519 - 527

Chapter 519: Benevolence

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng was a little strained by being tossed around. In the dorm, he was still pestered by Yao Ailun and Chen Xiu, and decided to go for a walk. As a commentator, Yao Ailun had pressed him to stay with Old Deer for a while, since it was so rare that Wang Zheng was willing to have a hand in the game. Right now, the audience was buzzing with excitement. If they did an advertisement, or anything else, they would stand to make a tidy sum.

Wandering through the school grounds, Wang Zheng had already fully disengaged from the battle mood he had been in. To be honest, there was not even any 'battle' mood. After being through so much, his mental state was a lot more mature than Yao Ailun's and Chen Xiu's. They were still counted as full-fledged students, while he was no longer one.

Suddenly thinking of Old Merchant's application, Wang Zheng decided to find some cybercafe, since he could not very well return to the dorm.

The internet café was crowded. 99 percent of the people were playing CT. Of course, it had become even more heated after he had made an appearance. Some were trying out the Gold Wheel mech, wrecking themselves so badly that their own mechanic wouldn't recognize them.

Virtual community games were controlled very strictly. The most popular by far was CT, by a huge margin. Wang Zheng suspected that, inside this Saint, it was not just a bunch of kittens, but in fact some wonderful interpretation of martial arts.

After connecting, he entered into virtual space again.

But things were different. Completely white, and then rows of words began to scroll downwards, almost like a warning notification.

All those who have been enlightened can enter Saint, and must have experienced the feeling of having their whole body rearranged. In Saint, one can attain a higher level of skill, regardless if one is a pilot, or in some other profession. It will bring about life-changing differences.

The words disappeared, and entered the scanning phase. In Saint, appearance matched reality, and time also ran in real time. If one wished not to reveal their face, they could also choose an automatically generated mask.

Wang Zheng pondered for a moment, and chose a mask.

When the mask had appeared, the white-robed person appeared again, staring intently at Wang Zheng as if he was a horror film.

"Beginner bonus is a free 10 hours of Saint time. Completing missions will be rewarded with more time. Each hour is worth 10,000 Federation dollars.

Having said that, the light faded.

Wang Zheng's brain was reeling in response. Damn, why weren't they lining out the door for this? 10,000 an hour, this was the highest in the whole universe!

When Wang Zheng opened his eyes, he found a huge shining temple hall in front of him, surrounded by the reliefs of various gods and goddesses. It was a fair imitation of Earth's cultural uniqueness. It was quite different from other virtual worlds' usage of alien civilizations, such as the Roland Garros or Aslan styles.

More importantly… Damn, was there a need for so many people?

Wang Zheng was knocked for a loop. The great hall was crowded with people, wearing all kinds of ancient costumes. Suddenly Wang Zheng covered his crotch.

F*ck, he had a naked avatar, only wearing a thin pair of briefs.

Damn, they had no conscience. Couldn't they at least give him some clothes?

In the main hall, there were quite a few in the same situation as he was. But the difference was that many did not seem confused or unsettled in the least.

Wang Zheng opened the ability window that accompanied him. It said 10 hours, and also had a simple map of the Sanctuary.

There were all kinds of NPC in the great hall. Clearly you could buy whatever you needed. Regardless, he would first secure himself some clothes.

2 minutes later, Wang Zheng was dressed in a simple white robe. At least he didn't need to be stark naked. But this ragged white robe had cost him "1 hour". Which meant in terms of money, his 10,000 dollars had flown away.

Looking at the countless players of all sorts in the game, Wang Zheng felt that this plaything looked like it could earn money faster than robbing a bank!

Even CT, with its intense popularity, depended on the sale of mechas and some other frills. What kind of intense system was this, which required one to spend money even by doing nothing?

Wang Zheng was in no hurry. He spent more than half an hour asking every question shamelessly. Finally, he was beginning to develop a rough understanding of the situation. Of course, he had now spent another hour.

All the maps he opened were of the safe zone in the Sanctuary. There was everything here, almost like any other virtual world. Perhaps only the model was different. In the Saint safe zone, time was not spent. Once one entered the practice or mission zones, then time would be charged. Therefore, in the world of Saint, time was the only currency.

Once time was up, there was no way to re-enter, besides to pay more. It was really 10,000 for an hour. The person Wang Zheng asked had looked upon him with disdain, as though 10,000 was peanuts.

F*ck, this was some sort of billionaire playground. Where did all these rich heirs come from?

Suddenly, Wang Zheng reacted. The enlightenment process was fairly radical. Because he had already been through it once, he was not too affected. But for a normal person, even if they were an ability X user, such a change was not something that money could buy.

Staring at the boundless world outside, Wang Zheng started to realize what a frightening virtual world this was. Those with money wanted health. Those with talent wanted to become even stronger. And these were all things that martial arts could bring. On this point Wang Zheng had plenty of experience. Money was no matter to him.

Wang Zheng initially thought that this thing was a new invention, but he had just discovered that Saint had been around for a long time. In fact, nobody accurately knew when it appeared. Even the distribution method was also private.

Just as he was about to go and find out, a beautiful girl appeared in front of him, a refreshing short hairstyle and a sweet smile. "Charcoal, your mask is really pretty. I'm from the Beginner's Help Association. Are you lost?"

Wang Zheng had wandered for quite a while, and still had many questions. But simply chatting required an exchange. He only had 8 hours left, and that was not enough to continue. Since Old Merchant had given him this mission, there was no point doing it half-baked. Besides, he also wanted to understand this world better.

"Thank you Benevolence, how do you do? It's my first time here, and I'm confused."

"Keke, to be here you must have been introduced. He didn't explain more?" The girl gave him a surprised smile.

"All I was given was a download link. I am not too clear about the rest. It seems like this place is a marvel, where you can learn the lost martial arts."

The girl smiled slightly. "Look at the huge numbers of players. This is but the first level of Saint. Everyone comes here to grind martial arts. Those with money want longevity. The young want ability X or to make theirs stronger. No matter what kind of leaps and bounds you search for, this place can satisfy it. Simply put, it is a place to make your dreams a reality.

Wang Zheng did his best to hide the shock he felt. "How is this possible?"

"Keke, what is impossible about it? The world is vast, and nothing is impossible. Once we counted aliens as an impossibility. Here's something to consider: You're here, which means your enlightenment was a success. Did you not have the sensation of being in a new body?" The girl asked laughingly. She shook her hair, revealing a perfectly formed ear, adorned with a beautiful pearl earring.

Perhaps seeing his surprise, she said, "Enlightenment allows one to learn the 8 Point Blade Techniques. It is said that when they are mastered, a fabled power can be attained, which improves you a hundredfold.

Wang Zheng smiled. "If it was so legendary, then wouldn't there be experts galore outside?"

As a participant of IG, Wang Zheng knew this was not the case.

"Looks like your friend was thoroughly unprofessional. Martial arts can be learnt, but not everybody can bring it out." As she spoke, the girl opened her ability board. With a flash of light, she held a card in her hand, which had a Blade Technique written on it.

"The martial arts, intelligence, and everything about you in Saint is stored in cards like these. When opened, they can be used, or traded. To bring these to the real world, either you need money, or a special tool." The girl laughed. "You're really a little lost sheep, aren't you."

"Benevolence, let's go. It's training time, stop wasting time talking to newbies."

From afar, the girl's friends were calling her.

"My friends are calling. Here, I have a basic intelligence card, I'll give it to you." The girl smiled. In front of Wang Zheng's eyes, a trading board appeared, with a flashing card on it.

"Thanks." Wang Zheng was a little bashful. Finally he had met someone nice.

"No problem, your name is the reason I helped you." She smiled.

As the deal completed, Wang Zheng suddenly felt his environment blurring. The girl's smile became… extremely malicious.

And then he was kicked out of the Saint world.

His time had been cleaned out.

"Benevolence" was fairly unsatisfied. He was a broke bugger. All he had was the free hours, and there had only been 8 left. No wonder he chose such a stupid name like Charcoal. What a dumb guy.

Wang Zheng sat blankly on his chair. Benevolence… F*CK, a newb bully!!!

He… a brilliant student of the Ares College, the leader of IG Solar System team, had actually been swindled!

To re-enter Saint, the funds charging request appeared. The minimum amount was 240,000.

He had the money, but he couldn't swallow the embarrassment. He quit!

Besides, there was no great loss. The 8 Point Blade Technique was just a basic breathing technique. There was nothing too crazy about it. The girl was probably just creating a fascinating gimmick to suck people in. 64 Point something, Wang Zheng was dubious.

It had been so long since he had fallen for something like that. Wang Zheng was prepared to put it far away from his mind. Since he was on 'holiday' now, he should take time to properly relax.

He was already pretty popular now. He had been recruited by his middle school teachers, along with Ye Zisu, to help contact his class members, in preparation for the 100th year school celebration.

He felt a little guilty when he thought about it. The entire period of high school, he had not done much, besides refresh the shame list of the school. Now it was the 100th year anniversary, and Wang Zheng felt that he should do something to thank his alma mater.

Dawn Middle School, in preparation for this day, had spared no effort. They had spread seeds far and white. This time round, not only the successful alumni, but normal students had all been invited.

Although a century was a milestone, it also marked a new beginning. From the 100th year anniversary, Dawn Middle School would enter the roll of schools which had stood for more than a century.

Chapter 520: To Come Prepared



School anniversary.

Dawn Middle School had become a vast ocean.

Just like a school open house, each class had their own programs and activities, organized by the students themselves. Haunted houses, cafes, tea appreciation rooms, all kinds and shapes… The classroom block was changed into a bustling business district.

The main venue of the anniversary was the field which fit 10,000. The crowd's heads bobbed. Formerly a podium and stage, it had been reconstructed into a large dance stage, where various entertainment programs ensued.

Not all of the performers were students. Many were famous artistes and entertainers, former alumni of the school.

