633 - 640

Chapter 633: In chaos

In the battle of Miracle City, the Big Dry Empire and the Forest Alliance already had a grudge that couldn't be broken.

As an empire and a ruler, the Big Dry Empire could not take this kind of shame. Even bringing disgrace upon themselves was the same.

In the past ten years, even when meeting with the other empire level powers, the Big Dry Empire had never suffered a tragic loss like they had in Miracle City!

The Forest Alliance still hadn't been publicly recognized as an empire level power, therefore this tragic loss made the Big Dry Empire lose all their face.

If it was a normal kingdom, it wasn't that important if they lost face, at most it would be a bit embarrassing. But for the Big Dry Empire, this loss of face was not just the emperor's problem, it was related to their empire's prestige and influence. The empire's prestige was linked to their benefits.

Any empire level power on the continent had over a hundred attached powers. The Big Dry Empire had one hundred and thirty attacked powers, with several warring kingdoms and dozens of large and small kingdoms, as well as several dozen large families and sects.

How did they manage all these forces?

Even if the Big Dry Empire's army was strong, they couldn't manage all those places!

These attached forces obediently followed the Big Dry Empire mainly because they feared the empire's prestige. It was the empire's influence that trapped them, making them not dare show any neglect to the Big Dry Empire! Therefore, the stronger an empire, the more loyal the attached forces were and the more tributes they offered. An empire's face was directly linked to these benefits.

With the battle of Miracle City.

The Big Dry Empire's serious loss swept their face across the ground!

Not only were they laughed at by the other empires, their attached forces were also affected. They thought the Big Dry Empire was weak and they wouldn't use everything they had to flatter them, finally it would greatly reduce their tribute. The Big Dry Empire's competitors would seize this chance to sway certain people sitting on the fence.

This defeat in Miracle City would have long lasting effects on the Big Dry Empire, so they had to save face as soon as possible.

Miracle City was becoming a bigger threat with each passing day!

If one didn't see it with their own eyes, it would be hard to imagine such a miraculous flower blooming on the continent!

Miracle Commerce had only been founded for three years, achieving a rise that others couldn't reach even with three hundred years. Miracle City's path of development was very special. They didn't recruit soldiers, buy horses, go on expeditions, or expand their boundaries, yet they achieved such a large result.

Although Miracle City had pushed aside the Big Dry Empire, the Big Dry Empire kept watching them, knowing every action that they made. Since the summit, Miracle City was becoming closer and closer with the six empire level powers, which made the Big Dry Empire feel very unsettled.

It was only a matter of time before an empire level power appeared in the Forest of Chaos area.

The most terrifying thing was not an extra empire level power on the continent, but rather that the Forest of Chaos was a very special place. It could link all the other powers and create a special alliance that surpassed any race or empire. If Miracle City accomplished this, the Big Dry Empire would find it hard to advance and they would even be in danger of being swallowed.

It was time to vent their anger!

They had to heavily punish Miracle City in this battle!

The Big Dry Empire paid a sky high price, specially asking two large forces to send troops, creating this army of over one million. There were around seven hundred thousand normal troops and around three hundred and fifty thousand peak soldiers, with the Big Dry Empire sending one hundred and fifty thousand of them.

This army was even strong enough to attack an empire!

The Big Dry Emperor personally commanding the army showed his dedication to victory!

The defenses of Miracle City was indeed pretty good, but the Big Dry Emperor did not believe West Sea City had the same defenses. As long as they destroyed West Sea City of the Forest Alliance, this was equivalent to cutting off Forest Alliance's influence in the Western Sea. It would greatly drop the Forest Alliance's power and it would let the Big Dry Empire reclaim several attached force in the Western Sea.

If the Big Dry Empire's sphere of influence reached the Western Sea, they could turn it into a springboard. They could keep corroding the Forest of Chaos, using this kind of gradual method to defeat Miracle City.

Other than this strategic value, Miracle City's City Lord Chu Tian chose to hold his wedding in West Sea City and the Miracle Continent would also open on this day. The Big Dry Empire chose the most important day to deal heavy losses to Miracle City, hoping to use this momentum to create a heavy loss for the Forest of Chaos!"

"Your majesty!"

"There are large amounts of flying objects in front of us!"

"They are moving very quickly! It's estimated they are Miracle City's missile weapons!"

The Big Dry Emperor was sitting in the central command base, when a messenger sent a Divine Sense message, quickly reporting the situation of the frontline to the Big Dry Emperor. This era's communication system was not developed and in a large scale army, it was normal for the front and back to be separated by several miles. It would be too slow if they sent messages by mouth and using signal flags would cause chaos, therefore the most advanced method was using Divine Sense.

"How many are there?"

"Around a few hundred!"

"Only a few hundred?" The Big Dry Emperor revealed a smile of disdain when he heard this. Miracle City seemed to have completed their defensive line and they were trying to stop the Big Dry Empire's army from entering the Forest of Chaos, to stop them from ruining Miracle City's most important day. The Big Dry Emperor was not worried about this behaviour, rather it was exactly what he wanted.

If Miracle City used the city to defend, it might be a bit difficult for their army to attack. If they were to fight on open ground, no matter how strong Miracle City's army was, they couldn't defend against this kind of army.

This army from the Big Dry Empire was something that even a real empire couldn't resist, not to mention Miracle City's army that hadn't reached the empire level. Otherwise, they wouldn't have made all those concessions for protection from the other six empires.

"Send the order down!" The Big Dry Emperor said without even thinking, "The front lines will open the barrier. The front lines will charge forward and meet the Forest Alliance's troops!"

The Big Dry Empire had been collecting information on Miracle City's research. Although Miracle City had many things and the Big Dry Empire couldn't understand most of it even now, at least they wouldn't be in the dark like before. As for the missiles, the Source Energy Cannons, and the laser cannons, the Big Dry Empire had studied them and researched how to defend against them.

For example, Miracle City had the Wall Buster missile.

According to the investigations of the Big Dry Empire, this kind of missile had appeared when the Forest Alliance fought with the Eagle Burial Warring Kingdom. This kind of missile was specially used against barriers, it could destroy powerful large scale barriers, so it was very dangerous when two armies clashed.

The Big Dry Emperor avoided suffering losses by dividing the armies into front, center, back, left, and right legions. Each legion had their own large scale barrier and each barrier were multi layered, so it was effective at resisting the Wall Breaker.

Other than that, the Big Dry Empire knew that Miracle City had things like airborne warships.

This time, the Big Dry Empire had specially sent elites for airborne defense, they were mainly responsible for staying at the same level as the airships. They would immediately destroy the target as soon as they found them, they definitely would not give them a chance to drop bombs on their heads.

It was just the attack of several hundred missiles.

This was not considered anything to the Big Dry Empire's army!

This weak attack showed that the Forest Alliance was not prepared, so their frontline wouldn't be all that strong. Miracle City depended on these high level technology as their main attack power, they themselves were quite lacking, without any powerful soldiers and experts. Therefore, one cannot drag a battle out with Miracle City, one had to approach immediately. That was the only way to reduce casualties.

When the Big Dry Empire had this kind of idea.

There was suddenly a grating sound from above!

A large beam of light penetrated the clouds and fell down from the far off Outer Space. It was like a sword of justice, piercing through their formation and accurately hitting where the Big Dry Emperor was currently standing. The dozens of airborne cavalry it passed through and two special messengers were killed without being ablel to defend at all.

"What is going on?"

"Where did this attack come from!"

The Big Dry Emperor angrily questioned. Their army had clearly prepared their airborne guards and then without any warning, they met an attack that fell out of the sky. This filled him with shock and rage!

When he had just finished.

Another beam of light fell down.

This attack fell on the command center of the front and middle army, instantly creating quite of bit of casualties and chaos!

The third beam of light quickly followed.

This attack landed on the command center of the front and back army. This attack's position was very clear and very precise. It was clearly aimed at the command centers of the Big Dry Empire's army.

The Big Dry Emperor couldn't hold back his anger as he gave his order, "Open the barrier!"

Before this order was even sent down, a shocking scene stunned the Big Dry Empire's army. There were tens of thousands of little dots in the sky and when one looked closely, how were those little dots? Each of them were missiles flying at ten times the speed of light spraying out tails of flames!

"What is there so many of them!"

"Where did they fire them from?"

The Big Dry Empire's army were all speechless. This kind of large scale attack would definitely have a destructive effect on their army. There was no need for orders, as the legions all opened their barriers. At this time, the rain of missiles fell down and they are all aimed at the center location where the Big Dry Emperor was. It instantly created a great deal of damage, even causing quite a bit of damage to the trump card troops. The most important thing was that after this terrifying round of attacks, the central army was already in chaos and there was a problem with their command chain.

The beams of light fell down one after the other!

Each attack would seize a chance to hit a command center.

Although these attacks didn't have any devastating effects on the Big Dry Empire's army, it sent this army of over a million into chaos. There was no way to send orders and all kinds of mistakes appeared in reports, causing the rigorously well trained army to fall into chaos! The army of over a million was close to falling apart!

Chapter 634: Weak battling the strong

The attacks of Miracle City's deep space weapons stopped.

Of course this was not Chu Tian and Meng Qingwu showing mercy. Although the deep space weapons had good effects, the process of loading ammunition into them was very troublesome. Each time it was loaded would take seven days, therefore they could only currently use it to harass the enemy and couldn't use it to destroy the enemy army's main forces.

