106 - 112

Chapter 106: Akaron (1)

'…The future changed.'

Hansoo made a grim expression.

A few huge incidents existed in the Otherworld and there were cases where hundreds of millions of people had died.

One of them.

The Gragos Lava Bathing incident which will happen one year from now.

Though the Gragos had simply spun around a single time, the result that had brought was horrific.

The incident which had one of the most casualties with over 300 million deceased while not counting the wounded.

The dark mad lord was cute compared to this.

The him of the past came up to the Orange Zone one year after that had happened.

And could only get shocked.

Since the remains of those who had died from the lava were still around.

The people in the Ant Tunnels burned up from the lava that flowed in there and then petrified like fossils.

The Gragos, which had traces of hundreds of millions of people living in it, was just slowly being filled up from the people who were just coming up from the Red Zone.

But Hansoo wasn't focused on this.

If he were to cure the Gragos and complete the next stage as well then there was no chance for the incident that would happen in a year.

But this changed everything.

'I knew a change would happen but this is too fast.'

Akardian, the person who was dealing with skills relating to time, had spoken to him before he came here.

Hansoo's greatest point was not his strength but the knowledge he brought from the future.

Of course that strong point will crumble as the future changed more and more.

But Hansoo and the others believed something while planning this out.

The Seven Zones that were separated by a dimensional wall.

They believed that these walls will reduce the butterfly effect as much as possible.

Since the amount of the lower zones being affected was low since they couldn't see it from above.

But for them to have this big of a miscalculation.

It wasn't that he had made a mistake and it was too short of a time for somebody to have a huge effect after climbing up.

Hansoo frowned.

Since he had almost no information regarding this incident.

There was barely nothing that was alive above the Gragos after this incident.

Only the extremely strong and a lucky few.

And a few Margoths who had extremely strong stamina that could withstand the lava and had dug into the skin.

Because of this there wasn't much information regarding this.

'It shouldn't be the fairy… There should be more. Where did the change happen?'


"Hmm. So that Kang Hansoo did something that amazing? Mister?"

Kim Gwanje, the patriarch of the Rerorerore clan, mumbled after hearing the story of the person in front of them.

And Jongsang, one of the Seven Departed Souls, smiled as he looked at that Gwanje.

"Yeah. Amazing right?"

Jongsang had immediately gotten caught by some mysterious people and was dragged here.

He tried to resist but he couldn't even handle the people who were called Baladi level here.

And here the person who he had seen before in the past was sitting as the Boss.

Kim Gwanje.

A person whom he had saved the life of in the past just for fun.

'Well I knew he wasn't a simple guy but… He has really become a monster.'

Gwanje was treating him extremely well.

Others might look at Gwanje treating the savior of his life and say he's a very good person but Jongsang, who knew a bit about this guy, knew why.

The reason why this guy was being nice to him was not because he had saved his life or because they were both Koreans.

That guy just wanted to show off to him.

Towards Jongsang who had a tremendous amount of influence which he couldn't even chase after.

The result of his work which he had accomplished in the Orange Zone.

'He is a guy who was this way since back in the past.'

A person who was always shouting that there would only be one pillar instead of six if he had come first.

He had looked over every corner of the World Tree and just left along with his followers.

After throwing away the patriarch position of the Hecarim Clan that had been set already.

It had already been 4 years ago.

'He should be quite pissed.'

Jongsang laughed as he looked at Gwanje laughing as well.

A person who lived on the taste of his own greatness.

That guy couldn't even muster up the courage to even touch the Calamities and just moved himself away.

And had actually grown after showing his true strength after getting to the Orange Zone.

But somebody had dealt with those Calamities from below and then came up.

Though it was laughing on the surface, he would probably be extremely pissed inside.

"Yeah. What are you going to do?"

Gwanje shrugged his shoulders after listening to Jongsang's story.

"Well. Thank you for the story. But I had a plan for something like this already."


Jongsang frowned as he heard Gwanje's words.

"Mister. You saw what this thing looked like right? Who do you think will be stronger if you compare with the Calamity?"

Then Jongsang spoke as he saw Gwanje asking him while pointing towards the existence called the Gragos that they were standing on and then replied without even a need for thinking about it.

"Of course this thing is much stronger."

The Calamities lived up to their name as calamities but these Gragos were on a different level.

Gwanje giggled as he spoke.

"You think so right? Wouldn't it be so much more amazing if I kill this?"


Jongsang thought that he had heard wrong as he got suspicious of his own ears.

If somebody had said this he would've thought that they were crazy but this guy was not somebody who just said random words.

Since he had created a giant clan which had carved up their spot in the Orange Zone in a mere 4 years.

'No, where is he planning to live after killing this thing…'

At that time he kind of understood what this guy was thinking of.

'Keldian. Eres. Kim Kangtae. Pao Ren…'

The owners of the six pillars.

And the amazing feats that these people had left behind.

This guy was trying to accomplish something that couldn't even be compared to those things.

Something that everyone will look at and respect, a feat that would become a legend in the Otherworld.

Only for his own pride.

'…This guy is also a lunatic.'

Gwanje spoke towards that Jongsang.

"I was going to do this in a year actually. But wouldn't that amazing guy just go up in just a bit?"

He needed a year for perfection but he could do it at any time.

No, he had already sent carrier pigeons in all directions and the plan was already on the way.

'You can't just go like that. See it first and then go up.'

A show would only have meaning if there were audiences and a proposal will only have its worth if there was somebody to make it to.

That guy had gone up to the next stage within just a month of coming up.

Which meant that this guy wouldn't even take 1 year to go up to the next stage.

No, he might even go up in just a bit.

So he had to show his hand before this guy went up.

That he had done something even greater than him.

'This is a show just for you.'

Gwanje thought of Hansoo whose face he didn't even know of as he laughed.


Hansoo mumbled as he looked at Ailen who was unconscious and hanging in his hands.

'…I need to find out the reason for this first.'

If it was this much then somebody had intervened.

It hadn't been long since the liquid's level had descended to the black zone.

This amount is still fixable.

He might be able to fix the problem if he removed the originator of this.

But going to the temple was also important.

He was stuck in a situation where he had to find the reason for the change as well as finding the temple.

So Hansoo made a red carrier pigeon. (*PR: Remember, he was given an earring with that skill from the clans back in the Red Zone.)

'He should've come up by now.'

Hansoo pulled out the carrier pigeon and threw it towards a direction.


Gwanje thought of Hansoo, who was going to be his audience, and then asked because the other Departed Souls came into his mind.

"But where did the others go? Mister? Wasn't it seven including you mister?"

It was better the more audience there was.

Departed Souls who were high and mighty in the Red Zone would be great audience.

He was already feeling good from the thought of people who acted high and mighty in the Red Zone looking at him with surprised expressions.

Jongsang frowned at Gwanje's words.

"I don't know what happened to one… One followed that Hansoo guy. I don't know where the other five are. They aren't replying to my carrier pigeons."

'Anyway… Did Miyamoto really die? Then it's a bit of a pity… His skills and artifacts are quite precious.'

The skills they had were amazing but the core part was Miyamoto.

Because of this he had searched around all of the World Tree area, looking for traces of Miyamoto while Hansoo was hunting for runes.

The result was a failure.

'It didn't seem like Hansoo moved during that time… Where did he go?'

While Jongsang squinted his eyes while thinking of Miyamoto and the other five Departed Souls, they were surprisingly all in the same place.



Arc Mariangt, one of the Seven Departed Souls, grinded her teeth as she looked at the purple mana reinforcement exploding towards her.

Though she had just been slightly grazed, her own mana reinforcement created by the Golden Reinforcement was getting shredded apart rapidly.

Arc Mariangt shouted out after getting pushed to the corner.

"This crazy bastard! Why are you doing this?"

10 years since she had been tied down by the Akuma below.

And because of this, she hadn't stayed with the other Departed Souls and had separated.

She needed to enjoy her life a bit now.

Though it was a new zone, Arc Mariangt had complete faith in herself.

That she would be able to find her place quickly with her skills and experience.

'But to meet a crazy bastard like this the moment I get up.'

Why was there no rumors when a guy like this existed?

And Arc Mariangt knew instantly of what happened to Miyamoto whom Jongsang was searching for.

Miyamoto's skill, Miyamoto's artifacts.

Since the guy in front of him was using all of these to smash her around.

Theirs were high level but Miyamoto's was a level higher.

'And what the hell is that purple reinforcement! Where did he get it!'

She had never even heard of something like that existing.

Sangjin smiled while attacking Arc Mariangt.

"Just, I kind of need an underling but having a good one is better."

The moment these words ended, Sangjin's purple reinforcement burnt up all the remaining reinforcements surrounding Arc Mariangt's body.

And the golden spear that had shot up from the ground like lightning smashed onto the stomach area of Arc Mariangt.



Arc Mariangt grinded her teeth whilst breathing out heavily from pain and grabbing onto her stomach.

"You bastard… You think I'll listen to you because of this? Me?"

She realized from the attacks.

His goal was capturing her alive and not killing.

Which meant that he had something to ask of her.

Sangjin laughed as he shook his head.

"The three before you said the same thing. I don't know where one went though."


As soon as his words ended, some people walked out from the trees.

Arc Mariangt swallowed her words as she saw this.

"…You guys."

The 3 other Departed Souls whom she had separated from.

This meant that all the Departed Souls with the exception of Miyamoto, Jongsang and Sofía had been gathered here.

