331 - 337

Why were there traces of recorded gods in a world under a higher existence faction's rule? He had realised that these so called 'recorded gods' weren't just lumps of intelligence in the Akashic Record, but never did he imagine that they resided within the hidden worlds!

No, did they really 'reside' in a hidden world? They referred to Yu IlHan as 'liberator' and 'savior', so in other words they were...!

However, there was no more time for Yu IlHan to think. With nearly seven thousand worlds fusing with Dareu at once, Mystic ended up experiencing death while she was still alive.

"Master, what the hell are you doinnnnnnnnnnng!"

"Ergh, fine I'll do it! [You stick there, you stick there, you just go underground, you just go inside the Trap of Restoration. I said no more increase in size. Compress, equalize the density of mana in the world. The only exception shall be our city alone!]"

Yu IlHan put all other thoughts aside and fused the worlds desperately. Fusing several thousand worlds at the same time as fine tuning the 8th Great Cataclysm wasn't such an easy thing to do, but as the number of worlds he had to take care of was decreased dramatically thanks to Galactic Trajectory, he could do things at a relatively leisurely pace. It was quite doable.

"Quite!? Doable!?"


"Yes, yes, I get it."

Orochi just patted Mystic on top of her straw hat, as Mystic was about to explode at any second. Mystic had the urge to beat up both Yu IlHan and Orochi half to death, together, at once. It was frustrating that she couldn't do so, since she was rendered immobile thanks to the worlds that were still not yet perfectly fused. Damn side jobs!

"Mr. IlHan, the city became a pseudo-holy region now~?"

"In fact, the region is expanding as well."

Until now, the battles were mainly centered around the Flying fortress, the Guardian fortress and the city.

Moreover, these places were the locations that received the most influence from Yu IlHan's records within Dareu, so it wasn't so impossible for there to be traces of evolution in the city thanks to the newly acquired mana and records, on top of Yu IlHan's influence from Creation.

A trivial problem was that the region was expanding continuously, and the holy region had expanded to the point that the area it encompassed should be classified as an empire rather than a city, but he decided not to think too much about it.

"I don't think that's trivial at all though...."

"We got more dragon fellows, so it's all good."

"Whoa, we were just having a battle, but the world is changing drastically in the meantime!"

Liera was shocked while looking at the ever-evolving scenes in Dareu. Well, absorbing over ten thousand worlds and on top of experiencing two Great Cataclysms…. it would be really weird if there weren't any changes!

"The atmosphere changes again. I think I can see rainbows in the air."

"That's because the mana density is too thick and they became half-materialized."

"The feel of the land is also different. It's as if...."

"Due to the influence from my records as it evolved, the aura of metal and dragons are now mixed into the dirt."

"...Snapping a branch off a tree got me a rare-ranked artifact?"


Yu IlHan carefully turned around to Liera and asked carefully since everyone was filled with shock.

"...All worlds are like this after the 8th Great Cataclysm, right?"

"You do know that they aren't, don't you?"

"Okay, my bad."

In Liera's knowledge, the world that experienced the most number of Great Cataclysms is Heaven. She heard that it only became a world fit for angels and God to reside after nine rounds of Great Cataclysms... but compared to Dareu right now, Heaven was merely a slightly larger world with some peculiar traits.

"In fact, I'm surprised that it remained a 'world' that can still be defined by us. With this much mana, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into some darkspace or something."

"That's what I and master are trying to stop! I! and! Master, worrrrk!"

"Sorry, I meant to say that it's just that amazing."


Liera apologized formally at Mystic's irritation. She had no experience nor skill in managing and controlling a world, but she could still see how much effort Yu IlHan and Mystic had to exert in order to stabilize Dareu like this.

Raising her head to look at the sky, there were clouds made of mana floating around. At a glance, they looked like ordinary clouds, but it was actually a magical trap that changed form to restrain enemies and deal damage to them once they came into contact with an external source of mana. Everyone that invaded Dragon's Nest became a target of those traps.

The rainbow of light that hung underneath was a nature version of the destruction mirrors. Any time Yu IlHan wanted, they would attract the surrounding energy and shoot it at the enemies!

Not only that, the countless dots of light that appeared like stars in the sky were all mana bombs, and the hurricane of metal dust that stormed in various parts of Dareu was a natural trap that ground apart all beings that possessed malice to dragons!

Other than that, naturally occurring traps that even higher existences couldn't escape unscathed, began to cover various parts of Dareu.

It wasn't like Yu IlHan specifically intended for this to happen. It was just a result of evolution after countless worlds were fused with Dareu and the Great Cataclysms occurred and reflected his records into the world.

As all of these traps were fatal, they looked very wondrous and beautiful from the outside, and the members of Dragon's Nest that were unexpectedly given a time to rest after an intense battle, ended up exclaiming in surprise when they looked around the world.

"It's truly... beautiful."

"It's more beautiful with you here, Carina."


"These idiots...."

Carina Malatesta, Michael Smithson, and Takagaki Asuha had all safely become true dragons amidst the heated battle.

Originally, it wasn't like it was so easy to become 5th class purely through piling experience, but were any of their experiences 'normal'?

They survived amongst countless higher existences, higher magic, and advanced techniques, so it was perhaps only natural that they grew into 5th class beings!


"Carina... the battle still hasn't ended yet. Let us do our best for a little longer. Even if it's for our child that will be born later."

"Yes, Michael. Definitely...."

"Aaah, I wish they exploded... that's it, Lord Susanoo."

Takagaki Asuha was fed up with watching these two lovebirds say cheesy lines all the time even on the battlefield, and turned his head around to Yu IlHan, her sign of peace and salvation.

"Lord Susanoo, I, too... Lord Susanoo?"

She tried to approach Yu IlHan but halted midway. Yu IlHan was atop the highest place in the Flying fortress, his two eyes were closed, and a translucent membrane of fire was preventing anyone from interrupting him.

She decided to give up trying to approach him and retreat. She just thought that it should be fine if it was watching.


The person in question was currently breathing slowly and watching inside him, as well as the world.

The violent trembles that came with the 8th Great Cataclysm and the fusion of many worlds were also beginning to settle down. As an effect of that, Yu IlHan had acquired a tremendous amount of experience again, and became level 650 after wiping out several thousand higher worlds.

Fortunately, there was nothing like the recreation of his physical body or anything like last time. It was just that an insane amount of magic power began to emanate from his body. It made him feel very uncertain about himself. He felt as if he would become drunk on this sense of omnipotence and go wild with his power.

With 50 levels rising at once, he even doubted and wondered if it was fine to level up so fast, but the change that came along wasn't light at all. The strengthening of his bones, the thickening of his blood, the toughening of his muscles and the hardening of his skin was all too noticeable and so clear that it made him shiver in anticipation.

The higher his level became, the feeling that each and every level had an enormous power increment that came with it. He even admired his past self for killing beings that were several tens of levels higher than him.

Level was the most fundamental differentiation in league. When he was bound by league, he was blocked by the wall of league known as 'class', but the foundation of league was in the end, levels. The proof was that it was impossible to level up once an individual hit the threshold without surpassing the league.

Levelling up didn't simply mean an increase in physical ability and mana, but that he could exercise more power in the world, comprehend more of the world, and fundamentally change his view of the world.

It was not a sudden realization but a deeper understanding of what Yu IlHan had learned and acquired before.

He understood how to swing the spear, which slight adjustments to make to metalwork better, and comprehend the meaning of the texts he had read before, but couldn't understand fully. So, levels were one's own records, and level up was the increase and accumulation of records.

'So, it's not like one's training is deeper in the mind just by becoming a higher level or a higher existence. Level ups aren't something that give you something that doesn't exist, but strengthens what you already have. Insolence will bring about more insolence, and dictator-like beings will become even more like a dictator. I finally understand why Greed turned about to be like that.'

Now, he organized the truths about levelling up clearly. Yu IlHan ordered his internal mana and resonated with the world to breath fresh air, when he thought up of the question that he had put on hold.

'Yes, recorded gods.'

He forgot thanks to the fusion of the worlds and the Great Cataclysm, but when he erased all the worlds that appeared through the Galactic Trajectory, he could definitely hear the voices of recorded gods.

Yu IlHan's Final Buster(though no one else called it that), the moment seven thousand worlds were erased, if they were alive, then they should have died then and there.

And they called Yu IlHan 'liberator'.

'Meaning, they were bound.'

But then, by whom? First up, Greed of the Destruction Demon Army was an idiot who only knew how to eat, so there was no way he would have left such a delicious treat like recorded gods alive, and the current Heaven's Army didn't have that ability, so that leaves....

"The Army of Brilliant Light."

He felt as if cold water was just poured on him and abruptly raised his head.

His father was in danger. He said that he was going to be fine, but if Satan really had the power to imprison recorded gods, then he was currently the most dangerous person with the most mysterious objective right now!

