93 - 100

Chapter 93: The Ultimate Defense

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The Brightmoon 8.0 struck hard as it made high level arched movements, each blow landing precisely at the end of the movement of each Arched Slide Step. If the previous face off was not considered stressful, this high frequency attack would definitely elicit a response.

Attacking was always easier than defending.

In between the consecutive stabs, the Brightmoon 8.0 was kept busy. The Arched Side Steps followed one after another, and the blows had to be delivered in between each of the arched steps. Missing even one would mean trouble because it would be breaking up the flow of attacks.

Even though the Brightmoon 8.0 was a lightweight mech, the stabs could easily pierce through the opponent, especially a mech like the Wargod No. 1, which had such thin and brittle defenses.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The Wargod No. 1 had actually successfully defended a flowing sequence of Arched Side Steps. However, the Brightmoon 8.0 did not stop. Upon completing the sixth step, it made a sudden turn. The engines roared. In an instant, it made another turn in the opposite direction.

Boom… boom… boom boom boom boom…

Who could have thought that there would be another series of Arched Side Step attacks in the counter-direction following a powerful turn?

But the Wargod No. 1 anticipated every single one of them, accurately blocking every blow with its knife.

After another round of Arched Side Steps, in the final blow, the Brightmoon 8.0 mech rapidly fell back.

This blow was not about killing the opponent, but borrowing strength to build distance and separate herself from the opponent.

Milo adjusted her breathing. She did not expect to face such a steady opponent here. The counter-arch's final blow could have been even fiercer, but Milo changed her mind. She felt that she would still not be able to break the opponent's defence.

The Wargod No. 1 was not good at defending itself. The pilot was key to the successful parries.

Masasi and Atos kept silent. They were not paying attention to Milo, but to the movements of the Wargod No. 1. Most people were engrossed in the exquisite arches the Brightmoon 8.0 made, but nobody noticed the Wargod No. 1 moving. This was the best part in the eyes of masters like Masasi and Atos.

The tiny steps taken was like an art. Every step was just right. The estimations were perfectly accurate. The problem with arcs was that its curvature could be easily determined, meaning Milo's attacks could all be calculated.

What was difficult was moving while calculating. There was no use in being able to keep up with the battle mentally but not physically.

The Wargod No. 1 absolutely made the right choice. Passive defense on the same spot was an airtight and complete defense.

Masasi and Atos felt that they could applaud this player.


Milo adjusted her breathing, her short hair lightly blowing. She had not encountered such an opponent for a long time now. It seemed like she had no choice but to make a move.

While it was being a little unfair, she could not stand losing to someone else.

The Brightmoon 8.0's assassination sword pointed diagonally at the sky and swept down lightly. It was as though she was delivering some kind of salute.

The spectators in the Moon became visibly excited. This was the female assassin's proudest form of victory call.

What it meant was telling the opponent this: You will not be able block this move, even if you see it coming.

This was also the ultimate trick that made Lady Stormsword famous across the Moon – the Song of the Storm.

A song to break the skies.

The Brightmoon 8.0 moved, turning into a ray of silver light. The engines were fully engaged, and the energy shield dissipated. This attack no longer needed one to possess any defense, plus it was important to conserve energy in case the mech's core could not produce enough.

Boom boom boom boom…

The Brightmoon 8.0 appeared in front of the Wargod No. 1 in a ghostlike fashion. This was the only time the tracks were visible. The sword attacked and then disappeared.

Although the 12 consecutive arched skills were powerful, it had a certain rhythm and pace. The Song of the Storm had a rhythm as well, but it was a rhythm without a beat.

Frequency-changing arches. The arches were all joined together, sometimes going north, sometimes south, sometimes forward, and sometimes backwards. It was like teleporting, unable to see where it was exactly. The sword reflected the light in all directions, blinding and consuming the Wargod No. 1.

The audience could only hear the unending clashes and sparks.

The broadcasting rooms, countless net cafes, and countless CT clubs; whoever walked by stopped in their tracks.

Lady Stormsword's unsolvable Song of the Storm – 64 Heavenly Strikes!

The advantages of the Brightmoon 8.0 mech were perfectly utilized. It attempted to grasp hold of the opponent's weakness and kill it quickly while moving at a high speed.

Yet Masasi and Atos wore concerned looks on their faces. In the time elapsed, there were more than 64 strikes. 81 consecutive attacks???

They looked at each other, perplexed. It's had only been some time, and Milo had made such a great leap in performance?

No, it might be that it was only attainable in an environment like CT.

An anaerobic forced operation of 81 consecutive attacks, even players with Ability X matched with a Brightmoon 8.0 would probably choke to death under the stress of the attacks.

But it was possible in CT.

It seemed that Milo had gotten serious.

People. Even the more rational and well-tempered ones can get provoked.


An earth-shaking explosion.

Sparks flew all over.

It was over!

Masasi and Atos smiled. Doing 81 consecutive attacks in CT was also a good gauge for doing the same in real life as they would remember how it felt. As they grew in capabilities, using it was only a matter of time.

Skeleton did a considerably good deed.

Then the sound system rang. "Skeleton, win!"

The audience from Earth had yet to react, but the normally calm Moon crowd had already stormed out. Some even jumped from their seats like flocks of ducks whose food was taken.

That was absolutely impossible. The consecutive kills had never, ever failed on the Moon. It was impossible for it to be defeated on Earth! It was rigged!

The ultimate move had the potential to take down a group of people all at once. In the battle that brought her to fame, Lady Stormsword had used it to kill five platinum class players in an instant, bringing her up to the diamond class.

Now that her skills improved, she lost the battle instead.

How was that possible?

Compared to the rash audience from the Moon, the usually rowdy Earth viewers were calm. Those who had watched Skeleton battle were long accustomed to it. There was no need to hurry. Even if the analysis took longer, the slow-mo replays would definitely be screened. The truth would be out in no time.

In less than a minute, the glaring reflection from before was presented in front of the audience once again.

It was important to note that the Brightmoon 8.0's functions had been risen to a ghastly level, so it could perform an attack on all sides. Even the Wargod No. 1's functions did not allow for a timely turnaround. The difference in levels was stark.

The thing is, nobody said that an opponent's attack could only be blocked from the front.

Shortly past the 10-second mark, people were no longer paying attention to the Brightmoon 8.0's boundless, thunderous Song of the Storm, but the Wargod No. 1's boundless defense.

Mech and man were one. Any part of the body could always make the most appropriate defense at any angle. Of the attacks, there were no less than 7 that could not be defended against. But successful defense could be exchanged with minimal costs – some cuts and injuries at non-vital parts were necessary. The Wargod No. 1 had a thin cover, but it was not made of paper. There had to be some sacrifices.

After the 70th defense, there was a complete psychological change. Milo was mentally breaking down bit by bit. She felt that the opponent could not be defeated. The Wargod No. 1 had barely moved. It stood in front of her like a tall, unwavering mountain. It was clear that an upfront stab would take the opponent down, but not a single attack made it.

The 64th stab was her sharpest and best. It was the strike that had the best chance of killing the Wargod No. 1. But the Wargod No. 1 did not put up any defense. Instead, he slashed out with the alloy knife. The blow came crashing towards her, ready to take both of them down at the same time. In that instant, she decided to dodge instead. No fatal injuries were sustained as she escaped, but from then on, the strength and will behind her attacks drastically fell. Although 81 attacks would be way more suave, it could not be done.

It was too late for Milo to regret.

Decisions made in the spur of the moment always turned the tables on the battlefield.

The braver man wins.

This blow was magnified and replayed. Countless Moon people sighed in pity.

They were awed by the Wargod No. 1's defense skills, but it was a sure-win opportunity for Lady Stormsword, her strongest attack. Yet Lady Stormsword turned "greedy."

When the 81st attack was made almost out of pure instinct, the Prince and his company could tell that the air of confidence had evaporated.

The Wargod No. 1 had grabbed the assassinating sword with its left hand, its alloy knife piercing through in one stab.

This was the only time the Wargod No. 1 made an attack in the entire course of the battle.

What an easy, relaxed kill. The Brightmoon 8.0 had helplessly thrown herself at it.

For some reason, the spectator stand turned silent at this scene.

They could feel the hopelessness the Brightmoon 8.0 mech felt.

Lady Stormsword's fighting spirit was completely torn. She lost all confidence in herself.

This level of defense was… terrifying.

Winning without fighting!

Hung on the alloy knife, the Brightmoon 8.0 was like a token of victory in an archaic hunt.

And the Wargod No. 1 was the hunter.

There was no other!

Having been through so many battles, the Skeleton Corps shared the same chemistry. They pointed at the rotunda in unity.

It was the hand sign of the Skeleton Corps. Only the space was the end.

Silent cheers were the loudest!

Solon punched his fist in the air. He won! This was not a show-down, but the first ever time the Earth he represented defeated a player from the Moon.

He had a bet with the CEO of the Moon district, and he had an all-time win.

Money was secondary. Their status in the CT Solar System Conference were to change from this point on.

Who said a single man could not change the world?

"It's been hard on all of you. We'll double all your wages for the month!"

Solon waved his arm. The team burst into cheers. They cheered "long live the Boss!"

Bubbly Foam looked calmly at Little Deer. "Comrade Old Deer, you don't seem any surprised at the results!"

Old Deer was indeed steady. "I think… that Lady Stormsword is on her period."

Forum. The vast population of players were swift in responding.

"Old Deer, your mom's calling for you to go home for milk!"

Masasi and Atos watched the replay in silence. They couldn't bear to remain in their seats for a second longer. This person's style was unlike any on the Solar System, but more like….

But it was no time to discuss that. Atos looked at Masasi. Masasi grabbed the door handle, only to realise it could not be opened.

"Will you open the door, Milo?"