But they had the symbol of a Lord shining upon their hands.

'Who was able to…?'

These guys couldn't be handled with normal Lords.

Who had and polished such a powerful trait?

While Arc Mariangt was lost in confusion, somebody walked towards Sangjin.

The person who had the title of Dark Mad Lord in the past but had died and revived.

Wongyung looked at Sangjin and spoke while preparing to implant the symbol of a Lord.

"…If I listen to you then my daughter will be safe right?"

His daughter whom they had revived from the cross where he had revived at.

Of course it was something Yerin did in order to keep a hostage to control him but he was still extremely thankful.

But she couldn't escape her fate of being a hostage.

Now she had become that man's hostage.


Sangjin laughed at Wongyung's words and spoke.

"Of course. And I told you that this isn't bad for you either. I told you that I'll help you find your son right? You just need to listen to me well."


Wongyung clenched his teeth.

This was why it was hard for him to kill that guy off.

'…How did he find out that I had a son?'

A strange aura was constantly being released by Sangjin who seemed to always be a step ahead.

At that moment a red carrier pigeon flew to Sangjin.


Arc Mariangt sighed at the symbol on her hands as she looked at Sangjin who was looking at the carrier pigeon with a serious expression.

Though she had thoughts of rebelling during the branding process, what meaning did this have?

Arc Mariangt didn't want to die yet.

'Damn. To get binded down the moment I become free.'

Curiosity and loyalty were flowing into her mind as the extremely strong symbol that was beyond her imagination was burning into her.

Though a suicidal order would be a bit too hard since she was quite strong on her own but she would need to keep the lord to servant relationship no matter what.

Arc Mariangt sighed and realized that she didn't even know the name of the person who had made this scene and then threw a question towards Sangjin.

"What do I need to call you?"

Sangjin smiled as he answered.

"No need for my name since it's rather ordinary. Just call me Dark Mad Lord."

"…Dark Mad Lord."

'Damn. I've really been caught by a weird one. Why such a childish name…'

Arc Mariangt threw a final question.

"Why are you doing this?"

Sangjin shrugged his shoulders.

"Just because."


"There's a lot I want to do and it won't be boring if we do it together with a lot of people. Let's go."


Wongyung and the others grinded their teeth at Sangjin but then started to follow after him.

Chapter 107: Akaron (2)


Ailen looked at Hansoo who had gotten her unconscious before and gnashed her teeth.

"You think you'll be able to find the location like this?"

Hansoo sighed as he looked at Tekilon and Tares.

In a situation where most of the intel couldn't be shared due to the invasion of the Abyss, he needed to get into persuasion mode.

Why would she gladly tell him and cooperate if he were to act aggressively in a situation where persuading nicely would not be enough?

That was perfect for being framed as a thief looking for the Temple.


Persuasion was originally used by emotion and not really by logic.

Tekilon started to ponder at Hansoo's words of asking him to persuade Ailen.

'…Can I really trust this guy?'

He knew after seeing him.

For some reason that guy was as desperate as himself.

To save the Akaron.

And he had heard after coming here.

The humans were treating their race like a huge treasure chest.

Something that will grant them strength if they found it.

And he didn't know but he could guess that his race didn't really have a good impression of the humans.

Since the humans were parasites sucking onto the blood of the Divine Beast in their eyes.

And the tube had already reached the black color in such an edgy situation.

It meant that the body fluids were critically lacking.

If there was a dispute created between the humans and the Akarons in such a situation for the Gragos then he questioned Hansoo sticking with the Akarons.

Tekilon clenched his teeth.

There's no point in getting dragged around if he got pushed away at the very end by force.

'Bit by bit… I need to prepare.'

Though they had gotten on the same boat now, the directions they were looking at were different.

In a desperate situation the weaker one will fall into the water and the stronger one will take the boat to his/her destination.

And from the current situation it seemed like their race was clearly stronger than the humans.

'But since we're on the same boat… I must help.'

Since they would all die if they didn't go to the temple to report this.

The solution when it reached the black zone was simple.

It wouldn't be surprising for the Gragos to roll over at any moment.

And this was the time when the priests' faction had the strongest power.

Tekilon looked towards Ailen.

The seven green stripes in between her hair.

And the two accesories between her fingers.

"So you are a daughter of the Ontarim Tribe. Is Ontarim Tan Akam still alive?"

Ailen's eyes quickly squinted down at those words.

Since those aren't names which should come out of a different race's mouth.

Ontarim Tan Akam.

The patriarch of the Ontarim Tribe who had succeeded in moving 50 years ago along with their whole tribe.

Tekilon whispered into Ailen's ear while looking at the confused expression.

"I'm one of the 13 seeds. 11th successor to the Kalu Tribe, Tekilon Ah Kalu."

Ailen flinched.

It was before she was even born.

A plan that was attempted before white lion , which supported their kingdom, sunk beneath the lava.

The 13 seeds.

From the 1st seed Elkadion to the 13th seed Tener.

As Ailen made an expression of disbelief at the fact that this human-shaped person was a person who had floated away with only his soul in order to save their race, Tekilon released his transformation.

And then the shape and look of the Elvenheim came into Ailen's view.

'…He's not human.'

He knew information that the Humans and even most Akarons did not know about.

Ailen could only recognize this to be the truth.

That he was one of the 13 saviors sent to other worlds.

Ailen made a chaotic expression for a bit and then grabbed onto Tekilon's hands as she went into final confirmation work.

A method of conversation used when they needed to not make a single sound, a communication method using muscles.

If he was really part of the Akaron then he needed to understand all of the conversation transmitted by the slight tremblings in the hand muscles.

Tekilon thought of their hunting communication at this moment.

'I should've used this sooner.'

Tekilon searched around his memories as he used the tens of minute muscles of his hands to return a message.

Their language that he almost forgot about since he hadn't used it for hundreds of years.

It was an extremely choppy communication but Ailen's expression completely loosened up.

She didn't know much about the people Tekilon had brought but from what Tekilon had said, he must've had a plan.

While Ailen was cautiously getting up after nodding, a message was relayed at the end of Ailen's hands.

Ailen flinched for a moment but then stood up as if nothing happened as she started to guide them towards a direction in the Ant Tunnels.



Ailen looked at the 3 males and females including Tares.

"…You're going to follow? Safety. Cannot guarantee. Danger. It is."

She was just part of the lower caste in her tribe.

She didn't know what would happen to the people here.

And they would need to defend themselves.

Tares and the others nodded.

"Don't worry. We can protect ourselves."

How could they miss this chance?

Ailen nodded after worrying over them for a bit.

It didn't matter much whether she took one or she took many.

The rule of repaying back kindness kept on nagging at her so she couldn't get herself to kill them.

'Return the favor.'

Since they wanted to go this bad, taking them was a method of paying them back.

But Tares couldn't hide his thumping heart from Ailen's answer.

'Finally… We'll be able to go to the Temple.'

He was currently a 5th year.

If he received the body enhancing surgery then he could probably catch up to Sofía who showed off a might that was around a 6th year's.

'Yeah. She would give the opportunity to us 6 before the 2 she just met.'

While he was making numerous thoughts such as this, Ailen suddenly stopped while running.


While Tares was watching Ailen who had stopped at a location that was similar to the ones they had run across until now, Ailen shoved her fist in her mouth and started to puke something out.



Ailen spoke towards the surrounding people while Tares frowned and looked at Ailen who had pulled out a small thumb-sized green stone from inside her.

"Next to me. Get close."


The people slowly gathered around Ailen from her words and soon after a strange slime-like thing popped out from the wall.



Even before they could get surprised, the 10 meter tall rocky slime swallowed up Ailen, who held the small green crystal in her hands, as well as the others.


Hansoo made a surprised expression at the rock slime that flowed through the artery towards an unknown location after having swallowed them up.

Since it was the first time seeing it for himself despite having heard about it

'So these are the Defensive Stones of the Gragos huh.'

A rocky lifeform that the Gragos let around inside its body in order to get rid of the possible harmful substances it brought into its body while devouring rocks.

There were only 4 things that could influence this giant creature.

The Defensive Stones remembered those four things and when it felt that substance getting near an area which could impact it, it would automatically surround the substance and drag it out with the .

The Green Stone in Ailen's hands was one of the four substances.

'If it's green then it should be Graphite. The Graphite has an ability of absorbing the bodily fluids of the Gragos.'

The small green stone, , would absorb the bodily fluids of the Gragos as soon as it fell in it and then expand tens of thousands of times in size.

This was why the Defensive Stone would come out when it got near the arteries in order to take it out with the purification method and destroy it.


After a long while of getting swept down the current, they could see tens of chains hanging in the distance.


Ailen spoke towards the surrounding people while looking at the metal chains.

"Ready. Must. Grab it."

As soon as Ailen finished speaking, she swallowed up the green stone she had taken out before.


The Defensive Stone surrounding them shuddered.

Since the reason for its actions had disappeared.

Since there was nothing to get rid of, there was no need to sustain its form anymore.

The Defensive Stone automatically let loose its body.



It was only called a liquid but the bodily fluid of the Gragos was extremely thick and viscous since it was made from grinding up rocks and lava.

Tares freaked out as an extremely heavy and thick amount of liquids that couldn't even be compared to water pushed them.

Tares quickly tried to follow Ailen but Ailen was also barely holding onto the chains as she started to head towards the outside.


Sofía sighed as she looked towards Tares.

'It seems like they value benefactors, taking them will make it easier for us at the temple right?'

