1271 - 1282

Chapter 1271: Shocking Confession (Supplement 2)

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Beautiful women; beauty. Everyone had their own definition. A hundred people had a hundred different standards. It was difficult to say who was the most beautiful. However, they were the only ones who could stand on stage at the finals!

When the introduction of the four of them was over, everything suddenly stopped without any warning. Of course, as the commentators, Jondi Lilick and Si Jiali had to maintain order and gave some reminders. But the sudden silence came without any warning. This was because everyone knew that the highly anticipated person was coming up next.

Si Jiali calmed herself down. Today, she was a supporter of the Sword Shield Rose battle team. "The next person to take the stage is the captain of Saruman Snake. The creator of miracles. Those who adore him gave him a nickname, the mighty Demon King!"

This was the moment to witness a miracle. Having come this far and to this day, Wang Zheng had conquered a great deal. Perhaps he did not feel it himself. But when a person had accumulated miracle after miracle, when he had won battle after battle, he had already conquered the hearts of the people.

Yes, conquered.

Frenzied cheers were heard from the inside and outside of the Knights of Light arena. Yes, it included the Aslan people. Aslan was indeed a very open-minded nation. It was the nation that was the least narrow-minded and nationalist. As such, Wang Zheng had attracted a lot of Aslan people. To them, he represented perfection.

Wang Zheng was appearing now. There was a kind of person who would attract the attention of everyone when they appeared. For a long time, no matter where they go, Aslan had always been the main lead, but suddenly, they had become the supporting cast instead.

Wang Zheng had appeared, but not alone. He was pushing a wheelchair. And in it was Zhang Shan.

Just then, the people remembered Wang Zheng's words. He had said that he would bring Zhang Shan to the finals. Back on Earth, upon witnessing this scene, countless people began to cry in the already fanatic Ares College. They were brothers. They would walk together till the very end.

The continuous waves of cheers became louder and louder. This was something that other teams were lacking. Saruman Snake was telling the world what a true battle team was and what it meant to be brothers for life and death!

These cheers of the millions of spectators, from the inside to the outside of the Knights of Light arena, spread to the rest of the world, to all the academies in the Milky Way Alliance. These academies had lost their concerns for their motherlands. They only needed to support the person that they wanted to support the most. That was right, other than their own country, Saruman Snake was the only one that they wanted to support. They only wanted to support Wang Zheng.

Wang Zheng and Zhang Shan gave a military salute together. It was a simple gesture that was done many times before and yet it was enough to drive every human from Earth crazy. After all, only a small number of them could be here. However, millions of people from different parts of the Solar System had gathered at Ares College, both on the inside and outside. They wanted to witness this moment at Wang Zheng's alma mater. This was no less impressive than the home ground of the Aslan Empire.

If, and only if, Wang Zheng could lead the team to victory, then what he would attain was not merely a championship.

The endless cheers continued until Jondi Lilick's voice sounded. "Let us now hear from the two captains. Let's welcome Captain Lin Feng!"

The spot light was now on Lin Feng. Impeccably handsome, impeccably capable. "A month from today will be the birthday of the mother of the great Aslan. Today, we will dedicate this championship as a gift. Glory to Aslan!"

The five Aslan team members saluted in unison. Incomparably resolute. As soon as a person was qualified to be on this stage, he would realise that nothing in this world was more important than this moment, regardless of who it was!

Today, right now. This was everything in life!

Without a doubt, as a complete Sword Shield Rose battle team, they were united as one, determined as one. They had but one common goal: to fight for Aslan!

Lin Feng naturally had the support from countless people of Aslan. Even the supporters of Saruman Snake did not dislike the Sword Shield Rose battle team. An impeccable team, strong and outstanding!

"Let's welcome Captain Wang Zheng!" Jondi Lilick's voice sounded. The entire arena instantly went quiet automatically. Everyone in the Milky Way Alliance was focused on Wang Zheng. Everyone's hearts were beating rapidly. What was Wang Zheng going to say now?

"It is because of a girl that I have come this far and am standing right here. I am grateful that we met six years ago, that she accepted me for who I am and believed in the cowardly me. Today, I will honour my promise and dedicate my victory to you."

The entire arena boiled over. No one had ever expected that Wang Zheng would make such a shocking confession at a time like this. Who could the girl be?

Six years ago? When he had nothing? Cowardly?

Could these words be used on the great Demon King?

Indeed, six years ago, Wang Zheng was still in Ares College, far away in an unknown academy on Earth. Who had made such a man???

Instantly, the fire of rumors began to burn brightly in the hearts of everyone. Wang Zheng had made the declaration of victory. Yes, he was here to win!

What she had endured was much more than he had. Regardless of whether it was the now famous Wang Zheng or back when he almost could not make it to Ares College, she had always been there.

If there was no Aina, there would be no Wang Zheng of today.

In the stands, Aina was already in tears. For a woman, there was nothing happier than a declaration of love

On the other hand, Kashawen looked furious. Of course, the expressions on the faces of the members of the Sword Shield Rose battle team were the same too. They knew very well who Wang Zheng was talking about. If they allowed Wang Zheng to win the championship, then this unscrupulous guy could very well do something that the people of Aslan would regret. From each other's eyes, Lin Feng and the rest knew the true meaning of this battle very well.

Both teams were now in preparation mode. The six-year wait had given this battle a different meaning. Everyone wanted to know what kind of girl could give Wang Zheng such great strength to help him come this far. However, Wang Zheng seemed to have been overly confident with his worlds. Obviously, he wanted to dedicate the victory to the other party, but this seemed like looking down on the Aslan Empire. What insolence!

Having come this far and reaching here now, humility? That would be really pretentious. There was no way back now – he could only move forward! Moving forward! Moving forward!

Wang Zheng wanted to fight from his heart in the finals. Regardless of Kashawen's tricks or her attempts to stop him, he was beyond care!

The finals had already attracted a lot of attention, and with this special situation, the anticipation level was pushed even higher now. This was the true Wang Zheng, full of life. There was no need for any ostentatious reason, this was the real Wang Zheng!

Undoubtedly, he had utterly ignited the flames of anger of Aslan's warriors. As people who knew the true reason, both Jondi Lilick and Si Jiali did not dream that Wang Zheng would have the courage to utter such words in front of Kashawen.

As a woman, Si Jiali was already totally mesmerised. There would be no more regrets for a once-in-a-lifetime confession like this.

Chapter 1272: The Trend of Transformation

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The vanguard battle was about to begin. But Wang Zheng's arrogance had greatly infuriated the Aslan people. His love declaration had nothing to do with them. However, he seemed to look down on Aslan with his 'grandiloquence'.

Saruman Snake had stumbled throughout their journey here. How could they be compared to the great Sword Shield Rose battle team? The people of Aslan liked Saruman Snake only because they felt that they were inspirational. Look at how the people from the "countryside" could achieve their dreams through hard work. Aslan was such a magical place.

However, they would never believe that Saruman Snake could beat the Sword Shield Rose battle team. They only loved to see Saruman Snake defeating other teams. But in the end, they would fall before the Sword Shield Rose battle team.

But what would be the final outcome?

Everyone was waiting for the contestants of the first battle to come on. What was it like to listen only to the breathing of thousands of people?

Achilles stepped up for Saruman Snake. The prince of the Moon would determine the course of the entire match.

Ouyang Chuanyun stepped up as the vanguard for the Sword Shield Rose battle team. As the most trusted right-hand man of Lin Feng, it had to be him who would battle first.

Both sides quickly chose their mecha. Without any surprise, Ouyang Chuanyun chose the Knight of the Holy Light. However, it was a surprise that he chose to equip himself with a spear this time. One would wonder if it was some sort of challenge.

On the other hand, Achilles' choice was a huge surprise for everyone because he had also chosen the Knight of the Holy Light.

Having battled thus far, every aspect of data testing had been done. The Holy Light series were undoubtedly the mecha that crushed every other mecha. It could be popularly known as semi rune type human mech. The improved performance was undoubtedly the best for humans. With promotion, this mech would gradually become a mainstream mech. Of course, this series of mech could only be purchased by countries that were wealthier.

Knight of the Holy Light versus Knight of the Holy Light. Both parties were now fine tuning their mecha.

"It's obvious that Saruman Snake is very confident. However, judging from strength alone, Achilles is still far from comparable. Besides, he has just recovered from major injuries, I feel that Ouyang Chuanyun is a little better," commented Si Jiali. She had spoken the truth too. While the two warriors were making their final adjustments to their mecha, the commentators from all the countries had not been idle.

Most of them were only psychologically supportive of Saruman Snake. They were still more inclined towards Aslan winning. The commentators had to be rational after all. It would not be easy to pick the winner between Wang Zheng and Lin Feng. But Achilles was considered "lucky" to have defeated the Arbiter in the previous round. From the annihilation of the entire Atlantean team, it was evident that Achilles could perhaps use the same trick again. But it remained to be seen if the Aslan team would fall for it.

Intelligence-wise, the Aslan people were a little better than the Arbiters.

Jondi Lilick did not speak because he could not decide yet. For the past few days, he had studied in detail, from the start to the end, all the battles of each member of Saruman Snake. He discovered something frightening – something that everyone had overlooked.

It was the terrifying growth of the members of Saruman Snake. After every battle, if they were not dead, they would all make tremendous leaps forward.

As a super warrior, of course he knew that there would be advancement following a life and death experience, but not at such a rapid rate. Of course, the rate was dependent on the will, but the potential of the body had to have the ability to keep up too.

However, for some reason, Achilles' expression seemed to be very calm. He had always been calm, but there was something different this time.

The two mecha took the stage. Both were Knight of the Holy Light. As the home team, Ouyang Chuanyun chose the silver color, while Achilles chose blue.

