152 - 159

Chapter 152: Could Not Understand This Woman

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

400 feet, 300 feet, 200 feet… When the area enveloped by the light shrunk to just 100 feet, the screen formed by the light became incredibly dull. At that moment, Yan Guang let out a low growl and the long spear in his hand flashed with a bright blue light before he stabbed the dim light screen with the spear.

The light screen immediately shattered and turned into countless shards that tumbled backwards. They gathered in midair and turned into the He Feng who had his face obscured. He Feng shuddered. The moment he appeared, the spear in Yan Guang's hand let out a sharp whistle as it charged towards Su Ming.

Han Fei Zi's eyes were cold as she stood beside him. She lifted her hand and the mist clouds surrounded each other before turning into a giant hand of mist clouds that plowed forth.

He Feng was overwrought with anxiety. He understood full well that if Su Ming died, he would immediately die with him. He gritted his teeth and let out a roar. Dim light shone from his entire body once again, and it gathered in an area of 30 feet around Su Ming's body. The moment it crashed against Yan Guang's long spear, it exploded once again, unable to withstand the force.

This was He Feng's limit. His body immediately became dull, as if he was about to scatter away. He let out a broken laugh. The moment he fell into despair, a strong absorbing force spread out from within Su Ming and enveloped He Feng's body, pulling him inside in an instant.

The same moment, Su Ming opened his eyes. A chilling glint flashed briefly through his eyes, and killing intent appeared!

The moment he opened his eyes, a red light appeared under Su Ming's feet, and a red meadow spread out swiftly. As the meadow covered an area of 100 feet, it formed a layer of protection that blocked Yan Guang's long spear and Han Fei Zi's giant hand of mist clouds.

Rumbling sounds echoed in the sky and Yan Guang's long spear was fended off. The moment it stopped, Su Ming stood up swiftly and took one step forward. He ignored Han Fei Zi and charged towards Yan Guang so quickly he closed in on him in an instant, hurling his fist towards him.

Yan Guang clashed fists with him, growling softly. With a boom, he staggered back and coughed out blood.

A murderous look appeared in Su Ming's eyes. He charged forth to chase the man down and kill him.

When Han Fei Zi saw the red meadow, she was momentarily stunned. For some reason, she thought she'd seen this meadow before. Yet the things that had happened within the cave in the rainforest happened too quickly that day, hence she did not see everything clearly.

She was just about to take action after recovering from her shock when Su Ming swung his right hand towards her and that black snake immediately appeared once again, turning into a small layer of black fog. The head of the snake appeared within that fog and launched itself towards Han Fei Zi with its mouth wide open to swallow her.

All of this happened in an instant. Han Fei Zi revealed a cold smirk and the golden light flashed around her entire body. She did not pay any heed to the snake formed by the black fog. Instead, she took a step forward and charged into the fog with the intention of preventing Su Ming from killing Yan Guang and then capturing him alive along with her partner.

"He Feng, you were the one who lured her here and you're still not attacking? How long are you going to wait!"

Su Ming's eyes flashed brilliantly. He had to kill Yan Guang first, before he could deal with Han Fei Zi. He could not let these two people join hands. When he saw Han Fei Zi charging through the fog without care, he immediately made his decision and said those words in a hoarse voice.

The moment the words were spoken, the calm look on Han Fei Zi's face immediately changed. She instinctively stopped and lifted her head. With an explosive bang in her head, the answer as to why she had the sense of familiarity when she faced this man appeared.

Yet there was a price to be paid for this answer. This price was Yan Guang's life!

The moment Han Fei Zi was taken aback by Su Ming's words and faltered, he caught up to the backpedalling Yan Guang. The mark of the sword at the center of his brows flashed, and the small virescent sword let out a whistle as it charged out towards Yan Guang. It traveled so quickly that it closed in on Yan Guang in an instant and pierced through the center of his brows.

The man let out a shrill and pained cry.

There was a bang in the air, and Yan Guang staggered a few steps back due to the remnants of the charging force from the small sword before he fell to the ground with his legs convulsing uncontrollably. His breath left his body and he died.

Su Ming panted harshly, and sweat appeared on his forehead. Blood also came from his mouth. His face was pale, and the pain in his chest grew stronger.

The chain of actions Su Ming had taken used up a large amount of his energy. When he killed Yan Guang, he almost used up all the spiritual power stored within the path of blood in his body.

Right now, he held a red spirit stone in his hand, and the red meadow traveled with his feet to cover an area of 100 feet around him. Within Su Ming's body, the souls of the Wings of the Moon spread out and surrounded the area as they let out soundless roars.

The small virescent sword became dull. There were even some red spots on the body of the sword, looking as if they had seeped into the sword itself. It was a terrifying sight to behold. As of now, the sword floated beside Su Ming, letting out a faint and weak sword aura.

Han Fei Zi stood hundreds of feet away from Su Ming. As she stared at him, a vicious look appeared in her eyes. She had been searching for the person before her for a long time but had been unable to find any clues. She did not expect to meet him now, in this place.

"You are Tranquil East Tribe's guest… then that small person in the dim light just now should be He Feng! As for this thing…"

A flash appeared in Han Fei Zi's eyes, and she stared at the small virescent sword.

"This should be He Feng's great treasure. Who knew..? Xuan Lun and I have been fighting over it for such a long time, and you were the one who obtained it in the end! This is the second time we meet, and your powers have changed drastically. You should not be some insignificant person. Who are you?"

"Tranquil East Tribe's guest, Mo Su," Su Ming said hoarsely as he looked at the veiled Han Fei Zi through his mask.

"Mo Su…"

Han Fei Zi looked at Su Ming, silent.

Su Ming did not speak either. He could only pant harshly as he stared at Han Fei Zi.

"You're gravely wounded. I'm a seventh of a chance certain that I can kill you here."

After a dozen breaths passed by, Han Fei Zi spoke softly.

"I am also a seventh of a chance certain that I can take you down with me!" Su Ming stated coolly. The small virescent sword beside him let out a light sword whistle.

"I trust you."

A smile suddenly appeared on Han Fei Zi's face. Even if her smile was concealed by the veil, it could still be seen vaguely. It looked as if her face that was covered by the veil contained an unparalleled beauty with the addition of her smile.

"Now that I know who you are, it's enough for me. I'll give you a chance. I won't reveal your identity, but if you can walk out of this place alive, then you will have to fulfill one request of mine."

Han Fei Zi laughed softly. She did not even ask whether Su Ming agreed to her words before she floated into the air with the white cloud underneath her feet. Her clothes danced in the air as she disappeared into the distance languidly.

Su Ming frowned. He could not understand this woman before him.

When Han Fei Zi disappeared into the horizon, Su Ming momentarily fell into a pensive silence. He cast a glance at Yan Guang's corpse and searched through his body. Once he found his things, he took the blue long spear and quickly left the place.

Two hours later, Su Ming sat down cross-legged in a secluded area within a mountain range. The pain in his chest had become stronger. At this moment, he closed his eyes to meditate and took South Asunder to heal his wounds. He had to heal quickly. This place would only become more dangerous.

That piece of starry sky still dominated the sky in the isolation grounds belonging to Han Mountain's ancestor. Daylight would never arrive. However, this place was not dark. There was a gentle light in the area that was no different from daylight in the eyes of a Berserker.

Su Ming woke up from his meditation a few hours later and let out a shaky breath. His face was still pale underneath the mask, but his injuries had mostly healed. The most grievous injury on his body was on his heart.

If it were not for the protection of the mysterious debris, Su Ming's heart would not have been able to withstand the laughter of the tribe leader of Lake of Colors Tribe, which had been part of her Berserker Art. His heart would have shattered into pieces. He might have recovered somewhat now, but he could still feel the pain in his heart.

As he sat there, Su Ming lifted his right hand and pressed against the center of the mask's brows. Immediately, a green light flashed on the center of his brows and the small virescent sword appeared. Su Ming brought it before his eyes. There were three small red spots on the sword that had corroded its body, causing the aura of the sword to become corrupted and its might to be greatly reduced.

"A powerful Berserker in the middle stage of the Transcendence Realm…" Su Ming mumbled.

He lifted his left hand and tried wiping away the red spots. After a long while, he let out a long sigh. He could not wipe the red spots off.

In his silence, Su Ming's expression suddenly changed. He felt someone moving closer to him in his Branded area.

'It���s him!'

Su Ming narrowed his eyes.

It was quiet in the mountain range. Dong Fang Hua moved forward cautiously. His body was laden with injuries and his robes were soaked in blood. His face was pale, and as he moved forward panting harshly, he would continuously turn his head back with a lingering fear in his eyes.

"This accursed place! Who would've thought Lake of Colors Tribe would attack on such a large scale… Ah, the excavation this time is far too dangerous. It's a good thing I found some herbs. I should be able to obtain protection now."

Dong Fang Hua laughed bitterly and moved forward quickly but cautiously.

As he walked forth, a calm voice suddenly reached his ears.

"Brother Dong Fang!"

"Who is it?"

Dong Fang Hua's expression changed. He did not stop as he spoke, but instinctively ran a few steps forward. Only then did he realize that the voice he had heard just now was rather familiar.

"Brother Mo?"

Dong Fang Hua was momentarily stunned. He stopped, but remained alert. As he looked around his surroundings, his gaze fell upon a person walking towards him from the distance.

Su Ming walked unhurriedly to Dong Fang Hua and stopped 100 feet away from him. He looked at the currently miserable looking old man. It was clear that the old man did not have a safe trip after he entered this place.

When Dong Fang Hua saw Su Ming, he let out a breath of relief and a bitter smile appeared on his face.

"Brother Mo, I embarrassed myself when you suddenly spoke because I was too nervous. Please excuse my poor behavior."

"It's fine. This place has been taken over by Lake of Colors Tribe and it's very dangerous. I acted too rashly just now."

Su Ming shook his head. He could understand Dong Fang Hua's fear.

"Brother Dong Fang, why are you alone? I remember that Brother Chen was with you." Su Ming looked at Dong Fang Hua and spoke in a collected tone.

"Brother Chen… Ha… He was killed. Brother Mo, this isn't a good place to talk. We can't stay here for long. If you don't have another place to go, why don't you come with me to the gathering place? With your power, you won't need to be like me and gather herbs to get protection from Sir Nan Tian," Dong Fang Hua quickly said.

"Gathering place? Alright, I'll go with you."

