4-4 -- 4-6

Book 4 Chap 4 – Stealing the sky and exchanging the sun

When Xiang Shaolong returned to Prince Xinling's residence, Ji Yanran's calls seems to be still ringing in his ears.

When every guest of hers is trying all means hoping to stay, he is the complete opposite, running away as if afraid that she will entwine him.

But this woman is indeed unique, when he first heard of her talent and beauty, he thought that she would be the melancholy type like Lin Daiyu*, or those haughty beauties who keeps an arm's length away from everyone else. Only after he's seen her did he realize she's filled with a passion for life, always seeking facts, thirsting for a learned person to find out a good way to govern a country, or maybe to seek the perfect husband in her heart.

(*Lin Daiyu – Character from dream of red chambers, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lin_Daiyu)

But that person will certainly not be Xiang Shaolong.

For him now, he has no time and neither is it appropriate for him to start any relationship with any woman. He has to conserve all his energy to protect and save Lady Ya, Zhao Qian, the maids and the others, that is his responsibility. If he becomes distracted because of another beauty and made a mistake, he'll certainly regret it for the rest of his life.

He may be a flirt by nature but he has a strong sense of responsibility as well. Besides, he's deeply in love with them.

Making use of the light that was streaming out from the building, he made a big round and using his equipment, climbed up the dangerously sloping back mountain which was behind Prince Xinling's residence. He then easily slipped into the residence and from the description he got, came to the top of a tree next to a building.

This courtyard belongs to Prince Xinling's inner quarters so security is very tight. Occasionally fierce looking guard dogs can be seen patrolling with groups of men. Luckily he has sprinkled on him the powder that Lady Ya brought with her or else he would not be able to escape from these animals' sensitive noses.

Now it's almost 11pm at night, lights can still be seen in the building and he wondered who is not yet asleep.

According to Lady Ya this should be where Prince Xinling's family reside in so if there's someone down there, it'll be difficult for him to sneak into the secret tunnel quietly.

After waiting impatiently for more than half an hour, he could not take it anymore and decided to take the risk, because he does not have the time to continue waiting any longer.

He lifted up the treasure in his hand and activated the switch, the hook flew out 3 feet across and landed lightly on the roof, hooking it tightly.

He then slid over like a flying bird and landed quietly on the roof. He found a sure footing and flipped over the roof down to the balcony on the 2nd level, which was covered by bamboo, moved to the window and looked into the room.

It was an elaborately decorated room. Besides the curtains hanging lowly on the low bed, there was a dressing table and copper mirror and things usually found in a ladie's room. The lamp was brightly lit and from the bed the moans and pants of a man and woman coupling could be heard.

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that since this is the entrance to the secret tunnel, the person staying here must be someone Prince Xinling trusts, maybe his beloved wife or concubines. If Prince Xinling wants accompaniment during the night, he can always summon the woman here and there's no need for him to 'travel' here. Could it be that his wife or concubine is having an affair?

But there is no need to think further. Just as he was about to flip one level down, he heard voices from down below. A group of patrol guards were downstairs and they actually stopped and were quietly talking.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly lamenting and after waiting for a while, those people downstairs still have no intention of leaving. He gritted his teeth, drew out a flying needle and poked it through the gap in the window, lightly flipping up the latch on the window. He pushed open the window and flipped into the room.

A gust of wind followed him into the room.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly alarmed and before he had a chance to close the window, a man's voice was heard from inside the curtained bed, "Zhichun you must have forgotten to close the window properly, look! That window is opened!"

The voice sounds familiar, it's actually Prince Shaoyuan.

The woman called Zhichun replied in surprise, "That's impossible, let me go and close it, the weather is really cold!"

Xiang Shaolong was startled. This room may be big but there's no place to hide. The low bed is not higher than a foot and he can't squeeze under it even if he wanted to. In his anxiety he had an idea, he rolled towards the candle, reached out his hand and extinguished the flame by pressing on the wick.

That Zhichun had just sat up and exclaimed with an 'Ah!', saying, "The wind has extinguished the candle!"

Xiang Shaolong dared not hesitate and rushed towards the door and tested it with a push. It opened immediately and he was overjoyed. Using the sounds of Zhichun moving around as a cover, he dashed out and closed the door.

It's an empty hall outside with a flight of stairs down, and there are 2 other rooms.

The sound of the door opening was heard behind him and Xiang Shaolong was startled. He rushed forward and managed to hide behind a screen in time.

At this time a totally naked beauty came out from the room. She looks younger than 20 and looked delicate with fair skin and a voluptuous body, extremely captivating. When she walked her bosom bounced which made her even more alluring.

Zhichun walked towards the screen coyly.

Xiang Shaolong was alarmed and only now did he realize that at his feet there were chamber pots and such, used for relieving oneself and he hurriedly dashed out from the other side of the screen and lied flat on the ground so that the candle will not reflect his shadow. Right at this time Zhichun stepped behind the screen but he exited just as she entered so she did not manage to see him.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought what a close shave and crawled towards the stairs. When he heard twinkling sounds behind the screen, he went down.

Just as he reached the corner of the stairs, voices were heard from below, there were at least 4 men talking.

Xiang Shaolong stood at the corner stunned and lamented his luck. If he can't manage to steal the 'Secret Manual' tonight, it'll be even worse.

He turned around the corner and stuck his head out to look down towards the hall and saw 4 warriors sitting around a table chatting. If he were to walk down, no matter how careful he is, there's no way he can avoid them. He was so nervous his heart almost stopped.

In his anxiety, he heard Zhichun's crisp voice call out, "Is there anyone still around?"

Someone replied and walked towards the stairs.

Xiang Shaolong secretly groaned. He's really stuck in the middle now with no way to advance or retreat, so he hardened his heart and pulled out a flying needle, his concentration wholly on the warrior who is walking towards the stairs and at the same time squeezed himself into the corner of the wall so that the other party won't be able to see him from afar.

The person replied as he walked, "What instructions does Lady has?"

Xiang Shaolong realized that Zhichun is actually one of the 2 concubines he brought with him from Zhao.

That warrior came to the stairs and came face to face with Xiang Shaolong and he cried out, "Ah!" It turned out to be the other expert family warrior who is of the same status as Pu Bu, Liu Chao.

Xiang Shaolong was about to throw out his flying needle but hurriedly stopped when he saw it was him.

Zhichun's voice called out, "Liu Chao! What's the matter."

Liu Chao collected his thoughts and after exchanging a look with Xiang Shaolong, replied, "Nothing! I just happen to see a rat scurry past and was surprised."

Women are most afraid of small animals like these and Zhichun is no exception so she called out, "Prince is hungry and Xiaoying and the rest are already asleep. Can I trouble you to go to the kitchen and get them to prepare some food." After saying this she ran back into the room as if she's running for her life.

Liu Chao came up and whispered, "We were just talking about Commander. Why is Commander here, is there anyway we can help."

Xiang Shaolong made up his mind and told him about stealing the 'Secret Manual'.

Liu Chao saw that Xiang Shaolong puts so much trust in him and replied happily, "Commander please wait for a moment!"

He went back and after informing the other 3 warriors, he asked Xiang Shaolong to come out.

Xiang Shaolong instructed one of them to go to the kitchen and order some food, then he searched the hall carefully first, followed by the rooms. He found the secret entrance to the tunnel under a rug.

Liu Chao said, "Commander, put your mind at ease and go down! We'll keep a look out for you!"

Xiang Shaolong had an idea, "It's best that you go down with me, if there's a need you can put it back in its original position."

Liu Chao gladly agreed and together they grabbed the copper rings and lifted up the stone slab and after walking down 10 odd flights of stone steps, came to the secret tunnel. One side of the tunnel leads towards Prince Xinling's inner hall while the other end leads to the back of the mountain. Obviously it's a secret tunnel that can give safe passage to escape from Prince Xinling's residence because no one will expect that there will be an escape route at that dangerous mountain.

Liu Chao took a lantern and after illuminating the tunnel, the two of them walked towards the direction of Prince Xinling's bedroom.

When they came to another set of stone stairs which led up, Xiang Shaolong stopped and carefully scrutinized and knocked on the walls of the tunnel and realized that there's something different about one of the walls.

The two of them tried pushing but the wall did not move at all.

Xiang Shaolong had an idea, and started inspecting each brick and realized that one of them is slightly protruding. He tried pulling it with his strength and the brick came out immediately, revealing the keyhole inside.

The 2 of them were overjoyed and Xiang Shaolong took out his tools for picking locks and following Lady Ya's instructions, opened the lock in no time at all.

