388 - 395

Chapter 388: Victor's Might

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The military transport carriers were currently departing from the planetary space station, heading for the planetary base to land.

Seizing this free time, the 64 teams' national generals had come to celebrate with them.

"Well done!"

Meng Ao was generous with his praise. However, he had come here not just to say this, but also to convey an important message.

Following this, his expression turned serious. "Alright, time enough to celebrate later. Now, listen up. Previously, we were in group D. After this round of eliminations, too many were eliminated from group D, so there's been a reshuffle. Manalasuo has been slotted into group D. Besides them, the Silver Snake Coalition and Morgan Locke Empire also need to be watched carefully."

Meng Ao directed his comments especially towards Wang Zheng. As long as they did not immediately go up against Manalasuo in the next round, the Solar System stood a good chance of maintaining their dark horse reputation and breaking through to the next round.

The first fleet of transport ships landed on the planetary base. They would ferry the 64 qualified teams back to Mengtalis. Leaving first was the privilege of the victors.

The generals and leaders had been separated, to take a separate ship.

Akerlof appeared at the entrance of the advancing spaceship, snapping a military salute.

With a clatter, all the candidates responded in unison. Even the Atlanteans followed. When in Rome.

Akerlof smiled. "Firstly, let me congratulate you. You are the victors, and your prize is to return to Mengtalis to contest for the top 32 places! However, what awaits you there is the real competition. No blanks, no dummy mecha. There will be realistic fights. You have all signed the indemnity forms, and need no reminder from me. I believe each of you have your own reasons for fighting. Of course, rules are rules. If one side surrenders, the other may not attack further, or they'll be ruled out."

The 64 teams were quiet for a beat, then let out a ear-splitting roar of approval. Nobody feared battle.

Akerlof's tone suddenly changed. "Alright, also, the Milky Way's Chairman wishes all of you the best of luck. The Milky Way Alliance is the best place to rise in the entire galaxy. It is the cradle where generals are born. One day, you too might receive the requisition order. Come to Milky Way Alliance…"

Far away, the separated generals scowled. Damn, Akerlof was brazenly advertising his own cause.

Akerlof was an old fox. In truth, he had to. The Allied troops were desperately short of elite officers. In the last decade, many countries had begun to take more seriously the management of their human resources. Gradually, the arms race had shifted to a talent race. Furthermore, modern examples of warfare had proven that, in regional conflicts, the influence of people often outstripped the advantage of equipment.

After he had finished promoting the Milky Way Alliance's recruitment, Akerlof wasted no words. With a huge wave of his hand, he said, "Now, depart! Destination, Mengtalis!"

The rumble and din of the crowd.

The 64 teams had been allocated to different groups. Following the instructions transmitted by Skylink, they entered one of the eight different transport carriers.

The eight transport carriers represented the groups A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H. The grouping had been determined before the top 128, but had undergone minor adjustments following the eliminations to ensure that each group would have eight IG teams.

Aslan, Arbiter, Atlantis, Manalasuo, Ghana, Gemini… These widely acknowledged strong teams had all been placed in different groups.

This was an advantageous safeguard that the strong teams enjoyed. Letting the weak fight the weak and the strong fight the strong went against IG's principles. After all, the main competition was real war. If the strong clashed, who knew what would happen. They would not let the weaker teams scavenge an advantage.

Very quickly, the military transport carriers took off, rapidly entering cloud cover. All they could see were little black dots as they left this planet.

As though nobody had noticed… On the other side, far away, the eliminated teams stood in a corner.

They felt as though they had been heartlessly abandoned.

They were waiting for the second convoy of transport carriers, which would bring them directly back to their nations.

Many looked dissatisfied, especially those who had placed well the last time around. But this was the IG, and the losers could only long wistfully.

Akerlof walked over. He clearly did not forget them. A failure did not mean a lifetime of failure.

However, before Akerlof could speak, a voice rang out. "This is unfair! Why have we been eliminated? We are clearly stronger than some of those that qualified. For example, the Solar System Federation, who qualified on the basis of their doggerel luck. Bias!"

One outburst quickly flamed the emotions of those present.

It was true. They were not at all weak. They were clearly strong. They had paved their own way here, so how could they be eliminated after an exam? Their capabilities were clearly superior to some qualified teams. Furthermore, the eliminated Solar System Federation had actually been resurrected.

Akerlof grew serious, and said gravely, "Before you protest, first reflect. What is the IG? Must I tell you all over again?"

A majority was quelled by Akerlof's manner. In the IG, one competed not simply on pure battle prowess, but rather a competition to identify elites. Those that stood at the pinnacle of humanity did not necessarily have to be the strongest fighters, but rather holistically good. They who had been eliminated had various flaws in many aspects. Even if their battle strength was considerable, and within the top 64, overall they were indeed behind.

"But still stronger than the Solar System team!"

Yet still there was resentment. It was too unfair. Especially watching the free frag of many years, the Solar System team, ascend in glory to the first fleet of ships and return to Mengtalis. It was particularly harsh and hard to swallow. Did it mean they were really worth less than the Solar System?

"Enough! Shut up! Get out and stop disgracing yourselves. A loss is a loss. Stop finding excuses. Excuses are the methods of weaklings and cowards."

The one who spoke was the General of Moso, who had stood up behind Akerlof to berate them. He had been one of the witnesses to the battle. This current Solar System team was strong, and the more that was said, the more disgraceful it was.

In the transport carrier, the eight teams in group D were assigned to a hold, which they divided up and sat separately.

Although it was nowhere as comfortable as a passenger ship, it also passed through the ozone layer more quickly, shrugging off the planet's gravitational field and entering space.

As the transport carrier entered sub-space, the interior environment became stable. The seat belts also loosened. The return journey was still long, and it would be impossible to remain seated throughout. Besides, everybody knew that the other teams in the same ship would be one's potential opponent in the next round.

The strongest, Manalasuo, quietly occupied the frontmost seats in the hold, proud and composed. Clearly, they did not see anybody as their opponent. Regardless of who they met, they would come out ahead.

Between the other teams, they were generally defensive, and at the same time carefully sizing up potential adversaries.

The Caragal and Solar System teams were familiar with each other. Leader Max took the initiative to approach, smiling to Wang Zheng. "Who would have known that only two of us would be left among all the teams we came with, and that we'd both come through resurrection rounds. It must be fate!"

Max was already relaxed since Caragal had entered the top 64. He knew that luck was involved in this and, the way he saw it, the Solar System was the same. They had their own rough ups and downs in entering the top 64. The Solar System would be in the same boat as them from now on – taking what they could get, as far as they could go.

Wang Zheng nodded. "Yeah, it definitely hasn't been easy." This was nothing but the truth, he had almost died.

"But in truth, among these teams, the team we hope to meet the most in the next round is you." Max spoke frankly as well.

Wang Zheng smiled. "I think you will be disappointed."

If they really went up against each other, he would hold nothing back

Apparently, Max had misunderstood Wang Zheng's words. "That's true. We've been in the same boat for so long, it seems like the chances of meeting again are low."

In truth, the group D teams all felt that the easiest food in the next round would be the Solar System. The dark horse must be tired by now.

On the other side, the Silver Snake Coalition and Morgan Locke teams were getting it on as well. Within group D, they were unreservedly strong, historically entering the top eight of IG before. Between them, they had crossed paths many times, both in this iteration as well as between their seniors in the past.

As the number of clashes increased, they had developed antagonism. Inevitably, individual members would bear grudges of one kind or the other.

Crackle! As their lines of sight met, sparks seemed to fly.

Kong Zhan's gaze, however, was permanently directed towards the Solar System, more specifically at Wang Zheng. However… his gaze swept lightly over. His brain replayed the video that Majorca had showed him. It had a curious shadow. Being in the same room as Wang Zheng was like being caged with a beast. One had to tread carefully.

In truth, Kong Zhan regretted watching that video. If he faced Wang Zheng, or the Solar System, his confidence would be a little affected.

But if he had not watched…

Perhaps the consequences would be even more terrifying. To go up against such an opponent in actual battle was too dangerous.

"Kong Zhan? What's up? Have you fallen for the beauties of the Solar System?"

The Morgan Locke team leader, Bo Yikao, frowned. He had recently felt that Kong Zhan was a little out of sorts. His gaze kept drifting towards the Solar System.

What was worth watching in the Solar System side? A bunch of people who had their heads in the clouds. They could still laugh now, but once the real battle started, they would understand that some places were out of their reach. Once they entered, they would pay a cruel price.

The only thing worth watching were the two beauties. But judging from Kong Zhan's personality, how could he be wasting time and energy on women? If it was any other day it would be fine, but they were veterans of the IG and knew better. This was the real battle.

Kong Zhan turned his head. "Bo Yikao, don't you think that the Solar System is really strong this time?"

Bo Yikao started. He did not expect Kong Zhan to be sizing up the Solar System's battle power. Was it really worthy of consideration?

Bo YiKao chuckled lightly. "They do have some limited ability, but most of it is luck. How many years has it been since they last pulled out that examination task? And the concealed and ambush war, these were all sneaky tasks, which seem to line up with the Solar System people's strengths.

Kong Zhan shook his head. "Behind luck, there is always another reason."

Bo Yikao shrugged. "If their power is that considerable, then how could they have been eliminated in the crossing battlefield round? It was really lucky that their leader chose an easy task in the resurrection round and passed. If we meet them, they will go down. Keke, we're not the only ones thinking like this."

The group D teams basically all saw it the same way.

