18 - 23

I Make Them (5)

[It looks like a truly huge-scale dungeon will be born.]

[I don't want to admit it, but this human has a talent as a Trap maker.]

It was truly a grand scene. Inside a range that was obviously larger than a single district, countless monsters were running towards the hill. Amongst them, there were some which were just confronting human military until just now.

Yu IlHan asked dumbfoundedly after looking at that scene.

"Just...What's the principle?"

[The power that the Trap of Destruction is emitting is a magic that deceives all five senses of the monsters. The monsters arrive here looking for what they want, whatever it may be, and as a result, get trapped inside the dungeon.]

Erta spoke confidently, but it was a truly frightening magic. If one thought that it may be used against humans, then it wasn't something to laugh about at all.

Is it possible for it to be used against humans – Yu IlHan was about to ask, but refrained from doing so in the end.

It was because he felt like he would be frightened if he heard the answer.

[It seems like it's starting in other places as well.]

Next to Yu IlHan, who was dumbfounded after seeing the frightening ability of the Trap of Destruction and the stampede of monsters, another angel mumttered. Other places? When Yu IlHan creased his eyeborws, Erta made a small smile as she spoke.

[In your trap, there was also a magic that ccould change the aura of other Traps of Destruction scattered on Earth. We can't just throw away the traps made in heaven just like that. Anyway, it seems like those have also started to lure monsters.]

"So that was it, I did know that the amount of harkanium was too little to be placed on Earth, but it was for that reason."

[It's a precious metal. Recycling is the first step to being environmentally friendly.].

The other angels were looking at Yu IlHan's and Erta's conversation with strange eyes. When were you so close? – at the question their eyes seemed to be asking, the two became awkward and turned their heads.

The monsters, which had acquired power for revenge after enduring one thousand years in a world where time was frozen, were truly futilely crawling into destruction with their own feet.

Until the day the dungeon is opened by a human, they would be trapped inside that prison.

Despite the fact that this was a result that Yu IlHan wanted, their figures of rushing into the Trap of Destruction seemed as if he was looking at the humans not being able to escape destiny no matter how they struggled, so it didn't feel that good.


Yu IlHan stopped his thoughts there, shaking his head. Just what could he do by sympathizing with the monsters. If he didn't do that, then humans would just become their sacrifices.

It had only been a few days since the Great Cataclysm happened, during that time, didn't Yu IlHan experience enough and realize it already? Monsters were always hostile to humans, and they wanted to evolve into something even more horrific.

So, it wasn't that Yu IlHan sympathized with the monsters.

He shuddered as he confirmed that those 'Heavenly existences' have enough ability to do that to him even if they weren't hostile. Even those frightening monsters had, in the end, become playthings for God and the angels.

Yu IlHan thoughtof his one thousand years of life. He thought of the overwhelming power that was used to send all of humanity to other worlds, with just the reason that they needed to prepare for the Great Cataclysm, and the fact that he had to spend one thousand years, even when he hadn't done anything wrong, on Earth alone as he was left out.

He remembered that all of his pains and sufferings were summed up in just one word – 'mistake'.

At that moment, something welled up inside his heart. The emotions he had hid with comical actions and positive thinking in order to maintain his human mentality during those countless years came up to the surface and shook him violently for a moment.

I want to become strong.

I want to become so strong that no one can tell me what to do anymore.

It was not to meet someone, or to trample on someone, or to survive right now.

He wanted to become strong only for his freedom.

For the first time, he thought that.

[The dungeon's being made, Yu IlHan.]

Yu IlHan came to himself after hearing Erta's words and lifted his head up.

Halfway up the hill, where the Trap of Destruction had been placed, after countless monsters that couldn't be counted just by one or two thousand, gathered, the mana from the Trap and the mana from the monsters seemed to clash, and a strange mana current appeared to cover them.

[It's done. We've done it.]

[Everything according to God's will.]

[The other Traps are also smoothly attracting monsters and becoming dungeons. It's a perfect success.]

The angels all expressed their delight. Some smiled lightly towards Yu IlHan but some ignored him. It was good that they were so individualistic.

[Looking at the size of Earth, we need to make about 27 more. We will give you the reward after confirming the activation of the last Trap of Destruction.]

"Then I'll make them right away."

[You don't really have to. We'll only make the second Trap of Destruction after 2 days at least.]

Yu IlHan tilted his head.

"Weren't you in a hurry?"

[We are, but we don't have the magic power.]

That was true, they did indeed pour out enormous amounts of mana in the mana crafting process.

Yu IlHan also didn't need them to be quick. Just that.

"It's not like you're the only angels up there....Yeah, like Rita."

Yes. Can't they just rotate the members!? He just wanted to finish the quest as soon as possible and it wasn't like he wanted to see Rita, not at all!

In truth, he really wanted to see her, but Yu IlHan's trained pokerface didn't show any ripple on the outside.

[Not all angels are so free. These angels are have work related to the dungeons on Earth, and other angels have work to do in other worlds. So, we have no choice but to wait until our mana recovers to proceed.]

"Your work environments are tough too, eh."

[Rita especially has a lot of work as she accommodated a lot for you and is suffering. For a while, she won't be able to be dispatched on Earth.]

Of course, his pokerface didn't work on Erta. Erta's mischievous smile, as if she knew everything, made him want to punch her.

After Yu IlHan shrugged his shoulders, he turned his gaze away from her and looked at the scene where the Trap of Destruction used on Earth changed into its dungeon form before speaking with a sigh.

"Let's go back. I'll do the form creation process first."

[You really know nothing other than work...]

That night, after the mass moving of the monsters which occurred in Seoul, the capital of Korea, the world became noisy. The scene of huge numbers of monsters gathering at a hill and disappearing into a fissure in space was captured by a camera and was broadcasted through the news.

What remained was the appearance of a dungeon that all the humans on Earth that have been to other worlds, were familiar with. With the first occurrence of a dungeon as the center, they could observe that dungeons were appearing in all of Korea, Japan over the sea, and parts of China over the borders.

After looking at that, some rejoiced that this was a proof that Earth was starting to stabilize, and some complained why the stabilization occurred in an Asian country, which had nothing much to it.

Various humans, who hadn't received quests from other worlds, or those who came back after finishing one or two, were spewing bullshit through the internet.

[Experts are warning that the animals may become monsters even if they haven't become monsters yet. Meanwhile, under government supervision, work is progressing in regards to picking livestock which have no possibility to become monsters using database from other worlds as basis, and as it was found out to be possible to bring suitable livestock back to Earth as quest reward from other worlds, we're expecting that there won't be any serious impacts in future...]

Yu IlHan turned off the TV. His mother and father hadn't come back yet. It wasn't that he was not worried about the two of them, but he consoled himself thinking that they would cope well in any situation as they didn't have militant tendencies, and above all, possessed a plethora of experience in 'society'.

He then stood up and headed to the workshop.

"Shall I make about five by tomorrow!?"

[No, Yu IlHan. Well, although this can't be called a reward, but as a bonus for achieving something above my imagination, there is something I want to do for you. If you receive that, then there won't be any time to make the traps.]

"You're going to give me some of that harkanium!?"

[Keep your dreams for when you're asleep.]

Erta's bonus was none other than the processing of the leather that was currently in the middle of tanning inside his workshop. When all the leather from the bear, Direwolf, and other wolves were perfectly dried and sterilized with a wave of her hand, Yu IlHan couldn't close his mouth. Moreover, it seemed like it became harder and more durable.

"Perfect. No, I think the quality became better."

[How is it? Now you have something to work on, right?]

It was as Erta said. There was no time to cling on to the Traps of Destruction which couldn't even be activated. Because there were so many materials waiting for him to work on them!

He immediately went into making a leather armor.

First, he made an inner wear with the thin Direwolf leather, enhancing it with a few magic stones. To Yu IlHan, who had even created a Trap of Destruction, despite the fact that angels were the one leading him, this level of mana crafting had become something he could do with his eyes closed.

Especially, Erta was considerably surprised after Yu IlHan added a 'ventilation' option using magic stones.

[When did you become so proficient?]

"Didn't I say labor is finding the trick to it?"

He also made boots and gloves using the Direwolf's leather. He added a ventilation option to these as well, but the thing he thought of as more important was an attacking option. He made sharp teeth protrude out from the end of the boots and the nails of the gloves when he wanted by consuming the wolves' teeth in order to transform them into an artifact.

[Direwolf Leather Gloves]

[Rank – Rare]

[Defense – 600]

[Attack Power – 700]

[Direwolf Leather Boots]

[Rank – Rare]

[Defense – 550]

[Attack Power – 750]

After that, he made a leather armor with the entire hide of the brown bear. He put special materials into boiling oil, and proceeded to boil the leather several times in order the increas the already sturdy defense. By the time that he had created a piece of armor that fit him, a day had already gone by.

However, to Yu IlHan, who had acquired superhuman strength, this kind of overnight labor was at a laugable level. He showed extreme concentration as he kept in mind that he was making an amor to protect his body, and in the end, when the sun rose, he had created a boiled leather armor that he could boast as his most exceptional work after his steel spear.