Thinking about it, it was all clear. He had met with all other main forces of other factions, but he had never met the 1st Wing of Brilliant Light, Lazière!

Why did he only realize that fact just now? Danger, his father and mother were in danger! More than Michael, and more so than Greed, perhaps Satan was the most frightening being, more so than even the God of Heaven that sent out Legnae!


Yu IlHan activated the Warp skill while having his eyes still closed.

It wasn't that he was going, but that he was calling them here. In whichever world, even if it was a closed world. If it was a being that he could contact through his records, then he could bring anyone here.

If he summoned his parents right now, then the confrontation between the Garden of Sunset and the combination of the Army of Brilliant Light and God would end, and their target would turn to Yu IlHan, but that was still better than letting his father and mother be in danger.

Also, Yu IlHan was confident that he could fight against anyone since he had grown so much stronger.

However, just as he was about to ditch the fusion of worlds or anything and call for his parents, a message he had never encountered before while using Warp appeared on his retina.

[The target is rejecting your summon.]

[Summoning a part of the Warp skill's targets.]

[A severed world has opened and you receive proper records and mana. All status increases, and Magic increases additionally by 700.]



Yu IlHan definitely summoned both his mother and father, but only his mother, Kim YeSeul, stood in front of him. It wasn't like she was fighting against thousands of worlds like what Yu IlHan and the others were doing, but she had reached the 6th class in such a short time.

That was shocking, but there was something else that really shocked him.

"Mom, what about dad? I called both of you together!"

Well, it wouldn't be too surprising for someone on Gabriel's level to be capable of deflecting his Warp magic, but the problem was why.

Kim YeSeul replied to him with a dejected expression.

"Your dad... said that he will hold the enemies back."

"Why! Why, dad! That's a blatant foreshadow!"

What was more frustrating that, that wasn't the only problem that came to him.

"IlHan, one corner of the world is looking really strange!"

"Father, that's as if... I'm looking at hell!"

Aaaaaaaaah, sheesh! It really feels like something bad will happen with so many things happening at once! – The foreshadow meister Yu IlHan screamed.

An unknown amount of time passed in the Crevasse Garden, the halted world, as the two armies fought. The majority of the gatekeepers of the Garden of Sunset had disappeared, and the Army of Brilliant Light was no exception. The insane number of Legnae and Archlegnae were also beginning to reach their end.

However, frustratingly, and surprisingly, Gabriel was at a disadvantage right now.

[It was your son, wasn't it?]

[You noticed?]

[Well, a strong aura pierced through the wall of dimensions and took a single person. There's no way there's another one capable of doing that other than your son, is there?]

Satan smiled as he finished talking. Gabriel also let out a smile while taking a step back. On their bodies, wounds that couldn't be healed through normal means were inflicted, since all of their attacks had bet their records on the line. At the level of the leaders of each faction, they didn't simply use skills but their records to fight, it was such a method of attacking that caused this.

[Why did you only send your wife to him?]

[You know, already, don't you, Lucifer? Someone needs to stop you. My son is growing up rapidly so I can't really stop him midway.]

[Grow, growth, eh....]

Satan, aka Lucifer looked at his arm and made a bitter smile. He could feel his power and records disappearing even now.

Aah, Gabriel's son was one heck of a monster alright. In the moment that the wall of dimensions was breached, he expropriated an enormous amount of energy from Satan. It was the records and mana that Satan possessed as the ruler of many higher worlds.

'Just how many higher worlds did he take from me while I was occupied.'

He didn't know since this dimension was severed from the rest until now. He had believed that they would remain as his forever and wielded their powers without holding back.

However, the moment Yu IlHan used Warp magic and breached the wall of dimensions, the records and power that resided in Satan had left him for their proper owner.

As a result, Satan was weakened. Unbelievably, he was feeling powerless for the first time ever since he fought and chased out God from Heaven. He looked at Gabriel with a face of absurdity and spoke.

[This is no growth, Gabirel. It's a desire that's beyond Greed's. He's devouring all the higher worlds.]

[No, he is not devouring them. He's fusing them into one. Lucifer, my son will become the new Creator. The realm that God did not reach, and the realm that we could not ever reach – he shall reach it, I am sure of it.]

Gabriel made a satisfied smile, but Satan mocked him.

[That's impossible. Even God fell without ever being able to reach that realm. Do you think a prophesized being could reach such an unpredictable realm?]

[There are many ways that miracles occur. I still cannot find an explanation for my foreknowledge ability. Concealment is the same. But, my son even surpassed me in this regard. Lucifer, what I could see is merely the starting point of that path. Where it reaches, even I cannot see.]

[In that, you're correct.]

Satan gathered his power into his palm. Although he panicked due to the sudden loss of power, but that was it. Unless his main world disappeared, the source of power for Satan would not decrease by too much.

[Indeed, no one can observe the end of that path. Yes, that's why, it won't be too surprising if his path just snapped midway, right? Though, you won't live to see that!]


Dark magic power blossomed from Satan's body. Behind him, five pairs of bat-like wings sprouted. However, his change didn't stop there. Surprisingly, he had a single wing that consisted of pure white feathers. Right now, Gabriel and Satan differed by that one wing of power.

[Prepare yourself, Gabriel. I will be lenient with my hands, but....]


Satan's voice hit Gabriel's ears. Gabriel realized that it was time, and hurriedly released his energy to the surroundings, but what he could erase were only the group of Legnae that invaded the Crevasse Garden.

Although he wiped out all the small fries, there will be plenty more of Legnae unless God was dealt with. And the enemy in front of him, Satan was....

[It will, hurt quite a lot.]

[That's what I should be saying, Satan. I won't let anyone disturb my son so easily!]

[Well then, shall we have another dance!]

Satan's eyes glistened mysteriously and strangely. The moment he faced that, Gabriel clenched his teeth and released all of his energy!


[Gabriel has been dealt with, and the Crevasse Garden is now under the rule of the Army of Brilliant Light. Well, this is a splendid ending, right?]

Spoke Satan. His leisurely attitude didn't change, no matter who it was, and the 'God of Heaven' that he had once betrayed, and met again was no exception.

[Though it's a little insufficient to pay for your betrayal in the past... but very well. We got rid of that prophet, so the only remaining one is that eyesore.... Well, then. Give me Gabriel's corpse, Lucifer.]

Ordered God in a grand and firm voice. However, Satan laughed and shook his head.

[Think about it, old man. Do you think Gabriel, who was smart enough to drag everyone in the whole multiverse into his stage, would foolishly leave his precious body behind? I think his son splendidly inherited the concealment ability, but the prophecy was only his power. And it will remain as such forever too.]

[...I should have told you to bring me his corpse.]

[Well, I didn't even have the time to recover it, duh. If you're so unsatisfied, why didn't you go get it yourself?]

God lost his words at Satan's reply. It wasn't that Satan didn't know his current state. In other words, Satan was making fun of him right now.

God gritted his teeth. Although he did put Satan onto his side since he was cooperative, but there would be no other man as unfaithful as Satan.

[Did you erase the Legnae? Did you hog Gabriel's corpse yourself after getting rid of my watch?]

[Why would I attack my allies? And old man, you too should have recovered their records right? Don't you know that it was either Gabriel or the gatekeepers that killed them all?]

God's eyes narrowed.

[Lucifer, you bastard... you didn't lie, did you?]

[And you have a way to find out if I lied?]

No. God was neither omniscient nor omnipotent as the other angels thought.

[See? So just believe me. Believing in me will be better for you.]


He was sure that Satan was thinking of something else in his heart, but God couldn't interrogate him right now. He bared his teeth and said in a voice lined with malice and wrath.

[If you keep doing things like this... I may not accept you in the new world that I will create.]

[Well, as you know, I'm a hedonist so it's fine if it makes me joyful even if it leads to the bottom of the abyss. But... you, sir, shouldn't be talking to me like that right now, should you? You still can't move your body as you wish right now, no? You need 'him', don't you?]

God shut his mouth. Satan's words were completely correct. Right now, God needed Satan. His limbs were still not free, and the strange angelic beings, Legnae, were still much weaker and feebler than he had thought. For now, he needed the help of this devil.

Satan smiled as though he knew all that he was thinking. His smile was truly disgusting and unpleasant.

[Just what are you afraid of? The curtains to Harmageddon have successfully been raised, and everyone is clashing hard in their respective positions. Although Michael's light became more brilliant, but that's all within our expectations. They are all merely deliciously grilled meat. You just need to step up and bite them apart.]


Satan and God exchanged fierce glances. Both of them were not completely open with each other, and both sides knew that. However, they each had what they wanted from each other, and so they could not be honest.

They could not return to the master-servant relationship of before. The two were currently utilizing each other as being at the same level of power.

However, one sure fact was that Satan 'cannot' betray God. He was a being that originated from God, and no matter how hard he struggled to escape, he was bound by God after all. 'Going against the heavens' was not possible!

