61 - 65

Chapter 60 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society(1)– > (3)


It had been a few days since Lucia's entourage arrived at the Capital but no rumors of their arrival had spread. Hugo asked Lucia to rest and stay out of the society's gaze for a little while longer. So, Lucia spent these couple of days in very relaxed manner.

She knew this break wouldn't last long so she was enjoying it as much as she could. She had her lunch, looked around the mansion and went for a walk in the yard.

There was a fairly large plain of land between the gates and the entrance to the mansion. Instead of a garden, numerous trees were planted to obstruct one's vision from seeing the inside of the mansion. And since there was a small pathway in between, it was nice for taking a walk.


The sudden loud voice made Lucia jump in surprise. When an eye-catching man unexpectedly appeared in front of her, Lucia plopped down on the spot.

"Ah, Did I surprise you? It's me. Me. We haven't seen in a long time, yes?"

The eye-catching man was Roy Krotin. Lucia grabbed his outstretched hand and stood up. To Lucia, Roy was special connection. She hadn't known at the time but if it wasn't for Roy back then, she wouldn't have been able to meet Hugo.

It was Jerome's role to manage the guests and with Jerome's shrewd personality, there was no way he would have let her meet Hugo until she was judged to be a proper guest. Back then, Jerome was absent just in time and Roy acted as he pleased, allowing Lucia to meet with Hugo.

At that time, if Lucia had been unable to meet Hugo and was turned away, she wouldn't have had courage to visit again. It was the help of the heavens and at the same time, it was Roy's help.

"Since you're the Duchess now, should I be little different? But I don't really know that stuff."

There was no malice in Roy's grinning expression. Lucia grinned back.

"It's fine. Do what you're comfortable with. It's a pleasure to meet you like this after a long time. I have been wanting to give you my thanks."

"Thanks? For what?"

"If not for Sir Krotin, how could I have met his Grace the Duke? It is thanks to Sir that I became the Duchess."

"What…I didn't…really do anything…"

Roy sheepishly scratched his chin. Actually, the fact that he burst into laughter when Lucia proposed to Hugo always weighed on Roy's mind. He never intended to ridicule her. It was just that the situation itself was very funny but people usually tended to perceive the opposite of his words and actions.

But when he heard her thankfulness instead, he felt a little awkward and happy.

'Why does this man have such a bad reputation?'

In Lucia's dream, Roy Krotin was famous as the mad dog and Lucia had no exact line of contact with Roy so she could only know him from the rumors. But after personally meeting Roy, she realized he was very far from the notorious individual described.

He was cheerful and blunt and if one treated him with good will, he was sure to return the favor.

'There is little to be trusted in these rumors huh.'

According to the rumors surrounding the Taran Duke, he was a ruthless monster without blood or tears. And now the rumors surrounding her were completely groundless.

In her dream, Lucia got a lot of information concerning the social circles from the rumors but now that she thought about it, most of them were probably lies.

Lucia made a small commitment to herself to not listen to rumors in the future unless she had personally met the individual concerned.

"I hear you have been the escort of His Highness the Crown Prince. Is it okay to be here at this time?"

"Okay or not, I won't do it anymore. Even if it is Lord's orders, I won't! Do you know how hard it is to not go anywhere and just escort for more than a year? Even if it was fun to kill assassins from time to time, I want to quit right now."

"…Ah, I see. It must have been hard."

"But, what of my Lord?"

"He's not in. He went out."

"Darn. I ran over to have a round with my Lord cuz it's been a while."

"…A round? Do you mean fighting His Grace the Duke?"

"Mm? Hahaha! It's right to call it a fight. A duel is a fight too."

"Ah…a duel. Isn't that dangerous?"

"There is no danger. We aren't amateurs either. It's only dangerous to those that swing the sword carelessly. Haven't you ever watched a duel?"

"I haven't. But His Grace might get hurt…"

'Puhahaha!' Roy burst into loud laughter.

"Hurt? Ah, even saying that is absurd. There is no one in the world that can hurt even the fingers of my Lord."

'Is he really such a great Knight?'

Hugo's physique overwhelmed that of a knight's. But maybe because Lucia had never actually seen him wield a sword, it didn't feel real to her. She ran a workshop in her dream so she knew a little bit about those that were called Knights.

While they were uncompromising and simple, sometimes their temper exploded and then they were like an angry bisons, ignoring what was in front of them.

'He isn't like a knight at all.'

She couldn't feel the peculiar rough ambiance of a knight from Hugo.

'Could it be because he is a Duke before he is a knight?'

Even though she had met a considerable amount of knights in her dream, she had rarely come across noble knights. Which also included a knighted Duke.

So she was slightly suspicious. Maybe the rumors about his military acts were more exaggerated because he was a Duke. In the first place, rumors were groundless so it was possible. If someone that knew the Duke of Taran heard her thoughts, they would be jaw-drop speechless.

"Sir Krotin!"

A voice as sharp as day interrupted them. Jerome approached the two of them with a stiff expression. Roy gave a silly smile and his expression was awkward as he spoke.

"Hello. Long time."

Jerome fixed Roy a sharp glare then spoke politely to Lucia.

"Milady. If you go out without a maid, you may encounter some trouble."

"Ah, you did say that before. I will make sure to be careful."

Lucia inwardly rebuked herself for her thoughtlessness then she gave Roy a slight nod and began to head to the mansion, leaving the two men alone. Jerome watched until Lucia was inside the mansion then he turned to look at Roy.

"What is this insolence! That is the Lady of the House of Taran. She is not someone you can meet in a place where no one is around!"

This was the capital where one couldn't know where eyes were hidden. And all sorts of scandals in the Capital originated from incidents that didn't amount to much initially.


"I am saying you should be a little more careful."

"Ah, I said I'm sorry. Even though I haven't seen her in a long time, she truly hasn't changed so I was just glad to see the Duchess."

"Personal feelings, whatever it may be, should not be expressed carelessly, to a woman who had a husband. Do not assume that Master will forever be generous. If a terrible rumor of Milady arises because of Sir Krotin, he will be very angry."

"Hmm. But the lord hasn't ever been angry because of a women."

"This is not just any woman but the Madam. Watch your words."

The sight of Jerome acting like a mother protecting her cub was so unfamiliar that Roy blinked in surprise. Jerome was not inferior to Roy in behaving impolitely to the Duke's women.

If Roy was the outspoken one, Jerome was the one that quietly considered scrapping them. In that sense, the two of them were strangely in great sync.

But apart from that, there was a big difference between them. Roy displayed amusement and bad temper, while Jerome faced the women with utter coldness like a Duchess that had forgotten her duty.

Except for that, the two men were incompatible. They were like cat and mouse. The amusing thing was that Roy was much stronger yet Jerome was the cat. Whenever Roy caused trouble, Jerome came out with enormous nagging and criticism.

The Roy that was fine with Hugo's tendency to beat him up when he was mad, would only shrink in front of Jerome. Roy acted as he pleased, with nothing to fear, and he felt an inferiority similar to admiration about Jerome who was always precise and unyielding in his actions.

"Does the lord to that woman…"

At Jerome fierce glare, Roy quickly changed his words.

"Does the lord…like the Duchess?"


"A lot?"

"A lot."

"Mm. Then, if I am as before, will the lord be angry?"

"Extremely angry."

One could only be glad if it ended with merely anger. Jerome was sincerely worried about Roy and was giving him a strong warning. If it was some other thing, Master would generously forgive to Roy. But if it concerned the madam, there would be no forgiveness at all.

"Okay. Well, it's alright, I also don't dislike that wom…the Duchess."


"How do I put this. She doesn't give off a bad smell."

"Smell? Do you mean perfume?"

The Madam wasn't one to spray excessive perfume. In fact, Jerome also like this point of hers. The perfume of noble ladies was usually so potent that even if it was just two people, the smells got mixed up giving someone a headache.

"It's not that…"

Roy was used to instinctively grasping the general temperament of a person when dealing with them. It was because of this that the Crown Prince took a fancy to him even though Roy was just staying at the Crown Prince's side because of his lord's orders.

Roy had bounded himself to Hugo for a similar reason too. The biggest reason was that he really liked his lord and the reason after that was because he didn't particularly hate anyone that was around his lord.

"Anyways, it's something like that. I get it now so I'll be careful. I want to sleep till the lord is back. Where can I sleep?"

"…Follow me."

Chapter 61 [part 1]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (4)

TN: (๑˃ᴗ˂)ﻭ

Hugo leaned on his arms in thought as he sat in the carriage heading towards the ducal residence. From his expression, it was impossible to guess what he was thinking about. Fabian sat on the opposite side of the carriage and made a careful attempt to gauge his master's mood.

"Shall I look into Sir Krotin's whereabouts?"

According to the Crown Prince, the Knight Roy Krotin disappeared without a word and his whereabouts were unknown. Insubordination, unauthorized absence and negligence. If one were to charge Roy of these crimes, it was not just once or twice.

"For someone like him, he has endured for long."

Fabian couldn't help but fully agree with that statement. In fact, it was amazing that Roy had lasted for more than a year without causing any trouble and was only giving a protest now.

"Leave it alone. He's probably sleeping somewhere and will crawl in later."

