69 - 73

[You have earned 524,839 experience.]

[You have earned 499,904 experience.]

[You have earned 512,293 experience.]

Some of the angels said that Yu IlHan's request was very shameless and they enraged, but the majority understood that accepting his request was the answer to solving this crisis fast.

Tens of angels instantly descended on Earth, and at the same time they blessed the strongest human of Earth, Yu IlHan, they added the two functions that he had requested onto the Cross Bag. The number of abilities the Cross Bag had was now becoming quite shocking.

The moment those options were added to his Cross Bag, Yu IlHan retrieved the spear he threw and the monster skewered onto it. Just seeing it directly was enough to bring it into the Bag so there was nothing easier than this.

This, helped Yu IlHan to hunt fast without showing his presence. If something came into his Cross Bag, then it was possible to separate it by category so there was no need for him to pull out the throwing spear himself either.

"Spears are flying out of nowhere. Dodge!"

"No, those spears are only aiming at monsters. It's an ally!"

Even though Yu IlHan was throwing his spears in front of their noses, those people could not notice Yu IlHan.

No matter how great Yu IlHan's concealment was, this was normally impossible.

Yes, if Yu IlHan still only had his concealment technique, then this would not be possible.

[Killing 2nd class with concealment in a surprise attack 3,000/3,000]

[Killing 3rd class with concealment in a surprise attack 300/300]

[Acquire a high ranked title related to concealment 1/1]

[2nd class magic stones 1,000/1,000]

[3rd class magic stones 100/100]

[All the materials combine into a single record.]

[Absorbing record. Concealment skill evolves.]

It was something that the angels, but thanks to the shadow monsters evolving to 3rd class, Yu IlHan succeeded in fulfilling all the criteria to evolve his concealment skill within the dungeon before he cleaned it up.

He missed the 2nd class magic stones and the 3rd class magic stones that were used as materials, but as he was assured that he would acquire a tremendous efficiency in using the skill if he evolved it early on, Yu IlHan evolved the skill without hesitation.

[You have earned the skill, Deathgod. Mana required to use concealment decreases, and the effectiveness of the concealment increases by a large amount. Concealment does not wear off if you kill the enemy in a single strike with a surprise attack. Also, killing enemies consecutively for 5 minutes would increase all abilities by 0.1%. Currently, as level 1, the maximum stack is 50%, and it will dissipate if you do not kill any enemies within 5 minutes. Other abilities will be added if the skill level goes up by a certain amount.]

[Due to the beta option of the artifact, Black Deathgod's Dragon-annihilating Spiked spear, all abilities of the deathgod skill increases by 30%.]

Surprisingly, the evolved ability was a passive skill. And the point that it did not hinder him in anyway even though he could not use mana, this could be said to be tailor-made for him. It was truly a suitable ability for the evolved concealment ability, while at the same time, it was a skill that affected the battle a lot.

Just that, there was no meaning to the skill when fighting one strong enemy, and instead, it was suitable when fighting many weak enemies. This was the only lacking point.

However, on this battlefield, this was very effective.

"OMG, the throwing spear just went past my head.!"

"Three died at once again!"

"The bodies of the monsters skewered by the spear are disappearing! Sh, shit. Just what the hell is happening...!"

Since he had killed all his enemies with a single strike of his throwing spear, Yu IlHan's concealment never wore off. Nobody noticed him even when he shot the spear from right in front of them! Yu IlHan found fun in this.

"This is comfortable and nice..."

[A horrifying skill had evolved to become a terrifying skill, but seeing you rampage around thanks to that makes me feel quite weird.](Erta)

[Wow, he killed 200 in an instant.](Lita)

Flying type monsters were already wiped out in this place. The moment Yu IlHan realized that, he changed targets to the monsters on the ground, and in less than 15 minutes, the 2nd class monsters on the ground were all cleanly exterminated as well. The deathgod skill had become level 3.

"Looks like I should move locations. I want to clean up as much as possible while the moon is up."

[…I think you'll instakill them even without the moon.](Lita)

Confirming that all his throwing spears and the monster bodies were in his Cross bag, Yu Ilhan nodded and left the place to find another area where monsters were rampaging. This place only had 1st class monsters which were weaker than the humans here. Although, both humans and monsters were shivering in fear.

"So, so scary."

"Scarier than monsters."

"Hic, hiccup."


A city legend had come about. (T/N: This would be 'toshi densetsu' in JP)

Kanagawa prefecture, Tokyo city, Chiba prefecture. These were the battlefield zones between monsters and humans. Of course, It wasn't like monsters were proliferating throughout all of Tokyo and Chiba, but if the battle went on like this, it wouldn't take a long time until it did.

Amongst these areas, the area where the foreign delegate ability users were focused on was naturally Tokyo. No one could say which area was not important but rather than Kanagawa, where it was already in ruins, Tokyo, which still had a lot of intact facilities and dungeons left, had more chances of recovery. Using the same reason, Chiba had a higher priority than Kanagawa.

Truly cruel, but the people all treated Kanagawa as a thrown chess piece and were focusing to not let the monsters spread out from that area.

First, they would stop the proliferation, then would exterminate while closing in. Although this was the natural course of action to block the Dungeon Wave, what of Kanagawa? It would naturally reach an irreparable state after being trampled on by monsters.

"Shit. The American and French reinforcements are also concentrated on Tokyo and Chiba?"

"Us too, there are orders to join the Tokyo defense line. Kanagawa was completely abandoned."

Since everyone on Earth were now ability users, many high level personnel had their hometowns in Kanagawa, and there were even two clans that represented Kanagawa as well. In the first place, considering just the population, Kanagawa didn't lose out to Tokkyo and Osaka.

These two clans all burned in ambition to become a global clan when they were founded, but currently, they were put in a position where they had to defend their clans on the line.

"Are they planning to abandon a city whenever something occurs? Fuck!"

"Above! Fucking monkeys!"

"Retreat. Make the guys at the front retreat to the defense line!"

In Odawara city of Kanagawa prefecture, a battle full of despair was occurring.

The group of devil monkeys that vexed people by jumping around every single place that looked like it could be used as a hiding place, used the all buildings, whether intact or in ruins, as their fortress and hunted humans that wandered around between them.

Their levels were between 65 and 80. Currently, no matter how elite an ability user was, it was slightly taxing to fight 1 on 1. As such, casualties were rapidly increasing as well.


"Kwaaak! C, captain!"(T/N: "Taichou!")

"Shit, Tamura!" (T/N: "Kusouuuu!")

A colleague that was just grumbling about the situation right now right next to him, flew into the air after he was snatched by the enormous monkeys with huge grip power.

It would be the end once they were caught! The man called captain tried to grab his colleague's body but the next moment, a throwing spear that flew out of nowhere broke the devil monkey's skull.


"Wh, what!"

The man opened his eyes wide while rescuing his colleague that was falling behind. He had not felt any signs anywhere. However, as soon as the throwing spear and the devil monkey fell down, they disappeared immediately.

[You have earned 486,989 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 66 Devil Monkey.]

"How is it possible that I don't see anyone close to level 60?"

Immediately after that, Yu IlHan muttered with a sigh while passing by the man. In his hand was the atlatl that already had another throwing spear loaded onto it.

[I should've told you that becoming 2nd class was also something permitted to a select few.](Erta)

[This isn't something we can do something about. The Akashic Record is strict.](Lita)

"I bet 100 won that the Akashic Record will appear as the last boss."

[It's fortunate that you've only bet 100 won. Akashic Record has no physical power.](Erta)

Even while chatting with the angels, Yu IlHan kept shooting out spears without rest. If he was unlucky, he would only kill one; normally, he would kill two; quite often, he would kill three; if he was lucky, he would kill four at once and they all left the world after being pierced by his spear.


{Kuik, Kiik!}

The devil monkeys didn't know who was attacking them, but they knew that they were being attacked. They tried to hide their bodies behind a cover, or tried to dodge with their fast movements, but all were for naught.

[You have earned 690,983 experience.]

[You have earned 675,938 experience.]

Yu IlHan's throwing spear was accurate, fast, and strong. The throwing spears that became stronger by 40% due to the effect of moonlight, killed the devil monkeys even if it had to go through a concrete wall. The walls of the building that made them fearful became meaningless.

"It barely got to Lv 75, but just how many of them do I need to kill if I want to level up with that experience? About 3 thousand?"

[Normally, people level up by killing those 3 thousand. That is also why levelling up is slow too….. No, the other people wouldn't receive additional experience due to a title's effect, so they would kill 4 thousand normally.](Erta)

3 hours had passed since Yu IlHan had commenced the hunt. He had already cleaned up 5 districts similar in size to Odawara city, but he did not level up even once. Even though he was killing only 2nd class monsters!

If there was any consolation, then it was that he had earned at least hundred of 2nd class magic stones. Since he had to consume an enormous quantity of them while evolving the concealment skill, he felt good whenever a 2nd class monster's body entered his Cross Bag.

