169 - END

Side Story 7.4: The Beginning of All Stories


The child grew rapidly every day. He sat, crawled, walked and soon started running. He spoke and learned to write. Cael taught the child everything he knew without reserve. The bright child absorbed Cael's teachings and grew up, going from a little boy to a young man.

Around the child's 16th birthday, the people Evangeline's husband's family sent looking for her, had searched everywhere and even entered the devil's forest. Her father-in-law, whom she thought to be dead, was alive. He retained his life but one of his arm and leg was cut off, so he was unable to move around properly. Her father-in-law was looking for the only remaining bloodline of his dead son.

People who entered the devil's forest normally got obstructed by the barrier so they would be endlessly lost, collapse from exhaustion and starved to death. Cael usually didn't care what happened to the people who entered the forest and left them to their devices but knowing they were looking for Evangeline, he opened the barrier. And he erased traces of himself in order not to appear before them.

"Ahh! Milady. So you were safe. The young master is so grown-up!"

The vassals who had gone to search for their madam and young master by their lord's order, were thrilled to see Baden. Baden, who had just grown out his adolescence, looked so much like his late father and grandfather that there was no doubt to be made.

"You must have suffered so much. Come with us, Milady. You must be rewarded for your hard work and troubles in raising the young master. The young master will inherit everything from the lord in the future and he'll become the master of the family."

Although she was thanking them for finding her, inwardly, Evangeline couldn't be happy. Why did he let these people in? She momentarily resented him, then she heaped curses at herself.

'Wow, you must be so thick-faced. You don't even have any shame. You've lived in his care so long, how much longer are you going to trouble him?'

Cael didn't even appear before Evangeline. After flipping through the mansion for a few days, looking for him, the tired Evangeline cried at the empty air.

"I'll leave, Cael-nim. Just let me say goodbye for the last time. Please."

However, Cael never showed up at the end.

* * *

Cael watched from afar as the group of people left with Evangeline and Baden in their midst. He did not even let her say her last goodbye. But it wasn't because he was worried that her heart would waver, but because he feared he would hold onto to her and not let go.

'Our times are different, Evangeline.'

He was living in a different flow of time. He would remain as he was even if hundreds of years pass but she would grow old and die someday.

The incoming future filled Cael with dread. He had no confidence in being able to watch her die. He chose to run away from his fear.

* * *


At that voice, Evangeline, who had been blankly staring out the window from her spot on the bed, turned her head. Seeing her son with his wife, she smiled faintly.

"When did you come in?"

"What were you thinking about that you didn't even notice us come in?"

"When you get old, you tend to think a lot. I know you must be busy, there's no need to go out of your way to greet me in the morning."

"No, mother. I should greet you even when you're at home. And, I have good news today."

The mansion that his mother lived in as a child was put up for sale, so Baden had purchased it. His mother's family had already collapsed and scattered without a trace, but he felt his mother missed her hometown sometimes. So he arranged it as a gift for his mother.

"That house…?"

His mother's pale face brightened up for a change. Baden was happy to see that his thinking was on the right track.

"Yes. It's very old, so it has to be renovated. Would you like to go see it after the renovations?"

"Sure, that would be nice."

After leaving his mother's room, Baden sighed heavily and spoke to his wife.

"When my mother goes to her hometown, I would like for us to go along and be with her for the time being."

"Okay. I will arrange for that."

Baden could vaguely sense that his mother was not just missing her hometown.


His mother had continued to long for that person. He wasn't aware as a child but when he thought about it now, his mother sometimes stared into the distance with sadness in her eyes. He felt like now, he knew who was beyond that gaze.

* * *

Cael was sitting in a daze. Normally, he looked like he wasn't doing anything to an outside eye, but he would be creating and destroying a boundless world repeatedly in his mind. However, nowadays, he increasingly just sat absentmindedly, not thinking about anything. That is, ever since Evangeline and Baden left.

Suddenly, he flinched in surprise and sprang to his feet. The sensation of the intruder touching his barrier was familiar to him. He thoughtlessly ran outside.


The young man had become a grown man. Having inherited Evangeline's blood, Baden was also not affected by the barrier. Cael blankly gazed at Baden, and at the slender woman Baden was holding.

"We haven't seen in a long time. You're still as I remember."


"I'm here to ask a favor for my mother."

Cael stared at Evangeline, the woman in Baden's arms. Her appearance had changed due to age, but he recognized her in one glance.