But Miracle City's deep space weapons had accomplished their goal. The casualties caused by the few attacks wasn't considered much, but they had succeeded in creating chaos in this army.

This kind of chaos was basically a disaster, the thousands of small units were all close to collapsing, scurrying around like a bunch of headless chickens. There was no way to send down attack orders, so the army had completely lost the ability to fight.

Chu Tian watched the enemy army from afar.

He saw the dense army charging forward like a tidal wave, but after a few fireworks, they were running around like headless chickens. Chaos completely filled this group of headless chickens.

"Not bad!" Chu Tian revealed a faint satisfied smile, "Now we can make a move!"

Chu Tian's orders were sent to the entire army through a Smart Brain, so everyone was prepared for combat. The four central warships began to move forward and the combat units quickly took their places.

Each warship was around two hundred meters long and each ship was covered in Source Energy and Laser Cannons. Each ship had a powerful defense system, as well as being surrounded by twenty combat airships and three hundred Black Thunder fighters. This was a very powerful modern army.

When the Big Dry Empire's army faced the powerful Miracle City army, they all revealed looks of shock and disbelief. But their formation was in complete chaos and there were no orders being sent. The army had lost their cohesive power and could only fight as individuals.

Individual fighting led to some people running, some people defending, some people attack, and some people watching. There was not a single effective tactic.

Could there not be chaos in this kind of fight?

Could there be cohesiveness in this kind of fight?

All of the legions looked like they were completely broken!

If it was said that Miracle City's perfect coordination allowed their strength to increase by a further 30%, then the Big Dry Empire army's chaos caused their original strength to decrease by 30%.

So now was the best time to attack!

Miracle City's Smart Brain deduced their attack routes, so Chu Tian didn't need to direct anything and the army could attack when they wanted.

"Hong, hong, hong!"

The hundreds of weapons on the warships fired at the same time.

The weapons were like a dense storm falling onto the enemy army. The battle airships followed behind them and another energy storm fell down. The Big Dry Empire suffered heavy casualties from this wave of attacks.

The heavy losses from this direct confrontation was a large blow to their morale!

Although the Big Dry Empire's army was not weak, once they lost their morale, their soldiers didn't have any intent to fight at all. How could an army that had lost all intent to fight possibly win?

Miracle City seized this opportunity to keep sending out powerful attacks, as the three hundred fighter planes began to move. These fighter planes were like swords in Miracle City's hands. Although their destructive might could not compare to the large warships loaded with cannons, they were far more mobile and flexible compared to the warships.

These fighter planes were all supported by Smart Brains, so they charged at the enemies like meteors, sweeping down large groups of enemies like a sickle cutting down wheat. They saw another chance and attacked deep into the enemy's camp, causing heavy casualties to prevent the command posts from reforming.

The Big Dry Empire already had no way of sending down orders.

When the Big Dry Empire's collective was operating independently, Miracle City's main army finally saw a chance to attack. There were Mech Suits and robots that took off into the air, adding up to a total of around one hundred thousand. Although they were quite large, they didn't need orders at all.

Whether it was the Mech Suit soldiers.

Or the robot soldiers.

This army received centralized orders from the far Miracle City, they saw plans that were formed after Smart Brains had analyzed the situation. These plans were all adjusted for each individual, accurately sending instructions to each soldier. No matter what happened in this kind of situation, the Smart Brains could analyze the current situation to create the most suitable method.

This was a perfect and invincible command system!

The fifty thousand robot soldiers were made of the robots Miracle City built. These robots were not weak, having very strong attack systems. Just a single heavy Source Energy Gun was enough to wreak havoc on the Big Dry Empire's army, not to mention that the robots didn't just have a single heavy Source Energy Gun, but rather also Source Energy Cannons, Laser Cannons, and even a self destruct device.

They didn't have emotions, they didn't have pity, they didn't have fear.

They were truly cold and perfect soldiers.

The fifty thousand Mech Suit soldiers were soldiers carefully picked from the Forest Alliance and the Purgatory World. These soldiers already had pretty good strength and adding in the Mech Suit, each one had a terrifying power. Going all out, their strength was not inferior to the soldiers of the Big Dry Empire.

When the Big Dry Empire met the third wave of continuous attacks, the army of a million was close to collapsing.

The Dragon Lord watching from afar couldn't help giving an emotional sigh, "We have still underestimated Miracle City!"

"That's right. I never thought that Miracle City's army had reached this kind of level!" Thunder's Fury also sighed with emotion. Although Miracle City had only come to the Forest of Chaos for one-two years, their strength had already surpassed them, "Miracle City's technology is becoming stronger and stronger. With this kind of advanced army, perhaps no one will be their match in the future on the continent."

Lancelot said, "Don't waste time, we need to make a move too!"

The reinforcement of the Forest Alliance also joined the battle.

This time, the Big Dry Empire had been beaten into the ground.

It wasn't strange for an army of over a million to fight for several days without stop. Miracle City had completely scattered the Big Dry Empire and it would take them a day or two if they wanted to regroup. They had been fighting for half a day and the Big Dry Empire had suffered heavy casualties, with Miracle City being at an advantage.

The Big Dry Empire was not foolish, they couldn't retreat. If such a large army were to retreat before they even reached the Western Sea, whether it was their face or their prestige, it would be greatly affected. Not to mention that it would take them several days to retreat and West Sea City's wedding would already be over, so it would greatly reduce the effect of this battle.


They couldn't stop!

The Big Dry Empire sent out his senior generals, completely ignoring the normal elites. He gathered the trump card army of the empire which was a power that could easily defeat Miracle City's army!

It was impossible for the six empires cooperating with Miracle City to join this fight, their army was far weaker in comparison. How could Miracle City's army possibly fight against the combined armies of the three empires?

Chu Tian held his sword as he led his soldiers in killing quite a few enemies.

At this time, the young miss sent a message through the Smart Brain, "We have noticed that the Big Dry Empire's strongest powers are gathering. They seemed to be preparing to throw away the normal army and gather together the trump card armies. It is best if you don't collide with their strongest armies. This is after all the trump cards of an empire level power, so it is best to leave it to the six empire level powers to handle."

"These fellows are reacting quite quickly!"

The distribution of the strongest soldiers of the Big Dry Empire was a line crossing through the middle, but now that line was prepared to form a ball. If they were allowed to clump together, their battle strength couldn't be underestimated.

Chu Tian said to Meng Qingwu, "Send the live map to me."

Meng Qingwu transmitted the map analyzing the enemy's strength and numbers.

Chu Tian took a glance and knew what the situation was, "The reinforcements of the six empires haven't arrived yet, we need to stall for as much time as possible."

Meng Qingwu asked, "What are you prepared to do?"

"Interrupt them!" Chu Tian said without thinking, "Have the robot and Mech Suit Armies, as well as the fighters all follow me. We will cut off their main army in one fell swoop!"

Meng Qingwu felt that this was too risky, but it was effective at stopping the enemy from gathering their forces. The fighters couldn't be delayed any longer, so she quickly gave the Smart Brain to plan out their path. The Smart Brain analyzed the composition of the enemy's army and finally locked onto a relatively weak area. As long as they could separate the enemy here, they could at least cut off fifty thousand enemies.

They would do this!

Chu Tian didn't even think as he led the hundred thousand soldiers in attacking the Big Dry Empire. The trump card armies of the empires were like heaven and earth compared to the normal elites. Although it was hard for them to receive concrete orders, this army was not as chaotic as a result. But when they saw Miracle City taking the initiative to attack them, these soldiers were all shocked.

Chu Tian did not hold back and shouted, "Have the robot army attack first, blow up and take the enemy with you if you have to! We must destroy them all!"

The robot army controlled by the Smart Brain flew off. They were like moths that didn't fear death as they collectively flew out to attack the enemy!

Chapter 635: Going back to get married

When the tens of thousands of robots flew off.

Countless propellers created streams of energy in the air, causing the elements in the air to fall into chaos. These robots all reached their top speed and they all released their defensive barriers, completely ignoring the normal army surrounding them and charging right at the Big Dry Empire's formation. They created a bloody path as they charged at the slowly gathering army at the core.

The face of a Big Dry Empire general fell, "Miracle City is attacking, everyone be careful!"

Those core armies were worthy of being empire trump cards, their quality was not something the normal armies could compare to. Adding in the fact that they were in the core area of the army, the impact of the attack earlier was not as strong. Therefore, even without centralized orders, their formation didn't fall into chaos.

Now that they had encountered a powerful enemy attack, they automatically entered a defense formation.

The countless Miracle City robots were like spiders flying through the sky, with energy sparkling around each one of them. That was the effect produced by the energy shields and energy weapons.

An empire's general raised his spear high up and shouted, "Meet the attack! For the Big Dry Empire!"

The tens of thousands of robots shot out tens of thousands of beams of light, instantly scattering the normal armies of the Big Dry Empire. When the core army of the Big Dry Empire met this attack, they all had serious expressions as they formed a defensive formation.

These armies were like firm fortresses. The countless beams of light fell down on them, but they didn't move at all, like they hadn't received any damage. The robot army approached at this time and there were no fancy moves on either side as they directly clashed with each other.

The Miracle City robot army instantly met a powerful resistance!

The Big Dry Empire's core army were completely different from the normal army, each one of them had battle strength in the True Spirit Realm, with some of the officers even being terrifying existences in the Heaven Domain Realm. When they were gathered together, their collective power was hard to imagine.