When they pushed open the door and under the illumination from the lantern, the both of them were stunned. It turned out to be a treasure trove.

In the large underground stone room there were more than 10 chests of jewelry and money. They opened 2 of the chests and under the reflection of the lamp, the jade pieces, gold and silver all glittered and blinded.

Xiang Shaolong said quietly, "Don't let the other 3 know about this until we have a plan to leave Daliang, then we'll take a few pieces for our traveling expenses. Remember you must not have thoughts of greed. Men have died for wealth and we could even lose our lives."

Liu Chao is indeed a heroic man and after this reminder, he replied sincerely, "Well spoken, Commander! I understand." At the same time he felt growing respect for Xiang Shaolong as a person who is not easily moved by money.

Xiang Shaolong searched quickly and after some time he managed to find an even more secluded secret compartment at the corner of the wall and took out a rectangular metal box. He opened it, and indeed it is the 'Lu Gong's Secret Manual' which was tightly wrapped in cloth that will prevent it from rot or moisture.

He unrolled the scroll for a look and was relieved, because the silk on the drawings were so old it's turned yellow and it's more than 30 meters long. It's so thick and heavy that even if he's Prince Xinling, he won't be bothered to check the scroll from start to end every time. Therefore his plan is sure to work.

He took a closer look and saw that was full of drawings of various tools for attack and defense, with detailed instructions on materials used, the quantity needed and the process of making it. It's indeed breathtaking.

There's not much time left so the 2 of them left hurriedly.

When Xiang Shaolong woke up, Lady Ya and the 8 maids were still hard at work. The sun is not yet up.

Lady Ya has already bounded the fake scroll with a section of the real scroll, and used some minerals and colorings to stair the sides of the scroll yellow. It looked so authentic, no wonder she's an expert in duplication.

Xiang Shaolong only had to work under the cover of night and take the 'Secret Manual' which only has the authentic front section, and easily slip it back into the secret room. This should be a very difficult task but because of Liu Chao's help, it became an easy job.

When he returned to Lady Ya's place, the sky is slowly brightening. Lady Ya and the rest were exhausted and were resting on the bed.

Xiang Shaolong hugged her and slept for a while until Prince Xinling sent someone to look for him. He hurriedly washed up and left.

Prince Xinling seems like he had not slept the whole night. Maybe he's trying to pretend to be on close terms because he received him in the side hall of the inner chambers. After they were seated he laughed and said, "Because of your matter, I did not sleep the whole of last night and I finally found an appropriate arrangement."

Right at this time a pretty maid came in to serve tea and Prince Xinling ordered, "I have things to discuss with Commander, no one is allowed to step in here!"

The pretty maid acknowledged the order and left.

Prince Xinling asked in passing, "Did you manage to stir the interest of Yanran last night, I heard Lord Longyang and Xiao Weimou went to the feast as well."

Xiang Shaolong sighed, "Don't talk about it! There's no way I can butt in a word at such a gathering!"

Prince Xinling disagreed, "That's not true, your ideas is very creative, even Tan Bang admires you!"

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself, what's the use of admiring me when you're still sacrificing me as a stepping-stone towards your success.

Prince Xinling saw that he was quiet and asked, "Has Shaolong taken breakfast?"

Xiang Shaolong rubbed his stomach and shook his head.

Prince Xinling cried out, "Attendants!" Then he slapped his own forehead and sighed, "I'm really muddleheaded, I just chased everyone away. You sit here for a while, I'll go and instruct someone to bring breakfast." He stood up and left.

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed and jumped up, firstly aiming towards that inner room, the one that looks like an office that was filled with scrolls and such. At the side there is a side door and outside there is a huge open-aired well and behind the well there is a place, which looks like a pool for bathing.

There's not much time so he pushed open the side door and indeed it is Prince Xinling's bedroom. He took a hurried look so naturally he cannot find the entrance to the underground tunnel.

He walked forward hurriedly and lifted up the rug on the bed for a look. The entrance to the secret tunnel appeared before him. The strange thing is that there is a copper pipe poking out from the ground towards the bed, and the other end is a dragon's head made of copper, looking like as exquisite design on the head of the bed.

Xiang Shaolong immediately felt cold sweat and hurriedly returned to the hall. Prince Xinling came back right at this time and was smiling, "Breakfast will be served shortly, come! Let me tell you my plan!"

But what Xiang Shaolong was thinking about was that copper pipe, it's obviously a listening device for the tunnel and the secret chamber. Noises from in there will travel through the pipe to Prince Xinling's bed and the design was intricate. Luckily he did not sleep last night, that's why he did not hear him moving around.

Prince Xinling said, "I will order someone to fake a document and will send it to his Majesty today to let Zhao Ya and the rest of the entourage return to Zhao, leaving only you and Zhao Qian. Zhao Ya is my invited guest, so Lord Longyang has no right to object."

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself, you can say all you want now, with your power, letting them go is an easy task. At the same time he knows that the fact is he will not let a single person leave, but he's just putting on a show. He pretended to be ecstatic, "That's really great, but can we let them leave earlier?"

Prince Xinling first revealed a look of difficulty before saying, "If I can't even do such a small thing, Shaolong will surely belittle me. All right! I will arrange for Lady Ya and the rest to leave the city this afternoon and meet up with your troops before departing immediately. Shaolong need not worry."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly laughing to himself as he asked, "How do we solve Zhao Qian's problem then?"

Prince Xinling replied, "I will send someone to impersonate as her so that you can send her to the palace, then I'll find a secret place to hide her. I, Prince Xinling, vow to Heaven that regardless if the plan fails or succeeds, I will send her safely back to Zhao unharmed."

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought him formidable, as this would mean he has a hostage in his hands and need not fear Xiang Shaolong not following his instructions. Even if he fails and is captured, he would not dare to reveal the mastermind. He has indeed thought of everything.

Breakfast arrived.

As Prince Xinling watched him eat, he asked with a smile, "Is Shaolong pleased with these arrangements?"

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be extremely grateful, "Very pleased, I will certainly not let you down!"

Prince Xinling looked as if he's already succeeded and laughed heartily. He saw that Xiang Shaolong has no objections to him holding Zhao Qian and thought that he trusts him implicitly, so his suspicions towards Xiang Shaolong totally disseminated.

Just as the both of them are thinking their own thoughts, a servant came to report that Ji Yanran has come to look for Xiang Shaolong.

The 2 of them were equally stunned. That Ji Yanran would come personally to a man's place to look for him, this is indeed the strangest thing that can happen in the world.

A strong look of jealousy radiated from Prince Xinling's eyes and he tried to cover it up with a dry cough and said, "Shaolong you better go and see her! For all you know she's taken a liking to you!"

However Xiang Shaolong was furrowing his brows instead. He has a lot of things to be done today and they are all important matters regarding life and death. No matter how attractive Ji Yanran is, he cannot waste time on her.

As he was thinking, he followed the servant to the hall in the outer chambers.

Ji Yanran was wearing a white fur cape, standing quietly and delicately in front of a large window looking at the beautiful scenery of the woods outside. She did not even have a maid with her.

There was no one else in the hall but all the back doors and side doors were filled with guards and maids who were squeezing there to steal a look at her. Obviously her attraction is akin to a superstar in the entertainment industry in the 21st century. Luckily there's no such thing as autographs in this era, or else her pretty hands will have to be kept busy.

Xiang Shaolong came up behind her and said quietly, "Miss Ji!"

Ji Yanran turned around prettily and smiled sweetly at him, "Can you spare some time?"

Looking at her smiling face, Xiang Shaolong does not have the heart to reject her, so he nodded, "If it's just a while, there's no problem."

When Ji Yanran heard that it's only a while, she stared at him with sadness and anger before saying quietly, "Then follow me!" And walked towards the main door.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling perplexed, where is this beauty going to take him?

The horse carriage left Prince Xinling's residence by the main door and rode towards the east. Xiang Shaolong stole a look at her pretty side view, devoid of all cosmetics, radiating with the glow of youth. Her dainty body was fragrant, extremely captivating.

Ji Yanran suddenly said, "Absolute power will only result in absolute disintegration. This is the first time Yanran has heard such intelligent words that goes straight to the point. Mister is really brave. After you left last night, everyone, including Yanran, lost the mood to talk. Yanran has not slept the whole night, and kept on thinking about every word that Mister has said, and thinking of how confident you look when you said these words."

Xiang Shaolong secretly lamented that he didn't mean for things to turn out like this. There is no time to talk to her about love and relationships.

