163 - 172

Chapter 163: Allies

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

The sun slowly set behind the hill. The town of Moramatch was aglow with red rays from the sunset. Anfey and his legion had successfully scared away Shansa Empire's cavalry. Besides some collapsed houses, they did not lose anything else. They deserved to be happy about it. Christian and his companions, Black Eleven and his subordinates, and hired mercenaries all looked happy and excited. They chatted and laughed in groups. Dwarves and gnomes worked hard on the underground tunnel project. Anfey commanded them to finish the project before dawn the next day. They had to make the main tunnel entrance higher and wider to allow horses to come in. If they could not finish the project in time, they would be punished. Of course, to encourage them, Anfey had raised their wages to ten times higher than normal.

There was a not too deep, but very steep valley behind Moramatch where people were on watch. The other side of the valley was steep as well. Christian and his companions had set up many alarming magic arrays and magic outposts. If any enemy tried to come over through there, they might escape people's watch, but would trigger the alarming magic. People in the town would know there were enemies coming.

The main underground tunnel was at the foot of the valley. Gnomes and dwarves were working hard on the project. Anfey and Suzanna chatted under an ancient tree not far from the entrance of the main tunnel. They looked quite different. Anfey looked confused while Suzanna blushed as she rolled her eyes at Anfey.

"Why am I bad?" Anfey asked.

"You know why," Suzanna said.

"I don't know. Why am I asking you about it if I knew?" Anfey said.

"Think about what you have done," Suzanna said.

"I have done a lot of things. How do I know which one you are talking about?" Anfey argued.

"Is it because you have done so many bad things?" Suzanna asked.

"Ok. Give me some hints," Anfey suggested.

"Did you forget about that wine?" Suzanna hinted for him.

"What wine?" Anfey still did not get it.

"The wine with the aphrodisiac in it. You put it in the wine and forced me to drink it." Suzanna blushed even more.

Anfey blinked and then he finally remembered. "When did I force you to drink it. I was just playing with you. Who would know you drank it without even asking about what it was?" Anfey said.

"Heng." Suzanna snorted.

"I did take it away from you right away. You only had a sip. I drank the rest of it," Anfey said.

"Why did you come to see me when everyone had gone to rest. You knew that wine had aphrodisiac in it, what did you want to do to me?" Suzanna asked.

"I wanted to…" Anfey tried to explain.

"You had evil thoughts, didn't you?" Suzanna asked.

"I wanted to experiment with the effects of the aphrodisiac on myself. You see, my plan was to give aphrodisiac to griffins. I did not want to see our plan fail if the aphrodisiac was not strong enough," Anfey said.

"Excuses!" Suzanna rolled her eyes as she pulled a handful of grass next to her.

She was a little regretful of bringing this topic up. It made her feel awkward, shameful, and nervous. When people were nervous, they always had some unconscious habits. So did Suzanna.

""I am telling you the truth." Anfey tried to convince Suzanna that he was innocent.

"I do not believe you. You had evil thoughts," Suzanna said.

"Ok, ok. I had evil thoughts. What do you want then?" Anfey said.

Suzanna did not know how to answer that question. There was a saying that went "aggressive women tend to be touched by men who keep showing interest in them, and good girls are scared by lazy boys." What could Suzanna do to Anfey?

"I still have some seven-winged magic fly chemicals left. Do you want me to buy you drinks?" Anfey decided to be naughty all the way. He even grabbed Suzanna's hand.

"Stop it!" Suzanna shook off Anfey's hand. "I wondered why I felt weird after having your wine. I was kind of scared of you and…"

"And horny?" Anfey helped Suzanna with the words she could not say.

"Go to hell!" Suzanna could not take it anymore. She threw that handful of grass on Anfey's face.

Suzanna spoke a little too loudly, so the gnomes and dwarves who were working not far from them heard their conversation. A few heads stuck out of the cave, looking at Anfey and Suzanna.

"Shhh, quieter, if you don't want to be others' joke," Anfey reminded Suzanna.

"I am not talking to you anymore. I am going back to take a nap." Suzanna stood up.

"Sit down, take a seat. What are you rushing back for?" Anfey grabbed Suzanna's arm. Sometimes Suzanna was a lot stronger than Anfey, but other times Suzanna became very weak. With Anfey's pull, Suzanna could not help wobbling and sat back.

"Anything else?" Suzanna talked as low as a mosquito's buzzing sound.

"Of course, I said I will buy you drinks," Anfey said.

"You are so bad." Suzanna tried to shake off Anfey's hand one more time, but she failed this time.

"You are so bad!" Anfey sighed as he shook his head.

"Why am I bad?" Suzanna said.

"You know it." They had the same conversation not long ago. They just switched their roles.

"I don't know." Suzanna looked a little unhappy. Since she was more sensitive than Anfey, Suzanna could say that Anfey was bad but not allow him to say the same thing to her.

"I only want to buy you some drinks, but you are thinking about me in the wrong way," Anfey said.

"You…You said you still have some chemicals left and now want to buy me drinks again," Suzanna said angrily.

"Right, I am buying you drinks but not poisoned ones," Anfey said sincerely, "What are you afraid of."

"Why are you still talking about chemicals." Suzanna felt she was so wronged.

"Anfey," Black Eleven rushed in as he called Anfey's name. "Something happened."

"What? Kumaraghosha came back?" Anfey suddenly stood up.

"No, a mercenary group is marching towards us. Watching from the Eyes of Sky, I think there are about one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty mercenaries in it. Telling by their flag, they seemed to belong to the Dragon Rider mercenary group," Black Eleven said.

"Dragon Rider mercenary group? What an arrogant name. I never heard you talk about them before?" Anfey said.

"It is just a name. It does not mean anything. If there is a mercenary group called Home of God, would all of them be gods?" Black Eleven smiled as he shook his head. "As far as I know, they are just a secondary mercenary group, but I am not sure what they are coming here for."

"Send your people out to ask around and find out what they are coming here for," Anfey said.

"I already did," Black Eleven said.

"Who did you send?" Anfey asked.

"Leyco." Black Eleven smiled. Leyco was the leader of the hired mercenary group. "It's risky to be a messenger. We'd better ask an outsider to do it."

"Let's go. Let's take a look at them," Anfey said.

By the time Anfey and Suzanna got there and spoke briefly with Christian, Leyco had already come back. A few mercenaries followed him. The one in the front was a guy around forty years old. His eyebrows were thick and dark. He had a wide and big forehead and sideburns. He looked tall and strong. The sword shafts over his shoulders showed he used a two-hand sword. Two-hand swords in general were longer and heavier than regular swords. Some two-hand swords were even wider than palms, so it was not possible to hang them on waists.

The mercenary in the front looked around and laid his eyes on Anfey at the end. Everyone else stood behind Anfey, which made him look like the moon surrounded by stars. It was easy to tell who the leader was.

"Hello, you must be Anfey." The mercenary walked to Anfey with a smile.

"Yes, I am Anfey. May I know who you are?" Anfey said.

"My name is Ozzic, commander of Dragon Rider mercenary group," Ozzic said.

"How can I help you?" Anfey chose to go directly to the topic. He did not even bother with courteous expressions like "I have heard so much about you" or "It's my honor to have a guest like you." Anfey was not great with social skills and definitely needed more practice. He used to observe and criticize others in the dark rather than helping coordinate for the team.

"The reason I came here was I got news that Shansa Empire's cavalry is coming to attack Moramatach." Ozzic looked around again. "It looks like they haven't come yet."

"No." Anfey tried to answer before anyone else could. "Is your information accurate?"

The battle had ended very quickly. The town did not show any trace of fighting. Those collapsed houses did not mean anything. Outsiders could not tell that a battle had happened based on the collapsed houses.

"Absolutely," Ozzic answered.

"Are you coming to help us fight the Shansa Empire military?" Anfey asked.

"Of course!" Ozzic said with justice. "Shansa Empire and Tiger of Tawau mercenary took over our Hengduan Valley. It was unbearable. They are thinking of taking over our village. They acted against the law and reason. Our Dragon Rider mercenary group has decided to fight Shansa Empire all the way to the end."

"You really impress me." Anfey nodded hard. "In fact, we did receive the same information and sent our people to ambush them. This is why they haven't gotten here yet. If I calculated the time right, they still have over one hundred miles before they can reach Moramatch. They should be here tonight or tomorrow. We are thinking of withdrawing from Moramatch. Your coming is such an encouragement for us. Let's fight together." Anfey held his hand out.

"Are you saying Shansa Empire's military is still over one hundred miles away?" Ozzic was shocked for a second.

"To be more specific, it should be less than one hundred miles now," Christian said slowly. If they were still at Saul's house practicing their magic and had not experienced so much, they would have given weird glances when they heard Anfey's lies. Maybe some of them would even ask Anfey if he was making any mistakes. Everybody seemed to hide their emotions better now. Christian could even team up with Anfey in the lie.

"Good." Ozzic shook Anfey's hand. "Anfey, I know you have many mages. You are familiar with Moramatch as well. How about I take my Dragon Rider mercenaries to fight the Shansa Empire military first to buy you some time. You guys can stay and set up defensive magic arrays."

Chapter 164: Traitor

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"This…this is too dangerous!" Anfey said. He looked very gratefully at the man.

"That is part of being a mercenary!" Ozzic said, laughing. "Shansa Empire had publicly challenged us. This problem is all of ours together. We must band together against this common threat."