[Hard Bear Leather Armor]

[Rank – Unique]

[Defense – 2,100]

[Durability – 850/850]

[A boiled leather armor made by a peak level master using the hide of the 2nd class monster, Brown Big Bear. It's the strongest of its level, and it will be able to endure the teeth of a high class monster once.]

Of course, Yu IlHan didn't stop there. He started putting the sharp teeth and the sharpened bones of the Direwolf and the Brown Big Bear in one place. Then, he used all his magic stones to mana craft.

He was aiming for one thing. Like the leather gloves and the leather boots, he wanted bones to protrude out from various places of the leather armor when he wanted.

His final objective was a hedge hog. A super strong one that ccould send a tiger to its grave with one spike!

[Mana crafting has become level 8.]

['Secretive' 'Sharp' Hard Bear Critical Leather Armor was completed.]

Erta, who saw the entire process of armor creation from start to finish was dumbfounded after looking at the result. Just how could he do something strange so consistently!?

[Yu IlHan, why do you like blades popping out from nowhere so much?]

"It's because it's a man's romance!"

There was not a shred of embarrassment in Yu IlHan's answer. He spoke so confidently and coolly that Erta momentarily thought 'Hey, didn't this guy just say something cool?'

[Secretive Sharp Hard Bear Critical Leather Armor]

[Rank – Unique]

[Defense – 2,200]

[Attack Power – 750]

[Durability – 900/900]

[A super weapon made by going through a special process on top of the boiled leather armor produced by a peak level master using the hide of the 2nd class monster, Brown Big Bear.]

The completed armor was truly perfect. Not only did the armor do its job faithfully as a piece of armor, it also had attacking capabilities optimized for Yu IlHan, who could fight with all of his body. On top of that, there was both an alpha and a beta option to enhance it. If someone saw it, they might think that it was obvious for an option to be attached as a result of mana crafting. Even though reality was far from that!

After making a few bone knives to use when dismantling by sharpening the remaining bones, he lastly made a mask using the Direwolf's skull to replace the Ir*nm*n mask, becoming refreshed as if he had just finished a number of piled up chorse.

[Bear Bone Knife]

[Rank – Rare]

[Attack Power – 500]

[Durability – 450/450]

[Direwolf Skull Mask]

[Rank – Rare]

[Defense – 600]

[Durability – 660/660]

[A mask made from a wolf's skull that once posessed a large amount of mana. It has an unexpectedly high amount of defensive power.]

Now, he was planning to hold out with these until he acquired even stronger monster bones or new metals. He would probably be able to hold out. It was instead a problem that it would hold out for a longer time than he thought.

After Yu IlHan put on the leather inner wear, armor, boots, and gloves, he slotted the bone knife into the leather belt. When looking at the reflection of his figure after equipping the bone mask that he made to fit his head, he thought that he might look quite cool.

As expected, I look good when I hide my face! Shit!

"How is it?"

[Amazing. I don't know what you did to that mask but your presence is becoming even weaker!]

"I didn't do anything to the mask!"

To Erta, who definitely said that even when she knew the truth, Yu IlHan tried to make her pay when he realized that outside was getting noisy.

The sound of something breaking, the sounds of hundreds and thousands of bullets, screams and shouts... It was to the point that it made one wonder if this was from playing all of the action movies in the world at the same time.

"...What's this noise?"

[It's probably the military fighting against a monster. It's not like all monsters would be lured by the dungeon.]

Immediately after the two spoke, a siren came with a good timing. The notice that he only heard when it rained a lot and the river flooded, tickled his ears.

[Ladies and Gentleman of JongNo district! Please evacuate to other worlds if you're still inside the buildings! There's danger of being attacked by a large 2nd class monster! I repeat!]



The alarm that a large 2nd class monster had appeared repeated itself continuously after that.

While Erta was facepalming at the fact that there was a 2nd class monster that hadn't been trapped by the dungeon, Yu IlHan muttered while sighing.

"Please let it be weaker than the Brown Big Bear..."

[Are you afraid of the fight? If it's the you I've seen so far, then against 2nd class monsters...]


Yu IlHan's shoulders drooped.

"If it's stronger than that bear, then I need to strip its hide and make a new armor."


Here was a master who was afraid of shovelling more than fighting. (T/N: 'shovelling' in Korean can mean different things: 1. literally digging the ground 2. hard labor 3. grinding)

Author's notes

There's extra content because there's a lot of item stats

Be firm Yu IlHan, be strong Yu IlHan!

The reward will be calculated at the end. In other words, when all the Trap of Destruction are made

Translator's notes

Stats do count as 'content', author…

You Want to Hunt With Me!? (1)

As he was already wearing armor, there was nothing else he needed to prepare. Just that he did some maintenance on his steel spear while he was borrowing the anvil and the hammer. Although he didn't show it, he was worried that the spear may have been damaged during the fight with the Brown Big Bear yesterday.

Erta also didn't say anything about it. Wouldn't it turn into a huge incident if his spear broke in the middle of combat? Warriors should always take good care of their weapons. Although Yu IlHan didn't really know about that, as he wasn't a warrior, he didn't want to go through the trouble of making another spear.

Because he had the Eternal Flame and max level blacksmithing, he was able to finish repairing the weapon in just a few minutes. The result that popped up was this:

[Fatally Sharp Steel Spear]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 1,100]

[Durabiliity – 715/715]

[Option – 20% increase of critical hit chance]

[A miracle made by human with solely the use of technique and effort and without the help of mana. Thanks to being maintained by top class tools, its stats improved.]


What? The attack power increased by 300 just by reparing it!? Moreover, it was only blacksmithing, but there were both alpha and beta options. As he was the one to strike the steel, Yu IlHan knew more than anyone how amazing this feat was.

Although he knew that this wasn't the time for this, Yu IlHan looked at the anvil and hammer alternatively before quietly making a request to Erta.

"Gimme this."


Thanks to spending a few days time with Yu IlHan, Erta's retorts towards Yu IlHan became quite considerable. At her clear cut words, Yu IlHan gave up getting new tools and had to leave the workshop with Erta, who became palm-sized and nestled on top of his head.

"What did you become human sized for?"

[I was doing other work as a human. Now, I'm back to being your support again.]

"You differentiate so meticulously, eh..."

After lightly waving his hand towards the Eternal Flame, which flickered as if seeing him off, he went outside, where the noise become louder by a level. He could even hear a building collapsing with a boom!

There was no need for him to put any effort into searching it. He just needed to run towards where the dust cloud could be seen. As he neared, the sounds of guns, helicopters, explosions, and collapses resounded louder as if they were trying to make him deaf.


At that place was a huge lepoard. A leopard bigger than the brown bear that he had defeated the day before!

The moment Yu IlHan arrived at the scene, it was swinging its front paw to strike a helicopter from the top of a high-rise building down. It was as if watching a monster movie, but this was reality.

And even at this time, the soldiers, who were confronting this crisis were desperately fighting.

"RPG, even the RPG isn't working!"

"F*ck, those with advanced jobs go and stab with a knife or something!"

"This is a highly populated area, we know! However, this needs a missile, or else at this rate, the Blue House will be penetrated, the Blue House!" (T/N: Blue House is the Korean equivalent of the White House)

Yu IlHan didn't have that much trust in the strong friends until now, but he couldn't not be surprised after seeing that even field-grade officers were at the front lines. Although, it may just be that the situation was more serious than he thought it was.

"It's coming, it's coming this way!"

"Escape! Scatter!"

It wasn't only the soldiers who were there. A few armed ability users, and some people who had advanced to their 1st jobs were attacking the leopard with their weapons.

Even though they could pile up experience and record in other worlds, they had clearly given that up and were remaining on Earth, fighting against a monster which had a strength above that of 2nd class. Yu IlHan couldn't just laugh at them for being foolish.

Yes, they were in the right. No matter how strong they could become in other worlds, if Earth, if the country they lived in, turned into ruins, then wouldn't it all be meaningless?

They knew that, so they put their lives on the line. Despite the fact that they didn't have the confidence to defeat that monster. Despite the fact that they could die in a single attack of its paw.

He somehow felt pathetic for sharpening his spear in order to defeat the monster for sure.

Although his self-guilt disappeared as he knew that he might be in danger if the steel spear broke in the fight due to not maintaining it, in its place, feelings of wanting to help them as soon as possible welled up inside his heart.

Although I don't have any thoughts on putting my life on the line for others, if others can live if I just work a little harder, then I'll gladly put in that effort. – This was Yu IlHan's motto.


With a strange shout, Yu IlHan started running. He ran on the collapsing concrete with each step, pushing the gear inside his heart up by one.

The leather armor covering his body didn't hinder him. Instead, it was as if it was pushing him forward by helping the wind.

The surrounding objects, the commanders who were urgently calling somewhere, the soldiers who were flicked away by the leopard, they were all passed by.

Nobody noticed him.

He had no intention to have anyone notice him.

'I want to use mana quickly.'

After he had surpassed the limits of humans with training in the one thousand years of his life, he was never disappointed in his own body while moving. However, now that he was taking several seconds to approach that monster even at his full speed, he felt unsatisfied.

If I had learned mana, I could enhance my physical abilities. If I had magic, then I would be able to call wind to fly in the sky. – He thought.

The leopard started dashing. After swiping two armored vehicles and swatting a bomb onto the ground to make it explode, it smashed against a high-rise building again. Some ability users attacked it and were in turn also attacked.

