57 - 63

Chapter 57: Turns Out Science Students Could Be Like This

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Regardless of the situation, Solon was extremely happy. He had set a new record, so the first step of his plan had succeeded. He felt as though a huge weight was off his shoulders. If it had not happened, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Right now, Solon's new priority was regarding Lin Huiyin's concert on Earth. The company Natural Echoing Sounds was quite mysterious. They seemed as though they had no concern for money. Although Lin Huiyin was extremely popular, most of her endorsement events were for public welfare.

Even though they had no regard for money, Solon was still extremely hard working, so he managed to broker excellent terms for their arrangement. Regardless if it was the plan for Skeleton or for the Asian CT region, all of it would rise to a new level soon.

It has to be said that the TV rights for broadcasting the concert had already been bought at sky high prices. Furthermore, this was Lin Huiyin's first time performing on Earth.

Naturally, the policemen of the capital were extremely busy and nervous. The more people there were, the more important it was to prevent troublemakers from arising. Recently, with the Princess's visit to the Solar System Federation, Earth had an increase in exposure. With Lin Huiyin coming down to release her new record, it showed that the Aslan Empire was willing to cooperate with the Solar System Federation.

In terms of socioeconomics and especially when it came to technology, the Solar System Federation was severely lacking and required the assistance of the Aslan Empire. Despite all this, they still wanted to retain a sense of bearing and hence had to do a good job.

It was rumored that a large portion of the VIP tickets had already been reserved by the higher echelons in the numerous social and economic circles.

However, the concert was still predominantly for the youth, especially those still in school. Huiyin's biggest fans were in charge of obtaining the tickets for everyone, but even they had issues obtaining them.

Wang Zheng held no interest towards this; he felt that paying a sum to listen to the concert on his Skylink was sufficient. However, he could not help but be affected by the excitement as the hype for the concert far exceeded that of the Tri-College Exchange and Competition.

Tyrant Su was willing to pay any price to make An Mei happy. It was hard to imagine that he had managed to obtain two tickets. Even without saying how much he had spent on them, his dedication and effort had made her very happy.

What was truly fortunate was that Aina and Wang Zheng felt the same way. Although they liked the music, they were not rabid fans.

The school's preparations had gone into full swing. Zhang Shan was barely seen and Wang Zheng had only bumped into Meng Tian just once ever since she came back from her special training. It could be said that this time, the training was extremely secretive.

Wang Zheng continued to attend class and train as per normal, spending the rest of his time with Aina. The two of them enjoyed exploring the capital together and Wang Zheng had even managed to amass a small fortune.

After his last treat, he realized that his bank account had received tens of thousands of credits. This was a huge sum to Wang Zheng, enough to make it so that he no longer had to worry about his future school fees and living expenses.

Although Aina was a princess, she was not haughty. On the other hand, she was not interested in expensive things but enjoyed the simple streetside attractions. Wang Zheng's first gift was a small glass pendant with a bear engraved onto it. It was carved by hand and only cost 10 credits. He felt that it looked adorable and thus bought it on impulse. However, he did not expect the quality to be so… shabby. However, Aina still loved it and wore it.

Dear Student Wang couldn't help but feel extremely fortunate. Sometimes he even wondered if this was the legendary "sweetness after bitterness."

It was no wonder people often said that college life was the most beautiful, even if it was a military college.

Two tables in the canteen were joined together. A small group of people with solemn expressions were gathered around it before they suddenly burst out into laughter.

"What in the world, how could this be possible?!" Tyrant Su said depressingly.

His face was full of make up and was barely any different compared to that of an opera performer. [1]

An Mei smiled as she patted Yan Xiaosu. "Good boy, time for another round."

She took out a tube of lipstick and drew another cross onto an empty spot on his face.

The ones playing were Wang Zheng, Yan Xiaosu, Yao Ailun, Chen Xiu, Aina, Ye Zisu, An Mei, and Du Qingqing.

Card games were eternal and they were playing blackjack.

When the guys lost, the girls would use lipstick to draw on their faces. If the girls lost, slips of paper would be stuck to their faces.

Without question, the two most impressive players were Wang Zheng and Yao Ailun. Chen Xiu and Tyrant Su were the sacrifices. On the side of the girls, Aina and Du Qingqing were extremely pitiful; numerous strips of papers had been stuck onto them.

Although Wang Zheng was slightly reluctant to do so, Aina was extremely happy.

"Wang Zheng! Have you and Yao Ailun trained in this before? Why aren't you two losing?!" Du Qingqing asked in frustration. The two of them were targets of hostility.

Yao Ailun adjusted his golden rimmed spectacles, his eyes flashing with wisdom. "This is actually just a simple mathematical problem. You can easily calculate the odds."

"Wang Zheng! How about you?! I have never seen you doing any calculations!" An Mei stared at him as she shouted, "Even my Tyrant Su cannot keep this up any longer!"

Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly and said, "I have good luck."

In actuality, Wang Zheng was also calculating the odds. However, it was all instinctive; doing such mental calculations was extremely easy for him. Furthermore, he was playing with a bunch of newbies. When he played with the Old Merchant, that was when things turned nasty. The two of them had set upon an agreed time limit and even tried to distract each other actively. However, Wang Zheng usually lost so terrifyingly that one would piss their pants. Although the Old Merchant was extremely old, it was amazing how agile his mind still was.

"If you call this luck, then I think you should be known as the God of Gamblers!"

Ye Zisu laughed, "Shishi, is this your first time playing this?"

Aina smiled and nodded her head. Actually, it didn't matter what game they played; it was the atmosphere that mattered most. Aina was like a curious baby with a cute expression on her face. Wang Zheng sneakily tugged at Aina's hand from below the table.

The guys were very casual, but the girls were extremely focused.

"I don't want to play anymore. Playing with you Physics Department students is just too exhausting. The competition is going to start in three days and I don't even know how Zhang Shan and Meng Tian are doing. The two of them are the pride of us freshmen. I hope they can win some glory for our sake!" An Mei said, before taking a wet towel to clean Yan Xiaosu's face.

"We have Masasi this time, so there shouldn't be any problems right?" Yan Xiaosu said.

"Don't be overly confident in the Moon man's strength. Apollo and Zeus College are not to be trifled with. This time we are just aiming not to lose too disastrously!" Yao Ailun said as he smiled.

"Brother Ailun, it can't be that exaggerated, right? Isn't our team really strong this time?" Chen Xiu asked curiously.

"Hehe, how could we be the only college to recruit foreign talent? The strong want to get stronger. Furthermore, they will do their best to train the most talented. Although Earth's standards are lower, if you think about it, numerous elites of Aslan are from Earth!" Yao Ailun replied cooly, mimicking Agent 007.[2]

"Doesn't that mean that we are going to get destroyed?" Chen Xiu ask frustratedly. Even the girls felt slightly worried.

"We have no other choice. From what I know, the other two colleges possess extremely strong experts."

"How do you know?" Du Qingqing asked doubtfully.

"Hehe, I'm sure you all know of Wild King. That bastard is a new freshman from Apollo College. He is currently a member of Skeleton's Army and he loves to play CT. However, even with his skill, he is only fit to be a substitute."

The rest of them looked at each other, but Yao Ailun looked as though he had not finished speaking. "This exchange is extremely important. The ones who perform exceptionally will gain the privilege of representing Earth in the Solar System Federation's Military School Grand Tournament. Thus, some of those individuals who usually do not compete will be out as well."

Ye Zisu nodded her head. "What he says is true. The mecha used for the competition have been sponsored by OMG. Those who participate in the competition upon graduation will likely become a pillar of the army. Most of them directly enter the Solar System Federation Army."

The group had stunned looks on their faces. Although the Solar System Federation was part of the Milky Way Alliance, within it were three large factions. The Earth Federation, the Moon Federation, and the Mars Federation. Each of them had their own garrison of troops and they were of a lower rank compared to the Solar System Federation's army. The Solar System Federation possessed the troops of the highest caliber and their strength was something an ordinary army could not compete with.

Military students all aspired to enter the Solar System Federation Army as that was the only way to enter the broader stage to expand their horizons.

"It can't be. Wouldn't we be cheering for nothing? Everyone was hoping that we would have an exhilarating victory!" An Mei said dejectedly. It could be seen that these weren't just words to frighten them.

"Everything is dictated by one's strength. How could it be easy to rise from the bottom? Furthermore, Masasi can't be relied upon when all's said and done. He might just leave at any moment," Yao Ailun said, as he cleaned his spectacles.

"I couldn't tell that you were such a pessimistic individual." An Mei said, as she looked at Yao Ailun.

Yao Ailun gave a wry smile. " I just like to pursue the truth."

"F**k, we will just react to the situation. We aren't from the Military Department, so let's just await Lin Huiyin's concert."

Yan Xiaosu changed the subject. Wang Zheng felt great regret. Such a great opportunity would definitely be a lot harder than his CT games. No matter how hard it was to play CT, he could not experience the collision and intertwining of life and death in it. Ah, it was all going so well, but that d**ned Bonehead had to ruin everything.

With his strength, even if he could not be a main member, he would not have been chased away so easily either.

Regardless, what was supposed to happen would happen. Zeus and Apollo Military College's interviewers had arrived. Gu Te naturally received them with the highest of standards and the school itself was bustling with activity.

