1305 - 1318

Chapter 1305: The Appearance of the Oracle

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Punk, don't try to be a hero before you are ready. Eh, the chick beside you looks good as well… Why do I find her familiar…"

"B… Boss, this person is also familiar…"

"Rascal, tell me your name. I'm the number one boxer in Lan Kao, and I don't just hit anyone!" Big Brother Tie howled. Sh*t, this rascal did look familiar.

Lan Ling smiled. "He's Wang Zheng. A causal beating will suffice…"


The minds of these small thugs went blank, as though they were hit by lighting. No wonder they found him familiar. It was the Great Demon King indeed…

Then wouldn't this woman be Lan Ling from the Lan family!?

Drip, drip…

A strange sound and a weird smell. Big Brother Tie… was so scared that he pissed his pants.

Wang Zheng shook his head helplessly. It wasn't worth it to get his hands dirty over such a thug: however, he couldn't just leave things like that. The police came in a very timely manner to take them all away. Obviously, they should stop thinking about making trouble.

In the next few days, Wang Zheng, Rara Durai, and Mu Zhen started the selection of the Saruman Snake Corps. Wang Zheng's presence boosted the morale of the giants. After the SIG, numerous Titans wanted to meet Wang Zheng. His appearance was of great help to the Tita Star's urban and army development. However, Wang Zheng was still controlling the scope. He didn't want to be too eye-catching yet.

In an unknown star.

There were floating ice and debris everywhere. This was a world null. There were no surrounding planets, no gravitational force, and all kinds of trash surrounding it. It was just like a messy room that no one bothered to clean up.

A space shuttle suddenly appeared.

Protective energy gave a slight glow around the ship.

Lear gazed at the emptiness outside, causing a ripple in the well of his heart.

He had finally decided.

The Oracle Star!

Boom, the tail of the space shuttle suddenly spewed a white beam, hitting a piece of inconspicuous meteorite.

The meteorite was only the size of the fist of an ordinary person on the surface. It was plentiful in this void. However, under the illumination of the trailing beam, it changed rapidly. Honeycomb-like light patterns gradually formed a light blue space portal.

The space shuttle entered the portal quickly and, in a blast of light, the void returned to its previous state. That meteorite turned into dust, as though there was no trace left.

Luo Fei looked on at the light pattern outside, which was completely different under curved flight. Usually, the lights would be stretched, as though time was compressed. Here, however, light twisted and changed constantly, as though watching through a kaleidoscope.

Luo Fei felt that things were spiraling out of control. He felt that Lear was just like a gambler who had many chips at first and then lost more of them as time passed and was now desperate. Luo Fei was not that holed-up fatty anymore. He had stood on the stage of SIG, but he would always be that little fatty in front of Lear.

Lear's path was his path, even if it was a dead end.

The Oracle Star was Lear's last hope. Lear's future would be dark if he was unable to obtain the support of the Saint. The Solar System was now in a new era. The conservatives were dying and the Locks family had to be wary of how they acted to survive. Ye Bingwen was now an important figure as a member of Parliament. He had obtained the support of the people, and the relationship with Mars and the Moon made him really powerful.

Wang Zheng had already done the things that Lear wanted to achieve.


He could no longer return. Wang Zheng's influence was everywhere. His old camp was now someone else's.

That wasn't that bad, however. Lear gave up completely on any form of insistence. What family glory, what bottom line?

These things were unnecessary!

He needed only strength and power!

Contact from the Oracle Star gave Lear a way out from his chaos and anger. It kept him sensible. Humans had to have hope to survive. It was the same for Lear.


The space shuttle shifted slightly and flew out of the distorted fissure in space. A blue planet appeared in the view of the porthole.

They had arrived at the Oracle Star.

Lear was confident that he could fulfill the request of the Saint even if they were just using him. At least they would be able to provide him with power, and he would have the title of the candidate of the Son of Saint. At least his performance in the SIG was pretty good.

These were all chips to be used!

It was different from his expectations though. No one was there to greet him. There was no applause, only busy people walking past briskly.

"Spaceship number nine, are you from Earth? Name?"

A middle-aged man in an old-fashioned military uniform walked over.

"I'm Lear."

"Alright, Lear, your information has been refreshed. This is a Skylink that can be used on the Oracle Star. It includes your initial capital. Ge Luo, bring him to the special exchange of the temple, he is a candidate of the Son of Saint."

That middle-aged military man got a young soldier over to bring Lear and Luo Fei around.

Such a tepid attitude fizzed out the fire in Lear. Luo Fei thought that Lear would be treated differently here. He might have been shocked by the scenes along the way, but it had also given him hope. Given his talent, Lear could create a miracle as long as he mastered these.

However, these were just in their imaginations. The people here didn't seem to think much of them.

Everything went according to a procedure. The soldier named Ge Luo was polite but didn't care too much about them. He brought them for a change of clothes, told them how to use the Skylink, gave a simple explanation about the Oracle Star, and arranged their lodging.

It was a very small room, which he got them to wait in.

Luo Fei wanted to ask other questions. For example, why had they brought them there? Luo Fei gazed at them as if they were fools when it was brought up.

Fate had suddenly reversed. There was no law, no fairness here. They were just lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Lear was very calm throughout the journey, which creeped Luo Fei out.

A storm was brewing in the higher echelons of the Oracle Star. The Circle of Elders was debating fiercely.

"The prophecy is very clear. The Oracle has appeared. We just can't find it because we are being blocked by some factors. It can be confirmed by the recent reaction. I think everyone should be clear about this!" the third elder said.

The thirteen elders of the Circle of Elders had different identities. The only one who understood everything was the Great Elder, the only one in white robes.

"We believe it, but this will expose the Saint and make it a target of the Milky Way Alliance."

"Fifth Elder, you are getting more cowardly as you become older. The Oracle has appeared. It is the reason for our existence, the first opportunity to revive the Saint over the past hundreds of years. No one can stop it!" the Sixth Elder said, his voice bordering crazy.

Finding the Oracle would grant them eternal life. That was the only goal they had.

Faith? Successor?

These were just ploys to fool the believers. They stood at the pinnacle, maintaining this organization, enjoying the highest authority, and doing whatever they wanted. They didn't care about anyone else.

Chapter 1306: The Prophet

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Crazy quarrels and a battle of words ensued, obviously in a fierce power struggle.

That's right, the thirteen elders might be hidden in the darkness, but they held huge resources and power beyond the law of the Milky Way Alliance. Anyone in power would be numb after a while. That was why they wanted the Power of the Oracle so that they could do whatever they wanted and live forever, becoming God-like existences!

With the current technology, humans could only extend their lives to about a century. However, it was useless to them because it wouldn't help their fragile bodies, it wasn't what they wanted.

This wasn't a legend. They knew everything was real as the Elders of the Saint Sect.

The previous generations of Elders were not as fortunate, They died before they saw the arrival of the Oracle. The positions of the Elders were inherited, that was why they witnessed the deaths of the previous generations of Elders and had also inherited their angst.

But now, the Oracle had appeared. Everyone seemed to be calm, but their hearts were going crazy with joy. They could abandon everything for this power!

The problem was that no one knew what the Oracle was. Neither did they know what form it would present itself in. It was only recorded in the sacred books that the Oracle would appear on the successors, giving rise to the candidates of the Son of Saint. They had each chosen their Son of Saint. The right Son of Saint would grant the sponsoring Elder the first right of decision. That was a rule to prevent internal disputes between the Elders.

Nothing was more important than the Oracle.

The arguments got more heated along with the discussions.

Each Elder was secretly supporting one or many Son of Saint candidates. They used different methods. Some of them were their direct descendants, some of them binded them emotionally, some of them were even fully controlled.

The Elders themselves were aware that the Saint was too huge, which was why there were thirteen of them to balance the power.

Of course, struggle within a reasonable range would always be an effective way of maintaining vitality.

The Great Elder had been silent. The Oracle had appeared with an A-rank Ability X. He also possessed a prophetic Ability X. The Saint had put much effort in to train this person and succeeded. However, even he had died. Of course, that didn't mean his life was wasted. It was only a pity that he had only managed to get so far without more information.

The rest of the Elders quietened down seeing the Great Elder keeping his silence. They were all powerful in their own right, but no one dared to openly defy the Great Elder in the Saint. He'd inherited the most mysterious and strongest power.

The Great Elder hadn't sponsored any candidates till date. That was strange. Of course, it could be because the first choice would be the Great Elder, no matter which candidate had the Oracle.

Dong, dong, dong…

The Great Elder hit the table with his staff. "Are you done with your triflings?"

"Great Elder, the Oracle has appeared, we cannot just sit here and wait. What if…"

"Actually, the Prophet didn't finish his sentence," the Great Elder said solemnly.

Chatter started amongst the other twelve in the instant. Concern usually confused people no matter what position they were in.

"Great Elder, do you mean there is more information?" the third Elder said seriously. He actually wanted to ask why the Great Elder hadn't divulge that earlier. Was he intentionally hiding it from everyone? Of course, he didn't dare to say that out loud.

The Great Elder peered at the surrounding elders with a small smile. "The Prophet died begrudgingly. That was why he only predicted so much. The dead can't be resurrected, but I believe that the last thoughts of a person before he died don't disappear immediately. We can find them out with the current technology, but it will take a bit of time. Let's see them together."

Everyone's spirits were uplifted.

They opened their Skylinks and saw images of the experiment base from the Saint. The Saint viewed control of technology and talents to be of importance. They didn't have to care about interference from the Milky Way Alliance regarding the methods they had chosen, which added to its effectiveness. That was why the Saint was a better place to many researchers than the Milky Way Alliance.

The final prophecy was on display on the screen of the laboratory: the Oracle had descended. That was the incredible power of human cultivation. The power had always been shrouded with a mysterious fog and would only appear when there was ample opportunity. The winner would be glorious.

