1 - 7

Translator's Notes

This is my own translation and the original story does not belong to me. I would like to share this story with other fellow readers who are interested and have posted this here to be enjoyed by others.

t.i.tle of Book: Physical Contact - 肉體契約

Author: An Qi 安琪

***All rights to this story solely belongs to the Author named above If at any time the Author request this story to be taken down, it will be deleted.


A little boy between eleven and twelve years of age, whose body was covered with injuries, leaned against the electric pole, lying in the rubbish heap, with dull eyes looked at the infinite night sky.

The wounds on his body have been festering and yellow pus was oozing, emitting an unpleasant smell. He almost did not have an inch of good skin on him and without consuming food for several days, he could only breathe weakly.

His terrible scars were all masterpieces of his own father. When he was five years old, his mother ran off with another man, his father indulged in gambling, s.e.x, drank all day and did not work. Their only source of income came from him, a boy less than twelve years old, who stole and begged to feed his father. If the income was not enough for his father to spend on his sins, his father would kick and punch him to vent his anger.

For him, body injury was common and his

father had said that body injuries would gain sympathy and begging would bring in more money. So, he was always beaten, again and again, each time, more powerful than the last.

Perhaps he did not want to live and thus he would stand obediently when his father beat him with clothes hangers, sticks and even iron bars......

Actually, death was not that fearful, he even looked forward to its arrival.

To have such a father, it would be better to die!

His eyes slowly began to lax, he was slipping into a coma when suddenly a flash of light shone into his pupils. His eyes closed in reflex and after a moment, he tried to open his heavy eyelids.

I must be dying! He thought.

Because he actually saw an angel!

A girl wearing a white dress, with curly hair, clean and pretty, squatted in front of him. With her head tilted, stared at him with her wide-open eyes.

"Are you hurt?"

"I....." He wanted to answer her but his throat was dry and it was difficult for him to speak.

"Yingxuan, how is his condition?"

A man about forty years old squatted beside his six-year-old daughter and looked at the boy lying on the ground.

"Dad, it looks like he is seriously injured. He did not answer me"

"Little brother, what is your name?"

"I..." The boy swallowed his saliva with difficulty and could barely answer. "My name is Mu Zheng"

"Mu Zheng, you need medical treatment immediately. Bear for a little while longer. I will call the driver to bring the car over. Yingxuan, help him with his wounds"

"Yes, dad" The girl nodded obediently.

"Bear for a while longer" The man patted Mu Zheng's head and then turned to call for the driver.

"Mu Zheng, you have to hold on"

The girl took out a clean and fragrant handkerchief from her pocket, carefully pressed out the pus from the wounds on his forehead. Mu Zheng's sight gradually fogged up and he could no longer see the girl's face but he knew that she was very beautiful!

Her heart...very beautiful.

He has been wandering around for several days and everyone who saw him avoided him for fear of getting into trouble. But this girl, like an angel, had no regards for the foul smell and dirty environment but also cleaned his wounds.

To be able to meet such an angel, he could die without regret.

"Mu Zheng, wake up! Do not sleep....."

Mu Zhen tried to smile, slowly closed his eyes.

He told himself that if he could wake up again, he must repay the grace of this angel.

Whatever price, he must......



In the luxurious bedroom, on the bed was a couple, a man and a woman making love pa.s.sionately.

The obese man of about sixty years old was mustering all his strength to forge forward to satisfy the demands of the woman beneath him who was half his age. The woman lived up to his expectation and let out a l.u.s.tful cry. But no one knows whether she was really satisfied or was just a professional to meet the situation.

In the dark, a pair of cold eyes looked chillingly towards the hot and excited man on the bed.

The owner of the pair of cold eyes, stroked the gun in his hands contemplating whether he should make the move at this time. After thinking for a moment, he turned his head, decided to let the man on the bed indulge in his pa.s.sion for a little while longer.

Let him enjoy a few more minutes of blessings!

Less than five minutes later, the sixty-year-old man finally climaxed and the woman lying beneath him cried. "Ah! President Ruan, you are very good...I cannot take it anymore!"

"Now you know my strength. Well, let me tell you. Even though I have aged but my skill is still the same as when I was in my prime" The sixty-year-old Ruan Da Peng, laughed proudly, put his hands on the woman's chest and started to rub her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Yes, yes! Now Nana knows how great you are"

Nana, the woman grabbed her bathrobes, got up from the bed, with her back towards Ruan Da Peng, immediately her face darken.....forget it!

Nana walked into the bathroom, closed the door, turned on the shower and started to flush her body, humming a song.

Ruan Da Peng was resting comfortably on the bed with his eyes closed and did not realize someone was slowly approaching him. He sensed a cloud of cold air surround him and suddenly opened his eyes. His intuition was right!

There was someone standing beside his bed!

The man was dressed in black, about thirty years old, handsome face and had an extremely cold appearance. He knew this man came with ill intention and was about to shout when a gun was held against his forehead.

"Do not make a sound!" The man said coldly and he s.h.i.+vered.

"You...who are you?" Ruan Da Peng asked and his lips were trembling violently.

"Solitary Wolf"

"No....cannot be"

Ruan Da Peng had heard of the name Solitary Wolf and knew he was an a.s.sa.s.sin who kills without blinking but did not know why Solitary Wolf was here to seek him out.

Few people had seen Solitary Wolf because it was said that nine out of ten people who saw him, would not be alive and the one that was lucky to escape did not have the courage to identify him. So the appearance of him was a mystery and now Ruan Da Peng had the privilege to see Solitary Wolf in person but he did not feel honored.

The appearance of Solitary Wolf meant death and that would mean Ruan Da Peng would die soon!

No.....he did not want to die!

"You...want to kill me?"

Solitary Wolf looked at him coldly as if he had asked an irrelevant question.

"Don't.....don't...wow!" Ruan Da Peng's face turned pale. "I and you do not have any hatred or animosity between us.....why do you want to kill me?"

"You shouldn't have hindered the way of others!" Solitary Wolf coldly answered.

"Who did I hinder?" Was it the project that he recently tendered for?

Solitary Wolf did not answer but coldly stared at him. His thumb slowly c.o.c.ked his gun. The sound could be heard clearly in the quiet room.

"Don't kill me, I don't want to die!" Ruan Da Peng climbed down from the bed and knelt on the floor, crying and begging. "Tomorrow is my wife's birthday and if I die, she will be very sad...please do not kill me.....spare my life!"

Solitary Wolf frowned, the hand holding the gun stopped, a touch of hesitation appeared in his eyes.

Should he spare Ruan Da Peng's life for his wife's birthday?

"Dear, do you want to come in and bathe with me?"

Nana's seductive voice was heard calling from the bathroom. Ruan Da Peng instantly turned pale and dared not reply.

Solitary Wolf's eyes squinted, quickly returned to his original cold face. He smiled wickedly, his index finger pulled the trigger without hesitation.

Even if Ruan Da Peng was telling the truth, the day before his wife's birthday, it was still an inexcusable crime to cheat on his wife!

The bullet fired from the silencer went straight into the forehead of Ruan Da Peng before he could even utter a sound. His body like a mud clay doll slowly slumped onto the floor.

"h.e.l.lo? Dear, did you hear me?"

Ruan Da Peng's legs stiffen, he could no longer hear Nana's call.

Solitary Wolf coldly looked down at the dead body, in a few seconds kept his gun away and turned away indifferently.

He avoided the heavily guarded door at the front and escaped through the back door into the dark alley.

He was just out of the back door when a woman's sharp scream sounded from the house.


He did not turn his head and continued walking into the dark of the night.

Solitary Wolf walked through the long alley, towards his black sports car parked at the end of the alley. A smiling light, gentle voice floated through the night wind.

"Settled so soon?"

Solitary Wolf's whole body stiffen, quickly took out his short gun, narrowed his sharp eyes, like a radar scanned his surroundings to locate the person hiding in the vicinity.



Fan Tian Yi opened the door of Solitary Wolf's black sports car and casually waved at him.

"I'm cold. Do you mind inviting me to come inside to take a seat?" He lifted up his pair of freezing hands and sneezed.

"You are already sitting in the car without invitation!" Solitary Wolf answered without any warmth.

Seeing that Solitary Wolf was still clutching his gun, Fan Tian Yi quickly said with a smile. "Do not get tensed up, put down the gun!"

He was not here to specifically to provoke Solitary Wolf!

"Why are you here? Want to stop me from killing Ruan Da Peng? Unfortunately, you are too late. He is already dead"

Solitary Wolf saw that Fan Tian Yi had no intention to spring a surprise on him, carefully put down his gun but kept himself alert.

"I know! Ruan Da Peng was rich but corrupt and had cheated a lot of people of their hard-earned money. Eliminating him is also good. Killing one corrupt official means one less"

"So, you are here to specially thank me?" Solitary Wolf stared weirdly at Fan Tian Yi.

Solitary Wolf really hated to deal with this guy. It made him felt like he was rolling in a mud pool, covered with smelly mud.

"Of course not!" Fan Tian Yi pushed his gla.s.ses on the bridge of his nose and smiled. "I came to talk to you about your trade....."

"I'm not interested!"

Before Fan Tian Yi could finish his words, Solitary Wolf had rejected him.

"Do not refuse so fast. Why don't you listen to what interesting news I want to sell to you?"

"No matter what news you want to sell to me, I am not interested!" Solitary Wolf opened the car door and sat in the driver seat. He looked coldly at Fan Tian Yi, indicating that he should leave the car.

"You are a difficult man to communicate with!" Fan Tian Yi touched his nose and said. "How about this. In order to show my sincerity in doing business with you, I'll send you a picture as a sample. What do you say?"

"I don't want anything from you!"

They were both sworn enemies and no matter what Fan Tian Yi wanted to send him, he was not going to take from him.

"Otherwise, you can take a look! You will not suffer any loss by taking a look. I personally guarantee that it is definitely not an obscene picture" Fan Tian Yi laughingly took out a photo from his s.h.i.+rt pocket and shoved it in front of Solitary Wolf.

"Please, take a look!"

Solitary Wolf impatiently turned his head, glanced at the photo sideways, with the intention to just take a glimpse only but as soon as his glance fell on the photo, he could no longer take away his eyes.

There was nothing special about the colored photo. It was just an ordinary photo showing a young, beautiful woman carrying a four-year-old little boy in her arms. The showed the two of them smiling happily.

Solitary Wolf stared at the little boy in the photo and was shocked by the similarity between him and the boy.

