327 - 335

Chapter 327: Military Uncertainty

"I've brought everyone back, and the training has been completed," Lan Jue said. "You can check on their improvement yourself. My responsibilities for the ARC are completed, so I'm getting back to my etiquette courses. Unfortunately, though, I'll need to be leaving again in about half a month. Perhaps we can fit a few more classes in to these couple of weeks."

Wu Junyi quickly nodded his head. "Not a problem. We'd have you in for classes every day if that's what you wanted. Just let me know what schedule you'd like, and we'll see it done."

Lan Jue nodded, appreciative of how helpful the Director was.

Then, a cunning smile spread across his face. "Professor Tan was telling me earlier about the training, and how much improved everyone is. Apparantly, every single one of your students has shown incredible gains. It only makes sense that we should keep this going, don't you think? But relax, we won't bother you too much with it. Just some instruction on how to run it would be grand."

Lan Jue knew that some the Director was here for some self-serving purpose. He frowned openly as he replied. "It is entirely unacceptable for you to copy my training methods 1. And if I'm being honest, I'm surprised at how good it all turned out. A lot of it was due to luck, and unforseen access to beneficial resources. Do you think you'll even be able to rustle up another group like this, with their level of talent? If you managed to pull together another batch, then another training wouldn't be out of the question – the school would have to cover all expenses, though."

The training had been a massive expense for Lan Jue, both mentally and monetarily. Between the materials, medicines, and cost of flying Zeus-1 all the way to An Lun, the costs were enough to make a normal man blind. And he'd assumed it all himself.

Wu Junyi struck a more conciliatory tone. "Ah Professor, you've sacrificed a lot for us, we know this. Take it easy, the school will definitely make sure you're compensated. Once all the checks and determinations have been finished we'll refund whatever you've spent."

Lan Jue's brows rose. "Director… that's quite a lot. Where will the school get the money?"

"From the training class, evidently," Director Wu explained. "Apparently one of the big shots opened his mouth. The military has explained that they will be giving out monetary compensation for every student that joins up after graduation, to pay for training."

Now, Lan Jue was truly surprised. "The Army? Those sneaky bastards. I bust my ass to turn these kids in to soldiers, and all the Army has to do is say they're interested before you toss them away?"

Wu Junyi was taken aback by the young professor's response. "These pilots are being turned in to warriors, isn't that what we wanted? Certainly this is beneficial for everyone."

Lan Jue's face crinkled in displeasure. "You should also pay attention to where they'll be serving. The military doesn't just train bodies, but minds. You shouldn't seek to recoop losses like this. If you're really interested in making money, the best way to do that is to train your charges properly. Think about it, how difficult will it be for them if they decide they're not interested, but the university is obligated? The administration should really think this over."

Wu Junyi was an astute man. His face hardened from the unspoken indication. "You're saying someone's worried about these students becoming Easern assets? Every aspect of the training was a strictly-kept secret – how could anyone from the outside have learned about it?."

"How precisely the information leaks is a question that needs answering," Lan Jue said. "I know that none of my charges could – every opportunity to communicate outside of the training was blocked. It's the university that has to consider resources. I'm sure that whoever has agreed to pay your price for these students will likely test their skills to determine payment."

Director Wu was beginning to understand the problem. "Alright, I'll dig a little deeper. If there are any problems, I'll let you know."

"Be careful where the money comes from, Director," Lan Jue said. "That's all they need to steal our bright minds away, and obligate our students in to service. If you don't accept, you – and the students – will have more options. The second you accept, that's it."

Wu Junyi looked back at him hesitantly. "So should we continue their assessment?"

Lan Jue nodded. "Yes, that would be good. It'll help ease doubts and shore up confidence. Give the students a week to recover, and we'll keep our ears open for any news. When you have the results, come to me immediately."

"I will." The happiness with with the Director had begun their exchange was gone. He left without another word.

Lan Jue did not remain in the office. This was a matter he'd have to think deeper on. With all the work and effort that had gone in to the training, a leak seemed impossible."

Lan Jue exited the electives building and pushed his bicycle toward the campus exit. He continued to ponder on the issue. If things really were problematic, he thought, he could rely on the Keeper's influence to get more information. As for the students, he had a couple routes to consider. First, he had to ensure that the rest of their time in school was suitably intense to keep their skills sharp. If they did choose to join the army then An Lun would be the best destination. That was Lan Qing's turf, and most important was they were a cohesive and unfractured unit. There was no room for internal strife, or disobeying orders. His students would need to be iron both body and mind before they were ready to be true An Lun soldiers. Then they would reach their true potential.

So he would wait for news, and learn who this bigwig was. If he was a trustworthy person, then the possibility of a military deal wasn't out of the question. After all, service to the nation was a noble obligation.

A rough voice interrupted his trek. "Once again you just saunter ahead without looking where you're going. What the hell are your eyes for, anyway?"

Lan Jue was rudely brought to the present. He lifted his head to see Tan Lingyun – clearly ready for a fight – just ahead.

Lan Jue's face immediately darkened. His voice was deep and displeased. "Who do you think you are talking to?"

Lan Jue was immediately and violently struck with regret. The moment the words left his mouth he remembered, he was no longer the masked Demon Drillmaster. He was the meek etiquette teacher Lan Jue!

As might be expected, Tan Lingyun's reaction was as quick as it was fierce. She traversed the distance between them in a single stride. "To you actually. Your blind ass is staggering down the street with that rusty piece of garbage and not even looking forward. Do you have a good reason for trying to run me off the path? Not only are you a piece of shit with no real skills, but you routinely run around pissing women off. People like you are the basest scum of the earth!"

"I-I didn't see it was you." A wise man knows when to retreat. Lan Jue had to resort to placative language to keep from blowing his cover.

Tan Lingyun's brows shot up. "Oh! And if it wasn't me, you think it'd be fine to just tear in to randomly people you nearly hit on the street? Hypocrites like you make me sick." She snarled, then whipped her leg at his shins with force enough to break them both.


1. While this is true everyone, China is a culture of professional secrecy. 'Ancient Chinese Secret' is a trope you see often in older kung fu movies and the like, and it's rooted in reality. Especially for things like this, Chinese masters are famously tight-lipped about their methods. Even while I was in med school, I was told by no small number of people to find a 'lao zhong yi' or old Chinese doctor to be my mentor. If I was lucky, he'd teach me all I'd ever need to know about Chinese medicine.'

Chapter 328: You?


The shins had no skin to soften the blow, and yet were densely covered in nerve endings. Lan Jue couldn't help but yelp pitifully from the blow.

Tan Lingyun just glared at him, as one would something disgusting. She sniffed at him – her final insult – then sashayed away.

Lan Jue hugged his shin and hopped in place for a good minute. Eventually the pain eased, replaced with an anger so violent Lan Jue felt like his could spit blood. This was that obedient assistant he could command at will not a week earlier. The change on the other side of the mask was intense – this Savage Goddess was certainly a unique character.

"Just wait… oh wait, and one day you'll see how I'll deal with you." Lan Jue snarled the words under his breath.

"Oh? And how are you going to do that?" Tan Lingyun stopped dead in her tracks.

Lan Jue's face scrunched and froze. He forced the expression away, replacing it with a sheepish grin. Then, everything started spinning.

The sky was a lovely shade of blue as – to Lan Jue – it slowly slid passed his vision. The clouds were a beautiful fluffy white. It hurt like hell when he hit the floor.

"Remember this – if you're going to talk shit, have the strength to back it up!" Tan Lingyun shook her red-knuckled fist in the air above his nose, ruining the picturesque scene.

Once she left, Lan Jue picked himself up off the floor and awkwardly stumbled to the campus exit. He hoped on his bike and started the ride home. All the while, the scene played out in his head. The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. Was there no solution for dealing with this woman?

He dialed Wang Hongyuan's number in to his communicator.

"Eh? Professor Lan." Wang Hongyuan's surprised voice answered.

Lan Jue replied. "Professor Wang. There's some business concerning the ARC classes I needed to ask you to handle. Something we have to nib in the bud…

Good. And make sure you tell Tan Lingyun. It'd be better if she also appeared to deal with this personally."

"Alright, got it." Wang Hongyuan said. "By the way, Professor, I just got this message from the university. They're planning another trip for the teachers who went to Taihua. We'll be gone for about a weak."

"Ah? Another trip?" Lan Jue's lips curled in to a frown. Their last vacation had almost claimed his life! It'd turned out a blessing in disguise – one he inexplicably recovered very well from – but it had certainly made an impression. So now there was this, and then the competition in the North. He just got back, he was hoping for at least a few days of rest!

"Yup! The school's trying to make up for what happened." Wang Hongyuan explained gleefully.

"Sounds like you're excited to go," Lan Jue said.

"It's free, why the hell not?" He answered. "They're giving us play money and sending us to the West."

