459 - 465

Chapter 459: The Wise

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Drawing out a book, it was titled, "The Secret History of Mankind". As he flipped opened the cover with enthusiasm, oh damn, it was a novel. One could tell from its content page. This was a book that old man Lan read frequently. The blade wielding warrior in the book had become a god. This was no longer a novel. It was more of a biblical story. These books seemed to have originated from Earth. Could it be that this old man was interested in Earth?

Drawing out another book, it was finally a normal book. The beautiful ladies within the book were all wearing scantily. Clearly, it was an adult magazine. The pages were more worn out than the previous novel about the blade wielding warrior.

However, one look at the publishing date and Wang Zheng threw it to a corner decisively. It was on beautiful ladies that were more than 50 years ago. Only an old man would have read it so frequently.

"Kacha", the door of the research lab opened. Old man Lan Jiang was mumbling a series of numbers as he walked in. When he saw Wang Zheng suddenly, it took him a while before regaining his senses and said," Why were you still here!"

"Wasn't it you who asked me to come over?"

"Oh, there's nothing for you anymore, just go back." said Old Man Lan as he waved his hands, signaling Wang Zheng to go away.

Clearly, student Wang would not be offended by this disrespectful old man. He took the book about the blade wielding warrior and returned to his room.

The room was for two people and wasn't for him alone. There was also a guard of approximately 40 years old. There wasn't anyone who was willing to share a room with him because his legs were so smelly that could even cause a hole in the ozone layer.

"Hey dude, if it is smelly, you could just say it. Stop covering your nose."

He was still a nice person. After nagging for a while, he went into the washroom to clean his feet. He washed it 2 times with soap.

One couldn't be sure if he really did manage to wash away the odour or was it because Wang Zheng had gotten used to the smell. As long as Wang Zheng kept some distance, there's nothing he could not get used to. Wang Zheng smiled. After settling his personal hygiene, he started to flip through the book carefreely.

Forty year old guard, Scar Face Luo, was taking a video. He was posing in different ways in front of his skylink while constantly calling out to his little sweetheart. One could tell that he was calling his mistress and not his wife. His Skylink was unable to communicate externally. However, he could still send videos to his family in the satellite room.

Just when Wang Zheng was reading the most exciting part of the book, Sun Xin had arrived.

"Has something happened?"

Sun Xin took a step forward and said," The Wise ones from various Tita Tribes would be coming over to discuss matters tomorrow. No matter who you meet, do not tell anyone that you were from the Milky Way Alliance"

The people of Tita had a good relationship with the early immigrants to Tita. After all, they shared a number of common interests. However, they had a deep-rooted hatred for the people from the Business Organisations attempting to extract resources from Tita, and the Special Inspection Team from the Milky Way Alliance.

The people from Tita would not trust outsiders easily. This wasn't surprising considering the fact that they were of a different race. However, once they had built up trust, they would not go against it easily.

Wang Zheng nodded his head. He was still a clueless soldier, not knowing the situation of the place currently.

At the same time in the house of Lan Jiang, Lan Ling was doing the tea ceremony for the old man.

"Uncle grandpa, how do you feel about him? Is it just me being deluded?"

Lan Jiang smile gently and said," I'm afraid this guy probably had some background. I couldn't see through him. However, he does not seem to be bad-natured. However, the current situation is a little more sensitive and we should pay more attention to it."

Lan Ling nodded. Despite the low probability, Wang Zheng could also be a spy sent by the Milky Way Alliance. This was because if it was not a setup, how could anyone survive in an escape pod that had crashed. The person would had suffered grave injuries or even vanished into a puff of ashes.

Meanwhile, the influence of the Lan Family could be deduced from the scale of the convention regarding the Tita Tribes.

Although it claimed to have representatives from all tribes, only 2 thirds of the Tita Tribes had sent their Wise Elders.

In the cloudless sky, a burning hot sun was roasting everything on the ground. Groups of people from Tita walked out from the deep mountains and entered into the Lan Kao City and to the Lan Family.

In the entire human world, probably only the Lan Family could maintain a friendly relationship with the Tita people. This was also a strength of the Lan Family from being the leader of the immigrants.

A Wise Elder would be accompanied by a contingent of 4 Tita warriors. A real Tita warrior would have to go through 12 different trials in the Tita tribe before receiving the honour of the name "Warrior".

After seeing groups and groups of people of Tita going into the Lan Family, Wang Zheng felt for the first time the influence and position of the Lan Family on Tita. One of the three largest forces in Tita wasn't just a bluff.

However, after seeing the people from Tita, Old Man Lan went crazy. He gritted his teeth and with his eyes reddened, he held back the Wise ones from the Pool tribe and roared, "Khalifa, you need to understand!"

The short and small Khalifa shook Lan Jiang off as though he was the plague. In an instant, Khalifa ran away quicker than a rabbit with his four warrior guards and disappeared from view.

Those people from Tita that had a good relationship with the Lan Family would have known that there was a crazy guy in the Lan Family who had always wanted to dissect a Tita person for research. He even wanted a living sample instead of using a corpse. It was clear then, why Khalifa was uninterested in speaking with him.

Seeing that the people of Tita had treated him like the plague, Lan Jiang turned around and vented his frustration on Wang Zheng.

However, after punching Wang Zheng's arms, he walked away rubbing his knuckle while cursing," This dude had some muscles. He wouldn't even feel pain while I would injure myself if I continued hitting him."

The escort team had their hands full. The Wise ones of Tita were following the rules. However, this couldn't be said for their Warrior guards. Not only that they had a huge appetite, they were also unreasonable. In a short period of time, there were already 5 duels resulting in 3 of them sustaining serious injuries and 1 of them dead.

There was still another pair duelling on the stage.

Wang Zheng was watching the bustling scene. For the people of Tita, as long as they were not Wise ones, they would be a natural warrior. They had an average height of over 5 metres, 3 hearts to provide them with the energy, a huge skull with a brain capacity 1.5 times of a human. These were research data he saw from Old Man Lan's research. The people from Tita had extremely well developed brains. The athletic abilities of a normal person of Tita would be much greater than a human warrior who had undergone tough trainings. These elite warriors of Tita would be even more so.

It was a primitive duel with every punch landing on the flesh of each other. However, the 2 warriors of Tita did not seem concerned. Wang Zheng saw the punch of a Tita person fail to connect and smashed heavily onto the wall. A huge piece of the wall, which a pistol could barely leave a dent, immediately fell off. On the other hand, there wasn't even signs of abrasions on the fist of the Tita Warrior.

"Monsters with steel-like skeletal structures. To go against them, one would have to use armour piercing rounds or explosive rounds."

Old Man Lan Jiang reappeared unknowingly with a huge packet of peanuts in his hands and peeling them and eating them while watching.

Wang Zheng smiled and reached to grab a handful of peanuts to eat. Lan Jiang took a glance at Wang Zheng and shoved the packet of peanuts decisively to Wang Zheng and said," There's no salt."

When one aged, one had to consume less salt. However, the older one got, the more one would like to consume things with a strong taste.

The duel had ended. Without surprise, one of them suffered serious injuries while the other only suffered some light injuries. The scene was very bloody. However, the surround Tita people let out howls like tigers and wolves. The two tribes which the two warriors represented did not bear grudges as a result of the duel.

Lan Jiang looked at the injured Tita warrior. His eyes turned red once again and he rushed forward. He wanted to pursue his research in the name of treatment. However, he was thrown out by the rest of the people.

There were 3 phases to the development of the people of Tita.

The first phase was infancy. At this phase, all of the people of Tita were the same.

The second phase was a phase where the people of Tita could make a decision. At 12 years old, the people of Tita would choose their own personal path of becoming a warrior or becoming a Wise one of the tribes.

The third phase was the maturity phase. At this phase, there would be a distinction between warriors and the Wise ones.

Lan Jiang wanted to know why the people of Tita had a phase which they could make a decision as to how they planned to develop. To be able to decide on the evolution direction of oneself, it was truly an amazing thing.

It wasn't strange that the people of Tita had treated him like the crazy plague. They were already giving the Lan Family face by not killing him with a punch.

"Were you not going in for the meeting?"

Wang Zheng took a glance at Lan Jiang and managed to found a question to ask him.

Lan Jiang was still pouting and said," I am only interested in science. What do you even know? Well-developed limbs with a simple brain. How could we even interact when you did not even know about the Theory of Warp Speed by Lauren Lee?"

It was clear from the scenes that had happened, who truly was being treated as a monster by the people of the Tita. Wang Zheng smiled gently and half-heartedly replied to Old Man Lan while looking at the new battle with 2 new warriors.

The 2 new warriors were equal in strength and were of the endurance type. One couldn't be able to tell who would emerge victorious.

"Don't be misled by their life-and-death duels. This was also part of their customs. In a gathering of the tribes, if there wasn't 3 or 5 deaths, it wouldn't be considered a lively and bustling event. Isn't this exciting?"

"All these people were warriors. Weren't they reducing their own combat strength?" said Wang Zheng as he felt this was even more crazy.

"The customs were there for some reasons. As for the reasons why, I still do not understand. In the tribes where there are warriors who died, the next generations of warriors would be stronger."

