409 - 416

Chapter 409: Set goal

Chapter 409: Set goal

The elves were not isolationists like the elves, this was a relatively inclusive race. Generally speaking, if one could build good relations with the gnomes, regardless of their race and their believes, they would have the qualification to gain a footing in Green City and external merchants could also temporarily reside in Green City.

This open policy no doubt allowed Green City to flourish, but it also brought Green City trouble. These foreign powers could quickly grow in the Green City area and threaten the authority of the gnomes, then there was the powers behind these religions. The main cause of this was because they slipped in too easily.

There were many Shaman Altars around Green City and there was even a large Shaman Altar. Because the Shaman Religion was mainly made up of spirit beasts, they had developed very quickly over the last few decades in Green City. Now they had enough influence to even compete with the Green Religion.

An assistant quickly ran in, "Acting City Lord Clark!"

Acting City Lord Clark's face made a clear change, "What is the situation now? Has the envoy been sent?"

"The envoy, the envoy....The envoy has been sent back dead!"

"What did you say?!" Clark's face was instantly covered in rage, "Those damn fellows, do they think our Green City are afraid of them?"

This assistant looked very nervous, "Green City must prepare our defenses, I think they will attack at any moment."

The gnomes were not a martial race, so there weren't many warriors in their tribes. They had lost many Green Protectors over the past few decades, so with this attack from the locals, Green City would suffer heavy damage. Of course, this was not what the acting City Lord was worried about. The thing he was worried about was the main secret instigator of this plot.

Plague, famine, and riot, it came wave after wave. When would the forest return to peace?

Clark always doubted there was someone acting from behind the scenes.

The famine this time might also be their work. It was not difficult to use some method to control the local's food supplies and when the locals were worried about survival, they could create chaos. It was not hard to explain everything like this.

Clark felt a strong headache coming on.

If the Eternal Forest could accept Green City, he would not need to worry about these things at all.

"Sir acting City Lord, there is someone asking to see you outside!"

During this special period, Clark needed to think of a plan to deal with this, how could he have time to see people. When he was prepared to give the order to chase this person away, Clark suddenly thought of something, "Who is it?"

"I'm not certain, but it is a human and a fox clan person. The fox person seems to be priest Delores of the Demonic God Religion."

"Human? Let him come in!"

Clark seemed to have thought of something. Most of the gnomes did not know the truth and thought the Eternal Forest armies would arrive in Green City at any moment. Only Clark and a few people knew of the Elven King installing a human City Lord, after all, this information could not be disclosed.

There weren't many races on the continent who liked the humans.

The elves were not an exception.

Not to mention this human was an outsider and wasn't anything here. A strong dragon had to lower its head, not to mention a mouse that flew through the heavens. Wanting to control this nest of snakes, how could that be possible?

Clark sent away his servants and Chu Tian and Delores came in.

Delores was very polite in slightly bowing to the gnome in front of her, "Demonic God Religion's priest Delores greets acting City Lord Clark."

Clark did not even look at Delores as he looked at Chu Tian with a gaze of contempt. Human lives were short and this human looked especially young. He seemed to be less than twenty among the humans and was no different from a child. Even if the Elven King was insane, he wouldn't have sent this person to rule Green City, right?

Clark said in an impolite voice, "Green City is not welcoming any human guests, what matter does your excellency and priest Delores have in coming to see me?"

"I'm very sorry, I'm not any guest." Chu Tian did not hide his intentions and took out the Elven King's token and letter, which he placed on the table, "I am Chu Tian, the Elven King has bestowed me the title of Green City's City Lord."

"You….." Clark glared at him, "Just depending on you, you can become Green City's City Lord? I think the Elven King has gone insane, I would rather surrender to the spirit beasts!"

This was not anger at all.

Clark never would have thought that after he sincerely surrendered to the Eternal Forest, the Eternal Forest would treat the gnomes like this. A human that didn't even have hair govern Green City? This was simply an insult to Green City and also the gnomes!

Green City's situation was already this complicated.

What could this human do?

Chu Tian saw the anger on the gnome's face and he felt very helpless. Chu Tian's original plan was to first win the support of the local tribes and after he won their support, he would enter the city as the City Lord before bringing the entirety of Miracle Commerce over.

Because there were changes in the plan with the locals banding together to attack Green City, Chu Tian had to change the order of the plan and come to Green City first.

"Why does acting City Lord Clark feel like I'm not suited to be the City Lord?"

"Then what do you feel qualifies you to be the City Lord."

"With my knowledge, my talent, and my brain. The things the gnomes cannot do, I can do." Chu Tian shamelessly said, "If acting City Lord Clark does not believe me, how about we have a simple bet."

Clark was stunned, "How do you want to bet?"

"In one month, I will eradicate all the problems in Green City. Whether it is the Druids, the Necromancers, the Shamans, or anything else." Chu Tian knew that his skills would be questioned, so he had to brag about his accomplishments as much as possible, "If I can do this, the gnomes must recognize my abilities. If I cannot achieve this, you won't be put in an awkward situation as I'll resign to the Elven King myself."

Clark revealed a look of disbelief, "Do you know what you're saying? Do you know who is behind the Shaman Sorcerers and Necromancers?"

"It's just the Savage Highland and the Dragon's Ridge, what is there to worry about."

Clark carefully looked over the human. Although he did not believe this human could do it, looking at this human's calm expression, he seemed more calm than he had imagined, "Alright, I'll bet with you!"

This was a mission that was basically impossible to complete.

The gnomes became weak because of the pressure from outside forces, so they had no choice but to surrender to the Eternal Forest. If Chu Tian could solve all these large problems for Green City, then what was impossible about letting him be City Lord?

Of course.

This was an impossible task!

At this time, there were agitated shouts coming from the discussion hall.

Chu Tian was a bit stunned, "What is going on?"

Clark knit his brows and hesitated for two seconds, "The envoy Green City sent out was sent back dead. The clan was agitated and naturally wanted to fight back, so they requested to fight. This fight will be hard to avoid."

Chu Tian slightly raised one brow, "I want to see the envoy's corpse."

"What do you want to do?" Clark was a bit vigilant.

"That gnome envoy died for Green City and should be buried according in the forest temple, returning to the embrace of the Forest God." Chu Tian said, "I just want to see this person who sacrificed himself for Green City and perhaps we can find something from his body."

"That is natural." Clark's brows slightly relaxed. This foreign human actually knew the Green Religion's beliefs and traditions, "Alright, but the priest will need to perform the funeral, so I can only give you ten minutes at most."

"It's enough."

Delores looked at Chu Tian with a strange gaze.

What was this fellow looking at a corpse for?

Clark led Chu Tian into the forest temple. This was a giant natural hole and the space was completely covered in tree roots. There was probably an altar in the center and there seemed to be an intact corpse lying there.

Chu Tian found there were sutures on the corpse's neck and this person should have had his head cut off. His eyes slightly focused as he said, "What did you send him to discuss?"

"Of course it was to work together to survive this famine!" Clark had a look of anger when he saw the envoy's corpse, "The gnomes were willing to open up Green City's warehouse and give them a portion, but who would have thought that these damn bastards would be so greedy! Do they really think they can break into Green City?"

Chu Tian shook his head, "The envoy did not say this. I guess that after he went to the locals, his words must have been strong and contained threats. Finally he angered the locals, causing him to be killed."

"What nonsense are you saying!" Acting City Lord Clark had a bit of good feeling towards this human, but not a single trace remained now, "You dare question the gnomes' rigor and beliefs?"

Chu Tian did not explain as a faint glow surrounded his right hand. A rune was extracted from the gnome's forehead and when it was extracted, the gnome's corpse trembled.

Acting City Lord Clark was already filled with uncontrollable rage, "What did you do!"

Chu Tian softly said, "Look for yourself."

Suddenly a sharp sound that came from the gnome's ears. There was a disgusting insect that jumped out and Chu Tian grabbed it before pinching down on it.

Delores let out a surprised gasp, "This is the Shaman Sorcerer's witchcraft insect!"

"This is something that can control one's minds and thoughts, it should have been made through witchcraft." Chu Tian looked at the little insect struggling in his hand, "If my guesses aren't wrong, when this envoy left Green City, he should have been ambushed and this insect was planted in his brain. He was controlled during the negotiations and was finally killed by the angry locals, which also angered the gnomes."

Delores suddenly understood, "This also means that the Shamans are the ones manipulating everything from behind the scenes?"

"That's right. Since we've found our manipulator, this makes things much easier." Blue and white flames appeared at the tips of Chu Tian's fingers and the bug was directly turned into ash, "Now, let me experience this so called Shaman Religion!"

Acting City Lord Clark was stunned.

This young human…..It seems like he wasn't simple!

Chapter 410: Shaman witchcraf

Chapter 410: Shaman witchcraft

Delores felt a bit of admiration towards Chu Tian. The Shaman Religion from the Savage Highlands was a mysterious religion and was different from the summoning and taming techniques of the Demonic God Religion. The Shaman Sorcerers mainly used curses, soul attacks, and witchcraft poisons. This kind of using a gu insect to control someone was definitely a high level witchcraft technique of the Shaman Religion.

[TL Note: Gu is an ancient chinese poison that was formed by sealing many venomous creatures in a jar where they devoured each other, concentrating their poison into one remaining individual.]