The hearts of the Elders thumped away. That was the power of an A-rank Prophet. What a pity. He could have been able to clear the mysterious fog away if he were at the Heaven rank. It was too late though, the prophecy had a certain value.

"Great Elder, you are our leader. I believe you have a way already. Same as always, you give us the rundown and we vote," the Ninth Elder said.

"There is a natural cycle to life. If the Oracle Star is here, that means the Saint can be exposed or hidden. It doesn't matter anymore. Our ancestors and us have been waiting for this day here. That's why we can do everything to find the Oracle."

The Great Elder's voice was calm but filled with rigor. They might not know his age, but he was definitely more than a hundred years old. However, none of the twelve there were able to feel any breath of life from him. That was the scariest part. The one who would obtain the most benefits when the ancient forces recovered would definitely be the Great Elder. That was because it was impossible for the rest of their powers to compare with his power.

At this very moment, however, the Oracle conquered everyone. Their eyes were filled with craze and excitement. Nothing else in the world could excite them any longer. The oracle was their life goal.

"Thirteen, you'll be in charge of this," the Great Elder suddenly said.

The Thirteenth Elder stood up and nodded slightly. He had not said much throughout. "Most of the candidates for the Son of Saint have arrived."

"Thirteen, what do you mean? Why didn't you convey such an important message sooner? Some of them have special identities…" the third Elder said angrily.

"Third, be calm. The Great Elder said that the Oracle has appeared. Why do you care about their identities now?" the Second Elder said.

"Great Elder, you must have some sort of plan in mind. Please let us in on it."

Chapter 1307: Holy War

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The Great Elder nodded. "The Third is right. We should be finding the Oracle on the Oracle Star now. This person might be amongst the candidates for the Son of Saint, or he might not be at all. We have to do something about it."

The visuals were replaced with the background of young, capable people from all over. The images refreshed at every interval.

"The successor of the Oracle will have two key attributes: young and talented. Moreover, since our A-rank Prophet could feel the appearance of the Oracle, that means he's pretty strong. Therefore, we should get all of them to the Oracle Star," the Great Elder said.

At this moment, the other Elders realized that the most insane one was the Great Elder himself. He didn't appear to be making any movement, but they could already feel a suffocating pressure on themselves. It was normal for the Great Elder to have Heaven-rank strength, but what exactly was his power? No one knew.

"These are… The royalty and nobles of the Arbiter Republic. Isn't this too exaggerated?"

"I don't think we can let any of them go, since we are going to do it. How many years have passed? What is royalty? They are just a group of vulgar locusts. Where would humans be without our Saint Sect? We have been scouring like rats in sewers for the past few centuries. It's time we get our rightful place and power back."

"That's right, I support that as well. We cannot falter at this point. Aslan did something good by holding the SIG. We should put the top sixteen into our considerations!"

"But the Princess of Aslan is not necessary. I'm not afraid of Aslan, but it would be outright war with the Milky Way Alliance if we were to do that. We wouldn't have time if their fleet were to come at us."

"Eighth, you seem to be too careless. The Prophet said a vague word with his dying breath which can mean 'princess' in the Aslan language. In today's world, the only people who can be called princesses are the two princesses from Aslan and the other from Atlantis. We have no way with Atlantis at the moment, but we have to get at least one of the two princesses from Aslan here. I don't think we need to worry too much at this juncture. Our fleets are also not to be trifled with."

"Let's start the vote then," the Great Elder said calmly.

Every one of the twelve raised their hands. This meant that the Saint was going all out with the power they had hidden away for centuries to bring them all to the Oracle Star.

"Very well. Bring everyone, no matter if they were dead or alive. The successor of the Oracle won't die so easily, but we cannot let go of any chance!" the Great Elder bellowed. "Our time is coming, remember, we are starting the holy war!"

Lear was resting quietly in the narrow room. He needed to think!

His original plan was foiled. He thought that he would be able to make a comeback once he reached the Oracle Star. It didn't go the way he wished. He didn't receive the respect he expected and seemed to be dispensable…

There were so many candidates for the Son of Saint. His outstanding performance in SIG was not even worth a mention here. He was just like a frog sitting in his own well.

But Lear was Lear. The Saint seemed to be searching for something with these huge and seemingly insane moves. What were they trying to do?

The Saint had to be searching for something!

Lear caught the key objective. The Saint seemed to have abnormal judgment and perseverance. It was all revolving around this point.

He had made a wrong judgment because he had used the normal way of thinking to distill the objectives of the Saint.

Luo Fei, on the other hand, was nearly bored to death. Lear could sit there unmoving, but not him. Luo Fei had a strong wanderlust, especially in places he wasn't familiar with.

"Boss, may I head out?"

Luo Fei finally asked. He could no longer take it.

"Don't create any trouble." Lear peered at him.


Luo Fei disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

The place was not bad. The murals and statues were all aged naturally and not old fakes.

Luo Fei's outing wasn't all fun. He observed his surroundings and carved them into his memory. Lear had let him out because he knew that he would do that.

Many people were doing the same. Most of them just nodded and headed away coldly.

Luo Fei planned to do the same, until he heard someone mention Earth!

"Earth can also send out a Son of Saint?"

"Are their heads alright? Earth, that desolate place?"

"You can't say that, Earth did well recently."

"Hehe, you mean the SIG? How can you take a bunch of half-wits playing around by themselves seriously!"

They roared with laughter. Obviously, they were all jeering.

"The battles of those with Ability X were not bad. However, only two people in the entire SIG comprehended the inner universe. How can such a low-level battle be called the Greatest King? We would've definitely sent them flying if we were there, haha."

"Low profile, please. We are people with standards, why are you self-praising!"

"You can't say that either. Ability X has certain power even under the layers of protection of the mech."

"The convenience of the mech plus the advantage in numbers."

"The inner universe is still superior when you talk about personal strength. Only your own power is the most reliable!"

Luo Fei subconsciously sneaked in when he heard the word "Earth." He instinctively wanted only to get more information. He knew Lear was troubled and his identity was somewhat more sensitive, but he didn't care. These people were very cooperative to give so much information.

What kind of cult was the Saint? Why were there so many Sons of Saint? So confusing.

Inner universe. Luo Fei knew a bit about it. He knew from Lin Feng and Wang Zheng's performance that it was different from the mainstream Ability X. Luo Fei agreed that one's own strength was the most reliable.

However, these people were too arrogant. They made it seem as though the inner universe was something normal.

"Who's listening in!?"

A shout suddenly came towards the direction of Luo Fei.

He was discovered! Luo Fei ran. His breathing was a pace too fast just now.

However, Luo Fei suddenly felt his body trembling. The strength of his body seemed to have been sucked away by ghosts. His body seemed to give way.

A completely foreign force had entered his body.

It was the shout from just now.

It pierced into his body through the sound waves.

What Ability X was this?

Luo Fei's eyes flashed. He wasn't looking for trouble! This would become the humiliation of Lear at such an awkward timing!

Chapter 1308: In Spite Of Oneself

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Luo Fei activated his weakening ability towards the dark shadow, but he had a bad feeling. It didn't seem to work. He wanted to flee, but it was too late.


That figure landed and Luo Fei flew out, spurting blood. His organs were rattled. The opponent was so cruel.

The other people came over leisurely as well. "Qingshan, have you been getting lazy recently? Your punch only drew this much blood? Hehe, I guess you have no place in this competition."

"Amis, don't provoke me. Little garbage, where did you come from?" Zhang Qingshan asked.

"I know this guy. He is Luo Fei, the Scout from the famous Dynasty battle team. Huge celebrity. He is Lear's dog." Amis smiled. The others laughed when they realized it as well.

Amis hailed from Lya Sphinx.

"Garbage. How did you sneak in? Oh, right, is Lear also a candidate of the Son of Saint then? Fatty, Lear must be here if you're here. Tell him to get out here and pay his respects to us and we'll spare your life!" Auburn laughed. He had a huge body and was from the Icelanda Federation.

The candidates of the Son of Saint should keep a low profile, but they were all young and were irked when they saw someone better than them. Only a few of them who fulfilled the criteria could enter the SIG. Lear was especially arrogant and proud. Everyone hated him.

Luo Fei wiped his mouth. "I'm just passing by and heard you chatting… We are all from the same place."

Auburn and the rest laughed. "You, same as us? Auburn, we'll leave this fatty to you."

A flash passed Luo Fei's eyes. He knew that he couldn't avoid it this time. These guys had a superior understanding of their physical techniques. They were extremely resistant to Ability X. It has to be said that it was advantageous for them to go on a fist-only fight.

Luo Fei knew that resistance would only worsen the situation, so he played dead.

However, Auburn didn't plan on letting him go, but he also felt that it was meaningless to deal with someone who didn't resist. He therefore gave him a powerful kick.


Luo Fei hit the wall and spat out blood again. His Ares Art nearly disintegrated on impact. Luo Fei wasn't stupid. He understood the difference between them already.

"Eh, this guy can withstand the blows."

"Forget it, Auburn. Don't kill someone."

"Hehe, I was just getting started. Don't you know why this event is so huge? Kill one more and get one less opponent," Auburn said.

"That's why they said that men with muscles have simple brains." A cold voice came.

Auburn's face changed abruptly. "Who's that!?"

Lear walked out slowly without as much as a glance at Luo Fei. "Lear, Earth."

The five of them looked at Lear with playful smiles. They knew from the aura that Lear didn't have an understanding of the inner universe. In fact, it wasn't that Lear wasn't cultivating enough, but they themselves had gone down the wrong route. They had used too much time and energy on Ability X, while the children of the Saints focused on ancient martial arts. Once their seal was lifted, their power would improve by leaps and bounds. Many of them were still under the seal and could not display their full prowess. Which youngster didn't want to be like Wang Zheng, gaining power and obtaining the beautiful princess?

