248 - 255

Chapter 248: Enter Jin Tao

Jin Tao sat within the verti-car, looking out of place. It wasn't that he was unused to the car, of course. He was uncomfortable in his own skin.

For the last month he'd been tossing and turning, coming in and out of consciousness until finally waking up the night before. He still hadn't been able to shake that feeling, the sense of being somewhere between sleep and wakefulness.

Everything that had happened since entering the Avenue has felt like a dream, every day stretching by like a year. It had been an eternity of pain, where his body struggled to absorb and persist against the poison of the Fantascia Genetica. He'd been ripped apart, and put back together.

He'd survived it mainly by virtue of his dogged willpower. He'd refused to let his body get the better of him. That wasn't to say the painful experience hadn't permanently burned itself in to his memory. When he final came around, he understood that it hadn't been a nightmare.

Now it seemed the obvious, caught as he was in this fugue state it felt like time was flying by. The pain in his body was subsiding, replaced by strange sensations. He'd have flashes of cold, then searing heat. Sometimes his whole body would itch, and then that excruciating pain would come back. They would come in short-lived waves that tumbled over one another. It was like he was living in some strange illusion. He didn't feel at all like himself.

At last, when he'd been let out of the life support pod and his feet touched the ground again, he could almost feel the earth's vitality coursing up through his limbs. It was a sensation that was difficult to explain.

There were several things that were difficult to explain.

Not the least of these were the changes in his body. For starters, he was a good deal taller than he had been before taking the decoction. In the space of a month he seemed to have stretched at least two inches. His skinny frame had filled out. His muscles hadn't grown larger, necessarily, but there was certainly more definition. He felt more… elastic, more malleable.

More than his looks, his personality had also undergone some changes – a normal reaction to the experiences and environment he'd been in for the last month. He'd grown up.

He unconsciously clenched his hands in to fists. His body, suddenly and ferociously, filled with wild power. It rose up from within him until it threatened to spill free, like a tsunami – a landslide, especially when compared with how limited his energy had been before. As his Discipline flooded him, threads of thin golden hair sprouted from his skin, and he stretched to over two meters. The dumb mutt from before released an aura of majesty.

Are these arms even mine? This power…

He allowed his newfound power to course through him for a good few minutes, before gradually allowing it to abate.

After awakening, he'd been subjected to a number of tests from Mika and Lin Guoguo. Though he'd been kept up most of the night from them, he didn't feel tired. But that discomfort persisted, from last night until this very moment. There was still so much he didn't understand.

Mika had told him all of this was normal. Any acquisition of power, especially so quickly, took time to get used to. He was told next he would be delivered to the Master, who would help him adapt to the changes and continue his training.

So it was that he found himself in the expensive verti-car, barreling through the skies towards who knows where. He had time to reflect upon his situation, and he was overjoyed.

He was ecstatic with his decision, one he knew to be right without question. Had it not been for the Professor, and his own hard work, he'd be nothing – just as he was before.

Now, though… now things were different. He had more power. He might need some time to feel comfortable in his own skin again, but the strength that filled him was a beautiful sensation in and of itself.

By the time he reached the training field, it was early morning. At some point during the journey – Jin Tao couldn't remember – Mika and Lin Guoguo had donned a pair of silver masks. They walked with Jin Tao in to the training facility.

Someone was already there when they entered, and looked to have been waiting for some time. He led them from that point without any superfluous discussion.

The guide brought him to a group of familiar faces.

And of course he did. Wasn't that the hateful pig-boy, Tang Xiao? And his sister beside him. He really couldn't figure out how he could be so fat, while his little sister might as well have been a model.

There was also Zhou Qianlin, the school beauty, patron goddess of the broken hearted. Gu Yingying and Yan Ningya, talented female students in the mecha combat department, were also among them. Behind them, wasn't that her brother Yan Zhanchen? He and his sister – along with Tang Xiao and his sister, Tang Mi – were praised as the strongest fighting duo in the NEU. Any time they teamed up in DreamNet, they racked up impressive scores.

Gathered around were others, and all of them were equally talented members of his school's mecha combat division. Familiar figured, familiar names… they ran through his head as he looked them over.

It was strange though, he thought. Why did they all look so miserable?

Nearly every one of them was pale, with their faces pained and drawn. Some had black eyes, others looked like they'd been nearly drowned. A good number of them appeared to twitch uncontrollably, like they had the jitters.

What's wrong with all these blessed ones? He thought. They look like mashed potatoes.

He managed, eventually, to draw his eyes away from the pathetic looking bunch. He spied five more people, situated in front of them. Three of them had golden masks, and two others hid behind silver, like Mika and Lin Guoguo.

Though they all wore masks, his eyes were instantly drawn to the man in the center. A nagging, familiar feeling tickled at the back of his mind.

They stopped a few feet away from Lan Jue. "Boss," Mika said, "we've brought him for you."

Lan Jue nodded, though when he spoke he addressed Jin Tao. "Fall in. First line, farthest to the left."

The left flank… whether students or soldiers, he knew what that meant. Only the exemplary members got that spot. Right now that spot was occupied by Tang Xiao.

"As you command," Jin Tao answered without hesitation, then trotted over. His heavy steps thudded loudly as he did so.

Lan Jue then turned his attention to the two girls. He spoke with Mika first. "You go ahead. Guoguo stays here."

"Very well." Mika's answer was quick, but there was a hint of surprise. It was the first time seeing her boss this way, so cold and no-nonsense. But so manly! She desperately wanted to stay and see what was happening, but had no recourse but to obey.

Lin Guoguo veritably jumped in to action. Filled with excitement, she took up position behind him like the other silver-masked assistants.

Lan Jue faced the gathered students, and spoke to them next.

"I'm sure you all know our newest addition, Jin Tao. You know his reputation. However, starting today, he is one of you. Part of the team. He will train alongside you."

Tang Xiao shot Jin Tao a sidelong glance. He wasn't the least bit upset with the fact that the dumb-mutt had taken his position. Instead, his small, dark eyes were alive with sadistic glee over what his fellow Disciple was to experience.

Jin Tao was suddenly filled with a palpable sense of foreboding. He knew the look in that fat fox's eye meant something nasty was on its way.

Lan Jue went on. "Now that we're all here, pushups. Begin. No one stops till I say so."

No one made a sound, no one dared complain. They fall to the ground and started their push-ups as fast as they could.

After yesterday's torment, the students had only been given four hours of sleep before they were woken up. Whether physical or mental, they were all beat. In fact, they felt like they were on the verge of collapse. In the end, though, they persisted.

The most common style of push-ups helped define and strengthen the muscles of the shoulders, chest and triceps, with some work being done to the upper back. It was a fine exercise for full-body training.

For these kids, with their Talent and physical fitness, three to five hundred was just getting started. The problem – or, rather, problems – were the needles jutting out of them from various directions. Everyone had at least three, and they locked their Discipline away. That, in addition to the exhaustion they felt from the harsh treatment of the training, meant they were on their last legs. Some started to struggle after only thirty-five.

Lan Jue's hand gripped a steel needle.

Again?! Is he kidding?!

The stabbing itself was a strangely stimulating. Not physically, but for the sense organs. But could this devil really be considering a fourth?

The push-ups continued.

The only one taking it in stride was Jin Tao. He was in better shape than he'd ever had been in his entire life. He was a blur, and by the one-minute mark he was approaching two-hundred without being out of breath. Only now was he beginning to feel a little flush from the exertion. His power flooded him, gave him power, so much so that he was afraid he couldn't adequately control it.

Suddenly, there was a flash. Three quick bursts of… something. Jin Tao felt his body seize. Three shiny new needles sprouted from his back.

He remained there, at the high point of a push, frozen and flabbergasted. An Jue's voice wafted towards him from behind. "Jin Tao is late, by an entire day. What you all experienced yesterday, he must endure today – and more, so that he can catch up." As he spoke, a golden bolt of electricity struck Jin Tao. The young man had been in the process of rising to his feet, having shaken off the initial jabs. Now he remained still as a sculpture.

People are all the same; they want others to experience their pain, to exceed it. There was a sick, shadenfreude sense of comfort in it.

Seeing Jin Tao a victim of the devil's lightning, and seeing him suffer the three needles as they had, immediately brought some solace to the beleaguered students. Suddenly the push-ups didn't seem so bad.

Though they were operating on four hours of sleep, they didn't feel weakened from it. They picked up speed, but none seemed to realize an important fact; no one cared how many they did. It wouldn't make their future troubles any less terrifying.

It wasn't long before the fourth needle was added to the third, and the boiling medicine water was reintroduced, for everyone. Jin Tao suffered the same fate, but no matter what Lan Jue threw at him, he endured.

That's why one of the golden-masked monsters interrupted his steam bath with a fireball to the face.

Chapter 249: Withdrawn

Three days passed in the blink of an eye. Well, For Lan Jue, Chu Cheng and Hua Li at least. For the talented students of the NEU, it may as well have been three years. They had no words for the torment they'd endured, and the only thing stopping them from collapsing in to a broken heap was the last vestiges of their spirit.

