36 - 42

Chapter 36: Indescribable Respect

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Every spectator was shocked! In the Big Dipper Wilderness Map, having a mere alloy blade knife was considered suicide! With Skeleton's gun skills, Wild King was as good as defeated!

The two mecha entered the north-western part of the wilderness. When looking out over the endless plains, one could feel an electricity in the air. The atmosphere was tense.

Wild King spun the alloy blade knife in the palm of his hand, and he smiled to himself. His luck wasn't bad! He got to challenge a laser rifle user with a simple alloy blade knife! He was truly at a disadvantage…and he loved the thrill of it.

Meanwhile, the chatbox was filled with excited viewers spamming their support for Skeleton. Skeleton was the representative of the beginner arena. Furthermore, most of the spectators regarded Wild King as being too arrogant. Picking a random weapon and acting so pretentiously; Skeleton would knock him down a peg or two and teach him to not look down on other players!

However, Skeleton made a move which caused the entire chatbox to fall silent.

The Wargod No. 1 unequipped his laser rifle. F*ck, what kind of battle was this?

For Wild King, this action surprised him too. He was the most popular and skilled scout in the American Region! This action…was too much.

Wild King grew even more ecstatic. Opting for a full-on brawl and abandoning his ranged advantage? It was the first time he had met such an interesting individual! Wild King's Wargod No. 1 also unequipped his alloy blade knife.

The wind howled around the two mecha. In the blink of an eye, the two Wargod No. 1s charged at each other.

"Good morning, everyone. Most people should be quite up to date with the circumstances behind this battle. I am Young Deer, THE Young Deer who likes to drink milk. I am here to shed some light on the backgrounds of these two high-profile players! Wild King's true identity is Apollo College's Mecha Department's first year student. It is important to note that he was specially enrolled into Apollo College. He is a genius who has the potential to become a general!"

It was clear that 'milk carton-eating' Young Deer was clearly biased against Skeleton.

"Contestant Skeleton has decided to give up his advantage! But can he survive Wild King's onslaught?"


Just before the two mecha clashed, Wild King's Wargod No. 1 jumped into the air, and as he fell, he viciously assaulted his opponent with a flurry of blows. It was a ferocious method that threw caution to the wind!

However, he had misgauged the strength of his jump. It looked as if he was going to fall short of reaching Skeleton.

Despite his mistake, Wild King adjusted himself in midair and re-targeted Skeleton with a sliding tackle.

Just nice!

Just before the point of impact, Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 executed an Arc Slide Step. Although he only moved a hair's breadth to the side, he dodged the tackle. Yet, even in that brief pass, the two mecha exchanged a single strike.

The two mecha leapt away from each other to gain some distance. They paused. In that moment, Wild King's Wargod No. 1 braced himself with his left hand and maneuvered away. The Wargod No. 1 agilely stood up.


His engine erupted, propelling Wild King forward at a breakneck speed. His Wargod No. 1's leg dug into the ground with each stride, pushing the mech forward. He rushed viciously towards Skeleton.

This was Wild King's valiant attack. He was an aggressive scout, and using his speed to catch enemy off-guard would usually guarantee him a sure victory.

Bang Bang Bang…

Wild King's Wargod No. 1 threw a simultaneous punch and kick at the opponent. Pilots who had a fundamental grasp of wrestling moves in reality could bring their skills into these virtual mech fights. Notably, perfectly executing these moves in reality is rather difficult, as body positioning and posture are vital for an effective strike. Performing these moves in CT is supposed to be easier, as virtual reality does not take into account a physical body's limitations. However, normal people are typically unable to do so. Yet this was not an issue for Wild King.

"Excellent! Wild King's explosive assaults have forced Skeleton back, rendering him unable to counter attack! This is Wild King's famous Hurricane Assault, an omni-directional attack that does not cease until the enemy is crushed! I can't believe that Wild King is just as deadly even when he is unarmed! The large Military Corps[1] should observe carefully; this is an example of an excellent scout, and he should be headhunted immediately!"

As Young Deer spoke, he picked up a carton of milk. He had finally regained his honor. From his fall from grace until today, he had finally managed to regain his reputation. Young Deer had considered leaving the CT community and starting anew, but running away was not part of his personality.

In the battle, Skeleton was confident of his skills, especially on such even terrain. However, the downside to battling on an open field was the lack of cover. Furthermore, he had voluntarily abandoned his laser rifle. Skeleton really was taking a gamble here.

Meanwhile, Wild King was delirious with excitement. It had been quite a long time since he could indulge himself in such a highly skilled combat environment. The generic CT player was usually quite idiotic; he would easily lose their cool and lose his head in the heat of battle. However, the young, inexperienced players could not help themselves as they loved CT. This led to many inexperienced players challenging Wild King, and he could derive no enjoyment from those fights.

Wild King did not know what sort of guy Skeleton was, but his assault was unable to breakthrough Skeleton's stable defense. He howled in glee at the tough opponent in front of him. Wild King was completely on edge. Even his hairs were standing on end.

Wild King's eyes exuded a glorious radiance. From head to toe, he was quivering in exhilaration. Tensing up his whole body, Wild King let loose a strong punch. His Wargod No. 1 registered the movement and released a punch with great force.

Missing his target, Wild King's punch slammed into the ground and debris flew out from the point of impact. The strike was so strong that it had completely surpassed the ones previously exchanged during the fight. Yet the flying debris had obstructed Skeleton's point of view. Wild King's Wargod No. 1 immeidately seized the opportunity and executed a cartwheel, with his two legs violently slamming into Skeleton's Wargod No. 1's silhouette.

The entire motion was executed in a heartbeat.


Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 stumbled backwards, his two arms crossed to reduce the impact of the double kick.

Wild King had fallen to the floor after completing his cartwheel maneuver. Despite the successful attack, he did not allow himself to relax. Meanwhile, in a CT cockpit far away in America, a scrappy youth with straw-like hair was gritting his teeth in elation. His upper body was riddled with numerous scars, and it was truly a ghastly sight. Outside the cockpit, there were at least a hundred people watching the competition. These people… they all looked like delinquents.

Indeed, Wild King was their pride and joy. An orphan in the street had managed to obtain special admission into the Apollo Military College. He was the pride of the entire neighborhood.

Wild King's father was a retired commando. When he was young, his father had taught him many close combat techniques. This led to him having an unparalleled combat prowess. In truth, Wild King was undefeated in his neighborhood. His battle experience was immense, and he was particularly adept at close combat.

In the midst of battle, Wild King's Wargod No. 1 rushed forward and furiously kneed Skeleton in the frame. A second after the collision, he followed up with a high kick to the head. A creak could be heard from his Wargod No. 1. His moves were truly quite extreme, and they pushed his mech's capabilities to the limits.

Where weapons were concerned, Wild King possessed a natural affinity for armed combat. Regardless of winter weaponry or mecha suits, Wild King fought as if these tools were an extension of his body. The military college had classified him as a genius, but he did not care; he just loved to battle.


Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 could only dodge. However, he was too slow, so the incoming high kick obliterated his right arm, causing him to stagger backwards by almost 10 meters.

The surrounding viewers and the chatbox immediately quieted down. This Hurricane Assault was just too much, even for one as skilled as Skeleton. There wasn't any room to take a breather.

The loss of his right arm put Skeleton at a severe disadvantage. This was one of the weaknesses of the Wargod No. 1 mech; losing a limb would greatly decrease the mech's combat abilities and mobility in navigating the field. Meanwhile, the web café hosting Wild King's CT pod immediately erupted into cheers. Being able to devastate an opponent without weapons was much more exciting than simply using guns.

Wild King's smile grew cold. There were very few opponents who could allow him to fight like this. Energy shields were completely unable to protect him from this onslaught.

However, as much as he had enjoyed this battle, all good things must come to an end.

"Haha, it looks like the outcome has been decided. If Skeleton is able to make a comeback, I will eat another milk carton! Haha!"

Young Deer laughed heartily. The last time he had broadcasted a commentary, it was done in vain. F*ck, that cheapskate Solon did not give him a portion of the viewer donations.

Skeleton's mech alarms were ringing. Wang Zheng evaluated the extent of the damage. His mech's balancing mechanism was slightly damaged, but it could still be operated. However, in his current situation, he would not be able to take another Hurricane assault. Perhaps this time he had really bitten off more than he could chew.

Wild King raised a finger towards the sky, indicating his guaranteed victory. This was his cue to unleash his killing move. It was extremely tyrannical.

The Wargod No. 1 rumbled as it sprinted towards his opponent. Skeleton looked as though he had given up all hope of retaliating. However, Wild King could feel a sense of danger. When he was living on the streets as a street urchin, there were numerous times where he almost lost his life! This had given him a sixth sense for detecting such situations.

He knew that the opponent was an expert in close combat, but Wild King reasoned that Skeleton was already drastically injured. With his current condition, even if they directly slugged it out, Skeleton would definitely be destroyed first!

There would be no mercy shown!

The distance between the two mecha shrank to just five meters. As they approached each other, Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 suddenly leapt into the air.

Jumping? Why the hell would he do that?

Wild King had already successfully accelerated to his max speed. He was ready to execute his final killing blow. Wild King looked up, tracking his opponent. Yet, at this point, Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 dived down towards Wild King with the bright rays of the sun directly behind the falling mech. The blinding light dazzled Wild King, and he was momentarily stunned!

Skeleton's left leg lashed out a lightning-quick strike! With the falling momentum, his kick possessed unfathomable explosive strength!



Wild King's Wargod No. 1 stumbled forward… but the mech's head was missing.

The Western Wilderness's dazzling sun rays were particularly harsh.

One-hit KO!

Young Deer spat out a mouthful of milk! He clenched his hands in shock. The commentator was eagerly looking forward to the climax of the fight where Skeleton would be humiliated with a crushing defeat! But now…he was absolutely demoralized.

F*ck my life!

Encountering this f*cker was like meeting a ghost! It was impossible to predict the outcome of the match!

Every member in the audience had been on the edge of their seats, watching the final clash with bated breaths. Upon Skeleton's victory, they screamed out in joy from the bottom of their hearts. The ones watching the livestream were already dancing in joy.