Sofía rated the fact of helping others in a time of need highly as she used a few skills in order to drag the 3 males and 3 females out.

"Huukk… Hukk."

Tares gasped for air after coming out from the arteries but then was lost in awe after seeing the scene in front of him.


It was a completely different world.

A huge cave that was hundreds of meters high and was wider than most fields was in front of them.

Tens of strange stones in the ceiling were shining moonrays out and lighting up the insides of the cave as tens of thousands of caves designed for living existed upon the corners of the cave.

And a strange structure in the center.

Two towers that seemed to have imitated the horns of a creature faced each other as they rose from the ground to the ceiling.

'How could anyone find it if they had to come in like this…'

But Tares could only shut up.

Since he saw Akarons charging at them with extremely fierce auras.

Ailen's height was 2m long but she was a child in comparison to the ones charging at them.

Especially the five at the front, their heights almost reached 5m tall.

'…Are those Garde-Barongs?'

Hansoo swirled his tongue around at the fierce aura he felt.

An aura telling that they could beat down a Margoth without any skills or artifacts.

And a single Akaron came out from in between the Garde-Barongs.

Though she was only 3m tall, he had 7 accessories that symbolized the highest level of power.

'The Priestess.'

While Hansoo was looking at the priestess, Ailen walked up and whispered something quietly to the priestess.

The priest made a cold expression at Hansoo after hearing the story.

"You are here to solve our problems? And the person who had brought that guy is the seed?"

Tekilon tried to greet him using the old ways of the Akaron but he felt that something had gone wrong.

An extremely aggressive aura.

For them to have such a reaction even after Ailen verified their identities.

At that moment the priestess shook her head and shouted.

"Those who don't have our body… Aren't a part of our race. You are quite cocky for someone who has failed their task. Kill them all. Use the blood as a sacrifice to the Divine Beast and finish off the preparations to move!"

The moment those words ended, Sofía felt her senses getting dizzy.

Since a tremendous amount of sirens were roaring inside her head.

The Library, which would usually tell her a way of survival, couldn't let out a single piece of intel.

Which meant that she could not run away no matter what.

No, the single massive body walking towards them was more than enough to crush them all.

"…Did you expect this situation too? They only seem to know our language, it doesn't seem like our words got through them."

While Sofía clenched her teeth towards Hansoo, Hansoo threw a red carrier pigeon towards the priest.

The information and the legacy left behind by Elkadion, the first seed.

'There's nothing good about many people knowing such a thing.'


At that moment the Garde-Barong approaching them smashed the carrier pigeon and blew it apart.

The red carrier pigeon became dust from the fist of the Garde-Barong and disappeared.

'…These blockheads.'

Hansoo swirled his tongue at their attitudes which told them that they didn't even want to talk.

Chapter 108 – Akaron (3)


Hansoo pushed Sofía away as he saw the fist flying towards her and took her spot instead.


Hansoo raised his spear, plunged it into the ground in front of him and then made a defensive posture as he poured the energy from the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement onto the Thousand Soldiers Armor.

The fist of the Garde-barong, who had turned a color of oxidized bronze and reached a height of 6m, smashed onto the top of the spear.


The Forked Lightning bent to the point where it almost broke just from one smash.

The mana reinforcement surrounding the Thousand Soldiers Armor dissipated as Hansoo got pushed back.

A result from a single fist.

Hansoo frowned at the oppressive amount of force as he shouted from that spot.

"Priestess, Elkadion's Crown of Thorns!"

The Garde-barong flinched while he was pulling back his fist and looked at Hansoo in a different way.

But not only did the Garde-barong stop, the Priestess who had turned around, Oteon, also flinched and looked at Hansoo with an expression of disbelief.

'…He knows about the Crown of Thorns?'

Everybody knew about Elkadion, the priestess who had become a seed and departed.

She was a symbol of victory of the 2nd Great War who had united the tribal and priestly sides of the race as well as helping Mekido to create the Body Enhancement Surgery.

A promising candidate for the next Great Priestess, no, a person who had more influence than the Great Priestess of that time, Karbana.


This wasn't just from the amount of fame she had.

Her holy powers had long surpassed those of the Great Priestess, Karbana.

To the point where she had departed as a seed in order to prevent her and Karbana's followers from clashing.

'If she had stayed… It might've been a bit different.'

And the treasure in which she had poured all of her remaining strength and knowledge and created before she departed.


If they had this then they could reverse this tragic situation which had driven the Akaron almost into extinction.

How could she not get tempted.

But Oteon shook her head off.

Humans could not be trusted.

The reason why they had hid in this deep place and the reason why the Tube had reached black was all because of humans.

Those guys will promise them things and then aim for their backs after.

It was more dangerous the sweeter it was and that proposition was extremely sweet.

Oteon clenched her teeth and then shouted towards the Garde-barongs.

"He must've heard it somewhere… Just kill him!"

But the Garde-barongs didn't move a single step at her shouts.

She was flustered at Garde-barong's movements as she looked at the great warriors who protected the temple and then shouted.

"Why aren't you acting? You can't possibly believe his words right?"

At those words the first pillar, one of the Garde-barongs, shook his head as he spoke.

"It's not that but… Our job is to protect you."

The priestess was too important for their race.

The job of protecting the priestess had higher priority over everything.

Oteon made a dumbfounded expression at those words.


What did that matter in this current situation?

The first pillar alone could crush all of those guys.

Why would she get in danger?

The first pillar looked at the expression on Oteon's face as he pointed towards the one whom he had smashed earlier with his eyes.

And Oteon felt a chill run down her back as she looked at that direction.

A man who held a spear towards their direction with extremely calm eyes.

Something was clustered upon the tip of the Golden Spear that could not be identified.

And the tip of the spear was pointing right at her.

Only 1 thing came up in her head as she saw the spear.

Margos Du Tiradus.

A top tier predator which ate apart the Margoths and had a strong venom.

Surprisingly, that aura and the sensation of those sharp teeth were radiating out from the tiny spear in the human's hands.

The first pillar shrugged his shoulder as he saw Oteon shrug her shoulders.

"You see it right? Though blocking that spear isn't hard… The moment that thing at the tip of the spear explodes out, half of the people here who are weak will die along with you.


Their saplings were too important in a situation where they had a very low amount of individuals in their population.

A sweet carrot along with a deadly whip.

Oteon realized that she had been caught in a trap.

"It might've been different if you had not been let in here in the first place but… Since you're here let's hear your story. Anyway you saved Ailen as well."


It seemed like the first pillar quite liked this person.

Oteon looked at the people in front of her with a disgusting frown on her face.


"First, I thank you for saving Ailen."

"Damn. Hearing a single thanks is damned hard."

Tares complained quietly from the side.

This was reasonable.

How could he feel good if he had almost become a grinded up fish cake when they had brought a person which they had saved?

Oteon decided to ignore Tares, who was still mumbling, after giving him a cold look and then started to focus on the man in front of him.

"Where did you hear about the Crown of Thorns?"

Hansoo laughed as he spoke.

"Well that's not the important thing right now. We should solve the Gragos problem first."

"That's something that you humans should be worried about. We just need to leave."

And their preparations were actually going well.

Hansoo shook his head.

'No way.'

A move would only have a high success chance when they prepared from the red warning.

It wouldn't be weird for the Gragos to roll whenever when it was in the black.

But for them to start the move in such a situation.

'Well. They probably don't have another way.'

They didn't know the reason and since it was hard to scout outside the temple due to the humans, the solution not being simple was obvious.

Hansoo straightforwardly told them his situation.

"I'll speak truthfully. I have received the memory crystal of Elkadion in the Red Zone below."

Of course he had obtained it in the Abyss but there was no need to reveal this.

'With this much… The invasion of the Abyss wouldn't get affected that much.'

It was good to at least tell the origin of the intel if they wanted to have a good conversation.

Oteon made a helpless expression as she heard the few pieces of information which came out from Hansoo's mouth and could only verify them to be true.

These things were things one couldn't know unless they were Elkadion herself.

'Why did the relic the first seed left behind get to him?'

Oteon looked at Hansoo with an expression of resentment but then spoke.

"If you hand over that memory crystal then I'll think about our alliance."

"Sorry to tell you but I memorized it all you see."


Oteon sighed.

Though she had expected it, not even a single gesture went through.

Hansoo then looked at that Oteon as he continued to explain this plan.

The cure for the other Gragos.

And even the plan after that.

'…O Elkadion.'

Oteon made a regrettable expression after saluting to Elkadion's compassion which had found help for her race despite her death as she spoke towards Hansoo.

"If we do things according to what you say then there's nothing bad for us, it's actually rather good. But there is a problem."

"What is it?"


She didn't know how much was the truth and how much were lies.

The thing he had brought was sweet beyond reason.

Which means they had to be even more careful.

Since if that sweet thing was a fatal poison and they swallowed it, they will have to suffer the


Hansoo shrugged his shoulders.

"What do you want?"

Oteon spoke as if she was waiting for this moment.

"This problem was probably caused by the humans again. Since it's only normal for there to be some room according to calculations. So solve this problem and fix the black warning. Then we will help you. We won't butt in on this current incident."

The problems created by humans had to be ended by the humans.

Only then would they get the basic rights to an alliance.

The Akaron had no thoughts of joining and bleeding because of the problem the humans had created.

'And… Watch over this guy during that time.'

Words were light and the only thing that can actually determine a human being are their actions.

An idea would be grasped as they see how he deals with this.

