204 - 212

Chapter 204: Re-encounter

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The cold breeze surrounded the Shadow Monster and it froze into a thick layer of ice crystals. Then, three figures quickly rushed out from the other side of the stone door.


Amongst the three figures was an Alchemy Creature. It slammed into the Shadow Monster, making a clunky sound as it struck the Shadow Monster.

Wizard Glen and the others were still in an imminent danger but as they saw three figures emerged from the stone door, their eyes gleamed with joy.

Wizard Glen could not help but shout, "Wizard Merlin!"

The three figures who had appeared were, in fact, Wizard Merlin, Wizard Riesen, and his Alchemy Creature.

"Huh? Wizard Glen and Elena?"

Merlin heard Wizard Glen's voice and turned around. He could clearly see the danger that Wizard Glen, Wizard Elena, and Wizard Ken were in.

Wizard Herman was astonished by the three mysterious people. Their attack had sent the terrifying Shadow Monster flying through the stone door.

Wizard Herman thought the three mysterious people could have been very powerful. When his Alchemy Creature faced the Shadow Monster, it was effortlessly torn in two. However, the Shadow Monster stood no chance against the three mysterious Spell Casters.

Wizard Herman heard Wizard Glen calling out to them and realized that Wizard Glen was familiar with the three mysterious people. Hence, he became vigilant. He did not care whether it was Wizard Glen or Merlin and the others, they were all competing for a bounty in the ancient monument and therefore, they were all enemies.


Soon, the Shadow Monster broke away from the shackles of the ice crystals. The ice crystals fell onto the floor and Shadow Monster's terrifying, hollow eyes began to glow with a green light. Its eyes swept past the Spell Casters and said coldly, "Kill the intruders!"

"This is really troublesome. My Glacial Finger could only harm this guardian puppet slightly. Even with Wizard Riesen's spells and Alchemy Creature, it would only give us a small advantage. It seems the only way to destroy this guardian puppet is to slowly allow it to waste its elemental crystal stones."

Merlin glanced over at the guardian puppet once more. It was the Pandora Demon Ability guardian puppet that protected the ancient monument.

This guardian puppet was truly powerful; common spells were useless against it. Merlin's Glacial Finger which was able to do slight damage, along with the attacks by Wizard Riesen's Alchemy Creature, they may have a slight advantage against the guardian puppet. However, even with a slight advantage, it would not be possible to defeat the guardian puppet in a short amount of time.

They just needed to deplete the guardian puppet of its elemental crystal stones. That way, they could finally destroy it.


Merlin did not hesitate and immediately charged forward, the white finger on his right hand extended toward the guardian puppet. A cold breeze rapidly flew out and enveloped the guardian puppet.

Merlin's Glacial Finger was able to completely freeze the guardian puppet. However, time was running out, and soon, Wizard Riesen's Alchemy Creature rushed forward and struck the guardian puppet with all its might.

However, even though the Alchemy Creature was incredibly powerful, it was still impossible for it to break through the black armor protecting the guardian puppet.

The Alchemy Creature had thrown over ten punches but the armor on the guardian puppet did not have a single scratch. Then, Wizard Riesen noticed the sledgehammer that Wizard Herman's Alchemy Creature dropped after it was torn in two.

He immediately pointed toward it and his Alchemy Creature rushed to pick up the sledgehammer from the floor.

The sledgehammer was very heavy and as the Alchemy Creature picked it up, it affected the Alchemy Creature's speed and agility. The sledgehammer would be cumbersome whether one was a Spell Caster or an Alchemy Creature.

However, the guardian puppet was restricted by Merlin's Glacial Finger, thus, it allowed the Alchemy Creature to strike an attack. The Alchemy Creature may be slow but the guardian puppet would not be able to dodge the attack.

"Darling, go and give me a fierce strike!"

Wizard Riesen finished speaking and his Alchemy Creature grabbed hold of the sledgehammer. It ran quickly and lifted the sledgehammer up high, slamming it onto the guardian puppet's chest.


The Alchemy Creature moved swiftly with the sledgehammer and attacked the guardian puppet a couple of times. Even though the guardian puppet stood over three meters tall, the Alchemy Creature was still able to strike it down using the sledgehammer.

With every strike, came a horrible cry. At times, the guardian puppet would escape from Glacial Finger, thus, Merlin cast another Glacial Finger.

With Merlin's spell, the guardian puppet could only depend on the thick black armor covering its body to defend itself.

The black armor was incredibly strong. The Alchemy Creature would pound each strike with terrifying strength, leaving an imprint on the armor. However, this was still not enough to destroy the armor of the guardian puppet.

Wizard Herman watched the Alchemy Creature lift the sledgehammer as if it was a stump and madly pounded the guardian puppet. With each strike, Wizard Herman could not help but twitch slightly. He realized that the Spell Caster of this Alchemy Creature was, in fact, the most powerful roaming Wizard in Floating City, Wizard Riesen.

Even though Wizard Riesen was a powerful Third-level Spell Caster with a terrifying Alchemy Creature, Wizard Herman knew that the main reason this guardian puppet could not fight back at the Alchemy Creature was that Merlin had cast the strange "cold breeze".

The "cold breeze" was quite far away from Wizard Herman and yet he still felt a sense of fear. The "cold breeze" cast by Merlin was incredibly powerful.

However, neither Wizard Riesen nor Merlin was a contender for Wizard Herman. Wizard Herman watched as Merlin and Wizard Riesen battled the guardian puppet. He knew for sure that they had made this trip into the ancient monument in vain.

Wizard Riesen, who had an indifferent look in his eyes, glanced over at Wizard Herman from time to time, which made Wizard Herman slightly scared. Wizard Riesen was one of the four famous alchemists in Floating City. He would be cruel and merciless, and once the guardian puppet was defeated, they could attack them too.

Wizard Herman thought about this and gazed at the broken stone door. He whispered, "Let's go!"

The two Spell Casters did not hesitate. They quickly followed Wizard Herman and left the first floor of the ancient tower.

After all, the horrifying battle between the guardian puppet and the cooperation of Merlin and Wizard Riesen's Alchemy Creature had already made everyone anxious. Furthermore, it involved the infamous Wizard Riesen. Naturally, they did not dare to stay any longer.

"Glen, let's go. It's dangerous here."

Elena glanced over at Merlin and Wizard Riesen, and the latter glanced back, his eyes filled with caution. If they did not leave before the guardian puppet was defeated, they would not be able to escape if they wanted to.

Wizard Glen nodded and looked at Merlin with mixed feelings. Earlier, he was in a perilous situation but when Merlin appeared, it was obvious that the Second-level Spell Casters feared Merlin and did not dare to face him.

Thus, thanks to Merlin, he was able to overcome the perilous situation he was in.

"Let's go."

Wizard Glen knew that if Wizard Riesen was around, they would have no chance of obtaining the treasures on the first floor of the ancient monument.

Thus, Wizard Glen, Elena, and the others quickly left. The entire floor was now empty, and it was filled with the echoes of the Alchemy Creature's sledgehammer as it pounded the guardian puppet.

After a long moment, half of the guardian puppet's body had been smashed into the ground along with half of the sunken black armor. Even its head had been bashed in.

However, the guardian puppet seemed unharmed. Merlin could not help but felt impressed. The Molta Empire, which was three thousand six hundred years ago, was the most brilliant era of Spell Casters. Whether it was runology, spells, alchemy, or potions, they were almost at their peak.

The guardian puppet was definitely a puppet created through alchemy by an ancient Spell Caster. Alchemy Creatures had not been around for a long time. Three thousand six hundred years ago in the Molta Empire, Spell Casters did not have Alchemy Creatures. However, with their advancements in alchemy, they were naturally strong.

Alchemy Creatures transfigured by Fourth-level or higher alchemists were still no match for this guardian puppet.


Merlin cast Glacial Finger once more and furrowed his eyebrows. He whispered, "This is such a nuisance, Ice-type spells are not powerful enough. I can only cast two more Glacial Fingers at most."

Merlin and Wizard Riesen had originally planned to deplete the guardian puppet of its elemental crystal stones, leaving it exhausted. This way, it would be easier to defeat the powerful guardian puppet.

However, the guardian puppet had not wasted much of its elemental crystal stones. In fact, it was Merlin who was nearly depleted of his elemental crystal stones.


He cast Glacial Finger once more and froze the guardian puppet. He noticed the elemental crystal stones in his hand and said to Wizard Riesen, "Wizard Riesen, I'm nearly out of Magic Power. If you can restrict him for now, I'll be able to recover my Magic Power and continue to cast Glacial Finger!"

Wizard Riesen nodded. With a dignified look on his face, he prepared to cast a spell to attack the guardian puppet with his Alchemy Creature. Suddenly, he realized that the guardian puppet's glowing green eyes had now flickered slightly, and it began to fade.

Then, the guardian puppet dropped its head. The Alchemy Creature held onto the sledgehammer in the air and stopped when the guardian puppet stopped moving.

Chapter 205: Fiery Collapse

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"It isn't moving anymore. Do you think it's out of elemental crystal stones?"

Wizard Riesen was relieved to see that the guardian puppet had gone motionless. He too, was an alchemist, and although he was unsure of the exact alchemy methods used to transfigure this guardian puppet, he knew that elemental crystal stones were used as a source of power. Once the elemental crystal stones were depleted, the guardian puppet would no longer be a threat.

However, Wizard Riesen was still vigilant. Thus, he sent his Alchemy Creature to check if the guardian puppet had truly stopped moving.

The Alchemy Creature rushed to the guardian puppet. It grabbed both its arms and lifted the guardian puppet from the floor.