Su Ming was moved by the idea and nodded his head. Under Dong Fang Hua's lead, the two of them quickly left the place and charged into the distance.

"More than half of the guests of Tranquil East Tribe died. Right now, besides you and me, there are only two other survivors left. One of them is Sir Nan Tian, Tranquil East Tribe's chief guest.

"The other person is Chou Nu. He has a short temper and is Sir Nan Tian's follower. He's also Tranquil East's guest. When brother Chen and I went to the gathering place, we ran into trouble. Brother Chen died, and I was saved by Chou Nu when I was in danger."

On the way, Dong Fang Hua spoke to Su Ming in a low voice of the things he had experienced once he arrived to this place.

Chapter 153: Sir Mo Su

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Sir Nan Tian is injured and needs the herbs in this place to recover. Chou Nu is protecting him, that's why he can't come and search for the herbs himself. He saved me so that I can look for the herbs out here.

"He promised me that if I take the risk and find enough herbs, then he'd bring me to meet Sir Nan Tian. He also promised that once Sir Nan Tian's power recovers, they'll escort me out of this place safely," Dong Fang Hua told his story softly.

He knew that Su Ming was incredibly powerful and made the decision to follow him in his heart, since they were currently in a dangerous place. That was also why he told Su Ming everything he knew in detail.

Su Ming nodded. He Feng's soul had fallen into deep sleep in his body due to his previous exertion. He would not be able to wake up any time soon. And without He Feng to help him analyze situations and make judgments, Su Ming had to rely on himself for everything.

The two of them charged forward for four hours under Dong Fang Hua's lead. On the way, they found three groups of people from Lake of Colors Tribe and hid themselves beforehand with the help of Su Ming's Branding Art. Once they avoided these people, they arrived outside a valley.

The valley was not big, and it was so secluded the area was covered in silence. There was not a hint of sound.

"Brother Mo, this is the place. Chou Nu promised me that once I brought the herbs here and called out to him, he will appear," Dong Fang Hua said softly and looked at Su Ming, seeking his opinion.

When he saw Su Ming nodding his head, he took a few steps forward and stood outside the valley, using his Qi to send his voice forward as he hissed out, "Brother Chou Nu, are you there?"

The valley was silent. After about the time it takes for half of an incense stick to burn later, Su Ming suddenly noticed something and turned his body to look back. The sounds of footsteps appeared in the air, attracting Dong Fang Hua's attention as well, and he quickly looked over.

A big man walked over from the distance outside the valley. That man was half-naked and built like an iron tower. He took big slow steps until he was 100 feet away from Su Ming and Dong Fang Hua before he stopped and stared coldly at Su Ming.

This man had a hideous appearance. His face was marred with scars, and he had neither a nose nor lips. Just seeing his face would make people terrified. His eyes, however, shone with a brilliant light.

"Dong Fang Hua, how dare you! How could you bring outsiders here!"

The man's voice was like a tidal wave, and as he spoke, his words held a chilling and frightening tone.

Dong Fang Hua's expression changed, and he quickly opened his mouth to explain, but the man refused to listen to him. He stared at Su Ming instead and pointed at him with a finger.

"Who are you?"

"Tranquil East Tribe's guest, Mo Su," Su Ming answered slowly.

"I've seen all guests in Tranquil East Tribe. Why have I never seen you?" the man asked with a cold sneer.

"Brother Chou Nu, don't be angry. This is a misunderstanding. Brother Mo just became a guest recently. We were both in the third batch and came together but were separated later. I saw him today when I came back, that's why I invited him to come with me. I had indeed acted too rashly, I hope you don't mind," Dong Fang Hua quickly explained.

"Oh? Take out your guest plate."

Chou Nu's expression warmed up slightly as he looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming did not waste any time with pleasantries. He took out his plate and with a swing, threw it towards Chou Nu. The man lifted his right hand and caught the plate without even moving an inch, remaining completely unaffected as he withstood the force of Su Ming's throw imbedded in the plate.

He lowered his head and scrutinized the plate for a moment before a pensive look appeared on his face, but he soon threw the plate back to Su Ming.

"I can't be certain of your identity yet. Gather ten herbs and come back here to see me. As for you, Dong Fang Hua, did you get the herbs?"

Chou Nu looked towards Dong Fang Hua.

The called man quickly brought out a number of various herbs from his bosom. After a moment of hesitation, he said softly, "I only managed to find so much. There are quite a number of people from Lake of Colors Tribe here. If I continued searching for more, I might have run into them, then I wouldn't have been able to bring a single one back. I'm worried about Sir Nan Tian, that's why I came back earlier."

That man had been glaring when he saw that the herbs were not enough, but when he heard the old man's words, he hesitated for a moment before he nodded his head.

"You pass. Come with me. With his protection, we can escort you safely out of this place."

As Chou Nu spoke, he turned around and started moving back, completely ignoring Su Ming.

Dong Fang Hua hesitated for a moment, then he looked at Su Ming.

Su Ming's expression remained passive. He stood where he was and wrapped his palm around his fist, bowing in the direction where the man was heading.

"I am Mo Su. Sir Nan Tian, may I come see you?"

Su Ming's voice was not loud, but his voice was manipulated with fine control. As it echoed in the area, his voice formed rings upon rings of invisible ripples that spread out.

Dong Fang Hua was momentarily stunned by Su Ming's actions. As for Chou Nu, he turned around and looked at Su Ming spitefully as a vicious glare appeared in his eyes.

"Shut up. If you're not gone within three breaths, then today, you'll…"

Before Chou Nu could finish speaking, a gentle voice suddenly reached them languidly and cut his words off.

"Chou Er, don't be rude towards Sir Mo Su.

"If an important guest is here, then it is only natural that I meet him. However, I am currently healing my injuries and cannot come forth to welcome you personally. Brother Mo, I hope you don't mind."

"Brother Nan, it is my pleasure."

Su Ming smiled. He had infused his voice with the power of fine control when he spoke just now. Berserkers in the Blood Solidification Realm would not be able to sense it. Only those who have Transcended would be able to feel the change in his voice.

"Sir… Mo Su?"

Chou Nu was stunned. He could hear the implications in those words. Besides, he could tell that Nan Tian was speaking amiably towards this man, as if he was addressing an equal. His heart instantly trembled and he wrapped his fist in his palm before bowing deeply towards Su Ming.

"I have been disrespectful towards you, Sir Mo Su. Please punish me."

"It's fine. Do lead the way," Su Ming said coolly.

"Thank you, sir�� This way, please."

Chou Nu's expression was extremely respectful, his attitude completely different from before. At that moment, he had his body slightly bowed as he acted as Su Ming's guide by his side.

Dong Fang Hua sucked in a deep breath. After remaining stunned for a moment, his gaze when he looked at Su Ming became even more respectful. His estimation of Su Ming's power was originally high enough, but he did not expect that with just one sentence, he could make the chief guest of Tranquil East Tribe, Nan Tian, reply to him like an equal.

He quickly followed behind Su Ming. By the looks of it, he looked as if he wanted to become the other's follower.

The three of them did not walk too far as Chou Nu led them into a valley nearby. Su Ming saw a middle-aged man sitting on the ground.

The man was very handsome. He wore a white robe and looked calm. Six black beast bones were floating and turning slowly by his side.

Every single time they took a turn around him, a wisp of black mist would seep out of the man's mouth, nose, ears, and eyes, which would then be quickly absorbed by one of the beast bones.

The moment Su Ming stepped into the valley, the man opened his eyes and looked at Su Ming with a profound gaze.

Su Ming too looked at this man. Their gazes met in the air and a baffled look appeared on the man's face. Once he observed Su Ming, he lifted his right hand and the six beast bones by his side fell to the ground.

"Brother Mo, your powers are a little strange."

The man smiled and spoke with a gentle tone. With just one glance, he could tell that Su Ming had not Transcended, yet he still addressed him as an equal. He could feel a dangerous presence coming from Su Ming. This threat was not because the man harbored any ill will against him, but from the mutual awareness they had of each other.

The only people who made him feel as if he was in danger were either those who had reached great completion in the Blood Solidification Realm or those who had reached the Transcendence Realm.

Chou Nu took a few brisk steps forward and stood by the man's side respectfully, with his head lowered, a typical picture of a follower. Dong Fang Hua hesitated for a moment, but did not follow him. He stood behind Su Ming like Chou Nu instead, with his head lowered and with a respectful expression.

Su Ming smiled and sat down with his legs crossed. He was also observing the chief guest of Tranquil East Tribe - Nan Tian.

This person's level of cultivation was similar to Xuan Lun's, yet Su Ming could feel a calm and relaxed air around him. It was different from the sullen air around Xuan Lun.

"Brother Nan, aren't you worried that Lake of Colors Tribe will come here when you're healing your injuries?" Su Ming asked with a smile.

A smile appeared on Nan Tian's face and he shook his head, saying, "Those who can make it here will eventually arrive. Instead of hiding around, why don't I sit here and see whether Lake of Colors Tribe would come?

"If they want my life, then they'll have to pay a price!"

A cold glint appeared in Nan Tian's eyes. Of course, that cold look was not aimed at Su Ming, but Lake of Colors Tribe.

"You aren't injured. You have absolutely no need to hide," Su Ming said slowly, smiling faintly.

Nan Tian's eyes focused on Su Ming, and he laughed after a moment.

"I can't hide anything from you, Brother Mo. You're right, I'm not injured… But I'm one against many. I don't want to get into this mess and a world of trouble.

"Aren't you here because you had the same thoughts, Brother Mo?"

"If that's the case, then this place will become even livelier in the next few days."

Su Ming fell into a moment of silence before he laughed.

"Talking with you is a pleasure. You're right. I leaked my current location and had no intention of hiding myself to tell Lake of Colors Tribe to not provoke me. If they don't come, I won't stick my nose into the affairs of the three tribes either.

"I was also telling the other guests that they could come here to avoid trouble. But they have to pay a sufficient price to avoid trouble. I was originally waiting for Xuan Lun. If he came here, then this place would become much safer.

"But it's also a joyous occasion that you're here. We might be able to get a much better gain from the trip this time."

Nan Tian spoke languidly with a smile. He stole a look at Dong Fang Hua standing respectfully behind Su Ming and continued speaking with an insipid tone.

"Since Dong Fang is your follower, then I won't receive his price. As for the others who will come later…"

Nan Tian smiled. He looked at Su Ming and kept his silence.

