind him.

"Everyone, you all did well."

As he welcomed them all, every Shadow Soldier followed after Beru's example and knelt down on one knee. Ice Bears couldn't physically kneel down, so they simply prostrated, their noses pressed to the ground below.

Everyone, including the elite soldiers, Ice Bears, ants, High Orcs, and Nagas, as well as other types of Shadow Soldiers he had recruited in between – nearly one thousand of his Shadow Soldiers had gathered in one spot.

"All of you, stand up."

Jin-Woo gestured them to rise to their feet and his soldiers all stood up straight. It was truly a mesmerising spectacle.

Yu Jin-Ho was utterly arrested by this sight and stared dazedly at the Shadow Soldiers.

'What a relief that this is just one of hyung-nim's skills, otherwise if these were real monsters….'

Even though he knew no bad things would happen, his body still shuddered as he imagined the scene of these many monsters that also boasted such levels of power moving around as one.

It was indeed a relief that these guys were allies. Where would he find anyone more appropriate to attach that description to other than his hyung-nim?

Unfortunately, there was an even more shocking scene waiting for him right behind him.


Yu Jin-Ho just barely managed to swallow his dry saliva and cautiously took a look behind him. There was a lone Giant standing over yonder.

The size of this Giant-type monster was on another scale altogether compared to the others he saw during his trip to this place.

Simply by staring at the head of a Giant so, so, so far up in the sky, he couldn't tell whether he was looking at an actual monster or a high-rise building, instead.


A gasp of shock leaked out from his mouth.

There was just too great a difference between seeing it from a video clip and with his own two eyes like this.

Jin-Woo smiled and placed his hand on top of Yu Jin-Ho's head, as the latter found himself unable to shut his mouth at all.

"Hey, dude. Your jaw will fall off at this rate."


Yu Jin-Ho finally regained his wits and embarrassedly scratched the back of his head. Jin-Woo withdrew his hand from the kid's head and wordlessly glared at the boss-level Giant-type monster.

'How can a massive being like that even exist?'

That life-form was simply far too large.

The horrible magic power oozing out from that thing even made him think about getting away from this place as soon as he could. It was that unpleasant to behold.

There were two ways of getting rid of this unpleasantness he felt.

Either running as far away as possible from the source of this unpleasantness and forget about everything, or, root out the cause of the problem itself.

Which choice he'd go for was set in stone the moment he left Korea – no, the moment Jin-Woo had Awakened, as a matter of fact.

Ba-thump, ba-thump….

He closed his eyes and quietly enjoyed the tireless beatings of his heart and before abruptly opening them back again.

"Get to a safe distance."

"Yes, hyung-nim."

Yu Jin-Ho nodded his head with a determined face and quickly ran in between the Shadow Soldiers to get away from there.


Jin-Woo patiently waited for the kid to get to a safe enough distance away, and then summoned up his newly-added family members.

"Come out."

Although not as huge as the boss-level Giant, several massive Shadow Soldiers rose up from the ground.

From No.1 up to No. 13.

Jin-Woo named his Giant Shadow Soldiers No.1 to No.13, according to the order of who got extracted first.

He felt rather pleased from the sight of these massive figures standing in front of his Shadow Army, which made his entire troop seem even more dependable than before.

'This should be enough.'

Jin-Woo figured that this was enough preparation and raised his hand. As his fingertips pointed to the heavens above, all of the Shadow Soldiers got ready to attack.


"My soldiers."

His soldiers, all decked in black armour and enveloped in rising smoke – Jin-Woo scanned his Shadow Soldiers one by one before turning back to face the boss-level Giant.

The creature was indifferently staring down at him as if any opponents not entering in its fixed range wouldn't interest it at all.

'And that's what I don't like about that guy.'

Jin-Woo was quite unhappy at the fact that a measly monster was looking down on him from that high up.

A vicious grin broke out of his face, then. And the hand pointing to the sky was pointed towards the Giant next.

"Advance!" (TL note at the end)

Beru raised his head up high and screeched loudly.


Ants, Ice Bears, Giants – no, almost every single Shadow Soldier gathered there dashed forward all at once towards the boss-level Giant monster.


The fierce march of the Shadow Army rocked the ground below. The earth shook and mighty dust storm kicked up. And soon, Jin-Woo's soldiers entered the territory of the Giant.

It happened then.

The surrounding air suddenly transformed.

"What the hell?!"

A scream-like cry of shock exploded out from Jin-Woo's mouth.

The boss Giant had disappeared from his view, and when it reappeared, already half of his Shadow Soldiers had been annihilated.

'It did a sliding tackle??'

There was no other fitting term to describe the boss Giant sweeping away his soldiers with its stretched leg other than a 'sliding tackle'.

It was an unfathomable destructive power.

With that single attack, a huge entity that was the Shadow Army got split in half. Of course, his soldiers weren't simply standing back to get massacred out there, either.

Even before the dust kicked up from the Giant's foot had settled down, Fangs finished gigantifying himself and stood before the monster's face.


He then sucked in a deep, deep breath as his chest expanded greatly. A nonsensically massive pillar of flames erupted out from his mouth.


This attack from Fangs was capable of even melting down those monsters with innate resistance to fire in a single breath. Unfortunately, the Giant blocked this blazing inferno with the palm of its hand.

Jin-Woo could sense Fangs getting astonished by what was happening.

While still in the lowered position, the Giant snatched up the ankle of a Giant Shadow Soldier in the vicinity.

His Giant soldier, as big as a regular building, resembled a small child after it got caught by the hand of the boss-level monster. And this creature threw the Giant soldier straight at Fangs.

He was about to suck in another breath for his second attack, but he was struck down by the flying soldier before he could and got disintegrated.


Jin-Woo's eyes narrowed to a slit like a blade as he witnessed Fangs get scattered away in black smoke.

It proceeded from that point on – one thousand against one.

The proper battle between his Shadow Soldiers and the boss-level Giant truly began. No – this was a far too one-sided display of violence to be called a battle.



Shadow Soldiers were crushed constantly and endlessly by the Giant's attacks.

A punch, a slap, an elbow drop, a knee, the back of the foot, and the bottom of it – one movement from the boss-level Giant, and dozens of soldiers were swept away.




The boss-level Giant's flashy movements easily exceeded that of the highest-ranked melee-type Hunter's speed.


Beru watched the ant army being trampled on and was about to dash forward, but Jin-Woo raised his arm and stopped him.

"Not yet."

Beru took a step back.

Both Beru and Igrit standing next to Jin-Woo and waiting for his orders displayed visible hints of wanting to join the battle.

'However, now isn't the time yet.'

Jin-Woo's lips were shut tight in a straight line.

The soldiers repeatedly went through destruction and revival, resulting in his MP decreasing at an alarming rate. In fact, the rate was so severe that even the massive reserve of MP he possessed now thanks to the 'Black Heart' wouldn't be able to keep up.

However, Jin-Woo remained patient and didn't move. He calmly observed the Giant from the distance.

He sent out his immortal army as bait and searched for the creature's weaknesses. That was his plan for this raid.


The Giant crushed Shadow Soldiers with its knee, and proceeded to punch the ground with its fist.


The ground shook as if there was an earthquake breaking out and dozens of soldiers disappeared in black smoke.

It was a nightmarish battle situation created by the perfect defence and the horrifying destructive power of the monster.

However, he did gain something from all of this.

Within this desolate wasteland that once used to be the centre of Tokyo, Jin-Woo's irises were gleaming brightly from his frightening level of concentration.

'As I thought….'

As expected, no attacks could damage the hardy skin of the Giant as it had worn its enormous magic energy around itself like an impregnable carapace.

The creature must've been aware of its own defensive capability, because it didn't even bother to defend itself and continued to pour out one attack after another.

However, there was one single exception. There was one moment that the Giant chose defence instead of offence. That would be when Fangs spat out the 'Fire Dragon's Breath' in the face of the Giant before.

Only then did it raise its arm to protect its face.

If, by chance, that was not a simple coincidence, then…..


Jin-Woo summoned out his Sky Dragon.

Kaisel emerged out from the shadow at once and spread out its massive wings in a spectacular fashion.



Jin-Woo quickly climbed aboard Kaisel's back.

"Beru, Igrit!"

Beru's wings extended out from Jin-Woo's call, while Igrit climbed up behind his Sovereign. Soon, Kaisel flapped its wings and took off while carrying his two new passengers.


The ground quickly grew further away.

'Let's go!'