When Roy was done fooling around and showed himself, Hugo planned to give him some long due 'advice'. It was around time for the efficacy of the last 'medicine' to have fallen.

"And as for the escort matter, I think that's enough, it can stop now."

Although Kwiz was still a prince, the gap between his present royal authority and his authority before the King died was like heaven and earth. Kwiz was under escort and guarding, not lacking to that of a King's.

If someone were to move rashly against Kwiz, they would be charged with treason and their entire family would be under the danger of extermination, hence, there was no one that would move carelessly or take risks at this time.

"Yes, Your Grace."

'Just as I expected. His Grace is lenient with Roy.'

If Roy were to hear this, he would frantically argue that there was no way the Duke was lenient with him since he was beaten mercilessly however, the Duke's leniency was acknowledged by all but Roy.

His master did not treat anyone else the way he treated Roy. Fabian somehow felt like he knew why. Roy was the only person that faced the Duke of Taran with cheekiness and without being afraid. When the Duke of Taran was with Roy, at times, he would seem like an normal person.

'Mad dog, huh…what a fitting nickname.'

Nowadays, in the Capital, the knight Krotin was referred to as the 'rabid dog Krotin'. There was a time when Fabian used to be worried that Roy would get into trouble for acting cheeky in front of the Duke.

That fellow certainly suited the name, mad dog. For a mad dog knows no fear.

"Who is the most famous designer in the Capital?" (Hugo)

"There are a few. From here…"

Fabian looked out the window and roughly gauged their current location.

"The nearest place is Monsieur Jeffrey's boutique or Madame Antoine's boutique."

The male designer was immediately excluded from Hugo's choice.

"Turn the carriage. Head to Antoine's boutique."

Immediately the carriage changed directions and began to head towards the Madame Antoine's boutique. Antoine was definitely one of the famous designers in the capital. But, it was difficult to say that she was the most famous.

Depending on the dressing style that one preferred, the best designer would differ from person to person. The reason Antoine could catch a big customer today, was firstly because she was female and secondly because the location of her boutique was closest to the Duke's carriage.

Even though the Duke of Taran did not make an appointment in advance and was interrupting at closing time, he was treated as a VVIP and received into the VIP suite.

High-class boutiques were very sensitive to information on the power situation of the country. Their main customers were wealthy and the wealthy were mainly high-ranking nobles and the high-ranking nobles were mainly people in power.

It was a sensitive time, now that power was reorganized on such a huge scale. Although there was some factor of unrest, most people expected the Crown Prince to become King without fail.

The fact that the Duke of Taran was the closest adviser of the new King was something that anyone with a little grasp of the current political atmosphere would know. It was the emerging dominance of a powerhouse that nobody would be able to deal with in the future.

To the powerful Duke, his richness was just an extra bonus but that extra bonus was the most attractive to Antoine.

As a highly prideful designer and the owner of her own boutique, Antoine strove to establish her pride in front of her tolerable nobles customers but today, in front of the Duke of Taran, she did not plan to doing so. She was very amiable and welcomed her guests personally.

"It is an honor to meet your distinguished personage. Your Grace."

"I do not appreciate talking for long so I will be brief."

"Please, go ahead."

"I need a dress for my wife."

The hottest topic in society, the Duchess! Antoine fought to control her expression in order to avoid revealing her interest.

"Is Her Grace accompanying you? Is she waiting in the carriage?"

"I have heard that designers can personally visit on commission."

"Yes, of course. Your Grace. When would you like me to visit?"


On a second thought, tomorrow was not going to be possible. Today was fifth day in the 'once every five days' rule. Maybe because of the accumulate fatigue from travel but ever since she came to the capital, it had been difficult to do her to his heart's content.

Moreover, yesterday, he was only a slightly late in returning home but she was already fast asleep. She had a huge fever before coming to the capital so Hugo was very sensitive about his wife's health.

He didn't want to wake her up when she was tired and in deep sleep so he just hugged her and slept.

Today, he planned to have a passionate night with her, doing both today's and yesterday's part. If she rested all day tomorrow, it wouldn't be too much for the designer to visit her the day after tomorrow.

"No. Let's have you come in next tomorrow."

"You mean…in two days?"

Antoine was a famous designer. There were lines of people waiting to be fitted in her dresses. Nowadays, especially because of the upcoming coronation, it was busy day and night. Her schedule was tightly packed for a month.

Even when she wasn't busy, she usually left a margin of at least a week to schedule a date. The sudden demand of a schedule in two days was difficult. However, Antoine was only worried for a short moment. In the first place, the customer in front of her was incredibly huge.

Antoine flicked her abacus and compared the publicity to be gained from the Duchess wearing an Antoine designed dress versus the damage to be received from the immediate and impractical schedule change.

The Duchess was at the center of conversation in the social circles. She had gone straight to her husband's territory as soon as she got married and no one had ever seen her properly.

Whenever the noble ladies were being fitted for dresses in Antoine's boutique, they filled Antoine's ears with talks of the Duchess. The first appearance of the Duchess in the circles would certainly be an event of great interest.

"Understood. I will do as you say."

Antoine replied readily. She looked forward to meeting the rumored Duchess and that had also played a part in her reply.

Chapter 61 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (4)

TN: Hello! Since the previous translator is back, I will be dropping this novel. My new project is Invisible Dragon! (This is a joke….)

"My wife is frugal. She thinks that it is a waste to buy a number of dresses." (Hugo)

"Oh my." (Antoine)

"But I think that my wife is deserving of the best as my Lady of the House."

"What might you mean?"

"Ensure that you arrange everything you need, regardless of cost. It is in your capability to one way or the other, manage to persuade my wife. Depending on the capability shown, I will decide on whether or not to continue working with you in the future."

At first, Antoine didn't understand what the Duke was talking about but slowly, understanding began to fill her eyes. She had sometimes heard of a husband, or a father, sending someone to try and curb the senseless spending of their wife or daughter, but this was the first time she was seeing someone requesting to have their money spent.

'Oh my goodness. The Duke of Taran is such a romanticist!'

Antoine gazed at the Duke of Taran with an entranced look in her eyes. It was the same gaze she used to look at the gold in her secret safe.

"Are you saying…not to worry about the cost?"

"Unreasonable charges will be refused."

"Ho-ho. We are not a senseless boutique."

Antoine quickly wrote down her estimated figures on a memo. Antoine loved romance and at the same time, she was a realist.

She knew that love didn't feed anyone. Only love based on gold was eternal!

Antoine's mind cleverly mulled over how to make the ambiguous boundary of 'regardless of cost' clearer. She wrote down half of her considered maximum amount and placed it before the Duke. Just in case, it was to her advantage to take the pride of her customer into consideration.

"What do you think?"

Antoine was asking if he could handle a price of this extent. A dress was quite the expensive luxury. The newer the article, the more unique and exclusive the design, the higher the price skyrocketed. Antoine had seen people boast to their lovers about a dress and enter the boutique then their hearts would sink at the price and their prides would be damaged.

Hugo didn't even blink at this challenge from Antoine. He smiled mockingly, picked up the pen and added a 0 behind the amount, dealing her a KO in a single blow.

When Antoine got back the memo, her hand shook repeatedly. Gasp. She felt breathless and grabbed her chest. Eureka! Fanfare burst out over her head. Luck fairies jingled tambourines as she hit the greatest jackpot of her life.

"I…I will definitely come visit in two days."

"I look forward to seeing your capability."

"Please, leave it to me."

"Ah, I would also like you to introduce me to a good jeweler."

It was too cumbersome to carry much of the family-owned ornaments from Roam to the capital. Above all else, the fact that she didn't have much jewelry kept bothering him.

Like a hungry beast positioned before flesh, Antoine's eyes sparkled and she gave a buoyant smile.

"I will guide Your Grace to a jeweler that loses out sli~ghtly when compared to the Duchess's elegance but can never lose when compared to other places."

Antoine went out of the building with all of her staff and they gave a deep bow to send off the Duke of Taran. When the carriage was no longer in sight, Antoine gracefully straightened her waist and her eyes were ablaze with passion.

"The schedule adjustment goes into effect, right now! No matter what, the day after tomorrow shall be completely empty! Prepare every dress, shoe, hat, made so far to go into the design book!"

At Antoine's instructions, her assistants began to move frantically. It was likely that from today till tomorrow night, light wouldn't go out in Antoine's boutique.


The carriage arrived the jewelry store recommended by Antoine. The manager of the jewelry was a close partner of Antoine's. Being fully thorough, Antoine had placed someone next to the coachman to guide the path of the carriage.

Sepia jewelry had already gotten news ahead of time, chased away their few curious customers and closed the door of their shop, preparing to welcome only one customer.

When the carriage arrived, someone was already waiting to receive the Duke with the highest etiquette.

Hugo browsed through the display of necklaces and bracelets, pointing to a couple items as he looked.

The items in Sepia Jewelry were high-class and cost up to five figures in the capital but in the eyes of Hugo who had seen all sorts of jewelry, they weren't much.

In his mind, it couldn't be helped that the quality was low since he was buying them in a hurry.

Who knew whether he was really buying, or just window-shopping for he simply glanced at the items brought out, and pointed to something else again.

But no one seemed uncomfortable. Even if they were not told by Antoine in advance, it was common sense in the industry that when a big-shot of this level visited, the income from the visit was not small at all.

