779 - 787

Chapter 779: Just Being willful

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"These few days, I believe that everyone has understood the things to know about the trial. three planets, choose one for your trial. Now you can enter your choice into the bracelet. You will be divided into groups based on the planet you choose…"

Wei Jicheng's expression was very serious and very cold. Instantly, this made everyone freeze from the joy they had before immersed in a snowy world. Anyway, ice attribute Ability X users were not good at expressing emotions.

Wang Zheng chose the most difficult Aisbotan Star in his bracelet.

Over a hundred people, very quickly, according to their final destinations were split into three groups. Of which, the largest was the group heading to Aisbotan Star, with 41 people.

Everyone's goals were very clear. They were here to improve. Besides, these type of trials would have a reduced effect upon experiencing it more than once. Of course at the start, they would plan to choose the most difficult trial.

Of course, ultimately, the star still needed to be chosen according the difficulty level suited to the individual's ability. This was also why only those with Xuan Grade ability could have such trials.

There was no time to rest and they left the gathering point quickly. There were small spaceships to send everyone to their respective destinations, the three stars' reception point.

On the spaceship, the ambience was as cold as the air in Hail Cloud Alliance. Most people were quietly checking the various content loaded into their bracelet.

The Aisboten Star which was less than 5% developed only had two cities, the Ice Spear City and Tanker City. The population size was 160,000 and the main source of economy was mining.

Wang Zheng's speed of reading was very fast. In about half an hour, he had already read through the contents in the bracelet. Raising his head, he sensed a gaze, turning his head, he saw Redington who was sitting diagonally behind him.

He was also considered an old familiar person. Wang Zheng gave him a friendly smile.

Redington's face twisted a little and then he turned his head away. He pretended to look outside the window. In his heart, a hundred thousand horses raced through. Wang Zheng, you can smile for now. Shien Cronode's purpose in coming to the Elite Academy X, there was one that could not be any clearer, which was to turn Snow Li into his woman! In this process, Wang Zheng would definitely become one of the small obstacles that Shien Cronode would have to rid of.

Women were that shameless. Initially he was sincere towards Snow Li, but she did not know how to cherish him. When Cronode got his way, she would definitely suffer. Redington had heard that this guy would use drugs and various torture tools to play with the person until they were severely injured. On the surface, he was a gentleman, but actually he was definitely a pervert.

At this moment, Redington's heart was filled with a type of twisted need for revenge. It seemed like this was the only way to prove his pride.

Entering the space route for four hours, the spaceship reached Aisboten Star. There was no spaceport in the outer space. Entering the atmosphere, the ship captain's voice sounded through the PA: "Everyone please take note, the Aurora Front-liner will be entering the turbulent atmosphere. Please adjust your seats and tighten your seat belts. Over."


You could feel the strong turbulence between the spaceship and the atmosphere. However it was not as serious as imagined. The ship captain's voice sounded through the PA again after the spaceship steadied. "We have arrived at the destination Ice Spear City, landing in five minutes time, please make the preparations to exit the ship."

At exactly five minutes, the spaceship landed directly on the ground. This was a purely industrial city…

Or rather, a small street! There were totally no structures that a city should have. But this was also natural. There were only 7,000 people in this city. It could not get any bigger.

The architectural style was totally different from those that were seen on the Hail Cloud Alliance origin planet. One after another square factories, joined into a very neat hex-shaped street. It looked so neat and tidy.

This was a typical underdeveloped planet. They only had resources but they were definitely very important. Any federation who could become one of the current top countries in the Milky Way would definitely control huge amounts of mines. Resources and technology would always be a key area of competition during the Interstellar great voyage era.

Everyone quickly alighted from the spaceship. There was soft snow floating down from the sky. You could see that the instant the snow landed on the ground, it instantly melted and flowed towards the drain along the road. The temperature of the ground, under this type of climate, actually still preserved its warmth!

"It's because of geothermal heating." Snow Li smiled and explained to Wang Zheng. "A special characteristic of the Hail Cloud Alliance. Actually it is still very primitive here."

At this moment, there were footsteps. Upon turning their heads, in the snow white world, you could see five officers arriving. Their expression were colder than snow.

"Everyone present, gather, number off!"Immediately, everyone turned to attention.

There were absolutely no explanations except military orders. Shouting their slogan, they passed through one street after another. On the way, they saw many pedestrians. Even they were all rushing about, all in the midst of working. Taking a few looks at Wang Zheng and the others, they smiled and shouted to the five officers: "New people again?"

The five officers just waved their hands and continued to lead the group.

Very quickly, they reached the army camp.

This army camp's structure and facilities were meant for an army troop. But other than 1 troop of foot soldiers at the door, there were no other soldiers to be seen. The whole city was managed in a semi-military style.

"Attention, at rest. Little bugs, welcome to Ice River Base 1. Here, it will be the start of your nightmare. I'm Hogg. The creator of nightmares for all you little insects. Here, I will teach you tropical bugs how to get used to the ice and snow."

No one cared about him…

Hogg's eye twitched. "Very well, now you have 30 minutes to tidy your belongings and familiarize yourself with the army camp. 30 minutes later, gather at the field, understood!"

Wang Zheng replied yes loudly.

However, the unexpected part was that he was the only one to reply. Then 40 plus pairs of eyes stared at him.

Shien Cronode snorted derisively. Earth, he heard that the soldiers there were all trained through traditional military training until they became fools. This little fool in front of his eyes, what did he have to order him around. Anyone here would have better accomplishments in the future than him.

Wang Zheng's facial expression did not change. He did not feel awkward. No matter what, he felt that enough respect should be given to the other party. A hint of appreciation flashed through Hogg's eyes. Actually Hogg himself knew knew, he conveyed the order just now without much confidence.

The army camp's dorms were the type with the worst environment. Double decker beds, one room filled full with 12 people. Other than the beds, there was practically no private space.

Wang Zheng laughed and randomly picked a bottom bunk bed and started to tidy up.

Cai Yingmeng climbed onto the upper bed and stopped moving after lying down. Then he said: "Fellow comrades, now is the best time to replenish your energy. They will definitely deal with us later. There are many ways for them to handle us."

Wang Zheng laughed. The room was not as cold as imagined. It was very suitable for living because of the effect of ground heating.

There was no television, but there was still signal for the Skylink Internet. Even though there was slight disruption, the internal communication bracelet's reception still worked.

Everyone was busy, chitchatting happily. They did not take this too seriously.

30 minutes later, everyone gathered at the field. They did not see Hogg but the other four military instructors were there.

"Very well, no one is late. I'm your military instructor, Newton."

"Mecha military instructor, Franklin."

"Wildlife Survival military instructor, Kagong."

"Life military instructor, Liu Wen."

After the four military instructors did a simple self-introduction, they started to organize missions,

"From now on, you are all recruits. Obeying orders are your only choice. Here, other than completing missions, you have no power. We will assess you based on your performance and enter them into the Elite Academy X files. Now, the first mission is to remove your warmth preserving coat and run 30 kilometers!"

The whole group looked lightly at him. Shien Cronode laughed coldly. "Just this?"

Fire lit up in the eyes of the four military instructors but in the end they did not respond to Shien Cronode's obvious challenge. "Now, set off!"

Hong long long, one group of people rushed out of the army camp.

Seeing the silhouettes disappear into the distance, the four military instructors exchanged looks. Newton shook his head. "I don't think we can suppress this group."

Liu Wen laughed bitterly. "Forget it. You say that every time. To be able to come here for trials, which one of them is easy to handle? In the past, who was suppressed? This time there is one more Shien Cronode. We just have to do our jobs."

The military instructors were all helpless. They could not offend people of the Cronode family. If not they would not even know how they died. This family itself dealt in those unspeakable matters. Of course, they had to control the extent of training. The training intensity still would not change.

Hogg was not there because he was preparing for the trial tomorrow. Today's 30 kilometers was just to let this bunch of proud people taste a little bitterness. At the same time, allow them to get used to the ice and snow environment quicker. Of course, this was also just barely suppressing them. This was a rule in the military. It was a must to have actions to suppress those who just arrived. Without reducing a bit of that pride, how could they gain from the trials ahead. These few military instructors were also trying their best to help.

Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu were beside Wang Zheng. They ran at a comfortable pace, not too fast, not too slow. Straight long legs, they were very outstanding in the crowd. The steps of these two were too relaxed. Under this type of environment, to the native born Hail Cloud citizens, they were long used to it.

"How do you feel, Mr. Leader?" Ai Xiaolu teased.

Compared to the chatterbox Ai Xiaolu, Snow Li preferred observing Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng seemed to enjoy it very much. All these seemed beautiful.

To be honest, Wang Zheng really liked it very much. If Ai Xiaolu was quieter, it would be better. The power of ice and snow filled the gap between the sky and ground. There was a perspective of physics and there was an internal vitality.