And the survivors of Odawara were looking at that absentmindedly.

"The fucking monkeys all..."

"Oh my god. Am I seeing 1 killed every second? Just what were we doing until now!"

"It's scary, it's scary, but..."

Throwing spears kept flying everywhere, but they did not know where they were coming from. However, they were all skewering monsters that threatened humans.

It was honestly a scary scene, but to the humans that were standing on the ground ravated by the monsters, it also felt quite refreshing.

"God must have become enraged."

"No, God must have descended after being enraged by the monsters."

"Susanoo, Susanoo has descended!"

Yu IlHan had just thrown a few spears, but he had now become the God of Storms that appeared in Japanese mythology. Of course, his techniques could be considered a storm since it ravaged all the monsters nearby, but honestly, it was an embarrassing title.

"Good, should I fire myself up a little more?"

[So it seems like you like this title more than LA's Dark Knight or Sungdaein Bolt.](Erta)

Bullseye. Although it's a from a different country, isn't it still a God? Even a whale would dance when praised. Now, he felt like he could dance a Samba.

Yu IlHan, who had become slightly delighted, started increasing the rate of throwing his spears. If the people mistook him for Susanoo, then he would live up to their expectations and overwhelm them!

Until the moon set and the sun rose that day, Yu IlHan cleaned up all the 2nd class monsters, or those close to it, in about 30 districts. To put it in another way, he had conquered half of Kanagawa prefecture by himself.

A truly amazing achievement. There was no way this had not become an issue.

The survivors all rejoiced, became shocked, and feared while talking about the incident, and various SNS were already flooded about stories of the Storm God Susanoo that had descended on Japan.

Absolute power that nobody can notice.

Although this sounded like nonsense, since it had happened for real right in front of people's eyes, it couldn't be refuted. Some said that a real God had descended to a lower real, but the majority thought that this was also a type of monster that would threaten humanity.

And, those that belonged to neither, for example, people like the master of the Lightning God clan, Kang MiRae, and the strong ability users of the humanity side all thought this.

That an absurdly strong guy that would threaten their debut stages had appeared!

Author's notes

My little brother told me that I'm a deathgod/reaper otaku after reading this. Hm… I also think the same. It became like this after I pondered on what to use for the skill name T^T. The deathgod skill is still level 1, so various characteristics are planned to be added as it grows!

Since it was the Japanese that was naming him, I naturally had to use someone from Japanese mythology, and I pondered on what to use between Storm God Susanoo, and the War God Takemikazuchi, and in the end, I chose Susanoo.

Translator's notes

Is Susanoo really the Storm God and Takemikazuchi the War God? If anyone has better alternatives, I will try to use them (I usually can't be bothered to change)

Also, what do people think of the Japanese romaji in T/N? Should I replace the original with the Japanese romaji for single words like Taichou and Kusou? (This would feel quite weird since I would have to translate from Korean to Japanese romaji)

Translator : Chamber

[The Strange Phenomenon of Kanagawa, The Spear of Rage that Exterminates the Monsters!](Erta)

"Don't read it."

[Is This the Descent of God? The Divine Punishment by an Enraged God!](Lita)

"I said don't read it, sheesh."

Erta and Lita teased Yu IlHan by reading the internet articles related to him. They found him cute the more he hated it so they couldn't stop.

A sense of hedonism was shared between these angels as they enjoyed the moment even though they knew that they would buy Yu IlHan's displeasure in the long term.

Yu IlHan soon gave up and just obediently swung his arms around. The throwing spear on the atlatl rapidly pierced through the air and skewered four monsters at the same time.

The people on the battlefield who saw that scene all shouted.

"S, Susanoo!"

"Susanoo has finally descended on Yokohama!"

"There are reinforcements too! The monsters got wiped out thanks to Susanoo!"

Even though the moon had set and the sun had risen, the things Yu IlHan did didn't change: He just ardently swung his arms again and again to clean up the monsters.

The angels were right. Perhaps due to his attack power becoming strong due to the deathgod skill, even though the sun was in the sky, Yu IlHan's spears were instakilling all the monsters. Was it just that?

"T, triple kill!"

"No you idiot! It's a quadra-kill!"

"Oh my god. A penta-kill!"

Despite the battlefield being full of death and despair only a few moments ago, the moment Yu IlHan had arrived, that tension had all but disappeared; as long as monsters came inside his vision, none could escape death.

His throwing spears swept like a storm, and did not stop even for a moment. If there was a ruler of the battlefield, then it was he.

The people became shocked, feared, admired, and in the end, accepted as it was natural. Then, what awaited them was only joy.

"The monsters are running away! Kill them!"

"Lord Susanoo does not confront 1st class, idiots! Kill them now!"

"Attract the 2nd class here! Just run there and back and it will be over!"

Thanks to the fact that Yu IlHan had wiped out the high level monsters, the ability users in that place could easily clean up the remaining monsters.

The ability users who already wiped out the monsters like that and had nothing else to do, followed the storm of Susanoo to help other areas, and this repeated several times before they realized how they should support Yu IlHan.

They attracted the 2nd class monsters to make it easier to clean them up at once, and they themselves confronted the 1st class monsters. The already fast hunting speed had sped up even more.

The high level ability users full of vitality called themselves the Army of Susanoo, and followed Yu IlHan's back, and the number only increased as Yu IlHan cleaned up more areas.

Now that most ability users in all of Kanagawa prefecture had gathered, there were more than two thousand ability users above level 30.

"Drive them, drive them back!"

"We are the elite forces of Susanoo!"

"This is the first time I had such fun in fighting monsters!'

Since the fighting power had gathered up, they didn't collapse against the same monsters, and against weaker monsters, they swept forward.

They were already so strong as it is, and since they had Yu IlHan's protection, they showed more unity and fighting power above their norm. So there was no way they couldn't be excited.

"I didn't say a thing, and these guys are doing a several man show."

[But it's good, isn't it?](Erta)


Yu IlHan only confronted 2nd classes anyway. They realized what he was doing, and attracted the 2nd class monsters for him to clean them up more easily, and they were taking care of the 1st class monsters by themselves.

This was truly the scenario where everyone was happy. Yu IlHan didn't betray their expectations and threw the spears ardently. three, four, and five were skewered at once and his spear throwing technique was also developing.

[Due to a shocking development in technique, the skill evolution conditions of the spearmanship skill becomes easier.]

"So there were things like this too."

[Skill evolution is literally the Akashic Record giving out tasks suitable for increasing the level of the technique, but you've showed development without the task so it's natural for the skill evolution conditions to become easier.](Erta)

However, no matter how advanced his techniques become, it wasn't like there was a fundamental change in the fact that he had to kill 4th class monsters. Thinking that he had to delay the evolution of the martial art related skills, Yu IlHan ardently kept throwing the spears.

And when time flowed to become 2 p.m. Yu IlHan's vision seemed to clear up before he saw armed JSDF and the ability users that lined up on the horizon after having destroyed the nearby buildings; the barricade.

He realized as soon as he saw it. That was installed to stop the monsters from passing.

That meant.

"To, Tokyo defense line."

"I, insane. How did we come here?"

Yes. They came to the border of Kanagawa and Tokyo. Of course, not the 23 wards of Tokyo, but just the border.

"Did we miss anywhere out?"

"None. We cleaned up all of Kanagawa."

"Insane.Did we just clean up an entire prefecture in less than 24 hours?"

"Correction, not us, but Lord Susanoo did."

While the nearly 5 thousand people army that followed Yu IlHan were whispering to each other, the ability users and the JSDF at the defense line also became confused.

The number of monsters seemed to decrease from a certain point in time, and now, suddenly a huge number of ability users appeared!

They did hear that Susanoo had descended, but there was a difference in looking through the internet and seeing for themselves, as much as the difference between a photoshopped picture and a non-photoshopped picture!

"Kanagawa is now safe! Lord Susanoo killed all the monsters!"

"Let's dissolve the defense line and go to Tokyo with us!"

"No, even so."

"Are you sure that you have killed everything without leaving a single one behind? If there's any mistake then Tokyo will."

"Tokyo is already dangerous anyway! There's no time to chat here. Lord Susanoo does not care about humans! We need to match him!"

The Tokyo defense line was made to block the monsters from Kanagawa from entering Tokyo. Since Dungeon Breaks were occurring in Tokyo anyway, one or two monsters coming over wouldn't make a difference.

"Okay, let's go!"

After a not so long discussion and report, the defense line dissolved. The JSDF and the ability users decided to go together with the army after hearing that they might be left behind by Susano.

As long as they had eyes and ears, they couldn't not be inwardly jealous of the confidence that the Susanoo Army had. The fact that they could smile in this crisis-like environment was literally the proof of Susanoo's power.

