686 - 693

Chapter 686: Activating the Warship!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Sizzle sizzle."

When Merlin had poured more than ten thousand elemental crystal stones into the dusty and extremely shabby high-powered engine furnace, it gave a slight reaction and started to emit an odd sound.

Moreover, after this sound rang out, the warship began to flicker with lights but in an unsteady manner.

"Beep. The power source of the warship hasn't reached one percent, thus unable to fulfill the lowest requirement of activating the warship. Please continue adding energy!"

The voice of the Matrix sounded once more. Currently, the Matrix had already taken over the control desk of the warship's core. All the changes within the warship would be monitored by the Matrix.

"It's actually succeeded in transmuting energy!"

Merlin looked at the high-powered engine furnace which was operating by now, his heart filled with endless delight. This high-powered engine furnace's ability to break down energy had exceeded his expectations. Although the energy from more than ten thousand elemental crystal stones was not even one percent of the warship's power, Merlin could continue to fling in more elemental crystal stones.

Soon, elemental crystal stones cascaded from the Spatial Ring like sand, thrown into the high-powered engine furnace by Merlin. This time, it was not ten thousand but more than a million elemental crystal stones.

"Beep. The energy has reached one percent. You can activate the warship now. Confirm activation?"

The Matrix's voice this time was not much of a pleasant surprise to Merlin. He had thrown in a full million elemental crystal stones but this had merely replenished one percent of the warship's energy source.

If he wished to completely replenish the power source of the warship, he would need at least a hundred million elemental crystal stones. Even to the present Merlin, this was an astronomical sum.

"Don't activate it for now!"

Merlin gritted his teeth and immediately tossed in over ten million elemental crystal stones. Instantly, the power source of the entire warship had increased to eleven percent. Although this was still a small amount, it was no longer as risky as before. He could use the warship to do many things now.

"Activate the warship completely!"

Merlin commanded the Matrix. Soon, the entire warship started to tremble.


That seemed to be the ruckus of the warship's mechanical system being activated. Following that, the warship was entirely illuminated. Dazzling lights lit up the warship as if it was daylight.

Merlin carefully scrutinized the control center of the warship. After there was a power source, he could sense that the whole warship seemed to have "come alive".

"Matrix, inspect the extent of damage of the warship!"

Merlin urgently wanted to know whether this warship was still valuable. In that case, first, he must ascertain how badly damaged the warship was.

"Scan completed. In total, the warship is over ninety percent damaged! Restoration will take a long time and a lot of power. Complete restoration now?

More than ninety percent of the warship had been damaged. This was something Merlin had predicted. After all, even the body of the warship was broken into two. This level of damage meant that it was basically scrap metal.

However, the final line of the Matrix made Merlin gasped in shock.

"It's been damaged so seriously. Can it still be restored?"

Merlin found it hard to imagine, with such a heavily damaged warship, how could it possibly be restored?

"The high-powered engine furnace at the core of the warship wasn't damaged. Therefore, if one manufactures some repair robots, with enough energy, it can be restored in a few decades!"

It turned out that the core of the warship was still the high-powered engine furnace. Still, after some careful thought, Merlin realized it was true. The high-powered engine furnace was not damaged and could produce energy endlessly.

With energy, it could do many things. Manufacturing repair robots was nothing too difficult. However, the energy required to do so must be quite frightening.

"How much power is needed to manufacture a repair robot?"

"A repair robot requires a hundredth of one percent of the warship's power!"

Upon hearing the Matrix's words, Merlin fell into contemplation. The warship currently still had eleven percent of power. One percent would be enough to make a hundred repair robots.

This would greatly reduce the time taken to restore the warship.

"Manufacture a hundred robots!"

"Beep. Task received. Inspecting system for manufacturing repair robots – it's intact, so manufacturing is possible! It will take at least three days to manufacture a hundred repair robots."

Three days was not too long. Merlin thought that he might as well stay in the warship, learning more about it while he waited for the manufacturing of the repair robots.

"Let me look at the manufacturing of the repair robots."

Merlin was curious as well. The Atlan civilization's empire-level warship was too amazing. Even when it was damaged to this stage, as long as the high-powered engine furnace was not ruined, and there was enough energy, it could repair itself slowly. This was a rather intelligent warship.

At the moment, the entire warship was controlled by the Matrix. The Matrix was equivalent to the warship's brain, so Merlin could go anywhere he liked without issue.

Soon, under the Matrix's direction, Merlin came to a sealed secret chamber in the warship. Here, everything was guarded tightly. A gigantic furnace with flames ignited inside was liquefying a strange metal.

Following that, the metal flowed to a massive assembly line, undergoing complicated forging processes. A brand-new robot was manufactured, then cast into a slack tub in the warship, taking shape at last!

The final step for the formed robot was to be implanted with a control chip. This control chip contained complex information on repairing. After this robot was implanted with this chip, it immediately became a master mechanic with refined skills, able to repair the various damaged spots of the warship.

"This power of technology is completely different from the Spell Caster civilization!"

Merlin was deeply astounded. This was like using up a bit of energy in addition to special minerals and metals, and being able to "manufacture" batches of Great Alchemists, Rune Wizards, Potion Masters, and so on.

Of course, these robots were incapable of sensing Elements, using Magic Power or having Mind Power, so they could not become Great Alchemists, Rune Wizards or Potion Masters. However, becoming a master mechanic, in the context of the Atlan civilization, was on par with becoming a Great Alchemist in the Spell Caster civilization.

Merlin was able to understand how fearsome the Atlan civilization was as he watched the manufacturing of repair robots one after another.

He still wanted to see the entire warship and learn all about it.

With the Matrix, Merlin's understanding of the warship grew swiftly. This empire-level warship provided Merlin with mind-blowing concepts.

This warship contained a living zone, information zone, combat zone, inspection zone, and so on whereas robots consisted of repair robots, mining robots, construction robots, cleaning robots, battle robots, and more.

It could be said that every warship of the Atlan civilization was practically a miniature version of the Atlan civilization. If even one warship was able to source a location with an energy source and minerals, the more than ten thousand population of the warship could slowly establish a new Atlan civilization.

This was the scary thing about the Atlan civilization. Each warship was a seed of the Atlan civilization. As long as they were not completely wiped out, the Atlan civilization would rise up swiftly without any gaps in development as all of the Atlan civilization's technology was stored in the warship.

In fact, this was the tremendous store of information that Merlin had received with the Matrix. In essence, it was the accumulation of the Atlan civilization's technology back then. With this information in addition to more than ten thousand Atlans on the warship, they could create an entire new Atlan civilization.

However, now that the warship had been destroyed by the Origin Lord, and there was not a single Atlan left on board, and the ship was over ninety percent damaged, it would not be that easy to restore the warship.

"Beep. One hundred repair robots have been manufactured. Begin full restoration of warship?"

The Matrix's voice rang in Merlin's mind. By now, Merlin had a decent understanding of the warship, no longer as clueless as he was before.

He thought about it, and asked, "How much energy would be needed to fully restore the warship?"

"The damage is too severe, so calculation is impossible. However, the present level of energy is insufficient by far. You can choose partial restoration for now!"

Merlin nodded. This was the key point. The power source was the main issue in the end. The current level of energy was not enough for a complete restoration. Even if he filled up the power source fully, it would not be enough.

Who knew how much power was needed just to repair that broken section?

As for partial restoration, Merlin had not considered what to restore. At the moment, what was most important to him were those battle robots.

"How many types of battle robots are there onboard?"

"The battle robots are divided into ordinary battle robot, superior battle robot, and martial arts robot. Although there are robots stronger than the martial arts robot, the design of an empire-level warship is unable to manufacture stronger robots!"

Merlin studied this in greater detail. Ordinary battle robots were very tough as well, essentially comparable to an average Great Wizard. Destroying a city would be a walk in the park. As for superior robots, those were the four robots Merlin had previously encountered, on par with preeminent Great Wizards. As for martial arts robots, Merlin had experienced them before as well. They were definitely comparable to a Great Legend!

From the Matrix's explanation, Merlin knew that there were even stronger robots in the Atlan civilization, stronger than martial arts robots. Nonetheless, this was merely an empire-level warship. The strongest it could manufacture were martial arts robots.

Even so, this excited Merlin to no end. This was basically mass-producing existences on par with Great Legends!

With this in mind, Merlin instantly said in high spirits, "Matrix, manufacture martial arts robots right away."

Merlin thought about the immense strength of those four martial arts robots at the second challenge. If he could manufacture a few of those, it would be enough to sweep away the Glorious Land completely!

Chapter 687: Leaving

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

However, reality was cruel. As soon as Merlin spoke, the Matrix immediately replied, "There's a malfunction in the manufacturing room. Restoration is required. Begin restoration?"

"There's a malfunction?"

Merlin clenched his jaw and said in a low voice, "Restore immediately, as quickly as possible!"

The entire ship was over ninety percent damaged. It was normal for the place which manufactured martial arts robots to be damaged as well. Merlin could not help but rejoice that he had first manufactured repair robots. Otherwise, resolving malfunctions would take up an unknown amount of time.

Soon, a hundred repair robots surged toward the manufacturing room of martial arts robots, bustling around swiftly. With a hundred repair robots doing restoration work, naturally, the process was very fast. Nonetheless, Merlin saw another downside – consumption of power was too fast.

Initially, he had manufactured a hundred repair robots, using only one percent of the energy source, leaving ten percent left. However, as the repair robots worked endlessly to repair the malfunction in the manufacturing room now, it was taking up a lot of power too. Very soon, the energy bar fell quickly. In a mere half an hour, it had fallen by one percent. Now there was only nine percent of the power source left.

