203 - 210

Reincarnator – Chapter 203 : Garmeia (1)

Kel-Durin touched his belly as he spoke.

"Actually, our race don't need to receive the Mana Pool surgery. We were born with such an organ. The Mana Pool in our bodies was something we created after researching the organ inside our bodies we were born with."

The humans were similar but there was an important difference.

The humans, who had been living on Earth, had no organ to produce mana.

But the Sages were different.

From the moment they were born, there existed a marvelous body that converts food into liquid mana located between the intestines and their stomach.

The Mana Pool grew as the Sage grew and the Sages gained the rights to use a tremendous amount of mana throughout their life.

The mana that was created from the Mana Pool traveled to the very depths of the body as it stimulated and supplemented all the cells within their body.

Though this was the start of their tragedy.

"Vigorous body. It's a good thing. You see, we become adults in just 3 years. And because the mana stimulates our brain cells, our intelligence is much higher as well. 3 years is more than enough to control our race's technology."

They grew at an extreme rate.

They learned very quickly with tremendously high intelligence, invented marvelous technology and improved them.

And they could control mana like a part of their body, such as their arms or legs.

The Satellite Fortress wasn't created for no reason.

Their race, the Sages, had used this extreme intelligence and mana as a basis to increase their strength.

But there existed a fatal disadvantage.

A reason why there were only a few hundred thousand sages despite having only 3 years to adulthood with nonexistent natural predators.

Kel-Durin made a bitter smile.

"Do you know what our average life expectancy is?"


"It's under 12 years. 12 fucking years. Hahahaha. Funny right?"

The mana stimulated all the cells in their body and increased the speed of their metabolism

Thankfully they grew fast and their injuries healed quickly as well, there was a limit to how many times a cell could divide.

Though their had a tremendously quick rate of growth, intelligence and mana, their cells weren't strong enough to handle the mana.

But ironically, the cells that had been burnt up by the usage of mana continued to get regenerated by the mana.

And the cells that had gone through mitosis many more times than the cells of the humans could not continue as they reach their limit.

And that was the end of the Sages.

The end.

And due to some unknown issues, their fertility rates weren't that good as well.

Short life and low fertility rates.

This was an extremely fatal problem to a race.

They had always been wary of their low population and tried to increase their lifespan and their fertility issue with their vast knowledge and technology for a very long time.

But it was all futile.

As if god was balancing them for their vast power, their numbers had always stayed around a few hundred thousands.

So the ranking system came to be.

The ones with longer lifespans from birth had become rank 1 and the ones who had shorter lifespans from genetic flaws became rank 4.

For their race, where members get stronger from mana the longer they stay alive, a longer lifespan was almost equal to stronger power.

Kel-Durin spoke upto this point, chuckled and then spoke.

"So our king is the one with the longest lifespan. Funny right? Though we have the technology to split apart mountains and cause seas to flip, the one who becomes the king is the one who lives the longest. Heheh…"

Someone who lived 20 years was astronomically wiser than someone who has lived 15 years and ones who had lived for 15 years understood more than those who lived 10 years.

They were different from humans who had a limit and got older as time went on.

Their cells would get reinforced by the mana as time went on which in turn enhanced their body.

Their control of mana increased and their wisdom rose as well.

Their nickname in the past had been the Race of the Dragons.

Because they were like Dragons who got stronger as they got older.

Of course their lifespans and bodies were tremendously lesser but nobody questioned this.

But then.

A monster had been born.


Their king.

He had been born to royalty and showcased a tremendous amount of charisma and intellect as a child.

"Surprisingly, our king Karmen had lived for 60 years. Can you believe that?"

Kel-Durin mumbled.

Hansoo was shocked.

Though 60 years didn't seem like a lot, the average lifespan of these guys was merely 12 years.

In human terms it meant that Karmen had lived for almost 500 years.

'What a mutation.'

And Karmen had accomplished a large amount of things with his vastly superior abilities compared to other rank 1 royalties.

And the great achievement he had thought up and had started.

At first they were hesitant.

Because they had tried it before.

And they had failed.

But Karmen was different.

Kel-Durin made an expression full of respect.

"Though it seems like there had been some unexpected events… It's a great success. For this body to still be here after 800 years."

Kel-Durin looked at his body with a gleeful expression.

He had been fearful and had been worried about his body that had only 1 year left and was breaking down.

So he had rushed into cryo-sleep as soon as the soul migration technology had been created.

For his new body.

Though they wanted to split it up into numerous times but creating the Bluestone took over 10 years.

It might be different for the other races but for them 10 years was more than enough time for 80% of them to die off.

So except for the few remaining Sages, they all went into cryo-sleep.

And the result was glorious.

'Now…The preparations are complete.'

They had finally broken through the limitations that had blocked the advancement of their race.

Hansoo spoke towards Kel-Durin who had been smiling in pride.

"Did you say all this just to tell me about the side effects?"

Kel-Durin shook his head at those words.

"No, while your bodies aren't as good as the ones we have currently, it is still much superior to our original bodies. The important part about my story is about our king Karmen."

The mana pool was actually something created for the Higher Races.

In order to perform this surgery on the humans, they had to alter the surgery to some degree.

"We also don't know a lot about the actual Surgery. Since Karmen administrated all of this by himself."

A stupid person could not understand the thoughts of a genius.

And the difference of intellect between Karmen, who had lived for 60 years, and Kel-Durin, who had lived for 20 years, was beyond imagination.

To the point of the entire Sage race having a hard time understanding one man's thoughts.

Kel-Durin then spoke to Hansoo.

"Thankfully there are notes left behind by him. The research notes Karmen has compiled for us is extremely precious to us. Those are things we will need to research and improve from now on. So what we want is not really different from what you guys want. Inside the Satellite Fortress of Karmen, there is a research lab. Please go there and bring us the research notes. Then we will use those research notes as the basis to alter the surgery to your bodies."

Hansoo made a confused expression.

"Why didn't you guys bring it?"

It was just bringing some notes.

Kel-Durin made a slightly bitter expression.

"Wel…Karmen was a bit of a oddity and had set it up so nobody else could enter his lab."

Kel-Durin smacked his lips while he spoke as if he could taste the bitterness.

Heavenly Siege Fortress, Garmeia.

A Satellite Fortress created for the imperishable king, Karmen, with the most powerful mana engine they had ever created and had a size that was a few times larger than a normal Satellite Fortress.

Karmen's research lab existed within the Garmeia which should've crashed somewhere as of now.

This place was only allowed for Karmen.

They were all curious about the insides of this place but nobody had gone in here as of yet.

The Sages could not enter.

Even after they moved bodies.

Kel-Durin thought of that treasure vault as he spoke.

"If an existence with a mana pool goes in then it detects it and does not allow entry. So it's impossible for us. The data might even get destroyed if we get close. So please bring this to us."

The defense mechanism had two methods.

Detection of the sages who tried to enter and the destruction of the data inside.

Karmen allowed the distribution and sharing of information but did not allow the stealing of it.

Before he was a king, he was a researcher who had a huge amount of greed for knowledge.

And nobody had any complaints.

Since this allowed their technology to advance a step further and they all believed that Karmen would eventually release the data to the public one day.

But in this current situation, where Karmen's location was a mystery, it may take at least a few centuries if they get near that location and the data got destroyed.

So somebody without the mana pool was the answer.

'So you need to help us.'

Kel-Durin looked at the human in front of his eyes.

Though a new variable of an unknown race had come up, a 3 day group talk came with this conclusion.

Since it has come down to this, let's use this new race to obtain the data.

Hansoo asked Kel-Durin after hearing all this.

"It still works even when the mana is frozen?"

The Sage's technology worked on mana.

He didn't know what that defense mechanism was but it shouldn't be working right now since the mana had been frozen in the entire zone.

Kel-Durin chuckled at those words.

"I never said the thing protecting the data is a machine. Karmen has created a lot of strange things you see. Oh, you should go too by the well. Unless you want to see your underlings die for no reason."

If a Sage, who had the possibility to aim for the data, approached then the data would get destroyed.

But if they, who don't have the mana pool, go in then getting rid of these people would be the higher priority.

None of the Sages had gone inside before.

Except Karmen.

'It's… Probably alive. Probably.'

Kel-Durin's body trembled as he thought of the monstrosity, .



Kulkin, who had been staring at the Higher Race in the distance for quite a while now, spat on the ground as he sat.

Countless thoughts flashed past his head.

Should I gather the others or not.

Should I try to do something or not.

Should he just watch like this.

But the conclusion was always the same.

As long as there were people who surrounded them and prevented the collision of both sides, he won't be able to do anything.

Neither the avenging of his comrade nor getting his revenge.

Though he had become free, nothing had changed.

If one didn't have power then they didn't even have the rights to voice their opinions and feelings.

At that moment.

Somebody came next to him and sat down.

Kulkin looked at this person.

'Who is this?'

A stranger.

It's not strange to see somebody new since there were so many people here but there wasn't any reason this person should come to him.

The person who sat next to Kulkin smiled as he saw the confused expression.

"It feels shitty right? That somebody above us is stopping us from doing what we want right?"

Kulkin stopped and then looked at the man.

"Who are you?"

The man smiled.

"Let's introduce ourselves later. Let's just talk a bit more for now. It's too much right? It's not like we want to anything bad, we just want some revenge."

The man, Metiron, put his hand on Kulkin's shoulder as he spoke.

Reincarnator – Chapter 204 : Garmeia (2)

"…It seems they're getting angrier and angrier."

Karhal, Ekidu, Mihee and the others frowned as they heard the sounds being created from around them.

'Damn…Now I know why they didn't allow us to use the carrier pigeons when we were in the village.'

If people shared opinions then it became easier for them to group up and would in end become harder to control.

If you wanted to rule then you needed to rip apart the separate the ones you want to rule over.

But they thought that they would become the same as that Dark Lord guy and didn't really care to rule over them but for something like this to happen.