The guardian puppet still did not move. The Alchemy Creature moved in closer and inspected it. Soon, the Alchemy Creature found a raised button hiding in a secret location under the arm of the guardian puppet and slammed it in.


Suddenly, the guardian puppet's skull opened to reveal a large hole. The dark hole was filled with a pile of fine white sand. This sand was the residue of the countless elemental crystal stones that were used by the guardian puppet.

Most elemental crystal stones were created using a large amount of elemental coagulation and extrusion. They were incredibly pure but it would still leave a little residue. If it was just one elemental crystal stone, there would have been very little residue and almost impossible to see. It would require a lot of elemental crystal stones in order to distinguish the residue.

There was a lot of residues left in the guardian puppet's body, so it was clear that an abundance of elemental crystal stones was used. The number of elemental crystal stones was unfathomable.

"Haha, we've finally defeated the guardian puppet! I could have been killed but we've survived to live another day and escape the ancient monument! Let's go, the Pandora Demon Ability should be inside!"

Wizard Riesen stared intensely at the stone doors ahead. They had broken them down during the battle, and the Pandora Demon Ability could be there.

However, Merlin was still unsure if there really was a Pandora Demon Ability in the ancient monument. He had only heard it from Wizard Riesen.

Merlin watched Wizard Riesen walk through the stone door and followed him.

On the other side of the stone door was another much larger stone gate inlaid with many sparkling gemstones. Each gemstone was huge and reflected a white glow in the dark ancient tower.


Wizard Riesen walked right up to the side of the large stone gate and firmly twisted one of the bricks. Immediately, the entire stone gate began to make a strange noise.

"It has finally opened!"

Soon, the stone gate shook and slowly began to rise.

Wizard Riesen looked excited as he watched the stone gate open. However, Merlin stayed vigilant and observed his surroundings, ready to cast a spell at the first sight of any movement.

Merlin even took out a couple of elemental crystal stones from his ring and walked around as he recovered his Magic Power for the Spell Models of Frigid Ice and Frost. He had used a lot of Magic Power in his Awareness when he cast Glacial Finger, therefore, he had to use every minute he had to recover his Magic Power.

Wizard Riesen also looked anxious. He sent his Alchemy Creature in first and it rushed through the stone gate.

Behind the stone gate was an average-sized house. It seemed quite empty and its inside was arranged neatly. A thick layer of dust coated the contents of the house. It looked like no one had lived there for a long time.

In the house was a long stone table, and on the table stood a flame-shaped statue. It was huge, about half a meter tall.

The statue vividly resembled a burning flame and it was almost life-like. It was definitely the most unique and attractive object in the entire house.

Merlin and Wizard Riesen could not take their eyes off the flame-shaped statue. Both of them used their Mind Power to inspect it.

However, as their Mind Power reached the flame-shaped statue, they felt a "burning" sensation as if they were about to be set on fire. Mind Power did not take a visible form, and hence it was impossible for it to "burn". The "burning" sensation they felt could have been from the runes inscribed on the statue itself.

Sure enough, as Merlin and Wizard Riesen's Mind Power provoked the statue, a mysterious rune appeared in small fireballs and floated above the statue. This made the flame-shaped statue look even more realistic.

Wizard Riesen watched the flame-shaped statue transform and could not help but feel excited. He pointed his finger and cast a Fire-type spell from his Awareness. The spell rushed through his fingers and quickly entered the flame-shaped statue.


Immediately, the entire statue began to vibrate and soon, it formed a huge crack down in the middle of the statue. The crack began to split open, and they could see a small, black wooden box.

"We've found it!"

Wizard Riesen saw the small, black wooden box and got excited once more. The Pandora Demon Ability that Merlin and Wizard Riesen had been looking for could be inside the box.

Wizard Riesen exchanged glances with Merlin. He faced Merlin and fiercely opened the black wooden box.


The box broke into two halves and revealed a thin roll of animal skin.

Slowly and gently, Wizard Riesen unraveled the roll of animal skin. He began to familiarize himself with the scripture, written in ancient Molta runes.

There were not many words on the animal skin, and Merlin was able to read through them quickly. This really was the Pandora Demon Ability they were looking for!

"Fiery Collapse!"

The animal skin had recorded a very powerful Pandora Demon Ability called Fiery Collapse.

Fiery Collapse was divided into three forms. The first form required the construction of a First-level spell – Furious Flame or Sea of Flames.

In comparison to Glacial Finger, the requirements for Fiery Collapse were broader as one could choose between the two spells.

The first form of Fiery Collapse required a First-level spell. The second form of Fiery Collapse required certain Fourth-level fire-type spells.

The third form of Fiery Collapse required the construction of a Seventh-level spell. The combination of Fiery Collapse and the Seventh-level spell would work together to form the third form.

However, it would be extremely difficult to reach the third form of Fiery Collapse. On the other hand, Glacial Finger only had two forms. There were too many harsh requirements for the third form of Fiery Collapse.

However, even though Merlin was far from reaching the third form of Fiery Collapse, he had already constructed the First-level spell, Furious Flame, and could cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse.

"It really is the Pandora Demon Ability! Hehe, Wizard Merlin, you can make a copy of this Pandora Demon Ability."

Wizard Riesen's eyes gleamed with excitement but his expression changed as he handed the roll of animal skin to Merlin.

Merlin nodded. According to the agreement between him and Wizard Riesen, they were to share the Pandora Demon Ability once it was found.

In addition to the introduction of Fiery Collapse, the roll of animal skin also contained cultivation methods, which was even more important.

Hence, Merlin took out a quill and white paper from his ring and began to secretly give orders to the Matrix. "Matrix, start scanning the roll of animal skin and record the contents in it."

"Beep! Recording now."

The Matrix scanned the roll of animal skin and Fiery Collapse was instantly recorded. At the same time, Merlin did not want to cause any suspicion from Wizard Riesen and began taking notes on his quill and paper.

One could hear the quill moved upon the sheet of paper clearly as it made scratching sounds upon its surface.

Wizard Riesen had been calm but a strange smile began to show on his face. He glanced at Merlin from time to time and suddenly, a small and delicate Spell Scroll appeared in his hand.

After a moment, Merlin had completed making a copy of the roll of animal skin. He stood up and handed it back to Wizard Riesen.

"I've finished, Wizard Riesen, thank you very much. A Pandora Demon Ability like this would require much more elemental crystal stones and I wouldn't be able to buy it," Merlin said gratefully.

Pandora Demon Abilities were extremely rare. Sterling House would not sell them and spell casters' organizations such as the Dark Magic Region, would have very few. Merlin had never even seen a contribution point that could exchange Pandora Demon Abilities in the Resource Tower.

"You don't have to thank me! However, if you really wanted to, you could hand something over to me. How about that?"

Suddenly, Wizard Riesen's tone turned cold.

"Huh? What do you want?"

Merlin raised his head sharply. His eyes shifted as he extended his gaze, glaring right at Wizard Riesen!

Chapter 206: Fall Out

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"I want your Pandora Demon Ability!"

Wizard Riesen declared as he took out the Spell Scroll in his hand.


The Spell Scroll glowed a khaki color. Immediately, rich Earth Element rapidly condensed together and formed a long spear.

"Earth Spear!"

The spear swayed madly. The air around it even shook and in the blink of an eye, the spear flew toward Merlin.

It seemed as if the spear did not have much power but Merlin still felt a strong sense of danger.

"Guardian Monument!"

Merlin roared as a large stone monument appeared before him, glowing a slight gray light. Merlin's spell was cast immediately, and he continued to cast Guardian Monument three more times.

However, as Earth Spear reached Guardian Monument, it did not even stop for a second. It passed through each stone monument and tore it down like a piece of bamboo. The sharp breath of the spear made Merlin feel suffocated.

"No! This strong spell isn't a Third-level spell, but is, in fact, a Fourth-level spell!"

Merlin's thoughts raced in his head. He cast Guardian Monument once more but this time he cast it using an Enhancing casting tool.

The Enhancing casting tool cast a strengthened form of Guardian Monument; its strength could instantly rival that of a Third-level spell. This was Merlin's strongest Defensive spell.


Suddenly, a dense crack appeared on Merlin's Guardian Monument. It had only slightly withstood Earth Spear and soon, Earth Spear had completely broken Merlin defense.


Suddenly, Merlin felt pain on the left side of his chest. A large force had sent Merlin stumbling backward and eventually, he fell to the ground.


Merlin could not help but take a breath. He had now realized the true strength of a Fourth-level spell.

This time, Earth Spear blasted most of its power onto Merlin. Merlin had been hurt, and although it had not struck him at his vital points, a blow like that could easily kill a Spell Caster.

However, Merlin's physique was far from that of an average Spell Caster. It had almost reached the peak of a Third-level Elemental Swordsman. Even with such a strong physique, Merlin could not resist the strength of Earth Spear.

Merlin did not die but he had been hit extremely hard. He felt as if his entire body was about to fall apart as signs of weakness began to show. Merlin looked down and saw raw flesh on his left chest as blood continued to flow. The Fourth-level spell, Earth Spear, was far from being comparable to a Third-level spell. At this point, Merlin could barely move a finger.


Merlin huffed as his face became twisted! He had been hit extremely hard and could barely move a finger but the grave injury on his body did not affect his Mind Power. Hence, Merlin instantly focused his Mind Power on Wizard Riesen.

"Demon Ability, Glacial Finger!"

Merlin had almost exhausted all his strength as he violently raised his right hand. His pale-white finger immediately unleashed a cold breeze that flew toward Wizard Riesen.

