19-9 -- 20-1

Book 19 Chapter 9 – I Concede

Even after his return to the Wu Residence, Xiang Shaolong will still randomly think about this strange lady Shi Sufang.

Teng Yi, Jing Jun, Wu Guo and Zhao Da were in discussion with Ji Yanran. Everyone looked somber.

On seeing that her husband is so obedient that he actually came back before the first watch, Ji Yanran smiled and said, "We were just discussing how we can find the assassination organization that was sent to assassinate Lord Zhengchu. It's really too dangerous if we allow them to strike."

Teng Yi furrowed his brows, "The problem is, we cannot publicize this matter. We can only do it secretly, the less people to know about it, the better. Otherwise, Guoxin's identity will be exposed."

Jing Jun gave a cold snort, "I don't trust Guoxin at all."

Ji Yanran pursed her lips into a smile and said, "We won't trust Guoxin easily as well but we have to give him a chance to prove his own words!"

Xiang Shaolong sat down next to Jing Jun and said with a laugh, "This is called abandoning the dark for the light, turning over a new leaf, correcting a mistake. Xiaojun, you have to remember that forgiveness requires even more courage and love than hatred."

Naturally all of them have never heard such a phrase or such logic and they were all stunned.

Ji Yanran asked happily, "My lord husband seems to be in a good mood tonight. Is it because you've gotten Shi Sufang's favor again?"

Xiang Shaolong thought of Shi Sufang. He sighed, "Shi Sufang can only be described as being a rare lady. I think she has absolutely no interest in relationships between men and women at all. What she likes is Zhuang Zhou, she's disdainful about her own singing skills. She has an intense and unique way of looking at things. Lao Ai ended up like a mouse pulling a turtle*, not knowing where to begin and getting snubbed whereas I kept a respectful distance. End of report, is the talented lady satisfied?"

*Mouse pulling a turtle – A Chinese idiom, meaning an impossible task

As soon as he said the phrase 'mouse pulling a turtle', Ji Yanran laughed so hard that she couldn't catch her breath. Jing Jun and the rest were all smiling but by now, they are all used to Xiang Shaolong's endless new and interesting phrases.

Wu Guo sighed, "Who can be more eloquent than Master Xiang? Luckily I have been Master Xiang's follower for a long time and picked up some of his speech. That's how I managed to woo Xiao Weiwei successfully, and did not disappoint Master Jing."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize that Jing Jun had been supporting Wu Guo's pursue of Zhou Wei. He turned towards Zhao Da and asked, "Are you and your brothers doing well in Xianyang?"

Zhao Da revealed a look of gratitude as he nodded his head, "We've never had such glorious days before. As soon as we reveal Master Xiang's name, even those from Zhongfu Residence have to give us some measure of respect. Madam Fang also allowed us to choose the pretty girls to start our families. Hai, Lady left us too soon" Once he spoke of Zhao Ya, his eyes reddened.

Teng Yi was afraid of bringing up Xiang Shaolong's sad past again and changed the topic, "We've decided to transfer a batch of men back to Xianyang, to be in charge of searching for this group of extremely dangerous warriors. We've also informed Lord Changwen, asking him to report this matter immediately to the Crown Prince. It's the Spring Festival the day after tomorrow, I'm afraid our enemies will make use of the Spring Festival Ceremony to strike when the Crown Prince leaves the Palace. According to custom, the route to River Wei has already been decided and it cannot be changed. If the assassins hide themselves amongst the welcoming crowd along the paths, it'll be very difficult to spot them."

Xiang Shaolong suddenly shuddered as he remembered how many times he had protected politically important persons in the 21st century. He can be considered an expert in anti-terrorism so won't he be able to put to useful practice what he has learnt for this situation? Everyone saw his strange expression and were all looking at him, stunned, under the impression that he had thought of something shocking.

Xiang Shaolong waved his hand offhandedly as he said with excitement, "I'll be in charge of security for the Spring Festival this time. After the morning court session tomorrow, Xiaojun will come with me to survey the route to the Spring Festival Ceremony. Let us have a face to face combat with these elite assassins who are from the various countries, each using our own methods and see who is better."

Everyone looked at him in astonishment as Xiang Shaolong smiled and said, "The most vicious part of Pu Hu's plan, is that if something happens to the Crown Prince while on his way to the Spring Festival Ceremony, Lord Changwen and I will be punishable by death. He's killing multiple birds with one stone. From what I see, Pu Hu's intellect is definitely on par with Lu Buwei, just that he's a little down on luck. Just like my duel with Guan Zhongxie the last time, he placed his bet on the wrong person!" He stood up and stretched lazily before adding, "This time they're still down on their luck, because they are facing me, Xiang Shaolong."

The next morning, Xiang Shaolong woke up as usual before the cock crows to practice his swordplay before leaving for the Palace. As he was especially early, he made use of the little extra time to look for Xiao Pan.

Xiao Pan may be the most hardworking prince in the history of the Qin family as he listened to Li Si's reports while having breakfast so that he can handle the court discussion later.

On seeing that Xiang Shaolong has arrived, Xiao Pan hurriedly dispensed with ceremony and asked him to take the lower seat as he said with a serious expression, "Pu Hu and Du Bi are indeed audacious, how dare they have ulterior motives towards me. Guoxing was able to redeem his mistake, General please see how he should be rewarded!"

Xiang Shaolong exchanged a look with Li Si, then said with a laugh, "Your subordinate advices Crown Prince to address me as Grand Tutor. If you address me as General, it feels as if I'll be leading an army into battle any time."

In the whole of Qin, Xiang Shaolong is the only person who could speak to Xiao Pan like that.

Xiao Pan chortled, "As soon as I see Grand Tutor, all my worries are gone." He turned towards Li Si and said, "Li Si, can you let Grand Tutor have a look at the new coin we'll be launching for Black Dragon!"

Li Si happily placed the new coin on Xiang Shaolong's table.

Xiang Shaolong picked it up for a look. It's a round coin with a round hole in the middle, and written on it the words half tael, with an abstract looking dragon shape. It's really a vast difference from the image of money he had in mind.

Li Si returned to his table and said with a sigh, "Learned Lady Ji indeed lives up to her reputation, with her proposal to change the political system. Not only is it practical and feasible, the political and economical reforms are also taken into consideration. The timeline for implementation is also indicated and the stages of implementation are just right such that the people won't feel forced into it. Please tell Learned Lady that Li Si is in total awe."

Xiao Pan obviously thinks very highly of Li Si as he said with a laugh, "Official Li is too humble. Official Li has given a lot of examples in the whole proposal, and has contributed as much merit as Grand Tutor Ji."

Li Si hurriedly knelt down to give his thanks.

Xiao Pan was silent for a moment before asking Xiang Shaolong, "How is grand Tutor planning to deal with the assassins who are coming to Xianyang this time?"

Xiang Shaolong replied easily, "Don't worry, Crown Prince. The only chance those rebels have to strike is to take us by surprise during the ceremony when your Highness is paying homage to the river god. But now that we're aware of this, the whole situation is reversed. I will work closely with Lord Changwen and crush our enemies' devious plot. I guarantee that not only will no harm come to your Highness, we can also make use of this chance to show those who are involved from the 6 countries our prowess."

Xiao Pan looks up upon him like a deity and he exclaimed joyfully, "With Grand Tutor in charge of this matter, there's nothing for me to worry."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "But your Highness must promise to let me have full control of everything tomorrow, otherwise it'll be difficult to execute our marvelous plan."