This was an unexpected result!

Young Deer stared blankly. At this point, his heart felt as cold as the autumn wind.

He suddenly realized that his broadcasting studio helpers were all staring at him. Young Deer felt like he wanted to die from the embarrassment.

And then he realized that he had to eat that carton of milk. Ugh! The last time he did it, he had diarrhea for 3 days.


He gritted his teeth and stamped his feet in frustration! As he did so, he began to tear the carton into small pieces. His broadcast was not over, and he had a job to do. He started putting pieces of cardboard in his mouth. But Young Deer vowed that he would witness Skeleton's defeat. In this world, there was no one who was invincible.

As he chewed, Young Deer could not help but let out a sob. He crammed piece after piece into his throat. F*ck, next time he should drink from a smaller milk carton!

The killcam footage slowly replayed the last killing blow frame by frame. It was difficult to explain what people were feeling; it was a mixture of elation and satisfaction. This feeling rushed forth and bubbled up in everyone's thoughts.

The blow by blow killcam footage was analyzed by the Skeleton Corps original creator, ID Extremely Handsome.

Under Wild King's vicious onslaught, Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 had never actually lost his balance. That explosive kick would not have hit. On the video, a small rock was circled in red. When he was retreating through the foliage, Skeleton had stumbled over a small rock, and this had hindered his dodging movement. Yet, in such a situation, Skeleton had coolly sacrificed his arm, as that was the best possible option to take. Extremely Handsome had said that this was a textbook example of a perfect reaction to a disadvantageous position. Similarly, during the final strike, when facing the unexpected dazzling sun rays, Wild King seemed to have lost his focus. His forward rush had actually lost him the match. The momentum from the rush coupled with Skeleton using his foot like a knife blade had caused the dramatic decapitation of Wild King's mech.

The highlight of the battle was when Skeleton's Wargod No. 1 rose up into the air before his descent towards Wild King. Everyone could see that he was extremely calm. It was not a frantic or a desperate maneuver; rather, it was calculated and intended. This was what shocked the audience the most. Skeleton had been in complete control the whole time.

Skeleton's level of calmness was clearly derived from experiencing numerous close encounters with death! As they watched the replay over and over, an indescribable feeling grew in each and every audience member.

This indescribable feeling was called respect!

[1] The Military Corps are the equivalent of Ranked Teams in MOBAs.

Chapter 37: Eternal Life in Blood

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Chen Xiu was passionately shouting in triumph. It was rather uncharacteristic of him, as he was usually shy and bashful. Only when it came to CT battles did Chen Xiu show his true emotions and unreserved feelings.

This display of strength!

This was true power!

The Invincible God Skeleton! A competitor for the King's struggle had descended from the heavens!

It was said that at least half of the spectators viewing the fight were watching without any expectations or biases. However, after watching the final strike, these spectators were in awe of Skeleton's prowess. Skeleton's sheer skill had won them over.

Back at the CT Asian Region office, the employees were all celebrating. "Boss! We're on fire! This time we really did it!"

"This will raise his rank to the top 10 on the leaderboard!"

"Boss, do you think that Skeleton is a retired ace pilot? His actions were so blindingly fast that I could not keep track of him at all! He was too calm during the battle; in fact, it seemed almost too easy for him! It felt like he was simply toying with Wild King!"

Solon could not answer any of his employees' questions. He really did not know anything about Skeleton. In fact, he wasn't even clear as to what Skeleton actually wanted.

Fame? With such skill, Skeleton definitely wasn't an ordinary person; acquiring fame would be all too easy for such an individual.

Money? This player didn't seem to be interested in money. Furthermore, such an individual wouldn't need to rely on gaming methods to earn money.

It has to be said that Skeleton's fanbase was starting to form legends around him.

In truth, what our dear Student Wang really wanted was a greater share of the ticket earnings!

Wang Zheng also discovered that this battle had taught him something important. Despite all his combat experience and skills, he was still deeply flawed. He had almost tripped over a rock! Wang Zheng berated himself for his poor map awareness. What if there was a sniper hiding nearby? Thankfully, there was only one opponent this time; otherwise, he would've definitely lost the match!

Wang Zheng still had so much to learn! As he left his CT pod, he heard a large crowd screaming nonsensically. Why was it so noisy outside? Was there a fire?

After Wang Zheng left the private room, he noticed a large group of people standing in the Net Café's lobby. Everyone was preoccupied watching something on the communal screen. What in the world was so entertaining?

… Huh? This looked…familiar?

"Boss, come quick! You have got to see this! F*ck, this guy just blows my mind. He uses a Wargod No. 1, a basic mech, and yet he is still invincible! His kick is basically a god-killing technique! This gameplay footage has convinced me to join the Skeleton Corps!"

Flecks of saliva flew out of Yan Xiaosu's mouth as he spoke. He had already memorized the Skeleton Corps' member's IDs. Such was his conviction of joining the Corps!

After the video analysis had concluded, an advertisement flashed across the screen. It read, "The Skeleton Corps welcomes you! Regardless of your profession or rank in society, everyone is invited to join! Don't live your life as a gutless weakling! Be reborn in blood and live forever!"

Student Yan had a crazed look in his eye. He had really entered the Skeleton Corps. In addition, he was even placed in a high-ranking position. It seemed like the Skeleton Corps was a good fit for him.

The Skeleton Corps was considered to be a different type of guild, relative to the ones usually found in CT. A Corps was generally filled with like-minded individuals sharing the same goals. They were usually formed when such people crossed paths with one another, and they collectively banded together to pursue their goals. However, most Corps would take preventative measures and filter out the lesser-skilled players. The most basic requirement to enter a Corps was to have a high level of skill and win rate.

Yet no Corps was more rowdy or enthusiastic than the Skeleton Corps. This was because their motto was to engage in blood and battle! Winning was battling! Losing was also battling! What was important was knowing what you truly wanted from battle. For the Skeleton Corps, it was the thrill of the fight.

Wang Zheng's previous battles had already been catalogued and edited for public viewing. Unfortunately, as his first battle was too long ago, that particular video had already been deleted from the system and could not be retrieved.

Nevertheless, the battles that were recorded were sufficient. They stood as a testament to his skill.

As his opponents got progressively stronger, using a Wargod No. 1 to crush them only led to tougher opponents purposefully seeking him out. It was only a matter of time before Wang Zheng would have the opportunity to face elite mecha.

When such an opportunity arose… would the legend prevail?

No one could say for certain, but there was hope in each and every person's heart.

"That was too sweet. F*ck. B*tch, that was just completely spectacular! Oppress these assholes! Ranks are meaningless!"

Student Xiaosu was pissed at his own abilities. He had been completely wrecked by his opponents in the previous round, which caused him to fail the bronze-rank promotion match. Yan Xiaosu needed to re-accumulate points again.

"Boss, I want to learn new skills. I am going to go and re-watch Skeleton's video analysis!" He angrily stormed off.

Wang Zheng stared at his obsessed friend. He didn't know if he should reveal his secret. With Yan Xiaosu���s big mouth, if he were to spread the news, Wang Zheng's peaceful life would be gone!

Back at the dormitory, Wang Zheng realized that he had three other idiots to deal with. His roommates turned to face him with petrified faces.

Skeleton had only won one battle; was there really a need to be like this? His roommates normally had shy and reserved personalities, but their reactions to Skeleton's video was way too extreme!

"What happened to you three?" Wang Zheng inquired.

The three of them looked at each other in dismay. Their expressions were a mix of excitement and disbelief.

Yao Ailun looked blankly at Wang Zheng. With a soft voice, he uttered, "Guess."

At this point, Wang Zheng felt like grabbing him and throwing him out the window. "How would I know? Are you guys obsessing over Skeleton again? Is this about his recent battle?"

"Hehe, Brother Zheng, you have guessed right. Well, sort of. God Skeleton has indeed completely devastated his opponent, but that is not the most important thing!"

"Hm, then is this about the Skeleton Corps? I'm guessing there was a huge number of people interested in joining, especially after seeing Skeleton battle. How many new members did the Corps receive?"

"Wang Zheng, you are Dormitory 007's official leader; use your imagination!"

"Yao Ailun, stop messing around," Zhang Shan said. "Even I wouldn't be able to guess such a random fact. I'm still having a hard time convincing myself that this is real!" Zhang Shan did not seem like his usual self.

Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders. He couldn't be bothered with these three idiots who were keeping him in suspense.

"Wang Zheng, have you heard of Nature's Echoes before?"

"Yes, I've heard of them. Their songs aren't that bad! They're very catchy"

"What the f*ck do you mean by 'they're very catchy?' You are too picky with your music. Nature's Echoes' songs are worthy of the heavens! They are sung by our Goddess, Lin Huiyin!�� Chen Xiu exclaimed. He was beginning to exhibit signs of insanity.

"Ah." Wang Zheng didn't understand what these three guys were trying to get at. They seemed to be moving farther and farther away from the point. Lin Huiyin was someone that was hugely popular. She was a celebrity in the Milky Way, an Arslan citizen. She was known by everyone! However, to Wang Zheng, her songs were just that, songs. They were easy to listen to, and that was it. He didn't pay much attention to the world of music.

Chen Xiu did not understand Wang Zheng's lack of excitement. "Are you from an older generation? I didn't realize that there was such an age gap between the two of us! Goddess Huiyin is my idol. If I could just meet her once in this lifetime, I could die happy! It is my dream to meet her!" As a representative of his generation, Chen Xiu was completely obsessed with her. He was even more fanatical about his goddess than he was for Skeleton!

"Okay, these two idiots are going crazy because Lin Huiyin's agent has contacted them. Her agent was hoping to use God Skeleton's combat footage for Lin Huiyin's upcoming music video. Now do you see why these two are losing their minds?" Zhang Shan smiled.

He too loved Lin Huiyin's music as it was very soothing and refreshing to listen to. Perhaps Wang Zheng's standards for music were too high. Or maybe Chen Xiu was right and Wang Zheng was simply too old fashioned.

"Oh, are you sure it's not a scam?" Wang Zheng asked in concern.

The three guys were growing increasingly frantic at Wang Zheng's calm demeanor. It turned out that the strangest guy in the dormitory was actually Wang Zheng.