It was fortunate that the ability users attacking with long-ranged magic were alright. However, the people who were trying to wound it in close combat were all tattered. There might even be those who had died.

[It's clearly stronger than the Brown Big Bear. Such a pity, Yu IlHan.]


Erta lightly mentioned the joke Yu IlHan had said a few minutes ago, but right now, Yu IlHan, who never forgot to make jokes, ignored her and kept running while squeezing out all the strength of his muscles to produce a speed that surpassed the limits of stats.

The moment he neared the leopard, he kicked off the ground and jumped high while confirming its position. He kicked off the wall of a nearby building to jump high, and kicked off the wall of the opposite building to jump even higher. After repeating that several times, he was several tens of meters in the air. Even so, nobody noticed him.

He was never so thankfulthat his presence was weak until now. Yu IlHan muttered while holding the spear with both of his hands.

He changed his trajectory by kicking off the wall of a high-rise building nearing him. This was the last. While quickly moving through the air, the figure of the leopard became larger and larger.

Was it unsatisfied even after destroying so many buildings? It was holding up a military vehicle with soldiers inside, with its front paw.

The soldiers had resolved themselves for death as they threw grenades into its wide open mouth, but even that didn't give it a fatal wound. Well, even Yu IlHan had the confidence to not get wounded by grenades, so it would be strange if the leopard got injured from that.

While falling towards his target in midair, Yu IlHan pulled back the spear with all his strength.

The leopard's huge face was getting nearer and nearer, opening its mouth to swallow the vehicle whole. At that moment, the figure of Yu IlHan was rellected in its two yellow eyes.

Yu IlHan struck the spear into left eye with all his strength.

[Critical Hit!]


It was a scream that made world tremble. Its eye bursted with a rupturing soun, the fluids covering Yu IlHan's entire body.

With that, his presence appeared in the world. This was a moment when the atmosphere of the warzone changed.

"Sungdaein Bolt...!"

"He's changed but it's him for sure. It's Sungdaein Bolt!"

"He didn't go to another world."

"Fuck, we're saved now...!"

The leopard which was clinging onto a building wall couldn't withstand the pain and slid down. The fact that it didn't let go of the military vehicle even while it was sliding was truly frightening.

Yu IlHan was holding onto the spear that had been embedded into its eye, only swiftly pulling it out and jumping down when it had let go of the military vehicle.

As a result, the half-pulled out steel spear slid down its face, following Yu IlHan and inflicting a large wound which covered its face from the eye to the chin.


It moved its feet while twisting its body, but Yu IlHan was already out of its range. Moreover, while it couldn't come to its senses due to losing one eye, bullets and magic hit its body from all directions. Although small, there must have had been some damage.

Meanwhile, Yu IlHan landed, creating a footprint on the bumper of the military vehicle which was falling to the ground helplessly. Immediately, he lightly swung the spear to slice off the vehicle's roof and hugged the two soldiers who were obediently waiting for death with one arm before jumping off the vehicle.

Despite the fact that he was still several tens of meters in the air, his actions had no hesitation.

"What level are you!?"

"I'm 3!"

"I'm 2!"

"If you don't want to die then hold me tight!"

After the soldiers hugged him, which made him uncomfortable, he landed on the ground with a booming noise.

Although the already cracked concrete floor split apart completely due to the crash, he only felt his legs go numb.

After landing, he freed the soldiers. They were looking at Yu IlHan as if gazing towards a hero, but Yu IlHan had only saved them because he didn't want to see people dying in front of his eyes. There was no reason he wouldn't save them if he could do so.


However, it wasn't like he could explain that to the soldiers in detail. Yu IlHan, who became awkward, left behind one word before kicking off the ground again. The leopard that had fell onto the ground had its eyes glued on Yu IlHan.

One eye was pouring out blood, while the other eye was looking at him with the desire to kill.

Well, it had taken the most damage from him, so it was obvious that he would become its target. That monster was not as stupid as the brown bear to forget the situation due to pain, so it seemed like it wouldn't let Yu IlHan go back into concealment.

However, that didn't matter. It was an opponent that he could defeat head on.

He increased his running speed while smirking a little.

"So cool...!"

"The leopard's aggro is all on Sungdaein Bolt! We need to attack now!"

"Everyone use magic! Aim for that blasted eye!"

The majority of the people here had probably met for the first time today, and were rolling around in the same battlefield. Despite that, they were matching their breathing with only the desire to kill the leopard in their heads. The desires stacked on top of each other to transform into a sharp blade.

Of course, this was only possible as Yu IlHan appeared to allow them time to breath, but the effect was larger than Yu IlHan had thought.


The leopard's growling sounds towards the humans became more frequent as attacks continued to hit it. It flinched and was unable to move its body as it wanted. It was because all the people were aiming their attacks at its blasted eye, following someone's words.

And at that moment, the final strike came. When a blueish white colored compressed lightning struck its eyes, a devastating amount of blood bursted out from its wound again!

"It's the Empreess!"

"Even the Empress is here! We're really saved now!"

[KuAaaaAaaa! KyaKuraKaaaaaa!]

Even while it was growling in weird pronounciations after getting struck by lightning, it still didn't turn its gaze away from Yu IlHan and kicked off the ground.

Was it planning to crash head on at full speed? This was what he wanted. Yu IlHan also pulled the spear he was holding, back a little in a slanted position and increased his speed.


While he was running, there was something that automatically began to boil in his heart. He didn't hold that in and spat it out as he pulled the spear back even more. There was just 100 meters between him and the leopard. That became 50 meters in a blink of an eye, and under breath's time, it turned to zero.

The leopard swung its paw as it threw its body. At the attack, from which he could feel that its desire to trample him flat no matter the cost, Yu IlHan also reacted in a similar manner.

Before its front paw attacked him, he had held up the spear and smashed it onto the ground, flying up from the rebound!

However, immediately after that, he smashed into the leopard's face.


"What do we do if Sungdaein bolt dies! ...But isn't it a bit strange?"

"...What was it that covered his body?"

The shock was large. He felt as if his inner organs were all displaced for a moment. His entire body ached and went numb.

However, the expected death by being crushed by the leopard didn't happen.


Because there was a countless number of bone blades inbetween Yu IlHan and the leopard, that had received the shock in his stead, the leopard ended up being stabbed in the face.

While trying his best to hold back his nauseousness, Yu IlHan spoke out with a nasal voice.

"...See. It did its job as soon as I made it."

[I will say just three words. You look hideous.]

He used the leopard's smash against it and damaged it, but currently, his figure was like a frog flattened by a car – even 1000 years of love would vaporize if seen. It was very fortunate that Rita wasn't here.

Yu IlHan thought while putting the bone blades back into his armor.

One must not try to look cool or otherwise, they will end up appearing like a fool.

Author's notes

The romanized leopard roar following the bear

The hedgehog attacking with all its body

Translator's notes

Yeah, that's right leopard roars were in alphabets in the raw. (hence you see capital letters in the middle of them). Am I going to be able to stock some chapters now?

You Want to Hunt With Me!? (2)

The leopard, which was put in a situation where it was no different from having washed its face with a large-scale hedgehog, ran around wildly while howling in pain.

The effects of the bladed armor was better than Yu IlHan had imagined. He had inflicted more pain and damage than when he had blast open its eyes, so that was all that needed to be said.

"Aoo...! It's so, fucking, swaying, so much...!"

[Yu IlHan, I'm getting sick...!]

"Don't puke on top of my head!"

This time, Yu IlHan pulled out the blades from his gloves and boots and fixed himself on its face as if striking a nail into a cliff in order to not fall off from its body, when it was swaying its head so much.

Then, he nimbly avoided its front paw which was flung at him, and moved around. In that process, it was continuously damaged by the blades.

[But that armor, seems quite...! Useful!]



The leopard seemed to have realized that it wouldn't be able to shake Yu IlHan off as it crashed towards another building. It tried to shake him off by smashing into the building! It may be a foolish action, but for an animal, which its front paws were not so free as a human, it was the best method.

Yu IlHan crawled up its face while kicking its face while he was at it(A small amount of damage was inflicted everytime he did that).

"I… should have… learnt… some… mountain climbing...!"

[You're doing pretty well, now too.]

Was it because he had learnt the trick to everything due to the infinite labor? Even while making a big fuss, Yu IlHan could arrive on top of its head by moving his body just before he crashed with the building at a climbing speed that even Kn*ckl*s would cry after seeing him.

However, the moment after he fixed himself on top of its head by stabbing the boot-blades, he could feel an overwhelming physical shock. He subconcsiously moaned and his body leaned forward, so he desperately put strength into his legs and grounded himself on top of its head.



The leopard growled even more violently. It had realized that it couldn't shake off Yu IlHan. It tried to shake him off somehow by continuously smashing its head against the building, but Yu IlHan, who had firmly nailed his boots in its body, comfortably positioned himself and held on while striking its head.


[Everything's good but do something about that weird shouting!]

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit has become Lv2!]

The spear did its worth of having been reborn by the hammer and the anvil while bullying the leopard. Although the level of the leopard was unknown, Yu IlHan's spearmanship, which was honed to a superhuman level, kept inflicting valid hits, and if a critical burst out, then the effect multiplied and gave a horrifying pain to the leopard.

