310 - 316

The group became speechless after seeing Liera reappear with dragon wings. They were finally clear on why Yu IlHan was the leader of Dragon's Nest, as well as what he was capable of as a leader of a faction. Of course, the one who was most surprised was the person in question, Liera.

"I can feel dragon's blood flowing within me. Moreover... I, really, got my league back. No, this isn't at the level of getting it back."

Liera muttered absentmindedly as she flicked one of her fingers. She could feel the enormous power contained inside her, stronger than when she was a high angel in the past, and made her feel satisfied.

Not only that, now that she had been reborn as a dragon, she had a beauty that made the viewers almost thrilled. While she was a high angel, the blessing of the god of love had a hard time being brought out, but ever since she had fallen and the angelhood disappeared and only the blessing was left, the blessing and the dragon's blood had caused a synergy now that she had recovered her league.

Her red eyes became more translucent and deep, and her white pottery-like skin now emitted a faint glow. Her already beautiful blond hair was now mixed with a tinge of red, and swayed gently with the flow of mana, as if it was alive. The current her was like... a goddess.

Yu IlHan checked with her carefully.

"How do you feel, Liera? Are you uncomfortable in any way, or...."

"It's the best!"

"Hey, st-."

After that short line, she immediately rushed to Yu IlHan and poured kisses on him. The two pairs of dragon wings that replaced her angel wings flapped, and made her look slightly cute. Helièna retorted in a depressed voice after seeing that.

[Dragon wings should have no relation to league but why does Liera have two pairs?]

"Liera was once a high angel before so I guess that influenced this. Eii, get off me now. It should take some time for you to get used to your current state."

"Hing, but even so."

In fact, the experienced Liera gained during her time as a lower existence influenced her growth as well and now she had a level that vastly surpassed her level during her time as a high angel. She was a little less than level 430 when she was a high angel, but now that she was reborn as a dragon, she was currently level 483. It could be seen how much of a tough battlefield she had been through with Yu IlHan.

"All of my skills changed and evolved. Moreover... I think I can change my form if I feel like it."

"Please don't transform within the barrier. The barrier will immediately burst."

"...Then, should I help them?"

Liera's eyes glistened after seeing the bloody battle between dragonkin and the other monsters after she barely came off Yu IlHan. She probably wanted to test out her new power. Yu IlHan nodded his head with a smile.

"They also need to grow so don't go overboard."

"Okay, leave it to me!"

Her dragon wings instantly expanded and flapped. The next moment, she was already outside the barrier and was amidst of the monsters. It was more like a warp rather than flight in speed.

[D, dragon!]

[There's another dragon! Just what is happening inside that!?]

[We need to kill him no matter what! We need to kill the man inside...Kyahak!]

"Oraoraoraoraoraora! Angel... no, dragon lance waveeeeeeeee!"

Even though she had become a dragon, her naming sense was as tragic as ever! However, the gigantic shockwave that she created with the power of fire was strong enough to make anyone forget that. When a shockwave spread around the battlefield from her spear, at least a hundred thousand monsters were ripped to shreds!


[H, how can this be! She's even stronger than brother!]

Both the monsters that were attacked as well as the dragons couldn't hide their shock. The ones inside the barrier were no different either.

"I said don't go overboard. That damn an... I mean, dragon!"

"Liera was proud of her prowess even during her angel days. It was an amazing matter that she had thrown away that power and chose you... but it doesn't look like her personality from those days has changed."

Even while analyzing Liera's current state of mind, Erta's gaze was fixed on Yu IlHan. Her glistening eyes were as if asking 'Who's next? Is it me? It's me, right? Please say it's my turn!'. Yu IlHan laughed and flicked his finger.

"Welcome Erta. Advancing to the 6th class is a first for you, right?"


Kang MiRae was wandering around an abyss. It was deep, and was filled with a dark, foggy matter. She didn't know where she was standing, nor where the end was, nor where the floor or even the ceiling was. It was a space filled with the unknown. No, was this a place that actually existed? That was a question as well.

"Why... am I here?"

Until just now, she was having a battle. As per request from Yu IlHan, she helped the others in order to attack the worlds that other higher existence factions ruled... humanely, this was not forgivable.

Kang MiRae did her best in this mission purely in order to live along with everyone else, in order to repay Yu IlHan, ... and to receive more attention from him. And in fact, it was going quite well.

"Ah, that's it."

She remembered at that time. Fighting against the original higher existence factions went quite smoothly. With Orochi inside Echjar's body and Helièna who were imperfect but still 7th class beings, as well as the former angels Liera and Erta – she was with companions that couldn't be defined by common sense.

The point at which everything went wrong was when those unidentifiable strange angel-like beings appeared out of nowhere. They had an insane resistance to mana, and even had a unique barrier that prevented the use of mana within a certain region of space.

All of them had a hard time battling that and Kang MiRae was the same as well. However, when they were momentarily disabled with Helièna's help, Kang MiRae utilized tiny warp gates which she made them appear on those strange angel-like beings and managed to kill them. It should have been impossible, but how did she do it? That question remained in her heart.

"Is that why I died?"

Because she was too greedy, because she forcefully did something that was beyond her?

She should originally be a person that retreated in the face of what she rationally identified as dangerous, but was it a problem that she had gone berserk thinking that she couldn't make Yu IlHan sad? Is that why she had died and fell into this space of nothingness?

"If I think about it, it started when I fell into Lanpas."

If it was the past her, she would have just waited until it was possible to go back to Earth again and focused on developing her abilities. She would have done what was possible only for her, and believe that it was for the best.

However, she didn't do that, and started researching into dimension magic which wasn't her field of specialty at all. Why was that? Was that in order to save the people of Earth? To look for her brother? To look for Na YuNa, or any of her other family members?

No, it was to meet Yu IlHan. It was because she wanted to meet him as soon as possible. Honestly, she didn't think about anyone else. She just felt as if she would become crazy because she wanted to meet Yu IlHan. Once she knew that, her mind had puffed up so much that nothing else mattered to her anymore. Even if Na YuNa found that disappointing, that was the truth, so she couldn't help that.

So, she ended up becoming a Dimensional Mage, received the blessing of the god of magic, and could finally meet him once again.

"Mr. IlHan...."

She had already gave up on confessing her feelings. There were many people beside him that were more beautiful than her, and loved him more than she did. She did think that it was to be expected of a man who stole her heart, but yeah, in truth, she felt helpless and resentful even.

But even so, she didn't want to make Yu IlHan suffer. Since he was such a kind person, he would have a hard time rejecting her as well. Even though he was strong enough to not be bothered by anything or anyone, he always was!

She told herself to be satisfied just being next to him, and that she was walking near him. Though, it sometimes did make Yu IlHan awkward since that didn't go as well as she had planned....

She was joyful. She was happy. It was painful, but warm.

"But now I ended up dying."

Now she would never meet him again. That was too sad and she wanted to just collapse on the spot and cry.

It was at that point that she heard a voice.


A voice that was like, but yet, unlike, a child, an old man, a man, a woman, filled the region.

[You possess an amazing power. You have pioneered a forbidden realm by yourself, and firmly taking it for yourself. That ability of yours can be evaluated as a truly 'new' record.]


Kang MiRae raised her head. Perhaps she didn't die after all? That was the first thought that came to her mind.

[You can reject death. Not only that, you have the qualifications to become brighter than any other.]

"Who are you?"

[I am God.]

The answer was simple. Too simple that she wanted to burst out laughing. Kang MiRae laughed and shook her head.

"It looks like I'm dead after all."

[Child, it's fine whether you want to believe in me or not. I only exist as a God. But would you listen to my story?]


Kang MiRae ignored the voice that filled the region and checked up on her own state. She couldn't feel an ounce of mana, and there didn't seem to be anything that she could do. She nodded unwillingly.

"Go on then."

[Then let us first talk about how you and I could meet.]

"You are the mastermind behind those strange angels. I have killed them and absorbed their records, and you have contacted me through those records, am I wrong?"

[...You are quite more exceptional than I thought.]

It was a bullseye. Without any hints whatsoever, Kang MiRae came to the conclusion with the single word 'God', making her look like a prophet rather than a genius. The self-proclaimed 'God' seemed to be a little bit surprised, but he wasn't God for nothing and regained his calm soon and continued speaking.

[The current world is wrong. My karma and my sins have caused this state. There are too many beings that self-proclaim to be god, and the number of worlds are increasing uncontrollably. Mana was a failure. I did not know how dangerous a power granted to anyone can be, and it became like this after I tried to pursue fairness.]

"There are too many skipped details."

[But do you not already know?]

Kang MiRae vaguely nodded. She wasn't a genius for nothing.

Under the condition that 'God's' words were right, he was the one that created this multiverse, and also the one that spread around mana. However, too many beings have become too strong thanks to mana, and there were even beings that threatened his position. There were too many worlds, and everything wasn't to his liking. That was the point.

"So you want to cause another Great Flood or something?"

[I am planning to make everything disappear and start from the beginning.]

Huh, somehow it was something worse than a flood. Kang MiRae tilted her head wondering if this was really God and checked with him.

"...From Adam and Eve?"

[Do you not want to become Eve?]

"Who's Adam then?"

[I will give you Yu IlHan. Do you not love him? Do you not want to monopolize him? I shall make that wish come true.]

Kang MiRae lost her words. It was because she was embarrassed at herself for thinking that was a pretty attractive offer for a moment.

