6-9 -- 7-1

Book 6 Chap 9 – Return to Handan

Handan still looked as good.

Here to welcome them was their 'old friend' Bureaucrat Guo Kai, and also Wu Zhuo who has now changed his name to 'Di Ying'.

After a round of civilities and polite talk, all of them, together with the thousand warhorses, rode grandly into this ancient city which is the center of the Zhao's power.

Guo Kai rode next to Xiang Shaolong and said with a smile, "His Majesty is extremely impressed that Mister still thinks of your old country even though you're in Chu. He has specially set up a feast to welcome Mister tonight."

Xiang Shaolong was looking at the city scene with mixed feelings and on hearing that, he deepened his voice to make it sound hoarse, slowed his tempo and said, "I am really touched that his Majesty understands my intention. Hai! A person who has lost his country is like duckweed without roots. The pain is not something an outsider can understand."

Guo Kai turned slightly towards him and said, "I heard from Mister Di from your residence that Mister Dong intends to come back display your capabilities but I don't know if you're aware of the situation?"

Xiang Shaolong had an idea and he pretended to be obtuse yet sincere as he replied, "I only know how to rear horses and nothing else so I hope that Bureaucrat Guo can give me some advices and I will never forget your kindness."

Their strategy for this trip is to pretend to be stupid and ignorant to handle sly characters like Guo Kai.

Guo Kai chortled before he turned serious and said with a low voice, "I don't know why but once I saw you, I feel very happy. I wouldn't dare give advices but I will certainly try my best to help you fulfill your dreams."

Xiang Shaolong put on a show of extreme gratitude and said, "With Bureaucrat looking after me like this, I am much relieved. I wonder if there's anything I should take note of?"

Guo Kai replied very sincerely, "Over at his Majesty's side, I will help you with the affairs. But there are 2 people in Handan that you must be on your guard against, otherwise not only will you find your dreams difficult to fulfill, you may even end up in trouble and meet the same fate as Master Wu."

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be extremely startled as he stared and stammered his reply, "I have no enmity with anyone at all, why would anyone want to harm me?"

However he was secretly laughing in his heart.

Guo Kai obviously think of him as a ignorant, brash man with a simple mind, that's why he used such a direct method to try and pull him over to his side so that he will be faithful and allow himself to be used.

From this he can tell that the King of Zhao intends to use him to replace Master Wu, that's why Guo Kai thinks that he is of value and worthy to be bought over.

Guo Kai's bright and sleazy eyes first scanned the surroundings and saw that the Zhao soldiers who are leading the way in front and Wu Zhuo and the rest who were behind are a 'safe' distance away before he lowered his voice to say, "The first person you have to be wary of is Guo Zhong. This person will now allow the appearance of another Master Wu."

Xiang Shaolong nodded his head to indicate his understanding.

Guo Kai's words are not unreasonable; this is called 'a mountain cannot have two tigers'. But if he, 'Dong Kuang' wants to have as much wealth and power as what Master Wu had, it would take at least a few generations to accomplish it. Therefore Guo Kai is trying to scare him.

Guo Kai continued mysteriously, "The other person you have to be careful of is the Marquis of Julu, Zhao Mu."

Xiang Shaolong can't help but exclaim hoarsely, "What?"

At that instant he understood that Guo Kai is unhappy to be under Zhao Mu and is looking for ways to topple him. But the way Guo Kai is revealing his inner thoughts to an outsider like him is really too careless and he can't help but feel suspicious.

Right then they arrived at the guesthouse that will be used to house them and surprisingly it turns out to be the Hostage Residence which used to be Zhu Ji and the fake Ying Zheng's prison.

Guo Kai smiled and did not continue talking as he accompanied them into the residence.

Guo Kai went through another round of nice talks and after accepting this valuable gift of 1000 fine horses that the Zhaos find themselves unable to reject, he went back to the Palace to report his duty done.

All of them went to the inner hall to listen to Wu Zhuo's report.

Wu Zhuo exhaled as he said, "We were indeed lucky, the Chus really sent an envoy and luckily I manage to waylay him and got a lot of useful information."

Teng Yi replied with understanding, "Eldest Brother, it has been hard on you!"

Among these 5 sworn brothers, Wu Zhuo is the oldest so he became the Eldest Brother, followed by Teng Yi, Xiang Shaolong, Wang Jian and the youngest brother Jing Jun.

Wu Zhuo nodded his head and said, "It was indeed difficult. Although we set up traps when capturing the Chu envoy, we still lost 5 of our brothers and more than 10 others were injured, but this is something unavoidable."

Xiang Shaolong can imagine the danger and intensity at that time and asked, "Have you found out why they are coming to Handan?"

Wu Zhuo replied, "4th Brother's way of tiring them out through questioning is really effective. That Chu envoy called Bai Dingnian could not hold on beyond 3 days and totally surrendered. He revealed the truth, it turns out that this matter involves Lord Dongzhou."

Everyone was excited.

Ever since King Wu created his empire 700 hundred years ago and used Duke Zhou's feudal system model, maybe this can be described as a large family where generations after generations live together.

This big family is first led by a smart and hardworking founder and leading his few sons, worked hard together in adversity and creating a big patriarchal clan. The ruler and the various lords of differing surnames are usually connected through marriages.

The whole system of a feudal state is centralized around the family clan.

Just by deducing from this, one will know that it's only a matter of time that this empire will fall. The danger comes from 2 sides. Firstly the rule that the eldest son would succeed and once the successor is not the eldest, then there will be upheaval and King You* of Zhou is the most obvious example.


Secondly, the original close relationships are slowly getting distant after a few generations and with the increase in population and the differences in the good and the bad, there will most certainly be some struggles or enmities formed and may even reach the state of a fight.

Once chaos ensued, no one will have the power to stop the natural turning of history's wheel. Once the royal family loses the power to control the lords, they will immediately fall into the situation where the country is divided into rival baronies.

And the invasion by others have forced King Ping of Zhou to move east and this provided such an opportunity.

The status between a ruler and his followers are initially forged by power and when this power disappears, the status becomes just an empty title and the Zhou family's power totally disintegrated.

But such a crack appeared slowly, and it's not a sudden break.

Before the 3 states were separated, there were still some old relations left between the lords and the Zhou family so they were not overly defiant.

That's why for 300 years after King Ping moved to the east, respect and deference are still generally accorded to the Zhou family.

After the 3 states were separated, there was still no situation where those not from the royal family oversteps his authority and tried to usurp the position. But the authority of the Zhou family was further weakened and their power reduced. However Lord Dongzhou is still the leader of the lords in name.

Now Lord Dongzhou is making use of everyone's fear towards Qin to launch a last fight and indeed this is something that cannot be brushed off easily.

Wu Zhuo continued, "The secret envoy Lord Dongzhou sent is called Ji Zhong. If he manages to get the alliance of the 6 states: Qi, Chu, Yan, Zhao, Wei and Han, Qin will be faced with extremely dire situation and now it seems that chances of success is quite high."

Teng Yi looked at Xiang Shaolong and said, "We must try and sabotage this matter, otherwise it'll be difficult for Lu Buwei to keep his position as Premier."

Xiang Shaolong immediately felt his head getting heavier.

Teng Yi's words are very reasonable. After all Lu Buwei got his position as Premier because of King Zhuangxiang and it's not stable yet. And the Qins place the most emphasis on military contributions so if the 6 states join forces, they will certainly lose this war and by then even King Zhuangxiang won't be able to protect Lu Buwei.

If Lu Buwei falls, the Wu family can forget about staying in Qin. The world may be huge but there will be no place where the Wu family can live in peace.

An originally simple matter has now become something complicated and troublesome.

Jing Jun finally found an opportunity to interrupt and said, "Isn't Yan and Zhao at war? Why would the Yans be involved this time as well?"

Teng Yi replied, "For these few centuries haven't the lords been fighting and making up again all the time?" He continued seriously, "Xiao Jun you'd better try to contain your impatience, don't go looking for your Zhao Zhi before the situation is cleared. Otherwise if you reveal your disguise, all of us can forget about leaving Handan alive."

Jing Jun looked crestfallen as he nodded his head in agreement but everyone can see how unwilling he felt.

Xiang Shaolong asked, "How's the situation like over at Zhao Mu's?"

There seems to be some remnants of fear as Wu Zhuo replied, "Luckily we caught the envoy sent by the Chus, otherwise we'll definitely be greatly disadvantaged. It turns out that Zhao mU is the 5th son of Chu's Lord Chunshen and this Chu envoy Bai Dingnian is sent by Lord Chunshen to make contact with Zhao Mu. He even brought with him Lord Chunshen's secret letter that he wrote personally and this saves me a lot of trouble trying to question him."

Teng Yi said with a laugh, "And of course Eldest Brother won't give it to that conniving thief without changing a single word on that letter!"

Wu Zhuo replied with a smile, "That's of course. The contents of the secret letter is simple, only telling Zhao Mu to trust Bai Dingnian and cooperate with him well. As for what to cooperate about, it was not written. Therefore I copied the seal on the letter and wrote another letter to give to Zhao Mu. Now it seems that he totally trusts us."

Xiang Shaolong had an idea as he asked, "Is that secret letter still around?"

Wu Zhuo replied, "How can I lose such a useful thing, I even kept that Chu envoy and he's being imprisoned in a secret place in Handan. Zhao Mu is in trouble this time."

