13-1 -- 13-5

Book 13 Chapter 01 – Prince Dan From Yan

After Teng Yi finished listening, he was dazed like a wooden figure and was speechless for some time.

With her around, everyone has to withstand her tantrums; without her around, everyone is pining for her return.

Unexpectedly, she met with a tragic ending.

Shan Rou is a rare person during these ancient times to stand up for female rights. She is strong, brave and determined. As long as she sets her sights on something, she will do her utmost best to accomplish it.

And she has now sacrificed her life to achieve her biggest dream!

With both his hands supporting his face, Xiang Shaolong is tearing quietly.

An attendant came in to report something but was chased away by Teng Yi. He instructed the Guardians not to allow anyone to disturb them.

Teng Yi reached out and patted Xiang Shaolong's shoulder, speaking out in a sorrowful voice: "The dead cannot be returned to life. Our most important task presently is to take revenge for her. She is considered my relative so it is two strong reasons we must kill him for sure!"

When Xiang Shaolong has somewhat calmed down, Teng Yi asked: "Do you think Tian Dan will report you to Lu Buwei or Crown Prince? After all, it is widely accepted that emissaries should not be killed. Qin cannot just watch you kill Tian Dan within their territory." Xiang Shaolong give a pained reply: "It may be Shan Rou's divine intervention. Whenever I think of her committing suicide, my mind becomes extremely clear and can identify all the issues."

Pausing, he continued: "Even if Qin sends soldiers to escort Tian Dan home, it is limited to Qin territory. Once they left Qin's border, it will be time to act but we must first find out the strength of his army and whether there is anyone receiving him outside Qin. I must speak to Lord Longyang. He can definitely provide me with some information."

After thinking, he sighed: "Tian Dan can be considered isolated from the rest since he did not participate in the combined army. He conspired against King Xiaocheng on his last trip and the people of Zhao hates him to the core. Han is on good terms with Zhao's Empress Han Jing and will not make it easy for him. Under such circumstances, the only way home is to go through Wei or Chu. Wei is much nearer but is not as safe as Chu. If I am not mistaken, he will travel with Li Yuan. Thus, we can more or less know his travelling route."

Teng Yi was startled: "If he is protected by the Qin army in Qin and the Chu army in Chu, when is a good time to kill him?"

Xiang Shaolong revealed an icy cold smile and plainly state: "For Shan Rou and Second Brother's revenge, I will do whatever I can to kill this evildoer. First, we must force Li Yuan to leave Xianyang City. Tian Dan cannot leave without finishing his discussion with Lu Buwei."

Teng Yi frowned: "Let's talk about forcing Li Yuan later; how did you know that Lu Buwei and Tian Dan are still in discussion?"

Xiang Shaolong answered: "It is called intuition. Last night, they are busy whispering into each other's ears. In addition, he used Shan Rou to blackmail me to do something for him. These are all signs that they are still in discussion. It is useless to continue talking without facts. Let's get moving. Second Brother shall investigate Tian Dan's army strength while I look for Lord Longyang and Prince Dan. I may learn something useful from them."

Teng Yi was stunned: "Prince Dan?"

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "Within Xianyang City, there is no one more concerned about Tian Dan's life and death other than him."

He softly added: "Send someone to inform Zhi Zhi that I do not have any free time today." At the same time, he swore that he will never tell Zhao Zhi that Shan Rou has come to harm.

Lord Longyang is delighted to see Xiang Shaolong again. Leading him into a scheduled eastern room within his guesthouse, he listened to his account and consoled him, saying it that there is no point crying over spilt milk. The conversation turning serious, he explained: "There is a horse plague in Qi and I think he wants a few thousand warhorses from you! Naturally, he will not ask you to make trouble for Lu Buwei. In fact, he is more concerned about Lu Buwei than the Qin people. Just by looking at Lu Buwei's political and military successes within a few years, anyone can tell that he is formidable. If Qin falls under his control, all his opponents will suffer greatly."

Xiang Shaolong asked in a deep voice: "Will Lord disapprove of my killing of Tian Dan?"

Lord Longyang shook his head: "Not only will I not disapprove, I am exhilarated! You are right. Tian Dan will return to Qi via Chu and he has an army of ten thousand soldiers, led by his trusted general Tian Rong, waiting there for him. You must kill him before he meets up with them. Except for Qin, our next greatest threat is Qi. If Tian Dan is killed, everyone in the allied states will be overjoyed. He alone did not participate in the last battle and has incurred everyone's wrath. Obviously, he is trying to benefit from our losses."

Sighing, he added: "It is a pity most of our soldiers are based at the Qin-Wei border and cannot assist you. Moreover, the King may not agree. But I can always send spies to investigate the deployments of the Qi and Chu armies. Their reports are guaranteed to be accurate."

Xiang Shaolong is grateful: "That will help a lot. I am sure that with my present forces, I can make him die a terrible death. How many men did Tian Dan bring on this trip?"

Lord Longyang detailed: "He has a few hundred men within the City. Outside the city is another elite army of one thousand Qi cavalry. With Li Yuan's forces, their army strength will exceed three thousand. Shaolong must not underestimate them, especially when you are attacking them outside of Qin. If you make a serious mistake, you may be killed by him instead."

Xiang Shaolong replied: "Of course I know that he is a powerful foe but I have some tricks that are beyond his imagination." Lord Longyang can never guess that he is referring to his 21st Century warfare and strategies. Thinking that he has a large army too, he inquired: "Shaolong has official work to attend to; can you leave for a few months?"

It is hard to explain the special relationship between Crown Prince and himself.

Xiang Shaolong simply sighed: "I have my methods."

After deciding on future communication methods, Xiang Shaolong bade his farewell and left Jifeng and the Guardians at Lord Longyang's courtyard, walking over to Prince Dan's guesthouse next door. After he reported his name, Prince Dan came out personally to receive him with a few escorts.

Temporary putting aside his hatred regarding Xu Yi Luan's double ambush, he greeted: "How are you doing, Prince Dan? Please forgive me for taking such a long time before paying my respects to you."

Staring at him, he was reminded about Jing Ke.

Without Jing Ke, he would never know of this man called Prince Dan.

The vibrant looking Prince Dan happily greeted: "General Xiang is an important military figure. I had wanted to visit you but am afraid that General is busy with his new duties and dare not interrupt. I planned to visit you after the hunting fair but since General is here, I welcome you with open arms."

Moving forward, he grabbed his hand and whispered: "Honestly, I am so jealous that the stunningly attractive Talented Lady Ji is your wife."

Finishing, they broke out in laughter.

In the midst of his laughter, Xiang Shaolong could start to understand why Jing Ke is willing to assassinate Qin Shi Huang for him.

These legendary men all possess extraordinary abilities.

Prince Dan began introducing his men to Xiang Shaolong.

There are three men who left an impression on him. First, it is Physician Leng Ting. This man is around forty years old with delicate features and eyes that shine with wisdom. He is rather tall, just two inches shorter than Xiang Shaolong, and has long and agile limbs. He is a man of few words but Xiang Shaolong is sure that this man has both brains and brawns.

Next is General Xu Yi Ze. From his name, he must be Xu Yi Luan's brother. Around thirty years old, he is short and stout with a giant head. He has a figure that resembles a wrestler in unarmed combat. He has a serious look on his face that makes it hard for people to confide in him.

The last gentleman named You Zhi is a handsome man who is a few years older than Prince Dan. He carries an intimate smile on his face and leaves a good impression on everyone he meets. The moment Xiang Shaolong saw him, he is certain that this man is Prince Dan's chief strategist.

After the usual pleasantries, Prince Dan led him into the main hall.

After everyone got seated, two ladies even prettier than Lu Buwei's courtesans came forward and served tea.

Accompanying them are the three men as well as two generals Yan Chuang and Yan Jun who are related to the royal family. The remainder of the guards remained in the outer hall.

Xiang Shaolong took a sip from his tea cup and went straight to the point: "I wish to speak to Prince in secret."

Prince Dan is slightly startled and dismissed the two ladies. He sincerely assured: "These men are my most trusted subordinates. Regardless of what General Xiang wishes to say, you may say it in front of these men."

Xiang Shaolong secretly praised Prince Dan for his strong trust in his men. Under the scrutiny of the six pairs of eyes, he casually state: "I want to kill Tian Dan!"

Everyone including Prince Dan is stunned. Only You Zhi remains calm and aloof.

Xiang Shaolong stared at Prince Dan, examining his reaction.

Prince Dan's eyes shone sharply and exchanged a glance with him. Recovering from his shock, he asked: "I am not surprised to know that General has such an intention but why are you specially telling me about it?"

Xiang Shaolong energetic eyes scanned everyone before him and slowly declare: "Before I explain, let me first bury the hatchet over Xu Yi Luan's double ambush. We shall work sincerely from today onwards and do not keep any secrets from each other."

With these earth-shattering words, even the collected You Zhi lost his composure. The others naturally reacted even stronger than before.

Prince Dan will now know that Dong Kuang and Xiang Shaolong are actually the same person.

There is a strange feeling in the air.

After a long while, Prince Dan let out a long sigh. Standing up, he bowed and apologised: "Brother Xiang, please excuse me. To save my country, I have done many things against my conscience."

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly got up to return his courtesy, congratulating himself for choosing the right partner. If Prince Dan denied everything, he need not bother himself with this man anymore.

Both men got seated and the atmosphere is much friendlier.

Leng Ting's eyes shone with appreciation and nodded: "I finally understood how General can triumph in Wei and Zhao, and even counter Lu Buwei in Qin."

You Zhi plainly state: "Does General Xiang know that killing Tian Dan is more difficult than ascending to heaven? Moreover, you should know your status as a general of Qin."

Xiang Shaolong knew that he is testing his background. If he wanted to hide in Qin while asking them to kill Tian Dan, these six men will despise him.

