885 - 894

Chapter 885: Success?

"Poseidon, prepare your main weapon." Kang Hui ordered. He was taking personal command of how this final attack was executed.

"Soft Water bombs are ready to be deployed!" Hua Li's voice returned. Poseidon's patriarch was also taking full responsibility of his family's bastion.

"Fire!" Kang Hui said.

"Fire!" Hua Li echoed.

Six glittering orbs were belched from Poseidon. Marvelous tails of blue light hung in the darkness of space where they passed on their way toward Europa.

The destructive capabilities of the Soft Water bombs were put on display more than once in earlier battles. Against living targets it was frighteningly effective, and the most difficult to evade.

The six bombs quickly reached their destination. They were ingeniously released in a line and slipped into the cloudy surface of Europa one after the other.

Nothing changed as the first bomb entered, then the second, then the third…

Once all six bombs disappeared into the fog a reaction became visible. The rolling tide of mist became tumultuous. Barely visible were flashes of blue light as the bombs detonated. They were arranged in a line to detonate at different depths, from the highest reaches of Europa's atmosphere to where the ground presumably hid below.

Kang Hui had determined it was the best use of Poseidon's weapons. His aim wasn't to harm the planet so much as clear the fog so they could get a glimpse of what lay beneath.

The aliens had a reason for everything. When Heron's attack disappeared into the fog Kang Hui knew the mists must have some defensive purpose. Perhaps they drained and devoured energy that passed through. If that were true the first step to a successful blow would have to be clearing a path through the fog. Without its protection they could damage the planet.

His tactics were sound. The cloud cover melted away like snow before the summer sun. Europa's surface was revealed.

Spectators looked on in surprise. Europa's surface had been painted in a pale purple hue, in contrast to the rich purple of the home worlds that had taken it over. The remains of human structures could be faintly discerned by their long-ranged telescopes, partially obscured by wisps of the fog that remained.

Kang Hui did not appreciate the beautiful scenery, for he knew the cost of its creation. He continued to deliver his commands.

"Tyrannosaurus, fire the main gun!"

Tyrannosaurus' weapons were already aimed and fully charged. Once the order was given its primary cannon released a blazing beam of light right into the channel left by the Soft Water bombs. It sizzled through the darkness of space, a spear ready to skewer the planet like a kebab.

"Heron, all remaining ships, fire at will!" With Tyrannosaurus' blast on its way Kang Hui ordered the fury of the human armada released on their enemy.

Without hesitation thousands upon thousands of cannon blasts followed in the wake of Tyrannosaurus' shot. They were all carefully aimed to slip through the same channel, like threading a needle. Poseidon's secondary weapons systems, which packed as much punch as a fleet of capital ships, also spat out a salvo.

This was their chance to accomplish their goal in one final, decisive stroke. No one held back.

The resulting explosion was so intense it shook the distant ships. Burst after concussive burst rang in everyone's ears – a sound they would remember for all the rest of their days. Without the protection of the fog the ire of the human armada was heard, though it was difficult to tell how much it was felt. Still, Kang Hui was confident in the capability of their unified assault.

"Middle Heaven, prepare Terminal Ray!" Kang Hui did not let up.

Against any normal planet the last hail of cannon fire would have been enough to split it in twain. However, Kang Hui did not want to underestimate their enemy, not in the slightest. Everything they had at their disposal, every weapon and tactic, he wanted thrown at their foes. They wouldn't stop until Europa was a cloud of space dust.

Flickers of angry amber light appeared around Middle Heaven as several beams were fired at once from different locations. They coalesced in front of the war planet into a single point of light so pregnant with energy space warped around it – Terminal Ray. The last time it was used in combat mankind walked away with several elite vital crystals. Now its aim was to obliterate Europa before it was converted into an alien paradise. To Kang Hui this was the pièce de résistance. The surface of the planet should already been a cratered hellscape, and once Terminal Ray made landfall Europa would be no more. It just needed to drill past the crust and into its core.

Kang Hui didn't put much stock in the stories of ancient immortal realms. To him the alien evolution was a process of energy consolidation. No matter how strong they got, once their planet was destroyed their evolution was finished.

At last, humanity's long, dark night was coming to an end!

The light of expectation glimmered in Kang Hui's eyes. One tortuous event after another had plagued them as they waited for this day! He and his species would survive. Kang Hui imagined seeing his family, heard the cheers of the people as they came back from this bloody campaign. Peace would reign again.

Suddenly a bone-deep fatigue washed over him. If he could go back he likely wouldn't join the army. He envied the life of the normal man, quiet and peaceful. At the very least he would want a nice, long vacation once this was all finished. Let the military function without him for a time, he could avoid the interviews and galas and feasts.

The thoughts flitted through his mind, but did not impeded his command.

"Terminal Ray – fire!" Kang Hui coolly gave the order just as the blasts from Tyrannosaurus and the other ships were dying down.

Never let up! Let the attacks compound and make each other stronger. Kang Hui had considered everything that required consideration, and took all steps necessary to see this corrupted human planet destroyed.

Terminal Ray's flash lasted only a moment. In what couldn't have been longer than a fraction of a second, the piercing ray of light buried itself in Europa's surface. The afterimage of its passage was burned in the eyes of spectators.

Would it be enough? Kang Hui's fists had unconsciously clenched, and he wasn't alone. Every commander of every ship watched in dread anticipation.

Kang Hui ordered everyone to fall back. Europa was among the largest planets to have been inhabited by humans. Once it exploded the scale of its detonation would cover a vast area. It would be very easy for their whole armada to be wiped out in the aftermath.

Gradually the lights all faded. The fog surrounding Europa continued to buck and writhe, except for the funnel created by the Soft Water bombs. Why was there no sound of explosion? Did the attack land?

Uncertainty wormed its way into Kang Hui's mind. He could see clearly through the cavity in the clouds, peered through their telescopes and magnified on his screen. Europa's surface was a world of golden purple, unscathed but for the crater where their attacks had landed. In the place where they'd aimed their barrage was a vortex of purple energy that fiercely swirled.

In the center of the vortex was a haze of golden orange light. That had to be the residual energy from Terminal Ray's passage. The light began to grow, and as it did the whole of Europa started to shake ever so slightly.


Kang Hui's heart fluttered. He saw the shudders as a sign of impending collapse and ordered everyone to fall back as quickly as they could.

However it was then he noticed a change in the three planets affixed to Europa. They stretched and became oblate before eventually dissolving onto the surface of Europa. The purple orbs that were once Monarch, Queen and Consort shimmered gold and disappeared into the fog.


Was Europa going to explode? When Kang Hui witnessed this scene he was painfully skeptical. If their target planet was going to die, why would the aliens merged with it?

A voice entered his mind, as cold as it was terrifying.

"Thank you for your bounty, humans!" The thought was clear and mocking.

Disquiet filled Kang Hui's heart. He wasn't the only one to hear the voice either – every single soul aboard every vessel heard the voice in their mind.

"Attack, attack with everything you've got!" Kang Hui shouted.

The home worlds weren't destroyed, and Europa wasn't going to explode. Kang Hui came to a dark and bitter understanding.

The effect of this intrusive thought had a dramatic effect on the soldiers. Their attacks were let loose on Europa, but wild and haphazard.

All four bastions had used their main weapons and needed time to recharge them, especially Middle Heaven. Terminal Ray was especially draining and it would be a while before the East's bastion could use it again.

The crater that they'd created with their attack was gone. The fog that surrounded Europa was dimmer now and threads of gold were spreading through it. At the same time it settled deeper into the atmosphere and thinned out, giving the beleaguered planet a misty, fantastical air.

Chapter 886: Revelations

As beautiful as Europa now was, it portend the end of the human race!

Blasts from the ships pummeled the planet but were swallowed up without so much as a whisper. Suddenly the planet was as deep as a black hole. No matter how much firepower was directed at it nothing left a mark.

"Hold your fire!" There was a flash of pin, and a figure appeared at Kang Hui's shoulder. It was one of Skyfire Avenue's founders, the Photographer.

Luo Xianni's face was dark as she placed a hand on the admiral's shoulder.

Kang Hui was understandably shaken. He snapped back at her. "Why?! We're nearly there, we-"

Luo Xianni cut him off. "Shut up. Can't you see that our attacks helped its evolution? The energy from them has boosted it, and now their immortal realm is almost complete. Keeping up your attack only hastens the process."

Her reproach brought him back to his senses. Of course, ever since their attack on Europa began the planet had started to change. But what if she was wrong?

"Quickly! Do you want them to complete their process? They've reached the point of no return. Nothing your ships do now can harm it." She tried again to convince him.

Kang Hui heaved a sigh. "Cease the attack," he ordered. "All ships hold your fire." He respected Luo Xianni and her status. She was, after all, the only Paragon alive who had stepped into the Infinite.

The flashes of cannon fire slowly tapered off. When the lights faded the scene that was revealed hung heavy on every heart. That place was no longer Europa. What had it become?

