213 - 221

Chapter 213: Research Subject?

At this moment, the Bookworm looked for all the world like the Big Bad Wolf from the red riding stories. "I guarantee that, in this area, you won't find a better person in all of the East – nay, all three alliances. The Keeper, the old wretch, is a master of weaponry and simulation. When it comes to design, though, I leave him in the dust. Blocks behind, mind you."

Lan Jue listened respectfully. "And what does your experiment require me to do?"

The Bookworm was suddenly alive with the vitality of a man twice his age. He shot up from his seat after popping the safety harness free, and made his way to a spot with a little more open space. He reached out with his right hand and, as if in response, a silver light appeared before him. Before his eyes the light split, spread, until it created a hovering silver portal.

From the other side of the strange fissure, an enormous mechanical manipulator 1 forced its way through. In it's 'hand' was something that looked similar to the sim pods they used to enter DreamNet. It deposited its payload, then vanished.

As the sim pod was placed upon the floor a loud and startling sound of suction filled the cockpit. The pod fixed itself to the floor, essentially becoming another part of the ship.

Upon seeing the pod Su He's face blanched. But he quickly shut his eyes and, when he opened them again, it was as though he'd never seen the machine before.

"This is it. My experimentation process takes place entirely in a simulation. I call it the God-Pilot Rating System, G.P.R.S. As you probably are aware, the difference between a Sovereign- and a God-ranked pilot is immense. It is not wildly uncommon for a pilot to break the threshold in to God-hood, however the Three Alliances never communicate this information. And, once someone has reached God-ranked, there aren't any systems of differentiation, or rankings. This makes it very difficult to determine who is strongest and weakest among the known God-ranked pilots. I designed and created this testing apparatus to remedy this problem, using it with pilots to place them in a new rating system. It was built with nothing but the most modern, top-of-the-line technology. And let me tell you this, I was one of the master researchers of DreamNet. If my research leads to success, this system will feature within DreamNet itself. But more than that, it possess a very special ability… this item you see before you may just solve DreamNet's problem of being unable to allow pilots to employ their discipline in a simulation. That is to say, with my design, even in a simulation, you'll be able to fight to the best of your capabilities. You can fight with your mecha, and your power, as a cohesive unit."

Upon hearing the news, Lan Jue's face clearly displayed his shock. He understood the implications at play. There was no amount of money that could measure the importance of this DreamNet upgrade. Giving sim pilots the ability to use their discipline safely for practice was practically the beginning of a new epoch!

After all, the cost of manufacture for a mecha suit was quite high, and training in reality always came with the possibility of injury to the pilot or damage to these expensive pieces of equipment. If what the Bookworm claimed was true, and a simulation was better able to mirror real life, this would give young pilots more opportunity to train. This, in turn, meant better pilots in the long run.

Lan Jue couldn't help respect the old man, who's stoic features were trained on the younger adept. He unclipped his harness, saying "Elder, even if you didn't promise to improve my ship, I'd still help you with this. Would it be alright if I ask how much a pod like this will eventually cost?"

The Bookworm nodded. "Because of the many items needed in order for the pod itself to resist Discipline power, it's quite expensive. At least ten times the cost of modern sim pods. However, we might have found a way to get around that. It has to do with the various levels of Discipline and Adepts, and using pods specific to them. In this way we can solve a pressing issue. After all, the destructive power of a first-rank Adept and a ninth-ranked Adept is enormously different. Moreover, ninth-ranked Adepts usually won't be in dire enough financial straits to be unable to purchase one. What's you're looking at is one of the latter models, capable of sustaining against anyone but a paragon. Virtually indestructible. But I warn you… if you do decide to participate in this testing program you must complete it in its entirety. Otherwise, the program will believe you're still testing and won't let you exit. There is no way for me to open it from the outside. The entire testing process takes about three hours, and we have more than enough time before we reach Skyfire."

Lan Jue's eyes flashed in anticipation. "No problem. It's my honor to help you complete this test."

The Bookworm nodded. He slapped his right hand against the side of the pod, and slowly it's doors opened to reveal the small cockpit within.

The exterior of the machine didn't look any different from the sim pods already in use, but for a small keyboard similar to the one found on the outside of mech suits. At a glance, no one would be able to tell this machine was any different from the hundreds of others scattered throughout the Alliances.

Lan Jue wasted no time in climbing in.

The Bookworm's voice followed him in. "After the door closes, the test will begin. Don't hold back, pay attention to the pod's reactions. I'll be able to watch from outside as well."

"Alright." Lan Jue shot the Bookworm a big thumbs up to indicate he understood.

The pod door slowly began to close. It shut with a hiss, completely isolating Lan Jue from the outside world.

Su He swept his eyes towards the Bookworm. "Professor… are you sure this is alright?"

The Bookworm scowled at his disciple. "What's not alright? Would you like to take his place? This punk dared to try and deceive me, heh, we'll see how long before he begs for death. In fact this probably isn't even a bad thing for him. That old bastard asked him to come on his behalf, so he must like him quite a lot. Trusts him. I'm simply curious how much he can take, since the lying scrooge gave him this task. In a little while why don't you go check up on the one that passed out. See how his body has reacted."

"Yes, Professor," Su He said. He dare not say anything further.

The Bookworm then returned to his seat and, calling forth his own inter-dimensional locker, produced a strange helmet from within. He quickly placed it on his head.


As the doors closed, Lan Jue's world was plunged in to darkness. He dutifully, almost unconsciously affixed his harness even without any light. He wore no flight suit, since he'd assumed he wouldn't need it on their journey on Zeus-1, and so instead was seated comfortably in his leisure clothes. He unconsciously placed his hands on the control board. He knew it all explicitly, by feel.

A helmet slowly descended from somewhere, fitting itself to his head.

"Neural connection established. Test commencing." Suddenly, the interior of the pod lit up. Lan Jue found himself somewhere else entirely.

It looked like an arena, upon which he stood nestled in a sim mecha suit. The suit itself didn't appear to be special in any way. Just a normal fighter. Nor was there any energy bar present – so it appeared the energy restrictions had been removed for this simulation.

"Test One: hand speed. Please avoid the incoming mortar attacks. You may not avoid the strikes by neutralizing them. If the mortars score a hit, the test will end. 2 The emotionless electronic voice filled the pod. As soon as the instructions were delivered, arcs of golden light began to rapidly approach from all directions. There appeared to be ten incoming strikes in all, all of which descending quickly right where Lan Jue waited.

It wasn't a mass attack, this first volley. Instead, it seemed designed to restrict his dodging options. That was even more frightening than a wall of mortar shells.

Lan Jue, however, felt no pressure as the golden light washed over him.

Slowly, Lan Jue's mecha dropped in to a crouch. Then, in a flash, he exploded off of the arena floor, becoming little more than a flashing beam of light.

Outside of the pod the Bookworm nodded, causing his helmet to wobble atop his head. "Disordered advance. Nice. Decent hand speed."

The piercing bolts of light drew ever nearer. Lan Jue, however, was like a strange silver fish flopping from one location to another. He would wait until just the right moment, then leap out of the way.

This was a test you could participate in using normal pods as well, though the difficulty level of this far outstripped the one offered in DreamNet.

By Lan Jue's estimation, a hand speed of even forty wouldn't be enough to pass this opening part of the test. Clearly this test was designed for god-ranked pilots.

More waves approached. As he watched not only did they become more intense, but also appeared to be coming faster. They tore through the air, bringing with them a screeching, ear-piercing wail.

Sound interference? They were coming faster.

Lan Jue's mecha matched the increase in speed. Flashing, racing faster, even changing location as they drew closer. Sometimes they would be little more than distant dots of light, and then sometimes they would be clear and closer than they appeared. Still, none could come close to the wild mecha, which danced between the blasts effortlessly.

On occasion, Lan Jue would also employ ghost abilities and similar high-level skills to avoid the strikes.

As the test progressed Lan Jue was pleased to discover his silver suit was capable of taking quite a beating. No matter how Lan Jue chose to use it, the suit reacted normally. There were no indications that it was being pushed too far. He felt like he could relax his inherent caution.

Lan Jue was further surprised to discover that he was able to perform his maneuvers and actions calmly, without excess effort. His reaction time, hand speed, everything was far from his limit.

Once an Adept had reached the levels Lan Jue had, their understanding of their own body reached a keen knowledge others were incapable of. Any difference could result in a significant effect at ninth-ranked. Of course his also meant that even the slightest increase in hand speed at this level was a heroic feat. Lan Jue could feel that his hand speed wasn't the same as it used to be.

Ten minutes later.

Lan Jue's fingers danced like specters across the keyboard. Were others able to see the scores of incoming attacks, they would be horrified. One after the other fell in terrifying volleys, with no gaps in between them!

Still, the silver light danced in between them, again and again just barely avoiding obliteration.

For this test, just one of those dangerous bolts of light would spell the end.

Outside, the Bookworm occasionally slapped the armrest of his chair, betraying his displeasure with the situation. With his helmet he was able to see everything Lan Jue did – and how he did it.

Fifteen minutes later.

Bolts of lightning had begun to race along Lan Jue's body. The silver mecha had also, at some unknown adopted a blue hue, and it's speed had increased exponentially from when they began. Still the blue light deftly avoided the attacks from all directions. He was too fast for the human eye to see, at this point.

Twenty minutes!

"Booommm!"The sound of a detonation ripped through the cockpit. The lights vanished, and things returned to as they were at the onset of the test.

Lan Jue's hands shook slightly. He shook them to try and bring some life back to his fingers. Beads of sweat had begun to congregate on his forehead.

1. For those of us who aren't robotics engineers: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manipulator

2. Guys, it's GladOS!

Chapter 214:The God-Ranked Battle

The constant, high-speed maneuvers were difficult for Lan Jue to keep track off. Indeed, he'd already lost track of how long he'd been dodging. He did know that, at around the thirteen-minute mark, he'd begun using his lightning discipline. Thankfully the machine worked as the Bookworm assured – it was able to read and translate his discipline in to the simulation. Through that power he was able to inject his mecha and make it move the way it did.

But really, it was a carefree and enjoyable experience to test one's limits! He'd been involved in very many tests over the years, but in all of those he couldn't recall one that went to the length this one did.

His hands ached, but there was a competitive excitement in his eyes.

It was a gift, and to him it seemed like there really was no difference in the simulation and the real world.

Also, through the course of the test, he found himself to be stronger than he remembered after his recovery. Even his hand speed had improved.