Xiang Shaolong was overjoyed and after the 4 brothers had some further discussion, he recollected his thoughts and went to the Zhao Palace for the feast.

Along the way Xiang Shaolong remembered the time he went to the Zhao Palace for his duel with Lian Jin and feelings arose in him.

How everything in the world is so unpredictable, just like this.

Who would have thought at that time that on this day, 2 years later, he would come to see the King of Zhao in another identity and a totally different feeling?

Under the guidance of the Zhao soldiers, Xiang Shaolong and his 3 sworn brothers proudly rode past the Palace gates.

The imperial guards were posed to welcome them at the square in front of the main palace building and with the drums beating, it was a very lively atmosphere.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest did not expect such a huge welcome and were all surprised. Now they know that the King of Zhao places much importance on their 'return'.

One of the military officers rode out on his horse and cried out loudly complimentary and welcoming phrases and surprisingly it's their old friend, that ungrateful Cheng Xu.

That fellow's army uniform has changed and it seems like he has been promoted a rank and has become the head of the imperial guards.

Xiang Shaolong followed civilities and after making some empty polite talk, rode with him towards the Palace.

Cheng Xu said with a warm smile, "I don't know why, although it's the first time I've met you, I feel like we're old friends. Oh! Mister feels like sometime I'm very familiar with but I can't remember who that person is right now."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly startled and knows that although he has changed his looks, but his build remains the same and he might subconsciously reveal some loopholes through his mannerisms and actions, that's why it stirred up Cheng Hu's memories and feel of him.

He replied nonchalantly with his 'low, hoarse and slow' voice, "Officer Cheng need not think this is weird, I've often had this feeling as well, to see someone for the first time and yet feels we've already known each other for a long time."

Cheng Xu seems enlightened and replied, "Seems like that's the case!"

By now they have reached the square in front of the Jade Hall at the inner Palace and Cheng Xu dismounted first followed by Xiang Shaolong and Teng Yi and the rest.

More than 10 imperial guards were lined up on each side of the Jade Hall, standing in attention with their halberds. That conniving thief Zhao Mu, with the accompaniment of Le Cheng and Guo Kai, walked down to welcome them.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest sighed in their hearts on seeing this. To think that even after they have given King Xiaocheng such a severe lesson, he still relies on Zhao Mu so much.

Zhao Mu started chuckling from afar as he said, "I am the Marquis of Julu, Zhao Mu! Mister Dong has arrived just in time, his majesty is getting anxious from the wait."

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be terrified as he replied respectfully, "If I've made his Majesty anxious, how can I ever answer for it."

Zhao Mu came forward, extended his hands to grasped his and said with a smile after making an eye signal at him, "His Majesty has personally seen the warhorses that you've sent and is very satisfied. With your help, us Great Zhao will certainly be able to show off our military prowess."

Xiang Shaolong saw that Zhao Mu did not recognize him and was relieved as he answered happily, "As long as I can make his Majesty happy, then this trip is not a wasted one." At the same time he exchanged a look with Guo Kai.

Zhao Mu personally introduced him to Le Cheng while Xiang Shaolong introduced them to Teng and Jing. After a round of polite greetings, all of them went towards the Zhao Palace in a relaxed mood.

They have just stepped pass the Palace doors when the imperial guards in the hall immediately snapped neatly into attention and the band started a welcome melody.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest as well as Zhao Mu and his men knelt in front of the dais.

The King of Zhao chortled and left his dragon throne that was placed on the other end facing the main door and walked down the steps hurriedly to help Xiang Shaolong up and said warmly, "Mister Dong is my esteemed guest, there's no need to be subservient." He turned towards Teng Yi and the rest and said, "Everyone, please rise!"

Xiang Shaolong had just stood up when Jing Jun who was behind suddenly bawled and everyone, including Xiang Shaolong and his men were all stunned.

When everyone's eyes were centered on Jing Jun who has lowered his head and crying bitterly and lying on the ground, refusing to get up, that lad blubbered, "I lost myself, but to see that Young Master can now finally return to his homeland and fulfilled this wish that he has been thinking of for so many years, I'm so overcome that…" and he started crying again.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest were secretly impressed, they did not expect that Jing Jun would have the ability to cry on demand. If not for the fact that they all know in their hearts what is happening, they would really think that he is so touched that he can't help but cry.

Naturally the King of Zhao would not be suspicious at all as he walked over to help Jing Jun up and after consoling him, he turned towards Xiang Shaolong and said, "I am extremely touched that Mister Dong has such a loyal servant."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong has the time to take note of the surroundings inside the hall.

The Empress of Zhao Han Jing has also attended the feast and is seated on the right slightly behind King Xiaocheng and her eyes are boring into him. Luckily from her expression she seemed only curious and not because she has seen any loopholes.

On the bottom of both sides of the King of Zhao's table there were another 4 tables. It's meant to be a table for each person, which means there's an empty table left. He wondered who is the person who is putting on such airs, to even have the audacity to be late at the King of Zhao's feast?

He replied earnestly, "Although I have been overseas for a long period of time, but I have been constantly thinking of returning but because of Master Wu, I was afraid…"

The King of Zhao gave a cold snort and interrupted him, "Don't mention this person again. Don't worry! It's great that Mister keeps old relations in mind. From today onwards, just help me rear horses well and I will not treat you badly."

Xiang Shaolong and the rest hurriedly knelt and expressed their thanks and gratitude.

Just as they were about to be seated, the official at the door cried out, "Lady Ya arrives!"

Xiang Shaolong and the rest were all startled and they all turned to look towards the main door.

Other than a little more trace of weariness, Zhao Ya still looked radiant and outstanding, wearing a grand evening gown with blue flowers embroidered on a white base, like a colorful butterfly flying into the hall.

Xiang Shaolong thought of their old love and can't help but feel secretly sad.

When Zhao Ya's pretty eyes flitted over to where Xiang Shaolong was, her body obviously shivered a little and she held her step.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest were all secretly alarmed.

Zhao Ya is not like Zhao Mu or King Xiaocheng, she can feel what others cannot just based on her woman's sharp intuition towards love and intuition to a man whom she has been intimate with almost daily.

Luckily King Xiaocheng and Empress Jing both thought that this wanton woman has taken a liking to Xiang Shaolong, which accounted for her strange expression so they laughed and said, "Imperial Sister is late again, I must punish you by making you drink 3 cups of wine later. Aren't you coming over to meet Mister Dong!"

Zhao Ya recollected her thoughts and after giving a suspicious look at Xiang Shaolong, her pretty eyes suddenly dimmed as she moved towards the King of Zhao and knelt in respect before standing up and turned towards Xiang Shaolong to pay her respects and said, "Zhao Ya pays her respects to Mister Dong."

Xiang Shaolong and the rest heaved a sigh of relief and took the opportunity to be seated as well.

With Xiang Shaolong as the head, they took the 4 tables on the right. On the other side was Zhao Mu, Xhao Ya, Le Cheng and Guo Kai.

When the serving maids brought the dishes in, a group of 30 odd dancers ran in and started dancing with the accompaniment of drums.

Zhao Ya kept her pretty head lowered ever since she sat down, her expression sad. It looks as if her feelings have been roused and she was secretly wallowing in pity.

After the dance the host and guests offered toasts to one another.

However Zhao Mu would not let Zhao Ya off and reminded everyone of her punishment and forced her to down 3 cups of wine.

The slightly tipsy Zhao Ya began to loosen up and kept smiling coquettishly and flirting and although Xiang Shaolong was fuming on seeing this, but she did make the feast more lively and enjoyable. Once this beauty starts flirting, not a single man will be able to control his itch on seeing her. Especially now that she has reverted to her old wanton ways and was throwing looks at everyone there. Teng Yi and Wu Zhuo are better off but Jing Jun's head is already clouded as he kept on exchanging toasts with her.

After a while, the King of Zhao turned towards Xiang Shaolong and asked, "When does Mister intend to start your grand business here?"

Xiang Shaolong's hoarse voice said slowly, "I just made a trip here first, there's still a few war horses and stud horses who are being transported here now. There shall be no delay, I will go out the city tomorrow to explore and see if there are any suitable sites to set up a farm."

The King of Zhao said joyously, "That's the best!"

Zhao Ya threw a glance at Xiang Shaolong and said, "Is Mister's family arriving at the same time as well?"

Xiang Shaolong saw how immodest she was and was secretly displeased as he replied icily, "Once everything has been settled, I will send my men back to bring them here."

Le Cheng asked curiously, "The way that Mister Dong is moving your whole family over to our country, aren't you afraid that will incur the Chu's wrath?"

Xiang Shaolong replied calmly, "My farm is situated at the borders of Chu and Wei and as long as I send 500 warhorses and 500 livestock to the Chus every year, they will never interfere in my affairs. I have long made arrangements for my trip here this time and they won't find out anything for the time being."

The King of Zhao chortled as he said, "Let's not talk business tonight and just talk about entertainment. Come! I'll let Mister see something good."

He clapped his hands and music started again.

While everyone opened their eyes wide, 4 dance courtesans flitted towards the tables and started another round of song and dance.

Not only did their beauty far surpass the dancers earlier, what is even more heart stopping is that their alluring bodies are each only clad in purple, red, bright yellow and light blue translucent gauze as they held long swords and danced. Their youthful and appealing bodies were exposed once in a while through the flimsy outfit as they danced, looking absolutely beautiful. Especially when their gentle bodies were paired with the steely swords, the 2 extremities increased their wildness.