Masasi tried to use his calmest voice, but there was still no response.

They sighed and resigned to fate. Failing was not scary. What's scary was the opponent using the textbook operations to take you down when you were serious about the game.

Chapter 94: The Old Merchant Is Back

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

An absolutely exciting show that was no different from dancing on the edge of disaster!

Lady Stormsword was crushed!

The victorious all-rounded defense!

To know the extent of the Wargod No. 1's defense capabilities, you just had to watch the video. He continued to defend perfectly, even when the Brightmoon 8.0 made its sharpest attack.

There were too many people who were good at attacking. What about those who were good at defending?

The consecutive skills made by Brightmoon 8.0 were considered highly ranked even among the high-end mecha. How, then, was such a perfect defense achieved?

Live viewership among VIP players skyrocketed. It exceeded 2 million, setting yet another new record. However, it was not the usual bout of rampaging attacks, but a defensive one, acting mostly passive during the battle, yet winning upon making the first strike!

Tyrant Su burst into Wang Zheng's room, flailing in excitement. Student Wang was doing sit-ups. It was as if he could train anytime, anywhere.

Yan Xiaosu stared at him for a moment. "Aren't you tired?"

Wang Zheng started. "Tired? What?"

Yan Xiaosu smiled forcibly. Talk was going around that the tough battle must have taken a toll on both players even though it was in a CT environment. Forget about other things, just the accurate defense moves alone used enormous amounts of energy both physically and mentally each time there was a clash. This was definitely something that everyone experienced when they played CT. The more they fought, the more energy-consuming it was. It was not just a physical activity, but a mental one too.

The sort of extreme output and extreme defense made earlier on would have knocked anyone else out. Yet this one behaved as if nothing had ever happened.

"Take it as I didn't say a thing. You wanna go on?" Yan Xiaosu asked.


Yan Xiaosu thought for a bit. "Forget it, there aren't any good opponents at the moment anyway."

Tyrant Su called himself the Dog-headed General. Although Wang Zheng was good at other aspects, he was king when it came to having business acumen.

They settled the bill. The boss hadn't time to give two hoots about them. Every time Skeleton competed, his business would be exceptionally good. The number of consumers who bought drinks were numerous times that of the usual.

The audience savoured the slow-mo playbacks. The wild attacks Lady Stormsword made were once considered the ultimate swordplay by countless players from the Moon. It was theoretically known to be the ultimate set of attacks. No one thought it could have been defended against right upfront.

The whole set of 81 moves and attacks was as smooth as silk. It was not random. There was a strategy to it if you looked at it and analysed closely. Channels that analysed battles were all putting up their own versions of analysis.

The official channel, speculation from forums, masters players… every take on the matter varied.

Chen Xiu and Ailun took charge of Lady Stormsword and Skeleton respectively. It was evident that the layered, progressive attacks were anything but messy.

Chen Xiu broke down and analysed every single move in the consecutive attacks Lady Stormsword made, highlighting the key points in red.

And to be honest, Chen Xiu was shocked when he completed his analysis. The movements in the 81 attacks were just like that of a constellation diagram.

If not for the fact that he studied physics and that he had a knack for remembering everything he'd seen, it was likely that nobody would have ever took notice.

Super Xiu was already pretty well known in the Skeleton Corps. His analysis videos were different from the official ones. He had his own unique way of interpretation. As for Lady Stormsword, everyone thought it was a wild, spontaneous attack. Who would have thought that there were so many theories and reasons behind them? Plus, hardly anyone studied a loser.

But when the constellation diagram was shown, people began to feel differently. Could it be a coincidence?

Do such coincidences exist?

Ailun was in charge of Skeleton's steps. The results made both men drop their jaws.

It was a mirror image of the constellation diagram…

The closely sewn defense looked like an act. But no matter how much training one normally underwent, it was difficult to achieve such a level.

This victory had made an infinite number of Earth players proud. Their excitement would not subside. The Wild King, Rainbow, Qiangsen, and the rest naturally went on to organise their team battles.

Under such circumstances, it didn't matter if they won or lost. They'd be happy either way. Even Chen Xiu and Ailun could not stop themselves from joining in the battle.

Every time there was an important match, the activity of people in the Ares Pact's social circle would sky-rocket.

The social circle was a community of virtual friends. They could make mecha spare parts and trade all sorts of memorabilia.

At this point of technological advancement, it was considerably huge that virtual trading made up 30 percent of the normal market.

The Ares Pact depended on the mecha battle games, but its main profits still came from trading within the social circle and around its perimeters. The game itself mainly garnered users and popularity.

At the same time, the Pact was constantly being renewed. Maintaining the position of a trend-setter had become an indispensable part of the virtual life, and there were those who made a living around the Pact.

In the Earth district, all sorts of Skeleton figurines were in trend. Nobody knew what Skeleton looked like, but caricature figurines designed according to his name were extremely popular.

Just like the throned master players, each one of them had their own sizeable fan club. It was like an industry of its own, no different from TV and movie stars. Take for instance the more renowned, good-looking Prince. He endorsed a number of products, and over 60 percent of the viewers of his live streamed battles were female.

Also one of the hottest, most popular players, Wang Zheng's videos' views were hitting the roof, and they could make it into the top ten. But he did not pose a threat to masters like the Prince; it was just that he attracted a great deal of attention. The Prince and his fellow master players had numerous years of experience. It took them countless classic battles to get them where they were. Little Skeleton was just a newbie no matter how you looked at him. His toughest opponent was no more than a diamond class.

But because of the titles, the best of the best would not make a move on a whim. A small pebble could create big ripples. There was not much glory to winning, but losing the game also meant losing face, so most of them only watched.

Back on campus, An Mei was waiting for Yan Xiaosu. She did not care to be courteous in front of Wang Zheng. "I say, Wang Zheng, you can't just take my Xiaosu away so often! Go get yourself a girlfriend, quickly!"

Wang Zheng laughed. "Alright, alright! I'll make it a point to report to you in the future, Sister-in-Law."

"Meimei, Boss and I were discussing important stuff. Money-making stuff!"

"Tsk. What important things could the two of you be up to? You must've been out partying."

An Mei rolled her eyes at Xiaosu. It was deniable that the present An Mei was wildly attractive. She gave off a youthful and womanly air from head to toe. She was beautiful. People often said that women in happy relationships were the most attractive, and this was absolutely the case. She barely wore any makeup recently, but her great condition made her unstoppable.

Yan Xiaosu did not have a handsome face, but he was a dutiful boyfriend. He had a great personality, was generous, and was considerably popular at school.

Wang Zheng had had a taste of An Mei's shrewdness, so he quickly bade goodbye. "OK, I will leave you to yourselves now."

He did appear lonely, but in reality, Wang Zheng did not feel devastated like most other people would. He thought it to be weird. He had a great fighting spirit. Perhaps it was fair to say that in some aspects, he was just as special as Aina.

Lin Huiyun's Angelic concert was about to arrive, so Beijing was crowded like never before.

The whole area surrounding the concert venue was jampacked. Barely anyone could pass through anywhere. As the perfect representative of the younger generation's idols, Lin Huiyin was unparalleled when it came to satisfying young people's desire for innocence. Moreover, celebrities from the Aslan Kingdom attracted tons of fans wherever they went.

Students from Ares College, Beijing University, and other top schools were infinitely passionate. Campuses barely had such youthful energy.

Everyone from Dormitory 007 were out, except for Wang Zheng. It was needless to talk about to the girls. It was totally like a festival.

All media live streamed this particular concert. On the streets, screens on the skyscrapers were all streaming live footage from the concert. The whole city was singing in celebration. There were also many who came from other cities in the Solar System. Even though interstellar commuting was convenient, it was still very costly. But that did not stop enthusiastic fans.

The latest single. "Not Afraid." gave everyone a pleasant surprise. Even judges who were usually picky had given nods of approval. They thought that apart from her pretty face, Lin Huiyin had a beautiful voice that had great flexibility and potential. Her musical intelligence. especially, was extremely high.

There was another highlight for this concert. That is, Lin Huiyin had an inspiration on her way to Earth. She had written a new piece, and she was going to perform it for the first time ever in her concert.

This was really encouraging for her Earth fans. Nobody could have imagined that Lin Huiyin valued her Earth show so much. Even though she was popular there, the market was rather small. Such an important event would usually take place in Aslan. It could only be said that Lin Huiyin indeed meant it when she proclaimed her fancy of Earth.

Backstage, the humongous crew was busy operating organizedly. The Earth fans' enthusiasm was way beyond the crew's imagination. Sometimes, trying out new things would reap a bountiful harvest.

Lin Huiyin, together with everyone else, was very excited. Music brought her joy, and it was her favorite thing to do.

While everybody was busy partying, Wang Zheng came to the bookshop.

More accurately, he came to the pancake stall opposite the bookshop.

An odd thing to do, but Wang Zheng came without giving any second thoughts.

At the stall, an old man was gulping his pancakes. The stall owners, an elderly couple, were very hospitable.

"Old Merchant, you're back! You plan on staying long?"

Old Merchant chuckled, shaking his head. "I've got some things to do. I'm old now, so I've got to make good use of every single second."

"Ah. Well, Wang Zheng has done you proud! He's a student at Ares now. Your many years of guidance did not go to waste!"

The couple were honest people. They had insisted on standing by the traditional skills passed down from the older generations, but fewer people knew how to tell the good stuff apart. They made beancurd in the mornings and pancakes during other times. The couple was not wealthy, but were very happy with their lives.

Wang Zheng spotted that familiar silhouette from afar. He couldn't help but feel agitated. His parents had not been there for him since young, so Old Merchant was his only family.

Seeing Wang Zheng appear out of nowhere, Old Merchant laughed. "You lad! Still so childish at your age!"