"Repairing one malfunction already requires so much energy?"

Merlin was somewhat taken aback. This was just a small malfunction. If he were to fully restore the ship in the future, the amount of power that would be consumed would be astronomical.

After more time had passed, another hour went by. The energy bar was left with eight percent. The amount of energy used to repair one small malfunction induced a sense of helplessness in Merlin.


Just as Merlin wondered if the power would be used up incessantly, the Matrix's voice finally rang out. "Restoration complete. The malfunction has been resolved. Continue to manufacture martial arts robots?"

Naturally, Merlin said without hesitation, "Begin manufacturing!"

Following that, Merlin began to wait in silence.

However, after a long moment, there was no movement in the warship. Merlin could not help but ask, "Matrix, what's the matter?"


The entire warship suddenly quaked slightly, and the Matrix's voice rang out again, "Energy insufficient. A huge amount of energy is required, please replenish!"

Merlin's expression shifted at this. The energy was insufficient, but how much was really needed to manufacture one martial arts robot?

"How much energy is actually needed to manufacture one martial arts robot?"

"According to calculations, manufacturing one martial arts robot requires a hundred percent of the warship's power source. Please supply more energy!"

"A hundred percent?"

Merlin's mouth was agape as he stood there blankly. He had already used up more than ten million elemental crystal stones and only managed to replenish the energy to eleven percent. If it were a hundred percent, would he not need at least a hundred million elemental crystal stones?

"Fine, I'll forget about the martial arts robot for now. Then how much power is needed for a superior robot?"

Merlin had already given up on manufacturing a martial arts robot for now. The cost was too high. Even if he dug up all his elemental crystal stones now, he could not possibly replenish the power source of the warship to a hundred percent. Naturally, he would not be able to manufacture a martial arts robot.

It looked like Merlin's fantasy of leading a few martial arts robots to sweep away Glorious Land was too naïve. He could only abort it before he even began.

"A superior robot requires at least ten percent of the warship's power!"

The Matrix's reply caused more doubts in Merlin. Ten percent of the energy meant at least ten million elemental crystal stones in exchange for a superior robot at the level of a preeminent Great Wizard. In huge numbers, this was a terrifying force but Merlin did not have so many elemental crystal stones.

"What about an ordinary battle robot?"

"It would require at least one percent of the warship's power!"

An ordinary battle robot was a powerful existence on par with a Great Wizard. It needed only one percent, which was worth it. However, Merlin, who was unclear about the workings of the Church of Light, was unwilling to spend energy in manufacturing a batch of ordinary robots.

"That's right. Can I change the chips of these four robots to obey my orders?"

Merlin recalled the four robots he had captured back in the warship. These robots should be superior robots, powerful as well, already very close to a civilization-level genius or a Great Legend.

"It's possible to program four new control chips to replace the old control chips."

The Matrix was in control of the warship, and thus able to program new chips from scratch. Naturally, Merlin was overjoyed, so he nodded. "Program the new chips!"

"Beep. Chip room is badly damaged, and requires restoration."

Merlin's face was wooden by now. He had expected this long ago, so he ordered the chip room to be repaired. He watched as the energy dropped from eight percent to five percent. At last, the restoration of the chip room was a success, and it had newly programmed four chips.

Soon, Merlin controlled the four superior robots to go into the chip room and started to switch out their chips.

The process of changing the chips went smoothly. After all the chips were switched, when the four superior robots awakened once more, they were utterly deferential toward Merlin. They would obey any command from him, even if he asked them to self-destruct.

"Matrix, how many undamaged robots are left on the warship?"

These robots on the warship had recovered slowly throughout this long period. Perhaps there were some who were slowly repaired when the warship still had power.

Therefore, in the warship, there should be a considerable number of robots. If their chips could be changed, Merlin would not have to use up much power to obtain a formidable force.

"Scanning complete. In the warship, there are five additional superior robots and thirteen ordinary robots!"

"Oh? There's still so many?"

Merlin's eyes brightened. Following that, he personally led the four superior robots, and with the Matrix's help, easily captured those other robots.

Thereafter, he changed their chips. In total, he had used up one percent of the power source to get five superior robots and thirteen ordinary robots under his control.

Merlin now commanded nine superior robots and thirteen ordinary robots. This was a rather fearsome force. It should be known that the superior robots were equivalent to preeminent Great Wizards. In addition to their weapons, they were close to Great Legends, perhaps only slightly lacking in comparison to Kleis who had special Spatial Pandora Demon Ability.

By relying on these twenty-two robots, Merlin had enough to conquer the entire Spell Caster world of the Glorious Land.

"I should leave!"

Merlin stood in the warship. With the power source maintaining things, this warship shone with a "vitality". Nonetheless, because of insufficient power, it could not be restored.

As a result, Merlin gave an order to the Matrix. The operation of the entire warship should be maintained with the lowest energy possible. There was no need to restore it for now. In the future, after Merlin had enough elemental crystal stones or other things which the warship could transmute into energy, he could restore the warship.


Merlin flew out and stared at the two broken halves of the warship. Naturally, Merlin did not wish to abandon this warship here for it was comparable to an Honored Legend, and had a chance of being restored.

Therefore, Merlin took out a Spatial Ring. He had killed some powerful existences before and obtained some Spatial Rings. He took the one with the biggest space within, aimed it at the warship, and yelled, "Keep!"


As soon as he spoke, the colossal warship trembled lightly but soon, it disappeared without a trace. Merlin used his Mind Power to look within the Spatial Ring. The vast space within the ring was now occupied by this mammoth warship but it looked rather compact, meaning that the space within the Spatial Ring was not very adequate.

"I'll have to find a Spatial Ring with a bigger space!"

Merlin had never worried about space. After all, no matter how many elemental crystal stones he carried, the Spatial Ring could fit everything with such a large space. However, this warship was way too big, so the space it needed was naturally very large. Merlin needed a Spatial Ring with more space.

Upon detecting a commotion near the warship, the silver puppet appeared suddenly. He stared at the place where the warship had been, which was now a wide, empty gap, and could not help but ask, "You've taken the warship?"

Merlin nodded. "The things aboard this warship are very useful to me. I've already kept it in my Spatial Ring. I can take it with me, right?"

"Of course, you can. This warship isn't of much use here anyway."

The silver puppet did not stop Merlin. This was a space created by the Origin Lord in the first place to await true prodigies. Merlin had passed the two challenges and might attempt the third in the future. He was practically half a disciple of the Origin Lord. Naturally, the silver puppet would not object.

"That's right. I wonder if I can take a look at those four martial arts puppet?"

Merlin asked the silver puppet.

"Look at the martial arts puppet?"

The silver puppet hesitated for a beat. Perhaps it considered that Merlin was practically half a disciple of the Origin Lord, so it finally nodded. "Sure!"

Therefore, Merlin followed behind the silver puppet and reached the second layer of subspace. When he saw the four martial arts puppets once again, Merlin finally learned how the Origin Lord had controlled these four martial arts robots without changing their chips.

It turned out that the Origin Lord had used the method of puppet transfiguration. He had imprinted martial arts into the four puppets with a method similar to a mind imprint. Therefore, even without a chip, these four martial arts puppets possessed the force of the Origin Lord, able to explode with formidable strength.

"If I can capture these four martial arts puppets and implant new chips, I'll be able to completely control these four martial arts puppets!"

Merlin's eyes brightened. The Origin Lord was a Great Lord, and his mind imprint was powerful but this was nothing in comparison to a Mind Power Master like Merlin.

Even if Merlin was unable to forcibly remove the Origin Lord's mind imprint with his current abilities, he still had the help of the Illusory World and was sure to succeed.

"Can I bring these four martial arts puppets with me?"

Merlin suddenly asked the silver puppet.

"Bring the martial arts puppets away?"

The silver puppet was slightly startled but soon shook its head. "They were left behind by Master back then, so you can't take them away! Unless you pass the third challenge in the future and obtain the treasure he had left. In which case, this place won't serve a purpose anymore. The subspace will collapse automatically. At that point, it's up to you whether you want to bring these puppets away. However, for now, you can't!"

Merlin frowned. If he could bring these four martial arts puppets with him, he was almost a hundred percent certain of removing the Origin Lord's mind imprint. Thus, he would be able to control these four martial arts robots almost comparable to Great Legends.

"What if I take them by force?"

Merlin's voice was steely. He did not think that there was any force here which could stop him. Regardless of whether it was the silver puppet or the four martial arts puppets, they had no way to stop him.

"Take them by force? This is a multi-layered subspace left behind by Master. Even a Great Legend, if they tried to act recklessly here, would be killed instantly!"

The silver puppet's words were followed by an indescribable pressure in the entire subspace, causing Merlin to feel an intense threat. It was as if once this power exploded, he would be unable to block it no matter what methods he used.

Merlin was overwhelmed with shock, only coming to his senses now. Since it was left behind by the Origin Lord, how could there not be any protective measures? Honored Legends would be killed as well. Merlin had no doubt about that.

With this in mind, Merlin could only say helplessly, "I'll surely return to pass the third challenge!"

With that, he turned to leave and exited the subspace left by the Origin Lord in one step.

Chapter 688: The Purple Gold Crown I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Merlin's figure appeared once more in the main foyer of Ozmu Headquarters.

"I'm finally back!"

Merlin finally felt the familiar force once more. Before he could take a good look at his surroundings, frightening Elemental fluctuations suddenly exploded. For an instant, the power of runes and spells filled the air, thundering toward Merlin.

