229 - 235


"Wow, the scenery changed in an instant. Captain, what magic did you use this time?"

"You won't know even if I explain it to you."

The Warp skill and the magic formation of the elves were quite similar in the aspect that they required magic stones to activate, but the preparations and activation process itself was very different. If Warp had a lot to consider, the magic formation would activate instantly once the magic stones were ready!

Right now, they had moved several thousand kilometers from the unknown battlefield, in a blink of an eye. Of course, since Phiria had just died here not too long ago, there should be a crucial battle going on!

"And this place….."


When Kang HaJin was about to speak, Liera, who felt something, quietened everyone. However, Yu IlHan shook his head.

"No, you won't cancel the concealment even if you host America's got talent or whatever other programme you might want to, so it's fine."

"That's quite good."

Originally, the Flying fortress was treated as Yu IlHan's equipment, and could receive the effects of his concealment. Also, his allies within the Flying fortress would also receive the benefits of concealment thanks to the Flying fortress.

"I can feel not one, but several presences of higher existences at once."

"We can't see them though..."

"They have basic concealment abilities, or are using magic. Also, I can see them as well."

No one in this world could not escape Yu IlHan, the concealment master. Right now, Yu IlHan had found 3 beings that had similar mana patterns to the Destruction Demon Army, and two who he couldn't read.

They were fighting while moving rapidly in mid air, and despite the fact that the Destruction Demon Army had the numerical advantage, there was a very intense battle.

"There are no angels... so they are from the Garden of Sunset, I suppose."

"You're right. The angels make up the Heaven's Army, and the fallen angels make up the Army of Brilliant Light, while Destruction Demon Army accepts both man and monsters, and the one that belongs to none of them is the Garden of Sunset."

"So they are the weakest faction huh."

"But they aren't to be looked down upon. In a 1 vs 1 battle, they are the most threatening... The records they are given, in other words, their leader, is special in some way."

That was definitely the case with this scene where two were on equal footing with three. However, to Yu IlHan, they were pretty much on the same level, so he did not care. The important matter here was Phiria, and Phiria alone.

The problem was that he could not see the body of Phiria no matter how much he searched over the ground. Perhaps her body was erased by the enemy. If it was not that, he could take her body and run, but right now, not to mention Phiria, he could not feel the presences of any lower existences at all.

In the first place, the landscape was battered with the five higher existences clashing. He didn't even know why Phiria had come to this place at all.

"I guess I can't help it."

Yu IlHan once again scanned the battlefield before taking out his spear. Liera asked.

"What are you going to do?"

"I need to earn some records."

"From what?

"From that guy."

Right now, there were only five beings that did not belong to his allies, so it was obvious who Yu IlHan was pointing towards. It was one of the Destruction Demon Army monsters that was in a better state!

"There's a guy that's half-dead, so I won't be able to earn any experience even if I kill that guy."

"Yes, my IlHan is very smart."

Killing a higher existence just to earn some info, huh. While everyone else other than Liera was shocked at Yu IlHan's insane actions, he raised his spear in a posture to throw it while ordering Mystic.

"Maximum output. One-point shooting."

[I'm already preparing.]

"Miss YuNa. Can you strengthen the Flying fortress as well?"

"I could if this place was a holy region."

"Then I guess I can't help it. Then please buff me, and Mystic, you shoot whenever you're ready."

"Lady Leytna, it's time to work~!"

[Yes, right now!]

[Attack power increases by 33% for 30 minutes due to a blessing.]

After Na YuNa's buff was cast on Yu IlHan, a beam of white light shot straight from the center of the Hundred Eyes that had gathered in mid air. Of course, since this was an attack in concealment, the Destruction Demon Army had received the hit without recognizing the attack.

[Kugh!? Kahak!?]

And the thrown spear that followed immediately pierced its body while the fire contained in the attack exploded to incinerate the whole body. Enemies that still could not be killed with Yu IlHan's surprise attack on top of the maximum output from the Flying fortress, would have to be 6th class and above.

[You have earned experience.]

[You have become level 274. 1 Strength, 2 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv306 Berein.]

Yu IlHan collected his spear and the corpse. Meanwhile, the members belonging to the Destruction Demon Army and the Garden of Sunset respectively, all turned their heads and found the Flying fortress.

[To think you'd interfere in a duel, you cowar.... what's that!?]

[This aura.... is a lower existence? How can he deal with a higher ex….!?]

All were shocked after seeing the Flying fortress. They were first shocked at the scale of the castle, and then at the fact that such a large thing could appear so suddenly. Lastly, they were surprised at the fact that they could not call anyone inside it a higher existence.

[Who are you!]

"Well, then. First."

He did not care about what they said and activated his Record skill to collect the information on the enemy he had just killed.

[The skill, Record, has become level 4.]

His expression creased as he sorted out the records he had just earned. He looked through the stuff that occurred not too long ago to find traces of Phiria. And fortunately, he had some success. While this guy was not the culprit behind Phiria's death, it knew the culprit.

[I'll kill you!]

[You shall not harm them!]

The strongest of the Destruction Demon Army threw the rotting sword it had. The sword that pierced through the air while containing an enormous quantity of energy, only ended up going back to its owner after being shot down by an energy beam from a member of the Garden of Sunset.

There should be a reason why that guy shot down the attack instead of him. And as expected, it looked like the Garden of Sunset judged that Yu IlHan was not their enemy after seeing him kill a member of the Destruction Demon Army.

[I do not care who you are! Help us to erase those evil offsprings!]

[The Destruction Demon Army is trying to make a paradise-on-land for monsters after obliterating even the residents of this world. You look human, and the fact that you ambushed them is probably because you knew that, right?]

The two higher existences belonging to the Garden of Sunset, approached the Flying fortress while deflecting the attacks that aimed for the Flying fortress while at it. Yu IlHan was creasing his expression until then as well, and only whispered to Liera after he could confirm their faces.

"Liera, you take the left."

"Got it. Mine is the left one. Hey, Na YuNa. Buff me as well."

"Yes of course, unni."

"...That sounded unpleasant for some reason."

"Oh, then do you want me to call you grandma?"

"Call me unni."

While Liera was receiving the buff from Na YuNa. Yu IlHan kicked off the Flying fortress to stop in front of the members of the Garden of Sunset.

"You guys are from the Garden of Sunset, right?"

[So you know of us after all. We knew that you were not ordinary after seeing you kill a higher existence and….. Kugh!?]

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]


After they approached a little more, as they saw that Yu IlHan had a friendly attitude, the Eight-tailed dragon spear that Yu IlHan had struck out pierced the abdomen of the one on the right.

[Kugh! Why....!]

Even though he had only attacked once, there were ten holes on the body. That was enough to put the guy near death!

"You killed our Phiria, bitch."

[Kugh, Cough!?]



To save the ally that was instantly put to near death, the other member tried to move, when Liera, who followed after Yu IlHan, after being buffed by Na YuNa, severed his two arms.

[How, there's two...!]

"Quite the, thick, face, after, all, that, bullshit."

Yu IlHan imbued his mana into the spear tip to make an essence flame of Blaze, then which he pierced and slashed his enemy like mad. The blood, flesh, bones, muscles, and brain fluids of the enemy, as well as the crystallized mana scattered to the surroundings.

[Kugh, Kugggh, Kyahk, Khaak!]

Each strike of his spear activated the Record skill to cram the tragic scene that it had pulled out until now. Amongst them, was the face of Phiria.

Going before that, he knew that this guy approached the elves as if he was their ally. They had a prior record of helping to protect the elves by cooperating with the dragons once before, and in reality, there was no reason for the elves to not believe them.

The Garden of Sunset utilized that. Even though, in the first place, whether it was the Destruction Demon Army or the Garden of Sunset, they were the same type of guys that were only thinking of wiping out the lower existence to acquire this world!

The reason Phiria died first was surprisingly due to her equipment. The legend-ranked equipment that Yu IlHan made for her. These guys were after that.

Only after finding out the reason behind Phiria's death, did Yu IlHan finally realized that when Liera said his equipment wasn't easily found even in the treasury of Heaven's Army, that she meant what she said.

Amongst that, the equipment Yu IlHan had made for his subordinates had especially good specs. If he was too late, then not only Phiria, but the lives of Paté, Mirey, as well as Jirl would have been put in danger. No, perhaps they were in a dangerous situation now. Paté even had an epic-ranked weapon.

[Kugh! Khiiik!]

The enemy pierced by the Eight-tailed dragon spear struggled to escape and shot bullets of mana from the two arms and legs to injure Yu IlHan, but mana bullets after the majority of the mana had already leaked out would not even damage the Infernal dragon body, not to mention hurting Yu IlHan.

His incomplete armor was already one of the best armors across all worlds.

"Although I want to make you suffer for 3 more hours."

[No, spar...]

[You have earned experience.]

[You have earned the record of Lv 317 Piltah.]

Yu IlHan finished him off by using the power of a blunt weapon and a sword into his spear. Looking to his side, Liera had also finished the enemy with several shockwave chains. Despite the fact that not even 5 minutes had passed since they arrived at this place, three 5th class higher existences had died.

"What the hell is that."

Kang HaJin absent mindedly muttered.

"Not to mention 'able' to go against higher existences, he's completely overwhelming them!"

"Ooh, so cool, Mr. IlHHan."

"And that's your impression after all that!?"

Yu IlHan did not stop with that. The two survivors of the Destruction Demon Army that tried to run away after estimating that he would cooperate with the Garden of Sunset, had forgotten about fleeing and turned stiff after seeing two higher existences die instantly like that.

[Just, what is your objective!?]