Xiang Shaolong, who has not touched a woman since he started his journey, can't help but feel his lust ignite on seeing this.

After the courtesans retreated, Zhao Mu said with a smile, "These are the best among the 10 Yan beauties that the Yan gave to his Majesty, and they are also the welcome gifts that his Majesty is giving to Mister. Do you think they're still acceptable?"

It is the norm for the powerful in this era to seal relationships by giving away beauties but it's not appropriate for Xiang Shaolong to accept the gifts given his current situation so he said with a straight face, "I appreciate his Majesty's kind intentions but there are a lot of things to look into right now regarding the opening of the farm and it's really not good to have female distractions. I would ask that your Majesty retract your order."

The King of Zhao was stunned for a moment before he replied, touched, "Mister is indeed an extraordinary man, no wonder you have the reputation of being a horse fanatic. Since that is the case, I will keep these 4 Yan ladies in the palace and will send them to your residence once everything has been settled."

Zhao Ya eyed Xiang Shaolong with great interest as she asked, "I wonder if Mister has decided when to leave the city to explore?

Xiang Shaolong knows that she has gotten curious now that she saw how unmovable he can be over beauties and was secretly lamenting as he replied with furrowed brows, "I'll leave before dawn tomorrow, and hope that General Le Cheng can arrange for the city gates to be opened."

He guessed that now that Zhao Ya has returned to her old flirtatious and languid ways, there's no way that she will try to wake up that early, which is why he deliberately mentioned that.

As expected, Zhao Ya revealed a look of disappointment and did not say anything.

The feast continued and although it was said that they shall not talk business, but because Xiang Shaolong is pretending to be an unrefined man who only knows husbandry, the topics always revolves around this area.

When the King of Zhao asked about the situation in Chu, Xiang Shaolong already has his answer prepared and answered them easily.

The host and guests drank to their heart's content.

After the feast Zhao Mu used the excuse of sending Xiang Shaolong home and shared the same carriage as him and took the opportunity to have a secret discussion.

This is the second danger after Zhao Ya.

The carriage went out of the Palace gates.

Zhao Mu's expression immediately turned stony as he asked icily, "Who thought of the idea to actually give 1000 fine warhorses to the Zhaos?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly fining this hilarious but replied calmly, "Of course it's Lord Chunshen's idea."

Zhao Mu's expression turned dark as his gleaming eyes stared at Xiang Shaolong coldly as he asked, "Are you really that 'horse fanatic' Dong Kuang?"

Xiang Shaolong lowered his voice, "Of course not. The real horse fanatic did have the intention of returning to Zhao and has long been killed by his Highness and had his possessions confiscated. These thousand warhorses are only part of his property."

Zhao Mu commented with incomprehension, "I only asked you to send people here to get 'Lu Gong's Secret Manual' from Guo Zhong, why have you come to Handan with so much fanfare instead. If something happens, even I may become implicated."

Xiang Shaolong replied slowly, "This is Lord Chunshen's ingenious plan. Since the incident with the Wu family, the state of Zhao is badly affected. They strong on the outside but is actually crumbling inside and this may become advantageous for Qin, Wei and Qi. His Highness has seen this coming so he changed his strategy and hopes that Master can take the place of the King of Zhao. In that way, Great Chu would be able to take control of Zhao without wasting even a single soldier."

Zhao Mu's body shook as a joyous look flashed though his eyes and he asked hoarsely, "Father really has such a plan?"

Ever since he arrived in Zhao, his power has been growing day by day but he has always felt himself in a dilemma.

Lord Chunshen's original plan was for him to control the Zhao King and use the Zhaos to keep a rein on the Qins and spoil the secret plan to unify the 3 states. But man is not without feeling and after staying in Zhao for more than 10 years, Zhao Mu can't help but feel a sense of belonging in Zhao. But this is just useless thinking on his side for he is still under the control of the Chus even from so far away. If he harbors any other thoughts, the Chus can expose his identity at any time and that would be a very bad feeling indeed.

But if he can grab the position of the King of Zhao, that would be an entirely different situation.

Man will always aim high, and this is exactly Zhao Mu's dream.

Xiang Shaolong saw his expression and knows that he has struck a chord in his heart so he added, "How would I dare to lie to Master. The warriors who came with me this time are all topnotch fighters, and there'll be a few thousand others will enter Zhao later on the pretext of sending the animals over. As long as we can get rid of influential generals like Lian Po and Li Mu, the Kingdom of Zhao will fall into your hands easily."

Zhao Mu replied happily, "So this is the case. Let me go back and think about how we should proceed with this plan."

He reached out and clasped his shoulder, coming to his ear and whispered, "If I can really become the ruler of Zhao, I'll certainly make it worthy for Mister." Both of them exchanged looks and chortled at the same time.

Of course they are laughing for entirely different reasons.

After the returned to the grand ex-hostage residence, Teng Yi told Xiang Shaolong, "That s.lut is very interested in 3rd Brother, you'd better be careful."

Jung Jun commented with envy, "3rd Brother can use another identity and tryst with her a few more times, wouldn't that be thoroughly exciting?"

Before Xiang Shaolong has a chance to speak, Teng Yi reprimanded Jing Jun unhappily, "Your head is always filled with lustful thoughts, but doesn't understand that lust can impede plans. That s.lut had a close relationship with your 3rd Brother in the past and if they have a physical relation again, she'll definitely be able to burst Xiang Shaolong's real identity just by gut feel. Just the scent alone won't be able to escape her."

Xiang Shaolong was alarmed and secretly on the alert. To tell the truth he is still quite interested in Zhao Ya's body and won't think of copulating with her as a undesirable task but he did not think of the possibility that Zhao Ya will be able to 'sniff' him out.

He said with a laugh, "Luckily I'm masquerading as a horse fanatic who only loves horses and not beauties, so it's useless no matter how interested she is in me."

After they discussed their plans for the next day, everyone went back to their rooms for the night.

After he went back to his room, Xiang Shaolong removed his mask and laid on the bed, his thoughts in a turmoil and unable to get to sleep.

The main reason is because of Zhao Ya.

This s.lut who has betrayed him twice obviously still has feelings for him, otherwise her memories of Xiang Shaolong would not have been ignited by a horse fanatic like him and made her interested.

An inexplicable sense of hatred welled up. Maybe it arose from her wanton behavior, or maybe it's purely the thought of revenge. Even he cannot tell the difference.

His looks after he put on the mask is certainly not handsome, the skin tone tanned from exposure to the sun but matched with the shape of his body it does exude a certain charisma right from the inside, especially his eyes whose shape has been changed still looked very energetic and captivating.

He then thought about the pretty and courageous Ji Yanran and with all these thoughts in his mind, all the more he could not get any sleep so he might as well get up and meditate according to the Mohist principles.

In a short while his body and spirit merged and when he opened his eyes the sky is slowly brightening.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly changed and after wearing his mask, went to the hall to meet up with Teng Yi and Wu Zhuo to leave together.

Jing Jun did not go with them because he had another task at hand.

Le Cheng sent a general called Xie Fa who led a troop of Zhao soldiers to be their guide and he was waiting for them in the main hall. After a round of civilities, everyone rode into the main street of Handan, where a new day is just beginning.

Hoof beats were heard behind them.

Everyone turned their heads around in surprise to see a team of horsemen coming after them and shockingly, it was Zhao Ya and 10 odd of her personal guards.

Xiang Shaolong exchanged looks with Teng and Wu but had no choice but to rein in their horses to wait.

No one expected Zhao Ya's 'interest' in Xiang Shaolong to be so huge.

The smiling Zhao Ya first sent off her personal guards, which includes Zhao Da and his men, before riding forward to Xiang Shaolong and said with a beam, "Mister Dong is a guest from afar, how can you not have a companion?"

Xiang Shaolong saw that she was dressed in a tight fitting light blue horse riding wear with a short skirt and long pants and long boots, openly showing off her alluring curves. He felt a rush of feelings and was at a loss for words.

Zhao Ya rolled her eyes at him and asked, "Mister Dong does not welcome me?"

Xiang Shaolong replied slowly in his hoarse voice, "Lady, you think too much. I'll only be too delighted to have Lady accompany me!"

Zhao Ya sent out a tinkling peal of laughter as she urged her horse forward and said, "Then follow me!"

Xiang Shaolong sighed secretly and followed her on his horse.

They left the city via the east gate and galloped.

Looking at the wild forests changing from Spring to Summer, Xiang Shaolong was in a euphoric mood as he threw away all his troubles. At the same time he has made up his mind to do one huge job here and create chaos among the Zhaos and this time he will not hold himself back because of a soft heart.

Book 6 Chap 10 – Meeting on a narrow road

Zhao Ya rode her horse exuberantly and the rest of them had to chase after her. After passing through the large plain outside the city, Zhao Ya left the official path and rode towards the rolling hills at the northeast.

The landscape began to change as the grass changed into strange rocks and stones as they traveled along waterfalls and dangerous cliffs, with clouds and fog surrounding them, creating an extremely beautiful scene.

After passing through a mountain, they came to a valley with cliff walls reaching into the clouds on both sides and the clear sky is just a line in the horizon.