After his time with Bonehead, nothing could faze Wang Zheng anymore.

After meeting Little Shi, nothing could surprise Wang Zheng anymore.

Bonehead could be a military instructor and Little Shi was a princess in disguise. What in the world could be more outrageous than that?

"Just go for it, I guess," Wang Zheng said, unenthusiastically.

"You're acting as if you're Skeleton and this is no big deal to you! F*ck! Although we were the ones who created the Skeleton Corps, we actually have no power to release Skeleton's videos for commercial purposes. We have already sent a message to Skeleton, but we don't even know if he will reply! My God, if this works out, it will be a miracle! My god and my goddess will combine into one! God!"

Wang Zheng was speechless. What the hell did he mean by combining into one?

"Actually, if it doesn't work out, it doesn't matter. This is just a hobby for you guys anyway, right?" Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders as he replied.

Yao Ailun was exasperated with his friend. "Brother Zheng, you don't play CT! You wouldn't understand! You have never tasted defeated over and over again! But I have! It was so bad that I wanted to die! God Skeleton gives me spiritual release, while Goddess Huiyin helps me to ease my frustrations!

The other two chimed in. "Wang Zheng, it doesn���t matter whether you agree to this or not. It is only right for us to support our brother. We too agree in this union between God Skeleton and Goddess Huiyin! It is the culmination of our hopes and dreams!"

Yao Ailun adjusted his spectacles. His skill with crafting CT theories and analytics was unrivalled by anyone, but his actual performance was terrible. He was horrendous at piloting a mech. As such, he had a lot of pent up frustrations in his heart, frustrations which he could not release. But all of a sudden, Yao Ailun had found a person who could represent his dreams. He was able to live vicariously through Skeleton!

Wang Zheng could not understand their feelings, but he could see that his friends were wholly committed to this dream.

"Well, since you all have such a strong belief in this, I am sure Skeleton will agree to it."

"Don't forget, if it works out, you must get several signed posters from him!"

"Of course! That goes without saying!"

Wang Zheng shook his head and left to check his Skylink. In his CT mailbox, he found Extremely Handsome's message asking for his approval. He replied his approval, as it did not make a difference to him either way.

The moment he replied, Chen Xiu, who happened to be sitting just beside him, immediately shot up and screamed, "Success! Success! It's a miracle!"

His dance of joy made Chen Xiu look like a little kid. Yao Ailun, who was standing at the side, was much more controlled. "After he signs the promotional posters, make sure he includes an autograph of his picture!"

Although Lin Huiyin was not the number 1 beauty in the Milky Way, to her fans, she was a Goddess, perfect in every way. Her fans were innumerable.

It was unknown as to why such a popular entity would suddenly take note of Skeleton's battle footage.

Back in the CT Asian Region office, Solon was taken by surprise at the collaboration between Lin Huiyin and Skeleton. Fortune had come so unexpectedly!

He had spent a lot of time and effort promoting the battle, but this outcome was just spectacular! No one could have seen this coming! Solon almost had a heart attack from hearing the news of Lin Huiyin and Skeleton's upcoming music video. This was just too intense.

A vast, wide world was opening its gates to him.

Suddenly, a thought flashed across Solon's mind. Believe in Skeleton and you will be reborn!

The constant windfall of good luck had wholly convinced him. Skeleton was a miracle worker.

Meanwhile, Lin Huiyin's PR team had made an announcement through the Government Net.

News of her collaboration with Skeleton was generally positive, but there were many who questioned the decision. For one, the Arslan Empire possessed numerous CT experts, yet the chosen player was from the distant planet Earth! And he wasn't even a high-ranking player! Furthermore, the new single was supposed to be a motivational song, and this was not Lin Huiyin's usual music direction.

Could she pull it off?

Her cute and sweet persona was unrivalled. But succeeding in the music industry took more than looks and personality. An idol would need to keep creating fresh, new material. Everyone understood her intentions of pushing the limits of her comfort zone and having grand aspirations for a new music video. But in reality, such a drastic career shift did not usually play out well. The failure rate for doing so was extremely high. Her fans did not want to believe that their beautiful Princess Lin Huiyin could potentially create a bad music video!

Yet the most faithful of her fans still gave their full support to her, while her rivals continued to sulk, envious of her courage and boldness.

Wang Zheng had no idea what Goddess Lin was like. However, he was sure that this goddess was currently in the midst of an unstable state of affairs.

That evening, Wang Zheng was summoned to Xiao Fei's quarters. As she was in the privacy of her own dormitory, Xiao Fei was dressed very casually. She was in loose-fitting pajamas, and she gave off the image of an innocent but sensual beauty. As her clothing was quite loose, her snow-white skin would occasionally be exposed.

At this point in time, Student Wang was sitting right in front of her. Xiao Fei was pacing circles around him, deep in thought as she scrutinized him with predatory eyes. It looked as if she was deciding on how to cook Wang Zheng. Should he be baked in sweet and sour sauce? Or should he be stir-fried with mixed garlic…

"Ahem. Professor, could you please get to the point? If I knew anything, I would have told it to you already!"

Wang Zheng was extremely fearful of the empress who stood before him. She had complete control over his future.

"Haha, that would be for the best. You should know that I am quite skilled at sniffing out lies. Now tell me, did you solve Marcus' question?"

"Who is Marcus? What question are you talking about? I am so busy that I don't even have time to help others!"

Wang Zheng smiled bitterly.

"That wasn't you? Do you recall the day I asked you to pass some materials to Marcus? If I remember correctly, you had taken quite a bit of time to do so." At this point, it felt like a detective interrogating a suspect. Xiao Fei stared at Wang Zheng with a burning gaze, like a bee who had just found a fresh flower.

Chapter 38: Crazy Tempo

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Looking at Xiao Fei's intense expression, Wang Zheng racked his brains. Suddenly, it occurred to him that she was referring to his time spent in the Mathematics Department. It was something that he had completely forgotten about as it was quite insignificant.

"Ah, could you be referring to the question on the blackboard in the math classroom? I wasn't taking it seriously and was just messing around. Crap, I hope I didn't cause any problems for anyone"

Student Wang didn't know what to say. Why was he being questioned about this? Answering some question on a blackboard honestly wasn't that big a deal.

Xiao Fei shook her head helplessly and took a deep breath. "You really are trouble. You know that? You screwed up big time."

"It was just random scribbles! It's not a crime! Worse come to worst, I can just help the Mathematics Department clean the blackboard," Wang Zheng objected.

"That's not the issue! The problem is that now Marcus wants to enroll you into his 4th year math classes!"

Student Wang's frowned in annoyance, creasing his forehead with three dark lines. This was supposed to be a school, not some black market! How could the teachers just forego the rules and lawlessly compete for him?

Xiao Fei could not help but burst into laughter at the sight of Wang Zheng's pitiful expression. "Your 'random scribblings' solved an age-old question that has stumped math geniuses all around the world! It has even caused several Mathematics Department students to create a fan club around you! Put yourself in Marcus' shoes. Of course he would want to headhunt you!"

Wang Zheng let out a huge sigh of relief. So he wasn't in trouble. That's good. The Principal had told him not to offend anyone among the faculty, as it would create difficulty for Wang Zheng if he were to petition for a change in departments later on in the future.

"You little rascal! You're obviously quite gifted, and it is expected that other people would want to snatch you up! But you belong to me, remember that. That old b*stard Marcus might as well be dreaming if he plans on stealing you away from me! Don't worry, big sis will protect you!"

Xiao Fei was extremely forward as she patted Wang Zheng's shoulder. As she was just an arm's length away, Wang Zheng could not avoid seeing her exposed skin. He could not distract himself from its snowy-whiteness. Her skin was absolutely spotless.

In the Rubik's cube, Skeleton had trained him for confrontation with beautiful members of the opposite sex. However, back then, his heart knew that it was fake. Yet in the present, what was in front of his eyes was as real as could be.

"Ahem, this is…"

Noticing that Wang Zheng's face was completely red, Xiao Fei stared blankly at him for a while before realizing the compromising situation that she was putting him in. She decided to use her feminine charms to press her advantage. "Not bad, right? And I know you still don't have a girlfriend. What about me? A student-teacher relationship would be…exciting to say the least."

Xiao Fei was used to using her sexuality as a persuasion technique. The devilish lady was deriving satisfaction from seeing Wang Zheng's awkwardness and embarrassment.

"Looks like I frightened you. Big sis has high expectations for her partners, but you just barely meet the requirements. Work harder and in the future and big sis might just give you a chance," Xiao Fei said, as she charmingly gazed at Wang Zheng.

Our dear Student Wang was so frightened that he wanted to escape as quickly as possible. If he stayed, Wang Zheng wasn't sure what would happen. He was a young and virile adult male, and he definitely felt the effects of Xiao Fei's charms. Xiao Fei was seductive, intelligent, and beautiful. No one was immune to her advances. Wang Zheng had to escape.

Xiao Fei laughed seductively. She was like a child who was extremely proud of herself. To her, bullying little boys was addictively fun. However, she knew that she had to properly protect this little b*stard. Xiao Fei already had to compete with the Mecha Department for Wang Zheng's affection. If Wang Zheng were to join them, Xiao Fei's relationship with him would just get problematic.

With such an excellent foundation and grasp of mathematics, Wang Zheng was a genius solely born to do physics!

Meanwhile, on the faraway Planet of Aslan…

Aslan was the most well-planned planet in the Milky Way. Its structural layout had been meticulously thought out, and everyone who visited the planet was surprised at its aesthetics and beauty. Aslan was filled with an abundance of greenery and elegant communities. Surrounding the planet were twelve intelligent satellites which would periodically absorb sunlight to provide Aslan with solar energy. These twelve satellites could also function as defensive weapons during times of war.

Located on the 36th floor of Aslan's famous Star Pagoda was the music recording studio for Lin Huiyin's Nature's Echoes.

"Your Highness, I do not understand the need for such a risk! There is absolutely no reason to do so!"

"Indeed, it is as he said. We have the best team available. If you wanted to try a new style or take a new direction with your music videos, we would definitely be able to create something of much higher quality!"

