12-4 -- 12-7

Book 12 Chapter 04 – An Escape Trick

It is evening time. The clouds in the sky begin to sink and the moisture in the air begins to rise. When they meet, they accumulate and form a thick fog.

On a hill three miles South west from where they are, sounds of men talking and horses neighing can be heard. It appears that the enemies have lost their patience and thought that they have left for the farm long ago.

Up till now, not only did both parties have not exchanged blows, they haven't even seen each other's shadow. But this intangible battle been fought by both parties competing in intelligence, training, patience, strength and strategy. A small error could cause Xiang Shaolong's smaller forces to be entirely wiped out.

Relying on the darkness and fog, Jing Jun and his hunters made sure that they were no spies nearby before pushing three rafts into the river. Securing them with rope, he hid the rafts among the reeds. Once accomplished, they returned to Xiang Shaolong's side and inquired: "What do we do next?"

Regaining his cool and determination as a top elite special forces commando, Xiang Shaolong replied: "It depends on the enemies' movement. Unless I am wrong, the men who were left behind will continue searching this area to confirm that we are not in hiding. Once confirmed, they will contact those men who have moved further down the road. That will be the time to retaliate."

Teng Yi nodded: "This is a brilliant move. Once the enemy suffers an ambush, they will retreat back to the path and seal our escape route. At the same time, they will use a flare to inform those men ahead of us. This way, they will surround us from the front and the back. That will be the best time we will use the rafts and leave this area quickly."

Ji Yanran praised: "Fantastic! Even if Sun Wu is here, he may not be able to think of such an excellent plan."

Xiang Shaolong can feel his confidence and fighting will improve by leaps and bounds. Under his strict commands, Jing Jun and the Eighteen Guardians divide themselves into groups of threes and fours. Taking up advantageous spots around the campsite, they held their bows ready.

They may be smaller in numbers but every one of them is well-versed in night combat as well as jungle warfare. Their killing ability is not to be taken lightly.

Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi and Ji Yanran hid themselves behind some rocks near the hilltop. Their mind at ease, they await the enemies' appearance.

The new moon rises up slowly to take its place in the sky, surrounded by countless stars. As the fog begins to disperse, the enemies came into view.

They formed ten odd units and are conducting a search slowly along the river.

Opposite the river are another seventeen or eighteen men in three groups. They are the first to enter the firing range of Jing Jun and his three fellow hunters.

Xiang Shaolong and his two companions could sense ten odd men approaching their hiding place. The atmosphere was as tense as a drawn bowstring.

They held their breaths and continue to wait patiently.

As planned, one of their men deliberately provoked a warhorse hidden in the forest. The horse reacts with a loud neighing sound, breaking the silence of the forest.

The enemies begin to move quickly towards the sound of the neighing.

A series of tragic shouts can be heard. Needless to say, the enemies have fallen into animal traps set up by Jing Jun and the hunters. With sharp wooden stakes at the bottom of the pit, a number of men were killed or heavily injured.

Xiang Shaolong and his men knew that it is time. First, they shot out their burning fireballs all around the enemies. It was followed by an endless volley of arrows.

Under the glow of the fire, the attackers were caught unaware and descended into chaos. Cries of help and sound of people falling filled the air. It was a pathetic sight.

The most formidable was of course Teng Yi. Arrows left his bow continuously with rest. The moment an enemy was sighted, his arrow will fly and embed itself in the enemy's body as if it can see.

Since they were hiding in several spots along the river, arrows were shot from different directions and the enemy could not find a safe hiding place at all.

In a short span of time, over ten enemies have been shot dead. Those surviving whistled urgently to retreat and they withdrew in panic.

A flare shot up the sky and exploded into silvery white sparks.

Xiang Shaolong charged downhill and trailed the retreating enemies, striking those in his reach. After he struck down seven or eight men, he returned to the forest. Everyone collected their horses, retrieved Wu Jie, boarded their three rafts and floated downstream.

Finally, they vented some of their suppressed anger.

In the main hall of the Wu Family Farm, like a defeated man, Wu Tingwei and Wu Jie kneeled down in front of an incensed Wu Yingyuan.

Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun, Wu Guo, Pu Bu, Liu Chao and Tao Fang stood on both sides, staring icily at the two Wu family traitors.

Wu Tingwei continued to protest: "I am only thinking about the family. How can we hope to defeat Premier Lu?"

Wu Yingyuan furiously cursed: "To think that I have been successful all my life and yet give birth to a nitwit and unfilial son. If Lu Buwei manages to kill Shaolong, he will kill you next to seal you mouth. Tell me! Did anyone from Premier Residence arrange to meet you after the ambush?"

Wu Tingwei was taken aback, proving that there is indeed such an arrangement.

He may not be the brightest person around but will still understand a simple philosophy called dead men tell no tales.

Beside him, Wu Jie was shaking with fear, knowing that the house rules are extremely strict.

Wu Yingyuan sighed: "I do what I say. Not only have you disobeyed my order, you are worse than a beast. Men! Bring these two men out to be executed immediately."

Wu Tingwei collapsed and shook with fear, exclaiming: "Father, I am wrong."

Four family warriors came to their sides and restrained them.

Xiang Shaolong interceded: "Father-in-law, please listen to me. Why don't we send him to the north and help Big Brother? This way, he can accumulate merits to compensate for his mistakes."

Wu Yingyuan slowly sighed: "I understand your concern. But this concerns the survival of the whole family. If because he is my own son and I am lenient, the authority of our Wu Family house rules will be gone. Everyone will not submit and the other family elders will think that I practise favouritism. Originally, I have three sons but I'll take it that I only have two sons. Come! Bring them to the ancestral hall and invite all the family heads to witness. I want everyone to know that family traitors will share the same punishment."

Wu Tingwei realised that his father is not trying to frighten him. His legs turning soft like mud, he begged for mercy.

Xiang Shaolong wanted to say something else.

Wu Yingyuan coldly decided: "I have made up my mind and nothing will change it. I have no hesitation in sacrificing a son and gaining everyone's cooperation."

Everyone was dumbfounded as Wu Tingwei and Wu Jie were dragged out.

Wu Yingyuan is right. His insistence in executing Wu Tingwei has everyone in shock. Nobody else within the family will dare to oppose him in fighting Lu Buwei to the end.

Even such an elaborate plot has failed to take Xiang Shaolong's life, giving hope and confidence to everyone.

The power and prestige of the Wu Family in Xianyang is no longer despised by the Qin population like before.

With the army favouring Xiang Shaolong, including Lu Buwei's general Meng Ao, they are in a much stronger position than before.

Since this plan has failed, Lu Buwei will naturally hatch another plot.

But Wu Tingwei's death has created some problems as well.

His mother Madam Wu and Wu Tingfang became very sick around the same time. Amazingly, Wu Yingyuan is surprising strong-willed and handled the daily affairs as per normal. He summoned his two sons who are doing business and sent them to the north to open up farmlands, focusing on expanding their influence there.

This has been approved by King Zhuangxiang and even Lu Buwei cannot interfere.

Xiang Shaolong busied himself with the training of his army and spent two months in peace and harmony. Today, Tao Fang showed up with the latest news from Xianyang City.

Listening to his report are Wu Yingyuan, Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Wu Yingyuan's two brothers Wu Yingjie and Wu Yingen.

Tao Fang started: "According to Qin customs, after three and a half months since his death, King Zhuangxiang's funeral will be held at the Royal Temple. Every state has sent a representative to pay their respects. Tian Dan is representing Qi; I wonder what he is up to."

Xiang Shaolong was aroused: "For Tian Dan to come personally, he must be up to something. I am not surprised that Qi sent someone as they did not join the combined army fighting Qin six months ago. But aren't the five states still at war with Qin? Why did they send representatives as well?"

Tao Fang explained: "Prince Xinling's military seal has been confiscated and is spending his time aimlessly in Daliang. The four armies retreated one after another and made truce with Lu Buwei. Every state is afraid of Qin attacking them and are busy presenting gifts and bribes. Xianyang City will be the centre of attention once again."

Xiang Shaolong thought that Lord Longyang will definitely represent Wei but who will the other states send? He hates to see people like Li Yuan and Guo Kai again.

Wu Yingyuan questioned: "Anything from Lu Buwei?"

Tao Fang shrugged his shoulders: "I believe he is too busy to pay attention to us. With the change of power, the most important task is to consolidate the country's authority. I heard that he made several changes to the high-ranking officials and generals with the support of Empress Ji. He did not touch Xu Xian's or Wang Ling's men as the official posts that they are occupying are irrelevant."

Wu Yingen mused: "He will carry out his plot step by step."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Teng Yi faced Xiang Shaolong and enquired: "If we can disrupt the relationship between Lu Buwei and Empress Ji, it will be as good as cutting of one of his limbs. What does Third Brother think?"

Everyone was eyeing him with high expectations. Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed and replied: "I will proceed accordingly."

