434 - 441

Chapter 434: The Thunder Maxim

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Thunder was a violent element by nature. Although both Thunder-type spells and Fire-type spells were Offensive spells, there was a vast difference between the two.

Fire-type Offensive spells were mostly longer-lasting or used high temperatures to burn their opponents. These spells could be sustained for extended periods but their explosive powers were weaker by comparison.

On the other hand, Thunder-type spells were distinctive in their instantaneous explosive powers. Their biggest advantage was that they were extremely violent, and could detonate an explosion of unparalleled power in an instant.

The same was true of the Thunder Maxim. A violent, destructive aura filled the surrounding atmosphere. Despite Merlin's wide repertoire of tactics, if even the slightest trace of the power of the Thunder Maxim had leaked out, he would not be able to withstand the terrifying power of the Thunder Maxim.

However, Merlin was now holding the Neverending Book with all three volumes combined, which acted as a key to absorb and fuse together with the Thunder Maxim. Only with the three volumes of the Neverending Book in hand that it was possible to get close to the Thunder Maxim without harm.

Merlin's figure quickly moved toward the Thunder Maxim. The violent aura continued to swirl around the chamber. However, with the protection of the Neverending Book, he was safe.

Although Merlin was not harmed by the Thunder Maxim, the closer he got toward the violent Thunder Maxim, a terrifying amount of pressure began to exert on the Thunder-type Spell Models in his body. It felt as if these Spell Models would collapse if he got any closer to the Thunder Maxim.

Fortunately for Merlin, all his Spell Models had been carefully constructed by the Matrix, especially his Fourth-level spells, which were completely derived using the Matrix. Their compatibilities were as high as a hundred percent. Thus, the Spell Models were extremely stable and able to withstand such great pressure.

Perhaps, this was also one of the tests of the Great Legend. If someone was unable to bear the force of the Thunder Maxim and as a result his Spell Models collapsed, how then would such a Wizard be worthy of inheriting the Thunder Maxim?


Merlin fiercely bit his lip and despite the huge pressure on his body, increased his pace. Quickly, he came before the Thunder Maxim. With an outstretched hand, he grabbed the Thunder Maxim in his hand.


The Thunder Maxim exploded with a burst of violent power. Merlin felt like he was completely submerged in water, unable to put up even a trace of resistance as the Thunder Maxim pierced into his body.

However, the Thunder Maxim was unlike the Ice Maxim. For one, the Thunder Maxim was massive. Its size was even bigger than both the original Flame Maxim and the Ice Maxim put together.

Despite such a massive Thunder Maxim entering Merlin's Awareness, it stayed genially inside his Awareness. Of course, the reason for its geniality was because Merlin possessed the three volumes of the Neverending Book, thus fulfilling the preconditions set by the Great Legend who had left behind the Thunder Maxim. As a result, Merlin was able to obtain the Thunder Maxim smoothly.

The fact that he was able to obtain the Thunder Maxim so easily stumped even Merlin himself. In an instant, the terrifying and suffocating aura in the chamber subsided.

At a glance, it might have seemed easy for Merlin to obtain the Maxim. However, the truth was, obtaining the Thunder Maxim required the combination of three volumes of the Neverending Book, and possessing any individual volume would reveal nothing but false leads.

Thus, even after so many years, the only Wizard who had managed to compile all three volumes was Merlin. Furthermore, it was partly attributed to chance that he had managed to compile the three volumes. Therefore, although it appeared simple for Merlin to obtain the Thunder Maxim, it required a perfect alignment of a series of circumstances to be able to smoothly obtain it.

The Thunder Maxim sat quietly in Merlin's Awareness. Although it had been deliberately left behind by the mysterious Legendary Wizard to be inherited by another Spell Caster, due to the unique nature of Maxims, its power would not be able to be used by anyone besides a Legend.

Nevertheless, this Thunder Maxim also contained a message. Inside the Thunder Maxim was a message from Wizard Saitu, the mysterious Legend who left behind the three volumes of the Neverending Book.

Wizard Saitu was a powerful Wizard who had achieved Legendary status through this Thunder Maxim. The purpose of him leaving behind this Maxim was attributed to his own impulsive behavior. If anyone managed to obtain this Thunder Maxim, the person would be able to go to a specific dimension to search for Wizard Saitu. Then, upon passing Wizard Saitu's test, the person would become Wizard Saitu's student.

Merlin slowly opened his eyes. He had received all the information contained in the Thunder Maxim. He did not expect that this Wizard Saitu occupied a dimension.

During the Spell Casters' most glorious era, Legendary Wizards exiled the gods and began to step into other dimensions. One after another, the dimensions were occupied by Spell Casters. With the accumulation of large amounts of resources, countless powerful Wizards were able to be molded.

Therefore, some of the powerful Legendary Wizards occupied one or more dimensions. Wizard Saitu was obviously a powerful Wizard who occupied his own dimension.

However, many years had passed since then, and even the Molta Empire had collapsed and became nothing but a drop in the endless flowing river of history. There were no longer any Legendary Wizards left in the Glorious Land. In addition, it was unknown whether this Wizard Saitu was still alive.

Merlin took a deep breath and said slowly, "This discovery about the dimension is still far from my reach. The most important problem to solve is this ticking time-bomb, the fourth form of the Darkness Eye. It's most unfortunate that despite obtaining this Thunder Maxim, I can only temporarily delay but not eradicate the backlash from the fourth form of Darkness Eye!

In order to control the fourth form of Darkness Eye, Merlin would have to wait until he leveled-up to a Seventh-level Wizard where his Mind Power had undergone a transformation and had constructed a Seventh-level Darkness-type spell. Only then, would he be able to subdue the fourth form of Darkness Eye.

Before that, even with the power of the Maxim, all the Maxim could do was suppress the fourth form of Darkness Eye. Additionally, to keep it constantly suppressed would require steady consumption of the Maxim. If the fourth form of Darkness Eye was wielded, then it would consume even more of the Maxim to suppress its backlash.

Therefore, upon obtaining the Thunder Maxim, the first thought that came to Merlin's mind was not to derive new Fifth-level spells but to check how long would it be able to suppress the fourth form of Darkness Eye.

According to Merlin's analysis which was based on the current consumption rate of existing Maxims used to suppress Darkness Eye, as long as he did not wield the fourth form of Darkness Eye frequently, the Thunder Maxim would be able to suppress Darkness Eye for another few decades.

The time period of a few decades was probably nothing more than a snap of a finger to most average Spell Casters but in Merlin's eyes, it was a relatively long time.

This was because from the time Merlin first came into contact with spells up to his present level, his growth had taken less than a decade. Thus, a few decades were enough for Merlin to make earth-shattering changes.


Merlin exhaled deeply. With the Thunder Maxim, he could temporarily stop worrying about the backlash of Darkness Eye. Based on the current growth pace of Merlin's Mind Power, a few decades would be enough for him to become a Seventh-level Spell Caster.

However, the only remaining concern was how to derive new spells. Regardless of Fifth-, Sixth- or Seventh-level spells, they all required large amounts of Maxim to be derived.

As a result of the divinity, Merlin's Mind Power had achieved the peak of Sixth-level, so he was able to construct a number of Fifth-level spells. Due to the scarcity of Maxim, however, he was considering whether he should first use some of the power from the Thunder Maxim to derive some spells and become a Fifth-level Spell Caster as soon as possible.

However, with much consideration, Merlin temporarily set aside the idea to use the Thunder Maxim to derive Fifth-level spells. After all, the Thunder Maxim had been difficult to obtain, and thus, he should not simply exhaust it.

Perhaps, this was also the final Maxim that Merlin would be able to find. Hence, it was most important to use it to suppress Darkness Eye.

As for the derivation of new Fifth-level spells, Merlin could take a closer look at the Matrix in the future, whether it could only derive new spell using Maxims.

If it was possible to leverage on other kinds of powers to derive new spells, then Merlin would no longer have to worry about the scarcity of Maxim. Regardless, all of these will require more time to ponder.


Merlin left the chamber and flew out of the passage.


Wizards Ernie and Watson quickly flew before Merlin while Puppet Number Three walked mechanically to Merlin's side.

"Did anyone come here?"

Merlin asked slowly.

"Master, the Mill clan seems to revere your power, so they did not dare send anyone else here." Wizard Ernie reported with a tinge of pride. Earlier on, Merlin had casually slain three Seventh-level Wizards who were even more powerful than Ernie and Watson. While this shocked Wizard Ernie to no end, he was also somewhat thankful.

As long as they tried their best to follow after Merlin and gave their best, even as slaves, they would definitely reap some benefits from him. Merlin was already so powerful right now and would likely become even more powerful in the future. So, following a powerful Wizard would not humiliate their statuses as Seventh-level Wizards.

The principles of Spell Casters in Subzero Snowfield differed greatly from those who had matured in peaceful environments. In Subzero Snowfield, they abided by "the survival of the fittest" rule, so following after a powerful Wizard was not considered shameful in the least.

A strange glimmer flashed in Merlin's eyes, and a smile appeared on his lips. "No one came? Even though the Mill clan did not come, I have some questions to ask them!"

Upon finishing his words, Merlin's figure rose into the sky and flew toward the foot of the mountain. Ernie and the others exchanged a look with one another and quickly followed behind him, flying toward the Mill clan at the foot of the mountain.

Chapter 435: The Mill Clan

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Soaring above the lush green forest were three Spell Caster in long white robes, flying slowly toward one of the distant peaks. One of them was a purple-haired female Wizard, and upon seeing the peak that towered into the clouds, she laughed. "Wizard Seashell, in front of us now is Sky-Piercing Peak. There's a Spell Caster clan called the Mill clan in Sky-Piercing Peak. They have a long history as well as a powerful heritage. The clan has three Seventh-level Spell Casters whose abilities aren't too bad!"