"These puppet soldiers want to threaten our Big Dry Empire's soldiers?"

"Defeat the enemy and return to formation!"

The Big Dry Empire's core army didn't waste too much strength blocking Miracle City's robot army. They saw that Miracle City's strength was only at this level, so they immediately changed from a defensive formation to an attack formation. They wanted to quickly take care of this barrier here and then use their main force to take West Sea City in one fell swoop.

A Golden Dragon Hawk Cavalry went into the air as runes on their golden armour lit up. They were like heavenly soldiers falling from the sky. He was just a normal dragon rider cavalry, but his cultivation technique and cultivation were not simple. The spear in his hands came out and sent a flood dragon flying through the sky, slashing out a few times with its terrifying claws.

Dong, dong, dong, dong!

That fierce attacks landed landed on a robot at the same time, but it was blocked by the layer of energy around the robot. This layer of energy blocked three-four attacks before it was covered in cracks and the energy slowly dimmed.


The fifth attack penetrated the body of the robot.

This process seemed drawn out, but it was actually very fast, only taking an instant. But the robot didn't stop as its body released destructive runes, activating its self destruction function as it charged at the soldier.

"This is bad!"

That soldier didn't have time to put up his guard when the robot suddenly exploded. The terrifying energy swept out and instantly swallowed him with the mount under him.

That energy inside the robot was very strong and if it was released at once, it would be a top grade source energy explosion. A low level True Spirit Cultivator without any defenses prepared could only die when he met this kind of explosion!

The soldiers of the Big Dry Empire had underestimated Miracle City's methods.

Although the robots weren't that strong in their eyes, thousands of these robots initiating this kind of suicidal attack was just too terrifying. This kind of mutual destruction kind of fighting was not seen in a normal battlefield, this kind of feat couldn't even occur with the most heroic and brave warriors. Only a robot army without any thought that was controlled by a Smart Brain could do something like this.

Too terrifying!

With a round of wild moths diving into the flame kind of attack.

The robot army suppressed the core trump card army of the empires with only tens of thousand of soldiers, as well as causing quite a bit of casualty to them. Whether it was the Big Dry Empire's soldiers or the Big Dry Empire itself, because they had to have a reliable vanguard, the entire army came from the Big Dry Empire.

If this army was suppressed by Miracle City, the Big Dry Empire's power in this coalition army would be greatly reduced, which would greatly affect the confidence of the entire army and the confidence of their allies. Not only will this be very troublesome for the entire formation, when it comes to their first fight, it might cause a friction between their alliance!

No matter how much the Big Dry Emperor wasn't willing to admit it.

Whether it was the normal soldiers or the core soldiers in the vanguard, they had all been sent scattering.

Now it was impossible for them to gather with the main army, not to mention Miracle City's other attacks were reaching their formation. They were struggling to cope, so there was no way to retreat for now.

"Damn Miracle City!"

Everyone felt a terrifying attack fall from the sky as giant swords rained down, instantly becoming a dense rain. It covered Miracle City's soldiers and killed over a hundred people, also mixing in some Big Dry Empire army soldiers.

It was a high level Heaven Domain Expert!

When everyone looked up, they saw a swordsman standing in the air. This was none other than the Big Dry Empire's famous Martial King, Jing Wu Ying. This was an expert in the 7th Heaven Domain Layer, a large character known across the continent.

The Big Dry Emperor had to sit in the middle of the formation and couldn't personally make a move. When he found the front army was in chaos, he could only send his aide, the Martial King Jing Wu Ying over. Jin Wu Ying was one of the most powerful characters of the Big Dry Empire, therefore he became the center of the army as soon as he appeared. He attracted the scattered forces around him just like a magnet.

"Everyone receive my orders!" Jing Wu Ying emotionlessly said, "Retreat with me!"

"Want to retreat? How could it be that easy!" Before the Big Dry Army could react, there was a figure that suddenly appeared in the sky. The Elven King Lancelot's long robe fluttered in the wind and he held the ancient Forest Scepter in his hand. He dropped down from the clouds to attack Jing Wu Ying, "First pass through me!"

The Eternal Forest's Elven King!

Jing Wu Ying quickly raised his sword to send out a ten meter long sword light, but Lancelot casually swatted it down with the scepter in his hand like popping a balloon. Many plants appeared around Jing Wu Ying that twisted around him like poisonous snakes, wrapping up Jing Wu Ying like a steamed rice dumpling.

Lancelot fell down beside Jing Wu Ying and slammed his long staff against him, instantly sending him flying. This attack had caused serious damage to Jing Wu Ying's dantian and all the spirit energy in his body became slower. He saw that the Elven King came over again and he roared out, "Little Chu Tian! Come and fight me if you have the skills! What skill is there in fighting like a turtle!?"

This kind of mindless inciting was completely useless against Chu Tian.

Jing Wu Ying shouted again, "What! Are you afraid!"

Lancelot shook his head and raised his long scepter again.

"Elven King, please wait." Chu Tian was feeling bored enough and saw that Jing Wu Ying's spirit energy was affected, causing his strength to greatly decrease. He was confident in dealing him with his strength, so he revealed a faint smile, "Alright, as you wish, I'll play with you!"

Lancelot was stunned, not having enough time to stop him.

Chu Tian flew into the sky, but he didn't fly, rather he used short teleports into the air. He teleported five-six times each second and the air was filled with images of Chu Tian. His right hand pulled a black sword out of space and gathered an intense destructive and spatial energy, slashing out at Jing Wu Ying.


Jing Wu Ying raised his sword to block it.

Jing Wu Ying was still a 7th Heaven Domain Layer Expert. Although his cultivation dropped from being seriously injured by the Elven King, he shouldn't lose to a brat like this no matter what. Who would have thought that when their swords clashed, the surrounding air split apart and Jing Wu Ying's sword was shattered to pieces. Chu Tian only used a single slash to push back the respected Martial King.

"You actually..."

Jing Wu Ying never thought that Chu Tian had already reached the Heaven Domain Layer and he never thought that Chu Tian had such a high battle strength. Although his spirit energy had been decreased, that only forced him down one-two layers, so he was skipping an entire five layers in this fight.

Chu Tian sent out a Phaseless Sword.

No matter what, Jing Wu Ying was still someone who had been an expert for a long time. Although the Phaseless Sword had a powerful might, he could still dodge it with his reactions. Jing Wu Ying's current situation was very bad, since there was an expert like Lancelot present, so it would not be easy for him to fight back. Properly speaking, retreat was the most correct choice.

But Jing Wu Ying couldn't retreat!

If Jing Wu Ying retreated, the front army would be defeated and the main army would be greatly affected. Not to mention that with Lancelot watching, would it be easy for Jing Wu Ying to retreat? So the best choice was to take Chu Tian captive during the fight. Although this fellow had broken through to the Heaven Domain Realm, he would still lose control in critical moments, so Jing Wu Ying had confidence in this fight!

"Shadowless Sword Array!"

The sword in Jing Wu Ying's hand disappeared into thin air and tens of thousands of invisible sword qi appeared all around him. These sword qi hid in space and could raised wild winds at any moment. As long as the power was released, it would create a terrifying sword qi storm.

Although the surrounding soldiers didn't directly participate in the battle, Jing Wu Ying's sword qi storm swept over them and instantly turned them into pieces. The blood and flesh mixed with the sword qi. Finally they all approached Chu Tian.

Jing Wu Ying was in the air and controlled his sword to fly out in all directions. He wanted to use the Shadowless Sword Array to control Chu Tian and seize that chance to take Chu Tian hostage. Who would have thought that Chu Tian would disregard the powerful sword qi around him. He slowly opened his eyes and revealed one silver pupil and one white pupil.

Chu Tian revealed two powers at once!

This was one of the main changes after he reached the Heaven Domain Realm.

Chu Tian could only use one kind of power during battle before, but now he could activate two kinds of power. The white represented space and the silver represented time, which were two energies of the highest level. Normal people having one would be considered someone chosen by heaven, so was there a need to mention having two at once?

"Space Time Freeze!"

Chu Tian released his energy and wherever it went, the surrounding space and time all froze like it was covered in ice. It made the tens of thousands of sword qi around him freeze.

Jing Wu Ying revealed a look of astonishment, "How is that possible!"

With Chu Tian's current cultivation and strength, if he only released one kind of energy, whether it was space or time energy, he couldn't block Jing Wu Ying's power at all. However, space and time came from the same origin and the two could combine to increase their power by several times.

Chu Tian released all his spirit energy, causing silver and white energy to surround his black sword, "Phaseless Void Slash!"

This sword glow flashed through the air, moving at a speed the naked eye couldn't see. It penetrated through the void with a destructive might. Jing Wu Ying was stuck in the air with a look of disbelief before his protective spirit energy shattered. His body was split in half and he fell out of the sky.

"The Martial King is dead!"

"The Martial King is dead!"

The Big Dry Empire's army was instantly filled with chaos.

The Martial King Jing Wu Ying was one of the strongest people in the Big Dry Empire, but this kind of powerful existence had actually died by Chu Tian's blade, which had a destructive effect on their morale. Therefore, the bit of morale Jing Wu Ying had created had now shattered and they collapsed even faster compared to before.

It would be very hard for the Big Dry Empire's army to gather in the short run.

Chu Tian had accomplished his goal and his power had just been completely consumed, so he activated his spatial energy and returned from the frontline.