This kind of witchcraft controlled people who didn't look any different from normal people. It almost couldn't be examined because there was no difference in mind, soul, and thoughts. This was pure mind control on a physiological and quantitative level.

The rune Chu Tian drew out did not vanish. Clark had a trace of shock on his face, "To easily solve the Shaman's witchcraft, you seem to be skilled in these techniques. You…."

"There is no need to mention this small trick of a branch sect."

There were records of the Shaman Religion throughout history, but when it came to Chu Tian's era, this religion had long disappeared. Chu Tian has read ancient books related to the Shaman's witchcraft before. This witchcraft did not require any special cultivation techniques, rather it was just a secret technique.

Chu Tian had studied it a bit in the past. Although he wasn't very skills, he could still easily solve this gu insect.

Since he knew the enemy, this would be easier.

"I also thought the famine around Green City was a bit strange." Delores knit her brows. The famine was strange, but they couldn't figure out what was strange about it, "In the past, only large scale migrations of beasts or large geological disasters would cause the beast population around Green City to change. There was no warning this time and the change had strangely occurred."

Clark was suspicious of this problem a long time ago, "The Shaman Sorcerers should have used their altar to cast a witchcraft spell on the beast herds, leading to this series of events happening. This could be achieved in theory, but we never had any conclusive evidence and did not know where to begin. If we tell them now, the tribes will not believe us."

It was no wonder those Shamans reacted so quickly, father had actually helped them!

They must have been preparing for several months, so they immediately grabbed the opportunity when it appeared, causing problems with Chu Tian's plan. This was too hateful!

Speaking of this, the influence of the Shaman Religion was not small. At the very least around Green City, they had several hundred thousand followers. Now they were stirring a union between the locals. When the locals attacked Green City, the Shaman Religion would mobilize their believers to attack. For Green City, even if they aren't broken through, they will still suffer a large loss.

"What I'm most worried about is the Shaman's witchcraft." Clark seemed to realize how serious the matter was, "We don't know when the envoy was controlled by the gu insect. In the near future or a long time from now, the Shaman could use their witchcraft to control the gnomes, since they could do it once already."

"This situation is a true reality."

Chu Tian carefully introduced the Shaman's witchcraft.

This witchcraft would not directly kill the host and after it entered the host's mind, it would quickly control their brain, controlling their emotions and thoughts. The host would not know that they are being controlled, they would live their lives normally and even their closest relatives would not find anything strange with them.

These people controlled by witchcraft were like time bombs.

When the Shaman Religion need to use these pawns, the Shaman priests would activate their witchcraft and the host would lose their ability for independent action, turning them into a puppet controlled by witchcraft.

There were times when Shaman Sorcerers did not need to directly control thoughts and could use their witchcraft to subtly influence the host's thoughts. This was because emotions like happiness and anger were created from spiritual energy and this spiritual energy was something material that could be controlled.

Delores and Clark were both stunned.

The Shaman witchcraft was mysterious and sinister, normal people knew very little about it.

This outsider was clearer on the Shamans compared to these locals that had dealt with them for decades. The use of witchcraft to control others was clearly a secret of the Shaman Religion, how did he know about this?

No wonder, no wonder the Shaman Religion developed so quickly. Not only did they have much influence among the surrounding tribes, there were also several Shaman altars in Green City. The source of the problem came from there.

The locals raised an army of several hundred thousand.

They had several hundred thousand followers after all these years of development.

There were also over a hundred True Spirit Realm Shaman Sorcerers who were the backbone of the Shaman Religion and the control they had over Green City over the years, it was a very terrifying strength!

The allied army had gathered for three-four days now and there was over a hundred thousand of them gathered. It's said that their numbers were still growing and they would soon reach several hundred thousand. There were many tribes that had sent most of their adult males, sparing no efforts at all. With this kind of high efficiency, who would believe it if someone said there wasn't interference from the Shamans?

Once the locals launched their attack, the troops controlled by the Shamans would attack the city. Adding in the attack from within the city, how should the gnomes deal with this?

Also, if the Shaman spirit beast and the Green City gnomes fought, would the Necromancers stand on the side and watch? Even the Druids were an unknown variable.

Chu Tian had brought all the stakes to light.

"Mister's insight is truly clear." Clark had not thought that Chu Tian would be so insightful. He was so careless when he was sitting in the acting City Lord that it made him break out in a sweat right now, "The Green City situation is worse than I thought."

The gnomes were skilled in studying and not skilled in diplomacy or military strategy. Now that the water was becoming murkier, he could not think of a way to solve it.

Delores was also shocked deep down.

Not to mention Clark.

Who would have thought that the situation would be this bad?

Clark asked in a worried and shocked voice, "Then how many gnomes does mister think is being controlled by the Shaman Sorcerers?"

"It is very hard to refine these gu insects and it will consume one's cultivation base and vitality to refine them, so they can't refine many of them. You don't need to worry about this." Chu Tian carefully pondered it, "Just follow my arrangements. As long as the gnomes can hold the city, I can take care of the rest."

Can this situation really be taken care of?

Clark had no confidence at all right now. He could only trust in this outsider now, one that would become the Green City's City Lord.


At dusk, there were a hundred and fifty local elites gathered in the forest. The locals were filled with morale and killing intent. When they were gathering, there were more and more locals joining them. Of course these were all scattered small forces who wanted nothing more than to loot Green City together.

The allied army's conference began. Ogres, tiger people, leopard people, lizard people, snake people…..The major tribes' chiefs and high level members all attended this meeting. Their builds were different and each race's leader looked different, but they all had the same angry look on their faces.

"Green City is just too arrogant!"

"They want to exterminate us and turn us into their slaves?"

"These gnomes don't know they're already dead, do they think this is a hundred years ago?"

"We will soon have several hundred thousand people. At that time, adding in the Shaman Religion's witchcraft, our battle strength will certainly double and we will easily trample those gnomes!"

The entire army was filled with a layer of strange anger, hot temper, and wildness. Each person was impatient about crashing into Green City, burning Green City down and stealing treasure and food!

Several goat race Shaman priests stood in the corner with smiles of ridicule.

"The Minotaur chief Arnold is leading five thousand soldiers to join the alliance!"

The locals were all stunned. The Minotaur's battle strength was very strong and their bodies weren't inferior to ogres. They excelled in charging at the vanguard, so these five thousand Minotaurs charging will certainly easily pierce through the weak gnomes' defenses.

Arnold was the Minotaur tribe's chief and he was actually personally participating.

Arnold was the youngest Minotaur chief in two hundred years. He was a typical blockhead, have a fiery and straightforward personality, a traditional Minotaur that couldn't be more traditional. However, with the personalities of the Minotaurs, it meant they weren't playing around. Since Arnold personally came this time, it meant the Minotaurs also wanted to loot Green City.

The several large clan chiefs and the Shaman Sorcerers came to greet Arnold.

There was a chief that said, "Arnold, you only brought five thousand Minotaurs, this is just too little. The Minotaur Valley has over a hundred thousand Minotaurs!"

Another chief also said, "We're dividing everything based on contribution, whoever does more will receive more. I'm afraid five thousand Minotaurs won't be enough."

"The Minotaurs' support does not just come from warriors!" Arnold gave a simple smile, "You are not lacking in warriors, so the Minotaurs brought the thing you lack the most."

"What did you bring?"


"What?" The various large tribe chiefs were stunned, "You're saying you're giving food?"

Arnold's large body moved aside and he pointed at the Minotaur group behind him, causing all the chiefs' eyes to follow him. There were several thousand armoured Minotaurs dragging a large pile of canned food, giving them one by one to the local warriors.

The entire army camp was filled with cheers.

The various tribe chiefs were all stunned, "This, what is this….."

Arnold said with a laugh, "A human merchant came to the Minotaur tribe not long ago and these were all bought from him. There is enough good wine and food, enough for us to fight Green City!"

"Human merchant?"

"Where did a human merchant come from? How could he possibly bring all this food into the forest?"

The chiefs all had strange looks on their faces as their killing intent weakened quite a bit. There were already some people asking Arnold how to contact this human merchant.

"I don't know where he's from either." Arnold shook his head, "But if necessary, I can try contacting him for all of you."

The several priests looked at each other.

They could see shock from each other's eyes.

There was a priest who pinched a seal and mumbled something.

"Roar!" An ogre suddenly roared out, "If we take Green City, will we be lacking in food? Why do we need to spend a large price to buy from a human profiteer! Not to mention, who knows how much food this human has. After we defeat Green City, we'll have enough to last us ten years!"

"That's right!"

"Defeat Green City!"

"Arnold, your food came just in time. After our warriors eat their fill, they will certainly take Green City. At that time, we'll give you an extra part!"

Arnold nodded. This Minotaur chief looked at the Shaman priests, as he revealed a strange look.

Chapter 411: Lobbying

Chapter 411: Lobbying

Green City, the Shaman temple. There were several dozen Shamans surrounding the altar, holding a ceremony.

The Shaman Religion came from the Savage Highlands and most of the followers were spirit beasts, orcs, or trolls who believed in the Shaman God and the Witch God. There was the Shaman Religion around Green City several hundred years ago, but the gnomes' Green Religion was too strong, so the Shaman Religion could never develop. The gnomes had been weakening over the decades from the chaos, so the Shaman Religion welcomed this chance to develop in the Green City region.