Faced with this attack that was on par with a preeminent Great Wizard, practically right behind Kleis' power, Merlin simply appeared incomparably calm. He stood his ground silently, a spell armor emerging around him.


A deafening crash shook the entire foyer, and thick smoke and dust immediately submerged Merlin.

"This bit of power is lacking too much…"

A calm voice could be heard. From the smoke and dust, Merlin's figure appeared once again, still completely unharmed.

At the moment, there were two Great Wizards with vigorous Elemental fluctuations standing before Merlin. A quick inspection revealed that they were peak Great Wizards. Behind these two were twenty or so Great Wizards.

It was evident that the previous attack which blanketed the entire venue was led by these two.

"If I'm not wrong, you two must be Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian, right?"

Merlin looked at these two peak Great Wizards, and instantly knew their identities. In the inner chamber, he did not find Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian. Unexpectedly, they had already come out and had set up an ambush at the entrance of the inner chamber, waiting for Merlin to appear.

If it was an average preeminent Great Wizard, even one like Kleis, they would have been caught unprepared to deal with this sudden sneak attack. However, whom they had met was Merlin, who was even more terrifying than a civilization-level genius. This small attack was nothing at all and was easily blocked.

"That's right, Merlin, how bold you are to enter the headquarters of my Ozmu. You've gotten help from these two, I suppose?"

Great Wizard Savaron waved his hand promptly, bringing Wizard Tamo and Wizard Gilles before Merlin. Clearly, these two had been captured by Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian.

Merlin spoke in a level tone. "Both of you Wizards already know that Kleis is dead, right? Even Kleis had died at my hands. You two think you can stop me?"

Although Merlin's tone was even, it roused bursts of ripples in the hearts of these Spell Casters. They were all Great Wizards of Ozmu, so naturally, they knew how strong the First Elder, Kleis, really was.

However, Kleis had been killed by Merlin now. Furthermore, their previous ambush did not do anything at all. In truth, some of these Great Wizards were considering other plans now.

A great change came over the faces of Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian, and they roared in unison, "Be silent! What does Kleis count for? He's no more than a prodigy we nurtured. The foundation of Ozmu is far beyond what you've imagined."

"Foundation? If you're referring to the subspace of the Origin Lord, I've already gone in and passed two challenges! Perhaps both of you should recognize these puppets!"

A smirk twisted in the corner of Merlin's mouth. Thereafter, ignoring the startled expressions of those two, he immediately took out the twenty-two robots from his Spatial Ring.

"Swish swish swish."

The robots appeared in the main foyer one after another. In particular, the nine robots at the front had bodies which were pitch-black and icy cold, inducing a tremble of dread in everyone.

"What are these? Alchemy puppets?"

"These alchemy puppets are really strange. No matter how strong these puppets are, what use can they be?"

"Among our Ozmu, even the best Great Alchemists can only transfigure puppets on par with Ninth-level Spell Casters at most. As for the few puppets left behind from three thousand years ago, they might reach the level of a Great Wizard, but how rare are those? How scary can these puppets be?"

Many of Ozmu's Great Wizards did not seem to understand much about the robots Merlin had summoned. They assumed these to be alchemy puppets. Even if these puppets were on par with Great Wizards, what use could they be in front of so many Great Wizards?

However, compared to the rest, Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian truly understood these "puppets". They knew very clearly that this was Ozmu's greatest secret – the puppets within the Origin Lord's subspace.

In particular, they were well acquainted with those nine puppets. The had also tried to pass the first challenge prepared by the Origin Lord but suffered a crushing defeat. Only Kleis had managed to pass.

They knew very well that each of these "puppets" was on par with a preeminent Great Wizard. One was enough to cause Ozmu a great headache, to say nothing about nine of them.

Moreover, there were the other ordinary robots, which were formidable existences not inferior to an average Great Wizard. Such a fearsome force would be able to sweep away the entire Spell Caster world. Even if Kleis was not dead, this force was enough to be a threat to him.

"You've actually brought the puppets from the subspace. How is that possible?"

Great Wizard Savaron's voice trembled as he spoke. The subspace of the Origin Lord was Ozmu's greatest secret. Back then, they had searched all over for genius Spell Casters, even using Pandora Demon Abilities as a lure in order to get prodigious Wizards to join Ozmu at any cost.

The outstanding ones among these would receive intense nurturing. Once they had reached the level of a peak Great Wizard, they were allowed to enter the subspace left behind by the Origin Lord, to attempt the challenges he had left behind.

Nevertheless, within so many years, there had only been Kleis within Ozmu who had succeeded in passing the first test.

"There's nothing that's impossible. What Kleis couldn't do, I can do! Both of you, I'll give you some time to consider. Can you withstand the attack of just these twenty-two puppets alone?"

After Merlin had finished speaking, he said nothing else, and lightly shut his eyes. Behind him, the twenty-two robots stood in silence as well. In an imperceptible manner, a powerful deterring force was causing uneasiness in the hearts of Great Wizard Savaron and Great Wizard Terian.

"Wizard Savaron, what do we do? Kleis is dead, and even the most important secret of Ozmu, the subspace of the Origin Lord, has been discovered. We've already lost our secret… More importantly, this Merlin is strong enough, even stronger than Kleis. Perhaps, he can ultimately pass the three challenges of the Origin Lord. If so, won't our wish of many years be fulfilled at that point?"

Great Wizard Terian spoke in a low voice. The depths of his heart were in fact rather stirred up. At this moment, in terms of power, forget about Ozmu. Even in the entire Spell Caster world, no one was a match for Merlin. Merlin's unification of the entire Spell Caster world was an unstoppable force. There was nothing which could prevent it.

Moreover, their greatest wish from the start was that someone would be able to pass the three challenges and obtain the benefits. They were unable to pass the tests, so they absorbed some genius Spell Casters and slowly nurtured them. Finally, they would send those to attempt the challenge, hoping to profit in some ways.

The strongest genius they had nurtured was Kleis, yet Merlin had accomplished what Kleis could not!

"So, what do you think?"

After an hour, Merlin opened his eyes, his calm gaze fixing upon Wizard Savaron and Wizard Terian. His gaze was serene enough but it was also abnormally piercing, causing Wizard Savaron and Wizard Terian to become nervous.

"We're willing to join the Spell Caster Alliance!"

Kleis had died. Ozmu no longer had any alternatives unless they were willing to clash against Merlin. However, the outcome of that would be certain.

"Very well!"

Merlin grinned. Behind him, an apparition of a Wizard Heart of incomparable size materialized. Although it was merely an apparition, its fearsome force practically suffocated these Great Wizards.

Before this Wizard Heart, the Wizard Hearts they had condensed seemed so minuscule, unable to put up the slightest resistance. This was Merlin's true, frightening capability, which far surpassed what these Great Wizards had imagined.

After exposing his abilities slightly, Merlin had indeed received great results. He nodded in satisfaction. Currently, Ozmu was the only faction in the entire southern Spell Caster world. With them joining, the Spell Caster Alliance had undergone an enormous expansion, showing the first real sign of swallowing the entire Spell Caster world.

However, this was not enough. What Merlin wanted was the entire Spell Caster world, to combine everyone thoroughly as one force, even if it was temporary!

"Wizard Tamo, Wizard Gilles, Wizard Savaron, Wizard Terian – four of you take care of things in the southern Spell Caster world for now. Everything remains as before but you're not allowed to kill other Spell Casters. You're now a member of the Spell Caster Alliance. All Spell Casters are members of this alliance. Spread this message. I'll still have to pay a visit to the northern Spell Casters. Those large spell casters' organizations must've made up their minds by now…"

Merlin made simple arrangements for the southern Spell Caster world, then brought only the three-headed dragon with him. Even Yulais was left with Ozmu.

"Let's go, we still need to make one difficult trip. To the northern Spell Caster world!"

Merlin gently stroked the head of the three-headed dragon. Thereafter, not only was the dragon not angered but it extended its necks cheerfully instead, then spread its wings and soared into the sky in great excitement, heading toward the distant northern Spell Caster world.

At the Polosi River, winter had just passed. The thick layer of ice above the current had not melted completely when the Holy Light Empire made a comeback, beginning to attack the troops of the Kingdom of Blackmoon on the other side of the river.

Over a million troops were stationed on both riverbanks. The Kingdom of Blackmoon had nearly gathered all its primary forces, totaling four hundred and fifty thousand. They were faced with the Holy Light Empire which was even scarier, with troops of six hundred thousand.

Both sides had battled fiercely here for a few months. The soil on both banks was tainted by blood so that it was now dark violet in color. Even in this chilly weather, a stink pervaded the air.

"Your Majesty, the morale of the troops has been declining. They're feeling despair toward this war. Your arrival will surely reinvigorate their fighting spirit, and the final victory shall belong to us!"

In the Kingdom of Blackmoon's camp, a dignified, middle-aged man, wearing a purple gold crown, listened to reports from his subordinates with a wooden expression.

Most of these reports were updates of the battle, unfavorable ones at that. This caused the eighth prince, who had just arrived at the front lines, ready to fight to the death, to turn extremely gloomy.

"Marshal Cassely, be rest assured. I've brought the purple gold crown with me this time, along with the elders from the royal family, and the strongest Wizards of the kingdom. The Holy Light Empire can forget about crossing the Polosi River!"

Marshal Cassely raised his head to glance at the determined king, his mouth opening and closing as he struggled to say something. In the end, he did not say anything, and swiftly withdrew from the king's tent.

The king stood up and wordlessly arrived at the riverbank. When he looked up, he could easily see the situation of the Holy Light Empire over at the other side. Wisps of white light assembled just like a gigantic umbrella, shielding in mid-air.