With that, the Susanoo Army had instantly tripled in size. Although there were low-level ability users in the mix, if they could hunt the monsters without dying, then their levels would rise.

Also, amongst the members that made up the defense line was the 'Strong Friends' dispatched from Korea, the Suppression.

"Ah, now we're alive."

"First Lieutenant Han, I think you're getting too loose after you were transferred to Suppression."

"Did you notice that? I wish someone would fire me already."

"Don't worry, they'll never let you go no matter what happens."


The 'Beauty' Han YeoRang seemed to have been promoted to First Lieutenant, and Colonel Yoon DaeHan. These two were people that Yu IlHan knew very well.

Although he finally had the chance to contact Suppression, since he didn't want his concealment to wear out by coming into contact with another, Yu IlHan decided to leave the negotiations on the equipment to after the battle.

Yu IlHan didn't stop even in Tokyo. He only did one thing, and that was throwing his spears. When his right arm felt sore after all that throwing, he would throw with his left, and since he found just throwing boring, he used superhumans strength from time to time.

After repeatedly experiencing the weakening of his muscles by using the skill repeatedly, he succeeded in reaching an enlightenment, and that was the method to dissolve the penalty time after the superhuman strength skill.

"Transcendent Regeneration."

Yes. He healed his damaged muscles by using the transcendent regeneration skill!

Without having to be injured by fighting while weakened during the superhuman strength penalty time, he succeeded in shortening the skill training cycle with just superhuman strength and the transcendent regeneration skills!

[This guy can do anything, even though he can't use mana.](Lita)

[So Lita finally understands what I'm feeling.](Erta)

Although words were easy, it wasn't such a simple matter. It wouldn't work with just the will to do it. It was only possible since it was Yu IlHan, who knew the structure of his body very well, and could delicately control the power of his skills. For reference, this was a skill he perfected after thinking back to the time when his penalty was decreased after being treated by Na YuNa before.

Anyway, thanks to his enlightenment, the penalty due to the superhuman strength skill was reduced to below 5 seconds. By recovering the rest energy used in the transcendent regeneration with the bloodrink, he now ended up training his skills even within this mess.

Superhuman strength, transcendent regeneration, extreme poison resistance, and cooking skill mastery was endlessly increasing again and again.

[The skill, Superhuman Strength, has become lv 24.]

[The skill, Transcendent Regeneration, has become Lv 23.]

"Susanoo's power is becoming stronger!"

"Penta-kill! Penta-kill again! This should get some attention!"

Sweeping like a storm, Yu IlHan took away the lives of the monsters along with the despairs of the people.

This was too great of an achievement to be done by a 2nd class around level 80, and as such, the people increasingly believed that the identity of Susanoo is not human. This might be the case even if Yu IlHan showed himself.

"Shit, a dungeon's bursting again!"

"Dammit. That's a dungeon with a level 50 restriction! Block at all costs, make a defense line!"

At that time, screams could be heard nearby. Yu IlHan kicked off the ground after he shot out four spears almost simultaneously to kill the nearby 2nd class monsters.

After jumping up to several hundred meters in less than 3 seconds with the help of his leap skill, Yu IlHan's two eyes saw a scene where a vortex exploded and several thousand monsters were freed at once.

That looked like a scene where the gates of hell were opening, but Yu IlHan muttered while seeing that scene.

"That's perfect."

Yu IlHan put away the atlatl for a moment, and took out about a hundred round lumps from his Cross Bag.

Those were grenades that had thousands and even tens of thousands of bone fragments and had the Giant's Rubber Band as the fuse. And one that was enhanced to the extreme through the use of a 2nd class magic stone!

Until now, he couldn't use in fear of hurting the people nearby, but if it's a situation where monsters were flooding out moments after a Dungeon Break had occurred, he could use it while being rest assured; If it was with Yu IlHan's throwing skills, that were near marvel, that is.

[You have awakened the skill, Throwing Lv Max. If the skill evolution conditions are met, then a synthesized evolution is possible.]

Yu IlHan threw the grenades continuously without a hint of hesitation. During that process, he also awakened the throwing skill. Spear throwing was included within the range of spearmanship, but throwing grenades relied on throwing alone so he had now got the skill.


{Above, strange stones, Kugagak!}

Yu IlHan threw all the hundreds of grenades he had. Although there were more left in his Cross Bag, he was worried that it would hurt the people if he threw anymore.

The moment the last grenade fell down in the middle of the group, the first thrown grenade caused an explosion.

[Critical Hit!]


{Kihik! Kihiiiik!}

The people who were setting up the defense line after realizing that a Dungeon Break was occurring, all became speechless. No, they were moving back in fear of getting caught up


{Kuhuk! Kukiiiiiik!}

It was an instant that monsters were flooding out after the dungeon was broken, but the time the explosions happened as soon as they appeared was even more instantaneous

One explosion; and the chain of explosions that continued after as if it was stimulated. The exploding sound like an erupting volcano, the screams of the monsters meeting their demise filled the world.

Yu IlHan lightly ignored the experience acquired texts that appeared on his retina without rest, and took out the atlatl again. And he threw it towards the sole monster, that looked like a 3rd class, that survived alone in this grenade storm.


[You have earned 6,847,374 experience.]

[You have become level 82. 2 Strength, 1 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 103 Ark Katrar.]

[You have acquired the title, 'A Thousand In One Hit'. Critical Hit Rate increases by 50% when attacking several enemies at once.]

The monsters that left the dungeon died, and disappeared. This all happenned in less than 20 seconds.



"He came to us to save Japan."

"Isn't it Takemikazuchi?"


People vaguely muttered while looking at that scene. Now, other Gods than Susanoo were popping out.

They did not know what exactly happened, but they knew one thing for sure.

Now, they were witnessing the start of a new history.

Author's notes

1. You might not know Kanagawa, but you know Yokohama right? I didn't know but it turns out Yokohama was a part of Kanagawa!

2. This arc is quite long!

3. Right hand throw~ Left hand throw~

4. Grenade throw! As you've seen, it's hard to kill a 3rd class monster even after pouring a hundred of them. It's a wide area attack to clean up minor mobs!

Translator's notes

Exams next week and the week after. There will be no chapters next week (including double Sunday). Will try to make up the week after. Actually, the term/semester will end after exams so you can expect more regular chapters… (If I'm actually bothered to translate that is)

Translator : Chamber

Yu IlHan did not halt his steps. He couldn't care less as to whether people admired him or not.

2nd class monsters that he had to kill while flipping dungeons inside out were still all over Tokyo, and he wanted to kill as many as possible before those Metal Knights or Lightning God or Magia or whatever interfered.

[Somehow, there are more dungeons in Tokyo than Kanagawa.](Erta)

[That's true. I didn't think there would be any Originals here.](Lita)

"What about other places than Tokyo or Chiba? Isn't the damage spreading?"

[Yeah, it's alright. Well, of course a few dungeons in other areas did break but it's at a level where the JSDF can handle it. No, well, not 'handle' it but they are going through quite the suffering.](Lita)

"They're working hard."

In other words, he only had to finish Tokyo and Chiba! Yu IlHan stopped for a moment and looked behind him. He could see the Susanoo Army that had inflated to around 12 thousand men.

"I think it would be over if they charge forward now."

[They'll be obliterated if a 3rd class appears so no.](Lita)

That made sense. The difference between classes was truly absurd. It was difficult for a hundred 1st classes to win against a 2nd, and two hundred 2nd classes cannot handle a 3rd class. Of course, monsters like Yu IlHan are counted differently.

"It's the Susanoo Army!"

"We, we're alive!"

Since the scale had become so big, just moving around made a huge cloud of dust. The monsters shrunk back after seeing the wave of humans charging at them, and the humans that looked at them rejoiced.

Nerima district. This was the moment when they entered the 23 districts of Tokyo.

"This quite well off."

Muttered Yu Ilhan while looking at the stalemate that was there before he came. Tokyo, at the same time being the center of Japan, was also a few of the cities that were at the center of the world. The ones who knew the importance of Tokyo all focused their power on Tokyo, and the clans that just set foot from overseas were also using this situation to heighten their reputations.

Perhaps the people of Kanagawa would be frustrated since they couldn't receive help, but for Tokyo, it was a fortunate thing.

Currently, in Nerima district, Metal Knights from England was in the middle of fighting, and thanks to their bold actions that charged ahead with sturdy armor, the number of 1st class monsters were almost gone.

Even the 2nd class monsters could not break through his defense so there was no need to say anymore about that. Even if Yu IlHan left them alone, this line wouldn't be broken.

"Kuhk, master!"

"I will kill it now! Double Cross!"


"It's not dead!"

Of course, the line only wouldn't be broken, and it didn't mean that they could kill the 2nd class monsters. The core members of Metal Knights had high defense but relatively weak attack power.

Then, it would be better if they cooperated with another clan, but due to their pride, this wasn't occurring yet.

"We will take care of him! You guys kill other monsters!"