Wang Zheng ruggedly took a seat, staring at Old Merchant without saying a word.

Old Merchant stroke his beard and struck a pretty impressive pose. "Well? You've guessed who I am? Don't idolise me and don't feel touched!"

Wang Zheng rolled his eyes and put his hand out. "Smelly old man. Pay up!"

Old Merchant was stumped. His shocked reaction was immediately followed by a tight hug from Wang Zheng.

"Welcome back, old man!"

Chapter 95: Peeping Tom

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"Alright! Can't you be more gentle? My old bones can't take your brute force!"

Alan Tucker chuckled, patting Wang Zheng on the shoulder. "You've done well. Better than what I had expected."

Wang Zheng ordered the no. 5, the extra large Pancake with extra toppings. He had always had a big appetite.

During this period, Wang Zheng had actually guessed that there was only one scientist who had such vast knowledge — Alan Tucker!

He looked up Alan Tucker's information online. Tucker disappeared ten years ago, and that was also about the time he showed up here.

"Old Merchant, just what happened? I have a stomach full of questions. Just what is this dastardly Rubik's Cube?"

Old Merchant smiled. "The Rubik's Cube is the Rubik's Cube. The Rubik's Cube chose you!"

What Old Merchant said made Wang Zheng's jaw drop.

After Old Merchant escaped from the Galileo Stars, he had planned to return to his hometown, Norton Star. However, he was met with an interstellar storm. There was too much turbulence in the time and space around Galileo, and even space fleets had to be wary, let alone a small ship that flew all over the place. He thought that he wouldn't make it through this time, but that was when the Rubik's Cube, which had the properties of scrap metal after so many years of study, finally activated. It made an incredible long-ranged teleport.

When Earth appeared in front of Old Merchant, he got a huge shock.

With directions from the magic cube, Old Merchant found Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng was still a mischievous young child back then.

That was Old Merchant's destiny: receiving guidance and help when he needed them.

Old Merchant was a stranger to Earth. But very soon, he fell in love with it. As a top scientist, he had an entirely different understanding of the universe. Yet during his time on Earth, he felt a force he had never felt before and saw something which scientists could only see after making it through their bottlenecks.

Many early scientists believed in materialism. But as their studies went further in-depth, a number of them began to study "destiny." Their research was of a different type. The universe was ruled by laws of nature, but did these laws have some form of awareness?

The type of awareness was not mankind's narrow form of awareness, but awareness on a large scale. That was to say, God, or destiny.

After so many years of research, Alan Tucker had entered some kind of insane, stubborn research. To study the cube, not only did he make a breakthrough in the laws of physics, but also in many other areas. He could well live up to the title of one of the greatest men who ever existed, with the ability to change the world's history. Yet he had no explanation for the cube.

Alan Tucker spent a long time pondering after arriving on Earth. Just what was his destiny?

Was it to become the greatest scientist in all of history?

He could do it if he wanted to. However, that could not be called destiny.

As he pondered, Wang Zheng appeared, and the Rubik's Cube reacted. Looking at this playful boy, Alan Tucker suddenly understood.

Men were the origin of everything.

The cube appeared where something special existed. This child's presence, him coming from the faraway Galileo Stars, none of it could possibly be a mere coincidence.

Wang Zheng's parents were odd people. They were a clan determined to carry on their ancient traditions. While they were called a clan, their status had been drowned out and they were just an ordinary family. But Wang Zheng's parents were still very proud. They believed that their family carried the blood of the once glorious Wang clan. Wang Zheng was the 81st generation. Of course, that was just what they liked to talk about. Wang was one of the main surnames. There were too many people with the last name Wang.

Wang Zheng knew that his father had always talked about such nonsense to others. But what one says may not mean what the listener hears. The walls opened in Alan Tucker's heart. He saw his path.

Wang Zheng listened as Old Merchant spoke. If not for the existence of the Rubik's Cube, he would have thought that the man in front of him was nothing more than a convincing conman who was great at spouting nonsense.

Was he someone who could change the destiny of the world?

The world was in a pretty good state. What did it have to do with him? Moreover, what age were they living in? The times where individual heroes could make a change had long gone. The vast, interstellar community ruled by the great Milky Way Alliance. It was completely, absolutely different from when there was just Earth, the Moon, and Mars.

Other things aside, the Zerg still existed, and this being was as indestructible as cockroaches. But have you heard of roaches destroying humans?

The Zerg tribe was now merely part of humans' goals to exterminate. The only limits for mankind was the universe.

This was not merely Wang Zheng's views, but everybody else's as well.

Alan Tucker understood Wang Zheng's doubts, but it was impossible to understand the meaning of life without having lived to his age and without going through what he went through.

"Kid, you've got pretty good taste, huh? That girl, Aina, she's not bad at all. Compatible with you."

"Damn, old man. Have you been peeping? Didn't you go on a vacation?"

Wang Zheng asked.

Old Merchant laughed. "I had to do my work, but I had to keep an eye on you too. You do your thing, I do mine. No need to talk about stuff, but if you want to marry the princess of Aslan, you've got to work hard."

Wang Zheng scratched his head. "Old Merchant, do you think I'm being ridiculous? But I really believe that I can do it if I work hard enough."

Old Merchant wagged his finger. "You're wrong. You're the most special form of existence in the world. No matter who you like, nothing is ridiculous."

Words like that would come off as arrogant if someone else said it. But he was Alan Tucker. His existence was once the peak of the world.

"To be honest, only you know what your future brings. The purpose of my existence is to help you, to share my experiences with you. The stuff you've been doing with Xiao Fei is very good."

Wang Zheng giggled. "It was because of this that I guessed your identity and made some money, Old Merchant!"

"Aha! That's enough. You don't have to worry about such things, I will do them for you. You only have to do what you want to."

Old Merchant took out a data drive as he spoke. "This contains the post-work formula. Take them out step by step."

Wang Zheng got worried. "This.. actually, with your current situation, if you published these theories, the world would see you in a new light."

Old Merchant chuckled. "At this age, I don't care about prestige anymore. Moreover, what happened ten years ago made me understand the rules of this game. I haven't just been idling and running a bookshop on the verge of closing down all these years!"

A genius with S class genetics; it was a frightening thing to see once the Old Merchant was enlightened. Moreover, he had plenty of resources in the Milky Way Alliance.

But Old Merchant had his own questions too. When Wang Zheng told him how the cube had changed before and after, Old Merchant was stumped. Student Wang was rather pleased that he had managed to stun the world-renowned super scientist.

What could this be if this was not destiny?

To him, success and failure no longer mattered. It was enough that he could witness the coming of a new age.

"Don't tell anybody about this."

"Don't worry. I'm not dumb. By the way, where will you stay now that the house has been sold?" Wang Zheng asked.

"I still have much work to do. Just in case anything happens, I will reach out to you."

Wang Zheng could do whatever he liked, but Old Merchant had to keep a lookout on him.

An all-rounded genius warrior would be highly sought-after. But if people were to find out he was behind this, it would be a completely different narrative.

Old Merchant came and left hurriedly. He left after telling Wang Zheng what to look out for. Wang Zheng was kept in a good mood for half the day and finished every single bit of the pancakes. At his age, he desired a family. Having been through a period of loss and disorientation, he was clearer of his goals and had a lot more confidence.

But Old Merchant's habit of teasing others had not gone away. He was already at the door when he suddenly turned around and said, "That girl, Ye Zisu, she's not bad either."

Student Wang had no comment for this old gossip monger.

As Wang Zheng and Old Merchant discussed their plans, Lin Huiyin's concert peaked. Every single one of her songs were familiar to young people. They used to attract more girls, but her one song, "Not Afraid," had attracted countless male fans.

When the soothing voice suddenly stopped, a Wargod No. 1 appeared on the big screens. The whole stadium fell silent. Everyone knew what was going to happen. A retro storytelling sing-song session coupled with dance steps. This was also the first time Lin Huiyin was going to fly.

Sparks flying, an enormous Wargod No. 1 descended from the skies. The whole stadium erupted and went wild. The hatch opened, and Lin Huiyin slid down. Wearing a military uniform, she looked brave.

In the video, the Wargod No. 1's strength was unparalleled.

I'm not afraid, to take a stand

Everybody, come take my hand

As soon as Lin Huiyin opened her mouth, the audience began singing along. It was full of stubbornness and rebellion. It was full of young dreams and young passions. It spoke to the hearts of hundreds of thousands of young people. Everyone waved their hands wildly in the air.

Everybody, come take my hand

Rain or shine, we will finish this together

No matter harsh winter or summer

Yan Xiaosu and Anmei were standing in the audience. Anmei was dressed extremely sexily, emitting youthful energy from head to toe. They jumped up and down, holding hands. Beside them were Ye Zisu, Meng Tian, Du Qingqing, and the wolves of 007. They were acting unlike their usual, elite behaviour, dancing as they liked.

The usually high class elite, Yao Ailun, on the other hand, wore a cheeky, casual outfit. He danced like a snake, full of groove. Student Ailun was known to be good at everything.

The tickets were not from Tyrant Su. Such things naturally came from the generous, beautiful Ye Zisu. It was a pity that Wang Zheng didn't join them.

"Not Afraid" brought the whole concert to its peak. But this also meant that the show was coming to an end. The fans could not bear to for it end, as no one knew when would be the next time Lin Huiyin would come back to Earth.

When the song ended, everything fell silent. The lights were dimmed. This didn't seem like an ending, but…

Chapter 96: War of the Blind

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Only then did everybody recall. It was said that Lin Huiyin had written a new song on her way to Earth.

Preceded by the championing single, "Not Afraid," everybody had high expectations of the new piece.

When word of the new song got out, people were doubtful. Writing a song required good inspiration and pouring in the soul. The song's unique style had gained much attention, but the question was: was it that simple to come up with a new song?