Hansoo nodded.

'I should at least do this much.'

Actually it will be quite a bit troublesome for him as well if the Gragos decided to roll.

Since he needed to get to the White Tiger Gragos, , and meet the great patriarch.

Hansoo thought of a moment about Sangjin and then spoke.

"Let's receive something ahead before we start."

Oteon pondered for a moment while looking at Hansoo and then nodded.

"Okay. You and two people will receive the body enhancement surgery. The girl behind you. Mr. Tekilon. You should receive it as well. Though it would only take a bit if you were a part of our race… Since your bodies are of a different race it will take about 2 days. You cannot come out during the surgery."

The 3 males and 3 females, including Tares, frowned at those words.

"What about us?"

Tekilon spoke instead of Ailen.

"It's not something anyone can receive. This is only possible if you have a physical basis that can support it. If you undergo it with the current level of your physique then your bodies will blow up."


The expressions of Tares and the others instantly got filled with dejection.

It didn't seem like a lie from the sorry expression of Ailen.

Since there was no need to lie just to fool a few of them.

They just needed to say they didn't want to if they didn't.

Since they couldn't do anything to them anyways.

Tares made a dejected expression as he dragged himself towards the place they would stay at following Ailen's guidance.


The 3 males and 3 females looked at each other in the cave and whispered quietly at each other.

"Damnit. Is it the end like this?"

Takuya, one of the 2 males other than Tares mumbled with a depressed expression.

For them to only receive a good sight after coming in here through hardships.

Of course the Temple was not something anybody could see but their expectations had become too big because of this.

'…How did it turn like this?'

Tares sighed.

Helping Ailen in the beginning was actually very innocent.

He had no form of greed.

But the idea of a reward started to come up the harder it got to help out Ailen.

From then the reward became a focus.

They hadn't stayed by Ailen to help her but more so because the amount of help they had given her was too regretful to leave behind.

The reason why they had stuck around despite Ailen telling them that it'll get dangerous and that she'll go alone was because of this.

While they were lost in silence, the female in the corner, Mirian, clenched onto the teeth and shouted.

"So are we done like this? Without being able to get anything?"


"Tares. I keep saying this. You're too soft. It's not weird for us to die at any moment if we continue like this!"

The fact that they were soft had gotten the six of them together.

But then it won't be weird for the six of them to die at any time if they continued to give free volunteer work.

Tares sighed at Mirian's words as she spoke.

"What do you want to do?"

Mirian pondered for a moment, cut her pants and then showed her thighs.

And then she dug around her flesh for a bit and then pulled something wrapped in leather.

Tares flinched after seeing this.

"That… We denied that deal before."

A secret deal that they had gotten ahold of while following around AIlen.

Tares cut them off on the spot.

He didn't know their objectives but why would they keep it so secretive if it was something that could be told to the world.

He had thought that he denied them completely but it seems Mirian met them separately.

Mirian clenched her teeth and then spoke towards Tares.

"Tares. Decide. I understand you want to be kind to everyone but we can't do that. We need to grab ahold of this deal."

Why would such a big chance like this come to them who were ordinary 5th years?

They will really receive a big reward if they take this deal at this moment.

Enough to get ahead in this Otherworld quite a bit.

"Choose. Is it us? Or is it Ailen?"

Tares made a complicated expression at the leather pouch which had red light shining off from it.



A man laughed coldy as he looked at the gem that was suddenly shining red.

"I won right? I told you they'll contact me."

The girl next to the man frowned at this.

"Damnit. That Tares. I thought he was a good guy but he was just this much."

"There's a limit to being good. You can't ignore the opinions of others around you. Let's go."

The man who had won received something from the woman in glee as he looked towards the location the gem was pointing at and slashed beneath his feet happily.

"Let's go quickly. We need to go with all our strength since they won't be pushovers."

Though there was worry in the details there wasn't any uneasiness in the voice.



The man who had split the giant neck of the Margoth beneath his feet in two started to send carrier pigeons towards his clan in the distance.

Chapter 109: Akaron (4)


Hansoo, who had his body submerged in a silver liquid, felt the change coming through the liquids as he praised it.

The silvery metal was changing his entire body step by step.

The metal filled up the holes in the bones as it changed them.

At the same time the silvery liquid which had gone out through the walls of the arteries and veins rotated around his body as it started to change up his entire body.

The muscle which was made of protein started to get replaced by metals.

Hansoo poured strength onto his fist as he saw his biceps turn into an artificial muscle of a robot.


He felt a strength which he would only feel after collecting many more runes and reinforcing himself with mana.

Taruhol, the first pillar, spoke with a huge voice as he saw Hansoo.

"Huhuu. It's good right? You'll become a nice opponent after you come out from there. Let's have a go at it after."

The liquid shut out most perception from the outside.

But Taruhol's shout which was filled with a crushing aura was so loud to the point where it could be heard from the inside.

Hansoo smiled faintly at Taruhol's shouting as he opened and closed his mouth,

'Alright. But only after I do what I need to.'

Hansoo felt the currents roaring up and down his body as he quietly closed his eyes.



Mirian looked at the red gem they had hidden deep within their living quarters with a complex expression but then quickly hid it as she felt someone nearing them.

Mirian remembered the words they had left behind as she made herself more resolute.

Soon Ailen appeared and then spoke to them.

"Living. Is it okay?"

Tares made a complex expression as he replied.

"It's good. Anyways, is your body alright?"

Ailen nodded as she spoke.

"Thank you. Once you get strong. Blessing. I will make them. Debt. Must repay."

Tares felt like his chest was being stabbed apart but he stayed resolute.

The priestess who seemed like their boss seemed to hate them extremely.

No, it seemed like she despised all humans.

They wouldn't be able to flip the Priestess's decision even if Ailen were to be on their side.

'In the end… You can't do anything without strength.'

Tares made a bitter expression.

He wanted to go past the differences in races but this was not something that could be done by himself.

It didn't matter since Hansoo seemed to be of importance to them but people like them were useless to the Priestess.

If the priestess decided to keep their mouths shut then they will end their lives in this place without being able to leave.

'Yeah. The only thing we can trust… is humans.'

And they had said it too.

That they won't kill.

'…These guys will run away too.'

The things here were strong.

Since one could see just from the five next to the Priestess.

But their numbers were too small and it seemed like the people who could actually fight seemed to be limited, on the other hand the people who would be invading are people who had gotten strong over 5 to 6 years while murdering like it was their job.

Just from the fact that the Akarons didn't act around in the Gragos showed which side had more strength.

If they sense the difference in strength then they will run away.

During this time when Tares and the others were comforting themselves.


A huge shockwave was heard as it shook the entire cave


'They're here.'

Tares and the other people followed the surprised Ailen as they looked at the celing.

And they could see.

The scene of the ceiling, where countless gems were embedded like stars, falling down.

And thousands of people started to pour down from that spot.

"You guys…"


Tares and the others attacked Ailen from behind and got her unconscious when she tried to look behind her.

Since the Akarons would definitely figure out who had caused this.

They needed to join up with the people up there before that.

They didn't kill off Ailen as they left her unconscious and started to run towards them.



"What is it!"

Oteon shouted towards the suddenly exploded ceiling.

Taruhol and the four quickly checked upon the situation at those words.

Their extremely honed perception started to gather up the information from all around the cave.

But this current situation wasn't hard to figure out even without amazing perceptions.

'They're pouring in like crazy.'

The first pillar, Taruhol, clenched his teeth.

The people he sensed were easily over 3000.

The problem was that they didn't have anyone useless.

'…There's at least four or more people who are at our level.'

"Those bastard! To hit us from the back! I'm going to rip these guys apart!"

The fourth pillar cried out loudly.

Their cave, which hadn't been found out yet, had been found out.

The moment the humans came in.

The four pillar's movements of running up to the temple to rip the two humans receiving the body enhancement surgery had been blocked by Taruhol's suppression.

"Stop. Why would they ask for the surgery if they weren't retards in such a situation?"


"It's the other ones."


The fourth pillar growled and then looked towards Oteon and asked.

"Priestess. What are you going to do?"

Oteon made a cold expression from those words.

"We need to escape. Please buy some time with the high and mid level warriors. I will try to get the seeds, escape this place and prepare for the movement."

"…We shall."

The strong had the responsibility to protect their race and the priestess in times of danger.

And the priestess had the responsibility to lead their clan and sustain their survival.

The moment they started to move after finishing off their strategy, the walls of the cave started to petrify.


Though it was called a cave, it was still the insides of the Gragos.

Oteon's expression hardened up as she saw the emergency exit he wanted to escape through the currents in it turned into rocks.

"What is this…"

Oteon clenched her teeth as she saw the yellow metal, , that the people dropping down were throwing.

One of the four substances that could influence the Gragos.

The moment the flesh of the Gragos touched that metal, the flesh would instantly petrify and turn stiff.


The Defensive Stones were rushing over from all around but they couldn't come in as if it was hard to get through the petrified walls.

"…They prepared well huh."

Taruhol froze his expression as he saw the four people slowly walking towards them from the distance.


'Well. There's no need to rush since we trapped them in.'

"We'll take care of the ones over there! You guys go get the children first!"


One of the four Margoth-level adventurers smiled at Tares as he shouted towards the Baladi levels behind him.

"Hooo. Thank you. It's all thanks to you. I'll make sure I keep the promise."

But Tares' expression hardened as he heard the conversation.

The story was different.