"But at this rate."

"Do not block the glorious path of Metal Knights!"

"What the hell are they doing? Are they from the middle ages, and they came here through a time machine or something?"

[IlHan, do you think people of the past were all foolish and idiotic that wars occurred on Earth and nuclear weapons were made?](Lita)

[Do you think it's just them?](Erta)

Yu IlHan didn't know this, but Magia clan of Italy, who were acting in Kita district quite nearby were in the same situation.

The Magia clan was made up of mages with high firepower, and all they lacked was defense, but thank to them saying that they didn't want to cooperate with other clans, they couldn't bring out their full power.

Their choice was understandable since they must be worried that their reputation would not be so high if they cooperated with another clan, but thanks to their puny pride, they were late in restraining the monsters, and more sacrifices were occurring this way.

Even though one may think that one wouldn't do such a foolish thing if one had a proper human head on one's neck, humans always committed actions comparable to dogs and pigs if they were tied by money and power.

What they were doing now was exactly that; they would rather suffer more than do something for another.

The Korean clan, Lightning God, was slightly better off, as their team was balanced in attack and defense, but as they were low on manpower, their rate was quite slow. Of course, they weren't cooperating with other clans either.

No, actually, their situation was slightly different. This should be seen as them being isolated since other clans were afraid that the Lightning God clan's influence would increase if they did anymore.

Summing up, they were all annoying bastards.

"So that's what's happening."

[You see the situation now?](Erta)

[You see what you need to do to, right?](Lita)

"Of course."

Replying confidently, Yu IlHan held up the atlatl. He enhanced his physical body with superhuman strength, loaded the spear onto the hook, and threw it towards the monster that the strongest-looking guy of Metal Knights was blocking!

[You have earned 673,837 experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 69 Spike Ketura.]


"J, just who did that to the monster our Metal Knights will be hunting!"

Regardless of whether the members of Metal Knights were being shocked or not, Yu IlHan's throwing spear didn't end with just one. On the necks, heads, and hearts, of the 2nd class monsters that the Metal Knights were defending against, a throwing spear was embedded.

One, two, three, and four all collapsed at once.

"What the hell!"

"This is Susanoo? Don't joke with me! These monsters are our prey!"

Metal Knights got thoroughly enraged, but Yu IlHan couldn't care less; he just kept throwing his spears.

He threw, and threw again. Until the moment when all the monsters that filled the battlefield were in his Cross Bag, he threw his spears.


"Fucker! Do you think the world is yours since everyone calls you Susanoo!"

"We will definitely find you! We will find you and kill you!"

Whether they were shouting or not, Yu IlHan just kept throwing his spears. The moment the last 2nd class monster lost its life, Yu IlHan muttered in satisfaction.

"Good luck."

[You're doing something really good, but somehow, you look really evil.](Lita)

[That's Yu IlHan's charm.](Erta)

Since the monsters were all dead, Metal Knights lost their job.

Both the clan members and the clan master were all rampaging around while saying that they would find Yu IlHan and kill him, but the person in question was leisurely moving to another area.

The once-again-inflated Susanoo Army also followed Yu IlHan.

"As expected of Lord Susanoo. He does not know retreat."

"Hah! They look quite good, they were boasting about how they were sturdy until moments ago."

"The 'lords' of the knights of steel should go home since they don't have anything to do!"

"Maggots, trying to gain fame by sacrificing people's lives? Gain a plane to go home, damn you!"

The insults to Metal Knights were a bonus. Unlike them, who were looking to gain reputation, the ones who were purely fighting to protect their homes had the qualifications to mock them.

Of course, there were also some among the Japanese that seeked to gain fame, and tried to show off by finding a good location, and there were some amongst the foreign clans that were fighting hard to save lives, so that statement couldn't be generalized, but at least right now, Metal Knights deserved to be insulted.


"Leader, we need to move. At this rate, we will become nothing."

"Yes, we should move. Let's move."

Hearing his subordinate's words filled with worry, the leader of Metal Knights, Michael, Smithson, replied while gritting his teeth. If he really retreated now, then he would receive the mocks of the entire world.

However, Tokyo and Chiba still had plenty of monsters left, and they still had a lot of opportunities.

"Let's move so that Susanoo and we don't go in the same direction. Also, look for a clan that wants to cooperate with us. At this rate, we cannot overcome him."

"I understand. There's no helping it."

"Gather many small scaled clans. We will make them gain glory by making them abandon their lives, and we will live and gain power. Understand?"

"Of course, leader."

Smithson talked like a dog in human skin, but since the subordinate was also a son of a bitch, it didn't really matter. When the subordinates were moving to fulfill his orders, Michael Smithson muttered while gritting his teeth.

"Susanoo, I will kill you."

Conquering the 23 districts of Tokyo in order, Yu IlHan met several cases like Metal Knights. Of course, he ardently threw his spears regardless of what they were doing, and got insulted a lot. Also, his level increased as a bonus.

[You have become level 83. 1 Strength, 2 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

"Sheesh, this level really doesn't increase much."

[I don't think you can talk if you levelled up 8 times in a single day.](Erta)

[You're gaining the same amount of levels as what others do in an entire year, in a single day, that is](Lita)

"This isn't much. I haven't slept a lot either..."

Yu IlHan grumbled after listening to the angels' words and checked the Cross Bag, and confirmed that several tens of thousands of 2nd class monsters were inside it. He newly realized how many monsters he annihilated.

"Hey, why isn't this exploding?"

[We added a lot of space while we were at it. But please be careful when controlling the weight. You might lose a shoulder if you aren't careful.](Erta)

[It looks like it will take days to finish dismantling them too.](Lita)

There's no way it would end with 'losing a shoulder' with the weight tens of thousands of monsters, right! Well, it looks like he had to give up attacking using the weight of the bag.

If he used any, then it would be for striking down. Yes. If he applied weight at the moment he shot the pile bunker, wouldn't he be able to attack the enemy without pressure?

Of course, this would require precise control. And this, was something that Yu IlHan was good at.

[Such a frightening thought.](Erta)

[I'm satisfied since he reminds me of my younger days.](Lita)

[It was you, Lita! You made him like this!](Erta)

Seeing Erta grabbing Lita's collars and shaking it, Yu IlHan laughed. Of course, he only said it, but he didn't want to use a technique with a lot of consequences. To be exact, he didn't want there to come a situation where he would have to use this technique.

However, as always, such situations happen without fail. And always faster than his expectations.

"Master, this area is all cleaned up!"

"It seems northwest area has a lot of monsters, let's go there!"

"Commence movement!"

The Lightning God clan solidified their attacking tactics and grew along with their fame while cleaning up the monsters little by little, despite the restraining movements from other clans.

The Clan Master, Kang MiRae, sucked on a bottle of mana potion that she had bought with a lot of money.

"I want a more passionate fight."

"MiRae's at it again! It's the 'crazy girl' mooode!"

"Come here, YuNa. I will show you what a real crazy girl is like."

Kang MiRae, a pervert who looked cold like an icy hell normally, but turned extremely aggressive in a fight, decided on Na YuNa as the next target, when a clan member called for Kang MiRae while tilting his head.

"Master, something just fell down from the sky."

"What did? A monster?"

"No, theeeere. A strange cube like thing that has a strange ancient magic formation like thing written on it. Huh? There's another one?"

Tap, tap, tap.

That member could see 3 cubes falling down in an area not far away. Kang MiRae of course didn't know what it is, but Na YuNa's guardian angel, Feyta did.

[Trap of Destruction...](Feyta)

Muttered Feyta dumbfoundedly after seeing that. Na YuNa asked back with a 'Hm?' but Feyta didn't reply to her and screamed.

[E, everyone run away! Run away now! W, we need to leave this place now!](Feyta)

However, it was already too late by then. The three Traps of Destructions that fell down almost simultaneously activated immediately, and an enormous amount of mana wave covered the group.

All the monsters in that area could not win against that strong seduction.

A strong vibration rung the ground as if a great earthquake was occurring. from the ground, from the sea, from the sky… all the monsters gathered.

While all the humans were shocked at the sudden change in events, the greatest nightmare ended up erupting.

In the middle of Tokyo city, which was covered up by a Dungeon Wave.

An Overflow had occurred.

Author's notes

Angels are all professional stable lockers. (T/N: from the idiom "To lock the stable after the horse is stolen)

Translator's notes

>"We will definitely find you! We will find you and kill you!"

Uhh, even God couldn't find him, now that his ability evolved, the only ones that can find him are the two angels he has a contract with.

Translator : Chamber

Yu IlHan abruptly raised his head; a head-shaking concentration of mana had assaulted him.

Not only that, the monsters in that place seemed to be attracted to that as they lifted their heads up before viciously running towards one point.

"What is this aura? I think it's super dangerous."

