13 - 15

Chapter 13 The Ducal Couple (1)

Translated by: iseuli

edited by: lili

Raindrops pattered onto the window. Her heart felt at peace as she enjoyed the tea scent that filled the drawing room. She was enjoying her afternoon tea time. Rather than her personal drawing room on the second floor, she preferred the one on the first floor.

She was sitting in the spacious and quiet room all alone as if time had stopped.

'Has it been…a month now…?'

A month had passed since their wedding. Of that month, three weeks had been spent living alone in Duke Taran's castle located in Roam. She had not heard any sort of news of him ever since he had taken off on his own at the capital.

"Madam. Is there anything you'd like to eat for dinner today?"

"Anything is fine."

Every day he'd ask the same question and she'd answer in the same way. Lucia had never eaten a meal more sumptuous and luxurious than the food served here.

Jerome watched Lucia eat crackers with gentle eyes. At first, he'd been worried that a princess was going to become the duke's lady of the house. He had worried over how he'd serve such a fussy and capricious noblewoman; the hysteria she'd throw after being neglected by her husband; his head had been aching as he'd imagined the days ahead.

However, he'd long thrown away those worries during their travels here to Roam. Even the knights had praised that it was a first time they had met a noblewoman so easy to escort.

The duchess never even did the things that the mere mistresses of the duke had been trying to do. She didn't unnecessarily go out of her way to oppress all the employees staffed under her to set up a hierarchy. She didn't bother with petty power struggles with Jerome either. She let the people around her do their job, while she lived her own life. Not once did she raise her voice at another.

She was gentle-mannered and tender-hearted. Jerome truly felt happy from the bottom of his heart.


The sound of a heavy trumpet sounded. Lucia looked at Jerome with a startled heart. When she saw Jerome's tense expression, it made her fear double. Jerome was usually very relaxed and calm, so seeing him like that caused her a lot of anxiety.

"His Grace has returned."

Her heart started to race.

"Madam, there is no need for you to go out to greet his Grace."

Lucia was about to get up from her seat, but she sat herself back down with an awkward movement.

"I'm not trying to convey any sort of message to you. I'm just taking precaution in case Madam gets scared."


"I am unable to tell Madam in great detail, however the task His Grace had tackled was perilous. At times like these, His Grace becomes very sensitive. He always bathes before doing anything; it will be better for you to meet His Grace afterwards."

Lucia nodded and saw the butler out. She didn't know the exact reason he had to be away for so long or what kind of problems the north was facing. She was nosy with the small details of the castle, but she didn't try to interfere into his business at all. She had only picked up bits of information when she occasionally happened to overhear some of the conversations between the knights guarding the castle.

"You can say they're dead…"

"The Lord Duke… forgive…"

She had been too far away to hear all of their conversations, but she could put together that the duke's task had to do with killing others.

'Could it be related to the borderland barbarians?'

Any person from Xenon knew that the North was always at war with the borderland barbarians. Everyone agreed that the reason the northern citizens lived in peace was because Duke Taran was keeping all the dangers at bay.

If the small-scale battles with the borderland barbarians escalated… It could be considered a type of war as well.

She thought something like a war wouldn't affect her life at all. The war had ended not too long ago, but Xenon had only participated in it and the citizens had not experienced the aftereffects of it at all. At this moment, she realized that the North had always been in a state of war.

'Why did I come to this place?'

Lucia's husband, Duke Hugo Taran, was known as the wartime's black lion. He'd killed countless people and was infamous for it.


Hugo took care of all the problems in his own stubborn way within a month. As for the problems pertaining to the many lawless lands that had sprung due to the shortage of administration employees, Hugo didn't fuss about the problem.

He had originally planned to tour the North anyway. But in order for that to happen, it would take at least half a year. Rather than taking such a long trip, he decided to return home. He hadn't taken a break regardless of whether it was raining or storming. He made a grand entrance in Roam with his clothes smelling of rotten water and dust covering his whole body.

"I'm happy to see that you're in great health, Your Grace."

The employees of the castle stood in a line, while Jerome politely greeted the Lord Duke. From just his appearance, it felt like the duke would cut down anyone who came near him. His bloodthirsty aura had not disappeared yet, and it felt as if one could still hear the screams of those he had killed.

'No matter how many times I see him like this, I can't get used to it.'

Jerome felt a sense of incompatibility whenever he saw his Lord Duke like that. Jerome had always remained in the castle and taken care of the business of their estate; he had never seen Duke Taran in action as a knight.

The duke within Jerome's mind was a perfect being without a speck of flaw. The duke had always been an upright person all along. The duke never got mad nor yelled. He would execute his tasks at the appointed time every day. Thus, whenever Jerome saw the duke like this, he couldn't help but become nervous.

"I've prepared the bath water in advance."

A hot bath, and a relaxing cup of tea. That was all that was needed for his Lord Duke to return to normal.

"Has anything happened while I was gone?"

Jerome, who was sensible, was able to understand his master's true question. His Lord Duke had never asked such a vague question to him upon his return before.

"There is nothing of importance. Her Grace is also at peace and healthy. I've informed Madam that there was no need to come out and greet you personally on your return."

"You've done well."

He turned his back.

"Gather for a meeting in an hour. Everyone must be present. There are no excuses."

As he disappeared off to bathe, Jerome answered to his back figure, then glanced to the drawing room Lucia was waiting in. The meeting wouldn't end in just a few hours. It would have been better if he could share a few words of greeting with her before the meeting.

'The enemy troops aren't at our front doors, and it wouldn't hurt to push the meeting back a bit.'

As soon as the ducal couple's informal wedding had been complete, she had been dragged to their territory and almost imprisoned in the castle. To make it worse, he had not sent a single letter of his well-being for the whole month. Anyone would criticize that crude behavior and treatment. But still, he had asked about the Madam's well-being when he arrived, and that counted for something. Jerome had served the duke for many years and he understood that this signified something very big.

'It seems I haven't assumed things incorrectly.'

"This is the Taran's Lady of the House. Give all your respects to her."

Jerome had conjectured the duke's few words as a warning.

"If you don't know your own place, everyone will die."

Jerome had no intentions to ignore the duke's warnings. Whenever he got the chance, he made sure to educate the employees on that fact. Thankfully, Jerome guessed the duke's meaning correctly. Jerome didn't do his job just because it was his duty, but he felt honest respect for the Taran's lady of the house.

'Would Fabian be in the capital about now…?'

Although it was just a small conflict within a territory, all those people were the Emperor's people. Too many people had died. Fabian was entrusted with the duty to inform the Emperor of the conflict and to negotiate how everything would be smoothed over. Fabian had sent a short message to Jerome before he'd left for the capital.

– That person thinks too lightly of a human's life.

The short sentence was enough to relay Fabian's anguish. Jerome could perfectly understand his feelings and felt a little apologetic. Different from Jerome, Fabian followed the duke to every battle as the adjutant general and had seen his Lord Duke take countless lives. It couldn't be helped that there was a big gap between how the two of them viewed their Lord Duke; one had seen the killings in person, and the other had not.

Fabian agreed with the many others who called his Lord Duke a 'tyrant'. On the surface, they berated the ones who spoke such careless remarks, but on the inside, they believed the same thing. If he didn't suppress and exploit others, he wouldn't be called a tyrant. He did as he pleased, and nobody could object to his actions; he was the very definition of a tyrant.

Jerome had witnessed it during the duke's marriage. The marriage had been abrupt and without celebration, but even so, nobody had spoken a world of discontent. Everyone had looked to Jerome to try and understand the duke's true intentions behind the marriage.

Jerome truly had no idea either. Fabian seemed to know some things, but Jerome hadn't tried to dig deeper into it. The two of them were brothers and they kept their private and public lives separate.

'It would be nice if this marriage has a bit of meaning to him…'

If the Lord Duke's temper could die down even just a bit, they would have no other wishes.


The quiet echo of clattering utensils could be heard in the dining room. Lucia placed a small piece of steak into her mouth and enjoyed the tender premium meat.

The first time she had tried the steak, she had been so deeply moved that she had felt sad whenever she'd had to swallow each bite. She had eaten that dish only a few times, but any of the emotions she had first felt when she enjoyed it were nowhere to be found. Inside her head, she agreed it was the best dish, but she could not feel the same inside her heart. Her sense of taste was quite fickle.

Lucia sat on a table long enough to generously seat 20 adults. The duke had returned, but Lucia was left to enjoy her meals alone. Other than Lucia, the only people present were the maids and servants on standby next to her.

He had returned this afternoon, and while the late evening had descended, she had not seen his face once. As soon as he had finished his bath, he had gathered his subordinates in his study to hold a meeting. The meeting didn't show any signs of ending soon, either.

It seemed the people inside had no thoughts of having dinner, because the maids kept working hard, bringing in tea and sandwiches into the study. She was originally going to wait and enjoy dinner together with him, but the butler had suggested it would be better to eat first, and she'd had no choice but to have a late dinner all by herself.

'He's a very busy man…'

She didn't expect a lovey-dovey married life with him, however since they'd be living in the same house, she thought they could live peacefully while sharing a few words every now and then. It seemed even that was just a delusion of hers.

They lived in the same house, but their living spaces were completely separate. There would be no accidental meeting without one person intentionally seeking the other out.

'It would have been nice if his family were still alive.'