Su Ming had come into contact with a lot of powerful Berserkers in the Transcendence Realm. He was no longer as emotionally affected as when he first met Wind Stream's Jing Nan.

At that moment, when he saw Nan Tian looking over at him once he finished speaking, he fell into a momentary silence before lifting his right hand. The souls of the Wings of the Moon in his body flew out in their invisible forms and spun around the area rapidly until they turned into an invisible sandstorm.

Chou Nu and Dong Fang Hua could not feel that sandstorm clearly, but Nan Tian could sense a power that was equivalent to that of Transcendence. However, this strength was only similar to Transcendence. It was not the source of the danger he felt earlier.

'If that's all…'

Nan Tian frowned slightly, but the moment his brows creased, a sharp pain appeared in his mind. That pain came without warning. It made his expression change, and he also saw an enchanting look that seemed to be able to capture all those who looked into Su Ming's profound gaze.

This feeling only lasted for a moment before it disappeared. Su Ming closed his eyes, and when he opened them once again, everything returned to normal.

"Let's share equally. What do you say, brother Mo?" Nan Tian said with a smile, his spirits lifted.

When he saw Su Ming nodding, that smile grew wider.

"Brother Mo, are you interested in the legacy of Han Mountain's ancestor?"

Chapter 154: God of Berserkers!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Brother Nan, what do you mean?"

Su Ming looked at Nan Tian, remaining seated.

Dong Fang Hua's face was filled with respect as he stood by the side with his heart racing against his chest. He knew that he had just obtained a huge chance. That chance was not of him obtaining any treasure, but it came from Mo Su sitting right before him.

'He actually made Sir Nan Tian treat him as an equal. By how Sir Nan Tian is acting, he's definitely treating him very courteously. This person… if I can follow Sir Mo Su, then it'll be serendipitous for me.'

Dong Fang Hua took in a deep breath and a determined look appeared in his eyes.

"Brother Mo, our forces are thin, and it'll be difficult for us to fight against Lake of Colors Tribe. But if Xuan Lun comes here as well, the three of us will obtain great power in this place.

"Lake of Colors Tribe has sent all of their forces here. Before this, they covered up their tracks and did not reveal any clues, which means that Tranquil East and Puqiang are most likely in the dark. This is a chance for us!

"It'll be a waste if we don't obtain something good from the grave of Han Mountain's ancestor, no?"

Nan Tian looked at Su Ming with a polite smile.

"There is room for discussion about this."

Su Ming fell into momentary silence. He did not immediately agree to it.

Nan Tian only smiled when he heard Su Ming's reply. He nodded his head and no longer spoke. Instead, he closed his eyes, and the beast bones lying around his body rose into the air once again, spinning around his body slowly. By his side, Chou Nu sat down as well to protect him.

Silence gradually fell upon them. There was a faint breeze blowing in the valley. As it blew past, the wind would lift up strands of their hair, which would tickle their faces, causing them a faint itch.

While Su Ming remaining seated, he lifted his head and looked at the starry sky over the valley. His expression was calm as he became troubled by his thoughts.

"Sir… Sir Mo Su, these are the herbs I found when I was outside."

Dong Fang Hua looked at Su Ming at his side. There was a calming effect coming from Su Ming, but for some unknown reason that Dong Fang Hua himself could not explain, he could sense a hint of sorrow from that tranquility.

Dong Fang Hua brought out almost all of the herbs on his body before he placed them respectfully before Su Ming.

"I can't promise you that you can leave this place safely," Su Ming said dully.

Dong Fang Hua let out a sigh before he spoke softly. "It's fine. Staying here is at least better than being outside."

Su Ming did not speak any longer but chose to look at the sky instead as he healed his wounds in silence. The injuries on his chest were the worst, and he would not be able to heal them within a short amount of time. However, he could still absorb the spiritual aura around him and store it into the path of blood in his body.

Yet when he made it flow around his entire body, the flow would be slightly jerky when it arrived at the center of his brows. He could feel that the three spots on the small virsecent sword were the reason why the flow of the spiritual aura had slowed down.

Time trickled by. The four people in the valley fell into silence. No one spoke. As followers, until Nan Tian and Su Ming spoke, Chou Nu and Dong Fang Hua would also maintain silence.

It was about 20 hours later. Another day almost passed by, yet the starry sky stayed up and did not change. Su Ming continued looking at the sky. These stars had already been carved into his mind.

"Brother Mo, you seem to be very interested in this piece of sky."

Nan Tian broke the silence. He had been observing Su Ming discreetly for a long time. He could tell that Su Ming had not Transcended, yet that sense of danger did not diminish even one bit. It caught his attention, that was why he had been observing silently.

"This piece of sky does not belong to the night sky of the Land of South Morning," Su Ming stated slowly.

"Of course. This sky was created by Han Mountain's ancestor by using an Art. From what I know, this sky has a direct connection to the mysterious place Han Mountain's ancestor came from.

"It's said that Han Mountain's ancestor came from another world. Perhaps the stars in this sky belong to the other world," Nan Tian said in a low tone, seemingly moved by the story.

"Other world…" Su Ming mumbled.

"I heard that the other world is a mysterious and strange place. I've never been there, but I've heard some rumors about it. Brother Mo, if you're interested, I can tell you about it to spend time."

Nan Tian smiled and a deep emotion seemed to be stirred within him.

"When I first came here a few years ago, I was also taken aback by this sky. When I went back, I searched through a lot of ancient scrolls that spoke about this, and I gradually grew to understand it somewhat.

"If we speak about the other world, we must also talk about the God of the Berserker Tribe… the God of Berserkers!

"The God of Berserkers is the most powerful person in the Berserker Tribe. He is worshipped by all of us in all our tribes. He is our deity and our protector… There is also a legend that says that the power of the first God of Berserkers has reached a level that is unimaginable by our standards. At that time, the entire Berserker Tribe was at its most glorious time…

"He led brave warriors from an innumerable amount of tribes and left our world. It was also at that moment that we obtained news of another world. There were a lot of other places outside other than the land that belonged to us Berserkers…

"I can't imagine it, and a part of me still doesn't believe… the things about the legendary era that were described in the ancient scrolls."

There was a hint of uncertainty on Nan Tian's face, but there was also excitement.

"Brother Mo, I read this in the ancient scrolls. There was one sentence that described that legendary era and the age where all detailed records were gone…

"'The worship of all worlds!'"

Su Ming's heart lurched. He lifted his head swiftly to look at Nan Tian. He was not the only who did so. It was clear that this was the first time Chou Nu heard about it as well. Only Dong Fang Hua had his head lowered, his expression impossible to be seen.

"The worship of all worlds…" Su Ming mumbled.

Those simple five words held a domineering and mighty force that seemed to lift a veil off a canvas in his mind. On that canvas, he seemed to see the legendary era. The God of Berserkers floated in the sky, and an uncountable amount of people from other worlds knelt down and worshipped him.

"I find it unbelievable, but I also regret not being born during that era." Nan Tian laughed bitterly. "But all glorious moments would eventually fade out. The first God of Berserkers died mysteriously, causing this worship of all worlds that is described within the ancient scrolls to only be a short moment of glory.

"Yet after many years went by, the second God of Berserkers appeared. His appearance immediately brought forth a disastrous event. It is said that the land of the Berserker Tribes was divided into five parts because of him!

"He died and his body was divided into five parts, which were buried in the five continents of the Berserker Tribes… His head was taken away by those in the other world, and we have no idea where it went… That's how the Day of Eternal Creation came by. It is said certain people could hear a roar from far away in the land of the Berserker Tribes on the last day of the Day of Eternal Creation. That is the mournful cry of the second God of Berserkers.

"The fourth God of Berserker might come from among those who can hear the roar. All of us Berserkers have been waiting for the fourth God of Berserkers…

"But those are just legends. I've never heard the roar, and neither has anyone around me heard it," Nan Tian said in a low tone.

"What about the third God of Berserkers?"

"This is what I'm curious about. Perhaps my power is not enough for me to obtain more ancient scrolls, but among the records I found that spoke about the Gods of Berserkers, the third God of Berserkers is missing.

"It's only said that he died not long after he appeared. The only records about him are regarding the land where he came from – the Great Yu Dynasty, the Central Land of Berserkers."

Nan Tian shook his head.

When Su Ming heard it, light shudders ran through his body. He could not control these shudders. Nan Tian immediately noticed and gave him a questioning look.

"Brother Mo, what's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Su Ming closed his eyes to hide his shock… and fear.

'So there's not just one God of Berserkers, but there were generations of them… but why didn't he mention the Fire Berserkers? Which God of Berserkers sealed the Fire Berserkers, which generation did he belong to..?

'Why didn't Nan Tian speak about the big event that shocked all Berserkers… Perhaps this is a difference between regions. It must be…'

Panic rose in Su Ming's heart, a sight that was rarely seen.

He did not know why, but Cang Lan's pitying and complicated gaze as she looked at him appeared naturally in his head.

"If someday, you remember something… you can come to Freezing Sky Clan to look for me…"

Su Ming opened his eyes, which became filled with a lot of red in the span of a few short breaths. He turned his head to look outside the valley.

An almost unnoticeable glint appeared in Nan Tian's eyes. He felt that something was wrong with Mo Su. While he was mulling over it silently, his expression suddenly changed and he lifted his head to look outside the valley, which was soon followed by a shock in his heart, and he looked at Su Ming from the corner of his eyes.

'What shocking senses. He should have been affected by my words just now, but even so, he sensed that there were people outside the valley before me… If he had been calm… I should establish a good relationship with him,' Nan Tian decided in his heart.

At that moment, a ghastly and cold voice that seemed to tear through the space outside the valley forcefully traveled in, "Nan Tian, I, Xuan, am here!"

That voice was like a rumbling thunder. As it traveled inside, two people appeared outside the valley and walked in. The person walking in front was Xuan Lun. His face was dark, and there was a frown between his brows. Behind him was an old man. That old man was covered in fresh blood. There were many wounds on his body, and his face was pale. It was clear that the fights he had endured until he reached this place had been incredibly devastating.

"I'm honored that you could come here."

Nan Tian smiled and stood up, wrapping his fist in his palm towards Xuan Lun.

Xuan Lun's face had been dark since the time he came to this place. As he walked towards them, his gaze fell on Su Ming, and a freezing glint appeared in his eyes.