Wang Zheng blinked his eyes.

"Brat, stop thinking too much about it. It must be a sacred duel. If one was to purposely not give their all or was looking for death, there wouldn't be such an effect. There would even be punishment. Those damn people of Tita thought that it was their god who made such things happen. A bull sh*t god if youre asking me. There must be a scientific reason for all of this."

Old Man Lan said naggingly. It was more of mumbling to one self than explaining to Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng took it as a warning to himself. Science can be studied and treated as a hobby. However, one should never be too engrossed in it. Science was just like that. The more you knew, the less you really know. This was a vicious cycle and one would eventually lose himself in it. It would be much better to just be a warrior. A man should be hot-headed and see it as motivation.

In the duelling room, the warriors of Tita were in the crucial moments of the duel. The two warriors let out a howl in unison. The abnormally huge bodies of theirs became even larger. An aura was surging out from the bodies of the 2 warriors as though 2 ferocious beasts were releasing and showcasing their energies.

As they clashed, the floor split. Wang Zheng looked seriously at it. With such strength, it would not be any weaker than Ability X.

One of the Tita Warrior's was weaker in strength but had the advantage in his speed. He was dodging consistently while exhausting his opponent's strength.

Old Man Lan Jiang was mumbling to himself. It would be best if both parties ended up with serious injuries. However, hopefully they would not die or else he would not have the opportunity to pursue his research in the name of science. Wang Zheng was a little worried after hearing it. This old man had a heart that was blacker than coal and oil. This old man had asked him to be his assistant, but could it be that he was plotting some live body experimentation?

Roarrr. A huge roar came from the duel room. The stronger Tita warrior managed to grab the arm of the weaker Tita warrior and tore it off. Dark red blood spurted out like a fountain. The other warrior did not show any signs of pain, as though the arm that was torn off wasn't his arm but some unnecessary rubbish. He kicked out both of his legs and landed heavily on the chest of the opponent's chest. This was a last ditch effort with all his life force…

Both parties had suffered massive injuries!


The spectating people of Tita did not had any intention to rush forward to administer emergency treatments. One couldn't deny the fact that watching a brawl between giants was both awe-inspiring and motivating. Even Wang Zheng had wanted to give it a try.

"This was a battle between our warriors. Young guy, this must be the first time that you have seen one."

A Wise one suddenly appeared at one side. He was shorter than Wang Zheng by a head and was approximately about 1.4 metres. His face was covered flabs of meats and was emanating a different glow from his dark skin. He had a pair of clear eyes that seemed able to see through everything. What an amazing race!

Lan Jiang could recognise this Wise one and said, "Mu Sen, this dude was picked up by Lan Ling. If you did not mind, I would exchange him with one of you, as long as they are still not dead!"

Wang Zheng was dumbfounded. Did this old head need to be so ruthless…

Mu Sen did not care about what Lan Jiang said but continued looking at Wang Zheng.

Chapter 460: Dueling with Mech Bare Body

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Mu Sen gave a friendly smile to Wang Zheng. This was surprising to Lan Jiang. He had originally said those words casually. However, why did it feel that Mu Sen was really interested in what he had suggested?

However, he was truly willing to sacrifice Wang Zheng for the sake of science.

The duel between the warriors was still ongoing. It could already be considered a grand festival as the spectators were singing war songs, letting out war howls and smashing the ground with great force. The primitive instincts, outgoingness, toughness and bravery were on full display and were burnt into the eyes, ears, lungs and even livers of the spectators.

At this moment, there was no longer any distinction between human and the people from Tita. Everyone was immersed in the various rounds of tribal duels.

Just like the glorious setting sun, it also brought much hope for the future for various tribes.

It was also just like a champion standing upright with his arms raised, accepting the various blessings and admiration.

Wang Zheng had joined the crowd who were cheering. The wilderness was actually hidden deep within every human's bones. He was fond of such feelings. Battle had allowed him to feel his own existence.

Not knowing when, Lan Ling had also appeared. She raised her arms and gave the victor her blessings. Sun Xin was different from others as she maintained her alertness. No matter how lively and bustling the environment was, it would not affect her judgment. It seemed to her that there would always be people who would harm her master.

Lan Ling had noticed Wang Zheng. A big boy who seemed shy and weak wasn't as shy as she thought.

The strongest warrior had emerged. He was Rara Durai of the Pool Tribe. He had defeated warriors from all the other tribes and was the champion of the warriors in this new generation.


Rara Durai pounded his chest hardly. With a body similar to a small mountain, it gave an extremely pressuring feel. In his eyes, humans were just like dwarves. However, as their Wise ones were even smaller in stature, there weren't any issues of discriminations. Looking around with his wildly glance, he wasn't satisfied with the duels. Were they any more challengers?

Elder Khalifa from the Pool Tribe was very satisfied. After taking a glance at the guards of the Lan Family, he suggested," This was a grand festival. How could we leave out our human brothers? Could it be that there were no human who dared to go against our warriors?"


Just as Khalifa finished his sentence, the warriors of Tita growled with a low voice excitedly. They had not had enough of the duels. They had not vented the wildness in their bones.

Lan Ling smiled gently. After taking a glance at Lan Jiang who was nodding his head gently, she said," There wasn't a lack of warriors in the Lan Family. How could the Lan Family have missed out on today's festival?"

Clearly, the Lan Family had participated in a similar dueling festival between the people of Tita. The people from Tita had also acknowledged their position in their tribes. If it was the people from the Commerce Organisations or even the people from the Milky Way Alliance, they wouldn't be able to join even if they wished to.

Miloxius, the captain of the Lan Family's guards smiled, took a step out and said, "Rara Durai, you have to defeat me before you can be crowned as the Champion of Warriors."

"Would it be too dangerous?" Wang Zheng blinked his eyes. Rara Durai was a giant close to 6 metres in height. Although Miloxius wasn't too bad himself, he couldn't be having a brawl with such a giant. From the previous battles between the Tita warriors, it was clear that the people from Tita had terrifying strength.

"Brat, are you dumb?" said Wang Zheng's roommate Scar Face Luo as he slap onto Wang Zheng's shoulders. "Obviously, he would be using a mech!"


A G6 mech moved towards them from a far place. It was a regular assault warrior model mech equipped with a tower shaped alloy shield and a alloy battle blade.

A young guard jumped out from the mech and handed the mech to Miloxius.

Miloxius entered the mech and made some adjustments. The tower-shaped shield smashed into the ground heavily, resulting in a huge sound. Pointing the battle blade at Rara Durai, he shouted," Equip your battle armour and let's determine the winner between us!"

A warrior from the Pool Tribe brought a huge set of battle armour forward. This was made by the Lan Family. It was a battle armour specially designed for the people from Tita. When a warrior from Tita wore such armour, using their monstrous strength together with the miniature power-assist device, it was enough to battle on par with humans in mecha on the planet of Tita.

Rara Durai grabbed over the long metal alloy blade from the set of battle armour but threw the battle armour aside. He laughed and said," I will not need the armour!"

The whole crowd was taken aback. Lan Ling frowned and wanted to dissuade," This did not seemed to be alright, if…"

No matter how tough the people of Tita were, if they were to face a mech without battle armour, they would be at a disadvantage.

Mu Sen smiled and said," Every warrior would have the authority to make their own decision."

Lan Ling opened her mouth and wanted to continue to dissuade them. However, after seeing Elder Khalifa from the Pool Tribe maintaining a calm composure, she did not bother speaking up again.

Boom, boom. Every Tita warrior was smashing the floor with great strength and using their most tribal growls to support the seemingly barbaric decision of Rara Durai. Rara Durai looked just like a champion on a conquest, raising the battle blade within his hands and drawing waves and waves of cheers.

With a loud boom sound, the tower-shaped shield of the G6 mech dropped onto the ground. Miloxius also raised his battle blade up, laughed and said," Rara Durai, trying to act cool will incur a lightning strike on yourself! However, I admire your bravery. Lets go all out and have a face to face battle!"

The pride of a Manalasuo warrior was at stake. If the opponent chose to not equip his armour, naturally, Miloxius would also not use the turtle shield to exhaust Rara Durai in a battle of attrition.

"A face-to-face battle, face-to-face battle, face-to-face battle!"

No matter if it was humans or the people from Tita, they all let out a similar roar.


Rara Durai waved his metal alloy blade and rushed towards Miloxius. His physical size was much shorter than the mech. Rara Durai moved like a meteor towards Miloxius and the crowd was in awe. They had originally thought that Rara Durai would make use of his more agile body and prolong the battle. However, looking at the situation, he was going in head on!

Dueling with a mech with his own body? Miloxius wasn't just a weak soldier. He was a Manalasuo super warrior with lots of experience. He knew how to fully utilise the mech.

Rara Durai was looking for death?


There weren't any fancy moves but just a head on collision. The battle blade and the metal alloy blade clashed heavily together, releasing a deafening buzzing sound.

Rara Durai did not get blasted away as was in most people's imagination. He was able to take the attack of the mech head on and was able to be on par with it!

How could this be possible?

