216 - 223

Chapter 216: Abyss Demon Soldiers

Chapter 216: Abyss Demon Soldiers

In the next morning, the Thunder State troops assembled.

Thunder State had assembled an army of forty thousand who would charge into the captured villages, stabilizing the region and containing the demonized life forms. The three marquises would lead the most elite Storm Cavalry, taking only a single day's worth of supplies to charge into the center area like a sharp knife.

Quickly finishing the battle!

Destroying the demon stone in one fell swoop!

Countless people of Thunder State City came out to send the troops off.

This rare hundred year disaster had made Thunder State lose too much. The people of Thunder State placed all their hopes on the three marquises. They hoped that the strength of the three marquises would solve this disaster, bringing peace back to Thunder State.

The Golden Arrow Marquis calmed his people, "Everyone, there is no need to worry. The strong support of Central State and Southern State are here, we will be able to defeat the demon stone and save the demonized area of Thunder State!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

Countless citizens shouted out.

Many people shed bitter tears on the spot.

Not only had this disaster made them lose their possessions, it had also chased them from their homes and made them lose their families.

Now there was finally no need to be worried or afraid!

The Southern Summer Eight Marquis were the top experts of the Southern Summer Country!

They were considered as strong as Spiritual Gods in the mind of normal people. Now that there were three marquis mobilized, what problem couldn't they solve?

"Yi, how strange." The Divine Wind sat atop a Storm Colt and looked around. Then he asked Chu Tian near him, "Where did Chen Bingyu go?"

The Divine Wind Marquis had not seen Chen Bingyu since yesterday.

Chu Tian revealed a mysterious smile, "I had her make some preparations ahead of time, just in case there is a mishap."

The Divine Wind Marquis helplessly nodded. Chen Bingyu was his friend, so he was very clear on her personality. Even the Divine Wind Marquis had no way of ordering her, but no one expected Chen Bingyu to follow Chu Tian's orders. It really takes a monster to subdue a monster!

But then again.

What was this boy planning?

"We ask everyone to return to the city and await our success!"

"Everyone, set out!"

The Golden Arrow Marquis roared.

The war horn sounded and the three armies set off.

The strongest cavalry of the Southern Summer Country was the Storm Cavalry. Thunder State had sent out two thousand, and Central State and Southern State had both sent out one thousand and five hundred! With an army of five thousand they charged forth into the center of the disaster zone!

In this world, it was very dark and gloomy, as if it was covered in a strong evil aura.

The closer they came to the disaster zone, the more wilted the plants around them appeared to be.

The planar crack formed for a very short period of time.

Because once the crack formed, the space and time laws would immediately repair it.

If the crack had not been repaired, the abyss world would have forcefully charged through, breaking into this plane. It would be the powers of the abyss world charging into their plane with the Abyss Demon.

The more powerful the demon invaders, the worse the impact would be.

The land had been completely eroded by the abyss aura, which meant that this invading demon was very strong!

So, when the demon invaded Thunder State, the majority of the citizens died and a portion of the cultivators were turned into Abyss Demon Soldiers.

On the land polluted by the abyss aura, there will be a long term effect on the animals and plants that live there. Humans with their quick reproduction will gain a new power from their adaptability, but it will come with a cost. Their natures will become bloodthirsty and their body weights will increase due to deformities.

After three hours.

The five thousand cavalry lined up by a hill.

The flag flapped in the wind, with a seriousness filling the camp. It was the calm before the fight.

"Everyone look!" The Golden Arrow Marquis held the reins in one hand and a golden bow in the other, "In front of us is the affected White Jade City. The demon stone fell from the sky into the center of White Jade City, eliminating everyone living there. 80% of the citizens were normal people who were killed and the other 20% were cultivators who were turned into monsters."

A burnt black city was in front of them. There was a giant hole in the center of White Jade City that looked like it had been hit by a meteorite. The one strange thing was that in the center of the hole, there were green flames burning.

Everyone could clearly feel a strong consciousness and might coming from the center of the giant meteorite crater.

It was very strong!

Just like a volcano.

One that could erupt at any moment!

The Storm Colt felt restless from this aura. This kind of power was very strong and only highly demon beast mounts could resist it. If they had brought ordinary mounts with them, they would have been scared off before a fight could even occur.

"The demonized beings around this area is even more dense than we imagined." The Divine Wind Marquis looked around the area and found many Demon Abyss Soldiers surrounding White Jade City, "If the three of us fight our way in, we'll use up all our spirit energy beforehand."

The Golden Arrow Marquis nodded, "We must delay the demonized beings while the three of us destroy the demon."

It wouldn't be hard for the three Marquises to fight their way in with their cultivation bases.

The problem was, what happened if they were surrounded?

Even if the three Marquises were strong, they would quickly exhaust their spirit energy. When a cultivator lost their spirit energy, then they had no battle strength.

"I suggest we break off in three groups." The Western Marquis gave a suggestion, "One thousand to the left and right, and three thousand down the middle. The two groups to the left and right will slaughter their way around the city, clearing the blockade while drawing the attention of most of the Demon Abyss Soldiers. We will charge down the middle to the crater and kill that demon stone releasing this evil energy!"

"I think that's possible." The Golden Arrow Marquis said, "To kill the demons, the best method is to use the mobility of our cavalry and the layout of White Jade City to contain them, killing them off in one strike!"

The Divine Wind Marquis did not have any objections.

"The strategy has been decided, it's time to move." The Golden Arrow Marquis Jiang Xiong announced, "Killing demons today will be the same as killing enemies on the battlefield, with the highest contributor being reported to the Calm Martial Ruler. Do your best and don't miss this chance."

"Feichen!" The Western Marquis suddenly shouted, "Our Southern State only has a single person left, so you'll go with the Central State talents to the left."

Letting Shangguan Feichen go to the left, wasn't that causing trouble for Chu Tian?

The Divine Wind Marquis commented, "The two successors can change places, that'll minimize problems with the team."

"Humph, with Feichen there, will it cause problems with the team? What logic is this!" The Western Marquis Shangguan Hong was not giving the Divine Wind Marquis any face, "The Golden Arrow Marquis' successor, Lian Pojun, and Lian Changge have been a team for a long time, forming a tacit understanding. If we break them up now, wouldn't that decrease our battle strength?"

"There is no danger in Central State and the youth of Central State do not have battle experience. Even if Feichen hasn't been in any life or death situations, he has fought the southern barbarians for many years, breaking through the enemy lines many times. Although he can't command an army, it is more than enough for him to command a small team." Shangguan Hong said this and then arrogantly looked over at Chu Tian's group, "Of course, that is on the premise that no one purposefully impedes him."

Shangguan Hong's words were not without reason.

The Divine Wind Marquis did not see it like this. The Shangguan Family had picked two fights yesterday, losing both and causing both geniuses to be heavily injured. These two were the left and right hand of Shangguan Feichen, so how could he accept this? He would cause trouble for Chu Tian on the battlefield!

"We're facing a common enemy, there's no time for personal grudges." Before the Divine Wind Marquis spoke, Chu Tian took the initiative to agree, "Then we'll just let the Shangguan successor lead us."

Chu Tian was not afraid of being overwhelmed!

If Shangguan Feichen caused trouble, Chu Tian would have Nangong Yun cripple him!

They didn't know how strong Shangguan Feichen was, but Nangong Yun could already fight against a cultivator at the 5th Awakened Soul Layer. Feng Caidie's strength was not that much weaker compared to Nangong Yun, and there was also Yun Yao with a Soul Contracting Weapon.

The most important thing was.

There was the super bodyguard Chen Bingyu secretly guarding them!

If Shangguan Feichen was honest, then everyone would be perfectly safe. Otherwise, the one in for a bad time was himself.

The Divine Wind Marquis understood what he was thinking, so he did not say anything.

They were divided into three teams. The left was being led by Shangguan Feichen, the right was being led by Jiang Shan, and the three thousand soldiers in the middle were led by the three Marquises.

Before leaving, Chu Tian said to the Divine Wind Marquis, "The Abyss Demon is stronger than I thought. If the Marquises cannot handle it, then I suggest you break through to the east and run as fast as possible."

The Divine Wind Marquis was stunned, "What do you mean? Do you think that we cannot beat it?"

"From the current situation….." Chu Tian knit his brows as he looked at the crater, "It's hard to say!"

Could the strength of three Marquises not deal with this other world demon?

If even the three Marquises could not deal with it, then what could Chu Tian do with his power?

Chu Tian said to the Divine Wind Marquis in a serious voice, "I ask the Marquis to remember my words. If you can't win, draw it to the east."

"All troops, prepare to attack!"

Shangguan Feichen was riding in the front as the others charged forward with their Storm Colts. A thousand horses charging together was like an angry wave, charging down the hill side.

"Everyone, charge with me!"

Jiang Shan led a cavalry, charging at the right side of White Jade City from the hill side. On the withered yellow ground, two explosive cavalry forces charged forward, immediately attacking the demon beings around White Jade City.

There were thousands of Abyss Demon Soldiers around the city.

These Abyss Demon Soldiers had once been the citizens of the city.

They had been burnt black by the flames and their eyes were completely hollow. From their open mouths, there were green flames coming from within them. They had already lost their consciousness and only moved on killing intent.

When the cavalry charged forward like a flood, the ground trembled. The Abyss Demon Soldiers gave a beast like roar as the moved with a speed that a normal person could not imagine. Falling from the sky like green flaming stars, they came from all directions, colliding with the azure stream of horses.

When they were around fifty-eighty meters of the cavalry.

The azure horses collected their strength and formed an azure wind blade that was the colour of the sea, instantly passing through the demon beings. The ground was riddled with gashes as countless Abyss Demon Soldiers were sliced to pieces.

The soldiers on the backs wielded their lances.

The horse hooves was like wave!

With a thousand lances sticking out!