Xiao Pan chortled, "Then I will be Grand Tutor's subordinate for one day tomorrow and obey all your instructions."

Li Si gave a heartfelt smile as he felt the total trust and sincerity between the two of them.

The morning court session started with no major upheaval but once Lu Buwei brought up his intention to split the position of Salt and Iron Official into two positions, a fierce debate immediately ensued.

Xiang Shaolong listened for a long time and could only barely understand the gist of the matter.

It turns out that before Duke Xiao, almost all the trades in Qin were monopolized by the government. But in order to handle the production in these trades, the Qin government set up government agencies to take charge of the different industries. One of the most important posts is that of the Salt and Iron Official as it affects both the common people and the military.

But with the expansion of Qin, a few iron producing centers in the east have slowly fallen into the hands of the Qin people. The duties of the Salt and Iron Official are getting heavier day by day and there are also instances of smuggling salt and iron for personal gains. Besides, salt and iron are basically two entirely unrelated products. Therefore Lu Buwei came up with this suggestion.

The main problem with Lu Buwei's suggestion is that he wanted his own people in charge of Qin's economic and military matters, the two most important lifeline of the empire. Therefore Lord Changpin, Li Si and the rest are trying to delay this until the birth of Black Dragon so that they can make use of the opportunity to take these two positions back.

Naturally it's easier to delay than to object and in the end, there was no determined outcome. Xiao Pan gave the orders for this to be future discussed and the morning court session ended.

Xiang Shaolong returned home and Teng Yi and Jing Jun are already waiting for him to scout the route that Xiao Pan will be taking tomorrow morning.

Xiang Shaolong asked, "How's the situation?"

Teng Yi replied, "Guoxing just reported that Wu Guo had accompanied him to visit the various leaders. According to him, there's not much headway regarding the assassins."

Jing Jun added, "I've discussed it with Lord Changwen. He said we can just find some excuse, for example some guard has stolen items from the palace, then we'll seal the city and search each and every household. Ever since Shang Yang's reforms have been put in place, those who do not report crimes are guilty of the same offense so it should be easy to find any suspicious people. But if these people are hiding in some general or senior officials' residences, it'll be more difficult."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "You must not act rashly. We must pretend that we know nothing at all about this and tell Guoxing not to investigate so that we won't put them on their guard."

Teng Yi smiled, "Third Brother seemed very confident about the Crown Prince's safety tomorrow?"

Xiang Shaolong gave a slight smile and summoned Zhao Da. After giving him instructions to inform Lord Wenchang and Guoxing, he left with Teng Yi and Jing Jun.

They left the city of Xianyang and walked towards River Wei on the official road. Along the way, they only saw endless grassland and knolls. They can't help but feel energized as they enjoyed the scenery, almost forgetting the purpose of their trip.

The emerald lake, the luscious green grass with rays reflecting off them is simply enchanting.

Once in a while they will see shepherds with their herds with cows, goats or horses on the grassland and such a scene added a sense of life and energy on the land.

Teng Yi pointed to a small hillock which was overgrown with trees and said, "If someone hides up there with a strong bow, he'll be able to shoot any target travelling on the official road."

Xiang Shaolong was jolted awake from the mesmerizing scenery and he instructed Jing Jun to note down on his scroll all the possible locations that the assassins can make use of.

Although it's noon, but when they travelled through a densely forested segment of the road, the morning fog has yet to disperse. The air is moist and vision is little hazy. Teng Yi paled as he said, "From the looks of the weather, there will be heavy fog tomorrow. It's extremely to our disadvantage."

Xiang Shaolong replied calmly, "I don't think it's entirely to our disadvantage. At least we know our enemies will choose the time when the fog is the heaviest when we are going there to strike and not strike on the return journey. Secondly, the heavy fog is even more favorable to the birth of Black Dragon."

Jing Jun said in awe, "Third Brother is obviously very confident."

Xiang Shaolong asked happily, "My two good brothers, have you every heard of the story of 'Attacking the wrong carriage'?"

Teng and Jing replied concurrently in confusion, "Attacking the wrong carriage?"

Only then did Xiang Shaolong remember that 'Attacking the wrong carriage'* incident happened after Xiao Pan became Emperor Qin, when Zhang Liang and his strongman attacked the wrong carriage with the iron hammer. He hurriedly tried to cover his mistake and said, "That is what will happen tomorrow. As long as the Crown Prince is hiding in another carriage, we can lure our enemies out without worry and annihilate them."

* Note: Zhang Liang's assassination attempt on Emperor Qin during one of his inspection tours. He found a very strong man and forged an extremely heavy hammer for the strongman. During the ambush, Zhang assumed that the most ornately decorated carriage in the middle is Emperor Qin's carriage and the strongman hurled the hammer at the carriage, killing its occupant. However, it turned out that Emperor Qin was not the person in that carriage.

Teng and Jing both exclaimed the ingenuity of the plan. By then they are no longer in the mood to survey the areas along the route and after making some plans, they went to River Wei to meet up with Ji Yanran, who is in charge of masquerading as Black Dragon, before returning to the city together.

By the time they returned to the Wu Residence, it's already dusk.

As soon as they stepped into the main door, Tao Fang informed that Wu Fu had just arrived and waiting for him in the East Hall.

Ji Yanran said in half-seriousness, "Someone is here to fish for news but don't follow him to Drunken Breeze Loft. Don't forget that you have not accompanied us for two nights. If you don't get an early rest, let's see where you'll find the energy to deal with those assassins."

Xiang Shaolong snickered, "Even if I have enough energy, I won't waste it on those women. I already have the whole world. Other than my pretty wives, nothing else in this world will be able to tempt me."

Ji Yanran smiled sweetly and let him go.

When he arrived at the East Hall, he saw that Wu Fu was behaving restlessly and secretly thought it amusing. He went up and said, "Master Wu really should not be here, what if it raises the suspicion of Lao Ai and Lu Buwei's men?"

Wu Fu had already prepared his speech as he replied humbly, "Master Xiang, do not worry, I will be extremely careful."

After they sat down, Wu Fu asked quietly, "What was the Crown Prince's reaction after he found out about that matter?"

Xiang Shaolong was secretly amused as he replied calmly, "Of course he was furious, but because of the Empress Dowager, he can only be on his guard secretly until he finds evidence. By then he'll be able to settle scores with Lao Ai and let's see how the Empress Dowager can protect him then."

He paused and added, "The Crown Prince admires your loyalty very much and was considering how he should reward you."

Wu Fu was ecstatic, "As long as I can be of service to the Crown Prince and Master Xiang, I am satisfied. I'm not concerned about rewards."

Xiang Shaolong said deliberately, "Otherwise we can create an official post for you to enjoy, but someone else will have to take care of your Drunkard Wind Loft because no official can ever open a brothel as a sideline. And it won't look good either if made known. Anyway, you've earned more than enough!"

Wu Fu was thrilled as he replied with a wide grin, "That's a minor problem. Master Pu had always wanted to buy over my Drunkard Wind Loft. If the sale is successful, I will give half of the proceeds to you. I know that such a trivial amount is nothing in Master Xiang's eyes but it represents a little token on my part."

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that this gift is considered quite substantial.

He suddenly had a thought. This Wu Fu is actually trying to cover all bases so that no matter which side gains the upper hand, he can still enjoy advantages.

Once he had this understanding, he realized that this person can be made used of.

Especially when the Black Dragon is about to be born tomorrow, it will certainly shock the kingdom, and the rise of one group will mean the decline of the other. Once Xiao Pan's reputation soars, people like Wu Fu who sees where the wind blows should know who they must side with.