One of them shouted.

[You shocking lower existences. What exactly is that power that you possess, and where did your arrogance of facing against both the Destruction Demon Army and the Garden of Sunset, come from!]

"Not your problem."

Yu IlHan collected the remains of the ones that died and shook his spear to shake off the blood. Then, he charged against the remaining two at his full speed, and bared his fangs at them while activating Falling Down to prevent them from running away.

"You guys are so dead."

Brilliant white flames burned in the entirety of the Falling Down domain. By the power of Yu IlHan's fire attribute attack power increase, it became endlessly hotter.

Such was the start of the festival of fire that would cover the entirety of Dareu.

Author's notes

Hm, I had to fix the ending line several times because I didn't like it. And in fact, I still don't like it, dammit….

Translator's notes

The chain of souls and flames that Yu IlHan had made bound the higher existences. The surviving two members of the Destruction Demon Army comprised one gigantic beast and one humanoid, but they were the same in the aspect that they could not escape from the chains. The souls making up the chains were linked to Yu IlHan, and so as long as they didn't sever the connection with Yu IlHan's soul, they could not break the chains either.

Of course, those way above Yu IlHan's current league would simply ignore such limitations and escape, but the two in front of him didn't belong in this criteria.

"Liera, you take one of them."

"No, let's give it to Mir. Mir is still low level."

Two lower existences were chatting with the bound higher existences in front of them. It was quite ironic, since the scene was like a married couple was trying to give each other the last slice of the meat dish, but ended up giving it to the son.

"Okay, then. I'll go get Mir."

"Please do."

In the end, Liera returned back to the Flying fortress, leaving behind the two higher existences. That made the pride of the bound two, shatter into a thousand pieces.


[Kuhp, Khhhhhp!]

Although they were unsightly bound by Yu IlHan and simply became 'meat dishes', these higher existences were also those that had ruled a world. However, two 'mere' lower existences were being all leisurely in front of them!

[I'll kill you!]

[I'll freeze your woman and make her into an ice statue!]

The demon beast gathered destructive mana on its two hands and puffed up its muscles, while the humanoid made orbs of ices in his surroundings. Each and every one of them had the potential to be fatal! It didn't even take 1 second to do that, as expected of higher existences!

The two attacked at the same time. However, it did not create the scene of Liera being turned into a nice statue. The moment they tried to gather their mana, Yu IlHan called the five shields of Aegis and received all their attacks.



Aegis, which now had the effects of absorbing and amplifying mana before returning it back after being upgraded by the feathers of fallen angels, did its job and reflected their own mana back to them.

[Critical Hit!]


"Good, splendid performance as expected."

And it would become an even more perfect shield when he enhanced it with materials from higher existences later. Yu IlHan was satisfied with Aegis' performance, and unfolded his Ruin Calling to shoot shockwaves in the air to leap.

Now that he had mastered leap, and that the Warp skill was advancing by the day, Yu IlHan was at the level of stacking three or four leaps with one motion. Even when it looked like he was simply kicking off the air, he would be hundreds of meters away the next moment! It was not that much different from teleportation.


Following Yu IlHan's leap trajectory, Aegis followed, while the flames that comprised the domain gathered on the tip of his spear. The one Yu IlHan was aiming for, was the ice-wielding man who had a higher level. He was planning to break his ice head on.

[Heh, so you find me easy? Did you think you can melt me with your fire?]

This guy was worrying about Yu IlHan just shooting beams from afar, but when he approached, he laughed while being inwardly relieved.

[Go on then!]

"Hooh, sure."

This guy thought that the reason the three higher existences died just now was because they were attacked in surprise. Didn't they die in a blink of an eye without being able to do anything? But now, he was dealing with a full frontal assault!

The ones that seeked death in arrogance, while not knowing their place! None of them reached the realm of higher existences. He would also become like that!

[This is the ice of Katlar, the hero of the icy plains. Although it's not my preference to freeze a guy... I'll hang out with your delusions for a bit!]

"Be honest here, there is some shared villain_lines dot txt among you, isn't there?"

[D, dot txt?]

At that moment, an overwhelming quantity of fire gathered and compressed at the tip of the spear, to the point that it made some wonder if the domain would collapse at this rate, as the flame turned translucent. This was the first reason that Yu IlHan had judged that it would be fine to go against a higher existence, his flames!

Like how the higher existence he was facing was thinking that that maybe a little dangerous, the other higher existence gave support fire, but those were blocked by Aegis as Yu IlHan already knew that they were coming.

"I don't care where you ripped off those lines..."

At that moment, some crunching sounds were heard. Yu IlHan had activated God Force to strengthen his arm muscles, and ended up putting too much pressure on the Eight-tailed dragon spear. This was the second reason why Yu IlHan was going against a higher existence head on; his muscular strength.

"If you want to read them, buy the official copy!"


Yu IlHan instantaneously reached in front of the guy's nose with several leaps, and struck down with his spear using both of his hands.

[Critical Hit!]

The guy tried gather all the frost energy from its body to make several hundred ice swords to attack Yu IlHan, but they all melted in front of the translucent flames from Yu IlHan. Losing in a battle of pure attributes, the guy that self-proclaimed to be the hero of the icy plains abruptly widened his eyes.

[You broke my ice.... Kugh!?]

[Critical Hit!]

[Critical Hit!]


A bigger problem was that the spear strike that contained enough power to force him to use all his ice to block against, numbered nine more. That was a soundless, formless, strike of flames. He could not endure that strike when his league was lowered in the domain of Falling Down.


"You saw it last time, didn't you?"

[Don't tell me that's, a martial art even amongst advanced techniques...!? Can't be dodged just by, looking...…]

Those were his final words. Yu IlHan's continuous strikes severed all his mana circuit, and the berserk mana froze him whole. He realized that it was him that was arrogant at the final moment, and his brain and eyes were frozen after that as well.

[You have earned experience.]

[You have become level 275. 2 Strength, 1 Agility, 1 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv319 Katlar.]

[The skill, Spear of Untraceable Trajectory, has become level 95.]

[The skill, God Force, has become level 3.]

The third reason why Yu IlHan did not back off against a higher existence, was his Spear techniques that had reached a very high realm even among advanced techniques, due to his sufferings and training over numerous years.

Even if the prior two conditions weren't met, his Spear of Untraceable Trajectory had enough power to reverse the battle.

[Yes, we indeed cannot win against you.]

The beast that saw that it's stronger ally being toyed around with, gave up trying to survive. At that point, Liera was coming back with Yumir. It realized that Yumir was a dragon, and laughed.

[I knew you were not ordinary, but to think you'd have a dragon. You would be a dragon rider, then.]

Yu IlHan ignored its words and turned his head to Yumir.

"Mir, the experience would decrease since dad is holding onto it, but you can finish it off."

"Uu, I want to become stronger with my abilities….."

"But you're still weak so you need to become stronger faster, right?"


Yumir changed the Breath of Gold to be long and sharp. His mana was concentrated on that spot, and became a strong drill as it rotated.

However, just as when Yu IlHan was thinking that it would be good if he learned wind magic as well, the enemy spoke once again; it looked like it wasn't finished last time.

[You must be feeling very confident right now. You must be drunk on the fact that you can overwhelm higher existences. However, behind me are countless 5th class allies, and even stronger 6th class beings. The war for the higher world has only just started. Heaven's Army and the Army of Brilliant Light – those arrogant bastards will also not welcome an irregular like you ...Can you, a mere lower existence, handle all of them?]


Yu IlHan spoke.

"This guy's nucleus is just under the right waist, so strike there, Mir."

"Got it!"


[You have earned experience.]

It's very ordinary last scream made Yu IlHan feel good. It looked like his contribution was higher as over 50% of the experience came to him, but Yumir, who finished it off, also rejoiced as he levelled up several times.

"This place really is an experience haven, dad!"

"My words exactly."


Yu IlHan collected the body of the monster and dispelled Falling Down after checking that there were no enemies around, when Liera asked him with worried eyes.

"IlHan, I don't think that guy was wrong.... will you really be alright? I've seen several hundred 5th class beings clashing for a higher world."

"I'm pretty assured after the battle just now. We'll be fine against five 6th class beings in the domain of Falling Down. It doesn't only increase my power, but weakens enemies as well. With you, me, Mir, and the Flying fortress, we can take on five at once."

Replied Yu IlHan. Five 6th class beings. While Liera thought that that was an absurd number…

"Any more than that, we'd need go to guerilla tactics."

"With the Flying fortress?"

"With the Flying fortress."

"You do know that by 6th class, they can scan this entire world in at most 15 minutes, right?"

"That's plenty. And moreover..."

"Moreover what?"

"No, it's a secret for now."

Liera had the urge to hit Yu IlHan, but seeing him smile, she couldn't really do that. He was probably thinking of some absurd things right now. And those absurd thoughts were the main driving force that made the current Yu IlHan.

Perhaps the greatest power Yu IlHan possessed was neither his power, nor his effort, nor his talent, but the sudden insights he had founded on the knowledge he had piled up over numerous years – she thought.

"There we go."

Yu IlHan repaired his equipment that had been damaged in the battle against the higher existences just now, by slamming some magic stones against them, while embracing Yumir into his arms before asking.

"Mir, it will be quite an intense battle from now on. Will it be alright?"

"Yeah, I won't be able to truly become strong if I don't experience suffering. I want to become stronger using fair methods and not sneaky ones like just now."

"Good, it's fine if you're thinking like that."

"And I too."

Yumir seemed to hesitate for a little, but still eventually spoke in frustration while biting his lips.

"Want to avenge Phiria."