How much skills could a little girl like her possess?

The lights were still dim when the large screens came alive.

It was like a world of darkness.

The world gradually grew bright. A soldier wearing the Earth Alliance uniform appeared. He seemed to be from the special forces. Judging by the medals he wore, he had been through many wars. All of a sudden, he was encapsulated in a dark, underground battlefield. The whole section was surrounded by enemies and there was no choice but to activate the nuclear weapon. And him, the soldier, the leader of the team, executed the final task.

When all his section mates had evacuated, his mech blew up. Although he survived the ordeal, his world became dark. He was blind.

What did this mean for a soldier? A warrior?

His name was Johnson. He was a soldier.

These videos came from war records. Right about then, the narration began. A low voice said, "To soldiers, only death is the end. The fight never ends."

The screens changed into a CT battle scene.

Wargod No. 1 versus the Dark Lord.

Everyone was surprised. What was this concert about?

But very soon, the audience was astounded. This was the final pride of a blind warrior. He was battling in a different way.

He was as skillful as ever. Nobody could have thought that this lead role was a warrior from Earth. That was their pride!

The singing began, accompanying the bewildering battle.

If I could see, I would tell day apart from night

I would hold your hand in the crowd

If I could see, I would drive you all around

If I could see, my life would not be the same

But what I want…

The darkness I see is not the dark. The light you describe, what is light?

Nobody had thought that Lin Huiyin's new song would be so lyrical.

Yet it was different from the feeling of refreshment in the past. Her sweet voice rang in their ears, but what their eyes saw was war on a battlefield.

How did a blind person achieve this?

But his opponent was no less than him. Riding a Wargod No. 1 to battle in such a complex, underground environment?

The song and the battle. An ultimate pair. The tension in the battlefield was at its highest. Johnson made a move.

It was also then that the song suddenly came to a climax.

You are my eyes, you bring me through the changes of the seasons.

You are my eyes…

Even though it was a new song, in that moment, the audience erupted. Just what was this?

Determination. Perseverance. A clash of the titans. This was the meaning of life!

When the last line of "you are my eyes" faded away, the Wargod No. 1 saluted his opponent on the big screen.

Such failure was, in a way, success.

Lin Huiyin took a deep bow. "Thank you, everybody. Earth is a beautiful planet. Everything here has left me a deep impression. This song is for you, and for all the brave warriors!"

All of her fans went wild. The crowd continued to cheer for a long time after Lin Huiyin left the stage.

If "Not Afraid" expressed deep seated rebellion, this new song had come to a whole new level. Lin Huiyin had begun to look at the very nature of mankind.

There were plenty of media reporters and commentators present. Just by looking at her fans' reaction, you could tell that Lin Huiyin had successfully conveyed her message.

Without doubt, this was going to become the headline on the cover page.

An unstoppable, changing voice of an angel!

During the curtain call, a row of naked men came running out. They spelled out Lin Huiyin's name in the Aslanic language, topped with a huge heart shape.

Seeing that the camera was facing them, the well-built men struck a pose to flaunt their muscles while wildly screaming Lin Huiyin's name.

The men and women were all cheering. The audience's excitement did not subside. Everything was already perfect when "Not Afraid" was performed, and no one could have thought that a surprise would top it off, like a cherry on the icing.

In just those few moments, the live broadcast viewership came to an all-year high everywhere in the Solar System. Many other places in the Milky Way also did live streaming of the Earth concert. This untitled new single was simultaneously made known to everyone.

Within an hour, Lin Huiyin's latest single, "War of the Blind," had received over 8 million pre-orders.

Some faraway countries in the Milky Way Alliance also began to pay attention to this planet on the fringe.

Members of the Skeleton Corps lost their minds. The lead characters in the MV were Skeleton and Johnson, the vice captain of the Corps.

Songs and their stories were inseparable.

Johnson could not see clearly. Everything in front of him was just a blur, but he could clearly hear the voice. The voice that touched his soul, the voice that sang his desires.

At that moment, his Skylink rang.

��Johnson, to celebrate your outstanding performance, the nation would like to bear all the costs of your restoration surgery."

The entire procedure was extremely costly. It involved organ reconstruction. Johnson did not bear any hopes, neither did he have a single word of complaint. There were simply too many men who were like him in the army. As soldiers, they never complained. Not from the moment they put their uniforms on.

Now there was hope for him… there was a chance that he could see the light again.

He was willing to give anything just to put on his uniform and ride a mech again.

His spirit would have continued to burn even if his body was destroyed.

Wang Zheng heard the new single too. On his way back, many pedestrians and magnetic force vehicles had stopped in their tracks to listen to this song.

The earlier songs could put people in good moods. They provided an outlet for people to express themselves comfortably. But this song was on a different level. It moved people. It touched souls.

Wang Zheng listened to the whole song in silence. He changed his mind about Lin Huiyin. He could feel that there was something admirable about this girl for her to be able to compose a piece like that.

Back in his dormitory, Wang Zheng began to study the things Old Merchant gave him. He had only prepared the for the formulae in stage one and could only take part in the remaining stages. Wang Zheng believed that given Xiao Fei's capabilities, she just needed some time to make the plan work. But with Old Merchant's help, it would definitely, 100 percent, work.

Old Merchant had given the final three step formula. It wasn't just a guide to space navigation, but also an introduction to teleportation.

Having spent so much time with Old Merchant, Wang Zheng also became addicted to arithmetic and could easily work such things out through calculations. These days, Wang Zheng only truly idolised Old Merchant. He really lived up to his reputation.

How did he come to make his calculations this way?

Student Wang smiled to himself as he did the math. The theories required, Old Merchant had taught him. Even though the final results were given, going through the whole justification process still took quite some time.

In reality, there was no need for Wang Zheng to be too hard on himself. Even if Alan Tucker provided the formula needed, there would be no more than ten men in the whole Milky Way who could solve it.

There was a particular type of genius, who could stand proudly amongst heroes. Alan Tucker was one of them.

Wang Zheng was so engrossed in his study that he lost track of time. Footsteps came crashing in, and all sorts of whining and lamenting came from the corridors.

The doors opened. Yao Ailun and gang skipped in, pouncing right at Wang Zheng.

"Where on earth did you go? Let me tell you something: missing out on such an exciting concert, you'll regret that for a lifetime!" Yao Ailun exclaimed.

Zhang Shan could not let the concert go. "Wang Zheng you really should have came! I dare say, Huiyin will become the greatest musician of this generation!"

"Of course! She's a goddess – my goddess!" Chen Xiu's cheeks and eyes were all red. It seemed like he had been crying.

"Look at you! She's all our of goddess! Wang Zheng, are you a man? You actually missed Lin Huiyin's concert!"

Yao Ailun shook his head and sighed. The kid standing in front of him was of no hope. Zhang Shan and Chen Xiu looked at Wang Zheng too, as if doubting his orientation in a particular aspect.

Wang Zheng was speechless. What was wrong with these people! Was being obsessed with Lin Huiyin human nature? Even if eggs were delicious, there was no need to befriend the chicken that laid it.

"Damn. When did you become such a hard learner?"

There was a pile of mathematical workings on Wang Zheng's desk.

"Are you for real? You didn't show up for Huiyin's concert and cooped yourself in here to do these things? What a hypocrite!"

Zhang Shan was hysterical. This lad spent significantly more time in the Mecha Department than in Physics. Soon, he was expected to spend more time in special training, and now he was dabbling in calculus?

Yao Ailun could not stop looking after he glanced through the first page. It could have been the post-concert high that made his brains work better than usual.

"Good…. Lord… What on earth is this???"

Chen Xiu joined in. The two of them had pretty high standards, and Xiao Fei had taken special interest in grooming them. But they could hardly make sense out of Wang Zheng's workings. It seemed like…

Because Zhang Shan had completely turned his interests to mecha, and because he was slower than the rest, he could not understand a single thing.

"What's that? I've never seen some of these formulas. Is this Bolre's Rule? It's applicable?"

Zhang Shan wore an incredulous look. He knew that Wang Zheng behaved like a monster. Could it be….?

Yao Ailun flipped through the pages. "Don't tell me you've…."

"I'm not through with it. But seems like it's possible."

Wang Zheng explained. He did up the first stage all by himself, but it was better not to tell them. It would freak them out.

The three of them looked at each other and screamed.

Xiao Fei was also at the concert. She was a special guest. She had great seats and could even take pictures with Lin Huiyin after the concert.

She was Lin Huiyin's fan, Lin Huiyin was her fan. Different Industries, but each a shining star in her own area.

Lin Huiyin was also elated that her Earth show went so very well. Ever since arriving on Earth, she's had some great inspirations and had finally made a breakthrough. She was no longer "just a beautiful voice" now that she could create music with soul.

Music told stories. Stories came from people. Now that her music embodied people, they had stories and souls. Her music could now convey more messages. The unique feelings it evoked could cross borders, cross the boundaries of race, and even cross generations.

Chapter 97: Return of the Top Student

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Xiao Fei enjoyed listening to music while she did her research work. Following the melody, she would enter a whole new world, in her own beat and rhythm. Once she entered the world of research, the music would appear to disappear. The music would resonate with her. This was why Xiao Fei liked Lin Huiyin.

In the Aslan empire, scientists had a status that was right after the royals. Where Aslan was today had all come from the vast amount of technologies it possessed, all of it brought forth by scientists. They had extended their warm invitation to Xiao Fei, and it was a pity that Xiao Fei had turned it down. Even then, the Aslan School of Science continued to sing high praises of her. They believed that the woman would become a shining star in the scientific world. Xiao Fei had proved that right in no more than a few years. Because of her young age and her S-class genes, almost all sciences in the physics branch would give mention of her. She easily ranked among the top hundred scientists in the century.