Ji Yanran's face turned cold and she asked, "Why did Mister Xiang come with Prince Xinling to see Yanran?"

Xiang Shaolong very much wanted to say this is Prince Xinling's arrangement and he's got nothing to do with it. But how can he bear to hurt this great beauty so he sighed, "Does Miss Ji ask this question to all your guests who come due to your fame?"

Ji Yanran sighed quietly and said gently, "Mister Xiang is the first person that Yanran wants to ask this question to. Tell me truthfully, do I make you irritated, that's why you're always in such a hurry to leave and now you're thinking of how to leave this carriage?"

She rolled her eyes at him and continued, "I've never seen someone as unfathomable as you, keeping all your words inside you and only revealing some knowledge only when forced to the wall. How Yanran wish we can talk into the night, letting our words flow freely!"

Xiang Shaolong was relieved to see that she has not fallen in love with him, but just curious and would like to find out more about his ideas. Of course, if he were to launch an attack now and recite a few theories from the 21st century to make her happy, he may very well be able to get her heart. He can only lament that he has the intention but not the ability to carry this out, for he has to quickly make contact with Wu Zhuo and Pu Bu to arrange the urgent task of escaping from Daliang.

The carriage stopped.

Xiang Shaolong looked out the window in surprise. They have come to an empty space in the woods and there was no one around at all.

Ji Yanran extended her fair hands and lightly pushed his shoulder, a look of excitement in her eyes as she said, "If you don't find Yanran too irritating, then please get off the carriage!"

Xiang Shaolong was all the more perplexed, what has finding her an irritant got to do with leaving the carriage?

Due to her urging, he went down the carriage in a daze.

Ji Yanran told the burly man who drives the carriage, "Go somewhere far away, you can only come back an hour later."

After the man obeyed his orders, Ji Yanran removed her white fur coat, revealing the warrior's outfit underneath. For a moment Xiang Shaolong's eyes shone, looking dumbfounded at the outline of her body and her imposing air.

Ji Yanran drew the sword at her waist and said with a coy smile, "Xiang Shaolong! I am here on his Majesty's order to kill you, get ready!"

Xiang Shaolong was shocked, "Miss must be joking!"

Ji Yanran's face was icy, her eyes sharp and she humphed daintily, "Who is joking with you? Look out!"

Xiang Shaolong saw a flash of sword in front of him and dared not hesitate so he pulled his sword out as well. With a 'dang!' he blocked this beauty's forceful attack. He can feel that his opponent's attack is strong and she does not lose out to men in arm strength at all but what shocked him further is that his opponent's sword seems to have stuck to his which made it difficult for him to execute his sword moves.

Ji Yanran seems to have transformed into a female leopard, or like a ghost has possessed her as she quickly retreated, her waist seems to be made of spring as she moved about, making full use of the strength in her waist and wrist. Her sword attacks were like the River Jiang, attacking every gap available.

Xiang Shaolong was furious and executed the Mozi swordplay, defending himself. After blocking more than 10 attacks, he finally found a chance to counterattack and his sword sliced towards the tip of his opponent's sword.

Naturally Ji Yanran's arm strength is not as good as Xiang Shaolong, and she was only relying on her excellent swordplay so that Xiang Shaolong cannot execute his moves even if he has the strength to. Now that her opponent has struck her head on, she hurriedly retreated.

Ji Yanran smiled coyly, "Finally willing to reveal your real capabilities?"

Xiang Shaolong has wasted his strength trying to fend off her initial flurry of attacks and although he can say he lost because he was caught unawares, but the main reason is that his opponent's swordplay is indeed excellent, even better than Lian Jin. At this point in time he dared not give way to her as he blocked his chest with his sword, the angle, strength used and timing made it difficult for her to attack.

Ji Yanran's eyes shone and in an instant she moved her body diagonally and her long sword pierced up from the bottom, coming in contact with Flying Rainbow.

Xiang Shaolong almost lost his grasp on his precious sword and in his shock he moved diagonally away.

Ji Yanran easily moved back into the offensive and launched another flurry of lightning fast attacks so that her opponent does not even have time to catch a breath.

Only now does Xiang Shaolong truly experience why she can be No. 2 in swordplay in Wei. She is indeed better than him but this is only in terms of swordplay. His advantage is that every part of his body is a formidable weapon so if he wants to stay alive this time, he will have no choice but to use unorthodox moves. As he blocked off the attacks using Mozi swordplay's defensive ability, he was secretly scrutinizing his surroundings as well, looking to see if there's any way he can change defeat into victory.

The more Ji Yanran fought the stronger she became, every move full of energy, frightening yet so alluring and a delight to see.

At this time Xiang Shaolong kept retreating, he felt his back knock against a large tree.

Ji Yanran laughed as her long sword struck towards him.

Xiang Shaolong moved his sword up diagonally to block it.

'Dang!' and Xiang Shaolong's Flying Rainbow flew out of his hand.

Ji Yanran was momentarily stunned because it was obvious Xiang Shaolong loosened his grip deliberately and allowed her to strike the sword aside. Because she was using all her strength, her body fell forward from the momentum.

'Bang!' Ji Yanran's shoulder was struck by Xiang Shaolong's flying kick and she fell forward due to the intense pain, collapsing onto the soft grass.

Ji Yanran was about to turn over and use the strength in her waist to rebound when Xiang Shaolong leapt over and pressed down on her alluring body, his 2 hands grabbing her wrists like metal manacles and she was immediately immobilized.

Xiang Shaolong grinned as he lowered his head, looking into her eyes with only a 3 inch distance between them, "You do not concede?"

Ji Yanran's body totally relaxed and she loosened her grip on her sword, her pretty face blushing and pouted prettily as she replied gently, "Why would Yanran not concede?"

Xiang Shaolong's face turned serious, "Then how are you going to account to your King?"

Their limbs intertwined, the intoxicating feeling coming so strong towards them but instead they have their opposing situation. Xiang Shaolong found it really difficult to describe such feelings.

Ji Yanran totally gave up trying to fight back as she laid on the ground limply. She blinked her huge and pretty eyes, "What account, Yanran does not understand what Mister Xiang is talking about?"

Xiang Shaolong saw the look of sincere joy in her face and slowly understood. He stood up angrily, "So you were lying to me."

Ji Yanran pouted, "Aren't you going to help me up?"

Xiang Shaolong was so furious he almost wanted to ignore her. But finally he could not find the heart to be so cruel towards this beauty so he extended his hand and pulled her up.

Ji Yanran bowed and said, "Please don't blame Yanran? If I don't do this, how can I test your wondrous… heh, wondrous leg skill. That area is still in pain!"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head as he smiled bitterly and he walked over to pick up his flying rainbow and after returning it to its sheath, turned and walked away.

On the way back in the horse carriage, Ji Yanran looked totally ecstatic and self satisfied and kept on stealing peeks at the simmering Xiang Shaolong and said gently, "Xiang Shaolong you look so good when you're angry!"

Xiang Shaolong was fuming and he stared at her angrily, "I did not expect that talented Learned lady Ji would lie as well, and be so good at it too."

Ji Yanran rolled her pretty eyes at him and said, "Aren't you wondering why I would want to test your swordplay?"

Xiang Shaolong leaned back on the chair, crossed his leg and made a show of nonchalance as he said with a chortle, "You're trying to see if I'm suited enough to be your future husband, right?"

Ji Yanran covered her mouth in surprise, "You're only half right, because things have not reached that stage yet. Besides you only barely passed!" She guffawed and continued with a laugh, "Until today, you're the first who passed the first round. If you're really serious in wooing me, I can try my best to give you chances."

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that this woman is indeed funny and he furrowed his brow, "Love is a strange and wondrous feeling between a man and a woman and comes naturally, it's not a series of tests like what you're doing."

Ji Yanran's eyes shone with an indescribable brightness as she said with a smile, "Very well said, better than anyone else, that's why Yanran knows that you have a reason for pretending not to like me. However the way you looked at me revealed the secret in your heart. Especially when you were pressing down on me on the grass earlier, I am even more certain of your feelings towards me."

Xiang Shaolong secretly felt guilty and was dumbfounded. He can only stare at her dumbly.

Ji Yanran asked happily, "So do you want to go back to Prince Xinling's residence, or to Yanran's little house by the lake?"

Xiang Shaolong seems to be startled awake and was secretly cursing himself for being bewitched by her and cried out, "Turn left quickly!"

Ji Yanran gave the orders and before they reached the main door of Prince Xinling's residence, they turned into another street.