However, the truth was that it really happened. It wasn't an illusion or imagination. Moreover, as Rara Durai let out an angry growl, a stronger force erupted from his body. The second attack was released and it headed towards Miloxius.

Clearly, Miloxius couldn't just back off. Similarly, with an intense change of moves and strongly controlling the mech, the engine of the mech roared loudly as it was pushed to the limits. His control of the G6 mech had reached the pinnacle and couldn't be improved further!

Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang…

Countless collision resulted in sparks flying. Wang Zheng was observing curiously. There were no fancy moves behind the strength of Rara Durai. Rara Durai was truly able to take on the full force of the attacks of the mech. This was pure strength from his body. Every breath of Rara Durai was short while exuding immense power. It even looked similar to some kind of martial arts. However, it wasn't. It was more of an innate talent for battle within the tribal race.

In the mech, Miloxius was letting out a roar. Attack after attack was hurled towards the opponent. Since he stayed behind to be the captain of the guards for the Lan Family, he had not experienced such great battle for a long period of time. There weren't much people on Tita planet who would provoke the Lan Family directly. He had much strengths and skills but did not have a place to utilise them. At this moment, all these could be fully utilised.

Another direct collision, Miloxius was truly surprised. Although the G6 mech was not a model known for its strength, Rara Durai was actually able to match it with his own strength when he wasn't wearing any battle armour. Moreover, Miloxius clearly knew that although it seemed that both of them were on par, if one was to just consider pure strength, Rara Durai would be even stronger than a fully activated G6 mech. The current status where they were on par was due to Miloxius fully using his battle experience to make up for the difference in strength!

The atmosphere outside the stage had exploded. Everyone's face had turned red from the shouting and cheering for the side they support!

A battle between bare body and a mech was very impactful in Wang Zheng's eyes. It was no wonder that the people from the Commerce Organisations did not dare to take actions brashly. The giants of Tita planet were truly brave and fierce.

Boom. The metal alloy blade of the G6 mech slashed downwards and outwards. At the same time, the mech jumped one step backward. Miloxius had no intentions of continuing to battle in such a way. Although it was really satisfying and manly and this had aroused his desire of battle, the victor couldn't be determined in a short period of time.

Rara Durai's eyes had turned bloodshot. He let out a huge roar and wanted to continue the assault.

Miloxius eyes flashed. His mech shook and with his unique footwork, he turned 1 round and executed a spiralling slash. With a sudden change in movement, Miloxius had managed to move to the right of the charging Rara Durai. The metal alloy battle blade slashed towards the neck of Rara Durai mercilessly.

Since he couldn't compete in strength, then he would have to decide the victory with his battle techniques!

With a loud growl, Rara Durai jumped. His movements went against the law of physics as he executed actions in the air to dodge the horizontal slash of the G6 mech. Following which, Miloxius blade slashed down heavily. This move was quick as lightning and the spectators couldn't help but tremble at the ferocity of this move.

"Satisfying! Another round!"

Rara Durai landed with both of his legs. As he tried to disperse the force, he made use of the reaction and leapt again. The floor which could withstand a nuclear explosion shattered. Only god would have known how strong the impact was.

At this moment, there was no one who was bothered by the fact that Rara Durai was not wearing any battle armour. This dude was just like a humanoid mech!

With an explosive force, Rara Durai who leaped towards Miloxius' staggering G6 mech like a bullet.

A repeated heavy blow! Clearly, this heavy blow could not be blocked. Even if one was able to block the move, the explosive force would have crushed him.

Miloxius took a deep breath. As he contracted all his muscles explosively together while pushing the mech to its limits, the engine of the mech roared and the G6 seemed to be revived instantly. With an abrupt turn, his metal alloy battle blade did not take on the blow directly but was aiming for the side of the incoming attack and huge blade.

Swinging his blade in the shape of a flower, the G6 mech re-established its position. However, the crazy and wild aura that was present previously had disappeared from the mech like flowing water. An imposing aura replaced it instead. At this moment, the G6 mech was just like an imposing fencer.

Instantly, the raging Rara Durai's footsteps sank. He did not rush forward aimlessly. Instinctively, he had felt an extremely dangerous atmosphere.

Roar… The guards and the Lan Family members let out an angry howl. Scar Face Luo even raised both of his arms and shouting crazily," Invincible Blade, Invincible Blade, Invincible Blade!"

Chapter 461: I Do Not Need a Mech

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

It was the technique that made Miloxius famous, the "Invincible Sword". He would not use it easily. This was a fast sword attack that Miloxius was adept in. In a battle between mecha, the importance of the attacking speed was not to be discounted. This was especially so on Tita planet.

How fast could one's mind, one's sword be? No matter how fast or fierce the enemies were, with Invincible Sword, one could attack the enemy while saving himself. This would allow him to be in position where he would never lose.

To be able to become the captain of the guards of the Lan Family, how could Miloxius of the Federal Republic of Manalasuo be just an ordinary guy?

Rara Durai instinctly slowed down his movement but did not stop totally. It was just that the tempo was significantly slower.

"Pa", Miloxius' G6 armour moved explosively and took the intitative to attack. The more imposing the sword attacks were, the shorter the time one could maintain them. It was just like a strong bow. When one pulled the bow for a long time, he would have to release it eventually.

This was Miloxius' strongest attack, the Invincible Sword. Although its defensive capabilities were terrifying, what would be more frightening would be its attack capabilities!

The mech rushed towards Rara Durai at close to warp speed. The imposing aura of the sword had locked down every spot of Rara Durai where he could deal a fatal blow to. Since Rara Durai did not equip the battle armour, he would be at a huge disadvantage. With only his own strength and speed and facing such speed, even if his mind was able to respond, his body would not be fast enough to make a response. In an instant, this would be an unavoidable killing move.

The battle sword took the attack directly. The Invincible Sword flicked gently and it was already able to stop Rara Durai from making any more advances. However, Rara Durai's battle sword stuck tightly to the Invincible Sword like a magnet. Growl…

Dodging it? Rara Durai opened his lips and revealed a set of pearl white teeth. Why should he retreat? In the face of pure strength, all the fancy moves were pointless. No matter how nice it might appeared, it would dissipate with a blow.

Humans who hid within the mecha were still — cowards!

Head on, head on, head on! Charging ahead without fear was the best way to destroy his enemies. This was what a true Tita Warrior would be!

All the attacks were blocked!

Miloxius was fast but Rara Durai was even faster!


The G6 mech flew out and was sent rolling on the floor as it crashed to the floor.

Outside the stage, the excited cheers of the humans stopped like a music player machine without its power supply suddenly.

Rara Durai raised his arms and shouted. He took a huge leap and as slashed the heavy sword to severe the legs of the G6 mech!

A huge defeat for Miloxius!

Scar Face Luo patted his thighs bitterly and said, "Damn! Cursed the damn Tita planet. If Miloxius could execute its Ability X, how could anyone fend off his attacks with just strength!"

Clearly, Scar Face Luo was an admirer of Miloxius. Miloxius was someone with a story. He was a well-known figure within the for-hired mercenary field.

Peng, the cabin crew of the G6 mech was ejected. Miloxius crawled out of it and his face had turned pale. He was a little exhausted. To maintain the aura of the Invincible Sword without the support of Ability X was a huge drain on him.

Scar Face Luo rushed ahead with a group of people in the first instance. "Captain, if you could use your Ability X, you would have emerged victorious long ago. He…."

"A loss is a loss. There's no place for these nonsense."

It was true that he wasn't able to use his Ability X in the unique environment on Tita Planet. However, his opponent for this time wasn't wearing the mobile battle armour that could boost the strength of the people of Tita!

On the stage, Rara Durai was dancing. It was the "thigh dance" of the people of Tita and was a form of provocation. He was waiting for his next challenger to appear.

Obviously, for the people of Tita, such provocations were mainly a form of ritual before the battle. Their understanding of battles was much simpler than humans and they were just fond of battles and faith in battles.

The skilled people within the Lan Family wasn't just Miloxius. Miloxius was more of a shield against the external forces for the Lan Family.

On Tita planet, all the other Ability X's were suppressed by the atmosphere created by its nearby stars and asteroids with the exception of wind element Ability X. Wind element Ability X was not only not suppressed but was greatly strengthened on Tita planet!

In the Lan Family, having a wind element bloodline would be similar to the Lie Family's succession of the fire element on Mars. Wind element Ability X in the Lan Family could be considered as a form of succession. This was probably a gift from god to the first generation of explorers.

Old Man Lan Jiang was smiling. He knew the intentions of his old Tita friends of wanting his men to be involved. However, he did not had such intention today.

What was surprising was that Mu Sen did not approach him. Mu Sen turned around to Wang Zheng, smiled and said," Would this little friend be interested to experience the atmosphere of a challenge?"

Wang Zheng was surprised and shook his head. He smiled and said," I think I would give it a pass."

Although Wang Zheng was intrigued by it and was fond of such wildness, he did not feel that it was a good idea to be high profile as a guest to the Lan Family. Moreover, his identity of being a soldier of the Milky Way Alliance and the fact that he had been warned previously to minimise interactions with the people of Tita had deterred him from taking up the challenge.

"Little dwarf, rest assured, I will not injure you. Haha, just give it a try."