A group of workers was currently surrounding a little girl. Despite the disparity in their ages, the little girl was clearly in charge of the room. She seemed to possess the atmosphere of a goddess. The girl with bared legs was currently dancing to the music, moving in accordance to the rhythm of the room. Right outside the window were Aslan's unique, ring-shaped butterfly mechanical constructs. They were automated flying machines tasked with keeping everything neat and tidy.

"I want to know about this CT player that she is obsessed with!" one worker said.

The girl absentmindedly chewed on her lower lip. She was the famous beauty that could move mountains, the one and only Lin Huiyin of Aslan.


This was Nature's Echoes' new single. The moment it debuted, the song rocketed to the top of the Milky Way Alliance's Top 18 charts, where it was ranked 'the most played single' for 10 different categories. Such a feat had never been seen before!

This was something that numerous music critics would never have imagined. Although Lin Huiyin's popularity was partially attributed to her youthful beauty, it was her unique singing style that had won over the inhabitants of the Milky Way.

However, solely relying on her sweet, demure personality also had its limits. After Lin Huiyin released her first 2 albums, she was confronted with an important career-making decision. Critics all around the galaxy were highlighting the limits of her current genre choice. As such, she could either choose to change her direction, or she could remain as she was. This was a choice that Lin Huiyin had to make for herself.

Of course, Lin Huiyin did not have to bother with such criticism. She did not have to change. However, after watching Skeleton's latest CT match, she was inspired to write a new song… a song that would make one's blood boil and instill courage among the people. To the average Aslan individual, this was not a significant issue. But the response to her new single had completely exceeded Huiyin's expectations. She felt that this song was not too mediocre, but never would she have expected that this experiment would have turned into her best song yet.

NOT AFRAID was the most played song among the top 10 charts, and it satisfied even the harshest of critics. They simply had nothing bad to say about the song.

This was Huiyin's first singing and rapping single!

It has to be said that many young people became absolutely infatuated with the song. Every radio station was playing it! Just listening to it a single time was enough to hook a person and fill them with extreme fervor!

The music video was even more stunning. A montage of a lone Wargod No. 1 facing numerous battles. Regardless of the enemy, the lead player always triumphed, demonstrating unparalleled skill and a courageous aura in all of his fights.

I'm not afraid to take a stand

Everybody, take my hand

We'll walk this road together, through the storm

Whatever weather, cold or warm

Just let you know that, you're not alone

If you feel that you've been down the same road

At this point in time, the MV showed Lin Huiyin in full military attire, pointing towards the sky. In the background, it showed the Wargod No. 1 in a moment of desperation, cornered by its opponents and turning the whole match around by executing a pentakill with godly skill.


The song escalated into a feverish climax!

I will be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly

In the MV, Huiyin and the Wargod No. 1 took up the two sides of the screen. One after another, the opponents of the Wargod No. 1 would appear and be coolly destroyed.

Regardless of the enemy, we will definitely fight till the end!

Rays of light beamed in all four directions. The Wargod No. 1 would fight mech after mech, with the music intensifying in the background.

And to the fans, I'll never let you down again, I'm back

As the music died down, the MV showed Wargod No. 1 and Lin Huiyin standing together, both exuding radiant light.

Back in the dormitory, Chen Xiu and Yao Ailun were both dancing ecstatically, giddy with delirium. This was perfect. This song would be the Skeleton Corp's anthem.

The song's influence was slowly spreading. Wang Zheng's battle videos became the most searched video in all of Asia. People from other regions were unaware that Skeleton was fighting a real battle, and they imagined that the whole gameplay footage to be staged. However, everyone in the Asian region knew it to be true and that Skeleton's abilities were the real deal.

It was just that Nature's Echoes' influence was too large, directly catapulting the music video to the top.

Wang Zheng had also seen the MV. Needless to say, he was absolutely shocked. When Wang Zheng was still in middle school, he was a fan of Huiyin's gentle, soothing music. However, after experiencing the Rubik Cube's training, Wang Zheng's personality had experienced a drastic change. He no longer enjoyed listening to such gentle music. As a result, he had stopped listening to Nature's Echoes. Yet NOT AFRAID had fully encapsulated the feeling of his battles! He could never have imagined that Lin Huiyin was such a genius!

The song resonated within him. Only Wang Zheng could truly understand that air of haughtiness and the drive to overcome adversity and attain his goals.

The title of the song was the cherry on the icing: NOT AFRAID. It was akin to telling oneself that regardless of adversity, one had to keep on going. There was nothing in this world that was truly frightening.

Zhang Shan was also dancing. No one knew that he had a gift for breakdancing! "Unparalleled. This is f*cking awesome. This song is perfect!"

"My Nature's Echoes wrote this song all on their own!" Chen Xiu said, like a proud parent boasting about his child.

"When did they become yours?"

"I am Nature's Echoes number 1 fan! I have been a member since the very beginning. I am a senior member!" Chen Xiu beamed.

Yao Ailun adjusted his spectacles, haughtily pushing them up the bridge of his nose. "You call yourself a fanboy? Your brother here has collected all of her albums and posters, including the Aslan Special Edition. Can you say the same?"

"Bro, you are truly my blood brother. Can you let me see it?"

"If you act accordingly, I will even let you listen," Yao Ailun said, with a smug face. He enjoyed the feeling of being worshipped.

"Wang Zheng, it looks like we're the only two rational people in this dormitory," Zhang Shan said. Although he liked her songs, he would not lower himself to their level of fanboy groveling and peacocking.

"It is quite nice to listen to," Wang Zheng said sincerely. He truly felt that the song resonated within him.

"It's incredible; the music video has boosted Skeleton Corps' popularity and increased the number of applicants! We have reached the maximum number of members for our corps' level! This is unacceptable, we need to upgrade it!" exclaimed Chen Xiu.

"We need to find an administrator. Agh, the administrators have already used Skeleton's gameplay footage for their promotional videos. They need to give us some compensation!" Yao Ailun angrily slapped the table. The two of them started to bicker.

Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan were speechless. Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu usually acted like old men, but depending on the scenario, the two could revert to acting as if they were 5-year-old children!

"Oh, Zhang Shan, by the way, I have told the Professor Xiao Fei about your proposal, and she said that she would consider it," Wang Zheng said. He felt that being Xiao Fei's sole assistant was just too dangerous, and having Zhang Shan around would greatly reduce his anxiety. Also, Zhang Shan was truly a genius, and Wang Zheng wanted to help develop his friend's abilities.

"Thanks! I need to leave now, but don't mind me! You guys keep talking."

Zhang Shan heavily clapped down on Wang Zheng's shoulder. As Wang Zheng's body was extremely well-built, Zhang Shan was not afraid of hurting his friend.

"This b*stard has had a windfall of good luck with the ladies. F*ck, he is probably off to take advantage of young girls," Yao Ailun said with disdain. He styled himself as omniscient and was capable of anything.

"I have a friend who is currently in the Skeleton Corps. Could you help him increase his rank? He is also crazy about Skeleton."

"Not a problem. Your friend sounds like a good guy."

Yan Xiaosu's personality truly fit well with the other two.

Chapter 39: Embrace

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Sometime after school began, Wang Zheng's life began falling into a rhythm. Having attended the lessons once, he roughly knew what was demanded of Xiao Fei's and some of the Mecha Department's classes. Ever since he gained access to the MMA club's training room, Wang Zheng went there twice a day punctually. It was too convenient.

Usually, Wang Zheng would use the gravity room in the early morning. Regular intensity training was definitely slower in producing results; however, with the gravity room, Wang Zheng was able to feel aches and soreness.

It was empty in the morning as always. Wang Zheng turned up the gravity to five times intensity. After some warm-up lifts, Wang Zheng began his finger strength training, switching between fingers. Under this sort of pressure, results were certain..

A hundred reps for each finger—his entire body was soaked in no time. This sort of training was brutal, so Wang Zheng's food intake was also three times the average person's. The good thing was he had extra money now. Even Wang Zheng felt that he would collapse if he continued eating instant noodles with this training.

While Wang Zheng was training hard in the gravity room, the door opened. Ever since Meng Tian "lost" to Wang Zheng, she also increased her training. She found it puzzling that she could not rely on her training to defeat Wang Zheng.

Seeing that the gravity room's light was on, Meng Tian felt it strange. However, upon noticing that it was at five times intensity, she was absolutely shocked—this was no joke!

Wang Zheng's training was showing better results as of late. Usually he would end at this time, but he felt like going for one more. Meng Tian was usually not here this early either.

Meng Tian saw a sight she would never forget in her life—Wang Zheng, topless, with sweat dripping like rain, inverted and doing one-handed push-ups. He switched hands every fifty reps.

What kind of strength was this?

Meng Tian had always felt that she stood a chance in the previous fight, but she never once thought that he had not even been serious about it.

This sort of strength was rare even in the military.

Wang Zheng sensed that there was someone and stopped. Seeing Meng Tian outside stunned, he smiled, picked up his towel, and walked out.

"Do you want to use it?"

Meng Tian shook her head in a daze. It was hard to believe that Meng Tian, the icy, beautiful queen, had this state of confusion. "How did you do it?"

"Haha, just daily training. Although it seems like I don't have much muscle, I am actually very strong."

Wang Zheng struck a pose. Indeed, he was not terribly ripped, but Meng Tian could sense that he was full of explosive strength.

Meng Tian bit her lip as she suddenly said, "Can you make me stronger?"

Wang Zheng was surprised for a moment. He could tell that Meng Tian was earnest, but for a girl …

"Actually, my style of training is not very suitable for the average person," Wang Zheng said. A normal person would die if he trained like that.

"I'm not afraid. As long as I can become strong, I am willing to do anything!" Meng Tian exposed her usual stubbornness.

Wang Zheng did not really know how to reject a girl. "This … we can try. Actually, I'm also not very sure how to coach you."

"Even just by sparring with you, I can improve!"

This was what Meng Tian had thought of all along, improving through fighting. Except, as a girl, she felt that it was not good to always be harassing others. However, upon seeing this, she could not care anymore. During the test with the explosive strength measuring machine at the beginning of military training, it could have been that the machine was not faulty. Perhaps it was that Wang Zheng's strength had already reached incredible levels.