Luo Xianni scowled. "Lan Qing would have stopped you earlier."

Kang Hui's face reddened but he did not share his misgivings. "Your Majesty," he said, "what should we do now?"

Her eyes flashed. "Wait. Wait for Lan Qing and the others. Those four are our only hope now. You've done all you can, the armada is of no use anymore. We were deceived by them from the very beginning.

Trap. The word gave Kang Hui pause but he quickly recovered. He broke out in a cold sweat and his face went pale.

"You mean, they meant to…"

Luo Xianni didn't respond except to nod.

Kang Hui's thoughts were in chaos but one thought rose to clarity above the others.

Yes! The aliens were strong and wise. Destroying humanity would only mean perfecting their strategy. In fact all they would have had to do was keep up the fight and total annihilation would have been inevitable for mankind. It was clear to everyone, especially once this final war had begun.

Once the home worlds were out of the equation, three bastions and twelve fleets from the human lands were repeatedly pummeled by the alien horde. Were it not for Lan Qing's superior tactics they wouldn't have come this far. Even then there were several times humanity was on the cusp of defeat.

For instance, the battle where most of their elite were on the field. If the armada had lost they would have been routed. Without the help of the Paragons they would have fallen before the Violet Prince for sure.

Strong as the horde was, how much more terrible would they be with the addition of the home worlds?

Those three planets were not comparable to a trio of bastion ships. Kang Hui had learned this the hard way in the Shattered Starfields. Against the planets and their horde, even the total might all of the Alliances – all their bastions, ships and soldiers – would likely fall.

Thinking about it, the aliens could have fought back with their full strength at any time. So then why didn't they? They were smart enough not to make such a glaring oversight! He was beginning to see that they were wiser than he gave them credit for. There was a method to their madness, as it were, and even the destruction of their army was part of the plan.

In constantly engaging the humans the horde had weakened them and kept the armada busy, but never lashed out with their full might. For instance, they never once attacked with all of their elite aliens at one time. At the outset Lan Jue and Qianlin weren't even Paragons much less having achieved Nirvana. If all of the alien generals had come for them then, humanity would have been utterly destroyed.

They chose not to. Instead they indulged the human fighters' clever tactics and bold strategies. Step by step they gave up ground and allowed their prey to retake the planets around Europa. All along they threw up hurdles and roadblocks that weakened them and attacked their morale.

It was all planned, even down to the moment they allowed the humans to destroy their army and focus their attack on Europa.

The change that had overcome the West's capitol only occurred after the concerted effort of the armada to destroy it. Was this merely coincidence? If one believed that the aliens completed their evolution at that very moment, who was in control? It certainly wasn't Kang Hui's side.

The possibilities stabbed at Kang Hui's heart. He was finally thinking clearly.

The greatest possibility was that the aliens had planned everything from the start. Losing was part of their strategy, allowing a series of defeats to lull the humans into a false sense of security. All of it leading up to today, where they'd laid in wait for the moment when the armada would turn their guns on Europa. The remaining alien soldiers were a ruse to draw them in.

The final steps of their evolution must require a tremendous amount of energy. Energy like that released by bastions, energy Europa could swallow up and use to its own advantage. If this were true it meant the home worlds knew what was needed from the beginning. They'd masterfully guided the humans every step of the way to happily deliver the final piece.

What he and his soldiers had thought was the cusp of victory, was in fact the machinations of a vastly superior enemy. He'd given the order himself. His command gave the aliens precisely what they needed.

If all that were true than the entity they now faced was more terrifying than anything he could imagine. Everything had been perfectly calculated, exquisitely structured. It was too late now to take it all back.

Chapter 887: Insistence Leads to Ruin

Kang Hui was also struck by another thought, that of their hubris in thinking they understood their enemy. Namely, that the vital crystals were as important to the aliens as they were to humans. As the fighting grew more intense, humans took pains to capture vital crystals, thinking it was the crux of their effort to weaken the home worlds.

But in reality, was that so?

If the planets were willing to give up their elite representatives than these crystals couldn't be as important as they expected. Their evolution was clearly more of a concern, at least to where losing scores of high-grade crystals meant little.

If he took what the Skyfire Avenue luminaries said to be true then it made even more sense. Evolution created a new alien reality that would protect them from the dangers of universal protogenia. Once that threat was dealt with the aliens could continue to strengthen without fear of having their life force drained. With this being the case, what use would they have for the vital energy of lesser creatures?

Kang Hui's mind followed the string of considerations. Most of these crystals were created with energy stolen from humans and human worlds. Of course the beasts would be unperturbed by having them taken, since it was never theirs to begin with.

Kang Hui fell into his chair. These realizations came too late for them to make any changes to their tactics. All he could do was sit back and watch as their enemy achieved victory. Firing on the planet would only make it stronger.

The anger and disappointment churned his insides.

"I don't blame you!" Luo Xianni's voice had softened. "No one knew this was going to happen. I only saw it after the shot, when Europa began to change. A-Qing likely wouldn't have done any better, so don't be hard on yourself."

Kang Hui turned his red, tired eyes onto the Photographer. "Your Majesty, what should we do? Watch them evolve and wait for death?" The death he spoke of wasn't just him or this army, he spoke for all of mankind! He didn't believe for a second that the aliens would forget the humans and move on. Kang Hui and his people were doomed the moment this process was complete.

Luo Xianni answered in a low, solemn voice. "I can try. Perhaps vital energy will succeed were cosmic energy has failed."

Cosmic energy was a concept discovered once humanity left for the stars. This was a catch-all phrase for energy created through transmutation or mechanics – for instance, the blast from a war ship's cannon. In contrast vital energy was the energy created by living things, like the powers of Adepts and Paragons.

It had been proven over the long struggle against the aliens that they were more susceptible to vital energy. Cosmic energy, it was now revealed, actually helped them. In that case their only other option was to try and use the might of one's life force to defeat the beasts.

Lan Qing and the others were still insulated while they improved their cultivation. Luo Xianni was the strongest Paragon left. She knew that while she was not strong enough to defeat the aliens on her own, perhaps she could improve the chances for her sons.

A flickering portal of pink light appeared, and Luo Xianni stepped through. When she emerged she was far above Europa.

The three alien home worlds had entirely disappeared, dissolving into one. Only Europa remained, wreathed in the golden-purple mist.

Kang Hui didn't have the same sensitivity of perception as the Photographer. She could sense that the former human planet had undergone a large and dramatic change. It was saturated with energy, but to what degree she could not know. The truth was somehow shielded from her.

What she could tell was that the pressure of universal protogenia eased the closer she came to the planet.

This meant that the aliens' goal was a success. The greatest benefit of an immortal realm was protecting the denizens from the universe, and that's precisely what she felt now. The thieves of vitality were protected against the strongest force that could be turned on them, making them an almost insurmountable force. This was so whether the three worlds had merged into one or were somehow still separate.

As she pondered these things Luo Xianni lifted her right hand. Pink light began to shimmer within. She paid no heed to the stresses of universal protogenia, to the danger of its attentions. The light of her powers stretched until it began a thousand-meter long sword gripped in her palm.

She thrust it downward in an attempt to impale Europa.

As she expected the golden fog gathered when it came in contact with her powers. The effect was markedly improved over the cannon fire conveyed by the armada. The mists gave her a strange, sticky sensation like it was some kind of protective membrane. Strong as the Photographer was, she was somewhat surprised to find she could not break its defenses.

"Your efforts are futile, do not waste your energy. At your strength you must feel the persecution of universal protogenia, the same torture we had to endure. You should stand with us. The creation and maintenance of an immortal realm will need strong patrons, and you have the qualifications to join us. Make the right choice, and soon you shall arise to godhood."

The calm voice seemed to come from everywhere at once.

Luo Xianni ignored the voice and continued to pummel Europa. Though the golden haze shuddered under the weight of her onslaught it did not part. She knew it was a longshot, but to see her efforts fail caused Luo Xianni's heart to sink.

Europa and the three evil beings that possessed it were calm. Their evolution was nearly complete. Luo Xianni and Kang Hui's conjectures were right, through it all the human played right into the aliens' hands. Even Lan Qing's genius didn't see the invisible machinations that controlled them. Every seeming success was allowed by the beasts, another step toward sealing their own doom.

"Your insistence only seals your fate. You are the architect of your own ruin." Monarch's voice grew cold and harsh. "In many ways I will have shed the concept of race when my evolution is complete. I have chosen the shape of your species because your people are the only ones with experience contending against the tyranny of the universe. You nearly succeeded. Why do you struggle, when it is our aim to create the legacy your fallen gods left behind? Be at peace, I shall not proceed to destroy your species – it holds no further use for me. Rising to immortality means that consuming the vitality of others is no longer necessary. Our only goal is strength. With the protection of our immortal realm and the aid of cosmic energy, it is enough. Your species can still offer enough resources to aid in our improvement. With time we will be more powerful than any species before us – strong enough to consume the fractured pieces of the immortal realm left behind by your predecessors. Eventually we will replace this universe with one of our own creation, and we will be the true masters!"

