646 - 652

Chapter 646: The Battle Begins!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The person on the sword is the Heavenly Emperor… Di Tian!" Qian Chen's voice quivered slightly and he went a little nearer to Su Ming before he spoke up again in a whisper.

"There is a rumor circulating about the five Emperors in the land of Immortals. It is said that if the strongest Yellow Emperor truly died, then his death is definitely related to Di Tian, because Di Tian was the Yellow Emperor's disciple, and the Yellow Emperor's children have all been sealed off and divided by Di Tian!"

Su Ming did not speak. He merely sat on the stone and kept his gaze fixed on Di Tian in the sky, refusing to look away even after a long time had passed. He knew that he had one advantage over Di Tian at that moment - he could see Di Tian, but Di Tian did not know that he was here!

While Su Ming was being silent, his gaze fell on Beiling and Chenxin, and a complicated look appeared in his eyes.

"That is Di Tian's disciple, Young Lord Beiling… This person's potential is said to be just right under Ye Wang's and is on par with Chenchong's. He is also said to be a serious and staid person… The woman beside him is his junior sister." Qian Chen looked towards the direction of Su Ming's gaze and immediately started introducing the people he saw.

"The two people behind Beiling and Chenxing were Dharma Protectors when they were in the land of Immortals' Great Leaf Immortal Sect. Right now, they're the Sect Masters of the land of Berserkers' Great Leaf Immortal Seact. It is said that they followed Di Tian around all the time when they were in the land of Immortals, and they are all incredibly trusted subordinates of his…"

This Qian Chen seemed to know everything. From his mouth alone, Su Ming could already understand the whole world that belonged to the Immortals.

Almost at the moment Qian Chen finished speaking, rolling black fog immediately appeared out of nowhere in the sky from the direction of Evil Sect. That black fog filled the entire sky, and piercing screeches could be heard coming from within it.

The black fog tumbled in the air and looked as if it had covered the whole sky. It seemed endless, for no one could see any light in the distance. This darkness had come incredibly suddenly, along with the piercing screeches that sounded as if they possessed a power to pierce through the soul. It caused almost all the people in the land where Immortals descended to feel their hearts shudder. As if needles had stabbed into their bodies, they all started shouting together as if they could not withstand the pain and were almost pushed to the brink of madness because of it.

Evil Sect was in a better state though. Besides the weak ones, most of the disciples were fine, but most of the people among the Immortal sects instantly turned pale once those piercing screeches rang in the air. Black shadows even swiftly appeared between some of their brows. As they trembled, their bodies started rapidly withering away. Their flesh and blood did not disappear, but were being swiftly absorbed by the black shadows between the center of their brows. It was as if there was some sort of malicious spirit contained there, and it was absorbing these people's flesh and blood to be able to charge out.

Almost at the moment these Immortals could no longer bear with the piercing screeches, a cold harrumph echoed in the sky, and once it fell into everyone's ears, they felt as if they were listening to a sword humming. It sounded as if there was a sword crashing against stone and metal, and it was a clear sound that exuded a biting, chilling air!

All the disciples from the Immortal sects who heard that sound as it echoed in the air immediately started shivering as if they had just woken up from a dream. Expressions of wakefulness appeared on their faces, and their bodies stopped withering away. The black shadows at the center of their brows seemed let out silent screams of pain and then were wiped off.

Su Ming's pupils constricted. At the moment the evil sound had rang shrilly in the air, he had already lifted his right hand and pressed it against Qian Chen's shoulder, causing him to only tremble under that piercing screech while remaining uninjured. However, the reason behind Su Ming's pupils constricting and a slightly grave expression appearing on his face was because he had vaguely seen an illusory sword slicing down from the sky on the Immortal sects as that cold harrumph rang in the air.

There were few who could see that sword in the battlefield. Even Bao Qiu and the others around her could not detect it. Only those who had reached the great circle stage in Ascendance like Shen Dong would be able to see some clues hinting at its existence.

That sword seemed like a mere illusion, but it seemed to have executed the Law of the World and separated the spot that the Immortal sects resided. It might only have been separated for an instant, but it had made the evil sound lose its targets, wiping away the inner Devils that had been born among the Immortal sect disciples due to that evil sound!

More importantly, the person who had let out that cold harrumph was not the Di Tian in purple robes, who Su Ming was familiar with, but instead the other clone in golden robes. The power that of that harrumph had immediately allowed Su Ming to make his judgment.

'Two clones… And the clone in the golden robes is stronger than the one in purple!'

"Immortals and Evil Immortals' Curse." Qian Chen's face turned pale and sweat beaded on his forehead as he mumbled.

"This is the great divine ability of Evil Immortal Sect, and it is also one of the Ji An's favorite great divine abilities. In the past, all those who heard this Immortals and Evil Immortals' Curse would find Evil Neonates emerging in their bodies, and they would then absorb their flesh and blood, causing their bodies to wither away. Then, once their bodies died, the Evil Neonates would be born.

"These creatures would then act as Ji An's powerful killing moves, and they could even merge together to form Immortal Neonates," Qian Chen explained in a quiet voice.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes and looked towards the endless black fog charging towards them from the sky in the distance.

The black fog got increasingly closer as it tumbled about in the sky. The people on the battlefield could vaguely see an innumerable amount of people within the clouds, but they were nothing compared to the fog's appearance, which was the sight that had truly brought shock to all the people in the Immortal sects!

As it closed in, the portion right in the front merged together and turned into a gigantic human face. It looked incredibly ferocious, with the black fog as its body and the threads by the side its hair. As this creature approached the area, a dark voice rang in the air with such strength that it shook the sky and earth.

"Di Tian!"

This voice echoed in all directions, causing all the cultivators on the ground to feel their hearts tremble. Even Shen Dong and the others were the same. As for Sikong and Chenchong, their faces turned pale.

Su Ming sat on the rock, and the brilliant light shining in his eyes moments ago was hidden away. He looked at the black fog in the sky. After having heard this man's name for so long, this was the first time he finally saw him.

Su Ming's gaze seemed to be able to pierce through the fog and look within it, where he saw twenty thousand people in black armor, wearing aloof expressions on their faces while dark light shone in their eyes. Right before them was a boy dressed in black robes!

That boy was incredibly handsome. His black hair danced in the air, and he held a black fan in his hand. If the black fog and all the people in black armor were not around, then this boy would have definitely looked incredibly elegant and graceful!

Almost at the instant Su Ming looked towards the boy, the boy also seemed to have noticed his gaze and immediately lowered his head, but Su Ming had already averted his eyes by that time. The boy looked at the ground for a moment and a light crease appeared between his brows. But he stopped paying any attention to the ground after that.

"Ji An!" slowly called out the Di Tian in golden robes, as the rolling mass of black fog hovered directly opposite of Great Leaf Immortal Sect's giant sword in the sky.

"Today, the Immortals and Evil Immortals will fight, and the winner will take control of Eastern Wastelands Tower. As for the one who loses…" the Di Tian in golden robes said in a low voice. But before he could finish speaking, the rolling black fog immediately exploded and spread out, instantly filling up the entire area on the ground, as if it had separated the sky from the earth!

Immediately after, the twenty thousand people in black armor lifted their heads and turned into long black arcs that charged towards the fog on the ground.

"Why are you being so talkative? Di Tian, are you old and senile now?! Disciples of Evil Sect, kill them!"

Once the fog filled the area on the ground, none of it could be seen in the sky any longer, causing Ji An's figure to be revealed in the air. The boy in black robes put on a sinister smile on his face, and his eyes shone with killing intent in his chilling glare. He was completely unbothered and not the slightest bit wary of the two clones. With a step forward, he charged towards the sword where the Di Tians were.

The eyes of both the clones shone, and the one in purple robes took a step forward, with a cold sneer on his face.

"You might be slightly weaker than our real self's magical body, but you still have to bear with the limitations set by the laws in Yin Death Region. I'd like to see how you will fight against two of our real self's clones!"

Rumbling sounds instantly echoed in the sky, but no one on the ground could see what was happening above, because the fog that filled the sky had blocked off all the gazes directed upwards. The rumbles then turned into waves of impact that swept towards Great Leaf Immortal Sect, Hidden Dragon Sect, and Sky Mist Dao.

The battle suddenly erupted at the instant Ji An arrived!

Almost the instant the fog spread outwards and covered all the people's gazes, Su Ming stood up and struck Qian Chen's shoulder. With it, a faint ray of golden light immediately surged into Qian Chen's body through his hand.

"Close your eyes and fake death. As long your luck isn't too rotten, then as long as you have my power protecting you, you will be fine!" Once Su Ming said that, he took a step forward.

Qian Chen was taken aback for a moment, but then immediately let out a shrill scream of pain.

"Ah…! You ambushed me… you… bas… tards..." As he screamed, he started looking everywhere, and once he fell down, he quickly crawled under the stone beside him and laid down under it while his heart raced in anxiety in his chest.

Su Ming moved like a ghost. As he charged forward, he moved about in the fog. He did not immediately rush out but instead spread his divine sense outwards. The fog around him might be thick, but it was practically non-existent within his perception.

Almost at the instant the fog spread out, Su Ming lifted his right hand with an aloof expression and swiped at the fog to his right. A scream of pain rang out, and a Hidden Dragon Sect disciple was grabbed by the throat. Shock and despair appeared in the disciple's eyes. Up till this point, he still didn't understand why the target he had singled out before the fog appeared would suddenly become so terrifying.