The four of them flew up high in the air and flew in a straight line towards the Giant monster's head. It was then.


The eyes of the Giant shifted to its side.

Even though it was in the middle of a violent tangle with nearly a thousand Shadow Soldiers, it still had time to discover Kaisel and Beru approaching it at an ultra-high speed.

Seeing that, Jin-Woo nodded his head in understanding. That solidified another one of his theories.

This monster could definitely split time itself during the battle and use it to its advantage just like Jin-Woo would do with his Agility Stat. And that was why this thing could display such an astonishing level of speed compared to other Giant monsters.

The boss twisted its body around. Jin-Woo's vision caught the sight of the creature's massive shoulders moving.

'Evade it!'

Jin-Woo and Igrit kicked away from the back of Kaisel.

A blink of an eye later, the Giant's fist slammed into Kaisel.


Jin-Woo watched Kaisel explode into black smoke, his brows quivering. It was still a rotten feeling to watch his soldiers get destroyed like that.

If there was one saving grace, then that would be the fact that the target for his anger was right in front of his face.

Igrit was the first to attack. He jumped high up in the air and swung the 'Demon King's Longsword' down.


A blue streak of lightning crackling into life from the end of the sword rained down on the Giant's face. The boss rapidly tilted its head back to evade the lightning.

'Did it again!'

Once more, it dodged an attack aimed at its face. Jin-Woo was now sure of where its weak point was. He immediately used 'Ruler's Authority' to reel himself in closer to the Giant's face.

Beru followed closely behind.

'Demon King's Shortsword.'

Jin-Woo tightly grasped the two shortswords suddenly appearing in his hands. Beru's claws had been extended to full in no time, as well.

The combined assault of Jin-Woo and Beru unfolded in the sky high up above. The Shadow Soldiers on the ground succeeded in fully reviving themselves, took aim at the Giant's ankles, and pounced on their targets.



Flames flying away from the hands of the Magic Soldiers crashed into the Giant's body and continued to explode. Bolts of Lightning crackled and stormed down, pillars of flames erupted forth, and Giants continued to bite and tear.

Yu Jin-Ho watched this hallucination-like battle from beginning till end without missing a beat.


He was completely at a loss for words.

This was no longer a battle between a Hunter and a monster. No, it was a fight between a monster and another monster.

The monster the size of a high-rise building, and hyung-nim commanding nearly one-thousand summons all at once – if someone asked Yu Jin-Ho who was even more monster-like in this picture, he thought that he wouldn't be able to answer right away.


It was truly a lamentable thing that he was the only one witnessing this battle. Yu Jin-Ho did his absolute best to calm his heart, that was ready to explode in his chest, and kept his eyes firmly locked on Jin-Woo's position.

That was also the moment when Jin-Woo's shortsword stabbed deeply into the eye of the Giant.


The boss rocked its head violently from side to side and desperately rampaged around. However, Jin-Woo wasn't flung away from his spot despite all the shaking.

'It's working.'

He grasped tight the shortsword digging into the eye of the monster and activated a skill with his other hand.

'Violent Slash!!'


This particular eye of the Giant was soon torn to shreds. The monster contorted its upper torso and resisted, but still, Jin-Woo remained impossible to shake off.

While he tenaciously clung onto the Giant's eye, he took a look behind him.


'Your wish is my command!'

Beru understood immediately what his Sovereign wanted and flew in at an unbelievable speed to enter the hole in the Giant's eye.

On the outside, Jin-Woo, while from the inside, Beru. The combined attacks from the two began ripping apart the giant face from inside and outside simultaneously.

The Giant monster's mouth shot wide open as it issued a soundless scream.

Just as the huge monster stopped attacking for a moment, ants focused their efforts on the creature's ankle and finally succeeded in their goal.


After losing a tendon in one of the legs, the Giant powerlessly crashed down on one knee.


The ground couldn't deal with the massive collapsing weight and quaked quite viciously.

Even then, Jin-Woo and Beru's combined assault continued on.

"Violent Slash!!"


"Violent Slash!!"


"Violent Slash!!"


The Giant thrashed about in pure madness, but the more it did, the more intense and crafty Jin-Woo's attacks became as he clung onto the monster's face.

From a certain point onwards, the Giant's resistance stopped. Its humongous body slowly began tipping to the side. And finally…


The Giant's truly huge body came crashing to the ground.

It was then, Jin-Woo heard the familiar mechanical beeps going off in his head.


[You have defeated your enemy!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

Jin-Woo's clenched fist gripped even harder.

'I did it!'

Jin-Woo lightly landed back on the ground and was about to sigh out in relief, but then, he realised something was amiss and stopped his movements altogether.

Chapter 174: Chapter 174

'Hold up.'

Jin-Woo hurriedly brought the message windows back up.

He didn't even have time to enjoy the notices of his level going up four times in a row, as his eyes were currently fixed to the very first message.

'Oh, my god.'

Jin-Woo's eyes nearly popped out of their sockets.

[You have defeated your enemy.]

'This wasn't the boss monster??'

His shocked gaze shifted over to the Giant sagged on the ground, with no focus to be found within its dull eyes.

The incredible power that was on another realm compared to other Giants, and the overwhelming aura that even left Jin-Woo surprised. No matter what, this creature looked, sounded, and smelled like a boss, yet it was apparently not. The System's message clearly said that this thing was a 'regular' monster.

It was then.


He heard the overexcited voice of Yu Jin-Ho coming from a distance.

Jin-Woo raised his hand quickly to signal the sparkly-eyed Yu Jin-Ho running over here that he should stop right there.


It was unknown whether he was a good listener, or maybe he was just scared easily, but regardless, the kid froze up right in his tracks.

Meanwhile, Jin-Woo's glare became even more serious than before.

The message of [You have killed the owner of the dungeon] hadn't appeared yet. Which could only mean that this raid was far from over.

That wasn't the only suspicious thing here, either; it was impossible to perform 'Shadow Extraction' on this massive monster, as well. He couldn't see any black smoke rising up from the corpse, a telltale sign of it being a candidate for the extraction.

And, just as he suspected….

When he glared hard at the Giant's corpse as if to bore a hole through it, a mechanical beep went off in his head.


[It's impossible to perform Shadow Extraction on the target.]

'What's going on?'

Jin-Woo's brows furrowed deeply as the situation began exceeding his expectation in more ways than one. But then, he heard the sounds of bones clattering against each other coming from somewhere.

The jaw of the Giant was suddenly moving again.

The creature's mouth was pried open and a humanoid-shape of something emerged from there.


Jin-Woo reflexively got into a battle stance. Flashes of sharp light gleamed off the blades summoned into his hands. Fortunately, the voice coming from the Giant's mouth turned out to be a familiar one.

"Oh, my king…. It is I, Beru."

The former ant king managed to extricate itself and stepped out, before displaying the appropriate courtesy towards Jin-Woo.

"….It's only you."

Jin-Woo lowered his vigilance.

After Beru entered the Giant's body, his presence got hidden by the huge monster's near-bottomless magical energy and as a result, it became momentarily impossible to differentiate him.

After confirming that it was Beru for real, Jin-Woo returned his shortswords back to his Storage.

Beru trudged out forward while covered from head to toe in the Giant's flesh and blood. It wasn't that difficult to imagine how hard the former ant king struggled within the monster's head.

Jin-Woo was about to heartily praise his underling with a smile but his expression crumpled in an instant.

'What the hell is up with this stink…..?'

A truly disgusting odour was getting stronger as Beru got nearer. Perhaps he could also smell it, his expression was also deeply crumpled as well.

He eventually stood before Jin-Woo and bowed his head in a dignified fashion.

"Well, then….."

Jin-Woo was about to pat his ant soldier on the shoulder as a gesture of a job well done, but discovered a yellowish liquid of unidentifiable nature there and sneakily withdrew his hand.

"You did well, Beru."

"….I thank thee, oh my king."

Jin-Woo was probably mistaken when he thought that he heard a slightly sullen tone of voice coming from the ant soldier.

In any case, what he needed to concentrate on was not the identity of this weird liquid on Beru's shoulder. If this super-massive Giant-type monster was not the 'owner of the dungeon', then where was the real owner?

Just as that thought worked its way into Jin-Woo's brain, this happened.


Suddenly, the air all around him trembled.


Sensing yet another change taking place, Jin-Woo hurriedly raised his guard up. Beru also sensed the danger only a beat slower and quickly increased his overall body size to stand guard before his Sovereign.


