51 - 55

Lucia Chapter 50 [part 2]

< — Truth & Falsehood — > (5)

TN: I don't think I've ever mentioned it but things in brackets like this: [], are conversations from the past. Brackets like this: () just tells you who is speaking.

The aide assumed a solemn expression as he spoke.

"Your Highness, Crown Prince, Marquis of DeLing sent an official letter of complaint."

Kwiz clicked his tongue and skimmed through the document handed to him. In conclusion, the long letter of complaint that went on and on for pages was requesting permission to punish the Knight Krotin who insulted the honor of the Marquis.

A while ago, Knights of Deling jumped Roy and were beaten half-dead so they couldn't move for several months.

"Why do these filthy bastards that attack in groups have so much to say? Is it still a proper knight if it jumps a single opponent with numbers?"

The aide still couldn't adapt to the Crowned Prince spitting out the vulgar jargon of the common people every time it happened.

The aide controlled his expression and continued speaking.

"It is not the duel itself they have an issue with, but Sir Krotin's remarks."

"I'm sure what they want to deal with isn't Sir Krotin."

Marquis of DeLing was one of the representative figures of the opposing forces against the Crown Prince. If opposing side could use this matter to remove the Knight Krotin from the Crown Prince's side, there were many things to gain from it.

They could make a crack in the authority of the Crown Prince who was unable to protect his escort Knight, they could aim for a gap in the Crown Prince's defenses after he lost a remarkably skilled escort and because the Crown Prince was unable to safeguard the escort handed to him by the Taran Duke, they could make a crack form in the two's relationship.

Kwiz turned his gaze to Roy standing next to him.

Even though Roy obviously knew they were talking about him, his expression didn't change as if he wasn't hearing anything. Sometimes, the aide felt the desire to beat up Roy's brazen face.

"Sir Krotin. Don't say anything after beating those knights. Good going there. It isn't like you killed them yet those jumping bastards have the nerve. But, why did you say that?" (Kwiz)

"Say what?" (Roy)

"It is said you called the knights, dogs of the Marquis."

"I didn't say that. I said dogs licking their master's feet."

Kwiz groaned.

"That is virtually the same thing. Isn't that why the Knight of the DeLing Marquis jumped you? Saying you insulted the Marquis."

"I don't know why that is insulting. I simply spoke the truth. A Knight is their master's dog. Like a dog, all one have to do is wag their tail to their master and listen nicely. I only said my mind since they were going around picking fights with uninvolved people."

Not only the Crown Prince, but everyone around was taken aback.

"A knight is their master's dog? Does Sir Krotin think so of yourself?" (Kwiz)

"Oh yes. I am my Lord's dog. If he asks me to bark, I bark. Woof-woof."

Kwiz burst out laughing. He grabbed his stomach and smacked the table as he laughed. However the expression of the other escorting knights besides Roy were distorted and they fixed Roy with murderous gazes.

After laughing till tears came to his eyes, Kwiz took a while to calm down then spoke to his aide.

"Did you hear that? Write it well that Sir Krotin did not insult any knight and send back the letter of complaint."


Without doubt, the damn man was a lunatic. No, he was a mad dog? The aide made up his mind to never mess around with Knight Krotin if possible. After all, one avoids shit because it's dirty. (1)

"I envy the Taran Duke. To have such a loyal knight."

Kwiz glanced over his knights with a meaningful gaze. The knights who met his gaze for a moment turned their gaze to empty air.

"But the Taran Duke has confined himself to the north with no thoughts of coming up to the capital. I thought even if it was the Duchess, one would at least come once."

It was nearly a year since the Duke got married and two months had passed since the New Year began. He was fascinated by how the princess who lived in palace was enduring so well in the north.

He thought she would be unable to tolerate the frustration and even if alone, she would drop by the capital. Through the description of the people who had seen Princess Vivian directly, he knew the princess was far from being a lady of unsurpassed beauty. Even so, he couldn't shake off his doubt as to whether that rumor was true or not.

'Is she so beautiful that the Duke is hiding her tightly? Or is it just preference? But looking at his past history with women, something's totally different.'

Kwiz found very little success in digging into Princess Vivian. He learnt the Princess went out of the palace pretending to be a maid but as it cost more time and money to keep digging even further, he simply gave up.

If it was an enemy, he would look into every nook and cranny but there was no need to do so for someone on his side. In any case, they would meet when once she came up to the capital.

'Acting as a maid to go out. You do quite the interesting things.'

Kwiz held a favorable impression towards this younger sister of his he never knew existed.


In the capital where incidents happened without pause, Fabian was working hard today as usual. Today, he was doing his favorite work: the task of gathering the rumors circulating in the capital.

"Hoh, this is new. There's a summoning circle to raise the devil under the Taran Duke's Castle in his fief?"

Fabian snickered and wrote down all the unfiltered rumors in his report to the Duke. Fabian also studied the report from him men. As he looked through the report, his expression stiffened. The report was from his men planted around the female novelist.

As she was the only acquaintance to the princess who became the Duchess, Fabian ordered his men to check up on Norman regularly. This was because someone who chanced upon her relationship with the Duchess might choose to approach her and cause her harm. On the other hand, he was also able to use this to confirm that the female novelist was tight-lipped about the Duchess. So, in a way, it was a form of surveillance and protection.

"Why did the Countess of Falcon go there? And not just once or twice."

According at the report, the purpose of the visiting the female novelist was because the countess was a fan of the female writer's novel.

'I don't think that's the only reason though…'

Fabian's sharp sense was telling him so.

'Anyhow, she's a really difficult one.'

Since a long time ago, the Countess always left a bad taste in his mouth. The fact that he disliked her ominous past history of marrying three times with all 3 husbands currently dead, was just secondary. Sometimes one happens to dislike a person for no reason. To Fabian, the Countess of Falcon was such a person.

There was the option of observing the situation over time but Fabian decided to file it in his report. The biggest reason for Fabian's capability was his speedy situational judgements. He judged that he should not carelessly disregard news related to the Duchess.

At this point, he now knew that that the Duke was not playing newly-wed. For the Duke to share a bed with one woman for over 10 months? It was unprecedented. The Duke was not a womanizer. This was how Fabian saw it. The Duke simply satisfied his instinctive desires. He never had the slightest emotional exchanges with women.

Just the thought that such a Duke would possibly be settling down with a woman made Fabian feel like he'd glimpsed into the mysteries of life.

'Truly, the more you live, the more you learn.'

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (1)

TN: 'Employees' is changed to 'servants'.

Several months passed since Anna and Philip's steady exchanged continued. Anna found Philip for teaching whenever she had free time and Philip admired Anna's great passion for learning at such an advanced age.

Once a week, Anna and Philip went to offer their medical services to the poor and needy. Just like always, they set up a simple treatment room in a remote location at the back of an alley and received a flood of patients. It was difficult but as Anna treated patients with all sorts of diverse symptoms, her skills dramatically increased.

"Look here, don't you think the stupid thing is to say you ate mugwort to make medicine?"

The voice of a hot-tempered middle-aged wife rang out loudly. The simple treatment room had two tables set slightly apart and in between them, a thin cloth acted as a wall. So when one raised their voice a little bit, one could be heard from the other side.

On the other side of the wall, Anna payed attention to the audible voice of the patient who came to Philip.

"Did I know and eat it? I only knew the tusk had wild herbs."

"Are your eyes crooked? How does that look like herbs!"

"Why did you leave it in the kitchen then!"

Mother and daughter went back and forth, raising their voices to each other as they quarreled.

Mugwort! Anna paused treatment on her side and fixed her gaze on the obscuring wall of cloth. Then she heard Philip's calm voice.

"So what is the matter? Did you perhaps contact an ailment?"

"Aiyo! Doctor! This one ate that thing and her monthly period didn't come. I don't know what to do if this lass cannot perform her duties as a woman so I can't sleep at night."

"Tch, I like it this way." (Daughter speaking)

"You crazy thing, ah! Do you want to be a lady who can't give birth?"

Anna suddenly sprang to her feet. She didn't notice the confused expression of her patient who was being treated. Anna lifted the wall made of cloth and went into the other partition.

Philip glanced at Anna once then spoke to the patient.

"I cannot treat you if you're making so much fuss. Quietly. How much mugwort did patient eat?"

"About as much as a side dish? I mixed it up with vegetable and ate it."

Her mother next to her: 'This crazy-! How can you happily eat that foul-tasting thing and call it vegetable? Aiyo, I didn't give birth to a human, I birthed a good-for-nothing. Ai! I can't live in peace.'

She continued to grumble inwardly.

"When did you have your first menstruation?"

"I think the year before last?"

"You didn't keep eating the mugwort, did you?"


"Then, this is just a temporary state, your monthly periods will start again next month. So you don't need to be worried. You too, Mother."

Both mother and daughter were in disbelief so they had to be persuaded and promised several times before they left.

"What's wrong, Anna? Is there a patient with a problem?" (Philip)

"…No. I'll tell you later."

After they finished giving free treatment, the day was darkening into night and the two returned and drank tea at Philip's residence.