"Not too bad?"

Next to her, a strange and rough-looking man with a few large golden earrings in his ear sneered. "No matter how powerful the Mill clan is, could they be more powerful than the Sina clan that we've just slaughtered ten days ago?"

This Sina clan was not a simple clan as they had produced an Eighth-level Spell Caster!

An Eighth-level Spell Caster may seem insignificant to spell casters' organizations but for a Spell Caster clan to produce an Eighth-level Spell Caster was an earth-shattering event.

Many powerful Spell Caster clans had never produced any Eighth-level Spell Casters. Since the emergence of the Eighth-level Wizard, the Sina clan quickly became one of the top Spell Caster clans in the southern Spell Caster world.

Even so, this powerful Spell Caster clan which produced an Eighth-level Spell Caster was reduced to ashes by the hands of these three Spell Casters. The entire clan was wiped out overnight.

Particularly, it was the leader among the three – Wizard Seashell – who had personally delivered the killing blow on the Eighth-level Wizard from the Sina clan. Right now, these three had flown all the way to Sky-Piercing Peak, and their target was the Mill clan at the foot of Sky-Piercing Peak.

In the great conference hall of the Mill clan, there were several Spell Casters. Most of them were Sixth-level Wizards with strong elemental fluctuations all over their bodies.

Despite a large number of powerful Spell Casters gathered together, there was no movement. The atmosphere felt unusually dull, and many Spell Casters held a somber expression like a great calamity had befallen.


Suddenly, an aged Wizard at the front of the great hall clapped his hand and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, the Mill clan is now facing the most precarious situation we've ever met. A few days ago, three Wizards from Ozmu, led by an Eighth-level Wizard named Seashell, began to select some Spell Caster clans to be slaughtered, and even the powerful Sina clan was completely eradicated. We've received news that these three, including Seashell, are heading toward Sky-Piercing Peak. There's a possibility that the Mill clan will be their next target."

This news was obviously already known to the Spell Casters sitting in the great hall but they were helpless against it. Everyone felt a great danger descending upon them.

The Sina clan was a powerful Spell Caster clan that had produced an Eighth-level Spell Caster. It considered one of the top Spell Caster clans in the southern Spell Caster world.

However, even such a powerful clan had been easily wiped out. The Mill clan might be powerful but they would not be able to resist Wizard Seashell and the others.

All the Spell Casters in Ozmu were prodigies in their own right, so anyone below or at the same level as they were rarely a worthy opponent. In this case, the Eighth-level Wizard Seashell was equivalent to a few extraordinary Eight-level Spell Casters combined.

"Clan leader, where are the three elders? Though this place is the foundation of the Mill clan, with the current situation, we better not dig our heels and instead move away as a clan! Worse comes to worst, we'll just leave the southern Spell Caster world altogether."

"That's right, the southern Spell Caster world is completely mired in chaos right now. The Three Major Spell Caster organizations wanted to defeat Ozmu, and if they had succeeded, it would've been fine but they lost the battle and even a Great Wizard. Hmph, now all of them have retreated like a bunch of cowards to their respective organizations. They may have various trump cards that are enough to fend-off Ozmu's attacks, but ironically, it is us, the small Spell Caster clans and small spell casters' organizations that are being thrown under the bus instead. Ozmu's revenge would be undoubtedly terrifying. How would we be able to resist them?"

"Ozmu is made up of a bunch of lunatics. They were unable to defeat the Three Major Spell Caster organizations, so they swore a blood purification of the entire southern Spell Caster world to eradicate the roots of the Three Major Spell Caster organizations! Facing this bunch of lunatics, there's nothing the Mill clan can do. Let's move away as soon as possible."

"Move, move, the Mill clan cannot lose its heritage. No matter the price, we need to move away from here."

The atmosphere in the great hall livened up in an instant. Most of the Spell Casters agreed to leave together as a clan.

It was a very difficult decision to make. The Mill clan had established themselves in Sky-Piercing Peak for a very long time, at least a few hundred years, and was deeply rooted in this place. Once they left this place, it would be akin to losing their roots. It was also uncertain whether the Mill clan would be able to achieve such a glorious status again in the future.

Nevertheless, facing the life and death of the clan, moving the clan away seemed to be the only option.

The Mill clan leader raised his head and swept a glance throughout the great hall. He nodded. "The three Seventh-level Spell Casters also toyed with the idea of moving, but due to the gravity of the implications, they were unable to make a decision. Earlier, one of the clan members reported that a few suspicious Spell Casters were trying to enter Sky-Piercing Peak, so the three Seventh-level Wizards went ahead to assess the situation. Let's wait a while for the three Seventh-level Wizards to come back before deciding!"

Upon the clan leader's mention of the three Seventh-level Spell Casters, many Wizards in the great hall felt their hearts raced slightly. The news about the three Seventh-level Spell Casters checking up on the suspicious intruders to Sky-Piercing Peak, however, were not considered sensational in their opinion.

After all, the secret in Sky-Piercing Peak was well-known by all the Wizards here. It was the biggest secret among the Mill clan as well as the reason they had decided to guard the surroundings of Sky-Piercing Peak in the first place.

"Who are these mysterious Spell Casters? Did Ozmu arrive already?"

Some Wizards began to worry because until now, the three Seventh-level Wizards had not returned.

"That's impossible. Ozmu only dispatched three Wizards, and the daring intruders trying to enter Sky-Piercing Peak was a group of four. Let's wait a little longer, the three Wizards should be done soon."

Regarding the abilities of the three Seventh-level Wizards, the Spell Casters in the Mill clan were extremely confident. The fact that all three of them had departed together was a formidable force that would be able to solve most troubles.

This time, however, they were about to be disappointed. Just as the clan leader finished speaking, a cold voice reverberated from outside the great hall.

"I'm afraid you'll be disappointed. Those three old farts will never come back again…"

"Who's that?"

Most of the Spell Casters in the great hall were taken by surprise and stood up in a flurry. Countless Mind Powers began to check their surroundings but it was not necessary as soon enough, four figures flew into the great hall.

Leading the way was a young Spell Caster cloaked in a long black Wizard robe. The aura fluctuation on his body was not very strong but the elemental fluctuations emitted by the two Spell Casters beside him was extremely terrifying as they belonged to Seventh-level Spell Casters.

"Seventh-level Wizards?"

"Who are you?"

"Are these the people from Ozmu?"

The Spell Casters in the Mill clan immediately began to clamor, their gazes locked on the four Wizards who had appeared out of nowhere. They were stunned beyond belief. The news was too shocking. The three most powerful Wizards of the Mill clan, the only three Seventh-level Spell Casters, were dead!

For a moment, everyone suspected that Wizard Seashell from Ozmu had arrived.

"Clan leader, they are the ones who tried to enter Sky-Piercing Peak!"

A Fourth-level Spell Caster reported in a trembling voice.

"What actually happened to the three Wizards?"

The leader of the Mill clan, despite harboring a bad premonition, still could not believe it. How could three Seventh-level Wizards who went to deal with "a tiny little problem" died just like that?


A dark red figure dashed forward and slammed into the midway-speaking Mill clan leader. Then, in an instant, this dark figure turned into a stone giant. Regardless of however many spells were released by its opponents, the stone giant was completely unaffected. It simply shook them off.

This dark red figure was Puppet Number Three which was controlled by Merlin, and this group of Wizards was none other than Merlin accompanied by Ernie and the others.


Puppet Number Three smashed the Mill clan leader's defensive spell with a single punch. Then, with a sweep, it grabbed and dragged him before Merlin.

"Clan leader!"

For a moment, numerous Spell Casters in the great hall began to react aggressively. They were ready to attack without regard but Wizards Ernie and Watson immediately wielded strong powerful spells in response. In an instant, the entire great hall plunged into an icy cold atmosphere, and two terrifying bursts of pressure filled the great hall.

The Wizards who were initially reckless and eager to attack gradually stopped their desperate actions.

Even if all the Spell Casters in the great hall had combined together, they would not be able to defeat both Ernie and Watson, two Seventh-level Spell Casters. Although the difference between the Sixth- and Seventh-level was only one level, the gap between their abilities was like heaven and earth. There were fundamental differences between the two.

Merlin, who was securely protected between both Ernie and Watson, turned his gaze toward the ashen-faced Mill clan leader.

"Earlier, you mentioned that the Three Major Spell Caster Organizations lost. What happened?"

Merlin asked in a calm voice.

"You're not from Ozmu?"

The Mill clan leader was stumped. The power demonstrated by these Wizards were formidable but they did not appear to be from Ozmu.

"Answer my question!"

Merlin stared at him unblinkingly and the tone of his voice turned icier. A tinge of murderous intent began to radiate off his body, which secretly frightened both Ernie and Watson. They realized that Merlin's murderous intent seemed to be getting stronger recently.

In fact, this situation was not only realized by Ernie and Watson but was also vaguely felt by Merlin himself. He noticed that he was becoming more and more "vicious", and that murderous intents bubbled up easily in his heart. These were all the unseen influence brought about by Darkness Eye, and for Merlin, it was not a good thing.

Right now, however, he had no way to solve the influence of Darkness Eye.

Chapter 436: Complicated Battle Lines

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sensing the murderous intent rolling off from Merlin, the Mill clan leader took one glance at Merlin and understood his current predicament, so he sighed and began describing the current situation of the entire southern Spell Caster world.