The competition would not begin immediately; the reception would start with the students themselves. Ares College's students would organize representatives to engage the students from other colleges.

With the competition as the main focus, there would still be interactions and activities. However, the finale would culminate with the battle between the three.

Apollo College's captain was Campbell. He was in his third year in the Commander's Department and the champion of the previous meet. He was also the president of the student council and possessed unparalleled prestige in Apollo College.

Zeus College's captain was known as Lear Cronos. He was a freshman and chairman of the student council. He was also from the Commander's Department and was new. No one had ever heard of a freshman being the chairman of the student council. His fame was different from Campbell's. It looked as though Zeus College was planning to nurture their freshmen quite seriously.

Ares College's captain was Masasi. He was also a freshman from the Commander's Department.

It could be seen that Zeus College and Ares College were going to use such a method to challenge Apollo College. It looked as though Apollo College had to do more to ensure the success of their future competitions.

Although they were competitors, Campbell's entrance received the loudest cheers. He could be considered a celebrity in the military colleges. After he graduated, he would likely enter the Solar System Federation Army's Ace Fleet. In his situation, he would likely be promoted to a lieutenant almost immediately and surpass what many took years to achieve.

[2] This is in reference to James Bond.

Chapter 58: Tyrant's Smokescreen

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Campbell was well known for looking at the bigger picture. He was multi-talented and was crowned as the All-Rounded Commander by the students of Apollo Military College. Furthermore, he was known as Earth's strongest student.

On one hand, the competition was meant to be a place for the students from different colleges to have a setting to interact. On the other hand, it was meant for the participating students to get to know each other better. As a result, conflict was needed. Everyone improving their skills together would be for the best…

Actually, all of it was nonsense. The most important thing was for the students to fight it out! Victory at all costs!

As the competition approached, the students who came from other colleges could choose to listen in at any of the numerous classes at Ares College. As a result, the teaching staff was extremely attentive and wished to demonstrate their full abilities to prevent the other colleges from laughing at them.

This was not a one off occurrence. As they were the host, the guests were scrutinizing everything in great detail. The students that were brought over were all experts who were here to compete, and if news leaked out that the school was ridiculed, they would not have any face left if it were to spread.

However, this was simply what the press loved to do. The competition between the three military colleges would definitely be on the headlines.

In any case, during the last exchange, Ares College had embarrassed themselves greatly. One member of the teaching staff had been questioned by the students and was unable to give satisfactory answers. As a result, that member of staff had even resigned. Although it was not a large issue, under such special circumstances, the situation had blown up and affected the college and the individual's personal pride.

However, there were those who did not care at all. One of them would be Xiao Fei.

Although she did not pay the situation much heed, she had still very responsibly said that she was unparalleled in the Solar System Federation. There was no one who would dare challenge her.

Her class was also one of the most anticipated ones. In Ares College, she was probably the most outstanding staff member around.

Xiao Fei's class was extremely engaging. Aina and Wang Zheng were usually the focus of attention in the physics class and thus they opted to find a quiet corner to sit in.

In order to not be distracted, Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu remained in their previous center row seats.

Xiao Fei couldn't do any information about Wang Zheng. Although she did not like inattentive students, she knew that Wang Zheng only paid selective attention. Repeating something that a genius already knew was a form of torment and thus she closed one eye towards the situation.

There were several foreign students in the class. Xiao Fei knew that they were from other colleges and did not pay them much attention. She taught as per usual and did not change the way she did things.

From their uniforms, there were two students from Apollo College and three from Zeus College.

Originally, Wang Zheng didn't pay much attention to them, but suddenly he started staring blankly at one of the students for a brief moment. Of the students from Zeus College, two were males and one was a female, and he actually recognized the female student.

Yue Jing!

She had transferred schools to Zeus Military College. Although that was the case, she didn't seem like a Physics Department student, so what was she doing here?

The two guys beside her did not seem like they were from Earth. They were likely from the Moon.

"What beauty are you looking at? You're completely spellbound," Aina quietly whispered.

Wang Zheng revealed a bitter smile. "It's my and Xiaosu's worst enemy."

Wang Zheng was actually innocent; he was just responsible for sending a letter, but for some strange reason, Yue Jing seemed to hate him even more for that.

Aina did not have a very deep impression of Yue Jing. Only after being reminded by Wang Zheng did she finally remember. As a princess of the Aslan Empire, people like her were so common that they were like grains of sand. However, in Yue Jing's world, Aina was the true almighty princess.

To Yue Jing, although it was now in a different capacity, she was finally back. She had been forced away while Yan Xiaosu and that bastard Wang Zheng had entered Ares College. In fact, she heard that that b***h Ye Zisu was very close to them. Yue Jing was so displeased that she could not swallow such a fact down.

One has to rely on themselves to struggle against fate. Her family had managed to gain the backing of an even greater family and she wanted to retrieve all that she had lost.

Before she came, she had already thoroughly researched the situation behind Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu. Wang Zheng was in the Physics Department and was highly prized by the professor. That useless scum with a genetic score of 28 had actually entered the Physics Department. Wasn't this just a dream?

Yue Jing could not believe that Wang Zheng had managed to enter the Physics Department based on his merit. There was definitely something behind the scenes. It was highly likely it was due to Xie Yuxin's influence. Xie Yuxin was Gu Te's grandson and was Wang Zheng's brother for life.

As for that Xiao Fei, Yue Jing believed that she was not as honest and virtuous as people thought. Becoming a professor at such a young age definitely meant that she had taken some shortcuts.

How could a school which had spent four years at the bottom of the rankings hovering between life and death possibly experience a reversal of fortune?!

She truly hated Yan Xiaosu, Wang Zheng, Ye Zisu, Ares College… basically all of them!

Only when she could have all of them below her foot would she finally be able to scrub all her humiliation away!

The first step would be to destroy Ares College's reputation. The audacity of such a college to dare to compete with Zeus College!

Time passed and the lesson ended. The entire class was filled with raucous applause. The students demonstrated their enthusiasm and excitement to be taught by such an intelligent and beautiful teacher.

"Carlos, Gong Jin, it's your turn to shine. Don't let Lear down."

One could easily see that Carlos and Gong Jin were not new students. However, they treated Yue Jing with the utmost respect.

During the question and answer session, Carlos raised his hand. Xiao Fei nodded her head.

Carlos stood up and silently looked around the entire classroom. "I often hear that Professor Xiao Fei is an expert in space-time physics. I heard that for the last few years you have been researching methods to traverse space-time. My first question would be about this topic. With regards to the state of warp travel, without talking about the fundamentals, in these five years, has Professor Xiao Fei managed to find a solution?"

After speaking, he silently stared at Xiao Fei. Warp travel required one to identify the spatial coordinates of the location, and such a technique was the most common approach utilized in interstellar navigation. Humanity constantly strove to expand their boundaries. Thus, the further development of warp travel was one of the most important areas of research currently being conducted. If it was successful, it would be able to simplify the process and reduce the time needed to travel long distances.

However, the largest problem with warp travel was that the spatial coordinates were often unstable and could not be precisely located.

People who opposed the research were not small in number; they felt that development in this direction was a mistake and a waste of resources to develop something useless.

The student just wanted to challenge the teacher, so the specific details were useless. Carlos had clearly done his research with regards to the topic before choosing to challenge her.

"Professor Xiao Fei, Professor Marshall and Professor Andros are experts in the field of space-time. They and many experts have conducted many experiments and felt that pursuing such a thing is complete nonsense. Scientists should dream big and create something new, not fiddle with established foundations and come up with whimsical and unrealistic research to distract the rest of the world. This does not meet the rigorous nature of science!"

Said Gong Jin. He had quoted individuals that were no less impressive compared to Xiao Fei.

In fact, what he had said was true. These young geniuses were definitely subject to more criticism.

Such a controversy had already existed for quite some time. The road of academia was a long one and was full of struggles. However, Xiao Fei was unconcerned about her critics. Such individuals were useless; they could only solve problems that didn't exist and prodded their noses into everything. It was the only way they could validate their existences.

Thus, when dealing with these people, Xiao Fei was never courteous towards them. However, as a teacher, arguing with students was beneath her.

Looking at Wang Zheng, who was sitting in a corner, Xiao Fei couldn't help but smile darkly. That bastard had been living such a comfortable life. She didn't even know where he had found such a pretty girl.

"Wang Zheng, Carlos' and Gong Jin's thoughts are very interesting. As my assistant, what views do you have?"

Xiao Fei immediately passed the baton to Wang Zheng.

Carlos and Gong Jin couldn't help but give disdainful smiles. Xiao Fei didn't choose to confront them directly but offered someone else to be sacrificed in her place. What was this bastard worth? Could he actually solve this conundrum faced by the physics world?

Yue Jing stared at Wang Zheng, her pretty face frozen solid. For some reason, the one she hated the most was not Yan Xiaosu but Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng's carefree expressions and blank face had caused her to feel immense pain. She had always wondered how this bastard would even find a girlfriend, but in fact, sitting right next to him was a girl of unparalleled beauty!

Aina had realized that she was too easily recognized; thus, just dyeing her hair was insufficient. Her starred pupils were too special, so she wore spectacles. This way it would be extremely difficult to recognize her. Furthermore, who would expect an Aslan princess to be sitting in the lecture hall like a normal individual?