There were no carrier pigeons but there was no way to stop words of the mouth.

'Well. Even if we did block it, there wouldn't be much effect.'

Karhal shook his head.

If they blocked communication then the anger that was headed towards the Higher Race would just come towards them instead.

Since something like that needed to be done in secret.

"Fuck! What the hell are we doing sitting like this man!"

"This is annoying as hell, fuck!"

And the rage filled shouts could be heard from below.

If the newcomers Mihee, Enbi Arin and the others brought up weren't here then the situation would've blown apart already.

Karhal made a nervous expression.

Hugging a lighted bomb would be better than this.

The first victory of the humans in the Yellow Zone.

The Higher Races, who had been ruling over them, had fallen and the idea that this situation won't last forever as well as the rage that existed previously was causing a storm to rise up within the crowd.

'Fuck…This doesn't make sense. This is too fast.'

Karhal made a suspicious expression.

The reason why Karhal judged that it would be fine for a while wasn't a big reason.

It was just fear.

Since he thought that the fear of the Higher Race still remained within their mind.

If rage was one of the main emotions of humans then fear was as well.

But the situation was going downhill way to quickly.

Rage was eating up fear too fast.

And if a collision happens both sides will have heavy casualties.

"Damn…I have no idea what to do as well."

Karhal smiled bitterly towards Mihee.


Mihee also made a cold expression as she spoke.

"Well…It doesn't seem like it's that different for us either."


Karhal looked towards where Mihee was looking after flinching at her cold expression.

Tens of people surrounded one man as they walked towards Mihee and the others.

They weren't people from the Yellow Zone.

Since it was impossible for tens of people to have such large and powerful bodies if they came from here.

They showed off the fact that they received the Body Enhancement Surgery with weapons in their holster but the tension continued to rise.

The man standing at the very front walked up to Mihee and then smiled towards her.

A cold smile.

But he had seen the nervousness in her cold smile.

No further explanations were needed.

The man spoke towards Mihee.

"We only changed a single zone but it seems a lot has changed."

Kaltus looked behind him which was getting louder and louder and smiled.

And Mihee frowned as she looked at the man.


A man who had complained about the rules ever since they were below.

Of course people with such opinions weren't just Kaltus alone and this group, which consisted of him and others with similar beliefs, often voiced their disagreement towards Enbi Arin and Mihee.

What the hell were they doing, was this a dictatorship?

Since the person with the Crown of Thorns, Gwanje, was below this just ended with just some complaining and since Mihee and the others couldn't kill them for this, they had been left alone.

But now.

The ones who bore fangs before realized their leash had disappeared and now they were voicing their opinions again.

'We came up too fast….Ugh. I thought they'd be calm for a bit more.'

Mihee frowned.

She realized why Hansoo had called her so urgently.

Since a 2nd war between the Higher Races and the Humans would have occurred already if they weren't here.

But they weren't necessarily fully united as well.

Since it hasn't even been half a year since they united into the giant clan, .

Too short of a time to change somebody.

And the suppressed embers were slowly lighting back up now.

Kaltus spoke towards Mihee.

"I'm thankful to you guys and understand that you guys are amazing. But how long are you going to hold onto us? It doesn't seem like there should be a reason for us to stay like this."

As if Enbi Arin didn't like this Kaltus, she clenched her fists and spat out.

"…I think I explained why we have to wait a bit longer. Aren't you acting out a bit too much?"

They had shared all the intel they had.

Higher Race.

And the surgery they had for the .

They had told them that they needed an alliance with the Sages because of this and were suppressing their anger.

Others might not but these people, who have used skills for years now, should know the importance of the size of one's maximum mana.

The moment they receive that surgery then they will gain more strength to trample through the Otherworld.

Kaltus smiled at those words.

"No, I don't have any complaints regarding that. For such a thing to exist. And I'm very thankful that you are trying to share that with us. Look at this Body Enhancement Surgery, you are like angels to us man."

This was the truth.

They didn't really want to be enemies with Mihee and the others in front of them.

And they knew that they should be allies.

But who should have the leadership was the issue.

He needed to take it when the opportunity arose.

Kaltus, who had always lived like this in the Otherworld, licked his lips.

He could feel it.

That a chance came.

This moment where these people's power has not touched this zone yet and the power that held him down was gone.

This was the chance to take the spotlight back.

Kaltus smiled and then spoke again.

"But you see, I just don't like the method. We're much superior but why do we have to discuss with them?"

Kaltus then looked towards the Sage's tents in the distance.

The history of humans were filled with victory and conquest.

People who were less different grouped up to stomp upon those who were more different than them.

Steal their thing and distribute.

Ever since the primitive era to the modern era, there were differences but the main idea has never changed.

But Kaltus could not understand why they had to be in peace with those guys in the distance and receive the surgery in such a manner.

And he didn't want to understand anyway.

And let's say they did receive the surgery finally after an alliance.

How could they be sure those guys won't play tricks on the surgery.

If they put some weird time bomb inside their body while doing the surgery then it was over.

Even if they receive some casualties, he needed to get them and stomp them beneath his feet.

Like how Gwanje had done against them.

"Do you not hear the voices of these enraged people? You think they're low in number? They are the majority. If we help then it'll be easy to get the others to join."


Mihee's pretty eyes turned into an ugly frown at Kaltus's words.

Since the worst case scenario they were wary of has come to be true.

They were larger in number than the enraged people.

But if Kaltus joined them then the story would change.

'This…Is now out of control."

Kaltus laughed towards Mihee and then spoke again.

"We lived in a democratic society for countless decades right? I believe we should vote by majority for this. Ignoring the voice of the people is something a dictator does right? No? Listen to what they want."

"..You damned bastard. So what? You want a war or something?"

Kaltus frowned towards Karhal who had suddenly spoke out but then laughed.

"Yes. That is exactly what I want."


While the people were at a loss for words from this, Kaltus made an extremely cold expression as he continued to speak.

"This damned world is a battlefield, what of it. Is having a battle on a battlefield that weird?"


"Did you gather your body, weapons and skills just to play around? You want to live in peace with others with the strength to split mountains and flip rivers?"

Kaltus spat out.

"Be honest. We lived in order to stomp others beneath us anyway. The scale's just a bit larger now."

Kaltus looked towards the Sage's tents as he smiled.


Kel-Durin frowned as he looked at the humans mumbling in the distance.

He then spoke.

"There's something we need to deal with before the Garmeia it seems. What are you going to do about that?"

Countless voices that wanted to kill him could be heard.

'Ugh. Having developed hearing is an annoyance as well.'

Well, he probably would've heard it even if his hearing wasn't this developed.

Since the situation didn't look that great.

Kel-Durin frowned slightly, coughed out and then spoke.

"You said that you have no king in your race right? But I believe a king is needed in a race. A person who can control that race, someone who can use them. That is a king. Even more so in a time of war."

Kel-Durin continued to speak.

"In order to create an alliance we need to be able to keep each other from harm's way. But we cannot trust your race like this."


Kel-Durin replied with a cold expression.

"You need the Mana Pool from us right? Prove your allegiance to us first. Control them with your power. Come back to us after all internal struggles are gone."

Kel-Durin then backed up.

A gesture meaning that he will watch.

'No need to roll around the mud.'

Kel-Durin mumbled expressionlessly.

Since they had gained a powerful body and left their weak bodies behind, the only place for them to go was high above into the sky.

He had no thoughts of staying on the ground like this.

Since the a civilization with advanced technology weren't really interested in those who were uncultured anyway.

He didn't want to get involved and there wasn't really a need to.

Kel-Durin spoke to Hansoo again.

"Show us your ability. That is our part of the deal. You should at least do that much to ally with us right? The time limit is 1 week."

The ones who were in need were the other side.

Only they could perform the Mana Pool surgery anyway.

Hansoo shook his head at Kel-Durin's words.

"There's no need to. There's a much simpler way. Should I solve it for you right away?"


As Kel-Durin was confused.

Hansoo spoke with a smile.

"Just give me half of your Satellite Fortresses. Then everything becomes clean."


Kel-Durin frowned and then pondered.

And then.

"A robbery in broad daylight."

Kel-Durin spat out after a few calculations.

Reincarnator – Chapter 205 : Garmeia (3)

Kel-Durin sighed.

'Damned bastard. His goal was the Satellite Fortresses from the beginning. He was aiming for a chance to gain the method to control them. In the Zone below…There was probably a method similar to that.'

A simple look was enough.

The race over there was faithful to their emotions and were greedy so a vicious method was needed to control them.

They couldn't see.

There was indeed an underlying system of hierarchy but it was not enough to control such a massive amount of people.

Maybe in the real world but this place was like a battlefield to them.

It was like the army to them.

It was impossible to send an army to their death with some connections or charisma.

They needed a method to control them but the fact that such an army like that came up here meant only one thing.

That there was a powerful method of control below.

Kel-Durin frowned as he looked at the humans in the distance.

'…He's showing me this on purpose huh.'

And he couldn't not hand the Satellite Fortresses over.

Since they were in a deadlock.

Kel-Durin carefully asked just in case.

"What if we cannot? The Satellite Fortresses are too precious to hand over. Especially half of them."

Hansoo smiled as he spoke.

"I thought we were going to do our best to keep the alliance. I'm doing my best my holding them back. Even though an internal fight might occur. Since I am doing my best, you should as well."

Hansoo then pointed towards the human's side.

He knew that the anger of the people wouldn't go away.

As well as the fact that the ones who came up will cause trouble with this chance.

It's fine for now but internal fights would occur sooner or later.

Kel-Durin sighed as he looked at Hansoo.

'No can do. It's not like we can all die or anything…'

Kel-Durin gulped at the sensation of a blade being under his chin.

If they didn't hand over the Satellite Fortress and hold on until the end?

He will prepare another method to control the humans and kill all the Sages in order to erase every possible unexpected outcome.