This was the final. Achilles was the leading star for this battle – at least that was how the people of the Moon saw it.

The last time a person from the Moon was on such a stage was… they could not even remember.

The people from the Moon were unsure. Regardless of the outcome, they were certain that Achilles would never give up easily. He would make it a spectacular match.

It would be false to say that they were not nervous. This was the finals after all. It would have been better if Zhang Shan had been in the battlefield himself. In the players' seats, he was even more nervous and was nagging nonstop. Although he could not be in the battle, he was in the reserves' seats. Wang Zheng wanted Zhang Shan to be as close as possible to witness Saruman Snake winning the championship.

"Wang Zheng, does Achilles have any confidence? Damn. If he can take care of this guy, then we will have the advantage!" said Zhang Shan.

Wang Zheng smiled. "Have faith in Achilles."

One hundred and twenty-eight degrees Heavenly King Arts. According to Black Charcoal, this practice was second only to the Primordial Regression Technique. If the Primordial Regression Technique was the best, then the Heavenly King Arts was definitely the second. And the Doyle family's Heavenly King Arts was passed down in completeness. As the people from the Moon had genes that had early genetic modifications, it could ensure the passing of the Doyle family's legacy. This was what the people of the Moon valued the most. Furthermore, Achilles had started practicing the Heavenly King Arts ever since he came of age, which was far longer than Wang Zheng. He had also built a very firm foundation.

This power had been sealed all this time. Although the heavenly opportunity had been opened, it did not mean that just anyone could break through and control it. The most powerful proformities of the ancient martial arts was not in Aslan, nor in Arbiter, it was still in the Solar System. However, the people from the Solar System no longer knew how to use this power.

If it could not be thought to be deciphered, then it had to be deciphered passively. Thus, this was a power that could only be comprehended during life and death.

Achilles and gone through death. Now he had returned. So, what was the so-called second-best practice like? Wang Zheng really wanted to witness it for himself.

Ouyang Chuanyun, on the other hand, was totally confident. He was not a fool from Arbiter. The Arbiters only knew how to be forceful. They did not know how to integrate flexibility into their toughness, so that toughness was easy to break.

Ouyang Ruoliu was the most excited. Of course, she wished that her brother would amaze everyone with this one match. This was the best opportunity, and she had absolute confidence. Furthermore, the spear was, incidentally, Ouyang Chuanyun's forte. This was in correlation to Ouyang Chuanyun's Heavenly Dragon Technique.

The two mecha took the stage. The entire arena cheered enthusiastically. Suddenly, the atmosphere became imposing. Which each step that both mecha took, their demeanor became even more repressed.

When they were about thirty meters apart, the two Knight of the Holy Light mecha suddenly stopped. The momentum became very imposing. Ouyang Chuanyun smiled and his aura exploded immediately. As an Earth-rank three warrior – he knew Achilles' strength well.

However, very soon, Ouyang Chuanyun's relaxed expression began to change. The momentum of the opposing Knight of the Holy Light, which was as magnificent as a gun, came charging towards him.


Ouyang Chuanyun's expression turned very badly. The average momentum would be oppressing, but Achilles' momentum was like an aggressive spear coagulating together and attacking him directly, smashing and scattering his momentum apart.

This was the first time that anyone could transform their momentum into an attacking force.

This was the first time that the calmness in Achilles' eyes reflected contentment and confidence. This was the real Heavenly King Arts!

Chapter 1273: Royalty

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

This was the power, according to the legends, that could only be attained by the ancestors. It had actually been awakened in him. In that moment of facing death, in the boundless darkness, just as he thought he would be trapped in the endless darkness for eternity, he felt a wave of heat slowly surging from his body. This heat was like a ball of flames gradually growing bigger, burning his body. Achilles was actually undergoing treatment at that moment, and the doctors, at some points, thought that he was on the verge of death. However, this wave of heat which seemed to be killing him was, in fact, reshaping Achilles. For twenty years, Achilles' practice of the Heavenly King Arts had been meticulous. Even though he knew that perhaps it was just keeping him strong and healthy, it did not really increase his power, yet Achilles had never slacked in his practice. He knew that this was the pride of the people of the Moon, the pride of the Doyle family. Others could forget it, could pay no attention to it, but he simply could not.

He, Achilles, was the descendent of the Doyle family; the successor of the great Heavenly King Arts.


The energy shot through the sky. The blue Knight of the Holy Light held a spear and the entire momentum had transformed into an invincible spear.

Pointing the spear after a sweeping motion, Ouyang Chuanyun felt a tremendous thrust.

What the bloody hell was this thing???

No one had ever been seen or heard of this type of momentum before. It completely crushed his aura. His opponent was merely at Earth-rank two level and his movements were soft – how could he possibly fight with him?


A ray of Holy Light shot to the sky. Ouyang Chuanyun would never be humiliated in front of the Aslan population. He had worked hard and waited for today.

His Ability X exploded with the aid of the holy light. The Holy Light was undoubtedly the most special among all the attributes. Negative powers were useless against it. At the same time, it was like being blessed by the gods and could upgrade a person's abilities. Anyone who possessed such attributes seemed to have received a natural bonus. This was a gift that was far beyond that of ordinary people. There was a kind of person that was born different. But to him, Achilles was just a rich country boy. What rights did he have to be royalty?!

Then again, what was royalty?!

Royalty was history!

Regardless of good times or bad times, if one could maintain self-elegance and composure, it was royalty. The people of the Moon had gone through ups and downs and were undoubtedly worthy of this.

The two mecha bowed their bodies like hunting leopards, ready to strike anytime. Using the power of the Holy Light, Ouyang Chuanyun steadied his imposing manner, at least not allowing the opponent's strange aura to disturb him.

This was the "battle of the knights" between the old and new royalties!

This thought crossed everyone's minds. Yet there had never been an opportunity for a confrontation like this because the Moon had fallen so fast.


The two mecha charged forward at lightning speed. The explosions sounded almost instantaneously. The two spears attacked venomously.

The tips of the spears struck with near perfect precision.



The spear of the silver Knight of the Holy Light unexpectedly bounced upward… The spear completely lost control and bounced upwards. Shocked, but almost instantaneously, Ouyang Chuanyun took control of the mech and opened up a distance.

He was visibly shaken. However, Achilles' Knight of the Holy Light did not pursue, which made it seem as if Ouyang Chuanyun had frightened himself instead. It was extremely… embarrassing. The mood suddenly became very different.

Although he was just a scout, how could Ouyang Chuanyun have made such a miscalculation?

A smile appeared at the corner of Wang Zheng's mouth. This was interesting. Even he was moved by such a technique!

Feeling the astonishment in the arena, Ouyang Chuanyun's expression turned for the worse. The opponent indeed possessed Earth-rank two spiritual powers, and he could definitely suppress Achilles. In addition, with the increase in the power of the Holy Light, how could he have made such a mistake in such an ordinary crossfire?

Ouyang Chuanyun became angry almost instantaneously because of the embarrassment. The mech charged forward with venom. The Holy Light that shrouded his body became stronger too. He struck with his spear in full force. He would not believe that his strike could be blocked by a mere lunar man, when even a tank could not.

Spear, a weapon that combined the domineering and majestic auras. It was the king of all weapons. However, there was only a handful of people who could truly master the use of the spear. It was not a weapon where the length decided the strength of the weapon.

Achilles was still looking calm. He gave the spear in his hand a little spin and, without moving an inch, he was braced for the attack. Everyone's expressions changed. Wasn't he too conceited? The sudden rise in the momentum pushed the thrust of the spear to its maximum. This in-situ use of the spear was the most passive.



The entire arena was dead silent. What the hell was going on???

It was just a probe, and Ouyang Chuanyun's spear had been flicked and sent flying… Even Ouyang Chuanyun was stunned.

What was going on? The script was not supposed to be like this!

Even Wang Zheng could not understand this. Evaluation abilities might be a good distinction for Ability Xs, but it was very difficult for ancient martial arts. This was especially so if they had reached a certain realm. Achilles' Heavenly King Arts had perhaps made a decisive advancement.

Achilles had always been the best talent in the Solar System.

One strike with the spear, yet it had been used with spiral force and triple serial force… and this was the true legendary hidden force!

This was not a force that could be blocked by any light force. This was in an entirely different realm. Wang Zheng knew that Achilles had evolved. This was metamorphosis!

Back on the Moon, countless students were stunned. They had imagined many different scenarios for the opening of the match, but none like this. In terms of strength, Achilles could only fight with all his might and could not rely on his spiritual power to increase tremendously overnight. This could not be reality. But why was this happening?

However, at the Doyle family, the core members of the family were all there – both young and old. All the young ones were feeling excited because Achilles was their future leader, their idol. But the older members could not hold back their tears. After waiting for a few centuries, the seal had finally been broken. Someone had finally mastered the true power of the Heavenly King Arts. From today onwards, the power of the Heavenly King would appear before the world once again!

Ouyang Chuanyun had no other choice but to pick up his spear again. What sort of physical technique was this? The Aslan Empire had very good knowledge of physical techniques and had also combined all the various physical techniques in existence. But why was this happening? He could not understand why the moment the tips of the spears touched, his spear would just fly off his hand.

Right now, Achilles was holding his silver spear, standing in the center of the arena. That overbearing aura seemed to have turned back the clock, sending everyone back to the Moon several centuries ago.

Ouyang Chuanyun calmed down quickly. He knew that perhaps his opponent had mastered some physical technique that he was unaware of. Calm down; he needed to be calmer. Only victory could erase his embarrassment.

If it had been another person, under such provocation, he would have charged ahead without any concerns. However, Ouyang Chuanyun was not being rash. Instead, he smiled slightly. "I have long heard about the legendary number one spear of the Doyle family from the Moon. Indeed, it truly deserves its reputation!"