"Didn't you say you'll let them run away! Why are you going this far! Isn't this too much?"

Tares clenched his teeth.

Isn't it enough to ask them with a few hostages for the body enhancement surgery?

Why were they pushing them to the corner and taking all the younger ones as hostage?

The man shrugged his shoulders.

"Sorry. I lied a bit since your personality wouldn't allow us to do so. It's too wasteful to kill them or let them run away."

There was an Akaron warrior that they had caught before.

The Akaron warrior that they had around gave them information the moment they threatened the kids.

They couldn't find out the location of the Temple due to the limitations but they learned about their race's specialty.

The greatest catch was the fact that they cherished children extremely.

This was why they went for the children first.

'Which means we can get these guys to fight instead of us.'

The man, who had been frowning at the crazy people of the Rerorerore clan, smiled as he looked at the beast-like man from the other race in the distance.

If they were to get these 5 in the front then they could grind apart the Rerorerore clan no matter what.

It didn't matter even if they ignored the children and attacked them.

Since the fact that they had found the location of the Body Enhancement surgery alone was amazing.

As Tares made a dumbfounded expression of despair the female standing next to the man growled at him.

"You bastard. Why are you acting as if you're the only kind person? You think we're doing this because we want to?"


"A lion might seem invincible to a fox like you but it's tiring for us too. You think you are the only one who has worries?"

No, the lions even have to keep their pride unlike the foxes.

So it was even harder.

"Actually we get scared every time we see it. Your gathering thing."


"Look. You get rid of the strong people whenever you get the chance. We're at least a different race. You bastards. Isn't was you're doing a racial cleansing?"

It was scary but there was a reason why the strong allowed the gatherings.

It was a stimulant.

If one gets strong and leisurely they will get lazy.

This was why they allowed gatherings in order for them to constantly polish and sharpen themselves.

While seeing the end of those who had lazed about below.

The female, who had gotten worked up from the sensation of battle, shook her head as she spoke towards Tares.

"I've gotten too worked up. Sorry. Just go hide in the corner until we finish."

Though she spoke like this, the battle wouldn't be easy.

'But we will still win…'

The female got rid of her nervousness as she shouted loudly towards the 5 Akarons in the distance.

"Where are you trying to run off too? We've prepared quite well for you."

Then the female spun around the necklace in her hand.

Taruhol's expression froze up as he saw this.


The necklace of Kalum, a warrior who had gone missing while going out for a patrol 6 months ago.

And a few of them were purposely turning around and aiming for the children.

"These bastards!"

The moment the 5 pillars took a step forward, brilliant lights of skills exploded out from the female and the other four.

At the same time the countless amounts of Akarons and and clansmen started following the example of their leaders.


"Wipe them out!"



A crazy scene of massacre started.

The Akarons showed a tremendous battle prowess while fighting desperately in order to save their race and the humans forgot the idea of keeping them alive to use them as soldiers and instead also fought with all their strength.

It might've been different if one side was stronger but the injuries on both sides started to pile up quickly as the total strength of both sides were quite similar.

But it was clear as to which side was winning.

The physique of Akraons were basically like monsters but they had weak offensive powers.

Like only having a close ranged tanker in a game.

They were slowly getting pushed back by the humans who were assaulting them with various skills from a distance.

And the Akarons also had a fatal weakness, the children.

'This… This isn't how it should be.'

Tares made an expression of his soul escaping while looking at the massacre in front of him.

This was not what he had imagined.

Tares, who had been staring at the battlefield in a daze, clenched his teeth and started to madly rush somewhere.


Tares looked at the giant empty tower-like temple for a bit and then ran inside.

He then looked towards the giant silver tank on the insides of the temple and shouted.

"Hansoo! Please! We need you!"

Tares had reached the point where he couldn't even understand himself.

The powers of those who had come in was something not a single person could change.

It would be hard to flip the tables even if Hansoo were to come out.

But the moment he thought of helping the Akarons, Hansoo came into his mind.

This was why he had ran here.

Tares slammed his fists onto the calm silvery tank as he shouted.

"Please! Please!"

But the tank only did what it was supposed to and stayed calm, nothing changed.

Tares made an expression of despair after smashing the wall as much as he could and then crumpled onto the sot.

'Yeah. There's no reason why he would come out.'

Hansoo could just stand on the side of the humans.

Why would be become the enemy of the humans.

At that moment the silver tank started to bubble as a human shape came up from it.

Tares looked at the man who had come up with an expression of disbelief and then shouted out in glee.

"You came out!"

Tares flinched the moment he saw Hansoo.

Though Hansoo had been strong before his body wasn't top notch.

Since one's body didn't get stronger even if one worked out in this world.

Which meant that his body was that of a normal human being just like when he had come into this world.

No, it was worse than a normal human's.

Since he was extremely scrawny.

But the Hansoo who had come out was completely different.

His height reached over 2m and his body was full of muscles that seemed like they would explode.

The moment Tares froze from the intense aura, Hansoo focused his perception to check the battlefield and then sighed.

'There aren't any calm ones left anymore'

"I'm going ahead."


Hansoo, who had taken the gear which was next to the tank, started to run towards the battlefield at a speed which couldn't even be compared to before.

Boom! Boom!

Tares looked at the ground which seemed like it went through an earthquake in a daze and then started to run towards the battlefield as if he thought of something.

Chapter 110: Akaron (5)

'Dumbass. To call humans in here.'

Hansoo prioritized things quickly as he looked over the battlefield and calculated what he had heard from Tares.

'First save the children which the Priestess should be protecting then save the others as much as I can.'

The other Akarons were different but he had to save the priestess no matter what.

Since only then would the priestess be able to use her holy power.

Then the children she was protecting.

Only if the children were alive would the Akarons stay hopeful and help him.

But sadly the five pillars and the Akaron warriors were quite low on the priority list.

'But… I trust them.'

He didn't think that such strong guys would die that easily.

And keeping them alive would only make things easier for him in the future.

Since his job will become easier the more of the strong warriors survived.

'Though an incident blew up… It won't be that bad if we hide this current problem.'

Actually, it wasn't that bad in one perspective.

There is a saying which says that danger is a chance.

A debt shines brighter in times of danger.

If he were to finish this problem well?

Then he would be able to get the Akarons heavily indebted to him.

Since the fact that he risked his life and helped the Akarons when they fought against humans could only bring him benefits.

'And moreover while coming out mid-surgery.'

Hansoo frowned at the silver liquid that was rolling around from within his body.

He had succeeded in absorbing all of the liquid.

But the problem was attaching it.

The liquid metal which he had absorbed needed to be attached onto every corner of his body but was instead just sloshing around his body.

And his body had judged the liquid metal as an enemy and had activated the defense system and was attacking the liquid metal.

'I understand now why they told me not to come out in the middle…Hnng.'

Hansoo frowned at the pain that shook his consciousness.

Hansoo calculated what he had lost and gained.

He had gained an extremely powerful body.

The pain was alright but he had definitely obtained a power up that he had as a goal.

He could now go against the first pillar, Taruhol, or the unknown Margoth-level person who had flown to them while he was killing Kale Dawson.

No, he was a bit above them actually.

The thing he had lost was a bit of battle prowess from the intense amount of pain.

There was a limit to what one can withstand with just sheer will.

If it was somebody other than Hansoo then they would be rolling around the floor in pain the moment they came out.

The bit of advantage he would've had had been cut down by the pain.

'I would be even-matched if I fought with Taruhol.'

Hansoo hadn't come out from the liquid tank without calculating anything.

Since there was a method of getting rid of this side effect in Elkadion's memory crystal.

But the pain was one thing, there was another problem.

'If I use the Racial Metamorphosis then the burden on my body will get bigger instead.'

He had to solve this battle without the Racial Metamorphosis.

'I should do as much as I can.'

Frankly, he would've received everything he needed to once he saved the Priestess.

'…Anyways, how should I deal with the guys who invaded?'

Hansoo found the priestess who was heading somewhere with the children and quickly rushed up to her.


Bart Rien, one of the shock troopers from the Crown Clan, nodded as he received the carrier pigeon.

If these guys found out that they weren't going to kill them then they'll fight with their lives on the line.

'That'll become troublesome.'

Bart Rien shook his head as he looked at the children who were being escorted away.

They reached 2m tall even if they were children.

A healthy man's height.

'It seems god is really unfair.'

If they didn't have the runes, skills or artifacts then it wouldn't even be a fight.

'Should I be thankful to the fairies or something? Since they opened a path for us to get strong.'

But Bart Rien quickly receded his thoughts.

To thank those bastards who had thrown them into this damnable land.

'Damn… I'm getting pissed off. I should finish this up quickly.'

Bart Rien then looked at the Akaron in the distance.

Though she had thrown away everything that would tell that she was a high ranker, a strange aura was coming off from her.

It was seen that she was a special person with just a simple glance.

'Is that the priestess? I guess it's all over once we catch her.'

Bart Rien raised his reinforcement and cut off the arm of one of the Akaron warriors in front of him.



Though that guy was strong he was far from dealing with himself, a Baladi level.

Bart Rien was just about to charge at the priestess after freezing up the warrior's whole body and kicking him away.


At that moment he felt all of the hairs on his back stand up.

Something was approaching from behind him.

Without even hiding its aura a single bit.

Everyone who had felt this stopped charging and instinctively wrapped themselves in skills as they escaped outwards.

Since it was that vicious.

'These retards!'

Bart Rien swallowed down the curses that came up to his throat.