Even if he had to receive tremendous casualties.

It wouldn't be hard either.

Since he would just need to release the enraged humans.

He could just wipe the Sages off, take over the Satellite Fortresses and recover the mana.

'No can do. We need to compromise here.'

Kel-Durin shook his head.

Actually, handing over half the Satellite Fortresses was a good thing.

They would definitely lose if they fought here.

But splitting the Satellite Fortresses in half and returning the mana would create a deterrent for war.

A best case scenario for the humans and Sages.

Kel-Durin frowned for a bit and then spoke.

"Okay fine. The remaining Satellite Fortresses, not counting the ones that haven't been secured yet, total 212. We will give you 106, exactly half. Send 106 of your people and send them to us. I will tell you the methods."

"What about Garmeia?"

Kel-Durin shook his head at Hansoo's question.

"We don't know the whereabouts of Garmeia yet anyway. Since the King's Fortress moves where it wants to anyway. It won't take long to find it due to its size. We will talk about it after we finish up here."


Hansoo nodded as he laughed.


'Good. Good.'

Kaltus smiled as he looked at the scene that was working out perfectly for him.

The people of the Yellow Zone, who were filled with rage, were gathering around him as the center along with others who already had disagreements with the system as a whole.

'It's working out better than I expected.'

Though there are always people who were not content with the system, there aren't many of them usually.

Since it wasn't like Gwanje or the others were stomping them beneath their feet, they were just holding them back.

No, it was the best kind of environment to live in as long they abided by the rules.

Hunting monsters was so easy to the point of it being weird and incidents like their lives being in danger by factors such as the Four Calamities, which they had no control over as humans, disappeared.

The Red and Orange zone where the World Tree and the strange mechanisms controlled the world, there wasn't a need to be wary of other humans anymore.

An unbelievable outcome if one took into account that the Red and Orange Zones were like disasters for humans to be in.

Of course it wasn't like Kaltus didn't like such an environment.

It was just that he wasn't content with it.

To Kaltus, who had a decent amount of skill, it was just his influence becoming smaller.

He was a leader of a clan before but he was merely a normal clansman in a land ruled over by .

But this place, the Yellow Zone, was different.

'The ones who were in control…Are finally gone. Though I still can't imagine it. This place was even a harsher place to live?'

Kaltus clicked his tongue as he looked at the original people of the Yellow Zone who were roaring in anger in the distance.

It seems like this place was an even harsher place to be in than the Red and Orange Zones.

Of course such a thing didn't affect Kaltus who had come up late.

He has only heard about the Satellite Fortresses so he could not easily figure out what it was like.

Kaltus then mumbled as he thought of the person who had brought all of this up.

Kang Hansoo.

A person who was said to have done all this in an extremely short amount of time.

Of course Kaltus did not believe this.

'There are too many weaklings in this world. Well. Maybe it was because they had been suppressed by the Higher Race with such a large amount of people and strength.'


Kaltus mumbled as he walked out of the temporary tent.

People who liked to rely on others always prayed that a supernatural being that would solve their issues would appear.

They never thought to take care of themselves.

A hero was created by these people.

An existence created by need.

And he had no thoughts of relying on such a guy.

He would've retaliated against the Higher Race no matter what if he was in the same situation.

'Retards. You should be able to take care of yourself at least.'

Kaltus finished his thoughts and moved out.


At that moment.

The people around Kaltus reacted to his movements and the surroundings got loud.

And soon.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thousands of people followed Kaltus from behind.

People who had grouped up due to Kaltus.

Not all of them had to go either.

Since this was more than enough to pressure their opponents.

Kaltus smiled as he looked at Mihee and Enbi Arin's tents.

'Let's see, since their clan is Unity… Shall I call my clan Taiji?'

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

Kaltus smiled as he looked at the thousands of people following him.

Once he got a position of leadership he would be able to distribute the power system among this world.


Kaltus approached all the way up to Mihee's tent and then shouted out.

"Hey! Come out! We should finish our talk! How long are you going to hold us back?"

Kaltus smiled with a content expression.

These guys were buying time for now but this wouldn't last forever.

It would be war soon.

The Sages over there would be used as stepping stones to strengthen his own power.

At that moment.

"You've gathered quite a lot in this short amount of time."



Kaltus flinched at the man, who was even larger than him, who had come out of the tent.

And behind that man Mihee, Enbi Arin, Karhal, Ekidu and the others stood.

As if they would leave everything to this man.

And there would be only one person who was above the people who stood at the top of the clan Unity and had more authority.

"So you're Kang Hansoo. Greetings. How lucky for me to be able to see you, I heard you were someone quite hard to see."

Kaltus smiled.

He had heard countless rumors and stories.

But there was a problem in this world, where there was no media, where they had to communicate through numerous people.

'And this guy seems so busy that he doesn't even care about ruling over the clan.'

Kaltus made a content smile anyway.

If they were easy to deal with, would this guy have stepped out?

He had stepped out because he wasn't able to hold back anymore.

"Since your 'Mighty general' has come, let's talk for a bit."

Almost half of the people here were with him.

Even Hansoo wouldn't be able to ignore this.

The moment Kaltus was about to speak.

Hansoo looked around Kaltus's behind and then spoke expressionlessly.

"I don't really like you guys."


"Well, it's more closer to dislike than not liking really."

Hansoo spat these words at Kaltus and thought of the past.

Back when he hated the humankind.

He was a weakling until he had reached the Yellow Zone.

And though it was obvious, the weak ones didn't even have a good opinion against other humans.

Since humans were even scarier than beasts to the weak.

Hansoo thought up to this point and spoke to Kaltus.

"You might not believe it but… My friend says this. Humans will show their instincts if you don't control them. So before controlling and asking them what they did wrong, you need to set up the rules."

"What the hell are you talking about?"


Hansoo smiled as he brought something out from his pocket.

"I'm saying I'll forgive you, once."

Kaltus flinched as he saw this.

A strange marble where red and black was swirling and mixing onto each other.


Even before Kaltus could react.


The marble started to vibrate and shake the entire surrounding.

At the same time.


"Uhh! The mana?"

Surprised shouts were heard from all around.

Kaltus freaked out as he shouted back.

"What the hell are you doing! If you reverse the mana now…"

At that moment.


A tremendous earthquake could be felt.

Something that was clearly different than the vibration created from the dark red marble.

At that moment.


From all over the Akran, bright blue lights started to fly up.

Giant Satellite Fortresses that were shining blue to be exact.



The newcomers were dazed out at this marvelous scene but the original inhabitants of this place were different.



The original members of the Yellow Zone screamed out in fear.

Since the fact that the Satellite Fortresses, which had caused a massacre over their heads in the past, was back up was enough to bring back their fears.

Kaltus's tightly packed groups instantly divided up.

At the same time.


A single beam of light came out from the Satellite Fortress and smashed into the mountains in the distance.


A mountain in front of the great basin, the Akran, turned into dust in an instant.

The giant mountain that hundreds of thousands of people were digging up in order to build their city.


A clear threat.

And the newcomer's expressions turned the same as the previous residents of this place.

Since they realized why these people couldn't even think of retaliating against the Higher Race with this many people.

A ginormous metal castle that split mountains.

And tens of these.

This was not something humans can go up against.

'Fucking hell….'

Keltus grinded his teeth as he watched this scene.

Since he realized right away.

That this moment.

The Yellow Zone has become the same as the Red and Orange Zone.

Hansoo spoke few words as he looked at Kaltus.

"You know the rules right? I'm sure you'll follow them. I'll forgive you this one time since you haven't caused any trouble yet."

"…Fuck you, you fucking dictator bastard."

Hansoo chuckled as he looked at Kaltus.

If he could win then he could do anything, much less becoming a dictator.

He had no leisure to listen to everyone's wishes and dreams.

'There's… Not much time before the Abyss opens.'

Hansoo finished his thoughts and then spoke.

"Don't be so discontent with it, I'm doing this all for the benefit of you anyway. Now since we're in a much more comfortable situation, let's talk for a bit."

"…Fuck. What do you want to talk about now?"

Kaltus replied lethargically.

Everything has ended.

What was there to talk about.

"Tell me who supported you from the back."

Hansoo spoke towards Kaltus in a cold manner.

The clansmen, who were controlling the Satellite Fortress, were constantly sending messages to their Lord and the Soul Fragment within that Lord was being used to send Hansoo the intel.

The first thing Hansoo had to do was finding the suspicious people.

'It's too fast. There's definitely a guy who caused all this.'

But he had no way of finding this.

This place, the entire Akran, was under his control and vision but he could not find anyone special.

As if that person had finished what he had to do here.

'Where could he have gone?'

It would've been nice if they had run away but it didn't seem that way.


Hansoo's fists clenched tightly and made threatening noises.

Reincarnator – Chapter 206 : Garmeia (4)


The exit that the people who have gone through the Green Road take.

Silver Sea.

It wasn't just called the Silver Sea for no reason.

Instead of normal water, this giant sea was filled with a silvery liquid metal instead.

It had the power to suppress the mana pool, which was the origin of the Higher Race's strength, so the Higher Races disliked coming to this area just like the Kangri Worm's area.

'How kind of the fairies. At least they made an exit for us.'

Metiron smiled as he looked at the Silver Sea.

Though he wasn't really looking at the sea or anything.


A giant metal castle, which had previously been stuck beneath the shallow part of the sea, was rising up into the skies.


Metiron shrugged his shoulders as he watched the Garmeia that was flying up into the skies with an extremely thick mana barrier surrounding it.

The return of mana only meant one thing.

'Did they get dealt with already? Faster than I expected. Well, it wasn't useless since they bought 3 days at least.'

Metiron chuckled.

He never thought that the humans would succeed anyway since the other side had the Satellite Fortresses.

Them buying him time was more than enough.

And since the mana came back he has done all of the little work he had to do.