"My task has been accomplished."

"The young miss urged me to go back." Chu Tian nodded at Lancelot, Nidhogg, and the others, "I'll leave the frontline to you all, I need to go back to get married!"

Everyone looked at each other with bitter smiles.

In this kind of important large battle, Chu Tian actually treated it like a game. It really made people unsure whether they should laugh or cry!

Chapter 636: Wedding

The news of Jing Wu Ying's death traveled through the army like a plague.

Especially when it reached the center army from the front army, it made all the expressions of the Big Dry Empire's alliance army's high level members change. This was something they never expected! Jing Wu Ying was not just a king of the Big Dry Empire, he was also a great general, which was one of the highest positions in the military.

"Forget the front army!" The Big Dry Emperor was filled with rage, but he could only do this. Although as an emperor he couldn't show himself, the armrest of his throne was quickly filled with cracks. He said in a low voice, "Reassign fifty thousand dragon cavalry from the center army and reform the attack formation. This emperor will personally command the vanguard and the army will prepare to charge!"

Everyone understood from hearing this.

The Big Dry Emperor had been completely enraged.

The vanguard was the part of the army that was easiest for large scale casualties to appear.

Therefore, it was not too suitable for the alliance armies to be in the vanguard. But the Big Dry Empire's vanguard had already fallen into chaos, so they sent out fifty thousand core soldiers. This will inevitably cause more chaos in the Big Dry Empire's army and will increase their casualties.

The Big Dry Emperor didn't care about this.

The fiercely enraged him only wanted to end this battle as soon as possible!

The Big Dry Empire's army was in chaos. Although Miracle City's side had consumed most of their forces and could only barely defend, as well as making it impossible for them to attack, it wasn't easy to reform a large army. The Big Dry Emperor bypassed the scattering vanguard to attack the enemy, gathering the middle, back, left, and right armies. It would take at least half a day before they could barely contain the chaos.

But there was an ear grating sound that rang out at this time.

It was like a boulder thrown at space behind the Miracle City's army, as fluctuations appeared in space itself. Finally, it gradually formed a giant gate. The Big Dry Empire's army had never seen the Space Gate before, but they could feel the powerful spatial energy coming from the Space Gate. The expression on the faces of each person fell.

What was this thing?

Why did such powerful energy suddenly appear!

"This is bad! Quickly attack! Destroy the gate!"

The Big Dry Emperor remembered some rumours from when Miracle City pacified the Subterranean World. He had only half believed it at first, but he never thought that there would really be something like this in the world. Therefore, he had to attack before he even gathered his army.

An army of a terrifying scale charged forward.

Lancelot knit his brows seeing this, "The enemy army is too big, we'll avoid them for now."

The Dragon Lord agreed to Lancelot's idea. The Space Gate had appeared this far away, it was impossible for the Big Dry Empire to stop the gate from opening. So once the war reached this point, there was no suspense at all. With what happened next, the Forest of Chaos would just provide support as the battlefield turned into a fight between empires!

Too late!

Too late!

The Big Dry Emperor could feel the Space Gate stabilizing and a powerful pressure coming out of it, as the armies of the six empires appeared. The powerful dragons, the powerful Soul Devouring Beasts, the powerful One Horned Sacred Beasts...The most elite forces of the continent suddenly filled this space.

The armies of the six empires all fought independently. Although there weren't many of them, they were all elites, so they quickly demonstrated a powerful battle strength.

The Big Dry Empire's army didn't even have a chance to approach.

The Dragon Territory's twenty thousand dragons charged in first. They did not release any attacks, as they joined together to release their Dragon Might. The Dragon Might was a special ability of the dragon race, it acted as a deterrent of the spiritual domain, directly breaking the minds of low level demon beasts. If it was serious, they could only lie on the ground twitching without being able to move at all, completely at the whim of the dragon race.

The Big Dry Empire's army was mainly made of airborne units and few of these soldiers had the ability to fly themselves, so they had no choice but to depend on flying demon beasts. Once the wave of Dragon Might was released, it achieved substantial effects, much better than any attacks.

The Big Dry Empire's army fell into chaos again.

The armies of the six empires kept appearing and they launched their first wave of attacks. The Dark Night Forest's One Horned Sacred Beasts were the fastest. With the wisdom of several Dark Night elven elders, they gathered together. At the front was the One Horned King, which had the power of an expert in the 7th-8th Heaven Domain Layer. The entire army released a bright power that formed a sword covered in sacred light, charging into the enemy with an unbelievable speed.

The Dragon Territory's twenty thousand dragons followed behind them. The dragon race was a powerful and ancient race, so even when they were lacking in quantity, they could easily crush their enemies.

The Big Dry Empire's army faced this terrifying attack and was thrown into confusion. There were pitiful screams and wails that filled the sky, as flesh and blood fell down like a storm. Several tens of thousands of living beings dyed the ground completely red.

The Dark Night Forest's One Horned Sacred Beasts were rare life attributed demon beasts. Their horns could link to their allies and whenever one of them was injured, as long as it was within a limit, they could split it with their allies and use the healing energy contained within to quickly heal themselves.

The Netherworld Sea's Soul Devouring Beast was a kind of monster people feared even hearing the name of. This kind of monster could swallow the souls on a battlefield to release undead monsters. Although these undead monsters wouldn't last forever, their strength was comparable to before.

This also meant.

The Big Dry Empire's soldiers that died, as long as their souls didn't dissipate, the Soul Devouring Beasts could use their undead power to make them appear on the battlefield again. This kind of ability not only increased their power, but also attacked their morale.

The armies of Wind Moon, Burning Heaven, and Wild Beast weren't simple either.

This battle lasted for another half a day before the Big Dry Empire's army completely collapsed. The Howling Sky Empire and the Highland Alliance saw the heavy casualties and withdrew their remaining forces. With his two allies already leaving, how could the Big Dry Emperor find any value in fighting them alone?

There was no other choice!

This battle was a complete failure!

When the Big Dry Emperor was about to leave.

There was someone who appeared behind him. It was the dragon race's great elder Bo Jing. An energy that the naked eye couldn't keep up to was released from his mouth and the Big Dry Emperor felt like he was being slammed down. He fell from the sky to the ground and created a large hole in the side of a mountain.

"You all actually..."

The Big Dry Emperor never thought that the six emperor level characters would attack at the same time. If it was fighting them alone, the Big Dry Emperor didn't fear any of them, but against all six, the Big Dry Emperor didn't have any hope of winning. Not to mention that among the six, the Nether King and the dragon great elder were peak existences among emperor level characters.

The Big Dry Emperor was a decisive person, immediately burning a part of his essence blood. A large blood mist came from every pore of his body and instantly spread out in all directions like a plague. Every living being covered by this blood mist would have the blood inside their body burned and they would release a blood mist in an explosion. This blood mist kept spreading, reaching several thousand meters.

Eunice's expression became ugly, "It's the Blood Demon Soul Burning Art. He actually sacrificed a bit of his cultivation to use this evil and poisonous blood escaping technique?"

The Big Dry Emperor's blood mist killed at least a few thousand soldiers, with most of them being from the Big Dry Empire's army. After the blood essence of these soldiers were lit, they finally turned into a power that entered the Big Dry Emperor, letting him fly to the horizon like a meteor, instantly disappearing from sight.

The six emperor level characters attacked at the same time to stop the blood mist that seemed like it would envelope the entire battlefield. When they finally worked together to suppress the blood poison, the Big Dry Emperor had already disappeared.

"Damn, he escaped!"

The Wild Beast Emperor's face was filled with rage.

Letting the other side escape with six people surrounding him, this lost them quite a bit of face. Of course, the Wild Beast Emperor didn't think that as an emperor, to escape while throwing away your army, how much face would the Big Dry Emperor lose from this? This was simply shaming one's country! This had never happened since the Big Dry Empire was established. Even in the history of the continent, this rarely ever happened.

"Everyone relax, he can't escape."

There was an elegant form that appeared in front of the six of them. It was no one other than the Wood Elf King, Lancelot. Lancelot appeared in midair and released his energy, creating a silver hourglass in the air. The moment this hourglass appeared, it caused the tracks of the blood escape technique to appear.

"Good!" The Burning Heaven Emperor broke out in laughter, "With this Elven King's innate time energy showing us the escape path, even if he ran to the ends of the earth, he wouldn't be able to escape us! Let's chase!"

The six emperor level characters brought Lancelot to chase after the Big Dry Emperor.

The battle was still continuing on the battlefield. The Howling Sky Empire and the Highland Alliance had already escaped. Even the Big Dry Emperor had escaped, so when the Big Dry Empire's army faced the powerful allied army of the six empires, their morale completely collapsed. No, not only did they lose their morale, they were filled with despair.

Even the Big Dry Emperor couldn't hold on.

Would the empire still have face to exist in this world?

The Big Dry Empire would definitely go into a decline after this campaign!

When the Miracle City army advised the other side to surrender, there was no hesitation in the remaining over two hundred thousand remnants who all threw down their weapons. This even included elite legions like the Golden Dragon Hawk Army.


Chu Tian did not watch the rest of the fight because Chu Tian was very clear that when the reinforcements of the six empires appeared, his mission had already been carried out.

One could imagine what would happen in this battle even if they thought about it with their toes.

Chu Tian had something to do that was hundreds of times more important than this battle!

His wedding!