Yumir did spend 2 years and 9 months with Phiria and the others. In fact, he spent longer time with them than he did with Yu IlHan. It wasn't like Yu IlHan didn't know that, but hearing it from his mouth was a different feeling altogether.

"Let's avenge her. Against all the trash that consider us as maggots."


"...Really, this is not a conversation that should happen between a father and son. Though, I don't disagree with you."

Yu IlHan returned to the Flying fortress with Liera and Yumir. The Dragon's Army, Na YuNa and Kang HaJin were waiting for them, and they were dumbstruck because they thought they were going to go against higher existences, only to turn out that they died before they could do anything.

"Do you really need us?"

"I will from now on. Let's go first."

"Go? Where?"

"You'll know when we get there."

The magic formation activated once again. In that instant, they had teleported, and were in a quiet forest this time.

[So we need to split our members here.]

"But Phiria, as well as the 23 elves that accompanied her, are not back. If they're being chased..."

[She and the other elves are with our colleagues. Seeing as how I lost contact with my colleagues just a while ago, even she might have died, not to mention our colleagues…..]

"No way, just who could Phiria be killed by!"

Now, they were in the right place. This place was not a warzone, and there were many lower existences on the ground as well. Meaning, this place felt like an 'emergency shelter'.

"There's no way she died. We need to wait for her! And moreover, we need to move together!"

[We're currently trying to make you survive! We also hid you from the dragons in the past. Do you not remember that?]

"But even so...!"

The one that was quarreling against the one that looked to be a member of the Garden of Sunset, was Mirfa, who was given the artifact to control the formation. The rest were only staring at her while not knowing what to do, and only the wolfkin princess, Ericia, was staring at the higher existence, as she agreed with Mirfa.

Yu IlHan thought that he had picked a good representative, and checked the members there. There were a few less elves that should have died along with Phiria, and a few less wolfkin, Ericia, Flemir, Mirey, Jirl, Paté, as well as his other subordinates and the remaining elves were safe and sound.


Yu IlHan stepped forward while being relieved. Of course, in his hand was the Eight-tailed dragon spear that had a violent flame raging on the tip of it.



[Critical Hit!]

The Eight-tailed dragon spear that Yu IlHan threw instantly shot down the guy from the Garden of Sunset that was blabbing on. Unfortunately, he did not die instantly and the concealment on the Flying fortress was dispelled, but Mystic, as if having foreseen all of this, attacked with the Destruction Mirrors from all sides while lowering the Flying fortress, to hold him off. There were a total of eleven higher existences in that place.

"Y, Your Majesty."

"It's His Majesty!"

"His Majesty has come!"

As expected of the race with good eyes, the elves instantly recognized Yu IlHan's face. Their faces colored in fear and uncomfort were instantly changed to that of joy and relief, and it seemed as if all that happened just now was but an act.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, we were waiting for you!"

"Your Majesty!"

[Khaaaaaak! What is he!]

The higher existence shouted as if to defeat all those shouts of joy. The elves retreated in fear, thinking 'Oh, there was that', when Yu IlHan, who landed on the ground as if to separate the higher existences and his subordinates spread Aegis to protect his subordinates while speaking.

"These guys are enemies."

"Yes, sir!"

Loyalty to the emperor was absolute! Regardless of how the Garden of Sunset acted before, and regardless of how they acted right now, that didn't matter. The elves immediately considered the Garden of Sunset as enemies and retreated backwards.

[You, just what…..]

"You guys just protect yourselves.

Looks like Falling Down will increase rapidly in level while I stay in Dareu – thought Yu IlHan as he covered the entire region in flames.

"It will be over soon."

The battle ended within 15 minutes.

Yu IlHan's level had increased by 3.

Author's notes

The war has just begun.

Fortunately, the others are safe!

[J, just why is a mere lower existence going against us the Garden of Sunset? Do you realize what kind of doom you're bringing upon yourself...!?]

"I'm not sure, but I sure do know what kind of doom awaits you."


Just why were their death threat repertoires all the same? Perhaps because these guys were all just minor mobs in their respective factions? Yu IlHan thought that it was very unfortunate, as he pierced the neck of the last remaining member of the Garden.

[You have earned experience.]

[You have become level 278. 1 Strength, 1 Agility, 2 Health, 1 Magic increases.]

[You have earned the record of Lv321 El Phisadein.]

"Whoa, the one that easily killed dragons was easily killed by His Majesty."

"Just how strong has His Majesty become?"

He was even worried that they would get bored of whispering all the time like that. With a bitter smile, he was about to pick up the corpse of the leader-like being amongst this group of Garden of Sunset beings here, when he felt something and exclaimed. There was an abnormally large jewel between his neck and heart, and was emitting a mysterious light.

"So this guy has a magic stone? I finally get to see some more magic stones, eh."

Liera was dumbstruck at his comment.

"So you're speaking as if using 5th class stones are the natural....?"

"I killed so much, so I should at least get this much, no?"

Until now, he somehow had horrible luck with magic stones against higher existences, and including this fight, he had acquired a total of three 5th class magic stones. One for upgrading Yumir's armor, and one for making a new part of Yu IlHan's armor with Chaos Will's remaining half of the body, would still leave him with another one!

"Then with these, I should….."

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majestyyyy!"

However, Yu IlHan could not continue to ponder where to use the new magic stone. When all the enemies died, the elves in that place rushed towards him.

"Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty, *sob*, you were too late!"

"It really is His Majesty!"

"He became a lot stronger!"

"Your Majesty!"


Seeing the passionate elves as if they were fans meeting their idol in person, not to mention Yu IlHan, his allies were all dumbstruck as well. In what world would Yu IlHan be loved and attended to so much!

"Your Majesty, you became cooler!"

"He was already cool!"

"I know, but he became a lot cooler!"

"Your Majesty, how did you become stronger than that? It has only been 5 years!"

"Guys, first quiet down."

The elves that rushed as if they would pour kisses on him all became muted at Yu IlHan's words.

The company were speechless yet again. They were shocked when the elves accepted when Yu IlHan deemed the Garden of Sunset as enemies, but looking at things now, that was nothing.

"I'm also really glad to see you, but it doesn't look like the situation will allow us to do much. Isn't that so, Mirfa?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."

Mirfa, who was silently grabbing on to the end of his sleeves among the elves, stepped forward while lowering her head as though she was thankful that she was remembered.

Yu IlHan was worried that something might have happened to her since she had the artifact to control the formation, but fortunately, it seemed like both her and the artifact were safe. Mirfa, who predicted what he was thinking from his gaze, spoke with a small smile.

"I did not bring it out. They were also aware of the existence of the magic formation, and they seemed to be looking for a way to use it."

"Since I obliterated the guys here, even idiots would notice something. It won't be strange even if they tried to tinker with the magic formation now."

"However, to destroy the magic formation that became one with the continent itself, even higher existences would have to put in a sizable amount of effort.

"Probably, it just needs to endure for a little while as I modify it."

"Modify? What do you mean?"

"The magic formation."


Although he was unsure about implementing a whole magic formation on the continent from scratch, maintaining and upgrading the already existing formation wasn't that hard for him. Especially with his top-of-the-line mana crafting techniques and magic engineering knowledge!

Mirfa realized that Yu IlHan hadn't just become stronger physically during the past 5 years.

"So Your Majesty is always above our imaginations..."

"Master, I'm glad to see that you're safe."

If Mirfa represented the elves, Ericia did so for the wolfkin. She had already reached 4th class, and perhaps due to that, her beauty had become more shiny than before.

No, she was literally glowing from her hair and body right now. Before, she was a wolf with black hair, but perhaps this is due to the fact that she received the essence of the moon while acquiring 4th class? Her hair and eyebrows had changed into a lightly glowing silver. This was proof that she had become incomparably stronger than before.

"So you protected the elves until now huh? Thanks. Receiving you as one of my subordinates is one of the best choices I made in life."


When Yu IlHan praised her while stroking her hair, Ericia relaxed her icy expression and made a small smile. From the fact that her silver wolf ears above her hair were twitching seemed to imply that she was feeling rather happy.

"Flemir, you worked hard too."

"Not at all. I only protected Lady Ericia."

Behind her was Flemir standing with a stiff expression as ever. It seemed that he had become stronger than before as he had expected. Well, they did experience the 4th and 5th Great Cataclysms, so it would be strange if they didn't.

"It's fortunate that you guys are safe, Ericia."

"...Master, does that mean…?"

As expected of a beast, she read the minute emotions in his words and voiced in worry. Yu IlHan made a small nod and raised his head. All the wolves and elves were looking at him right now.

"I wish you'd all listen to me."

"Your Majesty."

"Do you mean the fight against the Garden of Sunset?

"Did you fight them in other places already?"

Yu IlHan ignored the baptism of questions and spoke as shortly as possible.

"Phiria, as well as the elves and wolfkin that were with her, had all died."

"Just wha….."

"How can this be?"

Everyone became depressed other than the extreme minority that predicted this would happen. The reactions of the 3 of the 4 elves under Yu IlHan were the most intense.

"How can that be? She was the fastest and most secretive of the four of us!"


"Your Majesty, I may be very rude but... did you confirm her death?"

Right now, Paté was the most calm of them all. Yu IlHan nodded with a bitter smile, before taking out the corpse of the member of the Garden of Sunset he had killed before.

Two daggers and a whip fell out from the shock. Not only that, even the armor that was worn by layering several times around the body was Phiria's. It did not take long for the elves with the long lifespan to realize the meaning.



"From the moment she acted separately from you guys, she became their primary target. It was because her equipment was too strong. It seemed that they thought that no one would know because they wiped out all of Phiria's company, but...."

