729 - 737

Chapter 729: Capability I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In Arcane City's Mission Hall, there were still throngs of people. Compared to the first time Merlin came here, the present Merlin did not need contribution points anymore.

"Ah? It's Wizard Merlin."

"It really is him. During the civilization war with the Rock Tribe, he's done us a great service. I hear that he's even stronger than civilization-level geniuses. I really don't know how can he become so impressive."

"Haha, Wizard Merlin is from our Setoh Arcane City. So he's lacking contribution points as well."

When Merlin appeared, the entire Mission Hall became even livelier. Many Spell Casters fought their way forward to get a look at Merlin. After all, Merlin could be said to have made a name for himself in the civilization war with the Rock Tribe. In particular, almost everyone in Setoh Arcane City knew of him.

Merlin smiled and responded to these Spell Casters, following which he finally squeezed his way to those Legendary Wizards.


Heaving a sigh, Merlin asked the Legendary Wizard, "I need to consult the distribution map of the forces in the entire Spell Caster world."

"One contribution point."

He only needed one contribution point. This was quite cheap that it seemed practically free. Merlin was soon missing one contribution point while at the same time, he was able to consult the distribution map of the Spell Caster civilization's general forces.

This map was very detailed, and it would be revised every ten years. Thus, it could be considered to be rather accurate compared to the actual situation.

On the map, the Spell Caster civilization was too massive, encompassing countless dimensions and spanning innumerable regions. Within this territory, it was difficult to find any masterless dimensions.

As for masterless dimensions, any Great Legend who had signed the Legends' Accord could not violate the agreement and seize the dimensions. Only those plunderers who did not abide by the accord would do so. Nonetheless, there were far too few plunderers, and they were liable to arouse the enmity of Legendary Wizards, so they often acted surreptitiously.

Thus, Merlin did not pay any more attention to the dimensions within the domain of the Spell Caster civilization. Instead, he looked at the borders of the Spell Caster civilization. In fact, there were also many powerful civilizations surrounding the Spell Casters.

For instance, the paths of God Alliance and the Rock Tribe were blocked. The Spell Casters could not expand further. There were also bigger areas like the chaotic territory.

In the past, Merlin had gone to the chaotic territory. Nevertheless, after careful consideration, he gave up on the idea. The reason was simple – it was too chaotic with all kinds of forces from foreign civilizations.

Of course, the main reason was that the Spell Caster faction there was too weak. Merlin wished to occupy not just one or two dimensions but dozens of dimensions, to form a colossal force.

Therefore, he needed the support of a powerful faction from the Spell Caster civilization. In that manner, even after he had occupied those dimensions, there would not be any foreign civilization who dared to retaliate on a large scale. He could even help the Spell Caster civilization expand its territory this way.

A place like this was hard to find. Besides the chaotic territory, there were other places such as the dark territory, the open territory, and so on.

Merlin searched painstakingly. It seemed that at the borders, the forces of Spell Casters were not that strong. In truth, this was understandable. After all, the Spell Casters did not have an extensive heritage, merely having set foot in the Void Zone for three thousand years. One would need to be like the Giant Tribe or the Tree Tribe which foreign civilizations had more than a million years of history, whose territories were incomparably stable.

The Spell Caster civilization was still lacking in this respect. There was a vital reason for this. The Spell Caster civilization was expanding so fast that it did not have much time for thorough administration.

The Spell Caster civilization was able to occupy so many dimensions in over three thousand years, becoming one of the formidable civilizations of the Void Zone in one leap. Although it was not the most preeminent, they could be considered a relatively powerful civilization. Naturally, it was not just because of the three Great Arcane Wizards.

Just the three Arcane Wizards by themselves would merely be like a castle in the air, with not much practical purpose. Other than the ultimate existences that a civilization produced, the strength of a civilization was dependent on the number of Spell Casters above the level of Legends.

This was because existences higher than a Legend were the core strength of a civilization. In this sense, the Spell Caster civilization clearly had an unparalleled advantage. Some Spell Casters could become Great Legends in over a hundred years. Even if they needed more time, they could become a Legend in just a few centuries.

This was different compared to the foreign civilizations, which needed centuries or more than a thousand years or even millennia to become much stronger. Thus, the Spell Caster civilization was able to grow so rapidly.

"I've decided to go to the boundless territory in the north."

After looking at the map for a long time, Merlin ultimately decided on the boundless territory in the north. Although this region was in constant chaos as well, the Spell Caster forces were comparatively stronger. Thus, if Merlin went to the boundless territory and forcefully seized a few dimensions, he could join this territory to the initial area of the Spell Caster forces.

In this way, he could better guard the dimensions he occupied.

Having made up his mind, Merlin said to the Legendary Wizards, "Now I wish to apply for departing to the boundless territory."

Ever since Merlin entered Setoh Arcane City, he had been branded by Setoh Arcane City. Although on the surface it seemed that Arcane City was not concerned about the Spell Casters who had left, the branding of Arcane City was a prestige that smoothened one's passage in any area.

Nonetheless, these benefits came with obligations. One of the Legendary Wizards said, "You're now a Great Wizard, and can leave Arcane City. However, you're still a part of Setoh Arcane City. This is something that'll never change unless you become an Ultimate Arcane Wizard in the future and establish your own Arcane City. Otherwise, the moment Setoh Arcane City summons you, you must obey unconditionally."

Merlin nodded. Establishing an Arcane City was something no one would think about because until now, there were only three Great Arcane Wizards in the Spell Caster civilization. It would not be so easy to become an ultimate existence.

As for Setoh Arcane City summoning him, this would only happen during a civilization war with a foreign tribe. Usually, they would not summon Wizards just like that, so Merlin did not mind that so much.

Even if he did not join Setoh Arcane City, he would still be enlisted by the three Great Arcane Wizards if the Spell Caster civilization was facing a powerful enemy. Not even plunderers were an exception.

"Very well. Can you give me a dimension map of the boundless territory?"

"Ten contribution points."

The Legendary Wizard said calmly. Obviously, this was also an advantage of being a Spell Caster of Setoh Arcane City. If Merlin was an outsider, a dimension map like this would cost an astronomical sum, something he could never obtain for a mere ten contribution points.

After he kept the map in his ring, Merlin turned and left, paying no mind to the gazes of the other Spell Casters. Still, these Spell Casters kept observing Merlin.

After Merlin had left, the hall burst into a hubbub again.

"Wizard Merlin is going to the boundless territory?"

"With his strength, he can occupy some dimensions now. How I envy him. He's just a Great Wizard but he has the ability to start occupying dimensions."

Occupying dimensions and using the Elemental Origins to condense a Maxim – this was accepted as one of the quickest ways to consolidate a Maxim. The actual practice had shown that it was effective indeed.

However, to be able to occupy dimensions at the level of a Great Wizard was something extremely rare. Those preeminent Great Wizards might get to do so if they were lucky enough. Only those civilization-level geniuses would be unafraid of Legends, and thus able to seize a dimension.

Soon, Merlin returned to his room. Before he left, he had to make some plans. First, he needed to ascertain how strong he really was now.

Therefore, Merlin took out the Spatial Ring and extended his Mind Power into the ring.


First, Merlin entered the illusion bead. Luckily, the illusion bead was not damaged and was perfectly fine. The Illusory World was carrying on as usual.

Titus' voice swiftly rang out. Only Titus seemed to be too quiet during this period of time. In the past, Titus would have constantly urged Merlin to focus on his Hallucinating spells.

"Titus, you've been quiet lately. What's wrong?"

Merlin felt that Titus was acting strangely, and asked curiously.

Titus glanced at Merlin, then let out a long sigh. "You've met Aruba, and what he said stunned me to the core. If I was previously not confident that the Mind Power system I came up with would succeed and ultimately be perfected, then after meeting Aruba, I have faith that this Mind Power system of mine can succeed."

Aruba had relied on his powerful physical strength to forcibly go against the natural order. He was not even afraid of the natural order, being able to transcend it. In the Void Zone, there had never been anyone like this.

In the Void Zone, the natural order was supreme. No one could reverse or transcend the natural order.

"Aruba can use his bodily strength to transcend the natural order. In that case, so can Mind Power! Merlin, after completing the Illusory World, the final step in the Mind Power system is to reverse the natural order, turning illusions into reality and truly transcending the natural order. I call this the Immortal Mind!"

At the point, Titus' expression was solemn.

"The Immortal Mind? This is why you've been so silent all this while?"

Merlin mumbled softly. It turned out that during this time, Titus had been inspired. In other words, Aruba had enlightened him, inducing him to refine the final step of the Mind Power system. It would surpass the Illusory World, reaching the stage of the Immortal Mind.

However, that stage was merely Titus' conjecture at this point.

"Merlin, during this time, please don't disturb me. This is merely a recent speculation of mine, and I'll need a long time to refine it. In terms of practical application, that would fall to you in the future. You know, before this, I couldn't make heads or tails of the Immortal Mind…"

One could see that Titus was in fervor. Following that, he vanished.

"He has left so swiftly."

Merlin did not pay further attention to Titus. Titus being silent was exactly what Merlin needed. With that, he extended his Mind Power into that empire-level warship in the Spatial Ring.

Chapter 730: Capability II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

In the empire-level warship, Merlin was most concerned whether the Matrix was still there.

The Matrix had disappeared because Merlin had died once and was resurrected. Back then, the Matrix had become the control core of the empire-level warship. Without the Matrix, it was difficult for Merlin to control the warship. As a result, he would not be able to use this warship which had the fighting power of an Honored Legend.


Merlin's Mind Power stretched into the warship. The first thing he saw other than the sphinx statue was the other four guardian statues. Merlin had placed them in the warship previously.


The four guardian statues hurriedly cried out to Merlin respectfully.

Merlin nodded in response, then led these guardian statues into the control room of the warship. The instruments were undamaged and still in operation, meaning that the Matrix might still be controlling this warship.


Merlin yelled anxiously.

"Beep. The connection was interrupted for an unknown reason. Bind to your body?"

The control room resounded with the familiar voice of the Matrix. The Matrix was still here indeed, obeying Merlin's order. Merlin let out a long sigh of relief.