Their spirit was never exhausted. This was not entirely of their own making, however. Every time they'd see the new assistant teacher – the one in the silver mask, surrounded by golden light – they would feel soothed and emotionally renewed by her presence. Her golden light was like an infusion of courage and power, giving them the will to push on.

There were drawbacks, though, for while the new woman's powers empowered them, it also heightened their sense. It made everything they went through during the training that much more excruciating.

The students learned that the only way to avoid punishment and pain, was to never allow their willpower to flag. Otherwise, it a vicious cycle of emotional torment awaited them. Having their spirit refreshed inevitably meant their future tribulations became a hundred percent more tragic.

So for them, the sentiment was different; At long last, three days limped passed.

Each one of the students were the not-so-proud owners of several more needles, some with as many as nine. They were beginning to look like they had some sort of genetic similarity with hedgehogs.

'On the brink' was certainly the best way to describe these poor souls. Even though the bulk of their torturous experience had been psychological, they were still on their last legs. Breathing came difficult, and long ago the numbness in their bodies had them wondering if they were even still alive.

Early morning on the fourth day, they gathered in the training grounds, arranged in lines before the Prince of Devils. They were so beaten, so broken that they hadn't even had the energy for food.

Luckily, due to the careful ministrations of the masked teachers, no one had encountered any long-lasting problems or injuries.

In Lan Jue's hand was a tablet, with the names of every student and how often they'd had to be healed by Lin Guoguo's psychic mending. There was also detailed reports on their physical and psychological well-being. Some of them, he noted, had never needed Guoguo's attention.

There were certainly some exemplary examples among them. Many of the female participants really displayed the toughness of their Talent.

First among them was Tan Lingyun, though the light of stubborn indignation in her eyes – the fire of her spirit – was exhausted. Still, she stood straight and tall.

Zhou Qianlin, Tang Mi, Gu Yingying and Yan Ningya where the four others. None of them had required Guoguo's services. Though they were all bone-tired, each of them bore an iron will.

Qianlin's expression was hard, tough, though her eyes were calm. Tang Mi's face was obstinate, almost arrogant. Gu Yingying had threatened to give out several times, however each time she approached the red line she'd somehow manage to pull through. Yan Ningya appeared similar to Tang Mi. The furtive glances she shot towards the long-legged beauty spoke to a hidden rivalry.

Yan Ningya wasn't part of the illustrious 'school beauty' sect, but was nonetheless a recognized hottie in the eyes of NEU's gentlemen students. Her problem came when she and her brother had entered school. Ever since then, the two were ever in competition with the 'great fighting duo' of Tang Xiao and Tang Mi. It was a seething rivalry, that never gave them any rest.

One's looks were determined by their parents, and was not something so easily changed without the help of plastic surgery. There was too much pride in Yan Ningya for that, so if she couldn't compete with Tang Mi in looks, it would have to be through ability. She harbored a desperate desire to surpass Tang Mi, and it was this goal that had given her the strength to push on.

Her brother, Yan Zhanchen, lacked the mental fortitude of his sister, but his heroic appearance ensured he was enshrined as top three of the most desired male students. It had imbued him with a rather serious superiority complex – at least, until Tang Xiao had so handily showed everyone up during the Lir competition. Since then his arrogance had diminished, somewhat. Strength was what a pilot relied on, he realized, not looks.

If Tang Xiao could endure against this inhuman treatment, he thought, why then couldn't he? The determination drove him.

But surviving was about all they could manage. There was one more who not only managed to maintain, but thrive – like they enjoyed it.

Ever since the very onset, when he'd been stabbed with the needle and struck by lightning, Jin Tao was in heaven. The discomfort he'd originally felt in his body was beginning to subside. With every needle that stunted his Discipline, he could feel his body reacting. Nothing, however, compared to what he'd gone through with the Genetica.

Part of that was due to the fact that he'd experienced it before, he knew what to expect. He survived once, what could any of this do to him? He was also keenly aware that whether it was the drugs, the lightning or something else, all of it was having a direct and positive effect on his body. One's strength was contingent on familiarity, and adapting to one's own power. There was certainly pain and discomfort, but it was all taken with joy since it meant the result would be improvement. It got to the point where Lan Jue even had to treat him harsher than the others.

The secret etiquette teacher swept his eyes across the gathered pilots. As he made eye contact with them, each unconsciously let their eyes drop to the floor. All but Jin Tao, whose eyes were alive with a manic enthusiasm that would frighten a normal man, and Tan Lingyun who's stubborn refusal to back down matched the young mutt's.

Wang Hongyuan seemed discombobulated. He certainly wanted to improve his strength, but he didn't have the strength of spirit Tan Lingyun possessed. What spurred him on was his position as an Assistant teacher. It kept him from needing Guoguo's healing aura.

Lan Jue walked slowly to stand before the Savage Goddess. "Very good!" The words were soft, but surprised Tan Lingyun like a slap to the face. The masked drillmaster even extended a hand and patted her shoulder. When he drew back, he'd taken a needle from her shoulder with him. He placed it in her hand, and she was surprised to discover not a drop of blood on it.

She grunted, which from her invariably sounded like a disgruntled snort. Her body trembled, and for the space of an instant she felt a though she might fall over. But she didn't, and instead a comforting warmth spread from her shoulder until it felt like it filled her up. She felt as though every single cell in her body was injected with vitality, and it was a sensation she couldn't put in to words. All the pain and exhaustion she felt melted away.

Next was Wang Hongyuan, then the students. Each one of them felt something similar to the Savage Goddess, and it nearly put them in a stupor.

For the last three days they'd existed in a living hell. All they'd known was pain and torment, and had forgotten that such a pleasing sensation even existed. At first they suspected it was some trick or illusion, but gradually came around to the idea that life wasn't an abyss of suffering. Their bodies were instantly refreshed, renewed, and even their mental state was beginning to return to normal – simply with the removal of these needles. It was a sensation that defied explanation. A few of the students openly wept.

By the time Lan Jue's circuit was finished, they were all sporting one less needle.

"Everyone, drop and give me push-ups. Five hundred. Then we're running three thousand meters around the training field. This'll be this morning's warm-up." Lan Jue delivered his instructions, then turned and left. Today he would be returning to school, since he had his etiquette classes to take care of. He also needed to visit Skyfire Avenue, so that he could help prepare for the Pontiff and Satan's upcoming visit.

The five-finger push-ups were designed so that only the five fingers of each hand supported the weight of the entire body. It was excellent for hand and arm strength. Before the needle had been removed, each of them probably would have fainted at the prospect of push-ups and running. Now, though, their body's energies were a torrent, and they felt the need to let it all out.

Lan Jue left, taking Lin Guoguo with him and leaving Hua Li and Chu Cheng behind to handle the pilot's training. He didn't want them to get too comfortable – this type of physical training had to be maintained.

"Hey boss, is everything alright?" Lin Guoguo shot a glance towards Lan Jue as she drove the verti-car. He was planted in the passenger's side, rubbing his face.

"I'm fine," he answered. "My face just feels a little stiff, hiding behind that mask for days. I need a little bit of rest."

Guoguo's pretty figure trembled. "Too scary, boss. How did you even come up with a training regimen this inhuman? While I was giving them healing, some of them looked like they'd been dredged up from the bottom of hell."

Lan Jue chuckled darkly. "You think this is the bottom of hell? In my younger days I suffered through ten times worse. More than a human should ever have to endure. But, if you want power, how can there be no suffering? Besides, they've only just begun. This whole thing has been to give them a solid enough foundation to continue. They've still got nightmares yet to face."

Guoguo shook her head. "More! I'll tell you boss, I'm ecstatic I'm not part of this training course. Never in a million years."

Lan Jue smirked at her trepidation. "How could I ever make my Guoguo suffer such things. Your Talent is already at the ninth rank, so this sort of stimulation wouldn't have any benefit. It really only works for those of lesser rank, so unfortunately your future improvement is entirely dependent on your own cultivation and knowledge."

Lin Guoguo let out an audible sigh of relief, then chortled goofily. "I got me a good boss."

Lan Jue made Skyfire Avenue his first stop, going directly to the Jewelry store on the Avenue's surface. There, Xiuxiu and Ke'er were waiting. When they saw their boss, they were both quite pleased.

Lan Jue settled on the stool situated behind the counter, and took a sip of the warm water Xiuxiu had handed him. The Jewelry Master let out a long, tired sigh.

Chapter 250: Candidates

"One's own home is always the most comfortable! Minding my own business when that old fox, Wu Junyi, snaps me up for this training. Just absolutely screwing with me." The stream of complaints tumbled from Lan Jue in groans. Ke'er and Xiuxiu were surprised by the vocal displeasure. It was the first time they'd seen him like this.

Lin Guoguo humphed at him. "It looked to me like you were enjoying yourself out there, boss! It's not as bad as you say."

"It's so dull," he whined. "It's so much nicer here with you girls. A leisurely life is a comfortable life. Anyway, has there been any more news about the castles?"