Whether it was his mother or his brother, she could have worked to become friendlier with them while living out the rest of her days. She felt sad for the tragic death of his family. At the same time, she wished to meet his son, who was living alone in a boarding school.

Thankfully, she wasn't one to easily fall in depression. She had a fairly independent personality. She accomplished her tasks and settled her own problems most of the time. But this dull lifestyle was becoming quite tedious.

All her life, she had kept herself busy. However, this place was too luxurious, to the point that there was nothing for her to do.

She had barely finished half her steak, but she didn't have much of an appetite. It was such a waste, but eating more would only cause her to feel nauseous and sick.

'Should I just finish the whole plate and suffer later?'

She contemplated for a bit, then put down her knife.

"Does it not suit your taste?"

"That's not it. Please relay to the chef that the dish was great as usual. Today… I just feel a bit full. I think I ate too many crackers this afternoon."

Lucia usually finished all her afternoon snacks and dinner as well. However, she had not eaten much of the crackers today at all. Even so, Jerome didn't bother going out of his way to remind Lucia of that fact.

"Is it still raining?"

"Yes, it seems it will be pouring all night long."

"I see."

If it wasn't raining, she could have taken a walk around the lackluster garden. It felt like the day was crawling by today.

"I'll be heading up now."

"Shall I bring some tea for you?"

"Please do. Ah, actually never mind. I'll be in the study. I'll have my tea at a later time."

"Yes, madam."

The one place Lucia loved in Roam was Hugo's study. It had high black domed ceiling. The wall facing south had a giant window that let the sunshine light up the room until sundown. The other walls were covered with books all the way up to the ceiling. The walls had three levels of railing systems with the width of about a single person. One could travel across all the different levels of bookshelves through a set of stairs.

On the left, one could find another room, except it had no door. Inside, there was a sofa and a bed. Toward the right, there was another room which was tightly locked. According to Jerome, the room was filled with various Taran family heirlooms and only the duke was allowed to enter it. Even Jerome himself had never entered the room before.

It was the luxury study of everyone's dreams.

The estate in the capital had a similarly designed study, and they always bought two copies of each book. One copy would stay in Roam, while the other would be carried off to the capital. Had she known there was a study in the capital estate, she would've visited the place. She had spent all her days in bed and had no idea a study existed at all.

"The book I was reading yesterday… Ah, found it."

Lucia could not work up the courage to bring the books outside the room, so she always politely read inside. She was worried she would stain the pages of the books, so she didn't even dare drink tea.

She hadn't received permission to enter the study. The butler had said it would be alright, so she frequented the place, but she worried a bit in case Hugo would think otherwise.

She engrossed herself in reading while enjoying the smell of old paper. She was almost done with the book. 30 minutes later she turned the last page. Lucia stared at the word 'end' for a while, then slowly closed the book.

'It was pretty good. The middle felt a little slow, but it had a tranquil feeling. I should read more of this author's works.'

Lucia returned the book to its original place and scanned the bookshelf once again. The bookshelf was neatly organized, so it was easy to find the author's other works. Among the many titles, a particular one caught her interest. There was one single problem – the book was very high up. Stretching her hand up, she could barely reach it. It seemed that if she tiptoed, she could get to the book.

'Just a little bit more. A little bit…'

Lucia struggled with all her strength. It was so close yet so far. While she was putting all her effort into getting the book, a shadow appeared from behind her. A long arm smoothly wrapped around her waist and she could feel someone's strong chest against her back. She could smell the scent of a particular person, and suddenly she felt dizzy. The other arm of the person easily reached for the book Lucia was struggling to get all along.

"This one?"

Lucia was startled by the low voice that rang above her head. His low but smooth voice was breathtaking. Lucia reflexively escaped from his embrace as fast as she could. She could identify the person from scent and voice so fast that it surprised her.

'I must have… been waiting. For this man.'

She ate and spent her days in Roam very well. It was to the point that she praised herself for her fast adaptability. Thus, she had assumed she didn't have him in her mind. She didn't think she missed or yearned for him at all.

But the moment Lucia saw him, her heart was singing. It was as if her heart was surging with overwhelming emotions and thumping so loudly that she worried whether he was able to hear it beating.


She received the book and took a step back. She acted as if she got burned, causing him to look at Lucia with displeasure. He had only wrapped his hand around her waist. It felt like he could still feel her soft body, so he tightly gripped his hand into a fist.

'Is the meeting over? Maybe they are taking a short break. Should I be asking if he had a safe trip? How do I start this conversation…?'

Dozens of thoughts swam around in circles in her mind. In the end, she could not work up the courage to say anything.

"I'm sorry for greeting you so late after my return."

When he started the conversation, Lucia felt the suffocating feeling lift from her body.

"That's to be expected with the amount of work you have. Is the meeting… over?"

"For today it is."

"The cas-castle is stunning. It's so gigantic it took me more than a day to tour the whole place."

"When you've lived here a while, you will realize you frequent only a few rooms necessary for daily life."

"Ah… yes. I'm sure it's so."

"I heard you had trouble finishing your dinner."

"I ate a lot. Though… of course I won't have a huge appetite every single day of my life."

"Today, you didn't have much of an appetite?"

"Huh? Ah… not really…"

"Was it not delicious?"

"The chef's skills are top-notch."

"Is anyone being disagreeable with you?"

"Everyone is really really friendly. Everyone."

He had asked in a slow tone, but Lucia answered with a scary fast speed. By chance, if the meal really tasted a little off or if someone happened to be unfriendly, it felt like this wasn't the right time to become a blabbermouth. In any case, the meals were top quality and everyone in Roam was friendly.

He inched closer slowly. Lucia hesitated while taking small steps back, but soon her back hit the bookshelf behind her. He drew close to her, resting one hand on the bookshelf and trapping her from moving, as his other hand gently combed through her hair.

Her heart started thumping so wildly it hurt. The moment they had shared a month ago vividly played in her mind. His overwhelming strength and his heavy body that repeatedly entered hers; as well as the sharp pain that had caused her to break out in cold sweat. She felt like she had turned into an obscene woman, making her flustered.

"Look at me."

Lucia carefully lifted her head, returning her attention from the intriguing floor and surroundings back to Hugo. She had to look up quite a bit to meet his gaze; he towered over her.

"Are you uncomfortable when you're with me?"

"…I'm not uncomfortable, just a little flustered."


"I… still feel awkward, but it doesn't seem to be the case for Your Grace. It has been an entire month since I've last seen you…"

"Are you nagging me for returning a month later?"

"How can I…?"

The end of his lips stretched into a smile. His mysterious appearance caused Lucia's heart to thump. His long finger lightly raised her chin up. He slightly bowed to meet her eyes up close. When his lips touched hers, Lucia's heart felt like it was being squeezed tight to the point it would malfunction, so she closed her eyes.

He lightly bit her lower lip, the shock making her lips slightly open. He quickly took the opportunity to venture his own tongue into her mouth. His warm flesh smoothly brushed against her gums and tickled the roof of her mouth. The sensation of their tangling tongues made her body hum.

He supported the back of Lucia's head with his hand and deepened their kiss. The sound of their lips and saliva smacking grew louder, making Lucia's face flushed. Her hands, that had been wandering, had unknowingly wrapped around his neck somehow. Upon this, he firmly wrapped his arm around her hips and hugged her close against him.

After a long while, he parted his mouth from hers. Lucia took heavy gasps as if she had gone for a run. She wasn't sure whether her body was exhausted or she was mentally drunk from the atmosphere till it made her breathless.

Half her senses were already gone off to somewhere, but when he bit onto her neck, her senses returned like a slap. When she collected herself again, one of his leg was in between hers, while their bodies were flush against each other. His arms were also firmly wrapped around her hips.

She had dropped the book long ago, letting it flop onto the floor. His scarlet eyes were a hair's breadth away and seemed calm like usual, but at the same time, Lucia could see something burning behind them.

Suddenly, the ceiling spun. He had hoisted her up onto his arms and was briskly walking off to somewhere. He walked into the adjacent room connected to the study and laid her onto the bed. She watched him climb on top of her in a daze and belatedly realized what his true intentions were. He was going to embrace her. Right now, right here.

"Wait… wait!"

In that short moment, he had already stripped Lucia's breasts naked. When she felt the cold air on her skin, she realized an even more terrifying fact.

'I don't like pain!'

She was scared. Lucia quickly crossed her arms and covered her breasts.

"Let… let's wash first."

Lucia blurted out a random excuse, but when she thought deeper on it, it should sound very agreeable.

"I've already had a bath."

"I mean me. Me!"

"I don't care about that."

"I care! Your Grace… Hugh. Please…"

In the morning, she had washed only her face. It was raining and the weather was so dreary that her body felt tired as well. She was scared, but putting her fear aside, she didn't want to roll around in bed in such a dreary state.

His eyebrows lifted as he obediently moved away from her. He even assisted her up by holding her hand. Lucia re-fastened her clothes as fast as she could and escaped out of the study as fast as a flying arrow. She'd had her neck bitten by a wolf and had barely made her escape. Hugo watched her running away like a rabbit and let out a forced laugh.

He had barely managed to restrain his surging lust. He thought of her tear-filled pumpkin colored eyes and the desires he'd managed to hold back flared up again.

