181 - 187

Reincarnator – Chapter 181 : Proposition (1)

Darlton was flustered as he saw the people walk towards him.

But he could not run away like this.

Since he had to catch them.

'I need to wake up.'

This wasn't the end yet.


Darlton shouted out loudly while backing off and creating distance.

"Hey you guys over there! Listen close! Do you know who's following that bastard over there right now? The Arukon are chasing him!"

"…What the hell is he saying."

Everybody frowned.

Why did the Arukons come out here?

This was a ceasefire zone.

There was no way the Arukons will come in order to just catch a single human.

And because of this.

One of the Hunters shouted out loudly.

"What the hell are you saying! Do you think that really makes sense? Look at this guy spurting out nonsense as the time for his beating comes around!"


Everyone laughed at Darlton.

There was actually another reason why the people were laughing.

Even if they took a hundred steps back and said the Arukons were chasing Hansoo, there was no way the Arukons, who had the Satellite Fortress, would release the Hunting Dogs to catch Hansoo the hard way.

Since there was no way a human the Arukons were after would survive all the way into this place.

Darlton shouted out in frustration.

"Look at these dumbasses! Can't you see this on my neck?"

Darlton then raised the Blue Jade underneath his armor up high.

A bright blue light filled up the insides of the Maze.

The people frowned as they saw the necklace.

They knew what it was.

The dog collar of the Higher Races.

'Fucking hell…Is it real?'

Darlton saw the people flinch and back up as he continued to shout out.

"The Arukon promised to let the ones who catch him live! He said he would take us to the end of the Green Road! We wore these necklaces because of those terms."

Of course it was all a lie.

But Darlton needed to buy time no matter what.

'Damn. I don't have the time to consider things like that!'

If he isn't able to keep them here then he would die by the hands of the Arukons.

But if he fought with them then he and the 3 others would just get destroyed.

They had the confidence to kill a 1st rank beast with just four of them.

But that guy in the distance beat a 1st rank beast down into pulp with his bare fists.

They might be able to hold Hansoo alone but the hunters whom numbered to almost a hundred were the problem.

They needed to get the hunters on their side and hold on until the Arukons came.

No, if the hunters helped them then they might even be able to kill Hansoo.

"..Fucking hell."

Everyone mumbled as they backed away from Hansoo.

Since it felt like the assault of the Satellite Fortress would fall down onto their heads at any time.

The scenes of people being erased by the attacks of the Harvester were still clear in their memories.

The grouped-up people started to back away from Hansoo and surrounded him.

And they all gulped as they looked at Hansoo in the middle.


Junghwan made an expression of disbelief at the words that came out from the 5m-tall existence.

"…You said that Dakidus got killed?"

"Yes. And that bastard ran away and headed into your Maze."

"Man. So what are you asking us to help you with then?"

The guy ran into the Maze.

It seems like the Hunting Dogs have found him already, what was the problem?

He could just go in himself and burn the guy down with the spear.

Akitrus replied to Junghwan's words.

"Since that place is basically like your house, it's a bit rude for me to enter and all. Catch them for me, I'll finish the job here."


Junghwan frowned at Akitrus who was handing over a tedious job at him.

Since he finally realized Akitrus's intentions.

'He's suspicious of us huh.'

That Akitrus wasn't entering the maze because he was suspecting them.

And the moment Junghwan thought of this, the spear on Akitrus's hand suddenly felt scarier.

Since suspicion often acted as the sparks of a dispute.

'Tsk. If I refuse him here then…'

Akitrus would be able to go everywhere he wanted from the simple excuse of catching that one guy.

If he started to make holes in the Maze then Junghwan and the others wouldn't be able to contain him and sooner or later Akitrus will reach the room where the Triple Fusion Beasts are at in the depths.

Akitrus smiled as he looked at Junghwan frowning at him.

"Oh. Don't worry about it too much. I released quite a few Hunting Dogs already. If those guys find the guy first then you guys won't be needed in the end."


It sounded like Akitrus wanted to search the entire Maze with this chance but there was no reason for Junghwan to refuse him.

"Then he should get caught pretty quickly. There shouldn't be a need for us to intervene but we will get ready just in case."

"Haha. Then I shall just wait here."

Junghwan turned away from Akitrus who was gathering all the Hunting dogs into one place using the Blue Jade and then headed into the Maze.


But unlike the previous annoyed expression of Junghwan, his current expression was extremely serious.

'Release the entire Mount Liang.'

Junghwan, who was holding onto a Red Jade entered through the destroyed door of the maze and started to head into the depths.


The people who were standing nearby Hansoo looked towards Hansoo and his comrades and were in a state of confusion.

'…If he is being chased by the Arukon then he will not survive.'

Logically speaking, they should get as far away from him as possible.

But the problem about this world was that being a bystander was not possible.

Either an enemy,

Or an ally.

If they stay here then they would die by the hands of the Arukon who will come later.

But Hansoo was too scary for them to attack him.

Would Hansoo just say if they attacked him?

"Damn….Did he live at the village for like 10 years or something?"

While everybody was lost in thought.

Hansoo was quickly recognizing the current situation.

'He released the Hunting Dogs but they haven't come…yet.'

They were probably suspecting Clementine's underlings outside then.

There was no other reason why they wouldn't come in.

Which meant that there was only one course of action next.

'The Hunting Dogs and Mount Liang would swarm in here then.'

Which meant that he had no time to spare here.


The moment Hansoo moved.


Hansoo's body disappeared from sight.


As people realized Hansoo's disappearance and exclaimed out.


Hansoo's body cut through the surrounding people and flew towards Darlton at an extreme speed.


It was just a single person running on the ground but every step of Hansoo made sounds of metals clashing as that sound resonated throughout the tunnels of the Maze.

"Damned bastards! You guys will all die now! Soon my comrades will come!"

Darlton cursed at the people who hadn't decided on what to do yet and quickly backed away as he shot barrages of arrows like a madman.



Darlton's hands got faster and faster as more arrows were shot out.

Arrows which decreased in penetration power but rose in brute destructive force only, arrows to stop the approaching target.

'They're coming!'

Dartlon could hear running noises from the distance from where he was coming from.

To his already sensitive ears which had been polished through his time as a Hunter, those footsteps sounded like thunder.

Which means that he just needed to hold on.

If the four of them hold on then soon they will become eight and then that eight will become sixteen.

Then it would be the end for Hansoo even without the Arukon coming here.

Since he had a new power that he did not have before.


Numerous arrows and long range skills filled with blue aura flew out from Darlton and the three people behind him.

"These fucking rats!'

Karhal and Ekidu screamed out in rage towards the ones attacking Hansoo as they started to run to Hansoo.

The arrows weren't an issue.

Karhal and Ekidu smashed away the arrows from behind Hansoo and tried to shorten the distance but the distance between them wasn't getting reduced at all.

Since the biggest problem still existed.

'Fuck. Hansoo is slow!'

As if the enemy set up their group around mobility, they were running all around the Maze and pouring out skills.

'If I remember correctly… This Hansoo doesn't have a movement skill!"

They hadn't realized since his speed which came from his peerless physical body was quite similar to theirs when they used their movement skills.

And since Hansoo, who was acting as the shield, couldn't close the gap, they couldn't close the gap either.

Though Karhal and Ekidu were throwing suppressive skills at them, their magic powers were much different.

Their suppressive skills were getting smashed apart from the hail like skills that poured out from their necklace and surrounded their body like a manna storm.

The few skills they could cast had no meaning.

'Damn! If only those guys helped them!'

The moment Karhal stole a glance behind him.

A loud shout rang out.

"Let me ask one thing! Why are you being chased!"

A question that they couldn't answer because the situation had advanced too quickly.

'These bastards… This isn't the time to ask that!'

While Karhal was frowning from the storm of skills flying towards him.

Hansoo pondered for a moment and spoke to Karhal while handing him something from his pockets.

"Throw them this."

Karhal stopped for a moment after seeing what it was but then turned around as he threw the object in his hands.

"Damn! This is why!"


The object flew through the air and landed in front of the Hunters.

It was a very familiar looking item but it was a bit different from the ones in their memories.

The one they knew was much larger than the one in front of them and it shone beautifully in a bright blue color.

It was not a crown that had a dirty color and could barely fit onto a human's head.

But they knew instinctively.

"Oh my god. This is Dakidus's…."

The Hunters looked at each other with expressions of disbelief.

Since they finally realized why that Hansoo guy was being chased.

'He killed a god? How?'

This was more than enough for those Arukons to chase him.

The people looked at the crown in a daze and then looked towards Hansoo running in the distance.

And they clenched their fists while looking at his back.

'Fuck…Since it came down to this.'

The Hunters looked at each other and nodded.

As if they had decided.

And the moment they all nodded.



They started to pour out skills in a mad fashion.

Towards Darlton and the other three.