The spot where he stood in Evil Spirit Sect was clearly one the belonged to an Outer Sect disciple…

A pity, but he no longer had any chance to think about that question. Su Ming squeezed with his right hand and a bang rang in the air. The Hidden Dragon Sect disciple's head exploded, and Su Ming continued walking forward.

He could clearly see a woman in white where the three Immortal sects were gathered in his divine sense. She had multiple layers of protection placed on her and would occasionally send out jade slips to the people. These jade slips were like orders that caused the fifty thousand cultivators among the Immortal sects to quickly organize themselves in the fog after only a short period of chaos.

As for Evil Sect, they were clearly incredibly familiar with this black fog. As if they had been prepared for it beforehand, at the instant it appeared, they started swiftly killing the Immortals under the lead of the twenty thousand people in black armor!

Su Ming calmly lifted his left hand. The green mark on his left hand was shining rapidly at the moment, and wisps of aura of death started charging towards his left hand from all directions.

"The true way to use this Seven Abyssal Yin Death Seal… is not to transfer the power of Yin Death, but… to offer the aura of death to the seal!" Su Ming said flatly, and a chilling glare appeared in his eyes.

Chapter 647: Sinister!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

If Su Ming had enough aura of death to deliver to this Verdant Abyssal Seal, then he would be able to trade in even more power of Yin Death from the world. Then, with this power of Yin Death, he could bring up an explosion that was even greater than what Shen Dong had managed to summon.

This was the epiphany he had gained when he was examining the Seven Abyssal Yin Death Seal. There was an innate difference between him and Shen Dong, which was why Shen Dong had been unable to understand this Art fully, but once it was in Su Ming's hands, he would be able to make it shine brilliantly.

'A fight between ten thousand people… In terms of numbers, they can't compare to the battle between the Shamans and Berserkers, but the power within each of these people here is much stronger compared to the Shamans and Berserkers… If that's the case, since the aura of death's thickness will increase because of a person's level of cultivation, then even if there aren't many people fighting on both sides, the aura of death will still be great because of the Immortals' power will cause it to increase by multiple fold!'

Su Ming walked in the black fog at a moderate pace. Roars and the sounds of battle rose and fell in his ears. However, he no longer had the hot-blooded fervor he had during the battle between the Shamans and Berserkers. His heart remained cold.

He had no reason to be fired up for this battle!

This was an internal strife among the Immortals and a scramble for power between Evil Sect and all the other Immortal sects. Su Ming was just a guest in this battle, a stranger who came to this battlefield with his own goals.

He only had one really, and that was to kill Di Tian. To accomplish this goal, others had sprung up. It was just like building a tower. Several layers needed to be built upon each other before a tower could be formed!

'I'll need at least half of the people to die to complete the Verdant Abyssal Seal. It'll be even better if I could get more…'

A glint appeared in his eyes. With his divine sense, he saw the three Immortal Sects slowly finding their way in the fog as the woman in white led them, issuing her orders with the jade slips. Instead, they started shrinking back, and with the woman in white as the center, they slowly looked as if they wanted to form a formation of three rings.

A squad was formed with nine people, and a platoon with nine of these squads. With nine platoons, a brigade was formed. The dozens of brigades then started retreating in an organized fashion continuously, and as they set up their formation, the Evil Sect teams that were rushing at them were like fierce tigers that had run into hedgehogs and could not swiftly slaughter a large amount of them, unlike what they had managed to do at the start.

The leaders were the ones who had a crucial function within these brigades, and the people with this position were the ones who would directly receive the woman in white's orders. Then, they would send these orders to the platoons in their brigades, and these platoons would then send the orders to the squads. This then resulted in the three Immortal sects looking like a single being that could not be separated, yet one that was also capable of dividing itself into several dozens of groups at any time it wanted!

On the other hand, the charge led by the twenty thousand Evil Immortals clad in black armor was now like the last flickers of a dying flame. Once the three Immortal sects started fighting back, they gradually lost the advantage they'd had at the start.

Aside from that, powerful Immortals in Ascendance like Shen Dong and Shihai had been detained by other Ascendant cultivators in the fog. Booming sounds kept coming continuously from their direction as these people fought against each other.

Even Bao Qiu was fighting against another cultivator in Soul Transformation Stage from Great Leaf Immortal Sect. They would not allow any person who had a high level of cultivation join in the charge between both armies.

It was the same for the Immortal sects. Once they had been marked by those in Evil Sect, they were also held back by their enemies.

'By how things usually progress, they should be heading into a stalemate very soon. Both sides will each bring out all the powerful Enchanted Treasures against their opponents that are of the same level of cultivation as theirs, and then, they will try to gain the upper hand again and continue with the slaughter!'

Su Ming's gaze occasionally fell on the fog before him. Once he could vaguely see ahead, he started observing the world outside with caution. The sky above him was not bright. There was a faint layer of purple fog there. It was not thick, and in that thin layer he saw three figures crisscrossing each other as they fought. Loud booming sounds that shook the sky and earth reverberated in the air.

The ripples coming from the Rune above these three people were becoming stronger, and it seemed that new Immortals would descend to the land before long.

'I can't afford to wait for such a long time. If I let those from Evil Sect and the Immortal sects act according to their plans, then not many of their people will die, and it'll be slow. The Rune in the sky also seems rather strange.'

Su Ming's eyes sparkled. When he saw that Evil Sect had already reached the end of their slaughter and looked as if they were about to retreat, he took a step forward and charged forward like a specter towards one of the brigades that were setting up their formation.

This was a brigade of a thousand people filled with boundless vitality at that moment. It was composed entirely of people from Sky Mist Dao, and a murderous air filled the area around them. The eyes of each person here from Sky Mist Dao were burning brightly. The leaders of the platoons among them were all cultivators who had reached the Nascent Soul Stage. Some of them were in the Soul Formation State. The leader of the brigade, who was surrounded by multiple layers of people, was a cultivator in the Soul Transformation Stage.

This Immortal brigade, which was the closest one to Su Ming, was retreating continuously, as if all the wills of the people inside had become connected to each other. They were retreating swiftly to complete the formation. Right before them were numerous Evil Sect disciples and a large number of people in black armor who were bringing with bloodlust and madness as they continued raining down their attacks on the brigade.

Shanhen was right in front of the team, among the people leading the charge. A mighty force burst forth from his well-built body at that moment, and his power spread out while nine black blades surrounded his body. As he charged forth, he was like a whirlwind sweeping across the land… but the thousand man brigade did not show any signs of dispersing despite being in the midst of the charge. They continued retreating in an organized manner, causing those in Evil Sect to feel incredibly helpless against them, because another brigade had appeared in the direction where these Evil Sect members were, and it was clear that they had been surrounded at some point without being aware of it.

In the midst of that helplessness, these Evil Sect disciples began thinking of retreating. Bloodlust shone in Shanhen's eyes, but after letting out a cold harrumph, he, too, started withdrawing.

After all, this was something that could not be helped. They were not the only ones retreating at the moment. The entire Evil Sect army was retreating to widen the distance between them and the Immortal sects.

This was something that was part of their plans to begin with, and they were quick on their feet as they began retreating.

However, almost at the moment Shanhen started withdrawing, a wave from the fog that would only be formed when someone was charging forward suddenly appeared not too far away from where he was. As those ripples spread out, a faint silhouette of a person could be seen within, and that person was so quick that he seemed like a shooting star charging through the fog as he rushed towards the thousand man brigade.

Both sides clashed in an instant, and a shocking bang swiftly erupted into the air. The will formed together by the thousand people started showing signs of crumbling once that silhouette charged into them. At the same time their will started crumbling, the stranger made his way into the thousand man brigade. Wherever he went, shrill screams of pain would travel out and blood would spill everywhere. Naturally, that silhouette was Su Ming!

With just three steps, he appeared right before the leader of a platoon. That person was a cultivator in the Nascent Soul Stage. The man's pupils shrank and shock appeared in his eyes. He knew that unless it was a cultivator in Ascendance, then no person would be able to break into this thousand man brigade where he was right at that moment.

Yet, all the cultivators in Ascendance within Evil Sect already had someone of equal level from the Immortal sects fighting against them… So how did an additional cultivator in Ascendance suddenly appear in Evil Sect?!

And he was clear that this was a cultivator in Ascendance Stage, not someone in any other stage of cultivation. Besides, more importantly, this sudden addition was incredibly fatal to one side of the battle among low-leveled cultivators!

It was a pity, but this man no longer had any time to think about this. Su Ming did not stop. With one step, he closed in and lifted his right hand. When he moved past that person, he seized his throat, and once he dragged him a dozen steps, he crushed the man's throat and shattered his Nascent Soul.

Once he let go, he moved towards the leader of the brigade - the old cultivator in Soul Transformation Stage.

That old man was dressed in green robes, and his eyes were as wide as saucers at that moment. There was also shock in his gaze, and he immediately fell back without any hesitation. A strong life threatening sense of danger shot up like a sharp needle piercing his heart, causing the only thought in his mind in the midst of his nervousness to be that of hastily fleeing for his life.

Yet with Su Ming's speed and power, the old man's speed as he fled was simply too slow. Almost at the moment he started retreating, Su Ming had already turned into a long arc and moved past him in a flash. Blood gushed out like a fountain in the air, and in Su Ming's hand was the old man's head, who could now no longer close its eyes.