Anyway, she had nowhere to escape to. She could only attempt things within Roam. She was his wife after all.


Hugo liked the word for some reason. He was even happier with the fact that this word – 'wife' – was attached to her.

Hugo ran his hand through his hair. He did it unconsciously whenever things didn't go his way.

He felt chaotic. He wanted to embrace her. He wanted to thrust himself deeply into her tight body. Whenever he remembered the hot and moist feeling of being inside her, his lower half got painfully rigid. He was lusting for her. That was an undeniable fact. However, he didn't understand the clear reason behind it.

She wasn't a stunning beauty. She wasn't an expert in bed either. On their first night, she had been trembling from nerves, and because of the pain, she had struggled through the whole process. Whenever he touched her body, she would flinch like something bad was going to happen. He couldn't satisfy his desires to his heart's content, either.

Even so, her body felt mind-numbingly good. The pressure and heat of her insides came to him in waves, and the euphoria was enough to make him lose his mind. When he saw her try to follow his actions, it had snapped his last bit of sanity.

He never let his bedtime activities affect his regular life. No matter how hot and passionate the sex, once he stepped out of bed, he was able to erase it all from his mind. But after that night, she kept appearing inside his mind and bothering him endlessly.

Her gasping moans, how she would grasp his shoulders tighter whenever he thrusted in, her tight insides, and her tear-filled eyes. His lower half throbbed whenever he looked at the teeth marks she had left on his arm.

If Hugo were to compare the satisfaction level of sex and killing, the two gave him equal amounts of pleasure. His blood thirsted for the blood of others. He couldn't go around killing people all year round, so in his free time, he had turned to quell his body's heat by embracing women. Therefore, when he was out killing, he didn't need a woman's body to satisfy himself.

This time, however, was different. Every night, he couldn't stop the floating images of her in his mind, and his lower half throbbed like crazy. Even so, he didn't wish to quench his sexual frustration by venting out on a random female. That was why he had canceled his tour around the northern territory and had returned home instead. The entire month, his body had felt like it was on fire.

He had to confirm whether her body was really that sweet. Maybe he was just regretting that their moment had passed too quickly. If it was the latter, all he needed to do was take care of that regret. If it was the former, it would become a huge problem for him.

No matter how much he yearned for a female's body, his heart had never been shaken up to that degree. He didn't like the fact that he could be shaken up by anything at all.

He got up from the bed and entered the study once more. He picked up the fallen book and went to put it back in the shelf, but paused and instead placed it on top of a table. It seemed like she wanted to read it; she would probably look for it again.

'She is… in the study room.'

Jerome had answered in a hesitant manner. It was strictly forbidden for anyone to enter the study without permission. The study was designed as a place that could be cut off from the outside world; it was his only private space within the whole castle. From time to time, he needed a place where he could just breathe while being alone. He didn't spend that much time in the study, but if he ever decided to go there, it meant he didn't want to be bothered unless it was a very urgent matter.

When he'd heard that she was in the study, he hadn't felt irritated. Rather, he had personally carried her to the bed in order to seduce her. Something he would have never imagined before getting married.

But to be precise, accepting a marriage proposal like that wasn't his style. From that point on, things had continued to tangle in weird directions. He couldn't decide whether he was happy or irritated, making him feel confused.

Someone knocked on the door.

"Your Grace, it's Jerome," Jerome politely spoke.

"Come in."

As soon as Jerome entered, he checked His Lord Duke's expression. He had witnessed the madam run out of the study and into her bedroom. Jerome had mentioned to her that the maids had already readied the bath for her. He noticed the madam's face was stiff and made speculations about the situation.

Jerome had been keeping track of the madam's every action. He wasn't trying to surveil her; he simply wished to care for her in the best way he could provide. It didn't seem like the madam had grown completely comfortable of the place, so he was going to keep caring for her that way for a while longer. His rank was only the head butler and he didn't want to overstep his boundaries.

Jerome didn't usually go out of his way to eat more than he could chew; he didn't throw his body around wastefully for the sake of loyalty, either. He always did his job the best he could, but he never increased that effort to over 100 percent. Even so, the reason for his sudden drastic change in behavior was because he was very satisfied with the current lady of the house. He had a bloodhound's instinct – she would not break the peace of the duke's life.

Ever since Duke Taran took in a wife, the once dreary castle seemed to be bursting with new-found energy, and it made Jerome happy. They had hired a lot of new maids for the madam's sake, which contributed a lot.

The castle, that was once filled with only men, was now lively with many young women. The rigid and scary faces of the subordinates had softened dramatically. Jerome had already caught many of the servants dating, but he was turning a blind eye to it.

"Your Grace. It was me who said it would be alright for Madam to enter the study. If I had overstepped my boundaries…"

"What is your opinion of the duchess as the lady of the house?"

The duke didn't pay any mind to his apology and instead threw a random question. Even so, Jerome did not become bewildered. The duke wasn't such a kind person as to spell out every single detail to the opposite party.

"I dare not judge Her Grace, however, everyone loves the Madam."


The duke chuckled as if conveying, 'Isn't that only your opinion?'

Jerome had started confessing his faults even though he wasn't being interrogated in the first place. He was worried whether his own mistake might carry over anger to her. It had also been Jerome to catch the Duke as soon as the meeting was over and reveal that the Madam's appetite had not been well the whole day.

When the duke heard the news, he had felt a little worried and apologetic toward her. Thus, he had decided to push the last minute details of the meeting for later and had gone to the study to meet her.

Jerome's competence as a butler derived from his style of nipping problems in the bud with accuracy. Thus, he felt weird. Jerome understood that a woman didn't earn the duke's affection just by being his lover. Rather, the duke caused never ending pain for all the noble ladies he had made ties with.

All of the duke's exes hated Jerome without exception. One particular woman had thrown juice in Jerome's face. Many women slandered Jerome to Hugo's ears. Of course, the party that would be cut off was not Jerome, but the woman.


"She has more than enough dignity to fulfil a Duchess' duties. She doesn't abuse her subordinates. She has a clear line of what she expects and disapproves of, but she never makes trouble over nothing. But on the other hand, she doesn't become unnecessarily friendly with the maids. There are no chances for maids to become full of themselves over favoritism."

"Is that so…?"

That had been unexpected. It felt like she wouldn't be able to express anything other than a warm kind heart. She was so young, yet she had such skill controlling people beneath her. If that was not the case, Jerome would not be praising her to this degree.

"What is she doing now?"

At this rate, Jerome would start singing an anthem dedicated to Her Grace. So he quickly put a stop to his words.

"She is bathing."

Hugo's lips curved up, very satisfied. Hugo's reaction had been instant, different from the sluggish fake front he usually displayed toward others.

"Madam has requested for tea to be brought up to her room. I shall bring tea for the both of you."

Jerome suggested for the both of them to share a cup of tea while enjoying a peaceful evening. But he had not accurately guessed the Lord Duke's true intentions this time. The thing the Lord Duke wished for was not tea.

"Don't bring it up."

Jerome's lips stiffened.

"Don't bother us."

Jerome's stiff expression softened and bowed.

"Don't come in to wake us up in the morning, either."

"I will heed to your commands."

Chapter 14 The Ducal Couple (2)

Lucia gazed at the floating red flower petals on the water surface. Gradually, her face reflected the same red hue. The maids were softly pouring the bath water over Lucia's shoulders; every time they splashed a bit of water, a fragrant aroma gently spread.

Lucia had never ordered anyone to prepare the bath like that. It was all the sneaky maids' ideas. The purpose of this bath seemed so obvious that it made her embarrassed. However, it was more embarrassing because she really had such a purpose.

"Madam, how can your skin be so smooth?"

"Your skin is so silky even without applying oil."

"A baby's skin will not be able to compare to yours."

The maids kept chattering without stop today. They seemed to be in a happy mood for the ducal couple's first night together in Roam. Lucia listened to the maids' flattery without much of a reaction. She also knew her own skin was very nice. But she didn't feel particularly proud about it.

'Regardless, men are only attracted by a pretty face and a glamourous body, not nice skin. He… probably thinks the same.'

Duke Taran of her dream had gone around spreading scandals with various women. Every time one greeted him at a party, he would have a different woman hanging on his arm. However, the point that connected all the females together was that they all had huge breasts.

Lucia snuck a quick glance at her own breasts and let out a small sigh. There was no way she could try and claim she had big breasts. At least she had a slim waist line that helped to accentuate her hips, so she didn't look completely flat. Even so, she thought it wasn't anything worth showing off. Her face wasn't particularly pretty either.

In order to catch his eye, one had to have at least Sofia Lawrence's level of beauty. Lucia recalled the events from the victory ball. A beauty like Sofia had been thrown away without a second thought.

All of Duke Taran's flings were beauties that seemed like roses. Although he went around switching partners left and right, it did not tarnish his reputation. After his marriage, he had not made appearances with any woman other than his wife.

Inside her dream, the duke at least had a level of respect to his own wife. Therefore, she felt relieved because it meant that in this life she would be able to have the same level of respect from the duke.

After her bath, she entered her bedroom in her gown, but she was extremely startled. He was sitting by the table with some wine. He was about to take a sip, but instead he turned his attention to Lucia and slowly got up.

The maids, who had been waiting on the duke, became flustered as they watched the two of them and quickly escaped from the room. Tomorrow, the servants of the castle would all be gossiping about this: The duke couldn't even wait for the duchess to finish her bath and had decided to wait in her room.