[I have made a new army. The ones you have destroyed are members of that army. I need your power in that place. Once you gain your league as a higher existence, you shall acquire power that puts all below you. So I shall give you the first place under me.]

"And the Heaven's Army?"

[New wine is put into fresh wineskins. I shall view you and Yu IlHan as the only exceptions.]

Kang MiRae closed her eyes. It was a very attractive offer. If it was a being strong enough to contact her through her records, he should indeed have the power to make that reality.

So once she nods, then she might actually be able to monopolize Yu IlHan....


"I refuse."

[So it's like that after all?]

"You knew and still asked?"

[I have failed quite a few of my plans until now, and that was all thanks to the emotions that came from humans. Hence I have come to a conclusion that only human emotions make my plans go into disarray. That is why I have provoked your emotions, in hopes for another result. And how was the result? Wasn't your heart shaken by the words that you could monopolize Yu IlHan?]

"That's definitely true, but."

Kang MiRae replied with a laugh.

"You don't know humans well enough. In fact, you don't know them at all. You don't know what love is nor do you understand it."

She had a short life, and it was a life that rejected love as well. However, even she knew something. Of course, she wasn't going to utter words like 'love is not binding, and is just something that you give', or any other words like that.

She wanted to have Yu IlHan. Even if it was to imprison him and tie him up such that he only looked at her, she wanted to do so. Not only did she want to give her love to him, she wanted his love back as well. She wanted to receive his intense, bone-crushing love!

Just that.

"There's nothing more disgusting than an arranged marriage you know? Love is a war. Go read Herman Hesse's Demian again before you come back to me."

[... Then I cannot help it. I am sorry but you are more of an obstacle than Yu IlHan is to my plans.]

She could predict the next words. I shall have you die. Or why did you think I was explaining in kind until now? Or such other stereotypical villain-like words. This was the realm of the mind. No matter how well you put it, he was an intruder, and an attacker.

[Welcome warm rest... hm?]

He tried to expand his influence Kang MiRae's mind that he had successfully interfered with while the strange angels died and tried to attack her mind directly. If it was Yu IlHan with the Unshakable Heart skill, that would have been impossible, but he thought that Kang MiRae was nothing much when she wasn't even a higher existence yet!

However, that was his thoughts alone.

"Get lost fucker."

Kang MiRae raised one hand while uttering harsh words that she had never spoken before, to God nonetheless.

What gathered on her palm was a white light. Mana.


Now she felt mana within herself. No, what comprised this space itself was mana. What was not mana only needed to be converted into mana. If there was no mana, all she needed to do was to call them out from everything around her. Why didn't she know that until now? Mana was always whispering towards her!

[How can this be, to think you blossomed so early... it's too fast, it's too way too fast!]


Mana was a failure? The one that declared such a beautiful energy maybe God, but he was definitely not the Creator! She twisted her lips up to mock God and slapped against space with the mana in her hand.


The space crumbled instantly. God's voice and will collapsed and disappeared. Kang MiRae snorted.

"You just wait until our Mr. IlHan beats you up."

The surroundings brightened. Kang MiRae realized that it wouldn't be long until she woke up.

At that moment, these texts appeared on her retina.

[You have realized mana without the help of any skill, and with purely your power alone. This is an achievement that no one has achieved before. It is a record that cannot be recorded, and will never be recorded. You have the greatest talent for mana since the existence of the Akashic Record.]

[You can become wholly perfect. However, you must fulfill a few more....]

"Shut up."

However, Kang MiRae gathered mana on her hand and slapped it away. Only her abilities remained and the transformation did not occur. By deepening her abilities, she had kicked away her path forward without any regrets.

"I don't want to do this alone. I'm going to go meet. Mr. IlHan."

Then she opened her eyes.

The one that she longed for so much was waiting for her. The ones with dragon wings on their back all met her.

"Welcome back, Miss MiRae."

Yu IlHan smiled. Kang MiRae smiled like a little child after seeing him.

With that, everyone had gathered.

The moment Kang MiRae opened her eyes, Yu IlHan realized that Kang MiRae had broken through whatever was keeping her captive by herself. Without the help of any skills, whether it was the Record skill, the Rule skill or the likes of that, she was enlightened on the way of mana and was now able to rule over it.

Even though it was an absurd talent that possessed limitless potential, what was even more amazing was that Kang MiRae had tossed aside a big opportunity by herself. Even though she should have been able to proceed on her own depending on her effort, she did not do so. Yu IlHan found that curious.

"Won't you regret it?"

"Not at all."

Kang MiRae's answer was very firm though, as she replied with a voice that didn't contain even the slightest bit of hesitation.

"I like this the best."

"Then... I won't be able to say anything."

Yu IlHan laughed and extended his hand out to her.

"You're the last, Miss MiRae. You will enter the Dragon's Nest, right?"

"Mr. IlHan...."

Kang MiRae grabbed his hand. A red line of text appeared on her retina.

[You have more than enough potential to leap into the realm of higher existences on your own. Yu IlHan, the leader of Dragon's Nest, is offering you to become a member of Dragon's Nest. Will you accept the offer?]

"Of course."

The majority of Yu IlHan's company (excluding Kang HaJin and some others that weren't at a sufficient level yet) were turned into dragons by the Cradle of Miracles, and now the Cradle enveloped Kang MiRae. An enormous sea of mana, which almost seemed to contain an entire world's mana, way beyond what Kang MiRae could control, had enveloped her.

Kang MiRae only shivered in excitement as she felt the energy of dragons thriving inside. Precisely because she was enlightened in mana, she could feel the power more clearly.

"This... really is."

"Miss MiRae. It will hurt a little but bear with it."

Yu IlHan's voice could be heard from the outside. The moment Yu IlHan's blood seeped into Kang MIRae's skin, she heard her heart thumping loudly once.

"Aah, aaaaaaah."

Her records were flipping over. Turning from a human's into a dragon's. She was evolving, acquiring a body and soul that had more affinity towards mana. Since she was enlightened on the way of mana, the growth through the transformation was larger as well.

"That's amazing... so it can go like this as well."

"That's true, I didn't know that lady could transform so much."

Only Yu IlHan and Helièna could correctly see through Kang MiRae's current state from the outside. Kang MiRae wasn't supposed to reach 6th class with her records, but it was happening thanks to the achievements she had prior to waking up. Right now, Kang MiRae was becoming a 6th class!

"Tch, I thought I overtook her."

Na YuNa, the one with the most contribution to the party thanks to her abilities and was able to become 6th class as well, lightly clicked her tongue after seeing that. Of course, her face was filled with joy. She was happy that Kang MiRae had safely woken up and rejoined them.

"Put a little more effort in. Mr. Kang HaJin."

"I'm level 270 now. 270, dammit! I'm not slow at all, and in fact, am insanely fast by normal standards. How come I'm in last place?"

"HaJin-oppa. The group no longer exists~. If you want to enter Dragon's Nest, you need to become level 300. HaJin-oppa is alone! A loner!"

"I know! I get it already!"

The transformation soon ended. The red egg cracked and the Cradle of Miracles melted into thin air once again, and Kang MiRae, who finally appeared, had two pairs of wings on her back. It was quite interesting that everyone else other than Yu IlHan and Yumir had multiple pairs of wings according to their class.


"MiRae, how do you feel?"

"It feels very good. ... But I keep getting the urge. I once thought that becoming a higher existence meant becoming more rational and acquiring higher intellect, this… feels like I instead became younger."

Even while replying to Na YuNa's words, Kang MiRae's eyes were fixed on Yu IlHan. She was like a lioness looking for an opportunity to pounce on her prey. In fact, Yu IlHan had experienced such a phenomena nearly every time someone became a dragon, so he could only make an awkward expression.

"It seems like personality differs according to faction... Dragon's Nest, is well, as you see."

"Well, the leader is IlHan, so."

"You come to the rooftop later."

If everyone became like Yu IlHan, they should have inherited his unshakable heart and had to have peaceful minds! Oh, Yu IlHan didn't hide his emotions even when he had an unshakable heart, so perhaps everyone was indeed like him? It wasn't like it didn't poke where it hurt him so he decided not to talk about that anymore.

"Someone explain the situation to Miss MiRae."

"No, it's fine. I could understand everything from a little bit of your records that I saw when I was becoming a higher existence. This place is Dareu, which had undergone transformation, and now the dragonkin are battling other monsters under the lead of dragons... we also need to help them in killing those monsters, right?"

"...It's good that you were able to grasp it perfectly."

Perhaps there might be a change in the group's order of power... Yu IlHan shrugged his shoulders. In any case, if Kang MiRae had become stronger, it would help tremendously in the future so it wasn't a bad thing at all.

"Then, everyone is ready right? There's only one thing to remember. You need to give the experience points to the young dragons and other dragonkin. Oh, Mr. Kang HaJin too."

"I'm grateful that you are considerate of me but it's insulting so I'd rather have you not!"

Yu IlHan checked that all of the group were in flight with their own power and completely dispelled the barrier. Despite the fact that the battle had continued for quite a long time, the battlefield was widening thanks to new monsters and new dragonkin being born and in various places of Dareu and joining the battle here.

[The barrier was dispelled!]

[The Brood Father, we need to kill that person!]

[Dammit, how come there are more dragons....]

[Shut up! Die!]

The monsters that waited for the moment for the group to be revealed desperately attacked them, but were immediately repelled thanks to Mystic controlling the two fortresses and beating them inches from death. Hundreds of thousands of monsters instantly falling onto the ground was quite an impressive scene.