"Test complete. Hand speed: ninety CPS 1. Total peak hand speed unknown. Peak hand speed for the first test: ninety CPS."

Ninety?! I've reached ninety commands! Lan Jue stifled a gasp at the surprising results.

He'd been stuck at eighty-seven for six years. It wasn't as though he hadn't vigorously trained to change that in the past, but he hadn't had many opportunities to train it.

Now he was hearing from the simulation that he'd reached that hurdle, and passed it.

What's more, that may not even be his peak speed.

Of course Lan Jue was not aware that his mysterious increase in power was a result of the Silkworm Discipline that'd saved him. The power that had poured through him was enough not only to heal his ruined body, but improve it. Lan Jue was only starting to clearly see the benefits his troubled have reaped.

Outside the simulator.

Slap! The Bookworm viciously smacked the armrest of his chair with a wrinkled hand.

Su He, recently returned from checking on the comatose Accountant, jumped at the sound.

"The kid actually passed! Hmph! But we have more fun in store for him, and I doubt he'll be able to handle it!"

Within the simulation.

"Practical combat skill determination commencing. Please note, pilots will feel the simulation as they would in real life. Battles will continue until complete, or until the pilot sustained critical, life threatening damage."

The cold mechanical voice hung in the small sim pod.

Practical combat, eh? Lan Jue's eyes flashed with anticipation. He was excited to get started.

"Weapons selection."

Several sorts of weapons, of many different styles and sorts, appeared before the silver mecha for selection.

Lan Jue picked up a spear with very little consideration necessary. He reached out for another, but they all vanished.

A beam of red light appeared in the distance. It was a mecha, ruby in color, that released a fiery red aura as it raced his way. This was a practical combat test, he recalled, not a competition. As such, there wouldn't be any starting whistle or other outside indications.

His simulated opponent bore a large sword, with a blade as red as the rest of the suit. In the span of a few breaths, he'd arrived before Lan Jue.

The silver mecha braced itself by shifting its left foot back and bringing its spear up before it.

The encroaching red light fell to earth. Lan Jue did not move.

With a flash the red light washed over him. It was startling, but left no damage. The Jewelry Master suddenly thrust his weapon straight upwards.

Dink! The sound of impact rang out. The red mecha shivered, lost its balance and tumbled to the side.

It was clear now that the first appearance of the red mecha had been a mirage. The simulation was employing ghosting techniques.

The Silver mech moved the instant the red light flashed over him, shimmering with arcs of blue electricity. He was like a bullet, charging ferociously towards his enemy with spear outstretched.

The red mecha, in response, swept its sword back once it got back to its feet. A fiery red aura sprung to life around it.

The silver mecha continued its approach. The suit's forward motion was clear at the onset, but suddenly Lan Jue shifted, approaching obliquely. A flash, and then his direction changed again. He left a dazzling blue contrail in his wake, tracing his erratic advance.

The spear flashed keenly in the Jewelry Master's hand. The strange conical blue light that followed him vanished, as the silver mecha disappeared from view. Then, without warning, Lan Jue barreled headlong in to the red mecha.

Booooom! The ensuing impact was so intense that it seemed the whole simulation shook. Lan Jue's opponent was thrust to the ground like a sack of metal parts. The fire that surrounded it spread out in all directions. Lan Jue took the moment to recover his balance and, with a vicious swipe of his spear, obliterated the spot where the pilot's cockpit would be.

Boooommmmm! Lan Jue's unfortunate opponent exploded, with shrapnel flying every which way. The pieces dissolved in to disparate flashes of light, then vanished.

As his first opponent vanished in to oblivion, a second mecha appeared a distance away. This one was orange, and a sniper judging by the similarly-colored rifle it bore. A moment after appearing, a frighteningly fast orange light raced towards him. The orange mecha reappeared at Lan Jue's back.

The silver mecha vanished, as though it ceased to exist in the simulation. When he was spotted once again, he was floating in the air overhead. With a ferocious blast, the mech raced towards the orange attacker at impossible speeds.

It was working. His power was flooding through the suit, forcing it to move at the speed of a lightning bolt!

The orange suit was pretty quick itself, but whether from programming limitations or simply a failure of the suit, it couldn't compete with Lan Jue's speed.

The following encounters between the two were brief, vicious, and in the end there was nothing left of the orange mecha but a pile of scrap metal. Arenas were really no place for a sniper.

In no more time it took to tie his shoes, Lan Jue had defeated two challengers, both coded to be god-ranked. They were only just the beginning stages of God-ranked, though. Despite his apparent dominance, he knew that extended battles like this would really put a strain on his capabilities.

More importantly, though, it was also pushing him towards the peak of his prowess. The unbridled emulated combat, his hand speed… he lost himself in the moment. There was nothing else he need consider but for the obstacles before him.

The result: two God-ranked challengers, defeated in less than five minutes.

The next enemy to reveal themselves was a yellow mecha. The moment the mecha appeared, Lan Jue knew it wasn't like the others.

The orange mecha hadn't had time to completely employ its Discipline before Lan Jue put an end to it. This yellow one, though… it was smart enough to use it right away.

The moment it landed the ground beneath its feet became an earthen yellow 2. Immediately following, great boulders extricated themselves and rose of their own accord in to the air. Lan Jue stood in the midst of them and, as he looked on, the numerous crushing stones fell towards him from all directions.

The yellow mecha blended well with the tempestuous boulders, disappearing among them.

Earth Discipline! What's more, even the topography bowed to the whim of this simulated enemy.

The question was, how would it manifest itself?

The silver mecha rose in to the air amidst a shower of sparks and lightning. The boulders raced towards him and just as Lan Jue's escape seemed impossible the sky suddenly became a deep, navy blue. From the cloudless sky, scores of angry lightning bolts crashed to earth.

The arcing bolts of electricity blanketed the entire Arena. As they fell, they exploded against the levitating hunks of stone. The fractured pebbles were flung every which way, as the many earthen projectiles were obliterated.

Strength in the face of one's enemies! This was Lan Jue's creed!

His enemy's invisibility was too strong, his cover too wide. He decided to play upon the strength of his Discipline: to blanket the world in lightning!

Under that terrifying anger from the heavens, and the cascading debris of burning rock – who could survive? His enemy had chosen to become his element. Lan Jue used his own to destroy it.

The skies quieted abruptly, the shuddering roar of thunder peeling through the sky. Bits and pieces of the yellow mecha – most no bigger than a screw – tumbled to the ground in a shower of slag.

Lan Jue had no respite. Next came green, cyan, blue and purple mechas.

Lan Jue determined that they must also possess elemental powers. Notably the purple one, which bore a very rare Discipline: Darkness. Now, not only would Lan Jue have to contend with the inherent caustic properties of the Discipline, he'd also have to do it in the dark.

It took him ten minutes.

Seven battles. Seven mechas. Seven heaps of scrap.

Scars and scraps dotted Lan Jue's battered silver warrior. However, despite the damage it looked ready to take on another seven.

Within the sim pod, Lan Jue was soaked through with sweat. His eyes were bright as the stars.

Outside of the sim pod, the bookworm clutched the armrest with a white-knuckled grip.

Within the simulation, sunlight flashed off of a silver mecha as it came to ground a distance from Lan Jue. It was slower than its predecessors, more dramatic. It gave Lan Jue a moment to catch his breath.

Lan Jue could sense that, after seven intense battles, his Discipline was strained. It was to be expected, since his enemies have all been God-ranked ninth-level adepts!

The purple mech he'd disposed of was ninth-level seventh rank Darkness adept. That was where he'd expected the majority of his energy. Where it not for his innate double Disciplines, for their combines power, he'd probably have lost long ago.

Now came the eighth. Judging by the exterior, this silver mecha looked a lot like his own.

Lan Jue could instantly sense a danger about this one. It was a sensation he was familiar with.

If the former sequence was being upheld, then this time he'd be facing a Ninth-level Eighth-rank fighter. With his powers so diminished, how could he defend himself?

A ghost of a smile emerged on Lan Jue's sweat-soaked face. He lifted his left hand from the keyboard, and slowly clenched his fingers in to a fist.

A halo of dim blue light slowly spread outward. The light wasn't strong, and bore no intense aura. But there was something strange.

Lan Jue's eyes flashed a bluish-purple, and the light that surrounded his suit adopted the same hue.

Outside of the sim pod.

"The hell is this? A phylactery?" The Bookworm shook with impudent rage. He'd seen Lan Jue defeat the seven previous mechas. Seven of them, all God-ranked! And still he fought.

His simulated opponent had unlimited energy to employ. A real adept had so such luxury! These fights had drained him immensely, and already Lan Jue was surprised he had more to give. How much longer could he hold out?

1. Commands Per Second.

2. As an interesting aside, yellow is the color of earth in China. I assume, though I have no proof to back it up, it's because the color of the soil – especially in the north – is a very pale tan, almost yellow. Compare this to, say, farming communities in the U.S. where healthy dirt is very dark.

Chapter 215: Little Monster

The bluish-purple power enveloped him, Lan Jue could feel his discipline recovering. The phylactery stone embedded in his palm was the last bit of energy he could draw from.

And it was enough: phylactery stones stored enough to satiate Paragons!

The Bookworm glowered bad-temperedly as he watched the simulation unfold. But he was confident this eighth mecha would prove to be the young man's undoing.

With a flash, Lan Jue's silvery opponent vanished. Then, bolts of a strange black power bloomed to life all around him. Powerful vacuums pulled at him every which way, causing his suit to lose balance.

Inter-spacial Discipline! Tears in the fabric of space!

Lan Jue was stunned. He finally understood why his opponent had seemed so familiar – it was the Wine Master's aura.

The silver challenger appeared once more in the sky above him. As he looked up, he was met with a silvery beam crashing down from on high. An orb of silvery light, containing with an unstable inter-spacial core.

In terms of explosive power, the inter-spacial disciplines weren't quite a match for thunder. However, if you were to consider them by the metric of pure destructiveness the two were quite evenly matched.

The electric power surrounding Lan Jue's suite fluctuated violently. The outer layer prepared itself from the oppressive strike of the orb.

Just before impact, the manifestation of Lan Jue's power changed, adopting a brilliant golden hue. The majestic, battered mecha he commanded was suddenly surrounded by an overpowering golden aura.

"Skies, defend!" A commanding voice filled the arena. Everything stopped. It was as though the world had frozen, and now everything in their surroundings was painted gold.

The entire simulation.