"Earlier…I'm talking of the patient who took mugwort. That was my first time seeing such a symptom but Sir Philip seemed to know all about it. I know mugwort has a hemostatic effect but for that to stop menstruation? How could that be when menstruation and the blood from wounds are from completely different structures?" (Anna)

"It's rare but occasionally, it occurs in patients. It can happen when the poor hunger and do not distinguish what they eat. However, there is nothing to worry about. There's nothing wrong with the body, it's just a temporary state."

"Then, by any chance, do you know of menstruation stopping entirely after eating mugwort?"

Philip's hand lifting the teacup to his mouth paused for a moment. The mysterious glint in his eyes disappeared just as fast as it came. His relaxed smile was just as before and his voice was just as relaxed as he spoke.

"Interesting. Do you have such a patient?"

"Yes, in state of complete amenorrhea (absence of menstrual periods). The herb intake was for quite the long time."

In the meantime, Anna had purchased hundreds of medicinal books in order to find a cure for the Duchess. She scrapped up all the books on the market and not only that, she asked around for the doctors living in Roam (city) and went to them diligently. However, there was not one person who recognized the symptom of menstruation stopping after eating mugwort.

Anna would have rather preferred to experiment the diet on herself but unfortunately, she was already in her menopause and because she didn't know the side effects, she couldn't test it on another person.

So, it was both surprising and frustrating to stumble across that patient today. If she knew beforehand, she would've gone digging through the slums. Anna admired Philip anew.

[How did you learn such excellent medical art? You know much of what is in the books and what is not in the books.]

The more she knew, the more amazed she was by Philip's medical knowledge so one day, she had asked him directly.

[There are simply a lot of miscellaneous things I picked along the way when I was wandering around.]

Philip spoke modestly but Anna thought of it as his reward for wandering the hinterland to offer his medical services. He was really an excellent doctor.

"Philip, didn't you say you treated a lot of patients while traveling? I feel very embarrassed in comparison. True medicine should be performed with the heart yet my lowly medicine is priced with greed."

"Anna, your medical skill is superb. You are enthusiastic and true to your patient. It is a shame you don't receive proper recognition because you are a woman."

"You exaggerate."

Anna smiled and brought the teacup to her mouth. If Anna had seen Philip's eyes then, she would have felt strange. The pupils of his eyes flickered silently, revealing his impatience.

"Who is the patient?" (Philip)

Anna hesitated. Keeping a patient's confidentiality was the duty of a doctor. However, Anna couldn't let go of the only and definite clue that she'd barely managed to fine. The longer she couldn't grasp a clue, the more anxious she felt. No one was urging her but she felt agitated.

'It's okay. He's the Duke's doctor and one with excellent medical skills. He's a true doctor who finds the poor to offer his medical services.'

She didn't know why he was under surveillance, but if he was someone who would harm the Duke, it wouldn't just end with surveillance. She made up her mind. Still, she felt too uncomfortable to readily mention the madam.

"To be honest, I came to find you at first because I wanted some advice on this symptom."

If the Duchess' doctor was seeking advice from another doctor, without one even saying who the patient was, it was obvious. Anna nodded her head to Philip who was quietly looking at her.

"By any chance…was the mugwort taken from the first menstrual period?"(Philip)

"You know!"

Anna yelled out cheerfully.

"Do you know a way to treat it?"

"Fortunately, I do."

"My goodness!"

The treatment method she'd been looking for all this while had been right next to her. If she had honestly asked for advice from the beginning, she would have gotten it without going through so much trouble.

However, she didn't regret the time spent going through that trouble. Searching for books and digging through them were of great help to her skills.

"How did the patient happen to take mugwort?" (Philip)

"The patient wasn't knowledgeable as a child and did not know of the changes in a woman. Summarily, in the patient's young mind, it was a drug that stopped bleeding so one tried to fix the first menstruation."

"How long was this intake?"

"I heard it was taken for about half a year, after which there was no more menstruation. Is it really possible to treat?"

"Listen a little more. This symptoms require special conditions to be treated. One must not be a virgin and one must not have experienced union with more than one man."

Anna's expression fell. The symptom itself was already strange now even the treatment condition was strange too. Because of Anna's experience treating the Duchess, she knew of the Duchess' purity better than anyone else.

But this matter was privately hidden and concerned the Duchess' reputation. She hesitated for a while but in the end she chose her belief that as doctor, if one was embarrassed about their patient's condition, one would not be able to treat their patient properly.

"That won't be a problem. The patient was married some time ago and the first night was the patient's first union."

Anna stubbornly did not directly mention who the patient was but they were both understanding each other.

"Then, does this mean it can be treated?" (Anna)

Philip lowered his gaze a little and said nothing in reply. Anna waited quietly, not wanting to interfere with his thoughts. But in actuality, Philip was only trying to calm his overwhelmed and turbulent emotions. After some time, he lifted his head with a calm expression.

"It's possible."

"I'll go see Milady immediately. I'm sure she will be much pleased I have found a cure."

As if she would get up any minute now, Anna shuffled in her seat restlessly. She didn't even realize that she had directly said who the patient was. Philip used a hand gesture to tell her to calm down.

"This treatment method is one of the secrets passed down in our family. The exact method of preparation is in the notebook handed down and I have to check it but I don't have it right now. I put it someplace else. It looks like I'll have to leave for a while."

Anna felt regretful. She was filled with impatience as she didn't want to lose the clue she'd finally gotten.

"Will it take long? Is it possible for me to go with you?"

"I apologize but I cannot take you with me. It is a secret location passed down in our family from generation to generation."

"I was too impatient. I'm sorry for making an unreasonable request."

"There's no need to be in a rush. I will definitely give you the treatment method. Therefore, in the meantime, don't tell the patient. There's no need to make one wait in vain."

"You're right. When do you expect to be back?"

"At the latest, I will be back in a week."

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (1)

After Anna left, Philip sat on the sofa with his head low and hands clasped tightly together. The lights were off in the sitting room causing it to be dimly lit. In this lighting, the silhouette sitting like a doll in the dreary atmosphere was enough to frighten any who saw it.


Philip's body began to tremble and he burst out laughing like a madman.

"Kuhahaha!! It's not the end! It's not over yet!"

It was not the usual Philip that kept his emotions in check without losing his calm expression. His eyes were bloodshot and the veins on his forehead bulged. Like an evil spirit, his expression was distorted, full of madness and obsession.

He discovered a possibility for the obsession he'd half-way given up on, so he was overwhelmed with excitement.

After the former Duke met a tragic death and the new Duke succeeded him, Philip was one day kidnapped by a suspicious person. When he woke up after fainting, he found himself locked up in a prison. He was imprisoned for the whole day. And the person that showed up in front of him in the prison was Hugh, the one who had become the Taran Duke.

[Old man. I hear you know the way to make a child? Tell me. I combed through that cursed room but it wasn't there.]

The Hugh Philip saw after he became the Duke had changed. Deep rooted disgust and hatred overflowed in his eyes. Philip came to realize that the cause for this was the room which Hugh referred to as 'that cursed room'. It was the room that contained secrets of the Taran bloodline.

[You entered the secret room.]

[That's right. It was really interesting, you know? The girl that the late Duchess had in her womb was supposed to carry my child in the future. It's truly a shame. My future wife didn't get to see the light of the day and was turned into a lump of flesh to be thrown away in her mother's stomach. If I knew, I would have at least checked her face. I mean, since the Duchess' stomach was practically bulging, there must have been some kind of shape.]

Unlike his words, the Duke's expression looked nauseous like he couldn't stand the mere thought.

[Indeed a huge secret and according at those scribbled documents, the Duchess must give birth to a son so she could never be an ordinary woman. But this time, was it because my mother died? Then, if one bore a daughter, one would not be able to able raise it publicly and can only hide it away.]

Philip did not give any response or acknowledgement. The late Duchess had indeed planned that as soon as her daughter was born, she would treat it like it were dead and raise it outside.

The Duke continued with his inference of Philip's thoughts.

[And since that girl and I differ greatly in age, I don't believe she would be left alone with me. That old fogey would have probably made me marry a woman that'll give birth to the girl that would be my son's bride in the future. But, if it goes this way, the woman that gives birth to my son, the woman with the oh so precious Taran blood, becomes a mistress. And her son becomes an illegitimate child. There's no way such a flaw would be allowed. So, on a second thought, the wife that gives birth to my daughter will probably end up dead in time. Whether by sickness or by accident. And my step-sister that grew up well outside will come in as my second wife and give birth to my son. What do you think? Did I hit the nail on the head?]


[But what can one do? Since my step-sister is dead, my son won't be born. Forever.]

Looking at the extremely delighted Duke, Philip did not reveal that the child of the late young master Hugo was conceived and growing up nicely. If the Duke knew now, he would kill both mother and son immediately.

[But a daughter can still be born as usual. You disgusting bastards will do anything to make me have a daughter without hesitation. Now tell me, Old man. How this monstrous family came to retain such a tenacious bloodline. I don't plan on leaving anything carrying my filthy blood behind on this land.]