The fervent tone in Monarch's voice was clear. This was its real plan, its deepest desire.

All the while anguish flooded Luo Xianni's heart. Her attacks were impudent at best, and she looked on as the purple haze was slowly being absorbed. Hardly a trace of it remained but she could not harm the planet anyway. She listened to his haughty revelations, to his assurance that he could steal the shape of her species and adopt the potency that was their birthright. Once the purple was gone entirely, the process would be complete.

My sons, can your swords truly triumph over this monster?

Luo Xianni never once lost track of Lan Qing and Lan Jue's auras, even now. She sensed problems when they first tried to employ the Banishing Strategy, the greatest of which was their deficient cultivation. The Banishing Blades were too powerful to wield and utilizing the Banishing Stance required a nearly unfathomable amount of strength. What's more the threat of universal protogenia was always present. If they reached the Infinite there was real risk that summoning the Strategy would mean their undoing. Even the mightiest immortals feared the cosmos.

Her attacks subsided. Luo Xianni knew that nothing she did would work.

"Do you see? Take heart in your epiphany." Monarch's voice was almost warm, feminine.

"So now there's only one of you?" Luo Xianni coolly asked.

Chapter 888: The Ignorance of Humanity

Monarch's response was tepid. "Some sacrifices are necessary in order for our evolution to succeed. Ah, yes – from the fragments of your species' DNA I acquired some knowledge. During the time of greatest influence your immortal realm had a caste of immortals called the Da Luo. I suspect that if things continue at their current rate I shall achieve this level in no more than a hundred years. From that point forward I can focus on strengthen this immortal realm. You must come, join me. You need only open your heart and allow me to place my mark on your soul. Then you shall be one of us."

Luo Xianni sniffed a laugh. "Become one of you? You mean be devoured? Do you think I believe even one word of what you've said? It doesn't matter what you turn into, you're still an abomination. You will never been human – you can never teach a dog to stop eating shit [1. Best phrase ever. Use it with your friends and family.]. It doesn't matter what you look like or what world you create, the facts will never change. You've done nothing more than profit off the hard work my species has done for millennia. So here is my response to your offer; I won't be your food. Everything you've said is idiotic nonsense."

For a moment Monarch was silent. When it spoke once again there was a tone of disappointment in its voice. "It appears you humans have grown wiser. Indeed, in my eyes your kind are nothing more than lesser life forms – so much wasted potential. You have lost any sense of how to utilize it, unlike your ancestors. The success of your forbearers to create an immortal realm was magnificent, but in all the time since you humans have squandered your birthright. You're right, I must continue to feed. Achieving my perfection means I must continue to devour powerful genetic material. I can only get it from your kind. But why do you refuse me? Why is it so unacceptable to be a part of me? Of something greater?"

"Do you think your defiance means something? If you refuse, do you think I will not simply take what I want? If you submit yourself you will save yourself from suffering. I may even chose to preserve your consciousness. But for now… - hngh!"

The remaining fog around Europa gathered together into an enormous hand. It groped for Luo Xianni.

She was ready. In a flash she was far away and out of Monarch's reach. She was unable to break its defenses, but at least until the monster's evolution was complete she could still flee. However she could tell from the faded purple light around Europa that the evolution was mere moments from completion.

"It is just a matter of time. All you can do is wait for me to viit destruction upon your people!" Monarch hissed.

Just then several glints of light flickered around Middle Heaven. A series of figured emerged and were heading toward Luo Xianni.

After Luo Xianni's revelations from before, the truth was quickly unraveled by others. Those that came toward here now were the rest of Skyfire Avenue's Paragons.

"Aunt, what should we do?" It was the Wine Master who asked her. His face was stern, for though there appeared to be little they could do he could not wait for death!

She answered somberly. "The only thing we can do is wait for Lan Qing and the others to employ the Banishing Stance. Only, they haven't – "

Before she could finish her thought four rays of light shined out from within Middle Heaven. Turquoise, white, red, blue. Like four heavenly spears they shot out toward where the Paragons had gathered. For a moment it was like all of space was painted in those magnificent colors. Suddenly four more figures joined them.

The lights weren't from the Banishing Blades. They came from the bodies of Lan Qing, Lan Jue, the Pharmacist, and Zhou Qianlin.

Lan Qing's entire body radiated the blue-green light, making him look fantastical. Lan Jue flashed with pulses of red light. Zhou Qianlin's blue aura was ever changing. Finally, the Pharmacist's light was the most pure, the snow-white purity of murderous intent.

The four of them appeared at precisely the right moment, pillars of strength in a sea of uncertainty. The Paragons were less anxious in their presence. There was a shimmer of light and Li Ke appeared from Lan Qing's body.

"You're successful?" The Wine Master asked Lan Jue. He sensed something inscrutable about the young man that wasn't there before. As a Reflection of Heaven and Earth the old Paragon still couldn't tell the depths of Lan Jue's newfound abilities.

Lan Jue responded calmly. "It isn't clear, we'll only know once we try. There's no time to lose."

Indeed it was true, they couldn't wait. Once the evolution was complete their chances of survival fell away to nothing. Everything rested on their ability to enact the Banishing Strategy before Monarch could succeed.

Lan Qing nodded his head. The four sword bearers floated out into space. They didn't spread too far before stopping and turned to face one another. The lights that radiated from them became all the more resplendent.

Lan Jue's eyes were sharp and glinted in the starlight. As bearer of Captus he was not leader of the four blades, but he was the strongest Paragon present. It fell to him to lead the attempt.

The reflection of the cosmos reflected in his deep eyes. Star twinkled back making his gaze bright and brilliant. It almost seemed to make all the universe brighter. His aura began to swell and expand. A purple crown appeared placed upon his head as his body became larger. It was his dharmic image, the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of the North Pole Star of Purple Subtlety.

Lan Jue's Boundless Starlight Domain was contained within. Luo Xianni suddenly sensed her son's aura surge, surpassing Nirvana and peeking into the realm of the Infinite. In the same moment the pressure of universal protogenia was evident all around them. She could feel Lan Jue's life force draining.

In the midst of his transformation Zhou Qianlin was next. She swayed and grew, clad in a magnificent fluttering white robe. Guanyin, the Queen of Heaven! Her body flickered a hundred shades of blue, but there was also a shell of white light that emerged from her. The warm light spread until it hung over all four of them. To Lan Jue his body instantly felt lighter as the pain of universal protogenia was forced away.

Very quickly Qianlin's powers also arose to the Infinite. It was a temporary increase from her dharma and Domain, but she nonetheless commanded supreme power.

Clearly the results of their quarantine were good, better than they might have anticipated. At least their cultivation had reached the upper levels of Nirvana. With Qianlin's help Lan Qing and the Pharmacist enjoyed good stability from their empowered abilities.

As the four young warriors began to prepare, the Photographer turned to address the other Paragons. "We have to serve as their custodians, this is our last chance. No matter what, we must help them succeed."

Her words were cryptic, but everyone knew precisely what she meant. This could very well be their final moments, victory or defeat were near at hand. Only the Banishing Strategy could save them. At Luo Xianni's instructions they spread out and made a defensive line.

Kang Hui, still seated in the control room, had come back to his senses. When he saw the two brothers appear on his screens, his heart was filled with resolve.

"Listen up. Tyrannosaurus reposition to the fore. Middle Heaven, take up position in the rear…" The armada's formation was restructured as per his commands.

Tyrannosaurus slowly moved to the front and blocked the Paragons from view of Europa. Poseidon was on their left, Heron on the right, and Middle Heaven behind. The ten fleets took up defensive positions.

If this was their last chance, Kang Hui wasn't going to allow the aliens to interrupt it.

"You foolish humans. How can you not see that your opposition is in vain?" Monarch's voice echoed again in everyone's ear. It was harsh as ever, but if one listened closely they might hear something else in the monster's voice.

The golden light that surrounded Europa, its shield, began to ripple. It started small, but soon became towering waves of energy that circumnavigated the planet.

It was afraid! Kang Hui's eyes went wide. He could see the change coming over Europa from the bridge and knew that Monarch was urging more energy into its defenses. It could only mean the monster was afraid of what those swords might do.

The aliens had been ahead of them every step of the way, and their responses had always been spot on. This reaction had significance as well, namely that Monarch must have felt the danger headed its way. This returned a glint of hope to Kang Hui's troubled heart. By now all the ships were in place, shields glimmered around every battleship and bastion. Lan Jue and the others were covered front, back, left, right, up and down. They were defended on all sides. All the strength of the human armada was turned toward defense, charged with making sure Lan Jue's mission was a success.

