345 - 354

Chapter 345: Narrow Escapes

Lan Jue rushed over to the control systems with big strides, and took over control from one of the crew. Behind him, Tan Lingyun shot her hands out. The motion cast two beams of verdant energy that separated the other personnel from Lan Jue and Qianlin.

One of the crew sitting by defense system controls looked nervously at the Captain. The ship's commanding officer lifted a hand in a silent order to remain still. Under ordinary circumstances, a breach would likely fail beneath the bridge's state-of-the-art internal defense mechanisms. It was enough to easily overpower any Adept seventh rank and below. But these were not normal circumstances – they were staring death in the face. In fact, the likelihood they'd survive – according to the Captain – was no better than eighty percent. Everyone was in a panic. If this man really did have battleship piloting experience, maybe he could pull out a miracle.

But miracles were known for being rare! These plasma tendrils with their massive comets were the nightmare of every airship pilot. An armada could obliterate it with a densely packed bombardment. They were in a transport ship.

The moment he realized what they were encountering, the Captain's heart had sunk to the floor. They were doomed.

Lan Jue settled in the the seat. His hands shot out, and his fingers danced nimbly across the keyboard like bolts of lightning. He shouted over his shoulder. "Shrink the shields to just over the ship. Reduce shield output to thirty percent."

"What?!" The crewman at the shield controls stared open-mouthed at Lan Jue. Their shields were outmatched as it is, and he wanted them reduced?

"Do as he says!" The Captain shouted from his chair. Now that he'd let the man take over, there was no going back. He was also a career pilot, and he knew what Lan Jue was intending; decrees surface area, and reduce energy consumption. Right now, the smaller they were the better.

The airship rolled sideways, narrowly avoiding a massive chunk of space rock. This unfortunately put them right in the path of three smaller stones. The ship shuddered and groaned as it was pelted by the dense and speedy debris.

Lan Jue's features were serious and solemn. Meanwhile, he spoke to Qianlin through the Spirit Caller gem: Put your hands on my shoulders. Then, I want you to focus your energies all around us. Block us from everyone's sight.

Qianlin swept behind Lan Jue without hesitation, and placed her hands on his shoulders. A white, peaceful aura instantly sprang to life around her. A moment later, that protective force spread outward and penetrated through Lan Jue.

Tan Lingyun's eyes lit up. She knew Zhou Qianlin's Discipline was supportive, so perhaps she was helping improve Lan Jue's reaction speed.

The rippling, milky light continued to spread in all directions. Those behind couldn't clearly see what Lan Jue was doing any longer. Lightning flashed in his eyes as his power surged. He could feel waves of his own power flowing from Zhou Qianlin and in to him. The amplification wasn't as dramatic as when they joined, but he was easily comparable to a ninth rank eighth level Adept.

It was stupendous that an amplification Discipline could lift someone up to this level. He could sense behind her, much to his surprise, Qianlin converting his own thunderbolt powers to that supportive energy.

He made a mental note that they would have to experiment more with the changes in their powers. Understanding each other's abilities intimately would be immensely beneficial to them both. Assuming they weren't evaporated by a titanic, gas-spewing space rock.

Lan Jue lifted his hand from the keyboard and placed it on a metal sphere set within the control station. This device was a power converter – it injected an Adept's power in to the ship, to help it perform better.

Almost all larger airships had such devices installed. A single Adept couldn't control a battleship, or inject it with enough energy to run it. However, by using a power converter connected to amplification power gems, the issue could be overcome. In normal flight, this gave it a fine tune up.

Higher level Adepts were, of course, more effective in this situation. For truly powerful Adepts, sometimes their own energy alone was enough to power a ship – it's just that no one's done it.

The instant Lan Jue's hand touched the sphere, his energy burst from him in to the ship. In the space of an instant, he was in complete control. With Qianlin's help, he was now as strong as a ninth rank eighth level Adept!

It was like he became the ship. He could sense everything, feel all of it's adjustments and settings. With a thought he could change anything to his specifications.

Meanwhile, Lan Jue's right hand tapped furiously on the control panel, urging the ship as fast as it could go.

"You're crazy! What the hell are you doing gaining speed?!" One of the propulsion engineers shouted at him. He tried to force his way through Lingyun's barriers, but failed.

"Shut up! I want to live more than anyone on this damn ship." As he shouted, the crew watched in surprise as a helmet descended from over the master control board.

"Total manual control?" The Captain watched in wonderment. Although he couldn't see precisely how Lan Jue was controlling the ship through Qianlin's waves of power, he did recognize the helmet as it descended toward them. The only people who would dare put a ship like this in manual control were true specialists. The Captain, too, was capable of this, but was not very proficient.

With the helmet in place, Lan Jue could more quickly and efficient feel every aspect of the airship. He closed his eyes, and through his connection with the ship's systems he was able to see out in all directions, and much farther than his eyes could manage.

The comet swarm was drawing closer, and growing more densely packed. Lan Jue dexterously dipped the ship between two errant meteorites. They slipped through the frozen boulders with only meters to spare, avoiding the clouds of rock and dust as they smashed together.

The moment the Captain had recognized that Lan Jue was controlling the ship manually, his estimation of the young invader went up significantly. He looked at a nearby monitor displaying their detection reading for a closer look at the situation outside. It was obviously superior to simple line of sight.

But when he saw how Lan Jue evaded the meteorites, he couldn't help but resolutely nod his head. He himself would not have been able to accomplish that – surely this man's credentials were true.

The white transport ship deftly darted between incoming comets and meteor fragments like a tiny fish in an unending purple sea. Although coming out completely unscathed was impossible, Lan Jue picked which rocks the ship could handle, and avoided the others. Sometimes he would collide with smaller ones purposefully, where they would otherwise be smashed against a moon-sized comet.

The ship's energy systems were restored with Lan Jue's power injection. The shields were fuller and ready for stronger impact. Soon they were at top speed, drilling through the heart of the comet swarm. However, this was anything but comfortable for the passengers. The faster they went, the more the ship shuddered as though it were going to shake itself apart. They were swept from side to side as Lan Jue threaded between certain death.

And it wasn't just the travelers. Even some of the crew were beginning to look a little green. Tan Lingyun, on the other hand, stood with her feet planted as though they were nailed to the hull. No matter how violently the ship shook, she didn't move an inch.

But that wasn't the whole story. She stared out of the bridge's window with a face made of stone, but the light of passing comets revealed her white-knuckle fists. She was an Adept, and like Lan Jue there was a small chance she could survive, but the reality of that was silly to hope for. She was an eighth ranked Adept, among the best of humanity, but that meant nothing in the vast expanse of the universe.

But this situation, and her heightened senses had helped her to see things a little more clearly. Lan Jue was complete garbage, as she asserted – at least he could fly an airship. She never would have guessed. At least now she knew why Zhou Qianlin liked him. He had at least one redeeming quality.

For everyone on the bridge, it felt like time slowed to a crawl. Every second was an eternity as they swept past rocks going tens of thousands of kilometers a second.

Bang! Another one. The ship listed sideways away from the impact, which was just enough to push it between another two massive comets. Thrusters on the ship's stern sputtered to life, spouting blue flame. And then – stillness.

The black expanse of space stretched out before them. Gone were the comets and screaming meteors that blotted out the heavens, barreling onward behind them.

The beauties of the universe were endless, and nothing was more perfect than the site of those distant, fixed stars. The peaceful silence that overcame them was transformative.

"You did it… we're alive!" A great cheer rose up on the bridge, as the crew unfastened their safety harnesses and began jumping for joy. Anyone facing the prospect of death is scared, but these men and women were trained to throw all of themselves in to a problem and not to break. But now that the danger was passed, and their safety was assured, they could celebrate. And why not? They knew the odds – one in a hundred survived an encounter like this.

Most everyone was sure they were doomed, and now that they were saved it was like rising from the ashes. They couldn't control their jubilation. Some screamed and laughed, while others hid faces covered in tears. They stole their lives back from Death's clutches! It was undoubtedly the most harrowing experience any of them had ever experienced. The sweat-soaked crew continue to cheer their survival.

Chapter 346: Can You Handle It, Professor Tan?

The Captain was the first to recover his senses. Sharp claps rang through the bridge as he attempted to gather everyone's attention. He shouted over the din. "Alright! It's not time to celebrate yet. Get us back on course, and broadcast to the marshals that we're out of danger. Everything is back to normal. We are continuing in our route to the Barrows. Someone get me a report on damage sustained and remaining energy reserves. Turn off the shields!"

The crew members reigned in their joy and set about enacting the Captain's orders. Lan Jue rose to his feet, once the helmet rose from his head. He didn't dance or sigh as the others – he'd been through several life or death situations in his time. Zhou Qianlin dropped her hands from his shoulders, just as Tan Lingyun allowed her Discipline and its barriers to disperse.

Lan Jue made his way to the Captain. "I apologize, the situation was urgent and dire. I ask that you don't advertise my involvement in any of this."

The Captain replied by snatching up Lan Jue's hand in a hearty shake. "Thank you. Thank you for saving all our lives. How could we not share this news? You're a hero! I've never seen anyone pilot a craft like you did. You're one hell of a battleship pilot."

Lan Jue retrieved with hand from the old man's iron grip with some effort. He chuckled sheepishly. "If you really want to thank them, then let's keep this whole thing quiet. I guess I couldn't be opposed to a first-class seat, if you have one available. Tall as I am, economy class is pretty uncomfortable…"

"Not a problem, not a problem. Half the first-class cabins are empty. You and your friends are all welcome." By now the Captain had returned to his normal, gruff manner. The qualities and character of a commercial pilot needed to be very high to reach the professional level this man enjoyed. He also understood some of Lan Jue's reticence – after all, what he'd done was extremely illegal.

The ship's crew looked at Lan Jue in an entirely different light now. Their eyes were full of admiration and appreciation. They were all trained airship operators, so everything they had managed to see, they understood. If asked to describe it, 'master at work' was the best they could come up with. Much like the Captain's praise, they had never seen anyone pilot a ship like that before.

Lan Jue stretched his lanky body, and looked at Tan Lingyun. "Thank you Professor Tan." She had been very helpful and compliant, questioning him only the once. He was also afraid he might have revealed himself, and wanted to find out more of what she'd seen. In the end, the Savage Goddess had made the right determination in the moment when he needed it most, and for that he was grateful.