Philip could predict what the Duke would do if he told him the truth about the mugwort. Even if it sounded impossible, he would try to root out all the mugwort that existed in the world, and if he really needed a woman, to avoid future troubles, he would either embrace a prostitute once then get rid of her, or avoid embracing the same woman more than once. In this way, the possibility of the Taran bloodline continuing would disappear.

[If you want stay locked up and never see the sun again, keep your mouth shut.]

Philip would never divulge his family's secrets and using the pretext that he couldn't resist under the Duke's threat, he spun a tale.

[The Taran male that will become the father of the child has to steadily administer his blood to the woman for over a year, then take her virginity.]

And the Duke believed those nonsensical words. From this, one could guess how much the Duke thought of the Taran blood as a sickening monster.

Since the Duke thought that pregnancy was impossible without himself voluntarily acting on it, he treated Philip like a completely non-existent person afterwards. Making the most of this indifferent approach, Philip did not stop trying to progress to his goal.

Those of Taran blood inherited madness in their blood from generation to generation. It caused one to urge for slaughter or increased one's sex drive. In the Duke, the extent was severe and it got even worse after his brother's death. By the second half of his late teens, it was to the extent that the Duke couldn't sleep without slaughter or sleeping with a woman.

Philip bought a young orphan beggar and prepared her body by feeding her mugwort. He taught her sexual practices to match the Duke's tastes and knowing that the Duke did not like maidens, he took measures using his family's secret manual to prevent virgin blood from flowing out.

Just in time, war broke out, becoming an opportunity and Philip's access to the Duke became much easier. He fed the prepared woman pain-killing drugs so she wouldn't feel the pain of breakthrough (TN: pain from first sex) and sent her into the Duke's quarters. The Duke, excited from the madness of slaughter, did not care who the woman let into his quarters was and united with her.

But Philip's attempts always ended in failure. For pregnancy to happen, the Duke had to have a steady relationship with a woman but the Duke was quick to lose interest. The amount of unsuccessful women Philip had killed to silence numbered more than a dozen.

As the war came to a lull, the Duke began to gradually temper his recklessness and lack of self-restraint. It could be that by seeing his fill of blood through the war, his thirst was somewhat relieved or it could be due to the Duke entering his mid-twenties. His preference also changed to luxurious noble women so he only took women like those to bed.

No matter how resourceful Philip was, he couldn't obtain aristocrats like he obtained orphans. If there was a daughter left behind by the late Duke, he would have looked after her to make sure she bore an offspring for young master Damian in the future but unfortunately, all females of the Taran blood were dead.

The discarded daughter who lived without Philip and the late Duke knowing gave birth to Damian and died, the girl being raised to be the future Duchess fell off her horse in an accident and died, the girl in the womb of the newly taken Duchess of the late Duke was killed along with her mother, by the hands of young master Hugo.

The birth of young master Damian was by Heaven's aid. However, if young master Damian did not have a bride, the Taran bloodline would end. Without the Duke's cooperation, the path to securing a bride was far-off.

But. Without him (Philip) putting any effort, someone that met all the needed conditions became the Duchess. To confirm this, he had lied to Anna that it needed special conditions.

It was perfect. It was definitely a miracle. The heavens were still watching over the existence of the Taran bloodline.

'A beautiful bride will be born for you soon, Young Master Damian.'

In the darkness, a dark smile spread across his lips. Philip was already considering several variables, and various plans were being made in his head.

The long-cherished wish of his family passed down for generations. The persistent obsession that was asleep in his blood for a while was ignited once more.

Chapter 52 [part 1]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (2)

TN: Vision = secret manual.

It was now routine for Lucia to take the medicine Anna prepared for her every other day. The maid usually brought it one or two hours after she'd had dinner. Lucia habitually brought the bowl of medicine to her mouth but was surprised and reflexively took it away from her mouth.

"…Vanilla scent?"

She brought the bowl closer to her nose again and took in the smell. There was no doubt. It was scent of vanilla. It was the cure that she couldn't find in her dream even after putting a lot of effort and time. The wandering doctor she'd miraculously met called it his family's vision. It was not a medicine that could be found so easily. Lucia called the maid and asked for Anna to be brought to her.

"Anna, today's medication is different from before."

"Yes, it's a new remedy."

"Is it a method you found?"


If Anna replied that she'd received someone else's advice, Lucia would've thought that Anna may've met the doctor from her dream. But she couldn't believe that Anna found it.

"Anna, I've studied medicinal herbs for a while because I was interested in them."

After saying so, Lucia went on to list three different herbs. These herbs all belonged to the side of medicinal herbs with strong composition so they were herbs that should be examined and carefully prescribed according to the constitution of the patient. For a doctor, this knowledge was close to common sense.

"Do you know what happens if you mix these three herbs together and eat it?"

Anna couldn't grasp the intent behind this abrupt question but she answered truthfully based on her knowledge.

"Those medicinal herbs are herbs that should never be mixed together. Each is different in nature so when taken together, it will act as a poison."

"Is that so? Then Anna, you brought this medicine to try and feed me poison."


Poison! Anna's entire body grew rigid as she froze stone-cold. The petite woman in front of her suddenly seemed to change into an enormous steel wall. The Duchess wasn't one to assert her authority or observe proper decorum with the people under her.

So, Anna had forgotten. She'd forgotten that the Duchess was a grand high-ranking noble that she would never be able to see in her lifetime if it wasn't for her becoming the primary doctor.

'Have I done something to offend the Duchess?'

A chill ran down her spine. The life of a doctor who was suspected for attempted poisoning was akin to the life of a candle flame before the wind. Whether it was true or not did not matter. The problem was such a suspicion being made in the first place.

"Did you know this medicine has a vanilla scent?" (Lucia)

"Yes, Milady."

"Do you know why it has a vanilla scent?"


"If you mix the three herbs I mention earlier and boil it down, you get the scent of vanilla. You doesn't seem to know this, Anna."


"You said it's a treatment method you found. How can you not know?"

After Lucia's menstruation re-started because of the cure the wandering doctor gave her in her dream, she became interested in the cure itself. Whenever she went to buy medicinal herbs, she would remember the words telling her that certain herbs mixed together caused huge problems.

Philip's lonesome expression as he tore the page from the note containing his family's vision and gave it to her also kept coming to mind. In particular, she was curious about the medicine's vanilla scent. So, out of curiosity, she began studying medicinal herbs.

Her studies did not measure up to that of a professional's. She just learnt the type and efficacy of the medicinal herbs in the prescription Philip gave to her. She took the medicinal herbs on the prescription apart piece by piece and repeatedly tested mixtures. Through this, she found that the vanilla scent came from mixing the three herbs that were not commonly mixed together.

Anna's complexion turned white. Anna did not know what kind of medicinal herbs went into the medicine. The medicine Philip handed over to her was in a finely ground state.

[At least once a month. It should be taken regularly till menstruation begins again. The method of dosage is simple.] (Philip speaking)

[I cannot have a patient take medicine that I don't know what went into it. The prescription should be given along with the medicine.] (Anna)

[It is our family vision, I cannot reveal this.]

[Philip. I do not doubt your conscience or ability as a doctor. However, this is not an ordinary patient]

[Anna, if so I can personally explain to the patient.]

[That cannot be done. Sir Philip is prohibited from approaching the Madam.]

Anna had been very excited to learn there was a treatment method but while she waited for Philip to make the medicine, a forgotten matter rose to the forefront of her mind. In the past, the butler had said that even if they found cure, it had to be called Anna's. Even a simple mention of Philip's existence was not to be made in front of the madam.

[I will not ask what the circumstances are but I cannot let you meet Milady, Philip.]

[…I can stake my neck to assure you. If you are really worried, you can eat some it to test. It is a medicine that has no effect when a normal person takes it.]

[You said it has to be administered long term. A problem could occur when it's taken long term.]

[Anna, do you think I will make a drug that will harm a patient?]

Anna's trust for Philip, her conscience as a doctor and her desire for a cure were in fierce conflict inside her mind. She personally took the medicine for a week and watched over her body's condition for anything odd. While doing this, she received a summon from the Duke.

The Taran Duke usually called Anna about once a week to ask her about how the Duchess's treatment was going. And Anna's answer was usually the same.

[I'm looking for a cure.]

The Duke wouldn't question more and with an answer of 'Got it', the discussion was over.

However, this time when she was summoned by the Duke, while in possession of the cure, she felt pressured. She felt a sense of shame that she wasn't doing her job properly even when she was being paid a huge sum of money to serve as a doctor.

And Anna's trust in Philip had already occupy a huge spot in her heart so eventually, Anna brought the medicine to the Duchess.

'This…I did something crazy.'

Only after Lucia questioned the drug's components did Anna realize. A doctor prescribing an uncertain drug to their patient. Before considering the problem that this patient was the Duchess, it was a fatal error in one's judgement as doctor.

"I have nothing to say. I am sorry, Milady. Truthfully, It is not my cure. I took the medicine for a week to verify it."

Lucia sighed, feeling Anna's anguish and efforts through her words.

"To have consulted about my condition, it must be someone you have great trust in. Who is it?"

"I'm sorry, Milady. I cannot say who it is."

"Did the person that prescribed the medicine ask not to be revealed?"

When Lucia thought about it, the wandering doctor from her dream wasn't one to covet credit.