'It would be nice if he could be dealt with just like that but he isn't that kind of guy. And he was even more incredible than I thought he was.'

After gathering some intel, this guy had done some tremendous things below.

He had gained the World Tree in the Red Zone and created a method to mass produce tens of millions of people.

And he had created the surgery method to provide these people with incredibly powerful bodies in the Orange Zone.

And another thing.

Mana Pool surgery.

If he succeeds in creating this in the Yellow Zone, an army that couldn't be compared to anything up until now will flood towards the upper Zones.

And this was not something they wanted.

Metiron gathered and released the tremendous amount of mana in his hands as he smiled.

'This cannot continue. We have tried to hard to reduce the amount of people going up and control the Zone above.'

If such people swarm above then things would become tedious.

And in order for him to go up against this guy, he had to cause a huge incident.

And the solution was right in front of his eyes.

The giant metal castle that was floating by the shore.

'How lucky. For such a thing to be floating around the Silver Sea.'

The Higher Races didn't even think of coming to the Silver Sea, since it was useless to them and annoying, but it was different for them.

The Destruction Jade existed which meant that other things could exist as well.

While they were searching around the Green Road in case of something else that the Sages hid away from the eyes of the Higher Race, they had found this giant Satellite Fortress a few hundred kilometers away from the Green Road's exit.

They had found this thing hidden between mountains a few years ago but they couldn't muster up the courage to go in.

And as if it had no owner, it just floated above the Silver Sea and didn't move at all but the powerful mana barrier still existed.

The mana barrier was beyond what humans could handle and even if they could destroy it, such a large amount of power will attract the eyes of the Higher Race.

He had wanted to blow up the Destruction Jade to get rid of the barrier but he couldn't in case it attracted the Higher Race's attention but a while ago.

A chance came.

Once Kang Hansoo turned the entire zone devoid of mana, the barrier disappeared as well.

Metiron saw this chance as he sent in a few people into the Garmeia while he bought time here.

Since there wasn't a need for him to do anything inside the Satellite Fortress where there was no mana.

But a problem always occurs where one least expects it.

'Fuck. We can't get through if such a thing exists.'

Metiron thought of the vicious beast defending inside as he frowned.

And because of this, the clansmen he had sent in who could handle 100 people alone usually had turned into 7 bloody messes.

He had been happy since the mana was gone but an ironic situation happened inside where a strange beast, which could win without mana, was defending.

But there was no problems now.



As Metiron said this word after counting down.


The small sound of an explosion was heard from the insides of the Satellite Fortress.

At the same time.


The mana barrier around the Satellite Fortress disappeared.

Metiron smiled as he watched this scene.

'Hahaha. Good. Good.'

Since the most annoying thing had been dealt with, he just needed to deal with the beast inside and accomplish his goal.


Meitron laughed as he watched the mana barrier but then this expression suddenly turned dark.

It has been over a decade since he had started controlling this place.

He had never lost a clansman until now.

But due to the recent changes, quite a lot of them had died.

127 while he suppressed the Arukon's King who had charged into them.

The seven who had entered the Satellite Fortress in front of him, could not escape and had become food for the El-Tara.

'Haru, Chuntae, Karin, Soryung, Annabelle, Sang-Som, Christina. You've done well.'

Metiron mumbled the names of the seven people who intruded the Satellite Fortress with a dispirited expression.

The explosive mana artifact these guys had set up inside.

Though these guys had gotten ripped apart inside, the artifact these guys would set up on the mana barrier control system of the Satellite Fortress had done its job well as the mana came back.


Metiron's dispirited expression disappeared as he saw the mana barrier around the Satellite Fortress disappear.

Those guys had willingly become stepping stones for Clementine.

And their deaths would only have meaning if he walked those steps and finished things off.

This wasn't the time to be lost in emotions.

Metiron shrugged his shoulders and spoke to those around him.

"Let's go in."




Hundreds of people followed behind Metiron and headed into the Garmeia.

And soon.


Somebody pushed their head out from the jungle near the shore of the Silver Sea and mumbled.

"Huh… I thought he was suspicious but he's quite special."

This was too much for him alone.

He wouldn't have just chased them if he could deal with them by himself.

'Since the mana has come back.'

Sangjin, who had been carefully following Meitron from far back, pondered for a moment and then sent a carrier pigeon out.



Karhal whistled as he looked at the sky where giant Satellite Fortresses flew around.

They were terrifying when they were enemies but they felt very reliable once he was on the same side as them.

'And the mana came back as well.'

Karhal made an expression of relief as he felt like a fish which had come back into the water.

And after the mana came back, the speed of the city construction and hunting was getting accelerated.

As soon as mana came back, everyone split up and focused on either building the cities or getting strong in the jungle.

Below the Satellite Fortresses that covered the skies.

"Anyways… Is it fine to leave it like that?"

Karhal made a bitter expression as he looked at Kaltus and his followers who were working with unhappy expressions.

Though they had been suppressed by strength, the embers hadn't died out.

Embers that could rise up as soon as they lost strength.

Hansoo shook his head at Karhal's words.

"We can't kill that many people."

"…Well…Yeah. Tsk."

Karhal clicked his tongue.

There wouldn't be anyone else left in this world if you killed somebody just because you had different opinions.

Since you would need to kill everyone but yourself.

And the ones who actually did that was Clementine and her underlings.

Somebody who had set up an unbelievable plan to kill everyone except those who were clearly on her side.

Killing those people along with Kaltus was the same thing as what the Dark Lord did.

'And well…Though they're quite unsatisfied, it'll get solved soon.'

Karhal mumbled inwardly.

There were only a few hundred thousand people who were dissatisfied with the Sages.

Though it's not a small amount, it was nothing compared to hundreds of millions of people who would come up from the Zones below.

And their issues will disappear once they receive the Mana Pool Surgery and go up anyway.

Karhal thought up to this point and then asked Hansoo.

"What are you going to do now?"

Hansoo replied simply.

"We need to get the data from Garmeia."

According to the Sages, they needed that data in order to fix the Mana Pool Surgery to match the human's bodies.

Get the surgery, plant the Mana Pool inside the people and send them up.

He understood their longing for revenge but they would only feel sadness if they stay here.

Since the souls of the Higher Races had been replaced by that of the Sages and as long as the Satellite Fortresses were up, they wouldn't be able to fight the Sages even if Hansoo didn't stop them.

At that moment.


A carrier Pigeon flew into Hansoo.

A red carrier pigeon which seemed to have rushed its way over here.

Hansoo read the message inside and finally knew where that Metiron guy was.

'Though I had guessed it to some degree… He went to the Garmeia huh. He knew about the location.'

Himself, who hadn't been here for that long and had to quell hundreds of thousands of people.

Metiron, someone who had solidified his base here for over a decade and worked with a small group of die-hard elites.

Even if he knew the future, it made sense that Metiron was a step ahead of him.

'I guess this will hurt a bit.'

Hansoo frowned for a bit and then spoke.

"We will go after the Garmeia."

Karhal asked Hansoo.

"Shall we prepare some people?"

According to what he had heard, the strange beast inside was no pushover.

There was no need for Hansoo to over-exert himself.

Hansoo nodded.

"Gather those who can move quickly. But first… Let's try using the Satellite Fortress."

'I should use what I got.'

He didn't know how strong the organism El-Tara was but there was no need for him to receive any casualties.

The mana was back.

A Satellite Fortress could easily shoot away from the research lab with controlled power.

'This much should be enough since they said the data will only get destroyed if an existence with a mana pool approaches it.'

Hansoo finished his thoughts and then sent a message to the ones controlling the Satellite Fortresses up above.



A highly concentrated blue beam, that was so concentrated that it almost looked dark blue, cut through the shore and headed towards Hansoo and Karhal.

"Fucking Hell!"

Karhal cursed out as he saw this.

Because this was not something they had shot out.

A Satellite Fortress, which had been shot through from his attack, started to fall towards the ground.

Taking account of the Satellite Fortress's defense, this was a tremendous amount of power.

'…Garmeia. King's Fortress huh. What power.'

Though its defenses had disappeared, it was proving the might of its attack.

Hansoo made a strange expression as he looked at the Garmeia which shot down a Satellite Fortress with just a single blast.

'It has been set to shoot the Satellite Fortress once it got close. Why was it set like that?'

He thought that Metiron had set this up but this was impossible.

Since he wouldn't just sit idle with such a powerful tool under his control.

This was an automatic defensive system.

Thankfully it looked like it didn't attack humans but Hansoo didn't understand why a King would set it up so it would automatically attack the people of his race once they got close.

'Anyway The Satellite Fortresses are useless in this case.'

That Fortress' range exceeded normal Satellite Fortresses by far and had a much more powerful attack as well.

He had brought seven just in case but they were useless in this instance.

He might be able to deal with it if he brought all the Satellite Fortresses and pushed it back with numbers but that wouldn't do.

Since if the data wasn't up here, the humans would have to go above with empty hands and no Mana Pools.

He could not do such a thing due to the worth of the Mana Pools.

'Metiron. What a sturdy coffin you have chosen.'

Hansoo frowned as he mumbled.

Reincarnator – Chapter 207 : Garmeia (5)

"What are you going to do?"

Karhal, who had been leading the forces from the side, asked.

The plan to use the Satellite Fortress was a failure.

Which meant that they had to deal with it from the inside.

He didn't know what Metiron was thinking inside but they also had things they needed from the insides.

'Damn…This is dangerous.'

Karhal mumbled quietly.

Though a Satellite Fortress that was over a kilometer in height was huge, it wouldn't be once superhumans with skills and weapons start going crazy inside.

And since they couldn't swarm it, it was better to go in with a small elite group.

Karhal thought up to this point and then spoke to Hansoo.

"Can't we just use the Destruction Jade again? And we can just go in with that Mihee girl".