"You were spreading out your presence without care here. You gained the courage to do so not just to tell Lake of Colors Tribe you're here, but also to tell me you're here, no?

"How could you be so sure that Lake of Colors Tribe won't find you first and kill you?" Xuan Lun let out a cold harrumph.

"Besides those in Lake of Colors Tribe, if I was the only one who reached the Transcendence Realm, I wouldn't dare to do this, but with you here, I would naturally have the courage to do so."

Nan Tian smiled, not at all bothered by Xuan Lun's tone.

"We can talk about your schemes later. This isn't a bad place, but there're too many people here. You, either you take off your mask, or leave!"

Xuan Lun's tone was terrifying and cold as he looked at Su Ming. He just found this person to be an eyesore. It did not matter whether it was during the first time he met him in the tunnel or just now when he met him in this place. That feeling of dislike was still there.

Nan Tian was momentarily stunned. His eyes went back and forth between Xuan Lun and Su Ming, who remained seated. After a moment of hesitation, he spoke to Xuan Lun in a low tone.

"Brother Xuan, do you have any personal grudges against brother Mo?"

Chapter 155: There Are Some Words That Should Not Be Heard

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"No, I just can't stand people who hide their identity."

A glint appeared in Xuan Lun's eyes. He suddenly took a step forward and strolled towards Su Ming.

As he walked over, murderous intent immediately appeared from the old man behind him. He glared at Su Ming and went forward as well.

Su Ming did not move but remained seated in his place. Beside him, Dong Fang Hua gulped, his heart racing. Instinctively, he wanted to retreat and avoid this, but when he saw the calm look on Su Ming's face, he remembered his decision and gritted his teeth despite his hesitation.

He knew that he could not run away from this. If he did, then it would be impossible for him to become Mo Su's follower. He might even lose the right to stay in this place.

'I'll risk it! I have to risk it!'

Once he made his decision, Dong Fang Hua clenched his fists. The blood veins in his body erupted forth and he stood beside Su Ming without any signs of retreat.

"You want to fight against me?"

Su Ming lifted his head and looked at Xuan Lun walking over. There was a deepness in his eyes, which shone with a strange light as he spoke slowly.

Xuan Lun stopped and his pupils shrank. The moment his gaze met Su Ming's, a sense of danger rose within him abruptly. This sense of danger came suddenly, but it could still be felt clearly.

That profound look in Su Ming's eyes was like stars. When Xuan Lun saw it, he was shocked.

If he reacted this way, then it was even more so for the old man behind him. The moment the old man saw Su Ming's eyes, a thunderous rumble immediately appeared in his head and there was a baffled look on his face, as if he had just lost his consciousness.

"I may have been injured by the tribe leader of Lake of Colors Tribe, but if you want to fight, then so be it," Su Ming said unhurriedly.

His words were spoken slowly, so slowly that it gave people enough time to think about the meaning of his sentence.

"Yan Luan, the tribe leader of Lake of Colors Tribe? She's here too?" Nan Tian's expression immediately became serious and he asked with a growl.

"I don't know whether she is physically here. The people who fought against me were Han Fei Zi, Yan Guang, and the face that was formed by a small part of Yan Luan's Berserker Mark," Su Ming calmly said and lifted the robes over his chest.

There was a pink picture over his heart. If anyone took a closer look, they would see that the picture formed a vague face of a woman.

The moment they saw the picture, Nan Tian's pupils shrank while Xuan Lun's eyes flashed.

"You escaped from the apparition of Yan Luan's face? Brother Mo… I respect you!" Nan Tian said gravely.

He knew the might of Yan Luan's Berserker Art and that if he ran into her, even if he escaped from her, he would be gravely wounded. He would not be like Mo Su, who could still fight.

"Brother Xuan, the only people who have the battle power equivalent to that of Transcendence is the three of us. If we fight among ourselves, then we might very well die here. I didn't think Yan Luan would be here as well. Wasn't she trying to break into the later stage of the Transcendence Realm?"

Nan Tian's expression was incredibly sour. He now knew that he had not thought through his previous act of spreading out his presence. When he thought about it, cold sweat broke out on his skin.

Xuan Lun fell silent. He stared at Su Ming for a long moment before he let out a cold harrumph.

"How should I address you?"

"Mo Su," Su Ming said in a dull tone.

Xuan Lun gazed at Su Ming with a scrutinizing look before turning around and going to the other side to sit down. He did not talk about fighting anymore. This place had become dangerous due to Lake of Colors Tribe, and Xuan Lun did not have enough confidence to kill him without getting injured. If it was simply because he was an eyesore, then he would not fight with him under these conditions.

"Brother Xuan, brother Mo, there are still seven days left before this place closes. Unless Yan Luan comes personally from Lake of Colors Tribe, then the three of us will be safe here.

"But I think that Yan Luan must be aiming for something big since she appeared in the grave of Han Mountain's ancestor. As long as we don't get involved, she won't attack us.

"After all, she might be in the middle stage of the Transcendence Realm, but if she fought against all three of us, it would be impossible for her to not be injured. This will put her in a disadvantage if she wants to obtain the legacy of Han Mountain's ancestor."

Nan Tian fell into pensive silence for a moment before he swept his gaze across Su Ming and Xuan Lun.

"Nan Tian, what are your plans? Just say it," Xuan Lun said with a low voice.

"With our power, it would be impossible for us to join the three tribes for empty fame, common herbs, and Berserker Arts. I won't hide my thoughts from all of you. I joined Tranquil East for the legacy of Han Mountain's ancestor. The reputation of Han Mountain's ancestor was too great in the past. His legacy is highly valued and sought after by the three tribes. I'm not a talented person, that is why I want a portion of his legacy.

"It might be dangerous here, but this might perhaps be our last chance…" Nan Tian's eyes sparkled as he spoke quietly. "I know of a few secret tunnels… that will lead to the plains. If brother Xuan and brother Mo have the same thoughts as I do, then we can try taking this risk! We can share what we obtain equally."

"Secret tunnel? Yan Luan is definitely at the altar in the plains. If we go there, it'll be difficult escaping her notice. We might as well be marching to our deaths!"

Xuan Lun frowned.

"I have the confidence to not be discovered by Yan Luan. These tunnels might lead to the plains, but they branch out within. One of these branches lead straight into the tomb of Han Mountain's ancestor!

"I went there once, but I could not open the seal, that was why I had to give up. This time, Lake of Colors Tribe has definitely obtained the way to open the seal to the tomb, that's why they're making the move. When the seal is broken, we can enter the tomb secretly.

"Besides, due to the seal, unless Yan Luan's level of cultivation reaches the Bone Sacrifice Realm so she can connect with the heavens and earth, then she won't be able to detect us."

"Oh? If such a tunnel exists, you could go there on your own. Why are you telling us this?"

Xuan Lun's expression remained passive, but he was moved. He instinctively looked towards Su Ming, who remained silent.

"Brother Xuan, I won't hide it from you. Even if I couldn't open the seal, I could still feel a pressure coming from within the tomb. There is a great threat in the tomb belonging to Han Mountain's ancestor. With my own power, it'll be difficult for me to walk to the end…

"After all, no matter how great the treasures are, our lives are more important. But if we work together, we can cover each other's weaknesses. We might even be able to obtain serendipities. I've told you the truth of my plans. What will you choose, to stay or to hide? It is up to the two of you whether you want to leave this place safely seven days later or to take a risk," Nan Tian explained unhurriedly.

The valley gradually fell into silence. Xuan Lun was quiet. He had his eyes closed, as if he was thinking about something.

Su Ming lowered his head and a glint appeared briefly in his eyes. He might want to see Han Mountain's ancestor, but he wanted to see his corpse and where he died, not an ancestor who was alive and kicking.

'This small virescent sword of mine belongs to Han Mountain's ancestor, the meadow too… belongs to this person… It would be fine if he died, but if he's truly not dead… then everything that I do will be useless before him.'

This was the biggest reason for Su Ming's hesitation. It was also the main reason why he did not choose to use He Feng's method when he said that he knew of a way to enter the isolation grounds of Han Mountain's ancestor.

'But this might be a chance. These two people will be with me, and Lake of Colors Tribe come in force to enter the place. Even if Han Mountain's ancestor hasn't died, he'll be busy taking care of himself.

'Should I go, or should I not… Nan Tian is saying all these because he saw that Xuan Lun and I are not amicable towards each other…'

Su Ming frowned. He could not make up his mind.

He previously wanted to enter the place because he wanted to find an Art that could allow him to absorb the spiritual aura from the world more quickly. At that time, he had been under the belief that Han Mountain's ancestor was dead. Yet the moment he stepped in, a lot of things changed, and after experiencing those things, that desire was no longer as strong.

As Su Ming remained silent, Xuan Lun's gloomy voice traveled into his ears.

"We don't have to make our decisions immediately. It still won't be too late for us to choose once we enter that secret tunnel you speak of and see the seal that leads to the grave of Han Mountain's ancestor."

Nan Tian nodded. All he had was empty words. He could understand why Xuan Lun was being cautious. After all, people would only believe after they saw the truth with their own eyes. He shifted his gaze towards Su Ming.

"Brother Mo, what are your thoughts?"

"I am injured. Even if I want to go, I'm afraid I won't be of much help."

Su Ming did not reject him. Instead, he spoke slowly in a roundabout manner.

Xuan Lun did not speak, but a chill seeped into his eyes.

Nan Tian fell silent for a moment as he stared at Su Ming. In truth, it was risky for him when he spoke of those words. If everyone went, they would be safe, but if one of them did not, then they would face the risk of being exposed.

"This isn't a problem. Yan Luan's Art disturbs the mind and injures the eclectic energy in your heart. Brother Mo, your injury seems to be mainly on your heart's eclectic energy …"

As Nan Tian spoke, he pointed at the black beast bone floating before him. That bone charged towards Su Ming, stopping before him.

"Brother Mo, I'll use this bone to heal you. It can reduce the pain you feel in your heart."

Su Ming looked at the beast bone before him for a long while before he nodded. His expression remained passive, but he grew cautious. He focused the Branding Art on the bone.

When Nan Tian saw that Su Ming agreed to it, he lifted his right hand and bit his finger before he pressed it against the center of his brows. The moment his finger touched his skin, the black bone before Su Ming instantly let out a dim light. Wisps of pink mist seeped out of Su Ming's chest and were absorbed by the bone.

