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Book 1 Chapter 6 - Leader of the Mohist School

Xiang Shaolong did not want to fight them, so he can only run away. He later ended up at a dilapidated and isolated temple, walked in there and sat cross legged, hidden in a corner.

What should he do? Why don't he go back to Mulberry Forest Village and look for Mei Canniang and live the rest of his life there. Once he thought of this, he really felt that heroes are short-lived.

Suddenly, there was someone else in the temple.

Xiang Shaolong looked over in surprise. It turns out to be a middle-aged man wearing linen clothes, his feet bare. No wonder he did not hear any footsteps.

That man was tall and well built, almost as tall as him, his features plan, his expression calm. However his eyes were alert, and besides the cloth he bun his hair with, he wore no other accessories, looking a little like a monk on a pilgrimage.

The two of them eyed each other.

The man suddenly came towards Xiang Shaolong, squat down and asked, "Where did Brother come from?"

Xiang Shaolong did not know what the other party has on his mind, so he said, "I was on my way to Handan to visit my relatives but lost my way and ended up here. If Sir can tell me how to get to Handan, I'll be very grateful." By now his accent and speech is about 70 to 80 percent similarity to how the people at that time talked.

The man smiled and said, "I'm not a sir, it's just that I saw that you're strongly built and good looking but although you ended up in such a state, you still have pride in your eyes, that's why I asked out of curiosity. Tell me, what are you good at?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly cursing, but he has to find out the route to Handan so he swallowed his anger and replied, "I don't know anything, but I have brute strength. I'm not afraid of hard work or fighting."

That man smiled, "Do you know how to use a sword?"

Of course Xiang Shaolong nodded his head.

The man said calmly, "Come with me!" He pushed open the back door of the temple and walked in.

In any case, Xiang Shaolong has no place to stay now, so he followed him in. Behind the door there's a world of it's own. It's an abandoned courtyard with high walls surrounding the four sides with a dried up pond in the middle. On the other end is a small stone house.

That man walked out of the house with two wooden swords and threw one of them to Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong was shocked when he caught hold of the sword. It's actually a few times heavier than his previous sword, the wood was black, and he wondered what kind of tree is it made from.

That man saw his look of surprise and said, "This is a heavy sword made from a 1000 year old pomegranate tree. Fine! Show me some attacks."

Xiang Shaolong waved the sword a little, shook his head and said, "No! I'm afraid I'll hurt you."

A look of appreciation shot through the man's eyes and he smiled, "If your sword can touch my clothes, I'll give you a detailed map to Handan as well as traveling expenses and clothes immediately."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked when he heard that and quietly thought that this person is even more conceited than him. He laughed and said, "In that case I'll oblige." He went forward and was 5 steps away from the person when he made a fake move. He leaned towards the left, then moved to the right, his sword sweeping over, force meeting force, using the strength in his arms to shake his opponent's wooden sword away.

Who would have expected that that person did not move at all, but just moved his wrist. Although he struck later, his sword reached his opponent first and slashed diagonally at his sword, then the tip of the sword slid forwarded as if it's going to stab Xiang Shaolong's face.

Xiang Shaolong was startled and took a step back. His opponent's wondrous swordplay made it difficult for him to use his strength. He felt piqued and with a roar, leapt forward like a ferocious tiger. Continuously for 7 moves, his danced madly with his sword like leaves falling on a strong, windy night, suddenly attacking the top or bottom, sweeping and chopping, attacking towards him.

The corner of the man's lips seem to curve up in a smile and yet he did not move, but no matter how he slashed, his opponent would just be able to block off his sword. His following sword moves were able to force him back, and there's no need for him to fight with him on strength. Although he only defended and did not attack, there's no way he can get close.

"Pak Pak" the sound kept ringing in his ears.

When he was striking for the 72th time, Xiang Shaolong was finally exhausted. He stepped back and panted, looking at this gentleman in front of him incredulously.

That man exclaimed in surprise, "So you really do not know the art of swordplay, but only depended on your strength and nimbleness. But if an average swordsman was to meet you, he'll surely have difficulty fighting you."

Xiang Shaolong gave him back the sword dejectedly, and admitted his loss, "I admit I can't be compared to you. Hai! To think that I actually harbored the wish to roam the world. It turns out that a real swordsman can be so formidable. Farewell! I'll return to the mountains now and just live out the rest of my life." When he finished his words, he really felt completely discouraged and thought about the era he is so familiar with. If they're dueling on marksmanship, he'll definitely be able to win this swordsman.

That man laughed, "From the way Brother moves and talks, you're poor but yet you're not and your bearing is excellent. Obviously you're an upright and extraordinary person. Come! Have a bath and change into some clean clothes. I'll cook and we can have a good chat."

After eating 2 bowls of rice, Xiang Shaolong's spirit was restored.

The man saw that after he has shaved, combed his hair and changed into linen clothes, Xiang Shaolong seemed to have changed into another person and his eyes revealed a look of admiration. He said smoothly, "Just now Brother said you wanted to make a name for yourself, I wonder what kind of name are you looking for?"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned for a moment, and replied with a little embarrassment, "I'm actually not too sure, but just taking things as they come. Now that I have clothes, I'm thinking of changing this dagger for some money, and it'll be best if I can buy a horse to bring me to Handan."

That man furrowed his brow and said, "A man in society all alone, how can he not have goals or aspirations. Only those who create opportunities are true heroes."

Xiang Shaolong was irked and asked, "What aspirations do you have then?"

That man smiled condescendingly and replied, "Very simple, which is to eliminate 'the greatest bane to the world', and to accomplish 'the greatest benefit to the world'."

Xiang Shaolong guffawed, "These sentences are so vague, what can be considered the greatest benefit and the greatest bane to the world?"

The man was not offended and said calmly, "The greatest bane of the world, is like the strong preying on the weak, big states conquering small states, the intelligent suppressing the foolish. And the root to all these problems, is because there's not enough love between people. If we can all love one another, hand over our possessions, then we can all share the wealth. There'll no longer be fights over jealousy, and accomplish the greatest benefit to the world."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed hoarsely, "So you're a believer of Mohism*."

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohist

That man was baffled, "What Mohism?"

Xiang Shaolong asked excitedly, "Is your grand-teacher Mo Zhai, his teachings are very famous, on the same standing as the Confucianism, Taoism and Legalism and it'll be passed on forever!"

That person was totally perplexed, but since he knows the name Mo Zhai, obviously he wasn't talking nonsense, so he nodded and said, "Mo Zhai is indeed our first Juzi, are you really from the villages?"

Xiang Shaolong asked, "What is Juzi, that I do not know."

That man thought for a while and explained, "Juzi is the leader of the 'Mohist Unit'. When we first started, we hoped to stop fights with fights, but we will only defend and not attack. A pity that the unit now has evolved greatly, and has split into 3 units, named after the place they are in, which is Qi Mo, Chu Mo and Zhao Mo. I am the previous Juzi, Meng Sheng's disciple and the purpose of my journey is to unify the 3 units again and fight for our dreams."

Xiang Shaolong asked solemnly, "Why are you telling me such a big secret?"

That man sighed and said, "Because I have the Juzi Token, so I thought it'll be an easy task to reunite the groups. But I did not expect that when I found the leader of Zhao Mo in Handan, he'd actually send his men to kill me. Therefore I escaped to this place and felt that a single person will be weak and helpless, so I must gather all my men before I can have a chance of unifying the 3 Mo. So how can I lightly let off someone with character and skills like yours."

Xiang Shaolong kept shaking his hands and said, "No way, I will not spill my blood over such illusionary and hopeless dream that will never come true. Hai! Trust me! The idealism of Mohism will never be fulfilled. Once wealth is equally distributed, you'll get a lot of useless people instead. There'll only be improvement if there's competition."

That man's body shook when he heard this, and closed his eyes, deep in thought.

Xiang Shaolong begged quietly, "Why don't you tell me how to get to Handan. As for giving me clothes and food, I, Xiang Shaolong, will never forget your kindness."

That man opened his eyes, a gleam shooting out of it and said with a smile, "Nothing is this world is free. Learn swordplay from me! The day you can defeat the wooden sword in my hand, will be when I'll accompany you to Handan. If you're a man, then agree to my request! Or else even if you can reach Handan, but once you meet a real swordsman, you'll still end up dead."

Xiang Shaolong thought that it sounded reasonable, and asked with hesitation, "You won't force me to join your unit, right!"

That man laughed, "Not only will I not force you to join, I can forget about accepting you as my disciple. We're just friends exchanging pointers on equal standing. My name is Yuan Zong, you can call me Brother Yuan if you like."

Therefore Xiang Shaolong lived in this temple, waking up before the cock crows to practice swordplay with Yuan Zong, and discussed with him ways to attack and defend.

Even Yuan Zong was impressed with the speed of his improvement and praised him. A month later, he was able to attack and defend in his duels with Yuan Zong.

Yuan Zong will leave the temple everyday, leaving Xiang Shaolong, who is now obsessed with swordplay, to practice on his own. At dusk, Yuan Zong would return with food.

Three months passed hurriedly like that.

This day, Yuan Zong returned only at night, his expression somber. He called him into the house and thought for a moment with furrowed brows before he said, "They've chased their way here."

Xiang Shaolong has now forged a deep friendship with him, and asked with concern, "Who is here?"

Yuan Zong sighed, "It's Zhao Mo's Yan Ping. I was able to escape only after I injured 18 of his men. What he wants is the Juzi Token I have, because with it, he can conveniently become Juzi." He paused, then shook his head and said with a bitter smile, "What an irony, even within our own unit we are unable to love everyone, and yet we talk about our ideals."

Xiang Shaolong does not know how to console him.

Yuan Zong took out a square brass, with a single word 'Mo' on it, It looked like a big square seal. He gave this to Xiang Shaolong and said, "Take this token and run towards Handan immediately. I've drawn a map for you, and over the past few months I've earned enough for your traveling expenses. Leave quickly!"

Book 1 Chapter 7 – Rising Reputation

Xiang Shaolong was extremely touched and he said determinedly, "No! We'll leave together!"

Yuan Zong smiled slightly and said, "Does Shaolong knows why I wanted to teach you Mohism's unparalleled swordplay?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head at a loss.

Yuan Zong explained, "I have traveled the various states and observed the people and in the end I changed my thinking. If we want the world to be at peace, the only way is to eliminate the separation of the states, and let one ruler govern everyone. Only this and a person capable enough to unify the world can fulfill the idealism of Mohism and accomplish the greatest benefit to the world. And this person is you, that's why I taught you all I know."