A famous 100-year school whose influence had rippled through the world. This phrase was not hollow flattery.

Wang Zheng, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu had arrived early. Staring at their alma mater's main gate, Yan Xiaosu had shaken his head, sighing. "Haiz, looking at the school gate, I think of our Physical Education teacher. Those were some tough times, but I love the school like a first love."

At Dawn Middle School, the PE teacher was broad shouldered and sported a beard. He concurrently held the role of Discipline Master, and only the most rule-abiding of students could claim to have avoided being hauled up by Beardie for some discipline. At that time, they had detested him, but now thinking back, they were nostalgic. Human emotion was a strange thing.

First, they explored the students' activity rooms. Many were interesting, and one class even made a game lab, with the most complex, ancient street machines…

They were really enjoying themselves and feeling relaxed. All 3 had not felt relaxed in a long while. Most importantly, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu had not seen Wang Zheng so relaxed in a long while, as though he had put down all his cares and worries. Both were more than happy to accompany him and enjoy themselves.

Yan Xiaosu got his wish of meeting the hulking PE teacher, who had now become the Head Teacher, wearing a crisp business suit. He came over with a warm expression to welcome them. "Yan Xiaosu, Ye Zisu, and Wang Zheng. The 3 of you have finally come."

Wang Zheng and Ye Zisu smilingly greeted Teacher Xia.

"Hello Teacher Xia." Yan Xiaosu straightened himself, all smiles. "Or should I call you Head Teacher Xia?"

"Sh*tty mouth, never changes."

Xia Fubo ushered the 3 into the inner hall. Clearly, Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu were famous in the school, to be personally attended to by the head teacher.

The inner hall was completely different from the outside. Clearly, it was for receiving special guests.

The anniversary was for all the school alumni, but the real core was at the modestly sized inner hall banquet.

They had said as much at the previous student gathering, and everybody tacitly knew. Anybody could come, as long as they donated the 10,000 dollars to the school assistance fund. To enter the ranks of a century-old elite school, teachers, new facilities etc. could not be sustained by school fees alone. The school alumni donations were a huge source of income.

Dawn Middle School's 100 year's meaning was noteworthy. The inner hall was sufficiently crowded with people enjoying themselves. At the same time that they were contributing to their alma mater, they were also broadening their relationship networks. Everyone here was successful and also an alumni. Even if they had never known each other in the past, getting acquainted now meant more opportunities in the future.

Ye Zisu and Yan Xiaosu were sought after by many. OMG needed no introduction. In the Solar System, its position was already immovable. Little Lucky Star company had also ridden the coattails of the space program, and earned a mountain of profit. And Little Lucky Star was currently restructuring. The plans came non-stop, and they had even bought a few small but reputable everyday product companies, changing their product line from sanitary products to a larger range of general products.

In comparison, those who greeted Wang Zheng were less warm. In the average person's eyes, KING universe space technology company's number one stockholder was Xiao Fei on the surface. Although there were some whispers in the streets that the key owner was actually someone else, but nobody knew more, and they did not believe it either. Could someone responsible for changing humanity and the fate of a huge company like BOSS be someone in their second year of university?

The principal Qi Luoyang was a resourceful man. He worked the crowd, making connections left and right. At this reunion, it was not only the youthful crowd that came. Even those that had graduated 10 or 20 years earlier had come. They were now the mainstream elite in the key positions to control society, and numbered many government officials as well.

It was indeed a proud moment. Just then, he saw Ye Zisu and Yan Xiaosu enter, accompanied by a young man who he did not know. He called out "Haha, Mr Yan, Ms Ye, welcome, welcome!"

"Principal Qi, we're your students. Just call us by name please. Mr and Ms… no need for such pedestals." Yan Xiaosu quickly replied.

"Haha, you still treat me as principal. In that case, I won't stand on ceremony. Xiaosu, I'm really happy that you all could make it. Come, let me introduce you to a friend. He's about the same age. Mr Kyle Ment, the director of Diana Group, the largest everyday products company on the Moon. Mr Kyle Ment is a philanthropist who really values education. All the expenses for this 100-year anniversary are sponsored by the Diana Group." Clearly, Qi Luoyang held this Kyle Ment in the highest esteem, introducing him with special deference.

Wang Zheng clearly saw Yan Xiaosu's face change. He naturally had heard of Diana, the biggest daily product company on Earth, their range prodigious.

"Mr Kyle Ment, these few are our pride and joy who have graduated from Dawn Middle School. This is Ye Zisu, an important architect behind OMG, and also the main architect of the Wind God mech. This, is Little Lucky Star's Yan Xiaosu, and this is Wang Zheng. Admirable! To have won a Scientific Contribution Prize as a university student, and secured glory for our school. You lot are all youngsters, please do chat more. An old windbag like myself won't bother your conversation."

Having said that, Qi Luoyang left, all radars scanning for the next honored guest to welcome. In a situation full of youngsters, he simply served as a bridge. Besides, this was Kyle Ment's request.

Kyle Ment automatically ignored Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu, directly gunning for Ye Zisu. "Ms Ye's Wind God mech is the pride and joy of the Solar System. I have been an admirer for a long time. To be able to see Ms Ye today, it is indeed a fortunate day for me."

Ye Zisu smiled mildly in response. "Mr Kyle Ment is too generous in his praise. I am just a student. Besides, Mr Kyle Ment should be the one to have his praises sung, to have made it to Director of Diana Group at such a young age."

Saying that, she abruptly retracted her hand, although the other party seemed unwilling to let go. Yan Xiaosu already wanted to kick him.

"Just call me Kyle." Kyle Ment kept looking at Ye Zisu. The more he looked, the more he felt his heart itch. Sponsoring Dawn Middle School's 100 year anniversary this time round had been the offer of the Diana Group, a preemptive move for the complete monopolization of the Asian market. Borrowing Dawn's 100 year anniversary, the entire elite would know of the Diana group. But to Kyle Ment, this was but a small stage which did not require his presence. His aim here was singular – Ye Zisu!

Chapter 521: Go Drunk or Not at all

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The new representative Ye Bingwen's only daughter, OMG mecha company's successor.

Nobody expected her to be prettier than her picture. Besides, with his rich experience, and the captivating aura about her, this must be a pure virgin. It whetted Kyle Ment's appetite.

"I'm not well acquainted with Mr Ment." Ye Zisu merely replied. After all, it was a "friend" introduced by the principal, and she would show him some face.

Yan Xiaosu's face was grave. "Boss, Zisu, let's go over that side. Friends are waiting."

"Keke." Kyle Ment laughed lightly, but blocked the way. "Mr Yan Xiaosu, it's been so long. I hear Mr Yan's company Little Lucky Star is currently restructuring, moving into products outside of sanitary towels. Tsk tsk. The young are so ambitious. But I hear things are not going well."

Yan Xiaosu smiled coldly. "Many things are difficult at the start."

"Is it. I wonder if you have bitten off more than you can chew, much like a snake trying to swallow an elephant. People should know their limits, and avoid treading into territory that is not theirs. Otherwise, they might be left without enough to even make ends meet." Ment said.

Diana was a huge brand on the Moon, its generational history spanning over a century. Their product line was varied, from washing products to personal hygiene cotton balls. It was definitely a dominant player in the Solar System. On Earth too, it held about 20 percent of the market share. But recently it had begun aggressively investing in Asia, from advertisements to other aspects, ruthless in its advance.

Only then did Wang Zheng realize that things were not as simple as he had thought. No wonder Yan Xiaosu had been scrambling to manage things recently, worried that trouble would soon break out. Little Lucky Star's expansion had encroached on Diana's interests. Looking at the situation, he was planning to put Little Lucky Star out of business.

"Xiaosu, what's up?"

Yan Xiaosu shook his head. "A small matter. Just the usual business competition wars, is all."

Yan Xiaosu did not want to get Wang Zheng worried about these things. Among the 3, he was already the least useful, and he did not want to let his own family matters drag things down for them.

Investment was an issue. Little Lucky Star's interest was in products, and wanted to ride the wave to expand. But the results were not good. For one, the products were not selling as quickly as expected. On the other hand, big companies like Diana had started to pressure Little Lucky Star from all sides, even competing on the traditional sanitary towels that was their interest, fighting them for every bit of profit.

"Competition leads to improvement. This is a good thing." Wang Zheng laughed.

"Mr Wang, to have earned a scientific contribution prize as a university student. Very impressive. I personally have no head for these things, but I do recall my subordinates having prizes and such. Some professor-things, they're always fawning over me. Very bothersome." Kyle Ment eyed Wang Zheng. Damn, what was this. A composed outlook, but really a poor student puffing and preening. What a fool!

Wang Zheng was incensed now. Damn, was he picking a fight? To have wrong thoughts about Ye Zisu, and then to bully Yan XIaosu, a classic snake.

Seeing the opponent taunt Wang Zheng, Yan Xiaosu could hold back no longer. "Ment, Little Lucky Star maintains a stable foundation and popularity in Asia. Although the Diana brand is famous, but to bring us low will be no simple matter."

"Keke, perhaps you do not know. Diana Group has already entered Tita Titan Star, attaining a first-wave business permit. You know what this means. It's Diana's road to the galaxy!" Ment guffawed loudly. "This is a huge influence in the Solar System, and it is yours truly who has secured it. I hear you groveled in Mars for a long time, but came back empty-handed."

Yan Xiaosu clenched his fists. This was the truth. His forays into Mars had indeed been fruitless. Although Little Lucky Star had some small reputation, but the road of expansion was too arduous, requiring all sorts of networks and connections. They had not even given him a chance. If they could not break into foreign markets, and their own Asian market was being invaded, then it was really all going to pieces.

Ye Zisu eyed Wang Zheng, shaking her head slightly. When she left Tita Titan Star, she had not heard of Diana. Of course, these trivial matters were not what she would have looked out for.