Numerous tens of skills entangled with each other and tied around Darlton and the three others.

And Darlton freaked out as he saw this and shouted out.

"You bastards! What the hell are you doing! Do you want to all die!?"

The moment Darlton shouted out in panic from Hansoo who had gotten close to him.

One of the Hunters who was using a suppression skill, , shouted out loudly.

"Fuck you! We calculated all of this already so just shut up and die!"

"These retarded bastards! Aaaaaaaahhhh!"

Tens of suppression skills froze and slowed him down.

The tremendous amount of mana started to break apart the skills one by one but it could not keep up with the speed of about a hundred Hunters.

In that instant.

Darlton, who was in despair, suddenly made a bright expression while looking at Hansoo.


Because something was heading towards them from the tunnel he came from.

Darlton pulled back the bowstring, fired a powerful shot and then shouted out loudly towards the darkness.

"Hahahaha! Hurry and help me!"


If reinforcements really came then it would become much more annoying.

While the Hunters were clenching their teeth.


A man appeared in the tunnels.

"Good! Hurry and…"

The moment Darlton, who was focused on Hansoo, turned around.

Darlton freaked out.

"Who the hell…"

Since a new face was smiling towards him while being covered in head to toe in blood.

With a strange red marble in his hand.

The moment Dartlon made a confused expression at the man who was looking back and forth between him and Hansoo.


"Kuuhuk…Why me."

Even with the blue mana, it was useless.

The mana barriers got smashed apart by the hands of the man and Darlton screamed out as his heart was blown apart.



The three comrades of Dartlon freaked out as they saw Darlton die by the hands of the man and backed off.

"You must be him. Thank god I found you first."

Junghwan appeared covered in head to toe in a mysterious blood as he smiled towards Hansoo who was standing out from the others.

Reincarnator – Chapter 182 : Proposition (2)

Junghwan didn't stop at simply ripping the heart out.


Junghwan's hand flew towards the other three after quickly dashing towards them.

"This fucking bastard!"


They didn't know who he was but one thing was clear.

That he was an enemy.

The ones with the Blue Jades cursed out as they started to focus all their skills onto Junghwan in front of their eyes.



The attacks which even Ekidu's White River Demonic Art had a hard time handling cut through the air and got focused onto Junghwan.


Crunch! Crunch! Smash!

Junghwan surprisingly took on the attacks head on and flew towards the three.

Darlton's comrades freaked out as they saw this.

It wasn't like the guy was abnormally strong.

The problem was with them.

"Huh!? What the hell! The mana…"

The Blue Jades, which were constantly supplying them with mana, weren't working properly.

Well, they were being pushed back by the red piece of jade in the man's hands and couldn't work.

The mana which had the power of tens of skills disappeared as the powerful skills heading towards Ekidu turned weak to the point where it looked like a small boy's fist.

Well, it wasn't that the skill itself got weaker.

It was just that it had returned to its original power after losing the strength of the Blue Jade.

But as they lost their powerful strength during this important moment, they felt like they had become naked children.

They panicked and shouted into the necklace.

"Damn! Arukon! Help us please!"

"Arukon! If you sent us to a place like this then you should take responsibility at least you bitch!"

They were in such a panic that they even cursed.

But despite their despair and panic, the Blue Jade merely flickered faintly after being suppressed by the Red Jade.

Junghwan's attacks ruthlessly flew towards their necks after they had been caught in place by the numerous suppressive skills.

And then.




The bloodied armor Junghwan was wearing turned even bloodier.

From the blood of Darlton's three comrades.

'…I wondered whose blood it was.'

Everyone frowned while looking at this man who had appeared so suddenly.

The light of the Red Jade in the man's hands pushed back the light of the powerless Blue Jades and filled up the tunnel.

At the same time everything within the tunnel came into Junghwan's view.

The first thing he found was the Harvester's Crown.

His expression brightened up as he saw this.

Since that made the entire search worthwhile.

'It was real!'

It was not something that would randomly roll around in a place like this.

A clear evidence that Dakidus had been killed by someone.

'Good. Good. Good. Very good. Very very. Good. Good.'

Junghwan made a content smile as he swept his eyes around.

The next thing that came into his view were the Hunters standing around in the distance.

The Dakidus's Crown was dropped in the middle of them but he knew that those guys weren't the culprits.

'What lame fellows.'

People who solely focused on surviving and filling up their desires.

They were the same as beasts who searched for their daily foods in Junghwan's eyes.

As he turned his head, the people in front of him came into his view.

A iron-tower-like man and an extremely beautiful woman who were walking towards him.

'Those two aren't bad.'

But it was clear who had killed Dakidus.

"Good. Good. It seems you were the one who did it. I'm called Kim Junghwan. Nice you meet you."

Hansoo spat out at Junghwan who was talking to him.

"What are you thinking? The Arukons won't stay idle if they find out."

Junghwan stopped at Hansoo's words.

'He knows who I am?'

Those words wouldn't come out unless he knew that he was allied with the Arukons.

But Junghwan nodded his head.

'Well. If he killed Dakidus then there's a high chance of him finding out a lot of the information. It's good that I won't need to explain as much then.'

Junghwan nodded at the situation that he was liking more and more.

Hansoo's words weren't wrong.

He had killed the Arukon's Hunting Dogs.

It was the same as offending the Arukons themselves.

But Junghwan just smiled.

"This is our area. What can that bastard find out?"

Junghwan hadn't caused these things without thinking them through first.

Red Jade.

The Blue Jade was powerful and had a lot of uses but the Red Jade that could be found within this place had the ability to greatly reduce the strength of that Blue Jade.

As if it was created to oppose those who used the Blue Jade.

Of course a few functions of the Blue Jade would get shut off as well.

"It's fine as long as I don't get found out right? What's so strange about a few of them dying while facing somebody strong enough to kill Dakidus? Anyways, if you know who we are then I'll keep things simple. Join us."

Junghwan was truly curious.

'How did he kill Dakidus who was on the Satellite Fortress?'

For an individual to do a thing that even they couldn't dream of without the Destruction Jade.

Junghwan couldn't even guess as to what method Hansoo had used.

Though they were keeping the alliance with the Destruction jade, it was clear who had the real power.

If they go crazy and blow the Destruction Jade then they would be able to kill one of the races easily.

Since the other two races wouldn't stay idle.

But those two races would wipe them out with that chance as well.

'We need another method in addition to the Destruction Jade.'

They were basically trapped within the Green Road.

The three Satellite Fortresses that flew around the skies discreetly kind of helped them as well but they were more focused on watching over them.

So they wouldn't run away somewhere and cause trouble.

But if they had a method of falling the Satellite Fortress without even using the Destruction Jade?

Junghwan laughed towards Hansoo.

"It seems you have enmity towards the Arukon…There's no need to be alone right? Let's do it together."

Hansoo had the method and he had strength which he had been gathering for a long time.

A proposition which would help them both.

He didn't even consider being denied so it wouldn't really matter if Hansoo said no.

Since what he needed was Hansoo's method and not Hansoo himself.

If Hansoo didn't reply with a then there would be no reason to stay still.

At that moment.

The Hunters who were listening to this all turned white from fear.

'This is bad.'

The conversation they heard was short but they could figure out a few things from what they heard

First. They couldn't believe it but the strange man who had suddenly appeared was allied with the Arukons.

Second. A guy like that had suddenly appeared and gave a proposition to Hansoo in order to kill the Arukons together.

Three. He had killed all the ones with the dog collars of the Arukon.

The one who had just appeared had basically killed all the witnesses.

People who had seen and heard this information which couldn't be found out by the Arukons.

'Fuck…Run away!'

Escaping the Maze wasn't the important part.

The moment the quicker ones were about to run away.

The Maze's wall came down as it blocked the tunnel they came from.

The Hunters shouted towards the sudden wall which had come down.

"What the fuck is this!"

Boom! Boom! Boobooom!

They tried using numerous different skills but none of them worked.

Though it did dent a little bit as if it was weaker than the door guarding the Triple Fusion Beasts, they wouldn't be able to break through it easily.

Since it was thick and hard.

The Hunters cried out in despair.

"Fucking hell…"

Junghwan, who had been staring at the Hunters from the distance, laughed towards them.

"Where are you planning to go?'

As long as he had the Red Jade, the authority of the Maze would be within his hands.

Junghwan made an expression of contempt.

'Damned insects.'

Despite surviving thanks to the man in front of their eyes, they were trying to run away the moment their lives were in danger again.

He didn't need people like them at all.

'But wait…'

As Junghwan made a confused expression while looking at a woman within the Hunters.

Hansoo saw Junghwan bring down the Maze walls and decided.


"What? Why?"

As Junghwan made a confused expression.

Hansoo laughed as he spoke.

"Who said I only wanted to kill the Arukons?"

"This damned bastard."