The cavalry soldiers increased their speed to four hundred kilometers per hour. These were elite cavalry soldiers, having quite strong cultivation bases. With this kind of high speed, even if it was a low grade Awakened Soul Cultivators protective spirit energy, it would be slowly chiseled away.

These citizens enhanced and corroded by the abyss energy, even if they weren't weaker than the cavalry soldiers, they were still instantly swept away.

The iron charge passed through flesh and blood.

The wave of cavalry passed through, spilling dark blood everywhere, and covering the ground with black limbs. After a single charge, the dense crowd of Abyss Demon Soldiers had been mostly scattered and the ground was turned black by demonic blood.

The strongest cavalry in the Southern Summer Country was truly strong, turning this into a completely one sided slaughter!

Chapter 217: Demon Flame Soldier

The Abyss Demon Soldiers were ordinary cultivators turned into demons. Although that had been strengthened by the demonization, there was still a limit to that. The strongest cavalry of Southern Summer tore through them like paper!

The thousand cavalry soldiers charged through the Abyss Demon Soldiers and ran several miles past it, before slowly decelerating.

"Turn around!"

"Continue crashing through them!"

Shangguan Feichen brandished a long pen that had a sharp head to it. It was covered in black demon blood which the battle horses were also covered in.

When the Storm Cavalry turned around.

Countless Abyss Demon Soldiers gathered in front of them, looking like a swarm of bloodthirsty ants. They condensed into a wild wave and began to charge at their prey.

There was a portion of even stronger Demon Soldiers within the wave.

The black burnt skin of these soldiers were thicker like a layer of natural formed armour. Their elbows seemed mutated and their entire forearms turned into dark blades. Whether it was their speed or aggressiveness, they all surpassed the normal Demon Soldiers.

The countless Demon Soldiers were like monkeys, quickly scaling down the collapsed city walls.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, and wild, this made people feel fear.

The suppression of the Storm Cavalry could not stop them.

It caused them to become even more fierce!

These demonized beings were not different from undead, having no sense of fear at all. Not to mention trivial human cavalry, even if there was a giant dragon in front of them, they would still dutifully charge forward!

"Kill, kill, kill!"

"Kill them all for me!"

Shangguan Feichen initiated another charge.

The blue wave crashed into the black lake as flesh and metal collided once again.

The Azure Storm Colts released a wind blade once again, destroying the strongest Demon Soldiers, dropping the attack power of the Demon Soldiers. The following elite cavalry came forth, showing off their strong battle strength.

Pointing their lances forward, the Demon Soldiers were torn apart once again.

The brave Azure Storm Colts ran over them and the Demon Soldiers became mud, being trampled into the ground.

The second charge was another success. Although the Demon Soldiers numbers continued to increase, the morale of the cavalry continued to increase. This was because the two charges had cleanly killed the Demon Soldiers, but the cavalry soldiers did not suffer any losses.

These fellows only looked scary on the outside.

They did not have any intelligence or tactics, they were just a motley crowd gathering together!

"Charge again!"

"Kill again!"

"We have to attract the attentions of these monsters to allow the three Marquises to take out the demon stone!"

Taking advantage of the plains, Shangguan Feichen led the cavalry soldiers to charge out of the encirclement before turning around at the Demon Soldiers once again. They spread out in a battle formation as they exploded at the dense crowd of Demon Soldiers once again.

The third charge was beginning!

This time something strange happened. When they had killed around a half of the enemies, from the group of countless Demon Soldiers, a Demon Soldier that was not the same as the others charged out. Its body was taller than a normal Demon Soldier and it was very fat. Its burnt black body had cracks on them that contained green flames that released an eye catching glow.

A strong, flowing power that seemed like it would burst from its weak skin suddenly burst out from its body!


A cavalry soldier charged over and and pierced the Demon Soldier with his lance, instantly bringing it several dozen meters away. The cavalry soldier was about to flick his lance and send the impaled Demon Soldier flying away.


Two hands covered in cracks suddenly gripped the spear handle.

This cavalry soldier had a bad feeling, "What is going on?" He did not even have time to think before he was enveloped by a green light.

The Demon Soldier suddenly erupted, shattering to pieces.

Green flames burst forth and instantly swallowed up several cavalry soldiers, sending them flying with their horses. Only black pieces fell to the ground, not leaving behind an intact corpse.

Everyone was shocked…..There had been a casualty!

There was a Demon Soldier that could self explode!

Glowing figures came out from the city walls. Each one was a big person that were covered in cracks with flames flowing beneath it. There were over a thousand of these Demon Soldiers that could self explode!

This is bad!

How would they fight them?

These demon soldiers would explode from being touched!

This was a difficult enemy for the cavalry soldiers!

Other than the exploding Demon Soldiers, there was another kind of Demon Soldiers that had not been seen before.

If the Demon Soldiers from before seemed like humans, these new Demon Soldiers seemed like they had been turned into demons. They no longer had skins and were completely green, being covered in flames. They had two horns on their head and revealed a cruel glow in their eyes.


The demons shot out flaming javelins. The cavalry soldiers did not even have a chance to block before they were stabbed by the javelins, falling from the horses to the ground, being crushed by the horses following behind them.

Now there were continuous long range attacks as well?

If it was like this, it was impossible for a thousand cavalry soldiers to stop them. The glowing exploding Demon Soldiers were already enough to stop them, so what should they do now?

"There are more enemies coming! We have already been surrounded and the cavalry have lost their superiority in terms of speed. We will be in danger here and must find a way to break through!" Shangguan Feichen loudly shouted before pointing the exploding soldiers in front of him, "We can't touch those fellows! Chu Tian, I'm ordering you to lead them away!"

Everyone had already experienced the might of the self exploding Demon Soldiers.

An initial Awakened Soul Realm Cultivator could not block it at all. Even an intermediate Awakened Soul Cultivator would be destroyed if they suffered enough of those Demon Flame Soldiers' explosions.

This group of Demon Flame Soldiers had at least a thousand members and the quantity continued to grow. Even if it was a True Soul Expert like Chen Bingyu, she would still be surrounded and waiting for death.

Shangguan Feichen had ordered Chu Tian to lead them away.

Wasn't this telling Chu Tian to kill himself?

Nangong Yun was the first one to argue back, "Why don't you lead them away yourself!"

"You clearly know just how dangerous these exploding demons are!" Yun Yao was very angry with Shangguan Feichen's orders, "Actually telling people to go die, what are you planning!"

Shangguan Feichen angrily said, "I am the leader of this cavalry troop and you are disobeying my orders. I can cut you down right now just based on that!"

"Fuck, you want to cut me down?" Nangong Yun angrily charged over on her horse, "Since we're all dead, then I'll just crush you with my hammer first!"

Nangong Yun was a fiery powder keg, not accepting anyone except for Chu Tian. Now this stinky Western Marquis' successor had continuously picked a fight with Chu Tian, but Chu Tian had continued to ignore him. Now he wanted Chu Tian to go die? God, if he even endured this, wouldn't Central State be considered a soft egg?


He didn't even get to say dare.

Nangong Yun appeared in front of Shangguan Feichen and her giant hammer was covered in red runes. It released an iron melting energy as it pounded down on Shangguan Feichen while glowing.

Nangong Yun was in the Illustrious Soul Realm and had a great strength. If she really hit Shangguan Feichen, even if he was not killed, he would still be knocked off the horse, being killed by the surrounding demons.

Everyone was stunned.

Was this woman crazy?

She actually angrily attacked the Western Marquis' successor with her hammer!

The Western Marquis' successor was not weak. Shangguan Feichen was as strong as Shangguan Ming. A brush appeared in the air, drawing a few strange runes that formed a net of runes.

It instantly formed a shield of runes that was thin as a cicada's wing, but it was very bright that made others feel like it was very firm.


A hammer directly crushed it.

Shangguan Feichen's face fell, "This woman is quite strong!"

The burning giant hammer continued to fall and Shangguan Feichen used his brush as a spear. It was a good thing that the shield had weakened the might of the giant hammer, which allowed him to deflect it.


The pen released several drops of black energy, but that wasn't black ink. Using the Shangguan Family's special technique, spirit energy could be condensed into dense drops. Each drop could pierce through metal ores, so even if it was the protective spirit energy of an Awakened Soul Cultivator, it would be broken through!

Peng, peng, peng!

Several deep sounds resounded!

The drops bounced off of Nangong Yun's protective starlight layer. It formed giant cracks in the barrier, but it did not shatter.

Shangguan Feichen's face fell again. This defensive cultivation technique was...Did all the people by Chu Tian's side all learn this one technique?

Nangong Yun gave a laugh of disdain, "The Western Marquis' successor is only this strong. Watch my hammer!"

She attacked with her hammer once again.

Shangguan Feichen was enraged, "You think I won't dare to kill you? Die!"

"Nangong, stop!" Chu Tian shouted. Now was not the time to fight. There were Demon Flame Soldiers all around them and the thousand cavalry were surrounded, this was no time to fight, "Let's first break through the blockade!"

"Disobeying your leader, your crime is execution!" Shangguan Feichen's face turned green, "The only way to make up for your crime is to perform merits, which is to lead away the exploding demons!"

Shangguan Feichen had only exchanged moves with Nangong Yun for a bit, but he could feel how strong the opponent was. Even if he could beat her, he would have to pay quite a high price.


A branch member of the Nangong Family had this kind of strength!

There were more and more Demon Flame Soldiers in front of them, weakening the charge of the cavalry, letting the Demon Flame Soldiers catch up from behind. The current situation was critical. Once the Demon Flame Soldiers caught up, then they would face a disaster.

"Giving such a good merit earning opportunity to me, how could I not appreciate it?!" Chu Tian shouted to Nangong and the others, "You guys follow me, we're drawing the Demon Flame Soldiers away!"

Agreeing so easily.

Shangguan Feichen couldn't ask for anything else!