Since Anna wasn't allowed to speak of Philip's existence, she couldn't give an answer.

"I cannot take this medicine. I cannot trust it. Do you understand?" (Lucia)

"Yes, Milady. I committed a grave mistake."

"I know you did it because you want to treat me. But do not lie next time."

"Yes, Milady."

Lucia was once of the notion that if Anna found a cure, she would not reject it. At the time she was angry with Hugo and her attitude was 'I-don't-care-whatever-happens. But when she realized why he didn't want a child, her mind changed.

He was not ready to be a father at all. If a child was born, it would be a tragedy for everyone involved as well as the new-born child. Lucia did not want to have a child that Hugo did not want. She wanted to have a child that receive much love from his/her father.

Hugo grew up without knowing love from his parents and Lucia spent her childhood neglected by her father. They both experienced lack of normal families. Lucia thought that in order to complete themselves in what they lacked, they needed to perfectly understand each other.

'Not giving birth to a child could be the happier side.'

There was regret. She was in love with him. She wanted to have a child for the man she loved. But now wasn't the time.

When she thought back to her tiring life in her dream, it taught her about a lot of things. If not for the dream, she wouldn't have such huge patience nor would she have been able to see the distant future.

Chapter 52 [part 2]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (2)

Following the Duchess' will, Anna informed Philip that his medicine was rejected. As Philip listened to her story, he couldn't conceal his surprise.

"So… she knows the herb mixture that gives the vanilla scent…?"

Philip muttered to himself repeatedly.

"Let me meet the Duchess. This is most definitely a cure."

"You know that can't happen. What ever did you do to be under surveillance?"

"It's a personal matter and has nothing to do with medicine. Do you plan on giving up on the Madam's treatment like this?"

Anna shook her head.

"For me, there's no other way. Just as you say, Sir Philip could meet Milady and directly explain it to her but the meeting itself is impossible." (Anna)

"Anna, I cannot give up on a patient in front of me."

"…Then, I will ask His Grace the Duke when he returns."

The Duke of Taran was currently not in Roam as he was inspecting the fief so Philip couldn't miss out on this opportunity. Once the Duke came back, he would never be left alone with the Duchess.

The Duke did not know the secret behind the mugwort but if the Duchess got pregnant after receiving Philip's prescription, the Duke would immediately see through Philip's manipulations and tricks. And the Duke would do everything within his power to stop the child from being born.

Therefore, the Duke must not know that Philip was involved in the Duchess' pregnancy. and to do so, Philip had to meet the Duchess. He was confident that once he met the Duchess, he could coax and persuade her.

"The will of the patient is priority. The most important thing is whether the patient wants a child. Do you think his Grace the Duke wants a child from the Madam when he already has a child born out-of-wedlock as his heir? Nobles are cold-hearted. They are different from ordinary people like us. Succession and affection towards one's wife are thoroughly differentiated. The Madam must also want to child to look at in her old age. Don't you think it'll be a shame if the Madam is never able to embrace her own child?"

Philip calmly tried to persuade Anna. And Anna, whose heart leaned positively to Philip, was easily persuaded.

'Their relationship might be good now but…'

In the first place, noble relationships were like this. Whether male or female, they kept separate lovers and enjoyed themselves even when they were married. The only thing left was the child.

Anna thought the same way as the servants who gossiped that the Duchess was thinning because she had to enter an illegitimate son into the register as soon as she married in.

"I'll try and talk to Milady."

To Anna, it was for the Madam's sake.


"Milady, the doctor that I talked about the other has requested to meet you."

"Is that so? That's fine with me."

"However, Milady. This doctor…actually, he's the Duke's doctor."

"The Duke's?"

"Yes. The butler called me some time ago and informed me so. I was told the Duke's doctor was being watched and should not be allowed to meet Milady nor should his existence be mentioned to Milady. I was told it was an order from His Grace the Duke."

Anna's expression and tone were resolute. Lucia's feelings of expectation towards seeing her benefactor began to subside.

"Then, you are committing a grave mistake right now. You are disobeying the order not to mention this to me."

"I am aware and I will take responsibility. But Milady, the doctor said you can be definitely be cured. He wants to meet Milady and explain."

"Responsibility? How will you take responsibility?"

"…I will resign from my position as doctor. I lack too much in many areas."


Lucia studied Anna's haggard expression. It was an expression that said the woman had a lot of worries on her mind.

"Anna, the matter of the medicine last time was so, and the matter this time, likewise. These things won't happen if you kept to your duty."

"I know I have acted out of line. I just want to treat Milady so Milady can have a lovely child."

Lucia sighed. Anna wasn't a bad person. On the contrary, it was rare to see someone with passion as pure as Anna's. So Lucia liked Anna. However, she wasn't one to be tactful with people.

"What is the name of the Duke's doctor that wants to meet me?"

"…Sir. Philip."


"He is titled a baron."

Could the wandering doctor Philip be the Duke's doctor? For what reason would the titled doctor of a Duke wander around? The Philip she saw in her dream seemed used to the life of a wanderer. He wasn't some traveler taking a short trip.

'Could something have happened to the Duke of Taran at that time?'

In the later part of her life, Lucia lived enclosed from the world. She didn't know what was going on in the world much less hear news about the high society. It was the most tranquil time of her life in the dream but Lucia suddenly felt angry with herself in the dream. It would have been nice if she lived paying a bit more interest to things around her.

'Why didn't he(Hugo) want me to learn of the doctor?'

At most, the man was simply a primary doctor. If Hugo hated the sight of him, he could simple expel the man and never see him again. Why was he going through the complicated process of planting eyes around the doctor?

"This doctor of the Duke, has he worked for the Duke for very long?" (Lucia)

"I hear he's been the Duke's doctor in the household for many years."

Once Lucia heard the words 'household for many years', she recalled something Hugo said.

[I can't tell you everything. These are things I don't want to reveal even when I die.]

'The secrets he wants to keep. This doctor…he knows them.'

It was just a feeling. However there was something she didn't understand. If her guess was really true, the doctor would have already died in Hugo's hands. The clues on her hands were too little to reach a further conjecture but one thing was certain.

He didn't want her to meet the doctor. If she wanted to meet the doctor, the best chance would be now that Hugo was absent but her instincts were telling her not to meet the doctor without Hugo knowing.

"I won't meet this doctor." (Lucia)

Anna sighed ruefully.

"Anna, as a doctor and as someone of the Duke's house, you have committed a great blunder. I can forgive the mistake you've made as a doctor however, I cannot do so for the mistake you've made disobeying the orders of His Grace the Duke. As for your resignation, I will accept it but not right now. We may be going up to the Capital soon so keep it with you until we go to the Capital."

Lucia then called for Jerome.

"Jerome, today my doctor Anna told me that the Duke's doctor wished to meet me. However, Jerome has previously cautioned me about this."

For a moment, Jerome's sharp gaze went to Anna solemnly standing at the side with her head lowered, then his gaze went back to his Madam.

"Yes, Milady. Master sent down the order."

"If it is his order, then there is certainly a reason. I have no intention of meeting the Duke's doctor. And as for this incident, I will personally inform him when he return."

"Yes, Milady."

"Anna wanted to offer her resignation but I refused. She will remain as my doctor until we go up to the capital. That is to say, there is no need to interrogate Anna additionally."

"Yes, Milady."

Jerome's attitude was akin to a solemn knight kneeling before his King to receive a command. Jerome always respected the Madam's wise decisions. There was nothing lacking in the one that reliably held up the House of Taran.

Jerome was really glad to be of service to two respectable masters.

Chapter 53 [part 1]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (3)

TN: Was going to do "a refresh in 5 minutes for real chapter" but maybe next time

"Welcome, Kate."

Although Kate was visiting without any prior notice, Lucia greeted her with a light hug and welcomed her in happily. The friendship of the two was as before.

Despite the gap that existed between them as Duchess and daughter of a vassal, both of their personalities were able to destroy those barriers. With Lucia who didn't assert her authority as Duchess and Kate who was straightforward and didn't take advantage of her friendship with the Duchess, they simply treated each other as one person to another.

"Do you feel better now?" (Lucia)

"Yes. I have completely recovered so I came to see you."

Kate had been stuck at home for nearly a month due to a cold fever.

"I wanted to go see you but…I'm sorry."

Lucia was unable to go because Hugo completely refused to allow it. Even when she tried to explain that it was just a short visit so she wouldn't catch a fever in that short amount of time, he acted like he wasn't hearing anything. Rather, using the reason that there was a outbreak of cold fever, he prohibited outings altogether.

"What are you talking about? You did well not coming."

Kate could only fear for future problems if she had mistakenly passed her sickness on to Lucia. She didn't wish to incur the anger of the Duke.

On the other hand, Kate was itching to tell Lucia about the changes in northern atmosphere these days. Apart from having a tea party twice or thrice a month, the Duchess had no other official activity and had unknowingly became a big shot in the social circles.

However, although one was a leading figure, one wasn't in the spotlight.

It was similar to how the Duke of Taran ruled over the north but reigned virtually unseen. Lucia met as many as fifteen people at a time and the small scale tea party alone limited the public's understanding of her psychology. Her presence was sought at the center of the northern high society more than she could guess.