Of course, this would have been impossible if it was the past her. Obviously, Mystic was also a member of Dragon's Nest and her league had increased immensely along with the two fortresses.

[A higher existence organization is amazing! I feel like I have another brain now master!]

"That's good. I'll call you DoubleBrain from now."

[Orochi, youuuuuu!]

Orochi, who now had a figure of a human youth with black hair and looked not that much different to the others, teased Mystic without end. As his records until now were acknowledged by the Akashic Record, Orochi, inside Echjar's body, could also be reborn into 6th class.

Thanks to both his soul and body being reborn into a perfect dragon, his abilities were rising by the minute. If there weren't any mishaps, he would probably reach 7th class the same time as Liera or slightly after her.

Considering how there were only around ten 7th class beings in each other faction, even after countless years, the ones gathered here were all monstrous beings. This proved Yu IlHan's path. Everyone that was with him until his records had piled up had gathered here.

[Eeeek, fuu. It will only be for a while that you can tease me.]

"No way. I never teased you. I only told you facts as they are. I don't know what you're thinking but I'll cheer you on so do your best."

[Th, that thing only got better in acting shamelessly!]


Orochi ignored Mystic's words and flew up with his two pairs of wings. From his hand, a purple flame containing a fatal curse was released. He had sublimed his purple flames that he used when he was alive into a higher realm by perfectly synchronizing with Echjar's body, and was now able to cast his own unique advanced magic.

"Kids, this is what it means to wield flames!"


Purple colored flames covered the lands and spread to the surroundings. Thanks to Orochi's shocking amount of control, the flames precisely evaded the allies and attacked only the enemies and inflicted tens of fatal debuffs as well as burns. His ability was overwhelming.

[A mere snake that got my body is rampaging around.]

Echjar, inside the Body of the Human Dragon, muttered in complain, but in fact, he was satisfied as well. Before, he only thought that a puny being was being greedy over his body, but now thought that Orochi had become quite useful. Yu IlHan laughed as if in accordance and looked around to his companions.

"Everyone can just do as much as Orochi is. There is a lot to do, but cleaning up this world comes first. I'm planning to fuse Earth with Dareu later so let's do it with the mind that we're cleaning our own house!"

"Even though he became a higher existence, he sounds like some volunteer club leader... hiik."

Kang HaJin uttered in astonishment when he received the glares of all the women and shrunk back. He wondered how he entered such a situation, but then thought about the other humanity and thought that he may be better off than them after all. No, both sides were equally shameful!

[Answer me, Lord of all dragons! Why were we born! Isn't it also you, the master of the world, that created us with the fate to kill dragons!]

[We're only trying to live on because we were born! What right do you have to stop us!]

"Then let's get to cleaning, I mean, hunting."

"He looks so evil when he says that at such a time! He's just the devil himself!"

However, they didn't have the right to blame him when they attacked the dragonkin even while throwing philosophical questions! Would the other factions know that the fifth faction, Dragon's Nest, were a den of frightening beings? No, would they ever get to know?

[How long are you going to show your pathetic sides to father? How long are you going to shame yourselves in front of brother and sister! Put your lives on the line!]

[Kuoooooooooh! Prove your qualifications as a dragon! Gain victory over dragonslayers and be reborn into true dragons!]

Thanks to the participation of the others, an even more intense battle played out. The ones that became higher existences prevented the deaths and injuries of allied dragonkin as much as possible, and the dragonkin, who worship power, had to feel embarrassed and did their best to become stronger as soon as possible. Yu IlHan finally came to the judgement that the situation had stabilized.

"Good, if it's this much, I don't even need to look after them."

Although he was about to get busy, he became more comfortable thanks to the group that came to him at a right time. Of course, the others also brought him future matters and made him sigh.

Higher existences that wielded an unknown energy and had resistance to mana! He had a headache just thinking about having to analyze them and come up with countermeasures. But what could he do? It was his work. Yu IlHan stretched himself once and turned around.

However, Kang MiRae was still waiting for him.

"Miss MiRae?"

"Mr. IlHan. Let us talk for a little."

Thinking back to the eyes she had when she first broke out of the egg, Yu IlHan was nervous thinking that she may actually confess to him, when Kang MiRae 'confessed' something entirely different from what he was expecting in a completely different voice.

"I, seem to have met God."


The founder of the Heaven's Army, the first transcender, the original God, the childish guy that ran away from home. This was Yu IlHan's recollection of who God was until now.

"But that is not the case, you say?"

"If it was indeed God that contacted me when I was unconscious, and under the assumption that he really was god... the situation may be worse than we think."


Yu IlHan took out the strange angelic being that the others had brought him. Not a single ounce of mana could be felt from it. It was a being that was on a different scale to every living being that Yu IlHan had encountered until now.

"Well, it's true that no one other than God could make something of this level, but...."

Yu IlHan thought as he thought back to what Kang MiRae had said. He couldn't really grasp it. Mana was a failure? Erase everything and start from scratch? That sounded like he back story of a last boss from the 90s.

Was that really God? Then he really had to kill God? A being that spouted such a stereotypical line?

"I thought last bosses would go at least 'Both are right but both are wrong!' or 'This is a battle for the fate of all worlds where we defend one's own sense of justice!' or some other cool scene, but… this guy's mental level is too childish."

"It really is like you to be surprised at such junctions."

He felt as if he was just insulted but decided to ignore it.

"Thanks for talking about it with me, Miss MiRae. However, there are too little materials for me to come to a conclusion. Moreover, there's no way what he said to you is the complete truth."

"Of course, I think that as well. But I think it will be better for you to know about this."

"That's true. In any case. I found a hint. I think I understand how to put up countermeasures."

Kang MiRae did not know at all what hint Yu IlHan had found. She just thought that Yu IlHan would be able to succeed since it was him and just made herself comfortable. At that moment.

"Miss MiRae. Please excuse me."

"Sorry? Kyak."

Yu IlHan placed his hand on Kang MiRae's head. He would have left her alone if he didn't know that she had met with God, but now that he did, there was a need to look at her closely.

"There's still a connection left. To think that it held out even after you finished evolving into a higher existence, pretty tenacious alright."


"Didn't you say that he contacted you through your records? That's a trick that only those who have mastered the Record skill can do. The reason the leaders of each faction can enact absolute influence is because they could freely read a being's records and manipulate them at will...."


Kang MiRae could not understand. Even though she ruled over mana, she didn't have the slightest clue about the Record skill. Yu IlHan shrugged his shoulders and finished his simple explanation.

"While in contact with you, he left a thick trace of himself on you. To simplify, you could say he laid out some magic trigger on you."

"Oh, that makes sense now."

"I discovered that and took it away from you. So it's' fine now."

Even though his mentality was like a little kid's, his moves were quite high-levelled. The magic that he had planted in Kang MiRae, especially was hidden very well, and if not for Yu IlHan's power that revealed all hidden things, he wouldn't have found it so easily. The more he thought about it, the more shameless this God was.

"In any case, it's clear that he's someone I should beat to death. Fu, I have so many people to beat up in the future...."

"I'll help, by your side."


Kang MiRae's eyes glistened. Perhaps because she was reborn into a dragon, she felt as if she was more proactive than before. Though, her 'too' glistening eyes, or her no longer passive aggressiveness that cause her to extend her hands to grab his hand were some elements that made Yu IlHan very uncomfortable.

"Please do your best in the future too, Miss MiRae."

"You too."

With dimensional magic, and free control over mana, and a level that was 6th class, she would be able to achieve many more things in the future!

"Then I'll be going then."


Yu IlHan saw as she unfolded two pairs of wings on her back and flew upwards and turned around with a sigh.

The strange angelic being was still there. The lightless halo and the wet-cloth like wings were quite impressive.

"Well, then. Let's start for real."

[I have something I want to hear before that, my lord. A life that rejects mana... can such a thing be possible?]

As expected of a dragon, Echjar reacted sensitively to topics related to mana. Yu IlHan laughed and shook his head.

"I also wondered about that, but now I know for sure. This is not life. It will be rather proper to see it as a golem."

[It's like that after all...?]

"All worlds experience the Great Cataclysm after reaching a certain point, and mana will be naturally generated during the process. Mana is nature itself. This thing rejects mana, which is nature itself, so there's no way it can be life, could it?"

[Then the self-proclaimed 'God'?]

"That makes him a tyrant that wishes to overturn nature and make a garden full of dolls. ...The problem here is that he has enough power to do that."

[Hmph, a strong being must be able to achieve anything that he wants to do in his given environment. He's just a runaway and only a coward who puts responsibility on others.]

"Fine, you're da best okay?"

Erase everything that possess mana and start from scratch, eh. It wasn't like the scenario was a complete nonsense.

The God that ran away from Heaven after feeling tired of acting as a leader for Heaven's Army, had made an army that went against mana in a world unknown to anyone. The Heaven's Army did not know anything about that and was waiting for God to return, while the Army of Brilliant Light realized that and took up arms against him. Doesn't that sound persuasive?

Then, it was not so surprising that the one called Satan welcomed the rise of a new faction. Heaven's Army didn't help at all, while the Destruction Demon Army were just a group of greedy pigs that ate everything, while the Garden of Sunset stood on no one's side and did their own thing! Satan probably hoped for the new transcender to help him go against God.

In other words, to follow the plot, Yu IlHan had to go to Satan to resolve their misunderstandings now and reconcile with him and prepare to fight against God together. In that process, they would slice up the other factions properly, recover Earth, and defeat God together to come to a happy ending... or so it would go, but.

