64 - 76

Chapter 64: Hera?

"Let's go!" Zhou Qianlin had become a natural sitting on the back seat of the bicycle. Lan Jue pushed the bike forward off the tip of his toes.

Lan Jue was garbed in simple attire; blue jeans, white leisure shoes and a white shirt. Simple and stylish.

Sitting behind him, Zhou Qianlin asked, "How long have you been waiting?"

"Only a little bit," he replied.

"When's your second class?"

"Actually there won't be a second class for a little while," Lan Jue said. "I was actually just going to tell you, I'm afraid I'm going to have to play hookie for a little while."

"Huh?" Zhou Qianlin shot a confused gaze at his back.

He continued. "There's a matter I have to deal with. I was just at the teaching affairs office asking for leave."

For a moment she was speechless, but eventually found her voice. "You have one class, then ask for leave? Aren't you afraid the school will dismiss you?"

Lan Jue smiled bitterly at the road before him. "They wouldn't go so far as to dismiss me. But the Dean Wu's face certainly wasn't pretty."

Zhou Qianlin chuckled. "Director Wu's face is usually like that. But if you're just going to leave like that what about your bodyguard responsibilities?"

"This is also something I wanted to ask you about. What do you think? This is a very important matter, something I have to handle in person. I have to head out to another planet so it'll be a while."

A tremor of anxiety thrilled through Zhou Qianlin's eyes. "How long?"

"If there aren't any troubles, about a month," he said.

Zhou Qianlin fell silent.

Lan Jue didn't speak either, and the atmosphere became somber.

"I'm sorry! I really am a person of my word, but I really do have something that I must deal with. We'll just add the time to my service. However long I'm gone, we'll add that much time. And I'll find someone else to look after you during this time. You definitely wont be in any danger."

Zhou Qianlin shook her head. "I don't need anyone else to look after me. We'll just postpone the time."

"Hey, since when did you become so pliable?" Lan Jue was quite surprised at the change.

She huffed at him. "I'm not in the mood to haggle with you. But I need your guarantee, whatever you're doing can't interfere with your teaching qualifications. Otherwise doing your job is going to become much harder."

"Not a problem," he said without hesitation.

With the atmosphere once more light-hearted they continued, but a touch of anxiety still lingered in Zhou Qianlin's beautiful jade-green eyes. On the occasions her eyes landed upon Lan Jue, their depths grew even more complicated.

It didn't matter how strong Lan Jue's genetic talent was, he couldn't see the changes in those beautiful eyes.

The trip to Skyfire Avenue from the school wasn't a short one. The sky had already grown dark by the time they arrived.

Lan Jue dismounted the bike just outside of the Avenue. Even though the bike was man-powered, it was stilled considered machinery and thus was banned from use in Skyfire Avenue. But it could be pushed in, since it was – after all – an antique.

As a councilman, he also had the authority to bring 'normal' people in without incident.

Passing along the brick-lined, elegant simplicity of the Avenue caused Zhou Qianlin to swing her eyes every which way in curiosity.

"They're beautiful." She couldn't help the tones of amazement in her voice.

Lan Jue's face betrayed a small smile. "The pride of Skyfire Avenue."

"It's deserved. What are we eating tonight?"

"First we've got to change clothes," Lan Jue said.

She stopped in her tracks and turned to face him, wide-eyed. "You really prepared clothes for me?"

"That's how reliable I am!"

Zhou Qianlin snorted a sarcastic laugh. "You're such a sweetheart."

"If you'd give me back those clothes I lent you that night, it'd be even better," Lan Jue probed.

Zhou Qianlin raised her pretty brows. "Those are my sisters, not yours! Can you wear them? If you can fit then I'll give it back."

Lan Jue's mouth curled in to a frown. "Forget I said anything…"

The whole of Skyfire Avenue stretched two thousand and eighty meters. It wasn't long before the sapphire door of Zeus' Jewelry Shop appeared before them.

"Compared to the other places, your shop is hideous." Zhou Qianlin sneered at the door.

"Just missing a little of that rustic charm," he said helplessly.

Ding ding ding! The bells above the door heralded their entrance.

"Hello and welco-" came Ke'er's fair voice in greeting, though the final word caught in her throat as her eyes fell upon them. They grew large in disbelief.

"What is it, Ke'er?" Xiuxiu stopped tidying to look up at the sound of Ke'er's strange voice. In an instant she, too, was as stupefied as her co-worker. For a moment her pretty face looked like she had a stroke. She looked almost frightened.

"H-hera?" Ke'er and Xiuxiu called out, almost on top of one another. Their disbelief was so strong that they feared even speaking her name might make her disappear.

Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin stood shoulder to shoulder. His voice raised slightly as he spoke. "Finally it isn't just me who thinks that. Let me introduce you, this is Zhou Qianlin. Hera's little sister. They're just very similar. Qianlin, these two are my work partners, Xiuxiu and Ke'er."

Zhou Qianlin gave them both a shy smile. "Hello."

The two women still hadn't totally recovered. They exchanged glances, still unsure of what stood before them.

"You.. you really aren't Hera?" Ke'er asked.

Zhou Qianlin gave a small laugh. "I'm Zhou Qianlin. A student at National Eastern University."

Ke'er pat her chest. When she spoke a tinge of fear still lingered. "Oh that scared me! I was going to say, how could Hera survive standing on an exploding planet!"

"Ke'er!" Xiuxiu caught Lan Jue's dark expression, hurrying to shut her up.

Ke'er instantly became aware of her mistake, wincing and sticking out her tongue in embarrassment. "Hi, miss Zhou, please come in."

Lan Jue huffed a small sigh and helplessly shook his head. "Xiuxiu, please bring miss Zhou to the back. I've already prepared some clothes for her. Please have her change. I've invited her to eat at the Gourmet's tonight."

"Right away." Xiuxiu dropped her head respectfully, motioning for Zhou Qianlin to follow.

Zhou Qianlin followed on her heels. Watching her leave, Ke'er then quickly jumped to Lan Jue's side. She put on her gossip voice. "Boss! Miss Zhou really isn't Hera? She's really her sister?"

Lan Jue forced a smile. "What do you think? If she were Hera, I'd be happier than anyone. Unfortunately that's not the case."

Ke'er leaned in, speaking cryptically. "You've been so different lately boss. You've been in a better mood. It's because of her, isn't it?"

"Eh?" Lan Jue's eye's narrowed at her.

Chapter 65: The Gourmet's Boutique

Elegant dinner jacket, knee-length white skirt, all the same hue, all masterfully made. Her pretty face was lined with silken black hair, and her blue eyes – the color of the sea – twinkled radiantly. She was like a painting, beautiful and moving.

"Not bad." Lan Jue nodded his head approvingly.

Zhou Qianlin's face grew red. No young woman could resist pretty clothing. "Thank you."

"You're young. It wouldn't do to accessories with jewelry that's too fancy. A simple necklace will suffice." Lan Jue smiled softly.

She shook her head. "I'm not interested in any jewelry."

"Jewelry is a woman's best companion. Wearing jewelry isn't about displaying wealth or luxury, but to set off your own natural beauty. Your clothes are cut with a v-neck. It's not deep, but it requires a necklace. It'll show off your complexion, and even further improve the disposition you exude."

"I guess I'll wear one then." Zhou Qianlin fumbled through her bag to produce a small pouch. She opened it and produced the Soul Speaker gem Lan Jue had given her earlier.

Lan Jue looked surprised. "I'd actually prepared you a nice sapphire necklace."

"No need, I'll wear this," she insisted."

"Alright then."

"Help me put it on."

"Lan Jue took up the necklace and positioned himself behind Zhou Qianlin. He slipped the necklace around her throat and fastened it.

It was simple, unadorned, with no fine metals or ornamenting gemstones. The soul speaker gem itself emitted a gentle yellow light, but it did not clash. It added the final touch, highlighting Zhou Qianlin's pure and simple temperament.

"Let's go." Lan Jue offered his right arm, and Zhou Qianlin responded by slipping her hand around his elbow. They pushed the door open and stepped out.


"I really had no idea Hera had a little sister," Ke'er was saying. She turned her head when Xiuxiu offered no response.

Xiuxiu's frail form, stooped over the counter, jerked suddenly.

"Xiuxiu, what's wrong?" Ke'er hastened to her side.

"I'm fine," she responded, though her voice was hoarse.

Realization came over Ke'er suddenly as she looked at her co-worker. "You're worried about the boss and miss Zhou. She isn't Hera! Don't think too much."

Xiuxiu gently shook her head, sitting a little straighter. She rubbed away a tear that had begun to creep down her face. But it didn't hide her reddening eyes.

"But she looks exactly like her."

Ke'er spoke softly to her. "But that doesn't make her Hera. Think about it. Her voice, her mood, her mannerisms all are different. Not to mention younger. But I don't know why the boss found her."

Xiuxiu shook her head sheepishly. "I'm sorry Ke'er. I think too much."

"Ke'er wrapped her arms around Xiuxiu and gave her a hug. She sighed as she continued. "Xiuxiu, I've actually been wanting to tell you… when the boss looks at us, every time you can see how much he cares!"

Xiuxiu lifted her head, and that normally tender light in her eyes was undercut by a current of determination.


If one were trying to find the most unimpressive structure on Skyfire Avenue, the old Chinese-style shop with it's carved purple door would probably be it.

It couldn't accurately be described as a shop. Only a minority of Skyfire's residents understood that this particular building held the greatest delicacies on the planet. It was, after all, the Gourmet's personal boutique, not open to the public.

The store here on the Avenue and it's sister in Skyfire Underground were as alike as apples to oysters. While this one was small and narrow, the Undergrounds was no less expansive than the Keeper's pharmacy – and that place served nearly all the Adepts who visited Skyfire. This place was simply used for the Gourmet to entertain friends.