Lear was just a punching bag at this point in time.

"Lear, you have to pay for your words!" Auburn's voice loomed. He wanted to stand out from the crowd as well. Many people were preparing to kill the famous but useless Lear so that they could be noticed by the Elders.

Lear smiled. "The Saint spent so much effort to bring all the candidates of the Son of Saint here. Why do you think they did it?"

"Of course it's to choose the next successor, why else?!" Zhang Qingshan's lips curled up into a proud smile.

Lear smiled with disdain. "Do you think they need to spend so much effort, revealing the Oracle Star and even letting the Saint appear in front of the Milky Way Alliance just to choose a successor?"

The five of them couldn't reply. It was indeed abnormal. They were under strict orders to hide their powers, but their journey here was a bit ridiculous. There was no need to hide their trail at times.

"What do you think the Elders are trying to do then? We'll let this fatty go if you can give us a good reason. If not, you'll end up like him!" Auburn stormed.

Lear's face betrayed no emotion. His trip to the Oracle Star had been nothing but blows. "The Saint Sect has been searching for a mysterious heritage that is the origin of power of the Saint. Everyone's existence, including this Oracle Star, is for that, and it must have appeared on a young person. They have been searching and observing for all these years. Their actions today made one thing very clear. The Oracle has appeared. That person or perhaps that thing is on us, or perhaps it can only be shown after some form of sacrifice. This is the ultimate purpose of the Saint Sect. They don't care if they expose themselves to the Milky Way Alliance, because they will once again rule the Milky Way if they get this power!"

Lear stunned everyone with his words. They fell into deep thought because they were all children of the Saint and knew about the inheritance. They were also aware of the glory all those years ago. It was said that that power could prevent the body from dying and could also allow one to step through time and space. Wouldn't that be equivalent to God?

Glory, status, women, money. They could get anything and do anything they wanted…

A mad craze appeared in their eyes.

Lear dragged Luo Fei away quietly. Auburn and the rest didn't bother to chase after the two losers. Their minds were now filled with the Oracle. The Oracle Star existed because of this. They also wanted to enter the Saint World. Lear might have been speculating, but it felt very possible!

Inheriting the Oracle and becoming the owner of the Saint was something that would excite anyone. The Aslan Princess would had to grovel under their feet then. That was the highlight of life.

That was what long term suppression brought — desire and madness.

Lear scolded Luo Fei back in his room. Luo Fei would have become useless if his martial technique was revealed.

Luo Fei opened his eyes after quite some time, panting. This place didn't have an ounce of humanity. Elite Academy X was heaven in comparison.

"Boss, this place is too strange, I think we should leave," Luo Fei said with a bitter laugh.

Chapter 1309: The Wild Desire of the Saint

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Luo Fei wasn't a coward, nor was he afraid of dying. However, he really wanted to go this time. They were good at battles that involved mecha, but there wouldn't be any here. This battle was with the ancient martial arts, to which they were late bloomers. The could fight it out if it was important to Lear, but the current situation didn't call for that. It wasn't going to do any good for their situation.

Luo Fei and Lear both understood this, which was why they endured it even though they had been humiliated.

Lear knew that his comprehension of the inner universe was just a matter of time. This was just a direction. He could do it, but he didn't have the time. How was he going to compete with others even if he were to be enlightened now?

Candidates of the Son of Saint?

This was simply a joke. He thought too highly of himself, thinking he could use the Saint to overturn things.

He was too naive, but he wouldn't be Lear if he were to give up here. Lear was sure of one thing — the Saint could grant him the power he desired. His homework was to think about how he was going to obtain it.

Therefore, he wouldn't leave!

"Luo Fei, I have no other choice."

Earth had no more value to him. Of course, he could still go there if he just wanted to live his days out comfortably. However, the Solar System wasn't the same as it was with Ye Bingwen as their representative. Not only that, they had obtained the support of the Moon and Mars, which meant that Ye Bingwen was a sure bet for the next president of the Solar System. The Locks family had no place left.

Lear didn't care about the growing gap in strength between him and Wang Zheng. However, the difference in their influence was the thorn in his heart. It mattered no more to Lear whether or not Aina and Wang Zheng were still together. Lear could never catch up.

Achilles and Lie Xin might surrender, Aragorn perhaps would rather die than surrender, but Lear, Lear would never die, nor would he surrender. He was the strongest.

Luo Fei's lips trembled, but he didn't say anything else. It was like what Lear had said. This was a route of no return. Moreover, it was easy to enter this place, but not so easy to leave. Would the Saint let them leave after learning so much of their secrets?

In the temple of the Oracle Star.

The Great Elder was praying when footsteps rang out. He stood up, his shiny, gray hair accompanied by his rosy cheeks. It was difficult to tell his true age.

"Master, everything is being done according to your instructions."

The one who spoke was the Thirteenth Elder. He was the confidant of the Great Elder.

The Great Elder nodded and paused, pondering something.

"Master, everything is in your control. We might not be able to bring everyone to the Oracle Star, but the scale should be enough to meet the requirements of the prophecy. The other Elders are very excited. They will not be dragging their feet on this matter," the Thirteenth Elder said respectfully. A half-truth of a prophecy was necessary to obtain the cooperation of the other Elders to deploy such a huge scheme.

The Elder nodded. "Wang Zheng, Meng Tian, Xie Yuxin, Aina, and Lear are the five sacrifices named by the Prophet. These five people have to be here."

"Yes, Master. Meng Tian, Xie Yuxin, and Lear are here already. We will definitely get Wang Zheng and Aina here." Meng Tian and Xie Yuxin weren���t difficult to get. Of course, they didn't expect the Galaxy Military College to send them on an expedition. That didn't matter though, it would only waste a bit of time.

Lear was the easiest. He was part of the Saint anyway and would come when called. Of course, this was a secret that only the Great Elder and himself knew.

The most difficult were Wang Zheng and Aina. Wang Zheng was under the watchful gaze of many and Aina was the Princess of Aslan. Needless to say, the consequences of their disappearances would cause a huge commotion. Therefore, they couldn't be touched unless things were certain. It was now time.

"Master, I have a question," the Thirteenth Elder asked.

The Great Elder nodded for him to continue. "Will the Oracle be on these five sacrifices? Why don't we capture them and experiment? Perhaps the efficiency would be higher this way. We have the greatest technology anyway."

The Great Elder smiled. "Would the Oracle be the Oracle if it could be obtained so easily?"

The Thirteenth Elder was taken aback. "This disciple is ignorant."

"Haha, it's not your fault. We are searching for the power of the heavens. This inheritance is definitely not on you, nor me. I must first be cautious if I want to obtain it. You have to know the form and signs of this power first. This opportunity will only come once in a few centuries. I cannot miss you, which is why I prefer to go slow and steady," the Great Elder explained.

Fate could be changed by taking advantage of and taking control of the situation. There was also a key factor at play here.

"How's the experiment?"

"It's going very well. We've obtained a more mature technology. The only problem now is that the human experiments have all failed as of now. Simply put, we need a highly active body with tyrannical power and strong survival instincts," the Thirteenth Elder said.

"Young, ambitious, tenacious, strong, and willing," the Great Elder said.

"Yes, Master. We also have to overcome fear. We've summed up the failures in the past. Our powers aren't weak, but you know as well. It will become a monster even if we were to succeed. This fear is despondent. However, if we don't tell the person, he would be smashed by the fear of blood thirst when we fuse the genes. It would also be a failure then," the Thirteenth Elder said. "Master… I'm willing to try if it's possible."

The Great Elder shook his head. "No, we are all old."

The Thirteenth Elder didn't respond. He was already over sixty years old. It was impossible to change the aged genes; therefore, a young man was preferred.

"Call him here," the Great Elder suddenly said.

The Thirteenth Elder bowed out respectfully.

The Great Elder's Skylink flickered. A person's particulars flashed on the screen. From his birth, growth, until now.

This pawn had been growing well. He could finally be put to use. It was important to go along the path of heaven's will. However, he would only be crushed if they were to comply fully with heaven's will. This was absolutely not ideal.

Some variables would have to be sown and grown to overcome the will of heaven.

This variable had to be opposing.

The opposing force of humans, the other existence in the universe, was the Zerg, the Zerg from the Abyss!

Some combinations were naturally against nature. However, the Oracle would definitely become more obvious with this sort of stimulation. Only then would he have the opportunity to make the Oracle his own in its infancy!

The human body was just too limiting!

Chapter 1310: Desperation

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lear was waiting for his chance. He had even thought of all sorts of methods to attract the higher echelons of the Saint; however, he really had nothing to rely on.

Lear did feel incredulous when he received the summon from the Elders. He might've looked indifferent in front of Luo Fei, but he was anxious and desperate. He would sacrifice everything in order to gain power. There were days where he wished to die.

Lear wasn't afraid of failure, he was afraid of becoming dispensable.

Lear was perturbed. He didn't know why the Elders were looking for him, but he knew that it was an opportunity, a unique opportunity which might spell the end of his life if he missed it.

The door of the temple closed. Lear's heart skipped involuntarily when he saw those white robes. It was the Great Elder of the Saint, the supreme ruler.

The Great Elder turned around slowly and sized Lear up. Lear looked up. He knew that he couldn't back off. However, his mind seemed to be struck by lightning once his eyes met the Great Elder's eyes. A majestic force shrouded him.

This was the power of the Heaven rank, as vast as the sea.

Lear could feel his legs shaking, but his determination didn't allow him to yield. Lear would kneel, but his soul was still looking down on the world.

The pressure disappeared as quickly as it appeared. It was just a few moments, but Lear was drenched.

The Great Elder smiled. "Lear, do you know why you were summoned?"

It was a question with no head nor tail, but Lear smiled slightly. "Great Elder, you summoned me to gift me a dangerous opportunity."