A powerful gust of wind assaulted them right afterwards.


Jin-Woo's forehead creased up.

The stormy winds violent enough to rip out trees, roots and all, swept all around him, but then, they abruptly slithered off to somewhere else.

The commotion died down almost instantly.

Beru decided that the situation had been normalised and stepped away from Jin-Woo's front. Meanwhile, the latter surveyed the surroundings only to gasp out in pure shock.

'How could this be?!'

What suddenly 'attacked' him just now weren't some gusts of wind. No, what he mistakenly thought as storm winds was simply the horrifyingly disgusting and bottomless magic energy the dead Giant possessed.

That massive amount of magical energy clawed and swept everything in the vicinity away as it moved entirely elsewhere.

'What about Yu Jin-Ho?!'

Jin-Woo hurriedly turned to look behind where Yu Jin-Ho had been. Thankfully, the kid was unscathed due to Igrit shielding him.

Jin-Woo sighed in relief.


Now that he found more leeway to search his vicinity, Jin-Woo quickly snapped his head in the direction where that vast magic energy had disappeared to.


It was deep within the Gate.

Every single drop of the magical energy the dead Giant possessed was sucked into the Gate.

It was as if the Gate itself had swallowed up that magic energy.

The black 'barrier' blocking the Gate had shattered a long time ago during the dungeon break. The interior of the Gate, which was the inside of the dungeon, could be seen clearly from the outside.


The air itself seemed to cry out softly.

Jin-Woo thought that he had experienced all sorts of trials and tribulations in his life so far, but even he had never seen nor heard of a bizarre event like this one before.

'Something else is in there.'

His Perception Stat was telling him as much. Jin-Woo stared at the interior of the dungeon, his eyes progressively getting narrower and narrower.

Whatever was waiting for him in there, the moment that he recognised its presence, the hair on the back of his neck all stood right up. A deathly chill came knocking and goosebumps broke out all over his body.

Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump!

As if it was resonating with the crying air, his heart began beating faster and faster.


Yu Jin-Ho had crept up closer and closer until he was standing next to Jin-Woo. He too stared at the gigantic Gate.

This might get very dangerous. Jin-Woo looked at Yu Jin-Ho and spoke in a heavy voice.

"You stay here and wait for me."

"Yes, hyung-nim."

Yu Jin-Ho nodded without raising a fuss. His desire to follow was quite strong, but at the same time, he figured that he'd be more of a hindrance than anything else.

Jin-Woo left the kid on standby outside, and led his Shadow Soldiers into the mouth of the Gate, entering into the dungeon itself.

'This is really…..'

While entering a few top-ranked dungeons, he thought that he got pretty used to the idea of things being 'massive' by now. However, his thoughts had to be revised the moment he entered this particular dungeon.

'…..Way too huge.'

Jin-Woo walked within the passage that seemed so limitlessly tall and wide. It was as if the word 'massive' had been invented just to describe this place, and he continued to swallow back his gasps of astonishment.

He still didn't make any noises inside the dungeon, though.

He continued to maintain this habit formed during the time when he was a lowest ranked Hunter and lacked any means to protect himself from the monsters, even though he greatly exceeded the levels of 'regular' rank S Awakened by now.

It was never a bad thing to remain cautious of one's surroundings, after all.

Jin-Woo's eyes glowed softly within the darkness.

He didn't lower his vigilance, not even for a moment, and continued to advance towards the end of the dungeon. The soldiers, having recovered to their perfect state despite being involved in such a fierce battle earlier on, silently followed right after him.

And so, just how long did they have to walk?

Jin-Woo's steps eventually came to a stop.

Beru, walking right behind him, raised his hand to signal the Shadow Army to stop, as well. Perhaps because he was formerly an ant, the species optimised for life in a large group, he was rather adept in commanding the large army.


The entire Shadow Army came to a perfect halt. Beru scanned the soldiers once, before sticking close to Jin-Woo's back.

"Oh, my king…."


Jin-Woo raised his index finger, and continued on a short while later.

"Can you hear it?"

Beru concentrated on the ambient noises for a little bit, before nodding his head.

"���.Yes, I can hear it, my king."

Beru could also hear it now.

Just over yonder was the end of the dungeon. From the location where the dungeon's boss should usually be, laughter came out from there. It was so soft that only the beings on the levels of Jin-Woo or Beru could perceive it.

The good-natured laughter of a man continued to resound out as if he was genuinely pleased about something.

Jin-Woo couldn't help but get puzzled here.

Even though the darkness of the dungeon had masked them and they couldn't see each other, the other party must've felt Jin-Woo's approach by now. It'd be the same story for the Shadow Army extending far behind him, too.

'Even then, it can still laugh like that?'

Of course, Jin-Woo had already assessed the situation.

Incredible magical energy, one so powerful that it even made breathing difficult, was hidden in the darkness just over yonder. The enemy's aura that gave him a foreboding sensation easily exceeded that of the Giant's magic energy when it was still alive.

However, Jin-Woo himself was no pushover, either. He unleashed all of his cloaked magic power, too.


Ripples spread out to Jin-Woo's surroundings.

The massive wave of magical energy rippled out, one strong enough to knock away all the Shadow Soldiers in the vicinity if it had contained any amount of malice.

Even then….


The opponent didn't stop laughing, even then.

The corners of Jin-Woo's lips also arched up in response.

'Aren't you an interesting fella.'

With a smile on his face, he stepped into the boss chamber. He was greeted by an unfathomably huge and open space that should have served as the home for the super-massive Giant monster.

Jin-Woo continued to walk towards where the laughter was coming from without a shred of hesitation.

His Shadow Soldiers followed after him and marched forward, as well.

Chut, chut, chut, chut…. (TL: SFX for metal boots walking on a hard surface.)

The spectacle of so many monsters enveloped in black smoke advancing forward in unison was more than enough to instil fear in the hearts of every enemy watching.



However, such a thing wasn't applicable to a certain man, whose entire body was tied down by chains, with the sole exception of his head.

Was it him simply being tied down?


It wasn't as simple as that at all.

The black chains connected to the walls of the dungeons not only wrapped tightly around this unknown man several times, some of them even pierced straight through his body, the emerging ends seemingly taking root within his flesh.

It was such a wretched sight that anyone watching would immediately start wondering, if that was punishment then just how big was the crime committed to warrant such treatment?

Jin-Woo furrowed his brows.

On the other hand, the man formed a bright smile while looking at Jin-Woo as if he had run into a very close friend.

"Oh, how humorous this is! So very humorous!! All of you detestable Ruler b*stards, take a good look at who had come to see me first!"

Jin-Woo came to a stop, not too far but not too close.

The man quickly carried on.

"The chains… hurry and undo these chains. I know all the plans of the Rulers. I need to let the other Sovereigns know of the tru….."

The man's words suddenly came to a halt, then. His eyes, filled with joy only until a moment ago, had cooled down in an instant as if it had all been a lie.


This unknown man quietly peered into Jin-Woo's eyes. While that was happening, the latter also carefully studied the former. And it was in that moment he realised that this man's face and that of the super-massive Giant guarding the Gate were exactly the same.

'It's not…. a human.'

The ripples of magic energy coming from it were too different from a human's. Besides, the fact that it was speaking the language of monsters so fluently could only mean this guy was not human, for sure.

However, why was a monster being restrained inside a dungeon in this fashion?

In the ensuing ten years since the first Gate opened up, all sorts of different monsters made their appearances, but this would be his first time hearing about the appearance of a monster that was all tied down and couldn't move inside a dungeon.

However, if there was one clue given away now, it was the term this being used with such disgust – 'Rulers'.



A short bout of silence flowed in between them.

Only after a while did the lips of this unknown man part open.

"You are…. not the one that I know of."

Jin-Woo had no idea who this guy mistook him for, but he wasn't planning to deny that, either. Well, he also had never seen the face of this tied-up man before. Excluding the dead Giant outside, of course.

Jin-Woo threw a question.

"Did those Rulers or whatever make you look like this?"

"They are trying to use me. As the stepping stone for laying the foundation of the true warfare about to take place."

This was the first time something like this happened. Jin-Woo had tried to initiate conversations with intelligent monsters up until now, but none of them were able to explain their origins at all.

But then, the one right in front of his eyes had revealed the reason for its existence for the first time ever.

It said, to lay the foundation of the true warfare.

Whether those words were truth or lies, Jin-Woo realised that they could become an important clue to unravelling everything.