Lin Huiyin had even more admiration for Xiao Fei. The relationship between physics and human development was a very deep subject. She could not understand much of it.

Xiao Fei had studied in Aslan for a period of time and was familiar with the place. The two women had too many topics in common.

Xiao Fei's Skylink rang. Very untimely. She had adjusted her settings to private, with a few special exceptions.

Yao Ailun?

What's the lad up to in the middle of the night?

"Yao Ailun, it better be something important, else you watch out!"

Teacher Xiao, pretty harsh.

Yao Ailun threaded carefully, "Well, Prof, Wang Zheng says he's derived the formula for space navigation."

Xiao Fei was talking to Lin Huiyin as she listened, and her mind stopped working for a brief moment. "Derived it? So be it… what did he derive?"

"Space navigation formula!" Yao Ailun was agitated beyond words. It was a very big deal!

"What happened, Sister Xiao Fei?" Lin Huiyin blinked her big bright eyes. What has this got to do with Wang Zheng?

"One of my students, Wang Zheng, you know him too. He's made a breakthrough in the theory of space navigation. I've got to go back and take a look! Sister Huiyin, do stay for a few more days if you haven't got much to do."

Xiao Fei's heart had already made a move, but holding on to Lin Huiyin's hand, she still could not bear to leave.

"I'll have to discuss that with my crew. Sister, your work is more important."

"Okay, you rest well. The concert today was amazing!"

The more Xiao Fei looked at Lin Huiyin, the more she thought her adorable. She couldn't help but take Huiyin's cheeks in her hands and kiss it.

This naughty, naughty sister.

Xiao Fei had returned to the laboratory at top rocket speed. The heroes of 007 were already waiting for her there.

Wang Zheng had seriously made the deductions for part one. These were his own derivations, different from Old Merchant's. It was hard to tell whether it was for the better or for worse, because Old Merchant never made comments in this aspect. He preferred letting Wang Zheng develop freely.

Xiao Fei was straightforward about this. She threw her coat aside and jumped right into the research. She looked at it and cried, "Bring me my equipment!"

Theory deduction still required hypothesis testing on a model. Only when the test works will it be the first step to success.

Building the model was rather complex; it was not something ordinary students could achieve.

Xiao Fei smiled as she looked on. At times, she would burst into hysterical laughs. But no matter what, Pretty Lady Xiao was always sexy and attractive.

The whole process took quite some time. Wang Zheng could only sit and wait. Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu were also working, but their speeds were way slower. It took a lot of effort just to understand it.

Xiao Fei walked up to Wang Zheng all of a sudden. With an intimidating aura and an energetic look in her eyes, she asked, "How did you do it, young man?"

Wang Zheng shrugged. "Teacher taught me well."

Wang Zheng was referring to Old Merchant, but Xiao Fei had no idea.

"What a sweet talker! Let Sister reward you."

She gave Wang Zheng a hug as she spoke, and she kissed him. The sweet fragrance from her skin and her full bosom almost made Wang Zheng fail to resist.

Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu stared in shocked. Damn! How was that fair? He was so lucky!

"Uhm… Professor, I reported it to you, shouldn't I be rewarded too?"

Student Ailun spoke out daringly. In this day and age, speaking up reaped pretty good benefits. Who knows, there might be a chance?

Xiao Fei glared at him. "How dare you try to take advantage of me. Are you tired of living?"

"Only my Little Zheng is reliable. Consider becoming my boyfriend!"

Having studied under Xiao Fei for a long time now, everyone knew that this "rough" pretty teacher was serious in public, but she could joke about all sorts of things in private. She was like a crazy elder sister, which made her even more attractive.

Wang Zheng was taken aback. Xiao Fei burst out in laughter. "Oh, look how scared you are! Little Sheep, wait till you're older! Else tongues will wag and people will say that I prey on minors!"

"Professor, does my deduction work?"

"I've already looked through the theory. I am 80 percent confident of it. We should build a model soon. Once that is done, we can be 90 percent sure," said Xiao Fei. She fancied Wang Zheng more and more as she looked at him. The path of science was sometimes unfair. Success was 1 percent talent and 99 percent hard work, yet the factor that determined success was that 1 percent talent.

Xiao Fei had actually made some of her own deductions, but it was still incomplete. She did not think that her student would finish it first. That was proof of a greater genius than her.

Marcus rushed down overnight. He was sleeping when Xiao Fei yelled him awake. Thankfully, Professor Marcus's wife knew him well, or she might have thought something horrible had happened.

When Marcus heard of what had happened, his sleepiness went away. They were all mad scientists. He woke his entire team up.

The whole team arrived at the laboratory. This time round, Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu were also given the opportunity to participate. Being able to participate in this process was also very useful for their future endeavors.

Wang Zheng had unknowingly become the core player of the team. The interactions between him and Xiao Fei were almost telepathic. He was a fast learner and could apply his knowledge to different aspects. What he and Xiao Fei communicated, others might have taken half a day to to even react. This team was possibly the best in the entire Solar System.

Marcus was overcome with emotion. This was heaven-defying speed! Where in the world did this lad come from?

Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu were also given some tasks. Even though it was mainly for them to learn, it was a great encouragement to them both.

"Brother Zheng, you're awesome!"

"This lad is god-like! Ever so steady, awesome!"

Yao Ailun did not like losing, but he had to give it to Wang Zheng this time.

As Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei debated, they kept making improvements on the formula. There were still some problems to Wang Zheng's deductions, even though the results were accurate. But what was important was the process, and not the end results. Only the steps taken could bring about technological improvement. There were issues in his procedures, of which Xiao Fei had corrected. The final results were still exactly the same as what Old Merchant derived.

Wang Zheng was thoroughly in awe of Old Merchant. He was no different from a grandfatherly old man!

Wang Zheng had asked if it was really a good idea to do this in their name, but Alan Tucker shook his head. He said it was most important to him that they did it.

It was as if everyone on the team was possessed. They spent a whole night, and the model was successfully constructed.

Wang Zheng was confident that it would be successful. Old Merchant had said it, so it couldn't be wrong. But he felt that there was still some distance to go. He was still too new to this.

Once they made it through the crucial stage, other phases would be way simpler. The laboratory was filled with cheers and happy chatter. They popped a champagne to celebrate.

Xiao Fei once again generously kissed Wang Zheng in front of everybody and teased him, asking him to be her boyfriend. Everyone laughed and applauded. Student Wang thought to himself, "You all better watch out! I'll make you pay back with interest as well!"

Beauty Xiao loved making fun of him.

Now that the theory was successfully proven, the shares allotted in the building project were going to change. The companies that invested had to put in even more shares, but even then, they would do it willingly, since the risk was way lower than before. It had gone from fishing for the moon's reflection to being able to touch a piece of the pie.

The scariest thing about this technology was that it could be used militarily, on combat vehicles, and for civilians, to speed up interstellar travel. There was no doubt that this technology was going to affect countries and people's lives.

Once the results were announced, many more companies would flock to fight for participation.

And the present team would form the foundations of the future team.

As for phases two and three, Wang Zheng had to figure things out on his own before it could be implemented. Moreover, as Old Merchant had instructed, these two ultimatums were important chips in negotiating for financial support.

When the team began to function, there was nothing much left for Wang Zheng to do. He continued to go for training regularly with Zhang Shan.

Zhuo Mu and Luo Mu had custom designed a training program for them, one that was very different from the traditional ones. It focused more on practical combat skills and was aimed at making a break in the IG selection.

The mech Luo Mu had prepared was more than enough for these few youngsters. It was dirty and tired, seemingly unrelated to a warrior.

In Luo Mu's eyes, a pilot who did not understand a mech was a half-wit.

Lin Huiyin's new single, "War of the Blind," had broken her own personal record, topping 11 charts. This intense wave was crazier than ever before.

There was a huge change in style. From music telling to an expressive, soothing energy, one had to admit her songs were flavourful.

Of course, there were still controversies, mainly on the material used in her MV. There were plenty of A-list countries in the Milky Way that complained about the MV coming from Earth. There were plenty of big countries and strong warriors out there, and yet she chose Earth. It could only be said that Lin Huiyin was no good in this.

But the Earth was home to all other stars. It did not feel right to comment on home. It was not a good thing to forget one's roots.

CT Headquarters had reached out to Lin Huiyin's manager immediately to discuss product endorsement.

CT was, in reality, extremely large-scale. They would not even look at ordinary celebrities and did not pay much attention to Lin Huiyin in the past. There was no use in relying solely on fame, but the power of Lin Huiyin's two singles could not be belittled. A big, fat contract lied in wait for her.

But Huiyin was still thinking about Wang Zheng. What did he want to become exactly?

A warrior? A scientist?

Chapter 98: Tyrant Su's Farsightedness

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Call him a warrior, but he had made new contributions to space navigation. Even though Lin Huiyin did not understand the difficulties in that, she knew that Aslan's School of Science was doing research in the same area but had not made progress. Yet Wang Zheng had made a breakthrough.

Call him a scientist, but he performed stunningly in CT. Even Angela approved. Impressing her cousin was no easy feat.

It was just that the more things played out this way, the more worried Huiyin felt. If Wang Zheng showed any weakness, she would cut such thoughts off. But in situations like that, it was difficult to tell reality apart.

Huiyin wanted to stay for a few more days, but her schedule did not allow so. Her cousin's milestone ceremony was up and coming, and she had to attend. Before she left, Huiyin wanted to have more interactions with Wang Zheng. On one hand, it would clarify things for her. On the other, it was to make him give up on her cousin. But… this man had turned her down, saying he had no time.

Him? He actually had no time!

Sitting in her ship, Lin Huiyin was still fuming. Just like an adorable little frog.

This was the second time!