"Moron, what are you doing!? Stop it!" The Bookworm quickly lept to his feet and sent a wave of light careening towards the sim pod. The errant power lay over the pod like a membrane, blanketing it.

Within the simulation.

The engineered world around him vanished. The Bookworm's irritated face appeared in the darkness before Lan Jue.

"Ehm…" Lan Jue sheepishly avoided the old man's irritated expression. He immediately allowed his Discipline to disperse.

Screeeetch. The sim pod's hatch creaked open allowing a plume of dark smoke to billow free.

Xiuxiu and Lin Guoguo had raced over. They rustled to see inside and spotted Lan Jue's sweat-soaked form. He looked fine, though, so the women visibly relaxed.

The Bookworm, who looked to be mostly dead most days, moved with a speed that was simply staggering. He effortlessly yanked Lan Jue from the simulator. His voice was furious. "Look at what you did! What the hell were you thinking?! Who told you to use proto powers? 1 Did I not tell you this machine can't sustain Paragon level abilities?"

"Hack, cough!" Lan Jue coughed, giving the Bookworm an awkward and apologetic glance. "I'm very sorry, sir. It wasn't intentional. I was caught up in the fight… I forgot it wasn't real. You really made something incredible here. A damn miracle, almost. Ever since attaining God-rank, I felt like DreamNet had nothing more to offer me. Now, it has the capabilities to employ Discipline. It's a game changer. Elder, you're amazing. I'm sure your name will go down in history as one of the Three Alliances' greatest scientists."

The Bookworm's face softened under the deluge of praise. He let go of Lan Jue's shirt. "Change your clothes, you stink. This little… monster!"

Lan Jue chortled and trotted off. It had been two hours of joyful, carefree practice. Excitement still filled him with energy.

It had also been his first time tapping in to the phylactery stone. Every day during his meditations he'd inject some of his energy in to the stone, but he had yet to fill it entirely. One could only imagine the staggering amount of power it could contain. Just then it had taken him only a dozen seconds to have his power returned to just under half. It was a point he had to remember – It could heavily influence his combat time. Previously he had to be careful not to overtax himself, and be economical. Now, not so much.

As Lan Jue made his exit, the Bookworm stared forlornly at his ruined invention. He busied himself will diagnosing the problem.

His original hope had been to watch Lan Jue suffer a vicious beating in the simulation. But who'd have thought he'd actually break the damn thing. Though it was, after all, only a semi-finished product.


Zeus-1 steadily made its descent into the Skyfire public airship hangar. The Accountant was still in a coma as they touched down. Lan Jue had to sling him over his shoulder before disembarking. There were too many people to handle on his own, so Lan Jue had to hire another verti-car to fit them all. Thus they all made their way to the Avenue together.

The car stopped just outside of the Avenue. As they approached, Lan Jue used his Councilman's batch to get Su He and the Bookworm temporary blue badges for entry.

"Elder, will you be visiting the Keeper right away?" Lan Jue asked.

The Bookworm's face was strange. His expression was almost sentimental. There was something there, but whether it was regret or pure madness was difficult to discern. Eventually, he nodded his affirmation.

"Let's go. I want to see if that wrinkled toad really is dying."

Lan Jue and Su He exchanged a look. Lan Jue pondered for a moment, then spoke again. "I'll accompany you. Xiuxiu, Guoguo, you guys head back. I'll take the Tear now."

"Yes boss," Xiuxiu responded. She immediately fished the Tear from her luggage and handed it over.

He Bookworm's eyes flashed as he watched the exchange. "You bought it, eh? From the auction?"

Lan Jue smiled. "I have a use for it, elder. You'll see later, I suspect. Shall we? This way, please." As he spoke, Lan Jue urged him on with a welcoming motion.

The Bookworm slapped his hand away. "I know this place better than you do," the crotchety old man rumbled. He stomped off down the Avenue with big strides.

Lan Jue and Su He fanned out behind the old man. The Accountant bounced along on Lan Jue's shoulder.

As always, a permeating sense of peace and calm surrounded the library. Anyone who came here to actually read the books understood that there were a number of strict stipulations. For instance, damaging a book required the culprit to offer another of equal value, or otherwise you paid with your life.

As one can imagine, the result was very few visitors. The books were all in pristine condition, though.

Upon entering the Library, the Bookworm ignored all that and stomped directly to the stairwell. Still his nose twitched incessantly as his did, taking in the particular aroma of an old book shop. He bore an expression of regret.

Returned at last. But why, he pondered, did he not feel any joy over it?

He moved through the place without even having to look around. He was as familiar with it as he was his replica back on Lir.

Once he got to the Keeper's office, he didn't even knock. He simply pulled open the door and walked inside.

As the door opened, the large swivel chair behind the enormous office desk swung around. An old, craggy face came in to view.

"I was just wondering who would be so uncivilized as to just barge in, then I remembered you were coming," the Keeper's frail voice called out.

The Bookworm spat out his response. "Who are you calling uncivilized?! You're the uncivilized one! And a soon to be dead swine as well. Hurry up and die, piss off, give my library back to me."

Lan Jue pushed his way in, the Accountant still slung over his back. He eventually maneuvered him on to a nearby chair.

"What did you do to my grandson," the Keeper grumbled.

"I poisoned him," the Bookworm replied.

The Keeper sighed. "You're a senior citizen. Can't you act like a normal human person?"

"Bullshit," the old man said crassly. "What's not normal about me? I'm a hell of a lot more normal than you! You shit Paragon, mister Arcane Magus, you can't even extend your own life. What right have you got to talk."

"I was lying," the Keeper said in that same quiet voice.

"Lied? Pfft-" The Bookworm's response was automatic, but after a second the words sunk in and his pupils narrowed. When he spoke again his voice was monstrously enraged. "W-what?! You lied? You're not dying?!"

The Keeper chuckled, unfazed. "Mmhm! By the time you're dust I'll still be stomping around."

Lan Jue suddenly had the sense he should leave the two alone, and escape while he still could. It was getting more dangerous by the second!

He stooped down to pick up the Accountant once again when he heard a voice from behind him. "It's fine, leave him there," the Keeper said. "Give me that Tear of Neptune."

"Eh?" Lan Jue straightened and faced the old man. "How did you know I was bringing you the Tear?"

The Keeper chuckled, this time bearing a note of polite disdain. "We think alike. I heard that this s-ranked gem had been sold, then remembered you were in Lir. Then since I was already looking, I checked through the Tear's information. By coincidence, I tapped in to the auction feed just in time to see you purchase it. Not bad, it holds promise."

Lan Jue was speechless. Coincidence? He was expected to believe that? People could just willy-nilly tap in to auction house video feeds?

"I'll kill you myself, then, you rotten bastard!" A figure raced wildly at the Keeper.

"Wait!" The Keeper shot out a hand, and the Bookworm skidded to a halt. "Let me show you something, then you can continue with your murderous rampage."

The Keeper produced a box as he spoke. Within lay the energy core they'd ripped from the Tai Hua monster.

It immediately drew the old exile's eye. The anger, however, remained. "I'll tear you apart in a little while." With a flick of his wrist, an instrument of some sort appeared in the Bookworm's hand. He swept it over the box.

With the crazy old men occupied, Lan Jue felt it safe enough to approach and hand over the Tear, safely nestled in its crystal box. The Keeper smiled in thanks, then wordlessly motioned for him to depart.

Lan Jue smiled in return, proud at completing his mission. Indeed, it seemed the Bookworm's 'anger' wouldn't result in any misfortune.

Lan Jue soundlessly made his exit, pulling Su He along behind him.

His former classmate looked worried. "You think the two of them will be ok?"

Lan Jue smirked. "They'll be fine. If your teacher was really as angry as he let on, they wouldn't be pouring over research material together. I also believe, now that the Keeper has convinced the Bookworm to show up, he'll find a way to convince him. Let's let the two old friends work it out on their own. Let's go, I'll show you where you're staying."

1. Lazy translating. I believe earlier I translated the ability to fundamentally alter the rules of nature/physics as 'protogenic'. If you guys have nothing better to do you could help me confirm ???? I can't find the chapter I first referenced this in.

Chapter 216: Stealing in to the Boudoir

Su He breathed a sigh of relief. "So long as there isn't going to be any trouble, then great. I was so determined for a vacation, and was worried my plans would be dashed to pieces. I'll stay for another couple of days to observe, and if there really aren't any problems I'll be on my way."

Lan Jue lead Su He to Skyfire Avenue, where he'd arranged a room in a luxury hotel for his friend. After dropping him off, Lan Jue didn't immediately return to his shop. Instead, he returned to where the high-alt verti-car had been waiting.

The Soulcaller gem hummed with power:

Lan Jue: I' back.

Zhou Qianlin: Ah, you're back quick!

What are you up to?

Meditation. What you taught me. I feel like it's very useful. I can feel the energies moving within me, it's very interesting. This is Discipline, huh? What exactly is my Discipline?

Once your Discipline has been cultivated to a certain level, it will reveal itself on its own. Maybe you'll turn in to a tigress.

YOU'RE a tigress!

How about I go meet you. I bought a little special something on Lir I want to give you. And by the way I can see where you're Discipline's at.

Alright, so when will you be here?

Ten minutes. I'll meet you downstairs.

Alright, I'll tell the guards.

No need. We don't have to trouble others. I have my ways.


Their conversation ended there. Lan Jue's McKelly verti-car soundlessly rose in to the air, and took off in a beam of light.

Zhou Qianlin leaped from the bed and immediately went to her closet. She nibbled her lower lip as she rummaged through her options, eventually extricating a white dress. She changed quickly, pulling her loose hair in to a pony-tail. It was a very relaxed look. Her eyes couldn't conceal her excitement.

Five minutes later.

Tap tap! A soft noise came from the window lattice.

Qianlin shot to her feet and made for the window. She drew back the window curtain to reveal Lan Jue outside, clad in black. 1

She shut of the infrared security measures, and pulled open the window. Lan Jue silently pulled himself in. Safely inside, Qianlin took a quick peep outside before shutting the window and pulling the curtain.

"You're pretty good at skulking around. You'd make a good burglar." Zhou Qianlin said through a grin.

Lan Jue couldn't respond, he was too busy lost in thought after seeing her in the white dress. However, he recovered fairly quickly.

"How have things been at school these last few days?" he asked.

She shrugged. "Nothing special. Richard went back to the West and hasn't returned. Other than that, everything's more or less back to normal. Of course everyone's still excited about the concert and our victory over Lir. They had quite the influence on our school. The mecha combat department is tearing ahead at full speed, and Professor Tan has been given tenure. She isn't even thirty, and already the youngest tenured professor in the school's history."