"Just what are these things called Rulers?"

"Ancient enemies of the Sovereigns."


The angel statue back then began to go berserk as it was being pushed to the corner. It cried out something about other Sovereigns not taking this lying down. For the time being, even if he were to set aside what kind of existence these Sovereigns were….

He kind of realised just where one of them could be right now.

"In that case, the reason why those beings tied you up like this is that…."

"That's right."

The man replied with sorrowful eyes.

"I am also a Sovereign."

And then, he explained further with a desperate voice.

"It is quite likely that both the Sovereigns and Rulers are aiming for you right now. However, you lack the strength to fight against them. In order to stand a chance against them, you'll be needing influence, too."

Out of all the hard-to-fathom words being spewed out, Jin-Woo still managed to catch what this man wanted to say the most.


The man nodded his head.

"Release me from my seal. I shall aid you."

Chapter 175: Chapter 175

Jin-Woo could only doubt his own hearing just then.

Who wanted to help who now? A monster helping a human?

He was so flabbergasted that he ended up blurting out what was on his mind.

"You seriously think I'll believe you?"

The unknown man formed a serious expression.

"Then, I shall make you believe me."

He began chanting some kind of a spell as his lips moved at an incredible speed that looked like a video playback sped up tens, no, hundreds of times.

At that moment, Jin-Woo sensed the magical energy present within this empty, open arena suddenly coagulate around this man. In the blink of an eye, he summoned his shortswords out.

If the gathering magic energy carried even a hint of aggression, then the blade of his weapon would have pierced into the man's forehead already.

However, Jin-Woo patiently waited.

The amount of magic energy being utilised was very small when compared to the reserves both Jin-Woo and the man possessed. And he couldn't sense any aggression or hostile intent from the gathered energy, either.


Jin-Woo readied the ultimate version of the skill 'Dagger Throw', 'Dagger Rush', and waited with bated breaths.

The needle-like tension continued to prick him in his skin.

Eventually, the strange language flowing out of the man's mouth came to an end, and a System message popped up in Jin-Woo's view along with the familiar 'tti-ring'.

[King of Giants, the Sovereign of the Beginning, 'Reghia' has activated the 'Skill: Pledge of Trust (Negotiable)'.]

[Once the 'Skill: Pledge of Trust (Negotiable)' has been agreed upon, both the initiator and the acceptor cannot lie to one another.]

[Will you accept the 'Skill: Pledge of Trust (Negotiable)'?] (Y/N)

What attracted Jin-Woo's attention, first of all, was not the contents of the man's suggestion, but the title denoting what the man's true identity was.

'The King of Giants, is it…..��

He remembered the Giant-type monsters he hunted down on his way to here. Most likely, there must be some kind of a connection between this revelation and the reason for the face of the super-massive Giant protecting the Gate being the same as this man's own mug.

As Jin-Woo fell into a contemplative silence, the man patiently waited for an answer.

'What should I do?'

Jin-Woo looked at the blinking 'Y/N' and pondered his options.

Seeing that the System even bothered to give him an alert like this, the effects of this skill or whatever must've been for certain.

He needed to think about who'd be in more of a disadvantage when unable to lie to the other party here. However, there was no reason to think too deeply about this as the conclusion was already clear in his mind.

'Obviously, it'll be a loss for him.'

After all, this side was standing on an advantage.

In case a question Jin-Woo could never provide an answer for comes around, all he had to was to kill this creature, even if that sounded callous and cold-hearted.

This deal was suggested by the other side, to begin with. And Jin-Woo wasn't naïve enough to feel guilty for a monster, of all things.



A System message appearing simultaneously with the mechanical beep quickly informed him of the successful completion of the negotiation.

['Pledge of Trust (Negotiable)' has been initiated.]

[Through the mutual consent of both the initiator and acceptor, the two parties involved cannot lie to one another until the contract has been terminated.]

The King of Giants urgently repeated what he said before as if he was waiting for Jin-Woo to accept the Pledge.

"Please, free me from this seal. I shall help you."

"Euph…. Euph….??"

Jin-Woo's eyes went extra round from surprise. His voice didn't want to come out of his mouth as if his throat had been blocked off.

A smile crept up on the face of this King of Giants after seeing Jin-Woo's struggles.

"That's right. That is the power of the Pledge of Trust."


Indeed, the effect had been confirmed to be real.

Half out of curiosity and the other half out of testing purposes, Jin-Woo was about to answer 'I shall completely trust you. Let me undo those chains right away'. But he really couldn't say any of those words at all.

'So, this is the Pledge of Trust at work….'

Jin-Woo confirmed the effects of this 'skill' and felt his heart beat faster.

With this, he could trust to a certain extent what this King of Giants had to say to him. There was a simple reason why he didn't trust 100%, though.

If they had no choice but to speak only the truth from now on, then it was rather obvious that the other party would withhold information that might prove to be damaging to itself.

Jin-Woo's glare became sharper than when there was no Pledge between the two.

"How come it's possible to converse freely with you, unlike how it is with other monsters?"


"Creatures emerging out from the Gates."

"…Ah, ah. You must be referring to the denizens of the Chaos World."

The King of Giants cracked a mocking grin.

"I shall ask you something in return. How could you even think of placing mere denizens of the Chaos World on the same pedestal as a Sovereign who rules over them?"

He then formed a dignified expression truly fitting for a 'King'.

"All the denizens of the Chaos World emerging from the so-called Gates are, without exception, remnants of the defeated army. They have lost the battles against the army of the Rulers and become captives. They had to remain tied to a leash for an uncountable number of years, so it's only obvious that their ego has been eroded somewhat. However, I am the King. I am different from them. I have patiently waited for the fated day when I can make my escape from their grasp."

The King formed a thin smile next.

"And that's how I got to encounter you."


Jin-Woo worked hard to keep his emotions in check and to analyse what this guy was saying as objectively as possible.

'If he's really an existence on a higher realm than other monsters, then….'

….Then, he might really find himself with some important clues here.


His saliva travelled down his throat.

He had a ton of stuff he wanted to ask right now. But, before he did that, he needed to confirm something else first.

"By any chance, when you said the army of the Rulers, were you talking about those wearing silver armour with wings on their backs….?"

"That's right. Those dogs are the soldiers of the Rulers."

As expected. It felt as if another puzzle piece had clicked into its rightful place.

He suddenly thought that the 'video playback' the angel statue showed him was not some make-believe crap, but someone's real memories of an event that did happen, instead.

Just what the hell was going on in this world, then?

Jin-Woo asked another question.

"Why do those b*stards called Rulers keep sending these monsters to us?"

The reason for the existences of the Gates. If he could find out the reason why these Gates kept popping up, then couldn't he be able to do something about it and stop that from happening again?

Jin-Woo biggest concern lay with that.

"I have told you that already, have I not?"

The King of the Giants spoke with much more emphasis in his voice.

"They are preparing for war."


"They will change this world into a suitable battlefield to engage the Sovereigns in yet another warfare."

"I don't quite follow you here… Just by sending monsters to Earth, this planet suddenly becomes a warzone?"

Well, it was true that sometimes, a situation far more horrifying than a warzone could develop from a Gate, but still.

Jin-Woo momentarily recalled the event that took place in Jin-Ah's school. Even then, those were matters that involved humanity. He just couldn't see how those would serve as preparations for some kind of a war involving non-human races.

"It is all to inject magical energy into your world."


Jin-Woo felt as if he was struck in the back of his head just then.

If monsters were calamities emerging from the Gates, then magic energy was the blessing coming from the Gates. Not just the Hunters, but many civilians thought similarly along these lines.

Magic crystals, as well as Mana stones. These items containing magic energy were treated as the greatest source of energy in the modern world.

But then, that energy was actually nothing more than footholds for the upcoming war?

The King of Giants continued on with his explanations.

"There is simply no better way to propagate the type of energy that didn't exist before than by sacrificing the blood of those that possess the necessary energy. So, the Rulers decided to utilise the captives they had in their possession."

There was no need to even mention that the density of the magical energy around the world was gradually getting thicker every day.

That was not a naturally occurring phenomenon. No, more than likely that was the fruits from the trees first germinated from the fertile field cultivated from the blood of the monsters.

"The magic energy fortifies a world. They plan to fortify your world so it wouldn't get destroyed from the impacts of the warfare."

"In that case, this warfare is….?"

"Yet another blood-soaked struggle between the Sovereigns and the Rulers. Not too long from now, the world you're living in will become a true hell."