It would be best if they all died while being surrounded by Demon Flame Soldiers!

Chu Tian raised his Netherworld Sword high up, "There is a great merit in front of us, let's not miss it! Charge with me!" He left the group after saying this, charging into the dense group of Demon Flame Soldiers.

Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie, and Yun Yao were all stunned. This was simply suicidal, but they believed in Chu Tian and the three of them followed behind him without any hesitation.

Who cares how many there are!

Let's charge in!

They turned their horses around as they charged into the dense crowd of Demon Flame Soldiers!

Chapter 218: The city of death

These exploding Demon Flame Soldiers were very fast, not losing to the speed of a cavalry soldier. Using its own energy to cause an explosion to attack with, this monster became a bomb that people feared!

Even if a True Soul Realm expert were to be surrounded by these explosions, they would suffer a loss!

Chu Tian dutifully left the cavalry group and charged forward with a raised sword. He ran several hundred meters and charged into the group of exploding Demon Soldiers.

Those extremely fat and ugly torn apart monsters charged forward like a seething wave. They were like wild animals discovering prey as they surrounded the four of them with an angry roar.

Nangong Yun and the others' faces all fell.

Chu Tian raised the Netherworld Sword and released a sword qi, cutting every soldier here in half. The soldiers that were cut burst into light as the vigorous energy was released, creating many giant explosions around them.

This was a crucial moment.

A small white fox jumped out to suck in the wave of energy. The green fireball seemed like it was attracted by something as it turned into two streams and disappeared into the little fox's stomach.

The flames from the exploding Demon Soldier, other than turning itself into ashes, it did not cause any damage into them.

Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie, and Yun Yao were enlightened when they saw this. It was no wonder that Chu Tian was so confident, this little fox could deal with the Demon Flame Soldiers' explosions. As long as the exploding zombie's energy did not reach a certain density, the little fox could instantly swallow it, reducing the energy below the explosion point.

Then the explosion would disappear.

Other than turning himself into ashes, it did not deal any damage to Chu Tian and the others at all.

"The little fox is great!" Nangong Yun's confidence soared, "Kill! Let's kill this entire group of monsters!"

Yun Yao controlled the Thunder Spirit Bead with her strong 5th Awakened Soul Layer cultivation and several bolts of lightning bloomed from it, attacking several Demon Flame Soldiers.

Feng Caidie activated the Wind and Cloud Sword Song and countless sword qi formed around them, forming a protective wall.

The Demon Flame Soldier was fast and it was very strong, but its body was actually very weak. It almost did not have any defense and would explode from a single attack.

The little fox went all out in using its sucking ability, making all the approaching Demon Flame Soldiers lose their explosion ability.

The four of them sliced through the over a thousand exploding Demon Flame Soldiers just like a knife slicing through a watermelon. Wherever they went, the Demon Flame Soldiers fell and they all released large amounts of flames, lighting up their bodies and their surroundings. The flames formed a sea of death, preventing all the other Demon Flame Soldiers from approaching.


Chu Tian killed his way out with his group, eliminating close to half of the Demon Flame Soldiers. The cavalry soldiers that Shangguan Feichen was leading had already disappeared from their sights.

"There are more Demon Soldiers coming, we'll be surrounded soon!"

"Of course I know this!" Chu Tian could not stay here any longer, otherwise he wouldn't be able to stop all these Demon Flame Soldiers with just the four of them, "Come with me, we'll kill our way out."

The four of them rode their horses to the east side of White Jade City.

Actually Chu Tian was not just following Shangguan Feichen's orders. He was willing to agree to kill all the block the Demon Flame Soldiers mainly because he wanted to separate from the cavalry, giving himself more opportunities and time to prepare.


The three Marquises were watching from the hill, with three thousand Storm Cavalry soldiers not moving at all. They had a panoramic view of the battle situation around White Jade City.

The Golden Arrow Marquis' successor was charging to the right side, so naturally he met a large amount exploding Demon Flame Soldiers, but Jiang Shan was the Golden Arrow Marquis' true inheritor and was skilled in archery. Even from the horse's back, he could still kill them from a kilometer away.

Jiang Shan had a White Jade Arrow Source Spirit.

When he pulled back his string, his fingers released spirit energy and formed a jade white arrow out of spirit energy. It flew out with a speed that was hard to see with the naked eye. With Jiang Shan continuing to pull the string back, constantly shooting out white jade arrows. There was not a single arrow that missed and they all hit their targets

When the exploding soldiers came over, his legs tapped the horse's stomach and Jiang Shan loudly shouted, "Prepare the arrow array!"

After saying this, Jiang Shan extracted a golden glowing arrow from his horse's quiver which was covered in complex runes. He had been using arrows made from his spirit energy and this was his first time using a real arrow.

"Meteor Arrow Rain!"

Jiang Shan shot the arrow into the sky and with a piercing whistle, the golden arrow burst apart like a firework in the sky, turning into several glowing arrows as it fell like rain. It hit several Demon Flame Soldiers who turned into explosions.

The cavalry soldiers Jiang Shan led were all Storm Cavalry from Thunder State. Most of the soldiers from Thunder State all had bows and arrows as they launched another wave of supplementary attacks.

Although there were a few fishes that escaped the net to cause injuries, it was still going very smoothly.

The Divine Wind Marquis nodded and said, "The Golden Arrow Marquis' successor has the Golden Arrow Marquis' elegance."

The Golden Arrow Marquis laughed, "This boy has great talent. When he is sent to the battlefield in the future, his achievements will be greater than mine."

At this moment.

The Western Marquis knit his brows, "Feichen is in trouble!"

The three of them looked over and saw that Shangguan Feichen's team was surrounded by ten-twenty thousand Demon Flame Soldiers. They were in a bad situation.

Then at that moment.

A few people suddenly left the team and charged right into the Demon Flame Soldiers.

The Divine Wind Marquis was shocked, "It's Chu Tian's group!"

What were they doing? Don't they know that they were putting themselves in danger?

What made them stunned was that Chu Tian brought the three of them charging forward, but not a single Demon Flame Soldier successfully exploded, as if it was suppressed by some kind of power!

The four of them had blocked over a thousand of these dangerous exploding Demon Flame Soldiers.

Shangguan Feichen led his cavalry and broke out of Demon Flame Soldiers' encirclement.

The Golden Arrow Marquis broke out in loud laughter, "Chu Tian's group had saved the entire army and eliminated all these Demon Flame Soldiers, this is a great merit!"

The Western Marquis gave an unhappy snort, "The Demon Soldiers have been drawn to the sides, we should charge into the city right now."

"It's about time." The Golden Arrow Marquis stared into the middle of the empty city, at the giant crater in the center, "Let's go!"

A horn calling for a charge came from the hill side.

Three thousand cavalry soldiers finally made their move.

The elite cavalry formed precise charging formations. When the horn sounded, they charged off the mountain, right into the center of White Jade City.

The Demon Soldiers had already sent two groups to deal with the vanguard. When a large group charged in like this, how could they be in time to block them?

The cavalry soldiers of the three Marquises easily ripped through the Demon Soldier barricade.

The Golden Arrow Marquis pulled back his bowstring and condensed golden spirit energy arrows. They were around the same size as normal arrows, but once they were released, they flew as fast as the wind, creating a storm around it, ripping the Demon Soldiers in the way to shreds.

When the arrows reached the city walls, they became seven-eight meters long and as wide as a person's waist, becoming a giant arrow. Like shredding a piece of paper, it easily passed through White Jade City's walls, creating a direct path into the city.

There was not a single common person in the Southern Summer Eight Marquises!

The Golden Arrow Marquis had shot through a wall!

"Kill your way in!"

After the Golden Arrow Marquis pierced through the wall, the cavalry charged in like a flood, appearing from that single point. Although cavalry soldiers could not display their full might in urban areas, the Azure Storm Colts were not ordinary battle horses. As long as there was street, there was enough space for them to charge in.


The Golden Arrow Marquis waved his hand.

The cavalry scattered into smaller groups that quickly charged through the streets, killing all the Demon Soldiers scattered around, buying more time for them to destroy the demon stone.

The three Marquises were saving their spirit energy to defeat the demon stone releasing the evil energy, so they did not make a move. They led several hundred Storm Cavalry Soldiers down the main street of White Jade City, charging to the center as fast as lightning, finally arriving at the giant crater.

Such a strong evil aura!

The cavalry almost could not control their mounts!

An evil and hot energy filled the air, being slowly released from the giant crater. With the cultivations of the three Marquises, they felt a burst of discomfort as they were surrounded by green sparks in the air.

"We've found the demon stone!"

"The corrupting energy is too strong, we can't stay here long, otherwise the soldiers and horses will be in danger of being demonized."

The three Marquises soared through the air and landed at the side of the giant crater.

This crater was over a thousand meters wide and had landed in the exact center of the city. The instant shockwave it caused had destroyed less than half of the structures in the city. It could be imagined just how terrifying the strength of this demon stone was.

The crater was filled with green flames that had condensed instead of scattering. It formed green crystals that had sealed off the entire crater. From the green crystal seal, not only was there a strong evil aura being released, there was also a strong life force.

Rise and fall, inhaling and exhaling.

There really was a life form inside!

Like a breeding parent being, the demon stone resting inside the crater was currently absorbing life energy from all around it, as the energy it release slowly became stronger.

Chu TIan's guess had not been wrong at all!

This monster really was slowly gathering its strength. If they followed the Calm Martial Ruler's plan to first stabilize the surrounding areas, fortifying the surrounding areas as the slowly pushed in, then it would be unknown how strong this monster would become at that point!

The earth slowly began to shake.

A strong and violent consciousness was slowly awakening from a deep slumber.

"It can feel existences outside its hole." The Divine Wind Marquis had never seen this kind of being before, "Is this the Abyss Demon that Chu Tian mentioned before?"

Abyss World.