"Is it possible to not bind?"

Merlin asked after some thought. He was still rather apprehensive of something like the Matrix with its origin unknown.

"Without binding, this might affect the connection with you, Master."

"If I don't bind, can I still give you orders?"

"Of course. The Matrix has already collected Master's gene. A previous scan has confirmed that you, Master, has the correct gene."

Merlin nodded pensively. Now he had a general understanding that perhaps back then, there was a small portion of the Matrix left in his body, used simply to maintain his connection with the Matrix.

The majority of the Matrix had been transferred to the empire-level warship. Otherwise, he would have no way of controlling this massive warship. Therefore, when the Lord God of Light killed Merlin, the Matrix had escaped disaster.

Even so, this state of separation was Merlin's ideal situation. He could control the empire-level warship, and did not have to allow an unknown power like the Matrix to be bound to his body.

Therefore, Merlin did not hesitate to refuse. "There's no need to bind!"

"Beep. Order received!"

The Matrix still had a robotic voice, sounding incomparably icy. Nonetheless, Merlin was already used to it. He thought to himself that what he needed was martial arts robots, as many as possible.

"With the remaining energy from the Light Tome, how much of the warship's power can be replenished?"

Merlin knew that manufacturing martial arts robots required a tremendous amount of energy, so he first checked on the warship's energy supply.

"The remaining energy of the Light Tome hasn't been broken down, and cannot be confirmed."

Merlin fell into silent contemplation. He must manufacture the martial arts robots. Otherwise, with just four guardian statues, how many dimensions could he occupy?

"Begin manufacturing martial arts robots. At the same time, break down the Light Tome and replenish the ship's power."

"Beep. Order received. Beginning the manufacturing of martial arts robots."

The control room of the warship started to flash with light, and various apparatuses began to move. Merlin could only see that the energy of the warship dropped steeply from a hundred percent to ten percent.

Nonetheless, soon enough, the energy bar began to rise swiftly. It must be the high-powered energy furnace that was breaking down the energy of the Light Tome so that it could replenish the warship.


After a moment, a strange sound rang from within the warship. Following that, a special martial arts robot slowly walked out from the manufacturing room. This martial arts robot was unarmed and defenseless but the icy sensation it exuded created a subtle sense of pressure.

After some thought, Merlin sent forth one of the guardian statues.

"Give it a go."

The guardian statue immediately understood Merlin's meaning. Strength had always been the forte of these statues, similar to the Mobatans. Therefore, it immediately swung a fist at the martial arts robot.


The martial arts robot sidestepped the blow with incredible speed. If Merlin was not using his Mind Power, he would have been unable to perceive it. Following that, the robot appeared behind the guardian statue and brought down a fist.


The guardian statue responded quickly too, turning around to forcefully counter the martial arts robot's blow. The entire warship seemed to be shaking.

"Not bad, equally matched. It's on par with a Great Legend!"

Merlin nodded, satisfied with the martial arts robot's performance. As long as it could match a Great Legend, then it could guard a dimension by itself.

Merlin glanced at the energy of the warship once more, finding that it still had a hundred percent energy. He did not expect the Light Tome to have such abundant power.

"Continue manufacturing martial arts robots."

Under Merlin's command, the warship continued to manufacture martial arts robots. The energy dropped swiftly, then rose up quickly again.

At last, after manufacturing three martial arts robots, the warship's energy, for once, did not rise back to a hundred percent but only eighty percent instead.

Evidently, the energy of the Light Tome had been exhausted. Although Merlin could still use elemental crystal stones to fill it up to a hundred percent, doing so just to manufacture martial arts robots would be too excessive. In addition, the elemental crystal stones had a greater function, and that was to ensure this empire-level warship still had fighting power on par with an Honored Legend.

Therefore, the energy bar must be constantly replenished to a hundred percent. Now that the energy of the Light Tome had been used up, Merlin could not continue manufacturing martial arts robots.

Merlin counted and found that he had manufactured three martial arts robots in total. In addition to the four guardian statues, he had seven beings on par with Great Legends.

This was already a relatively formidable force.

"What a shame about the tyrant raptor. If I could bring it out, it would also be on par with a Great Legend."

Merlin did not bring the tyrant raptor of the Mobata world into the Void Zone. After all, the tyrant raptor was born in the Mobata world. If it was brought to the Glorious Land, Merlin was afraid something might change.

Furthermore, Veron was unwilling to have too much contact with the Glorious Land, not even wishing to be in touch with the Spell Caster civilization. Therefore, after weighing these factors, Merlin did not bring the tyrant raptor with him.

"Seven forces on par with Great Legends. Adding myself, we'll be able to control eight dimensions! That's about it. I can leave now."

Merlin carefully coordinated his capability. He would only leave when he was confident.

Following the dimension map, Merlin immediately left Setoh Arcane City.

In the pitch-black, silent Void Zone, a shiny black warship of unparalleled size was flying forward at a terrifying speed.

This warship was Merlin's empire-level warship from the Atlan civilization. Its speed was far superior to the casting tools of the Spell Caster civilization.

Purely in terms of equipment, there was no one among the countless foreign civilizations in the Void Zone who could compare to the Atlan civilization.

Merlin was in the warship, poring over the dimension map. He had already scanned this map for the Matrix so it could maneuver the warship completely, flying to the boundless territory on autopilot.

Merlin shut his eyes. Initially, he wanted to visit Titus to ask about matters regarding Mind Power. However, lately, Titus had been researching the mysteries of the Immortal Mind. Therefore, even when Merlin had entered the Illusory World, Titus did not show himself.

Although Merlin could force Titus to come out, it was not necessary. Since he could not develop his Hallucinating spells further, he could focus on the Maxim.

Of course, Merlin was merely understanding the Maxim for now, not condensing it. Currently, among all of Merlin's spells, the only ones that had reached the stage of condensing a Maxim were the Fire-type and Darkness-type spells.

Out of these two, the Fire-type spell had reached the stage of consolidating a Maxim but this would merely be an average Maxim. Even if he had become a Legend, he would be an ordinary one.

As for the Darkness-type spell, it was nearly at the level of attaining the ultimate Maxim but there was a gap to reach there, and Merlin did not know how long it would take to truly understand it.

Looking at the endless darkness in the Void Zone, Merlin seemed to feel something. He allowed his consciousness to be immersed in understanding the Darkness Maxim, letting the warship speed along in the Void Zone.

The Void Zone was vast and borderless. This time, Merlin was going to the boundless territory, which was a great distance away from Setoh Arcane City. Within the territory of the Spell Caster civilization, it was still relatively safe.

In particular, Merlin was aboard an empire-level warship, which emanated a fearsome force. No one would dare to stir up trouble, thinking that it must be a casting tool of some formidable Legend.

However, if he had reached the boundless territory, Merlin would have to keep the warship. Not only would the warship consume a lot of energy but more than that, it was also very likely to be recognized by someone.

With Merlin's current capability and position, no one would find fault with Merlin over this warship of the Atlan civilization. Still, there would be unnecessary trouble.

"Endless darkness… Endless sinking…"

In the warship, not even Merlin had realized that his body had begun to exude some fluctuations. These fluctuations expanded swiftly and even spread outward. The endless vacuum of the Void Zone was filled with these strange fluctuations.


The warship sped by a dimension at an extreme speed. Immediately, a Great Legend flew out from the dimension, staring bewilderedly at the shadow of the departing warship, mumbling to himself, "Which Legend is that? They seem to be condensing a Darkness-type ultimate Maxim?"

It was true. Presently, Merlin was in the process of understanding the Darkness-type ultimate Maxim. He was already slowly consolidating the ultimate Maxim. Once he had attained complete understanding, he would be able to instantly condense the Maxim with a single thought.

Condensing a Maxim required no luck nor elemental crystal stones. All that was needed was an understanding of the Element's Essence.

Therefore, there was an essential disparity between Legends and Spell Casters below Legends. Only by becoming a Legendary Wizard and creating a Maxim could one break free of a dimension's binding. Without needing Elements, one could roam the Void Zone as they liked, traveling past countless dimensions.

"Beep. You've reached the boundless territory. Please prepare yourself, Master."

The Matrix's icy voice rang out. Merlin was roused from the depths of his enlightenment. The mystical fluctuations on his body also vanished quickly without a trace.

"I've reached already?"

Merlin thought about it. Earlier, when he was immersed in understanding the Darkness-type spell, he had a vague sense that he was still missing something. He knew that this was key to attaining the ultimate Maxim.

"Forget about it. There'll be a chance in the future."

Merlin did not linger upon that sensation. He knew that consolidating an ultimate Maxim was not a matter of one or two days. He would need a long time of understanding and bit by bit accumulation for him to succeed. Occasional bouts of enlightenment were not enough to support his consolidation of a complete ultimate Maxim.

Through the warship, Merlin could see the region before him. Dimensions began to crowd together. This was the unique feature of the boundless territory. It had plenty of dimensions.

Of course, with a great number of dimensions, the battles and fights were also exceptionally turbulent.

Merlin exited the warship in one step. After keeping the empire-level warship into his Spatial Ring, he relied on a spell to fly on his own toward the nearest dimension.

Chapter 731: Employment

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The nearest dimension to Merlin was called the Gerva Dimension, which was easily found on the dimension map. It was a dimension belonging to a Great Legend called Gerva.

Merlin flew to the dimension alone, and soon found a prosperous city. Most of the people who came and went were Spell Casters, and many among them were Legendary Wizards.

This was very different from the chaotic territory from before. Although there were many Legends in the chaotic territory, it was far from the current amount. As this place was in the boundless territory, the Spell Caster civilization was powerful. Once they had occupied a dimension, they were able to keep it easily.

Therefore, many Spell Casters came to the boundless territory one after another.

Great Wizards went to the chaotic territory while Great Legends went to the boundless territory. This was common sense to many Spell Casters.

Merlin arrived at the boundless territory for the first time. He did not know the situation here, and just walked along the street, witnessing the prosperity and liveliness where wonderful casting tools filled the streets.

Merlin watched with great interest. While he was walking around aimlessly, some Spell Casters in front of him suddenly acted lively.