At the end of the day, this is a business deal. The success of the plan is dependent on the potential benefits.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Li Yuan and Tian Dan are committing atrocities all over the country. Li Yuan used his sister Li Yan Yan to give birth to the Crown Prince. If King Xiaolie dies, the newcomer Li Yuan will need to borrow Qi's forces to counter the incumbent Lord Chunshen. Tian Dan needs Li Yuan's assistance to attack the allied states and expand his territory. When fighting against Tian Dan, we must not neglect Li Yuan. Regarding the Qin military, I have my ways of dealing with them as long as it does not involved Lu Buwei. Everyone can rest easy."

Prince Dan let out another long sigh: "I finally tasted Brother Xiang's formidability. Since you are so knowledgeable about every state, I will not waste any more words. May I ask how Brother Xiang plans to solve the problem regarding Chu? If Tian Dan and Li Yuan travel together, their strength would increase drastically. When they are nearing Chu, they will be received by both their armies. There is no way we can intercept them. We have such an intention as well but it is an impossible task."

Xiang Shaolong smiled mysteriously and official state: "Leave Li Yuan to me. I will make him leave Qin before the hunting fair, disrupting their travel plans. Li Yuan has always been a selfish man. If he is in deep trouble himself, he will not be bothered about Tian Dan."

Everyone was confused.

Xu Yi Ze could not help but asked: "What clever scheme does General Xiang has?"

Xiang Shaolong spontaneously replied: "Please let me keep this little secret to myself. You will see results within these two days. If I cannot even accomplish such a small matter, I will be too ashamed to face everyone again."

Prince Dan concluded: "Great! Xiang Shaolong is worthy of his reputation. If Li Yuan leave Qin before the hunting fair, I will do my best and cooperate with you. Tian Dan that traitor will not return to Qi alive!"

Xiang Shaolong had expected this agreement.

Qi and Yan are neighbours and have always been irreconcilable like water and fire, eyeing each other's territory. Yan had invaded Qi but was repelled by Tian Dan, causing heavy losses to Yan. Everyone in Yan hated Tian Dan to the core and would not hesitate for an opportunity to kill him.

To them, Li Yuan plays a crucial role.

If Li Yuan is killed too, it is equivalent to offending two states that are stronger than Yan and it is not something to laugh about.

But if they can ignore Chu's issue and even push the blame to Xiang Shaolong, it will be even better.

Xiang Shaolong shook hands with Prince Dan to seal their agreement and he left in search of Lu Gong, proceeding with the next step in his grand plan.

Ever since the return from his last mission, this is the first time he is approaching a task with such enthusiasm.

He finally know how deeply he loves Shan Rou.

The minute he sat down with Lu Gong in a private hall, Xiang Shaolong began in a deep voice: "I want to kill Tian Dan."

Lu Gong was shocked and checked: "What did you say?"

Today, this is the fifth time he is saying he wants to kill Tian Dan. First, he said it to Tian Dan, followed by Teng Yi, Lord Longyang, Prince Dan and finally to Lu Gong, the number one head of the Qin military.

To openly kill an earth-shaking figure like Tian Dan is setting a new precedence in history.

Full of confidence and persuasion, he explained: "This is the only way to prevent Lu Buwei from dominating Qin politics."

Lu Gong was puzzled: "What has this got to do with Tian Dan?"

Xiang Shaolong simply state: "The eastern states have recently attacked us but why is Qi not involved?" Lu Gong's expression became thoughtful and replied after a short while: "Is Shaolong referring to Tian Dan and Lu Buwei's secret collaboration?"

Xiang Shaolong positively explained: "In the past, Lu Buwei did not have any military accomplishments. Now, he has conquered the three eastern provinces and solidified his position. When the combined armies taught him a serious lesson, he focused on his present status and put aside any plans to mount another eastern campaign. What he plans to do now is to increase his power in Qin and the Zhengguo canal is the first step in his grand plan."

Lu Gong was agitated upon hearing this.

For the past two days, he himself has been complaining to Xu Xian, Wang Ling and other military leaders, cursing Lu Buwei for having an ulterior motive and wasting manpower and resources over the canal. This will weaken the country and interfere with plans to unite the world.

Xiang Shaolong is sure that he is disturbed and egged him further: "Therefore, Lu Buwei is now in league with Chu and Qi, isolating Yan and the allied states. This is to safeguard his external interests and focus on internal issues. He can then focus on building up his influence. If he is successful, our state of Qin will land in the hands of this outsider."

His latest words have an even greater impact that the last sentence, stunning this strong advocate of Qin race superiority. Lu Gong thought for a while and raised his head, his eyes shining with energy and stared straight at Xiang Shaolong, asking in a deep voice: "Before we continue further, I need you to clear something up. Why are you so certain that the Crown Prince is not Lu Buwei's illegitimate child?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly glad that Lu Gong is moved and therefore asked such a question. If he can assure him, the discussion can continue smoothly.

He sincerely looked back at him and revealed: "It is very simple. I have my own suspicions as well and questioned Lu Buwei's confidante Xiao Yuetan about this. He swore that Crown Prince is indeed the late king's flesh and blood because when Zhu Ji became pregnant, the only man she is sleeping with is King Zhuangxiang."

Lu Gong frowned: "I know this man Xiao Yuetan and he is someone who should know the truth. But since he is Lu Buwei's trusted subordinate, he may continue to conceal this secret for Lu Buwei despite his own death."

Xiang Shaolong's eyes reddened and intimately disclosed: "When Xiao Yuetan died, not only does he declare himself free from Lu Buwei's control; he even hated Lu Buwei to the core. It is all because the man who killed him is Lu Buwei."

Lu Gong was not horrific at this news. Stretching out his hand, he grabbed Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and nervously asked: "Do you have any proof of this?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head in grief.

Lu Gong released him and remarked: "We have investigated this matter on our side but those who came back alive did not know what happened. Qu Dou Qi and the others have disappeared so there are many suspicious points but there is nothing we can do to Lu Buwei. When you came back and hurriedly retreated to the farms, we know that something is amiss."

Sighing, he added: "I believe Shaolong is telling the truth. I guess we need not carry on with the blood test."

Determined, Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "No! The blood test must still be conducted. Only this way can we fully verify that the Crown Prince is the late king's flesh and blood."

Lu Gong stared at him solemnly and inquired: "I like the way you handled things. Yesterday, Du Bi came looking for me and told me you said something to the late king on his deathbed. The late king then passed away peacefully. What did Shaolong say to him?"

Xiang Shaolong is certain that Du Bi learnt about this from Lady Xiuli. Without hesitation, he divulged: "I told the late king that if he is murdered by someone, I will do whatever I can to avenge him."

Of course he made some changes to the words and purposely left Lu Buwei's name out.

Lu Gong stood up and his eyes shone with determination. Looking up to the sky with agony, he took some time to recompose himself. Finally, he barked: "Fine! Shaolong, what can I do to help you?"

Xiang Shaolong quickly stood up to match him and respectfully state: "Lu Buwei's influence is growing day by day. To stop him, we must first destroy his alliance with the outsiders. If we can kill Tian Dan, it will not only help in uniting the world, it will also force Lu Buwei to spend some effort against foreign attacks and protect the three eastern provinces. We can then slowly erode his power within Qin."

Lu Gong shows signs of anger and grabbed Xiang Shaolong's arm, leading him to the rear garden. His face tight with emotion, he gritted his teeth: "Why don't we command our army and attack his residence, annihilating every single person related to him? As long as the Crown Prince nods his head, I can accomplish this easily."

Xiang Shaolong lowered his voice, saying: "You must not do this. Lu Buwei has gained the loyalty of many officials. If this matter is leaked out and he strikes first, it will be disastrous and may even cause the death of Crown Prince and Empress. Even if we succeeded, Cheng Chongqiao and Lord Gaoling will immediately vie for the throne. If Qin deteriorates to such a condition and the six states adding fuel to fire, our country may be split into three factions just like in the past."

Lu Gong's face changed colour and he softly held Xiang Shaolong's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "Tell me how I can help you?"

Xiang Shaolong is mad with joy. With Lu Gong's consent, Tian Dan is almost as good as dead.

Book 13 Chapter 02 – The Stubborn Qin Lady

Leaving the Lieutenant General's residence, Xiang Shaolong galloped non-stop. Fortunately for him, Qin Qing's residence is along the same street leading to the palace. It is separated from the palace by twenty over residences belonging to other Marquises and Generals.

He wanted to keep a low profile and rode alone on an ordinary horse. Jifeng and the Guardians have all been sent back to the Cavalry Command Centre.

To make it easier to walk, he has removed his heavy armour and is dressed in a warrior suit. However, his imposing stature is hard to remain unnoticed but at least it makes him feel more at ease.

The sun is gradually setting in the west and there are hardly any passersby on roads. Xiang Shaolong was reminded about Shan Rou and could not help but feel dejected.

He can only lessen his pain by working hard to avenge her!

A group of loud galloping sounds can be heard.

A group of ten odd riders rode towards him.

Xiang Shaolong has a high sense of awareness and scanned them carefully. He was shocked at what he saw.

Unbelievably, it is a cohort of female riders. Dressed in different colours of warrior suits, they resembled a colourful rainbow flowing down the long street.

They seemed to be competing among themselves on their horse speed and horsemanship. They speedily overtook every chariot and horse in front of them. In the blink of an eye, they are almost upon him.

Xiang Shaolong recollected Lord Changping's sister Ying Ying and her female army. Curious, he looked closer at them.

The leading rider is a young lady in a yellow and white warrior suit. As beautiful as an angel, she is even prettier than Lu Niang Rong. Riding her horse with gusto, she looks even more young and lively.

She has long legs like Zhao Zhi and is as charming as Wu Tingfang. Her snowy skin is comparable to Ji Yanran's. Adding that to her slender waist and full chest, it was a mesmerizing sight. It is a body to die for.

Xiang Shaolong could not help but praise her figure secretly.

The other riders paled in comparison.

The most unique thing is that she carries a proud and satisfied smile on her face, as if all the men in the world are only good enough to be trodden by her horse. Interestingly, every man who saw her lowered their gaze and dare not look straight at her.

Xiang Shaolong is almost sure that this beauty is Ying Ying herself. When she saw him, her pretty eyes lit up like the stars at night.

Xiang Shaolong was terrified and lowered his head, avoiding her gaze.