"She's in a deep sleep. I guess mother will probably be angry when she wakes up. After all, I didn't ask her wishes and brought her here on my own."

"…Go back."

"My mother doesn't have much time left."

Cael, who was turning around, froze on the spot.

"Mother was poisoned. I've looked into every means, but we've already gone through every step possible. The poison Mother took has unique ingredients, so when the poison attacks, she falls into a deep sleep. According to the doctor, she will eventually fall asleep one day and never wake up."


"The poison attacked a few days ago and mother woke up after two days. The doctor said the next poison attack would be the last. Godfather. My mother's last moments…I hope you can be with her."

His godfather's expression was indifferent, and he stood there, not saying anything, but Baden thought his godfather looked very heart-broken.

'She'll be angry, for sure.'

Even the big buffed men in the family were desperate to rouse his thin mother's spirits. She was a woman who was called 'the Iron Lady', and someone who raised the family with her own two hands. Once she learnt of this, his mother would probably slap the cheeks of her shameful son who made such a decision on his own.

'That's why, mother, I'm running away because I'm scared you'll beat me up.'

Baden wasn't sure if his decision was really for his mother. His mother held a desperate longing for his godfather in her heart, but she gave up on meeting him a long time ago. After she was poisoned and knew the end was approaching, she seemed to have given up completely.

But despite that, he couldn't help but do this. Even though he knew it was cruel to both his mother and his godfather, Baden made a selfish decision for his own sake. He felt like if he didn't do this, he would beat his chest in regret when his mother passed away. So he secretly put sleeping pills in his mother's tea. He got the doctor's advice and adjusted the amount so that it wouldn't harm his mother.

Baden put his mother in his godfather's arms. It was closer to forcing her into his arms, but his godfather didn't shake him off and merely took his mother into his embrace, like she was a treasure.

As this was probably the last time he would see the two of them like this in his life, Baden memorized the sight, then he turned around.

Side Story 7.5: The Beginning of All Stories


Sturdy arms wrapped around her and supported her. Evangeline leaned against his chest, drinking the soup she was fed, then she grinned. She was surprised at herself, who was now used to being served by him.




"Kid. If you call me, say something."

Pfft. Evangeline burst into laughter. He still called an old lady full of wrinkles, kid. Perhaps because he treated her like a child, Evangeline subconsciously spoke the way she did when she was young and acted like a spoilt child. The Madam who was known as the iron lady was nowhere to be found.

"You know, a long time ago. If I said I was sick, would you have indulged me, even a little bit?"


"Sorry. That was unnecessary."

"…I likely won't have much of a choice. I can't abandon a patient."

Evangeline stared at him while he avoided her eyes like he was embarrassed. He had not changed at all. He was still the young and beautiful young man he was when she first met him. This mysterious man, with pitch-black hair and dark eyes, was her puppy love as a young girl, her fluttering love as a maiden learning about love and the one who gave her heart-wrenching pain as a woman who had experienced life.

Evangeline looked down at her wrinkled hand. Even when she was very excited like she had returned to being a young, healthy maiden, she woke up from her delusion when she looked down at her hand filled with signs of age. This was why she didn't want to see him. She didn't want to show her old, unattractive self to him, who was still as beautiful as ever.

However, whether it was her anger toward her son who brought her here arbitrarily, or the resentment that surged when she saw him after a long time, they all disappeared in less than a day. She was so happy, every day seemed like a dream.

"I was an idiot. I should have cried that I was sick and dying soon to Cael-nim."

"Fake sickness won't work."

"Aha. You don't know how good I am at faking sickness. I'm sure you won't even notice."

"Are you faking it now?"

"Who knows. What do you think?"

Cael stroked her cheek lightly and mumbled.

"…I hope so."


"Is there anything else you want to eat?"

As he changed topic while put away the soup bowl, Evangeline also acted like she didn't know anything.

"Orange juice. A very sweet one."

"…We have very sour oranges."

Evangeline smiled and replied.

"Then I'll have sour orange juice."

He placed Evangeline carefully in bed and got up. Evangeline sighed with regret when his body temperature suddenly moved away. She felt sad, watching his back as he walked to the door, and unknowingly called out to him.

"Is there something else you need?"

"…I don't like my juice too sour."