When Wang Zheng stood up, the rest of the students began to whisper incessantly. Apollo College's two students also stared at Wang Zheng. They had never heard of this guy, and since he wasn't even part of the student council, they didn't think he would be some exceptional talent.

In the Tri-College Exchange, with military matters taking precedence, non-military matters would be more casual. Although the experts would gather to interact, there would also be some hidden rivalries.

Wang Zheng was unconcerned with Yue Jing. To him, all those matters of the past were just that. Yan Xiaosu had also found someone for himself and everything was fine with him.

However, when someone stirred trouble on Ares College's turf, they had to be crushed completely.

He had already discussed the subject of this question with the Old Merchant multiple times. However, at this point, most of the theories were just conjectures from the Old Merchant. He would often lament about the fact that if he had more time, he would have already solved the problem. It was as though his research was much more complicated than this.

"Firstly, warp travel through space-time is definitely possible!"

Wang Zheng started off with a conclusive and tyrannical statement.

The Physics Department students were used to this person who would usually be extremely quiet but in times of crisis surprise everyone with his insight. However, the students from the other colleges did not know that.

What he said was truly overbearing.

Wang Zheng truly felt that way and thus spoke his mind.

"Student over there, you are indeed quite cocky. The entire Milky Way Coalition's problems seem like a piece of cake to you. As Professor Xiao Fei's assistant and as a representative of Ares College, I would like to hear what you want to say!"

Carlos felt that this was extremely funny. A freshman would dare to say such audacious words.

Wang Zheng gave a wry smile. "The problem lies with locating the coordinates. However, this problem can be easily solved. The universe is constantly in motion; although you can't see it, that does not mean it's not true. Our current way of locating spatial coordinates could be considered to be the most basic, at a third-dimensional level. However, upon entering warp travel, we have entered the realm of the seventh dimension. What we have to solve is the method of determining the spatial coordinates, which is to say, using the seventh dimension to solve it."

At this moment, the entire class started whispering to each other. No one had heard of such an idea, but it actually seemed plausible.

Carlos's face turned green. "Your train of thought is not new. However, it's just a conjecture. Determining the position in the seventh dimension is just unrealistic!"

Chapter 59: Awesome!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"Haha, if we were to hold things that 'could' be done as our standard, then science would no longer advance. As this is feasible, we have to advance in that direction. Thus, Professor Xiao Fei's topic of discussion is definitely correct."

Wang Zheng smiled. Xiao Fei also nodded her head, showing her satisfaction.

Carlos was speechless. Research was something that had no ending. If there was, why would there be a need to continue researching? This was the reason why scientists continued to pursue the truth, and he could not refute this reason.

Yue Jing's face turned green. This bastard was still so eloquent. After saying a bunch of things she did not understand, he started to scare her.

Gong Jin, who felt insulted, replied, "If you can't even handle him, then I'm greatly worried for our future!"

Carlos and Gong Jin glanced at each other momentarily. They were terribly uneasy, but there was no other way. Lear had previously promised that if they settled the situation satisfactorily, they would be able to enter the Solar System Federation's Science Research Institute.

Gong Jin cleared his throat and said, "Student Wang, you are going around in circles. I would like to know if the world renowned genius Professor Xiao Fei has made any progress at all in all these years. Could you please give us students some confidence?!"

Everyone's gaze fell on Xiao Fei. Gong Jin's question was indeed something on everyone's minds. After researching for so many years, there should have been some result of some sort.

However, conducting research was not the same as debating. A large amount of research was conducted methodologically, eliminating hypotheses one at a time. However, the research had not progressed to such a step. Xiao Fei had experimented with numerous methods but none of them bore fruit.

At the same time, she could not divulge secret information just to refute the question.

At this point, Wang Zheng laughed. "We have deduced the method already!"

"Really? Then that must be good news for the Milky Way Alliance. I hope you won't tell me that it's confidential information!" Gong Jin smiled as he replied.

Absolute rubbish. If someone had discovered the method for research, it would have caused an uproar.

Xiao Fei stared at Wang Zheng. The two of them had indeed not talked about this before. What was this bastard trying to be, a scapegoat?

"Wang Zheng, this matter-"

"Teacher, although it can be considered a secret, I feel that divulging a bit of it will not harm anyone. Of course, this is only about its feasibility!"

Wang Zheng paused. The entire room's gazes rested on Wang Zheng, including Aina's. This topic was at the forefront of science, did he really have an answer?

Wang Zheng was often full of surprises. Aina was already mentally prepared for it.

"Being able to locate the seventh dimension is the current issue plaguing us. However, I believe that we need to split this problem into two parts. We will treat the current third dimension as a compound plane. This will allow us to control two layers at once. If the transmission is done in a state where speed is curved, it will cause displacement. Positioned in such a manner, the relative movement in spacetime can shift the relative coordinates of the object. Simply put, space can be moved."

The visitors who were listening in were mostly from years three or four. The entire classroom was silent; everyone was in deep thought as there were some concepts in Wang Zheng's speech that required time to understand.

On the other hand, Xiao Fei's eyes, which were full of wisdom, glittered brilliantly.

Moving spacetime?!?!

This actually seemed possible!!!

The problem that had been pestering her for several years had been solved with that one explanation!

Carlos and Gong Jin looked at each other. Even though they didn't understand, they pretended they did. They had heard of other explanations before, but it was needless to say that just by coming up with such a theory would significantly shake up the Milky Way Alliance.

This could only mean that Professor Xiao Fei had kept a low profile and couldn't be bothered to argue with others.

Carlos and Gong Jin bowed deeply. "We thank you for your teachings."

The bell signifying the end of class rang. Aina had been paying close attention to Wang Zheng's and Xiao Fei's expressions. It was obvious that with Xiao Fei's stunned and pensive expressions, this was not Xiao Fei's conjecture.

"Follow me, Wang Zheng."

Just as he was about to leave with Aina, Wang Zheng, who was about to take advantage of Aina, had a frown on his face as he stopped.

"I'm going to borrow your boyfriend for a bit." As they weren't too different in age, Xiao Fei spoke quite casually.

"No problem, Professor. Just remember to return him!" Aina replied with a sweet smile.

This girl was extremely intelligent. As a fellow female, Xiao Fei felt stunned.

Looking at Wang Zheng's distant figure, Yue Jing was so angry that she could not control herself, so she stomped away. Wang Zheng had once again defied the odds by sowing chaos with his words.

"Carlos, Gong Jin, with just their meagre ability, they dared to be so arrogant. The Physics

Department producing the most illustrious students is just a lie. This Wang Zheng is a useless piece of crap; how could you believe his random words?!"

Carlos and Gong Jin only replied after a brief pause. They were still trying to understand Wang Zheng's words. "Yue Jing, you're wrong about this. This Wang Zheng is a rarely found genius. The theory he spoke of, even if it is incorrect, will still stir up the entire scientific community. We cannot compete with him."

Carlos and Gong Jin no longer bothered with Yue Jing. The two of them went on their own way. Their eyes which had previously been clouded had now been cleared as though a window had appeared in front of them. Even if they were cynical individuals, they felt that this was a possibility. It was like the time when Newton's theory of gravity was superseded by the theory of relativity. This was sufficient to spur everyone on.

Truth is relative in science.

Wang Zheng had been dragged into Xiao Fei's office and then the door slammed shut. Student Wang was then pressed against the table by Xiao Fei.

This position…

However, Xiao Fei did not care at all about what others would think. She observed Wang Zheng intently, as though she was trying to fully comprehend what Wang Zheng was.

"Haha, Professor, if you have anything to say, we can just speak freely." Although he had done some intimate things with Aina, he had never been placed in such a position. Xiao Fei's body was almost pressing onto Wang Zheng's body directly. As Xiao Fei was a mature individual, her bodily proportions were fully developed, so Wang Zheng, a highly energetic young man, could not take it.

However, Xiao Fei did not care. "Brat, where did you learn all of that?!"

Although Wang Zheng was a genius, Xiao Fei did not believe that he could come up with what he had presented before.

This was what the Old Merchant had said. However, just as Wang Zheng wanted to say that, he remembered what the Old Merchant once said: the words spoken between them could not be mentioned to others.

Wang Zheng shrugged his shoulders helplessly. "Teacher, I was just speaking rubbish. That was just wisdom. Actually, I don't really understand what I was saying. As I said before, I am willing to believe in wild theories, but that was all just made up on the fly. Are you saying it was reasonable?"

Wang Zheng opened his eyes widely as he spoke. It was said that doing so would make a liar seem more honest.

Xiao Fei could not find any loopholes in his statement. At times, science required brilliant streaks of luck. It could only be said that this brat had great luck.

Suddenly, he felt like his lower body was being stared at by someone, then Wang Zheng felt his stomach lurch. Looking down, he could not hold back his reaction.

Xiao Fei then gingerly let go of Wang Zheng before giving him a nonchalant look. "Seems like you're truly worthy. It's a pity you already have a girlfriend; otherwise, I might have just kept you."

Student Wang felt defeated. How could this be a teacher? This was an evil demon. "Haha, Professor, if there's nothing else, I'm going to leave first."

"Looking at you, you're definitely a virgin. Your way of thinking is excellent and I will tell Professor Marcus about you."