The Western Alliance? Upon hearing this, Lan Jue's brows raised. Wasn't the West where the Wine Master had said the descendant was hiding?

"So you going?"

"I have to think about it," Lan Jue said. "I've been skipping classes for so long. It'll look terrible if I'm gone again."

He could hear Wang Hongyuan grunt. "How? At this point, even if you restarted the classes you wouldn't have that many students. It makes no difference if you come back in a few days or weeks. And with the clout you hold, the school will certainly help publicize when you're ready. Just be consistent from then on."

From Lan Jue's mind to his mouth. It's like he knew I need to leave again! They exchanged a few more words, then Lan Jue cut the connection. So they would be going to the West. According to Wang Hongyuan, it would be a famous travel destination. The planet was called the Barrows, a beautiful place said to resemble Former Era Earth.

A Journey to the West? He would have to ask the wine Master where, precisely, he wanted to go. They would be drinking the Cros Parantoux tomorrow, and perhaps the fine wine and his promise to help with soothe the flames of the Wine Master's fury. It would be closer to the North as well, making it more convenient to leave directly for the tournament afterward. It wouldn't delay or inconvenience anybody.

He decided to return to the Avenue and seek out the Wine Master first thing. He'd need to know if the Barrows was close enough to where he suspected the descendant to be. If so, he'd just separate from the other teachers and make a little side stop during their trip. So long as he let Director Wu know, there wouldn't be any problems.

He trundled along the road toward the Avenue. His shins still throbbed and ached, but inwardly he smiled. If Hua Li and Chu Cheng could see him today, they'd say the same thing: karma, bitch.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Lan Jue's communicator called for his attention. He looked down to see Xiuxiu's number.

"Xiuxiu, what's up?" He sounded a little surprised. It was very rare that Xiuxiu troubled him on his communicator. She only used it in emergencies.

Xiuxiu's voice seemed strange. "Boss, you need to come back right away. We have an uninvited guest."

Lan Jue's pleasant bike ride was no longer so pleasant. "Alright, I'm on the way. Avenue or Underground?"

"Underground," she answered. "And don't worry, all four of us are here."

"Got it." Lan Jue hung up, then hopped off the bike. A light flashed from his hand, and the antique bicycle disappeared in to his interdimensional storage space.

Satellites were rarely trained on a single person, but even if one was it would be completely impossible for it to follow his speed. The scenery passed in a flash, and before long Lan Jue was back on the Avenue. A quick jog and elevator ride later, and he was in the Underground.

Just as the Coffee Master had claimed, the Underground seemed particularly busy. The streets were bustling with activity, surging with adepts from all over.

Lan Jue fought through the crowd until he reached his store. The door bells chimed as he entered. He was immediately greeted with the sight of his four Amazons, surrounding a very nervous looking man.

"What? You?" Lan Jue's brows shot up.


Grace Hospital.

Zhou Qianlin had already been busy all morning helping the tenants. She'd arrived early to make up for having been gone for so long. She missed all of her friends. With so much to do, she'd decided to take a week off of classes. She'd report in and tell her parents she was at school, and that would be fine.

After returning from the training, her parents asked her all about it. She replied with understatements and half-truths. Some were outright lies, like when she claimed it was just a normal school training. She was thinner, certainly, but they couldn't tell anything from her face or mood to contradict what she was saying.

"Hey, Qianlin! You know your boyfriend is a fine young man. He's come several times since you've been gone to look after us. Well, not so much this last month. Is he doing alright?" A kindly old granny asked.

Qianlin's heart was filled with warmth, and she smiled pleasantly. "He's doing very well, Granny Li. He's been so busy this last month, but I'll make sure to bring him soon to visit."

"Good, good! It makes all of us old coots feel a little younger with you two around. You know when I was your age, I also had quite an umber of handsome suitors pursuing me. For example, when I first entered the service…"

The elderly never had too much to say, and Qianlin didn't interrupt. She always listened attentively with a smile, and helped when they got stuck. She'd heard many of these stories several times, so she knew most of them by heart. She felt like it helped them remember the past.

Despite her busy morning, she didn't feel the least bit tired. She couldn't help but laugh – it looked like that training even helped her with housework!

Eventually Granny Li's story concluded. Zhou Qianlin politely excused herself, then picked off her ruby gloves and went upstairs. She used them for cleaning, and to protect her delicate hands from becoming coarse. Although she didn't care, her parents might notice and grow worried. Once she realized this, she'd started using gloves.

She made her way down the hall to the last door, and gently knocked. "Granny Bess?" She called. "Can I come in?"

The quavering voice of the tenant called back. "Come on in."

Qianlin pushed the door open to see Granny Bess in her normal position beside the window. She stared in to the middle distance with an expressionless face.

Zhou Qianlin dexterously made her way to the elderly woman's side, and spoke with her in a quiet voice. "I'm going to clean the room a little for you, if that's alright. Then I'll go clean your clothes."

"Alright," Granny Bess answered.

Qianlin wasted no more time in polite conversation, and busied herself with cleaning. She tried to be quick, but quiet so as not to disturb Bess. She deftly cleaned every corner, for she knew Granny Bess appreciated cleanliness.

It didn't take her long to clean the tiny room. She gathered up the woman's clothes and brought them to the laundry room, then returned. "Granny Bess? The clothes are washing now. I'll bring them back in when they're ready. If you're ok here, I'm going to look in on the others."

It was their tradition. She would pop her head in and explain, then leave without interruption. This time was different, however, as Bess waved her over with a hand. "Come."

There was a moment of hesitation, but Qianlin quickly complied. Bess fixed her with those unusually clear eyes.

"You've changed a lot."

"Oh?" Qianlin replied.

The old woman lifted her right hand with surprising agility, and grabbed at Qianlin. Her fingers were more like claws, and a sanguine light shone from her red-painted fingernails. A supernatural gloom blanketing the small apartment, until it seemed like the light was devoured completely.

Chapter 329: Seeking Help

Skyfire Underground, Zeus' Jewelry Shop.

Lan Jue was certainly surprised at who he saw. Instantly, he knew why Xiuxiu had him rush down here.

The Four Amazons were masters at the 'imposing stare.' This was especially true of Mika, who looked like her eyes were ready to belch fire. The air was positively heavy with her violent intent. The impression was a modicum of self-control was the only thing keeper her from blowing up.

"Zeus." The newcomer's tone was respectful.

"Why are you here." Lan Jue's response was cold, and hostile.

With their boss' arrival, the four women almost unconscious stepped back and took up position behind him. Xiuxiu brought over a chair for him to sit on. Lan Jue thankfully accepted and settled on the chair, while Guoguo produced a small warm hand towel. He smiled pleasantly as he wiped his hands. Only once this had been finished, did Lan Jue return his attention to his guest.

"I've come to ask for your help. Only you can save the Empress." The plea was genuine and urgent.

"Help? I think maybe you've made a mistake. After what happened when we met you the last time, you still have the gall to come ask us for help?" Mika almost screamed the challenge.

Of course, the target of Mika's rage was none other than the man who inspired Zeus and his amazons to visit the Shattered Starfields – Gao Yong. The ninth ranked gravity Adept and second hand man to the Moonfiend Empress looked nervously at the five of them.

"Her Majesty had no choice!" He whined. "In truth this was her very last resort. Her sister has been captured, and she's been forced to concede to their demands."

Mika opened her mouth to say more, but Lan Jue waved her silent. Her overt anger subsided somewhat. The Pontiff's ambush during their last visit was specifically to grab her. Forcing Lan Jue to become involved to protect her, causing him to get hurt, was all the Empress' fault, and Mika's resentment went to the bone.

"So what do you want," Lan Jue asked dispassionately. Gao Yong chuckled nervously before continuing. "I'm sure you know that the Empress used to be part of the Pontiff's Citadel. She was their angel of the morning sun. Disagreements arose and she left,wandering until she settled on the Shattered Starfields and became our Moonfiend Empress. Sadly, the Pontiff had no plans to let her go. They searched and searched, until eventually they found her."

"I don't know how the Pontiff learned of your relationship with Her Majesty, or how they planned that ambush. What I do know was that the empress fought them every step for the way – until the Pontiff sent two of his top angels to take her away. She looked calm as they led her away, but she did leave a letter for me to give to you. That is why I am here. Only you have the strength to save my Empress!" He produced the letter with that final sentence, and handed it to Lan Jue.

Paper letters were a rare thing in this day and age. Ke'er reached out and picked it from Gao Yong's hand before giving it to Lan Jue. He took it up, and opened it to read the contents – a few scant sentences.

"I'm sorry, Zeus. That day when we met, it was like a knife to my heart. If there was ever one thing in the universe I cared for, its you. I don't expect your forgiveness, and I do not ask for it. I just want you to know that I had no choice in anything I did. They are dangerous people hidden behind sanctimonious faces. They're even more dangerous than the Dark Citadel. Signed, Little Yue."