This feeling was very similar to that on Titatitan. No wonder the Hail Cloud Alliance was so strong. Any star filled with vitality would have treasures. Except compared to the freezing cold, Tita star was more suited for living.

Seeing that Wang Zheng ignore her, Ai Xiaolu stomped her feet in anger. Snow Li smiled sweetly. Wang Zheng's type of character was what she liked.

One step, its deep, another step, its shallow. In some of the places, the snow was so deep it could bury a person.

For ice attribute Ability X users, these obstacles were all small problems. However, they were not wearing warmth preserving coats. How to maintain their body temperature in the wind and snow was a test. Besides, this was not 1,000 meters or 5,000 meters. It was 30 kilometers!

How they could distribute their usage of body strength and Ability X, that was also a test.

Chapter 780: Madness

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng breathed evenly. There was still snow floating in the air. At this moment, the route was already deep into the snowy plains. They could no longer spot the Ice Spear City from their surroundings. Rather, they were surrounded by whiteness. Everyone wore protective eye gear. Even so, the whiteness reflected by the snow still caused dizziness.

The world, icy cold, so quiet that only breathing sounds, footsteps and the soft landing of snow could be heard.

He could feel the same active vitality that he felt on Titatitan Star. But the feeling was quite the opposite. Tita Star was filled with life energy and friendliness. It nourished every life. But here, loneliness filled the surroundings and there was no end to the icy cold.

And within the icy coldness was the same type of power.

Unknowingly, Wang Zheng had quickened his pace. Breathing in the aura of ice and snow, slowly, his aura assimilated into that of ice and snow.

Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu who was following behind Wang Zheng exchanged a look. When they first entered the snowy plains, Wang Zheng stood out from his surroundings. One look and he was like a black dot that appeared abruptly on a piece of white cloth.

But the feeling they had now was that black dot had become a drawing. Wang Zheng's existence was like a piece of drawing and he blended well into the surroundings.

"This feels a bit weird." This type of was state was not something everyone in the Hail Cloud Alliance could reach. Only people who had lived in such an environment for more than 10 or 20 years could assimilate into the ice and snow like that. To draw a picture, ice and snow would no longer be an enemy to survival but become a part of survival. However, only Hail Cloud citizens could do that and Wang Zheng seemed to have achieved that.

Snow Li's eyes were filled with a strange excitement. She did not reply to Ai Xiaolu's comment. In her eyes, there was only Wang Zheng, that lone man who was walking in the icy ocean of snowy plains. He was obviously only advancing but Snow Li could feel more or less the stage that Wang Zheng was at. After all she was an existence that was born in the year of the Dancing Ice Dragon. This type of feeling was very mystical. Others would not understand.

In Wang Zheng's senses, the vitality of the sky and the earth were revealing themselves to him. The intrinsic quality of ice was hidden within that and waiting for him to discover.

30 kilometres on other stars could be seen as just an appetizer but in the Hail Cloud Alliance, in Aisbotan Star, that was the real test.

Half the distance had already been covered. Most people were gradually starting to have a hard time. It was mainly because of the continuous activation of ability X for a long period of time and they have started to tire. Even ice ability users could not ignore the limits of the human body.

This training was definitely accomplishable but it was not as easy as imagined.

At this moment, the troop that originally ran together had some changes. The ones with stronger abilities were maintaining their speed and had formed the first team. There were not many, only 6 of them.

Snow Li, Ai Xiaolu, Redington, Shien Cronode, Cai Yingmeng and Wang Zheng.

It was only at the Hail Cloud Alliance that Snow Li's body type could really show off. Where others felt icy cold, to her was entirely a type of warmth. This type of environment was nothing to her. This was the blessing of coldness. So, not to mention 30 kilometres, it was no problem for her even if the distance was further.

While Ai Xiaolu did not have Snow Li's talent, she was after all from the Hail Cloud Alliance. She did not have many problems too. Except that it was less relaxed and easy for her. Redington's strength was there. This level of intensity was nothing to him. Cronode was no doubt a powerful person. His strength was unknown and while he had not participated in this type of training before, but there was not much meaning to it which was why he didn't do so. This Cai Yingmeng on the other hand was trying very hard. After all, he had been here many times and it could be seen that he was trying his best to catch up to the first team.

Shien Cronode was constantly paying attention to Snow Li. He could feel the attraction emitting from Snow Li. In this icy and snowy environment, the girl in front of his eyes was as attractive as a snow fairy. This type of body type, this type of ability was something he never had. Except, this girl was staring infatuatedly at another person.

Wang Zheng, a famous person in the Academy. In addition, Redington had added quite some details. He had quite a good understanding of this person. As for what senior or things like that, he was not interested at all. It was either win and be a king or die a loser – it was simple and clear logic. However, based on the data, Cronode knew that Wang Zheng was not a simple person. Besides, he had no need to make the move personally. He knew what Redington was thinking. This guy lost to Wang Zheng and wanted to find him for support. This was a good thing but he was not one to be used by others.

Wang Zheng must be dealt with. Snow Li would be his. At the same time he had to think of an idea to finish off Ai Xiaolu. This was also the mission his family had given to him. If not, why would he come to such an ungodly place to suffer.

All these had to be done quietly. There was enough time. Cronode was not anxious. He would not make any move. If he did, that move would be crucial.

Snow Li's seductive silhouette was already imprinted in his heart. In the past he had only heard of her but now that he had seen her, what he heard was true.

However, all ability users did not judge a person based on his appearance. While looks and body were importantly, the innate attractiveness emitted from this girl was more important.

Everyone followed the route and advanced. But the distance was already getting further and further. Cai Yingmeng could no longer catch up, even though he had already expended his best efforts. Strength was the true reason. It could not be forced.

Wang Zheng was not as complicated as the others. He assimilated into this world of ice and snow. The surrounding people and things were no longer important. This was different from Tita Star. Coming here, seeing the never ending icy ocean of snowy plains, Wang Zheng's mind kept stretching and becoming wider.

What were the externals and internals of the icy cold and lonely ice plains? What was the original source of ice?

The coldness gradually disappeared and Wang Zheng was assimilated within. The Primordial Regression Technique continuously worked, blending him into the heavens and earth as one. Wang Zheng did not notice that he was walking faster and faster and had already left the others way behind him.

The instructors who were monitoring them were also shocked. What the f**k was this hellish speed?

Wang Zheng advanced with big steps. His speed was shocking. Did the ice ocean of snowy plains have no effect on him?

Redington snorted coldly. Wang Zheng, as expected liked to be the centre of attention. But what was the use of completing the mission so well here. At most, his results would be better. If he accidentally died, that would be interesting. Redington maintained his speed and followed beside Cronode. He could see that while Cronode had no reaction on the surface but there was unhappiness simmering in his eyes. This type of people was used to looking down on people. While he had toned down upon arrival at the Elite Academy, he did not change at all. And Wang Zheng who did not take him seriously would definitely irritate Cronode. Once irritated, he would push this irritation further.

Redington knew that it was not that easy to incite Cronode. Ai Xiaolu was not one to be bullied and Wang Zheng was not easier to deal with as well. However, once there was a chance, Cronode would definitely have the courage to do it.

Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu were also speechless. What was Wang Zheng doing?

Obviously there was no need to run like this. It was very dangerous to run around blindly in the icy plains and there was no need to try so hard. Wang Zheng's silhouette had already disappeared into the snow.

The instructors were all stunned. They have seen prideful students, students who did not listen to instructions but they had never seen this type of… madness.

Wang Zheng had already left the intended route and broken the tracing bracelet. It was definitely a death wish to enter into the deep icy ocean of snowy plains alone.

Chapter 781: For Power

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng did not expect that he would achieve such an understanding. To him now, every time he had such an understanding, it was an extension of life, an experience that could never be repeated. Others were not important to him. In the depths of the icy plains, in the depths of the howling snowstorms, there seemed to be something calling out to him.

Was this the call of the star?

In Titatitan Star, the power of life was vibrant. At the same time, it was complicated. It would be disturbed by many factors and would be lost in that type of vitality. But in the world of ice, there was only loneliness, cold and death. There were not many things, and were very pure. This was what normal people would come to realize. However while Wang Zheng was running, these extra feelings would gradually disappear and he would be pursuing the existence of the source.

It had never been so clear before, even at Tita Star. This originated from the characteristic of the power itself. Ice was pure. It was that straightforward. A power like this looked easy to understand but it was actually even more difficult to get near. It was most adept to use the phrase "Rejecting people a thousand miles away" to describe it. However, under the shell of icy coldness, there was a hint of pure warmth.

This was the heart of the ice.

Ice and fire, the most direct understanding of living bodies. To ability X users, it was something they have always sought to understand.