Wang Zheng immediately escaped. F**k. Demon Xiao was just standing there spouting merciless words. If she wasn't his teacher, Wang Zheng would get back at her eventually.

Xiao Fei did not bother any further with this little episode. After Wang Zheng left, she was in an extremely enthusiastic mood, so she continued to make new inferences about the theory. It could be seen that although she was very boastful, her EQ and IQ were clearly unequaled.

The moment he left, he gave Aina a call. She was waiting for him in the library.

Just looking at Aina revitalized Wang Zheng. She gave a wry smile and asked, "Why are you here already?"

"I only know so much, and the rest was just something I came up with. If you did serious research, you would realize that too," Wang Zheng said helplessly as he waved his hands.

Aina did not say anything but looked at Wang Zheng. "Do you know that what you said just now was sufficient for you to go down in history as a genius?"

Wang Zheng was completely aware that the Old Merchant was an amazing geezer. However, what he talked about before was a conjecture of the Old Merchant and not his.

"I'm not that amazing."

Aina grabbed Wang Zheng's hand. "Ah, I'm slightly worried now."

"What are you worried about?" Wang Zheng asked curiously.

"Since you're so amazing, there will definitely be more and more love rivals," Aina said as she slyly ran off.

Wang Zheng couldn't help but sweat. "Okay then, my princess, since you dare to ridicule me, I need to collect some interest!"

On the grassy field, Wang Zheng and Aina chased each other energetically. In the end, the beautiful princess was caught by the big bad wolf and knocked onto the ground.

During the Tri-College Exchange, the famous professors would definitely have to show up. However, Xiao Fei did not care and gave it a miss.

Gu Te also had no say in the matter. He gave Xiao Fei a Skylink call but was rejected. On the third call, he was rejected rudely. Ah, even as a principal he felt wronged.

However, he knew that Xiao Fei had suddenly attained a breakthrough in her research. Her entire team and Marcus' team had been hastily doing research.

"Gu Te, this time we are also here because we wanted to meet Professor Xiao Fei. You've truly been underestimated by her. How could you treat us so coldly?"

In the principal's office, three old men were currently chatting and drinking tea.

The one who spoke was Apollo Military College's principal, Jamal. He had a head of golden hair and looked like he was in glowing spirits. For the last couple of years, Apollo Military College was the best one amongst the three.

"Jamal, you can forget about it; it's impossible to get get Xiao Fei to join you unless you're willing to step all over this old bag of bones."

Among the three, the one that looked the youngest was the principal from Zeus College, Adonis.

"Haha, if Xiao Fei joins us, our Apollo college will definitely be among the 50 best colleges in the Milky Way Alliance."

This was Jamal's dream.

"Haha, Jamal, you have yet to win, so don't get too excited," Adonis said. "However, this train of thought is beneficial for us. We need to find ways to improve our three colleges' ability."

Gu Te's defence was different. Jamal and Adonis sought to expand their abilities and were unwilling to descend into obscurity.

Gu Te gave a wry smile. "I know what you mean. However, wanting to enter the top 50 schools in the Milky Way Alliance is meaningless. We have to protect Earth's pride at least."

Adonis had suggested that the three colleges merge. Jamal on the other hand felt that a new college completely independent of their three colleges should be formed. They would focus their resources on this new college to create the best college on Earth.

Gu Te was in opposition of both of their ideas. A college was meant for the students, not for the sake of status. Although one needed glory for cohesion, strength, and belief, if it was only for glory's sake, then it would be meaningless.

With the three military colleges' strength, if they were to focus on only the exceptional students, this could be done. However, how would this affect the status quo on Earth?

This was no different from drinking poison to quench one's thirst.[1]

The three old men continued to discuss numerous methods and argued for some time. It was clear that Jamal and Adonis wanted to attain the position of champion amongst them. Gu Te, on the other hand, was quite ambivalent.

[1] Idiomatic Expression meaning a short term solution.

Chapter 60: His Name Shakes the Milky Way!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The biggest gambling chip was Xiao Fei. However, it was unlikely that she would be worth much in the grand scheme of things.

Jamal and Adonis were very interested in poaching Xiao Fei; they were willing to offer the highest compensation in order to get her to join them. It was just a pity that Xiao Fei was completely uninterested, leaving the two of them to feel extremely helpless.

"Gu Te, your style of thinking is too old fashioned. The situation now is extremely fierce and things are changing. To be bound by existing conventions will not suffice. Are you hoping that geniuses will simply magically appear? A case like Xiao Fei is as good as it gets. What else can you do?"

Jamal gulped down a mouthful of tea before admonishing, "Actually, aren't you also changing the system? You poached students from the Moon and from Mars. However, you were too late and too slow."

Gu Te gave them a wry smile as he played with the teacup in his hands. This high grade tea was extremely flavorful and was one of the best teas that could only be drunk on Earth.

"This is my strategy, and I will still continue to use it in future. Although these students might not stay for long, their existence will continue to inspire other students. I believe that as the birthplace of Mankind, Earth will not continue to decline.

Jamal and Adonis felt extremely helpless. Gu Te was as stubborn as a rock in a rubbish dump; he was smelly and hard to convince! All of the major military academies were actively trying to woo elites and new students, doing their best to attract them. However, this Gu Te was extremely long-winded and too unrealistic.

This was a typical strategy of the colleges on Earth.

However, the truth was that Earth was no longer the core of Mankind.

Such fanaticism and self-belief belonged to the minority who sought to maintain Earth's culture regardless of the circumstances.

Even if the discussion fell through, the other two headmasters were determined to try and convince Gu Te to pool their efforts together. Perhaps there would have been a chance of success.

"Regardless of how busy Xiao Fei is, I'll make sure she attends the opening ceremony tomorrow."

Gu Te said. He did not know what was keeping Xiao Fei busy. She called it a secret and no one had even seen her shadow in the last three days.

At this point, the Skylinks of the three principals rang. As they were all old acquaintances, they didn't really care, so all of them opened their Skylinks.

The three of them were extremely important members of the military government as well as representatives of the Solar System Federation. A Blue-Class secret message only meant one thing: there was good news!

Jamal and Adonis looked at each other. Speak of the devil, it really happened.

The two of them had complicated expressions on their faces. To be honest, Ares College had been declining, but a genius like Xiao Fei had appeared and even joined them. Although she couldn't save the college by herself, she was still a life-saving pill.

But it was exactly as Gu Te had just said. Sometimes all it took was one person to create a miracle.

Xiao Fei's newest theoretical paper had shaken the entire scientific world.

"Curved State Space -Time Movement Positioning."

The paper suggested numerous arguments, and although all of it was purely theoretical, it was the first paper to have shaken the entire scientific community in years.

Xiao Fei and her team had not slept at all during the last few days, but all of them were extremely happy. A lot of the work had been completed a long time ago, but it lacked a certain direction to it. However, after hearing Wang Zheng's words, an idea sparked in Xiao Fei's mind and she managed to link all of her previous research together.

Scientists were sometimes crazy and sometimes paranoid. However, these individuals would never stop theorizing, even if it meant disregarding all rest and sleep. Yet all of them were bursting with vigor even after all that! These people were insane!

In the scientific world, these scientists were the true gods!

Such prestige was no less than what a soldier would receive.

This was what it meant to be a hot-blooded scientist.

The moment the paper was published, without a doubt it had stirred the entire scientific community into a frenzy. If it was proven to be true, it would once again drive Mankind's advancement and a great leap forward would be accomplished.

This was the result of innovation.

Mankind's scientific advancements were in the form of large jumps. From Einstein till now, a single individual could change history. However, after the moment such an individual appeared, science would then struggle along as it slowly developed.

After so many years, everyone felt that another genius would soon appear. In fact, most of them felt that it would be Alan Tucker. However, the facts proved otherwise; the true genius was Xiao Fei.

This young female scientist's name had shaken the Milky Way Alliance.

This also allowed Ares Military College's name to rise from obscurity.

Jamal and Adonis could only bitterly smile as they congratulated Gu Te. This guy's luck was just too good. They had sacrificed so much and made so many preparations, but in the end, none of it could match up to his luck.

Gu Te could not help but give them a large smile. "I'm sorry, my friends, I need to go congratulate the scientists. Please make yourselves at home."

Jamal and Adonis gave each other a look. "Haha, Old Gu, this piece of news is the pride of the Earth. We should all go to congratulate Xiao Fei."

"Indeed. The last time Xiao Fei came over, she was still a student. After so many years, I knew she would definitely create a miracle."

Jamal and Adonis acted particularly thick-skinned. At a time like this, this was necessary.

Gu Te knew that the other two old bastards were up to no good, but he still did not hold them in too much contempt.

Gu Te had always been waiting for Xiao Fei to succeed. To be frank, if it was another principal, they would definitely have gotten fed up with this problematic and capricious subordinate. So what if she was talented? This year alone had plenty of other talented individuals that also required nurturing. Furthermore, she had not produced any results over so many years. Gu Te, on the other hand, was different; he had always continued to support Xiao Fei.

His principles were simple: don't suspect the ones under you and don't have suspicious individuals under you. Giving the other party space to develop and grow was important compared to criticizing and ordering them around.