Several decades ago, the Savage Highlands sent High Priest Mars to Green City, who was responsible for the development in the Green City area. Because of High Priest Mars' strong abilities and the support from the Savage Highlands, the Shamans had increased by several dozen folds in just a few decades.

Now there were several tens of thousands who grasped witchcraft in Green City!

These several tens of thousands of Shaman Sorcerers were all dangerous people, but there was over a hundred of these people who had become priests.

If a Shaman Sorcerer wanted to become a priest, not only did they have to be in the True Spirit Realm, they also had to have a high degree of proficiency with witchcraft.

Just like this.

The Shaman Religion stood firm in Green City.

The High Priest led several tens of thousands of Shaman Sorcerers to negotiate with the gnomes and obtained the qualification to create a temple in Green City before spreading to the surrounding tribes. The followers the Shaman Religion had in the forest was at least several hundred thousands!

This was a power that could already threaten Green City!

At this time, an entire two thousand strong figures were currently densely distributed in the Shaman temple. They didn't move like they were carved from stone, but each person was releasing a terrifying aura. They were definitely powerful people from the forest.

They were already no longer people.

These fellows were covered in Shaman Religion runes and their body was like a painting. From their feet, to their heads, to their chests, and to their fingers, they were completely covered. A strong curse power was being released from their bodies.

Voodoo Puppets, this was a puppet cruelly refined with witchcraft.

The Shaman Sorcerers danced and singed around the puppets and softly pulled on their hair, pulling their scalp off their skulls, just like opening a lid. However, these puppets did not move at all.

The head of each puppet had already been emptied a long time ago.

The Shaman Sorcerer picked up a group of bugs that was like several thousand centipedes crawling together, moving without stop. He placed it all into the empty head of the puppet.

Each insect was refined with a large amount of effort from the Shaman Sorcerer. After forcing these powerful witchcraft bugs into the puppet's head, the Shaman Sorcerer closed the head again before dancing and singing again.

On the Shaman altar, there was a white haired old troll raising both hands as a vigorous energy surrounded the Shaman temple.

"Great Shaman God and Witch God!"

"Please receive the sacrifices of your servants and grant these puppets a great strength!"

An intense light was released from the altar and finally turned into thousands of light that fell onto the puppets. The insects that had been crawling inside the puppet's head suddenly became several times more active as they drilled into the puppet's body. There were bugs crawling under the skin of the puppets and the light surrounding them became several times stronger.


The motionless things like statues had awakened.

Eyeballs suddenly appeared in their empty eye sockets which were filled with thought. They all kneeled down on one knee and shouted in a low roar, "Long live the Shaman Religion!"

The two thousand Voodoo Puppets carefully refined had finally been activated.

These puppets were not ordinary puppets. They were covered from head to toe in runes, letting each one have a terrifying battle strength. They had almost undying bodies, not fearing fire, water, acid, or cuts and they had simple thought. This could simply be called a perfect puppet soldier!

"The time is already here!" The white haired old troll opened its eyes and revealed a pair of sparkling eyes, "We must crush Green City in this battle!"

This was the High Priest Mars from the Savage Highlands. An old troll with incomparably deep skills in witchcraft, who was already over a hundred and fifty years old.

Mars shouted in a low voice, "Luz!"

"High Priest, what are your orders?"

A green skinned orc stood in front of Mars. Luz was an orc priest and although he was young, his attainment in witchcraft was very shocking. Luz was second only to Mars in terms of witchcraft, so he had a very high position in the Green City Shaman Religion. He was basically the second most important person and was the aide of Mars.

Mars looked at his assistant and said, "How is the preparation of the outside army?"

Luz replied, "Those tribes will be attacking soon and the Shaman army will also attack. With both sides and our inner army, there is a 90% chance of winning this fight."

"We can't be negligent. Although the gnomes are weak, no one knows if they have a trump card or not." Mars said in a low voice, "The gnomes have surrendered to the Eternal Forest, so we don't have much time. We need to use the pieces we buried among the gnomes, go and activate them."

"Yes, High Priest!"

Luz led several Shaman Sorcerers under a cliff and activated their witchcraft. They activated the pawns the Shamans had placed among the gnome high level members many years ago.

These pieces had unknowingly been affected by the Shaman's "Mind Control Gu Insect". This insect had parasitized the gnomes' brains and as long as they Shamans did not activate it, these gnomes would seem normal.

Now was the time to use these pieces.

Luz and the other Shaman Sorcerers began chanting, feeling the presence of these insects. They activated them one by one, allowing the insects to transmit their thoughts, having these gnomes come here to meet them.

The Sorcerers could send simple thoughts through the insects like summoning them here.

But complicated instructions couldn't be directly sent. The Shaman Sorcerer had to summon the host and directly give the orders to the host.

After around twenty minutes.

There were five gnome figures that appeared here.

These were five gnomes controlled by the Shaman. They were all high level members of the gnome clan and as long as they controlled these gnomes to turn off the barrier and the Green Protectors, it would freeze the Green City defenses and increase their chances by at least 20%.


Luz waved his hand.

Five Shaman Sorcerers moved towards the five gnomes, as they reached out their hand to control them and give them orders. Suddenly, the five gnomes made their move at the same time. Poisonous vines jumped out of the ground and instantly surrounded the sorcerers caught off guard, finally passing through the bodies directly.


Luz was shocked. Before he even understood what happened, the surrounding grass was filled with a kind of power as a low and deep voice reverberated in his ears.

"God of Nature, please grant all things the vitality of a giant dragon!"

This was the Green Religions technique, "Giant Dragon Power". It was definitely a high level technique and there were less than five people in Green City who could use it. Luz already couldn't run and the soft grass suddenly went wild as it almost instantly turned him into a giant rice dumpling.

When infused with the power of nature, each blade of grass was as hard as iron. Moreover, there was a very terrifying energy within, so even if the other side was an Earth Dragon, they could be torn to pieces.

The energy released from this grass was enough to suppress Luz's spirit energy, making him lose the ability to resist.

Clark put down his long staff and revealed a cold smile, "I never would have thought!"

"It's you!"

Luz saw Clark and the five sorcerers who had been taken care off before looking at these five normal gnomes. He could clearly feel that the gu insects were still in their heads, but why could he not activate them at all.

At this time, there was a handsome human youth and a charming fox clan member walking out from behind Clark.

Demonic God Religion's priest?

Luz could not understand why such a weak religion's priest would show up here.

Delores revealed a charming smile, "Sir City Lord's predictions are truly sharp. Not only did we catch someone, we caught the Shaman Religion's number two. Strange, why did you know Mars would send this person here?"

"Making the gnome puppets turn off the Green City's defenses is a very important mission. If I was the High Priest, I would also send the most capable person."

"How do we handle this person? I think we should just directly kill him." Delores' words mand Luz's face change. She continued saying, "This fellow's status in the Shaman Sect is not low, not only will we decrease the Shaman Religion's strength by killing him, we'll be able to raise our own morale."

Clark also thought this.

Luz's witchcraft skills were only second to Mars. This sneak attack had gone so easily, otherwise he would not think that it would ever be this easy to defeat him.

Chi Tian shook his head as he walked in front of Luz, "Priest Luz, you were a local shaman since your father's generation. Before Mars came, your father was the head of the local shamans, am I right?"

"So what?"

"If there was no Mars, you could inherit your father's title and become the local Shamans' leader." The meaning of Chu Tian's words were very clear, "The Shamans are relatively independent, so why do you need to listen to Mars' orders and become the Savage Highland's puppets?"

Luz revealed a cold smile, "Don't you think trying to lobby me like this is laughable?"

"I think you should think through this problem first, I am not trying to convince you. To extinguish a trivial Shaman Religion, it is not difficult for me, I'm just not sure on what method to use. I just feel that completely making the Shamans disappear from Green City is a waste, after all, the Shaman's witchcraft has a bit of use!"

Luz's face became strange.

The one this fellow spoke in seemed like he didn't place the local Shaman Religion in his eyes at all.

Mars was a Shaman priest sent by the Savage Highlands and he took orders directly from the Savage Highlands, so there was no chance of discussing with him. The only one he could hope to use was this Luz.

Chu Tian said, "First I'll introduce myself. I am the permanent City Lord personally sent by the Elven King, this will become my territory. I'll give you two choices now, the first is to be destroyed with the Shaman Religion and the second is to ally with me in defeating Mars. I will allow you become the leader of the local shamans and give you both protection and freedom, allowing the Shaman Religion join Green City and develop in Green City."

The Eternal Forest had sent a human as a City Lord?

Luz looked at Clark. Although Clark had a complicated expression on his face, it seemed like he was speaking the truth.

"I am not too clear on your witchcraft, but I am a bit confident in alchemy." Chu Tian took out a pill and forced it into Luz's mouth, "This will activate in three days and will corrode you from inside, finally melting you and you will die. Don't leave things to chance, there is no one who can cure my pill in the Forest of Chaos. I believe you are a smart person and smart people will make the smart choice."

"I have at least ten ways of destroying you all. Even if Green City cannot destroy you, are you willing to fall into the Savage Highland's hands and degenerate into a pawn that could be sacrificed at any moment?"

"The words have been said, you can decide for yourself!"

Chu Tian waved at Clark and Clark released the bindings. Chu Tian did not spare him another glance as he led Clark and Delores away.