Lucia let out a heavy sigh. He had let her have a peaceful bath to ready her heart. But that did not reduce her fears. The first night they had shared had been too sudden and intense. She couldn't claim that she hated the entire process, but it hurt a lot and was tiresome.

Even with those feelings, she could not look away from him. The memories of their first night were hazy, but they suddenly returned with extreme clarity. She walked closer to him like she was possessed.

He poured a glass of wine and lifted it to her as if asking if she wanted some. He wore a thin see-through linen shirt that showed off his muscles. Lucia gulped down thickly and nodded.

She sipped a small amount of wine. It had a bitter sour taste. She wasn't particularly fond of the taste, but she chugged the whole glass clean and pushed it back to him.


When she nodded, one side of his lips quirked up, and he refilled the wine glass while chuckling softly. After drinking, her body warmed up and her heart relaxed. He was admiring her flushed cheeks when she licked the wine residue from her lips. His eyes grew a degree darker.

He reached for her without warning. His hand supported the back of her head as he sucked on her red lips. Taking the wine glass from her hand, he gently placed it back on the table and wrapped his arm around her waist.

He lightly sucked on her lips to loosen her tense muscles, then used his tongue to deepen the kiss. He could taste the bittersweet flavor of the wine. He brushed his tongue against her gums and pulled away while maintaining eye contact with her. He wanted to see her tear stained eyes again.

"Do you enjoy alcohol?" (Hugo)

"…Only on special occasions." (Lucia)

He chuckled in satisfaction and started kissing her once more. His mouth stimulated her in a sweet and gentle way, so that Lucia had to lean against him for support due to her weakening body.

He slid his hands beneath her disheveled gown. One hand stroked her hip, while the other one reached up and squeezed her breast. His touch sent shocking jolts throughout her body. His leg had snuck in between hers and was rubbing against her body. With his lips pressed against her neck, he let out a low whisper.

"You're shaking."

Upon his words, Lucia realized that she was trembling. The drunk feeling from earlier was already gone.

"Don't be scared. It won't hurt this time. If you remain so tense, you won't be able to enjoy it and you might get hurt again."

When her trembling continued, Hugo embraced her tightly with a rigid face. She was small and weak, but confident and steadfast. If a person like her feared him to such a degree, he had to be a heinous bad guy.

She was young and a virgin. He realized himself that their first night together had been rough. She would have felt nervous even if he had treated her gently, but he had treated her like all of his past one night stands. It must have been a strenuous experience for her.

She already had a long list of opinions of him, but now it would be one item longer. He was sure it wouldn't be a positive trait either.

'Damn it. I should have held myself back before.' He regretted too late.

He didn't want to force himself on her when she was trembling in fright. He wanted to enjoy a passionate night together with her. All his past lovers had been women who enjoyed being intimate. In Lucia's case, it was her first time and he wasn't sure how he should continue forward. For the first time he wanted to seduce a woman who didn't know how to enjoy sex.

Hugo held her up and walked to their bed. She didn't reject him, but her hands and arms were tense from nerves.

He laid her on the bed and lied down next to her. He embraced her hips and cuddled. His hand gently slid down her back, but he didn't try to take his actions further.

A long while passed and Lucia was able to relax, but at the same time, she felt a little sad. It seemed like he wasn't thinking of doing similar things as their first night together. He was probably here to put on a show for all the subordinates – that they were happy together. He was probably doing it for her sake.

The lady of the house's position became crystallized once she obtained her husband's love. If so, what was the meaning behind what had happened between them at Hugo's personal study. If she hadn't rejected him at that time, would that have changed anything? Too many complicated thoughts swam around in her mind.

"Are you sleeping?" (Hugo)


"Hey. Are you really sleeping? I'm not doing this to put you to sleep, you know." (Hugo)

He rolled his body on top of her. Lucia's eyes turned round with shock as she stared back at him. He seemed a little embarrassed and hesitant.

"Are you tired?" (Hugo)

"I'm fine, but… you're probably tired by now. Upon your return, you've been busy with the meeting…"

"I'm fine. That's not a problem… Anyway, I'm not tired at all."

"…I see. Um…okay."

The words, 'Your stamina is amazing,' almost left her mouth, but just then, he let out a heavy sigh. He had climbed on top of her, but all she did was stare back with a blank expression; he couldn't help but feel frustrated. They had already been intimate with one another on their first night; his mysterious girl shouldn't be ignorant of his intentions.

"I'm dying to be inside of you again."


Lucia's face flushed scarlet.

"I want to do it. How about you?"


"If you don't want to, I won't force you."

His words were so sudden that Lucia didn't know how to respond. He took her silence as rejection and heavily sighed with a lonely expression.

"Let me be honest. You may not like the idea, but I want you right now. Was our first night together that terrifying?"


Her throat felt tight. She wasn't sure whether he was saying this jokingly or honestly. She wondered whether she was hearing his words correctly. She could see earnest desire behind his eyes. So he could look at others in that way, she thought. She was amazed, but at the same time, she wanted to be coy and push him away.

"…I thought you didn't enjoy our first night together. Isn't that why… you teased and laughed at me?"

"Laugh? I did? I admit, I teased you. But it was because you were cute. I'm not such a pitiful guy to laugh at women in bed."

He seemed determined to get his intentions and excuses across to her. At the word 'cute' Lucia's face glowed pink.

"…The next morning… you stopped midway…"

That day, Lucia had been the one who wanted to stop, but she slyly pushed the blame onto him. However, he currently felt a sense of urgency, so he didn't notice such fine details.

"Hey, you, woman. If I continued that day I would have caused you to become bed-bound for several days. I endured for your sake"

"…I was in a lot of pain."

Lucia mumbled while sulking. At her words, Hugo wasn't able to respond.

"I kept bleeding… and the bloody discharge wouldn't stop, so I had to rest for two whole days."

Anna had diagnosed that Lucia hadn't suffered any serious injuries, but her words 'bloody discharge' gave out a strongly different nuance. Men understood that women could bleed after their first intercourse, but the fine details were a blur. She wasn't acting that way just because she wanted to see a reaction from him. The complaint had just come out unknowingly.

Her words affected him greatly. He breathed in and out like he was in great despair, causing his mood to shift.

After a passionate night, all his past lovers would turn aggressive and try to win him over with a fiercer heart. The girls would not be able to look away from his lower body and appreciate him. There was never a case where they would appeal all the sufferings like her. Thus, he had no idea how to go about mending the situation.

His wife's body was very frail, so he stamped into his mind that she ought to be treated tenderly.

"…How about now. Are you okay?"


He let out a relieved sigh. After managing to cross over the high castle walls, he found himself in front of another wall.

"Is that why you don't want to?"

This man really wanted her. Lucia became a little dumbfounded. He could seduce any woman to sleep with him. If all he needed was a woman's body, then he wouldn't be hanging onto her every word like that and trying to explain himself. He could also force himself on her. However, he looked like he would back away if she requested it of him.

"Vivian. I'll be sure to keep the promise that I made you on our first night together. As long as it's not your first time, I'll make sure it becomes a thrilling experience for you."

Hugo began to gently coax her. All that took up his mind at this moment was how he could embrace the intelligent woman before him.

"I can't believe you. Last time, you lied to me."

Her rejection was firm and he couldn't help but feel helpless.

"Lied? I told you that it would hurt if it was your first time."

"You said it would hurt just a little. It hurt a lot."

"Give me a chance to redeem myself. Do you intend to never sleep with me again?"

Although he was requesting nothing but physical intimacy, she felt like a stunning beauty who was being courted. It hadn't been all bad at that time. She had felt a little bit of joy. She giggled and spoke.

"I'll decide after today."

Hugo spaced out for a moment and softly burst into laughter. Her jokes worked well on him. From time to time, she would say something and he would always laugh. Perhaps, her acknowledgement was what gave him such joy.

"You really keep a person hanging."

It was a first in his entire life- clinging to a woman like this.

He raised his upper body, spread her legs, and propped himself against her. His lower half, that was throbbing with heat, slid closer to Lucia. Lucia's cheeks gradually flushed.

She had just finished her bath, so she hadn't had the chance to wear anything underneath her gown. He hadn't taken off his pants yet, and a giant mound about to explode out could be seen.

The way he quickly threw off his clothes to the floor displayed his urgency. He untied her robe without hesitation, revealing her smooth white skin. That was the exact image in his imagination that had continuously kept him up at night. Her smooth neckline and delicate collarbone, her silky and sweet breasts that tasted like whipped cream, and her slim waistline.

While he was busy admiring her body from head to toe, she was also doing the same. Their first night had been too hectic and she couldn't properly observe his body. He had broad shoulders and chest, and muscular arms that were twice the thickness or hers. She couldn't pick out a single flaw; he looked like a war god. He had a manly air that made women stare with awe.

He laid his hands on her abdomen and slowly slid them up to her breasts and squeezed them. His strength was firm but not rough. He squeezed and let go as if he was expertly massaging them.

The way his fingers moved made her body feel strange, sending a tingling sensation up her spine. His member that was pressed against her kept twitching, as if showing off its presence. Lucia gasped while twisting her body. He lowered his head and took a mouthful of her breast.