In the actual competition to come, they would be using real blades and guns. In sneaky tasks, the Solar System had some tricks up their sleeves, but in a fair fight, they were still food.

Kong Zhan opened his mouth and shook his head. Lear, Achilles, and even Lie Xin… He had the confidence to beat them in a fight… but Wang Zheng… How would they deal with him if they met?

As for Lear and the rest, were they the same as Wang Zheng? Under that sheepskin, did a wolf lie…?

However he mulled over the issue, all he could do was pray that they did not meet the Solar System team.

Bo Yikao smiled coldly. Kong Zhan's state of mind was clearly off, but this was to their advantage. Within group D, besides whoever was unlucky enough to face off against the Manalasuo team, the only one who could hold a candle to Morgan Locke was the Silver Snake Coalition that Kong Zhan led. If he was off-kilter, then it was indeed their lucky day.

Chapter 389: Fire Sage

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Back at Mengtalis, at the imperial training grounds, the battles for the top 32 had begun. It had a completely different feel to it. It was a real battle, and the onlookers were limited to the generals of each country and the representatives from the top 64. They were about to witness mecha battles of the highest standard.

The first day would see eight fights. Within the strong teams, Aslan, Manalasuo would make an appearance, while the Solar System team would be in the first round as well. Their opponents were the Silver Snake team, an old hand and a strong team. They had made it into the top 32 countless times, and their best showing had been top 8.

Against the dark horse Solar System, they had the advantage on paper. The Silver Snake team leader, Kong Zhan, was also one of the men of the moment in this IG, and their collective ability was fairly good. It was rumored that they were viewed with a good eye by the Milky Way Alliance, and might receive the opportunity to enter the Milky Way Alliance Army for an internship after the IG ended. This was also in partially due to the Silver Snake Coalition's practice of nailing down solid foundations for the sake of advancement. Therefore, to the Silver Snake team, they had to perform even better and achieve better results.

"Boss, this is definitely God smiling upon us. We actually matched up against the Solar System, this is a surefire into the top 32."

"Let's sweep them 3-0 like withered plants, and get rid of them pronto!"

"Maybe it will be over without our leader even needing to get his hands dirty, and we can focus on preparations for top 16."

The Silver Snake team members were brimming with confidence. Taking down the Solar System team would be a walk in the park.

Only Kong Zhan's expression was especially grave. Gazing at a figure from the nearby Solar System team, he still felt an unshakable sense of dread.

"Who would have thought that these punks were in such good shape? If they could advance one step further, that would be even better!" Lie Wuqing laughed. Honestly, he thought that it was a lost cause. Who would have known that such a disadvantageous situation had been turned around.

In the second round, Meng Ao was the only representative present. Lie Wuqing, Drachmach, and the rest were nowhere to be seen.

"Old Ao, what are you smiling so lasciviously about? Are you hiding something from us?" Drachmach asked mildly.

Meng Ao started. "Ah, no. I was just thinking about something. The Silver Snake team is very strong, especially their 'Kong' card. He might make it to the top 10 newcomers for this iteration."

Lie Wuqing and Drachmach had the feeling that something was off, but they could not put a finger on it. Below, the arena was huge, surrounded by energy force fields that would allow the combatants to unleash their full potential.

Even the representative group members had to pass a round of inspection. Simply watching these battles required one to pass a psychological test, to prevent psychological problems from surfacing. However, everyone was more than qualified. They were all either military related or military school personnel, and had the endurance ability needed.

After two rounds of baptism, the Solar System team members were full of confidence as well. Confidence begets confidence. Once they had reached the top 32, every round would not be easy, like the Silver Snake team.

The IG umpire from the Milky Way Alliance announced the start of the competition.

The two leaders stepped up. Kong Zhan, a well known figure in the new generation of the Milky Way. Wang Zheng, the dark horse from Earth, who had recently been labeled with the nickname of Little Lucky Star. It felt like this fellow had the luck of a lucky cat.

It seemed like many teams were envious of the Silver Snake team's luck, but Kong Zhan was not at all envious. He really wished to swap with somebody. Going up against the Solar System was no better than facing Arbiter.

After both leaders had bowed to the audience, they began to draw lots. The result was the Silver Snake team drawing the red, which meant that they would send out their member first.

For the first round, the Silver Snake team sent out Priest Tang, whose ancestor was rumored to be a devout follower of the Sage Sect, hence the name. Usually, the first up would be someone highly confident of taking the win. Everybody wanted to start off on a good foot with a win.

On the Solar System side, all eyes were on Wang Zheng. Who would Wang Zheng send? His choices were always contentious, but the Solar System had already achieved a historical breakthrough, and to doubt him any further would be uncharitable.

Wang Zheng's gaze raked through them, finally landing on Lie Xin. "Lie Xin, I'll leave the first battle up to you!"

Lie Xin stood up. "Yes, Sir!"

After such a long time, Lie Xin felt that Wang Zheng was becoming more and more to her liking. At the least his leadership did not evoke resentment, and she had plenty of opportunities to fight.

The first fight was for momentum and morale, and needed someone fierce and unyielding.

The Lie family's Lie Xin was a deserving choice.

The opponents shook hands. Priest Tang was the very picture of a handsome and cultured gentleman, Lie Xin was sexy and with a beautiful smile. However you looked at it, it looked more like a matchmaking event than a life and death battle.

The two chose their mecha requirements on the screens. This mecha storehouse was no less inferior to that of Aslan Royal College. It would definitely satisfy any mecha pilot's needs.

At this formal contest, unless you were Aurora or Olivios, you would bring your full strength to bear. This was a contest that nobody could afford to lose.

Lie Xin chose her best mech without hesitation, which was also her trump card – Fire Sage!

This was one of the strongest mecha on Mars till date, and also the mecha that Lie Xin had endured grueling training with. This first battle for an advantage was a must win.

Priest Tang had chosen the Silver Snake's most famous mech of the Fallen Angel series – Fallen Angel Generation III.

There would be no backing down in this fight. The gaze of every member and representative was trained on these two warriors, but Kong Zhan was still gazing at that figure.

What if… What if he was the one who matched up with him?

"Kong Zhan, that's a devil in human skin. He's definitely more fearsome than Olivios. If there is no need, don't clash with him!"

This was an unwinnable fight. Such fearsome energy, and that Ability X, he was unbeatable, unbeatable!

But the more one dreaded it, the more it came true. The Silver Snake team had really matched against the Solar System team.

Perhaps the team could still win even avoiding Wang Zheng. If it meant dropping a match, so be it.

The two mecha made their appearance, descending. Lie Xin and Priest Tang began to descend, quickly entering the mecha.

Both were full of confidence. The Lie Flame Technique gave Lie Xin confidence in taking the match. She understood Wang Zheng's intention, to use the Lie family's awesomeness to dictate the mood of the battle.

Both mecha's eyes lit up with the light of ignition. With a rumble, the battle begun. The one who attacked first was Lie Xin.

The Fire Sage. Any mecha from Mars which dared to use the name of Sage belied extraordinary achievements. The entire mecha was made of a special fire ore, qualifying it as a specialized mecha. Its capabilities were excellent, but it was fabled that the mecha hid some secret, which no one really knew what it was till date.

Against the imminent rush, Priest Tang was all smiles. This girl was pretty calm. He fired his laser gun, retreating and returning fire.

Seeing their opponents' reaction, the Solar System cheered. The opponent was terrified, and clearly a ninny. However, Lear and some others had no response. The opponent seemed to be handling himself well.

Since Lie Xin was eager to rush ahead, then Priest Tang was in no hurry. He would get her measure first. She had started off ferociously, but if she wasted her energy, she would be heavily at a disadvantage. It was the Solar System's first breakthrough into the top 64. She was too eager to prove herself.

The Silver Snake team members were all calm. Everything was under control.

Lie Xin's footwork was good, but her opponent's Fallen Angel series was an equal match in capability. If she forcefully closed in, it would be a waste of her own energy shield's strength. At this time, if Lie Xin had a little more patience, she should have stalled a little, and not fallen into her opponent's trap. But Lie Xin was heedless, seemingly confident in her own attack.

After taking two lasers on her energy shield, Lie Xin's Fire Sage finally closed the gap into a close-quarters combat battle. Her opponent understood this as well. The Fallen Angel's beam saber snaked out, immediately jumping forward.


With a deafening sound… God!

The Fire Sage was sent flying.

In their clash, Lie Xin had held nothing back, and her opponent should not have had enough energy to defend. Yet Lie Xin had been repulsed.

The Silver Snake team members were all grinning, as though jeering Lie Xin's naivety.

As their point, this Priest Tang was the most violent character. In the cockpit, the suave, refined Priest Tang disappeared, replaced by a violent strongman.

Strength type Ability X user!


With a loud explosion, the Fallen Angel reached the side of the Fire Sage, savagely attacking. In the moment, Lie Xin could do nothing but defend, feeling as though she might be routed at any moment.

The strength type Zhang Runan and Raston saw the shock in each other's eyes. This level of strength definitely outclassed them, and was in fact what they aspired towards. Zhang Runan heaved a sigh. Given another six months, she might have been able to reach this level, because her Ability X would be ranked up once it was fully formed, but…

The Lie Flame Technique allowed the Lie family members to maintain agility while exerting considerable strength, but this could not be brought to bear against an experienced Ability X user. Her opponent's furious assault left no openings.


More strength did not yield advantages in speed when the distance was great, but up close, the explosive movements were faster. From the start, Priest Tang had drawn his opponent in. Once he countered, the opponent would be drawn into his rhythm, and it would be impossible to break out now.