Whether it was the skull mask or the armor or the leather inner wear, it was soaked in leopard blood, but Yu IlHan didn't stop. No matter how the leopard smashed into a building, collapsing it, or going crazy, he didn't sway and he struck the same place with an accuracy greater than that of a machine's, frignteningly reptitively.

His arm muscles, which were trained to be as hard as steel, and the untrembling spear even with a shocking amount of physical shock, pierced its hide and pulled out blood!


At one moment, the leopard stopped trying to smash its head against buildings and it swayed as it couldn't extend its front leg. It had become dizzy due to the blood loss from Yu IlHan's continuous attacks.

This was the opportunity that the humans were looking for so much.

"It's slowing down!"

"Corner it more, more!"

The moment the target was acquired, all the people in that area started an all out attack. The soldiers threw away their rifles, which were basically meaningless, and shot with heavy machine guns and cannons and tattered its hide, and the close combat attackers approached it from the other side of the artillery fire and slashed its leg and beat it.

The leopard was 2nd class, and it had a higher level at that as well, so to be honest, human attacks from around 1st class didn't have much of a meaning. However, when it stacked ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand times, it eventually produced a result of the hide being pierced and the muscles being injured.

Human wave tactics weren't scary for nothing.

At this moment, in front of the human's will which agglomerted on survival, the monster kneeled.

At that moment, Erta spoke in a serious voice.

[Yu IlHan, finish it off quickly.]

"What is it, I think it'll be over soon?"

[...This leopard, it might earn a 3rd class at any moment.]

Before her words even finished, the spear he was swinging bounced off. Was it just that? From its wound, where its hide and bones were ripped off, gross strands of muscles bursted out by cluttering in one place.

The scene was as if they had their own will while moving.

With the scene which made Yu IlHan pale in fright, as he had never confronted a monster which wasn't out of an 'animalistic' form at least until now, albeit huge and absurdly hard, in front of her, Erta spouted out some words vaguely as if chewing her anger.

[It's mutating! It will evolve into a higher class monster for real!]


The strands of muscles which came out from the wound assaulted Yu IlHan. He hacked its body while moving with a pale face, but the strands of muscles annoyingly agilely chased him, looking like a leopard's 'that'.

He could slash them apart if he swung the spear with both his arms with all his strength, but 'they' came out endlessly from the wound and assaulted Yu IlHan. On top of the leopard's head, he stood firmly while swinging the spear and shouted courageously.

"Fuck you, you nonsensical monster! If you want to to shoot a tentacle video, then bring an elf archer or a princess knight to do it with, not me!"

[How can you be so leisurely! Do you even know that I can't help you even if you die here!?]

"It's because I might cry if I don't spit out some jokes!"

While spouting out words as if he didn't want to lose, he swung his spear.

Erta told him to finish it quickly just before. That meant that this thing haddn't earned its 3rd class perfectly yet!


While swearing when he was slashing apart the strands of tentacles...muscles, a flash of lightning blanched his vision.

The effect of the lightning was considerable. A portion of the strands of muscles were destroyed after burning to a crisp, and the rest also received damage and were constricted. Yu IlHan didn't let go of that opportunity to snap them off completely.

At that moment, there was something else other than lightning that came to his ears. They were the loud helicopter noises and a woman's voice which didn't get buried by such a sound.

"I can't kill it with my attack! There's too much of a difference in level!"

Although he expected it the moment the lightning flashed, it was the Empress' voice.

Anyway, what's she trying to achieve by saying that to me – Yu IlHan thought while dashing on top of the leopard's head to stab the spear on the wound where the muscle strands were coming out from.

"I have a short-term buff magic!"

A buff? It sounded quite attractive. When he gestured that he was listening without stopping his attacks, the Empress' voice came again.

"If I use it once, I'll deplete my mana. Can you definitely kill it!?"

"Just give it to me first!"

Yu IlHan shouted towards the empress who was shouting at him while standing on the helicopter by grabbing onto the door. She should have just given it to him, why is she talking so much! Isn't the stronget person here Yu IlHan!?

However, the Empress's next actions made Yu IlHan accept it.

"Then I'll believe you and leave it to you!"

With those words, the Empress, who jumped off the helicopter, had landed by grabbing onto his leg!

"The buff is all good, but it needs physical contact!"

"Did you mean that you will leave your life with me when you said 'leave it to you'!?"

Well, it was very reasonable for her to ask if he was sure to kill it! However, without even a moment for Yu IlHan to say that 'don't leave something so heavy with me', with a electrifying feeling, power boiled inside his body. The Empress's buff had worked right away!

[Thunder Spirit dwells in you. For 30 seconds, attack power, movement speed, and critical rate increases by 50%. With a fixed chance, lightning power dwells when attacking.]

[From the moment the buff ends, all abilities will decrease by more than half for 3 minutes.]

[This woman is considerably good for a human. Just how good is she with her control of mana to have both an attack and a buff despite being in 1st cla...]

There was no time to listen to Erta. It was because the moment he heard that the time limit was 30 seconds, Yu IlHan positioned himself with the bladed boots and started beating up the leopard's head.


"If we don't kill it, then they said they'll use a missle!"


And a mental buff from the Empress who aimed for that moment! He struck with his spear at a speed which made one wonder if this really was a speed of a living human.


The leopard's muscle strands shot up before cracking apart and bursting out in blood. Its pain filled scream became higher, but even if it had a heartwrenching behind story, Yu IlHan didn't even want to know. He only had the thought that he had to finish it before a missle flew at it and finished him off along with the leopard itself!

[Critical Hit!]

[Lightning Additional Hit!]

And while doing that, at one moment, when his spear flew towards its already deeply dug out head, it abnormally pierced through violently, and both a critical hit and a lightning attribute attack bursted out at the same time and a golden light colored their vision.

Immediately after, a huge amount of blood, which couldn't be said to be a result of a normal attack, soaked both Yu IlHan and the Empress at the same time.



[You have earned 784,983 experience.]

[You have become level 28. Strength, agility, health, magic increases by 5 points each.]

[You have earned the record of Lv87 Giant Leopard.]

"Puhu...Uh, it's dead."

[You've done well, Yu IlHan.]

To Yu IlHan, who was looking at the green text which floated on his retina, and was dumbfounded, Erta spoke with a tired voice. Despite it being less than Yu IlHan, who was the one who fought the fight, she had become mentally fatigued as she didn't know that a 3rd class monster would appear already.

However, in the end, they could finish it off before it evolved to a 3rd class monster. He thought that it might be possible if he worked to death, and it was possible. If Yu IlHan wasn't here, then as the Empress said, they might have to use a strategic weapon, and if they did, loss of lives and damage of properties would have increased rapidly.

"Is it really dead?"

"...You didn't receive experience?"

At the Empress' honest question, Yu IlHan questioned back dumbfoundedly, but the Empress who was still clinging to his leg, became dejected after hearing his words and replied while looking down.

"Now that I think about it… We didn't make a party..."

That was a really sorry thing. However, it wasn't something that he should be sorry about as Yu IlHan only knew about the concept of parties as he was a loner.

Instead, he had thought that they would earn experience according to contribution when the leopard died, but it wasn't like that. It was meticulously a winner-takes-all system.

[The duration of the buff ends. All abilities decrease by more than half for 3 minutes.]

With the buff being over, powerlessness assaulted Yu IlHan. It was probably because he drew out all the strength from his body.

He wanted to rest by falling down just like that, but on top of the leopard's head, it was extremly dirty with all the sliced muscle strands and splashing blood so he held on with all his might. At that moment, to make matters worse, the leopard's corpse fell down onto the ground as it lost all its power and made him lose balance.

Thanks to Erta, who thought that it may be too bad for him to die by being squashed under a monster's corpse and helped him a little, he could hold out a little.

"W, we won."

"We won! We really killed it with our own strength!"

We did it...We diiiiiid iiiiiiiit!"

"Sungdaein Bolt! Sungdaein Bolt!"

"Last carry from Empress was so awesome! Empress!"

When the leopard fell, everyone, who was at that scene, cheered excitedly. Whether it was the military personnel or non-military people, everyone was thinking the same thing.

We survived! We won! We did it! Earth will be able to push forward!

However, while everyone was cheering, only Yu IlHan's expression paled rapidly. As it was covered by the mask, the Empress didn't see that, but Erta ignored that and saw through his state.

[What is it, Yu IlHan? There's no more enemy now. You have won completely.]


He looked at his surroundings. It wasn't that he was looking at the destroyed buildings but he was looking at the wide back of the leopard.

At the hide which became tattered due to various magic and weapons.

"I can't make a new leather armor...!"

[Ao. I should really.]

And he said he didn't want to make a new one too! Currently, Erta truly wanted to smack Yu IlHan once.


Author's notes

The will of a master who's sad whether he has to make an armor or not.

Kn*ckl*s: A red hedgehog that comes out in Sonic Series. He's famous for being able to do mountain climbing fast!


Translator's notes

>"Fuck you, you nonsensical monster! If you want to to shoot a tentacle video, then bring an elf archer or a princess knight to do it with, not me!"

-Omg, this line is a masterpiece…lol

>While swearing when he was slashing apart the strands of tentacles...muscles, a flash of lightning blanched his vision.