Xiuxiu shook her head. "Nothing. The date they're arriving hasn't changed, but the Barber did come by looking or you. He said he had something he wanted to discuss. The Driver came by as well, looking for a drinking partner. Strangely, we haven't heard from either the Wine Master or the Gourmet in some time."

"Got it. Do me a favor and set a time for tonight with the Driver. Then get in contact with the Barber and see if he's in his shop. If he is, I'll head over and see what he has to say. Ahh, I really am the absentee councilman aren't I. Responsible for all this welcome party business and haven't once gotten involved."

Ke'er stuck out her bottom lip. "You've always been absent, boss, you know that."

"Ehm…" Lan Jue's easy smile froze on his face. After a quick moment, he recovered and snickered sheepishly. "You guys are too good at your jobs, that's why. With you all so good at your jobs, there's no opportunity for me to boss anybody around. So what's the point of having me here?"

Xiuxiu quickly made contact with the gentlemen her boss had inquired over. "Boss, the Driver will come by and meet you tonight. He said he'd like to take you to dinner. As for the Barber, he says he's in his shop. You can go find him there."


Leaving Zeus' Jewelry Shop, Ln Jue's heart was full of helplessness. When did my life get so fast paced, he complained to himself. Never enough hours in the day.

Lan Jue shook his head, and laughed at himself as he made his way to the Barber's shop.


Redbud Sculptury!

The white storefront was attractive, with purple letters on the top to display its name.

This was the Barber's shop, where he not only did hairdressing but also make-up. Lan Jue faintly recalled that many famed and important people would come to the high-priced Barber for a 'treatment.' Unfortunately, they were not members of the Avenue, and so were turned away.

The Barber was busy with a client when the Jewelry Master arrived. Much to Lan Jue's surprise, his client was none other than the Beautician.

The Beautician's eyes followed Lan Jue as she followed his entrance in the mirror situated before her. She flashed him a sweet smile. Presumably, she'd forgotten about the rage-inducing beating she and her colleague had received so long ago.

Lan Jue waved at her in greeting. He didn't trouble the Barber while he was working, and instead took up position upon a nearby sofa. Of course, the Barber was aware of his arrival.

"The busy bee deigns to make an appearance. Such a rarity to see you out and about! So how can I help you today; a little cut and blow, perm, make-up?"

Lan Jue's answer was delivered through a chuckle. "Unfortunately I don't have the time. I have something in the afternoon that needs attending. What is being prepared for the big visit? Is there anything I can do to help?"

At first he didn't answer. The snip snip snip of his scissors filled the air as he finished off his work on the Beautician. Once the errant hairs and split ends were dealt with, he turned to Lan Jue.

"We're all aware of why the two castles are coming all the way out here. When they come, it won't only be the Wine Master but also the Clairvoyant who greets them. I'm aware of the history between the Pontiff and yourself… this is a matter that affects the whole of Skyfire Avenue. You mustn't be impetuous."

Lan Jue nodded indifferently. "Alright."

The Barber went on. "I've already done most of the preparation work. The actual reception is being handled by authorities with the Eastern Alliance. We need only wait here for them to arrive. The representatives of the Castle and Tower have been given lodgings in either the Skyfire Museum, or the Gothic Winery. We're asking that you remain in the Museum during this time.

Excitement flashed through Lan Jue's eyes. "Is that where Satan's party will be staying?"

The Barber nodded.

"Very well," Lan Jue said without pausing for thought.

"We'll need to make sure we put this opportunity to good use," the Barber instructed. "We have to face what comes, confront it. And we have their high technology to contend with. So far, the plan is to have five sparring competitions. Four will be one-on-one, and the final fight will be two groups of five. We need you to participate in at least two. Is this agreeable?"

Lan Jue nodded. "Sign me up for the one-on-one, and the group fight. So other than us here, who else is participating?"

"The Driver is back, and he took the initiative to join the group battle." The Barber watched Lan Jue closely as he spoke. "We haven't decided on the final one, yet. As for the one-on-ones, we're also short-staffed. The Beautician and I won't be participating in that exchange."

Lan Jue nodded. He knew their combat abilities clearly, from the sparring exchange they had had. The Beautician was an expert in battlefield control, while the Barber was specialized in precise strikes. Together, they were a frightening team, but individually they weren't up to snuff. As ninth-ranked first degree and second degree respectfully, fighting alone against the best the West had to offer was a gamble.

Of course the attending and resident Paragons would not be participating. With both Satan and the Pontiff in attendance, the entire exchange would have to be handled with special considerations. The Fallen Angel Lucifer, and the Archangel Metatron would be here, terrifying and contentious rivals.

"You're telling me I'm the only one who's signed up for the one-on-one fights?" Lan Jue balked.

"It's not that bad," the Barber assured. "The Driver said he'd also double-up. We're still missing three."

Lan Jue looked at him helplessly. "Do you think we'd be able to convince the Wine Master to participate?"

"And appear that incompetent? I have faith you'll find an answer," the Barber replied.

The Jewelry Master sighed at the prospect. "Alright, I'll think on it. I'll find some people for the job once I've come up with something." Already, a few faces were swimming through his mind.

The Driver's abilities were without question. Lan Jue was very familiar with his Talent. He shouldn't have any trouble participating in two fights.

The missing member of their five-man team would also be a problem. With the Barber and Beautician among them, they'd need someone with pretty significant power to join in.

As for the individual battles, he'd also need a powerful candidate.

"Leave the selection process up to me," he said. "And the rest will be your responsibility." As Lan Jue made his determination, he rose to his feet.

They watched him leave. The Beautician – up until now silent as a mouse – suddenly let out a gentle laugh. "You're so lazy. Guess, though… who do you think he'll choose?"

The Barber chortled. "How can I know? The Avenue is too loosely organized. We're not even sure of how powerful our own council members are, much less anyone else. Let the Jewelry Master handle this. After all, he's had significant contact with almost all of the councilors, so he might know. Maybe he'll surprise us."

This caused the Beautician to shrug a lithe shoulder. "I'm not so sure. He knows a few, perhaps, but only them. The Gourmet, the Seamstress, the Coffee Master, the Wine Master… who else?"

"At least the Mechanist and Accountant," he responded.

The Beautician frowned prettily. "The Mechanist, that meat-head, he hardly counts. The Accountant is worse still. None of them are council members. As for the Gourmet, I heard he's never lifted a finger in violence, the whole time he's been part of the Avenue. How he even got a spot on the council, I can't imagine. Other than cooking food, he doesn't seem to be involved in anything else. He does have an excellent relationship with the Wine Master, but who knows his strength."

"Well, it's no longer any concern of ours," the Barber assured. "The Wine Master has said that it'll be fine leaving it in the hands of the Jewelry Master. A pleasant surprise, I thought."


Leaving the Redbud Scultpury, Lan Jue stood on the side of the Avenue proper. He appeared to be lost in thought, but after a moment began walking.

He had a habit; when there were things to do, it was best to handle them quickly. There was no point in dragging one's heels. Since he'd agreed to handle it, what better time was there than the present?


The Gourmet's Cabin.

"I'm hungry." Lan Jue plopped himself before the Gourmet's prized table and threw his feet on to it. He regarded the Gourmet with a lopsided smile.

If his students could see him now, their Prince of Devils so relaxed and accessible, it'd probably blow their minds.

The gourmet, sitting opposite him, stared blankly for a moment. He reached out, and shoved a plate of soda crackers towards his guest.

"I had no plans to cook this afternoon."

Lan Jue sighed. "So I see. How about I cook you a meal, then?"

"You. Cook. For me?" The Gourmet just looked at him in shock.

Lan Jue nodded emphatically. Without any further argument, he stood and made his way towards the kitchen situated in the back of the Gourmet's small shop.

The Gourmet looked as though he wanted to protest, but ultimately kept his mouth shut.

Before long, a hissing sound emerged from the kitchen. It was followed by a gust of aromatic steam, as though the ventilation system in the kitchen simply couldn't contain it all.

There was a fresh, pleasant scent that followed. The steam caused him to sneeze, but his eyes lit up all the same. He replaced the soda biscuit in his hand upon the small tray before him. He leaned back against the back of his chair and waited, a small smile on his face.

Soon Lan Jue reappeared. He set the table with a trivet and a bowl of chili sauce. Then he placed the bowl before his friend.

The noodles within the steaming pot swam in boiled water and bean sprouts, with a dollop of chili sauce on top. The pungent scent quickly filled the whole room.

Lan Jue handed a pair of chopsticks to the Gourmet. He kept a pair for himself and, without any further courtesy, began stuffing his face.

Chapter 251: The Pauper

"You know my problem," the Gourmet said. "If it isn't delicious, I won't eat it. I'd rather starve."

"Oh I know," Lan Jue answered indifferently. "But I also know, that noodles are your favorite. It's something we have in common. Go on, give it a try."

The Gourmet chuckled, then in order to appease his guest began to eat. He recognized all the ingredients, especially the spices which were his favorites. He nodded in appreciation, then ate some more.

It was a mistake to assume cooking chili oil was an easy process. In reality, the degree and duration of heat employed while preparing it was integral. It had to be precise, but it appeared Lan Jue had a natural talent for it.