Lan Jue pulled open the door and motioned for Zhou Qianlin to enter.

As Qianlin entered she was immediately met with a distinct fragrance. It wasn't pungent, but unique. It almost filled her up.

A long, simple wooden table stretched the length of the room, and at it's sides sat five people. As she made her way inside, every pair of eyes turned to fall upon her.

Zhou Qianlin felt like a pauper beneath their gaze, but each rose politely to greet her. They all nodded and spoke kind, respectful greetings.

Lan Jue had entered at that point, and stood at her side. "When there's good food you all certainly don't waste any time! Introductions, this is my friend Zhou Qianlin."

"Hello everyone," she greeted with a small smile, nodding to those gathered.

Lan Jue pointed to the one furthest from them, dressed meticulously with the head of silver hair. "This is our Wine Master, who manages the Gothic Winery on the Avenue."

"Nice to meet you," she said again politely.

"Welcome, beautiful lady." The Wine Master stepped forward, and in accordance with noble custom bent to kiss her hand.

Lan Jue continued, indicating a tall and stocky man in his forties. He rose a good head taller than Lan Jue, and his white shirt was stretched taught over his stalwart frame. His face was craggy, his skin tanned bronze, covered with a finely sculpted beard.

"This is our Mechanist. We also call him the Blacksmith."

"Hello," she said gracefully.

The Blacksmith bubbled with laughter. "This is the first time the Jewelry Master has brought someone along, welcome!" He did not move forward, but instead gave her an amicable nod.

"This is our Coffee Master."

"And our Tailor." Lan Jue indicated the other woman present besides Zhou Qianlin.

The Tailor was herself a beautiful woman, of medium build with long brown hair. She was clad in a simple white blouse with the sleeves rolled to her arms and a tight black skirt.

Upon introductions her eyes grew bright. "Qianlin, you really are gorgeous. I simply have make you some clothes."

Zhou Qianlin laughed prettily. "Thank you very much, miss Tailor."

"Please sit," Lan Jue said, pulling free a chair for her.

Zhou Qianlin hesitated. "But there's one other you haven't introduced."

"That one doesn't need an introduction," Lan Jue said casually, "so as to save us all his blathering."

"Jewelry Master! My best friend!" An agitated voice bubbled up from across the table, a pale man with indignant expression. His voice was muffled from the lollipop stuck between his lips.

He stood and made his way towards Zhou Qianlin, his expression changing to adopt a wide smile. He began speaking fast enough to make Zhou Qianlin dizzy. "Hello there pretty lady, I am the universally popular and wisest among us. You an call me: the Accountant! Do you have a boyfriend? It's can't be this Jewelry Master right? Don't be fooled by his finery, inside he's all rubbish. A normal plebian. But me, I'm the young one with all the potential!"

Chapter 66: The Bluefin Tuna

"Slow it down, there's no hurry," Zhou Qianlin said good-naturedly.

"Shut up, or I'll beat the crap out of you!" The Mechanist's growling voice thrummed through the room as he shook his large fist under the Accountant's nose.

"Only cowards resort to violence!" The accountant shot back.

"Call me a coward and you'll regret it. All I know is, you keep running your mouth and I'll crush you to paste, then scrape you out the door!" The Mechanist's harsh voice threatened.

The Accountant's face paled. "B-bowing to superior physical might is the wise decision. I'll tolerate it, for now!"

Zhou Qianlin struggled to stifle her laughter at seeing this strange man. He was a bit of a clown.

The argument was punctuated with the rise of the back curtain. The Gourmet appeared bearing a large tray, upon which were perched eight delicate square-shaped plates. Each bore a large seaweed roll, though their contents were unclear.

"Here comes the delicious food! What is it? What is it?" The Accountant nearly jumped for joy.

"Shut up!"

The Gourmet placed the platter atop the table. "Our appetizer is a minced handroll. Help yourselves. Made from the left-over pieces while I was carving the Bluefin, wrapped in seaweed. There is no seasoning, just the delicious original flavors of meat itself combined with the faint additions of the wrap. One for everyone." As he spoke he took up one for himself. One bite, two, and then it was finished. Afterwards his eyes fell upon Zhou Qianlin, and he smiled amicably.

"This is the Gourmet," Lan Jue introduced.

"Hello, thank you for hosting this lovely dinner," she said, turning towards him.

The Gourmet chuckled. "No need to be so polite. Welcome, welcome, please eat. "He motioned for her to choose a wrap, then turned and left.

The Accountant was first to reach out for a wrap, but his hand was slapped away by the Mechanist.

"What now?! I can't use food to plug up my mouth, isn't that what you want?" The Accountant fumed.

The Mechanist pointed towards the Wine Master, who had stood and walked off to the side. He stopped by a box.

Lan Jue's eyes grew bright, and rose to his feet as he followed the Wine Master with his gaze.

The silver metallic box opened, and from within a faint white wisp of air emanated forth.

"Sherry," Lan Jue stated, a grin plastered on his face.

Zhou Qianlin gave Lan Jue a curious expression. "How do you know that's sherry?"

"Temperature and grade," he said. "Different types of alcohol each have specific suitable temperatures at which to drink them. For red wine, that's fifteen degrees. The incubator wouldn't have released steam like you saw at that temperature. White wine, on the other hand, is best at five degrees. Which of course would produce that sort of steam. Champaign is often enjoyed at a similar temperature, but it wouldn't be suitable for this meal, clearly. And so, it must be sherry. It's only white wine that can cause the natural flavors of seafood to blossom forth."

The Wine Master first produced eight glasses from within the box, followed by a bottle of wine. It was significantly larger than an average bottle – roughly three liters. However, Lan Jue's face dropped when he spotted the label. "A common blend."

The Wine Master shot him a withering glance. "For Bluefin Tuna, cold and dry sherry is best. What would you prefer?"

Lan Jue smirked. "It's fine. And quite the bottle. It should be of adequate quality."

The Wine Master gave the bottle a gentle push, and it slid towards Lan Jue. He tossed him a bottle opener.

Lan Jue skillfully opened the bottle, and lifted it up. He placed his thumb in the punt and wrapped his fingers around the base before moving to the Wine Master's side and pouring him a few fingers.

The Wine Master picked up the glass and gave it a swirl before bringing it to his nose. He inhaled deeply, took a sip, and in the midst of appreciating it's aftertaste gave Lan Jue a small nod. "It's a relatively ordinary village wine, but of fine status. The advantages of a larger bottle."

"A large bottle can be that good?" The Accountant asked.

The Wine Master cast him a dismissive glance. "The wine is wasted on you."

The Accountant glowered dubiously, but dared not say anything before the Wine Master.

Lan Jue laughed in spite of himself. "In a larger bottle the total volume is much higher. When preserved it retains it's flavor for longer. If we assume the average bottle is about seven hundred and fifty milliliters, which could be stored for around thirty years, then a one point five liter should last over forty. This three liter can last even longer. In regards to taste, since it's all the same wine in higher volume, it can stand longer exposure to oxygen. The taste will change over time. And so, higher volume bottles of wine are held in higher esteem, and are of higher quality. This is particularly true of older wines."

As he spoke he'd arrived before the Tailor. He poured her approximately two fingers before moving to Zhou Qianlin, then the Wine Master, Mechanist, Coffee Master, Accountant and himself.

His method of pouring looked simple, but followed the rules of etiquette; women first, followed by seniority.

Zhou Qianline swirled the wine in her glass, and the faint scent of the sherry wafted up to fill her nostrils. She took a small sip, and was immediately swept up in the sweet burn as it slipped passed her throat. She felt it tingle through her whole body. Her pretty eyes sparkled.

A pink meat filled the wraps, not something that appeared terrible attractive to eat. There was no distinct scent, either. Zhou Qianlin turned her head to look at Lan Jue. It was her first time trying something like this.

Lan Jue smiled at her. "Go on and try it. We only get this opportunity about once a year."

The Accountant couldn't help but interject. "Jewelry Master, what's so nice about this particular fish? This is also my first time partaking."

The Coffee Master rolled his eyes. "Letting you worm your way in was a mistake. But for the sake of our two beautiful guests I'll educate you."

"Bluefin Tuna live in the deep ocean, and are considered mature when they reach fifty pounds. In truth, freshly pulled from the water they aren't at their best. Five days on ice is the sweet spot. It gives it time to release it's amino acids. After five days of acid discharge is when they reach the highest point of deliciousness – which is the point we're at right now. As for the richest part of the tuna, that would be the area around it's belly. Made in to a paste, as it is in the wraps, it isn't as ambrosial as the belly, but it certainly is still something special to eat."

Chapter 67: Gluttonous Feast

The flavor! It was the first thing that filled Zhou Qianlin's mind as she popped the roll in to her mouth. She couldn't imagine how she'd never had something so delicious before. She took a quick sip of that sweet and spicy wine, which elevated the flavor to even greater heights.

For a long moment Zhou Qianlin tried to contain herself, but soon couldn't help but lean towards Lan Jue. "Amazing," she said in quiet tones.

"The best is yet to come," he whispered in her ear.

His breath in her ear caused her pretty face to redden ever so slightly. She moved away.

Not long after the wraps had been finished, the second course arrived. Everyone was provided a small copper pot with an alcohol burner in it's base to heat the plate. Within the 'hot pot' simmered a simple kelp soup.

Next were provided several plates, upon which were long strips of fish. They were of a slightly darker hue than those used in the wraps.

"Mid-abdominal meat. Place the strips in the water. After it's boiled and the meat turns white, then it's ready to be eaten. But don't let it sit too long." The Gourmet sat to join his guests. Lan Jue poured him a glass of wine.