The previous battle had made Rara Durai extremely alert. No matter who was his opponent, he could have a battle. If it was a skilled challenger, he would crush him without negotiations!

As for the derogatory term "little dwarf", if one had to use it on a human, he wouldn't mind being the one using it to entertain the rest. The dance he was dancing to was also a form of entertainment.

At this point, Mu Sen smiled again and said," Young man, sometimes winning or losing wasn't the most important. What would be more important would be courage and bravery. These were the most previous qualities of a man. Are you sure that you would not give it a try?"

Wang Zheng took a look at Rara Durai who was constantly provoking him. From the side of his eyes, he saw that Miloxius was receiving treatment. It was unclear where he was injured but his face was covered with trails of blood. The scolding of Scar Face Luo and the other guards could barely be heard. Wang Zheng really wished to experience how strong the people of Tita were. He nodded his head at Mu Sen and had wanted to make his way into the stage.

Suddenly, someone stopped him from the front and said, "Brat, do you really think that he will not injure you? These guys had never learned to control their strength. You do not have much muscle and yet you want to play hero. Who could we go after for the money you owe to Master Lan when the time comes?"

Sun Xin stared at Wang Zheng intensely. Was he an idiot? He really wanted to go onto the stage? From her perspective, Mu Sen was being unreasonable and wanted the Lan Family to send someone with a wind element Ability X. He was just using a useless Wang Zheng as an excuse.

In fact, Sun Xin had misunderstood the matter. Although Mu Sen had such thoughts, for the people of Tita, the most unpredictable part of the battle power of humans would be Ability X users. Although only wind element Ability X users were able to use their abilities normally on Tita planet, the Wise one still felt that it would be necessary to collect relevant information as it was an important matter that related to the future of their tribes.

However, the reason why he had chosen Wang Zheng was because…

It was because Wang Zheng gave him a very special feeling. As a Wise one of Tita, their 5 senses and his extrasensory perception was different from what a normal person would imagine. The feeling Wang Zheng gave him was the feeling of familiarity and closeness. This was especially unique among the humans.

In the face of Sun Xin's rough attempt to stop him, Wang Zheng touched his nose and said," If I cannot beat him, I will admit defeat."

"You look just a rookie solder. I'm afraid you would not even know how to operate a mech. Stop throwing your face in front of others!" Although Sun Xin was mean, she was not a bad natured person. She stared at Wang Zheng in normal times because she was trying to protect the benefits of Lan Ling. Who had asked Wang Zheng to owe a girl money from her private savings?

Wang Zheng smiled and still made his way into the battle stage. Sun Xin's face had changed. When Wang Zheng was moving, she had wanted to stop him. However, she couldn't understand why she wasn't able to stop him. This was impossible. She wasn't just the personal assistant of Lan Ling but was also her personal guard. Although she wasn't adept in mech, her fighting ability was very strong. Based on logical reasoning, if she wanted to stop him, Wang Zheng would not have made it into the stage even if he tried his best. However, Wang Zheng was able get pass her easily. Although she clearly tried to move her body to stop him, unknowingly, Wang Zheng was able to slide past her. When she opened her arms to attempt to stop him, He was already quite a distance away.

Feeling puzzled, Sun Xin returned to the side of Lan Ling. When she returned, she heard Lan Ling said with an anxious and soft voice," Why didn't you stop him? Did you just let him enter the stage?"

Sun Xin touched her nose and said," Miss, I… Maybe, he will not disgrace the Lan Family."

Sun Xin would never take Wang Zheng's movement as a fluke. Although she was a little careless previously, the fact that Wang Zheng could shake off her lock down was a testament to his strength.

Lan Ling blinked her eyes. Seeing Sun Xin nodding her head, she was a little excited as he looked at Wang Zheng within the battle stage. At one side, 3 mecha were prepared. Three different models of warrior-model, offensive models and a heavy tank-model.

From the moment Wang Zheng stepped onto the edge of the battle stage, Rara Durai had stopped his provocation. The war dance was only meant for the time where he was searching for an opponent and wasn't for humiliating his opponents.

At the far end, treatment of Miloxius' injuries had completed. Other than feeling a little weak, there were only probably some abrasions. Although his face was covered in blood and looked terrifying, he was fine.

"That brat!"

When he opened his eyes, he saw Wang Zheng in the battle ring. He couldn't help but stand up and shouted, "Was he crazy?"

Scar Face Luo was equally surprised. He opened his mouth and said," Could it be that the dude was trying to take revenge for captain? Captain, this dude was creating a fuss. Let me pull him out!"

How terrifying Rara Durai was could be seen by him even defeating the captain's "Invincible Sword". Although Wang Zheng's courage was commendable, he was throwing his life away. Scar Face Luo couldn't just sit back considering that they were roommates.

"It should be alright. Rara Durai was the number 1 warrior of the Pool Tribe. He had actually shown me mercy previously."

Miloxius wiped away the bloddy water in his face and halted Scar Face Luo with his words. A man who had decided to enter into a battle couldn't just be asked to step down. If he was to retreat today, he would not be able to raise his head up high in the future. To be called a coward for his lifetime would definitely be worse than failing in the battle and died for a real man. Sometimes, for a man, the most important thing wasn't about just living.

Moreover, the relationship between the Lan Family and the Pool Tribe was amiable. Rara Durai would come over to the Lan Family to eat and drink each month. He would also take away a large quantity of minerals at the same time. I believed he would not kill Wang Zheng. The worse it would get would be injuring him if he failed to stop in time.

"You're not too shabby. You have some courage. I respect those with courage. Choose your mech. I would recommend you to choose the heavy tank type mech to allow me to slash you a few more times."

Rara Durai opened her mouth and raised the giant battle sword in the air, drawing countless resonating cheers from the Tita warriors.

Wang Zheng took a look at the 3 mecha. He smiled gently, shook his head and said," I do not need to use a mech."

Chapter 462: Strength Of The Small

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The whole arena was speechless. This was followed by a thunderous laughter. It was the funniest joke that the people of Tita had ever heard in their life.

"Hahaha… You want a battle with me?" said Rara Durai, who was breathless from the laughing.

The battle between the people Tita would be a one on one brawl with no forms of weapons. However, this was between giants, and a human had no say in it.

"Yes," said Wang Zheng. Ever since he had entered the stage, Wang Zheng could feel the strong life force emanating from the bodies of the giants. Once you had experienced it, you would be able to understand that the universe was truly mysterious to be able to give life to such organisms.

Rara Durai laughed. "Little one, what do you think this is?"

Rara Durai raised his huge fist and said, "This is a weapon. I could flatten you like a pancake with just one punch. Hahaha."

Instantly, the crowd burst into laughter.

"Since you will not be using battle armour, I will not use a mech. It's better to be fair."

Wang Zheng smiled as he talked about fairness.

Rara Durai almost spat. Fairness? A human talking about fairness with a Tita warrior in battle? He must be crazy!

Outside the battle stage, it was filled with mockery of Wang Zheng. Some of them were from the people of Tita and some were from some other factions of the Lan family. The Lan family was too huge. After a few generations, the faction where Lan Ling was from had the most influence and was the one in control. As for other factions, they did not have real influence and would be delighted to witness embarrassing matters that were caused by the main faction. For example, Lan Ling had saved a man, and that man was a crazy guy…

"No way could it be done! Let me go drag him back, this is simply nonsense!"

Sun Xin was truly enraged and was going to pull Wang Zheng back.

However, she was stopped by Elder Mu Sen. "Do not worry, Rara Durai will know when to stop."

Moreover, the battle could not be stopped at this moment.

Wang Zheng was already in position. He raised his head and saw Rara Durai, who was almost six meters tall. He looked just like an unmovable mountain.

Rara Durai looked at Wang Zheng. Should he send him flying with a slap or flick him away lightly using his legs?

Hmm, it seemed that no matter what he chose, he might end up killing this little one. Should he convince him to use a mech?

Wang Zheng waited for a few seconds, smiled, and said, "Are the people of Tita such sissies? Are you really a warrior?"

Rara Durai's face turned red and he said, "Great, you could also be considered as courageous among humans, although you are a little stupid!"

Outside the stage, Elder Mu Sen was dumbfounded. He had not expected Wang Zheng to choose not to use a mech.


Durai smashed his huge palm down, wanting to crush Wang Zheng into meat paste.

The floor that could withstand heavy blows from a mech immediately exploded. Debris was flying everywhere. Wang Zheng's footsteps remained composed as he sought opportunities while dodging.

Rara Durai was furious as some of the debris hit his face while that little human was able to move around without being hit by any of the debris. This had made him even more furious. He stomped his leg fiercely at Wang Zheng. He was very serious now, no longer holding back or thinking about giving face. All he wanted was to crush the little one!

"Seems that he really did not need a mech. Rara Durai is a good actor, this must have been staged beforehand. Tsk, that kick seemed like he really meant it."

"Tsk! Staged, continue this staged fight!"

Some of the people from the Lan family couldn't hold back and mocked.