Luz could feel that the power of the pill had entered every cell in his body in just a few seconds. He had never seen such a powerful poison that would actually not activate right away.

The human was probably not lying, perhaps there really was no one in the Forest of Chaos that could cure this poison. Not to mention that it would only be delayed for a short three days. This also meant that if he didn't make a decision in three days, he would be dead.


He fell into this situation because he was careless!

Where did that mysterious human come from?

From his appearance, it seemed like he didn't place the Shaman Religion in his eyes.

When Luz returned to the Shaman temple, High Priest Mars looked at him, "Have the pieces been prepared?"

Luz lowered his head as he revealed a slightly strange look. He said in a calm voice, "Be assured High Priest, everything has been prepared."

Chapter 412: Green Protector

Chapter 412: Green Protector

Luz also couldn't describe the reason.

When he saw the young human back then, he had a bad premonition in his heart. What made him make his decision in the end was not the dormant poison in his body, but rather the human's methods.

He could break their witchcraft.

The five gnomes were clearly being controlled by witchcraft and the gu insects were in their heads, but the Shaman Sorcerer could not control them which made Luz very unsettled. The Shaman Sorcerer's curse almost could not be broken, this was something the Shamans had faith in.

Now the facts were in front of him. Not only was the gu insect technique broken, he clearly understood everything with the Shaman Religion and the gnome Clark was also making his preparations. With the Shamans falling into a disadvantageous situation like this, the 90% success rate of this battle was at least cut in half.

Luz's ancestry came from the Green City Area and they had been Shamans since his father's generation. He rarely had contact with the Savage Highlands and if it wasn't for them sending High Priest Mars, they two places would have been two factions from the same origin.

The human had calculated this point thoroughly.

Although Mars had absolute authority in the religion, being able to command all the priests, the local Shaman Sorcerers made up the large part of their members. It shouldn't be said that they fear High Priest Mars, but rather they fear the large Savage Highlands behind him.

Once the Savage Highlands was angered, there was no need to mention a small Green City Shaman Religion. Out of fear of this giant, the Green City Shamans had to accept Mars' leadership, becoming the Savage Highland's power in Green City. If it was the normal development path, the Shaman Sorcerers would weaken the gnomes before finally taking control of Green City.

Who would have thought the gnomes would surrender to the Eternal Forest.

This filled the Savage Highlands with anger. To avoid having the city fall into the Eternal Forest's hands, they decided to destroy Green City. The Green City Shamans were tied to Green City and if there were no Green City, it would have a large effect on them. The gnomes weren't weak and if they went all out with the gnomes, they would have to pay a large price. Not to mention that Green City already belonged to the Eternal Forest and the strength of the elves was far beyond the imagination of the Shamans.

Luz could already vaguely feel that he had become a chess piece for the Forest of Chaos giants. Once he was used to test the Eternal Forest's bottom line, he would be discarded.

Luz pondered a long time to make his decision. He said to the Shaman Sorcerer beside him, "Have priests Corolla and Hilton come over, there is something I want to discuss with them."

Corolla and Hilton were Luz's trusted friends and a few of the leaders of the Green City Shamans. He had to discuss this matter with them.

After Chu Tian led Delores and Clark away from Luz.

Clark said in a worried voice, "You're letting Luz off like this? He is not an easy to control person. It wasn't easy for us to obtain that opportunity, if Mars knows about this, I'm afraid it will be bad for Green City."

Clark was already holding this young person in a completely new esteem.

Chu Tian had come to the Green City area for only a weak and had only simply studied the situation of the local forces to be able to come up with this kind of plan. It was bold and radical and if it succeeded, it would relieve a large amount of pressure for Green City. However, once it failed, Green City would lose an opportunity because once the Shamans knew about this, it would be harder for the gnomes to plan anything in the future.

Fuck, this damn old gnome, you actually don't believe me?"

Chu Tian had a face filled with disdain as he spoke to Delores on the side, "Do you believe me?"

"Sir City Lord can break the witchcraft which will be a large psychological attack on Luz, making him doubt if the witchcraft technique is effective or not. Sir City Lord has also poisoned him, creating a large threat to Luz's life and no one in this world is willing to die." Delores seemed like she had understood something, "The most important thing is that sir City Lord is making use of the Shaman's internal conflict, especially between Mars representing the Savage Highlands and Luz representing the Green City Shamans. This fierce relationships is not visible normally, but this is a special period of time and there may actually be something behind it. So, I feel that this plan can be attempted."

Chu Tian said with a nod, "After I become the City Lord, you can be the City Lord's assistant."

Delores revealed a look of joy and immediately thanked him in a charming manner. Clark looked very awkward on the side. It seemed like this human had already treated himself as the City Lord which made him a bit dissatisfied. Even if this human had some skills, he was still a human in the end and the gnomes would not be convinced by the humans.

"What should we do now?"

"We have already taken care of the Shamans, now we just need to prepare against the other influences being predatory fishes. As far as I know, other than the Shamans, the most troublesome people in Green City are the Necromancers and the Druids."

"That's right." Clark's expression became serious again. Although he was a bit dissatisfied with this human, this concerned the survival of Green City, so he did not dare be negligent, "The founder of the Undead Religion is the Lich Saigest. This Lich is very mysterious and strange, rarely making an appearance, even those Necromancers under him are also strange. We cannot guess their motives like the Shamans, so we can't guard against them."

"What about the Druids?"

"The Druids are different from the Shamans and the Necromancers. The Druids are a wide spread religion across the Forest of Chaos. The Druids in Green City do not have any background, but they are unruly and do not care about the rules of Green City. They have always followed their own rules which has been a headache to me."

"It's like this!"

The gnomes really didn't have any skills, allowing foreign forces to ruin a city like this. It was no wonder they had to rely on the Eternal Forest.

Delores asked, "Our main enemies this time are the Shamans. Although we can't be certain that Druids and Necromancers will not wait for their chance, we will waste strength if we deal with them at the same time. I'm afraid it will be disadvantageous to us if we do this."

"You're right." Chu Tian did not plan on defeating them all at once, after all, Green City was not strong enough to fight all three at once. He asked Clark, "How many Green Protectors does Green City have?"

"There are a total of three thousand. There are two thousand weakened by a strange illness and the others need to protect the channels, so we have no way of moving them."

"A strange illness?" Chu Tian slightly knit his brows, "Let me have a look."

Clark led Chu Tian to the Green City's open temple.

This was a special place to cultivate the Green Protectors and there were several hundred Green Protector seedlings which were currently growing underneath the altar.

Other than that, there were several hundred large Green Protectors here. They were all complete, but they couldn't be used.

The Green Protectors were a powerful synthetic life form, made by the gnomes when they extracted samples from the ancient war trees remains, cultivated with the techniques of the Green Religion priests. It could be considered the gnomes' greatest invention.

Each Green Protector could be used in theory for a thousand years!

When Green City was at its peak two-three hundred years ago, they had around twenty thousand Green Protectors. It was enough to create a large scale barrier that made outsiders unable to invade. Now, Green City had less than three thousand Green Protectors and two thousand of them were sick, otherwise how could the Shamans be so courageous?

The temple had a Spring of Life in the center.

This was not a normal Spring of Life, it was refined with the blessing of nature by the Green Religion priests. Each drop was equal to a barrel of normal Water of Life and it was an incredibly valuable treasure, having good effects on curing injuries!

These ill Green Protectors had degrade to the point that they couldn't hold on anymore. They were like rotten wood with yellow and withered leaves. Although the gnomes did not hesitate to irrigate them with high level Water of Life, this only slowed down their dying speed and there was no change for the better.


"Sir Clark, how can you bring a human here?"

"This is our clan's sacred ground hiding our clan's secret, how can we let a human see this!"

Wherever a human went, they would not be well received.

Those gnome priests all had looks of hostility in their eyes.

Chu Tian was too lazy to care about them, as he directly sent his Divine Sense into the Green Protector. He could vaguely feel that there was a strange energy inside the Green Protector which was like a seal, suppressing the Green Protector's vital energy.

Clark calmed down the other gnomes and had them be patient.

He didn't have any hope anyway, so why wouldn't he let this fellow give it a try?

Each gnome was very intelligent. The knowledge of any gnome taken into the human world would allow them to be titled a Great Scholar or a Country Scholar. At least in the forest, there weren't any clans that could be considered smarter than the gnomes.

All this knowledge gathered together couldn't solve this problem. Perhaps it could only be solved if they invited a Sage here and it had to be a Sage skilled in plants and vital energy.

This young human, how could he be a human Sage?!

In any case, the gnomes' eyes were filled with disdain.

Chu Tian waved his hand, "This should be a slow acting death energy curse. I think it should be done by the Lich, it suits their method of acting."

Delores asked in a curious voice, "Is there a way to cure them?"

"There is, but with an ordinary method, we would need to waste quite a bit of energy because their vitality has been deeply absorbed by the curse. I'm afraid it can't be cured in a day, so they won't be cured in time for the battle." Chu Tian hesitantly took out a little jar which had a red liquid inside of it. He gave the jar to Delores, "Pour this into the Spring of Life, then water them with the spring water."

The gnomes were all stunned.

What did this human want to do?

Delores immediately complied, but she was stopped by several white bearded gnomes. They looked at the fox girl and the human with eyes of vigilance. One was a foreign race and one was a sly human, who knew what they were thinking.

Clark gave a soft cough, "Let them try, it's better than nothing."

