25 - 37

Chapter 25: Bodyguard?

It was as if time had stopped; white skirt, black hair, slender fingers, plum blossom teapot, the faint scent of tea. If you were to just see the contours, it was as perfect as a painting.

The tea was poured into two matching cups, red as the teapot. Just enough tea for one mouthful.

"Are you just going to stand there?" Zhou Qianlin lifted her head, looking at the frozen man before her.

White trousers, pale green shirt, short black hair, sender build. But his most arresting feature were those eyes, full of reminiscence.

"Oh." Lan Jue was shaken from his haze and approached, sitting in the rattan chair set before her.

Zhou Qianlin motioned towards his drink, lifting her own cup. As the scent wafted towards her, she lifted it to her mouth and took a sip.

Lan Jue lifted the cup to his nose, then took a sip. "Jin jun mei, Lapsang Souchong black tea." He'd always liked the nice things of this world, the ceremonial tea traditions from Former Era China with centuries-old history and culture. It was full of countless principles and traditions, so naturally he'd enjoy it. Contrary to most tea lovers who preferred green tea, he always enjoyed the black.

Green tea was for the scent, black was for warmth.

A small sip, and the aroma washed over him, like his body was transparent. For a moment his worries melted away.

"Good tea," Lan Jue said praisingly.

Zhou Qianlin poured them both another cup. The small containers could only hold a very small amount. One sip, and more must be poured.

He took another drink, and placing the cup on the able before him, looked at the person adjacent.

Bright azure eyes, calm and impassive, quivering eyelashes.

"Let's try this again. I am Lan Jue, proprietor of Zeus' Jewelry Store on Skyfire Avenue." He reached a hand towards Zhou Qianlin to shake.

Zhou Qianlin regarded him coolly, her eyes serene but distant.

Lan Jue awkwardly retracted his hand. In fact he'd barely managed to keep himself from asking how she was. Clearly that wouldn't have been appropriate.

"I didn't ask you here for a fresh start. We should talk about our situation." Her voice was as pleasant as ever, but there was a distinct chill to it. Perhaps her cold nature was the reason she had chosen black tea, he thought to himself.

"Fine." Lan Jue nodded.

Zhou Qianlin fumed. He acted like nothing had happened! Honestly…

"Unless I'm remembering incorrectly, you promised me a favor," she said.

"Indeed. And you've thought of one?" Lan Jue stared at her. Zeus had made that promise, surely her request wouldn't be an ordinary one.

Zhou Qianlin nodded. "I have."

Lan Jue was anxious to resolve this. His face was calm, but it didn't mean he'd forgotten. In fact he had never known this level of guilt.

"I'm a student," Zhou Qianlin began, opening the lid of the teapot. She poured in more hot water and continued. "National Eastern University, National Scholar, Junior."

National Scholar? Amid the beating of his heart he remembered the video they had sent, the first time he'd seen her. She had been moving between classes.

He'd heard of the National Eastern University, a top school in the nation. It was a mecha-piloting university. Everything they taught was related to mecha. However only the mecha branch was famous for combat, so the whole school wasn't named a military university.

Considering the background of the Eastern Alliance, the NEU was the single best institution of higher learning. A four year bachelor's degree and you could find any related job immediately after graduation. With this sort of education background you were guaranteed social progress, and a stepping stone to success in the military. Of the bachelors, the particularly talented were selected to continue their studies. They were the National Scholars.

National scholars, too, studied in a four year program, but they were the elite of the four alliances. They were assured an important position in their field, moreover it was very possible they would see further advancement in a very short time.

In the Eastern Alliance there were only a handful of institutions who trained National Scholars, thus every year less than a thousand such graduates were produced. As a result, National Scholars were highly prized. It was the same in the other two alliances as well.

"I didn't know you were a National Scholar." Lan Jue smiled.

"I haven't graduated yet," Zhou Qianlin replied, "You can't call me that."

Lan Jue said, "If I'm not mistaken, the NEU is a mecha-piloting university. As you're a graduate student, did you want me to train you in regards to mechs? This I can do, though it wont be easy."

It was the first thought that crossed his mind, though she may not know of his identity. However she had seen his capabilities the day he'd captured her, she looked like a smart girl.

But what she said next left him stunned.

"I don't need a mecha teacher," Zhou Qianlin replied dismissively. "You think I'd want a teacher who was rude and boorish to me?"

"Rude.. boorish?" Lan Jue felt the hair on the back of his neck rankle. No one had ever called him that before.

"We're nobility, how could I possibly be boorish?" Lan Jue's breath came uneven.

"Aren't you," Zhou Qianlin snapped back. "You don't even know what a hospital is, and you aren't boorish? If you aren't, what else could I call you…?"

Lan Jue looked like he'd been slapped, his agitation beaten out of him. He frowned and leaned against the back of his chair. He said nothing else – there was never else for him to say – there was nothing he could do to erase his sin.

"What do you want," he asked. He just wanted to leave, quickly. The woman across from him made him feel impotent. He didn't feel like Zeus – he felt like minced meat on a cutting board.

"It'll be some time until I graduate. Two years. Because of what happened a week ago, the Western Alliance is likely to seek reprisal against the Eastern Alliance. Especially my family. I'm worried about my safety. You're rash and infuriating, but you'd do well as a bodyguard. Until I graduate, I'll need you to protect me at school."

"Bodyguard?" His voice raised an octave. He'd absolutely never expected her to ask for something like this. He'd thought Zhou Qianlin would disregard his offer, but now he felt like there were ten thousand alpacas stampeding through his head.

Chapter 26: Sat on by a Pig

"Nope." Lan Jue refused without hesitation.

What is guarding? Day in and day out with the client, always by their side, constantly on your toes. The key factor was time, because poor timing could mean someone's life.

Zeus, the untouchable master of the mercenary world, had served before as a body guard for two years. It was intolerable.

Why did he become a mercenary in the first place?

A Ninth Level Talent, God-Ranked Mecha-Pilot, infinite possibilities… why choose the life of a mercenary? It was simple, really – freedom.

Thus Lan Jue rarely returned home, he couldn't stand the constraints.

Simply said this condition set by Zhou Qianlin went against his very nature, indeed he couldn't comply.

He took up the enameled pot, pouring himself another small cup of tea. He replaced it and took another sip.

"Something else," Lan Jue said in ill temper. When in her presence, even if he didn't realize it, he hardly seemed like a noble.

"No need." Zhou Qianlin stood. "A man who fails to keep his promise, what use could I have for him?"

As she spoke, she moved towards the door to leave.

"You!" Lan Jue jumped to his feet, grabbing her wrist. "What on earth do you want?!"

She glared cruelly at him. "What do I want? I told you what I want, but since you can't agree then forget it."

"Then what happened between us…" he began in hesitation.

Zhou Qianlin yanked her hand away and stood toe to toe with him, staring fiercely in to his eyes. Lan Jue unconsciously took a step back.

"It was like being sat on by a pig." She spat the sentence at him, turned on her heel and left.

Lan Jue felt like a victim of his own Lightning Discipline, standing there frozen for a long while.

"Stop!" After a few moments he finally reacted, running outside. He ran nearly headlong in to the waitress.

"Sir, you haven't settled the bill."

He paid hurriedly and hastened outside. He finally caught up with Zhou Qianlin at the door to the Luo Yun teahouse.

"Stop right there!" Lan Jue shouted at her.

Zhou Qianlin lin spun around, regarding him calmly. "You have something to say?"

"Y-you…!" lightning rippled in Lan Jue's eyes, clearly on the verge of erupting.

She lifted her head, scorn evident in her beautiful sky-blue eyes. "What's the matter? Ashamed?"

Lan Jue loosened his tightened fists, stepping back. "Ask for something else!"

Zhou Qianlin turned once again and began to walk off.

This time Lan Jue did not pursue, watching her slender form vanish around a nearby corner. He couldn't stop his fists from clenching once more. He was finding it difficult to contain his emotions.

Around the corner Zhou Qianlin had stopped when out of sight, leaning against the wall. She covered her red face with her hands, gasping headily through her open mouth.

The pressure was immense, and she felt as though in that moment there still burned the heat of those two large hands pressing down on her shoulders.

And then a laugh burst unbidden from her lips. The whole scene was too much! Sat on by a pig!

Hah! He's got to be so pissed! What choice does the honorable and respected Zeus have?


In the same instant Lan Jue was returning to Zeus' Jewelry Store.

Seeing his infuriated face, Xiuxiu and Ke'er gulped. The expression in his eyes was stranger still.

Lan Jue said not a word, going directly to his room. He needed to think.

"Who's he so upset with? He looks so… ugly," Ke'er said, wide-eyed and open-mouthed.

Xiuxiu shook her head. "It's the first time I've seen him this angry."

As he entered the room Lan Jue flopped down atop his bed, his head resounding with Zhou Qianlin's pleasant voice.


"Sat on by a pig!"

The two phrases echoed over and over in his mind. He knew that had someone else spoke to him like that he'd have incinerated them. But not Zhou Qianlin, she was his Jinyu's sister, and he still…

Only, this request was nearly impossible to accept. To be beside her every day as a bodyguard. How could anyone who values freedom live like that? And it was more than two years – the length of her schooling, at least two years and three months.

No, impossible! Regardless of the circumstances, impossible!