This could have been Merlin's final attack. After he unleashed Glacial Finger, his right hand fell heavily to the ground. Only his chest kept rising and falling as he took deep breaths.

"Not dead yet!"

There was a hint of fear on Wizard Riesen's face. He knew how terrible Merlin's Glacial Finger was. Even Wizard DeMarco could not withstand it. Thus, Wizard Riesen immediately called out his Alchemy Creature.


The Alchemy Creature instantly blocked Wizard Riesen from the attack. The cold breeze enveloped the Alchemy Creature and a thick layer of ice crystals quickly froze over its body.

At the same time, a slight cold breeze had reached Wizard Riesen's arm and began to spread. Suddenly, almost half of Wizard Riesen's arm was frozen with a thick layer of ice crystals.

Wizard Riesen's expression changed quickly but he gritted his teeth and took out a greatsword from his ring to slice straight through his arm.


The greatsword had cut off half of the arm and blood rushed out as Wizard Riesen's face began to turn pale.

The cut half of the arm fell onto the ground with a crash. Wizard Riesen watched as it smashed into thousands of pieces.

Wizard Riesen looked at the smashed arm and could not help but reveal a sense of uneasiness. He knew that Merlin's Glacial Finger was extremely powerful as every Pandora Demon Ability had a strange power.

However, knowing one thing was different to actually facing a Pandora Demon Ability. Merlin raised his head as he watched the frozen Alchemy Creature. It was completely lifeless and eventually began to crack. Soon, it broke into tiny pieces of crystals and scattered all over the place.

Wizard Riesen face was ghastly pale. He thought he had planned and prepared everything. Once he retrieved the Pandora Demon Ability, he would wait for Merlin to get distracted and instantly unleash the Fourth-level spell in his Spell Scroll to kill Merlin.

Everything had gone smoothly but Merlin did not die. In fact, he was able to cast his Pandora Demon Ability. Wizard Riesen was fearful of this. He watched Merlin's body lay on the ground, almost motionless, but he still dared not get any closer.

"Unfortunately, I'm not able to kill you after all. Otherwise, I would've taken your Pandora Demon Ability, and then I would have two!"

Wizard Riesen muttered in a low voice. He nodded slightly as he felt regretful that he was unable to kill Merlin and retrieve his Glacial Finger.

He gritted his teeth and walked over to the tower wall beside the stone gate as he desperately groped for something.

"It's over…"

Wizard Riesen was clearly familiar with the ancient tower. He found the secret spot and pressed firmly. Immediately, the stone gate let out a "trembling" sound as it began to descend.

Then, the ancient tower was silent once more…

Chapter 207: A Blessing in Disguise

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Merlin laid on the ground of the quiet ancient tower as his chest heaved with every breath. His injury was extremely serious. Although he did not die, he was struck very hard. He wanted to take some time to recover but did not know how much time he had.

"This is serious. I was originally wary of Wizard Riesen but I didn't expect him to attack so suddenly, let alone using a Fourth-level spell from his Spell Scroll."

Merlin felt helpless. He had been cautious of Wizard Riesen, especially with his Alchemy Creature.

In fact, Merlin had not been vigilant with Wizard Riesen himself, neither was he worried that he would cast a Third-level spell. However, this time, Wizard Riesen used a Spell Scroll containing a Fourth-level spell, and it had injured Merlin greatly. It was a good time that Merlin's physique was far beyond than that of an average Spell Caster. Otherwise, he would have been killed.

Fortunately, Merlin exhausted all his strength to cast Glacial Finger and scared off Wizard Riesen. He had also used the Matrix to record the cultivation methods of Fiery Collapse.

Merlin decided he would wait patiently for his wound to heal and eventually leave the ancient tower. Merlin felt that he had not run out of luck and instead, gained a great deal.

Merlin's chaotic thoughts were slowly calmed down.


Just as Merlin's mood was calmed, a hole suddenly appeared on the ground of the stone gate and a huge patterned spider began to crawl out.

This patterned spider was about the height of a person and was the largest patterned spider that Merlin ever saw. The patterned spider gradually crawled toward Merlin as it began to hiss.

Merlin's face turned pale. He had originally planned to slowly recover and eventually break through the stone doors to escape the ancient monument.

However, he was still weak, and this enormous patterned spider was definitely stronger than any other patterned spider he had faced before.

Merlin could not cast Glacial Finger anymore but his Mind Power was not affected by the injury, so he quickly cast Guardian Monument.

Merlin cast Guardian Monument three more times. The gray slabs of walls formed around him and covered his body.

The huge patterned spider advanced toward Merlin but stopped in his tracks as it noticed Guardian Monument.


Suddenly, the patterned spider moved swiftly. It appeared behind Merlin in the blink of an eye and struck Guardian Monument.


The collision broke three Guardian Monuments and left only the last defense, which Merlin had cast using his Enhancing casting tool. Merlin knew that Guardian Monument sustained great damage from the patterned spider. This meant that it was much stronger than Wizard Riesen's Alchemy Creature.

The impact from the patterned spider did not seem to impact the strengthened form of Guardian Monument. The patterned spider retreated slightly and then exposed its abdomen. White silk flew out and wrapped around Merlin.

The white silk was tenacious and strong, and it began to grow longer and longer. The enhanced version of Guardian Monument that Merlin had cast started to give in to the strong binding of the white silk.

If it were only a few strands of the white silk or if Merlin could move freely, he would be able to break himself free. If he could not break himself free, he could cast Wind of Freedom and escape quickly.

However, Merlin had been struck by Wizard Riesen's Spell Scroll and could barely move a finger. He was almost a living target and his only option was to passively defend himself.

Occasionally, Merlin would cast Furious Flame but the white silk was resistant to flames and remained strong. Merlin's body was enveloped and tangled in it like a Zongzi 1 .


Finally, the enhanced form of Guardian Monument which Merlin had cast could not withstand the entanglement of the white silk and gradually began to break.

Merlin felt helpless as he had no options left and just like the fragments of stone in front of him, the patterned spider spat its white silk and bound Merlin tightly.

Merlin was entangled in the white silk of the patterned spider. It slowly dragged him into the hole in the ground.

The hole was pitch-black and as Merlin was dragged into it, he could only feel the steep incline of the slope that seemed to stretch further into the ground.

Merlin even suspected that he would make a delicious meal for the patterned spider to enjoy in its nest.

Soon, there was finally a glimmer of light in the dark hole. The patterned spider had brought Merlin into a hidden hall where Merlin noticed a huge flame-shaped statue.

However, this flame-shaped statue was much larger than the one he had seen before.

The patterned spider returned to Merlin's side once more and cut through the bounds of its white silk.

Thereafter, the patterned spider crawled into a corner of the hall and laid down motionless.

Merlin furrowed his eyebrows. This place did not seem like the patterned spider's nest and it did not intend to "eat" Merlin.

The hall was surrounded by beautiful murals. They were each one of a kind as they depicted different forms of flames.

There were wild fiery-red flames and peculiar crimson flames. There was even an icy-white flame. They were all painted along the walls of the hall.

"What's this place?"

Merlin whispered. He still could not move, and even though the patterned spider had retreated into a corner, he could not escape.

After a moment, the huge flame-shaped statue began to vibrate aggressively as it became "alive". Merlin could feel the flames burn as the temperature in the air began to rise.

The flame-shaped statue gradually turned into a real flame. It burned fiercely as small clumps of flames began to form a small sprite about the size of a palm.

The sprite was created entirely from flames, so its features were blurred. However, although it was only about the size of a palm, it was terribly hot. Merlin stood quite far away but he could still feel the unbearable heat.

The flame sprite floated over Merlin's body and watched him condescendingly. "Congratulations, lucky Spell Caster, you've defeated Master's guardian puppet. It seems you also have the First-level spell, Furious Flame. You've passed Master's test."


Merlin watched the flame sprite with a doubtful look on his face. The flame sprite seemed intelligent, and it reminded him of the black cat he met in the Dark Magic Region, Didimoss, so he was not surprised that it could speak.

"Yes, Master had left these tests. If one has defeated the guardian puppet and can cast either Furious Flame or Sea of Flames, they've passed the test and are able to receive the treasures required to cultivate Fiery Collapse."

The flame sprite explained calmly.

Merlin was confused. He had many thoughts running through his mind and could not make sense of any of them. This ancient monument was left by a powerful Spell Caster over three thousand six hundred years ago.

However, even after all those years, the flame sprite and patterned spiders had still survived – this seemed impossible to Merlin.

"What the hell are you?"

Merlin was very curious about the flame sprite. It was a non-living thing but it possessed intelligence and was not as rigid as the guardian puppet.

"I'm a flame sprite that Master once caught. I've been trapped here and can't go any further than a hundred meter past this statue. However, Master said that as long as I help him find a suitable Spell Caster who can cultivate the second form of Fiery Collapse, then I'll have my freedom once more.

"Many people have discovered Master's ancient monument and entered the first floor. However, very few were able to defeat the guardian puppet but you two did and have therefore met the set requirements. It's just a shame that one of you have already left the ancient monument and will not be able to receive the Master's treasures to cultivate Fiery Collapse. Hence, it's only you here who has met all the necessary requirements. That's why I sent the patterned spider to drag you down here."

Merlin listened to the explanation of the flame sprite. The flame sprite had paid attention to all the Spell Caster who entered the ancient monument and looked for a suitable Spell Caster to cultivate Fiery Collapse. It had done its utmost duty to help its master so that it would one day be free again.

The flame sprite mentioned a Spell Caster who had left the ancient monument – it would be Wizard Riesen. His plan had failed when his attack against Merlin did not work, so, he decided to leave Merlin trapped in the ancient monument to die.