Several employees followed Hugo closely, moving as swiftly as possible and at some point, the presenting table was filled with jewelry.

"Let's go with this."

"Which one do you mean exactly…?"

The general manager rubbed his hands, lowering himself subserviently. The items presented to the Duke were all high-priced articles so, selling even one or two was a big hit.

"All of it."

"Do…D-Do you mean everything?"

"Isn't it for sale?"

"No! No, I mean, you're right! We will have it ready immediately!"

The general manager trembled with delight. When he thought of the commission from the sale today, he felt like bursting into laughter.

"How long will it take?"

"A…A little wait…it will be out soon."

Hugo picked up a clear yellow teardrop-shaped sapphire necklace from the table(1). It resembles the color of her eyes.

"Pack this up now and deliver the rest."

"If it is not urgent, may we deliver at daybreak tomorrow? These are high-quality items so we wish to guarantee their safety."

"You may."

After almost emptying a jewelry shop, Hugo finally went home.

Chapter 62 [part 1]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (5)

TN: ( ´ ▽ ` ) I plan on finishing this novel, ok?!

Upon his master's return to the mansion, Jerome received his master's coat and reported the small incident that happened earlier in the day.

"So. In summary, you do not know where that fellow is."

"Yes, Your Grace. I am sorry."

Roy woke up after getting a long lazy sleep and stealthily slipped away. Maybe he got scared since Hugo was about to return. If that fellow made up his mind to escape, no one couldn't find him, and even if they knew where he was, there was no one with the ability to drag him back unless Hugo went there personally.

"When he shows himself later, tell him I said he should stay put. Do not try to seize him by force."

"Yes, Your Grace."

After taking a bath, Hugo went into his wife's bedroom. He went up behind her as she sat in front of the dressing table, kissed the back of her neck and fastened the necklace he bought on her neck.

At the coldness on her neck, Lucia flinched and looked in the mirror to see what was on her neck then her eyes widened in surprise. The teardrop-shaped jewel twinkled brightly in the mirror.

"You don't like it?"

"Ah no, it's not that. It's pretty. I was just wondering what day it is."

"Gifts aren't only for special occasions."

"I'm asking because I don't really know but…this isn't an exorbitantly priced jewelry, is it?"

When she thought of the present he gave her for her birthday this spring, she felt overwhelmed, like her stomach was still upset. Following his first gift of a white diamond necklace, he presented her with a red diamond necklace this spring.

Because the diamonds weren't as heavy as the ones of the white diamond necklace, she wore it to her next tea party. A noble lady, particularly interested in jewelry, instantly recognized the red diamond necklace, and mouthed off about how much it could be won for at a jewelry auction.

Hearing the enormous sum, Lucia had felt faint. She had expected it to be expensive but the price was way above her expectations.

"Do you want something like that? Maybe at the jewelry auction next month…"


Seeing the serious look on her face, Hugo chuckled and turned around. He climbed onto the bed and plopped down with his hands on the pillow.

"Your husband is rich. Try to enjoy being a woman that has a rich husband."

Instead of giving an answer, Lucia smiled weakly. She was born poor. Even when she lived as Count Matin's wife, she was unable enjoy the luxury. She didn't worry about starving to death in the dream but she always worried about her livelihood.

It was not that she lived with the values of honest poverty but that the circumstances were just not well.

However, Lucia could not forget the Duchess that she saw in her dream. The Duchess was draped in expensive garments and ornaments but she did not seem happy at all.

Lucia felt like she would change and become like the Duchess from her dream if he were to leave her. Unable to escape the luxury that was once tasted and trying to fill the void in her heart with it.

She didn't want to step into that unescapable swamp.

"Do you dislike jewelry? Or is it that you dislike it because of the person giving it?"

"Why do you say that? I am grateful. It is pretty and I like it."

"I know you're not being sincere."

He didn't expect her to react dramatically like other women did but he was upset that she looked strangely burdened by his gift.

Time and time again, he was shocked by her words asking if he would cheat in the capital. It were as though she would give him anything when she opened up and fully accepted him on the bed but in reality, her heart was closed and she did not trust him. What other way was there if she refused even his gifts?

She did not acknowledge his persistent efforts to obtain her heart. Just the sight of her made him feel her preciousness, and just the thought of her made him feel jittery inside yet his Ice Witch did even not think of melting at all.

"Are you angry?"

"I am not."

He replied sourly, contrary to his words. Lucia gazed at him in thought.

'If it were in the past, I would have been hurt by his blunt words.'

She probably wouldn't have said a word and suffered in silence. However, now, she could afford to not worry too much even if he was grumbling. When did she become able to confidently tell him, 'you can go and sleep in your room today?'

Lucia stood up, her gaze fixed on him. She slowly took off her bathrobe and it fell to the floor, revealing her nude body underneath. He, who was lying down indifferently, jolted upright.

Feeling his stunned red eyes staring at her intensely, she looked at him and her eyes curved beautifully as she smiled. Looking at his wife smiling like an enchantress as the amber necklace glistened off her fair skin, Hugo's mind went blank.

Lucia walked towards the bed without looking away from his hardened center. Her boldness surprising even herself.

He always gazed at her passionately. His gaze was as though he was seeing the fantastical beauty from the rumors. At first, she felt embarrassed but as she got used to his gaze, she began to think, 'maybe I am a little attractive.'

And when she enticed him, she became confident that she could go forward with it. She climbed onto the bed and slowly approached him on her knees. She looked into his wavering red eyes that were as though she had seized them and smiled.

It was a crafty smile that she herself did not realize. Hugo was frozen stiff as he watched her climb over his body and mount him. She sat down as tightly as possible on the center of his thighs.

His rigid penis peaked from beneath his bathrobe, pressing hard against her behind. His Adam's apple moved flinchingly. She grabbed the necklace on her neck and lifted the yellow sapphire to her lips then she gave him an odd smile.

"The necklace, does it suit me?"


His voice sounded strained.

"It's not that I don't like the gift but I have a small liver(1). Please understand that I worry of you going bankrupt."

"Even if the sky splits in two, that won't happen."

Lucia slid her hands into his bathrobe and slowly caressed his firm chest. Meeting his quivering gaze, she felt a thrill of excitement from the situation she was leading.

"They say the luxury of a woman can shake the foundation of a nation."

Much less that of a family. Although Hugo knew what she meant, he was thinking that if she wanted, he would set up a nation and give it to her.

"Shake as much as you want."

The Taran family could handle that much. Even though Hugo grit his teeth at the disgusting history of his family, he acknowledged its strength. At his arrogant confidence, Lucia smiled as if it couldn't be helped. Humility was not the virtue of Hugo Taran.

He drew in to kiss her but she tilted her head backwards slightly. He tried again, but she avoided it again.

His seething expression revealed his wonder at her actions and she kissed his lips, catching him by surprise then she quickly pulled away. Seeing his eyes ablaze as he panted, Lucia burst out in laughter. He was at the brink of pouncing on her.

She caressed his cheeks and kissed him again. This time too, he was unable to refuse her attack. Unwilling to be outdone, he held the back of her neck, kissing her fiercely.

She followed the movements of his tongue as it deeply fondled every corner of her mouth and her hands clutching the front of his robe trembled. His hot tongue wrapped around her tongue, drawing her in. His frenzied kiss continued for a long time.

In the meantime, his hands explored above her waist, sweeping up to her shoulders. After a good while, he moved away and Lucia gazed at him with misty eyes. Like an afterimage, she could still feel the movements of his tongue occupying her mouth.

Looking at her swollen lips, Hugo licked his lips.

"Where did you learn these things?"

Lucia laughed at the puzzlement in his voice

"From you."

"I don't remember that."

"Applying what one has learnt is the attitude of a good student."

He gave an odd smile as though saying he was in trouble then mumbled.

"It's a good thing I'm not king."


He felt like he would become a wild king that ruins his country because of a woman. While muttering that to himself, he wrapped his hands around her waist and took her pale breast into his mouth.


In an instant, he stole the initiative. Lucia moaned and twisted at his intense caresses. He always wanted her passionately. And she was also the same.

Chapter 62 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (5)

TN: (//▽//)

With every intense thrust from behind, Lucia's body shook tremendously. She squeezed the sheets tightly, trying to hold on, but her arms kept wobbling.

"A-! Aah!"

He grabbed her waist and mercilessly thrust his penis in and out of her. Because of their position, his thrusts could reach deeper and her insides felt jittery. It was too deep. She couldn't tell if it was pain or pleasure as she screamed coquettishly.

"Ah! Ang!"

Whenever his thigh hit her butt, her body shook in response and her eyes glistened with tears. His relentless thrusts showed no signs of ending. Unable to bear the pressure any longer, her arms fell and her upper body collapsed.

Her knees could barely support her and were trembling in exhaustion. She felt herself running out of breath as her cheeks rubbed against the sheets. Her eyes heated up and tears fell from her eyes and onto the sheets.

"No…No more. Hk…"

In spite of her pleas, he slammed against her butt, pushing even deeper. At the stimulus, her insides squeezed his penis tightly causing him to flinch then he resumed his intense thrusts.