As long as Yu IlHan had the Record skill, no one could hide the truth from him. Of course, this was only meaningful if others believed his words, but the ones here were those that definitely believed in his words.

It was quite sorry for the loner Yu IlHan, but right now, Yu IlHan could only think about answering their trust.

Paté asked.

"Your Majesty, then her body…..?"

"If you wish for it, I can take you to the scene….. However, I could not find her remains with my power."


"Should I take you there?"


Paté shook his head. when his eyes affixed on the ground looked at Yu IlHan again, his eyes were burning.

"We should have other things to do right now."

"It's good that you catch on fast, Paté."

Yu IlHan's lips curved into a smile. Paté's rage spread among his allies faster than Yu IlHan's flames could, and the mood that welcomed Yu IlHan disappeared among the elves and in place was a violent rage and wish for vengeance. It seemed that levels weren't the only thing that they had developed during the past 5 years.

Yu IlHan continued to speak in order to not dissipate their rage, and to sharpen their fangs.

"I think you vaguely know already, but Dareu has entered the realm of higher worlds. As you did not expect it, I did not expect this either, and I only came here a step too late but..."

His gaze stayed on the corpse of the higher existence for a moment, and especially on the pair of daggers that were on the ground next to it. The moment he saw that, Phiria's figure flashed by in his head, and his next words were stuck in his throat.


"...I'm fine."

Shit, he really wasn't used to losing this like this. Since he had never got something in life, he was hundreds of times more sensitive to losing his things that he had acquired after much effort!

Things wouldn't be this way in the future. Never, not even one!

He swallowed the 'something' that was about to shoot out from his throat and continued speaking.

"Right now, the Garden of Sunset and the Destruction Demon Army has entered this world, and perhaps the Army of Brilliant Light and the Heaven's Army may try to step in later. However, the important thing is this."

Declared he while stabbing his spear into the already dead higher existence.

"Consider all four of them enemies. Everything other than you on this land is your enemy."

"Yes, your highness!" (PR: Ok it wasn't quite originally like that but code geass anyone?)

Yu IlHan's voice was very firm, and his subordinates gave a short but clear answer. They had neither doubts nor fear.

"For now, bury your condolences to your dead colleagues in your heart. We will only acquire qualifications to send them off after everything is over. ....Mir, let's have your mother's funeral at that time as well."


"And so, this is war. No, to be exact…"

Yu IlHan looked at the state of equipment that the elves had, which were tattered as they were not maintained for over 5 years; the magic formation which the higher existences may tinker with at any moment, the Flying fortress that still had an incomplete holy region, as well as the tired elves and wolfkin before raising his hand.

On his hand was the Hourglass of Eternity. This grew with him, and now that he became level 278, he could use this miraculous artifact to cover a region that he couldn't even imagine before, when he first acquired it.

"It's war preparation time."

When Yu IlHan gripped his hand, the light that fell from the Hourglass of Eternity covered Yu IlHan and his group; the elves and wolfkin; as well as the boundless forest and the Flying fortress. The elves and wolfkin were only blinking in confusion, and when Yu IlHan saw that, he spoke with a smile.

"You guys have some sleep first."

"But, if we sleep in this situation..."

"Well, if you do sleep in this situation..."

Embracing the two months of freedom that were only allowed to them, Yu IlHan spoke in a playful voice.

"Surprisingly, nothing would have changed."

Author's notes

Once the owner of an inventory dies, the contents are returned to the faction that he or she or it belonged to, and this was actually mentioned by Erta before! And finally, not all higher existences are in possession of subspaces! It's mostly a specialty for angels and the fallen angels. IlHan's mother is amazing!

The Hourglass of Eternity is activating! A prepared loner is going to be frightening!

The elves wondered if it was alright for them to be at such a leisure when Phiria and the others had died, and while many higher existences were invading Dareu, but as the order from their emperor was absolute, they decided to go inside the Flying fortress and have a rest.

"You guys rest too."

"Although that castle master has built is very large, I wonder if it's possible to house all of the wolfkin that numbers in the tens of thousands….."

Yu IlHan nodded at Ericia's words.

"That's true I guess.... then I guess I should be making a satellite too. I think I can solve that within two months."

"A satellite!?"

Yu IlHan ignored Liera shock. He saw it coming anyway.

He first left the wolfkin to have a rest in a place within the barrier created by the Hourglass of Eternity, and only let Ericia and a few others who were used to human form, into the Flying fortress.

The nervousness was not that much different for Ericia, and she hesitated as to whether she should rest or not.

"Will it really be alright if I rest?"

"Think about it after you have a good rest. Hey, Paté, Mirey, Jirl, you guys are the same. I know you have a lot to talk about but calm down and rest first. You can come to me later."

"Y, yes!"


Perhaps they didn't want to leave Yu IlHan after meeting him in such a long time, or they wanted to hear more about Phiria, the three elves were hiding nearby and when they were found out by Yu IlHan, they all went into the Flying fortress.

He looked at that scene with a faint smile, before lifting his head. Kang HaJin and Na YuNa were staring at him. He tilted his head.

"Huh, didn't I mention about the Hourglass of Eternity before?"

"You didn't! You never told us you had such an OP item!"

"It's an artifact Heaven's Army gave me to make good relations with me."

"An entire faction of higher existences, gave you that, just to make good relations, huh..."

Well, it was quite sad that he was thinking that they may have had some hidden intentions behind this.

Ever since Yu IlHan found out that the Heaven's Army had abandoned them, Yu IlHan checked on all things that they gave him, like the Hourglass of Eternity, or his inventory, but there were no big problems.

Just one. There was a trace of Erta on the Hourglass of Eternity, but since it was nothing that could harm him, he just skipped past it.

Erta, huh. Is it really alright to trust her at this point in time? – he pondered on that for a long time, but in the end, he decided to judge for himself after he met her. Just because a faction was wrong in their actions didn't mean that the individuals in it were wrong as well.

No, in fact, this was just an excuse. Yu IlHan simply didn't want to hate Erta. Only after such thing happened, did he realize that he gave so much affection to her even though she had only been sent from heaven to enable him to use mana.

This was why loners were no good. Their emotions grew in size unbeknownst to anyone, even to themselves.

While Yu IlHan fell into his delusion, Kang HaJin spoke in absurdity.

"There's a new thing about you no matter how much I dig into you."

"Sheesh, go sleep or just stay still."

"I'll go imbue holy power into the holy region. Oppa, let's go."

"My holy powers is only a firefly compared to a sun like you.... Hey, okay! I get it! I'm going, alright!"

Na YuNa, who saw something, quickly returned to the Flying fortress, taking Kang HaJin with her. Yu IlHan felt that she was strangely in a hurry, and turned his head when he found Liera facing him. Now, only the two of them were left.


Her voice was trembling a little.

"Are you planning to go against the Heaven's Army?"

"Oh, so you were worried about that."

"Perhaps I didn't give you much help while I was an angel belonging to the Heaven's Army, but Heaven's Army fundamentally moves in order to protect the mankind that makes up a world. It's our rules."

"But why are you going against them?" – asked Liera in worry. Yu IlHan replied with a bitter smile.

"Liera. What I'm afraid of is not someone that's an enemy from the beginning, but of an ally that may turn into an enemy at any time."

"Turn into an enemy...?"

Liera thought about the words he said and bit her lips after realizing something. It seemed that she had her own thoughts. He patted her had to calm her down.

"Don't worry too much. I'm not planning to attack angels as soon as I see them. I'm only saying that I'm preparing against everything that can occur in this world, as well as on Earth."

"It will be good if you can, but I'm worried that you are dreaming of something too big."

"Not at all. I'm only doing what I feel is achievable."


Liera looked at him with worried eyes. However, Yu IlHan was already raising his hammer.

"Well, then. Let's finish off the holy region first!"

"You idiot."

This part was where they should go into a deep skinship in order to console the worried lover, but this guy just burned in passion to work!

It wasn't like Liera didn't have the urge to suppress him in an Angel Hold after smacking him on the forehead, but it was impossible after all, as there were some heads that were peeking out of the Flying fortress.

"Liera, you go rest. Or go train your skills."

"Training at this point wouldn't let me go any higher.... No, well. Looking at you, that doesn't exactly seem to be the case, though."

Until a moment ago, she was tense in worry, but seeing Yu IlHan reply to her like it was nothing, strength left her body. She loosened her shoulders and turned around.

"Ok, it's fine. It's fine now."

"Oh, Liera."

Liera thought that she should swing her spear and punch with her fists to shake away all trivial thoughts and headed to the forest with her spear. Yu IlHan shouted to her.

"If you're doing it anyway, please pull out the roots of the trees around! I'm going to make a satellite out of this region"

"Don't push work on me at times like these, idiot!"

However, she still obediently swung her spear and fist to clean up the trees around. Yu IlHan watched her do that in satisfaction and flew into the Flying fortress. While the elves and a single moon wolf was rushing into the fortress, Na YuNa, who shamelessly stood there without running, spoke with a bright smile.

"Well, let's start work!"

"Pretending to be calm eh."

"Ouch, eheheh."

Making the Flying fortress into a Holy region was tremendously difficult. Perhaps anyone other than Yu IlHan wouldn't be able to do it. That was because, in the first place, holy regions referred to places where traces of the goddess Leytna remained in one area strongly, with the aura being compressed over hundreds of years to generate holy power on its own.

To make that artificially, what was first needed was the holy stones that contained the goddess's holy power, and since he had acquired several of the highest-tier holy stones, it would do to just mix them with all sorts of magic stones and other high-class materials to make them into artifacts before placing them over the holy region.