She glared at him with hard eyes. Her face seemed a little pale.

Zhou Qianlin gave her a curious look. "Professor, are you alright?"

Tan Lingyun's eyes swept toward Qianlin. Without warning, she doubled over.


Lan Jue watched wide-eyed and slack-jawed as Tan Lingyun vomited for what seemed like an eternity. She kept throwing up until nothing was left but bile.

Was this… was this motion sickness?

How could it be anything else? She'd remained right behind him, locked in place through the whole ordeal. She wasn't protected by any shielding or pressure relieving apparatuses like the crew had at their stations. She had felt every pitch and jerk and drop.

In fact, the only way she was handling it this well was because she'd experienced the g-force training Lan Jue had put them through. If she hadn't, she would likely already be curled up on the floor.

Fighting back a laugh, Lan Jue clicked his tongue at her. "Ah, Professor Tan – are you really suffering from motion sickness? You have to look after yourself! Take it easy…"

"Fu- oouuublaarrrwwghhh!" Tan Lingyun couldn't even finish her sentence before her body doubled over once again. Lan Jue couldn't help it, and a booming laugh erupted from him. Such release! Finally, for the first time ever he had the upper hand over this exceedingly unpleasant woman.

The Captain was a man of his word. After another vociferous round of praise, Lan Jue was led to his free first-class cabin upgrade. It was a small room, with enough space for two people. When you were ready to sleep, the spacious and comfortable seats stretched out to become beds. Both chairs ended up being equivalent to two double beds. These tickets were about double the price of a standard economy seat.

The Captain assumed Lan Jue's relationship with Qianlin and made sure the both of them were placed together in a cabin. Tan Lingyun had her own, all to herself.

Lingyun was too busy violently emptying her stomach to care very much about the room assignments. She could do little more than lay in her spacious seat and sip sugar water 1. This was her first time in a first-class cabin, though, so that at least improved her spirits somewhat.

Lan Jue returned to economy to tell Director Wu about the changes, then sauntered pleasantly back to his spacious cubby hole. What a difference it made! He immediately spread his chair out and slipped the pillow under his head. Splayed out on a leather seat with a comfy pillow – what else could you ask for?

Zhou Qianlin sat beside him. She wasn't yet interested in laying down. She looked uncomfortable, with a slight tinge of red to her face.

After a moment of enjoying the new situation, Lan Jue noticed her discomfort. "What's wrong?" He asked, surprised. "What's making you uncomfortable?"

Zhou Qianlin didn't say anything. She only glanced at him, then nodded toward the wall.

Lan Jue followed her eyes, where he spied a sign with large red letters: Unscrupulous Activities Prohibited. 2

Lan Jue's face was strange, and then suddenly he broke in to a fit of snickering laughter.

Qianlin smacked him playfully. "Don't laugh!"

Lan Jue was in much higher spirits once leaving economy class, not to mention surviving violent destruction. They were safe, comfortable, and the Savage Goddess was somewhere else entirely trying to heave her stomach through her mouth. Things could hardly get better.

"I think I'm starting to get used to the changes in our Discipline," Lan Jue said quietly, changing the subject. "But it looks like there's still a lot we don't know. We should keep exploring the differences."

Qianlin replied with a nod. "I notice it, too. Once we touch, I can share your Discipline. My own Discipline is still there as well, and can transform in to yours. I can still amplify your powers without being merged. It gives us more options and flexibility.

Lan Jue cut in. "That's right. That's precisely what I think as well. As for the summoning, obviously if you're in danger don't hesitate to call me to your side. We should try and test the maximum distance of this summoning when we have the time. I'd be curious precisely how far we can be before this stops working."

Zhou Qianlin timidly nodded her head. She seemed a little less awkward now, and made herself comfortable by lifting her seat's foot rest. She sank in to the chair with a sigh.

1. According to Chinese medicine, sweet foods are suitable as medicinal cuisine to settle an upset stomach.

2. TJSS put it as 'married activities are prohibited', I found that funny.

Chapter 347: Arriving at the Barrows

Zhou Qianlin's legs were beautiful, long and thin. The pants she wore outlined the firm muscle of her thighs.

Although they were in first class, space was still limited. Their seats were placed side by side, and the space between them was very tight. Lan Jue looked at her as he laid down, and was struck by how pretty she was, how soft she looked. How comfortable it would be to hold her in his arms, he thought.

The idea came unconscious and unbidden. As he looke at Zhou Qianlin, he saw her figire grow dim then vanish. Half a moment later, there was a warm body in his arms.

"Ah!" The cry had come from Qianlin, though Lan Jue's face revealed his own surprise.

So it went both ways.

Lan Jue lay unmoving with Qianlin beside him, his heart filled with surprise over the revelation. Qianlin, too, understood the implications once her own surprise had worn off. Just as she had summoned him, now it was she who had appeared by his side. It was strange, resting in his embrace, but also exciting.

Lan Jue blinked at her, but did not move. "I, uh… I didn't mean to. I just was giving it a try. It looks like this time I meant it!"

Qianlins' face reddened. "You still haven't let me go."

Lan Jue quickly released her, but the shift caused Zhou Qianlin to slip. Lan Jue instinctively grabbed her again to keep her from falling off the chair. In his rush the only leverage he'd managed to grip was Qianlin's backside.

As luck would have it, precisely in that moment was when their door swung open. The airship's Captain stuck his head in searchingly. What he saw was Zhou Qianlin lying awkwardly atop Lan Jue, supported by his hand on her rump. The two of them looked back at him with big round eyes, like deer caught in headlights.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to disturb the two of you. I just wanted to come by and thank you again. I brought some of my favorite cookies as a little gift." The Captain gruffly placed the cookies nearby then, vigorously waving for them to go on, left the small cabin. The door shut tight behind him.

Qianlin pushed herself away from him with a hand on his shoulder. "This is all your fault!"

The door opened again just a crack. A hand reached it, grabbed that red lettered sign, and disappeared once again.

Zhou Qianlin and Lan Jue watched in silence. Both weren't sure if they should scream or laugh. For Lan Jue, that strange feeling within him only intensified.

Qianlin scrambled off and returned to her own seat, where she turned her blushing face away from Lan Jue. The former mercenary, meanwhile, nervously scratched his head. He turned as well and fought with the masculine urges within him. He fought them till he slept.


The next leg of their journey continued smoothly. Although they'd expended a good deal of energy evading the cosmic turbulence, their reserves were enough to complete the trip. In five days, they'd reached their destination: The Barrows!

Thankfully, the marked improvement in his treatment made the remainder of their ride far more palatable for Lan Jue. He quite enjoyed it. It was the first time they'd spent so much time together alone, getting along. But they were not idle – in fact, there was one activity they engaged in rigorously.

Learning about the changes to their Disciplines, naturally.

For five days they trained and practiced, mastering the new changes. First was the process of sharing their Discipline. A certain degree of skin-on-skin contact was required first. Intertwining fingers didn't appear to be enough, they hand to grip hands.

Next they practice summoning one another. The crux of it was that the summoner needed a true desire to see the other person. What's more, the more they practiced, the more 'direct' the summoning became. The target appeared around thirty centimeters directly ahead.

The first time Lan Jue succeeded Qianlin fell in to his arms. However, that was because she'd been summoned from her back, so of course that's how she'd land.

The tight confines of the airship made determining a maximum distance for this summoning impossible. Nor could they practice merging, because the practice would sacrifice her clothing. She appeared in her birthday suit, and that was all. Qianlin flat out refused, and there was nothing Lan Jue could do about it.

Their experiments helped pass the time, so their five day journey didn't feel too long. It had also given Lan Jue a chance to teach Qianlin more tricks in using their shared Discipline, and smoothed out their cooperation.

Lan Jue was originally a ninth rank seventh level Talent, after all, with a wealth of experience in a number of fields. It didn't take long for grasp the essentials under his tutelage. By the time their journey was coming to a close, she had a solid mastery of the basics.

Their airship touched down on The Barrows. The Captain came to collect them personally, and send them off. He thanked them again on behalf of the crew. Lan Jue politely accepted the praise while reminding him to keep his involvement a secret. Lan Jue had never been interested in the praise afforded to heroes. A man did what needed to be done, and that was all. If he'd had any interest in that, Taihua would already have earned him quite a following.

No, Lan Jue liked the feeling of the deed itself. Whether it was helping the elderly in Grace hospital or saving people from terrifying alien species, it was nourishing for the soul. Nothing could buy that kind of feeling, nor the positive karma it brought. Doing good things was good for the heart.

Tan Lingyun was terrible with information. The moment they'd disembarked from the airship, it seemed like all the teachers knew he was a 'battleship pilot.' Lan Jue helplessly faced them.

Wu Junyi's estimation of his only grew, but Tan Liungyun's judgements never changed – he was still a waste. But of course there would be resentment. He had, after all, gloated over her affliction. That was not something she was going to forget.

And yet she didn't trouble him further. After all, he did save everyone on the ship. She decided she would have more patience toward him. She was much nicer to with any skill to back them up.

When the ship touched down, the teachers were hearded in to a nearby mag-lev bus. They traveled to their destination, busily watching the scenery pass.

They ooed and ahhed at the passing buildings, in styles much different from that of the East. Most were built in the style of old-world Germany and France. Baroque influences were everywhere. A sense of history and culture permeated it all.

In contrast to the other worn-down teachers, Lan Jue was awake and alert. He had had a beautiful companion and a comfortable cabin. But despite his excitement, he knew that his easy days were coming to an end once more. Soon he would have a lot to deal with, but first among them was meeting up with the Wine Master.

Chapter 348: The Barrows

As the teachers tore through the scenic landscape on a mag-lev train, their mood had begun to improve once again. The only thing they'd had to do on their five day journey beside sleep, was sleep. Once they finally disembarked, they were still groggy. However, the gorgeous views and differences from what they knew in the East woke them up quickly.