"Whoever planned this scenario is really badly mistaken if they thought that I could befriend a complete stranger and join them in an alliance."

[That's a shockingly small mistake....]

[Master is cool!]

[He's not cool at all!]

He had to walk a path of thorns just to protect his own people, but now he was supposed to cooperate with a complete stranger? No one could force such a thing on him. No one! Yu IlHan would do it just with the people in Dragon's Nest. As he always did!

"So, I need to analyze this thing somehow…."

In the end, he came back to the beginning – the analysis of the strange angelic being. Since it was something that rejected mana, the Record skill didn't work that well, and he didn't even know where to begin analyzing. At that moment, Eternal Flame burned from his hand and transmitted her will to him.

[I'll try, master! I will melt it!]

"...Okay, I was about to ask you anyway."

Eternal Flame was now no different from Yu IlHan's clone, so activating through Eternal Flame was easily done. Although just the Record skill was insufficient, wouldn't he gather enough materials if he recorded the process of Eternal Flame melting and dissolving the entire body?

It should probably be insufficient with just one body, but Kang MiRae, who had sent their body parts to other worlds through tens of thousands of warp gates had recollected them all and restored their body before giving them to Yu IlHan, so the sample was sufficient.

"Good, then let's try."

Even while Yu IlHan was watching, the strange body kept giving off faint noises. The moment Eternal Flame spread onto the body, an intense spark was released. Yu IlHan and Eternal Flame simply ignored that.

"How dare you resist."

[I'll increase the temperature!]

Eternal Flame's temperature rose. It kept rising more and more! The flame from Yu IlHan became completely translucent before turning a pitch black.

The energy remaining within the body resisted but there was no way it could endure the Yu IlHan's power, when he was the leader of Dragon's Nest, and used the Manifestation skill in a world he ruled.

It eventually started melting. Yu IlHan shared his senses with Eternal Flame to record the structure and records that was revealed while it melted. His head ached and mana went berserk, but that was just the start.

The information in a realm that was not in contact with any kind of information he had encountered before was pouring into his head.

[The skill, Declaration, has become level 31.]

[Master, I think I know!]

"Yes, I think I know too. Melting it down was the right answer after all. Even though the synthesis was done through magic, and the magic formula was broken the moment it melted and can't be reverse engineered...."

[That function should be there to prevent other rulers to read records off it, correct?]

Yu IlHan nodded his head. Once it was done like that, the other leaders would not be able to analyze its composition much less the structure of it. The magic formation was constructed in a way that it destroyed its medium automatically to the most basic particles once it sensed an external influence trying to damage the body.

However, this didn't apply to Yu IlHan and Eternal Flame. He hadn't become the new Creator after the original Creator for nothing. He could analyze and separate the composing materials without difficulty!

"Hmmmmmmm. It's not entirely made of stuff that I don't know."


"The probability that this God is the God of Heaven's Army is a lot higher now. Because the materials that compose this thing are mainly harkanium, fecinom, and el hazra. Though, harkanium and fecinom are alloyed in this case."

[What are those?]

Echjar only asked back in wonder after Yu IlHan said that but if Erta was here, she would have been shocked.

Harkanium, fecinom, and el hazra were materials that mainly composed the Traps of Destructions, used to imprison monsters in dungeons.

"These three metals are minerals that only appear in worlds that have undergone a lot of Great Cataclysms like Heaven. It's also the reason why Heaven is Heaven as well. It's the reason why Heaven's Army claim to manage all worlds... this is becoming interesting."

The Heaven's Army goes to all worlds that have undergone the Great Cataclysm and scatter Traps of Destruction. With those, the monsters in the world are trapped in dungeons, unable to roam the world. Those three minerals innately had the characteristics that restrained and trapped mana, and that was what made the Traps of Destruction possible.

But now a mixture of the three was made into a golem that nullified mana itself? God is quite capable alright! Moreover, were these three minerals (el hazra was a liquid metal like mercury.) purely used to nullify the effects of mana? That weighed on Yu IlHan's mana as well.

"I still have some parts that I haven't analyzed yet. And if it was me, I would have put another function when I created these golems."

[What is this other function?]

"There's only one thing, isn't here? Resonance."

This was only an estimate. It was only a delusion that only flashed by Yu IlHan's mind momentarily, and its implementability was incalculable.

However, what if it was really possible for the golems to resonate with the Traps of Destruction, and could bring about a change to the Traps of Destruction that were scattered across all worlds? What if, just what if it was possible to sacrifice the monsters inside those dungeons to make Traps of Destruction into those golems?

[You mean he can quickly and efficiently screw up all the worlds under the management of Heaven's Army?]

"You really are becoming similar to Orochi now."


However, that was correct. The Traps of Destruction remained in all worlds, whether it was the Netherworld or Elo Katra, the main headquarters of two factions. Of course, Dareu and Earth weren't exceptions.

[That's... scary.]

"Yes, it is."

Yu IlHan muttered with a gloomy voice, that still contained a hint of expectation.

"Perhaps, there may really be... a 'Harmageddon' soon."

[You have analyzed a portion of Legna.]

[The skill, Declaration, has become level 43.]

"Good, I found the name of it."

[You're slapping the faces of everyone who thought it was impossible to identify this.]

"Of course. The person who destroys all foreshadows and creates them anew. That's me."

Although that sounded quite cool, he really just had a perverse creation ability. Yu IlHan gathered records from the remains of 'Legna' that were disintegrating, as God had preset, and repeated the same process around three or four times, eventually activating his creation ability to prevent the collapse and restored it. What a devilish ability!

The number of strange angelic beings that were sacrificed in that process was five. After that, all of the other remains underwent a process of analysis, disassembly and recreation to become whole again. Naturally, the Declaration skill (this rose since it was a higher version of the Record skill) underwent a rapid growth until it plateaued at level 52.

"Skill growth is so easy."

[Those that have reached the realm of higher skills after tens of thousands of years of hard training will be enraged when they hear that.]

"That's not my problem so it's fine. In any case, Legna eh...."

Yu IlHan uttered rude words like nothing and thought about the name of the strange angel.

'Legna' – 'Angel' written in reverse. It was the same no matter what other language of Earth he translated it to, and even other languages – Heaven's language included – as well. How could he be so calm though!

"From what I see from the patterns of speech he talked to Miss MiRae and the obvious naming sense, I feel like this guy is the fake boss and there is a real boss behind the curtains...."

[The evidence behind your deduction is very weak but it sounds strangely convincing....]

"Tch, you still don't know your stuff yet, Echjar."

In games or novels, the main characters are either always strong or become rapidly stronger. However, it wouldn't be interesting if there was no danger that befell them no matter what approached if their strength was too OP, so the content creators always put in 'elements that the protagonists didn't know about' and make use of a surprise element.

With that, the players would also panic, and the main characters will also receive a huge hit and would resolve to avenge the loss while gritting their teeth – this was a very stereotypical plot, but it was fun nonetheless.

"However, being surprised like that in real life is very annoying, you know? That's why we shouldn't be friendly with carelessness. We always need to prepare for what may come after something."

[Although it's not something I, as the Dragon of Despair, should say, but my Lord you've lived a hard life.]

Having finished analyzing Legna's analysis, Yu IlHan lined the six restored chunks of Legna in a line.

If everything until now was for analyzing their physical structures and principles of their composition, now he had to prepare countermeasures. He didn't know how many of these God had, but he had to prepare something whether it was to use them as is or make a countermeasure for them.

"It's impossible to use them as they are now. I did restore the magic formation that was destroyed, but there are no energy sources to drive them.

He had a basic grasp of what those energy sources were. And that was precisely the problem.

"What do we call that energy source? Would a corresponding energy be born if I burn souls?"

[I think it will be somewhat similar if you extract the fundamental elements of the soul that controls the emotions, master!]

"Yes, yes. Our Eternal Flame is smart. Actually, your name is pretty long, so I'll call you Lay from now on."

[Yes! Hurray!]

Even though he just made up a name on the spot because 'Eternal Flame' was too long, Eternal Flame, no, Lay, rejoiced. If everyone was as simple as this girl, there would be no war… thinking about something completely out of the topic, Yu IlHan turned around to the Legna remains.

"Burning the soul as fuel, eh.... A golem that moves on the price of the complete destruction of an entity, that's absurd. Perhaps the fact God is planning to erase all worlds is also to gather energy to move these golems? Like two birds with one stone – destroy the worlds and increase the golems."

[Truly befitting of the 'villain role' that Lord talked about.]

"Soul, the soul, huh...."

Among the fundamental elements that made up Yu IlHan, there was the realm of deathgods that lorded over souls. Looking back, he was doing something within God's dominion the moment he changed class to one. Of course, even now when he had become the leader of Dragon's Nest, that ability still remained his.


God had already reached a level where he could generate energy from souls. So, if Yu IlHan could take another step forward, his step may be within the realm of souls.

"But it's not like these guys were at the level of completely ignoring the effects of mana. They just amplified the properties of the materials to suppress and restrain mana."

That was not the right path. It was an incorrect path that lead to demise and was inharmonious. Yu IlHan didn't plan to use such a power even if he was given the opportunity to do so.

"Good, then there's only one method left.

Yu IlHan raised one hand and swung it after a long period of thought. Several streaks of Eternal Flame was released from his hands and burnt the Legna bodies.

[Is that really fine?]

"Yup. I got enough materials, and the Declaration skill grew a lot as well."