With mana the original residents of the Yellow Zone were superior due to their higher mastery of skills and higher level of runes but without mana then the ones from the lower Zone with stronger bodies had the advantage.

No matter how strong Metiron's underlings are inside, that would be more than enough.

Hansoo looked at the Destruction Jade in his hands and then shook his head again.

"No can do."

"Huh? Why not?"

Hansoo played around with the marble as he spoke.

"You saw before right? When I used the Sealing Jade in the village?"


"And you saw it break right?"


Karhal finally realized and then fell into silence.

Hansoo nodded.

"This has a durability as well. We only have about one more use left. It would break after that."

The Sealing Jade had broken just from holding down a single Satellite Fortress in the village.

And the Destruction Jade had held down the mana of this entire Zone where existed over a hundred Satellite Fortresses and countless people.

No matter how strong it was, it would break eventually if he kept using it.

And after inspecting it the past few days, the Destruction Jade was at its limit.

Karhal thought for a moment and then spoke.

"But can't we still use it? There isn't a reason to use the Destruction Jade anymore?"

The mysterious fortress and the powerful enemies were quite frightening to just charge in like this.

Over half of the Satellite Fortresses had come into their hands and the other side, the Sages, could not do anything to them right now.

But Hansoo shook his head at

Karhal's question.

"This is a final resort. The reason why the Sages are in alliance with us is not because of half of the Satellite Fortresses but because of this Destruction Jade."

'We cannot trust them completely yet.'

Half of the Satellite Fortresses had come into his hands and were working perfectly but the Satellite Fortress was their technology.

If they hack them and turn them powerless or start producing Satellite Fortresses again then their Satellite Fortresses wouldn't be of much use use.

The objective of the Satellite Fortresses to control the humans.

The weapon that would face against the Sages was the Destruction Jade.

The Sages wouldn't be their opponent once the mana was gone.

And the numbers of humans will increase to tens of million and once that happened the Sages will merely be a candle in front of a hurricane no matter how powerful their bodies were.

This was why the Sages had given him the Satellite Fortresses.

So he could control them.

That was why he will leave behind the Destruction Jade with the Lord whom he will plant his Soul Fragment in.

In case of a fight against the Sages.

Karhal frowned at Hansoo's words.

"Fuck… That means.."

"Yeah. We have to go and do it ourselves."


Karhal and Ekidu looked at the giant Satellite Fortress from Hansoo's words.

Boom! Booobooom!

Whatever they were doing inside, the sounds they were making inside that metal box could be heard even a kilometer away from the outside of the Satellite Fortress.

And thinking of how strong the ones who had gone in, this meant that the thing that was inside was extremely strong.

And Ekidu already knew what the identity of the thing was.

'That's probably the sound originating from fighting the El-Tara.'

She had never seen it before but she had heard what the representative of the Sages, Kel-Durin, had said.

Others might be different but Kel-Durin and the other Sages shouldn't have been lying.

If they said such things then it meant that the beast inside was insanely powerful.

And Ekidu thought as to how she should set up their forces.

'It's better to get a small elite group I guess.'

She had been inside Dakidus's Satelite Fortress in the past and saw the structure.

Thousands of narrow passageways, detailed structure. A very complex structure.

The Garmeia was larger and more powerful but it looked like the structure was quite similar from the outside.

Then instead of taking weaklings that would hinder them, it was better to take a small group of powerful people.

No matter how powerful the bodies of newcomers are, they were weak in comparison to the Yellow Zoners due to their runes being at 0%.

If there is mana, the people from the Yellow Zone were stronger.

'Good. Let's do this quickly.'

She had brought people with 100% runes with powerful attacks just in case something like this happened.

The moment Ekidu was about to turn around and shout.


The noise from the insides of the Satellite Fortress, Garmeia, stopped.

And the noise, which had been continuously ringing, stopping only meant one thing.

That the battle ended.

Ekidu made a shocked expression.


She didn't know why Metiron had gone inside.

But two things were clear.

The fact that Metiron, who could've escaped, had gone inside meant that there was something extremely precious inside.

And that he had the confidence to win.

'It wouldn't matter if he turned the El-Tara into rags and had killed it but…'

"Damn! Hurry and gather! From 1st to 14th platoon…"

Ekidu looked at the Garmeia which was now only making sounds of machinery as she started to quickly move towards it.


Kwaduk. Uuudududk.

"Damn. This is hard."

Metiron mumbled as he looked behind him while seven colored lights swirled around him.

The greyish organism with thousands of tentacles that looked like a tree in one way and an octopus in another was making crackling sounds as it was breaking apart.

After its body had been set ablaze and burnt up.


Metiron felt the vibration of the Soul Fragment inside him as he cracked some joints.

It was a very formidable opponent.

"How many died?"

The people around him counted and then spoke.

"81 died."


Metiron spat on the ground.

The monster, which could turn its body into anything it wanted by using the power from the Satellite Fortress's core, had attacked them with these thousands of tentacles as they made their way towards it ever since the entrance.

And because of this there were barely 300 of them left.

But it was extremely good that they killed this strange monster with just those losses.

Of course he, who had killed it, was strong as well.

'Well. It's not exactly my own strength really. Taehee. This guy…He has become a real monster.'

Though his clansmen had helped him, at least half of the thousands of tentacles had been destroyed by his hands.

Metiron whistled as he looked at his hand that was glowing red.

The elite 8 that stood next to Clementine.

Taehee, the one in possession of the Seven Soul Fragments, went up and people who had received one of the fragments assumed positions where they could perform Clementine's wishes.

For example the manager of the Yellow Zone like him.

He didn't know where the others were since he hadn't followed them but they would probably be somewhere up above.

And the strength he had shown earlier was from the owner of the Soul Fragment.

Which meant that the gap between him and the fragment's owner had increased to the point where it was beyond his imagination.

To the point of his entire body hurting despite having used that strength for such a short time.

'How many unique skills did he eat up? Should I have followed? At least to the Green or Blue Zone…'

A man always longed for power.

The fact that his comrade, whom he had stood shoulder to shoulder with once, had become this strong felt bitter but he soon shook his head.

The mission he had been assigned with was important.

And this was the most important moment.

"Let's go look at this secret room."

Metiron quietly mumbled after smashing apart the El-Tara and then walked in deeper.

He then stood in front of the metal door the El-Tara blocked before, breathed in and out and then spread out his hand towards it.


The hand that was glowing red dug into the metal door that hadn't even gotten damaged from the fight earlier.



Metiron's hand ripped off the 3m tall metal door.

And Metiron whistled as he saw the structure inside.

'It's a bit underwhelming.'

Metiron had seen the inner structure of the Satellite Fortress in the past.

The technology was much more complex and advanced than an airplane but the control room was much simpler.

And this one was even more simpler.

A giant aquarium surrounding the entire room and a single organism floating inside it.

And the head-sized silver marble floating in the middle of the room.

Metiron smiled as he saw this.

"Found it."

Considering the fact that this room was also used as a method of control, the Garmeia was probably made with more advanced technology than the Satellite Fortresses of the Higher Races.

Since it could be controlled with just a marble.

Metiron placed his hand on the marble as he mumbled.

'Hehe. Sages. It'll be bothersome to have them as enemies.'

Even more so if they weren't able to finish them off.

Though a chance had greeted them now.

Metiron mumbled as he thought of Hansoo and all the humans.

'You did well so far but… This is the end.'

And then.


The Satellite Fortress, Garmeia, started to tremble.

At the same time.

Bubble Bubble Bubble Bubble.

The aquarium started to bubble excessively.




As a tremendous noise came out from the Satellite Fortress, the people who were going to head towards the Satellite Fortress made shocked noises.

But they soon made confused expressions.



The Satellite Fortress that was floating in the sky started to fall at a tremendous speed.

Towards the Silver Sea below.



The giant Satellite Fortress fell into the Silver Sea accompanied by a huge sound.


Of couse a giant tidal wave was created around the Garmeia.

Even if the density of the liquid was close to mercury, a tidal wave being created was quite logical since such a large object had fallen.

But the thing that happened next defied logic as a whole.


The huge waves of the silver liquid had been covered by a blue light.

And then.


Bubble bubble!

The liquid that had fallen due to gravity gathered up with the rest, hardened and started to change shape.

Into thousands of tentacles.

"What the…"

The people frowned and squinted their eyes at the scene that resembled a kraken being born from the sea.

Reincarnator – Chapter 208 : Gael-Tara (1)


As the Satellite Fortress, Garmeia, got covered up by the strange beast.

Hansoo frowned as he saw this.

'That is…?'

He had sensed something similar to that before in the past.

When he had been surrounded by the strange metal liquid inside the maze.

The strange beast that was constantly changing its shape while being covered by blue light was definitely similar to whatever ate up Junghwan in the past.

Hansoo's head started to spin quickly.

He didn't know what that thing was.

But three things were clear.

He didn't know why but that Karmen guy didn't seem to like the Sages.

And sadly there was the fact that Karmen was much better than the Sages who had created the Satellite Fortresses.

And the last thing Karmen had made had now fallen in the hands of Metiron.

'Nothing good comes out from this.'

He didn't know what the hell that thing was but nothing good came from leaving it alone.

'Attack before… It completes.'

As soon as he finished thinking.


Hansoo smashed the ground and then leapt up.

Towards the Garmeia covered in thousands of tentacles.

Karhal shouted towards Hansoo.

"Hey! Are you crazy! Heyy! You don't even have skills!"

Due to it's size, though it looked like the Garmeia was right in front of them there was at least a kilometer of space between them and the fortress.

And for him to jump into such a strange place.

'Fuck! Is he that hurried?'

Karhal made a flustered expression.

He knew that something strange happened.

But they had the Satellite Fortresses, what was there to worry about?

He didn't know what the hell that was but tens of the Satellite Fortresses being destroyed was something that was unthinkable.

Hansoo jumped up into the sky as he shouted.