The sensation of his firm manhood plunging deep into her caused her body to jerk and twitch. Every time he ravaged her insides, a thrill ran up her spine and her sight flickered repeatedly.

"Hugh…Haa…Tired…I'm tired."

"Good girl. It's almost…over. Just a little more."

His voice was cracked and heavily subdued as he spoke in a soothing manner. Lucia knew from experience. The him right now was like something had snapped in his brain. Pleas wouldn't get to him.

It was only once in a while but there were times he would keep pushing ruthlessly. Every time that happened, she would feel like she was bitten and drained by a large fang.

"…I'm in trouble. You're squeezing so tight…can't even breathe." (Hugo)

"Hk. Don't…say that…"

Lucia wanted to block her ears. Even though his erotic taunts were embarrassing, she was more embarrassed at the excitement that coursed through her body at his words.

Every time he rammed into her, her body trembled threateningly as though it would fall. If it weren't for his strong hands holding onto her hips and thighs, she would have already fallen. Even though she was extremely tired, she could feel her vagina walls going into spasms.

Every time her inner walls pulsed like a heartbeat, his breathing grew rough. His muscular frame drove her curvy body and his flowing sweat fell onto her back.

It was the first time she was led to climax so many times while only being taken from behind(1). Since it was an exhausting position for her, it wasn't one that they usually maintained for long.

Her tears and pleas as she trembled and accepted his penis, stimulated his beast-like desire for conquest and possession. She was his. His woman. No matter how much of her he had, it was not enough.

"Hugh. Please…Hhng!"

"If you want me to stop…..stop tightening. You won't let me go."

One of his hands began to knead her breast and she felt a smarting pain from his bite on the back of her neck. This time she groaned. She had no strength to move her waist. His raging erection showed no sign of abating and he repeatedly penetrated her body with great force.

His semen, from his several previous ejaculations, drooled down her thighs with every merciless thrust. The sound of squelching and smacking could be continuously heard as his thighs repeatedly met her buttocks.

Lucia felt dizzy from her constantly shaking vision and closed her eyes. He grabbed her hair, controlling his strength to avoid hurting her.

His other hand wrapped around her stomach and lifted her up in order to elevate her buttocks. Her hands closed around the sheets, gripping it tightly.


He gave a heavy thrust and released into her. At the feeling of his searing hot fluid pouring into her vagina, her entire body shuddered and trembled.

Filled with enjoyment from the sexual pleasure, Hugo let out a subdued moan. He wanted to sow his seeds deep inside her womb. If his seeds were to take root and sprout in the depths of her body, she might become his completely.

'Damn it.'

That was impossible.

When her inner walls finally stopped convulsing and her tightness had loosened somewhat, he began to pull out slowly. He released his hand supporting her body and like that, she quietly fell onto the bed.

Apart from her shoulders moving up and down as she panted, she didn't move an inch. Cloudy liquid, unswallowed by her vagina, ran down her thighs. Seeing this, his red eyes ignited as though set on fire.

Hugo's throat felt parched. It was akin to drinking salt water to quench one's thirst; his thirst seemed like it would lessen if he held her but worsened instead. It was extremely hard to reign it in.

Hugo slowly closed his eyes and reopened them. Upon doing so, his eyes that were murky with desire had become much clearer. This was enough. He forced down his turbulent desires. He brushed away her hair wet with sweat and revealed her round forehead.

Her eyes were closed and she was breathing heavily. It was unknown if she was asleep as her wet eyelashes rose tremblingly. Before shutting her eyes, she had fixed him a gaze full of reproach.

His lips curved gently and he stroked her hair, feeling apologetic. The slight crease on her delicate forehead slowly unfolded.

He put on his robe, wrapped her body with the sheets, and lifted her body into his arms. She opened her eyes slightly and closed it again. She had no strength to respond and her body dangled from his arms.

He walked out of the bedroom and headed towards the bathroom. A prepared warm bath should still be available.


Lucia slept like the dead and woke up when the sun was high in the sky.

'I'm so stiff.'

It wasn't a bad thing that her husband was a man of great stamina but sometimes, it was a problem when he went over the limit.

After groaning and finally getting up, Lucia was greeted to a small pile of jewelry that was delivered in the morning.

In the receiving room, a stack of jewels lay piled up on the table as though presenting themselves to Lucia. The maid's eyes twinkled with pride as though saying 'hurry up and see them'.

'This man, really.'

Lucia was stunned speechless and couldn't believe her eyes. Even for presents, there was a limit. How much would all this be? She felt a headache coming.

She thought of telling him her thoughts on his excessive spending when he came back in the evening but, the events from the previous night flashed into her mind.

'…He'll get upset.'

He certainly would. Yesterday, he was sulking that she received his necklace unenthusiastically so if she asked him to return them, he might get angry. There was no need to make him feel bad after he had gone out of his way to give her a present.

[Even if you are gifted a single flower, embrace him and thank him like there is no gift more precious in world, and if there is any passion, that passion will overflow.] (2)

The advice that she heard from the northern noblewomen came to mind.

'Alright. It's being given anyways so let's accept it rather than leave it to rot. It's still money if it's sold again.'

As she could not see all the contents of the gifts from just looking at it, she carefully unpacked the contents of the boxes, one by one and the afternoon passed with her trying each one on herself.

In the evening, he came back early and they were able to have dinner together.

During the meal, he said, "Tomorrow, a designer will be visiting. I am of the opinion that you need a dress."

"…a dress?"

"This is the capital. If you wear outdated dresses like in Roam, you will be subject to ridicule. The prestige of the Lady of the House is the prestige of the family."

Lucia did not say anything to that because his words were true. The nobles of the capital were particularly sensitive to fashion. In particular, the attire of high-ranking noblewomen was the main gossip of many women.

Even if she could not to become a fashion leader, it would be difficult if she drew ridicule upon herself with her attire. Indeed, it would seem that the dresses she had presently were not suitable for her upcoming social activities in the capital.

Chapter 63 [part 1]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (6)

TN: (≧ڡ≦*) We're sticking with Katherine~

After their meal, Lucia took a walk with him in the yard. When they were in Roam, he would often take evening walks with her whenever he had time. Her husband was a busy and diligent man.

There wasn't much of his time that she could have before they retired to bed. So, Lucia was much happier with this leisure time of walking with him than receiving an expensive gift.

"They were all individually beautiful and lovely. Did you choose everything yourself?" (Lucia)

"I did." (Hugo)

Hugo had just packed them up after one glance but it was correct to say he chose everything himself.

"Do you like it?" (Hugo)

"Yes, thank you."

Lucia was more grateful for his heart of giving rather than any jewelry.

"You seem to know a lot about female jewelry. I guess because you've gifted a lot."

Lucia wanted to take those words after ot left her mouth. She had no intention of criticizing him and thought that her words had crossed the line. She felt he would be displeased and was about to apologize for her slip of the tongue but he spoke first.


He gave a deep sigh, reached out to hold her wrists and stopped walking.

"Can't you forget the things that happened before we got married?"

Lucia thought he might get angry but he looked unexpectedly vulnerable. She gazed at him blankly.

"Do I keep mentioning things from before our marriage? I'll be careful in the future."

"That is not what I meant. This is from a while ago but, do you remember what you said when you asked to modify our contract?"

[Please do not go making lovers without my knowledge. If you get tired or disgusted of me, and want to leave me for another woman, please tell me first. I do not wish to hear it from another person's mouth.] (1)

"Yes. I remember."

"I won't have a lover without your knowledge not will I leave you because I am tired or disgusted of you so I would like it if you trusted me."

Lucia's heart began to race. She didn't know the intention behind his words. A huge whirlwind began to sweep through her mind. She was the one that made a mistake. She didn't have any reason or right to criticize or mention his past actions before their marriage.

It was possible that he had a personality which was bogged down by rules. Therefore, after the legal contract of marriage was established, he kept to it strictly.

However, that didn't agree with the person that Lucia had been watching all this time. He was a wilful person that had no qualms of changing the existing rules to suit himself.


Lucia couldn't make heads or tails of what he was thinking and mumbled absentmindedly as she looked at him. She wanted him to say something, anything, so she could draw a conclusion that 'ah, it was a meaningless remark'.

However, his pupils quivered with disappointment. He made a face that said he didn't know what to say. He repeatedly opened his mouth as if to say something then he closed it.


Lucia felt her fingers going numb so she clenched and unclenched her fists. This man in front of her. He was hurt.

The man whom Sir Krotin was so confident of, that no one under the sky could hurt even his fingers, was now in pain from her short words.

A long time ago, Lucia had once felt like this. When she had sharply told him that she would never fall in love with him, just for a short moment, she peeked at his pain.

At the time, she was not in a situation to think deeply so she had pushed it aside. It was such a long time ago that she had almost forgotten her feeling from back then. But now, she was left with a bitter taste in her mouth.

'Could I have…'

Her heart felt too full for words and ached like it was guilty. It hurt but it was a pain that she hoped wouldn't end forever.

'Do I…mean something to you?' (Lucia)

After carefully choosing with words, Hugo opened his mouth.

"I know you cannot believe me. And I understand why."

He had made a lot of mistakes with her. Ever since their encounter with Sofia Lawrence, it was the worst. Before they got married, he brought documents and told her not to interfere in his private life.