Lan Jue floated calmly in space. "Not copper, not iron, not steel; Once hidden beneath the stones of Mount Meru." Suddenly there was a flash of red around him and he was encased in a keen aura. All at once he was like Captus in human form. The power of the sword spilled out of his every pore.

Zhou Qianlin's crystalline voice followed. "The perversion of yin-yang did not it make; What flame or fluid could dull its edge?" A hundred thousand copies of Demortus appeared, glittering blue like a crystal forest. They spread far and wide, so much that the Paragons defending them were forced to move farther back.

Chapter 889: Formation

The Pharmacist voice rang out. "Ultus – sharp, Occisus – death, Captus – universal red light, Demortus – the ever changing." A surge of white light shot out and brought with it a stifling brutal aura. Slashes of Occisus' energy criss-crossed the breadth of where its aura reached. The stronger her cultivation rose, the brighter Occisus burned.

Lan Qing was last to speak the words. "Immortals, eternal and marvelous, have their robes stained with blood." The refreshing hue of Ultus arose as though summoned and coiled around him. Turquoise light shot into the sky and all at once the four Banishing Blades began to hum. Though the weapons themselves were yet to appear, all four of their bearers were illuminated by their power.

Halfway through their seclusion the four Paragons saw an increase to their cultivation, especially Lan Qing and the Pharmacist. Both of them broke through to Nirvana and in doing so understood how difficult enacting the Strategy would be. The more they learned of this unique power the more they saw what it would require. The sheer cost in energy was staggering to consider, only a true immortal could reliable stand it. The greatest weapon under heaven was aptly named, and just as dangerous to wield.

After some discussion – and with the help of Xuanyuan Shishi, Jun Yongye and Li Ke – they came to a bold decision. They would give their bodies fully to their swords, so that these great and terrible instruments of destruction would become a part of them.

The benefits of doing this were that they and the swords became inexorably linked. In many ways they became the Banishing Blades, and the blades became them. All the energy within them, including their protogenia and vital energy, could be used to galvanize the weapons. Thus their chances of successfully laying out the Banishing Strategy increased.

However this was not without dangers. After carefully studying the strategy they discovered that once the strategy was unleashed it could not be stopped. The swords would ravenously devour all the energy it could. If it worked all of their problems would be solved. But if it failed the four of them would be the first ones to lose their lives.

Before becoming one with the swords there had existed the possibility they could break off the strategy and at least escape with their lives. Such possibilities no longer existed now that they were united. IF the Strategy became unstable, they would die.

However, despite the dangers all four agreed. The time had come to burn the boats and turn their eyes forward – this was their last resort. People fought hardest to live when they were faced with the certainty of death. If they were given no option of retreat the four sword bearers would be bound to give their all.

This was not to say they didn't examine contingencies. Triumph or defeat, they would have to submit to the will of heaven.

The four mighty emanations from the blades mingled among one another. Threads of ethereal light spread out from each person and made the scene indistinct. They wrapped around one another until they created a series of mystical runes – four in total, one of each sword bearer. The runes hovered over them causing reality to ripple from the injection of power.

They'd started close to each other, but as the runes appear there appeared a gulf. From outside it seemed large enough to swallow whole planets, and was growing larger.


Aboard Poseidon.

"Get out of the way!" Hua Li glared at Mo Xiao. His growling voice was anything but tender.

Mo Xiao threw open her arms in defiance. "I will not. I'm not letting you leave. There are already many Paragons looking over them, and besides you're only in the Realm of Protogenia. Do you think there's that big of a difference without you there? What does going out there achieve? Can't you do more good staying here, commanding this bastion?"

Hua Li roared back at her. "Of course not! My friends and compatriots are out there putting it all on the line for humanity, and what am I doing sitting here? I need to be out there too, protecting them. I may not be the strongest of them but any help can make a difference."

Mo Xiao's eyes were full of pain. "He's always been the most important thing to you, hasn't she. This isn't about your brothers, it's about him."

Hua Li paused for a moment. Glaring daggers, he hissed at her. "Get out of the way!"

"No! You'll have to kill me first. Those aliens have almost completed their evolution, we should get far away from here. Every asset and every life of Poseidon Group is on this ship, our whole future. If we wait until their evolution is complete it will be too late. If you go out there now how can we retreat?"

"You're still thinking about leaving, now of all times?" Hua Li screamed. "If you want to leave, then leave. I am not going anywhere, no matter what. I will live or die with my compatriots, fighting to the very last moment. You would see Poseidon Group running away when all of mankind was facing destruction?"

Hua Li took a threatening step forward, seeking to push Mo Xiao to the side and leave.

Mo Xiao, of course, was no match for him. She was pushed away but swung back and wrapped her arms around Hua Li's waist.

"Don't go, I'm begging you. Don't go!" Tears ran freely down her face. In this moment she was nothing like the president of Poseidon Group. She was a normal woman, stricken and helpless.

"Release me." Hua Li sighed, and the anger in his face eased. "I know we should leave – for the Group, for our family. I know. But I just can't do it. When I leave take everyone and flee this place. The Group only needs you and… and our child. That's all the family needs in case something happens to me. But you have to understand that I can't go with you. For my comrades, for the family, it doesn't matter. If the Banishing Strategy is successful and the aliens are slain, everything we've accomplished up to now would be wasted. We will have become the enemy of all humanity, deserters and scoundrels. It will be the end of us. Whatever way you look at it, I have to go out there."

Choked with sobs, Mo Xiao replied. "I don't care, I don't. I just want you to be safe. You don't have to love me, you don't have to be my husband, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I just want to be able to see you every day."

An ache crossed Hua Li's expression. "Enough, let me go. I have to do this. Just like you feel, I feel the same to the one in my heart. Don't you think I know everything you've done?"

When his words washed over her Mo Xiao shook. Her arms went slack but she did not let go.

Hua Li tightly shut his eyes against the pain. "I'm right, it was you. But what can I do? Although we can't truly be man and wife, how can I not know how you feel about me? And me, I am human and have my own selfish wishes. But I saw suffer terrible, silent all the while. Do you think I could stand that? What's done is done, but I will never forget what you did. All I want is to fight by his side, even if it means my death. One last escapade. I'm sorry Mo Xiao. Maybe in the next life…"

Suddenly his body was encased in light, and the Poseidon Group's patriarch shot off as a ray of light. Mo Xiao cried out with a heart-wrenching wail and fell to the floor. She lay there quivering with sobs, tears falling in torrents.

"A-Li… A Li…"

Messages from the various departments of the Poseidon family crackled through her communicator. They all made the same request; that they leave as quickly as possible.

The department heads were chosen for being intelligent, discerning individuals. Each of them knew what was happening to Europa. The aliens were evolving, and there was no way to stop them. Just as Mo Xiao had pleaded, they begged her for permission to leave on behalf of the family's safety. But Hua Li had left, how could she give the order?

Mo Xiao clawed her way back to her command desk and fell into the chair. Gritting her teeth, she gave them her orders.

A few moments later a beam of blue light was blasting off from Poseidon into the distance. It was a vessel, perhaps the size of a Capital ship, with a hull that glittered crystalline blue from bow to stern. It seemed less metal and more gemstone.

The ship sped off into the recesses of space. In a blink, all trace of it was gone. The cries of a small infant rang through its largely empty halls.


Golden mist rotated rapidly around the planet, spreading out to create an effective shield. Gradually the mist became more transparent, and Europa's situation was revealed to everyone. To everyone's surprise there was no ferocity within the enveloping light. Instead the scene was stunningly beautiful.

Spectacular vistas appeared on the surface of Europa. Towering mountains and picturesque valleys spread as far as they could see. The planet was rife with all kinds of vegetation. Never had Europa looked so magnificent. However, any sign of the cities that once graced its surface was gone.

It had become a fairyland, like in the tales of old. Beneath the golden shell of light it was a paradise that took everyone's breath away.

Europa continued to slowly spin, each rotation causing the golden light to ripple. As the seconds ticked by the golden shell became more transparent. It remained settled above the world perhaps ten thousand meters above its atmosphere.

Chapter 890: A Planet's Transformation, Complete

Were it not for the fact that they knew this to be an enemy to their species, they would be stricken by its magnificence.

An Immortal Realm? Was this the paradise these monsters wished to build for themselves?

Kang Hui was similarly taken aback. He suddenly found himself questioning his doubt over the old tales. Before his eyes the aliens were establishing a new heaven, but an empty one. No gods roamed its vistas. All they felt was an impregnable quality.

No sooner had the throat crossed Kang Hui's mind than the atmosphere of Europa gathered together. A glorious scene of golden clouds appeared before him, and from its depths appeared a single figure.

From the depths of space the admiral saw him, clear as if he were standing a few feet away. The bastion blocked the view for the Paragons, but they watched a stream of the feed on their communicators.

Monarch. Unmistakably, Monarch.

This was one different from his avatars. He was clad in an opulent robe of silk with a crown upon his head. Monarch looked like the Jade Emperor himself from the old Chinese tales. His golden attire was as stately as it was magnificent, silhouetted against the shining clouds behind. He looked transcendental.