Lan Jue smiled. "I'll be taking that title in the near future, probably."

Qianlin could only roll her eyes. "You. A tenured professor. Your work week consists of three days fishing, two days sunbathing. You can count the number of classes you've taught on one hand. Oh, by the way I heard a few students talking about you the other day. I had suggestions."

"Oh?" Lan Jue replied.

"They like your teaching style," she began, "but your lifestyle is very different from most of the students. So, I suggest you tailor your classes more towards things they'll actually encounter. I bet that'll get you an even better response."

Lan Jue was speechless. His face was scrunched in thought as he pondered her recommendation. She's right, he thought. I've been addressing them, teaching them as though they were already nobility. That's not a bad thing, but they're still too young and too unrefined for a lot of the content. I think it best I teach them about fine liquors another time.

Zhou Qianlin went on. "I'm not saying your classes aren't good, just…"

Lan Jue waved his hand, cutting her off. "I understand, you had good intentions. And you're absolutely right. I really hadn't thought about it until you said so, after all this is my first semester teaching. I'll make the necessary changes."

Qianlin smiled pleasantly at him. "Great. It was your own decision to teach etiquette anyway. If you'd come as a mecha combat instructor we wouldn't have anything to worry about."

Lan Jue huffed. "If I had all the other instructors would be out of a job. That's no good, am I right?"

Qianlin's lips curled in to a smirk. "Megalomaniac."

Lan Jue, taller than she, looked her over, followed the curve of her slender neck. He puckered his lips thoughtfully. "Alright, let me see how your Discipline is progressing."

Qianlin's face reddened ever so slightly. "How are you going to do that?"

"Give your hand," Lan Jue answered.

"Ok!" She stuck her hand out towards him. Just then, a voice called. "Qianlin? Are you asleep? You ate so little at dinner, I brought you a glass of warm milk. Drink it before you go to bed."

The voice was getting closer. The last few words were spoken just outside her door.

Lan Jue, by this point, was holding her hand in his. For a moment the two of them were in a daze, unsure of what to do. It was the first time they'd encountered an interruption, especially under such clandestine circumstances, and both were at a loss.

Knock, knock, knock!

Lan Jue reacted first, pulling Qianlin in to his arms and speaking quietly in her ear. "Answer the door, I'll hide." He nudged her towards the voice, and she obliged.

As her hand gripped the doorknob, she unconsciously turned back. Lan Jue was already gone from sight.

She pulled open the door.

Her mother, Bai Xiao 2, stood outside. In her hand she bore a tray, upon which was a glass of gently steaming milk, and a cookie.

"Qianlin, are you alright? Why is your face so red?" She walked in to the room, concern written on her face.

"I'm fine," she replied hastily. "My face is red? Probably because I just took a shower, so I'm still a little hot."

Bai Xiao placed the treats she'd bought on a nearby nightstand. She gave her daughter the once over, her face skeptical. Her eyes narrowed as she noticed something on the floor.

"Ah, darling, your floor is so dirty!"

Qianlin gulped. "Really? Yeah I guess so. I'll clean it up."

Bai Xiao nodded. "Go get a cloth."

Qianlin entered the bathroom connected to her room. Her heart beat like a drum; she didn't know where Lan Jue was hiding, and he could be found at any moment.

She pulled open the bathroom door. Lan Jue was nowhere to be seen.

As Qianlin left to find a rag, her mother furtively rushed to look under the bed. Then the writing desk. Then the closet.

Qianlin returned in time to see her mother shuffling through her things. She blinked. "Ma, what are you doing?"

Bai Xiao shut the closet door, smiling sheepishly. "Mama's just checking to see if you need any new clothes! It seems like you prefer white clothes these days. I see it more and more in your things."

"Yeah," she replied, nodding her head.

"Ai-you, 3" Bai Xiao whined. "Mama's tummy hurts. I'm going to use your restroom." She didn't wait for a response, immediately making for the door while covering her belly.

Qianlin dropped in to a squat and begun cleaning up the dust on her floor. Tiny beads of sweat had begun to form on her brow. She mustn't fall for her trap! How could she face her mother? A man in her room, so late at night…

After a short while Bai Xiao reappeared from the bathroom. She smiled pleasantly. "Alright dear, make sure to go to sleep early, I'll leave you to yourself."

"Thanks mom. You make sure to rest, too." Qianlin followed her mother to the door.

Once her mother was outside, and the door locked behind her, Qianlin breathed a long sigh of relief.

Just as she was about to call out for Lan Jue, a finger pressed against her red lips. The Soulcaller gem warmed.

"Shh." 4

Qianlin, wide-eyed, turned her head to look to the side. She spied Lan Jue, flickering in an undulating aura of blue light. He'd just crackled out from the nearby wall socket.

Her wide eyes looked at him incredulously.

Bai Xiao was outside her door, ear pressed to the wood. She waited patiently for something, a sound or sign that something was amiss. She eventually left, though suspicion was still clear on her face.

Lan Jue was back to normal shortly afterward, fully extricated from the power socket.

"Alright, she's gone." It was Lan Jue's turn to sigh. "Your mother must have been a forensic detective in a previous life. She has the eyes of a hawk."

Qianlin stuck her tongue out at him. "Yeah! I was told she used to be an investigator. A shrewd one. But how in the world did you get in to a power socket?!"

"Lightning is my discipline," he explained. "Part of that is I can become lightning. By virtue of the transformation I can follow any electrical or power line."

"That's amazing," she said. "But, that means… you can enter my room through the socket, there's no need for the window."

"Hack, cough, ehm!" Lan Jue's mind filled with memories of the one time he'd done just that. He stuttered over himself as he answered. "I-impossible, see, cuz, your house has protective measures in place for electricity. Surge protectors and the like, right? I can only stay changed like that for a short time anyway. Yeah… yeah, so there ya go."

"Really." Zhou Qianlin fixed him with her gaze.

Lan Jue looked like the very avatar of truth and morality. "Of course really! Alright, let's get on with this check." He snatched up her hand.

Qianlin felt a tingle go through her arm, making her cheeks redden once more. She didn't fight him.

After a few minutes Lan Jue relinquished her hand. Now it was his turn to be shocked.

"Your cultivation is progressing very quickly… unnaturally so. From nothing to something, and first-ranked too. It's not a terribly difficult landmark to reach, but in only a few days? To improve so quickly, without any outside forces to help… it's inconceivable."

1. What is this, Interview with an Adept? Fifty Shades of Lan? Christ Mr. Angsty, how about some primary colors?

2. 'White Dawn'

3. Literally the sound every middle-aged Chinese woman makes.

4. Aww yyeaaahh… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OtVyEZymUFo

Chapter 217: The Pearl's Defense

The first time Lan Jue had performed this check of Zhou Qianlin's abilities, they had just indistinct and only just beginning to manifest within her. This time, however, there was no mistaking its presence. It was far more substantial than it was the last time. For an Adept whose powers just awakened, didn't even know what their discipline was… it was startling, the speed at which it was evolving.

"It must mean your genetic talent is very strong…"

Generally speaking, the strength of one's innate talent and the speed at which their Discipline grew were inexplicably tied. As everyone's level of congenital talent was different, so too was their cultivation speed. The better their Talent, the faster their improvement. If, for instance, a person's Talent could reach in the levels of ninth-rank, even if they didn't spend time cultivating their abilities they would rise to a certain plateau all on its own.

Some people express it as genetic talent being the denominator, and their actual power level as the numerator. The higher the denominator, the easier it was for the numerator to quickly increase. But if the numerator wanted to break the bonds of its denominator, it would take special circumstances.

Whether through the West's Fantascia Genetica Decoction, or the North's cyborg programs, there were ways to break that denominator or catalyze its evolution.

But 'quick' couldn't appropriately describe the speed at which Zhou Qianlin's powers were rising. Lan Jue thought back to his own youth, when his discipline had just awakened. His growth wasn't nearly this fast. Jin Tao was the only person who could match it, and that was due to the genetica decoction.

"Is there a problem?" Qianlin asked.

Lan Jue shook his head. "Nope. It's just your progress is incredibly fast. Strange. We should keep this under surveillance. We'll wait a little while then check again, maybe then we'll be able to get a clearer picture. I had no idea it was even possible for something like this to happen to someone your age."

"What do you mean 'my age'?" Qianlin said through a frown. "Are you saying I'm old?"

Lan Jue grinned ruefully. "No, of course not. Much younger than this body guard. By the way, I brought you a souvenir." As he spoke there was a flash of silver light, and suddenly a crystal box was in his hands.

The Pelagic Pearl twinkled within, awash in misty blue light. It tinted the entire room, like a drizzly afternoon.

"It's beautiful." Qianlin admired. Her face betrayed the surprise.

Lan Jue flipped the box open and extricated the pearl. The thing itself was very small, perhaps the size of a cherry, and yet looking at it was like staring at a portrait of the universe. It was covered in layers of gradient blue, making it look like you were peering in to the misty depths of space.

He placed the pearl in her hand. "Make sure to take good care of this. There may come a time when you're in danger and I can't immediately reach you. If that happens, pour your Discipline in to the pearl. It'll create an elemental ward that will protect you. But first make sure you cover it with a drop or two of your blood. It's necessary for the pearl to recognize you and your power. Afterwards the pearl will head your command."

Surprise emerged written across Zhou Qianlin's pretty features. "This must have been very expensive. I can't accept it."

"Nah not expensive at all," Lan Jue lied. "Anyway, this is me doing my job! Another way to make sure you're being protected. After all, I can't be at your side all day every day. What if I have to take a trip to another planet? With the pearl in your possession, it makes me feel better. I can relax a little. You should thing of some way to keep it on you at all times. A necklace, earring or something. When you find out what you like I can help have it made for you. For now, just keep it around."

Qianlin was still shaking her head. She stuffed it back in Lan Jue's hand. "Really too valuable. I don't want it."

Lan Jue had bought the pearl at auction specifically to give Qianlin. He hadn't thought that she wouldn't want it. It certainly wasn't something he anticipated. 1

"Why not?" He asked. "Just because it's valuable? You really don't need to worry about any of that."

Qianlin raised her head, looking him in the eye. "We are neither relatives nor friends, how could I take something like that from you?"

Lan Jue, seeing she was hesitant, backed away a few steps. "Look, I'm just your bodyguard. Protecting you is my responsibility."