Wizard Riesen did not expect that someone or something had observed him this entire time, and although he met the requirements, he had left the ancient monument.

Without the treasures left by the master of the ancient monument, the cultivation methods he claimed for Fiery Collapse would be useless. He would never be able to cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse.

Merlin saw this as a blessing in disguise. Wizard Riesen had trapped him in the ancient monument and left without the treasure, but he was able to retrieve it. This was extremely useful for cultivating Fiery Collapse!

Chapter 208: Reward

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Merlin could not move so he just lay silently on the ground. The flame sprite watched Merlin and quietly said, "You're gravely injured. I'm not sure how long I can wait for you to recover."

Merlin's heart was pounding. His wound was extremely serious, and it would take a long time for his strong physique to recover even slightly.

So, Merlin said to the flame sprite, "If there's any way you could help me recover quicker, I could start cultivating Fiery Collapse sooner. Once that's done, I could reach the second form of Fiery Collapse and you'll finally be able to leave this flame-shaped statue and be free."

Merlin knew that this flame sprite was wise but it was no more intelligent than an average person. It had been trapped in this ancient tower for over three thousand years and would want to leave. However, no one has ever met the requirements of the master of the ancient monument, let alone cultivate the second form of Fiery Collapse.

The flame sprite listened to Merlin's request but hesitated before it said, "Your injury is truly grave but I'm afraid I can't help you. I don't have the healing potions you require for your wound."

"You don't have healing potions?"

Merlin shook his head slightly and he seemed helpless. Without the healing potions, it would require a couple of months for him to fully recover his strong physique.

"No, I don't. However, over the years, many Spell Casters have entered the ancient monument but a large portion of them was killed by the patterned spiders that protect the entire ancient tower. Why don't I send out the patterned spider to search for the Spell Casters' rings and bring them here? You can look through them to see if there're any healing potions?"

The flame sprite finished speaking and Merlin immediately felt a strange fluctuation in his Mind.

The fluctuation was, in fact, emitted by the flame sprite. The flame sprite was composed entirely of flames but still possessed the same Mind Power as a Spell Caster. This surprised Merlin.

The Mind Power of the flame sprite spread and the huge patterned spider that sat in the corner had gotten up and began to crawl through the black hole.

Merlin laid still on the ground but he had expanded his Mind Power to investigate his surroundings.

The large hall was very quiet but it felt cold and the air was dry. This could have been below the first floor of the ancient tower.

Inside the large hall were a few strange tools. Merlin was unsure what they were but guessed they were alchemy tools. Merlin and the others had battled against the powerful guardian puppet and had not truly defeated it. They just depended on the guardian puppet to deplete its elemental crystal stones – that was how they won.

This proved that the master of the ancient tower was, indeed, an exceptional strong alchemist and this was the secret place he kept his alchemy tools.

Moreover, a place as spacious and secretive as this would ensure that no one from the outside would be able to hear a single sound. The master of the ancient tower could have used this place to test out a couple of puppets.

Merlin held his thoughts silently and suddenly, a rattling sound came from the black hole and out came the huge patterned spider.

Soon, more patterned spiders followed one by one. These patterned spiders were not as big as the first patterned spider and were more similar to the one's Merlin and the others had encountered in the ancient tower.

The patterned spiders came before Merlin and each opened their mouth to spit out one or two rings. Each ring was different. It was clear that they were once owned by Spell Casters who had entered the ancient monument and were eventually killed by the patterned spiders.

A dozen patterned spiders each brought one or two rings, and eventually, there was a pile of twenty rings next to Merlin. The patterned spiders began to retreat into the black hole and left only the larger patterned spider as it returned to its spot in the corner of the hall.

Merlin slowly began to inspect each ring. It seemed that the flame sprite, who had truly controlled the patterned spider, was able to control the entire ancient monument. No one could enter it without being noticed by the flame sprite.

This was not done by the flame sprite all by itself. In fact, it was the dense runes upon the flame-shaped statue. The flame sprite could read the runes to fully understand the situation in the ancient tower.

"Well, there're many rings you can search through. Do you think you'll find a healing potion?"

The flame sprite gestured at the rings as it asked Merlin.

Merlin nodded. He used his Mind Power to search through one ring. The ring contained a couple of potion ingredients but they were quite common ingredients. It also contained a few dozen elemental crystal stones.

One by one, he searched through the rings…

Merlin had searched a few rings but still had not found any healing potions. However, the potion ingredients and elemental crystal stones he found could be added up to amount a great value.

Finally, as he searched the tenth ring, he finally found a healing potion, and there was plenty of it. Merlin was shocked by Wizard Riesen's Fourth-level spell that he kept in his Spell Scroll. It had wounded Merlin's body horribly and required a healing potion like this to restore his flesh and blood.

After taking the potion, Merlin immediately felt its effects. Warmth filled his body but at the same time, it also felt crisp and numb.

The potion was extremely effective as Merlin felt his flesh and blood recover. What could have been months of recovery could be reduced to a dozen days to fully recover.

"Are there more rings, flame sprite? Send more patterned spiders out to look for more rings. If I find more healing potions, I could recover even sooner."

Merlin smiled as he asked the flame sprite.

The flame sprite nodded and ordered the huge patterned spider to search for more Spell Caster rings.

Fifteen days passed in the blink of an eye and more than half of Merlin's body had recovered. He started to tidy up the rings that the patterned spiders had brought him.

For the duration of half a month, Merlin was "surprised" with a ring from the patterned spiders. Each ring was from a Spell Caster who died in the ancient monument.

After all, the ancient monument had existed for over three thousand six hundred years. An unfathomable number of Spell Casters could have entered the ancient monument, only to be killed by either the patterned spiders or the guardian puppet.

Hence, Merlin had accumulated a vast wealth from the rings; it was almost immeasurable. He had a large number of elemental crystal stones and potion ingredients, both rare and common. Merlin had even found enough rare ingredients needed to prepare at least ten portions of Phantasmal Magic Potion.

In addition to the elemental crystal stones and potion ingredients, there were also a large number of spells. Most of the spells were Zero-level spells, but occasionally he would find a First or Second-level spell.

However, there were very few Second-level spells. Amongst the pile of rings, he only found two Second-level spells within on ring.

Unfortunately, Merlin did not even need these two spells. Merlin had before him a large number of spells, so he used the Matrix to record them.

Merlin's ring was now filled with different types of spells, potion ingredients, elemental crystal stones, and more. He never would have thought that being trapped in the ancient tower would bring him such rewards.

Merlin was very wealthy now. Even a Fourth-level Spell Caster who established the Wizard Tower in the Dark Magic Region could not match his wealth.

"I shall leave now."

Merlin whispered. He had been trapped in the ancient tower for half a month where he consumed a potion every day to recover his body.

Now, the wound on his body was almost healed, and Merlin decided it was time to receive the treasure from the master of the ancient tower and leave the tower.

"Flame sprite!"

Merlin shouted at the enormous flame-shaped statue.

Immediately, a ball of flame floated from the flame-shaped statue and quickly transformed into the flame sprite.

"Flame sprite, did you not say that I met all the requirements to cultivate Fiery Collapse? My body has healed quite a bit and I can now leave the ancient tower. Please give me your master's treasure and allow me to cultivate the second-form of Fiery Collapse. Then, I'll return to set you free from the ancient tower!"

Merlin had thought about what he intended to say and spoke calmly.

"You want to leave the ancient tower now?"

The flame sprite asked with a hint of surprise in its voice.

Chapter 209: Going Through A Checkpoint

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What? I can't leave?"

Hearing the astonishment in the flame sprite's voice, Merlin asked in a hurry.

The flame sprite fell into a deep thought for a moment before saying, "You could go and give it a try. See if you can leave."

Merlin gave the flame sprite a suspicious look but he still turned around and darted into the hole, coming out on the first floor of the ancient tower.

There was not a single soul on the entire first floor. It was extremely quiet.

Immediately, Merlin came before that thick slab of stone door. Previously, Wizard Riesen had set down this stone door to trap Merlin in the ancient tower.

"Furious Flame!"

Merlin immediately cast Furious Flame. For a few moments, scorching high temperatures rose and even caused some explosions. Nevertheless, there was not the slightest bit of effect where the stone door was struck.

Hence, Merlin raised his hand and pointed at the stone door forcefully with his white finger.


A chill suddenly flew toward the stone door, freezing it. After some strange cracking noises, the entire stone door was completely frozen solid.


Merlin cast several Fireballs as well, blasting them violently upon the stone door. How horrifying was the chill of Glacial Finger? Even Third-level spells could not block it. However, the chill of Glacial Finger was absolutely helpless against this stone door now.

"Just as I'd expected, it won't break open."

Merlin furrowed his eyebrows tightly. He did not continue his attempts at blowing this stone door open because he knew that no matter what, he would not be able to blast it open.

Thus, Merlin returned to the underground and came before the flame-shaped statue.

"Flame sprite, is there a way to blow that stone door open?"

Merlin lowered his voice and asked. He had a sort of a vague and bad feeling about this.

"Blow the stone door open? Wizard Merlin, forget about ever blowing that stone door open. This ancient tower was built because Master had wanted to defend against a great enemy. Nobody knows how many Runic Magic Circles have been arranged in the entire ancient tower. That huge door has also been inlaid with countless Runic Magic Circles. Unless they're powerful Great Wizards, no one should even think about blowing this stone door open."

The flame sprite spoke slowly. Meanwhile, a change washed over Merlin's face immediately. He seemed to be very gloomy.

Only Great Wizards could blow the stone door open. Merlin had only seen Sixth-level Spell Casters so far even in the Dark Magic Region. He had never seen Seventh-level Spell Casters or above, what more the legendary Great Wizards.