The dish was a smattering of oil over noodles, drenched in vinegar. It was simple, direct, and unparalleled.

After a few minutes of hearty slurps, the contents of the two large bowls was gone. Lan Jue heaved a contented sigh, wiped his mouth, and sunk further in to his chair.

"As ever, your spices make the dish. So what do you think, my craftsmanship isn't bad, eh?"

The Gourmet curled his lips. "You managed, after a fashion. But I have this young guy here who shows up out of the blue, and offers to make me a meal. It isn't impossible to imagine you have some ulterior motive. Speak, what do you need."

Lan Jue chuckled at the crotchety old man. "As I'm sure you're aware, soon the Pontiff's Castle and the Dark Tower will be visiting Skyfire Avenue. There will be talks and spars and group battles. Unfortunately, we're missing a few participants; one for the five on five group fight, and three for the one-on-one battles. Which would you like to participate in?"

The Gourmet looked at him, stupefied. He spoke softly in response. "My reward is a bowl of noodles?"

Lan Jue shrugged. "What else do you want?"

He thought for a moment, then said, "I recall the Wine Master mentioning once a bottle in his possession. A vintage from the great wine masters from the Former Era, called Richebourg."

Lan Jue's eyes nearly popped from his skull. "My dear Gourmet, you're asking for my life here. That's more precious to the Wine Master than his own eyes."

The Gourmet shrugged. "I guess you don't want to try it."

"Not too hasty," Lan Jue said with a wry smile. "How could I not?"

"When pairing for a meal, go all out," the Gourmet said sagely. "As for wines, have you had anything that could be its equal? I'm fairly certain even the Wine Master hasn't tried it. I reckon that means we have a chance."

Lan Jue's face twitched. "You aren't going to ask me to steal it, are you?"

The Gourmet chortled. "Of course not. We're cultured, distinguished gentlemen. Just wait for me to puzzle out a solution, and help me execute the plan when it's ready. I swear it won't end with the Wine Master beating you to death."

"Yeah… never mind, I'll find someone else." Lan Jue vehemently shook his head.

Taking from the Cosmagus was like snatching food from the mouth of a tiger – he wasn't that stupid. What the Gourmet was asking was a death wish!

Suddenly, Lan Jue felt his whole body go cold. The Gourmet's small cabin became dark as oil, and a chilling aura permeated from every direction. It was like they were suddenly transported to another world.

Lan Jue backed away a step.

Everything around them had gone black. Only the Gourmet remained, seated calmly on the other end of the table. However, the jovial man he'd known for so long was gone – his mood had changed drastically.

"When?" Lan Jue asked, almost without thinking.

"When you get back," the Gourmet answered, his voice soft and pleasant.

Lan Jue heaved a sigh, then shot his compatriot a thumbs-up. "Alright, I'll do it."

Everything around them turned to normal. The Gourmet was seated opposite the table like nothing had happened, his empty bowl situated in front. The scent of spice still hung in the air. But even though the surroundings were back to normal, Lan Jue could see something had changed in the Gourmet's eyes.

"I'm off," the Jewelry Master said, rising to his feet.

"I'll join your five-man team," the Gourmet said, quietly. "Find someone else for the singles."

Lan Jue nodded. "Any recommendations?"

The Gourmet nodded. "The Pauper, and the Pharmacist. The rest are up to you."

"Got it." Lan Jue nodded his farewells, then left the Gourmet's small home.

Once outside, he wandered down the street with an excited sparkle to his eyes and a knowing smile on his lips.

The two castles… bring it on!

The group battle was already finished, and the single fights were short only two.

The Pauper… is it that guy? He isn't a committee member…

After taking the elevator to the Underground, Lan Jue let his intuition guide him down the street. After a few minutes of walking, he found his target.

It was difficult to determine his age, due to the dirt and grime. Tendrils of oily and disheveled hair hung over a dirty face. He was covered by an overcoat so filthy, the last time it was washed must have been the former era. It was only an overcoat by generous description, anyway, as it appeared to be mostly patches covered by more patches. The Pauper rested lazily against the corner of a wall, looking half asleep.

Were it not for the Gourmet's recommendation, Lan Jue would never have considered this man. He approached the poor man and stopped a short distance apart.

The Pauper's eyes were closed, but as Lan Jue approached his hand flashed out. Lan Jue reacted by snatching it out of the air.

It was a tarnished metal plate. Words were scrawled across it: Permit to Panhandle. Underneath was the seal of the Skyfire Avenue standing committee.

The Pauper waved a hand at Lan Jue, as though shooing away a fly.

Lan Jue answered with a soft smile. "I'm not with the enforcement team," he said, "you don't need to show this to me." He threw the plate back.

The Pauper caught it effortlessly, then opened his eyes.

His eyes bore the same lackadaisical sense as the rest of him, to where his dark eyes almost seemed dim. He sized the young Jewelry Master up once or twice, then shut his eyes again.

"The Gourmet said I should come find you. There's something I was hoping to get your help with." Lan Jue said.

At mention of the Gourmet, the Pauper opened his eyes once again. This time, though, they were clear as day.

He swallowed a mouthful of saliva. "Is he inviting me to eat?" The Pauper's voice was exceedingly pleasing to the ear; deep, sincere, masculine.

"Whether or not he plans to, I can't say." Lan Jue shrugged. "But he did ask me to find you, so I'm sure he has his reasons."

The Pauper's mouth curled in to a frown. "What reason could that be, hm? To bother me, whatever it is. I'm not going. No food, no drink, no Pauper. Three years the beggar, not once the king – heard the expression? I need sleep, so leave me in peace. Stop bothering me."

"The Gourmet told me the Wine Master has a particularly excellent vintage on offer – a Richebourg," Lan Jue mentioned off-hand.

This time the Pauper's eyes glittered, like sunlight on a snowy bank. "Really? That stingy old goat has one squirreled away? How come I've never heard this?"

"If I'd have let know, I imagine the ensuing chaos could be heard from Planet Luo. His whole cellar is theft-proof." The soft voice came from behind Lan Jue, and he didn't have to turn his head to know the Gourmet had made a personal appearance.

"Can you give us a bit? Just a sip? With that penny-pincher, who knows how long he's had this fine wine locked away." The Pauper complained.

The Gourmet responded in placating tones. "If I distract him, would you be able to find a way?"

The Pauper's eyes twinkled. "If I had an hour. Could you manage that?"

The Gourmet nodded. "Done."

The Pauper replied with a hungry grin. "What are we having with it?"

"Snowflake beef and white truffles," the gourmet answered. "Along with pan-seared blue lobster."

The Pauper swallowed once again. "It's a deal. When is it happening?"

"When you've finished your other responsibilities," the Gourmet said. He looked pointedly at Lan Jue.

Lan Jue took his cue and explained. "The Pontiff's Castle and Satan's Fortress are coming for a sort of exchange. We're missing some people for the one-on-one battles, and we were hoping to getting you involved."

The Pauper's brow furrowed, but he answered positively. "Fine."

Lan Jue nodded with a smile, and the Gourmet simply left with the business complete.

The Pauper watched him go with a piteous expression on his grimy face. "Can we throw in another boiled lobster? It's been so long since I've eaten anything with a decent flavor…"

"Clean yourself up and I'll boil a second," he said, without looking back.

The Pauper nodded. "Alright," he said with sincerity. "Wait for my news."

Lan Jue caught up to the Gourmet. "I've never heard of this Pauper before."

The Gourmet laughed softly. "He's an interesting character. He used to be an incredible talent, then one day something happened that altered his mind. Some sort of stimulus. He's been a beggar here ever since, for twenty years. He was here even before I. Other than food and drink, he is interested in nothing."

"I tried to figure out his abilities, but I couldn't find a way to ascertain how powerful eh is," Lan Jue said.

At this, the Gourmet smiled. "If the Archangel Metatron should make an appearance, it would be a good idea to send the Pauper out to greet him."

"Alright." Lan Jue was shocked at the revelation. Metatron was on the very cusp of being a Paragon – and the Gourmet was telling him the Pauper was his match?

"Some things defy logical explanation," the Gourmet said with a grin.

"I guess the Pharmacist is next on my list," Lan Jue said.

The Gourmet replied. "This time I won't go with you. Whatever price you offer him, I'm sure the council will pay."


The Gourmet went off on his own, leaving Lan Jue behind in the Underground. He walked down the Avenue until arriving before a particularly antiquated building.

It was built in the ancient Chinese style, simple and pleasing to the eye, but with a classical atmosphere. A horizontal, inscribed board bore the name in golden print: Hall of Supreme Harmony 1

In all the Avenue, this store ranked fifth among the area's impressive architectural achievements. It was almost as large as the Skyfire Museum.

People walked in and out of the hall in an endless stream. Even though the overall tourism to the Avenue had slowed recently, it didn't appear to have any negative effect on the hall's patronage.

No sooner had Lan Jue entered the shop, then a young man in clerk attire approached. He greeted him respectfully. "Jewelry Master, you're here? Please, come in." As he spoke, the clerk stepped aside and motioned for Lan Jue to enter with a sweep of his arm.