"Initially, under the leadership of the Three Major Spell Caster organizations, the southern Spell Caster world launched a mission to destroy Ozmu! Ozmu's old nest was discovered by the Three Major Spell Caster Organizations, so they united the powers of almost the entire southern Spell Caster world as well as six Great Wizards, countless Ninth-level Wizards, and numerous rune-proficient Wizards. Their force was so incredible that it might have been even mightier than the vicious war with the Kingdom of Light!

"However, the southern Spell Caster world lost badly! Ozmu managed to join forces with a few large spell casters' organizations from the northern Spell Caster world. The northern Spell Caster world dispatched a few Great Wizards and they laid in wait for the attack. There was an ambush, and following a most excruciating battle, Shadow Thorn, Blacksand Fort, and Miracle City all lost a Great Wizard. The southern Spell Caster world came back with massive losses. Since then, the Three Major Spell Casters Organizations have retreated to their respective organizations to lick their wounds, relying on their own trump cards to fend off Ozmu.

"Hmph. Those Three Major Spell Caster organizations can be a bunch of cowardly mice, and Ozmu will not be able to touch them but what can we do? Ozmu is made up of a bunch of lunatics, so they began to send their Wizards everywhere to slaughter and destroy Spell Caster clans and organizations. Those lunatics simply wreak destruction without purpose!"

Upon mention of Ozmu's behavior, a trace of hatred appeared on the clan leader's face. In fact, Ozmu's behavior would make any Spell Caster indignant.

Merlin had been staring at the aged Wizard, and he could feel that the aged Wizard was not lying. If what the aged Wizard said was true, then the current situation of the southern Spell Caster world might be even more chaotic than before he left.

"Now the northern Spell Caster world is also involved. I thought that the northern spell casters' organizations generally would not get involved in matters of the southern Spell Caster world? Why are they interfering this time? What benefits did Ozmu promise them?"

Merlin frowned. He could sense that the battle lines were becoming more and more complicated. This was, in fact, true as the battle line of the southern Spell Caster world was growing more chaotic by the day. It was to an extent that even the Three Major Spell Caster organizations were reluctant to show their faces and would only hide in their respective organizations.

"As to why the northern Spell Caster organizations would interfere, no one knows but it must somehow be Ozmu's doing. As to what benefits were promised to twist the hands of the northern spell casters' organizations, I'm afraid only Ozmu would know."

The Mill clan leader shook his head. He only knew the basics. The details of the matter were unbeknownst to a small Spell Caster clan leader like himself.

Being able to call upon the help of the Great Wizards from the northern spell casters' organizations must have cost Ozmu a bomb, but regardless, it helped them tide over their crisis and also won them the battle. The southern Spell Caster world no longer had the power to fight back.

Now, even the Three Major Spell Caster organizations had become cowardly mice, leaving the small and medium-sized spell casters' organizations and clans to fend for themselves against the powerful lunatics of Ozmu.

"You said that Ozmu is madly slaughtering and destroying the spell casters' organizations?"

Merlin furrowed his eyebrows, and a bad feeling trickled into his heart. If Ozmu had truly gone so berserk, then wouldn't the Dark Magic Region be in danger as well?

The Mill clan leader was slightly surprised but answered, "Going against the spell casters' organizations is slightly more difficult because even the smaller-sized spell casters' organizations tend to have a strong foundation that's hard to destroy. Most of Ozmu's targets have been Spell Caster clans. Nevertheless, Ozmu's recent behavior has been too crazy. I'm afraid even the spell casters' organizations in the southern Spell Caster world will not be spared."

Merlin wanted to ask for further details but he suddenly frowned, and turned around sharply, his gaze transfixed outside the great hall.


Outside the great hall, there was a flash of violent elemental fluctuations followed by columns of flames that surrounded almost the entire Mill clan.

This was an indiscriminate and devastating attack on the Mill clan. The spell was a powerful Seventh-level spell!

"Haha. The Mill clan, be destroyed!"

Accompanying the violent spell were several bursts of maniacal laughter.

Many of the Spell Casters in the great hall paled. Someone exclaimed, "It's Ozmu, It's definitely Ozmu this time!"

"Besides Ozmu, no one would directly launch such a destructive attack!"

The Mill clan already received news that Ozmu had sent out three Spell Casters led by Wizard Seashell who were crazily slaughtering and destroying everything along their way in the southern Spell Caster world.

Furthermore, the direction that Seashell and the others were moving in was exactly toward Sky-Piercing Peak, so their arrival at the Mill clan was just a matter of time. The crowd in the great hall were still discussing whether to move as a clan to escape Ozmu's attack but had no idea that it was already too late. Seashell and the others had arrived.

The scorching flames spread into the great hall. In an instant, the great hall turned into a blistering hot stove.

Ernie and Watson exchanged a look at each other, and Ice Elements began to flash on their bodies. Amidst the sea of fire, slivers of cold air began to descend as both wielded Seventh-level Ice-type spells.

Both Ernie and Watson were Spell Casters who originated from Subzero Snowfield. It was a place where all sorts of resources were scarce but were naturally bestowed with a unique environment. Therefore, the Ice-type spells from Subzero Snowfield were all highly unique, and their execution was flawless.

Thus, both their Ice-type spells immediately extinguished the flames in the great hall, and also spread outward to try to break the opponent's Fire-type spell.

In the sky above the Mill clan, three powerful Spell Casters were coldly watching the destruction that was wrought upon the building by fire and tornado. Regardless of how much the Spell Casters of the Mill clan struggled, these three remained indifferent and their gazes were unbothered.

Suddenly, amidst the sea of flames, white slivers of cold air began to rise. The cold air extinguished a large area of flames and continued to spread to the surroundings, attempting to extinguish the flames.

The man with giant golden earrings on his ears sneered. "Seventh-level spells… Looks like the three old chaps from the Mill clan have acted. Anyway, these three are just ordinary Seventh-level Spell Casters without any Pandora Demon Ability – the weakest lot of Seventh-level Wizards. How would they be able to stand against us?"

As he spoke, the man with the golden earrings brought his hands together, and the Fire Elements on his body began fluctuating violently, painting the sky with a shade of fiery red.

The man with the golden earrings opened his eyes and they seemed to be glowing with fire. He stretched out a finger into the sky.


It was like the entire sky was on fire. Blazes of flames began to rain down with a ferocious vengeance onto the Mill clan. The previously half-extinguished flames roared to life and burned bigger and more aggressive than before. Even the white slivers of cold air could not withstand any longer and were burned to ashes.

"Hehe. Looks like those three old chaps can't hold it anymore. It won't take long before we destroy the Mill clan and continue to our next target…"

The three Spell Casters in the air were relaxed. They did not regard the Mill clan as a threat and paid no attention to the three Seventh-level Spell Casters from the Mill clan.

"Such a powerful elemental fluctuation… They're using Pandora Demon Ability. I'm not a worthy enough opponent. Master, please punish me!"

In the great hall, Wizard Ernie paled slightly. The confrontation of spells earlier had already yielded a winner. Ernie, who did not possess any Pandora Demon Ability, was far from comparable to the three Spell Casters outside.

At this moment, the temperature in the great hall climbed once again. Even the stone pillars in the great hall emitted a burning scent. Though none of the Spell Casters in the great hall were weak and released their own defensive spells, they were close to breaking point.


Merlin raised his head fiercely and a tinge of ruthlessness flashed across his eyes. There was obviously no love lost between him and Ozmu. Back then, it was because of the threat of the Black-White Great Wizard from Ozmu that forced Wizard Leo to wield the fourth form of Darkness Eye.

Wizard Leo's death had a very direct correlation with Ozmu!

"Glacier Country!"

Merlin commanded in a whisper. In an instant, huge Glacier Country descended. Its translucent shimmer glowed brightly and covered the entire Mill clan.

The range of Merlin's Glacier Country could be either big or small as controlled by Merlin. However, the bigger it was stretched, the lesser its power compared to a smaller range.

Nevertheless, this vast sea of flames was merely an ordinary Pandora Demon Ability, so no matter how big the range of Glacier Country was stretched, it would still be able to easily suppress the flames.

"Sputter sputter sputter."

In an instant, the frigid blasts from Glacier Country had extinguished all the flames. As a special Pandora Demon Ability, its power was comparatively powerful.


At the same time, Merlin's Mind Power locked onto the three Ozmu Spell Casters in the sky. Hence, his body flashed, and he flew out of the great hall.

Many of the Spell Casters in the great hall gazed at one another blankly with dumb stricken looks etched on their faces. Seeing that Ernie and the others no longer cared about them and flew behind Merlin, the Spell Casters were slightly undecided on what to do.

"Clan leader, let's leave quickly. No matter whether these mysterious Wizards or Ozmu win the battle, we won't stand to gain anything. Let's move right now."

"A large-scale eviction is impossible now but if the Sixth-level Spell Casters sneak away, we can make it. Clan leader, don't hesitate anymore. The Mill clan cannot be destroyed under our watch!"

All the Sixth-level Spell Casters thought that it was a good opportunity for them to escape.

However, the clan leader took one look at the translucent glow that surrounded the entire Mill clan and smiled bitterly. "If I'm not mistaken, this is a unique spell, similar to a Runic Magic Circle. We're all trapped inside. Without the consent of the mysterious Wizard, it's impossible for us to leave."

After listening to the clan leader, the Spell Casters hurriedly used their Mind Powers to investigate. One by one, their faces darkened. It was as the clan leader had said – they were unable to leave.

"Let's go out and see what we can do. After all, these Spell Casters don't seem fond of Ozmu. If they win, perhaps there's still a glimmer of hope that the Mill clan can be saved!"

Compared to Ozmu, the Mill clan was more hopeful that Merlin and the others would win because only then would there be a glimmer of hope for the Mill clan.