When Chu Tian used the Transport Scroll to return to West Sea City, the entirety of West Sea City was filled with joy, not looking anxious at all like they were about to be invaded by a powerful enemy. There were dozens of airships flying over the beautiful Crystal Bay, suspending incomparably large screens, each showing experiences Chu Tian and Meng Yingying had experienced together. Of course, these were filmed memories and to make it more artistic, many of the major details had been changed.

The entire West Sea City had the theme of Miracle City's City Lord's wedding, all the Merpeople in the city had come out. They were singing all over the city with thousands of elves dancing to their singing.

The Merpeople's Crystal Palace was completely decorated for a wedding.

All kinds of large characters came from every corner of the continent, just to witness this wedding that could change the history of the continent. But these people hadn't been in West Sea City for long when they learned of the Big Dry Empire allying with the Highland Alliance and the Howling Sky Empire to rally an army of one million to attack West Sea City.

This piece of information instantly made them panic.

The power of three empire level powers forming an army together was not small.

West Sea City was the Forest Alliance's western strategic point, its defenses could only match the defenses of a warring kingdom's capital city. Could this kind of city block the attacks of three empires working together?

These people were worried about their safety, but they were also worried about whether the wedding would be cancelled or delayed. This was not just a wedding, it was also the opening day of the Miracle Continent. There were billions of people on the continent waiting for this moment!

Although this rumour had spread, Miracle City's side was very calm. Miracle City's vice City Lord Meng Qingwu came out to receive the guests as Meng Yingying's elder sister. Miracle City's high level members like Vivian and Nangong Yun had all come to partake in the celebration.

Since these high level members weren't worried, what were they worried about?

West Sea City had celebrated for several days and there was no sign of the armies of the three empire level powers. When everyone felt their heart relaxing, West Sea City's grand wedding had begun.

This wedding was personally presided over by Meng Qingwu. She stood in the magnificent Merpeople Square with a microphone in her hand, as her voice spread all over the city, "Welcome guests from all over the continent. For accepting the invitation to Miracle City's grand wedding, I represent Miracle City and the Forest Alliance to thank everyone."

Meng Qingwu gave a bow after she said this.

Meng Qingwu could be considered a well known person on the continent. For this kind of person to bow to them, what kind of honour was this? Meng Qingwu continued to say, "Our wedding will last for three days! And West Sea City's celebrations will last for an entire month! During this month, West Sea City's Transport Array will lift their restrictions and all can come to West Sea City. Good wine and delicacy are for all to enjoy and it will all be free!"

Everyone broke out in cheers.

The Forest Alliance really was filthy rich.

Only Miracle City had the confidence in doing something like this!

Chapter 637: Rich gifts

Meng Yingying was sitting in the Crystal Palace and waiting. She was wearing a beautiful wedding dress that was made of over three hundred different kinds of precious materials. Each filament was made with Ice Silkworm Immortal Silk from the polar regions, with a total of nine thousand nine hundred and ninety nine best quality pearls from the West Sea hanging off them. Each flower print was engraved by the best array masters of the continent and each detail was wholeheartedly made by the best artisans of the continent.

Her wedding dress used a total of three hundred top grade jade and had tens of thousands of arrays engraved on them, allowing her beauty reached the level of being a goddess.

Meng Yingying's shoes, jewelry, and cloak were all made with Miracle Commerce's thoughts, the best materials on the continent, and the effort of many people. The value of the things Meng Yingying was wearing was enough to buy an entire kingdom!

There was no need to mention Chu Tian's personality.

Even her elder sister was acting crazy this time.

Using such expensive material to make a useless wedding dress, this was just too wasteful. Meng Yingying was a bit nervous, but her heart was also filled with joy. With a Chu Tian who loved her and protected her and an elder sister who doted over her, could she ask for anything else in life?

Meng Yingying would soon become Chu Tian's woman, her heart was jumping up and down, making her feeling nervous and happy. She had waited a long time for this day, it had already been three years since she met Chu Tian. There were many things that had changed during this time, but her relationship with Chu Tian had never changed.

"Yingying! Yingying!"

"What are you still sitting here for?"

Vivian and Nangong Yun came running in. When they saw Meng Yingying's clothes, their eyes lit up. Vivian shouted in an exaggerated voice, "Yingying, you're really too beautiful! These clothes are just too pretty, it really makes everyone envious! It would be great if I had one like that."

Meng Yingying was a bit embarrassed, "If you like it, I'll have Chu Tian also give one to you."

"Can I even take it!" Nangong Yun sourly said, "Making a set of clothes is easy, it's a problem of whether I can use it or not. Not everyone is as blessed as Yingying."

Meng Yingying felt even more awkward, "Nangong, actually I know….."

"Alright, alright, don't speak nonsense today." Nangong Yun and Vivian cut Meng Yingying off, as they pulled her up with one on each side, "Quickly, the ceremony is about to start!"

The singing of the Merpeople was very clear and countless sea conchs and instruments played the sound of nature. The two main characters today, Chu Tian and Meng Yingying had finally arrived. Chu Tian was wearing a wedding robe, but compared to Meng Yingying's beautiful wedding dress, his was much more elegant. When the two of them stood together, they seemed like a couple that had descended from heaven. They were sparkling so much that people almost couldn't stare directly at them.

It was finally beginning?

News passed all over the continent at this time.

Miracle City's army had clashed with the Big Dry Empire's army several thousand miles away from West Sea City, lasting for two days and one night. The area of a hundred miles was covered in corpses and their blood formed rivers, looking incredibly tragic, but Miracle City had successfully stopped the Big Dry Empire's army.

The Big Dry Empire's army were all out, but they couldn't even reach the Forest Alliance's territory.

This news not only made people feel assured, it also made people recognize Miracle City's strength. Even three empire level powers couldn't invade them, was there a power on the continent that could threaten them?

"I believe that everyone has been waiting for a long time!" Meng Qingwu announced in a loud voice, "Now, we will be beginning!"

There were many different countries on the continent, with each race and country having their own wedding ceremonies. With all the different races and styles, there had never been a single fixed tradition. The Forest of Chaos was different from any other place, not having any tradition at all and it was up to one to design the ceremony themselves.

Chu Tian came out with Yingying.

Meng Qingwu and Chu Tian didn't like things being too formal, only the elves liked something like that. The two of them pursued efficiency, beauty, and depth, so the ceremony was divided into three different parts.

A vow, a contract, and a sacrifice!

Meng Qingwu held the microphone as she said to everyone, "Now let's invite our City Lord and his wife to announce their vows to the world!"

"The biggest honour in my life is being able to stand here….." This vow was nothing more than a profession of mutual love, but this area used microphones to capture their voice, letting every single word they said be sent all over the continent, letting everyone feel their love. Chu Tian spoke for several minutes, speaking with emotion that couldn't be faked before he took Yingying's hands, "Yingying, from this day forth, I am willing to be with you as your husband. Loving you and protecting you to the end of the world, to the end of time, to the end of our souls. Are you willing to marry me?"

Singing instantly rang out.

The atmosphere was pushed to its peak.

Meng Yingying was already unable to stand still from her crying. There were many elves and Merpeople who were moved to tears by this vow. Next it was Meng Yingying's turn, so she took the microphone and calmed her nerves, "I….I don't know what to say. But Yingying from her hair to her toes, from her heart to her skin, from her soul and her spirit all belong to you. I am willing to be your wife, to the end of the world and the end of time!"

The two hugged and kissed in front of countless onlookers.

Vivian and Nangong Yun were in a daze.

The two were confessing their love in front of the entire world, this was truly unprecedented. It was too romantic and too enviable. They were also women and if they could have this kind of honour, they wouldn't regret it if they died immediately.

Meng Yingying was actually the same.

She felt she was the happiest woman in the world.

Meng Qingwu saw Yingying's happy appearance and tears appeared in the corner of her eyes, while her voice also choked up a bit. She forced herself to calm down, "Now let's congratulate the newly wedded couple. Let us enter the second stage and sign the eternal contract!"

Everyone had a surprised look.

What was this eternal contract?

Could it be they had to sign a contract to get married?

Meng Qingwu explained, "This eternal contract is something the City Lord specially invented. It uses the bark of the ancient Tree of Life and the water of the Eternal Well as ink. This contract does not have any binding on people, but it can bring the souls and spirits of the two who sign closer together. Even if they are on opposite sides of the world, they could still feel each other's existence. Signing this contract will last forever, even if one's soul entered the cycle of reincarnation!"

There was such a strange contract in this world?

Chu Tian and Meng Yingying took a drip of blood from their fingers respectively and a golden light soared into the sky. The energy of the ancient Tree of Life and the Eternal Well lasted a long time before dissipating, this was a power that was comparable to divine energy!

When Meng Yingying signed the contract, it was like she could feel Chu Tian's heartbeat, Chu Tian's emotions, and Chu Tian's love and protection for her. She felt the final empty area inside her heart being filled.

Once the eternal contract was signed.

The two were forever linked together. No matter how far apart they were, even if they were in different planes, they could feel the emotions of each other, the other side's location, and if the other side was in danger.

Meng Qingwu then announced, "We'll now enter the third stage, the sacrifice!"

The sacrifice was a step necessary for weddings in most parts of the continent, also being the most troublesome and important step. Normally, it was the first step of the ceremony, but Miracle City didn't care about this. In the eyes of Miracle City's people, the vows and contract was more important, the sacrifice was something they could do with or without. But to make the wedding more grand and luxurious, they held a large sacrifice ceremony.