"Well said," Anfey agreed, nodding. "Then I won't hold back my request. We do need help. Why don't I send some mages to assist you?"

"There is no need for that. My Dragon Riders mercenary group isn't big, but we have been working together for a long time. We all trust and rely on each other. If there are some new people, we may not work as efficiently. Don't worry, we can handle this," Ozzic said, with a wave of his hand. "Time isn't on our side. I will head out immediately."

"This soon? You came all this way, you must be tired. Why don't you rest a bit before leaving?"

"We will rest after we defeat the Shansa army. By then, even if you want me to leave I won't," Ozzic said, grinning.

"Alright. Be careful," Anfey said slowly. "If the Shansa army outnumbers you, don't engage them head to head. Try to stall for as long as possible."

"I understand. I am not stupid enough to do something like that," Ozzic replied. "You have to start your part of the plan soon."

Anfey nodded.

Ozzic did not say anything else. He left town quickly with his men. Christian stared at the departing men, then turned to Anfey and asked, "Don't you think there's something strange about them?"

"Not really," Anfey said with a smile. "But we have to remember that we should never let our guard down. They chose their timing very well."

"They must have a motive. What would it be? Do you think they genuinely want to help us?" Christian asked.

"We will find out soon enough," Anfey said. He turned to Riska and said, "Bring Feller with you and keep an eye on them. Suzanna, you are responsible for their safety. Come back when it's getting dark. Don't approach them."

"Alright," Riska nodded and said.

"Anfey!" Sante walked over and called. Behind him was a werewolf. "He wanted to speak with you."

Anfey glanced at the werewolf, then turned and told Suzanna, "Three of you, go right now. Be careful."

"Don't worry about us." Suzanna smiled sweetly.

After the trio left town, Anfey walked over and sat down on a piece of stone and waved the werewolf over. The werewolf walked over timidly.

"You want to talk to me?" Anfey asked softly. Normally, werewolves were very fierce creatures, even the female ones were fighters. They had given the original residents who were trapped in the tunnels two choices. One was to leave town, the other was to work for Anfey. He would provide protection to the residents no matter which decision they made.

Most residents had lost the will to fight and chose to work. There were two werewolves who encouraged the residents to fight, and Suzanna had to kill them in the end. This timid werewolf did not fit the usual werewolf image, and made Anfey curious.

"Yes. I have something I want to report," the werewolf said and glanced around.

"Sante, go check the tunnels and make sure nothing unusual is going on," Anfey said, waving his head. "Christian, stay."

The rest of the group began making their way to the tunnels. Christian walked closer and said gently, "What is it? You can tell us now."

"If you tell you, can you keep my sister and I safe?" the werewolf asked, its eyes sad and desperate.

"Of course! Don't worry. We will keep you safe."

The werewolf took a deep breath and said, "Katuru has a secret vault in the tunnels."


"He was the old leader."

"I see," Anfey said with a smile. He thought it was a big secret, but it was nothing more than a werewolf's private collection. Seeing the living conditions of Moramatch's residents, Anfey did not expect Katuru's treasure to be shocking. "Christian, go with him and find the vault."

Christian nodded.

"My lord, what you promised…"

"I am a man of my word. I will protect you and your sister."

"But my lord, if they find out that I was the one who spilled the secret, they will kill me."

"They? Christian, how many werewolves are still here?"

"Four. He must be talking about the other two. There is one female that must be his sister," Christian said with hushed voice.

"Do they know about the vault?"

"All the werewolves do. The others left to find backups. We were left to guard the vault."

"Then why did you tell me about the vault?" Anfey narrowed his eyes in disdain, but he was able to hide his sentiments well. Even though werewolves like this were beneficial, if this werewolf could betray his own kind, he could betray Anfey and his companions as well.

"Because they are terrorizing my sister."

"Can't you protect her?"

"I'm too weak to take on two of them," the werewolf said, lowering his head.

"Unbelievable," Anfey said slowly.

"Yes, my lord! I couldn't take it anymore and this was my last resort." Seeing that Anfey understood him, the werewolf appeared very grateful.

"Christian, kill the other two werewolves." If the werewolves had second thoughts and were not planning on working with them, there was no use keeping them alive. "Don't worry," Anfey told the werewolf. "Dead men tell no tales."

"Thank you, my lord!" The werewolf sank to his knees, satisfied with Anfey's decision.

"If your kind finds backups, will they contact you?"

"I am the only one they could contact."

"There was just a group of mercenaries here. Dragon Rider mercenaries. Do they look like backups your people speak of?"

"No way. Humans would never fight for werewolves," the werewolf said.

"You're saying the backups must also be werewolves? As far as I know, this is the only place werewolves reside within the Country of Mercenaries. Where are they going to find backups?"

"That…that I don't know, my lord."

Anfey frowned and was about to ask another questions. Christian poked his back, and Anfey sighed. "Alright," he said. "Go wait for us by the tunnels. We will be there in a few moments."

"Yes, my lord." The werewolf bowed and left quietly.

Anfey waited for a few moments, then turned to Christian and said, "Did you discover something?"

"Anfey, remember the orcs?"

"You're saying they're looking for a sanctuary?" Anfey asked, quickly making the connection.

Christian nodded.

"I don't understand. If the werewolves have a sanctuary, why did they stay in the Country of Mercenaries? Why did they stay in Moramatch?"

"Maybe waiting for more werewolves to appear," Christian said after a few moments of silence. "From our point of view, the werewolves here live a difficult life. For the werewolves, maybe this is a place where they could observe and learn more about humans."

"Makes sense," Anfey nodded slowly and said.

"I began to have my suspicions a few days ago when I was cleaning out the tunnels with Feller."

"About what?"

"I talked to you about it, but you weren't paying attention," Christian said. "After you enter the tunnels from the main entrance, there are nineteen major tunnels. Every tunnel has a built-in cave large enough for more than a hundred people. There were ample food and weapons as well. One was more than enough to contain all of Moramatch's population. Why did they build nineteen tunnels? To prepare for war? To expand their territory? I don't think either of those are the right answer."

"I see what you're talking about. You're saying that those were built to prepare for the mass migration of werewolves from the sanctuary."

Christian nodded. "Katuru is just a small part of this. I feel like the real leader is somewhere in the sanctuary. Band of Brothers mercenary tried to get the werewolves out of Moramatch a few times, and every time the mercenary group suffered great casualties. I don't think we are more powerful than a major mercenary group. Maybe it was because we attacked at the right time, when the town was relatively empty."

"God…" Anfey frowned and shook his head. "That werewolf must have known this as well. Why did he tell about the vault? Isn't he afraid of retribution?"

"If we keep the other werewolves, who will know?"

"We can…"

"Orcs, beasts, savages, and elves all believe humans are the worst and most sly of all creatures. They would not believe us."

"That means we can't just kill the other werewolves."

Chapter 165: Rewards

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Christian did everything as they planned. Anfey stayed where he was and kept rubbing his forehead. He had not settled the troubles he made in Maho Empire, but he had to face the threat from Shansa Empire's military and Dragon Rider mercenary group with some evil thoughts. Orcs could also come back at any time, and their combat ability was unknown to Anfey and his legion. He had been starting fires, which made him a little nervous.

If it were the old Anfey, he would have chosen to do what he was good at and avoid areas he was not familiar with. He should have already led his people out of Moramatch. It was not easy to just leave Moramatch, since they were already there and had done so much to the town. They regularly watched the areas within a radius of twenty miles through Eyes of Sky.

It was not possible to be attacked by a large military. However, if there were a few scouts out there, the Eyes of Sky could not detect them. If those scouts sent out information, especially to Shansa Empire, who were just waiting to attack Anfey and his legion, they could be easily encircled. In Moramatch, at least they had underground tunnels to protect themselves. They would have nothing outside of Moramatch. Although they wiped out the Griffin Aerial Unit, it was very possible that there were still a few griffin rider survivors out there. If Anfey and his legion were seen by griffin riders outside Moramatch, they would definitely be killed. The griffin riders could locate them no matter where they were. They would not be able to escape when chased.

Anfey felt lucky that the coordinates of Shelters were not in the underground tunnels, otherwise natives would have gotten their reinforcements, since they had fought with Anfey and his legion for quite a while.

"Anfey." Suzanna's calling interrupted Anfey's thinking.

"You are back. What is it going on?" Anfey looked up.

"That Ozzic was such a liar." Suzanna walked over and sat next to Anfey on a greenish stone. She said angrily, "They set up their camp thirty miles away from here in the north. He did not even mean to go to Hengduan Valley."

"Yes." Riska also walked over to Anfey. "After they set up their camp, we watched their surroundings a little and then they started to drink and eat. They even lit up the bonfire. I do not think they meant to fight with anyone."

"Anfey, when they come back, we need to tell them we know about their lie. I have to humiliate them right in front of their faces to make me feel better," Feller implored.

"Not necessary." Anfey smiled. "It would be a free lesson for them if we humiliate them. It would allow them to act more real later on. We will pretend we know nothing about it. We will let them give us a show."

"Anfey, what do you think was their purpose?" Riska asked.

"How do I know? Either they want to do something to us, want something from us, or are waiting to see something happen," Anfey said.

"Nonsense." Black Eleven heard their conversation. He walked over as he talked.

"How about you say something that was not nonsense?" Anfey smiled.

"I think they should be waiting for something." Black Elven wiped off the stone and sat on the other side of Anfey. "When did they come?"

"At dusk. Don't you remember?" Feller answered.

"When did we have the fight with Shansa Empire's military?" Black Eleven asked.