Even before Junghwan could curse out, Hansoo rang along the ground and headed towards Junghan.


Within the tunnel with 5m in diameter, the 2m-tall Hansoo was pretty small.

But Junghwan felt like something giant was charging towards him.

It was beyond his imaginations.

'For it to be this much…!'

The reason why Junghwan was confident was because he was sure that he would win if they fought.

Since he would still be a newcomer from a village no matter what kind of abilities he had.

And that was why he had anticipated it so much.

That was why he had hope.

If it was something that allowed such a weak person to kill Dakidus then it would be much more beneficial to them.

But Junghwan soon realized his previous thoughts were wrong.

'What the fuck….So much! Dakidus should've just gotten beaten to death from that!'

Junghwan hurriedly held onto the Red Jade.

In an instant.

Booom! Booom!

Two walls closed in between Hansoo and Junghwan and separated them.

The wall that tens of Hunters attacked and hadn't budged, two of them were here.


Junghwan, who had calmed down after the walls had fallen and he could not see Hansoo anymore, was about to turn around and then made an annoyed expression.

For him to run away like a scared dog.

Junghwan was angered by his sorry state and then shouted towards the wall.

"You dumb bastard! You fail!"

There wasn't a need for him to act personally.

Since he would die the moment Akitrus moved in.

'Stay trapped in there you damned bastard.'

If the Akion was released then the walls and people will all melt down together.

The moment Junghwan laughed in a cold manner and was about to leave.


The wall in front of him suddenly made a huge noise and trembled.

As if something struck it.

'No way…Did the first wall…?'

The moment Junghwan flinched.


A hand smashed through the wall.



The moment Junghwan hurriedly backed off.


The hand reached out and took hold of Junghwan's right arm.


Junghwan freaked out.

Only his hand had been caught but alarms of danger rang throughout his entire body and cold beads of sweat rolled down his back.

His heart was beating intensely as it was warning him of a tremendous danger.

Junghwan's skill, , explosively supplied him with mana reinforcements.

And in an instant a rainbow barrier grew around him and pushed away the hand that was trying to crush his own hand.

The hand that was holding onto him suddenly blazed up in seven different colors.

The mana reinforcement around the hand that was holding onto his wrist wasn't normal and was pushing his back but was not such a weak skill.

Soon the guy's hand started to burn from Junghwan's mana reinforcement.

But Junghwan soon cursed out.

"This…This crazy bastard!"

That hand was rightly grasping onto his hand, as if it was trying to break it, despite being burned.

Despite a tremendous amount of damage was being caused onto his arm, Hansoo still squeezed his fist in order to smash the wrist.

No, he was actually pulling him.

Towards the wall.



He tried his best to stay back but the floor beneath him got dug up as he started to move closer and closer to the wall.

And Junghwan freaked out as he saw the terrifying eyes that were staring at him through the gap.

It was clear what would happen if he got dragged back like this.


Junghwan looked at his right arm while clenching his teeth and then pulled out his dagger with this left hand.

And then slashed it towards his right hand.



His right wrist was cut off in that instant and from the rebound force, Junghwan's body got flung back.


Junghwan flinched again after looking at the hole which had stolen his right arm with blazing eyes of hatred.

From the eyes full of regret.


Junghwan made a terrified expression as he quickly backed off.

'Damned bastards. I'll kill you all.'

Soon Junghwan's body disappeared into the void.


"If you broke one door then isn't it easy to break two?"

While Karhal was looking at Junghwan who was disappearing into the distance through the hole

Hansoo shook his head with a slightly tired expression.

"It's hard to suddenly blow up all that mana in one go."

Skills that allowed one to blow up their mana and achieve a strength numerous times greater than their own.

This was called berserk mode.

But Hansoo didn't really like them because the mana pathways in the entire body got destroyed from these skills.

He smashed apart the first door and made a hole in the second but breaking through the two entirely was a bit too much.

"So what will you do?"

Ekidu made a worried expression.

They would get trapped at this rate.

Hansoo smiled at those words and then raised his hand.

The Red Marble that was in Junghwan's right arm.

"It's ok. I've gotten the thing I needed."

Like how Junghwan was targeting his information rather than himself.

He didn't need them either.

'It'll be a direct path from here on.'

This was not something created to just close and open some doors.


The Dark Cloud came out from Hansoo's hand and started to eat up the Red Marble.



While Junghwan was running.


Junghwan was shocked at the wall that had suddenly appeared and stopped.

'What the hell…'

The tunnels turned and new paths were being created.

It had never happened before.

Junghwan looked at the giant structure of the Maze which had started to change with panic.

Reincarnator – Chapter 183 : The King's Tomb (1)



The Maze opened and closed.

The walls in front of their eyes disappeared as a new path appeared instead.

And everybody who was near Hansoo flinched from the sudden change in the environment.

But the changes continued.


And within those changes, straight tunnels that looked like the gaping mouths of demons appeared one by one.

Hundreds of holes had appeared in the Maze.

'Why…Why did this suddenly happen?'

The more one thought about it, the more questions one gained.

While everybody was looking at all this in shock, Hansoo turned around and spoke to them.

"Those who want to go out get out fast. The doors have all opened."

A few people's expressions brightened up at those words.

'If we linger around here longer then even having ten lives wouldn't be enough.'

Darlton who they couldn't even dream of fighting against.

And that man called Junghwan who had ripped apart that Darlton and three others in an instant.

And…The man in front of their eyes who had made that Junghwan run away with tails between his legs.

It wasn't a fight where they belonged and they felt sorry for Hansoo but they wanted to get away from this fight as soon as possible.

One of the Hunters looked at the twisting and turning paths of the maze and made an apologetic expression as he spoke.

"Uh…Really sorry for asking but could you open a straight path to the outside for us?"

A few people nodded at those words.

The tunnels were constantly twisting and turning.

Even if they traced the way they came they might run into the Triple Fusion Beasts or other beasts.

If Hansoo helped then they would be able to reduce that risk as much as possible.

But Hansoo shook his head at those words.

"That is not within my authority."


A few people made confused expressions.

"What do you mean? Didn't you just control all of this? You can just open up a path to the outside…"

Everyone thought that Hansoo had the powers to change the maze as the entire maze shifted and changed after Hansoo had grasped the Red Jade but for him to say it wasn't possible.

If he had gained the powers to cause such a change then shouldn't he at least open them a path outside?

Hansoo shook his head at those words.

Since he hadn't gained complete authority over the maze.

He had only pressed the start button.

Towards which was hidden under the maze.

'Well…It's actually a trap to be specific.'

Hansoo stared at the numerous tens of tunnels in front of him as he pulled out the Blue jade that was on Darlton's neck.

And then spoke to the people near him.

"Get out of here as quick as possible. It's going to become chaotic soon."


The people, who were already feeling quite nervous, immediately ran outside in a crazed manner.

Karhal then asked Hansoo while looking at the Blue Jade in his hands.

"What are you going to do?"

Hansoo then clutched the slightly infected Blue Jade as he spoke.

"Lure them in."

Hansoo mumbled as he looked at the giant maze in front of his eyes.


'What is this.'


Akitrus, who had been looking at the trembling maze, frowned.

'Damn. I guess the Mount Liang guys are doing their job properly.'

He would only be able to figure out what's going on inside when the people with Blue Jades reported to him but since the ones with the Red Jade were in there, he had no way of knowing the current situation.

Akitrus, who had been frowning while looking at the maze's change for the first time, suddenly thought of an another possiblity.

'Wait. What if…Those Mount Liang guys lost to that guy?'

He didn't know a lot about the Red Jade but he clearly knew about one of the functions.

That it could open and close doors.

'Fuck. Is he going to escape like this?'

Akitrus's expression darkened.

He hadn't cared that much since he was trapped within the Maze.

But what if numerous tens of entrances along the wide maze opened at the same time?

Him escaping was just a matter of time.

And as he had expected.

The half broken door in front of his eyes started to open up.

Which meant that the other doors were also opening up.

'Fucking hell. I can't search this huge area by myself. What the hell are the Hunting Dogs doing!'

He would be able to search the entire place with the help of the Satellite Fortress but they were in a time of war.

He could not call for the help of the Satellite Fortress in a place like this.

Crunch crunch…

"Do I have to back off? And call for help? Nothing else I can do…Damn.'

The fact that he could not accomplish this job himself was embarrassing but it was still better than failing it.

While Akitrus was grinding his teeth in annoyance.


A signal came in from the Blue Jade.

Akitrus pondered for a bit before making a decision.

'Go in.'

He was suspicious of the Mount Liang guys but they wouldn't dare to go against him openly.

It might've been different if he didn't know the location but then since the Hunting dogs had found the location for him, not being able to catch that guy would tarnish his title as a Judge.

'Fucking Mount Liang. To make me move personally. I shall wreck this entire place for you.'

Their proud Maze would now be filled with holes.