Zhao Ya slowed down in front and just as Xiang Shaolong was about to chase up with her, Teng Yi came alongside him and said quietly, "Shaolong! If you talk to Zhao Ya with that earlier expression and tone, she'll find out sooner or later."

Xiang Shaolong was extremely startled and knows that Teng Yi can see things more clearly as a bystander. He turned back to look and saw that Wu Zhuo has engaged Xie Fa into talking about the surroundings and won't be able to hear their conversation so he quickly asked for advice.

Teng Yi replied, "Dong Kuang is famed for being someone who only knows how to rear horses and is totally unrefined in other areas, so you can do as you deem fit!"

Xiang Shaolong was enlightened and became quiet.

They reached the end of the valley and the scene in front was refreshing with the trees pointing towards the sky and the rays of sunlight filtering through the layers of thick green leaves with rainbow hues, so indescribably beautiful.

Streams were crisscrossing amongst the trees and rocks, the sounds of the water crisp and clear and it feels as if they've come to a place that is not of this earth, intoxicating their senses.

Zhao Ya seems very familiar with this place and led them to a small hilltop and they could immediately see their surroundings.

Xiang Shaolong reined his horse as he came alongside Zhao Ya and looked around. He realized that where they are standing is the center of a huge plain and with unique looking cliffs in the distance. The grounds were deep green with abundant water and grass with a fragrance in the air and he can't help but chortle, "D.amn his grandmother, how does Lady know of such a splendid place?"

Zhao Ya heard such coarse language from him and her delicate brows frowned but she did not answer him.

Teng Yi and the rest came to their side as well and they all expressed their agreement. Xie Fa said, "This place is called Hidden Army Valley and the only entrance is the line in here earlier. When our Great Zhao's King Wuling was at war with Rong Di in the past, he had once hidden his army in here and won the battle. Since then this place was named Hidden Army Valley. Does Mister Dong think this place suitable?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly thinking to himself how would he know if it's suitable so he hurriedly made an eye at Wu Zhuo, the husbandry expert.

Wu Zhuo nodded his head slightly to indicate his agreement.

Xiang Shaolong pretended to look over the surroundings before he complimented with a sigh, "Ah! It's really d.amn f*king good!"

Teng Yi and Wu Zhuo were secretly feeling hilarious but to Xie Fa and Lady Ya the words were jarring on their ears.

Xiang Shaolong controlled his urge to laugh and said, "Once I see something good, I can't control myself but exclaim the words f*king a few times. This is such a wonderful place, isn't it even more f*king good?"

Xie Fa was overjoyed, "So does this mean that Mister is going to choose this valley as your farm?"

At this time Zhao Ya looked towards Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong deliberately stared hard at her perky bosoms before nodding, "Yup! I really like the looks of this place. From this day onwards, this Hidden Army Valley will be the place where I set up my first farm. Damn his grandmother! I didn't expect to find a location so smoothly."

Zhao Ya saw the way he behaved and talked was extremely uncouth and thought that this is the real him and was secretly unhappy. She said coldly, "Since Mister Dong has found the ideal farm, can we go back now?"

Xiang Shaolong deliberately looked at her sleazily and said, "I still have to inspect the water source, soil and grass here carefully. Damn, why is Lady in such a hurry to go back?"

Zhao Ya was even more annoyed to hear how rude and foul-mouthed he was and replied with irritation, "I have other appointments, how would I have time to accompany Mister longer?"

She was secretly thinking that she must have been blinded because ever since she returned to her residence last night, she kept thinking of this person and could not sleep, which is why she came looking for him as soon as day broke. But this is good too, this person may have Xiang Shaolong's build, but his looks are a thousand miles apart so in this case, she can give up.

Ever since Xiang Shaolong, she no longer wishes to be entangled by feelings.

Xiang Shaolong thought he might as well go all the way and let Zhao Ya give up all hope on him so he asked with a strange smile, "I wonder who is the person who can make Lady in such a hurry to return?"

Zhao Ya could not tolerate it any longer and said angrily, "That is my business and has nothing to do with you at all." She pulled her horse's reins and turned and galloped towards the plains.

Xie Fa was so shocked that he hurriedly sent half of his men to escort her back to the city.

Xiang Shaolong felt gleeful.

As long as he can hurt her, he'll feel a sense of happiness.

Although she still has some feelings left for him, but if she had succeeded in harming him the last time, he would be a pile of bones by now so between them there is no more relation to speak of.

After he made a pretense of surveying the place, they went back to their residences at dusk.

Zhao Mu's men are already waiting for him to invite him to the Marquis Residence for a feast.

After Xiang Shaolong bathed and changed, he went alone with them to the Marquis Residence for the feast.

Zhao Mu was overjoyed to see him come and as it's still early, he took him to the inner hall for a secret discussion. Before he started on the main point, he laughed and said, "I heard that you thoroughly infuriated Zhao Ya. Why? You're not interested in that s.lut at all? Now she is at a point where it's the easiest to hook up with."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly cursing Zhao Mu and at the same time hating Zhao Ya for cheapening herself as he replied, "I was afraid she is King Xiaocheng's spy, how would I dare to dally with her?"

Zhao Mu was obviously very impressed with his sense of caution as he clapped his shoulder and said closely, "Who else would know better than me whether she's a spy? If you're interested in her, I can make arrangements for you."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly lamenting so he quickly changed the topic, "Has Marquis thought over that matter yet?"

Zhao Mu was immediately energetic and totally forgot about Zhao Ya as he said with a serious look, "Almost everyone in Handan now is my trusted aide, we just have to get rid of a few people and I will be able to sit on the King of Zhao's throne comfortably."

Xiang Shaolong replied with a smile, "The first 2 to be killed should be Lian Po and Li Mu!"

Zhao Mu complimented him, "With a talent like you helping me, need I fear my great career will fail? But there are a lot of formidable fighters around these 2, I'm afraid it'll be very difficult to strike."

Xiang Shaolong replied calmly, "If it's easy, you would have struck long ago. Leave this matter to me, as long as I can obtain accurate information on them, I'll certainly succeed with one strike. I heard that they are now not in Handan so it's best if there's a way to call them back, then I will ask my men to set up a trap and get rid of them cleanly."

Zhao Mu looked at him with suspicion, "You're really that confident? The 2 of them have a few thousand personal guards, they're not easy to deal with."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "No one is better than me at the art of assassination, please be assured."

How could Zhao Mu possibly believe his one sided talk so he said somberly, "We need to plan this in detail. You better set up the farm first and lay your foundation. With me speaking on your behalf to King Xiaocheng, things will certainly run smoothly."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly finding this funny. He said those words to let Zhao Mu understand for himself that this thing cannot be rushed and now that his goal is reached, of course he's not so stupid as to keep pushing it so he nodded his head and said respectfully, "I will listen wholly to your orders, this is also his Highness's instructions."

Zhao Mu saw that he was so obedient and was secretly glad and said with a smile, "King Xiaocheng now has a very good impression of you but remember that you must hurry up on the farm. Ha! This move of yours really struck the Zhao's fatal point because they are most anxious to have a savior like you now."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "I have already chosen a place for the farm and will start on it immediately tomorrow." Zhao Mu stood up and said, "Come! The others should have arrived, besides a few of the most influential people in Handan, I have also invited the envoys from the various states who came because of Lord Dongzhou's matter. Make use of this opportunity to meet them!"

Xiang Shaolong knows that he has now become Zhao Mu's trusted confidante, that's why he is treating him so nicely so he stood up and followed him into the main building of the Marquis residence.

The two of them strolled past the corridors side by side and all the servants and maids knelt down to pay their respects on seeing them.

When they walked past the big garden which was right in the middle of the Marquis residence, a group of about 100 dance courtesans were practicing dancing. For a moment the mixture of fragrance, clothes, hair, and dainty voices can make one overwhelmed.

Xiang Shaolong has sharp eyes and was surprised to find that the teacher who was directing their dance is actually Zhao Zhi and he can't help but looked at her in shock.

The training did not stop because Zhao Mu is passing by. Zhao Zhi obviously saw Zhao Mu but pretended not to notice him and kept on giving out orders to make the pretty dancers dance. The colorful costumes dazzle under the illumination of the lanterns.

Zhao Mu whispered in Xiang Shaolong's ears, "Taken a liking to her? That girl is called Zhao Zhi, her father is a learned scholar in Zhao and her Teacher is an expert in swordplay, there's nothing I can do to her too."

Xiang Shaolong just shrugged his shoulders and continued walking.

After passing the garden, they reached the long corridor that will lead them directly to the main building and it seems to be suddenly quite in comparison. A maid came towards them and on seeing Zhao Mu hurriedly moved aside and knelt down.

Right at this time, Xiang Shaolong instinctively felt alert and reflexively placed his right hand on the pommel of Blood Wave.

He was feeling perplexed and can't help but take a look at that maid only to ser hand reaching into her wide sleeve, her head lowered and her kneeling posture was very unique, giving one a strange feeling, as if she can spring up at any moment and execute several kinds of movement.

All these are just instinctive feelings. If not for the fact that Xiang Shaolong has been meditating according to the Mohist principle every night since his journey to Handan, his feelings would not have become so sharp.

Zhao Mu felt nothing amiss at all and continued walking.