At that moment, God's internal injury suddenly burst and agonized him.


[You hurt now?]

[Yu IlHan... that bastard!]


Satan chuckled.

[Gabriel's son, right? Ain't he amazing? He stole a loooot of power from me as well. Just how did he give birth to such an amazing son, I wonder.]

[It's good that he was born then... if he was given more time, the new world might not have opened.]

[You sure like that new world very much. Why don't you make a song about it? Let us, make, a new, world!]

Though, that will be a horrible one with God in it.

Satan turned his head around as he mocked God until the very end. What he could see was a poisonous atmosphere, vicious life forms, vicious mana, and vicious everything.

Beyond that, he felt a faint aura from beyond the huge wall of dimensions and chuckled.

[The curtains are rising. Well, then. Are you ready to step onto the stage, old man?]

[Shut up, Lucifer.]

Replied God as he gritted his teeth.

[I was ready from a long time ago.]


"What the heck is this?"

"Who knows? A slice of hell?"

Replied Liera in a calm voice. Right now, they were at a place where the skies and lands had reversed and were boiling. Turning their heads around, they could see the normal Dareu, but only this portion of it was like this....

"It's like someone swallowed a whole world and vomited it back out with all the stomach fluids on it~."

"Thanks for the vivid description, Miss YuNa. Thanks to you, I feel slightly more disgusted now."


Yu IlHan waved his hand as he scolded Na YuNa. Mana and wind came along and covered both the skies and the lands, and they melted into the world after becoming pure records and mana.

While he was at it, he also took care of all the strange-looking regions and fused them with Dareu.

In that process, he could gather more concrete records about them, and it seemed that the Galactic Trajectory had opened worlds not only belonging to the Heaven's Army, the Army of Brilliant Light and the Destruction Demon Army, but a few subspaces that were well hidden beyond their control.

Of course, Yu IlHan's Final Buster mercilessly destroyed all of them and dragged them to Dareu... and by now, God, Greed, and Satan should be having a painful time.


Yu IlHan received and analyzed the records of countless worlds and sorted out his thoughts again as he raised his head. Kim YeSeul was watching him with worried eyes.

"Are you alright, son?"

"I'm alright. I'm rather worried about dad. Satan is no ordinary guy."

"Your father will be fine. He's lived much longer than we have."

"...Oh yeah, that's true."

Neither Kim YeSeul nor Yu IlHan could be considered young in age, but compared to Gabriel they were like newborn babies. Yu IlHan thought about that and looked at Kim YeSeul's expression.

"And mom? Are you alright?"

"Of course I am, son. ...Though, it'd be a lie to say that I wasn't surprised."

Kim YeSeul chuckled and added.

"Looks like mom should level up hard now. Whew, I fought higher existences for several years, but I'm barely 6th class. Just when did your father become so strong?"

"Several years? Did you perhaps fight for many years in that main world?"


That's one heck of a magic against an enemy like Satan. Yu IlHan marveled at his father's capability. Yes, since his father could utilize a magic of such a scale, he should be fine even now. He had to be, he believed that it was as such and....

"Okay, let's finish up what we were doing. I wish I could do another round of Galactic Trajectory…"

Final Buster was a special technique that he could only use at the moment of the 8th Great Cataclysm! Truly unfortunate.

"It's not unfortunate at all!"

Shouted Mystic. Kang MiRae made a bitter smile as she raised her staff.

Hundreds of gates appeared in midair once again.

[The 9th Great Cataclysm of the higher world, Dareu, has successfully concluded.]

[Absorbing records and mana from the world under your rule. All status increases and mana increases additionally by 300.]

[Yu IlHan.]

[Lord of Dragon's Nest Lv748]

[Strength – 1,754 Agility – 1,545 Health – 1,443 Magic – 3,559]

[Active skills – Manifestation (Falling Down, Dragonic Blood, Dragon-man resonance) Lv 87, Transcendent Trajectory (Great Cosmos-severing Spear, Spear of Untraceable Trajectory, God Force, Dismantling, Excavation, Absolute Accuracy) Lv65, Mana crafting Lv Max, Declaration (Rule, Record) Lv88, Warp(Leap) Lv97, Dimensional Ruler Lv99, Counter Lv87]

[Passive skills – Blacksmith Lv Max, Magic engineering Lv Max, Cooking Lv Max, Dimensional Adaptation Lv99, Fleet Command Lv99]

Kang MiRae raised her head and spoke.

"There aren't any more worlds."


Yu IlHan checked again with a worn-out expression. Kang MiRae firmly nodded his head.

"Absolutely none. Not even a single one left. If there are, it's only the main worlds."


Yu IlHan sighed deeply at the reply before lowering his head and raising it again. Everyone was looking at him.

Merely thirty hours ago, the majority of the ones here were lower existences, but right now, it was instead difficult to find any that weren't higher existences. He could guarantee that the past 30 hours were absolutely, most intense 30 hours that the multiverse experienced since the beginning of time.

"Everyone's tired right."


Replied everyone honestly. Especially, Mystic who had almost become a pile of flesh on the floor. She had reached beyond the 7th class and into 8th class thanks to managing the central pivot of the world and coming into contact with countless records, but no matter how strong she became, her exhaustion seemed like it would be endless.

"How the heck did I survive all of that...?"

"It's all thanks to the artifacts that I made you."

"I'll beat you up, master."

She threw a fist at the same time she spoke, but Yu IlHan dodged as if he had seen it coming. Although this was like this before as well, there was an insurmountable wall of the 4th dimension between the two. Especially in Dareu.

"Dammit, Orochiiiiiiiii!"

"Even if you look at me like that, I'm weaker than you. Just obediently eat some popcorn."

"Let's see, dad is...."

Yu IlHan left Mystic to Orochi and activated Warp again, but again, the only message that came back was that the target was refusing. Yu IlHan thought that this would be the case and shook his head with a sigh.

Right now, he believed that Satan had something to do with the recorded gods. Assuming that Satan was the most dangerous enemy of them all, even his father wouldn't be fine even with all of his trump cards... dammit, had he come back with his mother in the previous warp, then at least they could have stomped on Satan together, damn his stubbornness!

"If you're dead, I'll tease you to death again."

"How do you tease someone who's dead?"


Yu IlHan only laughed without much of a reply, but Liera felt a shiver running down on her back.

Twenty-three thousand higher worlds. Simple to say it, but this meant that he had absorbed 23,000 entire worlds that had countless records piled up over the course of the longest periods in history. As the ruler of Dareu and the Lord of Dragon's Nest, their essence should have flowed into Yu IlHan. Liera would probably believe even if Yu IlHan said that he could create a whole world from scratch.

Eventually, she asked him in a careful voice.

"IlHan, you aren't God yet, right?"

"Nope, not yet, probably."


She shouldn't have asked. It got her more scared! Yu IlHan chuckled after seeing Liera shivering. At her age, she should be more than mature enough, but somehow, this ex-angel was becoming more immature as time went on. Of course, though, that's what made her cute.

"If taking over many higher worlds makes me God, then any other transcender would have become God long ago. The God of Heaven for example.... Of course, I can't say that there's no effect in fusing all the worlds into one, but no, Liera. I still can't grasp it yet. I'm an imperfect Creator, and a Halfling that can't even make mana by myself properly."

Liera's lips pouted. The more she spoke with him, the more distant he felt and she became worried.

"In the past, you always denied that, but right now, you didn't. Halfling, means that one half is already completed, no?"

"No one knows when the other half will be filled. It may come within the next second, but it may not come even after countless eons. Perhaps all transcenders are at this stage."

That was a lie. Yu IlHan knew that he was quite special among them. The fusion of worlds just had that special meaning. Every time a world was added to Dareu, he felt something fundamental change within him. This was possible only for him.

Perhaps this was not evolution but a process of regressing to the very beginning of time? If everything fused and fused, and eventually became one, then perhaps a new path may be finally open to him? Yu IlHan was both afraid of, and expectant of that.

If there was one thing for sure, it was that he had nothing to fear now. There was only one reason he didn't end everything now – to try to finish everything with no casualties.

"Anyway, we absorbed all the higher worlds possessed by other factions other than the Garden of Sunset, right? Except the main worlds?"

"You do know that the beginning of all factions are their main worlds right? Their main worlds are literally where all the power of that faction, and their leader stems from. I know that Dareu has evolved beyond the extreme, but there are things that can't be surpassed with just the quantity of records. You especially can't look down on Heaven. Elo Katra, and The Netherworld are the same."

"Liera, there's no need to be so worried. I'm not saying that you should not be careful, but rather to not undervalue yourself. It's plenty possible. Just open your eyes, and look at the current darling. He's no longer the kid that you once knew, Liera."

"He was twenty the first time I saw him!"

"You foolish lady."

Helièna's view on this situation slightly differed from Liera's. In her eyes, the power Yu IlHan possessed was stronger than anyone else. More so than even Greed that she once thought to be supreme.