Kate saw that the northern circle were on the lookout for news on the Duchess and had clamored to her great aunt about informing Lucia but was told off for being too hasty.

Madam Michelle strictly told her that if the Duchess were to hear such words from others before being conscious of her position, it would be difficult for her gauge her surroundings properly.

"His Grace is inspecting the fief?" (Kate)

"Yes. It usually takes around four to five days so he should be back by tomorrow. How is Madam Michelle?"

"Same as usual. The nagging has increased. I'm tired of hearing I should at least resemble half of the Duchess."

"You know she's just saying that. One knows how beautiful and charming you are Kate."

"I think Lucia is much more charming."

"Thank you."

Looking at Lucia's smile as though thanking her for the lip service, Kate didn't stress that she really thought so. Even if she did, it would just be laughed off as pleasantries.

Every time she saw Lucia, she always felt oddly charmed. Lucia was not a stunning beauty but the more one looked, the more one's eyes got drawn to her. It wasn't a luxurious appearance but she herself was like a scent that drew people in. Like filling an enclosed space with flowers, even after all the flowers are removed, the view remained, resonating in one's memory.

"The weather has gotten warmer so I was thinking of going fox hunting. Let's go together." (Kate)

"Is it okay to do that when you've just recovered?"

"Sure, there's no problem. Although, since you don't have a fox, you can only watch."

"The experience alone is enough for me."


The sound of a horn was heard.

"His Grace must have returned."

Following those words, Kate began to stand up but was dissuaded by Lucia and sat down again.

"You're a guest so it's fine if you're here. I'll excuse myself for a bit."

Lucia left and Kate was all alone in the receiving room so she relaxed comfortably into the sofa. She recalled watching Lucia's face light up at the sound of the flute and a giggle escaped her mouth. It was a cute sight.

Did she like her husband that much? While talking to Lucia, Kate often saw her become like a shy maiden when it came to her husband. The rumor that the ducal couple had a pretty good marital relationship was very widespread but people were in doubt as they hadn't seen it personally.

People who saw the Duchess tilted their head and carefully said that the Duchess was not that beautiful for the Duke to fall hard. However, Kate didn't think one could understand Lucia's charm after just sitting with her for tea one or two times. Kate could fully understand how the Duke fell for Lucia's charm.

Around when the tea in her cup got lukewarm, the door opened. Kate turned to look and her eyes widened. A largely built, dark-haired man strode into the room, holding the Duchess by the hand and pulling her in. As soon as the Duchess stepped in, he leaned her onto the closed door and began to kiss her.


Unable to even think of turning away from the unexpected situation, Kate stared blankly at the display of affection in front of her. The Duke was conferred his title before Kate made her social debut and during the war, Kate had no chance to see the Duke's face. After the Duke married and returned to the North some time ago, he had never attended a social gathering, so Kate had never seen the Duke personally.

However, the black-haired man holding and kissing the Duchess could only be the Duke.

'The ducal couple's relationship is pretty good?'

The rumor was wrong.

'I don't think this counts as just pretty good.'

Kate's face gradually reddened. It wasn't a short and refreshing kiss to share the joy of reunion. It was a kiss filled with hot passion and explicit desire to fling off one's clothes and entangle one's body with another.

The sofa Kate sat on faced the entrance in a slightly diagonal direction so she could see the face of Lucia leaning on the door. When her eyes widened, her gaze met Lucia's and as she watched Lucia's face go bright red, her face flushed red too. In spite of herself, a small laugh escaped her lips and she turned away.

Lucia had forgotten about Kate for a moment and after meeting Kate's gaze, she could only feel intense embarrassment She knocked on Hugo's chest as hard as she could and Hugo feeling the fierce rebellion withdrew his tongue from her mouth. He sucked her lips, kissed the side of her mouth then moved away.

"What?" (Hugo)

"Guest…A guest…"

Her amber eyes were filled with embarrassment. Looking at her wet lashes that made it seem like she would tear up, Hugo really wanted to have her on the spot.

'Can't we just do it here? I can't endure till evening.'

He wasn't able to have her for a few days and his body was going crazy with want. She liked cleanliness so it was rare for her to allow him to have her without washing up and preparing first. She also disliked any location other than the bedroom.

Any attempt to send all the servants away and try it in the hallway or garden was met with rejection. Even when he was working in the office, he didn't know how many times he'd suppressed to urge to carry her to his table and have his way with her. He certainly wanted to do it someday.

"A guest?"

Hugo repeated after her and turned his head sideways to find a woman sitting on the sofa with her head lowered. But there was no change in his expression. His hand holding Lucia's waist and hugging her remained as it was.

"Lady Milton…" (Lucia)


The famous one.

Hugo walked towards the sofa, his hand still on Lucia's waist and Kate quickly stood up to give a deep bow.

"Greetings to Your Grace the Duke. I am Kate, daughter of Count Milton."

"Pleased to meet you, Lady Milton. I seem to have interrupted your refreshments."

He gave Lucia a light kiss.

"Have a nice time."

He let go of the waist he'd been holding and left the receiving room. He was like a storm that blew in and disappeared as fast as it came. What was left was up to the people inside.

Lucia couldn't be as shameless as Hugo and act like nothing had happened. She couldn't hide her embarrassment and stayed silent sipping the cold tea. Like that, the two of them sat there, not saying anything for a while.

"You…you were talking about hunting. When is this?" (Lucia)

"In…five days. I hope you can come."

Their conversation continued clumsily and somewhat out of place

Chapter 53 [part 2]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (3)

As soon as Jerome heard the meeting was dismissed, he went into the conference room. Hugo sat at the head of the table, looking through documents.

To those new to this, it was a tense atmosphere but to those who busying around their day, it was as always. They all knew that the Duke had the habit of looking through the content of the meetings for around 30 minutes after it was over.

"Your Grace." (Jerome)


Hugo responded with a lift of the hand, signaling that he didn't want tea.

"Fabian is here."

"Tell him to come here."

A while later, Fabian came in and turned in his report. Hugo glanced at Fabian and acknowledged him with a nod then took the report. As he was looking through it, he frowned. Why was the Countess of Falcon suddenly approaching his wife's acquaintance, the novelist?

"…What the hell is this?"

Fabian tensed up at the Duke's fierce reaction.

"It hasn't been just once or twice since you've come in, yet you only bring this now?"

Fabian swallowed hard. If he didn't bring it now, he'd really be in big trouble.

"I apologize. It was a lapse in judgement."

Knowing the nature of his lord, Fabian readily admitted his fault. Several times, he'd witnessed the scene of other people making numerous excuses and having something fly at their head.

Hugo continued reading the report and his expression grew more and more vicious. The additional report included that the Countess of Falcon had done a background check on Princess Vivian.

Due to lack of time, it was still under investigation as to how the Countess of Falcon tracked down the relationship between the female novelist and Princess Vivian.

"A background check?"

Hearing the Duke's tone laced with threat, Fabian broke out in cold sweat.

"Who is in charge of investments? Send him in."

A while later, Ashin came in. Ashin wasn't the person in charge to be exact but he was in a position to understand the flow of investments and bookkeeping so he came in on behalf of the person who was absent today.

"Have we invested in any high market or business owned by Count Falcon?"

Hugo remembered asking the person in charge to review a business plan passed to him by the Countess of Falcon. If the plan was judged to be profitable, the person in charge was responsible for deciding whether to invest. Normally, Hugo left matters concerning investments to the manager and unless there was a loss reported, he didn't get involved.

Ashin quickly combed through the documents he brought in and found the related document.

"Withdraw all investments. Immediately." (Hugo)

"Do you mean…right away? At least a month's notice in advance…" (Ashin)

"Right. Now."

Hugo cracked his knuckles in emphasis and Ashin straightened up.

"Yes, sir. I'll deal with it right away."

After Ashin left the room with careful steps, Hugo commanded the nervous Fabian.

"Send down this warning. If such nonsense is ever repeated, it'll be one's head next time."

Withdrawing investments and even sending a threat. For the first time, Fabian found the Countess of Falcon slightly pitiful. The Taran Family invested on quite the huge scale so to suddenly lose such a large amount of money, Count Falcon's businesses would be shaken.

Still, to a woman he once shared intimacy with, it was truly ruthless. The Duke of Taran wasn't one to pursue an investment turnover unless a loss had been suffered so it was Fabian's first time seeing the Duke withdraw an investment for emotional reasons.

'Should I ingratiate myself to the Duchess a little?'

Fabian revised his thoughts that the Duke was just having fun and fascinated with being a newlywed. This wasn't just fascination, it was more like his lord had fallen for his wife.


After dinner, Lucia asked Hugo to give her some of his time. They went to the receiving room and sat facing each other.

"When you were absent, I was told the Duke's doctor wanted to meet me." (Lucia)

Hugo's expression instantly froze over. He had definitely ordered that she was not to learn of the old man's very existence. This was the first time Jerome hadn't fulfilled his orders.

Feeling his master's gaze on him, Jerome lowered his head with a stiff expression.