Xiang Shaolong said, "Please stop at the junction in front, I am getting down."

After Ji Yanran gave the orders, she asked sadly, "Mister Xiang, do you really not feel any longing for Yanran at all?"

Xiang Shaolong felt a wave of sadness and after a sigh, he went close to her ears and whispered, "Miss is the most alluring beauty I have ever met in my life. However the timing is too inappropriate and very soon Miss will understand my difficulties. Forget me! All right?" He hardened his heart and left the carrige.

He was standing on the street when Ji Yanran lifted the curtain and called out, "Mister Xiang!"

Xiang Shaolong secretly sighed and moved towards the window.

Ji Yanran looked at him deeply, intelligence reflected in her pretty eyes and she said serenely and gently, "Yanran understands now. If there's any problem, remember that Yanran will help you at all costs."

Book 4 Chap 5 – Bloody battle on the long street

Xiang Shaolong met up with Wu Zhuo at an abandoned old house. This extremely reliable battle friend who went through life and death with him said, "We've already followed your instructions and dug a tunnel from beneath our camp to lead to a forest behind the camp. We've also sent men to use that tunnel and make more than 10 wooden rafts in the forest and kept them hidden next to a small river that leads to the main canal. If we follow the flow of the water, we will be able to reach the southern border of the state of Qi in 2 days."

Xiang Shaolong replied happily, "Lady Ya and the rest will return to camp this evening. Tell Cheng Xu to put on an act and insist on traveling only tomorrow. In that way Prince Xinling won't be on his guard against us."

Wu Zhuo furrowed his brows, "Then how are you going to get out of the city? Prince Xinling will certainly send men to keep an eye on you."

Xiang Shaolong said, "I definitely cannot leave, or else no one will be able to escape. To use that tunnel to let everyone leave, we'll need at least 2 hours. You will start immediately after the sun sets and make some fake men as cover ups. All armors, horses and heavy items will have to be left behind. Try to purchase some horses from the traders after we reach Qi and if you travel by night, you'll definitely be able to return to Zhao safely. In summary success will depend on being secretive, just pretend that you're horse thieves."

Wu Zhuo's expression changed, "What about Grand Young Master-in-law, if I abandon you, Master will certainly take my life! At least I want to stay behind and accompany you."

Xiang Shaolong replied sternly, "This is an order, you must follow my instructions. Without you, Cheng Xu will definitely not be able to accomplish anything." He continued gently and consoled him. "I will definitely treasure my own life and I have a detailed plan as well. I'll be able to save myself and take Zhao Qian away as well."

Wu Zhuo still shook his head.

Xiang Shaolong sighed and revealed to him the whole plan.

Wu Zhuo was silent after listening to it before saying, "If Grand Young Master-in-law does not return to Zhao within 3 months, I will kill myself to replay your kindness."

Xiang Shaolong was both touched and helpless and after discussing further some details, they parted. He managed to find Fu Bu through a series of intricate communication methods and after some secret discussion, he went back to Prince Xinling's residence.

Prince Xinling dragged him to lunch and after the meal Xiang Shaolong returned to Flying Clouds Chamber to see Lady Ya.

Lady Ya has already received notification from Prince Xinling and has already packed. When she saw him return, she ran into his arms and cried bitterly, "Without you, Ya'er will not leave!"

Xiang Shaolong thought this to be a headache and after trying to cajole and scare her, he was finally forced to reveal his whole plan to her. Lady Ya knows that this is the only way they can survive so she had no choice but to tearfully agree.

It's time to depart.

On Zhao Qian's side, she and her 3 maids were hugging each other and crying bitterly, as if they are about to be parted by death, making all who witness it feel sad as well.

It was only under Xiang Shaolong's constant urging that the 2 maids Cui Tong and Cui Lü went on their way tearfully.

Prince Xinling escorted them out of the city personally and when they reached the camp, Cheng Xu followed Xiang Shaolong's instructions and insisted on traveling only the next day.

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be helpless and exchanged a look with Prince Xinling, finally accepting Cheng Xu's suggestion.

Prince Xinling smiled, "Don't worry! I've specially transferred a team of light cavalry to escort them on their way tomorrow morning."

Xiang Shaolong had long noticed the Wei army camp nearby and looking at the scale knows that there is at least 2000 men there. He was laughing secretly to himself as he returned to the city with Prince Xinling.

They were riding next to each other as Prince Xinling commented, "From now on, it's best that Shaolong stays in the residence, firstly to conserve your energy and also to prevent any other accidents from happening that can spoil the grand plan. I've already sent men to send Zhao Qian to hide at a secret location so that Shaolong need not have any worries when you attend the feast tomorrow."

On hearing that Xiang Shaolong felt as if his heart has dropped into a bottomless pit. If Zhao Qian has really been kept by him, won't he be totally under the control of this fiend? But he still pretended to be grateful on the surface.

Heavens! What should he do next?

Prince Xinling asked nonchalantly, "Why did Yanran look for you this morning?"

Xiang Shaolong was thinking at this point that if Prince Xinling finds out tomorrow morning that Lady Ya and the rest have all slipped away, he will certainly suspect his sincerity, then how would he deal with him and Zhao Qian? He forced out a smile and said, "I don't know why she's looking for me too, she was talking to me about everything and left after a while."

Prince Xinling thought to himself that as long as she has not taken a liking to him, it's all right, and he stopped talking further.

Xiang Shaolong was in an extremely bad mood and returned listlessly to Prince Xinling's residence. When he returned to his room, he got rid of the 4 pretty maids. Just as he was feeling edgy and nervous, there was a 'plonk', and a piece of cloth wrapped around a stone was thrown in.

Xiang Shaolong removed the cloth and it turned out to be a message from Liu Chao, generally informing him that Prince Xinling has increased the number of men to keep an eye on Xiang Shaolong, so he dared not come and meet with him. Zhao Qian has been brought to Lady Pingyuan's residence and was being held there and they will keep a close eye on her. At the bottom of the cloth he drew a simple map, pointing out the buildings where Lady Pingyuan resides in.

Xiang Shaolong immediately heaved a sigh of relief. As long as he knows that Zhao Qian is still within the residence, there is still hope.

At the same time he guessed that Prince Xinling is up to no good and will still get Lady Pingyuan to send Zhao Qian into the Palace instead of him, thus treating him as an idiot.

By now the sky is slowly getting dark.

Xiang Shaolong decided to relax himself and allowed the 4 pretty maids to return and help him bath and change. He went out and joined Prince Xinling for dinner, keeping up pretenses all this while.

During dinner Xiang Shaolong said, "I'd like to practice my swordplay alone tonight, it's best that no one is sent over to serve me. Hei! Without Lady Ya, and with such alluring maids, it'll be terrible if I cannot refrain myself!"

Prince Xinling did not suspect anything at all and agreed with a laugh. He was secretly thinking to himself, as long as I send more people to keep an eye on you, and with Zhao Qian in my hands, need I worry that you'll fly away?

Xiang Shaolong returned to his building and immediately made a small hole in the roof and ejected his rope out, grabbing on to a large tree nearby before going into his room. He was about to carry his wooden sword when a knocking was heard on his door.

Xiang Shaolong had no choice but to hurriedly remove his equipment and walk out of the room to open the door. He saw Lady Pingyuan standing alone outside the door with a glow, looking at him deeply with very confused eyes.

He thought that something must be wrong and had no choice but to welcome her in.

Lady Pingyuan walked daintily and lightly towards his bedroom.

Xiang Shaolong was immediately scared mindless. Right now his bed is full of stuff that should not be seen so how can he allow her to go in. His mind worked quickly and he dashed forward, hugging her waist from the back.

Lady Pingyuan moaned daintily and collapsed softly into his arms, tears flowing down her cheeks.

In his entire life, Xiang Shaolong has never experienced so many women crying over him before and he felt a headache coming on seeing this. He turned her around, tilted up her pretty tear stained face and pretended to be helpless as he asked, "What's the matter!"

Lady Pingyuan closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, trying to control her sobs as she shook her head, looking utterly dejected.

No one other than Xiang Shaolong can understand her dilemma right now, wanting to harm him and send him to his death but yet can't help but come and see him. This is the reason for her torture!

Lady Pingyuan collapsed into Xiang Shaolong's arms, using all her strength to hug him, her pretty face buried in his wide chest as she continued sobbing.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly lamenting that with her around like this, how is he going to save Zhao Qian and if those assassins from Chu Mohism were to arrive, he might not be able to preserve his own life as well.