To be able to create this kind of life form, what kind of place was it?

"There's no time! Our casualties are becoming more serious!" The Storm Cavalry were the most elite cavalry soldiers of the Southern Summer Country, with each county being able to train two-three thousand. It was not easy to train them and it would be a pity to lose them all. The Golden Arrow Marquis shouted, "Let's make our move!"

Chapter 219: Unbeatable

Whoever attacked first had the advantage!

The Divine Wind Marquis jumped out with a hurricane. Holding out his hands, he gathered a terrifying power as he released his might without any reservations.

Four blue tornadoes formed in the air, appearing around the Divine Wind Marquis. They were filled with power and looked very impressive. As they approached the crater, the wind of the world itself seemed to change.

Storm Source Spirit!

The Divine Wind Marquis had a Storm Source Spirit!

He could control storms as he wished!

The Divine Wind Marquis could summon a storm with a flip of his hand. It had a large attack range, large radius, and a powerful might, being considered the strongest out of the Eight Marquises!

The only flaw was that because it was too strong, so the Divine Wind Marquis could not fight for long periods of time. No matter what he was facing, he had to use his full strength immediately and end the fight as soon as possible.

The concentrated green flames were attracted by this power and quickly disappeared into the center of the tornadoes. Those four blue and black tornadoes quickly turned into four flaming tornadoes. Those green abyss flames released a strong glow that instantly lit up the dim sky.


The four wild tornadoes came together to form a giant tornado. With countless green abyss flames in the storm, it became a earthshaking giant wave as it attacked the large amounts of Demon Soldiers in front of them.


A large burnt mark appeared on the ground!

Countless hundreds of Demon Soldiers were burnt by the green abyss flame, not even leaving ashes.

The Western Marquis and the Golden Arrow Marquis were secretly startled. The Divine Wind Marquis had been living in seclusion in Central State for many years, but he seemed to have become even stronger. Just a casual move eliminated the energy protecting the crater, creating a good chance to eliminate the demon stone.

Open the Mind's Eye!

The Golden Arrow Marquis used his Mind's Eye to lock onto the position of the demon stone and shot an arrow with his golden bow. The green abyss flame was very strange, being close to a hundred times stronger than normal flames.

Normal flames would slowly burn whatever it came close to, but this green abyss flame had a strong destructive might. When an object came close to the green abyss flame, it was decomposed first before being completely swallowed.

For example, if a piece of metal were to fall in.

The metal would not be slowly melted from the outside.

It would suffer a strong tearing force that would turn it into powder before it was completely burnt away!

When the arrow entered the crater, it immediately began to shake and rip apart!

Of course, the Golden Arrow Marquis could not be underestimated. The arrow began to turn and a strong force protected it from the corrosion, creating a path in the flames and landing right on the demon stone in the crater.

Ka, ka!

Countless cracks formed on the dark green demon stone.

"There's an effect!" The Western Marquis, Shangguan Hong's eyes lit up when he saw this, "Shoot another arrow and break the demon stone!"

As the Golden Arrow Marquis prepared to draw his bow, the ground began to tremble. The center of the crater released a terrifying power and green flames erupted in every direction. Wherever the green abyss flames went, the ground was torn to shreds before being reduced to ashes.

"Such a strong power!" The Divine Wind Marquis' expression changed, "Be careful!"

"Let me do it!"

The Western Marquis Shangguan Hong's long pen spear filled with spirit energy. The originally hard tip became soft, just like it had been covered in a layer of ink.

He painted a huge arc in the air!

The green abyss flames that erupted out was suddenly attracted by a strong force, being completely absorbed by the arc and being sealed by the Western Marquis' strength!

The Shangguan Family's secret art – Ink Prison!

Shangguan Hong drew a barrier that could absorb energy. Not only could it absorb energy attacks, it could also compress the energy and use it for a counterattack. This was a very powerful secret art.

At this moment!

The endless amount of green abyss flames was condensed, turning into a large ball that was covered in a layer of black ink. With the Western Marquis' strength compressing it, the ball turned into the size of a fist. The energy condensed to its peak, tearing apart the space around it.

The Western Marquis loudly roared, "Bounce back!"

The jet black ball of energy shook a few times and like it was very heavy, it slowly moved out a few meters. Then it stopped in the air and the overbearing power corroded the layer of ink around it. Eye piercing light came from the large cracks and the jet black ball of energy turned dark green. Many bulges formed around it and they became bigger, forming giant tumours around it.

"What is going on?!"

Shangguan Hong was losing control, being unable to suppress this energy.

The energy ball became larger as more cracks formed on its surface.

A strong energy fluctuated, coming in waves, stirring the hearts of everyone present!

"This is bad!" The Divine Wind Marquis shouted, "Fall back!"

The Divine Wind Marquis formed two long wind whips that instantly pulled the Golden Arrow Marquis and the Western Marquis back.


A terrifying explosion sound rang out.

The green abyss flame that Shangguan Hong sealed exploded once again, with the energy creating a deep hole. The stone in the surrounding was ripped apart before being burned away to ashes.

A pillar of dark green flames filled the air, that looked like a giant mushroom suddenly bloomed in the sky above White Jade City!

The three Marquises were hit by the shockwave and they all fell to the ground, with blood coming out of the corners of their mouths.

"Ao, ao, ao!"

An angry and wild roaring came from the crater!

Another giant pillar of green flames soared into the sky that was ten times stronger than before. It was like a pillar that supported the heavens as it instantly entered the clouds. The sky seemed to light up as it directly turned dark green.

This is bad!

The faces of the three Marquises fell!

The demon's strength was much stronger than they expected. It wasn't just a little stronger, but rather something they could not deal with. The demon's strength far surpassed the Awakened Soul Realm!

The Southern Summer Eight Marquises were at the peak of the 9th Awakened Soul Layer!

If they encountered an existence above the Awakened Soul Realm, that was something only the Three Rulers could handle. Moreover, the strength that this demon displayed was possibly even stronger than the Three Rulers!

Si, si!

When the pressure was released.

Whether it was inside the city or outside the city, the horses the cavalry rode were all terrified. The horses suddenly jumped up and threw off the soldiers, turning everything into chaos.

When the sky was covered in flames, a sharp call rang.

"Be careful! It's a meteor shower!"

After the pillar of flames soared into the sky, several large rock were also thrown up. Then the rocks met the abyss flame, they fell down everywhere like a rain shower.

While the cavalry fell into chaos.

The world suddenly turned green!

When the soldiers looked up, they all revealed a look of astonishment. There was a giant flaming stone that was falling down on them.

The war horses had already disappeared!

They could not dodge it at all!


The earth trembled as a giant burning hole formed. The cavalry soldiers did not have time to run before they lost their lives.

Then, a green flaming monster stood up from the center of the crater. Its body was completely composed of flames without any flesh at all. It attacked the cavalry around it, lighting the men and horses on fire, completely charring them black.

The giant burning stones continued to fall in all directions.

Wherever the giant stone fell, there appeared a flaming demon!

The flaming demon did not have a material body and could not be hurt by their weapons. It was a life form composed from energy that could float in the air, turning its body into anything, using every part of it as a weapon…..This monster was too strong, with even Illustrious Soul Realm experts not being a match for it.


"We've lost control of the situation!"

The Divine Wind Marquis wielded a tornado to attack three-four flaming demons. When the tornado reached them, the flames were continuously resisting being extinguished. In the end, they formed two flaming demons and he had only killed the other one-two!

"This demon stone is summoning more demons! Their numbers are increasing! We have to take out that demon stone, or else the consequences will be unimaginable!"

With all these terrifying demons.

Even the three Marquises would find it hard to eliminate them all!

If they were to wreck havoc in Thunder State, then it would be a disaster!

The Divine Wind Marquis summoned four tornadoes that surrounded the three of them. All the flaming demons that tried to approach were ripped to countless pieces by the tornadoes.

The Golden Arrow Marquis drew back his bow to aim at the demon stone.

Only by breaking the demon stone could they have a slight chance of surviving.

No one had imagined that the demon stone would disappear from the crater!

"Above us!"

The three Marquises looked up at the same time. There was a house sized dark green demon stone above the three of them. It had been delivered into the sky by the pillar of flames.

This demon stone was covered in debris with flames pouring out all around it. The flames were very bright, making it look like a green sun as it fell down with a terrifying speed.

"Fall back!"

The three Marquises retreated at full speed.

The demon stone fell to the ground and caused the entire area to shake. A several dozen meter wide hole appeared on the ground with green flames being released in all directions, destroying everything around it, making the ground flat.

The three Marquises were affected by the flame shockwave.

They suffered heavy injuries from this energy attack.

The demon stone released a terrifying aura. Sounds came from within the demon stone as the dark green giant stone continued to change. It formed a body, head, arms, and legs…..Finally standing up from the ground!

The three Marquises looked up with dirty faces, feeling completely stunned!

The giant demon stone had turned into a human and was standing right in front of them. It was very tall, being over ten meters high. The three of them seemed like pitiful reptiles crawling at its feet!

This was a monster they had never heard of before!

This was the true form of the Abyss Demon?

The demon stone turned into a burning stone person, with dense flames inside of it and a dark green stone outer composition. Flames covered its surface, releasing a powerful might and a terrifying aura that the three Marquises had never seen before.

From the burning giant's body, a wild energy was released!

"Lowly and weak little other world life forms!"

The green flames giant waved its arms and countless blades formed from the green abyss flames that shot out from it.

"Just a demon from another world! Stop being so arrogant!" The Golden Arrow Marquis shot an arrow that turned into a dense web of arrows that fell like a storm against the monster's body, "Die!"

The Western Marquis also used his pen to draw a seal covered in destruction energy that fell onto the giant, "Death Seal!"

"Wind and Cloud Sword Song!" The Divine Wind Marquis summoned thousands of streaks of sword qi. The sword qi condensed into a single arrow that shot at the head of the green flame giant.