In a short while, the difference in skill became obvious. Lie Xin's level of close combat within the Solar System paled comparatively in the IG. The opponent had too much experience. He used an appropriate amount of energy to subdue her, and his mecha control was flawless, leaving Lie Xin no chances. Lie Xin was forced to activate her energy shield defense a few times, and the shield had been depleted considerably. Most crucially, there seemed to be no opportunity to turn the tables.

Wang Zheng's choice in the first battle seemed to be questionable again. Why had he not chosen Lear or Achilles, were they not safer choices?

Wang Zheng was unflustered, and Lear and the rest equally were calm. Lie Xin was the same. In the cockpit, she was composed. Although the situation looked bleak, she could still hold on.


Following a particularly punishing attack from the Fallen Angel, the energy shield broke. Priest Tang smiled. Victory was before his eyes.

Suddenly, in that instant, HUM~~~~

A blaze flared up towards the sky. The Lie Flame Technique exploded in all directions, and even the Fallen Angel close by felt a stifling, scorching wave of heat.


The Fire Sage, which had been kept on the defense, counterattacked. A blade flashing out, a scorching wave of heat forced the Fallen Angel to retreat a couple of steps. The Fire Sage pressed closely. This was the true potential of the super mech that only the Lie Flame Technique could unlock.

Chapter 390: Non-mainstream Fatty

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Slash, slash, slash , slash…

It was a completely different fighting sword style that had never been seen before in the Milky Way Alliance The frenzied blade brought a wave of heat, attacking furiously. Each stroke seemed to gather up the surrounding air into it. She pressed forward relentlessly, catching him mentally unprepared.

Lie's Raging Wildfire 18 Cleaves!

One stroke bore down after another. Lie Xin's level had suddenly risen two ranks, and she was capitalizing on the only opening that her opponent thought would bring him the advantage, that in the instant the energy shield broke, the opponent would have just executed a furious attack and would need a breather. In the same moment, her shield breaking would free up the agility of her mech – it was the perfect opportunity for a counterattack.

Lie Xin was a woman, so she was far more calm than men!

Priest Tang's underestimation showed in his moves, and she had used that against him instead!

The berserk 18 Cleaves shook the entire arena. The intense inferno diffused through the mech to cook the pilot alive. If it was not for Priest Tang's innate strength ability, he would have lost all ability to fight.


The Fallen Angel's energy shield failed, but Lie Xin's killer advance showed no signs of stopping, the fiery blade cutting down with full strength.


The beam saber defended as best as it could, but following the explosion, it was sent flying. The Fallen Angel was stranded in the energy force field wall, sparks flying. The mech fell to the floor, broken.

This was Lie Xin's real move!

The Fallen Angel mech's beam hummed into darkness. Solar System team, WIN!

Lie Xin had taken the first round in an earth-shattering fashion.

Lie Guang was the first to jump up. His sister was too cool!

Lie Xin was also sweating profusely as she came down. She had really exerted herself. If she had not strategized well and used her ace from the start, she might have been countered by her opponent. She had leapt at the opportunity that underestimation provided.

An unbelievably sexy Amazon dripping with sweat, she was truly a beguiling figure. Yet the cheers were for her deeds alone.

"Lucky not to have let us down!"

Wang Zheng smiled. "I knew you would win."

The Solar System team were up 1 to 0, and had seized the advantage. Priest Tang had been rescued from the mech by troopers. He seemed unharmed, but shook his head in regret and disbelief. What kind of Ability X was this?

Inferno ability?

That couldn't be right. If it was inferno ability, then why did he feel that her strength and speed had been raised as well? And what kind of never-before-seen sword style did she use, such that he could not even defend himself?

Everyone was afire with curious discussion, and the Silver Snake team was even more affected.

Wang Zheng could sense the shift in Lie Xin's demeanor, that she had become exuberant. Was this the Lie family's Lie Flame Technique? It was a fabled power, and seemed to be really powerful.

Lie Xin spotted Wang Zheng zoning out in her direction, and smiled charmingly. "What, are you bedazzled by my heroic stature?"

Wang Zheng recovered. "No man could ever resist you."

Actually, he was thinking about other matters. The Lie Flame Technique was apparently some otherworldly response drawing strength from one's own body. It was similar to Ability X, yet slightly different.

If this had not been the Lie family's secret, Wang Zheng would have really wanted to ask more. He was too ignorant in such matters.

It was the Solar System team's turn to send out their challenger first, in the second round. Although they were the underdogs, not a single member gave off that impression. As Wang Zheng's gaze swept through them, each met his, eager to fight.

Zhang Shan was raring to go. Mech battles were his forte. His displacement ability, used right, could finish off any opponent, and he was confident in pulling it off. But Wang Zheng's gaze passed him. Lie Guang desperately craned his neck. Lie Xin's performance with the Lie Flame Technique was perfect. This was the time when power was the most important determiner, and direct battles were undoubtedly the best way forward.

But Wang Zheng was not keen on him either.

Having taken the lead, everyone was more or less eager to go, besides Lear and Achilles, who were calm as ever. However, the decision rested with Wang Zheng, and everybody's gazes were mostly directed at either Lear or Achilles.

In terms of power, either of them stood the best chance of securing the next win. Since they had already entered the official contest, every match was important, and they could not afford to be as casual as before. The time for training was over.

At this moment, one in the crowd was keeping his head down desperately, as though afraid of being called by Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng pointed at the cowering Fatty Luo. "Luo Fei, for the second round, you will go."

Luo Fei pointed at himself, mouth agape. "Eh, eh, this… Captain, this is such a crucial match, are you…"

Wang Zheng nodded. "That's right. You go."

Fatty stood up begrudgingly. The opponents now were of a completely different class from before. There were so many skilled people around… what did Wang Zheng have against him?

Luo Fei gritted his teeth, and walked towards the mech selection screen. His finger slid over the screen, and he began to choose his mech. Correspondingly, the large spectator screen was already displaying Luo Fei's profile, showing: Solar System team Luo Fei VS Silver Snake Coalition team ????

Among the Solar System spectator representatives, Lie Wuqing, who had been gratified at Lie Xin's first win, suddenly found his smile frozen on his face. Drachmach frowned. They had expected that either Lear or Achilles would be sent to decisively secure the second match. The Silver Snake team was no fodder. Whether in their past matchups or current strength, they stood above the Solar System by a clear margin. Their first win did not count for much.

Meng Ao did not respond. If he had doubts before, they had vanished after he had seen Wang Zheng's true strength. Wang Zheng now had his own judgement and principles. Regardless of right or wrong, he did not need external interference.

This came from towering self-confidence – a world that the others did not understand.

On the spectator platform, other countries' spectator representatives had shown up as well, probably to collect information. The elite three in the Solar System, Lear, Achilles, and Lie Xin, were said to be of roughly the same level, while this Wang Zheng was a surprise showing in the Solar System team.

Lie Xin had secured the first point through a display of the Lie fiery strength. Everybody saw clearly the true strength of the Solar System's elite three. The Silver Snake team's Priest Tang's level was considerable, but he had still been defeated. Yet, everybody now clearly saw Lie Xin's limits; she must have brought at least 90 percent to bear. From this, they could roughly gauge the strength of the others.

…Honestly, these people were a little puzzled. Why did they have to come to observe this?

Although they were not bad, this was roughly top 32 standard at best. Against a truly strong team, they were of no threat.

"Keke, is this the defensive move after taking the lead? When they send first, they send a replacement that they don't mind losing. When the opponent sends first, they send their strongest counter. The idea is not wrong when both sides are evenly matched. Against the Silver Snake team, this is playing with fire, and they should be careful not to burn themselves."

It seemed like the Silver Snake team supporters on the platform constituted the majority. Although the Solar System had won a little fame for themselves in this iteration, the Silver Snake Coalition had made it as far as the top 8 before, and were full of talent in this iteration as well. Kong Zhan, especially, received one of the most calls to enter the top 10 newcomers. While top 4 might have been a bit of a long shot, top 8 was definitely within reach.

Kong Zhan's expression was pensive, clearly thinking. This left the members a little baffled. Kong Zhan, who had been so swift and decisive – what had gotten into him recently?

Luo Fei, the little fatty, gave people a poor impression. Clearly the "fat" characteristic was easy to remember, but also easy to dismiss.

Kong Zhan's stare swiveled towards Fatty Luo, then traced to the only female fighter in his team. "Qi Yan, you go then. Be careful."

Qi Yan started, then happily stood up, nodding frantically. Ever since the competition started, she had not had the chance to fight. Finally, the leader had recognized her efforts and had given her the chance!


On the big screen, the finalized battle was displayed. This time, it was accompanied by the two competitors' pictures.

Solar System team Luo Fei VS Silver Snake Coalition Qi Yan.

On one side was Fatty's half-body shot. On the other was Qi Yan's figure shot in armor.

Many of the younger representatives blew jeering whistles. Luo Fei's figure… was too unsoldier-like.

But speaking of figures… Qi Yan's chest was still bigger than his by far.

Luo Fei had seen her as well. A sexy diva. However, Luo Fei's gaze readily focused. IG did not differentiate between the sexes. He sat in the mech and breathed deeply, calming himself down.

Fatty had chosen the Avalon Land Fighter II mech, proudly produced by the Moon. A scout type that mainly focused on offence. The double engines under light armor gave the Avalon II considerable explosive power. This was one of the mecha that Luo Fei had trained the most with.