Wang Zheng and gang were training hard. Wang Zheng was leading an exciting and fulfilling life. Training and participating in research had taken away his personal time, so he had no spare time for Lin Huiyin.

He would not easily accept others, but once he had done so, he would never give it up.

In the following week, Student Wang was indeed very busy. Theory testing and correction were going at top speed. Xiao Fei and Marcus were in their peak, and the whole team was very excited. Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu had also made outstanding contributions and were acknowledged by the team. If not for Wang Zheng's presence, they'd have been given pretty much all the attention.

But Wang Zheng was present.

Wang Zheng's A Theory created an uproar in the entire Milky Way. The team had always thought it best to name the law after Wang Zheng. Even though Xiao Fei and the rest did a lot of work, especially in the post-theorizing stages, she and Marcus believed that the key to their work was done by Wang Zheng, and teachers ought not to rob their students of their achievements.

Wang Zheng tried to debate it, but he could not win. He could only add an A in the name. A for Alan Tucker.

A super genius had risen in the scientific world. Unknowingly, the whole team began to work around Wang Zheng's theory.

Unconvinced? That wouldn't do!

Didn't believe in it? That wouldn't do!

Everyone in the science industry was trying to find out exactly what sort of monster this lad called Wang Zheng was.

Wang Zheng's name spread far and wide. It eventually reached the Aslan media. But the A-list allies knew that this technology was first and foremost a combat asset, especially sensitive technologies like that. Some multi-star corporations had already gotten in touch with Xiao Fei.

As the two confirmed investors, OMG and Little Fortune Star also attracted attention from everywhere.

The two companies' stocks skyrocketed. One increased by 10 percent, another by a whopping 30.

Who could have thought that a napkin manufacturing company could take part in such a massive project?

But it didn't matter what they produced. The key was their capabilities.

A number of companies had started making plans to work their way to Old Yan. The Yan family had 71 percent share to the Little Fortune Star company. An absolute control. It was not what Old Yan wanted. He had no choice. Who cared for their business?

But now it was not easy to buy any shares over from their hands.

Yan Xiaosu bought everyone dinner. He spoke as they dug in, "Damn, guys! You believe in me now? I've always known that Boss was the reincarnation of the literacy deity! I've thought well of him ever since he was still a toddler! Sigh, I have great foresight."


An Mei knuckled Yan Xiaosu's head. "Keep it low! Low profile!"

"Ha! We're a family! I'm just telling the truth!"

Wang Zheng had the greatest say in the patent. How else would Little Fortune Star Company be able to play a part? Meng Tian was oblivious, but An Mei, Du Qingqing, and the rest were from average families, at most in the middle class. They knew what this meant. It was like soaring into the sky.

Friends may be friends, but who could ever be so generous? Yet Wang Zheng acted like it was nothing.

"Wang Zheng, Rich Man Su is extremely lucky to have a friend like you."

An Mei chirped. She thought her boyfriend had struck it rich by mere chance. But now she was truly on her way to becoming the mistress of a wealthy family.

Wang Zheng was not as excited as his friends. He had never thought material possessions to be important. Hearing what An Mei said, he shook his head. "An Mei, you're wrong. It's me who's lucky to have a brother like that. There's nothing we can't share…. of course, except for girlfriends."

Wang Zheng chuckled. But no one else laughed. Ye Zisu just sat and watched Wang Zheng in silence. She was in love with him. She knew it best. How much assets did Little Fortune Star gain, what would the future bring… none of that mattered when she was with this man.

Even though they were the same age, Ye Zisu had always thought that Wang Zheng was more mature than her. He was much more stable, as if he had everything in control.

When Wang Zheng was dating Aina, Ye Zisu had always found them incompatible…

"Boss, don't be emotional at a time like this, alright?" Yan Xiaosu said.

It was a law of nature that men could suffer together, but they could not enjoy richness together. But that law was not applicable to them.

Meng Tian and the rest were deeply envious of their relationship. Such ties could not be sought.

"Come, everyone! Let's drink to friendship! We can definitely make it big in the future!"

Out of the blue, Ye Zisu stood up magnanimously.

Everyone rose from their seats. All along, Meng Tian and Ye Zisu did not see eye to eye with each other. But even if Meng Tian did not click with her, she had to gain Meng Tian's approval at the very least. Ye Zisu was a rival.

Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu naturally cheered their loudest and chugged. After dinner, the group moved on to a karaoke session. And that was when they all realised the weakness of the Unbeatable Student Wang.

"Student Wang, don't be shy! We wouldn't be able to make a living if you were good at everything in the world!"

Du Qingqing laughed.

In the end, the one who sang best was not Ye Zisu, it was Zhang Runan. Brother Nan had given her all. Her soprano voice was out of this world. Everybody was in awe.

Zhang Shan had to do something. He challenged Zhang Runan, representing all men. And two mic-hoggers were born. After a few trying rounds, Zhang Shan was finally defeated.

The men could not help but lament. Brother Nan was invincible!

Partying and singing. That was college life. Even though he could only listen, Wang Zheng felt content and happy. Even Meng Tian sang a song after a few rounds of drinking. She picked a gentle, romantic song despite her cool appearance.

Xiao Fei did not idle. The Milky Way Alliance Institute of Science was still verifying the results, but Xiao Fei was not at all bothered by their certification. She had applied for a patent from the Solar System Federation. On top of that, she also picked out CT and Magard Interstellar Flights Corporation from a long list of bidders apart from OMG and Little Fortune Star Company. The project was very costly. OMG and LFS had no problem supporting the first stages, but if the project was to expand, funding and technology would pose a huge problem. CT and Magard were galactic players. The first Milky Way galactic game, Warriors' Pact, belonged to the CT Group, along with many other companies that were related to strategic resources. With such a complete set of data and information, CT's capabilities were obvious. There's not even a need to talk about Magard – the largest interstellar group in the Solar System, one of the top ten in the Milky Way.

At first, these two companies were uninterested in the technology. But it was now a different story. Other than providing financial support, these two corporate giants could also provide substantial backing in the relevant fields of technologies.

The team's key members, mainly Xiao Fei and Marcus, had 51 percent of the shares. This was the the condition of the negotiations. OMG to have 8 percent, Little Fortune Star three, and CT and Margard 24 percent each.

The two giants had intended to kick OMG and Little Fortune Stars out of the project. It was a pity that these two small enterprises had been confirmed early on in the project, and even if they were offered an enormous sum, they would not sell their shares unless they had lost their minds. It was clear that once on board, money was not at all a problem.

Moreover, the two companies had gained a huge advantage. Being able to take action first was a benefit of having great foresight.

Within the technical team, Wang Zhen had 30 percent of the shares, and Xiao Fei had 15. The remaining 6 percent were shared equally amongst the other team members, and that alone was already a frightening sum.

Naturally, the shares were confidential. Xiao Fei continued to represent the team on external affairs. It was not appropriate for Wang Zheng to be in such a spotlight given his tender age.

When the contracts were officially signed, a new billionaire was born. While he was not the youngest, Wang Zheng was clear that this only meant one thing: knowledge is wealth.

The signing of the contracts was also a low-profile event. This was agreed upon by all parties. The project was, regardless, still in the theory research phase. The two corporations were similarly aligned, but they already knew all that there was to know.

At school, Gu Te had given all his approval and support. It would bring Ares College a great many benefits if Xiao Fei and her colleagues succeeded.

All in all, it was a 50-50 situation. If the theory could be practically applied, it would not be a simple matter of billions. And surely, if it were to fail, there would be no value to speak of.

But Xiao Fei's team was highly confident. They might not have had a good foundation if not for Wang Zheng's deductions for stage one. It was definitely a positive narrative now.

In the early stages, 2 billion Milky Way Dollars were invested into the study. A huge number of high-end technologies were imported from all over the galaxy. The study could be described as a money sucking project. The first round of investment and funds could only last a year at most.

Wang Zheng watched in silence as his Skylink connected to Xiao Fei's.

"Lad, the contract has been sent to you. You're now our biggest shareholder, do take care of us well in the future." Xiao Fei giggled. To her, the problem she had been worried about for the longest time was finally resolved.

In terms of equipment, those provided by Ares College were too limited. Conducting the experiments was not something a layman could achieve. Back then, Alan Tucker had the backing of the whole Milky Way Alliance.

"Professor… can I exchange the shares for some pocket money?" Yan Xiaosu had heard that even one percent of the shares could be exchanged for an astronomical figure.

"Of course… not. We work on a limited shares basis. You can't do anything with the shares for three years unless there's a breakthrough success and the board of directors approve of it unanimously." Xiao Fei chuckled.

Chapter 99: Class Reunion

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng felt sorry. "Well, three years is a pretty good deal too. You'll have the money to get married then."

"Ha! There'd be enough for a whole palace of concubines. Provided that you contribute to the study. My guess is that we have to make progress in the next three years, or as you, Mr. Businessman, know, the investors will pull out."

Xiao Fei knew this better than Wang Zheng. There was no free lunch in the whole of this world.

"Professor, I have absolute faith in you. We'll definitely succeed!"

Wang Zheng clenched his fist in confidence.

"Oh, really? I was pinning all my hopes on you! You'd better not slack off, you've got the biggest slice of the pie!"

Wang Zheng shrugged. He was responsible for the theories, and with Old Merchant, he had nothing to worry about. He just had to be patient.

That was even more so in terms of realising the theory into practical use. More researchers in the field were making their way to Earth.

As much as they tried to maintain a low profile, the forming of King Universal Space Technology Company inevitably drew a fair bit of attention.

Xiao Fei was always very casual when she spoke with Wang Zheng. A white lab coat draped over a basic t-shirt, the most ordinary outfit. When on break, Xiao Fei mainly dressed for comfort. But the thing is, was she not in the least aware of what a great figure she had?

