109 - 115

Chapter 109: Little Red Noob, Let's Get on the Bed Together

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The system finally released the huge announcement. The sound was incredibly highpitched and even dragged on.

In countless places, people cheered thunderously. There was no need for words.

However, people were most curious about what had happened when the flame laser rifle had fired. How did the Wargod No. 1 leave unscathed?

In the VIP broadcasting room, everyone maintained their calm. This was the benefit of watching the stream live. Everyone had to wait for the analysis at the same time.

On the screen, the mecha appeared and the video was played in slow motion.

The flame laser rifle had fired in a burst towards the beam saber!

The beam saber had blocked 8 of the shots, Skeleton had dodged 5 shots with a high frequency dodge, while Prince had missed 26 shots. The two times he had hit, they did not land on critical areas.

The VIP area was full of Earth's CT experts. Many of them even knew THE Prince. There were many professional teams there who shocked by Skeleton's calm and monstrous piloting skills.

He was just like a robot.

The livestreaming area was silent.

After a period of time, a young man sighed, "Perhaps if the Prince opted for a precision battle, there might have been a chance."

"If it was you, would you even do that?" Another person who looked identical to him chimed in.

They were twin brothers, THE Earth Region's Blair brothers. They were renowned for being almost telepathic when it came to working together. In the ranking of the top players during the King's Challenge, both of them occupied spots in it.

No one had expected that someone would be able to dodge such a barrage of attacks. This had already exceeded most people's imagination.

Lear's pupils widened before he quietly turned off the scream and the entire room submerged into darkness.

His choice of action was not stupid. He was a peerless warrior.

"Young Master, the investigation results are out."


"According to our data, the opponent seems like he is from Earth. However, there are traces of information that suggest he is from Atlantis. Any other information requires the highest clearance. Hence we should not continue looking for further information."

Lear waved his hands in the dark. Atlantis? Why would someone be so bored as to gallivant around Earth?


Truly a masterpiece!

The Wargod had descended!

Even the most beautiful of words could not describe this match. Accordingly, the level of fanaticism was also different. When the battle ended, the people in the VIP lounge were shocked. They were so shocked that they couldn't even make a sound. It seemed as though this battle had left an unforgettable mark on each of them.

On the other hand, the Skeleton Corps was cheering loudly. So what if it was a professional!? He would be destroyed all the same!

Rainbow and Wild King truly deserved their titles as heroes! What's so important about coordination?

Why does anyone even need a team?

What was most important was the fact that all were for one, and one was for all!

They had already reached the highest level!

When the match ended, Student Skeleton disappeared. However, Rainbow remained to answer questions.

"Rainbow, everyone would like to know how you communicated with the team. We heard that you have never fought as an organized team before. However, everyone realized that your ability to communicate tacitly was amazing. How did you do it?"

Bubbly Foam asked.

Rainbow smiled. "Trust!"

What did it mean to be a team? Trust was the most important thing!

"Old Deer, you look kind of pale." As one of the key members of the Skeleton Corps, Rainbow could not let this opportunity pass by. An eye for an eye after all.

"This old me is feeling sick. I should be fine after some rest." Old Deer looked like a little emperor who had been wronged. He had suddenly realized that his premonitions were even more accurate than others! Granny's leg.

"Congratulations, Rainbow, for your victory. Do you have anything you want to say right now?"

Bubbly Foam smiled. She looked extremely cute at this point in time.

Rainbow's face turned red, "Little Bubbly, would you be willing to be my girlfriend?"

Bubbly Foam never imagined he would say this here. The entire Skeleton Corps was roaring with laughter. Rainbow seemed so shy.

Bubbly Foam's face turned red. However, the answer was certain.

Yan Xiaosu, who was standing at the side, also laughed. He pulled open Wang Zheng's CT capsule door. "Little Red Noob is hilarious. He's done for this time. He will definitely be ridiculed to the end of time!"

"Little Red Noob, everyone loves you. Would you be willing to be my girlfriend?"

"Little Red Noob, let's get on the bed together!"

Wild King loved to cause a ruckus. This battle was one of his most exhilarating ones yet. At times, one's rate of winning when playing solo was very low. A team truly allowed one to be at their strongest!

Here, one was not merely looking for their own identity but that of the team's.

Bubbly Foam bowed as she said, "Good day, everyone. The livestream will end here. What's coming next is an analysis of the competition. Thank you for watching. Please give a hand of applause to all the participants. Thank you, everyone!"

In the CT office, all of the employees were cheering. This victory was truly too awesome.

"Boss, this was just too intense. When I saw the Wargod No. 1 reappear, my heart skipped a beat. I almost lost my year-end bonus!"

"That person is truly audacious!"

"I feel that he truly is a real man. All you grandpas! Im sure Skeleton was not fully confident of his win, but a true man will live up to his responsibilities!"

"That's right!"

"That was just too satisfying! This was the first time I felt that my work was just too cool!"

Solon smiled. "Alright, report the data. After we tidy it up, we can publish it."

"Boss! We have exceeded over 3.5million viewers. And it's continuing to rise! At this rate, we will likely exceed 4 million viewers!

Once this number appeared on the screen, the whole room devolved into a frenzy. This was just an amateur battle, but it had broken existing records! It was comparable to the viewer count of a professional battle!

"Boss, how shall we title the report? 'Amateur Overcomes Professionals?'"

Solon paused to think, pondering for a brief moment. "Invincibility stemming from trust!"

Rainbow wanted to block a round for Skeleton as he knew that Skeleton could win the competition for them. However, when Skeleton had thrown Rainbow into the air, he definitely believed in Rainbow's ability to defeat the two of them. Otherwise, the two of them would definitely have lost.

During the moment of crisis, what was important was trust.

This match was extremely important. It went without saying that no one was joking around.

After working for so many years, with all the infighting in his company, Solon had become desensitized to everything that happened. However, Solon finally felt something from this. It was something that had been missing for many years.

This was a great victory. This plan could have been considered to be successful. He had always fought with the board of directors, however he finally now had the courage to struggle with them all the way.

Release the horses, it was time to fight!

The surrounding workers looked at Solon in awe. He seemed to have gained a new found confidence. The reason why they strived so hard was also due to their trust in Solon.

In CT's top video rankings, the video of Team Skeleton vs the Star Emperor Corps ascended like a rocket through the rankings. This was a miracle because it had managed to displace the professional videos who had always had a monopoly on the top few most viewed videos.

In the VIP area, the number of people gradually increased. This was just too awesome.

The Prince had actually demonstrated his trump card meant for professional competitions in this amateur match.

Although he had failed, there were no doubts about the Prince's strength. The War Emperor's electric halberd and electro magnetic attraction system was executed flawlessly. This move had immense killing potential. If the move was successful, Prince would no doubt have occupied the headlines. Unfortunately, the new headline was slightly different. This move had been mercilessly countered. In Skeleton's eyes, all whimsical moves would be crushed.

To Wang Zheng, any imaginative moves like that were simply not practical enough to be used. Firstly, he would not have panicked when the move failed. Wang Zheng had essentially experienced all possible types of moves in his training with Bonehead. If someone had seen a new move for the first time, it was almost guaranteed that Wang Zheng would have understood and even experienced the move in some way or another! In fact, Wang Zheng would definitely have understood the concept behind it. It would be difficult to surprise him.

In fact, when it came to technical skills, when the Prince's imaginative move was used against the Wargod No. 1, it was a miracle that he had even dodged the electric blast and furthermore had even dodged all the mines, even those in his blind spot, which caused him to be completely overshadowed.

This skill had far surpassed the ordinary battle skill of the professionals on Earth.

Perhaps Skeleton really was a professional player?

However what shocked everyone was not only his technical skills. It was Skeleton Teams' cooperation. It was so natural! In most teams, they would have arranged for whom to be sacrificed and who would defend, however this was not the case in their team!

When the Wargod No. 1 flung the Tempest Condor into the air, everyone was blown away by the sight. This was true cooperation!

This was truly a classic example of a battle. Spending 10 federation dollars to watch this competition was truly worth it.

The Skeleton Corp once again had an explosive increase in the number of members.

This time, not only Skeleton was in the limelight, Rainbow and Wild King had also become exceptionally famous. Who would have expected that Wild King, who had previously been crushed by Hammer, would actually play so well? During the critical moment, he made the right decision and acted decisively, winning the game for them.

Rainbow was also famous. Many people thought that the Skeleton Corps was just full of noobs, that they were just a group that made a lot of noise. Who would have thought that Rainbow, a platinum-ranked player, would actually be able to face off against Lucky without giving any ground? During the crucial point of the battle, he had even finished off Lucky, Hammer, and even the Prince! This was something rarely seen even in professional battles!

This would not be possible without being able to stay sufficiently calm and without having sufficient skill. The battle wouldn't have been won even if Skeleton had heaven-defying skills.

