31 - 37

Chapter 31: Tian Nan Summit Meeting

Early dawn the next day.

When the sun broke through the clouds and shone its light on the Tian Nan City's general assembly, the entire scene came alive.

The end of the year banquet, was finally about to begin!

This was the brilliant celebration collaboration of the army, the government, and the commercial world. It was a time where the big families competed over natural resources, a press conference for business people announcing new products or business strategies, a platform for the government announcing achievements and new policies, and most of all, it was a dance floor when the youths could display their abilities.

All in all, it was entertaining and lively. For the citizens, not a single one could turn their attention away from the festivities.

The drums and cries filled the air.

Fresh flowers filled the sky.

Countless people began cheering and shouting and whooping as one by one, the big named families began appearing on stage.

A group of mercenaries wearing shiny new gray armor were the most eye-grabbing, with the long swords hanging by their sides. They were each seated on top of their own cyan wolf, each wolf as big and uniform as they were intimidating. The wolf flag flapped in the air, filling the atmosphere with a chill.

"Wolf Fang Mercenary!"

"The Ye clan is here!"

As the person leading the troop was a forty or fifty year old broadly muscled man, clad in a black brocade gown, and hanging on his shoulders, a dark gold cloak. His two eyebrows were bushy and thick, giving people a sense that he seemed angry and intimidating all the time. This person was Ye Xiong, the master of Tian Nan's Ye clan.

"The Du clan is here as well!"

"Master Du Zhen Tian!"

A few hundred warriors clad in red entered the scene. Du clan was also one of the big name families in Tian Nan City, theirs was the domain of manufacturing army weapons. They had the power and the riches. The younger generations were talented and came in hordes. They were not one to be belittled.

The clan master Du Zhen Tian was a fifty or sixty year old man. He had been navigating Tian Nan City for decades, cultivating the Du clan from a tiny family into a first-rate clan. This was no small matter!

"General Xiong Bing!"

"Nan Guan Yi City Mayor!"

"Alchemist Guild's Li Chang Yun!"

"Talisman Guild's Zhang Li Qing!"


Each person who appeared seemed more powerful than the next!

The cheers of thousands of people didn't seem to stop, and to say the atmosphere was lively was an understatement.

Suddenly, Meng Qing Wu brought the people from the trading company on stage. Other than Meng Qing Wu, there were only two or three people. They looked positively shabby next to the vigorous clans. The juxtaposition was so ludicrously obvious that people began to snidely comment.

"Hahaha, South Cloud Commerce also attended the Summit Meeting?"

"The trading company isn't even sure about its future, did she come to the summit meeting to embarrass herself?"

"Yeah, the South Cloud Pharmacy is about to go under, South Cloud talismans are about to stop production… it's a miracle that she was allowed to join the trading company itself!"


A business center that was already unsustainable, that had already descended the ranks of second or third-rate products, that was so poor it almost had to start selling themselves… it was only a matter of time before they had to close up shop.

And they dared attend this grand meeting? It was practically asking to be humiliated!

After the various activities and ceremonies...

The summit meeting was officially about to begin!

As in previous years, the first activity was the Summit Meeting Big Competition!

In a world where instability and violence were the norm, strength was always the most valued asset.

The only factor of whether a clan could survive and thrive, was based entirely on its sufficient and independent ability to take challenges in stride. This kind of competition was to excite the young ones, and acted as a stage for those with abilities raring to be discovered.

Of course, it wasn't as if one could make a living on reputation. Talent didn't always have to be put on such prominent display. Every clan rushed to join each year, as if it were their lifeline in the ocean. This was definitely not for the entertainment of the citizens of Tian Nan City. This had a special meaning, and of course, it was the re-partitioning of natural resources.

Tian Nan City was surrounded by an abundance of ownerless forests, ore mines, and efficacious fields.

That which no one claims, is sure to attract the competing ownership of people.

Around a decade ago, in the competition for land, Tian Nan City had been thrown into anarchy. Each big clan participated in open clash and conflict, while smaller families backstabbed and connived. No one was willing to back off, and they didn't want others to profit. Tens of wars of small and grand scales ensued, resulting in many dead and injured. As the dead bodies piled up, no one benefitted, since the natural resources remained untouched and uncultivated.

People finally realized that competing as such was no less dignifying as eunuchs competing for top place in a brothel. Even if they managed to snatch it, there was no meaning to it, and that only peace begat wealth.

So, what then?

The Summit Meeting's Big Competition!

Was this not a fair way to re-partition natural resources?

Once a year, everyone had a chance, whether a big clan or a small family. Whoever failed this year, could look forward to the next. It didn't matter how small the family was, as long as there were one or two youths who had the lucky fortune to become one of those who possessed admirable strength.

Even though the youth being constantly injured during the race was normal, it was better than all-out war raging among all the clans.

In order to circumvent bloodshed, for the youth to have a platform, and for everyone to recognize the latest talents, why not? And so, with the government's personal notarized acknowledgment, the clans signed a secret deal, making the Summit Meeting's Big Competition as the platform for re-partitioning of natural resources.

This tradition had been upheld for ten or so years.

Chu Tian was completely oblivious to the secret deals being had.

For Chu Tian, the Summit Meeting was an adrenaline rush, an experience of life… as well as a revenge upon Xue Hen!

Under the guidance of a white haired little old man, Chu Tian and 200 other youth came to a little wooden hut.

Chu Tian had just retrieved his own nameplate when a nettlesome voice drifted into his ear. "Ha, even the lowest of lowlifes are joining the Big Competition... this is really bringing down the quality of it."

Chu Tian didn't have to look to see who had spoken. "Well, if some cuckolds from the Ye clan can join, the quality must not be very high to begin with."

"I know… how can you pretend to be so secure and comfortable?" Ye Han's eyes flashed with a glimmer of a threat. "You should know your place. Ye clan can kill you without even batting an eyelash."

Actually, what I want to know is, why are you acting so stuck up?

Chu Tian shrugged his shoulders. "Rotten life, if you want it, take it."

"Huh, I changed my mind." Ye Han put on a cruel smile. "I will do it in front of all of the citizens of the Tian Nan. I will tear your bones from your body one by one. It is only through this way that I will let everyone understand, this is the price to pay for offending the Ye clan. I will let everyone understand, that this is the conclusion of you, Chu Tian."

Chu Tian laughed. "Is that so?"

Ye Han swivelled around to announce to a group of youths behind him. "Listen up! This guy is mine. Anyone who dares beat him in the elimination round, I will personally make sure he'll regret it."

Two hundred or so youths received this news with alarm.

How arrogant!

Absolutely tyrannical!

He actually announced to all present that others couldn't beat Chu Tian.

"Don't worry, I'll give you a chance," Chu Tian said, as if he was disengaged from the entire matter. "If you're done, shoo."


Naked contempt!

There was no one present who didn't have an expression of shock splashed across his face.

There was actually someone in Tian Nan City who could dare to speak to Ye Han like that?

Chu Tian grabbed his own nameplate, striding past Ye Han without paying so much as a glance to Ye Han's face, which was an ugly shade of ruddy red.

The Big Competition was beginning!

East, west, south, north, central: the five arena stages were all in use at the same time, signifying the beginning of the elimination round.

"There are too many people here!"

"That Chu Tian fellow, which arena is he competing in?"

Meng Ying Ying was like an ant treading in a hot pot, weaving through the crowds in a search for Chu Tian.

Meng Qing Wu was beside her sister, also busy looking for Chu Tian. The two of them were renowned throughout the nation as being outstanding beauties. No matter where they went, they were followed by oily, lust-filled gazes, filling Meng Qing Wu with extreme discomfort.

At this moment...

A judge from the arena closest to them announced into the air: "Center arena, first round, first stage: Ye Han versus Lu Fei!"

Everyone perked up immediately.

"It's Ye Han!"

"Isn't that the Young Master Ye?"

"Lu Fei is one of the young talents from a poor and humble family. Looks like this will be an entertaining match!"

"They're both qualified for the top ranks, and they actually met during the first match. Let's go watch!"


The two walked up the arena stage.

Ye Han's face was gleaming with arrogance. "You're the recently acclaimed Tian Nan City's Poor Talent?"

Lu Fei was a plain and simple boy, with a straightforward and honest appearance. He politely cupped his hands. "It's an honor to greet you, Young Master Ye. Not a talent, this is merely the kindness of everyone."

"Huh, to be knowledgeable of your shortcomings is good. You can leave now." Ye Han didn't waste words in sounding arrogant. "You think trash like you is fit to be my opponent?"

Lu Fei's face flushed red, but he struggled to control it. He was still polite and respectful. "Young Master Ye's abilities are profoundly above average. Lu Fei knows he is not of your rank, but I still want to try. I hope that the Young Master will allow it."

A youth from a poor background… tirelessly training until this day… was that easy?

Lu Fei wanted to use this as an opportunity to garner the interest of important people, so that they might invest in him. Who would have thought that he would meet Ye Han in his very first round?

These opportunities didn't come by so often. If he gave up now… how could he give up now?

"You just don't know when to quit."

Ye Han was already pissed off at Chu Tian. And now, how dare this small character dare challenge him? His temper flared up, forcing an energy out of him… peak of sixth level of Body Refinement! Ye Han had already attained the training to reach the peak of the sixth level! Compared to ten days ago, he had once again improved his strength considerably.

"A firefly dare compete with the light of the sun and moon? You really don't know when to quit. Die!"

Ye Han's body abruptly released an overwhelming fighting spirit, as if a volcano had suddenly burst, erupting in all its rage and force, completely surrounding Lu Fei. The strong energy pressed down on Lu Fei making him unable to move. He gathered great energy on his right hand and suddenly swung it towards his opponent.

Glorious Sweep!

The Ye Secret Technique: Glorious Sweep!

Even the Ye experts had to train until the ninth level before they could master it, but Ye Han was merely at the peak of the sixth level of Body Refinement when he artfully performed it. This palm technique alone showed that Ye Han was above ordinary.

Lu Fei's face was drained of color, obviously not anticipating the true strength of Ye Han. He immediately shouted, "Young Master, please stop! I surrender!"

"Too late!"

How could Lu Fei's mere fifth level of Body Refinement possibly defend against this?

Glorious Sweep landed square on his chest. It was enough to shatter iron and stone, much less a being made of flesh and bone. The force ripped away Lu Fei's clothes into tatters, as if a huge fist had pummelled his body- Lu Fei was sent flying out of the arena, fainting as his body landed like a ragdoll.