Only a Great Wizard could blow that stone door open, so Merlin no longer had much hope in doing so.

The flame sprite saw Merlin's gloomy expression. Suddenly, it opened its mouth and said, "Wizard Merlin, if you wish to leave the ancient tower, you don't necessarily have to blow that stone door open!"

"Eh? Could it be that there are other passages leading out of the ancient tower?"

Merlin could sense the implied meaning of the flame sprite's words; thus, he made his inquiry hurriedly.

"Of course there are other ways to leave the ancient tower. Back then, while building this tower, Master had already considered sealing up all exits if powerful enemies were to come. Then, Master would leave the ancient tower by using the Runic Magic Circle that had been set in place beforehand."

"Then where's the Runic Magic Circle?"

Merlin's face lit up with delight. There was finally hope for him to leave.

However, the flame sprite shook its head and said, "For safety purposes, this Runic Magic Circle had been set by Master in a secret chamber. Only the successful cultivation of the first form of Fiery Collapse could grant entry into the secret chamber."

"The first form of Fiery Collapse? I can cultivate that right away!"

Hurriedly, Merlin commanded the Matrix. "Matrix, export all information about Fiery Collapse."

Very quickly, the requirements to cultivate Fiery Collapse appeared in Merlin's mind. What he needed first was a First-level spell like Furious Flame or Sea of Flames. As long as he possessed any one of these two spells, he would be able to cultivate Fiery Collapse smoothly.

Of course, other than the most basic requirement of a First-level spell, it also required some extremely precious treasures, like how it had been for Glacial Finger.

During the first stage of Glacial Finger, only one type of treasure – the hundred years' ice bone marrow, was required. This Fiery Collapse was much more complicated and needed a lot of treasures such as the hellfire essence and firestone. Merlin had never even heard of most of the treasures.

However, to a certain extent, the more treasures that were required for a Pandora Demon Ability, the greater its power would be if the cultivation was successful. It was clear which of them was stronger; Glacial Finger had only two stages but Fiery Collapse possessed three forms. Glacial Finger was merely a Pandora Demon Ability with an average power amongst the Pandora Demon Abilities and could not be compared to Fiery Collapse – not by a long shot.

"So much treasure… Flame sprite, didn't you say that the master of the ancient tower has left some treasure for cultivating Fiery Collapse in the ancient tower?"

The flame sprite nodded and said, "That's right. Back then, Master had left behind many treasures indeed. Only by staying in the ancient tower can one obtain these treasures. However, the treasures aren't so easy to get. Master had placed the treasures inside a secret chamber with a guardian keeping watch outside. You can only enter the secret chamber and acquire the treasures left behind by Master if you defeat the guardian."

"So, I'd still need to defeat the guardian before I can get the treasure?"

Merlin frowned. The master of this ancient tower was truly cautious.

"That's right. You must defeat the guardian to get the treasures! Back then, Master had left suddenly, as though he had a premonition about something. That's why he'd set a few secret chambers carefully. After all, Fiery Collapse was the result of Master's lifelong blood, sweat, and tears. One would have to be more powerful than the average Spell Caster to be Master's successor!"

The flame sprite spoke slowly.

Merlin nodded. It seemed that the master of this ancient tower used to be a mighty Spell Caster. He had suddenly left for unknown reasons, but Fiery Collapse was the fruit of his lifelong labor; he would not pass it on easily.

Therefore, he had only left the cultivation method for Fiery Collapse but some of the treasures for cultivating Fiery Collapse had been placed in a secret chamber in the ancient tower. If he could not obtain the treasures in the secret chamber, getting the cultivation method for Fiery Collapse would still be useless.

For example, Wizard Riesen had done all that he could think of but he had not expected that he would not be able to cultivate Fiery Collapse after obtaining it. It was like receiving a piece of blank paper which was completely useless.

"Alright, flame sprite, bring me to the secret chamber!"

Merlin took a deep breath and spoke to the flame sprite. He was confident of himself. Merlin had already constructed five First-level spells other than Dark Light Realm, which was enough for him to fight some Second-level Spell Casters. In addition, he also had Enhancing casting tools, and his Defensive spells were not weaker than those of some Third-level Spell Casters.

He also had Glacial Finger, which was completely capable of defeating Third-level Spell Casters. That was why, when it came to facing the guardian set by the master of the ancient tower, Merlin was very confident that he could defeat the guardian and obtain the treasures left behind by the master of the ancient tower.

The flame sprite nodded. Thereafter, slivers of peculiar mind fluctuation appeared on its body.

Then, there was a rumble.

In the vast hall, a thick stone door was slowly rising from behind the flame-shaped statue, revealing a spacious room inside.

The flame sprite opened its mouth and spoke slowly, "Wizard Merlin, the secret chamber is inside. However, if you're no match for the guardian, all you have to do is leave the secret chamber, and the guardian will stop attacking you. Remember, if you can't defeat it the first time, you can try a second time or a third. If you're killed by the guardian, you'd never have another chance."

Merlin nodded, making a mental note of the flame sprite's words. Following which, he immediately entered the secret chamber.

In the secret chamber, Merlin could see that the inside of the room was empty and extremely spacious. In a corner of the secret chamber was a strange creature with a completely white body. It looked like a beautiful rabbit.

"Finally, someone has come… Young Spell Caster, I'm a follower of the great Wizard Dowland. You may call me Lister."

This strange creature that looked suspiciously like a "rabbit" could even speak a human language. It was extremely mystical.

Merlin knew that Wizard Dowland was the name of the master of the ancient tower, and this strange creature that looked suspiciously like a "rabbit" was rather complicated. It could look non-frightening at all, but Merlin could sense strong Ice-type Elemental fluctuation from its body.

A realization flashed through Merlin's mind instantly. Immediately, he knew the identity of this being who looked suspiciously like a "rabbit". It was an Elemental Monster that had evolved into an Elemental Being!

Only Elemental Beings could control Elements with such ease. Even the Spell Models for Frigid Ice and Frost in Merlin's body had been unable to absorb any Ice Elements when he entered this room. All of them had been forcefully "robbed" by this "rabbit" Elemental Being.

This was also the frightening thing about Elemental Beings. Back then, the silver-haired old man had wanted to evolve the Dark Vampire Bats into Elemental Beings. If the evolution had succeeded, the powers of those Elemental Beings would immediately increase by two-fold and would be on par with at least Third-level Spell Casters.

In fact, this "rabbit' Elemental Being's powers could have already surpassed those of a typical Third-level Spell Caster. Merlin could even feel a strong threat emanating off its body.

"Guardian Monument!"

Carelessness was something Merlin did not dare to risk. Instantly, he used the Enhancing casting tools to release the strengthened version of Guardian Monument. Merlin was extremely cautious in facing this "rabbit" Elemental Being.

Seeing the dusky light glowing from the stone monument on Merlin's body, this "rabbit" Elemental Being suddenly stood up. For a moment, its body began to grow; both its legs started to straighten up and became incomparably robust and strong.

Meanwhile, its white fur also began to transform; half of it turned black. A pair of sharp claws appeared, emanating a chill light. All the Ice Elements in the room had completely converged around the body of this "rabbit" Elemental Being.

"Pandora Demon Ability, Glacial Finger!"

Merlin did not hesitate; he immediately displayed his most powerful ability. Elemental Beings were not easy to cope with as they were on par with at least Third-level Spell Casters. The other spells Merlin possessed were no match at all for this "rabbit" guardian.


Instantly, a burst of chill shot toward the "rabbit" guardian. At first, this big and tall "rabbit" had a rather callous attitude. However, its expression changed completely after it felt the chill, which it dodged with great agility.


The chill of Glacial Finger caused all the walls of the secret chamber to be completely frozen solid.

"Pandora Demon Ability, you've actually cultivated a type of Pandora Demon Ability! Hehe, but it's no use, you're too slow!"

The "rabbit" guardian could recognize immediately that Glacial Finger displayed by Merlin was a Pandora Demon Ability. Nevertheless, it did not look frightened at all. Instead, it could hardly sit still from eagerness and had a sheer excitement on its face.


With both legs, the "rabbit" guardian gave a vicious kick. Instantly, its body became a blur; in the blink of an eye, it disappeared on the spot. All of that happened at a speed which even Merlin's strengthened version of Wind of Freedom would not be able to compete with.

It was no surprise that the "rabbit" guardian was not afraid of Merlin's Glacial Finger because it moved at such a high speed. It made it as if it was a joke for Merlin if he possessed a stronger Pandora Demon Ability if he was unable to bind the "rabbit" guardian.

The "rabbit" guardian moved extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, it had come before Merlin. Following which, its body seemed to inflate at an explosive rate once again, growing to a height of more than three feet, turning into a horrifying monster.

Gigantic, sharp claws struck down viciously toward Merlin's head.

Chapter 210: First-level Spell Caster!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


The "rabbit" guardian's sharp claws were like razor blades. With one swipe, it brought a gigantic force that shook Guardian Monument in front of Merlin. It was shaken so hard that it split open; densely packed crack lines appeared on it.

"An immense power, and at such a high speed, my Glacial Finger is absolutely useless!"

A stunned expression washed over Merlin's face. This was such a great power, and at a speed that was just too quick. It was difficult to lock down even with Merlin's Mind Power. Even though he had released Glacial Finger, it was not of much use.

"Thunderbolt Net!"

Merlin released Thunderbolt Net once more. Although it was merely a Zero-level spell, Merlin still wanted to try and see if it could paralyze this "rabbit" guardian.