After all, it seemed that Merlin was not as "violent" as Ozmu, and would not destroy the clan for no reason.

"Clan leader, we obey you. When it becomes necessary, we can even help those mysterious Spell Casters defeat the lunatics from Ozmu!"

None of the Spell Casters in the great hall held any fond feelings toward Ozmu. Therefore, under the leadership of the clan leader, many of the Spell Casters in the great hall flew out.

Chapter 437: Merlin from the Dark Magic Region!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Outside the great hall, the three Spell Casters in mid-air were somewhat stunned, especially Wizard Seashell in the middle, who narrowed his eyes as he fixed a gaze on that layer of translucent light blanketing the surroundings of the entire Mill clan.

It was the moment this translucent light appeared that his companion's Pandora Demon Ability became ineffective. The flames which swept the mountains were extinguished instantly, sealed completely by ice.

This was an absolute suppressive effect. For there to be such a difference between their spells, it proved that there was a Spell Caster in the Mill clan who was even greater than a Seventh-level Wizard of Ozmu.

"How is this possible? The Mill clan is merely a Spell Caster clan. All three of their Seventh-level Spell Casters are the weakest Seventh-level Wizards who have no Pandora rDemon Abilities. How can there be such a powerful spell?"

The Wizard with gigantic golden earrings wore a rather disbelieving look. His spell was wiped out just like that, and it was done by someone from the Mill clan.

"That isn't a Spell Caster from the Mill clan!"

Suddenly, Wizard Seashell who had not said a word, spoke faintly as his gaze sharpened slightly.

Following his gaze, the other two Spell Casters saw as well that a black-robed Wizard had emerged below from the hall in the Mill clan.

Moreover, this black-robed Wizard was very peculiar. He had a breezy manner and an expression of utmost calm. Traces of restrained Wind Elemental fluctuations flickered over his body, and he rose into the sky step after step until he was standing opposite Wizard Seashell and the rest.

"You're not a Spell Caster from the Mill clan. Speak, who are you?"

There was a graveness in Wizard Seashell's expression, but his tone was still a haughty. In his eyes, other than Spell Casters from Ozmu, there were very few individuals who could face him on equal terms.

Although the black-robed man before his eyes had a powerful spell, it merely made Wizard Seashell slightly warier, who was still far from acknowledging this man. Wizard Seashell was an Eighth-level Spell Caster, one who was in Ozmu, being far stronger than the average Eighth-level Wizard. With that sort of powers, he could afford to look with contempt at most people.

"Merlin from the Dark Magic Region!"

The black-robed Spell Caster was, in fact, Merlin. His wore an unperturbed look and did not even glance at the other two Seventh-level Wizards. His gaze fixed only onto the Wizard in the middle. Only this Spell Caster gave him an intense sense of threat.

The one who was able to cause such an intense sense of threat was the Eighth-level Wizard – Wizard Seashell – that the Mill clan had so feared.

"Merlin, you're the Merlin who inherited Wizard Leo's Darkness Eye?"

Seashell was slightly taken aback but a flash of glee crossed his face thereafter. He had always stayed in Ozmu and did not know much about matters outside. However, he had imprinted Merlin's name deep into his mind.

This was because that insufferably arrogant Kleis was defeated by Wizard Leo, which was to say he was defeated by the special Pandora Demon Ability Darkness Eye. Furthermore, after Merlin had inherited Darkness Eye, Kleis was unable to contend against him anymore.

Due to Kleis, Seashell remembered Merlin, and in particular, the fact that Merlin possessed Darkness Eye. Seashell himself just so happened to be a powerful Darkness Wizard.

As an Eighth-level Darkness Wizard, he was relatively powerful. Otherwise, Seashell could not have possibly killed another Eighth-level Wizard in the past. Moreover, it had been a piece of cake for him to kill that Wizard immediately.

Merlin was rather surprised. He did not expect that even an Eighth-level Wizard of Ozmu would know of him. Perhaps this was due to his Darkness Eye. After all, Darkness Eye was a special Pandora Demon Ability. Any Spell Caster who possessed it would attract the attention of many Spell Casters.


Without the slightest warning, Seashell attacked, and his first move was an earth-shattering spell, causing the entire sky to turn pitch-dark.

"A Darkness spell?"

Merlin was briefly stunned that his opponent had wielded a Darkness spell. He had Darkness Heart and had an incredible resistance toward most Darkness spells.

Nonetheless, Merlin dared not let down his guard. Although he had Darkness Heart, it merely had resistance toward the majority of Darkness spells. Wizard Seashell was an Eighth-level Wizard, and the spell he cast was an Eighth-level spell as well. Even if it was a Darkness spell, it would be impossible for Merlin to use Darkness Heart to withstand it completely.

Since it was impossible, Merlin no longer had any reservations. He regarded Seashell highly for the force Seashell emanated induced in Merlin an intense sense of threat.

Therefore, once he attacked, Merlin did not hesitate in the slightest and instantly unleashed the fourth form of Darkness Eye.

"Darkness Eye, control!"

A giant ghostly face appeared above Merlin's head, accompanied by bursts of high-pitched laughter. The faces flickered past incessantly and appeared extremely eerie, causing anyone who looked at it tremble with fear.

A blood-red light shot out from Merlin's palm. This was no longer the first time Merlin had cast the fourth form of Darkness Eye, and he appeared to do this in a routine manner. After he had unleashed the fourth form, Merlin perceived that the Thunder Maxim he had just received was evidently being consumed at a greater speed than usual.

Each time he wielded the fourth form of Darkness Eye, he would use up a portion of the power of the Maxim. After all, it had to be used to suppress the fourth form, which caused an even greater backlash. Naturally, he would need to consume more power from the Maxim.

The crimson light was eye-piercing even in the darkness. It engulfed Wizard Seashell all at once. The spell Wizard Seashell had initially cast, which had resulted in that wide blanket of Darkness Element, caused no end of alarm as if one was faced with a god who could not be defeated.

Wizard Seashell was that god in the darkness. The wide-ranging Darkness Element seemed to contain countless Black-armored Giants condensed from the endless Darkness Element. They emerged and vanished unpredictably, hidden in the darkness, ready to deliver a mortal blow at any time.

This was Wizard Seashell's Eighth-level spell which was even merged with a Pandora Demon Ability. The might of such a spell was so terrifying that not even Merlin could contend against it, being only able to wield the fourth form of Darkness Eye in response.

"How is this possible?"

Wizard Seashell stared at Merlin in wordless shock. In the instant the blood-red light shrouded him, he felt his control over Darkness Element vanished immediately. Even when he used Mind Power to stimulate the Spell Model, he was no longer capable of casting the spell.

At that moment, the Elements were controlled by Darkness Eye, and he had no way of casting spells at all!

Wizard Seashell was still struggling, and he could feel that there was a faint loosening of control. Nevertheless, Merlin would not give him any more time. The fourth form of Darkness Eye was able to easily strip away an Eight-level Wizard's control over Elements. This was the strongest feature of Darkness Eye.

However, in general, only Wizards above the Seventh-level were able to unleash the fourth form of Darkness Eye. Merlin was totally relying on the power of the Maxim to suppress the backlash force of Darkness Eye in order to unleash it.

"There's nothing that's impossible. The next time, if I see Kleis, he might not have a chance to escape! Still, you won't be able to see how he ends up then…"

Merlin glared unwaveringly at Seashell, and his tone became even icier.

Chapter 438: Hastening Back to the Dark Magic Region I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The blood-red glow flickered constantly. The fourth form of Darkness Eye had controlled Wizard Seashell's Element, making it an immense challenge to cast even one spell.

A Spell Caster who was stripped off their ability to cast spells was not that different from Normies even if Wizard Seashell was still a mighty Eighth-level Spell Caster!

"Incinerating Fire!"

Merlin saw that Darkness Eye had gained control over Wizard Seashell's Element, thoroughly suppressing Wizard Seashell. Therefore, Incinerating Fire was quickly cast by Merlin.

Raging flames instantly began to burn ferociously. The pale white flames wrapped around Wizard Seashell. This Eighth-level Spell Caster, a genius from Ozmu, was burned to ashes by the flames.

"Darkness Eye is powerful indeed. No wonder that even arrogant Kleis had lost to it…"

Looking at the fierce flames surging forcefully, Wizard Seashell's expression appeared to have turned calm for some reason. His manner was serene except for a strange glint in the corner of his eye.


Suddenly, Merlin's gaze sharpened slightly because he saw a black shadow that seemed to "split apart" from Wizard Seashell. Moreover, this shadow appeared to be identical to Wizard Seashell, only it was shrouded from head to toe in even more intense Darkness Element.

The moment this black shadow appeared, Wizard Seashell retreated just like a specter, escaping quietly. Darkness Eye and the furiously burning Incinerating Fire immediately enclosed the black shadow and reduced it to ashes.

"Darkness Figure? To think there's actually someone who could transfigure the substitution puppet Darkness Figure…"

Merlin mumbled in a low voice. He had sensed that Wizard Seashell had escaped. The one that was reduced to ashes by Incinerating Fire was merely a Darkness Figure.

Darkness Figure was a substitution puppet, and its transfiguration was very complicated. Even during the Spell Casters' most glorious era, there were few who could transfigure a substitution puppet like Darkness Figure.

However, Wizard Seashell had managed to do so, and no one knew how many Darkness Figures he possessed. Still, just this one Darkness Figure alone had saved his life, allowing him to escape from Merlin's inevitable kill.

Once Wizard Seashell had escaped, there was no trace left of him. Even Merlin's Mind Power had no way of locking onto him. Wizard Seashell had escaped rather promptly. As an Eighth-level Wizard of Ozmu, it was natural that he had a few tricks up his sleeve which he would not reveal so easily.