Lan Jue nodded and moved further in.

The interior of the hall was even more in tune with the classical style than its façade. It was all red wood, cool stone and antique ornaments gathered together to create a truly unique atmosphere. Walking through the store was like being transported back to ancient China.

1. Named after the largest hall in the Forbidden City.

Chapter 252: The Pharmacist

With the young associate's guidance, Lan Jue crossed a cross over a small lake and traversed a lengthy corridor.

Each step of the way was accompanied by the quiet, peaceful sounds of a guqin 1. The hallway itself ended in an octagonal pavilion, which was host to a woman. She sat behind a square table, upon which rested the ancient Chinese instrument he'd heard while approaching. She played it slowly, her long and delicate fingers dancing over the silken strings like flowing water. 2.

One corner of the table bore a censer, with a single joss stick poking free. Its pleasing aroma filled the area, as tendrils of fragrant smoke curled through the air.

The woman looked to be in her twenties, garbed in a long purple dress. Her dark hair was held up in a bun by a jade hairpin, keeping it up and away from her bright and pale face. She was pretty as a picture, an image of ancient Chinese culture and refinement. The music, the smell, the outfit… it certainly made an impression.

Once they reached the pavilion, the assistant stopped in his tracks. He turned, and once more indicated for Lan Jue to enter. The Jewelry Master did so, and waited with a look of silent appreciation as he listened to the young woman continue her song.

When she eventually did finish, the final pleasing notes hung in the air like a memory. Resting her delicate hands on the strings, she looked up to regard Lan Jue. With a small, gentle smile, she spoke. "It's been quite a while, Jewelry Master. How have tings been? Is there a problem with my medicines you've come to discuss?"

Lan Jue smiled pleasantly. "A joke, certainly. If our Pharmacist's medicines are problematic, then there are no decent pharmaceuticals in the whole of the Eastern Alliance. Expensive, perhaps, but nothing can be said with regards to quality."

The Pharmacist watched him carefully. "I'll admit, I am curious as to why you might require so much high-class medicine. Are we training an army?"

"Lan Jue offered a lopsided smirk. "It's a secret."

The Pharmacist indicated the stone stool by the table. Lan Jue approached, and sat. She placed an elbow on the table, and supported her head in her palm.

"You didn't bring your contingent of girls this time? A solo visit today – it makes me think you aren't here for pleasant conversation."

Their exchange was temporarily halted as a young girl – dressed similarly in old-style garments – arrived with a couple glasses of tea. The contents were a thin green tea, and as they each took a sip of the refreshing brew it was like a cleansing wash.

Lan Jue took a second tentative sip. "Excellent tea. You certainly know how to enjoy life."

The Pharmacist smiled prettily. "Do I? You are daily surrounded by four grand beauties."

Lan Jue chuckled. "They're friends… more like sisters."

The Pharmacist's lips curled in to a pout. "Men. Such duplicitous creatures. You think I don't notice the look in their eyes when these young women speak about you? I know what I see."

Lan Jue's face twitched ever so slightly. He wanted to say something to the contrary, but chose instead to refrain.

"What do you want, no more beating around the bush." The Pharmacist set her teacup upon the small table and stared at Lan Jue.

He complied. "The West's two great Adept organizations are coming, and we're going to celebrate their arrival with a friendly competition. A team battle, and four single combat bouts. We're still missing a single challenger for the one-on-one fights."

The Pharmacist's laugh was as pleasing to the ear as her guqin. "Alright. Things have been feeling stuffy as of late. Let's say… an s-ranked gemstone, and I'll throw my hat in the literal ring."

Lan Jue snorted with bitter mirth. "Of all those on Skyfire Avenue, you're probably the wealthiest. What do you need all of this for?"

"To enjoy life!" she said, matter-of-factly. "No one to cause me pain, no one to live me, just me and my work. Hoarding for my funeral, one does suppose. If the mighty Skyfire council should agree with my payment, I'll participate. Otherwise I suppose there's nothing to be done for it – you can find someone more qualified." The pleasant smile on her face was gone, replaced with a frigid expression and an equally chilly tone.

This woman, he thought – he was a visitor sharing tea, and she so suddenly had become hostile. "Fine. I'll find someone else." A loose organization like theirs, even if they had those kinds of resources, wouldn't pay so rich a price.

"Stop." The Pharmacist called out as Lan Jue rose.

"Hm?" The Jewelry Master just looked at her.

"If you won't give an s-ranked gemstone, that's fine," she began. "You can do me a favor instead."

Lan Jue regarded her, surprise evident on his face. "You have money, you have power… what else is there that you can't handle on your own? Much less that I can deal with."

At this, the Pharmacist expression grew… strange. It changed quickly from one of harshness and displeasure, to soft and inviting.

"Only a man can do what I need. I can't do it alone."

Lan Jue's eyes widened as he took a tentative step backwards. "I'm afraid I'm not for sale for your entertainment!"

"Idiot!" A malicious lit flashed through the Pharmacist's pretty eyes. She picked up the tea cup she'd relinquished, only to viciously throw it at Lan Jue's head.

Lan Jue, out of breath, laughed sheepishly. His hand shot out and grabbed the cup from midair. Not a drop was spilled.

"What then, speak." He said.

Suddenly, there was a hesitation in the way the Pharmacist held herself. She rose to her feet as she continued. "Come with me."

She lead the Jewelry Master along the corridor, the opposite way from which he'd approached. A building loomed at the end of their trek.

Lan Jue watched her incredible figure as they walked. Narrow hips swelled in to a pert and firm backside that swayed from side to side. By any metric, she was quite the woman. And yet Lan Jue was not drawn in by her allure. He stared calmly ahead, and appeared to have no urge to look her over. He didn't want to be indecent!

Further, the words of the Wine Master rang through his mind. They were warnings and things of note, that were revealed to him when he'd first arrived at the Avenue and was undergoing his tests. Among those important bits of information was one concerning this very Pharmacist.

Even in a loose organization like the Avenue, the Pharmacist was a special case. She was not a council member, bet held more authority than any junior member.

Do not provoke her, the Wine Master had warned. If he did, no one would be able to help him.

Lan Jue only knew that she was more powerful than him – maybe ninth-ranked eighth-degree… maybe ninth-degree, he couldn't say. Whatever the case, she was strong.

Certainly, this was the reason the Gourmet had suggested the Pharmacist in the first place. She was definitely a powerful enough Adept for what they needed.

The Pharmacist led him to the building, and inside. The passed through a courtyard, then entered a second. She stopped when they faced the entrance to a room.

The room – and in fact the entire building – closely adhered to the architectural principles of the pharmacy, all very ancient Chinese. The wooden doors and window frames were exquisitely designed, and the windows themselves were composed of rice paper.

Once more, the Pharmacist looked hesitant to proceed. She turned to face Lan Jue.

"Unless I'm mistaken, you come from a Former Era Chinese Bloodline, Jewelry Master. Is that correct?"

Lan Jue nodded.

"What I need," she said, "is for you to pretend to be my husband, for a little while."

"Huh?" Lan Jue's gigolo comment had been a joke. He had no idea she was actually asking to purchase him.

The Pharmacist shot him a look so cold it nearly froze him in place. "Put it out of your mind this instant. The whole thing would be a farce. More than a husband, I need you to pretend to be a father – my child's father."

Lan Jue stared at her in silence. She had no idea the Pharmacist had a husband, much less a child. It was big news!

"Your child doesn't know their own father?" he asked.

The Pharmacist shook her head, sending the long silken tresses trembling. Her face was a mask of bitter resentment. "Her father died while she was still in the womb. Because of my sorrow, the poor child was affected, and she was born blind. I've thought for years, searching for any way to return her sight, to no avail. All I can do is keep her close. Lately, though I don't know why, she's been calling for her father. But where am I supposed to find her a father? I was hoping this is where you could help me."

Lan Jue looked at her doubtfully. "Why me?"

"Because of your power," she said, "and your pure Chinese bloodline. My daughter may be blind, but she possesses senses no ordinary person could understand. I couldn't just randomly select someone for the position, otherwise she'd know. This is 'why you.'"

"Then, what do you need me to do?" he asked.

The Pharmacist went on. "Just spend time with her, every now and again. If you do this, I won't just help the Avenue this once. If in the future there is anything you need from me, I'll happily oblige. On top of that, I'm willing to offer you a special medicine. You're probably aware that my cultivation came as a result of the ancient Chinese Taoist alchemical arts. There is no cultivation method better for reaching the pinnacle of human capacity. The first among these methods, is the Pill of Immortality."

Lan Jue considered this for a moment. "How long would I be helping you with this?"

The Pharmacist laughed bitterly. "I can't tell you. Until she figured it out, or is old enough to understand…"

"This is a very difficult thing you ask of me," he said, a helpless tone to his words. "especially with no deadline. I can't make this promise."