This meant that Yu IlHan was the strongest. The Strongest, quite the sweet ring to it. She believed in Yu IlHan, and was sure that he was an absolute and unshakable pillar.

"Darling, are you going to do it now?"


However, Yu IlHan shook his head at Helièna's question.

"I don't like gambling that much. I don't know if it was just my life on the line, but in a situation where my dad's and other people's lives are on the line, I can't just recklessly charge into enemy lines."

"I'm going to follow darling's words. Please ask for anything that you wish for."

Yu IlHan only had two hands and one body. If he could have dragged all the leaders of the factions and fight, then he would've done it long ago. If Gabriel was by his side, then the two would have thought of a plan together but he wasn't even here.

His companions became strong enough to fight against any higher existences, but in the end, they couldn't fight the leaders. Yu IlHan knew that much. He didn't have that high of an expectation from them in the first place. In fact, he was rather surprised that they grew so much until now.

In the end, the final strike had to be done by Yu IlHan himself. And Yu IlHan had planned everything out presuming that was the case.

That was because he was born a loner. He had learned to do everything with his own effort.

"You're being too much! We put so much effort into helping you, IlHan!"

"I'm not saying that you don't help at all. In fact, you're supporting me and are of more than just some help to me."

Yu IlHan pushed out his hand and grabbed at the sky and spoke to Liera.

"This is just my personality. A personality I cannot throw away even after discarding everything else.

What if something happens? Or something else? Shouldn't I prepare for that eventuality? And that other one too?

I'm worried that if no one helps me and I make too many preparations…

And having done everything alone since no one was willing to help me…

Even after doing everything like this…

I'm afraid that when, having missed something…

With a pessimistic outlook purely because I don't want to get hurt…

Expecting to fail…

I try to act like I'm calm…

And prepare desperately in order to be able to act calm…

I end up being clumsy since I learned nothing from anyone else…

I'm afraid I'll end up really embarrassed if someone discovers the me then…

That I will want to die…

That I will want to give up on everything…

But being unable to run since there's no one to run to…

No one to leave my burden to…

I will still eventually have to do everything by myself…

I dread being laughed at by the people who treat those that act like fools, even though they themselves did nothing…."

Ahh, the dark side. No matter how many people met and however many people he was loved by many, the dark side of Yu IlHan that could not be erased, and was right now exploding out. What was even more grave that his words hadn't ended yet!

"That's also the reason I always talk about foreshadowing. Ever since I was young, I had great eyes in determining and predicting negative possibilities. And in fact, experienced many of them too."

"Please stop, IlHan, my heart will melt at any second. It was my bad! I'll do everything for you!"

"S, smooch! Mr. IlHan, I'll give you a smooch! Bad memories should fly away~!"

Not to mention Liera, even the others didn't know how to act while listening to his dark history that they couldn't listen to without crying. Even Kim YeSeul momentarily forgot about the worry for her husband and seriously considered patting his back.

My word, what was this? Subordinates were trying to console a nearly level 750 superman! (Sungdaein bolt)

However, Yu IlHan laughed and shook his head.

"But thanks to that, I learned something. I became able to breathe, became able to hide, became able to put in more effort, became able to endure, became able to prepare, and became able to laugh back at them."

"I don't think the last one was necessary though!?"

"I became able to not request help to anyone else. I became able to prepare everything myself. I raised my abilities to erase all negative possibilities and to bring a happy ending. So, in conclusion, I don't plan to lose even if everyone else is an enemy."

"This is a loner's final form...."

Everyone was struck dumb. Just what kind of growth must one experience to reach such a stage? Yu IlHan had a look at his companions and gripped the hand in the air into a fist.

Explanation was over. Time for work.

"We'll need one more gate. Miss MiRae, please use Galactic Trajectory again. This time, I need something much more than simple gate, a giant bridge that connects two worlds."

"Just what world are you going to connect...?"

Kang MiRae estimated the answer but still asked anyway. Yu IlHan replied without hesitation.


"I, if you connect with Earth right now, then the people scattered to various other lower worlds will be able to come back to Earth again...."

"I can stop that. For around 3 hours."

"That's meaningless though!"

"It is meaningful. That's enough time to destroy all the other transcenders from other factions."

3 hours is enough? Kang HaJin looked at Na YuNa in plea to stop that madman, but Na YuNa replied to not interfere with someone else's marriage business. In the end, Erta was the one to nitpick with him. Helièna was the same.

"Do you have to connect with Earth right now? Really, really really?"

"You don't have to keep to the prophecy darling. You said you hate prophecies but are you really going to act in accordance to it?"

"No, the prophecy is correct. Not because dad prophesized it as such. The current Dragon's Nest is still incomplete. Our main world needs to be Earth. That's because the world I was born and raised in is Earth."

"This is... still incomplete?"

Yu IlHan's will was firm. Everyone already realized that Yu IlHan was looking at a completely different realm from what they were experiencing by themselves.

They could no longer go against him. He was the leader of the faction and the supreme being, so they had no choice but to comply.

"Good, let's say that we make Earth our main world. Then can't you just summon Earth and fuse it like you did with other worlds?"

"If that happens, Earth will be permanently subordinated to Dareu."

"Then can't you just go over to Earth and fuse Dareu with Earth."

"If that happens, Earth will be crumpled to bits without any traces left."


"And so."

Spoke Yu IlHan seriously.

"I have no choice but to open a gate and fuse it directly."

"...Okay, Mr. IlHan."

Kang MiRae found her calm first.

"Let's do it. I'll help to the best of my ability. I just need to make a really, really large gate right? I just need to make it so that Earth and Dareu are facing each other, right? Everything else will be handled by you, right?"

"You are always quick to understand, Miss MiRae. As expected of a genius."

"This is in the field of instinct. I still half-doubt that it would work."

However, to not believe him, the things he had achieved now were all completely insane as well. They were already riding on the back of a tiger. It was too late to turn back, and had to accompany him wherever he went. Kang MiRae utilized the Crown of Wisdom and raised her staff, while Yu IlHan agitated his mana with a smile.

"Miss YuNa, please take care of the holy region. This time, you have to strengthen me on top of Miss MiRae."

"I knew you'd say that~. Fine, fine. Holy region goofers should do their job. I really hate this side-character treatment."

"But no one other than you can do it."

"I know. I just complained because I want you to care about me more!"

At this point, she was shameless to the point that she was rather adorable! Yu IlHan patted her hair as she wished and turned around to Mystic.

"Mystic will support me. Don't forget that this is a parallel connection between Earth and Dareu."

"What are you going to do about the fact that Earth is relatively too low in league, master?"

"I'm going to pour Dareu's power into Earth to balance it."

"That's absurd! That's absolutely impo….ssible...."

Mystic became speechless midway her sentence. Although she thought that was impossible, she also felt like Yu IlHan could do it. In the end, she also closed her mouth and pushed her straw hat onto her head, covering her eyes and breaking her line of sight with Yu Ilhan.

"I don't care. You were the one who said support. Whatever happens is not my responsibility."

"That's enough. And... mom."


Kim YeSeul never knew she would be called out and widened her eyes. Yu IlHan smiled and nodded his head. Instead of a concrete explanation, he added another sentence.

"You'll need help from Erta and Helièna."

"Me? The only thing I'm better at than the others is magic formations...."


"Erta and Helièna's help? Oh...."

The three women had the same expressions. They finally realized what Yu ilHan was talking about.

"Sheesh, son. You're always dreaming of absurd things."

"I would have gone with a different method if it was me alone. So mom, I know how to ask help from others now. I'm different from the me of before."

Even though he uttered all the dark history he had, it seemed that nagged on his mind. Kim YeSeul found her son so cute when he hurriedly added since he thought that the thing from last time may bother her, and ended up giggling.

"Of course, my son. You make me proud. You've grown up well."

"Darling, is this really a perfect plan? No matter how I think about it, this is too unstable."

"Actually, the rest of it is guts."

"Shit, we're doomed."

Yu IlHan smiled at Helièna and breathed deeply. When he gave a glance to Na YuNa, she bit her lips and extended her two arms. A thick pink aura rose from her body.

"Lady Leyt... no."

She shook her head mid-chant and stopped. Was she about to play around at such an important time? – everyone thought that as they looked at her, but Na YuNa's eyes were more serious than ever. Then why?

The next moment, a new chant was uttered from her mouth.

[All mana shall obey 'me', the one that raises the beauty of all matter.]

Yu IlHan abruptly raised his head. It seemed that she had also discovered the loss of the recorded gods! The ones that received the blessing from other gods will probably realize in the future as well. However, it was very like her to realize that first.

[Envelop all that I love, bless, and strengthen them.]

[To the one that is qualified to monopolize my beauty, with all my love, I shall execute my miracles in god's name – Everything shall become as you will it to be.]