"You don't have to follow so just support me with long range attacks!"

He had jumped in because he could only do close range fighting but there was no need for others, who could attack from afar, to jump in.

As those words were heard.

The people, who were making suspicious expressions, started to pour out a multitude of attacks.



The Satellite Fortresses standing outside the Garmeia's range started to slowly approach the giant silver creature.

The Lord had started to control the clansmen and were moving the Satellite Fortress after receiving Hansoo's orders.

If the Garmeia had stopped for now, this was the chance to attack it without being counterattacked.

Karhal nodded as he watched this scene.


He understood that the Garmeia had a huge size.

The thousands of tentacles that were birthed from the sea were now crossing over each other and covering the Satellite Fortress.

The thing that was eating up the 1km-wide Satellite Fortress was easily over 3km-wide.

From the scene of this giant thing eating up the Satellite Fortress, it looked like a giant egg was being created by wrapping a fishing line around the fortress.

But the Satellite Fortress could easily blow up something even larger than that.

No, even a human could.

If they threw tens of thousands of skills then any mountain would eventually disappear.

Rumble. Urrrrng!

The countless skills started to turn the strange organism into a sea of flames.

Shining lights, tremendous noises and dustclouds started to cover up the Satellite Fortress.

At the same time.

Karhal didn't prepare his Quintuple Beam and instead shot an arrow towards Hansoo.


The arrow started to drop as it traveled and it headed towards Hansoo's foot.


The arrow perfectly supported Hansoo as he slowly fell and Hansoo jumped up with it as a foothold.

'Good. It wouldn't be hard if we continue at this rate.'

Karhal readied his second arrow and then nodded towards Hansoo who had jumped up.


Hansoo was getting closer to the Satellite Fortress after jumping off the arrow Karhal shot out.


A change occurred in the beast that was swallowing up the giant Satellite Fortress.

The surfaces of the thousands of tentacles melted down with a loud noise, reconstructed themselves and created a whole new structure.


Hundreds of eyes appeared on each tentacle as they glared at every direction.

The hundreds of thousands of eyes stared at the countless people surrounding it one by one.

Others couldn't see it but Hansoo, who was closer to the beast, could see all of the changes occurring.

Hansoo hurriedly moved the Forked Lightning in front of him and then rolled his body into a ball.

He then shouted out loudly.

"Prepare for impact! An attack is coming in!"


They didn't understand the situation but Hansoo's loud shout had a certain amount of impact on these people.

Everyone, even without knowing what the hell was going on, canceled all their attacking skills and replaced them with defensive skills and got into defensive positions.

As Hansoo's shout died off.


Hundreds of tentacles spread out.

Towards the people by the shore.






The tips of the tentacles changed their shapes into spears, swords and axes as they smashed into people.

The adventurers were quite strong but the power of the tentacles were quite formidable as well.

If Hansoo hadn't warned them then they might've lost a limb or might have even died.

The adventurers freaked out at the force of the impact as they backed off in numerous directions.

Since they might die if they stood where they were.


Thankfully the strange beast stopped its attacks as the adventurers backed off, retracted its tentacles and then focused on gathering in the energy again.

As if time was precious to it.

But as Karhal, who had received a large hole in the armor by his chest, was about to sigh as he watched the tentacles heading back.

Something came up inside Karhal's head.

'Fuck! What about Hansoo?'

They had escaped the attack range but Hansoo could not.

As if his worries were for naught.



Countless noises of explosions were heard from somewhere near the Satellite Fortress covered in clouds.



'Holy shit. That fucking monster.'

Karhal was dumbfounded at the scene he saw after the smoke faded away.

The tentacles that they could barely handle.

Hansoo smashed, snapped and destroyed hundreds of those tentacles and continued to advance forward.

Everytime the golden spear shone in mid air, the tentacles got destroyed as a path was created.

But a single man could not deal with an army.



The tentacles that had receded away from the adventurers all started to head towards Hansoo.

But Hansoo was already almost at his goal.


Hansoo, who had approached the wall of the beast, found an open spot between the tentacles and headed in.

Thankfully the tentacles stopped attacking as if they didn't want to attack the insides.



The strange beast closed its eyes, spread out its tentacles and continued to eat up the Satellite Fortress and the mana engine inside it.

'Is it really just eating it?'

Karhal mumbled as he looked at the beast which was covering the Satellite Fortress too gently to call it eating.

'Ugh. This isn't important.'

Karhal sighed and then made an expression of despair.

"Fuck…What the hell do we do now?"

With their strength they would just get shredded apart so getting close to it was an issue in itself.

And they couldn't use the Destruction Jade while the Sages existed.

'Yeah. We should just call reinforcements and… Trust in the Satellite Fortresses.'

Karhal looked towards the Satellite Fortresses coming his way.

Karhal mumbled that although they weren't able to, the Satellite Fortresses, which could fire a tremendous amount of power, could easily melt that beast down.

As Karhal and the others sat upon the ground and stared at the Satellite Fortress to relax.


The air started to split apart.

And the people freaked out even more than when the giant beast had appeared as they saw this.

'Why is the Fairy here!'

Karhal freaked out as well.

It had been 9 years since he had last seen the Fairy.

Since the Fairy hadn't appeared in front of them ever since the tutorial ended.

Tremble Tremble…

Karhal's hand started to shake from fear.

Though the Fairies themselves didn't harm them, their appearance almost symbolized a disaster.

'Why the hell is it here….'

A chill went down his spine.

It hadn't appeared when the Higher Races ruled over humans as slaves and lowered their numbers but it had appeared now.

After that mysterious tentacle monster appeared.

'Is that thing a bigger threat than the Higher Races….'

Even before Karhal finished his line of thought.

The Fairy opened its small mouth.

"Hahahaha! Hey everyone! What a disaster! I don't know how that thing woke up."

The fairy laughed in joy.

Since that thing couldn't have woken up logically.

The Satellite Fortress that had a stealth coating so that the Higher Races or the Sages couldn't find it.

The humans could find it but it had a mana barrier that humans could not get through.

And El-Tara that humans wouldn't be able to beat without mana.

One required a tremendous amount of luck and persistence in order to wake that thing up.

No, they needed more.

The Fairy was extremely happy from this situation, which required a tremendous amount of luck and effort to happen, blowing up.

'These guys need to try harder for this.'

The Fairy finished its thoughts, spun around the air and then spoke.

"It's a mission for your entire Race. You guys now need to kill this thing. I'll think of a reward after you kill it. The reward will be proportional to your efforts so try your best!"

It seemed like the Fairy was shouting into nowhere but that wasn't the case.

The Fairy's voice rang into everyone's ears in the entire Zone.

Hansoo could probably hear it inside the Satellite Fortress as well.

And Karhal looked at the beast in front of his eyes after he heard those words.


The Satellite Fortresses that they had waited for had arrived above their heads.

Six, disregarding the one that had fell before.

The people gulped at the tremendous amount of pressure these Fortresses emitted.

And soon.


Everyone's expressions brightened up as they saw the blue light gathering upon the weapons in front of the Satellite Fortress.

The scenes they had seen caused by the Satellite Fortresses were too amazing for them to lose hope here.

And Hansoo's spear alone had been enougb to destroy those tentacles.

Even if Hansoo's power was strong, it was nowhere close to the Satellite Fortress's attacks they thought.

'Yeah…This'll do.'

As the people looked at the Satellite Fortresses with hope-filled eyes.


And as if it was fulfilling their hopes, the blue light that had gathered in front of the Satellite Fortress charged out towards the beast.

But right before the beams were about to smash onto the egg.


A blue energy surrounded the egg.

A very deep blue light that couldn't even be compared to that of the Satellite Fortress.

At that moment.


The blue lights collided into the deep blue light of the egg and got refracted into numerous directions.

Like a stream of water hitting a wall.

"…You want us to kill that thing?"

The people were dumbfounded as they stared at the egg that hadn't even gotten a scratch from the attacks of the Satellite Fortresses.


Suddenly a crack rang down the surface of the egg.


The people looked at the crack in the egg with surprise.

Thinking that the Satellite Fortress hadn't disappointed them.

But this sensation only lasted a moment.


An eye.

A humongous eye.

The people lost strength in their legs as their gazes met the eye of the giant thing inside the egg looking through the crack.

'Hansoo…What the hell do we do now…'

Karhal thought of Hansoo inside that strange beast and mumbled.


Metiron, who had his hands over the strange marble in the empty room, was constantly conversing with someone.

As if he had gone crazy.

"Oh? This thing's name is Gael-Tara? Why did you make it?"


"Hmm. Revenge is nice. Holding onto your emotions becomes toxic. You need to let it loose."


"Good. Good. It's not hard to fulfill your wishes but…I can do some of my work too right?'

The blue marbles in front of Metiron vibrated slightly at his words.


"Oh I can do whatever I want? Hehe, that's what I thought. Oh..Those things are even better than the Mana Pool?"

Metiron, who had his hand over the marble, smiled towards the small thing inside the aquarium surrounding the room.

Reincarnator – Chapter 209 : Gael-Tara (2)


Hansoo frowned as he saw the tunnels getting destroyed.

The tunnels, which were made for people to walk through, were constantly getting destroyed.

By the tentacles extending out from the thing that surrounded the Satellite Fortress.



The tentacles ripped apart the metal walls and brought them towards the liquid metal.


The silver liquid metal melted the wall, absorbed it and then used it to reinforce itself.

Basically this monster was devouring the entire Satellite Fortress and using it as nutrients for itself.

But Hansoo knew.

This Satellite Fortress and this mysterious lifeform.

That both of these had been created by the same hands.

Why would the Satellite Fortress let itself be eaten by the monster otherwise?

'Since he wouldn't have made the Satellite Fortress to feed this thing… I guess the monster was made to eat the Satellite Fortress huh.'

The monster constantly ate the other walls, corridors and was now eating up the spot Hansoo was standing at.