After the time it takes to burn half an incense stick, the black bone turned pink. Nan Tian lowered his right hand from the center of his brows and pointed at the bone. The bone immediately withdrew and flew back to Nan Tian's side.

Su Ming took in a deep breath. He could distinctly feel that the injury over his heart had become much better and the pain had lessened.

"Brother Mo, can you go now?" Nan Tian asked in a low tone and narrowed his eyes.

Xuan Lun smiled coldly and looked at Su Ming.

"Going there won't be a problem," Su Ming said calmly, not affected by the proceedings.


Nan Tian smiled. He understood Xuan Lun and knew just how greedy he was. As long as you gave enough incentive to these people, they would be moved.

Yet Nan Tian did not understand Su Ming. Unless he absolutely had to, he did not want to become enemies with him. He only did what he did after he saw that Xuan Lun and Su Ming were not in good terms with each other. That was why that thought appeared in his mind and he said those words. He believed that Su Ming would not reject him once he used such a forceful method.

There were some words that should not be heard. Once you heard them, then you must join.

"We shouldn't dally. We must leave now! This trip is dangerous. If we want to obtain serendipities, then we must be honest. I will open the path. Brother Xuan, brother Mo, please protect me."

Nan Tian stood up and wrapped his fist in his palm towards Xuan Lun and Su Ming.

"We are not too far away from the tunnel. With our speed, we should be able to arrive in four hours. As for our three followers…"

"Let them follow in case they leak our plans," Xuan Lun stated coldly.

Dong Fang Hua and the other two people did not dare speak up. They merely nodded their heads and obeyed.

The six people left the place in a hurry under Nan Tian's lead.

In the distance were the plains surrounded by mountain ranges. Fog obscured the building that Han Mountain's ancestor had chosen for his isolation grounds. It looked like a giant looming mouth that seemed to be waiting for them to arrive…

Chapter 156: There Are Some Things That Should Not Be Said

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The starry sky where day and night would never arrive made people lose all sense of time. They could only count it silently in their hearts so that they would not lose track and prevent accidents that they could not control from happening.

Four hours later, Nan Tian and the other five people arrived unannounced at one of the numerous valleys located outside the fog covered plains in the grave of Han Mountain's ancestor.

Their arrival in this currently clandestine place might have been noticed by others, but at the same time not.

"This is the place, brother Xuan, brother Mo. I discovered it by accident in the past. It was originally a place where herbs grew, but I subtly stopped the herbs from growing here. After that, people rarely came here."

Nan Tian stood outside the inconspicuous valley and spoke gently to Xuan Lun and Su Ming beside him.

"Go take a look."

Xuan Lun's gaze fell into the valley. There was a thin layer of fog inside that enveloped the entire area, causing others to be unable to see clearly. As Xuan Lun spoke, the old follower hesitated for a moment before he gritted his teeth and charged into the valley.

When he saw how cautious Xuan Lun was, Nan Tian smiled. His gaze fell upon Chou Nu. Chou Nu had been following him for years and hence could understand Nan Tian's thoughts. Once Chou Nu gave him a nod, he went into the valley with Xuan Lun's follower.

Dong Fang Hua still followed behind Su Ming. At that moment, he was looking at Su Ming uncertainly. When he saw that Su Ming remained passive and his mannerisms did not change, he found that he could not figure out Su Ming's thoughts. Yet since he had already decided to follow Su Ming, he had to do something to show his worth.

Dong Fang Hua took a deep breath. He was about to head into the valley along with the other two people with a grave expression to investigate the area, but the moment he took his first step, the ground suddenly shook. Muffled rumbling sounds came from afar, causing the ground to seem to rise and fall. At that moment, it seemed like the earth was moving and the mountains were shaking.

The rumbling sounds reverberated in the air for a long time and did not disappear even after a long while. Some stones broke off from the numerous mountains around them and fell. The sudden tremors made Nan Tian and Xuan Lun's gazes travel towards one similar direction - a place that lay far in the distance.

"Sir Mo Su, the fourth batch of guests has arrived… This is the aftermath of the activation of the relocation in the tunnel," Dong Fang Hua explained in low voice.

Su Ming nodded his head slightly. His eyes were calm.

"Interesting. None of the people from the tribe came with the first three batches from Tranquil East Tribe. With the limits set in this place, only one from Tranquil East Tribe can come here. This time, the person who came is most likely Han Cang Zi!"

A smile appeared on Nan Tian's face as he spoke amiably.

"Puqiang Tribe has already sent their tribe member with the first batch. He has already died. I have no idea who came with the fourth batch…" Xuan Lun said darkly after retrieving his gaze from the distance.

"No matter who it is, I now understand why we didn't face any obstacles on our way here and why we didn't meet any guests from Lake of Colors Tribe. Looks like they've all gone to the tunnel."

Nan Tian smiled.

At that moment, from the valley, Chou Nu and Xuan Lun's followers charged out and whispered in Nan Tian and Xuan Lun's ears.

Su Ming remained as usual. Dong Fang Hua might not have been able to go in with them, but Su Ming's Branding Art covered an area of 2,000 feet. He had seen everything within the valley.

"Brothers, this way!"

Nan Tian cast Xuan Lun and Su Ming a glance before he walked into the valley with a smile. Xuan Lun and his follower followed suit. Su Ming remained silent, but he went in nonetheless.

The valley was not big, but there were dozens of giant cracks on the walls, giving them a desolate look. Nan Tian took a few steps forward briskly as his gaze swept past these cracks. He took a deep breath and raised his right hand to push at the air. Immediately, the black bones that spun around him spread out and a strong dark light shone brilliantly outwards.

Under this dark light, Su Ming immediately saw eight cracks on the right wall twisting like ripples in the water. Gradually, these eight cracks disappeared one by one until there was only one left.

The only crack left on the right wall was not too big, just large enough for a person to enter. It was dark inside, and no one could know where it led to.

Xuan Lun's eyes flashed. The old follower behind him sighed. He took a step forward and charged quickly into the only crack on the wall to their right.

Dong Fang Hua did not have time to explore earlier. He was about to follow suit, but the moment he was about to take a step forward, Su Ming, who was standing before him, raised his right arm and blocked his path.

"Sir Mo Su?" Dong Fang Hua was stunned.

When Xuan Lun saw this, a light crease appeared on his brows, and he looked towards Nan Tian.

Nan Tian blinked and a bitter smile appeared on his face. He let out a sigh towards Xuan Lun and spoke with a helpless tone, "Brother Xuan, your follower was too impatient…"

"Nan Tian, what's the meaning of this!"

Xuan Lun's face grew dark, and when he spoke, his voice became terrifyingly cold. Almost at the same time he uttered his words, a shrill, pained cry traveled out of the only crack on the right. The voice was quickly cut off.

Xuan Lun's expression instantly changed and he glared at Nan Tian. However, he was a powerful Berserker in the Transcendence Realm, which meant that he had great self-preservation and would not lose his temper without reason. He spoke coldly instead.

"Give me a reason to not attack you!"

"Brother Xuan, I didn't say that this was the crack. The crack on the right is a trap to prevent others who stumbled upon this place from discovering my setup.

"This crack is fake. Anyone under the Transcendence Realm who enters will die without fail…"

As Nan Tian smiled wanly, a hint of apology appeared on his face and he moved a few steps towards where Su Ming stood.

The moment he took those steps, Xuan Lun's pupils shrank almost unnoticeably. He was regretting his decision at this moment. He should not have revealed his killing intent and showed a hostile attitude when he saw Su Ming.

Xuan Lun was not a simple man. He could already tell that Nan Tian had used his influence to form a pressure on Mo Su so that he had no choice but to join them.

Right now, he was using Mo Su to create pressure on him, causing him to be unable to hold Nan Tian accountable even though his follower had died. After all, Nan Tian did not tell them to walk into the crack.

"If we aren't supposed to walk into the crack, then why did you open it?" Xuan Lun growled, forcing down his anger.

"Brother Xuan, don't be angry. Ah… this is my fault. I did not explain this to you beforehand. I didn't have time to stop your follower after I casted the Berserker Art. But there's a reason why I opened the crack on the right wall. If I didn't, then we wouldn't be able to go into the real tunnel."

Nan Tian wrapped his fist in his palm towards Xuan Lun and bowed, his face laden with regret.

Cold sweat broke out on Dong Fang Hua's forehead. He was not young, and he had an abundance of experience. At this moment, he saw the complicated relationship that surrounded the three men. He remembered Nan Tian's slyness, remembered Xuan Lun's ruthlessness, and remembered Su Ming stopping him. Gratitude appeared in his eyes as he looked at Su Ming.

Xuan Lun glared at Nan Tian, then at Su Ming. As a powerful Berserker of the Transcendence Realm, he seldom met something that made him so aggrieved, and what was more, he could not even say anything about it, because everything that happened was due to his own doing.

In his silenece, veins gradually popped up on Xuan Lun's face. He glared at Nan Tian and narrowed his eyes.

Nan Tian maintained a regretful look and bowed with his hands folded before him.


Xuan Lun took a step forward, but he only managed to utter one word before he was cut off by Su Ming's aloof voice.

"There are some words that should not be said. Once you say it, you will commit wrong, and you must pay the price for your wrongdoings.

"Xuan Lun, your follower might not be dead as well. After all, we haven't seen his corpse."

Xuan Lun stopped and his expression changed, but a moment later, he took a deep breath and wrapped his fist around his palm towards Nan Tian.

"Brother Nan, I acted too rashly just now. Please lead the way."

Nan Tian smiled and quickly returned the greeting. He made a few more explanations with an apologetic look and subtly glanced at the calm Su Ming. Uneasiness boiled in his heart.

'This person saw that there was something wrong and prevented his follower from going in. From this I can tell that he's a careful person and is not one to let his people take risks… and he could also use this to obtain his follower's gratitude. This is something I can do as well.

'But did he truly see that there was danger here, or is he as I guessed, just cautious..?

'I can put this aside first. From what he said before, I can tell that the murderous intent between this person and Xuan Lun from before is not fake… But he was clearly reminding Xuan Lun just now. This is the second time he used my actions in this matter to warm up his relationship with Xuan Lun, which unknowingly increases the probability of the two of them cooperating…

'Damn it, this completely disruptes the next steps I set up for Xuan Lun, and my plans to win him over. In fact, this will make Xuan Lun become even more wary and hostile towards me, and Mo Su will just be an outsider in this…'

Nan Tian did not reveal any of his thoughts. He smiled and nodded towards Su Ming once more before he looked at the seven cracks on the wall to the left. With one single move, Nan Tian charged towards the third crack.