Tao Fang suggested: "Shaolong should make a quick trip to Xianyang City. Empress Ji has tried to summon you three times but I have rejected them, saying that you are unwell. I don't think it is good to ignore her too many times."

Xiang Shaolong brightened up and resolved: "I will return to Xianyang City tomorrow."

Everyone cheered.

Xiang Shaolong was daydreaming about meeting Empress Ji.

Now that King Zhuangxiang is dead and if Zhu Ji wanted to get close to him, what shall he do?

He has the deepest respect for King Zhuangxiang and should not be getting close to his widow.

This is something unacceptable.

Back at the Hidden Dragon Abode, Ji Yanran is chatting with Wu Tingfang in private. Wu Tingfang is still sick and bedridden.

With his own brother executed according to the family rules, this beauty's face is dead white and she is so thin until her cheeks have sunk into her face. Xiang Shaolong was grieved.

Ji Yanran saw him coming and stood up, advising: "Have a good chat with Tingfang!" Winking at him, she left the bedroom.

Xiang Shaolong understood that Tingfang hates her own brother for betraying the family and her father for being heartless. With conflicting emotions affecting her mentally, she fell sick.

Sighing to himself, he sat at her bedside and lightly caressed her shoulder. He noticed a bowl in her hand that is still full of medicine and softly asked: "Not taking your medicine again?"

Wu Tingfang's eyes reddened and she lowered her head, sobbing silently.

No one knows her spoilt temper better than Xiang Shaolong. Once she throws a tantrum, no one can calm her down. Bending down to her ear, he whispered: "You are angry at father; but the real culprit is Lu Buwei. Everybody else is innocent. If you take it personally, not only will you remain sick, your mum will also be in bad health. Your father and I will be anxious about the two of you and cannot focus on fighting our real enemies. Do you understand?"

Wu Tingfang thought about it and nodded her head obediently.

Xiang Shaolong wiped away her tears and took this chance to feed her the bowl of medicine, coaxing: "That's my girl. You must get well soon and visit your mum."

Wu Tingfang protested: "The medicine is very bitter!"

Xiang Shaolong kissed her face and covered her with a blanket. He waited until she fell asleep and returned to the hall.

Zhao Zhi, Ji Yanran and the Tian sisters are playing with baby Bao'er. If Wu Tingfang is there as well, it would be perfect.

He received Bao'er from Ji Yanran and watched the sweet smile on his face. His heart swelled up with a strong will.

Lu Buwei can harm him and he can harm Lu Buwei as well.

The first man he must kill is not Lu Buwei but the devious and clever Mo Ao.

For every day he lives, one day, he will come up with a plot that will finally take Xiang Shaolong's life.

Wu Tingfang's health improved greatly. By the third day, she is strong enough to leave her bed and visit her mother.

She has become a quieter person and does not like to talk much or meet people outside the family. However, her eyes are glowing with never-seen-before determination. It seems that Xiang Shaolong's words have untied the knot in her heart, making her shift her hatred to Lu Buwei.

Now that she has recovered, Xiang Shaolong could finally put his mind at rest. With Teng Yi and Jing Jun, they left for Xianyang City.

The Eighteen Guardians have been increased to Eighty Guardians, increasing their might.

With everyone alert and travelling non-stop, they reached Xianyang City within a day.

Xiang Shaolong entered the palace and sought an audience with Empress Zhu Ji and the soon-to-be-king Xiao Pan.

Zhu Ji has lost considerable weight but Xiao Pan is looking great and energetic, contrasting the mourning clothes that don him.

They were overjoyed to see him. Dismissing their men, Zhu Ji went straight to the point: "Shaolong, what's up with you? Out of the blue, you slipped back to the farm and I cannot even find someone to talk to."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly stunned. With her husband dead, Zhu Ji is like a phoenix that has been set free. Nothing can hold her down anymore. He paid his obeisance to them, took his seat and answered: "Please excuse me, Empress. I have my own troubles as well."

Xiao Pan lowered his head, understanding what he meant.

Zhu Ji demanded: "Tell me about it or I will not let you leave."

From her tone, she did not treat him like a subordinate but as a friend.

Xiao Pan interceded: "Mother, please spare Grand Tutor Xiang. If he can say it, he would have done so."

Zhu Ji exclaimed: "The two of you are ganging up against me?"

Xiao Pan winked warmly at Xiang Shaolong, stating: "I take my leave. Mother should have a good chat with Grand Tutor Xiang!"

Looking at him leaving, Xiang Shaolong almost wanted to pull him back. His biggest fear now is to be alone with Zhu Ji.

When they were alone, Zhu Ji became quiet instead. After some time, she lightly sighed: "Is there some differences between you and Buwei?"

Xiang Shaolong kept quiet.

Zhu Ji scrutinized him for a while and slowly revealed: "When you returned from your last mission, I can tell that you have lost your bearings and seemed to have become a different person. Buwei has a funny look in his eyes when he looks at you. I know him too well. To achieve success, he will resort to all means. Isn't it obvious when he presented me to Zhuangxiang? He told me he will never leave me in the morning and by night I am with another man. "

She suddenly asked: "Will Shaolong blame me for not differentiating between good and evil?"

Only Xiang Shaolong will understand these words.

Zhu Ji, Xiao Pan and Lu Buwei's fate are intertwined together.

Lu Buwei need Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan to continue his hold of power and run the country legitimately. Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan needs Lu Buwei to manage the opposing court officials.

With rumours that Xiao Pan is Lu Buwei's son and if Zhu Ji eliminates Lu Buwei, they will be in danger. Without Lu Buwei, before Xiao Pan can be crowned King, they may be toppled down already.

Xiang Shaolong bowed: "How can I blame Empress?"

With an agonized smile, Zhu Ji softly reminded: "Remember the day when we left the Wu Family Fortress in Handan City? I promised Grandmaster Wu that as long as I am alive, Wu family will live in prosperity. I have never forgotten my promise; Shaolong can rest easy."

Xiang Shaolong was touched that Zhu Ji remembered her promise in times like this and was lost for words.

Zhu Ji brightened up and added: "Two days ago, Xu Xian, Lu Gong and Wang Ling proposed that you be promoted as the Imperial Cavalry Commander, leading ten thousand cavalry and securing the safety of Xianyang City. Lu Buwei objected strongly to their proposal. I did not know how would you feel and did not insist. I am surprised that the three most powerful men in the military are supporting you. Shaolong! You must not hide anymore. Little Zheng and I need you by our side!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned. Does Xu Xian and the rest know that he is opposing Lu Buwei?

Zhu Ji wailed: "You! Aren't you concerned about the Wu family's safety?"

Xiang Shaolong knew what she meant.

If she must choose between Lu Buwei and himself, she will choose him.

If he can replace Lu Buwei and protect her and Xiao Pan, then Lu Buwei will be unnecessary.

Hatefully, he knew that Lu Buwei will not be easily toppled. It is all recorded in history.

He nodded his head vigorously: "Thanks for Empress's concern!"

Zhu Ji's face reddened and she lowered her head, commenting: "As long as you do not treat me like an outsider, I will be satisfied."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I have never considered you as an outsider. But the King has treated me well, how can I... Ai!"

Zhu Ji's eyes shone with anger, sighing: "How can I forget his love too? Shaolong spoke to him before he passed away. I think I can guess what it is. But please do not tell me because I do not want to know it now. I hope Shaolong can take pity on me and my unfavourable circumstances."

Xiang Shaolong discovers that Zhu Ji is cleverer than he expected. Reminded about Lao Ai, he wonders if he should challenge fate and warn her beforehand. The attendant at the gate suddenly reports: "Right Premier Lu Buwei is here to seek an audience with Empress."

Xiang Shaolong wished he could disappear into thin air. Of all people, he has to run into his arch enemy today.

Book 12 Chapter 05 – Grand Preparations

Dressed flamboyantly in his official robes, Lu Buwei strode in arrogantly into Zhu Ji's Hall of Kindness. Xiang Shaolong hurriedly got up and greeted him.

Even livelier than before, he scanned Xiang Shaolong and nodded with a smile: "I am so happy to see you again."

A simple sentence that hints strongly at many things! It hints at Xiang Shaolong's sudden disappearance, his 'disregard' of the Qin court and the fact that he is able to stay alive!

He continued to pay his respects to Zhu Ji but did not kneel down, showing the special relationship he shares with her. With her support, he does not see himself as a subordinate any more.

Lu Buwei sat opposite Xiang Shaolong and smiled: "With shameless individuals coming in with evil intentions and creating trouble, these are trying times for the Qin Court. If Shaolong has nothing urgent, why don't you stay in Xianyang City? I may have some tasks for you."

Xiang Shaolong nodded in consent but secretly admired Lu Buwei's psychological warfare. Using the present danger as an excuse, he forced Zhu Ji to cooperate with him.

Turning to Zhu Ji, Lu Buwei asked: "What are Empress and Shaolong talking about?"