Lan Jue, naturally, sat beside Zhou Qianlin. Everyone knew that she had been chosen to participate in the trip because of her outstanding performance during the ARC class – at least, that was what Wu Junyi had told them. There were some suspicions, however – after all, many of them had seen the exchange between Tan Lingyun, Qianlin and the etiquette teacher. Then, all three mysteriously vanished. More attention was being paid to the little known Professor Lan.

Jin Yan, too, would occasionally find her eyes wandering toward Lan Jue. When they did, her brows would furrow, and she'd get lost in thought.

"Are you alright, Professor Yan? You didn't get hurt, did you?" Wang Hongyuan's concerned voice drew her back. Wang Hongyuan had yet to leave her side. They were colleagues from the same office, and this colleague in particular had caught Wang Hongyuan's fancy.

"I wonder why Professor Lan is always with Zhou Qianlin!" She spoke quietly to the man beside her. "I wonder if something's going on between them."

Wang Hongyuan answered with a shrug. "How should I know? They do look a little more intimate than one might expect. If you look carefully, you can see something strange in the way they look at one another."

Jin Yan's pretty mouth curled in to a frown. "You're right, I can see it. How could this be allowed to happen?"

Wang Hongyuan laughed it off. "Why shouldn't it? Qianlin's a post-graduate scholar, and she's an adult – old enough to apply for financial aid. One without a partner is without family, they say. If it's love, who are we to deny them?"

Jin Yan was unconvinced. "But…" She had always held Lan Jue in high regard, and that had increased by leaps and bounds after discovering the changes in her brother. But more than that, she'd always born a curiosity about Professor Lan. She always felt as though there was more to him than met the eye.

"We shouldn't pry in to other people's business," Wang Hongyuan continued. "He's a colleague. And if he's got the skill to attract the attention of a beauty like Qianlin, then more power to him."

"What makes you so happy to see them together," she asked.

To this, Wang Hongyuan offered a light snort. "He's my competition!"

"Competition? For what?" Jin Yan looked at him in curiosity.

Wang Hongyuan shrugged a shoulder. "I have a girl I like, who knows Professor Lan. This girl seems to have a little bit of an interest in the guy. If he were off the market, she has to give up pursuit, right? That's my opportunity." His eyes shone as he looked Jin Yan's way.

Jin Yan blinked at him, surprised. "Really? Do I know her? Wow, this is the first I've heard you are interested in somebody! Who is she? Come on, tell me."

The corner of Wang Hongyuan's mouth twitched. He saw the fire of gossip alight in her eyes, but inwardly could only lament. Right over her head…

"It's a secret," he muttered.

Jin Yan frowned prettily. "Hmph, fine. Don't tell me. I just wanted to help… but I guess it looks like you don't need it."

"You really want to help?" A sly light glittered in Wang Hongyuan's eyes.

"We'll colleagues," she said. "Isn't that what friends do for each other?"

He nodded. "Yeah, in that case there is actually something you can help me with. The woman I like actually came on this trip. Stop looking around! You're making it too obvious. When I need your help, I'll let you know, ok?"

Lan Jue's ear twitched as he faintly heard his name from behind somewhere. He listened carefully at Wang Hongyuan's attempts, and couldn't help but smile. At last he was making his move. Lan Jue wished him luck.

"What's with the sinister smirk," Qianlin whispered at his shoulder.

Lan Jue chortled quietly. "It's nothing."

"Something bad, that's for sure," Tan Lingyun said. She was sitting on his other side. "One look at you shows you've got nothing but bad intentions."

Lan Jue stared at her. "Is this how you speak to your savior?"

She grunted. "Oh, and who did you save, huh? I can't think of anyone."

Lan Jue grunted right back. "It's no use trying to argue with the ungrateful. I'm done speaking to you."

Tan Lingyun openly wagged a fist at him. "Are you looking for an ass-kicking?!"

Lan Jue deigned not to answer. He simply sat in silence, with a scornful expression on his face. He could almost see her shaking beside him, but she wasn't as ungrateful as Lan Jue had accused. She wasn't one to let a good deed go unpunished. If it hadn't had been for his involvement, perhaps they all really would have died out in space. Perhaps he wasn't a total waste of space.

Qianlin snickered in to her hand on his other side. It was like the two of them had committed some unspeakable offense to each other in a past life. She didn't suspect Tan Lingyun as any sort of romantic rival. If she couldn't win Lan Jue over, then she suspected no one else could either.

The Barrows was an enormously large planet, easily three times the volume of Skyfire. They had views stretching to the horizon while they made their descend, and saw nothing but green stretching far as the eyes could see. All of the vegetation served to up the oxygen content of the air, which caused some of the newcomers to feel like headed. Once they got used to it, however, they felt very comfortable.

Endless scans and research on the Barrows had revealed a long time ago that the excellent surroundings actually served to extend its occupants' lives. Normal people who remained here for a long time might see their lifetime extend by five or ten years. For this reason, the Barrows was often the host to dignitaries and others who needed a sharp mind.

But the West's hierarchs were a cunning bunch. They didn't let just anyone stay here for long periods. They turned it in to a tourist trap, and even the staff were switched out every few years.

It's beauty and reputation, as well as the government policies around it, earned the Barrows quite the reputation. It quickly became a prime tourist destination. It was said that a visit here was cleansing for the body and mind, so the rich and powerful made regular pilgrimages.

Even more, a great deal of the West's best foodstuffs were produced right here. It was to the West what Taihua was to the East. And like Taihua, over development was barred, to make sure the environment was protected.

The Barrows and Taihua were originally about even in popularity, however the tragedy on Taihua had changed things. Since the attack, the planet had since been closed to outside traffic. Control had been handed over to the military, and even now their scans and searches continued. They searched for any information about these beasts, and any remaining eggs, to ensure that another catastrophe like that would never happen again.

There were cities on the planet's surface, but all of them were of very simply construction, entirely composed of wood. They were curious structures, since they could not employ or steel or concrete. But cities weren't accurate. They were really more like villages. There were over ten thousand of these tourist bases scattered around the land. Hence the planet's name; The Barrows.

There were also indigenous species, and the wooded areas teamed with life. However, the animals here were all good-natured. Very few of them even possessed the capability to harm a human. In all, the planet was an exceptionally harmonious place.

The National Eastern University tourist party trundled along on the mag-lev train until it reached its destination; a small village of wooded buildings, much like all of the others. None of the structures rose higher than three floors. The hotel where they would be staying sported a small lake to one side. A majestic peak rose opposite its wooden doors. It, too, was interesting, as it was entirely draped in green but for the very top, where snow turned it white. With the mirror-flat surface of the lake reflecting the gorgeous vistas, it was quite the sight to behold.

There were two teachers to a room. Clearly, it would be impossible for Lan Jue to share a room with a student. Wang Hongyuan would be his bunk mate. Once they entered the place, Lan Jue immediately tapped a number in to his communicator.

"You've arrived?" Came the answer from the other end.

"Yeah. I imagine you are, too. Where shall we meet?" He asked.

"Turn on your positioning apparatus. I'll go to you." The Wine Master's voice replied.

"Alright." Lan Jue shut off the connection, then turned on his GPS locator.

"You've got friends in the Barrows?" Wang Hongyuan had overheard the brief conversation. His curiosity got the better of him.

Lan Jue smiled. "Yup! Some friends of mine will be coming by, and I'll need to leave for a little while. But hey, old guy – good luck in your endeavors!"

"Old guy… how old do you think I am?" Wang Hongyuan glowered.

Lan Jue chuckled. "Nah, I'm kidding, you aren't old. So how about Little Wang then."

"Little Wang… ehn, we'll stick to Professor Wang." 1

Lan Jue choked back a laugh. "So it is, Professor Wang. So when are you going to make your confession to Professor Jin, eh?"

Wang Hongyuan suddenly realized his conversation on their ride over must have been overheard. He spoke, somewhat embarrassed. "Actually, I have no idea. You gotta help, Professor Lan. Give me a couple hints. I mean, if you can get a girl like Qianlin, then you've got to have some good info for me."

Lan Jue looked at his friend in surprise. "Don't tell me you've never had a girlfriend…"

The dance instructor's face went stiff. "It means I'm pure!"

Lan Jue blinked. "You've… really never had a girlfriend?"

Wang Hongyuan chuckled sheepishly. "Before I moved to Skyfire, I was actually a Westerner – something I imagine you've already guessed. You've seen my Discipline, my powers. It wasn't something I wanted, but the moment my Disciplines awakened, I was thrust in to that world. It was days of training, trying to perfect my abilities, but I never really liked where I was. I never liked how it felt. So, one day I ran – and I've been running ever since. I hadn't even dared to go looking for a woman. I spend my days in hiding, afraid they'll find me. I bounced around, hiding from place to place for five years before coming to settle at the university. At last, I'd found a way to live out my days in relative peace, and it's given me time to think. Professor Jin is a fine woman; beautiful, kind, enthusiastic… I like her quite a lot. I'd like you to help me, Professor Lan."

1. Naughtiness implied. The original Chinese cannot be translated exactly, but I'll try. He's referred to as 'Old Wang', a form of respectful address to someone older than you. However, after Wang Hongyuan's he changed it to little Wang. Clearly in English this is a crude penis joke, but in Chinese you have to add a particle to the end of the sentence that denotes an implied answer. Like a rhetorical question. However, the addition of that partical makes his name 'Xiao Wang ba' – which sounds like 'little tortoise' – which is slang for shithead, sorta.

Chapter 349: Confessions

Wang Hongyuan's expression confirmed Lan Jue's suspicions. "I knew what kind of person you were from the day we fought shoulder to shoulder," Lan Jue said. "I like what I saw. One's history isn't important. What's important are the choices we make. Forget what has come before. As for Jin Yan, I'll help you brainstorm. How about this…"


Due to how exhausting these long journeys were, the school hadn't arranged anything for the first day. Rest was recommended, though many chose to wander the surrounding area. After all, this was all new to many of the faculty.

The diet on this planet was peculiar. Very few spices or other items were used in cooking, so as not to mask the natural flavors. All of it was greens or fruit, with no meat on offer. Killing the local wildlife for sport or sustenance was strictly prohibited.

"Mh! The food on this planet is delicious!" Jin Yan cooed.

Wang Hongyuan sat behind her, with a silly grin plastered on his face. "For you ladies, certainly. For us men, though, only a day with meat is a good day."