Delores glared at the gnomes before pouring the bottle into the Spring of Life. Almost instantly, the spring water was covered in a layer of dark red, as a strange energy filled it. Delores could feel the energy inside and she instantly looked at it with a questioning gaze.

Chu Tian nodded, "Water them."

Immediately, water was splashed onto the half dead Green Protector.

An incredible matter happened. When the red water fell onto the Green Protector, the water instantly spread with a chi chi sound. The colour of dying embers disappeared as everywhere it went was filled with vitality. The leaves that had withered was instantly revived.

The gnomes were all stunned by this.

What is going on? They could not understand it at all!

Chu Tian revealed a pained expression. The Divine Blood could break any curse and the Spring of Life water filled the Green Protectors with vitality, so naturally there were excellent results. Chu Tian did not have much Divine Blood and these things could be used to refine Divine Blood Yin Corpses, so using it like this was a bit extravagant.

But the effects were quick to appear.

Not long passed before quite a few Green Protectors were completely recovered. This newly added battle strength would be enough to stabilize their rear.

Chapter 413: Druids

Chapter 413: Druids

After the Green Protectors were watered, the dead wood's vitality was quickly restored and the leaves turned green once again. This terrifying restorative speed could be seen with the naked eye and a single pool was enough to water four-five hundred Green Protectors. This quickly solved the problem of the gnomes wasting effort, which Chu Tian accomplished with a wave of his hand!

The branches and leaves became more lush and each leaf was covered with a blood line that could be seen with the naked eye. It was like a faint vein or some kind of array, allowing these Green Protectors to release a special aura that was stronger than before.

The gnome priests quickly looked over them.

"The God of the Forest has come!"

"These Green Protectors have had their vitalities increased!

"Each Green Protector's regeneration, resilience, and strength have all be increased by a large amount!"

These puppets had been suppressed by an unknown curse and energy, but now it was like every cell had obtained a baptism that allowed all of its qualities to soar. The Green Protectors could last at most a thousand years, but now the gnomes could not estimate the upper limit of their life spans.

"Unbelievable!" Clark looked at Chu Tian, "The gnome priests last increased the Green Protectors a hundred year ago and could not find any way to upgrade the Green Protectors again. However, you accomplished this with a small bottle. Can you tell me what it was? As long as we can gather this thing, Green City's strength will certainly increase!"

"Of course I can tell you, but you won't be able to collect it with your ability." Chu Tian softly said, "This is the essence blood congealed by an ancient god before its death. A god's blood can break curses, so it was able to quickly restore these things."

The gnome and the fox girl was frightened.

What did you say? Was there a problem with their ears!

Chu Tian shrugged his shoulders as he explained, "These Green Protectors were formed from fragments of an ancient tree, so it should have an ancient god attribute, so it has a high absorption rate towards Divine Blood, allowing it to change. This batch of Green Protectors will not only become stronger, they will also no longer fear curses."

Spiritual Gods were existences of legends!

How could Chu Tian even have this kind of thing?

The most important thing was that this precious item was taken out by this human just to save an ordinary puppet? This was like throwing the most luxurious crystal into the latrine, this was just too goddamn extravagant!

Delores' eyes quickly it up, "You have these kinds of divine items on you?"

"This doesn't count for anything." Chu Tian naturally waved his hand, but he was filled with heartache. However, he believed in the principle of not feeling regret when doing something, so since he took it out, then that meant he took it out. He waved his hand and said, "Alright, place the cured Green Protectors near the Necromancer's temple and let them bathe in the sun!"

These restored Green Protectors being placed in front of the Necromancer's temple was not just simply to let them bathe in the sun.

This would be a powerful deterrent to the Necromancers.

First, it would be a huge shock to them that their Necromancer's curse was actually dispelled.

Second, the restored Green Protectors being placed there would also send the Necromancers a message. That was that Green City already knew their mischief in killing so many Green Protectors.

Third, these Green Protectors would be enough to take care of the Necromancer temple, so not a single Necromancer would think about escaping. This was a psychological warning for them and also equivalent to taking them hostage, not allowing the troops they built up outside to act rashly!

This deterrent would be enough to make the Necromancers hesitate in acting.

Chu Tian just need to calm the chaos quickly, then he would have time to deal with the Necromancers.

"There is still enough time now." Chu Tian looked up at the clear sky, "We have time to take care of a final problem. I want to visit the Druids."

Clark did not think Chu Tian would have this idea, "The Druids will not give you face, they are all unruly fellows."

"Ha, ha, ha, that is not certain."

The Green City area was very large.

To be accurate, Green City was a mountain area.

It would take half a day to fly from one end of Green City to the other end on a flying demon beast. Just Green City alone was more than five-six times larger than the Southern Summer Imperial City, but while the Southern Summer Imperial City had seven-eight million people, Green City only had around a million people. Moreover, Green City was a three dimensional structure, being built into the mountain, being completely different from the plane like city of the humans. It was like Green City was one with nature.

If they added in the natural mountain ranges which were walls for Green City, Green City was over two hundred times bigger than the Southern Summer Imperial City and was half the size of the Imperial Region!

This was just a single city.

Green City also had a lush, wide mountain range and a vast lake, where demon beasts and rare Immortal Herbs were hiding. In short, there was no lack in diversity of living beings or changes in land structures, so this was not a strange thing in this special city.

This was the southeast area of Green City which was covered in lush rainforests. There was a tall mountain peak with supporting pillars around it, all covered in lush plants. It was distributed following a pattern that looked like a natural source energy array.

In the depths of the rainforest.

There was a temple covered in moss.

This was the Druid's temple. The Druids were a free power in the forest, not belonging to any other powers. The believers of the Druids were very wide spread, having elves and spirit beasts. It even involved areas outside the Forest of Chaos and there were even some human believers in the Druid Religion.

Chu Tian led Delores and Clark through the rainforest towards the temple.


A loud warning roar came from the rainforest treetops to the side. There was an especially large wolf there that was using a pair of green eyes to stare at these intruders. This was a level three Shadow Wolf and was said to be a terrifying assassin in the forest, being able to kill any prey silently.

The Shadow Wolf did not attack, as it used its eyes filled with intelligence to look at these people. From its large and fierce wolf mouth, it said, "The Druids do not welcome outsiders. If you dare take another half step, don't blame the Druids for being impolite."

When it spoke.

There were many Druids that appeared around them.

These Druids had transformed into beast shapes. There were giant apes, giant bears, and earth dragons, each one being a powerful demon beast. The most important thing was that they weren't wild beasts, rather they were beasts with intelligence. A clear mind and the Druid's power, they were much stronger than normal demon beasts.

Perhaps with only an order.

The Druids would immediately rip the intruders to pieces!

Delores and Clark were both vigilant as they felt that the killing intent around them was real. The Druids were wild people and were completely unruly. They worshiped nature and following one's wishes, so they always acted on their own premise, making it difficult to restrain them with Green City's rules. Even if they recognized acting City Lord Clark, the Druids would not show mercy.

This group of Druids was very powerful. Although the Druids were very relaxed, their direct battle strength was above the Shaman Sorcerers and the Necromancers.

Chu Tian calmly said, "I am here to see Prophet Yoda."

The Shadow Wolf jumped out and lit up in midair, strangely turning into human form. When it fell onto the ground, it turned into a strong wolf clan member. It roared out at Chu Tian with killing intent that filled people with fear.

Delores and Clark revealed vigilant expressions.

When faced with this wolf clan Druid baring his fangs, Chu Tian was still very calm. This was because he was certain that the person inside the temple would not be unaware of Chu Tian's arrival.

As expected.

A low and deep voice came from inside, "Rarely do guests come to the Druid temple, ask them to come in."

Chu Tian did not even spare a glance at the threatening wolf clan Druid and walked into the Temple of Nature. Clark and Delores hesitated for a few seconds before they followed behind Chu Tian.

The surrounding several hundred high level Druids turned into human form with depressed expressions, looking very unfriendly. Are these damn fellows worthy of disturbing Lord Prophet?

The Druid Religion pursued nature and simpleness, so there was no decorations inside the Druid temple. It was a primitive and ancient giant house with a large goddess statue high up. This was the Goddess of Nature the Druids believed in. The giant wings were spread to protect a throne in front of the statue and there was a strange person sitting on the throne.

Chu Tian had never seen this race before.

He was only a meter tall and had the green skin of a goblin, but also the pointy ears of an elf, while also looking like a gnome, looking to be a mix of the three races. He was wearing a simple robe and there was a staff on his crossed legs. He was covered in a layer of mysterious aura.

Could this be the legendary Druid Master Yoda?

[TL Note: It really is fucking Yoda…..]

Delores had never seen him before and had only heard his names in legends.

Yoda was a Prophet among the Forest of Chaos Druids. For a person to be monikered a Prophet among the Druids, that was equal to a Bishop, which was much higher than even the High Priest. No one in Green City had seen Yoda fight before, but it's said that before coming to Green City, Yoda had transformed into a dragon to fight with an ancient beast.

What kind of terrifying being was a dragon?

If these legends were true, the Green City's High Priests added together were not Yoda's match still!

The most powerful point wasn't this. It's said that the Druid Prophets were different from normal people, having the Spiritual God's prediction ability. If there was something big in the forest the Prophet wanted to know, it could not be hidden from them.

