31 - 37

I Also Go to Dungeons (3)

[You have earned 548,701 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 74 Big Metal Heart.]

"That was easy."

Yu IlHan, who smashed the Big Metal Heart into smithereens in one strike landed on the ground lightly with the pile bunker while muttering. However, immediately after that, he was dumbfounded after looking at the state of the bone bullet which was completely nailed in the ground.

It was good that the bullet shot out powefully after receiving the elastic power of the Giant's Rubber Band in full strength, but not only was it deeply embedded on the ground to the point that only the head peeked out a little, there was even a large crack over its body. As he knew how hard the Shadow Leopard's bones were, it was even more shocking.

There was one thing he knew from this.

"The bullets are one-time use...!"

[I wouldn't be able to accept it if there weren't such prices.]

The situation was different from the time he hunted the Giant Leopard or the Shadow Leopard. At that time, there were people helping him, and especially, the help from the Empress, who could use strong magic helped out alot.

However, now what? No matter how his physical body and techinques were abnormal, he just ended a monster twice his level in just a single strike!

"How can I retrieve the bullet? No, now that it came to this, should I make a frag shot under the premise that it's unretrievable?"

[Just retrieve its heart.]

Erta urged Yu IlHan, who, Befitting of a blacksmith, was designing a new weapon. He retrieved the bigger and brighter heart of the Big Metal Heart, compared to the ordinary Metal Hearts, and briefly tested its strength.

It was amazingly durable.

"Hey, it's much stronger than Metal Heart. Isn't that insane?"

[The final evolution form of Metal Hearts, the King Metal Heart, is a metal that boasts of superior durability even in worlds one level more advanced than Earth. Although, as a 4th class monster, it won't appear in this dungeon.]

"You were surprised with just the Big Metal Heart appearing, though?"

[Khm! It's just a coincidence. I can accept that the monsters which were already on Earth had evolved abnormally, but these monsters are in the end, new monsters appearing on Earth! This Big Metal Heart is the mutation. From now on, we wouldn't be able to meet any more of these!]

However, Yu IlHan thought while loading the 2nd bone bullet on the pile bunker. If she says that, the opposite will definitely happen.

Aaaaaannnd, as expected, they ended up meeting the second Big Metal heart in a cave deeper inside the dungeon.

[Fuu... Fucking Earth. Nothing is going the way it should be.]

"Tell me how much of the dungeon is left."

[Wait a bit.]

While wondering whether to take out the pile bunker or not, Yu IlHan urged Erta. Originally, it was forbidden to leak the information on dungeons, but in truth, Erta, who helped Yu IlHan until now, honestly told him the information. If she said it was the reward for the quest, then there was no reason why it wouldn't work.

[We're only half way there.]

"Ok, let's seal the pile bunker first."

Yu IlHan had the confidence to end something like a Big Metal Heart in one go if he used the pile bunker, but the little ammo left weighed on his mind. Even in novels, weren't there cases where the MC got beaten up by the last boss due to using up all mana, or ammo, or potions?

Although Erta strongly claim that that won't be the case, no matter how he thought about it, there would be a monster stronger than the Big Metal Heart at the end of this dungeon, so he couldn't waste the bone bullets now.

However, the ancestors of all times said this – 'Saving up is wasting'. The other obvious pattern in novels were that they get beaten up while trying to save up.

Should I use the weapon at this time? Should I drink a potion at this time? The characters in novels meet countless split paths and are urged to make a choice.

No matter what they chose, if they survive, they are the main characters, and if they die, they are side characters. Sometimes, the main character just dies, but then, the popularity of the novels just dies as well, so that was an exception.

However, Yu IlHan was neither a main character, nor a side character, but a dropout. So, the choice he made was neither the pile bunker, nor going just with his body.

It was the other weapons he brought.

"Violent Thousand Bomb Hammmmeeeeerrrr!" (T/N: Doraemon reference)

[Violent Thousand Bomb Hammer]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 1,974]

[Ammo – 3/3]

[Option – Spreading force of the frag bomb increases by 30%]

[Durability 1,120/1,120]

Yu IlHan shouted while taking out a hammer which had a massive lump of metal one one side, unlike the heavy battle crusher from last time from the cross bag. Of course, he was still under concealment, so he didn't get noticed by the Big Metal Heart.

[Why did you make a nasal sound just now?]

Yu IlHan ignored Erta's question, and gripped on to the weapon with both of his hands.

This weapon was the masterpiece small scale weapon made from the Giant's Rubber Band.

On the head part of the hammer, a cartridge with the Giant Leopard's and Shadow Leopard's sharp bones inside was installed, and it would be loaded after installing the Giant's Rubber band and pulling it with all his strength.

After that, if an enemy was hit, the rubber band will shoot from the shock of the hit, and make the cartridge explode. Countless bone fragments will dig into the enemy's body. This was such an evil weapon!

As a weapon no different from one which fused close range weapon and a frag bomb, it naturally far surpassed modern frag bombs.

The point which was better than the pile bunker about this was that due to the rebound from the rubber band, the cartridge at the back of the hammer will be automatically loaded. What was even better was that Yu IlHan had about 50 of these cartridges!

[A person like you who fights joyfully should be rare too.]

"It will be impossible in just one strike. I need to attack before it splits its body and attacks me."

Before jumping at it, Yu IlHan simulated his movements inside his head. Although a simulation would become much more complex if the enemy can move, as he knew that he could hit where he wanted for the first strike, it was quite smooth.


With a strange shout, Yu IlHan kicked off the ground. Like the time he confronted the last Big Metal Heart, he jumped after the 3rd step.

Following that, he smashed down the hammer right in the middle of its body and with a popcorn popping sound, the cartridge exploded!


The weapon activated successfully. The thousands of durable sharp bone shrapnels dug through the hard metal, and a bone-shivering sound resounded while they broke everything in their path.

Immediately after it recognized the strong attack, the Big Metal Heart soundlessly expanded its body and assaulted Yu IlHan!


Before he even landed, he was about to get swallowed up by the wave of metallic fragments, but before it assaulted him, the lumps of metal seemed to twist around and in the end, they clashed into each other and collapsed just like that.

There was no need to mention the reason. The countless number of bone shrapnels which dug throughout is body had hindered it.

While lightly swinging the hammer to nail the bone fragments into the Big Metal Heart's body, Yu IlHan landed smoothly. Then, he watched its state while stancing himself to attack again.

However, in conclusion, that was for nothing.


Although the Big Metal Heart was moving while dividing the metal clumps that made its body as much as possible, the bone fragments which dug through deep inside its body gave an effect of binding it while hindering its movements, just by being there. It was like scattering salt onto a snail crawling on top of lettuces.

It was an effect which overturned Yu IlHan's imaginations of thinking 'it would be able to break it since it's just some frag bomb, right?'. However, He tried his best to look cool and shouted.

"Of course, this Yu IlHan had calculated everything from the start!"

[Don't lie.]

"You got better..."

[If one's partner is you, then anyone would become like me.]

Now, he had no reason to use the Thousand Bomb Hammer. Yu IlHan mercilessly struck down with his axe the Big Metal Heart which was crawling around while spreading its body, trying to assault him, and not long later, it collapsed by itself.

[You have earned 579,192 experience.]

[You have become level 40. 1 Strength, Agility, 2 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

He had become level 40. He levelled up twice in one day. Even considering that he had holed up in his workshop making weapons and Traps of Destruction, for one month, his level should be at the forefront of humanity.

Since there won't be many who would kill 2nd and 3rd class monsters for levelling up.

And as he knew that, he was worried for the other returnees.

"Are the other humans levelling up well?"

[At least, the Empress should be doing well. Don't worry.]

"That is that, but I'm worried about my parents."

[You do seem to worry about the Empress.]

Erta picked on something unexpected. Yu IlHan asked her while asking her.

"Why are you worried about the Empress? Did some other angels give her a quest or something?"

[No. It's not that.]

With that, Erta shut her mouth. Yu IlHan was supsicious of her behavior, but as he wasn't interested that much, he didn't dis any deeper and just retrieved the heart from the Big Metal Heart.

After that, Yu IlHan kept exploring the dungeon, but only Big Metal Hearts came out and unlike his imaginations, Great Metal Hearts, Huge Metal Hearts, Giga Metal Hearts and such evolved forms didn't appear. At least, Erta was right on that.

As he levelled up by a little while exploring the dungeon, and got used to the new weapons in combat, he inwardly expected a little to encounter a 3rd class monster at the center of the cave, but was disappointed as he only found Big Metal Hearts inside the innermost area. In contrast, Erta was relieved that a 3rd class monster didn't appear for real.

[We've cleaned it up so it should be fine to leave it alone for a while. Let's come here again if we need more metal later.]

"At that time, it will be good if I can encounter King Metal Hearts."

[...At least, we should come after you can use mana.]

The Big Metal Heart that was at the centermost region(It was almost lv 80 unlike the others, of course it was sent to hell with a single strike from the pile bunker) was cleared and after that, Erta used something like Angel's Authority or whatever to check the Trap of Destruction which made the core of the dungeon. During that time, Yu IlHan checked over the spoils of war and the equipments he had used in the battle.

[The age of the Trap of Destruction for this dungeon is quite old.]

"Is there a problem with that?"

[No. Anyway, it's a trap to seduce new monsters, and not the original mosnsters that was left out with you, so it won't be a problem even if it was created from God's power. It's just that I was surprised that the Trap of Destruction was quite older than I had thought.]

Erta muttered saying that she was just curious and it had no problems. Yu IlHan also lightly nodded and passed her words in his mind.

Of course he also thought that an enormous accident would erupt relating to this. This was definitely a foreshadow. And an amazingly blatant one at that.