Lan Jue stretched. "I'm actually quite enjoying myself. It's relaxing here. You should ask around, Professor – I'm sure they'll have someone around here that can sell you a bite of meat. So long as it isn't meat from indigenous fauna, then it should be somewhere."

Wang Hongyuan's eyes lit up at the prospect. "You think so? I'll take a look tomorrow, and see what I can find."

He then turned his head to Jin Yan. "Professor, I was hoping you might be willing to help me with something today."

She looked back. "What's that?"

Wang Hongyuan continued, his voice dropping lower. "It's about that matter we discussed on the bus."

Jin Yan's face betrayed her excitement. "You're ready already? Aren't you afraid to rush in to things? Is hurrying really the best option?"

Wang Hongyuan shook his head. "Not a problem. Everything's ready. So how about you come with me to the place I've picked out and we think about how to make it better. Then, it's time to make my move. What do you say?"

Jin Yan nodded zealously. "Alright. Do we want to bring any other teachers along as witnesses?"

"No need," he replied. "In the event things don't go well, it'll be impossible for me to show my face. This girl is shy, too, so I think my best chances are when it's just she and I."

Surprise flitted across the young woman's face. "I didn't know you were so thoughtful, Professor! If it were me under all that scrutiny, I'd be so nervous. It would definitely effect the mood."

Wang Hongyuan, on the verge of a cold sweat, inwardly sighed with relief. He shot a quick glance Lan Jue's way. The Jewelry Master gave him a wink, and silently encouraged him to continue.

Obviously the emotional intelligence wasn't coming from him.

"Let's go then," he said. "Remember to keep my secret, though!"

Jin Yan snickered. "Look at you, so nervous!"

This earned a sheepish chuckle from the dance instructor. "To tell you the truth, I've never actually had a girlfriend. I really like this girl. If in the end it shouldn't work out…" As he finished the thought, his eyes dropped dejectedly to the ground.

Jin Yan rose to her feet, and gently patted his shoulder. "Come on, let's keep this positive. A true man valiantly chases after his desires, right? You just need to keep at it, and that's half the battle already."

Wang Hongyuan stood as well, and waved toward Lan Jue. "Enjoy your meal Professor. Jin Yan and I are heading out for a while."

Lan Jue lazily waved goodbye. "Enjoy."

As he watched the two of them leave, Qianlin's curious voice spoke up from his side. "They've got something going on, huh? Professor Wang looked so weird!"

Lan Jue chortled at her observation. "Of course there's something going on, and I hope he succeeds. We should go as well. My friend is already here, so we're off to meet up with him. We've got some plans that'll keep us away from the group for a while – Director Wu knows about it."

"Mh." Qianlin responded, and she rose with Lan Jue to leave.

Lan Jue smiled. "You aren't afraid I'm going to sell you off or something? You don't even want to know where we're going."

Zhou Qianlin fixed him with a stare. "If you think you can sell me, you're welcome to try."

This brought a laugh to Lan Jue's lips. "Let's get out of here."


Wang Hongyuan lead Jin Yan to the second floor, where he and Lan Jue's room was located. As they slowly wandered down the hallway, Jin Yan said, "Professor, the most important thing is not to hesitate. Women can't stand indecisive men. A man must have courage. If you approach her with self-confidence and purpose, and show her how you really feel, she'll certainly respond. And you aren't bad-looking! I mean, I never liked that haircut if I'm being honest, but you're a handsome man! You're also a strong adept, so that's another big plus in your favor. I'm sure everything will work out great."

Wang Hongyuan's face beamed as she went on about his benefits. "Really? You think those things are true?"

Jin Yan resolutely nodded her head. She clenched her hand in to a fist and playfully shook it under his nose. "Confidence! You need to tell yourself, I'm the best! That's when success comes to you. Where is your room anyway, we haven't arrived yet?"

"Right here." Wang Hongyuan lead her to a door, grabbed the handle, then stopped.

"I'm still a little nervous," he confessed.

Jin Yan feigned irritation. "We haven't even started yet! If you keep this up you're going to pee your pants when the girl actually shows up. Hurry up, open the door and let me see what you prepared. Otherwise I'm going to have to help you adjust your attitude."

Wang Hongyuan pushed open the door. He walked in first, with Jin Yan hurrying in at his heels.

Jin Yan rushed in to find blackness. The lights were off. The thick window curtains had been drawn, plunging the whole room in to dark.

"Professor… Professor Wang? Are you still here?" She couldn't see anything, and a slight tinge of nervousness nagged at her.

Then, suddenly, there was light. A dim, red light, that hung in the air a few feet before her. The small point of light grew in size and ferocity until it was revealed to be a crystal clear flower bud. It slowly opened in to a beautiful rose.

A warm light dispelled the darkness, revealing that the rose had not been floating. Wang Hongyuan held it aloft, having somehow changed clothes.

"Ah, that was fun! I was a little scared, but that rose was cute," she said, oblivious.

Wang Hongyuan fixed her with a deep stare. "Jin Yan. We've known each other for three years."

"That's about right," she answered.

Wang Hongyuan dropped his face slightly, and a dejected expression crossed his features. "There's something I've been wanting to tell you for a long time. But I couldn't. Would you… like to hear my story?"

"Sure." Jin Yan was starting to think something was strange.

Wang Hongyuan's eyes were dim, and bitter as he recounted his tale. "I'm an orphan. I was on the streets since I was very young. I resorted to begging to survive. I never knew my parents, and I struggled against starvation since I was eight. I had to rely on the charity of others. You know, the reason I slick my hair back like this is because when I was small, my hair was always in a mess. I always envied those kids with parents, parents who would help them comb their hair."

"I don't have as much class as Lan Jue, but I do make sure to take care of my appearance. That's because when I was small I promised myself, that if I grew up at all then I'd be like them. A normal person, not a beggar."

Jin Yan blinked, stunned. She didn't know how to reply.

"When I was eight there was this man who would always offer me candy. I followed him home one day, and he had someone give me a bath, clean me up. Finally, I thought… Finally someone who'll look after me, raise me. Things would change."

"But then something happened that changed the dream in to a nightmare. I was brought to a place with a lot of other children, just like me. At first, as we all ate together, I was so happy. I felt like I was finally part of a family. That was, until I aw him. Some strange person, with a sallow face. Before I could react, he lunged at me, and bit in to my neck."

Jin Yan gasped as his story unfolded. "W-why did he bite you?"

Wang Hongyuan was silent for a moment. "At the time I just remember feeling cold. Not pain, just… cold. Then, everything went dark. When I woke up, I was in some other place. Someone told me that I had been 'embraced', and that it'd gone well. I would live… in a matter of speaking. As a vampire. I had inherited that lineage."

"A vampire?" Jin Yan unconsciously stepped back. Shock and fear shone in her eyes.

A pained grin spread across Wang Hongyuan's face. "Professor Lan actually didn't want me to tell you this. He said, if I did then my chances would be shot. But I think honesty is important. We might have gone our whole lives without you finding out what my Discipline is, but to me that is unfaithful. I want to tell you everything about me. I just ask that you let me finish. Let me say what I have to say, alright? I can't hold this in any longer."

Jin Yan looked at him with big, round eyes. Finally she understood – Wang Hongyuan's confession, all of this, was for her.

Chapter 350: Sincerely Touching

Wang Hongyuan went on. "I didn't have any choice in becoming a vampire – my only course was to follow the one who turned me. I was forced to learn a number of skills, and spent the years cultivating my abilities. They would only let me live if I could achieve third rank or above. I worked hard, because my life depended on it. I would later come to discover that it was the Dark Citadel that took me – but we called it the Black Congress. The strongest of the vampires, our Patriarch, was given the traditional moniker of Dracula."

"A vampire's life is tedious, lonely, and cold. Thankfully, I was only forced to drink a little blood from the living to promote Discipline growth. I never fed from a human, something I found to be different from my expectations. The years passed, and I grew both in body and Discipline. Eventually, they started to send me out on missions. I started to rise in the ranks."

"But I didn't like it. I hated the darkness – my hope was to live my life in the light like a normal person. They got to enjoy all the things the world of brightness had to offer. And it was a dream I could accomplish, since generations of evolution had caused vampires to no longer fear the sun. I decided to run, and I would do it while performing one of their missions. I chose the East, to get as far away from the Black Congress as possible. I hid for a time, concealing my identity, until I felt like it was safe. Then I made Skyfire my home.

"I chose Skyfire because of the Avenue's presence. I figured that would be a sufficient deterrent to the West, that would hopefully stop them from rolling in here whenever they pleased. Meanwhile, I was finally able to live the life of my dreams; I joined the NEU, and became an electives teacher. About that time I met a girl. She was beautiful, kind, vibrant, with maybe a screw or two loose – but to me, that makes her that much cuter."

"I was finally happy. Every day I got to see this girl, and in order to earn her respect I worked hard. If the students liked me, then so would she, I thought. The school would like me so I could stay near her. That way I could continue to see her every day."

"Eventually it was all too much for me to bear. I came to know my feelings as affection, something I hadn't really felt before. And as that feeling grew it became something greater – it became love."

"This went on for three years. That whole time, I didn't dare speak – I wasn't worthy of speaking to her. You said you don't like indecisive men, but that's not me. It's fear. Fear that I'm not good enough for you. I have no great ability, and my history as part of the Citadel makes it worse. I've never done anything brutal, like they wanted, but that's my family background."

"But seeing you every day makes me happy, and the more time we spend together the deeper I feel it. It makes it impossible to break away. When Professor Lan came, and I saw how you looked at him, it broke my heart. I was deathly afraid he'd steal you away. That's why I wasn't so nice to him when he first showed up. Eventually I came to know more about him, and those feelings went away."

"Jin Yan. I really, really like you. Everything about you. I'm so sorry it's taken me this long to say it, but I never felt like I had a chance. I still may not, not fifty or even one percent, but now is the time to speak my mind. If not now, then that unspoken love would have consumed me. But don't worry – I won't cause you any trouble. No one knows about my affection for you. When we get back from this trip I plan to give in my resignation to Director Wu. I went with those students on the training, and experienced life on An Lun. It affected me deeply. A solitary man like me would do well in the army. I lived in the West far long than I did the East, but this still feels like home to me. Skyfire Avenue protected me when I needed it, so now it's time for me to give back to this Alliance. Maybe on day, when I've earned enough merit and risen in ranks, I'll come back. If you still don't have a husband, I can give it another shot."