He omitted the wedding ceremony because he found it bothersome, on their first wedding night, he only satisfied his greed and didn't take her into consideration. It was himself that thoroughly sought out her body.

"I will try. So, look kindly on me."

'Why? Why and for what reason are you trying?'

Lucia looked at him in silence for her question wasn't answered. As her silence grew longer, Hugo sighed and turned away, sweeping a hand through his hair.

Looking at him fidgeting, Lucia's eyes gradually began to grow clearer and brighter.

'Is it a whim?'

She did not know what he did to his other lovers. She didn't know how he whispered words of love to the person he was once most affectionate with.

The only thing she had seen was the scene of him heartlessly rejecting his lover. And that scene was deeply rooted in her heart as a fundamental fear. She thought that someday, she may be in Sofia Lawrence's position.

"…I do not care about what happened before our marriage." (Lucia)

"Really?" (Hugo)

"I do not have the right to."


I'm going crazy. Hugo mumbled under his breath. Could any wall be stronger than this? She didn't, even for an instant, step away from the line that she drew around herself.

"I believe in you." (Lucia)

"…You do…?"

"I believe that if you get a lover, you will tell me and not meet in secret. You keep your promises."

Sure enough, she was a witch. In a short moment, she shoved him down a cliff then she pulled him up again. Hugo felt bleak. He didn't where to start from to unravel the twisted strings. His previous solutions of cutting the twisted strings instead of unraveling them, was of no help in this situation.

"Why do you want me to trust you?" (Lucia)

Hugo was at loss for words. He hadn't thought about the reason. He barely managed to make up an excuse.

"…You cannot live in the same house with someone you cannot trust."

When she began to watch him in silence again, Hugo grew nervous wondering if he made a mistake.

'I have no idea.' (Lucia)

She knew but she didn't. It seemed like she was getting close to the answer but it also seemed like she was back to the beginning.

'Does he…?'

It was a very slight suspicion but Lucia didn't think it was possible.

Lucia held expectations that she would someday receive his love. It was a vague and huge desire that she didn't know when it would be accomplished. It could not be that simple. So, she excluded that option while looking for the reason why he was being this way.

'He does quite like me.'

His actions were not just him being dutiful as a husband. Of course she knew that he saw her favorably and treated her well.

'Is it that he needs trust because he is fond of me?'

He was a knight, the lord of a family and the lord of a large territory. He was in a position where he couldn't place someone that he didn't trust beside him. Trust is completed when it is shared with the other. When she thought of it like that, she could somewhat understand it, although not entirely.

"What you're saying is…what you mean is, you will be faithful as a husband, so I should trust you, right?"

When she put it like that, it seemed right but also didn't. Hugo couldn't exactly put his finger on it so he just nodded.

"Okay, I will." (Lucia)

Her answer was concise, contradicting the suspense he had been in so far. Hugo looked at her doubtfully. He was afraid she would say something and stab him in the back.(3)

"Depending on how you do." (Lucia)

Nevertheless, she didn't betray his uneasy expectations.

"…If it's a joke, it's not amusing."

"I'm not joking."

Actually, she had said it as a joke but when he took it so seriously, she got embarrassed. She threw out those words prudishly, turned and began to walk ahead.

He looked at her absentmindedly then he took a step forward. He didn't know what to do to get her to trust him. With the way things were going, he wondered if she would hear some absurd rumor and change her mind.

'I have to call Fabian.'

Fabian was pronounced to be working overtime today again.

Chapter 63 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (6)

TN:_へ__(‾◡◝ )> BONUS RELEASE 2. I do want to apologize for failing to get these all out this month. I've been both busy and sick. Anyways, triple release. TADA.

Antoine arrived at the ducal residence with two assistants and several workers. She ordered the workers to neatly display the sample dresses, hats and shoes that she brought along with her in the receiving room.

It was a usual task so they worked very cooperatively and in the blink of an eye, the atmosphere of the receiving room was changed to that of a boutique's.

Lucia came down from the second floor after hearing that the designer had arrived and paused as she walked into the receiving room that was now unfamiliar.

Just in time, thee workers finished their task and quickly rushed out while Antoine and her two assistants who were standing behind her, gave a deep bow.

"I offer my greetings to the Duchess. I am called Antoine, manager of a small boutique."

Lucia had often heard the name Antoine. It was her first time meeting Antoine but the woman was very famous in her dream. Antoine was one of the first-class designers that dominated in popularity among noblewomen.

But Countess Lucia was unable to even conceive the idea of buying a dress from a famous designer. Count Matin spent all his money like water but was terribly stingy to everyone but himself, even if it was family. Lucia could only wear a few fashionable dresses after fixing them countless times.

'This will be expensive.'

That was the first thought that came to Lucia's mind. But, when she went out to the social circles, the talk of the women would be who designed the Duchess' dress.

It was not possible for anyone to create fashion on their own(1). If they didn't have skill, the easiest way was to get help from a famous designer.

"It's nice to meet you. I heard you would be coming to help me today."

"It is an honor to meet your noble personage."

Antoine averted her gaze in order not to give the impression that she was blatantly observing but with her sharp falcon eyes, she quickly grasped the overall feel and appearance of the Duchess. Thanks to her experience with countless customers, this didn't take long.

Antoine was thrilled with excitement before coming to the ducal residence today. Ever since she became a well-known designer, it was her first time feeling so nervous before meeting a client. She could once again feel the excitement that she felt in the days when she was doing her first fittings as a trainee.

Antoine had already heard that the Duke had swept away all the merchandise on display at Sepia Jewelry.

The golden egg she would soon acquire dangled before her eyes, and her heart raced at the appearance of the romanticist Duke that stimulated all her senses so she couldn't sleep at night.

Her boutique was a place where famous people in the high society visited frequently so it was at the center of all sorts of rumors. Simply eavesdropping on the chatter of noblewomen gave one access to endless information.

Nowadays, rumors about the Duchess of Taran were the most lively and interesting rumors. Antoine knew that, no matter how interesting, rumors were mostly lies and speculations, so she wasn't that entranced by it unlike young boutiques designers.

She had seen numerous topics rise to the spotlight and disappear without a word. The rumors of the Duchess were like dust on a barren road. No one had ever seen the Duchess properly and one rumor led to another.

Antoine assumed that once the Duchess actually appeared, this would all settle, like morning weather after a rainy day. However, her assumption began to waver when the Duke of Taran added onto that amount on her memo. And following the sellout of Sepia Jewelry, that assumption was in danger of collapsing.

And today, as soon as she saw the Duchess of the rumors, something burst open in her heart.

'Oh. My. Goodness.'

It was completely unexpected. This was a type she had never seen in the high society filled with flashy, sensual, and confident noblewomen.

The world that Antoine saw was very different, compared to what many people saw. The doll-like figure that people often referred to as beautiful was so cliché that it wasn't interesting to her.

A beauty as defined by Antoine, had to be able to stimulate her creativity. And the Duchess was an appearance of new material to work with. She was fresh and charming.

While Antoine sat on the couch and drank tea served by the maid, her sight was continuously trained on the Duchess.

"This design book is filled with the collection of dresses that I have made over the years. Please look through it and tell me if any piece strikes your fancy."

Antoine had no qualms about referring to the dresses that she made as her pieces.

Lucia's expression was calm as she looked at the luxurious dresses in the fairly thick book on her lap, one by one. Just as her expression portrayed, she was not that impressed.

In her dream, she had seen enough dresses to be sick of them. She didn't know much about fashion. To her, it was just a distinction between more glamor and less glamor.

Ball dresses were meant more for show than practicality so if one wore them for a several hours, they would get very uncomfortable. To Lucia, apart from feeling uncomfortable, there was nothing more to wearing a luxurious dress.

'It seems this won't be easy.'

Antoine could now understand what the Duke of Taran meant when he said 'my wife is frugal.' Usually, when noblewomen received the design book, they would express their desire with an ecstatic expression. Compared to that, the Duchess' expression was too calm.

In addition, the dress that the Duchess was currently wearing was very much simple. Only the base material was high-class and there was no indication of dressing herself up.

"Is there no piece that catches your eye? I can only apologize for this inadequate display of items."

"No, these are all wonderful and lovely. It's just, I'm not quite familiar with this subject…you are the expert, you can handle it appropriately at your discretion."

At your discretion. There was no worse customer than this. Antoine felt a sense of crisis and at the same time, she felt fired up with a sense of challenge. The amount on the memo written by the Duke glimmered in front of her. Antoine couldn't miss out on the gold within her reach.

"May we take your measurements?"

Antoine had Lucia stand in front of a full-length mirror and slowly walked around her. In the meantime, her assistants were at the side of the Duchess, measuring her dimensions with a tapeline.

Antoine stood a little distance away and looked at the Duchess as a whole. She got a rough outline of the Duchess' measurements and drew up an attire in her head.

'It won't suit her.'

Antoine quickly realized this. The dress she thought of was glamourous and styled to make the chest stand out. It was a form that showed the body in a sensual matter and was the fashion these days. But in Antoine's opinion, if the Duchess wore such a design, rather than suiting her, it ran the risk of making her look vulgar.

'The Duchess is on the paler side. If one adds color, there is a different charm.'