[It's really nothing!]

"Ok, ok. I will put effort into levelling up so that it would be alright even if a dragon pops out of this dungeon."

[Auuuu, I really don't understand if you're trustworthy or pathetic!]

Two weeks had passed since he had entered the dungeon. He crawled out of the dungeon after having acquired a useless skill that he would be able to realize what flavor jerky it is even if it was opened 200m away.

The number of Traps of Destruction that he made additionally with the angels who looked for him was 8.


Now, all the Traps of Destruction have been installed on Earth.

Author's notes

Violent Thousand Bomb Hammer! (A cat robot saying this while taking out a hammer from its 4 dimensional pocket) (T/N: Doraemon reference)

A sharp MC who does not fail to catch a foreshadow

Translator's notes

Kek… sponsored chapter eh? I want to TL more, but now is time for homework… why do uni profs gimme homework… I hate homework…

Editor's note

Thats why im quitting uni

I also go to Dungeons (4)

The less than 30 Traps of Destruction that Yu IlHan made were installed in various places throughout the world, and changed the properties of the already existing Traps of Destruction which were installed on Earth by God and the Angels, but could not efficiently attract monsters, to fit the property of Earth.

When thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of dungeons activated in order, no matter how many years the monsters endured and developed specially on Earth, they couldn't hold out.

Like that, the monsters which were in cities or highways, and such utilities used by humans, started disappearing. Now the world was stabilizing.

[Several countries in Asia, following Korea, Japan and China are stabilizing.]

[In other news, there are reports that restrictions have started to appear on the quests that could be received in other worlds. The higher existences, as said by the other worlders, are seemingly...]

It was troubling for Earthlings to only do quests in other worlds, when monsters are now trapped in dungeons on Earth, and even new monsters, which weren't seen on Earth, were now appearing. The higher existences, with God as the center, were probably limiting quests in order to make them return to Earth.

It was very effective, and even now, it was making the number of returnees increase.

"No wonder it's so noisy."

Yu IlHan turned off the TV and muttered. Even now, he could hear some noises outside the workshop. It wasn't the small noise made by military police patrolling. This was a noise made by lively human interaction.

"I wonder if my mother and father have come back yet."


Erta nonchalantly replied, seemingly not interested. It was no wonder, as she was focused on the equipments that he had just finished making now.

[Did the options attach?]

"Yeah, probably. I was half sleepy so I couldn't confirm, but I think the message was quite long."

In fact, the reason he turned on the TV was to put off his sleepiness, other than information gathering. Erta wasn't a person to chitchat.

The reason he was tired? Simple. It was because he hadn't slept a bit after he came out of the dungeon.

Now that the work with creating Traps of Destruction, had ended, to celebrate(?), he concentrated in blacksmithing with the Metal Hearts' and the Big Metal Hearts' hearts. To be more exact, he couldn't stay still due to his body being itchy for work.

No, to be more exact, now that the creation of the Traps of Destruction was finished, he didn't know when the angels would come for the blacksmithing tools he had, so he hurried even more.

Anyway, as a result, before the angels came for the tools, he safely completed all work.

"It might have been even better if there was a magic stone."

[The form which their magic condenses into are their hearts. Including Metal Hearts', the metals which are able to be acquired from monsters are called Core Metals, the equipments made with Core Metals need less mana in mana crafting.]

"It's easier for an option to be attached too. right?"

[You understand well. Just thank me for telling you such an information before such a metal was monopolized by other people.]

"Nah, just give me the rest of the rewards."

Yu IlHan retorted while grumbling and checked the things he had made.

First, the most important thing was the defensive equipments. From a helmet to a pair of boots, to make a fullplate armor that covers his entire body, he invested almost all of the hearts of Big Metal Hearts.

Befitting of a higher metal, they were horribly hard and were terribly hard to melt, however, Yu IlHan had experience in handling harkanium, which far surpassed Big Metal Heart's heart by several levels. The Big Metal Heart couldn't resist against the perfect harmony of Yu IlHan and the Eternal Flame, and was instantly melted and processed.

The next was a weapon. The steel spear, which suffered a lot until now, should rest. Leaving aside an entire Big Metal Heart's heart for his spearhead, he invested Metal Heart's hearts without restraint and made a spear entirely made of metal. Since he was at it, he also made a greatsword, and a warhammer.

He wanted to make a single weapon of every kind he could use, but it wasn't like the hearts of Metal Heart were abundant in quantity so he restrained himself after that.

He also made new ammo for his pile bunker. He made the bullets by sharpening monsters' bones, which he had plenty of inside his workshop, and he covered the points with metal to make their piercing powers increase. Using all of the bones he had, he made close to 100 bullets.

He made ammo, so could he leave the pile bunker body alone? He wasn't able to dismantle everything, but he touched some inner mechanisms and underwent an additional processing, only able to be done with metals, an awesome weapon was finished.

In fact, he wanted to make a new set of blacksmithing tools to replace the current steel anvil and the hammer, but as Erta held him back, he refrained from doing so. He had a guess as to why she restrained him.

"Anyway, I'm done with all my work now? I didn't miss anything out, right?"

[Really, such a tenacious human.]

"If you're saying that, then everything's done, eh. I should wash up and sleep."

[Are you not checking the information of the equipments?]

"I'll do that after I wake up. I don't think anything will enter my head right now. Leave the rewards for then too."

Yu IlHan placed the hammer he held for over 24 hours on the anvil and softly wiped the top of it. As he had been with this tool for over one month, he was too disappointed to be apart from it.

"Wait for me, I will definitely bring you back from them."

[You don't have to speak like a main character saying farewell to his lover.]

"You know me too well."

[I said you were just too simple.]

Yu IlHan dropped his attachment to the hammer and the anvil and stood up. He had already placed all the equipments he would use in the future into the Cross Bag. (T/N: I think I will capitalize Cross Bag from now on)

However, as he was about to gather all the equipments, steel spear included, which he would never used later, he suddenly could see the obedient Eternal Flame flickering.


Yu IlHan lifted the leather armor up thinking 'what if'. The Eternal Flame emitted a strand of flame outside the fireplace as if sticking its tongue out.

"Do you want to eat this?"

The flame flickered. Yu IlHan asked Erta.

"Can I feed this to it?"

[The Eternal Flame is no pet… It's alright to feed it. There is also experience and record dwelling inside equipments. At least, it won't damage it.]

He had no people he knew, so he wouldn't be able to pass this equipment on anyway. Yu IlHan immediately threw the leather armor into the fireplace.

The Eternal Flame burned, like a chick opening its mouth, and swallowed it, then it started trembling like it was excited. He then threw the weapons he made from monster bones, and those he wouldn't use anymore to the Eternal Flame, and finally, he also unhesitatingly threw the steel spear at it. (T/N: !!!)

The Eternal Flame swallowed everything and seem to burn everything cleanly, when it burned while emitting a blue light at one moment.

"What the heck. Is it levelling up or something?"

[It's similar. Didn't I say that the Eternal Flame burns for eternity and grows. But to think it proceeded to the next stage already…]

It wasn't like he wasn't curious how and to what extent it had grown, but anymore was a limit to his consciousness.

Yu IlHan waved his hands about twice to the Eternal Flame, which shook its body as if it was delighted, then left the workshop to head home through the noisy streets.

He couldn't see his parents yet. Did they not come back yet? He suppressed his worries and took a shower.

He wiped his body and looked at the mirror and thought useless things like 'didn't I become more handsome?' and dived on to the bed to sleep.

When he woke up, the house was filled with the fragrant smell of a meal. At that moment, Yu IlHan inwardly heaved a sigh of relief.

[Both of them came back safely. Good for you.]

Erta seemed to have noticed his such thoughts as she said that. He smiled and put on his clothes. When he went to the living room, his father was already eating his meal.

"Why are you hurrying, father?"

"I need to go to work, now."


Work as soon as the stabilization was done! and it was still night! To the frightened Yu IlHan, his father spoke with a bitter voice.

"The limits on the financial transactions have just disappeared. All the late companies will be left behind, and if I don't go to work, this father will be left behind by society."

At the conversation where households collapsed and society collapsed, Yu IlHan's heart also collapsed.

"I heard that assistant manager Kim of our department decided to leave the company and was going to be a hunter since he had some talent in mana. Son, I'm sorry I gave you bad DNA, but please learn mana and become a hunter."

"How about you, did you advance?"

"I barely got to 1st class. Those monsters are so scary."

Yu IlHan felt that he might cry as he could feel his father's sadness. There was one thing he could do to his father.

"Here, father."

Yu IlHan gave his father a thin metallic inner wear that he made while making his own armor.

That was made from the heart of the Big Metal Heart, which was harder than any material on Earth right now, along with the essence of metalworking that Yu IlHan trained for more than hundred of years. If anyone checked the information, all the ability users and rich people would want to exchange it using mountains of gold.

"What is this? WHAT!"

Yu IlHan's father also possessed enough intelligence to judge the worth of the armor through the information, so he asked Yu IlHan after he received it, seemingly in disbelief.

"Son, where did you get such a precious item? I lived for 10 years in Heishia and I haven't even seen an Item like this."

"I was lucky."

"You take it. Such a precious item, this father can't receive it."

"I also have one. I also have one for mom too."


Although he was a bit sorry, this was much more amazing than the one he gave to his father.

The one he gave to his father was in the end, a clothing he could wear under his clothing, to protect his life in emergency. However, Yu IlHan's full-plate armor was designed to be mobile during battle, and also, ordinary shock would only tickle him – it was an armor for battle.

"Thanks, son. If you've earned 3 of these, you've long since gone past the level this father should worry about. It's good. good."