She was just grumbling but he thought about it seriously and said, 'I'll add honey then'. Evangeline couldn't believe his affectionate consideration for herself, and even after he was gone, she was grinning to herself.

"…Thank you."

She knew he didn't feel the same as her. He was presumably listening to the wishes of a dying person and even though she knew he was likely just sympathizing with the young girl he had a connection with in the past, her heart raced whenever she saw him. Even if it was sympathy, she was happy with it. She was thankful that he held her and didn't turn away from her.

"I love you…"

It was a confession that was always in her heart, but she could never say it to him. When she was young, she was afraid of rejection, so she was unable to say it, and when she reunited with him, bearing another man's child, she didn't dare to. Now, it was impossible for her to say it when she was old and dying.

She was happily waiting for the orange juice he would bring for her, then she heaved a huge sigh, lamentfully. Sleep was overwhelming her senses, bringing her to exhaustion. She had experience this drowsy feeling so many times, so she knew what it was.

After her father-in-law's death, endless greedy hands stretched towards her, because as her son's guardian, she had become the real master of the family. How many times did she escape the throes of death? Eventually, she was unable to avoid the last black hand that came for her.

[It's impossible to know when the poison will attack. But…if the poison attacks again and you fall into a deep sleep, it will be your last.]

Back then, she had calmly listened to the doctor's death sentence. Although her son was holding and screaming at the doctor, Evangeline was at ease. She had always lived with an empty heart that she could never fill. No matter how hard she tried, nothing could take root. Now she was tired of this life, where she carried the notice of being poisoned like an armor. She didn't have much of an attachment to life so she didn't fear the approaching death.

But the god of fate was so incredibly cruel. Why was she allowed to meet him again? Why did she want to live?


It was only when death drew near that Evangeline realized how great of a blessing it was to humans. She felt sad, knowing he was stuck walking down time in the future, and perhaps for eternity. She felt like she vaguely realized why he tried to push her away.

I'm sorry. For leaving you who's alone, all alone in this world again.

'Don't forgive me for being selfish till the end. But what can I do? The fact that I can close my eyes next to you…makes me so happy…'

Evangeline slowly sank into a deep sleep that was akin to a sweet poison.

* * *

Cael entered the room with the juice he had squeezed from the oranges himself. He took a little to taste and it tasted both sweet and sour, so he didn't feel the need to add honey.

She was sleeping.

He placed the juice on the bedside table, then he picked up her arm, wanting to cover her properly with the blanket. Her slender arm was strangely heavy, and his heart sank in his chest as he was seized with a terrifying feeling.

He stood still, and very slowly, turned his gaze to her face. Her complexion was pale, her eyes were closed, and her face was at peace.


Even though he was calling her name for the first time, she did not respond. His fingers trembled slightly as he brought his hand to her wrist to take her pulse.

Moments later, he sank to his knees and collapsed on the floor beside the bed.


He couldn't bear the pain gripping his heart, and gasped for breath, tearing at his chest with both hands. It felt like all the blood in his body was boiling. He couldn't breathe.

Clear water covered his black irises and fell to the ground. And at the same time, a golden aura began to swirl in his black eyes. The golden energy quickly traveled from his eyes to his veins, passing through his heart before spreading all over his body and he was soon covered in golden light.

Crack! He heard the sound of his frozen heart breaking. Only after losing her did he realize his true feelings. His heart which was frozen from the pain of losing Martha, thawed when he realized his love for her. Perhaps his heart had slowly been thawing without him even realizing it.

He found himself standing in a place that could be described as pure-white or pitch black. This wasn't the first time. He had been here once, a very long time ago. No matter how hard he tried, he had never been able to come here again apart from that one time, but now, it called him again.

He walked along the golden path. Time flew by next to him. In the midst of time filled with innumerable events and intertwined people, he found a certain woman. A woman he was seeing for the first time, held the pendant on his neck in her hand.

Wanting to know why this woman had his pendant, he followed along the woman's time. An old man appeared in the woman's life and he resembled Baden in one way or another. The old man held a newborn baby in his arms and smiled, saying.

'Dear child, how do you look so much like your grandmother?'

The blonde, amber-eyed newborn baby he held looked a lot like Evangeline.