The slight pain when he sucked and licked around her nipple sent a pleasant feeling through her body, so she closed her eyes.

He gently fondled her body, letting Lucia heat up at her own pace. Her insides were now completely wet and slippery, so he slowly entered her. At that moment, Lucia let out a heavy sigh.

"It doesn't hurt… does it?"

Lucia took deep breaths and answered with a short 'no'. There was a slight dull ache, but it wasn't to the point of pain. Compared to her first night, it was much better. Why did women have to suffer so much pain on their first night? Lucia seriously gave that some thought.

"I will start moving slowly. If you're tired, tell me."

He slid in slightly deeper with a slow motion. It was strange to have something rubbing inside of her. The ends of her fingertips jolted, while her body felt like it was sinking in. He continued to repeat his movement of pulling out and sliding in a little deeper, until his length seemed to have hit the deepest part of her body.


A rush of euphoria hit her.

"Does it hurt?"


She wasn't hurting. It definitely wasn't the feeling of pain, but she felt distressed. He pulled out and thrust in all the way.

"Wait… hk…"

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes… a little… something…"

She wished he would stop for a moment and wait for her, but he answered with a low hmmmn, and smirked.

"How can that be?"

He pushed into her warm body.


He thrust his bursting erection vigorously. She experienced a short moment of pain and intoxication. At the same time, she felt her body on the brink of climax. It was distressing, but at the same time it felt sweet. As her body continued to swallow his, she noticed how much her body was enjoying this moment. When he heard her breath start to become raspy, his member throbbed harder.

He panted roughly as if growling in her ears. He was feeling the same as Lucia, and it caused her body to burn up. Her body answered back to his, as her insides convulsed and squeezed.


Hugo felt his sanity leaving as her insides squeezed and pulsated repeatedly, he could barely hang on as he breathed roughly. He hadn't even cum yet, but he was feeling a high tension of euphoria. It was very different today, because she wasn't feeling as much pain as during her first time.

It wasn't that their sex had ended prematurely the first time. Her innocent expressions, her clear eyes, everything combined together as he thrust deeply into her caused him to fall into a black hole of pleasure. He hungered for more pleasure, and thus he continuously pulled out and thrust deeper and deeper.


Her insides squeezed him tightly, as if they didn't want him to slip out. He clenched his teeth as he pounded into her. Every time she squeezed around him, he felt a wave of desire growing thicker. He had to hold back, it wasn't the right time. He wanted to thrust deeper.

The sexual level right now was like a light brunch to him. The first time he discovered the truth of a woman's body, he had caused four women to pass out from the nightlong love-making. Even then, he had never lost his rationality. After the countless number of women he had slept with, there wasn't a woman who had caused him to heat up so much like right now.

"Ah! Un! Wait… wait a moment…"

She felt as if someone had taken a hold of her brain and was massaging it. That distant and strange feeling was fearsome to Lucia, so she pounded onto his chest with her two hands trying to push him away. He took this chance to take a hold of her hands and pin her down while eagerly thrusting into her.

Every time he thrust, a slippery wet sound resounded crazily. Their raspy breaths and her moaning voice were alluring; he felt a flood of euphoria rush down his body as he climaxed. It was mind-blowingly good.


Lucia twisted while mewling. Her pupils dilated and her mouth gaped open, and she couldn't stop her voice from moaning. The feeling was indescribable. It was as if her brain and lower half of her body melted into one being and let out a flood of sensual sweetness.

She was out of breath and her body trembled. She felt fear like she was falling into some place, but at the same time, she felt like her body was floating on cloud nine. She wanted to escape, but at the same time, she didn't want the feeling within her body to leave her.

It was as if a strong hailstorm of euphoria had passed through her entire body. She relaxed her grip on his hands, and flopped down next to him. She couldn't move at all. It was taking some time for her body to return to normal. Her hazy senses gradually returned to normal and it was then that she realized he had his head dug into her neck while breathing roughly.

'Oh my god.'

Hugo lamented. He thought he was going to die. Her insides squeezed and sucked him in such a way he could only gasp. Up until now, he had never had a moment where he didn't have control over his own body like that.

It was like her body was engulfing him. He felt like a fish that had been harpooned – he could only tremble as his whole body convulsed with pleasure. He suddenly grew to understand how a person could undergo coition death.

This time, he had spent quite a bit of time inside her body. It was different than their first time where he had one-sidedly controlled the situation. Even if he was simply inside of her, her insides convulsed and squeezed repeatedly.

He was barely able to calm himself down. He thought he was already trained to remain rational no matter how things turned. He had slept with women that could knock out several men after a night of sex, but even then, he thought nothing much of it.

It was the first time he felt this way.

He used his arm to straighten up and looked down at her form. She looked completely disheveled as she breathed roughly. He was a man weak to pleasure. His desire for the woman lying below him grew exponentially. She was sweating from the love-making, and he couldn't help but kiss her forehead. He kissed her tear filled eyes, her nose, her chin, her neck, and down to her deepest part of her body.

Lucia's hazy senses gradually sharpened. Her body was cooling down after climaxing, and she couldn't gather the strength to even move a finger. But now that some time had passed, she felt alright again. His light kisses continued across her entire body without rest. He didn't shy away from kissing every part of her body.

Lucia was a bit embarrassed but joyful at the same time. His gentle kisses felt like she was being loved by him. She had experienced a married life in her dream, but she was ignorant of the sexual relations between husband and wife. However, she understood he was satisfied as much as her.

Lucia didn't know how to use techniques to seduce a man. She was naturally defensive and it wouldn't be an exaggeration to say her heart was made out of stone. Even so, she had a lewd body that reacted easily even without the use of aphrodisiacs.

It was a type of body hard to find even amongst famous prostitutes. However, Lucia was ignorant of all that. She only understood he was satisfied, and that was it.

Hugo held Lucia's hand and kissed her palm, then her wrist, and up to her shoulders, his lips wet against her skin. Lucia became embarrassed and had to look in a different direction while letting him do as he pleased with her body.

When he understood she was letting him do as he pleased, he stirred with more excitement. He stuffed himself into her slowly, feeling his length hardening and growing bigger.

Propping one of her legs over his shoulder, he kissed her damp leg and started moving his hips once more. Her eyes grew wide and when they made eye contact, her cheeks glowed red. She lowered her gaze down and she could see her body tightly squeeze his.

He had spilled his semen into her and her insides were very slippery, making it easy for her to take him into her body. She was able to take in most of his length into her body this time. He slid out only slightly, then continued to push himself into her. Her insides felt hot and moist; every time their skin rubbed against each other, he enjoyed the pleasurable sensations.

"Ung… Ah…ah…."

Weak moans slipped out of Lucia's lips. The way Hugo's firm member rammed into her had every intention of sending her senses to the heavens. The gradually rising ecstasy was amazing. Whenever he thrust himself completely into her, Lucia's body would shiver from head to toe.

It was like her body was sinking in deep. She felt weak but filled by something. She had climaxed already, so her body was very sensitive. Every time he rubbed against her, a jolting sensation shot through her whole body.

She wasn't intentionally trying to display her techniques or to be coy. Hugo's body heated up seeing her hazy tearful eyes. Her body movements were minimal. Even so, she wasn't merely acting, but responding truly based on how she was feeling.

He didn't want to pull out from the punishing heat inside her. At the same time, he wanted to slide out and thrust in to excite their bodies. He moved his hips into a circle to stimulate her, where she responded as if by reflex. Her insides tightened while sucking him in and massaging his member.

He took deep breaths, doing his best to prevent himself from climaxing. She was like a demoness. Her lips were slightly parted and he could see the tip of her tongue. He craved to taste her. He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and waist and lifted her body up.

He pulled her closer so that they were face to face while softly supporting the back of her head, and kissed her while sucking on her tongue. Her flexible tongue seemed to be trying to escape. However, he continued to chase after it while pressing and lightly nibbling on it.

She seemed shocked for a moment and tried to draw her tongue away from him. While he continued to chase after her tongue, he enjoyed the game of conquering her mouth. This whole time, he was squeezing her buttocks as he kept moving his hips, pounding into her.

Their salivas mixed and he enjoyed exploring every little corner of her mouth. He only parted his lips from hers when she pressed her hands against his chest.

"Hhaa… Hhaa…"

Her lips seemed a bit swollen as she gasped for breath. He chuckled and lightly kissed the top of her lips.

"Breathe through your nose"

Lucia, who had been glaring at him for trying to suffocate her, dropped her gaze down. Their naked bodies were twisted together and the moment she became conscious of their state, she got incredibly embarrassed.

She wasn't laying down and letting him inside her, she was sitting on top of him while admiring his naked chest. She was so embarrassed she couldn't meet his eyes.

When Lucia refused to meet his eyes, he felt a bit of heartbreak. Whenever he purposely tried to follow her gaze, she would turn her head in a way that would avoid his once again. He stubbornly continued to try, then soon figured out she was acting that way because she was feeling shy. He laughed softly.

Her body reacted in such a lewd way that it seemed like she wouldn't be able to survive without a man. Still, she was innocent. In this whole world, only he knew of her lewd nature. For some reason, he was very satisfied of that fact.

Hugo let her lie down once more. This time, instead of face to face, he laid her on her side with her legs clamped together, while he thrust into her body.