Lightning flashed all around them. However, just as Merlin had expected, Thunderbolt Net was rather useless. Immediately, Merlin released the strengthened version of Dark Mist once more. Nevertheless, it produced no effect on this "rabbit" guardian; it could not cause the "rabbit" guardian to fall into an illusion.

Perhaps Merlin would be able to cause this powerful Elemental Being to fall into an illusion if he had constructed Dark Light Realm, but it was clearly impossible to do that now.

At such a thought, Merlin's body flashed. He withdrew from the secret chamber before the "rabbit" guardian could launch its second attack.

"How weak. Are you really going to retreat and leave just like that?"

The "rabbit" guardian looked as though it wanted to continue the fight. However, it could only move within this secret chamber as it would become powerless once it left the area. Therefore, it could only huddle up in a corner of the secret chamber and eventually fell asleep soundly with loud snores.

Seeing the "rabbit" guardian turn back into its snowy white self once again, Merlin shook his head helplessly. Who would have thought that such a harmless-looking "rabbit" could be such a horrifying Elemental Being?

Furthermore, the "rabbit" guardian had not shown its ability to control the Ice Element earlier. The most powerful ability of all Elemental Beings was to control the Elements.

The "rabbit" guardian had not exerted its full strength but Merlin was unable to ward off its attacks. It seemed that it was going to be extremely difficult to defeat the "rabbit" guardian.

Very soon, Merlin came before the flame-shaped statue once more. Immediately, the flame sprite flew out from the statue.

The flame sprite spoke in a calm voice, "Were you defeated? Lister is not a weak opponent. I'm afraid it won't be that easy for you if you wish to break through the checkpoint guarded by Lister."

Merlin nodded his head as well, and said, "Very strong, indeed. I was able to hold out against the previous guardian puppet and forced a slow death upon it, but now, I don't have the slightest chance against this "rabbit" guardian, a great and powerful Elemental Being."

Merlin raised the slightly parched finger. He knew that it would be very difficult to fight the "rabbit" guardian by relying on just Glacial Finger. Some method to restrict the "rabbit" guardian's speed was necessary.

"Since you've already lost, undergo a proper cultivation. If I'm not mistaken, you're not even a First-level Spell Caster. Construct the last Spell and become a First-level Spell Caster before you go and challenge Lister again!"

Unexpectedly, the flame sprite could see Merlin's true condition in just one glance. Indeed, Merlin was not a First-level Spell Caster yet. So far, he was just one spell – Dark Light Realm – away from becoming a First-level Spell Caster."

"Alright then. Prepare an anechoic chamber for me. Once I've successfully constructed Dark Light Realm and become a First-level Spell Caster, I'll come and challenge Lister once more!"

Having said that, Merlin walked straight into the anechoic chamber prepared by the flame sprite.

In the anechoic chamber, Merlin carefully recalled the process of the fight he had with the "rabbit" guardian earlier. It was obvious that the "rabbit" guardian was just too fast; Merlin's Glacial Finger was completely unable to lock it down. No matter how great its power was, it was not of much use.

Furthermore, Merlin's Dark Mist was too weak. Although it was already clear that the "rabbit" guardian possessed intelligence and was equivalent to an ordinary person who could be plunged into an illusion, Dark Mist was useless against it. Perhaps Dark Light Realm would be able to plunge the "rabbit" guardian into an illusion.

If he really was to succeed, then there would not be a problem for him to defeat the "rabbit" guardian and break through the secret chamber.

When those thoughts came to him, Merlin became somewhat excited. Dark Light Realm was definitely something he had to construct. The only thing was, at the very least, he would require the Mind Power of a Third-level Spell Caster. Merlin could only use his Mind Power to simulate such a complicated spell as Dark Light Realm if he removed the many Spell Models maintained in his body.

Now, Merlin's Mind Power had almost reached the peak of a Second-level Spell Caster. Hence, he still needed to increase a huge amount of Mind Power before he could successfully construct Dark Light Realm.

If Merlin was to rely only on Mind Meditation Spell, he would need half a year to achieve a breakthrough with his Mind Power and to reach the level of a Third-level Spell Caster.

This could already be considered extremely fast. After all, Merlin was cultivating an advanced Mind Meditation Spell gifted by Wizard Leo. However, Merlin was still unsatisfied with such speed. Other than cultivating the advanced Mind Meditation Spell, he was also preparing Phantasmal Magic Potion.

The original stock of Phantasmal Magic Potion that Merlin possessed had almost been depleted. However, after arriving at the ancient tower and obtaining the rings of the many Spell Casters who had been killed by the patterned spider, Merlin had discovered an abundance of potion materials within those rings.

Amongst them were many of the potion materials necessary for preparing Phantasmal Magic Potion. With these potion materials, Merlin was able to prepare many portions of the potion with a success rate of almost 30 percent.

Thus, with the help of the Matrix, Merlin began to prepare the potion quietly.

Three months passed in a flash. Merlin had just awakened from meditation; his Mind Power had already reached the peak and was capable of breaking through at any moment.

"This is the final Phantasmal Magic Potion. Hopefully, it can enable my Mind Power to break through to the level of a Third-level Spell Caster!"

Merlin quickly downed the Phantasmal Magic Potion in the glassware. In mere moments, the Mind Power in his mind increased rapidly at a speed that was almost visible to the naked eye.

Due to having taken so much Phantasmal Magic Potion, the effects of the potion were no longer as obvious as when he had taken Phantasmal Magic Potion for the first time. However, it still showed a fast increment of Mind Power.


Instantly, Merlin's mind turned blank. Thereafter, a cool sensation appeared in Merlin's mind; he felt that his Mind Power had doubled.

"Have I gotten through?"

Delight sprang in Merlin's heart. He had been on a retreat for three months within the anechoic chamber of the ancient tower, and consuming Phantasmal Magic Potion that he had prepared. However, it was only now that his Mind Power could be considered to have a substantial breakthrough, reaching the level of a Third-level Spell Caster.

The moment his Mind Power broke through, Merlin could clearly feel his Mind Power becoming even more active. It could even pass through thick walls, enabling him to "see" the other side.

This was something that Merlin's Mind Power had been unable to achieve before this. Merlin's previous Mind Power couldn't pass through walls that were slightly thicker. However, now that he had obtained a level of Mind Power on par with that of a Third-level Spell Caster, it could go through walls easily.

Of course, there were many advantages that came with an increase of Mind Power. The greatest advantage was that he could now construct Dark Light Realm. Merlin would become a First-level Spell Caster if he could only construct Dark Light Realm successfully, and officially become a Wizard!

"It's been three months, and with more than two months spent in Floating City, it'd be almost half a year. I'm afraid I won't be able to hurry back in time for Macy and Yaguez's wedding."

Merlin murmured quietly. He still remembered back when he had left Prakash City; Old Wilson had specifically mentioned Macy and Yaguez's wedding to Merlin. However, Merlin was now stuck in the ancient tower. There was absolutely no way for him to hurry back to Prakash City and attend Macy and Yaguez's wedding.

Although Merlin had become a Spell Caster and was growing stronger and stronger, there was still a very important place in his heart for his family. Merlin regretted very much for not being able to attend Macy and Yaguez's wedding.

In just a few moments, Merlin got rid of the messy thoughts in his mind. He settled down slowly and began to activate the Matrix."

"Matrix, analyze the Spell Model for Dark Light Realm!"

"Beep, the analysis on the Spell Model for Dark Light Realm had been done before. Do you wish to begin a new analysis?"

Merlin was somewhat confused. However, after thinking carefully for a few moments, he remembered that he had, indeed, used the Matrix to analyze the Spell Model for Dark Light Realm. Nevertheless, in the end, the construction had not been successful due to insufficient Mind Power.

Back then, the Matrix had reconstructed one hundred and eleven thousand, three hundred and sixty-eight Spell Models for Dark Light Realm, and amongst them, Merlin had chosen an extremely suitable Spell Model. This Spell Model was the best option no matter from the aspect of stability, power or the compatibility with the Spell Model for Dark Mist.

Merlin had failed the construction previously due to insufficient Mind Power. This time, Merlin's Mind Power was already comparable to that of a Third-level Spell Caster. He was also very confident that he would be able to simulate the Spell Model for Dark Light Realm in his Awareness on the first try and become a First-level Spell Caster.

However, the construction of such a complicated Spell Model for Dark Light Realm would take a very long time. Merlin calmed his emotions. Immediately, a Spell Model which looked like a three-dimensional image appeared in his mind. It was a few times more complex than the Spell Model Merlin had constructed for Frigid Ice previously.

Thankfully, Merlin had made preparations earlier. Therefore, he did not dread having to construct such a complicated Spell Model. Immediately, a huge amount of Mind Power began to move and started to simulate the Spell Model for Dark Light Realm in his Awareness.

The days passed by one at a time. Merlin sat still in the anechoic chamber with a very solemn facial expression.

Suddenly, Merlin's entire body shook. Endless amounts of Darkness Elements around him converged toward his body madly, practically covering the entire vast anechoic chamber and turning everything pitch-black.

Merlin's body was like a black hole, crazily swallowing up Darkness Elements in his surroundings.

After who knew how long, Merlin finally opened his eyes. A smile appeared at the corners of his lips.

"I've finally succeeded!"

Merlin's Dark Light Realm had finally been constructed successfully. Today, Merlin had become a genuine First-level Spell Caster. That was not all; he was a Six-Elemental First-level Spell Caster. It was extremely rare to find a Six-Elemental First-level Spell Caster even in the huge spell casters' organizations.

Only by becoming a First-level Spell Caster could one be deemed as a true Spell Caster. It was only now that Merlin could be considered to have really stepped upon the path of a Spell Caster!