"This matter should be very dangerous, but it will also be the only opportunity for my current situation," Lear replied.

The Great Elder smiled. He was indeed clever. The Saint had an abundance of power and martial techniques that allowed them to keep their power. However, that was also something that could lead to the Saint's downfall. That was why he had been absorbing fresh blood since he took over.

Lear knew his own position. He wasn't stupid to think that he could fool anyone.

"What qualities do you think you have that's worthy of my attention?" the Elder asked.

"The Saint isn't lacking in power. This disciple's cultivation base is backward; however, this disciple believes that his mind is better than others'. I also have tenacity and ambition. My desire for power has never diminished," Lear said. It was better to tell the Great Elder the truth rather than to play some cheap tricks.

The Great Elder smiled. "What can you give up for power?"

The price!

Lear felt that this was fair. Life was a trade.

"That would depend on what kind of power that is," Lear said in a low voice. He wasn't an idiot. A person who agreed to everything readily had no value either. Lear was never one to diminish his value.

"How about a power to have Wang Zheng grovel under your feet?" The Great Elder smiled.

Lear bent his waist. "Then, this disciple has nothing he can't lose."

"Very good and very smart. Your talent isn't bad, but it's not the best. Locks wouldn't be able to help you in terms of power gain. I'll give you a chance now." The Elder clapped.

A middle-aged, bespectacled man in a white coat walked out and looked at Lear as though he was a piece of meat. He smiled satisfactorily, revealing two rows of yellow teeth.

"I'm Mendel, the person in charge of the Fusion of Human and Abyssal Zerg Project. If it succeeds, we will be able to produce a perfect new species even more perfect than God himself." Mendel began feeling his specimen as he spoke.

The Great Elder looked directly at Lear. "This is the grand plan of the Saint. Creating new warriors with human and Zerg genes. If successful, we will grant you the position of an Elder."

Lear stayed silent. He understood immediately. This wasn't a new topic. However, what monster would result from bioengineering the genes of humans and Zerg?

No one knew. However, it would cease to be human. It would be a monster with an existence even more inferior than that of a cyborg.

"This experiment requires you to have strong ambition. If not, it will only fail. You have to be sure." The Great Elder still carried a light smile on his face.

"Young man, this experiment sets the direction of human evolution. Human intelligence and the infinite life force of the Zerg. You could be freed from the restraints of the flesh and become a whole new species. Think about it, you'll become the new Adam of the new humans, the ancestor!" Mendel was very satisfied with his experimental target. That pair of eyes didn't show an ounce of fear when he mentioned the experiment, they were calculating his benefits. That was excellent!

"Great Elder, I've given it ample thought. I'm willing!" Lear announced.

The Great Elder nodded happily. "Go, I'll give you some time to prepare. All your requests will be granted."

Lear's expression didn't change. He could only accept it. He was now a fish on the chopping board. He had no power to refuse. His fate was set when the Great Elder chose him.

What was he amongst the overload of candidates? His background was the weakest, he had no power to resist, nor did he had the support of any Elder.

He could only move on if he wanted to live on. Live on and become the regret of everyone.

God would surely pinch your brain when he closed a door for you.

Mendel rattled off incessantly about the benefits of the experiment along the way. A mad scientist would do whatever it took to realize his ideals.

The failure rate of his experiment on humans was 100%. Of course, that also meant that he had obtained a lot of experience. Those ghouls he had created couldn't be considered successes. They always became monsters at the last stage of gene integration.Therfore, the subject's obsession and humanity were very important. The Circle of Elders had sent many strong subjects, but it was useless. They were all swallowed up by the gene. This wasn't the new human he wanted to create.

What would be born between the two strongest races in the universe? That was the question the geneticist wanted to solve.

It would definitely become a work of art that even God would be jealous of!

Lear was listening seriously. He could be sure that it was extremely dangerous. Nonetheless, if it succeeded, it would bring him unlimited possibilities.

In the past, he hadn't given others any choice. Now the world hadn't given him any choice either. He had nothing worth reminiscing anyway. Family? Loved ones? Fri…

Chapter 1311: Two Monsters Won't Be Lonely if They are Together

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Professor Mendel, can I use my power to send someone away?" Lear asked suddenly.

"You now have the same rights as the Elders. Other than some sensitive matters and people, I believe the rest won't be a problem," Mendel said with a smile.

Lear nodded. He wasn't stupid. The Great Elder had only given him this as a consolation. He wasn't going to use a made-up directive to order people around. It seemed like it wasn't going to pose a problem to send Luo Fei away.

Luo Fei reacted like a fat cat whose tail had been stepped on when he heard the news. "Boss, you don't want me anymore? Don't do this, I'll eat less!"

Lear did not know whether to laugh or cry. "Idiot. I don't have use for you anymore, don't follow me. Go back while I'm still kind. Don't wait until I regret my decision."

Lear was undoubtedly selfish. He had never denied it. However, this fatty wouldn't be of value to him in the route he was going to take.

Failure would result in death. Success would result in a monster. Neither situation required this fatty.

"Professor Mendel, can I enter the experiment as well? I'm quite strong as well. Look at me, I'm greedy and have a fear of death; therefore, I can definitely survive. One more person means a higher chance of success!"

Fatty said hurriedly.

Mendel's eyes lit up. Ahem ahem, this subject was not bad either. He might have been a little on the pudgy side, but his strength was there. The key to this experiment was the subject's willingness, it couldn't work without it.

Lear sighed slightly. "Luo Fei, do you know the consequences?"

Luo Fei scratched his head. "Boss, two monsters won't be lonely if they are together."

One Meter of Galaxy in the Aslan Royal College.

Lin Huiyin started to enjoy life as a princess. Her daily life included trying to find inspiration for her music, writing a few lines of music scores, and shopping with her friends.

Angela sighed. Lin Huiyin finally had the aura of a princess and was simply beautiful. However, she always felt that there was something lacking.

Wang Zheng was away and Aina was busy with all sorts of diplomatic trips after the SIG. She was also spinning with activities with the "scandal". She could only wait until they died down. Actually, her love life with Wang Zheng was quite pitiful. They had finally opened up about their relationship but had no time together. They had no privacy even when they were together.

Huiyin felt that despite all the challenges, her big sister was still happy. At least their hearts were beating as one. Moreover, they should be chatting every single day. Technology was so developed nowadays, what was a little distance? Huiyin, however, was slightly lost now.

"Angela, what do you think about me going to Tita as a cultural exchange ambassador?"

"Ahem…" Angela understood Her Highness Huiyin's thoughts, but that was too obvious. The Prime Minister didn't pay attention to it before, but that didn't mean that she was ignorant. One case with Aina was enough, if even Highness Huiyin… The Prime Minister would definitely go crazy.

Kashawen had been rational with Aina.

"I'm just saying, it's not like I really want to go and be a light bulb…" Lin Huiyin interlaced her fair, white fingers together.

Dong, dong, dong. Someone knocked on the door and opened it. A small head peeped through. "Huiyin, you ain't doing anything naughty, right? I'm entering now."

"Qian Xuedie! You're the one doing something naughty! Also, just come right in. You'll be dead if you are regarded as a thief by the guards."

The two lolis joked with each other happily.

"Dong Er went on a trip to Hail Cloud and Big Sister Ruoliu is busy with God-knows-what. She doesn't have time for me. I'm so bored."

Qian Xuedie started to complain about life after a while. Only them two out of the four had the luxury of living a carefree life amongst the four.

"Oh yeah, I was so bored that I started watching livestreams. It was so funny. A fat-ass was live streaming himself sleeping. Hundreds of people were watching, some of them even sent gifts."

"Did you send gifts as well?"

"Huiyin, do you want to try livestreaming as well? You can broadcast yourself singing and I'll broadcast myself eating tidbits." They were on the road to no return once Qian Xuedie started down this route.

"Your Highness, Miss Qian Xuedie, you must not!" Angela reminded them from the side.

"We might as well go shopping," Lin Huiyin brought Xuedie back to reality. Xuedie had always done whatever she wanted to do, it would be bad if she really started livestreaming here.

"We can go shopping with just the two of us. The season's changing anyway, we have to change our wardrobes as well."

They charged towards their shopping battlefield. Both lolis were VVIPs and showed no restraint in their purchases. Angela and Qian Xuedie's bodyguards were behind them all the time, on alert but without any nervousness. This was the heart of Aslan, there shouldn't be any danger.

They were in high spirits, laughing and joking along the way, until something happened that broke this serene atmosphere instantly.

Qian Xuedie's bodyguard suddenly knifed at Angela's abdomen!

Angela wasn't weak herself, but her opponent's strength was beyond her imagination. Her resistance was futile. The other party was actually an Earth-rank warrior!

At the same time, there was an explosion in the mall. Screams, laser beams, the collusion of masters, everything was in chaos.

Titatitan Star…

Wang Zheng unleashed his attack and the movement of the last invader froze in time. The bones in the invader's body were crushed and he collapsed like a pile of dirt on the floor.

Wang Zheng sucked the air hard. These invaders had very strong physiques. Their inner universes were all unleashed. Their levels might be different – three of them were masters who would have been top players in SIG, but they were now only assassins that had lost their lives.

Where did all these fearless masters come from? He could feel that they wanted to capture him alive, which was why they had given him the chance to retaliate. If not, it was difficult to say who would still be alive.

15 of the giants brought by Rara Durai were dead. They couldn't absorb the attacks of the assassins. The attacks of those who had comprehended the inner universe were not simple to block.

Lan Ling was also shocked at the scene when she arrived. It seemed as though a whole fleet of enemies had just stomped through. However, there were no mecha involved, yet Rara Durai was injured rather gravely. Lan Ling became solemn. Wang Zheng was now the spiritual leader of Tita. Who on earth was the enemy? Internal or external enemies?