"Wear it when you go out. If you wear this, even if a 2nd class monster used its strongest attack, you won't be hurt."

"Ok, thanks."

While Yu YongHan was emotional, feeling proud that he had such a son, Yu IlHan's mother came out from the kitchen. She was holding a dish in each hand, and they were both unseen on Earth. As if she had noticed that, his mother explained.

"This mother only received cooking ingredients as quest rewards. Sit quickly, son. You haven't eaten yet, right?"

A housewife's scale of quests were completely different. He had a lot of things to say, but as it was true that he was hungry, Yu IlHan obediently sat down and ate. The worry he had in his heart were cleanly washed away while eating the delicious food.

"I knew my wife's food is the best."

"Just eat and go to work. Take this opportunity now that the monster alarm isn't going off."

Yu IlHan ignored the married couple's banter and ate his meal. Now that he was eating his mother's cooking after all the cheese flavored jerky and the beef flavored jerky, he felt like he was dragged up to heaven from hell.

"I heard that the educational institutes including universities are restarting tomorrow. Son, are you going to go to school?"

However, at the point that his father was about to leave after finishing his meal, his mother's attention was moved on him. At his mother's sudden question, Yu IlHan fell into thought.

University, eh. There was a time he missed such things.


However, it wasn't like that now.

The longing of a thousand years had already been solved. Now was the time to go forward rather than look back.

"I don't think the things I need would be at that place in the future."

"Ok, I understand. Do the things you want, son."

His mother, who knew better than his father of his abilities, refreshingly nodded her head at his decision. Yu IlHan also replied with a smile.

While standing after his meal, he passed a protective armor made from the heart of a Big Metal Heart to his mother. However, his mother was more interested in the Cross Bag that he took the armor out from rather than the armor itself.

"That, is the best item for shopping."(E/N: I can just imagine a Korean mum going on a rampage, robbing the whole shop)


Was she trying to rob an entire supermarket? Yu IlHan cut off his mother's eagle eyed gaze on the Cross Bag and decided to leave the house as soon as possible. Now that he had decided to ditch university, he wanted to move actively and assure his parents.

Therefore, his first priority now was 2nd class advancement.

"First, shall I wear the armor and go to the workshop?"

[We're finally checking the options. I was about to die from curiosity.]

It was the line from Erta, who bought Yu IlHan's blacksmithing skills higher than his battle ability.

Yu IlHan took out the armor from the Cross Bag while smiling at Erta's cute urging in expectation. At that moment, the item name appeared on his retina.

['Shiveringly' 'Hard' and 'Secretive' Black Full-plate Armor]


Yu IlHan asked Erta in a small voice.

"Is there a case where three options appear?"


Erta replied positively. Then she sighed and added.

[From this moment on.]

Author's notes

History is not to be followed, but to be made from now on.

Translator's notes

-Blame Editor for spelling mistakes. It's his job.

-I swear people are going to be disappointed about the steel spear…

To spoil a bit… not all of his weapons he made before he made the steel spear have disappeared… there is one… which… (I won't spoil, if you want spoilers, ping me in discord)

-Also, the item info, and conversations, do they look better detached or put together? (This chapter or previous chapters?)

-In other news… TNC chapter 240… the feels man.. the feels…

Editor's notes

soz soz, so busy lately >. <, I try, but you have so many mistakes

Overflow (1)

[Shiveringly Hard and Secretive Black Fullplate armor]

[Rank – Legend]

[Defense – 4,800]

[Options –

40% increase in defense

30% increase in attack power when attacking in surprise.]

[Durability 2,550/2,550]

[A peak master's masterpiece made with only Big Metal Heart's and Metal Heart's hearts. It's a masterpiece whether in regards to defensive power, appearance and attack aids.]

This was the moment when Yu IlHan made the first legend rank item using his blacksmithing skills. This was a rank higher than unique!

Although the 3 options were shocking, the contents of those options were a bigger shock. Forget the higher defensive power compared to the leather armor he was wearing, there was even a surprise attack increase option!

As a Blurred Lancer, Yu IlHan already had the ability of his attack power increasing by 10% when in concealment. Attacking when concealed was obviously a surprise attack, so when he attacks in surprise, that meant a 40% increase in attack. If he used a spear? It nicely becomes a 50%.

[In my opinion.]

With the fullplate armor which had an absurd ability, in front of her, Erta opened her mouth.

[The 'shiveringly' alpha option must be increasing the effect of the other two options.]

"So it's an option that increases other options' effectiveness. So that's why it's possible for 3 options to get attached."

[Who knows? In fact, I also don't understand. It's the first time I've seen anything with 3 options in my lifetime. Moreover, this armor had no mana crafting done to it!]

That was true. No matter how easy for items made with Metal Hearts' hearts to get an option, it seemed that the fact that there were three options attached to an item which didn't even have any mana crafting done to it, was quite a shock to Erta.

[Isn't it that your title 'Creator of Myths' might have made the impossible surpass its limits to become possible? However, even though I'm saying this, I'm not quite sure of it myself. The future history will be made by you.]

"What the hell. That sounds so scary. I want to live a long, thin life."

[Just who is saying that... Rather than that, Yu IlHan, do you have any thoughts in selling the equipments you made to other peoople?]

"Well, a little bit."

It was just that that only applied to when his customer could notice him.

[Never, ever, sell an item with 3 options to others. Exposing your ability anywhere is too dangerous. Okay?]

Then what if I get 4 options? – Yu IlHan wanted to lightly joke like that, but since Erta's expression was very serious, he wordlessly nodded his head.

At the same time, he was touched that Erta had opened her heart to her to the point that she would seriously advise him.

[Three options… Uuu, to think there will be a day I will make a new word.]

"A new word?"

[...I declare that the third option will be called the gamma option!]

He looked forward to it a little, but it was a name without any surprises whatsoever. He tried his best to not tackle Erta's words by opening the door to his workshop.

When he did, as he had expected, he saw that the scene inside his workshop had completely changed.

[...You don't seem to be that suprised?]

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm weak in pretending to be surprised. Should I do so now?"

[Fuck off!]

Of course, the originally lent items such as the hammer, anvil and such metalworking tools have long since gone. However, as if to replace it, tools made from a black metal which he didn't recognize were inside his workshop, not the ones he himself had prepared.

Even the fireplace where the Eternal Flame was burning was changed to a bigger and more complex one.

[Heaven marvelled at your exceptional ability and the results. Heaven has decided to reward you with what you, who has achieved par to, no, surpassing all expectations, with what you deserve. The tools in this workshop right now are made from metals which only appear when Earth evolves two levels more. Although it can't compare to the tools lent from heaven, even if you acquire harkanium, you would be able to process it with these tools.]


Yu IlHan was satisfied with the feeling he felt when stroking the new hammer and the anvil. No matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't be able to make these kind of materpieces with the Metal Hearts he had. It was due to the limitations in material.

Seeing him like it, Erta also smiled and spoke.

[I thank you for your work from the bottom of my heart. Yu IlHan, the quest was completed sucessfully.]

[Quest from Heaven 002. Creating Traps of Destruction, mission complete!]

[All statuses increase by 5.]

[Since you have completed the quest surpassing all limits, additional rewards are rewarded.]

At that moment, a more delightful news could be heard.

[The rewards aren't over yet.]

4 levels' worth of status, refurbishment of his workshop, information of the Metal Heart Dungeon, Cross Bag that acts as inventory. Even though he might be treated like a thief, Yu IlHan was also feeling insufficient with just these.

When he looked at Erta with shiny eyes, she, with a serious face, took out an item from her inventory.

[Record of Extreme Poison Resistance Skill.]

"No way!?"

He predicted that it would be a skill the moment he saw that the item was shaped like a book. Even in games, skills acquired from external sources usually looked like books.

Yes, he wasn't suprised because the reward was a skill. It was because the content of the skill was very shocking.

"Isn't this very hard to learn!?"

He was expecting poison resistance to a certain extent, but this was extreme poison resistance!

When Yu IlHan exclaimed in shock, Erta laughed with a 'fufu' and spoke.

[So you do realize how much it's worth. Not only is it hard to learn weak poison resistance, it's extremely difficult to evolve it to extreme poison resistance. The difficulty rank of acquiring weak poison resistance is A rank; its training difficulty is about S rank.]

[At first, we were planning to give you weak poison resistance. However, as your abilities surpassed what we thought, it was increased to weak poison resistance, and as you succeeded in reducing the amount of harkanium needed, it had become extreme poison resistance.]

"Thank you...!"

[If you have extreme poison resistance, you will be able to ignore 4th class monster's poison. Please notice its value.]

"Now I can chew troll meat without worries!"

[...Yeah, well, that isn't wrong.]

Erta looked like she was a bit fed up, but Yu IlHan had no interest in that. He grabbed the book and closed his eyes in excitement, and his predictions weren't wrong and the words [Will you absorb the essence of the record?] appeared on his retina.

When he expressed affirmation without hesitation, the book soon emitted light and gradually lost its weight.


[You have learned Extreme Poison Resistance Skill.]

Opening his eyes, there was nothing in his hand. Replacing that, a clear change occurred to his body. Now he had the confidence that he would be fine with the poison from monsters' body. Now he didn't have to be teased with [If you have resistance!] anymore!

Although the one to do that was Erta, now that he acquired Extreme Poison Resistance like this, he did feel that those were trivial.

"Erta, I love you!"

[Yeah, whatever. I knew you'd say that.]

Erta nonchalantly passed his confession like nothing, and continued speaking.

[Then, then, I will give you the last reward.]

In fact, it didn't seem like she was entirely effected. Of course, Yu IlHan was already possessed when he heard that there were some rewards left and didn't realize that Erta had bit her tongue.