Since he understood.

He was barely holding on since he was a Baladi level, if he was at their level then he would've ran away instantly too.

Bart Rien rolled his head at the same time.

'It's too late to run.'

The ones who came here who had enmity against them were only Akarons.

It was too late to run anyway.

He needed a hostage.

Someone important.

'That one.'

Bart Rien started to madly rush towards the Priestess in between the childrens in the distance.

Though the aura was vicious, there was quite a distance between the unknown Akaron and the holder of the aura.

It would be his win if he caught the Priestess as a hostage before that.

'I won!'

Bart Rien's thoughts ended right there as he arrived in front of the Priestess.


Something flew in from the distance, punctured through Bart Rien's stomach and this caused Bart to lose consciousness and slam into a corner in the distance.

At that time a green spore that came with the spear exploded out as it spread all around.

The Crown clansmen who had smelled the spore couldn't handle the smell as they swirled around a bit and then fell down.

'The sleep spores work well too.'

Though it wasn't easy to get them down, this result was possible because the strong ones had already run away and the weaker ones had already been exhausted from the resistance of the Akaron.

Hansoo, after seeing the effects of the green spore that he had used in the jail to free Ailen, landed on the ground.


The Priestess looked at the suddenly appeared Hansoo with an expression of disbelief.

"Two days haven't…"

"Don't talk about it, it feels like I'm about to die."

Oteon looked at Hansoo, who was cracking various parts of his body, with a surprised expression and then spoke out after a moment of thinking.

"Thank you from the bottom of my heart first of all. It seems like we will be able to have a good relationship from now on."

She couldn't figure out Hansoo's real intentions just from this.

But this was the perfect chance to use them or take them.

There was no reason to help them.

'I would need to repay this debt no matter what.'

But the situation wasn't going to change just because Hansoo appeared.

Since their warriors were being sacrificed all around them even if this place was solved.

"Can you solve this problem completely?"

Hansoo pondered for a moment and then shook his head.

"That's a bit too much."

Margoth levels weren't invincible.

Though it seemed like the problem here had been solved easily, the other side would have found out about him and act accordingly.

Their side had more power overall.

'Well there's a reason why I came to save these guys at least.'

Hansoo focused his Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement and then smashed the petrified flesh of the Gragos that was blocking the emergency exit.


A huge hole opened up as the path to the emergency exit the Akarons had prepared opened up.

Hansoo pointed to the hole as he spoke.

"Run. I will try to solve as much as I can here."

The Priestess had to live no matter what.

He would be able to fight at ease if this Akaron were to go away.

But the Priestess didn't leave as she looked at the people laying around in the distance and then spoke.

"How about this. Help us a bit more. On the other hand… I will create soldiers for you."


While Hansoo was frowning at the unexpected outcome, the Priestess started to pour something into the unconscious people's mouths.




The four Margoth-level people the Crown clan had dispatched for this mission.

One of them, Bali Roper, shouted out from the attack the Akaron smashed at him.

Since the force could be felt through his bones despite the high quality defensive artifacts one could only obtain at the and various other defensive skills.

'They're really strong.'

Roper swirled his tongue around.

A super strong body.

They were strong even without skills and artifacts.

If Baladi level guys had gone up against them then their bodies would have been ripped apart.

This made it more joyous for him.

'We can now get that strength.'

Actually victory was slowly being wrestled towards them.

Though the other side had one more person, those guys were just strong tankers compared to themselves who combined various kinds of skills.

And one more thing.

They just needed to sustain this.

The ones who were restless were the ones in front of them.

'Hurry and catch them.'

Once the people they had sent catched the young ones then their victory would be guaranteed.

He didn't know about the guys in front of his eyes but there will definitely be ones who give up.

But Roper felt something weird after a long while of clashing against the five pillars and buying time.

'It's taking too long.'

And there wasn't any communication from the ones whom he had sent.

Though he thought it was because they were in a dire situation but it took too much time for that.

At that moment.

A huge warning rang through Bali Roper's head.

A feeling similar to the past when he had gone into the Margoth's Forest without knowing anything and almost had his body bit apart in two.

Bali Roper instantly used the skill he had the most pride in, .


A small black marble appeared in front of Bali Roper and started to suck in everything around him.

A skill which was related to the dimensional skill he had obtained, a small black hole formed using gravitational waves.

Of course it was a bit inferior in comparison to a real black hole but its might was not to be trifled with.



"Dumbass! Roper! What are you doing!"

Everything around them was getting sucked towards the Gravitational Orb.

Even their Crown clansmen and the skills that were flying towards the Akaron.

'Damnit. Did those guys not figure it out yet?!'

There was a reason why he didn't use this skill.

This skill destroyed teamplay too much and didn't work well against the Akaron in front of him who were heavy and large.

And the Akarons were actually standing firm with their legs down in the earth.

A huge area of effect skill.

But this wasn't the time to worry about such things.

Since the warnings inside his head were too strong for that.

At that moment.


A golden line flew in from the distance and curved as it smashed onto the Gravitational Orb.

The black marble had successfully blocked the golden line but gained cracks as a consequence and blew away all the energy it had been absorbing.



Bali Roper's expression froze up as he barely escaped the range of the explosion.

'There was still a guy like this left?'

There was no way.

Why would they have saved such a guy until now?

At that moment the owner of the golden spear ran up to them and landed.

"…A human?"

Roper made a helpless expression.

He knew about every Margoth-level adventurers.

Though the Orange Zone was large, there were barely 20 Margoth-level fighters.

But he had never even seen or heard of a guy like that.

At that time somebody ambushed the Crown clansmen who were setting up the formation below.



"This crazy bastards! Why are you attacking us!"

"Hey! Bart Rien! I'm Cole, it's me Cole! Are you crazy?"

Roper saw the third force that was charging into their lines and then frowned.

'Those guys are our clansmen?'

The ones whom he had sent had gone crazy and were attacking them instead.

And were integrated in the lines of the Akarons.

Their movements didn't look normal either.

'…What did they do?'

While countless unexplainable things were going on one after another, the one who had flown in suddenly spoke.

"Let's end this. Since there's a lot of things we need to do."


Hansoo thought of the final words of the Priestess, Oteon.


He wondered what it was since it wasn't in Elkadion's memory crystal but it seemed like it had been created after Elkadion left.

It didn't sound that wicked and didn't seem like it'll ruin his image.

Though there were a lot of limits, it seemed very useful for the moment.

But Hansoo shook his head at the added words of the Priestess.


Hansoo didn't really have anything against Tares.

Since they probably acted in order to survive.

But it would be different in the Akaron's perspectives.

Since all of this damage was due to them.

'Even if it was an act of survival without any evil intentions… If that action brought resentment into the world then one needs to prepare to shoulder the consequences.'

If it was the flaming altar then there was only one solution for them to survive.

They had to solve it on their own.

Hansoo finished his thoughts and then looked at the four in front of them.

'Organize this place… And then solve the Gragos problem.'

Bali Roper grinded his teeth as he looked at Hansoo.

The situation will change completely because of this.

"This damned bastard… A human sticks with the Akaron?"

Hansoo shrugged his shoulders.

"When were us humans that close to each other? Don't worry, we'll get close to each other pretty soon enough."

"What the hell are you saying!"

The four started to throw skills at Hansoo after hearing the strange words while Hansoo just shrugged his shoulders, retreated behind the five pillars and placed himself in a safe spot.

'It's really comfortable when there are tankers.'

Hansoo gathered up all the mana in his body, including the portion he used for defense, as he started to pour it into the Pandemic Blade, latched it onto the Forked Lightning and threw it out.

Chapter 111: Gragos (1)

The Priestess, Oteon, looked at the four humans in front of her with a cold expression.

She wanted to rip them apart and that would be befitting but the current status of their race was not very well-off for her to deal with things based on her emotions.

So she left them alive.

In order to make them work for their race.

The ones who drank the liquid which was passed down through the Priestesses will lose all control of their bodies and get controlled by the scent the Priestess let out.

A result of the holy powers of a Priestess who was talented in this field and the liquid which came from researching the Gragos.

It couldn't control them completely but if they used the seven different scents which controlled enmity, loyalty, bloodthirst and other sensations then it wasn't hard to use them like an army.

And the priest had already handed over all those scents to Hansoo as a symbol of their alliance.

"Though I want to keep them under me and use them as slaves until they die, this is a gift for saving our race. Take it. Letting them go or dragging them around is all up to you."

'Not bad.'

Hansoo slightly released the scents and controlled them.


Then the people who had their mouths blocked by the priestess breathed roughly as they glared at Hansoo.

Hansoo spoke to them.

"Speak comfortably. Since I don't have thoughts of limiting your speech,"

"…Damned bastard. Just kill us instead."

The result was clear if they were to act like dolls like this.

They would get killed after being controlled by the one in front of their eyes like hunting dogs.

Though it was a bit too much to say it with his mouth, it was too frightening for them to stay alive.

But Hansoo shrugged his shoulders.

"Really? Though I'm going to let you go after I finish my work?"


As it seemed this scent only worked in the Orange Zone.

He was going to release them after the work here finished.

"That's why I told you let's get along."


Hansoo turned around, leaving these four who wondered what Hansoo was thinking, as he looked at Sofía walking towards them after coming out from the tank.


Hansoo, who looked at Sofía with a strange look, asked Taruhol standing next to him.

"Isn't this a bit sexist? It doesn't seem like Sofía changed much physically."