Wang Zheng had heard from Old Zhuo how an Earth Grader would perceive the world. Except Old Zhuo had also said that it would differ among people even amongst the Earth Grade. He was not a direct combatant and hence his understanding was not thorough. The group of people who really understood their Ability X thoroughly needed to control their own ability's heart. They needed to understand, to integrate it usage until it came as naturally as breathing. From then on, their ability X would not be just a tool but a part of the body.

This was the realm of the Earth Grade.

Heaven undoubtedly had reached that level. He entered the Earth Grade and controlled the multi-faceted characteristics of wood. At the same time, the backlash of power had already been reduced to the smallest. Hence he could use various wood poisons yet suffer no side effects. It was only when he met with Wang Zheng, a completely illogical monster that he had lost it all. If not, Wang Zheng was not his match at all when it came to a direct confrontation. However, one must admit that brains and physical strength were also part of power, and a relatively important part too

In the world of ice and snow, everything became clean. At the same time, after the desire and complications of the outside world had disappeared, what was left was the true heart of ice.

Wang Zheng had never felt so peaceful in a long time. Wang Zheng's speed slowed down. At the end everything was at a standstill. Snow scattered through the air and slowly covered him. He became a snowman, a small unimportant snowman. Snow landed on him as though it was trying to keep him warm.

Warmth from ability X users would melt the snow. However the snow on Wang Zheng did not receive any warmth and covered him like feathers.

Wang Zheng stopped moving.

Any Ice Spear City residents would know that any silence in the ice and snow meant death. The scene might look beautiful but it was indeed life-threatening. It could only be admired from afar.

But Wang Zheng really stopped moving.

Time passed by the minutes and seconds. Students in the trial gradually returned. The weather here was unpredictable. Once a snowstorm arrived, everyone had to return to the troop. At the same time the city had to be sealed and under emergency response state.

This was also the reason why this planet could only be a resource planet. The terrible environment was really unsuitable for survival. Any development would be about investments and returns. Obviously, this as a migrant planet had too low returns.

Snow Li and the others only realised that Wang Zheng had not returned when they got back. The instructors did not explain a lot and did not search as well. To search when a snowstorm was approaching would be equivalent to looking for death. A snow terrain vehicle would only go out and not return. The key part was that this student broke the rules himself. This was also his own doing, no one could be responsible.

Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu were no doubt very worried. They really did not know what had happened to Wang Zheng. He was not a person who did not know danger. On the handbook, it was stated very clearly. This was an extremely dangerous planet. Using human strength to confront nature was the most stupid.

But Wang Zheng did not come back. All the students knew and it was rumored that Wang Zheng had broken his own bracelet.

He deserved it.

"Could it be that Wang Zheng had met with some danger, perhaps an ice beast?" Snow Li asked worriedly.

Ai Xiaolu's facial expression changed. "That should not be the case, there will not be any ice beasts near the city."

Ice beasts were a type of primitive wild beasts in the Hail Cloud Alliance. They could also be described as the fairies of the snowy plains. They were much more terrifying than the fierce beasts on Tita Star. Because of the advantage of the snow terrain, basically, any mech warrior meeting it also had to retreat and avoid it. This type of beast lived alone. One could only avoid it unless they had numbers. This type of beast's claws could tear apart steel. Its movements were even more fierce and agile. In addition, it had a mimicry ability. They were reputed as the kings of the snow plains. This was another reason why it was not easy to develop Aisbotan.

Ai Xiaolu on the other hand was thinking about another person, Cronode. This type of battle and hate between families did not need any reason. These 2 families fought fiercely privately. Many died and were injured. While it did not reach the higher levels, but they could never be friends. Ai Xiaolu also just left Cronode alone. But if Cronode made a move on Wang Zheng, this seemed impossible too. After all, such a matter was not easy to arrange and it would not be so fast.

The two of them were glum. The others on the other hand were discussing the situation. This Wang Zheng really could stir trouble wherever he went. This snowstorm was not the usual snow. It was not something a human could withstand at all. Even if it were a mech to meet with such a snowstorm, there would only be death.

They had said earlier on that it was a must to follow orders. No one had expected this ending that it was not people like Cronode or Ai Xiaolu to create problems, but Wang Zheng had to do it.

"Record clearly what had happened. He can only leave it to the heavens."

Everyone also nodded. Obviously no one had expected this to happen. Everything had to wait until the snowstorm had passed.

There were howling winds and snowstorms outside. If they enjoyed from within the rooms, it was definitely something unique. A warm interior compared to the cruel exterior formed a stark contrast. It warmed people's hearts and even created a sort of fortunate feeling.

But at this moment, the people outdoors were definitely having an entirely different feeling. If they were in the never ending wilderness, that type of feeling could only be experienced by the people themselves.

Wang Zheng's whole person was almost buried by snow. But if you paid attention, Wang Zheng did not move even in the strong winds.

Power originated from both the inside and outside, from the inside to the outside, from the outside to the inside, everything returned to one, and this was the Primordial Regression Technique.

While the human body was a symbol of human existence, it also restricted human power. From the birth of Earth's civilisations, from Atlantis to Mayan, to human civilisation, all were advancing on this road of getting more power, especially from the development of human themselves.

Bioengineering, technology, spirit, body, and all these, perhaps they pursued immortality and everlasting youth, or perhaps they sought for unlimited control, but all these ultimately could be subsumed under the name of God.

Because no matter the level of development, humans carried fearful respect for the universe. They were filled with fear towards the unknown hence they needed to be strong, to be stronger.

Chapter 782: Assimilation of Heaven and Person as One

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The universe no doubt had to be fearfully respected because it was strong and mysterious, and had an unlimited expanse. However humans had the intelligence that no other living things had.

To retreat or advance. While retreating was safer and advancing was dangerous, humans tend to choose the latter. While other living things retreat because of danger, humans would choose to advance. One could overcome fear.

If the power of the majestic heavens and earth could gather on Wang Zheng, they would instantly eliminate Wang Zheng totally. However the power of the heavens and earth only followed one rule, one law. Its appearance was not to destroy anything, not to target anything. Wang Zheng could be a pawn in a game of chess or jump out of the chess game to be a chess player.

Wang Zheng chose the latter.

The 128 Point Primordial Regression Technique instantly broke through and circulated throughout his whole body. The howling snowstorm formed an enclosed environment and this type of environment actually fulfilled the comprehensive explosion of the Primordial Regression Technique.

It rushed through the whole body and the strength of the body and mind perfectly unified as 1 – breakthrough!

Wang Zheng judged himself for the first time.

The snow covering Wang Zheng's body suddenly shone brightly. The snow which was originally unmoving in the howling winds suddenly floated with the wind and revealed Wang Zheng's original body. That shining original body, Wang Zheng's eyes shone with thick golden light. It cut through the howling winds like a sharp knife, piercing the sky directly.

Wang Zheng advanced slowly within the howling snowstorm. Those strong howling winds could blow a mech into the air but upon meeting Wang Zheng, they automatically bypassed him, they even carried a hint of gentleness.

They treated Wang Zheng as one of them.

Wang Zheng stretched out his hands and caught the wind. Snow danced around him as though welcoming their same kind. They welcomed their owner. And as for the place outside of Wang Zheng, nature was still cruel and swept away everything. Aisbotan was named the planet of the ice buried bones because it was cruel here. If not for the mines, this would be a place with few humans. Only those explorers who did not want to live would come here for excitement.

Within the howls of the wind and snowstorm, there was a strange deep sound that travelled out. It was carried through the howls of the wind like a deep sounding cannon. This type of sound was unending.

If it were the citizens of Aisboten, their hearts would chill and shiver. Because that was the howl of the ice beasts. And this sounded more than just one or two of them.

At this moment, the base had already detected the creatures and the city was in a emergency shutdown. The snowstorm was okay. The Hail Cloud Alliance was top in the technology for defending against these. From the architecture style to the material, it was enough to withstand even stronger snowstorms. Except that these ice beasts were really terrifying. They were the protectors of this planet and snowstorms were like their battle horns. The usually lone ice beasts would gather in packs before the snowstorms arrived.

Some people said that this was their mating season. Some also said that they were performing some sort of ritual but no one really understood. The observational abilities of ice beasts in snowstorms far surpassed human technology. In the process of developing this planet, the Hail Cloud Alliance also tried to avoid them the best they could. There was no need to come to a conflict with these ice beasts.

At the base, Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu were indeed unsettled. What was Wang Zheng doing?

He was not a reckless person, why would he suddenly do that?

And on the other side, Cronode and Redington were having a lively chat. They originally wanted to make a move to deal with Wang Zheng. Unexpectedly, this difficult problem solved by itself. They had seen wilful people but not to his extent.

He would die without doubt in this type of snowstorm.

They had even heard that ice beasts appeared outside. If he was lucky, perhaps he would be eaten by the ice beasts.