There were no screams of pain nor shrieks. There was only stunned silence, for the thousand man brigade whose purpose was to suppress those from Evil Sect had their brigade leader and several of their platoon leaders killed in a short span of time, courtesy of Su Ming. After a short period of silence, cries of surprise erupted from these thousand people.

At the same time, Shanhen and the others who had been retreating nearby were also momentarily shocked, but immediately after, they let out excited roars and no longer retreated. Instead, they rushed into the thousand man brigade that was near breaking point like murderous demons and fiends.

"I am Shanhen. Thank you for your help, senior. May I know which Evil Sect you came from?" In the midst of his crazed slaughter, Shanhen spoke up, but he did not obtain an answer. Su Ming had already left.

He moved like the god of death in this piece of land filled with black fog. As he weaved about, he would charge swiftly into one of the brigades and kill its leader and numerous platoon leaders, with his greatest speed and amount of power he could muster. It was as if he was cutting through knots with a sharp knife.

While he had only dealt with eight brigades and not all of them, the effect he brought to the battlefield was still incredibly apparent, causing the originally retreating Evil Sect to stop moving for a moment before they charged forward to kill once again. The eight crumbled brigades were gaps in the Immortal sects' formation, and they were continuously being torn wider!

Su Ming did not tear open more gaps for Evil Sect. He did not want a single side to win in this battle. He wanted… a complete annihilation of both armies when their strength became equal once again. Only when that happened would he be able to gain a large amount of aura of death within a short period of time. Only then would the might of his Verdant Abyssal Seal reach a terrifying level!

Green light surrounded his left hand at that moment, and the aura of death there was rising exponentially at a maddening pace.

"Go on, kill… The more you kill, the better," Su Ming muttered under his breath.

Suddenly, he whipped his head to the side and looked towards the Immortal sects' direction. He saw a woman's gaze locking onto him, and it belonged to the woman in white who had been setting up the formation for the Immortal sects.

"She can actually find me?" A flicker of light shone in Su Ming's eyes.

Chapter 648: Don't Provoke Me!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"How can this be!"

"There are eight powerful warriors in Ascendance from Evil Sect besides the three Apogees from the three inferior sects… But these eight people are just in the early stage of Ascendance… From the information we received, one of them died in Thousand River Valley, so there should only be ten people from Evil Sect that are in Ascendance!"

"We already sent people to handle these ten, and by the looks of it, all of them are still held back by our plans, so who is the new one who appeared?"

There were some old men standing beside the woman in white behind the multiple layers of protection created by those in the Immortal sects. These old men's faces were filled with shock, and they were all speaking out of surprise. They might be standing in a circle, but none of them possessed the power of Ascendance. They were at most in Soul Transformation Stage, yet all of them were in possession of divine senses that had surpassed the limits of their current level of cultivation.

They were four old men, and they were originally sitting cross-legged on the ground with their divine senses spread outwards to gather on the woman in the middle. Due to the change in the battlefield at that moment, grave expressions appeared on their faces.

"Could it be that the information we obtained was wrong, and that cultivator in Ascendance who we learned was dead didn't truly die?!"

"This is the only explanation…"

The woman in white remained calm as she looked at the rolling black fog in the distance. After some time, she uttered softly, "He noticed me…" There was an airy and ethereal quality to her voice, as if it did not belong to this world.

"Notify Hidden Dragon Sect and send a Warrior Immortal to kill this person. If it won't be able to kill him, then at least have it tie him down!"

The woman in white had a flat expression on her face. Once she finished speaking, the four old men behind her used some sort of unknown method and contacted Hidden Dragon Sect, and one of the seven Galactic Warrior Immortals crouching down on the mountains spotted a brilliant light flashing in its eyes. It stood up, and when it took a step forward, it grabbed the mountain with its right hand and left into the black fog with it as loud booming sounds echoed behind them.

The woman in white rubbed the center of her brows and no longer bothered herself with this matter. To her, this was just an unforeseen accident, and once she sent a Warrior Immortal over, she would be able to wipe it clean.

She placed her gaze on the battle, and a light crease appeared between her brows for a moment before disappearing. She waved her right hand, and dozens of jade slips instantly appeared before her. Once her orders were placed on those slips, they immediately spread out.

Su Ming started retreating within the fog. As he moved about, he avoided the Evil Sect disciples around him. He narrowed his eyes and hid away the chilling glare in his eyes.

'That woman can see me… This doesn't fit into my plans… By the looks of it, the old men beside her fused their divine senses together and lent her their power. That's why she was able to locate me…'

Killing intent shone in Su Ming's eyes. When he turned his head to the side, he saw a Galactic Warrior Immortal leaping in the air, and as a loud bang echoed from the ground and the earth trembled, the puppet landed several thousands of feet away from him.

At the same time, a piercing howl sliced through the air. Right before Su Ming's eyes, when the huge Galactic Warrior Immortal landed on the ground, the mountain it brought with it came charging towards him with loud rumbling sounds.

The mountain was several tens of thousands of feet tall, and the force with which it was flung into the air was astonishing. It made all the Evil Sect members around the area to instantly turn pale and quickly avoid the place. The mountain approached Su Ming, making all the fog in the area it passed through to scatter in all directions, which resulted in a gigantic empty space!

The howling sounds were piercing to the ears. With a strange pressure on it, the mountain came charging towards Su Ming. When it closed in and was about to ram into him, the giant that had landed nearby lifted its head and let out a shocking roar. The clattering sounds increased in frequency, and it sounded as if there were some sort of gears turning in the giant's body, causing it to lift its foot swiftly and step on the ground before it rushed at Su Ming.

With each step it took, the ground would tremble and the fog would scatter. A monstrous wave of murderous aura came crashing towards Su Ming.

There was a mountain descending on him from above, and a Galactic Warrior Immortal closing in on him from the front, but Su Ming did not dodge. Instead, his lips curled up into a cold sneer.

This was just a mere Galactic Warrior Immortal, and it was even created in the land of Berserkers to boot. It only possessed the cultivation base and power of a Berserker who had attained great completion in the Berserker Soul Realm. When Su Ming had recovered just eight-tenths of his cultivation base, he could already fight against those who had attained great completion in the Berserker Soul Realm. At that time, he was already halfway through to truly reaching Berserker Soul Realm. Once he started circulating all his power, killing one person or creature at the equivalent to those who had attained great completion in the Berserker Soul Realm was nothing to Su Ming!

Not only was he going to destroy this Galactic Warrior Immortal, he was also going to destroy the woman in white's power that allowed her to keep her gaze fixed on him. Only then would he be able to continue moving about in the darkness, without anyone being able to see or find any traces of him.

Only then would his plans work as intended!

Almost at the instant the Galactic Warrior Immortal took its first step and the ground started trembling, Su Ming lifted his right hand and stomped on the ground. With it, he shot up from the land like a long arc that had erupted from the land and charged towards the mountain crashing down at him from above.

He was so quick that he appeared in midair in almost the blink of an eye, which meant that there was less than hundreds of feet between him and that gigantic mountain. A great wave of pressure fell on his body, but as Su Ming circulated all his power, that pressure instantly crumbled and shattered.

With a calm expression, he lifted his left hand and pushed against the sky. At the instant he did so, the mountain fell and crashed into his lifted left hand with a bang!

Booming sounds immediately resounded around Su Ming's entire body. It sank down swiftly, but right when it sank three inches downwards, Su Ming let out a cold harrumph and the power that belonged to the ancient Berserkers erupted from his left arm!

The Berserkers' cultivation methods and inheritance came from the first God of Berserkers, but the source of their power lay in their blood, and it was the blood they inherited from the ancient Berserkers, the people who were born with the power of Berserkers during the time before history was recorded! The first God of Berserkers had found a method for Berserkers to awaken the blood inheritance coursing through their veins so that they would no longer be barbarians and savages. Instead, they would be able to walk down the ways of cultivation, just like other people and make their race shine with a brilliant light!

A normal Berserker had very little of that ancient blood flowing through their bodies. Only when they reached the Bone Sacrifice Realm would they be able to gather up power and form the spine that belonged to the ancient Berserkers, who were also the true Berserkers. At that point, they would be in possession of extraordinary power.

Yet when it came to Su Ming, he had turned all the bones in his body and even his flesh as well as his blood into those of a true Berserker. It could be said that his body was already like those of the ancient Berserkers that existed before the recorded history!

This was something that even the first God of Berserkers had been unable to do when he made this cultivation system. That was why, as of then, what right did this puny mountain have to try and crush Su Ming's body?!

When the power of the ancient Berserkers erupted from Su Ming's left arm, the mountain was forced to a stop in midair with just one hand. Su Ming was barely noticeable under that ten thousand feet tall mountain, but he, who was seemingly unnoticeable and insignificant, was holding the entire mountain with just his left hand. He spun his body slightly, causing the mountain to shift to his right hand, and then, he threw it swiftly towards the spot where the woman in white was surrounded by the numerous Immortals!

Piercing howls that shook the sky and earth rang in the air, and the mountain charged straight towards the woman in white, while loud rumbling sounds shot up into the sky!

This scene was incredibly shocking, and before the woman in white had time to react to what was happening, Su Ming had lowered his head swiftly. A sneer revealed itself on his face, and killing intent shone in his eyes when he charged down towards the ground.