As he spoke, he had already picked up his spear. At least this was not so embarrassing.

Achilles smiled slightly without a hint of sarcasm. He had no need of it before. nor did he have any need of it now. "Please!"

Clean and tidy. This was true royalty. This had given the supporters of Saruman Snake some hope.

Chapter 1274: The Heavenly King Awakens

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Since he could not decide the outcome with physical technique, he would have to use his expertise in Ability X to crush his opponent. Right now, Ouyang Chuanyun had given up his earlier plan of pretentiousness and defeating Achilles by using physical techniques.

The spear convoluted. The Holy Light around his body was getting stronger. At the same time, the power of the Holy Light in space was also continuously flowing towards Ouyang Chuanyun's Knight of the Holy Light. The roof of the arena had already been opened as soon as the opening ceremony ended. It was broad daylight, and Ouyang Chuanyun's body seemed to have agglomerated the power around him, making him as dazzling as the stars.

Ouyang Chuanyun had truly been stimulated. Growling…

A Knight of the Holy Light charged forward, transforming into a ray of bright light.

All that was left in the arena were countless lights leaping. Slowly, the lights gathered and transformed into a light dragon. The image of Ouyang Chuanyun was completely gone. Only Achilles was left standing in situ.

Still as a mountain!

Suddenly, Ouyang Chuanyun appeared amidst the light dragon. At this moment, the Knight of the Holy Light was as radiant as the god of war. The spear struck out.

From behind Achilles.

However, Achilles did not react… This…

Almost everyone was waiting for Achilles' response, but it did not happen. However, under such circumstances, Ouyang Chuanyun's strike… expectedly struck empty!

The moment the spear struck empty, Ouyang Chuanyun was in as much pain as if he had just vomited blood. At that instant, Achilles seemed to have disappeared…

However, in everyone's eyes, Achilles had not moved at all, but he had disappeared in Ouyang Chuanyun's "breath."


With a backhand shot of the spear, Ouyang Chuanyun was hit squarely and sent flying.

What happened? Was Ouyang Chuanyun not feeling well???

Ouyang Chuanyun, who was sent flying, finally broke out in anger. "Achilles! What sorcery is this?!"

His eyes were there. But why had an illusion appeared in that instant? This was impossible. His spiritual power was stronger than the opponent's. Even if the opponent had some hidden illusions, it was absolutely impossible for him to have interfered with him.

Achilles smiled slightly. "Heavenly King Arts — Quiet as a Crypt!"

Ouyang Chuanyun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth. What the hell? Damn. It had to be some form of illusion!

Ouyang Chuanyun's spiritual power was now fully focused. Since he could be interfered up close, then he would stay further away. Concentrate the power of the Holy Light at the center of the spear.

"Go to hell – Holy Light Heavenly Dragon Slay!"

RUMBLE… Rumbling…

Yet again, Achilles's Knight of the Holy Light did not evade. The spear in his hand struck directly.


The violent Ability X was dispersed by the spear directly.

Everyone was whispering to each other. This evolution was beyond everyone's expectations.

Bolet had been silent for a long time. He could finally be sure. He was one of the most famous military strategists of today. He was widely involved in many fields. In recent years, he had even immersed himself greatly in the ancient martial arts. With the obvious results of ancient martial arts, many countries were using them. It had indeed increased the physical strength of soldiers while enhancing their Ability Xs. It was a good thing. But he knew that as the place of the origins of ancient martial arts, the Solar System not only had the ancient physical martial arts, they also had other complementary battle tactics as well.

It was obviously impossible for the Doyle family, as one of the most ancient families, not to have any.

When the ancient physical martial arts reached a certain level, they could use a formless power called hidden force. It was indestructible.

The spear attacked abruptly. Ray after ray of penetrating Holy Light force struck. The advantage of the Holy Light force was its inability to be disrupted, and it could break the seal of the minor five elements. This had put Ouyang Chuanyun in a very favorable position. Other than not being able to defeat Lin Feng ever since he met him, he had never in his life faced such pressure, such humiliation.

"Go to hell, go to hell, go to hell!" Ouyang Chuanyun attacked continuously with craze. Powerful spiritual power supported his crazed attacks. Exerting such attacks, at least it appeared that Achilles was under some pressure.

Seemingly crazy, Ouyang Chuanyun's eyes actually revealed extreme calmness. Deep down, he knew what this power was. But Lin Feng was the only one in Aslan who possessed such power. Never in his dreams had he ever dreamed that a mere Achilles would know how to use this. Although not as powerful as Lin Feng, it was nonetheless not something that he could deal with directly. This was a state more frightening than suppression of spiritual power. This was because the suppression of spiritual power could only acquire the offensive or control of the situation, while the power of the hidden force was fatal.

He was using frenzied attacks to buy time for himself, to find an opportunity.

Seeing that Achilles was being enveloped by the madness of the Holy Light Warping Beheader, Ouyang Chuanyun suddenly disappeared.

In the next instant, he suddenly appeared beside Achilles. Just when everyone thought that Ouyang Chuanyun would not dare to go near Achilles, he closed in!

Tactics-wise, it indeed show-cased the calmness of the Aslan people. At this moment, everyone realized that the earlier madness was a tactic to deceive his opponent.

At this distance, they were not close enough for hand to hand combat. But he was close enough to use his Ability X's attacks to the fullest. He would not believe that Achilles could block this. Even if his opponent had comprehended the hidden force, he probably had only done so recently!

Once he had confirmed this fact and had calmed down, Ouyang Chuanyun came to his decision.

His decision was undoubtedly correct.

However, he had also forgotten that hidden forces were also a realm. As the oldest family, the Heavenly King family possessed the skill that could bring out the optimal hidden forces.

Heavenly King Warping Style!

Back in the day, this skill was used specifically against energy-type attacks. Strictly speaking, Ability Xs were still considered energy types. The Warping Style, when used optimally, could even block the laser cannons of any battleship.


The horrifying close-range attack was flung aside by Achilles' spear. At this moment, Achilles had entered into another state. His spiritual power had absorbed the power of nature but did not disperse externally. Instead, it had been transferred internally, allowing the Heavenly King Arts to reach its peak. The real power of the ancient martial arts originated from internal to external!

This was the true essence of the ancient martial arts. It was similar to Lie Xin's Lie Flame Technique, except Achilles was stronger.

The backhand of the Knight of the Holy Light was another strike of the spear. Ouyang Chuanyun's reaction was extremely fast – his energy shield was activated instantly. This was also the excellent flexibility of the Knight of the Holy Light mech. However… Bang, and the energy shield was shattered.

Energy shields were unable to block the hidden forces!

When the spear struck and at the moment of impact, the blue mech had already closed in with the power of the spear and let out a kick.


Ouyang Chuanyun's Knight of the Holy Light was flung out and was on all fours on the ground.


After a short calmness, the supporters of Saruman Snake burst out in earth-shattering cheers. In an era where Ability X was the mainstream, Saruman Snake seemed to have found a new route.

In the stands, the politicians from different countries were in heated discussions. They had obviously seen another possibility, as well as some hidden agenda behind this battle.

On the other hand, Aslan had suffered a major blow. As the prime minister of Aslan, Kashawen's expression was ice cold to the extreme. Of course, Aslan was not afraid to lose one or two battles. However, ever since she became the prime minister, this had never happened. Even after acquiring complete intelligence of their opponents, it was still a one-sided affair. Her sight was set firmly on Wang Zheng. What the hell had that bastard done!?

Chapter 1275: Holy Light Body

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Eve Litt, get ready," Lin Feng suddenly said.

The members of Sword Shield Rose were shocked, and clearly could not believe it. Although it looked bad, Ouyang Chuanyun had a chance for a critical strike.

However, no one questioned Lin Feng, and Eve Litt nodded her head. There was a reason for choosing for Eve Litt, as Lin Feng had plans for her.

Ancient arts awakening? Looks like the thing the Empire was most worried about was finally happening.

All along, the Aslan Empire and the countries that had grown during the Star Voyage Era had been intentionally suppressing the Solar System, continuously weakening Solar System's influence, as it was the only way to cement their rule. He knew about secrets from a hundred years ago, using the collapse of space and favorable conditions. They had dismantled the original governing system, leading to what they had today. However, due to the previous governance regaining their strength, even though Aslan controlled part of that strength, they were still cautious about the Solar System.

It was clearly not possible for the Solar System to revert back to the strength of the olden days, as history could only progress, but the Milky Way Alliance's structure could undergo tremendous changes on a large scale.

Achilles managed to figure out how to use hidden force. This meant more than it seemed, and this battle was difficult as it was for Ouyang Chuanyan.

The Saruman Snake battle team was clearly excited. Even as teammates, they did not expect Achilles to be this strong. Perhaps only Wang Zheng would have known something, as it would be difficult to hide a change such as this from Wang Zheng.

After Achilles was discharged, Wang Zheng could feel the difference in his aura. In the Rubik's Cube, he heard more than once from Charcoal about the two great ages in the past, and during those ages, the Doyle family had an important role. It did not seem important back then, and he felt that it was just a story. However, looking at Achilles now, he could feel the strong sense of revival.

Regardless of what the future may hold, and what changes there may be, Wang Zheng would not know, but he was full of expectations as Achilles was his brother!

In the team, there was a brother such as Zhang Shan. But there was also Achilles, who did not speak much, but now the whole Saruman Snake was as one and had gone beyond individual gains. They had the same goal in mind, and were now of one mind.

Achilles was an unmovable mountain, which made Ouyang Chuanyun furious. The only thing he could do was be patient. He had to be patient because he was currently facing the greatest challenge since his growth.