Wang Zheng was an adolescent. He was full of passion and energy. While he used most of this energy on training, he could not help but take notice of Xiao Fei's amorous behavior from time to time.

And every time, Xiao Fei seemed to tease him intentionally. A slight movement, and fair, supple skin was revealed. That deep cleavage could drain the blood out of a man's nose. But Teacher Xiao Fei was always so serious about their discussion.

Wang Zheng felt that he could not take it any longer. In the Rubik's Cube, Bonehead's training, "Kniving S.E.X.," was wonderfully conducted, but that was all virtual. Wang Zheng knew in his heart that what was in front of him was something different. Xiao Fei was one of the few women who could affect him.

"Oh, Professor, I've thought of something! Let me go and write it down!"

Whenever they were done with business, Wang Zheng always felt something wrong when he saw the look in Xiao Fei's eyes. Pretty Xiao seemed to take teasing him as some form of entertainment.

Xiao Fei found Wang Zheng leaving hurriedly to be something amusing. This lad was great fun! She hummed a tune as she got back to work. She was always in a better mood after teasing Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng was befuddled as he left. Dammit. Just what was he afraid of?

If not for the fact that Xiao Fei was a teacher, he would have long taken her down. It was odd that he could remain steady in front of others, but Xiao Fei always had him.


The formation of King Company did not affect Wang Zheng very much. He attended classes as usual and trained as usual. Zhuo Mu and Luo Mu had very high expectations of him and were strictest towards him.

The two of them had a feeling that Wang Zheng was going to become the ultimate ace of Ares College. His potential knew no bounds. No matter how tough training got, he could always adapt to it.

Wang Zheng was also made the team leader of the group of four. For that, Meng Tian, Zhang Shan, and Zhang Runan did not oppose. They had known him for some time now, and Wang Zheng was indeed brimming with potential in the various aspects. Him being their leader was what they had hoped for.

As they were about to be dismissed from class, Wang Zheng saw Yan Xiaosu looking around at the doors. "Great job, Boss!"

"Why are you here? Don't you have to spend time with An Mei?" Wang Zheng asked mockingly, waving goodbye to the others.

"Oh man, did you forget? We're having our middle school reunion dinner tonight! Zisu has arranged transport, it's waiting for us now." Yan Xiaosu was keen on being thorough with his rich man image. He was dressed in branded apparel from head to toe.

Because of Rich Man Su's contributions, Old Yan could not stop singing praises of his son. He was constantly talking about how the ancestral graves were smoking, and how it was an auspicious sign. And so he laxed his discipline of Xiaosu. Yan Xiaosu was now leading an easy life.

"Alright, give me a moment." Dawn's homecoming. Wang Zheng remembered Zhao Lingfeng and wondered if he'd be there. He hoped Lingfeng had better memory.

Getting changed was a piece of cake for Wang Zheng. He did it within 5 minutes. As of now, he had no interest in all those fancy clothes. Yan Xiaosu did not find it weird; it was simply Wang Zheng's style.

An electromagnetic limousine was parked at the gates. Ye Zisu was waiting.

Ye Zisu's dress was low profile, but you could tell that she had put in a lot of effort in her appearance.

"Ah, the school belle living up to her name! Zisu, you're going to outshine all the other ladies tonight." Wang Zheng gave his sincere compliments.

Yan Xiaosu nodded his head vigorously. "I think Zisu has grown prettier after coming to college."

"Classmate Xiaosu, are you trying to say that I was a plain Jane in the past?" The three were good friends. Ye Zisu would also joke from time to time.

"That's not the same. Elegance, yes, elegance. You seem to give off an air of elegance now. How graceful!" Wang Zheng praised. Ye Zisu was different from other girls. This was accentuated in college. It was as though she was a fairy.

"Even though I suspect some bootlicking at work, I still accept your proposition. I will put in a few good words for you in front of An Mei," Ye Zisu said.

The limousine had a luxurious touch within. It was spacious, and even though it could fit eight passengers, the compartment could be lifted to create a private space for three.

"This is great! I've got to make my dad get one too," Yan Xiaosu exclaimed as he put his short legs out.

"Wang Zheng, aren't you very busy lately? You've got to go for training and do research at the same time, so you better take good care of your health!" Ye Zisu barely got the chance to catch a glimpse of Wang Zheng lately, except during gatherings. Even then, gatherings were always full of people.

"Don't worry about him! He's as tough as a bull. When I picked him up just now, Zhang Shan was still trying to catch his breath, but this guy did not even break a sweat! As for the research work, Demon Xiao is in charge. Boss only attends meetings."

Yan Xiaosu laughed.

"Damn you! I do work too! I've starved so much that I lost weight lately."

"Oh, make sure you eat more later!" Ye Zisu quickly added.

"Do you really believe that? Boss has obviously ripened," Yan Xiaosu teased. Deep inside, he believed that Ye Zisu was most suitable for his boss. She was pretty, meticulous, and did not throw her weight around. As for the princess, sigh. The Moon looked delicious in the sky, but what's the use of it if it could not be eaten?

Ye Zisu blushed. She pulled her hair back a little to hide her shyness.

"Right, is Zhao Lingfeng coming? I've got some sort of conflict with him," Wang Zheng asked.

"He said he's got something on and won't be able to make it. This reunion was organised by Li An and I."

"Oh? Didn't Li An get expelled by Feiyue College?"

Yan Xiaosu was uncomfortable at the mention of Li An. In school, Yue Jing was rumoured to have been with a few people, and Li An was one of them. He had gotten into Feiyue College on the Moon with stellar academic performance. He was even more prideful than Zhao Lingfeng. The best-performing school in Asia, Dawn, was never short of high flying figures.

Ye Zisu giggled. "How is that possible? It's vacation week, and he took a few days off to come back."

"We'd not attend if we had known he would be there." Yan Xiaosu was unhappy. Middle school was one of the lowest points in his life. He was discriminated by many from all walks of life. It was an unbearable past.

"Things are different now! You're one of the top few figures around." Yan Xiaosu blinked. "Little Fortune Star is very likely to receive the Leap Company Award for Earth! As the crown prince of Little Fortune Star, your family is one of the case studies researched by Feiyue College!

"Oh, is that the case? Then no problem." Yan Xiaosu straightened his chest. He felt a lot more confident at once.

Nobody was born to enjoy being humiliated. Same for Yan Xiaosu. He could not bear it, especially when the spoiled brats made fun of him from time to time.

What's wrong with manufacturing tissue paper? Was that not business?

Business that could make money was good business!

As they made conservation, the three of them arrived at their destination. The Liz Carlton Hotel. Ye Zisu's tastes would never go wrong.

Even though it was just a class reunion for a bunch of college freshmen, the event was pretty impressive.

Seemed like parents were more open now that they were all adults.

Many people had changed as they moved from middle school to university.

The moment they entered, a couple of girls flocked over. "Wow, Ye Zisu has gotten prettier!"

"Xiaoxin, it's not just me, you too! That necklace is great! A rare natural jade!"

"Our Zisu has great taste! My boyfriend gave this to me for my birthday. It costs over 50 thousand!"

Lu Xin. Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu were classmates. Even though Lu Xin tended to be over dramatic, she was straightforward and spoke whatever came to her mind.

"Yan Xiaosu, I heard you struck it rich! You've got to look after your classmates, alright!"

Lu Xin blew him a kiss flirtatiously.

Yan Xiaosu used to stare at her bottom in class.

Compared to Little Fortune Star and OMG, not many knew Wang Zheng, the invisible number one shareholder. People these days only looked out for benefits and did not pay attention to researchers. Who could have thought that Wang Zheng was the core of this project?

"Wang Zheng, you haven't changed a bit," Lu Xin said. "That's no good. Listen to me, men have to dress up too."

Wang Zheng did not know whether to laugh or to cry. "Don't worry, I'm used to it."

Lu Xin looked at him in bewilderment. "That won't do, it's not good for your health."

In the past, Lu XIn was given the title of "Blabbermouth" in class. To think that she had gotten worse in just months!

Yan Xiaosu felt a lump in his throat. He hated it when others looked down on Wang Zheng. These simpletons, didn't they know that the master never showed his face?

Seeing Yan Xiaosu hemming and humming, Wang Zheng said, "What a pity, you've got a boyfriend now, so I can't do anything."

"Oh, you have a crush on me too! Sigh, why didn't you say so earlier? I'm attached now," Lu Xin said, half-jokingly.

"Alright, let's not block the doorway, we can catch up inside."

Events like reunions depended largely on the organiser's ability to bring others together. Ye Zisu and Li An were undoubtedly big shots, and if Zhao Lingfeng was present, it'd have been even more boisterous.

More than 80 people from Wang Zheng's graduating class had attended, and there were 20 odd who were Wang Zheng's and Yan Xiaosu's classmates. Seemed like Ye Zisu had paid special care and attention to it.

"Wow, Lu Xin's figure has grown fuller than before! Tsk tsk, that ass… almost going upwards now," Yan Xiaosu said in a low voice.

"Why, do you wanna do something?"

"No way! I'm pure and pristine. I just said it for fun; you know, men." Yan Xiaosu said. He was indeed a real man now. Even though his hands had been through some training and had plenty of experience, An Mei was his first woman. He was very serious about it.

Chapter 100: Fixing the EQ Light Bulb

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"This opportunity is pretty decent. For the sake of Little Fortune Star, you should interact with them more," Wang Zheng said. He did not mind the childish show-offs. Regardless, with his experience, it was difficult for him to have any sort of reaction to such trivial matters.

"Don't worry, leave it to me. I was just thinking of inviting investments!" Yan Xiaosu was now qualified to do so.

The ballroom was bustling with activity. Everyone was part of a group, chatting away. Although it had only been months since they last saw one another, many of them had undergone drastic changes.