"Wow, that's really impressive. Your company actually secured the super-gravity energy ore's mining rights?" Wang Zheng exclaimed, with the poise of a village idiot.

Ye Zisu smirked to herself. Wang Zheng was about to ruin somebody's day. She loved this kind of mischievous person.

Kyle Ment looked at Wang Zheng like he was an idiot. "You fool, of course not. The super-gravity energy ore is a resource that nations have warred over. What kind of use is your book-smarts? Buried in your books all day. Even Aslan Empire only attained limited rights with the help of their Princess. It is a priceless treasure."

"Our Diana Group is the first Solar System brand to enter Tita Titan Star. In the next decade, Tita Titan Star's everyday products will be completely produced by our Diana brad. We will use that to move out of the Solar System, and make our mark in the Milky Way!"

Kyle Ment's eyes were shining with the light of money, as though he was about to be the leading creator of sanitary towels in the universe.

Their decade of market monopoly was not the main point. What was important was that this guy was using Tita Titan Star's popularity as free advertising. For a long time, it was going to be in the spotlight.

"Yan Xiaosu, with this as our selling point, do you still think you have a future in Asia? You can consider the buying terms we have offered you. If you hesitate too long, then I guess your whole family will be sleeping by the road." Ment said.

Ye Zisu frowned. "Mr Ment, bullying people comes to no good end."

Towards Ye Zisu, Ment still gave a smile.

"Ms Zisu, our family is a old member of the Federation representative council. We greatly favor Representative Ye Bingwen. Furthermore, you should know the importance of the super-gravity energy ore to the development of mechas. Our family is on good terms with the Lan family that rules Tita Star. I could offer you a referral. Perhaps the two of us could continue this conversation in a quiet place. These other fish are not to my liking."

Yan Xiaosu was fit to burst. Just as he was about to make his move to teach the other guy a lesson, Ye Zisu stopped him. She gave a brilliant smile. "Ah, Mr Ment is so legendary. Truly the pride of our Solar System."

Ment laughed heartily. His ego could be repressed no longer. He was indeed rich and handsome.

"But what to do? Our OMG has already been accorded special mining rights. And what a coincidence that my good friend is Lan Ling. Her surname is Lan too."

OMG's research regarding Wind God was still a secret, which Ye Zisu planned to publicly announce only after the model was completed.

"Keke, Ms Ye tells such wonderful tales." Ment completely did not buy her story.

"Speak of the devil." Ye Zisu opened her Skylink, and Lan Ling's image appeared.

"Zisu, what's up? Wang Zheng, you're so heartless. Not even a message since you returned to Earth. Is there no place for me in your heart?"

Lan Ling could not resist resenting him. She had been waiting and waiting, but this bugger did not even send her a message.

"Keke, I thought that there would be no signal." Wang Zheng said embarrassedly.

"Hmph, I'll let you off this time. But now that you know, no more excuses!"

"Sister Ling, this is Yan Xiaosu, the representative of Little Lucky Star company, that mainly makes everyday products. They need a Tita Star business permit. Ye Zisu said, dragging Yan Xiaosu.

"Small matter. You decide, and it shall be." Lan Ling laughed. She too had noticed the gaping fellow on the other side.

"But, this Mr Ment of Diana Group is trying to put my friend's company out of business." Ye Zisu put on her best troubled expression.

"Diana… Oh, I recall now. Their company has already been recorded on the Tita Star business blacklist."

As the Skylink snapped shut, Yan Xiaosu was gaping in surprise. He knew that Wang Zheng had made the rounds in Tita Star, but… Was there a need to be that cruel?

Ment's face was white as a sheet. He indeed recognized Lan Ling, although the reverse could not be said. The company had invested heavily, and called in all sorts of favors, and even used the good name of the Solar System's goodwill towards Tita Star to even open an avenue, and they had secured a promise only after great pains.

Now, it was all collapsing around him.

"Alright, things are settled. Tyrant Su, everything tonight is on you. I want the best."

Wang Zheng threw an arm around Yan Xiaosu. This punk, to think he'd try to hide things.

"Drink till we drop." Ye Zisu added. For some reason, her face was turning red.

What else could Yan Xiaosu say? Life with friends was indeed different. They helped him fend off all the snakes and pretenders!

Chapter 522: Little Loli's Invitation



In the next few days, Wang Zheng was very at ease. Besides daily training, the rest was hanging out with Chen Xiu and the gang. The only thing they were missing was Zhang Shan, who would definitely make things even livelier. Zhang Shan had sent a message. He was currently working his hardest, aiming to be Wang Zheng's superior in the future.

Meng Tian and Zhang Runan had news as well. Meng Tian was as cold as ever, but clearly her stance had softened. As for Zhang Runan, after her ability X had stabilized, she was no longer the macho woman of that time. Now she carried herself tall. Although Nan liked the peace and quiet of the past, she was now surrounded by all kinds of houseflies buzzing around her. Those around her looked on amused. Normal girls would like it, but Zhang Runan was irritated. Some things did not change.

But they had not been included in the first wave of Elite X College, which Wang Zheng felt was a pity.

After hosting Gail, all that was left for Wang Zheng to do was to wait for the ability X test. Now he had mastered 3 types, wind, fire, ice. His fire and ice abilities were not particularly refined. Wang Zheng understood this, and hoped that Elite X College could help him develop it. His wind control was a bit better, with a bit more coherence. But after leaving Tita Titan Star, his results had suffered greatly.

Wang Zheng missed the days when humanity could hold their own against the outside. Those were wild times, but now it was impossible. However, using mechas, mankind could still display its power. Only, the complementation between ability X and mecha still needed more research. The super-gravity energy ore was definitely a step in the right direction.

After the school anniversary, Ye Zisu entered a busy experimental phase. The news that OMG had been awarded extracting rights had shaken the entire Solar System Federation.

Before, they had already knew that the super-gravity energy ore's mining rights had been awarded to the Aslan Empire, but this was on the basis of Princess Huiyin risking death to support Tita Titan, and nobody could challenge that. But OMG was the second to be awarded it, and it was a company… and from Earth.

Although nobody knew OMG's quota, but the news alone had brought OMG to the spotlight once again. The space program was still a money burner, with no results yet. After that wave of hype, it had been over. But this news was way more stirring than the space program, and OMG's board chairman Ye Bingwen had also succeeded in the election. There was indeed ample cause for celebration.

This was perhaps also why Ye Bingwen was opposed to the chamber of commerce declaring war. Even if the outside world thought so, no one actually knew that the reverse was true.

But now that news was only making the rounds internally and in the financial circles, but not publicly released. Furthermore, Tita Star still had not released the official name list.

Little Lucky Star's position looked good as well. Yan Xiaosu had already secured an agreement with Tita Star, which could be a huge lifesaver. With the talk of the galaxy Tita Star as the selling point, this could be Little Lucky Star's road to fame.

Now it was time for that Ment guy to be the one to come begging.

Although the Diana Group was big, but the Tita program was really too important. It was what the group's future would completely revolve around. Because of Ment's ill words, it had all gone to pieces. The board had been furious. Such a corporate group was not the plaything of a single person. It had implicated all their interests. To have forgone such a huge window because of Ment's stupidity was unforgiveable.

As for Little Lucky Star, expanding in other areas, especially in the Solar System, even just paving in-roads was a headache, while this was a piece of cake for the Diana Group. Both parties had some common ground to cooperate over. Of course, the initiative stood with Yan Xiaosu's side.

Tyrant Su, in order to become Aristocrat Su, had already passed the age where he ran business purely in a righteous manner. Lessons to be taught had been taught, and now he began to plan how to best win concessions from the Diana Group side.

Everybody was busy about their own business, and Wang Zheng suddenly felt left with nothing to do. Until he received a Skylink from Lin Huiyin.

"Big Brother Wang Zheng, I have many things to say to you!" Lin Huiyin pouted her petite mouth.

Wang Zheng was completely confused. "Little Princess, what have I done wrong now?"

"You haven't contacted me for so long!" Huiyin replied.

Wang Zheng was not sure how to respond to this. He had been afraid of affecting Lin Huiyin. Who knew if the people in the palace were monitoring her? But in hindsight, perhaps not. The palace was not so full of intrigue, and the Princess was probably not subjected to such things.

"Alright, it's my mistake. The next time we meet, I'll treat you to a feast!" Wang Zheng said.

"From one look, I can already see your insincerity. When is 'next time'? Treat me now!" Lin Huiyin said. The little Princess was only wearing a short skirt. Her pink butterfly ribbon was especially cute, and stirred emotions.

"I also wish I could instantly teleport to Aslan, but there's no such technology yet." When the childish temper came, all one could do was wheedle along. Although he had no siblings, but Wang Zheng had always wished for a younger sister. Things were too lonely.

"Heehee, I have an idea. You wait a bit, I'll send it to you."

Lin Huiyin said. Suddenly Wang Zheng's Skylink had another acceptance notification.

Seeing the thing, Wang Zheng was stunned, because his Skylink already had it. "How did you come to have this too?"

In these 2 days, Wang Zheng had already tossed the wretched thing from his memory. Who would have thought that he would actually see it in Lin Huiyin's hands?

"Ah, you already have it, no wonder you're so good. We'll just meet inside! Right, and call me Elder Sister, they'll never figure it out. Haha, I'm a genius!"

Highness Huiyin was getting puffed up with herself.

"You mean, you all already started this way earlier?"

"Yup. This is a mysterious and exciting virtual world, although its origins are a mystery. Aslan has tried to chase it down, but with no results. Never mind that, as long as it's fun!"

Huiyin smiled.

"I've only entered that thing once before."

"Oh, it's fine. I'll protect you, Big Brother Wang Zheng. I won't let anybody bully you. That said, it is quite a dangerous place, especially for newbies. But you're so clever, you should be difficult to bully!"