A calm came over Qianlin's features. "So you do it yourself, don't rely on a pearl. I don't need it."

Lan Jue looked at her, helpless. "Then how about this; I'll loan it to you. When my contract is completed and our working relationship resolved, you can give it back. What do you think?"

Suddenly Qianlin smiled, stepping closer to him. "My dear body guard, you must think I'm stupid. Don't forget that I'm a national scholar in the NEU. You can't assume I wouldn't know about Lir's famed Pelagic Pearl. A high-class, a-ranked power gem that can only bind with a single person. A drop of blood, and it has a master forever."

Lan Jue just stared at her for a moment, then an embarrassed grin spread across his face. "You sure are well informed boss! Bought I've already bought it, and it can't be returned. If you don't take, it's a waste."

"That's not my problem," Qianlin said through a sweet smile. Alright, it's time for you to go. A man and a woman alone so late at night is improper."

Lan Jue looked at her beautiful face, her moist lips, that impish smile. She made him want to throw himself to the ground in a fit. This girl! He thought. She makes me want to-

Lan Jue took a calming breath. "I've made up my mind, there's nothing for it. If you want accept it, please forgive my impropriety."

Qianlin took a cautious step back. "What are you talking about?"

Lan Jue chortled maliciously, and took a step forward. "What do you think?"

Before she could answer, his hand shot out to cover her small mouth. A flash of light, arcs of lightning, and Qianlin collapsed in to his waiting arms.

Lan Jue held up her unconscious form. "You know what, boss? My job as your bodyguard means sometimes I have to take extreme measures to keep you safe 2. All of this is necessary, as part of my duty."

He pulled out her hand. A small pinprick of light, no thicker than a needle, appeared from his hand. It struck her finger, and a droplet of blood issued forth.

Lan Jue gently placed the pearl against her finger. As he watched, the pearl drank the blood into itself. The dim light it normally expelled became a powerful halo that bathed the room in blue light.

Then, the light congealed around Zhou Qianlin and was drawn in to her.

Zhou Qianlin's body was numbed, she could neither move nor speak. But there was always the Soulcaller gem.

Zhou Qianlin: Don't think you can skirt your duties as my bodyguard by giving me this thing! You absolutely must protect me in person!

Lan Jue: When did I ever say I was trying to get around our deal? I made a promise, and I'm going to stick to it. I may not always be best suited for the job, but isn't this an example of me protecting you to the best of my abilities? You know I have a lot on my plate, and if something happens when I'm not around what will you do? This is exactly why I brought you the pearl. So behave.

It took a good five minutes for the intense light let off by the pearl to subside. Once again it was the pretty, quiet little pearl it had always been.

Lan Jue finally released Qianlin from the control he'd had over her. She quickly and violently shot to her feet. She was livid. "You forced me!"

Lan Jue coughed uncomfortably. "I've already explained my reasoning. I haven't done anything I wasn't contracted to do, boss."

Zhou Qianlin turned her face away, striking him from existence.

Lan Jue snorted bitterly. "Bite the hand that feeds… this girl can't recognize good intentions!"

Zhou Qianlin's head snapped back to him. In one fluid movement she grabbed his arm, pulled it out, and viciously bit him.

Lan Jue didn't move or attempt to evade. He didn't employ any methods to lessen the pain. He just took it. His expression even bore a sort of softness.

Qianlin veritably gnawed at him, but when she noticed he wasn't reacting she let go. She lifted her head and glared at him.

Her hard eyes met his gentle gaze, and the two simply looked at each other. Her look softened and then, soundlessly, she pressed herself in to his arms.

Her silken tresses had come loose, their fragrance filling his nostrils. The scent was burned on his heart. His raised his arms, as though to wrap them around her, but after a few moments frozen in the air he let them drop. Like he'd lost his nerve.

He took a deep breath, then pulled her to arm's length. "It's late, I should go. You should sleep soon. I'll bring the pearl back once I've fixed it up." Without waiting for her response, he fractured in to a thousand bolts of electricity and vanished in to the wall socket.

Qianlin swayed slightly on her feet, without his weight to support her. It had startled her. She thought back to it, that brief moment… clearly she'd felt there was some impenetrable barrier between them.

Lan Jue made his exit from the villa and Mount Tian as quickly as he was able. He wasted no time returning to Skyfire Avenue.

When he got back, he didn't immediately go to sleep. He pulled out some tools, some precious metals, and set about fiddling about in his apartments.


Under the intense heat, the silvery-white metal began to change. Under Lan Jue's deft guidance, slowly it began to take shape.

His cutting tool flashed, slicing away the metal and leaving slivers along his desk. Eventually, a fair and elegant bracelet began to reveal itself.


Early morning.

Zhou Qianlin washed her face and brushed her teeth, preparing for the morning. Listlessly she picked at her breakfast, then slung on her backpack and silently made for school.

Did he come today? He just got back from Lir yesterday, he's probably too tired. He probably won't be coming.

There was public transportation that served Mount Tian. Certainly she could find something that would bring her to the city. Sometimes, when Lan Jue wasn't around, she would use them to get to school with Tang Mi. Sometimes just herself.

Although she was the Eastern Alliance Chairman's daughter, she was careful not to employ any privileges it might afford her. She was like anyone else. A normal citizen.

1. For real woman. It's not a diamond engagement ring, take the damn pearl! Of course, it was more expensive than a couple dozen diamond rings…

2. I kinda think he just wanted to shock the ever loving shit out of her.

Chapter 218: Quite the Adventure

Today, Zhou Qianlin didn't bother to call Tang Mi. Perhaps there was still some expectation she'd run in to her bodyguard.

She followed the familiar road down mount Tian.

As she did, she noticed the bicycle parked to the side. A familiar figure stood beside it. Grey suit, green shirt, and a grey jacket today. Fresh and clean, with a lopsided grin on his handsome face.

Qianlin couldn't help but mirror the smile the moment she saw him. She quickened her pace to catch up to him.

Lan Jue pushed his bicycle forward as he walked to meet her. Once they met, neither said a word. Qianlin climbed on to the back of the bike and they were on their way.

The antique bicycle carried them smoothly along the road towards the university campus. At once point Lan Jue's left hand left the handle bars just long enough to hand something to Qianlin.

She took it in her hands, a white metal bracelet. It was delicate and beautiful, without any unnecessary flourishes. The pelagic pearl had been set along it's spherical make.

Her lips curled up in an appreciative smile. She said nothing, did not refuse his gift, instead immediately slipping it on to her wrist. Her smile spread wider. Sher slipped her arms around his waist and scooched closer.


Tan Lingyun had been agitated for days! Indeed, the Savage Goddess was in a foul mood – worse than normal.

She'd become the focus of everyone's attention since the games, but it was the last thing she wanted. Being constantly under scrutiny wasn't a feeling she relished. What's worse, she didn't even deserve it.

Where is that guy hiding!

She felt like a thief. Every day she accepted the praise and attention of teacher and student alike. As she did, however, she also furtively observed the male faculty for signs they might be the mysterious 'Lei Feng.'

Unfortunately, she'd had no luck. She'd started with the mecha combat department, carefully watching every male teacher there for any indication. Contrary to her hopes, though, nothing revealed itself.

He'd vanished as mysteriously as he'd arrived, like a phantom.

Who? Who on earth is he?!

Tan Lingyun sat within the teacher's lounge, lost in thought. Her fingers were buried in her hair, entangled – much like her heart felt.

For years she'd had a contentious relationship with nearly every man she'd encountered. In her eyes most were trash, hardly worth her attention.

But that day, for the first time in ages she'd met a man who made her feel like a weakling. The encounter had left quite the impression on her.

She couldn't even clearly pinpoint why this strange man suddenly occupied so much of her attention. The only thing she absolutely knew without a doubt, was that she needed to find him. She needed to!

"Professor Tan, isn't your class starting soon?" The teacher seated at the desk next to her offered the gentle reminder.

Tan Lingyun's head shot up, frightening the teacher who'd addressed her. Sher fixed her hair, muttered a curt thank you, then left for the classroom.


At the same time, Lan Jue was lazily seated before his own desk. His eyes were closed as he enjoyed the quiet moment.

He was a little tired after his return from Lir, but it was not because of his late-night jewelry-making. Instead, he was still recovering from the exertion of the sim tests he'd endured from the Bookworm.

He was still excited over the prospect of an upgraded DreamNet. Although he hadn't had the opportunity to finish the entire process, the God-ranked battles alone were clear indication of it's worth.

He wondered how the two old friends were getting on. He hopes there weren't any problems.


Skyfire Avenue, Skyfire Library.

"Eh? It's actually fine. Interesting, interesting!" The Bookworm hopped from foot to foot in excitement like a small child.

The Keeper stood before an expansive testing table. Upon it were arrayed various research equipment. In the center rested the Tear of Neptune. The piece of Tai Hua monster they'd recovered rested upon another apparatus.

At this moment a pale, gentle blue light was being emitted by the tear. It spread until it covered the monster core. The living matter had begun to change as the Tear's power flowed through it.

The turbid aura that surrounded it had faded, and its natural coloration had changed. Little by little it went from purple, to clear, to a deep jasper.

It was a quick change, that took only the night to complete. A dozen or so hours had seen the process through.

Neither the Keeper nor the Bookworm had slept, instead bringing the full force of their collective intellect to bear in researching the items. For researchers of their caliber, a single night of work was only the beginning.

It hadn't taken the Keeper much effort to persuade the Bookworm to help. All he'd needed to do was explain where the subject had come from, and what he suspected it did. The novelty of it was enough to get the Bookworm's full cooperation.

The Keeper nodded his white-maned head. "It looks good. The Jewelry Master is a clever boy. He thought of this on his own, without my input. The Tear of Neptune itself isn't worth its weight, but if it can join with this energy core and catapult it to s-ranked, then it'd be priceless."

The Bookworm shot him a crooked eye. "So you're hoping to see it release all that energy."

"Horse-puckey," the Keeper grumbled in irritation. "That would be an unimaginable massacre.

There's no saying how many would lose their lives in order to create such an energy crystal."

The Bookworm huffed. "At any rate, purifying it will require no small amount of time. We should address the situation between you and I. You, you old bastard, tricked me to get me back here. You tell me, how do we rectify this?"

The Keeper grunted 1. "What makes you so sure that I'm lying?"

"You said so," The Bookworm accused.