"Noon," Feller answered.

"That is it," Black Eleven said coldly, "With common sense, by the time they came, we should have been wiped out by Shansa Empire's military. Moramatch would have been nothing but debris."

Anfey's eyebrows lifted. "It surely would be like that."

"If Moramatch did not exist anymore, then they are coming here for…" Riska was in thought for a while. "Is there something in the underground tunnels?"

"Maybe." Anfey shook his head. "Let's see what is going to happen in the next few days. We will know by then."

"Oh, Anfey, I have a good news for you." Black Eleven smiled.

"What good news?" Anfey asked.

"The king found out that we wiped out Griffin Aerial Unit, and he was really, really happy about it. Do you know you are a duke now? Christian, Suzanna and Zubin and everyone else are all granted titles of nobility. Last time, when the king gave you the title of nobility, he kept it secret. This time he put signs up everywhere. Your name is well known now."

"I have a title of nobility as well?" Feller opened his eyes wide as he pointed at himself.

"Of course. Didn't I just say that? Everyone has the title of nobility." Black Eleven smiled. "It is disappointing that we are in the Country of Mercenaries now. The king could not grant our titles in person."

Suzanna was the only one who did not look excited. Feller and Riska both looked excited and exhilarated. It was such an honor for them to receive the title of nobility from the king.

"So…is my name also on the placards?" Feller kept asking Black Eleven.

"Yes," Black Eleven said.

"Awesome, awesome." Feller almost jumped for joy.

"It does not feel right." Anfey was not excited about the rewards from the king. He recalled the saying, "If you want the horse to run, you have to feed the horse grass." As a king, he surely knew the importance of giving rewards. Receiving rewards was not out of Anfey's expectation.

"What's wrong?" Black Eleven asked in surprise.

"We are in the Country of Mercenaries right now and we still have things to deal with here. If this news travels here, we would expose ourselves. It would cause a lot of trouble for us."

"Yes, it is a little inappropriate. However, you should look on the positive side," Black Eleven said slowly. "You guys cannot stay in the Country of Mercenary for your whole lives. You will go back to Maho Empire someday. Our king is going to make you guys heroes of our country this time."

"What do you mean 'make us heroes'? We are heroes," Feller complained. He seemed to be very sensitive to anything related to honor. "Who wiped out the Griffin Aerial Unit? No one else but us."

"Yes, Yes, I made a mistake. You are heroes. Of course, it includes me." Black Eleven smiled. "People are getting to know your names. Next time when Philip sees you, he has to think twice before doing anything to you."

"I heard old Philip had a bad temper. I do not think your names would work too much with him." Anfey smiled bitterly.

"Old Philip still has his title and land. When his time comes, he could pass those to a non-family member, even though his grandson had died. If old Philip does anything bad, he would not only humiliate his family, but also would lose his title and land," Black Eleven said casually. "This is not just about old Philip. His ancestors have devoted their lives to the country to receive those honors. How could old Philip take the pressure of losing all the honors. If he were not constrained by anything, he would not have hurried back to North Line and fought together with Master Saul.

"I hope you are right," Anfey sighed. He felt helpless when he dealt with old Philip. The reason he could not kill Philip was not only because he was powerful and influential, but also he thought it would be too much to kill Philip and his grandson. He had already killed his grandson. It would be too much to kill both of them.

In Anfey's world, he was used to living by himself. The experience of being lonely and highly tolerant had made him cold. He got a taste of a different life when he reincarnated in the Evil Abyss. He experienced what "power" could bring him in the Evil Abyss. In this magic world, he saw a big contrast between friend and father like Saul and Ernest.

Saul and Ernest were at the same level in terms of their power. Ernest always did everything on his own, which caused him to bear it when he was wronged. He knew who he should take revenge on, but he had to wait for the right time. Saul was so influential that his daughter, innocent Niya, could "bully everyone" in Sacred City. If Saul didn't have her back, Niya became a regular girl, and she could have been charged and enslaved.

Anfey was never greedy about power, but that did not mean he would be against authority. Being against authority would not do him any good, but instead cause more trouble for him, or he might even die because of the troubles.

"Even if the news that we wiped out Griffin Aerial Unit leaks out, it still would take some time for them to know, since the Country of Mercenaries does not know we work for Maho Empire. Do not worry." Black Eleven smiled. "Things have changed."

"What changed?" Anfey asked.

"Band of Brothers mercenary group held ambiguous attitudes as to which side they were on. Now everyone on Pan Continent knows that our king feigned his death. Band of Brothers mercenary group had claimed to be on the side of Maho Empire. If something happens, we could immediately ask for help from Band of Brother mercenary group. They would give us a hand," Black Eleven said.

"My concerns were nothing but Tiger of Tawau mercenary group and Glory mercenary group." Anfey sighed again. "If they knew about us, it would not be difficult for them to figure everything out, since we stayed in Blackwater City for a while. During that period of time, Tiger of Tawau mercenary group and Glory mercenary group had the fight. Anthony was fine, but Mourtta knew he had an unreasonable fight. He could easily suspect us."

"Tiger of Tawau mercenary group is hiding in Blackwater City now. They dare not come out. You do not have to worry about them." Black Eleven smiled.

"Ok, since we did it to them, there is no point in worrying about it. I remember a saying, "Counter soldiers with arms, water with a levee." Different situations call for different actions. We will deal with it when things come." Anfey stood up. "Everybody, go take some rest. Something happened on Christian's end. I need go to see him right now."

"What happened?" Suzanna asked in surprise.

"Not a big deal. There was a traitor among the werewolves," Anfey said, smiling.

Chapter 166: Disappointment

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Riska and Feller retired to their rooms, but Suzanna insisted on staying with Anfey. The two entered the underground tunnels following a few dwarves. The main entrance to the tunnels was slanted and facing upwards, and took a sharp turn downwards after about thirty feet. Anfey thought it might have been built this way to prevent flooding and keep excess rain from pooling in the tunnels. There could be other reasons that Anfey did not know. The dwarves and the gnomes obviously knew better than he did.

Anfey had been to the tunnels a dozen times before, but every time he was down there he felt very uncomfortable. The dwarves clearly did not care to waterproof the tunnel, which was extremely humid. There was obviously no electricity, and the dwarves could not afford to buy ever-burning lamps. They used as a kind of phosphorus light that runs on magic potions. The lights glowed an eerie faint green. The light stretched people's shadows and cast strange shadows on their faces. Living in a place like this was surely uncomfortable.

After two hundred feet, the tunnel opened up and became more spacious. Countless dwarves were busy at work, the sound of tools hitting the soil rang out. There were dwarves working on expanding the cave nearby. Anfey wanted the work to be done by dawn, but it seemed like the dwarves could finish before that. He was shocked by the efficiency of the dwarves.

After another two hundred feet, they came to a large hall. The hall had no decorations and looked like a large beehive. The walls were dotted with holes. This was where the tunnels in the town's houses led. In the past, Anfey did not think much of this place. Now, after his conversation with Christian, Anfey found himself looking at the place differently. This cavern wasn't a byproduct of population expansion. It was part of the larger plan and was meant to be built.

If it had been built for protection, it should be hard to navigate, so it could confuse the enemies. If the tunnels were so hard to navigate that even its residents could get lost, it would be a death trap for enemies unfamiliar with it. Concentrating all the entrances meant that it would be easier to control and regulate. The builders not only wanted to protect the residents, they wanted to control them as well.

Beyond the great hall was a large stone door that blocked the way. The door was bright and glowed with a strange green light, though it was unclear whether the glow came from the door itself or from the eerie lights. Feller had already told Anfey about the door. It was very strong, at least a few tons. Even if they destroyed the tunnels, the door would still be standing.

The dwarf in front of them walked to the left side of the door and pulled on a piece of metal chain. Anfey heard the faint sound of bells from above, and the door began to rise slowly. The dwarf walked in without waiting for the humans. The door was open, but the humans had to crouch to enter. This was a major obstacle in expanding the tunnels. Unless they completely destroyed the door, they needed to dig a trench under the door for the horses and the carriages.

After the door, there were more holes in the ground. Some slanted upwards, others pointed downwards. Some had large openings, while others had tiny openings. This was the most dangerous thing in the tunnels. Only two openings led to the real tunnels. The others were all fake. In some of the fake tunnels were openings that led to the real tunnels. All the fake tunnels were cramped, only enough for one man to climb through. This was something used to confuse the town's enemies. They could come out and attack their enemies and retreat quickly. Even if the enemies could find the fake tunnels, they couldn't do much. Even a swordsmaster couldn't do much if he was stuck in a tunnel. The fake tunnels were filled with traps as well, helping the dwarves defeat their enemies fast.

Anfey didn't know what to do with it, either. In the end, he had to use a very despicable way to find the right tunnels. He released the children, telling them that they could go home. He had Christian mark the children, and waited for the children to find each other. That was how they were able to find the two usable tunnels. The remaining residents were forced to move around in the different caverns, and were forced to surrender.

They entered a side tunnel, and it was even more dank than the large cavern. There were hundreds of smaller tunnels branching off to the side. A long line of magic lanterns appeared on the side. This was what Christian left as markers. Seeing the lanterns meant that they were on the right path.

A small underground city appeared before Anfey and Suzanna. The city consisted of two major paths that crossed at the middle of the city. Next to the roads were neat lines of houses. Where the roads crossed was a small square. A stone slab laid on the ground, and under the stone slab was the city's supplies. To show this was a city, the dwarves and gnomes had the walls of the cavern very high. It was just enough for a human to stand up straight.