Wu Fu furrowed his brow, "If Master Xiang is interested in that lady from my loft, just a word from you and I'll send her over to serve you. Even if it's Meimei, I'll have a way."

Xiang Shaolong was surprised, "You're not afraid of Lu Buwei?"

Wu Fu sighed, "I've no choice even if I'm afraid. Meimei is now using her life to threaten me and she refuses to become Lu Buwei's concubine. Of course, if I have Meimei's beauty, I wouldn't want to marry into Zhongfu Residence as well."

Xiang Shaolong was very surprised. So Dan Meimei is with Lu Buwei because she fear his power and not because she's willing. His hatred for her diminished immediately and a sense of pity rose up instead as he asked, "How is Lu Buwei handling this matter?"

Wu Fu laughed, "What can he do? He can only try to pressure and bribe me but poor me is threatened by Lao Ai as well. I'm sandwiched in the middle and have not had a good night's sleep. Master Xiang, just take a look at me now and you'll know."

Xiang Shaolong took a close look at his face and indeed he looked haggard with dark circles under his eyes. He said with a smile, "If you knew this would happen, why do it in the first place? Lu Buwei has no feelings at all yet you helped him trick me. Aren't you just looking for trouble?"

Wu Fu was stunned at first, then he paled as he stuttered, "I don't understand what you mean."

Xiang Shaolong smiled, "Even Mo Ao couldn't trick me, so how do you think you fare when compared to Mo Ao?"

Wu Fu threw himself to the ground and exclaimed in fear, "Master Xiang have misunderstood me, if I lie…"

Xiang Shaolong interrupted him, "Please don't make any life or death vows, otherwise I may really decide to punish you in Heaven's name just like what you wished for."

Wu Fu cried out, "Please believe me, I really…"

'Swish!' The precious sword that has been through hundreds of battles left its sheath.

Wu Fu was so terrified he scrambled away, cold sweat as large as peas filled his forehead as his face turned deathly pale.

Xiang Shaolong placed the precious sword nonchalantly on the table next to him and said off handedly, "I won't hide it from you. I have spies with Lu Buwei and Lao Ai, so I know everything. If you utter one more word of untruth, I will chop off your head with this sword and parade it at the market square. Of course the offense will be deceiving the ruler."

Wu Fu was stunned for a moment before he replied dejectedly, "I concede!"

Book 19 Chap 10 – The Dragon Rises From River Wei

Spring Festival.

Before the sun rose, most of the citizens of Xianyang city have already changed into new clothes, as if it's a market day and headed towards the upstream of River Wei to take part in the grand Spring festivities.

Although the roads were crowded, everything was in an orderly fashion.

Under the orders of Teng Yi, Jing Jun and Guo Yu, 200,000 cavalry were out in full force maintaining order along the way.

All the high posts along the way which can be used for ambush are guarded and security is tight.

If there are assassins, they can only make use of the woods on the sides of the roads as cover in order to execute their assassination attempts.

Zhu Ji, Lu Buwei and a group of higher ranked officials went to the Palace to meet up with Xiao Pan before the sun rose. They first paid their respects to the late King at the ancestral shrine before leaving in carriages.

Under the protection of Lord Changwen and a group of elite imperial guards, Xiao Pan went according to plan and did not travel in the grand imperial carriage. Instead he is dressed as one of the imperial guard and set off undercover with the main team.

Inside the imperial carriage was Jing Shan who was pretending to be Xiao Pan. This person's dexterity is comparable to Jing Jun and is really the best person who can deal with sudden changes.

Xiang Shaolong was still worried that something will happen to him and specially reinforced the walls of the horse carriage with steel plates, just like the bullet-proof vehicles of the 21st century.

The huge entourage left the palace gates and traveled along River Wei once they left the city.

The commoners were cheering along both sides of the road as a show of their support and love towards the ruler.

Each of the two teams has about a hundred odd imperial soldiers with ferocious dogs doing a sweep of the heavily forested areas along both sides of the road to prevent the enemy from hiding in the woods to shoot at them.

The Wu family warriors were disguised as common folk and mixed around in the crowd, almost like plain-clothes spies of the 21st century, keeping a look out for suspicious characters in the crowd.

Xiang Shaolong was riding behind the imperial carriage, constantly giving orders to the imperial guards, putting to total use everything he has learnt in the 21st century.

With the imperial guards opening the way, the imperial carriage moved right ahead. Everywhere they went the crowd hurriedly gave way, kneeling in respect.

On both sides of the team of carriages were two rows of imperial guards. The ones on the outer row held long shields while the ones on the inner row were armed with bows and arrows. In terms of defense, it is indeed extremely watertight.

Xiang Shaolong slowed down to more than 10 horse lengths behind and rode together with Xiao Pan, Li Si, Lord Wenchang etc.

Xiao Pan looked appreciatively at the horsemen on top of the hills on the left of them who were waving the flags signifying safety and said, "Grand Tutor's plans are indeed an eye opener for me."

Li Si added with a smile, "Even if the assassin is formidable with 3 heads or 6 arms, in my opinion there is no way he can find a window of opportunity to strike and can only retreat in face of such difficulty."

Xiang Shaolong looked up. Gazing at the heavy morning fog, he said with a smile, "The enemy must have made careful plans and will surly have ways to deal with sudden changes. If my guess is right, the main attack will come from further ahead. If they can get to the top of the trees, they'll be able to attack with weapons such as arrows and stones if we are not prepared. And with the support of the assassins who are working undercover among the crowd and with a clear target, they may be able to succeed after all."

Xiao Pan, Li Si and Lord Wenchang looked at the top of the trees that is covered in fog and can't help but feel a cold shiver in their hearts.

Xiang Shaolong continued, "Right in front there is a forest and it is the most ideal place for both attacking and escaping. If they want to strike, it would be that place."

Xiao Pan was thinking all these exciting as his eyes blazed hotly whereas Li Si and Lord Wenchang started feeling nervous, no longer in the mood to joke.

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought that Emperor Qin is Emperor Qin indeed, for his is braver than most men.

He nudged his horse and went after Wang Yu.

The leading troops led the way on the official road to the forest where the rites will be held.

The fog became thicker and anything more than ten steps away cannot be seen clearly.

The entourage has yet to arrive but the common folk can already hear the music as they hurriedly went down on their knees on both sides of the road and waited for the carriages to drive past.

Amidst the cheers and music, Wang Yu drove into the woods.

The imperial guards have received their instructions earlier and all are on the alert to deal with any sudden events.

Xiang Shaolong was calm instead. His eyes searched out Wu Guo who was in the crowd and exchanged a look with him. He was not surprised if Wu Guo did not find out anything out of the ordinary.

If the enemy doesn't even have a way to disguise themselves, they won't even come.

When a group of experts have made a death wish and decided to assassinate a target, they will become a terrible force to reckon with.

Xiang Shaolong gave out orders to the soldiers surrounding them. Wu Yan and his men spread out a little more, behind Wang Yu. All were on high alert.

The half mile long forest road feels as long as a century.

Much to everyone's surprise, even when they were nearing the edge of the forest and the trees are beginning to thin, there's still no sign of any assassins.

The sound of the River Wei gushing ahead could be heard from up ahead.

Suddenly the road in front opened up and they saw the river gushing. The fog is now just like a thin blanket covering the earth.

Xiang Shaolong was just breathing a sigh of relief when there was a strange and sudden change.