A simple sentence like this betrayed Lu Buwei's proud attitude. After all, he is a subject of Empress Ji and who is he to question Empress Ji about her affairs?

Zhu Ji was not angry and plainly state: "I am just asking about his recent activities!"

Anger flashed his eyes as Lu Buwei coldly dismissed: "Shaolong, please leave us alone. I have something important to discuss with Empress."

Xiang Shaolong was annoyed at his comment, indicating that he is not fit to join in their discussion.

He was about to take his leave when Zhu Ji interrupted: "Shaolong, hold your step. How can Premier Lu treat Shaolong like an outsider?"

Lu Buwei was shocked but put on a smile: "It is not that. He has no interests in court affairs and I do not want to burden him!"

Zhu Ji nonchalantly asked: "Premier Lu is so impatient; what can be so important?"

Xiang Shaolong and Lu Buwei knew that Zhu Ji is throwing her temper and is obviously siding with Xiang Shaolong. Lu Buwei will not be so foolish to continue rebutting her and went along, smiling: "Empress, please do not take offence. I wanted to see you as I have an excellent recommendation for the Imperial Cavalry Commander."

The Imperial Cavalry Commander is the next post after An Gu to work closely with the royal family.

Xianyang City is protected by three armies. They are the palace guards protecting the palace and the Imperial Infantry and Imperial Cavalry defending the city. The Imperial Infantry are foot soldiers and Imperial Cavalry are soldiers on horseback.

If you combine both Imperial Infantry and Imperial Cavalry, it will be the same as Xiang Shaolong's City Commander back at Handan City. It is just a separation of armies.

There are thirty thousand foot soldiers, three times more than the cavalry. But if you compare the honour and rank, the Imperial Cavalry Commander is more prestigious than the Imperial Infantry Commander.

Zhu Ji coldly concluded: "Premier Lu need not recommend anyone. I have decided to promote Shaolong to be the Imperial Cavalry Commander. Except for him, there is nobody else I will trust."

Lu Buwei could not imagine the normally-obedient Zhu Ji decided on this matter and did not offer any room for discussion. His face changing colour slightly, he glanced at Xiang Shaolong with surprise and checked: "Shaolong has changed your mind?"

Xiang Shaolong understood where Zhu Ji is coming from and she is indeed formidable. She did not want to live in Lu Buwei's shadow forever. Now that Xiang Shaolong has gained the respect of the army and is the Imperial Cavalry Commander, he can check Lu Buwei's influence. Thus, Lu Buwei dare not act hastily and disregard her and Xiao Pan. Through Xiang Shaolong, she need not always bend her will and support Lu Buwei blindly.

Xiang Shaolong knew that Lu Buwei is pretending to be concerned but is actually forcing him to give up this promotion. Then he can recommend the person he has in mind. Xiang Shaolong smiled: "As Premier Lu mentioned, it is trying times for Qin. I can only put my personal responsibilities and accept this challenging position."

Anger shooting out of his eyes, Lu Buwei faked a smile and coughed: "Good. Since Empress thinks so highly of you, do not disappoint her!"

Zhu Ji plainly asked: "Does Premier Lu have anything else to say?"

Lu Buwei was infuriated but dare not argue with her, knowing that he has crossed the line earlier. He reported: "Qi Chancellor Tian Dan, Chu Imperial Uncle Li Yuan, Zhao General Pang Junyu arrived in Xianyang City yesterday. They hope to meet Empress and Crown Prince before attending the late king's funeral."

Zhu Ji coldly hissed: "We are still dressed in mourning clothes. What is there to see? Wait till the late king is buried first!"

This is the first time Lu Buwei is being admonished by Zhu Ji in such a manner and knew that it was due to Xiang Shaolong. He hid his feelings well and did not reveal any discontentment. After exchanging a few more words with Zhu Ji, he left.

The Hall of Kindness is completely noiseless.

After a long while, Zhu Ji sighed: "I have secretly ordered everyone who saw you speaking to King Zhuangxiang to keep it a secret. Violators will be sentenced to death. Buwei should be ignorant about this matter."

Xiang Shaolong was grateful: "Thank you Empress!"

Zhu Ji sighed: "Shaolong! I am so tired. So what if I have everything? I just cannot bring myself to be happy."

Xiang Shaolong knew that she is trying to get him to comfort her. He advised: "Empress must pull yourself together. The Crown Prince still needs your guidance and care."

Under such circumstances, he cannot bring up Lao Ai's issue.

Firstly, he cannot explain how he could forecast Lao Ai seducing her. Moreover, if Zhu Ji wants him to replace this future Lao Ai, he will be in trouble.

He knows that history can never be changed.

Zhu Ji was quiet for a while and softly added: "You must be careful of General Pang from Zhao. He is famous for his strategies and is very articulate. He is the new City Commander and is the most prestigious general in Zhao after Lian Po and Li Mu. For him to come personally, he must be here to spy on our army strength. Ai! I really do not know what Buwei is planning. Now, he is very close to the six states as if nothing has happened."

Xiang Shaolong is not bothered with this General Pang that he has never heard before. If not for Guo Kai's intimacy with Zhu Ji in the past and dare not come, this man will not even have the chance to come to Qin.

Both of them do not know what to say next.

After some unimportant exchanges, Xiang Shaolong bade his farewell. Zhu Ji is unwilling to let him go but is afraid of rumours and let him leave.

The moment he left the Empress palace, An Gu stepped up welcoming: "The Crown Prince wants to see Grand Tutor."

Xiang Shaolong walked with him towards the Crown Prince palace.

This head of the palace guards whispered: "After Grand Tutor has seen the Crown Prince, can you make a trip to General Lu Gong's residence?"

Xiang Shaolong understood his meaning and nodded in agreement.

An Gu did not say anything else. He escorted him to the Crown Prince study room and left.

With a heavy expression, Xiao Pan was seated on a long sofa north of the study room. Waving the usual courtesies aside, he got Xiang Shaolong to sit in front of him and viciously declare: "Grand Tutor! I want to kill Lu Buwei!"

Xiang Shaolong was flabbergasted and exclaimed: "What!?"

Xiao Pan detailed in a low voice: "This is a violent man who forgets about father's benevolence and is worse than wild beasts. He claims to be a pioneering official in the rebirth of Qin and even planted his own son to be the next King of Qin. Without his death, I cannot consolidate my power as King."

Xiang Shaolong had intended to contact Xiao Pan, Li Si and Wang Jian to make trouble for Lu Buwei. He was astounded that Xiao Pan brought this up before he could. Hesitating, he asked: "Have you spoken to Empress about this?"

Xiao Pan answered: "Empress and Lu Buwei are deeply embroiled. If I told her, I will be scolded instead. Grand Tutor! With your invincible sword skills and intelligence, killing him should be easy right!"

Xiang Shaolong thought of Guan Zhongxie and felt that he is overrated by Xiao Pan but he could not say this to him. He sighed: "If we killed him, what will be the consequences?"

Showing the mature side of him, Xiao Pan detailed: "First, I will make you the Imperial Cavalry Commander. I will select a few loyal men and entrust them with important positions. If we can consolidate our power, we do not need that traitor. I am only afraid of Empress. If she works with him, we will be in trouble."

Xiang Shaolong questioned: "Do you love Empress?"

Xiao Pan was stunned and nodded.

Only Xiang Shaolong can understand him. Xiao Pan has gradually shifted his love for Lady Ni to Zhu Ji.

Xiao Pan is right. Zhu Ji knew that King Zhuangxiang was poisoned by Lu Buwei but did not hold it against him.

Xiang Shaolong explained: "I want to kill him more than you do. You should have guessed that he was the real culprit who caused Princess Qian's death. But before we have built up our strength, we should not act hastily. Moreover, the Qin military system is extremely complicated and it is hard to manage them. With a group of them supporting Prince Cheng Chongqiao, it is better for us to bear with him for the time being."

Xiao Pan brightened up and asked: "So Grand Tutor has agreed to be the Imperial Cavalry Commander?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "I have just promised Empress!"

Xiao Pan was pleased: "I am relieved to have Master by my side."

In this moment, he became a kid again.

His expression turning heavy again, he added: "Grand Tutor's foresight is unparalleled. Study Attendant Li Si is the best example. His thinking is totally unlike other people and taught me that if we can grab hold of this opportunity and utilise our strengths well, we can expand out territories and eventually unite the world. So I must not let this heartless cad Lu Buwei control the Qin Court and affect my grand plan."

Xiang Shaolong finally realised Li Si's influence on Xiao Pan. He cannot regard Xiao Pan as a child anymore. Under the influence of the Qin Palace politics, he has become another person. And in the future, he shall be the first Emperor of China.

Xiao Pan coldly inquired: "How long to I have to wait?"

Xiang Shaolong calmly forecast: "The best time to act is at your coronation on your twenty-first birthday."

This is right, because this is history.

Xiao Pan was mortified: "I would have to wait for another eight years!? Wouldn't Lu Buwei be beyond control by then?"