His Skylink suddenly rang. It was Aina. Wang Zheng knew that she wouldn't have called if it wasn't for something important.

"Wang Zheng, something's wrong! Huiyin has disappeared!"

It was the first time Wang Zheng had heard such panic and terror in Aina's voice. Huiyin had disappeared… Wang Zheng felt a chill running down his spine as he looked at the dead assassins surrounding him.

Chapter 1312: The Saint's Attack

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The same things happened not only on Aslan and with Wang Zheng, but also in other places. No terrorist group had ever dared to be so arrogant!

In the Arbiter Republic.

Mars and Olivios were undergoing special training in the Iron and Steel College. Students could choose to rest or go back to college after SIG. Mars had graduated, but Olivios didn't stay in Elite Academy X. He had to at least comprehend the inner universe before going back. He had no combat power now at all.

It was better for him to be back in the Iron and Steel College to take advantage of the time to go over the SIG. It would be much better for absorption of what he had learnt there than to waste his time away. Many people had the same plan.

Aragorn might have died, but he had protected the honor of his empire. In comparison, the Van brothers had suffered a lot as well, but death was a relief for the weak. To live on was the true way of the warrior. They didn't have any backup plan and had to enter life and death battles time and again at breakneck speed. They had only one way to prove their worth, and that was to comprehend the power of the inner universe through the battle of the flesh.

The greed and power of the empire were built on unparalleled learning power. It was powerful because of its endless pursuit of them!

Everything else would rot, only power would always be filled with vibrancy.

The Arbiter Republic immediately initiated the research and study into the inner universe once they saw its power at the SIG.

Failure, failure, failure…

The streaks of failure continued. Mars and Olivios had been suppressing the instinctive Ability X and used their pure physical strength to fight.

However, the result seemed to get worse as they persevered.

Mars howled in fury. He was very familiar with the power in his body, What was the inner universe? It was the development of the energy in the body, while Ability X was utilization of external forces.

He was very close. Originally, his innate power was more suited to cultivating the inner universe. However, owing to the influence of Ability X, he was forcing himself to use external forces rather than using the energy within his body.

That was why he became a crazy warrior when he got angry, but that wasn't right.

Moreover, even though he was always playing with death, he could already feel his inner universe. That was the true power that he had been chasing after all this while.

Olivios could feel the change in his big brother. His aura was different. His punches were getting better. It wasn't purely an increase in force, but in substance.

Inner universe!

He had one foot in.

Had it arrived?


Right at this time.

The door to the training room exploded.

Dozens of shadows flew in.

Mars' eyes flickered. Just in time! This surprise attack could be put to good use!

Olivios, on the other hand, felt that something wasn't right. If it was an arranged training, why was there a need to bomb the door open? He turned towards the observation room on the second floor…

A streak of fresh blood was on the transparent window.

Where were the personnel?

"Be careful!" Olivios shouted as his face changed. Who had the guts to start a killing spree in the Iron and Steel College?


Mars' face changed, but it was too late. His opponent was wasn't very strong, but he was someone who had comprehended the inner universe and had a mech glove on hand.

The opponent backed away from the blow, but his right forearm was now broken.

"Who are you!?"

He said nothing. More of their gang attacked. Every one of them was rather good, three had comprehended the inner universe!


Mars was on high alert. The fearless Arbiter in him exploded as well.

The only difference this time was that a source of power coming from within his body started flowing out.

The inner universe and Ability X!

Spiritual and physical harmony.

Boom! Mars grabbed the forerunner and snapped his spine into two on his right knee!

He hurled that person onto the opponent coming at him. Mars then swayed forward and caught the third person coming at him and spun him. That person's organs burst and he died on the spot. Mars then wrestled the guy behind him, killing him, and threw the dead body towards the others.

A red excitement was in Mars' eyes. Come on, continue!

How dare they underestimate the Arbiters. The opponents were just seeking death. They might have comprehended the inner universe, but it was obvious that they weren't strong. Mars, on the other hand, had a breakthrough at such a critical juncture.

He was battle worthy!

Mars was basking in glory, but Olivios was not so lucky.

Olivios unleashed the Heavenly Overlord Attack on one of them and tore him in half alive. Of course, these people were real assassins. They were trying to bait Olivios.

A strong opponent had deliberately showed his weakness to bait him to show his own weakness.

Olivios made mistaken, and in that instant, he smelled death.

Everything went dark in that instant.

A steel, wall-like figure erected in front of him and blocked all the attacks.


All the killing attacks landed on Mars…

These attacks were aimed at Mars, not Olivios, from the start.

Mars only had this one brother.

Mars had always stowed away his wings of glory when Olivios was around. He preferred his younger brother to shine brilliantly rather than enjoying the glory himself.

That was because he was the big brother!

The Arbiters didn't speak much, but their feelings were the same. Mars had always felt that Olivios would become stronger than him.

An assassin hit Olivios' neck hard at his hesitation. Mars and Olivios disappeared and the bodies on the floor were taken away as well.

The training ground was only left in a mess with the bodies of normal guards.

The alarm of the Iron and Steel College pierced everyone's ears thereafter.

Jondi Lilick had better luck than the Van brothers. He didn't suffer much because he was taken down by his beautiful female fans. The Saint wasn't the least bit afraid of the young with hobbies. It was so much easier to deal with such a person than people like the Van brothers, who were always on high alert. Of course, Jondi did suffer quite a bit as well.

Chapter 1313: Explosion

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

When Jondi Lilick woke up, the two beautiful fans were staring at him. The gentleness from before was gone. Their acting was worth Oscars.

The three of them stayed silent for quite some time. Jondi Lilick didn't know where he was being transported to, but he had hardly any strength in him at all. It seemed like the other party had plotted it well. Motherf**ker, was this human trafficking? He could feel the turbulence in the space shuttle. Why the hell did they mess with someone like him?

"Ahem ahem, beauties, shall we have a chat since the journey is long? There's nothing to do anyway," Jondi Lilick said.

The two beauties ignored him. This disappointed Jondi. He had over-partied recently. His popularity had risen because of his guest commentaries in the SIG. His temperament and professional knowledge were huge hits, but that was why he was lying here now.

Jondi Lilick wasn't discouraged at being ignored. He talked to no one in particular with a smile. People from Manalasuo had quite a bit of confidence.

The taller girl on the left finally couldn't take it anymore. "I don't understand why someone like you is still alive. What a miracle. However, your luck has ended."

Jondi Lilick touched his nose. Motherf**ker, he was being looked down upon by a little girl with huge tits and no brain. What the hell.

"What I actually wanted to say is, have you gotten the wrong person? See, I'm no beauty, and I can't make much money as a gigolo. If you kidnapped me, you should know that there are many others who are far richer. The possibility of you getting money from me is too low." Jondi Lilick shrugged, trying to showcase the charm of a gentleman.

"Shut up. You'll know when we arrive." The girl on the right obviously didn't have a good temper.

"Beauties, I have been respectful toward you since the start. It's fate that we met. I'm now a fish on the chopping board, and you won't die from chatting, unless the organization behind you is inhumane."

"Rubbish, the Saint is the destined one…" The girl on the left suddenly covered her mouth and her eyes widened. "You set a trap for me!"

Jondi Lilick's pupils moved slightly and he smiled. "What's there to trap? Only the Saint would dare to do something like this with the current Milky Way Alliance. I just don't understand the use of capturing me."

"Jondi Lilick, there's no need for you to continue thinking. There's no harm in telling you either. The Oracle has descended. The Saint has to summon everyone who has the genes of the Oracle. You are one of them – you might have the Oracle on you," the tall girl said.

Jondi Lilick had certain understanding of the Saint World and the Saint. However, it seemed like the scope of their power was much more than what he had thought.

"Shouldn't you two be better to me since I might be the Oracle?"

"You're thinking too much, there are too many like you. We'll think about if you could stand out from the crowd."

Jondi Lilick's heart sunk. That meant that many people had been met with the same situation.

What the hell was in the mind of this scary organization?

However, Jondi Lilick knew that the Federal Republic of Manalasuo would blow up soon.

Jondi Lilick's status might not be comparable to Lin Feng's, but he wasn't a nobody. Especially now, when he was popular amongst domestic students. Something was definitely wrong with his disappearance. The situation was more serious than he had thought. He wasn't the most famous one either.

The disappearance of Lin Huiyin was sensational news in the Milky Way Alliance. Every country was experiencing similar devastating terrorism activities. They might have kept this private in order not to cause widespread panic, but they couldn't contain the spread. The first princess of Aslan had been attacked, while the second Princess had been kidnapped. Aslan was livid and exploded. Their loss from the SIG was still fresh, and many of the young people directed their anger towards the Princess. The Aslan Empire could no longer control their anger.

The Aslan Empire was now in a state of high alert. Every gate was strictly inspected. The eyes of every customs soldier were red. Every country had their bottom line. The Princess was the symbol of their nation. How dare they do this to Princess Huiyin?

The Arbiter Republic, the Federal Republic of Manalasuo, Hail Cloud Alliance, Lya Sphinx, and other countries were met with the same situation, though none as serious as the Aslan Empire. Aina was alright, since her guards were more numerous. But they didn't think that the terrorist would target Huiyin instead. She was at Monta Ellis after all; it was simply unimaginable that they would attack the Princess right in their capital. This terrorist group had unimaginable penetration force to be able to launch such attacks all over the galaxy simultaneously.

There were many people in history that wanted to conquer the world, but none had such great number of force and such deep penetrative power.

An emergency meeting was held with the Milky Way Alliance. Kashawen's face was very ugly now. The eyes of the iron-clad Prime Minister were now filled with murderous intent. Everyone knew that war relied on technology and money. The party which could hold out would be the one with the upper hand. That was why Arbiter acted arrogant but never had a direct conflict with Aslan. This terrorists had even dared to touch the Princess. They weren't giving themselves room to maneuver.