In fact, even Lan Ling was blinking and feeling a little worried. However, she felt relieved. Looking at the situation, it seemed that Rara Durai still knew that he had to hold back, although he might look like he was furious…

The other Tita warriors were laughing. However, they weren't laughing at Wang Zheng but at Rara Durai. A Tita warrior was brave but not cruel, and was sincere and intelligent.

Rara Durai could faintly hear the mockeries by his kind from outside the stage. His face turned purple with rage and looked extremely terrifying. "Ahhhhhhhh!"

With a fierce roar, the muscles on him exploded in power suddenly!

Instantly, more than half of those who thought Rara Durai was acting were dumbfounded. This was "Life Outbreak", something that a Tita warrior would do when he decided to give it his all. Under the conditions of "Life Outbreak", their speed, reaction time, and power would increase tremendously. This was a warrior technique that only a Tita warrior could master!

Facing a little human, coupled with the fact that it was a human that wasn't using a mech, the number one warrior of the Pool Tribe had to use the warrior technique!

Was this a joke?

"Even if it is staged, it shouldn't this be overboard, right?"

"It must be, it definitely is. Just take a look at the warrior technique. No matter who it was, they would have become meat paste. Look, the speed of that brat isn't even that fast. Before the warrior technique, all he could do is to jump around like what he was doing previously."

"You are right; however… did he have to go this far? Wasn't it that they were trying to give some face to Lan Ling…"

Other people had started to suspect that it wasn't just a show. "It couldn't be. We are talking about the people of Tita. Moreover, he is a Tita warrior. When did they learn how to do this? Although they aren't dumb, they would not desecrate a battle."

"What do you know about them? You are the one who is simple minded!"

However, these voices were soon lost.

Wang Zheng had not thought about a direct confrontation. From the atmosphere around Rara Durai, he could roughly determine the opponent's strength. It was truly astounding, but this level was something that still couldn't beat Wang Zheng. When fighting against a powerful and large physique, a smaller assassin would be harder to deal with. This had been proven in the training with Bonehead.

After having experienced enough, it was time to end it. His current physical condition was not suitable for a prolonged battle.

This kick of Rara Durai was full of power, but the tempo was a little slow due to his anger. He had thought that it would not connect as with previous attacks. He had not expected that at this moment, Wang Zheng would stop. Rara Durai was delighted. He would want to definitely kick this little guy to death with this kick. He further invoked his warrior technique and maintained it.

Wang Zheng moved his body slightly aside to dodge the attack. At the same time, Wang Zheng aggressively cut towards the body of Rara Durai.

"Looking for death!" Rara Durai was exhilarated. Being attacked was the least of what he was afraid at the moment. He was annoyed by Wang Zheng, who was jumping around. Against his previous opponents, he could just sweep them aside. However, Wang Zheng had been abnormally difficult to get rid of!

Roarrr. He retracted the leg he kicked out. With an extremely quick spin and locking down Wang Zheng's position, he swung his left hand downwards in a circle and his left hand towards Wang Zheng like a poisonous dragon. With an attack that covered all directions, he had firmly locked down on Wang Zheng!

Wang Zheng let out a fierce roar and sliced in towards Durai at the speed of lightning. A simple but rough move!

—- Leaning Landslide!


Rara Durai's face had changed. All he could feel was an enormous force coming from his right leg. It was as though he had been kicked by a heavy tank-type mech. Without any guard and as he relaxed his waist, he could no longer maintain his battle stance and fell sideways.

This little one…

This human was in possession of strength that would not lose to a Tita warrior!

Rara Durai let out an angry roar. With his arms to support him, he intended to flip and stand up again!

At this moment, Wang Zheng leapt. Using his momentum, he stepped on Rara Durai's back and rushed to the neck area of Rara Durai.

Instantly, Wang Zheng's eyes shined brightly. The Primordial Regression Technique, which had been ready for some time, was operating at maximum capacity. With a palm hit.


Rara Durai's huge body seemed to have turned into stone and he was forced to a halt at the spot.

Wang Zheng turned around and jumped.

Rara Durai shook a little and revealed a struggling expression. Soon, he fell to the ground.

… Rara Durai's eyes rolled back and he fainted…

The crowd was speechless. Wasn't this staged match… too professional?

Wang Zheng regulated his breathing as he felt a really tense neck. More than half of the force of the explosive strike of the Primordial Regression Technique was reflected back on him. It seemed that he had underestimated the people of Tita. Not only were they super strong, they were adept at using their muscles. This was a completely different dimension from brute strength. In other words, it could be said that Tita warriors had an extremely high battle IQ!

Mu Sen and Khalifa stood up. Lan Ling and Lan Jiang also stood up. The whole crowd was silent and looked blankly at the still standing Wang Zheng.

He was able to emerge victorious?

He was able to win against Rara Durai without a mech!

Who was Rara Durai? The number one warrior of the young generation of the Pool Tribe!

However, a small human was able to go against all odds and use his small fist to dominate the number one warrior of the Pool Tribe. He had even knocked Rara Durai out!

"Lan Ling, it seems that… you really… saved a monster."

At this moment, Old Man Lan wasn't the one who was obsessed with playing. It seemed that Lan Ling was right. It was all destined to be. To survive from such an impact, it seemed that he had really offended someone. However, Wang Zheng would likely have an extraordinary background.

Wang Zheng turned to Elder Mu Sen and smiled. When he wanted to return to his position, he could feel a rough breathing from his back.

Wang Zheng was also a little surprised to see Rara Durai sitting up while still swaying after receiving his full attack. In the instance of the attack, he had overlapped more than 30 hand chops onto the softest spot of the opponent, and yet…

Initially, Rara Durai's eyes were still sluggish. However, he soon recovered and looked at Wang Zheng with his bright eyes. He raised his right hand and clenched his fist.

Did he still want to continue the fight?

Wang Zheng frowned and was surprised at the recovery speed of the people of Tita. He did not hold back previously. A hand chop with full force could even bend steel, but Rara Durai's neck seemed to be perfectly fine.

"Little one, what great strength you have. Not too shabby. You are someone I definitely want as a friend. Ouch. Tell me how you have such great strength despite being so small in size."

Rara Durai had one hand stretched in the air while the other hand was already rubbing his neck. On his face, he revealed a carefree smile.

Chapter 463: The World of Tita

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Elder Mu Sen smiled and took huge strides into the battle stage. He grabbed Wang Zheng right arm and bumped fist with the stretched fist of Rara Durai. "In the name of elder, I bore witness to the friendship between warriors. Brat, you are now a friend of the people of Tita."

Wang Zheng smiled. Since the intention was to make friends, he bumped his fist lightly.

All the surrounding people of Tita let out a war cry. Subsequently, they rushed together towards Wang Zheng.

However, the surrounding humans' face had changed. This was because the term "friend" had a different meaning to "friend" in human terms. To be recognised by the people of Tita had extraordinary significance. The reason behind Lan Family's infallible status was exactly because they were friends of the people of Tita!

What was this about?

Wang Zheng had originally tried to dodge but seeing the smile on Elder Mu Sen, he stopped. Subsequently, he was grabbed by Rara Durai's hand that was in the hand and tossed into the sky like a ball…

Every Tita warrior was shouting the same line in the language of Tita, the king of warriors. Subsequently they would catch the falling Wang Zheng and tossed him up again…

After the Tita warriors repeated the cycles a few times, they suddenly found it pointless as the little one felt too light…

Rara Durai blamed Wang Zheng for his weight softly and said," Friend, are you made of feathers? You are too skinny. You have to eat more. As the victor, you have to treat me and my brothers to a meal!"

The surrounding giants revealed an expression that suggested this was a natural thing to do.

Wang Zheng's jaws dropped. He did not know whether to laugh or smile. It seemed that it wouldn't be easy to be the friend of the people of Tita… With such a huge physique, how much they would eat?

Sun Xin was very surprised. If she had…

Lan Ling had walked to the side of Wang Zheng and said," Various friends of Tita, the meal has been prepared; please do not stand on ceremony!"

Lan Ling words drew huge cheers from the giants. Even the Wise ones had smiles on their face. It would seemed that they had been longing for human's food.

After the battle would naturally be a large scale dinner. Humans had been on Tita Star for many years. However, in reality, both sides had clear divisions. In human cities, one would rarely see the shadows of the people of Tita. The people of Tita knew about the powers of humans. Some of the Wise ones from Tita knew the Milky Way Alliance laws well and this was the reason why they chose not to always be in conflicts with the humans and had chosen the Lan Family. This wasn't just because the Lan Family was one of the early immigrants but also because they would want to maintain a relationship with the humans.

However, the Wise ones of Tita had an innate ability. They understand the nature of humans; boundless greed. Therefore, they did not wish to walk too closely with the humans.

However, with the discovery of gravity ore, this balance had been broken.

The people of Tita had a great time eating. The Lan Family had a clear idea on their taste and preferences and this was the only time the people of Tita could enjoy human food to the fullest. Obviously, with their appetite, an ordinary family would not be able to afford treating them.

"Wang Zheng, you always surprise the people around you." Lan Ling looked at Wang Zheng with a deep stare. It was as though she had discovered a new world. When she saved Wang Zheng previously, she did not have much thoughts about it. However, she had discovered a multitude of problems subsequently. It was just that from the external appearance of Wang Zheng, he would never be considered to be a highly skilled master.