Lady Pingyuan calmed down a little and said quietly as she nibbled his ear lobe, "Shaolong! Carry me into the room!"

Xiang Shaolong almost wanted to cry for help, how can his room be 'seen'? He hurriedly said, "Lady! Wasn't it supposed to be later before we can do it?"

Lady Pingyuan stamped her feet and pouted, "I want it now! Aren't you going to carry me in?"

Xiang Shaolong carried her up by her waist.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door again.

Both of them were equally startled.

A servant's voice was heard from outside, "Lady, the Prince has something urgent and wants you to see him immediately."

Xiang Shaolong put Lady Pingyuan down and pretended to be helpless and sighed. However he knows that once Prince Xinling received news that Lady Pingyuan has come to look for him, he's worried that his sister will let her emotions overrule her and spoil the plan, that's why he sent someone here to lead her away.

Lady Pingyuan first looked furious, then her expression darkened as she replied, "Coming!"

She rushed forward and hugged Xiang Shaolong tightly, giving him a hot kiss filled with complicated feelings of joy, pain and farewell. After that she lowered her head and left, not turning back for another look.

At this point in time Xiang Shaolong doesn't know whether to hate her or love her, because that kiss earlier is really eternally unforgettable, getting right into his bones, with an inseparable mixture of love and hate.

When Xiang Shaolong arrived at the huge courtyard that Lady Pingyuan resides in, Zhao Qian's lonely heart was pining away for Xiang Shaolong. He has become this beautiful princess's only hope.

On one hand she has almost blind confidence towards Xiang Shaolong, but she's terrified that he will not know that she's being held captive here. When the 2 extremely conflicting thoughts were torturing her mind, the 2 ladies who were assigned to guard after her every move suddenly shuddered and fainted onto the ground consecutively. And the awe inspiring and handsome Xiang Shaolong appeared proudly in her room.

Zhao Qian was ecstatic and ran into Xiang Shaolong's warm and safe embrace, her dainty body trembling violently.

Xiang Shaolong carried her to a corner that is not easily visible from the door or windows, reached out and loosened her robes.

Although Zhao Qian has always been very obliging towards Xiang Shaolong, she was still shocked and secretly furious that this person still has the mood for such things during such a dangerous time.

Just as she was about to object, Xiang Shaolong kissed her lips lovingly while continuing the removal of her robes.

Zhao Qian was feeling all soft and ticklish from his nimble fingers working on her overly sensitive skin and just as she was losing her senses, she realized Xiang Shaolong has removed the small bag on his back and is already attiring her alluring body which now only has a slip covering it, with a thick robe that can withstand the cold, covered with a black armored vest.

Xiang Shaolong squatted down and helped her change into shoes suited for long distance travel.

Zhao Qian was so moved that hot tears ran down her cheeks, her heart filled with happiness and gratitude. Even if she has to die for Xiang Shaolong now, she'll do it willingly.

Everything was done and Xiang Shaolong stood up, holding her tightly as if he's carrying the most precious treasure in the world and asked quietly, "Will my little treasure be obedient?"

Zhao Qian nodded her head vigorously.

Xiang Shaolong took out a cloth binding and tied the beautiful princess to his back, crossed her slender legs around his waist and tightened it with the cloth. The two of them merged as one, with no space between them.

Lady Ya made these cloth bindings in a hurry upon his request. Xiang Shaolong had undergone training before and is well aware of the importance of being well equipped, so he was extremely well prepared before the mission.

Zhao Qian leaned on his strong back, her previous worries all swept away and she almost moaned in satisfaction and comfort.

Xiang Shaolong went to the window and looked out. He pushed open the window lightly and listened.

A patrol troop just walked past outside the building.

When they were far away, Xiang Shaolong went out the window with Zhao Qian on his back and landed lightly on the grass outside.

When he was training in the military, he often had to carry 10kg of things and climbed hills and valleys to train his stamina so a light beauty like her will definitely not hinder his movement.

In the woods, he'll suddenly stop moving, or he'll suddenly run madly like the wind, moving swiftly and nimbly forward, his destination is of course that 2 level building which Prince Shaoyuan was staying in.

At the southeast corner gongs and drums were sounded, followed by the voices of people mixed with the barking of ferocious dogs.

Xiang Shaolong was shocked and looked towards the direction of the noises only to see fire blazing into the sky at that side. In this starless night the scene looked especially frightening.

He secretly commented that Fu Du really came at the right time and while everyone's attention were on the fire, he rapidly went towards Prince Shaoyuan's residence.

Shouts of fighting and weapons clanging were heard from the direction of the house Xiang Shaolong stayed in.

By now Xiang Shaolong has reached the flowerbeds behind Prince Shaoyuan's residence and saw that Prince Shaoyuan, together with Liu Chao and his men were running out of the house with weapons towards the sound of the fight.

He was secretly laughing to himself, because Liu Chao had already opened the window and he climbed into the house and went into the tunnel with familiarity. After he closed the entrance, he ran down the tunnel towards the back of the mountain.

His shoes were covered with soft cloth so even if he was running rapidly, no sound was emitted so he need not fear Prince Xinling will hear him. Besides, by now there's no way Prince Xinling will remain on his bed.

After running a distance, the tunnel made a 90 degrees turn towards the south and in a short while, he was at the exit on the other end of the tunnel.

He took out his lock picking tools and unlocked the metal door. After closing it properly again, he followed the stone steps outside the door and reached the last door that leads to the ground level outside.

Outside is a dense forest, situated outside the southern wall of Prince Xinling's residence.

After Xiang Shaolong sealed the tunnel properly, he checked out the directions and ran towards the nearest city wall of Daliang. As long as he can leave this city, chances of them escaping will be very much greater.

No one was on the dark streets, it's like a ghost city but hatefully, every household has a lantern hung outside their doors. Although the light was dim and the wind was blowing on the lanterns making them rock, but it makes hiding for him all the more difficult.

Xiang Shaolong tried his best to avoid the larger streets, sticking to the darker alleys.

Sounds of hooves were heard and Xiang Shaolong had just passed a main street but before he can dodge into an alley, the enemy noticed him and rode over shouting.

Xiang Shaolong was extremely perplexed, he cannot figure out how did Prince Xinling manage to find men so quickly to come after him?

But there's no use thinking about it now, he can only run for his life.

Zhao Qian who was lying down on his back was lightly trembling, obviously she's very nervous which made him love and pity her more. Such an elegant beauty, to think she has to go through such difficulties!

After he ran out of the alley and had just turned into a main street, he heard hoof beats coming rapidly from the left, 10 odd riders were coming after them like the wind.

Xiang Shaolong knows that there's no way he can avoid them so he made up his mind and moved to a side, with his back against the houses and his front facing the enemies.

The riders all dismounted and one of them chortled, "Xiang Shaolong, let's see where you can escape to today?"

It turns out to be the one who treats animals as his teacher, Xiao Weimou and of course his left and right hand men Ning Chong and Zheng Lei were with him.

Xiang Shaolong quietly counted, there's altogether 19 of them and all of them looked strong and stout. Luckily the other party obviously came out in a hurry and did not have with them long distance weapons like bows and arrows, or else they could have killed them easily.

The 19 of them spread out and surrounded him in a crescent moon formation so that there's no way he can escape.

Xiao Weimou laughed icily, "I've expected you to try to escape at the last moment, so I've been keeping an eye on you day and night. Ha! That should be the beautiful princess you have on your back! Tonight I can guarantee that she will die in ecstasy."

His men on hearing his words started laughing lewdly.

Xiao Weimou added another sentence, "After I've had my fun, all of you will have a share!"

These ferocious men whooped, obviously they have already regarded Zhao Qian as a sure catch.

Xiang Shaolong followed the things he learnt in the past during military training and breathed deep and long to maintain his calm and at the same time loosened the cloth that bind Zhao Qian to him. He instructed, "Qian'er! This is a life and death situation, you must be brave and no matter what you have to hide behind me."

Zhao Qian was so frightened that she was loosing her senses but after hearing Xiang Shaolong's calm and confident voice, her courage increased and she stood firmly on the ground. However, the blood was not flowing properly to her limbs yet and she felt them go soft so she hurriedly pressed onto his shoulders and leaned on his back.

Xiao Weimou saw that this is a chance not to be missed so he waved his heavy sword and shouted, "Attack!"

Xiang Shaolong withdrew his wooden sword and stood his stance without a word, his eagle sharp eyes keeping track on the enemies who are coming towards him from the left, right and front.