Qi Yan's mech was also delivered readily through the underground tunnel, and rose from the opening. A wave of pressure perceptibly rose. Titan V!

This was the Silver Snake Coalition's super mech. The defensive capabilities were astounding, and it simultaneously boasted considerable attack power. It was most suited for taking down sudden-attack type scout mecha.

This was an out-pick! Clearly she had guessed that Luo Fei would choose a scout type mech.

Both parties stepped into the battle zone.


Luo Fei immediately leaped into action. At the same instant, the Titan V gunned its engines as well. The Titan V's size was 1.5 times that of the Avalon II, and it's firepower was a threat as well.

At this time, it showed off its firepower generously, firing wildly.

Luo Fei's stealth specialty was apparently ineffective in the mech. All he could do was tough it out, dodging constantly. What he could not dodge, he had to take with his energy shields, and he conserved every bit of energy he could.

Braving the heavy hailstorm of bullets, the Avalon II continued rushing towards the Titan V. It would soon enter close combat range. When it did, the Titan's heavy firepower would lose its ability to shine.

Qi Yan's gaze was cold. She had chosen the Titan V not just for its heavy firepower. Clearly, at this level of IG, a Titan V's firepower could not possibly achieve a KO result.


Huge volumes of white vapor suddenly began to gush from the Titan V's back. This concurrently cooled its gunnery system. A huge, curved knife was unsheathed, and it cleaved towards the Avalon II!

Chapter 391: Legs Shaking, Sweat Flowing!

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas


A violent slash, speedy and accurate, and backed with fearsome power was unleashed


The Avalon lifted its titanium blade to block, and the entire mech was sent flying.

In the preparation area of the Solar System tea, Lie Xin's eyes flashed. "Material Manipulation is a rare Ability X, I didn't think it could be useful in battle!"

The Titan V was a heavy mech among heavy mecha. Even a strength-type Ability X strongman would be hard pressed to pilot it in close combat. In most situations, the heavy firepower of the Titan V would be used for both attack and defense.

But Qi Yan's Material Manipulation could utilize the full potential of the Titan V through G material feedback. Even without a strength-type Ability X user, the Titan V's innate power was sufficient. Even without speed, Material Manipulation could enable the Titan V to execute the perfect attack at the most opportune moment. From the looks of it, it could sustain for 5 seconds or so, although she might have been holding back. Under these circumstances, Fatty's situation did not look good.


The heavy gunnery system, under the control of Material Manipulation, had finished cooling, and was armed within a second. It aimed directly at the Avalon II and fired!

Ping ping ping ping ping!

Although Fatty tried his best to avoid them, he could not break free from the opponent's arc of fire. Furthermore, the Titan mech was advancing step by step. It almost felt like a game of cat and mouse. The continuous hits would soon break his energy shield.

Qi Yan was even more direct, lashing out punishingly. The cleaver bore down, finishing it!


Was no mock battle!

The knife's gleam grew larger in Fatty's field of view.

The platform was silent. Everybody could see that the Titan V firmly held the upper hand. Its energy shield was still full.

"The Solar System has been amusing. It's about time to surrender."

"Keke, Qi Yan is indeed not bad. Material Manipulation was originally only a repairing type ability. To think that she would use it to wield a heavy type mech."

Controlling a heavy type mech had always been unwieldy because its rhythm was difficult for pilot operation to follow, and the theoretical speed limit was never reached.

"Not everybody could do it either. Material Manipulation abilities often only work on small objects. Mech application was devised by Qi Yan herself, and she's been through her fair share of failures.

The Silver Snake Coalition team allowed themselves smiles. It was apparent that this match was in the bag. The Solar System had sent out Fatty as a free point.

Lear's expression was still sour. In battles at this level, Lear was still confident.

Wang Zheng was of the same mind on this point. Although Fatty had been sniveling, his abilities were undisputable. Wang Zheng had no intention of training soldiers, but aimed to decisively take the battle.

Luo Fei smelled something…


He would die. He really would die. This was a real execution, with no room for retreat. Live or die.


A cluster of fiery light leaped from Luo Fei's eyes. It was no reflection; his eyes were actually glowing.

Qi Yan intended to end it. She had no doubts, and was aiming to blow him up promptly. This was war. Furthermore, she was even more careful towards the finish, eyeing the Avalon II's every move. She would not make the same mistake as Priest Tang, and would cut them no slack.

The huge cleaver was only about 10cm away from the Avalon II. But at this moment, the Titan mech's movements suddenly stopped.

The Avalon II gunned its engines, the titanium blade sweeping aside the cleaver. It shifted its position and began to execute a combination of attacks towards the Titan mech. The scout's speed was brought to bear, and all Qi Yan could do was engage her energy shield.

… Weakening Ability X.

For a full three or four seconds, Qi Yan felt her body go weak, and the Titan mech's energy shield was also cut to pieces by the relentless attacks of her opponent. In the moment of life and death, Qi Yan demonstrated a cruel determination beyond most men. Faced with Luo Fei's attack, she purposely let it cut into her left shoulder and used the Titan mech's left arm to capture the Avalon's titanium blade. The huge cleaver swept towards the Avalon mech.

The Avalon mech suddenly lowered its head, a sharp blade emerging from the head. The titanium blade followed the cut, sliding downwards. The engines gunned with enough power to slice the opponent's cockpit open.

Qi Yan had a look of terror, overwhelmed by the intensity of the situation and the piercing alarm warning in her ear. Fatty saw it too. Just one more second…

Inexplicably, the titanium blade actually paused at the crucial moment, and the Titan mech's foot lashed out punishingly, an instinctive move by Qi Yan that used all her strength.


The Avalon mech was sent flying like a toy, flying over 10 meters, sparks flying…

For a scout mech to be kicked thus by a heavy mech, one almost feared that his brain fluids had been spattered.

Nobody had expected the turns of this battle. Qi Yan breathed a huge sigh of relief, staring at the disabled Avalon mech, gaping. Fatty panicked. Although that blow had scrambled his insides, his strength was in endurance, and his additional layer of meat was another layer of defense. Picturing Lear's disapproving face, he frantically piloted his mech, but the mech only made a few chittering sounds and collapsed.

Round 2, Silver Snake team win!

The Silver Snake team leaped up as one, their limbs flailing wildly in celebration. Although Qi Yan's ability was not considered to be the strongest, and they did not understand why their leader had chose her, it was clear now. He was too awesome. Kong Zhan's specialty lay in the power of observation, and he was also a genius in psychology. Although Fatty's power was unknown, a distinctive characteristic could be told from the look in his eyes – that Fatty was soft at heart, and possibly an otaku.

This was not uncommon. For example, those that could not bear to hit women.

Although Luo Fei was not at that kind of level, for him to kill a woman… in the end he could not bring himself to do so.

Compared to their opponents' celebrations, the Solar System team's side was in deathly silence. Fatty clearly had a winning opportunity, but had faltered at the crucial point.

What had happened? Had the opponent used Ability X?

Luo Fei ascended back, with a sheepish smile. "Sorry, I was too…"


A crisp slap hushed the whole crowd. Lear had slapped Luo Fei, whose right cheek was beginning to swell.

Even the opponents were uncertain of how to react. What was going on? Internal strife?

Fatty was still smiling after he had been slapped. "Boss, I was wrong. I won't do it again."

Lear's cold gaze seemed to pierce Fatty's fat layers, and this was because they were in public. If they had been back on Earth, Fatty would probably shed a few layers of skin, or worse.

A draw at 1 to 1.

The third match became even more crucial. Fatty hung his head in the corner, and nobody spoke. The relationship between Luo Fei and Lear was known, but nobody expected it to come to this. It was almost as if Fatty was Lear's slave. Zhang Shan felt a little indignant, but said nothing.

Wang Zheng smiled and shook his head slightly. He had predicted that, given Luo Fei's ability, the chances of winning were high unless he matched against their opponent's leader. Who would have known he would face such a problem?

For the third match, the Silver Snake team had made their choice. Kong Zhan, as the leader, should have held himself in reserve, but they did not expect the Solar System team to be this strong. This third match was decisive, and he wanted to secure it.

If one had Wang Zheng's ability, they would not have chosen him in the previous match but place him at a crucial interval such as now.

As expected, Lear had already stood up. The opponents had chosen, and he clearly felt that there was nothing wrong with himself being chosen. More importantly, he wanted to save the decision error that Wang Zheng had made. "This match…"

Wang Zheng smiled. "Lear, no rush. Leave this one to me."

Lear seemed like he was about to say something, but was reminded that Wang Zheng was the leader. He slowly sat back down.

Wang Zheng was up. This leader had not left a particularly deep impression. From the start, he had been rather carefree.

Some of the lounging spectators were suddenly jerked back to alertness. This was their purpose for coming, to bring back news of Wang Zheng. Although they were unsure why, their superiors had ordered thus, and they complied.

"Where does this punk Wang Zheng get such confidence from? Have you noticed? He's not nervous at all. I wonder if that's a good thing," Lie Wuqing said irritatedly.

Nerves did not necessarily indicate fear. Sometimes it also represented prudence and focus. And composure could also mean a lack of responsibility. Could he actually think that he had already accomplished his mission thus?

A soldier with no ambition to be general was not a good soldier. A warrior with no desire to push for more was not a good soldier.

Drachmach eyed Meng Ao, who looked calm. When had Meng Ao become so calm? He used to be different.

"Hey, Old Ao, are you hiding something from us?"