Too cruel!

This hit was enough to break bones and shatter veins. Even if he was lucky enough to live, he would have become a vegetable anyway.

Ye Han dusted off his shirt. "Poor people should not have ambition. You just didn't know when to quit. People like you should have this kind of consequence."

Ye Han turned to the masses. "This competition is mine, I have set my mind to it. Whoever tries to stop me, this is the consequence you'll be facing."

Everyone's faces turned gray with fear.

Ye Han was truly strong!


A frail cry interrupted the stony silence.

A little girl in a ragged patchwork dress around ten years old rushed out, leaping towards Lu Fei's body. She helped her brother sit up. Her dress was quickly stained with a vermillion shade.


"Wake up!"

"Don't leave me!"

Lu Fei heard the tender voice and struggled to peel his eyes open. With a shaking hand, he reached out to gently caress his little sister's cheek. "I'm sorry… Bro… brother has let you down. I have caused you shame."

The little girl shouted, "No! No! Let's not join the tournament. Let's go home!"

Lu Fei struggled to move his head slightly to the left and then to the right, two lines of tears streaming down his face. "Brother was useless… let you down… you… take care of yourself!"

Saying so, his arm landed with a thud on the floor, his two eyes flashing white. His eyes were open, his brain preoccupied with only one thought. If I die, what will happen to my little sister?

TL: Chinese believe that if a person dies with open eyes, it means he or she has unfinished business / cannot rest in peace

The little girl hugging her brother's corpse burst into tears.

"Brother is dead!

"Brother is dead!"

"If it weren't to support me and give me a good life, he wouldn't have joined this stupid tournament!"

"You monster! Devil! Why did you have to kill him!"

The little girl's eyes poured forth with pure hatred, leaping towards the arena without further thought.

"How dare you!"

Ye Han's eyes flashed again with a merciless desire to kill. His left hand rolled, a sphere of pure energy materializing in his palm, aimed directly at the little girl.

Chapter 32: Disabling Your Two Hands

A ten year-old girl… how can anyone think about killing her?

Ye Han was indeed a cruel person.


Ye Han was about to strike the little girl when a slender hand swept across, obstructing Ye Han's hand. Meng Ying Ying quickly grabbed the chance to hug the little girl to safety.

Who dared to block Ye Han!

Everyone in the audience was captivated.

A tall figure stood in front of Ye Han. She had a pair of slender, perfect legs, rounded and full breasts, an entrancing appearance with the air of a lofty and gorgeous goddess.

Meng Qing Wu? How could it be her?

Even if Ye Han used only 20% of his energy to release an attack, it wasn't something just anyone could stop. That Meng Qing Wu could block his attack, her strength was probably around the sixth level.

This woman… was actually that strong??

So does this mean she kept her true strength hidden all this time??

Meng Ying Ying placated the little girl, before standing up and facing him. "It's a competition! You mercilessly killed someone, and now you're even thinking of killing a child? Are you even human? You're a savage!"

"Huh, and I thought who was speaking… so it's the two useless flower vases!" Ye Han sneered. "Weak people should have the realization of weak people. This pile of garbage should die, they've only been lucky. You should pray for Chu Tian not to fall into my hands or else there won't be any kind of this luck for him much longer."

This bastard was unbearable, how dare he announce that he was going to torture Chu Tian!

Meng Ying Ying was enraged.

Balling both her fists, she released her energy.

She was like a furious beast, about to attack without thinking.

"Ying Ying, stop!"

Meng Ying Ying looked at her sister, whose face was ashen, her pale white forehead was dotted with beads of sweat, as if she was exerting a lot of energy.

"Sister, you…"

Meng Qing Wu shook her head, as if in pain. "Let's go."

Fine, let Chu Tian take care of this asshole.

Meng Ying Ying glared at Ye Han, let's see for how much longer you can be arrogant, before leading the little girl away.

Ye Han had a look of bewilderment on his face.

What just happened? With the energy that Meng Ying Ying released earlier, she didn't seem to require assistance from Meng Qing Wu at all. Was this possible?


Must be a mistake!

Definitely a mistake!

And when Meng Qing Wu had blocked his attack, she didn't look right. She must be feeling like an arrow at the end of its flight.

So if Meng Ying Ying was truly this strong… she was only 16! She qualified for the Big Competition… so why didn't she join? Ye Han was relieved at this point.

The judge suddenly piped up awkwardly, "First round, victory goes to Ye Han!"

Ye Han snorted derisively before leaving the stage.

Ye Xiong was farther off and hadn't noticed the finer details, but seeing his son's performance, ruthlessly powerful and decisive in his actions, inspired a sentimental pride in him.

The Ye clan was a mercenary clan. They needed people who were unwavering in committing a kill, someone who was ruthless and unmerciful.

Ye Xiong had many sons and daughters, but in personality, only Ye Han was most like him.

"The Young Master's strength has improved once again!" Li Chang Yun commented from beside Ye Xiong, chuckling. "The gold from this competition, will belong to none other than him."

Ye Xiong nodded. "Old Li's grandson Li Tian Gang's strength is not in any way weaker compared to my own boy's. The Du clan's Du Feng is nothing to look down upon either. The real winner is still something we can't predict."

Li Chang Yun merely smiled without saying anything.

Actually, everyone could tell: The eldest son of the Ye clan, Ye Han, Li Chang Yun's grandson Li Tian Gang, Du clan's Young Master Du Feng were all at the peak of the sixth level in terms of strength. Just who the title of champion would go to would have to unfold over time.

Ye Xiong's deep-set eyes flashed a glimmer of steely frost. His gaze slowly settled on the west arena.

The Meng sisters had just walked over.

Meng Ying Ying was supporting her sister. "Is it your old illness acting up again?"

Meng Qing Wu could do nothing but nod. Her body had always been unwell. Meng Ying Ying knew this. But because it was an inborn disease, there was no way to heal it.

Meng Ying Ying said, "Next time, I'll take care of the physical things."

Meng Qing Wu was about to speak when-

"West Arena, first round, second stage: Huang Gang versus Chu Tian!"

The two sisters' eyes brightened.


Atop the arena, Huang Gang's expression was that of misery upon seeing Chu Tian. "I surrender!"

Tian Nan City's Huang family was a newly risen clan; they had only been around for two or three years. After seeing the power and tyranny of Ye Han, and his chilling threat, getting on the Ye clan's bad side was the last thing Huang Gang wanted to do.


Count yourself as unlucky.

Huang Gang glared at Chu Tian, his gaze full of unwillingness and hatred. "Consider yourself lucky!"

If it weren't for Chu Tian, he felt that, with his ability, he could have advanced several rounds.

"I surrender!"

"I surrender!"

Another two rounds passed.

Three rounds of the elimination round ended… and Chu Tian hadn't lifted a single finger. For some reason, he passed through every single round. Chu Tian laughed bitterly as he shook his head. Not having to battle people was not bad, he guessed.

The white-haired little old man announced, "Elimination round is over! Those who advanced, kindly head toward the main fighting arena!"

Three rounds of elimination rounds had seen the majority of two hundred or so people eliminated, leaving only twenty or so left.

Everyone else was impressive: those who had won three matches straight, even the weakest possessed a trained level of at least five, their bodies radiating with strength. Only Chu Tian attracted indignant attention.

"We refuse to accept this!"

"Where did this guy come from?"

"Why did all his opponents surrender?"

"There must be a problem, someone should check this out!"

"Coward! He's simply a coward! If you're really strong, then fight and defeat people out in the open!"

Innumerable members of the audience began protesting, there was something wrong. Someone without even the tiniest amount of reputation, someone who didn't show off any bit of energy and strength, how did he make three of his opponents surrender? That must be cheating! He probably bribed his opponents.

"Make him go down the stage!"

"Coward! Leave! Get lost!"

"Fight or get lost! Don't sully this meeting!"

Chu Tian scratched his head. What was this? He supposed it was because he was handsome, and carelessly drew the animosity of the crowd. This was truly getting hit by a bullet even when one was lying down…

At this moment, Nan Gong Yi, Xiong Bing, Ye Xiong, Zhang Li Qing, Li Chang Yun, and other important figures arrived beside the stage. Up until then, everything had been a warm up, getting rid of the weaklings. Now it was time for the true tournament!

"Strong and handsome youth!" Nan Gong Yi stood up, saying a couple of charismatic publicity lines. "You are the pride of Tian Nan City. As well as its future! This city master is extremely happy to be seated here. I will be personally judging the competition, to make sure everything is fair. I hope you all compete well, and achieve the success you deserve!"

"Yes, city master!"

Everyone cheered.

Nan Gong Yi resumed his seat. He couldn't help but look at Chu Tian with a puzzled expression. "Who knew this boy didn't fight during all three rounds to unanimous surrenders? Could it be cheating?"

Zhang Li Qing, sitting not far away, seemed like a changed man. His entire being seemed to glow, as if he were back in his 20s. Upon hearing Nan Gong Yi's words, he laughed. "The mayor is too quick with his words. This person is not as simple as he looks."

Nan gong Yi's curiosity was piqued. "Old Zhang is acquainted with him?"

Zhang Li Qing stroked his beard and offered a slight chuckle without clarifying. "More than an acquaintance."

Tian Nan City's General Xiong Bing cut in. "Blackwater Commerce's destruction… is this boy's doing."


Ye Xiong and Li Chang Yun's faces immediately smoldered.

Nan gong Yi recalled where he had indeed heard the name recently. It earned him due offense in the Ye clan's book. Nan Gong Yi didn't want to get on their bad side either. That group of mercenaries was not a good enemy to have.

Du Zhen Tian glanced at Chu Tian impassively. "Such a young age and already filled with misbehavior and crafty schemes. How dare he cheat his way through during an official competition like this? He will not amount to anything. I advise the city master to directly disqualify him as punishment."

Zhang Li Qing immediately countered, "Chu Tian hasn't even fought yet. How does Master Du know that he's not someone worth noting?"

Du Zhen Tian snorted. "If he really were one of the talents, why would he be so unknown?"

Zhang Li Qing smiled tightly. "A genius doesn't always have to be known from a young age. We should wait and see."

Nan Gong Yi nodded, without making any decisions.

He suddenly thought of something. He turned to one of the servants and asked, "Where is Yun er?"

(TL: affectionate nickname for son or daughter, by adding er")

"We haven't seen Miss since early this morning."

"Hmph, not attending even the Summit Meeting. This is really getting out of hand!"

Xiong Bing also turned to a deputy general. "Have you seen Tian Yan?"