Xiao Weimou led the rest and followed behind, tightening the encirclement towards Xiang Shaolong.

The people in the houses on both sides who were rudely awaken stuck their heads out the windows for a proper look but with swears coming from Xiao Weimou's men, they were so frightened they retracted, afraid to see what's happening.

Right at this time 3 long swords attacked towards Xiang Shaolong simultaneously.

Once Xiang Shaolong saw his opponent's swordplay, he knows that he's facing formidable opponents. Since his men are already so good, naturally Xiao Weimou would be even better.

But now there's no time to think further, the hand which has a flying needle hidden flew out and struck right at the face of the enemy to his left. The wooden sword in his right hand blocked off the long sword attacking him from the middle and he used the opportunity where his opponent's sword was reflected up to execute a side kick and kicked hard on his opponent's groin, after which he fended off the attacker on the right with a sweep of his sword.

The one who got struck by the needle fell facing up, and died on the spot.

The one who got struck by the leg fell backwards, unable to get up.

Xiao Weimou did not expect him to be so formidable and was immediately furious as he shouted, "Attack!" He raised his sword and attacked first, not giving him a chance to take out another flying needle.

Xiang Shaolong's left hand drew out Flying Rainbow from his waist. For a warrior like him who has undergone rigorous training, both his left and right hands are equally nimble and strong, not like the average person who favors only the use of one hand.

Xiang Shaolong cried out, "Qian'er follow me!" and he moved diagonally to avoid Xiao Weimou.

Zhao Qian followed behind him.

The murderous air from the flash of the swords came from 3 directions.

Xiang Shaolong knows that this is a matter of life and death and he cannot retreat. He felt valor rising up in him and vowed to protect the beauty behind him with his life. His right hand holding the wooden sword and left hand holding Flying Rainbow, he attacked fiercely, his magnificent and forceful aura is even stronger than the enemy's.

The sound of metal and wood clanging against each other was heard and blood was seen at the same time on Xiang Shaolong and his opponent. His chest was struck by the enemy's sword but luckily he has his armor and although his enemy's sword was sharp, it could only pierce through the armor a little and cause an injury about half an inch deep.

The other sword slashed towards his waist but it struck the belt that held his steel needles so he was not injured.

Such close combat is extremely dangerous, a case of either you perish or I die. Especially when Xiang Shaolong has to protect Zhao Qian behind him, he cannot try to avoid his enemy's sword so he was injured once they fought. It only leaves to be seen who will be the last to fall before a victor can be ascertained.

Amongst the 5 who attacked, one has his throat cut by Flying Rainbow and died on the spot. His wooden sword struck another's arm and the long sword immediately fell to the ground as he hurriedly retreated while the other 3 were forced back by his attack.

The sound of weapons slicing through the air could be heard from his left and right and Xiang Shaolong swept his sword towards the right only to see Xiao Weimou dashing towards him from the right, waving his sword towards his head.

At the same time Zhao Qian screamed, another enemy was coming from the left near the wall, his target is obviously Zhao Qian.

Zheng Lei and Ning Chong whose swordsmanship were only below Xiao Weimou came attacking from the front one behind another with the aim to kill Xiang Shaolong with one blow.

These people are very experienced in fighting and once they strike they will not allow Xiang Shaolong any chance of escape.

The sword attack from Xiao Weimou who is aiming directly at him may look simple but it encompasses changes and at any time he can change it into a slash. Just that attack alone is enough to keep Xiang Shaolong busy, to the point that he dare not become distracted.

As for the other attacks he can only rely on his hearing to decide on the course of action.

Xiang Shaolong's used all his strength in his left hand which was holding on to Flying Rainbow to heavily block against Zheng Lei's oncoming sword attack and the impact forced his opponent to retreat 3 steps back. He swept his left hand and Flying Rainbow flew out of his hand, transformed into a flash of light as it flew straight towards the chest of the man who was going towards Zhao Qian.

At the same time the wooden sword went up diagonally, blocking Xiao Weimou's deadly blow before going into Mozi swordplay's mysterious defensive mode but the wooden sword looks as if it's on the offensive rather than defensive such that even with Xiao Weimou's ferocity, he was stunned as well and retreated for the moment.

Right at this moment Ning Chong's sword came straight at his throat from the front.

There is not enough time for Xiang Shaolong to block with his wooden sword and in that instance he suddenly had an idea and jumped up.

'Clang!', the sword which was aimed at his neck now hit the belt around his waist which was filled with the steel needles.

Just as Ning Chong was feeling surprised, Xiang Shaolong's wooden sword slashed vertically and hit him right on his head.

Sounds of bone cracking were immediately heard and Ning Chong fell to the side, knocking into 2 men who were advancing and all 3 of them fell to the ground.

Right at this time another enemy took the opportunity to stab towards his chest just as he was landing. A sharp pain resonated through his body and as Zhao Qian screamed, Xiang Shaolong gave a flying kick towards the front of his opponent. That person is still midway through his attack and with the kick he was sent tumbling backwards and knocked into another enemy who was coming up for an attack.

The sword was pulled sharply out from Xiang Shaolong's left armpit and fresh blood spurted out.

Since the beginning of the fight, although Xiang Shaolong suffered one light and one serious injury, he managed to kill 4 of his enemies and severely injure 3, with the expert fighter Ning Chong amongst the dead.

Everyone was in a blood fury and the remaining 12 attacked madly.

Xiao Weimou is all the more mad and came from the right again, with his sword slashing down.

Xiang Shaolong knows that after his injury, he's definitely not Xiao Weimou's match and cried out, "Qian'er follow me!" and shifted to his left while staying close to the wall and blocking off the enemy's ferocious attacks with the wooden sword in his hand.

Xiao Weimou was blocked by his own men from attacking and in his anger, he pulled his own men away and dashed in to attack.

Zhao Qian who was hiding behind Xiang Shaolong saw reflections from the swords and sabres surrounding them and fresh blood kept flowing from her beloved's body, only managed to follow him for 10 odd steps before her legs turned soft and she fell to the ground in a sitting position.

By now Xiang Shaolong has been injured numerous times by the swords and when he felt Zhao Qian falling down behind him, he thought to himself that it's the end. He geared up all his ferocity and without a care to himself, gathered his strength and made a sweeping strike, knocking the advancing enemies and also blocking one of Xiao Weimou's heavy slash.

Xiao Weimou did not use all his strength in this attack but because his arm strength has always been better than Xiang Shaolong, and also the latter is now tired out from the fierce fight, he immediately lost his hold on the wooden sword and it fell to the ground.

The 10 over wounds all over Xiang Shaolong's body was pouring blood and in that dangerous moment he gave a flying kick which landed right on Xiao Weimou's belly, making this ferocious man retreat quickly but it was obviously not enough to injure him.

2 swords came attacking.

Xiang Shaolong quickly pulled out 2 flying needles and with a flick of his hands, the needle on his right hand struck an enemy's chest while the needle on his left hand, because of the serious injury sustained to his arm, missed his target and only struck the enemy's shoulder and that person ignored the needle injury and continued his advance.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that this must surely be the end and he pulled his dagger out and was about to kill Zhao Qian first to spare her the torture of being raped when the sound of a bow was heard and an arrow flew over like lightning, piercing that person's neck, flinging him away with the impact as he died on the spot.

Both him and his enemies turned to look at the direction where the arrow came from and saw a strange person wearing an eerie mask, dressed in a long black robe and riding over speedily on a horse. That person threw away the bow and pulled out a long spear, dashing right into the battle.

The enemy quickly returned to the fight in shock.

That person's skills with the spear is extraordinary and also he's has just freshly joined the fight, all who opposed him were injured or killed, causing chaos to the enemy. In an instant he came next to Xiang Shaolong and extended the circle of the spear attack, forcing Xiao Weimou and the rest back. He called out quietly, "Aren't you getting up the horse!"

Xiang Shaolong could recognize it was Ji Yanran's voice and happily helped Zhao Qian up the horse, picked up his wooden sword before using the last of his strength to jump up behind Zhao Qian.

Ji Yanran immediately controlled the horse with her legs, the spear in her hands danced around as it once again forced Xiao Weimou back and fought her way out of the encirclement, escaping with the 2 of them.

Book 4 Chap 6 – Tending to injuries at the Observatory

Xiang Shaolong had countless nightmares.

He dreamt that the time machine sent him back to the 21st century where he was charged with the major crime of messing up history. Suddenly Shu'er and Su'er came to look for him with blood flowing from the orifices on their faces, blaming him for not avenging their deaths. And then countless different faces appeared before him.