This was also the reason why Clark was afraid of the Druids!

The Druids were more low key compared to the others, but the threat they posed to Green City was not below the Shamans or the Necromancers. Not to mention this was a bunch of unruly fellows, so they wouldn't be safe in the territory of any power.

Prophet Yoda was not an easy to see person.

Clark had only seen Yoda two times in thirty years.

This was also why Clark tried to stop Chu Tian when he learned he wanted to see the Druids, it was because it was a futile effort. If he disturbed these sensitive Druids, perhaps he would cause unnecessary trouble.

Who would have thought that Yoda would directly accept Chu Tian's request. This was a hard to believe matter.

Prophet Yoda opened his eyes. His head was small, but his eyes were large, just like a young creature. It was not pure and innocent like a young creature, rather Yoda's eyes were very clear, like it was filled with wisdom.

"I am called Chu Tian, I have always admired the fame of the Druid Religion. I'm lucky enough to see the Druid's Prophet, it really isn't easy." Chu Tian did not avoid Yoda's clear eyes, "But since I'm this fortunate, how about Master Yoda read my fortune?"


When these disrespectful words came out, the surrounding Druids all exploded with rage.

The Prophet had a very high status in the Druid Religion and each Druid took orders from the Prophet. This weak human was being disrespectful to Prophet Yoda like this, he was simply looking down on the Druids, this could not be forgiven.

Clark and Delores' expressions changed.

They also never thought that Chu Tian would come to the Druid temple and would actually make a request to their Prophet in front of all these Druids.

Chapter 414: Poisoned

Chapter 414: Poisoned

Yoda's clear and wise eyes were as calm as a water mirror, not having any waves or darkening at all. He lightly waved his hand and the surrounding Druids calmed down. Although they let out a discontent low roar in their mouths, not a single person dared to make a move.

"Young human, I can feel that you are different from everyone else." Prophet Yoda calmly said, "Druid Prophets do indeed have the ability to sense strands of destiny, but it's a pity that ability has a limit. The stronger and more complicated destiny is, the harder it is to see clearly. I can perhaps see the life of a lizard, but I can't see the life of a giant dragon. As for you….."

A confused look appeared in Yoda's large eyes, "I'll be honest with you, although you are standing in front of me, I can't see your destiny strands at all. It's as if you don't belong to this space and time."

The legends are true?

The Druid Prophets really had this amazing ability?

Chu Tian had read in an ancient book that there were some ancient Prophets who had strange innate talents that allowed them to see things other people couldn't see. Chu Tian wanted to test it, but Yoda's words had shocked him. Could it be this fellow really did see something?

"Destiny is a river and we are a grain of sand. Where we come from and where we go is all determined by destiny, drifting with the current, unable to resist." Yoda said this and then he suddenly revealed an interested expression, "Now a fish is jumping into the river. Not only is it trying to change its path, it is also causing all the dust to deviate from its original path wherever it goes."

"I can feel that people who gather around you will have their destiny changed." Yoda's eyes fell onto Delores and Clark, revealing a meaningful expression, "Green City's situation is hard to predict, all the strands are in chaos."

This was confirmation.

If Chu Tian had not appeared.

The young miss, Yingying, Nangong, and the others would all follow their original path. Chu Tian's appearance had changed history, so Yoda saying this was correct.

Chu Tian was a bit amazed. Was there really people in this world who could predict destiny?

Yoda's words made Chu Tian think of the sealed Spiritual God in the Central State Trial Tower, who had used the same analogy for destiny. The more powerful a person was, they more they could control their direction and position, but no matter how strong they were, they could not change the flow of the river of destiny.

Clark and Delores were both secretly shocked.

This Druid Prophet was even deeper than they imagined. The most important thing was that the Prophet had a deep appraisal of Chu Tian. Even if a giant dragon was in front of him, Yoda cannot accurately read his future, but still could still feel the strength of its destiny.

He could not see through Chu Tian at all.

The destiny of all living things was actually a mix of strands. When a person whose abilities cannot be predicted, the strands will fall into chaos and even the Druid Prophets wouldn't be able to predict anything.

This young human was truly extraordinary.

Perhaps this was the reason Prophet Yoda agreed to see him.

Chu Tian gave a sigh, "Since you can't, then let's forget about it. Actually knowing one's destiny is a bit dull, life always needs a bit of pleasant surprise, right?"

Prophet Yoda smiled, "Sir is open minded. You came to the Druid temple, what guidance do you have for the Druids?"

"I don't dare offer guidance." Chu Tian did not keep him guessing and directly threw out the chip he had already thought of, "I've heard that before Prophet Yoda came to lead the Green City Druids, you've fought an ancient beast and even now, Prophet Yoda hasn't recovered from the injuries."

Yoda did not reply.

But the facts were there.

The Druids did not have a special purpose coming here, it was just the gnomes' prejudice against the Druids. Yoda could be considered a first class expert of the Forest of Chaos at his peak, but after fighting the ancient beast, his strength had fallen quite a bit.

Of course, even if it was far below what it was in the past, Prophet Yoda was still stronger than the High Priests.

Chu Tian didn't keep him guessing, "I am Green City's new City Lord and have a deep admiration for the Druid culture. I can think of a way to cure the Prophet's injuries, but I hope the Druids can make an alliance with Green City."

The expressions of the other Druids all changed.

He could cure the Prophet's injuries? If it was truly like this, this was a large matter!

Prophet Yoda displayed no changes and even his eyes did not move. It was like this wasn't related to him at all, "Each Druid has their freedom, I have no rights to make a decision for the Druids."

Chu Tian knit his brows. How could this fellow be so bad at understanding good and bad?

Chu Tian could only lower his request, "I can provide an effective treatment method to the Prophet, but I hope the Druids will not be involved in the fight between Green City and the Shamans."

Yoda calmly said, "The Druids love peace and never enter fights without reason. As long as no one looks at us with hostility, we will not look at others with hostility."

"Good! Then it's a promise!"

Chu Tian was rushed for time and did not want to bargain with the Prophet. As long as he promised not to participate in this fight, then everything else was fine. Chu Tian was relatively assured in the Druids, these people's natures were simple and honourable. The Druids believed in the God of Nature and the Druid God, so the Druids would not lie and they would not participate in the battle for no reason.

Chu Tian coming to the Druid temple to meet the Prophet was just to be safe.

With the Prophet personally promising this, Chu Tian believed the Druids would do this.

When Chu Tian led the gnome and fox girl away, Yoda closed those bright eyes and his brows knit even deeper. He fell into silence as the other Druids looked at each other in blank dismay. They understood that the Prophet looking like this meant he was in a state of pondering.


Prophet Yoda raised his hand and a source spirit was released. Yoda's source spirit was very strange, it was actually a tortoise shell, one used for sacrifice and divination.

The Druids kneeled on one foot seeing this.

They all understood the Prophet wanted to make a divination.

The Druids all around poured their energy into the tortoise shell, which would letters to appear on its surface which was the Druid Prophet's divination. Only, before these letters could appear, the tortoise shell cracked. The crack quickly spread through the tortoise shell and like an explosion, the tortoise shell turned into pieces.


Yoda spat out a mouthful of blood.


"Lord Prophet!"

The Druids all quickly came up to support him, but Yoda waved his hand. He looked like he was very weak, but his life was not in danger. He really couldn't do it. As long as it was beside this human, any form of divination would failed. He already had no way of predicting anything about Green City.

The strands were gathered in a clump and continuously changing, while the strands coming from outside are also changing. Only if he went far enough would he be able to restore this ability.

Yoda revealed a strange and complicated expression.

Was there really a person in this world who could disturb destiny?

Chu Tian had used a short two days and now everything was prepared. Now they were just waiting for the locals and Shamans to make their move.

Around the third day.

The locals army had reached around two hundred and thirty thousand, mainly composed of the large tribe's elites, which was an army that could threaten the gnomes. The locals did not have any patience and couldn't wait any longer.




The over two hundred thousand people gathered in the forest, taking up an entire ten miles of space. They were roaring with killing intent which was like a landslide, causing all the beasts and birds to flee.

The several large tribe chiefs acted as the leader and decided to lead their subordinates to plunder Green City. The Shaman Sorcerers accompanying them used a bit more witchcraft on them, for example, berserk technique, bloodthirsty technique, and etc. After these locals were strengthened by the Shamans' witchcraft, their battle strength would naturally increase.

Everything was ready now!

"Green City is right ahead!"

"Let us charge in and overthrow those weak gnomes!"

The locals army could not contain it any longer and like a tide, they charged forward towards Green City. Green City's tunnels were covered in barriers and Green Protectors, but the Shaman Religion promised that as long as the army attacked, the Shamans would turn them off from inside.

Several hundred thousand locals charged right at Green City.

The gnomes were not strong, these several hundred thousand people could push them back and not the mention that there were Shamans attacking from a different direction at the same time. There was hope for the Green City destruction this time.

When the several tribe chiefs led their wave of clansmen into the valley, they suddenly found that the barriers were all active, layers upon layers like a screen. There were gnome archers and priests on both sides of the canyon cliff.

"What is going on?"

"Didn't the Shamans say they would turn off the gnomes' defenses?"

Although they were discontent with this situation, they had already charged here, so even if the Green City defenses were not turned off, they could only keep charging forward.

Who would have thought that when the locals tried to release their spirit energy.