This sacrifice ceremony was very slow.

Nangong Yun and Vivian stayed with Meng Yingying as her bridesmaids, and Meng Qingwu stayed with Chu Tian as the vice City Lord, while the other high level members of Miracle Commerce were standing behind them. These people all came to the altar for the grand sacrifice ceremony.

This sacrifice used material worth over a billion gold coins. The energy and essence of the materials used in the sacrifice instantly spread over West Sea City, allowing Meng Qingwu, Meng Yingying, and the other high level members of Miracle City break through by a layer. Although the other people were a bit further, when being bathed in this kind of energy, people generally obtained a large cultivation base increase. There were some people who had injuries from many years ago that were instantly healed.

"The three stages have concluded." Meng Qingwu looked very relaxed and happy. This was not just because of her cultivation increase, it was more because Yingying had finally found a good home, "Let the West Sea City celebration begin!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

"Long live!"

The millions of wedding participants shouted out. The normal guests went to enjoy the festivities in West Sea City, while the richer guests went to enjoy the world's best feast in the Outer Space Hotel. No matter where they were, it was all free.

Of course, although they didn't charge anything in name, the people who came to the wedding, whether it was a normal person or an emperor, they wouldn't come empty handed. Just based on the gifts alone, they earned ten times back what they spent.

Chu Tian brought Meng Yingying to the Miracle Royal Palace, which was all recorded and broadcast all over the continent. After they arrived in the Miracle Royal Palace, the envoys from various countries came forward to congratulate them.

"The Great Origin Empire's Great Origin King has sent this great general to come congratulate you, bringing ten Immortal Herbs as a gift!"

"The Cloud Wind Empire has sent this Country Guarding Sage to come congratulate you. We bring two dependent countries as gifts, with a population of over two billion. Congratulations to City Lord Chu Tian on your wedding!"


The rich gifts the far off continent empires gave made people stunned.

Among them, there were Divine Weapons, Immortal Herbs, and people and land. It was simply whatever was precious was given, as now these countries of the continent had all approved Miracle City's position.

But everyone found that they were shocked too early.

When gift ceremony was half over, there was a powerful interruption.

"The Dragon Territory, the Netherworld Sea, the Dark Night Forest, the Wild Beast Empire, the Burning Heaven Empire, and the Wind Moon Empire have captured the Big Dry Empire and offers him to Miracle City's City Lord Chu Tian. Congratulations to the City Lord on your wedding!"

When this news was broadcast all over the world, everyone was speechless.

The six rulers had sent an emperor as a gift to Miracle City!

Was there a more overbearing and powerful gift in this world?

This was not a normal position, this was an emperor!

Chu Tian broke out in laughter after learning of this, "It's been hard on the six of you, come and have a seat!"

If you dare give, father dares receive, there is nothing incredible. Isn't it just an emperor? From now on, he is Miracle City's captive! This time, the people of the continent would not just learn how rich and powerful Miracle City was, they would also learn how overbearing the City Lord Chu Tian was!

Chapter 638: Released

West Sea City's wedding.

It shook the entire continent.

Six people at the emperor level gave a present that was unprecedented. Then again, for six existences that could cause trembles across the continent with a stomp of their foot to personally appear on scene was already shocking enough. Just based on this, they gave Miracle City quite a bit of face.

Not to mention the incredible feat they performed?

Although Chu Tian's fame on the continent wasn't small, he wasn't at the same level as them yet.

These six people actually captured an emperor on the same level alive and used him as a wedding gift for Chu Tian. This was enough to show the attitudes of the six forces to the Forest of Chaos!

The Big Dry Empire had an established place on the continent and now their emperor had been captured, this would have a hard to imagine consequence on the Big Dry Empire. Chu Tian could step over an empire to raise his own fame!

The six emperors decided to support Chu Tian to the same peak position as them! This showed the decisiveness of the six large forces to cooperate long term with Miracle Commerce and Miracle City!

Whether it was Chu Tian or the Forest Alliance's influence on the continent, this wedding gift would bring a greatly influence it! The Forest Alliance would soar into the sky with the support of the six large powers. Who would dare face Miracle City alone on the continent?

Miracle City would become connected to the core of hundreds of countries in the future.

Miracle City could even become the core of the continent's economy in the future.

This was a big change in history, but also a big chance.

This wedding ceremony kept going and all kinds of rich gifts kept coming forward like snowflakes. In the history of the continent, there had never been a wedding from an emperor that had as much influence as Chu Tian's wedding.

Chu Tian was very satisfied with the performance of the six people, it was the so called, a wise man knows when to submit. They seemed like they were acting good to Chu Tian, but they were just investing in him. Since they had no reason to stop Chu Tian's rise, why not take advantage of it and help him? There was no other reason for doing this other than getting a better position for themselves in the future!

"Let us raise our glasses for a toast!"

"We wish the City Lord and his wife will live in happiness forever!"

The guests in the Miracle Royal Palace all raised their glasses to give their blessings to this outstanding new couple.

Meng Yingying went around in her wedding dress to thank all the guests, the various kings and patriarchs. These people all stood up, showing extreme respect to Yingying, even trying to flatter her. It made Meng Yingying feel like she was in a dream. It had to be known, the people being respectful to her now, if it was three or four years ago, they could destroy the Southern Summer Country with a flip of their hands.

Meng Yingying of that time was a little girl who was worrying about her studies all day in a normal city of the Southern Summer Country. Who would have known that fate would be this strange, letting a normal girl like her to directly reach the summit of the world in just a few years.

Meng Yingying had the vanity of a normal girl, but this vanity of hers was very easy to fulfil. Back then, she just wanted to marry a good person that could help her elder sister stand forth in South Sky City. Without knowing it, she became an empress and sat over a country with that man who created a miracle.

The banquet lasted for most of the day.

All the different rich gifts had been presented.

Everyone was warmly chatting with each other since this opportunity was unique on the continent. To participate in this wedding, they didn't mind shearing their meat to give a giant gift. There was a very important motivation and reason for becoming a VIP of the Miracle Royal Palace.

The higher the threshold of Miracle Commerce became, the more people would smash their heads to come in.

This was because the higher the threshold, the lower the number of members. Each person that could become a VIP of the Miracle Royal Palace were at the top of the continent. The current continent was different from before because with the appearance of the Transport Towers, it allowed the people who couldn't be gathered before to come together and work together. Therefore this was a very important social event, they could make friends with the various kings, patriarchs, and lords to welcome future developments and benefits.

Meng Qingwu silently reported to Chu Tian, "With the rough expenditures taken away, we've earned around several billion source stones from this wedding."

"That much?"

"Of course you don't know this, but for this chance, there are many small countries that have emptied most of their treasuries for a single seat."

Chu Tian felt very satisfied. This was not just the most luxurious and influential wedding on the continent to this day, it was also the wedding that made the most money.

It was about time.

Chu Tian stepped into the conference hall of the Miracle Royal Palace.

It was the final step of the wedding and the step that people all paid attention to.

Miracle Commerce through various broadcasts sent the entire conference to every corner of the continent, letting everyone know the most recent developments.

This conference hall was already filled with people.

The first row was filled with the various emperors.

The second row were delegates sent from the empire level powers.

The third row were the warring kingdom level kings and the various large clans' patriarchs.

"First, I am very grateful to everyone for supporting this one's wedding. In order to not let down everyone's expectations, I won't waste any more time." Chu Tian walked to the center over the red carpet and stood on the high stage. He didn't give any pleasantries and announced to the guests on site, as well as the whole world, "I'll take advantage of this auspicious day to announce a few things."

Everyone instantly became silent.

Each person held their breath with rapt attention as they tried to hear every word Chu Tian said.

"First, Miracle Commerce will cooperate with the entire continent with our core technology, including the teleportation, spatial transport, communication, and other domains. We will connect the entire continent within three years. To thank everyone for their support, everyone will receive priority!"

Although Miracle Commerce's technology had a very high fame on the continent, the places that it could directly influence was still only the western region of the continent.

Of the guests that came to the West Sea City wedding today, most of these forces and their areas had no Transport Towers built there. There also hasn't been the Space Warehouses that represent the new era of commerce.

Miracle Commerce's cooperation was not just limited to their allies, any area of the continent and any force all had the chance to cooperate with Miracle Commerce. This kind of cooperation model was very simple. Putting it simply, the various places would take out resources and provide protection while Miracle City took out their technology and provided maintenance. The final product would be split accordingly, with Miracle City usually only taking half.

With the appearance of Miracle Commerce, these other powers were very anxious. Especially with the six empires taking the lead, already building a fluid transport system and a communication system that covered their entire territory. Not only did they start earning a large profit, they also had the production of the Miracle Helmet earning them a large amount.

Since that was the case.

Were they willing to fall behind other powers?

The powers of the continent were not willing to fall behind others. Miracle Commerce couldn't be threatened or moved against, so even if they gave high conditions, this could be discussed. As long as Miracle Commerce was willing to give them the technology to develop as soon as possible.

With just Miracle Commerce promising them priority.

It was worth them spending all that capital to come here.

"The second matter is, Miracle Commerce will be opening all our platforms to cooperation. Our Miracle Shopping Center is looking for merchants from all over to come together and create the largest commercial platform on the continent. We are also looking for more partners to develop Outer Space and the underground world. Other than that, Miracle Commerce has large amounts of information on hidden treasures, with seven coming from the great ancient era and over twenty coming from the ancient era, as well as countless smaller ruins. We are prepared to develop all of these with everyone!"