Yet to refuse was to go against his own moral code. In the heat of the moment they never discussed terms. Moreover he was the one that had taken her innocence. If he didn't make recompense it would be like a thorn in his heart forever, like a fish bone caught in the throat.

At the same time Zou Qianlin was also lying in her bed, covered by a light pink gauze curtain. Her room was constructed like an ocean of flowers. Lying atop the soft bed, her eyes were hazy, filled with several emotions, her mind in a constant state of flux.

Will he accept? If he doesn't, what then?

Beep, beep, beep!

Zhou Qianlin nearly leapt from the bed, but sputtered when she saw he number on her communicator.

"Little Mi, what is it?"

"Tang Mi!" came the agitated shout from the communicator.

"Fine, fine. Tang Mi," Zhou Qianlin responded helplessly.

"I heard you'll be returning to classes next week. Are you sure everything's alright?"

Zhou Qianlin responded, "What do you mean alright?"

"Your mood," Tang Mi said. "After something like this you certainly can't forget it right away."

Zhou Qianlin snorted. "I forget about it ages ago. I'll return to class next week. Let me copy your notes."

Tang Mi chuckled. "You really want to forget then that's fine. I'm telling you though, you aren't allowed to have any sort of relationship with my idol. I'll be a mercenary myself, the beautiful woman chasing the every step of the Mercenary King, you wont be able to compete with me."

"Go then, meet a man and lose all your friends." She unceremoniously hung up the communicator.

Beep, beep, beep the communicator rang anew.

Zhou Qianlin impatiently answered. "I won't compete with you, alright? He's all yours!"

"Compete with what," a surprised voice answered from the communicator.

Zhou Qianlin sat up. "Is it you?"

The response was low, simple, like it required a great deal of courage to utter.

"You're request… I accept."

Chapter 27: Be a Teacher?

"Your request… I accept."

Upon hearing this sentence Zhou Qianlin's eyes lit up, her lips curling in to a smile. "Don't be reluctant. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think you could do it."

From the other end of the communicator came a sound like grinding teeth.

"I'm not reluctant!"

"Excellent," Zhou Qianlin said, not seeking to provoke him further.

Lan Jue choked down the impulse to smash the communicator in his hand. He took a deep breath, exhaled through his mouth and continued. "When do you need me, and what will I be doing?"

"I have excellent bodyguards at home," she responded. "You just need to watch over me while at school during the semester. When school's in recess, so are you."

Hearing this Lan Jue let out a sigh of relief. Luckily it wouldn't all the time, and he'd have some time to himself.

"What's my cover while protecting you? Shall I enter in to school as well, be a classmate?" Lan Jue inquired.

The communicator was silent for a moment. "Uncle, have some dignity. At your age could you be my classmate?"

"U-uncle…" Lan Jue's face contorted, and when he could endure it no longer replied indignantly, "I'm that old?!" He wasn't even twenty seven. The average life expectancy in the Eastern Alliance was a hundred and twenty, he absolutely was still a young man. What's more there were certainly post-graduate students who would graduate at his age!

Zhou Qianlin covered her mouth, muffling her laughter, a task she found difficult. "So old. Don't be a student, it'd be too easy for your identity to be revealed."


"Way over the hill."

Crunch, came the sound of a breaking communicator over the wire.

"Hahaha!" Zhou Qianlin rolled atop her bed laughing uncontrollably, reveling in the sweet sensation of revenge.

Beep beep beep! The communicator rang anew.

Zhou Qianlin hastened to regain her composure, her stomach hurting, and answered.

"Zhou Qianlin! I'm warning you, if you insult me like that again I'll –"

"You'll what?" she spat.

Lan Jue fell silent. Anyone else, and he'd have a slew of choice things to fire back, but from her he had nothing to say…

"A good man doesn't fight with a woman. I owe you, and I'll pay my debt. After these two years, we'll have nothing more to do with each other. Speak, what's my cover?" Lan Jue tried valiantly to keep his voice under control, for he knew that if he didn't it would only make Zhou Qianlin more pleased. He would not give her the satisfaction!

"Enter as an instructor, you're about the right age. How you do that is up to you. You can do that, can't you? Mr. Zeus?"

She hung up without giving him a chance to respond.

"Instructor?" Him, a teacher? How could he be a teacher?

Although the NEU didn't produce the most famous Mecha-Pilots, it was a proper piloting university and nothing scoff at. To enter as an instructor, Lan Jue felt, would pose no problem for him. He was a God-Ranked pilot, the highest rank attainable in the Three Alliances – more than sufficient for a teacher.

Stop! He couldn't let this impetuous girl get everything she wanted. He had promised to comply, but how he did it was never outlined. A teacher, right? But not a mecha instructor!

Lan Jue had a stroke of genius, gradually crafting his idea. He couldn't stop his mouth from curling in to a mischievous grin, his sour mood swept away.

His right hand suddenly grew hot, and Lan Jue lifted it to look upon the golden bracelet on his wrist. It emitted a gentle golden light, and as the light expanded it revealed the image of an old man.

He was an elderly man, big and tall, his face a landscape of craggy features. His true age was difficult to decipher, but he was possessed of two very clear blue eyes, deep and shining as though they reflected the universe itself. He wore a magnificent white robe, embroidered in silver and encrusted with gemstones. A pointed cap rested upon his head, and a large shimmering ruby on the ring finger of his right hand.

"Honorable members of the Skyfire Avenue Council, please make your way to the Skyfire Museum in one hour. If you have a scheduling conflict, please alert us as soon as possible."

As the voice faded, so too did the image.

The urgency of the Skyfire Council meeting made Lan Jue uncomfortable.

There were a total of one hundred and sixty eight shops on Skyfire Avenue, each with their own management. But the Council itself had only eighteen members.

The Council met bi-monthly for regular meetings to manage the Avenue's internal affairs. It was only when something serious cropped up that they would hold an emergency meeting.

It was also the first time since Lan Jue arrived in the Avenue that such a meeting was convened.

Skyfire Avenue wasn't simply a noble's street. It was also a place of Adepts. When entering the Avenue to be a shopkeeper, you also had to possess at least a Seventh-Level Talent, passing a series of tests. Further the eighteen members of the Council were the strongest among the Adepts present. Though the organization was freeform, the members were some of the most celebrated and illustrious Talents in the Three Alliances.

Were it not for the combined strength of these members Skyfire Avenue never would have survived as long as it had, with it's freedom intact.

Lan Jue rose quickly, donning a three-piece blue suit and slipping a ring on his little finger1 before stepping out.

In the dim light of the room's lamp, the ring seemed to leave behind it a green afterimage that shimmered with a life of it's own.

The ring itself had a peculiar look, forged of a silvery metal. The top half was curious, one side wide and the other side narrow. It created a trapezoid, set with fragments of diamond and sapphire like leopard print. In it's center was set a triangular green gemstone. The ethereal light, full of vitality, originated from there.

Before he stepped out Lan Jue turned the ring inward, hiding the gemstone in his palm.

The ring itself had a name: Thor's Promise.

1. In China, wearing a ring on your little finger represents independence.

Chapter 28: Skyfire Avenue Council

Skyfire Avenue. Council Hall

The floor space of the classically beautiful Council Hall was quite large, nearly three hundred square meters. The walls were covered in famous paintings, awash in dark red adornments, lending a simplistic but beautiful atmosphere.

A dozen people sat on either side of a long table. With the Clairvoyant at it's head, the total count stood at thirteen.

The Wine Master sat to the left of the Clairvoyant, and beside him was Lan Jue. The Gourmet took up the third position.

The Clairvoyant lifted his hand and gently rapped upon the tabletop. All eyes turned to him.

"All council members on Skyfire have gathered, the other five away on business in other planets." There was an odd charm to the aging man's features. Every eye was upon him, and though they revealed no emotion a deep respect lay in each gaze.

Elder of Skyfire Avenue, Chairman of the Council, the Clairvoyant was for all intents and purposes the brain of Skyfire Avenue.

He continued. "I've called this emergency gathering in order to resolve an urgent matter. Today, a government official was sent to meet me…"

Hearing this Lan Jue's eye twitched. An official from the Eastern Alliance government? What did he want?

"Diplomatic emissaries have been dispatched from the Citadel of the Western Alliance's Pontiff, and have indicated they wish an exchange with us here at Skyfire Avenue. The government officer intimated that he wished us to agree to this exchange."

Was this revenge from the Western Alliance? Lan Jue was surprised, but quickly banished the thought. The Austin family was certainly influential in the Western Alliance, but they certainly had no means to employ the might of the Pontiff. The Pontiff's Citadel was to the Western Alliance what Skyfire Avenue was to the East, only more illustrious still as all held high stations of power. It was highly unlikely that a political fiasco like the failed wedding would inspire them to make a move.

For the Clairvoyant to attach so much importance to this correspondence, to display apprehension over the exchange, was unusual indeed.

With the onset of the New Era, Mecha sciences and development advanced quickly, soon becoming an integral component of the battlefield. The Three Alliance all spared no expense or effort in creating the latest mechas, or training the best pilots.

Though on the surface the Three Alliances lived in harmony, in practice the border planets between the three often saw conflict.

In addition to the advance of Mechas, on the battlefield each unit required exceptional pilots to dictate the flow of war. A pilot had to be athletic, with high genetic Talent, thus making training an exceptional warrior more likely. As a result Adepts also received a fair amount of attention.