The holy region enveloped the entire city. The two focal points of the aura were none other than Kang MiRae and Yu IlHan! Yu IlHan had a lot of things he wanted to complain about Na YuNa's chant, but for now, he had to do what he had to do.

He opened his mouth, and Declared while gathering the mana of Dareu that had a higher mana density than any other world after the 9th Great Cataclysm.

[Thou shalt be the master of the miracles, and execute my power on my permission.]

[Thou art the master of magic, and shall stand as the connector of dimensions.]

Two strands of Declaration raged violently after it became mana. Kang MiRae abruptly opened her eyes in the midst of the turmoil. The Crown of Wisdom flickered wildly while releasing light of varying intensities and accelerated her thought process.

Eventually, when all her magic power was focused into one point, Kang MiRae's mouth opened. Surprisingly, the structure of her magic power was similar to Yu IlHan's when he used Declaration.


Mana was concentrated before it sublimed. Three beings that surpassed the records combined their powers to create a miracle.

The atmosphere opened in Dareu. The skies of Earth could be seen.

"It was really connected...."

"It's beginning."

The two dimensions had only become connected. True fusion had yet to begin. Kang MiRae maintained the gate with all her power, and Yu IlHan started his next process. A message appeared on his retina.

[Earth had been waiting for the moment to be subordinated by you from a long time ago.]

[You are prepared. Will you declare Earth has a territory of Dragon's Nest?]

[From this moment onwards…..]

He could feel all the mana that filled his body, the resonance with Dareu, and the strand of connection he had with Earth. Yu IlHan spat out a deep breath and uttered the fateful line.

[Earth is the main world of Dragon's Nest.]

[Earth is leaping to a higher world. All restrictions on Earth are lifted.]

[The higher world, Earth, is fusing to D....]

The message that was appearing on his retina disappeared with an almost inaudible noise, and a new message appeared.

[The two higher worlds, Earth, and Dareu, are fusing.]

The skies of Earth and Dareu burned as they faced each other. The mana and matter that comprised Dareu, were rising into the air like mad. The only thing that remained intact was Yu IlHan and the city they were in.

"Master, is this really possible...!?"

Mystic, who never talked about what was possible or impossible when fusing seven thousand worlds at once, now screamed. However, Yu IlHan called for Kim YeSeul instead of replying to her.

"Mom, I'll connect you with that thing. Please take care of the rest."

"You really are making me work hard. Okay, let's do it."

Yu IlHan Declared with a smile.

[My subordinate who has the same objective as me, shall have the same thoughts as mine.]

The moment Yu IlHan's declaration was fulfilled, a deep voice of a man's rang in Kim YeSeul's head.

[Just what is this? Why is the concept of Earth being shaken?]

"It's a long story...."

Kim YeSeul smiled and called Erta and Helièna to her side. They had to make a masterpiece of mana and magic formation crafts in the fastest time possible. A magic formation of space-time that contained all of their essence!

"I think you will have to change your corporeal form according to what we say. Let's see. Can I call you Will of the Guardian?"

[My god, that world is...!]

The Will of the Guardian that finally recognized Dareu screamed without being able to hold back. It also realized what was happening right now.

[Fuck! You insane madman!]

"Let's hurry! I don't think failure is allowed after all!"

Yu IlHan hadn't even begun properly yet.

Kang MiRae's role was more important than Yu IlHan's in fusing Earth and Dareu through a gate. Synchronizing the records of Dareu with Earth's could be done by Mystic alone. Predicting the world after the fusion of Dareu and Earth was the job for Kim YeSeul, Erta, and Helièna.

There was only one thing Yu IlHan needed to do. To fuse Dareu and Earth together to create a perfect world. Yu IlHan knew very well what kind of abilities he needed to utilize in order to do that.



Liera, who could only cheer from the sidelines, was shocked after hearing Yu IlHan mutter. At that point, she thought 'no way', but couldn't stay like that after hearing his next words.

"Mana crafting."

"Dad, is that perhaps...."

"Soul enchant."

He had plenty of materials.

The crafter was here.

There was more than enough mana.

The lifeforce also existed as well.

[In this time and place, Dragon's Nest.]

The power of 'miracles' that Na YuNa made was finally consumed this moment. Yu IlHan brought out all the power he could bring out. The Cradle of Miracles that was scattered in the atmosphere of Dareu had decreased into the size of a bean and appeared on Yu IlHan's palm, before disappearing without a trace.

[Shall be created.]

An unrecorded record. A technique that was already completed the moment it was made. A miracle that was allowed only to Yu IlHan. An incubator that incubated possibilities into reality.

The Cradle of Miracles appeared once again. This time, it enveloped both Dareu and Earth and formed a humongous egg that could not be fully observed with the eyes.

The prophecy was finally fulfilled.

When Kim YeSeul opened her eyes, she was met with an endless sea of flames. Her front, back, above her, below her, left and right – each and every side was tinted a bright red. She was momentarily afraid that she would be burnt to death, but ended up being confused since it felt more comfortable than anything.

She remembered having felt this once before, and realized that it was during the process in which she became a higher existence through the Cradle of Miracles.

She finally realized what was going on. Yu IlHan had definitely activated Declaration along with Creation and threw the Cradle of Miracles high up into the sky, and due to that, Dareu and Earth started being tied into a single entity.

Just what exactly happened after that? She was scared because she couldn't see anyone else in her surroundings. However, it was mysterious since she could clearly feel Helièna's hand and Erta's hand in each of hers.

Wait, hands? She muttered carefully.

"Erta, Helièna, can you hear me?"


"It seems like darling is doing his best to protect all of us."

"Fuu, so that's what's happening... I wish he could have done it in a…. calmer way."

This was probably a type of interspace created by the Cradle of Miracles. Even right now, a horrifying scene of mana going haywire and matter and non-matter being assimilated with each other. Yu IlHan had chosen this method to protect all the members of Dragon's Nest.

[You have stopped your calculations. The great leader is wishing for the completion of this magic formation. O, mage, please hurry up.]

"Yes, let's keep going."

Kim YeSeul held onto her faint consciousness and continued calculating the magic formulae. She had to calculate the total mass of energy as well as the surface area and epicenter of the world that would be born after Yu IlHan compressed the entirety of Daeru, and had to complete a spherical magic formation before then.

[The two magic formations shall become one. You shall mark the center of the world.]

His son's Declaration could be heard from an unknown place. The Creation abilities it possessed instantly amplified the power of the Will of the Guardian. Kim YeSeul soon realized what the two magic formations were referring to. It was the ancient elven magic formation that covered the entirety of Dareu (aka 'carpet), and the body of the Will of the Guardian.

[Khaaaaaaaaaaah, just what is this insane lump of power, and records! Before I am a magic formation, I am a golem! You gave me such a huge burden! Yu IlHan, my master and my most detested enemy! You force upon me unspeakable pain even after I stood on your side!]

"Please hold on for a little. I'm calculating now!"

"But it's still too hard. Unless Yu IlHan forms the vague outline of the world...!"

"You know that it isn't so easy to do, lady."

"We can do it. We only need to formulate a universal magic formula that can be applied anytime, anywhere. Don't we?"

"That's easy for you to say.... But fine. We have to do it."

"Good, let's do it."

The two mages gathered their heads. The Will of the Guardian accepted their intentions even under the intense pain that almost made its mind go black and changed form continuously, while clenching its teeth in order to settle down in the incubating world.

[What I wish to protect, what I wish to see is Earth...! Let's see whose will is stronger!]


Kang MiRae too, was thrown into the red interspace. She made a bitter smile while feeling a string of mana that connected her to the gate.

The gate was pressuring her as if it would shrink and close at a moments notice, and maintaining that with massive amounts of mana without resting for so much as the smallest fraction of a second made her feel like her mind would shut off first before the gate did.

However, Kang MiRae didn't give up. She was the lord of mana, and a dimensional mage. If she couldn't maintain a single magic, then she wouldn't be qualified to call herself a mage anymore.

"Because no one helped him, that he prepared everything so that he could do everything himself, huh...."

Kang MiRae ended up laughing after muttering what Yu IlHan said last time. She once wondered why she was so attracted to Yu IlHan, but thinking about it now, it was so obvious. Kang MiRae and Yu IlHan were similar fundamentally.

'Everyone flattered me and tried to do everything for me because of my family backing, so it was hard to properly judge my own value.'

She wanted to be acknowledged with her abilities alone. Without any assistance from her family, her father, her brother, or her friends, she wanted to stand with her own power, and put the best of her efforts in everything. Although their motivations were the complete opposite, Kang MiRae and Yu IlHan's actions ended up following the same pattern. Quite ironic.

'So that's why I was attracted to him. I finally get it now.'

Honestly, she thought that the reason didn't matter much, but still felt refreshed after knowing exactly what happened. At the same time, an assurance of some kind, or the thought that leaving things this way was fine, smeared into her body.