[The last reward is also another piece of information.]

"Good, let's go straight away."

Yu IlHan gladly nodded his head the moment she said that. Erta was confused since she hadn't mentioned a single word about the dungeon when Yu IlHan guessed correctly like it was nothing while he was checking the contents of the Cross Bag.

"It's info about the troll dungeon anyway, right? So, where is it?"

[I really hate you…]

Erta grit her teeth while looking at Yu IlHan who had godly wits in reading the situation due to reading books for several hundread years. However, as he was correct, she couldn't retort.

Now that it came to this, she just decided to obediently tell him the location. It was because this was the best comeback.

[Troll dungeon is in America.]


Dungeon location info attack was very effective!

Yu IlHan's vision became black.

"That's strange, I opened my eyes, but I'm not in the P*k*m*n center...!"

[The place you're going to is not the P*k*m*n center but America!]

Erta grabbed Yu IlHan's escapist mentality. Yu IlHan looked at Erta with the gaze 'do I really have to go to America?' but she just mercifully(?) smiled and nodded. He hated such smiles.

[We have to go to Arizona in America. Well, then. Let's hurry up.]

"Wait, Erta."

[What is it?]

To Erta, who really did seem confused, Yu IlHan replied with a faint smile.

"I don't have a passport."


Yu IlHan travelled all the world in several hundred years, and he had even visited Arizona before but he had no passport. Although it was more correct to say that he didn't need one, even Erta's two eyes blinked a few times at the unexpected situation.

[Making a passport and going to America will require at least 5 days. Oh my god, what are you going to do if the troll dungeon is cleared in that period? You'd have no choice but to wait for another troll dungeon to appear or for trolls to reproduce in there.]

"It's alright."

However, for some reason, Yu IlHan was very confident.

"Although I have officially neven passed through the gate, if it's now, I'm full of baseless confidence that I can pass through the gate without other people knowing!"

[Bullshit baseless! That's called illegal trespassing!]

Yu IlHan cleanly ignored Erta's words. Sometimes, there comes a time where humans have to sacrifice small things, for example, their conscience or their morals, for something bigger.

This was Yu IlHan's such moment!

[No matter how cool you wrap it with words, it's still a crime!]

This was the moment when Yu IlHan's stowaway plan had begun.

"I will be out for a few days."

As he couldn't honestly say that he would stowaway to America, Yu IlHan just said that. Although his mother was a bit suprised, she didn't stop him.

It was because from the time he had declared that he would quit university, or perhaps even before that, she was vaguely aware that he was doing something.

"Yes, be careful on your trip. Don't forget your meals too."

"Don't worry, mom."

He couldn't say 'I have extreme poison resistance so I won't die even if I pick something up on the street and eat it'. He even more couldn't say that he was looking forward to which part of the troll meat tasted the best!

Yu IlHan didn't do something like wearing his armor on the street. He just wore the same metallic innerwear that he had given to his parents, then hid it suitably with a leather jacket and black jeans. Finally, he perfectly his his identity with the direwolf skull mask.

[Even if you don't do that, they don't even recognize your concealment, just wear your armor.]

"You don't know how I fell."

With the outfit that felt like a boy in puberty might wear, Yu IlHan left his house and headed to the airport.

Although airways were open after the world had stabilized, not only there were very few flights, the price was also astronomical. That was because a few fighter jets would accompany a flight due to the danger of aerial monsters. They were ability users belonging to each government!

While reading a few articles on the internet related to that, Yu IlHan muttered foolishly.

"Just what bait did the government give them for them to go there?"

[Yu IlHan, please remember that what you may consider worthless may be very valuble to others. You will get hurt if you keep judging with your own standarsd.]

"Erta said something correct, wow...."

To go to Arizona, one had to exchange flights mid way. The quickest flight stopped in Los Angeles, so Yu IlHan also decided to take that flight.

He succeeded in getting on board without problems.

"Amazing, modern inspection system can't even recognize my concealment skill!"

[Even modern magic would probably not notice it...]

His stowaway looked very smooth. In fact, it was very smooth.

Yes, until he arrived in Los Angeles.


"It's a monster army, a monster army is destroying the city!"

The moment he arrived at the airport, he heard something very bad. People were running around everywere, and the flights which were scheduled to fly were changing to delayed.

Yu IlHan quietly spoke after he looked at the people who ran around like the zombie apocalypse had happened.

"Erta, your next line is 'I think there was a mistake'!"

[I think there was a mist... Whoa!?]

Although he said that, Yu IlHan had no plans in blaming Erta. When everything happened as he had calculated, humanity would have never suffered in any way.

As God wasn't omnipotent nor omniscient, there was no way that the angels under God's command would be omnipotent or omniscient either. They did their best for humanity, so only humanity could bear the accidents that happen despite everything.

Yu IlHan wore his armor and held his spear.

Now was the time to overcome the first 'Overflow' on Earth.

Author's notes

MC reads the plot…

In the Pokemon series of the nintendo game, when you lose in battle, your vision becomes black and you get moved to the front of the pokemon center.

What should I hide, I like the main character of Jojo's bizzare adventures 2nd season, Joseph Joestar the best!

Item's ranks are normal -> rare -> unique -> legend -> epic -> chaos, in that order (T/N: I think I saw 'God' somewhere though…)

Translator's notes

….Kill me. Kill me now.

Editor's notes

what chamber said

Overflow (2)

[The characteristics of an Overflow is very distinct. They are comprised of mostly mutated monsters and not the original ones, and disregarding their numbers, they're clearly stronger than the original monsters. Also, they absorb the energy of the Traps of Destruction to cause enormous damage to reality by manipulating space.]

"Are you sure it's an Overflow that's happening now?"


Erta turned her head to look outside. In the middle of the city, a massive boulder was bursting from the ground.

[The only thing that can change the external environment is an Overflow.]

"So you mean that monsters are trapped in the isolated environment known as a dungeon, but monsters appearing due to an Overflow make the external environment a dungeon itself, right?"


The humans inside the airport were moving around busily. Although the people lacking fighting ability were confused as to what to do at the beginning, from some time onwards, they were directed by the military police to head towards the shelters, and the ability users were making parties to prepare for battle.

Even outside, endless siren sounds, the helicopter in the air, and the engine sounds of armored vehicles were alarming the people of the battle.

Yes, now there mustn't be any accidents where several hundred and thousands of humans were sacrificed, anymore due to the sudden appearance of monsters.

Even as Yu IlHan ran outside the terminal, Erta's explanations continued.

[As one of the characteristics of the Traps of Destruction is that it would not activate once the dungeon is complete, Overflows are very easy to occur when the world has just evolved and the time when dungeons appear. Of course, there are also other reasons such as side effects of a grand magic, or the destruction of a dungeon, but it shouldn't be like that right now. The problem is.]

"The problem is?"

[Entities appearing due to an Overflow have the potential to make another Overflow occur by reacting with a nearby dungeon. In other words, if we don't annihilate them completely, another Overflow may happen at another place.]

He thought 'please no more' but another foreshadow was coming. Yu IlHan realized the moment he heard those words. That there definitely will be a monster that will escape today, and another Overflow would occur due to that monster, and the clean up will be his job!

What the fuck is this? Why is it that Yu IlHan must suffer like this!? He was already sad since he couldn't go to another world!

"Wow. The world really is a shit game."

Yu IlHan suffered to make those Traps of Destruction and now, that was too much and an Overflow occurred? The chain of patches and bugs doesn't end!

Moreover, this happened coincidentally when he came to Los Angeles, and he didn't come here to gamble or for tourism, but only to exchange flights but an Overflow still occurred! And what? If one escapes, another Overflow may occur? He was frustrated since everything was so dirty!

There was only one way for Yu IlHan to vent his frustration.

"Give me a quest. Give me one with a lot of rewards. I'm serious."

[I..I will.]

As Erta noticed that he was annoyed, and she obediently nodded her head.(E/N: oooh is that a flag?)

[Originally, when an overflow occurs, Heaven would move. They would give out quests to the humans who participated in stopping the Overflow, and give them rewards according to their contribution.]

"The rewards are?"

[Status points are a given, and according to the achievements, one may even receive a skill. Although it won't be to the point of extreme poison resistance.]

"Good, got it."

The moment Yu IlHan accepted the quest, one of the exits of the terminal exploded.

Beyond that were reptilian looking monsters who walked on two feet, and spat fire with their big mouths. The chaos at the airport increased by another level.

[Kuu...Records, I look for records.]

"Wow, it really looks like a side mob."

[Even though it looks like that, it's a mutated 2nd class monster which can use special abilities, be serious!]

Erta spoke those words to make Yu IlHan more serious, but Yu IlHan wasn't that nervous.

Because he was overconfident? No, he was just confident.

"Speak those words after you see my armor."


"I didn't only make armor."

He held a spear which emitted a faint black light and leaped.

[Deathgod's black spear]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 2,400]

[Option – 30% increase in critical hit rate and damage when attacking by surprise.]

[Durability – 1,700/1,700]

[A unique masterpiece made by a master smith using Big Metal Hearts' and Metal Hearts' hearts. As a spear tempered for only one person to use, it has the death god's power to sever all life from darkness.]

Since the monsters which invaded the airport obviously couldn't notice him, and Yu IlHan looked around and nailed his spear on the head of a monster which was looking for a sacrifice by while falling down from above.

[Critical Hit!]

[You have earned 418,703 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 62 Flame Lizard.]

Yu IlHan put took back his spear while landing. As the effect of a single strike with the options of both his armor and spear combined were truly amazing, just a single spear strike was enough to drill a hole all the way to its groins.

"Fuu, a good strike."