She stood in one place, unmoving. Her features were calm, but the light in her eyes revealed the turmoil in her head.

Wang Hongyuan dropped to a knee before her and, lifting the crystal rose in his hands, fixed her with his soft gaze. "Thank you for letting me get that out. I finally feel like the pressure has eased. I'm not an articulate man. I don't know what I can say to make you happy, but there is something I need to tell you: I mean all of this. If you agree to be with me, I'll love you with every fiber of myself. Every bit of me will belong to you. And I don't care if you laugh, but I've never had a girlfriend. I'm a virgin, so –"

"Pfhfhfhtht!" Jin Yan couldn't help it. She tried to stop the laugh, but it fought it's way through her lips.

His face reddened with embarrassment. "I made this rose with blood from my own heart. If you take it, it cast's a spell. If ever I am untrue, my heart will wither, and I will die. Do…. Do you, accept?"

Jin Yan looked at him, on his knees, and gradually her eyes grew cold and hard. Every second was an icy dagger in Wang Hongyuan's chest.

"I do not agree." She said.

Wang Hongyuan knew it could happen. He'd guessed it might. Still, when the words left her lips he felt like he would collapse under his own weight. He even swayed ever so slightly, down on his knees.

"I'm sorry!" He staggered to his feet, then made for the door to let her out.

"Stop right there!" Jin Yan shouted. Wang Hongyuan froze.

"And not just me," Jin Yan said, "no woman in her right mind would agree to accept some flower made of heart blood. A woman is looking for someone she can depend on. Not some death pact. This flower is a burden. A curse, and not just for you but the person who accepts it as well. Now put that thing away, because even if you do betray me someday, I won't want you to die for it."

"I, uh…" Wang Hongyuan stood, confused. He wasn't sure he'd heard correctly.

They stood toe to toe in the darkness. Jin Yan's eyes sparkled as she looked up at him. "There was another colleague before, who was interested in me. You picked him apart, even struck him once. Was this also because you like me?"

He earnestly nodded his head. "Yes."

"You have courage to fight someone but not to speak up and say something?" Jin Yan complained.

Wang Hongyuan hung his head. "I didn't dare. I'm actually pretty thin-skinned and sensitive. I know my short-comings, just like I know I don't deserve you."

Jin Yan stepped closer. Her warm breath crashed against his neck in waves. "How much do you like me?"

His eyes widened, and he backed away half a step. When he saw the light in her eyes, though, he had no trouble finding the words. "So, so much. More than I could ever love myself."

She chuckled. "Put your damn flower away, I don't want it."

"Oh." He chuckled sheepishly, then the crystal rose dissolved in to silk-thin strands of light. The penetrated through his wrist and disappeared.

"Go out and get some real roses. There aren't any here, and we definitely need some red flowers. Hurry up, I'll wait for you here."

"What?" Wang Hongyuan blinked at her. "Flowers?"

She waved him off. "Stop your nonsense. There aren't any flowers here, and how is a girl supposed to accept anything if there aren't flowers involved?"

"S-so you're.. you're saying you'll be my girlfriend?" Wang Hongyuan timidly inquired.

Jin Yan didn't even look at him. "We'll talk about all that when you get back with the flowers."

"Ah!" Wang Hongyuan yelped, suddenly.

Jin Yan finally turned her head to look at him. "What is it?"

He answered with a grin. "I just remembered that I forgot something. We were supposed to come in, I'd have the talk, and then…" As he spoke, Wang Hongyuan lifted his right hand. Suddenly, light flooded the room.

The quick change in lighting caused Jin Yan to squint. Once her eyes adjusted, though, she gasped in astonishment.

They stood in a sea of flowers. The entire room was filled floor to ceiling in gorgeous red flowers. They varied in size, but all released a pale pink aura that bathed the room in a gentle glow. Wang Hongyuan clapped his hands, and petals began to slowly descend from the ceiling. The soft scent of fresh flowers hung in the air around them.

He plucked one of the flowers from nearby, and returned to his post on one knee before Jin Yan. "Give me a chance, Jin Yan. I will love you more than anything or anyone in the universe. I will protect you, I will be your knight. I will care for you no matter what we face. If you don't like how I look, I'll change. Whatever you want from me, I'll be. Because I love you."

As he spoke, he lifted a hand and rustled the carefully manicured hair on his head. He looked up at Jin Yan with eyes full of sincerity.

The rims of Jin Yan's eyes had begun to redden. She stepped forward, and took the rose from his hand. "Stand up."

Wang Hongyuan quickly shot back up to his feet. "So… are you my girlfriend?"

"Yeah." Jin Yan blushed, and nodded her head.

He looked at her, unable to react. A moment later, tears began to poor from his eyes. He wrapped Jin Yan up in a big hug, and she screamed in delight as he swung her around in circles.

Chapter 351: Richard's Domain

"I love you… I love you Jin Yan, so much. I'm no longer lonely, without a family. Now, I have someone to love. I can't tell you how happy that makes me."

"Let me down, silly!" Jin Yan playfully ruffled his hair.

Wang Hongyuan quickly and carefully did as asked. He used his free arms to wipe the tear from his face. "Sorry, I'm just very excited. I didn't mean to hurt you."

Jin Yan rolled her eyes. "I'm not a doll, alright. I'm not nearly that fragile. Do you know why I agreed to be with you?"

Wang Hongyuan shook his head.

She looked at him with an earnest expression on her pretty face. "Your sincerity. You started out by telling me your deepest secret. More than anything else, that was moving. The one who should be apologizing is me, actually. I had no idea you had these kinds of feelings for me. I'll admit that I had an interest in Professor Lan, but that was more admiration. I found out quickly that he and I couldn't be. I'm just guessing but I don't think that man is as 'normal' as he appears. There's something very different, you can see it in his eyes. There's a sadness in them. I decided to give you a chance because of your sincerity, so you have to make sure that sincerity remains."

Wang Hongyuan nodded his head. "Absolutely. To you, I'm as clear as glass. Anything you want to know, you need only ask."

Jin Yan narrowed her eyes at him. "Oh? So who is Professor Lan, really?"

Wang Hongyuan didn't hesitate to throw Lan Jue under the bus. "Professor Lan is a very strong man, stronger than me for sure. But we have to keep this quiet – I don't know why he came here, but he's a good man. On Taihua, it was actually him who saved everyone. I just helped."

Jin Yan looked around at all the flowers. "You and he live here together right? How are you two going to sleep?"

"Professor Lan said he was going out on a trip tonight, actually," Hongyuan replied.

"If he not coming back? That means he and Zhou Qianlin…." She trailed off.

Just then, a voice called out. "Zhou Qianlin, can you come out to the front of the hotel."

The voice was coming from somewhere outside. Jin Yan and Wang Hongyuan exchanged a glance. , then quickly went to the window to peer outside.

Both their eyes popped wide at what they saw.

From the second floor they could peer out to the beautiful horizons of the Barrows. They saw stretching vistas, gorgeous forests, and giant beams of golden light that formed words in the air: Zhou Qianlin. Below, a sea of flowers had been arranged in the shape of a heart before the window. A man stood amidst the fragrant flora, clad in a snow-white suit and an orange shirt behind a white tie. A golden rose was clutched in his hand.

Wang Hongyuan muttered quietly as he stared. "What's this guy doing crashing our party?"

The flower arrangement Wang Hongyuan had set was beautiful, but what was going on outside…

He pulled open the window and attempted to climb out. Jin Yan quickly pulled him back in. "What are you doing?"

"I'm gunna kick his ass!"

Jin Yan chuckled as she held him back. "You shouldn't compare yourself like that! I prefer the flowers in here."

Hongyuan stopped, and looked a her. "Really? You're the best"

Jin Yan closed the window, and pulled the blinds.

Wang Hongyuan still seemed perturbed the scene outside. "Should we go and see who's trying to get Qianlin's attention?"

Jin Yan answered by shaking her head, and sitting on a nearby chair. "I'm not interested in gossip right now. You said before, that you would do whatever I wanted, right?"

Wang Hongyuan nodded in confirmation.

Jin Yan smirked. "So it's time to put that to the test. Tell me ten thousand times that you love me."

Wang Hongyuan approached and once more dropped to one knee. He took up her hands in his own. "Jin Yan, I love you."

"Go on."

"Jin Yan, I love you."


"Jin Yan, I love you."


Most of the hotel's interior was peaceful and calm, but outside it was more than Wang Hongyuan and Jin Yan who were surprised by the situation.

The ruckus caused a stir within the place, and many patrons wandered toward the windows to see what was going on. Lan Jue and Qianlin – just about to open the window – were among them.

"Is… is someone calling my name?" She asked.

Lan Jue shrugged. "Looks like it. I guess we ran in to an acquaintance of yours."

Zhou Qianlin's brows furrowed in contemplation. "Let's go look." She was off before she'd even finished her sentence.

Lan Jue hurried after her.

Before long, both of them were out of the small hotel's front doors. The moment she exited, a beam of golden light showered down on her from on high. All the other lights dimmed and disappeared, leaving only that one spotlight, picking her out for all to see. The only things that remains were Qianlin, the flowers, and the man who stood within them.

"Qianlin!" The man called out to her.

Richard looked majestic in his white suit. He was very meticulously put together, clearly.

Zhou Qianlin looked at him, flabberghasted. "You… what are you doing here?"

Richard gave her a charming grin. "Because you're here. So, here I am!"

Her expression hardened. "What do you think you're doing?"

Richard shook his head. "I'm not doing anything – I'm just here to see my wife. Have you forgotten? I'm from the West, and many of these planets could be considered my home. And now that you've come to visit my home, I must do the proper thing and introduce you to my parents. You are the mother of my future children, the continuance of the Austin lineage. We have to show you all of the manors you have now – whatever belongs to the Austins, belongs also to you. Because you are my wife."

The windows were full of curious and excited faces. None of the many onlookers had ever seen anything like this before. They couldn't look away.