Ying Yong whistled once and the entire fleet of fifteen female riders stopped their horses and arranged themselves in a neat formation. They are as disciplined as the Qin army, if not better.

Xiang Shaolong can see trouble coming. Lowering his head, he tried to slip away and his mind is full of panic.

Are these female warriors so aggressive that they pick up fights with passerby on the streets?

With this thought running through his head, he heard swishing sounds. Ying Ying is apparently swinging her horsewhip over her head. Once she has gained enough momentum, she lashed out towards his back.

Xiang Shaolong was infuriated.

This stubborn girl is truly overbearing. He did not know her nor have any enmity but yet she attacked him.

He listened intently for the whip striking down and stretched his hand, grabbing the whip.

If his opponent is a male, he would continue to pull strongly on the whip, causing the other party to fall down his horse and be embarrassed. But his opponent this time is a young maiden and he could not bear to embarrass her.

Ying Ying let out a cry and pulled strongly at the whip.

Xiang Shaolong turned around and pulled the whip strongly too. The beauty is strong as well and the whip is straightened by both their pulling. Both of them exchanged a fierce look. There is a six feet distance between them which is the length of the whip in addition to the length of their arms.

Everyone else on the street disappeared to avoid getting into trouble.

The female warriors spread out like a fan and cornered Xiang Shaolong against the wall.

Ying Ying's mouth curled up in a satisfied smile and tugged her horse. The horse reacted to her tug and began to step back.

Xiang Shaolong praised her secretly and released the whip.


Every female warrior pulled out their swords and pointed them at Xiang Shaolong and scolded him with vulgar words like '' and ' your mother.' These vulgarities are only heard among the scoundrels of Xianyang City.

Xiang Shaolong can feel a headache coming, knowing that he has run into 'female hell riders.'

Ying Ying retrieved her horse whip and was feeling very proud. She rode forwardly slightly and barked to her warriors: "Are you trying to kill someone? Sheathe your swords!"

Xiang Shaolong and the ladies are all confused. The ladies were puzzled and sheathe their swords.

Ying Ying's laughter rang out like a bell: "You are good! Such a fine fellow! Come with me and let me try out your sword skills."

Xiang Shaolong was astonished: "Does Mistress know what I am?"

Ying Ying impatiently retorted: "You did not even tell me, how am I suppose to know which presumptuous fool you are?"

The female warriors looked at him closely and saw that he is silly looking besides his heroic air. Their hostility reducing greatly, they start to criticise his appearance.

From her tone, it seems like there is some rift between them. However, he cannot recall any such incident after going through his memory and apologised: "My apologies but I have an errand to run and cannot accompany you."

Ying Ying was displeased and curled up her proud and toned lips, laughing coldly: "You do not know what is good for you. Girls! Get him!"

Xiang Shaolong did not know whether to laugh or cry. The female warriors have reacted to her command with two of them producing a huge net normally used to catch animals. The other warriors re-drew their swords and approached him.

There are some onlookers a distance away. They may have been bullied by them before and is unclear of Xiang Shaolong's status and dared not intervene.

Xiang Shaolong laughed loudly and rolled on the floor right under the nets, and was in front of Ying Ying's warhorse in a flash.

The warhorse was startled and raised its front hoofs and was about to step on Xiang Shaolong. Xiang Shaolong somersaulted and was beside the horse in a split second.

Ying Ying reacted quickly and her whip is swishing through the air towards Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong roared loudly and leapt up, landing behind the horse and avoiding the whip.

Unexpectedly, Ying Ying's long boots kicked to the back towards Xiang Shaolong's chest.

Xiang Shaolong could not imagine her fighting prowess has reached such a level and had underestimated her. He was forced to retreat a few steps but his left shoulder has been grazed by her boot, leaving a small mark.

The other warriors cried out in joy and chased after him.

Xiang Shaolong could see that the situation is becoming disadvantageous. He sped along the chariot lane and squeezed into the crowd of onlookers. The situation became chaotic and he slipped away in the confusion.

Arriving at Qin Qing's residence, Xiang Shaolong was greatly amused and began to understand the suffering of the two Changping brothers.

Housekeeper Uncle Fang received him in the main hall and brought him into the inner hall.

Qin Qing and Ji Yanran were happily playing a tune on their musical instruments.

Wu Tingfang, Zhao Zhi, Tian Zhen, Tian Feng and the maids of Qin Qing are gathered at a large garden outside the building. Under the evening sunshine, they take turns playing with Xiang Bao'er who has learnt how to walk a few steps. The air is filled with their cheerful laughter.

Unfortunately, all Xiang Shaolong could think of is Shan Rou. The sight before him only adds to his pain.

He went to the garden and greeted Wu Tingfang and Zhao Zhi, taking time to cuddle his son Xiang Bao'er. He then returned back to the inner hall and joined them at their table, ignoring all the usual boundaries between him and Qin Qing.

Qin Qing was delighted: "Bao'er has been playing the entire day but did not take his afternoon nap. I am amazed at his stamina."

Xiang Shaolong stared at the window and can still hear the ladies playing with Bao'er. Feeling emotional, he vented: "A child's imagination is the richest. Everything that they see will be exciting, enriching and extraordinary. In the ordinary stuff that we see as adults, it is endless fun for them. Regrettably, when they grow up in the future, everything will be replaced by cold and harsh reality. This is the price to pay for growing up."

Both ladies exchanged a look and were deeply moved by his enlightening words. For a while, they were speechless. Xiang Shaolong turned his face and looked at them and was swept off his feet.

They resembled two blossoming flowers but did not suppress each other's beauty.

Ji Yanran is charming and glamorous while Qin Qing is elegant and classy. They are the best there is.

Qin Qing's delicate face turned slightly red and lowered her gaze, gently mentioning: "Mister Xiang is finally able to come and visit your wives and kid." Finishing, she realised that she had a slip of the tongue and her jade face became even redder.

Ji Yanran gazed lovingly at Xiang Shaolong and whispered: "Why does hubby seem to be troubled about something?"

Xiang Shaolong sighed but did not reply her.

Qin Qing took the initiative and excused her and joined them at the garden, allowing them to speak in privacy.

Xiang Shaolong inquired in a deep voice: "Do you recall the letter Lord Chunshen wrote to Zhao Mu? Can your family warriors duplicate a copy?"

Ji Yanran answered: "No problem. They are skilled in forgery. What shall be the content?"

Xiang Shaolong detailed: "It will be a secret letter from Lord Chunshen to Li Yuan, informing him that the King of Chu is gravely ill and commanding him to return to Chu immediately. At the same time, instructing him to keep this a secret from Qin or Qin may take advantage of Chu's political instability. You can add whatever else you think is appropriate."

Ji Yanran was astounded: "What is going on?"

Hot tears begin to leave Xiang Shaolong's eyes. In a grieved voice, he revealed: "Shan Rou is dead!"

Xiao Pan received him in his bedroom and dismissed the palace maids. "What has happened?" he questioned in surprise.

Xiang Shaolong repeated what he told Lu Gong and emphasized on Lu Buwei conspiracy with Qi and Chu.

Xiao Pan thought for a while and frowned: "But this policy of allying with the far countries and attacking the neighbouring countries has always been our strategy. Lu Buwei is only proceeding according to this direction and I don't see what is wrong."

Xiang Shaolong could tell that Xiao Pan is no longer a kid who can be easily manipulated. He nodded: "Crown Prince is right. But Lu Buwei is a man with ulterior motives. If he has his external affairs settled, he can focus on politics and eliminate all his opponents. If one day, Lu Gong, Xu Xian and the other generals have been killed by him, we will not be able to overcome him in the future."

Xiao Pan was shaken: "I am most afraid of him killing Master."

Xiang Shaolong had not thought about himself.

Although his intention to kill Tian Dan is because of Shan Rou, his suspicions of Lu Buwei are not without reason.

After being defeated by the combined armies, Lu Buwei has overhauled his strategy and focused on building up his political might.

King Zhuangxiang has lost his usefulness and became an obstacle. This heartless man used poison to remove him and paved way for his own son Xiao Pan.

He needs to take a little break now.

If he still wants to engage the six states in war, he will not dare to make changes in the Qin military, such as replacing a huge number of military leaders with his own men who are far less capable and experienced.

If he can hold the six states at bay and use a few years, he can cultivate a new generation of capable men who can help him control Qin. By then, even if he turns Qin into his own playground, no one can oppose him.

Against the six states, the allied states are as close as family. Regardless of Lu Buwei's scheming, it will not work against them. So he ignored them totally and conspired with Qi and Chu. In the future, Yan will belong to Qi, Wei will belong to Chu, Zhao and Han will belong to Qin. With this agreement, he can focus his energies on Qin politics.

After his lengthy explanation, Xiao Pan was enlightened.

From this, Xiang Shaolong can see the difference in Xiao Pan.

In the past, Xiao Pan will listen to his words without question. Now, he is beginning to take ownership of his own decisions, thinking and position.

He is becoming more and more like Qin Shi Huang.

By the time Xiang Shaolong arrived at the Lord Changping's residence, he is already an hour late. This is unavoidable. Given his present circumstances, the fact that he even showed up is already giving plenty of respect to the two lords.

Feeling like an ugly daughter-in-law going to see her father-in-law, he went in with the hideous mark on his shoulder left by Ying Ying's boot. Led by a servant into the main hall, he had a big fright.

It is not a question about the number of guests but who they are. Seated on two rows of ten seats, only Lord Changping, Lord Changwen and An Gu are male. The rest are all female warriors.

When the attendant announced: "Imperial Cavalry Commander Xiang Shaolong," the noisy hall became as quiet as a grave in an instant.

Lord Changping jumped up and welcomed him at the door. Holding him, he frowned: "I did not anticipate my sister to bring her female warriors and scared all the guests away. Only An Gu is a true friend. Ai! But if he wasn't the special guest tonight, he may have slipped off too. Luckily you came to join us, otherwise, Ai! Come! Let's talk more when we settled down."

It is now Xiang Shaolong's turn to hold him and questioned: "Why are they here?"

Lord Changping replied: "To see the famous Xiang Shaolong."