In the snowstorm, the human's field of vision and technology would be suppressed to the lowest condition. However, ice beasts seemed to be the messengers of snowstorms. They could feel what the snow and wind could feel. Of course, this could also be a legend, except that all Hail Cloud citizens thought so. And up to now, no ice beast was captured alive. Hail Cloud Alliance had dispatched mecha battle teams to capture ice beasts for research. With mankind's strength, they were definitely able of doing such a thing.

After paying quite a big price, they caught a live ice beast. However, shortly after capturing, before they could send it to the research facility, that ice beast died. At the same time, its body strangely started to age. When they dissected the corpse later, the scientists all thought that this definitely was a corpse that had died at least more than 10 years ago.

This deepened the intriguing mystique of these ice beasts. There were many in Hail Cloud who revered the ice beasts as well. They thought that this was a type of celestial beast. Of course, the residents of Aisbotan preferred to believe this. After all, while the ice beasts were fierce, but as long as their territories were not invaded, they were unwilling to come into contact with humans.

As for how such a unique living thing survived or ate, this was something no one knew.

However, if now there was a person who could see that scene in the snowstorm, he would most likely be scared half to death.

The ice beasts that were rarely seen appeared one by one. There actually were more than a hundred of them. These ice beasts were a little bigger than the fierce beasts of Tita Star. On their foreheads were shiny horns. These horns could easily pierce through the armour of mecha. These huge beasts weighed up to 30 or 40 tonnes. Their whole body were covered in thick ice-shaped scales. While their eyes were not big, it seemed like they did not rely on their eyes to observe living things. Their eyes were probably only for extra assistance in perceiving the environment.

However, these beasts which usually lived alone were gathering in 1 direction. They howled and walked at the same time.

And surrounded by these frightening ice beasts was a human. He was giving out a golden light and as the golden light stretched outwards, it became a gentle icy light. Wang Zheng's arms were open, his eyes closed and he was enjoying the feeling of the pure energy circulating within him.

The Primordial Regression Technique was used as the medium to complete the communication between human and nature.

This type of ice beast was really Aisbotan's spiritual beast. In the cruel icy and snowy world of Aisbotan, life was very rare. It was impossible to support the existence of such a giant lifeform. This was different from Tita Star. Tita Star had plenty of food which could feed the giants. Yet this was impossible in Aisbotan. Especially for these type of ice beasts whose movements were fast and fierce which would definitely require more food than a creature of its size. It deviated from the principle of consumption, but Wang Zheng could now understand that this kind of ice beasts consumed ice and snow as food. However it was through the absorption of the spiritual energy of ice that supported their existence.

Aisbotan did not have intelligent life forms but in reality, ice beasts were the native residents.

These were special living bodies with a certain level of intelligence and spirituality.

Huge ice beasts surrounded Wang Zheng layer by layer and stared at him. Wang Zheng's body had become a medium, directing power. To the ice beasts, it looked like some sort of ritual.

Wang Zheng did not care about these ice beasts. They were not hostile. The closer these types of living things were to nature, the purer they were. Primordial Regression Technique was a key, a key that opened the door to the secrets of the universe. Every single experience was extremely important to him.

This was the only thing he had, something to rely on to confront this world, to conquer this world.

Wang Zheng and Yan Xiaosu were the same. They both once thought that with passion and perseverance, there was nothing that they could not do. Everything could be broken, anything could be fought for. They could face life with smiles. Wang Zheng was also the same. He lived optimistically like this until he met Aina.

That type of helplessness and disappointment could only be buried because he had no other choice.


Because he was weak!

He wanted to be strong, to be stronger, to make this world surrender to him!


Even if this was a snowstorm, he wanted it to stop!

That massive horde of ice beasts howled into the sky. They pierced through the snowstorm like thunder and rushed towards the clouds, spreading over a hundred thousand miles.

Finally the snowstorm stopped.

But that was already after 3 days had passed.

At the base, the students continued their daily training. They could even skip them and do whatever they wanted. As elites from the Elite Academy, they did not treat the instructors here as anything. They were here only because of the environment and that had nothing to do with the all these small fries.

Except that the atmosphere was a little weird. Because Wang Zheng disappeared again.

Why again?

It was the same as in the Abyss. As long as it was a trial, Wang Zheng would simply disappear. Compared to the disappearance in the Abyss, it seemed better here. While Aisbotan might be harsh, but it was after all slightly better than the Abyss.

Of course, if it were another person, they would definitely be desperate and directly report the missing person. But if it were Wang Zheng, it seemed like they could wait a little longer.

Once the snowstorm stopped, the base dispatched the snow terrain vehicular patrol team. Even if there was no hope, they had to take a look.

The few instructors were also helpless. This was definitely not their fault. These "ancestors" were already not easy to attend to and they also did not want anything to happen. However something still happened and this Wang Zheng seemed to be quite strong and quite important.

The reduction of members not due to battles was harder to report. However how could this matter be blamed on them? It was this unlucky kid who created this trouble.

Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu had suffered through these three days, especially Snow Li. Ai Xiaolu was already speechless. Her best friend had really sunken deep into it. Ai Xiaolu now blamed herself for meddling too much. If not for her continuous encouragement, perhaps Snow would not be like this. She knew Snow. She was the stubborn type. She would not easily like a person but once she liked someone, it was as though she tied herself to him. She was the type that was entirely devoted. It did not matter what the other party thought, she just limited herself like this.

"Snow, don't worry. Wang Zheng definitely discovered something. He can run out from the Abyss, Aisbotan is nothing." Ai Xiaolu said. This was also a loss. Wang Zheng this guy obviously was maintaining his distance from Snow. He treated her more like a good friend and Snow made the move first. How could girls be so foolish.

"Xiaolu, I'm very sad." Snow Li could not express her own emotions. She was already confused and could not let go.

Ai XIaolu was stunned. Was this necessary, when did it become like this. F**k, Wang Zheng also did not appear to be that attractive.

But then thinking again, this was most probably Snow's first love. First love this sort of thing was brainless and illogical. It would reduce Snow's intelligence to 0.

But now looking at Wang Zheng that guy, and seeing Snow's helplessness, while Ai Xiaolu could not bear it, she had to wake Snow Li up with the cold harsh truth.

Chapter 783: Sharp Tongue and Mouth

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ai Xiaolu was racking her brains to explain to Snow Li what love was and at the same time, change Snow's concept of love.

On the other side, Redington's expression was not looking good. He suddenly felt that he would rather not have come to Aisbotan.

Cronode who was sitting at the opposite side seemed like he was smiling. Redington was definitely a powerful person and also a talent. In this era, resource, technology and talents were undoubtedly what every family was fighting for. Resources and technology would not betray them, but people were different, especially those talented ones. Cronode believed that bundling interests together was a way to get to them.

"Don't tell me that you thought that I'm here just to pick up girls."Cronode smiled in a relaxed manner, but Redington really was shocked.

The Cronode family wanted to conquer Aisbotan by force?

"Ahem, Shien, have you thought it through? Once you take action, you may cause riots. Even the Cronode family cannot suppress it." Redington did not know what they wanted to do and this was not within his abilities. The power of a single person was so small, the horizon was so small. It was like doing business. Some people would sell one piece by one piece, while others operate based on their capital by the millions.

Shien smiled lightly. "Aisbotan is now under the control of the Ai Financial Group. They account for 30% of the proceeds. This percentage is not a big deal, but their development of the Star is too slow. Everyone thinks that this cannot realize their own interests. The Hail Cloud Alliance needs funds to develop. Look at Arbiter and Aslan, the arms race has already started, and our Hail Cloud Alliance cannot fall behind."

Naturally, Redington was not a fool. Elites like him always paid attention to the international situation. The problem was he could only watch and listen, and Shien was that type of existence who could participate within. Of course, it was the family that he represented who was participating within.

Actually, to this step, Redington already had no choice. He had indicated his desire to stand by the side of the Cronode family, the Cronode family was sure to have seen his resume and made the choice to accept. This matter was a test. If he did not accept then he would be the Cronode family's enemy. If he did well, then the Cronode family would support him.

There was no doubt that Redington was a smart person, and a smart person with ambitions.

"Shien, this thing is an outright rebellion. I understand the domestic needs. The Ai family will definitely have their own considerations. We also know that this is a political matter. In order for this situation to remain under control, we have to give a good reason for it." Redington smiled.

Shien smiled slightly. He knew that the other party had already agreed. He was still satisfied with Redington's ability. The Cronode family needed people like him to get stronger and develop. It was alright to have ambitions but he had to be worth the money.

The Cronode family did hire mercenaries. Of course, they could also be called Interstellar pirates. The goal was not occupation, just robbery. As long as there was any problems, there would be some arguments during the council meeting. At the same time, the proposal regarding Aisbotan would resurface.

As for who was the mastermind, it did not matter. The two would just be accusing each other. The Cronode family was already good at doing such things.