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "During this time, we can use him to eliminate those men who oppose your rule and at the same time, we can nurture your own organization and weaken his at the same time."

Pausing, he emphasized: "For politics, you can let Lu Buwei handle them as long as Xu Xian is there to keep him in check. You must do your best to gain the respect of the military. Let Lu Buwei be the bad guy and we remain as the good guys. With control of the military, Lu Buwei will not be able to escape your clutches. It has been proven time and time again that governing authority comes after military might."

Xiao Pan's body shook heavily as he repeated: "Authority after military."

Xiang Shaolong kicked himself for saying too much and continued: "There are two men who are loyal to us. They are Wang Jian and Wang Ben. They are terrific generals whom every King wishes to possess. With them leading your army, Lu Buwei is nothing to be afraid of."

In a daze, Xiao Pan asked: "What about you?"

Xiang Shaolong commented: "I will do my best to help you but in the end, I am still an outsider. You must win the hearts and minds of the Qin military and use them to consolidate your power."

Xiao Pan frowned: "But Lu Buwei has Meng Ao fighting for him and has made his two sons Meng Wu and Meng Tian assistant generals to assist Meng Ao in his battles. What can I do to counter them?"

Xiang Shaolong replied: "That is why Lu Buwei wanted to get rid of me. If Meng Ao discovers that his two sons nearly died under his scheming, how do you think he will feel? The two Meng brothers will eventually come to our side. You can use them to help you and it can even lessen Lu Buwei's suspicions."

Xiao Pan was delighted: "There is no one better than Grand Tutor. I know what to do."

After further discussion, Xiang Shaolong took his leave.

Compared to Lu Buwei's new Premier Residence that is still being constructed, Lu Gong's residence is far from the Qin palace. Lu Gong invited Xiang Shaolong into a private chamber where an attendant served him tea and left them alone. Lu Gong smiled: "I heard that you are a descendant of Qin. However, there has never been anyone surnamed Xiang here. May I know which tribe do you belong to?"

Xiang Shaolong was in a dilemma and lied: "My surname came from my mother. I did not know who my father is, not to mention which tribe he came from. All I know that he was a Qin soldier. Ai! What a mess."

Lu Gong, the advocate of Qin, did not suspect anything and nodded: "The people of Zhao are not as imposing and powerfully built as you. Your type of figure is not even seen often in Qin. You must be a mixed blood. I am good at judging people. Hei! From the first time I met you, I know that you are a righteous man."

Xiang Shaolong found himself understanding him better. Amused, he praised: "Lu Gong has great eyesight and I cannot hide anything from you."

Lu Gong sighed: "It will be great if I can really see everything. But I have miscalculated many things, including the early death of the late king. Ai!"

Xiang Shaolong quietened down.

Lu Gong stared sharply at him but in a calm and slow manner, asked: "What is the relationship between Shaolong and Lu Buwei?"

Once again, Xiang Shaolong was taken aback at his frankness and replied: "Why is Lu Gong interested?"

Lu Gong plainly state: "Shaolong need not deceive me. Lu Buwei and you are not on the best of terms. Otherwise, the Wu family need not hide in the countryside farms. Speak your mind! The Wu clan are the descendents of our Qin nobles. From our point of view, they are way better than Lu Buwei the outsider."

After such a long time in Xianyang City, this is the first time Xiang Shaolong has experienced Qin's racism. He sighed: "It's a long story. After I propose Xu Xian to be the Premier, Premier Lu has been holding a grudge against me."

Lu Gong smiled: "How can it be so simple? In Xianyang City, you are his number one enemy. Don't tell me you have no idea!"

His eyes shining with deep thoughts, he slowly added: "All along, there have been rumours saying that the Crown Prince is not King Zhuangxiang's son but Lu Buwei's. At first, we discard them as lies spread by people who are opposing Lu Buwei and Empress Ji. Now, the healthy King Zhuangxiang suddenly died without a clear reason and we are forced to reconsider this issue."

Xiang Shaolong can feel a gigantic headache coming. Lu Gong is the most respected man in the Qin military and his words represent the thinking of the Qin military leaders. If they regard Xiao Pan as Lu Buwei's illegitimate child and supported Cheng Chongqiao instead. Lu Buwei and Xiao Pan will both be destroyed.

Lu Gong mused: "We must verify this issue before we can plan our next step. Just like we are not sure what is going on between you and Lu Buwei, so we petitioned to promote you as the Imperial Cavalry Commander to test Lu Buwei's reaction. Surprisingly, the test is very successful as Lu Buwei is the only man who objects your promotion."

Xiang Shaolong finally comprehends the complications of politics. When he first heard about it, he thought Lu Gong and the military are in favour of him. Now, he knows the real reason and motive.

Lu Gong shook his head and bitterly smiled: "Actually, only they themselves know what is going on and it is rather difficult to prove their relationship. Not impossible but difficult."

Xiang Shaolong had a big shock and asked: "Is there a way to test?" He was also puzzled that Lu Gong is discussing this with him. After all, isn't he close to Zhu Ji and Xiao Pan and may warn them beforehand?

Lu Gong mentioned: "We need Shaolong to help us with the testing."

Xiang Shaolong was staring at him in amazement when he recalled Zhu Ji's words and realised: "You want to conduct a blood test!"

Lu Gong seriously explained: "This is the only way to satisfy us. We shall put a drop of blood of each person into a silver bowl filled with a special chemical. It is a foolproof method."

Abruptly, Xiang Shaolong's thumping heart slowed down. As light as an astronaut in space, he nodded: "I will get the blood from Crown Prince. Lu Gong had better prepared a witness to see me drawing the blood personally from him. This way, there will be no tricks."

It is Lu Gong's turn to be amazed.

He looked for Xiang Shaolong as he is the closest to Zhu Ji after Lu Buwei. In addition, he is the one who personally saved them from Handan City. More or less, he should have an idea about the relationship between the three of them. If he hesitates about the blood test, Lu Gong will guess that something is amiss and know which Prince he will support.

Unexpectedly, Xiang Shaolong readily agreed and even wants him to provide a witness.

Both men were silent for a minute and Lu Gong decided: "Fine! I will get Lu Buwei's blood. If the Crown Prince is Lu Buwei's son, what will Shaolong do?"

Xiang Shaolong plainly state: "I am positive that the Crown Prince is the late king's own flesh and blood. The test will prove everything."

All of a sudden, his biggest headache has been resolved.

The blood test will 'prove' that they are not related and the Qin military will fully support Xiao Pan unlike now.

But with Zhu Ji's support, Lu Buwei can continue to expand his influence and control the politics.

As Xiang Shaolong was wondering about the efficacy of this blood test method, he thought deeper and kicked himself for thinking too much. History has proven that Xiao Pan will be Qin Shi Huang.

Book 12 Chapter 06 – Before The Funeral

Xiang Shaolong returned to the Wu residence.

The fire that night only burned down a rice granary. The rest of the buildings are not affected.

Over the past ten days, two thousand of the elite family warriors entered Xianyang City separately, increasing their fighting prowess.

Riding Jifeng, he rode through the main gates with Teng Yi, Jing Jun and the Guardians. The air is filled with loud noises as the warriors are busy erecting sentry posts and other fortifications.

Xiang Shaolong was feeling great and jumped down his horse, wanting to inspect their work. Tao Fang came up and welcomed: "Lord Longyang is waiting for you in the main hall."

Teng Yi glanced at the huge courtyard in front of the residence and did not see any horse carriages or escorts. Puzzled, he asked: "He came alone?"

Tao Fang nodded.

Xiang Shaolong is excited to see him as well and know more about matters in Wei, including news about Zhao Ya. With Tao Fang, he entered the hall to see Lord Longyang.

He did not put on a fake beard this time but was dressed as a commoner to keep a low profile.

Tao Fang left the two men alone and Lord Longyang happily exclaimed: "I am delighted to see Brother Xiang doing well."

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "From your tone, it seems that I should count my blessings to be able to stay alive."

Lord Longyang faintly sighed: "Countless people inside and outside of Qin are dying to kill you. There has been news that you are opposing Lu Buwei. With Lu Buwei's growing influence, even I am worried for you!"

Xiang Shaolong is already used to this drag queen's emotional outbursts. He bitterly smiled: "Paper cannot contain a fire. Nothing can be concealed from the world."

Lord Longyang was astounded and asked: "What is paper?"

Xiang Shaolong kicked himself, remembering that paper is only invented during the Han Dynasty. He lied: "It is my hometown dialect which refers to silk material."

Lord Longyang 'understood' and added: "I am here to pay my last respects to your late king. It is strange to have two kings die within four years. Everyone is heavily suspicious and Lu Buwei is really brave."

Xiang Shaolong knew that he is trying to trick him and sighed as well. Changing the topic, he asked: "How is Prince Xinling doing?" Lord Longyang coldly replied: "This traitor got his just desserts. I don't think he will ever recover his former glory. My spies reported that he is indulging in women and wine and even disband many of his family warriors. Under these circumstances, the King should not make things hard for him anymore."