Chou Nu followed quickly and entered the crack after him.

Xuan Lun looked at Su Ming. After a moment of hesitation, he nodded towards Su Ming and stepped into the crack.

Su Ming followed after them calmly. He did not manage to see through Nan Tian's thoughts. He simply thought that before they went into the tunnel, Nan Tian would not want to cause any arguments that would be detrimental to his plans.

Yet an accident like this had happened—it was something that was worthy of second thoughts. Su Ming could not guess what Nan Tian was thinking, but he could destroy it.

'Compared to Xuan Lun, I should be more cautious of Nan Tian's calculative nature.'

Su Ming was quiet as he followed behind the crowd, walking into the third crack.

The crack was narrow and long. No one spoke on the way, and they moved forward silently. After a long while, a small tunnel appeared before them. This tunnel expanded to the deep depths of the ground, the path twisting around like a serpent. There were ample clues lying around everywhere that hinted that the path was manmade, making it clear that the path was hewed out by people.

"This path would not appear unless a unique method is used to open the cracks on the right side of the valley. Even if someone entered this place accidentally, a maze like path would appear in this place. It would be difficult for them to find the correct path.

"This is the unique Art that belongs to my tribe – Lost Clouds Tribe," Nan Tian explained softly.

"This path is connected to the tomb of Han Mountain's ancestor. There is a seal blocking our path at the end. Once the seal is broken, we will then be able to enter his tomb."

As Nan Tian spoke, he moved forward quickly.

The path was dark, but when Su Ming and the others looked in, they did not see darkness. Their vision might have been slightly obscured, but they could still see rather clearly.

What caught their attention the most was the ground in the tunnel. It was red, which was completely different compared to the path in the crack connected to the tunnel.

It was as if these two places were two completely different worlds.

An unnoticeable glint appeared briefly in Su Ming's eyes when he saw the red patch on the ground in the tunnel. He moved forward, but the moment his foot landed on the red patch of ground…

"You… are… finally… here…"

Chapter 157: Aloof Eyes

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

A shudder ran through Su Ming's body and a boom immediately echoed in his head. That voice was aged with the endless vicissitudes of life, as if it contained eternity, as if it had been floating in the rivers of time for many years, as if it reverberated in the soul itself.

It made Su Ming's soul tremble. In an instant, his eyes became clouded with perplexity.

The hoarse and aged voice lingered in his mind and spread throughout his entire body like a layer of ripples, causing his body to freeze momentarily.

"You… are… finally… here…"

'Han Mountain's ancestor!'

Su Ming's expression immediately changed. It was fortunate that he was currently wearing a mask and had his head lowered, so no one noticed his strange behavior. That voice continued reverberating in his head until it eventually sounded like thunder rumbling, causing Su Ming's face to pale as if he was experiencing nightmares.

"Sir Mo Su?"

Dong Fang Hua's anxious voice traveled into Su Ming's ears from his side. Dong Fang Hua was the first who noticed Su Ming's peculiar behavior. He saw him becoming still the moment he stepped onto the red ground as if he had frozen up.

"It's nothing… The ground in the tunnel is just a little strange."

Su Ming took a deep breath and moved forward on the red ground. Before him, Nan Tian and the others were looking at him with a questioning look.

Nan Tian narrowed his eyes and took a close look at Su Ming. He did not believe in his words completely, but could not find any clues about anything wrong either.

"This is your first time here, so it's natural that you're baffled. The ground becomes even redder the further we go into the tunnel. It'll be as if we're looking at blood.

"It's highly likely that it'll be the same when we arrive in the tomb of Han Mountain's ancestor."

As Nan Tian spoke, he turned around and continued onward.

Dong Fang Hua followed beside Su Ming with his heart racing against his chest. He was standing closest to Su Ming just now, that was why he could feel something that Nan Tian and the others did not sense. During that instant, he seemed to have seen Su Ming's hair floating without wind. There were also some strange changes on the mask over his face. He could not explain that feeling, but it was as if the mask had suddenly come to life.

He did not dare say more. Instead, he followed behind Su Ming, moving forward cautiously.

Su Ming did not say a word during the entire journey. He did not even need to ask. Dong Fang Hua, Nan Tian, and Xuan Lun's expressions alone were enough to tell him that they did not hear the aged voice just now. He was the only one who had heard it.

It was faint, but Su Ming could feel a weak sensation as if he was being summoned. That sensation traveled slowly towards him from the end of the tunnel. As he got nearer, that sensation as if he was being summoned became stronger.

'I knew it. Han Mountain's ancestor is not dead. That voice definitely belonges to him, but why did he say… finally…?'

Su Ming clenched his right hand. His fingernails dug into flesh, and it hurt.

Yet compared to the confusion that was brought by the huge mystery that existed in his heart, that pain made him feel that he was real, that he existed.

He needed pain so that he did not feel empty.

He did not want to think about Han Cang Zi's pitying and her complicated gaze. He did not want to explore why Nan Tian did not mention the God of Berserkers who sealed away the Fire Berserker Tribe with the Eternal Creation Art.

He especially did not want to ponder why that aged voice said 'finally'…

'Just what happened to me? What have I forgotten? I didn't forget anything, but..!'

Su Ming tightened his fist even further.

It was just as Nan Tian had said. As they moved forward, the red ground became more vivid until it eventually reached a startling shade. It was as if they were walking on a dried up sea of blood.

Nan Tian might have come to this place many times before, but every single time he walked on the red ground, a feeling that was akin to terror would arise uncontrollably in his heart. Even if he knew that there was no danger within the tunnel, he could not help but stay on full alert and be incredibly vigilant.

Behind him, Chou Nu's face was pale, his heart thumping against his chest. The red ground gave him a vague sense of agitation, but he could still resist it.

Xuan Lun was the same as Su Ming. This was also the first time he came to this place. He tried not looking at it, but when he walked further into the tunnel, he found that he could not ignore the red ground. A vicious look appeared on his face as he continued looking at it. It was faint, but he seemed to see an innumerable amount of murdered souls emerging from the surface of the ground screaming at him in hatred.

Xuan Lun let out a cold harrumph, clearly unbothered. He was cruel by nature and had killed far too many people in his life. He made his decision. He wanted to see just how many illusions would appear on this path.

"You must focus when you travel on this path… It won't cause any real harm to us. This place is strange in the sense that it'll create different illusions in everyone's eyes, though they aren't powerful illusions. I've experienced this many times before, just bear with it, and it'll soon be over."

Nan Tian's voice traveled into their ears as if it came from a far distance, through thousands of mountains and rivers.

A smile appeared on Dong Fang Hua's face. It was an incredibly complacent smile showing a hint of obsession. He walked past Su Ming with huge steps, and as he looked at the red ground, the smile on his face grew wider.

On the red ground, he saw himself successfully reaching Transcendence. He saw himself successfully sacrificing the 13th piece of his spine, reverting it into a real Berserker Bone, then continuously reaching breakthroughs until he reached the Berserker Soul Realm.

He saw himself standing between the heavens and earth laughing with his head thrown back at the sky once he became a Berserker Soul. He saw countless people from all sorts of Berserker Tribes kneeling and worshipping on the ground. These people looked at him respectfully. They were watching him, Dong Fang Hua, creating his own statue of the God of Berserkers the moment he reached the Berserker Soul Realm!

Su Ming walked silently onward. There was a dazed look in his eyes. As he continued forward, the red ground allowed him to see his tribe and the familiar Dark Mountain.

He saw Lei Chen laughing boyishly. He saw Liu Di leaning against a house with his eyes closed as he played a song with his xun.

He saw Chen Xin holding Bei Ling's hand with a beautiful smile on her face. Bei Ling's back was positioned towards him with the wind blowing against his hair…

He saw Wu La. The girl who was not considered very beautiful had her face covered in blood as she laid in his arms mumbling Mo Su's name.

He saw a little girl holding onto Pipi. She was blinking, and with the naïve voice of a child, she whispered into his ears, "Big brother Su Ming, I have a secret. Once you're back, I'll tell you."

He saw the elder…

He saw Bai Ling standing alone in the snow and wind… He saw her hair gradually turn white. She was looking at a fang in her hands. The snowstorm was too great and it blocked his vision, but it did not manage to cover his eyes from seeing the tears on Bai Ling's face.

Su Ming bit his lips as he took in those sights. All these wonderful and sad moments were shown to him one by one on the red ground. At that moment, he suddenly shuddered. He saw a giant black hand descending from the sky on the sights on the ground. With one mighty swing, all those familiar people and familiar sights turned into smithereens.

Behind the broken shards was a dark void, and within that void was a pair of eyes.

Those eyes were looking at him coldly. They were heartless, as if all the emotions that existed in the world did not exist within them. There was also an aloofness that seemed to belong to a ruler.

"You truly��� disappoint me…"

Su Ming's mind trembled. A wave of anxiety that he had never felt before surged forward, causing him to instantly wake up from his stupor. He was still on that path, and the ground was still red underneath his feet.

Nan Tian had his eyes closed as he stood unmoving. His expression was incredibly strange. Sometimes, he would smile, at other times, a twisted look would appear, and occasionally, he would look incredibly smug, as if he was enjoying the fruition of his schemes.

Xuan Lun leaned against the wall with a vicious look on his face. There was a hint of cruelty within that look, but also a hint of powerlessness.

Chou Nu knelt on the ground and could not stop panting harshly. The murderous gleam in his eyes seemed to say that he was burning with anger, but there was also a hint of weakness within that rage.

Dong Fang Hua seemed to have gone mad. He was walking back and forth repeatedly with his arms outspread as he laughed loudly with a satisfied and boastful look on his face. He was immersed in his own world and did not want to wake up.

As he looked at these people, an urge rose in Su Ming. If he attacked them now, he could kill all these people without a hitch, including Xuan Lun and Nan Tian.

'Nan Tian would not allow himself to sink into a hopeless situation, but right now, he lost his awareness and sank into the illusion… He came to this place many times before. He wouldn't make such a mistake…

'If that's the case, he's either doing this on purpose, or… a change that he doesn't know about has come to this place.'

Su Ming closed his eyes. He remembered the aged voice that had appeared in his mind when he first stepped on the red ground.

He also remembered the things he saw when he was trapped within the illusion, all of which eventually came to a stop when that pair of aloof eyes appeared within the darkness along with the words that seemed to have come from a distance.