There was nothing in the note asking for help, and it looked like it had been scribbled hastily. He looked a little longer before folding the paper and putting it away. "You can go," he said to Gao Yong.

The pirate shifted from one foot to the other. "What about my Empress…?"

"Our boss said you can go," Mika hissed. "Are you deaf?"

Gao Yong was surprise, but remained persistent. "The planet is already falling to chaos without her around to keep the peace. We've been the top for so long, and entirely self-sufficient. We rarely go out to plunder any longer. If we don't bring some order back soon, the Starfields will be a mess just like they used to be as someone seeks to fill the power vacuum. The three starfield planets will once again be homes to the most violent and depraved pirates alive – a galaxy of vice and murder. I'm sure you don't want this to happen, and neither do we. I'm begging you to help bring our Empress back. We'll pay whatever price you require."

Lan Jue remained indifferent. "Go. I'll think about it."

Gao Yong still had more to say, but Mika quickly and fiercely removed him from the premises. Once the door was shut, she stomped back grumbling in irritation. "Messing with us the one time isn't enough, he wanted us to show up for a second round? Does he thing we're stupid? Boss, don't let your soft-hearted nature win you over. Nothing good will come of helping that wretched 'Empress'."

Lan Jue shook his head. "No… in truth, there's something I haven't told any of you. We could have fled last time, before the Pontiff's men had arrived, but it would almost certainly have led to terrible things for little Yue. She'd told me with her eyes, and if she hadn't we'd have walked right in to their trap unprepared. Everything I said then was to confuse the Angels and throw them off little Yue's scent."

Mika was still not convinced. "You better not be falling for her charms, boss."

To this, he laughed. "If not a Moonfiend, why not a Succubus, right?"

Mika's face reddened, but she didn't pursue the thought. "So what are we going to do? Are you really planning to go and save her? You're talking about walking right in to the belly of the beast. You'd be facing the total power of the Citadel, and they're stronger even than Satan's men. That guy was right when he said they were a bunch of sanctimonious hypocrites. There isn't a halfway decent person among them. You shouldn't risk it!"

Lan Jue huffed. "You're assuming I'm all heart and no strength. And anyway, you think I'm stupid enough to take on the entire place by myself? I only was able to beat Michael with a steaming heap of luck. You all can relax, I'm not going to risk my life."

Mika heaved a sigh. "Fine, fine. You want some water, boss? I'll pour you a cup."

Lin Guoguo tittered. "I'll rub your shoulders, boss!"

Lan Jue could feel the hairs on the back of his neck rise – danger! "What are you guys planning? Only the wicked hide their intentions behind unsolicited kindness!"

Xiuxiu offered a demure smile. "We aren't planning anything. We just see you working so hard lately. We're just trying to help!"

Lan Jue chuckled. "You think I can't see through you guys by this point? If you want something, just go ahead and say it."

It was Mika who spoke up. "Boss, look… we need an upgrade. Our mechas, Zeus one two and three, everything. We should have been doing this years ago. We haven't talked to you about it because the shop's been needing work. Now that we've had this sudden windfall of power gems, we have enough capital to get the project finished. Business is good enough that we have a surplus, so shouldn't we be upgrading? You told us to pick a few out and use them before, if you remember. We've got some ideas."

"So this is your secret," Lan Jue said through a smirk. "Of course there's no problem. I leave it up to you all. How could I say no?"

Mika, suddenly excited, went on. "We'll handle it! Ke'er's already started on the blueprints. What about Thor? Should we re-outfit it as well?"

He shook his head. "You don't need to bother with Thor, I'll handle that myself. Focus no your own suits. Remember that you should always handle your mechas by yourself. You shouldn't rely on anybody to do or help you with it. Only in this way can you really understand every part of your suit. And them ore you know, the more it becomes an extension of yourself. Every top level pilot had made their suit a part of themselves, like a limb and not a tool. They may be made of metal, but mechas are almost sentient things. They have a spirit, a soul. The more you put in to it, the more it will give back."

The girls nodded emphatically. They exchanged fiercely excited glances.

In some ways these ladies were still kids. Although they've been happy here, Lan Jue's depression had effected them as well. Lan Jue had indeed been busy lately, but he was living. This filled them with vitality as well. In witnessing the strength of the Avenue, watching Paragons rise and fall, and witnessing the god battles, that excitement only grew. They were impatient to get better. They didn't like to see him in such a rut – how could they help him then?

Lan Jue excused himself and returned his apartments. He laid on the bed and stared at the ceiling with half-lidded eyes. Was there really nothing he could do about the troubles in the Starfields? The amazons were only around because of his intervention.

He need to clear his mind. This trip to the West was starting to look fated. He'd take advantage of the school trip. But first, there were things to prepare.


Blood-red claws swiped at her face, so quick Zhou Qianlin couldn't dodge. But she reacted quickly, and her right arm shot up to throw her hand between her and her attacker. The delicate bracelet on her wrist twinkled, and suddenly the hollow metal charm hanging from it burst with rays of radiant blue light. Before her eyes, a giant water elemental ten feet tall materialized.

It was the power of the Pelagic Pearl, the one Lan Jue had forced her to take.

This was the first time she'd seen it's power. It hadn't been needed during their fight with the pirates, but Lan Jue had required her to wear it before he'd let her participate in the fight.

Now, faced with Granny Bess' sudden attack, her unconscious reaction had been to call on the pearl for help.

Splash! The red fingernails dug in to the body of the summoned beast. Then, in an impressive display, it froze around her hand and refused to let go. Then, a chilling scene unfolded. The massive elemental darkened until its entire form was a deep crimson, and began to emit a strange odor.

Half a second later, fingernails that had grown five times their size burst through the elemental's back. It was too quick – and she too stunned – to dodge.

The Pelagic Pearl's elementals were powerful enough to contest an eighth-level Talent in attack, and a ninth level third rank Talent in defense. This was to be expected, considering its outrageous price. And her pearl was of the highest grade!

And yet it collapse at the first swipe of granny's wretched claws. It hardly slowed her at all, and the power she'd used had completely corrupted the creature. What sort of nightmarish power was this?

Qianlin shut her eyes tight and projected her will in to the Spirit Caller power gem. But nothing happened. Somehow, the stone had lost its efficacy. The great claws grabbed her, pierced her. She was filled with a freezing terror that sunk to the marrow.

Chapter 330: The Military Quandary

Beep! Beep! Beep! Lan Jue's ears were pierced by the harsh call of his communicator.

"Professor Lan." It was Director Wu. His voice was uncharacteristically quiet.

"Results already?" Lan Jue asked.

"Yes! It's the goddamn Lir University if you can believe it. After my investigation everyone came out clean except for one, who ended up being a scout for the school. He must have caught sight of part of the training before you left for An Lun. I suspect he made a report to some lieutenant friend in the military and that got the ball rolling. Word is he was instructed to check whether the training was truly effective and, if it was, steps would be taken. More than that, this spy must have told them about you, too. When I was inquiring with the military office, they told me they would gladly call you in to train their soldiers."

First, Lan Jue was surprised. However, that quickly turned in to a chilly sneer. " A lieutenant? Missed the mark there, fellas. It doesn't matter, Director. It isn't something you need to worry over. Just don't accept any money from anyone and you're fine. More important as that we don't delay their testing. Call them all back and do it as soon as possible. It'll really solidify where they were and what they achieved."

"Hm?" Director Wu replied. "Do you have an idea on how to deal with this?"

"If I didn't, how could I call myself these kids' teacher?" Lan Jue answered. "This isn't some military black op or political game – this is a university trying to be cute. I'll have someone politely remind them to mind their own business."

"Alright." Director Wu trusted in this young man's ability to handle the situation. This etiquette teacher was definitely stronger than he liked people to think. With such a man in his corner, what did he have to fear from a lieutenant?

Their conversation concluded, Lan Jue cut the connection then dialed in another number.

"Ey? What made you think of calling me up, underclassman?" Su He sounded calm, relaxed, and groggy.

Lan Jue smirked. "Upperclassman. How's your vacation going?"

Su He answered with a lazy laugh. "I have forsaken my life and duty, and sink in to a sea of self-serving pleasure. I can't even remember the last time I felt so relaxed. Out here, having fun with the people I love, what more can you ask for? There isn't much more that'd make life better."

"Well, unfortunately I have to bother you with something," Lan Jue said.

"Oh? What's up?" Su He sat up a little straighter. Lan Jue's voice was calm, but he could hear the seriousness in tone.

Lan Jue quickly relayed the information he'd been given from Wu Junyi.

"What?!" The moment Su He heard the news, he was upset. He was a guest teacher in high standing at Lir, so this tarnished his reputation as well. And he even had to get the Bookworm to help get him there. He was the respected Paragon's apprentice! How could they do this?