Looking at the picture, he had the illusion that he was looking into a mirror. The difference was only in their age and the little boy was the spitting image of himself when he was young!

But the little boy's eyes were so pure, unlike his childhood, he had experienced pain and fear.

How could there be a child that looked so much like him! Is it ...

"It's such a beautiful picture of the mother and son, is it not? If you really like it, I can sell you more...Hey! Solitary Wolf....!"

Fan Tian Yi had not finished talking when Solitary Wolf kicked him out of the car.

Solitary Wolf closed the car door with force, started the engine and roared away in his car.

"Hey, what is the matter with you?"

By the time, Fan Tian Yi got up on his feet, he met with a cloud of dust.

"Pooh! Pooh!" Fan Tian Yi used the back of his hands to wipe off the sand on his mouth, angrily muttered. "Don't want to buy, don't buy. Why push me off the car? Well! If you come back to seek my help to investigate the whereabouts of the mother and child, then I'll make you pay double for it!"

It was well-known that he, Fan Tian Yi always remember any wrongs done to him!

He let out a cold humph and angrily walked down the wintery cold street in desolation.

As he drove on the northern expressway, Solitary Wolf looked straight ahead coldly, his right foot on the accelerator, speeding down the deserted road.

He could not believe that 'she' dared to hide his child from him.

'She' thought it was alright if she stays hidden? No matter how he would find 'her' even to the extent of turning over the earth, he did not care!

Let 'her' wait for it!

"Ha....jiu!" (sneeze)

In the midst of reading the contents of a letter, Ye Ruwei's body suddenly turned cold and could not help but sneeze.

She rubbed her red nose and did not know whether she was having a cold or otherwise.

"What's wrong?"

Qi Wei stopped working, lifted his eyebrows at his competent secretary that the former chairman of the board of directors had transferred to him.

She was a good secretary, capable, careful and gentle. When he just took over his father-in-law's company, she had helped him a lot. If not for her, he would definitely be like a handicap and badly bruised from the heavy workload.

"It's nothing!" Ye Ruwei quickly shook her head and asked. "President, the letter you want to send to Mr. Benton's letter of United States.....are these the contents of the letter?"

"Yes. Ah....the Hong Kong s.h.i.+pping company, Mr. Zhou will be coming to Taiwan. Remember to send someone to pick him up from the airport."

"Yes, I remember."

"And the last point..." Qi Wei bent over and retrieved a gift-wrapped box from under his desk and handed it to Ye Ruwei.

"A few days ago, when I was on a business trip to Singapore, I bought this at an airport duty-free shop. I find it interesting and bought it for your son"

"President, why did you..." Ye Ruwei was moved and felt embarra.s.sed. "This is too costly! President also has a son, why not....."

"My son is too young and will not be able to play with such a complex toy. Your son's age is just right and this toy is right for him"

"Then, thank you, President" Ye Ruwei accepted the gift gracefully.

"Your son is called Qi An, right?" Qi Wei suddenly asked.


Ye Ruwei began to feel uneasy and did not know why the President suddenly asked about her son.

"In fact, it's nothing but I just happen to be upgraded to 'father' status. I feel awkward taking care of children and in future, I may need your help and hope you will give me some valuable advice." Qi Wei said bashfully.

Ye Ruwei breathed a sigh of relief. "Of course, if you really need my help, I will certainly do my best for President."

"Thank you! You can get back to work. Prepare the letter to Mr. Benton of United States and remember to fax the letter before you leave."


Ye Ruwei left the President's room, holding the box and went back to her place. She placed the box under her desk and switch on her computer, ready to start work.

After typing two sentences, she thought for a while, could not help but pick up the box under her desk, tore off the wrapping paper and took a look at the toy.

After tearing away the wrapping paper, there was a transparent PVC box. Inside the box was a silver beam gun used by s.p.a.ce warriors, colorful, innovative style with many cool new features. She had read news reports about the popularity of this toy which caused a wave of panic buying when it was launched in the market.

She knew her son would love this toy but...

Ye Ruwei frowned and looked at the silver beam gun in her hands.

She did not like the gun!

She opened the PVC box, put the sliver beam gun back into the slot of the PVC box and carefully sealed the box.

She did not want her child to develop from childhood, a killing instinct with ferocious personality. She did not want her child to have his hands full of blood, his whole life bearing the stigma of a killer. Just like his....

"Secretary Ye!"

Sun Yu Han with one arm holding her white, fat baby son and the other hand carrying two lunch boxes, walked into the President's office.

"Mrs. President!" Ye Ruwei quickly pushed her chair backward, got up and exclaimed. "Why are you here?"

"It's already noon. I came to have lunch with Qi Wei. Because of the company, he has not been home for a week!"

"Yes. It's really hard on the President. The old President should have given President some time to adjust before the old President left."

"My father had planned to retire early and wanted to officially hand all the work over to his son-in-law. My father wanted it this way."

It was not that Sun Yu Han did not understand her father but she is only his daughter, what can she say? It was really hard on the President!

"The President is now in his room but he has an appointment at half past one in the afternoon with the President of Jun De Industries."

"I know. I will not hinder his afternoon appointment."

Sun Yu Han held her babbling, shouting baby son, smiling, walked into Qi Wei's room.

Ye Ruwei watched Sun Yu Han carrying her baby leave and could not help but think of her four-year-old son, Ye Qi An.

She opened the drawer, took out her son's photo with a proud and pleased smile, silently looking at her greatest pride...her baby!

At present, her only wish was to work hard, save some money, give her child a good and stable living environment. The rest, she did not want anything more.

That romantic love, she had long given up! Maybe it would be best not to think about it...

Lunchtime was about to end, the silent, empty big reception hall, once again warm up.

The staff, after their lunch break, together with the visitors, merged into the s.p.a.cious, clean hall, giving a lively active atmosphere that warmed up the cold winter.

Suddenly, there was chaos all around, the noisy atmosphere became still, all the people in the hall with their mouths opened, looked in the direction of the door.

A man in tight-fitting black clothes, wearing dark sungla.s.ses, his face expressionless, walked with smooth, silent quick footsteps towards the reception counter.

No wonder everyone was taken by surprise. A person dressed like him should not appear in this type of office building in this business district.

The receptionist from afar had seen him and immediately smiled and asked. "Please....please, can I help you?"

"Is Ye Ruwei in?" The man in black coldly asked causing the receptionist to involuntarily s.h.i.+ver.

"Ye.....Secretary Ye? Why do you need to see Secretary Ye?"

"Do I have to tell you?" The man asked coldly.

The receptionist trying to stop her s.h.i.+vering, clenched her teeth and once again squeezed a smile. "Then...do you have an appointment?"

"Appointment?" His narrowed his eyes into a squint and the receptionist almost screamed with fright. "I'll tell you once again. I want to see Ye Ruwei. Tell me which floor she is on!"

"She.....she is on the 9th Floor. The President's Secretary's Office."

In order to save herself, without thinking, she let the man know of Ye Ruwei's whereabouts. Even if she was dismissed because of this mistake, it would be better than to lose her life!

"Thank you."

The man in black turned indifferently to the elevator. Everyone made way for him and in the elevator, he pressed the 9th-floor b.u.t.ton. The elevator quickly arrived on the 9th floor.

He walked out of the elevator, just as a beautiful young woman carrying a child pa.s.sed him by.

His sharp eyes turned around, accidentally found a man standing in front of the elevator, staring at him.

He recognized that it was his formal rival in the past.....nicknamed 'Vulture'....Qi Wei

Why was it referred as 'past'?

Because, in the past, the Vulture's right hand was shot by him which ruined Vulture's career. Vulture who liked to interfere with his missions could no longer hold a gun and could only retire early and become an ordinary businessman.

The man in black took a big step forward and swept past Qi Wei who was instantly on guard.

"Do not be nervous. I am not here to give you trouble!"

He could not stand to see Qi Wei's cautious look and reluctantly explained.

Qi Wei was surprised to hear this. "You are not here to look for me?"

Although he did not know why Solitary Wolf came but his intuition was particularly keen. He did not feel the murderous aura of Solitary Wolf and so he was sure Solitary Wolf was not on a killing mission.

Solitary Wolf, the chief killer of the dark forces came here, not to kill, then what was his purpose for coming?

Qi Wei thought for a moment, immediately followed behind Solitary Wolf.

He had to see what Solitary Wolf was up to!

He followed Solitary Wolf to the end of the corridor and was surprised to see him push the door open to enter into the President's Secretary's office.

Could the person, Solitary Wolf was looking for, was the responsible and gentle Secretary Ye?!

"President, just now Chen Jia Enterprise called and requested for your appointment time to be changed to three o'clock in the afternoon."

Ye Ruwei was working on her computer with her back facing the door. When she heard the door opened, she thought that Qi Wei had come back after sending off his wife. So she immediately updated him on the changes in his appointment.

"President?" She heard the door closing but did not hear any reply. Ye Ruwei turned her head around and looked.


She jumped up in shock and accidentally knocked over the cup on the table. Instantly the water splashed on the table. She looked on as the water gradually spread, still in shock. She did not know whether she should first wipe the spreading water or turn around to hurry away.

Finally, she chose to wipe the water to prevent the water from flowing to the keyboard.

"You.....why are you here?" She clenched the towel in her hand and asked stiffly.

"I am looking for you!"

Mu Zheng stared at her, with his usual lonely eyes showing unspeakable complex emotions.

Recalling the time, he has not seen her for five years!

"Leave.....please go away!"

"What did you say?"

He walked towards her but every step he moved towards her, Ye Ruwei would move backward. Mu Zheng was dissatisfied and frowned. He caught hold of her hand and pulled her in front of him.

"Do not hide from me!"

He pinched her chin and forced her to look into his eyes.

"Let me go....." Ye Ruwei turned her head, closed her eyes, afraid to look at the cold face that made her confused.

"What did you say?" Mu Zheng's eyebrows knitted.

"Let go! Mu Zheng....Please let go! I beg you not to appear in front of me...I cannot see you!"

"Why can't you see me? Give me a reason. If you can convince me, then I'll never appear again!"

"I cannot tell you. Please leave...leave...."

"You are so anxious that I should leave, is it because of this child?" He took a picture from his pocket and handed it to her.

"How did you get this picture?" Ye Ruwei asked fearfully.

How could he have a picture of Qi An? Who gave it to him?

"He is mine, right?"

Solitary Wolf was hundred percent sure that the child was his! The child's appearance was a spitting image of him when he was young.