Xiang Shaolong whispered: "Who are they?"

Lord Changping whispered back: "They are all unmarried virgins and are all younger than eighteen years old. The best fighters are Sister Ying Ying and Lu Gong's granddaughter Lu Dan'er. If you cannot please them, you wouldn't be able to leave tonight."

Xiang Shaolong was about to ask how he can please them when Ying Ying's shrill voice rang out behind Lord Changping: "Big Brother! Are you trying to help Xiang Shaolong escape?"

Her view has been blocked by Lord Changping and did not see Xiang Shaolong. After she finished speaking, she saw him and her eyes lit up, calling: "So it is you!"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "That's right."

Lord Changping is astonished: "Have you two met before?"

Ying Ying stomped her feet: "He is the assho1e who saved the young man at the market and left without saying his name."

Xiang Shaolong was hit by realization.

The family warrior who invited him the other day is her family warrior. Fortunately, she did not see himself with Tu Xian or it will be catastrophic. No wonder she attacked him today.

Lord Changping did not suspect her story and smiled: "That's great. Ever since she came back, she has been thinking about you, but..."

Ying Ying stood up with her arms akimbo and challenged: "I dare you to continue!"

Lord Changping was terrified and smiled weakly: "Fine. I will stop. Come! Let's have a drink. Everything in the past is a misunderstanding."

Ying Ying cooed: "Come!" and happily led the way in front.

Glancing at her beautiful back and her rare long legs, he was slightly intoxicated.

All of a sudden, he felt that these female warriors are not as scary as they look.

To a certain extent, he was afraid to go home and see people or things that remind him of Shan Rou.

After he learnt of Shan Rou's demise, he has been keeping himself busy to numb his pain, using the most exciting experiences to erode his grief.

Until Shan Rou's death did he realised how much he treasured her in his heart.

This is his next greatest blow after Zhao Qian's death!

Book 13 Chapter 03 – The Female Warriors

Under the gaze of nearly a hundred female warriors, Xiang Shaolong and Lord Changping entered the main hall led by Ying Ying.

Xiang Shaolong has the perfect body tightly dressed in a simple warrior suit. Except for the dirty mark on his shoulder, he strolls in gracefully with his right hand on his sword hilt and his left arm swinging by his side, almost like a modern male model striding down the cat walk. Everyone in hall could not help but be mesmerized by him.

The women warriors who attacked him earlier realised that it was Xiang Shaolong who is the dream man of many Xianyang ladies. They were especially taken aback.

Ying Ying went back to her seat. Before she could sit down, another beauty next to her jumped up and whispered into her ears before resuming their seats together.

Xiang Shaolong, Lord Changping, Lord Changwen and An Gu were seated at a table full of dishes and wine. Lord Changping sighed: "Thanks to Shaolong's presence, we brothers have finally fulfilled our sister's demand."

Lord Changwen was disappointed: "Why didn't Shaolong bring Talented Lady Ji and let us have a look at her? Big Brother said he reminded you."

An Gu smiled: "Shaolong! Now you finally got a taste of how irritating they are. Luckily, I have to leave the city for my duties. I shall pass on this burden to you. Good luck!"

Xiang Shaolong is already burdened with countless worries and sadness. Now, as he is facing these three friendly and sincere men in a place filled with young, passionate girls, his accumulated stress begin to go away. Finally relaxing, he grabbed his wine cup and was about to drink when Ying Ying's voice rang out behind him: "Don't drink wine! Otherwise when you lose, you will say that we are being unfair to you."

Xiang Shaolong was surprised and suspicious. Holding back his wine cup, he turned around and questioned: "What does drinking wine have to do with winning and losing?"

The whole hall quietened down.

Ying Ying and the pretty girl seated with her came in front of him, both putting on the airs of a spoilt and stubborn character.

Behind him, An Gu sighed: "Shaolong should know their prowess by now. If they attacked openly with a fair fight, I will lose without a single complaint. Somehow, they have so many tricks up their sleeves and I was taken by surprise every single time."

The beautiful girl stared at him and giggled sweetly. Her mouth curled up with a proud look, she plainly state: "Dear General An, I had regarded you as someone important in Xianyang City! Hng! Since young, you have always been repudiating. Commander Xiang is not like you and will face our challenges bravely."

Xiang Shaolong looked back and exchanged a helpless grin with An Gu. Lord Changping came to his ear and whispered: "They called themselves the Royal Reviewer. Hei! They joked that Generals promoted by the Qin court has to undergo a second review with them to prove their worthiness. "

Ying Ying impatiently cut in: "Cut the Shaolong will now compete with Dan'er in wine drinking." When she mentioned Dan'er, she arrogantly pointed to the pretty girl beside her with her thumb.

Xiang Shaolong eyes landed on Lu Dan'er petite face and begin to scrutinize Lu Gong's stubborn granddaughter.

Lu Dan'er's eyes matched his gaze. She has a nice smile and her eyes are glowing with happiness, mischief and arrogance.

But she is indeed pretty and does not look a day over sixteen. In these ancient times, it is a marriageable age. But just looking at her wild and formidable aura, a weak husband will be unable to control her.

Compared to Ying Ying, she is shorter by half a head. She has a well-proportioned body and did not have any excess fats due to constant exercise. Any normal man who saw her will be aroused.

Like Ying Ying, they are energetic, lively and full of enthusiasm. With healthy complexions and white glowing skin, they are truly alluring.

However, Ying Ying is slightly more appealing than her.

Scanning her body next, Xiang Shaolong lowered his gaze and caught sight of her full and perky chest.

While he was secretly praising the full bosoms of Qin ladies, Lu Dan'er's face reddened and she looked down.

An Gu and the Lords laughingly retaliated: "Ha! Dan'er's face is red with embarrassment. What a rare sight!"

Ying Ying was astounded and glanced at her partner. Stomping her feet, she called: "Dan'er!"

Lu Dan'er shot a vicious look at Xiang Shaolong who has embarrassed her and denied: "Who is embarrassed? It is because the weather is too hot! Bring the wine!"

At last, Xiang Shaolong is fully familiar about these female warriors. They are just troublemakers in Xianyang City. As most of them are related to high-ranking officials and are spoilt by nature, they are able to terrorise the commoners without much repercussions.

Several giggling young ladies came in carrying a few jugs of wine. The battle is about to begin.

An Gu came to Xiang Shaolong's side and smiled: "How is your alcohol tolerance? This lady's liqueur capacity is not something to laugh about."

Xiang Shaolong was curious: "Why do we have to hold a drinking contest?"

Ying Ying stepped forward and proclaimed: "Wine drinking is a man's forte. We want to challenge you men in your best forte. Understand?"

An Gu produced a spitting sound and barked: "What are you so proud about? You wanted to get Commander Xiang drunk and then compete with him in martial arts. When you have won, you will brag about it. I know all your dirty tricks!"

Lu Dan'er is bitter about An Gu embarrassing her earlier and arrogantly retorted: "You are our defeated opponent and how dare you speak like that? You lost in the last archery contest and blamed us instead of your own incompetency. What a loser."

Au Gu faced Xiang Shaolong with an agonized smile: "Now you should know what I mean."

Xiang Shaolong could only smile weakly in return.

The imposing Ying Ying commanded: "Except for the contestants, everyone else return to your seats." She led her warriors back to their seats, leading by example

Lord Changping whispered before he left: "Good luck!" and returned to his seat with Lord Changwen and An Gu.

Slightly fearful of Xiang Shaolong, Lu Dan'er sat down and raised the wine jug in front, commenting: "Let's drink up our share of wine and compete our archery skills in the rear garden. Quick! Why are you hesitating like a woman!"

The female warriors burst out in laughter and made all sorts of jeering noises.

Xiang Shaolong felt his own tummy and realised that he had not eaten a single meal today. It is a taboo to drink wine on an empty stomach and he is bound to lose. He hardened his resolve and shot back: "Such an impatient little doll. You have already lost to me in terms of patience." He purposely looked at her chest again and walked towards Ying Ying. Sitting down opposite her, his stomach began to rumble.

Ying Ying raised her eyebrows and implored: "Since when did you last eat something?"

Everyone in the hall laughed loudly.

Xiang Shaolong could not be bothered with her and started eating. At the same time, he was puzzled. An Gu is a great drinker and how could he lose to a young girl.

Suddenly, he was inspired and thought about the bar girls in the 21st century. Their drinks are always diluted to earn more money and also to prevent them from getting drunk.

Remembering this, he turned back and returned to the 'battleground.' Sitting down across her, he conveniently placed his wine in front and her and pointed to the jug she is hugging. He demanded: "I will drink your wine and you will drink mine!"

The entire hall quietened down.

Lu Dan'er was flustered and shrilled: "The wine is the same. You drink your own wine!"

An Gu laughed loudly and jumped up, exclaiming: "I see! I see! No wonder I lost the last time!"

Lu Dan'er is so furious her face became red again. She shot an angry look at Xiang Shaolong before giggling out loudly. She put down her wine jug and slipped back to her seat.

An Gu and the two Lords cheered loudly and received the victorious Xiang Shaolong back to his seat. Xiang Shaolong has never seen them so excited before.

All the girls are laughing so hard they can barely sit straight. None of them felt guilty about their trick being exposed.

Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er had a quick discussion and came up to their table. Ying Ying declared: "So it is considered a draw!"

Lord Changwen is confused: "Shaolong has obviously won. How come it is a draw?"

Displeased, Ying Ying retorted: "Second Brother has eyes that cannot see. The mark on Commander Xiang's shoulder is left by my boot. Isn't this a draw? To determine the winner, we must have another round of competition."

An Gu was curious: "What happened?"

Ying Ying stubbornly interrupted: "Don't deny it if you are a man. Come! We shall compete on strength."

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback: "Compete on strength!"

Ying Ying charmingly smiled: "Of course we must compete in everything. I dare you to say 'women are weaklings' in the future." Finishing, they returned to their table.

Lord Changping advised Xiang Shaolong: "Do not underestimate her. This woman possesses brute strength. Not many people in Xianyang City can win her."