He stimulated a different place with the new position. He sometimes only thrust a little, and other times he thrust in deeply. The first time Lucia had sex, she was too busy trying to endure the pain. This time, Lucia was drowning in pleasure.


When Lucia's consciousness returned to her, she wasn't sure whether she had woken up from a dream or whether she had woken up after fainting. Her head was numb and her body sluggish. When her dull senses sharpened, she could hear breaths in her ear.

She could feel his firm chest against her back. He was hugging her tightly from behind. One hand wrapped her hips, while his other hand was grasping her chest. His every breath tickled her neck.

One of his legs had squeezed itself between hers and it was as if she was sitting on his lap while laying down. Additionally, his aroused and firm member was resting against her buttocks.

Sunshine was spilling in from between the curtains and it seemed that some time had passed already. How many hours had passed?

She had always woken up early in the morning, so it was the first time she couldn't estimate the time of day. When she carefully tried to slip out of his hold, she felt his arm tighten and pull her back into his embrace. She felt his lips lightly kiss her nape.


"…My name."

"…Hugh. Please… let me go."

"I don't want to."

His lips continued to kiss her nape and her shoulders. His kisses moved slowly, but they were deep. They stung a little, causing her skin to turn pink.

"Your Gra…Hugh. It's morning."

He didn't pay any heed to Lucia's small protest, and squeezed her breast. He rubbed his rigid member against her, enjoying her trembling from the stimulation.

Her face flushed down to her neck. He wanted to continue teasing and touching her. As if he was thrusting into her, he moved his hips up and down against her.


She let out a small muffled moan while huffing. He furrowed his brows and decided to rise up. Holding onto her waist, he pressed his firm member against her butt, while gradually sliding his member into her swollen, slippery, and sensitive entrance.


Her fingers tightly grasped the bed sheets. His member slowly entered and slid out fast, then pounded back into her. Whenever he thrusted in and out, her insides spilled out slippery wet juices; eventually they began dripping down her legs. They looked like two animals copulating, while wet slurping sounds continued to shamelessly grow louder. Soon, she could feel a sense of extreme ecstasy wash over her whole body.

Lucia's body fell limp as if she fainted. He lightly bit her soft cheeks, pecked her lips, and sucked on her neck. He wasn't satisfied at all. He tasted her again and again, but no matter what he did, his thirst for her continued to grow endlessly. He wanted to bite down onto her neck and taste her blood. It felt like only then, his thirst would be quenched.

'I'm crazy.'

He dug his nose into her neck and enjoyed the scent of fresh fruit. That woman's body was a deadly drug. No, even a drug couldn't feel as sweet as this. Hugo embraced her body tightly while thinking he had truly gone insane.

Chapter 15 The Ducal Couple (3)

translated by: iseuli

edited by: libramuse + lili

One Morning.

Lucia observed the morning sunlight shining through and into her bedroom. She blinked several times to chase away her drowsiness. Using her hands, she brought herself upright.

Fatigue attacked every part of her body. She had grown used to waking up feeling tired. For the past month, Hugo had been visiting her bedroom every night, pouncing on her like a wild animal.

The explosive pleasures she shared with him drained a lot of her stamina. There was never a time that he would finish quickly; he would only stop after Lucia fainted from exhaustion.

She was kept awake together with him all night long. Each day, she would spend her day nodding off due to drowsiness, and when she managed to gather a bit of strength, night would arrive. Then he would lead her onto the bed for a night-long event. While she idled her days away, a whole month had passed within the blink of an eye.

By now, her body was getting used to these night long events and she was able to get up earlier while not feeling as fatigued. The first week, she was only able to rise by late afternoon.

Of course Lucia would never admit to him that her own stamina had gotten better. If she did, he would pounce on her with more fearsome strength than now. She wanted to stop spending her days in bed. It was so embarrassing to face all the servants tending to her.

Yesterday, he had been more persistent than usual. It felt like she could still feel him tightly thrusting into her. If she truly abhorred doing this, all she had to do was refuse. He wasn't one to rape her just because she refused. Honestly, it was tiresome but it was also nice.

Gratifying sex and many sensual orgasms causes fatigue, but it also brought forth a fulfilling feeling. He expertly rolled her left and right while pleasuring every corner of her body with his tongue. She wasn't able to compare him with any other man nor will she ever have the chance to in the future, but she understood that he was quite skilled at this.

He pleasured her on bed, off the bed, even on top of tables and sofas. Every day he pleasured her in a new ways while supporting her body in various positions. Although the nights were long, she could not feel any aversion to the sensual activities between a man and woman.

At first, she was shocked and thought of him as nothing but a beast. However eventually, she found herself climbing on top of him while bouncing her own hips up and down. Within just a month, he had taught Lucia the joys of sexual pleasure.

She pulled on a rope to call the maids. She washed and changed her clothes. Lucia observed her reflection with strange eyes. The maids behind her had their eyes facing the floor with shy eyes.

Lucia had worn a dress with a low cut neck-line and it revealed many rosy kiss marks. It looked like she had some kind of skin disease. The weather was growing hotter day by day but she had to cover herself up completely. Lucia sighed heavily and spoke.

"… I can't go out like this. Bring me something else. A dress that will completely cover my neck."

"Yes, madam."

The maids moved around busily. Lucia no longer felt embarrassed, she was shameless at this point. If anyone were to be in her situation every morning for a whole month, they would feel the same.

They were newlyweds, it's to be expected. But, it seems everyone around her was surprised that the duke would visit her every night. All the servants had been friendly to start with, but now everyone was serving her in cold sweat. She realized there was nothing more powerful than having a husband's love.

Late morning, Lucia enjoyed tea time on a simple table under the shade at the castle garden. This had been one of her daily tasks.

'What a desolate garden …'

The castle garden was vast and it was filled with nothing but year-round perennials. There wasn't a single flower in sight. One could not witness a speck of orange during autumn. The garden remained in the exact same condition even during winter. This style required less maintenance, but claiming it to be a garden was quite laughable.

'Shall I renovate the garden …?'

Other than Duke of Taran and his son, she was the only other person in the Taran family – the duchess. The duchess was usually the one to take charge in the designs of the castle interiors as well as the garden.

'There's not much else to do …'

Throughout Lucia's stay, she didn't have anything to do. She didn't learn flower arranging to pass the time like other noble women do nor did she have any particular hobbies. She didn't find joy in luxuries such as jewelry and accessories neither so there was no reason for her to shop for them. Every day, she read books for several hours and the remaining time was spent drinking tea and taking light walks.

'I really … feel like a good for nothing.'

One who doesn't work, doesn't deserve to eat. In Lucia's dream, she had lived by these words. When she was the Count's wife she had the job of partaking in parties and make connections with those in high society. On the contrary, if Hugo were to know this, he would have been confused. 'How can you have nothing to do?' In his opinion, though she still had a long way to go, she was fulfilling her role as the duchess very well.


While she wondered whether to start heading in, Jerome interrupted her thoughts. Jerome handed a single envelope to Lucia. Inside, she found a document. She scanned through the sheet of paper with furrowed brows.

"… It's the management of household accounts."

"Yes, Madam. It took some time to draw up a new budget because we never managed it before today."

All noble women who were married had to manage their own household allowances. In the royal palace, the queens and consorts were given allowances for overlooking and managing all the court ladies. Noble women were responsible for managing household living necessities such as the interior design of the house, hiring servants, and organizing parties for various social events.

"Originally, the budget didn't include employment of servants and basic castle maintenance. This is the new regulated budget plan so that you will be able to control all the different aspects."

"The newly calculated budget plan …? How much of this money am I allowed to use? Isn't this money to be applied solely for employment wages and maintenance?"

"There will be gradual changes in the future. Madam, you will be the one who has the responsibility in making decisions on how this money will be spent. As long as it is within the budget, it is up to you how you spend this money."

This place really had become Lucia's very own private property. The amount of money was huge. She could barely count all the zeros that followed the first digit. This budget was extravagant, but Jerome had spoken of this budget as a mere trifling afterthought. As expected for a ducal household, their income is in another level than others.

'So now my life as a leech comes to an end …'

Now that she had been given a job, she had to show satisfactory results. As the prestige of the title of a noble increased, so did their amount of work. It was basic knowledge that the lady of the house was responsible for maintaining the harmony of the household. More importantly, they held the responsibility to support their husbands in the world of nobility.

'Let's start from the garden …'

She didn't have much knowledge on gardening. She had never taken care of a garden back in her dream when she was married to Count Matin. It took a lot of money to maintain a garden and Count Matin didn't wish to waste his money on such things.

When she expressed her intentions, Jerome immediately organized a plan and relayed any of his own tips to her.

This would be the end of her draining mindless days. Today, Lucia ate her dinner alone. Although the ducal couple ate breakfast and lunch on their own time, they usually took the time to eat dinner together. On this day, he had business outside and returned home far past dinner time.

Lucia read books in the private study, took a bath, and dried her wet hair in her bedroom. Usually her maids tended to her, but at this hour was the time he usually frequented her bed chambers.

Click, his grace entered her room by letting himself in. After he had chased away all his attendants, he welcomed himself into her room while wearing a single bath robe. This was also the case for Lucia. She had tied her bathrobe tightly and looked very proper, but underneath she wasn't wearing anything at all. At first, she felt odd, but now this felt natural for her.