[There's no magic stone. Let's just put the entire thing away in the bag and dismantle it later.]

The insides of the airport were full of people who were preparing to stop that monster without damaging the facilities as much as possible, and people who were cheering for them.

In that situation, the monster suddenly fell down, and a man wearing iron armor had appeared, so they couldn't not be stunned.

"Just who is that person?"

"That's an amazing armor. I also did quests earnestly, but I never acquired a full plate armor like that."

"He butchered a monster with a single strike. Just what kind of amazing skill did he use?"

He really wanted to retort that it wasn't a skill, but Yu IlHan suppressed those thoughts and put away the corpse into his cross bag. Due to the noise at the entrance, the monsters' gazes all headed this way.

Although there were monsters who haven't found him and those who found him and expressed their anger, one definite thing was that Yu IlHan must run outside!


He held his spear properly and ran towards the exit. Immediately after that, he found that a massive flame was heading towards his way. Yu IlHan was sure that it was the attack which destroyed the exit.

If he wanted to dodge, he could. By his standards, the speed wasn't that fast, and even if he dodged, it seemed like there won't be any casualties. However, he didn't avoid it.

"I'll try getting hit by an attack."

[This pervert!]

It was only to measure the defense of his armor and to think about how to prepare for the attack. He ignored Erta's insult and received the flame with his armor, and momentarily, he felt a flaming heat covering his entire body.

However, that was it. The flame just flickered off like that.

"Oh my god, he blocked that flame!"

"That armor is truly amazing!"

Yu IlHan checked the damage on his armor and arrived at a conclusion that he would be fine getting hit continuously. If so, there was only one thing he needed to do.

He turned his head. Buildings were being destroyed from all around, people were running away, and ability users were confronting the mutated monsters known as Flame Lizards.

However, most of the humans weren't 2nd class, and they didn't even have the assuring armor that Yu IlHan was wearing, so they were moving around busily to avoid the Flame Lizards' flame attack. As there were mages who could use shield magic, they were taking the limelight.

"Hey, cool armored knight! Don't you need a defense magic?"

"I don't need it."

To a handsome mage who spoke to him with a posh English accent, he replied with a cool voice, then he kicked off the ground. It was because a lump of flame was flying towards the back of a warrior who was fighting with a Flame Lizard with a sword.


When the warrior screamed a single syllable, Yu IlHan had already blocked the flame after appearing right in front of her. The warrior who saw the situation tried to express her thanks to Yu IlHan, but he was already kicking off the ground immediately after blocking the flame.

[Kuuu, record, strong warrior's record!]

"Give me your records!"

Although the flames they used didn't affect him one bit, one must return twice the amount one received to be satisfied!

Yu IlHan looked at it and struck his spear inside the Flame Lizard's circular mouth!


"Hey, these sound similar to human."

It wasn't a critical hit, nor was it a surprise attack so it didn't die in a single strike. However, as its mouth was pierced with a spear, it was being dragged around as Yu IlHan swung his spear so it couldn't fight back anymore either.


[You have earned 420,918 experience.]

Yu IlHan unhesitantly swung his spear upwards to make its head explode. He severed the life of an over level 60 monster with just two actions.

[Kweeeek! A strong warrior, the strongest warrior here!]

[If we eat his record.]

[We can evolve, evolve, we can evolve.]

Not all monsters were crazy about records and evolving. However, monsters from Overflows all had some place they were lacking. They were scarier and repulsive.

The humans seemed to understand that as they drove them more fiercely. It was different to the past where they were one-sidedly pushed. Now, a fight between them and humanity was possible!

"Thank you for saving me. You truly have an overwhelming strength."

The warrior defeated the Flame Lizard she was facing with the help of her team members approached Yu IlHan and expressed her thanks.

Yu IlHan could feel the increase in the party members ability when he saw that she defeated a 2nd class monster, albeit in a party.

"How should I repay this..."

Although he didn't realize until now due to the helmet covering her face, the thin voice made him predict that it was a woman.

Of course, that couldn't make Yu IlHan flinch since he had high standards due to spending a thousand years with an angel!

"From now on, please watch out for your back in battle."

Yu IlHan only left a small advice and left, but he clearly heard words that the warrior and her party spoke.

"So cool."

"A cool guy."

"His voice is cool."

Yu IlHan boasted about a bit.

"I knew I am not so bad."

[Of course, only if you hide your face that is.]

Erta's comeback was as quip as ever.

As it wasn't wrong, Yu IlHan couldn't retort and could only shout loudly to find opponents to vent his anger.


Of course, that wasn't just for venting anger. As he couldn't use the effect of a surprise attack now, he intended to attract aggro from the monsters to raise his contribution. He had the confidence to not flinch even if he was struck by several of the Flame Lizards' attacks.

However, there weren't any monsters who would react to his voice without mana or whatever. It was because they were all destroying buildings or fighting other humans, and doing their best in their own places.

[Amazing, you killed so many and yet you still get ignored. You really are amazing!]

"Shut up."

I will definitely ask for a warcry that I can activate without mana. – Yu IlHan firmly resolved and kicked off.

If he couldn't attract aggro, there was only one method. This was the start of the death god delivery service!

Author's notes

The explanation on Overflows came out when making the Traps of Destruction right?

Normal attacks are too strong to the point that they look like skills, lol

Translator's notes

'Tackle' = 'Tsukkomi'

'Deathgod' = 'Reaper' (Deathgod translated literally and reaper written in English)

This chapter was funny…. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Especially that blatant foreshadow…

Overflow 3

It was like a storm of blood.

[Kwek!] (T/N: 'Kwek' is like croaking… they just die)


Whenever the dark spear, which absorbed even the scorching rays of the sun, blood scattered through the air and monsters' heads flew into the air.

[That human is too strong!]


It wasn't easy to find Yu IlHan before and after the battle.

However, as the battle was ongoing right now, Yu IlHan was moving flashier than anyone there. It was because blood was scattering on his path.


[You have earned 432,729 experience.]

[You have become level 44. 2 Strength, 1 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

"Wow, they're popping out endlessly."

Yu IlHan lightly shook his spear to throw away the Flame Lizard's corpse and shook his waist to accurately put the corpse into the cross bag at the same time. The cross bag didn't match with the cool design of his armor, but its power of taking in anything was impressive.

[It's not the time to kill them one by one. Yu IlHan, the basics of Overflows is to defeat the leader first than to exterminate the small fries. There must be an entity which proactively makes the environmental changes occur. If we don't kill that, then the monsters will keep generating.]

"Yeah, exterminations sounds so easy in this environment."

Even while sighing, Yu IlHan moved his body according to Erta's words. As the Flame Lizards didn't differ too much in strength individually, if there was a leader, then it would clearly stand out from the rest.

The problem was…

[Kwek! He's here!]

[We have to kill him first!]

[Record, strong human's record!]

…that Yu IlHan's mob aggro tactic finally saw the light and they were gathering towards him!

"Ahhhh fuck, annoying things!"

Yu IlHan held his spear with one hand and swung it widely to sweep away the ones approaching him in one go, and he ignored the lumps of flame flying at him and kicked off the ground. No, he just received the lumps of flame with his spear and struck!

"I said get lost!"

[Critical Hit!]



The spear strike at the same time as his thunderous roar became a fatal hit and blew away the two heads of the two approaching him. It was very contrasting to the other ability users' parties confronting Flame Lizards with difficulty.

"Get out of my way!"


It was to the extent that the people watching him were refreshed. He was the guy who raised morale and reduced enemy morale by just his presence alone!

If they knew the fact that Yu IlHan couldn't wield mana yet, then they would all exclaim in shock.

"Fuu, haap!"

The moment the monsters all lost their lives and fell onto the ground, Yu IlHan kicked off the ground and leaped high.

With just pure strength, and to the height that it would be unimaginable to think that he was carrying the cross bag with enormous weight!


"It's a cool skill, but can he really use it properly?"

The only man who jumped several tens of meters into the air in a battlefield where flames and magic flew around all over the place! He attracted all the gazes of the humans and the Flame Lizards instantly. There were no Flame Lizards who weren't trying to attack him with a flame.

However, in the short moment Yu IlHan stayed in the air, he scanned all the humans and the Flame Lizards who were battling on the ground. He ignored the monsters who were proactively participating in the battle, and found the culprit which was changing the normal city into rocks!

"Found it."

Yu IlHan whispered lightly and smiled. Immediately after that, his body started falling down due to gravity.

He weighed several tons right now if considering the cross bag! However, he balanced his body and put strength into his spear to control the falling angle, when he struck his spear to the Flame Lizard on the ground which was right in front of him.

[You have earned 411,118 experience.]

Thanks to using the power of gravity, his spear sliced the Flame Lizard in half like cutting tofu. Due to the frighteningly destructive strike, the monsters around him shivered.

[Don't your legs hurt?]

"Mhm, I transferred all the weight into the spear so I'm alright?"

[Your methods of controlling strength...]

…has surpassed the bounds of a lower existence – Erta suppressed those words.

No, she couldn't make her arrogant. If she said that and made Yu IlHan place a limit on himself, Erta wouldn't be able to handle the consequences.

Instead, she praised him nonchalantly as always.

[if you become able to wield mana, then it might be worth looking at.]

"I mean, when is that."

[It won't be long. Definitely.]

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Hap!"

Yu IlHan grumbled and kicked off the ground again. He had already grasped the location of the enemy. So he set his path to the shortest possible route and ran straight while slashing all the Flame Lizards on his path.

The death god's black spear was efficient in both slashing and piercing. If a delicate hand movement was added on top of that, there was no choice for the monsters other than losing their lives without knowing how they lost their lives.