Adepts were separated in to several groupings. Those who possessed awakened innate talents were called Intuitives. Adepts of the Eastern Alliance mostly fell in to that category. All of the Adepts who lived on Skyfire Avenue were Intuitives, and that was in fact a prerequisite for membership.

Those who acquired talents later, through special means designed to manipulate genetics, were called Derivatives. These constituted most of the Western Alliance, and the Alliance was second to none in the study of the medicines needed for genetic manipulation. There were two organizations representative of the Western Derivatives; the Pontiff's Citadel and the Dark Citadel. The two were, naturally, at odds. Though both names indicated locations, in truth it was just the name of their organizations.

Other than these two groups of talents there was a third, wherein machinery was joined with the body to create a high-tech conglomerate of flesh and metal. Gene manipulation and robots joined to endow great power. These were called Converts.

The Northern Alliance was the most technologically developed, thus did they possess the most Converts, who themselves were gathered in to a group they called the Great Conclave.

Of the three groups Inuitives were the rarest, with the other two more or less the same in number.

Derivatives and Converts were quicker to produce, thus saw more use in military campaigns. However, they lacked the limitless potential of Intuitives.

The Clairvoyant began to speak once more. "Were it only a representative of the Citadel's Holy See it would be preferable to respond. However, it is very probable they will be accompanied by a delegation from the Dark Citadel. The situation between these two organizations is tenuous at best, I can't imagine why they would choose to travel together in this instance."

The Wine Master spoke up. "This so-called exchange, I fear it is an indispensible opportunity to learn about the other Adepts and their powers. We should consider our response as soon as possible."

"Representatives from the Citadels will arrive at Skyfire Avenue in one month," the Clairvoyant said. "At present we do not know the names of those who will attend. Be that as it may, we should prepare appropriately. The focus of this meeting is to confirm that we will be responsible for these delegates. As it seems now, we will require three members to participate in this exchange. Naturally they shall have to be shopkeepers, and willing to participate. You may volunteer at will."

The Wine Master, as vice-chairman of the Council, interjected. "Judging by the status of these groups, our standards must be equally high. Such being the case I volunteer to participate."

The Clairvoyant nodded. "Anyone else?"

"I will," Lan Jue stated, rising. Regardless of whether this meeting had to do with the events of the week before, Skyfire Avenue had tacitly agreed to his actions. It was his responsibility to contribute here.

"Very well, Jewel Master," the Clairvoyant responded with a smile.

"And I," came another voice. The hoarse tones came from the young man seated to the Clairvoyant's right.

He looked slightly older than Lan Jue, his hair neatly trimmed and teased up. He wore a leather jacket, and his stocky build and small eyes gave him a lethargic appearance.

"Oh, the diabolical Little Clippers deigns to act?" The taunt came from a woman several seats down from the young man.

His face stiffened in response. "My title is not Little Clippers!"

The woman snickered. "Doesn't the Barber use little clippers? If you used shears like a gardener no one would have anything to say. Our delegation is all big bad men, that wont do. I'll join. Four members will make them look even more important."

The Clairvoyant agreed. "Very well, then the welcoming committee is settled. The Wine Master, the Jewel Master, the Barber, and the Beautician shall be our representatives."

Chapter 29: Beautician and the Barber

The Clairvoyant stood. "The welcoming committee has been selected. The rest of you may go. Thank you all for coming."

The remaining council members stood and filed out. Once leaving the chamber they spoke quietly amongst themselves.

"Forgive me, Keeper. If I might bother you for a moment." Lan Jue stood, addressing the elderly man who had been seated to the right of the Clairvoyant.

He looked an age comparable to the Clairvoyant, and wore an ancient Tang Chinese style gown. He looked quite scholarly, but at the same time frail and sluggish – like he had one foot in the grave. Still he was the second vice-chairman of the Skyfire council, and in fact may have been slightly older than the Clairvoyant himself.

Lan Jue moved to the Keeper's side, gripping his elbow to help him stand.

"I must trouble you with something, would it be alright if I met you at the Library later?" Lan Jue helped the old man towards the door, speaking softly in his ear.

The Keeper gave a grandfatherly smile and nodded his head. "Of course, of course."

Lan Jue thanked him, then returned to his seat in the council chamber.

Only the Clairvoyant, the Wine Master, the Jewel Master, the Barber and the Beautician remained.

"I am sorry to trouble the four of you," the Clairvoyant began. "We must choose twenty shopkeepers to participate in the event. Wine Master, if you would."

The Wine Master nodded. "I will choose them."

"Then what about me? Just wait for the reception?" The Beautician looked stunning in a long pink dress. Her figure was breathtaking, the late-twenties beauty smiling alluringly towards the Wine Master.

"The reception itself will be handled by the government of the Eastern Alliance," the Wine Master stated. "We are only responsible for the exchange."

The Beautician shot a glance towards Lan Jue, sitting across from her at the table. "Little Brother* Jewel Master hasn't said a word since joining our little committee. Come on kiddo, participate!"


Lan Jue's cool features stiffened for but a moment, but he did not respond. He wasn't entirely familiar with all the members of the Skyfire Council, but he did know the Barber.

The Beautician's taunting moniker of the Diabolical Little Clippers wasn't baseless. According to what Lan Jue knew, the Barber had been an accomplished assassin in the Northern Alliance before coming to Skyfire. The most wanted man in the North. Not even thirty, but she teased and taunted the Barber in public. And he didn't retaliate. Despite her young, sweet appearance, she wasn't someone Lan Jue had any inclination to tussle with.

When compared to the Northern Alliance's Great Conclave, even Skyfire Avenue and the two Citadels together couldn't match their numbers. However, they did possess the most universally acknowledged top-grade Talents.

A member had to be at least a Ninth-Level Talent to be considered for entry in to Skyfire Council. Because the Avenue was only loosely managed, members coveted their specific abilities as a secret, and even the most senior members did know the abilities of the others.

It was frightening to think of a ninth level Talent one knew nothing about.

In the last year the only person who'd been able to make him loose his temper, to fail to control his emotions was that blasted girl who'd asked him to be her bodyguard.

The Wine Master spoke gently. "Know your enemy as you know yourself, and in a hundred battles you will have a hundred victories. Three will stay in the event they will be needed as comrades in arms. As a result, I ask that each of us clearly reveal our abilities so we can be familiar with them."

The Beautician fiddled with her constellation-encrusted fingernails. "No problem. I don't believe we know much about Little Brother Jewel Master either. My ability; Illusion. How about you, kiddo? Hehe."

Looking upon the Beautician's cunning and sweet smile, Lan Jue's heart rate increased in trepidation. Illusion! To the average person the word held no special significance. But to his ears it was like a peel of thunder.

He'd heard of this ability once in a story. Twenty years ago a small girl's family had been murdered. As the evil men approached the girl to finish the job, her innate Talent had awakened. Illusion.

Just awakened, a Ninth-Level Talent, she was unable to control her own powers. But in the blink of an eye her assailants were caught in a dreamscape of heavenly bliss and hellish terror. The young girl's fears bubbled up from her mind. In the end, the ones who'd killed her family all succumbed to the phantasmagoria. None survived.

Shattered by the experience, the young girl then wandered out in to the streets of the city. There she enveloped the entire place in her dreamscape, inflicting upon it horrendous damage.

Later she had been overpowered by the forces of the Eastern Alliance. She was tested, the extent of her illusion powers determined, and then taken away. It is said she was quietly executed.

When Lan Jue was younger he'd once read several secret reports on Adepts, and this story was the one that stuck most in his mind. He still remembered clearly. He also recalled that illusion was a rare Discipline. To his knowledge it was only seen that once. Was this coyly smiling Beautician…

"Hey, kiddo? You?" Her elbows were perched upon the armrests, her face in her hands. She smiled as she watched Lan Jue.

"Lightning," he said simply.

The Barber shot him a glance. "My ability is speed."


Lan Jue did not look down upon him for his simple speed ability. Any Discipline could be terrifying at the highest levels. Speed was no different. The Barber was considered one of the best among Skyfire Avenue, thus his speed certainly wasn't anything to scoff at.

The Wine Master nodded. "Good. We'll finish here for today. We are all now more or less familiar. In accordance with our customs, remember that what is said in the council remains with the council, or the culprit will become an enemy of Skyfire Avenue."

The Beautician, the Barber and the Jewel Master each nodded their head in agreement.

The Clairvoyant smiled. "I am possessed of a simple prediction. This situation is threatening but not dangerous. It should be interesting."

Lan Jue walked slowly from the Museum, making his way towards the Keeper's Library when suddenly he heard the Barber's voice from behind him.

"Jewel Master."

"Hm?" Lan Jue uttered, turning around.

The Barber fixed him with a pair of gleaming eyes. "Let's spar!"

*Little Brother is a sort of emasculating term, used for familiarity, to marginalize, and sometimes both.

Chapter 30: Another Skyfire Avenue

"No thanks," Lane Jue replied. He wasn't in his best mood, and as a result wasn't the least bit interested in the Barber's challenge. He turned to face the library and made to leave.

Whoosh, a figure rushed passed him. The Barber appeared before Lan Jue blocking passage forward.

Lan Jue stepped aside, but the Barber matched him, denying progress. It didn't matter where he turned, the Barber would surely be in front of him.

"I'm not in the mood," Lan Jue said, stopping.

The Barber, in contrast, smiled. "But my mood is just fine."

Lan Jue gave a half-hearted chuckle. "Well now that we're done sharing our feelings, I guess we'll get on with it."