He lowered his voice and revealed: "Zhao Ya is very sick!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and exclaimed: "What!?"

Lord Longyang sighed: "When she was sick, she kept calling your name. Prince Xinling was so furious he did not step into her bedroom at all."

Xiang Shaolong was grieved upon hearing this. How he wished he can grow two wings and fly to Daliang straight away.

Lord Longyang assured: "Brother Xiang can rest easy. I have petitioned the King and brought her into the palace and send the best physicians to take care of her. If Brother Xiang is willing, I can send her to Xianyang City but you must wait till she gets better."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "She is so sick that she cannot travel?"

Lord Longyang intimately replied: "Lovesickness is the hardest to cure!"

Xiang Shaolong could not be bothered about the double meaning in his words. Impulsively, he declared: "No! I am going to Daliang to fetch her."

In a gentle voice, Lord Longyang advised: "Brother Xiang, do not let your emotions overwhelm logic. Xianyang City is now the battleground for all the strongmen of every state. If you leave like this and return to find your family annihilated, it will be too late for regrets."

Xiang Shaolong was not fully convinced and insisted: "I will send someone to fetch her. Can Lord please send someone capable to come along as well?"

Lord Longyang agreed: "No problem. Prince Zhen has an excellent opinion of you. If he knows it is to help you, he will do his best. The King agreed to take care of Zhao Ya also because you rescued Prince Zhen."

Xiang Shaolong put Zhao Ya's issue aside and asked: "Except for Tian Dan, Li Yuan and General Pang, who are the other representatives?"

Lord Longyang disclosed: "Prince Dan represents the state of Yan and your old friend Han Chuang is here. Everyone is eager to collaborate with Lu Buwei and you better watch your back. They dare not do anything in Xianyang City but if Lu Buwei sends you out of Qin, there will be people trying to kill you."

Xiang Shaolong was wondering if he should tell Lord Longyang that his assassins are led by Yan's Xu Yi Luan when Lord Longyang continued: "Li Yuan brought Chu's youngest Princess along and hoped to match-make her with Prince Zheng. Lu Buwei has agreed on his behalf but Lu Gong, Xu Xian and Du Bi are voicing strong objections. If the matchmaking fails, Lu Buwei's prestige will be affected."

Xiang Shaolong commented: "The success of the matchmaking depends on the Empress's decision. However, Lu Buwei will use some devious method to make her agree with his suggestion."

Lord Longyang whispered: "I heard that the Empress favours you greatly. Why don't you sow discord and destroy Li Yuan's plans?"

Xiang Shaolong feared seeing Zhu Ji. If things go wrongly and they got together, he will have a guilty conscience and it also affects his standing and reputation. He sighed loudly: "It is because she favours me that it is difficult for me to say anything."

Lord Longyang knew his character and concluded: "I came here in secret and cannot stay too long. Tomorrow morning, I will send someone to look for you. His name is Ning Jia and he is my trusted subordinate. He is capable and smart. With him accompanying your man to Daliang, the trip will be a success."

Xiang Shaolong thanked him profusely and sent him out.

Coming back into the house, he held a discussion with Teng Yi and Tao Fang.

He originally wanted Jing Jun to fetch Zhao Ya but he needed all the men he can muster now. Finally, he got Wu Guo to fetch her with five hundred elite warriors.

In the middle of the conference, Qin Qing actually sent someone to find him.

The three men were caught by surprise. Has this pure and virtuous beauty finally fallen in love?

By the time Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi, Jing Jun and the original Eighteen Guardians reached her place, it was nightfall, adding to the ambiguity of the situation. Everyone got seated at the simple main hall and two pretty maids begin to serve tea. Second Uncle Fang, the housekeeper, brought Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi and Jing Jun into the inner hall.

Jing Jun was elated that his beauty treats him as an important guest while Xiang Shaolong is disappointed that this visit has nothing to do with their personal romance.

Men are like that. Even if they are not interested, they would not mind women falling in love with them as long as it is trouble-free.

Still in her mourning clothes, Qin Qing has a serious expression on her face. She greeted them and sat down in the host's seat.

Upon knowing that they have not taken their dinner, she instructed her maids to serve cakes to them and the Guardians.

Xiang Shaolong and his men did not hold back their appetites and munched on the cakes. The cakes are delicious and Jing Jun is full of praise for them.

Noticing her furrowed brows, Xiang Shaolong could not help but ask: "Why is Grand Tutor Qin looking for me?"

Qin Qing faintly sighed: "I may be thinking too much but something has happened today that I don't feel good about."

The three men were shocked. Putting their cakes down, they stared at her.

Qin Qing is uncomfortable with three men staring straight at her, especially Jing Jun's shifty eyes. Lowering her head, she described: "I went to the royal temple today to change the flowers at the late king's altar. When I was about to leave, I was waylaid by Premier's guest-advisor Lao Ai."

The three men's expression grew heavy as well.

Jing Jun was incensed: "How daring! I must teach him a lesson. Who cares where is he from."

Teng Yi questioned: "Doesn't Grand Tutor Qin have any warriors escorting you?"

Qin Qing responded: "Not only do I have warriors escorting me; even the two Premiers are at the Royal Temple. When they heard my cries, they ran out."

Jing Jun coldly smiled: "Now Lu Buwei is in trouble!"

Teng Yi kicked him under the table.

Qin Qing faced Teng Yi and sincerely pleaded: "Brother Teng, please do not regard me as an outsider. Sister Yanran and I click very well. That's why I invited everyone here to discuss this."

Teng Yi was embarrassed and awkwardly agreed: "Sure! How did Lu Buwei handle this affair?"

Qin Qing's expression became more serious and slowly described: "Lu Buwei did a good job. In front of Premier Xu and myself, he got Lao Ai to kowtow and apologise. He even publicly censured him."

Xiang Shaolong could guess what is coming next as it is recorded in history. He sighed: "Did he proceed to send him into the palace to be a eunuch?"

Bewildered, Qin Qing asked: "How did you know?"

Teng Yi and Jing are even more fascinated. They have been with Xiang Shaolong the entire day. If there is anything he has seen or heard, they should seen it or heard it as well.

Even if Philosopher Shi is reborn, he may not even guess that Lu Buwei is 'punishing' Lao Ai in such a manner.

Xiang Shaolong was in a fix, knowing that he has a slip of the tongue and revealed Heaven's Secret. No matter how he tries to explain, no one will believe that he is that lucky.

Qin Qing had thought that Xiang Shaolong has spies in the palace who told him. But witnessing the look of amazement on the faces of Teng Yi and Jing Jun, she had a big shock and interrogated with disbelief: "Grand Tutor Xiang only made a guess?"

Xiang Shaolong composed himself and pretended that it is nothing significant and sighed: "This is quite easy to predict. Lu Buwei's top priority is to get Empress Ji to support him fully. In Xianyang City, there is no one who knows her weakness better than him. Lao Ai is his strongest pawn. He will make Lao Ai a fake eunuch and let him enter the palace and seduce Empress Ji. In terms of scheming, we are way inferior compared to Lu Buwei."

Teng Yi and Jing Jun began to see some light but were still in awe about Xiang Shaolong god-like prediction.

Qin Qing stared viciously at Xiang Shaolong. After some time and still unconvinced, she commented: "I spend a long time thinking about this matter before I reach this conclusion. Before I could finish speaking, Grand Tutor Xiang knows everything as if he is also present as well. I think Grand Tutor's intelligence is sky-high and the inferior Lu Buwei is therefore jealous of you."

Xiang Shaolong was feeling guilty and worried at the same time.

Zhu Ji and Lao Ai are like dry wood and fire. Nobody can stop it. What should he do next?

Jing Jun suggested: "Let me sneak into the palace and deliver a cut to him, making him a real eunuch."

Qin Qing cannot tolerate his coarse words and her face turned red. Displeased, she chided: "Brother Jing, we are talking about important issues!"

Teng Yi shot Jing Jun an angry look but Jing Jun is dissatisfied. Xiang Shaolong spoke coarsely too but this widow did not blame him. Xiang Shaolong knew that he has deceived them and relaxed. He was inspired and replied: ""Grand Tutor Qin thinks too highly of me. It is a pity that nobody can stop them.

Qin Qing was taken aback: "But Empress always listens to Grand Tutor!"

In a frank and agonized manner, Xiang Shaolong replied: "The problem is that I cannot replace Lao Ai and thus, lose my advantage."

Momentarily, Qin Qing does not understand his meaning. After realising, she lowered her head and bit her lip, pondering: "I understand but this is no small matter. Not only does it concern the reputation of the palace, it will allow Lu Buwei to be even more aggressive. Isn't Grand Tutor Xiang worried at all?"

Xiang Shaolong earnestly suggested: "Why don't Grand Tutor Qing head to Bashu and accompany Lady Hua Yang and lead a peaceful life?"