"I think most people wouldn't even think of that."

"It's almost done. I just need to make the central system at the center of the mansion and give the control permission to Mystic."

However, that wasn't it. A holy region did not refer to a place with overflowing holy power. Only after a goddess fitting of the holy region would make the holy power grow in quality! Of course, the one that replaced the goddess was none other than Na YuNa.

"Ehehe, it's quite embarrassing."

"You don't look embarrassed at all though. Anyway, you just sit still for now."


Of course, the Flying fortress was Yu IlHan's possession, but the master of the holy region inside should be Na YuNa. She had to be able to communicate with the holy powers within the region, and also be able to freely wield them to recreate the miracle that she showed in Breya!

The crown of the pope that was required to do that was already in her hands. That was more brilliant than any other holy stones, and made people wonder if a part of god would materialize into something like that!

Yu IlHan primarily linked the holy region and the crown, and was making a system for Na YuNa to control the holy region by linking her thoughts to the crown. The reason Na YuNa was emitting her holy powers to imbue them into the ground and the artifacts was also required to create that link!

"Please be consistent. Oh, Mr. Kang HaJin doesn't have to come any closer."

"This feels strange for some reason~."

"Although you might have a hard time moving right now, you'll be more comfortable when you get used to it. It's also to widen Miss YuNa's senses and recognition, so it's a good thing if anything."

Yu IlHan perfectly implemented the holy region control system in the study of the mansion and linked it with Mystic.

The artifacts that settled in their places started activating to fill the insides of the Flying fortress with Leytna's holy power, then the control over that holy power was given to the crown of the pope, and it was again linked to Na YuNa.

"U, uuuuuuu."

"Endure it."

In the process of acquiring the control of the holy power of the artificial holy region, by synchronizing with the crown, she experienced a very sudden change in recognition as if a human with two eyes had suddenly become the monster Argos with one hundred eyes.

At that moment, the holy power in the area became turbulent to make a small storm. Kang HaJin, who was waiting, immediately stepped up to absorb the holy power and shouted.

"Na YuNa, control it! I'm going to die!"

"I can't! It doesn't do as I will it!"


The current her could create a massive explosion by compressing the holy power within the holy region, with a flick of a finger, and could flip a portion of the land if she slipped her foot. Na YuNa fell into panic!

"I couldn't do this in the real holy region!"

"That's the difference between nature and civilization. Meaning, this place would become stronger later."

"It's too hard. Ah, I need something else to concentrate on! Like you, Mr. IlHan!"

"What ever it is, do something! Urrrrrrgh!"


Yu IlHan hesitated for a moment, but seeing that Kang HaJin maybe thrown out of the Flying fortress at any time, he came to the conclusion that he couldn't help it and extended an arm to Na YuNa. She grabbed his palm with her both hands and rubbed her face on his arm.


"That's a strange sound."

"It's just your imagination."

However, there was indeed signs of the berserk flow of holy power calming down. He just gave her an arm, and this happened… he made a bitter smile.

"...And so? How long do I need to do this for?"

"The moment you go away from me, HaJin-oppa will fall from the fortress."

"A threat!?"

"Hey, you coward! No, no, no. Mr. Yu IlHan, don't move from the spot! I said don't move!"

Na YuNa let Yu IlHan's arms go after around 3 hours had passed. Yu IlHan was prepared for 30 hours, no, 3 days, no, even 3 weeks, but Na YuNa succeeded in controlling the holy region in just that short time.

"Wao, I can even make holy stones on the spot! Tada."

"YuNa, is it fine for you to make them like that?"

"The holy region and I don't have a problem, but there's a small problem that it consumes the mana of this world. Tada."

"That's a huge problem!"


Seeing her freely wielding the holy power within the holy region like she was born with it, he even questioned if she needed 3 hours in the first place.

However, Yu IlHan decided not to ask. Even if she answered truthfully, it would be his loss, not hers.

'Won't a good man for her appear already?'

However, if a good man really did appear and take her, he would probably feel really bad. Perhaps this was why all men were called thieves? They should just let go of the women they couldn't take care of!

Yu IlHan really didn't like that fact that such unreasonable emotions were sprouting inside him, and decided to leave this matter here.

"*Sigh*, let's just work. Let's just make the satellite, and equipment for the elves and wolfkin..."

"Looks like you relieve stress by productive activities, Mr. IlHan~."

"An entire civilization might advance into a new age if that guy has depression..."

The surviving elves numbered around one and a half thousand, while the wolfkin numbered around twenty thousand. To make legend ranked equipment for them, and perhaps even epic ranked equipment for all of them, the time taken should be...

"Around a month and a half if I take my time, I guess? If it's like that, I should create the core materials and the blueprint of the satellite and make those guys do some foundational construction."

Yu IlHan, who had instantly planned an entire schedule for the two months, took out a pen and sheets of sturdy paper to make a blueprint. Na YuNa was surprised at his sudden change in attitude and only looked at his back.

The Hourglass of Eternity had just been flipped. While no higher existences noticed the gap of two months, the revolution that would change war from its roots, was beginning in this place.

Author's notes

Today (2nd of December) is my birthday. This time last year, I couldn't really be happy, but this year, thanks to the readers that enjoy my writing and cheer me on, it has become a very happy birthday. Please read my writing in the future as well. I love you all!

Translator's notes

Was that… 4 chapters today? 1 regular + 3 sponsors! The debt is back down to $70 now!

And note, I did NOT ask for donations.

When the elves and the wolfkin woke up from their sweet rest, the world hadn't changed a single bit. No intense battles, no suspicious higher existences; nothing was able to invade their area. It was as if they were isolated from the world.

"The flow of the air is..."

"It's the same with the surrounding scenery. Oh, but a lot of the trees are gone."

"Just what happened?"

"If you woke up, then please come this way."

"Ah, Your Majesty!"

Next to Yu IlHan was a mountain of paper, and in front of that, new sheets of paper was coming out from a black metallic machine continuously.

Of course, what made up those pile of sheets were blueprints that were required to build the satellite. After realizing that he had to hand out one to each and every one of the elves and wolfkin, he ended up developing a pseudo-photocopier!

"I'm going make a foothold to win this war. Cooperate."


"Just, what is...?"

"You just need to put those into action. Well, then. Let's start!"

Their doubts did not last long. What was necessary was already explained on the blueprint, and the materials necessary for construction were already within Yu IlHan's inventory!

Of course, delicate control and mana crafting required Yu IlHan himself, so what they were doing was to build the basic foundation and confirm the area of the satellite, but that was enough from them.

"Like this, the construction happens once again..."

"Move if you have the time to speak! We are on a tight schedule if we consider your training as well!"

"As expected of His Majesty! Unfaltering in his work!"

"I said move!"

The elves and wolfkin had fast adaptation speeds and they quickly got used to the large scale construction process of building an aerial fortress after flipping over the entire area. The enormous region was separated according to areas, and they split up suitably to construct in their own areas.

"Area 1-A-13, construction complete!"

"Area 2-C-27, support! We require support!"

"We are lacking materials, what do we do?"

"Mana cement incoming!"

The forest that was the habitat for the elves for several hundred years. Right now, it was being tainted by the greed of humans. They wiped out any traces of nature in pursuit of civilization, and were inserting metal pipes and cements and whatnot into the ground to terraform the area!

"So Mr. IlHan can make anyone a construction worker~."

Muttered Na YuNa while playing around with compressed holy power at the entrance of the mansion, watching the elves and wolfkin busy working. Ericia, who was carrying an enormous metal pillar, found her and spoke with narrowed eyes.

"Don't be so leisurely and work."

"I need to adapt to the holy region!"

"Oh, you also have some work to do, Miss YuNa."


"Fufu, good for you."

The merciless Yu IlHan did not allow anyone to rest. His eyes were akin to that of the quartermaster trying to give any kind of work to the soldiers. Not that Yu IlHan had ever been to the military or anything!

"Miss YuNa, please make some holy stones from now. I'll give you all the magic stones you need."

"What are you going to do with them?"

"Well, of course, I'll make the satellite into a holy region. Although it would not be as good as the Flying fortress, I'm planning to give some buffs to the ones residing in it."


As Na YuNa's exceptional ability allowed her to adapt to the artificial holy region very fast, if this area was extended, she really wasn't confident in controlling all of it.

However, just as she was about to say that she was not confident, Yu IlHan grabbed her hands with glistening eyes and spoke in a voice that tickled her heart.

"Please, Miss YuNa."

"....I, I guess I can't help it if you want me to do it that much."

"IlHan, you... are seriously evil."

"Nah, Miss YuNa told me to do it like this when I had something to ask of her."

"Ah, why did you say that!"


Na YuNa had to be first beaten up by Liera before going to work. Yu IlHan thought that the two really got along well, before going back to his work. His 'work' being, making equipments for all elves and wolfkin.

Other than a few elves and wolfkin under Yu IlHan's rule, the rest were equipped with rare or inferior equipment. Even though it had been several years since Yu IlHan stopped making anything under unique rank!

This was no good. They had to survive amidst higher existences, and if their equipment was not perfect, even the ones with potential will not blossom properly.

'I really wish I could make them all with 5th class materials...'

No matter how much 5th class beings he had killed, it still amounted to less than one hundred, and he could not cover for them all. He might screw up while trying to be fair and give them all equal ones, so it would be better for him to focus on equipping the high-levelled core members, as well as the Flying fortress and the satellite.

However, with that, he'd get leftover materials. Then, with that…

"Good, I can only use alloying+plating combo.'