Xiang Shaolong secretly sighed to himself, he knows that indeed there will be one person who will unify the world, and that is Emperor Qin. While he, Xiang Shaolong is just someone who ingratiates powerful people, hoping to find the young Emperor Qin and fight with him so that he can enjoy fame and riches. He secretly felt guilty once he thought of this.

Yuan Zong saw him lowering his head and not talking, and thought that he has been deeply moved. He patted his shoulder and said, "If you're really grateful to me, then do as I say! All the men Yan Ping brought are expert swordsman, and even if there's only a hundred odd of them, the two of us will not be able to handle them. I have tools for climbing the walls, I'll lure them away and you'll take the opportunity to escape. A man must not be hindered by small details if he wants to do something great. If you continue to be wishy-washy, both of us will lose our lives in vain. If the Juzi Token ends up in the hands of evil, I will not die in peace."

Xiang Shaolong reached out and took the Juzi Token, and it felt icy to the touch, obviously it's not made from ordinary brass. No wonder Yan Ping could not make a fake one. He sighed and said, "I really do not know what to say."

Yuan Zong laughed, "There's no need to be so pessimistic, it's not so easy for them to kill me. We may still have a chance to meet in future! There's a pair of shoes in the temple. Since you're not part of our clan, you need not walk barefooted. It'll be terrible if you step onto dog poop or something similar."

Xiang Shaolong can't help but burst out laughing, his tears rolling down his cheeks uncontrollably.

Suddenly a frightening thought crept into his mind.

If the despotic Emperor Qin, Ying Zheng was killed, how would history be changed?

That night Xiang Shaolong scaled past the city walls feeling grief and indignation as he left Wu An, knowing that he will never see Yuan Zong again.

This intelligent man with superb sword skill and lofty aspirations, after witnessing the disintegration of his own sect and how the Mohists became power hungry people, his motivation for saving the world died. He decided to sacrifice himself, hoping that his death can stir up Xiang Shaolong's blood so that he can use another method to fulfill his wish of accomplishing the greatest benefit to the world.

But how can Xiang Shaolong change China's history on his own? He's not Emperor Qin. But can he influence Yin Zheng, like how Yuan Zong influenced him?

Will the change be a bane or bonus to China?

The sun set and the moon rose, the stars changed. Without knowing how many days has passed, he finally reached the heavily guarded walls of the outskirts of Handan.

During this journey, he was totally immersed in the sword play that Yuan Zong taught him, which originated from one of the best master of the time, Mo Zhai. He also included modern society's most horrible assault tactics from somatic psychology and mechanics into the sword play. With such a task at hand, he forgot about time. Sometimes he'll stay more than a dozen days in the wilderness, staving his hunger by hunting wild beasts with the bow and arrows he made.

His physique became even stronger under such harsh conditions.

He had wanted to steal into Handan, but once he saw the tight security, he has no choice but to walk obediently to the pass and told the guards the great name of Tao Fang's boss, 'King of Livestock' Master Wu.

The guard stood immediately at attention and went to look for an officer to see him.

After the young officer eyed him for a moment, he asked, "What is your name?"

Xiang Shaolong replied truthfully, "I'm Xiang Shaolong."

The expressions on the officer as well as the 10 odd Zhao soldiers surrounding them changed.

The officer barked, "Bold miscreant, how dare you impersonate a hero. He has already perished heroically half a year ago while saving his comrades in the battle with the horse thieves. I have a friend who saw with his own eyes that he blocked the pursuing men on his own."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, he did not expect that he'd become so famous. He let the Zhao soldiers apprehend him without a struggle, and said with a laugh, "What is the name of your friend?"

The officer said a name, and Xiang Shaolong hurriedly gave a description of that person's looks and build.

By now someone took out from his clothes the dagger Tao Fang gave him. The officer no longer has any doubts once he saw it, and his attitude changed immediately. After asking what happened that day, and at the same time sent a man to report this matter to Tao Fang, who is in Handan immediately, he personally escorted him to the capital of Zhao.

That officer is called Ning Xin, and as he rode next to him, he said, "Master Wu is one of the most respected men in Handan. If not for him going around buying war horses, and donating to the country's coffer time to time, I'm afraid our State of Zhao would have been destroyed long ago. Now the Yans have come to attack us, luckily our two great generals Lian Po and Le Cheng eliminated all of them and attacked Yan instead. How fantastic!"

Xiang Shaolong very much wanted to ask why since there are more females to males in Zhao, they still wanted to go all over the place to look for beauties. However, he's afraid the other party will feel embarrassed and controlled himself from asking the question.

Amidst the talk and laugher, Handan appeared ahead.

Compared to Wu An, Handan is at least 3 to 4 times bigger, the river protecting the city is wide and deep, with tall and thick city walls, and it has the power to withhold ten thousand men with just one man. There were 2 camps of Zhao soldiers outside the city, extending to a fair distance, with a sea of banners, the scene enough to strike fear in anyone. Outside the tower, it was filled with sentries, with their swords drawn and the atmosphere tense.

Before they went into the city, a group of riders rushed out, and the person leading them is Tao Fang, whom he has not seen for a long time. The remaining were all his comrades who went through life and death with him, with Li Shan being one of them.

When they met, naturally there was surprise all around, and Tao Fang and the warriors went into the city with him happily.

Xiang Shaolong can't help but asked, "Is Ting Fangshi well?"

Tao Fang's expression turned somber, and he said apologetically, "I'm sorry! I thought that Shaolong has died at the hands of those thieves, and after waiting for 3 months, I followed the Master's order and gave her to someone to become a courtesan dancer." He continued with a smile, "But don't you worry, I'll specially choose another 2 beauties who are prettier than her to serve you."

Xiang Shaolong felt as if he was punched in the chest, and he turned pale. It was only a moment later that he was able to ask, "Who was she given to?"

Tao Fang was secretly startled, he did not imagine that such a handsome and flirtatious man like him would actually have feelings for a bought woman. He sighed, "Sorry, I can't tell you, Shaolong…"

Xiang Shaolong said furiously, "Don't say further, if it has not been proven that I'm dead, you should not have given her away."

Tao Fang hid his feelings well, there was no trace of unhappiness at all and said, "Shaolong, go and have a rest and a bath first, I'll help you think of a way. The Master will come and see you personally tomorrow. This is the greatest honor the warriors in our household can have, so don't miss the opportunity."

Xiang Shaolong's excitement was totally extinguished, and just roamed around the streets like a walking corpse, not interested in the grand buildings surrounding him at all. His mood was at the lowest point.

Without his protection, will this pitiful woman land from the hands of one devil to another?!

Is she being defiled right now by some other men.

Just as he was feeling despondent, Tao Fang gave him a push, telling him to stand to the side with them.

Xiang Shaolong was slightly awaken, and looking up the street, he saw the pedestrians and horse carriages all moving to one side, letting a grand looking horse carriage protected by 20 odd riders move past.

Tao Fang said into his ears, "This is the carriage of King Xiaocheng's sister, Lady Ya. She is a famous beauty in Handan, and married to Zhao Gua but a pity he died in the battle of Chang Ping."

The carriage slowed down, and suddenly stopped in front of them.

Just as everyone was still startled, a soldier rode over and invited Tao Fang over. Tao Fang was surprised and hurriedly came down from his horse and walked over to the lowered carriage curtain. After talking with Lady Ya, the horse carriage moved away. Tao Fang bowed as he sent them off before returning to his men. He smiled mysteriously at Xiang Shaolong, but did not reveal the contents of their conversation.

Xiang Shaolong reached the guesthouse and stayed in a solitary house. Tao Fang especially sent 4 pretty maids to help him bath and change. That night, he set up a feast with 21 tables at the great hall in the main building of the guesthouse and besides the warriors who fought with him that day, there were Master Wu's other capable assistants as well. There were dances and performances to entertain the guests and the atmosphere was celebratory.

But Xiang Shaolong thought of Ting Fangshi and Mei Canniang whom he has not met for a long time, and remembered the friends and family from his own era whom he may never meet again, and can only drown his sorrow in drinks. He was absolutely drunk and totally concussed even before the feast ended. In his daze, he seems to feel that Ting Fangshi has returned to him, and together they soared among the clouds.

When he woke up, he was lying on the carpet in the bedroom, the sunlight shining in from the window.

Sleeping next to him was a naked beauty, but she's not one of the 4 pretty maids.

There's not a flaw at all on her exquisite face, with distinctive outlines, and unbelievably sweet. She's definitely younger than 18, her black lustrous hair spread onto the blanket, in contrast to her fair skin and ruby lips, and her snow white arms really tugs at one's heart.

The beauty looked like a flower sleeping in spring, there seems to be tears on her pretty face, but she's also filled with the peace and satisfaction after a violent thunderstorm, emanating a soul-capturing brilliance.

Xiang Shaolong secretly exclaimed 'oh my god', what has he done to this young girl who is even prettier than Ting Fangshi and Mei Canniang?

He can't help but quietly lift the blanket higher.

The gleaming hair of youth, a body perfectly proportionate, the beautiful scenery of breathing peaks appeared before his eyes. It seems that there were some remnants of a red stain beneath the tender and smooth long legs with the beautifully rounded buttock.

Xiang Shaolong was shocked and put the blanket back.

The tears on her face must be related to this. He was drunk and muddleheaded last night, and has not touched a woman for almost half a year and actually mistook her for Ting Fangshi and was reckless with her. How can an inexperienced and tender young girl take it, no wonder she cried from the pain. He felt very apologetic, but it's too late now.

Xiang Shaolong stood up and walked to the window and looked out. He saw 2 of the pretty maids watering the plants in the garden and when they saw Xiang Shaolong, they curtseyed shyly, yet they can't help stealing glances at his magnificent body.

One of the maids said, "Master is awake, I'll bring you a wash basin and help you dress up immediately."

Behind him he heard the soft moan of the beauty who was shocked awake.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly told the two maids, "Hold on!"

The pretty maid was understanding and she covered her smiling mouth and said, "If Master would like me to serve you, please call me anytime. Heh! My name is Chunying, her name is Xiaying, the other 2 are Qiuying and Dongying. It's so easy to remember, I guess Master won't forget!"

Xiang Shaolong was concerned with the beauty behind him, so he smiled and said, "Once I see the two of you, I won't forget for the rest of my life." And he turned around.

The beauty whose chastity was just taken by him sat up, the blanket sliding down to her waist, revealing her firm upper body. She lowered her head shyly, not daring to look at his face, and in a sweet and melodious voice said, "Shu'er pays her respects to Master!"