"Don't worry about it, I'll handle this. I'll get in contact with the university leaders right away. They must have a goddamn problem in the brain, and they'll regret it. Thanks for bringing this to my attention! I owe you a favor." And he meant it. It was no surprise he would react this way. Lan Jue had a dozen ways he could have solved this, but Su He was his first thought. It would give him face, and he knew Lan Jue had his back.

Lan Jue gave a placating laugh. "Don't let this darken your holiday, upperclassman. It's not a big deal. I just didn't want to see your improving spirits spoiled on someone's whim."

"It's fine, underclassman. I know how to take care of this," Su He said. "Oh, by the way, I watched your god battles. I've got to say, I really admire you. I had no idea you'd grown that strong. You and your brother are getting to be about the same."

Su He had known for a long time that he was Zeus, and that Lan Qing was Prometheus.

"Ugh, stop cursing me," Lan Jue said through a chuckle. I've really got a long way to go before I catch up to my brother. He's at the choke-point."

"Ah?" Su He was clearly very surprised by the news. Of course he knew what Lan Jue meant. It was something to be feared, because if an adept failed to break through they would never improve further. And yet, it was still a symbol of an Adept's mastery. Of course, they were talking about ninth-rank, ninth-degree Adepts. Those who hit the bottleneck, were preparing to break through to Paragon status.

Su He knew precisely how old Lan Qing was, and for him to reach this point was entirely unprecedented. It would go down in history.

"Ah, there really is a lot to envy. Jealousy, is what it is. I'm not talking to you anymore, it hurts my pride. I'm going to handle this business with the university right now." He ended the talk on a somewhat helpless note.

"Ah wait upperclassman," Lan Jue answered. "I do have some good news for you."

"What's that?" He was genuinely curious, since he couldn't think of any news Lan Jue might have that would involve him.

Lan Jue smiled. "I can tell you haven't heard. Your master broke through."

"He did? Wow, that's damn impressive to achieve at his age!" Su He almost absentmindedly answered, but as the last syllable rose it stuck in his throat. "Wait. He… he broke through?"

Su He had suddenly remembered how strong his teacher was. He was at the peak of ninth rank, and that meant…

Lan Jue could hear him swallow on the other end of the communicator. For a moment, he was more excited than if he'd broken through himself.

The Bookworm had been deep in to the winter of his life. He'd known it for a long time, and he'd even discussed plans should the Bookworm pass. He never thought the old man would achieve this, and now that he had the promise was that his life would be extended greatly. Even at his age, this would be significant. At the very least, he'd have nothing to worry about for another ten years. He was very excited, and why not? He was his disciple!

Hearing his friends' reaction, he couldn't help but feel joy for them both. He couldn't help but laugh. "It looks like the Bookworm was also concerned with interrupting your holiday. Anyway, he's been very busy lately. No doubt you know about the DreamNet upgrade, which he helped orchestrate."

"Well that settles it," Su He said resolutely. "Vacation's over, it's time to go back and help my teacher."

Lan Jue could only shake his head. "I really shouldn't have said anything. Your wife's already going to hate me."

"Nah," Su He assured. "I'll make it up to her when this stuff is settled. We've been out here a long time already. In the future I'll make sure to give myself a break, so we'll both benefit."

"So long as you're happy," Lan Jue answered.

They exchanged a few more words, where Su He asked about the details of his master's breakthrough. All the way until they hung up, he could sense Su He's happiness for his master. That was a true teacher-student relationship.

Lan Jue was also very happy for the old man. Not only was the Avenue stronger for it, but all of humanity had a great scientific mind to its benefit.

Having Su He deliver the message to Lir was enough. But the military wasn't something you tried to bully. But it would be an issue easily resolved, nonetheless."

Chapter 331: Popping Corks

Lan Jue dialed in the Keeper's com number, and shared the situation in a few short sentences. The Keeper answered with a single, irritated sentence: "These idiots – they only ever spoil what they touch." He cut the connection, and Lan Jue knew the situation was handled.

Originally, Lan Jue had planned to visit the Wine Master tonight and explain the situation with the wine. However, upon second thought he decided to get him the morning of their drinking date instead. He could get everything done together, and would instead spend the night eating something small and meditating.

Ever since returning from Taihua, Lan ue had felt as though his progress had quickened. He felt stuck at the edge of ninth rank seventh degree, but if this trend continued he would reach ninth rank ninth degree at his brother's age. As an Adept with two disciplines, that would make him especially dangerous.

Lan jue meditated through the night, solidifying the electrical power that had strengthened around his Core after the recent battles. When he awoke, he had a glass of water and two pieces of plain white bread. He didn't want anything tasty that might influence the wine he was about to enjoy. He finally left for the Gourmet's small residence.

The roster was the same; the Gourmet, the Seamstress, and the Pauper look like they've been waiting anxiously for this moment.

The moment he saw Lan Jue, the Pauper shot to his feet. "Alright! Everyone's here, let's get to drinking."

The Gourmet nodded. He rose and approached his wine cabinet, extricating the Cros Parantoux from within.

"Alright, so whose dropping the knife or fork." It was wine nomenclature 1, and it was describing a means to open a bottle of wine. Traditionally, one would use a corkscrew to achieve the desired result, but using two forks or knives inserted in the edges worked just as well. The most important thing in opening wine was making sure that one removed the whole cork.

The cork itself was a type of oak bark. So long as its integrity remained, the wine inside was protected. Sadly, those bottles which had been poorly corked may find the stopper broken, or reduced to pulp. The residual cork in the wine and it's aeration promptly ruined it. So, opening bottles was a delicate art, and in a group of friends it was always the one with steady hands who handled the bottle.

In the new era, good corks from fine were a pricey commodity. This was of course especially true for the cork from a legendary wine like the Cros Parantoux. Both it and the bottle would fetch a good price at auction. They were, after all, rare antiques. There was no small number of people who would pay handsomely to add these to their collections.

The Pauper raised his hands, as though to ward him away. "They call me Cork-Killer for a reason, so don't hand that to me. If I ruin it, I'd have a room of very angry people to contend with. Can't you use your Discipline to remove it?" the Pauper asked.

The Gourmet shook his head. "Drinking wine like this requires a process. It's like a pilgrimage. The path is pure, with only the tools they used in the old days. How could we defile this moment with cheating, by using our Disciplines? It's a shame the Wine Master isn't here – he's the most wise and practiced about these things. In all honesty I don't entirely trust myself to open it! Jewelry Master, what about you?"

"Remove the foil and let's see what condition the cork is in," Lan Jue said.

"Alright," replied the Gourmet.

The foil was a thin sheet of aluminum metal wrapped around the bottle's neck. It's purpose was to help seal the bottle for future consumption.

Judging from the look, the Henri Jayer masterpiece still seemed well sealed. It was astonishing that a bottle from nineteen ninety-three would have survived so well. Burgundy was much harder to properly store than Bordeaux.

The Gourmet produced a small utility knife which, among its several functions had a knife specifically for removing wine foil. It was a fancy looking thing, with a cover that looked simple but masterfully carved with decorative designs. Lan Jue could recognize immediately that it was made of mammoth tusk, which was exceedingly rare even in the former era.

There were other differences as well. The corkscrew was longer, specifically designed for opening older bottles. Often the older ones had longer corks. A corkscrew had to almost fully penetrate a cork to extricate it successfully.

Two quick circles of the serrated knife, and the glass beneath was revealed. They could see the cork inside. When they saw it, all four onlookers' faces changed.

"It permeated." The gourmet's brows furrowed.

The cork was no longer brown, as one might expect. Now it was a puce hue. The bottom of it was almost black. The wine had, over such a long period, seeped in to the cork. Thankfully the contents looked clear – a turbid wine would have caused Lan Jue to fear for it.

Any wine that had too much sedimentation or was simply stored too long would spoil. Too aged, was the phrase used often – directly saying a wine had gone bad was disrespectful to the wine.

The Gourmet plucked up a clean towel from nearby and carefully wiped the bottle clean, along with the black condensation on the cork. It wasn't dirt, but old wine that had penetrated through.

"Should you or should I?" he asked.

Lan Jue took a deep breath. "Let me." In the moment of truth, Lan Jue took on the responsibility. He didn't have the culinary mastery of the Gourmet, but when it came to wine he had a wealth of experience. This wouldn't be the first rare bottle of wine he'd opened.

The Gourmet handed the bottle and utility knife to Lan Jue.

"So if I get the cork out without issue, you're going to give me this knife right?" He wouldn't be able to take the cork or bottle as a souvenir, the Wine Master would certainly want those.

"You are nothing short of a wretched bastard, did you know that?" the Gourmet snarled. "So long as you get that out, you can have it. What if you don't, though?"

A smile crept across Lan Jue's face. "Then I owe you no less than three bottles of thirty year old whisky.

"It's a deal."

Lan Jue pulled the corkscrew out, then placed the bottle flat on the table before him. He put all his focus on the bottle. His breathing slowed. Both the Pauper and Gourmet nodded inwardly in appreciation as they watched. The Jewelry Master may have been young, but he was mature and level-headed.