The Keeper replied. "I only said that so the kid wouldn't worry. Three months. That's really all the time I have left. Everyone assumes this frail exterior is feigned. I've also spread that I am the oldest living man in the universe. However, as you know, I am the oldest among the Paragons. I asked you back because, if and when I do pass, I can do so with an easy heart."

The Bookworm just stared at him for a time. "You're really dying?"

"Shouldn't you be pleased?" The Keeper said quietly.

"Bullshit I should be happy," the Bookworm hissed. "Who will I have to curse? Who will be my arch enemy? How am I supposed to be happy?!" The Bookworm veritably roared at his old nemesis, but there was a sorrow gradually creeping in to angry eyes.

The Keeper gave a small laugh. "If it was a choice, who would choose death? Not you, not me.

My death will undoubtedly effect no only the Avenue, but all of the Eastern Alliance. Worse, the Clairvoyant is nearly as old as I, leaving only the Wine Master to protect our little slice of neutrality now that we're reaching the end of our stories. The West and North are also aware of this, if only faintly. And so, it's a fair assumption that they are sending their agents here to feel us out, under the guise of a friendly visit. Not long ago I took a trip to the Pontiff's Castle myself, both to impart justice on behalf of the Jewelry Master, but also to let them know I'm still breathing. But the Pontiff, the wrinkled bastard, must have noticed something. Now he'll be coming to this exchange himself."

The Bookworm slapped his hands on the table, the sound like an explosion in the small study. "Don't talk to me about this garbage. I haven't been a part of the Avenue for years!"

The Keeper responded through croaking laughter. "That's where you're wrong – you absolutely are part of the Avenue. You always have been. They never removed your name from their roster, so even in your self-imposed exile you've always been one of us. What's more, even though I may indeed die soon, who's to say what the future will hold? 2" A cunning smile spread across the old pedant's face.

"You're saying…" The Bookworm trailed off.

The Keeper indicated the energy core. "It's not just me. You're getting on in years yourself. Hell, you probably only have a few more days over me. And with that being the case, we should spend our final hours immersed in the work we love. If we end up cheating death a while longer, we'll be a couple crotchety old scoundrels denying everyone their wish for our demise. Heh! It'll give those bastards one hell of a headache!"

The Bookworm's eyes brightened. "Well, if you really do manage to stave off dying for a little while, I can give you a break. But the second you die, I'm whipping your corpse in to tiny bits."

The Keeper laughed at his old friend's threat. "I doubt it. What's more, it looks like your old scars are finally healing. In the end, neither of us were wrong. We were correct, just in different ways. But don't you want to see it for yourself? In all my years, I've found a way to do it. A bit of a bottleneck, but not impossible. See, your biggest failure is physical limitations, is it not? And if we could figure out this problem, what then? Heheheh!"

The Bookworm stared dumbly at the Keeper, and again the change in his thinking was revealed in his eyes. "You crazy bastard. You…"

The Keeper patted him upon the shoulder. "Perhaps I am. Hell, at our age crazy is the only thing that keeps us going. Like they say 'You're only given a spark of madness, don't lose it.' Trust your elder, I'll take you on quite an adventure!"


Knock knock! The gentle noise roused Lan Jue from his slumber.

"Oh, Director Wu, what brings you here?" Lan Jue shot up in his chair, surprised by the appearance of his employer standing directly in front of his desk.

1. These two are like carbon copies, made for each other.

2. The Clairvoyant. Duh.

Chapter 219: The Old Fox's Coercion

Wu Junyi nodded. "I knew from the outset you got hired through a recommendation from that respected old master. Knowing that, I didn't want you here as an electives teacher. Frankly speaking, when the dean asked that we start you at the associate professor level, I balked. I was in complete disagreement. Now I saw that I was short-sighted. I'd like to apologize to you, Professor Lan." As he spoke, he actually bowed low at the waist to his employee.

Lan Jue immediately lept to his feet, pulling Director Wu up.

Just then, a powerful expulsion of force radiated from Wu Junyi's shoulders. It was intense, and far beyond what any normal man could sustain.

Lan Jue's response was immediate, and subconscious. His Discipline flared to protect him, however there was nothing to protect himself from. The frightening aura had dissipated.

No! Lan Jue's face scrunched in a frown the moment he realized he'd been tricked. It was too late.

Sparks of dancing electricity raced over Director Wu's body. A yellow light covered him like a membrane to protect from the emulsion, and yet he still had to step back until he bumped against the wall.

Lan Jue straightened, and a bitter smile spread across his face. "What's this about, Director?"

The Director chuckled, pleased at the success of his deception. "It's my own fault we never realized our school has such a great talent! Now that we know, however, it's time to make adjustments. Professor Lan, as Director of Teaching Affairs for the National Eastern University, it is my opinion you are no longer a fit for teaching electives. I ask you pick a more suitable post, for everyone's benefit. Hm… lightning. That was your discipline, wasn't it? Powerful!"

Lan Jue sighed. This cunning fox! He was smart enough to catch the holes in my story.

"Director Wu, as it stands you currently have two choices: First, I immediately resign and leave the school. Second, you act like nothing has changed. I continue on with my etiquette class and no one's the wiser. Peaceful, quiet co-existence."

A pale blue light flickered around the mercenary king, an icy-cold light in his eyes. The entire teaching office grew heavy with an oppressive energy that threatened to suffocate Director Wu.

Wu Junyi's suspicions had begun when he'd witnessed him arrive with the Accountant. It was the young scientist's reputation that was the biggest give-away. And so, hearing Lan Jue had returned today, he went first thing to go and confront him. The sudden release of his powers had been a test.

As expected, Lan Jue had had no choice but to react with his own powers. He saw everything clearly then, why else would he be smiling so profusely?

Facing the younger teacher, under the weight of that terrible aura, he stood strong and still as though nothing were amiss 1. He let the Jewelry Master's power wash over him like a tide, and did not resist.

"Fine." Such was the Director's response, much to Lan Jue's surprise.

Of course Lan Jue didn't really want to leave. He'd promised Zhou Qianlin he'd protect her in several years of service, and there was still so much left to his 'sentence.' What's more, he was truly enjoying this relatively relaxed lifestyle. He was becoming used to it. Under these conditions, how could he want to give all of this up?

Wu Junyi's face bore a small smile. "With your capabilities, Professor Lan, refusing a post of your choosing is a monumental waste of your talent. However, logic dictates that there must be a reason for your presence. A man of your status, here on a mission, certainly will not leave utill that mission is complete. If you're willing to walk away from your duties, then I have nothing more to say 2."

Lan Jue fixed Wu Junyi with those electric blue eyes. He stood tall and proud, a king in his kingdom – and he was, for as teaching director everything here was under his purview. But if he was a king, he was a rascally one!

"Director… being too smart is traditionally very bad for a person's health," Lan Jue threatened.

Wu Junyi would not be cowed, and when he addressed Lan Jue he did so with a righteous countenance. "My death means nothing if it's for the development and future of our University."

Lan Jue's face went stiff. He was starting to realize that Director Wu's greatest strength didn't come from his Discipline, but instead from his scheming brain and insufferable pride!

"Is that really what you want?" Lan Jue asked helplessly.

Wu Junyi responded with a soft laugh. "Of course not! I'm here as a Director, re-evaluating an employee. It's criminal to cover up a person's talent, don't you agree? Ah yes, and unless I'm mistaken the pilot of that blue mecha on Lir was you. Indeed, you are the hero of Lir – a hero for all of humanity. I'm sure there would be no end of media attention as they tried to uncover your plethora of courageous deeds. As your colleague, I feel it's my responsibility to help you disseminate this information. I also deeply feel it would be in both of our best interests that we work from the same office."

Lan Jue released a frustrated sigh. He wanted to allow his Discipline to explode like a volcano, but he fought to control it. Growling through gritted teeth, he addressed the cunning older man. "Conduct yourself with some kindness and integrity, Director!"

Wu Junyi chortled, a sinister smile plastered on his face. "I have always treated my companions with integrity! And now that you've shown your hand, I think it's fair to assume Professor Tan's miraculous upset during the educational exchange also bears your fingerprints. Tang Xiao has also been cagey about his whereabouts, so I took a look at the school's security footage. He seems to be coming here to the electives building an awful lot lately. You are an instructor – we, are all instructors here. For the benefit of the next generation, for the future of our university, Professor Lan, I'd like to officially invite you to advance to an official post!" Wu Junyi's voice had slowly grown more powerful and imperatorial as he spoke, until his majestic announcement rang with power and sincerity. 3

Lan Jue found his situation both hilarious and aggravating. This normally upright and righteous man, Director of the Teaching Department, now seemed nothing short of a miracle worker! With nothing but the faintest hints of subversion, he was able to uncover nearly all of Lan Jue's lies.

"I ask you give me some time," Lan Jue said in resignation.

Wu Junyi nodded without a hint of hesitation. "Of course, how long do you think you'll need? I trust an hour is sufficient?" 4

"You're pushing it," Lan Jue hissed.

Wu Junyi raised his hands in capitulation. "Come now, contain yourself. I'm kidding. Three days. Professor you must understand, I haven't the slightest idea why you're here, or how long you'll remain. Radical action was the only option left to me, to ensure you help our university as much as you can for the time you're with us. I'm sure you can understand where I'm coming from."

Lan Jue waved his hand in irritation. "Fine. Three days. You'll have your answer by then." With that, he returned to his seat.

Wu Junyi's face bore a smirk dripping with guile and self-satisfaction. He turned on his heel and left.

However, he was stopped in his victory march by a pudgy face coming around a corner. Xu Renjian approached, and in a low voice asked, "How'd it go?"

Wu Junyi give him a big thumbs-up. "You're a damned genius, dean. A damned genius! Hehe. He's got nowhere to go. And he verified all of your suspicions. That was him on Lir, and he was behind our victory in the games. I had my own suspicious about how Professor Tan could suddenly become so proficient."

The pudgy man's face wobbled as he nodded. "Keep all of this in the strictest confidence, not a word to anyone. He he he… Now that we're taking full advantage of this young man, after the grandmaster sent him to us, I almost feel bad."


"Ah-choo!" Once Lan Jue had settled onto his chair, a sudden overpowering sneeze overcame him. 5

Director Wu is really too cunning! But no, that can't be right. It couldn't just have been him. Even as Director he couldn't extend such a deal without the approval of higher-ups. There must be someone else pulling the strings.

The Dean! Two old foxes sussing me out. No wonder!