'I thought hard about the undeserved request you made for me to name her. The first ancestor of the Baden family said he could not exist without his mother and left a will dedicating all his affection and admiration to his mother. I heard she was someone with a small stature but a mighty spirit. I would like to give her name to the baby.'[1]


Upon hearing the child's name, Cael's eyes flashed open. The golden energy coiling in the air around him, disappeared into the pendant like it was being sucked inside. Even the light pouring from his body disappeared.

Cael took a long, deep breath, trying to control the turbulent emotions rushing into him. Tears flowed from his closed eyes, staining his cheeks.

Was god mocking him for not believing in it or was it showing mercy for his pitiful arrogance? He witnessed miracles and saw destinies. He read the entrancing future of her descendants who looked like her in a very distant future.

Cael stood up and kissed the back of her hand politely as if performing a grand ceremony. Then he took off the pendant which he had never once removed from his body. It was initially a restraint that signified he was a criminal but after he gained new power, the pendant functioned as the nucleus of his magic and it was no different from his life-force.

He waved his finger slightly and the flowing air turned into a wind and the wind became a knife, cutting Evangeline's finger slightly. Red blood dripped from the cut and onto the pendant.

"Your blood will be both a seal and a key."

As soon as his muttering came to an end, the pendant trembled like a living being and glowed with a faint light. Then suddenly its movement stopped, and all light disappeared. It became a very old and ordinary, blackish pendant.



Baden quickly ran over as soon as his subordinates told him that the ominous aura covering the devil's forest had disappeared.

The man sitting on his knees by the bedside slowly turned his head. But his face wasn't one that Baden knew.

The godfather Baden remembered was a mysterious man who never aged and remained the same from when he was a child till even decades later. But the youth of his godfather seemed to have disappeared overnight. His godfather was no longer a young man. Whoever saw him now would say he was obviously a middle-aged man.


"Is…is it really you…godfather?"

"Say goodbye to your mother."

"Huh? Mother…? Mother!"

Baden rushed to the bed and broke down wailing. Cael stood up stepped aside a little, waiting for Baden to sufficiently say goodbye to his mother.

When Baden proposed building his mother's grave in this place, Cael shook his head.

"You should take her with you. If you make your mother's grave here, no one will be able to check on her and it will soon be abandoned."

"What about godfather…"

"As you can see, time has begun to flow for me."

Baden swallowed hard. His godfather was aging quickly as if he was paying the price for maintaining his youth for so many years. When Baden saw him this morning, his godfather looked like a middle-aged man in his later years but in just a few hours, he looked like he had added 10 more years.

"I will escort you. Please come with me."

"No. My grave will be here."

"Then I should also…"



Cael placed his pendant in Baden's hand.

"This pendant is connected with your mother's soul. If your descendants ever find themselves in a crisis, it will be a great help to preserving your legacy."

Baden took the pendant carefully and put it in his pocket, like it was very valuable. His godfather was a unique individual with a very mysterious set of ability that the average person couldn't even imagine. A gift from his godfather would not be an ordinary thing.

"I have a request to make."

"Yes, please. You can ask anything, godfather."

"Don't leave any word about me to your future generations. I don't want to leave any trace of my existence behind."


"Today will be the last day you and I see each other. Don't ever come here again."

"Godfather. To me, you were both my teacher and my father. A child abandoning his father is an unfilial act that I cannot consent to."

"This is my last request. I do not want to show my end to anyone."


Baden's eyes were filled with tears like he would burst out crying at any moment and from his expression, Cael found the mischievous little boy who used play around him. Evangeline and Baden were miracles that occurred in his dried up life.

In this unpredictable huge world order, he was nothing but a weak and feeble existence. Out of everything he had pursued so desperately, this was the only truth he had gained.

He gave Baden a faint smile.

"Perhaps I am the same. I wish you were my son, Baden."

Baden bawled like a child.

* * *

Baden didn't want to leave at all but he had to quickly deal with his mother's body, so he had no choice but to leave his godfather's mansion.

When the funeral was over, about ten days had passed. Baden went back to the mansion but the huge building had collapsed and turned into sand. In addition, there was no sign of his godfather anywhere.

Baden felt so stunned that for an entire day, he merely sat down, looking at the pile of rubble.

Time passed and the curtains rose to a period of upheaval. Hundreds of divided forces destroyed each other, or swallowed the other up, growing bigger and bigger and unifying to create a country. Baden made a name for himself as a meticulous subject in the founding of Xenon and was bestowed a title and land. In this new country, Baden created a new family that carried his name.

This was the beginning of the Baden family.