The entire research laboratory was celebrating. The highest scientific authority in the Solar System Federation had already acknowledged the paper and rumors saying that everyone was absolutely dumbfounded by the theory were spread.

"Dr. Marcus! Thank you for all your hard work for all these years!" Xiao Fei said sincerely.

Marcus gave her a small smile. "The one that should be giving thanks should be me!"

The two of them were old partners. Marcus had never let Xiao Fei's age affect his opinion of her. On the other hand, he agreed with her reasoning. A scientist required an outstanding mathematician's help in order to increase their rate of success.

Their joint success had once again confirmed this fact. Of course, although a large amount of credit was due to the scientist, the contribution of the mathematician was also indispensable. Those who chose this line of work already knew this fact, as the important thing was finding meaning in life.

"I think we have to thank that brat. He is our lucky star!"

Marcus sighed. When he found out that that line of thought had originated from Wang Zheng, he was shocked. His ability to do math truly left people speechless.

"Hehe, that brat will become famous soon enough."

There were three names at the bottom of the theoretical paper: Xiao Fei's, Marcus', and Wang Zheng's.

From a student's point of view, it was truly a miracle. Only those who had contributed greatly to the paper would appear on it; even the other researchers were not recognized.

Without Wang Zheng's incisive comments, no one would know how many more years it would have taken before results could be shown.

Even if much of the work had nothing to do with that brat, in certain cases, inspiration was the most important thing. It was what differentiated one from others.

The three principals quickly came over. Adonis and Jamal's enthusiasm had even seemed slightly overwhelming.

"Dr. Marcus, I finally understand why you chose to come here so many years ago. Although I feel regret, I also feel extremely happy for you."

Jamal said.

"Jamal, you're too polite. We are just assisting her work."

"That's very humble of you. May I know who Dr. Wang Zheng might be?" Jamal suddenly asked.

At this point, Adonis's eyes lit up as well. "Yes! Could you please introduce us to him? I have never heard of this genius until today. It is extremely ignorant of me."

Xiao Fei and Marcus glanced at each other momentarily before roaring in laughter.

Jamal and Adonis then stared at each other. Was this question really so funny?

A researcher at the side couldn't help but to explain to them, "Principals, Wang Zheng is a student. He's not a doctor. In fact, he is a freshman of the Physics Department."

Gu Te was stunned momentarily. He couldn't believe his ears. When he first saw the name, he just thought that it was someone else with the same name.

Jamal and Adonis glanced at each other. One could clearly see the thirst in their eyes.

A genius freshman?

Fuck. If they didn't try to poach him, the heavens wouldn't forgive them!

The two of them smiled dully. "Ah. The two of you have taught the younger generation well! However, don't you think that the prestige afforded to him does not match up to his contribution?"

Jamal looked at the rest of them trying to spot any dissatisfaction, but to his surprise, there was none.

Xiao Fei shook her head. "Honestly, his name should be at the front. Without his revolutionary thinking, we would not have today's paper."

Gu Te suddenly coughed dryly. "Xiao Fei, you look extremely tired. I don't think we should disturb you any further."

After saying so, he winked at her furiously. This Xiao Fei was good at many things; however, she was not good at reading in between the lines. Jamal, that old fox, was clearly just trying to get more information from her.

Jamal and Adonis already knew from the start that even if they could not poach Xiao Fei, they could still poach others. Thus, they were already smiling in their hearts.

Students were much easier to tempt. Furthermore, whether it was Zeus College or Apollo College, both of them were considered to be better than Ares.

The two principals were also of similar thoughts. The moment they got back, both immediately called all of their Physics Department students to try and figure out if they knew who this student by the name of Wang Zheng was.

After Carlos and Gong Jin recounted everything that happened, Adonis began to pace back and forth. This student was one that was recognized by Xiao Fei, so he needed to figure out what privileges and special methods he could use to tempt him.

This was a genius among geniuses!

He had to be poached. If they wanted to enter the top 50 in school rankings in the Milky Way Galaxy, one not only needed a strong military teachings department, but they also needed to contribute to the sciences. This brat had quite a good future ahead of him.

It goes without saying that just by being recognized on the research paper was sufficient to make him famous in the scientific community.

If he wanted to snatch such an extraordinary student away, he would first have to demonstrate his school's ability.

Without question, there was an excellent opportunity right in front of him.

"Oh yes, I heard that Student Yue Jing was his friend from middle school."

Gong Jin suddenly said.

Adonis then smiled immensely. "Why didn't you say this earlier! Bring Yue Jing over!"

When Yue Jing entered the principal's office and heard what he had to say, she almost bit her lip apart. This was not a joke!

This piece of trash that existed at the bottom of Dawn Middle School suddenly became a physics genius?

Yue Jing would not believe it even with the threat of death. However, the facts were in front of her; additionally, the principal could not have been lying.

He even wanted her to come up with a plan to seduce Wang Zheng and get him to enter Zeus College instead. Any conditions could even be discussed.

Yue Jing felt like as though she was selling her body to seduce Wang Zheng.

Chapter 61: Honeymoon

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Yue Jing was clearly very angry. Doing such a derogatory thing made her feel absolutely disgusted.

Not every principal was so willing to engage with their students. Adonis was an extremely engaged principal and he hoped that all the students would contribute to the school as the school's glory was also the student's glory.

Regardless of whether she was willing or not, Yue Jing still had to put on a show.

At this point in time, Student Wang was completely oblivious to everything that was happening. Xiao Fei was Wang Zheng's benefactor, so he would help her whenever possible. Furthermore, he didn't want to lose any face in front of Aina.

Student Wang did not like to be serious. However, in front of Aina, he would often defend her vigorously regardless of the situation, from the past till now.

Perhaps he had fallen in love with her the moment he met her. Wang Zheng never saw Aina as a princess.

Aina could truly feel that Wang Zheng treated her genuinely without any concern for her position. Only Aina could see how wonderful Wang Zheng was.

Whether he was famous or not was of no concern to Aina. This was the wonderful thing about the two of them.

When the two were together, they would never run out of things to say. From topics about things all over the galaxy, to the arts and sciences, even about love itself. Wang Zheng felt that his ability to communicate with her was getting better and better.

As a result, the relationship between the two became closer and closer. Aina was a huge source of distraction to Wang Zheng. Every time they separated, Wang Zheng had to practice his Primordial Regression Technique before he could have peace of mind. More recently… he had even started to have erotic dreams of her.

However, what was truly pitiful was that whenever he was almost successful in his dreams, a scary Bonehead would appear and, with electric bolts flashing out of his hands, instantly shock poor Wang Zheng awake.

There were no secrets that could be hidden in the school. This little matter soon spread around the entire college and caused quite an uproar.

Dr. Xiao Fei had managed to come up with a breakthrough in the field of space-time physics and it brought glory to both Ares College and Earth.

The people of Dormitory 007 were also celebrating. Unsurprisingly, Yao Ailun managed to obtain firsthand information.

"Wang Zheng, you're too dazzling. In the future, we need to watch you carefully. You actually managed to get yourself recognized in the theoretical paper by Xiao Fei! GOD!"

Yao Ailun said exaggeratedly. It could be seen that he was extremely envious.

"Brother Zheng, being able to produce such results when you're still in college is truly amazing. The number of people able to do so in the entire Milky Way Alliance can be counted on the fingers of one hand!"

Zhang Shan also felt extremely happy for Wang Zheng. "Looks like our dormitory has produced someone famous. Wang Zheng, I think you should just focus on scientific research. I, on the other hand, am going to transfer departments."

The three of them stared at him blankly. "Brother Shan, are you serious? Where are you going?"

Zhang Shan gave them a big smile. "I realized that the Mecha Department suits me best right now."

Zhang Shan's family was highly engaged in research. Thus, ever since he was young, he had always been involved in research, but deep in his bones, he knew that this was not his true calling. However, before this, he had never even thought of trying something else.

Different people are born with different innate talents. Most importantly, so long as one lives, one can do whatever they want to.

Wang Zheng shook his head. "Teacher Xiao Fei has honored me greatly. The idea was something I just came up with at the spur of the moment. The entire research paper was based on their work and I feel ashamed that I was recognized."

"Wang Zheng, you brat. Everything about you is great except for the fact that you're too humble. Without your revolutionary ideas, even if they were to research more, it would not be of any use!"

Zhang Shan said, as he waved his hands, "You really should give becoming a physicist some thought."

"It is not in my personality to be so calm, and I don't think I can do research. I will continue to experiment and hopefully one day be able to transfer to the Mecha Department," Wang Zheng replied.

Everything he knew about physics was due to the Old Merchant's upbringing. Perhaps his comprehension ability wasn't bad, but he had never created anything new. Neither was he interested in developing in this direction. Wang Zheng had always been very clear with regards to what he wanted to do.

He chased after excitement.

"Ah… I finally understand what it means to be demoralized after being with the lot of you," Chen Xiu replied helplessly. He used to be one of the esteemed geniuses in middle school, but after arriving here, he finally realized that geniuses were everywhere.

"Ailun, Chen Xiu, the two of you are the steady ones. I'm sure the two of you will be able to shake the world in future," Wang Zheng said.

Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu glanced at each other before agreeing with the statement made in an exaggerated fashion.

This exaggeration was something often seen in the dormitory. However, in this particular dormitory, everyone was impressive.