The soldiers of the Holy Light Empire, even the lowliest ones, were under the protection of this white light. It was obvious that they were ready to fight and filled with courage!

"Faith, is it? I don't know if the God of Light you worship really exists but as long as I'm here, I'll never let them set foot in this free country, never!"

The eighth prince stared at the reflection in the icy surface, of the purple gold crown worn on his head. This was his last support!

Chapter 689: The Purple Gold Crown II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

On the other side of the Polosi River, the troops of the Holy Light Empire were all equipped and ready. Each of them was at their best – mentally, physically, and psychologically. This was a crusade against heresy that they had looked forward to a long time ago.

Ever since the Holy Light Empire was founded, concern for their God had grown. As long as they had sincere faith in their hearts, anyone could feel that their bodies were filled with inexhaustible strength. They were full of vigor every day, and would not tire no matter how much they did.

Therefore, the Church of Light followed in the footsteps of the Holy Light Empire, quickly spreading all around and firmly grasping the entire Holy Light Empire.

"O' Your Noble Holiness the Pope, we've just received news that the king of the Kingdom of Blackmoon, Bhutto XVII, has arrived at the front lines. He's in the camp on the other side of the Polosi River."

A red-robed Wizard bowed respectfully toward the middle-aged man sitting in the high seat, dressed in a flowing robe. This man gave off an intimate vibe, almost "fatherly" in feeling but at the same time, he possessed an unparalleled dignity.

He was the Pope of the Church of Light – the Emperor of the Holy Light Empire, Philandeny!

The present Philandeny had been crowned as the Pope of the Holy Light Empire long ago, combining the authority of the empire and the church as one. In the Holy Light Empire, he was equivalent to an incarnation of their God.

"Archbishop Nananni! Don't worry. The heretics of the Kingdom of Blackmoon have only lost their way. With God guiding the way, we'll bring them into His radiance and rinse their spirits. They can still become God's most devout believers!"

This red-robed Wizard was an Archbishop of the Holy Light Empire, a member of the clergy. Nonetheless, he was also a chancellor of the empire. This time, he had followed the Pope to the front lines to bear witness to how even the biggest land of heretics would finally be blanketed in God's glory.

"Your Holiness the Pope, five years ago, the supreme God of Light blessed us with a miracle, conveying His oracle through Your Holiness, and we started to make preparations. To date, besides the Kingdom of Blackmoon, all other lands have been conquered by us. Everyone is in God's light now, except for the Kingdom of Blackmoon. They're wicked heretics, consisting of Spell Casters with corrupted souls. God has commanded us to annihilate these Spell Casters. There'll be no redemption for their souls. However, the strongest among them is comparable to an Archbishop. If we count those spell casters' organizations, their powerful ones far outnumber ours…"

Archbishop Nananni spoke somewhat worriedly. Clashes between the Church of Light and Spell Casters were not infrequent. Naturally, he knew that the number of Great Wizards in the Spell Caster world was rather considerable.

Every single Great Wizard was equivalent to a red-robed Archbishop of a large district in the Church of Light. This Archbishop was responsible for the religious matters of a huge region. Even though the Church of Light's influence had spread substantially, their land was merely divided into seven districts.

This meant that the current Holy Light Empire only had seven Archbishops. If their hidden forces were added like the mysterious Wizards in the Inquisition, the Holy Light Empire's capabilities were even stronger but it was still slightly lacking in comparison to the Spell Caster world.

"That's no matter. The Spell Casters are now in great disorder. They won't possibly join forces. Moreover, even if they do, so what? Don't forget, five years ago, the great God of Light sent his miracle, allowing us to select three individuals with the most devout faith in God. Now, those three Wizards, after going through the holy ceremony, were bestowed with supreme powers by the God of Light, becoming the legendary Divine Believers. I've already invited one Divine Believer to oversee things here. No matter how many Great Wizards there are in the Spell Caster world, it's of no use. They must all be purified!"

Philandeny spoke calmly.

"Divine Believer?"

Archbishop Nananni's heart trembled. There was a Divine Believer! According to some records of the Church of Light, once, a long time ago, the entire world was immersed in God's glory. Everyone worshipped the noble God but later, heretical Spell Casters began to rise, gradually breaking away from His light.

At that time, within the Church, other than the supreme existence the Pope, there was the Inquisition, the Archbishops, and so on, who wielded authority. There was also another group who stayed above these matters, which was the Divine Believers!

If the Pope could replace God in managing countless believers, then the Divine Believers were those with the most devout faith in God. At the same time, they had gone through a ceremony and received God's trust, and could even take on a part of God's strength.

It was just that, in the past, the God of Light had not granted any miracles or oracles, and some believers even started to doubt God's existence.

Therefore, in that period, the church was low-profile, serving only as a spiritual symbol, attached to the Kingdom of Light. However, decades ago, the Pope received an oracle and began to gain control over the Kingdom of Light once again. He succeeded in seizing the kingdom and founded the Holy Light Empire.

After establishing the Holy Light Empire, the God of Light fell into silence again, and took no action, until five years ago. He blessed them with a miracle and allowed the church to pick three believers with the greatest faith.

"So, the three believers with the most devout faith are Divine Believers. They've already succeeded in mastering the powers God had blessed them with?"

Philandeny nodded. "Within five years, they've essentially grown familiar and gained control over the powers God had given them. Even one Divine Believer is enough to sweep away all the heretics!"

Upon seeing the confident look on the Pope's face, Archbishop Nananni felt more assured, saying softly, "Your Holiness the Pope, then should we start the war now, and destroy those heretical troops in one go?"

"Of course, the decisive battle has begun! God's radiance will surely spill across every corner of the world."

Philandeny stood up, his body exuding an incomparably divine force like he was a real god. His abstruse gaze was directed at the other bank of the Polosi River…


The entire ground seemed to quake. The sentinels in the Kingdom of Blackmoon's army immediately noticed the abnormal activity among the Holy Light Empire's troops on the other side of the river.

"Oh no, the Holy Light Empire's attack has begun anew…"

Their voices rang through the army camp. The soldiers of the Kingdom of Blackmoon were solemn and ready as well. They did not panic, and under Marshal Cassely's command, swiftly moved into formation.

"Your Majesty, the Holy Light Empire has started to attack. It seems like they're aiming for a decisive battle!"

"Decisive battle?"

There was a sharp glint in the eighth prince's eyes. Currently, both sides were on both banks of the River Polosi, having stationed their best troops. The outcome of this battle could indeed influence the overall situation. It was not an exaggeration to call it a decisive battle.

"Marshal Cassely, get ready. This is a battle our Kingdom of Blackmoon mustn't lose. Just as you said, it's a decisive battle!"

The eighth prince followed Marshal Cassely and exited his tent. He looked toward the battlefield ahead. As the river was frozen in thick ice, the soldiers of the Holy Light Empire were wearing special shoes, steadily making their attack toward the troops of the Kingdom of Blackmoon.

The first squadron was a fierce cavalry. These soldiers were wrapped in thick armor, and their bodies were also shrouded in a faint veil of light.

"Archers, shoot!"

The Kingdom of Blackmoon began their counterattack too. A rain of arrows descended, and a fierce wind appeared in the sky. With the force of the wind, these arrows became even faster.

"Bang bang bang."

As the arrows rained upon the cavalry, they were blocked by the layer of light. This was a spell added to the cavalry by the Wizards of the Church of Light. From the start, the Wizards of the church had begun to battle fiercely with the Spell Casters of the Kingdom of Blackmoon.

"Ice Trap!"

At this furious cry, vicious Ice Elemental fluctuations quickly spread in all directions. The initially solid ice of the river rapidly erupted into large cracks and pits. Countless cavalrymen fell into this trap.

Faced with the spells cast by Spell Casters, these brave soldiers had no hope of victory.

"These Normies – what purpose can they serve in a war like this?"

The eighth prince watched wordlessly as soldiers fell one by one. In the clash of the spells from both sides, these soldiers were caught in the crossfire. They were unable to put up the slightest resistance.

"That's right. If they were supported by spells, they might still be useful to deal with Spell Casters below the Fourth-level. In this battle, forget about Spell Casters below the Fourth-level. Spell Casters above the Seventh-level, even Great Wizards, are many in number. Normie soldiers are only sent to their deaths!"

Marshal Cassely felt rather helpless too. Although he had formidable commanding abilities, in a war like this, even the best commander would be powerless.

"Don't throw away the lives of the kingdom's brave soldiers anymore! The Wizards of the Church of Light have started to attack…"

The eighth prince was already able to see the other side of the river. Countless Wizards in white robes were glowing with pure, holy light. They were mobilizing their spells.

"Your Majesty, they're only scouting. Each time the Holy Light Empire attacks…"

Before he could finish, the entire sky was lit up. The white glimmer that filled the sky illuminated the entire stretch above. Among the church's Wizards on the other riverbank, some red-robed and black-robed Wizards suddenly appeared.

"Red-robed Archbishops, black-robed Inquisitors… They're the Archbishops and Inquisitors, comparable to Great Wizards! Your Majesty, quick, send the elders from the group of elders. How can there be so many Archbishops and Inquisitors? The Holy Light Empire must've plotted for a long time to thoroughly annihilate us!"

Marshal Cassely's face was incomparably white. He felt an unprecedented level of threat. The Archbishops and Inquisitors on the other side added up to thirteen in total. This was the same as thirteen Great Wizards.

A force like this was much stronger than the group of elders of the Blackmoon royal family. They would soon suffer a destructive blow.