"No! He is not your child!"

Ye Ruwei desperately shook her head, sad tears, drop by drop rolled down her face.

She had hidden for five years and in the end, he was still able to find them! What should she do? She did not want to see her child get hurt!

"Why do you refuse to admit that he is mine!" Mu Zheng confidently said.

"No, you are wrong. He is not your child!"

"Why do you deny and why are you so frightened. Do you think I will hurt my own flesh and blood?"

Mu Zheng got angrier, held her shoulders and shook her until she felt dizzy and nauseous.

Five long years of missing him, the fear and agitation that was always in her heart, she could not take it anymore. A wave of darkness overcame her, her legs soften

and almost fell to her knees on the ground.

"Be careful!"

Qi Wei who had been eavesdropping outside the door quickly rushed through the door and held her up before she fell to the ground.

"What are you doing?" Solitary Wolf saw Qi Wei holding Ye Ruwei. He was furious and brandished a hand knife towards Qi Wei, s.n.a.t.c.hing back Ye Ruwei.

Ye Ruwei who had always been weak, could not bear the sudden movement, rolled her eyes and fainted.

"Ruwei!" Solitary Wolf shouted, caressing the face of the already fainted Ye Ruwei.

Qi Wei lifted his eyebrows. It was difficult to a.s.sociate the man in front of him, with eyes full of fear, to the cold, murderous Solitary Wolf that he knew.

Ye Ruwei was oblivious to her surroundings as she lay in the familiar embrace, feeling at peace in the infinite darkness.

In these five years, she never had a good night's sleep. She could now deeply indulged in such happiness, sleeping and was not willing to wake up.

She saw herself in a dream.

Remembering five years ago, it was also such a winter...

Five years ago, Hongye Hot Springs.

Cold wave was here again.

According to the weather report that morning, the minimum temperature of freshwater was about ten degrees Celsius. Hongye Hot Springs in Beitou was located higher in the mountains and their freshwater temperature was not much different. It could be due to the numerous hot springs around and thus Ye Ruwei did not feel cold.

She wore a white sweater with a pair of blue jeans, with a vibrant appearance like a beautiful, lovely little daisy.

She took a bamboo broom and swept the leaves that had fallen on the ground from the two trees that were standing outside the door. Seeing the beautiful red maple leaves, she picked up a few leaves and lovingly put them between the pages of her book.

It was winter now and there should not be any maple leaves around. But Taiwan was located in the subtropical region, where winter would be warmer than other countries and so beautiful red maple leaves could still be seen in winter.

She had studied in the United States for many years and naturally had seen maple leaves. She had always disliked the maple leaves there as they were too large and some varieties of the leaves were even larger than her face. She still favored the small maple leaves from the two trees for their meticulous beauty and the size of the red maple leaves were just right. The red maple leaves were like the evening sunset, so beautiful that it was impossible not to keep a collection.

She swept the leaves into a dustpan, her cheeks flushed and her transparent, supple skin showed a tinge of rosy pink.

Hongye Hot Springs, the hot spring restaurant belonged to her parents, who had migrated and she had taken over the business for less than a year.

She remembered a year ago, just after she had returned from Los Angeles, her parents told her that their whole family was migrating to Australia.

She had just returned from overseas and did not intend to leave Taiwan for the time being. She was also reluctant to leave Hongye Hot Springs, where she had grown up. So, she begged her parents not to sell the place and let her continue running the business.

Her parents also did not want to sell the restaurant that they had built up for the past 20 years. So they had granted her request to stay on in Taiwan to continue operating the restaurant.

In order not to disappoint her parents, she worked hard and a year later, the restaurant was doing quite well.

Over the past year, she had met a lot of people and all kinds of strange guests gathered a lot of knowledge and also broaden her horizons. She really liked the job!


From the corner of her eyes, she saw someone enter the door, immediately looked up and smiled to welcome the guest. As soon as she saw the person, her eyes widen.

It's him! Someone whose name she did not know, a cold man.

She had actually noticed him for quite some time.

He was a frequent visitor for the past six months. He would come alone, two to three times a week, each time late at night. He would stay for an hour or so and would leave before the closing time, twelve o'clock.

Another reason that attracted her attention was not because of his above average looks but his solemn, aloof, gloomy temperament.

He was always cold, aloof and would not take the initiative to speak unless necessary. She did not know the origin of the man, but her intuition told her that he must have a complex story behind him.

She did not realize that she had stopped all her actions, staring at him until he stopped in front of her. He lifted his eyebrows at her, then only did she come to her senses and found herself staring at him foolishly.

She suddenly blushed, felt embarra.s.sed and wanted to dig a hole to bury herself.

The man did not express any opinion regarding her disgraceful behavior nor did his expression change but instead said lightly. "As usual."

The so-called 'as usual' was actually a personal hot spring pool overlooking the foot of the mountain with the night scenery that he utilized every time he came.

There were only a few of this special personal pool, the price was more expensive than the normal baths and in addition, very few people would request for these type of pools every time they came in except for the man.

"Okay, please come with me!"

Ye Ruwei quickly put down the bamboo broom and removed a key for the special personal pool from the wall. Quickly she led the way along the ancient red brick path towards the most remote and quiet personal pool.

"Today you....seems like you are later than usual"

On the way to the special personal pool, Ye Ruwei tried to break the silence, looking for topics to talk to the silent man following behind her.

The man did not speak, not a sound came from him and Ye Ruwei was overcome with embarra.s.sment. When they reached the pool, Ye Ruwei wished him an enjoyable bath, quickly turned to leave.

When she turned around, unexpectedly she caught a glimpse of a wound on his arm. The wound was about five centimeters long, like a scratch left by a sharp object. The blood around the wound had turned dark red.

"Ah! You are hurt" She exclaimed.

The man raised his right hand, looked down the back of his arm and his eyes suddenly darken.

He almost forgot about the wound!

It was tonight while he was executing the mission and shot the target specified by the Lord, he was scratched by the son of the target.

He remembered that little boy, after seeing his father killed, angrily picked up a knife and rushed to attack him. The little boy looked like an irrational little beast!

Should be less than twelve years old?

And he was almost the same age, presumably, now he should also understand the cruelty of the world.

His heart tightened, put his hand down, curved his mouth and said. "Just a small wound. It's nothing."

"Small wound? You are bleeding!"

Ye Ruwei really could not believe that someone would actually not care about their own body. Did he want his blood to flow like a river to consider it as serious?

"Wait here. I'll bring the medical kit to help you disinfect. Otherwise, it will fester and there will be inflammation."

Ye Ruwei did not wait for him to answer, turned and ran back to the counter.

Solitary Wolf looked at her slender figure running away with lifted eyebrows. In fact, he could have ignored her but he did not know why, he stood obediently, patiently waiting for her to come back.

Not long after, Ye Ruwei carrying a white medicine box came running back.

"Sorry to keep you waiting!"

Ye Ruwei looked at him and smiled. She placed the medicine box on the side antique octagonal coffee table, took out the cotton and a bottle of iodine.

"Stretch out your arm."

Mu Zheng obediently held up his arm to let her clean the wound. He looked at Ye Ruwei standing on tiptoe, carefully wiped his wound with cotton and applied iodine, blew lightly on the wound.

He stared at her and thought she should really work as a nurse. A gentle and loving woman, in today's society, was becoming a rarity.

Ye Ruwei applied iodine, dried the wound and then pasted on a plaster and it was done.

"Okay!" She nodded and smiled with satisfaction.

Mu Zheng knitted his eyebrows, stared at the plaster.

He did not even remember that he had ever pasted this thing in his life!

In the past, his injuries were several times more serious than this, and if he were to paste plaster on his injuries, he would have long turned into a mummy!

Moreover, if people saw him, the frightening a.s.sa.s.sin Solitary Wolf using plaster to cover his wound, then he would die with shame.

"Get rid of this stuff!" He pursed his lips and tried to pull it off.

"No!" Ye Ruwei exclaimed, quickly stepped forward to seize his hand. "If you tear it off now, you may tear open the wound as well. It would be better to tear it off tomorrow morning."

Her response was instinctive and without hesitation. Mu Zheng was surprised for a moment, he involuntarily lowered his head, looked at her white, delicate hands and was shocked by her cool, soft touch.

All along, he was not used to having physical contact with people but this once, her touch did not make him feel disgusted nor awkward.

Watching him staring at her hand, Ye Ruwei was shocked by her own actions.

"I'm sorry!" Her face flushed, quickly released her hand and stammered. "I'm afraid your wound will open up wider. I was nervous...really sorry!"

"It's okay!"

Mu Zheng lightly shook his head, his eyes staring at her. At this time, he finally realized that she looked beautiful!

"Please take your bath!" Ye Ruwei shyly suggested to him.

"Uh" Solitary Wolf lightly humph, turned towards the pool, twisted his neck twice, intending to take a comfortable bath.

"Please slowly enjoy your bath in the hot spring. Remember, do not let your wound get wet."

Ye Ruwei politely shut the door for him. The moment the door closed, instantly she blushed, turned and ran back to the counter.

So embarra.s.sing! How could she act so foolishly in front of him? He must have thought she was a crazy woman!

In her life, she had never been so disgraced!

Oh! She really cannot wait to jump into the hot spring pool and drown herself.

Mu Zheng heard the sound of fleeing footsteps outside and he lightly smiled.

Interesting little woman!

He did not know how long he had not seen a girl blush. It was difficult to imagine in this open society, there were girls who still blush.

That girl would not know his true ident.i.ty. He was a killer with hands full of blood, where people walking down the white or black path was afraid of him. He had come to bath in the hot spring to clean himself because he had just recently ended a life.

Mu Zheng took off his clothing, exposing thin and healthy long legs. He walked into the large rock pool, looking for a comfortable spot to sit down. He laid back on the rocks, eyes closed and let the hot spring water soothe his tired body and mind.

He did not know when did he develop the habit of taking a hot spring bath in the mountains after completion of each mission. On recollection, this habit had started many years ago.

Once by chance, he had pa.s.sed by this area and was attracted to the elegant j.a.panese garden scenery and after trying once, he had become a frequent visitor to Hongye Hot Springs.

In fact, he did not like to kill. He hated the smell of blood which was why he wanted to take a hot spring bath after each mission.

Perhaps he subconsciously hope that through the hot springs, the sulfur would wash away the smell of blood....