The strong physical technique level and skills made his attacks pale in comparison. Even though he possessed physical techniques, Ouyang Chuanyu was like most people and thought of physical techniques as a foundation used to enhance Ability X, especially when he possessed strength from the Holy Light ability. However, against a physical technique expert, he would be at a disadvantage. As all roads lead to Rome, any type of strength, when trained to the limit, would be the same, and in the end, what mattered most is the rank.

Ouyang Chaunyun took a deep breath and gave up on the idea of defense. Against a physical technique expert, it would be foolish to be on the defense. Instead, he would make use of Ability X's advantage to carry out the strongest attack!

The Holy Light ability was special, but there were shortcomings as well. The shortcoming would be that it was unlike the minor five elements, which were skewed towards attack, defense, or special attributes. The Holy Light was an all-rounder, increasing all attributes, defending against negative energy, as well as good for healing, making it an excellent ability. And it was indeed able to counter in all aspects. However, against a physical technique expert such as Achilles, he was unable to counter Achilles, and instead, Achilles countered him.

With his Holy Light ability at stage three, he had an ace up his sleeve. Ouyang Chuanyun just did not expect himself to be using it in this situation.

With the alloy spear standing up straight, Holy Light energy radiated. In a different scenario, everyone would have been in awe of the amazing and strong energy radiating from him, but even a normal person could see that this energy suppression did not work on Achilles. Achilles may not be able to go against or counter such a move, but the whole Knight of the Holy Knight seemed to be of one body.

Achilles' expression became solemn. He was relatively sensitive to other energy, but Ouyang Chuanyun's situation was slightly different, and the Mayans in the audience were even more shocked.

The Mayans idolized light, and even let their bodies face the direction of light to harness greater strength as they felt that this is the way that intelligent life forms evolved. Obviously, they had no understanding of the five elements, as it was not part of their civilization.

They felt unbelievable amounts of energy being harnessed by Ouyang Chuanyun.

At this time, Ouyang Chuanyun and his Knight of the Holy Knight were changing in terms of energy. The mech began to show signs of turning into a non-matter state.

Different from the radiant light earlier, the light began to gather and concentrate more on the surface of the mech, but the aura was much weaker than before. It might their eyes playing tricks on them, but it seemed like the mech was flashing.

Ouyang Chuanyun made his move. His spear attacked Achilles and Achilles responded, using his hidden force at full strength.

The spears clashed and illusions materialized. Bang…

This time, Ouyang Chuanyun's spear was not knocked out of his hands. The two spears collided, and during the collision, Achilles used his hidden force, but it was absorbed by the opponent.

Ouyang Chuanyun's expression was unwavering. To be able to reach here, regardless of whether they were from Arbiter or Aslan, they had their excellent qualities to be able to fight in any situation. At the same time, the seemingly gentle members of the Aslan team had their own determination.

The hidden force did not disappear. Instead, it was endured by Ouyang Chuanyun so that he would be able to unleash an attack of his own.

Holy Light Body!

Ouyang Chuanyun's whole body appeared to be crystal clear. The people of the moon were determined to win, and it was the same for Aslan.

With the invasion of the Holy Light energy, the Five Elements energy was unable to defend against it. Moreover, Achilles had yet to reach Wang Zheng's level, so the fight between them became evenly matched. The two spears furiously clashed with each other. Different from the explosive fight they had before, both of them compressed their energy. With each strike, the space around them shook. The energy was controlled within a certain range.

The clash between the energies was occurring at a different level.

Achilles had never once underestimated his opponent. Even after learning how to use the hidden force, he had never felt that he would easily win against his opponents. However, he had enough confidence and faith in his ability.

Each time the spears clashed, Achilles' hidden force would be endured by Ouyang Chuanyun, and Ouyang Chuanyun's Holy Light pierced through Achilles. Both of them were evenly matched, and it was a battle of perseverance. All the audience could see was the two mecha fighting from the sky to the ground, the clash between the alloy spears, waves of spatial disturbances, and their ears could only hear the sounds of the mecha clashing with each other.


The cockpits exploded open, and the cameras showed the insides of the cockpits. The expressions of both of them were solemn, and it could not be said to be good expressions. It was clear that they were forcefully trying to suppress each other's energies.

Both of them wanted the first victory.

Chapter 1276: The beauty of a single spear

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Shing, shing, shing…

Ouyang Chuanyun's spear was spinning continuously. He got into a stance, channeled his energy, and the spear and mech fused as one.

If it continued as it is, victory would be in sight.

The Ouyang family, as one of the five main families in Aslan, was a pillar of support for Aslan, and as a representative of the Ouyang family, the only glory that he could bring today was victory!

Achilles' expression was calm, and he assumed his stance with his spear. When he was at the age where he could understand words, his father put a spear in front of him and began telling him about Doyle family's history and mission. To live was for this. Hence, he had sacrificed a lot, and today was the day he would reap the rewards.

In this moment, nothing else was important to these fighters. And in this world, all that was left was each other.


"Ouyang Chuanyun!"


Both mecha started up at the same time. However, after the first step, Ouyang Chuanyun vanished.

Sky Dragon Spear… Meteor Slash!

The moment the mech vanished, the energy could not be controlled. This is an effect from pushing Ability X to the limit. In that moment, normal physical attacks and Ability X would have no effect on Ouyang Chuanyun, and it would not be possible to track him due to high speeds. This was Ouyang Chuanyun's Holy Light Extreme.

Achilles' eyes were basically shut. There is no need for sight – this strike was based on his senses. Since young, wielding a huge spear, killing one enemy after another, getting used to it until it became a part of him.

This was the moment!

Achilles unleashed his spear. The mech was still there, but the spear vanished!

Heavenly King Void Strike!


Ratatat, ratatat, ratatat…

Space seemed to have collapsed. Following the direction of Achilles' strike, an uneven disturbance appeared…

Boom… a loud explosion could be heard.

Ouyang Chuanyun's Holy Light mech appeared, and the two mecha passed by each other…

The whole arena was quiet, the backs of both Knight of the Holy Light mecha were facing each other, motionless, not being pretentious. And everyone knew that this was the moment the victor would be decided, and the other person would have lost.

Everyone's hearts were beating wildly. Who won?

Hope of the Moon, Achilles? Or was it the Knight of the Holy Light, Ouyang Chuanyun?

The huge screen showed the cockpits, the expressions of both of them… seemed not too well… unless they ended up mutually destroying each other?

Achilles sighed, while Ouyang Chuanyun's face revealed a bitter smile, from the final strike, he knew the conclusion, the difference between their spear skills, were far too great.

Bang …

Ouyang Chuanyun's Knight of the Holy Light collapsed, its chest shattered, while Achilles' Knight of the Holy Light remained standing. It casually spun the spear,stuck it into the ground, and saluted. It was the Moon army's salute.

After a short moment of silence, the whole arena erupted in cheers. In contrast to the dejected Aslan citizens, those that supported Saruman Snake were crazily celebrating. Back on the Moon, Achilles' victory brought countless people to tears. The people of the Moon had waited for far too long – they have desired such a perfect victory, a match's victory that fits the "standard of beauty" of the people of the Moon. Who knew how many talents from the Moon had been lost. And today, Achilles had finally stood out. In this moment, Achilles won over all of the people of the Moon.

On Earth and Mars, if this was the past, when the people of the Moon won, they would have despised or completely ignore them. However, in this moment, the students from Earth and the Moon where enthusiastically cheering, chanting Achilles' name. He was the brain of the Saruman Snake battle team!

The commentators from various countries went crazy as well. "It was really unexpected. Who would have thought that the disadvantaged Saruman Snake battle team would beat their opponent in the first match with such a huge margin. And once again, this demonstrates the strength of physical techniques!"

"It really is unimaginable. Against Ability X that is one level lower, Achilles managed to overwhelm his opponent using physical techniques. In that last attack, the spear managed to strike the Knight of the Holy Light, which was hiding in the void. It is simply unbelievable!"

The big screens of various countries showed a slow motion replay of the match, and even made use of energy analysis to better view the match.

Was this really the age of physical techniques?

All along, the mainstream idea was humans using spiritual control to manipulate energy from the outside. To simply put it, it was used as a guide. However, Saruman Snake went against that logic. Absorbing energy and completely manipulating it, wouldn't this method result in backlash? How had they managed to do it? How do you manipulate it?

Guiding and borrowing a form was fixed yet flexible. Using one's fist to deliver a punch could result in unlimited variations and complete control over the punch.

The victory of the first match caused Saruman Snake's supporter to be extremely excited. Even though they were excited, they gradually calmed down. The competition had just begun – it would be unsightly to be this excited. You must know, Achilles was the second strongest in Saruman Snake after Wang Zheng, and other than them, each member was worse than the other. While in the Sword Shield Rose battle team, all members were on the same level.

The second match was about to begin. The Sword Shield Rose battle team seemed prepared. It was Eve Litt's turn!

Fiery Eve Litt, it could be said that her battle strength was not the strongest, but Lin Feng had decided for her to fight.

Everyone was looking at the Saruman Snake battle team. Lin Feng appeared to be exceptionally calm. He knew what Wang Zheng's would be. Hence, he let Eve Litt up on stage.

If it was anyone else, Wang Zheng would have plenty of choices. However, against Eve Litt, he only had one choice.

And Lie Xin was raring to go.

Wang Zheng looked over to Lie Xin and nodded his head. It was Lie Xin's turn!

This match belonged to the Solar System's trident. Snow Li's ice would not be able to go against Eve Litt. Mu Zhen's life force going against fire was simply sending him to his death. All that was left was Lie Xin.

Moreover, this was the match that Lie Xin desired the most. From the start till now, she hoped for a chance like this, to have a true battle with no regrets, so as to not be bothered by it.