Strange calls were heard from the sides of the road and just as Xiang Shaolong was still wondering what's happening, the imperial guards surrounding the imperial carriage all fell from their horses, followed by the horrible sound of a heavy object crashing towards the carriage at a shocking speed. The driver of the carriage had his head totally severed by some strange, horrible weapon and fell off the carriage. The eight horses which were pulling the carriage all fell in a pool of blood.

The outside walls of the carriage shattered and splintered, the sound shocking.

There was immediate chaos amongst the crowd as everyone tried to escape in all directions. Cries and screams filled the air and it was difficult to differentiate who is the enemy.

Xiang Shaolong roared as he pulled out his precious sword and charged forward.

A few people jumped out from the sides of the road.

With a 'whoosh', one of them used a heavy metal bar to smash the door open. By now the nearest imperial guard to the imperial carriage who's not yet dead or injured is at least ten steps away.

"Argh!" one of the men who tried to dash up the carriage was struck in front with an arrow and fell to the floor.

All the warriors fired their arrows. The attackers were all shot dead but two of them managed to somersault backwards and slipped into the woods, avoiding the arrows.

Xiang Shaolong and his men went to surround the area.

More than a dozen shadows escaped from two sides, running towards River Wei.

Amidst the sounds of hooves and cries, the guards ran after them.

Xiang Shaolong ran up to the side of the smashed carriage door and shouted, "Calm the masses!" Xiang Shaolong took a look inside the carriage.

Only to see Jing Shan extend his deathly pale face as he stuttered, "Luckily there were the steel slabs. Otherwise I'll be dead."

Xiang Shaolong took a better look, and saw more than a dozen round metal wheels scattered on the ground, their edges thin and sharp as they shone but by now all of them have a broken edge.

He took another look at the 30 odd imperial guards lying in pools of blood around the carriage, all of whom died instantly. The scene was frightening with broken pieces of armor scattered around the road.

Such circular wheels that were thrown with the hands are even more fatal than bows and arrows, such that even armors are of no protection.

Another look at the walls of the carriage. The wood was splintered, revealing the steel plates that had become warped. He can't help but suck in an icy breath.

Two of the circular wheels managed to fly into the carriage and sliced open Jing Shan's armor when they rebounded. Luckily it was only a minor wound.

The entourage stopped.

The frightened masses were gathered to a corner, far away from the crime scene. Wu Guo was in charge over there to check if there are any assassins hiding amongst the masses.

Xiao Pan and the rest came up to Xiang Shaolong and after seeing the horrible aftermath, they were all fearfully astounded.

By now Lord Changwen's men came to report that the assassins jumped into the river and swam across to the opposite bank. They only managed to kill three of them.

Xiang Shaolong jumped off his horse to check on the assassins who were killed. All of them were struck by at least three arrows and died on the spot. There're no further clues that are worth pursuing.

Wan Chi, Wang Lin, Lao Ai, Lu Buwei and the other officials hurriedly rushed forward and on seeing Jing Shan walking out from within the carriage, were all dumbfounded.

Xiao Pan removed his helmet and revealed himself. His expression was icy as he ordered Guan Zhongxie, "Search the city immediately. If there are still assassins inside the city, you can say goodbye to your position as Commander of the City Guards."

His gaze fell upon the corpse filled ground and said sadly, "Give them a grand burial and compensation!" He could not bear to witness any more of this and nudged his horse towards the grounds for the Spring rites.

Although a great assassination tragedy has happened, most of the people are not aware of what happened and the atmosphere is still lively.

When Xiao Pan, Zhu Ji, Lu Buwei and the rest of the officials ascended the platform for the rites, the sound of drums were heard and the tens of thousands of common folk gathered on the bank of the river all knelt down and chorused, "Long live your Majesty."

Teng Yi and Jing Jun gave orders to the Calvary as they were left in charge of maintaining order.

Ever since the reforms of Shangyang, amongst the seven states of the warring kingdoms, the people of Qin are the most law-abiding and obedient. Even in such a situation, everything is done in an orderly fashion.

Because of what happened earlier, Xiang Shaolong and the rest were worried that there are still assassins hiding among the crowd so they erected a human barrier, segregating everyone a safe distance away.

The fog thickened again, seemingly frozen on the river and refusing to disperse, which lets one feel that nature can be such a mystery.

Xiang Shaolong who was standing below the platform kept an eye on the expressions of Du Bi and Pu Hu, who were standing on the platform. Although they looked normal, they occasionally let slip small movements which betrayed their uneasiness. He knows that they are feeling lost now that the assassination attempt has failed.

Xiao Pan took over the torch and lighted the kindling in the giant cauldron. The fiery flame shot heavenward as the smoke filled the air, into the fog.

The whole place was solemnly silent.

Xiao Pan opened the ritual script and started reading aloud.

He stood erect, with a solemn air and indeed has the regal bearing of a ruler of the world.

At this point in time Teng Yi came up to Xiang Shaolong and said quietly, "I heard that even Xiaoshan almost lost his life. I didn't expect the assassins to be so formidable.

Xiang Shaolong was still shaken as he replied, "If the target is me, even I would not be able to survive. Who would have expected that they would have such frightening weapons."

Teng Yi stared at River Wei, which was covered with a layer of smoke and fog, the opposite bank is now totally indiscernible by now. Teng Yi gave him a nudge and said, "Coming!"

Xiang Shaolong could not see anything at all initially but after his warning, his eyes sought out the surroundings and indeed realized that something seems to be stirring up the river as it bubbled with ferocity.

Those standing near the bank began to realize something strange is happening and they all started pointing in astonishment.

Lu Buwei and the rest, who were on the platform, were all dumbfounded, looking quizzically at the river.

The crowd standing further back all stepped forward to have a closer look.

The voice of Xiao Pan's reading the rites was slowly covered by the shouts of the crowd.

A black, curved dragon's tail emerged about five feet from the water amongst the fog before it smashed back into the water ferociously and water droplets flew up into the air, seemingly clearing the heavy fog.

Xiang and Teng did not expect Ji Yanran to come up with this move. This moving animal, when compared to the 'dead dragon' used during the rehearsal, is as different as heaven and earth. Everyone was shocked.

The crowd on the banks and the leaders and officials on the platform were all shell-shocked. Cries of wonderment rose up.

There are even some who were so frightened that their legs have turned to jelly and they collapsed to the ground.

The imperial guards were still shaken by what happened earlier and they hurriedly surrounded Xiao Pan, some of them even pulling out their weapons.

Xiao Pan stopped them with a shout, "A mystical creature have emerged from the waters, do not act rashly. Anyone who disobeys will be beheaded."

Of course Lord Changwen and the rest immediately stopped the guards to avoid another 'tragedy' from happening. The river is now calm again.

Tens of thousands of people all held their breath as they stared at the river.

Suddenly there were cries of alarm as deep in the fog, a black dragon head revealed its mystical presence again, creating waves as it bobbed on the water. It took some time before sinking back into the water again.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest shouted in chorus, "The birth of the Black Dragon, Heaven has bestowed a mythical creature upon Great Qin and we have the support of the River God."

Lord Changping took the lead and knelt down first. The rest of the people followed him and knelt as well. Even Lu Buwei, Guan Zhongxie and the rest were influenced by the air of excitement and knelt down as well.

For about 5 miles along the riverbank, it was filled with people offering their prayers towards the river.

In the end only Xiao Pan remained standing on the platform alone, lifting his hands up in the air as he faced the river, his stance certainly standing out from the crowd.

As the thousands held their breath, the Black Dragon appeared again.