"Don't be angry with him. My doctor is the one who disobeyed your orders. It seems my doctor met your doctor while looking for a cure all over and asked him for advice. I hear you called my doctor once a week to ask about the treatment so I think the pressure on her should have been considerable."

Lucia hadn't known he'd been calling Anna to ask about the treatment. She thought he had already forgotten about it and the fact that he'd been constantly asking about it made her feel thankful. But she could also understand how much of a mental burden it could have placed on Anna.

"Anna, my doctor, will be resigning. I hope you don't punish her additionally."

Lucia thought highly of Anna's efforts. The woman went beyond her role as a primary doctor and did her best to treat Lucia. She did all the work Lucia had done in the dream. She found Philip whom Lucia had miraculously met in the dream.

She met the Duke's doctor and after constantly interacting with him, she grasped his personality and medical skills before asking for advice, and then when she received the medicine, she personally tried it on herself. Hence, the cure was found as a result of Anna's efforts.

However, Anna was rash. It was fortunate that Lucia knew what medicine it was or else she would have taken a drug with unknown ingredients. It didn't matter whether the drug was the real cure or not.

Anna seemed unaware of how much of a mistake she'd made. If Jerome knew about this, he would definitely tell her husband and once her husband knew, Anna's life was forfeit.

Anna's arbitrary decision happened because of her heartfelt care so Lucia didn't want the woman to be charged of a crime to that extent and decided to keep the matter between herself and Anna alone.

"Alright." (Hugo)

"My doctor seemed confident that your doctor knows the cure." (Lucia)

"…I see."

Hugo acknowledged that the old man had remarkable medical skill. If it was the old man, it wasn't strange that he knew the cure.

"Could that fellow have used your doctor to try and meet you?" (Hugo)

Putting Philip's medical skill aside, Hugo couldn't believe the man himself.

"No. My doctor said she actively arranged for it. I was told your doctor didn't want to reveal himself until the end."

Anna put on the blame on herself as much as possible and covered for Philip. She didn't want to implicate Philip who was already under surveillance and to Anna, Philip was a teacher close to her heart and a genuinely true person.


Hugo made an eye gesture, signaling for Jerome to leave and Jerome bowed his head in response and exited the room.

"There is a reason I took action to prevent you from meeting my doctor."

The old man couldn't do anything to her nor was there any reason for him to harm her. What the old man obsessively desired from Hugo was a daughter, that is, a bride for Damian and she couldn't have a child of Taran blood.

Hugo was simply worried about what kind of nonsense the old man might say to her so he kept her away.

"Ah, yes. You wouldn't do it for no reason." (Lucia)

"If you want to meet him, it's okay if you do so while I'm there."

If the three of them met him together, the old man wouldn't be able to say stupid things. Hugo didn't want to see the old man again but if the man knew the cure, it couldn't be helped.

Translator's Corner:

*Just in case: I didn't mistranslate Countess of Falcon to Count of Falcon. The business is indeed owned by the late(?) Count Falcon or I guess you could say it's under his name.

*Lol at Fabian.

Chapter 54 [part 1]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (4)

TN: Vision = secret manual.

Hugo hated that she was sick. People opened their mouths left and right, telling him her condition wasn't normal. Like a parrot, the only thing the doctor Anna said was that she was looking for a cure. Indeed, the old man's medical skills seemed to be different from other people.

"I have no intention of meeting this doctor. Not only do you dislike the idea of me meeting him, you also don't want to either. Am I right?" (Lucia)

"…You're right."

"Could this doctor have harmed you in the past? Is there a reason to have someone you dislike so much around you?"

There were several complicated reasons why Hugo kept Philip alive. The biggest reason was that he owed him his brother's life.

"I owe him a life. My brother survived several times thanks to him."

Of course, there was a secondary reason. Philip knew all of the dirty laundry of the Taran Family. The existence of Philip made Hugo not forget the darkness he had inside. Until the day Philip died, Hugo had to live with the discomfort of his soles treading on sand.

Hugo put up with this as punishment towards himself and atonement towards his late brother. However, no matter the reason, if Philip was ever judged to be dangerous, Hugo would not hesitate to eliminate him.

However, for now, to him, the old man was nothing more than a mere doctor. When the old man opened his mouth, he was infuriating with his 'bloodline this' and 'bloodline that' but the old man was truly acting according to the will of the late Duke, and as his family had done for generations.

When it came to continuing the lineage, as long as Hugo didn't cooperate, that was the end of that. And as for meeting Damian, Hugo had completely blocked off that path. So in the end, the old man was just clinging to life.

"I see." (Lucia)

Lucia's doubts were dispelled and she felt reassured. The benefactor from her dream was not a bad person.

"But you said he knows the cure." (Hugo)

"Yes, but you do not trust this doctor. Will you able to trust him with my treatment?"


An old man who was nothing more than a mere doctor. Even though Hugo belittled Philip this way, he still felt somewhat uneasy. He wouldn't be relieved at all if he left his wife's treatment in the old man's hands. But Philip's medical skills were true. The old man wasn't one to say he could treat something when he couldn't.

"To be honest, I know the cure." (Lucia)


"Well, I missed the chance to tell you at first. And after that I was angry at you telling me to treat it at all costs so I didn't tell you. What I mean is, I don't need the doctor's help."


Hugo felt both relieved and absurd. His feelings were complicated. The more he knew about her, the more mysterious she felt. His wife was mild and gentle. But at unexpected times, she broke off that mold and threw him off balance.

"I am not sick. I have no problem in my daily life and my health is fine. I can treat it at any time and not treating it is of my own will."

"Is it because of me? Because I said I don't want a child…"

"I understand where you're coming from. So it's fine. We can take our time and think it over. If you don't want to then I don't want to either. But I won't treat it without telling you first."

'But…your body isn't the problem.'

Hugo couldn't bring himself to tell her she couldn't have a child.

'If she knows, she might leave me.'

He felt like he was slowly sinking into a muddy pit with depths unknown.

'Why was I born with this body?'

Until now, he had thought it was fortunate that he couldn't leave a descendant behind. But now, he realized it was a curse. A curse that did not allow him to have a normal family with the woman he loved like other people could.

He recalled the face of his brother telling him that there was a woman he wanted to marry. If his brother knew his son was born, would be still be happy after learning the secrets behind his son's birth?

He would. If it was his brother, he would accept it and think only of the happiness in the future.

Rather, Hugo envied his brother. The guy fell in love without knowing it was his stepsister and died without knowing till the end. If he had to perform the sickening act of feeding his blood to someone else, Hugo didn't want a child. He felt like the moment he did that, he would really become a monster.

It was already too late to use this method with her anyways but even if he could, he didn't want to.

"You can do as you like." (Hugo)

Her treatment was completely out of his hands. Hugo couldn't tell her to treat it or not treat it. He didn't want to give her hope of getting pregnant by telling her to treat it, and he didn't want her to think he was against having children by telling her not to treat it.

"Come here."

Hugo spread his arms. Lucia gave a small laugh and stood up from the sofa to walk towards him. When she got within his reach, he pulled her into his embrace.

She fell onto his legs with a thump and Hugo wrapped his arms around her waist and nuzzled his head in her ample breasts.

"Anything else happen?" (Hugo)

"No. Ah…there was a letter from Damian."

"…A letter comes every day."

"It's not every day. It's once or twice a month."

Once Damian became the topic of conversation, Lucia's eyes began to twinkle. Hugo was still not pleased by her excessive attention to the boy. But as time passed, he became more understanding of their mother-son bond and was more forgiving.

"What did the boy say?"

"He said he's doing well."

Lucia began to bombard him with details of Damian's Academy life that she'd read from the letter. Hugo chuckled as he remembered the report he received some time ago. It said that the boy wore the red scarf she sent him every day until the weather got warmer.

"You said that when you saw Damian for the first time, you felt like you were seeing me, right?"

"Yes. It felt like I was seeing you as a child."

Her as a child. How would it feel to see a little child that was the very painting of her childhood? How would a child without evidence of his cursed blood, without black hair or red eyes, look? Hugo's chest tightened.

He could give her an abundance of wealth and power but he couldn't give her a child. What if this hurt her later on? What could he do if she implored him to have a child? Hugo felt as though he was wandering an eternal maze with no way to get out.

Translator's Corner:

* Dirty laundry = dirty secrets.

*Oh and uh…you guys are going to love/hate the next part…

Chapter 54 [part 2]

< — The Taran Duke's Family Doctor — > (4)

"Anna, your employment contract has been terminated. You will be given a temporary employment contract for the time being."

Jerome's tone had a certain edge to it. Anna replied weakly and looked through the document on the table one by one. She then signed a lifelong confidentiality agreement to keep the events from her time as doctor a secret.

"You have broken our trust. You will not be allowed to go out until your temporary employment is over and contact will be limited to a minimal amount of people. You are forbidden from meeting the doctor."


"Even after your employment period is over, you will be watched to see who you meet with. This will last until we are sure that you will adhere strictly to the contract of confidentiality you have signed. I suggest you don't act in any manner that would create doubts."

Living under surveillance with no known end. Anna realized how much of a mistake she'd made. Until she came to the Ducal House, she had little to no experience with treating nobles. She had no idea of the rules of the noble world and the habits of those living in it.