Other than a few things that he left aside for a specific purpose, he ground five corpses belonging to higher existences, and produced a massive amount of alloy by combining it with the metals he had in his storage.

Of course, that was still lacking in order to make 40,000 equipments. This was purely for plating. The main materials were of course, the corpses of perverted demons which were both good in quality and plenty in quantity!


The preparations were done. Yu IlHan awoke the Eternal Flame sleeping inside the Infernal dragon body before moving it to the furnace, and heaved a deep sigh after feeling the hot air inside the workshop.

"Let's start."

He started working on the mass production of over 40,000 equipment, including both weapons and armor.

"Be careful not to let it go over!"

"Pour it here. Sorry? Mix it with holy stones?"

"Area 1-D-13, construction complete!"

"Area 3-C-2, construction complete!"

"It's not complete! We still have additional work!"

Construction was a very good prescription to the elves and wolfkin who were panicking due to the sudden change in their environments. They just needed to run forward without thinking about anything else. The most positive aspect about this was that this would help protecting them.

"How long has it been?"

"A month and a few days!"

"Wow, a lot changed during that time."

Because the Flying fortress was just his mansion and the mansion ground floating in the air, the Flying fortress didn't look like it was a fortress from the outside, aside from the fact that it was floating in the air. Different to that, the new satellite fortress that was designed with intense battle and defense in mind, felt a little crueler with all the plants gone and concrete that replaced it.

It was the same with the tall sturdy walls of the fortress containing sharp spike traps, but there were all sorts of installation type weapons as well as battle camps where they could prepare for battle while switching around, which made the onlookers very nervous for some reason.

As this was a fortress constructed for elves and wolfkin, the environment was optimized for their battle as well, and the one thing that Yu IlHan poured his mind into the most was the jumping pads installed in the fortress.

The jumping pads helped one to instantly exit the satellite fortress and ambush against the enemy as long as they jumped with the right power and at the right angle, but it was of course made as an artifact, so it had the option to raise attack power and jumping power the moment one used it. If the tens of thousands of wolfkin all jumped into the jumping pads at once, not even bones would be left of the enemy.

Other than that, there was a line of small ballistas for castle defense for the elves that had great sniping abilities; a poisonous swamp that the wolfkin could dowse their claws in before attacking (* does not work against allies.); as well as secondary and even tertiary walls that can be collapsed and rebuilt at any time!

The problem was that the various elements of the satellite fortress and the satellite fortress itself was not made into artifacts yet, and could not be used in real battle just yet. The elves still could not believe that this fortress would be able to fly high like the Flying castle. They only thought that Yu IlHan had poured a lot of his mind into constructing a line of defense!

And when 43 days passed after the barrier was put up, the moment finally arrived.

"Area 1-A-3, construction complete!"

"Huh? Then where do we have left?"


"It's over!"

"Did we really do it!?"

"Y, yay!"

"I still don't get what's happening though!"

"Woof! Wooooof!"


The elves and the wolfkin became of one mind. The joy of liberation from labor, and the sense of achievement that they finished this massive construction work! Above all, the fact that they could properly carry out Yu IlHan's orders made them happy.

At that time, Yu IlHan also left his mansion. As he roughly knew what happened after hearing their cheers, Yu IlHan immediately jumped down from the Flying fortress and landed in the middle of the satellite fortress.

"Ah, Your Majesty!"

"Your Majesty!"

"Stop there."

Where they cast with some magic that made them long for him if they didn't see him for one day? Yu IlHan actually didn't like showing up in front of them that much since they all called him Your Majesty and tried to rush into him. Would there be a day where they get used to his presence? He only wished that the day would come soon.

"It's perfect. You've worked hard, everyone. It's above my expectations."

"It's all thanks to your Majesty!"

Really, he wanted to let them rest now, but it seemed that it would be better to finish it off here and now. He gathered all the elves and wolfkin into a clearing and called his subordinates out.

"First, Ericia, Flemir, Paté, Jirl, Mirey."

"We're ready."


"Yes, Your Majesty!"

"Take these."



He handed out weapons, armors and accessories to each of them. Only Paté with the epic-ranked bow did not receive a new weapon. The weapon and armor he gave out were all at epic rank. Each of them were given 5 accessories as well, and each of them were at least legend rank.


"Just what..."

"I promised you. that I'll give you all epic ranked equipment and not only Paté if you do well. I'm only carrying out that promise."

"But how can we receive such...."

They hesitated in front of the enormous treasure in front of them. Yu IlHan made a bitter smile while looking at them.

"Receive them when I give it to you. I'm not going to see any of my subordinates die again."

"....Yes, sir."


His subordinates were secretly jealous of Paté all this time. The power behind his bow helped him survive any battle, and the power that could call the dead enemies into undead helped them win a battle they should originally not be able to win against.

Moreover, as it was bestowed by Yu IlHan, they felt that Paté was receiving special treatment from Yu IlHan, and they were envious. But now, everyone could be equipped with epic ranked equipment!

"There aren't many that has special abilities like Paté's. But the power should be sufficient."

"It's more than enough!"

"U, Uoooh. My mana...!"

Epic ranked meant that their equipment didn't lose out much to what Yu IlHan was using. Yu IlHan had used the remains of higher existences to bring their battle capabilities to the maximum.

His objective was to make them hold off against one higher existence by cooperating with each other, while being backed up by Na YuNa in the holy region, and seeing them hurrying to adapt to their gear right now, it seemed possible after all.

"It's not the end. Next is your turn."

Declared Yu IlHan while looking at the elves and wolfkin that were exclaiming. The elves didn't understand who he was referring to and Mirfa asked as their representative.

"Do you mean you have made equipment for all of us?"


Yu IlHan called out equipments enough to arm the one and a half thousand elves and the twenty thousand wolfkin. They were made with over half of the materials from the perverted demons he had stacked up until now, and were all at least of legend rank, boasting their glows that filled the area.


"....This idiot. He surpassed the armory of the Heaven's Army within mere two months."

"Oh my god, all these weapons are all….!"

Yu IlHan bestowed all of those equipment to the elves and wolfkin without so much as flinching an eyebrow, even though any of those equipment would call about a massive ripple to any world out there. Of course, he didn't give it to them for free.

"Take them. And now that you're armed with those, your objective is to."

Ther lower existence that surpassed all history of artifacts of all worlds, declared his ambition.

"Obliterate a higher existence with a thousand of you."

With the equipment set that Yu IlHan had poured his blood and sweat into, it may actually be possible for lower existences to beat higher existences. The proof of such a thing was steadily approaching.

Author's notes

I had a sudden urge to buy a MacGyver knife, and ended up buying one. Even though I had no use for it since I'm not IlHan... Oh, I'm using the bottle opener though!

With Yu IlHan, even you can be a proficient construction worker.

The battle powers of the newly armed elves and wolfkin were doubled, or even tripled compared to before. Even if their levels or skills lacked in some parts, excellent weapons would fill that gap!

Moreover, these fellows had all broke through level 150 at least thanks to their rapid growth amongst the rapidly changing environment of Dareu. It would be a spectacle if they all broke through to 4th class!

"If they could acquire the experience from killing higher existences, that actually may just be possible."

Here was a guy that was thinking of shameless stuff in a war for a higher world. The problem being, that it was actually quite realistic.

"Combining with the Dragon's Army, it will be a frightening force."

"They are under Mir, but yeah, I guess."

A force under the loner Yu IlHan? If the him of 5 years ago had heard this, he would have burst into laughter. However, right now, it was quite real. Yu IlHan laughed seeing that they were struggling to adapt to their increased powers. Then, he thought of something.

"The Rule skill is also just before mastery... should I subordinate some of them?"

"I've prepared a list."

As expected of Ericia who was ready, she carefully handed him a paper despite the fact that he only casually said that. From the fact that the names of elves and wolfkin were listed in the order of importance, it didn't look like she prepared this in just one or two days.


"Thank you."

When he praised Ericia, some people whispered behind his back.

"That wolf is suspicious too."

"She's still fine since she's bound to hierarchy, unni. ....Unless Mr. IlHan is moved or something."

"Quit your yapping over there."

Yu IlHan's Rule skill was currently at level 98. Although it was normally impossible to level up the Rule skill so fast, Yu IlHan's subordinates didn't lack in rarity or growth speed so he had reached this level in such a short amount of time.

Of course, the remaining two levels didn't increase like hell, but if he took in some more elves and wolves and raise them, mastery would perhaps not be far away. This was another reason why Yu IlHan wanted to take in additional subordinates.

"It is my honor for you to make me into your subordinate, Your Majesty! I'll do my best in the future, for you! By your side!"

"Uh, no, you don't have to go that far."

"I'll do my best."

Yu IlHan prioritized in accepting the elves who had high levels and had potential to grow further while possessing special abilities, as well as wolfkin who could change into human form thanks to the blessing of the moon, then he accepted new subordinates until his Rule skill did not allow any more.

If one became his subordinate, then that one would be strengthened under the effect of the Rule skill, and not only that, they could become closer to Yu IlHan, so the elves that saw that Yu IlHan took in additional subordinates glistened their eyes in order to become the next one. Their loyalty was frightening in some places.


"I want to move my body."

"I want to prove myself to His Majesty."

The distribution of the new equipment and the receipt of the new subordinate finished in a flash. Originally, Yu IlHan was going to give them some time to rest, but it seemed that the elves and the wolfkin thought differently. They desired to repay Yu IlHan, and at the same time, receive his approval.

"Let's go into training immediately. There's only around 2 weeks left too."

"To think they like moving more than resting, they're all perverts alright."