Lan Jue stood a small distance behind Zhou Qianlin, watching the exchange. He didn't move forward, or make any efforts to intervene. He calmly looked on, with a derisive smirk.

It had been quite a while since Richard had shown his face. He'd disappeared ever since his encounter with Hua Li and Chu Cheng. But for why he'd show up right now, Lan Jue had no idea.

Of course Richard was telling it true. The West was his domain, and his family was very likely the strongest in the entire Alliance. More than that, they had been so for the whole modern era. Qianlin's family had gotten where they were through political tact and skill, remaining uncorrupted in the process. But the powers behind the Austin family were vast, and suspect.

Leaving a spy behind in the university to keep an eye on Qianlin was not a difficult thing to accomplish. So long as she was on Skyfire, Richard and his cronies wouldn't dare act indiscriminately. But that was the East, with Skyfire Avenue a few short minutes away. But now she was here, in the West. Richard felt this was his opportunity.

As for Lan Jue, he'd completely forgotten about the guy until just this minute.

Zhou Qianlin took a minute to process the crazy coming out of Richard's mouth, but a moment later she had regained her composure.

"Richard, you need to stop believing and spreading these delusions. Our wedding was never finished. I am not your wife. Please, stop calling me that. It makes me uncomfortable." Her voice was soft, but firm.

Richard smiled, and slowly made his way out from the center of the flowery heart. "Uncomfortable? That doesn't mean anything. I just want you, to be my wife. That's how much I love you. I have ever since the moment I laid eyes on you. Although my parents very much disapprove, I would rather die than live in regret. You're right, our wedding was never concluded. But, now that you're here we can finally finish the wedding you deserve. No one's allowed to marry on The Barrows, but if that's what you want, then it will be done without a problem. We'll have the grandest wedding anyone has ever seen. Anything you want, I will give you. You already have all of me. Qianlin, I love you, and my family is happy to give you everything you could ever want. All I want is for you to be my wife, and whatever you need for that to happen I will do."

"Enough!" Zhou Qianlin snapped.

Richard stopped dead in his tracks from her fierce outburst. He'd never seen her angry before. She had always ever been the picture of graceful poise. But now she was clearly full to the brim with anger. It made her even more beautiful.

Zhou Qianlin glared at Richard. "Love is not a transaction, Richard. I am not goods you can purchase by trading fine jewelry or extravagant weddings. I'll admit to you right now that I originally took advantage of you, and that was a mistake. I'm sorry, and I regret that I did it. But after taking an honest look at myself, I knew I couldn't love you. You must give all of this up. I really hope this is the last time you harass me. I don't want to hate you."

"Hate me? Ha-hahaha!" Richard suddenly burst in to great peals of laughter. "Hate, huh? Alright, Qianlin – since you want to talk about this, I'll drop the nonsense. Whether you agree or not, we had our wedding, and you are my wife. Now that you're here, you can forget about going back. This is the West, and Skyfire's far away. Once things have been consummated and you bear my children, then I'll go back with you so your parents can see their grandchild. Right now, I just need you to come with me so we can finish this wedding." His hand shot out to grab her, and the light from above illuminated his hideous expression.

The skies suddenly exploded in to light, and a host of mecha suits descended. There were more than a hundred with flashing cobalt-blue armor and the Austin family emblem on their chest. Their sudden appearance sent many of the onlookers scrambling away.

Zhou Qianlin shouted right back at him. "What do you think you're doing! Are you trying to start a war?!"

Chapter 352: Force!

Richard's voice was soft and indifferent. "Don't label me with that nonsense. I am an individual, and this is my decision. This has nothing to do with my family, and if the East should want to investigate, then they can come find me. Now come, don't make me have to make you. And as for you." Richard's attention quickly shot to Lan Jue.

Lan Jue looked back. "What about me?"

"You will leave this planet forever. Spend your life repenting for how you've treated me in some quiet corner," Richard said. He waved his hand toward the etiquette teacher, and two of the nearby mechas took a menacing step forward.

Just then, however, a thunderous roar proceeded by a streak of turquoise captured everyone's attention. It smashed in to the ground between them.

"Let's see who dares!"

It was a massive green mecha, which exuded a strange aura of similar hue. The voice was infinitely cold and threatening. The mecha was crouched in preparation, bearing large spikes jutting from its hands.

"Lan Jue, Zhou Qianlin, get away. I'll hold them off!" Tan Lingyun called from the cockpit.

The Savage Goddess never faltered in the moment of truth. Director Wu had even tried to hold her back, but she threw him back and rushed in to the fray.

As a Sovereign-ranked pilot, numbers didn't frighten her. This was different, though. Nearly all of the mechas were pulsing with their own prosperous energies. They were not your average mecha pilot. Fitting for the Austin family, Tan Lingyun knew.

"Thank you, Professor Tan." Lan Jue called to her. He took Qianlin by the hand and ran.

"No, we can't just leave Professor Tan here!" Qianlin struggled, but couldn't break free.

The Spirit Caller gem warmed against her chest:

Lan Jue: Silly girl, I'm not going to jump in right here, in front of everyone! The faculty don't know my real identity or strength.

Qianlin: Ah? So what are we going to do?

Lan Jue: The sneaky always have their ways.

Richard could only watch as they fled. He howled at the surrounding mechas. "Get them!"

They moved out, almost before he even gave the order. One hundred mechas acted in synchronicity. These were the elite personal forces of the Austin family, and none of them were below Emperor rank. Immediately, ten of them surrounding Tan Lingyun. The rest gave chase to Lan Jue and Qianlin through land and air.

Lan Jue raced ahead of them, pulling Qianlin behind. Soon they were in the hotel's front courtyard again. The two of them hid in a dark corner.

The Austin family bodyguards were famed for being both individually strong, and excellent as a unit. A dozen mecha descended upon the courtyard from above, and surrounded the inky-black shadows of the corner. All together, floodlights from the mechas painted the corner with bright light.

However, to their surprise, neither target was there. They paid no notice to the electrical outlet set against the wall.

There was a flash, then Qianlin and Lan Jue appeared within the safe confines of the hotel. Zhou Qianlin turned to her protector. "Tan Lingyun is under attack, are you sure she's alright?"

"The Savage Goddess is fine," Lan Jue assured. "She's nearly at the height of Sovereign rank – almost a God pilot. These guys are no joke, but it'll take a lot to defeat her. What's more, although Richard came here to kidnap you, the West does have rules. He wouldn't dare murder somebody over this. That would make things far too loud and public. Even the Austin family wouldn't protect him then. He has only one objective, and that's to get you. So how are you hoping we solve this?"

"If we can ensure the teacher's safety, then just get me out of here," she said.

Lan Jue gave a calm response. "We could always kill him, end the problem once and for all."

Qianlin looked at him, stunned, then shook her head. "Whatever the case now, I was almost his wife. I might not like him, but I certainly don't want him dead. All of this came about because of me. I owe him." Qianlin couldn't allow that to happen. Richard still had no idea what he was up against. Zhou Qianlin understood that the only reason Lan Jue hadn't handled the situation already was because it would expose him to the faculty. Although his features were calm, Qianlin could see the fury behind his eyes.

"As you wish," he answered. "I'll let him go. But I promise you a third encounter like this will end very differently. He's already caused a great deal of trouble to us both. Next time, I'm going to beat the holy hell out of him." He was not the sort to talk badly behind someone's back, so he refrained from telling Qianlin about Richard's earlier plans to have him 'dealt with.' He honestly didn't care about that. Lan Jue had never really seen Richard as an enemy – a goofy stalker, maybe, that that was all. But now, with his true colors revealed, Lan Jue was ashamed he didn't see it earlier.

Lan Jue connected quickly with someone through his communicator. They exchanged a few quiet sentences, then Lan Jue pulled her through the socket again.


The targets had disappeared without a trace. None of the mecha could grasp how that could be, it didn't make any sense! They must have sort of cloaking device, they postured, though where would they go?

"What? Disappeared?! You find them, you understand? I don't care if you have to tear the place apart, find them!" Richard's voice rose to a screeching yell. He was like a man who'd lost his mind.

Tan Lingyun was locked in an epic struggle. One on one she could handle. Even three, or five didn't worry her very much. But ten was too many, and as a unit they were that much stronger.

There was a level of unspoken understanding in an Emperor Unit. None of them were weak, physically or in Discipline. Tan Lingyun sensed that they were equivalent to the An Lun soldiers and the ARC students. None were below fifth rank. With their expert training and the small area they were even more threatening. Under these conditions, they were even more dangerous than the An Lun soldiers. About the only difference was their mechas were equipped with self-destruct buttons.

Still, Tan Lingyun was fearless. She lashed out at them with her spiked fists like a wild animal. After the ARC training, she could feel that she had improved.

Tendrils of green energy constantly wove together and pulsed outward to ward off attacks that got through her jukes and parries.

"Take care of this one first, I don't believe they'll just watch one of their own get hurt. They didn't run." Richard looked on with calm expression. He cruelly, and calculatingly considered the situation.

The moment Richard knew where she would be, he encircled the positioned and kept it tight. Lan Jue and Zhou Qianlin couldn't have simply vanished or broken through. He was even monitoring all air traffic through his family's connections. That was how he knew where to be so quickly. So long as they didn't get off the planet, he had his ways of tracking them down. At least, that's how Richard thought.

More cobalt blue mechas joined in. They slithered like quicksilver, weaving in and out to deliver attacks on to Tan Lingyun.

She was outnumbered, and it was becoming more than she could ward off. Their strikes and laser blasts pelted her incessantly. But her hand speed was enough, she had the capabilities for more – but she did not want to kill these pilots. Her only option was defense. If she killed any of them, nobody was going to be making it off this planet. Tan Lingyun, however, had made the same determination Lan Jue had. Richard wouldn't dare murder someone in full view of a crowd. Much less a foreign tourist. Already what was happening would certainly get back to official channels through Director Wu.

A lazy voice called out above the din. "What is the matter with you – a bunch of men picking on a lone woman. Get out of here, you disgust me."

There was a flash of light as a figure appeared, charging in from the side. A thunderous blast followed violent golden light – a dragon!

Boom—! One of the mechas was sent spiraling in to the distance. The pilot gaped at the jagged tears in his mecha's chest plate.