With the steady, slow hands of a surgeon Lan Jue brought the corkscrew down. It's tip pierced the cork in it's exact center, and Lan Jue carefully pressed down while turning the utility knife, forcing the corkscrew deeper in to the compromised cork plug.

He pushed and turned, keeping a steady rhythm that saw the corkscrew slowly dig further and further. It stayed dead center, not deviating. When it was eventually lodged deep in the cork, Lan Jue placed the metal lever against the lip of the bottle. Now, was the moment of truth. It was time to pull it out.

This was the most likely time for the cork to break. Breaking it wouldn't ruin the wine, but it would be a great pity.

Lan Jue picked up the bottle, held it horizontally, and only then began to pull. Anyone with experience in opening wines would know this method was the least likely to ruin a cork.

The Pauper and Gourmet's eyes watched, unblinking.

Slowly, the cork began to creep out from the neck of the bottle. Lan Jue kept the pulling strength constant, and didn't rush. When finally the sides of the cork peaked from the top, everyone inwardly sighed in relief. Though permeated, the cork's sides had not been dissolved. They wouldn't have to worry too much about causing the cork to break apart.

The revelation caused the three onlookers to be overcome with joy. This only proved the exceptional quality of the wine they were about to imbibe.

Ever so slowly, the cork inch out until – at last – it was free from the bottle. Entirely in one piece. When the cork was free, Lan Jue smiled in triumph. With his experience and steady hands, this was no problem.

Phomp! The muffled pop of air rushing in to the ancient bottle hit their ears. But just them, a flashing silver light appeared that blocked the bottleneck.

"Aw damn. It's been marked."

The whole of the small shop was suddenly awash in brilliant silver light. A booming, furious voice thick with pretension howls from within.

"I'll kill you bastards!"

Lan Jue was the first to react. He raised his hands high, the bottle cradled within. "Hey hey hey! Don't do anything crazy, think of the wine!"

The dangerous aura that had strangled the room eased, as the Wine Master's eyes fell on the bottle. Lan Jue's other hand had the utility knife, with the cork still impaled on the corkscrew. The bottle was open, but there was no scent.

"You bastards… my treasured wine!" The Wine Master's whine was sad and tortured, as he snatched the bottle away. He did it quick, but ever so carefully. He looked upon it like a man would his lover.

The Pauper and the Gourmet exchanged a wide-eyed look, their expressions awkward. The plan had been to call the Wine Master once the bottle was open, but that was also supposed to be after they'd had a sip. They had feared he would prevent them from having any at all. After all, they hadn't exactly asked before taking this particular bottle.

"Give it here!" The Wine Master roared.

Lan Jue winced, and quickly handed him the cork. "Look, don't scare the wine! It'll change the scent."

The Wine Master glared him down with a look that could murder. "I knew you'd be here as well." He snatched the cork away and looked carefully at it. He could still clearly discern the name stamped on it, Henri Jayer.

Upon seeing that the cork was still whole, the old man's dark glower eased somewhat. He turned his attention to the Gourmet next. "Well, why are you looking at me like an idiot? Get out your best glasses."

1. No? At least nothing I found, If there are any wine connoisseurs please feel free to educate me.

Chapter 332: The Charm of a Legendary Wine

"Coming right up!" The normally cool and collected Gourmet was quick to his feet to accommodate his guests. He brought over the glasses, which had been prepared earlier.

They were fine looking large burgundy glasses, composed of beautiful crystal. The thin walls of the glass reflected the shimmering light of the wine Master's residual power.

The Wine Master coldly watched his every move. "I'm surprised you don't expect me to take this and keep it for myself. I won't even tell you how much this single bottle costs. Suffice it to say that every one of you owes me, tremendously. If you can't agree to that, then I'm leaving and taking my wine with me. I'd have to seek recompense afterward, and I won't be nice about it."

The Pauper gave a bitter smirk. "Well when you put it that how, how can we say no? I accept, I accept." The strongest portion of the wine Master's murderous aura had been direction at the Pauper, who had done the actual thievery. He dare not upset an already intensely irritated Paragon.

The Gourmet looked sheepishly at his old friend. "I agree, but I can't help my cravings. But consider this, the Seamstress and I are together now, and you haven't presented us a congratulations gift. You have a commitment…"

They could all see the veins in the old master's forehead growing large and prominent. "And who the hell in their right mind would offer a Henri Jayer bottle as a wedding present?! If you plan to then I'll get married every day and find a new one every night."

"Pfft!" The Seamstress couldn't help herself, and broke in to a fit of laughter. "Don't lump me in with these rascals. I'm just here for the entertainment, I'm not having any. A sip is equivalent to the cost of a power gem."

Lan Jue quickly interjected. "I've already agreed to help you with that other business. Look, I'm trying to do the right thing here. I never once refused to help since you came to me with this. I've paid my dues."

The Wine Master snorted. "No, the fact that you brought us fifty power gems makes you square."

The Gourmet cackled at this. "Alright, alright. We don't all need to be so nervous. It'll mess with the taste! You only have this bottle, and we don't want to ruin this chance to taste something so exquisite. Seeing as none of us have had anything like this before, are there any special considerations?"

Now able to educate his colleagues on a matter of interest to him, the Wine Master relaxed somewhat and took a seat. "Pour it like you would a Romanee-Conti. The only difference is, one should keep a ten minute break between sips of a Jayer."

This was the first time Lan Jue had heard this. "Oh? Why?"

The Wine Master shot him a look. "Have some, then you'll understand." He followed up by gripping the base of the bottle, and pouring approximately two fingers in each of the four cups.

Te moment the wine left the bottle, it's fragrant scent wafted out among them. It was restrained, like a bashful maiden.

"A Jayer bottle is the ultimate treat. After about two minutes, we can have our first sip." By now, the Wine Master's expression had calmed. However, a smoldering excitement could be spied behind his eyes. This was a very special bottle, and it deserved the requisite excitement and respect.

The Gourmet's small place sunk in to silence. The Seamstress – not in the least upset she was not participating – tittered to herself. Everyone had their hobbies, and hers didn't involve red wine. The Driver's influence had actually imprinted more of a love for single-malt whisky.

The Driver always complained that he was unable to taste the subtleties of red wine. He preferred simpler fare, and single-malt whisky was his go-to choice. Perhaps it was his yin nature that contributed to his desire for the very yang-oriented drink.

Contrary to popular believe, red wine also wasn't the most expensive alcohol out there. While something like a Jayer would fetch quite a windfall, single-malt whisky was in a class all its own. Classified as a spirit, it could be left for ages without any requirements, and didn't need special storage like wine. Those whiskies which had survived from the Former Era until now were known to be exceptionally rich in flavor. The price was just as dramatic. To true connoisseurs, they were priceless treasures.

"Alright." The Wine Master lifted the fine crystal glass by the stem. He swirled its contents, looking for sedimentation. Lan Jue, the Gourmet, and the Pauper mirrored him.

It was important to note that the Pauper had looked very clean the last few days. Though he was only clad in little more than a wife-beater, he had taken pains to look as presentable as one might expect a beggar to be. He was even surrounded by a faint, pleasant scent. All of this was certainly to maintain the proper atmosphere for their tasting party.

The wine's scent wasn't strong, and nor was it entirely fragrant. It was complicated, and possessed layers of peach and pear blossoms, apricot, lily, forget-me-nots, cornflower, and tulips. Although the scents were faint, it contained a wealth of pleasant aromas. Once the bottom opened, it was like they were transported in to a flower garden. They could almost see them blooms in their minds eye.

If Bordeaux were considered a more masculine wine, then burgundy was its feminine balance. This, was its extreme, and the scent was like a punch with an open fist – hard and soft. It passed through ever cell, and settled in their hearts. It was like the essence of the scent was melting through them.

Lan Jue was suddenly somewhat unwilling to drink. He shook his head ever so slightly, then took another wiff, then again. It was like he truly was in a flower garden. He could almost see the lilies, and a vision of a beautiful garden blanketed in moonlight swam behind his eyes. He felt the wine was even more complicated, now that he had his nose in it. It was a feeling very difficult to describe.

The Wine was first to partake. He took a sip, and not a small one. Only half of the treasured liquid remained. Truly exquisite alcohol needed to be enjoyed in somewhat larger quantities, only then could one experience all of its flavors.

The Wine Master's face scrunched in pleasure, and then Lan Jue and the others took their sip as well.

Romanee-Conti, it is said, penetrates your gums, right down to your very soul. The Cros Parantoux was something altogether different. As the crimson liquid slipped passed his lips, Lan Jue's mind went blank.

There was only one word to describe this sensation: boom!

Indeed it was like the flavors of the wine had exploded in his mouth. In contrast to its gentle smell, the flavors filled his mouth without subtlety. He – like the wine Master – winced as he felt his whole body react.