Of course, it was not a problem dealing with one or two people in the midst of chaos. People like Wang Zheng without any background, coming and dying here would not mean anything. People like Ai Xiaolu on the other hand would certainly be fine. Harming Ai Xiaolu was the same as hitting the bottom line of the Ai Financial Group. The Cronode family did not intend to enter a full-blown war with the Ai Financial Group. At present, the competition between families was still based on their abilities and within a certain range.

As for Snow Li, it was another matter. Snow Li was definitely an important person that the Ai Financial Group wanted to develop, but she was not the heir. If he snatched Snow Li away, he would not hit their bottom line and at the same time it would make them lose face. Of course, the most important point was that Cronode himself would be very happy. This would be killing many birds with one stone.

Redington would not get any news on the specific arrangements. This thing was no more than a test for him from Cronode.

Cronode originally wanted to get rid of Redington together with Wang Zheng. Unexpectedly Wang Zheng had acted automatically and got rid of himself. This saved Cronode from having to make a move.

A mere person was nothing in front of power.

After consoling Snow Li, Ai Xiaolu walked alone to the window. Looking at the snow white world outside, she turned on her Skylink.

"How are the preparations?"

"Miss, everything is smooth. The pirate team has already been blocked by us. We have surrounded them."

Ai Xiaolu turned off her Skylink. The battles between the Ai family and Cronode family were intensifying. Shien was no doubt the representation of elites of the Cronode family. This guy was famous for being underhanded from young. Ai Xiaolu had paid attention to him since he arrived at the Elite Academy. As the focus of conflict between the two families, Aisboten itself was at the centre of the conflict. Very obviously, the nonsense at the council meeting had caused the Cronode family to lose their patience. Based on their usual way of handling matters, they would use the fastest way to cut through all troubles. One had to say that this move had already won the support of a portion of people.

The Milky Way Alliance had ended the distribution of resources. More than 10 years of peace had led to the road of quick development. But, as some benficiaries strengthened, their development entered another bottleneck. Ai Xiaolu was uneasy about such situations. However she also knew that she was just one person and could not care about other places. But the Hail Cloud Alliance was related to her own personal benefits.

Things were going very smoothly. It was as she guessed. While the intelligence collected by the guards' team of the Ai Financial Group, and the pirate group caught by them would not form a fatal threat to the Cronode family, but at least on the council, they could teach them a lesson.

Turning off her Skylink, Ai Xiaolu had the nagging feeling that something was wrong. It seemed… like things were progressing a little too smoothly.

However, retrospectively, it did not seem too easy as well. After all, if not for her out of the box thinking, the other party might have just succeeded already.

Shien Cronode and Redington walked towards her. They were chatting happily. Seeing Ai Xiaolu, both of them smiled at her. You had to admit, based on appearances, both of them were handsome. People coming from Hail Cloud Alliance were normally handsome guys and beauties.

"Xiaolu, watching the snow scenery alone? The base is out searching for Wang Zheng already. Looks like we��ve to train on our own again today." Redington said. After all Redington was her classmate for many years, they were still quite familiar.

Ai Xiaolu knew that Redington had totally joined the Cronode family. Originally she had also tried hard to get this person to join their side.

It was a pity they had different values and goals and could not work together.

"Classmate Ai, don't look at me as though you are looking at a thug. We are now at the very least classmates. While our families may have their differences but those are the adults' businesses. Shouldn't we get along well as classmates?"

Shien smiled.

Ai Xiaolu smiled. This Shien was also famously difficult to deal with. "Birds of the same feather flock together. Classmate Shien, there's still time. We can discuss this slowly."

The three of them naturally would not lose their temper like kids. Shien smacked his forehead. "Aiya, I heard that you like that Wang Zheng very much. You even invested in him. Before coming to the Elite Academy, my friends and I were still talking about that. We are thinking which guy had such the fortune to actually be chosen by the young Miss of the Ai family. Unexpectedly, you did it for classmate Snow. Tsk, tsk. You guys really are the best of friends."

Redington was also smiling slightly. This Shien really could insult another without coarse language. On one hand he was saying that Ai Xiaolu was maintaining a gigolo, and also hinting that she was romantically linked to Wang Zheng. It was unclear how the rumours have spread at Hail Cloud. After all, Ai Xiaolu's investment in Earth was something very meaningless to the outside world. If not for the huge profits reaped at the end, there was no knowing what rumours would be spread.

Ai Xiaolu smiled and she smiled more brightly. "Well, those with ability work harder. Even if I'm the smaller one, I'm willing to invest in a man like Wang Zheng. But for some people, even if they kneeled and begged at my door, I would never give them a chance. Both are men, yet why is there such a huge difference?"

As she said, Ai Xiaolu winked at the two of them. "The two of you enjoy your discussion. I'll leave first."

After speaking, Ai Xiaolu walked pass the two of them like a proud peacock.

Shien and Redington exchanged a look. "This girl is still so sharp tongued."

Redington shook his head.

"Is that Wang Zheng really that strong?" Shien was on the contrary interested now. Of course he knew that Ai Xiaolu was joking but to say that, there was most likely some truth in it.

Ai Xiaolu was a rational person. She was the type of person who could sacrifice herself for the benefit of her family. There was no doubt to this. In her bones, she and Cronode were the same type of people. They were both one of the typical family elite. However Snow Li was a simple and pure girl. There was nothing complicated. When she looked at a person, she also followed her instinct. These two totally different persons could become friends but why would they like the same man?

Chapter 784: Everything Under Control

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

"It doesn't matter whether he is strong or not." As a Hail Cloud citizen, Redington was very clear on what sort of place Aisbotan was. He was even clearer how insignificant humans were under this type of snow storm.

You don't say, Wang Zheng's disappearance actually gave him a feeling of relief. This person could always give his opponents great stress.

"That's true, let's wait a few day before the good show starts."

Shien laughed. A person who did big things never cared about the details. He would let Ai Xiaolu live for a while. The bait had already been bitten, so the plan had no more problems.

Looking at Ai Xiaolu's back, Shien let out a smirk. What the Ai Financial Group caught was only the bait that they released. That was prepared just in case. He did not expect that the Ai Financial Group really caught it. This was really unexpected. But then thinking about it, that was logical. They were after all they were an old family of the Hail Cloud Alliance. They were like a big tree with deep roots.

Except even in their dreams, they would not expect the biggest killing move to have arrived.

This snowstorm came at the right time!

The patrolling team's search range was very wide. The other people on the other hand continued training as planned. Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu could only wait. After waiting the whole day, there was still no news at all. But not only were there no news on Wang Zheng, even the search team was gone.

No one would ignore this matter. The whole base entered a state of alert. Wang Zheng was after all one of the true elite students of the Elite Academy X and had a secretive background. Even though they knew for sure that there was no hope, they still had to make a show and carry out the necessary moves. They sent out six patrol teams and not one actually made it back. This obviously meant that something big had happened.

At this point, the alarms of the base suddenly sounded. The Ice Spear City had entered a complete state of alert. There was an incoming attack on the base!

Aisbotan was a very deserted planet. The armies that were based here were very small. They only handled the daily maintenance of law and order, or some other little matters. After all this was the territory of Hail Cloud Alliance. In addition, the order in space was always very good. Besides, there were only mines here. Even if the pirates came, how much could they ferry away?

After all this was not as valuable and rare as the super gravitational energy ore mines. Hence, even using their butts, they could see that there were no benefits to robbing the mines here.

However, if this was for political advantages, then it was another matter.

The alarm sounded. It was especially melodious to Shien and Redington's ears. Originally, the military power in the base was not much and they had sent out many to search for Wang Zheng. Just right, all was lost. This also reduced a lot of trouble for attacking and invading Ice Spear City.

"I didn't expect Wang Zheng's death to be so useful." Shien smiled. He did

not have much contact with this person. He did not expect him to unexpectedly aid him.

Redington smiled slightly. "Not only that, we might make a big story out of this thing."

"Oh?" Shien thought about it and immediately understood. Wang Zheng and Ai Xiaolu no doubt were good friends. This thing was not a secret in Hail Cloud. Ai Financial Group and KING Company's cooperation was also considered a beautiful tale of the business world. Even the Hail Cloud Alliance wanted to strengthen their ties with the Solar System Federation. The Solar System Federation had a political position but no power. To ally with such a federation was no doubt very suitable for the current international situation. Hence, recently there were quite a number of good news for the Ai Financial Group but this was not good for the Cronode family.

However if this was a trap for Aisbotan laid by the Solar System Federation, represented by Wang Zheng and Ai Financial Group, the whole situation would change.

This was most likely even more offensive than the original plan by the Cronode family, especially when Wang Zheng was dead and could not speak for himself. To the outside world, they could even say that Wang Zheng actually did not die and he was the bait.