"Eh? What do I have to hide from you? You know everything there is to know. I just feel like since we decided on Wang Zheng as leader, we have to believe in him. At the same time, we don't need to humble ourselves. This iteration of the Solar System team is very strong!"

Meng Ao spoke with confidence, but left Drachmach and Lie Wuqing staring at each other. What the hell was going on? Two days ago, he was the very picture of worry. What had changed?

When he saw Lear stand up, Kong Zhan had been secretly overjoyed. His judgement had been entirely accurate. The strong were so predictable.

But he was wrong on one thing. Wang Zheng was not fond of playing his cards conventionally.

Below, the slapped Fatty was full of frustration. He was not frustrated at being slapped, but at the plan not moving accordingly. Before going up, he had seen Lear's signal.

If Lear had suggested for him to go, he had to win. If Wang Zheng commanded him to go, he had to lose. That way, Lear could follow up with a win. This would demonstrate Lear's ability, and also undermine Wang Zheng's error in judgement. After all, this was the only place where Wang Zheng could be made to look bad. The slap just now was also part of the performance. Among soldiers, such a small matter was nothing to think about, and Meng Ao and the rest would admire Lear's decisiveness and leadership… But who would have thought Wang Zheng would be so anxious to go himself? This… was not at all like a general.

Seeing Wang Zheng advance stride by stride, Kong Zhan felt like his own pores were shrinking in fear. His palms began to sweat. The opponent's smile looked like a devil's smile. Vicious was no longer enough to describe such a person. Only something that crawled out of hell could smile so peacefully.

Going up against such a person would leave inerasable psychological trauma, even death.

What to do?

What to do?

To fight, or not to fight?

Fight. He had to fight. He was the leader, and represented the Silver Snake team. He must have courage!

No. He could not fight. He would definitely lose, and badly. This person was unbeatable. He had such a bright future ahead of him!

Kong Zhan felt as though everybody was looking at him. His body was afire. The Aslan people, Manalasuo people, them being here was no coincidence. They had to be here to see Wang Zheng, and how he would finish him!

The generals could not directly express anything. Given their position and status, they had their honor to uphold. Besides, saying it directly was also pathetic. However, they could use certain methods to hint things, such as asking the watching teams to observe the Solar System Federation team more closely, especially those that they might go up against.

What mech to choose?

Kong Zhan's hands were shaking. Since Kong Zhan had come up first, Wang Zheng had to choose his mech first.

Wang Zheng had not hesitated over much, choosing the Manalasuo's Golden Wheel Battle King mech. The Hercules was not too well suited for such a fight, and Fatty Luo had just lost a round, which meant this was a must-win.

Kong Zhan's heart was hammering, his sweat pouring down. The entire arena was noisy with discussion, including the Solar System team, who were looking on with suspicious faces. What was he playing at?

The Golden Wheel mech? Had he lost his mind???

Even Zhang Shan's eyes widened. If not for the fact that he was used to Wang Zheng's odd ways of thinking, he would have been the first to cry out.

Luo Fei was even more stunned. Lear liked to play with fire, and apparently Wang Zheng did too. What crazy people. Luckily, he did not need to think too much. He was just a loyal dog.

Yet, at this moment, they could not afford to be discouraged, and repressed the doubt in their hearts.

The Golden Wheel was an abandoned mech. Wang Zheng had actually chosen this mech at such a crucial time. Furthermore, wasn't he from Earth?

Some people were beginning to notice Kong Zhan. This… what was wrong with the Silver Snake team leader? His face was white as a sheet, and his forehead beaded with sweat. His legs were even shaking…

That berserk shadow seemed to be right in front of his eyes, growing larger and larger, a bloody, golden wheel that stretched from horizon to horizon flying towards him…

Chapter 392: Despair

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Everybody quickly switched their attention from Wang Zheng's choice of Golden Wheel to Kong Zhan. This ray of hope for the Silver Snake Coalition did not seem to be himself at all.

The Silver Snake Coalition members had discovered their leader's oddness as well. Within the team, Kong Zhan commanded leadership, and he had proved himself with his skills as well. In both rounds, he had demonstrated spectacular skill, and was regarded as a potential contestant for the top 10 rookies because of it.

They had been anticipating Kong Zhan's intervention to secure them a win. With his ability, defeating an Earthling should be easily within his grasp.

Kong Zhan clenched his fists tightly, sweat pouring. His face was flushed red. His Ability X was foresight and prediction …

The end of his life felt close at hand. Kong Zhan could sense the mind-numbingly terrifying energy from Wang Zheng's body. There could not be more than five of such people in the whole IG. This was a true devil.

"Contestant Kong Zhan, choose your mech!" the judge prompted.

"I… forfeit." In an instant, Kong Zhan seemed wasted, drained of all strength and color.

Everybody was silent. The judge was stunned. "Contestant Kong Zhan, a forfeit means surrender. You understand?"

Kong Zhan glanced at Wang Zheng. He seemed to have entered a dreamlike state. He had been ensnared by the demons of his own making. More accurately, the demons in his heart had finally been released.


Looking into Wang Zheng's eyes, he was filled with nothing but terror. Slowly, Kong Zhan's mouth opened, although he said not a word. He collapsed to the floor.

Wang Zheng himself, let alone the others, was shocked. Damn, was he that frightening?

Neither friend nor foe could make sense of what had just transpired. Wang Zheng had merely entered the field, and furthermore had made a strange choice. This alone had scared the Silver Snake leader into fainting?

What was this?

If the place had not been packed with watchful eyes, Wang Zheng might have been accused of sorcery.

The paramedics intervened. "Quick! His Ability X is going haywire!"

Everybody was stunned. For such a thing to have happened at such a crucial time was a huge stroke of luck for the Solar System. Or perhaps it was the Silver Snake that had met ill fortune?

Just like that, the Solar System team led 2 to 1. One more win would see them through to the top 32.

At the same time, Manalasuo Republic was taking on Gaphalia Alliance's team.

Gaphalia Alliance, who had drawn the shortest straw, was no strong veteran. But under excellent governance in the last decade, they had seen the entire alliance filled with a new, never-before-seen purpose.

Besides, half the members had been sent to the Arbiter Republic to study under the label of "exchange" for the last three years, only returning at the beginning of the IG qualifiers. Privately, some called Gaphalia "Little Arbiter".

And Gaphalia had truly displayed the strength of "Little Arbiter". They had sailed through so far, their performance praiseworthy. They indeed had the character of Arbitan warriors, daring and capable of battle.

"Manalasuo is indeed strong, but don't forget that we've been through 10 times more training than they have. We will win!" Leader Bernier was full of confidence. In this IG, not a single team's members had been through as much as they had. They had been chosen at the age of 14, and prepared specifically for this day.

At the start, 3,000 youths of 13 or 14 had been chosen. After a year, only 200 were left to receive the honor of advancing to the Arbiter Republic to learn the art of war.

Arbiter's most grueling training camp… In a mere year, 200 had been whittled down to 42 healthy survivors. The rest either had their spirits broken, or had been physically maimed.

When the day to return dawned, only seven were left. With them as the nucleus, this Gaphalia team had been built.

"We'll definitely win!"

Ho! How could they possibly be stopped here?


A light screen suddenly blossomed from the second-in-command Ackley's Skylink. It was a recorded video.

The video featured over a 100 youths, horrifically maimed, watching the spectacle on the stage…

"This was what the general sent to me. They are waiting for the news of our success."

These were their past comrades, those who had forever lost their chance, the failures in Arbiter's super-soldier training camp.

And they who were waiting in the preparation area were those who had succeeded.

Now, and in the future, they had to continue to be the victors. They owed it to their fallen comrades!



The Gaphalia team was filled with determination.

On the platform, the various nations' representatives frowned. The intelligence on Gaphalia was close to comprehensive. The training footage had also been reviewed. Ability wise, they were definitely not on par with Arbiter, but once they entered a frenzy, things were different. As though possessing some berserk factor, the more enraged they became, the better they fought, even doubling their ability.

Over at the Manalasuo Republic side, the reserves were warming up, while the main force… was bored. Some were even sipping milk tea. They were taking this very lightly.

Gaphalia, aka Little Arbiter? Keke, it was not even the real Arbiter, no cause for concern.

"Don't waste too much time. When it ends, I want to review it!"

With that grim statement to the members, he left with the assistant leader, individually heading for the arenas in zone A and zone B. They completely did not regard their opponents as a threat. It was definitely a slight.

Zone A, Aslan Empire VS Mist Country team.

Mist country had three inhabitable planets and 17 large space cities, a business union. Their liberal stance had allowed them to accrue considerable human resources. In past IGs, they had always been a top 32 contender.

"Looks like the Mist Country team is going to be stopped at the top 64 this time."

The first match had just ended in Aslan's win. The substitute had been sent, while Mist Country's leader had personally made an appearance. They had originally intended to take a point, seeing as it was Aslan's substitute. Even if they lost subsequently, it would be a point in their favor.

Manalasuo's leader appeared on the zone A viewing platform just as the second round was beginning. Mist Country had sent out their assistant leader. Ability wise, he was ahead of the leader, but he had character defects; he was the type that only knew how to fight.

However, even against Aslan's substitute, he could not hold out for even five minutes, while the Aslan members were all calm, sweeping them unconcernedly in a 3-0. Aslan advanced.

Soon, Manalasuo against Gaphalia ended in a 3-0. A clean victory in three rounds.