These include his parents, relatives, friends, Mei Canniang, Wu Tingfang, the King of Zhao, Zhao Mu etc, and cries kept ringing in his ears together with the wails of souls and ghosts!

In his haze he seems to know that he is pacing at death's door.

No! I must continue living.

For others and for myself!

I cannot give up.

His body alternated between hot and cold, his soul seems to have left his body, as if there's unbearable pain, but it feels totally numb as well.

He does not know how long he struggled at death's door before he finally regained consciousness.

For a moment, he seems to have returned to the safe military hostel in the 21st century.

Cheers erupted next to his bed, Zhao Qian fell on the side of the bed, tears streaming down her face as she laughed and cried.

Before Xiang Shaolong can take a close look at Zhao Qian, he felt darkness surrounding him again and he fainted.

When he regained consciousness again, his mind and body seems to be much better.

Zhao Qian is so happy that she can only cry bitterly.

Xiang Shaolong wiped her tears with his hand weakly and asked feebly, "What is this place, how long was I unconscious."

A familiar voice rang out from the door, "This is the highest level of my Heaven Viewing Pagoda, on the 5th level. Shaolong you were unconscious for 9 days, if it was someone else who was that seriously injured and lost that much blood, that person would have died long ago. But you're not the average person, so you definitely won't die. Obviously everything is planned by Heavens!"

Xiang Shaolong was momentarily stunned and saw a person walking towards the bed, and it turned out to be Zou Yan.

He never really liked this person and he cannot imagine why he would risk his own life to save him and asked in astonishment, "Why did Mister save me?"

Zhao Qian who was sitting by his bed replied, "You are really indebted to Mister Zou for saving your life. If not for his excellent healing skills and meticulous care…"

Zou Yan chortled and interrupted Zhao Qian's words and said as he lowered his head to take a closer look at Xiang Shaolong, "The person who really saved you is Ji Yanran. I just happened to be around! This Heaven Viewing Pagoda is a place I use to study astrology, and also the tallest building in Daliang, I guarantee that no one will search their way here. Besides I am in no way related to you, so no one will suspect me."

Xiang Shaolong's mood turned for the better and he slowly regained the strength to speak. He puzzled, "Mister still have not replied my earlier question."

Zou Yan smiled a little, "I'll have to start from the beginning. 3 years ago, I found a new star in the state of Qi, moving towards Tian Chang, the area where the Zhao and Wei borders meet and I know that the new leader of this era has finally appeared. Therefore I came to Daliang to look for a new master."

Xiang Shaolong was totally befuddled, "What is Tian Chang? Is there a state of Zhao and state of Wei there as well?"

Zou Yan said proudly, "Heavens and humans are related, everything that happens on earth happens because of Heaven's decree. My study of the 5 elements is based on the 5 stars in Heaven, wood, fire, earth, metal and water, and I deduce what will happen on earth based on Heaven's decree. Tian Chang is how I separate the Heavens into different areas according to the layout of the states on earth. For example if a guest star happens to take over the main star of a certain area, then the ruler of that area will be in trouble."

Xiang Shaolong is in no mood now to listen to such superstitious and outrageous theory so he asked, "So what has that got to do with me?"

Zou Yan looked at Zhao Qian, who was looking at him with her large pretty eyes, filled with idolization and he is all the more thrilled and started theorizing, "How can it not have anything to do with you? At the same time you arrived at Daliang, that new star happens to fly into the position of Daliang in Tian Chang, therefore I knew that the new saint has arrived. The first time I saw you, although I felt you have the aura of a dragon, I did not yet think of it until that night when you talked about the earth shattering theory about governing a country did I guess that you are the new saint. That night when you were attacked, I was convinced that I was right about you."

After he spoke, he knelt down and kow-towed 3 times respectfully.

Xiang Shaolong was amused and quickly asked him to stand, saying "I can understand the front part, but why is it that you are even more convinced of your faith when I was attacked and injured?"

Zou Yan explained, "On that afternoon that you were attacked, Miss Ji returned moodily to the little house by the lake and after my prolonged questions did she reveal that you refused to woo her. Therefore I told her: the new star in heaven is being forced aside by another star, and I'm afraid you will meet with danger that night. That's why Miss Ji was able to save you in time and send you here. Tell me, Shaolong, if you're not the new saint, how can things be such a coincidence?"

Xiang Shaolong was dumbfounded.

A wave of fatigue swept over him and after he forced the medicine down, he fell into a deep sleep again.

When Xiang Shaolong woke up, he felt a lot better than the last time and was able to sit up and eat. Scars have begun to form over his 10 odd wounds, leaving only the wound under his armpit still in very much pain, but the other wounds were not affecting him.

Zou Yan has gone out, and there was only Zhao Qian in the highest level of this ancient observatory.

This pretty princess happily fed him the porridge cooked with precious and expensive herbs.

Xiang Shaolong looked at her sympathetically, "Qian'er! You've lost weight."

Zhao Qian replied gently, "Compared to the sacrifice you made for me, this is nothing. That night I saw how you were afraid that I would be injured and thus used your own body to block the sword blows from the thieves, my heart was utterly broken." She continued worriedly, "Sister Yanran has not been here for 3 days, this is really worrying."

Xiang Shaolong felt an injection of energy, "Does she visit me often?"

Zhao Qian nodded her head, "She was so concerned about you, and comes every time to help me clean and dress your wounds."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned, "Doesn't that mean that the both of you have seen every part of my body?"

Zhao Qian blushed and nodded her head, but her pretty eyes revealed her joy and her expression looked absolutely alluring.

Xiang Shaolong felt lust arising and said gently as he grabbed her hand, "I must have revenge and see our Princess's whole body."

Zhao Qian gently pulled her dainty hands away and continued feeding him the porridge, saying with a blush, "See if you want to!"

A rush of love and sweetness welled up in Xiang Shaolong. To think that the beauty will allow this, how can he not feel grateful. He said with a smile, "Not only will I see, but I want to investigate with my hands as well, will Princess object?"

Zhao Qian blushed to her ears and stared at him, not daring to answer him but her expression shows her utter willingness.

Xiang Shaolong sighed happily.

Footsteps were heard from the stairs.

Both of them started getting nervous.

Ji Yanran's sweet voice rung out, "No need to be afraid! It's Yanran."

Zhao Qian was overjoyed and went to welcome her.

In a short while the 2 ladies appeared shoulder to shoulder in front of Xiang Shaolong.

Ji Yanran lost weight as well but when she saw him her bright eyes shone immediately and her gaze intertwined with his.

Xiang Shaolong said, "Xiang Shaolong will never forget how Miss saved me."

Ji Yanran sat on his bed without any embarrassment and first looked at his wounds before saying with a relieved sigh, "No need for such polite words. The rate of your recovery is astonishing. You don't know how frightening you looked the other night with fresh blood all over your body, and you almost made me cry because of you." She continued with a blush on her pretty face, "And it's the first time Yanran cried over a man!"

Zhao Qian laughed, "You don't know how good Sister Yanran was towards you!"

Xiang Shaolong felt a boldness overcome him and daringly grabbed Ji Yanran's delicate hands and said gently, "It seems that not only have I passed, but I have taken a step further into your heart, right?"

Ji Yanran stared at him and said nonchalantly, "Sorry. You're still at the passing stage." Although she said that, she did not try to retract her hands at all.

Xiang Shaolong was filled with love as he replied with a smile, "I have a chance as long as I've passed, didn't Miss Ji said that you will try your best to make it easier for me?"

Zhao Qian listened to their interesting exchange and can't help but steal a laugh at the side.

After Ji Yanran stared at Zhao Qian, she told Xiang Shaolong, "I came all the way here with so much difficult and am even sitting next to you, isn't it making it easier for you already?"

Xiang Shaolong was awakened by her words and returned to the cold and cruel reality, asking, "How is the situation outside?"

Ji Yanran said calmly, "Prince Xinling, Lord Longyang and Xiao Weimou are all trying their best to look for you and the defenses in the city has been increased numerous times. Even the areas outside the city and the river routes are filled with guards. I'm afraid you'll have to turn into a bird before you can fly out."

Xiang Shaolong asked with fear and concern, "What about the others?"

Zhao Qian sat closely next to Ji Yanran and said, "Don't worry! Qian'er asked Sister Yanran long ago, they've all escaped safely, not a single person was captured."

Xiang Shaolong was relieved but once he thought about Prince Xinling, he can't laugh. He's lost the 'Lu Gong's Secret Manual', so how can he possibly let him off?