"Someone's hiring again. Tsk tsk, this time it's a big deal. Ten million elemental crystal stones."

"The conditions are good but are you a Legendary Wizard? All others want are Legendary Wizards to help guard a dimension."

Merlin heard some voices, and stepped forward. There was a white wall but he could see some Spell Casters' Mind Power fluctuations. Merlin's heart startled, and he also extended his Mind Power.


Through his Mind Power, Merlin quickly saw the content on the white wall.

It was a Great Legend called Franz. He seemed to be hiring some Legendary Wizards. Each Legendary Wizard would get ten million elemental crystal stones.

The purpose of employment was to guard a dimension for three months.

"Guard a dimension?"

Merlin was also curious. This kind of employment was new to him, so he asked other Spell Casters.

After inquiring, Merlin gradually found that this was indeed a common practice in the boundless territory. As the Spell Caster civilization was relatively strong in the boundless territory, once a Spell Caster obtained a dimension, Wizards from the Spell Caster civilization would not compete for it unless they wanted to become a plunderer.

However, plunderers did not have a good reputation among the Spell Caster civilization, and not many were willing to become plunderers.

Therefore, if someone had occupied a dimension, and faced the threat of other powerful foreign civilizations, they could employ some Spell Casters to help with elemental crystal stones or other conditions.

This was very common in the boundless territory.

"This is a quicker way to understand the boundless territory."

Merlin pondered, and felt that experiencing how the boundless territory competed for dimension was better than inquiring all over the place. Thus, he immediately found the address. Before that, he had to send a message. Messages were transmitted very quickly in dimensions.

Then, Merlin flew toward the address.

In a castle, there were currently four Spell Casters. Almost each of these Spell Casters had a Maxim that they kept hidden. They were all great Legendary Wizards.

There were three men and one woman. The four Spell Casters seemed to be waiting for something.

"Why hasn't he arrived yet? Wizard Franz, the four of us should be enough. Do we need anyone else?"

The female Wizard seemed to become impatient, and asked coldly.

A middle-aged man sitting on a chair smiled and said, "Wait a little longer. The other party has already sent me a message and should be here soon."

Franz was also somewhat helpless. The employment message had been sent out for so long but only three Wizards had come forward. Although they were all Legendary Wizards, it was not an ordinary foreign tribe that he had encountered this time. Therefore, he was more cautious. If he could hire one more, then he would have more assurance. After all, he had a difficult time trying to occupy that dimension, and did not want to lose it easily.

"Hm? He's here!"

Suddenly, Franz turned toward the door, and the other Spell Casters also did the same. Their Mind Power had already caught the Spell Caster flying outside the castle.

However, they did not feel any force from the Spell Caster but a lot of rich Elemental forces.


The large door was pushed open, and Merlin walked in calmly.

"Which one of you is Wizard Franz?"

Merlin asked bluntly.

"I am. However, I'm hiring Legendary Wizards. You don't seem to have consolidated a Maxim."

Franz frowned. He had written clearly that he wanted Spell Casters who were Legends or above. However, the Spell Caster in front of him had rich Elemental forces that undoubtedly confirmed that he was just a Great Wizard, and had not formed a Maxim yet.

Merlin smiled and said, "Let me introduce myself. My name is Merlin. I'm from Setoh Arcane City!"

"Merlin? Wait, that name sounds very familiar…"

The female Wizard who was impatient seemed to have heard of the name before and thought hard.

"Haha, you can stop racking your head for now. I'm from Setoh Arcane City as well. Wizard Merlin has rendered great services during the civilization war with the Rock Tribe. He's much stronger than regular civilization-level prodigies."

Franz was uncertain at first but he was completely sure now, and laughed heartily. He was also from Setoh Arcane City, and had experienced the civilization war with the Rock Tribe. Therefore, he naturally had a deep impression on Merlin, a Spell Caster who was in the limelight during the civilization war.

"Wizard Franz is also from Setoh Arcane City? I didn't notice…"

Merlin looked at Franz oddly. He did not notice Franz during the battle back then.

However, Franz was very happy. Although Merlin was not a Legendary Wizard, his strength was extraordinary. Only those who took part in the civilization war with the Rock Tribe would know Merlin's power.

Therefore, Franz said hastily, "Wizard Merlin. Help me guard a dimension for three months, for ten million elemental crystal stones. How does that sound?"

Merlin looked at Merlin carefully before he realized that this was not Franz's real body. It was just a Maxim avatar.

As if aware of Merlin's doubts, Wizard Franz continued, "This is my apparition. My real body is at the dimension. How would I dare to simply leave?"

"Alright, ten million elemental crystal stones! I'll sign the contract first."

Merlin nodded and agreed to Franz's condition. He had originally come to understand the boundless territory. It was naturally a good idea to have these ten million elemental crystal stones as well. It could increase the energy of the warship by ten percent. However, a contract had to be signed. That was the most basic condition.

"Haha, certainly."

Franz smiled and took out a contract, and signed it with Merlin.

"Wizard Merlin, come, come. Let me introduce you. This is Wizard Ducas, Wizard Ford, and Wizard Ansya."

Franz introduced Merlin to the other three Legendary Wizards.

Merlin greeted them with a smile. However, the three Legendary Wizards felt somewhat incredulous that Merlin was a civilization-level prodigy. It was not that they did not believe it. In fact, they trusted Franz very much. After all, they did not just start working with each other recently. Many people knew him for hiring to defend dimensions.

However, civilization-level prodigies were truly too rare. There were only a few of them in the entire Spell Caster civilization.

"Well, we'll leave now. What do you all think?"

Franz seemed to be in a hurry. His dimension might be attacked by foreign tribes at any moment. Therefore, he did not want to delay even for a second.

"Yes, Franz, we're ready."

The others nodded. They flew out of the Gerva Dimension one after another, and headed for the real boundless territory.

Along the way, Wizard Ansya and the others seemed to be very curious about Merlin, and deliberately sped up. However, with the strength of Merlin's multi-colored Wizard Heart, he easily caught up with them by consuming a little Magic Power.

Merlin did not mind either. After all, civilization-level geniuses were too rare. Many people would be skeptical if a Great Wizard wanted to rival a Great Legend.

Flying to the real boundless territory, Merlin realized that in the originally empty territory, the dimensions started to become dense. Some dimensions even exuded a frightening life force. It was the life force of foreign tribe contenders.

"Alright, we're here."

Franz stopped, and Merlin looked behind. The last Spell Caster civilization dimension was very far away. Almost all dimensions here belonged to foreign tribes.

This was the true boundless territory. It almost made Merlin think that he was back at the chaotic territory. However, this boundless territory was also a place where countless foreign tribes competed.

"Look, everyone. The dimension I occupied is right there. It's surrounded by dimensions of foreign tribes."

Franz pointed to a huge dimension in the distance emitting some of Franz's life force, and showing everyone that it was already Franz's dimension.

Almost everyone would do that in the boundless territory. Without any obvious life force, it would be considered a masterless dimension, which would cause a lot of trouble.

"Franz, with your strength, it shouldn't be so difficult to occupy a dimension. Why do you have to employ so many Wizards?"

Wizard Ansya asked doubtfully. After all, forty million elemental crystal stones were not a small amount. Franz must have been very determined to part with that amount.

"Haha, if it were other foreign tribes, it'd be fine but the tribe competing with me for this dimension is the Golden-winged Insect Tribe. You should know how troublesome those insect tribes are, right? Once they're annoyed, many powerful insect tribes will band together to take revenge."

Franz smiled bitterly.

"You actually provoked an insect tribe? It's not surprising that you're so nervous. These insect tribes are quite troublesome, and they are great in number. However, this is the boundless territory where our Spell Casters are the most powerful. No matter how many insect tribes there are, we can defend the dimension."

Wizard Ansya seemed to have absolute confidence.

"By the way, Wizard Merlin, these insect tribes are very troublesome, and great in number. Ordinary spells are useless against them, especially powerful insect tribes. They can only be killed using Maxims."

Wizard Ansya warned carefully. After all, the civilization-level prodigy before him was only a Great Wizard.

"I'll watch out."

Merlin smiled, and nodded. He naturally accepted the other party's goodwill. However, he was also very curious about the insect tribe. Merlin had never encountered an insect tribe before.

Soon, the line of five Wizards led by Franz entered the dimension he had occupied.

Chapter 732: The Might of a Hallucinating Spell

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The dimension was quiet. Its original name was unimportant now that it was occupied by Franz. Therefore, this dimension was called the Franz Dimension.

Franz had built a huge castle in the dimension. When Merlin and the others approached the castle, Franz's real body came outside to greet them.

"Welcome, everyone!"

Franz said with a gentle smile. Then, he invited Merlin and the others into the castle.

Their Mind Power was investigating this new dimension. There was already life in this dimension but it was low-intelligence life. As long as it was firmly controlled, and in the future could attract Spell Casters and ordinary people, then the dimension could become a Spell Caster dimension.

Merlin also noticed that although the location of this dimension was some distance away from the nearest Spell Cater civilization, the distance was not too huge. If a few dimensions of some foreign tribes between them could be occupied as well, then these dimensions could be connected in a series, and the power of the Spell Caster civilization would be strengthened.

"Perhaps that's how the Spell Caster civilization slowly occupied hundreds of millions of dimensions."

Ideas flashed one after another in Merlin's mind.

"Everyone, the Golden-winged Insect Tribe hasn't arrived yet but I'll explain to you first what caused everything. It's better to make some preparations."

The battle for this dimension did not seem to be that simple, so Merlin listened carefully.

Franz continued. "I believe everyone knows that I'm close to forming a second Fire-type Maxim. Therefore, I came all the way from Setoh Arcane City and stayed here for several decades before the civilization war with the Rock Tribe began. It's been nearly a hundred years since, and I've finally found a masterless dimension.

"However, it's not accurate to say that it's masterless. Its original master was the insect mother of an insect tribe. This insect mother died while competing for another dimension. Due to some workings of fate, I took the lead and refined the Elemental Origin of this dimension, thus controlling this dimension.