"No sir."

Xiong Bing wore a weird expression. He was very familiar with his little brother's personality. He would die before missing out on such a lively festival. What is more important that would make him miss this?

In a loud voice, the judge commenced his announcement, "Next round, Chu Tian versus Ye Wu!"

Everyone turned their attention to them.

Three unanimous surrenders, and now that Chu Tian was at the center of attention, his first competitor was Ye Wu, Ye Han's cousin, also someone impressive.

He couldn't surrender… right?

But it's someone from the Ye clan!

Ye Wu glanced furtively at Ye Han. "Older cousin, I wouldn't have to lose to that guy do I? I'm a Ye. If I surrender, it seems wrong somehow.."

Ye Han considered it. He had a point. How could anyone from the Ye clan surrender without a fight? "Fine. break his two arms, and then surrender."

Ye Wu's eyes gleamed. "Okay! I'll humiliate him once, then older cousin can humiliate him greatly once again. That guy will never show his face again! He'll become the laughing stock of the entire Tian Nan City!"

Chu Tian was already on the arena.

Ye Wu sprung up in a single movement, leaping up the stage with a smirk playing on his lips. "A piece of rubbish is depending on older cousin Ye Han's reputation. You're only here because of him… this is truly a pig trying to climb a tree!"

Chu Tian yawned. "You have a lot to say… are you ready to surrender? If you're surrendering, do it and stop wasting everyone's time."

"I'm not prepared to win against you, but that doesn't mean I'm weaker than you. I'm going to let you understand that. Older cousin told me to leave you to him, but that doesn't mean you have to be in one piece…"

Saying so, Ye Wu was already slowly walking towards him, his pace extremely slow. He was trying to fill the air with tension, hoping to intimidate Chu Tian into fear… and maybe collapse right then and there.

Chu Tian was perfectly composed all throughout. "And what are you thinking about doing?"

Ye Wu slowly enunciated, "Not much. Just your two arms."

Chu Tian nodded. "I'm quite a fair person. I'll only want for other people, what they want for me. So you should be lucky you didn't ask for much."

"Huh! What a load of big talk!" Ye Wu was starting to become infuriated at Chu Tian's attitude. Don't tell me this guy wasn't even the least bit aware of his own position? Rubbish. "People like you! I've seen too many these years, not one of them has a good ending. The minute you decide to become Ye clan's enemy is the minute your destiny is set! Prepare to pay the price!"

"You talk too much!"

Chu Tian, impatient, released his body's energy. His legs sprung up and fiercely sprung at his opponent-- Clashing Heaven Fist!


Ye Wu hadn't even seen so much as a shadow. His punch was brought on by a whistling of frosty wind, and the next Ye Wu knew, he had been hit on the left shoulder!

Ka cha!

His entire shoulder bones shattered!

In the moment Ye Wu was flying through the air, Chu Tian reached out an arm as quick as lightning, pulling his left arm towards him. With his pull, another ka-cha! sound, and his hand bones were shattered as well, crumpled into something resembling fried dough twists.

"Ah! Noo!"

Ye Wu began screeching.

His entire left arm was useless now.

Somebody at the peak of the fifth level… couldn't even retaliate with a single hit. Now that he recalled the pile of words he had said earlier, he felt himself to be exceedingly idiotic.

Disabling Chu Tian's arms? It was his own downfall in the end.

Chu Tian pressed Ye Wu's right arm. "I said earlier, I'm quite fair. You want my two arms, then I don't want much more than your two arms as well."


"I surrender!"

Ka cha!

Ka cha!

In the midst of the cracking that raised a million goosebumps, Ye Wu's right arm had already been snapped into something beyond recognition.

Chu Tian hoisted him up, lifted his leg, and sent Ye Wu flying ten or so meters upwards until he crashed back down on the stage already unconscious.


Too fast!

Clean, nimble, fierce. There was an uproar in the crowd.

The man who had been shooting his mouth off earlier, had only needed two seconds of work before he lay on the ground, his two arms ruined beyond repair. This kind of sudden change inspired shock in everyone.

Amazing, amazing!

So Chu Tian wasn't any idiot. This guy was truly skilled!

Chapter 33: The Three Talents

"How dare you!" Ye Xiong was beside himself with fury. "Ye Wu already surrendered, and he still cruelly disabled both his arms. This is a blatant disregard of the rules of the competition. Unforgivable! He should be punished!"

Li Zhang Yun hurriedly chimed in. "I suggest that the mayor disqualify him, and to have the Ye clan choose a satisfactory consequence."

Xiong Bing, upon hearing this, burst out laughing. "Yes, indeed, indeed. I agree. The competition has its rules. Once a person surrenders, the other person can't injure or harm him anymore. Chu Tian should rightly be disqualified in this situation."

Zhang Li Qing's eyes widened, and he made to stand up. "Xiong Bing, you…"

Xiong Bing added, "As I know it, during the elimination rounds, the poor boy Lu Fei had already surrendered, and yet Ye Han still struck him to his death. And so, I propose that before disqualifying Chu Tian from the competition, you should disqualify Ye Han as well. Fair is fair."

Ye Xiong's gaze darkened.

His plan had backfired.

Zhang Li Qing chimed in. "Ye Wu is arrogant and egotistical. This is worthy of blame. What does the mayor think?"

On one side: Ye Xiong and Li Zhang Yun.

On the other: Xiong Bing and Zhang Li Qing.

Nan Guan Yi felt as if his head was about to explode. In the end, he waved a hand. "Forget it, forget it. Let's let all this pass. The important thing is to continue the competition."

Ye Xiong could only swallow his furious pride.

Chu Tian had humiliated the Ye clan not once, not twice, but three times. And now, in front of everyone, a prominent disciple of the Ye clan had been defeated in a matter of seconds. Ye Xiong's temper was about to go wild.

But Ye Xiong had also noticed that Chu Tian's energy didn't exceed the fifth level. This was definitely the advantage of Ye Han, who was at the peak of the sixth-level.

Ah, never mind!

Ye Han would definitely help restore the clan's honorable reputation!

"And victory goes to… Chu Tian!"

After Nan Guan Yi announced this, he sneaked a glance at Chu Tian. Nan Guan Yi could somehow subtly feel that Chu Tian hadn't revealed all his strength. This youngster was far from simple!

Second round was starting: Du Feng versus Qiu Jian!

Qui Jian was a talented fighter from a second-rate clan. His training was around fifth-level peak, and he had been around the level of the defeated Ye Wu. Du Feng was the young master of the Du clan, his expression was a facade of cool detachment, expressionless whatever the situation. No matter who the opponent was, he could defeat him in one strike, far from slovenly.

"The match starts now!"

Qiu Jian suddenly rushed in rapid advancement, a stealthy tiger pouncing for the kill, a ferocious lion hunting its prey. Every step was measured and bubbling with energy, causing the ground below him to crack into giant gaps. His body and clothes were practically glowing from the energy that was also emitting crackling sounds.

Ten Step Tiger Lion Punch!

This was an extremely mighty fighting technique!

Within ten steps, every step increased the energy by one degree. When the ten steps are completed, the energy will have had fermented to its climax, and then-- that was the time to release it as a deadly killing energy on the battlefield!

Qiu Jian clearly understood that Du Feng was strong, and so, he thought to maximize his strength all in this one hit. With a hysterical roar, he flew at him, two fists held in front, breaking through the air with the vigor of a howling brute. The frosty air brought from the momentum of the fierce punch enshrouded Du Feng within seconds, completely blocking off all paths of escape.

Du Feng didn't even counter with an attack. He let Qiu Jian finish his ten steps, wearing a trace of a disdainful smile on the corner of his lips.

"Too weak."

His cool tone broke through. Raising his left leg in a ferocious kick, he lifted his right arm for a punch, bringing with it the weight of a mountain and the vigor of fire. The fist hadn't even reached its destination, the wind of the punch had already reached it. Energy rolled about, and fire materialized.

Scorching Fist!

The fire punch instantly broke through Tiger Lion, and landed a heavy hit on the chest with a high degree of devastating offensive power, throwing Qiu Jian off the arena onto the green grass outside. His fighting style was always fast, and his punching techniques were equally fierce, drawing everyone's unwavering attention to him.


Countless shredded bits of black fabric burst and rained down from the sky.

When Qiu Jian hit the ground, he was already thoroughly unconscious.

"And the victory goes to… Du Feng!"

One hit KO!

Everyone gazed at Du Feng with admiration and respect.

Someone who wasn't even twenty and had refined his strength to the sixth-level, most likely had a vastly broad and blindingly bright future ahead of him. He could probably break through the Realm of Awakening Souls, and turn himself into one of the most revered fighters of all time.

This was indeed, truly, the most illustrious of the Du clan disciples. He definitely wouldn't be at a disadvantage against Ye Han.

Glorious Sweep versus Scorching Fist, which one would be stronger?

The vast crowd was excited, already looking forward to this summit peak showdown.


Third round: Li Tian Gang versus Xiong Yuan!

Li Tian Gang was the grandson of the Alchemist Club's President Li Zhang Yun, barely seventeen years old, but his strength was unsurpassably oppressive. His technique called the Gale Kick practically ushered him to where he was now because no one could withstand it for more than two seconds.

Xiong Yuan was the disciple of Tian Nan City's Xiong family. The Xiong clan was a military aristocracy, with a high reputation in Zhong Zhou. It had been nearly two years since they had reproduced a startlingly talented person, and even though this Xiong Yuan had a decent amount of strength, it was a far cry from Li Tian Gang's abilities.

You have to know, alchemists' connections were extensively broad.

Li Zhang Yun highly favoured this grandchild. Ever since he was a little boy, he had been instilled with the foundations of high-quality spirit panaceas and had been kept occupied with martial instructors and masters that were considered the best of the best. From a young age, he had already been destined for strength that would shock most people.

There was zero suspense.

The match began.

Li Tian Gang swiftly commenced his attack. He was obviously the speedy type of fighter. With his momentum, he geared for a Gale Kick, and it was as though a violent hurricane had suddenly swept across. Xiong Yuan couldn't even begin to prepare a stance for his attack, and he was already swept off his feet with hundreds of kicks that seemed to come at him from all four directions, and he instantly gained serious injuries.

Such speed! Such strength!

Ye Han's palm technique was fiercely tyrannical.

Du Feng's fist technique was wildly ferocious.

Li Tian Gang's kicking technique was as fast as lightning.

These three people, whether it was in their bodily refinement, or in their martial arts practice, had dominated the entire scene.