The courage brought about by winning the match gave Little Red Noob the confidence to ask out Bubbly Foam. Even under relentless cheers, Bubbly Foam agreed.

This was a brave individual.

Every battle was a celebration. The Skeleton Corps quieted down slightly. Bubbly Foam had come and Little Red Noob was being ridiculed endlessly.

At Norton's Island of Life

This was a satellite outside of Earth that belonged to the Solar System Federation. It was an artificial space city. Although it was a space city, it had the best medical facilities in the entire Solar System and was also known as Paradise Island.

Qiangsen was currently undergoing the best medical treatment. His condition was quite complicated, so a normal place would not be able to treat him and the costs were high.

Qiangsen turned off his Skylink. He had just finished listening to the explanation of the entire battle. He was extremely happy for his brothers in his heart. To be honest, he did not feel that there was any chance of victory; the difficulty was just too high. Rainbow and Wild King had definitely exceeded their potential. Man had unlimited potential. Under pressure, they would be able to exhibit super strength. It could be said that Skeleton was excellent at motivating them.

However, what Qiangsen did not expect, as well as the Prince, was that Skeleton would play an auxiliary role. This distracted the Prince and Hammer. If they had not wanted to focus their efforts on defeating the Wargod No. 1, the result would not have been the same. By relegating himself to support, Hammer's attention was focused on one individual, and he lost sight of the overall picture. It was definitely his loss.

Chapter 110: Imperfect… Jewels

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

On the battlefield, no one should neglect any foe.

It was truly carefree. Qiangsen was someone who could not wait; he wanted to open his eyes and see his fellow brothers.

"Mr Qiangsen, your Skylink. It's from the military," a beautiful nurse said softly.

"Help me open it."

"Aimar here. Qiangsen, how is your recovery?"

"General, the doctor has says that I have 70% chance of success for recovery. I will definitely return to the team! Thank you!" Qiangsen said as he sat up.

"No need to thank me; it is deserving of your status as an honorable warrior. However, this time your treatment fees are from CT. I personally hope that you can put on the military uniform once again and not let down all the people's feelings."

Aimar put down his Skylink. Paradise Island was not a place ordinary people could enter even if they were rich. The military had given the green light, and furthermore, Qiangsen was an excellent soldier.

Qiangsen was slightly shocked. The doctor had asked him to rest, but the situation was just too strange. CT was a profit driven company; why would they help him?

Was it because of those few battles he had?

That would be impossible.

Faced with his burning questions, Qiangsen went to inquire with customer service. Regardless if the other party ignored him or not, he would express his thanks.

What was unexpected was that his Skylink quickly rang.

"Mr. Qiangsen, I am Solon. I am in charge of Earth's CT."

"Hello, Mr. Solon, I would like to thank you. I don't know what I should say."

Solon gave a slight smile. "You are thanking the wrong person. Your medical fees were mostly paid for by Skeleton; it was he who requested for it. Of course, it is also our honor to help a veteran get better. We from the CT company are very willing to pay a part of the fees and hope you recover quickly. Perhaps in the future you might be busy, but we hope that you will come back to the game to take a look every so often."

Solon was very busy and thus he did not beat around the bush with Qiangsen. He then turned off the Skylink.

Qiangsen quietly lied on his bed as he closed his eyes slowly. However, his heart could not stay at ease…

After finishing another refreshing battle, Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu made their way back to school.

"Little Red noob is just too sly. He actually took such an opportunity to confess to Bubbly. Ah, the poor little cabbage has been taken!"

Yan Xiaosu laughed. A group of people in the Corps were mad. Bubbly Foam was an idol to numerous people. However, she had managed to be wooed by Rainbow.

"I feel that everyone's standards have improved."

"That is the case. The entire Corps is extremely motivated. Furthermore, everyone has improved their awareness in the game; they no longer rush in recklessly and get killed. Naturally, they will improve." Yan Xiaosu laughed again. "Although Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu are average players, their ability to make accurate judgments is extremely strong. Furthermore, the two of them are good teachers and give good pointers. Their help has been quite useful."

Wang Zheng gave a slight smile. Before he could open his mouth, his Skylink rang. "Wang Zheng, where have you run to!? Come to the laboratory immediately!"

Xiao Fei's voice echoed from the Skylink.

Yan Xiaosu looked extremely happy. "The king has called. Student Zheng, you have to go! Quickly!"

Wang Zheng gave a bitter smile. "She's not a king, she's the Empress."

He had turned off his Skylink during the battle. Xiao Fei had a bad temper and had definitely flipped.

Wang Zheng hurriedly walked away. Not long after, Yan Xiaosu received a Skylink call. Could it be his beloved Meimei? It was truly a perfect night. Right after this battle, would he engage in another passionate one?

Yet when he saw the number, he could only stare at it blankly. This number was one that he had managed to obtain through great difficulty, but he had never called it before… Yue Jing?


Why would she contact him on her own initiative?

However, Yan Xiaosu still picked up the call.

"Student Xiaosu, it's Yue Jing." The voice on the other end was very warm.

Yan Xiaosu coughed dryly. "Student Yue Jing, what seems to be the problem?"

"I am in Beijing and would like to chat. Would it be possible?" Yue Jing said almost pleadingly.

Yan Xiaosu hesitated for a moment. She was his previous secret crush. Regardless, it was just a meeting. She wouldn't be able to eat him alive, would she?

An Mei was actually looking for Yan Xiaosu that night. However, a big problem had happened in the Drama Club. Her middle school idol, the popular actor Zheng Ke, had come!

Zheng Ke was once a student at Ares College. However, after he was talent-spotted, he immediately entered showbiz. He had managed to make it big and had become the idol of numerous young girls.

His visit had attracted a lot of attention. To the students, this was big news. His fan club had completely surrounded the area!

Zheng Ke was not only exceptionally handsome, he also had a quality of a new student surrounding him. His deeply emotional gaze was able to completely knock out a young girl.

An Mei did not have such an exaggerated reaction to him. However, her heart was still very excited. Hence her performance was also exceptional.

Zhang Ke was here to give pointers to some of his juniors. However, the entire Drama Club was inspired by his words.

When the production ended, Zhang Ke took the initiative to invite everyone to dinner. It brought cheers from everyone. This was what it meant to be an idol. He was a big shot but did not act like it. Instead, he was still so amicable and approachable.

However, when An Mei reached the dinner place, she realized that she was the only person there.

"Senior, where are the rest?"

Zhang Ke gave her a wry smile and pulled a chair for An Mei to sit in. "Have a seat." At the same time, he couldn't help but to caress An Mei's waist.

"Your performance was amazing. Congratulations." As he spoke, he raised his wine glass as his eyes affixed themselves on An Mei. This girl was truly very well developed. She was truly quite sexy.

"Thank you." An Mei had an imposing feel to her.

"Haha. Great. That's wonderful. Actually, I have my own selfish reasons in meeting you. An Mei, your performance wasn't bad; it was full of potential. I feel that you can consider developing yourself in showbiz. Although there are still minor problems with your acting, I feel that after you accumulate some experience, everything will be fine. If you are interested, I can introduce you to my manager."

Zhang Ke immediately pulled out his trump card. An Mei was a girl who loved to perform; she liked the feeling of being on stage and to flaunt her beauty. This was one part of her that Yan Xiaosu did not oppose. However, competition was fierce. She would never had expected that such an opportunity would appear.

An Mei couldn't help but be pleasantly surprised. "Really, Senior? You can do that?"

Zhang Ke had a mature, entrancing smile on his face, with eyes that seemed to be saying "You mean you don't believe me?" as he held An Mei's hand.

An Mei was quite shocked. She pulled her hand back silently. "Mr Zhang, could you tell me what are the conditions?"

"Haha. Truly amazing. You are an intelligent girl. I will not beat around the bush. Your potential is unlimited, but if you want to ascend to the top, you have to pay a price. In Beijing, I will be your supporter. So long as you listen to me obediently, I will not mistreat you!"

Zhang Ke's smile was very natural. This was because he had made preparations to handle such a girl. What did a girl truly want? Of course it was to be a celebrity. To satisfy their vanity.

To meet the goddess of his dreams once again, Yan Xiaosu felt a little emotional. Although she was still beautiful, Yue Jing seemed a little gaunt.

Yan Xiaosu and Wang Zheng were people who did not remember grievances, especially when it came to such things. What had passed had passed. Furthermore, Yue Jing had taken the initiative to mend their relationship.

The two of them talked about the interesting things that happened in school, and their laughter resounded throughout the place. Yan Xiaosu could feel that Yue Jing had transformed yet again, into the goddess of his dreams.

"Xiaosu, I heard that you have a girlfriend now. Furthermore, she is the number 1 beauty of the Drama Club. You truly fell in love with someone else really quickly. I feel hurt," Yue Jing teased.

The usually outgoing Yan Xiaosu looked slightly embarrassed. "I am happy that someone wants me."