A battle between the armies of the Rulers, and the monsters – no, creatures before they were unwittingly turned into monsters. Jin-Woo did clearly witness their enormous battle from the 'data'.

If Earth had been selected as ground zero for such massive scale warfare, then the assertion of this King of Giants, the one about this planet becoming hell, could not be dismissed as a simple exaggeration.

The complexion of the King suddenly darkened.

"There isn't a lot of time left."


"Once the truth about you coming in contact with me gets out, both the Sovereigns and the Rulers will not simply stay back and watch on anymore. It is even likely that the Envoys of the Rulers have begun their schemes already."

"You've been implying that those b*stards will be aiming for my life, but… Why is that?"

"You really don't know anything, do you?"

The Kings continued on with his explanations in a tone of voice thickly laden with pity.

"The power that you possess actually is not yours."


Jin-Woo agreed with that.

The abilities of the Shadow Sovereign were something he got from the System. He couldn't deny the notion that this power was not his from the very beginning.

"The mere fact of that power now residing within you could only mean that the original owner had betrayed other Sovereigns."

When Jin-Woo heard that, he remembered the angel statue saying something similar in nature. It was likely that the statue was also one of the denizens of the Chaos World that followed the Sovereigns.

As the questions in Jin-Woo's head kept sprouting up one after another, the King of Giants spoke up.

"You have become the enemy of both the Sovereigns, as well as the Rulers. However, only I pledge that I shall stand by your side and fight for you. So, will you not help me?"

The King of Giants had assessed that this much convincing was enough and formed a serious, determined face. Unfortunately for him, Jin-Woo calmly asked a question in return.

"If you wish to stand by my side, then wouldn't it be simpler for me to turn you into a Shadow Soldier, instead?"

The King of the Giants flinched in surprise.

It was only for a second then, but for that briefest of moments, the King saw the actual face of the Shadow Sovereign and this human's overlap.

What the human said was not wrong. To him, there would be bigger merit in having one more absolutely loyal underling than forming a brand new alliance with a complete stranger.

The King inwardly admired the fact that this human didn't miss that crucial point. He spoke up and explained the situation.

"We, the Sovereigns, as well as the Rulers, are made up of spiritual bodies. Once such a spiritual body dies, it is destroyed and can't be turned into one of your Shadow Soldiers. Meaning, I can never become your soldier."

Jin-Woo nodded his head again.

'So, that was why.'

Here was the reason why the King thought Jin-Woo would lend a helping hand when there was clearly a much easier method, to turn him into a Shadow Soldier. As the Pledge of Truth was still active, there was no need to decipher if that was a lie or not, too.

Jin-Woo stopped swimming within his thoughts and raised his head.

The King of Giants asked again.

"Are those enough reasons for you to help me now?"

Jin-Woo wordlessly stared at the King.

This being titled the King of Giants, it was carrying an expression of certainty as if it knew that the restraints tying it down would soon be undone.

Of course, Jin-Woo had no such weird tendencies of feeling jealous after seeing someone else being happier than him. Also, this guy said he'd become his ally out of its own volition, so he didn't have any reason to reject the offer, either.

However, why did he keep feeling this uneasiness in his heart?

'Something… I've definitely overlooked something here.'

One cold sweat drop after another began forming on his forehead.

The King of Giants, meanwhile, made another plea.

"Unshackle me, I beseech you."

Jin-Woo took in a deep, deep breath.

No matter how hard he pondered his options, he couldn't think of a reason to reject this King's plea. The longer he thought about what he had missed, the more he felt as if he was getting sucked into a quagmire.

'Am I being too paranoid here….?'

Jin-Woo approached the King of Giants while carrying the 'Demon King's Shortsword'.

And as he walked right up to its own nose, the King nodded his head. Jin-Woo reciprocated that nod.

He swung his shortsword laden with his magic power, and one of the chains powerlessly snapped in half.

Ba-thump, ba-thump, ba-thump!!

His heart was beating louder and louder for some reason.

Why did this indecipherable sense of ill omen continue to pull back at his hands, even though he had already made his decision?


The second chain was cut in half, as well.

The King of Giants formed a reverential expression that was neither joyous or sorrowful and waited for his restraints to be undone.

The third chain.


Jin-Woo leaned towards the back of the King in order to cut the chains taking root within its flesh there. But then….


His heart pulsed incredibly powerfully, right then.

He felt as if his heart had crashed down to the pit of his stomach.

The chain of thoughts on what he had overlooked, and why he was feeling that way, violently crashed into his head, as if it was prying apart the small gap between the tight rock formation.

Jin-Woo stayed his hands trying to cut the chain, and looked straight into the King's eyes.

"You have said that you will stand by my side, yes?"

"Of course I will. If you help me, then I shall help you in return. This is a fair and absolute transaction between two Sovereigns."

He had already heard this reply several times. However, what Jin-Woo wanted to confirm wasn't that answer. So, he threw out the real question next.

"In that case, are you on the side of the humans?"


The King suddenly became silent.

The 'Pledge of Truth'. The condition of this spell meant that the King of Giants couldn't say anything.

Jin-Woo took a look behind this being's neck. A jet-black Mana Crystal embedded on the back of his neck coldly reflected the ambient light.

As long as that item was stuck in the body, this being would hear the voices of the Rulers in his head, too.

….Exactly like every other monster.

The words of 'Kill every human'.

For a brief moment there, a murderous intent flowed in the air.

With its now-free right hand, the King of Giants took aim at Jin-Woo's temple.

Too bad, it was still not enough to reach him. He lowered his head and evaded the attack, before stabbing the shortsword into the King's chest.


As if the chains wrapped around its body didn't even exist, the sharp blade dug deep into the chest cavity of the captive King.


The King of Giants suddenly vomited out a mouthful of blood.

However, that single hit wasn't enough. Letting this thing live was far too risky. This thing… could become an untold calamity.

Jin-Woo analysed the situation as thus and, while evading the right hand of the King constantly attacking him with nothing more than tilting his upper body this way and that, continued to thrust the shortsword into the chest of his enemy.

Stab, stab, stab, stab!

He stabbed for the sixth time.

Only after his blade entered and left the chest cavity for the sixth time did the King of Giants stopped moving his right hand.

It was over.

Jin-Woo extracted his shortsword for the last time. The King of Giants stared straight into his eyes and formed a meaningful grin.

"It is regretful, but this here is the end of the road for me."


Jin-Woo took a step back and wordlessly shook the blood off his shortsword. In the meantime, the King continued to speak.

"As the battles between the residents of your world and the captured denizens of the Chaos World become more and more intense, this world will transform further and further into a battlefield."

Cough! The King coughed out another mouthful of blood and formed the last smile.

"I pray… that everything you wish to protect burn into ashes in the all-ending conflagration of the war…."

"That ain't gonna happen."

Jin-Woo curtly cut off the words of the King, and swung his shortsword hard to cut the being's head off.


[You have killed the owner of the dungeon.]

The moment the King drew his last breath, the ocean-like magical energy sleeping within the creature exploded into the world outside.

The transformation of the world had begun.

Chapter 176: Chapter 176

A few days before the death of the King of Giants.

A helicopter belonging to America's Hunter Bureau landed on the lawn of a certain ultra-luxurious mansion.


The owner of this mansion, currently enjoying a belated lunch, stared at that helicopter through his window and stopped cutting into the juicy slab of steak.

"I haven't heard of anyone coming to see me today?"

"I shall go and confirm who it is."

The steward lowered his head and left with a quick trot.

Around the same time, the owner of the mansion spotted two people climbing out of the helicopter and his expression hardened in an instant.

"….This could get troublesome."

The housekeeper carrying away the empty plates heard his muttering by chance and tilted her head. The dignified gentleman sitting at the dining table, the owner of this grand mansion, was one of the only five greatest Hunters alive on this planet.

His name was Christopher Reid.

He was more commonly known as the 'Special Authority-rank Hunter' rather than by his birth name, though. In any case, who'd dare to trouble such a person?

The steward ran past the housekeeper and her curious expression to enter the dining room.

"Sir Christopher!"

"I already know."

Christopher Reid stopped the steward from speaking any further and quietly got up from his chair. With a smile on his face, he then greeted a middle-aged man entering the dining room one step later than his flustered steward.

"It's been a long time, Deputy Director. And…."

Christopher Reid's gaze shifted over to the African-American lady standing behind the Deputy Director of the Hunter Bureau.