Xiang Shaolong felt sorry for her and sat next to her. He held her petite chin with his hand and lifted her pretty face.

Her large and lively eyes immediately lowered once they came into contact with his gaze, her heart beating like a running deer. They way she looked, shy yet happy, the allure of a young girl, is indeed dazzling to the eyes and takes one's senses away.

Without hesitation, Xiang Shaolong is sure that she is the most attractive woman he has ever encountered, and was secretly thinking that Tao Fang is really formidable to give such a pretty girl to him so that he will work for him. He asked gently, "Is it still painful?"

Shu'er shook her head, then she nodded her head shyly, her blushing cheeks immediately spread, until her ears and neck were burning as well.

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Shu'er looked at him invitingly and said breathlessly, "No! Shu'er wants to serve Master."

Xiang Shaolong asked with concern, "Can you stand up?"

Shu'er's slender hand pressed down on his broad shoulder, thinking of using him as support to kneel up first, but her dainty brows rose and she sat back down again, her cheeks burning.

Xiang Shaolong is used to being flirtatious, and on seeing such alluring movements from her, can't help but reach out and fondle her chests before laying her back on the carpet and covering her with the blanket. Just as he was about to leave, Shu'er suddenly pulled his hand.

Xiang Shaolong looked at her in surprise.

Shu'er asked shyly, "Does Master still want Shu'er now?"

Xiang Shaolong reached out and caressed her face, saying with a smile, "I only want you to take a good rest now. Tonight I'll let you become the happiest and luckiest woman in the world." And he suddenly remembered Ting Fangshi and felt a tightness in his chest.

Book 1 Chapter 8 – Master Red Crown

While he was enjoying the earthly pleasures, Xiang Shaolong's mind was in a turmoil.

When he arrived here, everything felt surreal, like a dream. The era he sees before him has got nothing to do with him at all, so he went all out to enjoy himself without feeling any pressure from the society or the people, because he may suddenly be captured by Crazy Ma's machine and be sent back to the 21st century.

He's like a child who does not need to take up any responsibility at all.

But after suffering from injuries and his wanderings, this dreamy world suddenly turned into real flesh and blood.

The martyrdom of Yuan Zong, the sufferings of Ting Fangshi, various setbacks, all threw him deeper and deeper into this world mentally and spiritually.

Although he enjoys beauties and riches now, but he lost his most treasured freedom and independence.

In this warring states period, nothing is more valuable than a talent. One legalist Li Ke and one strategist Wu Qi, is enough to make the state of Wei a strong state immediately. Shang Yang is even more formidable, he single-handedly made the state of Qin the biggest threat to all the states in the east.

And the Xiang Shaolong now, because he stopped an army of almost a thousand ferocious horse thieves with fifty men, has also become a talent.

The various states only has 2 attitudes towards talent, either to keep for their own use, or to kill without mercy to prevent them from being a powerful opponent in future.

Right now Master Wu is trying to bribe Xiang Shaolong, using riches and beauties to make him sink deeper in. Therefore if he were to reveal even a little about his intention to look for Emperor Qin, Ying Zheng, he can be sure that he'll lose his life immediately.

To try and escape from such heavily guarded city walls is akin to a fool's dream. If Ying Zheng's father did not have the help of Lu Buwei, a wealthy trader similar to Master Wu, he can forget about escaping back to the capital of Qin, Xian Yang.

Even if he can find Emperor Qin, there's no way he can get him out of the city.

Will he have to work for the Zhaos indefinitely? If Master Wu asked him to kill people from other states, what should he do?

Xiang Shaolong sighed and walked towards the hall to see Tao Fang.

Tao Fang was hugging a pretty maid in his arms, his hands roaming over her. He released her when he saw him, and warmly invited him to take a seat and to join in the scrumptious breakfast.

Tao Fang smiled slyly, "Shaolong you don't know how much the Master likes you. Shu'er is a famed beauty from a noble family in the State of Yan, who was given to Master by the ruler of Yan. It's obvious that he thinks of you highly since he is willing to give her to you."

Xiang Shaolong asked in surprise, "Aren't we at war with the State of Yan?"

Tao Fang was obviously very impressed by his choice of word 'we', and said frankly, "If we're not at war, why would the ruler of Yan be willing to present such a beautiful virgin. It's precisely because he's not doing well in the war, so he's trying to bribe our Master with such a huge gift, hoping that our Master will help put in some good words for him in front of our King. Hei! Now Master has given the Yan beauty to you, so it's obvious that he will not help speak up for the Yans."

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought to himself that this is such a complicated situation, and changed the subject to ask about Ting Fangshi.

Tao Fang smiled mysteriously, "I've spoken to Master about this, he'll certainly give you an answer, so don't worry! As long as you have more accomplishments, the King would even give you his Princess, much less a dancer."

Xiang Shaolong thought that things are not going well, but he had no choice at all. This feeling of being controlled by others is extremely frustrating.

Tao Fang added, "Now I'll take you to the Wu's Mansion to meet Master, don't accept any invitations from your beloved brothers tonight. There's someone who wants to meet you, but I cannot reveal to you now who that person is."

Xiang Shaolong's heart lurched, and he remembered that Lady Ya who was hiding behind the curtains of the horse carriage.

The Wu's Mansion was the grandest building north of the city, it might even be more appropriate to call it a castle. Tall and thick walls surround it with a moat going around, and the only entrance is a large drawbridge. There are no residential areas outside the walls, only gardens. The grandeur of the place exceeds even that of nobility.

During the journey there, it was the first time Xiang Shaolong really took notice of the people, the things in the city and the buildings. If not for the obvious fact that there are more women to men, it's not easily detected that this prosperous city has just experienced war, and was even conquered by the Weis for 2 years.

According to Fang Tao, excluding the soldiers, there are about 100,000 families, each family has between a dozen to a few hundred people. Therefore this huge city has an estimated population of over a million people.

Inside the city there were farms, paddy fields and warehouses, so if they are being besieged, those in the city can still be self sufficient for a long time.

Xiang Shaolong followed Tao Fang and went into a side door past the drawbridge into the Wu's Mansion huge property.

After they went in the main gate, there was enormous training field large enough for a few thousand people, and an imposing huge mansion was facing the gate at the other end. Houses lined both sides of the mansion, and it seems that one day is not enough to tour the whole place.

There were a few hundred people on the training ground separated into groups practicing swordplay, horse riding, archery, and some were even wearing newly made armor and letting others hit them with various weapons to test the sturdiness. But the most exciting place seems to be the archery field, with almost a hundred warriors watching from the side, giving out thunderous cheers once in a while.

Tao Fang's expression suddenly looked awkward.

Xiang Shaolong unconsciously walked nearer, and saw that the archer is a heroic looking young man wearing a red crown, a yellow warrior's robe with a dragon sewn on it and black leather warrior's boots.

He's almost the same height as Xiang Shaolong, maybe an inch or half inch shorter, extremely well built, muscular and full of charisma.

His eyes were shining, his forehead high and wide, his eyes and nose straight, his lips pursed into a line, with an indescribable air of arrogance and confidence.

Such a handsome and suave man is truly rarely seen.

Sitting on his horse, he placed his arrow on an especially large bow, the hand that pulled the string of the bow was holding another 2 arrows as well.

The string of the bow clanged thrice in quick succession.

The 3 arrows went one after the other, shooting out like a meteor. The first arrow struck the bull's eye of the target about 200 steps away, and the 2 other arrows shot right into the first arrow successively.

The audience was totally enthralled and cheered.

Xiang Shaolong was dumbstruck at the sight. He would not have believed such out of the world archery skill if he had not seen it with his own eyes.

Tao Fang whispered into his ear, "This 'Master Red Crown' Lian Jin is recruited by my nemesis Wu Hei. Regardless of swordplay, horse riding or archery, he's the best in the mansion. This time I lost more than a hundred horses and Wu Hei is already spreading tales in front of Master. Luckily I now have Shaolong, so I managed to save a bit of face, but Wu Hei and Lian Jin will not let us off." When he finished his words, his expression looked pained.

Xiang Shaolong sucked in a breath of cool air. His swordplay may be comparable to this Lian Jin now, but as for riding and archery he is far behind. He was just about to reply when he saw a white cloud floating out from amongst the audience. A lady with incomparable beauty dressed in white, with figure slightly better than Shu'er's ran excitedly towards Lian Jin and spoke to him intimately. Lian Jin immediately handed the large bow in his hand to someone and spoke to her politely. His grace is indeed enough to enchant any beauty.

Xiang Shaolong's breathing stopped, and he sighed appreciatively, "This must be our state's most beautiful lady."

Tao Fang sighed, "This is our Master's most beloved granddaughter, Miss Wu Tingfang. She's a little interested in Lian Jin, but Master seems to have the intention of marrying her into the royal family and Lian Jin is worried about that now. Come! Master is waiting for us."

The two of them left the crowd and walked towards the great mansion.

Someone shouted from behind, "Master Tao please slow down!"

The two of them turned around in surprise.

That Lian Jin came towards them from the crowd, following behind him is the rare beauty Wu Tingfang.

Xiang Shaolong can't help but look at Wu Tingfang, his eyes made contact with her lively and mischievous eyes, and he felt his heart beating wildly.

Heavens! She look even prettier than a flower, unparalleled in her beauty when seen up close.

When seen from afar earlier he only noticed her chest, waist and legs etc, and already he felt that she's a little better than Shu'er, but she looks even more outstanding when seen close up. The unhidden freshness seems to gush towards him, taking one's breath away. Even though Xiang Shaolong had always prided himself on being a flirt, but now on seeing her he began to feel unworthy.

Like a cottonrose emerging from the clear pond, like nature's carving.

Her natural beauty seems to be made from the tools of the gods, her shoulder carved with a knife, her waist bounded by silk, her neck long and tender, her skin smooth and white, her bright eyes looking around prettily, her dimples sunken in a slight smile, her hair that floated like the clouds, with a jade green hairpin in it, wearing a warrior's clothes with pearls decorating it, her feet wearing tiny calfskin boots, looking exactly like a fairy who came from heaven.

Wu Tingfang saw him staring at her and showed her unhappiness.

Xiang Shaolong was startled from his daze and immediately looked at Lian Jin.

Lian Jin was sizing him up coldly, his expression none too polite.

Tao Fang is a wily old fox indeed, and hurriedly introduced the two of them.

Wu Tingfang said coldly, "Oh! So you're Xiang Shaolong, Grandfather is very impressed with you!"