Solitary Wolf stepped out Hongye Hot Springs after a refres.h.i.+ng bath. It was close to midnight. He stood under the night sky, unconsciously looked up and found the sky was full of bright stars.

He narrowed his eyes, absent mindedly looked at the sky full of silver s.h.i.+ning stars.

For a long time, he had not seen so many bright stars!

In his memory, he had never seen such a s.h.i.+ning starry sky.

Many people during their childhood years liked to look at the stars. But during his childhood, he only thought of how to escape from his father's fierce beatings and so he did not have time nor had the mood to look at the stars in the sky.

Perhaps it was that interesting little woman who affected him. Tonight he suddenly had the interest to leisurely look at the beautiful sky that he did not know existed.

He returned to his sports car parked outside the wall, opened the skylight roof, reclined the backrest, laid down with his hands behind his head to look at the night sky.

He looked at the beautiful night sky, unaware of the pa.s.sage of time.

It was 12 midnight. The guests in Hongye Hot Springs had left and the staff working in the hot spring also were getting off work. Of course, the boss of Hongye Hot Springs, Ye Ruwei would be the last to leave.

She locked the ancient wooden door of Hongye Hot Springs. From her bag, she fished out her car keys and walked towards her little yellow car.

She opened the door, inserted the car keys and started the engine. She was surprised to find the car would not start.

She frowned. Once again, she checked whether she had the right key, gear rightly positioned.

She quickly checked it again and found that the key was correct, the gear position was correct and since it was the case, why did the car not start?

She even opened the front bonnet and checked to see if there were other problems.

Time was already late and there were no lights around. In fact, she had always been driving and knew next to nothing about the structure of the car or its performance. Even after checking, she would not be able to find anything wrong.

Where was the problem?

She turned around to look at her surroundings. The guests and staff had all gone off and on this mountain path, she was unable to call for a taxi, right?

How would she go home? Maybe she could sleep in the restaurant?

Taking a bath would not be a problem but sleeping would be a bit troublesome.

There were no quilts and the winter temperature was low. The mountain air at night was always colder and heavier. She did not want to be frozen into a popsicle.

She was wondering what she should do next when suddenly a low voice sounded from behind.

"Your car broke down?"

"Yes!" She heard a voice, immediately turned around and said excitedly. "There is a small problem with the car..." Ah! How come it was him?

Ye Ruwei was surprised and stopped talking when she saw the cold, icy Solitary Wolf.

"What is the problem?"

Solitary Wolf ignored her surprised expression and started to check on her car.

Actually, he did not want to get involved with her but when he saw her uncertainty, just standing around with a daze silly look, finally he had dug out his rare charitable act from the depths of h.e.l.l to help her.

"I do not know what is wrong with the car. This morning, it was okay but just now it wouldn't start." Ye Ruwei quickly came forward to answer.

No matter how cold his att.i.tude was, after all, he was her only savior!

"I'll check for you."

He bent over and put his head under the bonnet of the car that Ye Ruwei had opened earlier. With night vision sharp eyes, he looked at the mechanical structure of the car.

Ye Ruwei stood by the side and bent over, taking the opportunity to quietly study his handsome cold side profile.

"You have long finished your bath at the hot springs, how come you are still here?" She asked curiously.

He glanced at her and faintly replied. "Tonight's stars are beautiful and I stayed back to look at the stars."


Ye Ruwei cannot help but look up at the sky over her head. She had not noticed but it was really beautiful!

"The battery may be damaged. I will use the electrical cord and try to jump-start the car."

He straightened himself, strode back to his own sports car and from the rear compartment, took out an electrical cord. He clamped the battery of the two cars using the electrical cord and tried to start the engine, but.....

The car still could not start!

"The engine will not start. The battery is damaged."

"What to do?"

"What to do?" He almost laughed at Ye Ruwei's naïve reply.

"Think of a way to get someone to repair it!"

If not, what can be done? Tell him to wave a magic wand and give her a car?

"But now is the middle of the night. All garages have long been closed and who would come to this remote mountain to repair my car?" She pouted and muttered. "What if..."

She looked at him with her big eyes, full of hope asked. "Are you going down the mountain? Can you give me a lift?"

Solitary Wolf looked at her blankly, did not answer.

"Just send me to a place where I can get a taxi will do. Please!"

Solitary Wolf did not reply, looked at her for a moment then said. "Get in the car!"

He never let anyone in his car especially a woman but because she had helped him dressed his wound, he reluctantly made an exception.....just this once!

"Thank you"

Ye Ruwei breathed a sigh of relief, quickly removed her bag from her car, afraid that he would go back on his words, immediately sat in his two-door black

sports car.

Once in the car, Ye Ruwei let out a string of sentence.

"I'm sorry to trouble you! As soon as we reach the foot of the mountain, I'll take a taxi home...."

"Sit tight. Put on your safety belt!"

The man reached over in front of her, helped her to fasten the belt, pressed on the accelerator and drove off.

His thin lips habitually pursed, cold with icy eyes staring in front. His big hands easily controlled the steering wheel like a toy.

Ye Ruwei could not stand the silence in the car and ignored his cold expression, started to talk hoping to break the silence.

"Uh.....can I ask....what's your name?"

Name? Solitary Wolf sneered.

He had forgotten his name long ago. He only knew that his hands were covered with blood, a cold-blooded murderer who does not even blink when he kills, Solitary Wolf!

"Yeah, your name! Everyone has a name and I am sure your parents would have given you a name"

Parents? Thinking of his tragic, miserable childhood, Solitary Wolf's lips tighten.

It was quiet for a long time in the car. She thought he would not answer when suddenly his cold voice said.

"Mu Zheng"

"Ah?" She was stunned.

"My actual name is Mu Zheng, but now n.o.body calls me by that name"

"Then what do they call you?"

"Murderer, Executioner, King of h.e.l.l, Exterminator. You can choose to call me whatever you want!"

'Are you...joking?"

Ye Ruwei froze then let out a laugh.

He could really joke. For a while, she thought he was speaking the truth!

Solitary Wolf swept her a glance and pursed his lips.

He told her the truth and this woman thought he was joking!

He pressed the electric b.u.t.ton, with irritation, to open the side window for a smoke. The cold winter wind immediately blew into the warm compartment of the car.

Ye Ruwei hunched her shoulders, her hands embracing her thin body, gritted her teeth to prevent them from chattering.

So.....so cold!

"Are you cold?" Mu Zheng realized she was trembling and asked.

"I? Not.....not cold....." Her teeth were chattering, her body involuntarily trembling.

"Tell me honestly if you are cold. I'll not kill you!"

He turned the steering wheel sharply, parked the car by the roadside, took off his black coat and roughly threw it over her.

"Put this on!"

"No.....no need! I only..."

"I told you to put it on!"

"But you..."

"Do you want to get off here?"

He faintly knitted his eyebrows and Ye Ruwei saw that he was at the end of his patience, quickly shook her head.

"No.....I certainly do not want to get off here!"

"Then put it on!"

Mu Zheng impatiently stared at the front of the windscreen, feeling disgusted at his weakness.

His hand clenched into a fist, his heart wanted to dispel his abnormal feelings.

His hands that normally held guns to kill actually took off his coat for a woman. When did he become a man of such great compa.s.sion?

"Get off!"


"There is a taxi at the back driving towards us. You can take the taxi down the mountain!"

When Ye Ruwei heard his words, she turned around and looked at the rear. A car was traveling towards them and a bright red sign 'for hire' was on the roof the car which was quite conspicuous in the dark night.

She did not know why she suddenly felt at a loss and before she could say anything, Mu Zheng had got down from the car. He stood in the middle of the road and waved at the taxi to stop.

He went over to the driver's side and spoke to the driver. The driver looked at Ye Ruwei and then nodded his head.

Mu Zheng walked back to Ye Ruwei's side, coldly said. "I have spoken with the driver and you can go to the taxi!"


She bit her lower lip, pushed the door opened, got off and looked at him again. He still looked indifferent, without the slightest intention of letting her stay. Even if she was thick-skinned, she would be too embarra.s.sed to stay behind.

She bit her soft lips, lowered her head and walked slowly towards the yellow taxi that was waiting for her.

After she got into the taxi, she was going to turn around to thank Mu Zheng and say goodbye but he had already got into his car, speeding past her.

On the way down the mountain, she had been thinking of a question.

She.....was she really annoying? Why did he refuse to spend even a minute with her?

Throughout the journey, the driver had been very quiet then suddenly he asked.

"Miss...is that man your boyfriend?"

"Him? No....no! We're just...friends"

Are they friends? Ye Ruwei was skeptical.

"Fortunately" The taxi driver grinned and smilingly said. "I was thinking that it would be a pity if such a beautiful and delicate girl like you, to have such a ferocious man like him as a boyfriend"

"Miss, you don't know how fierce he was just now. The moment he came over, he asked for my name, my car number and also threaten me that if I don't send you home safely, he would skin me alive and nail my skin on the wall as fresco. I knew he was not joking! Do you know how terrible his eyes looked when he stared at me? My hands and feet were limp. What does he do?....so scary..."

Once the taxi driver broke his silence, he talked endlessly. Ye Ruwei was able to hear his first few words but was unable to absorb what the driver said after that.

She did not think that he, who had displayed a nonchalant att.i.tude towards her would actually threaten the taxi driver to ensure her safety!

Can this prove that he was at least a little concerned about her?

She looked down at her hands, her emotions were chaotic.

She wanted to see him!

He...will he come again?

"Sister Ye, the male public pool has been cleaned!"

The bathing pool was scrubbed clean and bright by Xiao Jian, brus.h.i.+ng the sweat from his forehead.

"Oh, thank you!"

Ye Ruwei answered absently mindedly.

She stood behind the counter, her long glossy black hair naturally flowing down her back, a few strands of soft gentle hair falling on the side of her cheeks, her slender white fingers were continuously tapping on the calculator. Every now and then she would look at the door without losing her concentration on her work.

It was 11 o'clock! It was already so late, he would not be coming, right?

Her mind was in a mess and accidentally pressed the wrong key. Working on her calculation for half a day, all had gone to waste.

Looks like everything had to be recalculated again!

She sighed, turned back to the first page of the accounts book, ready to start all over again.

At this moment, outside the ancient wooden door, two dazzling headlights were gradually coming closer. She looked up and saw a familiar car body. Originally, feeling depressed and with tightened facial features, instantly she relaxed.

He came!

Seeing the familiar figure in a total black outfit, one hand inserted in the pants pocket, walking indifferently into Hongye Hot Springs, she immediately put on a blooming smile.