As for whether the members of the council would believe, that was not important as long as they did not have the evidence.

Most students had a blur facial expression. They did not know what had happened at all. Ai Xiaolu's facial expression was on the other hand extremely bad.

She knew that she fell into a trap this time. Not only did she fall into a trap, the results were most likely to be difficult to control.

Snow Li was after all not a normal person. After listening to Ai Xiaolu's analysis, she had already at the moment pushed down her worries for Wang Zheng.

"Xiaolu, could it be that you have over thought this. It is not easy to air drop a troop of soldiers onto Aisbotan. To do it without anyone knowing is even more difficult."

Ai Xiaolu shook her head. "Under normal circumstances this may not be possible. But previously, Hail Cloud Alliance had a large scale mine business deal. If it was arranged at that time, then the situation is different."

"You mean that this group of people had always been hiding at Aisbotan?"

Snow Li was also very horrified. It also meant that this plan had been prepared for at least half a year of time. And of the surrounding planets, only Aisbotan was the most suitable. The environment here was harsh and there were ice beasts. Not to say hiding an army, even hiding a fleet would be easy.

And with the cover from Cronode family, this would be easy. You could only say that the Cronode family was very ambitious.

Thinking about it, it made sense. Their opponent was the Ai Financial Group. How could they not take it seriously? It was also no wonder why the Cronode family could grow so quickly. They executed plans with careful details and were ruthless.

It looked like Shien's entrance into the Academy and coming here was part of the plan. It was obvious that he as the family heir was here so that he had an alibi. He would not be considered as entirely innocent but at least he had some defence. The Cronode family was all along bold and ruthless. They never sought total perfection. As long as there was a 70 to 80% chance of succeeding, it would be worth the risk. Hence they were always the victorious party in the end. At a time when others would have plenty of considerations, they had already started to execute their plans.

Ai Xiaolu looked at the world outside. The Ice Spear City now had become a visibly vacated city.

It was difficult to rely only on the remaining troops of the Ice Spear City and these Elite Academy student soldiers to repel the invaders.

And at this moment, an announcement was made in the base.

"All warriors and students of Elites Academy please pay attention. I am Shien Cronode. I will be temporarily in charge of commanding what will happen during this emergency situation."

Who was Shien?

Obviously no one would care, especially at such a moment. Who were you to take responsibility just by declaring that you would take responsibility, who did he think he was?

But the surname Cronode was famous throughout the Hail Cloud Alliance. If you did not know this, you would not really be considered as a Hail Cloud citizen.

"Students of the Elite Academy X, please pay attention. I am Redington from Xuan class 1. I will be supporting Shien Cronode's command. Now that it is an emergency situation, please prepare for battle. All students report immediately to the armoury." Redington's voice was filled with an unquestionable aura.

As a famous powerful person from Xuan class 1, and with outstanding performance during the Elites competition, at this moment there were not really anyone who could rebut him. The quality of Elite Academy X was relatively high and the students immediately rushed towards the armoury. There was even a hint of excitement. They did not expect to experience a war here.

In the command room, Shien Cronode and Redington exchanged a confident smile that showed that they had everything under control.

The events unfolded even more smoothly than imagined. What if they were met with an attack?

Of course, the first thing was to contact the outside world but the reception was interfered with. The enemy had strong interfering jammer which was now being handled by the specialised technicians. They were responsible for solving this problem. The second was to protect the safety of Ice Spear City.

There was no doubt. It was a matter of human life.

Then as for the other matters, they could not spare extra concern.

Chapter 785: Taking the Initiative to Attack

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

The mineral reserves had no value to the pirates. This type of loot was too heavy and hard to sell. However, unfortunately, the trading of processed mineral products was very profitable. Moreover there was a batch of resources from the Ice Spear City right here. It was worth a lot.

Obviously for the Cronode Family, this wasn't significant at all. However since they were the pirates now, they would have to rob something.

The latest plan was to send a small portion of the army to attack the Ice Spear City. Following which, the Cronode Family would lead a group of brilliant and valiant warriors in and defeat the pirates while protecting the lives and property of the citizens in Ice Spear City. As to the mineral industry base being robbed, that was also inevitable. After all, the people were more important. In addition, Shien's and Redington's outstanding performance would also be remembered. Not only would the Elite Academy reward them, the Hail Cloud Alliance would too. Coincidentally, Shien and Redington were both from the Hail Cloud Alliance. Wouldn't this make them the idols of the new generation?

The plan couldn't keep up with the changes as the changes always triumphed over the plan.

Shien had also not expected things to turn out this way. As for the incident of Snow Li, it was even simpler. Snow Li had led a group of people to defend a place. All he had to do was to send people to capture Snow Li alive. There should always be some casualties in a cross fire.

Everything was within the control of Shien and Redington. The normal soldiers in the base did not have many objections. This was partly due to the influence of the Cronode Family. On the other hand, it was also because these students had come from strong backgrounds. There wouldn't be a problem for them to go up against 10 times their own number. In addition, the main person in charge was also missing. The typical soldiers wouldn't care about these. They were hoping that with Cronode being on Aisbotan, the reinforcement team would arrive quickly. After all, he was the young master of the family and there was no room for any errors. If the reinforcement team had arrived late, he might be killed.

Snow Li, Ai Xiaolu and the rest had arrived one after another at the mecha warehouse. The other students were all here too. What were stored here was the signature regular mecha of Hail Cloud Alliance, the Ice Wolf V. Beast type mecha was very suitable for battling on an ice field.

Just a while ago, they had received the news that Tank City had been raided. The actual scenario was still unclear. The Ice Spear City had already become a desolate city now with connections to the outside world being cut off. Based on the news from Tank City, the enemy's scale was a column of mecha. This would also mean that there were at least a thousand mobile warriors. They were highly discipline with tight formations and were definitely not some stray soldiers. They looked more like regular soldiers.

Everyone was shocked by the news. If it was only a hundred or two, the Elite Academy would definitely be able to take them down easily. However, if there was an entire troop with mecha, this would be a tough job.

"Are we going to defend the Ice Spear City tenaciously?" asked Cal Yingmeng weakly. Not all the students of Elite Academy weren't afraid of dying. It was especially so when the difference in strength was so distinct. It was clear that no matter if it was the interstellar pirates or any other things, they weren't here for them. There wasn't a need to clash with them head on.

Everyone looked at Shien Cronode. Shien was also a little surprised. These people had not followed the plan and this had caused him a headache. He knew beforehand that these desperate refugees wouldn't play by the rules. He also had to be careful or he might lose more if he tumbled. No matter how much wealth or authority they had, it wouldn't be more important than one's life.

"We should be defending the base tenaciously instead of the Ice Spear City. The Ice Spear City is too huge and doesn't have anything important. Our numbers aren't a lot with only about 100 including the remaining soldiers. We wouldn't have any chance of victory going against the enemy in battle. Moreover, they even have heavy weapons!"

The intention of Shien was clear. That was to give up the Ice Spear City and defend the base with their lives. After all, the military base at least had energy shields and they wouldn't be pulled down by the burdensome city. If they really could not hold on, they could even retreat.

"Shien, you seemed to have forgotten that we were students from the Elite Academy. We are reserve soldiers but we are still considered to be soldiers. Since when have you heard of soldiers giving up on their citizens so that they could escape?!" said Ai Xiaolu coldly. "Although the enemies' numbers are higher, we are elite warriors. If we are afraid of some disorderly crowd, what are we?"

After listening to Ai Xiaolu, the rest had their fighting spirit ignited. Although the enemies' numbers were greater, they were the elites from Academy X. What was there to be afraid of?

"Student Xiaolu, I can understand your thoughts and our responsibilities. However, we have understood from the intelligence sent by Tank City that the other party was a complete column of interstellar pirates. They had broken through the defenses of Tank City in less than 10 minutes. This would imply that they have heavy weapons. If we were to face them head on, only death would await us. As a member of the Elite Academy, we can't make sacrifices in vain and just have brute courage." said Redington.

If there were heavy weapons, they might not be useful at all. The key thing here was that there wasn't anyone here that commanded the respect of everyone. Even those with some fame had conflicts between themselves. The others were even more unsure of what they should do.

"I had a thought. If the enemies were interstellar pirates, their aim should be raiding and robbing. Therefore they would definitely attack the Ice Spear City soon. I believe that the disruption of signals from Aisbotan must have been discovered by the Hail Cloud Alliance. They would definitely make their response and therefore the time left for the pirates would not be much. We could do a two pronged counterattack together with Ice Spear City!" said Snow Li. "The frontline of Ice Spear City could attract the attention of the heavy weapons as we flank from the back and the sides to attack their formation."

Ai Xiaolu who was standing at the side immediately clapped and praised the idea. "With our skills and mobility, we don't deserve to be students of the Elite Academy if we can't even suppress a group of pirates. I'm from the Hail Cloud Alliance and will live or die together with Aisbotan. I will never bow down to the pirates!"