He was so quick that before anyone could see what was happening, he had already completed the entire process of descending from midair to the ground. When he appeared there, he took a huge step forward and appeared right before the Galactic Warrior Immortal that was roaring ferociously.

One punch!

Su Ming's abrupt appearance was as if he had forced his way into the empty space before the Galactic Warrior Immortal. When he appeared, his body still remaining as an indistinct blur, his fist landed on the Galactic Warrior Immortal's body with a loud bang.

Loud booming sounds shook the world, and even the powerful Immortals in Ascendance who were fighting against each other in the fog felt their hearts shake, but they did not have any time to take a look at the source of the tremors. They were all fighting, and could not afford to be distracted.

With that one punch, the light within the Galactic Warrior Immortal's eyes instantly vanished, and cracks started spreading rapidly throughout its body from the spot where Su Ming's fist had landed on its chest. In a span of a breath, the gigantic Galactic Warrior Immortal shattered into pieces with a bang, turning into a large amount of torn pieces and gears that tumbled backwards. At that moment, Su Ming's body was fully revealed in the air. He took a step forward, and with a piercing screech that signaled of the air being sliced apart, he shot through the crumbling Galactic Warrior Immortal and flew into midair.

He was fast, so fast that when he was done killing the giant, the mountain he had tossed from midair was still charging down its trajectory and hadn't yet fallen to the ground!

In a flash, Su Ming caught up to the mountain and swiftly landed on its top. As the mountain charged forward, his image as he stood there became the center of attention for all those who saw him, and dazed expressions appeared on their faces.

The person on the mountain had long robes than danced in the air and long hair that moved with the wind, and it was an image that filled the stranger with an indefinable, elegant air!

It was a pity that there were not many people who were paying attention to Su Ming at that moment. The place was filled with fog that had caused even the divine senses of everyone to be slightly blocked off, making it seem as if it sealed off all the people's gazes. However… there were still people who managed to see the sight.

The woman in white's pupils shrank, and an incredibly rare expression of intense solemnity appeared on her face. In fact, her breathing had even paused for a moment. The four old men beside her could no longer find it in themselves to remain seated. All of them stood up and looked towards the sky as they sucked in sharp breaths. Their faces were filled with shock and astonishment.

"He killed a Galactic Warrior Immortal with just one punch!"

"Who is he?!"

"When did such a powerful person appear in Evil Sect?! Why didn't we receive any information about him?!"

A glint appeared in the woman in white's long and narrow eyes. When she lifted her right hand, the four old men immediately formed a seal with their hands. Immediately, their divine senses joined together and surged into the woman's body. She swiftly widened her eyes, and her divine sense immediately grew several times in size. As if it had gained physical form, it charged towards the incoming mountain, as well as towards Su Ming who was standing elegantly on its top.

A loud bang shot into the air, and it turned into an endless amount of echoes. Once the mountain crashed into the woman's powerful divine sense, it instantly shattered into pieces and crumbled apart. A large amount of broken stone pieces shot outward, and for a time, it looked as if female deities were throwing down petals from heaven. It was a dazzling sight to behold.

Once the woman in white cut off Su Ming's charge, exhaustion appeared on her face, but immediately after, her expression changed drastically.

"Something's not right!"

The mountain was destroyed too easily. Once that thought appeared in her heart, she whipped her head around and saw a shadow flashing past two of the four old men behind her. Then, their heads were separated from their bodies, and shock appeared in their eyes as their heads flew into the air.

That shadow was originally going to disappear, but it stopped for a moment and turned its head around to look towards her. It opened its mouth and moved its lips, but no sound appeared, neither were there any thoughts sent to her.

'He didn't come to kill me. He just wanted to destroy the support I had that allowed me to cast that divine ability to keep my gaze on him…'

The woman in white's face turned pale and she staggered a few steps backwards. There were multiple layers of Immortals surrounding her, yet none of them had noticed anything. This made a chill creep through her entire body despite the fact that she was surrounded by a crowd.

"Don't provoke me, huh…?"

The woman bit her lip. She had been able to understand the words Su Ming had mouthed before he left.

Chapter 649: The Person From Great Leaf Immortal Sect!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Su Ming left.

No one could stop his arrival, and neither could anyone stop his departure. If he wanted to kill that woman in white, he could do so with ease, and no one would be able to stop him.

The woman was rather beautiful and would make others pity her, but in Su Ming's eyes, it did not matter whether his enemy was a man or a woman, they were nothing to him! Su Ming was not concerned with the woman's survival, but she could not die at this point, because if she died, then perhaps other forms of change will appear in the Immortal sects, and the goal of making both sides fight against each other until they died would not be accomplished.

He only came here to destroy the focus the woman in white had on him. It was just like destroying one of the eyes on a person, so that he or she will be unable to continue sensing him. From there, Su Ming could fuse back into darkness and make sure no one noticed him.

The woman in white shuddered lightly and watched Su Ming's shadow disappear. The focus she had on Su Ming had also disappeared without a trace and she could no longer find him.

The two old men beside her had incredibly dark faces, but they did not do anything extreme. The power in their opponent had completely stunned them to their feet.

Only at this point did the Immortal sect disciples that had provided them with those multiple layers of protection notice what had happened. As their hearts trembled in shock, expressions of astonishment appeared on their faces.

A light breeze blew past the land. That wind could not blow away the fog, but the bloody stench in the area was swept up and started spreading outwards. The two headless corpses on the ground started giving off a presence that chilled others to the bone.

The woman in white remained silent for a moment. When she closed her eyes and reopened them shortly, calmness returned to her eyes. She continued sending out the orders on her jade slips to the other Immortals, but she no longer did anything against Su Ming.

To her, the death of the two old men in the sect was a warning. The voiceless words Su Ming had sent to her before he left also gave that warning a bloody air.

If she continued provoking him, then the ones who would die next would be her and the remaining two old men.

She was not a part of the three sects and was only invited here to organize this battle. She had no reason to give up her life for this.

As Su Ming left, the sounds of battle continued reverberating in the air and grew more intense as time went by. There were few who could see Su Ming's actions due to the fog. Even if they did notice it, they would still lose track of Su Ming's presence as Su Ming hid himself away from the fog once again.

At that moment, Su Ming stood on one of the corners of the battlefield. Fog surrounded him, and with an aloof expression on his face, he spread out his divine sense and watched the changes in the battlefield. The Verdant Abyssal Seal on his left hand was absorbing all the aura of death coming swiftly towards him from all directions.

Screams of pain and booming sounds crisscrossed with each other and reverberated in the air throughout the entire battlefield. The battle between both sides were intense and there seemed to be no end to it. The Evil Sect's charge in the start and Su Ming's attack had caused the Immortal sects to remain on passive, and this had caused them to pay an incredibly large price.

Most of those who died were the disciples from the Immortal sects.

However, once the woman in white fell into a brief moment of silence and started sending off her orders again, Su Ming noticed something different in the corner of the battlefield. He saw a change. He saw the brigades in the Immortal sects suddenly change. They were no longer brigades formed of a thousand people, but were brigades formed of three thousand people. Once they fused together, they seemed to have formed a new formation, causing the momentum of the battlefield to abruptly change, and once the brigades that had lost their leaders fused together with the others, they turned into a fan shaped formation and started retreating.

In Su Ming's eyes, the actions of several tens of thousands of people doing such a thing was an incredibly grand thing. As the ground continued shaking and rumbling, Su Ming's eyes immediately started shining when he saw the Immortals doing such a thing.

'There has been quite a lot of deaths in the Immortal sects… Now, it's Evil Sect's turn!' Su Ming did not want any side to obtain a kill count that would decide the tide of the battle, or else there would not be too many people who died at the end. He wanted both sides to suffer huge losses and wanted both Evil Sect and the Immortal sects to be completely annihilated.

A cold smirk appeared at the corners of his lips. With one step, Su Ming moved, and he immediately began swimming about in the fog. There were a few Evil Dust Sect disciples not too far away from him. All of them were surrounded by sandstorms, and they were all charging towards the Immortal sect brigades in the distance, but as Su Ming closed in and a loud rumble rang in the air, those sandstorms collapsed, the Evil Sect disciples within them widened their eyes. A bloody hole appeared at the center of their brows. A cold shadow from the fog in the distance also appeared in their eyes before it swiftly disappeared.

He stopped the charge from Evil Sect and gave a chance for those in the Immortal sects to change from being on the passive to taking the lead in the attack. Su Ming believed that even if the people from those Immortal sects would be hesitant and doubtful, they would still walk down the path for the plan he had after they after having so many of their own die.

At that moment, Su Ming moved about the fog at an extremely fast pace. He lifted his right hand and seized a completely Evil Lust Sect disciple charging past him while roaring in bloodthirst, completely unaware of his presence. At the moment he was taken aback, Su Ming had already pressed his right hand on the top of that person's skull. He did not kill him, but that Evil Lust Sect disciple started trembling viciously. A dead look appeared in his eyes, and veins started popping up on his face, as if he was suffering through an unimaginable pain.

But he could not make a single sound. His skin grew dark, as if a layer of black smoke had appeared on him, and it was continuously spreading through his entire body. With the person in hand, Su Ming started moving through the fog like the wind.