But it didn't matter.

Since he was confident in his skills.

Boom! Booomboomboomboom!

Soon the 5m tall Akitrus, who looked even bigger armed, started to charge towards where the signal came from.


"Haa. Haa."

The structure of the Maze constantly changed but Junghwan didn't freak out as he calmy headed towards the base on the inside.

'It won't change as a whole.'

The roads twisted and new ones appeared but it's purpose wasn't to confuse the people in it.

The exact opposite really.

It was as if a hidden road was appearing.


While Junghwan was running, he pondered while looking at the other roads.

The tens of different roads along the path he was taking looked like they were calling out for him.

As if they were telling him to take the hidden items within.

But Junghwan shook his head.

'That's not important right now.'

He had to regroup with his Clan Leader as quick as possible.

After a long run.

A message was heard in Junghwan's ears.

A symbol behind Junghwan's neck shined brightly.

And Junghwan flinched at the sudden message.

Though he was their leader, the leader of Mount Liang didn't really like to use the symbol to communicate.

He said that it was the only way for them to talk face to face.

But this clan leader was sending him a message.


Junghwan pondered.

He was usually very sensitive about the topic of failure and it was a bit hard for him to say it with his own mouth.

Men usually didn't like to talk or deal with failure but Junghwan's own pride could not handle it.

Junghwan then reported everything that had happened so far.

In extreme detail.

And the clan leader replied with silence after hearing this as if he was thinking.

And Junghwan made a frustrated expression.

'Ugh…I can never tell what the clan leader is thinking.'

A man who was climbing through the Otheworld alongside Clementine and had decided to stay here.

The other people of Mount Liang constantly got replaced but he himself was one of the earliest members along with Metiron who managed over the Green Road.

And not any random guy who they had thrown to the village but somebody whom Clementine had actually cherished.

What was there to ponder?

They just needed to kill that bastard.

But the answer he heard was not what he expected.

Junghwan blurted out at those words subconsciously.

"Fall back?'

Junghwan made an expression of disbelief.

They were just saying that they were falling back, it was the same as running away.

Another message flew in after that.

A message with a large amount of worry.

He could only.

Since they were connected with the symbol of the Clan.


Junghwan clenched his teeth.

Since he knew what he meant.

The maze was still twisting and turning as if it was breathing and alive.

And his right hand, which had been cut off, was still quite sore.

'Fuck. I have to really leave that guy behind?'

Junghwan thought for a moment but shook his head.

What could he do alone?

He grinded his teeth at the powerlessness he felt in a very long time.

At that moment.

A second change occured.



The floors of the Maze started to break apart.

At the same time the walls of the maze that supported the ceiling started to shrink in.


Junghwan struggled to head up by kicking off the walls but he could not win over the force of the walls that were pushing him down as he started to sink down.




Ekidu and Karhal who had started to fall down slowly screamed out in panic.

Even if one could fly, the sensation of the ground breaking apart beneath them was not good.

Like tentacles that had spread out in all directions being retracted, the maze was shrinking at a very fast pace as Hansoo and the other three were being driven elsewhere.

As if it was moving the food caught in the web towards one direction.

"Damn… It!"


They tried smashing the walls but it was meaningless.

And when they turned around, Hansoo had a calm expression.

"Fucking hell…You knew about this too?"

For him to be able to make such a face while falling down.

Hansoo nodded.

"It was created to deal with the Higher Races so it should activate once they come in."

It might've been different if it was off but since he had turned it on, it was set to take everyone down once the Arukon entered.

'Ah whatever.'

Karhal emptied his mind at Hansoo's attitude and then started to plummet down.

And soon.

"I can see it!"

The ground could be seen in the distance.


They used flight skills as they reduced their falling speed.

The walls would push them down but the impact would be too great at this speed.


As they reduced their speeds with flight skills, the walls that were chasing them down smashed onto them.

"Fucking hell!"

At this rate they would become squished meat from the wall and the floor.

The moment they screamed with only 10m remaining.


The walls that were pushing suddenly stopped.



Though the walls had stopped, their speed still caused them a large impact as Ekidu stood up in a stagger.

Thankfully she hadn't received much injuries due to her reinforcement skill.

'..Where the hell is this?'

Ekidu stood up and checked her surroundings.

Strangely, the place where they landed was not much different from where they had gone through,

The width of the second maze hidden beneath the maze was around 10m.

And as they looked up, the walls that were pushing them down had turned into the new ceiling.

This much was the same but there was one thing that made everything different.

'This is…'

They looked around and made an expression of shock.

There were bones everywhere around them.

And there were plenty of human skeletons as well.

As the already gloom situation even turned gloomier, Ekidu looked at Hansoo with a doubtful expression.

"This is where the thing you need lies? We just need to get that and leave?"

Hansoo nodded at those words.

He just needed to find the Lost King's Crown and defeat the crown of the Judge that Akitrus would be wearing.

"Let's move. Since this place isn't that large, it wouldn't take long>"

Soon Hansoo and the two disappeared into the darkness.


"Ugh…Where is this?"

Junghwan repositioned himself after falling down and then looked around.

'…It looks like the underground of the maze. There was a place like this?'

It had already been over 10 years since Mount Liang had started to live here.

Of course they had searched every cranny and new everything about the place.

Well, they thought they did.

But it was the first time he was seeing this.

'Well…A change like this is a first anyway.'


Junghwan looked around.

'It looks like an underground cave.'

And quite a wide one at that.

And he could also see eight tunnels.

As well as the contents.

'Damn…Is this like a grave or something?'

Giant skeletons that seemed like they belonged to the higher races.

And there were thousands of human skeletons between them as well.

Junghwan made a confused expression at the mess of a situation in front of him as something came into his view.

"What the hell is this?"

In the middle of the cave.

A skull which had claw marks and had been pierced through by a skull.

On top of the head of the skeleton which was sitting on the giant throne, a red crown was placed.

'It looks ominous.'

Junghwan approached the throne and carefully looked at the crown on top of the skeleton's head.

Reincarnator – Chapter 184 : The King's Tomb (2)

'Man…It looks really similar to that crown Dakidus was wearing.'

If one disregarded the fact that it was fancier and was still glowing, it looked very similar to the crown he had seen before.

'Anyways it's strange. The war was really harsh but… Why was he sitting on the throne by himself?'

The remnants of the savage battle between the Sages and the Higher Races remained completely intact.

Usually one would've chosen to either fight or run away.

But this person, who seemed to have been quite strong, sitting down still on the throne and facing his death was very strange.

Junghwan made a confused expression while touching the red crown upon the head of the skeleton as a strange desire filled up his mind.

'Should I try putting it on?'

He didn't know why such a thought came into his mind.

Junghwan lifted the one remaining left arm and then lifted the red crown on top of the skeleton.

He then placed it on his own head.



Akitrus frowned after smashing down onto the ground.

Even Akitrus could not deal with thousands of tons of mass pushing in from all directions.

And even more so when his balance was off from the maze crumbling down.

Akitrus brushed off the dust on his body as he looked around.

Countless skeletons which seemed to belong to his kind.

And even more of those which looked like it belonged to the bugs.

But there was no way these bugs belonged to those bugs.

The bugs did not have the strength to kill his race like this and this strange place easily looked at least a few hundred years old.

'…Is this the remnants of the final battle?'

The Final Battle which had occurred against the Sages hundreds of years ago.

Akitrus was barely 60 years old and was not alive during those times so he did not know the details.

And there wasn't any information left behind about the sages either.

The kings of the three races wiped away the information about the Sages before retiring.

'Maybe only the ones who control the Satellite Fortresses might know a bit.'

The Kings didn't like these remaining as well but they couldn't erase the information saved within the Satellite Fortresses the way they wanted as well so it had just been kept as a secret.

But since even the users of the Satellite Fortresses had their mouths shut, there was no way of figuring out the details.

'It's ominous. I need to get out.'

Of course one wouldn't feel at ease when countless skeletons of their race were spread around around them.

Akitrus grasped the spear, Akion, after starting to feel a bit uneasy.


Light started to gather onto Akon in Akitrus's hands.


Light continued to gather and condense on the tip of the three pronged Akion as it started to become larger and larger.

Like a dragon ball held within the claws of a dragon*.

And once the blue ball of light had gotten so large that it was almost impossible to control anymore.

A tremendous blue light which exploded out from the tip of the Akion smashed into the ceiling.


A large amount of force smashed into the ceiling as it created a hole with a diameter of tens of meters.

The destructive force was tremendous if one thought about the toughness of the metal this strange maze was made of.

But Akitrus made an dissatisfied expression.

'It's not a normal metal.'

Akirus didn't have the intentions of creating a hole that was that wide.

Since him being able to pass through was enough.

The mysterious metal dispersed the energy from the attack into all directions.