Xiang Shaolong was in a dilemma. If this girl is here to assassinate Zhao Mu, then she is on the same side as him but now he has to protect Zhao Mu because not only does he have to capture him alive to bring to Qin, he has to make use of him in his plan to kill Le Cheng and to find out the plot involving the envoy sent by Lord Dongzhou. But if he causes this girl to be captured by Zhao Mu, how can he put his heart at ease.

But now is not the time to think further, for they are now only 10 steps away from the maid.

Xiang Shaolong suddenly moved from the outside to stand between Zhao Mu and the maid, hoping that this will make her retreat.

Zhao Mu became alert and looked at Xiang Shaolong.

The maid suddenly lifted her head to reveal a pretty yet strong face, her pretty eyes burning with hatred and at the same time her hands extended from inside the sleeves and as she flicked them, 2 beams of white flashed towards Zhao Mu like lightning.

Zhao Mu was caught unawares and thoroughly startled and before he had a chance to exclaim or dodge, Xiang Shaolong has already drawn out Blood Wave and waved it twice with lightning speed, accurately blocking the 2 flying daggers.

The female assassin apparently did not have a third dagger and with a sharp scream, dashed past them out of the corridor.

Xiang Shaolong pretended to give chase and suddenly a dark shadow appeared in front of his eyes and it turns out to be the whip from the female assassin's hand.

He took the opportunity to retreat towards Zhao Mu, as if protecting him but in fact he's trying to block the path of Zhao Mu who has already drawn his sword.

The female assassin knows that she has missed her chance and rolled into the bushes without stopping and disappeared into the night.

Zhao Mu nearly collided into Xiang Shaolong and hurriedly raised his hand to grab his shoulder to brake himself.

Xiang Shaolong looked at the 2 daggers which has fallen to the ground and the blades shone a faint blue reflection under the light and it's obvious that it has been dipped in poison.

Zhao Mu was still a little fearful as he said, "Luckily you are here this time, otherwise my life would be gone. Humph! All those people are idiots, not even knowing that an assassin has snuck in."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly feeling glad for now he can gain even more trust from Zhao Mu and on the other hand allow the female assassin to escape safely.

This is not the first time he saw this highly skilled female assassin.

At that time when he took Zhao Mu's carriage and left the Marquis residence, this female assassin mistook him for Zhao Mu and threw the poisonous snake into the carriage to assassinate him.

He wonders what is the great enmity between her and that thief Zhao Mu that she has to keep trying for his life and on both occasions she failed because of him.

But then again Zhao Mu has committed so much evil that it's inevitable that he has enemies all over the place.

The feast was held in the wide main hall of the Marquis residence and there were about 40 odd 'double seated' tables to seat 2 people each that filled the entire hall.

By now Xiang Shaolong already has some experience with the feasts given during this era. When he saw this he was shocked for never in his dreams did he imagine that tonight's feast would be so grand and with so many attendees.

When a ruler holds a feast for his officials and guests, it will definitely be 'single seated' where there's one person per table if there are less people and if there are grand feasts with over a hundred people, it will tables will be placed on the front and back rows with 'multiple seats' for 4 or more people.

As for the feasts held by most senior officials or influential people, they are mostly 'double seated'.

When the both of them arrived at the hall, there was still some time before the feast starts so only Zhao Mu's trusted aide Le Cheng and the cunning Guo Kai was around. These 2 are very close to Zhao Mu so they came earlier to help entertain the guests.

Zhao Mu made some small talk and disappeared, naturally he has gone to reprimand his men for their failure to protect the residence and it seems that someone will surely be in trouble.

Le Cheng and Guo Kai came up to Xiang Shaolong and started chatting with him warmly. They first asked about the chosen location for the farm before Le Cheng sighed and said, "I'm really in a difficult position this time. Everyone who thinks that they are someone in Handan are all fighting to attend tonight's feast but there's a limit to the seating. Hai…"

Guo Kai added with a wry smile, "I've met with the same problem as well and I can only push the responsibility to the Marquis and tell them to ask the Marquis directly why they are not on the list of invites."

Xiang Shaolong was extremely surprised for he thinks that he does not have the charisma to attract others that much so he asked with a furrowed brow, "Why are there so many people here for the feast tonight?"

Le Cheng asked quizzically, "Didn't Marquis tell Mister? The Learned Lady whose reputation is on par with Qin's Widow Qin, Ji Yanran is in Handan as a guest. His Marquis was not sure initially that he can invite her here but it turned out that she agreed without hesitation, that's why everyone wants to come here to take a look at her glory."

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and hot blood rushed in his veins and for a moment, he couldn't speak.

Thank heavens! This rare beauty is finally here.

Guo Kai looked at him in surprise as he said, "Ha! I did not expect that Mister Dong is also another 'fan of the Learned Lady'."

Xiang Shaolong's attention is now all on Ji Yanran so how can he possibly be interested in talking nonsense with them. He made up an excuse and went out to the gardens from the side door in order to calm his excited nerves.

When he thought of how he can be reunited with his ideal beauty, he felt as if he's like a fairy floating amongst the clouds.

No matter what he must sleep with her tonight.

At the same time he was secretly puzzled. Why did she agree to attend the feast knowing very well that Zhao Mu is his greatest enemy?

Hurried footsteps sounded behind him.

Xiang Shaolong turned around suddenly in surprise and came face to face with a gorgeous beauty.

The beauty was startled and hurriedly took 2 steps back, her pretty face paled and her joy turned into disappointment as she lowered her head and said sadly, "Sorry! I mistook you for the wrong person."

From the faint light from the lantern a distance away, this person turned out to be the elder sister of the twin sisters who once slept with him, the Yue beauty Tian Zhen.

Xiang Shaolong suddenly understood. She must have walked past this place, saw his back view and recognized him as Xiang Shaolong but when she saw his disguise as Dong Kuang she was greatly disappointed.

From this he can see how deep and unforgettable is his impression on her. He felt sorry for her and said gently, "Never mind! What is your name?"

Tian Zhen's delicate body trembled as she covered her mouth and exclaimed, "You're really Master Xiang, I will remember your unforgettable voice even in my dreams."

Xiang Shaolong was suddenly covered in sweat, he did not expect that his identity would be revealed because he forgot to change his voice and he hurriedly replied in his coarse voice, "Miss, you are mistaken!"

Tian Zhen exclaimed with joy and fell into his arms, hugging him in a death grip as she said, "I will not forget you even if I died, we were so worried about you. We really have to thank the Gods that you are all right!"

Xiang Shaolong knows that he cannot hide it from her so he carried her into the deep woods and kissed her thoroughly before whispering in her ears, "Now my real identity is still a big secret!"

Tian Zhen added obediently, "I understand, I will not reveal your identity even if I have to die."

Xiang Shaolong said even more seriously, "You cannot even tell your sister about this."

Tian Zhen hesitated for a moment before nodding her head dejectedly, "All right! But like me, she misses you terribly as well!"

Xiang Shaolong was a little at ease as he said quietly, "As long as you listen to me obediently, I'll definitely take both of you with me and will not go back on my words."

Tian Zhen was so touched that tears gathered in her eyes and she kissed him thoroughly, her alluring body pressing against his.

Xiang Shaolong's long suppressed lust was immediately flamed and he can only regret that this is not the appropriate time nor place. After being entangled for a while, the blushing Tian Zhen unwillingly walked back to the inner buildings after much persuasion from him.

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and smiled wryly before going back to the main hall.

He had just taken 2 steps when a pair of man and woman walked into the garden from the side door he used earlier. They were in a secret discussion and surprisingly it was Zhao Mu and Zhao Ya.

He had an idea and hid himself amongst some bushes and listened quietly.

Zhao Ya's face was drawn tight as she said icily, "Don't speak further, no way am I going to accompany that kind of coarse and unrefined brute. You have so many beauties on your hand, why don't you give him some. For example your most beloved Tian sisters, won't they satisfy him even more?"

Zhao Mu reached out and wrapped his arms around her tiny waist as he said with a sinister smile, "Or have you not forgotten Xiang Shaolong?"

Zhao Ya was stunned and replied angrily, "Don't talk nonsense, who says I cannot forget him!"

Xiang Shaolong saw how intimate they were and heard Zhao Ya's heartless words. Although he knows that she has no choice but to make such a stand, he still felt furious and thoughts of hatred and revenge surged in his head.

Zhao Mu extended his other hand and hugged her tightly, saying with a grin, "Naturally it's best that you do not think of him. This time if the 6 states can successfully form an alliance, even Qin will not be able to escape her fate of being split up. By that time I want Xiang Shaolong to die without a burial place. I will whip his corpse even if he's dead in order to appease the hatred in my heart."

Zhao Ya replied icily, "Speak only if you really have that ability! Ai!"

Sounds of clothes rustling, obviously Zhao Mu was taking advantage of the close contact between their bodies to caress Zhao Ya's sensitive spots.

Xiang Shaolong was livid on hearing this and secretly hated Zhao Ya for not knowing how to love herself and cheapening herself.

Her breathing quickened uncontrollably as she breathed, "Aren't you going back to entertain the guests?"

Zhao Mu grinned lasciviously, "Don't you want me to entertain you first?"

Zhao Ya's dainty fists pounded weakly on his back as she cried out, "Let me go!"

Zhao Mu replied, "Promise me that you will accompany Dong Kuang, then I will release you!"