"O' noble God of Light, you're born from the light, bringing light to us all, chasing away darkness, chasing away evil! Light Sword, carry out your judgment!"

The sky resounded with the chanting of the thirteen Archbishops and Inquisitors. Soon, a gleaming, white giant sword materialized in mid-air, hanging above the camp of the Kingdom of Blackmoon.


The giant sword sliced down. No matter if they were Normies or Spell Casters, they felt suffocated as if the sword was about to painfully tear their bodies apart.

"Your Majesty!"

Marshal Cassely's eyes were bloodshot as he yelled himself hoarse. Currently, he appeared incomparably anxious. Faced with a power like this, he was in total despair.

"The Church of Light can forget about setting foot in the free country of Spell Casters! Purple gold crown, go forth. Protect this land, protect liberty!"

At an unknown time, the eighth prince had taken off the purple-gold crown from his head. This crown was a symbol of the royalty, embodying the honor of the royal family.

Nevertheless, the members of the royal family also knew that this purple gold crown was one of their most valuable treasures. It contained defensive powers that could not be matched and had always guarded the royal family.

No one had ever been able to break this purple gold crown!


The purple gold crown began to vibrate violently in the eighth prince's hand. At the same time, a purple-gold light swiftly broadened overhead, covering the entire camp.

In the sky, within the dazzling purple gold ray, a gigantic apparition of the crown gradually took shape. Boldly, it confronted the Light Sword unleashed by thirteen existences on par with Great Wizards!

Chapter 690: The Divine Believer!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The massive purple gold crown was like a lofty monarch, filled with grandeur and dignity. This was the most precious treasure of the Blackmoon royal family, which had guarded them for many years. Each king, as long as he wore this crown, would not be in danger.

Currently, everyone was holding their breath. Even the eighth prince was looking up into the sky, watching the clash between the white giant sword and the purple gold crown.


The giant sword cut down upon the purple-gold crown. That frightening force caused even the earth itself to shudder, overshadowing even the sunlight.

The aftershock of the collision spread in all directions, and a fierce wind appeared in the air, blowing into the distance.

The sky soon resumed its calmness. When the smoke and dust had dispersed, everyone was amazed to see that the purple gold crown did not change at all. It still shone with a purple-gold glow, brimming with boundless grandeur.

"Purple gold crown, you didn't disappoint me. There's still nothing that can break your defenses!"

A smile tugged at the corner of the eighth prince's mouth. It was the most precious asset of the royal family. Naturally, the eighth prince understood how the purple-gold crown was known to be unbreakable. At least, Great Wizards were unable to break its defenses.

In the past, the royal family had met a crisis, encountering three Great Wizards. However, with the purple-gold crown's protection, the king was safe and sound. In the end, they had beaten the three Great Wizards. However, there had never been a time as dangerous as the present, when there were thirteen beings on par with Great Wizards, attacking together.

Fortunately, the purple-gold crown still blocked it!

In contrast to the Kingdom of Blackmoon's cheering, the Holy Light Empire appeared rather solemn. The seemingly omnipotent red-robed Archbishops and the grim, pitiless Inquisitors were usually so lofty. Now, thirteen of them had joined forces, capable of destroying everything.

Nonetheless, they had no way to deal with that purple gold crown. Once was not enough, and even subsequent attacks were of no use, unable to break past it.

"Purple gold crown – a crown-like this should be purified, worn on the head of Your Holiness the Pope!"

Archbishop Nananni spoke softly. He did not join the fight but stayed beside Philandeny to observe the situation. They had previously heard of the purple gold crown but did not seriously take it into account. They had seen many Spell Casters' casting tools but none which was as powerful as this purple gold crown before them.

A Spell Caster who wore it did not even need to be at a powerful level in order to unleash that matchless defensive power.

"It really is a pretty crown. To destroy it like that would be such a shame…"

Philandeny glanced at the golden crown on his head and sighed. The purple gold crown was a true crown. It was just a shame that he could not obtain it.

"Let the Archbishops and Inquisitors step down. The purple gold crown isn't something they can overcome."

Archbishop Nananni was slightly taken aback as if he had suddenly thought of something. He asked quietly, "Your Holiness the Pope, have you decided to send the Divine Believer?"

"Other than the Divine Believer, who else can overcome that purple gold crown?"

After a pause, Philandeny's face turned serious, following which he used a special method of voice transmission, saying in a low voice, "Divine Emissary Bonnet, please come out. The supreme God has guided us to cast God's glory across every corner of the world. Now, we're faced with the frantic obstruction of heretics. Only the Divine Emissary, through the powers granted by God, can eliminate these heretics!"

After Philandeny's words were spoken, the surrounding space was gripped by small tremors, just like ripples in water.


Space was broken apart bit by bit, and a figure slowly exited from this space. It was someone who looked very ordinary. He was dressed in a plain white robe, his bare feet on the ground. Only his inscrutable eyes seemed unusual.

A person like this, dressed in this manner, reminded Archbishop Nananni of the Ascetics in the Church of Light. They had collectively offered their bodies and minds to God, and their belief in God was most pious.

"Is the Divine Emissary Sir Bonnet an Ascetic?"

Archbishop Nananni questioned rather incredulously.

"That's right. The three Divine Emissaries are all Ascetics!"

Philandeny nodded whereas Archbishop Nananni appeared somewhat surprised. Nonetheless, this seemed logical upon careful consideration. Only these Ascetics, who had no desires nor requests, could maintain the most devout faith in their God.

"Your Holiness the Pope, God has guided us to turn our hearts toward the light. However, there's still a group of heretics who control a vast land, causing those within to have no way of receiving God's splendor. God, grant me the strength I need. I shall shine God's light into every corner of the world!"

With that, the Divine Emissary Bonnet, still wearing a pious expression and the simplicity of an Ascetic, looked toward the purple-gold crown in the sky. Following that, step by step, as if ascending a flight of stairs, he stepped into mid-air.

"Who's that?"

The soldiers of the Kingdom of Blackmoon were celebrating because even those thirteen existences on par with Great Wizards had been unable to defeat the purple-gold crown. This indicated that the Kingdom of Blackmoon was in an invincible position. No matter how long this war dragged on, the Kingdom of Blackmoon would be able to withstand it.

However, now the thirteen Archbishops and Inquisitors were swiftly retreating. In their place was a man, dressed in plain clothing – a white robe, and barefooted. Step by step, he ascended into thin air.

"Marshal Cassely, do you know who's that?"

The eighth prince turned around and asked Marshal Cassely. As a marshal who had been in command of the front lines, he should have an excellent understanding of the Holy Light Empire.

However, Marshal Cassely shook his head helplessly. "The Archbishops and Inquisitors of the Church of Light are easy to recognize but this man's clothes are neither that of an Archbishop nor an Inquisitor. Instead, he looks more like a special group within the Church of Light – the Ascetics!"


It was the first time the eighth prince had heard of this name.

"That's right, the Ascetics. They've given their bodies and minds to the God of Light as an honor, and have the greatest faith in the God of Light. These Ascetics are few in number within the Church of Light but are well respected within the church."

"So, what if he's an Ascetic? Can he really break the purple-gold crown?"

A confident look flashed across the eighth prince's face. The purple gold crown was able to withstand an attack from thirteen beings comparable to Great Wizards. In the Spell Caster world, there was no force that could break the defenses of the purple gold crown.

Currently, the pious Ascetic within the sky, the Divine Emissary Bonnet, was still approaching the purple-gold crown step by step, before finally stopping right before it.

His gaze was tranquil, following which he looked up at the sky, his expression turning even more devout. His body then erupted with light as blinding as the sun.

This light induced an incomparable sense of warmth within the people as if there was a feeling of amiability. As for Bonnet in mid-air, he was shrouded in this veil of pure light, like a real god!

"Supreme God of Light, grant me the strength to eliminate the darkness and the obstructions!"

Bonnet's voice reverberated in all directions, after which he lightly tapped the space before him.


With this gesture, the calm space was instantly shattered, and an enormous black crack split the air apart. This crack was even widening without stopping, forming into a colossal abyss!

"Space is shattered? To shatter space with one tap… Could he be a Great Legend?"

The Spell Casters of the Kingdom of Blackmoon were the most shocked, especially the elders within the group of elders. They swiftly arrived at the eighth prince's side, staring at the Ascetic in mid-air in unparalleled astonishment.

As Great Wizards, these elders of the royal family naturally knew that only the fabled Great Legends could shatter space at will. This was a level that all Spell Casters dreamed of achieving, but until now, no one was able to become a Great Legend.

"How can there be someone so terrifying from the Church of Light? Comparable to a Great Legend… Could it be that the God of Light actually exists?"

The eighth prince gaped dumbly at how a single tap from the Ascetic could shatter space itself. This power was something no Great Wizard could withstand. As for the purple gold crown, the eighth prince's cumulative confidence from a moment ago had now vanished without a trace!

"Block it, the crown must block it!"

The depths of the eighth prince's heart were crying out…

In a huge palace of the northern Spell Caster world, there was a gathering of Ozmu, the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world, and even Spell Casters who had hurried from Subzero Snowfield.

Within this palace, even the three-headed dragon was guilelessly sprawled upon the ground. It lifted its heads from time to time, sweeping a massive gaze across the Spell Casters within the foyer.

Today, more than forty Great Wizards were assembled here. This was over ninety percent of the Great Wizards in the Spell Caster world. Only the recently established Spell Caster Alliance was able to pull off such a feat.

The one who presided above all of this was Merlin. Before this, he had already arrived at the northern Spell Caster world and quickly received a reply from the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations, who were willing to join the Spell Caster Alliance.