Wang Zheng enjoyed watching from afar. He couldn't hear what they were talking about, but it felt like water from a stream flowing past. In the hundreds of billions of people who lived, it was the chanced coinciding of time and space that allowed them to meet. Fate of such was never easy to come by.

All of a sudden, Wang Zheng's soul was enlightened and brought into a whole new world full of clarity.

Student Wang was stumped. Attending a reunion actually helped to improve his unifying techniques! His progress had stagnated for sometime now, and this moment meant breaking through a bottleneck.

It was an extremely unique feeling. Training the Five Elements was an accumulation of knowledge and skills. In becoming one with the world, Wang Zheng could only do so on the facade. It was difficult for him to achieve what Bonehead had described – unifying his soul. In fact, Wang Zheng had wanted to ask: how do you unify your soul with the world? Extract it and mash it all together?

But asking would probably mean being electrocuted. Wang Zheng was not stupid.

Yet he felt it right at this moment. To machines like Bonehead, it was indeed indescribable. It was a feeling beyond any words of any language.

"Wang Zheng! Wang Zheng!'

The calls from the world outside pulled Wang Zheng back from that feeling. His vision gradually became clear.

Wang Zheng sighed to himself. If only he could experience it for a while longer. But with such revelry, there was bound to be more opportunities in future.


He found the man standing before him familiar, but…

"Hot damn! Disowning me now that you're a war god?"

Wang Zheng turned to stone. "That can't be! Shao Junzhe? A nerf gun turned into a cannon? "

Shao Junzhe burst into laughter. "Pretty good, eh? My new look. I'm an elite student from the Michigan School of Business now, so I can't possibly continue to behave like the hooligan I used to be."

Shao Junzhe was one of the few who got along well with Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu. The dude was obsessed with gaming. He used to wear a fowl's nest on his head and looked like a creepy otaku. Now he was dressed in fancy suit, coupled with a pair of silver snake-framed glasses. He had turned into a suave young man.

Shao Junzhe looked at Wang Zheng. "You haven't changed. Hey, I heard your brother Yan Xiaosu struck it rich! He's gotta look after us in the future, man!"

Ye Zisu was at a level beyond reach. Now that Little Fortune Star had risen meteorically and has a bright future ahead, the finance students had to stick their noses in.

"You're exaggerating!" Wang Zheng was taken by surprise. How did word of this news spread so far and wide? It seemed like everyone knew about it.

"What do you mean 'you're exaggerating'? Bro, grow some money sense! Little Fortune Star isn't much, but you think about it. They're standing on par with OMG, CT, and Magard! Right now, the company's scraps alone are worth hundreds of millions! Tsk tsk. That shorty is in luck!"

Shao Junzhe looked on in envy. The expansion of big companies was no longer worth studying, but small companies like Little Fortune Star were definitely miracles in the business world. It managed to outperform dozens of large-scale corporations.

"What are you boys talking about? Here, Wang Zheng, try this sugar-apple. It's really sweet."

Lu Xin held out a fruit platter.

"Oh no, Lu Xin! It's only been a few months and you've grown curvier! How curvy will you get in the future?"

"Go away! Are you asking for a beating, Little Jun?"

"It seems like everyone's doing pretty well." Wang Zhang helped himself to a slice of sugar-apple. It was indeed fragrant and sweet. Fresh fruits like this were hard to come by these days.

"What about you? Same college as Ye Zisu, eh? Didn't you try to bring it a step further?" Lu Xin asked, treating it like a gossip.

"Uh, why would you say that?"

Based on the present situation, he and Ye Zisu were like missed high-fives.

"Hush, this is a secret. I used to frequently catch her in the field, watching you train from afar," Lu Xin whispered.

Wang Zheng was sweating slightly. This room truly didn't seem to have any ventilation.

"Ah? What were you doing there when Ye Zisu was peeping?" Shao Junzhe asked subconsciously.

Lu Xin flushed. "I passed by."

She clenched her teeth and suddenly said, "It's no big deal, I had a crush on Wang Zheng a while back."

It was just a reunion, and they were no longer in the same school, so it was natural that she felt a lot braver than she used to.

Wang Zheng chuckled. "Well, you failed miserably. I didn't even notice you had a crush!"

"It's you who's slow! Do you remember the time I asked you to fix the lights in my dormitory?" Lu Xin said. It was more appropriate to talk about such things during these kinds of reunions. Lu Xin's eyes hid a trace of bitterness.

"I do! Didn't I get it fixed?" Wang Zheng was puzzled. How was that considered a crush? But he also thought it odd that Lu Xin knew he could fix it.

"Dumbass! I burnt a hole in my pocket to buy a meal for the girls in my dorm to make them go away!"

Shao Junzhe roared with laughter. "Bro, I can only say that out of all the people I know, you've got the lowest EQ. She spoiled her lights on purpose to create a romantic atmosphere for you, and you really, really fixed it? Sigh, the beauty's love has gone to waste."

Wang Zheng did not know whether to laugh or cry. His thoughts had never, ever ventured into that area. It was only right that he stuck out a helping hand for a classmate.

"Yours truly is attached now. You missed your chance at a perfect girl like me, so you better take good hold of the next one!"

Lu Xin still felt something for him. Wang Zheng did not come from a rich family, and his results at school was average. But his serious attitude still attracted some girls.

"Cough cough. Let me know who's got a crush on me next time." Wang Zheng sighed, wearing a look of pity.

"Well, it's said that you break up couples as much as you can at class reunions. Don't tell me the two of you are rekindling old flames." Shao Junzhe made a face.

Wang Zheng and Lu Xin flipped him off at the same time.

Lu Xin was one of few girls who knew Wang Zheng well. Most of the girls never had a conversation with him in the four years of school.

"Wang Zheng, come clean with me. Did you always hover somewhere along the passing line on purpose?"

Lu Xin was very curious. "I've been contemplating about this for a long time, but I don't think you are the sort that'd do that."

"Lu Xin, you're rubbing salt on his wound! It's not as if you don't know about his situation! Many people also perform well during exams when they are relaxed."

Shao Junzhe was rather expressive.

Wang Zheng was speechless. "Are you two even human? Can't you let me off the hook now that we've graduated?"

"No way!"

A voice rang. Ye Zisu joined them.

"Ah, Zisu, here, have a seat, have a seat, here."

Even though she was the star of the show, Ye Zisu had actually noticed them in the corner! Shao Junzhe was pretty excited.

OMG Corporation had been under the spotlight recently. Unlike Little Fortune Star, OMG had a very strong foundation. Being a mecha repair service provider, OMG had always wanted to venture into research and manufacturing. Now that they had come on board CT's and Magard's cruise ship, the financial world predicted OMG would soar. If there were to be breakthroughs in research, being one of the larger shareholders, they had plenty of say at the negotiation table.

Ye Zisu was naturally watched and paid attention to.

Lu Xin was taken aback, but she smiled.

"Lu Xin, don't be tricked by his honest appearance. This person is the meanest of the lot! He's a wolf in sheep's clothings."

"Classmate Ye, I am Shao Junzhe. Thank you for inviting me to this reunion."

"We're classmates, you don't have to thank me. Top Student of Michigan, hmm. There might be opportunities for us to work together in the future."

Ye Zisu laughed. Shao Junzhe couldn't feel more pumped up. When did the school belle become so friendly and approachable?

Women's sixth sense could sniff anything. Lu Xin could sense that there was something between Ye Zisu and Wang Zheng.

"Wang Zheng, you're much closer to Ye Zisu than we are now. You've got to spend more time with her! She's asked me about you back in middle school," Lu Xin revealed.

Wang Zheng knew that Lu Xin was doing this on purpose. This loud-mouthed girl had a kind heart.

On the other hand, Shao Junzhe felt nervous. He was worried that Ye Zisu would be offended. Even though they were classmates, she was not an ordinary person. Opportunities to improve their relationships were hard to come by, and it would be disastrous if the Little Princess was angered. These days, if he were to tell his tutors that he knew Ye Zisu well, it would definitely be a big deal.

"Lu Xin, you and your big mouth. Don't spout nonsense." Shao Junzhe tried to make things less awkward. Kidding around in private was one thing, as it'd be forgotten after a while. But Ye Zisu had a different status.

Before Lu Xin could talk back, Ye Zisu chuckled. "It's true. I've wooed him all the way to Ares College. But what can I possibly do if others choose to ignore me?" Ye Zisu said half jokingly. The hard, anguished look in her eyes melted away.

The two companions they had were utterly shocked. Shao Junzhe stared hard at Wang Zheng. "Bro, you're truly my idol."

"Zisu is making fun of me! You can't possibly believe that is true." Wang Zheng laughed.

The speaker's intent differs from the listeners'. He now referred to her as "Zisu," unlike in the past.

"Zisu, what are you doing here? Everyone's waiting for you!"

They had just sent Zhao Lingfeng on his way, and here came another.

Li An's outfit was extraordinarily fashionable. One look and you could tell it was what was in fashion on the Moon. It was easy for the Moon people to get into colleges on Earth. The scores needed were lower for them. But for people on Earth to get a place in Moon was an extraordinary feat. Some top schools even conducted family background checks.

"You guys go ahead, it doesn't matter."

"How could you say that? I've recently drawn up a business plan and want to discuss that with you. Our success will definitely stir an uproar on the Moon," Li An said with arrogance.

"I don't take part in business matters, so there's no use talking to me," Ye Zisu said.

"You're going to inherit OMG eventually; it'll be helpful to the company's development in the future if you get to know more elites."

Li An didn't seem to show any sign of giving up.

Lu Xin rolled her eyes. "Master Li, don't you realise that you have been rejected politely? Do what you should be doing."

Li An took in a sharp breath, but he did not lose his temper. He smiled and said, "Talk to you later. I'll be waiting."