She had waited for the whole night and finally, he came!

"Mr. Mu, you are here" She ran out from behind the counter and greeted him with a gentle smile.

"En." Mu Zheng nodded indifferently, grudgingly answered.

"As usual, you need a special personal pool for today?"

"Mm..." Mu Zheng reluctantly gave a monosyllable answer.

"Then.....I'll lead the way"

She picked the key off the wall and led him to the bath that he could find with his eyes closed.

"Thank you for your help that day. My car has been repaired." She smiled and looked back at him.

"Do not be courteous. It was nothing." He lightly answered.

"I would like to thank you for your help, so the next time, please come a bit earlier. I would like to treat you to our Hongye Hot Springs signature dish of kaiseki..."

"No need!" His defensive instinct had always been very strong. Never eat or drink outside food. Besides, he felt that he did not help in any way.

"Ah?" His refusal was too straightforward and she could not help but felt embarra.s.sed.

Her poor embarra.s.sed expression made him a little apologetic, his rebuff had been extremely cold.

In order to erase that uncomfortable and hurt expression on her face, he blurted out. "I will not eat but stargazing is not a problem!"

"Stargazing?" She opened her eyes wide and was astonished.

"Yes, look at the stars!" He angrily growled and wanted to bite his own tongue.

What was the matter with him? Why was he trying to coax a woman? G.o.d knows he had never spoken to any woman nor dated anyone!

Just as he was thinking to withdraw his words, she excitedly nodded.

"Okay! I know there is a place where you can see the beautiful stars. We can go together."

Suddenly she felt shy and her cheeks flushed a bright red. This was the first time she had this kind of excited feeling in her heart.

In the past, there were suitors who pursued her but she had always refused with the excuse that she was busy with her studies. Why did she immediately agree in front of this cold and indifferent man?

Could it be....she likes him?

Without looking at her, Mu Zheng knew that her face was flushed red, presumably, her whole body was red too, right?

He could not help but smile. His long eyes took in her whole graceful figure, a pair of condensed eyes gradually grew hot.

He was indifferent but he was also a man. A normal young and strong man with normal desires, would occasionally also need a woman to release his desires.

He coldly smiled at the bottom of his heart, telling himself, why not?

In the past, the women his Lord had gifted him, he had never touched. But now it was the pleasant and shy her...he did not mind making an exception.

"I'll wait for you at the door." He said.


Ye Ruwei had thought he would regret and did not think he was really willing to go with her to see the stars.

"The stars there are really beautiful. You will not regret it."

When she was a child, her father often took her and her brother to that place to see the stars. She was deeply impressed with that place where she had seen the most brilliant and beautiful night sky.

"I believe so." Mu Zheng muttered to himself.

He believed she had enough enthusiasm to meet his hot desires.

"Sister Ye, we are leaving first!"

It was after 12 midnight. The part-time worker-c.u.m-student, Xiao Jia and the Obasan (middle age lady) cleaning lady had finished their cleaning duties and were the first to leave. Xiao Jia bid farewell to Ye Ruwei as his cla.s.ses were scheduled for tomorrow morning.

"Be careful on the road!" Ye Ruwei said softly.

"We know.....bye bye!"

After Xiao Jia and the Obasan had left, Ye Ruwei checked all the windows and door and rechecked the water and electricity switches before locking the door. In a happy mood, she walked out of Hongye Hot Springs.

She stood at the door for a moment, looked around but did not see the black two-door sports car.

Strange! Has he gone?

A strong feeling of disappointment immediately surged from her heart. Ye Ruwei frowned as she stepped down the stairs. She looked around while walking towards the road outside the low bamboo fence. As soon as she reached the road, she saw the black BMW sports car parked outside the low bamboo fence.

So, he is here!

She suddenly let out a sigh of relief, smiled and walked briskly towards the man who was looking up at the night sky.

"Mr. Mu, sorry I'm late and for letting you wait so long!"

Solitary Wolf slowly turned around and looked at her.

"It's not too late"

He obliquely glanced at the electronic clock on the dashboard, it was only a quarter past midnight.

He had thought she would need time to prepare herself when she goes out, like other women, spending an hour to makeup and dress. He did not think she would turn up with a bare face for the appointment.

He stared at her red lips, suddenly reached out and used force to touch her lips.

"Ah, it hurts!" She bore the pain, touching her lower lip with her fingers and did not understand why he did that suddenly.

She really did not makeup, she did not even put on lipstick!

He never paid attention to a woman's makeup but he knew that very few modern women would choose, not to put on lipstick. It was not that they need not care about their appearance, it was just that with natural beauty, all accessories were unnecessary.

"Get in the car!"


"Do you want to see the stars?"

"Oh, yes!"

Ye Ruwei quickly ran to the other side of the car, opened the door and sat in.

"I remember it's near Qing Tian Gang." (a hill near Taipei City)

"Let's go."

He pressed on the accelerator and the car shot forward like an arrow, speeding away.

The night sky was dark blue almost black, looking like a piece of velvet fabric, hanging above the countless bright stars. The stars were like crystal beads placed on velvet, with the rotation of the earth, slowly flowing towards the west. If one watched this in slow motion, the stars could be seen, moving with silver streaks marking their movement.

Ye Ruwei lying on the soft gra.s.s, bright red mouth partially opened, her eyes full of admiration focused on watching the flow of the beautiful scenery.

"Beautiful stars...really beautiful!"

The stars she saw were just like in her childhood memories, so impressive that she was almost speechless.

"Really beautiful, isn't it, Mr. Mu?"

She looked towards Mu Zheng who was sitting on the gra.s.s, looking in silence at the awesome sight.

"It is really beautiful."

Mu Zheng squinted his eyes, moved by this breathtaking natural beauty, his cold heart seemed to have some small abnormal palpitations.

Could this be what the poet's praised, the good things in life that one should enjoy?

Ever since he was saved from the gates of h.e.l.l when he was eleven years old, he was trained to be a killer by his savior. He did not care about the changes in the sky over his head because he had become a hard-hearted killing machine. Learning to kill right and speedily was much more important than watching the stars in the sky!

"Mr. Mu....."

"My name is Mu Zheng." He was tired of her calling him Mr. Mu.

"Oh, Mu Zheng. Who don't you lie down? If you lie down like me, you will be able to see the sky more clearly." Ye Ruwei suggested kindly.

Mu Zheng did not answer, still quietly looking at the stars in the sky.

He would not allow himself to let down his guard, even if the little woman was like a small jasmine flower. He would always be on alert. Lying openly on the gra.s.s would be vulnerable to a surprise attack.

"Are you afraid that you might accidentally lie down on dog s.h.i.+t?"

Ye Ruwei naively asked and Mu Zheng burst into laughter.

Dog s.h.i.+t? She really has a good imagination!

She seriously stressed. "Do not worry! Just now, before I lie down, I had checked the ground for dog pooh. It is clean here."

She also did not

want to go home with the terrible dog pooh smell on her body! If she happened to lie down on dog pooh, he would hold his nose and be the first one to flee. She was not so stupid to destroy this serene atmosphere.

"No." Mu Zheng shook his head. He did not know how to explain the complexity of his ident.i.ty or background to her.

"I do not know what is giving you so much pressure but since you are already here, it will be nice to relax. A beast will not suddenly pounce out here!"

"What?" Mu Zheng said with a puzzled frown.

"Actually it is like this!" Ye Ruwei's delicate jaded finger lightly pressed on his broad, thin shoulder, saying in reprimand. "Look at yourself. Your whole body is very tense. The moment you reach here, you have been looking into the surrounding darkness. What are you afraid of?"

He was shocked. The surprise in his eyes instantly turned complex.

This simple, naïve little woman had a pair of accurate and sharp eyes that could see through his strict never-slacken guard that took a long time to develop.

Once again, he looked at his surroundings. There was no trace of artificial light or another person's existence except for the two of them. As long as someone comes close, he would know. He was actually oversensitive.

He laughed at the bottom of his heart. Suddenly, his body relaxed and lay down on his back by her side. The sky was indeed clear and much more dazzling.

"Am I right? Doesn't the stars look more beautiful and more appealing?"

She proudly tilted her little nose, the smile on her face was so sweet that it was enough to melt anyone.

Suddenly Mu Zheng's mood changed, his narrow eyes became deep, quiet and were difficult to fathom. His tall lean body slowly moved sideways, closer to her.

"You.....what do you want to do?"

Ye Ruwei quietly swallowed saliva. Did he intend to kiss her?

"Kiss you."

As soon as he had spoken, he kissed her on the lips. Before she could utter a sound, his tongue was already in her mouth seeking hers.


She closed her eyes helplessly, too weak to withstand his mad plunder.

Her lips are so sweet! Are women's lips so sweet?

This was not the first time, he had touched a woman but this was the first time he lost control of himself. Mu Zheng held her small chin, eagerly sucking and kissing, hungrily devouring her red lips until she cried out in pain.

"Painful?" Mu Zhen unconsciously stroked the red and broken skin on her soft lips.

Ye Ruwei nodded. Why did he bite her lips until the skin broke on their first kiss?

"Sorry!" Mu Zheng sincerely apologized. He was never easy to lose control of himself.

"You reek of blood." This was just a normal complain but in the ears of Mu Zheng, it had a different meaning.

"You are disgusted with blood?" His eyes turned cold.

"Of course." Who likes to be bitten?

"Let's go back!"

Mu Zheng suddenly got up and walked towards the car parked by the side of the road.

"Mu Zheng?" Ye Ruwei in a daze quickly got up and followed behind him.

He continued to take big strides forward without looking back at her.

Ye Ruwei blankly followed his footsteps, did not know what had happened.

She vaguely felt he was unhappy and could be said he was angry but she did not understand why he became angry suddenly.

Could it be because she said she did not like blood?

Looking at his back view, she found out that this man was hard to understand!

She really did not know what he was thinking!

At this moment, if she was clear-headed, she should not have carried on with this man. She should have withdrawn and not put her feelings into this relations.h.i.+p with such a cold man but the smart one was always the most stupid!

She foolishly gave all of herself to this man and did not even enquired about his past. Her whole heart, pure and flawless was lost to him and also at the same time, she had chosen the painful path...

"Mu Zheng!"

A week later, in the middle of the night, Ye Ruwei finally saw a familiar tall figure walking into the small garden of Hongye Hot Springs. She immediately smiled and walked towards him.