From that day onwards, she decided to take a huge step forward, to break free and be Lie Xin!

Fire against fire, this was a battle of their grasp of the attribute, Woman against woman, making it a fair fight.

Before the start of the competition, no one would have anticipated Saruman Snake's line up. Would Lie Xin continue Achilles' miracle, or would it be back to square one?

Achilles departed the stage with whole arena cheering for him. Ouyang Chuanyun's severe injury was due to being struck out of the void, causing a backlash from the energy. As for the mech, most of the damage was superficial.

When the energy struck the mech, it was Ouyang Chuanyun's loss. Achilles focused his energy on physical techniques and manage to fully understand it, hence making him superior to Ouyang Chuanyun.

It could be said that when facing obstacles, what Achilles had done was break through.

Without any words, Wang Zheng and Achilles gave each other a big hug.

Chapter 1277: Fight between flames

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Achilles' condition was relatively good. Even though during the last strike, he sustained some injuries. But as a super soldier, it was nothing much. It could only be said that after he gained understanding, he had tremendous improvements.

This was the first time Achilles felt that he was close to achieving his dreams. Even though he was the center of attention since young, and had to shoulder things such as being the hope of the Moon, he always felt that his dream was distant. However, now he could see hope in attaining his dream.

All of this was given to him by Wang Zheng, and defeating Ouyang Chuanyun allowed him to gain fame.

This was only the first match, and what was important about the second match was that Lie Xin's spiritual power was weaker, at Earth-rank one, while Eve Litt wais at Earth-rank two, or even Earth-rank three. However, the Lie Flame Technique was special, and was once one of the Five Great Techniques. The Lie Flame Technique focused what was on the inside. The aim of spiritual power was for internal development, and this was why Lie Xin was able to use high level flames that were much stronger than what Eve Litt could use: second stage blue flames.

In terms of quantity and overall control, Eve Litt had the upper hand.

Both parties chose their mecha. Eve Litt chose the Knight of the Holy Light, while Lie Xin's choice surprised everyone.

Real Steel!

This was the Republic of Clark's useless model. Before this match, the Dynasty battle team's Zhou Yun used it once. In such an important match, why would Lie Xin…

Even though the fists of the mech could be considered specially made weapons, in an age of weapons, this kind of weapon was simply to attract attention. Some underground matches used it for entertainment, but to use this in the competition…

Lie Xin had no hesitation. Wang Zheng and Achilles looked at each other and smiled. The fact that Lie Xin had picked this mech meant that she was prepared.

What suited Lie Xin was not weapons, but in an era when power was being weakened, she had no choice but to use it.

Lie Xin was a proud woman. Having the charms of a Martian, she dared to love and hate, and she was straightforward.

Saruman Snake's main strength, the Solar System's three powerhouses, Wang Zheng, Achilles, and Lie Xin, were recognized by the whole Solar System. Following Wang Zheng and Achilles' rise, Lie Xin seemed to be less than what she was made out to be. In terms of contribution, Zhang Shan had contributed much more, it was just that he was too playful and had no backing. Mu Zhen did not have many chances to appear on stage. This match was not a crucial one, but if she lost, she would no longer be on the same level as Wang Zheng and Achilles.

It may seem like a simple fight, but a difference of one level would widen the gap.

Lie Xin did not care much about all this. She had come to Saruman Snake, and when it came to choosing or leaving, she did not care about such things. Only Lear would care about such things.

She once heard her family's elder mention that there was once an era where the people from Earth, Mars, and the Moon fought together. But the people from the three planets were too proud, and only a charismatic leader could band them together. Otherwise, they would rather have eternal conflict than let each other have the chance to fight.

This was something the other planets could never understand.

The two competitors began adjusting their mecha. The screen displayed detailed information about each competitor. As both were beauties, people often compared the both of them. However, on the battlefield, beauty would not help them. All that could be seen would be the results.

Bolet smiled and said, "Sarabujal, this bunch of kids has grown so quickly, and I am even more curious about Wang Zheng."

Sarabujal nodded his head. "It is easy for an individual to be strong, but to make the whole team strong, he is indeed capable."

"It would be good if he could win. Since he has managed to reach this stage, we must follow the agreement and help him out."

"Do you think it's possible?" Sarabujal suddenly asked him.

"Oh, you knew?" Bolet was slightly surprised. "I just found out."

Sarabujal nodded his head. "I have just received news of it, and it is unexpected. Kashawen won't fight uncertain battles, I guess she didn't expect Wang Zheng to force her to this stage."

"It's good to be young. I have to say, that lass Aina indeed has good judgement. It's a pity that I don't have a granddaughter."

"Well, I do."

"Come on, don't scare people with that!"

"You old fool, when I was young, I was pretty handsome!"

Even though the rest did not want to, it would be hard not to hear the conversation. Lin Hong sighed.

As the days grew, he seemed to like Wang Zheng more and more. If it was another person, under such stress, would have given up a long time ago, but Wang Zheng dared to challenge the world.

Due to this, Aslan was getting more worried because his personality was too strong and Aina liked him too much. But this person did not have thoughts of marrying into her family, which was something the Aslan Empire would never allow. Even for Lin Hong, who was more liberal, this was something that was unacceptable.

Do not think that this was a small matter. If they got together, it would definitely influence decisions on a grander scale. The Solar System would definitely not be able to rise up. The current subdued status of the Solar System was due to the efforts of a major country. No matter what it may be, a united Solar System could not happen.

Some things were unavoidable, but on a strategic level, they had to be endured as sometimes one's fate could not be determined by oneself.

Lin Feng… things had been hard on this child. Today might be the day where he would get what he deserved. With Wang Zheng's existence, he might be able to enjoy the competition.

To others, the royal status may give them pride, but with Lin Feng's talents, there was so much more he could do. He could be more renowned than he was right now. However, he was unable to be. As a member of royalty, he was to maintain a certain level of exposure, and not to the extent which he fully exposed his talents, which was foolish. He was a member of royalty.

However, as a youth and a fighter, Lin Feng had an insuppressible sense of loneliness, but he had nowhere to vent it.

Hence, he had another identity.

On the battlefield, the Real Steel and the Knight of the Holy Light appeared on stage. In the whole SIG, it was a rare fight between two female fighters, and moreover, both of them were fighting with pure fire abilities.

Eve Litt knew what she needed to do: she needed to utterly defeat her opponent.

In the past, Lie Xin would be excited, but the Lie Xin now was exceptionally calm. The cameras showed both competitors, and both of their expressions were the opposite of each other. However, this changed when the battle began.

When women were serious, they were creatures much scarier than men.

Undoubtedly, the two of them were exceptionally different.

As both used their spiritual power, it was clear that Eve Litt was much stronger than Lie Xin. If the difference in strength between Achilles and Ouyang Chuanyun was not great, Lie Xin's Ability X could not be compared to Eve Litt's.

Chapter 1278: Flame whip

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

In the moments of a few breaths, Eve Litt completely controlled the battlefield. Similar energy meant complete dominance for her. All flame energy on stage belonged to her; it would not be possible for Lie Xin to obtain even a tinge of flame energy.

The same attribute, and complete dominance, was the reason why Lin Feng had sent Eve Litt to battle. Everyone knew that Lie Xin's flame level was higher, but what a pity, levels did not determine everything – there needed to be a certain quantity.

The Knight of the Holy Light was shrouded in azure flames, and its laser sword started burning, channeling substantial amounts of azure flames.

Lie Xin took a deep breath. The surface of the mech started to burn with Flames of the Blazing Angel. As it was not possible to harness energy from the outside, Lie Xin could only draw it from her own body. Since the birth of Ability X, the energy and capacity of human bodies was limited.

Eve Litt smirked. This type of ancient art energy was indeed incredible, but today, she would defeat it.


The laser sword in her hand exploded three times and suddenly grew to an azure flame whip about seven to eight meters in length.

As a flame user, high level flames could easily suppress low level ones. Eve Litt was indeed unable to use Flames of the Blazing Angel, but the azure flames she possessed were limitless, while Lie Xin… how long could she last?

Shing… Bish… Boom…

The flame whip swept across, and the Real Steel quickly evaded it. The ground split open. The engineers had given up, they could not have built the whole arena using the strongest alloy. Since it was the last match, it was up to the competitors to destroy it.

The flame whip danced in the air, making waves of flames, and the arena was filled with Eve Litt's flame energy. Lie Xin tried to close the distance a few times, and each time she was forced back by the flame whip. At the same time, she needed to maintain her Flames of the Blazing Angel, or she would be enveloped by the opponent's azure flames in an instant.

Boom, boom, boom…

Under the dancing whip, Lie Xin had no choice but to dodge. The good thing about ancient martial arts families was that they were familiar with various melee weapons. However, the opponent seemed to be familiar with her flame whip, and it was not an impromptu choice.

If this continued, it would not be good. Lie Xin knew that she needed to get closer, even if it came at a cost.


Another strike of the flame whip landed. Lie Xin's mech was forced to the energy protective wall. Her Flames of the Blazing Angel were able to protect her from the azure flames, but they were not enough for her to break through.

This was Aslan's strategy!


Lie Xin charged forward. The Real Steel's functionality was relatively good; it was flexible enough as it was made for physical techniques. Its strongest suite may not be speed, but the mech's sensitivity and maneuverability were first class. Lie Xin's Real Steel evaded the flame whips, and while evading, she was observing the opponent's moves. Any form of attack followed a rhythm – this was the basis of an ancient martial arts fighter.

Bang, bang, bang… Bang, bang, bang … Rumble, rumble, rumble…

The three continuous strike missed. Esing the protection from Flames of the Blazing Angel, Lie Xin managed to reach the opponent


At the sound of an explosion, Lie Xin struck. The mech's fists, burning with white flames, punched towards the opponent.