Monarch's 'voice' boomed far across space. "Witness this, the birth of an era; the era of new gods. Those who surrender will be lifted up as custodians of our new paradise. We will strive toward our goal of usurping the universe, together. Those who resist will be reduced to dust and lost to the darkness of time."

The more he spoke the more it seemed like a tale from the pages of ancient history. This newly crafted utopia and its robe-clad master were exactly as they were described thousands of years ago.

Was it done? Was his ascension complete?

The Paragons surrounded Lan Qing and the others felt their hearts drop into their stomachs. They were a moment too late. Now they looked on helplessly at the culmination of the aliens' plans. Three had become one, the Paragons shuddered to think how powerful this single being was.

Kang Hui sat silent on the bridge, staring at the scene unfold. He didn't dare give the order to attack, he knew the calamity it would cause. Long ago the ships had put all power to their shields, though little help it would serve them. For now they just waited.

From a strictly scientific standpoint there was nothing to suggest this planet was a threat aside from its anomalous creation. Only, just then Europa began to move. It began by spinning, and picked up speed until it was kicked off its orbit. It slowly began to bear down on their position.

Needless to say it was a big deal when a planet shifted orbit. It was not a common thing to witness.

Turning An Lun from a planet into a bastion had taken the East years of toil. It was only possible because of the world's molinite core. There had never been anything like it before.

In contrast to An Lun, Europa was several times larger. As it moved, it destabilized the whole galaxy.

"Do you still not understand?" Monarch's voice was cold and distant. The golden clouds beneath his feet began to swirl like a tempest around him. As they watched his body began to grow.

In mere moments Monarch was a colossus. He was a pillar that literally joined heaven and earth. So large in fact that Europa looked less like a plant and more like a vehicle for this humongous god. The aura that had protected it adapted to fit.

Monarch was already several times the size of Tyrannosaurus. Although the Paragons could also grow in size, even at their largest they were infinitesimal compared to this monster.

"Attack!" Kang Hui shouted.

Tyrannosaurus, having had its main guns charged and ready, fired a salvo. A beam of supercharged energy headed right for Monarch's mouth.

"Naïve." He scowled at the humans with thick disdain. Confident in his abilities Monarch stretched out his right hand to intercept the shot.

He was going to block a bastion's main weapon with his bare hand! Stunned, the humans looked on as he caught the attack in the palm of his hand. Instantaneously a while light appeared around Monarch and caused him to grow even further. Shots from other bastions and ships didn't even made the golden aura ripple. Each blow was sucked up like water.

"I have already told you, this is paradise. You mortals have no power here." Europa heaved Monarch forward as the beast thrust a palm toward Tyrannosaurus.

Dodging wasn't an option. Monarch's sheer size outclassed Tyrannosaurus by several times.

Boom- -! The force of the impact seemed to make the whole universe shake. The explosion that followed was almost deafening.

The first vessels to erupt were the support vessels in front of Tyrannosaurus. Their strongest shields meant nothing, they were wisps of smoke before Monarch reached them. Once his palm began to rip through the ones that were left behind showed them this was a real physical entity, not some illusion.

Whatever unfortunate crew was the palm when it passed were destroyed. Majestic ships became burning balls of slag in the blink of an eye. Nothing seemed to stop it, until Monarch's strike eventually came into contact with Tyrannosaurus.

Bo-o-omm--! The explosion tore across hundreds of thousands of kilometers. Monarch power was beyond humanity's worst expectations.

Tyrannosaurus shield only held for three seconds, then it was knocked away. An enormous palm print was embedded across one hemisphere.

Spectators all across space were silent. Tyrannosaurus was one of the most outstanding achievements accomplished by man. Never would they have thought to see the day when it would be swatted away like a fly, yet that is precisely what happened.

What they did not know that their precious ship survived only by the grace of Monarch himself. If he'd willed it, put all of his power into that palm, he could have eliminated Tyrannosaurus entirely.

Without Tyrannosaurus, Lan Jue and the other Paragons were revealed to the newly ascended deity.

Heron was screaming in from the side with its guns aimed on Monarch. On the other flank, Poseidon was doing the same. Both of them engaged with cannon fire. No one expected their shots to do any damage, they only hoped to give the sword bearers more time.

Middle Heaven was moving in quick from the rear. It was already glowing orange, all of the core was being tapped. It looked like a giant comet. Their shots were meaningless, so the bastions aimed to put themselves physically between the Paragons and this monster.

A sneer slithered across Monarch's face. As the bastions were bearing down on him, suddenly he was gone.

No, not gone. Smaller. In a blink of golden light his massive form was gone and the bastions lost their target and were in danger of running into each other. Pilots raced to get the ships under control and avoided a collision.

Middle Heaven was still heading right for Europa. It was flung back by that thin but impossibly firm aura of golden light.

Monarch returned to the size of an average human and appeared before the Paragons. Light surrounded him, lent from Europa. He did not rush to attack, deigning instead to peer in curiosity at the streamers of luminescence that hung in the air. They'd already begun to weave themselves into the Banishing Strategy. He allowed the sensation to wash over him in silence.

Everyone was afraid. If this being could slap aside an entire bastion, what sort of damage could it do to them?

The Banishing Strategy also seemed to be nearing completion. Lan Jue and the others were lost within the blazing amalgamation of light. The only sign they remained was the odd flicker of their respective hues. However no one could be sure when – and if – the Strategy would be completed.

"Is this your means of defeating me? Indeed it does possess a peculiar quality. Even as a god I can sense the danger in it." Monarch spoke as though he were musing out loud, or like a mouse teasing a rat it had caught. He was in no rush, he wanted to sate his curiosity.

"Let me take a closer look." He lifted his hand and two figured appeared in a flash of light. One was the Violet Prince, and the other was the three-headed six armed abomination Lan Jue had fought against.

Both of them were surrounded by golden light as well.

"Try to harm them. Let's see how they react." Monarch cooed.

He looked down on the humans with eyes full of arrogance, even though he knew the sort of power Ultus contained.

Chapter 891: Golden Immortal Monarch

He'd waited for this this day – this moment – for many long years. He'd hidden like a rat from the fury of universal protogenia ever since his power became too great to hide. He'd wracked his brain day in and day out, trying to find a way to protect himself.

At last he had found his answer. In joining with Queen and Consort they'd created a realm of their own, and a singular entity to rule over it. He had arisen to the status of a Golden Immortal. [1. Immortals have their own levels, and the golden immortals are among the highest.]

To his knowledge there were no other beings like him in all of the universe.

So this is what the ancient human immortals felt, he told himself. It was glorious, and one more step toward the ultimate power of Da Luo Golden Immortality.

Upon becoming a golden immortal, Monarch enjoyed the protection of the immortal realm. He no longer had to fear retribution from universal protogenia. To be finally unfettered was comforting beyond expression. With the immortal realms protection he could employ his full power without hesitation.

After the brief display of his abilities he felt that nothing could stand in his way. These humans – even the Photographer for all her power – were no more than insects before him.

It was true that there was a faint sense of danger from the Banishing Blades. However, as the greatest living creature in all of space and time he need not hide any longer. The time for shrinking away had passed, and the danger he perceived only increased his fervor. It was an opportunity to flex his new muscles.

Changes had come over the Violet Prince and the three headed abomination as well. It was clear as they rushed forward to deal with the humans. Like Monarch they were protected from universal protogenia by the presence of their immortal realm, and thus were able to use their full strength. The benefits were especially evident for the hydra, whose powers had risen beyond that of the Infinite and approached immortal-level.

For the humans, Luo Xianni led the defensive charge. She was joined by the Wine Master, Clockmaker, Driver, Keeper, Bookworm and the Gourmet. There was also the newly arrived Hua Li and Ch Cheng, as well as the Pauper, and the two Gods of Wine. Twelve all together, with the singular aim of protecting Lan Jue and his three companions.

Luo Xianni's face was a somber mask. She knew that the appearance of a golden immortal reduced their chance of success tremendously. She did not understand why Monarch didn't hurry to destroy the Strategy himself, but she wasn't going to give up an opportunity to fight back.

With this determined passion in her heart she led the way. The pink camera in her hand flashed again and again. She couldn't stop them, but she could at least slow her enemies down.

Without Lan Jue and the other sword bearers, these twelve Paragons were in dire straights. Indeed Luo Xianni was with them, but besides her only the Wine Master and Clockmaker were Reflections of Heaven and Earth. The Driver was next, at the upper borders of the Realm of Protogenia.

Against two creatures who no longer had to fear universal protogenia, it seemed like more than they could handle. Battle broke out in dramatic fashion, with the light of their clash blasted through the area as the Paragons fought for their lives.

Monarch turned and swung his attention toward the four bastions, which had since regrouped. He held himself with an almost playful air. Tyrannosaurus had been severely damaged but could continue fighting. Of course, at this point all their guns were useless.