The Pharmacist stood in silence for a moment. When she looked at him again, two glistening tears were rolling down her porcelain cheeks. "Help a pitiful mother, won't you? I won't impose any limits, there will be no requirements. All I beg is that sometimes you come to give my little one a father. Just… so that she knows a little bit what it's like. A child needs their father, and hopefully with your help she can grow up healthy. I no longer harbor hopes to return her sight, but… but I hope at least you can make sure she doesn't grow up with a broken heart."

Hearing her quavering voice, seeing her tears, Lan Jue was nodding even before he could stop himself. "Very well. I can't promise a result, but I will help the best I can. As for remuneration, don't worry about it – just help out the Avenue in the upcoming exchange. After all, we are family here."

"Yes." The Pharmacist nodded her head, ever so slightly. "Thank you. No matter what comes, I will always remember your kindness."

1. As performed on a very popular Chinese television show

2. This may also be a reference by the author to guqin music, where Flowing Water is one of the most popular songs from the instrument, and is incidentally the song being played in the video linked above.

Chapter 253: The Mystic Maiden

The Pharmacist wiped her eyes, and set about the business of composing herself. After a few moments, she returned to the doorway and softly knocked.

"Mama, come in." A silvery voice called out to her from within. A young girl's voice.

A small smile was on the Pharmacist's face as she pushed the door opened and entered. "Hello darling."

Lan Jue entered right behind her.

Though he'd guessed it earlier, what he saw proved that the Pharmacist's actual age was much different from her appearance. This young girl was older than he'd anticipated.

She was perhaps seven or eight, and so adorable it made one want to just smother her in affection. She wore a small white Chinese-style dress, embroidered with a plum blossom pattern. Her shoulder-length hair had been bundled up on the top of her head like her mother. It made her look even more a tiny classical beauty. There was a purity about her as well, the purity of youth.

She had two large and beautiful eyes, with long eyelashes. The eyes were bright and clear, though the pupils were slightly larger than they should have been, and lacked any vivacity.

Although it was only the first time he'd met her, already Lan Jue's heart was full of pity for the young girl. She was adorable, and gorgeous – perhaps her blindness was a result of heaven's jealousy.

"Jun'er," the Pharmacist cooed pleasantly.

The little darling's face lit up with a smile, and she tentatively picked her way towards her mother's voice. She took a few steps, then paused in uncertainty. "Mama, is the guest here?"

She had excellent perception! At Lan Jue's level of cultivation, he was constantly and automatically hiding his aura from others. For most, if he wasn't directly in their line of sight, then no one would know he was around.

"No, darling. Not a guest. Mother has answered you sweet heart. Do you remember your seventh birthday, the wish you wanted?" The Pharmacist covered the distance to her young one, knelt down, and wrapped her in a hug.

The little girl's whole body shook ever so slightly, as she turned her face towards Lan Jue. "Mama, mama… you, you brought daddy back?"

Tears flowed freely from the young medicine woman's eyes, but she nodded emphatically all the same and choked with sobs.

Lan Jue was at a loss for words. He'd originally suspected this role would be an easy one to play, however now that he was face to face with her, he was finding it very difficult to present any deception.

He took a few steps forward until he was beside the Pharmacist, then knelt as well. He gentle took up one of Jun'er's tiny hands. "Jun'er."

The little thing nervously shifted from one foot to another. Her dim eyes lit up, and her tiny voice was hopeful. "Daddy?"

Lan Jue was silent. The Pharmacist looked at him – not with intimidation, or command… just hope. Tears glittered in her eyes.

"Yeah," he said.

Pretty laughter bubbled up from within the child. "Daddy! Daddy why'd you go for so long? Mommy is always telling me stories about you. Can I touch your face?"

"Of course," he answered. Lan Jue lifted her tiny hand and placed it on his cheek. The Pharmacist relinquished the young girl from her embrace.

Jun'er's second little hand lifted, and gently began exploring the contours of the Jewelry Master's face.

Her hands were cold, but tender and delicate. The smile on her face was sweet, wide. "Daddy's very handsome. The bridge of your nose is very straight, you must be very handsome. And now that you're back, mommy won't be so tired all the time. You should be nicer to mommy, she missed you a lot too. I hear her crying at night sometimes when she thinks no one is listening."

Lan Jue took her in to his arms. "I guess I've made things hard for you and your mother these last few years."

To this, Jun'er quickly shook her head. "Jun'er's been good. I've gotten big! See, I'm not crying. Daddy, can you tell me a story about your time in the army? Mommy says you're a hero, that you left us because you were out saving people. You were too busy fighting the enemy, so you couldn't come back."

Lan Jue blinked. Jun'er's father was a soldier? Surely, he mustn't have been any ordinary man to marry a woman like the Pharmacist.

"Alright… how about I tell you the time I fought off a bunch of monsters!" He lifted her up, and they both took a seat on a nearby sofa.


"Not long ago," he began, "your father visited another planet. It was a beautiful planet, with lots of pretty trees and oceans. People called it a holiday paradise. But then came the monsters…"

Lan Jue told the story of his time on Tai Hua. He embellished parts of the story, and through his artful recounting Jun'er was hooked.

The Pharmacist sat at one side, watching silently. Her tears had once more stopped, replaced with a smile.

As Lan Jue continued with the lengthy story, Jun'er had cuddled up beside him to listen. By the time he finished, she was fast asleep. He and the Pharmacist brought her to bed and tucked her in. He watched her for a moment, an expression of disappointment on his face, before the Pharmacist beckoned him over with a wave of her hand. They left together, quietly shutting the door behind them.

"Thank you," the Pharmacist said, quiet and genuine.

Lan Jue shook his head. "She a brilliant little girl. Her father…"

A pained smile spread over the Pharmacist's face. "He went missing, during a military expedition. Out in the cosmos, a fight… there are a lot of unknowns. I had thought, strong as he was, that he wouldn't have any problems. Who'd have thought he'd never return. I was pregnant with Jun'er at the time. His name was Mo Liansheng."

"Was there any attempt to find him?" Lan Jue asked.

Once again, she shook her head. "We tried everything," the Pharmacist responded, "but the only information we had were his coordinates before he disappeared. It was out in the middle of space, nowhere near a planet. I was pregnant, and though he left no trace I hired a spacecraft to take me out and search for him. The result was that the background cosmic radiation… now Jun'er can't see."

Lan Jue sniffed. "So he could still be alive. Our universe is not lacking in miracles."

The Pharmacist gave a dismissive laugh. "I've given up on that possibility years ago. I'm fine, but thank you for your comfort."

"Alright, well I'll head out," Lan Jue said.

The Pharmacist called after him. "Will you be coming back?"

Lan Jue nodded. "To the best of my ability. I'll spend time with her whenever I have spare time. My Discipline is lightning, so perhaps I can also help her train with bioelectricity. And who knows, maybe it can help her eyes."

This clearly pleased the Pharmacist. "Really? That's excellent. Thank you." As she spoke, a small porcelain bottle inexplicably appeared in her hands. She handed it to Lan Jue.

The Jewelry Master answered by gently pushing her hand away. "I help you, because we're both part of Skyfire Avenue. And because I respect your husband. He must have been a first-rate soldier. My brother is a soldier, too. If I accepted any sort of payment from you, it wouldn't be a favor I'm doing – it's be a transaction. If we did that, there would be no way for me to face Jun'er. Do you understand?"

The Pharmacist was stunned. However, she gently nodded her head. "Again, thank you."

Lan Jue's heart was heavy as he left the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The Pharmacist and her daughter were not the only family this had happened to. The East employed many soldiers. He still remembered the young man he spoke with on Tai Hua.

A soldier's honor and responsibility… but if something should happen to them, it's their families that bear the pain. It wasn't just the soldiers themselves that were deserving of respect, but their families as well.

Lan Jue went back to the surface and got on his bicycle, then left the Avenue behind. He pedaled easily towards the NEU, all the while thinking about his class. He would discuss soldiers today, he thought, and though it was a difficult subject to broach he imagined it would draw a good number of students.


There were quite a few students today, as he anticipated. Perhaps it was the residual memories of the Ma La Tang he'd taught them of last time, but whatever the reason two thirds of his classroom was full.

He started the class by assuring them there wouldn't be any fine cuisine today, no etiquette instruction. He just wanted to share a story. It was about a man, a soldier for the East who left on a mission out in to the reaches of deep space. When he vanished, his wife went looking and their daughter ended up blind. It was a story about pain, and about facing the bitterness that life can sometimes provide. None of the students spoke during the story, and only sat in rapt silence as the information was delivered. When the bell finally rang and the students filed out, their eyes were wet with tears.

After class, Lan Jue made his way to Grace hospital. Zhou Qianlin would be busy with her training for the next little while, so he had decided long ago that he would stand in for her in the interim. It would be a way to cleanse his own soul as well.

There were many in the universe that needed help, he thought, and though he couldn't do much it was his responsibility to help who he could.


Grace Hospital was quiet, peaceful.

It was the afternoon, and at this point many of the hospital's denizens were lazily enjoying the sunlight.

"Ey? Little Lan's here. Where's Qianlin? It's been a few days since we've seen her. We miss her!" An elderly women smiled happily at Lan Jue as she greeted him.