Zhang Shan's muscles had become even more defined after the special training. He had become noticeably tanner and calmer.

Zhang Shan's physique was rarely seen. His muscles were packed with explosive power but weren't stiff. He was truly born to be a Mech Warrior.

Comparatively speaking, Wang Zheng's physique was not much worse. If he had not been removed from the special training, Wang Zheng had a pretty good chance of becoming a Mech Warrior. However, now it was just too difficult. Plus, with his performance in the Physics Department, even if he wanted to change departments, everyone would likely protest.

Student Wang had inadvertently created a huge problem for himself.

"Chen Xiu and I will not be demoralized by the two of you. With the undefeated Skeleton God, everything is possible!"

Yao Ailun shouted. Recently, the two of them had been full of energy. These two were very attentive during class and their free time. Their schedules were packed perfectly, and all their free time and entertainment was spent on CT. Every time Skeleton won a game, they were so happy it was as though nothing else mattered.

"The two of you shouldn't spend so much time playing games. It's just a player; why are you two so riled up over him?" Zhang Shan asked. He was completely uninterested in such distractions.

"Zhang Shan, you seem to be quite interested in mecha fights. Why don't you take a look at some videos of Skeleton? I'm telling you, if you research his actions properly, it will definitely help your battle skills."

"Haha, real battle is very different from CT. Such childish games don't fit me. I heard that a lot of people like to play it and it resulted in a decline in their actual skill levels."

Zhang Shan was clearly very stubborn. He was just like the Wang Zheng of before.

However, he was one that was blessed. He had managed to pilot an actual mech, unlike poor Student Wang, who had only ever fixed one.

"Do you have any confidence in this year's competition? I heard that the competitors are all very strong. Do you think you can show us the school's true potential?"

Yao Ailun shrugged his shoulders as he said it. No one could give a full answer to this question.

Zhang Shan smiled wryly. "Don't worry. We won't be any worse than that little Skeleton of yours. We are going to be using real knives and guns. We will definitely defeat the enemies."

"Hehe, if you are missing anyone, remember that I still exist! I still want to be in the reserve team!"

Wang Zheng said.

"Relax. We are all brothers here. I will definitely remember. However, did you truly give up on Meng Tian? That bitch has been training as though her life depended on it these few days. She's a great girl, you know?"

Zhang Shan suddenly changed the topic.

Wang Zheng gave him a bitter smile. "We are just friends. We aren't that close."

"Ah. If I had not met Wang Shishi in person, I would have tried my best to convince you to go after Meng Tian. Such an illustrious girl but yet completely unable to sway you."

Zhang Shan praised without holding anything back.

"Brother Shan, if you like her, you should chase after her," Chen Xiu replied.

"Haha, I have to wait for the right opportunity. I aim to perform well in this competition to impress her. With the exception of Masasi, that unfathomable bastard, the rest are inconsequential."

Although Ma Xiao was famous in Ares College, being the president of the MMA club and the CT club, in Zhang Shan's words, if there was no tiger on the hill, then the monkey would be king[1].

As Ma Xiao was about to graduate, he didn't care about being extraordinary anymore and had become quite lax.

After chatting for a bit, Zhang Shan was asked to go. He had to go for the final drill practices. It was unfortunate that he could not see the envy in Wang Zheng's eyes.

Student Wang felt as though he could not sit still any longer. He truly wanted to go for a spin on the mecha.

"Brother Zheng, where should we go tonight?" Chen Xiu asked curiously.

Yao Ailun looked at Chen Xiu quizzically. "Idiot. He's in his honeymoon phase. How could he accompany us vagrants?"

"Dating sure is fun."

"Wait till you go through puberty."

Before long, Wang Zheng was taking public transportation in town. As he looked at the vibrant evening night life of the city, he had a strange feeling. Living was great. It allowed one to experience numerous interesting things.

In the Rubik's Cube, other than letting him learn numerous skills, he had learned one more thing:


The boss was still extremely welcoming. He knew that Wang Zheng had already graduated and the distance between Ares College and the café was still quite significant, but he had grown fond of him and often awaited him.

Wang Zheng alone would not cause his business to change significantly. However, meeting such special customers would make him very happy. In addition, he felt that Wang Zheng was a lucky star. Whenever he was around, business would be exceptional.

Wang Zheng logged on and started to stretch his fingers. It was as Zhang Shan said; although CT was fun, it did not have the same sensation on the body as piloting an actual mech, and there wasn't any pressure. However, he had no choice, and if the game was stressful, others wouldn't play it.

An ID watched by numerous players lit up.

An alarm rang out. On the system, it could be seen that numerous Skylinks buzzed into action. CT was the most popular game with the highest number of players in the whole world.

For game developers, player activity in a game was extremely important. Most recently, the number of players in the Asia Region had increased.

Solon had already become the group's team leader and was in charge all day. Regardless of when Skeleton would appear, someone would contact him immediately.

Currently, Wang Zheng had a nine win streak. Such a streak was extremely terrifying. His opponents would become stronger and stronger in terms of both skill and mecha.

In the female dormitory, a sacred land for males.

An Mei was dragging Du Qingqing and Ye Zisu to the competition.

"You and Zisu should just go without me. I have no interest in this," Du Qingqing said.

"Qingqing, this is a team activity. You have to be there. You might even be inspired by it."

"Really? I feel that Wang Zheng's body is even more inspirational," Du Qingqing ridiculed.

"It's a pity. This little stalk has an owner. Oh wait, he's no longer a little stalk, he's a famous stalk."

An Mei said. "Zisu! Just because there's a goalkeeper, it doesn't mean you can't score. We'll support you!"

Ye Zisu seemed quite indifferent to the situation. One couldn't tell if she was feigning it or not. "I have faith that time will tell."

"Zisu, I'm sure you have a trump card hiding somewhere. Why don't you tell us truthfully?" Du Qingqing said as she hugged Zisu. Many guys did not know what was happening in the girls' dormitory. They dressed more casually than guys, so the chances of one spotting a girl walking around in her underwear was higher than seeing a guy do the same in the guys' dormitory.

It was truly stunning.

[1] This means that if there was no one stronger than him, then he would have the opportunity to be the best.

Chapter 62: King in the Dark!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

But of course, the three girls were not dressed like such. However, their loose-fitting pajamas could easily be seen through.

"Qingqing, I think it would be best for you to be more concerned about yourself. Don't waste your youth!"

"Ah, the two of you. I can't believe you actually changed the subject to be about me instead. I am saving my virginity for the special one."

Ye Zisu and An Mei simultaneously sneered at Du Qingqing.

"Fine, fine! Let me see what's so different about that person."

Young Deer and Bubbly Foam had already arrived. The two commentators had had a large increase in popularity. It was something they did not expect, especially Young Deer. Even though he had more "detractors," it still didn't change the fact that he had become more popular.

"Hello, everyone. Welcome to our broadcast. Skeleton is finally back online!"

Bubbly Foam was only wearing a small amount of makeup. There were rumors stating that Bubbly Foam was still a student in school and that she picked up commentating because she truly loved CT.

"I'm sure everyone was very satisfied with the last 5 on 5 battle. Skeleton's experience has shown time and time again and it has attracted the attention of numerous elites and professional players. However, they are currently still quite reserved and are not saying much, but I believe that once Skeleton continues his winning streak, he will eventually be matched up against these players. I can't wait for that day!"

A look of worship could be seen in Bubbly Foam' face. Girls loved heroes and miracles.

Uncle Young Deer smiled. "Bubbly Foam, you're still young, so you are still inexperienced in the ways of the world. Sometimes it's not good to be too idealistic. For all you know, the one operating Skeleton could be an old, ugly man."

Before the battle started, the discussion forum had already engaged in a brawl about Young Deer's damned mouth!

You're an old man. All of you are old men!

Drag Young Deer out to be executed! How could he try and seduce our Bubbly Foam?!

Long live Skeleton! Death to Young Deer!

It could be seen that Young Deer was very calm even after looking at the comments. This was something he enjoyed seeing. He truly believed that no one was undefeatable!

Regardless of the person or situation, there would always be a weakness. Furthermore, the stronger the person, the greater the weakness!

Losing was just a matter of time.

Wang Zheng knew that many things had to be prepared, and thus he silently waited for the appearance of his rival. As he browsed through a catalog of different mecha, he felt that Chen Xiu's pamphlet was just incomparable. The information here was just too detailed and robust. It would be wonderful if he could challenge the experts one day.

Perhaps it was due to Bonehead's influence, but he keenly anticipated getting stronger as the days went by. Being able to train oneself to be able to adapt to any environment and handle any combat machine was his aim as a super soldier!

Currently, mankind's training focused on specializing each soldier.

Although there were some elite mecha pilots who could pilot every mech, they could only show their highest potential in their specialized mech.

Different mecha operated differently. Most importantly, they had a different feel to them.

For example, the scout type required one to be keen and insightful.

The tank type required one to be have a spirit of sacrifice and to be brave.

The sniper types required one to be tenacious and to be able to disregard everything, such as friends, teammates, and self, all for the sake of victory.

Different people had different personalities. Once they encountered the type of mech they preferred, they would be able to perform at a completely different level. Conversely, they would only be a burden on the team.

Thus, it was as veterans often said: each type of mech has a personality to it.