None of their attacks had any affect against Monarch. On the contrary the energy from them seemed to make him stronger. They were forced to look on, silent and ineffectual.

Monarch narrowed his eyes, focusing on the shifting forces within him and the perfection of the immortal realm he'd created. After its creation was complete, his internal environment was ever changing – affected by the presence and power of Europa. This was a special sort of protogenia, one he'd studied for years locked in human genetics.

In many ways he'd build this place based on the ancestral memory of the human immortal plane. That mythical land was the foundation he would build upon. His immortal realm would continue to grow just like him, evolving as more immortal creatures took residence within.

Monarch had only just stepped through the door. He searched the collected knowledge and experience of the human species, gathered through their DNA, looking for a way to quickly improve their strength.

The answer came to him quickly. The quickest route was the power of faith.

In the days of the immortal they continued to grow and expand their immortal realm through the faith of the common man. The stronger these past immortals became the more they lent to the realm itself, which in turn protected them more effectively.

That was then.

Monarch became to outline the makings of a plan. Suddenly it seemed destroying the human race was not the most effective use of his powers. Devouring them would help him minimally, if at all, even for someone like Luo Xianni. Consuming another's life force would only help him if he were feeding on other immortals.

In addition, his immortal realm required more denizens, not less. Killing those with the most potential was counter intuitive. It was better to subjugate these humans and become their master. Through their faith he would be made greater.

Suddenly he was less willing to turn his hand against his future subjects. He had enough power now to capture these Paragons. Once they were made more pliable – reeducated, as it were – they could become the first caste of immortals in the world he had built. Monarch was pleased with the idea.

Realizing these plans would not be difficult. As for the Banishing Blades, he figured they had to be relics from the human's ancient gods, passed down through the years. Admittedly part of the reason he did not move to stop them was because he was curious. What were these weapons capable of, these creations of the old pantheon? When they came under his control, how could he use them to his benefit?

As an immortal his perception was near omniscient. He saw that the four sword bearers were yet to unleash the true power of these weapons. And so, he chose to watch and commit their process to memory.

Indeed Lan Jue and his companions had come upon a problem. The demands of the swords were growing to be more than they could offer.

Thanks to Qianlin's Queen of Heaven powers they were recovering energy quickly, but they were still overwhelmed. What's more they were not blind to the chaos around them, speed would ensure the greatest effect against their foes. They also feared the backlash if Monarch interrupted their process.

The light from the four swords had almost completed arranging itself, but fear still broiled in the hearts of Lan Jue and his friends. Once the arrangement was complete the Banishing Strategy would unleash its true power. Monarch would surely sense the threat to his life and would have to respond with his full might. This was before they considered how much energy the strategy would drain from them in order to complete the ritual.

"We have to finish it, even if we must sacrifice ourselves." Lan Qing shouted.

Li Ke had not revealed it to them, but Lan Qing had discovered mysteries of his own while researching the strategy. He discovered a method by which they could complete the ritual even if they didn't have the needed power. Self-sacrifice. They could offer up their own life force to fuel the Strategy's completion.

Of course this was a tragic prospect, but one they had to consider. There were no other choices, and the cost of failure was too high. Thus the sword bearers joined with the weapons, and in so doing made themselves into fuel for the terrible fires of the Banishing Strategy.

The hydra-beast came at the Paragons flailing its six weapons, pushing them back one by one. Were it not for the Driver's Primordial lightning and the danger it presented, the monster would have quickly cut them all down.

Meanwhile the Photographer was struggling to contain the Violet Prince. She was struggling against the threat of universal protogenia, and was still a novice to the powers of the Infinite. In contrast the Prince fought back without fear of consequence. In addition the immortal realm was constantly feeding him energy. It was only a matter of time before Luo Xianni was overcome.

Tens of thousands of soldiers were forced to watch. There was nothing they could do. The fight was also being live streamed all across human space. Official channels had been shut down across the North and East, however, as the situation unfolded. Politicians, who'd witnessed Tyrannosaurus being swatted away, had lost any hope of victory. Many were preparing to flee.

Perhaps, these people thought, if they got far enough away there was a chance they could survive. Staying would be waiting for death. This new creature and the world it had created was beyond their darkest nightmares.

Tendrils of light continued to gather, layer upon layer painted in the four hues of the Banishing Blades. The foundation of the Banishing Strategy was complete. However, pulses of energy revealed that it had become unstable.

"Truly pathetic!" Monarch felt something, some inexplicable sense that put him on edge. He waved his right hand and two waves of golden light washed over the Violet Prince and the hydra.

Both alien champions experienced a mighty surge in power. Luo Xianni took a head-on punch from the Prince that sent her sprawling. For the others the situation was worse. The Pauper got caught by a direct strike from the abomination and was cut down. His body exploded into dust and was no more. Skyfire Avenue had lost another Paragon.

There was no time for sorrow. The three-headed, six-armed monster did not let up. The Keeper and Bookworm exchange a silent but telling glance as their bodies began to glow. Lan Qing had stopped them before. Now it seemed like it was finally their time.

Chapter 892: Suppression

Suddenly a thick and oppressive aura filled the air.

Four beams of light split the sky as they shot up. Turquoise, white, red and blue seemed to paint all the universe. A primitive, almost primordial sensation poured from the columns as they appeared.

Four figured previously hidden by the glare were again revealed.

Hovering above Lan Jue's head was Captus, whose length was covered in golden runes. Much like the first time his dharma manifested itself as the Middle Heaven Great Emperor of the North Star of Purple Subtlety, all of the sword's powers were brought to bear.

Lan Qing, Zhou Qianlin and the Pharmacist appeared in similarly resplendent fair. Like Lan Jue, their swords appeared overhead and blazed with golden runes. The cocoon of light that had enveloped them was replaced by a bizarre and motley display. Pure chaos reigned all around them.

Monarch, who had just thrown aside caution for curiosity, watched in awe. His pupils contracted to tiny pits of black, for suddenly the nagging sense of danger had become a screaming alarm. The ethereal aura of Europa that he relied on for protection was in danger of scattering like a morning mist before the light of the Banishing Blades.

What was this power, that even immortal qi was rendered ineffectual? Did these humans actually possess a way to harm a god?

All throughout this conflict with the humans Monarch had carefully planned every step. Even Lan Qing's victories were part of the alien master's schemes. Everything had followed the path he laid out. The only thing outside of his control were the Banishing Blades.

Monarch even knew when Lan Jue and the Pharmacist had snuck into his planetary person. He'd been curious as to their purpose, what would cause them to undertake such a risk? Why was that sword so important? He hadn't taken them for granted either, and left his strongest avatar to protect Ultus. However, much to his surprise the sword itself revolted and allowed itself to be pilfered from his very heart.

It was the only circumstance to fall outside of his control. The consequences of this oversight was coming back to haunt him.

The time for playing with his prey had passed. Monarch leaped forward to try and interrupt the Strategy. Still the size of an average human, he pressed out with his hands toward the chaotic flows amongst the four sword bearers.

The golden light emitted from his strike was not overly spectacular. However, the pulse of energy released from him was so intense that all of the Paragons – and the two aliens that aided him – were knocked backward. So intense was the shockwave that the human ships swayed dangerously and threatened to be crushed.

They were lost!

To Luo Xianni everything went dark. Clearly the Banishing Strategy was not yet completed and Monarch had had time to interrupt it. All was lost, the Strategy was defeated. Humanity's final hope was too late and the alien home worlds had won!

A terrible scream tore through her mind. She felt waves of shock wash over her, including from the Violet Prince and the three-headed avatar. Luo Xianni steeled herself and forced her attention toward the site of the Banishing Strategy where she was greeted with an incredible scene.

Monarch's arms were outstretched and the golden light from his palms hung over the area of the Banishing Strategy. Underneath the canopy of that light the chaos continued to swirl, gently at first until with a thunderous burst it broke free.

Even as powerful as Monarch had become, in the moment the power broke through his containment he found himself sluggish – frozen. Unable to move, the flood of pure chaos smashed into him.

In the moments following an even stranger spectacle emerged. The golden light that demonstrated Europa's protection vanished, like snow on a spring morning. It was suppressed! The thought struck Luo Xianni as she watched, and once more hope sprang to life in her chest.

The Banishing Strategy was not yet completely set out, and yet even still it was effective. More than effective – it was able to contend against a golden immortal's direct attack! It meant humanity was not yet doomed.

The Violet Prince and his companion gaped at what they witnessed. Both of them had felt the terrifying might of that chaos. Before Monarch had been swallowed up by it they'd felt his intention telling them to attack the sword bearers.

Once Monarch had fallen into their clutches Lan Jue and the others began to blaze with light. That realm of unbridled chaos began to shrink once its prey was captured, as though Monarch had been captured in a universe that was rapidly decaying.

With a dangerous flash in his eye Lan Jue indicated with his right hand. Captus, which was ringing with the power of the Strategy, released a gust of red power into the stream.