The two Eighth-level Wizards whom Wizard Leo had eliminated back then in the Imperial City were not on par with Wizard Seashell by far. This was also the first time Merlin had slipped up when using the fourth form of Darkness Eye. It seemed like there were individuals whom Darkness Eye, which had always been successful in every past attack, could not kill.

"Let's go."

Seeing that Wizard Seashell had fled, the expressions of the two Spell Casters who came with him shifted slightly. They recognized the threat, and immediately wanted to flee.

Nonetheless, this time around, Merlin was prepared. The moment those two Spell Casters moved, a frigid force descended upon them. A translucent glow glimmered ceaselessly for it was Merlin's Glacier Country.


Glacier Country was a special Pandora Demon Ability, one in its third form. It might be incapable of restraining an Eighth-level Spell Caster but for Seventh-level Spell Casters, other than those who possessed special Pandora Demon Abilities, almost all of them would find it hard to defy the suppression of Glacier Country.

It was the case for these two Spell Casters who could not budge under the suppression of Glacier Country. They could only watch helplessly as Merlin gestured toward them, and they were submerged in the pale white flames.

Both of them were carrying out their final struggle but under the suppression of Glacier Country and the terrifying Incinerating Fire, it was of no use despite them being genius Wizards of Ozmu.

Perhaps they had never thought that being prodigies of Ozmu, they would be completely suppressed without the least bit of ability to retaliate. Merlin was not even a Seventh-level Spell Caster!

It was then that both seemed to realize Ozmu could not include every genius. Other than Ozmu, there were still plenty of powerful Spell Casters outside.

Very soon, the pair was reduced to ashes in the pale white blaze. Merlin withdrew Glacier Country. Ernie, Watson, and the puppet Number Three flew to Merlin's side deferentially.

"Master, what about them?"

Ernie's gaze was directed at the many Spell Casters of the Mill clan below, who were currently staring at the sky foolishly. The giant battle between Merlin and Wizard Seashell, and its dominating, formidable force, nearly made them unable to catch their breath as if they were about being stifled.

Thereafter, Merlin had casually wiped out two Seventh-level Wizards from Ozmu as if it was child's play. By that point, the many Wizards of the Mill clan seemed caught up in a somewhat inconceivable dream.

"Them? There's no need to care about them. We'll leave right away!"

Merlin wore a calm expression. Although he had defeated Seashell, and killed two members of Ozmu, his heart was still filled with a strain of worry. It seemed as if Ozmu had finally won in the war between Ozmu and the southern Spell Caster world. Furthermore, Ozmu was even wildly massacring Spell Caster clans, and even spell casters' organizations.

The Dark Magic Region seemed to be at risk. Merlin had an urgent need to know how the Dark Magic Region was doing. So, after he withdrew Glacier Country, he did not bother with the Wizards of the Mill clan. His figure quickly flashed through the sky as he left.

After seeing that Merlin and the rest had left, the Spell Casters of the Mill clan heaved a sigh of relief at last. Regardless of whether it was Ozmu or Merlin and his group, they were not an opponent that the Mill clan could contend against.

"Clan leader, what do we do now?

Many of the Spell Casters turned their attention toward the clan leader.

The clan leader of the Mill clan looked steadily toward the direction in which Merlin had left. Following that, the clan leader said with clenched teeth, "Although Ozmu isn't a threat to us for now, the current southern Spell Caster world is now in utter chaos. With Ozmu's way of doing things, they definitely won't give up just because of this one setback. Besides, that Wizard Seashell isn't dead yet! Thus, we need to move away from the southern Spell Caster world. This is the safest, most reliable plan."

"Move? Do we really have to move?"

Many Wizards were rather sorrowful. The Mill clan had stayed at the foot of Sky-Piercing Peak for centuries. Now that they had to move away and relocate their clan, many Spell Casters were somewhat unwilling.

Still, no one opposed this proposal because this was their only option, considering the chaotic state of the current southern Spell Caster world.

The relocation of Mill clan was merely a scaled-down version of the chaos in the southern Spell Caster world. The war between the Three Major Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu had ended in the defeat of the three spell casters' organizations. However, this was only the beginning of the chaos in the southern Spell Caster world…

In the clear, sunny sky, a few figures were riding the wild wind, speeding along in the sky.

Ever since Merlin left Sky-Piercing Peak, he had not uttered a single word. Besides worrying about the state of the Dark Magic Region, Merlin was inspecting the changes of the Thunder Maxim within him.

He had unleashed the fourth form of Darkness Eye and battled with Seashell, winning in the end, but he had paid a significant price. In particular, the depletion of the Thunder Maxim was even greater – a few times more than usual.

Moreover, there were some negative emotions which were insidiously influencing Merlin. This was not something a Maxim could stop because these relatively obscure negative emotions were not caused by the backlash of Darkness Eye. Instead, it was produced by the cultivation of Darkness Eye itself. Only when Merlin's Mind Power was stronger would he be able to remain unaffected by these negative emotions.

However, Merlin's present Mind Power was merely at the peak of the Sixth-level. It was extremely difficult to reach the Seventh-level. The Seventh-level was a great threshold, and between the Seventh-level and the levels below it, there was an insurmountable gulf.

"My Mind Power is merely enough to support the construction of four Fifth-level spells. Therefore, even if I use the Thunder Maxim to derive that final two Fifth-level spells, I won't level up to a Fifth-level Wizard!"

Merlin knew very well that he had used only the Ice Maxim so far to derive four Fifth-level spells. Although Merlin's current Mind Power was enough to construct those, he would not be able to become a Fifth-level Spell Caster.

In addition, in the ensuing chaos of the southern Spell Caster world, all opponents whom Merlin was about to face were those powerful Spell Casters from Ozmu – Wizards who were even far more formidable than Wizard Seashell. Merlin's abilities were still insufficient by far.

"I can only return to the Dark Magic Region for now, and see what the actual situation is before I decide what to do next!"

Merlin did not plan on stopping to construct spells. If he wanted to construct Fifth-level spells now, it would take a great amount of time. With the present level of chaos in the southern Spell Caster world, Merlin did not have so much time to squander.

At the moment, his priority was to hasten back to the Dark Magic Region and see what the real situation was like. After all, Merlin was still currently a member of the Dark Magic Region!

In the dense mountain jungle, four figures suddenly landed. It was Merlin's group.

Merlin looked all around, after which he reached out and gestured with a hand. A light breeze blew past, clearing the fallen leaves on the ground, revealing a wide, damp, black surface.

On this surface, a mysterious Runic Magic Circle appeared. It looked like it had been unused for a long time. Merlin had located this through the Runic Heartprint. It was the nearest Runic Magic Circle of the Dark Magic Region.

Through this Runic Magic Circle, Merlin was able to return to the Dark Magic Region. However, Ernie, Watson, and the puppet Number Three had no way of following Merlin to enter the Dark Magic Region as they did not have a Dark Magic ring. They could only wait outside.

"Wait here and don't leave. After some time, I'll think of a way to get you all in!"

Merlin gave this command to Ernie and the rest, following which he stretched out a palm. The Dark Magic ring on his finger immediately began to glow with bursts of radiance, accompanied by enigmatic runes.

The Runic Magic Circle on the ground was activated by the Dark Magic ring, and a swell of runes wrapped around Merlin.


Following that, a beam of white light flashed across them and Merlin's figure vanished without a trace. Through the Runic Magic Circle of the Dark Magic Region, he was transported back to the Dark Magic Region.

Chapter 439: Hastening Back to the Dark Magic Region II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the quiet beach in the Dark Magic Region, there were still flocks of seafowl frolicking above the sand. It was a calm, serene scene.


Merlin let out a long sigh. "Thank goodness, everything must still be fine."

What he most worried about was that the Dark Magic Region had suffered an attack from Ozmu. However, from the looks of it, the Dark Magic Region was still peaceful. As for the exact developments that had occurred due to the chaos of the southern Spell Caster world caused by the war between the Three Major Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu – the Wizards of the Mill clan had limited knowledge after all. The Dark Magic Region, being a spell casters' organization, should know the most about this.

Therefore, Merlin wanted to learn of the entire story, so he began to walk quickly toward the Dark Magic stone tablet. This stone tablet appeared to be ancient, marked by the mottled traces of time.

The black cat Didimoss did not appear. Merlin did not give that any thought and hurried further ahead.


A transparent light enveloped Merlin, following which numerous tall towers appeared before Merlin. He was back once again in the familiar Dark Magic Region.

Merlin could not discern what he really felt toward the Dark Magic Region. In terms of feelings, what he had valued most about the Dark Magic Region was Wizard Leo but Wizard Leo was now dead.

Although it appeared as if the Dark Magic Region did not provide Merlin with much assistance, it still had a great influence on Merlin. It was only after he joined the Dark Magic Region that Merlin had truly begun to grow stronger.

Even if his Pandora Demon Abilities were not supplied by the Dark Magic Region, it was linked to his membership in the Dark Magic Region. Furthermore, the Runic Heartprint, the robes he had worn when he was a weakling, and so on, were all connected to the Dark Magic Region.

Besides, Merlin had always been a Spell Caster of the Dark Magic Region. The brand of the Dark Magic Region was firmly imprinted on him. It was just like Wizard Leo, who was formidable thanks to Darkness Eye, which had nothing to do with the Dark Magic Region.

Nevertheless, no matter what, outsiders viewed Wizard Leo as a representative of the Dark Magic Region. This was because Wizard Leo had been deeply marked by the brand of the Dark Magic Region.