The gigantic dragon head emerged just a few feet away, directly in front of Xiao Pan before sinking down again. This happened three times. The whole dragon rose out of the water, more than a hundred feet long, it's tail constantly slapping on the water. Everyone who saw it was terrified.

The black dragon suddenly let rip an earth shattering roar. Although Xiang Shaolong and the rest knows very well that this is the effect of many men shouting at the same time, they can't help but be impressed with the realistic effect.

Fire suddenly shot out of the black dragon's eyes as its head bobbed three times towards Xiao Pan, as if it is bowing to him before going back into the water.

Wang Chi took the opportunity to shout, "A magical creature has blessed our sovereign, long live our Majesty."

The crowd regained their senses as they cried out in unison, "Long live the Black Dragon, long live our Majesty!" The cheers waved and ebbed like the water on the river, echoing across the valley as thousands of people became excited and the atmosphere became extremely lively.

The black dragon did not appear again. Lu Buwei, Guan Zhongxie, Du Bi, Pu Hu, Lao Ai all looked at one another in astonishment, not knowing how they should consider this strange and frightening event that just happened right in front of their eyes.

Striking while the iron is hot, everyone was celebrating the fact that the black dragon has blessed their king. On Xiao Pan's way back to the palace, Ji Yanran disguised herself as a messenger and blocked Xiao Pan's path to offer him Zou Yan's 'Complete Book of Five Virtues'.

This dramatic scene of blocking the path to offer a book caused another stir and by now the emotions of the officials and the common people is uncontrollable.

Groups of court officials and generals went to the palace on their own accord to visit Xiao Pan as they pledged their loyalty. Firecrackers can be heard everywhere in Xianyang City.

The people were dancing and singing on the streets as they made their way to the palace to pay their respects.

Taking Xiang Shaolong's suggestion, Xiao Pan opened up the training grounds in the palace to the public and even came out three times to receive the people's adulation. Naturally security was extremely tight as well.

Lu Buwei and Lao Ai were caught off guard and although they harbored some suspicions, there was nothing they can do.

The appearance of black dragon is ten times more formidable than ten copies of "Spring and Autumn Annals of Lu". Xiao Pan's reputation suddenly soared to the highest point that was previously unheard of.

That afternoon, Wang Wan, Lord Changping, Li Si, Wang Chi, Wang Lin entered the palace to see Xiao Pan to suggest that the Qin imperial family formally use Zou Yan's 'Complete Book of Five Virtues' as the national book and to formally appoint Ji Yanran as the respected 'Female Tutor', to be in charge of drafting the change in policies in line with the mystical creature's 'new government'.

Even Xiang Shaolong, the engineer of this plan, did not expect that black dragon's influence will be so formidable that quite a number of officials who were originally on Lu Buwei's side have now changed their loyalty towards Xiao Pan.

Xiao Pan immediately called for a court session and Ji Yanran read out the new policies in court.

During the court session, all the officials looked excited but Lu Buwei and Zhu Ji were in shock.

But under such superstitious and mystical atmosphere, no one dares to openly oppose Xiao Pan who has received spiritual blessings.

The beautiful Learned Lady Ji wore a grand, long black robe embroidered with dark gold thread with a tall headgear. With a stately expression, she first announced that River Wei will henceforth be known as 'Holy River'. As River Wei is one of the rivers connecting to the Yellow River, in other words, the whole of the Yellow River has now become the Holy River.

Because less water is available during the winter season, the tenth month where winter begins will now become the first month of the year. Followed by the 'Black as Color'*, where colors correspond to the Five Elements and water corresponds to the color black.

*From Elements of Color, in traditional Chinese art and culture, black, red, blue-green, white and yellow are viewed as standard colors. These colors correspond to the five elements of water, fire, wood, metal and earth.

Therefore black is now the main color in dressing, ornaments, pennants etc.

Followed by 'Six as Lead', whereby in the Five Elements, the number six correspond with Water so henceforth the various utensils will use the number six as a benchmark.

For example, official hats should be 6 inches long, carriages should be 6 foot wide and 6 foot equals to one pace.

On seeing this grand event which he single handedly planned unfolding, Xiang Shaolong's whole head was numb with excitement.

No one will be able to understand this event's far and wide influence on the Qin dynasty other than him, and it has left an indestructible mark on the history of China.

After Qin unified China, the empire was divided into 36 commanderies, because 36 is the self multiplication of 6.

Another example is the classification of the numbers of wealthy merchants in the world in Xianyang as '120,000 households' because 120,000 is 6 times 20,000.

The last key political change is to make use of Ji Yanran to announce the execution of the 'Three Lords and Nine Ministers' system which Li Si meticulously planned in order to strengthen Xiao Pan's central power.

It is create disorder in the previous official system Lu Buwei established in the past by abusing his power and to twist the situation where they were previously bound by around.

On the surface it looks as if most of the people can still maintain their own authority and Lao Ai seems to be holding even greater power but in secret, it has become a situation where Lao Ai will keep Lu Buwei in check while Xiao Pan will once again gain tight control of the military and finances.

Lu Buwei is still the Premier, while Lord Changping is now the Grand Commandant instead of the Left Premier and Feng Qie is now the Imperial Secretary. Together they are known as the Three Lords.

The duties of the Three Lords are clearly defined.

The Premier is the head of the administrative officials and reports directly to the ruler and will be given a gold seal and purple ribbon to assist the Qin ruler in political matters of the country.

This is akin to denying Lu Buwei's identity as his 'Uncle' to feign his position as Regent. A premier is not the equivalent of the Ruler, but will have to seek the Ruler's opinion in every matter, thus strengthening the power of the imperial rule.

Lord Changping's role as Grand Commandant is to assist Xiao Pan in taking charge of the whole country's military affairs so that the Qin army will have a unified commander, imperceptibly cutting off the independent rule that men like Meng Ao, Du Bi had been enjoying with the armies under them.

This reform is similar to merging the old positions of Left Premier and Grand Marshal, and also akin to integrating the powers of Xu Xian and Lu Gong into one post. Through Lord Changping, Xiao Pan can directly control the Qin military, the strongest army in the world.

This position is also assigned the gold token and purple ribbon.

The last of the Three Lords, the position of the Imperial Secretary is the brain juice of the super intelligent Li Si who came up with this brilliant plan to reduce Lu Buwei's power.

On the surface, the Imperial Secretary is similar to Li Si's previous position of Chief Clerk, helping Xiao Pan handle all memorials and edicts, just that there's now the added responsibility of keeping an eye on the duties and authority of the officials.

But when Ji Yanran described the detailed responsibilities, she pointed out that whatever affairs that the Premier is handling, the Imperial Secretary has the authority to question but the authority to oversee the Imperial Secretary is something that Lu Buwei as the Premier will not possess.

So it became that the Imperial Secretary will keep the Premier in check, ostensibly and obviously reducing quite a lot of Lu Buwei's influence.

Feng Qie used to be in charge of the judicial system and is a very upright person so no one dares to raise any objection about him taking on this position.

From this one can see how capable Xiao Pan is in using the people under him.

Whereas Lao Ai had a promotion from his position as Interior Minister to the Minister of Ceremony, responsible for state protocols and rituals and the head of the Nine Ministers. Under him were the six assistants: Grand Musician, Leader of Prayers, Judge of Policies, Grand Astrologer, Overseer of Temple and Leader of Rites.

This is a highly ranked position but with no real power, most suitable for someone with Lao Ai's identity as a 'fake eunuch' and this offer gives Zhu Ji due respect so that she will not be offended.