Gaphalia, nicknamed "Little Arbiter" were perhaps at their strongest in terms of gusto and ability, compared to previous years. If they had had better luck, and matched against another team, perhaps they could have made history in a spectacular battle.

But against Manalasuo, they had not the quality. They could not be compared in the same class.

All three matches ended within 5 minutes. Gaphalia had indeed given their best and went berserk to the point where their powers had doubled. The Arbiter training camp's berserk training had indeed been effective. All three main team contestants had given off a completely different feeling. However, the difference in ability was real, and their huge improvement was still insufficient. This was not something that morale could make up for. The dispirited members crumbled, wailing in sorrow. It did not bring them victory.

Back in the preparation zone, the assistant leader, who had headed for zone B, had returned, his gaze flinty.

"How was Atlantis?"

"As expected, a 3-0, and…"


"They used Aslan's Agile Guard, and not an Atlantean mech."

The leader's eyes flashed. "The outcome?"

"No weaker than us." The assistant leader's words had stoked the intensity of the leader's gaze.

What was Atlantis trying to convey? Were they trying to tell the rest that they were unbeatable?!

Chapter 393: Female Tyrannosaurus

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Zone E…

Arbiter team against Owl Egg United Kingdom team. Unquestionably, the strength of Arbiter had drawn many observers. Half the teams would rather face Atlantis than go anywhere near Arbiter. Their reputation for cruelty was well known.

At that moment the score was 2-0. Two of Owl Egg's members had died in battle.

Half of all the fighters did not have Arbiter's bloodthirst. They fought so ferociously that the opponent did not even have time to surrender. To Arbiter, they wanted to scare their opponents witless!

The last match was just starting. The Arbiter captain, Olivios himself, made an appearance. The Owl Egg United Kingdom team members lowered their heads. Nobody was willing to fight this one. Whoever went up was putting their life on the line. The only way to live was to surrender now, but to dodge the fight meant giving up one's military career.

Shi Long gritted his teeth. Olivios' aura could be keenly felt throughout the huge arena. It was as cold as the freezing depths of hell.

"Captain… How about surrendering?"

The members' eyes were downcast. They were unwilling to give up, but their bodies shivered in terror, heedless. Nobody was willing to go up against the Death God.

Shi Long mulled over it long and hard, but finally shook his head. He was of the royal family in the Owl Egg United Kingdom, and represented the family's honor. If he gave up without a fight, it would be a huge blow to him, and to the entire family.

Shi Long chose his strongest Magic Stone Gen IV, a defensive heavy mech. He was willing to forgo attacking capabilities for an impenetrable shield. He just had to endure five minutes before surrendering. Nobody could fault him for that.

Olivios' choosing hand was on the control panel, cycling through the mecha constantly. Apparently he had decided to utilize a random mech.

A normal mech from the Mondo Republic, the Rafael Gen III. This gave Shi Long a glimmer of hope, and also gave the Owl Egg team members hope.

But a minute after the battle had started, the team had was shocked yet again.

The titanium blades had pierced directly into the cockpit! On the big screen, the light that indicated Shi Long's life status extinguished. He was dead on the spot.

Broken shield!

Only one move was needed. The mech did not matter to Olivios. It was simply a tool for killing.

"What are y'all doing in a daze? Go and save lives!" the paramedic leader shouted.

Although they knew it was hopeless, appearances had to be kept up. They rushed over, using their emergency tools to open the mech cockpit…

Everybody vomited.

What was the expression "bones ground down to dust"?

What was the expression "reduced to a ball of flesh and blood", a red hell?

Shi Long had disappeared entirely, dissected by the huge titanium blade. His life had evaporated. There was nothing more to save, it was just a pool of red.


On the viewing platform, the Owl Egg United Kingdom representatives stood up as a body. Protest! Wanton and purposeful murder!


"Silence! The objection is baseless. According to the rules, when one knows one's ability is insufficient, one can choose to surrender."

Faced with the gory scene, the IG judges were also queasy, their eyes shifting around. But they had to declare Arbiter's win. Arbiter had always been thus, clamoring for both a name and their opponents' lives.

To the Arbiter members, this was a negligible matter. They found the shock of the others laughable. Why join IG if you were scared of death?

Nobody could stand against the mighty Arbiter Republic!

Kong Zhan's curious resignation had sparked chaos. The Silver Snake team members had raised protests, but the judge had overruled them on the basis of a lack of evidence.

At this time, General Masu of the Silver Snake Coalition put a stop to this. He surmised that Kong Zhan had realized Wang Zheng's true level from some source and seen things that he should not have. Sometimes, seeing more was not necessarily a good thing, especially when one's ability was insufficient.

The Silver Snake Coalition's only hope had been to throw a dud against Wang Zheng and win the other rounds, but they had not foreseen that the Solar System's other team members were not weak either. However, a chance remained. Although they were behind, Wang Zheng had still been removed.

The next fight was for match point. It was the Solar System's turn to go first.

Lear's gaze flashed. Achilles was a little uncertain as well. In one glance, anybody could see that Kong Zhan's abilities were considerable. How could he become so terrified? Although Wang Zheng was strong, he was not that strong!

Regardless, Wang Zheng's image had improved further.

"Zhang Runan, I leave this match up to you."

His meaning was understood. Everybody should get a chance to test themselves, and Lear and Achilles did not object. Nobody was sure of what to say. Nobody wanted a walkover. The opportunity to fight was, of course, best.

Zhang Runan did not hesitate. Win or lose, she would throw herself in willingly on the leader's command!

Wang Zheng was sitting calmly, as though unconcerned about the result. IG looked like a war, but could actually change the fortunes of many. An evenly matched fight yielded not just experience, but also confidence. One could discover one's weakness on the battle field. One who lacked battle experience would never improve.

Within the Solar System team, too many people were lacking. The Silver Snake team was fertile training ground.

Over at the Silver Snake Coalition side, the vice-captain, Shang Yue, frowned. Neither Achilles nor Lear had been sent, but instead the ugly girl Zhang Runan. Where did the Solar System get their confidence from?

From the side, the technicians quickly delivered the collected data on Zhang Runan. From their simple infographic, it was clear at first look. A strength type Ability X user, but not of a high level.

"I've got this one!" Shang Yue took the initiative.

Against a strength Ability X, Shang Yue had 100% confidence in emerging victorious. Besides, the Silver Snake Coalition must had this!

Shang Yue nodded and stepped forward, choosing the Fallen Angel Generation III.

The mech with the most attack power was most suitable for him.

Strength type Ability X?

Apologies. He too was a strength type Ability X user. Furthermore, in rank, he had the confidence that he stood above all strength type users in this iteration. top-class D rank!


The battle began.

Zhang Runan had chosen the Aslan Heavy Cavalry H, a mech suited for attack, but with light defensive capabilities.

"Asking for death."

After entering the mech, Shang Yue's heart was bursting with rage. In front of the members, he had maintained a modicum of respect for Kong Zhan, because the Kong family was highly placed in the Silver Snake Coalition. In truth, he was seething fit to burst. Silver Snake warriors put death before dishonor. No matter the reason, Kong Zhan had thrown their pride in the dust.

This rage could not be vented on Kong Zhan, so he had to channel it on the battle field. Not his opponent's lucky day.

Fallen Angel Generation III VS Heavy Cavalry H.

Both were strength type Ability X users, and clashed immediately in a frontal, explosive impact.

A clash with no other hidden moves!

Bang! Sparks flew, and both mecha shook. The titanium blades crossed, creating even more blinding sparks. Neither side held back, immediately bringing their strength ability to bear.


After a few short seconds, both exerted together, leaping backwards.


Shang Yue had switched on the mech's loudspeaker with a roar. Although they had seemed evenly matched in a clash, it had simply been a test of abilities. Zhang Runan's strength ability's shortcomings had been firmly grasped in the clash. She was a low-class D rank, close to a mid-class. At this age, it was not bad, but against a top-class D ranker, she could not compare. He need not bring more strength to bear. Simply following her lead, and bringing his familiarity to bear, he could subdue the opponent.

Maxed out!

Zhang Runan's face was grave. Her forceful probes seemed to be hitting a wall… No, it was like going up against a mountain!

Following closely, Shang Yue unleashed a few strong attacks. After testing her strength, he directly crushed Zhang Runan. He had thought the Solar System team were strong, but they were merely average!

They must have used some underhanded tricks to leave Kong Zhan in such a state!

As a fellow strength type, and having done a stint at Academy X, Zhang Runan was clear that her opponent's level was a cut above hers, and not something she could match.

From their short exchange, it was apparent that Zhang Runan's Ability X was weaker by a huge margin. Since they had the same ability type, this spelled the end for her.

Lear glanced at Wang Zheng. He believed that Wang Zheng had been aware of this, but he had still sent Zhang Runan. Why?

Breakthrough in battle?!

What a naïve hope! This was a classic last-minute preparation. But looking at Wang Zheng's composed figure, Lear began to fret. He detested these unreadable types. What was going on in Wang Zheng's brain? A lousy Ares College student and a country bumpkin, taking it in unconcernedly. Luo Fei's defeat had not ruffled him one bit.

This was something entirely unheard of for someone of Wang Zheng's age. Unless he was born with it – a natural optimist?

Lear was caught up in the contradictions.

On the battlefield, the ability gap was clear. It had to be said that Zhang Runan's curious fighting style was creating some complications for her opponent. Her movements flowed well, firing without pause. There was an artistry to her gunfire, and this enraged Shang Yue even further. His next moves were even harder, his beam saber slashing wildly.