The three Marquises attacked with all their might.

The green flame giant's outer layer suffered a bit of damage and deformed a bit. However, it quickly covered the spots that had been damaged and returned to normal, not being injured at all!

"Too strong!"

"We are not its match at all!"

The hearts of the three Marquises trembled. This monster really was impossible to beat!

The green flame giant released strong spiritual fluctuations as if it was laughing at these overconfident other world beings. Although it still was far from restoring its strength, to deal with these small life forms, it already had more than enough strength!

The Western Marquis already lost all thoughts of fighting back, "Retreat! Otherwise we will all die!"

The Golden Arrow Marquis was unwilling, but he did not have a better choice, "We have to ask the Three Rulers to solve this!"

"We can't!" Only the Divine Wind Marquis gripped his fists. He remembered Chu Tian's words, "This Abyss Demon has just passed through realms and it's in a heavily injured state. If we give it time to recover, then maybe even the Three Rulers will not be its match!"

"Then what can we do! We'll die if we stay here!" The Western Marquis did not want to die here.

The Divine Wind Marquis gritted his teeth, "We have to draw it out of the city at least!"

The Golden Arrow Marquis was stunned, "What does this mean?"

"There's no time to explain!" The Divine Wind Marquis shouted to the others, "Let's go, we'll draw it out of the city!"

Chapter 220: Luring the enemy

While the three Marquises and the Abyss Demon were fighting, Chu Tian was already several kilometers away from White Jade City. A wild aura came from White Jade City that engulfed their position like a fierce tidal wave.

"Si, si!"

Their horses lost control with fright and were running around on the grass plains. It took quite a bit of effort from them before they could calm down their horses.

At this moment, a pillar of green flames soared into the sky from the city and the sky was completely covered in green flames.

Countless little meteorites fell down like a rain shower. They could feel the tremors even from here, and they were shocked by this terrifying scene.

"My god, what is that!"

When Nangong Yun turned around, she saw a giant demon stone ascend the flame pillar before falling down to the side.


The land shook once again!

A kind of ancient and evil power was continuously released. Even the three Marquises working together would have problems fighting this monster.

"It seems like it's not wrong." Chu Tian saw the demon stone crashing and the fire rain, then he revealed a strange look in his eyes. It was as if he had confirmed something, "This is a kind of elemental Abyss Demon named "Hell Fire". It is a lower tier demon of the Abyss World."

"Lower tier demon?" Yun Yao found this hard to believe, "Why does this lower tier demon have this kind of power!"

"The beings of the Abyss World cannot be imagined by people of this small kingdom." Chu Tian paused here, "The lifespan of this Hell Fire demon is very long and it has lived by stealing and swallowing others for a long time. If this was a ten thousand year old Hell Fire, then it could easily eliminate the Southern Summer Country."

Yun Yao asked, "How strong is this thing?"

Chu Tian looked over at the city, "According to my estimations, it shouldn't even be a thousand year old. If it wasn't for the fact it had just passed through the planar crack and was seriously injured, we wouldn't even have a chance to run away."

Feng Caidie's heart tightened and she couldn't help worrying for her father, "What should we do?"

"The three Marquises will not be able to defeat this Hell Fire, but they will be able to consume some of its power. We need to take advantage of this time." Chu Tian calmed his horse and then continued forward to the east, "Come with me!"

After charging forward a few more minutes.

A small valley appeared in front of them.

A mature and beautiful black clothed woman had been waiting for a long time. She had several long array flags in her hand, each one glowing with a red source energy array on it. It seemed like there was an energy sealed within that could be released at any moment.

"Yi? Isn't this Aunt Chen?" Nangong Yun felt this was strange, "Why are you here!"

Chu Tian asked, "Did you prepare the array flags?"

Chen Bingyu nodded, "They've been placed according to your arrangements!"

Array flags as the name stated were items used to form arrays. They would be widely used in the next few thousand years.

Array flags already had source energy arrays infused in them. When they needed to be used, they just needed to be placed on the ground and the sealed energy would be released, letting the source energy array was instantly spread around.

Using the flags to create arrays made everything much easier, letting them form arrays wherever they were inserted. There were no terrain or environmental barriers and most array flags and talismans were all disposable items.

Chu Tian had made a total of fourteen array flags, four of which he placed on the four sides of the mountain and the other ten were in Chen Bingyu's hands.

Chu Tian nodded, "Alright, everyone make your preparations. We will be going all out and hopefully the array will work!"

Yun Yao was doubtful, "The Abyss Demon is so strong, will the array have any effect?"

"These flags are made with divine blood and we'll use the power of the Spiritual God to suppress the Abyss Demon, so I think it should be more than enough." Chu Tian looked at the shaking city, "After Hell Fire and the three Marquises fight, its strength will be decreased which will increase our chances of succeeding!"

Feng Caidie asked, "With our distance from White Jade City, how will we lure the demon over?"

"There's no need to worry, I have already sent the bait."


The three of them noticed that the little fox that never left Chu Tian's side had disappeared from sight!




The Hell Fire Demon was too terrifyingly strong, with every attack creating a large hole in the ground.

The troops of three states had been routed and most of the soldiers had lost control of their mounts before being killed by the Demon Soldiers and flaming demons. There were a few that were lucky enough to escape the city with their lives.

"Black Ink Seal!"

As the Hell Fire Demon chased after the three Marquises, it stepped onto black ink and the black ink instantly surrounded its body, forming many small runes all over it. The flames on Hell Fire's body diminished like it had been sealed.

"Frozen Arrow!"

The Golden Arrow Marquis seized this chance to shoot several blue glowing arrows that flew out like streaks of light at the Hell Fire Demon. It was quickly covered in ice.


The Hell Fire Demon gave a wild roar!

The green flames on its body burned as it melted the ice and dissipated the black seal, as if it wasn't affected at all. Its right fist condensed strong flames and shot a giant fireball at the three of them.

"Hurricane Strike!"

The Divine Wind Marquis lifted his hands and released a violent hurricane. The flames entered into the hurricane and it directly swallowed it. The three Marquises were knocked back by the flames and suffered even heavier injuries. Moreover, they were running out of spirit energy.

Even if the Abyss Demon was very weak, it had strength surpassing the Awakened Soul Realm. Although it was very fierce, it still had most of its strength, which the three Marquises could not compare with!

"Let's try harder!"

The Divine Wind Marquis' blue robe was scorched, his arms were covered in blood, and his long hair was completely scattered. It could be said that he was in a unprecedented disaster, but he still did not give up.

If they couldn't destroy the demon.

Not only would the Southern Summer Country lose the Thunder State region, with the Abyss Demon's intelligence and its cruel nature to slaughter and plunder, it was a very big hidden danger!

The Western Marquis and the Golden Arrow Marquis couldn't keep going.

"Feng Yuntian, what are you trying to do!" Shangguan Hong angrily reprimanded, "This monster is too strong, only a Ruler will be able to fight against it!"

The Golden Arrow Marquis gave the order to retreat, "We can't make any unnecessary sacrifices!"

The Divine Wind Marquis expressionlessly said, "Then retreat. I must draw it out of the city!"

After saying this.

The Divine Wind Marquis flew into the air and sent several wind blades at Hell Fire. The Hell Fire Demon gave an angry roar. This weak little being was too hateable, not only was it stopping its recovery, it was was also continuously pestering it!

Why was this other world's being so stupid?

He knew its defense could not be broken through, yet he continued to struggle and harass it...This was simply bringing about his own destruction!

Since you want to die!

Then I will help you!

As long as I swallow your strength, I will become several times stronger!

The Hell Fire Demon released an even stronger power and the wild wind blades were smacked away like rain drops!

"We can't stop it!"


The Western Marquis and the Golden Arrow Marquis decided to run.

The Divine Arrow Marquis who insisted on waiting finally flew out of White Jade City while being chased by the Hell Fire Demon. That burning body hit the city wall and the walls were completely demolished, creating a giant hole for Hell Fire to walk through.

He was almost out of spirit energy!

The Divine Wind Marquis had reached his limit.

The Hell Fire Demon was coming in sight.

This is bad!

At this crucial moment, a group of ash grey fog appeared and it turned into a cute little white fox.

The little white fox jumped into Hell Fire's face and took in a deep breath!

The fire on Hell Fire's body was instantly drawn away, being half sucked away by the little fox.

"It's Chu Tian's fox!"

The Divine Wind Marquis never expected that he would be saved by this common fox.

The little white fox's method was like a pervert suddenly forcing a kiss onto a young girl. How could the Hell Fire Demon not fly into a rage?


The Hell Fire Demon released green abyss flames from its mouth.

The fox then disappeared and immediately reappeared behind the Hell Fire Demon. It took in another breath and the flames on Hell Fire's body dissipated some more.

"Ao, ao!"

Hell Fire had been thoroughly enraged.

It gave up on the Divine Wind Marquis and wildly attacked the little fox that scurried around.

The Divine Wind Marquis took this chance to walk on the wind and quickly retreat. He gave a long sigh in his heart, "I have already reached my limit, it all depends on you now!"

The flames on Hell Fire's body became several times stronger and it turned into a flaming giant.

The little fox could not stop and immediately turned around.

Hell Fire did not have a high intelligence, but it knew that the little fox was drawing it out of its stronghold. The most urgent thing was to recover its strength and it did not have time to chase this pest. It recalled its strength and then prepared to return to White Jade City.

The little fox came back to take another inhale.

Hell Fire flew into a rage.

This being was not strong and its absorbing ability was like nibbling to Hell Fire. The little fox's absorbing power was not good and it could not kill Hell Fire like this, but it was like being stung by a hornet while trying to sleep, it was very annoying!


I'll kill you first then!

Hell Fire completely gave up on chasing the three Marquises and focused on chasing the little fox.

The little fox drew Hell Fire like this over two mountains before finally arriving in the little valley.