"Can do. I need the training anyway." Wang Zheng smiled.

Wang Zheng took a shower and was done in five minutes. When he came out, Meng Tian had already changed and was practicing various swift kicks.

Her movements were very tactical. Her flexibility and mobility were both pretty good, and there were not many flaws. It was evident that she had gone through strict training. It was only because Wang Zheng had gone through the pillar training that he could see the skill gap between them.

Her footwork was very orthodox and had little change, while the pillar training was endlessly varied.

"How is it?"

Meng Tian asked after one round. The beads of sweat on the tip of her nose made her cuter.

"Not bad."

"That can't be all, tell me the truth!" It was clear that Meng Tian was not satisfied with this type of patronizing answer.

"Flowery fists with fancy footwork."

"Haha, your moves are actually not bad already, but your strength and speed still have room for improvement. Also, it seems like you are very obsessed with routines. Actually, fights are ever-changing and are very dynamic. Reflexes and adaptability are important skills to have. You need to have a good grasp of speed, accuracy, and lethality. Like this."

Wang Zheng followed Meng Tian's demonstration and threw out a set of kicks, except his were lower and quicker and as ferocious as a whirlwind.

Wang Zheng, who moved over ten meters in a moment, looked back. Meng Tian was in a daze again.

"What's wrong?"

"Maybe someday I will need a favor from you," Meng Tian said suddenly.

"We are schoolmates, no problem. I will definitely help if I can."

Wang Zheng had actually not previously appreciated Meng Tian's capable personality. Besides, the two had the common goal of becoming excellent pilots.

Wang Zheng certainly could not use Bonehead's training methods on a girl. Moreover, this was not the Rubik's Cube. If he was not taken away by the police, he would at least be sent to the mental hospital if he tried them on her.

"Balance is most important. This horse stance training will do you good."

Wang Zheng taught Meng Tian the female horse stance. The male version was wider. Based on a female's body, it needed to be closer and triangular. This stance was also most stable.

"Is this useful?" It has to be said that this stance was not very pretty.

"Haha, try attacking me. If I move, you win."

Wang Zheng assumed the horse stance. Meng Tian's eyes lit up. She really intended to try.

After pulling back some distance, Meng Tian cried out femininely and threw a low flying kick towards Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng smiled. This was a strong blow.

Bang …

Receiving it easily, Wang Zheng's body did not move.


She did not want to waste this opportunity of a live target. Meng Tian was not polite about it and launched a fierce attack towards Wang Zheng. There was no one around, so Meng Tian did not have to worry.

Meng Tian's attack was rather ferocious, with the intent to deal harm. Although Meng Tian altered her position and adopted a more violent style, her lethality dropped drastically.

"No problem. You can attack anywhere, or you won't be able to show your power."

When Meng Tian heard this, her brows furrowed slightly. Her style became colder, but Wang Zheng became stronger under greater attacking pressure. Wang Zheng received a series of three kicks easily. Meng Tian felt her leg go limp and fell over.

Just when student Wang was finding this rather fun, Meng Tian suddenly collapsed. He quickly supported her … this was overexertion.

"Are you okay?" Wang Zheng asked, touching her forehead. "I'm letting you try, no need to try so hard; we have no deep hatred,"

Wang Zheng teased. She was okay, just a little faint

Meng Tian's faced turned red. "You are really great. I might have to always trouble you from now on."

"We are schoolmates, no problem. Besides, it is my honor to be of service to a beauty."

Meng Tian's face turned redder. At this moment, the training room's doors opened. A bunch of students engaged in loud conversation entered.

The training room fell silent immediately. Everyone looked at each other. Meng Tian, blushing, was in Wang Zheng's arms …

"Oops, we have walked into the wrong place."

"Yes, we didn't see anything."

Meng Tian stood quickly. Wang Zheng waved his hand. "Just exchanging pointers; Meng Tian accidentally hurt her leg."

"Have to trouble you to send me to the infirmary." Meng Tian had restored her cool.

Amidst the crowd's laughter, the two of them left quickly. Meng Tian's pursuers were many. It was a pity no one could beat her, much less think about anything else. Wang Zheng's personality was easy-going. The crowd also felt that he was better than the arrogant Guan Tao.

Wang Zheng supported Meng Tian out. Meng Tian suddenly said, "Do I have to call you 'Master' next time?"

"Oh, no need to be so exaggerated. We will just exchange pointers."

"Is Ye Zisu your girlfriend?" Meng Tian asked suddenly.

"No, we are schoolmates and friends. How can she fancy me?" Wang Zheng laughed.

This was the truth. Ye Zisu was the school flower and Wang Zheng was just a passerby.

Solon was doing rather well in recent days; he could even laugh in his dreams. His superiors were very pleased with his performance. It was said that the board meetings also took a new turn and no one was raising the matter of his dismissal.

Sometimes, when the path is right, the sky could really rain pies. Lin Huiyin's inspiration for her new song actually came from Skeleton's battle videos, and it was a hit. Even the official website was promoting this person. The question was: once the main website begins publicity and more experts are attracted, could the Wargod No. 1 withstand it?

Regardless, Solon was clear that there was no turning back, and this was not something he could decide.

Solon was busy looking for opponents, and it was actually rather difficult. Experts with a name for themselves were not very willing, and the usual opponent would be meaningless.

After all, people who were willing to use the Wargod No. 1 were still rare. This included Wild King, who specialized in using his own high-end mech. If one used Wargod No. 1, he could operate it without problem, but his fighting strength would be greatly impaired. If one used a high-end mech, it would not be fair. This would be a bit of an insult to the esteems of the experts if they won, and it would be much worse if they lost. Hence, it was a rather awkward phase.

Under Wang Zheng's suggestion, Zhang Shan's trio also entered the assistant's group. Xiao Fei also had the intention to nurture them. The three were rather talented; given some time, they would not do badly. However, in Xiao Fei's eyes, only Wang Zheng's future was boundless. His worldview was too good. Perhaps a top physicist who has been nurtured for eight to ten years would also only be at this level.

With Zhang Shan and friends, Wang Zheng's days were better. It has to be said that an opportunity like this was hard to come by. Although they were only involved in minor activities, it was also eye opening. Although they were freshmen, the four of them certainly surpassed their seniors in some aspects by too much.

Student Wang was absent for most of the Physics Department's classes, apart from Xiao Fei's. Professors would occasionally take attendance, and student Yao Ailun would mimic their voices to make fun of them. Not to mention his imitation was vivid.

Wang Zheng would be immersed in the Mecha Department as if he was stupid or drunk. Wang Zheng had gained a fundamental understanding of mecha during his one month at OMG, and he found it very interesting now that he could apply some theory with the actual thing.

First lesson: mechanical science. Eighty plus people came to the school's equipment warehouse. There were many mecha parts. Unfortunately, Ares College's finances were not doing very well in recent years, so the equipment was older.

Chapter 40: Little Red Noob

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Everyone lost interest upon seeing the piles of dirty mecha spare parts. They had originally expected to see shiny mecha; even if they could not be opened, it would have been good to see. But it was this instead.

Where was the professor?

After the crowd waited for quite some time and had moments of impatience, an old man walked in unsteadily.

Upon looking at him, Wang Zheng was shocked … it was Luo Mu!

Luo Mu saw everyone's expressions clearly—impatience, scorn. Only when he saw Wang Zheng in the crowd did Luo Mu reveal a trace of a smile. It was only because of Wang Zheng's persuasion coupled with Ye Zisu's that Luo Mu decided to serve as a visiting professor here. With the addition of this elective course, he wished to pass down his skills.

"I am your teacher, Luo Mu. For the first class today, everyone will just be familiarizing themselves with the mech. We will do a little tidying up, cleaning of spare parts, and then class will be dismissed."

Having said it, Luo Mu proceed to a room inside the warehouse to watch television in a sagely manner, seemingly at ease.

Everyone looked at each other. This was the teacher?

If they stood before a mech, they would have gone crazy for such an opportunity. However, before them lay a pile of oily things. It was nauseating just to look at, much less the thought of having to clean them.

Ye Zisu and Meng Tian also looked at each other. While Ares College was not in a good place, surely it was not this bad, right?

Ye Zisu had a hunch that this was likely intended by Luo Mu.

While the crowd was still hesitating, Wang Zheng had already picked up tools and began cleaning the spare parts in an experienced fashion.

Luo Mu stuck his head out of the window. "You can ask me if you have any questions."

He resumed watching television after speaking. Lin Huiyin's new song was playing. Luo Mu nodded. "Not too bad this time. The music isn't decadent and has a bit of power to it."

Even if one wore gloves, it was hard not to get greasy. It was alright for the boys, but even just the smell was difficult for the girls to stand.

Ye Zisu got to work with Wang Zheng with a much practiced hand.

Wang Zheng was very focused. He very quickly realized that these dirty mecha parts were actually …

A model number became visible very quickly. ASL—23556. "This is Aslan's propeller!"

Wang Zheng had only seen this in pictures. This was simply a work of art!

Without a doubt, in terms of mecha technology, Aslan was at the top in the Milky Way Alliance. Their mecha were celebrated for being far more complex in prowess and difficult in operations, and they were a beautiful inside and out. This was a dream.

Ye Zisu was also surprised for a moment. Could these things be part of Luo Mu's collection?

She knew that Luo Mu liked collecting parts from mecha of various countries, especially those that were unique. The things here should be a part of Luo Mu's private collection!

Inside the room, Luo Mu had his legs crossed. To this old person, these things were priceless treasures to those who were interested, but mere scrap metal to those who had no love for it.

Wang Zheng immediately began cleaning rather systematically. Even then, it took about half an hour to clean a spare part.

A sparkling set of propellers from Aslan's high-end mech, the Tempest Condor, emerged from the debris.

Most people were loafing around. They were going to be mech warriors, not part of the maintenance division. No wonder this was just an elective module.

If one knew this was so meaningless, one would not have elected for it. But Wang Zheng was enjoying the moment.

Actually, this job was not required to be done by students, but Luo Mu did this for a reason. Only when one got into the thick of doing things, making discoveries bit by bit, could they form deep memories and inspire an inner desire to seek further understanding.