Qin Qing was shaken and stared at him. With mixed expressions on her face and lost for words, she finally lowered her head and dismissed in a low voice: "I have my own life and Grand Tutor need not worry. It is late! Thanks for coming!"

The three men did not anticipate her to end the discussion so abruptly and were disappointed. As they left, Qin Qing did not bother to see them off. The night wind is blowing strongly as they left her residence.

Teng Yi could not hold back and asked: "Third Brother is not going to expose Lao Ai and Lu Buwei's scheme to Empress Ji?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "For Empress Zhu Ji, it is like fresh water after a drought. Who can resist?"

Jing Jun praised: "Fresh water after a drought. Lu Buwei is really good."

As he held his horse, Teng Yi sighed deeply: "If Lao Ai manages to control Empress Ji, can we still survive in Xianyang City?"

Xiang Shaolong icily state: "Firstly, Empress Ji is not so easy to be controlled. If fact, we can make use of this to support Lao Ai and make him break away from Lu Buwei. When that happens, Lu Buwei will be in trouble, not us."

Teng Yi and Jing Jun were awestruck while Xiang Shaolong has leapt onto Jifeng and rode ahead towards the long street.

In this moment, he is full of confidence when dealing with Lu Buwei.

Because no one can change history, including Lu Buwei.

So this evil man will pay the price for playing with fire.

No one can change history. The only problem is – he doesn't know his own fate!

The next day, at dawn, Li Si led a huge group of palace guards and the Imperial Edict to Wu Residence. Representing Xiao Pan, he officially appointed Xiang Shaolong as the General in charge of the Imperial Cavalry. Teng Yi and Jing Jun are appointed his assistant generals. They were presented with appointment letters, bows and arrows, official swords, army uniforms and emblems, as well as five hundred personal escorts. This shows that the King has been generous with them.

Xiang Shaolong is certain that this arrangement is planned by Li Si and is perfect. After receiving the Imperial Edict, Teng Yi personally selected five hundred men and got them to change into military uniforms. Together they rode towards the palace.

At the giant courtyard before the main palace, Xiao Pan has just finished the morning court session. With Zhu Ji by his side, he led both Premiers and his officials up an altar where he prayed to Heaven. The procession is impressive and majestic.

On this day, Xiang Shaolong and his men are exceedingly busy but joyful. He has to take over the Imperial Cavalry Command Centre east of the City and inspect his army. Later, he has to tie up the communication channels with the other ministries and even prepare for King Zhuangxiang's funeral tomorrow. The list is endless.

Fortunately, Xiang Shaolong enjoys support from the military leaders and Lu Buwei pretended to support him so everything went on smoothly.

Jing Jun is the grandest looking. Officially appointed at the assistant general of the Imperial Cavalry, he is in high spirits.

On the same day under Tao Fang's arrangement, Wu Guo and Lord Longyang's Ning Jia left for Daliang with five hundred elite warriors, determined to bring Zhao Ya back.

At night, Xiao Pan summoned Xiang Shaolong into the palace. Meeting him alone at the inner palace, he was infuriated: "Have you heard about Lao Ai?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "Empress is involved with him right?"

Anxious and angry, Xiao Pan cursed: "The late king has yet to be buried and Lu Buwei this traitor brought this gigo1o to be a fake eunuch and seduce Mother. I wish I can tear him to pieces."

Xiang Shaolong has to admit that Lao Ai has his way with women to seduce Zhu Ji in such a short time. Feeling bitter himself, he is disgusted with Zhu Ji for not monitoring her own behaviour. However, Zhu Ji has been lonely for some time and is a passionate woman. As a result, she cannot resist the seduction of Lao Ai the Casanova.

Xiao Pan is so mad he began to pace up and down the room. Xiang Shaolong could only accompany him in pacing.

All of a sudden, he stopped and stared at him furiously: "When I left Mother and you alone that day, I wanted you to comfort her. Of all the men in the world, I will only accept you being close to her."

Xiang Shaolong can only look back at him helplessly.

He understood Xiao Pan's thinking. Just like only he is good enough to be Lady Ni's lover in the past, Xiao Pan has regarded Zhu Ji as his mother and hoped that he will be Zhu Ji's lover as well. To a certain extent, he is Xiao Pan's ideal father.

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "If I do that, I will not be Xiang Shaolong."

Xiao Pan was astounded for a while. Then he nodded: "I understand. But now my heart is full of anger and hatred. I have this urge to barge into the back palace and give Lao Ai a heavy beating to vent my frustration."

Pausing, he continued: "Ai! What shall we do now? Before I am officially crowned King, everything must be approved by Mother. If Lu Buwei controls her, I will face further constraints. This afternoon, Mother summoned me and wanted me to replace the head of the palace guards An Gu with Lu Buwei's Guan Zhongxie. I violently objected and after quarrelling for two hours, she retracted her suggestion. She proposed to make Guan Zhongxie the Imperial Infantry Commander instead and I had to agree."

He sighed loudly: "What should I do?"

Scanning his child-like face, Xiang Shaolong explained: "This is your mother tricking you. She knew that you will never change An Gu and proposed an alternative so that you will consent at the end."

Xiao Pan was in a daze. Thinking hard, he confessed: "So this is how it is. I still cannot win her."

Xiang Shaolong comforted: "Do not lose hope. You are still young and love her deeply. That is why you lost to her. Come! Let's sit down and think it over and see if we can counter Lu Buwei's scheme."

Like a deflated balloon, a crestfallen Xiao Pan returned to his seat on the sofa and turned his attention to Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong seriously asked: "How did Crown Prince know about Lao Ai?"

Xiao Pan angrily recounted: "Yesterday morning, Lu Buwei's men brought Lao Ai into the palace. In front of Mother and I, he read out his crimes, saying he has just castrated him and ordered him to serve the palace as an eunuch. I am already suspicious because Lao Ai still looks full of life despite a recent castration. Only his face is slightly pale. Lu Buwei and Mother spoke in secret after that and Mother brought Lao Ai back to the Empress Palace. I felt that something is amiss and sent someone to investigate. They spent last night together."

Xiang Shaolong was curious: "What is so attractive about Lao Ai?"

Xiao Pan slammed the table and cursed: " gigo1o!" He added: "Honestly, he is tall, handsome and imposing with some heroic air, similar to you. His skin is much whiter; no wonder Mother was smitten the moment she saw him. Ai! What shall I do?"

This is the third time he said these words. Zhu Ji's action has caused him to lose his bearings.

Xiang Shaolong came face to face with him and whispered: "Have you spoke to Li Si about this?"

Xiao Pan gave an agonized look: "Except for Master, I would not dare to tell anyone else. In fact, I have to keep it a secret for her."

Xiang Shaolong sighed secretly. This is Xiao Pan's dilemma. With everyone eyeing his position, he is dependent on Lu Buwei and Zhu Ji. Without them, this twelve year-old will be fighting a lone battle. Before he is crowned King, he must protect Zhu Ji and Lu Buwei and consolidate his power. It is a complicated affair.

Xiang Shaolong shifted his position and looked up at the main pillar support the room. He breathed deeply and offered: "There are two great plans that will help you avoid this present danger and be crowned in the future."

Like a lost person who found the way home, Xiao Pan jumped for joy: "Master, tell me quickly!"

Xiang Shaolong watched him brightening up and was pleased. He explained: "First, we must win the support of the military. They are divided into four main groups. The most powerful tribe is central (Zhong Li) group and they are led by Lu Gong, Xu Xian and Wang Ling. They stand for righteousness and fairness. In a way, they are the most dangerous. If they turn against us, we will fight a losing battle. We can say that whichever side they choose, that side will benefit tremendously."

Xiao Pan frowned: "I understand this. The other three groups are Lu Buwei, Lord Gaoling and Cheng Chongqiao. How can we win the support of Lu Gong and his men?"

Xiang Shaolong almost wanted to laugh: "It is simple. You must prove to them who you are."

He proceeded to tell him about Lu Gong and the blood test.

Xiao Pan was initially dumbfounded and exchanged a strange look with Xiang Shaolong. Simultaneously, they burst out in wild laughter, unable to believe such a ridiculous and funny experiment.

This future Qin Shi Huang was laughing so hard that his tears are flowing. Panting for air, he asked: "What is the other plan?"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "That is to work with Lu Buwei."

Xiao Pan was flabbergasted and exclaimed: "What!?"

Xiang Shaolong analyzed: "Lord Yangquan may be gone by Cheng Chongqiao still remains. There is also Lord Gaoling who is waiting patiently at the side. Both of them are serious contenders for the throne. If we focus on opposing Lu Buwei, both of us will be at a disadvantage and these two groups can seize the opportunity to attack us. They may even work together and force you to abdicate and that will be disastrous. If Lu Buwei still treats you as his son but Lu Gong and his men knows a different truth, you can control both sides and eliminate both contenders first. Then you will turn around and attack Lu Buwei. By then, no one will dare to oppose you."