She had brought Wang Zheng along to let the Wise one of Tita to take a look as they had extraordinary perceptive abilities. However, the results were beyond their imagination.

Wang Zheng smiled and said," I was just lucky. The strength of the Tita giant was truly frightening. If they were to equip the battle armour and weapon, it would be a tough match for the human mech."

Wang Zheng was trying to change the subject. He couldn't withstand the curious looks from a girl.

Lan Ling were really curious. Surprisingly, Wang Zheng was trying to hide from her sight. Could it be that people from Earth were so shy?

"Your Skylink has been repaired."

A new Skylink was handed to Wang Zheng. "However, it seemed that the level of security for your Skylink was extremely high. We couldn't repair it for use. This would have to wait for you to return to the Milky Way Alliance."

No matter how strong a military school student was, the level of security shouldn't be so high. It was so high that the Lan Family had no solution to it at all.

Wang Zheng wasn't too surprised. They weren't much to see too. It was because of the presence of Universe's Genesis Coffee Club that raised the level of security of the Skylink. Repairing an SS Level Skylink would be a headache even for Aslan, moreover for the people on Tita Star.

"I had tried to intercept messages on your behalf. The Milky Way Alliance has been looking for you. It seemed that it was a misunderstanding. Your transport ship seemed to have transmitted an erroneous signal which resulted in the attack." said Lan Ling.

"Do you believe it?" Wang Zheng smiled nonchalantly.

"There's always some lies in truth and vice versa. What plans did you have? You have won the trust of the people of Tita and I would sincerely invite you to join the Lan Family." said Lan Ling. The boy who was slightly younger than him had an unexplainable sense of responsibilities that attracted her.

Seeing Wang Zheng did not gave a reply, Lan Ling hurriedly said," Not as a guard. Actually, grandpa was just trying to protect me when he looked for you. He had said that you could be trusted. Please do not blame him for that. The situation in the Lan Family was a little bit unique."

The Lan Family was afraid that Wang Zheng was a spy from some other factions. This was because in such an air crash, only an extremely strong person or in a staged crash would the person survive. However, after rounds of investigation, it should be the first reason. Together with the trust of the people of Tita, this had completely removed any suspicions from Lan Jiang.

Humans had been living on this planet for a long time. However, the people of Tita had kept a distance with the humans. The Wise ones had said that humans were too complicated and unpredictable.

To be recognized as a friend of Tita, Lan Jiang could be considered as one. Within the Lan Family and in this generation, there was only Lan Ling.

And this was largely because of the pact formed in the early stages of exploration between the people of Tita and the Lan Family. Also, this was because of them going though both the good and bad days over the years. This trust was built over a hundred years.

However, Wang Zheng was accepted once he arrived. This was an extremely strange thing.

Wang Zheng remained silent for a moment and shook his head lightly. "I would still have to go back."

"Why? Don't you feel that this would be dangerous?" Lan Ling was stunned. She had not expected that Wang Zheng would reject her invitation. Rather, she had never been rejected and could react in the instance. "Rest assured, we would not bury your talents!"

"Thank you Lan Ling. I meant it. It was just that no matter what was waiting for me, I would still have to return. To be able to come to Tita planet and getting to know you, it was destiny. However, I still have my friends who were waiting for me."

When he thought about Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu, Wang Zheng felt warmth in his heart. Moreover, the whole incident was a little weird. Was it really the Royal Family of Aslan who did it?

There's a real possibility but it seemed to be too over the head. His interactions with Aina weren't just made over a few days. How likely would it be that they would not know about it?

To suddenly go to such great lengths for a small character like him, was it worth it?

Obviously for Aina, they had the motives to do so. However the style of doing things weren't similar. Moreover, if he was really dead, how would Aina respond?

Moreover, if they had the intention to kill him, there would be no purpose in sending Aina to Atlantis. The intention of Aina being sent to Atlantis was to separate him and Aina, to use time and distance to solve the problem.

Wang Zheng faintly felt that the matters weren't making sense. However, he was not in a rush as this was something that couldn't be rushed. However, the matter could not be just left as it was.

For every grievance someone is responsible; for every debt there is a debtor.

If Aslan wanted to separate Aina and him, it would be inevitable. For Aina, he would just accept it. However, if someone wanted his life, no matter who he/she was, he would not just accept it!

"Wang Zheng, what are you thinking about?"

Wang Zheng regained his thoughts," I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts."

"If you wanted to leave, I would not stop you. However, please remember that I am your friend too." said Lan Ling seriously.

"Of course, you are not just my friend, you are my benefactor."

"…When you were recovering, could you hear what I said?" asked Lan Ling suddenly.

"Nope, I did not hear anything." Said Wang Zheng instinctively.

Lan Ling's eyes widened. "You… heard everything?"

"Hehe, actually, just a little." Said Wang Zheng embarrassingly.

Lan Ling face turned red was embarrassment and ran off. She had told him about all her secrets and worries. This…

"Haha, Wang Zheng, what did you say to the princess of our Lan Family to scare her off?" asked Lan Jiang. Beside him were the Wise ones of Tita, Mu Sen and Khalifa.

"Mr Wang, would you be interested in visiting our tribes as a guest?" asked Mu Sen. Khalifa who was at a side was also nodding his head in unison. "The people of Tita were known for the passionate nature. This was especially so for the Pool Tribe."

"What was wrong with you 2 old fellows to snatch my guest once you had arrived?"

"Elders, you can just call me Wang Zheng. If you so wish to, I would definitely follow." said Wang Zheng

The two elders were taken aback and couldn't understand if Wang Zheng wanted to go or not.

"Wang Zheng was from Earth, the origin of human kind. What he just said was a commonly used term on Earth. He meant that he is very willing to go." Said Lan Jiang. He couldn't help but lament in his heart. As the ambassador of the Lan Family and the people of Tita for over 30 years, he had received only 5 invitations.

"Haha, a person from the mother planet. Welcome, welcome!" Mu Sen and Khalifa were both surprised and became even more passionate. They had a slight feeling that they knew this previously.

Lan Jiang knew that the two of them had misunderstood. In the eyes of the people of Tita, Earth must have had an extremely high position among the humans as it was the mother planet of human kind. However, the truth was that…

However, Old Man Lan did not clarify. After all, they were on Tita Star where Earthlings were rare.

"Mu Sen, you have been a little miserly to only invite Wang Zheng. What about our Lan Ling? She has not gone there either."

"Old Man Lan, we have already invited Lan Ling."

"This would then be acceptale!" said Lan Jiang as he nodded his head. An old man would still have a temper sometimes.

The resources the Pool Tribe needed had been prepared. The people of Tita had been very objective and reserved when exchanging human goods. On one side, they could learn and improve themselves. At the same time, they would want to maintain the independence of their culture and not to be affected by the extravagant human culture. These were common among the strong extra-terrestrial races like the Atlantis. However, for the people of Tita which had a relatively backward civilisation, to maintain such a concept, it was indeed rare.

The people of Tita were celebrating wildly, singing and dancing. The people of Tita had great respect for battles. Achieving victories would be something joyous but wasn't the most important. It was at least the case in the Pool Tribe.

On the second day, the group of people from Tita had left Lan Kao City. The giants were the best transport tools themselves. Obviously, they had their own mode of transport. It was an organism known as "Dragon Cow". Its size was approximately 4-5 times that of the size of a rhino on Earth. As for its temper… it seemed to be rather docile.

Chapter 464: A Challenge in the Middle of the Night

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

There wasn't a lack of giant-sized organisms on Tita, so it felt just like the jurassic period on Earth. However, it did have some fern-like plants, which although looked similar to the ones on Earth, possessed much higher energy content. The people of Tita depended mainly on plants for food. Their intake of meat wasn't very high. This was probably a result of the energy within the food that they consumed. The Lan family had been researching on it but did not have much progress on it. Civilization and succession had always been the hardest questions to answer.

Wang Zheng and Lan Ling were riding on the huge Dragon Cow with Rara Durai at their side.

"Surprisingly, Sun Xin did not tag along." Wang Zheng was a little bit surprised that Lan Ling did not bring with her some followers.

"Mu Sen has only invited the two of us. Their invitations are different from those of humans and are carefully made. Only friends are invited. Moreover, it is only done when there were some rituals or activities," explained Lan Ling.

"The people of Tita are adept in speaking the human language!"

Lan Ling rolled her eyes at Wang Zheng and said, "Do not underestimate them just because they are smaller in stature. The learning ability of the people of Tita is extremely strong. They have a clear division of labor. It is just that they have their beliefs. As for you, you seem to be really powerful. I heard that there was kungfu on Earth. Have you learnt it before?"

"I did learn a little, mainly the superficial parts of it."

Lan Ling shook her head and sighed. Clearly she was angry.

Wang Zheng scratched his head as he did not know what he had done wrong.

"Do you think that defeating giants is an easy thing? Student Wang, who are you really? Please do not tell me that the current Earth is already at this level!"