Zhou Qianlin was next, and Demortus' blue light joined. As it mingled with Captus' intent both were made more powerful. The Banishing Strategy's already magnificent strength was magnified.

Lan Qing and the Pharmacist followed their example, channeling the essence of their swords into the stream. From the outside the Strategy was a riot of color, including the flickering golden light from Monarch. However, that golden light was quickly weakening.

Lan Jue and the others stared with intense focus, even as their bodies began to become transparent. With every change of their swords, every burst of light, the results were reflected in their bodies. As the Strategy grew stronger so did they, as though they were bound to it body and soul.

The Banishing Strategy became a tempest, fully established and with Monarch the center of its harrowing focus. Next was to let it loose.

The Banishing Strategy was stratified into several levels. Lan Jue and his companions were aiming to accomplish only its simplest manifestation. While to the Paragons outside everything was clear and bright, to Lan Jue and the other sword bearers their weapons were insatiable pits that drank everything in.

As they continued their struggle to summon the power of the Strategy, the pressure suffered by the Paragons outside only grew. With Monarch caught, the Prince and the avatar fought like wild animals.

With the Pauper dead the defenders were reduced to eleven. Luo Xianni was a mighty power on their side, but she could feel universal protogenia imposing its limits on her abilities. It was increasingly more difficult to keep the Violet Prince at bay. And if it was difficult for her, the situation was far more dire for the ten paragons tasked with containing the three-headed avatar.

The Driver had emerged as the leader of their defense. He continued to pummel the hydra monster with Primordial lightning, and his Domain spread across the field. It was only thanks to the empyreal quality of his abilities that the avatar was prevented from killing all of them.

However, every time that beast attacked it took all ten avatars to beat it back and keep the Domain stable. They were quickly growing tired.

Whether it was the Wine Master's dimensional abilities or the Clockmaker's control of time, all were limited in their effect on this beast. It was only getting more difficult with time to keep themselves from being destroyed. The slightest mistake could lead to disaster.

Suddenly figured emerged on the outskirts of their battlefield. Starlight glinted off the metal hulls of countless mecha suits.

Su Xiaosu's voice rang through every cockpit. "This is it people, life or death. For our families, for our species – with me!"

A six-winged mecha streaked passed the encirclement and into the fight. Hundreds of glittering metal warriors followed.

They were soldiers from Star Division, from the Bloodiron Khans, and the convert army of the North. They'd already proven themselves in the battle against the alien horde, and now they were on the front lines again.

Every one of them knew it was a suicide mission. They were too weak to do anything against an enemy like this. However, if their deaths bought the Paragons even just one extra minute they were glad to die for the cause. Su Xiaosu had made no attempt to hide from them the truth of this mission. If they chose to join the fight, it was likely they wouldn't make it back.

Nonetheless one fifth of recruits answered the call. For Star Division that number was closer to one in three, and among those were every single one of Lan Jue's former students. An Lun's Bloodiron Khans also showed up in full force.

Indeed none of Lan Qing's warriors shirked what they felt to be their duty. Though they did not have the individual power of Star Division's soldiers or the Northern converts, they charged into the fray with a fervor that outshone them all. For their country and their people, they were more than willing to give up their precious lives.

At Xiaosu's call it was the Bloodiron Khans who rushed in first. They arranged themselves into a human wall and cut off the aliens from the Banishing Strategy. They diverted all power to shields and flooded their suits with Discipline.

Star Division and the converts were a step behind. They formed up, ready to give their all.

Chapter 893: Faith and Fervor!

Soldiers throughout the armada looked on with eyes red from emotion. But the surprises were not over.

Scores more mecha suites were dispatched from the twelve fleets. All four bastions released their remaining drones to join the fight as well. Every fleet and bastion had a contingent of ground troops and mechas to equip them with. Together with the drones they were a flexible and dynamic fighting force. Yet, their mission was clear in the minds of every pilot; they were cannon fodder.

In a matter of moments these brave soldiers created a ring on the outer edge of the Banishing Strategy. They arranged themselves so that the representatives of each adept army were protected as well.

Every man and woman, whether in the cockpit of a mecha suit or drone, stared grim faced and red eyed at their foes. They did not attack, for they knew that they could not positively affect this battle beyond using themselves as human shields. Every ounce of energy was poured into shields in preparation for the attacks to come.

In this moment they did not fear death.

A stifling silence hung over the worlds of man as they watched on their screens. In high-definition they saw these brave warriors preparing to sacrifice their lives for the cause. And a sacrifice it would be, for even though there were only two the soldiers knew they had no hope of defeating enemies that powerful.

Despair settled in the hearts of the ruling class, especially the politicians, and many had already fled. However there were some who remained, to wait and see what would happen. These public servants were determined to meet their fate with their constituents.

The East's Chairman Zhou Xueguan was together with the parliament. His hands were curled into tight fists. By his side was the speaker of the parliament, and both men glared ferociously at the images of the screen before them.

The parliamentary hall was full, with every representative in attendance. They'd been invited to watch the operation together. They'd cheered Zhou Xueguan as their armies won victory after victory against the alien horde. Now however, with the ascent of Monarch and the display of his might, the hall was silent.

When the battle started to turn there were some in the room who sought to slip away. But before they could, the doors to the hall were flung open and soldiers flooded in. They were fully armed, and trained their guns on the politicians.

The speaker addressed his comrades with frigid promise, stating that they would die with their people if it came to it. No one would be permitted to leave. They would not be allowed to abandon the East.

All of this had been prepared in advance, arranged by Zhou Xueguan and the speaker. They had to assure the people, and they couldn't do that if the political class was in turmoil. If the leadership could show steadfastness and solidarity, the people's faith would remain strong.

The scene from the parliamentary hall was streamed along with the battle, in a small box on the bottom right corner. In a joint announcement Chairman Zhou and the speaker reassured everyone that their leaders were not going to leave them to their fate.

It had the desired affect and the people calmed. They earned no praise, but it did allay fears that they would be abandoned. In their minds if the politicians were in the same situation they were, there was still a chance things could be turned around.

Video of Eastern mechas putting themselves in harm's way were streamed into every household. Pride and tears filled the eyes of citizens as they saw the signature yellow of the Bloodiron Khans arrayed against overwhelming odds. They weren't afraid, and so neither were the people. Like the soldiers who fought for them they were filled with passion.

Eastern soldiers were doing right by their duty to all of humanity. They put themselves in the line of danger, putting down their lives so that their species might have a chance to fight back.

Heroes. Every single one of those brave warriors were heroes to all of mankind. Tears flowed down a countless number of faces and many citizens were out in the streets to watch the fight together on enormous screens on the sides of buildings [1. This is typical for many cities in China. Skyscrapers may often come equipped with enormous televisions. They're used for many purposes; in the summer they have movies on some and street vendors lay out tables were people can watch a movie and have food. They're also for propaganda and public service announcements. The world cup and Olympics are the time when these outside screens are most popular. However, I think they're beginning to fall out of style. Here's an example, though I don't know why they have it censored.]

A silver-haired woman in her twilight years pointed to the enormous screen and cried out. "My son's out there! He's one of the Bloodiron Khans!" Her face was wet with tears but she stood tall. Her words, quavering with emotion, betrayed her pride.

Similar scenes played out all across the East. Panic was gone, replaced by the undaunted fervor reflected in the eyes of those soldiers. They were a people of singular purpose and unity!

People on what remained of the Western Alliance planets were also emotional as they watched. Their government was gone, but after Guanyin the Queen of Heaven saved their fellows – channeled through Zhou Qianlin – they'd felt more inclined toward the East.

The stream they were receiving came from the East. When they saw that the Eastern parliament was not fleeing they hung their head in shame.

Many of their leaders and politicians had fled Europa even before the aliens attacked. Most of those left behind as victims were common folk without the ability to run. They were forced to wait for the end to claim them.

No one wished for the end of this conflict more than the Western people. They had suffered awfully and were tired of conflict. They prayed for the success of the four sword bearers from the East, prayed that they would be victorious over this hated foe. Their hearts were just as impassioned as the narration from the Eastern streaming video.

"Look, what are our young comrades doing? They are giving all of themselves so that all of us might be safe. These are our Bloodiron Khans, our An Lun soldiers, our Eastern countrymen. Majesties from Skyfire Avenue fight on the front lines while Star Division and Bloodiron Khan soldiers stand at their backs. Nor do they stand alone, for soldiers from our Eastern army have come to bolster their numbers. I am not a believer, but I pray for these brave souls – pray for our people and our future. Join me in cheering them on and our combined faith will help them win the day. Our enemies will be destroyed."

The rousing speech reverberated all throughout the East and inflamed passions. Through their actions the government and military inspired the people and gave them faith. Even in defeat they would stand in solidarity.