[You have become level 45. 1 Strength, 2 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

"Hey, I'm doomed. I really won't be able to wield mana before my 2nd job."

[If it's you, you will be fine until level 100!]

The moment they exchanged words, something flew towards him. Flames? No, it wasn't a child's toy like that. It was a big part of a building.

"Hey, dodge! It will explode if it makes contact with the enemy!"

Someone warned him. It will explode when it makes contact with the enemy? Yu IlHan looked back.

Coincidentally, he saw a few Flame Lizards not too far away.

"Get Over Here!"(E/N: hehe Mortal Kombat)


Yu IlHan forcefully grabbed the Flame Lizard, which was trying to resist by spitting flames, and threw it towards the lump of the building. One splash, two splashes, three booms!

Boom! Boom boom!

The moment Yu IlHan threw the 3rd one, the building couldn't endure the shock and exploded. As the power of the fragments was considerable even though Yu IlHan was standing far away, the thrown Flame Lizards would be gone without a trace.

"Wow, there was such a method."

"Good kids don't do that."

While the humans were dumbfounded watching it, Yu IlHan was mesmerized by the grand explosion and muttered.

"Wow... Art is an explosion."(E/N: naruto reference right there)

[I knew you would say that.]

Due to the huge explosion, the lump of the building, the obstacles around, and the Flame Lizards all disappeared without a trace. Thanks to that, Yu IlHan could meet the clean battlefield.

The first thing he found was a huge monster which was in a different league with the other Flame Lizards. With the height of about 3m, the scales covering all his body were threateningly pointing outwards.

It was probably that which threw the massive lump of building at him. It was snorting while looking towards him and it was funny that its breath became flames and spread around.

There were also monsters guarding it. Although it was unknown how many of them died during the battle, there were 5 guards right now.

They were all a head taller than the ordinary Flame Lizard, and they even had a dangerous looking weapon, such as axes or greatswords, each. Moreover, despite being lizards, they were even wearing armor.

"Hey, is that better than Metal Hearts?"

[You're even thinking about stealing monster's armor...]

"You crazy? It's not for me to wear. I'm gonna melt them down and process them."

It wasn't only monsters in the middle of the environmental change. Ability users numbering less than ten were also confronting the monsters.

Although he noticed the moment the man's warning came, there indeed were some people who were trying to take out the source of this problem.

"Wow, that's a full plate HaJin-oppa! Full plate! So cool!"

"Don't be so excited, YuNa."(E/N: TMM readers, is this a reference?)

Although he was surprised that there were some Koreans amongst them, as he covered up his identity using his armor, there was no need to mention that he was from the same country, so Yu IlHan shut his mouth and approached.

"These guys are strong. If we approach any further, then we'll be considered enemies!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? We're already considered enemies."

Yu IlHan chicly replied to one of the people's warnings and approached another step.

However, at that moment, a rock pummelled up from his foot. The end was sharp, to the point that it would skewer a human!


[What? They used environmental change to attack!?]

Erta shouted in shock. However, that wasn't because she was worried for Yu IlHan, but due to the shock at the monster's intelligence to attack with the Overflow's effects.

Of course, the situation where Yu IlHan became a human skewer didn't happen. He was balancing himself on top of the sharp point of the risen rock. There was no way a mere rock would pierce the essence of the Big Metal Hearts!

"This is laughable for me who even fought against waves to kill the Moby Dick!"

[Stop acting cool!]

However, the next moment, the risen rock exploded and Yu IlHan couldn't joke around anymore.

"That idiot!"

"Tch, when it's making something explode, it can't move. Although it's a pity that he died, we have to atta...ck..."

The humans who sighed in pity lost their words at the next moment.

It was clear what they saw, as they stopped their reaction after thinking that Yu IlHan was dead.

They saw Yu IlHan.

He was clearly alive, and made an unimaginable result!


[That shout is strange as well!]

Yu IlHan didn't like to joke around at moment where he needed to be serious. Although the problem was that there weren't many occasions where he needed to be serious, he was able to control his emotions according to the situation.

So, as long as he joked around, the situation wasn't that serious.

It was the same now as well. As he had already seen a building exploding right in front of his eyes, it wasn't difficult for him to predict that the rock would explode.

As he had already seen the explosion once, it wasn't difficult for him to calculate the power of the explosion, the aftermath, and the ratio of energy transfer.

As such, it also wasn't difficult for him to use that force to drive himself forward.

At that moment, he took out the pile bunker which was loaded to the '4th stage' and aimed at the leader of the Flame Lizards. This was as easy as pie. – Meaning, a little difficult.

[Flashing Insane Pile bunker]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power –

1st stage: 1,400

2nd stage: 2,100

3rd stage : 3,300

4th stage : 4,500]

[Options – 20% increase in loading speed and attack speed, 20% increase in attack power]

[Durability – 1,341/1,350]

[A weapon made by a peak master smith using Shadow Leopard's bones, teeth, and tendons. Although it is truly amazing that he had implemented such device without the use of magic or gunpowder, it's definitely a disadvantage that it's not easy to carry around. With the modification using the Metal Hearts, the disadvantages, and the advantages were magnified.]

The pile bunker, with the latest ammo, was aiming towards the Flame Lizards' leader. The guards which realized the situation too late and threw their bodies, but it was impossible for them to block Yu IlHan who use the force of the explosion to approach them!

Although the leader had the power of explosions, it didn't have the power of instantaneous movement., so it was impossible for it to block Yu IlHan's attack.

Yu IlHan didn't allow it to dodge and struck the bullet into its head.


"What in the world… Is that...?"

"What the hell? Is that a pile bunker?"

"Fuck, just what other world has that kind of weapon!?"

He didn't even mind the surroundings, and just shot the pile bunker!

Author's notes

I played a game called 'Cyphers' a little, and there was a character whose skill was to jump and strike the spear while falling onto the ground. I wanted to portray such a cool scene but the mob was a small fry…. T^T

Translator's notes

Bah, another one soon.

Editor's notes

Come on Chamber, the fans are waiting.

Overflow 4

[Critical Hit!]


At the same time as the release of the bone bullet, it embedded itself onto the Flame Lizard leader's head and shot through the ground. Its power was so strong that the ground was about to collapse from it.

{Kuuk, Kuuuuuuk.}

{We have to save boss.}

"Hey, block!"

"YuNa, Shield!"


The guards confronted them hurriedly, but at that time, the other humans also came to themselves moved.

Magic flew around; shields and morning stars blocked their weapons.

Even so, there were two guards who arrived at Yu IlHan's location, but at that time, Yu IlHan had already recovered the pile bunker and took out a greatsword.

The swap of weapons in mid air was very fast to the point that it looked like magic.

[Ignorant Giant's Black Greatsword]

[Rank – Unique]

[Attack Power – 2,300]

[Options – 50% increase in weight, 20% increase in user's strength]

[Durability – 2,100/2,100]

The blade was slightly blunter than the Death god's black spear, and the attack power was low as well, but it was heavy and even increased strength so this weapon was perfect for thoughtlessly swinging around!

At the same time of taking it out, he struck down the leader's body to embed it deeper into the ground, then landed on it and swung it whole!


[That shout is strange!]

[You have awakened Swordsmanship Lv Max. If you have the skill evolution materials, you can evolve the skill.]

The spear and the greatsword which the two guards used got swept up by Yu IlHan's attack and flew far away. He just overwhelmed two monsters simultaneously with strength! However, as the other people had seen the pile bunker already, they didn't get stunned by something like that.

{Re, record... Strong, human...!}

The leader under his foot was speaking nonsense as it tried to sit up. Yu IlHan lightly smiled and kicked on the bone ammo which was half embedded its head.

[Critical Hit!]


Although it was amazing that it didn't die after the ammo was stuck on its head, it was no different than dead. The guards assaulted towards him looking at their boss' pains, but Yu IlHan pushed them back with a swing of his greatsword and didn't forget to kick the ammo.

The leader's head vibrated like a mobile phone vibration mode, and blood and flames scattered everywhere. As a last resort, it even made the surrounding buildings explode, but as Yu IlHan was covered by a legend rank armor, he didn't flinch a bit.

Unless it made Yu IlHan himself explode, it wouldn't be able to kill him.

It couldn't overcome his defensive power. That was its loss.

"Did he get a shield buff somewhere?"

"Na YuNa, did you give him a shield buff?"


Even the humans confronting the guards couldn't believe reality and looked for other reasons. It was unbelievable to think that he was holding out just because the armor was sturdy.

However, that was the truth. The reality was always unrealistic.


They thought Yu IlHan was only pushing the guards back, but the greatsword swung by Yu IlHan was destroying their helmets. He destroyed their defensive armor, so there was only a strike left! The greatsword swung by him like flowing water pierced guard(a)'s face.

Bones and blood scattered everywhere, Yu IlHan kicked on the enormous bone ammo again, and he swung the greatsword with the guard skewered and blew away guard(b).

[You have earned 660,839 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv78 Elite Flame Lizard.]

Guard(a) which was struck by guard(b)'s corpse, flew away several tens of meters before crashing with the ruins of a building. As he had to move violently, Yu IlHan's mind drifted away from the leader for a bit.

However, as if it had waited for that moment, the Flame Lizard leader, which was almost dead, widened its eyes and shouted.


"What the hell is it saying whoaaaaaaa!"

The ground shook. The pipelines and the wires underneath the ground all snapped, and the nearby buildings all collapsed. At the same time, underneath his foot, with the Flame Lizard leader as the center, the ground shot up by several tens of meters instantly!

[Yu IlHan, it's the same method as last time! The other humans are in danger!]

"I know!"

Yu IlHan replied shortly. Then he raised his greatsword.

{Replacing humans... top of the... world....!}

"You're dreaming."