Lian Jin moved a little closer to Wu Tingfang, to show his familiarity with this beauty, and said with a smile, "I am also very impressed with Brother Xiang, why don't we find a good day and exchange some pointers, and let me see the divine sword that can block an army of 800 horse thieves."

Xiang Shaolong can tell that although his words sounded polite, but it was full of sarcasm, hinting that Tao Fang had been exaggerating about this matter and he was secretly upset. He was thinking that if he can have a freestyle boxing match with this conceited man, he'll surely beat him up until his head is swollen like a pig. But if the competition is on other things, then he'd better avoid it if possible, so he can only smile humbly and replied, "Brother Lian's archery skills is unparalleled, I cannot be compared to you. I'm not qualified enough to exchange pointers with Brother Lian, but would hope that Brother Lian can give some advise when you're free."

When Wu Tingfang thought that they were going to have a duel, she was quite excited but once she heard his reply, she was disappointed and chided him, "Coward!" before turning around and leaving.

Lian Jin is obviously very satisfied with Wu Tingfang's reaction, and he looked heavenward and laughed, "Brother Xiang really disappoints me, in that case I shall not make things difficult for Brother Xiang!" He turned around and ran after Wu Tingfang.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling calm instead, and with a nonchalant laugh, continued walking with Tao Fang towards the huge mansion.

Tao Fang nodded his head, "It's good to tolerate for the time being. Shaolong may be highly skilled, but I'm afraid you're still not his match." He continued with a low voice, "That lad has been going around Handan looking for people to duel with him, and everyone is scared of him after a few fights. I really hope someone can take him down a peg or two."

Xiang Shaolong knows that he's trying to instigate him, so he smiled and said, "If Master Tao can make it such that there's no restrictions in my duel with him, I am 70% confident that I can teach him a good lesson."

Tao Fang exclaimed happily, "That's easy, let me find a suitable location for Shaolong to show off your ability. How I wish I can see that Wu Hei's expression immediately."

Book 1 Chapter 9 – Never-ending hatred

Xiang Shaolong finally saw Master Wu at the side hall, this person who is not of the nobility, but has the powers of a nobility, controlling the economy of the state of Zhao, the extremely wealthy man who earned his fortunes from keeping livestock.

Xiang Shaolong has never seen a man more grand than him.

Just the crown on his head was encrusted with two rows of 12 glittering purple jewels of similar size.

This rich merchant is large and fat, like a mountain of flesh lying horizontally on the seat, in the arms of a beauty who was cleaning his ears. Another 4 females were carefully filing his fingernails and toenails. Such an ostentatious display, even the emperor may pale in comparison.

The yellow silk robe he wore was twined with dazzling pearls with an air of luxury, the belt around his waist was stunningly bright, with gold and silver pieces reflecting off one another.

He was on a raised platform, about 3 floors high, and below the platform there were 18 warriors standing in 2 rows. Any coward who witnesses such a display would have been scared out of his wits.

When Xiang Shaolong and Tao Fang knelt down to pay their respects, Master Wu sat up and dismissed his maids. His thin and long eyes opened, looking at Xiang Shaolong piercingly, and after sizing him for a moment, said with a cold snort, "Xiang Shaolong, why didn't you accept Lian Jin's challenge. Is it because you don't live up to your reputation at all, but only relied on your commanding looks?"

Xiang Shaolong was shocked.

Tao Fang was about to speak up.

Master Wu gave a loud shout and raised his hand to signal Tao Fang to shut up. His face was already swollen with flesh, and now his features are all scrunched up even more tightly together in the middle of his face and he said with displeasure, "Lian Jin may be a valuable talent, but he's still from the state of Wei, and not from our state. That's why I specially ordered him to challenge you so that we Zhaos can show off our prowess. Now that you backed down from the challenge, what else do you have to say."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly cursing him, but he said without arrogance or servility, "What Shaolong learnt was for killing, and not for such games such as exchanging pointers."

Master Wu laughed icily, "What's the difference between the two."

By now Xiang Shaolong has figured out the character of this rich merchant of livestock, and said haughtily, "The way to kill, is to use all methods, to be ruthless, to kill the enemy at all costs. But exchanging pointers in a duel, is just to see whose swordplay is more beautifully executed, it's more a game than a battle, so naturally it's another matter altogether."

Master Wu's expression warmed slightly, but he was still not satisfied, and said each word clearly, "I can't possibly ask you to kill a few of my men just like that, so how do I know if you're really that capable?"

Xiang Shaolong's eyes gleamed, and stared back at him without fear. He said with a slight smile, "Since Master has such expectations of me, I will have a duel with Lian Jin, but there must not be any rules on my methods of winning him."

Master Wu stared at him for a while before bursting out into laughter and said, "Very interesting child. His Majesty has always wished that a Zhao would be able to humiliate Lian Jin and help our state of Zhao regain some face. Fine! Then let me arrange a feast, if you can defeat Lian Jin in front of his Majesty, I'll give Fang Tingshi back to you."

Xiang Shaolong knelt down happily, secretly thinking that if he doesn't beat Lian Jin up like how he thrashed Black Faced Deity, he'll write his name Xiang Shaolong backwards.

Master Wu and Tao Fang looked at each other, extremely baffled at his joy and confidence.

Could it be that he really thinks that he can defeat the unparalleled Lian Jin?

They have just returned to the guest house and Xiang Shaolong was about to slip away to find Shu'er when he bumped into Li Shan and two warriors who is quite close to him at the main door and they dragged him out to celebrate his return.

The 4 of them roamed the streets happily, flirting with the beauties they saw, thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Li Shan said with a laugh, "Handan's beauties are famous for being easy to woo, with Brother Xiang's capabilities, you only have to hook your fingers and I guarantee all the beauties will queue up for Brother Xiang to choose from."

The warrior called Han Dong added, "But Brother Xiang need not find women on the streets today, we've especially found some sweet ladies to accompany you."

Another warrior Zha Bei put his arms around his shoulder and said, "Don't ever think that we're finding some used goods as obligations. We've specially prepared for Brother Xiang the noble daughter of a high-ranking officer, who is outstandingly beautiful. She can only blame her father for antagonizing the Emperor, so she was demoted to become a prostitute for officials. I guarantee that Brother Xiang will be satisfied."

Xiang Shaolong furrowed his brows when he heard that, and began to understand why Yuan Zong wanted to change this world. Ai! But how can he have the capability to fulfill his dream. What he can do is to give these ill fated women who has become prostitutes a little more gentleness and love, and by the time he thought of that, he was already pushed into a grand mansion by the other three.

A skinny man of about 40 wearing a splendid outfit welcomed them, "Welcome Master Xiang, Sirs please come to the guest room on the second floor."

The 4 of them sat down on the rug in the room, and after the maids sent in wine and dishes, a procuress by the name of Hong Niangzi came is. Although she's middle-aged, but she took great care in dolling up, and her figure is still well maintained. Coupled with her intoxicating style, she's still able to stir some blood. On seeing such a handsome man like Xiang Shaolong, she was especially warm in her welcome and said with a coquettish smile, "The lady will be here immediately to accompany Master Xiang, would Master Li and the rest want to try someone fresh."

Li Shan and the rest agreed with a laugh and Hong Niangzi went out of the room with her plush hips swaying.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that it's no wonder that prostitution is the oldest occupation in the world, and it's always the same method and atmosphere. But why is it that in the past when he was in the bars going after the beer ladies, he never felt his conscience pricking, but now he kept feeling this is not quite appropriate?

The sounds of jewelry clinking can be heard from the corridor outside, followed by the whiff of a fragrance and 3 pretty young ladies wearing a thin gauzes walked in with a smile. They sat in the arms of Li Shan and the rest, but were making eyes at Xiang Shaolong, obviously they were more interested in him.

By now Hong Niangzi has brought in a tall, slim and fair lady, who looked extremely pretty and bright, with a graceful air about her. Indeed she looked extremely pure.

Li Shan and the rest stared, looking greedily at the magnificent scenery beneath her thin veil of clothes.

Hong Niangzi laughed, "I did not lie to you, right? Good daughter, have you ever seen a better looking and loving man than Master Xiang?"

The beauty lowered her eyes sadly, refusing to lift her head up at all.

Xiang Shaolong couldn't bear to see this and was about to say something when Hong Niangzi pushed her into her arms, sitting on his lap.

The thighs touching his, a wave of intoxication spread over him, and the well-proportioned body covered by a thin veil, seemingly revealing the luscious bosom, made Xiang Shaolong's eyes blurry. He can't help but hug her tiny waist and took a sniff of her face.

Su Nu lowered her head and did not speak.

Hong Niangzi made eyes at Xiang Shaolong, walked behind him and leaned over, pressing her bosom tightly into his back, going between the two of them and said softly, "Master Xiang is the lady's first customer. If not for the fact that Master Li used the name of Master Wu, I wouldn't have let this good girl accompany Master Xiang before her training is done. Because of this, if Su Nu has offended you in any way, Master Xiang please forgive her." And she left with a smile.

Xiang Shaolong looked at the lady's slender fingers, listening to how Li Shan and the rest were teasing her, and he felt a rush of anger in his chest. He whispered gently into the Su Nu's ears, "Don't worry! I won't be disrespectful towards you like them. We'll just chat and drink, all right?"

Su Nu was stunned for a moment, and finally lifted her head up to look at this strange man who is being so intimate with her.

Xiang Shaolong smiled at her.

Su Nu blushed and immediately lowered her head, but she's no longer so afraid. She can't help but steal another glance at him, and her heart started beating wildly, thinking to herself that this man is really good looking. And it's rare that his gaze looked so upright and honorable. Oh heavens! Why did she have to meet a man like that only at a place like this?

Xiang Shaolong felt his desire rising as well, but once he thought of his promised, he hurriedly suppressed his fire.

Su Nu gritted her teeth, raised her head and looked at him shyly and said, "I thank Master for your kind intentions. Master need not feel pity that I have been reduced to such a situation, besides there's no use in pity as well. Anyone here can tease me at will."

Xiang Shaolong felt a sadness in his heart and sighed.

Su Nu was perplexed and she hugged his neck, asking, "Master seems to be troubled!"

Xiang Shaolong looked at Li Shan and the rest, and saw that those 3 men's hands and mouth were already roaming around the ladies in their arms, totally engrossed in doing various unspeakable things. He said with a bitter smile, "I only wish to leave now, and have no wish to witness further the sad things that happened in this world."