It was the same for Merlin. No matter how powerful he was, how terrifying his abilities, he would be seen as a Spell Caster from the Dark Magic Region. He had no way of escaping the influence of the Dark Magic Region unless he acted as Kleis did, and betrayed the Dark Magic Region.

Nonetheless, Merlin had signed a contract of the highest grade with the Dark Magic Region. He could not betray them even if he wanted to. Despite the power of the Maxim residing in his Awareness now, Merlin had no way of terminating a contract of the highest grade.

Initially, Merlin wanted to hurry toward the tower of the Seventh-level Spell Casters, but he directed a glance toward another tower in the distance. This was Wizard Leo's tower.

Wizard Leo was already dead. According to the rules of the Dark Magic Region, the tower would be demolished within a year but Wizard Leo's tower was not yet torn down even now.

Merlin looked at the tower soaring into the clouds and thought of Wizard Leo. He raised a palm and glanced at the crimson eye in his palm. This was the greatest gift Wizard Leo had given him.

It was just that this great gift was now giving him a headache.


Merlin immediately flew into the sky. This time, he was no longer relying upon a Flying casting tool for flight. He was now a true Fourth-level Spell Caster and could utilize a Wind-type spell to fly directly at a relatively decent speed.

Soon enough, Merlin arrived at the towers of the Seventh-level Wizards. This was not a place unfamiliar to him for he had come here a few times before.

There was a servant of the Seventh-level Wizards in the towers. Merlin knew the servant of the Seventh-level Wizard Robia. He was named Arveis.

Upon seeing Merlin, an odd look crossed Arveis' face. He hurried forward and said in a low voice, "Wizard Merlin, this is the tower of Seventh-level Wizards. Without being summoned by them, one isn't allowed to enter without permission. It's better if you leave here quickly."

If it had been anyone else, Arveis would have even chased them off immediately. However, Merlin was a prodigious Spell Caster most valued by the Dark Magic Region, even more so than Kleis had been, and enjoyed an uncommon position in the Dark Magic Region. Therefore, even though Merlin had arrived at the Seventh-level Wizards' towers without permission, Arveis did not dare chase him out immediately.

Merlin's expression did not change. After eyeing Arveis, he said calmly, "Wizard Arveis, where's Wizard Robia? I'm looking for him about an important matter."

"Wizard Robia?"

Arveis was Wizard Robia's servant. Naturally, he knew very well the whereabouts of Wizard Robia. The fact that Merlin had a very important matter to report to Wizard Robia caused Arveis to hesitate for a bit.

Nonetheless, Arveis took into account Merlin's special position and nodded. "In that case, Wizard Merlin would have to wait for a moment. Wizard Robia and other Seventh-level Wizards are discussing a matter of vital importance. It has been two days since they began."

"Discussing a matter of importance? Which is to say that they're in the Dark Magic Hall?"

Merlin mentioned the Dark Magic Hall, which was where the Seventh-level Wizards would convene for meetings to decide major matters of the Dark Magic Region. The entire hall was protected by a Runic Magic Circle and was very secure.

"That's right, the Wizards are in the Dark Magic Hall."

As soon as Arveis had spoken, Merlin was like an apparition, disappearing in a flash. His speed caused Arveis to be unable to see clearly what happened.

"Wizard Merlin, you…"

Wizard Arveis stared after Merlin with mouth agape. He was a Fourth-level Spell Caster too but after seeing Merlin's speed, he knew it was not something he could catch up to.

Moreover, in that instant, Arveis had even detected a frightening force from Merlin. Nonetheless, it had disappeared quickly as if it was just an illusion.

"How could he be so fast?"

Even though Arveis could not catch up to Merlin, he had to hurry after him regardless. Otherwise, if he really allowed Merlin to run into those Seventh-level Wizards, there would be great trouble. Not only would Merlin be punished, even he himself would be out of luck.

Merlin was very fast but he had not cast Flash Wind. Otherwise, he would have been even faster. Merlin was not familiar with this tower but he was more acquainted with the Dark Magic Hall.

Previously, he had been brought by Wizard Leo into the tower. Merlin was no stranger to the Dark Magic Hall, and his Mind Power quickly locked onto the place.

Robia and the other Seventh-level Wizards had gathered in the Dark Magic Hall. Something major must have happened. After all, now that the entire southern Spell Caster world had descended into chaos, one must not be deceived by the appearance of calmness in the Dark Magic Region. The official members of the Dark Magic Region had their own channels of information. They knew as well that chaos had consumed the outside world.

These official members of the Dark Magic Region knew of the situation outside. Therefore, this immediately resulted in the various potion materials, spells, and other items of the Resource Tower to be exchanged for in large volumes. Some Spell Casters were already making quiet preparations. No one could guarantee that the Dark Magic Region would not be caught up in the chaos.

Particularly, Ozmu had announced a threat toward all spell casters' organizations of the entire southern Spell Caster world. They were a mad bunch and would live up to their promise. The Dark Magic Region was at risk as well, being a spell casters' organization.

Therefore, the Dark Magic Region had been making covert preparations.

Soon enough, Merlin reached the entrance of the Dark Magic Hall. He squinted slightly and discovered that the door of the Dark Magic Hall was cloaked in dense runes.

Most Spell Casters would be unable to get past these runes at all. Seventh-level Spell Casters could not even possibly force their way through. However, this was nothing much to Merlin. He possessed the Runic Heartprint, which was able to easily unravel Runic Magic Circles.

In particular, it was even easier if it was a Runic Magic Circle in the Dark Magic Region.

Merlin took a deep breath, after which the Runic Heartprint between his brows gradually twinkled. Mysterious runes quickly flew toward the doorway of the Dark Magic Hall.

"Hum hum hum."

The Runic Magic Circle of the Dark Magic Hall, under the powers of the Runic Heartprint, began to dissolve gradually. The entire Runic Magic Circle lost its effect in an instant.


Merlin easily reached out and pushed the doors open lightly. A distinct sound was emitted by the two doors as they were slowly pushed open.

"Wizard Merlin, no!"

Arveis had finally hurried all the way here but he was too late. When he saw Merlin pushing open the doors, he knew that this time, the punishment was inevitable. Therefore, a look of resentment filled his eyes as he looked at Merlin.


"How impudent – you dare intrude upon the Dark Magic Hall?"

Within the great hall, countless gazes were direct at the doorway. The owners of these gazes were all powerful Seventh-level Spell Casters who enjoyed a lofty position in the Dark Magic Region.

However, once they were disturbed by Merlin, the expressions of these Spell Casters who had already been in a bad mood now darkened even further.


Seeing that it was Merlin in a black robe who had opened the door, some Seventh-level Spell Casters frowned slightly. Merlin was a genius Spell Caster highly valued by the Dark Magic Region, to the point where they were willing to gift him with ten thousand contribution points every year. This was the first time something like this had happened in the Dark Magic Region, which showed how highly they treasured him.

However, no matter how much they valued him, the dignity of the Seventh-level Spell Casters within the Dark Magic Region must still be upheld. Therefore, Wizard Robia stood up furiously, and roared toward the doorway, "Arveis, get your sorry self in here now."

Arveis was still bemoaning his misfortune and gave Merlin a fierce glare, following which he entered the great hall respectfully. He said softly, "Wizard Robia, this time Wizard Merlin said that he had an important matter to consult with the Seventh-level Wizards. I was unable to stop him at all."

"An important matter?"

At this, Wizard Robia shifted his attention toward Merlin and sized him up. In fact, what he had noticed in particular was that Arveis had said he could not stop Merlin.

It should be known that Arveis was a Fourth-level Spell Caster, one whom Wizard Robia had personally instructed before. Arveis' capabilities were considered comparatively formidable in the Dark Magic Region. It was unusual that he was unable to stop Merlin.

Nonetheless, after Robia had carefully sized up Merlin, he seemed to notice something, and a strange look glinted in his eyes. With a trace of glee, he asked, "Wizard Merlin, you've broken through?"

"Broken through?"

Upon hearing what Wizard Robia said, the crowd of Seventh-level Wizards in the hall turned serious as they quickly directed their gazes at Merlin.

Chapter 440: The Fourth Elder I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The First-level of Spell Casters was a threshold. One would become an official Spell Caster after getting past that threshold. Otherwise, one would simply remain an Entrance-level Spell Caster. This was the first threshold a Spell Caster must pass.

Following that, Spell Casters had a second threshold, which was becoming a Fourth-level Spell Caster. There was a fundamental transformation between the Third and Fourth-level. Regardless of whether in terms of spell power or cultivating Demon Ability, Fourth-level Spell Casters were a formidable presence.

Therefore, in the Dark Magic Region, one could only build their own individual tower and take in students after becoming a Fourth-level Spell Caster. When Merlin had left the Dark Magic Region, he was merely a Third-level Spell Caster.

No matter how fast he improved, many people thought that Merlin would need at least three years to break through and become a Fourth-level Spell Caster. However, Merlin had now become a Fourth-level Spell Caster in one short year.

"I've only managed to construct the spells successfully through sheer luck and coincidental circumstances!"

Merlin nodded as he spoke. There was no doubt that he had admitted he was now a Fourth-level Spell Caster.

"Haha, good, good! Merlin, you've really proved yourself to be a prodigious Six-Elemental Wizard. If Wizard Leo was still alive, he would have been overjoyed."

Wizard Robia began to laugh and seemed to have forgotten that Merlin had just entered the Dark Magic Hall without permission.

"Arveis, you may leave first."

Robia waved a hand, allowing Arveis to leave. Evidently, he was not going to pursue the matter of Merlin's unauthorized interruption in the Dark Magic Hall.

"Wizard Merlin, go on. What matter is it that is so urgent?"

Robia's tone became more solemn as he spoke in a low voice.