"However, I didn't expect trouble to come so soon. The insect mother left a message telling other insect tribe comrades the exact coordinates of this dimension. Therefore, when some insect tribes came and found that it was occupied by me, I believe you can guess what happened next. After a fierce battle, I drove them away but the insect tribe won't let it go. They'll gather some insect mothers to fight again. I don't have the confidence to defend this dimension alone, so I could only invite all of you to help me protect it."

Franz told the entire story of this dimension in detail. It was not special for something like this to happen in the boundless territory as it was common.

Occupying a dimension, then greedily wanting to occupy more dimensions may end up in you being killed by other foreign tribes. Then, the dimension left behind would become masterless again.

Therefore, the trouble caused was not small.

"Haha, those insect tribes have always been an eyesore. So, what if we rob them? Wizard Franz, we'll help you defend this dimension. Let's see how many insect mothers those insect tribes can bring."

The one who spoke was Wizard Duca. He was the stronger one among them, and he was a Legend who had already consolidated two Maxims. Of course, his relationship with Wizard Franz was also the closest, so he would naturally come to help.

Merlin nodded with a thoughtful look. An insect mother was an insect that had reached a certain level of strength comparable to a Great Legend among Spell Casters.

However, these insect mothers had a very powerful ability, which was reproduction. An insect mother could reproduce an entire subspecies in a short amount of time.

If they had occupied a dimension, they would soon be able to populate the entire dimension with their kind. Therefore, there was no doubt the tribe with the most quantity was the insect tribe.

However, insect tribes also had a fatal characteristic – once the insect mother died, the countless other insect tribes bred by the insect mother would also die instantly.

Unless the insect tribes could become a new insect mother, then it would not be affected by other insect mothers.

Therefore, the insect mother was the strongest in an insect tribe. As long as the insect mother was killed, the other insect tribes would be of no threat. The insect mother also relied on the development of insect tribe species to enhance its strength. The more dimensions it occupied, the more insects could be bred, and the stronger they would be.

"When will these Golden-winged Insects arrive?"

After a long time, Merlin asked.

Franz hesitated for a moment before saying, "I'm not sure about that either, but many days have passed. According to how the Golden-winged Insect Tribe's style, it'll be very soon."

Merlin glanced around. There was a total of five Spell Casters above Legend, including himself. No matter how strong the insect tribe was, they should be able to hold on. Although many intense battles were happening in the boundless territory, there was no need to fight so fiercely for an ordinary dimension.

Therefore, the insect tribe could only send three to four insect mothers. Like Merlin and the others had guessed, the Golden-winged insect mother finally arrived.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

A golden cloud seemed to appear outside the Franz Dimension. However, there were no clouds in the boundless territory. It was all caused by the Golden-winged Insect Tribe.

It was the first time Merlin saw the Golden-winged Insect Tribe. He had seen the Tree Tribe, the Rock Tribe, the Giant Tribe, and so on but he had never seen an insect tribe. Now that he had finally seen it, it was shocking.

Outside the dimension were Golden-winged Insects densely packed into golden clouds. There was a countless number of them.

Among the Golden-winged Insect Tribe army, four enormous insects could be seen at a glance. They seemed to be of the same size as the tyrant raptor from before.

These four insect mothers were the key, and the densely packed insects were just cannon fodder that the insect mother had bred. Merlin finally realized what "quantity" was, and why the insect tribes were so annoying.

With such a terrifying reproductive ability, if they were not restrained after occupying a dimension, that dimension would be hollowed out by the sheer number of insects.

It was not surprising that the insect tribes were developing everywhere in the Void Zone. They did not care if their forces would be connected. As long as they could occupy a dimension, they would begin to multiply.

"They're here. Be careful, everyone. Don't underestimate those cannon fodder."

Franz warned that the insect mother liked to use numbers to her advantage and make countless insects attack at the same time. These insects looked insignificant but were terrifying. If one got too close, then it would even tear Maxims apart bit by bit.

The insect mother would only act as a final resort. They could continuously reproduce these cannon fodder insects.

"I hate fighting these insect mothers. They're so troublesome."

Wizard Ansya also felt helpless. However, in the face of these densely packed insects, they had no other choice. They could only destroy the cannon fodder to get close to the insect mother.


With Franz's loud growl, the four Great Legends immediately released their Maxims. The terrifying power of those Maxims carried incredible destructive power and surged toward the insect tribe.

"Buzz buzz buzz."

Hundreds of millions of insects were crushed to death by the Maxims, and Franz pushed forward slightly. However, seeing the unending amounts of insects left, they still feel helpless.

Against the insect mother, unless one had the advantage of absolute crushing power, they could only rely on slowly chipping off these cannon fodder to approach the insect mother, where the true battle would start.


Merlin also acted. With a wave of his hand, a large area of insects was immediately frozen and died. These insects were indeed very weak.

However, upon closer inspection, Merlin realized that some insects that did not die, and were slowly nibbling at the spells. He cast a variety of spells – Fire-type, Ice-type, Wind-type and so on, and all of them killed a large number of insects but there was still an endless amount left.

It was purely a waste of Magical Power.

"The insect tribes are indeed strong but they can only deal with ordinary Legendary Wizards. Against Mind Power Masters, numbers won't be of any use."

Merlin took a deep breath. He already found a way to deal with these insects. They had numbers so he would cast Hallucinating spells, the method of a Mind Power Master.

"Everyone, you don't have to deal with these cannon fodder anymore. Let me handle them."

Merlin suddenly said.

"You'll handle it?"

Ansya and the other Legendary Wizards frowned, wondering what trick Merlin had up his sleeve.

Merlin did not mind and smiled. "I'm not a pure Spell Caster. I'm also a Mind Power Master!"

Saying that, Merlin swiftly flew to the insects, and immediately mobilized his Mind Power.


The huge Mind Power instantly shrouded the densely packed insects like a large net. These insects only had simplistic minds. Their intelligence would grow as their strength improved.

However, no matter how high it was, they could not resist Merlin's Hallucinating spell. After all, Merlin's Hallucinating spell could confuse even ordinary Legends.

Furthermore, Merlin now had deeper enlightenment of Hallucinating spells after experiencing life and death. He could almost reach the realm of the Illusory Heart.

Therefore, Merlin's Hallucinating Spell caused a strange sight in the Void Zone. No matter how much the insect mother urged, the insects remained frozen. Their expressions were dull.

Franz and the others were doubtful at first but upon seeing the hundreds of millions of terrifying insects in the dull, frozen state, they could not help but expressed shock.

"A Mind Power Master's Hallucinating spell… It's terrifying!"

After a long time, only the female Legend, Wizard Ansya, said with emotion.

However, they also quickly came to their senses. They immediately leaped over to the densely packed insects and targeted the four insect mothers.

Chapter 733: Seizing I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

The four insect mothers also seemed to be aware of the crisis, and their huge bodies began to give off waves of distorted light. Even Maxims could be broken down by this light.

"Be careful, this is the insect mother's shockwave. It's extremely bizarre and can rival a Maxim formed by a Great Legend.

Wizard Franz warned. It was not his first time dealing with these insects, so he was very familiar with the methods insect mothers used.


The insect mothers' shockwave collided with the Maxims of the four Legendary Wizards, and both sides were almost equally matched. The insect mother let out a shrill sound to wake up the insect army.

However, those insects were all trapped by Merlin's Hallucinating spell and could not wake up at all. Without the insect army, the insect mother lost a large portion of its forces, and became agitated.

However, Franz and the four other Legendary Wizards seized the opportunity well and immediately gained the upper hand.

Looking at the battlefield situation, he found that things were in their favor, and that he no longer had to act. The four Legendary Wizards were enough to suppress and deal with the four insect mothers.

"Haha, die."

The strongest of them, Wizard Ducas, possessed two Maxims hence his speed was also the quickest. The two Maxims searched over and viciously hit an insect mother.

Immediately, the insect mother was covered in a spider web with cracks spreading across it. Even the insect mother revealed disgusting green blood.


Finally, Ducas used his two Maxims again and continued to attack, finally killing one insect mother. This insert mothers did not have immortal characteristics like gods and Legendary Wizards nor did they have divinity or Maxims. The most important thing to them was their bodies.

Once their bodies were destroyed, it represented their complete death.

Then, Merlin saw a shocking scene. As soon as one insect mother died, a large amount of the insects he trapped suddenly let out anguished wails, and died one after another. They were completely uninjured but they no longer had any life force.

"They all died."

Wizard Ducas' voice sounded again, and Merlin raised his head to see that the remaining three insect mothers had already fled. When one of the insect mothers died, they finally realized that they could not defeat Franz and the others, and chose to leave voluntarily.

"What about all these insects left?"

Merlin frowned. The insect mothers had left but these insects were still here and trapped within his Hallucinating spell.

"Haha, the Golden-winged Insect Tribe bodies are strong. They're considered good. They can be refined into some important materials for potions and casting tools. How about this? I'll buy all these insects here for 20 million elemental crystal stones. How does that sound?"

Merlin was slightly surprised. However, upon further consideration, these were the famous Golden-winged Insects, which were usually very difficult to capture. With the insect mother present, these insects were fearless of death. It was impossible to capture them.

The rarer something was, the greater its value. Such a large amount of insects would certainly fetch a good price, not just 20 million elemental crystal stones. However, Merlin could not be bothered. Including the reward from before, a total of 30 million elemental crystal stones was still very good.

"Alright, I'll leave them to Wizard Franz."

Merlin nodded and agreed. Franz smiled and with a wave of his hand, the numerous insects were all kept into his Spatial Ring.

Returning to the Franz Dimension, Franz handed the elemental crystal stones he had prepared to Wizard Ducas and the others. Merlin received a total of 30 elemental crystal stones for the Golden-winged Insect Tribe from before.

After receiving the elemental crystal stones, the contract was automatically released. Franz smiled and said, "Wizard Merlin, you've just arrived at the boundless territory. What are your plans for today?"

Not only Franz but the others also looked at Merlin. They had originally looked down upon Mind Power Masters.

However, Merlin's Hallucinating spell earlier was just too shocking. Great Legends like them had already lived for hundreds of thousands of years, so they naturally knew what it meant.

If several Wizards worked together and assisted Merlin's Hallucinating spell, its strength would be increased several times. Therefore, they had already discussed with each other and were ready to join forces.