Xiao Pan slapped the table: "This is a good plan but Lu Buwei is a domineering man. If we allow him to do whatever he wants, he will end up with the most authority. If the military leaders are all his men, what can we do?"

Xiang Shaolong's mouth curled up in a smile and simply state: "This is called 'using your own weapon against yourself'. Not only will we not bother about your Mother, we will support Lao Ai."

Xiao Pan thought he heard wrongly and exclaimed: "What?!"

Xiang Shaolong explained: "Lao Ai is a heartless and selfish man, always looking for benefits. If he sees the opportunity, he will leave Lu Buwei's control. Since he knows the Premier residence well, he will get capable men to defect as well, weakening Lu Buwei. Your mother will support him and use him to counter Lu Buwei's influence. While they are fighting, you will be the one reaping all the rewards."

Pausing, he added: "Unless I am wrong, when your father is buried, Lao Ai will ask your mother for an official appointment. When that happens, you should know what to do!"

Xiao Pan is totally swept off his feet. At the end, he breathed in deeply and wondered: "Is there anyone in this world who is more scheming than Master?"

In this very moment, Xiang Shaolong knew that Xiao Pan has fully matured and is not a wilful child anymore.

Book 12 Chapter 07 - Deceitful Support

Before dawn, led by Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji, the royal family, every court official and the various representatives from the six states attended a grand but serious funeral procession. King Zhuangxiang's corpse is delivered from the Royal temple to the Royal Mausoleum for permanent burial.

Every single palace guard was activated to maintain law and order. Thousands of items were to be buried together with the coffin and the entire procession stretches over ten miles.

The citizens of Xianyang City put on mourning clothes and kneeled by the side of the streets, crying over the death of this benevolent ruler.

Xiao Pan and Zhu Ji cried heavily too. Everyone who heard them will be affected to cry as well.

Lu Buwei acted his part very well, expressing his deep sorrows and pain.

Xiang Shaolong, An Gu and Jian Sheng rode ahead and open up the roads for the procession. Jian Sheng is the current Imperial Infantry Commander as Guan Zhongxie is not officially appointed yet.

After Handan City's incident, this is the first time he saw Tian Dan, Li Yuan, Han Chuang and the rest. They paid attention to him but does not seem to realise he is Dong Horse Fanatic.

General Pang is a steady man of average build with a square face and large ears. When their eyes meet, he can see the intelligence shining from his eyes. No wonder he can rise to such a post based on his words alone.

In his twenties, Prince Dan is the youngest among them. He is of medium build and has a jade complexion, making others trust him. But to Xiang Shaolong, it is a different matter altogether. Zhao Qian and the maids indirectly died under his hands. If he has the chance, he will not let him off.

Qin Qing was mingling among the royal family and the esteemed guests. Xiang Shaolong waved to her but she pretended not to see him.

Under the strict and sad atmosphere, the procession has travelled for several hours. They finally reached the mausoleum in the afternoon.

The Royal Mausoleum is divided into two parts, an exterior and an interior, forming a 回 formation. There is a northern gate, southern gate, eastern gate and western gate. With the typical Chinese arch at the four corners, the mausoleum is heavily guarded with an official in charge.

The way leading into the mausoleum is lined with burial items such as pottery, furniture, books and clothes. The most important people entered the inner part of the mausoleum and were seated in a resting area while attendants start to move the burial items into the burial chamber. When everything is settled, Lu Buwei went to the front and delivered a eulogy. At the end of the eulogy, the burial process begins.

Xiang Shaolong was grieved as he recalled King Zhuangxiang's generosity and hot tears begin to flow down his face

When the coffin is finally brought into the mausoleum, Zhu Ji fainted. Thinking about the past two nights she spent with Lao Ai, Xiang Shaolong still find it hard to forgive her.

To a certain extent. He could sympathise with her behaviour. First, she lost this man who has treated her so well and even made her the Empress of Qin. Secondly, she knew it was Lu Buwei who poisoned him but could not take revenge. In such a helpless scenario, she reacted irrationally.

Even with this understanding, he still feels uncomfortable with her situation.

Back at the Wu residence that night, he had insomnia. The moment he woke up, he got his men to fetch Ji Yanran and the other girls back to Xianyang City. He really needed them by his side. Teng Yi naturally wishes to have Shan Lan around too.

As long as he is the Imperial Cavalry Commander, Lu Buwei dared not attack him rashly.

Three days later, the population of Xianyang City removed all signs of mourning and everything resumed as per normal.

Xiao Pan had not attended his coronation yet but he is now the King of Qin.

Except for Xiang Shaolong and the farsighted Li Si, no one will expect this kid to break centuries of deadlock and lead Qin to victory over the six states.

Back at the East Gate Command Centre, Xiang Shaolong was in a conference with Teng Yi and Jing Jun when Lu Gong came to find him.

Generals are the highest ranked positions in the military.

There are many different general ranking. Xiang Shaolong's Imperial Cavalry Commander is considered a lower ranked general and his army size is limited to fifty thousand men. But as he is considered half a City Commander, his status is slightly higher.

The highest ranked is Imperial General, which only Lu Gong ranks. Others like Wang Ling, Xu Xian, Meng Ao and Du Bi are only Great Generals. Thus, Lu Gong is considered the military chief.

Teng Yi and Jing Jun excused themselves while Lu Gong got seated at the chair of authority, smiling: "I came here to discuss something with you and to give you support as well. Now, everyone will know that I am behind you and will obey your command with question."

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly presented his thanks and appreciation.

Lu Gong's face became serious and revealed: "Are you aware that during the morning court session, Lu Buwei made another recommendation?"

Xiang Shaolong is not permitted to attend morning court yet. Frantically, he asked: "What are the changes?"

Lu Gong angrily detailed: "Lu Buwei made an exception and recommended a family warrior Guan Zhongxie to be the Imperial Infantry Commander instead of Lord Changping. Xu Xian and I objected strongly but were put down by Empress and Lu Buwei. Luckily, the Crown Prince got An Gu to guard Hangu Pass and made Lord Changping and his brother Lord Changwen the new leaders of the Palace guards, preventing a military protest. Hng! Lu Buwei is getting more and more out of hand! He keeps promoting outsiders as if Qin has no talented men!"

Xiang Shaolong sighed with relief, glad that Lu Gong has treated him as a Qin native.

He felt some regrets not having his buddy An Gu in the palace anymore. But Xiao Pan's decision is the best given the circumstances. It must be Li Si who advised him to promote another person from the Qin military.

It will help to convince Lu Gong that Xiao Pan is not on the same side as Lu Buwei and Zhu Ji.

Lu Gong lowered his voice: "I have spoken to Xu Xian and Wang Ling. We have unanimously decided that the blood test is the best plan. Look!" From his bosom, he retrieved a special needle that has a sharp point but a wide base. He proudly explained: "This needle has a small opening. Once inserted into the flesh, blood will flow and accumulate at the base. When it pierces the skin, it is as painless as a mosquito bite and the bleeding will stop after it has been removed. If you are quick enough, the person being pierced may not even notice it."

Xiang Shaolong received the needle from him and scrutinized it closely. Realising that it is probably the origin of acupuncture, he praised this invention and asked: "When do we act?"

Lu Gong explained: "According to our laws, ten days after the funeral, we must hold a hunting fair as a show of appreciation to everyone. The royal family, every official, the state representatives will all participate. Even those young men without official appointments will take part too."

As the Imperial Cavalry Commander, Xiang Shaolong naturally knew about this but did not expect it to be so grand. He was curious: "Is it very lively?"

Lu Gong bellowed: "Of course! Everyone is doing their best to display their talents and hope to be noticed by the new king. That year, I was talent-spotted by the late king during the hunt and nobody else received a bigger honour."

Xiang Shaolong was uncomfortable with the idea of killing animals blindly for pleasure and not for food. He will never stoop to such a level.

Lu Gong continued: "This is the best opportunity! I will draw Lu Buwei's blood while you get the Crown Prince's. Changping, Changwen and Xu Xian will be our witnesses. Hei! Only Shaolong is brave enough to draw the Crown Prince's blood. An Gu is a coward and he deserves to be posted out of Xianyang City."

Xiang Shaolong was highly amused. After going through the details of their plan, he sent him off respectfully.

Lu Gong's estimate is right on the spot. His rebellious subordinates underwent a huge attitude change and were more respectful than before, saving him and Teng Yi lots of time and effort.

In the evening, Zhu Ji summoned him to the palace.

Xiang Shaolong knew that it is inappropriate but still went ahead.

Zhu Ji looks calm and did not do anything extraordinary. She treated Xiang Shaolong warmly and expressed much concern. First, she enquired about his work as the Imperial Cavalry Commander and smiled: "I have warned Buwei that you belong to me. If you lose a single strand of hair, I will not let him off. Ai! The dead cannot come back to life. Will Shaolong see to your duties and do your best to protect Zheng'er, and leave everything else out of your consideration."