It was not difficult to predict that the champion would be one of these three without a sliver of doubt. At least… that's what people thought.

Xiong Bing, upon seeing his own disciple defeated without having the capability to even raise a hand, had a cloudy expression. But the outcome in a competition was unavoidable, and Xiong Yuan was indeed not as skilled as his opponent so there was really not that much on the line.

A few more rounds.

All these matches were rather intense. Among them, there were quite a few talented youth, but compared to The Three Talents, there was a general sense of vapidity as people spectated the other matches. Well, rules were rules. The matches had to go on.

Nan Guan Yi studied the new matchup formation list. His eyes flashed with a glimmer of unreadable emotion. "This round, Du Yun versus Chu Tian!"

Du Zhen Tian smirked.

Another easy round to win.

A head of another clan laughed. "Du Feng, Du Yun… that the Du clan is able to produce two such talented youth, truly I congratulate you."

A flash of satisfaction shone across Du Zhen Tian's face.

Du Feng and Du Yun were a pair of brothers.

Du Feng had the strongest body strength, and had already bodily refined up until the sixth-level peak. Du Yun was relatively weaker, but he was already at the standard of getting ready to get to the sixth-level peak. A mere Chu Tian shouldn't be any obstacle in his way.

Du Yun turned to his older brother. "Big brother, I'm going."

"Go and show no mercy," Du Feng said in a regal manner. "Other people might have to give face to Ye Han, but we, the Du clan, need not do so. You must perform your best to help improve the reputation of our Du clan."

"Yes, big brother!"

Du Yun floated with confidence. Chu Tian was nothing to him.

Someone no one had ever heard of - a minor character. From the way he defeated Ye Wu a while ago, he was only probably around the fifth level at most.

That this guy could offend the Ye clan to this degree, and that the Ye clan was helpless to retaliate, was the biggest joke of the century! Today, I should eliminate this headache of the Ye clan, Du Yun thought.

Chu Tian walked up the stage accordingly.

Du Yun lightly leapt up into the air on the tips of his toes and landed gently on the stage as a butterfly would. With his delicate posture and graceful pace, it immediately attracted the crowd's cheers.

This feeling of having a million eyes solely on him, this was what Du Yun lived for.

"Chu Tian, let's stop it here." He used a pitying gaze on Chu Tian. "I'm not the useless piece of wood that Ye Wu is. You're not my opponent and I'm disinclined to fight you anyway. I'm going to count to three, you could just head down yourself, or else, bear the consequences. Three…"

Chu Tian studied him with a ruminating glance. A faint smile. "Ten moves."

Du Yun was taken aback. "You think you can survive ten moves against me? What a joke! I can decimate you in one!"

Chu Tian shook his head solemnly. "You misunderstood. What I mean is, I will close my eyes and let you perform ten moves. If you can touch my clothes, I'll surrender and consider myself lost."

Letting him… ten moves?

And with eyes closed!

Everyone was stunned.

Chu Tian's defeat of Ye Wu was, for many, merely an underestimation of an opponent by Ye Wu. Besides, comparing Ye Wu's strength to Du Wu'a was like comparing clouds to clay.

And Chu Tian was going to close his eyes and let Du Yun perform ten moves?

And just touching his clothes would mean he lost?

Even the most conspicuous Three Talents wouldn't dare say such things!

Du Zhen Tian's face was ashen. Chu Tian's arrogance and confidence was a slap to the Du clan's face. He stood up and boomed, "Enough! What are you waiting for? End this fight, don't waste time on such rubbish!"

"As you wish!"

The clan head had spoken.

Du Yun did not dare take his time or be negligent. Clenching his right hand into a fist, he released his energy, and congealing them into a hit directed straight at Chu Tian's chest.

Heart Gouge Hand, one of the deadliest moves. Using this technique from the very start of a battle meant that he wanted to use this as a one hit KO move, and from then on, forever defeat the ridiculous insults of this Chu Tian.

What made everyone hold their breaths in disbelief, however, was that Chu Tian really closed his eyes.

That biting cold wind from the claw was but a second away, when Chu Tian elegantly stepped sideways by a few millimetres. He coolly avoided the attack, and Du Yun hadn't even managed to touch a single fibre on Chu Tian's clothing.


What's happening?

Du Yun didn't hit Chu Tian, and he almost tripped himself. His face was the shade of a ripe tomato, and his eyes shone with blatant disbelief.

"Damn it!"

"I don't believe this."

Du Yun steadied himself and attacked with another move. The result was as before. Chu Tian looked like he wasn't in any real danger, as he could dodge it with little effort.

"Two moves down," Chu Tian reminded him helpfully.

Du Yun's rage flared up. He threw a series of fast punches, shadows of densely packed fists, thunderous hurricanes aimed at his opponent. Let's see him dodge that, he thought, subsumed with fury.

There was no extra movement.

No miscalculation.

Like a graceful butterfly with the weaving movements so natural to those who easily navigate through the thorny thickets of a forest, using the tiniest fractional movements and the most relaxed stance, Chu Tian flawlessly avoided the attacks again and again.

Everyone was stupefied.

This kind of dancing performance, with a kind of beauty in his stance, it was art. There was no other way to describe it.

Had they not witnessed it for themselves, it was hard for them to believe that there could be something like this on this world.

Chu Tian was only using strength at the fifth-level, and yet a sixth-level-refined opponent could do nothing to him.


"Intricate Realm!"

Nan Guan Yi, Ye Xiong, Du Zhen, and all the others stood up.

Everyone had varying shades of astonishment splashed across their faces. "Intricate Realm" was not a refining level. It was a one in a million level, a level that belonged to the level of spirits and souls.

They, the Soul Awakening refined warriors hadn't even grasped the obscure meaning of Intricate...

How could a boy like that possess it??

It was almost too absurd to imagine!

Chapter 34: Diamond Vein Slashing Finger

Why are so many talents in the mainland that can overcome extremely difficult challenges?

That's because on the foundation of Strength Refining, these talents have superhuman qualities. This is an unusual innate gift. It could be a superhuman intelligence, or superior makeup, or it could be because they master the rare Spirit Realm.

Intricate Realm, how can it be the Intricate Realm?

Spirits and souls, along with the flesh and senses, dovetail together perfectly. They are flawlessly synchronized. And from this, come to fruition the rare and amazing ability to control.

One millimeter can be as clear and distinct as one mile. Every whisper of breeze can be heard. One can perfectly seize the exact change in every strand of energy and every microscopic change in temperature. Every pore closing and opening, each strip of muscle's movement, all could be entirely and completely controlled.

This was the legendary Intricate Realm!

Someone who has mastered the Intricate Realm's obscure meaning can easily and without effort control the attacking style and intention of his opponent. Furthermore, in the practicing of alchemy, he would have an extremely high success rate. It was beyond what degree of perfection normal humans could obtain.

There was practically no one in Tian Nan City, including the big shots making appearances in the event, who had yet to master the obscurity of the Intricate Realm.

And someone who had no discernible background or name for himself actually did it! What kind of impossibility was this? If he were to go to Zhong Zhou, he would definitely be the cream of the crop - to be fought over by all the major clans.

Chu Tian closing his eyes to let Du Yun have his ten moves wasn't brash or insolent, it was self-confidence.

Du Yun had never encountered such a mysterious matter. Without changing tactics, he forged ahead with a few more bullheaded punches, all to no avail. The opponent easily evaded them and his own direction was thoroughly thrown off.

"Ten moves is up."

"It's my turn."

Chu Tian congealed his energy on his fingertips. The five tips of his hand slowly glowed a pale gold. He grasped the right arm of Du Yun, and with a squeeze, energy flowed out.

As if he had been pierced with a dagger, it went straight through his flesh, rawly cutting through his meridian network. Du Yun's entire arm lost its strength, as though it were decapitated.

Chu Tian's right hand had two fingers that were slowly turning pale gold. These flashed out in an attack with the force of a hurricane. Upon touching Du Yun's body, each finger released a column of energy as well-crafted as a dagger strike.

Diamond Vein Slashing Finger!

One finger for each vein!

It had its foundation in martial arts...

But it was extremely powerful and lethal.

Within the space of a breath, Du Yun had lost his entire body's energy. Chu Tian lightly pushed a palm against him, and Du Yun, as though a piece of paper, floated out several meters before crashing on the ground.


"I don't believe this, it's impossible!"

Du Yun stood up howling. He switched onto his energy, but with a startled realization that the meridian veins of his body had been rawly ruptured, and he couldn't produce even an ounce of energy. Never mind battling, he couldn't even stand up properly.

What… what kind of martial arts is this!

Only heaven knew that there was such a tricky and fierce martial skill among them!

Finished, finished. What is this!

Chu Tian looked at Du Yun, who was about to crumble. He beamed at him. "Your meridian veins are slashed, if you don't seek medical attention within the minute, or if you attain further injuries, you could become a vegetable."

"You-you-you…" Du Yun was in a daze.

Chu Tian dusted his hands, his face placid. "I'm disinclined to fight you anymore. I'm going to count to three, you could just head down yourself, or else, bear the consequences."

What familiar words!

Chu Tian had returned the exact words back to him, sealed package and all.

This was not only a slap to Du Yun's face, it was a slap to Du Zhen Tian's face!

Du Zhen Tian's face was completely red, obviously boiling with fury. That kind of intimidating fury reduced the people around to him to the tiniest of breaths. There was a savage desire to kill as he looked upon Chu Tian.

What menace!

No words needed to be spoken!

This kind of desire to kill would frighten a smaller being into wetting his pants.

Chu Tian was completely indifferent. He was completely focused on enunciating every word in his countdown: "Three… two… one!"


"Please don't!"

"I'm leaving, I give up!"

"Please don't cripple me, I don't want to become a cripple!"

Pu-tong! Du Yun kneeled down. Under the gaze of a million, he slowly crawled off the arena. He was thoroughly disillusioned and disheartened. Chu Tian was too scary. Better than becoming a vegetable, he would rather choose to submit to the temporary humiliation!

But still, this would create a devastating, psychological after effect. Even if the meridian veins recovered completely, he would be hard-pressed to improve greatly.

Chu Tian wasn't a shallow petty person.

But still, someone who constantly bullies and insults others, will attract the insult and bullying of others.

This kind of guy wasn't worth going easy on.

"Bastard!" Du Zhen Tian bellowed. "Egotistical kid! How dare you shame our Du clan. I want you to die!"

"You're wrong, I didn't shame you," Chu Tian calmly countered. "You brought shame upon yourself."