Chapter 211: Going Through the Checkpoint Again!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Now, the six spells in Merlin's Awareness had all become First-level spells after he had constructed Dark Light Realm. He had also reached a balanced level.

There were great advantages of having a balanced level. At the very least, Merlin needed to maintain the Spell Models in his Awareness, which required him to expend a huge amount of Mind Power as he was afraid that the Spell Models would collapse due to imbalance.

However, Merlin no longer needed so much Mind Power to maintain the Spell Models in his Awareness.

Furthermore, as he had become a First-level Spell Caster, the maximum capacity of the Magic Power of the Spell Models in Merlin's Awareness would be upgraded again. This meant that Merlin's strength would increase by at least a few folds once he had become a First-level Spell Caster.

Merlin stood up slowly. He was feeling the changes within his Awareness. Now that he had become a First-level Spell Caster, it seemed as though there was finally a "powerful" sensation.

"Time to pass the checkpoint!"

Merlin had been stuck in the ancient tower for more than three months. The spell construction of Dark Light Realm had been successful, and his strength had greatly increased, so he could try to pass through the checkpoint once more.

Merlin had just walked out from the anechoic chamber when the flame sprite flew out from the flame-shaped statue. It sized Merlin up with one glance, before speaking with a hint of delight in its voice, "Congratulations, Wizard Merlin, for finally becoming a First-level Spell Caster! Now that your strength has greatly improved, are you going to pass through that checkpoint?"

"That's right, I'm ready to try to get through the checkpoint once more to retrieve the treasures left behind by the master of the ancient tower. Then, I'm able to cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse and leave the ancient tower."

Merlin nodded as he spoke.

"Very well. I shall open the secret chamber so you may go in. It's still the same rule. The moment you've no confidence in defeating Lister, leave the area of the secret chamber. Lister has absolutely no way to leave the secret chamber."

As it had done before, the flame sprite explained to Merlin the things he needed to take caution of. Merlin nodded before taking a deep breath, and immediately stepped into the secret chamber.

Merlin had just stepped into the secret chamber when he saw the "rabbit" guardian once again, curled up in the corner with a body of snow-white fur.

"Here again, little fellow?"

The "rabbit" guardian lifted its head and glanced at Merlin coldly. Thereafter, the "rabbit" guardian slowly stood up. With some astonishment in its voice, it said, "Little fellow, looks like you've not wasted the past few months. You've actually become a First-level Spell Caster!"

Merlin did not feel surprised at all. The flame sprite had been able to sense the change in him in just one glance, so perhaps this "rabbit" guardian also possessed the same strange ability to sense that Merlin had become a First-level Spell Caster with just one look.

Merlin nodded and said, "That's right, I'm here today to pass through the checkpoint."

"Hehe, little fellow, don't hold back in showing me your strongest tricks. I've not had a good exercise in many years. You were just too weak last time…"

The "rabbit" guardian spoke nonchalantly.

Merlin's expression was calm. He did not continue speaking. However, gray stone tablets quickly appeared from his body and surrounded Merlin.

This was the strengthened version of Guardian Monument released by Merlin using the Enhancing casting tool. Only after his defense had been set in place did Merlin immediately activate the First-level spell that had just been successfully constructed in his Awareness – Dark Light Realm!

"Dark Light Realm!"

Merlin let out a low growl. In mere moments, a light began to distort at a fast pace within the room that had been somewhat dark and dim before. In an instant, everything turned pitch-black. Even Mind Power was unable to probe for anything.

"A Darkness-type spell?"

For the first time, there was a change in the "rabbit" guardian's tone of voice. Immediately, Merlin could feel a violent fluctuation of Ice Elements and a thick slab of ice crystal surrounded the "rabbit" guardian's body, protecting it.

Although Merlin's Dark Light Realm was just a First-level spell, it was able to cause even Wizards who had the Mind Power level of a Third-level Spell Caster to fall into an illusion.

The "rabbit" guardian's Mind Power was extremely strong as well; it probably reached the peak of a Third-level Spell Caster. The ordinary First-level spell, Dark Light Realm, that Merlin cast did not cause the "rabbit" guardian to fall into an illusion. However, the "rabbit" guardian's tone of voice had also become solemn. It was obvious that coping with this would not be as easy as it had been a few months ago.

Three months ago, the "rabbit" guardian had dealt with Merlin in a way that had rendered him powerless to even put up a resistance.

Seeing that the ordinary Dark Light Realm did not seem to be affecting the "rabbit" guardian much, Merlin released a string of Dark Light Realms. Suddenly, he cast the strengthened version of Dark Light Realm.

Immediately, the entire room fell into pitch-black darkness. The ordinary Dark Light Realm was only able to cause Wizards with the Mind Power level of a Third-level Spell Caster to fall into an illusion, but the strengthened version of Dark Light Realm could plunge those with the peak of Third-level and even Fourth-level Spell Casters into illusions.

The "rabbit" guardian, which had still been able to control the Ice Elements earlier had already been plunged into an illusion after Merlin had released the strengthened version of Dark Light Realm. The only protection left for it was the thick slab of ice wall around it.

"Furious Flame!"

Merlin quickly released Furious Flame. With the great Mind Power that he possessed now, his control over spells was superb; not the slightest bit of the flames under his control escaped as they rumbled quickly toward the "rabbit" guardian.

Furthermore, it was not just a single Furious Flame that Merlin had released. He had let out ten of them consecutively. Half of the room was practically submerged in flames as the horrifying temperatures burnt everything in the chamber.

Merlin fixed his gaze quietly upon the fire that was spreading in the room. There was no way that the "rabbit" guardian, which had already been plunged into an illusion by Dark Light Realm, would be able to withstand this.

The strengthened version of Dark Light Realm could plunge Spell Casters at the peak of Third-level and even Fourth-level Spell Casters into illusions, including this "rabbit" guardian who was merely an Elemental Being. No matter how powerful it was, it was exposed to be slaughtered by anyone the moment it fell into an illusion.

This was also the powerful aspect of a Darkness-type spell, Dark Light Realm. Otherwise, Merlin would not have spent such a long time and so much effort to construct it.

The power of Dark Light Realm did not disappoint Merlin at all; it had defeated the powerful "rabbit" guardian the first time Merlin released it.

Soon, the flames began to gradually disappear. At the same time, the effects of Dark Light Realm started to weaken until light reappeared in the room. By then, the powerful "rabbit" guardian's white fur had become charred black, releasing an extremely horrible burnt smell.


Merlin's eyes narrowed slightly. Having been plunged into an illusion, the "rabbit" guardian had been forcefully subjected to more than ten of Merlin's Furious Flame attacks. It would not be able to withstand it even though it was an Elemental Being.


Just as Merlin was ready to walk further into the secret chamber, the "rabbit" guardian's body emitted a strange noise. The surface of its body began to crack, revealing snow-white fur.

"Little fellow, you've won. Go in!"

Suddenly, the "rabbit" guardian that had turned charred black spoke once more to Merlin.

"You're not dead?"

Merlin felt very astonished. He had clearly felt the power of Furious Flame earlier; there was absolutely no way for a body of flesh and blood to withstand that. It was obvious that the "rabbit" guardian had evolved from an Elemental Monster to an Elemental Being. It would not have been able to resist the attack of more than ten Furious Flames.

"How can I be dead? Elemental Beings like us evolve through special means by the previous master, but we didn't go through complete evolution and had only been able to evolve halfway. Don't think we're just bodies of flesh and blood; the insides of our bodies are still made of Ice Elements. We wouldn't die even if we're attacked by much stronger spells. As long as we're in this secret chamber, we can practically revive without limit. Unless the entire ancient tower is destroyed, in which case we would naturally disappear."

This "rabbit" guardian slowly explained everything. It turned out that the "rabbit" guardian was not a complete Elemental Being; it had merely evolved into half of an Elemental Monster. Only the surface of its body was flesh and blood; the rest of it was made of Ice Elements.

Furthermore, it could only move in the area of this secret chamber. This "rabbit" guardian would be able to revive instantly no matter how strong the attacks were.

However, the command given to it by the master of the ancient tower was just to stop Spell Casters who came to pass through the checkpoint. Once it was defeated, the checkpoint would be deemed to have been passed. Hence, it was unnecessary to kill the "rabbit" guardian.

Hence, Merlin had now successfully passed the checkpoint. Even though the "rabbit" guardian had revived, it would not attack him anymore.

Suddenly, there was a rumble.

As the "rabbit" guardian's voice died down, the thick slab of stone door opened once more. There was yet another secret chamber inside. This was where the master of the ancient tower had left his treasures.

Quickly, Merlin gave the "rabbit" guardian a slight nod before entering the innermost secret chamber.

The secret chamber was not very spacious. There were many gigantic pearls embedded in the four walls surrounding him. The light shining from those pearls lit up the entire secret chamber so brightly that it felt like it was daytime.

With just one glance, Merlin saw a few huge boxes covered with dust in the secret chamber.

He opened those few big boxes. Inside were some potion materials as well as elemental crystal stones. The Fire-type elemental crystal stones, in particular, were too numerous to count.

"Hellfire essence, firestones… As expected, the treasures needed to cultivate Fiery Collapse!"

Very quickly, Merlin could identify the treasures inside the boxes. Other than the Fire-type elemental crystal stones, there were some of the treasures required to cultivate Fiery Collapse. There were many of them, enough for Merlin to cultivate Fiery Collapse for a long time.

At least, there would not be much of a problem to cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse.