Su Nu was surprised and exclaimed, "Master's thinking is really different from the others. All the men that came here has never thought of our sadness and pain." She continued quietly, "I'm not lying to Master, but now I really hope that Master will be impolite to me, just like that 3 friends of yours."

This time it was Xiang Shaolong's turn to be surprised, "Why would you think that?"

Su Nu said shyly, "Maybe I'm affected by them, and my desires have been flamed, or maybe I have fallen in love with Master. I'm not sure myself!"

The girl Li Shan was hugging stood up at this point in time and said breathlessly, "The night is short, why don't we go up to our own rooms for more fun. Brother Xiang must not forget Master Tao's appointment tonight."

Just as they were about to step out of the room, Hong Niangzi came in looking miserable and said, "Sirs, I am in a difficult position!"

Li Shan was extremely surprised, and pulled the official courtesan to sit on the rug and asked in bafflement, "Hong Niangzi is in charge of the official courtesans in Handan, who would dare to make things difficult for you. Just tell us, and we will settle it for you."

Hong Niangzi looked at Li Shan with a little disdain, and turned towards Xiang Shaolong and said, "I don't know who leaked the news, Prince Shaoyuan just came with a dozen or so of his men to the officials brothel and demanded that I hand Su Nu to him."

The expression on Li Shan and the rest changed, obviously this Prince Shaoyuan is someone so powerful that even they cannot afford to offend him.

Su Nu went "Ah!", her pretty face turned pale, her body shook, like a little lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Hong Niangzi sighed and said, "No one in Handan now can afford to offend Prince Shaojun. We can only blame Su Nu's beauty for being so famous. Su Nu, come with me!"

Su Nu screamed, "No!" and hugged Xiang Shaolong in a death grip as she stood up crying, making others pity her even more so.

Li Shan and Han Dong exchanged looks helplessly and explained to Xiang Shaolong, "Prince Shaoyuan is the son of Prince Pingyuan, who passed away last year and the family's power has been passed to him. Even our Master has to be careful of him and his Majesty has been protecting him on account on Prince Pingyuan. If we were to clash with him, we may not be able to win the swordsmen under him, and even if we did, Master will not forgive us. Brother Xiang, we did not expect such a killjoy would happen as well."

Xiang Shaolong hugged Su Nu's burning and helpless body, hot blood rushing through him and said with a cold snort, "A man has to be responsible for his own actions. You will leave immediately, and you won't know what happened."

The expression on the three changed.

Hong Niangzi quite liked Xiang Shaolong, so on hearing that she sighed, "Master Xiang is indeed a hero, but is it worth it to end your future and life thus? Prince Shaoyuan only wants Su Nu's virginity, won't it be the same if Master Xiang comes a little later to look for Su Nu?"

Li Shan and the rest tried to dissuade him as well.

Su Nu suddenly gave a hard kiss on Xiang Shaolong's lips, a look of resolution on her face and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry! Su Nu is going." She stood up, her expression wooden and told Hong Niangzi, "I will follow you!" After taking a loving look at Xiang Shaolong, she walked slowly away.

Hong Niangzi sighed and ran after her.

Xiang Shaolong punched the pillar, the wood shattered, anger rising up inside him.

This is an era where power is reason. On when riding on others can one have control over their own fate and protect the woman one loves.

Looking at it from another angle, he's only another kind of prostitute, selling his wits and skills.

The rest may have patriotic ideals and are willing to lay down their lives, but he, Xiang Shaolong will never follow orders from anyone blindly. Because half a year ago he is not even related to this era at all.

What Yuan Zong said was correct, only when all the states are unified, will there be a chance for everything to be changed and an ideal system will appear.

And the most important task now is to establish his position in the Wu family, there's no other way besides this.

By now, their mood totally spoiled, the four of them left hurriedly.

Xiang Shaolong had just stepped into the garden at the guest house when he felt the strange atmosphere. Two warriors were standing guard outside the main door, and he seemed to hear Shu'er's cries from inside the house.

Xiang Shaolong was still fuming, and he's not someone kind or religious, but forced by circumstances to bear with that bully Prince Shaoyuan. Now that someone is trying to climb over his head, he dashed into the door like a mad tiger.

The 2 warriors snickered and extended their hands to stop him.

Xiang Shaolong roared madly and forced his way between the two men, elbows and knees striking and the two of them fell down screaming immediately.

The scene that appeared before him was even more terrible.

Shu'er was naked from the waist and being hugged by a finely dressed gentleman on the rug, her bosom insultingly handled. However she dared not struggle but just cried piteously.

Lian Jin and another 10 odd warriors were sitting at the side, looking at this violent scene with smiles.

By now that well dressed youth was just removing his hands from Shu'er's skirt and was about to take it off.

When the warriors saw Xiang Shaolong dashing in, they all jumped up and drew their swords, while Lian Jin was calm and composed, the corner of his mouth curled up in disdain, looking at him icily.

Because the wooden sword was too heavy, Xiang Shaolong did not carry it with him all the time, but for a man like him who has undergone the most scientific and rigorous training, would he be afraid of these men. Before his opponents are steady on their feet, he'd already dashed into the crowd of warriors and cornered one of them, throwing a heavy punch at the person's chest and snatched his long sword from him.

He turned around with the sword, executing the Mozi swordplay that originated from the Master Mo Zhai, slashing hard at the sword of the warrior who came attacking towards his right.

"Clang!". That person roared, and before his sword reached the ground, he was already kicked in the groin and knelt down in a painful shout.

A look of surprise flashed though Lian Jin's eyes and he stood up, standing in front of that young master. Shu'er saw that Xiang Shaolong has come to save her and without knowing where she found her strength from, pushed that young master away and ran crying towards Xiang Shaolong.

But Lian Jin extended his feet to trip her and she immediately fell to the ground. Lian Jin stepped on her naked back, and she was unable to move at all.

Xiang Shaolong was almost bursting with anger on seeing this, and with a sweep of his sword, blocked the 5 swords that was attacking him, and with a change of his swordplay, another 2 men fell immediately.

By now he's only about ten odd steps away from Lian Jin and that young master, but between them there are 12 fierce warriors. On seeing that Shu'er is about to fall into the hands of that young master again, Xiang Shaolong picked up a pile of swords and threw them beneath the feet of the warriors who were running towards him.

Those warriors have never fought in such a way before, the swords struck their waists and legs and they fell to the ground.

When Xiang Shaolong jumped up, he is already face to face with Lian Jin, staring into each other's eyes.

Lian Jin kicked Shu'er aside, his hand moved and he drew his long sword from the scabbard. The sword gleamed and made its way towards Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong did not expect his opponent's swordplay to be so exquisite. He executed the essence of the Mozi swordplay clumsily and lashed out with his sword.

A crisp "Clang!" was heard and Lian Jian's sword was parried off. He retracted then attacked again, as fast as a meteor.

Xiang Shaolong wanted to block that attack but 2 warriors were coming up from behind him so he had no choice but to step back and block the two opponents first.

Lian Jin smiled icily but did not give chase.


A loud shout came from the door and Tao Fang dashed in with 10 odd warriors towards Xiang Shaolong, forcing Lian Jin's men to retreat to one side, resulting in a face-off between the two groups.

The half naked Shu'er got up and threw herself into Xiang Shaolong's arms, crying.

Tao Fang saw the young master behind Lian Jin and his expression changed immediately, "Old servant here does not know that Grand Young Master is here, would Grand Young Master please forgive me."

Xiang Shaolong hugged Shu'er and realization dawned. No wonder Lian Jin had the guts to create trouble here, so he has the backing of Master Wu's grandson.

That Grand Young Master came next to Lian Jin and ignoring Tao Fang, pointed to Xiang Shaolong with a murderous look in his eye and asked, "Who do you think you are, what's the big deal about me having some fun with your woman."

Lian Jin smiled icily and said, "It should be his honor!"

Tao Fang smiled condescendingly and said, "It's just a case of misunderstanding, Shaolong did not know it is Grand Young Master who has come!"

That Grand Young Master stared at Shaolong angrily.

Xiang Shaolong stared back so unwaveringly, that even a bully like Grand Young Master felt a shiver in his heart.

Lian Jin shouted, "What audacity! How dare you be so rude to Master Tingwei, kneel down now."

Tao Fang advised from the side, "Hurry up and apologize to Grand Young Master!"

Xiang Shaolong looked heavenward and laughed for a long time before saying, "Master is the only one whom I will obey, if Grand Young Master is not happy about that, then tell someone to kill me!" He lowered his head and said to Shu'er, "You'll go back to the room first!"

Shu'er lifted up her tear stained face, and after taking a loving look at him, ran into the house.

The atmosphere became extremely tense.

Lian Jin hurriedly went to Wu Tingwei and whispered something into his ears.

Xiang Shaolong knows that Lian Jin has received news that he will be dueling with him in front of Emperor Xiaocheng, so he has no wish to fight with him first now.

Indeed, Wu Tingwei nodded his head and stared at him angrily, saying, "I'll see how many more good days you low-down slave will have ahead of you." And left with his men in fury.

Lian Jin deliberately brushed past his shoulder and said with a smile before leaving, "You blocked well with your sword, but lack experience. It'll be rare if you can block 10 attacks of mine."

Xiang Shaolong calmed down and was secretly dreading being reprimanded by Tao Fang, but after Tao Fang waved his men away, he sat closely next to him and sighed, "Now my fate is intertwined with yours. If you lose to Lian Jin, I won't have the face to stay on in the Wu Family as well."

Xiang Shaolong felt extremely guilty and apologized.

Tao Fang looked at him for a moment before he suddenly smiled, "You're really someone who treasures relationships, but this has got nothing to do with you. Among the 12 servants, Master trusts Wu Hei and me the most, and we've always been on opposing ends. This time Wu Hei went arounfd spreading rumors that because I lost a hundred odd horses, I made up a story about you single handedly fighting 800 horse thieves. Now the Master is giving me no choice but to let you fight a duel with Lian Jin. Shaolong you must help me vent my anger." He continued with a smile, "Just now you felled almost 10 of Grand Young Master's warriors in front of Lian Jin, now that may not be a bad thing, because one news of this gets to Master's ears, he'll look at you differently. If you can win Lian Jin, then the world will belong to you and me."

Li Shan hurriedly walked over and said with shock, "Before Su Nu went to see Prince Shaoyuan, she made an excuse to change and freshen up but hanged herself instead. Prince Shaoyuan is extremely furious and said that he's going to look for Brother Xiang to vent his anger."