"Does Wizard Franz have any thoughts?"

Merlin did not give a direct answer and instead looked at Franz curiously. The other party seemed to have some ideas.

"Well, we've just discussed with Wizard Ducas and the others, and felt that if we all work together to combine with Wizard Merlin's Hallucinating spell, its power would increase several times in an instant. Naturally, we'll be able to occupy more dimensions and form a powerful force. What are your thoughts about this?"

"Work together?"

Merlin was slightly stunned. He had not considered this possibility. However, the strength of these Wizards was still weak. The strongest among them, Ducas, only had two Maxims.

If Ducas and the others knew what Merlin was currently thinking, they would feel depressed. Great Legendary Wizards like themselves were rejected by Merlin, a Great Wizard, for being too weak.

"Wizard Merlin, you'll have the priority for the first dimension we occupy. How does that sound?"

Franz hurriedly added as if feeling that the conditions were not good enough.

Merlin glanced at Franz. If these Wizards were stronger and were all Spell Casters with three to four Maxims, then teaming up would be quite terrifying. Merlin would not hesitate to team with these Wizards.

However, Merlin's strength now was second only to that of Honored Legends. Teaming up with these Wizards would be a burden and was not beneficial to him at all. Whether it was the Spell Caster civilization or the Void Zone, this was still the real world.

Therefore, Merlin resolutely refused.

"Wizard Franz, I'm afraid I can't agree to that. I'll be wandering alone.

"It's very dangerous to wander alone. Would you like to reconsider?"

There was some disappointment on Franz's face.

"No, I've thought it over. However, I have something to ask of Wizard Franz. In the boundless territory, which areas have more masterless dimensions?"

"Masterless dimensions?"

Although Franz was disappointed, he quickly adjusted his mood. After thinking carefully, he shook his head helplessly. "There are indeed many dimensions in the boundless territory. However, you need to go very deep. Those places aren't like here, where the Spell Caster civilization is nearby. Spell Casters don't have it good there."

Others may not have understood Franz's words but Merlin, who had already experienced the chaotic territory, was perfectly clear. Dimensions in the chaotic territory were like that. Even Great Legends had to be constantly on guard against other contenders coming to seize their dimensions.

Therefore, they would not dare to leave their dimensions even for a moment.

However, in the boundless territory, as long as they were near the Spell Caster civilization, they could still employ Great Legends to defend together.

Furthermore, if they could get closer to the Spell Caster civilization and join forces, then foreign civilizations would have to think twice. Therefore, the bonus territory was very advantageous to Spell Casters.

Going far away from the Spell Caster civilization into the depths of the boundless territory was not in line with Merlin's plan.

Therefore, he frowned and continued. "Are there no masterless dimensions around here which are closer to the Spell Caster civilization?"

"There are many dimensions but they aren't masterless, and are occupied by contenders of foreign tribes. Look at the dimensions around us. Aren't there many dimensions belonging to foreign tribes?"

Franz pointed to the dimensions outside.

Merlin realized that there were many dimensions in the boundless territory, and the distance between them was nearer compared to other dimensions he had encountered before. This was the greatest characteristics of the boundless territory.

Although they were near to each other, the distance was still far.

Moreover, many of these dimensions were occupied by foreign civilizations.

"Foreign civilizations? How many dimensions are there between the Franz Dimension and the Gerva Dimension?"

Merlin asked this question as he wanted to connect these dimensions.

"Oh? There are three dimensions in the middle to connect with the Gerva Dimension."

A trace of suspicion flashed in Franz's eyes. He looked at Merlin's thoughtful expression, and seemed to have a bold guess in his heart.

"Wizard Merlin, you can't be thinking about seizing the dimensions of those foreign civilizations, right?"

Merlin indeed had such a plan. He nodded and said, "At present, it seems that seizing is the only way to connect with the Gerva Dimension."

"Haha, seizing dimensions? We admire Wizard Merlin's ambition. However, I'm afraid Wizard Merlin doesn't understand the boundless territory. It's more difficult to seize a dimension than to defend it. Furthermore, there are many foreign tribes. Spell Caster dimensions could employ help but other Spell Casters could as well. Moreover, once you've seized a dimension, you'll become a plunderer, and might end up getting killed. That'll be very troublesome."

Franz cautioned and told Merlin that dimensions could not be easily seized. Otherwise, several of them had already worked together to seize the dimensions closest to the Gerva Dimension.

Everyone knew that Gerva Dimension was safer but who had taken action?

"I have to give it a try. How could I give up before that?"

Merlin did not explain in detail. He possessed power comparable to Great Legends and was second only to Honored Legends. He also had an empire level warship comparable to an Honored Legend.

Adding all of these together, it would be questionable if he could not seize a dimension instead.

However, Merlin did not need to tell others about these secret trump cards. They should not be revealed easily until the critical moment.

"Franz, which is the nearest foreign tribe dimension?"

Merlin's bright eyes were fixed on Franz. He already generally knew about the situation in the boundless territory. Therefore, he made up his mind to start work as soon as possible.

He was not fighting for masterless dimensions but directly seizing them instead!

Chapter 734: Seizing II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

"The closest dimension to the Franz Dimension is a dimension belonging to the Avian Tribe, called the Weim Dimension. Weim isn't a simple Wizard. He's very powerful. Once, he had defeated four contenders from foreign tribes alone, which was how he occupied that dimension."

The one who spoke was not Franz but Ansya. The female Wizard's eyes flashed strangely. She seemed to be very interested in Merlin's goal.

"The Weim Dimension?"

Merlin murmured. A small smile gradually emerged on his mouth.

A Wizard who was able to defeat four foreign tribe contenders alone would at least be a Great Wizard, hence, Weim definitely was not simple. He might be comparable to a being with three Maxims.

To be comparable to a Legend with three Maxims was quite frightening. Back then, Blackcloud had four Maxims and possessed more than a dozen dimensions, forming a huge force.

If one was able to form four Maxims, he would already be considered a powerful Legend while those with five Maxims and above were infinitely close to Honored Legends.

Merlin was probably equivalent to a Legend with five or more Maxims. After all, his Hallucinating spell was unique in addition to his unprecedented multi-colored Wizard Heart. Merlin had not encountered a Legend with five Maxims before, so it was difficult for him to know if he really would be stronger than one.

However, it was enough to deal with Weim!

"Alright, the Weim Dimension it is. If Franz doesn't mind, could you give me a dimension map of this territory?"

Merlin smiled and asked Franz. The dimension map he had obtained from Setoh Arcane City was only until the Gerva Dimension. After all, only the Gerva Dimension was under the Spell Caster civilization's sphere of influence. All the others were more chaotic. Therefore, they were not included in Setoh Arcane City's dimension map.

"Of course."

A dimension map was nothing to Franz, so he gave Merlin a relatively detailed dimension map.

It was indeed marked full of dimensions, especially between the Franz Dimension and the Gerva Dimension. There was a total of three dimensions, and the nearest one was the Weim Dimension.

"Wizard Franz, your dimension is too far from the Gerva Dimension. It's not that safe either. Why don't we occupy all three dimensions in the middle and join them together? We'll be able to help each other that way, and other foreign tribes won't dare to act anymore."

Merlin put away the dimension map and proposed his idea.

At that time, Franz could clearly see that Merlin was seriously about seizing the foreign tribes' dimensions. Generally, it was not something that even a Great Legend with two to three Maxims would do.

"Wizard Merlin, if you really want to seize a dimension, the Weim Dimension isn't the best idea."

Wizard Franz still wanted to remind Merlin.

"Wizard Franz, I've already decided."

Saying that, Merlin stood up and left the castle, flying out of the Franz Dimension.

"How interesting, isn't Wizard Merlin just a Great Wizard? This is probably the first time a Great Wizard is trying to seize a dimension in the boundless territory. I have to watch this interesting event. Lady and gentlemen, does anyone want to follow me?"

Ansya's eyes flashed, and the others also seemed to be moved.

"After all, he's a civilization-level prodigy from our Spell Caster civilization, and we've just fought side by side. If not for Wizard Merlin's Hallucinating spell, I'm afraid we wouldn't have defeated four insect mothers so easily. We'll go together and let Wizard Merlin suffer a little. Then, he'll naturally learn that the boundless territory isn't that simple."

Franz's words made the other Legendary Wizards nod. Thus, the four Great Legends also swiftly rose, and caught up with Merlin.

It was not the first time Merlin saw the boundless and empty Void Zone.

In the vast Void Zone, Merlin's Mind Power could only cover a small portion of it. At best, it could cover a dimension.

One dimension was just a grain of sand in the desert like the Void Zone, and it was unremarkable. Even ultimate existence did not know how vast the Void Zone was.

"The Void Zone is enormous. There are countless secrets hidden here. So many geniuses and contenders have shined brightly in this Void Zone…"

Merlin had some regrets. He thought of Aruba, who claimed to have broken the natural order and could travel the world alone. Even the natural order was helpless against him. How many large worlds had he seen?

Shaking his head lightly, Merlin tossed all irrelevant thoughts out of his mind. He was a mere Great Wizard, not even a Legend. He still had a long way before he could reverse the natural order.

His current target now was the Weim Dimension!


Soon, Merlin saw the Weim Dimension gradually coming into the distance. He seemed to feel a distinct life force from it. It was the Avian Weim's life force. It indicated that this dimension was already occupied by him.

"Stop, Spell Caster!"

Just as Merlin was approaching the Weim Dimension, a huge bird appeared from inside the dimension. It was an Avian Tribe contender.

"This is my dimension. Spell Caster, if you dare to come any closer, you'll be challenging my might!"

Weim's voice was imposing. At the same time, a strong force of oppression slowly enveloped Merlin. This was only a warning.

However, if Merlin did not take heed and continued approaching him, he would take it as an attack.

Merlin glanced at Weim and felt his life force. He was a contender comparable to having three Maxims. It was not surprising that he could occupy the Weim Dimension for so long without anyone causing trouble for him.

A Wizard had to have at least four Maxims to confidently expel a contender with three Maxims from his dimension. In the entire Spell Caster civilization, how many Great Legends had at least four Maxims?