He approached Lucia who was in front of her vanity mirror and gave her a back hug while kissing the back of her neck. Lucia closed her eyes while feeling his lips that on her nape. Her body felt faint. Was this what happiness is suppose to feel like? She felt a creeping fear that she would never be able to forget this moment and would live the rest of her life feeling lonely.

"I asked Jerome to deliver you something, did you receive it?"

"Yes. I decided … I wanted to revamp the castle garden."

"The garden?"

"I saw there were no flowers, was that your intentions? Is it okay for me to redesign the garden?"

"The lady of the house had always been in charge of the garden. Do as you please."

"We have to hire a landscape gardener and create a plan before doing anything. We will need to hire a large labor force in the beginning so the castle could become crowded. I don't know if that would irritate you."

Hugo knew nothing about the garden. In the first place, he had no interest in it at all. It was Jerome who thought it looked too pitiful for the garden to be so barren and filled it with vegetation that would need minimal care during all four seasons. He already understood that it would take a lot of labor and money to revamp the garden.

"Is the budget I set aside for you, not enough?"

Hugo took it upon himself to understand Lucia's intentions of bringing up this topic.


She was shocked. She didn't need more money at all.

"Increasing the budget a significant amount is a bit troublesome. This year's budget was already drafted and your budget for this year was created by taking away money from the provisional budget. But, I will be sure to consider it next year."

The overall budget would be decided by the head of the family. Many times, nobles would go out of their way to ensure a specific percentage of the family budget before marriage. If the married couple are in love, it was correct for the wife to receive a heftier amount than the norm. On the other hand, when a man wishes to divorce his wife, the first thing he would do is try to scrape down his wife's budget as much as he could.

This year's budget division was already decided upon, so he had set aside the largest amount he could manage with what was left over. He already had plans to increase her allowance budget next year.

Lucia's allowed monetary budget was not because she was the duchess. Noble wives would not easily reveal their own personal monetary information due to pride, but if they heard how much Lucia received they would have a hard time believing such a story.

"That's not it. I didn't bring this up for that reason. There are already a lot of people in the castle. I was afraid if I brought in too many people, you would become irritated. I wanted to make sure … renovating the garden wouldn't get in your way …"

"Hundreds of people already travel in and out of Roam. It's not like you will increase the labor force by several thousand folds. It doesn't matter that you bring in a few more. The garden had always been overlooked by the duchess. It doesn't matter if you chop down all the trees or make a huge pond. Do as you wish. You don't need my permission to do such things."

"… I'm not sure between the things I have total freedom and the things I need permission for. What are the limitations to what I can do?"

Lucia stared at him with confused eyes. At this moment, he lifted her up like a princess and laid her onto the bed. While returning her gaze, he softly supported her chin.

"How far do you want to go?"

This was an opportunity. Lucia wasn't dense. This was the exact same situation as when a King would ask their bedside partners, 'What would you like to have?' for love play.

A satisfied man would become lenient and with a bit of coquettish skill, the female would be able to gain much benefits. Most females behaved in this way.

Hugo waited expectantly, wondering what words would come out from her mouth. Her skills were on another level. Up until now, she had never requested anything from him. He had made up his mind that he would agree to anything as long as it was within his power. It would be best if it was something that could be bought with money. Women who were power hungry were no fun.

"I'm asking you because I don't know myself. As you've seen already … nobody had ever taught me any basics nor have I had an opportunity to learn such things. I don't know what a duchess should or should not do. I want to learn."

Lucia had emptied herself of greed from the beginning. No matter how insignificant her greed may appear to be in the beginning, with time that greed would only grow larger. There was no guarantee that she would be showered with wealth the rest of her life just because she was a duchess. As for anything related to money, she didn't wish for a cent more than what she already had. Additionally, she didn't have a single interest with political power.

"A teacher …"

He paused while stroking his chin lost in thought for a moment. This was an unexpected request, one that he should have realized and done for her in the beginning. There were no adults in the Taran family who could become her mentor. Additionally, she never had relatives to guild her as a child either. Of course she could not learn.

"I'll look into it for you."

"Thank you."

A bright smile spread upon Lucia's face. While watching her smile, his own lips unconsciously quirked up. Her smile were always so pure like a child's. She wasn't smiling to seduce him, but whenever he saw her smile his lower half would throb with heat. It was the same at this moment.

He tried his best to distract himself with other government related topics,. but he drew a blank in his mind while attempting to refocus. He remembered all the documents in his personal office waiting for him and was finally able to calm down a little. These days, he felt like a wild animal unable to restrain their natural instincts.

He waited for her to continue speaking but only found silence, so he spoke first.



"Anything else?"

Lucia's eyes grew round, paused for a moment and responded with a negative. He narrowed his eyes slightly while observing her. 'Was she stupid? Doesn't she have any greed? Maybe she is just trying to be sly?'

Thus, Hugo could not believe that Lucia truly didn't wish for anything. Whether the other party was a male or female, many took a step back to advance another three steps.

She looked innocent now, but in a few moments she would be cuddled next to him while chattering her wishes into his ears. Whether it would be related to his powers or money, it was always the case. Up until now, there was nobody he knew who didn't harbor such intentions.

"Is it very tiresome to renovate the garden?"

"I'm not sure because I haven't started yet. I won't be personally planting all the flowers so … it probably won't be too bad."

"The garden. Must you renovate it?"

"I thought you didn't care about the garden."

"I don't care about the garden, I'm worried about you. Don't waste your energy on it. If you have so much energy then you should use it on me."

As his arms wrapped around her hips, Lucia's looked down shyly with flushed cheeks.

"… How do you expect me to expend more energy than now? I feel so embarrassed sleeping into the afternoon everyday."

"What are you embarrassed about? You should be proud."

"… Why should I be proud?"

"You should be proud of your husband's stamina -"

Lucia clamped his mouth shut with her hand and glared as her cheeks gradually glowed redder. He retaliated by licking the palm of her hand, causing her to immediately pull back. However, he caught her hand before she could escape and playfully licked her fingers. His tender kisses caused a strange sensation to climb up her shoulders making Lucia shudder.

Incredibly embarrassed, Lucia used all her strength to wiggle out of his grasp, but she couldn't budge an inch. As if he had the sweetest lollipop in his hand, he lovingly kissed and licked Lucia's fingers.

Lucia became breathless watching him take in her fingers into his mouth. Hugo's red eyes were locked onto Lucia as he observed her every reaction. Lucia felt an electric shock and squirmed while slightly biting her lips.

"Hugh … stop …"

It was embarrassing that she had such sensitive fingers that caused her body to react this way. As soon as Lucia felt the grip around her hand loosen, she pulled away. She tried to escape from him and turned her body, but he was faster. He wrapped his arm around her hips and pulled her into a hug.

Lucia laid her head against his chest as he embraced her. His hand that was on her hips slid up under her gown onto her bare back. Her skin tingled as his fingers traced her back while his other hand squeezed her breasts. He caressed her without holding back causing her to feel embarrassed.

She looked up and met his red eyes. Though his eyes were scarlet, they reflected an icy coldness. He could easily read Lucia and catch her embarrassment and nervousness just by observing her eyes. On the other hand, he didn't feel shy in displaying his desires of her. She felt suffocated being under his gaze so she could never hold his gaze for long.

As soon as Lucia lowered her gaze to avoid him, Hugo gripped her breast a little harder. Her body reacted with a bit of a shock.

She was different from all the women he had been with all this time. It had been very boring. They had screamed as if they had been dying, move their hips in a technical way while flirtatiously giggling. Compared to all his past women, she was reacted half heartedly and in a dull manner.

However, it's not to say that it's a wrong way to behave at all. Every women in this world doesn't need to have the best technical skills. If it were to be true, that would be strange. It was strange how much his body burned like an adolescent boy who had just awoken to their sexual desires. He thirsted for her body so bad.

He continued to massage her soft breast, then after awhile he slid the same hand down to her hips, then massaged the part by her inner legs. Her body trembled slightly in his hold. The tips of his fingers glistened with a slippery substance.

He smugly chuckled. This was what drove him crazy. He only massaged her body slightly but she was already this wet.

The slippery substance that is formed by the woman's body is one of the most important aspects to sex between a man and a woman. All this time that Hugo held Lucia, he had never needed to use extra aphrodisiacs. Her insides were moist like a flowing stream. This smooth feeling could not be compared to when he he needed the aid of extra lubricants.

Upon a kiss, her eyes would become blurred. Just a simple touch and her body would tremble. This past month, her body had become slightly accustomed to him but there were no drastic overall changes. She remained shy like her first time, yet her body reacted hungrily like she thirsted for the body of a man. His member was now several degrees larger and throbbing, he furrowed his brows while holding himself back. He was at his limit.

He lifted her body upright while positioning his leg beneath her buttocks while letting her body float in the air just above where he could thrust up into her. He watched her eyes grow round and penetrated into her weak body just like that.


He didn't need to work hard for her insides to swallow his member. He liked to kiss and fondle her body before forcing himself into her, but from time to time he liked to thrust himself in without warning – like today as well. Lucia's breath became faster from his sudden attack. He didn't give her time to adjust and began pounding into her.

"Hk! Ah! Ahh! Hh!"