-Princess knight is here! Oh wait…unfortunately(?) she's not a close combat fighter… (No, Chamber does not like tentacles.)

>With those words, the Empress, who jumped off the helicopter, had landed by grabbing onto his leg!

-Yes! The princess knight is here for real! (No, I repeat, but Chamber-kun does not like tentacle videos)

This is from the next chapter's 'author's notes' but experience is given to the MVP if there was no party playing. meaning that the one who dealt them most damage takes the experience, not the one who deals the last strike. So kill steal is impossible ????

You Want to Hunt With Me!? (3)

The first thing that happened after the battle was over was the rescue process. The people who couldn't escape to another world in time, the people who were injured during battle, people who were trapped under rubble... As the battle was big, the scale of casualties was big as well.

Yu IlHan and the Empress also went into rescue as soon as they got off from the body of the leopard, but the figure of Yu IlHan lifting up rubble weighing several tons easily after he looked feeble for 3 minutes due to the penalty time, was truly overwhelming.

"2nd class is really different."

"His mask changed, didn't it? Isn't that monster's bone?"

"Theeereee! Watch out for the buiiiiillding!"

When the rescue was about over, the huge leopard corpse also shrunk by about a half. Even though it was dereased by a half, the humans were agonized with the huge corpse in front of them.

It was because although the distriubution of the spoils of war was also a problem, there was no one, with high enough ability, who could do something about that corpse.

"I'll try it."


At the moment when one of the soldiers pulled out his knife, Yu IlHan, who just finished rescuing a soldier by flipping a Retona, objected and stepped in. Although he was a loner without social skills, he wasn't an idiot who would make losses with his eyes wide open.

"I think the ratio of the corpse I should get is the highest, though..."


Although it was good to fight the monster with one mind, with the spoils of war after the fight, in front of them, human greed will always appear. Moreover, as they had clear proof that they fought with their lives on the line, no one would want to forgo their rewards to another person.

The problem was that everyone here had put their lives on the line to fight.

Yu IlHan looked back at the Empress and asked.

"What's the fair ratio?"

As he couldn't judge, he had to request another person, but it was difficult to believe another person's judgement. So, he tried believing in her who left her life with him.

"60% to you, 20% to me, 20% to the rest."

Unlike at the fight, the Empress replied in a cold voice, and Yu IlHan, who heard those words, exclaimed.

The world has turned into one where it revolves around MVPs!

However, one had to say that her calculation was accurate as an entire district would have collapsed, much less the people in it, if not for Yu IlHan.

"Does anybody have any objections?"



Yu IlHan looked around and asked if they agreed to her words.

In fact, as they couldn't reject the two strongest people here, Yu IlHan and the Empress, coming out strong, they also couldn't tackle the Empress' words coming from experience when she was the one who fought more monsters than anyone in another world.

"60%, you say, hm."

Yu IlHan cool-headely judged. There would be a lot of parts on that body which was as big as the Brown Big Bear he fought, even after that leopard's body had decreased in size.

Even the leather, he wouldn't be able to make an armor, but that was the armor. He would be able to make partial armors or gloves, and boots and those kind of things; and as for the bones, there was no need to talk twice about it – it will become a splendid material.

And above all.

Yu IlHan nimbly jumped and landed on top of the leopard's head. Then, he shoved his hand, which was wearing a glove, into the wound he made with his concentrated attack to kill it. Then, he protruded the bone blade and efficiently dug up the flesh and muscles while looking for something. As a result.

"It's really here. I kinda expected for there to be one."

[As it's one who might have acquired a 3rd class so the quality of the magic stone must be considerable.]

The thing he took out was the magic stone which emitted a clear blue light. It was not rice grain-sized, nor was it soybean-sized, nor was it almond chocoball sized, and it was as big as a F*r*r* R*ch*r!

"It's a magic stone!"

"Whoa, a 2nd class monster's magic stone...!"


Yu IlHan looked back at the Empress and asked. Her calculations were worth trusting.

No, in this situation, there was no one other than her to believe in.

"How is it?"

"That looks about 60%."

Immediately after the Empress nodded her head, he naturally in-my-pocketed the magic stone.

"I'll take this so you guys take the rest by yourselves."

"No, but it's a magic stone..."

One of the soldiers raised his voice when he shrank back down after receiving the glares from his surroundings. The gazes of the people who thought Yu IlHan's achievement was amazing, and especially the gazes from those who were rescued by him, were sharp.

However, as humans were always foolish and and had always repeated their mistakes, there were quite a few people who were possed by greed at the big sized magic stone.

"Don't we have to at least calculate the magic stone differently!?"

"I also put my life on the line, I damaged it a lot too!"

"Our party claims ownership of the magic stone! We can't accept a distribution like this!"

The battlefield where everyone's will had become one had instantly turned into a mess where greed clashed with each other. How could the situation change so fast! Even Erta, who judged the possibilities of Earthlings highly due to the battle just now, was dumbfounded at this situation.

[As always, lower existences are no good. I was foolish for thinking that everyone is like you.]

"Even if you praise me like that, I won't give you anything."

[It's fortunate that you know it's a praise.]

Yu IlHan smiled at Erta's words and took out the magic stone which went inside his pocket once.

"Good, then let's do that."

"Hmph, you should have done that from the beginning."

"It's fortunate that you took it out before the situation turned ugly."

Just who was 'ugly' in this situation? Yu IlHan had such questions but he didn't say it out loud. They might be thinking that there was a problem with Yu IlHan taking the magic stone as the reward because they have a magnificent dogma and view of life.

Changing people's way of thinking is not easy. Most thought that they were absolutely in the right so no matter how you bring the truth to them, rather than snapping their thoughts, they even treat it as a lie and attack you.

Of course, this didn't only apply to them. Yu IlHan may also claim what is wrong as right some time.

And so, solving a dispute with words is in fact, impossible.

His mother, who realized that a long time ago, always told Yu IlHan this:

Why fight with words when you have those splendid fists.

Yu IlHan threw the magic stone with all his strength. The magic stone, which flew past everyone, flew and sunk deep, very deep into the leopard's head where Yu IlHan took it out in the first place.

It was a throw that will make a mark in history.



The moment they looked at the unbelievable scene, the humans all became quiet while reminding themselves of Yu IlHan's ability which overwhelmed the leopard throughout the entire fight, despite loooking slightly hideous at some times.

"Take whatever you want and give 60% to me."

Yu IlHan declared in front of those people.

"If there is even a little bit less than 60%, I will beat you all up so keep that in mind."

Yu IlHan lightly swung his spear and pierced the ground. The undamaged concrete floor cracked apart with a loud sound. Some might say it's a threat, but in truth, it was an action he did to gather attention onto himself fearing that the passive concealment would activate again.

Silence flowed for a moment, but it didn't last long. It was because they all knew that they'll lose even if they fight all together against Yu IlHan.

Especially when he had become stronger, much less recover his strength, due to levelling up by monoploizing the leopard's experience!

"...Take the magic stone."

"Do as you want. Shit..."

"We...were too greedy."

The abiili users who courgeously went up against him all backed off, scared. However, Yu IlHan didn't laugh at them or anything. Instead, he confidently went on top of the leopard's head, stabbed his spear, and reclaimed the magic stone without much difficulty.

That action, instead caused the people to shrink back more. It was because they knew that his leisure was not an act, but real.

"If you dismantle my share, then I'll give you 40%... Although I want to give you half, you took all the experience so to make up."

However, there was someone who who was living lively inside that frozen mood, and it was none other than the Empress.

Only she kept her pace regardless of what other people said. Like the time she hunted the monsters inside the campus.

"Which part?"

"Although I need the bones, I think it's better if you give me more of its hide."

After the conversation, which sounded like they were at the butchery, ended, Yu IlHan immediately started dismantling. As the Empress' share was 20% of the body, which counted as 40% after Yu IlHan took the magic stone, the Empress's share of 20% was half of the leopard's body!

After a calculation that was faster tha lightning, Yu IlHan started wielding his knife. It wasn't an exaggeration to call his skills of splendidly stripping its leather and taking out the bones, godly.

Especially his skills in stripping exactly a half!

Only 7 minutes and 30 seconds had passed for the huge leopard to be stripped of its leather by exactly a half. Yu IlHan's dismantling process was both unrestrained and precise so it was quite a spectacle, and the people could only look at it dumbfoundedly

The process was done.The high quality bones and leather which was piled up on one side was bigger than a person's height so it was truly a spectacle. The Empress quietly muttered while looking at that.

"I should call for a car."

Half of the huge leopard's corpse. Although she had only took the bones and leather without the poisnous flesh, the amount was absurdly high. Even considering that she had to give 40% of it to Yu IlHan, it was still gery large.

The Empress took out her phone and called somewhere. While looking at her doing that so naturally, he had already expected it but it seemed like she was from a considerably well-off familiy. Or that she had made quite a fortune by herself at such a young age.

Regardless of which, Yu IlHan wanted to distance himself from her as he could feel the aura of a social butterfly from her.

"Should I move your share as well?"

"I don't need it. I'll leave first."

The Empress, who seemed to have grown comradery while fighting together, as she showed good intent towards Yu IlHan, and Yu IlHan, who made an AT Field...A wall on his heart due to being uncomfortable with the Empress.