Merlin did not stop but instead accelerated.


Weim scoffed coldly upon seeing Merlin's actions. He had occupied this dimension for many years. It was the first time someone dared to provoke him.


In the dimension, Weim's real body appeared. It was an extremely beautiful and large bird covered with golden light. He gently flapped his wings but his speed was incomparably swift, and charged toward Merlin with a terrifying force.

"Ice Seal!"

Merlin also did not press forward. The other party left the dimension because he did not want to destroy it due to the battle. Thus, he also stopped. Behind him, his huge multi-colored Wizard Heart appeared.

"Crack crack."

The chill was biting. Merlin's spell was incredibly powerful under the support of his multi-colored Wizard Heart. Once it broke out, a terrifying cold squall blew in the Void Zone.

Almost all the places the cold wind blew past were frozen with a thick layer of ice crystals. Even Weim's body hurriedly emitted bursts of golden light, and madly shot toward Merlin's ice crystals like thousands of sharp thorns.

The ice crystals shattered but it could not stop the cold wind at all. Merlin's expression was cold. This was his first battle, and he had to win in the most shocking and quickest way.

"Darkness Cover!"

As Merlin's voice fell, the already pitch-black and silent Void Zone seem to become even darker. It could be scouted with Mind Power before, but now, it was like an invisible dark cage, trapping Weim within.

"Swooz swooz swooz."

Golden light shone brightly. Weim also seemed to feel the danger in the darkness. The golden light on his body was like the sun, and was just about to pierce Merlin's Darkness Cover when endless flames suddenly appeared, turning Weim's surroundings into an inferno of flames and darkness.

"It can't be. Impossible…"

Weim shouted, doing everything he could but to no avail. The flames burned him, and even the golden light protecting his body seemed to be easily burned to ash.

With the Darkness Elements, one would not even be able to distinguish North from South. The speed the Avian Tribe were so proud of was completely useless before Merlin.

Without the opportunity to play out his advantage, Weim gradually despaired.

All this was seen by Ducas, Franz, and the other Legendary Wizards. Their mouths were agape, and they stared at the huge darkness and terrifying inferno.

Particularly, they stared at the multi-colored Wizard Heart behind Merlin, which was casting a faint pressure on them despite aiming at Weim. It could even emit a slight force that oppressed them.

"He's too powerful. How is he just a Great Wizard? He clearly has power comparable to Great Legends with four, no, five Maxims!"

Franz exclaimed with horror. Back then, Merlin did not have such terrifying power during the civilization war with the Rock Tribe civilization.

"A Great Wizard who has power comparable to someone with five Maxims… This is already beyond a civilization-level prodigy!"

Ducas' eyes flashed with a strange light. In the vast Void Zone, civilization-level prodigies were exceedingly rare. They could be called the greatest prodigies in a civilization.

However, prodigies who surpassed civilization-level existed but they were simply too rare. Perhaps one would only be seen once every million years.

The Spell Caster civilization had never seen a prodigy like that before. They were only occasionally heard of when fighting against some foreign tribes, and many did not believe they existed.

However, now, Merlin had easily trapped Weim. This was far beyond the strength of a civilization-level prodigy but Merlin truly was just a Great Wizard.

Just by relying on his Wizard Heart, he could suppress a being who was comparable to having three Maxims. Even civilization-level prodigies could not do that under any circumstances.

"It's over!"

Merlin's Wizard Heart fiercely shook, and the flames seemed to intensify. Weim's true body, a huge golden bird, was drowned in a sea of flames…

Chapter 735: Terror!

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation


Franz felt Weim's life force in the dimension gradually dissipating before finally disappearing completely. Even the life force above the dimension disappeared. This meant that Weim was dead.

Right now, this dimension had become a masterless dimension!

Although it was a masterless dimension, neither Franz nor the other Legendary Wizards carried any thoughts at all. Anyone who had seen how easily Merlin killed Weim would never have any ideas about this dimension again.

Merlin's terror was by no means inferior to a Great Legend with five Maxims!


Merlin also breathed a sigh of relief. At first, he was worried that the Avian Tribe had some desperate measures that could explode in a powerful force. However, it seemed now that he was overly concerned. There was no such method.

With Merlin's strength, he could suppress anyone who was not an Honored Legend. Except them, everyone else could be crushed directly, and would be no match for him.

Therefore, he also easily seized this dimension. Even the Avian Tribe, who prided themselves on their speed, could not escape and was killed by him. This had saved him some trouble.

After all, if they escaped, they might gather some stronger contenders, and Merlin would have to spend more energy to deal with them.

The Weim Dimension had become a masterless dimension. Merlin directly flew into the Weim Dimension, and immediately began to control its Elemental Origin.

Merlin was very familiar with controlling an Elemental Origin. He was not fighting for a dimension but he had killed Weim instead, resulting in a masterless dimension. That was why Merlin could easily control the Weim Dimension.

"The Origin of this dimension is very strong. It's not surprising that Weim wanted to occupy this dimension."

When Merlin took control of the dimension's Origin, he felt the power of the Elemental Origin. There was a Wind Origin, Flame Origin, Ice Origin, and so on.

Of course, the most important ones for Merlin were the Darkness Origin and Flame Origin. These two Origins were the most promising Elements for Merlin to form an ultimate Matrix.

"Wizard Franz, I've taken control of the Dimension Origin. If you'd like, please come in and have a look."

Merlin's Mind Power saw that Franz, Ducas, and the other Legendary Wizards were still outside. Thus, he shouted loudly.

"Haha, alright. We're just about to enter."

Franz did not stand on ceremony, and swiftly flew into the dimension with Ducas and the other Legendary Wizards. They could feel that the Dimension Origin had indeed been controlled by Merlin and glanced at each other. Their faces revealed traces of shock.

"I didn't expect Wizard Merlin to be so powerful. I'm afraid he's only second to Honored Legends."

Ducas said with emotion. They have not had the chance to occupy a dimension for very long since their arrival at the boundless territory. Ducas had occupied one dimension once, but he was expelled by a foreign tribe contender.

This time, Franz, with the help of the others had finally occupied a dimension. However, it was not stable. The Franz Dimension would only become more stable when Merlin had occupied other dimensions, and connected them with the Gerva Dimension.

"Wizard Merlin, defending a dimension isn't easy. We've discussed a little earlier and are willing to help you temporarily to defend this dimension. Seizing the two other dimensions wouldn't go as smoothly but we're willing to help you. However, I hope that Wizard Merlin would give us a dimension when it's convenient to make it our base in the boundless territory. We're not asking for much, just one. What do you think?"

The one who spoke was Ducas. Although he was a Great Legend with two Maxims, and had already fought for a dimension once, in the end, he failed to withstand the attacks of foreign tribes and ultimately lost the dimension.

Therefore, Ducas, Ford, and Ansya were all eager to obtain a dimension. However, with their strength, it was impossible to seize a dimension, and the hope of fighting over a masterless dimension was just too dim.

This time, Franz was considered very lucky to be able to fight for a dimension. The master of the dimension he found had just recently died, plus it was very close to the Gerva Dimension.

This sort of thing could only be encountered and never be sought. Franz was extremely lucky to have come across it. It was impossible for it to happen again.

Previously, they wanted to team up with Merlin but after witnessing Merlin's strength, they no longer had that thought. Therefore, they proposed to help Merlin seize several dimensions in exchange for one dimension each from Merlin.

Hence, Merlin only needed to "pay" them three dimensions in total.

Merlin thought about it carefully while Ducas and the others looked at Merlin expectantly. They knew that this was an opportunity. If Merlin agreed, then it might be possible.

Merlin also thought realistically. He had to establish a huge force that was very likely to include more than ten dimensions. However, in the boundless dimension, even if they were all connected, they were still likely to be some disturbances.

At that time, it was possible to separate some dimensions located at the boundary for these three Wizards. If anything happened in Merlin's absence, these three could still ensure the safety of the dimensions!

However, an alliance had to be formed.

Thinking about this, an idea gradually took shape in Merlin's mind. He asked Franz, "Wizard Franz, what about you? You already have the Franz Dimension. Will you join us?"

"Of course! Without you seizing these three dimensions, it would be impossible to connect to the Gerva Dimension. Even my dimension would be in danger."

Franz was very straightforward.

"Haha, that's right. Then, we can form an alliance to help each other attack and defend. How about that?"

This was Merlin's idea. A small alliance to attack and defend could be formed to ensure that there was a force in the boundless territory. In fact, Merlin had more ideas in his heart. This alliance would be the foundation of this force in the future.

Franz and the others might eventually become Merlin's subordinates. Many Honored Legends or other powerful Wizards all had their own large forces. The core of those forces was the strongest Legends or Honored Legends.

That was what Merlin was thinking.

"An alliance?"

Franz's eyes brightened and he considered further. With this alliance, if anything happened in the future, Merlin would not be able to stand idly by and simply watch. This was equivalent to pulling an existence second only to Honored Legends to his side. How would Franz disagree?"

"I also have the same intention to form an alliance!"

Like that, an alliance with common interest was born in the boundless territory. Although including Wizard Franz's dimension, there were only a total of two dimensions.

However, this was only the beginning!

Merlin was not in a hurry to seize the remaining two dimensions. He had just occupied one dimension, and he still needed to fully explore its potential.

After arranging Ducas and the other Legendary Wizards, Merlin summoned the Atlan civilization empire-level warship from his Spatial Ring.

"Matrix, send some mining robots to explore ores that can be used for the warship's energy source."

Merlin knew that the warship's energy could be derived from means other than elemental crystal stones. Therefore, now that he had a dimension, it was only natural that he explored properly.

Ten days passed quickly, and the Matrix drew out an ore distribution map of the entire dimension.

"Beep, the exploration is completed. This is a barren dimension. There are only thirteen ores that can be used as energy for the warship. It'll take at least one year for the current mining robots to mine everything."

The Matrix's answer made Merlin ponder but he continued to ask, "How much energy can those ores be converted for the warship?"

This was what Merlin was most concerned about.

"It's estimated that after all the ores are mined, it can convert approximately three hundred and sixty percent of the warship's energy."