Clearly, Lan Ling did not believe him. What kind of joke was this? Wang Zheng was able to defeat Rara Durai. Disregarding the fact that Rara Durai had the intention to hold back, at least his skills and courage were displayed. If all the military school students on Earth were at this level, Earth would definitely be the number 1 strongest nation in the Milky Way Alliance. How could they be so weak?

Wang Zheng finally understood. He had no intentions to show off. However, in the eyes of Lan Ling, he was not being honest. After all, she was the life savior of Wang Zheng.

"Eh, my biggest weakness is that I am too humble. I am a military school student but I am also the number 1 in the Solar System Federal Military Alliance. Within the entire Milky Way, entering the top 3 shouldn't be too much of a problem. Defeating a giant wasn't an easy task. That is the reason why I was despatched to this place," said Wang Zheng with a smile.

"Brag, continued to brag. Be careful that you don't blow the Dragon Cow away1 ." Lan Ling could not hold back her laughter. This dude was either overly humble or overly arrogant.

"What could be so powerful as to blow the Dragon Cow away?" asked Rara Durai curiously.

Wang Zheng and Lan Ling were taken aback. They could not hold it back and started laughing, leaving Rara Durai puzzled. The human language was truly complicated.

The Pool Tribe were among those that were pro-humans. They were very willing to learn and understand humanity. After all, Humanity had come so far today and was the de facto ruler of the Milky Way Alliance. Their strength was beyond a doubt.

Obviously, the people from Tita were warriors and would not succumb to any forms of suppression. As compared to enemies, they were more willing to make friends.

Seeing that Lan Ling did not believe him, Wang Zheng could only shake his head. He knew that no one would have believed him even when he spoke the truth. Honestly speaking, he had no regrets with regard to the IG. As for Aina, this wasn't even a question. A man should have a sense of responsibility. Looking at the beautiful scenery, Wang Zheng did not know how he could feel relaxed all of a sudden, and this was a great feeling.

He had the urge to scream at the top of his lungs.

"It is really beautiful here. Within the Milky Way Alliance, there are few planets with such natural sights."

As he followed the group, Wang Zheng could feel that the Yuan Qi inside him was getting stronger. The effectiveness of the circulation of yjr Primordial Regression Technique was clearly rising. Every single cell of his was in a joyous state.

This place had the strongest concentration of Yuan Qi that Wang Zheng had ever felt. This was a mysterious world that nurtured life, and it was no wonder it could give life to the people of Tita.

"That is a given. The Lan family has focused on retaining the original looks of this place even as we pushed for development. We love this place,��� said Lan Ling as she opened her arms and breathed in the fresh air.

"Have you not thought of exploring other areas?" asked Wang Zheng. "You are just a little older than me."

"Obviously I would go, but I feel that there would be no other place better than here. This is where my home is."

Wang Zheng nodded his head. Truly, there would be no other place better than home.

At night, Wang Zheng and Lan Ling stayed in a tent. However, this tent was provided by the Lan family. Convenient tools like these were well received by the people of Tita.

Wang Zheng could not fall asleep and walked out alone. The sky was decorated with countless stars. Giants weren't fond of tents. They preferred to be in contact with the earth. However, the wise ones were more willing to use those tents.

As he extended his arms, he could feel that all of his pores were opening. Although his injuries were better, the recovery of Yuan Qi hadn't been as quick. He had originally expected to take another month. However, it would seem that another week would be enough. As the group continued to progress, the Yuan Qi was even more abundant. It seemed that the location of the tribes would be much better than a human city. They sure knew how to choose their lucky spot.

At this moment, there were sounds of footsteps. Rara Durai sat besideWang Zheng. Wang Zheng asked, "Weren't you going to sleep?"

"Yeah, but why do you have such great strength? What does the Earth look like?" Although Rara Durai felt that he was too direct, but he was still very curious about Wang Zheng's strength.

When they learned that Wang Zheng came from the planet where mankind originated from, the people from Tita were curious about Wang Zheng. What kind of place had given birth to the noble culture of mankind?

"Earth is my home. It's a really beautiful place." Wang Zheng had wanted to add a "once". The current Earth could not compete with the past. There were still a lot of places where there were trails of overdevelopment. To fully restore the place would be extremely difficult.

Rara Durai nodded his head and said, "The elders said that you are very special. I felt the same way too. However, if we were to fight again, I would definitely win."

Clearly, the number 1 warrior from the Pool Tribe was still not convinced.

Wang Zheng smiled and said, "Even if we were to fight again, you would still be no match for me."

"Impossible. I was careless last time. My strength is greater than yours!" said Rara Durai defiantly.

"Is that so? Do you want to give it a try again?" said Wang Zheng with a smile.

"Could we really do it? The elders would not allow me to challenge a human," said Rara Durai hesitantly.

"Actually, I also want to compete with you. There were too many people the last time. I guessed you weren't able to fully display your abilities. Rest assured, I am actually very strong," said Wang Zheng.

"Haha, that's great. Let me bring you to a place. I'm familiar with this place. However, if you lose, you cannot complain to the elders. I would be punished for it," said Rara Durai.

"Rest assured. However, it would be difficult to win against me. Did you forget that I am from Earth, the origin of mankind? I have some mysterious strengths," remarked Wang Zheng with a smile. He suddenly felt like boasting in front of this huge dude.

Rara Durai nodded his head seriously and said, "That's true. The elders had said that there would always be a noble existence at the origin of any civilization. These are gifts from gods. However, I will not lose. I am a descendant of Titan and possess noble strength."

"Oh, you are a descendent of Titan?" asked Wang Zheng curiously.

Rara Durai shook his head. He placed Wang Zheng on his shoulders. This allowed them to move a little quicker. "We are the people from Tita. Titan is our god. Legend has it that when the people of Tita faced a catastrophe, the Titan would appear."

Wang Zheng smiled. God? However, the civilization of Tita was a little primitive, and believing in gods could be considered to be normal.

The two of them walked for a while and came to a large piece of empty land. Rara Durai let Wang Zheng down.

"How are we going to compete?" asked Rara Durai.

Wang Zheng warmed up his muscles a bit. It was great that there would be no interference from the outside. "I would like to test your strength. Give me a punch as a test first."

Rara Durai was taken aback and shook his head vigorously. "This wouldn't be good. I could kill you in a punch."

Although he had lost the previous time, Wang Zheng wasn't willing to take his attacks head-on. There would be no way he could compete in strength.

"Rest assured. You can hold back some of your strength. Hit me and let me test your strength. You should have an idea about the strength of the strike I hit you with," said Wang Zheng with a smile.

Rara Durai thought about it and this was why he refused to accept it.

"Alright, I shall be making my move. Be prepared!"

Wang Zheng regulated his breathing. The Primordial Regression Technique started to circulate. He raised both of his arms apart and bended them slightly. Instantly, Rara Durai could feel that his hairs were standing. He could feel a sense of danger just like when he was facing a dragon beast.

A huge fist descended from the sky and slammed towards Wang Zheng. Rara Durai had only used 50% of his strength.


The floor exploded and Wang Zheng sank in. He would've sunk in fully if not for the good angle he had used to disperse the strength.

It was truly a satisfying hit!

Rara Durai was dumbfounded. Although it was only 50% of his strength, for the small human physique where one could get crushed easily, surprisingly, Wang Zheng was able to take it.

Wang Zheng moved his arms and said, "Alright, next time you have to put in all your strength. You are not allowed to hold back!"

This was a great opportunity to understand the strength of someone from Tita, as it was hard to get Rara Durai to be so cooperative. For Wang Zheng, once he could understand the actual situation, with his battle techniques, he would have everything under his control.

Chapter 465: Complete power over life and death

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Chapter 465

Complete power over life and death

Rara Durai took 2 steps backwards. Clearly, Tita giants were very honest and frank. Since he wanted to use all his strength, he would have to use all his strength. Wang Zheng could not afford to be careless too as he focused all his attention.

From the perspective of power alone, he would definitely not be able to compete with Rara Durai. However, in terms of technical force, it was a different matter. However, Wang Zheng really wanted to test out his pure strength.


A thunderous roar exploded. Rara Durai was just like a beast as he smashed his fist across.


Wang Zheng's body shook violently. His clothes exploded and his body reacted as though he was struck by lightning. With a palm attack, boom~~~~~~~

The airflow exploded and debris filled the sky. The floor had completely crumbled. If all the force was dispersed onto the ground, Wang Zheng would be like a nail smashed diagonally into the ground. However, the ground had only crumbled. This would mean that Wang Zheng's body had received most of the blow with the remaining force shattering the floor.

At this moment, Wang Zheng took a deep breath. His defences exploded as he inhaled for the second time.

He opened his right palm and constricted his left arm. Rise!

Rara Durai's huge body was tossed into the sky.


Rara Durai fell but got up quickly. Wang Zheng could feel that his arms were going numb. What a terrifying strength. This was the first time he encountered such a monster since he started learning the Primordial Regression Technique. However, what Wang Zheng did not know was that in the eyes of Rara Durai, Wang Zheng was the real monster!

"Let continued!" shouted Wang Zheng. Rara Durai pouted and pounced forward.