He then turned to Zhou Qianlin. "Also part of the fish belly, but not as rich. You can eat it raw or boiled. For balance we don't want the oily sensation from eating it raw, so we'll have it b oiled."

After providing each of the diners with a helping of sauce, the Gourmet took a sip of the sherry. He shot the Wine Master a quick glance.

The Wine mastered responded with cool indifference. "Don't give me that look. There are too many people." More people meant more wine would be consumed. And for each bottle enjoyed that was one less bottle in store. This was especially poignant for his rarer stock.

The soups began to boil, and the fish was placed inside. In only a few short moments pink became white and the fish was extricated from the hot water to be eaten. It was smeared with a vinegar-based sauce, enhanced with secret ingredients before bites were taken. The outside was boiled white while the depths remained red, like frosted hawthorn cakes.

The meat didn't have the flavor of the upper abdominal slices from before, but when paired with the sauce it's taste was almost beyond compare.

Side dishes of pickled vegetables were then scattered across the table to be paired with the meal.

The hot pots were cleared away and slices of fish sashimi were prepared, from all parts of the fish. Light pink, light red, deep red – they were brought out in waves, in pieces large and small. It was presented with horse radish and wasabi, and everyone lapsed in to silence as they enjoyed the food.

The fifty-two pound fish was truly too much to finish despite there being eight of them. However, the Gourmet had already accounted for this, and planned to bring the remainders down to the Underground for when he entertained other distinguished guests.

"The final course. Fried fish head and neck." The Gourmet returned with a massive platter, atop of which was the head and neck of the tuna roasted to a golden hue. He set it before the watchful eyes of the guests.

The face itself was ferocious, and compared to what had come before looked a sight less appetizing.

"It certainly doesn't look very good. Does it really taste alright?" The Accountant eyes the platter, unconvinced.

But no sooner had he asked than two of the other guests had already tucked in. Two pairs of old Chinese-style chopsticks had plucked clear the eyes, and returned only a moment later to begin plucking away at what meat remained.

"Wow, the face even." The Accountant still eyed the fish head with uncertainty. On the other hand he knew the others to be accomplished foodies, especially the first two to partake – Jewelry Master Lan Jue and the usually restrained Wine Master. With the evidence presented to him, the head had to be delicious.

The others were also quick to move, and it took only s short time for the head to be reduced to nearly nothing.

Zhou Qianlin watched Lan Jue as his fingers shot out like lightning to snap up the fish, and even though her taste buds were still full of the taste of the dish from earlier she trusted Lan Jue's judgement.

"Fish eyes, they clear vision and nourish the eyes. Make it like crystal. Have some." Lan Jue placed the eye he plucked free upon Zhou Qianlin's plate.

Her face scrunched in to a look of distaste, and she pushed the small morsel back unto his plate. "You go ahead."

Lan Jue gave her a flat look. "You aren't scared are you?" The eye was passed back like a ping-pong ball.

Zhou Qianlin's face grew red, but she said nothing.

"Alright, try this then." He exchanged the eye for a bit of face meat.

The Gourmet chuckled to the side. "Gluttons know what good food is. The average person wouldn't be interested in trying fish head or neck. It's usually greedy chefs who safe that part for themselves. Bluefish Tuna, as a deep sea fish, doesn't have a lot of meat in it's face. Instead it's composed of colloid, the tastiest part. Best of the best.

Sure enough, as the morsel slipped past her lips Zhou Qianlin was overcome with the mingling pungent flavors of the meat and the distinct texture of the colloid. The explosion of taste would forever be branded in to her memory.

The Accountant had begun to participate, but was unable to procure much for himself. His strength and dexterity were a far sight less capable than the others around the table. It was a failing of his genetics that, though he was not considered slow, his natural abilities were less in comparison. Compared with the fact that the Mechanist kept shoving him out of the way, this left the Accountant with only the crispy brown skin of the fish left to enjoy. The skin was delicious in it's own right, but did not have any of the colloid the others were reveling in.

The wondrous feast came to it's conclusion, and though there was bitterness evident in the Accountant's eyes, no one paid him any mind.

"Thank you, Gourmet. I'm going to head out." The Tailor stood, nodded politely towards the Gourmet and turned to leave. She paused, however, to face Zhou Qianlin. "Qianlin, please remind Lan Jue to bring you by my shop sometime. You have an excellent figure, you need a set of fine garments to match. I'll be thinking on it, and when you come by we'll take your measurements."

"I'll send you off." The Coffee Master stood and joined the Tailor at her side. She shot him a disparaging glance but said nothing. She said her farewells and left.

Lan Jue also stood. "It's our time to leave as well." There was no need for him to offer thanks, his relationship with the Gourmet didn't require it.

"If you come across any particularly tasty morsels in your travels, you keep me in mind," their host said.

"Hm?" Lan Jue blinked, giving the Gourmet a suspicious glance. "How'd you know I was going on a trip?"

The Gourmet rounded on the Accountant. "With this one's big mouth hanging around, how could I not know?"

Lan Jue's features darkened as he looked at the Accountant, making the man shiver.

"You dared to spy on my business?"

"Eh… J-jewely Master, listen. It wasn't on purpose. I just sort of chanced upon the information. I just know that you and those pretty workers of your are up to something unconventional, hehe, n-no idea what you want to do exactly!"

Chapter 68: The End?

To Zhou Qianlin, Lan Jue appeared passive and gentle. He did not react to the Accountant's malfeasance. However, as they turned to leave the Gourmet's small apartment a tendril of lightning snaked soundlessly along the ground under the Accountant's feet. Every hair on is body stood on end.

"This wont happen again. Otherwise, I'll throw you out of the Avenue myself." The Wine Master had also stood, staring daggers at the offender as he spoke. He left on Lan Jue's heels.

The Accountant opened his mouth, and a tendril of smoke slithered from between his lips. The muscles of his face twitched uncontrollably. "You have to believe me, I was just having some fun! I didn't mean anything by it."

The Mechanist reached out and grabbed the Accountant by the throat. "It's because I believe you that I want to beat you even worse."

The Gourmet interjected gently. "Were it not be a waste of my food, I'd beat you myself until you threw it all back up. You better think up some way to make it up to the Jewelry Master."

The sky had grown dark in the interim. The Avenue was lit only by the lights of the shops that lined it's sides, and though not bright it added to the rustic charm of the Avenue's antique construction.

Lan Jue walked in silence, Zhou Qianlin a step behind.

"Are you angry?"

Lan Jue shook his head. "The guy's just that way, he didn't do it to hurt me specifically. It's not really worth getting angry with him over. I'm just thinking of other things."

"Oh?" Zhou Qianlin watched him carefully.

Lan Jue stopped and turned to face Zhou Qianlin. "I'm sorry," he muttered.

"What?" Her confusion only grew.

"You're so like her that in my mind, at certain times I forget you aren't. It's wrong, Hera is the only one in my heart. You aren't her replica, not her replacement. And so, I apologize. In the future I'll be only your bodyguard. After these three years, when my contract ends, we'll part ways and have no more contact."

Lan Jue's voice was distant, detached. As he spoke, even he himself felt he probably went too far.

But he had no choice. Ke'er's words had woken him up. Had Zhou Qianlin not begun to replace Hera, at least in his mind, would he have agreed to three years as a bodyguard? Would he have become an instructor at a university? And he even brought her to the Avenue, to participate in this special meal. All of this together meant only one thing; she had begun to mean something to him.

The wondrous flavors of the meal still dominated his taste buds, but in spite of their valiant efforts he couldn't shake these thoughts. Zhou Qianlin wasn't his Hera. His Hera was gone. Logic told him he mustn't continue, else one day Zhou Qianlin replace Hera as his most beloved.

It was best to deal with something like this in the beginning. The longer he let it be, the harder it would become to do the right thing.

So he had no recourse but to speak up.

Zhou Qianlin looked at him, speechless. There was no change in the expression of her pretty face. But her eyes couldn't conceal everything, and the secrets were hidden there.

She gave him a long, piercing stare. Her deep green eyes were deep, as though capable of drinking his soul in to their depths. Under that heavy gaze, Lan Jue's heart couldn't help but skip a beat. He felt the pang in his chest, though it was not solely from her look.

"Qianlin, you're a nice girl. I know what I said hurt you, but…"

"Fine." She replied softly.

She followed that with a burst of pretty, tintinnabular laughter.

"Are…" Lan Jue looked at her, dumbfounded. "Are you alright?"

Zhou Qianlin shook her head. "You men. You think all women under the sky just love you. Surely you don't think I felt something for you?"


Zhou Qianlin's hard gaze kept him pinned. "If you think I like you, or you're afraid I'll like you sometime in the future, then you have nothing to worry about. You took my body, which means I'll have to remember you for the rest of my life, but when I do it will be in regret. You said it, you're just my bodyguard and nothing more. I've never thought of you as anything more. Don't think of yourself as someone special, got it? This dinner was nice, now send me home."

The words still hung in the air as she turned to leave, a small smile on her face.

Lan Jue stood in place, frozen for a good few seconds. Eventually he began to follow.

Her face was calm, revealing nothing. But deep in her eyes lived something strange, fluctuating. There was gratification, regret, pain, and something unexplainable that flowed within her.

The entire way back to her mountaintop home was spent in silence.

"Alright, here's fine." Zhou Qianlin stopped and smiled towards Lan Jue as she spoke.

"Right," he said, nodding his head.

"You're heading out tomorrow, be careful. Oh, by the way, so you don't misunderstand let me make this clear. I do not care for you, I say this so that you make sure to come back ready to act effectively as my bodyguard."

"I will." He nodded again.

"Goodbye." She waved a hand, and left without saying anything else.

Lan Jue watched her leave, unmoving. After a moment he snorted, and strode away.