The whole Milky Way Alliance started moving. No one dared to vouch for the Saint, especially now. They would rather wrongfully kill a thousand of them then to let one guilty one get away. The Milky Way Alliance's forces were going all out.

The Aslan Empire was definitely anxious. Huiyin… was a princess, not a prince. It would definitely be a lie if Kashawen said she wasn't worried. It was extraordinary that she had managed to remain so calm.

The Saint had finally surfaced. The Milky Way Alliance was a huge machine with their rules and systems. No one person or country could do anything unilaterally. Every country had their own problems, but it was not the time to go into that right now. The first thing they had to do was rescue their people.

Chapter 1314: Difficult Foes

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The disappearance of the expedition team was now linked to the Saint. The Oracle Star might just be their base camp, which meant that would be the destination of those being abducted.

A snake couldn't do without its head. Kashawen initiated a motion to remove Ryan and demanded the establishment of a temporary standing committee to deal with this unprecedented terrorist activity. Ryan clearly couldn't shrink from the responsibility of breeding such an organization.

The other countries were enraged. They felt that the Aslan Empire was going overboard, but these were extraordinary times. It wasn't time to fight amongst themselves. They needed someone with power to act efficiently. The expedition this time would definitely be a joint force, but the main country paying for it would be the Aslan Empire. No one would object to their requests now.

Ryan was removed through a two-thirds vote.

Prime Minister Kashawen of Aslan was installed as the temporary President of the committee, owing to the special circumstances.

The inauguration ceremony was simple and in line with Kashawen's style. She was really furious this time. Her strong Aslan Empire had been insulted. Two steps were discussed immediately.

The first step would be to form a fleet to head to the Oracle Star immediately. Special forces would also be transported to the Oracle Star through technical means at the same time.

The second step would be for all the countries to launch a comprehensive operation for the clean-up of these terrorist organizations. Any country or individuals that harbored the terrorists would be the enemy of the entire Milky Way Alliance!

Public opinion amongst the various countries were clear. Everyone needed a brave and responsible leader now, not someone weak.

Kashawen's strength and dominance won the support amongst all the countries.

The efficiency was indeed improved. Everyone sent their elite forces to the Oracle Star,with Aslan as the main force.

The intelligence agencies of all the countries were also mobilized. Any organization would leave traces. They could only showcase their strength this way and follow the traces.

They had indeed messed with the wrong person. The fury of the Aslan Empire was not to be trifled with. They had now utilized the entire power of the Milky Way Alliance.

The first to bear the brunt was the Heaven's Arrow Federation. This country was found to be closely related to the Saint. To be exact, their higher level officials were all suspected to be part of the Saint. They would've fallen into a circle of infinite wrangling in the past. That was no more. The army was mobilized immediately and a war erupted.

The sudden change was overwhelming. War was suddenly so close to everyone.

Such an evil organization should be cleaned up thoroughly.

The thirteen elders gathered once again in the temple of the Oracle Star. It was a forced meeting this time. The plan was formulated by everyone and had the intended effect. They just didn't expect the counter attack of the Milky Way Alliance to be so strong. This was happening because they had angered the Aslan Empire.

Frankly speaking, it wouldn't have escalated to such a scale if not for the fact that they wanted to capture the princess. They had underestimated the Aslan Empire, thinking that it would drag on for awhile. They had forgotten that Kashawen was a master at this. If not for them, Ryan would probably still be on his seat for some time. However, the Milky Way Alliance was now mobilizing their fleet in such a short time.

The Saint might have certain advantages in technology, but this wasn't a huge advantage, especially in the face of Aslan and Atlantis. This was going to be a fierce battle.

The Saint had also suffered unprecedented losses in their attack. However, the thirteen elders weren't concerned about this.

This situation wasn't out of their expectations. The problem was that the people required by the Oracle weren't all here.

"Great Elder, most of the plan succeeded; however, we have yet to capture Wang Zheng and Aina."

A Greatest King and a Princess that the prophecy required, how could they not be here? Especially Wang Zheng, who had shown many signs of being the Oracle.

The attack this time had pushed the Saint backwards several decades. The cost was still acceptable. They had to grasp this opportunity even if it meant their forces were depleted. That was something all thirteen elders agreed on.

The Great Elder tapped on the table gently. "The situation isn't too good, but the general direction is still the same. Thirteenth Elder, you go personally to Aslan to talk terms. Get Wang Zheng and Aina here personally. If not, we'll send the corpse of Huiyin back. Not only that, a video of a Princess being r*ped and killed will be released to the world. Kashawen should know how to choose."

The other elders were expressionless. This move was really cruel. Kashawen perhaps might sacrifice Lin Huiyin for national interest, but she would never be able to accept this. It would bring shame to her entire country.

"Yes, Great Elder. Are we going to open the wormholes in the space of Saint?"

"Haha, no need. They should have broken in already. Just do as I say. The greater the number of masters sent out, the better it is for our Oracle plan."

The other elders agreed. Aslan would instead be helping them. Wang Zheng would definitely come if Aina were to come. The other masters would be foils. One stone could kill many birds.

"Great Elder, the fleet of the Milky Way Alliance is heading towards us now. We don't know how much time we need to look for the Oracle. What should we do if the Oracle has yet to appear when their forces are upon us? I don't think our forces will withstand the Milky Way Alliance's fleet for long," the Fifth Elder said with some worry. They weren't worried about losses, but about the progress of the Oracle.

The Elder smiled. "The inferiority of humans will always exist. Mobilize all forces, confuse the Milky Way Alliance. Make them go in circles if this is going to be chaotic anyway."

Everyone understood immediately. Experience really mattered. The power of rumors was the oldest trick in the book.

Rumors were real and fake at the same time. The Heaven's Arrow Federation was indeed controlled by the Saint. It was possible to spread the rumor that the puppet master behind the Heaven's Arrow Federation was Arbiter.

Everything was done with the secret support of Arbiter. The Saint had quite the talent in controlling people.

Rumors were scary because of the human heart. It was difficult to care about the relationships between individuals, let alone between countries.

From the beginning, everyone had an inherent understanding. How could a small terrorist organization be so bold?

There was obviously a backer!

Who stood to gain the most with Aslan humiliated and in chaos?

Arbiter had the greatest motive. The competition between the two empires was not something new, neither were proxy wars.

Things were becoming complicated. This was no longer just an attack against the Heaven's Arrow Federation.

Chapter 1315: The Space Fortress

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Only the Great Elder, the Second Elder, the Sixth Elder, and the Thirteenth Elder were physically on the Oracle Star. The rest had attended through video conference. Some of them wanted to be there personally but couldn't. They had their own positions to deal with now that the Milky Way Alliance was encircling them in a frenzy. Their job was to put the Milky Way Alliance into a civil strife.

The Second Elder stood in front of the Baptism Spring and watched the foundation spurt out and fall back, creating ripples in the pool.

This was a cycle, a perfect cycle. The Second Elder was only second to the Great Elder in terms of status, qualifications, and strength.

"He's making a move."

The aged voice was full of vigor but could not hide the long amount of time that he had lived.

He had the resources to balance the Great Elder as the Second Elder. However, his time was nearly up. This was why he supported the radical plan of the Great Elder.

However, support didn't mean unity.

That would be the best opportunity to leave the human body behind. The elders knew that the Oracle would descend on a young person. It would be a new leader, but none of them were willing to be eliminated and rot away. That was why they had chosen to seize the opportunity.

It was necessary!

However, how many people could gain from it?

Could all thirteen elders obtain immortality?

He didn't believe that.

If anyone were to stagnate or walk the wrong way, that would be equivalent to waiting for death. All of his actions would only be benefiting others.

A voice came from the shadows. "Master, the Great Elder summoned Lear, the underdog on the grounds of the transformation plan.

Lear, Earth, the Locks family. He knew this name.

A small pawn of the Saint which had always had the personal attention of the Saint.

There were many of such hidden pawns. However, the Saint wasn't all mighty. He could uncover clues if he really wanted to. He didn't need to confront the Saint now, but he would do whatever it took if there was an opportunity. At least until now, it seemed like everyone had a chance.

Some matters were not even discussed with their own cronies, but that didn't matter. There would be traces as long as there was action. You could get the truth as long as you were willing to spend time.

According to what the Second Elder knew.

Lear, Xie Yuxin, Meng Tian, and Wang Zheng were always of interest to the Great Elder.

There could be others, but the traces of these four were the least obvious. Given the Great Elder's foxy nature, it had to be of great importance to the Oracle.

Only the Great Elder knew about the links after all. He was also the sole person who knew about the prophecy. He might have shown it during the meeting, but was that really all there was to it?

The situation was different now. The Oracle was definitely linked to these people. The Great Elder had to have his reasons for not choosing a candidate for the Son of Saint. He had even summoned the Lear, who had failed in succession. How could this not be linked?

"It's time to get Tan Yuyang in touch with Xie Yuxin."

Success wasn't achieved by sitting or waiting, but by fighting for it!

They had, unfortunately, failed at capturing Wang Zheng. Therefore, the best choice now, other than Lear, would be Xie Yuxin. Meng Tian was a woman, so there wasn't a big chance. Moreover, her interests were now tied with Xie Yuxin. She would come by herself as long as they were to capture Xie Yuxin.

"Has the younger princess of Aslan arrived?"

"Yes, she's under the surveillance of the Great Elder. We're unable to get near."

"Hehe, could that old fart like to listen to songs?" The Second Elder gave a needle piercing-like chuckle. Everyone had secrets. The Oracle was like a bonfire, attracting countless moths.

Xie Yuxin could feel the situational changes within the candidates of the Son of Saint. The teams were weird – each of them was trying to capture the attention of the Saint but realized that their competition was going for the same thing.