Merlin glanced at the other Spell Casters within the hall. These were all Spell Casters above the Seventh-level. There were even two or three Spell Casters whose Elemental fluctuations were far stronger than an average Seventh-level Wizard's. Those were Eighth-level Wizards!

In this group of Spell Casters, at least half of them had cultivated Demon Abilities and had great capabilities. These were not the weakest Seventh-level Wizards anymore, and in comparison to the Mill clan, their strength was magnified. After all, in terms of their resources, a Spell Caster clan could not be placed on par with a Spell Caster organization.

Merlin knew that he needed to reveal some of his abilities now so that these Spell Casters would not think lowly of him. Only then would he be able to learn of classified matters regarding the Three Major Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu.

As he thought about this, Merlin decided not to conceal the matter of Wizard Seashell and the rest in the battle between the Mill clan and Ozmu.

"It was like this. On my way home, I passed by Sky-Piercing Peak and encountered Wizard Seashell of Ozmu unexpectedly. He had two Seventh-level Wizards with him and seemed about to attack the Mill clan.

"I've never felt too favorably towards Ozmu. Teacher Leo's death is closely linked to them. Therefore, I acted out and battled with Seashell, but in the end, he slipped through my fingers and escaped. I only killed the other two Seventh-level Wizards. Based on a few phrases they said, I knew that the southern Spell Caster world was not peaceful nowadays. Thus, I wanted to inquire about what happened exactly, honored Wizards. How did Ozmu become so powerful suddenly, being able to defeat the Three Major Spell Caster organizations even when faced with their joined attack?"

Merlin glossed over a few details of the event at the Mill clan. He did not reveal his true purpose in going to Sky-Piercing Peak. However, his encounter with Wizard Seashell and the rest, as well as the ensuing battle, was very real.

News of this might have spread soon enough. There was no need for Merlin to cover that up.

After Merlin spoke, the entire Dark Magic Hall fell silent all over, including Wizard Robia. They all stared at Merlin with stunned faces, wearing an expression of incredulity.

Merlin was merely a Fourth-level Wizard. He could already battle against Wizard Seashell, and kill off the remaining two Seventh-level Wizards of Ozmu?

It should be known that the Spell Casters of Ozmu were all geniuses. Although they were rather insane in their behavior, there was no denying the truth that every Spell Caster in Ozmu had very formidable powers.

Moreover, it had been three Wizards led by Seashell. This was a hot topic of discussion in the southern Spell Caster world recently. Wizard Seashell was still an Eighth-level Spell Caster, and the other two Seventh-level Wizards were both mighty Wizards who possessed Demon Abilities.

Such a group of three had extremely terrifying capabilities. In their journey, they had wiped out many Spell Caster clans. This was already indicative of their strength. Merlin was now able to fight against these three, and had even overwhelmed Wizard Seashell, causing him to flee in the face of defeat? Moreover, he had slain the remaining two Seventh-level Spell Casters. This was simply too fantastical. None of the Wizards in the hall would believe this.

"Merlin, I heard that before Wizard Leo died, he had passed on Darkness Eye to you?"

Wizard Robia's heart jolted. After he spoke, he reached out a hand without warning and made a grabbing motion.


Streams of water twisted together to form a giant hand which immediately lunged towards Merlin with the intention of catching him in its grasp.

Wizard Robia was a rarely-seen Water-type Spell Caster. The Water-type spells he constructed had reached the Seventh-level. When combined with his Demon Ability, Wizard Robia's abilities were relatively decent among Seventh-level Wizards.

Merlin merely raised an eyebrow. Of course, he could tell that Wizard Robia was only testing him. As a Seventh-level Spell Caster who possessed Demon Ability, Wizard Robia had just cast a spell that was merely a fifth of his true strength. Evidently, he did not want to harm Merlin.

Still, one could forget about a fifth of his strength – even if Robia had attacked with full force, it was still nothing in Merlin's eyes.

Merlin drew in a deep breath. Since he had decided to fight for the same position as these Seventh-level Spell Casters, he would need to display an awe-inspiring level of formidable might!

"Glacier Country!"

Merlin pointed casually with one finger. A translucent light appeared instantly, but it did not just enveloped Robia but covered the entire hall instead.

"Hum hum hum."

Within the Dark Magic Hall, mysterious runes began to twinkle. This was a unique characteristic of the Dark Magic Hall. There was a mighty Runic Magic Circle in here that substantially diminishes any attacking force.

However, Merlin's Glacier Country descended all the same, and it even promptly pulverized those mysterious runes. A frigid blast quickly began to suffuse throughout the hall.


Robia's giant hand of streams was instantly frozen into ice crystals, shattering as it fell to the ground. Moreover, faced with the threat of Glacier Country, almost every Wizard cast a Defensive spell, their eyes filled with astonishment.

However, this was far from over. In the translucent Glacier Country, a colossal amount of Darkness Element appeared like a blanket of thick fog, enveloping the entire hall. In the blink of an eye, it was a dark night in which one could not even see one's own hand.

This was Merlin's Fourth-level spell Darkness Illusory Death, which was further enhanced by Darkness Heart. The Darkness spell alone was already powerful, especially since Darkness Illusory Death comprised both illusory and physical attacks. When used alongside Glacier Country, their collective might was astounding.

In the dense darkness, there was not only a chill but also an illusion. Furthermore, in the surrounding darkness, Darkness attacks could occur at any time, making it impossible to guard against. A few Seventh-level Wizards were even injured.

At the moment, every Spell Caster was shaken to their core. Merlin was using the power of one individual to contend against what was thus far the greatest strength in the Dark Magic Region!

Besides Seventh-level Wizards, there were a few formidable Eighth-level Spell Casters here!

"That's enough, Wizard Merlin!"

At last, a calm voice rang out. Merlin's heart shifted and he immediately waved a hand, dispelling the darkness and withdrawing Glacier Country as well.

The Darkness Element gradually faded, and the hall resumed its normal appearance. Merlin had not even moved from where he stood, but everyone's gazes towards Merlin now had a complicated look.

Fourth-level – Merlin was merely a Fourth-level Spell Caster, but the abilities he displayed could be called fearsome. Power like this; was it not similar to the comparatively active Kleis and the Miracle Child of the current southern Spell Caster world?

The Miracle Child, after fighting against Kleis, had returned to Miracle City to break through to the Fourth-level and was now able to easily exterminate those Seventh-level Wizards who possessed Demon Abilities. Of course, it was the same with Kleis. After cultivating the special Demon Ability Spatial Blade, he was one of the core members even in Ozmu!

The Dark Magic Region was merely a small-sized Spell Caster organization. It was possible that these Seventh-level Spell Casters had never thought, no matter what, that a genuine elite genius would appear in the Dark Magic Region, one who was not inferior to any other geniuses!

Merlin's demonstration was even more eye-catching than Kleis and the Miracle Child because from the beginning until the end, Merlin had not even unleashed Darkness Eye.

Darkness Eye was truly Merlin's greatest strength!

"Wizard Merlin!"

Suddenly, from the front of the hall, a middle-aged Wizard wearing a long blue Wizard robe walked out slowly. This Wizard had handsome features and wore a serene expression. In particular, his eyes contained unfathomable depths. If one looked closely, it was like one was being drawn powerfully into the depths.

This was Wizard Seymour, one of the only three Eighth-level Wizards in the Dark Magic Region and was practically the leader of the three Eighth-level Wizards. His strength was the greatest here, second only to the strongest of the Dark Magic Region, the Ninth-level Spell Caster Wizard Delma!

"Wizard Seymour!"

Merlin felt a faint tremble in his heart. As Wizard Seymour approached slowly, the sense of threat he gave Merlin was even more intense than Wizard Seashell whom he had battled at the Mill clan.

It looked like he should not underestimate the Dark Magic Region. In this region, there were also individuals who were head and shoulders above the rest, only their standing was not a prominent one. It was just like Wizard Leo back then. If he had not traveled a thousand miles to hunt down and exterminate a Seventh-level Wizard of Ozmu, the outside world would not have known that there was, in fact, such a mighty Spell Caster in the Dark Magic Region.

Wizard Seymour must be the same. He had great powers, but there was not much news about Wizard Seymour in the outside world.

Wizard Seymour fixed a steady gaze upon Merlin in a calm manner, following which he said leisurely, "Wizard Merlin, the reputed Darkness Eye's fourth form is able to kill Eighth-level Wizards! You must have unleashed the fourth form of Darkness Eye to be able to defeat Seashell. In the past, Leo had no way of activating the fourth form of Darkness Eye at will. Your abilities have already surpassed Leo's!"

The words of Wizard Seymour made the Wizards in the hall looked at Merlin in a completely new light. No matter how exceptional Merlin's demonstration was, from their perspective, he was ultimately Leo's student and seemed to have always been under Wizard Leo's shadow.

However, the meaning of Wizard Seymour's words could not be any clearer. Merlin had surpassed Leo and had won a position equal to these Seventh-level Spell Casters!

Chapter 441: The Fourth Elder II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"What do you want to know?" Wizard Seymour fixed his gaze upon Merlin as he spoke.

Merlin pondered the matter for a while. The thing that he wanted most to know was, what had really happened during the war between the Three Major Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu? Those three Spell Caster organizations had prepared for such a long time, and had been very thorough, so why would they suddenly return defeated?

The people of the Mill clan had mentioned that because Ozmu had united the northern Spell Caster organizations, the Three Major Spell Caster organizations were caught off guard and were defeated. However, Merlin was not clear about how it happened exactly and wanted to learn about it in detail.

Thus, Merlin asked in a low voice, "Wizard Seymour, I want to know what really happened between the Three Major Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu?"