Xiang Shaolong noticed a huge woman coming out from the crowd and a girl bringing out a long rope and another girl drawing boundaries on the floor. It looks like a game of tug of war.

Xiang Shaolong was baffled. Women are limited by nature to be weaker than men. Even if they have a large body, they can defeat common men but not martial arts practitioners like Lord Changping. He unconsciously looked down to her feet and saw some sort of talcum powder scattered on the floor. He guessed it is another trick and suggested to the huge lady: "To prevent cheating, I suggest we take off our shoes before we compete!"

The ladies became silent and there is a strange expression on their faces.

As if this is the first time she saw him, Ying Ying stared blankly at Xiang Shaolong for a short while. Stomping her feet, she hissed: "Exposed by you again. Why can't you give us a break?" Even her two brothers are stunned by her stubborn behaviour.

Before she finished speaking, the ladies were laughing uncontrollably and the atmosphere is very cheerful.

Amused, Xiang Shaolong went back to his seat. The three men are laughing so hard that their stomachs hurt.

An Gu held his breath and barely spoke out: "What an exciting night! All my frustrations have been vented out."

Lu Dan'er yelled: "Stop laughing!"

Everyone stifled their laughter.

Lord Changping challenged: "What other tricks do you have?"

Xiang Shaolong understood that these females are just troublemakers who use tricks to ridicule men. They do not have any ill intentions and there is no real damage done. Thus, the people of Xianyang tolerated their antics.

Lu Dan'er proclaimed: "We have competed on tricks and Xiang Shaolong has won. Now, we will compete on real abilities."

An Gu snorted: "What is there to compete? Can you defeat Wang Jian? Shaolong fought Wang Jian and it was a draw. You better save your breath. Come! Dan'er! Sing me a song and let's see how much you have improved."

Lu Dan'er made a face at him. Displeased, she remarked: "Previously, we are testing if Commander Xiang is an idi0t like you. Now we are playing for real."

An Gu was speechless.

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "We can compete in anything but I must choose the topic. Otherwise, forget it."

Lu Dan'er invited: "Let's hear it!"

Ying Ying dared not underestimate Xiang Shaolong anymore and kept tugging Lu Dan'er's sleeve.

Lu Dan'er softly assured: "We need not fear him!"

It is now the three men's turn to laugh and jeer, making the situation extremely lively.

Xiang Shaolong raised his wine jug and drank two large mouthfuls.

The scorching wine entered his throat and he was reminded of Shan Rou. Grieved, he sighed loudly.

Lord Changwen leaned over and whispered into his ear: "Is something troubling Shaolong?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and summoned his courage. Facing Lu Dan'er he began: "First, you can send anyone you want to accept my challenge. This person will represent your group. If she loses, then your group has lost. In the future, you must not harass me with other competitions."

The ladies gathered together and discussed in secret. They dared not let down their guard against him anymore.

To the three men, he commented: "Shoot the horse to capture the man, catch the bandit king and the bandits will succumb. Watch and see!"

An Gu praised: "Shaolong is so capable and vented the frustration for all the bullied men of Xianyang City."

The ladies have concluded and Ying Ying stood up. Puffing her chest, she declared: "If we're fighting, I will be your opponent. But you can only hit my sword and my body. If you happened to injure me, you will not be able to compensate."

Xiang Shaolong is already aware of their unfair and stubborn ways to achieve victory. Expectedly, he exclaimed: "You will be fighting me? That's wonderful! Let's have a wrestling match!"

Every girl started to protest.

Ying Ying is so angry her face turned red and furiously state: "You are so demanding."

The three men clapped loudly and cheered in approval.

An Gu seems to have plenty of 'deep grievances'. He chortled: "After the wrestling, Sister Ying has to leave the female army and marry into the Xiang family as Shaolong has touched every part of your body. If he does not marry you, then it will really be hard for him to compensate you."

Xiang Shaolong began to recognize how open the people of Qin are when talking about such matters and was slightly regretful. If he made Ying Ying fall in love with himself, he will have plenty of headaches in the future.

On the other hand, he felt very excited and it was like he is flirting with girls back in the 21st century.

Lu Dan'er 'righteously' spoke: "If this is the battlefield, weapons will be used to fight for survival. This is just a banquet friendly match. Must we watch them wrestle like that? Obviously not!"

The girls begin to protest to help Ying Ying and they are noisier than the marketplace. For a while, it was chaos.

Xiang Shaolong let out a long laugh and gathered everyone's attention. He solemnly mentioned: "When fighting a battle, every method has to be used. When you want to capture an enemy, you may have to use some tricks. Are you going to tell the enemy that no wrestling is allowed during the fight?"

Everyone was humoured and broke out into laughter, forgetting their differences. Infuriated, Lu Dan'er stomped her feet and screamed, stopping the laughter. However, some girls continued to chuckle in the background.

Xiang Shaolong kept forcing his way: "Bring me a mat. You girls mentioned that whatever men can do, you can do better. Stop your whining and stop embarrassing yourself."

Ying Ying held back her own laughter. Shooting him a dirty look, she swore: "You are good, but this is not over yet. We will temporary retreat and show you the might of our Qin Female Army at a later date. Dismiss!"

The four men stared in amazement as all the girls left the hall simultaneously. They did not look angry but were still giggling, showing that they have a good impression of Xiang Shaolong.

The four men were elated and drank to their heart's content.

It was four am when they reluctantly concluded the banquet.

Xiang Shaolong left with An Gu. As they travelled down the street, Xiang Shaolong recomposed himself and officially asked: "There is something I need to bother Brother An!"

Riding beside him on this quiet street at night, An Gu smiled: "I get along with Shaolong very well. Just call me Gu. Tell me about it. As long as it is within my abilities, I will do my best."

Xiang Shaolong noticed their escorts are not too far away from them. He lowered his voice: "I want Gu to help me seal the border leading to Chu and arrest every messenger from Qi."

An Gu was slightly shaken: "Shaolong wants to attack Tian Dan?"

From his quick thinking and intellect, Xiang Shaolong is certain that An Gu did not take any shortcuts to earn his former rank as the Head of the Palace Guards.

Xiang Shaolong continued in a low voice: "That's right. The real person I am attacking is Lu Buwei. The Crown Prince and Lu Gong knew about this too but this is a huge secret. Brother An may verify with them on this." An Gu assured: "Why bother? Will Shaolong want to harm me? Leave this to me."

After a short contemplation, he offered: "I have a plan that can cause the two armies of Qi and Chu waiting at the border to retreat by more than ten miles. I wonder if it would help."

Xiang Shaolong was mystified: "How can Gu accomplish this?"

An Gu confidently revealed: "The Qin Chu border is an uninhabited, mountainous area. No one knows where the border line is and we assumed the river from Sanchuan is the dividing line. We can pretend to clash with their armies and I will meet the generals from Qi and Chu for a truce. To show goodwill, everyone has to retreat by ten miles. This way, when Tian Dan leaves our border, he must still travel some distance before he meets up with his own army. Even if the Qi army receives word and presses near to our border, we can use the excuse that they have crossed the border to surround them or chase them away. This will make it easy for Shaolong to execute your plan. Hei! Qin is afraid of no one!"

Xiang Shaolong was over the moon. Finalising the details with him, they went on their own ways.

On the way home, Xiang Shaolong once again experienced the uncertain feeling of whether this is a dream or reality.

He was once a homeless scavenger and now he is the top favourite subordinate of Qin Shi Huang. Moreover, he is battling the powerful Left Premier Lu Buwei and even planning to kill the legendary Tian Dan. What a feeling!

Like an invisible hand, fate is guiding him flawlessly to create history based on the history he learned.

But history did not mention anything about a man named Xiang Shaolong. Why?

What is his ending? He could not help but feel muddle-headed.

Book 13 Chapter 04 – Feelings

Back at the Wu residence, Teng Yi is still awake and is drinking alone in the dark.

Xiang Shaolong is sure that he is agonizing over Shan Rou's death and sat beside him without saying a single word.

Teng Yi passed him some wine and disclosed: "Tian Dan went to find Lu Buwei after he met you and left after a long time. He must have been complaining to Lu Buwei about you. After that, he went to find Li Yuan. A single sentence from Third Brother has terrified him so much."

Xiang Shaolong swallowed a gulp of wine and his tears begin to fall uncontrollably from his face. In a deep voice, he commented: "This is better than I expect. To comfort him, Lu Buwei will swear to kill me during the hunting festival. They will allow Li Yuan to return to Chu first and leave Tian Dan behind. After all, he wanted to see me dead before he can return to Qi with peace of mind."

Smelling strongly of alcohol, Teng Yi remarked: "I did not think about that. It must be Rou'er assisting us from Heaven to take his miserable life."

Xiang Shaolong inquired: "Has Yanran started work on the fake letter?"

Teng Yi nodded: "Yes. I got a pigeon messenger to send it back to the farm immediately. According to Yanran, Uncle Qing and his men just need one night to forge a fake letter based on the letter from Lord Chunshen to Zhao Mu. It is guaranteed to be foolproof."

The pigeon messenger is a new secret weapon Xiang Shaolong introduced to the Wu Family Elite Warriors. This will speed up communication between the farms and Xianyang City and was implemented recently.

Xiang Shaolong silently drank another two cups of wine and wiped away his tears. "Have you told Jing Jun?" he asked in a deep voice.

Teng Yi sighed: "Tomorrow! He ought to know. He was overjoyed with his Yan beauty and let's give him another day of happiness!"

He asked: "Will Li Yuan really leave after receiving the letter?"

Xiang Shaolong coldly sniggered: "Similar to Lu Buwei using women to gain power, Li Yuan is using her pretty sister as a gift to the same effect. If he learns about Xiaolie's condition, he will not be bothered about Tian Dan. Lu Buwei will encourage him to return immediately and execute their plan. I expect that they will try to take Lord Chunshen's life. The Lord is so amusing and yet pitiful."

Teng Yi sighed: "Third Brother is becoming more and more formidable, covering every aspect of the plan flawlessly."

Xiang Shaolong icily laughed: "For Shan Rou and Second Brother, I will do whatever I can to kill Tian Dan. Killing Mo Ao is another crucial part of the plan. If this man continues to provide them with strategies, we may be killed by Tian Dan instead."