Miracle City had the strongest commercial platform on the continent. The Miracle Shopping Center was based on the Space Warehouse, already becoming the western continent's most popular method of shopping. It broke the limits of area and space, allowing people to buy the best items on the continent without even leaving their houses.

The elves, the undead, the giants, and many other small races.

These were enclosed races and didn't like interacting with others or they were very weak, so it was hard for them to trade with other races. Now they could use this commercial platform to solve those problems.

The spirit beasts and dwarves were races weak at trading, but now they could use this public platform to earn large amounts. This was indeed a very good thing for all people.

What surprised everyone was that.

Chu Tian actually announced that Miracle Commerce held many ancient ruins and hidden treasures! This was information that had a value that couldn't be estimated, but he was willing to share them!

"The third and most important matter is that the Miracle Continent that Miracle City has spent an immeasurable amount of blood, sweat, and tears building will be open today!"

Everyone stood up and applauded.

Of the people who came to the wedding, a part of them had charged over for this piece of news.

"We'll announce the information on the Miracle Continent after this and it'll open in another hour. As long as one has the Miracle Helmet at the appointed time, they can use it to enter the Miracle Continent!"

While Chu Tian was giving a simple introduction, Meng Qingwu released detailed information on the Miracle Continent to the various Miracle Commerce departments or directly through the Miracle Helmets.

The Miracle Continent was a world of infinite possibilities. There were many things that people hadn't thought of, but they could do if they had the ability to do so.

After this brief and shocking announcement was over.

Chu Tian left the stage. The wedding ceremony came to an end with this.

Chapter 639: Miracle Continent opening

Chu Tian left after he finished speaking.

The remaining time was left to other high level member of Miracle Commerce to manage.

The Miracle Royal Palace's feast would carry on for several days to allow the company to discuss cooperations with various parties, also allowing these people to socialize with each other.

Chu Tian held Yingying's hand as they walked to a side palace of the Miracle Royal Palace.

"You two really showed off today!"

"That's right, that's right, you actually caused such a large stir!"

Several large characters from Miracle Commerce had been waiting here for a long time. They all gave their congratulations to Chu Tian.

"It was all expected, it was all expected!" Chu Tian walked over to Meng Qingwu and asked, "How are the preparations?"

"Relax, we've already prepared for this long, there won't be any accidents."

Vivian and Nangong Yung had mixed feelings about today.

They saw their best sister Yingying getting married, so they were happy for her, but they also felt a sense of lost when they saw their respected big brother or most worshipped person being together with their best sister. The two of them had drank quite a bit at the banquet and now looked a bit drunk.

The Miracle Continent was about to open?

They had to play to relieve their depression!

The information on the Miracle Continent was already being released.

The Miracle Continent was a profound world that had unlimited possibilities. In truth, the current Miracle Continent scale was not even 1% of the real world, but there were already several hundred cities.

Of course, the several hundred cities were separated by quite a bit and they had no owners at first. Quite a few of those cities were already occupied by foreign races or beasts. Anyone could take those cities, becoming a ruler of the Miracle Continent, but the premise was that they had to defeat these virtual inhabitants first.

The main theme of the Miracle Continent was management, social interaction, business, entertainment, and peace.

There were already over six hundred cities that had been developed and each city could easily accommodate over ten million people.

The Miracle Continent had just opened and there was only a single city available, which was the main city of the entire continent. It was named the Miracle Continent Sacred City. This was the only official city and the entire continent's most important and extensive city.

Didn't have an idea? It was very simple!

This city could currently hold over a billion people!

What scale was a billion people? Those small and large kingdoms added up couldn't have this kind of population. Miracle Commerce had created a city that could hold an entire billion people, this city could definitely become a kingdom.

The Miracle Sacred City's area was just too big, so there were thousands of Transport Points all over the city, allowing the people who lived in it to quickly move through the city. Other than that, the Sacred City was divided into over twenty different districts. There was the forest district, the swamp district, the wilderness district, the high plains district, the ice plains district, the underground district…..This kind of city could take in people of all different races, highlighting Miracle Sacred City's rich diversity!

Whether it was the emperors or the common citizens, when they saw the information on the Miracle Continent, every person was filled with a deep sense of excitement. This was because most places of the Miracle Continent moved at one fourth the normal time, so they could stay inside for four days while only one day passed outside. This was equal to increasing their lifespan be four times!

"There's still five minutes!"

"Everyone, quickly put on your helmet!"

Chu Tian, Yingying, and the young miss all put on their helmets and a floating screen appeared in front of their eyes. Currently the Miracle Continent option was still grey and there was a timer over it. Everyone patiently watched and waited.

Meng Yingying suddenly thought of a question, "How will everyone meet after we enter the Miracle Sacred City? The Miracle Sacred City is too big and there are quite a few people heading in, it won't be easy to find each other in the sea of people."

"This problem isn't a problem at all, relax City Lord's wife!" Jin Luo who was in charge of the spiritual department said with a smile, "Our communication numbers are stored inside the helmet, so after our minds go in, we can just use the number to use the spiritual communication. Then again, we are all high level members of Miracle Commerce and have special rights on the Miracle Continent, what problems could there be. As long as it doesn't break the balance, we can ask the god of order for help."

The god of order was the Smart Brain that maintained the Miracle Continent.

Miracle Commerce's high level members had special rights, therefore it will be very easy for them on the Miracle Continent. As long as they didn't break the balance too much, the god of order could solve any of their problems.

"Five, four, three, two, one!"


Meng Yingying quickly found a place to lie down first. When the Miracle Continent activated, a wave of spiritual energy surged into her mind, instantly lighting up the world in front of Meng Yingying's eyes. That light started bit by bit, but it quickly spread across the entire world.

She was surrounded by darkness.

Meng Yingying felt her body float over the void that had no gravity.

A clear voice resounded in her ear at this time, "Welcome to the Miracle Continent. As this is your first time on then Miracle Continent, please create a character."

As soon as the voice fell.

There were over a hundred different forms that appeared in front of her. There were humans, spirit beasts, elves, and all kinds of different races. The human form was standing in the center, looking just like Meng Yingying.

Meng Yingying asked, "Is there any difference?"

"One's own race character is free and it can directly enter the Miracle Continent. If one wants to become a foreign race, the first character will cost ten source stones, the second will cost one hundred source stones, and it will keep increasing without stop. Each person can create an infinite amount of characters in theory." This voice continued to explain, "Different races have their own specialties and characteristics..."

Meng Yingying felt this was very interesting. After being a human for several years in real life, she could experience something unprecedented like becoming a different race in the virtual world!

The system then said, "The character model can be changed while it is being created. The appearance can be increased or decreased by 20% and anything after that scale will require extra fees..."

Meng Yingying didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Miracle Commerce really know how to earn money.

Before she even entered the Miracle Continent, there were already several fees. She chose to become an elf and she adjusted her height a bit, but she didn't touch the other things too much, so it was only an increase of 8%. Therefore, she didn't have to pay a few.

"The first foreign race character has been created, ten source stones have been deducted automatically. You are now connecting to the continent."

When Meng Yingying opened her eyes, she found that she appeared in an elven forest city. There were tens of thousands of people appearing around her, each one looking like an elf, even though they weren't elves in the real world. Each person was appreciating their new bodies and faces with a sense of novelty.

Because one's appearance could be changed on the Miracle Continent and the free range was 20%, even people with ordinary faces could become beauties and handsome men with that 20% increase. Not to mention that some people even took out source stones for a 50% or 80% increase, so there weren't too many people who were too ugly on the Miracle Continent.

Of course, that didn't include the people or beauties who deliberately decreased their appearance.

Meng Yingying looked over her body. She was dressed like an elf, wearing a simple set of robes and holding a bow in her hand. The status window in her line of sight showed her current cultivation which was in the 1st Body Refinement Layer. Even cultivation could be suppressed here?

Whether it was an emperor or a normal person, each person would be at the same starting point. This kind of world allowed people to give their all!

"Yingying, where are you?"

"I am in the forest area's elven city!" A sound rang in Meng Yingying's mind and she could instantly tell it was her elder sister, "Elder sister, where are you?"

"Gather at the city's center area!"


Meng Yingying wasn't appreciating her appearance like other people, she directly asked the god of order for a path to a Transport Point and then teleported to the square at the very center of Miracle City. This square could hold three-five million people at once and the entire square seemed like it was made of fine jade, with each detail being carefully carved on. There was a giant fountain in spewing out water mist in all directions, as well as several golden dragons perched above them, who were the guards for the Miracle Sacred City. If anyone dared to cause trouble, these golden dragons would come out to teach them a lesson.

One couldn't die on the Miracle Continent, or accurately speaking, one could revive after seven days if one died. Of course, if one was willing to take out some source stones, they could revive immediately in a safe area. So each person in here were undying people.

"Yingying, over here!"

Meng Qingwu became a Winged Race with snow white wings, Vivian had become a little Flower Fairy who was only the size of a palm, and the others all chose to become strange races. Only Chu Tian remained as a human.

"Where is Nangong?"

"Is someone looking for me?" The sounds of heavy footsteps rang out. When everyone looked over, they all revealed smiles. They saw a muscular, red haired female orc with buckteeth who was over two and a half meter tall walking towards them.

Meng Yingying was speechless, "Why did you turn into this?"