"Didn't Katuru tell you to make the walls taller?" Anfey asked quietly. Unless the dwarf was trying to provoke him, he was always gentler with the dwarves. One could not establish respect with shouts and accusations.

"No," one of the dwarves replied.

"Wouldn't it be hard for them to move around down here?"

"Doesn't make that big of a difference whether they walk on two legs or four," Suzanna said.

"I've never seen one walking on four legs, though."

Suzanna shrugged.

"It's probably because of their dignity. They had to prove that they are not like the wild wolves."

Suzanna giggled. Anfey did not intend to make fun of the werewolves, and intended his words as a joke. However, the dwarves took it differently. After Moramatch fell under the control of Alibaba mercenary, the discrimination towards the dwarves ceased. The dwarves and gnomes' lives improved greatly, as well. They had time to drink ale and eat chicken after work everyday, and they had wages. These things had been unthinkable in the past. Therefore, they laughed at Anfey's words instead of getting angry.

"My lord, Lord Christian is already down there." A dwarf lifted the stone slab and told Anfey.

"He just went down there like that?" Anfey frowned. He knew the danger of carbon dioxide. Carbon monoxide had a distinct smell to it. Carbon dioxide was scentless. When the buildup in the air exceeded ten percent, it could cause loss of consciousness. If it exceeded twenty percent, it could cause paralysis and death in seconds.


"Christian!" Anfey hurried to the cave and called out.

"Down here!" Christian called back.

Anfey spotted a segment of thin rope swaying by the mouth of the cave. He realized that although dwarves might not know exactly how much carbon dioxide would lead to death, they knew the importance of keeping the air flowing.

Anfey jumped into the cave and glanced around. The cave was very unorganized. The food bags were pushed aside, exposing another cave's entrance. There were lights flickering down there. Sante was sitting on the food bags. He looked at Anfey and grinned. Next to Sante were two bonded werewolves. They seemed like they were still conscious, and were struggling.

"Did they cause any troubles?"

"No. I told them that I had to talk to them, and they fell for it. Christian and I knocked them out easily," Sante said, grinning.

"Good." Anfey nodded.

"You're going to be disappointed, Anfey," Christian said. He appeared through the cave, floating. He left the lantern down in the cave, and looked like a ghost in the eerie green light. "I looked through everything. Nothing worth our time."

"Really?" Anfey walked to the cave and peered down. "These are things those werewolves treasure. There has to be something more valuable."

"What did you expect? Like last time?" Christian smiled and shook his head. "Go look for yourself."

Chapter 167: Life and Dream

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Anfey stood at the edge of the ledge, took a look what was down below, and then jumped off. No wonder Christian was disappointed. Anfey immediately smelled something rotten in the chamber after he landed safely. There were not many objects in the chamber. They were everywhere on the ground and looked very old and torn. Nothing really caught Anfey's attention. Two boxes at the corner were open. Anfey went over to take a look. There was a suit of armor in one box and a few pamphlets in the other.

"Not much dirt here. It looked like someone came to this chamber not long ago," Anfey said quietly.

"Not much dirt? The dirt was this thick when I came down here." Christian landed next to Anfey and held his thumb out side ways. "I cleaned here with Wind magic. This is the dirt left after my cleaning."

"What's in it? Books?" Anfey reached his hand out and tried to touch the books.

"Don't touch. You will break them if you touch them," Christian yelled immediately. "I just ruined a book."

Anfey just noticed a broken book in the corner of the box. Obviously it had been ruined by Christian. He turned to look at the other box. "This armor does not seem to be something nice. No magic surges at all."

"I told you that you would be disappointed." Christian smiled.

"Maybe not. We are not professionals. Don't forget. We have a tomb raider. We will make a fair judgement with his opinions."

"Tomb raider? What is that?" Christian asked in surprise.

"Haha…Ask Hui Wei to see me. He loves to do research on historical remains," Anfey said.

"Is this considered historical remains?" Christian could not help shaking his head. "Hui Wei seems to like research on paleolithic remnants."

"It does not matter. He would know more than us anyway." Anfey smiled.

With a huge stomping sound, Suzanna jumped off and landed in the chamber. She was not like Anfey, who neither landed with much noise nor stirred much dirt on the ground. Anfey used Light Merit, which allowed practitioners to move lightly without leaving footprints or climb walls. The cloud of dirt Suzanna created rose in the shape of a mushroom. Suzanna loved to be clean and tidy, so she immediately covered her mouth and closed her eyes.

Anfey was not the only one paying attention to the details. Christian did not realize anything special when Anfey jumped off until he saw what a scene Suzanna created. With the comparison of the landing scenes, Christian looked as if he was thinking of something. He quietly glanced at Anfey.

"Sante, ask those gnomes to find Hui Wei for me," Anfey asked loudly.

"Got it," Sante answered from above.

"The living conditions of the natives of Moramatch were not great. I never expected anything incredible, but there must be something that could surprise us, since werewolves treated it as such an important place." Anfey was not willing to give up hope. He looked around and saw something tied up in the corner of the wall. He walked over. "What is this?"

"I just checked. It seems to be the bones of magic beasts," Christian said.

"Any magic crystal?" Anfey asked.

"Crystals would grow bigger if they were inside magic beasts. After the crystals were taken out of their bodies, the elements in the crystals would gradually dissociate. No matter how great the crystals were, they could be stored for no more than 500 years. That was the reason," Christian said. He even made a joke about it at the end. "You don't think I pocketed it, do you?"

"You did make me think of that possibility," Anfey said with a smile. "You took possession of crystals by yourself. How about sharing with the three of us. We are good friends and brothers. We cannot just watch you falling into the evil abyss."

"Am I not counted as a person? Four of us should share them," Sante yelled from above.

"I really should not have come here," Christian said, shaking his head.

"You already came." Anfey thought about a classic line in a Kufu novel. He pulled a bone out of the pile and looked at it carefully. "It does not make sense. How could this chamber have nothing valuable, unless werewolves had moved them to somewhere else? Then why are they keeping this place secret?"

"They probably did not move anything to other places. There was so much dirt when I came down. You could tell nobody had come here for hundreds of years. All werewolves are scared of this place. That werewolf was only willing to tell me the location of this place. He refused to come down with me. He told me this was a punishment room, where the messengers of God of the Beasts punished betrayers. It would bring werewolves misfortune if they come here," Christian said.

"Do you think he told you the truth?" Anfey smiled. "Even if he did not lie, he was probably tricked by Katuru. Misfortune? He was afraid other werewolves might discover his secrets. Hmmm, what did you just say? Are you sure no one has not come in for hundreds of years?"

"Yes, that werewolf said this is Katuru's secret chamber. I do not think it was right though. I think this is the room where Katuru protected his ancestor's relics," Christian said.

"Does it mean these underground tunnels have been here for a long time?" Anfey asked.

"How could it be short?" Christian smiled. "If you start to walk and go through every city in the underground tunnels now, you would not come out until morning. Dwarves are hardworking, but they would not build such a huge project, even in a few decades."

"I do not know how much dwarves can do. If you say so about them, at least I feel relieved." Anfey smiled. "If these were built by a werewolf a long time ago, it should not pose too much of a threat to us. Oh, right, Christian, do you know the history of Moramatch?"

"What do you want to know about?" Christian asked.

"For example, who were the first natives of Moramatch?" Anfey asked.

"I do not have the answers, if you ask me these kind of questions. Why don't you ask Black Eleven to investigate for you?" Christian suggested.

"You are right. I should have not asked someone who privately took public possessions and fell into the evil abyss," Anfey said and smiled.

"You, stop! Why don't you search me now? You think it is a joke. Others may not treat it as a joke." Christian could not help rolling his eyes.

"Suzanna, can I search anyone's Dimensional ring?" Anfey turned to Suzanna.

"No," Suzanna answered without any hesitation.

Anfey shrugged, which implied there was no point in searching Christian, since he could easily hide stuff in his Dimensional ring.

"Anfey, I did not make you mad today, did I?" Christian smiled bitterly. Only they could play such jokes to each other. If it were anyone who did not have so much trust, they would surely think Anfey was implying something. Christian did not think that way.

"I think people in the past are so weird. Why did they try to leave something for the people in the future? Do they think this stuff could be passed to their offspring?" Anfey switched the topic with a smile. "We have found two places like this since we left Sacred City. Are we that lucky, or were people in the past too stupid?"

"People's lives are confined, but not their dreams," Christian said slowly.

"Christian, what do you mean? I did not get it. Limited and unlimited has nothing to do with the stuff here, right?" Sante asked from above.

Anfey was shocked for a second and said with a smile, "Christian meant that people's lives are limited, but many people want to do something special with their limited life. If a person didn't complete what he set out to do, or had not even gotten started when his life had already reached the end, then he might want to try to keep his work for the people behind him. He would have no chance to know whether people behind him could complete what he did not finish, or interfere in their work."

After his talk, Anfey went quiet. Although he kept searching through items in the chamber, he looked very troubled. Sante had been slow on things, but he kept thinking about Christian's saying, "There was no young man who did not want to do something big." Christian's thought was short, but it had a such profound meaning, especially when they were in an ancient chamber. They would have so much to think about and consider regarding Christian's saying.

Without knowing how much time had passed, they heard Hui Wei's voice from above. "Anfey, did you want to see me?"