Xiang Shaolong understood where she is coming from. He secretly thought that this is her own wishful thinking and Lu Buwei is not an easy person to get along with.

At the same time, he can see the shift in Zhu Ji's attitude.

Unless she is happy with her present state of affairs, she will not want everything to stay the same forever.

He smiled: "I obey Empress's orders."

Zhu Ji wailed: "Don't give me that subordinate expression! I am able to speak my mind only when I am with you."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly smiled: "If I do not act befittingly our positions, there will be gossips."

Zhu Ji was irritated: "There is nobody here and who cares about what they say! Who dares to offend me?"

Xiang Shaolong reminded: "Don't forget about Lady Xiuli. We are meeting each other privately and if word gets out, Xianyang City will be gossiping about us."

Zhu Ji smiled coquettishly: "You can relax. Cheng Chongqiao has been made Lord Changan and will leave with Lady Xiuli to Changan province tomorrow. Now, we do not have to run into each other in the palace. Everyone in the palace now belongs to me. See, I still have what it takes."

Xiang Shaolong thought that this is probably to prevent news about Zhu Ji and Lao Ai leaking out instead but he cannot expose her now. He plainly state: "Empress definitely has what it takes."

Zhu Ji was slighted stunned and stared at him with suspicions. In a gentle voice, she inquired: "This is the first time you are speaking to me like that. Are you unhappy that I am supporting Buwei? But everyone has their difficulties and must resort to doing certain things against their will. I am able to say this confidently because of what I went through in Handan City."

Xiang Shaolong is not sure she is defending Lu Buwei or herself with Lao Ai. After thinking, he replied: "Empress is right. I am feeling so helpless now."

Zhu Ji slowly sighed and stood up.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly stood up, thinking that she is sending him off. This charming and mesmerizing beauty came face to face with him and looked deeply into his eyes. In an enchanting manner, she offered: "The Xiang Shaolong I loved the most is the heroic man I met at Handan City's Hostage residence. Full of courage and fearless, allowing a weak woman like me to fully rely on without hesitation. Shaolong! Now that I am freed, why should we be bothered about all the unreasonable restrictions? Let's rekindle our relationship."

Watching her heaving chest, pretty face and smelling her scent, Xiang Shaolong nearly wanted to embrace her in his arms and make passionate love, forgetting about the world outside and indulge in pleasure between woman and man.

He will be lying if he says he is not aroused or have feelings for her.

But with King Zhuangxiang's image still fresh in his mind, he resisted this temptation. When he was about to say something, heavy steps can be heard from beyond the door.

Both of them were shocked and hastily retreated a few steps from each other.

Incensed, Zhu Ji yelled: "Who is it?"

An attendant from the inner palace came in, kneeled down and kowtowed: "Lao Ai is here to accompany Empress!"

Xiang Shaolong was stunned and looked over at this handsome man. Lao Ai happened to raise his head to face him as well. His eyes were filled with hatred and pain.

Scrutinising him carefully, Xiang Shaolong was secretly impressed.

In terms of looks, other handsome men like An Gu, Lian Jin, Qi Yu and Li Yuan are not too far off. But in terms of overall feeling, Lao Ai stands out.

His body is as sturdy as a hunting leopard, with every muscle toned. A perfect body coupled with skin as white as snow and hair as black as charcoal. He does look similar to himself.

But his most attractive part is his wild and playful side. With his eyes burning with passion and emotion, it makes whichever girl that conquers him feel an extreme sense of accomplishment.

No wonder Zhu Ji is seduced by him in such a short space of time.

Zhu Ji is apparently flustered at his interruption and is afraid of Xiang Shaolong knowing about their affair. Her face turning white, she scolded: "What are you doing here?"

Lao Ai lowered his head and calmly replied: "Subordinate knows that Empress does not have any attendant with her and came in to see if you have any needs."

Apparently, Zhu Ji has given him some privileges but Xiang Shaolong dare not mentioned it. Zhu Ji ordered: "Get out of here at once."

If it was anybody else, he would have been executed on the spot.

Lao Ai is definitely here to vie with Xiang Shaolong for her attention, showing his hidden agenda. Since he knows that he has made her very happy in bed, he knows that Zhu Ji will not do anything to him.

He humbly and respectfully answered: "Empress, please don't be angry. I am only trying my best to serve you." He appears to disobey her order.

Zhu Ji was taken aback and peeped at Xiang Shaolong, howling: "Men!"

Two palace guards came into the room.

Xiang Shaolong knows that it is time for him to enter the picture. He held the two guards and helped Lao Ai up. Pleased, he commented: "This talented man is truly loyal to Empress. I like him the first time I see him. Empress must not blame him."

Zhu Ji and Lao Ai were astounded at his words.

Xiang Shaolong was amused and continued to exaggerate: "I am a good judge of character and this man is a dragon among men. Let's work hard together and do our best for Qin."

Zhu Ji saw that the two guards are in a dilemma and stood there dazed, she shot: "Get out!"

The two men knew they had angered her and ran out in a flash.

Lao Ai has always regarded himself as a dragon among men but nobody has praised him about it before! His hostility towards Xiang Shaolong decreased greatly. In fact, it is Lu Buwei who gave him this mission to sow discord between Xiang Shaolong and Zhu Ji. Otherwise, he dare not barge in like this. Awkwardly, he replied: "Official Xiang is too kind."

Zhu Ji was staring at Xiang Shaolong in a daze. Taking this opportunity, Xiang Shaolong bade her farewell.

Zhu Ji dared not hold him back. Instead, it was Lao Ai who sent him out of the palace.

At the palace exit, like an old friend, Xiang Shaolong offered: "Attendant, let's work closely in the future."

Lao Ai was embarrassed: "Official Xiang is too generous. I dare not accept your offer. After all, I am just an attendant."

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be angry and promised: "With brother's talent, why should you subject your will to others. This will not do! I will speak to the Crown Prince immediately and give you an official position. As long as Empress does not object, you will be promoted for sure."

Lao Ai was muddle-headed by his support and asked with surprise: "Why is Official Xiang treating me so well? Hei! I am originally from Premier Residence. Official Xiang should have heard of me before. I am sent into the palace as a punishment."

Xiang Shaolong feigned surprise: "You are from the Premier residence? No wonder I can see your talent the first time I set my eyes on you. Ai! What offence has Brother committed? Actually, it doesn't matter to me. With your talent, Premier Lu will seek to restrict you. I am a man who keeps my promises and will take you to see Crown Prince at once. A talented man like you must be put to good use."

Lao Ai was amazed but after consideration, he knew that Xiang Shaolong is telling the truth. Lu Buwei is a man who dislikes people who are more talented than him.

Presently, Lu Buwei is using him against Xiang Shaolong and Zhu Ji. In the future when Empress Ji is favouring him, Lu Buwei may seek to harm him.

If he can be on good terms with Xiang Shaolong and Crown Prince, it will help him in the future.

He happily nodded: "Many thanks for Official Xiang's recommendation." He became alarmed and asked: "Will Crown Prince be unwilling to see a mere attendant like me?"

His is ranked the lowest among all the people in the palace. Strictly speaking, he is just a toy for the Empress. No wonder he is having low self-esteem.

Xiang Shaolong nearly burst out laughing and dragged him along.

Back at the Wu Residence, Ji Yanran and the ladies have arrived. Even Wu Yingyuan came personally.

Wu Tingwei's execution has become a matter of the past.

Everyone knows that he has been promoted to be the Imperial Cavalry Commander and were jumping for joy.

Wu Yingyuan got his beloved son-in-law to the back garden for a private chat. He started: "Thanks to Shaolong, our family's reputation is growing day by day. In the past, applying for an exit permit takes almost two weeks; now, we get it on the spot. This is even better than our days in Handan City."

Xiang Shaolong laughed bitterly: "Father-in-law must be mentally prepared that Lu Buwei will become more powerful in the future and things will become more difficult for us."

Wu Yingyuan smiled: "By then, we'll be out of here. Wu Zhuo has sent word that he has discovered fertile land that stretches for thousands of miles. It is right beside Mount Huer Luan (?) and consists of grasslands and rivers. More importantly, there are no aggressive nomads nearby. With a few years of hard work laying the foundation, we can migrate there. I have decided to send another team of men there to start work. When we finally build our own state, our farms in Xianyang City will be insignificant."

Xiang Shaolong was happy for him and enquired about Mother-in-law. Wu Yingyuan sighed: "She'll be fine after a while. She will cry occasionally when she thinks about Tingwei."

Xiang Shaolong do not know how to console him.

That night, Xiang Shaolong and his three alluring wives chatted by the candlelight, telling them everything that has happened over the past few days. When he mentioned Xiao Pan promoting Lao Ai to be an official, everyone was full of praise.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. Like fish finding water, they made passionate love.

Out of the blue, Xiang Shaolong can feel that his entire year of bad luck is finally over. Currently, he is super confident in dealing with Lu Buwei.