Actually, the little fox could not keep using its teleporting movement technique. At this moment, it was completely exhausted.

Hell Fire could feel that the little fox was quickly becoming weaker.

Hateable fellow!

You can die now!

Hell Fire raised a foot, preparing to stomp the little fox to death.

From the four directions of the little valley, red lights suddenly appeared. The four lights formed an array that overlapped on Hell Fire.

These flags released source energy arrays that overlapped like a spider web. It connected on Hell Fire's body and the red lines began to seal Hell Fire, making the flames on his body weaker.

What was happening?

The Hell Fire Demon was shocked!

This power was not strong...but it was able to seal it!

Chapter 221: Killing the demon with an array

Chapter 221: Killing the demon with an array

Thunder State City, countless people were anxiously waiting for the news!

"It's a disaster!"

"The three Marquises lost!"

"Thunder State's Storm Cavalry has been decimated!"

"Thunder State is done for. The demon will be attacking soon. Run, everyone run for your lives!"

"The Western Marquis' son, the Golden Arrow Marquis' son, the Divine Wind Marquis' only daughter, and the geniuses participating in the battle have all disappeared!"

The entire Thunder State City was about to explode!

There was a small group of Storm Cavalry that made it back. They were all covered in black smoke with torn flesh and they were bleeding everywhere. It looked very terrible and everyone was shocked.

"The demon is about to attack!"

"Everyone, run!"

The panic spread faster than an epidemic and in only a few hours, the entirety of Thunder State City was filled with fear. Everyone gathered their families and their possessions as they quickly prepared to run.

Such a large scale retreat had never occurred before in the history of Thunder State. If everyone left Thunder State City, wouldn't Thunder State City become a dead city?

This was the Main City of a county!

The Thunder State soldiers went forward to stop them.

When the crowd was blocked, the close to boiling crowd began to riot out of fear and anger.


"You don't have the skills to protect Thunder State City and you won't let us run!"

"Before we die by the demon's hands, we'll die by your hands. Why don't you make it quick!"

The countless angry rioters attacked the army and Thunder State City fell into chaos. Countless houses were lit and the soldiers surrounded the rioters, beating several of them to death.

"Mom! Mom!"

A girl with pigtails had been separated from her family and was sitting in the chaotic streets crying.

"A great misfortune on Thunder State, a great misfortune on Thunder State!"

"Who can save Thunder State!"

An old man looked at the dark sky of Thunder State City and gave a few sad roars. Spitting out a mouthful of blood, he fell to the ground.

Meng Yingying was standing in the streets, feeling completely stunned.

Why was this happening?

How could they lose!

This was impossible!

Lin Mu and Fang Han rushed over, "Second miss, this place is dangerous. We should retreat."

"No, Chu Tian isn't back yet!" Meng Yingying said with a firm look, "If he doesn't come back, then there is still hope!"

When they saw Meng Yingying's firm expression, the two of them revealed helpless looks.

It wasn't that they didn't believe in the boss!

The problem was….even the three Marquises had lost.

While Thunder State City fell into a riot, the Divine Wind Marquis, the Western Marquis, and the Golden Arrow Marquis returned to the city. The three of them had dirty faces and looked like beggars, not having any elegance of a marquis.

"Stop!" The Western Marquis flew into a rage, "Are these rioters trying to revolt? Who'll follow the kingdom's laws if we don't kill them!"

"Forget it!" The Golden Arrow Marquis gave a long sigh, "There no need to blame them. As the protector of Thunder State, this marquis could not protect them. It is all because of my incompetence."

The Golden Arrow Marquis announced, "Open the gates and let the citizens escape!"

The Divine Wind Marquis gave a heavy sigh.

The countless injured soldiers were stunned by the Golden Arrow Marquis' orders. Where was the old invincible Golden Arrow Marquis? At this moment, with his broken armour, his entire body had been charred black!

With the extra marquises here, how could this be? How could this be!

Pa, pa!

The spears were thrown to the ground.

Countless soldiers joined the ranks of the people running away.

Who wanted to leave the place they lived in for so long? Who wanted to live a life of wandering aimlessly! However, Thunder State was no longer safe. Other than running away, what other choice did they have!

The three Marquises silently watched the chaotic Thunder State City.

This was their first time feeling so weak!

"Feichen is not back, so he is probably lost in all the chaos." The Western Marquis knit his brows, "Damn! I shouldn't have come to the turbid waters of Thunder State!"

The Divine Wind Marquis stared off into the distance. Although it wasn't very likely, he was truly hoping that young man could once again make another miracle.

Thunder State was one of Southern Summer's eight counties.

Once they lost Thunder State, the national strength would decrease. Southern Summer was fighting the Spirit Beasts to the north and was already in a dangerous situation, so how could they suffer such a large attack?


No one knew.

The chief criminal of this disaster was currently trapped in a small valley.

The Hell Fire Demon was born in the Abyss World, which was a world without any principles. It only knew how to kill and plunder!

How could it know the methods of other world beings?

Chu Tian, Yun Yao, Feng Caidie, and Nangong Yun all took a corner of the valley.

Everyone was holding an array flag that was releasing a giant array, which was sealing the Hell Fire Demon. This array was formed by the diluted divine blood, so while the array was not very strong, it still contained the weak power of a Spiritual God!

The Hell Fire Demon was trapped by this power.

It did not know how to fight back, but its instincts told it that if it did not escape, it might be in danger!


While Hell Fire was feeling restless, it suddenly took a step forward. The Hell Fire Demon was very strong. When Nangong Yun and the others felt this strength, they almost felt the array flag being forcefully pulled out of their hands.

"Hold it tight!"

"You can't let go!"

"If you do, we will all die!"

Chu Tian's feet were embedded into the ground as he gritted his teeth and gripped the flag. The other three were also resisting Hell Fire, fighting with all their strength.

The Hell Fire Demon had fought with the three Marquises and chased the little fox, spending a large amount of its strength. Right now, it was very hard for it to escape from the array.

The Hell Fire Demon roared into the sky.

Several wandering green flaming demons were summoned from afar, immediately rushing to the little valley. These flaming demons had strength comparable to the Illustrious Soul Realm, so they couldn't be underestimated.

"Don't be affected!" Chu Tian shouted, "This fellow is almost out of strength, we just need to hold on a little longer!"

When the green flaming devils arrived at the little valley, the little white fox charged in front of them and sucked in most of their energy. Then a black figure followed by snowflakes fell from the sky. When the green flaming demons were attacked by the countless snowflakes, they immediately shattered to pieces.

The Hell Fire Demon struggled several times only to end in failure. It's strength was slowly becoming weaker.

"It's almost done!" Chu Tian ordered, "Go Chen Bingyu!"

Chen Bingyu immediately pulled out a small flag and leaped into the valley.

The Hell Fire Demon sent a fist at her, but whether it was the speed or power behind it, it had all been reduced.

Chen Bingyu easily avoided the attack and circled around behind the Hell Fire Demon. Jumping up, she placed the flag.

A large chunk of the fire on Hell Fire's back was extinguished. With the little flag in the center, countless blood red energy filaments instantly spread halfway around its back.

A mountain like pressure fell onto it.


The Hell Fire Demon fell to the ground and it struggled to stand up several times. Chen Bingyu pulled out a second flag and once again began to move.

Unexpectedly, the Hell Fire Demon's head suddenly turned 180 degrees and sent a green fireball at her.

Chu Tian was shocked, "Be careful!"


Fog suddenly appeared!

The little fox suddenly appeared in front of Chen Bingyu and swallowed the fireball into its stomach. There was a clear rise and its little stomach became much rounder.

"Good work!" Chu Tian then ordered, "Insert it into the knee!"

A flag was inserted into Hell Fire's knee.

Suddenly, blood red filaments appeared surrounding its right leg. Hell Fire was completely kneeling on the ground with no way of standing up.

The four of them felt a kind of relief.

The Hell Fire Demon no longer had the ability to resist.


Chen Bingyu inserted a flag into the right shoulder and the blood red filaments lit up. It entwined the demon's arms, making it lose all the strength in its arm.

Each array flag had an array inscribed on it.

These arrays were formed from the Spiritual God's power and the Hell Fire Demon's strength had been completely suppressed, not having a mean to fight back at all. No matter how strong the Hell Fire Demon was, whether it was ten thousand or one hundred thousand years old, in the face of a Spiritual God, they were nothing more than ants.

"It can't hold on! Let's keep going!"

Under Chu Tian's instructions, the array flags were inserted into Hell Fire's body.

There were a dense amount of blood red filament on Hell Fire's body, making it lose all of its demonic power. There was only a dark green body releasing smoke, not being able to release any green abyss flame at all.

"Ice Soul Palm!"

Chen Bingyu released a palm.

The dark green stone was completely still.

This thing was quite firm!

Chu Tian shouted, "You can't break its body, so don't worry about the other layer. The Hell Fire Demon has a demon heart inside which is its core, destroy it!"

Chen Bingyu looked past the dark green stone shell, looking inside the Hell Fire Demon. There was a heart valve beating according to a certain pattern that was slowly transporting energy around its body.

"Don't kill me!" The Hell Fire Demon send out a wave of energy, "I will become your servant!"

Nangong Yun and Feng Caidie was shocked.

The Hell Fire Demon was very strong. If it could restore its strength, then it might even be above the Three Rulers. If it could be used for humans, then it would be a very strong goon.

"Do you think I would believe an Abyss Demon?" Chu Tian gave a cold laugh and was not moved at all, "Do it!"

Chen Bingyu released her Snowflake Source Spirit and condensed a giant ice cone that pierced through the demon's life source.


The Hell Fire Demon gave a pitiful cry.

The stone shell slowly collapsed like bricks losing its foundation as they instantly turned into stones.

It's dead!