"Xiaosu, Wang Zheng and you are capable people. However, the two of you have bad eyesight. As a girl and as your friend, I would like to say that a wild girl who wishes to develop in showbiz is someone that cannot be relied on," said Yue Jing.

Yan Xiaosu suddenly had a foolish smile on his face. "Really."

"Do you understand what I mean?" Yue Jing asked. Why was this fool still so silly?

"I understand. You said that wild-hearted girls are not reliable," Yan Xiaosu said.

Yue Jing nodded her head. "That's correct. For the sake of climbing higher, they will resort to any measures. This includes selling themselves."

"Ah. That's pitiful. A sea of bitterness lies ahead with no hope of shore, but instead salvation exists when turning back," Yan Xiaosu said as he sighed.

Deep down, Yue Jing was furious. How could this fool not understand? At this moment, her Skylink rang. Yue Jing stared at it smiling briefly before her face turned into one of anger and shock.

She suddenly stood up. "Xiaosu, take a look. This is truly infuriating. How can An Mei do this? For the sake of becoming famous, she actually did such a dirty thing!"

A few pictures could be seen on the Skylink. It was that of Zhang Ke holding An Mei's waist. Another picture showed Zhang Ke holding An Mei's hand, and An Mei even had a look of happiness on her face.

Originally, Yan Xiaosu thought that Yue Jing had changed. However, after hearing her words, he knew that she had not and thus replied sarcastically. Yue Jing, on the other hand, did not understand. However, he had not expected such photos to appear.

He had dedicated himself to An Mei. At the same time, he felt absolutely furious.

"Xiaosu, don't be angry. You still have me." After saying so, she grabbed Xiaosu's hand before gently caressing it. She was extremely close to Yan Xiaosu, and she even rested her head on Xiaosu's chest. "Xiaosu, you are amazing. I made a mistake by not seeing you for who you are. Let's start again from the beginning."

On the other side, the exact same story unfolded.

"Mr. Zhang, I think you have misunderstood. We have no reason to continue talking. Goodbye." An Mei stood up. Being used as an entertaining toy was not a foreign concept. However, she did not expect it to happen to her.

Zhang Ke did not expect that either. He looked at the pompous An Mei, who had rejected him. "Xiao Mei, you are a good girl. However, there is nothing great about a rich playboy. Take a look."

It was a picture of Yue Jing consoling Yan Xiaosu. The picture even had a close up on the bountiful breasts of Yue Jing.

Zhang Ke smiled. "Living is meant to be for enjoyment. That bastard only has dirty money. He is a wastrel and nothing more. Once you are famous, money is meaningless. Why shortchange yourself? Could it be that you think I am not his equal?"

An Mei picked up the wine glass, her face forming a smile. The smile became larger and larger. Suddenly, the glass of wine was thrown onto Zhang Ke's face. At the same time, her left hand smashed a plate onto Zhang Ke's head. In one swift motion, she had knocked Zhang Ke into a daze.

"Watch yourself! Why don't you go and find out what kind of person I, An Mei, am. Such small tricks. Go and tell your grandma (Yue Jing), that s*ut, if she has any ability, she can come and face me directly. Don't play these petty games with me!"

Zhang Ke touched his head. His hand was smeared with blood. Then he rushed at her angrily. "Little b*tch, you are looking to die!"

As he prepared to hit An Mei, An Mei reacted naturally and lashed out with her legs.

A pitiful cry resounded throughout the place. My jewels… jewels… my imperfect jewels…

Chapter 111: The Intelligent Tyrant Su

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

An Mei then gave another kick to Zhang Ke on the ground. Deep down, she felt quite lucky. It was wonderful that Meng Tian had actually taught her a few savage moves to protect herself.

This woman, Yue Jing, was like a ghost that would not leave. She knew that she had struck it rich with Xiaosu and hence did not leave him.

Yan Xiaosu feebly continued to enjoy the consolation of Yue Jing.

"Xiaosu, we were destined to be together."

At this point in time, Xiaosu's Skylink rang. "Student Xiaosu, taking advantage of her slightly is enough! Are you pretending your wife doesn't exist?!"

Yan Xiaosu suddenly quivered and immediately sat upright. Yue Jing looked shocked as well.

Tyrant Su let out a pitiful smile. "I'm sorry, I already live with a tigress at home. If you don't mind being my second wife, I can accept that! However, you need to gain the approval of the tigress."

"You! You were acting?!" Yue Jing shouted angrily. It was no wonder that b*stard's hands were unreserved when touching her. Now that she thought about it, how could an angry man actually act hurt?

Tyrant Su shamelessly waved his hand. "Student Yue Jing, it's not that I am not a match for you; rather, I was worried you would suffer!"

"What are you talking about? How could I have been mistaken? Xiaosu, I really want to improve our relationship." Yue Jing aggrieved.

"Ah, Yue Jing, let me tell you what I think your good points are. I found out that after I graduated, your IQ has not improved. I also found out that you are so generous that you hired a gigolo to stage a show. However, next time you ought to think things through better. How in the world can something happen so coincidentally? Also, when you're acting, you have to do a better job. Whenever you're near me, you have this look of absolute hatred." Tyrant Su laughed. After tidying up his hair, he said, "This brother here is now the man of the moment. Did you actually think I was as naïve as I was before?"

Of course, Yan Xiaosu was truly shocked by the pictures. However, it was a pity that Yue Jing had a record for doing such unsavory things. Also, the entire thing seemed too coincidental, and those pictures did not seem to say anything. Most importantly, the current Xiaosu was not the naïve Xiaosu of the past.

He would not be a loser forever.

"You misunderstand. This situation has nothing to do with me. It's that woman…" Yue Jing continued to try to explain herself.

Yan Xiaosu waved his hand. "Yue Jing, don't continue. You are just insulting my intelligence now. I am very curious, why do you hate me to the point that you are willing to cross vast distances to find trouble with me again and again? This is just too strange. Wait a minute, it looks like you weren't just looking for me, but also Wang Zheng. Haha. Perhaps you're secretly in love with Wang Zheng, yes? Then why are you disturbing me?"

Yan Xiaosu shook his head. "This situation seems pretty strange. There is no reason for such love. There is also no reason for such hate. I can smell a plot afoot."

Yue Jing's heart skipped a beat. She was very clear that if Xiaosu suspected something, then she would definitely be finished.

"You are right. I hate you. I hate Wang Zheng. I hate Ye Zisu. I thought that we were meant to be close sisters. However, she only saw me as a joke. Now that she is so close to Wang Zheng, I just can't stand the sight of it. Yan Xiaosu, remember this now: so long as I live, this is not over. Even that wreck of a company your family owns, I can destroy it at any moment. Right now I will give you an opportunity. Kneel down and beg for forgiveness. If you don't, just wait. You will be sleeping on the curb!" Yue Jing said angrily.

Yan Xiaosu couldn't help but laugh.

"What are you laughing about?"

"Keke, if it was a month back, I might have been afraid. It's a pity that Little Fortune Star is now a company even you cannot touch. If you dared to do so, would you have waited until now? Please, why don't you act a bit smarter?"

Tyrant Su shook his head disapprovingly. This was too disappointing. That snowy white cleavage had lost all its allure for him. "Furthermore, Ye Zisu is one of the most honest girls I have ever met. She doesn't even look like someone who has ever rebelled in her life. I don't think that she has ever mistreated you. However, everyone is a mature adult now; only you are left wallowing in the past. This world does not revolve around you."

Yue Jing pursed her lips and stopped herself from talking. What was happening? What happened to the Yan Xiaosu who could not even stand the sight of his own shadow?

"Alright, I think we have talked enough. My Meimei is waiting for me. Since you were the one who invited me, I will trouble you to pay for the bill. Bye bye."

Tyrant Su confidently stood up, and before he left, he even gracefully picked up an apple off the table.

After this little fiasco, Yan Xiaosu's and An Mei's feelings had taken another step forward. An Mei was an intelligent girl, but Yan Xiaosu had times where he faltered. However, he was still a good person at heart and would not do anything that would affect their relationship negatively. To Yan Xiaosu, after experiencing this situation with Yue Jing, he had become calm when it came to such matters of feelings.

"Xiaosu, you said that Yue Jing just couldn't let things go and had even created such a ruckus. You didn't happen to do anything to her family and caused trouble, did you? " An Mei teased.

Yan Xiaosu did not laugh. An Mei could not laugh either. When Yan Xiaosu was not playing the fool, he seemed very domineering.

"This situation seems very fishy."

However, after discussing it with An Mei, he could not discover any traces of a plot. Hopefully Yue Jing would not continue to cause trouble after being taught a lesson.

In Europe.

In the Chronos Courtyard.

"Patriarch, Yue Jing has failed," Drupe said, before explaining what had happened.

A cold smile appeared on Lear's face. "It's a pity. I have to start by dealing with Yan Xiaosu before dealing with Wang Zheng. Brothers falling apart. This is truly a woman's story. This will be an interesting show."