Wherever he went, Su Ming would not hesitate even a single bit and point towards all the Evil Sect disciples he met on the way. All those people from Evil Sect who he touched with the tip of his fingertips would shudder and their life force would immediately leave their bodies before they breathed their last.

The limitation on their power caused all the people Su Ming killed to have no possibility of defending themselves against his attacks.

However, there were far too many fights in this place. Su Ming might have a high level of cultivation, but it was still difficult for him to kill all these people with just his power alone. However, the slaughter he rained down as he moved like a fish in water in that fog made his existence become like that of a nightmare in this battlefield.

This nightmare continued. Su Ming moved freely like flowing water in the fog. The path he chose leaned close to the front of Evil Team's assault team. Wherever he went, blood would fill the area, and shrill screams of pain would immediately reverberate in the air.

When Su Ming rushed to the middle of Evil Sect's team and he pulled back his left hand right before the confused gaze of an Evil Sect disciple. At the instant that Evil Sect disciple fell down, the Evil Lust Sect disciple who Su Ming was still holding onto in his right hand had already turned completely dark. All his hair fell off from his head, and it was the same for his teeth. The bones in his body also became soft and limp, and his entire body had already withered and shrank into a bundle.

There was a strange and enchanting air within this darkness, causing all those who saw it to be unable to help themselves but feel their hearts tremble. There was also a faint fragrance coming from this person's body, and all those who breathed in that fragrance would feel relaxed and happy, but if they breathed in that scent for too long, they would started nauseous and would want to puke out even all their organs.

This strange smell and sensation… came from the Curse!

As Su Ming's level of cultivation increased, his ability to utilize the Curse also became much stronger than before. The Curse he cast at that moment was another way to use this Art. It was a cursed person formed after he fused the Curse with Shamanic Spells, causing the person to be in a state of being alive and dead, like a living dead person, and like a dead living person!

As the power of the Curse continuously fused into the person's body, he would turn into a cursed body, and the more Curses he contained in his body, the level of destruction would be greater once he self-destructed. In fact, it would even bring a disaster to the area!

This was also the first time Su Ming used this method. As he grabbed that cursed person in his right hand, he moved about in the fog until the vague shadows of nearly a hundred people from Evil Sect appeared before him. Without any hesitation, Su Ming jumped up, then threw the Evil Lust Sect disciple in his hand to the ground with one powerful throw.

The Evil Lust Sect disciple's eyes began shining in a strange and enchanting light. At the instant he fell on the ground, his body exploded with a bang, and a layer of fog that was similarly black in color instantly swept towards all directions with loud rumbling sounds. Wherever it went, all those Evil Sect disciples that were touched by this fog would immediately start trembling viciously, and a large amount of black spots would appear on their skin.

Su Ming was still in midair. Just when he was about to turn around and leave, his heart suddenly leaped in his chest. He clenched his right hand into a fist and hurled a punch straight towards the air to his left. A loud bang rang in the air, and the fog to Su Ming's left instantly disintegrated. A person was revealed in the fog, and he coughed up blood as he fell back. When his face was revealed, Su Ming recognized him with just one glance. That person was Sikong, and his face was filled with shock and disbelief at that moment.

Su Ming turned his head around and cast Sikong an aloof gaze.

"Who are you?!" Sikong's voice was rather piercing to the ears. Almost at the same time he said these words, blood trickled down the corners of his mouth once again and sharp pain shot up in all his organs. His cultivation base had even begun showing signs of instability. The jade pendant hanging over his chest also shattered as cracking sounds shot into the air.

A small black patch had also appeared on his skin due to the Curse seeping into his body, and it was still spreading continuously while spreading out a presence that made Sikong's skin crawl as terror filled every fiber of his being.

'What is this divine ability?! It has a power that surpasses those in the great circle stage for Ascendance!! This is…' Sikong sucked in a sharp breath. His jade pendant could withstand one full powered blow from an Immortal at the great circle stage in Ascendance, but it had shattered just now, which meant that the punch this person delivered just now had already surpassed those in the great circle stage in Ascendance.

He was shocked. The black patch on his body was already the size of a fist, and while there was no pain coming from it, when Sikong swept his gaze towards that black patch, he could feel a strong threatening presence from that patch. It made him nervous, and he swiftly retreated. As his heart pounded in fear, he almost reached the fastest speed he could muster while he retreated. Su Ming narrowed his eyes. There was a pair of powerful cultivators in the great circle stage in Ascendance from Evil Sect and Immortal sect fighting in the direction where Sikong retreated. Su Ming fell into a moment of pensive silent before he let out a cold harrumph. He did not chase after Sikong. Killing or sparing Sikong was a small matter to him. Turning the battlefield into chaos was more important to him right then.

"How dare you try to ambush me, who came from Great Leaf Immortal Sect, with your puny power," Su Ming spoke flatly, then turned around and disappeared from the spot.

'Great Leaf Immortal Sect! He's a person from Great Leaf Immortal Sect!' Sikong could not control himself and coughed up blood once again. As he swiftly retreated, he saw that the person did not chase him down, and when he saw this, he clenched his fist. Hatred as well as madness appeared in his eyes.

Chapter 650: Clues About His Eldest Senior Brother's Whereabouts!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

As the power of the Curse spread out from the spot where Su Ming was, black patches immediately appeared on quite a large number of Evil Sect disciples. Panic descended on these people, while Su Ming left into the distance.

Two more rapidly darkening bodies appeared in his hand, as he moved without a sound. After a moment, once the sounds of two explosions spread out, the Curse's presence became thicker in the air.

The Curse did not act fast, but looked incredibly terrifying. It did not matter who it was, when they found a large amount of black spots appearing on their bodies and smelled the sweet but nauseating scent while feeling the black patches on their bodies continue spreading and rotting away, terror would crawl up from deep within their hearts.

After a moment, Su Ming went past between some Evil Sect's assault teams. The fear creeping in their hearts exploded, resulting the teams becoming more and more chaotic as time passed .

This chaos was immediately discovered by the Immortal sects and spotted by the powerful warriors in Ascendance from Evil Sect and the Immortal sects fighting against each other. However, it was difficult for them to break off from the life and death battles they were engaged in at the moment, so they could not pay too much attention to it.

A glint appeared in the woman in white's eyes. She could immediately see that this chaos was a perfect opportunity to turn the tides of the battle. She lifted her right hand, but just as she was about to send her orders, she instinctively paused.

She was incredibly hesitant. This chaos was clearly man-made, but who exactly would create such an opportunity for the Immortal sects…? The first person that came to her mind was Su Ming. She had originally thought that he came from Evil Sect, but due to her survival after hi attack, she began to have other thoughts regarding his origins.

When she saw the chaos among the Evil Sect, there was no way she would be unable to guess what was happening with her intelligence.

She sighed softly. Even if she was able to tell that the person had intentionally caused this, she still had to seize this chance. She no longer hesitated. She swung her arm, and a dozen something jade slips flew into the air.

"Have all the remaining six Galactic Warrior Immortals from Hidden Dragon Sect attack. You must absolutely change the tide of this battle right now, when Evil Sect is in chaos!"

One of the woman in white's jade slips flew towards the direction where Hidden Dragon Sect was. It was caught by Chenchong, who was standing on one of the big stones. His eyes sparkled, and when he formed a seal with his left hand, loud booming sounds that shook the sky reverberated in the air. The six Galactic Warrior Immortals lifted their heads from the mountains and roared.

As they roared, the six giants flew into the air with a bang. The six huge mountains also rose up and followed right behind them, slicing through the air with rumbling sounds in their wake.

When the six bangs connected with each other and echoed in the air while the ground trembled, the six mountains crashed into Evil Sect's army. The pressure that spread out from them caused all those who were enveloped within it to feel as if their bodies had been bound. They could not dodge, only stare as they were crushed and turned into minced meat as they screamed in pain.

The ground trembled once again, and this time, it was because the six Galactic Warrior Immortals had landed from midair. Once they descended, a bloodthirsty, murderous aura spread out from their bodies. These giants' eyes were bloodshot. Roaring, they charged forward into six different directions. Wherever they went, the Evil Sect disciples would be completely unable to retaliate. From the giants' mad charge, these disciples would usually either have their bodies broken, or be ripped apart and tossed away once grabbed.

"Go on, kill. Kill more, then my Verdant Abyssal Seal will become stronger…" Su Ming mumbled under his breath.

He cast a glance at the green mark on his left hand. It was now letting out an enchanting light, which made it look incredibly strange. At that moment, Su Ming's gaze fell on his right palm.

There was a black bundle there, which was letting out a sweet scent. Naturally, that was the Curse. Su Ming had come up with this form of the Curse on the spot - to use nearly a hundred thousand bodies to provide nourishment so that the Curse would become more terrifying as time passed.

When the six Galactic Warrior Immortals started their counterattack in the fog, once chaos became apparent in Evil Sect, the Immortal sects received orders to no longer retreat but instead turn around. All of them transformed into long arcs with loud roars. They brought out their divine abilities and Enchanted Treasures and charged against those from Evil Sect. The tables had been turned.

The booming sounds from Arts and divine abilities rang loud within the fog. The waves of power from the spiritual aura in the world continued spreading outwards, but it still could not make the fog show any signs of disappearing.

Su Ming no longer paid any attention to the battle. He rose into the air until he reached the edge of the fog. When he was there, he lifted his head and looked at the sky. At that moment, clouds were tumbling about, and the three figures within were executing a series of divine abilities. Ripples spread out from it, making it seem as if the sky was about to shatter, and it was a shocking sight to behold.