"How amusing, I'll judge!" The Beautician's giggles wafted towards them.

The three returned to the museum, each feeling for the emblem pinned to their chests. Each badge was silver, inlaid with eighteen colored gems. Together they made the image of a flame which glittered majestically in even the slightest light.

They made their way to the unimpressive elevator set beside the museum's spiraling staircase. The Beautician lifted her hand and placed it on the marble to one side.

Instantly a light emanated from the top of the elevator, sweeping over their figures, glittering off of their badges. Afterward it issued a slight di di of approval.

Soon the doors opened, revealing the five square-meter interior.

The three entered, and though there were no buttons the doors shut behind them.

An electronic voice fills the elevator. "Welcome Councilman Jewel Master, Councilwoman Beautician, and Councilman Barber."

A slight sensation of weightlessness overtook them, indicative of the elevator's speedy descent. The sensation lasted a good minute before dissipating, then the doors opened soundlessly. Immediately a cacophonous ruckus met them from outside.

Before stepping out, the three almost in tandem removed the badges from their chest. The emblem represented their membership in the council. In a place like this it held an impact, It was a status symbol. None of them had any desire to draw undue attention to themselves.

Exiting the elevator they were met with another sort of street, wide and comparable in many ways to Skyfire Avenue above. Both sides of the street were lined with numerous buildings. Looking up, eyes were met with a blue sky and lazily flowing clouds. Closer inspection, however, would reveal that the sky and clouds contrasted with the free and natural world outside by having their own set rules – that it was in fact the backdrop of a massive dome.

In further contradiction to the Skyfire Avenue above, this place was bustling and lively. Scores of people wandered back and forth among the busy shops.

Indeed this was also considered Skyfire Avenue, another Skyfire Avenue, a world of Adepts. Any Third-Level Talent, be they Intuitive, Derivative or Convert was permitted to enter so long as they paid the fee.

Here, there were Cultivation Areas, high-grade Adept products, specialty Mecha items on auction, a fighting arena, a casino, shops, and a mission board. You name it, it was here. But this place had it's rules, and declined any criminal enterprises. It was, after all, run by the Skyfire Council.

Of course no one dared to violate the rules, for no one wished to upset the combined might of the best Adepts the Alliances had to offer.

Every shop topside had an elevator leading to the underground, but only shop owners possessed the badges necessary to use them. Outsiders needed to find other channels in order to enter. Even if you were a shop owner, you could only enter through your shop's personal elevator. Only the eighteen members of the Skyfire Council were permitted to use any elevator they saw fit.

Exiting the elevator, the Barber, Beautician and Lan Jue tacitly made their way towards the left. Unlike the avenue above, the buildings on either side of the street were even more elaborate, but still retained that old world charm. In it's infancy the two avenues had been the same. You could go so far as to say that the Skyfire Avenue situated above them came about through the one underground. It was the Adept's Utopia, and countless Talents arrived to gain power, earn money, and realize their every desire.

The trio proceeded unabated, until they were faced by a brawny bald-headed figure coming their way. The massive man was over two meters tall, and wore only a vest to show off his physique. His bulging arms were larger than the Beautician's waist. When he walked down the street it was like being confronted by a road roller. Strangest of all, however, was the metal casing that covered his head and half his face. The red glow from his metallic eye was particularly unsettling.

The rule of thumb was that pedestrians were expected to stick to the right whilst walking. The giant, however, walked contrary to the foot traffic with a palpably threatening demeanor and long strides. Every Talent present almost subconsciously moved out of his way.

In this place people didn't look for trouble. Skyfire Avenue didn't permit public conflict. If you wanted a fight, it had to be in the arena. However, it seemed like Big Baldie wasn't familiar with this particular rule. It was only a few short moments before he was standing before the trio.

Lan Jue, the Barber and the Beautician, of course, weren't in the habit of getting out of people's way. Seeing the three unwilling to part, his metal face twisted in to a sadistic leer. He moved towards the Barber, situated directly in front of him.

The Barber straightened and, turning his head towards the Beautician, muttered, "There's always that one who thinks the rules doesn't apply to them."

Crash! before he'd even finished his sentence, Big Baldie had smashed right in to him.

However, by the time the surrounding Adepts had stopped to look, Big Baldie's enormous bulk went flying dozens of meters and crashed in to the ground like a sack of garbage.

Lan Jue had watched as speed and power in equal measure collided, and in that moment it was like the Barber had become some ethereal glimmer, his shoulder smashing in to Baldie's stomach.

The Beautician covered her small mouth with a hand, her eyes wide and full of faux astonishment. "Why Little Clippers, you brute! That looked like it hurt!"

The Barber rolled his eyes. "You really shouldn't, Big Sister. My body count pales in comparison to yours."

Lan Jue looked on impassively, but hearing the Barber's words he could help but feel a shudder. For an assassin of his caliber to say something like that…

The Beautician's eyes fluttered towards Lan Jue just in time to catch his reaction. Giggling, she said, "Don't listen to his nonsense, Little Brother. A cowardly little woman like me, how could I possibly murder anyone!"

Chapter 31: Harlequin Silver

The hulking man struggled to get to his feet after the Barber had thrown him aside. He knew precisely how strong he was, but he wasn't stupid – if the Barber had been able to chuck him aside so easily, he knew better than to start anything else. He turned glumly, seeking to continue on.

"Halt," The Barber called harshly.

Big Baldie turned back. "Whadda ya gunna do about it," he said threateningly, but the fear was in his eyes.

The Barber regarded him listlessly. "I should be asking you that. Do you know where we are?"

An ominous glint lit Big Baldie's eyes. "Skyfire Avenue."

"So you do know," the Barber said, "And yet you deliberately break the rules."

Big Baldie growled. "I broke no rule. Where's it written you can't walk down the opposite side of the street?"

The Barber's face adopted a shocked expression. "So you knew you were going against the crowd! That's good. In fact you're right, there isn't any rule expressly forbidding walking against the flow of traffic. But that was before. From now on this street indeed has that rule. Because I said so. I'll submit the provision when I return to the Skyfire Council. And likewise you will pay for your malicious disregard for the rules."

Big Baldie's features blanched. "Yeah right, how you gunna prove it!" As he spat this, he turned and ran down away down the street.

The Barber sneered derisively. "These thugs of the Great Conclave are as stupid as they come. Let's go."

As he spoke he started to move onward, seemingly losing interest in Baldie. Neither Lan Jue nor the Beautician bothered to follow the man's departure either.

Big Baldie, meanwhile, pushed is way wildly through the crowd. A few moments later, he turned his head to ensure he wasn't being chased by that little guy with the evil eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Come with us," a voice directed. A middle-aged man stood near him, hands tucked in to the pockets o f his grey suit trousers.

"W-who are you?" Big Baldie stammered. All around him half a dozen other grey-suited men had silently begun to draw closer.

"Skyfire Avenue Enforcement," the man replied impatiently.

"What proof do you have to take me away?" The muscles all over Big Baldie's body began to swell menacingly.

The middle-aged man heaved a sigh. "You're blind, then? Do you know who you bumped in to? You probably could have caused trouble for anyone other than the Barber and been fine, you know. You're lucky he was in a good mood, too, otherwise there'd be no need for us to come collect you."

As he spoke, his hand shone with light. Big Baldie tried to call out, but the only thing that emerged was a chocking gasp before he collapsed to the floor.

"Take him away."

Lan Jue saw the geodesic dome rise before him, his face betrayed his interest. "It's my first time here. They call it the Reaper's Arena, right?"

The Barber looked at him with a grin. "That's right."

The Reaper Arena, the place where Adepts brought their enemies for duels. It was as fair as you could get. Both parties signed a waver absolving the other of their death. Combatants fought to the finish, fate deciding who lived and who died. Revenge wasn't permitted. Sometimes the Skyfire Council would host fights between combatants with particularly deep-seated hatreds. On those days gamblers came out in droves. Business was surprisingly good.

Lan Jue chuckled. "Suddenly my mood has improved. I'll tell you what, Barber – we're both respectable men, nobility, and have never fought before. What would you say to a wager?"

The Barber blinked in surprise. "You want to bet me?"

"Naturally!" Lan Jue grinned.

The Barber clapped his hands, their sound thrumming though the area. Smiling, he replied, "Excellent idea! How'd you know what I was thinking. Ahhh, I'm not worthy of being a Councilman – you understand me too well. Fine, to tell the truth I've had my eye on that Soulfire diamond in your shop, the fifty karat one. Unfortunately I'm embarrassingly short on funds. Seeing as we were never that close it would have been improper to ask you for it directly."

Realization dawned on Lan Jue's face. "You should have said something earlier. We're all Councilman, and the shop's discounts are at my discretion. But seeing you like this, I assume you hadn't intended to spend the money anyway."

The Barber nodded his head.

The Beautician stood nearby, smiling pleasantly. "Since you both have invited me to be the judge, I have to make sure the scales are even, and make this a fair contest. You want the Soulfire gem, Little Clippers, but you'll have to offer something of equal value in return."

"Of course," the Barber replied. "I'm a fair and equitable businessman. What do think of this, Jewel Master?"

The Barber's hand searched his jacket as he spoke, retracting a moment later with something in his grip.

A metal roughly the size of his palm emitted a ethereal glow, as though sunlight bloomed from within. It shone with the whole spectrum of color.