[Oh my god, an Overflow!](Lita)

[How can it be!](Erta)

Lita and Erta, who noticed that a little earlier than Yu IlHan did, also shouted in shock. Yu IlHan, who realized that the situation was very urgent in any case, ran towards the same direction the monsters were running to and threw his spears to reduce their numbers as much as possible,

However, if he could stop the situation with just that, an Overflow wouldn't have occurred in the first place.

"Overflow is a phenomenon that occurs when the performance of a Trap of Destruction is too strong, isn't it! Right now, not to mention Traps of Destructions, the dungeons are breaking down, so how the hell did this happen?"

[I don't know! Don't tell me an inactive Trap of Destruction suddenly… No, this doesn't even make sense!](Lita)

The moment Lita shouted while shaking her head, Yu IlHan thought up of a frightening imagination.

"In this situation, where an enormous amount of monsters were released to a limited area due to broken dungeons, if someone throws several Traps of Destruction at the same place, then wouldn't it be possible to artificially cause an Overflow?"

Yu IlHan's estimation was correct. In fact, if an Overflow had occurred in this situation, a Dungeon Wave, there wouldn't be any other explanation.

[Why would someone… just who!](Erta)

[Traitors...There were more!](Lita)

While Erta was accepting and being shocked at the situation, Lita, having seen through the situation, gritted her teeth.

She knew very well that the traitor last time was just the bottom of the rung. He was only killed since they had no means to find out who was behind him, they were aware that there was a possibility of more traitors being amongst their ranks, so they were cautious. Wasn't the reason for more angels being dispatched to Earth to prevent situations like this?

The problem was that such situations were happening again as if to laugh at them.

What this proved was very simple. The traitor was deeper amongst their ranks than they thought, and their abilities were incredibly high.

[Why would someone do this? Do they really intend to destroy Earth?](Erta)

[There are a few who might think that. Anyway, for now, solving this Overflow is priority!](Lita)

Lita was right. There was no need to think about anything else right now. Yu IlHan only just ardently ran forward.

"The storm of Susanoo is chasing the monsters!"

"Shit, follow Lord Susanoo! If we don't then we will all die!"

"Overflow, it's definitely an Overflow. If all these monsters gather in one place, and if a mutant species appear in this kind of place where the mana concentration is already so high… Shit!"

The Susanoo Army also seemed to realize that the situation was not going well. Some among them had experienced Overflows in other worlds, and in LA a while ago, so they saw through the situation quite correctly.

[Yu IlHan, please hurry up a little more! A little more!](Erta)

"I know, I'm running at full speed right now!"

The location that was presumed to be the center of the Overflow, was around 30km away from where Yu IlHan was fighting. Thinking that it was fortunate that it didn't happen so far away, Yu IlHan pushed up his gear.

After finding the combination of transcendent regeneration and superhuman strength, it was now possible for him to deploy superhuman strength almost continuously as long as the bloodrink allowed him to. Focusing all the power of his muscles into running, he renewed all his past records.

Now that he could not wield mana, keeping the superhuman strength skill active all the time was a blessing for him.

[It's dangerous...](Lita)

Lita had become nervous.

[This is too dangerous. The time isn't good. It's bad to the point that I'm thinking that this Dungeon Break was planned meticulously beforehand.

The mana concentration that was heightened beyond norm in the Kantou region, and the heightened levels of the monsters according to that, the Dungeon Break that occurred as if to strike the nail on the head, Dungeon Wave, and the gathered strong ability users. All these attributed to increasing the concentration of mana, and they scattered Traps of Destruction to induce an artificial Overflow.

The monsters around here are mostly 2nd class, and perhaps, the monster that will be born at the end of this overflow maybe…. just maybe.](Lita)

"It doesn't matter what it is."

While running at full speed, Yu IlHan checked his condition, his skills and his equipment once again.

"I will kill it. Whether it's 3rd class or 4th class."

Thinking back to the mage that he ended instantly in the past, Yu IlHan thought that this wouldn't end easily like that and shook his head.

This situation was completely different to the one last time. The mage was completely off guard, and did not receive the opportunity to bring out his full abilities, and was a mage, that had the lowest defense amongst all the 4th class people out there.

He didn't know what monster would appear due to this Overflow, but its defense would be on a completely different scale to the mage. Perhaps, its attack power, and its destructive range, too.

However, what difference does that make? Yu IlHan's humanity enhancement didn't even bud yet, and the monster would appear right now. So, would Yu IlHan have to give up and run away since it was hard to kill?

Not possible. Simple. If he couldn't kill it, then Earth would step once towards the path of Destruction, and none, other than Yu IlHan would be able to kill it.

[IlHan, we've arrived!]

Yu IlHan ended his thoughts and raised his head up.

That place was truly a spectacle. A violent storm of mana, and the numerous monsters that ran towards it without regard for their lives, the ruined city, and the wandering humans that did not know what to do.

Would it be different if he arrived a little earlier? Would he be able to prevent the appearance of a mutant species if he used all his weapons? These kind of questions were meaningless right now.

The monsters that gathered here all threw their bodies into that storm, and a level more frightening mutant species were appearing in this world.

And, even amongst the mutant species, a huge monster, that absorbed the powers of three Traps of Destruction, appeared.



After seeing its appearance that showed up with a loudly resounding roar, Yu IlHan ended up laughing. How did it end up like this. What coincidence was this?

"Do you have a spare Ame no Habakiri?"


Lita replied with an absent minded voice. Yu IlHan nodded as if he knew the answer already, and straightened his waist at the front of the giant monster that had eight heads and eight tails.

"Then I can only fight like this."

The monster that showed itself in front of humanity, looked similar to the monster, Yamata no Orochi, that was told to be slayed by Susanoo in Japanese mythology.


"Just what are the principles of a mutant specie being born? Don't tell me that absurd myth is true?"

[No way, but in this Japanese lands, stories related to Yamata no Orochi is quite a hot issue, no?](Lita)

Through books, through manga, through movies, through games, through anime, through other people – the story of that monster was retold countless times.

The existence of Yamata no Orochi is false, so it is not recorded anywhere, but various media itself was recorded to pass down the false monster's existence and ability.

[I think it acquired that appearance after absorbing those records. Truly a mutant specie.](Lita)

In fact, Yu IlHan couldn't care less what it looked like on the outside. It wasn't like the nickname Susanoo that he had acquired gave him an advantage against it, so it was meaningless.

What was important now, was that it harbored enormous amount of power, befitting of its horrifying appearance.


Without any signs, it spat out a lump of purple light from its mouth. As it had 8 mouths, there were naturally 8 such lumps. They burned everything that they came into contact with, created craters on the ground, and devoured humans and monsters alike.

Hundreds of lives evaporated in an instant. Truly, an absurd power.


"Ya, Yamata no Orochi…"

"It's alright. We have Lord Susanoo with us. The myth is replaying on this land!"

"Dumb things, we will die if we don't move now! The enemy isn't only just Orochi!"

Yamata no Orochi was just the head of the mutant species. The mutant species that appeared as a result of this Overflow wasn't just itself. Huge snakes, lizards, and fish that walked on two legs… they all had strong power.

"D, don't tell me they are all 3rd class?"

"Not all, but some are, 3rd class."

"Fuck, how are we supposed to kill them!"

Even the people who did well against several hundred high level monsters had now fallen into panic.

This was in a completely different scale than the ones they had seen until now. They were having a hard time against those who just passed level 50, and now, the minimum level of those monsters were 90. There were even tens of 3rd class monsters as well.


Orochi spat out lumps of purple light again. Since the humans had fallen into panic due to seeing so many high level monsters, these purple lumps were a disaster for them. Moreover, the time it took to recharge those set of 8 lumps wasn't even that long either. If this was a game, the creators were making a level 30 challenge a hell mode boss!

Moreover, those lumps of purple light didn't end with just a direct attack, and scattered flames of purple light everywhere. The ability to make the entire battlefield a hell of fire; this took the entire battlefield completely away from the human's side.

"Ah, I'm going crazy, really."

[No doubt about it. A 4th class.](Erta]

Even Erta absent mindedly spoke as she did not know how to advise him.

She wanted to help him, but angel's support skill was something that cannot be activated unless in an Abandoned World. She had provided Yu IlHan this subclass since she didn't want to drag him down, but now it couldn't even be brought out!

[Aah, really!](Erta)

[No, Erta](Lita)

Just as when Erta was about to explode after holding in her frustration. in other words, just as she was about to go against the rules of the Army of Heaven! Lita restrained her with a calm voice.

[Let's believe in IlHan and wait.](Lita)

[This is a different situation to when he killed the mage!](Erta)

[And take him and run if it seems like it really wouldn't work out.](Lita)

[Got it.](Erta)

The two talked about things that other angels would punish them when they heard it, but fortunately, there was no one to hear them right now. The humans weren't even aware of angels, and the angels were busy worrying about their own partners.

However, Yu IlHan himself, the one that the two angels decided to help survive even with a compensation, was talking stuff like this while looking at Orochi.