This was not the case in the North. They were the mightiest of nations, and as such were rife with powerful political, military and business families. When the situation began to deteriorate these influential people prepared for their exodus. The government did not inspire the same confidence in its people as the East. Though many took faith in the images from the live stream, they were not unified in the way the other Alliances were.

As the conflict increased the differences between these alliances became more stark. However no one paid much attention as all eyes were trained on the front lines and the battle that would determine the fate of humanity.


Boom! Layers of pink shattered like glass, a dimension fractured. The Photographer was flung away and spat out a mouthful of blood. Her powers changed constantly to match the ever-increasing Domain of Creation and Destruction, barely managing to keep it at bay.

The Violet Prince paid her no further mind. He switched directions and launched himself toward the location of the Banishing Strategy. He was loathe to obey Monarch's command but the newly ascended immortal was master. If Monarch perished the immortal realm they build would disappear. He was also acutely aware that he could not contend against his father's tremendous power.

He witnessed what everyone saw on their screens once he turned toward the Banishing Strategy; it was hidden behind a sphere of metal. Countless mechas and drones were tightly organized so that there was no way to get at the sword bearers except through them. Only the stream of chaotic power was left unguarded, the same stream that had swallowed up Monarch. The Prince had no illusions that he would fare better if he chose that route.

The Violet Prince narrowed his eyes as he surveyed the landscape. He grunted and chastised humanity for its naiveté. Did they believe they could stand against him?

He rushed forward, fist outstretched. A burst of purple light emerged.

A hundred defenders exploded immediately, reduced to burning slag. However the Prince was slowed ever so slightly as he was struck with a surprising thought. These humans were not disheartened. Even in the face of death they persevered!

The aliens were adept at psychic communication. He could feel their courage and conviction as clearly as though it had come from him.

Chapter 894: Sacrifice

A hundred thousand thoughts flooded the Violet Prince's mind, all the same: Humanity forever! For the North! For the East! Cry after cry of devotion, each one small but together a cacophony. It was so intense it gave him pause.

He only managed one attack before Luo Xianni caught up with him.

In the same instant two incandescent beams of light exploded forth. The dazzling beams were birthed from what appeared to be binary stars burning one beside the other. The focused fury of their dual supernovae were focused on the three-headed avatar.

The mad laughter of the Keeper and the Bookworm hung in the air, audible to all. Their dharmas appeared beside them, for in the final moments of their lives as they channeled their vital essence into the attack they broke through to a new level. Like the Pontiff their sacrifice empowered them to be Reflections of Heaven and Earth.

Tears wet the eyes of every member of Skyfire Avenue, Paragon and Division soldier alike. These men were pillars of the Avenue, of the East as a whole. Echoes of their contributions would persist far into humanity's future – if they had a future.

It was the two of them who first puzzled out the secrets of the exuvium process, using vital crystals to extend life. It was them who pushed the East forward technologically so they would not fall too far behind the North. Now, they used the last light of their lives in a final service to their people.

The splendor of their sacrifice shone all across the universe.

The hydra abomination was shocked by the turn of events. By itself the beast could defend against the blasts, but the will and spirit of these old men surged tenfold. Faced with such conviction, the avatar paused.

Half a moment later the beast was swallowed up by the beams of light. Under the blaze its body was torn apart and put back together half a dozen times.

The Wine Master watched, holding tightly to the Clockmaker's hand, his face pale. He'd known the Keeper for so long, the old scientist was more senior among the Avenue's leadership. When the Clairvoyant passed, it should have been the Keeper to take over the duties of chairman. However the Keeper refused, stating only that he didn't have the time. Thus the responsibility passed onto the Wine Master.

He was selfless. He put the prosperity of Skyfire Avenue and the East as a whole before himself, to the very end!

The Wine Master cast a glance to the Clockmaker at his side. "I'm sorry."

She smiled back at him, her free hand fiddling with the small clock she carried with her. She gripped his hand tighter. "What are you saying? You think I'm less dedicated than you?"

He smiled back. "I've loved you my whole life. It took me an eternity to earn your heart, but it is my greatest achievement. If another life awaits us I will meet it gladly, and I'll be more brazen the second go-round."

As they spoke, looking deeply into one another's eyes, light began to flicker around them. Flashes of silver radiated from the Wine Master and his scepter. A smear of multicolor light hung over the Clockmaker. She flung her small clock into space where it dissolved into a golden beam, and was caught in the flows of space-time that surrounded them.

The avatar was too strong. Though the scientists' sacrifice had managed to contain it temporarily they could not destroy it. More power was needed.

When the Wine Master said sorry to his love he'd made up his mind. He was the chairman of Skyfire Avenue's council, he had a responsibility.

Sacrificing one's life for humanity was a fine period on the final sentence of his life. His only regret was leaving the wonderful woman by his side. Her calm in the face of the end, her small comforting smile, eased the sorrow in his heart. They were together at the finale of their lives, two hearts beating as one. Together they would deliver a crushing blow on behalf of mankind.

"This sort of thing is the responsibility of us old folk." The words were almost lackadaisical, delivered from another figure standing on the Wine Master's other side. A crystalline vine, pulsing with protogenia.

"You're a lover of wine, and our legacy has to be passed on. It's a treasure that belongs to everyone." Two streaks of light flit passed the Wine Master, one purple and one red. They raced toward the dual columns of white.

The Gods of Wine, Bize and Aubert.

"I finally feel like I'm worthy of meeting Henri in the afterlife. I'm a hero, now – he can't steal you away from me. Hahahaha!" Aubert's laughter was coarse, making Bize's cheeks red.

A deep purple light spread forth form Aubert, turning the branches sprouting from him into crystal extensions. A rich scent of wine filled the air. In all his life the Wine Master had never smelled anything so wonderful.

Purple and ring intermingled, and as they drilled into the light they became a magnificent spear.

POP! A sound like a balloon exploding rang out. The whole area seemed to shake as red, white and purple sparkled so brightly it painted the whole galaxy.

Boom--! A ripping explosion followed.

The lights dimmed and a body hung in space. It was the three-headed avatar. The Keeper, Bookworm, and the two Gods of Wine were gone without a trace.

But did their target still live?

Four Paragons gave their lives to destroy a single creature, but it still didn't seem enough. It spoke to how terrible its power really was.

However their sacrifice wasn't entirely in vain. The three-headed monster had but one head remaining, two thirds of what had created it were destroyed. Its power was still roughly equivalent to the Infinite, but compared to the near immortal level might it'd commanded before this was a sharp decline. The remains of its battered body continuously leaked a thick purple fluid and branches could be seen embedded in its back. The wounds and branches leached out the lifeblood of the monster, making it weaker.

"Kill it!" The Wine Master shouted. He charged in to put the beast down.

The Pauper was gone, as was the Keeper, the Bookworm, Bize and Aubert. Only six Paragons were left, standing between the enemy and the Banishing Strategy.

The Gourmet, Driver, Wine Master, Clockmaker, Hua Li, and Chu Cheng were all that were left.

They dashed forward, a flood of rage, sadness and determination. Chu Cheng swiped at the avatar with Hade's Falchion, which glinted with a bitter and forlorn glow. With no time to recover before the Paragons were on it, the beast was cut deep by the weapon.

Orbs of blue and gold erupted from Hua Li's trident. They surrounded the creature and slowed it down. Primordial lightning, dimensional daggers and weaponized time-element struck all at once.

Blood shot out like a geyser, but the avatar still stood. Even heavily damaged it contrived to summon what remained of its Domain to block the brunt of the attacks. It knocked the Wine Master away.

Things were looking bad for Luo Xianni. Her powers were suffering after the wound she'd sustained from the Prince. It was only getting easier for her foe to cast off her attacks and turn his focus on his real target.

Every time the Prince repelled her he lashed out at the Banishing Strategy. Each attack destroyed hundreds more mechas and drones. Were it not for Luo Xianni's persistence he would make quick work of these piddling defenders.

Yet as their comrades died more mechas and drones surged into the breach to take their place. They were ready for a glorious death, to give themselves for victory. The Banishing Strategy was in the midst of establishing mankind's last chance. The least they could do – the only thing they could do – was whatever they could to see it succeed.

"Die!" The Violet Prince roared. He sent Luo Xianni flying once again. Her chest was visibly collapsed, her protogenia could no longer protect her. Her camera was damaged beyond repair.

Her expression crestfallen, a bronze light flickered as Jue Di's former weapon appeared in her grip. She clutched the Compliant Rod desperately.

"Chi Bupang, I'm coming to join you. Don't forget me." She whispered through lungs rapidly filling with blood.

Luo Xianni threw the rod into the air. Then, aiming her camera, she focused on the Prince as he raced toward the Banishing Strategy. As he began to tear through the mechas and drones, she muttered through gritted teeth.

"Take… advice… from Luo Xianni. A camera… is all you need."

She fought to speak the words, each syllable causing her small pink camera to grow more dim and intangible. A fading violet light arose from her concave chest and merged with the fading astrum.