On a slender figure, it was better to emphasize the slim waist and stir up the protective instinct rather than emphasize sensual charm. If the Duchess's white, clear skin was made the focus and supplemented with light makeup, it was possible to create a pure and enchanting atmosphere.

A new picture was drawn in Antoine's head. A vibrant creation was brought to life.

Antoine began to instruct her assistants. Her assistants moved like her hands and feet limbs, bringing her what she wanted and understanding her small gestures and glances.

Antoine used a cloth to emphasize the lace of the simple dress that the Duchess was wearing, then she used a pin to hold down her slight modifications to the shape of the dress. To finish, she gave a partial makeover to simply change the feel of the dress.

The whole process took place very quickly. Then Antoine took Lucia to the mirror.

"What do you think?"

Antoine asked while smiling triumphantly.

Lucia's eyes widened as she looked in the mirror. It was like magic. With just a rough touch here and there, the feel had changed completely. The dress she often wore had become a completely new attire and there was something beautiful about her appearance in the mirror.

She couldn't really put it in words but something was different.

"Your Grace is very attractive. I do not know why are hiding this charm."

Lucia touched her face and looked at her appearance in the mirror with admiration.

'Good. Good.'

Antoine gave a smile of satisfaction. Like a hyena, she didn't let go once she had bitten. Antoine's hunt had only just begun.

Translator's Corner.

1. Alt translation: It was not possible for any tom, dick and harry to create fashion on their own.

*I sometime add alternate translations because I try to keep the 'spirit?' of the novel in my translations but the English counterpart may not fully convey what is being said.

Chapter 64 [part 1]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (7)

TN: Last Chapter of book 4, one side-story, then we are onto book 5. BONUS RELEASE 3~

Hugo returned home late at night. Lucia's expression was dark as she greeted him upon his return home. Her gaze was downcast and a gloomy aura revolved around her.

Hugo grabbed her chin and lifted her face to meet his eyes. She was surprised at the sudden contact and became conscious of the servants gazes and turned her away.

Hugo wasn't concerned about the servant's gazes and held her chin firmly. Her repeated avoidance of his eyes was very worrying.

"What's wrong?"



Jerome quickly answered to the sharp call of the Duke.

The butler, Jerome, had been developing new ways to improve his competence and chased away the servants with his eyes because the mood around his two masters was starting to turn unusual.

"Her Grace has been upset ever since the boutique designer dropped by."

For Jerome, the understanding of his madam's mood was now a more important priority than anything else.

"Was she rude to you?" (Hugo)

Lucia shook her head.

"Then, what is it? Tell me. What is making you so upset?"

"…I think I made a big mess."

"What mess?"

"Would…Would it be possible to get a refund even now? It may not be finalized yet."

Hugo, who was ready to immediately get to the root of her problem and eradicate it, instantly softened. Hugo was reminded of the designer that asked him to leave it to her. It would seem the lady had as much ability as her confidence stated.

When Hugo released her chin and began to walk away, Lucia grabbed onto his arm.

"Where are you going? I said I made a big mess! I mean, as many as nineteen outfits were added to the dress!!"

Shoes, hats, and so on, naturally came along with the dresses. The price tag of these additions were not inferior to that of the dress.

Not 190 but 19? Why the ambiguous nineteen instead of cleanly striking at 20? Hugo's rating of Antoine's capability went down. If Antoine were to hear this, she would feel aggrieved. She had used all her means possible to sell those nineteen outfits. Antoine had even justified it with the honor of the Duke that should not be mentioned carelessly.

"I have worked up a sweat all day so I want to wash up first. You can tell me your story afterwards."

"If you hear the amount, you won't be so calm!"

"If I'm not surprised, what will you give me?"


"A bet has to have a reward."

"When did I say I was betting!"

"Think about what you'll give me. You have till I bathe and come out."

Listen when someone is talking! Lucia called after him in protest but he climbed up the stairs. Oh, for crying out loud. She stamped her feet in frustration for an unknown reason and turned her head to the small sound of someone clearing their throat.

Lucia was embarrassed. The bill Antoine left behind was still circling in her head so she forgot all about keeping up appearances in front of the servants. Fortunately, it seemed the servants had dispersed when she didn't realize it so they didn't see anything.

Lucia looked at Jerome in relief and somehow, his eyes seemed to be smiling.

"Shall I prepare a bath?"


"You have not bathed yet and since master has already gone ahead, I was just informing you."

Lucia face wend red and she lowered her gaze. She felt embarrassed for some reason. A respectable butler like Jerome would not say that with any intention of the sort. She knew that but the timing was strange.

Lucia stood around indecisively then gave a deep sigh. She would end up bathing anyways. Plus her body was sticky because of the hot weather. However because of a strange feeling of unwillingness, she replied quietly.

"…I'll leave it to you."

"Yes, Milady."

Jerome answered with a smile. Indeed, he was an excellent butler. One that could read the mind of his master.


'I must have really lost my senses earlier.'

It was Lucia's first time experiencing the kind of service where one devoted their all with the intention of getting paid. If Lucia had visited the boutique, she would not have let down her guard.

However, she was too relaxed in the safety of her own home. What could a guest do the host? Lucia was thinking too naively. She was used to the flattery of the noblewomen she met at Roam. So she was confident that she would not fall for someone else's nice words.

But now she had to pay the price of looking down on the flattery of a merchant that wanted to sell their product. Antoine's eloquence was weaved to meet the demands of fussy noblewomen and it could capture the human soul.

Antoine was not just a good talker. Her skills were also excellent. She touched the simple dress that Lucia was wearing, here and there, and made it give off a completely different atmosphere.

Lucia had almost forgotten about face and clapped. Antoine first showed off her skill and seduced Lucia's heart. She couldn't understand half of the fashion terminologies that Antoine explained colorfully but she had strangely felt like she understood.

Through Antoine's words, Lucia was reborn into visionary beauty that was the focus of people's eyes. When Lucia thought about it now, it was very ridiculous but at the time, it sounded quite reasonable.

Antoine talked about the rumor that Lucia knew – that the Duchess was a matchless beauty- and while talking, she brought up the honor of the Duke. She also emphasized the fact that the Duke of Taran was so concerned that he visited the boutique personally. After which, she boastfully proclaimed that Lucia should leave everything to her.

[Your Grace only has to relax, count the days till you appear in society and wait for time to pass. I will make the rumor that the Duke of Taran has a beauty of the century as his wife into a reality.]

Lucia inwardly cared about the rumors. It wasn't that she was afraid of people's gazes but that any gossip that concerned him, weighed on her mind.

[Your Grace is beautiful. But like a rough gem, this beauty is not revealed. A rough gem's true beauty is hidden deeply but if not processed properly, it can turn to stone. Please allow me to process Your Grace into a jewel.]

Chapter 64 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society[1]– > (7)


As though bewitched, Lucia signed the contract that Antoine presented her. The things that Antoine says she had to buy were essential and indispensable. At the time, she thought so. Even after Antoine left, she was still somewhat vacant from the feeling of being entranced.

But when she checked the copy of the contract and the invoice delivered in the afternoon, her half departed senses returned. She felt like her soul was about to fly away when she confirmed the amount.

Lucia didn't know that the price to pay for falling for the designer's whispers would be so massive. The price of the first-class designer's dress that she bought for the first time in her life was much more that the vague amount she imagined.

The maid moderately poured lukewarm water on her shoulder. While absentmindedly leaving her body in the hands of the maid waiting on her in the bath, Lucia continued to think of the dress.

'Why in the world are the hats and shoes so expensive? Much less the gloves.'

Lucia's common sense was that hats and shoes were accessories. Nevertheless, a dress was what people saw and while shoes were an assortment, they were not that visible hence Lucia thought that it was enough for them to be presentable. In the dream, she had never even bought something like gloves. And when she bought the dress, she got a few extras.

'On top of that, they're all summer dresses.'

When the weather cooled down a little, she couldn't wear them.

'I have to get a refund. I can't blow that much money on a dress. Anyways, I haven't received anything, and it's custom-made.'

Originally, Lucia wanted to get a refund immediately but Jerome discouraged her. He advised her to discuss it with his master. Asking for a refund after purchase an item was an important issue than concerned reputation. Especially in the case of luxury goods, there was a fear of bad rumors.

While Lucia constantly contemplated a refund, Hugo finished his bath in his bedroom and came into her bedroom. As he listened to the faint sound of the water from the bathroom, he picked up the white envelope on the table.

Contract and Invoice. Hugo sat on the couch and read through the specifications. When he saw the amount, he chuckled. It was about 1/5th of the amount he had written down for Antoine.

Should he recognize the ability of the designer to be able to make her use this much, or should he praise the designer's crook-like merchant talk that thoroughly brought down her defenses, without going overboard?

The designer was determined to use the entire amount that Hugo wrote down. A good merchant would not blow away the chance to make money. However, the designer took a step back.

Hugo did not know because he wasn't at the scene at the time but most likely, the designer must have felt danger that if she were to push excessively, she wouldn't sell a single thing.

Antoine took a step back to move forward. She realized that this business would not be finished in one shot. To Hugo, it was easy to find noble families consumed by the extravagance of their madams. However, he didn't know that he would end up paying attention to this for the exact opposite reason.