Clearly, Princess Huiyin still held that level of respect and trust in Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng's face reddened. Damn, the first time he entered he had been swindled clean. That was too embarrassing. Of course, in front of Lin Huiyin he was not about to show that side.

Well, it looked like no pain, no gain. Besides, if he could see Aina inside, that would be the best.

Suddenly, the bad points did not look so bad anymore.

"Big Brother Wang Zheng, my ID is Little White Rabbit, what's yours?" Lin Huiyin asked curiously.

Wang Zheng could not help it. She was too cute. Normal girls would like princess-y stuff, but this actual genuine princess, returning to her true girly self was in fact even cuter.

"Charcoal." Wang Zheng replied without thinking, before realizing that it had been the name laughed at by the swindler. Could it be that a name could reflect one's intelligence?

"Wow, that's really cute. But Big Brother Wang Zheng isn't 'black' at all. You're just right." Lin Huiyin clapped her hands.

This made Wang Zheng feel a little better. People were perceptive. He had been lazy at that time. Skeleton and Charcoal had been used once each, so there was no favoritism between the two.

Wang Zheng charged the Saint program with 24,000, and received 24 hours of time. He rarely spent money, let alone in such a large sum. Thinking of that cheat made his teeth itch. To think that such a lovely looking girl was so cruel.

In the Sanctuary, time did not pass. With even just 1 minute left, one could spend a long time there. But the opponent had cleaned his time out, and that had booted him from the system.

Wang Zheng thought that she must be a piece of wood that looked like a human!

Although money was a great enabler, Wang Zheng entered the Sanctuary, and waited for Lin Huiyin to come find him.

Failure was the mother of success. If he met another kind-hearted person, he would not fall for the same trick again.

Opening his trade space, Wang Zheng found the last trade deal. Now he understood. The opponent had directly created a complete transfer trade, and Wang Zheng had accepted readily without thinking further, transferring all his remaining time to his opponent.

He took out the card. Well, he did spend 8 hours to buy it.

Once he opened it, it dissolved and disappeared, and then a chain of information directly streamed into Wang Zheng's brain.

The thing was real, and was the one-use consumable type. An information card. On this point, he had not been lied to. It indeed contained a basic introduction of the Saint world.

The Saint world was divided into 3 layers. In the Disciple layer, which was where Wang Zheng was, all people could master was the 8 Point Blade Techniques.

Once entered into the Acolyte level, there were many ways to acquire martial arts that suited one's own body. People were classified into Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, and Earth, which gave rise to all kinds of ability X.

The Saint tier was a magical tier. Because only by entering the Saint tier, could one bring what they had learnt in the previous two levels back to reality.

Besides the basic way of movement gleaned from the game, all other training and experience, including martial arts, were stored on cards. Only by entering the Saint level, and fulfilling certain conditions, could this all be transferred to reality.

Clearly the enlightenment would have convinced a majority of the players to believe in this. It was said that once the transfer succeeded, although immortality was not attained, but the benefits to body were something that no mechanism or biological product could substitute.

On this point Wang Zheng was sold. The extent that martial arts strengthened the body exceeded the imagination. Without the Primordial Regression Technique, he would have been dead countless times in the past.

The Blade Techniques, Wang Zheng knew, was a martial art from a lost era, and was somehow connected to what he had learnt.

In the Saint world, everything used time as the currency. One could earn time through completing Saint missions, or directly charge it with money. But the latter was more reliable. In the world filled with darkness and honeyed words, stealing time was counted a good thing. If some enlightenment was stolen by others, that would be a cruel world indeed.

Note: Although I cheated your time, but I gave you the most valuable experience, noob. Bullying is tough love.

The last note was clearly left by the girl. Wang Zheng was not sure how to respond to that. It was truly a dumb mistake to make. If Bonehead found out about it, he would laugh until his teeth fell out, even if he had no teeth to fall out.

All 3 worlds of Saint were vast, but the nasty thing was this. For the lower level to ascend, no problem, just spend money. For the higher level to descend, no problem, just spend money.

In the confines of the World of Saints, things seemed no different from any other living zone in other virtual worlds, including trade, food etc. There were even inns and some private architecture. Of course, this cost money. Even the relationships between the sexes were governed rather strictly, requiring both parties to consent. At the same time… it cost money. It seemed like something called a "Happiness Card" was required.

Originally, he felt that it was a posh and mysterious place. But the more he understood, the less he had to say about it. He had never encountered a stingier place. The saying was true here: Time is money.

Chapter 523: Two Roads Diverged

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

In Wang Zheng's storage, there was another white crystal card. On it was written – 8 Point Blade Techniques.

Huiyin had yet to arrive, so Wang Zheng clicked it open.

IN an instant the crystal card dissolved into Wang Zheng's body, and his 8 pressure points started to burn, quickly forming a circulation.

At first, Wang Zheng did not mind much. Such a basic martial art did not mean much to him. But suddenly, he felt his body seizing up.


Was different!

When he had been enlightened he had not been too bothered, but after this 8 Point Blade Techniques had been transferred once, he suddenly realized that it was different from the Primordial Regression Technique!

More importantly, the feeling felt like it agreed with him. This Blade Technique seemed to be the continuation of his own Primordial Regression Technique?

Previously, in martial arts, Wang Zheng had always reached epiphany by himself, but his body's reaction told the truth. His body craved these Blade Techniques.

8 Point… Blade Techniques. By this logic, the Primordial Regression Technique should belong to a 64 Point Blade Technique. The Saint world also claimed that the highest Blade Techniques were 64 Points. Given that, when these two martial arts of 64 Points were completely meshed, the result would be 128 Points of martial arts?

Suddenly, Wang Zheng was anxious to find Charcoal to get to the bottom of this. He should know at least a little about this matter.

As for the 8 Point Blade Techniques, Wang Zheng was uncaring to the gaze of passers-by. He sat cross-legged, again experiencing the 8 Point Blade Techniques. This time. This time, he was not passively driven, but actively sought to receive it. A normal person would take some time to master the 8 Point Blade Techniques, but to Wang Zheng it was a breeze. This had the same sense as his own Primordial Regression Technique, and much could be re-applied.

The Primordial Regression Technique was Wang Zheng's best trump card in dealing with this world. To think that he would find something complementary to his Primordial Regression Technique in this world, and that the two seemed to come from the same source.

Wang Zheng could not care less about leaving Huiyin hanging now. He quickly left the Saint world, calling for Charcoal, but he received no response.

Wang Zheng carefully recalled the garrulous tale that Charcoal had told him. He had not treated it serious back then, but now he thought that perhaps there was truth in his story. Perhaps it was no fable, but a real account.

The perfect martial art should have 128 Points, but such a thing was too impossible to consider, and should not technically exist. Therefore, it stood to reason that it was split into two, becoming separate inheritances. One portion was mastered by Charcoal, awaiting the chosen one. The other would be passed down through another source. Whoever could combine the two would possess the perfect martial art.

Wang Zheng's heart was thudding non-stop. His own Primordial Regression Technique was already formidable. If he had the complete version, this was not a matter of 1 plus 1 equaling 2. Perhaps it would have the ability to move heaven and earth.

Wang Zheng hurriedly re-entered the Saint world. Since he now knew the value of what he was searching for, he was willing to spend the money necessary. Now he did not gripe about the cost. This Saint world must be of the other source. He now no longer cared about using it as a method to earn money. He wanted the other half of the martial art.

64 Point Blade Techniques!

As he re-entered, he found a White Rabbit searching high and low. This was too easy to recognize, because White Rabbit was wearing a white rabbit mask.

Mutually, White Rabbit also recognized Wang Zheng in an instant. His face mask was unremarkable, a black metal mask which had the words "Charcoal". This was a match made in heaven.

They matched very well, black and white.

Once she saw Wang Zheng, Lin Huiyin was as ecstatic as a bunny. She tugged on his arm, jumping up and down.

"Big Brother Zheng, it's too good to see you." Lin Huiyin exclaimed.

Wang Zheng dry coughed a few times. This wench. Although she was still a kid, but she was too close. Lin Huiyin was almost 14 now, and the little loli was starting to fill out. Her soft breast was pressed against his arm, making him feel a little uneasy.

"Huiyin, where is Aina?"

"Hmph, to choose lovers over friends. You only have eyes for my cousin!" Lin Huiyin pouted. "She won't reach so quickly. I've already informed her. She has plenty of time to be with you, but I'm the busy one. You two had better not burn bridges after you cross the river. Don't forget me when the time comes."

Lin Huiyin had brought Wang Zheng to the outskirts of the Sanctuary. The Sanctuary was surrounded by incomparable bustle, almost like a small city. The most popular sales were the information cards and the martial arts cards.

Everybody's knowledge was stored in the crystal cards. Whether through trade or force, others' cards could be taken. The intelligence cards brought opportunity, allowing one to avoid many dangers.

In the Saint world, there were all sorts of fighting and training missions, that had great rewards upon completion. What was different from other virtual worlds was that failure was punished very heavily.

It was a rare chance that Huiyin could show off in front of Wang Zheng, who seemed content to play the part of obedient student. Lin Huiyin was overjoyed, answering his questions patiently as though he was the child.

Robbing and such, Wang Zheng had no need for. He had no interest in the entertainment factor of this world. His goal was very clear – the 64 Point Blade Techniques.

"Huiyin, how does one obtain the 64 Point Blade Techniques?"

Lin Huiyin was surprised. "The Disciple level only has one martial art, which is the 8 Point Blade Technique. Once you reach the Acolyte level, martial arts evolves to take all kinds of shape and form. One must search according to one's alignment to the 5 basic elements, to find the one which is most suitable. There is a rumor that 16 Point Blade Techniques does exist in the Disciple level. I seem to recall it being put up for auction once, but was sold at the top price of 16 billion. I don't recall the details. In the Saint level, there is a 32 Point Blade Technique, but that is a rarity already. As for the 64 Point Blade Technique, I have never even heard of it. Big Brother Zheng, if you want to find such a thing, I'm afraid it will be nigh impossible."