Wang Zheng's situation was unique, so it was difficult to find an opponent. His rank and number of games were low. On the other hand, his win rate was extremely high. 100% win rates had to be lowered eventually.

The opponent appeared.

Shadowhunter Lord, Diamond Ranked. Assassin Type Mech Pilot.

Mech: Dark Hunter. Majia Republic's high end mech.

Shadowhunter Lord was a famous player from the Europe Region. He had a win rate of over 60% with assassin type mechs. Specifically, his win rate with the Dark Hunter was above 70%!

The Majia Republic had specially developed mecha for unique environments. The Dark Hunter was one of the more prominent ones and could even be mass produced. It was developed for fighting in rugged and dark environments.

Thus, he was nicknamed the King of the Night.

During Mankind's interplanetary expeditions, there were numerous places that were completely dark. One of the earliest places to possess such an environment was the dark side of the moon. Normal mecha were unable to perform very effectively in such an area.

Battleground: Lakato Cave Planet

In the CT community circles, there were some unspoken rules. One of them was never to challenge a Dark Hunter in Lakato.

This planet was found in the Andromeda Galaxy. The temperature on the planet would be at 300 degrees celsius all day. It was completely impossible for humans to live on it. However, as it possessed a large amount of mineral resources, mankind would not let that pass. As they were colonizing the planet, war frequently erupted. In the planet, there was a sprawling underground cave complex as well as the Lakato civilization.

Mankind eventually managed to conquer Lakato, and at the same time, the Milky Way Alliance had gained a new member.

During the period of interplanetary expeditions, the term "alien" had already disappeared, as it seemed slightly childish. This was no more than another civilization.

As of now, Lakato was a famous tourist attraction. On the other hand, that battlefield was also the nightmare of numerous soldiers.

Everyone cautiously awaited Skeleton's choice of mech. The Lakato Cave Battlefield possessed one of the more extreme terrains. Fighting in such a battlefield required one to pick a mech that could fight in the darkness. Secondly, it required an extremely mobile mech, especially when it came to maneuverability. One wrong move would cause one to be smashed against a wall, instantly killing themselves. Beast type mecha were the preferred choice here.

Wargod No. 1…

Wang Zheng had never hesitated in the choosing of his mech, and this time was no exception. He immediately locked his choice in.

After confirming Skeleton's mech, Young Deer smiled wryly. "Hello, everyone. Our player Skeleton and player Shadowhunter Lord will engage in a fight very soon. Please tune in to stream number 8753553. Will the Wargod No. 1 be able to achieve victory in Lakato? Let us see it for ourselves."

After she finished, Uncle Young Deer started to ridicule her. "Bubbly Foam, as a supporter of Skeleton, do you feel like he has any chance of victory?"

Every die hard fan of CT understood what kind of battlefield Lakato was. A cave complex battleground was no different from a maze. The ground was uneven and there were numerous stalactites that were jutting out in every direction. Humanoid mecha were limited in effectiveness here, especially with their limited field of vision.

Every mech possessed night vision capabilities. However, Wargod No. 1 was the simplest of mecha and only possessed the most basic of night vision attachments and was severely limited in this regard. On the flip side, the Dark Hunter possessed the best night vision capabilities as well as tyrannical maneuverability, hence it was known as the King of the Night.

Bubbly Foam smiled. "Nothing is set in stone. Even the last battle seemed impossible."

"Really? Why don't we have a bet. If Skeleton loses, can I have the honor of taking you out to dinner as a celebration?"

Young Deer smiled. His moustache was carefully maintained and was extremely uniform. When he smiled, it opened up like a pair of wings and looked extremely funny.

The discussion forum erupted once again.

"Old Deer! Your mom is asking you to go home for dinner!"

"Celebrate your head! It's just a diamond ranked player. Why don't you bet your life instead?!"

"Skeleton God! He's heaven-defying and unequalled!"

With regards to such comments, Young Deer couldn't help but laugh at them. Didn't these ignorant fans know that their dream would end one day?

At this point in time, Bubbly Foam suddenly paused before saying, "Everyone in the audience, I'm sorry, but I have just received an emergency message. The account Shadowhunter Lord is being used by another individual. The person is Shadowhunter Lord's master. He is a diamond ranked player of the Europe Region. He was the number one player with the Dark Hunter for 5 consecutive months. He's Qiangsen Duoma. ID: Dark Lord."

What kind of situation was this?

Although substitutions would occasionally happen, the fact that it happened on broadcast made the situation just seem ridiculous!

It was obvious that Shadowhunter Lord did not expect to be matchmade with another player. Furthermore, at that moment, his master was sitting right next to him, excited by his own memories of the past.

This was the first battle after Wild King that he encountered another diamond ranked player.

This Qiangsen was the king of unorthodox combat, specializing specifically in dark environments.

In the Europe Region, if anyone encountered him in such a battleground, even if they were a diamond player, they would usually surrender immediately to prevent themselves from being abused.

This person possessed a dark and sadistic heart.

"We should interview Skeleton to get his opinion," Bubbly Foam said.

To Wang Zheng, Passerby A and Passerby B were no different from each other.

After a brief moment, the broadcast continued. CT's support team had become even busier after this small interruption.

The number of viewers swiftly rose. Battles between experts would always create a show, and this battle was completely different from previous battles. Specific environments would suppress different mecha in different ways. Without even comparing with the Wargod No. 1, even if it was a better pilot, some mecha would still perform terribly in this cave complex.

Wargod No. 1 VS Dark Hunter. 5 Minutes to showdown.

The official website spared no cost to advertise this match. At the same time, on Mars' and the Moon's official CT websites, a similar advertisement also showed. Although it was not headlining, it was rare for a match on Earth to be shown in the other two regions. This only happened when the match was exceptionally exciting.

It had also attracted the attention of a portion of fans on the Moon and on Mars. Being able to see the standard of Earth's players was something extremely interesting.

What was most interesting was that the match that was being broadcasted was a low level one. This only served to pique everyone's interest further.

There were numerous reasons to watch the broadcast. Not only was Skeleton on a nine win streak, he was also the main actor in Lin Huiyin's MV.

This was what truly attracted everyone's attention.

However, the moment the viewers saw the mecha that was being used, those with a bit of knowledge started to make noise.

Was this some kind of f**king show?

A performance competition?

Some people felt depressed while others regretted it. However, the money had already been spent, and if they didn't watch the broadcast, their money would have been wasted. Perhaps they would be able to enjoy the music before the match started. Plus, that broadcaster, Bubbly Foam, was very pretty…

However, those who were more attentive noticed the number of viewers.

… 524587 viewers…

This was the number of viewers?

Was there something wrong?

Did these viewers on Earth have some sort of problem? Why were there so many people watching such a match?

The number of viewers at the start of this match matched the peak number of viewers during the last match. Although there wasn't any announcement made, the enthusiasm of the fans could not be controlled.

It has to be known that many high level competitions are announced at least a week in advance.

Qiangsen had already finished his preparations. Skeleton's appearance had already attracted the attention of numerous high level players. This bastard had caused them to lose a lot of face. The discussion of Skeleton among high level players had increased more and more. Yet because of their positions, they did not wish to demean themselves by challenging him directly. Furthermore, with the matchmaker, the opponent's rank was very low and it was unlikely that they would be able to fight.

Thus, this opportunity was god-given. At this point in time, there was no need to hide one's identity. He was trying to tell everyone that he was Qiangsen Duoma, the King in the Dark!

Chapter 63: Blind Battle!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Before the battle, a few of Qiangsen Duoma's battle video highlights were broadcasted. It could be said that he lived up to his reputation in his official statistics.

Within the video highlights a replay of a Pentakill was included. His actions were truly godly. With regards to fighting in the dark and in complex terrain, he truly possessed deep insight and understanding.

After reaching a certain point in skill, the mech could be considered to be quite rigid. However, every individual possesses a different insight towards piloting a mech as well as a different awareness of the environment, and this cannot be replicated.

Looking at the exciting battle recordings, even if it was an extremely arrogant opponent, they would undoubtedly accept that Qiangsen was an expert.

On the Lakato World, fighting with him was no different from being in a nightmare.

The audience quickly divided themselves into two camps. One side believed that Skeleton would continue to live up to his miracles. The other side was just awaiting the end result. If the real Shadowhunter Lord was the one fighting, Skeleton's win rate would likely be about 70% even though he was not used to the terrain. However, if Qiangsen was the one fighting, Skeleton's win rate would only be approximately 50%. This 50% was only due to the fact that they believed in miracles!

"Ladies and gentlemen, the battle has begun!" Bubbly Foam said excitedly.

The map displayed on the screen. This was Lakato's mysterious underground caverns. With a bird's eye view, the entire terrain could be seen to be very complicated. Due to the large amount of stalactites jutting about, it was extremely dangerous for the mecha.

The geology here was completely different from Earth's. The stalactites were extremely dense and had been forged under the heat of thousands of degrees. High speed was completely worthless here, as it would likely get one impaled on a random stalactite.

One's ability to jump, to be adaptable, and to understand the terrain were the key factors in battling on Lakato.

Although Wang Zheng had never experienced such a battlefield, he had taken in much of the details surrounding him with a quick sweep with his eyes. Remembering the details was crucial here. With regards to such things, a quick glance was all that was needed for Wang Zheng's body to develop the necessary judgment and intuition for the fight.