And because of this, instead of creating a hole hundreds of meters long upwards like he wanted to, he had just created an extremely wide one instead.

'And…That metal is interfering with the energy transferring from the Satellite Fortress.'

In conclusion, the result was much worse than what the Akion could do usually.

At that moment.



The surrounding dark metals started to gather onto the hole created by the Akion.

The metal, which seemed to be almost alive, started to slowly fill up the giant hole the Akion had created.

And Akitrus frowned at this scene.

It seemed like this mysterious place didn't have any intentions of letting out the things it had swallowed in.

At all.


Akitrus's gaze swept his surroundings subconsciously.

Two skulls of his race.

Along with thousands of skeletons of those who hadn't been able to escape this place.

Growling noises came out from the mouth of Akitrus as a rage-filled breath was heard.'

'I'm afraid?'


A tremendous roar came out from the mouth of Akitrus.

And this rage-filled roar filled up the entire maze and resonated throughout it.

Who was he!?

The one who had gained the rights to hold the weapon of heaven's punishment out of countless members of this race due to having the most battle strength out of all of them.

Judge Akitrus


He lifted his legs and stomped on the skulls of his race.

At that moment.


Something popped out from the walls of the maze and smashed onto Akitrus


But of course Akitrus had his defenses up.

The magic barrier that was surrounding Akitrus's entire body swayed as it blocked the thing which had popped out from the wall.

The thing which had been shot out had been smashed apart from the collision but it just returned back to where it came from as if nothing had happened.

'What is it?'

Akitrus frowned.

He had blocked it but the force of the collision was not low.

While Akitrus was staring at the wall.


'Fucking hell.'

The metal walls were swaying up and down like waves.

All at the same time.


The numerous metallic pieces which the maze walls were comprised of all turned into sharp spikes as they started to attack Akitrus.



Akitrus screamed out in rage while receiving the attacks which got destroyed by the barrier.

He then had a realization about the holes on the skulls of his race.

They hadn't died because they were trapped here.

He didn't know what the killer had done to cause all this but he was underestimating Akitrus by a huge margin.

'He's going to treat me the same as these losers here?'

The skeletons were mere 3 to 4m tall.

Akitrus himself had been born with great genes, defeated countless competitors and survived through the harsh training to finally reach the position of the Judge, he was dimensions apart from these weaklings here.


Akitrus stepped forward and started to charge.

And the bones that were lying on the ground started to get crushed beneath his feet.

Akitrus received the attacks with his body while running as he mumbled.

'Yeah. this maze was also created by losers as well.'

A winner would not create a rat's hiding hall or a rattrap like this.

Only the losers would hide underground and look for a chance.

This was the final remnants of the losers.

The race that had won.

The strongest warrior of that race could just finish this off.

'This chance…I'll be the one to raise my name to stand aside the King's.'

"Wait for me you rats!"


Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

He didn't know who was causing all this but he took the countless spikes head on while charging through the maze in order to smash apart the culprit.


Boom! Boom!

"Damnit! You said we'll reach there quickly!"

"I only said it won't take long, I never said there wouldn't be obstacles."


Karhal screamed while deflecting away the metal spears that were flying in from the air.


Countless spears were flying in and were trying to pierce his entire body.

Karhal underestimated the might of the spears at first after seeing them come out from a liquid-like wall but as he saw the Scarlet Yang Armor of Ekidu in the front get pierced he freaked out and focused on defense.

If it was strong enough to destroy the Scarlet Yang Armor and the White River Demonic Arts then his defense would just crumble before it.

Booooom! Booom!

Hansoo stood at the very front and swung the 2m long spear to smash apart the incoming spears.

And as if the spears knew which existence was the most dangerous one, they were focusing on Hansoo.

Boom! Boom! Clang!

At that moment.

The sound started to change

The metal spears which was being destroyed by Hansoo started to withstand Hansoo's attack.

The number of spears increased as the speed increased as well.

As if something was getting more and more proficient.

The hastily attacking liquid metals were attacking more smoothly and more explosively.

Hansoo frowned as he looked at the changes of the wall.

He didn't know who it was but it seemed like some lucky guy had landed in front of the Throne and put on the crown.

He would be at the center of the maze.


'I'll need to hurry a bit more.'

Hansoo increased his speed as he continued to charge forward.


"Heheh. He's really a monster."

Junghwan, who had been sitting lazily on the throne, smiled as he looked at the two beasts causing a ruckus within the maze.

A normal adventurer or a beast should've had their bodies penetrated but these things were actually smashing through them.

He could feel chills running down his body from the vibrations that rang throughout the maze.

Junghwan tried to lift his left arm but then could not as it dropped upon the Throne.

He hadn't known why the one wearing this crown had been sitting on the throne but he knew now.

The one who had this crown didn't have the leisure to move his own body.

Since he had to focus his consciousness into the maze.

The entire maze felt like a part of his body.

He could feel every bit of movement within the maze as the walls, floors and the ceilings felt like his hands and feet.

Junghwan's conscious had left his feeble body and had fused with the Maze.

'And there's more…I'm sure.'

This wasn't the end.

Controlling the maze was just the start of this crown.

But Junghwan could not know what was after this.

Since controlling the maze alone was too much for him.

'Not quite proficient yet.'

Junghwan made a regretful expression.

If his control was perfect?

He would've been able to twist and turn the maze in order to smash everything within it.

But sadly there wasn't enough time.

Since the two beasts would come to smash his body apart.

For there to be two when one was hard to deal with.

'Fucking beasts. For them to figure out the direction right away.'

He was shocked at the fact that they were heading towards him within the twists and turns of the maze.

But Junghwan could smile because of this.

'Thank god it's only two.'


The maze twisted and turned from Junghwan's will.

His perception and 5 senses changed.

And soon a tunnel connecting between Hansoo and Akitrus had been created.

Towards where they had to meet before coming to him.

'Fight for me a bit.'

Junghwan felt the two of them heading towards each other in a straight line as he limped down and focused entirely on the crown.

*The Dragon Ball (Which most of you know from the Anime/Manga/TV series Dragon Ball, is actually derived from the myth of chinese dragons. Previously I have explained as to how a snake becomes a dragon after many years in the depths of a cold pool. When this dragon ascends it will have a dragon ball within its claws. In korean this is ??? which is pronounced Yeo Ui Joo. Here's a picture of it.

Reincarnator – Chapter 185 : The King's Tomb (3)

Junghwan sensed Akitrus who was charging through the maze while breaking through the walls.

'I never thought I could reach this stage.'

Junghwan, who hada been sitting powerlessly on the throne with the crown on his head, mumbled while thinking of Akitrus.


One of the Higher Races.

He could not touch and he would not dare to touch them.

He had searched and searched.

For a method of revenge.

And when he had been able to find a change to go under Metiron, who ruled over the Green Road, he had been extremely happy.

Since he could see a glimmer of hope about the chances of killing the Higher Race that he could not even fathom to touch.

But he did not know back then.

That the humans and the Higher Races were in an alliance.

He realized after receiving the symbol and falling under Karon who controlled Mount Liang that he wouldn't be able to even think about revenge.

'Metiron, I hate you. And Karon as well.'

He did not know what this mysterious crown was but it was even disabling the connection to the clan every time he focused deep within the crown and on the maze.

For him to bear hatred towards his clan leader and the one whom the clan leader served.

These were thoughts he could never even dream of having but they now filled his head.

Karon's chains which had filled up his mind were quickly being loosened up.

At the same time the hatred towards the Arukon which had been suppressed by Karon's symbol started to fill up his mind like a storm.

So much rage that he wanted to focus all the assault onto the Arukon charging towards him.

But Junghwan laughed as he suppressed his rage.

And his will swept over the maze once more.


'I shouldn't be able to interfere.'

The main character should come out during the climax anyway.

The challengers need to fight against each other first.

Junghwan let go of the controls of the maze as he smiled while watching the Arukon and Hansoo charging towards each other.


Booom! Booom!

Spears constantly flew into Akitrus while he charged forward.

The metal spikes that even Hansoo had trouble destroying constantly barraged his mana barrier.

Though they all got smashed apart.

Boom! Booboom!

The metal spears couldn't keep their shape as they got scrunched up like a car smashing into a cliff.

But Akitrus frowned while facing these attacks.

The impact wasn't the issue.

'…It's disturbing the mana.'

But Akitrus concentrated.

Since he could still handle it.

Though he was shaking, the heavenly gears he had on wouldn't crumble just from this.


And as if it was proving that it was still perfectly fine, the Akion spewed out light again as it swept across the field.

At the same time the blue barrier coming out from the golden armor he was wearing started to burn intensely bright.


The metal spikes that were barraging from all directions all started to melt down.

At the same time.

The intense assault lessened a bit.

The movements of the metal slowed down as the tips of the sapers dulled as well.

And Akitrus smiled as he saw this.

'Yeah that's what I thought.'