He pounded hard, then lightly. His firm member thrusted into her. The strength behind his pounding caused her body to shake like a weak doll while her voice squeaked out constantly. Whenever he thrusted into the deepest parts of her body a painful yet refreshing feeling dominated her body.

Although her vision blurred, she could see his muscles spasm from stimulation and her chest felt hot. At this moment, she thought how beautiful a man's body was and that it really couldn't compare to any woman's body.

Her pumpkin colored eyes grew hazy as if she was drunk. He gazed upon Lucia who was drunk off sexual euphoria, admiring her. He felt his member throb with heat causing it to grow a degree larger, while her insides squeezed him harder than before.

He licked his drying lips and continued to thrust into her erotic body. Her body was the finest. He couldn't express his true feelings into words. Her insides always threw his sanity off the window.

He let her sit on top of him while he squeezed her buttocks with his hands and pounded into her without holding back. The sound of flesh slapping against one another could be heard while her body continued to shake up and down. He bit onto her breasts that were bouncing up and down, hitting her sensitive nipples and leaving her to mewl while her neck tilted backwards.

He slid his hand up to support her back which was drenched with sweat. Lucia wrapped her arms around his neck and let him pound his engorged member into her as much as he wanted while she tried her best to to regulate her erratic breathing. Whenever he thrusted up from below she felt a hot sensation fill her body.

He untangled her arms from his neck and lifted her from below to flip her body around. She was positioned to sit on his lap while her back leaned against his chest. He was able to thrust up with much ease and power while Lucia yelped and gasped much louder.

"Hk! Uk! Ah! Hugh! Un!"

When Lucia let his name slip from her lips, he bit her ear lobe and started to suck on them.

"More. Cry harder."

"Hk … ung!"

He gripped onto her breast while supporting her back with his chest and bit down on her neck. She screamed from the pain and sensual pleasure. His tongue smoothly licked on the sore spot of her neck. She felt her body float up for a moment and soon she was laid flat on the bed while her butt was positioned upright in the air. Without any warning, he thrusted into her.


He pummeled into her from behind with vigor. Whenever their sweaty skin made contact it reverberated with a lewd wet sound. Lucia gripped onto the bed sheets and tightly closed her eyes feeling her insides sing every time he thrusted into her. Her head, which rested sideways, rubbed against the sheets as he pounded into her.

"Uk … Hugh … aau …"

Whenever she called his name, rather than his lower half, it felt like his heart was being squeezed to death. The painful pleasure overtook his body and he closed his eyes. He held onto her arm to steady her body while he continued to thrust inside of her.

The thrusting motion from behind hit deeper. It was straining for her because he didn't give her a moment to rest. Regardless of her fatigue, her body continued to burn with pleasure.


Pleasure flooded into her. A strong wave of orgasmic pleasure spasmed across her whole body while her insides squeezed and sucked in his thrusting member. He momentarily paused his movement, letting her breathe. But he didn't assume anything.

He pulled out his member and flipped her limp body around so that she could lay on her back. His body rode on top of Lucia's and entered into her at once.


Her insides had become very sensitive and her body spasmed. He smashed her lips against hers. He massaged the inside of her mouth while tangling together with her tongue. The short but deep kiss ended and he moved his hips in a circular motion, prodding into various places while Lucia's body gladly slurped in his member with great joy.

"Haa … hha …"

Hugo brushed back the hair that was stuck on her sweaty forehead. He licked her flushed cheeks tasting the slightly salty and sweet taste of her body.

As if he was slowly paddling a boat, he spun his hips with steady breaths. Lucia's lips were swollen red and parted slightly, he took this chance to kiss her. It seems all these past few months of teaching did not go to waste as she took the initiative to tightly wrap her legs around his hips while she moved her own hips along with his movements.

Different than before, he moved in the slowest possible way. Her insides had become hypersensitive and the slightest movements caused her body to throb. Lucia's breath grew raspy as she gazed toward him.

His eyes were slightly warped in meeting her gaze. He grasped her swelling breasts while squeezing her nipples. He enjoyed making Lucia's body jerk and tremble.

"Do you find this place comfortable?"

"… Huh?"

"This place. Have you gotten comfortable yet?"


He would ask her questions occasionally so as to hear her voice from time to time. It wasn't that she feared him or felt distrust towards him but, she never took the initiative to come closer to him. This part was starting to bother him a little.

"It will be troublesome if you get too comfortable. When we finish all the jobs of the dukedom we have to return to the capital."

The capital.

It awoke Lucia from her sensual haze. Her body that was burning up chilled down at once.

Next year, the emperor will die and the crown prince will accede onto the throne. The Crown Prince and the Duke of Taran had maintained close ties. It was a strong partnership rather than one of loyalty and subordination.

When the Crown Prince accedes, the Duke of Taran must obey all commands. That would be the end of the regular peaceful days.

She assumed she would meet the Duke of Taran's original wife by then as well. It had been known that the Duke of Taran had a contractual marriage, but he had never personally confirmed the rumors.

It could be that Lucia had misunderstood and all the rumors were false. Maybe the two people were deeply in love. Lucia always kept in mind that she was in debt to them. She dreaded that she might have forced a precious love apart.

A strong force took hold of her chin, breaking her away from her thoughts. He watched her with a dissatisfied expression. He thrusted up smoothly making her lose her breath. He gazed deeply toward Lucia while propping both her legs on top of his shoulders.

"You have the leisure to think of other things right now?"

Hugo growled in a low voice and began thrusting his hips. He wondered what she could be thinking to look so sad, he felt irritated by the idea that it was probably something unrelated to himself. However, he didn't understand why this made him feel irritated nor did he try to understand the reason.


A few days later, Hugo spoke while they were eating dinner.

"Tomorrow, the Countess of Corzan will be visiting."

Lucia was thrown back by the sudden announcement.

"Do you have anything planned for tomorrow?"

The nature of someone who sets up plans and then asks if you're free was irritating, but anyway Lucia's day to day had become repetitive so she nodded without complaint.

"Should I prepare anything for our guest?"

She had paused for a moment waiting for more details on tomorrow's event, but he didn't look like he would explain further so Lucia took the initiative to ask.

"She is the mentor you requested for before. Whether you treat her as a guest or not is up to you."

"… Yes."

He was such an unfriendly man. His expression was stoic and his words short. He never said much in the first place, nor does he go out of his way to explain any of his words and reasonings. Still, it was interesting how he would patiently answer every question she asked him.

'I should ask Jerome of the details later.'

Jerome should have information on the Countess of Corzan. Jerome didn't easily reveal information, but he shared short snippets and episodes of the duke. Lucia inquired of Hugo's past before in passing conversations and eventually she collected enough information to understand Hugo's nature.

Her findings — he treated all his subordinates in an equally unfriendly manner. Don't even start, he hates such a thing as explaining himself.

'He'll be irritated if I continue to pester him with questions on this matter.'

She drastically reduced her words around him while bottling her own criticisms inside her heart. Hugo snuck a glance toward Lucia who was drinking her tea calmly without a single expression of uneasiness.

It would be okay if it was just a slight degree more, but he wished her small lips would utter more words. She had chattered quite a bit their first night together, but after he asked her to be quiet and sleep that side of her completely disappeared.

"… Countess of Corzan is the current Earl of Corzan's mother. To be exact, she is the Dowager Countess."

He wished to continue talking so he had no choice but proactively break the ice once again. He began to speak.

"Her title, the Countess of Corzan is an honorary title. The countess is considered the god mother of the high society nobles. At a young age, she lost her husband. Even so, she did not re-marry and continued to protect the Corzan family's earldom by raising her children by herself."

"Ah … what an amazing person."

"Many noble families wish for their children to learn the ways of nobility."

"Is it okay to request for such an amazing person so suddenly like this? She should already have her hands full …"

"There should be no higher honor than being a vassal that obtained the position of a teacher under a ducal household."

The Earl of Corzan was the Duke's subordinate, but that didn't make the Earl's mother his direct subordinate. Yet, Hugo spoke of this in an arrogant manner, leaving her speechless. She continued to watch him and wondered how she was able to meet such an outrageous man. Gradually, her feelings swelled to one of pride.

'It couldn't be … he shouldn't be such a childish person …'

Lucia had been defining him as a perfect adult. Whenever he threw a joke or crept by her side to touch her, she passed it off thinking it was because he was a player.

"I see. Thank you. This was only possible because I am the Duke's wife."

"You're thankful only with your words?"

"… I beg your pardon?"

Hugo waved his hand, Jerome quickly took notice and hurried to leave together with all the maids and footmen.

As soon as the two were able to be alone in the dining hall, he stood up from his seat and approached Lucia who looked to be confused and in shock. He trapped Lucia's movements by placing his hands on the arms of the chair Lucia was seated in and drew closer to her.

"The Countess of Corzan is not easily moved, whether you fly or dance she is a picky one. She is very particular. Whether you try to get involved with her son for three months or ten days, she will not blink once."

"Then how did you convince her?"

"There's no need to know the details, I just put in that much effort for you."

What did he want her to do? From time to time, she couldn't read his mind at all. Did he wanted to be praised, 'You're amazing!'? Does she need to be honored while feeling grateful?

Lucia hesitated for a moment, then she slightly raised her body and lightly pressed her lips onto his. Her answer was nearly correct, but not quite. He stared at Lucia as if he was boring a hole into her forehead, then the corner of his lips quirked up.

"Just this?"