Lan Jue knew there was nothing for it. Now that it had progressed to this point it would be enormously difficult to wriggle his way out of it unless he asked the Keeper himself to intervene. But even that wouldn't work! What Director Wu had said was true; their cause was righteous, the development of the next generation, and improving the strength of their mecha department. How could he refuse?

Did that mean he hadn't any choice? Was he going to be forced to move to mecha combat?

Lan Jue was painted in to a corner. All he'd wanted was a quiet, peaceful life! If he accepted the post he'd absolutely have to put his whole heart and soul in to it. He'd certainly become the center of everyone's attention. There weren't any guarantees that his history as Zeus wouldn't eventually be revealed. He had no shortage of enemies, not to mention his flagrant kidnapping of the Eastern Chairman's daughter. During her wedding! If that were to happen, his only option would be to hole up in the Avenue for protection.

Was this truly the destruction of the peaceful existence he'd worked so hard for?

With no classes scheduled for the day, and his mood soured, Lan Jue prepared to leave for the Avenue. He had to think about things, carefully find his way.

He pondered the issue as he left the building, out onto the campus grounds.

What could he do? What was the right play? How could he protect both his identity and his hope for an easy life? He needed time to really examine the problem.

A cold voice intruded upon his thoughts as he wandered the streets. "If you dare run in to me, you'll be writing your own death warrant."

Lan Jue's head shot up, and who should he see directly before him but the Savage Goddess herself, Tan Lingyun.

Lan Jue was in no mood to deal with her or her irrational anger. "Are you incapable of going around?!"

"Go around?" Her finely sculpted brows shot up. She, too, was in a sour mood after being unable to locate 'Lei Feng.'

Lan Jue decided it wasn't worth it, and stepped to the side. "Go on then, move along." It was, after all, the gentlemanly thing to do.

Tan Ling huffed, and stormed off. As ever, she glared at him scornfully as she passed.

Lan Jue's eyes lit up as he watched her leave, as though something had crossed his mind. His right hand curled in to a fist and beat against his chest. "Got it!"

1. Pimp status achieved.

2. Pimp level, OVER NINE THOUSAND!!!

3. To truly understand the gravity of this proposal, you have to understand how government positions work in China. Working in a university is considered a solid government job, wherein you can almost never get fired. Tenure isn't required, it's just a life-long post unless you do something exceptionally crappy like murder someone. Even then it can be swept under the rug. Now these positions are, ninety-nine percent of the time, actually legally purchased. You spend several hundred thousand yuan and you can buy your way in to an eternal, cushy gig. They're very rarely given on merit of ability, so for Wu Junyi to offer this to Lan Jue is veritably unheard of, and is a significant display of his respect for him.

4. Why isn't this guy the hero of our story?

5. This is equivalent to the Western old-wives tale that your ears burn when someone's talking about you. In China they said you sneeze when someone's talking behind your back.

Chapter 220: Mysterious Teacher

He quickly tapped Wu Junyi's number in to his communicator.

"Director Wu!"

"Hello Professor Lan. Have we come to a decision so soon?" Wu Junyi, on the other end, was nervous after receiving the call. From his earlier trickery he discovered that Professor Lan was at least a ninth-level Talent. It was not a fact he could afford to disregard.

Lan Jue answered. "I do have an answer for you. I can teach your mecha combat class, but I have a few conditions of my own we need to discuss."

"Go on," the Director coaxed.

"First, you must swear to keep my identity a secret," Lan Jue began. "You can't tell a soul. Second, I wish to keep my etiquette class without any changes. In addition I'll wear a mask when I teach to protect myself, and you will ensure that no one – no teacher, organization or student – find out who I am. Tell them I'm some visiting professor. In this way we can both work to limit the chance of exposure, preventing it from affecting my life."

"Not a problem!" Wu Junyi didn't hesitate in the slightest, accepting Lan Jue's demands on the spot. All he and the Dean were interested in was that he worked for them. Who he pretended to be in the process didn't matter to them at all.

Lan Jue went on. "So it is, then. Let me know once the classes have been arranged. Remember, not a word of this matter to anyone. I must warn you that, if my identity should become known… well, the consequences would be dire."

Wu Junyi did not take the statement lightly. "You can relax, Professor. I give you my word."

With that, Lan Jue severed the connection. He found his bicycle and returned to Skyfire Avenue without any further delay. The matter was what it was, he thought, but at least now he could hold his head up. Still, he thought, he better speak to the Keeper – f he could avoid this at all, it would be better. Truth be told, he was also curious how the old man was getting on with his rival. He was a little afraid of the trouble they could get up to.


Immediately Lan Jue made for the Library, upon arriving at the Avenue. However, he didn't walk right in. Instead he waited outside for a moment to see if there were any waves of power coming from the building.

If something felt amiss, he still had time to run.

The Library was quiet, though, not a sound to be heard. He secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He pushed the door open and entered.

He climbed the stairs, careful to be as silent as possible, when suddenly a craggy voice filled the hall. "Why are you skulking around? Hurry up and get in here."

"Oh." Lan Jue hurried his pace.

He found his way to the Keeper's office, and pushed open the door. What he saw, stopped him in his tracks.

The two old men were seated pleasantly, facing each other across a tale, sharing a plate of dried fruit.

Standing behind their respective masters, were Su He and the Accountant. Both were holding bottles. The Accountant was currently refilling the Keeper's glass.

Su He turned his face to peer at Lan Jue as he entered. The Jewelry Master's former classmate shot him a smile.

"It looks like you two are getting along," Lan Jue began.

The Bookworm huffed. "We'll be sure to take your marvelous deduction under account. I've already spoken with the old bastard, and from now on you're gunna be my guinea pig. Once I get that sim pod fixed and running again, you'll continue with our experiments. No excuses!"

Lan Jue chortled. "I won't. I'm eager to continue."

The Keeper's face lit up at Lan Jue's answer. "I guess the results have been good so far!"

Lan Jue nodded his head. "Excellent, in fact. There are some small detail adjustments that need to be made, and perhaps the difficulty could be increased, but overall it's something really incredible. God-ranked pilots can finally find a place in DreamNet to further hone their abilities. It'd be even better if there was more variety in combat modes."

"In the future the Bookworm and I will be conducting the experiments together," the Keeper revealed. "We'd like to have a working prototype ready as soon as possible. Over the course of these trials we hope to improve everything about it, and we'll need your help to do that."

Lan Jue looked delighted. "Very well. I only ask you give me two of them when the bugs have been ironed out."

The Bookworm shot him an angry look. "What's the meaning of this? When we've got this squared away we'll have the most advanced simulator in the universe. The price will be astronomical! You're dreaming if you think I'll just give you two."

Lan Jue laughed. "Fine, one then. After all I'm the one in there expending my time and energy, am I right?"

"Hmph!" The Bookworm glowered dubiously. "I'll think about it!"

Lan Jue could only smile helplessly. He knew this old man's bark was worse than his bite. He was going to be using this thing anyway, once it was complete, and it wasn't like they were going to be the pilots to test it.

Su He interjected. "Hey classmate, the Master's already made up his mind. I've spoken with him, and later I'll be leaving for my vacation. When I return I'll come for the Master, and to express my gratitude."

"I hope to hear news of your breakthrough soon, Mentor," Lan Jue said. "Sometimes it's important just to see the beauty the universe has in store for us."

Su He beamed. "More and more I feel the same. Hopefully one day I'll have enough ability to face you in the ring and hold my own. If I win, it'll mean I've reached my ultimate goal."

"Same here!" the Accountant blurted out.

The Keeper's lips curled in to the ghost of a grin. "Such indelible self-understanding. Stop making us laugh."

The Accountant glowered, hurt evident in his features. "What's so funny about that?"

The Bookworm was the one to answer, his quavering voice soft. "For some things, talent is the biggest determining factor. Your Talents don't lie in that area, so why would you waste your effort? With the skills your grandfather has taught you, how can mecha combat compare? Planning to steer a Bastion ship, are we?"

The Accountant's eyes lit up. "I'll be able to drive a Bastion ship?!"

The Bookworm looked embarrassed simply to be having the conversation. "Moron, it was an analogy. Do you think a single person can pilot a Bastion? Do you have any common sense? What has your grandfather been teaching you?"

The Keeper glared across the table. "Take it easy on my nephew! What's wrong with the way I've taught him?"

The Keeper's objection didn't appear to dissuade the Bookworm in the least. "Your teaching's are a waste, especially on this thick-skulled twit. Or maybe the concoction I gave him made him dim."

The Keeper slammed a fist against the desk between them! Their respective glasses danced and threatened to topple off of the table. "You dare to continue down-talking my family?!"

The Bookworm slapped the table just as hard, and shot to his feet. "What are you going to do about it? Dimwit?"

Lan Jue waved to Su He, and made his escape before he could be dragged in to the argument.

These two old madmen! It was a phrase that described the both of them admirably. A love-hate- relationship if ever he'd seen one.

Lan Jue employed the nearby elevator once exited the Library, making his way to the Underground. Chu Cheng and Hua Li had spent the last few days in the warehouse there training. He went to check on their progress.

There were very many in the Underground today. Most of the stores on either end of the long street looked deserted.

Lan Jue made his way towards his own shop. On the way, however, his trek was interrupted by a figure coming his way. It was none other than the man the Beautician had called ruthless and sinister – the Barber.

Upon seeing Lan Jue the Barber stopped in his tracks, and stuffed his hands in his pockets. "It's been a while, Jewelry Master! You're quite the difficult fellow to keep track of, you know. In fact, the Council put me in charge of the reception for the big meeting coming up. Even when you're here you aren't attending meetings, so there's no need for you to trouble yourself with these matters."

Lan Jue couldn't help but grin. "Didn't they push the whole thing back a month?"

"And yet there's still a mountain of work to do," the Barber responded. "How we receive our guests reflects the honor of Skyfire Avenue, as I'm sure you're aware."

Lan Jue still seemed unconvinced. "Of course I do, that's why I've been focusing on my cultivation! So you'll be leading the welcome party when the two powers come knocking?"

The Barber's face went stiff. The battle the two had those long months before had left a deep impression on him. He had been working on his own abilities of late, but he also knew his place before Lan Jue.

Lan Jue only smiled. "If there's nothing else I guess I'll be heading on. If you need something call me on the communicator." With that he walked on towards the jewelry shop, leaving the Barber in silence.

It was nonsense, saying he had no need to participate. Nobody had said anything to him! Besides, the Wine Master would have told him if there were any preparations to be made. This was all the Barber looking for trouble!

Ding ding! The jewelry shop bell tinkled pleasantly as Lan Jue pushed his way in.