Teng Yi sighed: "This is my biggest worry too. If Lu Buwei sent his own warriors and escort Tian Dan all the way until he meets his own army, it will be impossible for us to act."

Xiang Shaolong confidently explained: "Remember the last time we spoke about Lord Gaoling conspiring with Zhao General Pang Nuan? If I am not mistaken, these two men will try to rebel during the hunting fair. Lu Buwei will be too busy dealing with them and will not have time for Tian Dan. As long as we misled Tian Dan that Xianyang City is an unsafe place, he will rush back to Qi via Chu as soon as possible, giving us the golden opportunity."

Speaking till here, the sky is gradually brightening up but neither man felt the least urge to sleep.

Xiang Shaolong stood up: "I don't know what but I am pining for Ji Yanran and the ladies. Since it is still early, I will visit them at Qin Residence. Second Brother should spend some time with Sister-in-law."

Teng Yi appreciated: "You go ahead! I still want to think about some things."

Qin Qing is pruning her plants in her garden and saw Xiang Shaolong coming to her place before the sky is fully bright. Stunned, she put aside her gardening tool carefully in an intricate bronze box and instructed her attendant to bring it into the house. She simply state: "They are still asleep. I heard that Commander Xiang has the habit of sleeping late and they have inherited your habit as well. Why don't we take a stroll?"

How can Xiang Shaolong reject her? He walked beside her and enjoyed her fabulous garden with many unique plants and the fragrances of flowers filled the air. They travelled down a zigzag path that snakes through carefully pruned trees and bushes.

Birds are chirping loudly, filling the garden with a sense of liveliness.

With a solemn expression, Qin Qing led him down the path. With a hint of blame in her tone, she asked: "Your hair is messy; your clothes are untidy and there is a dirty mark on your shoulder area. Both of your eyes are red and swollen and you smell strongly of alcohol. You must have stayed up the whole of last night?"

Xiang Shaolong did not anticipate this and was astonished: "You only peeped once at me and you can deduce so many things?"

Qin Qing turned her head at shot him a look, scolding: "Your words are vulgar and rude. Who is peeping at you?"

Xiang Shaolong can sense the happiness in her scolding and knew that she is not really blaming him. He bitterly laughed: "I am not fully conscious yet. Ai! I really look disgraceful compared to Grand Tutor Qin. My smelly alcohol fumes has polluted your fragrant scent!"

Qin Qing abruptly stopped walking and turned around. Before she could say anything, an aimless Xiang Shaolong bumped right into her.

Both of them shrieked out in fright and backed off instantly.

Qin Qing's face is burning red and a flustered Xiang Shaolong apologised: "Ai! So sorry! I am so muddle-headed! Did I hurt you?" As he is saying this, the feeling of Qin Qing's tender and bouncy breasts on his own chest has left an everlasting impression.

Qin Qing shot him a vicious look and resumed a blank face. She lightly mentioned: "We are both careless. Forget it! But I must still reprimand you. As a gentleman, how can you pass such a comment about a lady's natural scent?"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "I am not a gentleman and am not interested to be one! Honestly, I am quite afraid to talk to you. I may offend you without even knowing it!"

Qin Qing's face darkened and coldly replied: "So you are afraid to see me and thus advised me to leave for Bashu so that I will not pose as a hindrance to you?"

Xiang Shaolong was dumbfounded at this baseless accusation. He surrendered: "I only mentioned it by mistake! Grand Tutor Qin is still grudging me for this sentence? Let me kneel and kowtow to you for my mistake."

Qin Qing was startled and stopped him: "A man must not kneel down easily! Hng! You are playing a fool."

Xiang Shaolong stretched out in a yawn and took a deep breath. He left the small path and cut through the flowers, arriving at a small stream near a bridge. He kneeled down and used his hand to scoop up the running water, happily washing his face.

Qin Qing came to his back and was frowning at his uncouth behaviour. At the same time, her eyes twinkled with interest.

Xiang Shaolong used more water to wet his hair and combed it with his fingers. Rejuvenated, he looked up at the blue sky and the white clouds. Raising his hands, he declared: "Today is the first day of the rest of my life. I will live my life to the fullest."

Qin Qing repeated his words twice before she grasped its meaning. She was slightly shaken and remarked: "No wonder Yanran often mentioned that you are a very intelligent person. Words casually sprouted by you have such deep meanings and philosophies."

Xiang Shaolong blinked hard and gazed back at her, laughing: "Unexpectedly, I managed to hold a nice conversation with Grand Tutor Qin. Unfortunately, I have some matters to attend to but I am very satisfied already."

Qin Qing revealed a sweet and intimate smile, gently correcting: "It is really my honour. Actually, there is something I wanted to discuss with Commander Xiang. Can you spare some additional time?"

Actually, Xiang Shaolong did not have anything urgent to attend to but he is afraid he may start flirting with her if he stayed any longer. Qin Qing's charm is nothing to joke about. Unsure of her feelings towards him, he was tempted and teased her: "So there is something important. I thought Grand Tutor Qin treats me like a special person."

Qin Qing's jade face begin to glow and her almond shaped eyes stared at him as she exclaimed: "Commander Xiang! How can you use these flowery language on me?"

A shy looking Qin Qing is even more enchanting.

Xiang Shaolong slightly regretted his action but was highly excited at the same time.

In the past, Qin Qing will walk off and ignore him forever upon hearing these words. Her cheerful reply reminded him about his uncertain feeling about all these being a dream or reality.

Luckily, he has some strand of sanity left in him and bitterly smiled: "Please do not be angry. I am not clear-minded and was just joking with you!"

Qin Qing calmed and softly commented: "Yesterday, Empress Ji spoke to me about matchmaking the Crown Prince and asked for my opinion."

Xiang Shaolong was immediately alerted and was slightly shocked. "What does the Empress think?" He asked.

Qin Qing stepped forward and came within an arm's length of Xiang Shaolong. Her eyes deep in thought, she divulged: "She told me Lu Buwei explained to her the benefits of Crown Prince marrying the Princess of Chu, saying that it will prevent the six states from working together against Qin. But she is hesitant due to the violent objections of Lu Gong, Xu Xian and the other high ranking officials."

Unconsciously, Xiang Shaolong inched towards her and observed her unparalleled beauty. He then asked in a deep voice: "What advice did Grand Tutor Qin give her?"

Qin Qing apparently cannot tolerate the proximity between them and retreated half a step. She lowered her head and softly replied: "I told her that the Crown Prince may be young but has his own mindset and thinking. She should ask him directly."

Xiang Shaolong's nose is filled with her nice fragrance and was intoxicated. He took another small step towards her and lightly guessed: "She would reject your suggestion."

Qin Qing retreated again and was surprised: "How did you guess correctly?"

Xiang Shaolong wanted to see her reaction when she is distressed and stepped forward again. Now, they can almost smell each other breaths. He is almost invading her personal space and nearly touching her fast-heaving chest. He stared at her lowered head and whispered: "This is called having a guilty conscience. For the past few days, she has been trying her best to avoid him."

Qin Qing ran out of space to retreat and her ears are burning red. She complained in a low voice: "I am most fearful of the smell of alcohol!"

Xiang Shaolong was jolted awake and recognized that he had nearly molested her. He took two steps back apologetically and stammered: "I better take my leave."

Qin Qing's cheeks are red hot and her eyes are flashing with excitement. She glanced at him in silence.

Xiang Shaolong began to panic and uttered: "Hey! Why are you looking at me like this?"

Qin Qing broke into a smile: "I wanted to see if you will leave without finishing your words like what you did in the past, showing that you have a guilty conscience too!"

Xiang Shaolong secretly cursed: it!

The lady who beauty equalled Ji Yanran is someone unique, elegant and classy. Her most attractive part is her wisdom. Every time he met her; he could not help but be attracted by her.

He came here early in the morning to lessen his pain by indulging himself with Ji Yanran and the girls. He secretly hoped to see Qin Qing as well. This is a very complicated and ironic thinking.

As Ji Yanran has mentioned, Qin Qing is the model lady who is widely respected and regarded by the people of Qin. Pure and chaste, she is a top beauty who cannot be violated.

But it is due to her special position and status that his desire to eat this forbidden fruit is even more challenging and exciting.

To a modern man from the 21st century, this is not a question of morals.

Qin Qing does not belong to the people of Qin. She belongs to herself.

Xiang Shaolong suppressed his temptation but could not resist rebutting her. He shrugged his shoulders and opened up his palms: "I have never stolen anything in my life so why should I feel guilty?"

Qin Qing is a master at handling her emotions. Resuming her icy blank expression, she casually reminded: "That's great! How? You have not told me your views about the marriage!"

Xiang Shaolong was agonized and implored: "This is not my forte. Will Grand Tutor Qin please enlighten me on the crucial aspects of the marriage?"

Qin Qing is annoyed: "Sometimes, you are incredibly clever like you can predict the future. Sometimes, you are as dumb as a bell. The marriage itself is crucial. Xu Xian and Wang Ling wanted Crown Prince to marry Lu Gong's granddaughter Lu Dan'er so as to preserve the purity of Qin's blood in the royal family. Lu Buwei wanted to spoil their plan as he is not a Qin native himself. Does Commander Xiang understand now?"

Xiang Shaolong was blown away by this insight.

At the end of the day, it is Qin's racist mindset. To an outsider like him, it doesn't mean anything but to the Qin, it represents their determination against Lu Buwei. If this matter is not handled well, it will put Xiao Pan in an unfavourable situation.

Qin Qing sighed: "I advised Empress to reconsider her thinking and wait for some time. She should decide only when she has a clearer understanding of the full picture."

Xiang Shaolong reasoned: "That's the best plan for now. Lu Dan'er is really pretty but is actually a formidable tigress."

Qin Qing laughed: "You finally met the female army!"

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "That was what happened last night."

Astounded, Qin Qing glanced at him: "You accompanied them throughout the night?"

Xiang Shaolong simply replied: "I am not so free."