The several tens of meters high mud and concrete all emitted heat. He didn't want to imagine, but this thing was trying to make the entire hill a bomb.

Now that it realized its chance of victory was small, it was trying to perish together!

"I will make you dream forever!"

However, before the several tens of tons of bomb was ignited, Yu IlHan's greatsword struck down with enormous strength.

The greatsword violently hit the bone bullet on its head, and the bullet finally completely pierced through its head!

{Ka, huh...}

Its vitality was truly amazing, as it stayed alive even after the bone ammo made its brains into mush.

However, Yu IlHan thought that it may explode the hill at any time, so whenever its mouth opened, he struck down with his greatsword with all his strength, and eventually, its limit in opening its mouth arrived.

{Ku, Kak.}

[You have earned 1,897,565 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 97 Flame Lizard Wizard.]

The exothermic hill lost its heat. He was worried whether it would explode or collapse, but it didn't change after that. The humans looking at the scene nerve-wrecking could also finally set their minds at ease.

In contrast, Yu IlHan was disappointed.

"No matter how small and weak it is, it even changed the landscape all by itself. Isn't it too much that its level is lower than the black leopard?"

[Mutants are originally stronger than the monsters at their level. However, as such, Heaven would send out quests, and as the group occurred by absorbing the Trap of Destruction, their byproducts are also extraordinary.]

"Trap of destruction? Then harkanium!?"

[There is no way harkanium would be fine in the process of monsters being generated.]

"Ah fuck."

There was a bad angel who played around with people's hearts, right here. Even while grumbling, Yu IlHan put the Flame Lizard Wizard's body into his cross bag. Then, he used the greatsword as a sleigh to slide down the hill.


[Your talent in finding something to enjoy wherever you are really is extraordinary. It's even uselessly good.]

The sleigh landed on the ground in exactly 4 seconds. If the hill was bigger, then it would have become more exciting and enjoyable – thinking such useless thoughts, Yu IlHan stood on the ground when the people gathered around him.

"Is it clearly dead? Are there no aftereffects?"

"Are you hurt anywhere? Shall I give you a heal?"

"Knight, you're cool! It was a perfect maneuver!"

"Just what job do you have to have such a high instantaneous destructive ability! Let's grab a drink after this!"

As the people originally gathered to confront the leader, their skills were not lacking in any way. This meant that Yu IlHan's skills were overwhelming to the point that even they were overwhelmed by it.

Obviously, gathering towards Yu IlHan and chatting noisily was set in stone.

Yu IlHan didn't think that Korean people were kinder than the people of other countries, but coincidentally, the first ones to approach him and were worried about his injuries were the two Koreans.

Yu IlHan became jealous of their perfect appearances and hearts, along with their fluent English, so he retorted coldly.

"I'm alright. Rather than me, please hunt the monsters. It will be a disaster if even one escapes."

[I don't think that was cold at all?]

While ignoring Erta's tackle, Yu IlHan moved. It was to finish off guard(b) which he threw along with the corpse of guard(a) and take their corpses.

Meanwhile, people who were left behind all whispered to each other, but as the two Koreans whispered in Korean, he could listen to them more easily.

"HaJin-oppa. Do you think that guy has 3rd class?"

"No way. Not only is it impossible to level up to 100 in this short time, I cannot believe that he already finished the 3rd advancement quest. If he did, then at least he would be famous to the point that we would have heard of him."

"Then he's that strong despite being only 2nd class?"

"Yes. Frustratingly." (T/N: No, unfortunately, he's 1st class)

"So cool."(E/N: Fangirl alert)

Even while chatting amiably amongst themselves, they headed to other monsters to kill them as Yu IlHan had said. Meanwhile, Yu IlHan clearly finished off guard(b) and took their corpses.

If there were other guards left, he would kill them, but the three guard were already killed by the other people when he was fighting with the Flame Lizard Wizard. As expected of elites, their skills were quite good.

However... Now that it became to this, there was only Flame Lizard trash which can't even explode the ground or the buildings or the rocks, left.

Yu IlHan moved his steps while sighing.

"No matter how much I suffer in taking them out, there will definitely be one which escapes alive."

[That won't happen if you kill all of them!]

"No, Erta. Even if I leave LA after I'm sure that they're exterminated, there will be exactly one which will survive and hide to watch for the plane I'm in. Then, the moment I return to LA, there will be another mutant chaos due to that single one.

[Stop with your uselessly realistic predictions! I won't make that happen! So move! Move already!]

"I'm already moving."

While listening to Erta's criticism, Yu IlHan moved around his body busily. Even though he said that, he didn't want to suffer twice. If he lost even one of them, and damages occurred in LA due to that – he didn't want that either.

Of course, there was also the intention to widen the gap between him and the others to clearly take 1st place in the rankings.


[You have earned 422,989 experience.]

"Home run!"


[You have earned 407,633 experience.]

While swinging around the greatsword freely, Yu IlHan swept across the battle zone. It was unbelievable to think that he was grandly having a battle with their leader until just a few moments ago as he moved around like nothing had happened.

Many Flame Lizards lost their lives at his greatsword.

Thinking about it, it hadn't even been 15 minutes since he left the airport. However, during those 15 minutes, their leader, along with its guards, all died, and the small fries were also scattered.

To the monsters, the situation was frustratingly unfair, and it was a balance destruction but Yu IlHan didn't care about that.


Yu IlHan kicked off the ground and swung his greatsword violently. The three Flame Lizards, which were inside the sword's trajectory, not because they wanted to be there, but because Yu IlHan's actions and attack were too fast, all got cut in half and fell down.

"That's definitely a skill. He used that skill last time and halved 4 of them! I thought he was a spear knight, but is he a greatsword knight?"

"Amazing. No matter how us Earthlings are growing rapidly, to think that there was such a strong person in just two months!"

"Hey, aren't we people of Earth the strongest?"

Don't chat and kill the monsters! Kwaaaa! – he wanted to shout this to them, but as if they knew they would be criticized if they stayed still, they were moving around even while talking.

He was happy and sad at the same time that people acquired the strength to be leisurely even while confronting monsters. But what could he do? Yu IlHan himself was the one to give them their leisure by killing off the boss.

[Yu IlHan, you're returning humanity's laughter real time.]

"No, I don't need that. Go away."

The Flame Lizard army started decreasing rapidly after the Flame Lizard Wizard was defeated. The distorted power of the Trap of Destruction disappeared, the environmental changed stopped, and the elites who were tied up by the boss and its guards also stood up to fight against the monsters, so the monsters' grand ambition to spread to the city was stopped.

Some of the ability users followed those elites, and even more than that, there were people who followed Yu IlHan after being touched by his actions and supported him. Although, he didn't need that much support.

[It's ending.]

"Miss angel? If you don't wanna give me another quest, then say the locations of the small fry mobs right now."

[Wait for a little, I also don't want to increase my work....two of them at 11o'clock.]


Although in novels, there would be a foreshadow at moments like these, Erta didn't allow such a foreshadow. She also didn't want to replay the insult of the birth of the black leopard.

Yu IlHan used the Angel GPS(E/N: imagine a GPS with Erta's snarky voice) to move around quickly and kill the mutants who were trying to hide or run away. After 20 minutes pass like that, he was sure that all the monsters had died.

"Phew. I did all that so I'm definitely first, right."

[Those words are the foreshadows you like so much. If you say that, another person will always take first.]

"It was me who killed the leader and 2 elites. If I'm not first, then I'll go to God to have a showdown."


While being assured that he was the 1st, Yu IlHan moved towards the airport.

Because due to all the weight of the Flame Lizard corpses in his cross bag, the ground was sinking. While looking at that, he spoke in a small voice.

"Hey, give me the cross bag weight control function first."

This was the moment when the sudden Heaven quest was perfectly ended.

Author's notes

Some of the characters in this chapter are from the characters that this author has used in my past novels in Munpia. (T/N: I don't know who…, wait. I think it's HaJin)

Translator's notes:N/A

Editor's notes:

Enjoy the sponsored chapter guys ^^

Overflow 5

[Heaven Quest 003, Executor Mission Complete!]

[All stats increased by 2.]

[You have completed the quest most successfully amongst the quest applicants. A special reward is given.]

Before he went into the airport, Yu IlHan went into an alley without anyone noticing. Although he had the confidence that no one would find him even if he just went back to the airport like that, he was frustrated to move according to his assurance.

As such, he took off the armor to shake the blood off before putting it in his Cross Bag, then he did the same with the spear. He also loaded the pile bunker to the 4th level as he used it in that battle.

As he didn't know when the need to use it will arise again, loading the pile bunker to shoot at maximum output anytime was the basics.

While doing that, Erta thought about Yu IlHan's request and sighed while speaking to him.

[It can't be helped, give me the bag first.]

Yu IlHan obediently handed the Cross Bag over. Erta seemed to mutter something after being handed the bag and an angel's ring appeared on top of her head.

When Yu IlHan saw that, he immediately knew what she was trying to do. Didn't he learn that the angels' rings are not just exothermic devices due to his previous quest?

As he had expected, soon, a few angels appeared.

[Oh, it's the Executor.]

[This person made the Traps of Destruction of Earth.]

[Anyway Erta, why did you call us here?]

Somehow, Yu IlHan had the memory of seeing them before while he was doing his second quest, but to pick out their common points was that all of these angels had a good attitude towards Yu IlHan.

When Yu IlHan noticed and looked at Erta, she only shrugged her shoulders and acknowledged it.

[Don't you think that the ones not biased towards you would help more?]

As it was the truth, Yu IlHan couldn't say anything about it. Meanwhile, Erta explained to the other angels what she was about to do.