Xiang Shaolong suddenly understood, so it turns out that Zhao Mu is trying to use Zhao Ya to get into his good books and the reason is of course he has not only saved his life, but also executed his extraordinary alertness and swordsmanship. He now looks at him differently and treasures him even more.

Zhao Mu is judging others by his own yardstick so naturally he thinks that power, women and wealth will be able to pull him onto his side and Zhao Ya is the best present he can think of for now.

Zhao Ya asked in bewilderment, "Why are you placing so much importance on that Dong Kuang?"

Zhao Mu gave a dry cough as he replied, "It's not I who places much importance on him, but it's your Imperial Brother's order that it's important that we treat this person well, don't you understand?"

On hearing that it's the King of Zhao's idea, Zhao Ya softened a little as she said with a quiet voice, "Maybe he's not interested in women? Otherwise why would he reject the courtesans that Imperial Brother bestowed on him last night."

Zhao Mu sighed, "All real men are lecherous. I think his standards are just too high and therefore not interested in those courtesans at all! But how can we compare our Lady Ya to them!"

Zhao Ya said icily, "Go after Ji Yanran if his standards are high then, who am I to compare?"

Xiang Shaolong could sense the bitterness in her tone and knows that she is jealous of Ji Yanran and can't help but form a plan for revenge.

Zhao Mu sighed, "Ji Yanran is famous for being a stony maiden without feelings, how can she be compared to the gentle and feeling Zhao Ya. Don't say anymore, I heard that Dong Kuang came out for a breather, help me get him to return! Why are you so nervous? It's not as if I want you to bed him tonight."

Zhao Ya remained silent.

Xiang Shaolong knows that there's no point eavesdropping any further so he slowly slipped away.

Xiang Shaolong sat in the pavilion, looking at the starry sky as he heard Zhao Ya's approaching footsteps.

He has changed his mind about Zhao Ya now and has decided to toy with her as punishment for her.

Zhao Ya came up behind him and forced herself to suppress her hatred towards him and said congenially, "Why is Mister Dong all alone here, almost half the guests are already here!"

Xiang Shaolong replied in his hoarse voice, still looking at the sky as he said, "I've never liked crowds. Look! The sky is so enchanting, her relation to us is so close and it's all due to the stars in her arms that we can plot our paths and know the time and seasons. After a person dies, he will return to the deepest part of her. It seems that she is protecting our lofty dreams, controlling the fate of everyone on this earth."

Zhao Ya did not expect such an unrefined person to say such profound words and was momentarily stunned. She sat down on a rock behind him and for a moment was at a loss for words.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling melancholic as he signed and added with a wry smile, shaking his head, "When I think that regardless of Mo Di or Kong Qiu, King Wu or Duke of Zhou, when they lifted their heads, they are seeing the same sky as well. How can we not feel the eternity of the sky when compared to man's miniscule and short lives. A pity that most people still cannot forget about the fight for power, fighting tooth and nail for such shallow gains day and night. That's why I've never liked fighting for power, only hoping to rear my precious horses in a carefree manner and just speak my mind! F*k that sky, I really love her a lot, that's why I want to f*k her, the way I f*k my beloved woman."

Although he cursed 3 times continuously, but this time Zhao Ya felt totally different on hearing it because he has given this 3 curse words a very profound feeling and meaning and it has become a totally different matter now.

Zhao Ya said in a quiet voice, "I have offended Mister today, my apologies."

Xiang Shaolong shrugged his shoulders graciously as he stood up and turned around, his burning eyes staring into her pretty face as he said with a smile, "It doesn't matter how Lady regards me, so how can there be a misunderstanding? Like this night sky, if you take only one look, maybe you'll not notice anything but if you look closely, we will see more and more stars the darker the night and every star will have her own story. Without a beginning, there will not be an end."

Zhao Ya has no defense against his stare so she lowered her head and said, "Mister's words are indeed touching!"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly laughing for no one other than him knows how to touch this s.lut's heart.

He stretched lazily and said, "All right! I should be returning to that mundane world. I only hope that time passes fast enough so that I can go home and sleep. Isn't the world in our dreams even more beautiful?"

Zhao Ya had a longing expression, hoping that he will continue talking.

Suddenly, she felt that even if she has to sleep with him, it doesn't seem like a terrible task after all.

Besides, his masculine body made her think uncontrollably about Xiang Shaolong.

Would it be as intoxicating to bed him as it was with Xiang Shaolong?

She really wants to know the answer!

Book 6 Chap 11 – Unstoppable old flame

By the time Xiang Shaolong returned to the hall together with Zhao Ya, the place is already a flurry of activity. Just scanning across the room, there were at least 50 odd people and most of them he knew from before, including Guo Zhong and his men, who were all split into 10 over groups either chatting or greeting one another.

Guo Kai saw them and first gave Xiang Shaolong a look full of hidden meaning before bringing him to where Zhao Mu was chatting with Guo Zhong and introduced him to this great merchant.

Zhao Ya is like honey surrounded by bees, with a group of men around her trying to pander to her, obviously she still has her charms.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that Zhao Ya is really adaptable to be able to rebound so quickly from the blow he gave her. Hai! He'd better let her off, after all they did have a sincere relationship in the past.

Guo Zhong said warmly, "Mister Dong has come from afar, I must play host a little no matter what. I wonder if you're available tomorrow, and of course the Marquis and Scholar Guo will accompany as well."

Xiang Shaolong replied with a smile, "Master Guo is so polite, I'll have to make time even if I don't have any!"

Guo Zhong was ecstatic and made an appointment with him.

Zhao Ya managed to extricate herself and came to Xiang Shaolong's side but before she has a chance to speak, someone laughed loudly as he walked over, "I've finally seen Lady today!"

Xiang Shaolong turned his head to see a handsome and majestic looking man about 30 years of age striding over.

This person has a strong walk with a long sword hanging from his waist and an extremely imposing air.

Once Zhao Ya saw him, her pretty eyes brightened and she ignored Xiang Shaolong as she said with a flirtatious smile, "It really makes me feel bad to hear Marquis Pingshan say this, it seems as if I am very difficult to meet."

So it turns out that this person is the envoy that the State of Han sent this time, the Marquis of Pingshan, Han Chuang, and it seems that he is quite a character.

Zhao Mu chortled, "Please stop your flirtations for a moment. Come Marquis Chuang, let me introduce to you the world famous horse fanatic Mister Dong Kuang."

Han Chuang's gaze settled on Xiang Shaolong's face, his expression aloof and after making do with some small talk, he pulled Zhao Ya aside and started whispering affectionately with her.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly feeling livid and hating himself for unable to forget this s.lut after all. Luckily the mask helped to conceal his real expression but he suddenly has less to talk about now.

Zhao Mu saw this and found an opportunity to pull him aside and said, "Just leave Zhao Ya to me, I'll make sure you'll have a chance to enjoy her. But I have a sincere warning for you, that woman is promiscuous so just have fun with her, don't ever get serious."

Xiang Shaolong knows that the misunderstanding is getting deeper so he hurriedly said, "Business is more important, I can live with or without such matters."

How can Zhao Mu possibly believe him but before he has a chance to speak further, the official at the door reported, "Lord Longyang from the State of Wei arrives!"

The hall was immediately quiet, obviously everyone was waiting to see this person and most have not seen this pretty man who is famous for his good looks.

There was a strange gleam in Zhao Mu's eyes as he stared at the entrance.

The sounds of trinkets were heard as Lord Longyang strolled into the hall floatingly, dressed in colorful robes and accompanied by 4 to 5 swordsmen.

The hall immediately came abuzz with whisperings; the topic of conversation is naturally around this transgender male.

Zhao Mu tapped Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and went forward.

Guo Kai came to Xiang Shaolong's side and said with a low laugh, "Isn't it extremely amazing that there is such a character in the world?"

Le Cheng also came to his other side and shook his head as he sighed, "His Marquis will be kept quite busy."

Xiang Shaolong saw Zhao Mu and Lord Longyang chatting and laughing quietly and was secretly thinking it was eye opening and at the same time was on the alert. This Lord Longyang is especially interested and scrutinizing towards men and if he's not careful, 'he' may find some loopholes and that would be terrible.

Zhao Ya's voice rang up from behind him, "What's the matter? Look at the way all of you are staring, were you unable to resist the lure of the men?"

Xiang Shaolong could not repress the repulsion he felt towards the way she was behaving intimately with the Marquis of Pingshan earlier so he just gave a cold snort and left.

Zhao Ya ran after him and said with a coquettish smile, "Why does Mister Dong look unhappy? Have I offended you?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly startled. Only now was he able to confirm that he still had some feelings left for this wanton woman, that's why he can't help but feel jealous and lost control of himself. He hurriedly recollected himself as he stopped walking to look at her, saying with a smile, "Lady you think too much, you have not done anything to make me unhappy so why would you say that?" At the same time he thought that Zhao Ya could have deliberately made used of Han Chuang to test his intentions towards her.

Zhao Ya glared at him and asked, "Then why is it that Mister Dong is avoiding me when I've only said one sentence?"

Xiang Shaolong knows that there's no way he can explain himself so he might as well not explain so he just replied nonchalantly, "I like to do whatever I like, and have never wasted my effort to think of the reason."

Under his stare, a sense of familiarity and confusion rose in Zhao Ya's heart and his natural manliness and intensity softened her heart as she sighed sadly and said, "You're really unfathomable. One moment you're gentler than anyone else and the next you're cold and heartless, like now. It makes one wonder how to deal with you."