Lao Ai's original position as Interior Minister will be given to his brother Lao Ji.

From Xiang Shaolong, Xiao Pan understands that this person is a good for nothing, a lecherous bummer so he's not worried about him at all.

Besides, the Interior Minister is all along only in charge of the documents and correspondences between the three major armies in the capital and the Palace. Even if he wants to plan some dirty tricks there is nothing he can base it on.

Lord Changwen became the second in command among the Nine Ministers, the Minister of Household, to be in charge of the defense of the whole city. In other words, the Imperial Guards, City Guards and Cavalry are all now under him.

Among the other 7 ministers: Minister of Guards, Minister of Coachman, Minister of Justice, Minister of Guests, Minister of Imperial Clan, Minister of Finance, Minister Steward, the three most important positions are those of the Minister of Justice, Minister of Finance and Minister Steward. They are taken up by Li Si, Wang Wan and Cai Ze respectively.

Li Si and his men gained a promotion of several ranks, in charge of the whole country's judicial punishment, becoming the country's highest ranked judge. Under him were the Main, Left and Right Supervisors. Lao Ai's keqing* Ling Qi and Mao Jiao became the Left and Right Supervisor respectively.

* keqing - a person from one feudal state serving in the court of another

Minister of Finance is in charge of the whole country's taxes and expenditure.

The Minster Steward takes care of the businesses and economy of the country and is another important post and an important official like Cai Ze is someone that Xiao Pan will have to appease.

As for the wars against others, Wang Chi, Meng Ao, Wang Ling and Wang Jian were appointed as the Four Great Supreme General whereas Xiang Shaolong, An Guxi and Du Bi were appointed as Great Generals and only the seven of them have the authority to lead the army into battles.

This can be considered a conciliated political reform with Xiao Pan gaining the most advantage, followed by Lao Ai. As for Lu Buwei, he can only wallow in self pity.

But because Zhu Ji, Wang Guan and most of the senior officials are now supporting Xiao Pan, Lu Buwei have no choice but to accept it quietly.

The mystical help of Black Dragon which came at an opportune time, together with the act of 'blocking the path to offer a book', has at least knocked Lu Buwei off a few rungs from the extreme power he held. No longer will he be able to do whatever pleases him like in the past.

After Xiao Pan announced the end of the court session, the officials all chorused, 'Long live your Majesty' and then hurriedly rush home so that they can shower and change in time to take part in tonight's feast that will be held in the Palace. And the Winter Commencement day is now considered the New Year for Qin.

Book 19 Chap 11 – Returning Good For Evil

Xiang Shaolong had wanted to slip away but he was dragged by the recently promoted and over enthusiastic Li Si to see Xiao Pan. Ji Yanran was not as happy as them and went home on her own.

Although this time it cannot be considered a complete victory, but it's a huge change for the better. Want Chi, Wang Ling, Lords Changping and Changwen were all in high spirits as they surrounded Xiang Shaolong, this great mastermind into the inner court to see Xiao Pan.

On seeing everyone arriving, Xiao Pan walked down from his dragon throne, so touched that his eyes turned red from the emotions.

Xiang Shaolong was a bit confounded as he looked at Xiao Pan striding towards him in an imposing manner.

Suddenly he felt as if Xiao Pan is a total stranger, yet at the same time so close that he's like his own son.

The kind of two extreme reactions clashing together gave him an exceptionally strange feeling.

In another few years, Xiao Pan will be crowned as Emperor.

And his relationship with this future Emperor Qin, will have to come to an end.

He has to leave.

Because he does not wish to be drenched in the blood of the soldiers and civilians of the Six States. He is totally weary towards wars.

Xiao Pan's actual age is 19 years old, and he absolutely has the air and commanding presence of a ruler of the times who feels that he is way above all other living things.

He may be half a head shorter than Xiang Shaolong but his shoulders are broad and his limbs muscular with a squarish face and big ears. The most striking is his eyes, when he glanced over at Xiang Shaolong, even he felt a chill in his heart.

In the past, when Xu Xian and Lord Lu found out that he is not Lu Buwei's illegitimate son, they immediately pledged loyalty to him. And now Wang Ling and Wang Chi are devoted to him without any reason at all. Xiao Pan is just that kind of natural born political leader who has the charisma to make others submit to him.

One can imagine that when the time comes for him to be officially crowned as Emperor, he will become even more remarkable.

Xiao Pan came to Xiang Shaolong and grabbed his hands tightly as he exclaimed with joy, "Grand Tutor, we've succeeded."

Li Si and the rest surrounded the two of them and shouted out their congratulations. All of them were beginning to sound a little nonsensical.

All along, in the power struggle between a ruler and his power-holding official, the fight is never completed without some form of bloodshed.

But with this Black Dragon, a stroke of genius, they immediately sliced off more than half of Lu Buwei's power which he had painstakingly built up over many years and at the same time, possibly crushed the plans that he had been secretly making. To be able to achieve such an outcome without a single soldier or bloodshed, how can one not feel strangely touching.

With the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for anyone to raise a coup. Even the civilians of Xianyang will rise up to support Xiao Pan, not to mention the military which has always been loyal to the royal family.

Xiang Shaolong replied with a smile, "I should take a rest too, will your Majesty please grant me the permission."

Xiao Pan sighed, "Much as I am extremely unwilling to do so, I can only accede to your request. But once anything happens, Grand Tutor must come back to help me."

Xiang Shaolong felt as if a weight has been lifted off him as he said, "In politics there's Lord Changping and Li Tingwei and in military there's the two Supreme Generals. Your Majesty, just do as you deem fit!"

Everyone roared with laughter.

Because Xiang Shaolong is as good as saying, don't come disturbing me if there's nothing wrong.

Li Si chided laughingly, "Lord Xiang please do not make fun of me. With Xiang Shaolong, I will always be the same Li Si you met outside the city initially when you came back from Zhao."

Xiao Pan said, "When does Grand Tutor plan to return to the farm for your temporary leave?" On hearing his emphasis on the two words 'temporary leave', all of them revealed a knowing smile.

Instead Xiang Shaolong grabbed Xiao Pan's hands tightly, so tight that he could feel their flesh and blood merged together as he answered, "After we eliminate Qiu Risheng's Warrior School and after Xiao Jun's wedding, I'll return to the farm and take my temporary leave as you wish. I should still be in Xianyang for another ten odd days. Heh, I want to go home for a shower and change in order to get ready for the feast tonight."

Xiao Pan let go of Xiang Shaolong's hands unwillingly as he uttered emotionally, "That I, Ying Zheng, will have this day, is all thanks to Grand Tutor."

That he, as a ruler of the country, is willing to say such a statement, us enough to move everyone.

Only Xiang Shaolong truly understands the hidden meaning he is conveying.

Who would have expected that the mischievous imp of the past who only knows how to harass palace maids will ultimately become the famous Emperor Qin who will unify the world?

Outside the palace doors, it was filled with people trying to take a look at the ruler and when they saw Xiang Shaolong coming out, cheers erupted immediately.

The sounds of hooves were heard. Guoxing, leading a troop rushed out from the side and saluted him from a distance.

On seeing Guoxing wearing his military uniform, like a changed man with his suave demeanor, Xiang Shaolong remembered the way Jing Jun looked when he wore his official uniform for the first time. He can't help but feel a deeper sense of closeness towards Guoxing.

Guoxing came up to him and accompanied him as he rode towards the Wu residence. He said with a quiet laugh, "I've been waiting outside for quite some time. Earlier when Lao Ai and Lu Buwei came out separately, the crowds all jeered at them and they were so livid their faces were contorted. But when Great General Xiang emerged, you received the loudest cheers."