Merlin examined the contents for some time. Both the elemental crystal stones and the treasures required to cultivate Fiery Collapse were extremely numerous; this could be considered a huge fortune. Thus, Merlin stored all the treasures in those big boxes into his ring before slowly leaving the secret chamber.

Chapter 212: The First Form!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Outside the secret chamber, the flame sprite showed a smile when it saw Merlin. "Finally, you've come out. Congratulations on defeating Lister and obtaining the treasures left behind by Master."

The flame sprite watched over everything that transpired in the tower. The battle between Merlin and the "rabbit" guardian in the secret chamber naturally did not escape the flame sprite's eyes.

Merlin nodded as well. "I'm fortunate to obtain the treasures needed to cultivate Fiery Collapse. After I've successfully cultivated the first form of Fiery Collapse, can I leave the tower then?"

"That's right. Once you've cultivated the first form of Fiery Collapse, you can leave the tower with the Runic Magic Circle left behind by Master."

The flame sprite exclaimed cheerfully. As long as Merlin could rapidly cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse, it would be possible for him to cultivate the second form of Fiery Collapse successfully in the future as well.

When the time came, the flame sprite would have the chance to break off its bind and attain true freedom.

"You should cultivate Fiery Collapse quickly. The Fire Element is abundant in the ancient tower, so it's suitable for you to cultivate Fiery Collapse there."

The flame sprite urged Merlin to cultivate Fiery Collapse quickly.

Merlin nodded, then entered the anechoic chamber directly.

"The first form of Fiery Collapse has a white flame of extremely high temperature, capable of burning everything!"

In the anechoic chamber, Merlin carefully read some detailed notes about Fiery Collapse recorded in the Matrix.

In total, Fiery Collapse had three forms. The first form was white and could only be cultivated after the Spell Caster had constructed a First-level spell, either Furious Flame or Sea of Flames.

Its second form appeared to be in pale white. Moreover, it required the Spell Caster to possess some Fourth-level spells before cultivating it.

The third form of Fiery Collapse was almost transparent. Its cultivation method greatly differed from those of the first and second forms. Its third form had to be completely merged with the Spell Caster's self-created spell to finally form a type of strange flame.

In other words, he had to merge the third form of Fiery Collapse with his own Seventh-level spell to cultivate it. At that time, Fiery Collapse would have a terrifying strength, possessing a truly destructive power.

Merlin shook his head. It was still too far ahead for him to think about the second and third forms of Fiery Collapse. Right now, he only needed to cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse wholeheartedly in order to leave the ancient tower as soon as possible.

Thus, Merlin took out all the treasures such as hellfire essence, firestones, and so on that he had obtained from the secret chamber. They were all objects that contained a large number of Fire Elements.

Following that, Merlin began to use his Mind Power according to the cultivation method described on Fiery Collapse. He lightly etched a fire marking on his palm.

As soon as this fire marking appeared, Merlin immediately sensed that it somehow formed a connection with Furious Flame's Spell Model in his Awareness.

Thereafter, Merlin placed the treasures like firestones and hellfire essence on his palm according to the cultivation method. The fire marking on Merlin's palm began to emit a faint scorching aura and melted the firestones and hellfire essence. The treasures were all absorbed by the fire marking on his palm.

However, this was a gradual process; it would take a long time to cultivate the first form of Fiery Collapse. He would need to let the fire marking to turn from pale white to fiery red. Only then that it proved that he had successfully cultivated Fiery Collapse. With his current pace, it would take a minimum of a few months' time to cultivate Fiery Collapse.

Merlin was trapped in the ancient tower now, so he did not lack in time. Hence, as he cultivated the first form of Fiery Collapse, he continued using Ice-type elemental crystal stones to cultivate Glacial Finger.

Merlin's Glacial Finger had not been cultivated completely. During the first stage, his finger would be able to return to its initial color unlike now where his finger that was used to cultivate Glacial Finger had turned a pale white.

In the blink of an eye, half a year had gone past. The Dark Magic ring on Merlin's finger suddenly vibrated and emitted a faint light.

Merlin opened his eyes and glanced at the ring. With a frown, he said, "Wizard Leo is calling for me. It seems that the battle between the Dark Magic Region and Ozmu has ended."

Roughly estimating the time, Merlin had left the Dark Magic Region for about a year and a half now. Wizard Leo once said that Merlin and the others could return to the Dark Magic Region after about a year's time.

It appeared that the battle between the Dark Magic Region and Ozmu was finally over. Many Spell Casters had been called to return to the Dark Magic Region. However, Merlin was now trapped in the ancient tower; he had no way of leaving this place.

"I must make the best use of my time now. I've to succeed in cultivating the first form of Fiery Collapse within three months' time!"

Merlin raised his palm to find that the fire marking was already faintly painted in red. This was the first form of Fiery Collapse, but he had to cultivate it further. He would only be successful when the fire marking on his palm had completely turned red.

In the case of Glacial Finger, Merlin's finger had resumed its initial color now. He had successfully cultivated the first stage of Glacial Finger.

After three months, Merlin had been in the ancient tower for almost a year. Back then, he only had three years to cultivate when he joined the Dark Magic Region.

Once he had exceeded the three years' limit, Merlin would be sent out of the Dark Magic Region. That was if he had not returned to the Dark Magic Region or did not become a First-level Spell Caster. Merlin had long become a First-level Spell Caster, but he was trapped in the ancient tower. He was quickly approaching the three years' limit of the Dark Magic Region.

Merlin had joined the Dark Magic Region for more than two years now. He did not have much time left to cultivate Fiery Collapse in the ancient tower.


Suddenly, a scorching presence exploded and the temperature in the anechoic chamber escalated quickly. Then, strings of flame appeared in the air.

"I finally did it!"

Merlin opened his eyes and revealed a hint of elation. Then, he reached out his palm to find that the life-like fire making on his palm showed a fiery red.

This was the first form of Fiery Collapse. The key to look for when one succeeded in cultivating it was that the fire marking would turn a fiery red. It appeared just like a true flame.

"Let's test it. Pandora Demon Ability, Glacial Finger!"

Merlin wanted to test how powerful the first form of Fiery Collapse was, and the best subject to test was Merlin's Glacial Finger.

Merlin's Pandora Demon Ability, Glacial Finger, was also a powerful ability. The ice crystals it produced was extremely tough and cold. Even a Third-level Defensive spell could not stand against its freezing temperature.


The icy aura of Glacial Finger instantly frozen a hard rock and formed a gigantic gleaming ice crystal.

"Pandora Demon Ability, Fiery Collapse!"

Merlin reached out his pale palm and the fire marking on it vibrated slightly. Instantaneously, the Magic Power stored in the Spell Model of Furious Flame rushed into the fire marking frantically.

At the same time, a strange white flame appeared rapidly and winded around the ice crystal that was formed by Glacial Finger.

"Hiss! Hiss!"

The white flame encompassed the clear ice crystal and let out a series of hissing sounds. In the end, the tough ice crystal melted and turned into a pool of water on the ground.

Merlin gawked at the pool of water on the ground, feeling incredulous. Glacial Finger was also a Pandora Demon Ability. In addition, Merlin had completed the cultivation of the first stage of Glacial Finger, largely improving its strength.

However, Glacial Finger could not stand against the first form of Fiery Collapse at all; it could not even defend against it for even a moment. There was only one unique characteristic of Fiery Collapse – its high temperature to an unimaginable extent. Even the strongest magic robe could not withstand the burning of Fiery Collapse.

This was only the first form of Fiery Collapse. How strong could the second and the third form be? Merlin could not imagine it at all.

There were still distinctions between the Pandora Demon Abilities – Fiery Collapse was obviously more superior to Glacial Finger. Moreover, Merlin could also hide Fiery Collapse within his Fire-type spell when he encountered an enemy to bring a surprise element in his attack. As long as his opponent did not possess strong Defensive spells or Defensive casting tools, Merlin would have no issue dealing with his opponent.

"The cultivation of the first form of Fiery Collapse has completed. It's time to leave!"

Merlin stood up and left the anechoic chamber. Although the ancient tower was quiet and was considered a great place to be, Merlin would need to leave this place.

It was almost three years since he joined the Dark Magic Region. He would need to return to the Dark Magic Region and become its official member before the three years' limit.

Furthermore, Merlin had not forgotten about Wizard Riesen. The latter attacked Merlin by surprise and trapped him in the ancient tower. Merlin naturally would not let that pass when he left this place.

"Flame sprite, I've cultivated the first form of Fiery Collapse. Can I leave the ancient tower now?"

Merlin called out softly in front of the flame-shaped statue.

Soon, the flame sprite flew out of the flame-shaped statue. Its tone showed a hint of excitement. "You've finished cultivating the first form so soon? But if you really did, you can indeed leave the ancient tower now. I'll let the patterned spider lead you to a secret chamber that allows you to leave."

After saying that, the flame sprite sent out a strange mind fluctuation. Following that, the gigantic patterned spider that initially stayed in the corner stood up and glanced at Merlin and the flame sprite. Then, it turned around and entered a large secret chamber.

"Follow it. It'll lead you to the place that allows you to leave the ancient tower. But don't forget this – if you become a Fourth-level Spell Caster, you must come to the ancient tower again and defeat the guard of the secret chamber. Thereafter, you'll obtain the treasures needed to cultivate the second form of Fiery Collapse."

The flame sprite said in a tone full of expectations. After all, it really wanted to be free and Merlin was his sole hope. Only after Merlin had successfully cultivated the second form of Fiery Collapse, the flame sprite would be able to break free of its bind and obtain true freedom.

"I'll definitely come back."

Merlin nodded with a serious expression. Then, he trailed behind the patterned spider and quickly headed toward the place that could lead him out of the tower.