Brought shame upon yourself!

Brought shame upon yourself!

With these four words, each word was a strike to the heart!

And yet, he was right. Unarguably right.

Chu Tian, by saying this in front of millions and completely dishonoring the Du Clan, was definitely someone not afraid of dying. This unknown person, from now on, was destined to become the center of attention in Tian Nan City.

Nan Guan Yi was stunned into silence.

What did this youth have to be so completely fearless?

Xiong Bing nodded indulgently. "Haha, lofty and unyielding character, I like it!"

Zhang Li Qing had a faint smile on the corner of his lips. "Of course. This is Chu Tian's personality. If he was fearful, he wouldn't be Chu Tian."

Nan Guan Yi looked at Xiong Bing and Zhang Li Qing with a curious glance. Strange, but it seemed these two guys were fairly familiar with Chu Tian.

At this moment, Du Zhen Tian felt like his arteries were about to explode in flames and practically about to blow smoke from all over his bodily cavities. Had it not been for the presence of the mayor, he would already have been up on stage, personally crushing this guy in front of millions.

Ye Xiong and Li Zhang Yun exchanged a look - a mirrored look of grave fear.

Chu Tian was more evil than anyone had ever imagined. Someone who was only sixteen or seventeen and had already attained Intricate Realm - such kind of person was unheard of, and had been unheard of for centuries. It was either crippling him for the Ye clan, or killing him as soon as possible. Who cared about offending Zhang Li Qing and Xiong Bing!

Even though Chu Tian's performance was remarkably outstanding...

Chu Tian's display was nonetheless at the fifth-level of bodily refinement quality. But because he had the ability to use the Intricate Realm, that he could easily challenge and triumph over someone with the bodily refinement of the sixth level was not really a surprise.

The three popular choices for champion were still Ye Han, Li Tian Gang, and Du Feng.

All three of them were bodily refined at the sixth-level peak, almost more than half a foot within the seventh-level. Their energy were more than double than that of Du Yun's, and were each of the clans' most prized and main focus for training, and so their martial arts skills were top-notch as well.

Whether in speed or strength, Chu Tian would definitely not have it easy.

A few more rounds of matches.

Ye Han, Li Tian Gang, and Du Feng were absolute in their dominance, calmly and easily sweeping through the opponents, before surfacing as the unsurprising winners.

And so, these three, Ye Han, Li Tian Gang, and Du Feng emerged as the three most eye-catching talents. Along with a mysterious Chu Tian, the four of them successfully advanced to the semi-finals.

Finally, the deciding matches were about to begin!

Tian Nan City's Talent Competition varied from normal competitions. The competition was not on a one-on-one basis because true talents were not only supposed to fight based on raw strength. They needed intelligence, foresight, luck, and most importantly, the flexibility to adapt to challenges.

Based on previous competitions...

The last stage was a mixed fight.

Three or four people in one arena, it wasn't one on one, and it tested the ability of the fighter's' ability to extend themselves to a bigger picture.

The judges would then judge based on each fighter's performance, and rank them accordingly. Of course, the ranking was never enough to satisfy the other contestants, and they would challenge the ranking.

The four people were resting below the stage.

Waiting for the beginning of the deciding match.

Ye Han stared at Chu Tian with eyes that could burn holes through steel. "I never thought you'd actually make it into the finals. I stick to my word though. Are you prepared for me to shatter your bones into ash?"

Chu Tian chuckled. "My bones are very hard. You? I'm afraid you won't even be able to bend them."

Du Feng sauntered over, his eyes shining with a peculiar expression. "Chu Tian. You harmed my brother, ruined my clan, and gained the eternal hatred of Du clan. You have to pay the price, are you sure about that?"

Chu Tian was taken aback. "That guy is your brother?"

"Yes, Du Yun is my brother," Du Feng said, crossing his arms. He thought he had scared Chu Tian enough. With a rough tone, he continued, "But I'll give you a chance. Join Du clan, use the power you showed earlier for the Du clan, and redeem yourself! Then maybe I'll consider forgiving you."

Up to here, he looked at Ye Han. "I could even protect you in the deciding match. I hope you have enough self-awareness. With your strength, in this deciding match, there is no possibility of getting out alive. If you want to keep your life, you'd better depend on my protection."

Ye Han looked annoyed. "Du Feng, you're probably overextending yourself, aren't you?"

"We should just kill this guy and get it over with. Why are we wasting time talking with him?"

Li Tian Gang was filled with resentful envy towards Chu Tian.

That he could master the Intricate Realm's obscure meaning at such a young age, no matter who won today's competition, he would surely become the center of celebrated attention. Li Tian Gang had been babied and prized by his grandfather since birth, and thus had cultivated a humongous ego. How could he stand idly by when a mysterious nobody suddenly came out and seemingly concealed him in his shadow?


Must kill!

No matter what Ye Han and Du Feng were thinking, Li Tian Gang only had one thought on his mind: Chu Tian must be eliminated!

Tian Nan City definitely could not have a second Nan Gong Yun.

This creature who was more powerful than he.


Li Tian Gang would not have it.

These three guys scheming away, they really take me for some innocent lamb waiting to be slaughtered? Ha, they should measure their abilities first.

Without saying anything out loud, he closed his eyes to meditate in recuperation, clearing his mind to a peaceful blank.

Chapter 35: Madman Chu Tian

A few more minutes before the deciding match!

The final match was a mixed battle format, increasing its difficulty by leaps and bounds. Here, it was not enough to consider the strength of the contestant but also the contestant's ability to size up the situation at the drop of a hat.

"The match everyone has been looking forward to is about to begin," a middle-aged judge announced, "but this year's big deciding match will be different from previous years!"

The entire crowd exploded in noise as everyone turned to each other in confusion.

What? The rules have changed?

The judge continued his announcement. "Someone everyone knows will be joining these four youths, so as to add a new and exciting variable in this deciding match. This is also a challenge and test to our four talented youths.

A voluminous roar from the crowd.

Now this was exciting!

The four young people who were aiming for champion already brought a lot of excitement with it, and now that there was going to be a new addition on stage: the possibilities were endless!

The judge boomed, "He is last year's champion, the talent who left Tian Nan City, who got into the prestigious Zhong Zhou College, and within ONE year, was able to surpass tens of thousands of students in his astounding ranking of 328! Please welcome, Luo Yu!"

Upon hearing the name, the crowd went wild.

Last last year's winner was the monster Nan Gong Yun, and last year's winner was the talent Luo Yu.

Luo Yu wasn't as simple as he was made out to be. He had breezed through last year's competition, practically with the championship handed to him on a silver plate. From then, he went on to Zhong Zhou, and disappeared without news. It was more than a surprise that he was back now.


A body clad in white landed on the arena from at least ten meters in height, as if a miracle dropping down from heaven, raising a cloud of dust surrounding the place he stood.

"Luo Yu!"

"Luo Yu!"

"Luo Yu!"

People began cheering and howling his name.

This was a twenty year-old youth in a stark white martial uniform. He looked impressive, standing out within any crowd, and there was a dragon eagle's insignia on his spotless robe.

The insignia of a dragon hawk was the representation of Zhong Zhou College!

Luo Yu was indeed a student at the prestigious college. According to many, in the outer courtyard, Luo Yu was Rank 128. One should know that the entire school had twenty or so thousand students!

Even within Zhong Zhou college, he was an impressive talent!

Ye Xiong, Li Zhang Yun, and Du Yun were slightly ashen-faced. Ye Xiong turned to the mayor with a stony expression. "Mayor, everyone's allowed to join only once. Luo Yu was last year's champion, why is he jumping in the mix?"

Nan Guan Yi let out a helpless laugh. "Please, please, don't get angry. This is not my decision. This is the decision of those above me. As you know, the Luo Clan in Zhong Zhou…"

Ye Xiong seemed slightly appeased.

If this were true, Nan Guan Yi wasn't to blame. Nan Guan Yi was only the mayor of Tian Nan City. The Nan Guan clan in the Zhong Zhou district wasn't really that strong. Even if Nan Guan Yi was the mayor of a city, he was strictly controlled by higher and more powerful forces at all times.

Nan Guan Yi said, "Luo Yu's identity is merely that of a guest in this competition. More likely is that the clan wants to give him another chance in the limelight. But the real ranking for the champion this year will definitely still be among the four of you. Luo clan has already emigrated from Tian Nan City, what they want is a name, and not the benefits after the match."

And so it was so.

Luo Yu stood in the very center of the arena, his two hands behind his back. He swept a glance at across the four finalists, before laughing out loud. "So this year's quality is only so-so. Looks like Tian Nan City's low on talent. Don't waste my time anymore, you can all attack together."

The crowd was filled with furious hushed whispers.

This guy was too wild. It was completely belittling Tian Nan City. One against four??

Ye Han, Du Feng, and Li Tian Gang's faces flashed with a brief look of smouldering fury. But they had to admit, Luo Yu's strength was strong indeed. For someone who could enter the top 200 of the outer courtyard at Zhong Zhou College, he would probably have a body refinement at around the seventh-level. If they tried to battle him one on one, they honestly wouldn't be at his level.

Ye Han stood forward. "Before the fighting begins, I want to remove the small fry who aren't worthy of being in this competition."

Of course Luo Yu knew what he was getting at. He glanced at Chu Tian and waved a hand. "Fine. This trash isn't worthy of fighting me, and I know you have some old grudges to settle. Is two minutes enough?"

"One minute is enough!"

"Okay, hurry up then!"

From the expressions and tones of the two people, it felt like Chu Tian was a slice of fish waiting to be chopped up on the board.

Chu Tian lightly blew out a sigh. Why are there so many idiots on this world?

Ye Han's face shone with a smile of excitement and cruelty.


Ever since Chu Tian had instructed Nan Gong Yun to humiliate him, Ye Han had been obsessed with getting revenge. But because Chu Tian had the protection of Zhang Li Qing, Nan Gong Yun, and Xiong Tian Yan, Ye Han hadn't been able to avenge himself.

But everything was different now!

Today was the Tian Nan Summit Meeting. Under the eyes of millions, who dared interfere? Chu Tian had once humiliated him in front of a street full of people, and now he would avenge himself, and humiliate him a million times that in front of the city!

"You're only a slave!"

"A slave is a slave! You'd never be able to wash that off, never in your entire life!"

Ye Han intentionally raised his voice. Everyone's faces were splashed with shock. This person, this talented youth… who possessed the Intricate Realm… was a slave?