Drupe nodded his head. At the same time, it would allow General Meng's daughter to get a good look at what Wang Zheng was really like. He would be able to kill two birds with one stone.

"Patriarch, how should we deal with Yue Jing?"

"Get rid of her along with her father, Yue Long. He has already attracted the hate of too many people. It's time to give everyone else an explanation," Lear said faintly.

"She did not expose your plans even at the last moment. Do you want to give her a second chance? With her relationship with Yan Xiaosu and Wang Zheng, this pawn can be used again," Drupe said.

Lear's gaze turned chilly. "When did you become so dim-witted? The Chronos family does not need someone who has failed twice."

"Yes, Patriarch. This old one has become muddled," Drupe said respectfully.

Lear smiled. "You weren't muddled. You were trying to probe me. This is the last time. I am Lear Chronos, remember that!"

Drupe bowed deeply and no longer spoke a word. His job was to nurture Lear. However, after the last failure, Lear had completely matured. From that point on, he would be a blade; he would no longer need to think.

Military might would not even allow them to dominate the Earth. However, intelligence would allow him to conquer the universe!

Five hundred years of planning had come to an end. The prophecy was about to come true. The Earth would be revitalized as the majestic general Lear would dominate the Milky Way!

In the classroom, Zhuo Mu and Luomu were very satisfied with the class' performance. "Everyone, we have chosen the individuals who will be participating in IG. It will be Wang Zheng, Zhang Shan, Meng Tian, and Zhang Runan. The four of you will represent Ares College and enter the Solar Systems IG competition. Remember that you will not only be representing Ares College; more importantly, you will represent Earth. I believe that you will do Earth proud!"

Zhuo Mu had never imagined that this group would end up being trusted with his expectations. However, he understood the strength of those competing. So long as they tried their best and showed their strength, that would be enough.

"Next, Teacher Luomu would like to say a few words."

Luomu smiled. "I won't talk much about the battle itself. When it comes to the time where you familiarize yourself with mecha, the amount of time you will have is very little. In addition, the amount of information given will be paltry. You will have to learn just by looking at the pictures. Perhaps when it comes to this aspect, we are disadvantaged, but what I would like to say is that regardless of what mech you will be using, all of them will have their own spirits. Their nature is the same. So long as you observe carefully and be one with the mech, you will discover things you have never imagined."

"Teacher, are you saying that mecha have life? That sounds very mysterious." Zhang Shan laughed.

"Hehe, mecha do have a life of their own. From a tangible point of view, when you develop an emotional attachment for the equipment you use after going through life and death situations with it, the potential you can bring out from your mech will be different. You will also gain a form of self confidence. From an intangible point of view, sometimes you can feel a force within the mech. You can choose to grasp it or ignore it. I hope that all of you will use your hearts to feel these mecha. IG is a competition, but it is also an excellent opportunity to learn. I hope to hear of your victory!"

Luomu said. He was very thankful to Ye Zisu's chiding. With this new group of kids, he was able to find someone to be his successor, and more importantly, he was able to rediscover his reason for living!

"Alright. You won't have to train in these next few days. Take the time to refresh yourselves and make arrangements for your classes. In three days you will leave." Zhuo Mu smiled.

"Instructor, you won't be bringing us along?"

"There are no entourages in IG. From now on, you have learn to be independent and make your own decisions. Remember to help each other and trust each other. Only then will you be able to create miracles. Wang Zheng, stay behind for a bit," Zhuo Mu said.

Zhang Shan smiled. "Then I will be off. See you guys later."

They could finally relax, and Zhang Shan was extremely excited. During the training period, Wang Zheng's attendance was actually the lowest because had a lot of things to do. Zhang Shan was the most hardworking. Ever since he started focusing, he discovered a new world. He used to study physics only because of his family's background. What he truly enjoyed was warfare, hence he improved extremely quickly. His previous educational foundation from physics did not diverge from what was needed in warfare, and he was even more logical than others, so he was able to look at warfare from a different angle.

Mang Tian had a very cold exterior. It was as though whatever happened would not affect her at all. She would not be rash nor angry. She attended training on time and left promptly when it was over.

Although Zhang Runan was one of the 4 members, she did not speak much. This was quite a unique team.

"Instructor." Wang Zheng knew that Zhuo Mu had to inform him about something.

Zhuo Mu patted Wang Zheng's shoulder. "Regarding the competition, I will not say much more. Your calmness exceeds your age. I am not worried, I just want to tell you that with great power comes great responsibility. The results are not what is most important. What is most important is that you can use this competition to understand your teammates and bring them to greater heights."

"Thank you, Instructor! I will do my best!"

"Haha. However, if you can teach the other arrogant competitors a vicious lesson, that would be even better!"

Just when would Earth be able to let their pride shine brilliantly?

Chapter 112: 10 vs 10

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Zhang Shan decided to go back home to relax. When it was time, he would go to the spaceport to gather. He had made such big changes ever since he went to college, and he had yet to tell his family. This was the perfect time to go back and explain himself.

Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu had also disappeared. It looked as though they had been kidnapped by Xiao Fei to be used as aides. When it came to overtime work, these two were extremely smart about it. Wang Zheng was not around, but this was what they had strived to do their entire lives and hence were more attentive and hardworking than anyone else. Therefore, they also improved rapidly.

Wang Zheng had nowhere to go. The Old Merchant appeared and disappeared randomly, and he could barely contact him. Yan Xiaosu and An Mei were basically stuck together all day, and Wang Zheng did not want to be the third wheel. Being a light bulb was not moral. Furthermore, Tyrant Su said that Yue Jing wanted to ruin the relationship between the two of them. Although she did not succeed, Wang Zheng felt very moved. After all was said and done, they were still classmates. Regardless of what had happened, it was all easily forgiven. However, after this situation, they would not want to take their relationship for granted anymore.

After thinking about it, Wang Zheng thought of the Skeleton Corps. Deep in his bones was a desire to cause a ruckus. Yet, after experiencing many unique situations, wanting to be a normal person was just not possible.

He came to Brothers Net Café alone. Wang Zheng did not feel like competing and hence ordered a set meal, casually registered a new ID, and entered the Skeleton Corps. Going in with his usual ID would cause trouble, and he wanted to enjoy the peace and quiet.

CT's facilities were very comprehensive. The living community area was similar to what was seen in real life. It provided a space to chat as well as a place to discuss business. If there were other requirements, the user could click on an empty part of the interface and a window would pop up, showing forum discussions on the Military Corps and even a marketplace. It was all extremely convenient.

Wang Zheng did not have any goal and was just wandering around looking at things. The numerous parts of mecha on the catalogue were the most well received. Low end mecha were very cheap, while high end mecha were exceptionally expensive. After a mech part was destroyed in battle, one definitely had to repair it. However, some people preferred to customize their mech and would do so.

However, in CT, the mecha could not be customized to an extent like that of reality. There was still a gap, and hence Wang Zheng was not as interested in understanding the different mecha parts.

His aim in playing CT was not the same as others'. He found a place with beautiful greenery and then lied down in the sun before opening the discussion forum on the Military Corps. The discussion was quite heated.

"Let's group battle then!"

"Is anyone doing the Iron City mission? Im looking for a group! Seeking pros!"

"Pretty girl looking for help! Is there any kind-hearted brother willing to teach me how to use the Flame Serpent Laser Gun?"

"B*tch, is this your true self? I demand a live video, otherwise, I won't go with you!"

"Stomping noobs! Stomping noobs! Fresh Silver rank looking to rush to Gold! Looking for a skilled team! Bad players need not apply!"

"Rainbow, Wild King, do you have time? Let's go stomp some noobs!"

"Old Cat, wait a moment. We are currently watching a competition. Some fireflies from Mars seemed to have found their way onto the Earth region."

All the major regions had a clear division between them. However. from time to time. there were activities that spanned across all of them. Furthermore. there was a desire for each region's players to beat those from another, especially when it came to beating others from different planets.

The feeling of accomplishment when beating someone from a different region was also significantly greater. Earth challenged the Moon, the Moon challenged Mars, and Mars challenged Earth. This was all a common occurrence.

Recently, there had been an undefeated group known as the Flame Conqueror Corps. They often fought group battles in the Earth region. They had already obtained nine consecutive victories and were stirring up the community.

However, after people realized their identities, they had attracted the Earth players' ire and counterattack. However, these Flame Conqueror Corps players were quite strong and still continued to maintain their winning streak. They wanted to obtain a 10 win streak before leaving.

This situation was very common. Professional players and professional teams would not lend a hand in defeating these players, because doing so with their original accounts would reduce their own standing. However, using a smurf was a completely different situation.

On the other hand, this new group of players from Mars wasn't bad, and they were not from any named corps. They were likely either Platinum or Diamond-ranked. Generally speaking, most of these teams would aim to achieve a 10 win streak before leaving. It was enjoyable and would not give others anymore chances to retaliate and end their streak.