Lan Jue's eyes grew wide. "That's a fair bet," he said, without hesitation.

The metal held in the Barber's hand was called Harlequin Silver. Like Technetium it was superconductive, but rarer still. In addition to transmitting the vast majority of power used with it, mixing only a small amount in an alloy would produce a weapon that would greatly amplify any Adept's power. A piece that size was worth far more than the Soulfire gem the Barber had requested.

There were several planets where technetium could be mined, but finding Harlequin Silver came down to luck. It was exceedingly difficult to gather, only traces could be found accompanying special metals. Very difficult to get indeed.

The Barber handed the Harlequin Silver to the Beautician. "Then it's decided."

As he spoke, he entered the Reaper's Arena.

The Reaper's Arena was in fact many arenas together. From outside the building itself didn't look so large, but the arenas inside were all built with specific characteristics. Whether one entered to fight or spar, a fee was always required. This provided a professional referee, registration, and record keeping. Only then could you fight.

Of course, for Lan Jue and his companions as members of the Skyfire Council, they had no need to pay. They also had free use of the best arena. Necessary for such a top-level fight.

The Barber registered them for a sparring session. Despite their status as Councilmen they were still required to register and enter in to the records. As for bets, however, that was up to them. If they wanted the arena to act as arbiter, they would have to put down a ten percent deposit against the value of the winnings.

"You want to make a deposit with the Arena, Jewel Master?" The Barber asked, shrugging his shoulders.

Lan Jue responded with a small smile. "Up to you."

Chapter 32: The Sparring Arena

The Beautician gathered two badges from the staff, handing them to the others. "Let's go on in. I can't wait."

Peering at Lan Jue, the Barber pressed the badge in his hand. Instantly a silvery light enveloped his body, and he stepped through a barrier of light with the number 23 above it.

Lan Jue, in turn, bowed towards the Beautician. After giving his regards he employed the badge and entered the arena.

With a flash of light, the scenery changed before his very eyes.

The arena was circular, with a diameter exceeding three hundred meters. The Barber had already made his way to the far ends of the arena. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back, smiling.

As it was Lan Jue's first visit to the Reaper's Arena, he took it all in earnestly.

The circular arena's floor was fabricated with a special material. It was surrounded by walls that rose a hundred meters in to the air. It was like the entire arena was covered in a some sort of case.

A robotic voice filled the air.

"Welcome to the S-Rank Sparring Arena. There are no rules: surrendering, or activating your Arena Badge will terminate the match. Whoever terminates the match is declared the loser. The results will be entered in to record."

"Participants are; the Jewel Master; the Barber. This match will not exceed sixty minutes."

"Match, begin!"

The series of announcements repeated, going over the rules.

"From the look of you, it really is the first time you've been here Jewel Master," the Barber said, in no hurry to attack.

Lan Jue nodded in affirmation. "That's right, first time."

The Barber smiled. "I'll make sure to leave you with a good impression. No crying, though!"

Lan Jue returned the smile. "We are nobles; fair, modest, astute, intelligent. We certainly aren't puerile."

He stood about a hundred and fifty meters from Lan Jue. The smile fled from his face. "Are you calling me childish?"


The Barber glared at him, and lifting his right hand palm upward. Without any clear motion, the Barber caused the entire arena to warp , and a strange buzz issued forth.

Boom! A violent blast was heard. All that could be seen was an orb of crackling blue light that surrounded Lan Jue. The barrier undulated like it had been struck by some great force.

It flickered, undulating like choppy seas, and shimmered from the pressure.

"Quite the display, not bad at all," Lan Jue praised, honesty in his voice.

And it was. The attack had come from the Barber slapping his hand, the impact causing an explosion. A blast of a hundred and fifty meters, produced only by a palm – it must have been nearly the speed of sound.

"Not bad yourself, though it's the first time I've ever seen a blue turtle shell," the Barber taunted. In the next instant, he'd disappeared.

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom… ! A succession of thunderous blasts erupted, and the lightshield surrounding Lan Jue shuddered like it had been fed through a wood chipper. Countless bursts of light appeared where the invisible attacks landed. The terrifying attacks left deep ravines in the arena floor.

Lan Jue's brows had drawn together, and he stood quietly never moving from his spot. It was like he didn't react at all, or he had no way to react. He only suffered the mad blows of the Barber, who'd disappeared in to thin air.

Whoosh! The Barber appeared anew, this time fifty meters in front of Lan Jue.

"Are you planning to sit there and defend until I run out of power? We'll see just how strong your defense really is." The Barber glared at Lan Jue.

Bzzt bzzt bzzt! A deep hum wormed from around the Barber's body. The power coursing through him covered him in a dim cyan light.

Looking on, Lan Jue's face took on a strange expression.

Cyan represented wind-element Disciplines. The Barber's power was derived from wind.

The Barber's body shimmered and flashed, suddenly dropping down from the skies. As he began to descend a dull blast filled the air.

He broke the sound barrier! Sound!

In the space of an instant the Barber's fist appeared before Lan Jue's face. His luminous shell began to cave, crack, then shatter with a loud crash in to countless motes of light.

But it was the Barber's scowling face that froze in shock. A large, powerful hand was gripping his fist.

"How could you be this fast?" The Barber looked at Lan Jue, stupefied.

Lan Jue looked at him, shaking his head apologetically. "Your genetic Talent just barely reaches the Ninth level. Your ability has only reached sound. I'm guessing the best you can achieve is four times the speed of sound. Once you've reached the ninth rank, your strength doubles with each subsequent degree. You're just a first degree Ninth-Rank Talent, and though your control is excellent it isn't enough. I once knew a ninth degree Ninth-Rank Talent, also a wind-element Adept. Not only could move at the speed of sound. He could move at the speed of light. Your Talent is quite good, but you've used too many drugs, and they've limited your potential. Continue to work on your foundation, keep striving. After all, you're still young."

Though he certainly appeared younger than the Barber, in the midst of his lecture he looked for all the world like a professor.

"Ninth degree Ninth-Rank? It's impossible for the Wind Discipline to grow that high!" The cyan light surrounding the Barber bloomed suddenly, employing all his power to wrench his fist free from Lan Jue's grasp.

"It brings you no shame to be uninformed, but I didn't want to say anything. You've lost, and I appreciate your gift of the Harlequin Silver." Lan Jue offered a small smile, and the power surrounding the Barber became a deep blue. In the next instant, his entire body sparked as bolts of lightning spat out from him.

Clap, clap, clap. The sound of applause prefaced the Beautician's arrival, though no one knew how long she'd been in the arena. "Splendid, Little Brother! I hadn't expected you'd be so strong! You certainly opened your Big Sister's eyes. It's just, you only said his own power wasn't sufficient. How is it as a Lightning Disciple you are so fast?"

Lan Jue spotted the Barber struggling to catch his breath, freeing himself from the incapacitating lightning. He looked up at the grinning face of the Beautician. "Both of you now."

Chapter 33: Never Told a Lie

"Both of you now," Lan Jue said.

"Huh?" The Barber and Beautician looked at him, stunned.

Lan Jue asked flippantly, "Wasn't that your plan from the start?"

The two exchanged a glance, surprise evident in their eyes.

The Beautician ran her hand through her hair and smiled. "And how'd you figure that out, Little Brother?"

Lan Jue shrugged. "It wasn't difficult. I knew you two were a team once he started his attack. You're always calling him the Diabolical Little Clippers, but his style of confrontation is always head on. Clearly you'd been trying to deceive me from the start. Moreover, were you two not a team why would you come in once the fight was finished? It may be my first time, but I know the rules don't permit noncombatants to enter during a bout."

The Beautician glared at the Barber. "I told you! You should have held back, don't rush in guns blazing. You don't listen. You've shown your hand."

She turned back to Lan Jue, that devilishly cunning smile once more lighting up her features. "Little Brother, you really are something. I simply must know what degree ninth-rank you are."

Lan Jue blinked his eyes. "I'm not sure what degree I am myself."

The Beautician pursed her ruby lips, malcontent written across her face. "Little Brother, don't be so dishonest."

Lan Jue sighed. "I've never told a lie. In fact, Sister Beautician, I must tell you that my degree isn't menial."

She responded with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, and in that moment a pink light exuded from the center of her body. In the space of an instant, the arena had become a world of pink.

The air filled the shrieking howls, bloodcurdling cries, as a host of wraiths clawed their way out from the ground with bony hands. The world of man had become hell, adrift in the river Acheron*

The Barber disappeared, and the hellish shrieking of the wraiths lapsed in to silence. He had become the deadly blade in the bowels of hades.

Lan Jue, meanwhile, simply lifted his hand and shouted. "That Silver's mine!"


Skyfire Museum.

"Ahh," the Clairvoyant sighed, and gave a halfhearted smile.

The Wine Master grinned at him. "What's all that noise about?"

The Clairvoyant replied. "Are we going about this the right way?"

"What's wrong about it," the Wine Master inquired. "If we didn't do it this way, they would find a way. In this case to do is better than to restrict. It will take more than a day or two before they accept the Jewel Master. After all, when he'd first arrived in the Avenue we broke our fair share of rules. But these three years he's kept a low profile, gained prestige in the council. These are good things."

"This morning I saw the Barber, his face sour," the Clairvoyant said. "Like he'd lost something valuable. The Jewel Master's face, meanwhile, was aglow – like he had a hot date, a good sign."