A mere slave! How could he be so bold?

A mere slave! And he dare stand toe to toe with Ye Han?

Ye Han continued jabbing him verbally. "Maybe you've worked hard to be free of your shameful past identity, but today, the contract is in my hands! If you don't want to admit it, I'll help you admit it today!"

Chu Tian was calm and collected. He gave a slight smile. "I've noticed something… people who are lesser in ability are almost always usually the noisiest. In having the talent of chattering, I am truly no match for you."

Ye Han was unable to swallow his fury.

He had planned to provoke and upset Chu Tian, to make him lose his cool, and invoke fear within him, or even just make him angry! But why? Why could he be so calm? That deep gaze like a well without waves? Even with a hint of ridicule, as if watching a funny monkey?

In the end, the person who completely lost his rationale was still Ye Han himself.

"Bastard slave! Die!"

Ye Han's energy flared up along with his temper and his entire gown flapped up with a pa-pa noise as his energy rushed through his two arms, giving off an impressive, intimidating image.

One hit: Glorious Sweep!

Glorious Sweep!

Ye Han, under the cloud of anger and humiliation, was actually able to surpass the power of his usual Glorious Sweep move. Even Luo Yu showed a brief, slight frown. This kind of frightening power... never mind against a slave, even when used against a person of Luo Yu's level, it would surely have some effect. Power straight from the soul!

Li Zhang Yun was stunned. "Young master is truly a genius in martial arts. He's already mastered the quintessential essence of the Glorious Sweep! He's without opponent now!"

Ye Xiong nodded, his face radiating with pleasure. Chu Tian was good for something after all, having unintentionally helped Ye Han improve in his martial arts spiritual training!

The Meng Qing Wu sisters began shouting. "He's still concentrating his energy! You can still attack now, quickly! Before it's too late."

Chu Tian remained motionless, allowing his opponent to finish gathering his energy.

Was he shocked into inaction?

Xiong Bing and Nan Yi Guan furrowed their brows in concern. Looks like Chu Tian had his work cut out for him!

Zhang Li Qing began concentrating his energy. Should he need it, even if it meant breaking the rules of the competition, he would personally see to it that he interfered. After all, Chu Tian did save his life.


"Let's see how you can block me."

Ye Han's power reached its peak, having successfully gathered sufficient amount of energy. With a heavy sweep of his arms, he aimed his power straight at Chu Tian. Never mind flesh and blood, even steel and stone would have a hard time coming out of this attack in one piece.

Chu Tian's surrounding glowed white with pure shining energy. The energy surged in a split second, swelling at the blink of an eye. And the body refinement was… at the peak of the sixth level!

Chu Tian had been hiding his true strength!

Within a short few days, Chu Tian had depended on alchemic panaceas to rapidly increased his own strength. Based on rank, he was no weaker than any of the other three. He had only been suppressing his energy and training after all!

Ye Han glowered. "So what if you've been hiding your true strength? I refuse to believe you can dodge this! Die!"

Chu Tian bended both knees and shot forward like a lethal arrow, using a destructive, almost savage power against Ye Han.

One leg!

Only one leg!

And all the collected energy dissipated!

All the intimidating power-- extinguished!

PENG! Ye Han incinerated the rock drum with a hole a man could fit through. This simple move defeated Ye Han.

Someone who had been blinded by fury just seconds earlier was now lying on the ground in a supine position. He wouldn't have even known what was happening, much less how he was defeated.

"Didn't you say you were going to crush my bones to dust in front of everyone?"

"Didn't you say you were going to enslave me?"

"Did you not call me trash?"

"Who is the real piece of trash?"

Ye Han had completely lost his energy to defend himself. His face shone with fear. No matter how fast his mind raced, he couldn't wrap his mind around how a mere slave like Chu Tian could possibly defeat him and have such powerful battle strength.

Chu Tian's punch was like a wild tornado wreaking devastation, shattering every inch of Ye Han's bones. Didn't Ye Han want to break every one of Chu Tian's bones?

And the result was broken bones in his own body.

How ironic.

This arrogant, despotic, egotistic Ye Han had become a human punching bag, a toy, in Chu Tian's hands.

"Bastard! I will kill you! I will ruin you!"

Ye Xiong leapt up, releasing a crazy amount of energy.

Chu Tian laughed loudly. "If I kill him, you'll kill me. If I don't kill him, you'll still kill me. I'd be better off dragging someone with me then."

"You dare??"

Ye Xiong released a muddy golden energy glow, and a large wolf materialized behind him, sending intimidating chills up everyone's spine.

Don't dare?

What a joke!

There's nothing I can't do in this place!

Ye Han felt the deadly lethality. In a strangled voice, he choked out loudly, "No, mercy! Mercy!"

Chu Tian didn't even stop to think before bringing down an arm on Ye Han's skull. Without so much as a squeak, Ye Han died on the spot.

Ye Xiong almost blacked out. He had a lot of sons, but the most useful and the one with the most potential was Ye Han. And now that Chu Tian had killed him with one hit, how could he not fly into a rage?


A dull golden energy molded into a gigantic palm, hurling towards the arena.

The attack of someone who has refined Awakening Soul Realm!

Body Refinement Realm was completely no match.


In mid-air came a wild blast, and a majestic and frosty snow white werewolf appeared out of nowhere. In an instant, the temperature plummeted and the wind died down. Xiong Bing's tall and sturdy body directly blocked Ye Xiong, and one punch from the former killed the latter's attack mid-trajectory.

Ye Xiong roared, "You! Xiong! How dare you block me?"

Xiong Bing laughed out loud, three hearty ringing guffaws. "Your son is a gem, does this mean that other people's sons are nothing? Ye Han is cruel and brutal. He's been terrorizing Tian Nan City's citizens, I've long since grown weary of it!"

Li Zhang Yun stood out, a huge verdant python energy spirit released beside him. "I will help you kill this thief."

"President Li, we haven't come across each other like this in quite a few years. Let me have everything you got!" Zhang Li Qing released his energy, a fierce and fearsome eagle that soared high above the clouds, its imposing manner diffusing throughout the blue dome of heaven. "Soaring Sky Eagle! Destroy!"

The eagle shot down with impressive speed.

The python was shattered on the spot in the talons of the eagle.

Li Zhang Yun's expression drained of color. He never thought that Zhang Li Qing would have a higher cultivation level than himself.

Actually, Zhang Li Qing was no weak fighter. It was just that he never battled with anyone all these years, reserving his energy and strength mainly for suppressing powerful toxins.

Some two days ago, Xiong Tian Yan had produced an antidote, and Zhang Li Qing reduced the poison by seventy or eighty percent. After his energy was liberated, his body returned to normal, and it seemed like it even improved.

Several Awakened Soul Cultivators immediately raised their crossbows and swords.

Everything was unfolding at an alarming pace.

The crowd was stunned. They had never seen this kind of scene happen before.

It was only a small spark, only a small Chu Tian, only a nameless youth!

Great. What started off as the battle among the young ones became a showdown among Awakened Soul Cultivators.

The scene was utterly out of control.


"The winner hasn't been announced for the final match yet!"

He shouted towards Luo Yu, Du Feng, and Li Tian Gang loftily. After Chu Tian killed Ye Han, he ignored the pressure of countless Awakened Soul Cultivator fighters. He maintained his brassy attitude, not the least bit scared of anything.

"Don't waste my time anymore...

"You three pieces of trash...

"You three can attack together!"

This was a resounding slap to their faces!

A heavy and juicy smack across the cheek!

Luo Ye's eyes could shoot daggers. Weren't these his own words earlier?

Chu Tian faced the threat of a few Soul Awakening fighters.

His life was practically hanging by a thread.

In this scene, if it were anybody else, they probably wouldn't even be able to stand on their two feet.

Other things aside, against the threat of an Awakened Soul Cultivator , the Body Refinement Cultivator was simply no match.

Chu Tian didn't care. He completely ignored them, still with a uniquely arrogant attitude, challenging the three talents.

The gratification!

The audacity!

The hot-bloodedness!

Like a brilliant shooting star sweeping across a barren sky, beaming light across the entire skyscape of Tian Nan City. His brazen arrogance, his ferocity, his frivolity, his lofty and casual attitude: each one was like an explosion that shook up the entire world of his audience.

Chu Tian!

Chu Tian!

Chu Tian!

Like the eruption of a volcano, his name filled the air. Countless people began screaming and shouting and chanting this name.

Someone who used to be unknown, even someone lowly and looked down upon, was sweeping the entire competition! He had publicly looked down upon the talents of Tian Nan City, and shot stunned surprise into the hearts of his viewers.

This was a world where strength was king.

See here: someone like Ye Han, who was cruel and vile, but had god-given talent and strength, was still able to win innumerable followers and respect. What more of Chu Tian? He who was of lowly, even base, status and background would definitely win the encouraging hearts of the masses especially since they could relate to him.

There was no sliver of doubt...

That whoever the winner of today's match was...

This name would forever be remembered and celebrated by the citizens of Tian Nan City!

Chapter 36: One Versus Three!

Amidst the current flared up and lively atmosphere of the Summit Meeting, Luo Yi slowly clenched his fist, his face the ruddy shade of pig liver.

Damn it all!

This was supposed to be his stage!

And now it seemed like Chu Tian was the sole star of the show!

What was the use of training so hard for one whole year at Zhong Zhou College? Today was supposed to be the day he shined, using Tian Nan City as his stage to gain influence and reputation, so as to establish a solid foundation.

And out of nowhere came this Chu Tian!

Someone more powerful than him!

This boiled Luo Yu's blood.

"This person is wildly cruel and reckless. We cannot have him remain here." Luo Yu's brain was filled only with envy and hate. "What say we join forces, and avenge Brother Ye?"



Du Feng and Li Tian Gang didn't even have to think before blurting out the same thing. Of course this wasn't really revenge for Ye Han. What a ridiculous notion. Ye Han's death was a good thing. But still, Chu Tian was too scary, someone even more powerful and fearsome than that legendary talent, Nan Gong Yun. If they didn't eliminate him now: when?

They had to kill him!

The three of them together would definitely do the job!

"Me first!"

Li Tian Gang shot up towards the air with a loud shout, sweeping his leg in preparation. His energy metamorphosed into a powerful green leg, as if a whip, or as if a blade. It struck the floor, splitting the cement apart.


Li Tian Gang's attack hadn't even landed, both of his feet spinning wildly in the air as if a tornado. His attack was fast and complicated, making even the most observant onlookers cross eyes in confusion.