"….Madam Selner."

It was already abnormal for someone as important as the deputy director of the Hunter Bureau to pay a personal visit like this. But, this lady making a move personally would be on a whole new scale of seriousness altogether.

Sure enough, the deputy director was carrying a deeply tense face as he scanned his surroundings. He spoke while anxiously rubbing his chin.

"We have an urgent matter to discuss with you, so can you send everyone else away for the time being?"

As Christopher Reid had expected – his prediction of being troubled had come true.

If his guest was only the deputy director, then he'd have made the latter wait for a few hours as the price for disrupting his peaceful afternoon without a heads-up.

However, he couldn't do something so impolite with Madam Selner present.

Christopher Reid quietly pondered for a moment while washing the inside of his mouth with a glass of wine. He beckoned the steward with his finger. Only after his employee got close enough to touch his forehead did the Hunter whisper his next order.

"Until my two guests leave, do not let anyone come anywhere remotely close to this room. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

The steward bowed his head, and began ushering everyone else, including the housekeeper, out from this room. He then also exited from the room and held the door with both hands, before bowing his head once more.

Christopher Reid nodded his head, and the door was silently closed shut.

And so, only three people, the owner of the mansion, the Deputy Director Michael Connor, and Madam Selner, remained within this spacious room.

Christopher Reid swept his gaze over his two guests and couldn't help but smirk. It was understandable, really. Wasn't this the occasion where the worth of the second-in-command of the government's most powerful organisation had become the least important of the trio present?

Christopher Reid himself would be the second as the Special Authority-rank Hunter. And no one could even begin to imagine the potential value of Madam Selner, who could permanently enhance the abilities of a Hunter.

'Oopsie daisy, where are my manners.'

He couldn't let these important guests stand around like that, now could he?

Christopher Reid pulled out two chairs from the dining table and addressed them.

"Please, have a seat."

Once he confirmed that the deputy director and Madam had settled down, he too parked his rear on their opposite side.

"So, now…."

Christopher Reid alternated his gaze between the two guests and smiled amiably.

"What business brings you two to this distant abode of mine?"

Madam Selner searched for a sign of assurance from the deputy director first. He nodded his head to signal go ahead. But, just before Selner could open her mouth to speak, Christopher Reid raised his hand first.

"Before we start."

There were some hints of displeasure evident in his expression.

"If you have come here to speak to me about that rank S Gate appearing somewhere out in the east, then let me make myself clear. I'm still not interested in going."

He resolutely stated his case. He made sure to drive the point home so there would be no room for anyone to try changing his mind.

"As both of you should know by now, the United States government had promised me the full rights equalling that of an independent nation. Meaning, I possess the right to refuse any request made by the U.S. government. And, as I have stated in my communique sent out earlier, I have decided not to participate in this raid."

He was basically a 'different nation' within a country.

Such a thing as civic duty simply didn't hold any meaning for a 'Special Authority-rank Hunter', who was treated not as a citizen of a country but as a living, breathing nation in itself and was accorded the same treatment as every other nation on Earth.

Of course, he could lend a helping hand if he wanted to. However, there was a reason why he decided to refuse the invitation.

He figured that there was no need for him to participate in a raid where every rank S Hunter living in the United States was planning to show up.

Even if the deputy director showed up here while thinking of using Madam as a proxy, Christopher Reid held not one thought of changing his mind at all.

Too bad for him, just as he was firm about where he stood, Madam Selner too drew a clear line on where she stood.

"I haven't come to you because of that Gate, Mister Chris. We have an even bigger problem than that to worry about."

Right now, the country of Japan was being driven to the brink of destruction from a single rank S Gate. However, did she just say that there was an even bigger problem than a rank S Gate getting ready to open up within the U.S. borders?

Christopher Reid's torso leaned in closer towards the Madam.

"What is this big problem?"

Madam Selner hesitated greatly before she forced her lips to open.

"Mister Chris….. In the near future, there is a strong possibility that you'll get assassinated by an unknown assailant."

At that moment, an awkward silence descended on the room.

Christopher Reid had been wondering why the deputy director seemed so unsettled and nervous like that. As a matter of fact, Michael Connor even pulled out a handkerchief to dab away the sweat soaking his forehead right now.

"….Madam Selner."

His voice as he called out to her became heavy, low.

"I'll never forget the favour you did for me for the rest of my life."

Because of her ability, his powers had become stronger than ever before. He had exceeded his limit that felt like a wall he couldn't overcome no matter what. However, that didn't mean she was allowed to look down on him like this.

"Just who is supposed to assassinate who here?"

Just who would dare to touch even a single hair on the body of a Special Authority-rank Hunter?

A cat could never slay a lion. Only a lion could rip apart another lion to death. However, he was utterly confident of not losing to any of the lions on the same level as him.

This was the true reason why he opted to stay out of this raid. How unbecoming was it for a lion to butt in where the stray cats had gathered? Unless you were a low-class lion like Thomas Andre, of course.

Madam Selner had clearly sensed the quiet rage burning within Christopher Reid's mind, but she didn't stop with her explanation.

"Not too long ago, I had a dream related to you."

"A dream?"


Madam nodded her head.

Christopher Reid felt flabbergasted, but Madam continued on regardless.

"In my dream, you were surrounded by some men, and they….."

"Look here, Madam Selner!"

Christopher Reid couldn't hold back anymore and yelled out loudly.

"Just because of some dream you had, you flew all the way out to this place to tell me this nonsense, Madam?!"

"This is not nonsense, and I merely wish to…."

"I already know full well what you used to do before becoming an Awakened, okay?"

Some people believed that, because she used to work as a psychic, Madam Selner came to possess a unique ability that separated her from all the other Awakened out there.

However, her former profession still couldn't excuse this utterly nonsensical drivel. Christopher Reid's expression crumpled rather unsightly.

"I am a Special Authority-rank Hunter. No one can kill me."

"But, in my dream, you definitely…."

"You and your dream again!"

Christopher Reid spat out a long sigh and then, nodded his head.

"Alright, fine. Let's say I believe you, Madam. Let's say there are enemies powerful enough to kill me. In that case, if that is all real, who should I go and ask for help, then?"

Should he call the cops? Or, request protection from the Hunter Bureau? Against an opponent capable enough to supposedly kill a Special Authority-rank Hunter?

What a stupid notion that was.

Christopher Reid snorted in derision and continued on.

"If true, there's nothing that can be done, is there?"


Madam Selner silently deliberated for a long time before making her reply.

"There might be someone who can help you."

"And just who might this someone be?"

"Hunter Seong Jin-Woo. If it's him, he might be able to protect you."

Seong Jin-Woo?

Christopher Reid was listening without much interest, to begin with, and needed to comb his memories for a moment there. Although the name itself sounded unfamiliar, he was sure of hearing it from somewhere before.

But, where could it have been?

It must've been pretty recent when he heard that name 'Seong Jin-Woo', however.

'No, could it be….?'

The expression on Christopher Reid's face crumpled even more.

"Wait, are you talking about that Asian Hunter who went off to solve the Japanese dungeon break crisis?"

"That's correct. He's Hunter Seong Jin-Woo."

Madam Selner definitely saw it back then.

She definitely saw the near-infinite power sleeping deep within Hunter Seong Jin-Woo. If it was him, then he might be able to protect a Special Authority-rank Hunter.

She had spoken these words out of genuine concern regarding Christopher Reid's welfare. However, his immense pride heard them as nothing but insults to his dignity.


He slammed his fist down on the table reflexively and the furniture buckled to the floor.

"Get out right now, Madam. Right this instant!"

Christopher Reid shot up from his seat and pointed towards the door with his finger.

"I-if you could just listen a bit more…."

The deputy director tried to persuade Christopher Reid, but then….

"W-we shall be on our way…."

….He couldn't say anything else under the sharp, murderous glare of a Special Authority-rank Hunter.

He hurriedly accompanied the clearly-hesitant Madam Selner out of the mansion. The steward on standby outside the room saw the broken table and quickly rushed in.

"Did something happen, sir?"

"….No, not really."

Christopher Reid slowly shook his head.

If it wasn't Madam Selner who lent a huge helping hand when enhancing his powers – indeed, if it was someone else, then things wouldn't have ended with that person being chased out of his mansion.

He could only swallow back the still-burning rage and took a deep breath.

'She wants me to ask for help from some second-rate Asian Hunter?'

There was a limit to how much one was allowed to mock the one and only Christopher Reid.