An unverified piece of news was circulating. The younger princess of Aslan had been "invited" to the Oracle Star as well. Newcomers naturally brought more news, which traveled really fast on this isolated planet. Most of them were excited about the news.

They didn't want to remain hidden. They had to prove themselves, and the chance was coming.

No matter whether it was true or not, he had to decide on his stance on the Oracle Star. Time was running out.

It might seem chaotic, but the five main Sons of Saint were still intact. The strong forces made the other Son of Saint feel a sense of despair. The strong dragon could not pressure the local snake, but what if the local snake was a mythical dragon fiercer than the strong dragon?

The best course of action to gain opportunities was to approach the five Sons of Saint. The problem was that the Saint seemed to be preparing a huge move, so it wasn't time to act rashly.

Meng Tian, Yuan Jing, Mengha, Huo Dong, and Kang Siqi were on high alert. They had also collected a lot of shocking information. Was the Saint trying to create a war through their moves?

The Oracle Star might be mysteriously strong, but could they defeat the Milky Way Alliance?

Or perhaps, they really had the ability to defeat the Milky Way Alliance?

That was outside of their ability.

"Huo Dong, Kang Siqi, is there really no way to crack the lock on the Saint's internet?" Xie Yuxin asked.

They glanced at each other. "We don't have enough equipment to do it. Moreover, we've never seen anything like their internet rules before, it's truly amazing. Given time, we will be able to do it. We are only able to understand the internal structure currently."

Kang Siqi nodded. "If my suspicions are right, the Oracle Star is a place similar to Roland Garros. This planet is actually a decoy. It is a huge artificial planet, or a semi-artificial planet. Everything from the earth to the atmosphere is actually a complete 3D structure. This technology is at least 50 years ahead of the Milky Way Alliance. Of course, this is just talking about technologies available on the market. Perhaps the Atlanteans and Aslan have similar technologies, but I think it's more advanced here."

Kang Siqi and Huo Dong were truly amazed. As non-combatants, they were addicted to the feeling this new technology brought to them. This was a successful application of theory, so the impact was huge.

Chapter 1316: The Prophet

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

"Does that mean that the fleet isn't the most dangerous?" Meng Tian asked.

"Yes, we can think of the Oracle Star as an interplanetary spacecraft. I suspect they will use the taboo power. The Saint isn't known for being law-abiding.���

"If that's the case, the Milky Way Alliance fleet will be at a huge disadvantage if they don't know about this," Huo Dong said with worry.

"I think we should find some way to get this information out," Kang Siqi said as well.

"The problem now is that the Oracle Star only allows a one-way passage. Even if we were to get the information out, what are the odds that the Milky Way Alliance would listen?" Mengha suddenly added.

Everyone went silent. Xie Yuxin smiled. "We only have to do our best. I don't believe that only we are clear-headed. The Saint has prepared such a huge chessboard. I believe they will make a big move soon. We have to stop and wait for an opportunity. Also, I think the kidnapping of Lin Huiyin is true. We need to find out where she is being held."

"Okay, leave this to us. We'll sneak into the system and see if we can obtain any trace of information," Huo Dong said.

Xie Yuxin nodded. "Our backup should be here soon as well."

"Backup?" Yuan Jing asked with surprise.

"The Milky Way Alliance might not have made any movements before, but they must be coming with a two-pronged approach this time. The fleet will definitely come. The competition for the Son of Saint is huge. If the relevant departments of the Milky Way Alliance still can't solve the algorithm, they might as well head home, hug their kids, and pray. Therefore, special forces should be arriving soon with our acquaintances." Xie Yuxin gave a small smile.

Meng Tian's eyes was filled with confidence while the rest were baffled.

"Wang Zheng will come," Meng Tian explained.

"Wang Zheng?" Yuan Jing and the others frowned. This name was familiar to them even though they were on the Oracle Star. The Greatest King, Her Highness Aina's boyfriend, and even the top master of the younger generation. His popularity was that high.

However, this was the Oracle Star. The physical techniques of humans here had reached a scary point. The effects of Ability X were obviously restricted. Yuan Jing and the rest could feel it very clearly. Ability X was suited for group mech battles, while ancient martial arts were more suited for individual fights. An ancient martial arts master could take on two Ability X users of the same level.

"It's better to count on yourself than others at this point in time. A pilot without his mech is useless," Mengha said. He had always been arrogant. More importantly, he knew that Meng Tian had been secretly in love with Wang Zheng all this time.

Xie Yuxin smiled. "Wang Zheng is someone who can create miracles. I'm filled with expectation now."

"Wang Zheng's strength is most likely only at A-rank at most. Even if he were to come, his opponent might not be the candidates of the Son of Saint, but the Elders themselves. He wouldn't be able to fight the Heaven-ranks."

Meng Tian said worriedly. This was a dreaded problem. The Heaven-rank masters were too formidable.

"From the compilation of the latest information, the Saint made such a big movement because of two things, but it can also be said as one thing." Xie Yuxin extended a finger out. "That is to choose the Son of Saint. This is a large scale illegal gathering, definitely not for tourism. There must be a rule which will become our opportunity. The next thing is that there must be an ulterior motive. They must be searching for something, and they must find it no matter the most. Therefore they will not retaliate easily. This is our chance."

"How would you know?" Mengha didn't really believe Xie Yuxin.

"My Ability X is a prophecy type with something else."

"Then please prophesize if we can leave here alive!" Huo Dong said excitedly.

Xie Yuxin grinned. "Destiny is like a river which will fork out any time. Time and space are still too strong for us. What we have to do now is choose which path will suit us best. If we could prophesize a fixed result, that wouldn't be a prophecy any longer. That being that could do that would be a God and that would be a fixed destiny."

"Sh*t, you might as well keep silent!"

The others weren't so relaxed. Xie Yuxin was different. He seemed to be filled with excitement about the whole chaotic situation.

It was really interesting. The Saint and the Milky Way Alliance. Each had internal spies. What would be the result of this chaos? No one knew. Wang Zheng, him, everyone were just pieces on this chess board. It was just that Wang Zheng and him were different from the rest since they already knew that they were chess pieces.

Xie Yuxin and Wang Zheng were seeking different objectives. Wang Zheng's target and thinking were actually very clear and simple, but not his. He didn't care about the results, only about the process. It seemed like the Saint was still making smart moves. It was most fun watching the drama unfold from within.

There was a person that everyone had to watch out for, and that was The Prophet!

Wang Zheng was on the Saruman Snake, heading to the Aslan Empire. The space shuttle that Aina had gifted him had its use after all. He just didn't expect it to be for such a grave situation.

The Elders of the Saint had sent their requests along with a video of Huiyin. This angered the Aslan Empire. It was the first time the Aslan Empire had nowhere to vent their anger.

There was no time for Aslan to consider. They could accept the death of their princess, but they could never accept humiliation. However, forcing Aina to participate in the rescue mission, wouldn't that be more dangerous?

The Saint had no credibility after all. Everyone else could go, but the question of whether or not Aina should go was a point of hot debate.

Aina had made her decision. They could find a decoy, but the Saint weren't fools. The technology in their hands was more advanced than Aslan's. There was no telling what they would do to Huiyin if they were provoked. That was something Aina could never accept. She would live the rest of her life in self blame.

She could be rash or childish, but she decided to go. She had made the preparation to die with Huiyin together if need be.

Wang Zheng brought Mu Zhen along. The Milky Way Alliance had cracked the port of the Saint World. The team was set. They had to utterly destroy this black-hearted organization!

It was the first time Kashawen didn't care about Wang Zheng and Aina being together. The world cared not about their love life now. Aslan's pride was on the line.

Wang Zheng, as the greatest master of his generation, had an important task on his shoulders. The most important of which was to protect Aina.

Chapter 1317: Disrupting the Coordinates

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Wang Zheng didn't manage to meet Aina. He was obviously not taken seriously by the royal family of the Aslan Empire even though he was the "boyfriend." The whole Aslan Empire was in a confrontational state and were not welcoming to outsiders.

Wang Zheng was in Xiao Fei's laboratory. Now that Kashawen was the temporary president, the Aslan Empire had naturally become the main force of this campaign. The other countries were happy as well. They were willing to support it but were unwilling to be the greatest strength. It was best since Aslan wanted to be the world police. Moreover, the main purpose was to save their princess, so they should naturally contribute more.

Some of the bigger countries didn't agree. The superficial reason was certainly sound, but they knew there were repercussions to this. The Aslan Empire could also obtain certain diplomatic and geographical privileges through this battle.

It was easier to invite the devil in than to send him away.

Xiao Fei was indeed more fragile-looking than Wang Zheng had ever seen her. Dr. Xiao had been staying up late cracking the codes and was finally done with it. However, that didn't give rise to any optimism.

That was because it was finally completed because the Saint had loosened their security. Xiao Fei felt that she could have completed it given time, but it would definitely not have been so fast. The Milky Way Alliance wasn't concerned. They would rush in even if they knew there was danger, even if it was forced. The people needed answers, the other countries needed answers. They had to deliver even if they knew it was a trap.

However, Xiao Fei felt that it was very dangerous. The other end of the tunnel might have certain restraints. It would be really dangerous if the other party wanted to kill everyone.

Wang Zheng wasn't an outsider, so she confided in him. Wang Zheng was awaiting Aslan's final decision. He would accompany Aina no matter what.

"I'm not stopping you, but it's really dangerous this time. You should know. They don't know the codes – it looks similar, but it's totally different. This is not something that can be overcome with numbers." Xiao Fei was very worried about this.

Wang Zheng had realized the seriousness of the matter with Xiao Fei's explanation. He was a warrior, so it was easy to understand the dangers of this application.

How to balance it? Wang Zheng didn't think that the Saint could defeat the Milky Way Alliance. The question was, what was the price the Milky Way Alliance would have to pay?