Qin Qing questioned in a low voice: "What has happened? Last night, Yanran was playing the qin alone in the garden and her music is full of sadness, making everyone feel like crying. Are you treating me like an outsider? Why don't you share with me your sorrow?"

Xiang Shaolong intimately revealed: "We received news about the death of someone close to us. But only Yanran knows this. Grand Tutor Qing..."

Qin Qing nodded: "I understand. Does Commander Xiang want to take a look at Yanran and the rest? They should be up by now!"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head: "I will make a quick trip to the Command Centre. If I have time, I will visit them later!"

Qin Qing advised: "Commander Xiang should speak to Crown Prince about the marriage. I am sure he has the ability to make a good decision."

Xiang Shaolong nodded in agreement and left.

A sense of longing is growing within his heart.

The longing is intertwined with complicated excitement and thrill.

Both Qin Qing and Xiang Shaolong know that they are travelling along a 'very dangerous' path. Sooner or later, they will lose their self-control.

Book 13 Chapter 05 – A Well-Devised Plan

Back at the Cavalry Command Centre, the sweet memory of Qin Qing is still lingering in Xiang Shaolong's mind.

And he was annoyed.

Hasn't he sworn not to be involved in relationships anymore?

Due to Shan Rou's news, he was in a terrible mood and did not sleep at all last night. Coupled with his unclear mind from all the wine he drank, he became irrational and unconsciously flirted with Qin Qing.

Humans are unpredictable. Even he cannot explain his own actions.

If Qin Qing is her usual impenetrable self and censured him soundly, it may not be so bad. However, this chaste and pure beauty is warming up to him.

Her retorts are filled with secret delight and her rejections filled with secret acceptance.

The unique relationship between them is the most tempting factor.

Lost in his daydreaming, he bumped into Jing Jun at the main gate. Jing Jun secretly whispered: "Third Brother! We caught a big fish last night!"

Xiang Shaolong was puzzled: "What big fish?"

Jing Jun proudly declared: "Have you heard of this man named Lu Bang?"

Xiang Shaolong sobered up and inquired in a low voice: "Is he one of Lu Buwei's men?"

Jing Jun explained: "Not only is he one of the traitors from Lu, he is the son of Lu Xiong. Somehow, this fella was attracted to someone's wife and tried to harass her. Coincidently, Xu Xian was passing by and saved her. The couple has left the City quickly to avoid them but this kid still harbours ill intention and did not give up. He led several family warriors out of the city in pursuit. They caught up with them, beat the husband up and were about to the wife when I caught up to them. They have all been arrested. Ha! Is this fish big enough?"

Xiang Shaolong was curious: "How did you know they were up to no good?"

Jing Jun was on cloud nine about his accomplishment. He laughed: "It is all thanks to Tao Fang's intelligence unit. The moment they knew about this, they told me about it. I am familiar with Lu Bang's character. If he is onto something, he will go all out to achieve it. I therefore assigned someone to trail him and caught him red-handed. This is going to be exciting. Qin has strict laws regarding 5ex criminals. If we send him to the law bureau, he will be heavily punished. It would be great if he is castrated. Lu Xiong would be devastated and we would have taken some revenge for Princess Qian."

Xiang Shaolong pondered on this for a while and questioned: "Where is Lu Bang being held and do people from the Premier Residence know about this?"

Jing Jun led him past the main hall and towards the back hall. He happily reported: "Last night, I secretly brought everyone back here, including the young couple. Lu Xiong and his men are now in prison. Ai! There is a problem here. That kid is denying everything and the couple are terrified to know that their attackers are from Premier Residence. They did not want to provide evidence of their crime and kept pleading me to release them, saying that they will never come back to Xianyang City in the future."

Xiang Shaolong was agonized. Without witnesses, Lu Bang can instead accuse him power abuse and he will be in trouble. He asked: "Where is Second Brother?"

Jing Jun sighed: "Since morning, he has been in a horrible mood. He slapped Lu Bang heavily after the interrogation barely began. Now, he is interrogating the young couple. I am really afraid he will resort to violence."

Xiang Shaolong understood Teng Yi's character well. He panicked: "Let's check on him first!"

They increased their pace towards the inner hall where the couple is being held.

Before they stepped over the door ledge, Teng Yi's loud scolding can be heard. The men guarding the doors have a helpless look on their faces, signalling that the interrogation has been unfruitful.

Xiang Shaolong entered the inner hall and was startled at the sight of the young couple in front of Teng Yi. The young couple exclaimed: "Benefactor!"

Xiang Shaolong was amazed at the coincidence. It is the young couple he helped when he was on his way to meet with Tu Xian. He saved them in the market when they were chased by thugs and even gave them a large sum of money.

Teng Yi was stunned: "You know Official Xiang?"

Xiang Shaolong sincerely pleaded: "Let's talk about that later! Mister and Madam have been assaulted by evil doers and why don't you testify against them? We must not let them remain free and cause more trouble to other people."

This man named Zhou and his wife exchange a glance and resolutely promised: "We will do as Benefactor advised without the slightest hesitation."

Teng Yi cheered: "Both of you need not worry. I will get someone to bring you safely far away from here."

Xiang Shaolong simply added: "By tomorrow morning, both of you will be far away from danger."

By now, he has a good plan to deal with Lu Xiong.

Lu Xiong is one of the culprits behind Zhao Qian's death. He will surely take advantage of this golden opportunity to take revenge.

After Xiao Pan finish hearing his story, he frowned: "The only criminal is Lu Bang. Moreover, he did not violate the woman yet. At the most, we can give him a severe beating."

Li Si smiled: "I think Commander Xiang has thought of a special plan already!"

Xiang Shaolong smiled: "Nothing can hide from Official Li's eyes. I planned to leak the news to Lu Xiong, deceiving him that his son has and killed a woman. If he panics and barges into the Cavalry Command Centre to save his son, I have a way to trick him."

Xiao Pan thought it over and slowly asked: "What kind of a man is this Lu Xiong?"

Xiang Shaolong and Li Si exchanged a glance of amazement.

The Crown Prince Zheng is becoming more formidable and is developing his own thinking style and observations.

Xiang Shaolong leisurely explained: "This is a man who takes shortcuts to success and is an idi0t who good at claiming credit for himself. Since he came to Qin, he has been the second most important man among Lu Buwei's clansmen. He is so arrogant that it is rumoured that he does not pay respects to Guan Zhongxie despite being the assistant Imperial Infantry Commander."

Xiao Pan was stunned: "Why is Subject Xiang so familiar with Premier Residence's developments?"

Xiang Shaolong will naturally protect his spy Tu Xian and casually mentioned: "Lu Buwei can bribe my warrior and I can do the same."

Xiao Pan contemplated for a while and gingerly state; "If Lu Xiong is as what you had described, we can make use of him."

He turned to Li Si and instructed: "Subject Li please summon Lu Buwei, Lu Gong, Xu Xian, Wang Ling, Meng Ao, Cai Ze, Wang Wan and various officials for a meeting. I want to deprive Lu Xiong of any mental support and make him even more reckless."

Li Si was pleased and left to execute his order.

Xiao Pan waited until only Xiang Shaolong and himself was left in the study before he happily cheered: "It will be even better if this matter is blown out of proportion. I can use this chance to show my authority and put down Lu Buwei. This traitor has been even more overbearing now that he has the support of Empress. He even proposed to Empress to promote himself to be the Regent of Qin. What a shameless cad!"

Xiang Shaolong frowned: "What did Empress say?"

Xiao Pan furiously disclosed: "Empress has been bewitched by Lao Ai. Except for matters regarding Master, she approves all his other requests. She has spoken to me twice regarding this matter already. Ai! I have been unable to sleep for the past two nights because of this as well."

Xiang Shaolong recalled that in the movie, people addressed Lu Buwei as Premier Mentor. 'Mentor' refers to a kind of officials that is found in the state of Qi which can also mean 'Father.' This will give Lu Buwei some sort of promotion and hint at his fatherly status. He could not help laughing: "Let's make him a Premier Mentor instead and create more trouble for him."

Xiao Pan was elated and asked for the details.

Xiang Shaolong added: "This must be done after the blood test or it will have the opposite effect."

He explained the meaning of Premier Mentor and its double meaning as well.

Xiao Pan frowned: "Isn't that asking me to acknowledge a traitor as my father?"

Xiang Shaolong casually mentioned: "This is just a name without real authority and we have two advantages from this promotion. First, we assured this traitor of his position and he will not make any more ridiculous requests. Secondly, we can increase the dissatisfaction of Lu Gong and the military. With evidence that you are not his son, they will assume that he gave himself that title and will give him more trouble."

Xiao Pan was shocked: "How can Master leisurely think of such a unique position?"

Xiang Shaolong was slightly awkward: "I am not sure too. The name just came up me all of a sudden."

Xiao Pan stared at him for a while and gently remarked: "Let me think about this further. Master! It is not that I do not trust you but this is an important issue and I want to hear Li Si's opinion."

Xiang Shaolong was pleased: "I am more than happy to know that Crown Prince is taking up the responsibility of his own decision making. Seeing you grow up to be a great man is my greatest reward."

He stood up and bade farewell: "By now, Lu Xiong should have received my news. I should head back to handle him."

Xiao Pan stood up and stammered: "Can Master pay a visit to Empress? Only you can make Mother break out of Lao Ai's control."

Xiang Shaolong bitterly laughed: "I'll see what I can do!"

Stepping out of the study, he was detained by Lord Changwen. Lord Changwen apologised: "Shaolong, please forgive me for divulging your whereabouts. My sister is waiting for you outside the palace. Hei! You should know that she is up to no good."

Xiang Shaolong is in a rush to return to the Cavalry Commander Centre to implement his trap to trick Lu Xiong. He was astounded: "Then I had better leave by another exit."

It is Lord Changwen's turn to be astounded. He begged: "You must never do that or they will know that I tipped you off. Please go and humour them a bit! Take it that you are doing it on account of our friendship. I will buy you drinks tonight as a form of gratitude."

Xiang Shaolong sighed: "I have only heard of fathers doting their children but never heard of brothers doting their sister."