If even a ditzy princess like Lin Huiyin deemed it impossible, then it would indeed be very, very difficult.

Wang Zheng brushed it off. "No matter, what I have is time. If it can't be obtained by money, that doesn't mean it can't be obtained through other means. As long as I have confirmation that it exists. Oh that's right. What martial art are you using?"

"Me? Here, take a look." As she said, Lin Huiyin opened her own ability panel, selecting martial arts. A pink card floated in the air. "16 Point Song of the Storm, a water-type."

As the 16 Point Song of the Storm appeared, many hungry gazes were immediately attracted. The greed was apparent. But those who could use the 16 Point Techniques were clearly experts of the Acolyte Tier. Although the Disciple Tier people coveted it, but they could only wish for it.

"Better keep it quick." Wang Zheng had sensed a turn in the atmosphere as well. He had treated this world rather lightly at the start, but now he realized that he was the exception, and everybody else took it very seriously.

Lin Huiyin was unfazed. "No worries, those of the Disciple level can't beat me. But you, Big Brother Zheng, you have to be careful. If you get something good, you have to be even more careful. Here, they can force a battle, even in the Sanctuary.

Wang Zheng frowned. "How can this be? Then, won't the strong do as they please?"

Lin Huiyin smiled engagingly. "In the Sanctuary boundaries, there are still no rules. But to force a duel in the Sanctuary has a fairly high price. First, you have to buy an expensive duel card. If you lose, your opponent also gets to choose a card from all that you possess.

Wang Zheng was interested. "And if the challenged one loses?"

"The opponent gets a card of yours at random. So you should always have some common cards with you, just in case."

Huiyin's tone was of a senpai's. This left Wang Zheng a little speechless. All he had was a Blade Technique card, and even the basic information card had disappeared with one use. He guessed that this 8 Point Blade Technique was a common enough card, and nobody would come after him.

"Right, I forgot you just came. Here, let's trade!" Lin Huiyin excitedly said, opening a trade panel."

Wang Zheng's screen increased by 10 fast-return city cards. They could be used in the mission world to escape a battle situation, and promptly return to the Sanctuary of that level.

Price… 100,000 each.

Wang Zheng's heart quavered a little. He had thought he and Yan Xiaosu had come into fortune these last 2 years, but looking at the way people splurged here, damn, even millionaires could not afford to play around.

Lin Huiyin was an endless supply of treasures, reaching for more, but Wang Zheng declined. After all, he was still a man, and had his dignity to protect.

"That's enough. If I need more next time, I won't stand on ceremony." Wang Zheng said. He wouldn't be too embarrassed about asking either. The 64 Point Blade Techniques were too important to him. He would get it at all costs, and for this he might need Lin Huiyin's help.

"Hmm. That's fine too. Sis says that if it is too easy, then training won't be effective." Lin Huiyin stuck out her little tongue. Clearly she was in this for the entertainment. "Let's go. I'll bring you through the first few tests, to save you some effort."

And just like that, Wang Zheng found himself dragged along by Lin Huiyin. Although after all, in this world, Lin Huiyin was the senpai.

Sanctuary – entrance test.

"Big Brother Zheng, this one determines your affinity." Lin Huiyin was also very curious as to his affinity. It should be water, since Wang Zheng's ability X was ice.

Wang Zheng did not particularly care, and walked in directly. Inside was a huge matrix, that mesmerized the eye. Wang Zheng stepped up, paying the 1 hour test fee.

Around him, others were taking the test as well.

A test was a test, but Wang Zheng did not let his mind wander. He was different from the rest. He held no particular awe for this world, but it did blend fiction with reality, and the martial arts should be the real thing. Yet, all the martial arts were stored in cards, so one could only experience, but not reapply them. The central thing was still firmly within the grasp of the creators.

But Wang Zheng was different. As long as he experienced the effects of that martial art, he would have a shot at bringing it back to the real world. After all, his own Primordial Regression Technique had already reached an untouchable stage, and now he only had to recreate it.

Even the Saint people would not guess that such an unnatural existence like himself existed. Even if his recreation could only access the lower level martial arts, to Wang Zheng that would be enough.

Chapter 524: Destiny



"Haha, even an old geezer like me can hope to have ability X. Damn it all, how could a genius like me ever be a common man? It's just a matter of money, isn't it? I have money!"

And then he rushed out happily, casting a disdainful eye at Wang Zheng as he left, leaving Wang Zheng bemused.

Because Wang Zheng's test results were all 5 affinities, Gold, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth.

Lin Huiyin was taken aback as well. "How could this be? Do you want to test again?"

"What's wrong?"

"Everybody should have one affinity that stands out. If all are equally balanced, then that means nothing stands out. That can't be right? You're a very strong ability X user, could there have been some error?"

Lin Huiyin mused to herself.

Wang Zheng patted her head. "Little cutie, some things you need not worry about."

Even a virtual world could test his ability. What was tested was not normal. After he had been recalibrated by Charcoal, his Primordial Regression Technique had indeed been balanced across all 5 elements. It seemed like this plaything was pretty accurate.

Wang Zheng was dying to find out what other secrets were hidden within this place!

Lin Huiyin really wanted to spend more time with Wang Zheng. Only when she was with Wang Zheng, she could shed her identity. Since he was her cousin's boyfriend, he was practically an elder brother. She loved having someone to rely on. Only, her Skylink notification was telling her that there were matters to attend to outside.

Although she was young, but she knew that once those of the palace found out, they might find ways to stop Wang Zheng and her sister getting together, so Lin Huiyin did not want to arouse Angela's suspicion.

Angela was very loyal to her, but still a member of the palace. She had responsibilities to the Aslan Empire. While she could turn a blind eye to some things, but others were out of her control, especially those that did not only concern Lin Huiyin.

Although Aina was also a princess, but in Angela's eyes, Lin Huiyin was the most important.

Leaving the Saint world, Lin Huiyin brooded for a while. She opened her wardrobe, intent on choosing her outfit for her appearance later. Different occasions required different attires, and at this moment she felt grateful to Aina. She had no idea how she managed to survive in the past. Such a life drove one crazy.

Angela was already waiting silently by the door. She was ever so patient. With a wave of her hand, the women-in-waiting filed in.

The women-in-waiting of the palace were all carefully chosen, including 3 generational identity checks. They could not be migrants, and could not have any criminal records in the past 3 generations. At the same time, they needed to be professionally trained in aristocrat school to cultivate their manners. Entering the palace was definitely no easy matter.

But exactly because of this, Lin Huiyin was surrounded by boring people.

After Huiyin left, Wang Zheng could move a little more freely. After the test, his system controls had a new notification.

One of them made Wang Zheng happy – 5 Systems Martial Arts Ranking.

It sounded pretty comical, and he wanted to see what it was. He flipped casually to the Fire martial arts.

But a name caught his eye, and Wang Zheng froze in surprise.

The Lie Flame Technique was on the list! It belonged to a 32 Point martial art. Coincidence? Or simply a same-name situation?

But Wang Zheng had no way to find out. On it was listed about 10 different types of martial arts. It looked like 8 Point Blade Techniques was the common basic across all 5 affinities, a foundational Technique. The next step would be the 16 Point Techniques. Once the 32 Point arts were attained, the user would be fearsome.

The Lie Flame Technique was ranked 3rd in the Fire Arts. In the Earth arts, Wang Zheng spotted the Sage Arts as ranked 1st, a 32 Point Technique. If that was true, that would be crazy.

The only pity was that only those who had it would know the truth, but Wang Zheng was really, really hooked.

To others, these things were only useful if you could bring them out. But to Wang Zheng, all he needed was to confirm his understanding of them, which would be sufficient for him to improve by leaps and bounds.

Clearly, nothing much could be accomplished in the Disciple level, which only had the 8 Point Blade Techniques.

To enter the Acolyte level, one needed to finish 16 training missions, and also finish mastering the 8 Point Blade Techniques.

Of course, if one merely wished to visit the Acolyte level, it was not prohibited. It was a simple matter of forking out the cost of 50 hours.

And so, Wang Zheng tossed that idea out of the window.

Even if one was rich, this was no way to spend money. The creator of the Saint world must have been some Beggar God reincarnated.

After he calmed himself, Wang Zheng headed for the first training objective. There were clear instructions on his map, and the first few missions were all within the Sanctuary.

The first mission was… to do the horse stance…

This was about the same as the Magic Cube. More accurately, it followed the Ancient Earth Civilization's path, which further confirmed that they came from the same source.

In the great hall, many people were standing around. Only once the system gave recognition could the mission be considered complete.

"Damn, is it ever ending? I've been standing here for more than a month now. Why hasn't it reached completed status yet?"

"Just a month? I've spent more than 1 million here. It's been 3 months, and I haven't even passed a single training task. If it wasn't for…"

Seeing their physical stature, these were not trained people. Perhaps they had just been enlightened.

This was a calculated move. First, a teaser to draw these people in. But given their situation, they were just too far from the right path. Horse stance needed a unity between heart and spirit. Many were just assuming the stance. It would be a miracle if they passed.

Of course, these missions could be passed through spending money. Many who had suffered considerably were contemplating such a course of action. But the price… Wang Zheng did not even have the luxury of contemplating such a thing.

Reaching his position, the circle was infused with light. Wang Zheng assumed a pose.

Before 2 seconds were up, the red light in the circle changed to green.


Instantly, everyone around him was shocked. One look at Wang Zheng's attire, and they knew that he was as raw as a newbie got. How could this guy have passed just by squatting for a moment???

Damn, they had seen a ghost.

Wang Zheng's storage space now had a purple crystal card – Horse Stance Insight.