Instantly, Wang Zheng moved aside, causing Rara Durai to miss. At this time, Wang Zheng was already in the air and spinning in mid-air. Boom, boom, boom, boom…

As he landed with a reverse somersault, Rara Durai's huge body was sent flying. Swallow Style 8 Steps Kick!

Once Wang Zheng landed, he immediately rushed ahead like a lightning bolt. It was as though an artillery shell had hit Rara Durai.


Rara Durai's huge body was sent flying over 70-80 metres and only stopped when he smashed onto a huge tree.

Rara Durai wanted to stand up immediately but as his body swayed, he fell down. He could only take in huge breaths as his huge round eyes could not believe what had happened.

Wang Zheng was speechless too. His set of attacks could be considered seamless. With his current body condition, he could only execute one set of attack. Surprisingly, his opponent was … alright.

This was entirely because of the endurance of the body of the people of Tita. There was no wonder why they could fight with a mech with their body. If they were to equip their specially made battle armour, everyone would be a monster.

Both of them were in awe. After resting for 2 minutes, Rara Durai finally sat up. "What's the matter… Surprisingly, I could not defeat you…"

Wang Zheng smiled and replied," This was a battle technique of the humans. A very long time ago, this was how humans battle. Do you want to learn it?"

Suddenly, Wang Zheng wished to know what a giant would become if they learnt such battle techniques. He liked the giants' honesty and the feeling of being one with the nature.

"I can learn it?" Rara Durai pointed at himself, revealing an unbelievable look.

"Yes you can and I believe that if you could master it, you would become even stronger." replied Wang Zheng with a smile. It would be hard to imagine how terrifying it would be if a fierce and brave giant was to master these battle technique. They would no longer need the techniques to raise their strength. All they had to master was to use their strengths in the most effective way. The battle between the people of Tita was more of a clash of innate abilities. The most they would get would be a summary from the Elders. When compared with the battle techniques of humans, even using weapons would give such a large increase in strength.

They were too gifted when it came to natural gifts.

Tita warriors respected the strong the most. Rara Durai was already totally admiring Wang Zheng. If Wang Zheng was as huge as him, wouldn't he just need a finger to crush him?

This was the reasoning Rara Durai had. However, Wang Zheng would never be able to become so huge.

Rara Durai respectfully kneeled on the floor and said," Ada, please accept 3 bows from me. Rara Durai is willing to become your disciple, to follow you forever till the end of my life."

As he completed his words, he made 3 kowtows to Wang Zheng. He even caused a huge dent on the floor with his kowtows.

In the world of the people of Tita, Ada is synonymous with master and the supreme elder. They would impart life skills and the ways of battles. This was the noblest thing. The Wise ones would have a successor for their intelligence. However, even the noblest Wise one would not be able to defeat the weakest giant in a battle. Humans had the same kind of intelligence. However, there was a human who was able to defeat him without the use of any weapons, any hard and solid metal husks. If he was to tell others, no one would have believed him.

Rara Durai believed that Wang Zheng wasn't an ordinary human. He must be a warrior from the origin of humans, a legendary existence.

Initially, Wang Zheng had only intended to give some pointers to the other party. He had not expected Rara Durai to show such respect and gone through the rituals. This was just… too frank and honest of him.

"Let's get up. I would do what I could. How much you can understand would be dependent on yourself." Wang Zheng did not know if he should laugh or cry. However, if he was to reject it, it would seem that he was kidding. He would just follow the traditions of the place. He would not remain here forever anyway.

Heavy footsteps could be heard coming towards. It was a sign that giants were approaching. Rara Durai patted his head and said," Ah! Ada, we must have disturbed the others."

As he completed his sentence, he placed his hands on the floor. Wang Zheng walked up and Rara Durai placed Wang Zheng softly on his shoulders. Soon, Mu Sen and three giants appeared.

"Rara Durai, what were you doing here? Wang Zheng was our respected friend. I had said that you were not allowed to mess around." said Mu Sen with a serious expression.

"Dear Elder Mu Sen, it was me who requested for a spar with him. I'm sorry about it. I was not aware of your rules." said Wang Zheng.

Mu Sen saw that Wang Zheng was fine and was finally able to heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that the two of them did not actually fight.

"Elder Mu Sen, I had already made Wang Zheng my Ada. I would follow and learn from him. I would definitely make the Pool Tribe proud." said Rara Durai delightedly.

"You… what did you say?" Mu Sen was dumbfounded. The other 3 giants were stunned too.

Ada was equivalent to elder, equivalent to master. This…

"Elder, Ada could easily defeat me. I was thrashed by him moments ago. Haha, Ada was going to impart to me the battle techniques from Earth.

Rara Durai was exhilarated and was dancing like a child.

Mu Sen was stunned. He couldn't believe that Wang Zheng could defeat Rara Durai again. However, Rara Durai would likely not lie about it. Moreover, if it was not a total defeat, or even to the point he could not retaliate, Rara Durai would never behave this way.

This was truly unbelievable. Could it be that this was the mystery behind the origin of humans?

And Wang Zheng, a warrior from the origin of humans would be imparting the techniques of humans to other races?

Mu Sen signalled and the giants put him down. Wang Zheng also jumped down.

"Hey friend, a huge thank you for your broad breadth of mind and the boundless friendship just like the sea!" said Mu Sen seriously. In Mu Sen's view, these techniques were the greatest treasures of humans. Wang Zheng was even willing to teach them. This was simply too valuable.

"Elder, you were being too courteous. I had a great affinity with Rara Durai."

"Elder, I would follow Ada and learn well. I would not disgrace the name of warriors from the Pool Tribe." Rara Durai said seriously despite the fact that the surrounding giants still found it hard to believe.

Winning and losing did not mean anything. Even if Wang Zheng was able to win a match by chance, this was nothing in the eyes of the giant. They did not find anything impressive. Wang Zheng was able to easily take on an all-out attack by Rara Durai. This was too impactful for Rara Durai. In his eyes, the composure Wang Zheng had demonstrated was a sign that he had only used a portion of his strength. Wang Zheng was mysterious and noble in his eyes. Not knowing to him, Student Want was feeling numbness in his arms and legs moments ago. It was just that he wasn't showing it.

Obviously, from a battle technique standpoint, Wang Zheng was more than capable of being the master of Rara Durai.

The other giants were puzzled. With regards to this "preposterous" decision, the Elders did not object to it and were even supportive of it.

The giants could not understand the Elders. However, they could not question it too as the position of the Wise ones was very high. Moreover, Mu Sen was one of the 8 Great Elders of the Tita Tribe, which was much higher than Khalifa

A small fuss at night had calmed down quickly.

In the day, they continued their trip. Lan Ling was feeling especially curious. When he knew that Wang Zheng had become the Ada of Rara Durai and Rara Durai was like some happy silly man, Lan Ling was a little confused.

"I was just giving him some pointers. Does everyone have to make such a big fuss out of it?" said Wang Zheng with a smile. Girls were always fond of being surprised at everything.

"Do you know the meaning of Ada?"

"Yeah, I do. It should be equivalent to our master." replied Wang Zheng without giving much thoughts. He was surprised that giving pointers to others could earn him the title of master.

Lan Ling really wanted to give Wang Zheng a kick. How could this person be so nonchalant with everything!

"Ada is an equivalent of a master. However, did you know what could the master of the people of Ada do?"

"What could he do?"

"You could ask Rara Durai to die and he would immediately do so!" said Lan Ling.

"Cough, cough. It can't be so exaggerated!" Wang Zheng choked on the water he was drinking.

"I was curious as to how you bluffed him. I was even more curious why Elder Mu Sen would agree to it!" said Lan Ling as she examined Wang Zheng from head to toe. Her eyes were like stripping Wang Zheng naked, making Wang Zheng felt uncomfortable. "What did you really do for a living!"

"I'm a student. A real one." Wang Zheng said helplessly.

Since Wang Zheng became the Ada of Rara Durai, the giants weren't just friendly but also respectful.

He had transformed from a guest to a distinguished guest.

After all, Rara Durai was the new number 1 warrior in Pool Tribe. Even Lan Ling's treatment became of a higher standard.

In the day, the group will be trying to cover more distance. When it was the night, Wang Zheng would bring Rara Durai for personal training.

Wang Zheng did not waste any time. This was because after just 3 days, he had noticed that the amount of Yuan Qi around here was beyond imagination. It had reached the stage where it was surprising.

He could finally understand how Tita planet could help nurture such strong warriors. The saturation of Yuan Qi here was as though they were in heaven.

However, the saturation of the Yuan Qi wasn't similar to that on Earth which was balanced towards the 5 elements. Instead it was inclined towards the wood element.

Using the words of Bonehead, this would be known as the wind element of Earth, Sea, Fire, Wind and Space. Using the theory of Charcoal, it would be the wood element of Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. One couldn't say which theory was more correct more whether if it could be applied to various environment and stages. From the current situation, it would seem that the Wood in Charcoal's theory would be more suitable. The wood element symbolised life, at the same time, it also symbolised Wind, Electricity, Thunder. Suddenly, Wang Zheng felt that he had managed to understand a lot, and he was greatly satisfied about it.

This strange feeling made Wang Zheng felt joyous for half a day because this was a sign that he would be achieving a breakthrough soon.