"One person, special personal pool." Mu Zheng did not even look at her and walked along the red brick path leading to the individual pools.

"Mu Zheng....."

"Do you want to do business?" He stopped for a moment, his eyes vaguely showed a tinge of impatience. "If you do not want to do business, I can go to another place. Anyway, there are a lot of hot springs around here. There are other places that I can go to!"

"This is a hot spring restaurant. Of course, I want to do business but I want to talk to you about that night."

"It's well, I can go to another place."

Mu Zheng immediately turned and walked in the direction of the door.

For the first time in his life, he was afraid to face a person, especially a woman!

He hated to get involved with this little woman because he realized that she had the ability to influence his emotional changes.

A killer cannot have feelings! He had always been cold and heartless, with little or no emotions. From the moment he was determined to follow his Lord, he had abandoned his human innate feelings.

The more contact he had with people, the more difficult it would be for him to accomplish his tasks. The only important thing in his eyes was how to successfully complete the missions given to him rather than to care about useless things.

But he found that in front of this innocent little woman, it was difficult to hide his true feelings. She was like a powerful solvent, easily dissolving his cold, indifferent exterior. In front of her, he was like strands of loose threads. It was so difficult to face her even with his years of habitual indifferent att.i.tude.

And therefore, he chose to escape from Hongye Hot Springs and did not want to continue to face her!

"Please do not go! Mu Zheng....."

As soon as Ye Ruwei heard he wanted to leave, she panicked and lost her sense of proportion, intuitively reached out to pull his sleeve.

She had waited for a week and finally today, she could explain to him about the misunderstanding but did not think that he did not even want to give her the opportunity to explain before he left.

Mu Zheng did not expect that she would be so brazen to pull his sleeve. He was slightly stunned for a few seconds, then coldly said. "Let go!"

"No, no. Listen to me. That day, what I said was just a joke, absolutely not intentional. Don't get angry..."

She was so agitated and anxious that she was about to tear up.

Mu Zheng saw several employees and guests who were leaving, cast them curious looks. He frowned and then pulled her to the back.

"Come with me!"

The back of Hongye Hot Springs, there was a natural small pond, surrounded by green ferns and leaves. A bamboo pipe carrying spring water was directed to the pool. Spring water continuously fills up the pool, giving a simple, quiet, soothing atmosphere. When she had time, Ye Ruwei loved to meditate here.

Once they reached the pond, Mu Zheng turned his back to her and did not say a word. After waiting for a long while, Ye Ruwei could not help but speak.

"Mu Zheng, are you still angry?"

Mu Zheng slowly turned his head and looked at her.

"Are you afraid that I'll be angry?"



"Because.....I care about you!"

Ye Ruwei said, with her head lowered, revealing a shy intoxicating flush.

She knew that if she did not speak her mind this time, she would lose Mu Zheng and she did not want to lose him! So, even if she was regarded as an unrestrained woman, she would not regret her confession.

"Care?" Mu Zheng slowly pondered over the word.

'Care' for him was a very novel word because since he was born, no one had ever cared about him.

In the eyes of his parents, he was a product of his parent's irresponsible, careless encounter. They never valued his existence and even hoped that he would disappear to save the responsibility and trouble he brought them.

And he was also very clear that in the eyes of his Lord, he was just a murder weapon. No one really cared about him, Mu Zheng...except for this shy little woman with pink cheeks.

The cold, heartless man became soft and was surprised to find a warm feeling channeling through him.

What is that? So warm!

Always used to being alone, suddenly he was eager to have a gentle and tolerant embrace to warm his lonely heart.

The Boss is in love!

Every employee of Hongye Hot Springs said so.

Looking at her flushed face and her constant slight sweet smile, were indications that she was in love. That day, Xiao Jia had come across her and Mu Zheng kissing, so her employees all knew about her falling in love.

Although Xiao Jia had told her, that compared to the cold indifferent Mu Zheng, she had invested more of her feelings into this relations.h.i.+p than him but she did not mind. She had always thought that feelings were immeasurable and could not be weighed on scales as feelings were subtle. Even if everyone said that she was on the losing end, as long as the process made her feel happy, so what?

Recently the weather had warmed up. Ye Ruwei had instructed the chef to introduce a new series of spring menu and was in the midst of picking the new dishes when another worker-c.u.m-student, Xiao Liao suddenly ran to her side and ambiguously winked at her.

"Sister Ye, brother-in-law has come!"


Ye Ruwei looked up and saw the familiar silhouette walking towards the counter. She pretended to give Xiao Liao an angry look, patted him and said.

"Don't talk nonsense! Just now there is a table that ordered some dishes. Quick, help to serve the dishes."

"Yes!" Xiao Liao gave a mock salute and on seeing Mu Zheng coming in, dashed into the kitchen.

In fact, Xiao Liao was very afraid of Mu Zheng because he always had a cold indifferent look on his face.

Ye Ruwei smiled at Xiao Liao as he disappeared into the kitchen and she walked out from behind the counter to greet Mu Zheng.

"Mu Zheng, you are here."

"Mm....." Mu Zheng nodded, looked in the direction of Xiao Liao and said. "Busy?"

"No!" She shook her head quickly.

She was very happy to see him. For the last three days, he did not come and she was wondering why he did not appear.

"You want a dip in the hot spring?" She smilingly asked.


Ye Ruwei grinned, intimately pulled his arm and accompanied him to his exclusive private pool.

Ever since she fell in love, she had reserved this special pool exclusively for his personal use.

Ye Ruwei looked at his cold face and said. "You just finished work? You look tired." Every time he came to the hot spring, she had always felt that his mood was not good.

In the eyes of others, he was always cold and indifferent but she was able to distinguish the slightest difference in his expressions and even could feel his mood swings.

"It's okay." Mu Zheng's mood was really not good and lazily answered.

"You....what are you doing recently?"

She could not be blamed for being curious. Although they meet more often now but to her, he was still a mystery.

She knew he worked for Du Zhengxian but did not know what he does as he never talked about his work.

"Busy with work." He really did not explain in detail about his work.

Ye Ruwei knew that he did not like to talk about his work and was considerate not to ask anymore to give him some private s.p.a.ce.

When they reached his exclusive pool, Ye Ruwei suddenly remembered that yesterday, she had bought a new towel for him, quickly said. "Yes! I bought a new bath towel for you. Wait for a while, I'll get it."

She hurriedly ran off but this time, Mu Zheng did not wait for her. He took off his clothes and walked into the misty pool. By the time she came back, he was comfortably relaxing in the pool with his head resting on the rock, squinting his eyes at her.

"I'll put the towel here!" His half-naked body made Ye Ruwei feel shy, with lowered head, put the towel on the cabinet top and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute." He looked at her shy, pretty face, Mu Zheng suddenly wanted to tease her.

"What is it?" She stopped and dared not look back.

"Come here!"

"What.....what is it?" Ye Ruwei only dared to turn sideways but did not dare to look directly at him.

"Come a bit closer!" He leisurely ordered.

"Actually...what is it?" She kept on looking at her toes jutting out of her sandals and did not even looked at him.

"I lost my towel."

"Ah?" Ye Ruwei moved her eyes along with Mu Zheng's line of vision and saw a white towel floating on the water.

"Can you please retrieve it for me?" He asked gently.

"Oh, okay!" She hurried around to the end of the pool, squatted down and picked the towel out of the pool.

"Here is your towel." She considerately handed over the towel to him.

"Thank you!" He pretended to take the towel and pulled her hand together with the towel towards him.

"Ah...." She quickly knelt down but was not dragged into the pool.

She let out a shocked breath when suddenly a pair of wet hands burst out of the water. Before she even had time

to scream, hot and humid lips had landed on her lips and lashed into her mouth.


She rolled her eyes, sighed weakly and then closed her eyes, put her arms around his neck and wholeheartedly received his fiery kiss.

This is the time that she could really get close to him and could feel his enthusiasm and care for her.

Finally, Mu Zheng was satisfied and loosen his hold on her. Ye Ruwei immediately, like a fish let off, fled from his arms quickly.

She swept him an angry glance, hiding her red swollen lips behind her hand and hurried back to the counter.

Back at the counter, she put down the hand covering her mouth and Xiao Jia who was standing in for her at the counter, immediately exclaimed. "Sister Ye, you have been bitten by an insect? Your mouth is swollen badly!"

Ye Ruwei's face flushed red and was so embarra.s.sed, did not know how to answer. At that time, Obasan who was taking out the trash heard Xiao Jia. She laughed loudly and slapped Xiao Jia on his head.

"Silly Xiao Jia! Have you ever been in love?"

Xiao Jia with a red face suddenly realized that the insect was Mu Zheng!

Even if there was no moonlight or stars on Yangmingshan (name of a famous mountain near Taipei where Yangmingshan National Forest Park is located), it was especially quiet, even if the sky was not beautiful, they would still go there to enjoy the night scene.

Ye Ruwei snuggled in Mu Zheng's embrace, thought of Xiao Jia's words and could not help but laughed.

"Why are you laughing?"

Mu Zheng lifted his eyebrows, looked down at her and smiled.

"I was thinking of Xiao Jia. Today, he said...." She smiled and told him the joke. "Xiao Jia is so cute, right?"

Mu Zheng humph and did not comment.

To him, Xiao Jia was only a fledgling little feather that not important to him. But on several occasions, he had seen Ye Ruwei and Xiao Jia were quite close, sharing smiles and talking with harmonious feelings, his heart felt a little discomfort.

"You like that kid?" He asked trying not to look jealous.

"Of course!" Ye Ruwei answered. "Xiao Jia is a good boy. Hardworking and diligent, why shouldn't I like him?"

"You like him?" Mu Zheng felt his face sink and wanted to ask her.....what about himself?

He hated the feeling of jealousy that he had, making him so silly but could not stop himself from feeling jealous of Xiao Jia.

Ye Ruwei turned her head and chanced upon his cold, unhappy expression. Suddenly a thought came into her mind and asked. "Mu Zheng, are you jealous?"

Could not be! Jealous of a little brother who was seven to eight years younger than him?

"Do not talk nonsense!" Of course, no matter what, he would not admit it!

"It must be true! You're really jealous, right? You...."

"Shut up!"

Mu Zheng was angry, immediately covered her lips with his. That was the only way to stop her from talking.


Just like in the past, Ye Ruwei quickly melted into Mu Zheng's embrace and completely forgot about their conversation.