Wang Zheng's horse stance had been drilled by Bonehead, and his core was definitely as steady as a mountain. Energy, breath, mind in unison. This was why when Wang Zheng was operating mechas in battle, his core was never a problem, no matter how difficult the maneuver and impact was.

A solid foundation determined the limit of growth.

Wang Zheng was very curious, and retrieved the purple crystal card to take a look. This play thing…

Instantly, the entire training hall erupted. Everybody was filled with admiring and covetous looks…

"Keke, brother, are you selling that? I'll pay 50 hours!" The fatty who had been grumbling a while back said. From his voice, he must be at least 40 years old. To want to learn something like that at 40, this guy…

"Brother, don't listen to him. A purple crystal card is A-rank. It's the first time I've heard of an A-rank card from basic training, it must be worth at least a hundred!"

Suddenly, Wang Zheng was thronged by people. Crystal cards of understanding were classified by S, A, B, C, D in descending order. The higher the rank, the more the card user could glean in understanding. Simply put, this was a way for the experience to be shared with others, and was incomparably valuable.

Wang Zheng was no fool. Seeing the naked lust around him, he already knew it was a good thing. And good things should be kept well. He knew as much.

The crucial thing was, if this Saint world posed no real danger, he intended to let both Zisu and Tyrant Su try it. The lack of ability X was not important. It would strengthen the body and spirit, which would be very beneficial to both of them.

Neither had any battle foundations, but they did not need to become experts. A successful enlightenment alone would be a huge gain. But first, Wang Zheng needed to understand this world better.

Previously, he had thought the world was just a way to suck your money, but this was more like it.

Using the chaos of the crowd, Wang Zheng slipped away.

The so-called basic training was composed of strength, speed, agility, response, stability training, which was more or less the same as the magic cube's. Of course the difficulty was different. Here, you only needed a sense of it, and there was no need for the body condition to match it.

To him, this was going to be a piece of cake.

Wang Zheng quickly swept through all 16 basic training tasks, attaining A-rank crystal cards from all of them.

It was a good feeling, as Wang Zheng eyed the twinkling crystal cards in his inventory. It was not just dragons that liked shiny things. People too.

They were made very intricately. More importantly, the content inside them was important. These were Wang Zheng's experiences.

Finishing up, Wang Zheng discovered that his time had diminished again. Each test had a fee. Of course completing it with distinction yielded a time reward, but it was not enough to cover the fee. However, Wang Zheng was rather satisfied. This was perhaps the game's way of sinking money.

Necessary spending was something that Wang Zheng would not stinge on.

As he left Saint, these tasks had cost Wang Zheng about an hour.

He had left, but after 20 minutes, the Disciple Intelligence Web announced a startling piece of news.

Somebody had completed all 16 basic challenges with a stellar score!

A-rank crystal cards, were the highest obtainable understanding at this difficulty. It had been ages since something like that had last occurred.

Furthermore, all 16 tests had not taken more than an hour in total. This was unheard of!

The sensational news immediately spread through the Disciple level. It made those who had been struggling bitterly in the Disciple level rejoice.

These understanding cards could only be used once. These were completely different from the learning cards available in the market. A-rank purple understanding cards, even used by those who were hopeless, would allow one to pass the test.

Who had done this?

Clearly not someone from the higher levels. Those that had passed already could not yield a understanding card.

The Disciple level, in the Saint world, was undoubtedly the lowest level, but that did not mean that people here were poor.

In the Saint world, depending solely on money was impossible, but having no money was also impossible. Many had nicknamed this as Money-Eyed World.

Such an uproar went on without Wang Zheng's knowledge.

Meanwhile, in the Acolyte level, Lear and Luo Fei had finished another mission. It had been very difficult. Even an expert like Lear had been sorely tested.

What had shaken Lear completely, and made him decide to enter the Saint level, was that he had seen the Ares Arts!

The Chronos family's Skies Refinement technique was derived from the Ares Arts. It was not complete. When he had seen the Ares Arts, Lear believed that this Saint world must be connected to the ancient lost power.

He must acquire this. Since that white-robed man had come to the Chronos family, he must be hinting that they were choosing a successor.

This was not just about succession. More importantly, once he accessed it, he would have a huge source of power supporting him.

Lear wanted to break out of the Solar System, and earn his place within the Milky Way. The Chronos family was far from sufficient. It could be said that the family's strength only gave him a chance, but the rest was up to him.

At least, he was within the boundaries of consideration for that power.

Whether it was this Saint world, or the awakening of martial arts abilities, it heralded Earth's time was coming.

Who would be this era's King?

Lear felt that this was the will of the heavens!

Luo Fei, that fatty. Making him lose weight was like killing him. Lear had really starved him for a week, but the punk had managed to stay fat drinking just water. Lear was speechless. The fat was frustrating, but at least it did not affect his movements.

In Lear's heart, there was no saint, only power. Fatty would be his assistant in this undertaking. Their performance since entering the Disciple Level had been fairly good, smoothly passing through the levels. Of course in terms of spending, Lear had never been stingy. Lear's understanding of the world was also crystal clear. The only thing of benefit to him here was finding the Ares manual, and understanding the power of the other arts, and then finding a way to bring it out with him.

With the clues from the white-robed man, he had come to prove his own strength. The other party should know what to do as well, to achieve mutual benefit.

If the other party wanted to rise, he needed people!

Chapter 525: Wang Zheng's Strength

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Meanwhile from another location… Gail had opened his Skylink to give a call to Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng had just added money to his Skylink bank balance and it had cost him dearly. In truth, Wang Zheng was not too good at earning, nor fond of spending money. But when he thought of the 64 Point Blade Techniques, he endured it.

He was preparing for the next training task. After training, there were still battles.

"You free tonight?"

Gail had come to Earth, his event pushed earlier by the Solar System Science Academy. He did not much like participating in these official things, but could find no good reason to turn it down.

"An invitation from Senior Gail. Of course I have time." Wang Zheng replied with a smile. Gail and Old Mu had helped him considerably, and he had to give them face.

"That's good. Just a friendly thing, yeah? If you have friends, you can bring them as well. It helps to know more people." Gail conceitedly instructed. In the game club, Gail had taken a liking to Wang Zheng. A pity that the fellow had no ambition, which was a waste of talent.

What he did not know was that all Wang Zheng knew had come from Old Merchant. Wang Zheng had some innate aptitude, but if he had challenged these tasks alone, one would wait until their hair turned white. But each to his own, and Wang Zheng had always been clear of his goals.

When night fell, teacher Xiao Fei emerged from her long absence, accompanied by Ye Zisu, exhorting Wang Zheng to quickly depart.

"Hello teacher! You've worked hard." Seeing Xiao Fei's contemplative look, Wang Zheng was a little hesitant. Every since he had returned, Wang Zheng had been fully enjoying his private life, even finding time to play CT and virtual worlds. If the overworked Xiao Fei knew about this, she would definitely explode in anger.

"Not bad, the recovery seems OK. Looks like you didn't integrate and turn into a barbarian from Tita Star. I hear from Zisu that you were really popular there, even snagging a girl from the Lan family, the foremost family on Tita Star. Why didn't you bring her back for me to see?"

Xiao Fei pinched Wang Zheng's face with familiarity.

Wang Zheng was a man of the world now, and had accrued some reputation. To be treated like a child, and have his face pinched, he would not stand for this!

But seeing the look in Xiao Fei's eyes, he quailed. With Ye Zisu beside, he still had an image to maintain. This was a game he could not afford to play!

Ye Zisu really enjoyed seeing Wang Zheng's struggle to curb his tongue. There was always someone above one.

"Teacher, I'm the famous "Clean Member" in the Ares College, would I fool around like that?"

Xiao Fei was clearly practiced at teasing Wang Zheng. But the boy's luck was undeniably good. Just as their material aspect was empty-handed, he had brought in the super-gravity energy ore. Gail also evidently favored him. The more the space program developed, the more Xiao Fei felt inept. Such high level research was not something an ordinary research group could tackle. The signal volume and research volume was too large. Now that Gail was here, Xiao Fei intended to ask him for help.

The place Gail chose was quiet, a private villa in the suburbs. Once one reached Gail's level, any place would gladly receive him.

Scientists in the era of peaceful competition were indeed blessed. Of course, unless one became embroiled in trouble like Old Merchant.

Gail personally received them with great honor. "Xiao Fei, Wang Zheng. Haha, welcome, welcome!"

Sizing Wang Zheng up, he slapped his shoulders vigorously. "Punk, seems like the military's been good for you. At least you've filled out some. Thinking back, I wanted to come here through the military too."

"Gail senpai, with your strength, the army will still take you."

Gail roared heartily, turning to look at Ye Zisu. Wang Zheng seized the chance to make introductions: "This is Ye Zisu…"

Without waiting for him to complete introductions, Gail nodded with a smile, saying: "OMG is a far-sighted company. It has done well."

OMG played an important role in the KING universe space technology company. As it rose, it received attention even from the Milky Way Alliance. Gail had also heard of Ye Zisu, who was slowly moving towards the front-end. Of course, because of Wang Zheng, Gail also paid it special attention.

Entering the villa, the interior looked simple and rustic, but a closer look at the fine details would reveal that it was nothing but common.

"This can be counted as a franchise for Genesis Coffee on Earth. Emerson is the famous owner of this place, in fact he does possess quite some might around here. If you ever meet any trouble, you can look for him directly. Gail said this casually. As a preeminent scientist, he enjoyed the best reception all across the galaxy. It could be said that some rules did not apply to them.

The black man who stood respectfully at the side hurried to offer a toothy smile and a slight bow towards Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei.

Xiao Fei frowned, and Gail explained. "Genesis Coffee is unique. This is not special treatment for you, but something offered to all members."

Science never existed in isolation. Any other domain at its respective pinnacle was the same. Clearly, what Genesis Coffee could do was not limited to this. Only, as Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei were new members, they were not qualified to enjoy the other resources.