"I think I need to attract it."



"At this rate, everyone other than me will die. I need to attract it to somewhere else then fight it."

After deciding, he kicked off the ground. In his hands was the pile bunker that had not many more uses left. Of course, with the ammo loaded to the 4th level.

No matter how it was the Yamata no Orochi, it could not see through Yu IlHan's concealment, and since he had killed monsters endlessly while his deathgod skill was active, he was more than 60% stronger. Counting all abilities that would increase when attacking in surprise, he would be able to deal 3 times the normal damage.

Of course, that wouldn't be sufficient to kill the Orochi, but it would be enough to make it chase Yu IlHan in berserk mode!

Yu IlHan leaped several hundred meters into the air, but the Orochi still could not notice him.

Even though the enemy was someone that would threaten his life, what was the reason that laughs came out of him? Laughing, Yu IlHan aimed the pile bunker on the central regions othe head. Then kicked off the air using re-leap!

"Here I go, please-look-at-only-me attack!"

[Don't come up with weird move names at such an important time!](Erta)

At that time, the pile bunker itself got struck in the throat of the Orochi, that was open as it was just after it had shot a magic bullet. The moment Orochi abruptly widened its eyes, Yu IlHan shot the ammo simultaneously as he transferred the weight of the Cross Bag!


A scream that seemed like it would split apart the Earth, resounded across. The ones that were running away in fear of the Orochi, and the ones fighting against the monsters all staggered due to the enormous vibration.

And they could see – the one that hid until now, and the absolute one that had lead them until now.

Since he couldn't kill the enemy in a single strike, the long lasting concealment had finally worn off.


"Oh my god, he's really a human?"


The Orochi's neck, that was completely done in by the pile bunker, was obliterated into smithereens. The pile bunker ammo that had not lost its power, cut through the Orochi's neck to its body with several thousands of tons of weight, with a loud ripping sound, before finishing off with an explosion.

While the Orochi roared in pain, Yu IlHan landed on the ground.

"L, Lord Susanoo."


He knew that the people's gazes were directed at him, but he intentionally ignored it. To be exact, he had no time to pay attention to them; he had to kick off and run immediately.


Everything was according to Yu IlHan's plan. Facing an enormous pain, the Orochi chased Yu IlHan with its eyes flipped. Despite the fact that there were many prey around it, it couldn't help it since its sense of vengeance burned brightly against Yu IlHan, who had destroyed one of its heads.

"Here, follow me!"


Bringing out the maximum power of his superhuman strength, Yu IlHan enhanced his leg muscles, and his speed was really fast to the point that his nickname, Sungdaein Bolt, was not a joke.

Moreover, a bottle of bloodrink was already on Yu IlHan's mouth, so he was instantly dissolving the fatigue piling up in his body before the superhuman strength even wore off. He would be able to keep his superhuman strength up until the bloodrink ran out!

This was only possible since Yu IlHan's ability to control his muscles and his skills were rapidly evolving in this rapidly changing, endless crisis.

"Lord Susanoo is..."

"Taking the Orochi to somewhere else."

"Shit, we need to help him!"

"We can't even scratch it!"

The Susanoo Army was mostly made up of those that were directly rescued by Yu IlHan. They naturally wanted to help him, but realistically, their power was too weak.

Moreover, the monsters other than the orochi were charging towards them. Now, they had a hard time looking after their own bodies.

Meanwhile, the clans realized that this was a good opportunity to get them known, while at the same time, being a crisis where their clan's fate was on the line.

Rather, some of them even thought that they should be the ones to kill the Orochi.

"I need to sever the Orochi's neck."


"I know. we need to kill them first!'

Kang MiRae made a spear of lightning above his staff and threw it. The current strongest mage of humanity, the Empress', spear ripped apart a few monsters charging towards the Lightning God clan, but she couldn't be satisfied with just that.

"I can't even kill a 3rd class monster in a single strike. Even though this was after investing a quarter of my mana!"

"YuNa, buff MiRae."

"Okay, oppa. But I can't bring out my beeest."

Na YuNa grumbled while giving Kang MiRae a buff immediately with her holy power. Her latter words weighed on Kang HaJin's mind so he asked back.

"Can't bring out your best? At such an important time?"

"I need to buff IlHan lateeeerr."


"If we don't kill the Orochi here right now, then the Earth is doomed. But no one other than him can kill it, right? So I need to help him!"

Whether this was due to her lack of self-respect, or overflowing self-respect, Na YuNa was declaring quite firmly. Declaring that no one other than Yu IlHan would be able to accomplish it, she dissed all others, and brought herself up as if it was natural for her to help.

Anyone who heard it would get angry. Kang HaJin being the same.

"No one other than Mr. Yu IlHan can kill it? Fuck, I know that much."

From the moment the name Susanoo got famous on the SNS, the Lightning God clan also suspected that the identity of Susanoo might be Yu IlHan.

However, his battle methods were too different from the ones they had seen until now, and moreover, since his power was too overwhelming, they didn't want to believe it. More like, they denied that fact with all their heart.

However, moments ago, when he destroyed one of the heads of the Orochi that was basically playing around with humans, Kang HaJin couldn't not accept it. On Earth, no, amongst the strong people of all the worlds, the only one that used a weapon like that was him alone.

"Why is it you?"

Kang MiRae asked Na YuNa after killing monsters with a level stronger lightning spear after she was buffed by Na Yuna.

She was quite upset when she heard that no one other than Yu IlHan could kill the Orochi, so her expression had become quite sharp.

"Well, that's because I'm the Earth's number one buffer."

Na YuNa declared shamelessly. Her endless pride was extremely similar to her friend, Kang MiRae.

"So let's clean this place up quickly and go help IlHaaaan."

"Okay. I need to take a place too. It's a good opportunity to make him owe me."

"You girls really like him, don't you?"

"Shut up, oppa. Just defend the front!"

Like how the Lightning God clan was defending against the monsters, Metal Knights and Magia vaguely realized that they should defend against these lizard hybrids.

No, instead, with the appearance of these absurd monsters, the situation was inducing their cooperation, which seemed like it would never happen.

"Leader of Metal Knights, Michael Smithson."

"Lord of Magia, Carina Malatesta."

The man with the bad impression, who had resolved to kill Yu IlHan, and a noble-looking lady, that seemed like she would have never worked throughout her life, joined hands.

Both Metal Knights and Magia thought that they would only be running away after losing some manpower, but after the absurd monsters like the Orochi came out, they realized that this wasn't a problem of them running away, but one that concerned the fate of Earth.

No matter how foolish and idiotic they were, they knew that in this situation, they should put their lives on the line and overcome this crisis, rather than leaving the Earth to doom.

Moreover, they coincidentally had what their counterpart lacked; Metal Knights had absurdly sturdy defense, and Magia had absurdly powerful magic.

"Can you really hold out? They are strong. They are on a completely different level to the ones that appeared until now on this archipelago."

"Hmph, they don't even itch me."

In fact, they hurt like hell, but if they didn't hold out here, then Earth would really be doomed.

"Please take care of us."

"Fuu, likewise."

Both Michael and Carina were saying 'Fuck, fuck' within their minds, but they formed a party calmly on the outside. This was the moment two of the most well off clans had merged their powers into one.

"If you got into a party, then fight already, fuckers!"

And Kang HaJin, who was splendidly getting beaten up at the front lines with the mutant species, shouted. It was a shout with a soul.

Author's notes

1. Thanks for the wait, the boss fight!

2. Since the story is centered around Yu IlHan, I cannot erase the impression that the angels are powerless, and in fact, they actually are, but after this fight, I plan to explain about their situation a little. You might understand a little…. Hm, actually no. Earth is holding out since Yu IlHan's super strong!

3. Like in this chapter, Yamata no Orochi is a monstrous beast that was told to be slayed by Susanoo in Shinto myth. To categorize, he is an 'original', mutated one though!

4. Ame no Habakiri is the sword that was passed onto Susanoo from Izanagi to slay the Orochi. However, this sword is broken during the fight with Orochi, and the sword that Susanoo acquires to replace it is….(T/N: Author leaves it hanging here… if you want to know, then it's the "Heavenly Cloud Gathering Sword", a.k.a Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi)

5. I was re reading through this chapter but I didn't like it so much. After several edits, a disaster where 3 chapters were made into 2 had occurred. The fact that the quantity of this chapter exploded is all due to that. I couldn't separate it…. T^T

6.I will answer some of your questions.

–1. The angels requested Yu IlHan to make the Traps of Destruction since the ones they made didn't work, but how does that Trap of Destruction work so well! (T/N: The ones that created the Overflow) That's because the Traps of Destruction that Yu IlHan had made is resonating and helping the activation of the Traps of Destruction. This came out before, right?