However, there were two spots in the sky where the ripples and waves of impact would immediately dissipate when they closed in on them. Those two spots were two vortexes that were showing faint signs of their existence!

These two vortexes were spinning slowly at that moment, and when Su Ming saw them, he had a strong feeling that these they were the spots where the Immortals descended!

He shifted his gaze away and finally looked towards the three fighting figures in the clouds and fog. Su Ming saw Di Tian's clones. One of them was casting that Art to mend the sky, and the other was casting the Art to submerge the sun [1]. As the two clones executed these two divine abilities, the world lost its color, causing Su Ming to narrow his eyes.

He looked towards the boy in black. Ji An's magical body was still holding the fan in his hand. His expression could not be seen, but his movement of swinging the fan was clear. Immediately, a huge ghost-face appeared before him. It was ten thousand feet big and looked incredibly ferocious. It opened its mouth wide before it snapped its jaws shut, as if it wanted to swallow the whole entire world.

The sight made Su Ming's pupils shrink for an instant.

After some moment, he closed his eyes and suppressed the urge to attack. When he reopened them, he cast a deep look toward Di Tian's clones. Su Ming knew that he could not be hasty in this. Only when Verdant Abyssal Seal and the Curse became stronger as the people from both sides continued dying would the time come for him to truly attack.

Besides, this was not the time for him to launch any sort of ambush, either. The moment he walked out the fog on the ground, he would be immediately discovered by Ji An and the two Di Tians in the sky, and more importantly…

'Their battle has just started. There's no heat to it as of yet… and neither are they injured!'

Su Ming suppressed the urge in his heart. He knew that if he made a single mistake he would be easily revealed. He had to continue hiding, and when the time came for him to launch his attack, he would burst forth with a will to kill even the nine heavens!

"The Seven Abyssal Yin Death Art and the Curse are the first burial gifts I've prepared for you, Di Tian…" Su Ming mumbled softly. He still had a few burial gifts he had in store for Di Tian in the depths of his heart, and they were all gifts aimed to take them man's life, all fit to bury an Emperor!

At that moment, booming sounds from the ground shot through the fog and arrived near Su Ming, breaking his thoughts. He looked down, towards the direction of that sound.

There were now only three of the Galactic Warrior Immortals left on the land.

The six giant mountains shattered, one by one, and the booming sounds he heard just now were due to them exploding. The cause for their destruction and the reason behind the deaths of the three Galactic Warrior Immortals were the eighteen Yin Dragons from Evil Spirit Sect within the fog.

However, there were no longer eighteen of them. Only nine remained. These still alive Yin Dragons roared and swept through the land within the fog, charging straight towards the last three Galactic Warrior Immortals.

Most of the Evil Sect disciples had already recovered from the chaos, and the ones who were injured were sent to the rear. The main body then organized itself into a formation with those from Evil Immortal Sect, clad in black armor, right at the front, those from Evil Lust Sect in the middle, those from Evil Dust Sect to their left, and those from Evil Spirit Sect to their right.

They were fighting against the Immortal sects in the land where they descended.

Su Ming saw Chenchong, Shanhen, Bi'su, Beiling, and Chenxin… in different locations within the fog fighting against their enemies! He also saw the Tian Lan sisters, as well as the woman who he knew as Wu La and Wu Le. They were all in the fog, and as booming sounds rang from both sides, each of these people showed off their brilliance.

They were prodigies and geniuses of their sects. Even among the crowds their talents still shone brilliantly, causing all those who saw them to be able to see their breathtaking abilities.

They were either skilled with Runes, or with divine abilities, or with seals, or were in possession of shocking Arts, or were skilled in laying out defenses. They had all sorts of abilities, and Su Ming was able to tell them apart with just one glance!

Besides them, Su Ming also saw the Evil Immortal Sect members clad in the black armor while he was in the sky. One of those people positioned near the frontline of the army hurled his fist against the ground, causing it to tremble and explode. The earth gathered together into an earth sword before it went rushing towards the Immortals before it.

That cultivator in black armor let out a shrill roar towards the sky and yanked off his helmet, revealing long black hair that danced in the air. It was a man, and he looked incredibly similar to Evil Lust Sect's Bi'su. However, the hard lines of a man on his face let Su Ming know… that he had the exact same face as Bi Su in his memories!

He was the Bisu from Evil Immortal Sect, the person Qian Chen had mentioned earlier!

But that was not all. What made Su Ming feel anguish was that he saw an old man standing to Bisu's left among the cultivators clad in black armor. There was no way Su Ming would forget that old man's face… It was Nan Song [2].

There was also an old woman to Bisu's right. Su Ming still remembered her… She was Bai Ling's grandma and Dark Dragon Tribe's Elder, Le Su!

'It doesn't matter whether they are real… or fake…'

Su Ming closed his eyes and sucked in a deep breath. When he reopened his eyes, he quelled the emotions in his heart. At that moment, a voice that echoed throughout the battlefield appeared from the Immortal sects' side.

"Bring out Sky Mist's Battle Corpses!"

At the instant that voice traveled through the entire battlefield, nine shooting stars appeared out of nowhere from the direction where Sky Mist Dao was located. With a shocking boom, they charged towards the battlefield, and they were so quick that they closed in on the war zone in the blink of an eye. Loud rumbling sounds shot up into the air and the nine shooting stars disappeared…

Instead, nearly a hundred shadows appeared in the battlefield!

There were ninety-nine of them, and all ninety-nine of these shadows exuded a powerful presence that belonged to Shamans. And one of them… made Su Ming's head roar right at the instant he saw them!

That shadow… served under his eldest senior brother, and he was the bald man who had fought with Su Ming in Phantom Dais Tribe in the past!

Translator's Notes:

1. These Arts appeared in 'Berserker Tribe's Sacred Vessel!'.

2. Nan Song: The old man who had teased Su Ming when he was about to go into the herbal storage in Dark Mountain Tribe. Later on helped during Dark Mountain Tribe's migration and died during the last stand.

Chapter 651: Is It a Coincidence?

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

'It's him!'

Su Ming froze for a moment and his breathing quickened. His gaze was fixed on the bald shadow. He could see the empty look in his eyes, as if he had lost his soul. Right then, he was only a walking corpse.

However, the presence that belonged to a Shaman had not diminished on him. Instead, it had become stronger. He seemed to have reached the Bone Sacrifice Realm, but there was something different about him as well, and that difference caused Su Ming to immediately look at the shadows around the bald man.

Each of those shadows was similar. They were filled with the presence of Shamans, which was incredibly thick, and because of it attracted a large amount of attention from those in the battlefield. It was like a stone had been thrown into a lake, bringing up a large amount of splashes and ripples in its wake.

'All of these are eldest senior brothers three hundred Shaman Souls… By the looks of it, their minds are being controlled now… If that is the case, then eldest senior brother is…' In silence, Su Ming whipped his head towards Sky Mist Dao, and killing intent shone in his eyes.

This was an incredibly important clue to Su Ming, a clue that would help him find his eldest senior brother!

Almost at the instant the ninety-nine Shamans appeared, their presence erupted from their bodies and they charged into the distance. They did not seem to possess any corporeal form as they moved forward and looked rather indistinct, just like illusions. This made all the Shaman shadows… to possess undying and imperishable forms, even though their power was only that of the Bone Sacrifice Realm!

Su Ming saw these Shamans fighting against people from the Evil Sect, and even when they shattered under divine abilities, their crumbled bodies would immediately merge back into one after a moment.

But that was not all. In truth, every single time they merged back, the waves of power coming from their bodies… would also become stronger!

Right at that moment, a shocking roar suddenly came from Evil Dust Sect. A sandstorm abruptly appeared in its location and swept out in all directions. It might not be able to move the black fog on the land, but it managed to gather up a large amount of dust and earth to form three huge Dark Turtles!

These three Dark Turtles were the color of earth. Once they appeared, they let out roaring sounds and charged forward.

There was a person standing on each of the three Dark Turtle's heads. These three people wore yellowish brown long robes, and their bodies swayed along with their rides' movements. Almost at the moment the Dark Turtles leaped up from the ground, the three people immediately formed seals with their right hands and lifted their left hands and swung them in the air before themselves.

With it, nine yellow pieces of paper were immediately tossed out. There were no runic symbols drawn on these yellow papers, but they had instead nine young boys drawn on them!

"Let the Emperor clear the path, let Heaven's Howler [1] destroy everything, let the Dust Stallions become the steads… to bring forth the bodies for the nine beings!"

Once the strange words tumbled out of the mouths of the three people, the nine yellow pieces of paper immediately started burning. As they burned, piercing howls came from the fires, and nine boys appeared, tearing through the flames to emerge in to the world.

Once they came out, they immediately let out a shrill scream towards the sky and charged towards the Shaman warrior souls.

The entire battlefield was immersed in the battle between Enchanted Treasures. All of the sects possessed incredibly destructive Enchanted Treasures. As they continued fighting against each other, they started bringing all these items to the table.

Su Ming still remained silent in midair. Most of the time, his gaze would go over towards the Shaman warrior souls, and during those times, he would have to suppress his urge to save them.