This incomparably hard to deal with monster that even the three Marquises could not fight had actually been defeated by Chu Tian's array. Although they had killed the Abyss Demon, the four of them were exhausted. Even Chen Bingyu had lost all her spirit energy, losing all of her battle strength.

"It died?"

"We won!"

"We actually won!"

"Father will definitely be proud of us when he finds out!"

Nangong Yun, Feng Caidie, and Yun Yao cheered with excitement.

Although they had only been helping, the incredibly strong Hell Fire Demon had been destroyed by their hands. Everyone would have been proud of this!

The little fox licked its claws as it waved it big furry tail.

Its sparkling eyes were staring at Hell Fire's corpse.

Suddenly, its eyes lit up.

The little fox spat out a little wooden man. Holding the little wooden man in its hands, it jumped onto Hell Fire's corpse, it forcefully shook it.

A purple coloured thing came from Hell Fire's corpse.

Nangong Yun asked in a surprised voice, "What is that little thing doing?"

Chapter 222: Swallowing the Abyss Flame!

Chapter 222: Swallowing the Abyss Flame!

"Soul Puppet?"

Chu Tian recognized the item in the little fox's hands. This was an extremely precious item that could substitute a body to carry a soul. When the little fox sucked out the Hell Fire Demon's soul, the normal Soul Puppet now had the spectre of the Hell Fire Demon.

The little fox gently blew the puppet.

The Hell Fire's soul was blown out. With a flash of light, it instantly changed form and a small Hell Fire appeared in front of them.

This Hell Fire was not as strong as it was before it was killed, but from the aura released, it was very strong. It was at the level of being able to fight one of the Southern Summer Eight Marquises.

The most important point.

The Hell Fire did not have a consciousness.

It was completely controlled by the little fox.

Feng Caidie and Nangong Yun were both shocked. What kind of magic art was this? It could contain the Hell Fire's soul and summon a new Hell Fire Demon!

The little fox gave a few happy cries.

The Hell Fire Demon returned to the puppet and came back to the little fox's hands before it swallowed it back to its stomach.

Chu Tian rubbed his chin.

This technique seemed like it came from an ancient demon clan.

After being with Chu Tian for so long, did the little fox finally awaken a new skill?

Chu Tian asked, "You were hiding in the Trial Tower just to exchange for this puppet?"

The little fox proudly nodded, looking like he was the greatest.

"Then why didn't you tell me earlier!" Chu Tian smacked down on its head, "Do you think I would steal this broken toy?"

The little fox revealed a look of despise. Who would have known that!

Chu Tian continued to say, "This soul summoning technique seems to be from an ancient demon clan. I never thought that a fellow like you would be able to evolve a skill like this. Since it's like this, why did you call back the Hell Fire Demon?"

The little fox gave a few gestures.

This little fox's technique had limitations.

The Soul Puppet was a top class soul storage item, but the best time to take a soul was while the being was alive. This way, the soul would be new and full of life, so it could be used for a long time.

After the Hell Fire Demon was killed, its soul was now in a decomposing state. Even though the little fox stored it into the Soul Puppet, it could last another two months at most.

Once the soul withered away, it would no longer be of use.

The little fox could call out the Hell Fire Demon three or four times at most. Because it had used one time as a test, there were only three times left, so unless it had to, the little fox was not willing to use it again!

The price of this Soul Puppet would not be cheap.

But from the effect of the Soul Puppet, it was considered reasonable for the little fox to exchange for it.

At least with the Soul Puppet and the Hell Fire's soul, the little fox could display battle strength at the 9th Awakened Soul Layer!

"This time I won't argue with you." Chu Tian fiercely said to the little fox, "Don't let there be a second time!"

The little fox obediently nodded, but in its heart it thought, who would know!

Nangong Yun looked at the stone all around and said, "What do we do with this?"

"This is material from the Abyss, not being damage by the Abyss Flames over a thousand years. It is a very good item, so we will have to take it."

Everyone agreed with this.

How strong was Chen Bingyu?

Chen Bingyu's full force palm attack could not do a thing to it.

Just from this point, it could be seen how strong the Hell Fire's outer layer of stone was. As well, this stone was strong enough to pass through space without tearing and could withstand the burning of the green abyss flames for all those years, it was enough to prove just how firm and resistant to temperature it was.

"These stones are just extra gifts." Chu Tian said in a mysterious voice, "The reason why I was willing to take a risk and come to Thunder State was mainly because of this Hell Fire Demon."

In the Abyss World, the Hell Fire Demon wasn't even considered a high class demon.

There were countless demons in the Abyss World that were stronger than it. However, for creatures of other planes, the Abyss World could not be explored at will. So life forms of the Abyss World could not be found at will.

This Hell Fire Demon was naturally very precious.

The Hell Fire brought materials from the Abyss World out for Chu Tian. However, what Chu Tian was the most interested in was the Hell Fire Demon's heart.

The Abyss World's environment was very special.

The Abyss was a world of chaos, with a myriad of things being born.

Under the environment of the Abyss, there would be many natural treasures being born, as well as many beings being born without parents. The Hell Fire Demon was one of those naturally formed beings.

This being could not reproduce or split like the elemental spirits. Their essence was formed when the abyss aura was condensed to a certain point and a special opportunity presented itself, creating a fire seed.

This natural fire seed contained a strong abyss aura, gradually forming a consciousness and wandering the Abyss World. By swallowing energy, it continued to grow, evolving into a flaming meteor that plundered everything in the Abyss World.

After the Hell Fire Demon was killed, its consciousness disappeared, but the fire seed still persisted and could form another Hell Fire Demon after a thousand years.

As for the demon heart, it was the life source of the demon.

The Abyss World was dangerous and if a demon wanted to survive in this environment, they had to protect their weak point. Most of the Abyss Demons were hard to kill. Whether it was breaking their arms, legs, cutting off their head, or even being chopped to eight pieces, it was difficult for them to die.

The reason was very simple.

Abyss Demons had a special technique that condensed all their life energy into a core. Their life energy, soul, and consciousness were placed in the core. As long as the core was not destroyed, their arms and legs could be broken, and even their heads could be cut off without them dying.

That core was the demon's heart.

When Chu Tian placed the black rocks into the gourd, he found four-five pieces of the demon heart. Chu Tian revealed a look of joy. Although this demon wasn't very strong, this was still very useful to the current Chu Tian.

He had also found a green crystal that was the size of a fist.

This was not a crystal, but rather a dense cluster of flames and the source of the Hell Fire's strength – the fire seed!

This Abyss Fire Seed was very strong and contained the Abyss Energy. The most important thing was the natural Abyss Flames was a material suited for Chu Tian's «Netherworld Flame Sword»!

If he swallowed these flames, his sword art could reach the Large Success Realm!

From the reports of Thunder State's situation the Divine Wind Marquis gave him, Chu Tian already had a good idea of the Abyss Demon's status. This fire seed was the main reason why Chu Tian was willing to join this dangerous mission!

The «Netherworld Flame Sword» was an ancient sword art from the Netherworld Sword he obtained in ten thousand ancient corpse tomb. It was a remnant of an ancient sword art, but it was still very powerful. While Chu Tian had been practicing it, he made several changes that increased the strength of the original sword art by several times!

The «Netherworld Flame Sword» was a little similar to the «Starlight Immortal Body». Only if there were enough resources could it be properly cultivated. Chu Tian had found this rare chance, so how could he give it up?

This risk had been worth it!

"Help me keep guard." Chu Tian pulled out the Netherworld Sword, "I will absorb the fire seed!"

The Hell Fire Demon was already dead, so the fire seed was quickly weakening. Chu Tian did not have time to bring it back to the city to refine, so he was directly refining it on the spot!

Chu Tian placed the fire seed on the ground and then looked at the ice blue sword blade, "The Abyss Flame is not weaker than the Netherworld Ghost Flame, and is even a grade higher. Now it will all depend whether you can take it or not."

After saying this.

Chu Tian stabbed the sword into the fire seed!

A final wail came from the fire seed as the last chance for the Hell Fire Demon to revive was shattered. A great strength surged forth, spreading out in all directions!

Green flames were absorbed from the fire seed, slowly following the edge of the blade.

Chu Tian could clearly feel that the Netherworld Sword was excited and nervous. It was excited because this power was too delicious, and if it could absorb this power, the Netherworld sword would recover half its strength, returning to the Soul Contracting Weapon level. It was nervous because if its strength was not high enough, it would not be able to stop the attack of the Abyss Flame and would be burned away in the end.

A blue flame was released and the two flames entwined. They were both pushing and pulling, swallowing each other, engaging in an intense battle.

In terms of quality, the Abyss Flame was not lower than the Netherworld Flame.

The Netherworld Ghost Flame had a consciousness and could become the spirit of the Netherworld Sword.

The Abyss Flame also had a consciousness and that was how it changed into the strong Abyss Demon.

Without a doubt, the Abyss Flame could survive on its own and even become a demon. In terms of strength, it was clearly stronger than the Netherworld Ghost Flame!

But the Abyss Flame was in a weakened state and the Netherworld Flame had the home advantage, so it slowly suppressed the green flames.

The Abyss Flame was slowly being absorbed by the Netherworld Flame.

However, while the Abyss Flame had no confidence in winning, it still made its last stand. While the Netherworld Flame was absorbing the Abyss Flame, the abyss aura was released and its nature began to change.

The Netherworld Sword continued to shake!

Following it, a strong power suddenly entered Chu Tian's body.

While the Abyss Demon was being absorbed by the Netherworld Sword, a strong spiritual energy was being sent into Chu Tian's body. Chu Tian could clearly feel how strong it was and it even made Chu Tian break through his bottleneck.

Chu Tian revealed a look of joy.

This spiritual energy was very pure, being enough to let him break through to the 4th Awakened Soul Layer!

This was only natural. The Abyss Demon was so strong and after Chu Tian absorbed its power, he could easily break through a small bottleneck!