Seeing little children in their brand new clothes setting off firecrackers and playing catch at the side, Xiang Shaolong has never felt so relaxed before.

Xiao Pan has finally stabilized his throne and in future, he's the only person who will settle scores with others. People like Lu Buwei and Lao Ai will only be fit to become his sparring practice targets.

Guoxing said, "Master Xiang, please trust me. In future I will follow you with absolute loyalty."

On hearing the change in his behavior, Xiang Shaolong showed his magnanimity by saying, "I will be leaving in about 10 odd days and Xiao Jun will take over my position for the time being. Just follow Xiao Jun and work well with him, this is also the best opportunity for you to mend relations with him."

After Guoxing nodded his head in agreement, he lowered his voice and said, "After 5 of those assassins escaped, they all ran to Du Bi's General Residence to hide from the search. From what I understand from Qiu Risheng, they will masquerade themselves as warriors from our Warrior School and attend the feast tonight.

Xiang Shaolong asked in puzzlement, "Did they think they still have a chance at assassination tonight, or do they not know that all who enter the Palace to attend feasts are not allowed to bring weapons?"

Guoxing replied, "Qiu Risheng is not that careless, he just hopes to make use of those people to regain some prestige of his school."

Xiang Shaolong said nonchalantly, "Fine, then let me see what this Qiu Risheng looks like tonight. If not because of Lao Ai, I would have torn his school down today."

On hearing this, Guoxing was petrified and secretly relieved that he has 'changed his loyalty to the wise ruler', otherwise he would be one of those who would face utter humiliation.

Guoxing added, "I heard that this morning Dan Meimei attempted suicide by hanging herself but luckily she was saved."

By now Xiang Shaolong only feels pity and no hate towards Dan Meimei. But it's really not convenient for him to interfere in this matter so he could only secretly lament that much as he would like to help, his hands are tied.

He can't stop himself from asking, "Is Dan Meimei's heart with Lao Ai?"

Guoxing gave a mysterious reply, "I'm afraid she's the only one who knows. But there has been talk amongst the servants going around Drunken Wind Loft, saying that the person Dan Meimei is really interested in is you, Master Xiang."

Xiang Shaolong was startled as he exclaimed hoarsely, "That must be a mistake, otherwise why would I not feel anything at all."

Guoxing bumped his shoulder as he replied, "A woman's heart is most unfathomable. Or maybe it's a wrong rumor!" By then they have reached the Wu residence and Guoxing left after saluting.

As soon as Xiang Shaolong thought of his own wonderful and warmhearted family, all thoughts of Dan Meimei were cast to the back of his mind immediately.

As soon as he stepped into the house, his men told him that the famous courtesan Yang Yu from Drunken Wind Loft is here to look for him and currently waiting at the East Hall.

Xiang Shaolong was taken aback and he could roughly guess that this visit must be related to the unsuccessful suicide attempt by Dan Meimei and can only secretly heave a sigh.

He is almost of the mind to instruct his men to send Yang Yu away but ultimately he could not harden his heart to do it. After a brief internal struggle, he went to the East Hall.

This beauty was devoid of her makeup and wearing a plain outfit, and looks even more pleasing to the eye then when she was all decked up and heavily made up. Although she's still incomparable to the previous night's Shi Sufang, but her delicate beauty can still be considered rare.

Up until now he still cannot decipher the inner workings of this lady of the night's heart.

Is she forced to harm him because she had to submit to Lu Buwei's power? Or is she really in love with either Guan Zhongxie or Xu Shang, that's why she's willing to aid them in evil.

In an environment full of schemes and nefarious plots, he has learnt not to trust anyone easily.

At the same time he learnt how to use various methods to deal with his enemies, for example Wu Fu and Guoxing.

Yang Yu saw him arrive and left her seat in joy to receive him.

Xiang Shaolong was really worried that she will throw herself into his arms and if the servants see that, they will report to Wu Tingfang and the other ladies. By then there's no way he will be able to defend himself.

That's the thing with the human psychology. If he goes and have fun at Drunken Wind Loft, Learned Lady Ji and the rest can pretend ignorance as long as they don't witness anything but if he were to bring the playthings home, that's another matter altogether.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly bowed and said politely, "Miss Yu, please take a seat."

Yang Yu is an expert in the psychology of men. She smiled sweetly and after giving him an extremely meaningful look, retreated back to her seat. She waited for Xiang Shaolong to sit down next to her before she raised her brows and said quietly, "Meimei wanted to hang herself this morning. Luckily we have been on the alert to prevent her from committing silly acts so we were able to save her in time. But now there's a horrible looking scar on her neck, she won't be able to receive guests for quite some time."

Xiang Shaolong furrowed his brows, "Miss Yu has come to see me, is it because you think I can be of assistance to her?"

Yang Yu sighed and said, "I know very well that by coming to see Great General Xiang like this, you are already being very kind to me by not chasing me out of your residence. It's just that Meimei and I are closer than real sisters, the others are afraid of Lu Buwei's authority and are keeping silent. In the whole of Xianyang City now, Great General is the only one who holds no regard for Lu Buwei at all. Meimei and I are really at our wits end so we can only shamelessly come and seek Lord Xiang's help."

Xiang Shaolong asked worriedly, "Wasn't Meimei always on good terms with Lord Lao? Now that his power has increased greatly, if he is willing to marry Meimei and she doesn't mind, it should be very difficult for Lu Buwei to raise objections."

Yang Yu revealed a look of disdain as she said with a snort, "What is Lao Ai, at the very most he is just a toy boy of the Dowager. He can come out and flirt around but a month ago, someone gave him two song courtesans and in the end they were beaten to death by the Dowager's people. Great General, please tell me who else would have the guts to marry into his residence."

Xiang Shaolong was shocked speechless. He remembered during Lu Buwei's birthday feast, Zhu Ji's defensive looking eyes were full of vicious hatred, her whole demeanor was icy. Zhu Ji has really changed too much.

Ever since Lu Buwei caused the death of King Zhuangxiao, something went wrong in her psychology.

But still, he did not expect her to turn into such a terrible woman.

Yang Yu continued, "Besides Meimei was just putting on a show with him. Initially she was indeed charmed by his suave and handsome exterior but ever since she heard from Bai Lei the atrocious acts he has done in the past, she only developed feelings of detest and none of joy."

Xiang Shaolong thought to himself that Bai lei must have heard about Lao Ai's atrocities from Han Xie and knowing Han Xie, he'll definitely spare no mercy with his tongue and pepper the stories.

But then again, Lao Ai does deserve it.

Yang Yu's expression suddenly softened as she looked at him with great affection, "Only Master Xiang has the best reputation. Even your enemies can't come out with anything bad you've done. At first we did not understand, but after we've seen how understanding Master Xiang was when we kept offending you, knowing that we were forced into it and even treating us with courtesy, we were secretly very grateful."

Xiang Shaolong said with a wry smile, "It's most difficult trying to be a good person. Honestly, regarding Lu Buwei's intention to marry Meimei as his concubine, it's very difficult for me to interfere and besides, there is no reason for me to interfere."

Yang Yu replied confidently, "But at least there are two ways Master Xiang can help Meimei. The simplest way is of course for Master Xiang to make Meimei your own concubine but I know very well that this request is overboard and it will also result in enmity between Master Xiang and Lord Lao."

Xiang Shaolong sighed, "What about the other solution?"