He cast the experience away as though it were nothing. Still, for reasons he didn't understand, a dull ache still remained in his chest.

Zhou Qianlin went directly to her room and sat on the bed. Her face betrayed no emotion, but after a good while a bitterness crept in, and tears began to flow uncontrollably from the corner of her eyes. She made no sound, and the tears rolled down her smooth, white skin unhindered.


Skyfire Avenue was as silent as ever. At night there never were very many stragglers on the street. The darkness had grown, but Lan Jue's mood had improved as he moved down the chilly street.

"Come to me," a deep voice intruded in his ear. He jumped slightly from the unexpected sound, then turned towards the Gothic Winery.

"You aren't calling me here to apologize on behalf the Accountant, are you?" Lan Jue sat beside the Wine Master, smirking.

The Wine Master's face betrayed a rare smile. "Your current mood isn't due to what he did. There's no reason to bother with him. The guy is a clown. No, it's because of the girl you brought tonight. Am I right?"

Lan Jue looked at his old friend. "It's done."

The Wine Master gave a wry chuckle. "If it's done you don't need to tell me so. You're an adult. I'm not your father."

Lan Jue's face grew hard. "Why'd you call me here."

The Wine Master smiled. "Blind taste check. Let's see if you're still as sharp as you used to be."

Chapter 69: The Legend of the Gods of Wine

A taste test, obviously, was determining the type and quality of an alcohol by taste alone, without the benefit of seeing it's bottle or label.

"Taste test? Great!" Lan Jue smiled. "Just don't give me anything too nasty. If it's too bad I wont be able to stomach it."

The Wine Master chuckled and extricated a bottle from the wine cabinet at their side. He placed it before Lan Jue. The bottle was without adornment, covered in a thin layer of dust. The only hint to it's contents was it's deep red color.

A bottle opener was produced and the bottle was opened. Two glasses were spread before him, within which the Wine Master poured a small amount from the bottle.

Lan Jue didn't immediately reach for the wine, instead taking a sip of plain water from a separate glass. He then took up the wine and passed it under his nose. He swirled the contents, breathing deeply.

In a flash Lan Jue's expression underwent a tremendous change. Shock, appreciation and disbelief flitted across his features.

"This… this is…"

He lifted the glass higher and peered at it through the light, checking it's opacity.

It wasn't the ruby shine of your average red wine. Instead it appeared almost turbid. But despite the unconventional appearance, Lan Jue's gaping expression managed, "Burgundy Domaine de la Romanee-Conti?"

The Wine Master was silent, simply sitting there with a smile.

It wasn't long ago Lan Jue had nearly given the Wine Master a stroke by drinking one of his 'celestial elixirs', a Romanee-Conti. A masterwork of red wine. The pride of Domaine de la Romanee-Conti. Abbreviated as DRC, it was a wine-producing area in Burgundy, ancient France. It was home to the best ever made, from one of the most famous and storied manufacturers.

It was unique, and required only a sniff from Lan Jue to determine it's nature.

"Try it," the Wine Master said, motioning for him to take a sip. He took up his own for emphasis.

Lan Jue took a large sip, holding the liquid in his mouth. In the brief moment on his tongue the high-grade flavors of the wine burst free, rich and aromatic. The spectacular taste filled every corner of his mouth, and although it didn't have the heavenly flavor of the Romanee-Conti from earlier it remained an astounding experience for any wine connoisseur.

The lingering tastes stayed with Lan Jue for a long moment. Finally he found his voice. "Excellent vintage. Only the people of ancient Burgundy could make something with this sort of flavor. Flowery, fruity, plum… enduring and excellent. From the tip of the tongue to it's base and back again, the texture is wonderful no matter where it lands. The tannins are smooth – not silky like Romanee-Conti but not far off."

"So, in your estimation, what are we enjoying?" The Wine master inquired.

Lan Jue answered without hesitation. "DRC La Tache, or possibly Grands Echezeaux. As for the year, I'd say 2012 Former Era, about."

The Wine Master burst in to peels of laughter.


"Wrong?" Lan Jue blinked, stunned. "Was it the wine that's wrong or the year? There's no way it can be anything else! DRC wines are very rare and I've had very little, so I suppose there's the chance I'm wrong. Perhaps it's a Richebourg, or a St. Vivant? It's not a St. Vivant is it? St vivant isn't as good as this is…"

"Wrong, wrong, all wrong." The Wine Master sat smugly before him. He took another sip of his wine, appreciation plain on his face.

"Wine Master, it's no fun if you play tricks on me." Lan Jue was fairly certain of his abilities.

The Wine Master leaned closer. "How many ranks of Burgundy exist?"

"Four," Lan Jue replied. "The Lowest is called AOC, Appelation d'Origine Controlee. Then there is communal, or village-level. Next are premier cru, and finally grand cru. These are the DRC level wines. Romanee-Conti is chief among the grand cru, king of wines."

"What you just tasted, was village wine," the older gentlemen said indifferently.

"What?" Lan Jue rose to his feet, nearly knocking over his chair. Such was the surprise he felt from the Wine Master's revelation.

"Impossible, how can a simple communal wine possess the taste of a DRC? Like a Romanee-Conti? Wine Master, you know very well that wine is my most important hobby. You mustn't tease me about these things."

The Wine Master only laughed. "We had the same reaction, you and I, when I had it first. My first sip of this wine I was completely taken aback. More shocked even than you. It must be a trick, I thought. However, later when the truth was revealed to me, I knew I wasn't wrong in my original estimation. Nor was there are trickery. Because, the village wine in your hand indeed should be that good. It is a communal wine, but if I tell you it's name you will understand how it is like it is."

"The average connoisseur knows Romanee-Conti as the king of wines, but ancient France had three 'Gods of Wine.' Did you know that?"

"You mean the three burgundy wine masters of the time, the ones honored as the Gods of Wine?"

The Wine Master nodded his head in affirmation. "The three gods of wine as recognized by the world were Aubert de Villain of DRC; former co-owner of the DRC Lalou Bize-Leroy; and independent vintner Henri Jayer."

"Aubert de Villain is credited with the creation of DRC's dominance, the most famous of which is the Romanee-Conti. His masterpiece. He was fully deserving of his status as one of the Three Masters, and further displayed that with his excellent management capabilities."

"Mrs. Lalou Bize-Leroy was originally co-owner of the DRC domain. However, eventually creative differences on how the vineyards should be managed brought her in to conflict with Aubert. She was eventually elbowed out of the board of directors and became an independent vintner, of the Domaine Leroy. She made it one of the most sought-after wines in the world, and thus also grew to be successful. So goes the story. She was also instrumental in creating new biological brewing methods with Aubert."

"Finally we come to Henri Jayer, whose name is mentioned least among the Three Masters. However, in the world of wines he is held highest of all. Should his name be mentioned within any auction, you can be assured the item will be it's biggest draw. If it is said that the Romanee-Conti is the King of Wines, then Henri's three top wines are the King of Kings. Stranger still, his crowning achievement was not a grand cru, instead being a premier cru. The Cros Parantoux. A name difficult to pronounce, and impossible to match."

Lan Jue took another look at the unlabeled wine set before him. "You can't mean this is a wine created by one of the Three Masters," he nearly whispered.

The Wine Master stood, chuckling. "That's exactly what I mean. This is a village wine, but the man who made it was the best of the very best. One of only several hundred bottles made per year when the master, Henri Jayer, enjoyed success as the God of Wine."

*This information is mostly true, with some bias. You can learn about the 'three gods of wine' by looking their names up in Wikipedia. If you'd like to learn more about Burgundy classifications, famous vineyards and naming practices, you can check out this excellent resource here: http://www.bbr.com/wine-knowledge/burg-classifications. It's a good start on the basics of wine appreciation.

Chapter 70: Possibilities

Shock! At the last words of the Wine Master Lan Jue felt the surprise vibrate to his very core. He stared slack-jawed.

For an avid lover of wine to have this opportunity – to taste a wine actually created by one of the Three Gods of Wine – it didn't matter what the 'rank' of it was, it filled him with something almost unspeakable. He was happier even than that day he'd had the Romanee-Conti.

In the former era, bottles of Romanee-Conti were produced in the thousands per year. Products of the Master Henri Jayer, however, only numbered in the hundreds regardless of classification! It was an experience that could not be measured with any amount of money.

"Thank you," Lan Jue stated, simply and earnestly.

The Wine Master smiled contentedly. "Come, drink."

"I don't really want to."

"It's already opened," the Wine Master insisted. "It'll spoil otherwise. It has to be finished as soon as possible."

"Actually, I meant I'd rather take it home and enjoy it carefully," Lan Jue said. "What do you think?"

"… …"

The bottle had done it's job. Before discovering it was the product of Henri Jayer, he knew only that it was a village wine from 1997. It's low classification didn't detract, however, from those wondrous tastes that had nearly caused him to forget his troubles.

"So go on then, what do you want me to do?" Lan Jue finished the last drop from his glass and, setting it down, stared pointedly at the Wine Master.

"You're that sure I want something from you?"

Lan Jue's eyes narrowed, similar to his expression the first time he'd sipped the exquisite wine. "It can't be easy to part with a wine from one of the great masters. If you were really that generous I'd be truly happy."

The Wine Master laughed. "You always talk about how stingy I am. But how could a miser suddenly be so generous? So in fact you guess correctly, there is a request I'd like to make of you. The Clairvoyant has discovered that someone from a nearby planet is attempted to acquire another bottle from one of the Three Masters. I'd like to go see for myself, and present them with a gift. In the three alliances there are only a select few who possess such exemplary wines. I hope that through these discoveries we can uncover the secrets of these masters, and bring their gifts back to modern man."

Lan Jue's eyes widened and grew bright. "Truly?"

The Wine Master nodded. "Wine isn't just my hobby, it's my only hobby. This isn't something I'd joke about."