Lord Changwen smiled bitterly and replied in a low voice: "I can see that my sister has a favourable impression of Shaolong. Of course she does! She may not admit it but I can tell it from her joyful expression last night. I have very sharp eyes! Ha! She is a good catch!"

Xiang Shaolong shook his head and smiled weakly: "It's not funny. Let's see what she is up to."

They continued chatting as they walked towards the palace gates. When they went through the corridor and was about to reach the palace gates, Lord Changwen slipped away.

Xiang Shaolong hardened his resolve and stride towards the Eighteen Guardians who were waiting for him. From afar, he caught sight of Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er the two stubborn Qin girls. They were trying out his horse Jifeng. Wu Shu and the other Guardians could only stare at them helplessly.

Ying Ying noticed him coming and whipped the horse, riding towards him, chirping: "Good day General Xiang. We are not convinced by your prowess and are coming to challenge you again."

Admiring her stubborn, cute and youthful demeanour, Xiang Shaolong wished he could leap up the horse, embrace her slender waist, lean against the back of her body and ride one big round around the city. Unfortunately, it can only be a fantasy. He bitterly smiled: "When can this come to a conclusion?"

Jifeng stopped beside him and stretched its long neck, nuzzling him.

Xiang Shaolong lovingly hugged Jifeng and led the horse with Ying Ying on it back to Lu Dan'er and the Guardians. He bitterly laughed: "I surrender. Can Miss have mercy on me and let me go?"

Ying Ying was displeased: "How can you go back on your word? Aren't you a mighty hero? I don't care; you are coming with us to compete on horse riding followed by other contests."

Lu Dan'er welcomed with a smile: "When have you become another coward!"

Xiang Shaolong almost exploded. He had a brainwave and suggested: "Fine. I will compete with you but first of all, let me return to the Command Centre and run an errand. After that, I will play with you girls."

Ying Ying agilely jumped off the horse and exclaimed: "Who is playing with you? I just saw that you may have some small abilities and wanted to see for myself how good you really are."

Lu Dan'er added: "Men are all like that. When you treat them well, they think they are very important. Hei! !"

Xiang Shaolong acted like he did not care and declared: "If you don't allow me to return to the Command Centre, I will not compete with you. If you don't treasure it, too bad!"

Both girls were surprised: "Treasure?"

Roaring with laughter, Xiang Shaolong leapt up his horse and bellowed: "Whatever! Brothers, let's head back to the Centre."

His legs dug lightly into Jifeng and he galloped towards the main gate.

When Xiang Shaolong and the two stubborn girls jumped down the horse, they can all sense that something is going on in the Command Centre.

The area outside the main hall was crowded with Cavalry soldiers and everyone has an angry look on their faces. Sounds of scolding can be heard coming from inside the hall.

Xiang Shaolong was secretly glad and led the girls into the hall. The soldiers saw that Xiang Shaolong has returned and made way for him. Someone whispered: "Commander, someone from the Imperial Infantry is causing trouble here."

'Imperial Commander is here!' was announced. Accompanied by the two girls, Xiang Shaolong was feeling excited as he stepped into the hall.

The hall was split into two groups.

On one side were Teng Yi, Jing Jun and ten over cavalry leaders. On the other side were Lu Xiong and twenty odd Infantry escort soldiers.

Xiang Shaolong winked and the Eighteen Guardians fanned out and surrounded Lu Xiong's group.

Lu Xiong did not even turn around and coldly laughed: "The man who can speak is finally back."

These words matched Lu Xiong's attitude and mindset. He did not regard General Xiang Shaolong who is ranked two ranks higher than him. In fact, he did not even regard him at all.

Ying Ying is naturally familiar with the Qin military. She leaned towards Xiang Shaolong's ear and whispered: "Aren't the Infantry under your control?"

With her scent and breath on his ear, Xiang Shaolong was feeling ticklish and yet comfortable at the same time. He softly replied: "The two of you stay here obediently. Do not let them know that you are here. I will need you to be my witnesses."

The girls are delighted and did not take offence at his commanding tone. They squeezed into the crowd.

Once they are in place, Xiang Shaolong sauntered up and stopped between Teng Yi and Jing Jun. Facing Lu Xiong whose face is as dark as charcoal, he feigned surprise: "Official Lu mentioned 'the man who can speak', may I know who he is?"

Teng Yi and Jing Jun wanted to aggravate him and purposely laughed in response. The other cavalry soldiers followed their example and laughed as well.

His eyes flashing with murder and anger, Lu Xiong hissed: "Of course I am referring to Commander Xiang. Aren't you a man who can speak?"

Xiang Shaolong's eyes focused and him and harshly roared: "How dare you!"

The entire hall became completely silent and the atmosphere became very tense.

Lu Xiong can never imagine Xiang Shaolong to be rude to him as he is an important figure of the Premier Residence. His face changing colour, he realised that he had said something wrong and undeserving of his military rank. He was lost for words.

Xiang Shaolong simply threatened: "Lu Xiong, you saw me and did not salute me. This is disrespectful. You even pass rude comments and disregard military subordination. Are you aware of your wrongdoing?"

The arrogant Lu Xiong has his own methods. He coldly laughed: "If Commander felt that I have committed a wrongdoing, he may feel free to complain to Premier Lu."

Every cavalry soldier began to protest.

Jing Jun cheekily asked: "If you are send to war, will you only report to Premier Lu and nobody else? Is he the only person who can command you? Are you going to send someone to Xianyang City to ask him regarding every single thing?"

The Cavalry soldiers burst out laughing again. Even Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er were giggling too.

Lu Xiong was made into a joke and could not take it lying down. He barked: "Jing Jun, who the he11 do you think you are, how dare you..."

Teng Yi interrupted: "If he is nobody, you are even worse off. Both of you are assistant generals but Jing Jun is still half a rank higher than you."

Hearing his words, the hall broke out into laughter again. The two girls even clapped loudly in approval, and nobody is afraid of Lu Xiong anymore.

Lu Xiong and his men have an ugly expression on their faces.

Xiang Shaolong will not allow him to recompose himself. "Lu Xiong, you are too much! Kneel down!" He barked.

Everyone present quietened down and waited for their reaction.

Lu Xiong was shocked and he took a step back. He challenged: "Xiang Shaolong, you better not force me."

Teng Yi knew that the time is right. He ordered: "Men. Apprehend this criminal!"

The Cavalry soldiers had expected this. Over ten men stepped forward.

Originally, all Lu Xiong wanted is to save his own son. Under the ridicule of Xiang Shaolong and his men, he fell into their trap. Moreover, he has been arrogant because he enjoyed the backing of Lu Buwei. With his status, he will not allow himself to be arrested like a common criminal. Jiang! He drew out his sword and like a fool, he wildly challenged: "Who dares to arrest me?"

His men originated from the Lu Family Warriors and are arrogant men who enjoyed Lu Buwei's backing. Unafraid of a simple Cavalry Commander, they drew and brandished their weapons, surrounding and protecting Lu Xiong.

Xiang Shaolong, Teng Yi and Jing Jun exchanged looks. First, they called back their cavalry soldiers who are waiting to attack. Xiang Shaolong then shook his head and sighed: "If Assistant Commander Lu is not going to drop your weapons and kneel down, acknowledging your mistakes, I will not be merciful."

Lu Xiong grinned: "What can you do to me?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled and gestured with his hand.

The Eighteen Guardians agilely armed themselves with their crossbows that were slanged on their backs. They loaded their crossbows and assumed fighting positions. They aimed their crossbows at the enemies and forced Lu Xiong and his men to a corner.

When they could no longer retreat, Lu Xiong sobered up and stopped his men from withdrawing. He cried: "Xiang Shaolong! What do you mean by this?"

Jing Jun laughed: "The meaning of your swords is the same meaning as our crossbows. What meaning can there be?"

As the atmosphere is very tense, no one dared to make any noise. Only Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er cannot be bothered and giggled at Jing Jun's joke.

Lu Xiong spotted them and questioned in a deep voice: "Who are the two girls?"

A Cavalry Captain shouted: "You did not even know the famous Miss Ying Ying and Miss Lu Dan'er. What kind of Assistant Commander are you?"

Lu Xiong was flabbergasted and felt that he is at a serious disadvantage.

If there were only Cavalry soldiers around, he can deny everything regardless of his mistakes. With these outsiders, he is really in trouble.

Xiang Shaolong saw his expression changing and knew that he is thinking of backing down. He will not give him any chance to apologise and roared: "If you are not throwing down your weapons and kneeling down, you will regret it!"

He insisted on Lu Xiong kneeling down to make things difficult for him.

Lu Xiong was hesitating for a while. Before he had a chance to reply, Xiang Shaolong ordered: "Shoot their legs!"

The mechanism sounded and eighteen arrows shot out.

With this kind of distance and environment, there is no place to hide. Eighteen of Lu Xiong's followers fell down, all with an arrow wound on their thighs.

The crossbows were reloaded immediately.

Lu Xiong may not be injured but his fighting will is gone. Afraid that Xiang Shaolong may really kill him, he angrily threw down his long sword and cursed: "You are good! I want to see how you are going to account for this to Premier Lu."

The remaining seven of his uninjured followers threw down their swords and surrendered.

Ying Ying and Lu Dan'er did not anticipate that Xiang Shaolong will really attack them and were dazed.

Xiang Shaolong gestured again. The cavalry soldiers crowded forward, tying Lu Xiong and his men up. Lu Xiong and his men were then forced to kneel down.

Within Xianyang City, the Cavalry are considered a prestigious force and will not tolerate these insults. They are impressed and happy with Xiang Shaolong's brave actions.

Ignoring the injured men, Xiang Shaolong faced Lu Xiong and plainly asked: "Assistant Commander Lu, why are you doing all these? Your son only injured a few men and you resort to violence?"

Lu Xiong raised his head in surprise: "What?"

Xiang Shaolong gently reminded: "Didn't you hear what I said? Anyway, it doesn't matter now. We shall see Premier Lu now and see which one of us is disrespectful and insubordinate."

Lu Xiong's face was drained of colour. In the moment, he knew that he had been too reckless and was tricked by Xiang Shaolong's well-devised plan.