But sheer creativity could not hold him back forever. Zhang Runan breathed out lightly. To lose or to reveal her trump card? What should she choose?

Her appearance had always been an insecurity to Zhang Runan. It had come to the point where she would not be willing to exert to that extent if it was not a matter of life and death. Especially not when it would be seen by others.


With a deep breath, Zhang Runan's eyes flashed with determination.


The longer Shang Yue fought, the better he became. Especially against such an ugly girl. Destroying her was practically doing everyone a favor. "Being born ugly ain't your fault, but showing that face to the world is a heinous crime!"

In battle, all forms of verbal insult were acceptable. A fighter who could not master their state of mind was an immature one.

Undoubtedly, Shang Yue's taunt was toxic.

As expected, Zhang Runan stopped running. Brandishing her long gun, she rushed towards him. The crowd was surprised. How could Zhang Runan fall for such a trick, and break her own good rhythm? Going head on against such an opponent was folly.

But the ghost of a smile appeared on the corner of Wang Zheng's mouth. Some things just had to be done. At least they had the privilege of choice. He thought back to the days when Bonehead had trained him. He had no choice then.


With a deafening sound, both mech fighters were thrown back a step by the explosion. The crowd was stunned. This must be a dream. In an instant, the two had actually become of the same ability.

A battle breakthrough? You must be joking, this ugly woman was actually concealing something?

Both fired up again at the same time, moving simultaneously. Yet before Shang Yue could make his move, Zhang Runan's rifle had already burst forward as fast as lightning, completely unhindered by the previous impact.

What a fearsome recovery speed!

And from a woman!


The silver spear stabbed so quickly, it looked like a stream of mercury. This left everybody stunned. Were they seeing correctly? This was the strength of the Solar System substitutes?

This rare spear skill, and from a woman…

As strength-types, women could not compare to men. Perhaps this female barbarian was an exception. Her stature was huge, and she sported a huge bulk under those clothes.

Shang Yue's rage built. He? Have less strength than a woman???

This was not just a question of strength. Zhang Runan's understanding of melee combat was in a class of her own. Those with martial foundations like Lear and the rest recognized this. In their words, Zhang Runan was a genius indeed.

She had actually learnt so much from the world of painting.

Blam blam blam… after eight stabs, Shang Yue had been reduced to a turtle in its shell. His shield broke after taking 13 piercing blows, and his beam saber had been knocked away. The Fallen Angel mech had been nailed to the wall with a final stab.

An attack with the fury of a storm that left the entire spectator platform silent.

After half a beat, the discussion resumed. This female barbarian had really turned the whole place upside down.

Of course, there were a few jibes as well. Such a monster would only be loved by other monsters. She was ugly enough as it was. Combined with that strength, even ghosts would run from her.

It seemed like she did not need to fight. She just had to show her face to frighten her opponent to death.

Shang Yue had been promptly extracted from the cockpit by the paramedics. He had actually lost to a woman.

And an ugly woman, at that!

At this moment, everyone was looking at Zhang Runan's mech. The cockpit door opened, and a female fighter descended, her clothes clearly huge.

Everyone's jaw, with the exception of Wang Zheng's, dropped. This…

This… was a female tyrannosaurus!!!

Chapter 394: Crucial Battle Against Manaluoso

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Everybody was looking at this familiar yet strange Zhang Runan… this was Zhang Runan?

No matter how picky you were, the Zhang Runan approaching could not be called ugly by rights. Her face bore a majesty that only female soldiers had, and her eyes were filled with an unswerving determination that attracted a second glance.


People began to break out into murmurs. Those that were more knowledgeable reacted immediately. This was a reverse strength type Ability X, a rare type. Was this Zhang Runan's real face?

Ye Zisu and the rest were stunned. She was pretty close with Zhang Runan, but this was her first time seeing such a face of Zhang Runan. This was no tyrannosaurus, this was a goddess!

A war goddess!

Zhang Runan ignored their reactions, showing a look of disgust on her face. She must have been troubled by her appearance all the while.

Sometimes ugliness made people leave her alone, both friends and strangers. This spotlight left her uneasy.

Wang Zheng smiled. "I'm really not used to seeing you like this."

"You bet," Zhang Runan said mildly. Even her voice tone had become higher.

Lie Xin jumped on her, staring at her from head to toe. "My God!"

Zhang Runan shrugged off Lie Xin's hand, returning to her place. Zhang Shan stared agape from the side, not daring to speak to her. His macho bravado had caught in his throat, and he swallowed it back down.

The Solar System team had beat the Silver Snake team 3-1, and entered the top 32. One side was celebratory, the other hung their heads.

Meng Ao and the rest looked at each other. Clearly they had not understood the team as well as Wang Zheng did. Zhang Runan was too unexpected, even pretending to be an ugly duckling…

After the battle, the teams waited for the next command. IG battles were not always unchanging. Towards the end, complications would be set to test all-roundedness in individual capability and team coordination, as well as the depth of the substitutes.

Fighting their way into the top 32 was already testament that the ability of the Solar System Federation team had developed greatly. It was no mere luck, and teams ahead that could not recognize this would suffer greatly.

On that day, the top 32 were born. These were the strongest 32 teams that the galaxy had ever seen.

Zone A: Aslan Empire team, Astina Federation team, Hercules Star team, Sagittarius team.

Zone B: Atlantis team, Versailles Empire team, Icelanda team, Sirius Star team

Zone C: Ghana Star team, Immortal Fairy Star team, Darkness Empire team, Sagitta Federation team

Zone D: Solar System Federation team, Morgan Locke Empire team, Manalasuo Empire team, Caragal Stellar System team

Zone E: Arbiter Republic team, Big Bear Federation team, Gandalla Federation team, Maya Empire team

Zone F: Lya Sphinx Republic team, Aipu team, Queen Star team, Hail Cloud Alliance team

Zone G: Gemini Federation team, Immortal Barbarian Star team, Big Crab Federation team, Spaceflight Star team

Zone H: Maacah Republic team, Earthworm Federation team, Thor team, Steel Flood team

Only two teams could emerge out of each zone, and the top 16 battles were a best of seven, although the battle format remained unchanged. After entering the top 16, the battle format would be changed, but firstly one had to have the aptitude to enter the top 16.

Zone D, that the Solar System was in, was regarded as an average zone. Besides Manalasuo's domination, the other three teams had a fighting chance to qualify. The question was luck.

The zone D members were waiting quietly in the room. The Manalasuo members were particularly carefree. To them, their opponent did not matter, but to the other three teams, whoever could avoid Manalasuo stood a huge chance of entering the top 16.

Max was currently praying. Their luck had been good, great even. They had actually made it into the top 32. Max had spotted Wang Zheng as well. This punk had actually led his team to the top 32. It looked like the Solar System was in the same situation – a cumulation of their long years of experience blossoming. It was a pity that they had been assigned the same zone. They would have to determine who was better now.

On the screen, the Solar System Federation team's name appeared on the left. The other side cycled. Everybody's eyes widened, praying that their name would appear. Caragal team… Manalasuo team… confirmed!

Max could not resist punching his fist in the air. Although he had wanted to clash against the Solar System team, at least they were not against the Manalasuo team. As for the Morgan Locke team, they would soon see who was the fiercer of the two.

The unfortunate Solar System team seemed to have run out of luck.

Max greeted Wang Zheng with a smile. "Looks like our luck is the one that is still holding. Tsk tsk. But to the Solar System, this has already been a historical breakthrough. Your leadership deserves a page in your history."

On the other side, the Manalasuo team members had already left. Besides the opponents' name, they were unconcerned as to who their opponents were.

"Who knows, we might be able to pull an upset. Perhaps we could qualify together," Wang Zheng said.

Max could not believe his ears. "Haha, right, qualify together!"

You had to give it to the Solar System people for their optimism, it looked like they had not been scared out of their wits by Manalasuo. They were either born with tremendous courage, or already resigned to their defeat. However, fate seemed to bring the two teams together regularly.

"Morgan Locke is a difficult matchup as well."

"Nothing left to do but to go at it. We've already made it so far, we want to have no regrets. Timewise, we're due to start first. It might be possible for us to come to see your match after we're done. I'm definitely behind the Solar System," Max said. "Oh, right, let me tell you a secret. This is something that our guys found out. You know Manalasuo's Golden Wheel, right? I hear this Vincent is the only one who can pilot the Golden Wheel mech effectively. This mech is regarded as trash, but rumor has it that if you can control it, it possesses an unthinkable battle power."

"I've got it." Wang Zheng laughed. Max was a little miffed by his unsatisfactory response. This guy seemed to be completely unconcerned by his warning… But then again, it was to be expected. What difference did knowing make?

The other Solar System members had differing reactions. Taros was already feeling sidelined. As the battles progressed, he felt more and more powerless. Masasi and Lie Guang's abilities were below average in the team as well, so it would be difficult to send them in the later battles. Meng Tian was in the same boat. She was not suited to these 1 on 1 battles. Her abilities were better suited in a team.

Whereas Lear and Achilles' eyes had lit up with joy when they were set to face Manalasuo.

Max and his team were practically skipping as they left. Their behavior irritated the Morgan Locke members. Historically, Morgan Locke was a much stronger team than Caragal.

Vincent was a little surprised. When their next opponent had been decided, Lieutenant General Bole had called him over for a warning, as though he was wary of the Solar System Federation team.

Was… this a joke?

The magnificent Manalasuo Empire team… The meek Solar System Federation team… they could bowl them over even by farting!