Perhaps on Mars they might have been broadcasting this show of conquering Earth's players to a small crowd.

It was not an official activity and it was meant for one's own entertainment. However, it was still quite interesting to watch.

When one saw the situation of "conquering another planet," there was pride involved and things became heated. However, the main problem was that "invading" another region could be done without joining any corps, but to properly set up a group battle, one was required to form a new corps to do so.

10th Battle, Skeleton Corps vs Flame Conqueror Corps.

When it came to the sheer number of players, the Skeleton Corps had already become the largest of corps. Hence, when they came to such battles, they generally had a high chance of playing against these people.

The Skeleton Corps was filled with endless passion, and they had recruited only Gold ranked players and above. Their will to battle flowed endlessly!

Those who failed to be matched against the Flame Conquerors could only wring their hands and sigh. At the same time, Skeleton was not there. Why were they so excited? They ought to have given the opportunity to a stronger corps to challenge them. If it was a normal battle, it wouldn't matter. However, this concerned Earth's reputation!

Furthermore, everyone believed in their own abilities more than others'.

The Skeleton Corps was now filled with quite a few experts. Rainbow and Wild King had joined relatively early. However, now they had also recruited some Diamond-ranked experts. These individuals enjoyed lurking around, but they did not like participating in the activities themselves.

Martians enjoyed 10 vs 10 battles, to kill without end.

Rainbow and Wild King were currently waiting to register. Little Red Noob was currently extremely happy; however, the requirements to play now were very high, and he was worried he would not be able to make the cut to join the team. Yet, as Rainbow himself said, it was currently the holidays, and he was very free. Other than training, he had nothing else to do.

Regardless, he could spend time chatting with Bubbly Foam and hence he enjoyed his time very much.

Rainbow did not care much for this particular match. He just wanted to challenge the players from Mars. Whether he won or lost did not matter to him. What mattered was enjoying himself.

However, the reactions from the players were more intense. One should not be playing casually.

A large number of people had registered. They were all remarkably brave. However, for the sake of winning, they required individuals with higher win rates.

Rainbow, Wild King, 2 Diamond-ranked players, and 5 Platinum ranked players were chosen. Rainbow then got a message.

"Add me to the game and let me have some fun."

Rainbow was shocked. Who was so bold to want to merely have fun? This concerned the reputation of Earth's players.


It was Skeleton!

Student Wang had already changed to his original ID. Creating a ruckus would be fine.

"Fellow brothers! Look who is here!"

The audience was currently having an intense discussion on battle tactics when a new ID appeared on the team. Skeleton.

"F*ck, is this for real? Even such a thing can happen!?"

"Haha, these Martian kids are about to run home crying."

"There is a strong desire to broadcast this! Live stream! Live stream!"

Wang Zheng possessed a lot of fame, so his live streams were always in high demand. Even though some did not think it was important to commentate, since the audience wanted it, they would do so. The more people watching, the more exciting it would be.

A 10 vs 10 chaotic battle would be extremely entertaining.

They very quickly entered the matchmaking screen. Solon had not even made any preparations, as he had never expected Wang Zheng to appear. Such a casual battle was very common, and the officials would not concern themselves with these inter-regional battles, hence he had not made any preparations or announcements.

However, there was a type of communication also known as the word of mouth!

The Flame Conqueror Corps were very arrogant. During battle they would spew taunts over the public channel. In this regard, they were very serious about it and maintained a high standard.

What was this wool?

Just as they guessed, the Flame Conqueror Corps had turned on a livestream. It looked as though it was part of their plan. Even then, there were several thousand people already viewing the match.

The Skeleton Corps also launched their own livestream. What was important was that everyone had been infuriated by the Martians. When they saw the player list, everyone was in joy.

Even though there was no announcement of this match, the number of VIP viewers was already more than a million.

"B*tch, Skeleton is just too mean. These Martian kids are going to cry."

"Get rid of these maggots. Let them see what they are facing!"

"Make sure they cry for their mommies and daddies! Get a legendary Decakill!!"

"This will be fun!"

There was a festive atmosphere about.

10 vs 10, the entire audience was in an uproar!

It was obvious that this group of Martians wanted to enjoy the thrill of beating the people of Earth.

The two teams entered the battlefield.

The Martians' taunts and jeers could be heard over the public chat channel. They intentionally chose to not speak in the Alliance Common Language but to use their own Martian tongue.

Without courage, how could one triumph? The ten mecha rushed forward in a team formation. The one with the loudest voice ought to be their captain. It was just like a real war.

The Skeleton Corps had also formed their own formation. However, for some reason, everyone felt like laughing.

Without saying, when the battle bgan, they would be serious. 10 vs 10 and 5 vs 5 were completely different situations. The mecha were plentiful, and in a split second, one could be destroyed.

Hence it was important that they maintained their formation and didn't leave the group. The more people there were, the harder it was to manage, especially in CT. Additionally, the opponent would even reveal flaws to bait the enemy. If one was not careful and fell for the trap, it would destroy the formation and could very possibly cause the deaths of their teammates as well.

Martians enjoyed jeering, and this was also a battle tactic. If one could irritate their opponents, they would be able to gain victory even quicker.

During the first engagement to probe the opponents, both sides were very anxious. They wanted to see how strong the opponents were and how well they reacted. The Martians were well trained in this aspect and would not have come over to the Earth region otherwise.

"Ah! Captain! There is a Brittleskin!"

"Are these Earthlings crazy?"

"Haha. They were probably nervous and picked the wrong mech."

"Ah, we will target their weakest link and deal them a vicious blow. Strike them where they are weak!"

"Yes, Captain!"

When the opponents realized that there was a Wargod No. 1 in their midst, they were like bees to honey. They targeted Wang Zheng and opened fire viciously.

This was a standard textbook technique to gain an initial advantage. Since there were more people, it was even easier to cause a domino effect when one fell.

Wang Zheng was also extremely cautious. Ten mecha firing upon him was no joke. Even though he had godly abilities, he would still get destroyed.

Both sides exchanged fire, but no one had gained any advantage.

"Boss, this d*mned Brittleskin is very slippery. We can't seem to take him out."

"Old rules, toy with them!"

"Hehe, all you Earthlings. It seems like they are also livestreaming this match. I wonder how many people are watching. On this side there are almost 10,000 viewers. How many do you have? However, from the Martians' point of view, you are just going to be destroyed. You guys are no different from kindergarteners," one Martian player shouted over the public channel quite arrogantly.

In actual fact, they only had 7,000 viewers, but this fact was just a triviality.

However, the audience on Earth was laughing. F*ck, there were almost 1.9 million viewers already. This was not even a publicly announced event!

Chapter 113: As Though God Sent You To Punish Us!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

It was obvious that the Martians didn't seem very cool at that point. However, the crossfire from both sides made their intentions clear.

The Skeleton Corps did not seem exceptionally skilled. However, the Martians seemed to be having a tough time. The reason was that the opponents were surprisingly well disciplined; despite all their provocations, the opponents did not rush forward.

In such a large group battle, what was most important was coordination. Whoever rushed forward first would face the entire enemy force and their fire. It would devastate themselves.

"Gecko" was the Martian team's captain. He was also a Diamond 1 ranked player that was quite famous on Mars. He considered himself lucky to be able to crush noobs. He would be able to gain quite a few benefits by doing so. Of course, if the battle was more exciting, that would be even better.

This was the last battle. The number of livestream viewers had already surpassed 20,000.

Once they trashed Earth, they would go and compete on a stronger planet.

However, currently, the battle had fallen into a stalemate.

The Flame Conqueror Corps continued to push the assault. Their style of battling was more aggressive. The Skeleton Corps, on the other hand, were playing defensively. With Wang Zheng's orders, they would not be disadvantaged in any way. The two sides continued to battle at range, with their energy shields dwindling.

At this point in time, the two sides' snipers began to shine. In a group battle, a deadlock would often happen. In such a situation, it was a competition of the team's gunnery skills and how well they were able to conserve their energy shields. Following which, they would allow their scouts to move away and hopefully attract the opponents' attention.

However, on the Skeleton Corps side, there was a Brittleskin. Although this Brittleskin's gunnery was quite accurate, a normal laser shot was not as dangerous. Having said that, a laser shot was still a laser shot, so if it hit, it would still cause significant harm.

"Captain, that Brittleskin is very good at dodging. We should think of a way to crush him."

"Yes. That b*stard is so slippery. F*ck his grandma. He even hit me three times. I don't dare to poke out and scout anymore."

Gecko nodded his head. He had been observing the situation intently. This Brittleskin was quite the wretched enemy. He was quite skilled and it looked as though he was even the captain. The opponents had been focusing on him this whole time. However, they were left injured instead of taking him out. This battle was no longer fun. Even if they won, it was not in the dominating fashion he wanted. Even their provocations were not met, as they refused to take the bait. He didn't know how whether he could quell his anger.