Hearing Yu IlHan's words, Liera thought that they were all becoming similar to their master Yu IlHan, but didn't voice that out loud.

"Good, then this will be the beginning of the battle training. I'm not asking each of you to hold off against a higher existence alone. Whether it's a hundred or a thousand of you, you need to be able to go against a higher existence without any sacrifices. Liera will take the role of the trainer."

"Good, I'll train you all good!"

She was once a 6th class, and had a seriously good ability even now when she had fallen to 4th class. If it was her, she would be able to teach them the power of higher existences without killing the elves or the wolfkin. Yu IlHan left them all under Liera's charge.

Meanwhile, the Dragon's Army under Yumir were doing battle training even while the elves and wolfkin were doing construction work, and they were also fighting against Yumir and would be completely beaten up by him in order to go against higher existences in the future.

In fact, Yumir was slightly lacking compared to a real higher existence, but if he received the support from Na YuNa in the holy region, that wasn't exactly the case.

When the battle training commenced for real, cheers and shouts of pain started bursting out here and there. Just from the sound, it was no different from hell.

[And you, master?]

"I'm going to complete the satellite."

[....Do you really have to call it that?]

"Well, the name will change once it's complete."

Yu IlHan looked around the new fortress and didn't hold back on his 4th class magic stones to create artifacts. He focused especially on the jumping pads, and gave some variations to each of the poisonous swamps, and checked on the wind traps that were only made thanks to Yumir's techniques. Other than that, he checked a lot of other things that needed his hand, and that took 3 days.

"Good, now this fortress is prepared.'

[Oh, a 5th class magic stone. So you were going to use it here?]

"It's good that there's still one left."

Yu IlHan had a total of three 5th class magic stones.

One of them was used in the upgrade of Yumir's armor, the Breath of Gold. The Breath of Gold rose from Chaos rank to Demigod rank. The power inside the magic stone dissolved into it more naturally, and if it acquired enough records through him battling, then the Breath of Gold will also grow in power and reach God rank.

Another one was used in the new parts for Yu IlHan's armor, the Infernal dragon body. Using the remaining half of the body of the naturally occurring 6th class that resented Yu IlHan, Chaos Will, as well as the 5th class magic stone, he made a pair of gauntlets.

The Infernal dragon body was originally made with new parts in mind, into a form that covered his entire body, right above his skin, so it was possible to make any additional parts, and the amazing thing about the Infernal dragon body was that the equipped armor can be stored as a part of its own and share its abilities, at the same time it took the role of the central control system for the new parts to prevent the mana going berserk. His objective was to strengthen it by adding boots, a helmet, a torso armor and a lower body armor.

In any case, using two magic stones there, two were left, and the remaining one was taken out this time. To make the satellite a mobile aerial fortress like the Flying fortress!

But somehow, Yu IlHan hesitated for a moment when the only thing he had to do was to activate mana crafting.


[That's unlike you, master.]

"Nah, I only thought for a little."

That was, the thought that there may have been less sacrifices if he did not let the elves and wolfkin equip with new arms; if they did not construct the fortress for them, and just make some equipment for a small, elite force to go against the higher existences.

[You're too late in regretting that.]

"...Yeah. I was only scared for a moment. The rage from when I lost Phiria has cooled and now I'm afraid I'll lose those that remain as well..."

He really was cowardly even when he thought about it himself – hesitating after all that he did until now. If it was his past self, he would not have hesitated in acting in consideration for others…. Was this progress, or regress as a human being? In any case, it was quite funny.

[It's a path that they want to walk themselves. Hesitating any more will be rude to their courage and resolve.]

Orochi scolded Yu IlHan with cool words despite being a snake. A strong smash that shattered his last shred of hesitation. Yu IlHan snorted and raised his magic stone.

"I know. This is my type as well. Though, I did hesitate because I feel like I'm forcing my ways of actions onto them..."

He raised his head to look at the location where the training was carried out. Ericia, Mirey and his other subordinates were being beaten up mercilessly by Liera, but they still gritted their teeth and went against her – it was very like his past self.

Not only that, Yumir and the Dragon's Army, the elves and the wolfkin, and all living things within the barrier was becoming similar to him. Although he didn't know if this was a good thing or not, it did make him smile when he saw them.

"Gosh, I don't know anymore. We'll all live reckless lives and die due to it."

[Nice words even though you don't plan to let anyone go.]

Yu IlHan ignored Mystic's words and activated Mana crafting. The region that became a fortress thanks to the one and a half months of construction, reacted to the magic stone by vibrating, and emitted brilliant light.

[Uwaaa, I can feel the sharing of the senses. Do I have to control this as well?]

"Do your best. I'll give you an assistant when I get an obedient 5th class thought-soul later."

[And how probable is that!]

"So you know that you're a special case."

His artifacts traps and castle walls that he made, and the others installed, were all tied into one by resonating with the mana from the magic stone. The satellite fortress gave out massive sounds and started cracking off from the surrounding land.

However, Yu IlHan didn't make it float on purpose. If he did that, it would escape the barrier made by the Hourglass of Eternity.

The vibration intensified, and all the artifacts within the fortress emitted light along with mana, and at one moment, the vibration suddenly stopped and a series of texts appeared on Yu IlHan's retina.

[Bloodlight Guardian fortress was complete.]

[Bloodlight Guardian fortress]

[Rank – Demigod]

[Durability – 15,223,004/15,223,004]

[User restrictions – bound to the Destroyer's Flying fortress. Will go berserk once the Flying fortress is destroyed.]

[Options –

1. Recovers durability by stealing life force and mana from the attackers.

2. Grows by absorbing the records of various beings.

3. Flight enabled. Sudden acceleration, sudden rise, sudden descent, enabled.

4. 30% increase in attack power and defense of all items within the fortress

5. 30% increase in recoverability of allies within the fortress.

6. Guards against attacks aimed at the Destroyer's Flying fortress. 30% increase in the fortress's defense in these cases.]

[One of the miracles made by the one that walks on an unexisting path. As it was made with a simple objective in mind, the power surpasses imagination. When a miracle meets a miracle, a myth is born.]

"Good, it came out as I expected."

[So I can't move this now, right?]

"Wait ten more days."

Yu IlHan called Liera, the elves and the wolfkin into the fortress. Their main battlegrounds would be this fortress, the Bloodlight Guardian fortress in the future!

"Your Majesty, does this fly as well? Really?"

"It does, but I won't make it float for now. Calm down."

Yu IlHan once again thought his subordinates of the artifacts within the fortress that just activated, and ordered them to use them in battle this time. Only Liera, who had to face them all, had to suffer.

"IlHan, you're giving me too much work!"

"I'll reward you later. Once we have some time."

"It might as well be hundreds of years before you have some time!"

Will it really be just a few hundred years? Yu IlHan pondered on that seriously, but was seriously worried that his worries may become real and didn't say it out loud. Then, he commenced the final piece of work that he decided to do within the barrier, with the shouts of his subordinate as the BGM.

That is, the modification of the magic formation.

[Just what can that man not do...?]

[I think there was a few before, but I don't think there is any right now.]

[There was something before!?]

Yu IlHan's series of actions even made Mystic and Orochi close to each other! However, disregarding what everyone else said, Yu IlHan only worked on. He put his hand on the ground, and tried to feel the magic formation installed over the entire continent.

"Before, I only used it without understanding the principles."

[....And you know the principles now?]

"Not only that."

Suddenly, the 4th class magic stone in Yu IlHan's hand seemed to glow before disappearing. When the land glowed for a very short moment, the magic formation, embedded deep under the continent, twitched minutely. Yu IlHan felt that change and made a smile.

"I can also interfere and modify it."

The only problem was that an enormous quantity of mana had to be used in the process, but Yu IlHan still had an enormous quantity of 4th class magic stones he had got from Earth!

"Let's see who wins."

[Master, don't you think that you're being too main character-like nowadays?]

[He's at that age so leave him alone.]

However, just as the big match between Yu IlHan's finesse and the history of the ancient elven empire was going to begin.

[Yu IlHan?]


Where, or how did that happen.

The voice that he thought that he would not hear for a long time, entered his ears.

Author's notes

Huh, just who is it!? (Eyes opening wide)

We stayed in the barrier for quite a while as there were quite a lot of things to do. We'll exit it soon.

[So you were there. That's fortunate...]

"Huh? Whoaah?"

[Ugh, I thought I'd have a little more time, but any more is…..]


[Yu IlHan, soon, my]

And the voice disconnected there. Yu IlHan stood there in confusion and tapped his cheeks. Mystic asked.

[What are you doing, master?]

"So you couldn't hear that."

[I did, it was definitely the voice of that angel that was with you before.]

If he heard it alone, he might have treated it as his own illusion due to his longing, but it seemed like even Orochi heard that.

[There was another angel?]

"Well, yes. There was."

There was no doubt about it. The calm and cold voice definitely belonged to Erta. He couldn't forget that voice. The hearty... actually, not so hearty, but still good – ally had been with him from the beginning of the Great Cataclysm until just a few years ago!

The problem was how her voice could be transmitted to the Yu IlHan who was inside the barrier made by the Hourglass of Eternity.

"A recorded file?"

[It was live.]

Orochi immediately retorted to Yu IlHan's words. However, he only pouted and replied.

"But unless she's inside the barrier, that is impossible. The time inside the Hourglass of Eternity cannot be recognized outside the barrier. No, actually, there is a trace that Erta left within the Hourglass of Eternity, did she use that?"

[Nothing would come out of asking me.]