AI Xiaolu's words were decisive and she was able to cause similar feelings to resonate amongst quite a number of people around who were from Hail Cloud Alliance. If the other party had the absolute advantage, it would be inevitable to think about preserving oneself. However the other party did not have an overwhelming advantage in numbers.

If they were to cower at this moment, they might had to do so for the rest of their lives.

Shien frowned. He didn't expect Ai Xiaolu to be so instigative. Just when he was about to say something, the other students had already started roaring.

"That's right! This is the real practical experience. We have trained just for such a moment!"

In an instant, those who chose to fight overwhelmed those who wanted to hide. The plan was also simple. Those remaining soldiers in the base would be responsible for defending the Ice Spear City while the students of the Elite Academy would be split into 4 teams and moved out of the city's boundary to engage in guerrilla warfare with the enemies.

As long as it wasn't a head-on battle but small harassment, it was still hard to say who the prey really were.

Seeing that the main situation had been settled, Shien and Redington found that it wasn't a good time for them to say more. If they continued acting this way, suspicions would definitely be raised. If news of someone from the Cronode Family and an expert of the Xuan Grade Class 1 were afraid of pirates were to spread, they wouldn't be able to survive in the future.

Snow Li, Ai Xiaolu, Redington and Shien each led 9 people. The Ice Wolf V mecha was definitely not foreign to any Ability users with "Ice" attribute.

Snow Li had already entered the mecha and instantly made a connection with the G material. As the mech interface started up, she took a deep breadth. This wasn't time for her to think about Wang Zheng. All she hoped for now was for Wang Zheng to be safe. What she had to face now was war. There was a sentence from Ai Xiaolu that was right. As someone from the Hail Cloud Alliance, she definitely had to protect her homeland!


Shien Cronode had a headache. Under regular circumstances, it would take at most 5-6 hours for the Hail Cloud Alliance's space fleet to discover that something was wrong. However the issue was that the Cronode Family had already been devising about this plan for a long time. It would take at least a few days. The situation was a little beyond control now. He wouldn't want to die in his own plan.

The other party were true pirates. However… they weren't just any ordinary pirates but the DK pirate crew. This was an existence that would even rob the Arbiter Commerce group. There were indeed just a column of them. However their strength were even more brutal and violent than regular soldiers.

Shien Cronode did not care about what others would do. He didn't intend to seek his own death. Once they were in a crossfire, guns and bullets wouldn't recognize the targets.

Shien felt a little bottled up. He had originally thought that he had reached an agreement with the DK Pirate Crew and the other party would follow the rules a little. However based on the current situation, the other party were still pirates at their core.

He was being a little too naïve. Originally, Tank City wasn't part of the target of raids and robbery. The Cronode Family didn't want to completely destroy Aisbotan as they would have suffered a huge loss from it too. However, it would seem that these pirates didn't care about all these.

The DK Pirate Crew probably knew about it. The Cronode Family had also refrained from taking more actions in fear of the pirates. They might even defend the DK Pirate Crew vehemently to help them stopped the regular soldiers from discovering about them. Otherwise, if the pirate crew was captured, the Cronode Family wouldn't have a great outcome too.

Shien had analysed the situation calmly and made his decision. No matter what the DK Pirate Crew did, all he needed to do now was to wait and observe the changes.

Chapter 786: The Moral Integrity of an S-class Pirate

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Ice Spear City had entered a state of preparation for war. The current generation of citizens' qualities of reacting to change were still relatively great. They didn't panic despite hearing about pirates would be attacking the city. All the citizens had stayed in their home and the entire streets of the city were empty. The police system and the mineral-mining mecha were all expropriated. They were able to barely put together a mecha team of slightly less than 200 to defend the Ice Spear City. However, it was clear that such a "motley crowd" would at most be able to make up the numbers. Once they encountered the real mecha battle teams, it would collapse in just a short while. However, there were no other solutions. There were many different types of pirates. It was still hard to encounter one that only went after money and not the lives. However, some of the pirates couldn't care less about the Milky Way Alliance's rules and would kill, burn and rob without reserves. That would be truly dangerous.

Ai Xiaolu and the other 3 teams had already rushed out and disappeared within the endless ice field. The 4 teams were separated into 4 directions and would fight independently. At this moment, there were no such things as commanding strategy.

Redington and Shien did not escape. They also couldn't totally disregard the impacts. Doing an all-out surveilance was also a must. However, Redington and Shien would never fire the first shot. If they could profit in a confused environment, they wouldn't be afraid to snatch some achievements. However both of them knew clearly that fighting with the DK Pirate Crew would be equivalent to seeking their own death.

This didn't mean that that the students of the Elite Academy weren't strong. However, this trial was still an individual trial in nature. There wasn't any teamwork and collaboration. As for the DK Pirate's column of mecha, they had 100 small sections. Every section could be considered to have experienced over a hundred battles and their chemistry and collaboration were rather good. Although the transaction this time wasn't huge, the Cronode Family would be giving them a huge sum of rewards on top of whatever they raided and robbed. Therefore the strength of this column would definitely not be weak.

Shien's and Redington's plan was to wait till the other party retreated. During which, they would try to eliminate 1 or 2 small sections. Fighting them head-on was definitely not possible.

However, the bad news had reached them. Tank City had been burned to the ground. When the news had spread to Ice Spear City, it still caused panic. Also, the connection to the outside world was still in the state of being cut off.

Typical pirates would not leave any clues behind unless they were the S-class pirates that were wanted by the Milky Way Alliance. These pirates had already lost all humanity. Whatever human rights and regulations on war captives from the Milky Way Alliance would be completely disregarded by them. They would kill the men while the women would be sold off as slaves. One could say that they were the darkest side of humans left behind by the Interstellar Voyage age.

Most of the time, there were highly skilled masters within such pirate crews.

At this moment, Tank City was immersed in a sea of flame and cries. Bartley looked down at this scene from high ground as the soldiers were raiding and robbing the city. It was obvious their collaboration with the Cronode Family did not include this. However they were pirates and weren't the subordinates of the Cronode Family. Since they were here, they couldn't return without any thing.

"Column captain, it was unexpected that such an inconspicuous mineral planet was this rich." said a lean and tall middle-aged man of approximately 50 years old who were standing beside Bartley. He was the chief of staff of the DK Pirate's brutal Column army, Karen. The truth was for some of the stronger Pirate Crews, they had even stricter regulations than regular soldiers. They were all managed by in a highly-militarised way.

A cold smile appeared on the side of Bartley's mouth. "When there were people, there was wealth. If the resources from just one mineral area were enough to satisfy us, we, DK, would be too cheap."

"The Cronode Family would have felt cheated but they can't tell others about it."

Bartley shook his head slightly. "The Cronode Family definitely knew clearly that we would be doing this. They aren't idiots. Since they had hired us, they have to pay the price. Moreover, no matter what the losses are, they wouldn't be the biggest loser. The bigger the commotion we cause, the more they would be pleased."

"Column captain was brilliant to completely see through them." laughed Karen. "It was because of these rich people that gave us the space to survive."

However, Bartley didn't smile and his face was still cold and stern. "Asked our brothers to hurry up. We still have some time and we can take down Ice Spear City on our way."

Karen was stunned for a while. "Column captain, there is a little problem at the Ice Spear City…"

After all, Shien Cronode, Ai Xiaolu and the rest from Elite Academy were there. The standards of these people were not ordinary. Currently they had zero casualties among their soldiers. If they went to that place…

Bartley glanced at Karen but didn't say a word. Karen could felt a chill down her spine and immediately relayed the orders.

The Cronode Family had truly miscalculated. They had thought that the DK Pirate Crew would not trespass a certain point and that would be preparations for their future collaborations. However, Pirate Crews that were classified as S-class would usually not act like the norm.

Karen was clear. Why would Column captain do so? This was because the blood and fire in Tank City had excited the Column captain. Since they had already started killing, they had to satisfy the urge to kill. There wasn't any meaning in killing those that couldn't retaliate. If he wanted to kill, he wanted to kill those that could put up a fight.

When one was strong, they could be stubborn. There wasn't any reasoning.

However, the situation seemed to have lost control. Karen was truly afraid. Pirates were about being untraceable when they arrived and left. If they were trapped in Aisbotan, that would be a road to death.

The Cronode Family had contacted DK through the underworld. The two parties wouldn't meet directly. Some of the things were better off with both parties understanding what the other wanted. After all, the Cronode Family had depended on this to rise in power. If it was any other small pirate crew, they might just leave after getting some benefits. However, everyone had overlooked the blood-thirsty Bartley.

When he heard the words "Elite Academy," Karen was already feeling a little worried. She had not expected it to really happen.