Lan Jue smiled amicably at her. "Hello Granny Meng. Qianlin has enrolled in a training program, so she'll be out for about two months. It's a closed training, so they won't let her leave. She asked me to come in her pace for the time being, and help where I can. I'm all thumbs, so if there's something I get wrong please let me know!"

"Nonsense, nonsense. Ahh, two months without Qianlin! We'll miss her, but you Little Lan – don't tire yourself out. Here, I brought you an orange, have a taste."

Enthusiastic patrons of the hospital surrounded Lan Jue. He gracefully accepted their kindnesses, then set about helping; cleaning clothes, cleaning robes, cutting hair, cutting nails…

Chapter 254: Give Me a Chance

Lan Jue had come several times to Grace Hospital with Zhou Qianlin, so he had become proficient in most of the tasks they usually perform. However, even with his training and Discipline, the process was still a slow one. It was night by the time he'd seen to most of the hospital's tenants.

As he was preparing to leave for the night, he suddenly remembered one denizen he hadn't seen yet – that old woman who had left him with such a strong impression the last time.

He climbed the stairs and walked down the hallway to the final doorway before the end. Sopping before the knock, he quietly knocked.

"Come in." The quiet, quavering voice called out to him. To him, the voice sounded unhappy.

Pushing the door open, he entered.

"Granny Bess. Hello." Lan Jue smiled pleasantly towards the old woman, who was seated in her favorite spot by the window.

As ever, Granny Bess was dressed meticulously. She stared out of the window, but Lan Jue didn't know if she were watching the skies or the roads.

She turned her head to regard the young man, with eyes of uncommon clarity. They were gorgeous eyes, that made the viewer think Granny Bess must have been exceptionally pretty in her youth.

Lan Jue nodded amicably. "I'm here to help clean up your room, and clean your clothes."

"Mh." Granny Bess nodded her head.

Without any further discussion, Lan Jue set about his tasks. He performed them as he'd seen Zhou Qianlin do, first cleaning the clothes then returning to tidy up the room. By the time he'd finished sweeping, her clothes were ready.

These were all things he preferred, and was very particular about doing properly. He was a bachelor, so he knew how all of this had to be done. When he finished, he approached Granny Bess.

"Hey there, your fingernails look a little long. Would you like me to help you clip them?" Lan Jue asked.

She shook her head, lifting her eyes to stare at him.

He answered by dropping to his haunches. This meant Granny Bess wouldn't need to crane her neck to look at him.

This was the closest he'd ever been to this old woman, and though he couldn't understand why, there was something very familiar about her. He was inexplicably fond of her.

"The moon will be out. We had fine weather today." Darkness had blanketed the world outside, but the clear skies were alive with dots of distant starlight.

"The moonlight is beautiful. Granny Bess, you should have some food." Lan Jue said with a smile.

Once again the elderly woman shook her head. "The moonlight is enough. When the moon comes out, that's when I'm needed. You can go."

Lan Jue's heart was heavy, worries that Granny Bess was beset by no small number of weights on her shoulders. Her eyes regarded him, clear and bright, but there was something strange alive in their depths. There was a story in there, somewhere.

Lan Jue nodded, and rose to his feet. He opened the door but, with one foot out the door, he heard Granny Bess' voice calling towards him from behind.

"Be good to her."

Lan Jue stopped in his tracks, and turned to regard her.

Her eyes were already staring back out of the window. She spoke again, quietly though and mostly to herself. "Don't let appearances cloud your eyes. Don't let suffering blot out the moonlight."

Lan Jue just looked at her, not understanding. But there was substance there, he knew. He bid her farewell once more, then left the hospital.

Granny Bess' words followed him on the road home. Though he didn't understand what she'd said, he felt it held some profound significance for him.

By the time he got back to the jewelry shop, his guest was already waiting for him.

"Did you go looking for me?" The Driver stood as Lan Jue entered. He wore a dark grey suit with white stripes, a shimmering vest within, and a dark blue tie. His short-cut hair and impressive figure completely the manly representation.

Still, even so handsomely dressed, there was still an air of rogue-like charm that surrounded him. The chilly flash in his eyes didn't help.

"Yeah, lemme just change my clothes." Lan Jue waved to him, indicating that he sit. He exited to his apartments in the back to change.

When drinking, one's environment and atmosphere were important. He'd been comfortably dressed and busy all afternoon, but now that the Driver had arrived dressed so formally, he had to match him.

When he re-appeared, he was clad in a French grey three-piece suit with dark blue stripes. The cobalt blue tie held the whole ensemble together, and pared well with both the color and style.

A gentleman's clothes shouldn't exceed three colors, otherwise it looked messy and fickle.

When the Driver saw him, he smiled. His suit was a product of Wendy's, and wearing it was a sign of respect and appreciation.

The two gentlemen left the jewelry shop, with the Driver in front and Lan Jue just behind. They walked leisurely towards Wendy's shop.

The posh interior of the seamstress' shop was already prepared for their arrival. The sign outside expressed their current disinterest in visitors. Inside, a simple table had been stocked with an ash tray, some dried fruit and a fruit bowl. Beside that was another table, this one over a meter long and more than thirty centimeters wide. Upon it were set a host of various whiskies.

"You sure are a fan of single-malt!" Lan Jue said through a laugh.

The Driver had already snatched up the first whisky in line. Wendy appeared from somewhere in the back, bearing two crystal glasses which she placed on the table for them. She, too, laughed. "Not just him. I thought you also favored the taste. Even me, after smelling your cigar smoke and the scent of whisky I'm starting to enjoy it myself."

Lan Jue smiled pleasantly at her. "So why did you only bring two glasses? It's always more fun to drink together."

Wendy shook her head. "No thank you. I'll be fine watching you two enjoy yourself, I don't drink much anyway. If I woman always drinks and becomes a drunkard, how will she ever get married?"

The smile on Lan Jue's face spread wider. "If word of that ever got out, there'd be a line spanning across the Avenue of gentlemen looking to propose to Miss Wendy Wang."

The Seamstress responded with a snort, and a despondent look.

"Alright," the Driver interjected, "don't pay any mind to this heartless young man. I don't know why you like that crazy guy anyway."

"Am I crazy?" The voice startled them, especially since it came from the door they'd locked. A man had someone found his way inside.

His normally scruffy hair had been slicked back and fondly managed today. He was dressed in a fine, wine-red suit. His beard had been cut and cleaned up, making him appear ten years younger.

He bore a bottle in one hand, and an arrangement of flowers in the other. They were white as the driven snow, and looked like beautiful crystals in full bloom. Strangely, they emitted a strange blue mist which formed floral patterns of its own

Wendy stared at him in shock, an expression mirrored by both the Driver and Lan Jue.

The Driver was worse, with a scowl that turned his craggy face. He nearly dropped the whisky bottle in his hand.

The man approached the table and placed the bottle upon it. A silver stag head glinted in the light. Written on the label: 46 year. It was a famous bottle of former era whisky – Dalmore 46. Even in the former era, it was an exceedingly rare find.

The man didn't stop once he'd placed the whisky on the table. He moved around until he was facing Wendy, and stretched out his hand bearing the bundle of flowers he'd brought with him. "I'm sorry, for making you wait so many years. He's right, actually – I must be crazy. The obsession in my heart clouded my mind. I haven't been able to move past what happened all those years ago. But I woke up… and although there will always be things that will never be fixed, those things are gone now. The living must always look forward. I'm sorry you had to wait for me. I just hope, if it isn't too late, that you could give me another chance? I will do everything in my power to make up for it."

Wendy's eyes were wet with tears, and she instinctively took a step backward. She stared at the man before her, and though her eyes were moist no tears would fall for they were also filled with stubbornness, even anger. But even as they watched the hard light in her eyes gradually receded. In the face of everything, that burning anger eased.

She stomped forward and began beating her tiny fists against his shoulders.

He said nothing, did not attempt to dodge or retreat. Instead he smiled and wrapped her in to his arms.

The Driver and Jewelry Master exchanged a wordless glance. Suddenly, the two of them felt it was no longer appropriate to be here.

Lan Jue gave the Driver a telling look before rising to his feet. It was a beautiful moment he didn't want to tarnish.

The Driver also stood, though his expression was somewhat gloomy, and helpless. But more than that, there was joy.

"Where are you going? Such a happy occasion, and we have no friends to celebrate with?" Wendy, her arms wrapped around the man's waist, smiled happily towards Lan Jue and the Driver.

"You know, I am really fighting the urge to lay my hands on you." The Driver growled. "No… it's more accurate to say I've been fighting the urge for years. I'm warning you right now that Wendy isn't just my business partner. In my heart, she's my sister. If I hear you hurt her again, I won't be responsible for my actions."

Lan Jue reached out an arm and patted the Driver's shoulder. "You know you're threatening a Paragon."

The Driver's response was thick with contempt. "I don't care, he –" He stopped suddenly, eyes wide, and stared from the man to Lan Jue and back again.

Lan Jue shrugged at him, mirth dancing in his eyes.