Even though maintaining 'Galactic Trajectory' brought her a tremendous headache, Kang MiRae made a bitter smile. She raised her staff high, and closed her eyes after putting one of her hands onto the Crown of Wisdom.

"It was possible to connect two separate dimensions, so it should be possible to make two into one. Please let me be of help to Mr. IlHan. My will shall blossom into hope."

Rainbow-colored magic power was added on top of Galactic Trajectory. Her outrageous attempt at going beyond just connecting two dimensions but to fuse two dimensions into one became another small miracle.


Na YuNa, who had also been thrown into the red interspace as well, did not panic at all. Her power of miracles was currently closely connected with Yu IlHan, and she could feel vividly what he was doing.


Rather, what surprised her was a strand of thought-soul that approached her through her miracle. She was very familiar with this thought-soul, and it was very warm, and exuded a sense of beauty simply with its presence.

[YuNa, I'm not dead yet.]

"Huh, Lady Leytna. I thought you were completely dead~."

[Just how can you be so rude with every single sentence you speak. Well, you were born pretty so I guess you can't help it.]

This was the moment the reason behind Na YuNa's blessing was clearly revealed. Na YuNa went a step further.

"I think I'm prettier than you right now, Lady Leytna."

[Hmm, I admit that.]

"It's not only that. You saw my man, right? He's so cool. He's probably one of a kind, whether it's the past or the future."

[Well, yeah. In the current world, that man was indeed the best. But that man still isn't yours though.]

"He will be soon!"


Leytna seemed to ponder a bit before speaking.

[You can't just go at such a man with just a face. I thought that was enough before, but it didn't turn out to be the case.]

"Then what do I need to do?"

[You can't go with just a face, but an insanely pretty face!]


Na YuNa gained enlightenment after hearing Leytna's weird advice. So that's it! If Na YuNa was waaaaay prettier than Liera or Helièna, to the point that she was pretty enough that no one could not look at her, then Yu IlHan would have shown a reaction much earlier on! Leytna's teaching came down on the foolish Na YuNa, hard.

[No matter how pretty you think you are, you got to make yourself up a little more, and bless yourself with miracles every time you wake up, before you eat breakfast, after you eat breakfast, as you brush your teeth, as you put on makeup, as you do your business, as you walk, before you eat lunch, after you eat lunch, and every other bit of time you have and try to make yourself prettier! You are still too naïve, too arrogant!]

"How can this be! I was so foolish. I thought I was the top beauty since you died, but I still have a long ways to go!"

[If you keep my words in mind then you will be able to seduce that man. He's a good man so you can't let go of him. It will be an embarrassment for the goddess of beauty if you let go of such a man.]

"I'll keep that in mind, lady Leytna!"

At that time, a strand of warm energy entered Na YuNa's body. She realized this was the final bit of power that Leytna possessed.

"Thanks, Lady Leytna."

[I'll really go and die now. Oh, can you tell your man that we thank you for liberating us?]

"Then I can't listen to your voice from now on?"

[In the future, when your man can sense records that are unrecordable, perhaps we may be able to meet once again.]

"Records that are unrecordable... So that's it. It works like that."

"Recorded gods"? How funny was that. Akashic Record called them 'gods' because they surpassed the limits of what it could record because they were too exceptional in a single field, and there would likely be no successor to them in the future.

But the ignorant could not accept that their vision was narrow and degraded the beings that transcended records by referring to them as 'recorded gods'. There couldn't be a more foolish thing.

"I think that much will be able to work on Mr. IlHan~."

[Yes, that's it. Your faith will make the impossible possible, and become your man's power in the name of 'miracles'. Do your best, the new goddess of beauty. I'm tired after all this time. I want to rest now.]

"See you later, lady Leytna."

Na YuNa bid farewell with a bright smile. That voice didn't go anywhere and only remained in Na YuNa's consciousness. Leytna's will had appeared in her consciousness after all.

[Yes, see you later.]

Then she disappeared, as quietly as she had arrived. Na YuNa made a smile, and added more miracles with her newly acquired power.

[Mana that follows me, all creation that has fallen for my beauty! Please help the one I love, please make everything that he wishes to do, possible!]


Yu IlHan closed his eyes. Fusing two equal worlds into one is already hard enough, but right now, he had to drag Earth's position up to where Dareu was, when it was overwhelmingly inferior in comparison.

If he could just mix in any way possible, then he wouldn't have used a difficult magic like Galactic Trajectory. Neither would he have had to ask Na YuNa for miracles.

[You are both mine.]

Perhaps what he was doing had similarities to cooking. Since the results of cooking differed a lot according to the amount of ingredients put in.

He had to be delicate, precise, and sincere. Though, this wasn't something he should say since he learned cooking through trial and error, but since he understood the essence of cooking with the help of the Akashic Record, he was, in any case, at the very peak of cooking!

[So you shall become equal through me.]

Just why did I do a Declaration like this one – the moment he uttered that line, Yu IlHan regretted it. Well, yes. Through the ruler, Yu IlHan, it was indeed possible to equalize the two worlds, but didn't that mean that the power of Dareu that was completed would assault Yu IlHan once again!

However, this was the only method, screw it all! Either all of his thoughts will halt, or the two worlds will be complete as one.

At that time, an unexpected source of support came. The dimension magic that Kang MiRae used synchronized not just Earth and Dareu but the two dimensions that they were in and made the flow of power between the two worlds more natural. It was a perfect assist to the point that it made him wonder if she read his mind or not.

"Miss MiRae, she's amazing indeed."

To think she'd enhance Galactic Trajectory which was a miracle in itself… Yu IlHan chuckled since this was so absurd. However, that wasn't the only help. The miracles that Na YuNa emitted had become significantly stronger and started protecting his body!


He would have poured kisses on her if she had been by his side… though, perhaps it's fortunate that she wasn't, because he'd get beaten up by Liera later if he did that. Yu IlHan sighed in relief and raised his head again. He could feel that the pain that assaulted his body from the moment he uttered the Declaration, decreasing slightly.

The assurance that he can actually succeed came to him for the first time. The incubation process for Earth and Dareu fusing into one. Although this was a very short time that didn't even last even a millionth of a second, that instant would dictate their fates.

"Good, with this... with everyone's help."

He raised his hands. The mana that comprised the two worlds entered his body and flowed out again before being synchronized at an incredibly slow pace. No, the two were already one. If he was the world, then the world was him as well.

A smile appeared on Yu IlHan's lips. Thinking about this world in the future, and the expressions of his enemies, he couldn't help but be overjoyed.

"Let's do this."

Why was he called God, why was he called the Creator.

He finally understood why.

He was now ready.

He once learnt about the universe.

The sun, and the planets that orbited it, as well as Earth that was just one of those few planets; the galaxy that surrounded the solar system, the universe that enveloped the many galaxies – what did Yu IlHan feel while learning about those?

He was afraid. Very, very afraid. He was afraid of his small span of recognition being widened, and was afraid of the fact that he was worth less than a speck of dust compared to the universe.

Then, he was left on Earth alone, met Liera, learnt the truth about other worlds, broadened his horizons and finally came to see the world in a new light ...

...and now, he became able to fill the entire world just by himself.

He was no longer afraid. He was in perfect control of everything, so he had nothing to fear.

"If I worried about the distortion of the atmosphere due to the size of the planet, or the change in solar gravity, then I wouldn't even have started all this. The world changes so much according to how you see it and at what angle you are viewing from."

Thinking about it, it was funny. Yu IlHan looked down at the two worlds while chuckling. The two were both planets but at the same time not planets, separated by many, many galaxies yet coexisted in the same space.

Perhaps he could glance up and look at the ceiling of the universe, or crouch down to see the floor of it. He extended his hands to connect the two worlds and laughed. So what if he could or couldn't reach them? The universe shall be redefined based on his recognition of it.

[I shall repeat but the two shall become equal. Become equal to each other, harmonize, and become one.]

What if he had headed to Earth instead of Dareu at first? Of course, not everything would have been over even if that were the case.

Earth would have immediately ascended into a higher world, and he would panic due to the sudden influx of the people of Earth, but he would have looked for a way to fight against the enemy while protecting them regardless of the outcome. There would not be new dragons in Dragon's Nest, there would have been a lot of enemies invading Earth, and a lot of people he had to protect, and so he would have a hard time, but that would also become a precious experience.

There was no 'wrong choice' in the first place. It was foolish to think that a right choice had made everything different. Whichever path he chose, a variety of different outcomes will be produced depending on how much effort he put in.

So, foreknowledge, prophecies and all that were all meaningless. If he wished to, then he could make them come true, and if he wished to prevent them, then he could prevent each and every one of them from being fulfilled. Everything could be decided by him alone.

No, that's not it.

Everything could be decided by Yu IlHan, and the ones by his side; all of them, together.