"Anfey I heard you found the werewolves' secret chamber?" Hagan's voice came down as well. They got along very well, to the point they were always together, just like the steelyard would not exist without the weight and vice versa. They specialized in two different areas and had different personalities, but they had a lot in common to talk about.

"You guys are coming at the right time. Hurry up. Take a look if there is anything valuable," Anfey said.

Hui Wei and Hagan came down to the chamber one after the other. They paid attention to different things. Hui Wei was looking at the wall and roof decorations and the texture and colors of the bricks. He believed that everything created by intelligent beings bore different cultures backgrounds. People could talk, so could a piece of paper, a pen, a sword and other objects. These objects could tell you where they were from, how long they had been there, and much other information. The reason the tense relationship between Hui Wei and Anfey got better was that Anfey would listen to what Hui Wei said. When he talked to humans, they rarely could understand him. Sometimes they even thought he was crazy. Only Anfey would listen to him carefully. He could tell from Anfey's look that Anfey really understood what he said.

Hagan paid attention to the objects on the ground. He saw the box with armor in it first. He carefully cleaned a spot on the armor with his hand and dropped an unknown chemical on it. He disappointedly shook his head after a long stare.

"This armor is not useful, is it?" Anfey asked.

"A long time ago, this would have been a magic suit of armor, but it was seriously damaged. It did not get any repair. After a long time, it has become a pile of steel," Hagan said, shaking his head.

Chapter 168: Surprise Finds

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"There is no hope of fixing it?" Suzanna asked quickly after learning that it was magic armor. She already had armor, but Anfey did not. Anfey's magic badge was only for show, and whenever he was in danger, he relied on hand-to-hand combat. Her armor was custom made for her and was too small for Anfey, or else she would have been bugging him about wearing it long ago. Hearing that there was a suit of armor, she got excited.

"Magic armor is living armor. You cannot bring back the dead. My hands are tied," Hagan shook his head and told Suzanna.

"There is no way?" Suzanna did not want to give up.

"No." Hagan glanced at Suzanna and frowned. "Suzanna, you already have magic armor. Do you not like it? Do you want me to make you a new one? We don't have any materials right now, though. I will keep an eye out."

"No, no. I really like the armor you made," Suzanna explained hurriedly.

"Suzanna, you don't have to hold back. I know I am just a normal alchemist, and I can't add powerful spells to your armor, but I am doing my best. Trust me, one day I will be more than just a normal alchemist. One day I will make armor better than any other."

"I really do like your armor, Hagan, trust me." Suzanna did not know what to say, but she did not want to tell everyone what she was really thinking about.

"I think," Hagan said with a smile. He did not believe Suzanna's explanation, and believed that she was trying to make the situation less awkward for him. Hagan was determined to work harder and improve himself. This way, he could help the team more.

"Can you fix the books?" Anfey asked.

"Books?" Hagan glanced at the other chest. He ran his hand over the paper and said, "I can try, but I promise nothing."

"Good. I will send the chest to your place. I'm worried that moving it could damage it, though."

"Leave it to me," Hagan promised.

"What kind of book is it?" Hui Wei asked.

"Are you a paladin or a minstrel?" Anfey smiled and joked. "What can you tell?"

"The decoration is clearly werewolf style."


"If Hagan could fix them, I could tell you what it is."

"Nobody move and everyone hold your breath," Hagan said. He pulled out a bottle of potion and dropped some onto the books. The light blue potion turned into thousands of blue sparks and enveloped the books. After the blue sparks disappeared, the books were a light grey color. Hagan tapped the books and smiled. "It's petrified," he explained. "I will clean away the potion after it's at my place."

"It's a petrifying potion?" Anfey asked, shocked. He knew about petrifying magic from books, but the spell was lost during the Holy War. Petrifying magic was the most powerful spell behind earth magic's forbidden spells, but it was much more dangerous than the forbidden spell. If one side of the fight was turned to stone, then the outcome would obvious.


"Why didn't you tell me? If we have petrifying potion, can't we just turn all of our opponents into stone?"

Hui Wei chuckled. He knew he shouldn't, but every time he heard Anfey talking about magic, he could not control his laughter.

"Is that possible?" Hagan asked.

"Is it not?" Anfey asked. He already knew that he had proposed a stupid plan when he heard Hui Wei's laugh, but he was not embarrassed. He needed to find out why. If he was embarrassed whenever someone laugh at him, he would not achieve anything.

"Living things are different from nonliving things. It could turn a person into stone, but you have to trick them into drinking at least a dozen bottles. For someone who is resistant to magic, a whole barrel might not work."

"They will have a killer stomachache," Hui Wei said.

"Stop it," Anfey said. "Hagan, let's go look at the other things."

Hagan glanced around and found the magic beast bones. He walked over slowly. Hui Wei got to make a jab at Anfey, and was already satisfied. He looked up and stopped suddenly. He hurried to the exit and climbed up.

The stone that covered the exit was a stone slab that looked like stone and gold at the same time. Christian and Anfey did not notice, but Hui Wei saw a corner of the stone and thought there were some runes carved into the back.

Hui Wei poked his head out and lifted the stone slab. He was right. There was a very complicated magic array carved into the back of the slab. A piece of dull magic crystal was inserted into the middle of the array. There were no more magical surges, and as Hui Wei touched the crystal, it fell to the ground and shattered.

Hui Wei climbed out and observed the stone slab carefully. "Guys!" He called as he began pushing the slab into the cave.

"Is that an array?" Anfey asked as he saw the carvings on the slab.

"It is, but I don't know what it is. Christian, do you know?" Hui Wei jumped down.

Christian walked over and stared at the carving. "I have never seen one like this. Where did you find it?"

"Flip it over," Hui Wei said, frowning. "I didn't know werewolves knew how to use arrays like this."

Christian flipped the slab over and immediately recognized it and what the array was used for.

"This is where the crystal was, right?" Anfey asked.

"Where is the crystal?" Christian asked as he placed the stone slab on the ground.

"It fell and broke."

"Guess what part of the body this came from." Hagan walked over holding a piece of bone about a foot long and as thick as a child's forearm.

"Let me see," Anfey said. Hagan handed the bone over.

"Is it a femur?" Christian asked. He had never heard Hagan so excited, and looked over to see what had happened. Hui Wei, on the other hand, was still observing the array. Hui Wei was like a grave robber. He was interested in things that had historical value, not bones.

"No. Look here, it's sharp." Hagan pointed to the tip of the bone and said. "If I'm not mistaken, this is a creature's phalanx."

"Phalanx?" Anfey asked in shock. If one of the fingers or toes was over a foot long, how big was the creature?

"Can you tell what it was from?" Christian asked.

"Not right now," Hagan said, shaking his head. "We have to keep these bones. I feel like we are onto something here. This can't be a normal magic beast."

"I can't feel any magic surges on this bone, though."

"Human sensation can often fool you," Hagan said confidently. "Trust me. I will surprise you in no time."

"Hagan, come here. Look at what I found," Hui Wei said slowly.

Hagan turned and one glance was all it took for him to jump up. "Is this a gangstone?"

"You're right."

"This big? It's impossible." Christian crouched down and began observing the stone slab again.

Anfey stood there and waited for the other's comments. He only knew about the existence of these precious minerals, but he did not know the exact value. He had no place in this conversation.

Christian looked like he wasn't familiar with the stone, either. "If this is really gangstone, then we will have…"

"A portable transmission portal," Hui Wei finished his sentence. "As long as we have enough crystals, we can use the portal anytime."

"But we don't know what kind of portal this is," Christian said with a sigh.

"It's easy. We just need an experiment. Anfey gave me a lot of crystals a few days ago," Hagan said.

"We can't do anything before we find ways to turn it on and off," Hui Wei said and shook his head. "What if it attacks when we try to use it? What would we do then? Wait a few hundred years for the crystal's power to dry up? Or activate it so the crystal dries up faster?"

Chapter 169: Two Heads Are Better Than One

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What should we do?" Anfey asked.

"It would be great if our professor were here with us," Christian sighed.

"Oh, right, Hagan, can you tell when did this magic array stop running?" Hui Wei asked.

"Where are the magic crystals? How could I tell without seeing the magic crystals?" Hagan said.

"They were broken," Hui Wei said.

"It's fine even if they were broken," Hagan said.

"You wait right here." Hui Wei climbed back to the top and then jumped off with some magic crystal pieces in his hands. "Are these ok?"

"Enough." Hagan nodded. He took out a bottle of white chemicals from his Dimensional ring and dropped some of the white liquid on the magic crystal pieces. The magic crystal pieces with chemicals on it shone brightly.

"This was a top magic crystal. Telling from the leftover magic on those pieces, the magic array should have stopped not too long ago," Hagan said thoughtfully.

"Not long ago? How long exactly?" Hui Wei asked.

"Less than three years ago. Oh, right, who was the first one who opened the square plate?" Hagan said.

"I was," Christian answered.

"Did you sense anything when you opened it?" Hagan asked.

"Nothing," Christian said.

"If it were a defensive magic array, it should have some magic surges left. IfHui Wei's guess is right, it is a triggering aggressive magic array," Hagan said.

"Why would you say so?" Anfey asked.

"The triggering aggressive magic array was just a trap. Enemies would not notice them. The mages tried to hide the magic surges when they built the arrays. That is why Christian did not sense anything," Hagan said.

"Triggering aggressive magic arrays? Is there any way to modify it to allow this grandstone to become a pure aggressive magic array?" Anfey got it. It was just like the difference between landmines and grenades. Practically, he surely would want to turn a mine into a grenade.