Nothing was free in this world.

Even the powerful Satellite Fortress needed a tremendous amount of energy to operate.

How could a structure doing something like this not use a tremendous amount as energy as well.

And even more so if it has been hundreds of years since it was built.

He was worried about there being plenty of energy left and was hurrying along but it seems that it was slowly reaching the limit.

'Then there's no need to hurry.'

He just needed to slowly head over there and crush it.

The thing that was causing all this or the core.

And he would offer this loser's tomb or the loser's crown to his King.

The giant crown of metal which had mass close to a mountain.

'Hahaha. I can't even imagine how pleased the king would be.'

This mysterious liquid metal was quite threatening.

If he took this metal that could even handle the Akion's assault which was similar to the assault of a Satellite Fortress and use it to reinforce the Satellite Fortresses?

And if he were to supply the tremendous amount of energy to this mysterious metal?

The warriors would become much more powerful and the Satellite Fortress's defense would increase by several fold.

His race would be able to eliminate the other two races, the Akalachias and Rebeloongs, and only one race would remain.

And his own name would be engraved next to his King's gravestone and be left behind for all of the futurekind to see.

The most glorious outcome for a warrior.


Clang! Clangclangclang!

As he thought of the triumphant future of his race, he felt much better as he started to stomp his way through the weakened metal spears as if he was walking through a light drizzle.

'Though there's something that I feel a bit uneasy about.'

Just as Akitrus made a displeased expression with a frown.


A faint tremor could be felt from the distance through the walls.


Akitrus frowned.

At the same time the zoom in feature on Akion showed what was going on in the distance.

Boom! Booomboom!

Something that was heading towards him while smashing apart the metal spears.

Like himself.

The image of the guy smashing through the spears while stomping through the maze was so similar to himself, if the guy wasn't much smaller then he would've thought that it was a mirror.

Akitrus was dumbfounded as he thought to himself.

'There's somebody other than me who survived?'

He was the best warrior, the Judge.

And if he didn't have the heavenly gears then he would've died already.

But for there to be another lifeform which had survived other than him.

'…A human too.'

A human.

Akitrus realized in that instant.

That it was him.

The one that had killed Dakidus and had hidden.


Akitrus thought that his luck was really good.

The one thing he was a bit uneasy about.

The fact that he had failed to catch the daredevil criminal that the King had ordered him to.

If that guy hadn't come in here along with him then he would've had no way of catching him.

Since that guy would run away while he was trapped in here.

And he thought that guy would die even if he got in here.

Since a human could not survive this place that even he had a hard time surviving in.

Offering this huge thing to the king would be a tremendous amount of honor but it would not be able to cure the damage to his pride.

And even more so if his job was to catch a single bug.

But for him to appear in front of him.



Akitrus laughed maniacally as he started to charge through the maze tunnel.

As if he didn't want to lose the rat that had appeared before his eyes.

The weakened spears smashed into Akitrus and broke apart.

'Good! Very good! Hahaha!'

He would've gone over to deal with the maze first if the attacks continued to get stronger and stronger.

But that wasn't the case.

Actually, he had to deal with the bug first.

Since that bug may escape once the maze stopped moving.

The maze came after he dealt with the bug.


A bright blue orb gathered onto the Akion, the giant spear in Akitrus's hands, while he charged.

And then.


A 10m wide circular pillar of blue light flew towards Hansoo.


Akitrus smiled satanically.

Even if the attack got weakened after it hit the walls of the maze tunnels and there was a lack of mana supply, it was still the Akion.

A blue beam of light created from the weapon of heaven's wrath.

Mountains crumbled and ravines split from every attack.

It was not something a human could withstand.

At that moment.


A black cloud gathered with Hansoo as the center.

And Akitrus frowned for a moment as he saw the mysterious black cloud but then snorted.

Since there was no way those black clouds, which swayed just from the wind, could defend against the Akion's attack.

And as he expected.


The blue beam of light penetrated through the black clouds and then smashed through the human.

'It's the end.'

Akitrus laughed coldly.

The human wouldn't die since he adjusted the strength but his skin would get burnt up and his armor would melt, he would go through insufferable amounts of pain.

Well, it didn't matter that much.

Since the only thing he needed was his mouth which could tell him as to how he killed Dakidus.

'Wait. It'll be troublesome if his mouth melted as well, what shall I do?'

Boom! Boom!

Akitrus worried as to how he would hear the story from him but then just decided upon taking him back as he stomped towards him.

'Easy. Too easy.'

But as Akitrus was walking while leisurely tapping the walls with the Akion.


Something charged out from the smoke filled tunnel and then flew towards Akitrus.


Akitrus hurriedly prepared himself to defend against the attack but the fist which had already flown up to his face smashed onto his mana barrier.



The mana barrier swayed as it shook back and forth from the attack.

Which meant that the previous attack had been quite powerful.


Akitrus roared out as he quickly backed off and stabilized himself.


And something headed towards Akitrus again.

A giant 5m tall metal knight.

'Where the hell did this thing come out from?!'

Akitrus was shocked as he looked at the giant object that was pushing him back.

What the hell was this.

For the tiny human to disappear and a giant thing as big as himself to come out.

The metal knight which was causing the entire tunnel to feel small started to beat Akitrus with its fists.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The mana barrier remained intact but Akitrus continued to get pushed back as he got smashed around by the giant metal knight.


Akitrus clenched his teeth after being pushed back to the wall and then grasped onto his spear.

He wanted to create a giant hole in the middle of the metal knight but the attack of the heaven's wrath, Akion, took time to fire.

'Damn! I shouldn't have shot it that weak!'

If he knew this would happen then he would've melted everything down at full power.

But the pride of the most powerful warrior wouldn't allow him to just stay and get beaten until it charged enough.

'Change it to 2nd battle mode.'

Akitrus ordered Akion.


On the three prongs of the Akion which resembled the claws of a dragon, bright blue light started to gather.

Akion's close combat mode.

It wasn't as powerful as the cannon but this blade, which condensed the tremendous energy used for the cannon blast into three tiny areas, was actually more powerful than the cannon itself in terms of quality and it was extremely efficient in energy so he could use it indefinitely.

And if the martial arts of him, the Judge, was added in the equation?

He wasn't some controller who just moved his fingers to fight.

Akitrus's hand moved in a strange manner as he swung the Akion towards the strange puppet in front of him.

It looked like the metal knight tried to dodge as much as possible but this small enclosed tunnel was limiting it.

And soon.


The Akion sliced the metal knight.

And Akitrus smiled as he saw this scene.

'I can imagine what the material for that doll is. But will it be able to withstand it?'

He didn't know what that human had done exactly but he could guess to an extent.

It seemed as if he had used the dark clouds to control the surrounding liquid metal and surrounded his body with it.

He had made very thick armor.

It was actually a very good choice.

Since this metal had the effects of disturbing his mana.

But that size and that thickness were nowhere enough.

As Akitrus smiled.


The Akion sliced through the metal armor.

And the 80 cm thick metal armor got split apart as it gave way to the Akion.

The Akion's might had been reduced quite a bit but this was the end.

Since that human wouldn't be anything in front of the Akion without that metal barrier.


The moment the blue light of Akion was about to reach the core part of the metal armor.



Akitrus frowned as he felt the resistance at the tip of his hands.

'Armor? What the hell!'

The moment he flinched.



A powerful punch flew in and smashed into the space in between his eyes.

The punch was so powerful that the metal fist cracked and the maze floors shook while making rumbling noises.


The maze's special metal shook Akitrus's mana barrier back and forth.

And during this moment.


A sharp golden spear that was hidden within the cracked fist got surrounded by a translucent light as it smashed into the weakened mana barrier.


The Nurmaha's ring in Hansoo's hand shone as it shook the weakened mana barrier again.

And then.


The mana barrier that nothing had ever gotten through that everyone knew only the Satellite Fortresses could penetrate through got smashed apart as it gave way to the golden spear.


The golden spear, which was surrounded by a powerful mana reinforcement, made a huge noise as it charged towards Akitrus.

Towards the space between the eyes of Akitrus who was staring right at the spear flying towards him.

Reincarnator – Chapter 186 : The King's Tomb (4)



Akitrus stared right at the spear flying towards him but then quickly twisted his head to the side.

'I can dodge it!'

The human was quite powerful but he was the strongest warrior of the Akarons.

Even whilst he was moaning in pain from the fist, Akitrus's body instinctively tried to dodge the attack.


Akitrus's powerful body and sharp senses didn't let him down as he succeeded in barely dodging the spear.

Only the spear though.

Sadly for Akitrus, the mana reinforcement coating the spear grazed past his left cheek and burnt it on the way past.



Akitrus freaked out at the pain which he hadn't felt in a very long time as he backed off while clutching onto the Akion.

The skin and flesh of his left cheek had all burnt up and his sharp fangs and his bottom jaw could be seen.