Other than the fact that Merlin had mentioned alluring conditions, the most important factor was that they had no other choice. Initially, they had wanted to watch from the sidelines but after Merlin had seized Ozmu Headquarters and made them join the Spell Caster Alliance, the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world had no choice at all but to join the Spell Caster Alliance.

This time, it was Merlin's first time using the name of the Spell Caster Alliance to gather the Great Wizards of all factions. This indicated that the entire Spell Caster had joined forces, forming a formidable faction!

"Everyone, within the Spell Caster Alliance, there's knowledge on Spell Model construction, alchemy, potions, and runes. Of course, what everyone wants the most, which is information on becoming a Great Legend, I've already given. You can access it at any time!"

After Merlin had spoken, the faces of the Great Wizards were gripped by excitement. The Molta Empire had collapsed overnight, and the flow of knowledge had been broken. In particular, the path to becoming a Great Legend was reduced to just a few isolated phrases. They only knew that one had to condense a Maxim but the specific steps and characteristics as well as the differences between creating each type of Maxim, and so on, were all lost.

Merlin had brought this information with him from the Void Zone. This was nothing more than the most common, basic information in the Spell Caster civilization of the Void Zone. However, to these Great Wizards of the Glorious Land, it was incomparably precious.

Just based on this alone, they already had no complaints about joining the Spell Caster Alliance.

As he noticed the Great Wizards' excitement, a grin tugged at Merlin's lips. There were many reasons for the decline of the Glorious Land but the most direct factor was actually the seal of the three Ultimate Arcane Wizards.

However, if not for the seal, the Glorious Land would have been destroyed long ago. After all, this was the origin of the Spell Caster civilization. Regardless of the God Alliance or the Atlan civilization, along with other enemy civilizations, they were all curious about the Glorious Land.

During Merlin's return to the Glorious Land this time, even if he could not unify the Spell Caster world, he would disseminate this knowledge, allowing the Spell Casters of the Glorious Land to grow strong once more.

"Everyone, I've unified the Spell Caster world. Perhaps many of you don't understand why I'm doing this. In fact, it's very simple. It's because the entire Spell Caster world is faced with a grave crisis. The Spell Caster world may be on the brink of extinction at any moment. Just like how three thousand years ago, the Molta Empire, so mighty once upon a time, had collapsed overnight!"

Merlin's tone was calm enough but his words caused the atmosphere in the foyer to drop to a freezing point. Everyone fell silent, their faces contorted by puzzlement.

Chapter 691: Shaking the Spell Caster World!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"Collapse overnight like the Molta Empire three thousand years ago? How's that possible?"

"That's right, our northern Spell Caster world as well as Ozmu have over forty Great Wizards. What force could make us collapse?"

These Great Wizards did not understand where the threat came from. They did not even understand the current grim situation.

"Yes, forty over Great Wizards is a very powerful force. However, you should've heard of the Holy Light Empire and the Church of Light right? In the Holy Light Empire, Spell Casters are absolutely heretical. That's the threat! The source of all threats is the Church of Light!"

All the Great Wizards were slightly stunned at Merlin's words. They immediately recalled that the Church of Light was indeed extremely powerful. One or two large spell casters' organizations alone would not be able to go against the Church of Light at all.

Meanwhile, the Church of Light had at least a dozen Great Wizards who were even a legacy of the gods from legends. Naturally, these Spell Casters did not believe in gods. They were Spell Casters who possessed great power by understanding the mysteries of Elements.

For many years, the Church of Light and Spell Casters had been at peace. Occasionally, several wars to suppress heresy would be stopped by the Kingdom of Blackmoon. To these spell casters' organizations, it was like a matter from another world.

Could the Church of Light threaten the entire Spell Caster world? These Great Wizards expressed their doubts and found it hard to believe.

Merlin sighed lightly. If he had not come from the Void Zone and was unaware that the one behind the Church of Light was the terrifying Lord God of Light, an ultimate existence, he would not believe that the Church of Light was a threat to the Spell Caster world either.

"Alright, there's no need to argue. The Holy Light Empire and the Kingdom of Blackmoon are currently engaged in a war, and the victor will emerge soon. At that time, we'll know very quickly whether or not the Church of Light is a threat."

Merlin raised his head and looked into the distance. He knew that the Kingdom of Blackmoon was fighting a decisive battle against the Holy Light Empire. The outcome of this battle would completely change the situation. Now, he could only gather up strength in the shortest time possible to prepare for the battles in the future.

"Hold on. It must hold on…"

The eighth prince looked nervously at the purple-gold crown in the sky. He already saw how extraordinary the Ascetic was when he broke space at will. That was comparable to the Great Legends recorded in ancient literature!

This Ascetic was far more terrifying than the thirteen Archbishops and Inquisitors before him!


The power of the Ascetic Bonnet viciously hit the purple-gold crown. For the first time, the crown trembled violently and quickly began to sway.


The heart-throbbing sound rang out. Like beautiful colored glass, cracks webbed across the purple gold crown, revealing a shocking sight. Purple and gold light also rapidly dissipated.

"It broke…"

"The purple gold crown couldn't block it!"

"How could that be? That's the most powerful treasure in the royal family that had resisted countless attacks…"

The soldiers who were just cheering for the purple-gold crown were dumbfounded, their eyes revealing a trace of disbelief. Everyone felt a freezing cold around their body. If the purple-gold crown could not withstand it, they did not know how else they were going to stop the footsteps of the Holy Light Empire.


Finally, the purple-gold crown could no longer block the powerful force. It exploded in the air, and countless fragments scattered all over the ground.

The eighth prince's breath stopped as he paled considerably. At this moment, even he felt despair.

"Your Highness, we should leave and return to the Imperial City. We've already lost. We've been completely defeated. We have no way of stopping the Holy Light Empire. Should we let the Spell Caster world know who the true threat is?"

Marshal Cassely saw the ordinary soldiers of the Holy Light Empire cheer opposite the river. He knew that they were fighting a losing battle. They could no longer stop the advance of the Holy Light Empire.

"Yes, we've lost. The Kingdom of Blackmoon was defeated, and even the purple gold crown was lost. The position of the royal family will not be as stable anymore… However, there's still hope!"

The eighth prince gritted his teeth. He strongly advocated for coming to the front line and even brought the purple-gold crown to stop the Holy Light Empire with the power of the royal family.

However, he realized just how little he knew about the Holy Light Empire. While no one noticed, the Holy Light Empire had accumulated unimaginable power.

This power was enough to wipe up the entire Kingdom of Blackmoon. It was impossible to hold back the Holy Light Empire just by relying on the strength of the royal family.

"Go, retreat to the Imperial City!"

The eighth prince had decided. If they did not leave now, they might not be able to leave anymore. As for the front line troops, they would be able to stall for some time…

Half a month later, in the Spell Caster Alliance headquarters in the northern Spell Caster world, forty-five Great Wizards gathered in the large hall of a castle. Merlin convened all the Great Wizards in the Spell Caster world in the name of the Spell Caster Alliance.

At this time, a piece of shocking news arrived that the Holy Light Empire defeated the Kingdom of Blackmoon at the Polosi River, and even the royal family's purple gold crown was destroyed.

Subsequently, the Holy Light Empire began to step into the Kingdom of Blackmoon's land and arrested Spell Casters wantonly. As long as anyone was related to Spell Casters, they would be sent to the Church of Light under the charge of "heresy". If the soul could not be "purified", then they would be brutally killed by the Inquisition.

This matter had caused a huge shock in the Spell Caster world. It swept through just like a storm, leaving all the Spell Casters dumbfounded and in disbelief.

"It's unimaginable that the Holy Light Empire could actually destroy the Kingdom of Blackmoon's purple gold crown!"

"We were too careless. Wizard Merlin was right, our greatest enemy is the Church of Light. The Kingdom of Blackmoon itself is comparable to a large spell casters' organization. The Blackmoon royal family, who has the purple gold crown, far exceeds some large spell casters' organizations and is comparable to two or even three large spell casters' organizations. However, even the powerful Blackmoon royal family was defeated!"

"Although the Kingdom of Blackmoon is controlled by the royal family, it's still a free country for Spell Casters. Now, our freedom has been trampled on by the Church of Light. We're also in jeopardy! We can't let the Church of Light continue to advance forward anymore."

Hearing the news of the Kingdom of Blackmoon's defeat, these Great Wizards seemed to suddenly wake up. At this time, they finally sensed the threat and believed Melin's analysis of the Church of Light.

The Church of Light was the common threat of all Spell Casters.

"Wizard Merlin, the Holy Light Empire is approaching us and threatening the peace of our Spell Caster world. We can't sit idly by any longer. We must act quick and repel the Church of Light!"

Some Great Wizards suggested to Merlin. Since they belonged to the Spell Caster Alliance now, and Merlin was the Spell Caster Alliance's First Elder, only Merlin could decide whether to act or not.

"Don't be hasty! The Church of Light could break the purple-gold crown. Could any of you do the same?"

Merlin had also collected some information regarding the Blackmoon royal family and naturally knew how powerful the purple-gold crown was. It was claimed to be a treasure that Great Wizards could not break.


All the Great Wizards hesitated. Unlike the Holy Light Empire, large spell casters' organizations like them understood the Blackmoon royal family well, and knew how powerful the purple-gold crown was. No one could confidently say that they could destroy the purple-gold crown. Otherwise, it would not be so easy for the Blackmoon royal family to rule the Kingdom of Blackmoon.