"Don't look at me. I cannot do it. This magic array is too complicated." Christian shook his head with a bitter smile.

"We will talk about it later. I am surprised about what we found today," Anfey said, smiling. "You guys stay here and search carefully. Don't miss anything. Maybe we can find more surprises. I need go out now. Let me know if you find anything."

"Got it." Hagan nodded.

Anfey nodded at Sante with a smile. He jumped out of the secret chamber with squinted eyes. He strolled through the pathways of the underground tunnels. He felt he needed some quiet time. Whenever he had any difficulty, he would find some quiet time. He could think better only in a quiet place.

Suzanna quietly followed Anfey just like she often did. Her footsteps were quiet. She felt the happiest when she had a guy she felt safe around. No matter how aggressive a woman was, she would still like to find that guy who could make her feel safe. When a women felt she found the right guy, she would be willing to give up everything else. Suzanna was a lot better in terms of combat power. However, she was used to acting as his woman, walking next to him.

Of course, there were women who took leadership roles and dealt with the dangers on the Pan Continents. Were they really happy? They would probably have been shocked to have been asked this question.

"Anfey, what are you thinking?" Suzanna whispered.

"Without Hui Wei and Hagan, we probably would think those were trash and throw them away." Anfey smiled.

"They are very capable," Suzanna said.

"As we like to say in my hometown, 'two heads are always better than one'," Anfey said slowly. "The saying seems very accurate at the moment."

Everyone specialized in one area. It was not possible for anyone to be the best in all areas, there were only 24 hours in a day. Kickboxing, shooting, hurling, making disguises, climbing, internet technologies and many other areas were the basics skills for professional assassins. They had to master all of those, but they all specialized in different areas. As for Anfey, his kickboxing was awesome, but he was not so great with shooting. If he had to fight for his life with another assassin who was good with shooting, he would not be stupid enough to get into a shootout with his opponent. Instead, he would hide somewhere and try to approach him to have a physical fight. Anfey's opponent would try to avoid any hand-to-hand fighting with him. Win or lose, it depended on how wise and lucky they were.

Anyone who mastered every possible area would not be considered a genius. He was an epic monster. In Anfey's professional life in the other world, he did not have any chance to hear or see such a monster.

After coming to this magic world, Anfey wanted to relive the life of an assassin because of his previous pattern. He was forced by fate to work with a group of people who were so different from each other. They cooperated and helped each other, which allowed Anfey to experience different relationships he never had before. If it were before, Anfey would never have his back towards anyone. However, he did feel safe if Christian or Suzanna stood behind him.

He felt happy and rewarded when he saw a group of silly young men grow up. It might be the same kind of happiness and satisfaction a teacher would have. Anfey was not so sure about himself, since this was his first time to lead a group and to try to survive and find a way to make them stronger.

Compared with the life of a lonely assassin, all kinds of experiences in this magic world seemed to make Anfey's life fuller. It was not bad to have a few people Anfey could totally trust. As time went by, Anfey seemed to adjust to this kind of life. He had only wanted to safely bring them to Saul. He felt it was his responsibility, since Saul had helped him so much. After he had completed that task, he could have his own freedom back. However, the desire to seek that freedom was not as strong and urgent as before.

* * * *

Hagan and Hui Wei did not sleep at all that night. They worked on the objects of their interest, while others slept as usual. At dawn, a group of guests forced Anfey to open his eyes from the meditation.

"Anfey, that Dragon Rider mercenary group came back," Zubin said in a low voice. He was on watch last night so he was the first one to notice them.

"Oh?" Anfey stretched himself and moved his shoulders a little bit. He stood up. "Ask that Ozzic to come into town to see me."

"No need to allow him to come in. They are already here," Zubin said.

Anfey suddenly lifted his eyebrows. "Do they feel they know us very well? Where are they?"

"They will reach our town very soon. Anfey, do you want me to take some people to stop them?" Zubin asked. Dragon Rider mercenary group claimed they were there to protect the Country of Mercenaries. It was so rude of them to come so unexpectedly.

"No need. Can you ask Suzanna to come see me?" Maybe Anfey felt really calmed to have a senior swordswoman next to him, or Anfey would like to have a beautiful girl to look at. For whatever reason, he developed a habit of bringing Suzanna with him, no matter what he needed to do.

When Anfey and Suzanna arrived at the empty field in the town, they could already see Dragon Rider mercenary group. The previous time, Ozzic only brought one of his followers to see Anfey. This time he brought the whole group with him. Those mercenaries looked around as they walked. They looked at the town in curiosity. Some mercenaries walked up to the gnomes on purpose to check their height difference. They laughed after they found out the difference between them.

The first impression Anfey had of Dragon Rider mercenary group was they did not have good disciplines. Anfey never stressed discipline in his legion. It might be because their mercenary group was just established and lacked a set of rules and discipline. However, no one in his group would do those silly things if they walked into a town like this.

Ozzic walked in the front. He walked towards Anfey with a bright smile. "Haha, Anfey, I said that I would come even without your invitation. I hope you don't think I am too rude."

"How would I? Are these your people from Dragon Rider mercenary group?" Anfey asked quietly as he looked at the mercenaries behind Ozzic.

"They are my brothers. We had been through thick and thin together." Ozzic seemed to be a little sentimental. "Oh, right, Anfey, we surrounded Hengduan Valley for a whole night, but did not see Shansa Empire's military. We received the information from other mercenary groups that you have beaten them. Why did you not tell me last time?"

Anfey shook his head with a bitter smile. "It was a unit with about one hundred knights in the last attack. We got them out, but their main force should be behind them."

"Oh, I see." Ozzic was shocked for a second, then smiled. "No matter how many people they have, we do not have to be scared."

"I was never scared of them," Anfey said casually.

"Haha…I did not mean that," Ozzic said slowly, "Since I left White Mountain City, I actually have contacted a dozen mercenary groups. They will be here today."

"Today?" Anfey asked.

"Yes, today," Ozzic said with confidence. "There are three or four thousand soldiers at most in Shansa Empire's military at Hengduan Valley. If we put all of our mercenary groups together, I think we should have around two thousand people. We do not have to worry about them."

"Our commander is very influential in the Country of Mercenaries," a mercenary standing behind Ozzic said.

"Get out. Who asked you to speak?" Ozzic said angrily. He apologetically explained to Anfey, "My followers are used to talking to me like this. I hope you do not mind."

"I like people who can speak their minds." Anfey laughed as he walked up to that mercenary. He patted his shoulder with an assuring and encouraging look. "Where are those mercenary groups gathering?"

"Here at Moramatch. Our commander already made an agreement with those mercenary groups," the mercenary answered quickly, encouraged by Anfey.

"Great." Anfey nodded vigorously. He turned around, but he saw Ozzic's angry face out of the corner of his eye. He did not seem to like it that the mercenary answered Anfey's question.

Chapter 170: Alliances

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"Leave us," Ozzic ordered. He glared at the mercenary, then turned his gaze back to Anfey. "And this is…?"

"This is Suzanna. She is a senior swordsmaster and my deputy."

"Nice meeting you," Suzanna nodded and said.

"Certainly, certainly," Ozzic said. "I'm Ozzic, leader of Dragon Rider mercenaries."

"I've been looking forward to meeting you." In front of others, Suzanna appeared cold and distant. She said that she had been looking forward to meeting Ozzic, though her expression was cold and unreadable.

"Ozzic, these are the quarters prepared for your men. The houses are newly built and unoccupied. I apologize in advance for any discomfort caused by the houses." Anfey smiled and turned to look at the men Ozzic brought. "I am not sure if we can house two thousand people, though."

"Don't worry. I saw a clearing outside. We can camp there."


"Don't worry about it, I tell you. For mercenaries like us, camping outside is common. Don't let it bother you," Ozzic said.

"Our resources are limited. That is the only way. I can trust you to put an end to any possible complaints?"

"Let me handle that," Ozzic promised. He pounded on his chest with a fist a few times, then turned to join his mercenaries and began leading them toward their campground.

"Do we have to be so friendly?" Zubin asked quietly as soon as Ozzic was out of earshot.

Suzanna nodded in agreement. "They aren't our guests," she said. "Letting mercenaries into the town was the most we should have offered. Other mercenaries can camp wherever they want, but they can't come into the town."

"It's not that easy," Anfey said, shaking his head. "Zubin, go tell Christian that we need to start moving our belongings into the tunnels immediately. Suzanna, take Riska, Blavi, and Sante and station yourselves beyond the town. We cannot let the mercenaries go past the old trees."

"What if they insist?"

"Kill them."

"It's not that easy keeping the secrets of the tunnels away from them," Black Eleven said. "Moramatch's tunnels are well known. You can't keep it from them."

"I don't want to keep it a secret," Anfey said. "I need Ozzic to know that is the bottom line. It is my only warning. The rest is up to him."

"All the houses have entrances to the tunnels. What if they go through there?"

"Have your men keep an eye on the tunnel lobby. Kill any unauthorized personnel down there."

Black Eleven shook his head. "What if Ozzic asks about his men, or wants to explore the town?"

"Killing is killing. Killing one man is the same as killing a hundred. If they ignore my warnings, I don't mind killing a few more."

After spending so much time together, everyone was used to Anfey's personality. It didn't matter under what circumstances he said "kill," he was never joking. Even if the number of Dragon Riders mercenaries increase tenfold, Anfey would not change his mind, only his tactics.