Lie family——Flaming Tyrant Strike!

The Real Steel blasted the flame whip away, and this time it was a direct hit. The burning flames shuddered, followed by an explosion. The waves echoed through the arena. From the explosion, the Knight of the Holy Light was blasted away, followed by the mech being pierced, and an uppercut led to a series of continuous attacks.

Suddenly, the Real Steel became a flame devil, bombarding her opponent. The longer the weapon, the stronger it was. The Lie family was the most proficient in fist fights, or you could say barehanded fights. There was no better weapon than both fists.

Lie Xin's furious blows caused her supporters to go completely insane. This was a moment the Martians had been awaiting for too long. The Martians would do anything for strength, which was the same for Arbiter, but it was a pity that it had been a long time since they had a taste of victory, and such an arrogant aura.

The Martians' hearts were with Lie Xin, and wished that Lie Xin could knock out the opponent with one punch.

The Knight of the Holy Light could only defend. The people of Aslan were uneasy – who knew how many years it had been since such a frightening battle had occurred. What was going on???

When had the Saruman Snake battle team become so strong? Other than Wang Zheng, it was thought that the rest could not make it. What exactly was going on?

Eve Litt, the strongest female fighter in Aslan, was unable to even retaliate?

Was today Aslan's doomsday?

Even the people of Aslan, who were usually confident, had doubts, while the heads of other countries were smiling and conversing. It was clear that everyone was happy to see this happen. Since all of them had lost, it would not be good for them if Aslan won. At least now, there was hope for Saruman Snake to win. If they lost to the victor, it would feel better.

Si Jiali's expression was slightly dark. She did not know what to say – this was not supposed to happen. Saruman Snake had won in the past, but not with such a huge margin. How could this be happening?

This time, Jondi Lilick shook his head. "Seems like competitor Lie Xin intends to defeat the opponent in one go. But she might be too naive – Eve Litt is not that weak."

Even Jondi Lilick could tell that with Eve Litt's level, it should not be so easy for Lie Xin to get close. Since she had managed to break through, it meant that Eve Litt had intentionally let her through. There was no such thing as coincidence for fights at this level – that was a naive way of thinking.

The reason had to be that Eve Litt wanted to deplete Lie Xin's Flames of the Blazing Angel.

Indeed, everyone gradually understood what was going on. With the virtual video zooming in, they could see that Eve Litt's defense was stable and that even though the azure flames were a level lower, the quantity of flames was much greater. Most importantly, the Knight of the Holy Light's energy shield and Ability X, when used together, formed excellent defense. The flame shield was able to defend well against flame attacks, and the shield was made of azure flames.


Finally, Eve Litt retaliated. A forward shield strike pushed Lie Xin away, then the flame whip drew a curve and lashed out.

The Real Steel tumbled to dodge, but at the same time, there was distance between them.

A series of fierce attacks did not affect either competitor's stamina. The problem was that Lie Xin's Flames of the Blazing Angel could no longer sustain themselves. Meanwhile… Eve Litt had just begun to warm up. The gap between them was far too great.

After seeing Achilles' wild performance in the first match, those that placed their hopes on Lie Xin felt their hearts sinking. Things seem to be going badly.

Eve Litt took out a second laser sword. Shing… another azure flame whip appeared. The two whips drew a beautiful curve in the air.

Everyone felt a chill down their spines.

Chapter 1279: To Win or Die Trying

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

As the roles were reversed, the azure flame whip became the most beautiful sight. The air was filled with explosions, which forced Lie Xin to continuously dodge. A weapon like the whip was the most difficult to master, but it was the hardest to defend against as well. It has to be said that Eve Litt had taught everyone a lesson. Her attacks were spectacular, forming a spiral with the flames of death. Even Lie Xin who was an expert in ancient martial arts, could only retreat.

The two flame whips were like two lively fire snakes that constantly drained Lie Xin's stamina and spiritual power. On the other hand, Eve Litt had the absolute advantage, and the unpredictable attack patterns rendered Lie Xin unable to retaliate.

Following one attack after another, Lie Xin's Flames of the Blazing Angel grew weaker. Saruman Snake was finally back to square one!

This was the thought of everyone from Aslan. The citizens of Aslan hoped to see an exciting battle, but no one would wish to see their country's team lose.

In the end, there was a flaw in the Saruman Snake battle team. Although Lie Xin held the title of top three experts in the team, in actual fact… it was of no use as she is still unable to clinch the crucial victory. She could only help out, which was the only aspect where she was useful.

However, on the battlefield in SIG, what they needed was not an all-rounder competitor, but a hero!

Zhang Shan was one, so was Achilles. The process may be important, but the results were what mattered the most, this is a fact of life.


A whip swept towards her, and there was nowhere left for the Real Steel to dodge – all she could do was deploy her energy shield.


The flame whip blasted the energy shield, wrapped around the mech, and tossed it up. In mid air, the second flame whip struck towards the mech like a venomous snake.

Lie Xin's metal fists protected its vital points. The whole mech curled up. Bang…

The Real Steel spun out like a top and was flung onto the energy protective wall, and on its body, the Flames of the Blazing Angel disappeared.

It had reached its limits.

The crowd started cheering, mostly from Aslan citizens. The loss in the first match was an upset, and it seemed like an illusion, but now it seemed like it was just a coincidence. This was normal.

This was the mighty Sword Shield Rose battle team.

After a round of fierce attacks, the flames were reduced. Eve Litt adjusted her breathing. It looked like it was not as easy as it seemed. She had expended large amounts of energy on controlling the battlefield. It has to be said that the Flames of the Blazing Angel's level greatly affected her. If she could reach the same level, fighters like Lie Xin would be defeated in less than three moves.

"Lie Xin, beat her up!" Zhang Shan was shouting from his wheelchair. From his face, you would signs of defeat or being dejected. The cameras cut to Zhang Shan, showing him waving his fist.

It could be said that Zhang Shan had popularity second only to Wang Zheng's. There were plenty of people stronger than him in SIG, but there were few that were as lively and tough as him.

Not that Zhang Shan was not anxious, but being anxious would not solve anything. In times like these, he had to have faith in Lie Xin, and no member of Saruman Snake would give up on victory.

"You can't win against me, admit defeat. There is no point in fighting anymore," said Eve Litt, and at the same time, the azure flames continued burning. Against the Real Steel, which could no longer defend against her attacks, this was enough as the opponent did not have any moves left.

Lie Xin operated the Real Steel and stood up with a smile on her face. The smile was radiant, and honestly, it did not match the situation. There was no ridicule, but a radiant smile.

"If you have a fellow like Wang Zheng around you, it is pretty annoying, as he will make you forget when to give up."

As the flames rose, it was clear. These were flames that had expended her own energy, which was incomparable to flames drawn from the outside. But her spiritual power could not be compared to Eve Litt's. Against her complete control with azure flames, Lie Xin's flames seemed so small.

Eve Litt frowned. As a fighter, she was not afraid of opponents hiding aces up their sleeves, but she disliked opponents that never give up. It seemed like she had misjudged Lie Xin.

At the same, the Real Steel put its palms together and pointed towards the sky. Suddenly, the aura changed, and a different type of energy appeared.


Two different streams of energy exploded from Lie Xin and surrounded the mech in a formation similar to the eight trigrams.

Upon seeing this, the Martians who understood what was going on realized something. On Mars, the ruler was the Lie family, but in actual fact, the Sage Sect had the true spiritual control. On Mars, there was only one faith, and that was the Sage.

In the ancient martial arts families, there was a martial technique that was not ranked, but its fame was far greater than the Lie Flame Technique.

Sage Arts!

The people of Aslan knew about it, but there was one thing they didn't know, and that was that the Sage Arts were not imparted to outsiders, not even to the Lie family. Most importantly, it would be foolish to try to master two martial techniques. It had been a few hundred years, and no one had practiced both the Lie Flame Technique and the Sage Arts together, be it in the past or now.

In the Sage Sect on Saint Mountain, Odin gazed at the night sky, and one star was particularly bright. Its fate was unpredictable, but it could still fight. The Martians had sacrificed too much for this day.

The Sage Arts and the Lie Flame Technique could not be fused together, as attempting it would cause the user to go berserk, but this was limited to males, as females were not suited for the Lie Flame Technique. Lie Xin could be considered to be exceptionally talented, but it was difficult to progress further, as this was the limit for females, but the Lie family found a solution to this: to seek alternatives. Hence, Lie Guang appeared to help Lie Xin surpass her limit, as the Sage Arts were undoubtedly suited for females.

This plan had been executed for countless of years, experienced countless failures, and Lie Xin finally succeeded.

258 points Heavenly Flame Technique!

In the ancient martial arts era, the strongest martial techniques would have 128 points, but according to legend, the true strongest techniques should reach 258 points. The type of skills to "become god", even if it is unable to reach perfection, it is still able to create miracles.

Today might be the day where miracles occured – could Lie Xin do it?

Around the mech, a huge energy swirl similar to eight trigrams appeared, and in the center, there was a small flame.

This was Lie Xin's first attempt, and it may be the last, but today and here, she hoped to try it once, to attain a victory that belonged to her!

To win or die trying!

Chapter 1280: Sage Arts + Lie Flame Technique

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"What is Lie Xin doing? Her aura seems different, unless it's her hidden ability, but it seems to not be enough!" Si Jiali said.

It could be felt by everyone – the new energy did not seem that strong. On the SIG battlefield, there were too many experts, and energy of this level had appeared throughout the competition numerous times. If this was Lie Xin's trump card, it seemed like she was too naive.