She was never stingy to others. When the garden was built back in Roam, the workers on the garden were paid a higher compensation than average. However, Hugo was very tired of her frugality and conservation that only applied to herself. It didn't matter when they were staying in the fiefdom.

Her immaculate skin without her makeup felt good to the touch, and her flowery scent without thick perfume was refreshing. Furthermore, there was no need for extravagant clothes. Clothes existed to be stripped. In that sense, he didn't like winter. The skirt was too thick and heavy.

But originally, he hated the sticky summer. He used to enjoy horse riding in the cold winter. Certainly that was so, until the winter of last year. Hugo had no issue with her attire, but it wasn't the same for others. She had to appear in high society as the Duchess. Appearance was the easiest criteria to judge a person on.

If she were to show a simplicity that was not suitable for her status as the Duchess, she would not be praised for her virtue, instead she would become a target of gossip. He did not want her to become the subject of such a worthless topic.

'I have to meet the designer once more.'

Hugo decided to recognize the ability of the designer. And he wanted to meet the designer again and talk about the contract.

'I have to make two contracts.'

The contract with the real amount would be sent to him and the fake contract with a much smaller amount would be sent to her. He didn't want her to worry about something like money. Even though in her head, she was filled with worries about him, there was no need(1).

Translator's Remark:

1. There was no need for her to worry about his money.

* I oddly connected with Lucia this chapter. Sales people scare me lol.

*Next one will be very short. It is a side-story! Guess who it's about??? It's your favorite!(just kidding)

Side-story 1

<–Supplementary story – In Another Future – Philip–>

The day was quickly getting darker. Philip looked to the sky to guess the time and estimated the distance to the mountain that was some distance away.

It would be hard to climb the mountain today. Unless it was a state of urgency, it was better to not climb a mountain in the dark.

Philip was a seasoned traveler with lengthy experience but he refused to risk it. He would be sleeping in the streets tonight as well. Once one got accustomed to this lifestyle, making a bed for the night was very swift.

He made a bonfire and had his dinner of dry rations and water. Philip's mind went back to the village he left today. Just like other places, the naive villagers were on guard at first but quickly opened their hearts to him.

It was always sad to shake off the hands holding him back when it was time to leave. Very rarely, there were places that made him consider settling down. However, he was unable to bear it for long and would set out wandering again.

It was a wandering with no destination and no known end. It wasn't for freedom. He was just wandering around aimlessly. Philip reckoned that his family's karma had piled up and become his retribution.

"Hu-hu…my attachment is tenacious."

The face of the patient from the earlier village suddenly sprang up in his mind. The woman looked old but she had a clear and pleasant expression. Philip didn't think he would see a patient that took mugwort, much less a patient that took it from her first menstruation at a place like that.

He had seen patients whose menstruation stopped for a while after eating mugwort but it was his first time meeting a patient like the one earlier. It was a case where it wasn't done intentionally but it was done of one's own accord. The world was indeed vast, unexpected things happened all the time.

Philip gave the woman the cure. He had torn it out entirely from the notebook passed down as his family's vision. The cure was stored in his head anyways, but there was a reason why he went out of his way to tear it out.

It was a meaningful action to tear off his small attachment that was still persisting and clinging on. In any case, once the Philip that had no family died, these secrets would be buried with him forever. But even then, he was still unable to throw it away but finally, now, he was able to.

"I even asked her if she was a virgin. How stupid."

Philip ridiculed himself. He wondered why that question had come out of his mouth then. It was no use whether that woman was a virgin or not now.

Tears began to form in his eyes as he vacantly gazed at the bonfire. Due to old age, a pool of tears began to flow from his eyes. Whenever he suddenly recalled the young master, he couldn't bear the sadness and the urge to cry.

Even if he had grown into an excellent young man, to Philip, he was always the little young master. The memories of him holding the toddler's little hand and taking him to the Duke were still vivid in his head. Philip was already content to watch that mature figure from afar.

It had already been several years since the man that was Philip's last hope was buried in the cold ground(1). And since then, the Duke had abandoned the north and only roamed the battlefield(2).

Everything was over. The course was running for the last time.

"Young master Damian…"

Philip's shoulder's shook as he sobbed. Just like the day he held onto the returned corpse of the young master and cried endlessly; Philip stooped to the floor and cried.

Chapter 65 [part 1]

< — The Capital's High Society[2]– > (1)


"Oh god."

The maid attending to her in the bath suddenly exclaimed and fell to her knees. Lucia glanced sideways thinking the maid had slipped but found all the maids on their knees, bowing their head. She lifted her head because she could tell something was strange.

He stood at the bathroom entrance in his bathrobe, folding his arms. Lucia was so surprised that her jaw went slack. Meanwhile, the maids immediately made themselves scarce. They were gone very quickly.

"…What's the matter?"

Lucia was conscious of her nakedness in the clear water. She slouched, bringing her knees to her chest and wrapping her arms around them.

"It's very late."

"I'm done. I'll be out soon. So…"

He suddenly approached, startling her so she moved backwards. Eventually she was obstructed by the bathtub and had no choice but to lean against it. He sat on the bathtub edge and lifted her chin that was buried in her knees.

"Why? We can also bathe together."

Lucia felt her cheeks redden and shot him a look of complaint.

"You haven't done this before."


"Coming in while I'm in the bath."

"Is that so? Why does that matter?"

"I am embarrassed to face the maids."

Because of her experience in the dream, Lucia obviously knew how much maids guffawed and chattered when their masters couldn't see them. If it wasn't leaked outside, she couldn't really say anything but she was conscious of it.

In her dream, she had never witnessed such an embarrassing situation when she was a maid attending to her madam. In her mind, to keep showing such a sight to one's subordinates would hurt the master's dignity.

"Strangely, you pay attention to that. What's so embarrassing?"

"I mean, be careful when there are eyes around."

Hugo could not understand why she cared about the eyes of the servants. Servants were like one's hands and feet. Why should one pay attention to one's hands and feet? She had high standards in odd places. Even when dealing with workers, she didn't handle them casually.

She was too gentle and kind when dealing with people. Therefore, Hugo was worried about releasing her into the capital's high society that followed the law of the jungle. Unless one was to become a clergy, kind people were used and hurt.

Humans were a lot that preyed on the weak and wagged their tail to the strong. If the strong showed favor, they were exalted for patronizing the lowly, and when they crushed another cruelly, they were admired and revered. Those that wished to take advantage of her gentleness would be countless.

He couldn't watch over her every single moment to make sure she wouldn't get hurt. But he didn't want her to change. He selfishly wanted to keep her like this.

Just a little bit. He wondered if she could be hurt, just enough, to run into his arms for comfort. He didn't want her to fall but he wanted her to lean on him sometimes. No, rather than sometimes, a lot more often.

Hugo removed her hand from her knees and kissed the back of her hand. He also kissed her fingertips. As he lightly kissed her palm, wrist and arm, her face grew red. He held the back of her neck and swallowed her moist lips, wet with water.

He wove his tongue into her small feverish mouth and coiled around her flustered tongue. He felt intoxicated from the smell of her body mixed with scented bath oil. He never got drunk no matter how much he drank but whenever he held her, he often felt that this was how getting drunk would feel.

As he listened to her small gasps, blood rushed to his lower abdomen. From the time she sat in the bathtub and looked at him with surprised rabbit eyes, he had been feeling a certain stiffness at the waist.

When he released her lips, she was flustered and looked puzzled about what to do.

"I said I'm done. Let's not do this here…" (Lucia)

Her babbling went in one ear and out the other. He gave a carefree smile.

"Then, shall I receive my reward?"

Lucia was getting worked up but hearing the word 'reward', she seemed to realize something and spoke in a disheartened voice.

"Did you…see it?" (TN: she is referring to the invoice/bill)

"I did. I told you before, your husband is rich."

"Being rich doesn't mean that a fortune becomes small change."

"Let's not talk about unimportant things and get to the main point. What will you give me as my reward?"

"What do you mean reward!"

Lucia protested but, when he continued to repeat the same thing confidently, requesting for his reward, she somehow felt like her worries the entire day were trivial.

'Alright. I'm worrying over too much fortune. Would anyone else worry like me?'

He didn't show an ounce of interest in the large purchase she made today. The dark clouds that filled Lucia's heart slowly dispersed. In any case, she had to arrange a lot of things to go out to the social circle.

Next time, she would look for slightly cheaper designers. Lucia was already caught in Hugo and Antoine's snare but she would only know this in the future.

"What do you want?"

Instead of replying, Hugo slowly looked over her naked body in the water, starting from her toes and moving upwards. The desire in his scarlet eyes was clear. Lucia's face gradually grew hot.

"Why are you doing that!"

When she shouted, he titled his head as though asking 'what?' and kissed her lightly on the lips.

"We're going to wash again anyways so it's more economical."

Seeing him smiling suggestively, Lucia made a long face. Her body reacted reflexively and the insides of her thighs ached with thirst. She was gradually getting tamed by him. Like the fox Damian was raising, once it lost its wilderness and became a pet, it was unable to survive if it lost its master. Or, perhaps it was already at that step, Lucia thought.