[Divide up! Be purified! Ei!]

After a few hours, the Legna bodies were disassembled into tens of types of different metals and minerals. He had restored the bodies and the magic formations properly only to disassemble it again.

Just as Echjar exclaimed, Yu IlHan confidently declared in front of them.

"I will walk a different path."

[Is that the correct path that the Lord wishes to embark on?]

"No, but it's the path to victory. Whatever I do, I only need to win. That is my path!"


That doesn't sound much different what this 'God' is trying to do, does it!? Echjar retorted in his heart, but did not have the courage to tell his thoughts to Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan put them all inside his inventory and hummed.

"I got more work to do. It looks like I'll get busy."

[You really are a workaholic....]

The time Yu IlHan dispelled is Manifestation skill was 32 hours after that. At that point, the dragons and the other dragonkin had levelled up quite a lot thanks to killing a lot of the other monsters, so they were able to confront the remaining monsters without him having to support them with the skill.

[Darling, did something happen again?]

[IlHan? Do you need to go somewhere again?]

Liera and Helièna felt the skill dissipating and messaged him. This became possible after they were tied into one group, Dragon's Nest. Yu IlHan messaged everyone including them.

[I have something I need to prepare so I'm planning to go into work. Please help the dragonkin to clean up the world. At that point, I should probably have enough to cover this world.]

[The Traps of Destruction you mean?]

Erta made a sharp remark. However, it was quite unfortunate as Yu IlHan had to deny her words.

[They are Traps of Destruction, but at the same time, they aren't.]

[...Are you teasing me again? Then what is it?]

[Well, what should I name it... oh, yes.]

Yu IlHan thought for a moment before replying with a laugh.

[Traps of Restoration, should do.]

[That sounds very ominous for some reason.]

[Rest assured, it's your misconception.]

[What was that!]

He scanned his companions that protected the dragons and dragonkin as they battled and enhanced the 'carpet' in the region where dragonkin were being slightly driven back and hopped onto the Flying fortress.

[Master, you're becoming insanely busy again?]

"Yup, not only me, you'll become busy as well."

[I have enough work as it is though?]

Mystic spoke words full of complaint. It was just a while ago when she rejoiced thanks to joining Dragon's Nest, but now she was spouting ungrateful words again. Of course, it was also true that Yu IlHan basically extorted her labor....

Yu IlHan took out his trump card at that time.

"I'll make you a body."

[I was waiting for those words, my lord!]

Mystic's loyalty suddenly increased by 100%! Yu IlHan nodded his head with a laugh. There weren't a lot of things to be gained with just a body, but it should be fine to let her rejoice for a while, right?

[What can I help you with, master? Say anything! I'm always ready!]

"Don't worry about that. It will be revealed soon so you just prepare yourself."

[Huh? Uh, yeah...?]

Even though it was a joyful matter, why was it that she felt a sense of ominousness? She felt a chill running down her neck despite not having a physical body, and Yu IlHan just went to his workshop.

"Let's do the designs first. Traps of Restoration, Traps of Restoration, eh...."

Right now, he didn't know what kind of schemes that God had so making Traps of Destructions as they are was a really dangerous thing to do. The modified version he made before included.

Then, the only remaining method was to change the alloyed structure entirely and bring about a performance that far outstripped the Traps of Destruction, and of course, Yu IlHan had the perfect tool to be used in this scenario.

"Cradle of Miracles."

A huge red cylinder appeared in the air. The Cradle of Miracles had grown with the records that it had gained while evolving Yu IlHan's companions and other subordinates into higher existences and had slightly changed form according to Yu IlHan's intentions, and after a couple of minutes of transformation, it changed to a huge furnace.


[Okay, master!]

Eternal Flame burnt up in the furnace. Yu IlHan first poured all the harkanium and fecinom that he had got from disassembling Legna, and slapped metals and alloys he created from monster bodies as well as some random ones harvested from various other worlds.

[Is it really possible to create a delicate alloy with such a violent method?]

"If it's lacking, then I only need to add more, and if it's too much, then I can just take some away. If I fail to create a satisfactory product with this much, I should retire instead."

Yu IlHan said that in a naturally flowing voice and took out the container that housed the liquid metal el hazra.

Even though he had extracted it from several Legnae, there was only a very small amount. Of course, that didn't matter, since he had plenty of sources to procure them.


He cut his hand and let out some blood. He even used his mana to pour quite a lot. The blood that contained his mana completely subordinated the el hazra without difficulties. Thinking about how he had to undergo several processes like this one, Yu IlHan became slightly depressed.

"Blacksmithing, mana crafting, soul enchant."

He activated three skills continuously and kneaded the el hazra in mid-air. It was only for a moment that it resisted against his mana. His blood that resonated in the mixture transformed the structure slowly. Even while vibrating somewhat violently, the el hazra eventually formed itself into something that looked like a gigantic hammer.

"Well, then."

Yu IlHan immediately smashed down with it onto the furnace. His blacksmithing work had already gone beyond the realm of being constrained by matter and tools.

[That... does the job?]

"Of course. If it is my will, the things I want shall automatically be completed."

Yu IlHan's creation began. It was a work that created dungeons, as well as new hope.

Thanks to the remains of Legna that Yu IlHan's companions had coincidentally met and succeeded in procuring, the fate and history of all worlds had changed.

In the past, Yu IlHan had made several Traps of Destructions for Heaven's Army. Additionally, he modified them in his own way from his experience creating them as well.

Of course, that had made the angels shocked, but to the Yu IlHan right now, he would be embarrassed to claim that the Traps of Destruction he made back then was his handiwork.

'It's not just to prepare against God. I need to make a dungeon that... easily blocks outside interference, while still freely entrapping all the monsters that enter.'

Thinking about it, it was an interesting matter. When he made his first dungeon, he was only pursuing a safe, stable life, but right now, he was going to make them of his own free will as the leader of the 5th higher existence faction.

"Fuu... very good."

A portion of the hammer that struck against the anvil split from the hammer and liquefied before being sucked into the furnace. And that bit of material was mixed into the metal inside the furnace and transformed. Yu IlHan's lips curved upwards into a small smile.

"Yes. What you need to do is not to reject the mana. You need to overwhelm it and store it."

The alloy born from the greatest ratio of metals inside the furnace passed freely between the realm of solids, liquids and even gases. Since it was made from numerous metals and nonmetals alike, it would be difficult to call it an 'alloy' but despite that it was definitely a metal. Yu IlHan's dominion over and wealth of experience working with metal reassured him.

"Until now, I could only transform the already existing entities."

Inside the workshop, the dull thud of a hammer hitting metal endlessly resounded. Even though Yu IlHan himself wasn't swinging his arms at all, the sound did not stop. Not surprisingly, the lump of alloy morphed in shape and was compressed every time a sound was made. Every time the hammer fell, the mana inside the metal increased in density.

"However, it's different now."

Yu IlHan's Declaration skill activated. This skill was a skill that allowed him to etch his intention unto the world as a 'truth'. It was not some 'absolute order' or 'power word skill' that were seen in some of the older fantasy novels. It was much deeper and more profound, only meaningful when one possessed eyes that saw through the world and all matter within.

"You shall restore and engulf."

The alloy emitted a blinding light and started to burn. Eternal Flame, who breathed and moved as one with Yu IlHan, transmitted his will and mana into the alloy to transform it.

[Ei, Eiii.]

Having received the mana, the alloy twitched while suspended in mid-air and started to violently pulsate, changing shapes many, many times. Meanwhile, the internal layers divided into hundreds, thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of layers, with a magic formation was carved into each layer.

"You shall bewitch and imprison."

Layer after layer of metal appeared as he spoke. It was to imbue the functionality to fulfill its role as an artifact that created dungeons. With Yu IlHan's vast magic knowledge, experience and mana, the otherwise complicated embedding was completed in moments.

"You shall resist and rule."

This was the final declaration. The hidden knife that he had sharpened in order to screw God over. Since it was the strongest and the most delicate functionality, the change in the alloy was the slowest, but it was something that could only end up being successfully completed in the end.

The lacking materials were supplemented from the furnace, while the excess was returned to it, as the alloy spun around in mid-air and eventually solidified. Inversely, the light that was emitted became even more wondrous. And only after a few moments, when there were no longer any changes, did Eternal Flame detach itself from the product.

[Perfect Trap of Restoration was complete.]

[Perfect Trap of Restoration]

[Rank – God]

[An artifact that Yu IlHan, lord of Dragon's Nest, has created with all of his power. It will attract and control their weakening, strengthening and even reproduction of all types of monsters within his records, and has a strong ruling power over mana. It will not be engulfed by anything other than Yu IlHan's power. This is perfect by itself, but the artifact is only a part of a whole.]

Echjar couldn't endure his exclamation.

[It was created in an instant.]

[It's beautiful and pretty.]

"Of course, who do you think made it?"

Yu IlHan smiled in satisfaction and put the completed artifact onto his palm. However, Mystic voiced out her question after looking at the alloy that was cubical in shape.

[Master, soul enchant was included right? But why don't I feel any other thought-souls from it?]

"Of course it's because I didn't enchant any thought-souls into it."

[Even though you used soul enchant?]

Mystic pondered for a moment before being shocked.

[You have reached a level where you can create souls, master!?]

"Not yet. If I could, I would become the new Creator already. Though, it was still possible for me to plant a small seed."

[I think you should be the new Creator already....]

Mystic muttered in astonishment, but then tilted her head.