This was also a condition for him to accept the invitation, that he could choose his own methodology for teaching.

When the break came, pretty much everyone was gone. Only Wang Zheng, Ye Zisu, Meng Tian, and ten others were left. At this time, Luo Mu hobbled out.

The warehouse had three different types of parts cleaned. Luo Mu nodded. "This is the result of your work today. Let me introduce the pros and cons of these three things."

"Wang Zheng, yours is Aslan's Tempest Condor's propeller, also considered Aslan's main production mech. The thrust is definitely top-end, and it's explosion-proof capabilities are also rather good. Other countries can learn from this. But in battle, these propellers have a fatal weakness,"

Luo Mu said. Some things only fighters would know, and others only a senior mechanic would.

Deep in thought, Wang Zheng asked, "Could it be the brakes?"

Luo Mu's eyes lit up. "Indeed. In order to maintain its propulsion, the brakes are a bit slow in terms of operation. In battle, this can be capitalized on. Of course, to Aslan's fighters operations, this matter is not seen as a problem."

Wang Zheng smiled. That was because they had yet to met a true expert.

The students who stayed understood that the course had only just begun. Luo Mu was not trying to teach students how to repair mecha; this indeed was not within the scope of a fighter. He covered parts of simple mechanical problems, the focus being seeing the pros and cons from a mechanic's point of view. From engines, to energy capacities, to weapons and the like, this was knowledge from a completely different angle.

Luo Mu had never been on the battlefield, but he was a theorist with a unique perspective.

The ten or so dirty students were completely enthralled and almost had no time to ask questions. Other lessons only discussed the external parts of the mech, but this course imparted the essence and analysis of the mech.

"The flexibility of this mech is very good, but its anti-explosion capabilities are slightly worse. In close-combat, try applying pressure to the pilot and force them to take hits from you, then the opponent is sure to collapse first."

This type of specific data could only be understood by a senior mechanic. As to how to use it and when, only a fighter in battle would know, and it depended on the pilot's ability.

To Wang Zheng, he was hungry for more. Luo Mu was really something.

The people who left pretty much did not come back for the second class, and those who stayed benefited greatly.

One's takeaway from the lesson depended on their own abilities. Wang Zheng stayed behind after class to ask quite a few questions, until Luo Mu became impatient and chased him away. "Little fellow you are too long-winded. I still have to work for a few years, so don't ask too much all at once!"

Wang Zheng laughed. "Heh, I am the stupid bird who's first to fly!"

"Silly Ye, quickly take him away. This is overtime, and I want to rest!"

Ye Zisu laughed as she dragged Wang Zheng away. "Did some happen between you and Meng Tian?"


"This silly girl asked me about you once she came back, wanting to find out about your bloodline. Don't tell me she's into you. Do you want me to help you two out?"

Ye Zisu asked, pretending not to mind.

Wang Zheng laughed. "No thanks, she is my dorm mate, Zhang Shan's, target."

"Gee, couldn't tell that your standards were rather high; even Meng Tian doesn't cut it!"

Wang Zheng shrugged helplessly. He was relatively calm about such matters; feelings were necessary.

Regardless, about Wang Zheng's reply, student Ye Zisu was rather satisfied.

Wang Zheng did not return to his dormitory; he went straight to Brother's Café instead. In battle, he was aware of the state of his own mech, but he was certainly unable to understand his opponent's. If he could grasp an understanding of both parties' mecha, that would be an improvement to him.

This sort of thinking was only available to a crazy person like Wang Zheng. This was based upon the highly difficult combination of theoretical understanding and actual insight. Just thinking about it was enough to make one dizzy, but Wang Zheng felt like he had found a new path instead.

This was certainly beneficial to his accurate understanding of the battle situation. If integrated with his battle instinct, it would increase his control over the fight by at least ten percent.

It was a pity that Wang Zheng lacked partners to exchange with. If only he could spar with Bonehead. Although he was good at fighting people, other people had judgments that were much more accurate than his.

When Wang Zheng arrived at Brothers Café, he checked his inbox and there were no missions, so he immediately went into a ranked battle.

Countless people had already added him as a friend, and he had his notifications turned on. Student Wang did not know how to appear invisible. At this time, countless IDs rang with a ding.

Wang Zheng wasted no time and immediately went into matchmaking mode.

Not only were players notified, even the official special staff were notified. They sprang up immediately.

Wang Zheng was on a six game winning streak. Although the level was low, with this sort of hundred percent win rate, a five versus five was alright, but he would certainly run into a stronger opponent in one on one.

Experts at the low levels were limited, but as the levels became higher, mecha restrictions were also lifted.

"Skeleton" versus "Rainbow"

In another internet café, a man laughed heartily. "Time for fame!"

Wargod No. 1 Vs Tempest Condor (Luoluo "A" Class Tracking System Equipped)

After experiencing this several times, the official website responded quickly. Of course there was our famous commentator, Young Deer.

Young Deer was commentating on a high-level match at the time. Suddenly, he apologized to his audience. "This match has been decided already. Apologies to everyone, but I have a match I have to attend to. Come to think of it, I think everyone knows already."

At this time, many Skylinks were secretly opened in class. To play truant in front of professors was courting death, but to watch secretly was still okay.

However, everyone was in a daze when they saw the opponent. This matchmaking …

This Rainbow was certainly a spoiled second generation child. The Tempest Condor was Aslan's premier mech, with abilities enhanced by the system. With simplified controls for the mech, it was basically overpowered. It possessed terrifying speed and long range combat ability. It had the ability to slaughter everything in a thousand miles! It could literally fire and forget while its automated system murdered all its opponents! What left people even more speechless was that this fellow even had a Luoluo "A" Class Tracking System equipped.

This sort of tracking system helped weaker players become stronger. Simply put, this was a tool that enabled the average player to pull off operations at an ace pilot's level. It was pricey if one chose to equip it. However, one must also be aware that some high-level competitions prohibited it.

However, at this level, it would not be prohibited.

The Tempest Condor equipped with a Luoluo tracking system thrown into the novice zone was no different from a true god of war. It would absolutely slaughter the rest

Rainbow was slightly famous among the bronze rankers. He had created his own technique, the Rainbow Explosive Stream Kill. Truthfully, this was the work of money. The performance of his mech was already unrivalled, surpassing the technical abilities of other mecha.

Due to the prohibition of assistance systems in the high levels, student Rainbow persisted in the novice zone, unrivalled.

Some people definitely invited higher players to battle, but it was no use. When the Tempest Condor was paired with this system, it was indeed unparalleled, that is unless you also use equipment of the same level. However, this was billed by the day, and the average player would not be able to afford it.

Some players who were abused by it gave him a nickname: Little Red Noob.

Chapter 41: Rainbow Across the Sky

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Rainbow was a rather cocky individual. Everyone could understand why; the opponent was about to be crushed in front of overwhelming power.

Dominating noobs was his aim. Right in front of him lay yet another target. He was about to be famous.

His only worry was that after seeing his loadout, Skeleton would be scared away.

The viewers were currently awaiting Skeleton to leave the game entirely. Could it be that Skeleton was lagging and did not see his opponent?

Wang Zheng's interface was not lagging behind. However, he was reading the enemy's mech's specifications. He had only ever heard of the Condor mech and not the Tempest Condor. He had also never heard of this Luoluo Tracking system. After reading the description, he accepted the match.

This tracking system was used to improve one's long ranged accuracy. However, in reality, it was quite complicated to operate and was quite expensive. Hence only the best pilots would use such a system.

The discussion forum had erupted in excitement. Many people had only known of Skeleton through Lin Huiyin's MV. It was not important if he was famous or not. They were as excited as those who had watched Skeleton's previous battles.

Wargod No. 1, Mech Power Level: 20

Tempest Condor (Luoluo "A" Class Tracking System Equipped), Mech Power Level: 70 + 10

This was an absolutely crushing technical advantage.

The basic mecha, like the Demon Wolf and the Beast, had a power level of approximately 40. It was still barely acceptable. However, in this case, the difference was 4 times!

Regardless of the player, this difference was just too stark.

If Skeleton could win… no, even the audience members could not imagine any way which Skeleton could win.

"Only if Little Red Noob was too arrogant and handicapped himself!"

"This fellow is about to be steamrolled. He has upgraded his mech to the peak of what is possible. Even if you take a step back, how could he possibly make a mistake and lose?"

"I have exchanged blows with him before. It was absolutely wretched. I'd even suspect two people were controlling the mech at the same time; he was just that good. Furthermore, his mech is so good that even if he made an error in judgment, he would still win!"


Rainbow was also watching the discussion forums and laughing heartily. "What a load of bullsh*t. I myself am an expert from the SWAT team. We no longer live in the stone age. Those with skill and money are the unshakeable ones! Hahahah!"

The SWAT team had a break today. Who would have known that he would have met such a big "fish" the moment he queued for a game? He would finish him in one gulp, and this would be something he could brag about for months to come.

Battlefield Map: Norton Star.

This was the favorite map of commando units. A basic mech would have difficulty operating in this terrain. However, an elite mech would perform even better.

What was also important was Norton Star's tall and lofty vegetation. It was especially suited for sudden combat. Once the enemy was located, firing off a large burst of lasers would definitely secure the win if the opponent did not react in time.

Little Red Sister had chose this map without any shame to leverage his strengths. He guessed that the opponent would not reject his choice.

Indeed Skeleton did not choose to change the map.

The discussion forum exploded into greater furor.

"Little Red Noob has absolutely no morals!"

"Little Red Noob, do you even have b*lls?!"

"Little Red Noob has no limit to his shame! However, this brother approves! Go forth! Crush him! Show him the strength of the rich!"

Young Deer was commentating from the side. "It looks as though many people are supporters of Rainbow. After looking at the discussion forum, everyone should know that Rainbow not only has superior equipment, he also possesses his signature move, the Rainbow Sky Streak! I wonder if we will have the opportunity to see it."

"Ah. Someone asked if I would eat another milk carton and even asked if I would drink milk from my mum in the event Skeleton wins. I am a professional commentator and have a high level of integrity. You should not be targeting me. Saying which, even if I win, it's not as if Skeleton would eat a milk carton. This just isn't fair!"