The so called super soldiers did not use their minds to analyze the environment, they used their bodies.

Innate memories and reactions were the strongest!

However, to develop such a skill for any situation was also quite insane.

If it was truly as Bonehead had said, that the Rand Empire possessed a corps of super soldiers, they could definitely go on a rampage throughout the universe. Most importantly, they actually had super soldiers who could fight in any environment and release their greatest strength. They truly represented the pinnacle of mankind!

Wargod No. 1 has entered!

Dark Hunter has entered!

Battle Begin!

Upon the match starting, the surroundings immediately quieted down.

Those who liked the Lakato battlefield and those who didn't formed two camps. As this was a deathly silent environment, it was so quiet that it made people nervous. Furthermore, mankind has never liked dark environments. Being unable to see much in front of them made them feel uncomfortable.

However, there was still a small minority of individuals who enjoyed the feeling of hunting in the dark.

Qiangsen Duoma was one of those people.

He love the silence. In this environment, all the complexities and worries in his mind would vanish. All that would be left behind was a pure anticipation for waiting and for battle.

It was a form of enjoyment.

The two mecha advanced through the caverns in the dark. They were also constantly scanning the environment for any traces of the opponent. The mecha moved as lightly as possible. In such a quiet environment, making any sound would be akin to revealing their location to the opponent.

The Wargod No. 1 versus the Dark Hunter. Even if it was the first time one was watching Skeleton battle, they felt extremely indignant. Was this f**ker just looking to die?

The number of viewers gradually increased. Some of them had never actually played CT but were there because they enjoyed watching mecha duel. Furthermore, this was not a battle that could be watched every day.

Dark Hunter's body structure was a cross between a wolf and a lion. This was a special creature found on Lakato known as a "mao." When mankind had arrived on Lakato, with the help of its biology, the maos managed to achieve great success in battle against man.

The Dark Hunter leaped around lightly in the darkness. It was perfectly suited to the environment. With sound suppressing attachments and a shock absorbing system, it's ability to conceal itself was unparalleled. In the darkness, the eyes were no longer as important, and one's hearing was key.

The dangerous obstacles had no effect on Qiangsen's movement. In fact, looking at the mech's rhythmic movement let people feel a sense of comfort.

Everyone who saw him move could only sigh in admiration, even those who were extremely fussy.

On the other hand, the Wargod No. 1 looked quite awkward as it staggered around. It was clear that Skeleton was not used to such an environment. Humanoid mecha were truly handicapped in such an environment because they could not speed up and their shape often caused them to clip against the occasional environmental hazard. What was worse was that this also created unnecessary sounds. This not only unnerved the pilot but was detrimental, as one had to stay calm in battle.

However, the distance separating the players at the start of the battle gave Wang Zheng enough time to get used to the environment. Something of this difficulty was not enough to make Wang Zheng lose his calm. On the contrary, he felt extremely excited.

Such a strange environment was extremely interesting. Humanoid mecha were not suited for combat here, and even some fancy skills could not be used. Unless one was looking to die, if they spun around too quickly, one could easily accidentally impale themselves on a random object.

A pretentious prick would definitely suffer such an end in this environment!

Very quickly, the Wargod No. 1 no longer swayed around, as it had found its bearings. Imminent danger was approaching as the two mecha closed the distance between them in the dark and complex caverns.

The two mecha very quickly appeared on each other's motion sensors, and the two red dots gradually approached each other.

At this point in time, the Dark Hunter suddenly accelerated. As they had entered a curved road, there was no need to engage in an ambush, as there was no meaning to it.

The Dark Hunter did not fear the Wargod No. 1. Under such oppressive circumstances, it would all be over the moment he managed to grab hold of the enemy.

A laser fired.

After firing the first round of lasers, Wang Zheng did not advance. He used his excellent accuracy with his laser rifle to suppress the enemy and hopefully weaken him.

Qiangsen reacted with surprising speed. Despite being in such a complex terrain, the Dark Hunter jumped upwards without hesitation. Skeleton's amazing rifle skills had actually missed!

In such complex terrain, laser rifles were not the best choice. Facing Dark Hunter's imminent advance, the Wargod No. 1 did not panic. It was clear that Skeleton had great confidence in his close combat skills.

The Dark Hunter had not truly dodged the laser barrage; it had been obstructed by the numerous stalactites. The Dark Hunter suddenly disappeared and then reappeared in the middle of the ceiling. The mech was currently grasping onto a stalactite. Immediately, the mech spun outwards and landed on the ground. The Dark Hunter did not directly rush towards the Wargod No. 1 but landed near the side of the cavern while simultaneously dodging the lasers fired at it. Finally, it pivoted and dove directly at the Wargod No. 1 while letting out a bestial roar. From each of its huge paws stretched out three titanium alloy claw blades which were sent sweeping towards the Wargod No. 1.

The entire set of movements was done in the span of a breath. It was truly a ghost in the dark.


The Wargod No. 1 unsheathed its own alloy blade and at the same time took half a step backwards before stabbing downwards viciously. He had managed to trap the claws that were flying towards him and he simultaneously let out a punch.

This reaction was horrifyingly fast. In the darkness, one's vision was highly impaired, so reaction time would subsequently decrease. However, these two monsters were fighting as though the darkness did not affect them at all.

Seeing a fist flying towards him, the Dark Hunter's hind limbs exerted the maximum amount of force possible and wrenched its claws outwards trying to retreat. At the same time, it had managed to pull the Wargod No. 1 along with it and simultaneously launched another attack at him with his claws.

Although the Wargod No. 1 was slightly staggered, he did not lose balance. The claws once again met empty air. It had passed so closely that the rending of the air by the claws could be heard.

The Wargod No. 1 dodged by the smallest of margins and immediately unleashed a strong kick. The Dark Hunter immediately dodged and pulled away from the Wargod No. 1. After jumping several times backwards, it had melded into the darkness again.

The intense exchange had caused the entire audience to fall silent. They could only see the infrared lights sweep across the fields and hear sounds of moves being exchanged.

The Skeleton Legion's members were extremely tense. This was the first time they had seen someone being able to dodge Skeleton's laser barrages and not be at a disadvantage in a close combat fight.

After pulling away, the Dark Hunter had disappeared into the darkness. At this point in time, Qiangsen Duoma did something that left everyone flabbergasted.

The Dark Hunter turned off its infrared vision system!

The Dark Hunter was not only adapted for such fights, but its infrared vision system was the best. It was designed for combat in the dark and it reduced the pilot's visual mistakes.

Qiangsen turned off the vision system and instead turned on the ultrasonic system. This was only an auxiliary one.

Without the red light, the Dark Hunter completely melded into the Darkness. What was scarier was that after Qiangsen had turned off the vision system, his movement had actually become more agile!

It was as though he was in total control in this world of darkness.

All of the kids that were watching were stunned.

It was said that those who piloted the Dark Hunter to the pinnacle would be a master of the ultrasonic system. They would be like a bat, fusing with the darkness and controlling the mech purely based on instinct.

Such people could only be counted on the fingers of one hand in the military. What was one of them doing here??

Was it a fake?

Was he pretending?

The audience was not blind. This Qiangsen's movements had very clearly increased by another level. It was as though he was a ghost in the dark. Very quickly he re-approached the Wargod No. 1 without alerting him.

Because the sounds made by the Dark Hunter were just too soft, it was impossible to discern the mech's position. However, on the contrary, the ultrasonic system used echoes to discern the position of the enemy.

The main problem here was that the Wargod No. 1 did not have such a system!

Would he purely rely on his ears?

Everyone was dumbfounded. This was the beginning of his slow death.

The Dark Hunter had already entered a 10 meter radius of the Wargod No 1. The Wargod No. 1 was completely unable to discern the location of the Dark Hunter. It's infrared sensors were slowly sweeping the area but nothing could be seen.

No one had ever heard of any player being able to use the ultrasonic waves to determine the location of the enemy. Was that bastard just playing around? If he trained his body, he would be able to be an ace in the military!

This directly countered the Wargod No. 1!

In the darkness, the Dark Hunter had truly become a hunter. It was like a ghost it prepared to attack.

Only at this point in time did it let out a sound. The Wargod No. 1 knew that the enemy was at his rear, but before he could turn around, the Dark Hunter had already lunged at him.

Everyone closed their eyes. Bang…


The Wargod No. 1, who was holding an alloy blade in a reverse grip, had managed to block the claws at his back! Although he did not manage to completely block the blow, he had no choice but to fight. The mech staggered but quickly retreated. The Dark Hunter once again jumped into the air and grabbed onto a stalactite hanging from the ceiling before using it to launch itself forward with its claws slashing out in a cross shape towards the Wargod No. 1!

This was an undefeated series of lethal attacks!

Does this guy have any face left? This was a skill only used by the elites of the military who had practiced to the point of perfection. What was he doing here? Didn't he have anything better to do?

The Wargod No. 1 had already lost its balance. At this moment, he grabbed a stalactite beside him and, by exerting force, he used it as a pivot to allow him to stabilize and subsequently lash out with a kick towards the Dark Hunter that was already flying at him.

The sound of a clash reverberated around the battlefield.