Right then Xiang Shaolong saw Zhao Zhi accompanying Zhao Ba into the hall, joining Zhao Mu's group. Zhao Mu waved him over to meet Lord Longyang. He smiled at Zhao Ya as he said, "There's enough people here to take Lady's attention, there's no need to waste your precious time on an unrefined person like me. Look! Marquis Pingshan is looking for you again."

Zhao Ya glanced towards where he was looking. Han Chuang had just ended his polite talk with Lord Longyang and is walking towards her and she was secretly irritated with Han Chuang for coming at the wrong time.

After she lost Xiang Shaolong, she has felt extreme sadness and emptiness, that's why she returned to her old lascivious lifestyle, hoping to use other men to numb and cheapen herself so that it will reduce her guilt and the pain of missing Xiang Shaolong.

But no one could replace Xiang Shaolong.

When this Han Chuang first arrived in Zhao, she was embroiled in a heated relationship with him and spent a short and happy time together. But she can't help but feel that this person cannot replace Xiang Shaolong so she slowly cooled off, needing another new and fresh excitement.

That's why when she met Dong Kuang whose physique 'closely resembles' Xiang Shaolong, it seems that she has found a new life. Although she was irritated by his unrefined behavior and words this morning, she cannot deny that it gives her another feeling of excitement too. When Xiang Shaolong spoke such intoxicating words to her at the garden earlier, making her remember the heady time she once spent with Xiang Shaolong, her attention has already moved to this person.

The more Xiang Shaolong shows his manliness and imposing aura, the more she feels that this man is the personification of Xiang Shaolong and the more she is falling for him. Under such circumstances, Han Chuang has instead turned into an irritating obstacle.

As she was thinking, Han Chuang has already reached her.

Xiang Shaolong smiled suavely and bid his leave, walking towards Zhao Mu and Lord Longyang's group.

Zhao Zhi and Lord Longyang looked towards Xiang Shaolong at the same time.

Xiang Shaolong deliberately changed his style of walking, making it a swagger as he raised his hands in greeting and said in a coarse voice, "Dong Kuang pays his greetings to Lord Longyang!"

A look of surprise flashed past Lord Longyang's 'pretty eyes' as he replied, "I've long heard of Mister's great name, it's really fortunate that we get to meet today!"

Zhao Zhi's pretty eyes were wide open, staring intently at him.

Zhao Mu chortled as he introduced Zhao Ba and a few senior officials of Zhao to Xiang Shaolong.

Lord Longyang 'smiled coquettishly', "Mister is indeed a great man of our times, no wonder you're making us girls all stare at you!"

Zhao Zhi's pretty face blushed before she realized that she has behaved irregularly because this person closely resembles Xiang Shaolong. She lowered her pretty face and stared angrily at Lord Longyang.

Xiang Shaolong felt his goose pimples rising under the eyes of Lord Longyang and prayed that he has not taken a liking to him.

Zhao Ba chortled as he said, "Lord Longyanf and Mister Dong are both expert swordsmen, why don't we find a day to exchange pointers at my school. Wouldn't that be a grand event in the martial arts realm?"

Lord Longyand's glittery eyes surveyed the hall before he said with a smile, "If we can manage to invite our Learned Lady Ji to the school as well, maybe everyone here will go there to partake in the atmosphere. Now that would really be a grand event!"

Everyone laughed together with him.

Zhao Zhi can't help but to steal another look at Xiang Shaolong, her expression strange.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly lamenting, he guessed that Jing Jun could have leaked some news, otherwise Zhao Zhi's expression wouldn't have looked so strange.

Right at this time, the door official deliberately raised his voice as he sang out, "Miss Ji Yanran arrives!"

The noisy atmosphere in the hall immediately ceased and everyone, men and women, all looked towards the main door.

Xiang Shaolong's heart began beating faster.

Will this pretty lady whom he has not seen for so long still look as wonderful?

Book 7 Chap 1 – So near and yet so far

As everyone in the hall waited expectantly, Ji Yanran flitted in and accompanying her is the current expert of astronomy, his old friend Zou Yan.

Ji Yanran has lost some weight but it has not affected her beauty at all. Besides, her freshness and purity is something that no one can win against.

Zhao Ya and Zhao Zhi are all outstanding beauties but when compared to her, they immediately paled in comparison.

There's a little more sadness in Ji Yanran's pretty eyes, and who knows if it may be because she misses him.

Zou Yan on the other hand looks energetic as he accompanied Ji Yanran into the main hall.

Xiang Shaolong was afraid that Ji Yanran would recognize his build so he hurriedly hid behind Zhao Ba and Zhao Zhi.

Zhao Mu who was dumbfounded on seeing her finally regained his senses and stepped forward, saying loudly, "Welcome, Learned Lady Ji and Mister Zou, for coming."

Everyone can't help but lean nearer towards the entrance, to take a look at this beauty famed for her looks and intellect.

Xiang Shaolong was instead pushed out of the way.

Zhao Zhi's voice rang next to his ear, "Mister Dong!"

At this time Zhao Mu was introducing Ji Yanran and Zou Yan to the guests one by one and Xiang Shaolong was startled as he turned around to look at Zhao Zhi who was behind him. He saw that her pretty eyes were gleaming as she stared deeply at him so he hurriedly smiled and asked, "Miss Zhao has something to say?"

Zhao Zhi replied gently, "Mister looks really like someone I know!" Xiang Shaolong was relieved and knows that Jing Jun has only leaked a little news, he did not reveal everything at all so he pretended to look interested and asked, "Would that be Miss Zhao's lover?"

His words are obviously teasing as he knows that Zhao Zhi will definitely not be able to take it and he'll thank his lucky stars if she will henceforth ignore him. However, Zhao Zhi's pretty face blushed instead as she lowered her head with shyness. She suddenly shook her head and walked away.

Ji Yanran's laughter could be heard tinkling from the crowd over there. However Xiang Shaolong is breaking out in cold sweat. What is this all about? Isn't Zhao Zhi in love with Jing Jun? Then why does she look as if she has feelings for him, and wouldn't that make him Jing Jun's rival in love? If she doesn't like Jing Jun, why is she returning his letters?

Just as he was feeling numb, it was now Zhao Ya's turn to look for him.

Zhao Ya had an obviously jealous expression yet she pretended to be nonchalant and said, "Everyone is in a hurry to get to know Ji Yanran but why is Mister hiding here?"

Xiang Shaolong's hatred towards her was still strong so he deliberately made fun of her, going near her ear and whispering in a coarse voice, "I am naturally astoundingly attractive to women, if I let Ji Yanran get close to me, she will definitely not be able to retrain her feelings so it's better that I stay away."

Zhao Ya was stunned on hearing it. To think that there is such a thick-skinned man in the world who will boast of his charm towards women, especially when the recipient of his speech is a woman like her, isn't he insinuating that she is also offering herself because she could not resist his lure?

She almost wanted to leave in anger but her pretty legs won't listen to her, insisting on staying put. Even though he insulted her, she seems to feel a masochistic joy in it.

Looking at how uncertain and sad her pretty face looked, Xiang Shaolong felt a sense of accomplishment and added on, "I'm even more afraid of bedding women, because once those women had a taste of my prowess and the joy, I guarantee that they will not be able to leave me. Hai! That would really be a headache."

Zhao Ya was absolutely flabbergasted. There's not a single person whom she has just met would dare to say such shameless and dirty words to her. But of all things this person has said something, which she felt, is so moving to the core ever since she met Xiang Shaolong.

She was absolutely confused and unconsciously said, "But all men wants to get Learned Lady Ji's heart and body, why is Mister the only exception?"

Xiang Shaolong found it very interesting to make fun of her and replied with a smile, "People say that talent can arouse jealousy, I think that this sounds very reasonable. If I manage to get Learned Lady Ji and she in turn refuses to let go of me, we'll certainly incur the jealousy of others. Won't it bring unnecessary trouble that will be disadvantageous to my grand plan of setting up the family business here. That's why I can only suppress my lust. Hai! To tell you the truth, back in Chu, I must have a woman with me every night!"

Zhao Ya blushed on hearing that but at the same time felt a ridiculous sense of wild excitement. She lowered her head and said, "Has Mister always been so direct in your talks with women whom you've just met?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly finding this funny as he replied, "I've always spoken from my heart towards women. You can excuse yourself if you don't like to listen, I've always been like that."

Zhao Ya's sense of self-respect could not tolerate this any further and she replied angrily, "Mister does not respect how a girl feels at all, who would be able to tolerate such talk."

Xiang Shaolong saw that the attention of everyone else were all centered on Ji Yanran and no one took notice of them at all so he chortled, "Women are like horses, once you know of their likings, you can tame them into obedient creatures. Hei! Horses that I have taken a liking to, every single one of them will ultimately surrender to my whip."

These words are even more obvious. Zhao Ya could not take it any longer and replied angrily, "Mister is too overbearing towards women, treating humans as beasts and taming them, don't you care about other's feelings at all?" But in her heart she was confused, unable to determine what kind of a person is this horse fanatic. At one moment he seems to be a gentleman who does not chase after women, the next moment he's suddenly like a sex maniac.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that he's made her suffered enough and said nonchalantly, "To me, horses have better morality than humans. Once they have regarded someone as master, they will not keep changing their minds."