After Si Jiali said her words, she went silent, as she saw Jondi Lilick's expression… Weird…

When ancient martial arts came to be, every country was researching, improving, or adjusting, and formed unique martial techniques. Be it Aslan, Arbiter, or Manalasuo, there was one basic principle: the strongest martial technique was of 128 points!

Lie Xin, what was she… trying to do?

Trying to merge Sage Arts and the Lie Flame Technique?

What a crazy idea…

On the field, Eve Litt could clearly feel and understand what Lie Xin was trying to do. If this was a normal match, she would not care – she would wait for her opponent to finish their preparations, but now, it was a battle, one concerning her country's pride!

To wait? Or not to wait?

Eve Litt faced a dilemma. For herself, she hoped to see what Lie Xin would become, as she had confidence in herself. But in terms of strategy, she should attack, and not wait for Lie Xin to finish.

The tremendous energy was continuously absorbed, and this had nothing to do with the flames. Hence, Eve Litt is unable to stop it. At the same time, this was the first time such a weird technique and energy had been seen.

Amongst the various techniques, the Sage Arts were undoubtedly mysterious, focusing on spiritual power level, which complemented the Lie Flame Technique.

But fusing both techniques was not that simple, and it was incredibly dangerous. Lie Xin was staring death in the eye.

The expressions of the Lie family's leaders were solemn. They did not think that this was the right time for Lie Xin to try and break through, They are able to wait – they had been waiting for so long that a few more years would not matter. As members of the Lie family, they knew that there were many things that were left up to fate; Lie Xin had the right to make her own decisions.

Today was the day where success or failure was determined.

In the midst of yin and yang energy, the small flame was flickering, and it seemed so weak that it would extinguish any moment.

This was Lie Xin's fire of life.


Thunder echoed through the sky. Even though not a single a cloud could be seen, the sky suddenly darkened, and it seemed like the sky was about to collapse. A solemn atmosphere shrouded the arena, and everyone felt like they were burdened with a heavy weight.

Wang Zheng and Achilles looked at each other. This… was too much. Be it the Primordial Regression Technique or the Heavenly King Arts, they were both 128 points. They knew what Lie Xin was trying to do, but was she crazy? This was something unthinkable. It had been a few hundred years, and no one had heard of combining the Lie Flame Technique and the Sage Arts!

Lie Xin gritted her teeth. Forcefully merging the two techniques was indeed crazy. Due to Wang Zheng, that lunatic and a**hole, she had no idea which screw of hers got lose that made her join Saruman Snake. Indeed, she had been greatly influenced by him.

This was how much she desired to win this match. The process may just be a process, but she hoped to win, and be a part of the victory.

This was Lie Xin's pride!


Lightning began to strike towards the horizon. It seemed like it was preluding to something. Eve Litt felt that something was wrong and that she should not wait any further!


The two flame whips began to burn with endless flames infused into them, and in the next moment, the flame whips struck.


Lie Xin's mech remained motionless. This was a moment of breakthrough; not to mention move, even a distraction would be disastrous. Lie Xin had to be crazy. Did she think that her opponent would just stand by and watch her?

However, the two attacks were deflected by the swirling yin and yang energy, and the energy currents began to shake violently.

Lie Xin's body shuddered. As blood flowed from the corner of her mouth, whatever her opponent was trying to do, it made sense. However, the problem was, what was she going to do?

Within Lie Xin's body, the two streams of energy showed no hints of fusing. The Sage Arts were merely at a basic level as the time spent on them was not long, but due to Lie Xin's foundation in the Lie Flame Technique, she did not face much difficulty. However, she did not have much growth either, and most of the time, she used it to adjust her spiritual power. Spiritual power was Lie Xin's weakness. In this aspect, the Sage Arts could help in her conditioning, and that was all. Until some time back, a proposal came from the Lie family, stating the plans for the Heavenly Flame Technique, but this was for Lie Xin to mentally prepare herself, take note for her routine training, and gather experience.

However, Lie Xin ended up trying to force it now.

When would be the best opportunity? Perhaps even till death, she would not encounter such an opportunity!

If she wanted to do it, the time was now!

Boom, boom, boom…

The moment she struck, she attacked with no hesitation, but her opponent's defense seemed to be far greater than what she expected. She could no longer let things continue. As the flame whips continued their attack, the temperature in the arena was rising, and the audience felt the extreme heat.

Lie Xin continued gritting her teeth. It would seem like the attacks were not landing on her body, as her focus was on the insides of her body, where the Lie Flame Technique and the Sage Arts were shaking, forming a huge energy field. The energy did not belong to her, it was the energy from the violent repulsion between both techniques that were being forced to fuse.

The repulsion seemed like it was going to tear Lie Xin apart.

But she had to endure it!

Eve Litt found the problem as well. If this continued, it would not be good. She had no idea what Lie Xin was trying to achieve, or if it was even possible. But Saruman Snake had made too many risky moves, and she could not let this continue any further!

From a distance, endless flame energy flowed into the laser swords, forcibly straightening the whips. If she was unable to break through it, she could only pierce it!

The two laser swords pierced through the formless Yin Yang energy field. Lie Xin, who was already under tremendous pain, felt her body being pierced by the laser swords.

Eve Litt's expression was worse. Before she could feel the joy of piercing through the energy field, she felt the backlash of her attack, and she could not even react.

She vomited a mouthful of blood, but Eve Litt was a strong-willed woman. She continued to feed her laser swords with flame energy. Even if it ended in mutual destruction, she would never admit defeat!

At this point in time, Lie Xin was drained by the attacks. In a direct confrontation like this, Lie Xin could not be compared to Eve Litt, as Eve Litt was able to hold her ground. Eve Litt directly pierced through and crushed the last bits of strength left in Lie Xin.

In this moment, the Lie Flame Technique and the Sage Arts felt a sense of danger. The host body was at risk, and the two techniques spent most of their energy fighting each other. The purpose of techniques was to enhance life force, and now that life force was being destroyed. The two streams of energy worked together to fend off the attack.

Chapter 1281: Drenched

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

However, a single Lie Flame Technique or Sage Art was not a match for Eve Litt. Eve Litt had a look of absolute determination. Although she had just been laid to bed, the resistance she had faced was not as great as she had imagined; it was just putting up a bold front!

The Sage Arts and the Lie Flame Technique could not stop Eve Litt's pure attack, but she was retreating steadily. But if she retreated further, it would be over for Lie Xin. Just then, two forces suddenly intertwined together, spinning non-stop and blocking. Slowly, the two forces began to fuse together…

However, this minor change made the convoluting yin and yang force field spiral even more strongly. It had also made it become clearer. A strong and heavy pressure began to be released.

Eve Litt clenched her teeth. The flames were detonating inside endlessly. She had no way to retreat now. She had also felt that something was wrong somewhere.

Lie Xin opened her eyes now!


The Sage Arts and the Lie Flame Technique had become one. Two hundred and fifty-six breaths instantly filled her entire body. Eve Litt's endless flames were being… absorbed by Lie Xin.

Instantly, the flames in the space surged towards the Iron Armor Steel Fist mech like a thousand galloping horses.

The azure blue flames suddenly shrouded the mech. Soon, the azure blue flames turned into milky white. However, this had not ended yet. The white of the flames was slowly disappearing; continuously turning lighter…

The entire arena was dead silent.

Lie Xin looked at the nearly colorless flames at the fist of the mech and threw a punch.

Suddenly, a flat tornado. Bang…

The Knight of Holy Light flew out along with the sound. Everyone's eyes could not catch up with what was happening. In the next instant, the Knight of Holy Light had already been glued to the energy protection wall. However, there was a huge hole in the mech's abdominal… only inches away from the cockpit.

Completely empty…

Eve Litt's face was so pale that it seemed bloodless. Tears began to flow down her cheeks. If it had been the Flames of the Blazing Angel, she could have accepted it, as she was unafraid of them. That highest level of heavenly fire had completely crushed her confidence.

Legend had it that only those who possessed the Heaven-level fire attribute could reach the forbidden field – Heavenly Fire!

Burning everything – matter, energy and even souls!!


The Knight of Holy Light fell. Behind it was a gigantic, radiation-enhanced hole. The energy protection wall behind it had also been penetrated. The most horrifying thing was that the melted hole had unexpectedly formed broken layers, and energies were unable to flow into it.

This was a complete violation of the law of conventional energy…

Even Marshall was speechless. This was the first time he had seen such an amazing sight. The energy protection wall seemed to have been turned into a piece of burnt-through wood. No matter how much energy was being outputted, it was impossible to repair it completely.

Was this the legendary Heavenly Fire that burned everything?

This was total bullsh*t for someone who had just entered Earth-rank.

This blow was lethal for the Aslan empire.

"What is this… thing?" mumbled Si Jiali.

"If my guess is right, this should be theUltimate Heavenly Fire, burning everything,��� commented Jondi Lilick with a bitter smile.

"Heavenly Fire? What is that?" Si Jiali asked awkwardly. This was actually the question that countless viewers were asking too. What was this thing?

"It's a forbidden power only the Heaven-rank fighters can control." There was some bitterness in his mouth.

Lie Xin could feel the power of her body, especially the gigantic support brought about by the two hundred and fifty-six degrees practice that was circulating inside her body. It was completely unimaginable.

She… had actually achieved it!

Lie Xin could not help but raise her arms and roar. Instantaneously, the entire arena was lighted. Saruman Snake had created a miracle once again, winning the second match!

Goddess of Heavenly Fire — Lie Xin!

She had never performed well previously. Yet, during the crucial match, she had made a super counterattack by using the ultimate flames!

Eve Litt's injures were not serious. However, for a proud flame wielder, her psychological trauma was the greatest. Someone who was obviously weaker than her could actually use flames that were two grades higher than hers… This was really a great blow to her pride.