Smiling, the Wine Master rejoined, "Let them work it out among themselves. Though the Jewel Master's heart isn't entirely pure, but his actions are measured."

"I wouldn't call that measured. Economical so as to avoid shortage, maybe. Take care of your precious liquors."

The Wine Master snorted. "The guy's quite rich, but exceptionally stingy. I haven't the slightest idea what he's planning with all of that money. And when choosing alcohol he's even more sinister than the Beautician. In these three years he's opened up more of my treasures than I care to count."

The Clairvoyant responded with a full-bellied chuckle. "The fault also lies with you, good drinking buddies are rare! Were you to give me fine liquor I wouldn't know what to do with it. No, it seems you quite like the boy. Although he takes advantage of you, there will certainly come a day when he'll pay you back double."

"Oh?"The Wine Master raised a brow in curiosity. With the Clairvoyant, this sort of talk was never to be taken lightly.


Skyfire Underground.

It felt incredible to switch up his mood. Lan Jue toyed with the Harlequin Silver in his hand, throwing it up and catching it. As he left the arena all his worries, his anger over Zhou Qianlin, melted away. It was like taking a long drink of ice water after leaving the sauna.

Not long after he left, the Barber and Beautician followed.

The Beautician had become like a peasant woman, her reddish-brown hair tousled and tangled.

She looked like a lion after viciously defending it's territory.

She ground her teeth as she watched Lan Jue leave.

The Barber looked even more wretched. He lurched with a hand over his stomach, and his face looked like he'd been constipated for more than a month. He looked like he wished he were dead.

"Shameful loss, that guy trounced us," the Barber nearly bellowed, flustered and frustrated.

"It's your fault," the Beautician hissed, trying in vain to get her hair under control. "Who made you so useless! My Harlequin Silver!"

The rage painted across the Barber's features gradually disappeared, replaced with a stern and dignified look. "The Jewel Master was far stronger than we had assumed. By my estimation he's at least a fourth degree Ninth-Rank Talent. What do you think?"

The beautician nodded in agreement. "Seems about right. I'm a second degree, and you're a first. Our powers complement each other. No one but a fourth degree or higher could crush us so quickly and easily."

The Barber's face twitched in anger. "We weren't crushed. We'll persevere one day."

"Oh absolutely… ONE DAY!" The Beautician spat sarcastically.

Lan Jue, meanwhile, had paused in his route to escape the Skyfire Underground and walk towards a shop.

In the center of Skyfire Avenue, there was a rather unremarkable little store. The reason why it was described as 'little' was only because it was little by comparison to the enormous, noble structures surrounding it. The storefront was only seventeen meters wide, and it was designed in accordance with a combination of the luxurious, classical style with the simplistic neo-classical style. The mirror-like deep blue walls, the brilliant display windows, all showed off several dazzling, gleaming jewels. In the middle of the top of the store, four letters, glowing with a sapphire light, formed the name of the store.

Z, E, U, S.

The door was made from some sort of unknown deep blue metal. It didn't have any decorations, save for an imprint of a jagged lightning bolt.

Indeed it was Zeus' Jewelry Shop, a mirror image of the one that sat above them on Skyfire Avenue.

He pushed open the door and entered.

Ding ding ding, the pleasant ringing of silver bells heralded his entrance, and a young girl greeted him. "Boss, you're here!"

The young woman wore a black skirt that fell to her knees, revealing thin fair-skinned legs. Her torso was hugged by a snow-white blouse, and her short green hair framed her shimmering viridescent eyes. A sweet smile spread across her face.

"Guoguo… how's business been lately?" Lan Jue called at her in greeting.

Goguo responded with a charming giggle. "Bad."

"Bad?" Lan Jue responded, slightly taken aback.

She snickered. "The boss hasn't been around to see us! Of course things have been bad! Really though business is alright."

"Not great, but at least there's peace and quiet!" A disgruntled voice interjected. Another shop assistant appeared, fresh from entertaining a customer and clearly not in the best mood.

She wore the same clothing as Guoguo, but the two were as alike as apples and oysters. She rose a hundred and seventy centimeters on long thin legs. Her deep breaths caused her figure to strain against the confining blouse. Her fiery red hair was tied in a bun, and the black rimmed glasses perched on her nose lent her titillating aura an decidedly intellectual flavor. Her pink eyes glinted, like a pair of captivating gemstones.

*Acheron was one of five rivers in the Greek myths of Hades, the River of Woe. Here, it may also refer to hell in it's entirety.

Chapter 34: The Power Gem

"Mika, you didn't miss me even a little?" Lan Jue smiled charmingly, leaning against the counter. His eyes swept over the fiery salesgirl.

Mika huffed. "A boss who neglects his duty for over half a month? What's to miss?"

Lin Guoguo also spoke up, her own voice somewhat grouchy. "If you keep this up, boss, Mika and I'll apply to work with Xiuxiu and Ke'er. We're down here all day long, dead tired with no sunlight and you don't even come to see us. It's heartbreaking!"

Lan Jue rubbed his forehead and smiled. "Fine, fine, girls. My mistake, alright? I'll change my ways, and definitely come more often to see you."

Mika's anger turned to delight, and she fixed him with a softer gaze. "That'll do."

"Ah, right. You showed up just in time boss. There a matter you need to tend to." Lin Guoguo's changed gears, all businesslike. Even like this, with her sweet flushed face, it could almost drive a man to bite her.

"Oh?" Lan Jue asked. "What is it?"

"Yesterday a guest came in with a gem to sell," Lin Guoguo began. "Mika and I both had a look, but it was hard to tell. He wanted a lot for it, and we didn't want to proceed without asking you."

Lan Jue nodded. "Let me see it."

Zeus' Jewelry Store didn't only sell jewelry, but also purchased some, though of course at a lower price than they would at the market place.

The shop above offered the flashy, the opulent, the magnificent. The Avenue underground, however, was different. Jewelry was also sold here, but they weren't only for looks. In fact each was fitted with a power gem for practical use.

With the onset of the New Era humanity proceeded to excel at planetary development. Eventually they discovered a number of special gems which possessed special qualities. Their specific abilities were as various as the stones themselves, but they all became known as Power Gems.

Regardless of whether they were affixed to mechas or forged in to weapons Adepts used directly, they advanced the abilities of whatever they touched. Particularly rare were the giant Power Gems, which often fetched exorbitant prices.

An example was the Soulfire Diamond he'd bet against the Barber's Harlequin Silver. The diamond's function was energy compression. In condensing energy by a factor of five the original volume was reduced by a fifth, but it's power was increased three-fold. The greater the size of the diamond, the greater it's one-time use. The gem held in Zeus' Jewelry Store was sufficiently large to compress the entire power of a ninth-level Talent in to a single blow. Although the Power Gem would fracture after use, it was certain that single blow would be the deciding factor in any battle.

In truth single-use gems like the Skyfire Diamond weren't exceptionally valuable. Of much higher worth were the re-usable gems. Generally speaking, power gems of equivalent effect compared to precious metals increased functionality by a factor of ten. In terms of price, the difference could be a hundredfold.

Therefore, the highest level mechas were often a combination of precious metals and power gems.

After a short time Lin Guoguo returned, bearing a silver metal box. The box was small, and unadorned, but Lan Jue knew at a glance it was composed of heavy lead. This sort of box was only used for intense, radioactive gemstones. And most of those gems were harmful to people. Of course it would also be capable of stimulating an Adept's genetic abilities, strengthening their Discipline. That sort of gem was invaluable.

"Boss, we've already analyzed the radiation. It's emissions are strange; they aren't harmful, but also don't seem to have any benefit. But, the intensity of the radiation itself is quite large. It has a high metal penetrability. The man seemed like he desperately needed the money. If you wait a little while he'll probably return. He'd said that if we didn't take it he'd go sell it to someone else.

Lan Jue took up the box, opening it gingerly. A gentle blue light crackled around his hand, growing until it coated the box. Lin Guanguan and Mika had long ago grown accustomed to Lan Jue's power, and so were not surprised by the display.

A precious stone the size of a ping pong ball rested in the box. It was a light brown, and clearly unrefined. Still, it's crystalline façade displayed no impurities, and light flowed easily through it's center. But it's surface appeared somewhat opaque. All in all, it didn't look worthy of much attention.

The radiation it emitted was indeed strong, and his body tingled from the sensation.

"How much did the man want for it?" Lan Jue muttered.

The saleswomen had reverted to a more professional demeanor, retiring their playful smiles. "He wanted fifty thousand NED*," Li Guaguan replied.

"Give it to him," Lan Jue said eagerly.

Mika's eyes glinted in the pale glow of the stone. "Boss, you know what this stone does?"

Lan Jue, in turn, shook his head. "No idea. But judging from the strength analysis, his power gem is at least a-rank. This radiation is directly derived from it's power. It's power is quite pure, and it seems the compression abilities in it are hidden deeper in. The power itself doesn't come to the surface to dissipate, instead presenting as radiation with no distinguishable power fluctuation."

A-rank? Hearing this, the two women's eyes shone like luminous diamonds.

The value of a Power Gem, from high to low were S-, A-, B-, C-, E-, and F-rank.

The discrepancy between rankings was tenfold. Generally, It was accepted that a gem's value and rank were directly proportionate to it's volume.