–2. Even though it's obvious that they'll get insulted if they don't cooperate, why do they only gather up in clans? Humans are originally like that. They all act on their own, and if they succeed, they are deemed heroes, and if they fail, they are deemed losers. Of course, they are the latter. There are too many instances in history so it's hard to line them up here…

–3. How do people follow the concealed Yu IlHan? They don't, they follow the scenes of destruction and think that "Oh! Lord Susanoo his heading that way!".

Translator's notes

Erta is so nice… I can type her name with just the left hand.

On the other hand… this chapter is around 50% longer…

So bear it for the 3 chapter/1 week hiatus…

Translator : Chamber

Meanwhile, Yu lHan's distraction plan was slowly nearing its limits as well.


As it had lost one of its heads, it shouldn't really be called the 'Yamata no Orochi'(T/N: I'm sure one of the characters in Yamata means 'eight'), so having become enraged, the Orochi shot 7 magic bullets to block Yu IlHan's path.

Yu IlHan also judged that he had made enough distance and stopped running. If he ran anymore from here, then civilian casualties would increase rapidly anyway.

"Erta, do me a favor."

[Just what can I do?](Erta)

"On Vanguard's homepage, create a new official notice and link it everywhere. Mostly on the SNS."

Erta's eyes trembled as she heard that.

"Say that if they don't come here right now and help us, they won't be given the 'higher ranked' weapons purchase ticket that will be sold two months later."

[Oh my god. Did you emphasize Vanguard 'standard' just so you could do this?](Erta)

"Just do it before more people die."


Yu IlHan became silent after ordering Erta. He had somehow successfully led the guy to a place without people, but he couldn't think up of a way to fight that thing.

It was good that he had blown one head to smithereens with his pile bunker, but thinking in reverse, this meant that his strongest attack had only blown a single head.

It still had seven heads, and 8 intact tails. He solidified the thought that he would conquer the body rather than severing all those 17 appendages, but he didn't think that it would obediently hand its body over to him to conquer.

His greatest ability, and the one that made him be called Susanoo, his concealment, was not usable anymore, and the power of the atlatl that he had used until now…..


Yu IlHan experimented using his atlatl and threw a throwing spear with all his might.

The throwing spear that flew with explosive power did not allow the Orochi to avoid, but it miserably got deflected due to its thick scales. If this was a game, then a '0' or a 'MISS' would pop up above Orochi's head!


[Wow, this was something that instakilled those above level 90, but that thing ain't even flinching.](Lita)

Even superhuman strength, and the attack power of the atlatl, along with his insane spearmanship could not get past the Orochi's defenses.

He had done plenty well until now, but in the end, a limit had approached for him who could not use mana in a fight.

"Of course, I knew this would happen."

Throwing spears using the atlatl was no good; and despite the fact that the pile bunker might still be effective even after losing the buff of a surprise attack, the problem was the loading time.

To load it to the 4th level, even Yu IlHan at his full strength in superhuman strength mode would require a full minute, but there's no way that the Orochi would cheer him on while dancing while he was doing that.

"That leaves, there we go."


Muttering to himself, Yu IlHan stopped formulating his battle plan and moved to dodge the magic bullets. It did not give him a single moment of rest.


Perhaps due to having inflicted a great wound, it was very careful. Despite the fact that it had power that would overwhelm him, it was afraid that it would get hurt anymore and was using long ranged attacks to corner him.

Its attacks probably weren't just those magic bullets. The moment Yu IlHan gets used to them, it would bring out another type of attack like nothing and make him suffer.

If it didn't know something, then it's the fact that Yu IlHan would never let his guard down with it in front of him!

However, regardless of letting his guard down or not, it didn't change the fact that the situation was grim.

"Atlatl's no good, pile bunker's impossible. Then do I need to throw some grenades after dodging like this?"

Fucking hell mode!

Swore Yu Ilhan, and the angels were also resolved to run away with him at any moment.

{Kuhuk, kuhhhuuuuuuuuuu!}

It was right at that moment that a message that sounded like a girl-ghost from a horror movie resounded out.

[Dragon, those things that deserve to get ripped apart and pull the roots out of! I'm sure. That monster is a dragonkin!](Reta)


When Yu IlHan asked back calmly, the existence that harbored endless hatred towards dragonkin, Reta Kar'iha's thoughts, replied.

[The existence that you call Yamata no Orochi, is definitely a dragonkin! That aura, that mana! I can't be wrong!](Reta)

"Oooh, okay. Actually, I suspected that, but I wasn't too sure."

Moreover, even if that was the case, the fact that the situation is grim doesn't really change – muttered Yu IlHan in a voice that no one could hear.

However, with Reta Kar'ihas declaration, it was clear that a possibility had opened up for Yu IlHan. At least, it was much better than just now where he was complaining that there was no way to win.

He slowly took out a weapon from his Cross Bag and gripped it.

Dark Deathgod's Dragon-exterminating Spike Spear.

This was something that increased critical hit rate and critical hit damage by 150% when fighting against dragonkin, and a gamma option that was meaningless until now. This was the moment that it would shine.

[Another round of magic bullets!](Erta)

Erta warned while screaming. It looked like it had overflowing mana as it poured out another seven of those frighteningly powerful purple magic bullets! Yu IlHan gripped on his spike spear while leaping around to dodge those magic bullets.

"Rather than that, look at this spear! What do you think?"

[If a critical hit occurs, then you'd be able to fight. It would be at least stronger than the pile bunker!](Lita)

Lita was thinking on the same lines as Yu IlHan. This spear had the insane option that would increase his critical hit rate and damage by 2.5 times as long as the one he was facing was a dragonkin. Although it would be hard to endure his attacks, if he could deal a critical hit, then it was doable!

And coincidentally, since his Cross Bag had the remote collection option, if he infinitely threw the spear and damaged it....


At that moment, Yamata no Orochi rung out all seven of its heads beautifully as if singing. However, the results of the seven magic bullets that it spat out were not beautiful at all.

Boom! Booboomm!

It was good that Yu IlHan had dodged all of them with his nimble movements, but the magic bullets that swished past him was utterly ruining the ground. Just looking at the ground depressing several meters made him plenty shocked, but it did not end with just that and burned the ground with purple flames.

He had seen this quite a few minutes a go as well; it had made the surroundings a sea of flames and made the people unable to stand. Half the reason why he had lead it all the way here was because of that.

[At this rate this place would become a sea of flames as well. IlHan, we need to keep switching battlefields!](Lita)

"At this rate we'd burn up all of Tokyo."

About half of it was already like that already. He felt like his flesh was being cooked even without getting into contact with those flames directly, as his surroundings were a sea of flames, and just as when he got into position to throw his spear, another round of magic bullets would fly at him so he couldn't find any chances.

"This is no good."

Around that time, Yu IlHan had no choice but to change his thinking.

[IlHan, don't tell me you?](Lita)


Nodding, Yu IlHan stuck his spear towards his body, then he slightly crouched down: A leap position.

There are two ways to kill an enmy with a spear.

One was to pierce by throwing, and the other was to approach and stab.

Since he couldn't find any opportunity nor place to throw it, he had no choice but to approach and stab!

The problem was that – he had to approach it after breaking through a baptism of magic bullets, and endure an unknown counterattack that it might have, before finding a weak spot to stab, and finally, deal a critical hit successfully.

What was worse was that it would end with just a single critical hit, but an uncountable number of them until it died.

[Even so, I feel like the difficulty was dropped from hell mode to nightmare mode!](Erta)

"It makes me even more depressed so don't be so happy!"

Yu IlHan dodged its attacks again and abruptly widened his eyes.

The important elements in dealing a critical hit were: 1. observation, and 2. control. The softest and weakest spot on its body, or a place that it is trying to guard. He had to find such a spot and attack that place exactly.

In that sense, Yu IlHan was pretty lucky. He didn't even have to spend effort to find its weak spot as it could already be seen. It was none other than the remains of the head that Yu IlHan had blown to bits with his pile bunker. To be exact, the part that exposed its inner flesh due to the explosion of the fragment shot!

Fortunately, this monster didn't seem to have a great regeneration capability compared to its monstrous strength, as it could be seen that thick purple colored blood was dripping down.

"I'm going."

Yu IlHan leaped. The Orochi shot a magic bullet exactly at that time, but as if he had expected that to happen, he re-leaped in the air right as it was about to collide with him.

As a result, the distance between him and the Orochi was decreasing, but as the Orochi had just finished shooting its magic bullet, it had no method of preventing the exciting close combat.

"It's all going according to plan...!"

Yes. Yu IlHan had already learned the time that the Orochi took to shoot a single magic bullet, and was waiting for the opportunity for it to shoot all seven magic bullets at once!

The Orochi moved its seven heads in attempt to block Yu IlHan, but he had slipped through the heads as if laughing at it.

If there were still 8 heads, then it might have been difficult, but due to a loss of a head, it had a fatal gap. And Yu IlHan wasn't an idiot who would miss that.