Usually, in such a situation, once the battle became stale, the viewers would leave. How could this be called a battle? A bunch of terrified noobs they were! When one faced an enemy, they ought to be ferocious. Only then would the battle be glorious!

Gecko was good at using the terrain. However, this time, there was something strange. The opponents were very calm; it was as though their audience was also watching calmly.

"Comrade, can you restrain that Brittleskin?"

Comrade was a famous Martian support player who had developed an unfathomable device. Not only did this device possess conventional support functions, it was an emergency rescue system on real mecha. It was an energy-powered magnetic cylinder that was able to rescue teammates in danger. It could even be used to eject precious equipment. This was something the police often used; however, it had been brought to the battlefield.

However, in this case, he was not saving his teammates, he was going to eject the opponent away.

It was said that the equipment could be used to capture wild beasts.

Without saying, ever since Comrade developed such a move, he had become a famous support player among the Martians, so many experts wanted to battle him.

He named his move the "White Wolf Barehanded Catch." In CT, nothing was kept a secret for long. Any move that was developed would be copied. However, the problem was that when you tried to catch teammates, they would not dodge and would instead try to match their support. Yet enemies were not dumb enough to merely stand there, so many people who tried this move were scolded pitifully as they failed.

A comrade who could catch opponents was a good comrade.

Without saying, as the person who invented the move, Comrade was a real expert. Hence, for Gecko's expedition, Comrade was a person he had to bring along.

"Not a problem. However, the distance is still too far. Our formation has to close the distance." Comrade smiled. He had not participated much in the last few battles. This move was his killing ace, and it was finally time for him to shine.

"Maintain the formation, advance and suppress them!"

At a glance, the opponent's fire power increased. Additionally, when the opponents started to advance, Rainbow frenziedly shouted out, "Everyone be careful. The opponent is equipped with an energy powered magnetic cylinder. Once you are caught by it, operate your engine at max capacity to block it!"

Comrade had already performed his move before. When he started using it, the opponents did not react in time and were shot into the midst of his team. Once the enemy's shield was depleted, they would only be mercilessly killed. It was quite a domineering move.

However, after that, individuals who fought him in subsequent matches smartened up. When they were sucked in by the magnetic cylinder, they would immediately try to escape. However, the problem was that Comrade operated a Martian mech, the 9th Generation Barbarian Bull. It possessed a heavy equipment load and was slow-moving with high energy reserves. If forced into close single combat, it would easily crush its foes. However, in a group battle, this was a completely different situation. The previous energy consumption was insignificant to it, and it had preserved the majority of its energy. Furthermore, the player was quite skilled.

Wang Zheng laughed. "Maintain the formation. In a moment, when I get sucked into the cylinder, no one needs to worry. Just rush into them and attack them all out!"

No one refuted him. They could already see that the opponents' mecha were in a wretched state. That Brittleskin had ceaselessly fired at them while hitting a few rounds. It has to be said that he was quite accurate.

On Earth's livestream, there were already 2 million viewers. This was not the same as the previous competition, as this battle was meant for leisure. A few of those who had watched the Flame Conquerors previously were eagerly anticipating the show.

The Martians then began their show.

A scout which looked as though it had rushed forward too eagerly headed towards the Wargod No. 1. He looked like he was just looking for a beating. No one could have missed that.

Since the opponent was acting so well, Student Wang wouldn't let them down.

The Wargod No. 1 opened fire fully, its laser hitting endlessly. Although the person was quite skilled, his energy shields were ripped apart by Wang Zheng.

At this point, Wang Zheng felt that the mech had been forced to stop. The entire mech was covered in an energy cage.

This also provided a protective shield.

Comrade's mouth turned into a smile. He did not rely on the auto targeting mechanism to target the opponent, he relied on his gut feeling, which was he had always been imitated but never surpassed.

The Wargod No. 1's energy output competing with the Barbarian Bull's was just a fantasy. This had nothing to do with skill, this was the difference between the mecha.

The Barbarian Bull had caught the Wargod No. 1, but it had also revealed its position. Rainbow and Wild King shouted a battle cry and then all the mecha began to rush forward madly. As the opponents had to protect the Barbarian Bull, they had to retaliate. However, they lost their momentum.

The Wargod No. 1 was not worried. This energy cage was the best form of protection. Furthermore, what the Martians wanted was to feel the thrill of being berserk.

"Hold it! Just 10 more seconds and victory will be ours!"

Although their formation had been disturbed, the opponents had good mecha and were skilled. However, the situation was completely chaotic and both sides had their energy supplies depleted rapidly.

The Martians were extremely excited. After violently fighting for so long, victory was finally in their sights.

"Hide!"Gecko ordered. After a certain amount of time, the Barbarian Bull no longer needed to manually operate the cylinder, as the Wargod No. 1 was sucked away.

The Wargod No. 1 had been sucked into the midst of the enemy. All of the Martian mecha drew their beam sabers and prepared to attack.

The moment the Wargod No. 1 landed, the energy cage dissipated, and then endless beam sabers hacked towards the Wargod No. 1.

Had anyone ever seen a gang fight?

This was the very definition of allowing one to live out a gang fight! Only Martians with their strange hobbies and moves would do such a thing.


Leaning Landslide!

One mech was knocked flying. The Wargod No. 1 did not even look as its titanium alloy knife lashed out in a backhand strike. Without looking back, he took 4 steps back, dodging another two blades.


Double Kill!

Gecko was shocked. F*ck, what kind of godly skill was this!?

While he was still stunned by what had happened, the Wargod No. 1 executed an Arced Slide Step and rushed over… next to him, an explosion sounded out and fireworks spluttered in every direction.

Triple kill!

"F*ck this b*tch. I didn't see him and he got me!"

"He's rushing to you, I got him! I…"


Quadra Kill!

In a brief moment, four mecha had already been turned into scrap metal. All of the audience members on Earth were cheering. B*tches. This bunch of b*stard Martians. They definitely had something wrong with their heads. They could have caught anyone else. Instead, they chose to catch Skeleton. This was definitely them wishing to die!

Comrade then rushed forward. As he was so embarrassingly close that he would not even have time to draw his weapon, he tackled the Wargod No. 1 and opted to grab him.

However, the Wargod No. 1 disappeared in front of his eyes. Instead, he had been grabbed by the Wargod No. 1, and with the help of his own momentum, he was flung into the blade of his own teammate as he stared onwards with wide eyes.



"Kill! Kill! Kill him regardless of the cost!" Gecko was infuriated. All of the Martians were furious! In the heat of the moment, all they could see was red and a single Brittleskin in front of them. They were supposed to able to easily crush this Brittleskin to death!

In such a gang fight, unless their lineup was exceptional, his teammates would be no more than punching bags for Wang Zheng. Simply said, without sufficient skill, this gang fight was just them seeking death in front of a real expert! However, finding a person Wang Zheng considered an expert was a completely different story.

Killing Spree!

Another mech had turned into a smoldering pile of sparks. At this point, the Skeleton Corps mecha had turned into viewers. They wanted to help at first, but it looked as though it was not necessary.

A chaotic battle without an announcement or planning had actually attracted 2 million VIP viewers. This was truly heaven-shaking!

"Hurry! Go, go! Skeleton is abusing some Martian kids!"

"One killing ten! This is truly heaven-defying!"

"This is just senseless. The opponent's Barbarian Bull is just watching his teammates get slaughtered!"

"Hey, Barbarian Bull! You're as dumb as a bull! Does your mom know that?!"

The atmosphere was boiling hot! This was a completely different sort of excitement!


It was like hunting rabbits. His knife swept forth smoothly before twisting and killing a mech! Yet another mech was completely unable to respond before getting destroyed!

Within a short span of time, 7 mecha had been destroyed. The last 3 were shocked and did not even know whether to attack or to run.

"You guys attack! I will support from afar!" Gecko shouted.

The moment he spoke those words, the Wargod No. 1 landed from the sky. The two Martian mecha were hacked apart. His obvious tactic was ruined. With their skill level, this should not have happened. However, anyone who was placed in such a battle would definitely have panicked and their hands and legs would have become jelly.

The Wargod No. 1 rushed forward as expected but then suddenly dived as he approached, spinning as he tackled Gecko. Gecko's hand twitched as he fired his laser. That last shot had missed, but he heard an explosion.


Chapter 114: The Ultimate God

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

White Beheading Steamboat's mech exploded. He was Mars top Diamond-ranked close combat expert, but against that Brittleskin, he was killed before swinging his sword. Under the relentless assault, he thought that his word would be the first to hit, but… that was a misjudgment!

At this time, all of the Martians were simply wishing for the battle to finish, having given up on all their pre-planned tactics. While watching a single mech rush towards their location, they had been completely suppressed by Skeleton's imposing manner.



The engine of the ninth mech exploded. The system voice rang loudly once again, there was only one enemy left.