'Did the change in this place happen because of me..? Han Mountain's ancestor, for what reason did you do this..?'

Su Ming opened his eyes and looked before him. They were already at the end of the tunnel. Right in front of him was a smooth stone wall. A complex picture carved out by numerous ravines covered the wall.

Waves of dark light shone out of the stone wall. When Su Ming looked at it, he felt a strong repelling force coming from it.

"This should be the place where the seal is," Su Ming muttered.

He swept his gaze over Chou Nu, Dong Fang Hua, Nan Tian, and Xuan Lun. Somehow, he kept having the feeling that there was something within the four people's expressions and attitudes.

'They're the same as me. They saw something unique to their sights from this red ground…'

Su Ming fell silent. That pair of eyes and the words left behind a deep impression in his mind.

"You truly… disappoint me…"

There was no hint of emotion in that voice. It was cold, like ice that would never melt.

'Those words, and that gaze… why did they appear in my illusion… Why did I become nervous after I heard those words..? I was really nervous… and very afraid…'

Su Ming did not choose to kill. He stood there instead and looked first at Dong Fang Hua. He watched him walking back and forth with a distinctly complacent look on his face.

'What we see is different, but what we experience is the same. Perhaps I can find an answer from them…'

Chapter 158: Destiny!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Dong Fang Hua was pacing back and forth before Su Ming. His loud bursts of joyful laughter were completely different from his usual careful demeanor and acts of relying on the strong. As of then, it seemed like he had become another person. That prideful look on his face and sparkling eyes revealed the secrets in his heart.

"Today, I have arrived at the Berserker Soul Realm. Since you have all come to attend my ceremony, then I will let you see how a Berserker of the Berserker Soul Realm creates his own personal statue of the God of Berserkers!"

Dong Fang Hua spoke loudly and lifted his arms, flinging them around wildly.

Su Ming looked at Dong Fang Hua quietly. He did not have a deep understanding of this person, but from the contact they had during the past few days, Su Ming could tell that this was a nobody who was as cautious as Su Ming was. He wanted to become stronger, and at the same time had the desire to be praised by those weaker than him.

'His actions right now reflect his true self… but what about this is similar to the illusions I saw just now..?'

Su Ming quietly observed Dong Fang Hua. After a long while, he shifted his gaze to Chou Nu.

Chou Nu knelt on the ground as he panted harshly with a ferocious look on his face. His low growls gave people the feeling that he was in a bout of raging madness, but the weakness and flickering light in his eyes clashed against his expression.

"If what we show here reflect our true selves, then Chou Nu… I wonder if he was born with the word Nu (T.N. meaning anger) in his name. If it's not, then it means that he believes that he needs this sort of rage the most…

"Since he needs it the most, then it means that he lacks that rage…" Su Ming mumbled.

He had a feeling that he had caught onto something, but it was still vague, as if the thought was still covered by a veil.

'What do I need the most…?'

Su Ming closed his eyes and only opened them after a long while to look at Nan Tian.

Nan Tian was standing with his eyes closed. His expressions constantly changed. Pride, disgust, sullenness, cold sneers, these expressions fused together, but most of the time, his face showed pride.

"This is a person who likes scheming and plotting against others… I haven't been around him for long, but from the things that happened, I can tell that he is a person who is very confident of his intelligence. He always feels that he can control others with clues that he discovered about them. They would have to follow his will, and they would have no choice but to do so."

Su Ming looked at Nan Tian and the expressions on his face as he mumbled to himself.

"And him…" Su Ming's gaze fell on Xuan Lun. "He is a cruel person. This is evident from when he brought out the souls of He Feng's family and crushed them one by one when He Feng challenged the Chains of Han Mountain.

"He's cruel, ruthless, and would kill others when opinions don't match. He's a powerful Berserker in the Transcendence Realm, way above those in the Blood Solidification Realm. With his personality, he must have killed a lot of people in his life…"

Su Ming saw ruthlessness on Xuan Lun's face, as if he loved killing and was passionate about slaughter. Yet underneath that ruthlessness was an unexpected hint of helplessness.

"I understand now…" Su Ming mumbled under his breath bitterly.

He was highly intelligent to begin with. There was in no way he would not find the answer he was searching for when he combined all the expressions and actions showed by the four people.

"Whatever you brag about the most is what you lack the most.

"Whatever it is that you want others to know that you own the most of is what you want to possess the most.

"Xuan Lun is cruel and ruthless. His thirst for blood is ingrained within him. This is what he is proud of and also what he wants others to know about. Yet in truth, this is what he lacks the most. He might have killed a lot of people, but all of these are to cover up his helplessness. He doesn't have a sense of security.

"He doesn't feel secure, that's why he feels that he needs to boast about his kills and let others know that he loves killing so that they'll know that he is cruel. It helps him to cover up the fear he feels in his heart.

"He needs cruelty, that's why he saw cruelty. He is afraid and desires safety, that's why there's also a hint of helplessness on his face," Su Ming mumbled under his breath bitterly.

He understood now.

"Nan Tian flaunts about and wants others to know about his shrewdness and intelligence the most. Yet in truth, that is what he lacks the most…

"He wants others to know that he's very calculative, but this also shows that this is what he desires.

"Chou Nu's name has the word anger in it. He also presented himself as a person with a violent temper. This is what he's prideful about and wants others to know… it's also what he desires, because in truth, he's very weak and faint in heart."

Su Ming looked at the terror hidden under the angry expression on Chou Nu's face as he mumbled.

'I truly understand now. Through them, I know what's on my mind.'

Su Ming leaned against the stone wall by his side and smiled wanly as he looked at the roof of the tunnel.

'I've always been aloof and made myself remain calm. This is what I lack and desire… I've always refused to think about the tribe, using indifference as a cover, but in truth, this is the most fragile memory within my heart.

'Perhaps I've truly forgotten some of my memories… The illusions I saw on this path of blood, the eyes that appeared at the end and the words I heard, why did they make me so nervous, so aware, so afraid..? Perhaps this is what I don't want others to discover the most in the depths of my heart…

'Just like Xuan Lun's fear and Chou Nu's weakness.

'Then what do I need the most..?' Su Ming asked himself, but he found the answer very soon, because when he asked himself that question in his head, the image of the eyes and the words appeared in his mind.

"You truly… disappoint me…"

'So this is the real me… Then I want to know whose gaze that belonged to… Why did he say those words..? What are the memories I lost?

'In fact… if I truly lost some memories, then could my memories have also been altered by someone..? I want to know whether it happened…

Su Ming closed his eyes. His heart was clenching in pain and fear. He was afraid that all of his memories of Dark Mountain were changed, that some might have disappeared… that they were fake…

He had a feeling having been baptized when he walked through this path. It was as if he had transformed and changed. It was a vague feeling, but it existed.

After an unknown amount of time passed by, Dong Fang Hua stopped laughing boisterously. Instead, a shudder ran through his body and after a moment where he remained stunned, he silently sat beside Su Ming with his head lowered, a baffled look on his face.

Chou Nu also stopped growling and howling. The anger on his face disappeared and turned into a blank look as he sat by the side mulling over something.

Nan Tian trembled and slowly opened his eyes. There was a dazed look in his eyes, which only disappeared after a long while, replaced by shock and alarm. He had recovered, and some memories of what had happened returned.

From among these people, he had a vague feeling in his memories that Su Ming had seemed to have acted differently compared to himself. That man had calmly stood before him and looked at him. At that time, he was completely powerless to resist.

Nan Tian trembled. He did not know whether it was a mistake on his part. He would rather believe that all of it had been an illusion and it was not real, but when he looked towards Su Ming and saw him looking at him calmly, a shudder ran through Nan Tian's body.

'He changed…'

Nan Tian's breathing became rapid. He could not describe clearly what had changed within Su Ming, but there was an incredibly terrifying feeling coming from him now!

The fear did not stem from Su Ming's power, nor from his intelligence, but from his eyes. In Nan Tian's view, Su Ming's gaze held an imposing look that was not intentional, but seemed to have been ingrained within him since birth.

He had never expected that someone would be able to cause his heart to race in anxiety with just one look.

"Is there something wrong?" Su Ming asked softly.

"No… Nothing…"

For the first time, Nan Tian felt uneasy when he heard Su Ming speak. He quickly replied back.

Su Ming no longer spoke and closed his eyes.

Xuan Lun looked at Su Ming with mixed feelings. He woke up at the same time as Nan Tian. The feelings he had experienced were incredibly similar to Nan Tian's. He also felt that Su Ming had looked at him calmly as he was caught in the illusion.

In fact, when Su Ming looked at Nan Tian, Xuan Lun also felt his heart trembling, and his breathing quickened. Yet there were still some differences between him and Nan Tian. He believed that everything that happened to him was due to him waking up from the illusion, not because Su Ming had changed. He simply felt that something was wrong with himself.

Yet no matter what, Xuan Lun still chose to fall into silence and sat down without a word.

Time gradually passed by. Two hours, four hours…

Silence still reigned at the end of the tunnel. Dong Fang Hua and Chou Nu had completely woken up, but the dreamlike memories remained in their minds and refused to disappear.

Dozens of hours passed by. Suddenly, a tremor shook the tunnel. Muffled booms arrived from above them. Dust floated down as if the entire tunnel was about to collapse.

The stone wall at the end of the tunnel shone brilliantly, as if it had suddenly become incredibly instable and was going to crumble at any moment.

The sudden change immediately filled Xuan Lun with vigor and he trained his gaze on the seal. By his side, Nan Tian too looked at the stone wall with a grave expression as desire grew in his heart.

The stone wall was a door. It was a door that led to either the isolation grounds or the grave of Han Mountain's ancestor. That door had been around for centuries, perhaps even longer, and it had never been opened.

The existence of the seal blocked off all outsiders, but now, Lake of Colors Tribe was carrying out a large scale operation. They were using an unknown method outside, trying to break the seal and rush into where Han Mountain's ancestor was.

Muffled rumbling sounds came from above them. The dark light on the stone walls flickered even more strongly, as did the one on the faces of people in the tunnel.

Chou Nu, Dong Fang Hua, Xuan Lun, and Nan Tian all had their eyes trained on the stone wall. Once Lake of Colors Tribe broke the seal outside, the seal in this place would also disappear.

Only Su Ming had his eyes closed. It was not that he did not want to open them, but at that moment, the aged and hoarse voice appeared once more in his mind.