Chapter 223: Demon lackey

Chapter 223: Demon lackey

With the large amount of spiritual energy within him, Chu Tian could clearly feel that he was about to break through his bottleneck.

But being out in the wilderness, it wasn't a suitable place to break through. Chu Tian used a method to seal the spiritual energy in his body. Since the energy could not escape, was there a need to rush?

Pulling out the sword, the fire seed cracked apart, turning into bits of ordinary stone.

The Netherworld Sword was like ten thousand year old ice, shining like a mirror made of ice. It was surrounded by a layer of faint black qi that seemed to slightly distort the air itself…..This was the abyss aura!

When the sword absorbed the abyss fire seed, not only did it become stronger, its quality had also changed.

When Chu Tian activated his sword technique, a flame came from the sword blade. That flame was still blue, but it was even brighter, like flawless blue crystals.

Sending out a blue flaming sword qi.


The large stone in front of him was cut in half.

There were residual flames on the sliced rock and the flames quickly began to grow. The giant rock was swallowed by the flames, being turned into ashes, leaving not a trace of the rock behind.

So powerful!

Although the Netherworld Ghost Flame had been incubated in the Spirit King for countless years and had a certain corrosive property to it, it was not this strong.

Now it had completely changed.

The flame was still cold, not having any heat at all, but now it could decompose materials, dealing even more damage.

If it were the former Netherworld Sword, all kinds of defensive cultivation techniques could stop it. However, the current Netherworld Sword not only possessed combustible spirit energy, once it came in contact with something, it would continuously damage it. It was a very difficult weapon to deal with!

There was no doubt!

Chu Tian's sword was stronger now!

The rending effect of the green abyss flame and the corrosive effect of the Netherworld Ghost Flame had been kept to form this brand new Abyss Netherworld Flame. Even someone practicing the Starlight Immortal Body like Nangong Yun would find it hard to block the Netherworld Sword.

It wasn't just this.

The Netherworld Sword's spirit had been restored.

A spirit had its own consciousness. A normal weapon spirit was refined with a demon beast's spirit, increasing the power of the weapon and maintaining the weapon itself.

The Netherworld Sword's spirit was a innate spirit flame and was in sense a elemental life form, not just a spirit body. Since it was a complete life form, it should be able to leave the weapon!

Chu Tian thought of the summoning technique he practiced before...He might as well try it!

Spirit energy continued to enter the sword and blue crystal like flames was quickly released. Like a river flowing forth, the flames condensed together into the shape of a human.

"It's a flame demon!"

Nangong Yun and the others called out in a surprised voice.

This form condensed from the blue flames was like the little demons that the Hell Fire Demon had summoned, only the flames of this flame demon was blue. It did not have the same flames as the green flaming demon.

The little fox was surprised. Was he teasing this fox?

This fox had only felt superior for a few minutes, so how could the master learn how this summoning technique already? If the master was so abnormal, how could this fox live it down!

Nangong Yun asked in a surprised voice, "How did you also summon a monster?"

"This isn't considered a summon."

The little fox's summon only required a soul, basically forming something out of thin air. This kind of technique was rare, something that only an ancient demon clan could use.

Chu Tian's situation was different, Chu Tian did not create something out of thin air. The Netherworld Flame had a consciousness, but could not form a body, so Chu Tian used his elemental changing technique to help it and formed this flame demon in front of them.

The flame demon's body was not very stable. It looked like a large, rough man with blue flames surrounding his body. There were horns on his head with a demon aura covering him, making him look like an Abyss Demon.

When the flame demon appeared, it first looked around in confusion before walking in front of Chu Tian and releasing spiritual energy, "Master has freed me!"

"It can talk!"

"It can talk!"

"How can it talk?"

Everyone, including the little fox, was shocked.

This demon made of flames could talk in the human language? Of course, elemental beings did not have organs and could not use their mouths to talk, so they transmitted their thoughts with spiritual energy.

"Not bad!" Chu Tian nodded with satisfaction, "From this day forth, you will be known as 'Netherworld'!"

The flame demon Netherworld respectfully said, "Yes, master!"

Chu Tian raised his sword and said, "Come back!"

The blue flame demon dissipated and instantly returned to the Netherworld Sword. Netherworld's strength was around the 4th-5th Awakened Soul Layer. In addition to its own strength, it was also related to Chu Tian, because for Netherworld to have a demon appearance, it required Chu Tian's secret technique!

The risk was full of rewards.

The Netherworld Flame Sword entered the Large Success Realm, his cultivation had taken a large step forward, and he had gained a new powerful minion.

Netherworld's intelligence was not high and it seemed quite simple minded. However, it did not matter whether it was intelligent or not, if this lackey was the same as the little fox, Chu Tian would be completely helpless.

This 'Netherworld' had a lot of space for growth and had a high research value. If it could separate from the Netherworld Sword in the future, it could become a whole new life form.

"Not bad, there was a lot of harvest this time!"

"You harvested quite a bit, but we used quite a bit this time!" Nangong Yun seized this chance to cause trouble, "What do you want to reward us with?"

"Of course! Of course you'll get a reward! And you'll get a large one!" Chu Tian was feeling excellent right now, "Just tell me what you want and I'll do my best to satisfy you!"

Nangong Yun scratched her head, "Elder sister Yun Yao, Caidie, Aunt Chen, what do you guys want?"

The three of them had not thought about it and helplessly shook their heads.

Feng Caidie righteously said, "After eliminating the demon and reporting back to the Calm Martial Ruler for great rewards, how could we still ask the big hero Brother Chu for rewards?"

Look at that.

This is what quality is!

Young Miss Feng was indeed an educated beauty, not like Nangong Yun, this crazy girl!

However, Chu Tian dubbed himself a righteous person, so he couldn't let them suffer a loss. He said in a generous manner, "You can be considered part of our group, so I'll give you the special cultivation technique for members, the «Starlight Immortal Body». Would that satisfy you?"

Starlight Immortal Body!

Yun Yao and Feng Caidie were stunned.

Chen Bingyu opened her eyes and this beautiful girl who did not smile excitedly jumped over, grabbing Chu Tian's clothes, "I want to practice it!"

Chen Bingyu was a martial arts maniac.

Although she had been drooling over the «Starlight Immortal Body» for a long time, she always felt embarrassed asking for it!

Chu Tian seized this chance to hold Chen Bingyu's icy cold hands, "Beauty Chen, no need to be this excited. There are many people here, wouldn't it affect your image? If someone who did not know you saw this, they would think that you were stealing a good man!"

Chen Bingyu's face turned red and she quickly let go, "I'm sorry."

"Rest assured, I'll give it to you once we get back!"

Yun Yao and Feng Caidie were both excited. This «Starlight Immortal Body» was very famous in Central State and was regarded as the strongest defense cultivation technique in all of the Southern Summer Country!

Nangong Yun stared at him and said, "What about me?"

"I don't know what you want?" Chu Tian felt troubled and then said in a serious voice, "If I can't find anything, I'll bare with it and give my young man's body to you!"

Nangong Yun's face turned red, "Who would want you!"

Chu Tian said, "Then I'll help you enter the next «Great Nirvana Scripture» realm, alright?"


Nangong Yun reached an agreement with Chu Tian.

He really had no way to deal with this crazy girl!

When Chu Tian prepared to leave, there was the sound of cavalry coming from a hill on the side. There were around two-three hundred Storm Cavalry that came in, being led by Shangguan Feichen.

"Good, Chu Tian!"

"You actually dared to desert!"

Shangguan Feichen had not arrived yet before his sharp voice came through.

Yun Yao said with a smile, "What a joke! Do you even have eyes? Chu Tian killed the demon!"

There were only green flames left in the valley without any traces of a fight, even the Hell Fire stones had been taken away by Chu Tian. Just based on Yun Yao's words, would Shangguan Feichen believe this?

Could Chu Tian defeat the demon?

This was a joke!

Shangguan Feichen said with a cold smile, "Not only do you dare desert, you even dare to tell lies. This is simply unforgivable!"

Nangong Yun angrily shouted, "Are your eyes on your butt? Chu Tian destroying the Abyss Demon also saved your life and you still dare to shout like this!"

"Did you hear them?" Shangguan Feichen did not believe that they could deal with the monster, so he turned to the cavalry and shouted, "These deserters are coming up with this absurd excuse, we can't forgive them today! I'm giving the order to take care of the deserters and we will punish the leader Chu Tian!"

Why did they leave the battlefield?

Shangguan Feichen did not care!

This was a good chance!

Nangong Yun was a part of the Nangong Family. Although she was a part of the branch family, he still had to give her face. Feng Caidie was the Divine Wind Marquis's daughter, so he could not move against her. Yun Yao was from a large Central State family and the Yun Sect was well known through the entire Southern Summer Country, so she could be let off.

The only one who had to die was Chu Tian!

This fellow caused him to lose his two arms and had made the Shangguan Family lose face!

That black clothed woman...Strange, why had he not seen her? He didn't care about it, he would take care of her as well!

When Shangguan Feichen was going to lead the cavalry in a charge.


Snowflakes fell onto Shangguan Feichen's war horse and instantly turned it into an ice sculpture. It shattered into fragments of flesh and blood. Shangguan Feichen was thrown to the ground, being caught unaware.


Shangguan Feichen never imagined that this black clothed girl would be this strong.

Chen Bingyu gently waved her hands and countless snowflakes fell as killing intent covered the sky…..She was about to start a slaughter!

Chen Bingyu was in the True Soul Realm.

If the cavalry charged from the beginning, they might have been able to pose a threat to Chen Bingyu, but it was impossible to deal with her now. Just Chen Bingyu alone was enough to slaughter all of them.

Shangguan Feichen said in an astonished voice, "Chu Tian! You sent someone to attack the kingdom's troops, do you want to be charged with treason?"

A charge of deserting.

A charge of treason.

This fellow really knew how to slander a person.