Currently, Wargod No. 1 was akin to an invincible killer, and Skeleton was a god of death!

It was possible to imagine the Martians' state of mind at the moment: absolute fear.

While holding on to a dented titanium knife, Wang Zheng walked towards Gecko, the leader of the Martian Conquest Army.

However, a surprising scene suddenly occurred. Gecko turned his laser rifle towards himself.



In the first place, the one who could come up with such a plan was a strategist, not a warrior. After deliberating, he decided that he would not let the opponent achieve the tenth kill.

But before the muzzle could be stabilized, a tearing sound came from the mech.

The titanium knife had already penetrated through his mech, a quick stab with deadly precision!



The announcement rang throughout everyone's ears and an extremely deep reverberation that had not been heard before shook the cores of their souls!

A light shone from above the city!

Team Skeleton Wins!

This was Wargod No. 1, the Skeleton Wargod!

All of Team Skeleton raised the laser rifles in their hands and cheered!

Everything was possible.

The crowd of Martians slowly trickled away, but the lesson this time had left them with a deep impression.

However, Wang Zheng was not affected by this match, as the display of skill could only match up to that of a primary schooler's. Frankly speaking, a one-on-one match might have even been better. During the training within the Rubik's Cube, the emphasis was to remain calm under all circumstances. Yet this was the main weakness of the others; once under pressure, their ability to make decisions would be hampered.

A few Martians stole looks at the group, faces white as ash.

"Ten kills for the Ultimate God, are we even playing a game?"

"I don't think that Barbarian Bull will use his catch move ever again."

This was definitely a suicidal move, messing with a death god.

"Damn, Barbarian Bull, are you out of your mind? Dragging this type of guy over, how are we supposed to meet others in the future!?"

"Are you crazy? If you had just fought properly, how would they have stood a chance!? F*ck!"

"You blind idiot, this was obviously to lure us into fighting them, and you still bit the bait. What an idiot!"

The Martians began infighting amongst themselves. In fact, they were initially just here to enjoy themselves and at the same time attempt to raise their own reputation. Yet despite this being broadcasted, they had shown such a disgraceful sight, so they could only prepare to be humiliated in the future.

The indignant Bullhead suddenly erupted, "Get lost! You all were still cheering and laughing when I started the bout, and you dare to blame me now!?"

There were countless reasons for the loss this time, but it was evident that for the others, the days ahead would not be smooth sailing.

After the battle, Wang Zheng was simply relaxing and listening to music, downing the beverage that the boss had sent to him. A one-on-one duel might have been fun, but group battles also had their own charm.

In fact, the military college's focus was primarily on group battles, which did make sense. In the previous bout, if not for the compatibility with his team, the chances of him winning would have indeed been low. While it might not have been impossible, with a bunch of mecha constantly keeping track of their energy shields, it would be hard to make any plays, not to mention the chance of getting surrounded.

While individual skill was taken into account during team battles, it was in fact not the most crucial factor, as extraordinary strength could be shown simply with great coordination. The average power on the Martian side was indeed slightly higher, but they were still easily beaten by the teamwork and tactics of the others.

Additionally, the abilities of a leader was essential. During the battle, there had been a few times where the other teammates were prevented from rushing forward. One had have confidence in his judgement, as a wrong command would mean a total wipe.

At the time when Wang Zheng was caught, the energy shields of both him and his opponents were nearly depleted, which caused the opponents to fall into a panic.

Once their psychology had been understood, the actual execution of the move was simple.

Of course, this was due to the lack of experience on the other side. Luckily, they weren't against more difficult opponents, ones who would not lose focus at any point during the match. For guys like Qiangsen, it was impossible to even cause him to be careless for a moment.

A serious fight was indeed a joy, but an occasional relaxed bout was enjoyable too.

Team Skeleton immediately broke out in cheers, as these kinds of fights were great for their morale, especially when they had only been spectators in the past. It was a different experience altogether, and it had indeed gotten everyone's hopes up.

One thing that Wang Zheng had neglected to mention was that with the exception of Rainbow and Wild King, the skills of the other eight members had drastically improved within a short time!

This change of mindset, while it may not immediately have translated into results, would surely have an effect on their state of mind. Those who had experienced such a fight would surely have had a significant boost in their confidence, and at the same time, set their sights toward other experts. In future fights, they would be even more focused, and their individual judgment during macro plays would also be different.

This was not something Wang Zheng would have thought of.

Likely, this was an example of how the environment would influence your character.

"Boss, where are you?" Tyrant Su's excited voice rang out from the Skylink.

"Just finished a bout, why?"

"Since you are about to set off, come out and drink. How can Mei Mei and I leave you alone?"

Tyrant Su smiled.

"Alright, give me the address." Wang Zheng was still not used to life without Yan Xiaosu.

At another corner, other than Yan Xiasu and An Mei, Ye Zisu was also present.

"Is it alright for me to be here?" Ye Zisu replied, with a hint of embarrassment.

"Why wouldn't it be? The only ones that came from Dawn were us three, we're just like trench brothers!"

Yan Xiaosu smiled, as it was him who had called both of them out. Ever since Tyrant Su left Ares College, his skills in handling relationships improved drastically under the encouragement of An Mei. Admittedly, there was still a significant difference between a boy and a man.

Amongst the girls that he had interacted with, Yan Xiaosu felt that Ye Zisu was the most suitable for Wang Zheng, especially since her family would not be able to hear any rumors as they were still within a closed space. In addition, Ye Zisu would be a great help to him in the future.

Yan Xiaosu was different from Wang Zheng, as within the period where he was following Old Yan to deal with other businesses, he began to be more familiar with the unwritten rules of the society. Alternatively, it could be said that he had dropped his earlier naivety. No matter if Wang Zheng wanted to fulfill his dreams or to be more successful in the future, it was necessary to have a suitable companion.

There was no one more suitable than her. More importantly, Ye Zisu was infatuated with Wang Zheng.

It was nearly impossible to find such a girl.

An Mei was also in favor of Ye Zisu, as she was ready to help others and did not have a temper. Admittedly, that Xiao Shi was indeed beautiful, but what of it? She had still disappeared without a sound. In fact, this encouraged Ye Zisu to make the first move.

Noticing the presence of Ye Zisu, Wang Zheng was not in the least surprised, as he had already been treating her as a close friend.

"Boss, we're leaving in two days. Do you have the confidence to bring back a victory?" Yan Xiaosu heroically asked. "Two beers please!"

"I don't know; I heard there were quite a few experts," Wang Zheng said. He was quite interested in the selection this time.

"The thanks goes to Susu this time. She's done quite a bit of homework," An Mei said while hugging Ye Zisu.

Ye Zisu smiled. "It was still okay. OMG has a few convenient channels for information. IG is not an Earth-based event but rather a Milky Way Alliance one. Their aim is to test the skills of the elites from each sector. Eventually, it became a confrontation between all elites, no matter whether they were from the Solar System, the Aslan Empire, the Atlantean Republic, or other major powers. Basically, for those with good results, you will be treated well regardless of which group you join, be it the Galactic Federation Army or any other regional legions."

"What, I thought it was within the Solar System. Seems like there is still another layer above it. It may be difficult this time round," An Mei replied exaggeratedly.

"The difficulty is indeed high. Not to mention the scope of the galaxy, even the solar system is also full of difficulties. But this year should be different; at least I feel that there is some hope." Ye Zisu smiled slightly. "With Wang Zheng's abilities, it may be possible to win, but we do need to pay attention to Lear too."

"Lear, huh? You mean from Zeus Academy last time? He didn't even enter the finals. What's there to be afraid of?" An Mei questioned with a puzzled expression.

"Lear has already entered the IG Galaxy expedition team, and I'm afraid even he might not have anticipated the previous incident. His personal strength is undoubtedly up there, he has S-class genes, and he's also an Ability X wielder. Also, he is from X-Academy, which is Earth's only academy that has matched up to the galactic standards, and he has been often called 'King Lear.'"

Ye Zisu's speech stunned the three of them. "King Lear, what era is this? Why is it so exaggerated?"

Tyrant Su absolutely couldn't imagine it.

Yet Ye Zisu did not laugh and simply shook her head. "It's true, the so-called X Academy only accepts students who awakened their Ability X before ten years of age. Nobody knows where it is located. Lear previously attended two sessions. In fact, those participants that could match up to the galactic standards, there are only five in the Solar System, and Lear is one of them. I think the reason why Masasi left our school was to distance himself from Lear's strength."

This information was beyond everyone's imagination. "Need it be that exaggerated? The fight has already begun, although it seems like we are still living in a different world."

Chapter 115: Academy X

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ye Zisu smiled wryly. "Indeed, it does seem that way. Those that graduated from Academy X are all extremely strong, but I don't have more information on them. However, it is likely that they will appear during this time's IG selection, since this the first confrontation for the new generation. I'm afraid it is just to prove that they are the real kings within the Solar system."