Something no one would have imagined happened.

The locals tried to stimulate their spirit energy, but it felt like their bodies were burning. Their spirit energy went wild in their meridians and they actually couldn't control it.

"What is going on?"

"Damn, we've been poisoned!"

"Everyone's been poisoned!"

"What is going on?"

The locals were shocked to find that all their main forces had been poisoned. Before they could even respond, the Minotaurs Chief Arnold suddenly roared out and his giant axe chopped down on a Shaman priest.

With a hua la sound.

The Shaman Priest shattered like a porcelain bottle, instantly turning into a rain of flesh and blood.

The locals finally understood who had poisoned everyone, it was the Minotaurs who had poisoned their food. The Minotaurs were a local tribe, so the other tribes was not on guard against the Minotaurs at all, never thinking that the Minotaurs would actually poison their food.

Chapter 415: Battle begins

Chapter 415: Battle begins

Arnold directly killed another Shaman priest!

This was merely the start. Like they had received an order, the Minotaurs began to go berserk as those three-four meter tall monsters had their eyes turn completely red. They all wielded their axes and hammers as they began to attack the Shaman priests.

"They dare attack the Shaman priests."

"The Shaman God will not let you go."

"The Shaman God will curse you with the most evil curse, so you will wish for death!"

The goat race Shamans let out sharp and angry cries, but these kinds of threats had no use on these angered Minotaurs at all. The Shaman priests were very strong, but there were only five Shaman priests and over five thousand Minotaurs.

This was a fight without any suspense!

The Shaman priests did not have a powerful battle strength and with a large group of angry Minotaurs charging at them, they could not resist them at all. They were just threatening the Minotaurs, but they were instantly trampled into a pile of flesh and blood, no longer having their original appearance.

"Arnold!" The other locals all had very ugly expressions, with some chiefs being unable to roar out, "You shameless traitor, you actually betrayed your forest allies! Do you not want a good death?"

"Idiots!" Arnold's large cow face revealed a taunting expressions, "You still don't know you're being used by others and father saved you all. It's fine if you're seeking death, but you're implicating all the surrounding tribes!"

A tribe chief angrily roared, "What did you say?!"

"I have evidence that everything was a plot by the Shamans." Arnold took out a broken piece of cloth, "This is something I found in the forest. There was witchcraft attached to this and the Shamans reduced the prey using this. It was all a plot!"

Arnold suddenly jumped onto a tall rock, "These despicable fellows wanted to use us as cannon fodder to attack Green City. There are many people among you all who are controlled by witchcraft, but you idiots don't know at all!"

The Minotaur's roar reverberated through the entire valley, making those locals stunned to the point of not being able to say a single thing.

At this time, the barrier was opened and the gnome army entered the valley.

"This Minotaur chief is correct!" The leading Green Religion priest shouted, "The Green City envoy three days ago was controlled by Shaman witchcraft, we can confirm this. This attack was stirred up by the Shamans, so we have reason to believe that there are people being controlled amongst you all!"

Arnold ordered the Minotaurs to grab the several large tribes' chiefs and high level officers.

"What are you all doing?"

"Let go of our leaders!"

The Green Religion priest looked at Arnold.

Arnold said without any hesitation, "According to my observations, it should be these people."

The Green Religion priest pulled out talismans which he placed on the chief and high level leaders' bodies. When the talismans were activated, most of these people gave pitiful cries. They spat out insect eggs from their stomach and insects crawled out of the chiefs' mouths. This scene made every person stunned.

"What is this?" The locals called out in fear.

"The witchcraft insect is very sinister, it can take your life at any moment and can control one's thoughts. These chiefs were being controlled by witchcraft and there were times when they didn't even know it. I think, they should be clear minded now!"

In the process of dispelling the witchcraft, although they suffered a lot of pain, it did no threaten their lives at all.

The local leaders all had ugly expressions. They all had strange thoughts during this time period which didn't come from them at all, rather they came from this power forcefully burying itself in their minds. They looked at the insects that came out of them again.

So it's like this, so it's like this.

No wonder they became so wild.

No wonder they lost their reasoning.

No wonder they gathered so quickly.

Actually a cool headed person perhaps wouldn't make the decision to attack Green City. Even if the Green City gnomes were weakened, it was not something the local tribes could resist. This kind of fight was equal to seeking death.

Arnold shouted, "Everything was done by the Shamans. Not only did they not hesitate to incite famine and chaos, causing harm to our tribes, they also want us to attack Green City to use us as cannon fodder! How can such a thing be accepted in this world? According to what I think, we should take eye for eye, we should let the Shamans taste the anger of the forest!"

The locals realized they had all been played, erupting with roars of rage.

"Green City is willing to help everyone fight the evil Shamans." A Green Religion priest sword, "We swear in the name of the Forest God that if the local warriors are on the brink of destruction do not cause any losses to Green City and help us fight the Shamans, Green City will not only not hold you responsible, we will also provide you food and help you through this time of crisis!"

Vows in the name of Spiritual Gods was definitely something that could be trusted, so the locals did not have any worries.

"What are you all hesitating for?" Arnold's nose let out two clouds of white steam, "The evil Shamans have harmed many Minotaur tribesmen, so the Minotaurs must take revenge for them!"

Even if they were dumb, they could still think it through.

This was why the Shamans appeared in each tribe when the crisis erupted. Not only were they convincing the various tribes to unite, they were also inciting them to fight. In the end, everything was planned by them and the forest tribe chiefs were playing in their palms!

The locals entered into a wild rage.

The poison within the locals were not toxic.

They would only lose the ability to use spirit energy for an hour, so most of them had already recovered their strength!

"Kill the Shamans!"

"Kill the Shamans!"

Each chief was filled with anger from shame, which quickly spread to all the locals. The gnomes saw this situation and immediately opened the barrier. Large groups of locals charged like a stream, wildly rushing into Green City.

High Priest Mars inside the Shaman Temple was shocked by this, "The locals charged in this quickly? The Green City troops should be distracted by the locals and even if it is a part that is drawn away, this is a chance for the Shamans. If these several hundred thousand people added to the two thousand voodoo puppets cannot take Green City, I would not believe it!"

But at this time.

Large waves of fire arrows rained down on the Shaman temple. They fell onto the walls, the tables, and even the statues. The flames immediately ignited everything around them.

High Priest Mars' expression sunk, "The gnomes dare move against us first? Go! Send out the voodoo puppets and have them taste the might of the Shamans!"

The voodoo puppets charged out of the Shaman temple like meteors.

At this moment, several thousand gnome archers and soldiers leading ten Green Protectors to surround this place were faced with the wild attack of the Shaman temple. They suddenly saw a large group of dark shadows charge out from inside and each one was filled with curse and witchcraft energy.

The Green Religion priests seeing this had their expressions change, "Be careful! This is the Shaman Religion's voodoo puppet!"

The gnomes' archery skills were not inferior to the elves. After their spirit energy entered the arrows, each arrow flew out with a streak of light. They were incredibly fast and sharp. The voodoo puppets running in the front were slammed by the streaks of light.

"The voodoo puppets are only like this!"

The gnomes felt a bit more relieved. The voodoo puppets were torn to pieces as they filled with sky with gu insects, just like a dark cloud made of flakes. They instantly reformed in front of the gnome archers and took the form of the voodoo puppets once again, seeming like they weren't injured at all.

The voodoo puppets were refined by the Shaman priests with a large amount of effort and resource. They were filled with curse and witchcraft energy, so before those energies were exhausted, they could not die at all.


A gnome let out a pitiful cry.

The voodoo puppet lifted them up with a single hand. Their flew up at a speed the naked eye could see and they inflated like a balloon. With the sound of rupturing, countless poisonous insects and a large amount of poison erupted from their body. There was not a single gnome nearby who wasn't lucky enough to avoid being splashed.

Too terrifying!

The witchcraft and curse powers it had were too strong!

Mars led a group of Shaman priests out of the temple. His white hair floated in the wind and his skinny face made him look like a gloomy skeleton, "Those Green Religion idiots, they want to attack the Shaman temple, but this bit of people isn't enough!"

The Shaman priests controlled those voodoo puppets and the strength of two thousand puppets were enough to wipe out an army.

These gnomes were the elites of their clans, but it was still impossible for them to resist these Shamans.

"Since you've came yourselves, this old man will accept this without courtesy." Mars was determined to kill these elites in front of him first before sending the voodoo puppets to directly attack the gnomes' castle, "Kill, kill them all!"

"Quickly retreat!"

"Quickly retreat!"

The gnomes desperately retreated while the Green Protectors guarded their retreat. These few Green Protectors obviously couldn't protect them all and the Shaman priests continued sending the voodoo puppets to attack. They soon quickly destroyed the Green Protectors and began to quickly chase down the elves running away.

Mars had a look of taunting and ridicule on his face, but this expression did not remain long.

This was because the gnomes fell back to a group of Green Religion priests which knocked Mars back to his senses. He remembered in the fight just now that Green City had not sent the Green Religion priests. There was only one possibility, this was a ploy to draw them all out.

"Come back!"

When Mars gave his order, the Green Religion priests seized this chance to attack the Shaman priests before they could fight back. There were no vines that filled the air or were there tree monster summoned, there was only an incomparably large source energy array activated by the Green Religion priests. The Shaman priests had never seen this source energy array before, but the Shaman priests were all shocked.