Young Deer spoke in a deemphasizing fashion. After so long, he had become immune to such insults. Having a high level of integrity came with a price.

At this point, in dormitory 007, Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu were extremely excited. Someone had come to offer himself as a sacrifice. The normally restrained Chen Xiu was completely unrestrained at this point. How would the enemy be crushed? He had absolutely no idea, but he knew that there would definitely be a way.

However, not everyone was as naive and blind as those kids. Most of the audience members mulled over possible scenarios that could happen. However, even after analysis, they could not come up with any good ideas. All that was left was to watch the battle.

Norton Star's Covered Battlefield

The Wargod No. 1 and Tempest Condor faced the setting sun. The effect of 5 times gravity was very obvious. Those who were weak at controlling their mechs would definitely move in a very embarrassing fashion. Those without a high-end mech would never chose to compete in such a battlefield.

Wargod No. 1's actions had also been affected greatly. However, the effect on the Tempest Condor was quite minimal.

The number of viewers continued to rise and it broke previous records without any surprise. The administrators continued to watch the numbers rise in anxiousness.

As professionals, even they wondered how such a situation could be reversed.

"What a mess. This fellow must be sick. How could he use a Wargod No. 1 to challenge a Tempest Condor? There are so many viewers. F*ck. Isn't he trying to cheat my money?"

It has to be said that there were many viewers who were going with the flow. So long as there were many viewers, they would tune into the livestream. Only after tuning in would they realise that this was not the battle they had expected. It would be a one sided crushing!

"Hello, friends. Those who have just graduated from kindergarten, please have a good look!"

Regardless of whether he won or lost, this would not be a battle that would end quickly!

However, life was full of wonderful surprises. This was what it meant to live. All of the little kids were shocked.

The two mecha began to move. The center of the map had an objective that had to be controlled. Whoever struck first would win the competition. Hence one could not hide. The two mecha knew the importance of taking the initiative. At this point, the strengths of the Tempest Condor were shown. On the minimap, the Tempest Condor began to move quicker and quicker.

Although the Wargod No. 1 was rushing along furiously and it was quite fast, the Tempest Condor had already arrived at the center of the map. However, he did not capture the objective. In such a scenario, the majority of individuals would instead set up an ambush and attack the opponent when he arrived. Directly capturing the objective would be quite difficult otherwise.

The Tempest Condor began to sneak around. As a SWAT officer, Rainbow enjoyed the use of high performing items. Only then could he use all his skills. However, it was a pity that everyone had only noticed his wealth.

It was preferable for him to find higher ground to ambush Skeleton. The vegetation was extremely thick and most people would not notice him hiding inside. However, against an expert like Skeleton, his concern was not to remain hidden but rather to have the first strike.

Rainbow quietly waited. The mech went into silent mode. His SWAT training was very strenuous. Thus, when he relaxed, he would usually take it easy. However, this was a different situation altogether.

It was exciting.

The Wargod No. 1, which was approaching at a high speed, suddenly slowed down. This was not the first time. Whenever he approached a dangerous location, Skeleton would examine the area carefully.

However, it was of no use. Everyone in the audience knew that the most dangerous point was just as he approached the objective.

The question was: who would be the one to set up the ambush first? Who would be the first one to strike?

Just before Rainbow started to lurk in the shadows, he had attacked the objective and captured it. This small advantage would inevitably spell the difference between victory and defeat.

This removed the opponent's ability to stall for time. This would force Skeleton to attack him.

The Wargod No. 1 paused for a brief moment in silence before slowly launching into his plan. He started to advance in the direction of the objective.

The path he took was in Rainbow's field of view. This was the path with the best view. Rainbow's Tempest Condor began to patiently wait for the opportunity. The mech's engine was rumbling at a low volume, allowing him to maintain his position of stealth. With the Wargod No. 1's basic detection systems, the Tempest Condor was basically untraceable.

Even when stomping noobs, there was still a certain rhythm to it. Most importantly, one could not give the opponent any opportunity to react. Otherwise, it could bring disaster to themselves.

They had to be left untouched at the end of the crushing victory.

Although Rainbow had determined the path which Skeleton would take, he could not help but feel depressed. The opponent was moving extremely quickly, darting left and right. However, he would always be moving near a piece of cover which would allow him to take shelter from any shots fired at him.

However, Rainbow was extremely patient. At this point in time, if he were to strike too soon, it would reveal his position. An opportunity where Skeleton was exposed would come.

It definitely would!

Finally, Skeleton approached an area approximately 20 meters long and wide which possessed no cover. With Wargod No. 1's top speed, it would cross the distance in merely a step or two. Yet the Wargod No. 1 was not even at top speed at the current moment.

Rainbow's breathing gradually slowed down and the grip on his weapon tightened.

It was clear that Skeleton had also realized that this area was the most dangerous one yet. However, he also noticed that there was no time to take an alternate approach and hence hardened his resolve as he continued to move in that direction.

The Wargod No. 1 accelerated at this point, intending to rush across quickly.

"The Wargod No. 1 plans to cross this exposed area with sheer speed. However, the Tempest Condor has already made his preparations! Let the devastating array of lasers take his life!"

Said the clearly biased Young Deer. He had been waiting for this moment since the start.

Everyone's eyes enlarged in anticipation of the moment. The Wargod No. 1 had rushed in. After merely two steps, the Tempest Condor had also rushed out. The Wargod No. 1 was completely exposed in his targeting sights.

At this point in time, the Wargod No. 1 leaned to the side, looking as though it was planning to withdraw. At this point, the laser rifle pointed towards the Tempest Condor.

"The sneaky snake has come out of hiding. It looks as though he was prepared for an ambush… However… Beautiful!!!"

The Tempest Condor was completely unaffected. The moment he had appeared, he did not attack. He had paused for a moment to ascertain the Wargod No. 1's movements. They were extremely stable! Confident movements!

However, this Skeleton truly had underestimated him!

Once the Wargod No. 1 started to retreat and even raised his laser rifle, the Tempest Condor had already unleashed his attack.

Bang Bang Bang Bang!

Four streaks of light flashed out.

"Beautiful!!!" Young Deer screamed as he slapped his leg repeatedly. "Rainbow truly has amazing judgment. This is…"

This was not a wildly fired laser shot. With the Luoluo Tracking System, the lasers' radiance turned into a perfectly geometrical figure as they arched towards the Wargod No. 1.

"This is… Salma's Double Wave Killing Array! GOD!!!"

All of the viewers were shocked. Although it was executed with the help of the Luoluo Tracking system, this was still an extremely hard to execute military technique.

The hardest laser technique to dodge was the wave type. This was meant to counter dodging movements. The one who had invented the technique was Aslan's Colonel Salma. Being able to execute a single wave array shot would be sufficient to dominate the entire newbie arena. However, what was fired was the Double Wave Array! It was definitely more than enough to murder Skeleton!

Young Deer screamed in excitement. Even if he ran to his grandma's house to hide, he still would not be able to dodge this move!

Rainbow possessed exceptional equipment, was an expert, and even used an overpowered mech. There was no way Skeleton could survive.

Rainbow's mouth curved into a smile. This was his technique. Rainbow Across the Sky

After learning such a skill, what was important was to have the judgment to utilize it.

All of the viewers were shocked.

Chapter 42: GOD

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The monstrous demon, Wargod No. 1, had started to move irregularly once again, weaving past the numerous attacks by a thin margin. All of this occurred within the span of a single second. However, it was still no use!

The difference in technical capabilities was just too large.

Everyone gasped in admiration, and some even felt a slight pang of regret. The attack had almost been completely avoided.

Despite its vigorous movement, the tail end of the Double Wave still managed to hit the Wargod No. 1. As the Wargod No. 1 was swaying around dodging the onslaught of attacks, Rainbow was already preparing for another barrage of attacks.

All of a sudden, the Wargod No. 1 fired its laser rifle.

How did the Wargod No. 1 not explode???

That was impossible!

The Double Wave was not an attack that could be blocked without an energy shield! Even if Rainbow's opponent did not get destroyed, that round had clearly hit the Wargod No. 1.

On the other hand, the laser fired from the Wargod No. 1's rifle did not hit its opponent. Instead it hit the tree which the Tempest Condor was standing on. Although the Norton Star's vegetation was extremely sturdy, it could not withstand the laser's impact.


The Tempest Condor started to fall from its perch. However, the mech's propulsion ability activated and it smoothly stabilized in the middle of the air.

Yet in that moment, Rainbow burst out in cold sweat. He had fallen into a trap!

His first reaction should not have been to halt his fall! He should have activated his energy shield instead!



An explosion blanketed the sky.

The room fell into silence…

Young Deer, who was in the middle of a premature victory dance, suddenly froze in place. Not a single sound could be heard. Unable to hold it in, Young Deer broke the silence and angrily screamed out, "Why did the Wargod No. 1 not sustain any damage? Is his mech invincible??!"

A slow-motion replay of the exchange was shown on-screen.

Rainbow's Double Wave Kill Array was beautiful and lethal; it was a testament to Rainbow's efforts and immense training.

Conversely, the Wargod No. 1's dodging ability was truly out of this world. However, it was still unable to fully avoid the Double Wave attack. Everything happened in a flash. Previously, everyone was unable to see anything amidst the rapid flurry of movement, but analyzing the footage in slow-motion revealed Skeleton's trick to surviving the encounter. Whilst the Wargod No. 1 was dodging, it's left hand clutched a titanium alloy knife, while it's right hand held its laser rifle. Both weapons were used simultaneously; the knife slashed horizontally, while the rifle was levelled at the Tempest Condor.

This b*stard actually had such skillful ambidextrous control over his mech?

Rainbow's final laser round was reflected off the titanium alloy knife! At the point in time, Skeleton fired his own laser rifle!

Even for a replay, the arena's spectators were watching with bated breath.

Yet, in such a frantic moment, Skeleton did not choose to target Rainbow and instead targeted the tree beneath the Tempest Condor!