[But why does it feel so strange? I feel like my consciousness is being focused on it.]

"Of course. A seed of a soul cannot control this artifact. So I connected you to it as well. In the end, the Flying fortress and the Guardian fortress will act as the huge energy supply and will be reborn into the control system of all artifacts through you."

Even though it was deeply tied in with her, it was the first time she heard of this!

[What the heck are you doing!]

"Hahaha, calm down, Mystic."

Mystic sounded as if she bit her 'tongue' in excitement. Yu IlHan laughed and tossed the cube around in the air.

"Would I make you a body for free? It's compensation for what you have to shoulder! It's fine, you can do it. You will become a great being that controls all dungeons!"

[Don't randomly make me into some great being as you wish!]

"In fact, it was one of the dreams I had when I first made the Flying fortress!"

[Don't hide such a weird thinggggggggggggg!]

Mystic went crazy, but Yu IlHan didn't stop. Since he had a sample that was God ranked, there was no need to hesitate now!

"Here I declare!"

When the completed Traps of Restoration floated into the air, the gigantic hammer and the gigantic furnace emitted light as if they were in resonance. Yu IlHan looked up at the item and shouted with a smirk. An enormous wave of mana poured out and filled the workshop.

"Let there be birth, as the first!"

[You sounded cool but it's just a macro!]

"You are quite sharp."

The declaration skill was a pseudo-miracle that made what was impossible to be done by Yu IlHan's power into possible. If it was something that he could do, it could drastically save time as well! Eternal Flame burnt endlessly and the number of cubes increased. Mystic screamed each time.

[My head hurts from 300! You damned master!]

"Think about your body and endure it! The body that is splendid, pretty, and is capable of controlling an innumerable network of consciousness(es)!"

[Aren't you in fact making my body just because you want me to control all the dungeons?]

"Of course I am!"

[You devil!]

Yu IlHan's work only stopped after creating around a few thousand of those cubes. In truth, that number couldn't even cover half of Dareu, but Yu IlHan wasn't worried about that.

"This is an artifact that I made to go against God. I don't know what he's trying to do with Legnae, but he wouldn't be able to interfere with any Traps of Destructions in worlds where a Trap of Restoration is planted."

[Master, thinking back, the first declaration you used when creating these Traps of Restoration is 'restore and engulf' wasn't it?]

"Yes, once the Trap of Restoration is activated, it will actively suck the surrounding mana to increase in size like a creature, and eventually create new Traps of Restoration by enveloping other Traps of Destruction. In other worlds, one per world is enough!"

That was one uncomfortable engulfing process. However, what made her feel even bad was.... Mystic asked in a depressed voice even though she knew the answer.

[And naturally, each new Traps of Restoration will be planted with a soul seed too?]

"I guess so?"

[And just that won't be sufficient to control the Traps of Restoration, so they will immediately be connected to my consciousness?]

"Mystic... You're really smart. Choosing you as the central control system was the wisest choice I made in life."

[You devil! You demon! You satan! You monster! You pervert!]

"I'm planning to make your body now."


Mystic suddenly became quiet at Yu IlHan's quiet words. Of course, Yu IlHan was aware of Mystic's desire for a body. It was also the truth that he had teased her using that until now.

"But I don't plan to use that as bait and make you do some unbelievable things."


"Your body that I'll be making now is exceptional enough to control all of them with room to spare and even battle while doing that on your own."

But here, a retort was made from an unexpected angle.

[Just battle...?]

"What else do you need?"

[Y, you know.]

Mystic twisted her body after hesitating a lot. The Flying fortress shook.

[Wouldn't I looks hideous on the outside if I'm so function-oriented? For example, a hundred heads or something.]

"What do you mean? Whatever the materials are, the completed body will suit your soul. Don't look down on my creation ability so much."

Although he could barely remember now, it will probably look similar to Mystic when she was born. Mystic seemed to be calmed down after listening to those words before asking Yu IlHan in a smaller voice.

[Th, then... uh... will I be the same as a normal girl?]

"Didn't I say that just now?"

[Like I said! The other aspects!]

"Just what the heck are you talking ab... oh."

Yu IlHan tilted his head since he couldn't understand for a moment before realizing what she meant – what she was worried about; what she was expecting; what she was thinking about; what she dreamed of; and what she wanted to become.

A satisfied smile appeared on his lips.

"You will be born as a perfect, living higher existence, and you will be able to do whatever you want as you want. ... Is that enough?"

[Uh, yeah.]

It was a cute voice that he had never heard from her before. Yu IlHan laughed and asked a question.

"Do you have a partner in mind?"

[Sh, shut up! There's nothing like that!]

Yu IlHan laughed and called out materials that were suited to become Mystic's new body. With the traitorous archangels Daiel and Ramiel as the core, he had a lot of other materials from other archangels and fallen angels that would amplify their power.

However, what made him really joyful was that Ramiel possessed a 7th class magic stone. Since he was an expert that had lightning-related skills and the Counter skill, the results would be something to look forward to. However, Mystic's expression became darker after looking at that.

[They're all men....]

"Well, that's not a problem at all... Well, if you keep watching, your narrow-minded opinion will change."

Clicking his tongue due to Mystic's lack of knowledge on creation, Yu IlHan changed the form of the Cradle of Miracles once again.

It had expanded in size little by little and had formed a spherical shape like the time it turned lower existences into higher existences, and inside, the materials that formed the Traps of Restoration still remained. Of course, this was intentional on Yu IlHan's part. I was the device that perfectly controlled the Traps of Restoration! Mystic screamed.

[What are you doing putting heavy metals into my new body!]

"They'll become your bones!"

The el hazra hammer, that had shrunk so much thanks to being ripped apart thousands of times, was put inside the Cradle of Miracles, and he slapped the bodies of Ramiel, Daiel and the other remains of archangels and fallen angels inside. Mystic's scream heightened.

[Kyaaaaaaak! It will become a monster, a monster!]

"Believe in me."

Yu IlHan smiled kindly and activated Creation.

"I'll make you cute and pretty."


That day, another Eternal-ranked creation was born.


Mystic looked at her figure in the mirror and voiced out in surprised. The image reflected was the figure of a feeble beauty that had long, silky black hair, couple with a pair of light purple pupils that glowed mysteriously. It looked nothing like Mystic's normally nonchalant attitude!

Even Mystic herself couldn't believe it and stared at the mirror, awestruck. Every time her emotions changed, her expression changed with it, so there was no doubt that the figure in the mirror was her's, but she found it difficult to take in.

"How did you make such a beautiful woman with the bodies of those stinky old men... rather than that, this is really me? Ah...."

She was speaking when she suddenly felt an unfamiliarity in her own voice. The feeling of vibration whenever her vocal cords moved was something that she had never experienced before. After all, she had been killed by Yu IlHan as soon as she was born!

"So pretty.... Even the voice is wonderful. The neck is pretty, the bones are pretty, the chest is pretty and the waist is pretty."

"Stop showering yourself with praises."

Yu IlHan grumbled to Mystic that was touching random places all over her body in front of the mirror. Since making a new body with 7th class archangels and a 7th class magic stone was not an easy thing for him to do, even he was feeling slightly tired after the exertion.

At least Orochi shared some common points with him in the aspect that they were both dragonkin (Orochi and Echjar) but since Mystic, who was born as a higher existence on Earth, had no common points whatsoever with the traitorous archangels that resided in Heaven , it was no wonder he had such a hard time!

"Stop showing off your nude body and get clothed, Mystic."

"Ah, you were looking at my naked body all the time! Pervert, master is a pervert!"

"I'm not Pygmalion so rest assured."

The Cypriot sculptor Pygmalion was the man who fell in love with his own sculpture, the first figurine otaku of mankind, to speak of.

Of course, Yu IlHan felt that it was natural to feel some sense of love towards one's creations since every work was essentially the embodiment of the ideals of the creator, but he did not feel that love equated to sexual desire. So, even though he felt a slight attachment to and attained a sense of satisfaction after completing Mystic's nude body, his sexual desire didn't even move by a single nanometer.

"I made your clothes too. It's one of my masterpieces so receive it with gratitude."

"You're going to push me around all the time in the future though... Wow, it's God ranked!"

"The materials were good so that's to be expected."

Mystic covered her body with one hand and received her clothes from Yu IlHan with the other. She exclaimed as she couldn't feel any weight from it, but weight was nothing compared to the information on the artifact.

Really, it was a simple, sleeveless white one piece dress, but its actual identity was an armor that boasted tremendous defense power thanks to investing almost all of Daiel and Ramiel's feathers. Of course, it wasn't a simple armor either.

"I brought out the traits of the traitors when I created it. When you focus on controlling the Flying fortress, the Guardian fortress, or the Traps of Restoration, it will stay white, but when you enter battle the one piece will turn black. Read the specific details later... and here, a straw hat."

"Wow, so pretty... urgh, this is God ranked as well."

The 'straw' hat that was made with the remaining feathers and el hazra had naturally become God ranked as well, and when Mystic put it on, she looked like a rich lady on a stroll. Being satisfied with his creations, Yu IlHan let out a smile and spoke to Mystic who was touching the straw hat.

"You only need to wear that when you're controlling things inside the Flying fortress. It will amplify your calculation abilities as a whole."

"I don't get how master makes all these amazing things like nothing. Oh, my head doesn't hurt at all now."