"They came so they could fight Shansa Empire. Can't we use a more secretive way to manipulate them?"

"I want to work with Ozzic, but he cannot cross my line. If it really comes to it, I will make my move first."


The mercenaries had a very strong sense of punctuality. After breakfast, several mercenary groups arrived at the town. Anfey did not appear, but Ozzic was very busy. By sundown, thousands of mercenaries dotted the hill on the outskirts of town. Men, women, young, old were all packed into the same space.

Seeing that the sun was about to set, Ozzic walked onto the hill and waved at his men. One of his mercenaries began banging on a large drum, and a mage walked up to amplify his voice.

"I think everyone knows why we are all gathered here. I want to thank everyone in advance. Everyone who has the courage to come here is a hero. Nothing can scare us, not even Shansa Empire." Ozzic appeared very excited. "I want to ask, how did this happen? How did the Country of Mercenaries became something that other nations can simply tread on? Who allowed invaders into our country?"

The mercenaries fell silent, listening to Ozzic's speech. Anfey and Suzanna observed the scene from a distance. What they were worried about earlier did not happen. There were a few men from Dragon Riders mercenary who wanted to go to the back of the town, but they did not insist on going after they were stopped by Suzanna. However, Anfey still did not lower his guard. It was very hard to gain the trust of people like Anfey. He did not start trusting Christian and Suzanna until he had known them a long time, let alone some unfamiliar mercenaries.

"What is this?" Ozzic asked. He held up a rotten apple for all of his listeners to see. "Look at this rotten apple. The world is like this. There will be no growth without rot. No life without death.

"A long time ago, the four major mercenary groups were the backbone of our nation. They fought for our freedom. No matter how terrible the enemy, how difficult the situation, they did not back down. Now what is happening? Let me tell everyone. They are rotting! Tiger of Tawau mercenaries wanted to ally themselves with Shansa Empire, and they turned their swords toward their own countrymen! Tiger of Tawau mercenary now controls Blackwater City, and they are putting our brothers and sisters through hell!

"Glory mercenary isn't much better. What they and Tiger of Tawau mercenary did made us look weak and unorganized. Now Ellisen Empire also has found an excuse to invade us. When did our nation become a place where other nations could show disrespect like this? Can we allow this?"

"No!" The gathered mercenaries called loudly.

"The four mercenary groups are not to be trusted anymore. We can only rely on ourselves to defend our country. Take up your weapons and let us unite against our common enemies!"

Anfey shook his head and turned away. "Let's go."

"You don't want to listen to the whole thing?"

"There's no point. I've seen a lot of people like him. What they say and what they think could be two different things." Anfey shrugged. "Even if I'm wrong, and Ozzic really is a hero, nothing could be solved by waving his arms."

"I sense you don't like Ozzic," Suzanna said.

"You're right."

"Why is that?"

"Instinct, I suppose. When I meet new people, sometimes I find myself liking and gravitating towards them. Sometimes I dislike them. Some people makes me nervous. I can't exactly tell you why."

"What about me?"

"You're the first type."

"What is the first type?" Suzanna said, searching for a clearer answer to a question she deemed important. Anfey had already answered, but Suzanna wanted to a more straightforward answer.

"Of course I liked you." This wasn't about lying or not. Anfey wanted to make Suzanna as happy as possible, even though he was very nervous when he first met her.

"You're not just sweet talking, are you?" Suzanna asked, smiling. The two of them had a death match in a pond the first time they met, and Suzanna knew very well Anfey wasn't telling the truth. Suzanna was still happy. There was a saying about how people in love were not as smart. It seemed like there was a degree of truth to it.

"Oh, by the way, tell Shally not to tell anyone her name."

"Why? What happened?" Suzanna asked.

"Gruce Principality's wanted warrant just reached the Country of Mercenaries," Anfey told her. "Zubin and I saw it when we went to White Mountain City last time. He didn't see your name, though, which was…strange."

Suzanna stopped and looked at Anfey. "I know you want to know my past," she said quietly, "but it's better for both of us if you don't."

"If you want to tell me, I'm all ears. If you don't want to tell me anything, I won't press you," Anfey said. "Don't overthink it. Zubin saw it randomly. Come on, let's go. Christian is still waiting."

Chapter 171: Turning Against

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

"What does that guy want to do?" Christian asked with a frown.

What they were talking about right now would not necessarily decide their legion's fate, but they still had to be careful. The few people in leadership roles were here, including Black Eleven. They finally settled down in Moramatch even though it was not all smooth. The Ozzic and his people's sudden presence made everybody uneasy.

"Some people just love the world to be chaotic. They feel they can take advantage of chaos to achieve their dreams. I think Ozzic is one of them," Anfey said slowly.

"Anfey, did you say they want to establish a union?" Black Eleven asked.

"Ozzic wanted it," Anfey said.

"Great! We can use them to fight back Shansa Empire. It was originally their idea anyway," Black Eleven said.

"You'd better know if they are thinking of using us to do something before you want to take advantage of them," Anfey said.

"Do you mean…," Black Eleven said.

"Ozzic had agreed with other mercenary groups to meet up at Moramatch, which meant he had already targeted Moramatch for some reason, known or unknown to others. In other words, he came here for us."

Everybody looked at each other and went quiet.

"Anfey." Ozzic walked in with big strides as he called out. Dozens of mercenaries followed Ozzic in. It was easy to tell that one of them was the leader, while others were just his followers.

"Anfey, why did you not attend the union meeting?" Ozzic smiled.

"I did, but they were looking for me, so I came back," Anfey said casually.

"Please allow me to introduce these men. This is the commander of Warflame mercenary, Orsie. He is famous for being tough. This is Anfey, the commander of Alibaba mercenary group," Ozzic said.

Anfey nodded at Orsie. Orsie was a young man around 24 or 25 years old. He looked normal but with an obvious military vibe. He nodded at Anfey as well. "I heard you beat Shansa Empire's military badly, and they had to flee like rats. You defended our mercenaries' honor. You are our hero."

"It was a small cavalry unit. If Shansa Empire sent their main unit to Moramatch, I would run away like a mouse." Anfey smiled.

"Interesting," Orsie laughed with Anfey.

"This is the commander of Wuming mercenary group, Tiger." Ozzic pointed at another guy.

Anfey followed Ozzic's hand to take a look. The man was half beast and half man. His features as a beast were not obvious. His fur was not as thick and messy as the werewolves Anfey had seen before. His face was similar to humans, but his nose was not as tall as humans. It looked like someone punched his nose into his face. The tip of his nose was big and round, like a tiger's nose.

As Anfey looked at him, Tiger was closely watching Anfey as well. Beasts had been looked down upon. They had been living in the human world for a long time, so they had developed a habit of quietly observing others' attitudes and deciding what attitudes they would present in return.

"Hello." Tiger nodded as well.

Commanders of the rest of mercenary groups introduced themselves one after another without Ozzic having to introduce them. Anfey did not show anything on his face, even though he may have thought negatively of them. He still greeted them politely.

"Anfey, on their behalf, I would like to invite you to join our union. What do you think?" Ozzic asked.

"I understand that no one can whistle a symphony; it takes a whole orchestra to play it. We have to be united to fight Shansa Empire. However, I would like to know who will be the leader of this union?" Anfey asked.

"We have not selected the leader yet, but I think he has to have a good name for himself, qualified, and trustworthy." Ozzic smiled. "Please allow me to nominate one person for our leader. When Shansa Empire threatened our country, Anfey was the first to lead his legion to fight back. I never have any doubt about Anfey's ability and position. I recommend Anfey to be the leader of our union. What do you think?"

"I don't agree." A woman called Elizabeth stood forward. She was the commander of a mercenary group. She had greeted Anfey very enthusiastically before, but also became the very first to disagree on the issue of having Anfey as the leader of the union. "Ozzic, you stated the necessary the qualifications of our union's leader well. Our leader has to be well-known, qualified and trustworthy. I just want to ask one question. Can we trust him?"

A commander from another mercenary group snapped, "I first heard his name just two days ago. It would be a long time before we can trust him. Ozzic, if you insist on having him as our leader, I would take my people and leave the union."

"Ok, we will talk about who is going to be the leader later." Ozzic gave an awkward smile. "Let's first talk about the pressing issue. It is not a small issue about feeding over a thousand people. It is commonly said that generals do not send their soldiers on the battlefields with empty stomachs. Nothing can be solved if we have hungry soldiers."

"We have enough food supplies for seven days," Elizabeth said.

"Mine is enough for four days," a commander from another mercenary group said.

"We have prepared a lot, but there are a large number of mercenaries in my group. It should be fine for ten days. I promise everyone that we do not need to worry about food. I can find a solution for it. Anfey, how long would your food supplies last?" Ozzic said.

"A long time," Anfey said casually.

"A long time does not mean anything. We have a lot of people here as well. I need to know how long will it last feeding over a thousand people," Elizabeth said.

"I don't think I am obligated to answer your question." Anfey could neither be seduced by cajolery nor threatened by coercion. He was being polite to even answer the question.

"What do you mean?" Elizabeth said angrily.

"Everybody, calm down." Ozzic hurried to mediate the situation. "Anfey, how about you take us to see where you store your food supply. Is it in the underground tunnels? We can help do the estimate."

"Ozzic, you are asking me this as the leader of the union, friend or guest?" Anfey asked.

"Well, I am not the leader of the union," Ozzic said, smiling bitterly.

"Then are you asking me as a guest? Don't you think you are asking too much?" Anfey said.