Hansoo would be swept by it at this rate as well.

'Go in.'

Hansoo clenched the Forked Lightning tightly and started to head in deeper.

Since he was running out of time.

Actually, him being able to come inside was very lucky.

The extremely thick mana surrounding the liquid metal.

The mana that was coming out from the Garmeia's mana engine was beyond one's imagination.

To the point of making the mana engines of other Satellite Fortresses look like garbage.

Hansoo shook his head after calculating the might of this monster while comparing it to the metallic beast which Junghwan controlled.

This beast's materials were a step above those of the maze as well.

'According to my calculations…This is not something i can kill from the outside.'

As Hansoo finished his thoughts.


The liquid metal around Hansoo's body started to tremble intensely.



The people made frightened expressions as they saw the eye between the crack.

The eye had a tremendous amount of hate and resentment despite being made out of metal.

The depth of its emotions was what made the people tremble in fear.

As they couldn't even begin to imagine how vicious something with such a guy could get.

At that moment.

The eye disappeared.



A huge hand came out from the crack where the eye disappeared from.

And a metal arm with distinct muscles followed it.




Starting from the hand, the arm, shoulder and head started to come out from the egg in order.



The Satellite Fortresses started to assault the strange beast that had crawled out from the egg relentlessly.

To the point of pressuring their mana engines as if they were trying to show their desperation.

But all of this was useless.



The liquid metal, which was shining blue, deflected and dispersed all those attacks.

It wasn't the difference in energy.

That organism was resisting the assaults too well for it to be the difference in energy.

It was as if the organism had a tremendous amount of resistance against the Satellite Fortresses.

Karhal mumbled as he looked at the organism crawling out from the egg shell.

"…Natural enemy?"

The Natural Enemy.

A natural enemy of the Satellite Fortress.

'Yeah. There's a natural enemy for everything.'

The Satellite Fortress wasn't an organism but such thoughts still came up inside Karhal's head.

And soon.


A 2km tall humanoid creature that came out from the egg stood up above the Silver Sea.

And people slowly backed away and frowned.

'….Who is it?'

Tight muscles and a crown on top.

It was clear that it wasn't Metiron who had gone in.

Since he wouldn't be wearing such a crown.

And he was too muscular to be a Sage.

They heard that the bodies of the Sages had not developed as much because the existence of mana.

The organism that was standing up above the Silver Sea, the Gael-Tara, crouched down and slowly reached for the egg shell.


Due to its size, a tsunami was created for its every move.

As soon as Gael-Tara touched the shell.


The shell fragments turned into liquids and gathered into the giant man's hands.

Into a giant bludgeon.

An extremely muscular body and a bludgeon in his hand.

His look was like that of a barbarian minus the crown on his head.


"What the hell…"

The people started to chuckle at this sight.

They knew that they shouldn't be laughing in a situation like this but this sight was too funny.

To have eaten the entire Satellite Fortress and to become but a barbarian.

It was quite funny.

And the Satellite Fortresses which had stopped its assault due to the overheated engines helped out in releasing the tense situation with the silence that followed it.

But within that small moment.

The Gael-Tara roared out and then jumped up into the skies.



"Fuck! Group up!"

The earthquake from a 2km giant jumping into the skies was tremendous.



While the people the freaking out from the waves and the earthquake.


The Gael-Tara crossed multiple kilometers with a single leap and then jumped on top of the Satellite Fortresses after crossing over the Silver Sea and the mountains.



The bludgeon from its hand smashed down onto the Satellite Fortresses.

The tremendous strength enforced by mana and hundreds of thousands of tons of mass along with the added velocity.



The defence of the Satellite Fortresses could live up to its name of a Fortress.

And this Satellite Fortress got smashed apart by a single attack of the bludgeon and fell on the ground.

No, it was more like it got smashed down into the ground instead of falling.



Another quake from the Satellite Fortress smashing down onto the ground like an asteroid swept past the adventurers.

Nobody had died because they were all prepared for this but the situation was still extremely grim.

Everyone made an expression of despair.

"My god…"

Ekidu exclaimed out.

The ones who had gathered here were the elites of the elites.

Since they were handpicked by her.

But such things were meaningless in front of a formidable monster.

And it didn't even care to attack them.

It was solely focused on destroying the Satellite Fortresses in front of it.

And they had to exert all their strength to barely hold on during the shockwaves created.

Ekidu couldn't even imagine what the result would be if that bludgeon was swung against them.

As Ekidu was making an expression full of fear while staring at the fallen Satellite Fortress.





"Oh no…".

Ekidu also exclaimed out as she saw this.

Gael-Tara didn't even go for the other Satellite Fortresses after smashing down that single one.

Its next actions were quite shocking.

It started to eat it.



Rip apart the outer layers and eat the inner parts.

Pull out the mana engine and gulp down.

Its silver skin darkened every time it took a part of the Satellite Fortress and the blue light surrounding it got deeper as well.

Enkidu mumbled as she looked at the barbarian chewing up the Satellite Fortress.

"It devours…an entire civilization."

She finally realized why it had the look of a barbarian when it came out from the egg.




While the outside was in chaos.

A fight was happening inside the Satellite Fortress within the corridors that had still remained intact.

Between Hansoo who was trying to go through the corridors and to the center and hundreds of Metiron's underlings.



They didn't really speak to each other.

They were just fighting in order to beat the other side.

They swung their spears and swords and shot out skills in order to kill each other.

The Pandemic Blade's spores rushed in to melt the opponent's lungs and skins and skills of multiple colors smashed into Hansoo's Thousand Soldiers Armor and the Dragon Essence Blade.

Actually Hansoo had long turned into a dragonoid with the Racial Metamorphosis.

Since this was the only way for him to withstand the enemies's attacks.



'They're quite strong.'

Hansoo mumbled as he cut through one enemy's neck by swinging with his Forked Lightning and threw the corpse to block the skills.

Every one of them were stronger than Dakidus when he fought him in the past.

They had raised the mastery of their skills to the extremes and trained their martial skills to the brim over ten years in the Otherworld.

And they picked up top notch skills and artifacts from killing humans.

Along with the teamwork created from being in the same clan.

It would be weird if they weren't weak.

But that was it.


Hansoo smashed apart another head and then strode forward.

'I'm stronger.'

Erase the skills flying in from the distance with the Power Destruction and distort the perceptions of the ones closer up and then smash them apart.

Block the excess skills flying in with the Thousand Soldiers Armor and fill up the falling health with the vampiric powers.*

There wasn't even a need to use the Red Zone power of the Nurmaha's Ring, the Hemorrhage.

The Forked Lightning being swung by the body which had been enhanced by the Body Enhancement Surgery, Dragon Essence Blade and Racial Metamorphosis.

And the power of the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement and the Pandemic Blade.

Once the countless battle experience and instincts he had gathered over decades were added onto this, there was really no reason to delay any further with the Hemorrhage.

One attack, one kill.



Hansoo received the attacks flying in with his body and then continued to stride forward while smashing them apart.

Actually this was more than enough to cause them to run away really.

But his enemies didn't falter as they continued to charge forward and Hansoo kept on snapping their necks without a single moment of hesitation.

Since every second was precious.

'I need to hurry and deal with that Metiron guy.'



Countless shockwaves and sounds of explosions could be felt from the outside.

And Hansoo could feel that the beast was getting stronger.

It was just eating the Satellite Fortresses because it couldn't suppress its gluttony but once it eats them all up, its rage will be directed to other organisms.

And it wouldn't even take 10 minutes to erase all the humans and Sages then.

Since they had all gathered together conveniently.

After a while of charging forward and smashing apart people.

'I can see it!'

The broken metal door and the bright interior behind it.

There were only about 10 people left now.

As Hansoo was about to attack the person in front of him with the spear.

"Stop! Get back!"

A loud shout could be heard from the distance.

The ten clansmen suddenly stopped and backed off.

As if they were waiting for it.

At the same time.


A seven colored light shot through the corridor where the ten people disappeared from.

A light that seemed similar to the Quintuple beam of Karhal.

But as soon as Hansoo saw it.

Hansoo's expression changed.

'Seven Strands Spear!'

Solo Numbering 5.

A beam of laser that was solely created for destruction.

Actually its attacks even surpassed the number 3 skill, Faerie's Justice.

Hansoo raised his spear and blocked it in a hurry.



The seven colored light which had even melted down the walls as it flew past smashed into him.


The Demonic Dragon Reinforcement got swept apart as the dragon scales, Thousand Soldiers Armor and the Dragon Essence Blade got smashed apart and melted down.

Hansoo stared at the person who had sent out the attack after withstanding the pain from the attack.

For it to be this strong even if it was a high level skill.

And the Seven Strands Spear was famous for draining the user's mana.

Such powers couldn't be shown from just having 100% of the Yellow Zone's mana runes.

Metiron smiled as he looked at Hansoo.

"I've been a bit late due to receiving the present I received. Apparently its much better than the Mana Pool."

A strange symbol could be shown near the heart of Metiron.


Hansoo finally realized how Metiron could handle such a large amount of mana as he looked at the symbol.

*TL Notes: The Yellow Zone's power for the Nurmaha Ring is Vampiric Effects or Lifesteal in gaming terms.

IMPORTANT: I've figured out what the 'Dark Lord' is. It is a title given to those Lords who are ruthless in their ways, almost like a tyrant, and follow Clementine.

Reincarnator – Chapter 210 : Gael-Tara (3)



Hansoo frowned as he looked at the man striding towards him.

'I see… the Seven Strands Spear is not his.'

According to what he knew, that skill was not something one could obtain in a place like this.

Using something that couldn't be obtained did not make sense but he knew how he was.

Fragments of Seven Souls.

The familiar vibration inside Metiron's body is what told him this.

And he saw a few other skills surrounding his body.

Double numbering 11, God's Right Hand.

Solo Numbering 4, Steel Lord.