"Two questions," Lan Jue began. "First, you've had wine like this the whole time and you've never shared before?! And second, you actually take advantage of the Clairvoyan'ts powers to find wine?"

The Wine Master gave him a hard stare. "What are you trying to say?"

Lan Jue broke in to a peel of laughter, shooting his old friend a big thumbs-up. "Good on you!"

The two men exchanged a look, before starting to howl in laughter.

"So you agree?" The Wine Master asked again, recovering from his guffaws.

Lan Jue shrugged. "With your powers, you still need my help?"

"The Clairvoyant's divinations were somehow cut short near the end of his vision," the Wine Master said. "You should understand what this means. 'A wise man doesn't stand beneath a collapsing wall'1 , and more than that how could you enjoy the fruits if you don't do the labor?"

Lan Jue sighed. "Fine, what can I say. This Henri Jayer has fed my wine addiction, this will be my reciprocation. But, it'll have to wait. I have to head to the Shattered Starfields. I'll be gone about a month, when I get back we'll discuss where to go from there."

"Not a problem." The Wine Master smiled. "I'm in no hurry. I still have some in stock."

"I'm off!" Lan Jue rose, waving his head.


A shadow swept passed, and a dozen seconds later rolling thunder followed. It was a McKelly p12 high altitude verti-car. Only a car like that could reach such break-neck speeds.

"Mika, slow down! I'm getting car-sick…" Lin Guoguo's face was pained, and she had a white-knuckle grip on the car's grip handle.

Lan Jue sat in the back middle seat of the car as it roared along. Xiuxiu and Lin Guoguo sat on either side of him. In front, Mika sat behind the wheel, peering through red hair and black-rimmed glasses while Ke'er cheered her on in the passenger's seat.

Mika's driving style was anything but conservative as she was squeezing every drop of horsepower from the car. She'd broken the sound barrier long ago.

"Fine, fine. Weak. The boss didn't say anything…" Mika grumbled.

"I just lost my lunch," Lan Jue said lazily, leaning against the seatback.

Xiuxiu giggled. Ke'er turned back to look at Lan Jue at stuck out her tongue.

Mika huffed. "We'll be there shortly. Hold on." The car suddenly took a handsome drift to the side before suddenly losing altitude. Instruments inside helped regulate the weightlessness of gravity, but that didn't stop their stomach from jumping in to their throat.

Lin Guoguo screamed, followed shortly by Xiuxiu.

Ten seconds later the car was pulling steadily up to the public airship hangar of Planet Skyfire.

Beep, beep, beep! A harsh alarm filled the interior. Several uniformed guards suddenly gathered round. An electronic voice joined them: "Speed violation, classification; severe. Please exit the vehicle immediately, and submit to an inspection."

The McKelly p12 high-altitude verti-car's doors folded open like a pair of butterfly wings. The four gorgeous women stepped out in tandem: Fiery Mika, Blue-haired Ke'er, Xiuxiu the raven-haired beauty and green-bobbed Guoguo.

The four all wore their jet-black, close fitting flight suits. The contours of their slender figures were outlined perfectly, every curve and valley. Though they were wearing helmets you could almost hear the guardsmen take a collective gulp as their heads figuratively exploded.

"Is there a problem, handsome gentlemen?" Mika swept her flirtatious gaze from one officer to the other.

"M-miss, you broke the speed limit," one officer stuttered.

"Oh, I'm sooo sorry! Can you be a dear and watch the car for us? We have some… business." Mika waved a delicate hand at them, turned, and strode off. The three women at her heels followed her lead.

Lan Jue stood in their midst, a distinct swagger to his gait.

A few moments later, watching them leave, one of the officers came to his senses.

"We're wearing helmets. How would she know if we were handsome?"

1. The phrase here means a wise man has the ability to recognize and protect himself from potentially dangerous situations. Also, when finding oneself in a dangerous situation, having the ability to extricate oneself quickly.

Chapter 71: Zeus-1

The public-use section of Planet Skyfire's Airship compound was separated in to several sectors. They included the normal docking area, long-distance vessels, and the VIP hangars.

Only the VIP hangar had individualized docks and warehouses, but it was reflected in the price – one they had to pay monthly. Further, one had to hire their own security.

Lan Jue and his beauties had parked the p12 beside the VIP hangar, one of the reason why the guards hadn't dared trouble them too much about the speeding.

The standard color of the airship had been painted over in a brilliant sapphire blue, all but for the alloy door which retained it's original silver finish. Above the door was something almost like a sculpture; a deep blue bolt of lightning jutting out to point the way. It was registered to Zeus' Jewelry Shop specifically, for use in transporting particularly rare goods.

Lan Jue sauntered in to the hangar in his khaki windbreaker, followed by his ladies in single file. He walked lazy by, stopping to lean against one of the metallic walls and stuff his hands in the pocket of his windbreaker. He pulled a cigar from some hidden breast pocket and stuffed it in his mouth, leaving it unlit.

Several deep-blue robots of various kinds bustled around the hangar, engaged in various activities. No human workers were seen. Everything appeared to be done by machine.

What occurred in these hangars was private, and he wished to keep it so. As a result no human employee possessed the qualifications he required. The interior of the hangar, thus, was a world of silver and blue with the occasional flash of a spark. The effort and result of a mechanized workforce.

Three ships were anchored within, all of similar size. The exteriors all looked exactly the same – all a luminous sapphire blue – with no outward emblem, marking or number.

The ships were seventy meters in length, and fifty meters port to starboard. The wings, slim and streamlined, swept back against the hull. Five engines sat dormant; two affixed to each wing, and one enormous one on the tail. It was, simply, a work of art.

Xiuxiu made her way to one of the silver platforms and pressed a button. In response a screen and keyboard jutted forth. Long slender finger like flower stems flew over the keys. The sound of her steadily beating fingers fluttered through the hanger, and streams of data flew across the monitor screen like a waterfall.

"Zeus-1 Power Systems online. Weapons systems online. Hull integrity: 100%. Flight status approved, and ready for boarding. Boss, ready when you are."

Lan Jue looked over the powerful, sleek frame of the ship, making no effort to hide the pride in his eyes. He nodded his head, and softly his voice issued forth. "Let's do it!"

Xiuxiu's fingers tapped at the keyboard, and the closest handful of robots lurched in to motion. They retreated from the area as a boarding ramp slowly extended. The robot workers stood diligently to one side in ranks, as the interior of the ship awoke.

Zeus-1 became bathed in light. It's brilliant sapphire sheen was illuminated from head to tail. It looked for all the world like a great bird shaking itself from slumber.

The others didn't wait for Lan Jue, who still leaned against the wall with the cigar in his mouth. Mika, Ke'er and Guoguo each made their way to the ship. Xiuxiu finished with the computer and joined Lan Jue as he made his way towards the ramp.

The engines of Zeus-1 began to rev up, thrumming as air passed through the intake. The gusts from the jets sent air swirling through the hangar. Lan Jue's windbreaker flapped in response.

Xiuxiu could see the side of her employer's face from where she stood. There was a melancholy in his eyes, and his hair was in a mess. However, he'd taken care not to appear too sloppy. The collar of his windbreaker was pulled up to conceal his neck, but it looked more like it was there to conceal something deeper.

Xiuxiu pursed her lips, but said nothing. She strode to Lan Jue's side and boarded with him.

The bridge stretched three hundred meters, and the world without was visible through the light-blue window set at the front. The four beauties each took up positions while Lan Jue sat in the roomy captain's chair behind them. Cigar still firmly set between his lips, Lan Jue dropped his head to stare at the armrests. Regret remained in the depths of those eyes.

It had been a long while since he'd flown in Zeus-1. Ordinarily it was just the girls, and even then they were usually busy at the store.

He felt strangely separate from the place now. He turned to view the seat at his side, empty.

"Hera…" It was a name he said often, but one that never failed to bring a flash of sadness fluttering through his eyes.

But in the next instant it wasn't Hera that flashes through his mind, but someone who looked just like her. That impish, dimpled grin hung in his memory.

"Energy fluctuations normal, hangar bay open," Lin Guoguo said through her headset.

"Runway clear, we've got the go ahead from the tower," Ke'er followed.

"Power, defense, mechanical and weapons systems checks all green. Good to go," Xiuxiu reported.

Mika nodded. "Zeus-1 ready and waiting. Light her up!"

A rumble arose from the engines as they spooled up, and the cabin's lights brightened while the hull shook from motion.

Lan Jue plucked the cigar from his mouth and placed it in his coat pocket. "Take us out. Destination, the Shattered Starfields."

Zeus-1 slowly pulled from the hangar like a sapphire spectre. It turned left onto the runway.

A pale blue light issued from the four roaring engines on the ship's wings. A moment later, the intense fires expanded forth and Zeus-1 issued a deep roar. They shot forward, the engines leaving swirls of steam and fire behind them.

Three hundred meters later Zeus-1 rose from the ground like a great, blue, majestic bird. The main engine on the tail came to life, and a moment later they'd torn through the sound barrier. They vanished in to the sky.

Somewhere on the other side of the strip an attendant gaped at the condensation trail where the ship had been. "Wow, that was fast! Whose ship was that?"

"I think it belongs to the jewelry shop."

"Good money in jewels."

"Yeah, lucky bastard!"

"They really were going too fast though. Did you catch the model?"

"Nope, fuzzy. It really had some speed on it."

Chapter 72: The Voyage

"Zeus-1 has broken atmosphere, we're space-bound. Accelerating!" Mika's voice echoed through the bridge.

"Maintain speed," Lan Jue ordered.

"We'll be arriving at the wormhole in seven minutes, and will proceed to jump to the alliance border."