The Aslan people, who had always been known for their talents, were completely dumbfounded. All of a sudden, Saruman Snake had won two matches.

Following Lie Xin's victory, the commentators from different countries had all become very excited, as if they had taken ecstasy. Everyone was very animated. What could be more exciting than thrashing Aslan?!

At Arbiter, the commentators from the various major military academies were ecstatic. What did this mean?

This meant that the Arbiters were not weak in their battles. It was because they had met Saruman Snake!

It would still be a crushing defeat regardless of the opponent – even for Aslan too. If they had met Saruman Snake earlier, they would have faced the same bad luck too!

On Mars, everyone was already dancing in celebration. Regardless of the final outcome, the Martians had nothing else to lose. They had witnessed Lie Xin's growth and success!

Everyone had always doubted her. She had always depended on her teammates to win. But she had finally taken a victory through her own merit, and a very crucial victory at that!

As for the Lie family, they were drenched in sweat. When they saw the birth of the Heavenly Fire, even the head of the Lie family, who had long abandoned his emotions, could not help but cry too. For the Lie family, they had sacrificed everything in wait for this moment.

The supporters of the Saruman Snake were roaring madly. Who the hell dared to look down on Saruman Snake? Who said that Saruman Snake could not out-fight Aslan?!

Now they were up two-nil!

"Valor, I seem to recall that a certain someone said that if the Saruman Snake was to win three-nil, then that someone would eat three bowls of shit!" The entire Astina Empire Academy was rolling in laughter.

"Oh? Did someone say that?"

"Haha. Valor, I have a few million audiences as witnesses. Three bowls ok! Cluck cluck. Next up is the big Demon King. Be mentally prepared!"

Everyone burst out laughing. In the journey to success, the Saruman Snake was no longer mediocre. They had many fans, growing together, winning together and reaching the finals together!

Now, it was already two to nil!

The historic moment was coming. Could Wang Zheng paint an exciting ending to his perfect SIG journey?!

Similarly, the most important and most testing moment had arrived for Lin Feng. The Aslan Empire was too mighty, so mighty that there had been no opportunity for the captain to perform. But now, facing Saruman Snake, facing the Demon King, if Lin Feng could turn the tides, then his reputation in Aslan would never be the same again.

He would no longer be just a member of the royal family. He would also be the true saviour of Aslan. A leader of the younger generation of Aslan!

There was no retreat for this battle!

Lie Xin jumped out from the mech, and the entire arena cheered. Of course, it came with whistles too. The treatment for a beauty would, of course, be better.

"Having come this far, the momentum of the Saruman Snake has been completed. Combining the Lie Flame Technique and the Sage Arts is something that even a crazy person would never dream of. But Lie Xin dared to and has succeeded." Bolet smiled bitterly while shaking his head. This success was so lucky. However, if it was luck, it was strength too. This courage of finding a way out of an impasse alone was worthy of praise.

"Wang Zheng has brought a lot to the people around him," commented Sarabujal.

Chapter 1282: X9 – Grim Reaper

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Bolet was deeply convinced that right from the beginning, Wang Zheng was fighting alone. He was using his actions as an example. The people around him were all rather talented. When Wang Zheng began to create miracle after miracle, changes began to happen in the hearts of these people. They finally exploded on the stage of this SIG. It might seem to be luck, but this was an eventuality.

Many a time, in order to create a miracle, one had to hold on to the last breath. One foot in heaven, one foot in hell.

As a general and a leader, he could see things at much deeper levels.

Lie Xin gave everyone a warm hug. She did not care about the Heavenly Fire Technique. The reason why she had fought so hard was not for her family, but rather for her brothers, her teammates. This victory was dedicated to them!

"Oh, hey, as the injured, I should be getting a longer hug." Zhang Shan was not satisfied yet.

Lie Xin smiled charmingly and a small spark appeared at the tip of one of her fingers. "Think about it, I will warm you up. You no longer have to worry about this."

Zhang Shan shivered a little. "Forget it. I'm good!"

Finally, the last match. The entire arena had gradually calmed down from all the enthusiasm because the last defender of Aslan, Lin Feng, had entered the stage.

In fact, the key to victory was this match. Whoever took this win would claim victory. Team battle, it was still dependent on these two.

The two peerless heroes of SIG. Wang Zheng and Lin Feng. Today, right here, they would be facing off to be the number one master of the younger generation; the number one captain; the Greatest King… and so on.

The winner takes all!

Wang Zheng stood up and walked towards the battlefield. The crucial moment had arrived. The cameras were now on both of them. They were equally composed.

There was nothing much to say about Saruman Snake. Their morale was at an al-time high at the moment. The reputation of the Big Demon King needed no further introduction.

"The third match, Saruman Snake's winning match. If they win this match, Wang Zheng will be crowned god. Let us give a round of applause to this miracle creator of a warrior, the great Demon King!" No other sound could be heard both on the inside and outside the arena after Jondi Lilick's roar. Everyone felt that their minds were already in a maximum state of madness.

Wang Zheng's named sounded throughout the arena. This man was the spokesperson of miracles!

The big screens were showing the highlights of his battles once again. The organising committee had never missed any details of creating publicity of the momentum.

"Geesh, not that again. It isn't that interesting anyway. I've only seen those a hundred times over."

"Wang Zheng, invincible!"

"Wang Zheng, I love you. I want to have your babies!"


Following Wang Zhengis entry, the people outside the arena started to faint. The rowdy atmosphere of SIG was beyond imagination. Those who were not as tenacious could not withstand such fervor.

"Father, that person is so cool. I want to be like him when I grow up!" said an excited five or six-year-old boy who was sitting in the arms of his father.

The middle-age man smiled. "Haha. That guy has finally made it. Back then, I was his greatest opponent!"

"Geez. Aren't you embarrassed? Don't think it's easy to fool me because I'm a kid. You? He could take you down with just a finger."

The man's ego had been called to question, and by his own son. He was especially upset. "Your old man never lies. I'll get him to tell you personally next time he comes. Was Old Deer not his greatest opponent?!"

The man shook his fist. It was correct. He was once Wang Zheng's greatest opponent. The Invincible Black Skull – Old Deer. Now he was the president of Wang Zheng's fan club back on Earth.

Momentum wise, Saruman Snake had already gained the upper hand. With Wang Zheng's personal strength and the advantage of the two earlier victories, the goddess of victory was already smiling on Wang Zheng's team.

Special features and momentum were necessary for the introduction of the contestants. No one could compare with Wang Zheng in this aspect. Half the arena was silent, and it was the same outside the arena too.

They were from Aslan. They had never seen their national team being crushed to such state before. All they could do was wait.

It had already come to this, yet Lin Feng's expression was still so calm. There was even a hint of a smile at the corner of his mouth.

In comparison, Wang Zheng's introduction was incredibly exciting and could even be considered a classic introduction. Lin Feng's performances in SIG were just unconvincing. Of course, it could also because his opponents lacked quality, but facts were still facts.

"Wang Zheng's opponent is the captain of Aslan's Sword Shield Rose battle team, Lin Feng!" commented Si Jiali. Even she felt the lack of imposing manner. If she had advocated some past titles, it would appear very flat. In comparison to Wang Zheng's ferocious battle record, the results that Lin Feng had achieved internally at Aslan seemed commonplace.

However, highlights were still necessary. At least they should not lose on momentum.

In the end, everyone was stunned because only one phrase was given for his introduction… X9.

What did this mean?

The entire arena was silent. A big question mark appeared in everyone's minds.


With X as the start… perhaps… there was only the X Battle Standings?!

The X Battle Standings recorded most of the masters and potentials, especially the evaluations of the Earth-rank warriors. This was the most reliable system currently.

If the younger generation could be listed in the top one hundred, they could be deemed to have a very bright future. They could break through to Heaven-rank.

Wang Zheng would definitely have been listed in the top one hundred. After the end of this competition, he would probably be promoted up the standing. But it was still anyone's guess as to what extent. This was because this was dependent on the standings of his opponents and the number of times that he had defeated them. Everyone knew that the X Battle Standings were not based on one or two lucky victories.

What did it mean to be on the top X10?

This was no age limit. It was known as the top ten Earth-rank masters in the current Milky Way Alliance!

Lin Feng's other identity was the top master of the X Battle Standing. One of the top Earth-rank masters in the world right now and the only one who was under the age of forty among the top ten masters.

To be exact, Lin Feng was not even thirty yet.

There was a saying in the dark world, "It was better to meet a pirate than to meet the Grim Reaper."

A mech then appeared on the big screens They were unfamiliar battling scenes. One after another, Earth-rank warriors began to fall.

That was Li Feng, X9, code name Grim Reaper. This was given by his opponents. He was the only one on the X Battle Standing that no one wanted to provoke, even those ahead of him.

That was Li Feng, X9; code name: Grim Reaper. This was given by his opponents. He was the only one on the X Battle Standing that no one wanted to provoke, even those ahead of him.

If he were to advance to Heaven-rank before age forty, he would be unstoppable.

Calm? That was because he was on a different playing field from the rest, even at the beginning.

That calm smile was the confidence brought about by the power from the countless battles and victories

Opponent – the stronger the better!

Wang Zheng's highlights were all competitions between the academies. However, Lin Feng's highlights were match after match of real battles. To be exact, it was war!

Wang Zheng had solely battled against thousands of Zerg. Lin Feng had once taken down an entire pirate ring that was once ranked number twelve. The very crazy Disla Bloody Pirates, a well-equipped pirates ring with five Earth-rank warriors.

This was what Lin Feng had accomplished.

The whole world was silenced and the eyes of every person in Aslan were burning with flames and confidence.

Yes, the Aslan Empire was invincible!