Only a few s-ranked gems were uncovered a year in the Three Alliances, and nearly all were subsequent favorites at top-level auctions. It would be fair to say that a-rank gems were the best the average man could hope to encounter. The Skyfire Diamond, by comparison, wasn't even considered d-rank. The capabilities of a single A-ranked Power Gem could rival that of an elite mecha. In fact any 'elite' mecha that wasn't fitted with an A-rank power gem wasn't elite at all.

Mika and Lin Guanguan were both quite experienced in the industry, and new all S- or A-rank power gems on the market. Neither had seen this one before, but that didn't shake their confidence in their boss. If it was indeed an A-rank gem, then the thing was worth a hundred million dollars.

"I'll contact the seller," Mika stated promptly. She turned on her heel and left.

Lan Jue wasn't in a hurry to leave, confronted with the A-ranked power gem. He played with it in the palm of his hand. Fifty thousand NED meant little to him – the cost of a fine bottle of wine – but even if this gem was a fake, it still required some investigation. And in the event it was real, this was the deal of a lifetime. But above all, since this gem wasn't known on the market, it could mean he's found information on a new vein. And a place to build a mine. Of course the possibility was extraordinarily remote. Gems of power were almost never found together.

*New Era dollars. Future translations may refer to them as 'bucks' or NED unless otherwise specified.

Chapter 35: Mika's Fire

The owner of the brown gem was a tall man, who wore a green hoodie to conceal the majority of his face.

"The gem belongs to you?" Lan Jue queried.

The man nodded in affirmation.

Lan Jue's face spread in a slight smirk. "You're aware of Skyfire Avenue's rules," he said, not really asking.

Again the man nodded, but said nothing.

"Then we can proceed with the deal. Mika, give the man his money."

"Yes, sir," Mika replied. She produced a handful of yellow notes; the highest denomination of NED available, ten thousands dollars a note. She gave the man five.

The hooded man took his money, his face hidden in shadow. Wordlessly he turned, and made to leave.

"Wait a minute," Lan Jue called after him.

"Our business is concluded," the man replied. His voice was strange, clearly altered by a voice modulator. "According to the rules of Skyfire Avenue, we have no further association."

Lan Jue nodded in agreement. "Absolutely, but if I offered to pay you for information about the origin of that stone, we'd be entering in to another business arrangement."

The hooded man seemed to sigh, and shaking his head pushed open the lightning-emblazoned door of the jewelry shop. However, he did not pass through it. In the contrary, he retreated several steps, his body rigid.

From without three men entered through the door he'd opened.

The foremost man was clad in black leather, a hooded jacket over all and a black mask. All that was revealed was a pair of shining, intelligent eyes. The two men behind him were dressed similarly, though they wore no hoods.

"Where is it, Oliver?" The resonating voice of the leader asked the man in green. Though he asked, his eyes caressing the box set before Lan Jue revealed the question as rhetorical.

Without warning, the man in green side-stepped the leather-clad intruders and threw a single punch at the leader, trying to knock him out.

Bang! The black-hooded intruder raised his arm to block the attack, and in that moment a squall of wind tore through the store.

"Enough!" Mika's clear voice rang through the shop, and she approached them indignation clearly written on her face. "Are you not aware of the rules here?!"

The two hooded men dropped their hands. The one in black growled, "Mind your own damn business. I know you can't fight in Skyfire Avenue. But we aren't on the Avenue, are we."

Lan Jue, sitting a short distance from them, sighed faintly. "It would appear our safeguards against rule-breakers have been insufficient of late. Where are all you troublemakers coming from. Mika, if you would please show them the door. Have the enforcers deal with them."

"Absolutely, sir!"

Her right leg shot out. In her tiny skirt, the gentlemen thought they might be granted a quick peek. However, before they could have the opportunity to appreciate the view, they found the world before them engulfed in red.

All of them, including the man in green, found themselves enveloped by the flame-red light to the point where they didn't even have room to struggle before collapsing to the floor.

Mika waved her left hand, and in response the door to Zeus' Jewelry Shop opened of it's own accord. One by one, she literally kicked the four prostrate men from the store.

Mika strode towards the door, hands on her hips. She shouted out in to the street. "Are the enforcers all on lunch break? Come fetch this garbage!" She turned, disregarding the host of stares earned from the Adepts wandering the street, and walked back inside slamming the door behind her.

"So fierce," Lan Jue teased, covering his face with his hands in feigned discomfort.

Lin Guanguan giggled. "You've spoiled her, boss!"

Lan Jue chortled. "A little fierce is good! You have to protect yourself from bullies. I must say though, Mika, you should employ a different method next time. Kicking your legs in such a short skirt is so unbecoming of a lady."

Mika responded with a flirtatious look. "Oh boss, they didn't see anything… I just wanted to give you a show."

"No thank you," he said, standing. "I'm terrified you'll burn me too. I'm heading out, but by the way I ran in to Chu Cheng a few days ago. You know he thinks about you all the time! Would you not give my poor older brother some consideration?"

Mika's playful expression shifted, a bitterness crept in to her voice. "If you aren't interested don't throw me away to just anyone. If you force me to go with him, I might as well die right now."

"All right! Pretend I didn't say anything," Lan Jue said, rubbing his forehead. He felt pity for his brother. But more, if his brother was just 'anybody', what did that make him? Ugh, this girl!

Lin Guanguan and Mika accompanied Lan Jue to the surface elevator. Mika spoke to her counterpart. "Look after the store, Guanguan. I'll go to the enforcers and follow up." For many things she was able to make the proper decisions and didn't require Lan Jue's direct instruction. Among Lan Jue's four employees, she was certainly the most qualified in all aspects.

Lan Jue returned topside, the lead casing clutched in his hands. This power gem would require some careful research to verify.

The elevator went directly to Zeus' surface shop, but didn't stop, instead moving on until it reached the Library. He and the Keeper had made an appointment.

Despite his good disposition from obtaining the gem and Harlequin Silver, his mood darkened when he remembered what he wanted to speak with the Keeper about. More than two years he thought, two years of my life!

The Library situated on Skyfire Avenue's upper level was very small, about the same area as Zeus' Jewelry Store. But compared to the Winery, or the Museum, it was miniscule.

What the unaware would never suspect, however, was that what lay beneath the surface was a building dedicated to the cultivation techniques of all the Avenue's Adepts. And it was massive.

The Keeper sat upon a recliner, rocking back and forth before the door of the Library. A rattan tea table was situated beside him, and on it sat a dark red teapot. In comparison to the pot Lan Jue'd used at the Luo Yun teahouse, this one had a thicker and smoother lacquer coating, making it clear it was used quite often.

"Come, take a seat. Now what reason would you have to come talk to an old man like me! A young fella like you, I doubt you'd come knocking for no reason." The old man smiled amicable towards Lan Jue as he spoke. No matter the guest, the Keeper always greeting everyone with a smile.

Lan Jue offered a small smile of his own. "Originally it had been only one thing. Now I'm afraid there's a second matter I need to ask about."

Chapter 36: You don't get capital punishment for annoying someone to death, right?

"Two things," the Keeper rejoined. "Go on."

He handed the box in his hands to the old man. "This is a power gem I've recently acquired. It emits a rather powerful radiation, and after some investigation I found that it's internal power of compression is A-ranked. But this gem isn't in any record. You are the wisest man on Skyfire Avenue. I was hoping you could offer some insight."

The Keeper took the box in his hands and opened it without hesitation. A faint light pulsed from the box, shimmered, and then ceased completely.

The Keeper relieved the box of the gem and examined it closely. After a moment had passed, he frowned. "If you aren't in a hurry I suggest you leave it here. I'll examine it more closely. It's nothing like I've seen before."

"Sure," Lan Jue responded without hesitation. After all, the Keeper didn't simply sell books. He was also an accomplished scientists, and the stone had clearly piqued his interest.

"And the second matter," the Keeper inquired, replacing the stone and setting the box absently upon the tea table.

Lan Jue began, "I remember you have a good relationship with the greatest schools of Three Alliances. Do you happen to be familiar with the National Eastern University?"

The Keeper shot him a glance. "What. Are you planning to get your doctorate? Don't bother, you can't teach an old dog new tricks – and they have nothing to teach you anyway! Hehehe."

Lan Jue' face scrunched in exasperation. This old guy, just a few Alpacas short of a herd.

"Well you're not wrong, I'm old hat. I was hoping to enter the University as an instructor."

"An instructor?" The Keeper blinked in astonishment and the smirk slipping from his face. He stared at Lan Jue in amazement. "You want to be a teacher? Did I hear that right? You aren't going there to corrupt the youth of our nation, are you?"

Lan Jue forced a wry smile. "Keeper, is that honestly what you think of my character?"

"Oh not at all," The Keeper replied, "It's just that not long ago I saw something about a man stealing another man's wife. Terrible business."

"Eh…" Lan Jue's face grew rigid. He'd certainly blocked Skyfire's Satellite Network at the time. Had the Keeper been there?

"I've some connections," The Keeper continued nonchalantly. "Getting you a job as an instructor wouldn't be a problem. It's just an old man like me who's spent his life enlightening the inquisitive, I hope the teacher I recommend doesn't end up being a poor influence."

Lan Jue once more smirked towards the old man. "In fact I'm really not a good teacher. I'm actually going there to act as a bodyguard, so some official post with no real responsibility would be best."

"Then what were you looking for," the Keeper asked.

Lan Jue, in response, leaned close to whisper in to the old man's ear.