Yu IlHan thought about that, but nothing came out of it. He did not know the reason she could transmit her voice to him, nor did he know the reason she did so, but once the barrier dispels and he went outside, he would probably find out.

"Good, let's finish it off quick and find out what's happening outside."

[So everything ends in work?]

In any case, he felt a little better after hearing Erta's voice. He shouldn't judge from the voice alone, but it seemed that she was still doing well. Moreover, since she sought Yu IlHan out first, he would be able to meet her sooner or later. Thinking about that, he subconsciously smiled.

[So, what was that just now?]

Mystic was full of questions, but no one answered her. Yu IlHan only took out new 4th class magic stones. Tens of them.

"Good, I should add some functionalities while I'm at it."

[Master has it good, enjoying such a life. A certain someone died immediately after birth.]

"To set an alarm function on the entirety of the formation..."

Time would flow rapidly when Yu IlHan was absorbed in something. One hundred 4th class magic stones disappeared, one thousand more disappeared, and ten thousand more disappeared. In that time, the magic formation was being changed from the very foundation.

"It'll become a mess once the barrier opens."

"Yeah, they would immediately realize at that moment. They wouldn't be able to do anything, though. The ancient elves were quite capable."

"And you're even better?"

"Of course."

Replied Yu IlHan while feeling the presence of Liera behind his back. Of course, one of his hands was still on the ground and the other was pulling out the mana out of the magic stone.

"And the battle training?"

"I finished it for now and let them rest. But why are they so good? Especially the elves. They had tremendously high skills for their level."

"It's because they struggled to survive amidst dragons until now... But finished? Why did you finish it?"

Liera gave a smack on the back of Yu IlHan's head since he never turned around even though she was here, before speaking.

"There's only a day left before the barrier dissipates. They can only go against higher existences if they recover their full conditions!"

"It's already that time?"

"You really are something. You were like that this entire time?"

"I didn't even feel the flow of time honestly..."

Yu IlHan finally realized that he was in contact with the magic formation for quite a long time. He checked on the magic formation for now, and it seemed that he would be able to finish within the allocated time.

"Okay, then you go rest too, Liera. I'll finish this off."

"...Shouldn't you be saying that you want to rest with me?"

"I'm sorry about that."

Of course, as long as Yu IlHan had work remaining, Liera had to give up on the short romantic night before the battle. It was her own fault for falling for him despite knowing that. However, she was also past the point of no return, since she thought that that his such figure was still cool.

"I'm going to rest. You shall regret missing this opportunity."

"Oh wait, Liera, Erta gave me a message over the barrier, is that possible?"

"Erta did?"

Yu IlHan didn't even let Liera put up her pride as a woman and changed topics. However, as his new topic was very unexpected Liera still obediently participated in it.

"Earth had already lost its connection to Heaven. But now that you've activated the Hourglass of Eternity here in Dareu, perhaps that was transmitted to Erta. If there is an artifact that activates the moment the Hourglass of Eternity does, then it's not actually impossible.....But."


Liera's voice whispered into Yu IlHan's ears.

"Did Erta say something to you? Be honest with me."

"Not much. She only said it's fortunate or whatnot. Perhaps there's a limit to the message, but it was soon disconnected."

"Fortunate, fortunate, she said. Ufu, it won't be so 'fortunate' soon."

Liera's face had a dark smile as if she was drawing a foreshadow. It was a smirk that did not fit her usual bright self!

"Fufu, it's quite exciting to imagine Erta's crying face."

"Don't bully her."

"You'll probably bully her the most though."

"Why would I bully her?"

"Something like that. You'll probably be in the dark for all of eternity."

"I cannot understand what you're saying."

To the dense Yu IlHan, realizing the truth from that much clue was impossible. Liera did not speak anymore and went away.

Perhaps she was still not used to her lower existence body, and she had to rest after the two weeks of unending battle. In fact, even if Yu IlHan assaulted her first, she would have to refuse. Of course, not that this made Yu IlHan not bad...



Yu IlHan finally raised his head to see Liera. She approached him and kissed his lips like a bird pecking on food. He widened his eyes, but loosened them soon after.

"I feel energized now."

"That's good."

Although it was not the passionate romance that she wanted, this was probably good in itself – as Liera became happier with Yu IlHan's smile, she decided to let him go for today.

Yu IlHan returned to work, and Liera went into the Flying fortress to let her tired body rest. And before a day went past, Yu IlHan finally finished modifying the magic formation.

18 minutes prior to the barrier's dispelling time.

"That was close."

"If I had more time and funds... I'm frustrated."

"You crammed in so many new functions, what else can there be!?"

The ancient elves did indeed install a magic formation difficult to find in any other world, and the time that the magic formation had experienced bestowed it history and power to heighten it further.

However, the magic formation prior to Yu IlHan's tinkering, compared to the magic formation after Yu IlHan's modifications differed overwhelmingly. If the former was the 3rd class Yu IlHan, the latter could be called the 4th class Yu IlHan!

First, the already fast activation time was shortened even further, and the mana ripples in the activation sequence was reduced to the minimum to increase efficiency and secretiveness, and the magic formation additionally sensed any beings that were not allies that tried to come in contact with the formation, and told Yu IlHan the location. To top it off, he set a debuff to limit the activation of movement-class skills and magic.

To sum up, like how the Heaven's Army or the Destruction Demon Army were tremendously strong in their own territories and had easy time defending against invaders, Yu IlHan had also acquired near complete control over Dareu!

"Although it's still lacking... I'll be satisfied with this for now."

"So you really don't stop anywhere. Auh."

"Don't make weird moaning sounds and focus on control."

"It's not as easy as you say it is!"

Na YuNa, who now had to control two holy regions after the Guardian fortress was made into a holy region, had become very sensitive. Even while receiving Liera's glare, she did not let go of Yu IlHan's hand. Though, she would have to since the barrier would be dispelled at any moment.

"Your Majesty, is everything over now?"

"The preparation for the beginning has ended."

Yu IlHan lightly replied to Paté before looking around to the elves and wolfkin. He nodded lightly.

"From now is our turn. It will be our turn until the very end."


"We'll make it happen!"

Although the time was short, they had experienced a training where they were squeezed to their limits, and their pressure was as if they wiped out several higher existences already. Yu IlHan laughed and turned around before taking a short breath.

Now, he really had to kill higher existences with them. He had the confidence to.

"You're alright now too, are you not, Miss YuNa?'

"I can't help it since there's no time. Tch."

Na YuNa let go of Yu IlHan's hand as if she couldn't help it. It seems that she wasn't lying when she said it was difficult, as she immediately creased her brows, but the flow of mana in the Flying fortress and the Guardian fortress was still stable.

"Good, then."

Although it had been some time since he had acquired the Hourglass of Eternity, never was he as tense as this time. Where was this nervousness coming from? Anxiety? Excitement? Fear? If not that, then expectation?

'Good, I want to become a higher existence by the end of this war.'

He had no plans to join the Heaven's Army, or the Destruction Demon Army or the Garden of Sunset. Yu IlHan wanted to become a higher existence independently, on his own, with his potential alone.

It's probably nothing – even Chaos Will from Earth had done it, so there was no reason why Yu IlHan' couldn't. Yu IlHan dispelled the barrier after setting a grand objective that would put anyone to shock.

And time started flowing again.


"Your Majesty?"

The elves, who were waiting in fear, looked for him.

"Why is nothing changing?"

"I thought all of them would attack us, whether it's the Destruction Demon Army or the Garden of Sunset."

"What nonsense are you saying?"

Yu IlHan replied to them while finding an area where there were the least number of higher existences.

"Concealment is casted over all of us. Not to mention higher existences, even their grandpas won't find us."


"I said this is our turn, right? How long are you going to hide in fear? We're going to be the ones invading this time, and beating them up. Okay?"

"U, understood!"

Although he was still unsatisfied with their mental education, but he couldn't help it. They would be able to come to themselves once they actually fought higher existences, so he immediately….


However, Yu IlHan stopped mid way through the activation. Although it was very far, he could feel something that was moving in a straight line towards them.

As Yu IlHan had mentioned just now, they were under concealment, so no one should be able to find their locations….. if there was one, there's…


He turned around to Liera, but now that she was no longer an angel, she didn't seem to have found her yet. Yu IlHan thought about what to do for a moment, but decided to wait.

The wait was not long. As Dareu had ascended into the realm of higher worlds, any higher existences could utilize their full powers without holding back.


Liera soon noticed and voiced out. Her face contained confusion.

"Sheesh, how hurried can she be!?"

"Perhaps the Heaven's Army may already be here in Dareu. What we saw maybe just the tip of the iceberg."

Erta soon showed herself below the clouds. Not accompanied by any other angels, she alone was flying here with a pair of white wings.


Shouted Erta. Her expression was twisted like an orc that had its food taken away.

[I'll kill you!]

"Dammit, she's an enemy after all?"

He didn't want to have Erta as his enemy! – Yu IlHan bit on his lips and when he was about to take out his spear, Liera shook her head.

"Nah, she's on our side."

"...Huh? She just said 'I'll kill you', no?"


"...There's something like that."

Erta rage that seemed to fill the world with anger and Liera's bitter smile.

Yu IlHan only tilted his head in confusion.

Author's notes

Her rage is justified!

Translator's notes

Y'know. This morning, I was like – "I'm finally clearing my debt today!" Then sometime later, someone just threw me an entire day's worth of money of sponsored chapters….

There's also an unwritten author note 2, which goes – "I won't be doing two chapters tomorrow. I think that it's better to focus on quality rather than pumping out chapters without quality."….. But author has to consider the plot…. so guess what. there's still $100 in queue!