In the vastness of the universe Zeus-1 was but a spec. But it was it's speed, not it's size that protected it from military radar. It was simply too fast for them to get a lock.

If any of them knew the materials used to make the ship, or the sheer amount of energy gems that powered it, they'd be speechless.

The entirety of Zeus-1 was comprised like a gem. The blue coat on it's exterior wasn't to dazzle the eyes, but was actually created from a power gem called an indigo keystone. It was mixed with other items to give it texture. It served both to insulate the ship and aid in power distribution.

The primary reason most airships had their speed capped was from heat restrictions. Air friction from going that fast caused the hull to heat up to extreme temperatures, getting worse the faster you went. Zeus-1, with it's coat of indigo keystone, didn't have this problem. It was, in fact, capable of faster-than-light travel.

The result of it's excellent power transference was the ability to use the natural radiation and x-rays of the universe to charge itself. When designing the ship, the concept was so long as you could see space, the thing would fly.

The coat had required a hundred kilos of indigo keystone to produce, which itself was a c-ranked gem. A hundred kilos would buy five ships the size of his own.

And it was only the most ordinary aspect of Zeus-1's construction.

"We've reached the wormhole. Shields active. Commencing interstellar jump." As Mika spoke, a series of photoshields enveloped each of the passengers.

Zeus-1 shook, and in the space of an instant the area around them began to warp grotesquely. An envelope of white light expanded from the ship to surround it.

Energy shields have always been an important staple of modern ship assembly, prized for their ability not only to protect in combat scenarios, but more importantly for protection against hazardous flying conditions.

Now, under the protection of the shields, Zeus-1's flight became steady once again. Outside, the shield was alive with bolts of multicolored light.

In what felt like a few seconds, and yet like a century, the ship shuddered and once more the skies outside became the comforting blackness of the universe.

"We've exited the wormhole. Nearing the boundary of the Eastern Alliance." Mika's voice crackled through the headsets.

Lin Guoguo's voice was next. "Intelligence reports state that the Twelfth Galactic Battalion of the Eastern Alliance is currently patrolling the Shattered Starfield border. Reliance on East Lake Bastion for zone control. We'll approach under cover of an asteroid on it's left flank. Then, when we approach the wormhole we'll burn towards it."

"Calculate delta-v," Lan Jue ordered.

Silence, then Ke'er piped in. "Near-SOL1."

"Ensure safety parameters, then go SOL."

"Yes, boss. Three days 'till jump point," she replied.

Lan Jue couldn't help but smile. "Alright ladies, go take a rest. Put her on auto-pilot. We jump in three days."

The photoshields lifted one by one, and Lan Jue unfastened his safety harness to stand.

The serious expressions upon the women's faces melted away and they stood, with the exception of Ke'er who was setting the auto-pilot.

Lin Guoguo giggled. "It's nice with the boss here, we get to experience SOL travel!"

Mika smiled, draping herself around her companion's shoulders. She muttered something in her ear, which instantly turned Guoguo's face red. "Bah! Stop talking nonsense!"

Mika gave a deep, throaty laugh.

Lan Jue's hearing was excellent, and despite Mika's low tones he'd heard it all. When these girls got worked up, their topics could be worse than any man…

"I'm off for a nap," Lan Jue stated ,stretching.



A red lash struck forth like a viper, landing on Gao Yong's body. The skin where the whip landed split, and a deep red rivulet of blood seeped forth.

Gao Yong grit his teeth, not daring to make a sound.

A woman in a long black dress was situated before him, her long hair pulled in to a bun on the top of her head. She looked to be in her twenties, with skin like snow and strange carnation-tinted eyes. They shone like crystal, with pupils red as the blood they looked upon. A beautiful, cunning demon woman.

She was tall, slender, standing at one hundred and eighty centimeters. Her black high-heels made her taller even than the towering Gao Yong.

"Do you know how stupid you are," the woman hissed.

"You're majesty, I just…"


Another welt grew red and angry across his skin.

The Moonfiend Empress continued in her cold, malevolent voice. "Worse than how stupid you are, is the fact that you don't REALIZE your own stupidity. If he weren't a friend of mine, you'd NEVER have left Skyfire Avenue."

Gao Yong was as intractable as ever, the welts had done nothing to rid him of that.

"That guy's strong, but no stronger than you your majesty. He's just managed to restrain me, otherwise, I'd have…"

The Empress snorted disdainfully. "You think you're a match for him, hm? I'll tell you honestly, if he wanted to crush me he could. With little effort."

"Huh?" Now he truly was astonished. "You're Majesty, you.. you're serious?"

She glared chillingly at him as she spoke. "In the whole of our universe, of the organizations with the power to destroy our entire pirate clan, Skyfire Avenue is ranked above them all. There are no less than three who live there with the ability to utterly destroy me. You have no concept of their capabilities. You wouldn't, since they so rarely decide to act. But the one you met? He's different – he doesn't care. If he were to become angry, the whole of the Starfields would shake."

"Who is he?"

The Empress stared at him with hard, cold eyes. "Three years ago, do you remember why the greatest pirate clan was destroyed?"

Gao Yong's eyes grew wide with realization. He thought back to the power he'd felt, and a chill struck to his very core.

"You mean, he was…"

1. SOL – speed of light

Chapter 73: SOL Jump

The East Lake Bastion didn't look entirely unlike a Big Mac, floating silently through the expansive blackness of the universe. Military vessels frequently came and went from it's docking port.

Space bastions had become a staple of the modern military, going so far as to be a fair indication of an organization's strength.

The Northern Alliance possessed the most, numbering twelve, with the Western and Eastern bastions numbering only five each. Both the Eastern and Western alliances perpetually sought to increase their number, in order to compete with the North.

The East Lake outpost vessel was the weakest of the Alliance, and was primarily responsible for policing the wormhole to the Shattered Starfields. It facilitated long-term patrol of the area through offering reinforcements and soldier quarters. However, it only quartered two battalions, and thus wasn't the most powerful bastion the East possessed. It's primary function was to stem the tide of piracy from the Shattered Starfields.

The constitution of the starfield was complicated, to the point where larger vessels couldn't safely navigate through it. With the added threat of pirates familiar with the territory, few dared venture through the wormhole in the first place. The three alliances had once attempted to eliminate the pirate threat in a joint effort, but had only managed to strike at their outlying forces. Their main force wasn't even touched. But the existence of piracy in the Shattered Starfields also had a political component, making the pirates useful in their own way.

"Three minutes until SOL jump point. Prepping for jump." Lin Guoguo's enticing voice echoed through the bridge.

The universe outside of the ship's hull had already begun to change from dark to light. In addition to the indigo keystone's protective coating, survey scramblers installed in Zeus-1 also protected it from radar, making it entirely invisible to anything but the naked eye.

"Current velocity is twenty times SOS1, preparing for light speed," Ke'er said.

Xiuxiu was next. "Main engine spooled. Shields jump ready."

"Weapon systems ready," Mika added.

"One hundred and sixty seconds to jump point. Sub-light a hundred seconds following."

Lan Jue sat at his chair, looking over the bridge. His hands gripped two metal spheres which had risen from the seat's armrests. The lethargic expression that usually covered his face was gone, replaced with a look of concentration.

It was a tense moment, hence his concentration. In this age of space exploration, it was entirely impossible for any single person to stand against the armed forces. The main barrage of one of these bastions was capable of obliterating a planet.

Of course it was not their aim to be disintegrated. Even the smallest mistake could spell disaster. All of the military warships possessed SOL capabilities, so if they were discovered it became a race to the wormhole.

Zeus-1's bulk already made sub-light travel a veritable miracle. SOL required more than just the ship's own capabilities.

"Commencing jump in; ten, nine, eight, seven…"

"…six, five, four…"

"… three, two, one. Jump!"

The pale light surrounding Zeus-1 suddenly became unbearable to behold, a blazing cocoon. All five engines blazed at full power, making the ship look like a giant, flaming bird. The burst of light grew brighter still as Zeus-1 reached full velocity.

The sudden burst of speed caused the entirety of the ship to shake violently. The outer shields had gone from pale red to a deep crimson as they protected the ship from being torn apart.

"Energy levels normal, acceleration normal."

Zeus-1 arced a graceful line across the back of the East Lake Military Bastion.

But reaching full power, the ship was no longer hidden from the outpost's scanners. An alarm sounded, harshly shrieking through space.

"Warning: unidentified aircraft. You have entered East Lake Bastion airspace. Stop immediately, or we will be forced to fire upon you." The electronic warning was clear, but Lan Jue and the four women proceeded as though they hadn't heard.

Three patrolling ships from nearby had already reacted to the threat. They'd positioned themselves to cut off Zeus-1's trajectory.

"Thirty seconds until sub-light. Distance calculated, judged safe," Ke'er assured.

"Eastern Alliance White Tiger-class battle cruiser readying main weapons." Xiuxiu was checking her instruments.

The words caused the atmosphere of the bridge to grow tense.

"Ten seconds until weapon fires, and twenty-three seconds until the first White Tiger intercepts our vessel. We can maneuver, but we can't evade their weapon's lock."

Lan Jue's face was as solemn as before, but there remained a distinct sense of calm.

"First Whit Tiger has fired a salvo," Ke'er said, her voice having risen in apprehension.

From the port window a small white beam of light could be spied.

Any unknown vessel that refused a check was treated like a pirate by the patrolling military. It accountant for the speed of the battle cruiser's response.

"Impact in twenty seconds!"

"Fifteen seconds to impact!"

"Ten seconds!"

"Firing auxiliary boosters!" Lan Jue's voice rang through the bridge. In the same instant his eyes changed to an ominous azure blue. And in the next moment, his entire body followed suit.

His body vanished in a sea of lightning, the thunderous blast only contained by the protective shield that had been dropped to defend the passengers from outside harm. It served to contain the frightening fluctuations of power.