Wizard Seymour shut his eyes lightly. After a moment, he heaved a long sigh and said slowly, "This time, the Three Major Spell Caster organizations are truly defeated, to a disastrous extent at that. No one had expected that Ozmu would mobilize the Great Wizards of the northern Spell Caster organizations to attack. All of a sudden, they ambushed several Great Wizards of the Three Major Spell Caster organizations.

"That was a vicious battle. Initially, the Three Major Spell Caster organizations had gathered almost all of the greatest forces in the southern Spell Caster world, with no less than six Great Wizards commanding an army of Spell Casters, striking a majestic attack upon Ozmu. It was just that the Great Wizards of the northern Spell Caster organizations suddenly made their move, and three Great Wizards fell on the spot. The entire southern Spell Caster world suffered a disastrous loss."

In fact, all that Wizard Seymour was saying did not differ much from the reports Merlin had heard from the Mill clan. It looked like this was truly what happened. The Great Wizards of the northern Spell Caster organizations had suddenly mounted an ambush, resulting in the utter defeat of the entire southern Spell Caster world.

"Wizard Seymour, the northern Spell Caster world had been threatened by Ozmu before. Many prodigious Wizards had defected from northern Spell Caster organizations to become a member of Ozmu. Why would these organizations lend a helping hand to Ozmu?"

This was something Merlin had wanted to ask. No matter what, he could not figure out what methods the notorious Ozmu, which was practically the public enemy of the Spell Caster world, had used in order to obtain assistance from the northern Spell Caster world.

Wizard Seymour did not answer immediately. Conversely, he shot Merlin a deep and meaningful look, following which he said faintly, "To be able to get an enemy to help you, there must be a benefit of irresistible temptation! What else could there be that would cause Great Wizards to be irresistibly tempted?"

Following that, Wizard Seymour did not explain further. However, it was as if a turbulent wave had surged up and crashed down within Merlin's heart. He knew very well what a Great Wizard most desired.

Legend! Being able to create a Maxim and become a Legend – this was the greatest dream of all Great Wizards. Merlin could not help but suspect that perhaps Ozmu had a method of forming a Maxim or a treasure that would aid Great Wizards in becoming Legends?

However, this was rather far-fetched. Legendary Wizards did not rely on such treasures or methods to achieve their accomplishments. Instead, in addition to innate talent, they needed to have good fortune to have a glimmer of hope in consolidating a Maxim and becoming a Legend.

Nonetheless, regardless of all this, Ozmu had won in the end. Currently, the Three Major Spell Caster organizations were holed up in their organizations and relying on their trump cards. They did not need to fear Ozmu too much.

However, the other Spell Caster organizations and clans of the southern Spell Caster world were in danger. That bunch of lunatics in Ozmu had announced that they would turn the entire southern Spell Caster world into an ocean of blood, slaughtering all Spell Caster organizations and clans until none were left!

Moreover, this was exactly what Ozmu was doing. They had already wiped out many Spell Caster clans. Their next target might be the small-sized Spell Caster organizations.

"Wizard Seymour, we'll have to get ready as soon as possible. Oh right, where is Wizard Delma? At the moment, the southern Spell Caster world is in great chaos. The Dark Magic Region needs to make preparations ahead of time."

Merlin knew that Wizard Delma was the only Ninth-level Spell Caster in the Dark Magic Region and had formidable powers. Only by having him show up personally could they stabilize the situation and gain certainty regarding the Dark Magic Region's direction.

The current southern Spell Caster world was too chaotic. If Ozmu was really so insane, Merlin considered moving the Dark Magic Region away from here. There was the Runic Magic Circle left behind by the Great Wizard Fidel, which even Great Wizards would find difficult to demolish.

Even so, if it was a prolonged attack, even the sturdiest Runic Magic Circle would not withstand forever. Thus, if Ozmu really intended to purge the southern Spell Caster world with blood, they would not last long by relying on the Runic Magic Circle. They had to make a prompt decision.

As soon as he spoke, the faces of the Spell Casters in the entire hall appeared downcast. An ominous sense of premonition sprouted indistinctly in Merlin's heart.

"What happened to Wizard Delma?"

Merlin asked hurriedly. Being the sole Ninth-level Spell Caster of the Dark Magic Region, Wizard Delma was far too important to the Dark Magic Region. Nothing must ever happen to him. Otherwise, the Dark Magic Region would be in trouble.

After a long while, Wizard Seymour said in a heavy voice, "Wizard Delma is already dead. When he followed the Three Major Spell Caster organizations to confront Ozmu, he was killed by a Great Wizard from Ozmu."

"What, Wizard Delma is really dead?"

Merlin's heart sank. It was no wonder that these Seventh-level Wizards would gather and deliberate for such a long time. Before this, when Wizard Delma was around, they could consult him on any matter, following which they would let him make the call.

However, Wizard Delma was now dead. This was an extremely grievous blow to the entire Dark Magic Region.

Most small-sized Spell Caster organizations were overseen by a Ninth-level Spell Caster. If there was no Ninth-level Spell Caster, then that Spell Caster organization was rather weak, and could not even compare to certain, more powerful Spell Caster organizations.

"Wizard Merlin, the Dark Magic Region is now at a juncture of life and death. Wizard Delma is dead, and there is no Ninth-level Spell Caster in our Dark Magic Region. You have Darkness Eye and have defeated Wizard Seashell. Your powers are even slightly greater than mine. At least, I don't think I can contend against the fourth form of Darkness Eye. Therefore, Wizard Merlin, you can become the first elder of the Dark Magic Region, like how Wizard Delma had been the first elder!"

Wizard Seymour's words caused every Spell Caster in the great hall to react in utter shock. The first elder was not merely a term of address, but also carried great authority.

In the whole Dark Magic Region, there had never been any so-called "region master". The Dark Magic Region was run by a system of elders. With a large group of elders, any significant matters would be collectively decided upon by them.

Furthermore, the one who had the most practical authority and the highest position was the first elder. The founder of the Dark Magic Region, the noble Great Wizard Fidel, had also been the first elder of the Dark Magic Region.

"Make me the first elder?"

Of course, Merlin knew very well what it meant to be the first elder. He looked closely at Wizard Seymour and felt that there was an air of profound mystery about him. Wizard Seymour's powers were not so simple, but it was a magnanimous look that he now displayed within his eyes.

The Dark Magic Region had reached a critical juncture indeed, and Wizard Delma had died. Disorder was vaguely stirring within the Dark Magic Region. Otherwise, they would not possibly have spent a whole day discussing in the Dark Magic Hall without reaching a resolution.

Therefore, in response to Wizard Seymour's suggestion, a Seventh-level Wizard immediately stood up and laughed coldly. "Wizard Seymour, we all think that you do things with the big picture in mind, and since you're the previous second elder, we let you temporarily assume the role of the first elder. But we didn't expect this – you would really give this position of the first elder to someone else so carelessly? Don't forget, the succession of the first elder needs to pass through a vote of all the elders. Only then do we appoint the first elder!"

Wizard Seymour's eyes narrowed slightly, and he glared at the Wizard who spoke, his tone turning icy, " Wizard Doan 1 , these are not ordinary times. The Dark Magic Region is faced with an unprecedented threat. Therefore, I have the right to assign anyone in the Dark Magic Region to become the first elder!"

"Humph, Wizard Seymour. No matter what you say, at the end of the day, the appointment of the first elder doesn't end with you alone."

After Wizard Doan spoke, a few Seventh-level Wizards stood out silently as well, not concealing in the slightest their opposition towards Wizard Seymour's decision. Moreover, a few Spell Casters who had initially supported Wizard Seymour started to have doubts after looking at Merlin again.

After all, Merlin was merely a prodigy who was highly valued by the Dark Magic Region and was not even a Seventh-level elder. However, Wizard Seymour now wanted to let Merlin become the first elder straightaway. This was far too big a step, and it was too risky as well.

Merlin remained speechless throughout all this. Even though his powers were formidable, it seemed as if only Wizard Seymour truly knew how powerful and fearsome Merlin really was at the moment.

Therefore, Seymour had hastily proposed that Merlin became the first elder. It really was because the current situation was too disorganized. They needed someone who could thoroughly settle any internal disputes, just like Wizard Delma, someone who completely controlled the Dark Magic Region, who would lead them in surviving this crisis.

Wizard Seymour acknowledged that he himself could not do it. After Merlin had appeared, he had felt a glimmer of hope. With Merlin's powers, he was totally qualified to be the first elder of the Dark Magic Region!

However, a few other Spell Casters did not agree. If Wizard Seymour insisted on doing things his way, this would immediately result in a schism in the Dark Magic Region.

At this point, Merlin suddenly smiled and said, "Wizard Seymour is still an Eighth-level Spell Caster. What capability do I have to become the first elder?"

Wizard Seymour considered the matter briefly, following which he nodded. "In that case, for now, Wizard Merlin can be the fourth elder, second only to myself and the other two Eighth-level Wizards. If there are any Wizards who disagree, they are welcome to go one round with Wizard Merlin in front of everyone and see if Wizard Merlin is worthy of becoming the fourth elder."

Wizard Seymour's voice was rather cold and severe as he swept his gaze across the Wizards in the hall. Indeed, there were Spell Casters who were not happy about this, but upon hearing that they had to go one round with Merlin, they dared not say anything else.

They had just now personally experienced how terrifying Merlin's powers were. Among the Seventh-level Wizards here, there was not one who was a match for him at all.

"Alright, since no one objects, Wizard Merlin from today onwards, you are the fourth elder of our Dark Magic Region!"

Wizard Seymour gave a slight smile. There was no doubt that his words had officially established Merlin's position in the Dark Magic Region, the fourth elder in the group of elders!