"You won't understand!" The orc Nangong Yung laughed and let out a thick female voice, "It can be tiring being a beauty, I feel like this is also fun!"

Chapter 640: Virtual world

This fellow Nangong Yun had a taste that couldn't compare to normal people's therefore this wasn't that strange for her to do weird things. However, this was also the charm of the Miracle Continent. Every person can have a fresh start here, every person would be at the same starting line, every person could experience a life that they couldn't experience before.

Whether one wanted to become an orc, a dragon, or an undead.

Everything is possible!

Real world source stones could help in the Miracle Continent, but it was mainly for picking characters, reviving after dying, as well as other added services. Even if a person had money, they couldn't completely dominate in the virtual world. This gave many normal people very large opportunities.

When they were all gathered.

Everyone decided to stroll around.

There was a clear sound behind them, "City Lord Chu Tian, I never thought that I would meet you here. The Miracle Continent has really shocked me, this is simply a new world. This product really is great."

Isn't that nonsense?

Do I need you to say this?

Chu Tian turned around and a tall, absolute beauty appeared in front of him. Although quite a few changes had been made to her appearance, Chu Tian could still recognize her with one glance, "Wind Moon Empress!"

The Wind Moon Empress was dressed in a set of elven clothes, looking almost exactly the same as Meng Yingying. This empress of peerless grace and style now gave people a very simple and normal feeling, not giving off any aura that pressured people at all.

The Wind Moon Empress looked over her body, "I never thought that I would become an elf one day!"

Chu Tian asked while laughing, "The other majesties?"

"Don't mention them, they are going wild with designing characters, trying out different races. That old man from the Burning Heaven Empire actually created characters of over thirty different races, trying them out one by one. As for that undying old man from the Netherworld Sea, he was finally freed of his undead form and regained the abilities of the living. He can finally enjoy the happiness of eating and drinking, so he should be wandering around with a group of his followers."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, not knowing what to say.

These fellows were truly rich. With these kind of people around, they didn't need to worry about the Miracle Continent earning money.

"But speaking of this." The Wind Moon Empress admired Chu Tian very much, "City Lord Chu Tian really is a master of the era. This place is not only perfect, it is filled with pleasant surprises. Only on the Miracle Continent, this empress can't adapt to losing my cultivation. Can you help you recover some of my strength and allow this empress to play happily?"

"I'm afraid I can't do that."

"What? You can't even give me this bit of face? I can give you source stones, how much do you want?!"

Chu Tian seriously replied, "This is not a problem of source stones. Our Miracle Continent's biggest charm is that each person can have a new start here. If I made an exception for your majesty this time, the other majesties will look for me for a second and third time. There will be no fairness left and this will just become a place of exchange. Would it destroy the beauty of this place?"

The Wind Moon Empress had knit brows, but she felt this was reasonable.

"Actually to guarantee the fairness of the Miracle Continent, we have given the power to manage this world completely to the god of order formed from the Smart Brain. Even if it is me, I can't easily change the god of order, so I hope the empress will forgive me."

The Wind Moon Empress look dissatisfied, but she didn't force Chu Tian. She very confidently said, "Forget it, forget it. This empress can stand at the peak in the real world, then naturally I can stand at the peak of the Miracle Continent, I disdain using that kind of backdoor methods. But, you should tell me how to increase my cultivation and my influence."

Chu Tian laughed, "It's very simple. The difference between the Miracle Continent and the real world is that this is a world that mixes reality and gaming. It can be distributed into two different areas, the city and wild. Actually it is very easy to increase your strength, you can go and challenge the trial towers in the city area for materials to cultivate and create equipment with. You can also go to the wild and look for demon beasts to kill who will drop all kinds of materials."

"As for increasing your influence on the Miracle Continent? When you explore far enough in the wild, you will be able to find many cities and towns in the wild. These cities and towns are occupied by powerful monsters or locals and the first one to subdue them will obtain the rights to tax them and receive other benefits. Naturally, these cities can be attacked and occupied, which makes competition on the Miracle Continent more interesting."

The Wind Moon Empress' eyes instantly lit up.

Now she finally understood why entering the Miracle Continent early had advantages. This Miracle Continent will have a giant virtual market in the future, so whoever establishes their power on the Miracle Continent first will be able to have large amounts of influence. This influence did not just exist on the Miracle Continent, it could also affect the real world.

"Interesting, interesting."

Nangong Yun said in a loud and deep voice, "Since we have time to talk about it, how about we just go take a look!"

"That is right, we can just take a look."

The people from Miracle Commerce led the empress to the Transport Tower.

Meng Qingwu picked a location and they teleported to the southern outskirts of the Sacred City.

The southern outskirts of the Sacred City was a large patch of grasslands that didn't have a single figure on it. After all, the continent had just opened and most people were still wandering inside the Sacred City. It would probably take several days before other people came out.

The Wind Moon Empress called out in surprise, "Why are there so many beasts here?"

The grasslands had all kinds of beasts on it. There were wolves, bulls, alligators, and other kinds of beasts. What was strange to people was that these beasts could see each other, but they lived in peace. This kind of scene was impossible for the real world.

Jin Luo explained to the empress, "This is the hunting area of the southern outskirts. The wilds of the Miracle Continent can be divided into hunting areas and wild areas. The wild area has an ecosystem like the real world, with a normal biological chain. The hunting areas doesn't have a biological chain. After the monsters die in the hunting area, as long as a period of time pass, they will naturally respawn. It is a special place for us to hunt."

"We'll use this region as a starting point and we'll begin to explore the continent." Nangong Yun raised her giant axe and charged forward like a ram, "I'll kill one first before talking!"

Wild sheep were the weakest monsters.

If a wild sheep in the real world saw an orc raising a giant axe charging at it, it would run away without even thinking about it. But this hunting area was for people to hunt prey, so it couldn't be filled with creatures running around, right?

"Ba, ba!"

The sheep called out and raised its horn to attack.

Although Nangong Yun's cultivation was very weak now, it wasn't like she couldn't beat a sheep. She quickly knocked the sheep to the ground, but her body was covered in several wounds.

After the sheep died, its corpse scattered into balls of light and there was only a pair of sheep horns left on the ground. Nangong Yun picked up the horn and happily said, "Ha, ha, there's loot!"

The Wind Moon Empress felt this was very novel.

The monsters would drop loot as soon as they died.

These things could be taken to the city to exchange for resources or used to create equipment or medicine. This kind of method of slowly increasing one's strength, even if an emperor wanted to become stronger, they could only use this method. So, each person needed to spend the same amount of time, there was no shortcuts at all.

"Let's go!"

They began to hunt prey, killing sheep, bulls, wolves, and alligators. The more monsters they killed, the more loot they had. These monsters would mainly drop refining items, but they also dropped herbs, which was a very precious resource in the beginning.

But when they went deeper into the grasslands.

There was suddenly a powerful roar that swept over them.

Vivian's expression fell, "This is bad, a big monster has appeared!"

Before they could get their guard up, there was a golden lion that jumped out of the grasslands. It was over two meter tall and had a powerful body, releasing a mighty aura.

"Damn! Everyone run! This is an elite 9th Body Refinement Layer monster!"

Everyone quickly turned to run.

The Wind Moon Empress knit her slender brows, "Just a trivial 9th Body Refinement Layer monsters and you want this empress to run? Where would this empress' prestige go?"

Chu Tian said to her, "You are only a little cultivator of the 1st Body Refinement Layer! Is dying better than not having any face?"

The Wind Moon Empress felt this was reasonable, running was better than being killed, but it was already too late. The golden lion sent a beam of energy out its mouth that landed on her body. The empress was shattered to pieces with a cry of shock and disappeared without a trace.

The respected empress was actually killed by a level one demon beast!

The others couldn't escape either, after all, the difference in strength was just too big. The golden lion caught up and with a single slap for each person, they were all sent to heaven.

There was no true death on the Miracle Continent, but when a character died, they could only revive after seven days. Of course, one could use source stones to quickly revive and the amount was based on the character's cultivation. A character in the 1st Body Refinement only cost five source stones to revive, so everyone revived without hesitation.

The Wind Moon Empress appeared in front of everyone with a face covered in embarrassment and anger, "This weak level one demon beast, if this was the real world, even if there were ten thousand of them, this empress could destroy them with one finger! I never thought that I would be killed by them here!"

"Empress, don't be angry!" Vivian quickly comforted her, "We have gathered large amounts of resources, we can exchange them for pills later that can increase our strength."

"Right, right, right!" Nangong Yun also said, "We don't have to go to the wild, there are over a hundred trial towers in the Sacred City. We can go try out the trial towers, that way there will be a greater chance of getting herbs and we might even obtain rare cultivation techniques. When we become stronger, it won't be too late to take revenge!"

The empress's anger had already disappeared and it was replaced by interest for the continent, therefore she had a large interest in trying out the trial tower. She looked at Chu Tian, "City Lord, come with us."

"I won't participate this time." Chu Tian gave a helpless shrug, "You all know, my wedding isn't over yet, I don't have that much time to play with you. Isn't that right? Yingying!"

The empress was very disappointed.

Forget it, one or two people won't matter.

The empress directly ignored him and impatiently said to the others, "Then let's go!"

"Alright!" Vivian and Nangong Yun were people who loved to play. Meng Qingwu, Jin Luo, and the others had nothing to do right now. This group of people formed a small exploration team and headed to the closest trial tower.