The top of Zeus-1 suddenly revealed an odd electric glow. From within the center of the main engine, a smaller jet protruded – fitted with a diamond-cut violet power gem. Suddenly, a dazzling blue streamer erupted from it's depths, swallowing the main engine's burn into itself.

Zeus-1 shook violently, and in that instant it was as though everything simply stopped. The main engine's flames became a luminous crystal blue, followed then by the other four.

The reddened shields surrounding the ship grew darker until they were an unsettling shade of maroon. The illusion of stillness dissolved, and the ship launched forward. They were instantly moving at sub-light speeds, but it wouldn't be long before they pushed it even farther.

A beam of white light roared behind them, tearing through nothing but the vast nothing of the universe. The White Tiger battle cruisers looked on as Zeus-1 became an incorporeal blue light, and vanished. They had no option but to turn back to their outpost, stunned and defeated.

"Woo, go boss!" Ke'er, Guoguo and Mika cheered almost on top of each other. Even the significantly more modest Xiuxiu sat there with a grin on her face.

Ke'er sighed. "It's great having the boss around. No need for weapons, makes things easier on them. Ten seconds to the wormhole."

"Battle cruisers have abandoned pursuit," Lin Guoguo added.

The tearing bolts of power racing across Lan Jue's body slowly began to recede, and in response the ship began to slow back to sub-light. A grin curled the corners of his mouth.

"Jump complete."

1. Speed of sound

Chapter 74: The Shattered Starfields

Once entering the wormhole, the concept of speed ceased to exist. Once more they were in a space of varying lights and warped visuals like they had been during the light jump. Zeus-1's five engines had returned to quietly emitting their fiery red glow.

Lan Jue sat slumped against the back of the captain's chair, fighting to keep his exhaustion from being obvious in his half-lidded eyes.

It was a rarity among adepts to use one's powers to manipulate a ship's jump capabilities due to it's risks and requirements. Even Lan Jue couldn't rely solely on his own discipline to achieve what he did.

Aside from Lan Jue's considerable power, the power gem fitted in Zeus-1 is what had ultimately granted it the explosive velocity that got them to light speed. His discipline had been channeled through a Core Power Gem fitted to the engines, which had served to greatly amplify output. It was a rare, special a-ranked gem – one whose value was equivalent to a five-hundred meter military cruiser.

Clearly, nearly every aspect of the ship's system's had been improved beyond it's original construction.

A shudder passed through the ship as it exited the wormhole. Once again, the black expanse of space spread out before them.

"Maintain sub-light. We'll be arriving at the Shattered Starfields in three days," Ke'er reported.

Xiuxiu was next. "Energy recovery normal. Beginning energy conservation speed control."

"Expanding radar scope, effective range increased to spot incoming threats," Mika reported.

No action was wasted, and no task botched. The four women worked impeccably, with the tacit understanding that this ship – which would usually require around fifteen people to effectively operate – had to be managed with just them.

At this point forward, Zeus-1 had successfully left the scope of the Eastern Alliance's control. They found themselves now in the expansive outer limits of the Shattered Starfields. What this meant for them, was that they could encounter a pirate force at any moment.

Lan Jue closed his eyes. The area around him flickered occasionally with pale threads of electricity. Sitting there looking majestic and at rest, a pale blue light glowed indistinctly in the center of his chest.

Two days later.

Zeus-1 soared easily through space at stable speed, it's wings wide. Ahead, there appeared an indistinct undulation of light and darkness.

The Shattered Starfields were vast, and their interior possessed some seventy-plus stars scattered throughout. They filled the starfields with light, heat and energy in spades.

The numerous planets unfortunate enough to populate the area were constantly subjected to meteor strikes. Some were so battered that they broke apart, eventually becoming scores of asteroids themselves. It was only the smaller planets that survived, hidden away within the center sectors of the starfields. Paired with the high amounts of radiation emitted from it's numerous stars meant the Shattered Starfields was one of the most inhospitable places in the universe. It was no wonder that time and again the three Alliances have abandoned it to piracy.

So it was that this had become a pirate's utopia. The inhospitable environments have proven to be their greatest defense. And the three planets dominating the interior, those were the havens of all manner of scum and degenerate. Criminals from each of the alliances often found themselves stuck here.

"Entering Shattered Starfields peripheral galaxy,"Ke'er reported.

"Excellent." Mika's eyes flashed dangerously. Her excitement was clear even in the way she flipped her hair.

Lin Guoguo shot her a glance. "You're always so violent, Mika. How do you expect to get married?"

Mika huffed dismissively. "And why should every woman get married? Isn't it just as an accessory to some man? I don't want to marry – there's nothing appealing about a man. Oh, 'cept the boss."

Lan Jue had just come up from the cabin as she spoke the last sentence. He gave her a stern look. "Mika, do you need a spanking? You dare say I'm not a man?"

Mika chortled. "You said it, not me. I'm complimenting you!"

Lan Jue frowned, muttering as he walked to the window at the fore of the control room.

"It's been a long time since I've been here. I wonder if it's still as chaotic as it's always been."

Xiuxiu spoke towards Lan Jue. "We're heading towards SS-31, right? Should we also do some looking around for the shop?"

It was true that the Shattered Starfields were a dangerous and unstable place, but it was also a fine market for many special power gems that were mined in the region. Only, the safety concerns made any business consortium hesitant to set up shop.

Lan Jue nodded. "We'll deal with the business at hand, first. If everything goes well we'll make the trip and see what we can find. The bigger the take, the bigger the split."


The sound came from within the ship, soft and not unappealing. But the sound instantly caused Lan Jue and his four companions' faces to grow serious.

Zeus-1 was their baby, manufactured to the last detail by them. As such they were intimately familiar with each aspect of the ship. That sound was the sound of the sleeping cabin's door opening. But all five of the ship's intended passengers were gathered on the bridge. So, that door had no business opening.

Lan Jue's eyes grew cold and hard as he turned to investigate.

Mika had already reacted, crouching like a leopardess ready to strike. The fire grew visible behind her eyes.

"What a great sleep! It's been a long time since I've had such a deep sleep. It's nice not having to worry about the date or time." The voice echoed through the halls, quick and appreciative in tone.

At the sound of the voice Lan Jue's expression changed from hard to confused. And then downright murderous.

Mika had curled herself in to a pounce position, then shot forth. A few moments later a shrill yell filled the air. "Ah! N-not so hard! It's a misunderstanding, just a misunderstanding!"

Mika came storming back in, dragging someone behind her. Their clothes had clearly suffered burns.

"Jewelry Master, you have to save me!" The yells continued, but they'd grown weak and faint.

"Accountant," Lan Jue growled, glaring at the stow-away. "I'm going to need an explanation, otherwise I'm flushing you out the air lock. I wonder how long you'd last."

"No, no don't!" The Accountant coward pitifully, half-asleep and entirely frightened.

The women all looked shocked, Mika among them. How someone could inadvertently stumble aboard Zeus-1 and fall into Deep Sleep while totally evading their security checks and processes was simply baffling. It wasn't just inconceivable, it was deeply shameful.

Like Lan Jue each of them had been around the proverbial block, but his was certainly a first.

"J-jewelry Master… don't be angry. The Keeper asked me to come. I-I'm his spokesman. You wanted his cooperation, right? The Keeper'd ask me to tell you before, but I'd forgotten. Ah! Miss, don't hit me, let me finish! Listen, ok, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have been so curious, but I found your hangar. A-and I know my curiosity should have ended there but I started fiddling with the controls. A-and my curiosity got away from me, and I know I shouldn't have but I got on the ship. But, the ship, it's planner – genius! Really just amazing construction. All of these power gems, it's just luxurious! Jewelry Master, you've really got some bank account!"

Lan Jue's face changed by degrees, eventually dropping his hard stare for a small grin his two new disciples from the NEU were intimately familiar with.

"Mika, you can't maim him. Otherwise…"

A wicked smile slowly spread across Mika's face.

1. The three primary planets of the Shattered Starfields – the three that are within the belts and pirate havens – will be called SS-1/2/3 in subsequent translations.

Chapter 75: Pirates?

By the time the Accountant was once again brought before Lan Jue, his face was so swollen as to be almost unrecognizable. Mika threw him atop one of the chairs before taking up her own, stony-faced.

"Right, now we can have a conversation. What did the Keeper send you here to do," Lan Jue asked, settling himself beside the battered Accountant.

The Accountant responded, his words muffled and muddled from the beating. "Jewelry Master… treating me this way… it's inhuman!"

"Mika." Lan Jue looked towards the fiery woman.

"No! No wait, I'm sorry, I was wrong." The Accountant stared wide-eyed at Lan Jue, terror clear in their depths.

Lan Jue turned his eyes back to the cowed man.

"The Keeper gave me some equipment, to help locate and mine gem deposits."

Lan Jue looked skeptical. "What's your relationship with the Keeper?"

"Ehm… I can't say."


"Alright… alright… I-I'm his only grandson."

Lan Jue blinked, taken aback. He knew for a fact that the only way the Accountant could have entered Skyfire Avenue as a resident was to undergo a series of stringent evaluations. There were no shortcuts.

"You're the Keeper's grandson." His face said he didn't believe it.

The Accountant's anger flared. "What's wrong with me being his grandson?! You think it's a blessing being part of his family? Ever since I was small the old man has been brainwashing me with floods of useless data. Trying to fill me with his knowledge and ideas. From when I was three to twenty-three, I only had four hours of sleep a night. Then, to Skyfire Avenue for the evaluations. You want to know why I talk so much? Because I wasn't able to share my thoughts at all for twenty years! You don't know how much I loved the outside world, but I couldn't leave the geriatrics side. I'm twenty four, and still a virgin. How pathetic is that!"