Mika was behind the counter, crouched down and looking at something. She lifted her head at the sound, and smiled as she saw her employer enter. "There's our diligent boss. Just got back tomorrow and already here you are in the store. I heard you spent no small amount of money this trip! Where's the stuff?" He reached out her hand expectantly.

"Most of it should be arriving soon," he assured her.

Mika snorted. "I'm talking about the Tear of Neptune and the Pelagic Pearl! Those two are the pricey ones."

Lan Jue could only shrug. "I gave the Tear to the Keeper for his experiments. To pay off my debt to the Avenue. I gave the pearl to someone else. The cost of those will be deducted from my share of any profits. That should be enough, right?"

Once again Mika huffed, clearly irritated by the circumstance. "You run the place and yet have no head for finances, boss. We have the money, but haven't you ever heard of saving? You spend the money, so it's done. And fine, you gave them away. Now buy something for our own store!"

Lan Jue laughed sheepishly. "Didn't I put you in charge of stock?"

"Business hasn't been so good," Mika replied.

"Not just us?" Lan Jue asked. "I did notice there were only a few people out today, on my way here. What's going on?"

Chapter 221: The Great Adept Tournament

"I'm not sure," Mika said in response to her boss' query. "It seems to be the same for everyone lately. By a third, and it's the evening rush hour as we speak. It's like the place is deserted. So the short answer is no, I don't know."

"It's actually clear as day. The North and the West's Pontiff's Castle are holding a big Adept competition. The prizes are amazing, and the alliances are making a pretty big deal out of it with all sorts of resources and manpower being thrown around. Their intentions for that is clear. They are saying there are three s-ranked power gems as rewards to the winners. Aside from the champion's prize, the North has also sworn to build a mecha to their specifications, using only the latest and greatest technology. It's the same for all levels of prizes, probably to attract the universes better Talents to come and participate. That being the case, you can imagine why we're seeing the result here." Lin Guoguo had appeared from the back, a tray in hand. Several power gems were arrayed atop it.

Lan Jue's brows furrowed at the news. "This is the first I'm hearing about it. The Keeper didn't mention anything."

Mika's chuckle bore a chilly undertone. "Of course we wouldn't be able to participate. The North and West arranged this whole thing as posturing against us. The Avenue's prestige has only grown over the last few years. Then you have the Keeper's visit to the Pontiff's Castle, which was revealed recently, where he threatened to use his abilities to tear the hole castle down. After coercing the Pontiff's submission, suddenly the Castle and the Dark Tower delay their visit for a whole month. Probably to prepare for this tournament."

Lan Jue looked thoughtful. "Do you know when exactly this is supposed to take place?"

"In about three months," Mika answered 1. It's being held on Planet Luo."

A twinkle flashed in Lan Jue's eye. "Got it. I'll ask Chu Cheng about it later – he should know more."

"Think we should participate?" Mika asked.

Lan Jue pondered the question. "Even if we do, you and Ke'er couldn't come. With so many adepts around, I wouldn't able to properly protect you."

And that was the truth. If the North and West both decided to focus their efforts on capturing Mika while on Luo, there wouldn't be anything he could do.

Mika, though, huffed dismissively. "Still so antsy about them. At worst we have a mighty struggle."

Lan Jue helplessly shook his head. "Alright, well you just keep working on your cultivation. How are you feeling lately? Anything requiring my attention?"

"I've been training just as you instructed," Mika replied, "slowly motivating the power in my blood to manifest and strengthen. Even though I'm only at the beginning of fusing my powers, there haven't been any problems yet. Your determination was the right one; bottling it up is much worse than letting it flow. Simply keeping it locked away would allow my devil's blood to grow in power, and eventually explode forth. At that point it'd be too late. So I've been working on controlling it, fusing it into myself, so diffuse some of that terrible power and prevent it from negatively influencing me. Once that happens, my progress should speed up considerably."

Lan Jue smiled at her, and nodded his head. "Excellent. Very good. Well keep after the store, at least for a little while. If it remains this slow then lock up shop, take the time to rest up. I'm off to find A-Cheng and A-Li."

With that, Lan Jue made from the warehouse set in the back of the jewelry shop. When he got there, he didn't find the two training as he'd expected. Instead, they were seated on the floor with plates of snacks between them, talking as they munched away.

"Aren't you guys afraid of getting fat, eating all this junk?" Lan Jue teased the pair as he sauntered towards them.

Chu Cheng snickered at him. "If there's any danger of us getting fat, then the whole world should fear for their waist lines. You're back then – you know, you make a terrifically bad landowner. And a worse friend. We've been locked in here and you haven't taken us out to relax this whole time. Vanished, poof, like a magician."

Lan Jue adopted an imperatorial air. "I'm a hardworking gentleman, unlike you two loafing about. Why aren't you two training today?"

It was Hua Li's turn to speak up. "We wanted to use the sim pods to train, but it's too difficult. Unfortunately, the sim is the only place to properly train our coordination. However, without the ability to use our disciplines we're stuck. We heard you might be training with us soon, anyway."

"I'm back aren't I?" Lan Jue answered. "You know there's a new sim pod being developed as we speak. If everything works out, the problem of discipline and mecha unification in DreamNet will be solved. We wouldn't have any further problems pushing ourselves to our limits in that situation."

Chu Cheng was visibly surprised, and Hua Li looked at his friend incredulously. "Bullshit. Where'd you hear that? If that were true how have I never heard of it?"

Gobi Entertainment was among the largest cooperatives in all the Three Alliances, and an integral sponsor of DreamNet. Hua Li prided himself on the belief he would be the first to learn about these sorts of things.

"That's probably because it hasn't been finished," Lan Jue explained. "It's still in its development phases. We should have some very good news in the near future, I promise you. Oh, and by the way, I just heard from Mika and Guoguo about this tournament on Lir. Have you heard about this?"

Hua Li shrugged. "Of course. They reached out to me to do the opening ceremony. Why, are you thinking of going as well? I heard there weren't any invitations sent to the East, though. This is something cooked up by just the West and North."

"A provocation from you all?" Lan Jue pondered quietly.

"What's this 'you all,' I have nothing to do with it," Hua Li countered. "Politics disgusts me. I'm surprised you haven't gotten that yet."

Chu Cheng, meanwhile, shrugged his shoulders. "I may go and participate. After all, I'm always getting nonsense from pops about 'wasting the family fortune. Hmph. Maybe coming back with some winnings will shut him up for a little while. Hell, I guess I have to go! You think this is that sensitive a matter, A-Jue?"

The Jewelry Master nodded. "Very sensitive, I'm afraid. We have two of the three alliances gathering together all the adepts they can, specifically barring the East from getting involved at all. Isn't their intention clear?"

"This I actually do understand. The East may be less powerful than the West and North when you consider aggregate power, but when it comes to Adepts you occupy the top spot." Hua Li picks at the food as he explained. "Look at the Avenue alone, where its three Paragons outmatch anything the other two Alliances have. Two paragons each. Moreover, the biggest of the baddest of those powerhouses is in your camp. That alone is a massive deterring force. I heard the North is actually researching ways to manufacture a paragon. Fusing the greatest adepts they have with precision equipment and power gems to catapult them to their highest levels. I don't know if they've succeeded or not."

Lan Jue frowned. "The North hasn't been sitting around. Ever dreaming up ways to take control of the other two Alliances. Your Western Alliance teaming up with them is a doomed marriage from the start, I'm telling you."

Hua Li shrugged. "Who can say definitively? You want my people to try and put a stop to this?"

"What your mouth, A-Li!" Cu Cheng's face had grown critical. He spoke low to his comrades. "This tournament has been arranged by the most powerful Alliance in the universe, and the two biggest organizations of the West. The Pontiff's Castle is even putting aside it's feud with the Dark Tower to get it going. Gobi may be powerful, but not powerful enough to stare down all the adepts from two Alliances. You're a Westerner yourself."

Hua Li grunted dismissively. "What's that got to do with anything? I'm the black sheep of the family. Compared to you what's it matter if I lose the whole company. I'm sick of this family inheritance anyway. And when it comes to my brothers, I don't give a damn who they are or where they're from."

He said the words with sincerity, without any hint of bluster. However, as ever, he paired it with his trademark charming smile.

Chu Cheng slapped his forehead comically, muttering to himself. "Thank whatever powers are up there you aren't a woman, otherwise I'd be your biggest threat."

Hua Li stuck a leg out to kick at his companion. "Go die in a hole 2. Pervert. I am a woman, but A-Jue's the love of my life. Whaddya ya say, A-Jue, let's elope." That unsettlingly gentle, feminine quality invaded his voice as he spoke. He whined at his friend prettily.

Lan Jue's whole body shook, and he quickly shook his hands as he suppressed the urge to vomit. "That's enough, alright. We'll revisit that thought in your next life, when you're an actual woman, how about that? Let's get in DreamNet and back to training."

Chu Cheng lazily unfurled and got to his feet. "Let's do it. Still two on one? Your amazons aren't around, but I still think you could handle it!"

"I've told you a dozen times to go kill yourself. What are you still doing here," Lan Jue spat. "Have some pride."

Hua Li cracked his knuckles. "I think it should be the two of us against him, A-Jue."

Lan Jue slowly nodded his head.

The three broke up their little pow-wow, and made for their respective sim pods. A few moments late three avatars met in DreamNet.


Dreamburg, DreamNet.

Three figures stood amid the deserted streets.

"So where to? The Arena?" Chu Cheng, appearing now as Hades, asked.

"Onward," Lan Jue said in response. "By the way, has someone gotten in touch with big brother? Does he have any time to meet up with us?"

A distinct tinge of fear appeared in the depths of Chu Cheng's eyes. "You couldn't pay me to talk to him about this. It's asking for a beating."

"Yeeeaaahh, I think A-Jue's best suited for that job," Hua Li said. "That guy's temper… and who's to say he isn't in some super important meeting or something."

Lan Jue could only helplessly shake his head. "Is he really that scary?"

Chu Cheng and Hua Li both vehemently nodded their heads.

"Guess I'll give it a shot," Lan Jue sighed.

He tapped a number in to the communicator. Three rings later, someone picked up.

"A-Jue?" Surprise was clear in Lan Qing's voice as he answered the call. Beneath that, though, was the tough and commanding tone of an officer.

1. Wait, how does she know this? Didn't she just say she didn't know why there were so few people? Lin Guoguo is a ventriloquist as well.

2. Best friends forever!