But even in the midst of this Akitrus suppressed his rage and controlled his mind.

'I'll die if I back off!'


He could only attack.

Akitrus had never heard of a case where somebody won against a beast charging at them to rip them apart by backing away from them.


A shout came out from Akitrus's mouth which had bones partially showing.

At the same time the blue light of the Akion cut across the skies again and headed towards Hansoo.

But Hansoo shook his head.

Since he had achieved his goal the moment he grazed Akitrus.

The sense destruction, one of Nurmaha's ring power that he gained at the Orange Zone in the past, was starting to burn through Akitrus.

'It's the end.'

The sense destruction required a lot of mana to use but it was like a fatal poison to warriors who were very proficient in using their bodies.

No, it might even be more fatal than a poison which stopped their hearts.

And as he expected.



Akitrus yelled out in shock.

Since the end of his spear had landed at a completely wrong place.


His five senses were disrupted as his balance was lost.

It was as if his muscles, nerves and mind were acting separately.


Akitrus made an expression of despair.

He had lost the balance of his body in a one on one fight and had swayed.

He knew instinctively.

That he would definitely die here.

And the spear that was flying towards his face proved his thought.

Even during when the strange energy inside of him was disrupting his senses, the end of the spear heading towards his head could be seen very clearly.

They say time flows slower when one's about to die.

Akitrus could see many other things other than the spear coming to smash apart his head.

The mysterious black armor that did not look simple at all.

Injuries to the armor caused by the Akion could be seen.

But surprisingly, the black armor opened its mouth and started to eat up the metal armor around his own body while healing itself.

And Akitrus was able to solve one of the questions before he died.

'That's the thing that stopped the Akion huh.'

The strange armor was constantly eating metals while enhancing its own body.

Since it had eaten special metals and had condensed numerous tens of times over, resisting the Akion wasn't an insurmountable task.

No, it wouldn't stop at the Akion.

If that armor continued to eat the liquid metal and evolve then that armor would easily resist the attacks of the Satellite Fortress as well.

'But still…You will still die. My king. Please avenge me.'

It wouldn't matter.

No one could win over quantity.

There was a limit to how much a single person can accomplish.

Even killing himself who had fallen into a trap was this hard for him.

He would not be able to contend against a king who ruled over a world and his huge army.

Akitrus suppressed his nervousness and then looked at Hansoo again.

The thing that came into his eyes after the armor was the ring on his hand.

The object which had killed him.

Not only did it smash apart his mana barrier, it pushed its mysterious aura inside him and was still shining.

At that moment.

Akitrus remembered that he had seen that ring before.

So distinct that he could remember even right as he was about to die.

'…Where did I see it?'

As the spear reached right up to his nose, Akitrus's brain went through his entire memory at lightning fast speed.

As the spear cut through his fur as was proceeding to enter his flesh.

Akitrus finally rummaged through his memories and remembered where he had seen it before.

The three Higher races.

And the three kings who ruled over those races.

There was a time when the three kings, who weren't really on friendly terms with each other, had gathered together.

To meet a single human being.

It was an unprecedented event.

Almost a hundred Satellite Fortresses were on guard against each other and had gathered in the center of the Green Road and hundreds of warriors also gathered at that location in order to guard their king.

Of course Akitrus, the judge and the strongest warrior of his entire race, had been there too.

He had seen it then.

The arrogant human who had called the three kings.

And the ring that was on her hand.

'Yes. That's it! I remember it!'

He remembered clearly.

Since the king of the Rebeloongs asked the human because he wanted that ring.

A king granting somebody a wish.

There was no wish that a king who ruled a third of this entire world could not grant.

A tremendous opportunity.

Even Akitrus and Dakidus's mouths had gaped open.

They knew the king of the Rebeloongs loved jewelry and precious objects so much but for him to grant a wish for one.

But the human, Clementine, kicked away that opportunity in an instant.

A one of a kind of a ring.

As he saw this.

Akitrus grinded his teeth.

A strange noise came out from the half blown away mouth of Akitrus.

'I knew this would happen. These fucking bugs.'

The story changes.

If the ones who have the Destruction Jade obtain these strange liquid metals?

And if they start to plan things out?

Akitrus's expression turned grim.

He could not dodge his death anymore.

The spear which had gotten through his fur and entered his flesh was slowly, very slowly entering into the space between his eyes.

But he could not die like this.

He needed to let this be known before he died.

As the spear pierced through his skull and was heading into the brain.

Akitrus didn't even shake one bit as he glared at the one piercing through his head.

He focused on the face and the ring.

And everything he saw was recorded and sent by the helmet on his head.

'O king. These bugs have betrayed us. Look at this guy. Look at the ring in his hands.'

This should be enough.

The rest would be solved by his comrades who receive the information.

And as he thought that his job was done, his mouth slightly curled up to a smile.

'Yeah. I didn't like them in the first place. For them to stand on equal grounds with us.'

They would be able to kill Metiron and the others hiding in the Green Road.

No, it wouldn't just end there.

They will kill every single human being in the village, Bird Cade and the Green Road as well.

Since the humans were just being raised from Clementine's demands anyway.

'They'll be able to kill. Since they're all gathered in one place.'

As Akitrus was about to laugh coldly.


The spearhead penetrated through his brain.

And Akitrus's consciousness disappeared along with it.



The moment Akitrus died.

The Maze rumbled as it spread out.

At the same time the liquid metal that was surrounding Hansoo's body got sucked into the maze walls.

Hansoo didn't release them.

Something more powerful than the dark cloud had forcibly taken it.

The metal the Thousand Soldiers Armor had eaten had remained but the metal armor surrounding Hansoo's body got spread out as the metal returned to the maze walls.

And Hansoo frowned as he picked up the Akion.

This strange effect meant that the complete owner of the of the maze had appeared.

'…Karhal and Ekidu failed huh'

While he had been blocking Akitrus here, Karhal and Ekidu had run through the wall Hansoo had broken and headed towards the one with the crown.

Since it would be too dangerous to deal with Akitrus and the one who controlled the maze from the same location.

'They should've been able to succeed according to my calculations.'

The metal spears were fast and strong but Karhal and Ekidu's bodies were more than enough to dodge them.

And for the person to not attack him after completely taking over the maze.

At that moment.


A wall of the maze crumbled as a path leading somewhere appeared.

As if it was welcoming Hansoo who had slain Akitrus.

As if it was welcoming a general coming back from the war, the liquid metals protruded out from the walls in a shape of trumpets as they rang out.


'…He's not that talented in music it seems.'

Anyways, it didn't seem like there was much enmity.

Hansoo listened to the music which was off tone and off beat as he ran through the tunnel and headed into the center of the maze.


After a long run a huge area could be seen.

There were only two people within the huge cave filled with thousands of skeletons.

"…You came?'

"You're here?"

Karhal and Ekidu were staring at the center of the throne with perplex expressions.

And a single corpse was laying on the throne powerlessly.

'…He was called Junghwan I believe.'

Hansoo frowned as he looked at Junghwan with his right hand missing.

And the crown on his head had disappeared as well.

Ekidu looked between Hansoo and the corpse as she spoke.

"The moment we arrived he collapsed. And the crown…The liquid metal came out and took it up."

There was something shining red at the top of the cave.

At that moment.

Gurgle gurgle.

Something came out from the ground.

Some liquid metal.


Ekidu and Karhal guarded against it nervously.

Since they remembered how they had suffered from the liquid metals from before.

They had thought the attacks had stopped as Junghwan died but for them to return.

But the liquid metals did not turn into the sharp spears.

Actually they just gurgled around like oil and then turned into a familiar look.

Gurgle Gurgle.

It's good that we meet again.>

Junghwan, who still had his hand missing, smiled as he appeared before the three.

'…This bastard. What's he thinking?'

Karhal frowned as he looked at Junghwan.

Reincarnator – Chapter 187 : Demonic Beast (1)

Junghwan laughed as he looked at his corpse laying in the distance.

Junghwan's consciousness wasn't bound by his feeble body anymore.


Junghwan's consciousness had entered the maze and spread out in all directions.

Along the kilometers of the maze which resembled giant tree roots.

'It's not needed anymore.'

As Junghwan willed it.


The metals that had spread out like snakes started to all gather at one point.

The hollow maze tunnels folded in on themselves and crunched up as they started to become more solid.

There were still some beasts remaining but they weren't needed.

The metal waves created while squishing the beasts apart gathered around Junghwan and it surrounded the cave Hansoo was standing in.

Soon the giant metal ant tunnels had disappeared and only a 1km large black egg had remained.

'Though there's nothing inside and the shell's a bit thick.'

Junghwan chuckled as he looked at the cave where only there lifeforms remained.

This was actually too big for three still.


Soon even the large cave started to shrink.