Blood-thirsty Bartley was famous even in the underworld. An Earth Grade master and was ranked on the X-ranking Board. He was a major pillar of DK too. Countless Federation's elites were killed in his hands. Among which, there was even a major general.

No one knew what grudges Bartley had with Elite Academy. However when there was a chance of slaughtering the people from Elite Academy, Bartley would never let it past.

After Bartley's orders were relayed, the army had evacuated from Tank City in just 3 short hours. With consecutive WARNING sirens, Tank City had completed become a sea of flames.

Nothing was left!

The transport ships were transporting resources and some slaves constantly towards the battle ships. As for the column of mecha, they had changed direction and headed towards the Ice Spear City.

Bartley had already obtained what he wanted most from the pillaging of Tank City. There were only 41 little kitties. These were in fact the most valuable objects of all.

Students of Elite Academy, no matter male or female, could be sold for a good price. If there was a beautiful girl and she was a virgin, she would be worth an astronomical amount.

The data was clear. When he saw Snow Li, Ai Xiaolu and a few of the others girls, Bartley's expression had turned extremely hideous and cold. It was especially so for Snow Li and Ai Xiaolu. He knew about the two of them. One of them was a blessed girl that was born in the Dancing Ice Dragon year while the other was the beloved daughter of the Ai Financial Group. Hehe. This Cronode Financial Organisation was truly up to something bad.

As for Shien Cronode, Bartley did not have any interest in him. Although he disregarded rules and did whatever he wished, it didn't mean that he was brainless. The only bottom line was to keep the life of Cronode. In this way, he could still fulfil the transaction.

The column of mecha army was advancing on the icy field in mighty contingents. Bartley was at the forefront operating a super mech. He liked the feeling of moving in an open field with the world under his feet.

Obviously, Bartley was looking forward to the battle. That would allow his almost frozen blood and soul to feel a little warmth and remind him that he was still alive.

… What was that thing?

At the edge of the ice field, there seemed to be a little black dot.

Chapter 787: One on One Fight

Translator: Abyssruler Editor: Lucas

Wang Zheng had achieved enlightenment within the snow storm and was having a joyous gathering with a group of special little pals. The ice beasts had clearly treated Wang Zheng as one of them and weren't rejecting him in the least. Wang Zheng could clearly feel the uniqueness of these ice beasts. Accurately speaking, they could be considered as half-living entities and were highly sagacious but their intelligence weren't very high. They could only be considered as animal and couldn't be considered as intelligent lifeforms.

After achieving enlightenment, Wang Zheng knew that he should be returning to the team. However, he discovered a tragic question. He was lost…

After the snow storm subsided, he had also lost his sense of direction. Although his Skylink had a navigation function, it seemed that it wasn't easy to use. At least Wang Zheng had not discovered the usefulness of it. He was feeling a little regretful for damaging the bracelet provided.

However, Wang Zheng didn't mind at all. He came to Aisbotan to increase his abilities. The normal training method wasn't suitable for him and couldn't achieve his aims. When he had to be stubborn, he would still have to be. At least the rewards he got now had way exceeded expectations.

When Wang Zheng saw the mecha, he was extremely delighted. He was even feeling a little teary. His stamina was still way above an average person. Primordial Regression Technique could generate energy for him. After understanding about the Heart of Ice, he could also absorb a little energy from the external world. After all, he was just a life form.


He wouldn't be full even if he stuffed his stomach with snow. When he felt the earth trembling with his hands, he was so happy that he wanted to cheer. He could finally have meat.

However, Wang Zheng soon realised that something was not right. From the sound of the earth trembling, he could tell that there was a large number of mecha. Moreover, the tempo was rather tight and discipline with the speed of advancing extremely fast. This was definitely not what a rescue team should have. In addition, he didn't think he was so important for them to send a large team.

One should know that the base in Aisbotan was only a small base. Why would there suddenly be so many mobile warriors?

Killing intent was lingering in the atmosphere with a light scent of blood. This felt completely out of place with the snow white world.

Wang Zheng immediately buried himself. He didn't think that he could take on an entire army.

Wang Zheng ability's in digging wasn't bad at all but he was still being stepped on for a few times and was almost buried alive. It wasn't easy for him to hold on till that bloodthirsty army to passed.

He could now understand what the fires and thick smoke from afar meant. Wang Zheng immediately followed the mecha army. If he wasn't spotted by anyone, no one would believe that a person could run so far in the snow.

One shouldn't just judge Wang Zheng's casual attitude when he was alone previously. When he understood the situation, Wang Zheng seemed to have transformed to an entirely different person and wasn't intimidated by the large size of the mecha column at all.

Wang Zheng made a rough estimate that there were approximately about a thousand or more mobile warriors. The models of the mecha were not consistent and therefore they would definitely not be part of the regular army. However, the advance of the group was still disciplined and with order. Those that fulfilled the earlier conditions could only possibly be… pirates.

Wang Zheng didn't know where he was and where this group of people were going. Disregarding the fact that he was alone, he would not dare to take action rashly even if someone gave him a mech. He could sense it just from the imposing manner they emanated that this group of people weren't just a motley crowd.

Wang Zheng was feeling a little worried for Snow Li and the rest. He had to find a way to understand the situation first!!

The advance of the army was very successful. After a consecutive 5 hours quick march, Bartley ordered for everyone to reorganise themselves for half an hour. The next time they advanced would be to enter battle directly.

There was ample time. Bartley wanted to achieve the greatest results with the least price. Obviously, he wanted to fully satisfy his hobby.

Although there was definitely no threat here this bloodthirsty column had also experienced major wars and escaped from death several times. Therefore they wouldn't be totally relaxed at this moment. A small scout section spread themselves out. The main aim was still to prevent any small kids from succeeding in causing any issues.

Bartley was very confident but there was something great about him. That was no matter if the opponents were strong or weak, he would prefer to go all out and roll over them. Bullying the weak was the true source of happiness.

Just like the little girl in front of her. She was very young, juicy and was very scared. This type of fear was truly great. He could enjoy her beautiful body and fear.

The girl was crying helplessly but it was completely useless. The rest of the people were crowding around outside. They were completely used to it. In the snowfield, the clothes of the girl were ripped apart. It was just that one wouldn't know her trembling was due to fear or the cold.

The pirates were either resting or eating food to replenish their stamina. This was undoubtedly a great harvest. Moreover, this could further enhance the awe of the DK Pirate Crew further.

Disregarding the risks, for a column to be mobilised, the exhaustion of resources was not little. These supplies might not be anything for regular soldiers but were extremely expensive for pirates. If they couldn't cover their costs, how could they go on?

A scout mech of the pirate was doing his routine patrol. Honestly speaking, he didn't hope that he would be allocated this task. The rest were all eating or resting while he had to do such a tiring chore. Moreover, this was a remote place without anything let alone enemies. This was entirely a one-sided slaughter.

What did the superiors say that there would be students from the Elite Academy? Tsk. These kids had probably been scared off by now.

Boss was probably playing with women again. This was a fetish of the boss. It was especially so in some special environment. Tsk. Oh damn. When could I reach that level? It would be worth it by then.

They were able to get quite a number of girls this time. It wasn't easy being pirates in this age. This batch could be considered as relatively great.

Within his view, there weren't any mech warriors. Rio didn't know why he got the sudden urge. When he was raiding previously, he almost got to bed a girl. However, an emergency order was given. It was a pity. This type of barely being able to but not allowed to at the end, type of feeling was really unbearable.

Rio decided to nourish his mind a little. He squinted his eyes and started to imagine the expression of the girl as he tortured her.

… Damn, what was that???

Rio seemed to have spotted a person… it was really a person!

A person had scampered to his pilot cabin before he realised what had happened. How could this be possible?

In this ice and snow environment, the person should have been frozen stiff. Subconsciously, he punched out. The figure had disappeared.

Rio couldn't help but tease himself. He must have gone crazy thinking about women such that he even had illusions. It was also because he was cooped up in this place for too long and had nothing nice to eat.


The body of the mech trembled. This time, Rio wasn't hallucinating. That figure appeared again. This brat was actually damaging with his bare hands… the mech???

Scout mech, MK III from the Hail Cloud Alliance. Every punch of Wang Zheng landed on the joints. Rio didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Was this d*mned kid crazy enough to be expecting to dismantle the mech with his bare hands? Did this guy think that he was a robot?

MK's metal fist smashed towards Wang Zheng. Wang Zheng smiled gently and suddenly did a somersault backwards. He kicked towards the elbow of the mech with his momentum. Rio truly didn't think much about it. This was because any ordinary person would have known that this was equivalent to throwing eggs on a rock.


A large force was felt coming his way. Rio did not even had the time to react when the metal fist of the MK slammed towards the operating cabin.


The operating cabin was smashed open. That person who was sent flying from the recoil had returned like a ghost…