Zhao Ya was stunned, for these words seemed to have stirred the pain in her heart.

Xiang Shaolong realized that Zhao Zhi was peeping at him talking to Zhao Ya from amongst the crowd so he winked at her mischievously, making her so furious that she hurriedly turned her head away.

Zhao Ya noticed it and she asked with furrowed brows, "What has Mister spoken to Zhao Zhi about?"

Xiang Shaolong was thinking that it was none of her business, since he did not even ask her what did she and Marquis Pingshan spoke about. He went near her ears and said, "She is a wild horse, and Lady is another horse."

This time Zhao Ya has finally reached the end of her patience and she suddenly looked livid and was about to reprimand him when Zhao Mu's voice could be heard saying, "Mister Dong Kuang has gone over that side, Miss Ji would like to get to know tonight's star!"

Everyone turned around to look towards the two of them.

Xiang Shaolong cast a meaningful eye at Zhao Ya before leaving with a smile, secretly feeling smug that he has finally vented his anger. It's best that from now on Zhao Ya will lose her interest in him, which would save him a lot of unnecessary trouble.


If she could just cultivate herself by staying at home and repent, maybe he'll be softhearted and forgive her, but now it's a totally different matter. He finally managed to squeeze past the crowd to reach Zhao Mu's side.

Ji Yanran's pretty eyes landed on him and a strange gleam suddenly darted past but when she noticed that it's not Xiang Shaolong, her eyes dimmed again. The changes in her expression were obvious.

Xiang Shaolong forced the feelings of excitement and heat down as he paid his respects, "Dong Kuang pays his respect to Miss Ji and Mister Zou."

Ji Yanran regained her senses and returned his bow with a smile, "I've long heard of Mister's name. Yanran is also a horse lover, I must seek Mister's advice if the opportunity arises."

Xiang Shaolong feels the regrettable feeling of her being so near and yet so far! He secretly thought that if he doesn't make use of this rare opportunity to secretly make her understand, he'll need to spend a lot more trouble in future. If she could not find him, or received news that he has gone to Qin and thus make her way there, they would have missed the chance to meet.

He immediately nodded his head and replied, "How can I live up to Miss's praise. I've heard of Miss Ji's excellent horse named Jifeng, and wonder if you can me see it and it would be an eye opener for me."

Ji Yanran and Zou Yan were equally startled.

Ji Yanran was immediately energized as her pretty eyes stared at him unwaveringly as she said, "If Mister is free, why don't you come over to my place tomorrow morning and I can learn from your expertise."

Everyone around them threw looks of envy at Xiang Shaolong. They did not expect that this person would be able to have the chance to interact with this rare beauty in close proximity because of his skills in rearing horses.

Lord Longyang's dainty voice interrupted, "A few of my horses seemed to have fallen ill, can Mister Dong come and take a look as well."

This sentence caused him to receive another kind of envious looks.

Xiang Shaolong was thinking this is a headache and secretly lamenting but he replied with perfunctory, "Your highness have traveled a long way here, the horses are just tired! They'll be fine after resting for a while."

Once he said that, every is clear that Xiang Shaolong has no interest in men at all.

Lord Longyang whined, "My horses and I have rested for more than a month, besides they only fell ill recently. Aren't you a horse lover? How can you just watch them die?"

Zhao Mu was afraid that he'll offend Lord Longyang so he moved the conversation along by saying, "Mister Dong is not like that at all. I'll find some time tomorrow to accompany Mister Dong to pay a visit to Lord Longyang."

He then said to Ji Yanran, "I would like to see this marvelous steed that can make Mister Dong pine over it as well."

Xiang Shaolong and Ji Yanran secretly cursed but there's nothing they can do to him.

The latter said with resign, "Yanran will of course welcome you, your Highness. Please come with Mister Dong!"

Zhao Ya's feelings are entirely different.

Never in her dreams would she expect Ji Yanran to proactively invite this nonsensical weirdo. Could it be that he really has the natural attraction towards women? Indeed she herself has been caught in a flutter, not knowing whether she should like him or hate him.

Zhao Mu said, "The feast should begin, Miss Ji please be seated."

Ji Yanran can't help but cast a meaningful look towards Zou Yan.

How can that wily old fox Zou Yan not understand so he said with a smile, "Since Yanran and Mister Dong are both horse lovers and this is such a rare chance today, why don't I exchange seats with Mister Dong."

This time even Zhao Mu's jealousy was aroused but everyone knows that Ji Yanran have always taken interest in weird and rare people which has nothing to do with romantic feelings at all so no one would think that these 2 would have any secret relationship at all.

Xiang Shaolong suppressed the excitement he felt and replied happily, "This is more than what I can ask for. I'm just afraid that I am too ill-learned and Miss Ji would be offended."

Ji Yanran gave a sweet smile which stunned everyone before saying gently, "It is I who should feel favored." She dare not look at Xiang Shaolong any longer and turned to follow Zhao Mu's attendant towards a table on the left. The aqua and white colored gown together with the jet black and shiny hairstyle attracted the gaze of everyone.

Zhao Ya wished that she could give Xiang Shaolong a few stabs. He just said that he will not go near Ji Yanran and yet now he's showing off that he could be next to her. Suddenly, she was startled to realize that she has successfully forgotten about Xiang Shaolong. In her heart now there is only this hateful, yet lovable, unfathomable wild man.

After Xiang Shaolong was seated, he realized that it's still difficult to talk. Firstly the 2 of them were about 5 feet apart but also because pretty maids were behind both of them trying to serve them so no matter how much they have to say to each other, there is no chance to.

Sitting opposite them were Zhao Mu and Zhao Ya, the latter deliberately trying not to look at Xiang Shaolong and the atmosphere was embarrassing.

Zhao Mu thought that Zhao Ya was unhappy that he forced her to be close to Xiang Shaolong, that's why she was furious and did not think much of it.

The few hundred tables were fully seated and the atmosphere was lively.

Zou Yan was seated together with Guo Kai and they were laughing and talking.

After Ji Yanran was seated, she felt that she has no opportunity to speak with Xiang Shaolong at all because she is the star of the feast and everyone is trying to show themselves off in front of her and she had to entertain all of them.

2 pairs of eyes constantly flitted to where Xiang Shaolong was. One pair belonged to Lord Longyang who was seated on the table next to the main table, and the other belonged to Zhao Zhi, who was seated together with Zhao Ba at the table 5 tables down, opposite from Zhao Mu.

The Marquis of Pingshan, Han Chuang, who held no regard for Xiang Shaolong initially, was now staring at him with hatred when he saw that he actually had the honor of sitting together with Ji Yanran.

At this time someone asked Ji Yanran, "I wonder what is the thing that can move Miss Ji's heart in this world?"

Everyone felt this to be very interesting so they all looked steadily at Ji Yanran, waiting to see how she'll respond.

Ji Yanran's pretty eyes turned around as she replied with a smile, "This is a very difficult question to answer! There will be different answers at the different stages of life. Maybe when Yanran's beauty is gone, the thing that I would want most is my youth, which will never come back!"

Everyone knows she's deliberately avoiding the question and they all expressed their displeasure, forcing her to give an answer.

How can Xiang Shaolong bear to let his love be bullied so he chortled and said, "Miss Ji has already answered this question. Something that is unobtainable will always be pined for."

Everyone became quiet and as they mulled over it, felt that the reply was reasonable.

For example, everyone would like to become the ruler of a country, and precisely because they know that there's no way they can get it, it becomes more of a lure for them.

Guo Zhong said with admiration, "I did not expect that Mister Dong would have other skills besides the art of rearing horses." Everyone laughed.

Lord Longyang said coquettishly, "I wonder what thing will attract Mister Dong?" The Marquis of Pingshan interrupted, "Of course it's that treasured horse which he'll never get that can travel a thousand miles in a day!"

Immediately laughter roared in the hall and the atmosphere was lively.

Xiang Shaolong knows that now is a good opportunity for him to portray himself in an unrefined yet open image in front of these administrators of Zhao so he said loudly, "Not at all! Not at all! Just having one or two rare horses is of no help at all to the overall situation, what I want is 10,000 warhorses that can give my King victory."

All the Zhaos seated nodded their head in agreement.

Zhao Ya can't help but ask, "But what is the impossible thing that can make Mister Dong pine for it?"

Xiang Shaolong laughed roughly and continued talking in his trademark hoarse voice, staring at Zhao Ya as he replied, "I've always lacked imagination, and I will never waste my effort thinking about things that I know for sure that I cannot get. But! Hei! Some things that can be obtained and yet still out of reach can make my heart itch so much that I have sleepless nights."

All the men there understood the underlying meaning and smiled.

Zhao Ya saw that he was staring at her as he spoke and felt both anger and joy. She lowered her head and avoided his gaze.

Ji Yanran who was next to him thought about the thing that she could almost have as well and her pretty face blushed unconsciously. She secretly took a look at him, wishing that she can throw herself immediately into his arms.

At this time an attendant suddenly walked in towards Zhao Mu and quietly reported something to him. Zhao Mu revealed a look of surprise and looked at Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong was just feeling puzzled when Zhao Mu stood up and announced, "Tonight we have another esteemed just who has just arrived and he is the most popular guest of Chu's Lord Chunshen, Mister Li Yuan."

Once Xiang Shaolong heard that, he was startled and cold sweat broke out.