Hurricane Leg Skill, fast as wind, dense as rain. It had the sweeping force of a thousand military men.

Li Tian Gang used the vertical momentum from above to the ground, while Du Feng rushed head-on, his two fists balled with bubbling energy.

Scorching Fist!

After seeing Chu Tian's cavalier attitude, Du Feng knew that Chu Tian could not be controlled. Furthermore, he had killed Ye Han of the Ye clan, which meant that the grudge was an impassable, eternal one. If he extended any more olive branches, he would incur the wrath of Ye Xiong.

So… it would be easier to kill him.

As Du Feng and Li Tian Gang rushed to attack from the front, Luo Yu had taken stealthy steps to appear behind Chu Tian, obviously getting ready to launch a sneak attack on him.

The audience began protesting loudly.

"Three against one?"

"You're all shameless!"

"How despicable!"

Chu Tian, using his hyper-sensitive insight, was easily able to evade the onslaught of the two attackers in front of him. Facing upwards, he let off a long and loud whistle. "No grace or style in your moves, and such a weak strength, and you wanted to protect me during the match?"

Du Feng bounded over with an outstretched fist, fired up by his humiliation and fury. "Block it if you dare!"

"Why not?" Chu Tian's right arm began glowing with a white-hot energy. His entire arm began flushing red and his pores began releasing translucent white steam, having gathered an even larger amount of energy. "Get outta my sight!"

His fist as speedy as an arrow!

Its power like a bullet from a gun!

Fist Smashing the Nine Heavens!

This kind of fist was a common foundational martial arts move, but for thousands of years, nobody had been able to improve upon it. It was fairly easy to master, with a low speed and low power. It was a low-level, preliminary move martial arts fighters had to master.

Double Fist Collision!

Frightful columns of smoke and fire began spewing everywhere, shattering and raising rocks in proximity to mid-air, surrounding them from the audience's view. A loud cry sounded out from within, before a body was thrown out, crashing like a rag doll around ten or meters outside the arena. It was Du Feng's body.

His right arm had several bones jutting out, and it seemed like the distinction between flesh and blood was gone.

One hit KO!

Officially defeated in front of everyone!

Chu Tian jumped towards Li Tian Gang next, his leg as if piercing through the very fabric of the universe. And like an unavoidable whip, it struck Li Tian Gang square on the chest.


Li Tian Gang's body, as if a nail being hammered, crashed through the ground. His body was already half inside the arena stage. His bones were probably mostly broken.

"And you're arrogant enough to want to kill me with only that little bit of energy you have?"

"And you're absurd enough to be called talents with only that little bit of stamina?"

Chu Tian's booming voice reverberated through everyone's hearts.

Ye Han, Du Feng, Li Tian Gang. It didn't matter, because...

One move!

One move was all it took!

Everyone who had initially been speculated as the strongest of the talents was like a stray dog or an old chicken in front of Chu Tian. They couldn't even withstand one hit.

At this moment, Luo Yu took a slim chance. He withdrew a three-feet frosty blade from within the folds of his robe. A bright, sharp, metallic gleam under the sun revealed it to be a flexible sword. It bit Chu Tian across the back viciously as if it were a metallic and venomous snake.

"Weapons aren't allowed in the Grand competition!"

"This guy's cheating!"

Three against one was already unfair, and now Luo Yu was using weapons? With such a blatant disregard for the rules of the competition, was the Talents competition still the Talents competition?

"Hurricane Sword!"

Luo Yu's energy was focused wholeheartedly on his flexible sword and from the very tip, it released a large net made of silver sword essence. Even if what was in front was a sturdy metal lump, it would have been punctuated with several holes within milliseconds!

Chu Tian's heart stopped beating for a fraction.

This flash of silver from the sword's shadow, every column of translucent sword energy… tangible and intangible, interweaving in an indistinguishable mass, impossible to separate!

His one year at Zhong Zhou college wasn't for nothing. His energy far surpassed those three before him combined.


Chu Tian had already initiated the mode of getting into "Hyperfocus. A million things happening all at once, and everything was slowing down for Chu Tian. Even the movement of a millimetre could be seen clearly by him. He calmly observed each ray of light from the sword, studying them. He allowed his body to dart forward, backward, all in quick and successful evasion.


A few icy shadows of the blade brushed by him. One of them scratched him across the chest, but it was only a shallow scratch on the skin.

Luo Yu's eyes widened.

He could even block this?

Chu Tian was obviously not just any plain demon. He would definitely have to be killed.


Chu Tian hadn't even had the chance to steady himself when another series of sharp jabs flew at him.

Too dangerous!

Luo Yu's body already had the strength of realms. Whether it was energy, speed, or power, Chu Tian wasn't his opponent. Moreover, Luo Yu had a blade in his hand. If any blade of sword energy hit his body, Chu Tian would definitely die.

"You're dead!"

"Wind Sculpting Thrust!"

Luo Yu wasn't giving any chances to Chu Tian. His flexible sword was brimming with energy, turning it into a sword as stiff and straight as a normal one. Like a meteor out for blood, it shot at Chu Tian with unbelievable speed.

The crucial moment between life and death...

Chu Tian closed his eyes.

What? Could Chu Tian be powerless in defending himself, and was already making preparations for his death?

The moment that Chu Tian closed his eyes, a strange energy slowly began to materialise. It was as if a more powerful and superhuman sense organ was being opened. Even though he had his eyes closed, he could feel everything around him.

The flow of the breeze, the changes in the air, the microscopic movements of materials, the frequency of energy, and even the emotions of every single one of the people present. A million things, a million beings. Everything, from the spirits to the material, he could feel them, and he could understand them as easily as the back of his palm.

Nan Guan Yi noticed this change. His eyes flew wide open, as if he had seen a ghost in broad daylight.

Heart's Eye!


This feeling was Heart's Eye!

For sure!

Heart's Eye and Hyperfocus were the same, they are both realms belonging to the souls and spirits.

This kind of spiritual realm had no direct relation to strength, but in them, they had the power only countless could beg and dream of, but could never even come close to achieving.

Heart's Eye Realm was even higher in power than Hyperfocus. It was said that there were only a handful of people Zhong Zhou who could master Hyperfocus, but within the entire kingdom, no one could initiate Heart's Eye.

But Chu Tian did it!

And he wasn't even eighteen!

He wasn't even schooled in the Realm of the Awakened Soul!

Tian Nan was a small town. Even though people would sometimes hear urban legends about Heart's Eye, no one had ever seen nor could ever see it for themselves, and only Nan Yi Guan from Nan Guan clan felt it.

This boy's future was limitless!

Nan Yi Guan didn't want to interfere, but when Chu Tian initiated Heart's Eye, he changed his mind. No matter what: he had to protect Chu Tian. Even if he was kicked out of his mayorship, he would have done a spectacular thing to escort this legendary being back to his clan.

The second Chu Tian closed his eyes, Luo Yi was filled with an uneasy feeling. From within to without, from flesh to spirit, from thought to physicality, there was nothing exempt from Chu Tian's vision.

And even… his own thoughts, the very thoughts that flit through his mind, were bared for the opponent to read.

What was this?

What power was this?

Luo Yu was taken aback and filled with an uneasy doubt, but his body kept going. The blade glinted in the sunlight, still on its quest to draw Chu Tian's blood!

The second Chu Tian closed his eyes, he had read through Luo Yu's entire body. There was no flaw in his being that he couldn't see, and even the long sword in his hand was bared visibly in all its gaps and shortcomings.

These gaps and flaws were not visible to the human eye.

Chu Yuan gathered his energy onto the two fingertips of his right hand. The two fingers began glowing light gold. He waited patiently, with closed eyes, until the sword came piercing at him, violently bringing a frosty chill with it.


The silver blade was held prominently between the two golden fingers!

Chu Tian gently moved his fingers. Pa! And the silver blade broke off on the spot.


Everyone in the crowd drew in sharp breaths.

Luo Yu stood there with a dumbfounded expression, his eyes fixed on his broken sword. He was unable to comprehend it. The cold killing intent pierced through his heart, and at that moment, Luo Yu began fearing for his life.

"I surrender!"

"First, you want my life. Then, when you realize you can't win, you surrender. Do you think there's such an easy thing in life?" Chu Tian lightly flicked his finger and broken blade shards flew out, as if stars shooting through space and penetrating through Luo Yu's chest. "You only have your useless self to blame."


A trickle of fresh red blood flowed down from above.

"No, no!"

Luo Yu clutched his left chest as blood flowed out. His face was grasped by an unwilling indignation as he roared his pain, before slumping unmoving to the ground.

One move!

Still one move!

Chu Tian, facing a stronger opponent, a far crueller opponent, easily broke off his weapon. He definitely won like a badass.

"Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian!"

Countless people began cheering loudly, filling the air with deafening shouts.

This was definitely a moment for the history books in Tian Nan City!

Ye Xiong and the others, even though they weren't aware of Heart's Eye, were still stunned by Chu Tian's performance. They had never met a youth that stirred such alarm among them!

"This boy. Must. Be killed."

Translated by:

Fatty_Uncle lxnuy

Chapter 37: Emergence of Miracle Commerce

Ye Xiong gathered his Devil Wolf's spirit energy, raised his two hands high, already shattering the rocks in proximity as his energy radiated in an outwards radius. Everyone felt the pure energy whittling past them, even if it couldn't be seen, as if a sharp energy piercing through space itself, arching and shot straight towards Chu Tian with inhuman speed.


The cold energy of the Polar Bear spirit.

Xiong Bing reached out his left hand. A swirl of biting cold congealed into an icy wall, and in an ear-splitting crash, the force viciously bit into the ice wall, forcibly cracking the ice wall, marring it with wide splits, and yet… it remained intact.

Blocked by Xiong Bing again!

"Xiong Bing!" Ye Xiong howled. "You really think I can't kill him?"

A scroll full of pictures slid to the floor from a sleeve.

Ye Xiong raised his arm.


The devil wolf energy spirit, as if feeling its master's rage, violently slashed a huge paw on the scroll, a muddy golden light obliterating the scroll to fine powder that was picked away by the wind.

Nan Guan Yi, Zhang Li Qing, and Xiong Bing were all stunned silent. Did Ye Xiong destroy… Could he have destroyed Chu Tian's soul contract?

Ye Xiong's reddened eyes widened as he threw his head back in laughter. "Lowly slave! Die!"