While he was producing an atompshere that he was about to leave naturally, the people panicked.

"Wh, what about our share!?"

"I don't steal from others so don't worry."

Yu IlHan retorted in cold voice. Of course, he knew very well why the people were trying to hold him here.

"We can't strip its hide by our stregth alone."

"Even if we do, it will get all tattered.'

"The boens too. How can we pull those out? Do you want us to cut the flesh apart?"

"I want to earn the reward and go to the other world quickly..."

When one complaint erupted, it spread around like wildfire. Erta muttered with a rotten expression when she saw the people who were becoming of one mind again after the fight.

[I feel skeptical about my work. Maybe I should go to the countryside and make a farm or something.]

"Please do that. While you're at it, please send Rita in your place too."

[...I'll try holding on for a while.]

Yu IlHan, who managed to shut Erta up, once again struck the ground with his spear lightly in front of the people.

"If you give me 50%, I'll dismantle it for you."

Although Yu IlHan was a loner, he was a loner with spirit.

To him, who did everything alone until now, there was no way he would be scared of 100 people or even 1000 people gathering up against him, when they won't be able to do anything.

"Why is it 40% for the Empress and 50% for us!?"

"That ratio is very strange from the beginning! It's just peeling work!'

"W, wait. If Sungdaein Bolt wasn't here, we won't even be able to get any spoils of war. Why are you so upset!?"

"Fuck, everyone's so brainless!"

"If you don't want it, then I won't. If anyone says no, then that's that."

While everyone was split into 2 factions – one that supported him, and one that rejected him – Yu IlHan turned around. In any case, he had enough materials. When he said to give him 50%, that was just to bully them.

Like the time with the Brown Big Bear, he tied the leopard's leather into a bag and put the bones inside.

During that time, a vote was happening between the people, but their opinions never narrowed down into one. Yu IlHan laughed at them and left the place without regret. He really didn't care about them.


"I have another thing I want to request you with."


Although he didn't know when a vehicle had arrived and when everything was loaded, while commanding the vehicle with her share of monster byproducts, the Empress was following him.

Yu IlHan was slightly touched as this was the first time in his life that he was followed by another person. Then, at his question, the Empress truly accurately looked at his eyes between the mask and spoke.

"When I concentrated without taking my eyes off you, I could find you. It's truly an amazing concealment skill."

Leaving Yu IlHan, who was getting all fired up to tackle that he didn't want to learn the concealment, the Empress spoke.

"I want to party with you. I don't think there's another person who's worthy to be my partner."

"But I don't think like that though."

Yu IlHan's wall around his heart was truly sturdy. However, as if she had already expected such a reaction, the Empress retorted without paying it much heed.

"Like you, I'm also thinking of being active on Earth inthe future. I'm not that weak to go to another world and do easy quests. ...You're the same right? I think that there will be an opportunity for us to meet again in the future, definitely."

Yu IlHan also thought that. Of course, it wasn't that he didn't go to another world, but that he couldn't.

The Empress held out her name card. The name Kang MiRae and the contact address, and there was a name of a company that he had never seen before. He could see that she was trusting Yu IlHan considerably as she gave out her identity even though Yu IlHan didn't expose anything about himself.

"Please contact me."

Then she left. He wanted to give high points to the Empress... Kang MiRae that she didn't bother him so much. Of course, there won't be a case where he contacts her in the future.

Yu IlHan, who truly became alone, in other words, got found by no one, shurgged his shoulders and muttered.

"Let's go home. I have a lot to make now."

[I knew you would say that.]

Erta sighed as if she gave up and pulled on Yu IlHan's hair. She meant for him to go home.

The Empress, and Yu IlHan all left the place. Without even realizing that Yu IlHan had left, the people were still in dispute, and the leopard's body, which looked considerably strange as just one half was completely intact, was also left there like that.

And at one moment.

The corpse of the leopard twitched a little, but nobody realized that.


Author's notes

A stereo typical foreshadow ina while.

AT Field : The wall of a heart that excludes other people. For more information, please refer to the animation, Evangelion.

It's not a last-hit-takes-all, but winner-takes-all. In other words, the MVP, who had the most influence in killing the monster will take all the experience. This will be mentioned again later.


Translator's notes

Nothing to say here.

You Want to Hunt With Me!? (4)

[To think a 3rd class monster is about to appear already. Just what has Earth come to already?]

"Go ask God for that."

At that time Erta, who didn't say a lot at the scene, started chattering 15 hours after Yu IlHan came back home, had a shower, did maintenance on his equipment, had a sound sleep, and went to work in his workshop.

[No matter how much I think about it by myself, I can't come up with a conclusion.]

"Even if you ask me, you won't come up with a conclusion. I said go ask God for that."

Yu IlHan, who already made the 5th Trap of Destruction, retorted while checking that the inlaying process was done properly. Of course, they were all products that didn't have mana crafting done to them.

[How can you be so calm? This is about your world. Do you know how big of a problem it is for a 3rd class monster to appear, when the soldiers on the front line of defense haven't even gotten their 1st classes yet?]

That was truly a huge problem. Currently humanity was acquiring strength rapidly by doing suitable quest's in the other worlds thanks to God's help, but even so, the balance of strength is still tilted towards the monsters' side.

Just what else could be done for the humans for the balance to be righted? Erta couldn't make anything out of it.

"It's not that I'm calm. It's just that even if I get nervous, I can't do anything. So I'm just doing what I can while eating popcorn."

Yu IlHan asked while finishing the check and picking up a new piece of harkanium.

"How about other countries?"

[According to the reports from other angels, there are none. The monster which showed signs of evolving into 3rd class only appeared in Korea.]

"Then isn't it due to the Trap of Destruction, as expected?"

At Yu IlHan's words, Erta became silent. It was because she also was predicting that this happened due to the activated Trap of Destruction in Korea.

The Trap of Destruction directly strengthened the monsters? Of course, such a thing wasn't possible. However, it could have become the trigger for it.

It wouldn't have been strange for the Trap of Destruction, which locked up countless monsters in the dungeon, it would have become a serious threat to those which didn't get locked up, and stimulate the berserking of the monsters.

[In other worlds, monsters were locked up in dungeons before they had the chance to become aware of it. Due to that, in truth, the monsters' evolution should've happened inside the dungeons.]


[Inside the dungeons, there maybe cases where a new, dangerous species appearing due to cross breeding, and although small in possibility, there may also be monsters which would earn a mutated record through fighting with other monsters and evolving...]

"Dungeons are fucking pandemoniums!"

Yu IlHan shouted in shock. It was true! Just because you lock them up in dungeons, it doesn't mean that the monsters are lying down, waiting for the humans to appear!

[However, if you lock them up, they will evolve not by eating humans but other monsters. Just that monsters don't fight each other unless there's a special case, so their growth deteriorates if you lock them up in dungeons.]

"So dungeons are necessary for humanity in many different ways..."

[If you know, then it's good. ...Well, it also means that you, who is making those things, is amazing too.]

"So, we've arrived at the conclusion that I need to make the Traps of Destruction faster, eh."

Erta had praised Yu IlHan, but he retorted blandly and put the harkanium inside the fireplace.

The Eternal Flame, which was now used to processing harkanium, intelligently raised its temperature suitable for processing harkanium while enveloping it, and Yu IlHan, who earned the wanted results in just few seconds, started hammering the harkanium as if he had forgotten all his worries.

Erta sighed while looking at Yu IlHan working when she shook her head when she was about to feel comfortable looking at his work. Yu IlHan working had the charm that would make one watch for one or two days absentmindedly.

[Do you feel well if you just keep making something like you're doing now?]

"No, well, it is enjoyable."

He had found the trick of making the Traps of Destruction after a few times, so counting just the form creation, it took a fifth of the time compared to the first time he made it. Yu IlHan retorted while bringing out the artifact's form without a single mistake.

"The reason I'm making something is to experience new things through that. Whatever it is, if it ends after just making it, then it's meaningless. Just this Trap of Destruction is like that too, isn't it?"

[...Is that so.]

Erta reminded herself that Yu IlHan was weak to new information and stimulation. It wasn't that she didn't understand why, but when she thought about the background behind why his personality changed to be so, she felt pity.

She was surprised at that fact, since she realized that just now, that she, a higher existence, had sympathized with Yu IlHan.

However, Erta, who didn't really hate that feeling, spoke to him purely intending to make him feel better.

[Become stronger, Yu IlHan. If you become stronger, then you will be able to see and experience new things. Endlessly.]

"Yeah. I'm also thinking of doing that."

Yu IlHan absentmindedly replied while continuing his work. Erta was dissatisfied with his absentminded reply, but she would've been shocked if she knew just how firm of a will was dwelling in his words.

When he made about 8 of those traps, the angels, who recovered all their mana, returned. When he mana crafted with the help of those angels, now, a 'vast' 'heavenly' Trap of Destruction was completed. Yu IlHan's mana crafting levelling up to level 11 was a bonus.

[Options were attached without fail. Just what level is his blacksmithing at?]

[Perhaps due to seeing how the Trap of Destruction was activated, his ability became better.]

[We will install this by ourselves. I will request you with the rest too.]