A mecha's cockpit was in the chest, so obviously that was where a suit's armor was strongest. To damage that thick plate of alloy titanium at all was impressive, much less ruin it! The pilot shivered in terror.

The piercing, bestial roars rose in strength and volume. The Austin elite guards were thrown aside like rag dolls in every which direction as the dragon of golden light threw them to the horizon. Each ended the same – soaring limply through the air with their chest plates turned to scrap. Their shields were like paper before this terrifying beast.

"Who the hell is this?!" Richard roared.

"I'm your daddy!" The teasing, disrespectful voice replied.

"Young Master – Careful!" A figure darted out from the shadows and sprang in front of Richard, just in time to ward him against another's arrival.

Bang! The one who leapt out to protect Richard was violently shoved back a few paces. They regained their footing, but the look of confusion on their face spoke volumes.

A man stood in the spot he'd occupied a moment before. He was disheveled, with a rat's nest for hair and thread-bare clothing. A… beggar?

The Pauper looked listessly around. He rubbed his dirty face and then, one finger digging in his nose to dislodge a booger 1, pointed with his right hand. Another great dragon of light roared to life at his gesture.

The guard, a man clad in black as it was revealed, did not dare underestimate this situation. His hands shot out, and an expansive shield of blood-red energy sprang out to protect them.

Booom-! This time, the force was enough to send the man flailing away half a dozen yards. Richard had no one else to hide behind.

The Pauper motioned at Richard, and the young Austin family heir felt a terrifying pull dragging him toward his assailant. He fought, but couldn't free himself. Anger was no longer appropriate in this situation, he determined. So Richard began to wail for help.

"E-elder, please have mercy!" The man in black called out from a distance.

But by now the Pauper already had Richard by the neck. His finger since extricated from his nose, he use the same hand to rudely pat the young boy on the cheek. "Hey there kid, throwing our weight around are we?"

Richard couldn't respond, on account of his wind-pipe being crushed beneath that dirty hand.

1. Funny note, 'booger' in Chinese is literally translated as 'nose shit'. I love it.

Chapter 353: Searching Separately

Several mechas had been maneuvering for a rush, but stopped in their tracks. These pilots were adepts themselves. They recognized their betters when they saw them. This beggar was able to ruin mechas with nothing but the strength of his own hands. How were they to win against power like that? What's more, the black-clad man beside Richard was a ninth rank Talent. Reputedly, he was ninth rank second level, from the Dark Citadel. But even someone with his training and abilities had been knocked away like a child. There was an unsettling sense that they hadn't even seen the worst these vagabond could dish out.

"You're absolutely right, Elder. I beg you to please release the young lord." The man had traded violence for pleading.

He knew this man's power clearer than the others – he'd felt it. That simple and modest power felt like it scorched all of his internal organs. The Pauper didn't even seem to be using much of his potential. He must be at least ninth rank seventh level, the black-clad man figured. There was nothing he could do to stop him.

The Pauper lazily looked around at the slowly approaching ring of mech suits. "You know," he said in that lazy voice, "I get nervous when there are so many people around. And when I'm nervous, my hands tend to tremble."

The Pauper sat, with Richard's throat still caught in his grip. He pulled the young man down beside him. "It would be a real tragedy, you know, if my hand should tremble. There'd really be nothing I could do about it."

"Everyone back off!" The man flailed his arms and shooed the encroaching mechas away. None of these pilots were a match for this man. They'd need a God ranked pilot if they wanted to stand a chance.

The Austin mecha pilots did not dare disobey. They quickly gathered their fallen comrades and retreated. In a matter of seconds, the outside of the hotel was cleared. Only the man in black remained.

"The men have all gone, elder. We've done as you asked and fled. Please release the young master, and I swear we'll never return to this place. We won't be coming after anyone." Clearly this man had some clout with the Austin family himself, otherwise he wouldn't be making promises.

Even if they did get those two, so what? This man could clearly murder anyone here without much effort. Capturing some woman wasn't even remotely worth offending an Adept of this caliber.

The Pauper's response was tepid. "Yeah, alright. I guess I wouldn't get much pleasure from squishing this bug. Remember what you said, yes? I'm not a patient man, I will admit. And I especially hate people who lie to me. When I'm upset my hands tend to do whatever they want."

The Pauper threw Richard, who flew threw the air as though he weighed nothing. The man in black was there to catch him. Only after a cursory glance revealed that the young Austin was unarmed did the man appear to relax.

"What is your name, honored elder?" Although they'd failed, he at least needed to provide an explanation to his bosses.

"I'm just a nameless beggar! The destitute have no names. But if that's not enough for you, you can come asking around Skyfire Avenue." Before his voice even faded, the Pauper was gone in a flash of golden light.

Once more the man's face changed. At the mentioned of Skyfire Avenue, everything changed. Of course he would be! He had to quickly get back and let everyone know. A proper response could ameliorate the matter. Word of the Avenue's five Paragons had of course reached the West by now – they couldn't afford to upset them.

Richard heaved deep, gasping breaths. An all-consuming hatred burned in his eyes as his hands unconsciously clenched and relaxed. For the first time, he was confronted with the fact that only those who are individually strong get what they want. Power… I want that power! There will come a day when I will personally take Qianlin for my own.

Lan Jue, of course, couldn't know of Richard's sinister affirmations. Either way, he only had disdain for the boy. They ran from the hotel until they were a few yards in to the surrounding forests. They found a man standing beneath a tree. His hands were clasped at the small of his back. He was staring up at the canopy overhead.

He was in a swallow-tailed coat and a fine, tailored suit. A silver-haired wig sat on his head. He certainly didn't fit in with these more rustic surroundings. However, the environment did seem to respond to him standing there. It warped continually, giving the unsettling sensation that the man was both very near and very far away. The entire scene was surreal.

"Well, we're here," Lan Jue said with a grin. "Shall we go?"

The man turned around, revealing himself as the Wine Master. "When the Pauper arrives." The change in locale didn't seem to have any effect on the Wine Master's mood or choice of outfit.

Lan Jue chuckled as he looked his old friend over. "You couldn't change your clothes? Or at least lose the wig."

The Wine Master looked at him for a long time. "No."

He could only shake his head. "Qianlin, I believe you both have met."

The Wine Master regarded her for a moment with those penetrating eyes. He nodded. "Hello."

"Hello," she responded with a small curtsy.

None of them exchanged any further words. The Wine Master simply returned his attention to the rustling leaves above. Lan Jue followed the Paragon's eyes to a patch of sky the trees couldn't hide. Stars twinkled prettily across the velvet-black background. He also caught the faintest light of regret in the Wine Master's eyes.

"You're thinking about the Clairvoyant," Lan Jue said.

He nodded, suddenly looking much older. "The man spent his life in servitude to the Avenue. You could say, to all of humanity. I truly wish there was a way to save him."

"But is there?" Lan Jue asked. "If there's any chance, you know we'll all do whatever it takes."

Yet the Wine Master bitterly shook his head. "He is a Prophet. No one knows the way of the universe better than he. If there was a way, he'd have found it already. There's nothing that can be done about it now."

Lan Jue went silent. He had a great deal of admiration for the Clairvoyant.

"So, where do we start our search for the descendants 1," Lan Jue inquired. He needed to change the subject, before the mood became too solemn.

"I've already taken a look at the satellite images," the Wine Master replied. "There was no new information to help us. If they are here, then they've found some special way of hiding their presence. It looks like we're going to have to find them the old-fashioned way."

Lan Jue frowned in thought. "That's going to be very troublesome. This place is huge. The Barrows is even larger than Skyfire, so canvasing the place will be impossible. Are you trying to conceal your identity as well? If you use your Discipline, I'm sure we could find them."

He knew the answer. The reason he'd asked the Pauper to intervene instead of the Wine Master, was because he didn't want to reveal the current Skyfire Avenue leader's location. A normal adept coming to the West would mean nothing. But a Paragon – that was something different, especially considering the Wine Master's current appointment. Remember that, although the Wine Master may not have been as powerful as the Keeper for instance, his interdimensional Discipline was still terrifying. Who would want an enemy-affiliated, planet-destroying demi-god traipsing around their backyard unannounced?

If they needed to search this place inch by inch, than the best method would be the one they used on Taihua when fighting the monsters. A Paragon could soar high overhead and use their abilities as a sort of scanner. The method, however, produced a massive shock wave of energy pulses. Certainly any satellite would pick it up, and then the Barrows would be the center of some very uncomfortable attention.

The Wine Master responded. "I called you together precisely because this would be difficult. You've got the gift of gab, and good perception. We'll be approaching the search from different angles. Here, I've made a map – there are twelve districts where the descendants are most likely holed up. You and the Pauper will take three each, and I'll search through six. The goal is to find them within the week. Of course, whosoever find them first will alert the others through communicator."

The Cosmagus fiddled with his communicator for a moment, and transferred the map to Lan Jue.

He looked it over. "Alright, so it is." It would have to be this way. He only had three districts, but they were large. The Paragon's interdimensional abilities would help him cover far more distance.

Just then, the Pauper quietly descended from overhead. "Situation handled, Jewelry Master."

Lan Jue threw the crusty man a thumb's up. "Thanks a lot."

The Pauper chuckled. "No problem. A non-issue among drinking buddies."

The Wine Master fixed him with a cold stare. "Let's get going, divvy up the work. If we haven't found them by the time we've swept these districts, it means they aren't here. If you do find them, don't act rashly. I believe there may be a Paragon among them. Wait for me to arrive before taking any action. Remember that we aren't here to cause trouble."

Lan Jue nodded. Of course they wouldn't leap before thinking, especially with the Wine Master around. The Pauper shrugged, as the old scoundrel was wont to do, but he wouldn't have hidden away in the Avenue if he didn't have a great affection for it. The Avenue had a good many known adepts on their council like the Pharmacist. And while both she and the Pauper were both at the peak of ninth rank, the Pauper was a wild card – a hidden gambit. That made him exceedingly dangerous. He wasn't the only one on the Avenue to hide their abilities, either.

The Wine Master strode forward, and just before he walked nose-first in to the tree before him, there was a silver flash and he was gone. The Pauper regarded Lan Jue and Qianlin for a moment. Then, with a laugh, he turned in to a beam of golden light and pierced through the forest toward the horizon.