There were countless other double and triple numberings.

And Hansoo knew who the owner of the Fragments of Seven Souls and those skills was.

He had never met Metiron but he had indeed met the owner of the fragments when he fought Clementine in the past.

Dark Lord, Shin Taehee.

The right hand of Clementine and a vital part of her power.

And Metiron smiled in glee as he saw his expression.

"Heh. Too bad. I do want to encourage you to fight for this but…This isn't my skill you see. You won't really get anything by killing me."

Hansoo nodded at these words.

It was obvious really.

Since 8 people would be able to use it if the owner of the soul fragments took the skill instead.

It was better to pile it all onto a single person.

Of course a skill wouldn't come out even if he killed Metiron.

But there were still many things more precious than a few skills.

"There's still something I can take it seems."

Hansoo then pointed at Metiron with the Forked Lightning.

Towards his heart.

Metiron touched the shining symbol by his heart and then chuckled.

"True. If you win then it's all yours. Kill my clansmen and take this. Do whatever you want."

Metiron then made a serious expression.

"Of course if I win then I'll take everything you have."

Metiron grinded his teeth as he thought of the 271 clansmen that had died by Hansoo's hands.

Because Hansoo was stronger than his expectations and he couldn't win without the Mana Jade in his heart, those clansmen had died to buy him time.

His clansmen was everything he had.

If Clementine and Taehee's orders didn't exist, he wouldn't even have let them die in a place like this.

'I shall… Take as much away from you.'

He wasn't a benevolent person.

The total amount of people in Mount Liang was 511 before he came up here.

Now only 10 people lived.

And he was going to only let that many live.

Only 1 out of 50 out of hundreds of thousands.

And the same for the tens of millions of humans who could come up later.

It was possible with the strength in his hands.

With the Gael-Tara that was created to erase the civilization and bring an end to everything.

Metiron smiled again as he asked.

"How about it? Fair right?"

It was clear that Metiron was trying to buy time while the Gael-Tara ate the other Satellite Fortresses and got stronger.

And Hansoo decided to play along.

Since he wouldn't be able to kill this guy outside.

He had to kill Metiron.

And he needed to go along with Metiron's play in order to restore some stamina.

Hansoo rotated the Dragon Essence Blade in his body as he restored his stamina and spoke out.

"It seems a bit unfair. There's too much of a difference in numbers."

Metiron smiled and chuckled.

"Unfair? It is indeed unfair. I've lost people precious to me and you would only lose those below your feet."


"At least I know the names of 271 people you have killed and even know the names of their family. Isn't this already better than you? Do you even know a hundred out of the hundreds of thousands?"

They were like his family.

People who have trusted him and survived along with him for over a decade.

Hansoo also smirked at those words.

"What about it? It's not too late to get to know them after things become much more comfortable. Do you know how many people have died while you were playing house in a place like this?"

"…Heh. There's not really a reason to speak this much."


Metiron couldn't hold back his rage while speaking and then gathered power in his hand.


Seven colored lights gathered from the surroundings into Metiron's hand.



The beam that had shook Hansoo before exploded out from Metiron's left hand again.

With even more mana than before.

At that moment.


Hansoo also gathered a large amount of Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement and Pandemic Blade onto the spear and then attacked the Seven Strands Spear with the Power Destruction of Nurmaha's Ring.

There was no way to dodge it in a narrow corridor like this.

And unlike the Quintuple beam, the Seven Strands Spear was made of light so it had no weak points.

He needed to destroy it with a similar amount of power.


The moment Hansoo's spear and the light collided.

Surprisingly, the spear bent to the point of breaking from the light which had no mass.

The Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement got washed away and the Pandemic Blade's spores got burnt away.

'As I expected.'

Hansoo swung the spear and moved his body to the exterior of the skill as much as he could.

Hansoo had higher quality in skills.

But the mastery level and mana was different.

Since the opponent had borrowed a skill that had reached the brim in mastery along with a tremendous amount of mana.

The beam pushed through the Forked Lightning and smashed into Hansoo.


Hansoo's body was exposed to the light as it started to burn up.

But Hansoo clenched this teeth and then proceeded to stride forward.

Against the beam that was freezing, breaking and burning up his body.

He knew that he couldn't compete with the strength of skills.

The thing he had to trust in was his tremendously stronger body, defenses and endless amount of stamina.


Metiron laughed out loud towards Hansoo who was pushing in towards him like a rhino.

"Hahahahaha! How about using the Destruction Jade?"

But Hansoo ignored his words as he continued to head forward.

If the Destruction jade really worked like his words then he shouldn't really be saving it as of now.

Since the problem with the Sages would only matter if they were alive.

But if the creator of this had enmity against the Sages, he would've prepared for the Destruction Jade.

The creator of the Destruction jade was Karmen.

He would easily be able to prepare against it.

Even more so if he was a Sage whose intelligence increased every year unlike humans.

If this thing was created to go against the Sages then the Destruction Jade would not work against this creature.

'It might work but… I can't take the gamble.'

If all mana was frozen and this guy was fine then it would be a disaster.


Metiron tried to create some distance but this corridor was too narrow.

And Hansoo's physical abilities were much higher.

Hansoo pushed back the Destruction Jade as a last resort inside his head and then smashed his spear towards Metiron whom he had gotten close to now.


The spear, which was surrounded by the Demonic Dragon's Reinforcement, pushed forward and flew in towards Metiron's head.

At the same time the Pandemic Blade flared up as it started to cover Metiron's entire body and burn up his nerves.

But as if he had no plans to dodge Hansoo's spear from the beginning, Metiron made a fist and then smashed his right hand towards the spear.

A hand that was glowing red like a ruby.

Hansoo didn't drop his guard against this fist as he poured more power into the spear.

'God's Right Hand.'

A finisher move that could only be applied onto the right hand.

The tremendous amount of power that could destroy anything was actually quite stupid.

It had one characteristic.

Power Defeasance.

As if it had the authority of a God, if you got hit by the fist surrounded by that skill then the mana a skill of lower level then it would be ignored and it would even lower the power of a skill that was above it.

The fist that was surrounded by red smashed into Hansoo's spear.


Despite the spear having dampened a large amount of strength, the Forked Lightning still bent as if it would break.

At the same time Hansoo's body was flung backwards.

And Metiron frowned as he saw this.

Since blood was flowing from his hand where the spear had struck it.

'Unknown Artifacts and… Unknown skills. Where the hell did he get such things?'

The God's Right Hand nullified most of the skills.

Then he would use the fist to smash his opponent.

This fist should kill most people with a single strike.

And he was using almost ten times as much mana as his opponent.

But the Reinforcement around him wasn't nullified and the Artifact didn't break either.

It meant that the level of the Artifact was extremely high and the skill's level was much higher than his.

According to what he knew, there were less than 10 skills whose levels were higher than Taehee's unique skill, .

Like Kangtae's , Keldian's or Eres's .

There weren't any skills like what he saw Hansoo use according to what he knew.

'…He would become a monster once he gains the Mana Pool huh.'

Metiron clenched his fist as he mumbled.

A common thing high-level skills had was that a tremendous amount mana was required to fit their might.

Even if the efficiency of the mana was great, a large amount was still used due to the tremendous amount of strength.

Of course the problem was that mana was fair to everyone despite one's skill.

Mana did not discern between people, it was fair and square to everybody.

It would be normal if he was on the ground by now from a lack of mana but for him to still have mana meant that his control over distributing mana was tremendous.

And if the amount of mana of a person like this was multiplied by a few times?

And he then strode around with the skills he had?

'I have to kill him here no matter what.'

At that moment.

A bronze-colored light exploded out from Metiron's body.

At the same time the ten people around him who couldn't even participate in this fight got swept by the bronze colored light as well.

Unique skill.

If Transcendent Brilliance didn't exist, this would be the most powerful crowd buff that existed out there.

Steel Lord.

He had plenty of mana anyway.

'I'll smash you apart!'


Then Metiron and the ten clansmen, who were surrounded by the bronze colored light, flew towards Hansoo.



Kaltus frowned as he saw a carrier pigeon flying in.

'….What? Escape? What the hell does he mean.'

Kaltus made a dumbfounded expression.

They had gone off to finish off some minor jobs.

But for Hansoo to tell them to run away without any reason.

As Kaltus was about to chuckle at this.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

He could feel the earth trembling from the distance.

'What the…..'

A random earthquake.

Kaltus walked out of his tent in curiosity.


Kaltus didn't believe his own eyes.

Since the scene in front of him was extremely unrealistic.


A Satellite Fortress got smashed apart by a mysterious monster while fleeing and fell to the ground.

The monster then started to eat up the Satellite Fortress.



For every bite, the blue aura around it got deeper and its skin turned even more like bronze.



The Satellite Fortresses were assaulting it from all directions but it was all useless.

The beast just took on the attacks that could blow apart mountains as it continued to eat.

And its food was the Satellite Fortresses which had made them extremely powerful and formidable.



The ground cracked and the land trembled just from it eating.

Thankfully it didn't have any interest in humans as everybody was running away.

Kaltus looked at this scene in a daze as he mumbled.

'We…Are too weak.'

Even the Sages who had such a powerful civilization and technology were in peace with them.

It was already like this but if the number of humans who received the Body Enhancement Surgery and the Mana Pool Surgery increased to hundreds of millions or even billions?

He had thought that there was nothing to fear anymore.

This was why he was curious as to why that Hansoo guy was trying so hard.

Since if the above zone was a place where humans could live somewhat, it wouldn't be that hard for them to take it over.

Since they had no problems on the outside, he had focused on the inner mechanisms and had focused on gaining authority.

But he finally realized that this was all a huge misconception.

'Fuck… This is just a beginning. We're just bugs.'

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

"Run away! Everyone evacuate!"

Kaltus screamed out as he saw the bronze monster leaping towards another Satellite Fortress while swinging its bludgeon.