"Teacher, I think we should focus the issue on the problem after the transmission. Can you change the position after adding on to the program?" Wang Zheng suddenly asked.

Xiao Fei's eyes lit up. "You mean change their pre-set waveband and send it somewhere other than the Oracle Star?"

"Yes, I'll control it on the way. I can disrupt the coordinates. It would be better to land anywhere but in their place. As for the others, we'll have to depend on luck."

Wang Zheng said.

Xiao Fei clapped. "Why didn't I think of that! They might have their plans, but I have my means as well!"

Even if the other party's technology was better, they couldn't control it entirely. She only needed to add a disrupting coordinate on Wang Zheng!

"You're smart, that will give them a surprise!"

Wang Zheng didn't smile. Xiao Fei hadn't thought of it only because she was too tired and focused. However, the problem wasn't solved for Wang Zheng . He was worried about Huiyin's safety now. What kind of request would the other side give once Aina and him arrived?

They were playing into the hands of the enemy. They wouldn't have any negotiating power left.

"I'm not gonna bother with you any longer. I have to start working on it immediately. There isn't much time left!" Xiao Fei was straightforward. She would do something once she set her mind to it.

Wang Zheng's Skylink rang as well. It was Kashawen. The Prime Minister had finally remembered him.

Zhang Shan was obviously one of the targets of the Saint. A high level Space Ability X was rare even in the entire Milky Way Alliance. However, the Saint had already arranged for his capture. Zhang Shan had suddenly pulled the members of the Saruman Snake into the Abyss to train one day before their launch!

Doing things that came into their minds in the heat of the moment was something no one could really understand. Of course, they weren't heading into the dangerous zone. They were just there to experience the atmosphere.

Zhang Shan obviously had good luck by his side, having escaped from a situation. The disciples laying in wait for him didn't manage to get him, they were actually discovered by the increased security of Elite Academy X. Finally, they had to pull out with the space transfer device originally planned to transfer Zhang Shan out.

Wang Zheng knew that this mission was extremely dangerous. Aslan had enough masters, there was no need to drag Zhang Shan down as well. It was enough for their pathways to be joined until this point. The rest was for him to face alone.

Solar System.


Lie Xin was undoubtedly another target of the Saint. However, the disciples of the Saint on this mission were taken aback when they reached Mars.

Lie Xin had disappeared after arriving on Mars!


It was impossible for the Saint not to be able to find someone once they were set on it. If they didn't, it only meant one thing — the Sage Sect had intervened.

Mars was such a place. They were really stubborn. The spiritual rule of the Sage Sect made it difficult for the Saint to do anything there.

The leader of the team was terribly disappointed. They weren't afraid of death nor failure. The most irritating thing was that they couldn't even find her.

The Saint had given the highest level of order for this mission. They would definitely be dead if they were to return like that. Therefore, he thought of requesting support. They weren't afraid of death, but they should at least find the target's position.

The news reached the Third Elder. They thought that the Saint would be enraged, but the order was to give up on the mission on Mars.

This… This…

This was the first time the Saint knew to back away from difficulty.

Was Mars strong? It seemed to be the case. However, the problem was that the Saint was wary of someone on Mars. Lie Xin's "disappearance" was definitely because the Sage had realized something.

There was no need to touch him in this case. They had a legacy as old as the Saint.


Achilles was standing in front of the screen, watching a battle that had taken place 20 hours ago. 20 Saint assassins pretending to be tourists were surrounded by more than 500 members of the Moon's defense force in a resort. Dozens of unmanned law enforcement machines hovered around and locked onto each assassin.

In the distance, a space jamming device was working, locking down the space within five kilometers of the vicinity, disrupting the space transmission technology of the Saint.

The Moon could still handle a situation of this scale. If not, their face would be lost big time.

Chapter 1318: The Position of the Sage

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

The order was to catch these terrorists alive.

The assassins with their escape routes cut off went crazy. They attacked the surrounding army.

They were strong, but the Moon's Defense Force mobilized this time were the elites of the elites. They even had mecha on standby. They didn't need everyone alive, just one or two.

However, just when Achilles thought the battle would end smoothly, a sudden change happened. It started with a flash, and a fire started violently from the assassins!


The scene was unbearable. There were broken limbs everywhere. More than half of the special forces on site were hurt and none of the Saint's forces survived.

The screen faded and Achilles' face remained cold. "I should have been there."

"The Sage's warning was to ask us to hide. He guessed that we wouldn't be able to capture any alive, but we just didn't expect them to be so crazy…" Milo's face was pale. Their losses were huge this time.

"The problem now is how did they get to the Moon? If they were originally from the Moon, where did they install the bombs on themselves?"

Murderous intent shot out from the eyes of Achilles.

The Doyle family and the higher echelons accepted the proposal from the Sage. Simply put, there was no big dispute within the Moon. First, the Doyle family's influence remained the same. After two glorious times, the Moon knew that the third time had arrived. The Sage's teachings were absolute. The Moon and Mars were not in contention for the center. They had to wait for opportunities if they wanted to return to the center.

How would the future be? Achilles didn't know… Wang Zheng… This would be a tough ordeal.

Milo shook her head helplessly as she looked at Achilles's eyes.

Sage Sect, deep in the Saint Mountain.

Lie Xin just had breakfast there when she received intelligence from Achilles. The Saint was indeed crazy. Lie Xin wasn't afraid in the least. She was eager to fight on the Oracle Star. She was so excited to practice her 265 point Heavenly Blaze Technique, but… she couldn't go against her master.

"Hey, are you Lie Xin?

A young boy of about two or three years old entered and stared at Lie Xin curiously.

A twelve-year-old girl followed. "Xiao Ya, how many times have I told you not to run about? Senior Lie Xin, Master wishes to see you."

Lie Xin nodded and looked at Xiao Ya, who seemed strangely familiar to her.

She came to the Sage's training room and glanced at Sage Odin in meditation. Lie Xin calmed down. She did not have the same arrogance and willfulness as when she was outside. She was just a disciple of the Sage. She stopped behind the Sage and bowed respectfully. She then sat cross-legged quietly.

Time passed and the rush and excitement in Lie Xin's heart gradually faded. The Heavenly Blaze Technique was coming along rather well.

Sage Odin came out of his mediation after some time. "Lie Xin."

"Yes, Master." Lie Xin opened her eyes and answered respectfully.

"The inner universe is actually not difficult for an ancient martial arts cultivator to unlock since they have a solid foundation. This is just a matter of understanding. However, the inner universe is different from the true mastery of the original force. The original force was the source of strength of humans."

"Yes, Master. I feel the power of the Heavenly Blaze Technique. It's indescribable. Even I'm a little afraid of it," Lie Xin said respectfully.

"Haha, fear is right. There was only one 265 point cultivation technique in this world. You are now using the second kind. This is a power that can peep into the origin of the universe." The Sage smiled.

"Master, is the other kind as powerful as mine? I really want to try!" Lie Xin's fighting spirit was ignited once again.

"Lass, the other kind, haha." Sage peered at the light rain outside the window. The entire world was crazily fighting for the Oracle, there was no need to tell Lie Xin now to distract her.

This 256 Point Blade Technique was an attempt by Mars to get ahead. They tried many times over the past century, all of which ended in failure, except this attempt. However, there was still a gap from the other technique.

Nonetheless, it was worthy of the title of the Second Martial Technique in the universe.

"You've met with Xiao Ya?"


"He's Lie Ya, the son of Lie Guang. The Lie family found him after much effort."

Buzz… Lie Xin's calm heart experienced ripples, but she suppressed it quickly. It was clear, though, that a trace of gentleness and gratitude was in her eyes.

This was what Odin wanted. There were all kinds of side effects when dealing with heaven-defying power. It would be ruined easily with one wrong step. That was why he took care to do things step by step, so that Lie Xin was complete. That was also necessary for growth.

"Xiao Ya will be your disciple. Get along well during this period."

"Yes, this disciple understands. I'll think of Xiao Ya as my own child, but outside right now…" Lie Xin felt that it wasn't good to just stay here like this.

"What do you think you can do with your current strength?" Odin asked.

"Master, I'm the successor of the Heavenly Blaze Technique!"

"You can leave whenever you defeat me." The Sage smiled kindly.

The strongest and most mysterious ability in this world was the ability to prophesize. Who was the strongest then?

Definitely not the A-rank Prophet classified by the Saint!

That was just a peeper.

It was the Sage of the Sage Sect on Mars. They had been observing the world silently, protecting Mars and waiting for the third reincarnation.

Mars certainly also had the power of the Saint, but it was within control. Mars didn't want to have direct conflict with the Saint. After all, the second era used to be their destiny, but it too would pass. Mars would fight when the time came. Everything was still unclear now.

Lie Xin hesitated. She continued asking about Wang Zheng this time.

"Master, is the Oracle that the Saint is searching for related to Wang Zheng?" She would never forget how her master rang twelve bells for him when he first came to Saint Mountain. Lie Xin wasn't stupid and was also one of the people around Wang Zheng. This guy was definitely fishy, but what was the problem? Wouldn't that fulfill the mysterious legends?

"He has something special on him. He might be, or he might just be a sacrifice to bring the Oracle out. The river of life is an illusion, there is nothing fixed. Sometimes, mankind will win against the heavens, and sometimes, mankind would be played by fate."

Odin paused and continued saying faintly, "However, the river of life is changing. It will never change course if there isn't a big enough power to intercept it."

Mars wanted to change its path from this dramatic vortex to save its vital energy, yet they could not lose this chance to rise up.

Even Odin didn't dare to take Mars' fate as a chip. If the bet was right, they would be able to weather through. If the bet was wrong, they would break the rules and balance. Neither the Saint nor the current regime would allow Mars to continue existing. That was something even the Sage could do nothing about.

They had to be careful since the route would be chosen by themselves.