Su Ming sucked in a deep breath. He had more important things to do at the moment, and that was to kill Di Tian. Before he managed to do this, he could not attack too frequently, or else he would attract the attention of Di Tians in the sky, and then he would have to pay with his life.

The number of deaths on the ground continued increasing. The ninety-nine Shaman souls and the nine paper boys were engaged in an intense battle with each other on the battlefield. The three Dark Turtles also split into three different directions and trapped the Shaman souls within as if locking them up in a cage.

Not too far away, the nine remaining Yin Dragons were fighting against the three Galactic Warrior Immortals, with booming sounds ringing in the air.

In all the other directions around Su Ming, the people from Evil Sect and the Immortal sects had already descended into a killing frenzy. Blood filled the ground under their feet, and torn limbs as well as mangled corpses could be found everywhere.

This battle would have originally not accelerated to this point so quickly. By the leaders' plans, they should have held back a little. After all, the main role of this battle did not lie with them, the ones of the ground did not have too much of a deciding factor towards the end result. The real deciding factor was in the sky.

However, for some unknown reason, this battle had accelerated with such an explosive force that it had exceeded everyone's expectations.

It seemed as if there was an invisible hand that was slowly pushing everyone forward, causing the number of deaths to increase exponentially… That hand, was Su Ming!

He was standing in midair at the moment, all while watching the ground and looking at the massacre he had personally caused. His eyes were aloof, and the green light on his left hand shone brighter than before. The power of the Curse in his right hand also grew stronger.

"Kill them. The more you kill, the greater my chances to kill Di Tian will be," Su Ming mumbled.

However, not all of the people had lost their rationale. At that moment, when the intensity of the battle had exceeded the expectations of both armies, the powerful warriors in Ascendance who were fighting against each other spotted changes in their expressions. Shrill screams of pain were traveling continuously into their ears, each one possibly belonging to the members of their own sect.

The battle should not be like this!

The person fighting against Evil Dust Sect's Grand Sect Elder, Shihai, who was one of the three Apogees of the three inferior sects, was Jingnan, the Sect Master of Hidden Dragon Sect. These two people had already reached the great circle stage in Ascendance. At that moment, both of them were attacking each other, and their divine abilities were clashing against each other nonstop. A long series of crashes and rumbles rose into the air. The spot in which they had chosen to fight was closer to the center, and they were the first to notice that a change that could not be controlled had happened in the battlefield.

'There's something wrong…'

Shihai's eyes shone, and once he formed a seal with his right hand, he pushed his palm forward so that the seal he formed would crash against Jingnan's divine ability. As booming sounds rose into the air, he took a few steps backwards and formed a long series of seals with his left hand before he seized the air. Immediately, a jade slip appeared on his hand, and once he threw it backwards, that slip charged straight into the fog.

Jingnan, too, frowned, but he was still somewhat uncertain in his heart. With a cold harrumph, he also chose to throw out a jade slip before he reengaged Shihai in battle.

Questions had also formed in Shihai's heart. He could not tell just what was the reason that had caused both sides to lose control over the battle and whether the Immortal sects truly wanted to destroy Evil Sect.

Despite their uncertainty, the duo did not stop attacking each other. After all, their power was too great, and even if they had a feeling that something had happened to the battlefield, they could not personally check the situation. Their presences would easily incite more chaos. That was why they chose to throw out those jade slips.

In the midst of the rumbling sounds, their jade slips went in the same direction. There, two cultivators in the early stage of Ascendance were fighting against each other. One of these cultivators came from Evil Dust Sect, and the other was from Hidden Dragon Sect.

When the two jade slips charged towards them, the two people began retreating while still fighting. Once they grabbed those jade slips, they swept past their contents with their divine senses at the same time, and their expressions immediately changed. These two people cast each other a glance that was still filled with killing intent, and without exchanging a single word, they stopped attacking and swiftly left in two different directions.

Su Ming saw this scene clearly from the sky. A freezing glare shone in his eyes, and he disappeared without a single sound, turning into a dark shadow that charged through the fog.

His target was that Hidden Dragon Sect cultivator in the early stage of Ascendance. That person was incredibly quick, and he was rushing towards the Immortal sects' base. He had received Jingnan's orders to check what was wrong within the battlefield.

Yet before that person managed to close in on the base, his pupils shrank and he came to an abrupt halt. Right before his eyes, Su Ming walked out from the fog in front of him, then turned into a shadow that closed in on him in an instant.

Booming sounds immediately rose within the fog. They were incredibly powerful but lasted for only ten breaths before Su Ming walked out. In his hand he held a head, and right behind him, the headless corpse of that cultivator in the early stage in Ascendance was slowly falling down. Su Ming seized it through the air and it flew up on its own, following him.

Su Ming's expression was cold and dark. While holding the head, he moved into the fog. This time, his target was the Ascendance cultivator from Evil Sect, but before that, Su Ming had his own plans. With a single move, he disappeared into the fog.

Chenchong, the prodigy of Hidden Dragon Sect, leading nearly a hundred Hidden Dragon Sect disciples, was fighting against the disciples from Evil Sect in the fog covered battlefield. He did not notice that there was a shadow flashing past him in the fog around him.

That shadow was Su Ming. With his speed, he had located that Evil Dust Sect cultivator in the early stage in Ascendance in the blink of an eye. While charging forward, Su Ming swiftly closed in on him, about to launch an ambush.

Yet at the moment he neared him, that Evil Dust Sect cultivator in Ascendance swiftly turned around, positioned two of his fingers into the form of a sword, and slashed towards the fog behind him resolutely.

A muffled groan came from there, and a shadow appeared, staggering a few steps forward before he rushed deeper into the fog in an attempt to flee. The Evil Dust Sect Ascendance cultivator's eyes shone, and he let out a cold harrumph as he gave chase.

The two of them charged forth, one after another. After pursuing him for some distance, the Evil Dust Sect cultivator in Ascendance immediately noticed the shadow before him disappearing. At the same time, a strong gust of wind with the ripples of an Art contained it within came crashing towards him.

That Evil Dust Sect cultivator smiled coldly. He lifted his right hand, positioned his palm vertically into the shape of a blade, and swiftly cut towards that wind!

A scream of pain came from the fog, and Su Ming's body disappeared without a trace. Yet when the Evil Dust Sect cultivator in Ascendance looked over, he saw a headless corpse and a head falling down before it landed by his feet.

When he saw the head's face clearly, his expression immediately changed drastically. He well-knew that there was no way that the slash he delivered just now would have been able to bring about such an effect. There was no way he would be able to kill a person with the same level of cultivation in an instant.

Someone had definitely orchestrated this scene before his eyes secretly! A chill rose from the depths of his heart, and at the same time, his gaze suddenly fell on the storage bag that was exposed on the dead Hidden Dragon Sect cultivator's body.

Right at that moment, Chenchong brought the Hidden Dragon Sect disciples and showed up in the fog before that Evil Dust Sect cultivator!

Then, as if everything was just a coincidence, Chenchong saw the corpse of the Great Sect Elder from Hidden Dragon Sect who was second only to Shihai, along with the Evil Dust Sect cultivator in Ascendance who was standing beside the corpse and was clearly looking at the Grand Sect Elder's storage bag after he had killed him.

Translator's Notes:

1. Heaven's Howler, otherwise formally known as Tianwu, 天吴 (tian1 wu2): A legendary water deity in Shan Hai Jing/Classic/Guideways of Mountains and Seas, in Classic of Regions Beyond the Seas: East, and also Classic of the Great Wilderness: East. This is a creature with eight human heads, eight feet, eight tails, and the body of a tiger. The hair on its back is green flecked with some bits of yellow. Tian meaning heavenly/sky, and Wu is later used as a surname/family name/land name, but its very original meaning, as listed here: https://baike.baidu.com/item/%E5%A4%A9%E5%90%B4/10946233 (all in Chinese, by the way), means a person running and hollering while looking back at the same time. Now, I could just use Tianwu, as is with everyone else translating this, but then… I quite like translating everything besides human names and unless there is absolutely no other way for me to translate the word because it is just a surname. Since I found the original name for this word, I thought I could give it a spin and call it Heaven's Howler. Absolutely NOT discrediting anyone's previous work.

Chapter 652: Sowing Discord!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Chenchong's pupils shrank. Without any shred of hesitation, he quickly withdrew. The eyes of the Hidden Dragon Sect disciples behind him turned red, but they forced down the madness raging in their hearts and ran, intending to leave the place.

Right behind them was that cultivator in Ascendance!

Almost at the same time the group with Chenchong at the head started retreating, the Evil Dust Sect cultivator turned his head towards them with an incredibly sullen face. After a moment of hesitation, a murderous glare appeared in his eyes. He could not offer any sort of explanation on the battlefield, and even if he did, it would be of no use.

The only thing he could do right then was to kill all those who saw this to prevent more chaos.

Once he killed all these people, then even if they investigated this matter in the future, he would still have a way to avoid it. After all, if he let these people escape due to a moment of hesitation, then while the other people's words might not be that believable, he knew that a single one from Chenchong would be much more credible, because he was Hidden Dragon Sect's prodigy!

And even though he knew that this was someone's scheme, he could do nothing about it!

In frustration, he lifted his right hand and seized the air. Immediately, the storage bag from the corpse flew up. Once he caught it in his hand, he started chasing after Chenchong and the others.