Crunch Crunch

The cave shrunk while destroying the skeletons spread out and soon only a cubic room was left.

It even had a TV, a bookshelf and chairs as well.

Though it was small it was more than enough for a human to live.

It looked a bit too small for three people but it was special for Junghwan.

Since it was the room he lived with his little sibling.

Junghwan spoke to Hansoo, Karhal and Ekidu after having recreated his old room with metal.

"It's not much but sit. There's a bed there too."

"…I've heard of stone beds but this is a first."

Karhal tapped the metal bed, which only looked comfy but was quite hard, and gave up as he just sat upon it.

Hansoo stared at Junghwan and then spoke out.

"You are right now doing something that you cannot handle."

Hansoo wanted to use the King's Crown in order to smash through the next stage.

Where the birdcage and Metiron were at.

Once he got through then the Destruction Jade would be right in front of him.

But he hadn't even thought about taking over the entire maze.

Junghwan had given up his physical body in order to obtain the maze and had transferred his soul and consciousness onto it.

'He crossed a river he cannot cross back on.'

He would never be able to return to the body of a human anymore.

The metal Junghwan smiled at those words.

"That's my own issue."

A tremendous amount of strength which could be felt from his entire body.

"What are you going to do?"

Junghwan laughed coldly at those words.

"There's something I want to say before that. Would you take a look here?"

The moment he finished talking.


The TV, which seemed to just be decor, suddenly shook.

At the same time thousands of detailed sculptures appeared on the insides of it.

Like a real TV.

"Though it's black and white it should do the trick. Oh by the way this isn't a Sci-Fi movie but live."

As soon as Junghwan's words ended.


The sculptures inside the screen moved according to Junghwan's will.

Karhal was shocked at those words.

"What the…"

Though Junghwan told him it was live, a scene which looked like an SF movie was seen.

Since tens of Satellite Fortresses were moving in a hurried manner.

If they saw it with their own eyes then they would only be able to exclaim out in shock.

Even a single one felt majestic up close.

Tens of Satellite Fortresses moving together was like a scene from a movie.

And Hansoo frowned as he saw this.

'…They started to move?'

The movements of the Satellite Fortresses were changing.

The Satellite Fortresses which were on guard against each other suddenly spread out.

Towards the villages spread out.

Some towards the air of the Green Road.

All three races at the same time.

Junghwan laughed as he looked at Hansoo.

"I'm just showing you their movements, I have no idea why they're doing this. But I think you do."


Hansoo then looked at the Akion in his hands.

At the same time he looked at the armor the Judge had on before.

Every bit of action Akitrus had done got replayed in his head.

The first thing was what he had done right before he died.

His face and his iris.

And the direction the iris was staring towards.


That iris was definitely staring at his ring.

Nurmaha's ring.

Numerous possibilities flashed past in Hansoo's head.

And then Hansoo was able to pin one down.


Him causing a ruckus here wouldn't be close to enough to cause the three races to unite.

He was weak compared to their entire army and they didn't know the secrets of the world.

But if they treated him as a part of Clementine's plan.

If the person who had taken down a Satellite Fortress and killed the Judge was on the side of Metiron then they wouldn't be able to hold back anymore.

Since Metiron had the Destruction Jade.

At this rate a tremendous amount of people will get killed even before he could activate the Destruction Jade.

He needed to move as quickly as possible.

And he needed to crown to do that.

He needed this huge King's tomb that was being controlled by the crown.

'I can't use the Akion.'

He had infected it with the Dark Cloud but he didn't have a source of energy.

Since the Satellite Fortresses wouldn't allow any energy to be sent.

The moment Hansoo grasped the Forked Lightning in his hands.

"No no."


Junghwan flicked his remaining left hand as he saw Hansoo.

This was inside his stomach.

He was a god in here.



Junghwan's body fell down onto the ground like a broken dish.

At the same time the room Junghwan disappeared from had the furniture spin around in a tornado like fashion.

Towards the three in the center of the room.





Ekidu and Karhal, who had been sitting on the bed, suddenly got eaten by the wall.


Boom! Boom!

A few explosive sounds were heard from the metal wall which had swallowed them but it was only for a moment.

And soon the two of them disappeared without a trace.

And Hansoo as well.


Hansoo, who had been stuck inside the metal wall with only his head sticking out, frowned at the tremendous pressure pushing onto his body.

'Beyond my expectations. For one's ability to control it to rise so dramatically if they gave up their physical bodies.'

Hansoo's body which had been enhanced through the Dragon Essence Blade and Body Enhancement Surgery couldn't budge a bit.

He felt like Sun Wukong being imprisoned under a mountain.

A power Hansoo could not have since he needed to go to the next world and was only going to borrow a part of the power.

'But…I can still do it.'

If he used his Racial Metamorphosis then he could probably fight against him.

As Hansoo was about to prepare.

Junghwan appeared in front of Hansoo's eyes.

And the red crown was back on Junghwan's head.

Junghwan laughed as he tapped the crown on his head.

"Anyways, I can't give you this crown anymore. It's mine now."

Jungwan looked at Hansoo as he felt the tremendous power running through his body.

'I guess it's something I gained because of you.'

Junghwan then looked at his right hand that had yet to heal.

He had despised and hated when his hand had been cut off.

If only the ones in front of his eyes had agreed to come with him.

And if he could only figure out how he killed Dakidus.

Then he would've even been able to raise Metiron's forces who were hiding like mice in front of the Higher Races.

But it was both good and bad.

Since this strength was not something he would've been able to gain if Hansoo hadn't activated the maze.

Junghwan laughed coldly towards Hansoo.

"Thank you but that's that. I'll treat this crown the price for my hand."

Junghwan spoke towards Hansoo as he looked at his hand which he hadn't regenerated on purpose.

"Since I'm going to be a bit busy now so…Go now."

At that moment.


Hansoo's body got sucked into the wall and started to disappear.



A conical area which was shaking as if there was an earthquake.

Actually the ground itself was cracking apart as the land itself collapsing.

At that moment.


A giant metal pillar appeared from in between the cracked ground.

The 3m wide black metal pillar, which had crawled out from the ground like a worm, started to move a part of itself which looked like a mouth.

And then.


The metal pillar spat two things out.


Two people popped out from the insides while screaming.

Ekidu and Karhal caught their balance despite being in air as they landed upon the ground and looked around.


Karhal and Ekidu were confused.

For Junghwan to let them go.

At that moment.


The metal pillar spat another thing out.

And Karhal exclaimed out in joy.

"Hansoo! You didn't die?"


"Well. You kind of cut off that guy's hand. Don't look at me like that."

As Karhal was shrugging his shoulders.


The Metal pillar started to spit a large amount of things out.

Like a machine gun.


Karhal frowned as he saw this.


A tremendous amount of runes poured out from the metal mouth.

It was more than enough to fill up all three of them to the brim.

'Where did such an amount…'

Karhal pondered for a moment and then figured out where those runs came out from.

The countless beasts that were inside the maze.

The moment the maze twisted and changed form they had been crushed and the runes came from there.

After a long while of spitting the runes out, the metal mouth chewed a bit and then spat something out again.


The thing that came out from the mouth got stuck onto the ground.

And Hansoo frowned as he looked at the 3m long spear.

'Akion and Akitrus's Armor, the Heavenly Wrath Armor.'

But it was different from before.


The Akion, which couldn't be used from the severed connection from the Satellite Fortress, suddenly lighted up in bright blue on the tip.

Proof that there was a clear supply of energy.

And Hansoo knew where this energy came from.

The Maze moved with the Mana Crystals as well.

Junghwan had connected the Akion onto the core of the Maze.

'Well. It's not the maze anymore.'

The moment Hansoo picked up the Akion.


The land that was already unstable started to tremble aggressively.


'That…Should be enough for what you're trying to do right? Work hard.'

Junghwan laughed as he poured everything he had onto Hansoo.

He had gained power.

And he had even thrown away his body in order to use it properly.

Since he knew that he wouldn't be completely free due to the symbol.

And he had gotten completely unrestrained by the clan's symbol the moment he left his physical body.

But clan's suppression was lifted as his goals of the past started to fill up his head.

But at the same time he felt his soul burning up and his consciousness fading.

He could only.

Since the Maze was too large and powerful to be controlled by the consciousness of a human.

But it didn't matter.

Since he was prepared for it from the beginning.

Junghwan thought of Hansoo.

'I don't like you but…I hope you succeed. So you should hope that I succeed as well.'

At that moment.


The tremendous metal structure moved back and forth.

The insides fused, twisted and turned.

And Junghwan mumbled as he felt this change.

'Be reborn.'

Into the existence he feared the most.


Soon the black metal egg started to crack as it opened.

And then.


A tremendous hand appeared between the cracks.

With claws that seemed like it could slice mountains and cover the clouds, it appeared while causing a tremendous tremor in the surrounding area.