When Lan Jue had finished speaking, it was as though the Keeper's craggy face had deepened. "You're serious?"

Lan Jue rejoined with serious countenance. "It's an area I'm skilled in, and I can promise you I wont be a bad influence or shoddy instructor. Students who learned these skills certainly wouldn't be at a disadvantage."

The Keeper gave him a strange look. "Interesting," he muttered. "Very interesting. Very well, then you go ahead and give it a shot. But be assured, if you hurt my relationship with the university, I won't forgive you."

"Be at ease. I know the implications." Lan Jue dare not offend the man before him. He'd heard stories about the old man from the Wine Master. He had apparently perfected science to the point of a Discipline, becoming an Adept of science. Rarely did he deign to act, but when he did it was world-shaking. A mad scientist capable of firing positron explosions from his hands while suspended in mid-air, probably not the best idea to make him mad. The Wine Master had once told Lan Jue that Skyfire Avenue had only known two synthetic Tenth-Level Adepts. The Keeper was one of them. He was also considered Skyfire Avenue's ultimate weapon. His power was considered synthetic because it was not derived from genetic Talent, but from intense learning and cultivation. His natural Talent didn't exceed Sixth-Level.

The second Tenth-Level was naturally the Clairvoyant. On the surface the two looked incapable of holding their own in a fight. Only the inner council members knew the truth; they weren't bad at fighting, just bad at skirmishes. When they fought they couldn't help but rip the heavens and drown the earth…

"Remember young man, when the time comes to show your powers don't hold back. Sometimes, the best way to avoid trouble is letting people know exactly what you're capable of."


Three days later, a letter of appointment from the National Eastern University arrived at Zeus' Jewelry Shop.

"Boss, you're really going to be a teacher?" Ke'er's bright eyes watched Lan Jue closely.

Lan Jue nodded his head half-heartedly. "Uh-huh."

Ke'er sighed wistfully. "Then you'll definitely be the most handsome teacher there! It's just… why?"

Lan Jue smirked. "I've got nothing to do in my spare time."

"Blach!" Ke'er seemed to be choking on her own saliva. "I'll send you, okay! Oh and by the way, the gourmet wanted me to remind you that the Bluefin Tuna will be ready to eat in two days."

"Mmhm," Lan Jue said, his eyes lighting up. It was certainly good news. "I'm going in to the back to rest for a while. I have to prepare to report for duty."

"Do you need me to start packing some things?" Xiuxiu's gentle voice inquired.

Lan Jue shook his head.

Returning to his room, Lan Jue extricated his interstellar communicator and input a number.

After a moment, a pleasant voice rang through the speaker. "What are you doing?"

Softly, Lan Jue answered. "At your request, I will be reporting to your school this afternoon. Do you need protection?"

The fair-sounding voice on the other end fell silent for a moment. "Keep in touch. This afternoon I'll take you around the campus. After you're more familiar with the place we'll talk more."

"Fine," Lan Jue torpidly responded.

"Oh right, and what's your name?" Zhou Qianlin asked.

Lan Jue truly didn't understand why it was so easy to upset this girl. "Didn't I tell you, that day?"

"Did you? I forgot. I tend not to bother with unimportant things or people."

"My name's Lan Jue," he growled through the receiver.

Zhou Qianlin continued. "I was thinking, it would be better if we pretended we didn't know each other in public. You can protect me from behind the scenes. How you do that is up to you, it shouldn't be my job to tell you how."

Lan Jue was confounded. "Why? What's with the sudden change of heart?"

"Because," she said, "If my classmates discovered I knew you, they'd be bound to question my taste."


"By the way, I wanted to ask you a legal question," Zhou Qianlin said. "You don't get capital punishment for annoying someone to death, right?"

"Zhou Qianlin, do you happen to know what I'll be teaching at your university," Lan Jue said, the indignation eating away at him suddenly dissolving and replaced with a sly grin. Annoy me to death? Sh*t, you haven't even seen what I can do.

Chapter 37: Etiquette Teacher

"Zhou Qianlin, do you happen to know what I'll be teaching at your university?" Lan Jue's question confused Zhou Qianlin. Wasn't he going to be a mecha instructor?

Lan Jue unfolded the acceptance letter in his hand, and read from it's contents. "We are happy to accept Mister Lan Jue as an associate professor of National Eastern University, hereby responsible for the ad-hoc curriculum of… Etiquette." The communicator clicked off, his words still hanging in the air. Expected a mecha teacher, eh? How quaint.

Zhou Qianlin stared at the quiet communicator in her hand, her once proud demeanor now dumbfounded. "Etiquette? Since when did the University have this course? What is he even going to teach?"

Lan Jue saw the communicator strapped to his wrist hum, but all it accomplished was to make him laugh and shake his head. Since when did these mood swings become so common, he thought. Probably because she looks so much like Hera.

His memory conjured up that charming face, so like Hera's, and he couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest. And yet, at the same time he was looking forward to taking his post in the University.

He knew very well she wasn't Hera, but in the deep recesses of his heart he still anticipated seeing her. At the very least, seeing her will remind him of his time with Hera.

Looking at the map, the University didn't appear too far from Skyfire Avenue, but it would be quite a distance on foot.

Tomorrow I report to school. Think, when was the last time I enrolled in any classes? Ten years or more now. I was in my teens, and I was a pretty well-known problem child!

A smirk spread unbidden across his face. His memories were precious, recalling his wild and carefree youth like it was yesterday. And tomorrow he'd enter in to university again, but as a different person. The student had become the teacher. But what sort of teacher would he be?

The depression that had had accompanied Qianlin's request had dispersed, what with the happenings of the last few days. He was adjusting to the rigors of life, or perhaps, it was the beginning of a new chapter. It was the desire of every man to shed the veil of sadness.

He pressed a few digits in the to the communicator on his wrist, and soon a lethargic voice arose on the other end.

"Eyy, A-Jue, what's happening! Did you find Hera?"

A crooked smile split Lan Jue's face. "The greater the desire, the greater the disappointment."

The voice on the other end seemed to awaken. "It sounds like someone cheated you."

The muscles of Lan Jue's face jerked. "And it sounds like you're gloating."

"I'm not, really!" Chu Cheng's voice solemnly swore from the receiver.

Lan Jue smirked. "Fine. I'll deal with my own business. Give me an address, I have something for you."

"What's that," Chu Cheng asked curiously.

"Some Harlequin Silver. You know the kind of person I am."

"You know you don't have to repay me," Chu Cheng responded in agitation.

"Unacceptable," Lan Jue stated categorically. "If I take too long to repay a debt I wont be able to. Besides, I don't want to cause you any trouble. Although the silver isn't as significant as the refined technetium to you, you might be able to use it to trade for a batch."

Chu Cheng's voice rejoined. "A-Jue, you really need to get out. It's no good being shut in all the time."

Lan Jue acquiesced. "I know. I'm trying, I even found a job."

"A job? You coming out of retirement, back to being the Mercenary King?" Chu Cheng's excitement was apparent. "That's excellent! We've got a few missions that need tending to, all S-Ranked. They're yours if you want 'em. Price is no object. I remember your rules, you only need to ask. Whatever gem you need you'll get, I'll have the whole family out looking."

During his time as a mercenary, Lan Jue never accepted money. He preferred to be remunerated in the form of power gems. It was the take from those days that allowed him to corner the gem market in Skyfire Avenue.

Lan Jue chuckled. "I said I was looking for a job, not that I was going back to merc work. I'm going to be a teacher!"


"Te.. teacher…" Chu Cheng's mouth dropped open, and the cigarette that had lazily burned in his mouth tumbled to the floor instantly burning the shag carpet.

"Mmhm, a teacher. An Etiquette teacher, actually. Come on, give me an address."

As if in a trance Chu Cheng muttered the address, and even when Lan Jue's communicator went silent, he still didn't know how to react.

Teacher? He'd said teacher, right? He wants to be… a teacher? Why did he sound so relaxed?

After a few moments of blind confusion Chu Cheng gradually came back to his senses. A wry smile spread across his face by degrees.

It appears A-Jue was finally letting go of what had happened the last few years, he thought. At least he's getting out and letting go of his pain. It doesn't matter what he's out doing, so long as he's doing something. And with his abilities, he's sure to make an excellent teacher.

But what did he say he wanted to teach? I suddenly can't remember…

"Chuuuu Cheeeeeng!" A wild voice suddenly rang out, full of bile.

" You DARE smoke in my house again?! AGH! MY CARPET! You abhorrent little punk, do you have any idea how rare this carpet is?! Your father just bought it at auction. Don't go running you awful degenerate, time for a whooping!"

"My fault mom. Pretend I don't exist!"


National Eastern University.

It was one of the top ten schools in the Eastern Alliance, situated right here on Skyfire, in the city itself. It was particularly known for it's mecha program, and though it wasn't a military institution it's piloting curriculum was known through the Alliances. Not only that, it was first among the Alliances in alloy research and application.

The school itself was enormous, constituting a tenth of the Western part of the city. At it's back was the Western mountain, which itself had been incorporated in to the university. It provided the mecha students with a place to train.

Rays of early-morning light splayed across the campus, setting the morning dew to twinkling and bringing with it a vividly fresh scent. A figure slowly approached from the distance.

He was tall, clad in a three-piece azure blue suit. He wore a white shirt, pink neck tie, and a pink handkerchief folded in his breast pocket. And he came rolling in on a two-wheeled bicycle.