Thanks to getting used to mana crafting, completing the Trap of Destruction had also ended in an instant like frying beans with lightning.(E/N: this is my new favorite saying)

When the angels, who came like the wind, left like the wind with the Trap of Desturction, Yu IlHan, who watched their backs quietly muttered.

"I don't know which country it will be, but I hope a dangerous monter doesn't appear there."

Unlike when making the Trap of Desturction, there was no need for all the angels to go for installing them. Yu IlHan didn't go so Erta was also still on top of his head.

And she felt uncomfortable after she heard that.

[Just because a 3rd class monster appears due to the stimulation from the Trap of Desturction doesn't mean that it's your fault. Currently, you're doing an important and great task of stabilizing the current Earth. So...]

"I know. Thanks for minding about me."


Erta lost her words, and Yu IlHan stretched his body after putting down his hammer.

"I'm tired. I'll sleep for a bit."

[I need to stay with you anyway. For the activation of mana.]

"Yeah, whatever."

Yu IlHan had another shower after he came back home. However, he washed his hair and when he was about to wash his body with soap, he realized.

"...I feel like my body has become bigger?"

[You didn't realize that until just now?]

At Erta's words, he hurriedly looked at the mirror. When he became conscious of it, he could see it properly.

He had grown overall. He became taller, his shoulders became wider, and his arms and legs had grown longer by a tiny bit.

[You will grow more if you level up more and keep advancing classes so it will be bad if you get surprised now.]

"Don't you think my face became a little more handsome too?"

[Well, shouldn't it have changed using human standards?]

To a higher existence such as Erta, Yu IlHan's face wasn't a characteristic trait. The trait which moved her was not outside but inside.

Of course, she didn't intend to say that out loud, so she ignored Yu IlHan's nude fashion show. Even while thinking that he was over exaggerating things.

Yu IlHan had a nice sleep throughout the night.

The reason why he could keep his vitality is of course, something to do with finding something to do endlessly, but it also had to do with him being able to enjoy sleep.

His sleeping time, which wasn't too long, nor too short, gave him the strength to live a new day. Although, there were times where this 'new day' had become two or three days due to being immersed in training or work.

So, Yu IlHan was more proficient in sleeping than his spearmanship or his metalwork. If one had to pick the one who could sleep the most completely and efficiently, he might take 1st place in the universe. (T/N: may be multiverse)

And perhaps due to that, on Yu IlHan's retina, after he woke up in the morning after a good sleep, a line came up quietly.

[You have awakened Resting Lv Max. Efficiency of all acts of rest increases dramatically. If you have the skill evolution materials, you may evolve the skill to the next stage.]

"Wow, what an alarm!"

Yu IlHan shouted while kicking the blanket. He didn't know that such a skill existed!

When Erta, who was sleeping on top of his head, woke up and saw the situation, opened her mouth wide, dumbfounded.

[Resting skill? Just when did you learn a skill with a difficulty of acquiring rank of SSS!?]

"SSS rank? This thing is harder to learn than R*s*ng*n!?"(E/N: this author is crack up)

[Just how did you learn it? Even I didn't learn it yet! Moreover, I heard that levelling it up was more difficult than acquring it...]

Yu IlHan replied honestly.

"I researched how to sleep more comfortably at nights in those several centuries."

[There was a reason I couldn't acquire it...]

"Beds are science!" (T/N: a popular advert in Korea. "Beds aren't furniture. Beds are science", refer to 'I make them – 3' chapter)

[Shut up!]

This was the moment Yu IlHan counterattacked for the inventory magic!

"But what do you use this skill for?"

[For sleeping and resting well, of course.]

"If it's just that, there's no way you should be so shocked."

Erta obediently spilled the beans when she heard what Yu IlHan pointed out sharply. Yu IlHan was well-versed in this, perhaps due to reading so many books and now had the ability to read the meaning behind actions. and in the first place, she also didn't have any intention on hiding it.

[Well, it did become the time for me to explain to you about skill evolution.]

"Oh, as expected."

Awakening, in other words, it was just that the Akashic Records haven't realized, but the Resting Skill was already on Yu IlHan from the beginning. and a max level one at that.

However, Yu IlHan had no memory of getting any effects from this skill. Moreover, he had only awakened it now even though he had slept everyday. In other words, it means that the usability of this Resting skill is very small.

Also, if the ability's effects ended with just that, there was no way Erta would have become so fussed about it when she always talks about being a higher existence.

[Skill evolutions are an extension of skill acquiring, and it's a type of achievement, and it has a similar definition to advancing classes.]

The answer lay in the 'skill evolution' that appeared when the said skill is trained to the limits.

[It could be said to be a guidance from the Akashic Records to offer a new path of a higher order with the special records that the existence has piled up until now.]

"I'm alright so say it easily as you always did."

[The skill becomes so OP that it makes a plastic surgery ad of 'Before & After' laughable.]

"Good, much better."

The skills that had the conditions fulfilled for evolution that Yu IlHan had were Close Combat, Spearmanship, Concealment, and lastly, Resting.

Dismantling and Blacksmithing were both Max as well, but these two didn't have a next stage. In other words, it meant that Yu IlHan's techniques had already reached the peak.

[Let's forget concealment since you can't even use it as an active skill, and let's exclude close combat and spearmanship as well since the requirements for evolving them are too difficult for your current level. This is also the reason I didn't mention anything about skill evolution until now.]

"So Resting's a bit different, eh?"

Yu IlHan's point was correct. The skill evolution materials for Resting skill that Erta knew was different to the evolution materials of other skills.

[Why don't you check? You already know how to use status windows, right? It's sufficient for you to think up that you want to know the materials for skill evolution for the Resting skill.]

When he obediently did as Erta said. All the requirements for evolving the Resting skill had appeared in front of his eyes.

[The hearts of monsters of sleeping 2nd class monsters 0/500]

[Troll's blood 0/500 litres]

[Good sleep 0/100 hours]

[3rd class monster's magic stone 0/1]

There was a quest that didn't seem possible even if all the 7.4 billion people of Earth were mobilized.

Author's notes

The arc hasn't ended yet! This arc is slightly long ^^

Yu IlHan has the niche for rhyming. (T/N: Lost in translation, in fact I couldn't find them in the raws, blame my eyes)

What's the main meal for those monsters if they don't eat other monsters? It will be mentioned in the future, but the answer is mana!

Rasengan's acquiring difficulty is A rank.(E/N: pretty keen on seeing that acutally)

Erta's role is to help Yu IlHan awaken and use mana. But this isn't something he can learn just because he's taught! Just by Erta, a higher existence, being next to him, his mana is stimulated and activated so that the 'speed of adapting to mana' which originally should have taken him several years, is speeding up rapidly. Erta sticking to him is just because of that on the surface! I tried to explain using the chapters but it seemed like my explanations were lacking T^T.

The motif for the resting skill was taken from the trolls from mabinogi. It was the first time I saw a monster plopping down on the ground to rest in a game. (T/N: I don't play mabinogi)

Translator's notes

You know, for the skill evolution, I remember being so shocked when I first read it, but now that I read it, it doesn't seem difficult.

You Want to Hunt With Me!? (5)

"You said it was different!"

Yu IlHan shouted, enraged at the unfair reality. However, Erta also shouted with a justified face.

[It is different! Why don't you take a look at the skill evolution condition for spearmanship!]

He did as she said.

[Instakill a 3rd class monster with a piercing strike 0/500]

[Instakill a 3rd class monster with a slashing strike 0/500]

[Magic stones of 3rd class monsters 0/200]

[Magic stone of 4th class monster 0/1]

"Oh my Xel'naga."

As Erta said, it was definitely different. And it was the difference between Mount Baekdu and Mount Everest! (T/N: Mount Baekdu is about 2.2km high)

"That doesn't mean that it's easy to climb mount Baekdu!"

[I thought it will be easy for you.]

Erta had evaluated him correctly, but perhaps due to his force he emited when he was making the Traps of Destruction was too big, she was now inclining towards overevaluating him.

"No matter how high my status is and how high my martial art levels are, in the end, I'm just level 28, and I can't use mana."

[Oh yeah, you were like that, weren't you. 3rd class might be a little difficult for you.]

The wall of mana was absolute. According to whether one could use mana or not, the power one could produce differed like heaven and earth.

The reason how Yu IlHan can produce an attack power that can overwhelm other people is due to the peak level martial art that was trained to the peak and went over the piled up status on his body. If he was lacking in any of the two, he would have been overtaken by another person.

In reverse, if Yu IlHan acquired the ability to use mana in this situation, then the definition of 'levels' and 'classes' that the Akashic Records, which ruled the worlds, may be shaken by him, much less the life forms.

That day will arrive soon. It must arrive.

Erta realized that she was inwardly looking forward to that moment and she stopped thinking. Even during that, Yu IlHan was tidying up his bed, washing his face, and changing his clothes while complaining.

"Just where do you want me to go kill trolls? Do they even appear on Earth?"

[Monsters don't only refer to the existences evolved from the original animals on Earth. If mana activates, the monsters that didn't exist on Earth will start apearing. It's the same as ores that weren't on Earth appearing. Like a lobster cannot live on other environments than 1st class waters, there are many life-forms which cannot live unless the concentration of mana reaches a certain point, in this universe.]