How could this be? It was just pinot noir, how could it have such a stupendous flavor? Lan Jue hardly noticed swallowing the mouthful. All he knew was that staggering, intoxicating sensation as the flavors overcame him. He'd never tasted anything like it in his life.

The four of them placed their glasses upon the table, one after the other. For a long time, no one spoke.

Lan Jue finally understood why the Wine Master had instructed them to pause for ten minutes between drinks. The flavor lingered, much to his delight.

The first few moments when a wine touched the tongue was called the foretaste. While in the mouth, the flavors were referred to as the mouthful, and then finally the aftertaste. When determining the quality of a wine, all three sections are important. It had to have all three, well balanced and pleasant, and only then was a wine even considered decent.

This wine, though, didn't have those three. It had one – an explosion of flavor! It penetrated to the bone, even after the sip was done.

Even now he felt as though the aroma was seeping from his very pores. All three 'sections' of the wine were one in this complicated flavor that lingered on the tongue, as though it had been branded on the taste buds. It felt rooted in his mouth.

As predicted, ten minutes later the flavors had begun to subside, and gradually disappeared.

Licking his lips, Lan Jue wanted to say something, but ultimately refrained. He didn't want to say anything that would effect this ambrosial flavor. At any rate, he didn't think he could summon the words to tell them how this wine made him feel.

The five Avenue denizens sat just like this for the rest of the morning, quietly sipping wine.

Once the wine was gone, the Wine Master reverently gathered up the cork and bottle. The Gourmet shot to his feet. "I'm sorry."

The Wine Master glanced at him. "No need. Just remember that you owe me."

"I used to think drinking a bottle was much better than having one," the Gourmet said. "But now that I've had the Cros Parantoux, I know I was wrong. In order to truly appreciate this wine, everything needs to be perfect. The right place, the right food, the right atmosphere… every detail seen to. We were curious and capricious. Drinking it in this way was blasphemous. I not only owe you a favor, but a bottle of wine. Just tell me where another Jayer can be found, I'll do anything in my power to recover it. The next time, everything will be perfect."

A small smile finally appeared on the crotchety old man's face. "Understanding is enough. In a few days, the Jewelry Master and I will leave in search of the Great Master's descendants. I can't make any promises, but if while we're gone we do need assistance, I'll call on you. Make sure you don't leave the Avenue."

Chapter 333: Save Me!

"Count me in," the Pauper said. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, and I'm sorry for drinking your wine. It was truly an experience I'll never forgert. I never thought I'd feel something like this in my lifetime. That explosion of taste, of flavor. So many layers. It was like having an epiphany. I think I may have found my path."

"Oh?" The Wine Master's eyes brightened. "If you have than it was no waste of a very fine wine."

For ninth-ranked Adepts, finding one's path had more meaning than the average phrase. Upon reaching the peak of their abilities, Adepts hit a sort of bottleneck – just as Lan Jue had said about Lan Qing. Once an Adept reached this point in their cultivation process, they began a lengthy journey of discover, to find their own path. They began to search through a parrallel world of protogenic energy, the root of things. Only once they themselves could fully integrate in to that world and learned to master their corresponding protogenic power did they become a Paragon.

It was a long and difficult process. This accounted for part of the reason as to why there were so few Paragons, and also why they were all so strong. Paragons and adepts were separated by orders of magnitude. Lan Jue at ninth rank seventh degree was a threat to an adept at their ninth rank peak. And yet, a group of ten such adepts wold be no match for a Paragon.

Like Lan Jue, Lan Qing's future was bright because he'd already discovered his path. For Lan Jue that was his Ascension, which was also his corresponding protogenic image. As a result, upon reaching the bottleneck their torturous journey would be considerably shorter. Comprehension of the protogenic energies would be quick.

The Pauper wasn't fortunate enough to have known his path beforehand, and as a result had been stuck at his peak for many years. A bottle of wine for a lifetime of self-perfection was a fair trade.

"I feel as though I should go and meditate on this, and really imprint this feeling on my mind. Please do bring me when you go searching for the descendant. I couldn't pass up another opportunity to taste such a wine again. I'm confident that another chance will show me the correct path. I've been preparing for this for years – the chances of success are good."

"Good." The Wine Master's response was concise.

"So it is for today, friends. I haven't prepared anything to eat, and I think I should meditate as well. I don't want to forget this either." He was, after all, the Gourmet. His appreciation of finer cuisine was all-consuming.

"Wine Master," Lan Jue interjected. "If I might have a word?"


They left the Gourmet's shop, walking together toward the Gothic Winery. By now the Wine Master's expression was back to it's normal stately countenance. However, every few steps he'd stroke the empty bottle, and a flash of regret would pass over his eyes.

"I suspect I'll never have another bottle like it, for all the rest of my days," he sighed.

Lan Jue smiled. "Of course you will. I'll help you. We're all excited for another taste. The Pauper, the Gourmet, and myself all felt it. That explosive, sustained, complicated flavor… it was an astounding thing. I'd have never expected such a gentle aroma to hide a taste that rich. It had a wonderful balance of powerful and subtle. It was the most intense wine I've ever had.

The Wine Master nodded. "Indeed! It was the greatest wine I've tasted in my life. My only desire now is to find that descendant."

"That's actually what I wanted to speak with you about," Lan Jue said. "Is your suspected location for the descendant far from the Barrows?"

"The Barrows? How'd you know that's where we were going," the Wine Master said, surprised.

"Ah?" Lan Jue was just as shocked. "That's crazy coincidence. The university is organizing a teacher retreat to the Barrows. Now you're saying that's where the descendant is."

"I don't know if that's where they ended up, only where the clues lead. I asked the Clairvoyant to see what he could discover and he said the Barrows would be my destination 1. He said the world which was most like our mother planet. The Barrows must be our destination."

Lan Jue smiled. "This is good news. Two birds with one stone. I'll arrive as a tourist, and I guess you'll find your own how. Shall we leave in a few days?"

The Wine Master thought for a minute. "That's fine. Luckily there's nothing terribly important in the next few days. The Gourmet's back as well. We'll go and take a look, hopefully we'll find something. You'll be representing the Avenue in the North's farce of a tournament soon as well. Are you sure you have the time for all of this?"

"I'll be leaving for the tournament right after our business on the Barrows. The West is a closer journey. I'll meet up with everyone on Planet Luo."

"Very good then. You should have time. When precisely are you leaving for the Barrows?"

"Within the next couple of days – I don't know the specifics. I'm going to the university this afternoon, so I'll find out and sign up. Anyway, you arrive whenever you're ready and we'll meet up."

"Alright, and I'll let the Pauper know so we can go together." The Wine Master said with a nod.

Lan Jue smirked. "At least make him change his clothes, otherwise we'll start looking like a gang of homeless people."

The Wine Master laughed. "You don't need to worry about reputations with the Pauper. He is among the strongest adepts there are. He was once quite a dapper young man, actually. The power he inherited turned him this way. He became the Pauper to search for his path, and now he was lucky enough to find a hint of it."

But it was more than that. Wouldn't they stick out tremendously if they ere wandering around with a beggar?

Lan Jue chose not to discuss the issue of the Moonfiend Empress with the Wine Master. It was his own private affair he had to handle. The Avenue had already helped him tremendously in a myriad of ways. He didn't want to trouble them any further. However, he knew they'd have his back if he couldn't handle it himself."

Lan Jue sen the old man back to the Winery then returned for his bicycle. He took the ride to work in order to prepare for the trip.


"Save me!"

Lan Jue was puzzling over the best way to deal with the pirates when the faintest cry called at the back of his mind. His entire body froze.

His vision became sharp and focused, bolts of cobalt blue racing across his eyes. The cry had come from the Spirit caller gem.

"Come to the Grace Hospital."

The last message came from a croaking, sinister voice.

Lan Jue was stunned. Once the Spirit Caller gem was bound, only those two people could use it. Hearing another voice meant whoever it was had enough power to penetrate Qianlin's heart. Whoever had Qianlin was a master of the heart and soul.

No further communication came through the gem. The world around him was calm.

Who? Lan Jue's pace did not change. He was in no rush. In these moments, he'd learned to be calm.

From the sound of the voice, they were old. He was well familiar with Grace Hospital from his visits, and a single image swam up at him from the depths of his memory.

The old and silent woman, silently staring out of her window. He remembered her strange aura, and her calm demeanor. Her?

A blinding flash burst around him as Lan Jue changed in to a bolt of lightning. He flashed in to the skies in the direction of Grace Hospital.

Moving at such staggering speeds, he was at the hospital doors in the blink of an eye. He was surrounded by an imposing chilliness, worse even than when he'd adopted his persona as the Demon Drillmaster. Zhou Qianlin wasn't Hera, but she was a good person, and if she got hurt here because of her kind-hearted nature…

Lan Jue took a moment to bring his focus back to the present, then walked inside. He encountered none of the other elderly occupants, and quietly slipped through a nearby power outlet. His consciousness shot through the entirety of the hospital through the connections.