Unfortunately, the weather was not good. Just as they were immersed with each other, the sky changed, with sounds of loud thunder and suddenly big drops of rain fell. Unable to avoid the rain, the both of them were drenched to the skin.

"It's cold!"

Although the weather had gradually warmed up, but they were wet through, causing them to s.h.i.+ver with cold.

"Cover up with my coat!"

Once in the car, Mu Zheng gave her the jacket that he had left in the car and quickly started the engine and heating. As she lived nearby, he intended to send her back.

"Still cold?"

Along the way, he kept turning around and asked.

"Not cold." He was obviously worried and that warmed her heart.

On reaching her residence, Mu Zheng took out an umbrella and sent her to the door. She stood in front of the apartment door, bite her lips for a moment and decided to ask him.

"I have a clothes dryer, do you want to come up and dry your clothes?"

Mu Zheng knew why she was hesitant when she asked this question. They knew what would happen if he went up.

And they were still thinking indecisively whether they should let this happen so early.

Mu Zheng looked at her. Their eyes met in the darkness and between them, they could feel unspeakable delicate tenderness.

Mu Zheng's heart skipped a beat, his heart shook and unconsciously nodded.


He stretched out his hand and held her soft, creamy little hand. They intertwined their hands, walked one step at a time along the narrow staircase, towards her residence.

Standing in front of the door, Ye Ruwei stretched out trembling hands to open the door, then stepped into the house.

She heard the door behind her closed, locked, his warmth gradually closed in and then suddenly behind her neck, Mu Zheng asked in a low voice.

"Are you sure?"

Ye Ruwei took a deep breath, nodded her head.

"Will not regret?" He must reconfirm her decision.

Once they start and if suddenly she regrets, then he might not be able to stop.

Ye Ruwei shook her head.

"Think clearly, it may be too late if you regret later."

Mu Zheng did not understand why he had to confirm again and again with her. Initially, didn't he want to play with her, just to pa.s.s time? Now that she had taken the initiative to invite him into her house, why was he acting like a gentleman asking for confirmation?

Ye Ruwei's answer was turning around to face him, placing her hands behind his neck and snuggling into his embrace.

"Since you are willing, I will not be able to stop!" Mu Zheng growled loudly, bowed his head and firmly kissed her on the lips.

"Mu Zheng....."

Ye Ruwei timidly grasped his back, her heart beating so fast as if it would jump out of her chest.

Although she was willing to give herself to him but she had no experience and inevitably felt fearful.

But Mu Zheng did not give her time to feel much fear. In a blink of an eye, she was lying in bed, with her clothes diminis.h.i.+ng piece by piece.

"I'm afraid....."

"Don't be afraid."

Mu Zheng took off her last piece of clothing, squinting at her smooth, flawless, snow white body and her crimson flushed face.

He could not help but sigh. "You are beautiful!"

This is his first time praising a woman. For him, a woman is a woman and beauty was never a matter of importance.

Du Zhengxian kept a number of enchanting prost.i.tutes with good looks and superb skills, specifically to serve them, the killers. When he really needed a physiological release, he would occasionally touch those women but he never felt that they were beautiful. He only treated them as items that would satisfy his hunger or thirst like food or drinking water.

Ye Ruwei was not like them. She was s.e.xy, abundant but had no experience in the art of seduction. He really found Ye Ruwei to be beautiful, fresh, refined and so beautiful that made him loved her with affection.

He looked at her, her eyes closed, long eyelashes slightly trembling, red and tender mouth slightly opened, with a weak and pleasant look, really made emotions stirred at the bottom of his heart.

Their pa.s.sionate prelude was interrupted. Ye Ruwei could not help but opened her eyes with chagrin, looking for the source of the sound.

"That is..."

"My cell phone!"

Mu Zheng turned to get off the bed and from his pants on the ground, took out his phone and pressed the answer b.u.t.ton.

He did not have relatives, no friends and the only caller was from the Lord.

"Wolf." He answered.

He turned around and with his back towards Ye Ruwei, who was looking at him with curious wide eyes, whispered his own code and quietly waited for the other end to respond.

"Yes, I know."

He finished his conversation, picked up his clothes from the floor and started to dress.

"What is it? You have to go?" Ye Ruwei wrapped herself with the quilt and asked in puzzlement.

"I have something on."

"But your clothes are not dried yet."

"It does not matter. I don't have time." Du Yingxuan suddenly called to say that her father had wanted to see him.

He wondered, what could be the matter for Lord to look for him in so late at night.

Ye Ruwei looked the bedroom door opened and closed, her heart had a strange intuition.

She felt Mu Zheng was hiding something from her and that thing would affect their relations.h.i.+p. But no matter what, she did not want to break off with Mu Zheng!

She really loved Mu Zheng!

She bent her knees, turned and look out of the window. She did not know when the big thunderstorm had pa.s.sed. The half moon that appeared behind the clouds was like a beautiful young girl behind a veil. Would their future be like the sky after a thunderstorm, clear and crisp?

"Yo! The great Solitary Wolf knows how to find his way back?"

The moment Mu Zheng stepped into the killer's secret base, a proud and arrogant figure stood in front of him.

"Step aside!"

Solitary Wolf coldly glanced at him, too lazy to say anything. To such a person as Scorpion, he had nothing to say to him.

He had always been a loner and on his missions, he had always preferred to work alone. Although he did not integrate with other people but up till now, he had always been safe. Only with this poison Scorpion, everything did not seem right.

Perhaps he did not like the way Scorpion handled matters and Scorpion had always harbored bad feelings for him which constantly made things difficult for him!

Although he was often ordered to kill but he actually hated to kill anyone. If he was forced to be on a mission, he would always ensure the victim die clean and fast without suffering but Scorpion happened to be the opposite of him!

Scorpion liked to kill...rather he liked the process of killing. It would be better to say he liked to torture his victims and they would either die a miserable death or sometimes they were dismembered before they were killed. He was disgusted with Scorpion's perverted way of killing.

"Huh! Solitary Wolf, do you think you will always be in the top position? Let me tell you! The earth is round and the sun will not always s.h.i.+ne on your head. There will come a time, the sun will set and until that day comes, you will crawl under my feet! Ha...ha...ha..."

Scorpion laughed loudly. Solitary Wolf without anger, faintly said. "Are you dreaming?"

"You....." Scorpion was quick to blow up.

"Step aside! The Lord is looking for me"

Solitary Wolf was too lazy to listen to Scorpion bark, walked around him and out of the hall.

He had trampled on Scorpion's sore point. Scorpion shouted and cursed at him. "Lord? What is so great about the Lord looking for you? Just because you have some skill, if not, the Lord wouldn't even look at such a dirty thing. You are just a b.a.s.t.a.r.d born from a drunk and a b.i.t.c.h!"

"What did you say?"

Suddenly Solitary Wolf stopped in his tracks, turned around and looked at Scorpion with cold eyes that made the originally arrogant Scorpion's heart trembled.

"This...This is the truth! I didn't fabricate this, am I not right?"

"Say that again!"

Solitary Wolf slowly walked back, his green veins bulging on his big fisted hands.

"I said...ah! Let me go....let go!"

Scorpion did not see Mu Zheng's next move. He only saw a dark shadow and then found his neck held up tightly by a strong palm.

"Who told you this? Who?"

Mu Zheng coldly, gradually increased the strength of his hand. With a bit more strength, he would be able to break off Scorpion's trachea.

"Wu...wu..." Scorpion's whole face was flushed red, painfully struggling.

His air was fast depleting!

"What is going on here?"

A slender figure appeared behind them. She saw the scene in front of her and suddenly shouted. "Big Brother Solitary Wolf, quickly let Scorpion go! You are strangling him to death."

Hearing the familiar voice, Mu Zheng slowly loosen his hold.

"Miss!" Scorpion had never been happier to see Du Yingxuan. If not for her, he would have gone to see Hades in h.e.l.l.

"What is the matter with you all? Why can't you live in peace and harmony but must quarrel and fight?"

Du Yingxuan's beautiful eyes were filled with doubt and puzzlement.

"Ask him!" Mu Zheng turned aside, coldly said.

"What is the matter? Is Scorpion making trouble for Big Brother?"

Du Yingxuan suddenly nodded in understanding. "Scorpion, this is your mistake. Since we are one family, why create trouble?"

"Who is one family with this ba......" Glancing at Mu Zheng's cold stare, Scorpion swallowed his saliva, immediately changed his words. "One family with him? I would prefer to be one family with Miss!"

Scorpion's obscene, coveted eyes were constantly eyeing l.u.s.tfully at Du Yingxuan's exquisite seductive body.

"If you dare to look at her with that look, I'll wring your neck!" Solitary Wolf warned coldly.

"No, don't do that" Du Yingxuan quickly pulled Mu Zheng's arm, gently said. "Big Brother, I know you are good to me but I beg you. Do not hurt the feelings between brothers because of me."

"I do not have this kind of shameless brother!" Mu Zheng answered, turned and left the hall.

Du Yingxuan watched his retreating back, her gentle and delicate expression gradually turned sharp.

"I had warned you many times, never to rile Solitary Wolf. How come you never listen?" She stared at Scorpion with a pair of beautiful almond eyes, which severely criticized him and he bowed his head with guilt.

"I'm very sorry!"

"You do not have to explain! Come to my room tonight. You need good counseling."

Thinking he would be severely punished, Scorpion was surprised when he heard Du Yingxuan. His eyes instantly lit up, greedy desire immediately emerged.

"So, you must remember not to waste your energy in such a boring manner and save your physical energy to contribute on my bed, tonight."

"Yes!" The sinister Scorpion had immediately turned into a pug and drooled at Du Yingxuan.

Du Yingxuan smiled proudly, threw back her long hair and walked out of the hall.

When she was 14 years old, she had her first man and ever since then, she could not extricate herself from s.e.xual encounters with men. She had experienced numerous men and later discovered that men with martial arts only, could meet her demands. So, every once in a while, she would summon her father's killers into her room.

Her father, Du Zhengxian also knew about this and had no objections. What she did could also be considered as an added bonus for his killers who killed for him and naturally it would not be a bad thing.

So far, she had had all her father's men and the only one she had not gone to bed with, was Solitary Wolf.

She licked her red lips, secretly fantasized how it would feel to be in the embrace of Solitary Wolf.

Unfortunately, her father had repeatedly warned her not to have any ideas on Solitary Wolf. Even if she craved for him but would not dare to touch a single strand of hair on him, due to her father's order, which was her biggest regret.