Only Rainbow truly understood why. His opponent was a monster. To be able to shoot Rainbow in such a situation was extremely difficult. If he had missed, Rainbow would have definitely activated his energy shield. Comparatively, the tree was a very large target, and it made strategic sense to target the opponent's foothold. One would instinctively attempt to regain their balance. The strategy was even more appropriate since the Tempest Condor was equipped with a propulsion function. It was only expected that the flying mech would use that particular piece of equipment.

As a veteran SWAT member, Rainbow felt a cold sweat break out on his back.

Who was this monster sitting inside the Wargod No. 1?

How could he be so level-headed in such a situation?

Young Deer could only see black. What was wrong with this world? How could someone like Skeleton exist? He felt like escaping from this impossible situation. Maybe he should just migrate to a different country. That would be the only way to get away from all of this madness.

Skeleton didn't even die in such a situation!

In their dormitory, Chen Xiu and Yao Ailun were hugging each other while jumping around in joy.

Even if they did not know how Skeleton had won the match, he was still able to find the path to victory.

Chen Xiu had already gone completely crazy. "This is too scary. Although his dodging skills were beautiful, that shot of his was truly on-par with a grand master!"

"Indeed. If he had just directly attacked the Tempest Condor, regardless of how precise Skeleton is with his firing, it would have been meaningless." Even Zhang Shan had exclaimed.

In truth, they were not the only ones who had given up hope while watching the match. Rainbow's Tempest Condor had technical capabilities that were just too strong. This was the only path to victory.

The eventual defeat was not due to a difference in technical capabilities, and neither was it due to Rainbow's piloting skills. It was due to Skeleton's god-like judgment.

Skeleton made a move that forced Rainbow's hand.

It had to do with human instinct!

Rainbow had lost in terms of instinct!

It was Skeleton's observational ability that surpassed all else!

Even real-time mechanical analyses were not as accurate as this.

This match had completely shocked everyone.

Student Wang was also exceptionally smug. That last battle had given him a run for his money. The truth was that Wang Zheng did not have the confidence that he would win every battle. He just countered every trick he met with one of his own. In fact, this time, he was proud to say that his judgment was spot on.

"Hehe, it would have been great if Bonehead was here. With such a perfect battle, he would definitely have awarded me an A+ grade!"

His chest suddenly felt cold. A skeletal robot materialized right in front of Wang Zheng. Student Wang immediately squatted on the ground.

"F*ck me! You almost scared me to death. Of all people to appear, it had to be you! Why are you here?!"

"The Super Wargod Trainee has the privilege to summon the trainer for constructive criticism," Bonehead replied nonchalantly.

"F*ck me, why didn't you say so earlier?!"

"You never asked."

Facing the calm and collected Bonehead, Wang Zheng gave up any thoughts of struggling. "So, how was it? My last battle was nice wasn't it!"

Bonehead's eyes emitted a red light. "Pathetic!"

Wang Zheng was infuriated. "How could it be pathetic?! Why would you say that!"

"As a Super Wargod, there was no need to go through so much trouble. The moment the enemy appears is the moment you take him out. You should have immediately shot him through the head!"

Bonehead said quite nonchalantly. Student Wang felt a cold breeze blow past. Talking to Bonehead was truly impossible.


It felt as though his chest had suddenly become a bit colder. Wang Zheng had a bad feeling about it. "I don't suppose summoning you has a price?"

"As a matter of fact, it does. Calling me out will decrease your battle energy," Bonehead replied, with a haughty expression.

Pitiful Wang Zheng almost choked to death upon hearing his mentor's response. "Get! Back! In! What are you waiting for?!"

Student Wang truly wanted to weep, but no tears came out. He could already imagine Bonehead's answer.

You didn't ask.

F*ck. Although he did not know the circumstances behind the Rand Empire's R&D team, the one who created the Rubik's cube was truly unreasonable. Was it so hard to explain things in greater detail? They should have included an instruction manual!

Cheating someone like that would really get him killed!

Bonehead disappeared and Wang Zheng's chest finally felt normal again. He unbuttoned his shirt and took a glance. F*ck. His battle energy indeed had decreased.

What a b*tch. Bonehead was truly his nemesis.

Wang Zheng's exuberant mood was completely ruined. He felt that his hard-earned battle energy gained throughout the last week of training had completely disappeared.

Wang Zheng walked away, crestfallen. The owner of Brothers Net Café could not help but feel bad for his customer. He gave Wang Zheng a smile and said, "Little Brother, don't be sad. Failure is just one part of success. If you can persevere through all of this hardship, you will eventually improve."

The owner truly understood him. Wang Zheng looked at the owner; he wanted to cry, but no tears would come.

In the end, the owner gifted him a bowl of noodles as a small consolation prize.

Despite Bonehead's low opinion on Wang Zheng's fight, elsewhere, the match had stirred up a huge surge of activity.

The battle did not merely demonstrate one's skill. It showed off one's unmatched judgment even in the heat of battle.

Needless to say, everyone who saw the match was amazed at the level of skill displayed.

Many of these spectators were newcomers to CT. After watching the newest video advertised by the game developers, they were hooked. Lin Huiyin? Skeleton?

Listening to the song NOT AFRAID while watching that intense Pentakill video. It had aroused within them a burning passion for battle.

If one were to sing the song with its lyrics:

Don't try and stop me, persevere on your path, without any doubt!

Followers, I'm back!


This was the headline on the public net.

It struck a chord within everyone who had read it!

Who was back?

Was it trying to say that the Wargod No. 1 was back?

"Is this the Heavenly Wicked Explosion's rhythmn?"

"Is he even human?"

"This is definitely the tempo of a god!"

In Aslan, Lin Huiyin was sitting on a swing in her house. A pair of snow white legs stretched out as the swing dipped forward and curled up as the swing pulled back.

"This guy is quite impressive. What do you think of his fighting capabilities?"

Huiyin asked curiously.

Her female bodyguard, Li Jian, watched the screen with a calm expression. "Your Highness, a person of such caliber can be found anywhere in Aslan. This hype is simply because the people of Earth have pathetic standards."

"Oh," Replied Huiyin. Aslan's arrogance was truly ingrained in its people. Although she did not know how strong Skeleton was, Huiyin honestly believed that this player possessed an awe-inspiring attitude towards winning. This alone would make him stand out against Aslan's player base.

Regardless of her bodyguard's opinion, Skeleton had not let her down. The story would have been completely different if he had lost his most recent battle; that would have been humiliating and it would have negatively impacted her song's popularity.

"Add a performance for the Solar System. Have the show organized on Earth."

Lin Huiyin instructed, out of the blue.

"Your Majesty, the market there is exceptionally small. I advise against this suggestion…"

"I want it done. This will be beneficial for Aslan's image. Furthermore, my cousin has been there before. Paying a visit would only show our sincerity."

Huiyin let out a slight smile. To the general public, she was a famous celebrity. But she was more than that. Only the people beside her knew of her true identity.

Truthfully, she was the daughter of the Aslan Empire's side supporter, Iron Fist Prime Minister Qia Shawen. Qia Shawen was also Aina's aunt, making Huiyin cousin to the famous Aslan Princess. Although Huiyin was of royal blood, she was not as involved in political matters, unlike Aina. Huiyin's responsibilities were solely to improve Aslan's galactic image. To the royal family, such a role was sufficient.

"One more thing. If you take another half month's break from school, the principal will definitely flip out." An Jili had a headache. This little princess' train of thought was like a heavenly steed soaring through the skies[1], the sight of which would take people by surprise.

"Oh. That old geezer can be coaxed but not coerced. Tell him this: my actions are for the sake of the Empire. It will also simultaneously display our sincerity. Don't you think that I have an affinity for this?"

Huiyin made a cute pose. However, this killer look had absolutely no effect on An Jili. She was completely immune.

After An Jili left, Lin Huiyin replayed the video of the battle. Her advisors had all said that it was because the opposition was too weak, and this allowed for an easy victory against 5 opponents. There was nothing exceptional about the fight. However, Huiyin did not feel that that was the case.

Huiyin's thoughts shifted to her pitiful cousin, Aina. Although Aina was a direct descendant of the royal family, she had no freedom at all. A life in a cage held no meaning. Then again, if Aina wasn't there, the one suffering would have been Huiyin herself. Lin Huiyin reminded herself to do something nice for her cousin as a form of thanks. No matter what, Huiyin had achieved record-breaking results with her latest song. It even had the added bonus of quieting down her critics.

Back in his CT pod, Rainbow still made no motion of getting up. He was re-watching the video intensely. The more he watched, the more surprised he was. As a SWAT team leader, he had ample combat experience and had prepared accordingly. He had almost completely predicted the enemy's movements. However, he did not expect the opponent to surpass him by such an extent. The enemy must have meticulously prepared for their encounter. It was truly terrifying.

Unless… if Skeleton were simply reacting to the situation… that would have been even more terrifying.

What kind of training did Skeleton have to undergo to allow him to make decisions under such pressure?

Wargod No. 1.

Suddenly, Rainbow's interest had also been aroused.

In the dormitory, Chen Xiu and Yao Ailun had not rested. They had decided to divide the responsibility of managing the Skeleton Corps in two. Each individual had to settle a stack of applications. Whilst reading over the details of new recruits, a familiar ID attracted their attention.

… Little Red Noob?

Rainbow could only let out a bitter smile. You were a little noob. Your entire family was filled with noobs. However, if he wanted to join, he would need their approval.

"I am Rainbow. I was wondering if I could join the Skeleton Corps."

"Of course you can. We welcome all experts!"

Chen Xiu said excitedly. The Skeleton Corp was full of noobs. Everyone often fought together and lost together. They needed experts to guide them.

Needless to say, Rainbow was a true expert. The Corps was taking a major step forward by attracting CT experts.

Upon entering, Rainbow discovered that the Skeleton Corps had over ten thousand members, with a large percentage of them consistently active and online. The moment he entered, a group of people immediately asked him to guide them.

He had originally thought that he would be mocked and shunned for losing. But instead, everyone had greeted him with enthusiasm, hoping to learn and improve from Rainbow's own battle with Skeleton.

This was first-hand information from a participant.

[1] Idiomatic expression meaning bold and imaginative.