He suddenly swivelled his head towards the steward. The latter flinched a little, but quickly regained his former composure.

"Do you have new orders for me, sir?"

"That….. That Hunter named Seong Jin-Woo. Do you know when he's supposed to start his Japanese raid?"

The story of Japan was one of the hottest talked-about topics in the world. America was no exception. Quite obviously, Seong Jin-Woo's name had become as famous as the dungeon break that happened in Japan or the Giants that popped out from the Gate.

The steward calculated the time difference using his wristwatch and made his reply.

"He should be arriving in Japan in one hour's time, sir."

"One hour, is it…."

….He shouldn't get bored for a little while, then.

Christopher Reid consoled himself with that thought and continued to glare at the rising helicopter containing the deputy director and Madam Selner.


[You have killed the owner of the dungeon.]


The King of Giants lost its head. Jin-Woo quickly stepped away to evade the fountain of blood gushing out from the severed neck. It was then.


The familiar mechanical beep went off in his head. Initially, he thought it was just one of those normal alerts the System often sent out.

However, the message was definitely not normal in nature.

[You have killed one of the Nine Sovereigns, the Sovereign of the Beginning, 'Reghia'.]

[Calculating the total earned experience points.]

[Due to the enormous amount of experience points, this process will take some time.]

'What the heck?'

Jin-Woo was flustered for a moment there as he had never come across a situation like this one before. And a little while later….

Tti-ring! Tti-ring! Tti-ring! Tti-ring!

Mechanical beeps continuously rang inside his head.

And at the same time, Jin-Woo got to spectate on the grand feast of System messages utterly filling up his vision.

[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]



[Level up!]

[Level up!]

[Level up!]


Jin-Woo's eyes opened progressively wider and wider.

Six times the message windows went past his eyes, and even then, there had to be two additional mechanical beeps ringing inside his head for the 'Level up!' alerts to come to their end.

Jin-Woo hurriedly summoned up his Stat Window.

'Status Window!'

Chapter 177: Chapter 177

[Level: 122]


Jin-Woo confirmed his new level and swallowed back a huge gasp of shock.

His level reached 100 after hunting down all the ants on Jeju Island. However, his level stayed pretty much the same for a little while after that, probably because of the wide gap between him and the monsters he ran into.

After asking for other major Guilds' understandings, he got to sweep clean every single high-ranking dungeon in the vicinity for a week and only then did his level rise up to 103.

But now, his level had jumped past 120?

This was all thanks to the Giant-type monsters, each possessing a boss-level worth of experience points, as well as the King of Giants who gifted him with an enormous amount of experience points. Which was as much as eight levels' worth, no less.

'Very nice.'

Jin-Woo nodded his head. He had made the right call by killing the King. It was definitely not a coincidence that his level shot up by eight in one go.

This being was able to emit enough pressure to make breathing difficult for him even though its powers had been sealed away by these special chains. If this thing got freed and was allowed to roam freely in the outside world, then….

Jin-Woo shook his head left to right.

He should thank the lucky stars that he got to discover its true nature before that happened.

It was then – the King's corpse suddenly began splitting up like the ground suffering from drought, and soon, changed into sand-like dust and collapsed to the floor.

The words the King told him abruptly brushed past Jin-Woo's mind just then.

["Once such a spiritual body dies, it's destroyed and can't be turned into one of your Shadow Soldiers. Meaning, I can never become your soldier."]

The death of a 'spiritual body'.

For the first time in his life, he got to witness the death of a so-called spiritual body.

What the King said was right. Its corpse transformed into sand and no black smokes came up from it, nor did he see a message regarding Shadow Extraction pop up.

Jin-Woo dug out the black Magic Crystal from the pile of sand and lightly dusted its surface.

'It's a bit of a loss that I couldn't get me a new Shadow Soldier, but… I guess I should satisfy myself with this thing, then.'

Jin-Woo studied this large Magic Crystal.

Its mirror-like clear surface reflected his face. As he peered deeply into it, he felt the ends of his fingertips tingle from all the power contained within this thing.

'So, it's those Rulers that keep sending these things over here….'

Why did it happen? Back when he first heard the term 'Rulers', a scene automatically began replaying itself in his mind. And it was about four 'angels' descending from the heavens.

Even though it hadn't really happened to him, Jin-Woo felt a chill run down his backside simply from 'discovering' them in the playback.


He felt as if his heart fell to the pit of his stomach.

'Could those things be the Rulers?'

If those things were planning to invade Earth, then he definitely lacked enough power to stop them as he was right now. He gripped the Magic Crystal even tighter.

'I need to get much stronger.'

In that sense, it was an incredibly fortunate thing that he was bestowed with the powers of the Shadow Sovereign. He had gained an unimaginable power, and there was a very good possibility that he'd grow even stronger in the future.

What would have happened if he lacked enough points back during the Class quest and was not chosen by the System? Jin-Woo quietly engaged the yet-to-be closed Status Window with a bit of banter.

"Oii… Will you say something back already?"

Too bad, the System still didn't bother to reply back to him.


Jin-Woo told himself that one day, if he was left with no choice but to compile a bucket list then he'd definitely put 'have a serious chat with the System' somewhere in there. He stood up from the ground to leave.

But as he turned around, his foot touched something lying on the floor.



He took a look below and discovered that it was the black chain that used to be wrapped around the King of Giants. Immediately, curiosity filled Jin-Woo's eyes. And very soon, that curiosity morphed into full-on interest.

'Maybe these things…. might come in handy?'

He sneakily reached out and grasped onto one of the chains still attached to the dungeon wall.

And, sure enough, he could sense his strength being sucked away.


Indeed, this chain was absorbing his magic energy.

Only one wouldn't be a problem, but if these chains were tightly wrapped around you in several layers, even the holder of an incredible power wouldn't be able to extricate themselves out any time soon.

Jin-Woo confirmed the MP reserve being steadily eaten away and grinned brightly.

'Isn't this an unexpected harvest?'

Feeling rather pleased, he summoned out a 'Demon King's Shortsword' and cut one of the chains off. However, he couldn't sense any magical effects taking place from the now-severed chain.


It wasn't just this one, either. It was all of them.

'What's going on?'

Jin-Woo shifted his gaze over to the dungeon wall.

He grasped a chain still connected to the wall, and felt the same sealing effect as before. However, all the severed chains didn't display that magical effect at all.

He could venture a guess on what was going on here.

'….So, that's how it was.'

These chains were not some sort of artefacts. No, the sealing effect was simply the power of this dungeon. In other words, these chains were no better than some scrap metal when outside the dungeon.

'I can't use them.'

Jin-Woo lowered the chains that had become regular items to the floor.

Although he couldn't say for sure that he didn't feel a bit rueful here, he found some solace in the fact that he still had gained a lot on this trip already.

Through this expedition, the shadows of the Giants had been added to his Shadow Army, and his level had shot up to 122 after killing the oversized monsters and their King.

All these alone were results that already far exceeded his expectations.

Jin-Woo decisively gave up on the chains and turned around with a grin.

Beru courteously lowered his head at his Sovereign. He then raised his head back up and pointed to the exit with his finger. The Shadow Soldiers standing in front of Jin-Woo stepped aside at once and created a large pathway.

Jin-Woo saw that Beru's shoulder was all clean from unidentifiable substances and lightly patted him there, before walking over to the exit himself.

Beru felt moved by that gesture of his Sovereign and quietly followed after Jin-Woo as well. And right behind them, the near-thousand Shadow Soldiers who had contributed a great deal in the battle against the Giants, maintained the perfect formation and advanced out of the boss chamber.

Chut, chut, chut, chut.

The interior of the dungeon was soon filled up with the heavy footsteps of the marching Shadow Soldiers.

In the distance, the mouth of the dungeon could be seen.

Jin-Woo formed a smile as he looked at the sunlight permeating into the entrance. It was the moment that this seemingly endless raid had come to its conclusion.


The situation room of the Japanese Hunter's Association.

The inside of this situation room was draped in a deathly silence; not even a squeaking noise could be heard. It wouldn't be an exaggeration to say that the staff members had forgotten to even breath right now.

All of their attention had been focused on the giant monitor located in front of the room.



Only the subtle noises of dry saliva being swallowed would sometimes murmur out from here and there.

The footage as displayed by the giant screen currently showed the image of Shinjuku, shot from the spy satellite's magic energy detection camera looking down on Earth from space.