When she lived under the Duke, no one dared to treat her carelessly. They were all amicable and a few of her superiors treated her with respect. But she didn't conduct herself cautiously as a noble's doctor and was complacent. She would probably find out later, just how much she had been treated with generosity and humanely.

"If possible, can I meet Sir Philip one last time? He has taught me a lot. I would like to give him my last greetings."

"I will ask Master."


Philip knew something had gone wrong when Anna didn't contact him for a day, and when she didn't find him till the Duke returned, he knew it had completely gone astray.

When one looked at the Duchess' current situation, one could assume that the Duchess would be desperate for a child. Hence, Philip thought that if the Duchess knew there was a cure, she would jump at the opportunity.

He couldn't tell where things started to go wrong. Anna came to see him about ten days after the Duke returned, looking rather crest fallen.

"Milady refused to meet you, Philip. By now, his Grace the Duke has probably heard of the situation and knows everything. Don't worry. I explained it well."

A failure. Philip had already guessed so but when it was confirmed, he became frustrated. How come? How could he stop here when his goal was right in front of him?However his face did not reveal any of his internal anxiety.

"Anna, you are going through such a hard time because of me."

"No. I was the one who was thoughtless. Sir Philip and I cannot meet anymore. I will also be quitting my post very soon."

"Oh? Then Anna is receiving all the punishment from this. I feel bad, this happened because of me."

'This is the worst.'

To think Anna would be resigning as from her post as doctor. That meant his access to the Duke would be completely gone.

"It is a position more than I deserved. Everything is going back as it was."

"When you told the Madam, you should not have said I was the Duke's doctor. If his Grace the Duke says not to meet, the Duchess cannot readily agree to do so."

"One cannot meet you and avoid the eyes watching you anyways."

"Well, that is true."

Philip appeared outwardly convinced but inwardly he clicked his tongue. What an inflexible woman. Because there were eyes on him, the best chance was when the Duke of Taran was absent. If the Duchess was firmly decided on seeing Philip, no one other than the Duke of Taran had the authority to stop it.

Of course, the Duke would hear of it later but if it means he could talk to the Duchess, Philip would do whatever he could.

"So, what do plan to do after quitting? If you quit, even to the Ducal House it's a great loss of talent." (Philip)

"Talent you say. I couldn't find a cure for Milady and did nothing but prescribe headache medicine once or twice a month. On the contrary, I was over compensated."


Philip's eyes lit up momentarily.

"Migraines, it's a common symptom among women."

"Ah yes. It is a common symptom among women indeed."

A touch of madness appeared in Philip's eyes but disappeared as fast as it came. Anna didn't discover anything.

"I know a very good prescription for headache. Perhaps you can call it compensation but I give it as a gift. The effect is really good." (Philip)

"Isn't that also part of your family's vison? Such a precious thing…"

"I have no intention of making a living through medicine but Anna cannot live like me. If a good medicine can be of use to many people then it's a good thing."

"Ah. Philip. Thank you so much. Even till the end, you take care of me."

"The prescription will be sent down in a few days. This time, the prescription will have all the herbs listed so you don't have to worry about that part."

Anna went back and a small smile spread across his lips as he mumbled to himself.

"Well then, shall I make a drug for headache?"

Never losing sight of even the smallest chance. This was Philip's way of life.

Philip never did anything that would cause people to be suspicious of him. If he seemed even the slightest bit dangerous, the Duke of Taran would not have spared his life. The Philip that the Taran Duke knew was merely a stubborn and foolish old doctor.

The allied relationship between the Taran family and Philip's family was a relationship at knife's-edge. So the method of survival Philip chose was to lower himself.

Without Philip's family, the Taran bloodline could not continue but Philip never tried to use that fact. The alliance between the two families could only last in the past because their interests aligned.

For generations, many lunatics headed the Taran family. Most seemed fine on the outside but inwardly they had a few screws lose. The late Duke was also something else. The only way Philip survived was by humoring the late Duke's feelings. Compared to the late Duke, the current Taran Duke's nature was rather clean.

The medicine to neutralize the mugwort's efficacy was a final product made through repeated experiments filled with trial and error. The small treatments used before the final result were all written down in the notebook passed down from generation to generation.

'Since the Duchess knows the vanilla scent…it has to be removed.'

Of course, the efficacy would fall. It would also take twice as much to neutralize the mugwort's efficacy in one to three years and the possibility of pregnancy would also fall significantly. The rest was up to the heavens.

However, the heavens had never betrayed Philip before. It wasn't a lie to say he knew a very effective medicine for headache. There was certainly such a medicine in his family's vision.

All he had to do was make a new drug by mixing the prescription of the headache medicine and that of the neutralizing medicine. It may take some time but his talent in medicine was acknowledged by even his late father who was stingy with praise.


Sometime later, Anna got her hands on the prescription for the headache medicine. Philip left Roam not long after she received it. As always, the eyes watching Philip followed him till he had completely left the city of Roam then they withdrew their surveillance.

Anna looked at the prescription in wonder.

"So one could combine herbs this way. How revolutionary."

She tested it on herself when she got a headache. The effect was beyond expectations. Usually when one took medicine for headache, the feeling of heaviness in one's head would continue for a short while but when she took this medicine, her head felt clear and light like waking up in the morning after a refreshing sleep.

Anna began prescribing the medicine to women in the castle that complained of headaches and their reaction was no different from Anna's. Sometimes the women that suffered from frequent migraines would flock to Anna to ask for a month's worth of medicine.

When Lucia called Anna in for a headache, Anna brought in the new drug.

"Anna, the medicine this time works really well."

As Lucia's periodic migraines tended to increase her irritability, Lucia truly admired the quick calming effect of the medicine.

"If you like it, I can make a sufficient amount before I leave."

"I'd appreciate that."

Translator's Corner:

*Do I want to strangle a certain someone? Why, yes I do.

Chapter 55 [part 1]< — To the Capital — > (1)

Spring passed and summer arrived. It was the second summer to greet Lucia in her stay at Roam.

Day to day was peaceful and calm. Yesterday was like today, and today led to a tomorrow-like-today.

In this summer, the heat was in full swing and while they were having dinner at the end of a peaceful day, Hugo began to speak.

"His Majesty has passed away. Prepare to go up to the Capital."

Lucia involuntarily dropped the fork in her hand. She had completely forgotten.

'No. I might have subconsciously wanted to forget.'

Deep inside, she might have desired to shove everything away and live in this bubble, no matter what happened in the world.

"Are you okay?"

"…Yes. I was a little surprised. Since it was so sudden."

Lucia was not surprised at the death of her father. The paused hand of the clock had begun to rotate again. From now on, the hectic future she saw in her dream would begin to unfold. Lucia didn't know that she would dread it this much.

The Queen was incapable of having children. In other words, all of the King's children were illegitimate. Hence, no one could argue legitimacy and anyone could become the Crowned Prince.

The King had as many as twenty sons but when the King passed away, only five of these princes were alive, including the Crown prince. In contrast to this, the King's twenty-six princesses were mostly alive.

The princesses were able to survive as they had no rights to the throne but on the other hand, the princes had to kill each other to get closer to the throne. While Lucia led a calm life in her small detached palace, a bloody battle raged in the courts.

In the midst of this, the Crowned Prince admirably emerged as victor but even so, he couldn't completely overpower the other competitors. In order to keep them in check, the Crown Prince needed to strengthen his forces and for that, he needed the Duke of Taran.

The final winner was the Crown Prince. And at his vanguard, the Duke of Taran.

Lucia didn't know the details of the complicated political struggle but she could guess that Hugo would be getting very busy in the future. He was definitely not idle in the fief but what he had to deal with was relatively simple.

He had meetings, monitored the territory and went on inspections from time to time. The people he met were limited and his actions could be predicted to an extent.

Unlike what Lucia prepared herself for, he had been a faithful husband. Perhaps the northern customs and manners had influenced him. The customs of the northern people differed from that of the Capital's in many ways.

The liberal tendencies of unmarried men and women were the same but in the north, one was mostly faithful to one's spouse after marriage. However, there were many things that would tempt him if he went up to the Capital.

Xenon was a country with liberal sexual customs. In particular, the Capital was the most open. Even after one was married, there was no obstruction.

Regardless of the fact that he was a married man, the capital was overflowing with girls ready to throw themselves at him. Lucia felt uneasy. There were too many variables in the Capital.

'He might grow cold if we go up to the Capital. There are so many beautiful women…'

"…it. Are you listening?"


Lucia was startled out of her wits and dropped the knife in her hand this time.

"Are you really okay?"

"Ah…yes. I'm sorry. I was thinking about something else…"

"Something else?"

"Ah…the suddenness. I was wondering if Majesty's health was not as good as it used to be."

"I heard it was not usually good. Against the advice of the court, he didn't refrain from excessive carnal pleasures and alcoholism."

This was her first time getting an insight into the personality of the King. She felt embarrassed, as if her dirty linen was being exposed to her husband. Her father brought death upon himself with his debauchery.

Just like in the dream, Lucia's relationship with her father did not improve at all but she felt no regret.