Xiang Shaolong felt as if the earth has shattered, and is so livid that his limbs turned cold, his eyes and mouth opened in shock, but his tears rolled uncontrollably down the corner of his eyes.

For the first time in his life, he felt a strong, burning desire for revenge.

Xiang Shaolong made mad love with Shu'er on the rug in the room.

Only her alluring body can offer him a form of escape in this cruel era where power is everything.

Only at this moment did he understand why Mei Canniang would rather suffer the parting and pine for him then to come to Handan.

No matter how difficult it is, he will use the most brutal method to kill Prince Shaoyuan at all costs to avenge Su Nu.

The two of them held each other and lay down, their limbs entangling, enjoying the warm atmosphere in the aftermath of their coupling.

Shu'er suddenly exclaimed, "Xiang Lang*! Shu'er is really afraid that we won't have such happy times very soon."

*Lang – similar to the term husband

Xiang Shaolong smiled and said, "Don't worry! Tao Fang will explain to Master Wu that if his grandson and Lian Jin keep harassing me, I will definitely lose at the imperial duel due to agitation. Therefore before the duel, you'll be safe."

Shu'er was a little assured, and said resolutely, "If anything bad were to happen to Xiang Lang, Shu'er will definitely follow you in death."

Xiang Shaolong kissed her tiny lips and said gently, "Don't worry! I definitely will not lose."

A knock on the door was heard, and Chunying's voice filtered in, "Master Xiang, Master Tao has ordered us to help you bath and change."

Shu'er sat up and said happily, "Let Shu'er serve you wholeheartedly this morning."

Book 1 Chapter 10 – Spending the night together

Tao Fang spoke to Xiang Shaolong quietly through the carriage window, "I know that Shaolong has long guessed that it's Lady Ya who wants to see you. Ever since her husband Zhao Kuo died in the battle of Chang Ping, that wanton has been hunting handsome men everyday to become her intimate guests. If she's satisfied after trying them out, she'll keep them as her lover, and Lian Jin is one of them."

Xiang Shaolong asked quietly, "Does her brother Emperor Xiaocheng know about this?"

Tao Fang replied, "The whole city is full of spies, how could his Majesty not know. It's just that in the past his Majesty was tricked by Fan Ju from the state of Qin, and replaced Lian Po* with Zhao Kuo, refusing to listen to the advise of the then Prime Minister Lin Xiangru. He sent Zhao Kuo, who can only talk but doesn't know how to strategize a war, to fight the Qin soldiers at Changping, and caused the 400,000 brave soldiers to be almost totally annihilated. Zhao Kuo died in the battlefield, and only about 240 survivors returned. His Majesty felt guilt towards his sister, so he condones her actions. Therefore Lady Ya holds a certain amount of influence over his Majesty, so don't you offend her." He signaled the footmen to start the journey.

*Lian Po - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lian_Po

Xiang Shaolong felt that the entire situation was hilarious.

When he reached Wu An initially, he had thought of becoming a gigolo to earn money for traveling expenses. Who would have expected that now he would have no choice but to really become a gigolo, and his customer is that Lady Ya.

He has suffered enough setbacks and anguish, and has no mood to enjoy the changing scenery outside the window because his heart is in turmoil.

His thinking in the past was quite naïve, thinking that with his military training he will be able to excel in this era. But he did not expect such complications, and like the same across all eras, brute strength is not enough to accomplish anything.

If he wants to control his own fate, he'll have to use extreme measures, and step on everyone else so that he will not have to be led around by the nose.

The most important thing right now is to defeat Lian Jin. But in the earlier fight with him, this person's swordplay is truly at his peak. Even if he were to include wrestling in the duel, he might still not be able to win.

Besides, what Lian Jin said was correct, he has only learnt the Mozi swordplay for a few months, and is not that experienced yet, so how can he win him.

When they dueled earlier, Lian Jin was exceptionally calm and composed, just like what Yuan Zong said a true swordsman should achieve. But he on the other hand was rash and impulsive, if he can't change this, he will certainly lose, so what should he do?

Suddenly he had an idea, and thought of that extreme beauty Wu Tingfang.

If he can win her heart, what kind of a blow will it be for Lian Jin who thinks the world of himself? When it comes to wooing ladies, it has always been his forte, so there's no way that hateful babe Wu Tingfang will be able to reject him. The problem is that in ancient times there's no such thing as phoning to arrange a date, so how can he get to her himself?

By now the carriage has gone passed a huge mansion, with guards standing at the door. He saw people wearing clothes that doesn't seem to be usual outfit for the Zhaos walking in and out so he asked the footman who was driving the carriage.

The footman replied, "That's the house in Handan which belongs to people from other states."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly overjoyed, and thought that maybe the Qin Emperor Ying Zheng is staying in there, and he can't help but feel uplifted.

The horse carriage turned right into another main road made from cobblestones, and proceeded towards a huge mansion.

Xiang Shaolong collected his composure and told himself, "Xiang Shaolong! This is the time for you to change, you cannot be so trusting towards others anymore or let feelings rule your head."


Then let me try something, and conquer this Lady Ya first to give Lian Jin his first heavy setback.

After changing into a set of fitting warrior's clothes with a cloak, matched with a long sword at his waist and his hair combed neatly into a crown, Xiang Shaolong followed 2 lovely maids and stepped into Lady Ya's grand mansion.

The pretty maid invited him to sit on the rug and gave him scented tea before leaving him sitting alone in the spacious hall.

Xiang Shaolong was bored and started observed his surroundings.

The hall was exquisitely decorated, with a silk painting on palace people on the wall, the colors vibrant.

There was a large rug in the middle of the hall woven with pictures of clouds, the color clean and simple, very pleasing to the eyes. The few cupboards against the wall were full of playthings. If he can just take any one of them back to the 21st century and put it up for auction, he'll be rich for the rest of his life.

Right at this time, he had a feeling of being watched.

Xiang Shaolong glanced nonchalantly at a large folding screen on his left which was made up of 8 paintings, and seem to see from the gap in between the reflection from an eye. He was secretly laughing, and knew that this must be Lady Ya who has come to inspect the goods.

If he appears to be uneasy or do anything embarrassing while waiting impatiently, this wonton Lady Ya who loves toying with men will surly despise him. Once he thought about this, he became mischievous and stood up, sweeping his cape aside to reveal his manly body that can intoxicate any female. He stretched and walked to a large window and looked out so that Lady Ya can just see his chiseled left profile.

He stood straight like a mountain, one hand behind him, the other hand resting on his sword, a look of deep thought in his expression, very immersed in his acting.

He did not bring his wooden sword, because that's his secret weapon and he did not wish to reveal it to anyone before his duel with Lian Jin.

The garden outside the window looked especially pretty and calming under the rays of the setting sun.

A gentle breeze blew, uplifting his spirits.

For a moment he forgot that Lady Ya is peeping at him, and remembered his own era.

In that era, the rule of strong eating the weak has not changed, but there are still laws, and regulations between different countries. But in this warring states period, the ruler's order is law, the words of the state is maxim, so it seems that Emperor Qin did not do anything appalling at all. If he did not unify China, they will be eaten by other countries sooner or later. It is Emperor Qin who built the Great Wall that helped China maintain its unity for a long time.

Footsteps were heard.

The pretty maid came to invite him in to see Lady Ya, and to remove his sword.

Xiang Shaolong knows that he has passed the first round, so he removed his sword and followed the pretty maid in.

He had just stepped into the door and immediately he saw a pretty lady lying down on a long couch at the other end, looking totally relaxed with a hand supporting her chin. A pair of alluring yet dreamy looking eyes was sizing him up coldly, her fair legs peeping out from her skirt, creating a picturesque scene of a beauty lazing that is enough to make any man fall head over heels.

The small hall was not lighted, the setting sun shone in from two large windows with floral carving from the west.

The pretty maid went out, leaving Xiang Shaolong standing in front of the door. He really has no idea what the material that Lady Ya, who was still lying in the chaise, was made of. Maybe it's made with silk mixed with something else, as it was radiating. Her earrings were made from pretty jade, a golden hairpin gleaming in her hair, pearls decorating her clothes, her skirt light and sheer, her body emanating a heavy fragrance.

The shape of her face is extremely pretty, her brows well drawn, her smooth skin fair with a tinge of red, extremely alluring.

The most intoxicating part is her idle yet alluring pose, her mature and enchanting ways, compared to Wu Tingfang, she is another kind of beauty who certainly did not fare any worse.

She cannot be any older than 25, right in the prime of a woman's life.

Xiang Shaolong's interest is already piqued, but in order to conquer this beauty, he deliberately pretended to be unaffected and proud, and walked boldly forward, stopping 5 paces in front of her, bowed and said, "Xiang Shaolong pays his respects to Lady Ya." After he finished speaking, he stared boldly at her alluring body but did not reveal any lecherous look at all, and looked as if he's just admiring a plaything on one of the shelves at the outer hall.

Lady Ya laughed coquettishly, emitting a clear, crisp voice that sounds even nicer then bells and said gently, "Xiang Shaolong! Take a seat!"

Xiang Shaolong smiled slightly and sat down suavely. He looked deeply into her pretty eyes, but did not speak.

Madam Ya said unhappily, "I've never seem someone who look at me with such disrespect and audacity, don't you know my status?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled lazily, and replied with indescribable confidence, "How would I not know Lady's status, but it still does not change the fact that I am a man and you are a woman. I'm admiring Lady the way a man will look at a woman, and this shows that Lady's allure is enough to make me forget about your higher status."

Lady Ya was stunned, and sat up straight.

Xiang Shaolong's gaze dropped to her perk bosom, this time he is not pretending.

Lady Ya exclaimed angrily, "How rude! What are you looking at?"

Xiang Shaolong knows that it's time to stop, so he said with a serious and respectful expression, "Since Lady does not like me revealing my true feelings, then feel free to punish me."

Lady Ya was a little helpless as she replied, "Forget it! Do you know why I summoned you."

Xiang Shaolong very much wanted to say of course he's here to sleep with her, but of course he dared not reveal this, so he said calmly, "Of course I do, Lady wants to see if Xiang Shaolong is the thing that Lady has been looking for all this time."

Lady Ya's pretty eyes lighted up, and after exchanging a long look with him, said, "Humph" and laughed, "I've never seen a man more conceited than you."

Xiang Shaolong stood up with a smile and bowed, "Since you are so displeased with me, then I shall take my leave." And turned around to leave.

Lady Ya did not expect him to do this and exclaimed angrily, "Stop there, or don't you want your life anymore."