Controlling the two fortresses was no big deal at all now. Not only that, she felt as if she could control a thousand times more than the Traps of Restoration that existed now. Though actually, it was the fact that the Traps of Restoration had their own control function that made that possible, but still, it was an amazing feat. Mystic smiled in satisfaction, thinking that Yu IlHan kept his promise.

"Thanks, master. You really did put some effort in. ...Though, I don't know what to feel when I think you're the one that made me like this in the first place."

"At that time you were an enemy, but now, you're an ally. Anyhow, since you're well-dressed, go to Orochi."

The light words that Yu IlHan spoke of colored Mystic's face bright red. Bullseye.

"Wh, what are you saying! Why do I need to go to Orochi! It's not like that? I have absolutely no interest in that snake! He only annoys me since he teases me all the time!"

"It's because I'm planning to make proper equipment for him after I made you one. So go call Orochi for me, okay?"


Yu IlHan had a smile on while he was speaking. Mystic despaired after looking at his expression which revealed that he knew everything. It was her complete defeat.

"I'm such an idiot. An idiot who gets fooled by an idiot...."

She slowly walked out and unfurled two pairs of white dragon wings from her back. Although the league of her body was extremely high, her soul hadn't reached that level yet and she remained a 6th class.

[A white dragon...?]

"It's only her image. In fact, I'm rather curious about how Orochi will react to Mystic."

[Did you not send her to get him?]

"If I wanted to get him, I could have just messaged him directly."


Echjar became silent. That was true. However, Mystic was too depressed to realize that and went to get Orochi herself! Thinking about how angry she would act later, he found it fun.

"Well, then. Should I just lay out the foundations for Orochi's equipment? Keshein and Hillutonne's bodies are... whew, Keshein has a magic stone. Such a lucky one."


The former Dragon of Despair, Echjar, resolved to never go against Yu IlHan. His ruler was in an extremely faraway realm both in the aspects of the mind and the body!

"You fooled me, masterrrrrrrrrrr!"

Around ten minutes later, Mystic, as red as a tomato, came back with Orochi who was sighing. Yu IlHan met the two while giggling. With the Cradle of Miracles folded out for Orochi.


Three hours passed, and this time Orochi was showing off his body in the mirror that Mystic once used. Although Yu IlHan was only planning to upgrade his equipment, he took a look at his body while he was at it.

"I feel like I've completely melted into the body."

"Of course. I worked hard for it you know?"

Although he was only a black haired handsome youth with copper skin and sculpted muscle on the outside, a shocking amount of power laid within. After he became a higher existence with Echjar's body, Orochi had thought that there were no more aspects to get stronger in, and now he had to take that back.

"So you even adjusted the minute imbalances in the body?"

"Even if you have become a higher existence, Echjar's body that was used to make your body wasn't complete, was it? I only supplemented the lacking parts using the remains I had leftover from making your equipment. Although it was quite hard to dragonify their bodies, it was much easier than Mystic's case other than that."

Yu IlHan extracted the very essence of Keshein and Hilluttone's bodies to combine with Orochi, who had Echjar's body, to bring out its potential to the max. Above all, he had put in a lot of effort to diffuse Orochi's soul fully, so that he would never have to suffer any pain due to inharmony between his body and soul.

As something like a side effect, it was no longer possible for Orochi to leave as a thought soul from his body. Orochi was no longer a thought-soul but a full whole soul that possessed a body.

This was the same with Mystic as well. Of course, she was still the control tower of the Flying fortress and the Guardian fortress as well as being the managing director of the Traps of Restoration, but it was no longer possible for her to escape her body and be infused into the Flying fortress. Since she was reborn as a complete soul and possessed a complete body, it was natural that she could no longer leave it at her convenience.

Orochi's two eyes widened after hearing that fact from Yu IlHan.

"Isn't that... the realm of the Creator? I don't comprehend the extent of master's abilities."

"I have still a lot of lacking points to be called a complete Creator, but I'm better than you think at least. Well then. Go ahead and give me your respect."

"I do get that you're becoming a lot more arrogant as time goes... ugh, you really are amazing."

Orochi brought out his purple flames and controlled it only to be shocked by the extent of amplification which was much higher compared to before. He couldn't believe that it was possible to perfectly and completely synchronise the bodies of different higher existences. However, Yu IlHan was worried about something else.

"How's the pressure on your body, you think you can hold out?"

"Barely. Although I was aware of this before... the league of my soul is too low compared to the upgraded body."

"I said this before, but since your soul has become perfect, your soul will endlessly experience growth in the future, albeit slowly. Perhaps because you were once a dragonkin, you are one of those that received the most effects in the Cradle of Miracles."

Everyone under Yu IlHan that had qualifications to become higher existences were all reborn as dragons through the same process, but it wasn't like everybody had an equal rate of growth.

The efficiency differed according to how well they synchronized with Yu IlHan's records that was transferred through the Cradle of Miracles. Liera, who loved him to the extent that she received a blessing from a god, had the highest efficiency, while Yumir, who reached the realm of higher existences at the same time as him wasn't that far behind.

And after those two was Orochi, who was being shocked in front of the mirror.

"Fuu... exciting."

"Away with your exciting crap. Are all of you exhibitionists? I completely remade your original equipment so wear it. Hey, get it quickly. What are you going to do if there's a peeper outside?"

"There was such a pervert under you?"

It's a problem because there is. Yu IlHan mocked Orochi in his heart since Orochi could not sense Mystic hiding outside the workshop, peeking inside, as he gave him his equipment.

Orochi tilted his head but still received the items anyway. A set of black underclothes that lined the inner layer, and was very elastic while being tough in defenses. Adding on to that, a thin black metallic armor – it looked similar to the Flamesoul Dragon Body.

"This looks similar to your armor."

"Although I can't create Eternal ranked items like it's nothing, well, its functions shouldn't be too far behind. It's a God-ranked artifact."

"Speaking of God-ranked items so easily, as expected of master who mocks God."

Orochi felt anew after thinking about the past. Would he have been able to step on the ground with two legs like this with such a strong body if he hadn't expressed his submission towards Yu IlHan?

Of course, the Orochi of that time is dead and the Orochi that remained in this place could be said to be another Orochi that was born again... but at least it was fun for him that he could be under Yu IlHan's wing.

"Master sure is an interesting man. Although it's not like I didn't have fun when I went around destroying cities... this is much more interesting."

"It will become interesting to the point of seriousness in the future."

"I am prepared. Talk about it anytime."

Orochi equipped all his gear and stood next to Yu IlHan. Yu IlHan collected all the Traps of Restoration piled on one side of his workshop, into his inventory and called for Mystic that was hiding behind a wall.

"Mystic, let's get to work."


Mystic was startled and walked out stiffly. She never knew that she was found out. Even though it was inside her domain, the Flying fortress, trying to 'hide' in front of Yu IlHan was a foolish thing for her to do.

"...Mystic? Why are you coming out from there?"

"Hiik, it's nothing!"

Even though he was quick-witted in the past, Orochi only tilted his head in confusion thinking 'why is she there?' after looking at her.

Yu IlHan sighed after looking at the confused Orochi and the bright red Mystic. It seems like these guys changed in personality after acquiring bodies.

"Let's first install the Traps of Restoration in Dareu. We need to strike back for real now."

"Is it a counterattack against those frightening, uh, what was their name again? Legna, thing?"


Yu IlHan spoke out in an ever more serious voice.

"It's a counterattack against all foreshadows and plots that exist in the world."

Since majority of the worlds Yu IlHan that had been to were combined and fused with Dareu, the first thing Yu IlHan did was to install a few Traps of Restoration in Dareu.

Since the 6th Great Cataclysm was very intense, the majority of the Traps of Destruction had lost their functionality and became silent, and in one region, a series of Traps of Destructions that were coincidentally near each other activated at once and went berserk, causing an overflow of tremendous proportions.

"Oh, there were a few Overflows. Tell the others to give me the fragments of higher metals if they get any."

"Got it, master."

In the past, when an Overflow occurred on Earth and Yamata no Orochi struck the Kantou region of Japan, it was one of the most dangerous things he had to be on the lookout for, but right now that Yu IlHan and the majority of his companions had become higher existences, Overflows were nothing much to deal with.

It was just that collecting the harkanium that was absorbed and mutated inside the Overflow monsters were a little bothersome! Of course, the Dareu monster-extermination quest was still underway so they should return quite soon.

"Dareu really has become big. Ugh, I wish I could just look around everywhere in detail and clean them all up...."

"No matter how fast you are, that's impossible."

"I know. Then, scatter."

Yu IlHan launched five Traps of Restoration into the air with his reply. With the Declaration skill, those five were scattered to various places throughout Dareu. After that, he activated the 'carpet' to check on the condition of the Traps of Destructions already scattered throughout Dareu and changed the locations of a few.

That was it.

"Good, it's starting now."

The Traps of Restoration scattered throughout Dareu all resonated at once to suppress the power of the Traps of Destruction. Even the already created dungeons were broken and returned to the original state. The monsters freed from the dungeons (they were mostly weak and dumb to be caught in them) were confused for a moment but all ran after feeling the aura of war in the center of Dareu. Like that, all Traps of Destruction in the continent paused and awaited reactivation.

"Fuu... good, let's do this thing."

Mystic realized that it was her turn and focused after pushing the straw hat on her head, when the flow of mana released from the Traps of Restoration spread around to the far corners of the world and started transforming the Traps of Destruction.

Absorbing the surrounding mana and matter, the Traps of Destruction were engulfed by the mana from the Traps of Restoration and changed on a fundamental level. Orochi honestly exclaimed at Mystic's absurd mana control.