"Come… Come here… I've been waiting for you… for a long time… for a long time…


Chapter 159: Break The Relocation Seal

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Fog shrouded the sky. The strange stars shone dimly. Giant cracks tore the sky, telling all those who lifted their heads to look that the starry sky was fake and it did not exist.

There was a gigantic building in the plains surrounded by the numerous valleys under the starry sky. That building could not be seen clearly because the fog surrounding it obscured the view of all those trying to see it.

Yet if someone got closer, they would see that this building was a gigantic object shaped like a sword. That object pierced into the ground diagonally, and the part that was revealed was about thousands of feet tall.

It was entirely black and made from an unknown material. Dense scale like objects covered its surface. It looked like a sword, yet it was also rather similar to a ship.

Three tall altars shaped like towers surrounded three sides of the sword-ship object. The altars were colored white, black, and red, and they were each different from each other.

Compared to the aged feeling coming from the sword-ship object, those three altars in the shape of towers were clearly built later.

At that moment, the white altar was empty, and so was the black altar. Only the red altar was shining with a red light. That strong light pierced through the fog and surrounded the area, causing all those who saw it to have their vision entirely covered in red, even if they were standing far away.

A few dozen people floated around the red altar. One of them was Yan Luan. She wore a red robe and her hair floated around her as she looked at the sword-ship object with sparkling eyes.

Han Fei Zi followed behind her quietly. No one could see the changes in her expression due to the veil covering her face. They could only see that her eyes were glowing.

The area was silent, yet there were occasional muffled rumbles traveling forth from afar. If anyone searched for the source of the voice, they would see the people from Tranquil East, Puqiang, and Lake of Colors Tribe fighting against each other in two spots located rather far away from the place.

"We won't be able to hide from Tranquil East and Puqiang for long. They should have already noticed the changes in this place… Our time is short…" Han Fei Zi whispered.

"Even if Han Cang Zi and the Berserker from Puqiang Tribe are held back by the previous tribe leader and the Elder… she's still a member of Freezing Sky Clan. We mustn't kill her, nor can we kill her."

Han Fei Zi's gaze swept past Yan Luan.

"I'll be careful. I won't cause delay for your entering into Freezing Sky Clan." Yan Luan chuckled and turned around to look at Han Fei Zi. "I'm curious how that new guest of Tranquil East Tribe attracted you, so much so that you would spend your last wish to make me let go of my interest in him."

Yan Luan may have been smiling beautifully, but only those who knew her would be able to see the chill in her eyes.

"You do not lack mates, but I lack a companion," Han Fei Zi said softly.

Her voice may have been pleasant to the ears, but there was chill to it as well.

"Companion? Are you perhaps thinking…"

Yan Luan covered her mouth and laughed, but she did not finish speaking. She cast a profound look towards Han Fei Zi instead.

"It's time. It would be best if you open the seal and break the mark of slave tribes so that I can leave in peace," Han Fei Zi said softly, closing her eyes.

Yan Luan smiled faintly and turned back to look at the sword-ship object. A strange light appeared in her eyes. She lifted her right hand and pressed it over her heart before she fell to her knees in midair. Her face was no longer enchanting, but filled with pious devotion.

"Align the runes!" Yan Luan said softly.

The moment she spoke the words, thunder rumbled in midair, and multiple bolts of red lightning appeared out of nowhere. They intersected with each other and pervaded the sky as they continuously traveled about.

At the same time, the dozens of people from Lake of Colors Tribe behind Yan Luan floated up as if their bodies were pulled in by the lightning in the sky; they sat down in midair with respectful looks on their faces.

The traveling bolts of lightning were originally rather chaotic when they appeared and shone in the sky, but when the dozens of people from Lake of Colors Tribe floated in midair, all of the bolts surrounded them with these people acting as the center. Once the lightning connected to these people, a complicated picture was formed in midair.

That picture was the Relocation Rune.

"Han Fei Zi!" Yan Luan called out softly.

Han Fei Zi did not say a word but took a step forward and charged towards the picture. She sat down in the center of the picture and let out a deep breath, then closed her eyes.

"Statue of Lake of Colors, please descend upon us!"

"Statue of Lake of Colors, please descend upon us!"

"Statue of Lake of Colors, please descend upon us!"

These words fell out of the lips of the dozens of people in the sky one after another. Their voices blended together and turned into a growl. As it echoed in the surroundings, in the outside world, at the mountain where Lake of Colors Tribe was located, which was situated beside Han Mountain City in the Land of South Morning, all tribe members of Lake of Colors Tribe sat down with their legs crossed. Some of them were Berserkers, while the others were normal members of the tribe.

They all sat down with their eyes closed. At that moment, all of them bit their tongues at the same time and coughed out fresh blood. Every single drop of their blood rose into the sky and rapidly gathered in midair.

A giant contour of a face formed by blood appeared at the summit where Lake of Colors Tribe was located. It was the gigantic face of a woman filled with a dignified might. The moment she appeared, the light of relocation appeared outside the woman's face, causing her face to begin fading out despite the fact that she had just appeared.

The mountains where Tranquil East Tribe and Puqiang Tribe were located were strangely silent as their people looked at this sight. They did not show any signs of wanting to investigate. At that moment, on the stage situated at the summit of the mountain where Tranquil East Tribe was located were the tribe leader of Tranquil East, the Elder, and the many powerful Berserkers of Tranquil East Tribe. Among them were three old men who seemed to have crawled out of their coffins. Their bodies were letting out a rotten stench as they stood with their tribe members silently.

They did not look at Lake of Colors Tribe, but were looking instead at the middle aged man wearing a blue robe before them.

The man's hair was very long. He had his hands behind his back, and there was the picture of a mountain of ice sewn on his robes.

"I know that your hearts are unwilling…"

The man was very handsome. As he looked at the summit of Lake of Colors located in the distance, he spoke languidly.

"But this is the decision made by leader Sun within the clan. You may feel unwilling, but you must obey."

"We would not dare to. We will definitely comply with the orders given to us by the envoy, but Han Cang Zi is still inside…" The one who spoke was one of the three rotting old men. His face was calm as he spoke hoarsely.

"Would anyone dare to harm her?"

The middle-aged man smiled faintly.

The same scene appeared on the mountain where Puqiang Tribe was located. The leaders and powerful Beserkers of Puqiang Tribe stood respectfully before a middle-aged man in black. The man had the mark of a scorpion on his face. The scorpion looked vivid, as if it was a living creature.

"Leader Wang has given the orders that Puqiang is not allowed to interfere in this matter!"

At the same moment, within the hidden grounds under Han Mountain City, Han Fei Zi and the others were sitting down cross-legged as they activated the Relocation Rune formed by the red bolts of lightning. As red light shone into the sky, a strange pressure gradually appeared. The woman's face that appeared on the mountain of Lake of Colors Tribe slowly descended upon this place.

As it appeared, a large amount of ripples appeared in the sky and reverberated in the area, causing more and more powerful tremors to shake the world with each passing moment. Very soon, at the moment the light of the Relocation Rune in the sky reached its brightest peak, the gigantic face of the woman appeared completely in the sky.

That woman's face was about thousands of feet in size as she looked at the land indifferently.

"Open the Tranquil East Door!"

Yan Luan's face was piously devoted as she lifted her right hand and pointed towards the white tower shaped altar that belonged to Tranquil East Tribe in the distance.

The moment she pointed, a red light immediately shone outside Tranquil East's altar. Four people in red appeared out of nowhere. In their hands they held several heads of people who were glaring furiously even in their deaths.

These four people acted at the same time. They threw the heads onto the altar and slammed their hands on them.

The moment they did so, the heads exploded and turned into a large amount of blood that dyed the white altar red in an instant!

These heads belonged to the guests from Tranquil East Tribe who had entered this place. Once they were killed by Lake of Colors Tribe, their blood was gathered in their heads using a unique method. At that moment, their heads exploded, and their blood dyed the entire tower red.

The blood-stained Tranquil East tower rumbled and a large amount of cracks appeared. Roaring sounds traveled out from within, and a vast amount of energy spilled out abruptly.

The moment the energy appeared, the heavens and earth seemed to change their color. This was the power of all the Qi that had been accumulated overtime by the guests in Tranquil East Tribe over the centuries when the three tribes opened up the hidden grounds. Once enough energy had been accumulated, Tranquil East Tribe originally intended to use it while working with the other two tribes to open the giant sword-ship object.

Yet at this moment, all their energy was taken away ingeniously by Lake of Colors Tribe.

The gigantic woman's face in the sky opened her mouth and sucked in a breath in the direction of Tranquil East tower. Immediately, this energy charged towards the woman's face and was completely absorbed by it.

"Open the Puqiang Door!"

Excitement appeared in Yan Luan's eyes. She had been waiting for this day for far too long. For this day, they had poured in too much blood, sweat, and tears.

The originally black Puqiang tower was dyed in red as the heads exploded. It crumbled as Tranquil East tower had done, and the vast amount of Qi that the guests accumulated over the centuries spilled forth, all of which were instantly absorbed by the woman's face in the air.

The final wave of energy absorbed was from the altar belonging to Lake of Colors Tribe. Thunderous booms echoed in the air, and cracks appeared on all three altars. The moment they exploded because they lost the Qi that had been stored within them, the woman's face in the air became distinct.

Yan Luan took in a deep breath and charged towards the woman's face, fusing with it in an instant. She appeared at the center of the woman's brows.

"Break the relocation seal!"

A strange light appeared in the eyes of the gigantic woman's face before it descended abruptly from the sky and charged towards the sword-ship object that was stuck diagonally on the ground.

As the face rapidly closed in, the sword-ship object immediately let out a dim light. The dim light was the seal itself. It did not spread out, but flowed around the sword-ship object like running water.

With a loud crash, the statue of the God of Berserkers from Lake of Colors Tribe crashed into the giant sword-ship object!

"The seal from Han Mountain's ancestor would be extremely difficult to break if we didn't understand its principles. This is a completely different energy compared to us Berserkers. Even if Lake of Colors Tribe understood the Relocation Art and used the power of the entire tribe, it'd still be difficult for us to break it, but…

"With the power of the statue of the God of Berserkers, the power of Relocation, and the research Lake of Colors Tribe conducted over the past few centuries, we've predicted that we can cause this seal to disappear for an instant using Rune against Rune. At that short moment it disappears, we… will enter!"