"Three hundred and sixty percent? It's possible to manufacture three martial arts robots!"

Merlin was shocked by the number.

Even if it was judged to be an infertile dimension, it could support the manufacturing of three martial arts robots. One martial arts robot was comparable to a Great Legend with one Maxim.

Many foreign tribes were unable to produce Great Legends in years, and unable to leave their dimensions to step into the Void Zone. However, just one of this empire-level warship could manufacture three martial arts robots comparable to Legends at once.

This was incredibly amazing. Even the Spell Caster civilization which had rapidly progressed would find it inconceivable that every dimension could produce a Great Legend.

However, the Atlan civilization could do it. It was far beyond their imagination.

Merlin's gaze what somewhat complicated as he looked at the empire-level warship. Besides the Spell Caster civilization, very few foreign civilizations knew about the special Atlan civilization.

This civilization's dimension barrier was broken by the three Ultimate Arcane Wizards but it was like releasing a demon. The Atlan civilization was so powerful that for the first time, the Spell Caster civilization had suffered a heavy blow.

Finally, the Atlan civilization was suppressed by the Three Great Arcane Wizards. Rumor had it that the Atlan civilization did not produce any ultimate existences. Otherwise, Merlin would have found it even more unbelievable.

Under the leadership of ultimate existences, how terrifying would the Atlan civilization be? This was just an empire-level warship. There were still dimension-level warships and even the rumored void-level warships.

What terrifying robots could those warships manufacture?

If there was an empire-level warship full of Atlans, then they only needed one dimension for the power of the Atlan civilization to soar. One warship could carry the knowledge of at Atlans.

Occupying a dimension would allow their strength to skyrocket. If the Atlan civilization developed without being restrained, they would become a dimension more frightening than the insect tribes.

Merlin now understood the terror of the Atlan civilization!

Chapter 736: Force I

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Merlin stayed in the first dimension that he had obtained in the boundless territory for three months.

In these three months, strange robots appeared throughout the dimension. They were mining robots, exploiting all types of special minerals including some elemental crystal stones.

The continuous loot is then accumulated in the empire-level warship, where Merlin instructed the Matrix to produce martial art robots at full steam. This was because the martial art robots were the foundation for him to control the dimensions.

After uninterrupted manufacturing, three martial art robots had been produced. Currently, Merlin had six martial art robots in addition to four statue guardians. In total, he had ten subordinates who were comparable to Great Legends.

However, bad news ensued.

"The core materials used to produce martial art robots are almost exhausted. We're longer able to support the production of a complete martial arts robot. Master, please find more core materials for the martial arts robots."

The Matrix transmitted this bad news to Merlin. Indeed, the Atlan civilization warship was extremely fearsome. It was able to produce martial art robots that were comparable to Great Legends ceaselessly.

Nonetheless, the materials needed to manufacture such powerful martial arts robots were extraordinary. Besides a huge amount of energy, Merlin also needed to prepare sufficient materials.

Unfortunately, the dimension occupied by Merlin did not have the core materials needed to manufacture martial arts robots.

However, this was not completely unforeseen. How could it be easy to obtain a material that was comparable to a Great Legend? Nevertheless, there was a silver lining. The warship could still produce mining robots, which could help search for the materials necessary to manufacture martial arts robots.

Besides this bit of unexpected news, Merlin spent his remaining time making use of the Dimension Origin to deepen his understanding of Fire Elements and Darkness Elements. His understanding was getting more profound. He could almost "touch" the essence of an ultimate Maxim.

However, he still could not break through this paper-thin barrier. Merlin knew that it was because his accumulation was still far from enough. After all, he was only a Great Wizard. Of course, it would not be easy to accomplish such a massive leap to consolidate an ultimate Maxim.

"Wizard Merlin, can we conquer the second dimension now?"

Wizard Franz, Ducas and the others had been asking a few times but were rejected by Merlin each time.

"Just the second dimension? That's not enough. If we're going to attack, we might as well join all the dimensions together. So, we must also conquer the third dimension. Do you know the specifics of these two dimensions?"

Merlin finally decided to attack. As long as they managed to join the dimensions into one, then the situation would be stabilized temporarily. Moreover, if Merlin had occupied three dimensions and gained further understanding from their Elemental Origins, he might be able to consolidate an ultimate Maxim and become an Honored Legend!

"Wizard Merlin, you want to conquer both dimensions at the same time? Nevertheless, we've collected information about these two dimensions over the past few days."

Wizard Franz was well-prepared, so a smile appeared on his lips.

"The second dimension is occupied by a powerful existence from the Unihorn Tribe. The Unihorn Tribe is unique, and is attached to a powerful civilization. The strongest contenders in their tribe are only comparable to the Honored Legends, and there are only three of them in total. Therefore, the Unihorn Tribe lives a very low-key existence. After occupying the dimension, almost all traces of them had disappeared. They seldom appear in other places. According to our inquiries, their abilities should be around a two- or three-Maxim Legend."

Merlin nodded. He had never heard about the Unihorn Tribe. There were too many foreign tribes in this vast Void Zone hence, it would be impossible for him to know all of them.

"What about the third dimension? Judging from your looks, it seems a little troublesome?"

Merlin gazed at Franz and the others. He could feel that upon mentioning the third dimension, all of them seem reluctant to speak up.

"Allow me to elucidate about the third dimension."

The Wizard who spoke was Ducas. He glanced at Merlin and said, "The third dimension is nearest to the Gerva Dimension. Back then, the master of Gerva Dimension, Legend Gerva, attempted to occupy this dimension but he failed."


Merlin's expression sobered. He knew that Gerva was a three-Maxim Legend. If even Wizard Gerva had failed, then the third dimension must be harboring someone equivalent to a four-Maxim Legend.

Anyone on par with a four-Maxim Legend would indeed be problematic. A four-Maxim Legend was not to be trifled with. Even in the boundless territory, a Wizard of such capabilities should possess a huge force, not merely occupy a single dimension.

Seemingly reading Merlin's doubts, Ducas continued to speak, "Wizard Merlin, it's not as bad as you may be thinking. The Wizard occupying the third dimension is a strong contender from the Giant Tribe. His name is Bonio, and his ability is comparable to a three-Maxim Legend. Perhaps, he's slightly stronger than that, so Gerva didn't manage to conquer the dimension. After so many years of silence, Bonio's ownership is considered to be acquiesced."

In the boundless territory, a three-Maxim Legend was considered a strong contender. After all, the Void Zone was very vast, and not everyone was in the boundless territory.

"Oh? If he's only on par to a three-Legend Maxim, then it's not such a big problem. I'll go to the third dimension personally."

Merlin thought about it and decided that he had to go to the third dimension himself. Otherwise, no one would be able to defeat Bonio.

"If Wizard Merlin is going to the third dimension, then we'll go to the second dimension."

Ducas said gallantly. They were excited to invade two dimensions at once.

Merlin shook his head. The Unihorn Tribe in the second dimension was still comparable to a two-Maxim Legend, and had the home-ground advantage. Therefore, Merlin was hesitant to leave the mission to just the four of them. Perhaps, the invasion might not be successful.

After some consideration, Merlin summoned the six martial arts robots and four statue guardians from his spatial ring.

Ten formidable auras were unleashed in an instant. Each of them was comparable to a Great Legend.

"Wizard Merlin, what is this?"

Franz and the others were extremely surprised as they witnessed the massive burst of aura. These were ten existences that were comparable to a Great Legend. Considering the boundless territory, this was a relatively big force.

"These are my minion puppets, each possessing the ability of a Great Legend. They'll temporarily take orders from Wizard Ducas. You can bring them with you to the second dimension. Added with their numbers, you'll have a total of fourteen Great Legends. It should be enough to conquer the second dimension."

Merlin declared with confidence. After all, this was the base where he would build his huge force in the boundless territory.

"Haha, with these ten existences comparable to Great Legends, I promise we'll bring back the second dimension."

Ducas replied with equal confidence. There were a total of fourteen Great Legends, and he was a two-Maxim Great Legend. Regardless of what awaited them, they were more than prepared to confront the Unihorn Tribe in the second dimension.

"Good, let's depart now!"

Merlin waved his hand and flew off first. He swiftly left the dimension and flew toward the third dimension. Meanwhile, Ducas and the others flew toward the second dimension.


Merlin flew to the third dimension. Seeing the size of this dimension, he understood why Bonio, despite being a Giant comparable to a three-Maxim Legend, was dead-set on guarding this dimension.

There were countless dimensions in the Void Zone. Naturally, their sizes differed greatly as well as their characteristics. Every dimension contained distinctive features. Other than the Glorious Land and the Origin Dimension of other civilizations, there were also some special dimensions. However, it required an additional stroke of luck to occupy a dimension with special features.

Special dimensions were very rare. The most commonly seen feature was bigger dimensions. Naturally, the bigger dimensions were stronger than the smaller dimensions.

As a result, some of the powerful Legends would occupy especially big dimensions. This was because the Dimension Origin would be much stronger.

Some dimensions were more than ten times or a hundred times bigger than an average dimension. These kinds of dimensions were considered behemoth. Only existences such as Honored Legends and above were qualified to occupy them.

One example was the Lord God of Light from the Light God Organization. His dimension, the Light Dimension, was a behemoth dimension that was twenty times bigger than an average dimension. The number of living creatures constituted hundreds of billions. Simply by relying on the power of faith from this dimension, the gods in the Light God Organization could become extraordinarily powerful.

The third dimension before Merlin's eyes right now was also very large, though not as big as ten times. It was perhaps three times bigger than an average dimension. Since Bonio managed to occupy this dimension, understandably, he would not want to leave.

"Bonio, come out!"

Merlin was not concerned about politeness. He went straight ahead, and his booming voice reverberated into the dimension.


Suddenly, the dimension shook slightly. Next, a Giant appeared. This was a Giant King, an existence comparable to the Legendary Wizards among the Spell Casters.

Bonio was a relatively powerful lower rank Giant King. Nonetheless, it was very arduous to become a middle rank Giant King, so this dimension might be his only hope.

"Do you want to snatch this dimension?"

Upon seeing Merlin, Bonio seemed to be aware of his intention and asked with a snicker.