Lan Jue was also in a hurry to begin. He'd made a promise, and his loyalties would forever lie with his friends in the Avenue. He couldn't just drink a man's cherished Jayer and not try to repay him!

Lan Jue took Zhou Qianlin's hand. He could feel his powers swelling. Lightning sizzled around the both of them as he curled himself low. Then, with a grunt, he was soaring through the air with Qianlin beside him.

They dodged among trees, as Lan Jue spoke to Qianlin. "Pay to attention to how you feel when transformed in to lightning. Once you've mastered this and are able to completely transform yourself, then we'll be able to reached our max speed – the speed of light. However, the strain on the body to go that fast is severe. Although you can command the same level of power than I can, your body is comparatively much more fragile. Remember that if you end up controlling the pace. Don't go too fast. If you do ever need to pull out all the stops, make sure to reserves a portion to shield your body.

1. Alright, so I've been bad. In previous translations, I believe I described the descendant as singular. I may have missed something, or it may be this is the first time they're clarifying it (sometimes in Chinese they aren't clear about how many. It's inferred unless specifically stated). At any rate, I apologize for the mistake.

Chapter 354: I Want To Take a Bath

Zhou Qianlin nodded her head. "I understand. Should I give it a try?"

"Alright, go ahead," Lan Jue replied.

Three seconds later.

Boom–! A bolt of electricity smashed headlong in to a bush. Two figures clambered from the small crater.

"Why the hell did you go down?" Lan Jue said in irritation.

Qianlin sheepishly stuck her tongue out at him. "I lost control. It was too fast. I was off by just a bit."

He patted his forehead with a sigh. "I forgot, sorry. Your psychic control isn't strong enough to meet the amount of power you have all of a sudden. Your perception isn't trained enough. We need to work on our coordination as well – but practice makes perfect. Let's keep it up." Thankfully falling wasn't much of a concern when in electrical form.

Now that both of them had seen their Disciplines changed, control was paramount – especially for Qianlin. If she were able to learn to use his powers in combat, then they would have two ninth rank seventh level Adepts with the same Discipline – quite a frightening combo.

Qianlin was a smart girl, with uncanny coordination. It took a few painful lessons, but she got the basics of it very fast. She was even able to perform simple jukes and dodges. Lan Jue's only job was to guide her efforts, and protect her from risk.

Now was certainly not the time for Qianlin to practice movement at light speed. It was far too fast for her to manage currently. It was very unlikely she would use the skill on a planet's surface, anyway. The strain on the body was too great. It would most likely be put to use while within Thor during battle, where it would have the greatest effect.

They soared through the air until dawn, and as the morning rays peaked over the horizon their first destination came in to view. They ate a simple breakfast, then washed their faces in a nearby stream. Once the day had started, the search for the descendants was on.

"The Wine Master had said he wasn't able to find anything through satellite," Qianlin said at one point. "What was he even looking for?"

Lan Jue smiled. "Pretty clever, actually – vineyards! If you want to make wine, you need grapes. Acres and acres of grapes. Contemporary estimates claim your vine should be at least twenty years old before you try to make wine from its grapes. The quality of a wine is, of course, directly correlated to the quality of its grapes. Makers of the best wines are exceedingly picky when choosing the best ones for their creations. Only the best begets the best. You know, some vines can live up to eighty years – and their grapes are the most sought after."

"Well that makes sense," she said. "So we just need to find the vineyard then we'll find out targets, right?"

Lan Jue nodded. "Do you need to rest?"

She shook her head emphatically. "No need, I'm not tired. Let's go." She had never been a fragile girl. But beyond that, the Barrows was a gorgeous place. Although they were here on business, it was an enjoyable journey.

This place and Taihua were about as similar as Llamas and stone crabs. The planet itself was smaller than the Eastern tourist spot, but was densely packed with any biome you could fathom; mountain ranges, rivers, lakes, forests, rain forests, even glaciers – all of them were represented somewhere. Each of them were teaming with life, very little of which posed any threat to tourists. They certainly hadn't encountered anything during their trip here.

It was very much like a vacation. Due to the requirements of their Disciplines, they had to spend most of their time hand in hand. They looked for all the world like a couple.

"When are you going to teach me how to use lightning attacks?" Zhou Qianlin asked.

Lan Jue lazily wandered down the paths as they chatted. "Not here. The environment is so nice, we should avoid damaging it as much as possible. When we get back we'll use the Wine Master's Reaper Arena, and I'll train you there. Ah – but we may not have time. How about this, when we get to the Northern Alliance. In the beginning you don't need to learn anything complicated anyway, just my most common abilities."

"We're going to the Northern Alliance?" This was the first she'd heard of it.

He nodded. "To participate in a competition. We won't be gone for very long. Do you need to ask permission from your family?"

Qianlin answered with a shake of her head. "I'm an adult. Mom and dad let me do my own thing. Lan Jue, be honest… if not for the connection between our Disciplines, you wouldn't have brought me along. Right?"

Lan Jue nodded without hesitation. "You're absolutely right. Both looking for these descendants and the Northern competition involve danger. How could I bring you, considering I'm your bodyguard? What happens if you run in to danger? But with our Discipline as they are now, you're strong enough to protect yourself very well so long as you're with me. And I'm here with you, so there's nothing to worry about."

Zhou Qianlin rolled her eyes. Did he truly not understand, or was he playing dumb? He must know that wasn't what she meant. Still, she liked his answer.

The two of them continued to search the large area. If Lan Jue strengthened his perception to its strongest levels, he could still only search about a thousand meters at a time. Their only recourse was to adhere to the map, and wander back and forth until the whole area was covered.

The search continued until nightfall. In the end, there was no trace of their objective. Lan Jue was tired from the effort, so he meditated and recovered some of his energy.

The next few days passed much the same as the first. Five days later, two of the three areas they had been given were searched and found to be empty. Only the third remained for them to check.

By now both Qianlin and Lan Jue were exhausted. This was especially true of Lan Jue, who had spent most of the last week very carefully examining every inch they came across. But while it was quite tiring, it also served as serviceable exercise.

They searched about a third of the final sector, and still there was no indication that the descendants were anywhere nearby. Neither had he heard anything from the Pauper or Wine Master. Clearly, they hadn't had any luck either. This was likely their last shot at finding them somewhere on the Barrows.

"It's looking pretty unlikely we'll find anything here. They may not be on this planet. Hell, they may not even exist." Lan Jue sounded a little despondent at the revelation.

He had also genuinely wanted to find these people. If the secrets of those great wines were lost, it would be a great tragedy indeed.

"Ugh, I need a bath." Zhou Qianlin pointed to the shore of a nearby lake.

Lan Jue gave her a strange look. "What, you want to bathe together?"

"In your dreams." She replied. A blush crept in to her cheeks.

Adepts of higher levels didn't have to worry much about washing as often as normal folks. The bacteria that caused unpleasant scent and disease didn't effect them nearly as much 1. But she was a young woman, and going several days without a shower was unbearable. She'd been struggling with the need for a while, so seeing the opportunity was inspiration enough to take it.

"Of course, I was joking. I want to bathe too, so we'll separate." Lan Jue said.

She humphed in suspicion. "Then off with you, I'm going to wash up. It'll give us a chance to wash our clothes as well." Although she was not as strong as Lan Jue, her own level of Discipline was enough to dry a set of clothes.

"Then we might as well try joining like before. We haven't practiced that yet." He said.

"But my clothes…" She was hesitant. She had only this one pair. There was very little more precious on her person right now.

Lan Jue laughed. "Simple: Find a big tree, get behind it, and take your clothes off. Then just stretch your hand out. Eh… wait, maybe not. Last time we did it, we were…" As he spoke, Lan Jue's eyes unconsciously wandered to her chest.

Immediately her face went red. "What the hell are you looking at?!"

Lan Jue grinned. "A beautiful woman!"

Zhou Qianlin stepped back a few steps. "I won't join with you. Go find somewhere else to wash up. I'll stay here and call you when I'm finished."

Lan Jue didn't hang around. With a sheepish laugh, he turned and walked off through the trees.

As she watched his retreating form, Qianlin couldn't help but grin. "Coward," she said under her breath.


Lan Jue followed the coast of the small lake for a while. Eventually he came across a clear inlet, where he removed his clothes and jumped in. It was far enough away to protect his companion's modesty. He was a gentleman, after all – he wouldn't dare peek.

He was suddenly reminded of an old poem he'd once heard, and loudly called it out to the trees;

"I stand at the head of the River

Whilest my lover resides at its Source.

Though we drink from Identical Waters

Her face is obscured by the Course."

Qianlin, who had just finished removing her clothes, snorted in laughter. She dipped a toe in to the water. "How about you drink from this water. How's my foot taste then, huh?" she muttered mirthfully.

Lan Jue was blissfully ignorant of Qianlin's sinister machinations. Though the water was cold, he sighed in contentment as he was immersed. The pure waters felt as though they were washing his worries away. Laying in the lake's embrace was more comfortable than Lan Jue could express.

This section of the lake was shallow, and only rose to his waist. The further toward the center he tread, however, the deeper it became. Soon he was submerged up to his chest. Each step he took was clear as a bell, and the perfectly translucent water revealed the stony lake bed beneath his feet. He shut his eyes, and slipped in to a sort of half-meditation. He felt… disconnected, and it seemed immensely satisfying and refreshing.

He wasn't rushed – women took their time in washing, after all. He lazily floated amidst the spectacular views and let time flow by.

Gradually, in his meditative state, his consciousness slipped in to the ethereal. Psychic energies flowed from between his eyebrows, and fused with the environment around them.

Ever since the strange situation with Qianlin, Lan Jue felt as though he had a deeper connection with his own protogenic powers. It was small, but important – he felt as though it might one day make finding his Path easier.

1. Interestingly, it is not uncommon for Chinese to shower once every three to four days in the colder and dryer northern climes. In fact, in some places that receive little rainfall, showers are a rare commodity. Thankfully the Chinese diet and anatomical make-up make them considerably less 'smelly' than Westerners. In fact, body odor was rarely encountered for me, even in tight places like buses and classrooms. Now booze sweat and unbrushed teeth are a different story.