She looked at him and he appeared happy at putting her in this puzzling situation. In front of him, she was flustered and didn't know what to do meanwhile he was always relaxed. Lucia was dissatisfied with this. She loosened her arm around her knee, secured a foothold in the bathtub and lifted her body.

She brought her face to his, kissing his lips and gently sucking on his lower lip. When she moved her away and looked at him, his eyes were trembling slightly. She felt good seeing his flustered expression and smiled faintly.


Hugo's throat felt dry. He wanted to bite her flushed cheeks that were like rose petals on white milk. She provoked him first so she shouldn't complain later. He handed the responsibility over to her and grabbed the back of her head to kiss her soft lips.

He slid his tongue into the gap of her small mouth and licked the extremely soft insides of her mouth. He caught her runaway tongue and entangled it with his. He swallowed her sweet saliva and a long, drawn-out kiss ensued.

Translator's Corner:

* I have taken down the mobile theme. The ads are impossible on it. On the regular site, it displays fine and doesn't cut in the middle of the chapter. I changed the site theme so it displays better on mobile, don't worry.

*It's November~ Releases will remain at 4/week. Also we just had daylight savings and I must tell you, I needed that extra hour of sleep.

Chapter 65 [part 2]

< — The Capital's High Society[2]– > (1)

TN: Aiya, the flowery words strike again.

At first, Lucia was hesitant but soon she was entranced by his kisses and wrapped her slender arms around his neck. She was a great student, actively responding to his skillful kisses. She incorporated what she had been taught and couldn't be compared to her first night when she didn't even know to open her mouth.

As he sucked on her hot, soft tongue, he smoothly ran his hand down her back and grabbed her waist, pulling her into his bosom. Her wet lips in his mouth was as soft as whipped cream. Why was she so sweet? Why was he so thirsty even though she was already in his arms? He was always troubled to suppress his beast-like desires because he was afraid he might hurt or frighten her.

After the deep desiring kiss was over, Hugo looked at her restless expression for a moment then he stood up. He took off the robe he was wearing and threw it away. There was nothing that could be called imperfect on his muscular naked body. His standing center between his legs looked huge and firm.

In spite of herself, Lucia's eyes were glued to it and she gulped hard. He entered into the bathtub. Lucia stayed still, sitting in the bathtub and looking up at him who remained standing. His blazing red eyes looked as though they would completely devour her and he ordered in a raspy voice.

"Come here."

Lucia shrank and her gaze alternated between his face and his raging erection. At his overbearing gaze, goosebumps rose on her skin, a lump appeared in her throat and her ears grew flushed. Slowly, she raised her torso, slicing through the water and moved forward on her knees.

Her gaze was fixed on his erection that was gradually becoming closer. She stopped right next to his lower body and looked up at him again. His eyes were silently commanding her.

Lucia carefully took hold of his firm manhood, obeying his command. It wasn't her first time touching it. Occasionally, he would guide her hand slowly on his thing, moving several times and not in a hurry. Now she had reached the point of not being cowered unlike the first time.

It was big enough to fit tightly in her hard and it was hard enough that she couldn't believe it was flesh. The terrible thing that penetrated her day after day and tormented her persistently, she brought it to her mouth.

Now, she was able to try things that she could not even imagine in the past. She kissed the curved tip and licked it slightly with her tongue. Then she opened her mouth and swallowed it. It would be unreasonable to swallow all of him with her small mouth so she only put the upper part in her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue.

His hand grabbed her hair and his breathing became rough. His reaction excited her and the insides of her legs ached and squeezed. It was the feeling of a female getting drunk on a male's thick scent.

Her technique was bad but her poorly teasing tongue excited him more than any good technique. Just seeing her taking him into her mouth was enough. His innocent wife that couldn't even kiss was now licking his thing with her mouth. It was a pleasure as though tainting her snow-white feathers with his color.

He grabbed her hair a little firmly and pulled her away. Her lips that had been licking and swallowing his thing, glistened with saliva. Her face flushed with excitement and her unfocused eyes were terribly erotic.

He lifted her up with strong force and made her to stand. This time, he went on his knees and spread apart her thighs. He held them firmly apart and kissed her nether region. He tasted her petals nestled deep in her forest between her thighs. There was a lot of delicious honey flowing beneath her petals.

He rubbed her tender flesh with his lips and sucked on it strongly. His mouth moved like when he desired her creamy breasts. He pushed his tongue inside her petite entrance. Her hot, wet insides did easily not give way to his prying tongue. He sucked on her chewy flesh and swallowed her deeply.


Her legs trembled. A hair-raising pleasure ran up her spine. If he pushed his tongue deeper, she could get a greater thrill but he kept his stimulation to a borderline degree. She was gradually losing strength in her legs. Thanks to his firm hold on her, she narrowly avoided falling down.


Imploring moans flowed from her mouth. Her entire body was focus on his stimulations and slackened. Her upper body fell on his shoulder and her hands grasped his hair tightly. Even though she was leaning her entire weight on him, it was too much for her. She wanted collapse and lie down.

Just like when he kissed her senselessly, he rolled his tongue, enveloped her wetness with his lips and licked her with the tip of his tongue. Her spring drooled with fragrant juices. It was a clear spring but deep enough that the bottom couldn't be reached. Reaching the bottom was a task for his manhood that was firmly erect in his lower abdomen. The shallow insertion of his tongue in her crevice was mainly for exploration.

The stimulation from his tongue that moved recklessly and stirred up her insides was too covert. Lucia trembled with a mix of shame and excitement. His caresses were done without reserve. His mouth was greedily licking her private part. The sound of him swallowing her body fluids made her feel giddy. Her breaths and moans gradually turned rough.

She could only put enough strength in her hands to hold his hair and her legs held in his hands could no longer move to her will.


She felt a short sense of climax and her body shook tremblingly. In an instant, it ran up her spine and the feeling of intense pressure was dizzying. She tightened her hold on his hair and gasped for breath. As his lips moved away, his strength supporting her legs disappeared and her body collapsed.

Hugo lightly lifted her exhausted body and sat on the edge of the bathtub. He brought her petite entrance to his center and slowly sat her down on his rigid member. Her narrow path swallowed his rod in one go, allowing him to enter smoothly.

A sigh-like moan escaped the two of them. Lucia's entire body trembled and she buried her head in his chest. The feeling of his tip pushing against her deepest parts sent shivers up her spine. His huge rod stirred inside her body as it was positioned from below.

His lips carved their seal onto the back of her neck and collarbone. A ticklish sensation came from her shoulders then a smarting sensation followed.

Hugo waited for a moment then he grabbed her hips and lifted her up then lowered her down. He repeated this over and over without using too much force. Her arms around his neck shook up and down and she mewled seductively. Her screams resonated through the bathroom.

"Aah! Ang!"

He opened her up and entered her countless times. With the force of her weight pressing down, his penis widened her vaginal walls, driving all the way in. As his movements intensified, her arms around his neck began to slip due to sweat and water.

He captured her bouncing breast with his mouth, seizing her nipple with his tongue and her insides squeezed in response. He then skillfully turned her around, changing their position. She sat with her back facing him and he held her arms behind her.

Their changed position stimulated a different place inside her. Every time he bounced his waist, her vision was propelled forward and the water surface shook. As she sat on his thigh, her feet floated in the air. The unstable position increased her anxiety and drove her with excitement.

Every time he thrust from below, she let out a cry of pleasure. Whenever her body came down, his huge rod would penetrate her, filling up her insides. She was exhilarated from the rise and free fall in addition to the pleasure and was unable to think of straight.


Climax swept through her body. Her body stiffened and at the same time, her vagina began to spasm. He stopped moving, feeling an irresistible pressure and released.

Listening to his deep-throated moan, Lucia felt a startling sense of pleasure. After the moment of climax passed, she exhaled breathlessly and her body slackened. He held onto her body that was about to topple over.

He embraced her tightly from behind and the pressure could be felt deeply. 'Haa,' Hugo gave a low sigh. He tried to endure a little more but he couldn't bear it.

When her trembling subsided a little, he stood up with her in his embrace. He walked out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom.

At the feeling of softness on her back, Lucia opened her eyes. Meeting his scarlet eyes, she could see that his desire had not subsided at all. Only her upper body lay at the edge of the bed and he positioned himself beside the bed.

When his hands moved to hold her waist, she predicted what would follow and closed her eyes. In one stretch, he thrust into her.


He penetrated her quickly but intensely and began to thrust rapidly. An intense stimulation moved in and out of her. Small shudders coursed through her body at his quick movements. She moaned intermittently and twisted her body. She was feeling breathless as though she was running.

The lingering feeling from the climax earlier caused her inner walls to convulse, opposing the intruder. From time to time, he let out a raspy breath. He grabbed her legs and lifted them to his shoulders.

When he thrust in deeper, she squeezed the sheets tightly. The feeling of his thing reaching up to her womb sent shivers up her spine. In this position, he was hitting her deepest parts more often and better than before.

Sometimes, Lucia had the thought that his persistence added up little by little. Little by little, she was swallowing him like a bottomless pit. When the stimulation became so intense that she was about to cry, he pulled out and turned her body upside down.

Lucia lay face down on the bed and grasped the sheets tightly then she let out a moan-like sigh. When will tonight end? He rubbed against the inner flesh of her thighs and his rigid penis opened up her body and entered inside.