"Who's that guy from the Moon?" Wang Zheng was a little curious.

"Not sure, he's been very secretive. However, Masasi is under him." Ye Zisu replied.

"That can't be, Masasi was only his underling?"

"There are still seven others with the same caliber as Masasi, and they will be present this time. Some will just be there as a formality, while others are just there to broaden their horizons. However, the contest for the seat of the king has long started."

The comments by Ye Zisu opened a whole new world to them. Despite this, Wang Zheng did not feel that it was exaggerated, as he had already given up on things such as the gene score; it could even be negative for all he cared.

But regarding Ability X, Wang Zheng was still rather interested.

"Ability X, is it a superpower?"

"You may consider it to be so. However, it shouldn't be described as a superpower, as the human brain does indeed possess extremely strong powers by itself. During the Zerg era, mankind had the choice to give up the power of science and technology for the advancement of themselves. But it's unknown why it suddenly disappeared, or if it has been suppressed by other causes."

"What era is this even? In a mecha battle, what's the use of human strength?"

"You can't put it that way. Wang Zheng should have been clear about this before. The current design of mecha is the product of biological technology, genetic technology, and mechanical design. The ability of the pilot is also essential. Simply put, Ability X can be amplified by the mech, giving rise to a surprising result," Ye Zisu said.

"If I understand correctly, the use of mental force in combat is only different due to each person's characteristics and variations in strength." Wang Zheng said.

"That is about right. However, the use of Ability X is not even known by the government, it's controlled by a small group within our galactic allies. Academy X is such a place, and of course it is also known by a few strong empires, such as Aslan," Ye Zisu said.

"Wouldn't it mean that Xie Yuxin is a big shot?" Yan Xiaosu gaped. "That idiot, there was no news from him once he left. Hah, isn't he stronger than Lear, since Lear wasn't eligible for those intergalactic academies?"

Ye Zisu shook her head. "No, Lear's class should still be higher than that of Xie Yuxin. The earlier your ability awakens, the stronger it is. Ability X is still dependent on individual practice, but it is necessary to mention that a humongous team is needed as a support, as the promotion of this ability requires expensive equipment and resources."

"F*ck, this is too unfair. Listening to what you just said, I think that Boss might as well not attend, this is just being tortured," Yan Xiaosu complained helplessly. The recent happenings had been rather uneventful, which caused his self-confidence to raise by quite a bit. But upon hearing Ye Zisu's remarks, he immediately became deflated.

"Without competition, there would be no progress. Others may not be able to do it, but Wang Zheng definitely can. Let me toast you a cup. I wish that you will obtain good results," Ye Zisu said. "I know you are a resilient person, and you definitely will not give up."

"Haha, it seems that I must live up to the expectations of Ye Zisu and show some results before returning."

Both of them toasted each other and downed their glasses.

"Don't think so far into the future, just focus on today. Being able to attend is a good thing. Beauties, let's drink more!"

Yan Xiaosu quickly put his worries behind him. With his tiny influence, he wasn't able to change anything about the larger affairs.

With Yan Xiaosu around, no one would ever be worried for long. This guy was just constantly babbling on. An Mei was slightly amused, and Ye Zisu was smiling while looking at Wang Zheng. Honestly speaking, after saying so much, most people wouldn't still be in the mood for drinks, but there were no such thoughts from Wang Zheng. His calm eyes exuded an aura of self-confidence, and it was precisely this gaze that had attracted her, making her unable to avert her eyes.

An Mei was also secretly paying attention to this scene. 'Tsk tsk, she can't even look away. Is Wang Zheng that good?' However, she was aware that the stream of males chasing Ye Zisu was unending and that her mailbox had always been stuffed full. Only Ye Zisu could cause the awkward and clumsy boys to be this detailed, and this was not only limited to their own school, there were even admirers from other schools.

There was no choice, as Ye Zisu had to personally attend some of OMG's activities just to show her face. Within Beijing's socialite circle, Ye Zisu was named as the number one beauty, as her demeanor and commentary were unparalleled, much better than any celebrity endorsement.

Tyrant Su was the first to get drunk amongst the four of them. He had been too excited, constantly dropping explosive information, and had drank way too much. After the three of them sent Yan Xiaosu back, Wang Zheng accompanied the two beauties home. When they were reaching the dormitory, An Mei quietly found an excuse and left first, thus creating an opportunity for Ye Zisu.

Perhaps it was due to the alcohol, but the rosy face of Ye Zisu was too beautiful to behold. "Wang Zheng, the moon is really pretty."

Wang Zheng lifted his head. It was indeed pretty. He had never been to the moon before, but there was finally an opportunity now.

At this time, Ye Zisu finally took the courage and lightly kissed Wang Zheng's cheek before swiftly fluttering away like a butterfly. "Don't think too much, this is to encourage you. Good luck, friend!"

Wang Zheng touched his face, holding back his laughter while looking at the cute Ye Zisu. What was that?

Nothing in this world would able to stop him, not even those invincible families' children, or those self-proclaimed Ability X elites!

Over the next two days, everyone was busy arranging their classes. Upon reaching the headmaster's office, Zhang Shan scratched his head when he saw Wang Zheng and Meng Tian. "What's up?"

Meng Tian shook her head. "Not sure."

At this instant, they saw Zhang Runan and the dean's assistant walking out from the corner of the corridor.

"Everyone is here, let's go in."

The assistant nodded and motioned the four of them to enter together.

Upon opening the office's door, the antique red carpet was indeed striking.

On the left was a row of bookshelves with ancient paper books and a variety of academic medals and souvenirs. A tea table which could sit at least twelve people was placed in the middle of the room. Further in, there was the headmaster's desk, decorated with various medals and awards.

On the right was a row of half-meter-tall portraits. They were the previous headmasters of the college, a total of eleven. Ares Academy had hundreds of years of history, so it was obvious that only the most outstanding headmasters had the honor of leaving their portraits on this wall.

Presently, the headmaster was standing right in front of these portraits, and upon hearing the four of them enter, he slowly turned around.

"You've all come."

The headmaster pointed towards the tea table in the center and motioned them to be seated.

"Headmaster, the graffiti at the school's gate was not done by our Arts Department."

Upon being seated, Zhang Runan immediately spoke up. Thinking back upon it, it was the only matter that would require the headmaster to personally send his assistant to investigate.

The headmaster opened his mouth. "So it was you all who did it!"

On the wall of the school's gate, a life-sized picture of an Olympian god had appeared overnight. Additionally, the pigments used were unique, such that they could not easily be covered up by other coatings within a short period of time.

Graffiti was a type of art. However, the key was that the 'gods' depicted in the drawings were extremely bloodthirsty, which had severely affected the physical and mental health of Ares College's primary and high school students who had just happened to pass by. It was even rumored that a primary student had written to his teacher that the painting had a negative influence on him, that it caused him to sleep in classes and his grades to decline.

Even worse, this incident had been reported on the news.

Zhang Runan quickly shook her head. "Headmaster, you've misheard me. I'm saying it was definitely not us. Rest assured, I will find out who the culprit is as soon as possible and deal with him under the school rules."

"Sigh, forget it. The reason I'm searching for you all is not due to this small incident."

The headmaster cleared his throat. "For this time's IG, the initial training camp for the Solar System has already begun. As the head of Ares College, I have said this before… know yourself and know your opponent. Just fight using your own style."

This was such a large event that Gu Te could not ignore it. The original plan was to let this four students relax a little, but there would be no motivation without any pressure.

The path had to be taken step by step, and the headmaster had already set his sights far into the future. This was an opportunity to let Wang Zheng practice his strength and accumulate experience, all to collect the harvest in the next semester.

The headmaster poured tea for the four of them and instructed them sternly. This year's tea was produced from the alpine mountains near the southern coast of Asia, and it was rather valuable. "Don't be too stressed. I don't require you to obtain exceptional results, but don't be too relaxed either. Just try your best to follow the training."

Ares College had not attended IG for numerous years. The current situation was already an improvement over the past, but it would be best if the results were not too disastrous, as that would invite ridicule from others.

Regarding the IG training camp, Wang Zheng had been looking forward to it. The elites of the whole Solar System gathered together, with this kind of interaction, thinking about it made his blood boil.

Zhang Shan's battle genetics had been fully awakened, and it was obvious that he was interested in exchanging pointers with other experts. This was not due to arrogance, as he clearly knew that he had a late start. The intention was to simply find out where he stood amongst others and to have a clearer grasp on his own strength in order to find the fastest way to become stronger.

Zhang Runan looked the most composed, while Meng Tian had a glimmer in her eyes. Among the four of them, she had the best understanding of IG. Gu Te may have been encouraging them, but it was clear that even he had not much confidence in them. While leaving the headmaster's room, Meng Tian opened her mouth. "The training this semester will be extremely difficult. Previously, the Solar System was ranked at 75th place. This time, the training will certainly be even more brutal."