Merlin smiled. Giant Bonio was well-informed about the happenings in the other dimensions. Some time ago, Merlin had killed Wiem, and occupied his dimension, so he had not been exactly subtle. All the other nearby dimensions knew about the new developments.

"That's right, Bonio. Your dimension is too near to Gerva Dimension. Back then, Gerva was being cautious, thus he did not snatch it. Now, so many years have passed, do you think you can still continue to occupy this dimension?"

Merlin looked behind Bonio. He could even see the dazzling radiance from Gerva Dimension as well as sense the familiar aura of a Maxim.

That was the Spell Caster civilization!

"Yes, this dimension is too near your Spell Caster civilization… Nevertheless, even after so many years, this dimension still belongs to me. That speaks of the Spell Casters' incompetence! Come on, every Giant is a great warrior. We're not afraid of battle!"

Giant Bonio began to snarl fiercely.

Chapter 737: Force II

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

By nature, the Giant Tribe was a tribe that excelled in combat. Back in the days, the Giant Tribe had once conquered numerous territories. The number of tribes that they had offended exceeded even the Spell Casters'.

Moreover, the Giant Tribe only had one ultimate existence, namely the Titan Giant. However, the Giant Tribe still emerged victorious and struck fear into the hearts of other civilizations.

Their drive was their innate fighting spirit. Hence, no Giant would be afraid of combat.

This was especially true for Giant Bonio before Merlin right now. His terrifying power seemed to form an invisible prison, like circles of ripples that washed over Merlin endlessly.

If Merlin were any lesser than a three-Maxim Legend, most likely he would be easily deterred by this fighting spirit.

"Truly a tribe born to fight…"

This was not the first or second time Merlin had been involved in combat with the Giant Tribe. Merlin was very knowledgeable regarding the special characteristics of the Giant Tribe. The stronger their abilities, the tougher their defense capabilities would be.

Thinking about this, despite knowing that he was much more powerful than Giant Bonio, Merlin did not dare let his guard down. The multi-colored Wizard Heart loomed behind his back, emitting a mighty pressure.

At the same time, his invisible Mind Power also extended outward.


Merlin went almost all out, and activated his Hallucinating spell. Instantly, it trapped Giant Bonio in an illusion. Nonetheless, Giant Bonio struggled violently. Merlin was able to bind him for a moment but would not be able to control him for a long time.

"Thunder Flame!"

At this moment, Merlin did not hesitate, and unleashed his most powerful abilities – thunder and fire. These two constituted the most violent Elements, so they were Merlin's most powerful Offensive spells.

A huge fireball sparking with thunderbolts the size of an arm slammed viciously onto Giant Bonio's body.


Giant Bonio's punch sailed across the air. This fearsome punch came from a great distance away without any vibration through space, yet it landed brutally on Merlin's body.


A dull thud sounded. Merlin was completely knocked away. Fortunately, his body was protected by spells. Water-like ripples flashed across his body and dissipated without a trace.

Merlin gazed icily. There was no trace of hesitation as he extended another finger. The multi-colored Wizard Heart behind his back trembled slightly, and the flames and thunder before him seemed to grow stronger.


Finally, Thunder Flame impacted viciously on Bonio's body. The arm-width sparks of thunderbolts blew up Bonio's body, and the flames engulfed him. Bonio was not even able to put up any resistance before he was reduced to ashes.

Merlin's expression was stone-cold as he looked at the dimension before him. There was no longer any imprint on it. Instead, there was a lingering aura of a masterless dimension. Somehow, it was over without fanfare.

A powerful Giant King died just like that. Merlin felt slightly somber. Perhaps, one day, he would end up the same way.

"This is the boundless territory!"

Merlin mumbled under his breath. If Bonia had not died, then Merlin would face many troubles. Therefore, no matter what, he would have to dispose of Bonio forever.

Now, Merlin had succeeded. Everything was going on smoothly!

"Control the Elemental Origin!"

Merlin flew into the dimension, and immediately took control of the Elemental Origin. This dimension was three times bigger than an average dimension, so the minerals inside were also very rich. Merlin dispatched the mining robots to the mining sites while he leveraged on the Elemental Origin to deepen his understanding of the Darkness Elements and Fire Elements.

Three days later, Wizard Franz and the others arrived at the third dimension occupied by Merlin. Seeing the huge beam on Franz's face, Merlin immediately knew that they were also successful.

"Wizard Merlin, we bring good news. We've successfully occupied the second dimension, and also killed the strongest contender of the Unihorn Tribe. However, Wizard Ducas seems to have suffered some injuries, so he'll need to recuperate for a while."

"Good job. Then, we'll allow Wizard Ducas to recuperate."

Merlin also nodded. Although he already expected as much, he was still pleased to hear the good news from Franz. This signified that the first step of his plan had succeeded.

These three dimensions finally could be joined together with the Gerva Dimension and the Franz Dimension. As a result, the periphery of the Spell Caster civilization no longer ended at the Gerva Dimension but stretched to the Franz Dimension on the furthest end.

Of course, this was only the beginning. Merlin had only occupied three dimensions so far. With ten subordinates who were comparable to Great Legends under his command, even if each of them controlled just a single dimension, Merlin would need more than ten dimensions.

However, they could take a short break for now. Merlin still needed to sort through the minerals on these two dimensions as well as use the Elemental Origin to refine his understanding of the Darkness Elements and Fire Elements, so that he could consolidate an ultimate Maxim as soon as possible.

All of these required time!

In the vast and frigid Void Zone, there was an incomparably huge dimension. Its size was approximately ten times larger than an average dimension, and it was shrouded in a layer of purple light.

This layer of purple light, based on faint wisps of aura, was enough to strike fear in anyone's heart. On the other hand, the mighty existences were able to sense the antiquity and primitiveness contained in this aura. Above all, there was a sense of vexation that was exceptionally vicious. Despite the interminable years that had passed, this sense of vexation refused to subside.

This purple dimension floated quietly in the Void Zone. No one knew where it came from as it simply floated around slowly. Then, gradually, it drifted into chaotic territory.

That was the boundless territory!

"Look, what's that?"

In the Void Zone, two below-average foreign tribe creatures, yet to achieve the level of a Legend, were just about to enter a dimension when they suddenly discovered this purple dimension.

Upon seeing this purple dimension, both were staggered. They had never even seen such an incomparably huge dimension. In addition, a constantly floating dimension was very rare. At the very least, it had never existed in the boundless territory.

What shocked the two of them most was the aura emanating from the dimension. Not only was it very powerful and compelling but there was a sense of irrefutable authority that impacted their innermost heart.

However, this aura was simply too ancient and dated. Furthermore, there was no trace of life at all. The entire dimension was lifeless.

Although this was a lifeless dimension, it was still a masterless dimension. Disregarding the fact that a lifeless dimension had no Origin, just the aura exuded by the purple light alone was enough to determine that this was not an ordinary dimension. Most probably, there was a great existence that once upon a time occupied this dimension.

"Opportunity, this is a golden opportunity! We've spent so much time and effort in the boundless territory without bearing any fruit. Right now, our opportunity has dawned. Let's go inside. Perhaps, there'll be some treasures!"

The two foreign tribe creatures exchanged a look of excitement. They had been staying in the boundless territory for such a long time but were yet to obtain any treasure, let alone occupy a dimension. Such a feat was beyond their abilities.

Even after such a long time had passed, their abilities had not improved by a significant margin.

Now that they had found the purple dimension, this was their golden opportunity. Both were cautious. Once they had determined that there was no danger, they clambered headfirst into the huge purple dimension.

However, after the two men had entered the purple dimension, they did not stop the purple dimension from moving forward. Hence, the purple dimension gradually floated from the more deserted area of the boundless territory to denser areas.

Finally, more people noticed the purple dimension. This time, there were also Legend-level existences. After overcoming their initial shock, they began to enter the purple dimension.

Soon, the entire boundless territory was stirred up by the unanticipated appearance of this purple dimension…


In a large dimension, a multi-colored Wizard Heart suddenly appeared in the sky. A spine-tingling pressure seemed to descend upon the entire dimension.

Amid this occurrence, a huge Mind Power swept over the dimension.

"Still a little short…"

Inside a castle, Merlin raised his head, and opened his eyes. At this moment, Merlin could also see the multi-colored Wizard Heart suspended in the air. Although his Wizard Heart was still multi-colored, the Darkness Elements appeared to be more powerful. They had even overshadowed the Fire Elements. Hence, the entire Wizard Heart was faintly darkening.

Merlin retracted the multi-colored Wizard Heart. In the past six months, his expansion could not be said to be slow. Under Ducas' leadership, Merlin had successively snatched another five dimensions.

None of the dimensions could pose a threat to Merlin. Furthermore, Merlin had also erred on the side of caution, and did not spare any of the past controlling forces of the dimensions. Therefore, there was not much trouble.

Nevertheless, the feat of seizing eight dimensions in one shot meant that Merlin could not remain low-key even if he wanted to. All the strong contenders of the nearby dimensions began to heighten their guard and gathered some good friends in their respective dimensions, just like how Franz had hired them before.

Thus, it would be impossible for them to snatch a dimension like the last time. Every time, Merlin had to act personally.

Regardless, the benefits brought by these eight dimensions had been apparent. Merlin's Darkness Elements had been greatly enhanced. Just the tiniest boost would be enough to help him consolidate an ultimate Maxim and become an Honored Legend.

However, it was this tiny gap that Merlin had not been able to bridge. It was as if something was still lacking.

The other Elements had also advanced significantly. Mastering the Elemental Origins of eight dimensions proved to be not futile. On the contrary, the benefits were immense. Nevertheless, the Elemental Origin also had its limitations. For some Elements, Merlin truly had no talent, so consolidating a Maxim would require much more effort than others.

"Swish swish swish."

Suddenly, a few familiar figures appeared in Merlin's dimension. A quick sweep of his Mind Power told him that it was Franz and the others.

"Why are you so anxious? Did something happen?"

Merlin contemplated for a moment, and discontinued his study on the Elemental Origin. He stepped out, and upon pinpointing the location of Franz and the others, he traveled via subspace to reach them.