[I shall repeat, the two shall become equal. No imbalances shall be allowed. Face each other, and give each other dirt, water, skies, mana, and all other things that exist.]

Right now, Yu IlHan was a Creator who stood on top of countless miracles. According to his order, the two worlds started synchronizing without much difficulty. The moment a double-sided scale with each of the world in its arms were truly balanced, the 'fusion evolution' of the two worlds would finally begin.

[The skill, Cooking, can evolve.]

It was at that moment that a completely unexpected message filled his retina. Yu IlHan momentarily forgot about the balance of the two worlds and absentmindedly stared at that message.

Wait, why was the Cooking skill evolving at this point? There should have been no advanced version of Cooking, just what could be created from this opportunity?

Wait, something new could be made with two different skills? When he realized that, a lightning struck past his head. What he also remembered was the moment when he became the leader of Dragon's Nest.

What did he do then? He created himself with the Creation ability, and made new skills by fusing other skills, didn't he?

Yes, that was it! What else was Creation if that wasn't? Yes, he already had the ability to create skills as he wished! He was so bound by the original method of sole evolution and fusion evolution that were 'recorded on the Akashic Record' and missed the crux of his foundation!

How foolish. How idiotic! There was a much faster and easier method, but he had come such a long, roundabout way simply because he didn't realize he could do this!

'But it's not like all of this was meaningless.'

All steps have their value, and are recorded. He became able to understand Kang MiRae deeper than before, got to meet the true Na YuNa, and had acquired without doubt, the loyalty and hearts of everyone else here.

The current realization was all thanks to them as well. Yes, it wasn't too late. In fact, this was the perfect moment.

[Using your Creation ability, fusing all of your skills into one and creating a new skill.]

A message popped up. Even though there was not a speck of emotion within that message, Yu IlHan felt as if the Akashic Record was mocking him.

It threw him the message the moment Yu IlHan realized that he could do it even though it knew that he had long since been capable of that. Of course, it was merely telling him what he could see, but he still didn't like it so much.

[Fusing Cooking, Blacksmithing, Mana crafting, Soul enchant, and Magic engineering into one.]

Soul enchant should be impossible to be used in fusion-evolution since it had already fuse-evolved before. Well, it was according to what was recorded. But how was that important? He had already surpassed records once, so why not twice?

[An unrecordable skill creation is activating.]

[Restructuring the Akashic Record. 'Creation' is newly added.]

[You have acquired the active skill, Creation. Now you have understood the method.]

"Yes, now I know the method."

Yu IlHan pouted and replied to the Akashic Record. Not that there would be a reply from it. Akashic Record was merely a mirror that accurately reflected Yu IlHan as he was.


[Activating Creation.]

Dareu and Earth were now at an equal level. The scale that weighed the two worlds did not tilt to one side anymore. Once he raised his hand, the fusion of the two worlds would finally commence.

Yu IlHan checked the states of the others before he implemented the skill. He had already separated the city that possessed an insane mana density, and operated with the two fortresses as the core. His companions were being protected in that place. Everyone was safe. Although they were having a hard time, they were still safe.

Ah, it seems like Kim YeSeul did it. He could see the Will of the Guardian completely gaining control of the carpet and preparing for the transformation. Really, it couldn't have been at a better time.

[Will of the Guardian, I shall grant you a new name.]

Even without purposefully activating the skill, his words that contained his will became Declaration and entered the ears of the Will of the Guardian. It didn't reply back, but he could know that it was paying attention to his words.

[You are henceforth Earth. You are, the Earth itself.]

[So you finally admit it?]

[Yes. I admit it.]

Smiled Yu IlHan. The Will of the Guardian, now called Earth, also smiled.

After that, everything found its way to their respective places. The two words fused, and became 'Earth'. Everything progressed at a rapid rate as if all the difficulties they had faced until now were a lie.

No matter how much mana flooded the world, it could no longer harm Yu IlHan. Everything was his, and at the same time, the world's. There was no differentiation on their ownership.

The Cradle of Miracles that enveloped everything cracked, before eventually splitting apart with a cracking sound. The Cradle of Miracles that became one with Yu IlHan, fulfilled its mission and spread around to the world. The world was his, and the Cradle of Miracles was also his.

A beautiful, attractive, yet huge world appeared in the place the Cradle of Miracles disappeared. Yu IlHan uttered a chic line.

"The Earth is blue, and here is the God."

[Earth was complete.]

[The skill, Creation, has become level 2.]

"Whew, a single level up after all this insane stuff. It will be a long and arduous path to mastery."

Even while grumbling at the message that appeared, his lips were still held in a smile. Then, he immediately lowered his altitude and landed on the city.

The city was still suspended in midair without being fused with Earth, and the others were exclaiming at the state of Earth after they opened their eyes.

"Wow, it really is Earth!"

"I think it became huge. Though, I'm too small to recognize any of that."

"Mr. IlHan. We succeeded right?"

Asked Kang MiRae with conviction in her eyes. Yu IlHan smiled and nodded his head.

"Of course. Everything is perfect and complete."

"Then why is our city still floating in the air~?"

"I can fuse it back anytime, but now's not the time. We aren't quite done yet."

Yu IlHan pondered for a moment. At this point, everything would go his way, but he still thought that it would be for the best if he did things the way he wanted.

"Then I should do what I was originally going to do."

"What is this thing that you were originally going to do, son? Care to tell me?"

There's no way Kim YeSeul was completely aware of the changes that occurred in Yu IlHan, but she seemed to vaguely notice the fundamental change in him. Her calm words made Yu IlHan refreshed. He playfully winked and spoke.

"The Hourglass of Eternity."


That comes in here at this point!? While everyone was flabbergasted, Yu IlHan uttered utter nonsense with shining eyes.

"We could slow down time so much when we were lower existences, but now that we became so strong, and became able to utilize artifacts better, and the Will of the Guardian, Earth, became perfect as well, so how far can we slow down the flow of time! Isn't this fun! Aren't you looking forward to it?"


Uttered Na YuNa. Liera sighed and palmed her forehead.

"My heart never stopped pounding ever since I met IlHan... in a bad way!"

"Ladies, have you heard of the words 'it's better to be safe than sorry'?"

Yu IlHan's voice was uselessly serious. Helièna nodded with a joyful smile.

"It means that we need to prepare enough to be safe rather than doing something vaguely and be sorry for it later, darling."

"Yes. It's a great idiom meaning that I should not act until I am convinced that I can defeat the last boss, the true last boss that comes after that, the hidden dungeon that comes after the true last boss, and the hidden last boss that comes out at the end of the hidden dungeon, and the true-true last boss that can only be met when I install a super expensive downloadable content later, even after I have the strongest equipment and maxed out all my levels."

Yu IlHan took out the Hourglass of Eternity and gripped on it. Earth reacted and started emitting light. Naturally, he could now create a barrier that could cover the whole Earth and have plenty of room left over.

Earth replied.

[I am prepared.]

"Good, let us prepare then, so that we can remain leisurely even if the true-true-true-true-true last boss appears."

The barrier activated.

This was the longest instant that someone stopped time, since the beginning of time.

While Dareu and Earth were still in the process of combining, the ones that were isolated in the aerial city weren't just the members of Dragon's Nest. The people who Yu IlHan had brought back from the various worlds were all there as well.

As such, they could all watch the transformation process of Earth, and how the flow of time changed outside Earth.

"So he was God after all!"

"I won't have any regrets even if I die now, since I got to see something so amazing."

"Time stopped.... No, were we thrown into the gaps of time instead?"

Even the most foolish of humans could not help but feel a sense of wanting to worship Yu IlHan and his companions after they showed them this astounding scene. Two worlds combining into one, a giant city levitating in the air, a magic that envelops the world with not much more than a wave of his hand... It was no wonder that they subconsciously felt admiration for Yu IlHan.

Decisively, Yu IlHan's current figure had an aspect that differed from everyone else's right now. Trivial to the point that he may disappear at any moment, yet brighter than anyone in that place – his very existence right now was a contradiction, so who else could be called God if he wasn't?

"Please answer us, God."

"What do you demand of us?"

Yu IlHan, who only thought about what he had to prepare from now on regardless of what others called him, glanced at them and gave a short reply.

"Just go anywhere and don't die in a ditch. You just need to live well."


Yu IlHan gradually lowered the city and put all the people back on Earth. The world that looked both like Earth and Dareu at once, was rather chaotic due to the scenery taking on characteristics of both mother nature and the remnants of human civilization, but it still looked exceptionally beautiful.

Every place was a mystery, and every place was now their land.

"Go to wherever you want. The final battle will not occur here. You are becoming my source of power just by being in this world."

"Wherever we want...."

This was why he had left the aerial city levitating in the air. The city was definitely a part of Earth and was bound to it, but for now, it was possible for it to move according to Yu IlHan's intentions.