"Hoo... splendid mana control."

"It's an item boost."

"I knew it."

"I can't focus so be quiet!

Unlike her words, the engulfing process was very smooth. All the Traps of Destruction scattered around Dareu were evolving! From Traps of Destruction to Traps of Restoration – a new order was being created after denying the records of until now and one that developed according to Yu IlHan's intentions!

Of course, that process sucked and consumed an enormous amount of mana in Dareu, but that would just slow down the birth of monsters so it wasn't completely a bad thing.

[The skill, Declaration, has become level 56.]

[The skill, Dimensional Ruler, has become level 85.]

[The skill, Dimensional Adaptation, has become level 83.]

[The skill, Fleet Command, has become level 89.]

"Well done, Mystic! Let's be done and over with this before heading to the next world!"

"Oooh, the mana wave is truly a spectacle."

"Shut up both of you!"

Thanks to Mystic's grand actions, even Yu IlHan's skill grew all by themselves. A thought flashed by Yu IlHan's mind at that moment.

'Then if the members of Dragon's Nest kill enemies....'

Closing his eyes and analyzing his own records, he found the answer quite quickly. Not only the records of enemies, he found out that a little bit of experience was given to him as well. Since the dragons belonging to Dragon's Nest were fighting with countless monsters right now, his records were piling up even though he wasn't doing much.

'So there's a reason why the leaders of each faction are in a completely different league to the members;

He groaned subconsciously. Although he felt this after looking at Greed, the leaders of each faction were all frightening beings! Growing endlessly even while doing nothing thanks to the actions of its members… that would mean that the newest of the 5, Yu IlHan, was the most disadvantaged!


Then how was it possible that Michael was equal in power to Satan, the leader of the Army of Brilliant Light?

'Or was that BS?'

No, but from looking at how aggressive Michael acted normally, he didn't seem like someone who would lie about that. Didn't Yu IlHan let Michael go precisely to hold Satan back?

'It's possible if God left all of his records and authorities in his charge.'

But he was too weak for that to be true. No matter how disadvantageous Michael was against Yu IlHan in terms of attributes, he wouldn't be so easily defeated by Yu IlHan. Then there's one answer left.


'If I think about it, although he was killed by me, Raphael was absurdly OP as well. He had a healing ability that surpassed the other 7th class beings by hundreds of miles. If the situation wasn't leaning heavily in my favor, I would have missed the chance to kill him.'

In that case the possibility that God's power and records were divided among the four Great Archangels of Heaven – Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel. Among them, Raphael died and Michael could be overcome anytime, so the remaining ones who potentially posed a threat were Gabriel and Uriel.

'Leaving aside Uriel because I don't have any records about that one, it nags at me that Gabriel has the power of foreknowledge. Foreknowledge, clairvoyance eh... that shouldn't be the case, it definitely shouldn't be possible, but it bothers me.'

From one moment a doubt that was near assurance twitched inside Yu IlHan's heart. It was too absurd to be true, but his instincts warned him so much when he tried to reject it completely. So the solution would be to stop thinking about it until he actually confirmed it... but if it was that easy, he wouldn't be thinking about such things.

"Master, why do you wear such a frown? Look at that woman groaning. Humans call this a spectacle, no?"

"Of course, it's a scene that I can't miss, but she'll have to groan like that even more in the future so I'll have many opportunities to watch. Orochi you just prepare some popcorn."

"I swear I'll deal with you two later!"

Thanks to the abundant mana in Dareu, the evolution of the Traps of Destruction proceeded unexpectedly quickly. New Traps of Restoration were being generated, and in the process of being linked in consciousness with them, Mystic had finally met a hurdle. Groaning and grunting while continuing to control all of them did look quite funny and cute.

'I want to dismantle Raphael's body as soon as possible... but I have something more urgent I guess.'

Yu IlHan had a look at Orochi who teased Mystic and Mystic who bit her lips but still continued to control the evolution process of the Traps of Destruction and stopped his thoughts there with a shrug.

This wasn't the right time. If only he could activate the Hourglass of Eternity on Earth, he would be able to cleanly take care of everything that was needed…. The problem was that if he went to Earth right now, Earth would become a higher world.

Ironically, Yu IlHan could only go back to Earth after he was fully prepared for war.

"It's done!"

At that moment, Mystic cheered. She succeeded in transforming all the Traps of Destruction scattered in the vast lands of Dareu into Traps of Restorations! Yu IlHan nodded in satisfaction and ordered her.

"Good, then let's see if the Traps work effectively."

"Hmph, are you looking down on my abilities?"

Mystic clicked her fingers while curving the tips of her mouth into a smile. At that moment, the Traps of Restoration scattered around Dareu vitalized their domain and released a strong wave of mana.


[Kugh! Kergh, that's a trap....]

[I can't resist...!]

[Even though I want to resist...!]

[Such tragedy!]

The monsters that were fighting the dragons and dragonkin immediately reacted to it. Even though they had both high levels and high intelligence, they couldn't resist the aura that the Traps of Restoration emitted and helplessly rushed in! Yu IlHan laughed heartily after looking at that.

"Hide and seek is over! Hahahahahahaha!"

"Master is the worst."

"Whoa, I did know of their power but this is really... they're all being sucked in no matter if they are level 250 or level 270."

"I can even imprison higher existences, not to mention 4th classes."

"Higher existences?"

Yu IlHan had just trampled on the technology of Heaven's Army like nothing and checked the Traps of Restoration that were being filled and laughed heartily.

Since his companions had taken care of a lot of monsters, the Traps of Restoration didn't quite get filled, but there was no worry of any Overflows occurring. Under Mystic's control, the Traps of Restoration had worked splendidly to prevent any kind of mana reaction if there were no monsters nearby!

[Dad, how did it come to this?]

Yumir, who was having fun leading all the dragons found where Yu IlHan was and flew straight towards him before asking. Yu IlHan stroked his head and explained to him the outline of the situation.

"The monsters born in Dareu will all be sucked into the Traps of Restoration automatically. So you just need to make suitable teams of dragons and dragonkin and send them to dungeons."

[Dad is amazing!]

The common knowledge of Heaven's Army was that 4th class monsters couldn't be imprisoned with the Traps of Destruction. However, Yu IlHan made the Traps of Restoration that ignored such a common knowledge with little to no effort.

This new type of prison system that only Yu IlHan and Mystic could control soon imprisoned all monsters born in Dareu, except the dragons and the dragonkin.

"IlHan, I did hear that you will make something called the Traps of Restoration, but this is frightening..."

"What do you mean frightening? This is just the beginning. I'll scatter them to other worlds too so just clean the dungeons while we're waiting. Oh, before that."

He needed to fulfill his promise. Yu IlHan looked at the dragonkin that had lost their enemies thanks to the Traps of Restoration and looked back at his companions.

"Everyone pick one dragonkin that you think fought well. Starting from Mir."


[Oh supreme being, you will really give us the opportunity!]

Even though they watched the process of First becoming a dragon, the dragonkin still couldn't believe in him fully, but now they became emotional after they heard Yu IlHan.

Yu IlHan hadn't lied! They could really become dragons! They could confirm the strengths of all higher existences belonging to Dragon's Nest while they fought together, so the dragonkin's passion to become 'dragons' had become amplified. So, it was no wonder that they had become emotional after hearing his words. Yu IlHan made a bright smile after looking at them being honestly happy.

'Fu, I love dragonkin. They're so simple.'

"Master, your face. Your face looks like a complete villain right now."

The higher existences belonging to Dragon's Nest were: Yu IlHan, Helièna, Yumir, Liera, Erta, Kang MiRae, Na YuNa, Kim YeSeul, Paté, Jirl, Mirey, Ericia, Flemir, Mirfa, Orochi and Mystic – a total of 16. Yu IlHan gave each of them the right to pick one dragonkin so the number of new dragons would be just 16.

However, that was enough.

[I thank you, my lord!]

[Kuooooooh! Dragon, the mana of dragon and the blood of dragon! Flows in my veins!]

[Me too! I will definitely become a dragon next time!]

[Dungeon! Let's go wipe out dungeons!]

All dragonkin that saw their kin being reborn into dragons had their eyes flipped. They armed themselves with the resolve that they will definitely become dragons next time! Yu IlHan spoke to them with a merciful smile.

"As long as you bring about suitable results, I shall make you all into dragons. Any dragonkin is set to be able to freely enter dungeons so rampage to your heart's content."



[You idiots! Pay your respects to the ruler!]

The dragonkin instantly split up into groups and charged into dungeons. Yu IlHan's companions only watched with dumbfounded eyes. Yu IlHan turned around with a laugh.

"Then I'll be going. It won't take too long. Oh, can you take the Guardian fortress and a few of our members to Earth and go over to Earth for me, Miss MiRae? I think it will be better to move the people there to Dareu."

"Of course."

"Excluding those of you that are going to Earth with Miss MiRae everyone be on your guard. It's very likely that Legnae will invade Dareu. I've prepared everything so you shouldn't have any problems fighting them."


Giving out orders was done as well. Now, Yu IlHan took Mystic and Orochi into the Flying fortress and set out. The number of Traps of Restoration in his inventory was 6,938. Once all of these were successfully scattered across the worlds... it would be his victory.

'Well, I'd still win even if I fail.'

"Master, you have an evil face that doesn't look like the main character at all!"

Yu IlHan and the other two set off for other worlds.

This was later known as the sowing seeds legend of the leader of Dragon's Nest.