[The reason I called you is to grant the Executor, who accomplished Heaven Quest, his wish. I'm planning to upgrade the power of the reward we gave him previously, so I want your help.]

[I think I know what you want help with, looking at that Cross Bag.]

The angels gathered towards the Cross Bag. Looking at that, Yu IlHan realized subconsciously.

"Are you trying to do Mana Crafting?"

[Then what do you think we'll do? Mana crafting isn't only reserved for blacksmiths. In almost all processes of making artifacts, mana crafting is necessary.]

Erta smiled while replying and immediately started mana crafting with the other angels. The scene where all of them held each other's hands and putting mana into the Cross Bag looked very beautiful. Thinking about the product of that process, it looked even more beautiful.

However, even if Yu IlHan used good magic stones and the same materials to do mana crafting, he wouldn't be able to make something surpassing logic like the Cross bag.

This was a higher existence's real power. As their levels were completely different, Yu IlHan treated the artifacts he was making and the Cross Bag differently. He now came to a realization.

How long did it pass since he was looking at that brilliant light? He thought that not even several tens of seconds had passed, but the angels had already let go of each other's hands. The process had ended while Yu IlHan was appreciating the scene.

[Well then, you can control the weight as you want. There won't be a case where the ground will shake when you take a single step anymore. You'll be able to get on the plane without worries too.]


Yu IlHan received the Cross Bag and put it on. Meanwhile, the angels didn't go back straight after they finished their work and stayed around Yu IlHan and Erta while chatting.

[I didn't think much time has passed since I last saw you but you sure have changed a lot in such a short period of time.]

[So you obliterated the Metal Heart Dungeon. How did you know that there was an Overflow here?]

[Thanks to you, the Overflow ended cleanly. You're an amazing human.]

"Even if you praise me like that, I won't dance you know. Rather than praises, give me money. Then I'll dance or whatever."

Yu IlHan replied coolheadedly, but the angels were laughing with all their might. These angels were really weird. One of the angels spoke to him while laughing.

[In fact, I was watching your actions nearby. The ability user I'm helping also participated in today's battle.]


Yu IlHan twitched when he heard that. Although he vaguely predicted that it wasn't only him who would be in contact with angels, they blatantly acknowledged that they were 'helping' the humans?

Moreover, it was also slightly insulting that he didn't realize that amidst the battle. He looked glared at Erta, and she sighed while nodding.

[Let's say that there's a rare and strong ability user. If an important fighting power of Earth just died like that, then the balance between monsters and humans will be no more, right? Some angels in charge of managing Earth act as guardian angels in order to prevent that.]

"That sounds like cheating, though."

It felt very new to hear that the world was unfair from Erta. Well, there was Yu IlHan who was left behind alone for 1,000 years, so that wasn't anything big in front of Yu IlHan.

[To provide comfort to only one entity goes against fairness. As such, it is only allowed after a strict discussion, and even if one was allowed, it is not like they can proactively interfere with the targe's life and death, so what they can do is on a similar level as me.]

"So in other words, useless, eh."

[No! I told you last time, I'm helping you quite a bit!]

The angels were looking at Yu IlHan and Erta's conversation as if they were interested. At that time, the self-proclaimed guardian angel spoke again.

[The child I'm watching isn't a bad child so please help if you meet her again.]

"Who is it?"

[She's called Na YuNa. It seems you're from the same country?]

"Oh, that couple."

Couples die! (T/N: Riajuu's explode!)(E/N: People die when they're killed)

Oops, his true feelings leaked out carelessly. While Yu IlHan was taking deep breaths to control himself, her words continued.

[She's a child who has a very rare ability on Earth. She's a priestess who was blessed by the Goddess of Beauty. It wouldn't be a bad idea for you to become close to her, I think?]

At the time that he thought that she spoke too much of private things, Erta seemed to have become wary of her, as she thinned her eyes and interrupted.

[Feyta, I understand that you buy Yu IlHan's ability highly, but do not tell others of his ability or intentionally make others approach him. He has the right to have his personal information protected.]

[It's rare that Erta gets so worried by a lower existence.]

[Erta, do you like that guy?]

[No, you will get killed by Lita.] (T/N: Rita will be renamed to Lita from now on.)

[The mana crafting is over so get back already!]

Erta chased all the angels away. Even while being chased away, the angel called Feyta didn't forget to tell Yu IlHan to take good care of Na YuNa.

While thinking that she was very hardworking with her guardian angel job, Yu IlHan moved towards the airport.

[What will you do?]

"I am going to go to Arizona on the plane quietly as if no one is there."

[But Feyta requested you to take care of that human woman.]

"I am going to go to Arizona on the plane quietly as if no one is there."

[If you help her, then she might give you a reward.]

"I am going to go to Arizona on the plane qui..."

[Okay, I got it so receive the rest of the reward.]

To Yu IlHan, who climbed to the peak of a universal loner due to his innate talent and post-natal training, approaching others of his own accord was an impossible quest. He'd rather kill a dragon than proactively talking to a pretty girl.

[Not only you have killed the leader of the monsters, the Flame Lizard Wizard, you have killed 2 Elite Flame Lizards, and countless Flame Lizards and you have ranked an overwhelming 1st in this quest. Although you have proceeded an upgrade with an existing reward, even so, you still have a lot of remaining achievements. So, with the records you have acquired in the battle, we will process it with Heaven's energy to provide you a useful skill.]

"Dad skill?" (T/N: Yu YongHan means useful.)(E/N: That's the name of his dad)

[I'll get angry.]

"Sorry, my bad."

Although he himself had countless records, the records of the enemies he confronted were also inside him. In fact, the skill to hand to him was already made.

[Rejoice. It's a skill that even you, who cannot use mana, can use.]

"Because of who can I not use mana?"

[I'm sorry, my bad.]

Is a peaceful conversation not possible between them? Yu IlHan could only receive the reward after they dealt a strike to each other.

[You have learned the skill [Superhuman Strength]. Upon activation, muscular strength would be temporarily enhanced, and you can exert a strength beyond your limits. However, the fatigue after the fight also increases. As the skill level increases, it becomes possible to enhance your muscles for a longer duration, for less fatigue, and more effectively.]

Although it wasn't a warcry category skill that he wanted, no matter how he thought about it, it was a much better skill than that.

However, Yu IlHan could only cringe when he saw that.


Yu IlHan asked.

"This isn't something that a human learns, is it?"

[That's why I said it's a record you've acquired. Heaven Quest rewards are originally like this. Moreover, you've learned all that a human could learn so you don't even need one.]

Although he was quite uncomfortable that he acquired a skill that a monster might learn, as Erta said nothing wrong, he couldn't retort properly. Moreover, as he had thought the first time he received this, wasn't this skill exceptional in itself?

In the end, Yu IlHan obediently received the skill and moved his steps. Although there were countless people at the airport, there was no one who could catch him. It wasn't anything new

"We really can't see hiiiiim. Feyta said that that person would be on this plane."

"I'm worried that you're trusting that angel too much. Be quiet for a bit. There might be people who can speak Korean around here."

At that moment, he thought that he heard a familiar voice and as he had expected, it was the two Korean couple. Yu IlHan instinctively shrunk away, but even if he didn't worry, they could not see through his concealment.

"How would he look like under his armor? Would he look strong and courageous? He might be unexpectedly a fragile young boy!" (T/N: 'Young boy' here is the Korean equivalent of 'bishounen'.)

"Is that important? Weren't you going to recruit him as an ally as he was strong?"

"The jealous oppa is cool too!"

"I'm not jealous. In the first place, I...."

While thinking that they were an unpleasant couple, Yu IlHan left the place. Please don't let me meet them again!

However, the next moment, he was confident he would meet them again, somehow, and became depressed.

"Life is really tiring."

[Your saying it really doesn't sound like a joke.]

As the situation was completely cleaned up thanks to Yu IlHan's actions, the plane headed to Arizona could also depart. As always, Yu IlHan secretly passes through the gate and got on board the plane, and sighed after finding and sitting in a safe place.

"I did all I could."

[Take a rest, even though it might be a short time until we reach Arizona. You've worked hard.]

If it was in the past, she would never say something like that. No, there was no need to be touched by this. This would become the norm from now.

"Yeah, you've worked hard too."

Yu IlHan replied while smiling.

"Although, there will be another Overflow later."

[Ah really! That won't happen!]

"It's a joke."

Although he wasn't sure whether another Overflow will occur or not, as he had done his best, he had no regrets. So what if it happens again. Yu IlHan will have become stronger by that time, and sweep them out even easier!

Rather than that, the most important thing to him now were the trolls. Trolls! Yu IlHan became excited at the fact that he would kill trolls and lay down.

"Let's go to the Grand Canyon when we arrive! The Grand Canyon!"

"Na YuNa, we're not going there to play."

The next moment, all his excitement died down, wonderfully.(E/N: Supposed to be ironic/sarcastic)

Yu IlHan called Erta with a voice like a zombie pierced by a harpoon.


[Their original destination is also Arizona so what can I do about it? Moreover, unlike you, they aren't illegal stowaways.]

"Fucking law!"

[That's quite a creative resentment.]

So like that, a plane, along with one stowaway and a couple of a handsome man and a pretty woman, headed to Arizona.

Yu IlHan decided to leave the airport faster than anyone as soon as he arrived in Arizona, but it was unknown if he could escape the Korean couple even if he did that.

Author's notes

A weight control option was added to the Cross Bag!

Lita's presence is too strong. What do I do, she won't appear for quite a while… T^T.

The repeated text that appear in this chapter is not the author's intention to expand the text, but a parody of a line from the Harry Potter series.

Translator's notes


Editor's notes

I hate you wordpress