This was an era of slaves. One city with two or three million citizens could have as much as two or three hundred thousand slaves. Even the smallest families with a bit of money could buy slaves for their services. Poor families voluntarily gave up their people to gain a slightly well-off living in return.

The prevalent buying and selling of slaves was on a big part, based on security.

Slave owners had in their possession a stamped contract holding their slave's life within. This kind of slave contract, once signed, was impossible to break. Whoever had the slave scroll was the slave's owner.

When the scroll was destroyed...

The slave's spirit would immediately crumble. No deus ex machina could save them.

Ye Xiong had initially planned to torture Chu Tian little by little until death, but now his mind clouded over with rage and revenge. Who had anticipated Xiong Bing would block him and deny him of revenge? And so he decided to directly destroy the contract and watch Chu Tian's spirit slowly crumble to disintegration; let him die painfully under the eyes of everyone.

So what if he had shocking, raw talent?

So what if he was crazy talented and once in a lifetime?

He was and would always be a lowly, vulgar slave! Humiliating Ye clan and killing the eldest, prized son, this enemy cannot- must not- be spared!

The audience stared up at the elevated stage.

One second, two seconds… ten seconds ticked by.

And Chu Tian was still standing in one whole defiant piece up on the arena.

Ye Xiong's fury and shock mingled together. What was this? Why was he not dead?

"Ha! Didn't expect this did you, you old cur?" Chu Tian grinned, looking far from someone in pain. "Ye Clan's cuckolds only have this little third-rate trick up their sleeves, but what can you do to me?"

His spirit had been destroyed, but the person was still alive?


Du Zhen Tian was unable to sit idly by any longer.

Even though the Du Clan had no direct grudge against Chu Tian, he was motivated enough to eliminate a possible threat.

"Wild thief! I'll help you!"

Du Zhen Tian released his energy spirit. His energy spirit was different compared to the others. It was shockingly pitch black double bladed hatchet five times the size of a normal one. It had a fiery destructive aura. Du Zhen Tian grabbed at empty air as if wrapping his fingers around an imaginary handle. The incorporeal black hatchet raised itself up, hurtling itself towards Chu Tian.


Chu Tian stepped aside to avoid the hit.

A black hatchet crashed down from the air down to where Chu Tian had been standing mere milliseconds ago, and the arena splintered and gave way to a huge crack. What a destructive power.

Ye Xiong, Li Zhang Yun, Du Zhen Tian: the three Soul Awakening fighters had simultaneously released attacks. Zhang Li Qing and Xiong Bing alone would be hard-pressed to defend Chu Tian. It looked like he was really in a bit of a tight spot.

Meng Qing Wu and Meng Ying Ying saw this event unfolding from afar, and their hearts seized with worry.

Why else would Chu Tian fight so hard but for their commerce? If they knew the situation would be this risky, they would have rather Chu Tian stay as a nobody and not attract all this dangerous attention.

Everything was too late now.

What should they do now?


The entire plaza was affected with vibration. A fiery and deafening roar filled the air. It was as if the world were coming to an end. The rolling echoes of the roar filled their eardrums with a piercing pain. "Do you still think I, the mayor, am important?"

A frightening intimidation swept across the entire land.

The power of red flame emitted out, a strong heat shrouded the arena, which congealed into a large spirit. The spirit looked like the mouth of a volcano, burning lava roil on it's surface, spurting hot magma, a poisonous miasma assailed the nose.

The mayor Nangong Yi made his move.

It was a volcano spirit!

The volcano represented the strength of the earth, the volcano represented the strength of nature. A volcanic eruption of sufficient magnitude could cover the entire lands under heaven, causing misery to all living things, and in the end make a whole country perish!

The spirit of the warrior represented the warrior's ability and potential!

The volcano awakened with world-shaking power, it was as if a calamity was descending onto Tian Nan City, making everybody feel alarmed.

The Nangong clan were all wielders of fire spirits.

Nangong Yun had awakened her godly Fire Phoenix Spirit and became famous in the whole continent.

Nangong Yi held the post of mayor, he was prudent and cautious. Nobody had ever seen him make a move, so nobody knew Nangong Yi's true strength and thought he was weak.

Even though the Volcano Spirit could not compare to his daughter's Fire Phoenix Spirit, it still had extreme destructive power. If one were to reach the pinnacle of cultivation, it would not be inferior to the godly spirits.

The power of the volcano.

It was still brewing!

If this power were to be released, the experts on the same level would be no match for it. From the looks of Nangong Yi's imposing manner, his power was above everybody in the field!

These Spirit Awakened cultivator could not necessarily come out victorious!

Is this the true power of the mayor?

Is this the legacy of the Nangong clan, one of the three great families?

Nangong Yi changed his usual modest and scholarly manner, he reprimanded in a tyrannical manner, "Ye Xiong, you are being impudent! Every year in the Tian Nan General Assembly, casualties are difficult to avoid. Don't tell me that only your son is allowed to kill other people, and that other people cannot make a move against your son?"

The Volcano Spirit surged, the roiling lava within seemed to be at the tipping point of erupting out, the terrible temperature and pressure made everybody in the square unable to breathe.

Nangong Yi articulated, "Who dares to mess around, don't blame this mayor for being ruthless!"

How strong!

There was no way to go against him!

Ye Xiong, Li Zhang Yun, Du Zhen Tian were not willing, but they had no choice!

After all, in this world, strength reigned supreme. Whoever was the strongest, they were like the heavens. The three people glared hatefully at Chu Tian and apologized stiffly to the mayor. They all returned to their seats.

Nangong Yi had shown clearly that he meant to protect Chu Tian.

Chu Tian was bound to live a worry-free life in Tian Nan City as long as Nangong Yi remained mayor. The three people did not dare to rashly make a move against Chu Tian.

They really did not dare!

But when did the mayor suddenly become so determined?

Ye Xiong, Due Zhen Tian had dark looks, in the end they declared angrily, "We're leaving!".

The two clan head directly withdrew, bringing their people along with them.

Nangong Yi withdrew his Volcano Spirit. For the sake of protecting Chu Tian he had offended two people. Since it already happened he did not care anymore. In a deep and resounding voice he solemnly announced, "Nobody can lay a hand on Tian Nan's number one genius, Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian!"

"Chu Tian!"

The people yelled frantically.

Their blood was boiling because of Chu Tian!

They were fired up because of the mayor's power!

Tian Nan City was only a small city in the continent, yet they had such strong powers. Prosperity was right around the corner!

Nangong Yi continued, "According to Tian Nan City's tradition, Chu Tian won first place in the Big Competition, the clan or power he represents has won a tax-free year, as well as mining resources. In addition, he has the opportunity to speak first in the Summit!"

These words were spoken.

The loud shouts subsided.

Wasn't Chu Tian representing South Cloud Commerce?

The commerce was on its last legs, on the verge of collapse, what kind of speech could he make on behalf of it?

The crowd became depressed, Chu Tian had made the atmosphere of the summit very passionate, but now would it end on such a sad note?

Chu Tian followed Nangong Yu, walking on the long red carpet, slowly making his way to the center of the square. The Big Competition was now coming to a close. The main event of the Summit was about to take place. The army, government, and business elite representatives gathered, about to announce the end of the year summary, publicly declaring their plans for the next year.

When Chu Tian stepped into the center of the luxurious square, he faced the large crowd. He did not have any stage fright, he declared in a loud voice, "Today I am here not to speak for anybody else. I am here to speak for myself!"

Chu Tian continued, "Before the mayor, before the citizens of Tian Nan City, I am solemnly announcing, the grandest commerce in the whole kingdom, Miracle Commerce! Today it is established!"

Miracle Commerce?

Never heard of it!

Not a single sound could be heard, what was this all about? What was this arrogant guy saying, calling his own commerce the grandest in the kingdom?

His own responsibility?


Chu Tian was an honest person, when he said these words, he felt apologetic. He had meant to say that Miracle Commerce would become the greatest commerce in the whole world!

Chu Tian did not pay any mind to the discussion of the people, he continued to speak in a loud voice, "Before Miracle Commerce makes a formal public appearance, I want to introduce to two sub-commerce under it!"

The commerce has just been established, suddenly there are two sub-commerce?

Chu Tian announced loudly, "The first, South Cloud Talisman and Pharmaceutical Technology Company, it's president is Meng Qing Wu, chief adviser is Zhang Li Qing and Xiong Tian Yan!"


Everybody exploded with passion!

What is he talking about? Wasn't this South Cloud Commerce?

This new commerce just swallowed up an existing name! What made people even more amazed, Zhang Li Qing, Xiong Tian Yan were both well-known as talisman maker and alchemist, unexpectedly joining this commerce on the verge of collapse!

Chu Tian continued announcing in a loud voice, "Second, Miracle Magic Restaurant Management and Co., president is Meng Ying Ying with the vice president as Nangong Yun!

Nangong Yi and Xiong Bing stared blankly for several seconds.

When they saw Xiong Tian Yan, Nangong Yun, Meng Ying Ying, Meng Qin Wu, Zhang Li Qing go up on stage and stand behind Chu Tian, the two people slowly regained their senses.

This must be some sort of dream!

Chu Tian did not give anybody a break, "Everybody must be curious, what is Miracle Commerce? Today, here, inviting Meng Qing Wu Vice President of Miracle Commerce and President of the Talisman and Pharmaceutical Technology Company to please step forward, to show everybody this product!"

Chu Tian withdrew, winking at Meng Ying Ying as if to say, how is it, big brother wasn't bad wasn't he!

Meng Ying Ying's eyes were dancing with light, her mouth was curled into a happy smile, discreetly giving him a thumbs up, expressing her satisfaction and praise!

Meng Qing Wu slowly walked up the stage. She had changed into a snow-white robe, it outlined her perfect figure, she was dignified and beautiful, her bearing was noble, worthy of being called Tian Nan City's number one beauty!

Meng Qing Wu had operated South Cloud Commerce for six years, she had encountered many events before but she never felt as nervous as she was now.

Time was moving too fast.

From the moment Chu Tian established the commerce, up to it's public announcement, it had only been ten or more days. Meng Qing Wu worked continuously non-stop but many things still needed to be done, the assembly line was still incomplete.

But some products had already come out, at least for the Summit today there was no problem.

Meng Qing Wu reflected on the events lead up to this moment and her confidence instantly increased.

At this point, a few South Cloud Commerce employees brought out a huge object, carefully bringing it up on stage. It was at least 2 zhang (ten Chinese feet, a Chinese foot is 3.3 meters) high, completely covered beneath a black sheet.

What is this?

It aroused everyone's curiosity!