The head that bit the air and not Yu IlHan, roared loudly.


The Orochi definitely had a fast movement speed, but due to the huge body that went over tens of meters, it not agile in dodging. It was clear that the throwing spear that Yu IlHan threw last time was 'unable' to be dodged, not that it 'didn't' dodge.

Having passed through the gaps in the Orochi's heads, Yu IlHan instantly approached the center of the body, which was the connecting point for its seven heads and eight tails, and one that was abnormally puffed up. The exact spot that that was bleeding!

"Go croak!"


Just as Yu IlHan confidently attacked the wound with his spear, the counterattack that he had expected had occurred.

The scales that covered its body suddenly stood up sharply and shot towards Yu IlHan.

[Yu IlHan!](Erta)

"I knew this would happen!"

He had already used up his re-leap, and since his charging momentum was too strong, he couldn't dodge them either. Then there was no choice but to block them in his own way!

Confirming that thousands of scale-fragments were assaulting him, Yu IlHan gripped his spear tight and called out a huge shield made of ground monster bones using his remote collection.

The angels became shocked after seeing the application of the Cross Bag's properties that they had never imagined.

[This is completely magic!](Lita)

[Oh my god, now that I think about it, we have given him an absurd reward!](Erta)

Whatever Lita and Erta said didn't enter Yu IlHan's ears. The sharp scale fragments pierced the huge shield and struck Yu IlHan's full-body armor with a loud noise, which made his consciousness faint for a moment along with the continuous pain.

Although the power of those scales had weakened due to the shield, even so, the power of a 4th class mutant was overwhelming. Even though he was prepared, he felt like he had just toured the other world.


[Are you okay, IlHan!?](Lita)

"I'm okay...!"

Enduring the pain that ragged his breathing, Yu IlHan barely landed on a place on top of the Orochi's body, just a little away from the wound. He wanted to roll around on the ground and scream in pain, but he endured again and again.

Instead, using the remote collection of his Cross Bag, he called out a bloodrink to his mouth and sucked on it and madly operated transcendent regeneration to heal his injuries. He looked as if he was completely used to those actions.

He now could use remote collection to gather items at a distance to put in his Cross Bag, but also, could call out the items in his Cross Bang into a distance. If he analyzed how low the distance was, and how much vector he could put into it, then it would become usable during battle as well.

Like how he had just called the shield to weakened the impact of the scale-fragment baptism, like how he put the bloodrink on his mouth without moving his hand!


The Orochi seemed to have realized that a foreign object had landed on its body as it twisted its body around while roaring, but Yu IlHan counteracted with a simple measure.

"Nerf this! Weight transfer!"

He transferred the weight on the soles of the boots he was wearing!

At that moment, Orochi forgot everything in this world and screamed in pain.


This will hurt! since several thousand tons focused to a single point was stomping its body, even Yamata no Orochi's great-grandfather would scream in pain, much less the being in question!

He wished to apply the several thousand ton weight every time he struck with his spear, but if he did that, his own body would get messed up before the Orochi did, so to stand on Orochi's body, he had given up one of the capabilities of the Cross bag.

No, just this would inflict a DoT, so it couldn't really be called a loss.

{Kroaaaaaa! Kkakagagagakkaka!}

The Orochi tried to pull Yu IlHan off its body by twisting around. However, the boots weighing several thousand tons kept absolute stability as it pressed down. Yu IlHan was drinking the bloodrink while laughing.

"My feet damn hurts. It's breaking apart and mending in a 10 second cycle."

[Although you might be affected by the weight, you would have to endure the counter force. Just endure a little. You're doing well!](Erta)

Erta's 'endure a little' sounded like a dentist so he didn't feel that good. However, pain was the proof of life. Yu IlHan could endure a pain at this level as much as he wanted if it was to survive.

However, as soon as he had endured through its soul-shaking dance, another disaster assaulted him.

[Now it's the tails!](Lita)

"It's alright. The magic bullets will come later too."

[How's that 'alright' at all?!](Lita)

[He probably meant that it would be dangerous either way!](Erta)

Yu IlHan's words weren't wrong. At the same time the armored eight tails swiped across the back to shake him off, the Orochi turned its head toward its body and opened its mouth, seemingly having resolved to bear some damage.

What gathered in those mouths were purple colored mana emitting horrifying heat. Really, quite shocking.

"Okay, one hit to begin with!"

However, he was frustrated since he had placed himself there with difficulty, so he couldn't just obediently get off. Taking a deep breath quickly, Yu IlHan pulled out the spear that was embedded on the wound before stabbing the same place again!

[Critical Hit!]


Its body caused earthquakes repeatedly. The mana gathering in the seven mouths dissipated, and the eight tails that shot up with murderous intent also lost its strength and fell back down. Yu IlHan understood what it must have felt like.

Since, just now, about 50cm of flesh was dug out due to Yu IlHan's attack.

50cm out of tens of meters!

"Now I just have to do the same thing until I reach the heart, right? It's alright. I played a lot of Minecraft back in the days."

[Don't be so pessimistic This is plenty amazing!](Erta)

Yu IlHan called out another shield to block the spraying purple colored blood from the wound, since, if it was something that couldn't be blocked with extreme poison resistance, it would be game over for him. His careful considerations were wise.

Even though the shield was made from the bones of monsters that were at least over 80 in level, it couldn't endure the poisonous blood and oxidized in mid air.


That wasn't the end of it. The overwhelming pain seemed to have made it more daring as it started swing its tails again!

Yu IlHan nimbly cancelled the weight transfer and ran across the Orochi's back. Eight tails flew at him like whips, but something at that level wouldn't be able to hit Yu IlHan.

THe problem was the seven magic bullets that flew at him with murderous intent radiating from it! Yu IlHan ran, leaped, and re-leaped to somehow block them. On the back of the orochi, purple flames appeared in succession.

{Kgagagagagak! Kyaaaa!}

Even while twisting in pain, the Orochi did not stop its attacks. The tails that were sharper and heavier than any steel swords, and the magic bullets that were even more frightening continuously flew at him.

Yu IlHan barely held on on its back by using weight transfer whenever he felt like he would be shaken off, but no matter how good his reflexes were, it was impossible to completely evade all the attacks.

[Magic bullets, from 3 directions!](Erta)

[Another one behind you! IlHan!](Lita)

Barely dodging a tail, he pierced the spear again onto the body. Immediately after that, the Orochi changed tactics to move around its seven heads strangely to spit out magic bullets, each from a different direction.

Yu IlHan calculated in the moment that could be called instantaneous, and formulated a method to dodge the magic bullets. However, the maximum he could dodge were six. He couldn't think up of a method to avoid the last one that came from behind.

"Ah, shit. Dammit all!"

In the end, Yu IlHan leaped before it became too late and called 3 shields to his back! These were the things that he planned to sell as Vanguard high rank equipment!



From his back, he could feel a hot, no, a scorching heat. The three shields that blocked the magic bullets all melted down and heat assaulted Yu IlHan. Trying his best to endure the heat, Yu IlHan landed on the Orochi's back, but he couldn't help himself from groaning.


[IlHan, are you alright!?](Lita)

"I'm not alright...!"

Such a sturdy legend-rank armor had melted. He was wearing an inner armor made of leather and cloth, but even that melted. Even though the attack he was hit by was a 'normal attack' that it had shot out!

Yu IlHan realized that he was walking on a tightrope all this time. Even though he could only whittle away 1/50 of the Orochi's health with his full power, it could drive him to death with just a normal attack.

Was this the true power of a 4th class? If so, then he wouldn't want to meet another one for quite a while.

"If this is over, then I'll go home and rest."

[You can win. Yu IlHan, I believe in you.](Erta)

[Do your best, IlHan. I will never let you die, so do your best until you feel like you'd die!](Lita)

Even though the relationship he had with the angels until now was so shallow, he felt like pain was dissipating just with the angels saying that. Deploying transcendent regeneration with a bloodrink on his mouth, Yu IlHan helplessly smiled.

Then he ran across the Orochi's back again to stab the body!

Author's notes

That's strange, I made this 2 chapters since I thought it would be a little too short for 3, but how did both become 9 thousand character? (T/N: FYI, a normal chapter is 5000 characters, which is about 2500 words in English, this chap is about 3500 words)

Answer, a dragonkin! For your reference, the harpoon set will not be used. That is something made to be used against 3rd class, so it's not strong enough to tie down the Orochi.

There are a lot of ways to kill with a spear! You cannot be deceived by IlHan. That's just from G*te of… !@#$$%.

If a shooting option was added to the Cross Bag, then it would really become G*te of B*byl….!@#$%

Nerf this! : D.va's cute.

Translator's notes

what do people imagine that the orochi looks like? I think of it as an eight-headed, eight-tailed Brachiosaurus… or perhaps an eight-headed, eight-tailed Nessie…. with more fearsome looking heads too.