Ji Yanran's expression turned serious as she said, "These few days the Weis have been going door to door searching your whereabouts, and they will ultimately find their way here. For the moment they're only keeping an eye on me and have not suspected Mister Zou yet. But as long as you remain in Daliang, you're still in extreme danger."

Zhao Qian said quietly, "Sister you're so capable, you'll surely have a way."

Ji Yanran replied, "I've been constantly thinking of a plan, but security is so tight." She remembered something and told Xiang Shaolong, "Those equipment you have on your waist were all very strange, even a knowledgeable man like Mister Zou has never seen it before, where did you get it from?"

Xiang Shaolong knows she's referring to the hooks and clasps used for climbing and replied, "It's my own design, made by the craftsmen of Zhao. As long as we can reach the city walls, I will have a way to climb over the walls with Qian'er."

Ji Yanran was very surprised and after scrutinizing him for a moment, sighed lightly, "The more I am in contact with you, the more I realize how unfathomable you are. But with the current situation, it's impossible for you to reach the city walls without being detected by those at the watchtowers. Even if you can leave the city, you cannot avoid the thousands of soldiers outside the city, so we still need to think of another way."

Zhao Qian went close to her ear and whispered, "Is Sister starting to like him more and more?"

Ji Yanran's pretty face blushed. Sounds of bells ringing was suddenly heard in the room.

Before Xiang Shaolong can figure out what is happening, the expressions on the 2 ladies changed, "Enemies are approaching!"

Ji Yanran helped Xiang Shaolong up while Zhao Qian hurriedly gathered all the blankets that has traces of blood and everything else that is associated with Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong asked in shock, "Where can we hide?"

Ji Yanran helped him to a huge wardrobe and opened the door, only to see it filled with clothes inside with no space to hide a person at all. She then extended her hand and pushed, the clothes rose up miraculously and revealed a secret compartment inside.

By now Zhao Qian has packed everything and even let the bed curtains loose before hurrying over to help Xiang Shaolong hide in the secret compartment. Ji Yanran pulled down the outer compartment holding the clothes and the wardrobe door closed automatically, how intricately done.

That space that was meant for hiding 1 person now has 3 people squeezed inside, so one can imagine how cramped it is. The 3 of them stuck to each other front to back, with Zhao Qian's alluring body pressing tightly against his back while Ji Yanran was squeezed face to face with him.

He can clearly feel the marvelous curves of Ji Yanran's body, especially when he's only wearing a pair of shorts, and the exciting fragrance almost made him forget about the danger they're now in.

Ji Yanran is a little taller than Zhao Qian, her pretty face happened to lean on his shoulder and she quietly whispered in his ear, "This is a place Mister Zou designed to save his own life, I did not expect we'd get to use it instead."

Although the place is cramped, it's not stuffy at all. Obviously it has marvelously designed ventilation.

Xiang Shaolong suddenly had a thought; no matter hoe respected people in this era is, but they all have a fear of not living past another day. That's why Zou Yan has this secret compartment for hiding while Prince Xinling has his secret tunnel for escape.

Suddenly there were strange noises in the secret compartment.

Xiang Shaolong concentrated and realized it's the rapid breathing of the 2 ladies. With the heaving of their bosoms, he can feel even more strongly the rubbing of their bodies against him. Luckily Xiang Shaolong's body is still feeling weak so he did not have any natural male reaction, or else the situation would be even more embarrassing.

The 2 ladies' bodies were becoming softer and weaker and Xiang Shaolong felt his lust arising and can't help but reach one arm forward and the other backward and hug them tightly.

Ji Yanran is a little better but Zhao Qian moaned and her slender arms encircled him from the back and hugged his waist tightly, her whole body heated up.

Footsteps were heard, obviously someone was searching the place level by level until at least they reached this highest level.

Prince Xinling's voice can be heard outside, "This is the first time I've seen Mister Zou's observatory. Hey! What gadget is this?"

Zou Yan replied calmly, "This is an equipment used to measure the position of the stars in the sky, I am about to start making an exquisite and accurate map of the stars."

Prince Xinling is obviously not interested in the tour and he commented as he pushed the door open, "Hai! I thought there'll be something interesting in this room, it turns out only to be your bedroom."

Zou Yan laughed, "My work can only be done at night, how can I not have a place to sleep."

Prince Xinling said, "Why don't I go to your star observatory first to explore!"

Footsteps traveled up towards the balcony at the top.

The 3 of them just heaved a sigh of relief.

There were footsteps coming in again and that person searched thoroughly, even pulling the wardrobe door open, not leaving anything unchecked at all.

Their hearts were almost at their throats and were secretly cursing Prince Xinling for being cunning to lure Zou Yan away so that his men can do a thorough search.

After some disturbances, Prince Xinling and Zouyan came down.

The 3 of them were a little relieved and once again felt the excitement of their bodies and limbs intertwined together.

Zhao Qian and Ji Yanran are both unmarried ladies and although they are very much interested in Xiang Shaolong, they still felt utterly embarrassed.

Zhao Qian is a little better as she's used to being intimate with Xiang Shaolong; Ji Yanran has never had the experience of being squeezed in a man's arm and her heart kept beating madly. In this quiet place how can this sound escape Xiang Shaolong's ears and just based on this point is enough to thorough make her feel ashamed.

Whether deliberately or not, the 3 of them almost felt as if they have no wish to leave this safe space.

Xiang Shaolong's lips leaned towards Ji Yanran's ears as he said quietly, "Hey!"

Ji Yanran raised her pretty face in a daze and in the darkness she can feel Xiang Shaolong's breath on her face. She felt utterly lost and forgot to speak.

Xiang Shaolong had wanted to ask her if they can go out now, but he suddenly felt her lips so close to his and thought to himself that what a better time to take advantage of her than this. So he kissed heavily on her soft and wet lips.

Ji Yanran's dainty body trembled and she finally followed Zhao Qian's example and extended her arms to hug him tightly while tilting her pretty face up, allowing this man to continue with his ungentlemanly bullying.

Footsteps were heard again.

Although she obviously knows that those on the outside cannot see what is inside, Ji Yanran still removed her lips away from Xiang Shaolong's enticing mouth in fear.

Zou Yan's low voice was heard from outside the wardrobe, "You can come out?"

Xiang Shaolong felt that something was not right. With Prince Xinling's status, there's no reason that Zou Yan will not send him off personally and if that is the case, he will not be back so soon.

Besides if everyone else is gone, with Zou Yan's candid character, there's no reason for him to lower his voice so much that he sounded a little hoarse.

Zhao Qian at this time is totally intoxicated under Xiang Shaolong's strong manly embrace and will not be bothered with what is happening outside at all.

Although Ji Yanran's senses is a little lost, but in her cloudy mind she seems to believe that it is Zou Yan who is calling from the outside and was about to reply when Xiang Shaolong's lips sealed over hers again.

Ji Yanran secretly grumbled, thinking why is this person so lecherous that he's even ignoring Zou Yan's calls.

That person called out again twice.

Ji yanran slowly regained her senses and knew that something is not right and at the same time realized that Xiang Shaolong is not that lecherous after all.

The person outside cursed quietly, "Prince is really doing extra work. There's obviously no one but he still wants me to go to every level and pretend to be Zou Yan can call out 3 times, hei!"

That person left after cursing.

The 3 of them all felt cold sweat down their bodies. Prince Xinling is really careful, and obviously he has many capable men under him. This person sounded really authentic in impersonating Zou Yan's voice, just that his voice is a little lower and hoarse.

Ji Yanran has always prided herself on her intelligence and although her senses were dulled by Xiang Shaolong's kisses, she still feel ashamed. At the same time she's totally in awe of Xiang Shaolong's intelligence and felt a love for him welling up from deep within her heart. She proactively kissed Xiang Shaolong back fiercely.

Xiang Shaolong's hands explored the 2 women's back and buttocks greedily and for a moment lust filled the secret compartment.

The earlier danger served only to fuel and excite their passion.

Just as it was about to get almost out of hand, footsteps were heard again, followed by the opening of the wardrobe door and the lifting of the front panel.

The 2 ladies were so embarrassed that they buried their heads in Xiang Shaolong's neck.

Xiang Shaolong looked at Zou Yan with embarrassment as he said with a bitter smile, "It seems that I'm not some new saint at all, because I do not have the resistance of a saint at all."

Zou Yan was almost at a loss for words as he chuckled, "I think your recovery is even faster than what I imagined a saint would take."