"When will you be going?" (Lucia)

"I plan to leave first thing at dawn. I have to hurry, so I cannot go with you. Be careful on the way, my wife."

"Alright. I will leave as soon as I'm ready."

When they finished dinner, Hugo took her hand and they walked out of the dining room. The servants were momentarily dazed because their eyes were trained on their masters but afterwards they outright ignored it. The servants had grown accustomed to the generous skinship of the ducal couple so, if it was to this extent they didn't give it another glance.

Lucia suddenly felt somewhat embarrassed. She thought they were going to the garden but he took her to the terrace and hugged her tightly. She returned the hug, wrapping her arms around his back.

"Hugh? Why all of a sudden…"

"You don't like this in front of the servants."


If he knew she didn't like it, it would be better if he didn't grab her hand without notice or kiss her cheek where people could see.

The nice feeling of hugging him was short-lived. It was summer after all.

"It's hot."

Hugo sighed and released her.

"Can't you just endure a little longer without screaming, 'it's hot'?"

"But it is hot."

"What a cool-headed woman."

He grumbled and she burst out laughing. He watched her with a gentle gaze then pulled her by the waist and kissed her on the cheek.

"Why were you so distracted during dinner? Is something wrong?"

"No, just…felt a little complicated. Thinking of leaving this place made me sad."

"Do you want to stay back instead?"

His words were very tempting. If she really could, it would be nice.

"Don't be ridiculous. There are so many things you have to do when you get to the capital. You said you asked His Highness the Crown Prince to help with Damian's matter."

"You sound like you're saying I should go and work because of the boy."

"It's only natural for a father to do something for his son."

"Will the boy even know of my troubles later?"

"Of course. Damian is not an ignorant child."

'Even so, the boy is still chasing you all over the place', Hugo muttered to himself. These days, Hugo had been curious about the contents of Damian's letters and when he finally took one to read, the contents made his lips twitch. It was a basically report on everything that had occurred from morning till night.

"Is all well with Damian?" (Lucia)

"He keeps you updated, doesn't he?"

"There must be some news you've gotten lately."

Just as before, Damian lived in the Academy without revealing his identity. 'Shita' was not a position anyone could get with just skills alone. A good background was also needed. However, there was still a lot of time so Hugo was just watching the situation unfold. He had no intention of interfering in a matter of accommodation.

Boys had to be brought up powerfully. Perhaps because Damian was young, with uncertain status, outstanding skill and an unfriendly personality, there were many greedy people around him. There were also troublemakers looking for fights and these would only increase as the boy grew older. The boy had to capable of dealing with all of this.

"He's doing well, of course."

A few days ago, some troublemakers picked a fight with Damian. There were many opponents so a few blows were exchanged but that wasn't the problem as far as Hugo was concerned. Nothing was broken nor was he crippled.

'No matter how many opponents, to be hit by such lousy kids is just…'

Hugo was unsatisfied. Sure enough, Damian was his brother's son. If it was him, he would have gotten rid of those fools without anyone knowing. When he told Damian, 'don't kill people at the Academy', he meant 'it is troublesome to take care of, so deal with it inconspicuously'. The boy didn't seem to have understood him properly.

"Enough about the boy, be careful on your way. And be careful of the heat while you're in the carriage."

"There are many people to take care of me so why worry."

Lucia leaned her head on his wide chest. As time went by, his affection grew more romantic. She could guess that he liked her to a considerable degree. But despite that, her uneasiness did not decrease.

The capital was filled with his past lovers, seductive beauties that fell for his charm, and even the woman that was his wife in the dream. There was no room for her feet(1).

'I'm afraid you'll leave me.'

Lucia had thought that it would be fine as long as she loved him. She had thought that she could stand in the center and love without reliance or burden. But now, she could only wonder if such a love exists.

She was gradually waking up to her arrogance. Perhaps it may exist somewhere but such a love was impossible for her.

Translator's Corner:

It means it's very crowded.

*'Sitha' is changed to 'Shita'


Chapter 55 [part 2]

< — To the Capital — > (1)

Lucia sat in the study reading a book then closed the book and stood up as she could no longer endure the stabbing pain in her stomach. For a while now, she felt a stifling ache inside.

Even during dinner, it was hard for the food to go down her throat. In any case, her stomach seemed to be disagreeing with her so she called for a maid.

"Bring me medicine for indigestion."

Digestion medicine was a household medicine so there was no need to go out of the way to call a doctor. However, even after taking the medicine for indigestion, she still felt nauseous. After writhing in pain and finally throwing up, she felt much better.

"Milady, are you okay?"

"Yes. I feel much better after emptying my stomach."

Hugo was busy preparing to leave on the morrow so Lucia sent word that she would be sleeping first. There was a lot to prepare and pack up for tomorrow so she decided to go to bed early.


Hugo left his office when it was almost midnight. As he was suddenly going up to the capital, he had to a lot to work to finish up. There was no end to his work but since he had to ride to the capital at daybreak, he had to get some sleep.

'Why did he have to die in a summer like this?'

What was worse than the hot weather was his worry than a long carriage journey in this hot weather could ruin her health.

'Couldn't he have lived one more year before dying? That old fool. He should have thought of his health and played in moderation.'

It was a shameful death that made people speechless. Dying in the summer and now of all times. Hugo could only feel dissatisfied. To some extent, Hugo was beginning to settle into life in the north.

Once he went up to the Capital, he didn't know when he would be able to focus on the north again. If he just let things be, he would end up with idiots that try to do the exact same thing like the idiots he killed last time.

Well, it was good either ways. If that happened, he could just kill them too. His worry was more on the variables that would appear once he went up to the capital.

He wouldn't be able to keep his wife within his fences anymore. The mere thought of rogues approaching her made his head hurt. He hadn't gotten her heart or even her childhood name yet.

He quickly finished his distracted bath and went into her bedroom as usual. He saw her figure lying on the bed and moved to lie down next to her. He was about to take her into his arms when he heard a feeble moan. It was a small sound of distress.

He sprang to his feet and turned on the lights in the room.


He raised up the thin blanket and turned her body over to face him. Her body felt hot to the touch. He placed a palm on her forehead and felt her forehead clammy with sweat and her body burning with a fever. He immediately pulled on the rope to call the maid.


He called her name several times and patted her cheek lightly but there was no response at all. Flustered, he lifted her from her waist and took her into his arms. Feeling her body sink down powerlessly, Hugo was filled with terror.


Feeling the maid come in, Hugo didn't bother to look and just yelled frantically.

"Call the doctor!"


The maid took off in a hurry. Those deeply asleep in the castle were rudely awakened by the fiery tempo.

Hugo placed the cold towel on her forehead and the maid responsible for waiting on the Duchess sat on her knees beneath the bed. Hugo interrogated the maid and the maid explained the condition of the madam from around dinner with all her might.

"After dinner, Milady threw up everything and said she would be going to sleeping early."

"You should have called a doctor then. Is this how you serve your madam?"

"I-I am sorry."

The Duke's fierce rebuke and frigid tone chilled the maid to the bones. The maid's voice trembled pitifully. It wasn't just her voice but her entire body was trembling.

Anna, who had run all the way from her bed, came into the bedroom. She immediately got down the symptoms from the maid.

"Milady has to regain consciousness before she can take medicine. One has to wipe her down with a towel to bring down the fever."

"She was fine until after dinner." (Hugo)

"It seems to be acute indigestion." (Anna)

"If it's indigestion, why this sort of fever?"

"Indigestion can cause the body to ache as well as high fever."

Anna turned to the maid.

"Did Milady complain of a headache?"

"A headache…? No, she did not." (Maid)

"Does indigestion cause headaches too?" (Hugo)

"Milady has frequent migraines so I'm just confirming."


In an instant, the atmosphere turned prickly. Anna flinched.

"What do you mean frequent? How often?"

"…About once or twice a month. Milady was given medicine whenever she suffered from migraines."

"This is new to me. Why don't I know about this?"

"Milady said there was no need to inform Your Grace as it is a common ailment suffered by many."

"When did this symptom start?"

"Milady said she often had headaches since she was a child. You don't have to worry too much, Your Grace. Migraine is a common condition and Milady's migraines are not on the harsher side."

Anna's explanation did not do much to change the atmosphere. The Duke's silence was frightening.

Around when Anna began to break out in cold sweat, maids came in with a large pail of water and dozens of towels.

"All of you withdraw. I'll do it myself." (Hugo)

Hugo lay Lucia down on the bed and removed her nightwear. He dipped the towel in water, squeezed then proceeded to carefully wipe down her sweat-filled body. Her entire body was feverish and the every part he touched felt hot enough to burn.

'How did you get such a high fever?'

Hugo knew that the prolonged state of unconsciousness while burning with a high fever was dangerous.

'Migraines, huh?'

According to the doctor, it was a common symptom and nothing to be worried about. But Hugo was angry that he didn't know about this 'nothing to be worried about' symptom.

Every time this happened, Hugo felt like there was an unbreakable wall between them. He hoped that one day, she would open her heart to him but waiting for that day was tedious.

He suppressed his irritation and anxiousness and continued to change the towels to cool down her body.