"We have not chosen our leader for the union yet, but we still can make a decision by majority vote. This is the command from everyone here," a commander said.

"Don't. We can talk it out." Ozzic sweated as he was getting worried. "Our union is just established. We are a family. Don't do anything to hurt our brotherhood."

"Majority rule? It's a joke." Anfey did not even look at Ozzic. "When did I say I would join your union?"

Some of them were shocked after they heard what Anfey said. Ozzic had his mouth open wide. They looked at each other. Elizabeth said slowly, "You don't want to join the union? Ok, then we do not have to worry about you anymore. We are confiscating Moramatch now. Get out of Moramatch now. Immediately!"

"You must be kidding me. I rented Moramatch from Band of Brothers mercenary group. I am the legal renter of this town. If someone has to leave, it's you," Anfey said.

"Sorry, we think the reason that the Country of Mercenaries got to this point is that those four super mercenary groups did not do anything for us. The founding theory of our union is to clean up the corruption. The lease between you and Band of Brother mercenary group does not mean anything to us," Elizabeth said.

"Anfey, calm down." Ozzic stepped forward. "Our union is to fight against Shansa Empire. Didn't you just say it's better if we can work together? If we are not united, how could we fight against Shansa Empire?"

"I understand everything you said, but I do not agree with how you guys do things," Anfey said disdainfully. "So, if I join your union, everything we own will be yours? I have seen many robbers, but this is the first time I have seen robbers could be so shameless. Our food supplies did not come from nowhere. You need supplies? No problem. We all have sympathies. I definitely would not want to see you guys starving to death. However, you have to exchange food for something else. A trade off."

"Are you saying we have to buy the supplies from you?" Ozzic asked.

Anfey nodded.

"There is no point in making things complicated," a commander said with a grin.

"Ozzic, I came to Moramatch to fight Shansa Empire. I am not here to see you guys bully others," the commander from Warflame mercenary group, Orsie, said slowly. "Don't go too far."

"What do you want to do? Do you want to see our union disintegrate?" Ozzic yelled. He turned to Anfey and said politely, "Anfey, we are all mercenaries. We have the same enemy. Don't be stubborn, ok?"

"I am not being stubborn. You guys are too greedy and arrogant," Anfey said coldly, "Besides the food supplies, I have many other good things. Are they yours now too? Riska, pass me the magic scroll."

Riska was shocked by Anfey's request, since he was engaged in their conversation. He took out the magic scroll and passed it to Anfey.

"This is a series lightning magic scroll. I was mine. If you think it is yours now, you can take it from my hand." Anfey played with the magic scroll in his hand. "Go ahead."

Other objects could be faked, but not magic scrolls. The intense magic surges had proved it was an authentic senior magic scroll. Several commanders stared at the scroll.

Chapter 172: Terror

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Anfey's provocative actions angered the mercenaries. One of the leaders stepped forward and tried to grab the scroll from Anfey. Suzanna stepped in and slashed her sword at the mercenary leader. She knew that Anfey only wanted to scare them, and did not want to kill them. Because of this, her movements were slower than they normally would have been. However, the light of her combat power was blinding and scared the mercenaries.

The mercenary leader jumped back in shock and drew his own sword. He pointed it at Suzanna, but did not attack. Instead, he kept backing up toward his own men.

There were a lot of swordsmen in the world, but a senior swordsmaster was still rare. Tiger of Tawau mercenary could hold Blackwater City because of three senior swordsmasters. A small mercenary group could never afford to hire a senior swordsmaster. Suzanna's combat power was very pure and bright, and any swordsman could tell that this was a sign that she was close to a breakthrough.

The mercenary leaders all took a step back. Their glances fell on Suzanna, then back to Anfey. Country of Mercenaries was a place of the survival of the fittest. Usually, the leader of a group was the most powerful person, or else it would be hard to control his mercenaries. If the deputy leader was a senior swordsmaster, how powerful must the leader be? A master swordsman or an archmage?

Anfey held up a finger arrogantly and flicked it. Suzanna returned her sword to her sheath and walked back to stand behind Anfey. Anfey must be even more powerful than Suzanna if he could command a senior swordsmaster.

"Calm down, everyone, we are allies!" Ozzic called.

"That's what you think," Anfey said. "I don't think you qualify as my ally."

"Don't be so arrogant. We have thousands of men outside," one of the leaders said.

"Is that a lot?" Anfey asked. "I did not tell you earlier, but it wasn't a cavalry squadron that attacked us. It was a two thousand elite riders led by Kumaraghosha himself. If my men can defeat them, we can defeat you as well."

"What?" Ozzic asked, shocked.

"I told you. You said there was another reason. You see now? They must have done it!" Elizabeth said quietly.

"There are a lot of villages near the Transverse Mountains. Why did Kumaraghosha attack Moramatch?" If it was just him, Anfey wanted to put these mercenaries into their places. However, he could not act based on his emotions. Even kings had to fear other, more powerful beings, let alone a small mercenary group that was just started. He didn't want unnecessary conflict. He wanted to instill some fear into these mercenaries without shedding any blood.

"Why is that?" he repeated. "But I led my mercenaries on a mission that destroyed a Griffins Aerial Squadron. Kumaraghosha had to take this town to prove his innocence. Clearly, he failed."

"It's impossible," Ozzic whispered. Griffins Aerial Unit was not as terrifying as Dark Moon Magic Legion or the Roaring Dead Legion, but it was still a formidable army. Defeating them might be possible, but destroying them was nothing short of a miracle. Ozzic did not believe this mercenary group could manage it.

"I didn't need to lie. You will be hearing about the news very soon," Anfey said slowly. "I am telling you this because I want to give you a warning. We are all mercenaries, and I don't want any bloodshed."

The mercenary leaders glanced at each other. They were not sure about Anfey's strength, but they didn't want to retreat like cowards. They were unsure whether the things Anfey boasted of were true or not. Ozzic had told them about Alibaba mercenary group, and they knew that it consisted of about twenty mages. The mercenaries still had hope because of their advantage in numbers.

"You need to earn my trust. Right now you are not worthy of staying here. Christian, send our guests away."

Christian knew Anfey. When Anfey was trying to scare his opponent, it meant that he didn't want to do anything. If he was playing nice when he was being threatened and reprimanded, he was about to kill.

Christian rose into the air and retrieved a magic scroll from his ring. The strong magic surge coming off of the scroll told everyone that it was a high tier magic scroll. Zubin and Blavi retrieved their scrolls and gathered around Christian.

The mercenaries stared with wide eyes. For them, having a scroll like this might be lifesaving. They would carry it around on their person at all time, and would not use it unless in a dire situation. If Anfey's men could use scrolls like this on a whim, what else did they have in store? If this was just what they showed the mercenaries, how many more secrets were they hiding?

"Ozzic, are we leaving?" one of the mercenary leaders asked.

"Let's fight," another said. "We have the advantage." He did not want to back down easily. Ozzic's promise of wealth was still in his mind. He was a mercenary, and threats like this could not scare him.

"Anfey!" Hagan called as he dashed towards the group. "Let me join as well!"

Anfey turned and frowned. He knew Hagan's power and limits very well. Hagan was not an idiot, and he knew better than to trouble everyone during a fight. Anfey knew Hagan should know better, but he couldn't outright deny his request. If he agreed, Hagan might cause trouble. He could only nod slightly, and let Hagan decide for himself.

"Under the name of Beast God, I summon you!" Hagan waved his hand, and a cloud of white powder appeared. The powder swirled in the wind, and a loud roar was heard. In a few seconds, a twenty-feet tall creature appeared out of thin air.

The beast appeared very ferocious. Its head was that of an alligator, but a hundred times larger. As it roared, rows of jagged teeth shone. Clearly, the beast was large enough to swallow a cow whole. Its red eyes shone mercilessly, and its body was covered by hairs as sharp as needles. Its body was thick and strong. The sharp nails on its claws were almost two feet long. If the claws hit a person, it would surely cause terrible injuries.

"A behemoth!" one of the leaders called out in terror and scrambled backwards.

The other leaders dashed away from the behemoth as well. Ozzic stumbled back and stared at the creature in horror.

"Fight for me!" Hagan ordered loudly.

The behemoth stepped forward, and the ground shook under its paws. It waved its claw, and a sixty foot tall ancient tree was cut in half by its sharp nails. The tree fell to the ground and crashed one of the dwarf residents. The behemoth proved that it was a real, living thing, and not an illusion.

Ozzic retreated quickly. The mercenaries placed at least a hundred feet between themselves and the behemoth before stopping. The behemoth was on par with creatures like dragons and titans, and hadn't been sighted in years. For humans, only grandmaster swordsmen and archmages could put up a fight against a behemoth. Others could hardly be a threat to the creature.

Even a senior swordsmaster was rare among the mercenaries, let alone archmages and grandmaster swordsmen. The behemoth's appearance had crushed the only bits of confidence the mercenaries had.

Anfey had prepared for a surprise because of Hagan's sudden change, but he was shocked as well. Hagan saw his companions' shock, and was very satisfied. In the past, he had always hidden when there was a fight. Now he had a chance to show his power. The behemoth walked towards the mercenaries slowly. The ground shook as if there was a giant heart beating under the earth.

"This is all a misunderstanding!" Ozzic called in terror. "Please give us a moment!"

"Hagan, take the beast away," Anfey ordered. The behemoth was too shocking, and he was worried whether Hagan could control it. If he had lost control of the behemoth and it turned on them, they would turn into a laughingstock.