"Did you major in the faculty of explanation or something?"

Yu IlHan cleared things up while complaining at Erta's perfect explanation. Even if he goes out in pajamas, no one would realize him due to the passive concealment, but he didn't want to admit that as he even put on the Direwolf Skull Mask.

"Let's see."

The reason he turned on the TV just before he went out was because of the thought that the TV may broadcast him the results of the Trap of Destruction that should have activated yesterday. Erta told him to not mind about it, but how ocould he? A master had to take responsibility for the item he makes.

However, on TV, a scene out of his expectations was being broadcasted.

"...Isn't that the scene where I fought two days ago?"

[You mean the square you left the Giant Leopard's corpse.]

The view of the video was shaking as it was taken from a helicopter, but the scene the camera was showing was without a doubt, the place a lot of people, including Yu IlHan had fought the gigantic leopard.

Some high-rise buildings had collapsed miserably, and in some places, even the rubble matched so this wasn't a recording.


"To think they divided that up in such a short period of time. That's interesting."

He couldn't find any traces of the huge leopard's body, even after he rubbed his eyes. the mountains of leopard meat that Yu IlHan had left on the scene was also gone. With only traces of the battle, the corpse, and the large number of humans had cleanly disappeared.

[...It may be a bit different to what you're thinking.]

At that moment, Erta spoke with a slightly stiff voice. When Yu IlHan was about to ask back while tilting his head, he could hear a voice from the screen.

[The place which had the 2nd class monster's corpse, is, as you see, clean. It had disappeared along with the people who were fighting over the spoils of war after the battle.]


It didn't take long for Yu IlHan to realize that something was wrong.

[Some are saying that a dungeon had opened and swallowed them. The authorities are mentioning the possibility that a dungeon's entrance may have opened in the middle of the city, and are cautioning not to approach this area and...]

The broadcaster's words continued, but Yu IlHan couldn't focus on that. His eyes trembled.

"There's no way it's a dungeon."

[So you know well.]

Erta nodded her head. Her expression was frozen codly like an ice field.

[The dungeons in Korea have already gone through their 1st activation. If new monsters appear due to the activation of mana, then there maybe a possibility of new dungeons appearing at that time, but it definitely isn't now.]

"That means."

Immediately after Yu IlHan muttered. The camera screen which was showing the ruined city, instantly colored black with a loud crash sound. Immediately after that, the screen changed to the news desk and showed the dumbfounded news caster.

The news caster tried to hide the ripples, and said 'It seems there is an accident at the scene' and was proceeding to cover it up, but Yu IlHan had already seen through the situation.

"There was another monster."

[...So you saw it.]

"Of course I did. Its strategy seems familiar."

Yu IlHan had acquired almost all martial arts and methods to move his body in 1000 years. However, this was limited to human techniques, there was no way he would be able to realize the technique that monsters used.

However, Yu IlHan had seen through it. What did this mean? The answer was already there.

Concealment, it was a master of concealment.

"It was definitely a leopard. And it was a pitch black one too. ...Erta, you."

[I didn't know either. The giant leopard was definitely dead, and you even procured its magic stone. 99.99% of monster hunting end at that point.]

"What about the 0.01%?"

[If it was pregnant with a child.]

"I knew it."

Yu IlHan facepalmed. He felt like he would collapse just from that so he had to endure while clenching his teeth.

The black-furred leopard that appeared for an instant on the screen, was the child of the Giant Leopard that died 2 days ago.

[If you dismantled it properly, then this wouldn't have happened. In the end, this is a disaster that was called forth by human greed.]

"I had to take a step back at that time."

[Although it's true that the black leopard was born as a result of you not dismantling it, but that doesn't make you responsible for that disaster.]

To Yu IlHan, who was muttering bitterly, Erta retorted with a bitter smile.

[You can't make a mistake about that. Please look back at the reason why you had no choice but to leave that corpse there.]

"I have no regrets about my actions then. However, I can't take the deaths of countless people lightly. Among them, there were some who I rescued, and some who showed me good will, and some who intended to take it fairly."

Yu IlHan's despair was bigger than she thought. Erta still hadn't understood him fully. Erta despaired for a bit when she realized that obvious fact just now.

She thought that she wanted to console Yu IlHan. After that, she thought about why this situation occurred. Just why did a higher existence such as her couldn't see through the existence of that monster.

[If you want to talk about mistakes, then it's with me. I should have thought more deeply about the reason why the Giant Leopard had gone in a frenzy.]

"So it was to hide its offspring?"

[It's definitely to hide its child in its womb that it had gone in a frenzy when it was near death. Originally, it might have fooled humans, but it shouldn't have fooled me but...]

Yu IlHan thought up of the black leopard's figure which appeared on the TV screen a moment ago.

"Concealment. This is the reason why you couldn't find it."

[Yes. It's an amazing condition. Even I don't act while thinking that a frenzied monster had a child and that child's special ability is concealment.]

Moreover, Yu IlHan, who had max level dismantling and could dismantle even a huge animal's body in a short time, didn't completely dismantle it.

Thanks to the humans' skirmish, the dismantling of the huge monster was postponed, and as a result, the black leopard was born safely and had...

Thinking like that, it wasn't an exaggeration to say that the birth of the black leopard was a miracle.

"I wish that it wasn't, though."

Yu IlHan asked while looking at the panicked and sweaty expression of the news caster inside the screen.

"Is it a 3rd class?"

[Considering it's abnormal concealment ability, it probably is.]

At Erta's report, Yu IlHan heaved a sigh and turned the TV off. It was just a moment ago when he concluded that he couldn't win against a 3rd class monster, and now… he felt frustrated.

However, he couldn't leave it like that as if he did, there was no knowing how many accidents it would cause. Moreover, although he might be taken over by the people who were doing quests in other worlds, Yu IlHan was still the strongest on Earth. If he pulled out saying he couldn't kill it, then just who would be able to confront it?

Finally, although there was no one looking for him to be responsible for this, Yu IlHan himself couldn't stay still as he felt disturbed. To Yu IlHan, who always thought that he should clean up what he's done, that leopard was a mess that he had to clean up with his own hands.

He thought up of the figures of the soldiers who were looking at him with admiration, and the figures of the people who cheered after they survived the ordeal.

He subconsciouly clenched his fists.

"I should prepare."

[Are you confident?]

"It maybe a bit difficult to deal with it alone, but if I make the necessary preparations, it isn't an opponent I should fear so much, is it?"

Unlike the Yu IlHan, who always thought up his path of survival first, he looked very spirited. Erta slightly wondered at that fact, but the reason for Yu IlHan's confidence was extremely simple.

It was because the ability of the leopard, which is expected to be 3rd class, was concealment.

If it was a case where its stats were all put into strength or defense, then he wouldn't know, but if its special ability was concealment, then there was no reason to fear! Since Yu Ilhan, who had mastered concealment without even training for it!

Immediately after Yu IlHan showed his confidence, he asked Erta with a careful voice.

"...It's not awesomely strong in strength and defense even after all that, right?"

[Your predictions are correct to a point so don't worry. It's impossible for an existence to show exceptional ability in all areas. That's especially the case with monsters. In that leopard's case, to gain its high concealment ability, its other stats would have decreased.]

"So it's like that, eh..."

Yu IlHan thought and left the house. Just by his feelings, he wanted to kill it after levelling up massive amounts, but he couldn't let it free in the middle of the city. if it was a dungeon instead, then he might have left it alone, but as it was a living, and a 3rd class monster specialising in concealment at that, he couldn't do that.

Kill that monster after making equipments optimized for killing it in as little time as possible and kill it. This was the best method. If that didn't work, then he would just run.

Also, there was another method to decrease casualties while killing it.

"A man shouldn't speak two things with his mouth though..."

But there was no helping it. There were a lot of things in this world more important than a man's pride.

Yu IlHan licked his lips even while unhesitatingly heading towards a public phone booth he had marked beforehand. Then he checked the ID card that he received two days ago, and entered the Empress', Kang Mirae's, phone number, clumsily with his fingers.

This was the beginning of the strategy to save the front line with the dropout and the Empress.

Author's notes

Oh my Xel'naga : In the starcraft world, protosses treat their creators, Xel'naga, as their God. and this line became famous from that. Oh my God! – it's the same nunace as that. Of course, Yu IlHan isn't a protoss!

The most awkward thing in the scenario progress is the fact that Erta didn't notice the existence of the black leopard. A mere 3rd class had deceived a higher existence with concealment!? I will be thankful if you just think that it's a result from the mother leopard's frenzy. You should know from the flow of my story, but in this story, human effort or parental love can easily surpass the limits

There were many readers who predicted that the child of the leopard would appear. However, it's not a pet! It clearly knows the enemy of its mother! (T/N: Don't blame my translation for those who thought it was a zombie)

It doesn't mean that he will get in to a permanent party just because of the shared plan with the Empress. Whether you want a party with her, or not, please watch!

Translator's notes

People are taking a liking to Erta now, eh? Me too. I'm just like you. Rita ftw, Erta ftw, Empress go away. Will there be new girls? Should I spoil?

Also, it seems like when MC dismantled 'half' of the giant leopard for the empress, it seemed like he had cut the 'front' half, and not the 'left' or 'right' half.