Ye Zisu quietly reported to Wang Zheng that this Emerson was a rising star in Earth's politics.

Wang Zheng smiled. It looked like Gail's main reason for organizing this banquet was to introduce this Emerson to them.

Dinner was a simple affair, with Emerson's family also seated at the table, although the presentation was solemn. Food always allowed human interaction to warm quickly, and Ye Zisu was good at networking. She was soon exchanging Skylink numbers with Emerson.

Gail, seeing Emerson's family engrossed in conversation with Ye Zisu, brought Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei to the guest hall, evidently with something to say.

"My visit to the Solar System this time, besides lectures and some cooperation, is to specially notify the two of you. In 3 months' time, Genesis Coffee has a members' event in Roland Garros. The two of you must come."

Xiao Fei's eyes lit up. Genesis Coffee's events were attended by the leading minds in the Milky Way's scientific world. It was different from the pompous types found elsewhere. These low-profile affairs were in fact of the highest importance.

Gail smiled. "Xiao Fei, the problems you are facing now… If you bring them up then, I think many will be interested."

Clearly, Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei had only seen the surface of Genesis Coffee, or the tip of the iceberg.

Gail eyed Wang Zheng with a little worry. Wang Zheng had never displayed any particular enthusiasm for Genesis Coffee, so he said directly: "Wang Zheng, this gathering is important. If you have time, you really should come over. Even if you have no time, squeeze time out for me!"

Wang Zheng saw that Gail was taking great pains to impress the gravity of the situation upon him, and could not help smiling. "After some time, I'm going to Roland Garros."

Gail was surprised. "Why? Finally thinking on the right track?"

By his estimation, Wang Zheng would resist a little, even if it was a token one. This boy was not uninterested in science, but it was no great passion of his. Research was not out of the question, but for meetings and such things, Wang Zheng's appearances in the Genesis Coffee circle were numbered.

Wang Zheng rubbed his nose. "I'm coincidentally about to go to Roland Garros to take the Elite Academy X entrance test. But I don't know much about this school. The last time I went to Roland Garros, I didn't even hear about it."

Hearing this, Gail broke out into a gloating smile. "You punk, after all that twisting and squirming, you still fell into the hole. Haha, I'm a mentor of the Elite Academy X!"

Chapter 526: Beginning to Scale

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng was stunned too. Could it be that Gail was an expert???

Seeing Wang Zheng's expression, he knew he was overthinking. "That's the place for the Milky Way Alliance to nurture elites. Although it revolves around ability X, but all kinds of ability analysis, including Atlantis, needs scientific support. And of course math is the basis of everything!"

Gail was still a braggart, but he could back it up.

Genesis Coffee did have considerable research on ability X. Of course, contact with the research and data was limited only to a small portion of the highest ranking members.

Wang Zheng's eyes lit up. "That means you have access to data regarding ability X! Since we know each other, could you show it to me?"

"That depends on your performance." Gail smiled roguishly.

Done speaking of the heavy matters, everybody was more relaxed. The discussed KING Universe space technology company's situation. Xiao Fei mentioned the super-gravity energy ore, which was an important material in solving the translocation issue.

Hearing this, Gail frowned, as though Xiao Fei had imposed on him for a solution. "Tita Titan Star's situation is complex. Even if it was us, it is difficult to interfere. The current regulations surrounding the super-gravity energy ore are strict. Besides, with everybody eyeing it, the situation is sensitive.

The Chamber of Commerce had opened discussions, allowing the Tita people and Lan family to discuss and raise prices, causing considerable headaches to the rest.

Wang Zheng and Xiao Fei were just about to clarify, when Gail waved a large hand self-indulgently, continuing: "But no matter how difficult, it will not stop the research. Tita Titan Star now hangs on the word of the Lan family. I have an old colleague who is an expert in materials. Previously, he was invited by the Lan family to conduct in-depth research into the super-gravity energy ore. Tch, I could sell out, and ask him to connect you and the Lan family. With him bridging the gap, perhaps he could procure some super-gravity ore under the pretext of experimental samples. In the end, all will be well as long as the research continues. There will definitely be more changes in the future."

If Tita Titan Star wished to develop on a large scale, it could not continue to sanction the super-gravity energy ore forever. Increasing the scale was a necessary thing, and it was only a matter of time.

Gail was really going out on a limb to help them. Under present circumstances, those who could ship super-gravity ore out of Tita Titan Star were only a few in the entire Milky Way!

However, Gail heard no pleasantly surprised response from Xiao Fei and Wang Zheng. Both had a strange expression, as though what he just said was a mildly funny joke.

"Senior Gail, we will remember your good intentions. However, the problem of materials has already been settled." Xiao Fei smiled, explaining.


"That's impossible!"

Gail's eyes were huge. Because of the super-gravity ore, not only the political and business world, but the scientific world was going crazy as well. His old colleague had gone to work for the Lan family precisely because it was the only way to procure research material. To a material expert, that had been painful.

"Don't tell me the Solar System Federation is so formidable now?��� Deep down, Gail still looked down on the Solar System bureaucracy.

Xiao Fei looked towards Wang Zheng. "It is all thanks to Wang Zheng." Directly lobbing the ball to his court.

Gail stared at Wang Zheng, eyes wide. "Boy, what is this that you're hiding!"

"Nothing much, really. Previously I was on Tita Titan Star for studies, and fortuitously met some people. I did some things for them, and they were very nice to grant us mining rights." Wang Zheng said with a forced laugh. Was Xiao Fei purposely playing with him? Looking at her smug expression, he dearly wanted to plant a firm foot on her backside.

Gail listened in astonishment, then reacted. "@#&*#… give me half!"

Gail was so excited that his own hometown dialect had come forth. Mining rights, this was crazy!

Xiao Fei immediately leaped up. "Senior, keep a hold of yourself!"

"Keke, of course, of course. An exchange then. Aren't you lacking some of the newest equipment? Let me think of something. Whatever you need, I will find. This plaything is too hot now. Some of my old friends recently have been nothing but bitter expressions. They're almost bitter gourds themselves now."

"This… but…" Xiao Fei was purposely baiting Gail. It was very entertaining to watch this old man's childish excitement.

"Teacher, Senior Gail has always taken good care of us. Even if we are troubled, we cannot pass it on to Senior Gail." Ye Zisu was surreptitiously kicked by Xiao Fei, and only then caught on.

If OMG could receive Genesis Coffee's aid, this was no less important than the super-gravity ore mining rights. Xiao Fei was simply setting up an opportunity.

Ye Zisu nodded un understanding, while Gail was already becoming maniacal. This was definitely an unexpected surprise.

Their returns this time round were immeasurably huge. Not much could be achieved on the basis of Gail's fondness of Wang Zheng alone, but with this chance, and OMG being able to meet sufficient conditions, this was a huge scale cooperation in the making. Genesis Coffee's talents were not easily bought with money.

Ye Zisu looked at the unconcerned Wang Zheng, suddenly moved. Was this coincidental? Perhaps they had taken each step as it came, but in the end the dots had connected. OMG's future was bright now, and breaking out of the Solar System was no wild fantasy!

Thinking thus, Ye Zisu's face shown with the brilliance of confidence. Life was out there for her to live, and she would challenge it with all she had.

That day, Wang Zheng discovered the other hobby of Gail's, which was drinking. Wang Zheng unceremoniously toppled him there.

After being "criticized" by Lan Ling, he had gotten the right idea now, sending her a message. She was overjoyed, and had a word with the Red Fox team. Kong Zhan and Ate were now entrusted with heavy responsibilities. Ate seemed to want to stay on Tita Star to expand. If that was the case, he would definitely go far. This was a much better option than for him to return to Gemini Star. For a migrant planet, the earlier one entered, the better.

As for Kong Zhan, he definitely could not stay. No matter what, he was still the Silver Snake Coalition IG team leader. But he was still learning, and enjoying the atmosphere here. Silver Snake Republic was also happy that Kong Zhan could keep relations cordial with Tita Star. Kong Zhan's accurate judgement and abilities were huge points in his favor as well. It could be said that he had compensated for his failure in IG.

Of course, Lan Ling had been very gracious in this aspect. On Tita Star, external relations were still the domain of the Lan family. Of course the overall in charge was Mu Sen. He was forcefully exhorting the Tita people to leave their own forests to enter the world, and interact with mankind, simultaneously building up Tita Star.

Mu Sen was undoubtedly foresighted. Perhaps such a life did not suit the Tita people, but these were the times, riding the trend which encompassed mankind's power. To secure a bright future for the Tita people, change was necessary.

Rara Durai's existence had made all of this possible. If not, Mu Sen did not have the rallying power.

Rara Durai now spent half of his time in the Lan examination zone. Lan Ling had already called him over. Hearing that a message had come from Wang Zheng, Rara Durai and Shan Meng had galloped back as though their backsides were on fire, scaring the wits out of the customs officials. In dealings with giants, many things still needed to be smoothed out.

The sight of those two huge lumps kneeling there joyously had made Wang Zheng incomparably embarrassed. He wished he could immediately be teleported back to Tita Star.

Interacting with the Tita people was both a simple and happy matter. It left Wang Zheng reminiscing.

Wang Zheng was updated on recent events. Rara Durai had already stared to choose a Titan guard from amongst the Tita giants, and he and Shan Meng were in charge of training. As for the training program, they had referred to mankind's training pattern, and also incorporated what Wang Zheng had passed on to them. If the Tita Titan Republic was about to be established, it naturally needed its own army. And the first commander would definitely be Rara Durai, with Shan Meng as his assistant.

It was clear that after they had become Titan, not only their strength, but their intellect had risen rapidly. This was apparent from the bright look in their eyes, which also clearly spoke of Rara Durai's respect for Wang Zheng.