Taruhol nodded his head:

"Of course. We can control the physique the way we want as well."


"You see, you seemed a bit too scrawny so we specially made you as manly as possible. That was the limit due to your human body sadly. We wanted to make you around 3m tall."

"…That's a relief."

It'll be troublesome if his appearance diverted away from the humans that much.

Since there may be people sticking behind him in order to kill him after thinking that he is a monster.

At that moment the roar of a successful hunt resonated from the distance.

Kouuu! Kouuu!

Taruhol spoke with a cold expression after hearing that sound.

"They've been caught. You two stay here. Since the flaming altar is only for warriors. I'll be right back."

Taruhol then rushed into the distance.


The six males and females were dragged in front of Taruhol after getting reprimanded by the Akaron warriors.

Taruhol looked at the six, who had their entire bodies bound, as she spoke:

"We are going to offer you as sacrifices on the flaming altar."


Flaming altar.

It was simple.

Place them on the flaming altar after filling them up with the silvery enhancing fluid.

It was painful enough with the silver liquid alone but a fire will burn them from the outside.

They will face the pain of their innards getting destroyed by the silver liquids and their outsides getting burnt off.

The worst part was that they won't die.

Since the silver liquid did its job even without having to attach itself.

The liquid will constantly give them pain as it heals their body at the same time.

And it takes 7 days for them to die an excruciating death while that liquid loses its power slowly.

It would be amazing if it ended there but if they decided that the sin was so huge then they would heal them back up, dump them in the silver liquid and then offer them again.

"There are countless Akarons who died by your hands. Your sins are too great but… We don't have the time to look after you since we're busy, be thankful. Being able to die in 7 days is a great blessing."

Mirian made a cold expression from Taruhol's words.

Though they had done wrong, they still couldn't look at the person who wanted to kill them with a good expression.

Taruhol looked at those eyes, pondered for a moment and then spoke.

"But, there is a way to not get offered on the flaming altar. Since this punishment is very cruel we will give you a chance to live."


"It's simple. If there is a single Akaron here that wants you to live. If there is a single one then this punishment will be pushed back."


"One day per one Akaron."

With this they would usually beg the Akarons in order to live.

And the number of Akarons who wanted to forgive them rose as they saw their actions.

If they act properly then the Akarons who wanted to save them will come out and if they don't then the ones who wanted to may change their mind.

Taruhol finished speaking and then looked at the six with a still expression.

"10 minutes. If a single person comes out then you will at least buy some time."

Tares hurriedly looked towards Ailen from those words.

The other Akarons wouldn't even budge.

Since all of them were looking at Tares with eyes that wanted to kill.

Actually the Priestess was already confidently preparing the Altar.

Ailen was their only hope.

"Ailen! Please! Give me a chance! I'll do anything you ask!"

Ailen made a bitter expression.

Hundreds of her race had died because of these people.

But on the other hand, if these people didn't exist then she wouldn't have been able to come back safely from her mission.

Since their intentions back then were at least real.

Ailen slowly spoke out.

"The thing I can save. Is One. My one vote is one day. I can push back one person."


"Choose between you guys. I will push back one person."

The six looked at each other from those words.

They were all friends.

Others might betray each other and stab each other in the back but these six didn't even have a single thought like that in 5 years.

Betraying the Akaron and then pleading to the Akaron here to save themselves.

Tares made an expression of despair.

'It'll be better to die together than doing this.'

The thought of all six dying and one surviving clashed inside his head after weighing them both.

Mirian made an annoyed expression as she spoke.

"I don't care. Even if I live it'll mean that I'll have to lick their asses for my whole life. I'm done."

Takuya muttered as well.

"I'm done too. Even if that happened, if no one else than Ailen allows us to live then I'll have to die anyway. I'm tired of this."

As Tares heard this he stayed resolute and spoke out.

He was the leader and all the fault lay on him who had decided to do this.

"I'm done too. The remaining people are…"

Takuya shook his head at those words.

"No, you need to live no matter what. And I have a very important favor for you to do, please. Only you can do it."

Tares realized what he meant and clenched his teeth.


While Taruhol was solving the problem, Hansoo and Oteon were discussing about what's to come.

"Are you going to go solve the Gragos problem right away?"

Hansoo nodded his head.

'I'm almost there.'

Once he solved the Gragos problem and created the cure by killing the Tiradus then everything he would need to do on this cow-shaped Gragos would be over.

'…My current pain can only be solved by killing the Tiradus anyway.'

So he needed to ask him a favor now.

"I have a favor to ask."

"What is it?"

Hansoo whispered to Oteon.

"While I solve the Gragos problem, lure this Gragos to your Holy Land, to Lazar the White Lion."

Oteon's expression brightened up as she spoke.

"Are you thinking of curing the White Lion?"

Hansoo nodded.

The strongest beast of all the Gragos who had completely been suppressed by the Calamity of Death and had fallen to the bottom of the lava sea.

Though it had the shape of a lion, it was sublime and benign and didn't attack the other Gragos easily. The Lazar was a symbol of their race and a holy land where only their Great Patriarchs and Great Priests could live on.

But the white lion can stand up again if they had the cure.

To that prideful look of the past.

"This is why I need your help."

This was why Hansoo had to save the Akaron priestess no matter what.


The person who had the power to communicate to the Gragos.

Though the Priestess didn't have any power like controlling the Gragos, they could use a special material with their holy power to make their Gragos head towards another Gragos.

'Well, it's actually stimulating their sexual desire.'

The only method in order to control the Gragos which acted following its own wishes.

Though it didn't seem like much, it was a precious power to the Akaron who lived upon it which could flip at any time and they could use this to save their race.

This was why the power of the priestess, which could communicate with the Gragos, was always precious and revered more than the Patriarch who fought at the very frontline.

The color on Oteon's face changed from Hansoo's words.

'Could he really…'

If they can retrieve that place then they will be able to acquire a vast and safe territory.

Since Lazar, the white tiger, was the most powerful Gragos that nothing else could threaten.

But Tekilon made a strange expression as he heard the story next to them.

'…He shouldn't be able to acquire space for the humans to live with the Lazar alone, what is he thinking of?'

Anyways, the conversation proceeded quickly.

"Then we will take our race and go ahead to control the Divine Beast."

Their locations had been found already.

Since there was no guarantee that these guys wouldn't have said anything even if they invaded immediately after getting called.

Hansoo nodded.

He had to move on his own now.

'Tsk. Though it'll be better if the Akarons helped…'

Hansoo clicked his tongue.

It would be better the more forces he had but the Akarons wouldn't have much to spare either.

Since getting through the forest which was swarming with Margoths in order to control the Gragos wasn't a simple task.

At that moment a red carrier pigeon flew to Hansoo.

The hurried carrier pigeon blew apart as it transmitted the message.


On the message there was the reason for the lack of body fluids that Sangjin had found out.

Hansoo clicked his tongue as he read the news about the origin of the reason.

'…Rerorerore clan. These guys were the problem? Anyways I should start off right away. The location is a bit awkward.'

Though Sangjin was quite strong, it seemed like he has clashed with a Margoth level.

Hansoo spoke towards Oteon.

"I will see you later. Please clean this place off well."

Hansoo then took Sofía and the other clansmen as he started to quickly head somewhere through the hole on the ceiling.

'I wish you well. If you do this properly then… We will really be thankful to you.'

Maybe even to the point where they would fight with the humans alongside Hansoo.

Oteon looked at Taruhol walking towards her with a complex expression after sending Hansoo off.

"How did it go?"

Taruhol spoke with a strange expression.

"Ailen excused one person."

"Then the other five get to live? We have to move now. Send the other five to the Flaming Altar and move out."

The scenes of Akarons dying off to the invading humans could still be seen in her head.

7 days were far from enough but they had no leisure when they had to move.

But Taruhol shook his head.

"There's no one to get on the flaming altar."


Taruhol then thought of what happened earlier.

"…The guy called Tares cut off the necks of the five the moment he got released."

"You couldn't stop it?"

Taruhol nodded.

"They were too close and it might've been different for somebody else but he used a strange technique. It didn't seem like the skills humans spoke of."

"Is it the thing called a trait?"

Oteon made a surprised expression.

'Does this mean that we have to take him?'

Oteon frowned.

Her most and least favorite humans had come in at the same time.

Since one has left it was now time for them to take care of the other one.

If they take him with them then they will place a simplified formation on him.

One day per one Akaron.

The moment he doesn't get the approval of an Akaron then the silver liquid will pour into his body from the formation and will light him on fire.

He will then become a flaming altar on that spot.

'If you are really trying to repay the sins you have caused against us then you might live but… The chance of such a thing happening is slim.'

Though the chances of that guy living was low anyway even if they took him but she didn't want to leave a single thing to chance during the work that would decide the fate of their race.

Though the rules were important, there wouldn't be rules if the race didn't exist.

'I should kill him.'

Oteon finished her thoughts, gave a signal and then shouted towards the nearby Akarons loudly.

"We move too. There's not much time."

Then they started to head towards the Horn Forest that was located between the two horns.

Chapter 112 – Gragos (2)


Gwanje smiled as he looked at the scene happening in front of him.

'It's almost complete.'

Soon he will be able to fulfill his objective.

Then nobody would be able to stand above him.

'Good good. Very good.'

Gwanje, who had been checking the numerous carrier pigeons flying in from all around, saw one of them as he smiled and spoke to Jongsang standing next to him.

"The Seven Departed Souls aren't really befitting of their title huh. Mister."