"I've received news that a Divine Believer appeared in the Church of Light! I believe that with everyone's knowledge, you've heard about Divine Believers right? They're a legendary existence in the Church of Light and can carry out the power of God… Whether or not they're truly Divine Believers, one thing's for certain – Divine Believer can easily shatter space and has destroyed the purple-gold crown in one swoop!"

Merlin's words once again shocked these Great Wizards as they fell silent. They had gained some experience from Legendary Wizards Merlin brought from the Void Zone.

To be able to break space was to have the power of a Great Legend. In the Church of Light, it was very possible that there was an existence comparable to a Great Legend.

Then, their gazes all turned to Merlin. They had also suspected that Merlin had power equivalent to a Great Legend. Perhaps now, only Merlin could compete with the Church of Light.

"Wizard Merlin, we're at your disposal!"

Many Great Wizards nodded in succession. With the threat brought by the Church of Light, they would naturally unite and join forces to deal with the Church of Light.

"Very good. Everyone, get ready. We'll go to the Imperial City first, and join with the Blackmoon royal family. We need to gather all our forces to defeat the Church of Light and resolve this crisis!"

Merlin held back some words. Not only did he want to defeat the Church of Light but he also wanted to uproot the Church of Light, and completely destroy the Holy Light Empire.

In order to do this, he would have to unite with the strength of the Kingdom of Blackmoon. Although the royal family's strength was greatly damaged, they still firmly controlled the Kingdom of Blackmoon. It was the best choice to go to the Imperial City to ally with the royal family.

As a result, a series of orders were issued from the Spell Caster Alliance Headquarters. Spell Casters from various lands all headed toward the Imperial City.

"Have Ozmu and the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world been notified? We're at a critical moment now. Aren't they planning to act?"

In the resplendent and magnificent palace, the eighth prince's expression was sallow, and his tone was full of anger. As soon as he returned to the Imperial City, he sent the most capable Spell Casters to contact Ozmu in the south, and the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world, hoping that they would join forces and contend against the Holy Light Empire.

However, so far, there seemed to be no news.

"Your Highness, our men have already sent back news but there have been new developments in the Spell Caster world."

Standing in front of the eighth prince was a ninth-level Spell Caster. He was also the supreme commander of the army, Marshal Cassely.

"New developments? Did Ozmu defeat the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world or did the Northern Spell Caster world defeat Ozmu?"

The eighth prince frowned. Naturally, he knew that the Spell Caster world was in chaos. Ozmu was fighting with the Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world and did not care about anything else.

Marshal Cassely shook his head. "Your Highness, you aren't aware but Ozmu and the Northern Seven Major Spell Caster organizations have ceased to exist, and have been replaced by a new powerful force called the Spell Caster Alliance! Even Subzero Snowfield is under the control of the Spell Caster Alliance. This Spell Caster Alliance is the most powerful force since the collapse of the Molta Empire. It can be said to have integrated the entire Spell Caster world!"

"Spell Caster Alliance? When did this new power suddenly rise? How did it manage to integrate Ozmu and the northern Spell Caster world in such a short amount of time? Did Kleis agree to it?"

The eighth prince was puzzled. He knew that Kleis, the First Elder of Ozmu, was an extremely powerful Wizard. This time, in order to go against the Holy Light Empire, he had to rely on Kleis.

"Your Highness, Kleis has already died. He was defeated and killed by the founder of the Spell Caster Alliance!"

"Kleis is dead?"

The eighth prince seemed to think that more had happened in these recent months than the previous decades.

"What exactly is this Spell Caster Alliance? Who's the founder? He definitely isn't ordinary to be able to kill Kleis!"

Marshal Cassely took a deep breath. He stared at the eighth prince and enunciated lowly, "That man is known as Wizard Merlin. Wizard Wilson Merlin!"


The eighth prince stood up with trembling hands, his expression revealing a look of shock…

Chapter 692: Repairing the Warship I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Three days later, when a huge three-headed dragon appeared in the skies of the Imperial City, everyone was filled with panic. Even ordinary people knew that the Kingdom had lost the battle. No one knew when the Holy Light Empire would attack the Imperial City.

However, it was obviously not the Holy Light Empire this time. Besides the huge three-headed dragon, behind it was more than forty powerful Spell Casters, all walking on air and forming a dense and dark mass. The powerful Elemental fluctuations were even more frightening.

"They're Great Wizards!"

"Heavens, how are there so many Great Wizards?"

There were naturally many Spell Casters who gathered at the Imperial City, especially after they had learned about the defeat of the royal family. Therefore, they saw at a glance the forty or so Spell Casters in the sky were rarely seem Great Wizards.

A force like this could instantly destroy the Imperial City.


The three-headed dragon spread its wings and swooped down quickly, landing accurately outside the Imperial City's palace. The three heads drooped slightly, and a figure slowly flew down from its head.

"Wizard Merlin!"

There was already a crowd of people outside the Imperial City, led by the Blackmoon King, Bhutto XVII, previously known as the eighth prince.

Merlin, who stepped down from the three-headed dragon, smiled when he saw the eighth prince and calmly said, "The eighth prince? It seems I should call you Your Majesty the King now!"

Merlin saw the familiar eighth prince and seemed to recall the days when he was with Teacher Leo. Familiar images flashed in his mind.

However, Merlin had never returned to the Imperial City after he had left. After several decades, the eighth prince had become the Blackmoon King.

"Wizard Merlin, I didn't expect that you would be able to defeat even Kleis. You're the strongest Wizard in the Spell Caster world, the number one Wizard!"

The eighth prince also felt regretful. Back then when Merlin and Teacher Leo helped him fight for the throne, he thought very highly of Merlin. However, no matter how optimistic he was, the most he dared to imagine was that Merlin would perhaps become a Seventh-level Spell Caster.

He would have never expected that Merlin would reach so high. He defeated the so-called invincible Kleis, and even unified the entire Spell Caster world. This was the biggest change that had happened in the Spell Caster world since the Molta Empire fell three thousand years ago. No one had ever been able to unify the entire Spell Caster world.

However, Merlin did it!

"Wizard Merlin, all Great Wizards, come in and discuss!"

The eighth prince looked at the forty or so Great Wizards behind Merlin and felt stunned. Although he received news three days ago that the Spell Caster Alliance's First Elder would lead many Great Wizards to the Imperial City to discuss how to deal with the Holy Light Empire, the eighth prince still felt an incomparable shock when he was really faced with forty or so Great Wizards.

Soon, the crowd filed in and entered the hall.

The eighth prince did not sit on the throne but instead sat in the hall like Merlin. His expression was full of worry as he said, "Wizard Merlin, Great Wizards, it's the good fortune of all Spell Casters that the Spell Caster world can unite. However, the Holy Light Empire is just too strong…"

"Your Majesty the King, it's said that even the purple-gold crown was destroyed by the Holy Light Church. We'd like to know in detail who broke the purple and gold crown?"

One of the Great Wizards asked bluntly. The reason they came to the Imperial City was to learn more about the Holy Light Empire and the strength of the Church of Light.

"The purple gold crown?"

The eighth prince's face darkened when the purple-gold crown was mentioned.

After a long moment, the eighth prince finally raised his head and said, "Have you heard of the legend about the Church of Light's Divine Believers?"

"Divine Believers?"

Many Great Wizards shook their heads. After the collapse of the Molta Empire three thousand years ago, there were many gaps in knowledge. They did not even know many Spell Caster legends, much less the Church of Light.

Only Merlin frowned tightly as if remembering something. The words "Divine Believers" gave Merlin a familiar feeling. He was sure that he heard about it in the Void Zone before.

After a careful recall, Merlin finally seemed to remember. However, when he raised his head, his expression became strangely unsightly. He said, "Your Majesty, you're talking about the most pious believers in the Church of Light who are said to have been chosen by God, and possess a portion of God's power?"

The eighth prince revealed a shocked expression. "I didn't expect Wizard Merlin to be so knowledgeable. Yes, the Divine Believers of the Church of Light are said to possess the power of God! Originally, I was dismissive of these legends but after the battle at the Polosi River, and a Divine Believer broke the purple gold crown, I have to believe this legend!"

Many Spell Casters were doubtful of the eighth prince's words. They also had some dealings with the Church of Light but they had never believed in the so-called God. They even felt that it was something that the Church of Light to control ordinary people.

They never thought that now, a Divine Believer who possessed God's power would appear. How was that possible?

Many Great Wizards still did not believe it but Merlin did. God existed but God was defeated by Spell Casters in the past, and countless gods were banished from the Glorious Land by the Spell Casters.

Gods were not scary but the God of Light was not an ordinary god. He founded god organization of lord gods, which were terrifying beings comparable to Ultimate Arcane Wizards.

"With the appearance of Divine Believers, is it possible that the Lord God of Light had broken the seal of some of the three Ultimate Arcane Wizards, and projected His power into the Glorious Land?"

The more Merlin thought about this, the more he felt like this was a possibility. If that was the case, then things would become troublesome. It would be more difficult to deal with the Church of Light than Merlin had imagined.

However, Merlin did not take a mere Divine Believer to heart. He was more concerned with how many seals the Lord God of Light could break, and how much power could He project.

This was what Merlin was most concerned about!

"According to the Holy Light Empire's speed, how many more days until they reach the Imperial City?"

Merlin suddenly asked aloud.

The eighth prince hesitated for a moment before saying, "In seven days at most, the Holy Light Empire will reach the Imperial City!"

"Seven days is enough! Your Majesty, do you have the confidence to stop the Holy Light Empire with the Spell Caster Alliance in the Imperial City together?

"Of course. I believe that with Wizard Merlin and the strength of the Spell Caste Alliance, we'll definitely be able to repel the Holy Light Empire!"