This camera displayed the magic energy detected in terms of light spheres. The stronger the magic energy, the brighter the light would be. Weaker magical energy would naturally lead to a smaller light sphere.

There was not one person among everyone present in this situation room who didn't know what that gigantic light sphere making itself at home in the middle of Tokyo represented.

Almost a thousand smaller light spheres gathered and stood right before that large ball of light. Every Association staff member watching that enormous number turned pale from sheer fright.

"T-those, all of those are Hunter Seong Jin-Woo's summons?!"

"Oh, my god…."

"Even with a casual headcount, isn't that over five hundred?"

The Association President Matsumoto quietly leaned his head closer to the agent from the analysis department sitting next to him.

"How many of his summons are there exactly?"

"Because several lights are overlapping with one another, it's difficult to tell exactly, but at the least, I believe there are well more than eight hundred creatures, sir."

Eight hundred creatures, he said.

Since a member of the analysis department even bothered to mention 'well more than' in his sentence, the offered number should be seen as the absolute minimum value.

Even when looked that way, this was already twice the number of summons first seen back in Jeju Island.

Matsumoto was inwardly astonished.

'It hasn't even been that long ago, but just when did he double the number of his summons?!'

No, it was already not normal to increase the number of one's summons, to begin with.

His trembling hand wiped the area around his mouth.

If this man was considered an enemy, then without a doubt, Matsumoto wouldn't have been able to see a way out, but knowing that Seong Jin-Woo was an ally, his mind had never felt this comfortable before.

What a relief it was that Hunter Seong Jin-Woo had graced his mercy on Japan like this. The Association President Matsumoto barely recovered from the mental shock and shifted his gaze back to the large screen.

The smaller spots of lights advanced towards the single large light sphere. It was the beginning of the battle between Hunter Seong Jin-Woo's summons and the Giant guarding the Gate.

Their palms soaked in sweat, everyone present witnessed the spectacle of spots of lights endlessly tangle and writhe around against each other.

And eventually, the flickering large pillar of light…. vanished.


As if waiting for that very moment, cheers loud enough to rock the entire situation room erupted out.

The employees embraced each other tearfully and rejoiced in their happiness. Finally, they were greeted by the momentous occasion of the Japanese mainland being freed from the menace of the Giant-type monsters.

All these had been the handiwork of a single Korean Hunter.


The Association President Matsumoto kept his mouth resolutely shut and watched the screen before nodding his head to himself.

He blamed the heavens for not gifting such a Hunter to Japan but to Korea back when Jin-Woo ended up foiling his scheme. But now, he was thankful that such a Hunter indeed was gifted to South Korea, instead.

'If he wasn't around, then by now, Japan would have been….'

The Association President Matsumoto shuddered from the horrifying imagery taking root in his head and picked up the phone in order to carry out the final duty he needed to perform.

The call got through quite quickly.

– "How did things go?"

The tense voice of the Japanese Prime Minister came out from the phone's speaker.

The Association President Matsumoto informed him of the results with a voice slightly choked up with emotions.

"Japan's…. Japan's crisis is over, sir."

Excited, loud yells could be heard from the phone's speaker next.

However, the Prime Minister spoke in a dignified voice, doing his very best to mask his sheer joy felt in his heart.

– "You worked hard, Association President Matsumoto. However, this does not mean the weight of the punishment reserved for you will be lessened, understood?"

"Of course, sir."

He had already made up his mind.

It was obvious that the general who failed to kill the enemy's leader would offer his neck up as compensation. And, what if that enemy's leader ended up saving your own country, too?

Faced with the perfect, utter defeat, Matsumoto Shigeo couldn't bring himself to mouth any excuses whatsoever.

He simply spoke in a soft voice.

"I shall gladly accept any punishment, sir. That is… the final duty I must carry out."


The news of the Giants all being hunted down quickly spread to the rest of the world. From the closest neighbour of Japan, South Korea, all the way to Brazil in South America, on the other side of the globe.

The entire world heard of Jin-Woo's feats.

– A single Hunter rescues an entire nation!

Various social media networking sites were in upheaval with suggestions of a brand new 'Special Authority-rank' Hunter making his appearance. The difference this time, compared to the Jeju Island raid, was that such suggestions were being made not only by the Koreans.

The state of Maryland, in the eastern half of the United States of America.

The American Hunters who had safely concluded the raid of the rank S Gate were supposed to be heading to the celebratory party organised by the U.S. government.

However, all these Hunters didn't enter the party venue and simply stood by the hotel's lounge watching the TV located there as it continued to transmit the news coming out of Japan. Their collective jaws were falling to the floor.

"What the hell??"

"No freaking way…. This doesn't make any sense, logically."

They just couldn't believe it.

The most famous Support-type rank S Hunter in the world, Yuri Orlov, couldn't do anything before he got killed in the blink of an eye.

The agile movements of the super-massive Giant captured by the TV cameras – calling that thing a monster was simply not enough when considering such a huge body was able to exhibit such speed.

But then, a single rank S Hunter managed to hunt down such a nonsensical creature by himself?!

[….Hunter Jin-Woo Seong, accompanied by another Hunter ranked D, Jin-Ho Yu, arrived in Japan and…..]

No, it'd actually be better if he had done it alone.

But then, to say he killed all the Giant-type monsters with a measly rank D in tow as well? It was simply too unbelievable.

Unfortunately, they had no choice but to believe, because the cameras continued to capture the scenes of Japanese citizens continuously shedding tears to express their unbridled joy.

And finally, the footage changed to display the corpse of the super-massive Giant, currently lying sprawled powerlessly on the ground.


The three rank S Hunters who made bets earlier spat out shocked gasps almost simultaneously, making it hard to tell who did it first. Only now could they truly believe that the monster had been killed for real.

It was then.

"Ah, everyone. So this was where you were."

The three men's heads snapped immediately in the direction of where that voice was coming from. And their eyes all widened as well.


Thomas Andre stood before them and with a grin, presented them with a single slip of paper.

"W-what is this?"

"The promissory note stating that all of you will uphold the result of the bet."


Thomas Andre didn't really give a d*mn about the stunned reactions of the three Hunters and began jotting down the items each of them had put forward in the bet.

"You said your yacht. You, your mansion. And you….."

Thomas Andre stared straight at the third Hunter and began scratching the side of his head with the end of his pen.

"What did you bet again?"

The singled-out Hunter gulped down his saliva and hurriedly raised his voice.

"I didn't bet anything, actually."

"Hey, your tie looks pretty cool, no?"

"I didn't…."

"Your tie."

"No, wait, I…."

Thomas Andre lowered his sunglasses just a little and quietly stared at him, causing the Hunter to shut his mouth.

….Because, this guy had witnessed the power of 'Goliath' capable of ripping rank S monsters apart with nothing but his bare hands. This Hunter had not one bit of desire to go up against Thomas Andre who waltzed around the rank S dungeon as if it was a low-rank dungeon commonly found everywhere.

"Your tie."

The Hunter undid his tie with a tearful face.

A short while later, Thomas Andre walked into the restaurant of the hotel while whistling to himself before discovering a familiar face there and stopped his leisurely stroll.

It was the manager in charge of managing the top Hunters of the Scavenger Guild, Laura. When she approached him, Thomas Andre showed off his new tie to her and asked.

"So, what do you think about my new tie?"

"It looks expensive, but it does not suit your Hawaiian shirt, sir."

"You think so?"

Thomas Andre undid the tie around his neck and chucked it inside a trash can nearby while replying nonchalantly to her.

"Yup, I thought as much."

Laura had seen how Thomas Andre operated from a close vantage point for a very long time now. So, she didn't display much of a reaction and simply stated the reason why she was here.

"We have a problem."

"A problem?"

Thomas Andre raised his head away from the trash can.

His experience told him that this problem couldn't have been a minor one since Laura didn't use the phone, but rather showed up here personally to inform him like this.

"What kind of a problem are we talking about here?"

Laura spoke with a worried voice.

"The list of Guilds invited by the Hunter Bureau for this year's International Guild Conference has been published. However, it includes South Korea's Ah-Jin Guild."

"Ah-Jin… Guild??"

Suddenly, he was overcome with an ominous feeling. Thomas Andre's voice sounded heavier as a result.

Laura nodded her head.

"It's as you suspect. It's Hunter Seong Jin-Woo's Guild."

As he thought. Why did all the ill omens he sensed never miss their marks?

Thomas Andre frowned deeply and spoke.

"So, I guess he's coming to America, then."