Wendy lifted her head to look in to the man's eyes. "You did it?"

The man nodded. "I have. Not because of any power, but because my experiences finally opened my heart, and allowed me to see clearly what I should have learned so many years ago. That was the only way I could discover what was truly important to me. Power, was not what I needed. You are what makes me happy, and I'm sorry it took so long for me to realize it. I will use all the rest of my days making up for this debt. I will love you completely, and with the same zeal as one cooks food."

The Seamstress laughed.

Comparing endless love to cooking food… surely there was only one person in the cosmos who could make such a metaphor. The Gourmet smiled back at his Seamstress.

Chapter 255: The Visit

Drinking excessively invariably lead to hang-overs. So it was, when Lan Jue finally regained consciousness in the early morning, he felt like his head was ready to split open.

He didn't remember how much he'd ultimately had to drink. The night passed in a blur of joy and good tidings. The others were likely suffering as he was.

The first to fall to the alcohol's charms was the Gourmet himself. Be you a normal man or a paragon, once you let yourself go no amount of special energy was going to neutralize alcohol. He drink's numbing peace overcame him. But oh had he laughed – real laughter, as though he were trying to make up for so much lost time.

The Driver had also had entirely too much. Once discovering that the Gourmet had reached such heights of power, he knew his threats were nonsense. Pointless nonsense. He decided, then to show his strength and menace through the consumption of liquor. His ferocious coaxing of the Gourmet had ultimately lead to the Paragon's downfall.

The chef accepted it all, and drank until he was full with mirth and happiness. The Driver was not far behind.

Lan Jue kept them company, and drank as they did. At his level of drinking proficiency he was able to handle the volume – so long as he poured for himself. But he didn't.

Once the Gourmet was done, the Driver then turned his attention to Lan Jue. It wasn't long after that the both of them were well sloshed.

He faintly remembered talking a lot with Wendy. She carefully tended to the Driver and the Gourmet, all the while talking through tears and laughter. She'd carefully placed the flowers the Gourmet had given her in a vase, and tended to them like a priceless treasure. She would return to gently stroke the silken petals throughout the night.

Most of their conversation was lost to the drunken haze, but Lan Jue did remember one thing. She said she couldn't drink, not even one drop. She feared that if she drank and fell asleep, she'd wake up to find it had all been a dream. She wanted to feel, to remember everything. And when her man awoke, not to let him have any regrets.

Lan Jue had called Ke'er and Xiuxiu to come help him home – the first time he'd needed it since coming to the Avenue. He vaguely recalled seeing the gourmet pulling Wendy to the back as he left. As for the Driver, presumably he ended up in his car.

It had indeed been one crazy night! He stumbled from bed and poured himself a glass of water, and although his head was pounding he was in high spirits.

Driving while under the influence was an irresponsible and reckless habit, so he didn't. Xiuxiu ended up being the one to drive him back to the NEU campus' West Hill.

As he fitted the golden mask on his face once again, he pondered on whether he could keep a solemn exterior. The happiness he felt had spread to every cell in his body.


The students knew the moment they saw him that something was different.

What's going on? They thought. The Prince of Devils is almost warm today.

"Were you drinking, boss?" Lin Guoguo asked quietly.

"Mnh." He answered. He then turned his eyes towards the rows of students.

Today the students were vibrant and full of energy. They'd practiced all day the day before, and though they spent the night tossing and turning, they awoke excited to continue. They were dedicated to the far beyond ordinary training by this point. Further, waking in the morning and having a needle removed flooded them with that wondrous, warm sensation from before. Though they still didn't have access to their powers, the sensation and power they obtained from the needle's removal was beyond description. It was like they could feel themselves growing.

Finally, they felt like this was a serious training, not just torture.

As Lan Jue walked from student to student, pulling needles free, the students eyes lit up as they experienced that sense of release once again. Paired with the strange change in their drillmaster's aura, they were starting to believe this Prince of Devils may not be so bad after all.

Unfortunately, they were wrong.

"We're adding fifty percent to the training you did yesterday. If you can't complete it, you won't be sleeping."

Their hell would begin anew. Sweat fell like rain, as the bitter exercises commenced. Now, though, the students were different from when they'd started. They had changed.

They had had their second needle removed. Eventually the third would come out, then all of them. They were like seals locking away parts of their bodies, their spirits. Once they were all gone, what awaited them? What would they find?

Expectation was alive in their hearts, and it was pushing back against excruciating pain of training.

"You go drinking yesterday and don't invite us!" Chu Cheng viciously gripped Lan Jue by the neck.

Lan Jue, in response, rolled his eyes at his friend. "Let me go, I have something to tell you."

Chu Cheng huffed. "Hell no. Not unless you bring me some of the stuff you had yesterday."

"Want me to puke it out for you?" Lan Jue asked.

Chu Cheng hurriedly let his friend go. "A-Jue. When did you get so nasty?"

The masked Jewelry Master chortled. "I learned from you!"

"Sod off!"

Hua Li snickered. "You do look pretty happy today, A-Jue. What's going?"

"His uncle's found himself a wife," Lan Jue said.

"Eh?" Chu Cheng looked at him in confusion, but eventually his confusion made way for something else. "You're saying my uncle has a wife? That woman from before didn't die?"

Lan Jue gave him a lopsided smirk. "No, not that woman – that's certain. He fell in love with someone else, the Seamstress from Skyfire Avenue. Wendy's loved him for a long, long time, but the Gourmet has never given her the time of day. That was until last night, when he chose her. Those two have found each other, so I'm happy. Very happy for them."

Chu Cheng was struck dumb by the revelation. "You're saying my uncle's fallen in love with another woman? So… he's gotten over his depression? Recovered?"

Lan Jue nodded. "That's what I'm saying."

Chu Cheng let out a long breath, he didn't know how to react. Everything that had happened all those years ago had been a massive blow against his family. The worst of it had been his uncle's disappearance. Were it not for the fact that Chu Cheng was also strong with Hades' blood, their house would certainly have fallen in to decline.

"And what else? Did he find out who it was that killed her?" Chu Cheng asked.

"This I don't know," Lan Jue said. "I think you could probably go ask him yourself, if you liked. His mood is very different than it was before. Go to him, perhaps he'll tell you everything. Maybe he'll even go back with you… but who knows."

"I'm going right now!" Chu Cheng was gone, barreling across the training field to find his uncle.

Hua Li ambled to Lan Jue's side, watching Chu Cheng's figure disappear." This is very good news. No wonder you look so happy. If it were me, I'd do the same. In fact, more and more I'm enjoying life here on the Avenue. There's so little back-biting and trickery. The atmosphere is loose, no one tells you what to do, but it's… kind. In the West we have that bitter stalemate between the two castles. Even the Conclave in the North has got terrible internal strife. Skyfire Avenue really is an Adept's Paradise."

Lan Jue smiled at his friend's description. "If you like it then why not stay here. No one will make you leave. The precondition is you couldn't bring Mo Xiao with you – that'd be more than we could bear!"

Hua Li sighed. "If it were that easy, then I'd definitely stay here. Unfortunately, there are still some things that need doing. I lack a sufficient excuse to abandon them. So, yesterday we kept an eye on them – today it's back to you. Go ahead and see where your students are at – their progress has been good. You should use the medicine again today. I'll get everything ready."


So it was, today they'd once again turn them all in to boiled eggs.


Skyfire Avenue had changed, adopting an imposing aura as the adept exchange approached. Everyone knew the West was coming for a visit. It was certainly big news for the Avenue.

Of the eighteen council members, fifteen were present. Three were unable to quickly make their way back. The remainder prepared to greet the West after their journey.

Chu Cheng's trip to the Avenue had been quick, seeking out the Gourmet then leaving right away. He left a message for Lan Jue stating that he needed to go home for some family business. When it came time for the God-team battles, he'd meet them in DreamNet.

The words exchanged between nephew and uncle, Lan Jue was not privy to. It was telling, though, that Chu Cheng had left, but the Gourmet remained behind.

Today, in the early morning, Lan Jue made his way to the Gothic Winery clad in a fine blue suit.

The Wine Master was also dressed meticulously, in a wig and courtly raiment. His face was calm and stoic.

Besides the two of them, several others were in attendance; the Barber, Coffee Master, Doctor, Driver, Seamstress, Gourmet, Beautician, and Mechanic to name them. Ten councilors in all.

Several others not of the council were also in attendance. Among them were the Accountant, and the Pharmacist. The Pauper was also skulking about.

The Pauper stuck mostly to a distant corner, while the Account was at Lan Jue's side. The Pharmacist stood a good distance from the crowd, clad in a gorgeous ancient-style qipao. She glowered dubiously at everyone and everything, like they owed her money.

The surface area of Skyfire Avenue had been closed to all traffic today. The streets were entirely deserted but for the welcome party. The Wine Master took a moment to regard everyone in attendance.

"The two Citadels will be arriving shortly," he began. "Let's go say hello."

With that said, the Cosmagus lead them towards the far end of the Avenue, scepter in hand. The others fanned out behind them as they left the Gothic Winery behind.