The eighth prince smiled and glanced at the forty or so Great Wizards behind Merlin. It was a force that made even him feel shocked. The impact the Divine Believer gave him seemed to disappear with the arrival of the forty or so Great Wizards.

Previously, it was the decisive battle between the royal family and the Holy Light Empire, and the royal family lost. However, this time, it would be a decisive battle between the entire Spell Caster world and the Holy Light Empire!

Some ordinary citizens in the Imperial City already started to move far away from the Imperial City. Only Spell Casters continued to gather in the Imperial City.

The entire Imperial City was run by the royal family for countless years, and many Runic Magic Circles were arranged. However, some Great Wizards from the Spell Caster Alliance used these seven days to strengthen the Runic Magic Circle and make them more powerful and complex.

In short, all the Spell Casters were preparing for the upcoming decisive battle, including Merlin.

At this time, Merlin was meditating in a castle arranged for him by the eighth prince. In front of him was a ring, and Merlin quickly extended his Mind Power into the ring.

Inside the ring, almost the entire space was occupied by a huge warship. It was an Atlan civilization empire-level warship that Merlin took from the Origin Lord's space.

This empire-level warship was split into two sections. Merlin flew into the warship and saw that the energy bar was still only four percent. He sighed and directly poured out countless elemental crystal stones from the Spatial Ring.


Countless elemental crystal stones were poured out into the high-powered engine furnace, and Merlin saw the energy bar rise rapidly – from four percent to ten percent, fourteen percent, twenty percent…

Finally, the rate of the energy bar increasing gradually slowed down as it settled at twenty-five percent. Merlin integrated the entire Spell Caster world but he had only obtained around twenty-one million elemental crystal stones, in which almost all had been fed into the high-powered engine furnace.

"Twenty-five percent of energy is still far from enough!"

Merlin wanted to reply on the elemental crystal stones in the Glorious Land to accumulate a high amount of energy but he did not expect that the Glorious Land would become so barren that there were not many elemental crystal stones left. Each elemental crystal stone was incredibly valuable.

The overall strength of Spell Casters was gradually weakening, which might be directly related to the decrease of elemental crystal stones.

Merlin hesitated a moment. It took ten percent of energy to manufacture a superior robot. However, a superior robot could rival a preeminent Great Wizard. In the Glorious Land, strength like this was already extremely terrifying.

However, nine superior robots and thirteen ordinary robots were already very powerful. There was no need to waste energy to manufacture more robots.

After all, if the Divine Believers of the Church of Light really existed, then no amount of superior robots would work. According to Merlin's estimation, even if the Divine Believers of the Church of Light could only carry a little of the Lord God of Light's power, it would still be comparable to Great Legends!

"Matrix, can you perform simple repairs on the warship and restore the broken parts?"

"A long amount of time will be needed for repair. Unable to make an accurate estimation."

Merlin hesitated for a moment before making up his mind and saying, "Make full efforts to repair the broken parts of the warship. When the energy drops to five percent, stop the repair immediately!"

Merlin gave orders to the Matrix. Whether or not it could be repaired, he still had to leave some energy reserves for the warship.

Chapter 693: Repairing the Warship II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Merlin left the ring space with a contemplative expression.

"It seems that it's necessary for us to find more elemental crystal stones or other power sources as soon as possible!"

Merlin wanted to repair the warship at the earliest opportunity. It was going to be used not only to manufacture robots though. No matter how strong robots were, they were at best only comparable to ordinary Legends, so they were not very helpful to Merlin at the moment.

What really moved Merlin was the warship itself. It was an Atlan civilization empire-level warship, a terrifying warship comparable to Great Honored Legends. There were definitely weapons on it that even Honored Legends would be afraid of.

That was Merlin's objective. If the warship could be repaired, it would be equivalent to obtaining a trump card. It would be enough to protect him in either the Glorious Land and the Void Zone.

Merlin decided to go look for the royal family a few days before the arrival of the Holy Light Empire. He had long since heard that the royal family had a huge elemental crystal stone lode. It would definitely be rich after so many years of accumulation.

Merlin left the castle right away and flew toward the palace at the thought.


The three-headed dragon had landed smoothly in front of the palace. The several guards in front of the palace rushed forward to greet them. They were more than familiar with the three-headed dragon now that it had been here for a few days, so they were no longer afraid of it anymore.

"Honorable Wizard Merlin, what are your orders?"

These guards also knew about Merlin's extraordinary identity and position. Not even the king could be compared to him in the Spell Caster world. Therefore, a trace of reverence could be detected from his voice.

"I'm looking for His Majesty Bhutto XVII!"

Bhutto XVII was the eighth prince. The guards did not dare to stop him, so they hurriedly welcomed Merlin to a large hall and went ahead to report to the prince.

Before long, the eighth prince had made his way into the hall. It was natural for him to be surprised by Merlin's presence. He asked, "Wizard Merlin, weren't you preparing for the battle with the Holy Light Empire that's happening in a few days?"

Merlin nodded and said, "Yes, but in the midst of my preparation, I realized that I was missing something."

The eighth prince laughed and waved his hand. "What are you lacking? The royal family will definitely support you as long as we can manage it!"

He was certain that Merlin was here this time to ask for something. However, the eighth prince did not mind it as long as it could help in defeating the Holy Light Empire and drive them out of the Kingdom of Blackmoon. He was willing to pay any price regardless of how high it would be.

"It's very simple. I need elemental crystal stones!" Merlin said bluntly.

"Elemental crystal stones?"

The eighth prince did not expect Merlin's request to be so simple. He burst out laughing. "Haha, I'll prepare one million elemental crystal stones for Wizard Merlin right away!"

The eighth prince agreed to give one million elemental crystal stones to Merlin. This was definitely a big deal. The Seven Major Spell Caster organizations of the northern Spell Caster world were far poorer than the Kingdom of Blackmoon in terms of wealth.

"One million elemental crystal stones? That's indeed a lot, but it's far from enough. I need a large number of elemental crystal stones!"

Merlin was unmoved. A mere one million elemental crystal stones would not be enough to repair the warship. At best, it would only contribute to one percent of the warship's energy source. What use was that?

"Not enough?"

The eighth prince frowned. He gritted his teeth and said, "Five million elemental crystal stones!"

"Not enough!"

Merlin still shook his head.

"Ten million elemental crystal stones!"

The eighth prince said again. The royal family was really extravagant. Only twenty million elemental crystal stones had been collected back when Merlin gathered the northern Spell Caster organizations and Ozmu.

Of course, they did not take out all of their elemental crystal stones, but judging from how casually the eighth prince was at giving away ten million elemental crystal stones, it was telling that just how deep the foundation of the royal family was.

"Still not enough. It's still far from enough!"

Merlin shook his head. Ten million elemental crystal stones were equivalent to ten percent of energy for the warship. It might be able to manufacture a superior robot, but it was far from enough to repair an empire-level warship.

"What? It's still not enough?"

The expression on the eighth prince's face turned unsightly. Ten million elemental crystal stones was an astronomical amount in the Glorious Land, but Merlin still said that it was not enough.

After a pause, the eighth prince suddenly asked lowly, "Wizard Merlin, may I ask just how many elemental crystal stones you need? Are you sure that you'll be able to deal with the Holy Light Empire?"

Now, the Blackmoon royal family's greatest enemy was the Holy Light Empire. Everything the royal family had was built on being able to rule all of the Kingdom of Blackmoon. If the Holy Light Empire marched inside and occupied the Kingdom of Blackmoon, the royal family would have no foundation to its influence and become useless.

Therefore, the royal family was willing to do whatever it takes to defeat the Holy Light Empire.

Merlin hesitated for a moment before saying in a confident manner, "If there are enough elemental crystal stones, I can guarantee that no matter what the Holy Light Empire does, I would be able to defeat and even destroy them entirely! When the time comes, a vast region of the Holy Light Empire could become a part of the Kingdom of Blackmoon!"

The prince heard Merlin's convicted answer and the scenario he described in the end about completing destroying the Holy Light Empire. Was it actually possible for the Kingdom of Blackmoon to occupy the Holy Light Empire?

It would be the first time since the collapse of the Molta Empire that the entire world was unified. The ambitious side of the eighth prince, which had long been abandoned, swelled up again the moment he arrived at the thought.

For so many years, the eighth prince had worked hard in governing the Kingdom of Blackmoon in an orderly way. Their national strength was constantly rising. What purpose would that be if not for the hope that he could rebuild the Molta Empire one day?

Perhaps by then, it would be called the Blackmoon Empire!

Merlin let out a small smile when he saw the changes in the eighth prince's expression. He already knew about the ambitious side of the eighth prince when he first met him.

He was definitely an aggressive and ambitious person. His ambitious side did not disappear even at the most dangerous moment. If the Holy Light Empire could be defeated, Merlin would not care who ruled over the entire world. He would naturally leave the Glorious Land when the time came. As long as the Glorious Land was still in the hands of Spell Casters, that would be enough for him.

"Wizard Merlin, are you speaking the truth? If we've really defeated the Holy Light Empire one day, will you actually support the Kingdom of Blackmoon?"

"Of course I will. Just like the Molta Empire three thousand years ago, my goal is to defeat the Holy Light Empire. I won't interfere with whatever the Kingdom of Blackmoon decided to do after that!"

Merlin's words were very straightforward and had gotten the eighth prince excited right away.

"Alright. Although I don't know how many elemental crystal stones you need, the royal family will definitely do everything they can! Wizard Merlin, please come with me!"

The eighth prince stood up and seemed to have already made up his mind. He brought Merlin into the inner chamber.