Xiang Shaolong turned around and said with a charming smile, "Lady please don't be upset, actually how can I bear to leave. I just wanted to see if Lady will ask me to stay and spend the night."

Lady Ya was in a flurry after being attacked by his brilliant eyes, overpowering charisma and strong words, making her look even more alluring.

The last ray of the sun finally disappeared from the west under the plains outside the city of Handan.

The small hall became dark, throwing this couple into a mysterious environment.

Xiang Shaolong walked to a small table at Lady Ya's side and knelt on the rug, reached out his hand, took the kindle from the table and lighted the exquisite lamp made from jade.

Under the light, Lady Ya's eyes became two round and bright rare black precious stones.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought to himself, this is the first time since he arrived that he tasted such a romantic ancient atmosphere. He must have the beautiful body beneath that fine silk tonight no matter what, and totally conquer both her body and her mind.

This is the dream of every man who has ever seen her, and he is no exception.

He moved towards her as he knelt, grabbed her shoulders and said gently, "Do you want me to treat you as a Lady or a woman, would Lady please tell me."

Lady Ya realized that there's no way she can play coy any further, so her body softened and she fell into his arms and said with a soft sigh, "Why must Xiang Shaolong force me thus?"

Xiang Shaolong lifted up her delicate chin, tilting her head up and kissed her gently a dozen times on her lips before giving her a hard kiss. He used all his kissing skills learnt from porn movies and comics as well as his most tried and tested effective skills to flirt with this beauty. He took the opportunity to move his hand down, sweeping past her bosom and soft waist, his palm pressing down on her taut and fiery tummy.

Lady Ya's writhed her body, her whole body lightly trembling, her breathing getting more and more rapid, her tongue's reaction getting more and more intense. Obviously she is starting to get aroused.

Xiang Shaolong left her fragrant shoulder, looking at her heavy-lidded eyes lovingly and asked emotionally, "Is Lady happy?"

Lady Ya revealed a look of loss and said quietly, "Am I happy? No! I never dared to think of this question."

Xiang Shaolong secretly sighed, beautiful women always have hard lives, and the responsibility of course falls on the men. But beauty is as short lived as a dream, so there's not a lot of beauties who can be happy when their beauty is slowly fading.

Ancient beauties are thus short lived, never allowing others to see them growing old.

Therefore Lady Ya wants to hunt handsome men for pleasure while she's still in her prime. But modern research papers have pointed out that such mindless sex will not make one happy.

So Xiang Shaolong came straight to the point and asked her this question. Lady Ya immediately revealed her true feelings unconsciously, because he has touched a sore spot.

Xiang Shaolong wanted to remove her belt.

Lady Ya smiled coquettishly, and grabbing his hands, suddenly pulled him up and said happily like a little girl, "But I know I'll be very happy tonight. Here! Come to my room, I've prepared food and wine and we can chat and drink at the same time, all right?"

Lady Ya placed the wine cup at Xiang Shaolong's lips, a flirty smile on her pretty face and said, "This is the first cup of wine, Shaolong shall we each drink half of it?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly laughing that no matter how noble is her birth or how high is her status, she is still a woman who needs the love and care of a man. So with this point, he will be able to make himself irresistible to her.

The only way to conquer her is to treat her like an ordinary woman, and the most important thing is to make her feel that it's better to be a woman then a Lady.

He's very confident that he can accomplish this.

The only question is how important Lian Jin is to her, because he is also a very attractive man.

Lady Ya can be considered to be another battlefield for him and Lian Jin.

He drank half a cup of wine from Lady Ya's hands, and suddenly kissed her on the mouth, slowly passing the fine wine into her tiny mouth.

Lady Ya gurgled but she has no strength to push him away, so she can only drink his half-cup of wine obediently. Her pretty face blushed, and even her enchanting dimples were reddened.

Xiang Shaolong left her tiny mouth, gently taking over the cup from her fingers, and before she had the chance to protest, poured it into her tiny mouth that was panting quickly. He said gently, "This half cup is mine, so don't you drink it into your pretty belly."

Lady Ya rolled her eyes at him coquettishly, her fragrant lips already locked with his, the wine in her mouth sucked dry by him.

The two of them separated. Either Lady Ya is a bad drinker, or she is too heated by desire, but she moaned and collapsed into his arms.

Xiang Shaolong has no wish to conquer this noble beauty so soon, so he tilted her face up and scattered hot kisses on her hair, face, ears and neck.

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The night passed like that.

She is no longer a lady of noble birth, but a shameless woman in heated desire enjoying her lover's ministrations.

Every second is filled with fiery desire.

The joy between a man and a woman drove into Lady Ya wave by wave, making her delirious. She cried out the name of this lovely yet hateful man madly, touching and hugging this perfect male body, feeling his explosive strength and his seemingly endless intense attacks, reaching the fiery peak where soul meets desire time and again. In the past when she was with other men, she'd always chase them away immediately after the act and sleep alone, even Lian Jin was no exception. But tonight she has no wish to leave this man's embrace even for a moment.

But only for tonight.

Everything will be different tomorrow, no man will be able to make her surrender.

She only wants to capture men, but does not wish to be captured, because that would be too torturous.

She fell into a deep sleep in her daze, and when she woke up it's already late in the morning.

Xiang Shaolong is already gone, only leaving behind on the blanket a yellow chrysanthemum freshly plucked from the garden.

Lady Ya clutched tightly at the stem, a sweet and satisfied alluring smile appeared on her pretty face.

Book 1 Chapter 11 – The Affections of a Beauty

When Xiang Shaolong returned to the guesthouse, Tao Fang is already waiting for him.

After Chunying and the rest of the maids carried in their breakfast, they left.

Tao Fang sniggered and asked, "Is that flirtatious horse exciting?"

Xiang Shaolong replied from the bottom of his heart, "Extremely exciting."

Tao Fang stopped smiling and said seriously, "Master brought up the issue of your duel with Lian Jin to his Majesty, his Majesty was very happy and chose the duel to be at dusk the day after tomorrow. I think it's best that you do not tangle with women for these few days, conserve your energy. You must win this duel."

Xiang Shaolong replied with some embarrassment, "Don't worry! I'm the kind that of person that, with more women I have, the more energetic I am. If there are no women, I'm more lethargic instead." When he saw that he looked doubtful, he added, "Don't forget that on the night we dealt with the horse thieves, Ting Fangshi was sleeping with me."

Of course Tao Fang does not know that he did not copulate with Ting Fangshi that night, and after looking at him with admiration, said, "Now you've become the center of attraction in Handan, and on the same par as Master, even Guo Zong, who made his fortune from ironworks, was asking about you."

Xiang Shaolong exclaimed in surprise, "What? There's actually someone else who is equally wealthy as our Master?"

Tao Fang replied, "There is only one such person in the state of Zhao. If we were to measure the number of Master's livestock using valleys, then the weapons that Guo Zong made from iron can be measured using ships. Not only did he supply weapons for the whole of Zhao, but also to all the other friendly states, earning a large sum of money." He lowered his voice and continued, "Because of this, his Majesty is more fond of Guo Zong than our Master, because Master's Father is a half-Qin, that's why he has such a strange name."

Xiang Shaolong's heart lurched, as if he has a hazy idea, but is unable to describe it clearly.

Tao Fang added on, "I received confidential news last night, that rascal Wu Tingwei is very displeased with you, and very much wanted to have your Yan nobility, Shu'er. That's why he has decided to disregard Master's orders and will kill you before your duel with Lian Jin. It seems like I will have to bring you along to pay a call to Young Master, so that that rascal will not dare to make any rash moves."

Xiang Shaolong was still thinking about the matter regarding Master Wu having Qin blood in him. No wonder he wanted so much for a Zhao to win Lian Jin, but maybe that's not what he truly felt, but did this to show the Zhao Emperor that he is totally on their side. That's why he refused to speak up for the Yans, and instead gave a beauty like Shu'er to him because of this thinking of his.

In the warring states period there is nothing more important that bloodline, so from this it can be seen what a difficult task it would be to unite the people from so many different countries. When he heard what Tao Fang said, he asked, "Will Lian Jin be helping that rascal deal with me?"

Tao Fang is really open with him now, and did not try to hide anything, saying "Even if you put a sword to Lian Jin's neck now, he would not dare to start the fight first. That scoundrel went around picking fights because he wanted to get his Majesty's attention. However his Majesty has always ignored him, and even told the people around him that he's not happy that our Master have found a foreigner to make our own swordsmen look bad. Not that he's got this chance, he would not want to spoil it."

Xiang Shaolong thought that this King Zhao is so narrow minded, how can he every accomplish anything great. He said with a laugh, "Without Lian Jin, I'm not afraid of that rascal, he can't possibly find a few hundred people to attack me, right?"

Tao Fang was extremely impressed with his humor and chortled, "Of course not, and besides, he has to do this secretly. But it's still better to pay a call to Eldest Young Master. Among Master's 17 sons, Eldest Young Master is the most capable and is in charge of all business with other states. And he has a beautiful daughter Wu Tingfang who may have the opportunity of becoming the empress, but his Majesty is still hesitating about accepting Young Grand Missy because of Master having Qin blood in him. The nobility in the royal family are all objecting to this."

Xiang Shaolong is getting all confused from all these. Things that look very simple on the surface, is actually extremely complicated, so he nodded his head and replied, "All right! I'll pay a call to Eldest Young Master once I have the chance."

Tao Fang replied, "What chance or no chance, I'll take you to see Eldest Young Master immediately. We need to gain the upper hand and not let Wu Tingwei strike first."

Xiang Shaolong furrowed his brows and said, "At least let me change my clothes first!"

Tao Fang laughed, "Hurry up! I'll wait here for you."

Xiang Shaolong slipped back into his room hurriedly.

Shu'er and the 4 maids were rushing to make his warrior clothes so that he can wear it to see the King of Zhao. Xiang Shaolong's mood turned for the better, and his hands started roaming over the 5 ladies and enjoying their careful ministrations at the same time, making his one mistress and 4 maids all blush to their ears before he left with Tao Fang on horses to the Wu residence.

They came to the bustling martial arts practice field, went around the large mansion where they say Master Wu the other day, walked past a garden to another grand courtyard.

The two of them were invited to wait in the large hall.

After a while, a warrior walked out and invited Tao Fang in, leaving Xiang Shaolong alone, who wondered why that Eldest Young Master did not see them both?

At this point in time that warrior walked out again and told Xiang Shaolong, "Would Master Xiang please follow me!"

Xiang Shaolong followed him and went into another side hall first before abruptly turning left into a garden.