Travel in the abyss had affected Rara Durai deeply. If not for Wang Zheng, even 10 Rara Durais would still have perished inside. Perhaps in Rara Durai's eyes, Wang Zheng had never been just a human being.

After cheering Rara Durai for a while, Wang Zheng took his leave and switched off the Skylink, unable to control his emotions for a long while. He knew he had started to grow fond of that atmosphere. Perhaps the world was more suited to him, but he needed to rid himself of such notions. Wang Zheng was not one to unnecessarily complicate things, but him now was not just a single person. Ye Zisu, Yan Xiaosu, Aina, Old Merchant…

Chapter 527: Blade Arts



In the Saint world, Wang Zheng practiced 8 Point Blade Techniques in the meditation room. Here, his Primordial Regression Technique was completely ineffective. Of course, the body strengthening was undeniable, but to be capable of using more power, the Blade Techniques were still necessary. Of course, even meditation needed time, which made Wang Zheng resent the shamelessness of the place.

With Wang Zheng's foundation of the Primordial Regression Technique, training the Blade Techniques went doubly quickly. But a clear difference was that although the energy points the two arts used were similar, but the order of progression was different.

Wang Zheng was sometimes worried if over-training would consume him, but the Saint world had solved this problem. Of course, its starting point was a monopoly – all the information, as crystal cards, could not be brought out.

It did not require a genius to figure out that if they wanted to bring something out, it would cost a stupendous fortune.

But even so, it would not stop those here from longing.

In just a few days, Wang Zheng had completed the Basic stage of the Blade Techniques. Because he had already passed the basic tests, he only needed to master the 8 Point Blade Techniques, and then participate in the rank-up battle.

The only thing that Wang Zheng was unsatisfied about was the usage of time. He had money, but on a closer look, much of it was notional. KING was not producing anything, currently just consuming cash. Tita Star… would eventually turn out well, but now the super-gravity energy ore was not being mined in large quantities. Even when mining started, it would take some time to begin production. Wang Zheng would not go and buy stocks either, that was just dumb.

Yan Xiaosu and Ye Zisu would definitely lend him money but OMG was expanding, and Little Lucky Star was venturing out as well. Each was spending money liberally, and the Saint world's spending was indeed a frightening sum.

Wang Zheng started to ponder if he could strike out by himself. This was a strength passed down in the Wang family. Where there were people, there was wealth to be had. His own father had depended on conning to feed a family of 3, even snagging up a thing like Old Merchant. Perhaps he had even tricked his own fate. Such people were rare.

In these few days, Wang Zheng had started to understand the Saint world a little better. The 'governance' here was weak. The mechanic of crystal card stealing, as well as the large amount of money in one place, made the sight of a forced duel frequent in the Sanctuary itself, let alone outside. Some might not care so much about the value lost, but it was a matter of dignity. To have one's possession stolen, and be beaten up in the bargain was intolerable.

Therefore, Wang Zheng felt like he could use these to his advantage and relieve his financial stress. After all, he was a man, and could not look bad in front of Aina and Lin Huiyin.

After roaming for half an hour, thank God he finally met somebody in distress.

6 masked people were surrounding 1 person. Of course they were here to deliver the goods.

The surrounded person was not wearing a mask, and looked young. Surrounded, he was pushed around.

"Punk, it's time to pay the protection fee!"

"Please, brothers, I don't have much left, I can't pay it."


One of the men wearing a wolf-head mask delivered a sound slap, knocking the boy for a spin.

"Less of your nonsense! 10 hours, and not a minute less. If you offend the Hungry Wolves, forget about continuing anywhere near the Disciple tier. Quickly!"

"Please, brothers. I really need this time, I…"

The other guy delivered a cruel kick. "I… f*ck off. Do you really want us to force a duel? If each of us activates a duel, you won't even be able to afford pants!"

The young man was quivering with rage, but scared of retaliating. Forcing a duel within the Sanctuary for the first time was not expensive. The more one fought in a day, the higher the price, resetting each day.

Wang Zheng was overjoyed. As expected a gang always existed where there were people. It was time to fight off the baddies.

"Oi, you lot! It's time to pay the protection fee!" Wang Zheng shouted.

All 6 turned in unison. They all wore wolf-type masks, but the expressions were different, although each was suitably fearsome.

"Little punk, are you asking for death? A newbie, very good. Since you've delivered yourself to the door, it's a first time entry fee of 50 hours." The foremost Hungry Wolf closed in on Wang Zheng, wanting to grab him by the collar. But Wang Zheng advanced suddenly, turning it into a mask-against-mask situation, unnerving his opponent.

The guy kicked to the floor was called "Tree". He hurriedly held Wang Zheng back. "Brothers, please. This is my friend who does not know the rules. 50 hours is too much. 10? The normal rate is 10, isn't it?"

"F*ck off. How dare you interrupt when I'm speaking! I don't like the look of this guy. Charcoal, char your ass! 50 hours, and I'll beat you once for each minute less."

Wang Zheng shrugged free of Tree. He extended his hand, displaying 5 purple crystal cards. "Is it? That depends on your ability, though."

Saying that, he kept the cards. All 6 stared, and immediately surrounded Wang Zheng. Tree, at one side, was ignored.

Wang Zheng had not reacted. In front of him, light poured, and he was transported into a duel arena. He was surrounded by 6 guys, and Tree's face was ashen, helpless.

Team duel card!

Also known as the group beating card.

"Punk, we gave you an easy way out, but you didn't take it. We're gonna be rich now!" All 6 Hungry Wolves' eyes were gleaming with greed.

A group beating card was not cheap, unless one met an unbearably fat prize. Like this one!

"Boss, I'll go test the waters!"

After a victory, the winner could choose a card. One of them could wait no more.

A Blade Technique card appeared, and his body was infused with light. With a wild cry, he rushed Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng rushed up as well. BOOM…

Wang Zheng had been handed his ass, left on the floor instead!

It was the first time in many years. F*ck, here the difference between having an art and not was indeed big.

Tree's face had lost the last vestiges of color. He knew that this Charcoal was well-meaning, but he had really gone and done it now. If he had not come, at most Tree would have taken a beating. But now this was worse. Besides, he could not give others his understanding. He would die before he let that happen!

Wang Zheng was not satisfied. He rushed up again, in a head-on confrontation. BOOM…

The other 5 Hungry Wolves had been a little worried that their opponent was an expert. But seeing the situation unfold, it looked like it was just an over-anxious newbie.

Wang Zheng picked himself up from the ground. He knew that if he did not use the Blade Techniques he would not win, so he took out his own Blade Techniques card.

Seeing Wang Zheng's Blade Techniques card's color, all 6 laughed loudly. "Clearly sick in the brain, although I haven't seen this brand of madness before. A basic stage Blade Techniques actually dares to try his hand at being a mafia?"

"Punk, does your family know you're so cool? Let us teach you a lesson today!"

All 6 were Advanced Stage Blade Techniques. 8 Point Blade Techniques was divided into Basic Stage, Intermediate Stage, Advanced Stage. Once Advanced Stage was reached, one could participate in the rank-up battles until one succeeded.

Normally in the Disciple level, those not at Advanced Stage moved with their tail between their legs. This punk had guts though. Trying to be a hero with only a Basic Stage card.

The Blade Technique entered him, and suddenly things changed. Whoosh…

Wang Zheng's figure disappeared, reappearing in front of his opponent. The opponent had just raised a hadn in response, when Wang Zheng's elbow scythed out, connecting directly at his throat.



One of the Hungry Wolves' bodies exploded into light fragments dissipating on the battlefield, and Wang Zheng's account gained another 18 hours and a few cards. Wang Zheng celebrated. He had finally found the most lucrative job.

The other 5 only responded then. They rushed up as one. Wang Zheng showed no quarter. He slipped like a fish through them, throwing blows that exploded them into fragments.

After a short while, the battlefield was empty, leaving just Wang Zheng and Tree. Both had been allocated the spoils equally.

After the battlefield faded, the two were still in Sanctuary.

Tree stared at a beaming Wang Zheng blankly. This… was a devil???

He had been in Saint for a few years, but had never heard of a Basic Stage Blade Techniques defeating an Advanced Stage Blade Techniques user. Furthermore, a 1 v 6???

The final spoils left Wang Zheng speechless. "Damn, a bunch of poor scum. Still trying to collect protection fees?!"

Clearly those that ventured out to do such things would not bring all their valuables with them. The few cards he got were trash, and not worth much at all.

"Big… big brother, I still have half here. I'll return it to you." Tree was shaking with fear now. This person was scary.

Wang Zheng waved it off. "Forget it, we'll split it. Besides, I wouldn't have found such a good deal without you. If you get beaten up next time, let me know."

Tree was stunned…

"Brother Charcoal, are you in need of money?" Tree suddenly asked.

"Of course. I'm no tycoon. From the looks of you, you're in the same boat, aren't you? Could it be that you're going to sponsor me?" Wang Zheng joked.

This one was something different also. To hold on despite being bullied. Since he couldn't beat them, he could have just run and be done with it.

"Brother Charcoal, I see you're a man of uncommon means. There are challenge competitions. Why don't you try your hand? The prize is 100 hours, and a random 16 Point Martial Arts card!" Tree said. This black-metal-masked man was strange.

Logically, those with such ability were not broke,

"Haha, there's such a thing? Come, bring me!" Hearing 100 hours, Wang Zheng's eyes glowed.

Wang Zheng then found out that his own tool panel was too sparse. Each month, the Disciple level held some limit challenges. This was the best way to get time and martial arts, especially for those who were unbelievably strong, yet inconvenienced in coin.

The place that Wang Zheng and Tree arrived in was crowded.

The Training Sanctuary.

Anybody with a little confidence and ability would come to try their hand here. The 8 Point Blade Techniques alone would not allow one to rise to the Acolyte level.

Today's challenge was the Knife Mountain Trial.