The voodoo puppets entering the source energy array lost the ability to stand as they fell like piles of skin. Those insects made pitiful cries as they tried escaping from the body, but they died as soon as they fell to the ground without any time to struggle.

It happened in the blink of an eye.

This source energy array had killed several hundred voodoo dolls which was enough to fill these Shaman priests were incomparable shock!

Chapter 416: Surrounding the Shaman temple

Chapter 416: Surrounding the Shaman temple

Chu Tian stood in the distance on a mountain, watching everything.

Twenty thousand gnome elites had already completely surrounded the Shaman temple.

"The array you gave the gnomes is too strong!" Delores saw the several hundred voodoo puppets being disintegrated by the array and her eyes almost popped out, "Those Shaman fellows are finished once they ran into you! But it's very strange, it's clearly your first time coming in contact with the Shamans, so why do you have a deep understanding of witchcraft?"

"With your culture level, it's hard for me to explain this question. Just treat me as a genius with foresight, ha, ha, ha!"

If the other side was Yingying, she would have exploded.

Even if it was the young miss, she would have glared at him.

Delores was not angry at all, instead she went to massage Chu Tian's shoulders. She asked in a flirtatious tone that did not back down, "I'm really curious. Just tell me, alright? Just treat it as me begging you."

The fox girl's rich figure intentionally rubbed against him a few times.

That intoxicating voice, there weren't many people that could take it.

How could Chu Tian not know what this fox girl was thinking? The Shaman Religion was one of the strongest religions. Not only was it in the Savage Highlands and Green City, it had quite a bit of influence in the Forest of Chaos. They had suppressed the Demonic God Religion for many years, so if she could obtain the methods of dealing with the Shamans from Chu Tian, would she need to fear those Shaman Sorcerers from now on?

"Actually, this witchcraft is a variation of an ancient magic, but it's only a small branch technique in the end, it does not contain the essence of the magic. As long as you find the specific method to deal with it, any witchcraft can be broken, "Chu Tian only gave half the information, "As for the specific methods, just be assured in helping me and you can learn whatever you want to learn."

Would this answer satisfy Delores? When Delores was prepared to use the fox clan's charming techniques to properly quiz this fellow, there was a war cry that sounded out.

To the northwest.

It should be the Shaman followers launching their attack.

But they clearly did not expect to meet such a fierce retaliation from the gnomes.

Because their plan to use the locals to distract the gnomes did not have any effect, most of the gnomes' defenses were concentrated on dealing with the Shamans. Perhaps after Arnold and the other locals learned the truth, they would help the gnomes deal with the Shaman believers, so this was already not a problem.

The only variable would be this Shaman temple.

After all, there were over a thousand Shaman Sorcerers in this temple and there were several hundred of them who were Shaman priests. Adding in the voodoo puppets, this was a very terrifying battle strength.

But, their regret was.

The Shaman Sorcerer's most advantageous voodoo puppets could not be used.

The voodoo puppets were a crystallization of high level witchcraft. When each one was refined, it would require a large amount of time, resources, and energy. The voodoo puppets were in the Awakened Soul Realm, but they could suppress True Spirit Realm experts with their curse powers.

These two thousand voodoo puppets had been saved up by the Shamans over several generations, it was as important as the Green Protectors to the gnomes. These voodoo puppets were the foundations for the Shamans and not to mention others, even the Shamans themselves did not know of the voodoo puppets' fatal weakness. Before they ran out of power, they could resurrect without stop.

If the Shaman priests fought with them and could restore the power within the voodoo puppets, there was no effective way to deal with these fellows. The battle strength of these two thousand voodoo puppets were not inferior to an army of ten thousand.

Because of their absolute confidence in the voodoo puppets, the Shaman Sorcerers did not have guards in the Shaman temple. Now that they were surrounded by the gnomes, they all had dark faces and were feeling a bit helpless.

The Shaman Religion's perfect witchcraft had been easily broken by the gnomes, this was without doubt a heavy blow to them!

The Shamans did not have any other choices, they could only withdraw the voodoo puppets and prepare to defend the Shaman temple.

The Shaman temple had various barriers and spells and there was the altar to provide them with power. If they defended the Shaman temple, the gnomes will not be able to easily break in.

"Stop them!"

"Use the Witchcraft Breaking Talisman Arrows!"

The gnomes could clearly understand what the Shamans were planning, so the front line of archers took out arrows with talismans on them. When those arrows were released, source energy activated the talismans and each arrow was filled with a witchcraft breaking power. When the voodoo puppets were hit by the gnome arrows, they immediately gave pitiful cries as their body broken down piece by piece, finally turning into a pile of rotten flesh and squirming insects.

There was no need to say it.

This was also made by Chu Tian.

Chu Tian taught the witchcraft sealing array to the gnomes and the gnomes used this to create talisman arrows to deal with the Shamans. Once the talisman on the arrow was activated and the arrows hit the voodoo puppets, the energy within the talisman would shut off the witchcraft power within the puppet. The curse power will backlash in that moment, turning them into piles of flesh that could not be restored at all.

Just like this.

The Shaman Sorcerers were completely subdued.


Mars was filled with anger as he began muttering. The previously killed gnome corpses came together like they were pulled by gravity, with countless corpses tangling together. It was like a giant hand was rolling a ball of pasta that instantly turned into a large meatball that was several feet tall.

Clark's expression slightly changed seeing this, "Be careful! He is using high level witchcraft!"

The giant meatball above Mars' head gradually turned red before gradually turning purple. Large amount of poison seeped into it and the entire meatball inflated like a balloon before being thrown over a dense region of gnomes.

Clark raised the staff in his hand and a green light was released, "Great Forest God, please grant me power!" When his words finished, the long staff was inserted into the ground as countless branches and vines came out, tightly holding the meatball in the air.

These vines and branches were instilled with the Green Religion power, so even if it was wind blades, fierce flames, or giant stones, it would not be able to injure it at all. However, it could only temporarily stop this terrifying witchcraft technique.

When the emerald vines touched the meatball, it was corroded by the curse power being released, all of it quickly withering away. At this time, there were many holes in the meatball as large amounts of poisonous gas was released from within. More cracks began to form on the surface, clearly it was about to blow.


The instant this giant meatball exploded, it was like a powerful wave as countless little pieces of meat flew forward. Each piece of meat was filled with a witchcraft curse, so as long as they fell onto a living being, the body would instantly rot away and die.

"Forest Barrier!"

Clark was already prepared, immediately summoning a giant green barrier in front of him. The entire green barrier was offset by a layer of dark red, as countless pieces of flesh and large amounts of disgusting gu insects were writhing on the barrier.

The meatball explosion was several hundred meters. All the plants and flowers were corrupted and at a speed the naked eye could see, there was a poisonous cloud forming a strip of isolation, making the gnomes unable to chase them. In the affected areas, all the plants had withered and there were various dangerous witchcraft gu insects crawling around.

"So powerful!" Delores saw this from afar, "Truly worthy of the Shaman Religion's High Priest! If this attack had hit a crowded area, perhaps it would have killed over a thousand people!"

Chu Tian was also a bit surprised.

This Shaman Sorcerer from the Savage Highlands really did have some skills, perhaps his cultivation was not beneath the 4th True Spirit Layer. Because witchcraft itself was hard to deal with, normal same level cultivators would find it hard to fight him.

Mars' attack created a chance for the Shamans, allowing all the Shamans to retreat back into the temple.

The Green Religion priests all released their attacks.

Countless branches and vines being corroded suddenly began to grow wildly, moving forward to attack like giant pythons, but it was still late by a step. The Shamans had retreated back and the Shaman temple was covered in a protective barrier. The Green Religion priests could not chisel away at it, so the countless vines could only surround the temple, not letting the people inside come out.

"Mars, your plot has already been exposed!" Clark loudly shouted, "Don't drag on this senseless fight, you won't have any opportunities!"

The Shaman Sorcerers were trapped inside the Shaman temple.

They all had expressions like dying embers.

Even the slowest among them understood what was going on.

The Shaman witchcraft had been dispelled by the gnomes, so it was impossible to implement the Shamans' plans. The Shamans were trapped in their temple and although they could rely on it to keep themselves safe for a while, how long could they cling to it?

The witchcraft released by Mars was very strong, but its consumption was not low either. He was currently panting as his eyes were filled with frustration, "Damn gnomes, damn Clark! If I catch him, I will use ten thousand gu insects to slowly torture him to death!"

A green skinned orc priest walked over, "High Priests, the Green Religion priests have already sealed off our temple and we can't send any witchcraft techniques out. What should be do?"

"Since matters are like this, we cannot sit here waiting for death." Mars spoke with a cloudy expression, "First we'll restore our strength with the altar before we charge out in one strike, we'll let them understand that the Shaman Sorcerers are not easy to offed. Luz, you will lead the charge and I will shield you."

Priest Luz considered it for a few seconds, "I have an idea that is more advantageous to our situation."

Mars looked at his assistant, "Speak then."

"We can….." Luz was prepared to keep talking when he arrived beside Mars. Suddenly there was a colourful large centipede that came out of his sleeve like an arrow, directly biting the neck of the old troll, "Kill you, then sneak into Green City!"

Mars let out a pitiful cry.

This centipede was a gu insect refined by Luz over many years. Even if an Earth Dragon was bitten, the poison within could still instantly corrode its body.