Xiang Shaolong was suspicious, and that warrior's steps quickened suddenly. Right at this time, there was a flash of sword, and 2 long swords shot out from the bushes on either side, aiming straight at his left and right side.

Luckily he has an intuition long ago, and without advancing or retreating, just stood on the spot and drew out his sword. "Clang clang", not only did he force his enemy to retreat, but he also injured one of them.

30 odd warriors came out from the bushes and behind the tress, and one of them is Wu Tingwei, and he was heavily surrounded.

Xiang Shaolong stood there holding his sword, obviously not afraid at all.

Wu Tingwei hid behind the warriors and called out arrogantly, "Dog slave, let's see where you can escape this time."

Xiang Shaolong smiled suavely and replied, "This time? I don't think I was the one who escaped the last time, right?"

Wu Tingwei had thought that he would beg for mercy, and did not expect him to be so merciless with his words. He was furious and roared, "Kill him for me."

Xiang Shaolong is such an experienced fighter, and he understands the logic of striking the enemy first, especially since he is outnumbered now. Wu Tingwei has just opened his mouth but he has already turned into the crowd of warriors with his sword, slashing and kicking, like a tiger in a herd of sheep, seriously injuring a handful of them, thus interfering with their movements.

The warriors have never fought in such a way that is totally without rules but seeks only efficiency, besides they are afraid of this action that will clearly defy their Master's orders, and on seeing his bravery, most of them just stood there for show.

Xiang Shaolong was furious with Wu Tingwei for molesting Shu'er yesterday, so he was totally ruthless in his attacks, executing the Mozi swordplay to perfection. His movements were mysterious, ever-changing, broad movements yet his techniques were exquisite, suddenly attacking and retreating, with a flying kick once in a while. In short time, his opponents were all staggering in chaos.

Under the orders of Wu Tingwei, the warriors had no choice but to charge, and they fell one by one, either stuck by the sword or a kick. None of the attacks are fatal, but just enough to make them lose the ability to fight back.

In the blink of an eye, only the 10 warriors standing in front of Wu Tingwei protecting him were left.

Xiang Shaolong gave a cold snort, his pair of cold and aggressive eyes staring icily at Wu Tingwei, his sword pointing forward, walking strongly and steadily step by step towards Wu Tingwei and that 10 warriors.

Wu Tingwei did not expect him to be so brave and sharp, felling 10 odd men and yet he's not even panting. He felt a shiver, and while ordering his men to attack, he retreated towards the back instead.

Xiang Shaolong will certainly not let him off, so he dashed forward, his sword slashing. One of the warriors raised his sword to block him, there was a 'clang', and that warrior actually fell and rolled to the ground with the impact. Obviously the strength of his arm is extremely frightening.

All the warriors were startled, afraid that he will injure Wu Tingwei, and they all converged with their swords ready to attack.

But this time Xiang Shaolong did not press on his attack, instead he executed a series of movements to defend himself.

Two of the warriors thought that he is now exhausted and were about to take the opportunity to attack but they suddenly realized that their opponent's defense was so tight that they have no way of attacking. Even more alarming is that his defense secretly allows him to attack at will as well, holding them at bay, giving them a feeling that they can no longer retreat.

That is the essence of the Mozi swordplay, hiding an attack while defending. When Xiang Shaolong was fighting with the last Juzi of Mohism, Yuan Zong, he was unable to execute any offensive moves at all. The 2 men now is far worse than he was in the past, so naturally their attacks are negligible.

The 2 of them panicked and were about to retreat when there was a flash of sword and the two warriors fell back bleeding.

Xiang Shaolong took this opportunity when everyone else was in a frenzy to dash past his enemy's protective barrier and go straight towards Wu Tingwei.

Wu Tingwei hardened himself to stand still and defend with his sword.

But who would have expected Xiang Shaolong to rapidly retreat again, right into the midst of the advancing warriors.

After felling 4 warriors, he leapt towards the retreating Wu Tingwei.


A series of 7 sword attacks, Wu Tingwei was forced into the woods by him and the remaining warriors collapsed on the ground.


Wu Tingwei's sword flew out of his hands, his back knocked onto a large tree. His face paled and he yelled, "What a bold slave, how dare you be rude."

Xiang Shaolong's eyes shot out an icy cold stare and said frostily, "If you have the guts, call me slave again." The tip of his sword pointed at this conceited young man's throat.

Xiang Shaolong is not at all concerned that others may come here, because this is something dishonorable, so Wu Tingwei must have made arrangements to send the nearby servants away.

Wu Tingwei was frightened by his forcefulness that even his body started shaking and asked hoarsely, "Do you dare to hurt me?" but he still do not have the guts to take the risk of calling him slave.

Xiang Shaolong's face was expressionless and asked quietly, "Where is Master Tao?"

Wu Tingwei was almost crying when he said, "I only sent some people to hold him back!"

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought to himself that he wouldn't dare to go overboard anyway, so he smiled and asked, "Grand Young Master, you don't believe that I'll hurt you? All the more I want to blind you in one eye, let's see if you'll believe me."

Wu Tingwei saw that his smile was cold and heartless, and is even more chilling than if he was fierce and furious. He finally broke down and exclaimed, "No!"

Xiang Shaolong's long sword continued towards its goal.

At the same time Wu Tingwei was screaming, a dainty gasp was heard from behind Xiang Shaolong.

Wu Tingwei thought that his eye will be lost, his whole body weakened and at the same moment that he peed in fright, the long sword slanted a little, brushed past his face and pierced into the tree trunk, the difference of only a few millimeters.


Xiang Shaolong's right leg kicked his thigh.

Wu Tingwei flew to one side, Xiang Shaolong turned around with his sword and blocked the sword of the beauty Wu Tingfang.

Xiang Shaolong looked at her coldly and asked quietly, "So is Grand Young Missy involved as well?"

Wu Tingfang was so furious that her face reddened, and she gritted her teeth and uttered, "I'm going to kill you." Her sword came attacking like the Changjiang River, her swordplay far better than her elder brother's, just that she lacks the strength and experience.

Xiang Shaolong had an idea, and he retreated as he fought, and in short time he lured her deep into the isolated woods.

Wu Tingfang saw that she could not defeat him even with her ferocious attacks and the more upset and impatient she was, the more distracted she became. She was panting, and after slashing 2 more times, her sword flew out of her hands with a 'dang'.

Xiang Shaolong returned his sword to his scabbard, took a step forward and hugged her. He carried her up and pressed her to a tree, looking at her sweet and dainty face with his head tilted to one side.

Wu Tingfang was totally exhausted, so she only made a show of trying to struggle before collapsing in his arms, asking in fear and anger, "What do you want?"

Xiang Shaolong replied gently, "Compensation of course."

Wu Tingfang was startled and tried to struggle again with her remaining strength, but Xiao Shaolong took the opportunity to use his chest and legs to rub against her sensitive, prohibited spots, and her struggle soon became a strong reaction to his movements.

Since she was born, this is the first time she has been teased so rudely by a man this way.

Lian Jin has hugged her before as well, but she pushed him away immediately. This is the first time something like this has happened.

She was angry, but her body started feeling waves of strange pleasure.

She did not take part in Wu Tingwei's plan at all, but she saw the whole process when she went after him after finding out that there's something amiss. She saw Xiang Shaolong's heroism, frighteningly accurate strategies and swordsmanship that is comparable to Lian Jin's. And there's something that even Lian Jin cannot compare, this person seems to have endless stamina. When he is cold he makes one shiver, when he is gentle and smiling he looks suave, and even now when she is being molested by him, she finds it difficult to really hate him.

When the pleasure in her body became stronger, she moaned, and her lips were locked with his.

Wu Tingfang was shocked and embarrassed, his tongue attacked through her locked teeth. She moaned and was lost in her first kiss with a man, the thought of Lian Jin disappearing far from her mind immediately.

Sounds of people walking could be heard from outside the woods.

Xiang Shaolong left her lips, nibbled on her earlobes and said, "To be able to kiss Grand Young Missy's sweet lips, even death would be worth it." He let her go and walked out with large strides.

Wu Tingfang's body weakened and she slid down the truck, collapsing on the ground, all her hatred disappearing without a trace. Her body still felt that shameless excitement and pleasure.

When Xiang Shaolong walked back to the path outside the woods where he was attacked, a large burly man with a gold belt and huge eyes were reprimanding the kneeling warriors and Wu Tingwei.

Tao Fang stood at the side with his head lowered, and when he saw him coming, signaled him with his eyes.

Xiang Shaolong made way for a seriously injured warrior who was being carried away before he walked towards the burly man, knelt down and paid his respects.

He was careful when he struck with his sword, only making the other party lose the ability to fight, but his first few blows were a bit harder since he was trying to scare them.

That burley man turned his head around and asked coldly, "Where is Tingfang?"

Before Xiang Shaolong could reply, Wu Tingfang's voice could be heard from behind, "Tingfang is here. His swordsmanship is really good, I was unable to hurt him."

The burly man's expression cleared a little, and he turned to Wu Tingwei and his men first and bellowed, "All of you scram!"

Wu Tingwei dare not even take a look at Xiang Shaolong, and scuttled off with his warriors like a defeated cock.

The man turned towards Xiang Shaolong and said, "Get up!"

Xiang Shaolong stood up respectfully, and realized that Wu Tingfang was standing next to him, and glancing at him.

Tao Fang was totally perplexed and kept looking at the two of them.

That man looked at his daughter for a moment before turning towards Xiang Shaolong and said, "Excellent! Injuring 30 odd men and yet none of the attacks are fatal. This is the first time I've seem such swordsmanship. I, Wu Yingyuan will bet on you winning the duel with Lian Jin."

Xiang Shaolong was quietly laughing that no one in this era will understand human anatomy better than him as he uttered self-effacing words.

Wu Yingyuan sized him up again and said with a smile, "There are very few Zhaos who are as tall and large as you, but for Qins it's not a very rare trait."

Xiang Shaolong had a strange intuition, and felt that this Wu Yingyuan seems to take pride that he has Qin blood in him. Maybe he has this thinking because he has traveled much, thus more open-minded and knows how great the Qins are.

Wu Yingyuan seemed quite impressed with him and said, "I'm going to inspect the large farm 20 miles north of here, Shaolong come with me then!"

Wu Tingfang called out, "Father! I want to go too."

Everyone was surprised and looked at her.

Wu Tingfang lowered her pretty face, her fingers twiddling with the corner of her clothes, looking exceptionally adorable.