"Mmm? Did something happen?"

Gwanje explained the details of the carrier pigeon.

"Following an unknown power who infiltrated the central area. Four of them seem to be part of the Seven Departed Souls… Is what's written here."

"How is that not befitting of their title? It's actually quite amazing. They ransacked your central area and ran away."

The central area, where their plans were setting out, had 4 of the 7 Margoth levels of the Rerorerore clan in order to protect it from the other clans.

But for that central area to be ransacked by the Seven Departed Souls, who hadn't been in this place for long, was quite a blow to their reputation.

And even more so if they were successfully running around.

'Is Arc Mariangt the captain? Well, that one was indeed the strongest. She's better than me.'

It was much better than just seeing the time pass by while being tied down by that brat from before.

Since it meant that she had gathered a power that was strong enough to charge into the central area.

Gwanje laughed as he spoke.

"Mister. Listen till the end. Apparently the four of them became somebody's bitches, they're having it real hard."

"…Well what can they do. They're just like me."

Jongsang shrugged his shoulders.

If they were to charge at them and fight them then what kind of strength would they be able to resist,

They can only get caught.

Gwanje made a frustrated expression.

"Would I be like this if it was like that? The one acting as the captain is also someone who just came up apparently."


It wasn't Hansoo.

Since that guy had gone off the grid the moment he came up.

So who could it be?

Jongsang made an expression of disbelief and then asked Gwanje.

"Did that guy receive the body enhancement surgery like you?"

Jongsang looked towards the giant tower-like Gwanje and asked.

Since he couldn't think of other factors that could make one that strong other than that.

This was the most surprising thing when he saw Gwanje.

A normal Korean guy who was 175 cm tall had become a 2m muscle powerhouse.

He knew then.

That there were strange races other than them in this world and that one would be able to receive the body enhancement surgery if one is lucky.

And Gwanje was the one who had spread the news about the body enhancement surgery as well.

He had saved a few Akarons who were in a deadly crisis and received the body enhancement surgery, this news was a great shock to the humans.

'Well. This guy did say that the surgery helped him a lot when he first started gathering up his power.'

The clan was being sustained with complex methods now but the first reason for the creation of the clan was to find the Temple and have everyone receive the body enhancement surgery.

Gwanje rose from the Baladi level to the Margoth level.

Of course this was the reason why many strong people had flocked to Gwanje who showed them the vision and the possibility of this strength.

'Well. Though we haven't been able to find the temple yet… If the plan he has in mind sets off properly then we may really be able to find the Temple.'

Gwanje said he had lost his memory after he made the trip to the temple so he couldn't remember the location of the temple.

The objective of finding the temple was part of the plan he had in motion right now.

If the plan succeeded then they would be able to find the temple and maybe even kill the Gragos.

But wouldn't they be able to ask someone who had received the body enhancement surgery after catching him?

Gwanje flinched at Jongsang's words and then shook his head.

"Don't know. We'll figure it out once we catch him Mister. Just wait. We'll catch him soon. One of the Ursa Major went."


'Some real naming sense…'

Jongsang clicked his tongue.


Boom! Boom!

'This rat-like bastard. Why did he have to come into the area I was assigned to.'

One of the Ursa Major of the Rerorerore clan, Gordon, frowned.

Ursa Major.

Though the name was quite corny, they were the seven strongest members of the giant Rerorerore clan who acted as the pillars of the clan.

Of course all of them could kill Margoths.

But Gordon really didn't like the work he was doing currently.

'Even though the final achievement is just before my eyes!'

Soon the plan will be finished.

Then the likelihood of him receiving that body enhancement surgery will skyrocket.

'Then I will become stronger than that guy.'

The Patriach, Kim Gwanje, was a Margoth level due to the surgery.

But he, Gordon, was a Margoth level without it.

He had stuck beneath him in order to get the surgery.

Though one of the reasons why they had stayed under Gwanje was because Gwanje was quite resourceful but they had all gathered beneath him in order to gain something.

How could such a giant clan be created otherwise?

They stuck around since there was something to suck.

Actually his plan was on a whole another scale and it had been going well so they followed without complaint.

And the time to suck out that sweet fluid was right in front of their eyes but for a few mayflies to disturb them…

'Tsk. I have to hurry and get back… But those guys are really cruel.'

Gordon swirled his tongue around as he saw the ones running away.

Sangjin, who had been running away from Gordon, was using the skill he had stolen from Miyamoto, the , to run away as he checked the situation.

Though they had quite a large number the only people who were at the Baladi level were Sangjin himself and Arc Mariangt.

The others couldn't quite get to that point.

So it was a bit hard for them to go against that guy who was a high ranker even out of the Margoth levels.

They could only run.

Sangjin spoke towards Wongyung next to him.

"Throw another one."

"…You're really going to hell after you die."

"What are you saying, this is hell."

Wongyung clenched his teeth at Sangjin's orders as he laid down an order using the symbol.

'Damn. Becoming a noble father is a no go.'

The moment he gave the order, one of the 150 clansman's eyes spun around as he charged towards Gordon.

And used the skill, , with an expressionless face.


The speed of the clansman charging at Gordon increased by several fold instantaneously.


Then the clansman blocked Gordon's road when he had almost reached them and then started to buy time.

"These fucking flies!"

Gordon was enraged at these guys who would normally get flung off by a single kick of his instead just holding down onto his ankles.

'This crazy guy! To make everyone who he can control learn the Limit Breaker!'

None of the clan lords would do such a thing.

Who would gather under their clan if such rumors were to be spread?

It was easy to get and was quite strong even without raising the mastery of it.

It was a skill that only had good points.

But nobody tried to learn this skill.

The moment one activated this skill, they would gain a tremendous amount of strength by burning all the runes they have.

Skills which had masteries around 10% would skyrocket up to 50% and their physique which lost the limit of the brain showed a battle prowess that couldn't even be compared to that of before.

This was quite good enough to use as a lifesaver.

Since it was better to lose some runes to live instead of dying.

But the problem was that if this skill was used while having great amounts of mastery then they wouldn't be able to stop it at will.

The mastery would only rise if they use it but if they use it at high mastery levels then they can't stop it.

Of course once they use it all the runes in their body will be burnt up and eventually it will burn their life as well.

The first thing Sangjin had done after coming up was catching weaklings, teaching them this and then increasing the mastery to the limit of control.

The reason why Sangjin and his crew had been able to come here without Margoth levels and with only Baladi levels was because of this.

Because their underlings ignited their bodies and madly charged against their enemies like suicide soldiers in times of danger under Wongyung's control.

It was something only used at the right place at the right time but they could only reach this place with 30 sacrifices.

And 20 had already died while they were escaping.

Something strange.

Sangjin was always killing off the clansmen the moment before they died.

The image of him killing them off even while he was running with a skill or a flying dagger was nothing more and nothing less than that of somebody crazy.

Sangjin spoke towards Wongyung who was grinding his teeth endlessly.

"Run well. There's no time to fight. If we stay here in order to fight then others will get here. This is the best choice."

"…You bastard."

"What do you mean, I said let's get along."

Sangjin shrugged his shoulders as he replied to Wongyung in a sweet voice.

Though he had spoken leisurely, this was not a leisurely situation.

This was still part of the Rerorerore clan area and they would be charging at them from all around like ants.

They would instantly get surrounded the moment their feet get tied for a moment.

'Damnit. When are you coming, when?'

Sangjing gasped for breath as he looked into the sky.


"Let's go."

Boom! Boboom!

Hansoo quickly moved his feet as he heard the explosive sounds in the distance.

And Sofía, Tekilon and the Crown clansmen were flying besides Hansoo.

Tekilon made a worried expression.

"…If there are other Akaron tribes then they need to escape before the Gragos spins."

"Other tribes?"

Tekilon nodded.

"Though they might build only one temple… Other tribes might live inside the Gragos. Since the inside of the Gragos is quite vast."

From what they had heard from the priestess, their move had been made in a huge hurry.

The process of getting to this cow shaped Gragos which had been next to the White Lion, Lazar, was not a properly prepared move and because of this they had not been able to move united and had instead crossed with their lives on the line.

Though the tribe with the priestess had found the location where a thick amount of essence was flowing and had created a temple but there were probably a few tribes who were hiding in the corners of the Gragos.

Hansoo pondered for a moment and then shook his head,

'This isn't the time for that.'

If his work to stop the Gragos from spinning went well then they would all live anyway.

There wasn't time for him to find them and deal with them.

Hansoo, who had been reading the mana wave from the carrier pigeon, turned his body and then headed towards a different location from the explosion.

Sofía made a confused expression from those words.

"Where are you going? Weren't you receiving the guidance of someone?"

She had thought that he was going to aid someone since he was following the carrier pigeon.

Wasn't he going to save them because that person was in danger?

Hansoo shook his head.

"No, our destination is somewhere else so let's go."

The location had been clearly written on the carrier pigeon Sangjin sent.

And an additional word.


Hansoo laughed as he increased his speed another level.



'Wow. I haven't been able to catch that guy for a whole 40 minutes?'

Gordon was flabbergasted.

For it to be night already.

This meant that his plans of catching this guy, smashing him apart and then returning for a good rest had been broken apart.

At that time he could hear that guy muttering while he was running.

"Hooh. It's night you bastard."


The moment Sangjin mumbled 'I'm suffering this hard for you, you better treat me well…' quietly, something started to wriggle and climb out of the ground in the shadows.