Well, if Yu IlHan wished to, then he could actually bring Earth anywhere and go to Satan or Greed or whoever, but why would he do that? A tiny portion of it was enough. A portion was the same as the whole and the whole was the same as a portion.

Yu IlHan returned to the city with his original members. Of course, the dragons that resided in the city before were also with them. Some said that they wished to look around Earth and were flying around with their wings fully outstretched.

"Really, a great spectacle...."

"MiRae, I can see a tree that's growing bigger than the 63 Building right next to it. 1. The people will probably cut it down because it blocks the sunlight. How pitiful…"

"You're worried about the people cutting the giant tree instead of the fact that such a big tree can actually grow?"

Yu IlHan looked around and explained to the speechless companions.

"The internet should be working as well."

"Can you explain more logically?"

"If you explain mana to me logically then sure."

"Then can you explain it simply?"

"The entire Earth entered the barrier of the Hourglass of Eternity. No matter how much time passes within the barrier, it will be a mere instant once we exit. It's different from the time I was dropped out."


"Dropped out...?"

Yu IlHan and Liera exchanged their regular banter, but Kang MiRae reacted sensitively. Na YuNa also perked her ears up.

In fact, they still hadn't heard properly about the story of Yu IlHan's past. The higher existences that Yu IlHan clashed with all knew of his millennium dropout period, so they weren't that surprised at this point, but the majority of people here weren't aware.

"Son, will that be fine?"

Kim YeSeul had noticed that Yu IlHan had started talking about this on purpose and looked at him with worried eyes. However, Yu IlHan nodded with a small smile.

"It will be rude to keep it a secret forever, and the people here are all qualified to know anyway. It's strange for some to know while some don't, isn't it? Being left out is not a good feeling. I know because that's the emotion that was with me my whole life."

No, this wasn't what he was truly thinking. He just said that because he was too embarrassed to say the truth.

The reason Yu IlHan started talking about the dropout period himself, in front of everyone is because....

"I have the courage now. I felt that it would be fine to share more about myself with others now. And so.... I want everyone to listen."

"I want to listen."

"Me too, I was always curious about you. I was always waiting for you to say it!"


Kim YeSeul felt stifled and closed her mouth. The emotions she felt as a parent that watched her son grow splendidly without much of her help weren't just pride and affection.

"And also."

Worried that his mother would burst out crying, Yu IlHan playfully added.

"We have a lot of time now. Well, we might as well film the epilogue, the afterword, and even season two before we head to the last battle."

"Me! Me! I want a 2nd season about your and my son in action!"

While Na YuNa was being punished by Liera for that, Yu IlHan headed to the Flying fortress within the aerial city.

No, before that he 'Declared' with the monsters as the focus,(Since all of Earth is within the barrier, the innumerable monsters that arose in the fusion of Earth and Dareu were walking around.) such that they couldn't attack humans first.

"Isn't that a cheap move!?"

"Non-aggressive monsters always make the player's heart rest easy. I've already set my mind regarding the right to survive for monsters."

"You really haven't changed your mind about that ever since!"

At this point, he was shameless to the point that he was cool! Yu IlHan brought the speechless companions to the guest room of the Flying fortress.

A single wave of his hand made a teapot on the side boil water by itself, before pouring tea for the others. Yu IlHan sipped his tea and heaved a great deep sigh.

"Then... I guess I should start from the Great Cataclysm on Earth."

"Not before that!?"

"Before the Great Cataclysm I was a normal... well a little serious…. loner."

"So he was conscious of it!"

The story that started continued until Na YuNa had her 7th cup of tea. Since the time outside had completely stopped, the color of the sky didn't change at all, so it was unknown how much time had passed, but it was for sure that it was incomparably short compared to the duration that Yu IlHan experienced, alone on Earth.

"...So that's what happened."

After Yu IlHan finished his story and silence flowed for a while, Kang MiRae eventually raised her head that drooped very low throughout the story and stared at the unchanging sky before muttering.

"So you stared at the halted sky like that one for one whole millennium...."

"Even the clouds didn't flow back then."

"He wasn't alone. I was there too. I was there by his side all the time!"

"Liera-unni, you're cheating."

Meanwhile, Na YuNa nitpicked with Liera with a pouting face.

"With a whole thousand years, I could have seduced Mr. IlHan with room to spare!"

"Why weren't you born early and ascend to angelhood before then?"

"No, wait. Then are my preferences older male~? No wonder I felt nothing of my peers!"

"It was a preference problem?"

Even while talking, Yu IlHan was concerned about the potential change in attitude towards him, and so, he was relieved that they still looked calm.

Kang MiRae understood what he was thinking about and accepted the current him, and Na YuNa wasn't acting serious as ever. He laughed and clapped once to gather attention.

"That's the end of my story. Well, I did wonder if I was a genius or not since I became so strong with just a thousand years of training in a world without mana, but it seems like I am one indeed. It actually does feel like life is all about bloodline and talent. That's it, finished."

"It was an emotional and a sad story but the ending was the worst!"

"Well, then. Let's get back to work."

Yu IlHan placed the Hourglass of Eternity on top of the large table. The sand within the Hourglass was moving ridiculously slowly and made people wonder if it was even moving at all, but just looking at it would make anyone stifled.

"I'm going to allow all of the people of Earth to see this. By the time all of this falls, we will gather in this city once again, and finish off the ones that disturb our slow life. Please remember that nothing is over yet. I won't give orders on how to act other than that, but let's make it a well lived life without regrets, if possible."

"Yes, dad! I'll make Dragon's Army stronger!"

"He sounds like the principal of a prestigious school...."

The only one that listened to his words seriously was his son Yumir. Other than him, all of the others were falling asleep without replying as though it was the first day of school, after a long and relaxing break.

"Well, then.... [You shall be visible to everyone.]"

Yu IlHan's Declaration skill activated and projected the Hourglass of Eternity into a huge video in the sky. Since everything would go his way if he wished to, this couldn't even be called a miracle anymore.

"Wouldn't this last about a thousand years as well?"

"I'm fine with only one experience like that in my life."

Yu IlHan smacked Liera's forehead lightly and stood up.

Although he ordered free action to the others, he himself had a lot to do. Although he was a little bit self-aware that he was now perfect as the God of Earth, that did not necessarily lead to might. Like how the strongest chef cannot win against the strongest fighter, the two fields differed slightly.

Of course, the strongest chef may be able to win by lining the stomach of the fighter with poisoned food. What Yu IlHan was about to do now was like that – to create an environment where only he would win. This was a specialty of loners.

"Good, let's start with Archlegna and Raphael's bodies. Oh, how joyful."

"I'm going to watch IlHan like I always did. Like what I did for that thousand years!"

"Wow, you're making it so obvious that you monopolized him for a thousand years."

"Then I will also be by darling's side. Fufu."

"You still have areas where you can become stronger in. Kim YeSeul, you will cooperate with me in researching magic, won't you?"

"Of course, Erta."

Since the long story was over and they were given orders to scatter, they had no reason to remain here. The others all found their work to do. Yu IlHan also went to his workshop with Helièna and Liera that attached to him like bugs.

"And MiRae?"

Kim YeSeul, who was about to leave the guestroom with Erta noticed Kang MiRae who was still sitting by herself and called out to her."

"We have a lot to learn from you, MiRae. Can you help us?"

"Of course, mother. But for now... could I rest for a bit?"

Spoke Kang MiRae in a voice that didn't project her emotions. Kim YeSeul nodded with a warm smile.

"Okay then."

"Ufufu, at the time you became the lord of magic, your aura is completely different. I also want to be enlightened on the truth of magic...."

Even after a long time had passed since Kim YeSeul and Erta left, Kang MiRae stared at the skies. She stopped and stared indefinitely, along with the halted time.

'I thought I understood everything, but in the end... I did not know how to see him, but was only looking for my own figure within him. Aah, so embarrassing and painful....'

A teardrop rolled off the side of her cheek and fell into the empty teacup. Kang MiRae stayed there until Kim YeSeul came back to call for her.

Meanwhile, Na YuNa was bawling her eyes out on her bed, with her face buried in the pillow, in her private chamber. Although she thought that she did good by not showing it because Yu IlHan may get worried, she couldn't stop her emotions from overflowing.

"*sob*, I can't let my eyes be swollen. I'll become ugly if my eyes become swollen...."

It was very like Na YuNa to be worried about her looks even while crying. She wouldn't be able to appeal to Yu IlHan if she cried the whole day! Even while making such useless worries, she bawled her eyes out. In the end, it took almost an entire day before she could calm down and exit her room.

Meanwhile, the lord of the city, and at the same time, the owner of the Flying fortress, Yu IlHan, became really embarrassed after unintentionally watching all of their actions. Although he cut his connection as soon as he saw them, but he had already seen some of it.

"IlHan, why are you rolling on the floor like that?"

"I'm cleaning my workshop using my body as the mop so don't talk to me for now."

Yu IlHan could only start working after the workshop floor was speckless.