However, he was only giving a small amount of his concentration to Chenchong and the others in the front. Most of his attention was directed towards the fog around him, where that mysterious person who had killed the Hidden Dragon Sect cultivator in Ascendance was.

He might not be able to see him, but he knew that the person was definitely still lurking around.

Yet now, besides chasing down Chenchong and his group, he no longer had any other solutions to this problem. Once he let Chenchong escape, then no matter how he tried to explain his actions, it would be useless.

Besides, this was war. If he ended up killing someone… then that was that!

Chenchong's expression was incredibly dark. He might have seen that scene just now with his own eyes, but there was a sliver of doubt in his heart. No matter what, he was a man with extraordinary wit, and if he thought about this carefully, he would find something off about the situation. However, everything had happened too quickly, and he had too little time at hand. He had to think about this carefully before he could figure out the whole situation.

After all, before the war began, Evil Sect and the Immortal sects had arrived at a silent consensus - no powerful warriors in Ascendance were allowed to die in this battle.

Even for the prodigies, they would only be in slight danger and might even be exposed to possible death, but the possibility of that happening was slim to none.

Deaths could occur in this war, but they had to be controlled!

After all, it did not matter whether it was Evil Sect or the Immortal sects, they were all Immortals. They had all naturally understood the first God of Berserkers' blatant plot against them. That was why they had come to an agreement to control the deaths among their people.

Yet the chaos in the battlefield right then seemed to have caused an accident to happen in this controlled situation… the death of the cultivator in Ascendance. It made Chenchong's heart tremble in shock, as well as filled him with uncertainty.

However, all of these disappeared when the Evil Dust Sect cultivator started chasing after him, and a sense of danger rose within Chenchong's heart. He could sense other's killing intent, and because of that, all his uncertainties and questions disappeared like a puff of smoke, to be replaced by rapid thoughts of fleeing.

'Could it be that Evil Sect really wants to destroy all those from Immortal sects here?!'

A glint appeared in Chenchong's eyes. Several shrill screams of pain came from behind him, all of them belonging to his fellow sect members from Hidden Dragon Sect. When he turned his head around to look, he saw that the powerful Evil Dust Sect cultivator in Ascendance was killing his sect members.

Time flowed by quickly. The face of the person from Evil Dust Sect turned incredibly dark, and frustration filled his entire body, but he quelled it. This was not caused by anyone's Art, but was due to his own heart becoming increasingly filled with anxiety.

He could not catch up to that Chenchong!

It was not because he did not have enough power, and neither was it because someone was interfering with his actions. Instead, it was because Chenchong had executed the Fleeing Blood Art and even possessed a plethora of endless Enchanted Treasures that he used without stop. This resulted in not only his speed reaching an extremely fast pace, but he had also managed to not die after being hit with three strikes!

'Just how many defensive and escape treasures did Hidden Dragon Sect give this boy?!' The Ascendance cultivator from Evil Dust Sect gritted his teeth and gave chase once again. 'Damn it, why did this happen?!'

He had to continue chasing Chenchong. Things had already progressed to this point, and he could not give up right then, or else he would be unable to explain his actions, especially since he knew full well of the agreement in this battle.

As these two people continued their game of cat and mouse, Su Ming moved about in the fog and watched their antics. Most of the time his gaze fell on Chenchong, and he had the same feelings as the Evil Dust Sect cultivator when he saw just how many Enchanted Treasures he possessed, as well as how quickly he moved.

He had originally decided to help Chenchong in secret, but by the looks of it, there was no need for him to do anything. All of the things happening at the moment were just allowing his plan to come to fruition even more perfectly.

Chenchong was in an incredibly pathetic state. All of the Hidden Dragon Sect disciples around him had either scattered or been killed by his pursuer. At that moment, there was no longer any doubt in his mind. He had only one thought in his head, and that was to run as fast as possible while holding back the person behind him so that the scattered disciples could notify their sect.

Evil Sect wanted to destroy the Immortal sects in this battle!

Yet as shrill screams of pain sounded around him, his heart trembled, and his eyes became bloodshot. He was familiar with those screams. They all came from his fellow sect members who had chosen to split up and escape… All of them were being killed in an attempt to silence them.

Whenever Chenchong heard a scream of pain coming from a certain direction, he would instinctively choose to avoid that place. He charged forward in a manner of following some kind of path, one he was completely unaware of.

If there was an incredibly skilled hunter watching by the side, he or she would definitely be able to tell that Chenchong was escaping like a trapped animal who had its entire path controlled. Every single one of his actions were decided by the hunter who had hid himself in the fog.

This was an advanced hunting skill, and Su Ming had mastered it in Dark Mountain when he was still a teenager.

When he was in Dark Mountain, the first Black Mountain Tribe member he killed had died because he had his every move controlled by this skill!

'I can't die! I have to tell my sect about this!'

Chenchong bit his tongue again and coughed up blood. His speed increased and he shot out in a dash. A loud boom rose into the air behind him, and a layer of yellow light appeared around him. Vague outlines of nine golden dragons surrounded him, but once the booming sound reached him, three of them instantly died.

But his speed increased exponentially due to his crazed dash and his attitude of not caring about his injuries. In the span of a breath, he charged into the area before him. The Evil Dust Sect cultivator behind him was giving close chase. The two of them rushed ahead, one right behind the other, and they ran straight into the center of the battlefield. Over there… was the spot where Hidden Dragon Sect's Jingnan and Evil Dust Sect's Shihai were fighting.

When a loud bang reverberated in the air, Jingnan let out a cold harrumph and fell back. He was feeling heated up due to his fight, but he still managed to control himself and did not truly fight with the intention to kill. Yet when the bang shot into the air and he took a few steps backwards along with Shihai, something suddenly seized his attention, and he swiftly turned his head around. In a glance, he saw the prodigy of his sect, Chenchong, rushing over from not too far away!

"Grand Sect Elder, the Great Sect Elder has died. I saw him killed by an Evil Dust Sect Ascendance cultivator with my own eyes… He's chased me all the way to here, and all my fellow sect members were killed by him on the way!"

Right at the instant Chenchong saw Jingnan, he immediately shouted with agitation brimming in his heart and soul. Once he finished delivering his words, it looked as if he had spent the last ounce of his strength and fell headfirst to the ground after coughing up blood.

Jingnan was momentarily stunned by the news, and Shihai's pupils also narrowed because of it.

Right at that moment, the Ascendance cultivator from Evil Dust Sect appeared in the area in a flash. When he saw Shihai and Jingnan, his face instantly turned pale.

"This is…"

He instinctively turned towards Shihai, wanting to explain his actions to his Grand Sect Elder, but immediately after, true killing intent appeared for the first time in Jingnan's eyes. With one move, he charged towards that cultivator.

Shihai's expression was as dark as thunderclouds. He could vaguely tell that there was something off about this, but he was also uncertain. After all, the person who said these words was Hidden Dragon Sect's prodigy, Chenchong. The extent of his injuries also made it clear that he had been on a desperate run here… and this Sect Elder from his own sect had chased him down to this place.

Yet even so, Shihai could not just stand by and watch a powerful Immortal in Ascendance from his own sect being killed. With a single move, he immediately blocked off Jingnan's path by standing in front of him, and for the first time, the two of them brought out their full power that crashed against each other.

As loud booming sounds surged into the sky, Jingnan's rage-tinted laughter immediately echoed through the entire battlefield.

"Shihai, your sect killed my Great Sect Elder, and you even wanted to kill our top disciple to silence him! How dare you try and stop me?!"

Once his voice resounded through the entire battlefield and everyone heard it, the land fell silent for an instance.

Moments later, a furious roar came, immediately shattering the silence!

"How dare you kill our Great Sect Elder?! We will absolutely not forgive this!"

This voice was filled with an infectious power. Once it burst forth into the air, it caused a completely different wave of rumbles and fights to swiftly stir up in the entire battlefield!

The woman in white staggered and her face turned pale. She had finally managed to see through the mysterious person's plans, and when she wanted to stop this, a chill suddenly appeared in her heart. She had a vague feeling that there was a pair of eyes looking at her coldly from the fog in the battlefield, and if she did anything at all, then she would die on the spot, just like how the old men in her sect had done long ago.

"Don't provoke me, right…?" The woman in white closed her eyes in silence. She was not part of the three sects, and did not want to die because of this.

The battle instantly reached an intense state due to the death of Hidden Dragon Sect's cultivator in Ascendance. Su Ming watched it coldly from midair. The Verdant Abyssal Seal on his left hand was becoming richer in color, and the power of the Curse in his right hand was also increasing swiftly.

"The more you kill… the better," he mumbled softly. His gaze fell towards the spot where Hidden Dragon Sect was on the ground. At that moment, there was a shocking roar resounding from that spot. That roar did not come from a cultivator, but... a dragon that had been summoned by some unknown method!

This was a real dragon, due to the presence of flesh and blood. It might only be ten thousand feet long, but right at the instant it appeared, a powerful pressure swiftly spread out through the area.

Su Ming narrowed his eyes. Once he cast a glance at the dragon, he lifted his head and looked towards the sky beyond the fog. Over there, Ji An and the Di Tians' battle had already reached an intense point. The waves of power stirred up by the booming sounds were much stronger than before, and in fact, not long after Su Ming began watching them, he saw one of Di Tian's clones wiping the corners of his mouth.

'Is he injured…?' A glint appeared in Su Ming's eyes.