In the eyes of Solitary Wolf, she was equal to the synonym of an angel. If he ever found out that the angel's true face, her father was afraid that they would not be able to hold on to him.

In fact, she thought her father worried needlessly! As long as a man who had bedded her, he

would be obsessed with her. Solitary Wolf was also a man, naturally, he was no exception, isn't that right?

Pa.s.sing by the full-length mirror at the staircase corner, she stopped. Using her well maintained white jaded fingers to pull back her long black hair from her cheeks, turned her head satisfactorily and looked at her meticulous appearance.

She was very fortunate that Heavens was generous to her, giving her a pure innocent angelic face. With her pure beauty, she was unhindered in her pursuits. In this high-cla.s.s society, she was able to taste the joy of l.u.s.t, enjoyed stealing pleasure. As long as she was able to squeeze out two drops of tears, anyone would believe she was innocent. Look at that Solitary Wolf who thought he could see through everyone, wasn't she able to play around with him?

From the moment, she and her father saved him, Solitary Wolf had no doubts that she was the kind of pure, flawless angel.

Angel? Such a joke! She scoffed, laughed and turned to go upstairs.

Reaching her father's study, immediately she put on an innocent smile and knocked on the door.

"Daddy....Big Brother Solitary Wolf...."

Ye Ruwei stood behind the counter, her left hand holding the daily accounts, right hand on the calculator, her dull eyes looking at the front door apparently in a dreamy state.

She and Mu Zheng had been in love for quite a while but seriously the time they spent together could not add up to even a week. Last time, she really thought that she knew Mu Zheng but recently she was not clear whether she really did understand him.

Ever since the last time in her residence, they had a close relations.h.i.+p, they had continued to see each other several times but every time a sudden call would interrupt their appointment.

Mu Zheng had never told her who was always calling him. She had tried to ask but he had always avoided her questions and never gave any positive answers.

The more mysterious he was, the more uneasy she became. The man she loves, what kind of work was he doing?

"Sister Ye? Sister Ye?"

Xiao Jia's voice penetrated into her ears, bringing her thoughts back to the present. Xiao Jia was standing beside her, holding a heavy carton box with trembling hands.

"Xiao Jia, why are you moving that box?"

"Why am I moving this box?" Xiao Jia was surprised and stared at her. "Just now, didn't you tell me to bring out new towels from the store? Now that I have brought out the towels, how can you forget?"

His hands were so sore holding the heavy box and waiting so long for her instructions!

"Oh, sorry. Please put it down here. Later obasan will change the old towels with these new ones."

"Okay!" Xiao Jia put down the carton box of towels at the side, on the floor and patted the dust from his arms.

He looked at Ye Ruwei with her soulless expression, asked curiously. "Sister Ye, what are you thinking?"

"Me? No.....nothing!"

Ye Ruwei quickly shook her head, bowed down and pretended to look at the accounts.

She was really worried but she was not used to sharing her thoughts with anyone especially someone young like a younger brother.

"In fact, I can also protect Sister Ye!" Xiao Jia suddenly said impulsively.

"Ah?" She looked up and saw Xiao Jia's cheerful face.

"If that person cannot give Sister Ye happiness, I am willing to replace him and make you happy!"

Ye Ruwei stared at Xiao Jia in shock. She had never imagined that Xiao Jia, who was still a student, would actually say such bold and amazing words.

"It is a pity that you are not able to replace me. It would be better for you to stand aside and obediently carry on studying."

An extremely cold voice sounded, accompanied by a tall figure, appeared like a ghost behind Xiao Jia.

"Mu Zheng!" Ye Ruwei was surprised and exclaimed.

When did he come?

Caught on the spot making a confession, Xiao Jia's face flushed, stared at Mu Zheng for a while, turned around and rushed out.

"Xiao Jia...."

Ye Ruwei saw his agitation and chased after him but Mu Zheng pulled her back.

"Mu Zheng, let me go! I have to look for him."

"You are not allowed to go!" Seeing her concern for Xiao Jia, there was an uncomfortable feeling in Mu Zheng's heart.

Didn't she say that there was nothing between her and Xiao Jia? Why today, he had to overhear Xiao Jia's confession for her?

"But he...." Ye Ruwei was worried for Xiao Jia.

"He is old enough!"

He was not a five or six-year-old child who needed someone to wipe his tears and nose.

"Mu Zheng! Why are you..."

Ye Ruwei did not understand how he had suddenly become so unfriendly towards Xiao Jia. He was not like this before!

She was surprised and looked at Mu Zheng's implicit anger and tight face, suddenly began to understand.

"Mu Zheng, you are...are you jealous of Xiao Jia?" She boldly guessed.

Mu Zheng who had always been cold and indifferent, instantly flushed.

He was indirectly admitting he was jealous!

"Are you really jealous?"

Ye Ruwei opened her eyes wide, unable to believe that he could be jealous. She had always thought that she was alone walking down this love path and did not know he also cared about her and could even feel jealous for her.

This discovery was too amazing, like a dream, without a sense of reality.

She was pleasantly surprised and her eyes redden.

Overcoming his embarra.s.sment, Mu Zheng let out a breath of relief, rubbed her head with his hands.

"Idiot! Why are you feeling so happy?"

"Of course I am happy. That proves you love me!" She fell into his arms, clinging to his neck, smiling sweetly through her tears and said.

Love? Mu Zheng put his arms around her, silently thinking about the word.

He was skeptical. Would a sinful killer like him, be able to find and hold on to love and happiness?


In the night, an intoxicating, delicate moan could be heard from the under the quilt on the big bed.

Mu Zheng raised Ye Ruwei's smooth, pale legs, wrapped them around his waist and continued to speed up the rhythm.

"I cannot hold any longer! Mu Zheng, ah..."

Ye Ruwei was breathing rapidly, slender fingers dug into his back, leaving light red finger marks.

Her wild reaction stimulated Mu Zheng's desire, he increased the speed of his movements and the increased friction brought pleasure.

Pa.s.sion was burning to the peak, Mu Zheng thrust a few more times with force, growled and then spurted all his abundant warm liquid into her body.

That moment, the blurred Ye Ruwei had a thought. It had been several days, she did not take contraceptive pills but she would not get pregnant so easily, right?

After the pa.s.sion had subsided, Mu Zheng withdrew from her and walked into the bathroom to shower.

Ye Ruwei lying on the bed, her eyes inadvertently landed on Mu Zheng's trousers hanging on the bedside chair.

Inevitably, she remembered the mysterious phone calls that came through a few times.

She remembered that he always put his mobile phone inside his trousers, instantly an evil idea arose from her heart.

She licked her lips and quietly turned to steal a look at the bathroom. Through the translucent gla.s.s door, his figure was vaguely visible. She slipped out of bed, picked up his trousers and found his mobile phone from his pocket.

She pressed the b.u.t.ton for the search call record nervously, to see his caller number.

She found that the call to him was from the same phone number. She tried to guess the ident.i.ty of the caller.

She held the phone, the index finger hovered over the dial b.u.t.ton, hesitated, thinking whether or not, she should press the b.u.t.ton.

As long as she dial this number, she would know the ident.i.ty of the caller.

Just...should she dial?

"What are you doing?!"

Suddenly a sharp voice sounded in the room. Ye Ruwei only saw a shadow pa.s.sed by and the mobile phone in her hands were roughly taken away. Due to the force of the violent action, she fell backward onto the bed.

"Ah!" Before she could react, she was dragged up on the bed.

"What is the meaning of this? What do you want, sneaking looks at my phone?"

"I did not...I just wanted to know....." She was frightened by the anger on Mu Zheng's face.

She had never seen him so angry before, unconsciously swallowed her saliva and struggled to get up.

"What do you want to know? Do you want to know my true ident.i.ty? Okay, I'll tell you! Who do you think Mu Zheng is? Mu Zheng is not a great man. He is not a decent man like you imagine. He is the ruthless killer...Solitary Wolf. From the age of eighteen, his hands are covered with blood. Every time the person calls, it is a mission given by the Lord. Look at this pair of b.l.o.o.d.y hands..."

He stretched out a pair of big palms and gradually approached her.

"No....I do not believe you! Don't talk nonsense!" Ye Ruwei desperately shook her head, refusing to believe him.

How could she fall in love with a killer? The Mu Zheng that she loved, may be cold, perhaps poor at expressing his emotions but definitely a good man. He could not be a killer!

She remembered his occasional gentleness, remembered his frenzied kiss...

This Mu Zheng could not be a killer!

Mu Zheng's indifferent expression covered the pain in his heart. He knew that this matter would eventually be exposed one day. He was very clear that paper could not be used to wrap fire.* (Something that cannot be kept hidden for long)

"Huh! I have told you but you still do not believe me? If you are not a fool than you are very naïve. I might as well tell you, the reason why I often go to the hot springs! This should be considered my quirk. Every time, after I have killed a person, I will bath in the hot springs. You can count how many times I have been to your hot springs and that will show how many people I have killed. And that is only a portion of my list!" He said cruelly.

'Liar! I don't believe! I don't believe you!"

She could not believe it! Going to bath in the hot springs was actually to wash away the smell of blood, she could not accept the fact!

"You still don't believe? Do you want to see more evidence?" Mu Zheng was angry at her stubbornness. He dragged her out of the bed and from his special custom-made boots, he took out a black small pistol.

"This is my weapon. Although this gun is small, its power is alarming. The bullet powered by this gun can go through the human head. Have you seen the scene with brains scattered and blood flowing? I have seen over hundreds of times, thousands of times...."

"Don't say anymore! Don't say..."

Ye Ruwei clutched her mouth, could not stop the burst of nausea feeling surging out, forcefully pushed Mu Zheng aside and rushed towards the trash can.

She knelt on the ground, vomiting into the trash can for a long time but could only spit out some bitter yellow bile.

"I make you feel sick?" Mu Zheng sneered.

Ye Ruwei was unable to speak and shook her head desperately. She could not accept the fact, she really could not!

She hurriedly got up from the floor, hastily put on her clothes and then ran out the door.

Mu Zheng with empty, wooden eye watched the door opened and closed but did not stop her from leaving.

He had always wanted to tell her the truth and he also knew how she would react. Then, why did he feel hurt?

Why did he feel the pain in his heart?

It was good that she had left!

She had left. He was once again the cold, indifferent Solitary Wolf, who n.o.body cared about.

This was really good!

He sat alone in the love-filled room, repeatedly told himself when day breaks, dawn would gradually come...