Chapter 395: For Victory

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

At this point in the competition, everyone was clear that each round counted for a lot. Many doors would open if they advanced, but the difficulty now was raised considerably. The top 16 battles needed four wins out of seven matches, and the team's substitute strength would be needed.

The Solar System team was not overly panicky. Everyone had started to realize that they were calm thanks to Wang Zheng. He had not even gone up himself despite making it so far. Once he showed his hand, only then would they reach their 100% potential?

That was definitely daydreaming. In the previous fights, everyone was clear of their relative strength, win or lose, and adjust accordingly. To take the win, one must first understand oneself.

Going up against Manalasuo was undoubtedly going to be a tough fight. Perhaps it did not mean much to Manalasuo, but to the Solar System, they had not fought a worthy battle in a long time. More accurately, they had not found the chance to fight a team of such caliber.

Friendly contest? Nobody had been interested.

The Solar System Federation Council had sent some encouraging words as well. On one hand, they congratulated the Solar System team for coming further than ever before. At the same time, they hoped for the team to continue striving, and defeat Manalasuo.

At night, the members were gathered. "This is what our people have gathered of the Manalasuo members' battle footage, for your reference. Manalasuo's strength is undisputed, but there is no need for anybody to undervalue yourself. That we've made it this far is testament to our strength. Wang Zheng, we leave the rest up to you.��

Because they had never gone up against Manalasuo before, they had expended considerable effort in gathering intelligence.

Meng Ao clapped Wang Zheng on the shoulder. This was all he could do now. Against a team like Manalasuo, it really boiled down to one's own effort, and luck. This battle would decide the fate of the Solar System team – whether they would be called lucky or strong.

The female official on stage was Major Zhu Ziling, the emissary from the Solar System Federation to Aslan. "Manalasuo is among the top 10 in this iteration of IG, and a frequent presence in the IG top 8. In terms of mecha, they have one of the most advanced techniques, and have their own unique style in training mech pilots as well. They are the main rivals of the Aslan Empire, but in their rivalry, both have ceaselessly and rapidly improved as well. Let me first introduce a few noteworthy personnel."

On the screen, a burly, bearded warrior appeared. "Manalasuo's main strength and point fighter, Gelun. Although he looks old, he just developed early. 20 years of age. Originally a conscript, his battle talent was discovered, and he was sent to Manalasuo's Abyss Military School for further development. His battle experience is prolific, and he has the qualities of a strong fighter. What we currently know is that he is a double Ability X user of strength and speed, a high-class D ranker."

As she finished speaking, Zhu Ziling stepped aside to show Gelun's battle footage. It was only a little more than 10 minutes, because his opponents could not even stand five minutes against him. His fighting style was like a hurricane, a frenzied assault that did not let up until his opponent was finished. Using his strength ability and speeding up his dispatching moves, it was virtually unbeatable.

In a mecha battle, mastery of speed and strength was everything.

"Next up, Raslei. Originally designated team captain, but later made the vice-captain. A well-rounded fighter, suitable for any position. Made it to the last IG as a member, and strongest in balanced fighter mecha. A military student at Manalasuo this year, with high expectations. He has secured 58 consecutive victories this year, and is at present undefeated."

What followed was Raslei's fight. It did not reveal much. No Ability X was revealed. His battle foundations and nature suppressed his opponents. He made his opponents look like little children.

Following that, Zhu Ziling introduced the other members one by one, detailing their battle training and performance in international practice matches.

A person with an icy gaze appeared on the screen. "This is Vincent, the Manalasuo captain. But at the start, he was not the captain. More accurately, he was an addition close to the start of the IG itself, but was quickly delegated the role of captain. We only managed to acquire two videos of his fights."

Everyone was stunned. Sniper type mecha were notoriously bad in 1 on 1 matchups, especially in closed-off practice arenas. The screen played both of Vincent's fights, and everybody gasped a little. This was a sniper who dared to fight close combat!

Precision shooting tactics!

Anybody knew that railguns immediately became burdens once close combat ensued, especially when the defensive energy shields were up. Therefore, once the mecha closed in, they would change to close combat mode. But this Vincent met his opponent up close, defeating them with one shot after the other.

Zhu Ziling did not add her own analysis. Her role was strictly to introduce. Although these youths were no older than herself, their understanding of the battle was much better than hers.

Vincent was clearly toying around on the battlefield. His movement and confidence was unbelievable, even calculating the feedback from the railgun's impact, and dodging it. He gave the impression of perfect control.

After the broadcast ended, Wang Zheng and the rest were quiet. Meng Tian was a sniper, and watching Vincent's performance made her feel hopelessly outclassed.

A marksman unafraid of close combat. This was the limit. Furthermore, Vincent used no Ability X, defeating his opponents easily.

But everybody knew that their potential did not stop there. This was merely practice footage. They would at most have showed 50 or 60 percent of their true strength.

But for Meng Ao to have secured such intelligence was already no mean feat. At least they could familiarize themselves. In the last round, Manalasuo had easily won 3-0. They had revealed little, although the crowd had watched closely. In the finer details, one could see their character show.

To effortlessly put out such a level of performance, their opponents' level this time around was a cut higher than in previous fights.

Zhu Ziling looked at the team. Logically they should have been feeling the pressure, but in fact, Wang Zheng and a few others looked composed. Major Zhu Ziling was also the intelligence analyst. From their performance so far, although Manalasuo was a formidable presence, and far outstripped the Solar System's level, she wanted to remind them not to be cocky that they had come this far. If they put their lives on the line and contested hard, there was still a chance.

Actually, the council's meaning was that failure was acceptable, but not by too large a margin.

After the video ended, nobody tarried for too long, leaving quickly. Zhu Ziling called Wang Zheng back.

"Captain Wang Zheng, is there anything else you need help with?"

Wang Zheng smiled slightly. "Thank you for your efforts. Nothing much else, really. We'll see after the battle tomorrow."

… Zhu Ziling was speechless. Was this it? Shouldn't he be more concerned about his opponents, about how Vincent had evolved from a nameless grunt to Manalasuo's captain? This was a fairly earth-shaking development, did he not care about how it had come about?

Over at the Manalasuo side, Vice Captain Raslei was watching the Solar System team's footage with his team. They had fought many battles previously, and everybody's performance was clear to see.

Although Vincent was absent, the members did not particularly mind his absence. In Manalasuo, the strong were given leeway. Although he was a last minute pick as captain, nobody had any objections.

"This iteration of the Solar System is divided into two clear types. One group of them have solid foundations, the other has unique abilities. For example, this Zhang Shan's translocation is not bad, although his foundations are somewhat lacking. In a 1 on 1, his utility is not that high, although in a group battle he might have noteworthy performance."

"The Solar System's strongest point…"

"Their strongest point is that their chicks look good, haha!"

But after seeing Kong Zhan's match, Raslei harbored some doubts. He was familiar with Kong Zhan. The boy was a rising star, and his ability was certainly strong. Yet he had surrendered without even a fight. Something was fishy here.

Some dirty tricks?

Could this be to secure the Solar System's advance?

What a joke. Raslei was also doubtful, although he found Zhang Runan appealing. A woman with character and noticeable features. Her gunwork was interesting as well.

"Gelun, how about if this girl was left to you?" Raslei offered.

Gelun smiled openly. "This wench has character and strength. I like her. Raslei, I'll say it first. Although I'll beat her, I won't hurt her."

"Up till now, the others don't look like much of a threat. Their strengths and weaknesses are very clear, and can easily be dealt with."

After going through it once, they lost interest in the Solar System. As for their rotating shovel…

It was too foolhardy. The weaknesses were apparent, and the movement sluggish. Everything depended on that technical attack. Would every opponent be so foolish to risk their lives and go hard?

In the current meta of fast-paced battles, this type of flowery trick was not popular.

In the fight for the top 16, zone D's first match was Caragal team against Morgan Locke team.

Max led his dark horse team to the field. They had been regarded as an unexpected contender, just like the Solar System. Besides, on the whole, Caragal's performance was seen to be more stable and better than the Solar System's.

Although labelled as dark horses, Caragal's emergence was not too surprising. Caragal was a former colony of commerce which gained independence as the Caragal Republic. Their population was modest, and not particularly affluent. Their citizens were mostly Jewish, an ancient civilization that was considerably united. After long wars, peace had gradually returned to the Caragal Republic, but till date, they continued to practice conscription for the entire nation. While this system was also implemented in other countries, in terms of execution, there were few who could stand up to Caragal. In the Caragal Republic, becoming a soldier was an honor. Although they were not as fanatical as Arbiter, they outshone them in their independence.

For example, if you were a soldier, waving your hand on any street in Caragal would see taxis and even private cars stop for you, delivering you free of charge to your destination without exception.

Therefore, in this peaceful period, the Caragal Republic's rate of improvement was ferocious. Although the Republic's national strength could not compare to larger countries, their national service was of a high caliber. Besides, in the Caragal Republic, all female citizens – unless for reasons of faith, pregnancy, or criminal record – similarly served two years. Therefore, in the Caragal Republic, pretty women soldiers were a draw, and they were not simply pretty faces either.

In this regard, quite a few countries also had female officials, but in the case of troopers, they had no equal.

On the platform, besides the two team representative groups, the Solar System Federation team and Manalasuo team had arrived as well. Once this contest ended, it would be their turn.

In group D, only two teams could make it to the top 16.

Max waved to Wang Zheng, who was on the platform, giving him a thumbs-up. Clearly the Caragal team was feeling good.