It didn't take very much time or effort for Lan Jue to find his intended target.

Indeed it was the room he'd expected. As ever she was looking expectantly out of the window, but there was something far darker in her eyes now. Nearby, a terrifying blood-colored cocoon sat. It slithered gruesomely with undulating threads of sanguine light.

That must be her!

Sparks of errant electricity spat from the socket in Granny Bess' room. In a flash, Lan Jue was standing in the gloomy room, his eyes alive with electric energy. He was careful to keep his powers hidden, but it was evident he was one wrong move away from bursting like a volcano.

Those flashing eyes fell upon the ancient woman in her chair. His voice was a growl. "Why."

She didn't move, didn't even look his way. It was then Lan Jue noticed her left hand, resting on the table by the window. Each finger bore claw-like nails, as red as the cocoon nearby.

She looked normal, unthreatening.

Lan Jue was careful not to act rashly. He saw the cocoon, but was unable to get any sense of Qianlin's location – but, maybe ever so faintly.

Bess finally turned her head and looked toward Lan Jue. Her bright eyes were the eyes of a young woman, but her voice was that of a crone. "No reason. I needed something. Both of you have it. Yours is somewhat better. So, if you agree to relinquish it to me, she will live. If you do not, I'll need to take it from her."

Lan Jue ground his teeth. "What do you want?"

1. By the way, this was referenced all the way back in chapter 12.

Chapter 334: An Unknown Paragon

Bess hissed, "Altruistic blood! Hers is very pure, but the power in it isn't strong. But yours… yours is strong. Though I do not know how deep your altruism flows. Of course, if you agree to give up yours for her life, that would prove it, wouldn't it? You have a choice, puppet."

Lan Jue met her gaze with one of his own – infinitely calm, and infinitely cold. "What if I refuse to choose? I only need to beat you to save her."

Bess croaked a withering laugh. "You were smart not to involve the Avenue, otherwise you'd never have seen her again. And it is true that the only thing standing between you and this girl is an old lady. The question is, can you defeat me? I suppose we'll see!"

The words weren't even gone from her mouth before her clawed left hand groped out for him.

The room darkened as a sinister power drank the light. They were replaced by haunting rays of blood red, that painted the room in nightmarish displays. An all-pervasive terror bore down upon him while the tiny room seemed to expand until he was surrounded in a blood-red world of fear.

Protogenic Domain!

Lan Jue's dispassionate expression changed. He knew Bess was strong – he'd felt that before 1 – but not like this.

Use of protogenic ability wasn't always a sign of Paragon status. Some talented Adepts were exceptions, such as the Four Divine Monarchs who were each able to use at least some protogenic ability. This was especially true after the inspiration they got from the Bookworm's break-through. But to use protogenic powers derived from ones own alternate reality? That is real power that only a Paragon could achieve.

But of the twenty known Paragons, Lan Jue knew she was not among them. It caused him even greater shock and anxiety.

Granny Bess was a truly unknown Paragon, and that made her absolutely terrifying. His chance at victory in a straight fight was practically zero. But he didn't back down. For Qianlin, and for himself, he had to do everything he could.

Lan Jue had never faced a real Paragon in combat before, but that fact didn't discourage him. The bolts of writhing blue lightning turned a vivid gold. If he was going to face protogenic power, the only way to survive would be to use his own.

The piercing golden light filled the room. Those bolts of lightning eased in to a steady rhythm around him. In the same moment, a tyrannical presence like Bess' own rose – the stifling power of Lan Jue's Ascension come to bear!

All of the sinister red light within ten meters was consumed and became gold.

Granny Bess remained in her blood-colored seat, watching him from her world of black and red. The slightest hint of surprise registered in her eyes, and she silently nodded her head. "Very good. This should make my life a tad more interesting."

Once more, she swiped her hand at Lan Jue. The movement itself was unhurried, but the world around her became to ripple violently. Suddenly Lan Jue was a small spec caught in a giant hand, about to be crushed in the folds.

"The skies shall open!" Lan Jue roared, and his gold-coated body burst in to countless rays of light. The skies above were alive with a spiderweb of lightning. Bolt after bolt struck the top and walls of their blood-soaked world.

Several fissures appeared. The light emanating from Lan Jue grew ever more prosperous. In his left palm, the phylactery stone shone with a thick purple haze that drastically strengthened his power.

Protogenic power was a mystical and mysterious thing, but despite its similarities to Disciplines that was not how one learned to employ it. Unlocking one's protogenic capabilities required a fusion of Discipline and spirit, as well as the energies that surrounded them in that unseen reality. All of that together is what generated such staggering power.

Motivated by the danger and pressure, Lan Jue's abilities were operating at their peak. If there were even the slightest chance to save himself and Qianlin, he had to be ready to take it.

As Lan Jue had commanded, the skies did indeed appear to be opening as a tremendous fracture appeared overhead. A blackness like the depths of space was seeping through.

Lan Jue took a deep breath and, ripping his hands apart as though he were physically doing it himself, he cried out.


A single blast of golden energy erupted from the top of Lan Jue's skull. It was heading directly for that gathering darkness in the heavens. The undulating, crimson landscape was rocked. Everything around them thickened, like congealing blood.

Granny Bess' right hand moved in response. The motions were fluid and unhurried, and with it a gentle red light – lighter somewhat than the surroundings – sprang to life. The strangely wavy quality of the landscape stabilized, and the apocalyptic fissure in the sky stitched shut.

The massive hand shut, blotting out Lan Jue and his radiant light with bone-crunching force. But in the center of that grip, Lan Jue was safe within a shell of his own protogenic power. It crackled thunderously as it battled against the murderous encroaching force.

He couldn't remain like this long. The entire weight of reality was bearing down upon him. The pressure was causing rivulets of blood to trickle from his ears. It was too much, he was facing a true master of these powers, and his was just a show. He could feel himself nearing total collapse.

Lan Jue, eyes wide, clapped his hands together before his chest. He swung back, gathering whatever remaining energy he possessed, and focused it through his arms by means of elaborate motions. His arms shot out, and the shell around him was injected with another inexplicable aura. Suddenly the crushing energy was met by an elastic wall, rather than a solid defense.

Granny Bess' calm exterior fractured slightly. "What! Martial arts!"

Lan Jue's coiling arms met, and once again his palms clapped together. Reality before him appeared to dissolve. He pushed his palms toward the opening.

An explosive force to rival nuclear blasts erupted from his palms, three times stronger than the force from earlier. Behind him, the dazzling image of a lightning bolt was branded in the air. All of his Discipline joined with the force of his art, was directed at a single point.

The crimson hand splintered and fell away under the attack. Bess' nightmare world of blood and shadow, also collapsed.

"Well done! You're even stronger than I'd hoped."

Behind the hellscape was nothingness. It was vast, and empty, and darker than black. Lan Jue's heart sank in despair; Bess' protogenic reality wasn't just a single level. He was drained, having used all he had to tear away the world of blood. This place of oblivion was stronger.

Bess appeared again in his field of view. She was standing, it was the first time Lan Jue had seen her do so. She was slightly stooped, with her hair neatly combed and her pink jacket as clean as ever. She certainly looked ready for the grave, but the surging power that flowed from her spoke to anything but weakness.

She was thin, and short, but in this emptiness she looked enormous. With a wave of her hand that blackness smudged, and again a swath of crimson red shone through the black. That same terrifying pressure could be felt seeping through it.

"Hack!" Lan Jue spat up a mouthful of blood. He staggered, as the gold aura around him began to fracture and fade.

He couldn't do it – the tai chi-empowered protogenic energies were too much for him to sustain. Too much to control.

But as Lan Jue teetered on the edge of collapse, something stopped Granny Bess in her tracks. The expression on her face was more pronounced than the surprise she'd revealed before. This was shock.

She fiercely swiped her hand upward, and another monstrous fist of blood emerged from the emptiness. Lan Jue had no further strength to contend. It snatched him up by the trunk, and squeezed. A series of cracks and pops followed as the fist crushed Lan Jue in its grip.

There was a flash, and Lan Jue's battered body appeared floating in the darkness before Bess. She dipped a clawed digit in to the spattered blood on his clothing, then brought it to her nose for a sniff.

Her eyes widened, and a terrible light burned in her eyes.

"How… why does his aura surround you?!"

Lan Jue just looked at her, stunned and unable to speak.

Bess paused. Lan Jue couldn't know what she was thinking, but after a moment she waved once again and the hand that held him fast relaxed. He immediately collapsed, hanging limp in the black landscape. He felt more as though he were floating in some viscous fluid, which slithered through him to force his Discipline all the way down to its core. Lan Jue was no stronger than a normal man now, and there was no fighting back.