Lan Jue spoke now in considerably droll tones. "And that's why you snuck on my ship?"

"Eh…" the Accountant stuttered. "Jewelry Master, I know you aren't one to stoop to pettiness. Let's not fuss about it. I've always been a little hyperactive, since I was small. Sometimes I can't help myself. I see something interesting and I want to study and look and examine…"

Lan Jue waved his hand, cutting him off. He didn't have the time to listen to the Accountant talk all day.

"Seeing as you're part of the Keeper's family, I wont bother with you any more this time. But in return you have to go through the sip's systems and patch up their loopholes, so that next time no one – not even you – can sneak on board. Then we'll be square."

"No problem. O-only, how can you prove I wont be able to get back in?" The Accountant's eyes shone with curiosity.

Lan Jue laughed. "Let me tell you a secret. See these four ladies? One of them is psychic. If I want to know anything at all about you, it's as easy as asking a question. Take a guess… which one do you think it is?"

"Psychic?" The Accountant's heart rate shot up. As the Keeper's son he absolutely knew about the Psychic Discipline. And how horrifying it could be.

Regardless of the type of psychic ability, congenitally derived Psychic Discipline begins at no less than the seventh-level of Talent, with plenty of potential for growth. The Accountant hadn't imagined Lan Jue commanded such a companion.

His eyes fluttered back and forth from Mika, Lin Guoguo, Ke'er and Xiuxiu. He'd already been acquainted with Mika's fiery temperament. And with her degree of power, she was a downright Dragon Lady. It couldn't be her, then, and thus must be one of the other three. But which one?

His own Talent was fairly useful in a fight, so combat didn't frighten him too badly. But a psychic, those types were capable of controlling your mind in the blink of an eye. No amount of intelligence could protect you.

"Mika, from now on you're in charge of the Accountant. Get him a computer, and make him prove his worth."

Mika turned her face to shoot the Accountant a charming smile. "As you command, boss."

The Accountant's face grew sour at the prospect of being stuck with his tortures, and the pain in his body occasionally still caused him to twitch. Mika had left quite the impression on him.

"Boss, radar's picked up a gunboat-class ship bearing down on us. Wait, no… three of them. Two on the original's flanks."

"Pirates? A-are they pirates? Is there going to be a fight?" The Accountant asked excitedly.

"Shut up!" Mika spat at him.

Ships in the tree alliances were broken in a class system. From high to low, they were; Bastions, Sovereign-Class Base Ships, Capital Warships, Expedition Battleships, common battleships, and gunboats. After those were carriers and mechas.

Generally speaking gunboats weren't fitted for long-range expeditions, they needed to resupply at depot vessels. Any fleet required a range of ships to function effectively.

Zeus-1 was also, technically, a gunship, but compared to it's unfitted cousins they were like night and day. It had no specialized mecha compartment, and could only house a crew of about ten. Regular gunboats, on the other hand, usually flew with a small mecha combat group. It was the best load-out for stellar assault missions.

"Signal the boats, affirm their identities." Lan Jue said softly. He made no move to return to the captains chair.

"Approaching gunships have refused signal," Ke'er reported.

"Purpose unclear. Their speed has increased and their gun ports are opened," Lin Guoguo followed.

"We're getting demands to surrender," Ke'er said.

Lan Jue chuckled. "Surrender? Ladies, which one of you would like the honors?"

"Oh! Me!" Other than Xiuxiu, the other three ladies all scrambled to speak at once.

The Accountant just watched the scene, speechless.

The three girls, each with a sharp look in their eyes, stared at one another for a moment before raising high their right hands. Together, they called out: "Odd One Out!"1

The three women each shot their hands out, Mika and Ke'er palms down, and Lin Guoguo with her hand facing up.

"Hah! I win," Guoguo called out excitedly. She immediately typed something out on the keyboard before her. A silver helmet descended from the roof of the cabin to settle on her head.

"The enemy's main battery is charged and ready. Estimated time to fire, ten seconds." Ke'er was watching her control panel as the information streamed past.

"Ten seconds is enough," Lin Guoguo affirmed. She'd quickly become all business. From the three meter tall conical bow of the ship, a firing tower slowly issued forth. A golden power gem was affixed to the tower's apex.

1. This is actually called 'Black/White Match' in Chinese, and is played by shooting your hand out either palm up or palm down. The odd one out is the winner.

Chapter 76: The Psychic Tide

"Eight seconds!"

"Turning off the shields!" Xiuxiu shouted at her monitor.

The Accountant whimpered in terror. "W-why are we dropping the shields?! Even if it's just a gunboat, it's main cannon is enough to obliterate us!"

"Shut up!" Mika lifted a hand and slapped the sniveling man in the back of his head. It caused the Accountant to lurch forward and smack his head on the monitor situated in front of him.

"Six seconds!"

"Five… four… three… two… one. Enemy main cannon fired!"

In the distance, the three enemy ships shuddered as giant beams of light suddenly burst forth from their weapons.

The Accountant lifted his head from the screen just in time to witness the deadly fireworks.

As he watched, the blast from the two ships to either side actually fired inward, while the middle ship's attack plowed in to the enemy on it's left flank.

A blazing corona of light and fire filled the distance between ships. Each had their shields active, so this didn't destroy them, but the display was enough to have the Accountant sitting there, mouth agape in wonderment.

"Mind control… my god! You've fitted this thing with a psionic amplifier. Jewelry Master, you're a lunatic!"

Lan Jue had spoken true, one of his amazons was indeed a psionicist; Lin Guoguo, the Psychic Tide!

In this moment Lin Guoguo's eyes had become entirely gold, with her psychic discipline channeling through the silver helmet. Anyone unlucky enough to be captured in her gaze would feel their consciousness slipping away in to their depths. Not only was her power tremendous and terrifying, but she exerted an incredible amount of control.

She'd employed the amplifier to directly control the enemy ships, a type of combat that – it went without saying – was highly unusual. Of course controlling the small ships was one thing, where it a battleship with many aspects and sections the difficulty of taking control would double.

Simultaneous control of three gunboats with the power of an amplifier. The Accountant's quick calculations determined she must at least possess a level eight psionic Talent. It was horrifying. After all, psionic powers have always been hailed as wondrous abilities. An eight level psychic could match favorably against nearly any other first-degree, ninth level Talent.

The shields of the three ships sputtered and failed. Once more the guns fired, and once more the sky was filled with blossoming halos of light and fire. The explosive force issued a roaring shockwave, which diffused harmlessly in to the universe.

"Combat is finished. Enemy destroyed. Searching for depots or battleships," Ke'er said.

Beside her Lin Guoguo had already removed the helmet, and the gold tint to her eyes slowly receded. She turned her head to give Lan Jue a prideful grin.

Lan Jue gave her a thumbs up. "Beautifully done. Your powers are increasing."

Guoguo's grin became a triumphant smirk. It was clear the scenario didn't take too much out of her.

The Accountant slowly lifted his hand to shut his open mouth. He swept his eyes back towards Lan Jue. "Jewelry Master… are all the council members as strong as you are?"

Lan Jue peered down on him. "You haven't seen power," he responded softly.

The Accountant's mouth twitched as though he wished to say more, but he felt the malicious gaze of Mika and immediately thought better of it. Instead, he kept his thoughts to himself:

Such poise, so cool! Oh when will I be able to command four beautiful women such as these. It would be like heaven on earth!

"I've located a depot ship attempting to escape. Should we take it's stores?" A pot-bellied depot-ship appeared on the main screen. It was clear the dusty thing was scrambling to flee.

"There's nothing of use in that trashy thing. Mika."

"Understood, boss." A smile lit her face as her fingers tapped away at the keyboard before her. A series of gun barrels slowly rose from the wings of Zeus-1. They quickly shot forward to catch up with the fleeing ship.

Glimmering beams of blue light shot through space, arcing through the darkness before hitting their mark. The depot's shields could not compare with those of the combat ships. In addition, though Zeus-1 had fired it's auxiliary cannons, even those were like death's sickle. They swept through shield and hell effortlessly.


By the time Zeus-1 passed by, a few thousand meters away, the ship had been reduced to twisted slag.

Three gunboats and a depot ship, your common pirate unit. Destroyed in less than ten minutes.

The Accountant rubbed his cheeks, trying to free himself from his perpetually surprised expression. He tried to concentrate of the screen in front of him. His understanding of the ship he'd snuck in to was woefully lacking. It had the fighting power of a battleship, the speed of a capital ship, and the maneuverability of a common airship. There was simply too much to learn.

"Engage stealth, adopt pirate markings. Full speed to the Shattered Starfields. Port, thirty-five degrees," Lan Jue commanded.

Zeus-1's coating quietly adopted a grayish hue. Near the stern there slowly emerged the image of a blood moon. The ship's engines grew bright, and Zeus-1 began to tilt.

One hour later.

A battleship and it's six gunboat entourage surveyed the wreckage floating in space before them. A hefty, bald man fumed with rage on the battleship's bridge.

A floating asteroid, an indistinct planet, rays of light flowing through it's cracks. It was a fair visual representation of the starfields.

Here, no matter what classification of capital ship you possessed you couldn't navigate safely. Only battleships or lesser crafts could manage the treks. Even then, only explicit knowledge of the area and an experienced captain could make it safely. And all of this in the face of a pirate unit attack…


The pirates of the Shattered Starfields relied on outside plunder, merchants straying from the borders of the Three Alliances. Otherwise, the area was relatively quiet.

You of course couldn't exclude the occasional treasure hunter or adventurer scouring the starfields for prizes, trying to prove themselves.

The Accountant sat within Zeus-1, glued to the screen like a man possessed as he scoured the specs of the ship, thinking, the streams of data reflected in his eyes.