"Speak! Where's your wine," Bess croaked.

Lan Jue glared at her, obstinate and silent.

She spoke again, her voice soft like sweet poison. "Do you think you have any chance, puppet? You can choose not to speak, but if you do I'll remove one of her limbs."

Unadulterated hatred smoldered in Lan Jue's glare. "We drank it, in the Avenue. One of the Wine Master's treasures."

Bess looked skeptical. "You'd actually drink it?"

Once more she brought her wicked finger to her nose and sniffed. Lan Jue couldn't see her clearly, blocked by swathe of red she'd conjured. He could, however, sense her violent mood swings.

"It's time to make your choice, puppet. Will it be her, or you? Only the most willing would be altruistic enough to sate my thirst." She seemed to have recovered her composure.

Lan Jue never hesitated. "How do I know you'll keep your word and let her go?"

1. Here, and a little foreshadowing here!

Chapter 335: Bess and the Clairvoyant

Bess' voice was indifferent. "Do you think you're in a position to make demands? It's simple – accept, and she lives. Refuse and she dies."

Lan Jue's lips curled in to a bitter expression, as though forced to swallow something unsavory. However, it was quickly replaced with an easy smile. "Alright, you can take mine."

Bess was suspicious. Anyone – regardless of the circumstances – would not be happy to face immanent death. And she could feel it from him – genuine happiness.

"What reason do you have to be so happy?" she asked.

"No reason," Lan Jue assured. "Death just isn't such a frightening prospect, sometimes." What exactly he meant, only he knew.

He'd been off kilter ever since meeting Zhou Qianlin. She looked so much like Hera, that he couldn't help but think about his dead soulmate every time he saw her. He felt a surge of affection whenever they were together because of it.

Of course, intellectually he knew it was wrong. He couldn't betray Hera's memory by falling for her sister, no matter how alike they seemed.

For this reason he'd been avoiding her. He almost lost control on An Lun, and they only stopped because of Tang Mi's interruption. He was disappointed in how strong an affect she had on him. Even if Hera had given him her blessings, it was impossible. Hera had cast too great a shadow in the depths of his heart.

He owed Qianlin, at least that's how he saw it. Family was important to Lan Jue, so no matter what he'd make sure Qianlin would get back to hers. If his life truly would spare hers, then it was an acceptable trade. His debt would be paid – and he'd pass on to the next world, where he would meet with his Hera.

As an Adept – indeed, as an Adept that may one day achieve Paragon – Lan Jue was convinced of the existence of the soul. Although he knew that finding Hera's soul in the vast expanse of the universe would be nearly impossible, the possibility gave him hope. That's why he'd smiled, because death meant the chance at meeting his lost love once again. This certainly wasn't a bad thing. Life and death were trivial, in the end.

Bess nodded her head. "So be it, I'll help you meet death. Don't fret, I'll not waste everything she's given you."

As Bess spoke, she swiped her claw-like nails through the air. Gashes appeared on Lan Jue's limp wrists and bright rivulets of blood began to flow.

Lan Jue's blood was different from a normal man's. Instead of the dark crimson one might expect, his was a bright, metallic red. Once an adept achieved ninth rank, their Discipline was completely integrated in to their body. It mingled with the blood, bones, muscles and organs. The color and texture of his blood was borne from the presence of pure energy.

It's said a single drop of a Paragon's blood contains an immeasurable amount of energy. Under specific conditions, such a drop could perform incredible feats. Although Lan Jue was not himself a Paragon, he had a measure of protogenic comprehension. Some of that sparkling energy was protogenic power.

Lan Jue's lifeblood vanished drop by drop in to the surrounding emptiness. Suddenly there was a flash, and the world around him changed. A familiar silhouette appeared within the darkness.

Qianlin was lying in the emptiness not far from where he hung. She was bound by shimmering red cords of energy. Lan Jue could see her eyes – those stunning, gorgeous blue eyes – wet with tears.

Lan Jue's chest tightened. It was happening all over again, just like that day when he was forced to say farewell to Hera.

He could see what she wanted to say in her eyes. He wanted to say the same thing.

I'm sorry.

He could feel her affection for him, and though he wanted to call out to her he was unable to. Bess slowly hobbled to her. She stopped at her side, hovering over her prostrate form. She lifted her right hand, then – swipe!

Qianlin winced as the arteries of her wrist were opened. Blood poured from her wounds. It, too, was not a dark red. Instead, it was surrounded by a haze of pure white light. It was like the precious fluid was protected by a fluorescent covering.

Lan Jue's whole body began to shake. He glared daggers at the old woman, furious at her treachery. One was not enough for this monstrous witch.

Bess looked infinitely calm. In fact, her craggy face bore no emotion at all – perfect apathy. The two dying before her were no more than insects.

The flow of blood increased, and very soon the fatigue of blood loss set in. Lan Jue, stronger than most normal men, was losing consciousness quickly.

Qianlin, I'm sorry. I brought this on you! Lan Jue's laments filled his heart, and he hoped it would somehow reach her through the Spirit caller gem. But there was no response.

Qianlin's eyes were locked on his. She wept openly, even as those eyes began to dim.

Bess swiped her arms through the air, and the two victim's other wrists were also opened. Both Lan Jue and Qianlin could feel a warmth penetrate through them, and then… darkness.

Lan Jue's metallic red blood flowed in to Qianlin's opposite wrist, while her own slipped in to his. The strange transfusion continued under Bess' control.

This continued until a pale white aura surrounded Lan Jue's body. For Qianlin, spiderweb-sized bolts of lightning danced across the surface of her skin. Bess' face remained expressionless, even when a burst of rainbow color exploded overhead.

Another figure appeared, but this one different – more like a projection. It hovered by Bess' side.

"This is different than what we'd discussed." The voice was also elderly, and flowed from the strange image. Were Lan Jue conscious he would immediately recognize him – the Clairvoyant, third strongest among the known Paragons.

Bess' response was cool. "What difference does it make? I'm upholding my end of the bargain – how I choose to do it is irrelevant."

The Clairvoyant smiled. "It doesn't matter to me, I just didn't see it coming. It's touching to see this side of you, a woman whose heart is normally cold as iron. It seems to me you might have some affection for this young girl."

"I'd helped her, in another life," the old woman said. "It's so seldom we find someone with a soul so pure. Her heart bears many worries, but never have I ever encountered a young person whose conscience was so clean. You know I like clean. There's more, as well. She has… old blood, and powers very few would understand. This other one you've asked me to help isn't bad either. He was willing to sacrifice his life for his woman. He passed my test… or I wouldn't have agreed to help."

He smirked. "Are you saying you don't trust in my visions?"

"I only trust myself," the old woman responded. "You're an old man on the cusp of death. Do you really want to squabble over nonsense? After this we're even. I've paid my dues."

The Clairvoyant sniffed. "You haven't changed a bit. I always wanted to learn why, but you'd never let me know."

Bess' response was tepid, and dismissive. "The past is gone, it means nothing. You can die in peace, old man. As for my history, perhaps you'll learn a little in your next life."

"You know better than that," the Clairvoyant teased. "Even if I do return here, it won't be here. Another time, place and dimension beckons me. But before I go, I must trouble you for one last thing – watch over them. After all, you and I saw with our own eyes the growth of humanity."

"This hasn't the slightest to do with me. Now get lost." Bess waved him away as though he were some detestable thing.

The Clairvoyant was not perturbed by her attitude. "Thank you, Bess." He looked her in the eye, deeply and genuinely, before his image dissolved without a trace.

Only once the space beside her was empty did the old woman's iron façade change. A flash of regret flashed across her eyes as she stared at the dark space where he had been. She sighed, and shook her head.

The world of darkness around them began to melt away. Moonlight appeared overhead, full and bright, and where it touched the black and red were banished. What occurred next was a strange scene observed by none, for beneath the silvery glow the elderly woman herself changed. Her stoop figure straightened, white hair changed to rich gold, and the craggy features from before disappeared to reveal a beauty beneath.

She was beautiful, beautiful enough to catch a man's breath in his throat. Blonde haired, blue eyed and with a wonderfully slender build. Those hideous red nails changed, and began to radiate silvery-white light. Her voice was no longer the quavering croak of an old hag. Now, it was clear and melodious. She spoke softly to herself. "It's grape harvesting season again. I always think of you."

When Lan Jue came to, his found himself lying in the middle of a deserted wood. Qianlin was beside him.

Lan Jue pushed himself in to a seated position, and immediately regretted it as waves of weakness threatened to black him out again. His head hurt, and his body was stiff.

Qianlin was still asleep, but her breathing came slow and easy. He could tell from the flush in her cheeks that she was in no danger of dying.

Lan Jue couldn't help but look around in a daze. The moments leading up to this cycled over and over in his mind. Where it not for the discomfort he felt, he'd never believe it was anything but a dream. What kind of dream leaves you weak and stranded in a forest?