Yang Yu chewed on her lower lip as she said, "Help her escape from Qin."

Xiang Shaolong asked quizzically, "Helping her leave the country is an easy task for me. I just need to give my instructions and it will be done but the problem is, she is such a beauty that no matter where she goes, there will be people who hanker after her beauty. So isn't it out of the frying pan and into the fire? If she bumps into bandits or hooligans, her outcome will be worse than anyone can imagine."

Yang Yu said elatedly, "As long as Master Xiang is agreeable than everything's fine. Meimei has a royalty from Wei who admires here and has on many occasions sent his men here to beg Meimei to go to Daliang. If Master Xiang were to send men to inform him and ask him to send his people to receive her at the border, then Meimei's safety will not be a problem."

Xiang Shaolong asked, "Who is this royalty?"

Yang Yu whispered, "It was Crown Prince of Wei, who used to be held hostage in Xianyang but later escaped back to Daliang."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly enlightened.

It seems that Dan Meimei is not really in love with him, but if she becomes the Crown Princess, it's much better than to become Lu Buwei's sex object.

Xiang Shaolong knows himself very well, he is not one to harden his heart and refuse to help so he replied with a wry smile, "All right, you'll tell Meimei to feign illness, even Wu Fu is not allowed to see her. When everyone is attending the feast tonight, I'll send men to send her away and travel through the night. On top of that I will send fast horses to inform the Crown prince and Lord Longyang. The only problematic thing is that we have to make it look as if Meimei ran away on her own so that it will not implicate Miss Yu and the others."

Yang Yu threw herself into his arms in joy, her eyes red.

Xiang Shaolong was shaken as he exclaimed, "If you want to thank me, sit down properly quick."

Yang Yu couldn't care less and gave him a big kiss on the lips before she moved a small distance away, her eyes watery as she choked in tears, "Even if Meimei and I try to repay you till our deaths, it is till not enough to repay Master Xiang's magnanimity in forgiving us for out past misdeeds."

Only then is Xiang Shaolong sure that this is not a trap for if it is, Yang Yu must be an award winning actress. Besides, there's no need for him to be personally involved in this matter so it'll be impossible if they want to harm him.

After discussing the details for contact with Yang Yu, he asked in passing, "Why aren't you leaving together with Meimei?"

Yang Yu glanced at him awkwardly, wanting to speak out but stopped herself. Finally she lowered her head, her pretty face blushing. Her behavior was extremely alluring.

Xiang Shaolong was enlightened as he exclaimed, "So Miss Yu is in love with Guan Zhongxie."

Yang Yu shook her head, "How could it be him? That is a cold blooded and heartless person. Every time after he's had his fun with me, he'd chase me away immediately, saying that he's not used to sleeping with others. A man like that, only Third Missy Lu would take a liking to him."

Xiang Shaolong replied, "Of course he wouldn't treat Lu Niangrong the same way. I know, it must be that fellow Xu Shang, he is indeed very handsome."

Yang Yu chewed on her lips without saying anything but her expression was filled with worry and helplessness. Only after a long pause did she say, "It's the same everywhere I go. If Lu Buwei forces me to become his concubine, I can only submit to my fate. But Meimei is a lot stronger than me. Hai, I'm afraid Master Xiang will not believe me even if I say it but I have no wish to lie to Master Xiang in any matter. Meimei's suicide attempt is just a farce Meimei and I thought of to delay Lu Buwei."

Xiang Shaolong was surprised, "I'm already very careful but I was still duped by both of you."

Yang Yu promised, "Now there's nothing we're hiding from you. Initially I dare not come and look for Master Xiang at all but Meimei said you're the only person who can help her and will certainly help her. Because she knows that Master Xiang is a natural born, true and chivalric hero."

Xiang Shaolong added wryly again, "She's really accurate in her assessment of this great fool here."

Yang Yu wiped away her tears and revealed a charming smile, "Meimei said, if Master Xiang doesn't want her, then just send her away. Hai, which girl in Xianyang city now does not wish to marry into Master Xiang's family?"

Xiang Shaolong secretly thought her formidable. If a woman wants to get into the good books of a man, a 'professional' like Yang Yu will certainly be very outstanding, so much so that even if one knows that it's just false flattery, he'll still feel good hearing it.

At least there are still Guiyan, Lu Niangrong and even Yingying have no wish to marry him, Xiang Shaolong.

Xiang Shaolong saw that there's not much time left since now he has to arrange for Dan Meimei to escape Xianyang, prepare to attend the feast at the palace tonight and also worried that Ji Yanran and the rest will have some misunderstanding so he hurriedly send Yang Yu off on her way.

After Yang Yu left, the first thing Xiang Shaolong did was to look for Zhao Da because he had once stayed with Zhao Ya in Daliang for a long period of time so he is most familiar with the local situation. He is the most appropriate person to be in charge of this matter.

Dan Meimei is gone just like that. The most unlucky person will be Wu Fu and this can possibly force him to take one step further to ally himself with him and become a useful pawn in Lu Buwei's organization.

Zhao Da thought it would be some dangerous mission and on hearing that it's only to send Dan Meimei to the Wei border, he agreed happily.

When Xiang Shaolong returned to the inner residence, he thought that Ji Yanran and the rest would have been garbed in finery and waiting to attend the feast. Instead, his wives and maids were having fun with the kids, still dressed in their day to day wear and doesn't look like they're planning to attend the feast at all.

Xiang Shaolong was puzzled, "Aren't you going to join in the festivities?"

Ji Yanran lay languidly on the cushions and she replied tiredly, "My lord husband seems to have forgotten who had to lift up that dragon tail to slap the river the whole morning, and who was made to stand for hours in court to read the edicts like a punishment. I had thought of going but after my bath I seem to have suddenly lost all my energy. I just want to do nothing at all, and have no energy to think of why my lord husband was chatting half the night away with a lady from Drunken Wind Loft."

Xiang Shaolong was initially filled with pity, then he was almost filled with fury as he knelt down and kissed her cheek and at the same time asked Wu Tingfang, "What about the rest of you?"

Zhao Zhi pouted her lips, "Since Sister Yanran is not going, would we have the mood to go?" Xiang Shaolong is finally gaining some understanding as he raised his arms in surrender, "God be my witness, I, Xiang Shaolong and Yang Yu had never had any past entanglements, and it's the same for today. The reason she…"

Ji Yanran suddenly covered his mouth with her hand as she said with a laugh, "Don't be overly suspicious, we were just making fun of you!"

Wu Tingfang chuckled charmingly, "But it's true we won't be attending the feast. The sight of Lu Buwei makes me think of… hai, don't talk about it."

Looking at her darkened expression, Xiang Shaolong immediately thought of his lovely Zhao Qian and Chunying, and understood her meaning.

Tian Zhen and Tian Feng came over and helped him up to assist him in his bath.

After he was appropriately dressed, he went to the hall where Teng Yi and Jing Jun were chatting idly with Tao Fang as they waited for him.

Xiang Shaolong asked, "Have Zhao Da informed you about Dan Meimei's matter?"

Teng Yi nodded his head, "It's just a small matter. But if it can anger Lu Buwei and cause trouble for Wu Fu, it's a happy task."

Jing Jun sighed, "Dan Meimei is precisely clear about this point, so she's not worried that you will not agree. This woman is indeed very beautiful."

Xiang Shaolong was enlightened by his words and immediately his impression of Yang Yu dropped. He is really too ready to look at on the bright side of things.

Tao Li said, "I saw Tu Xian earlier and he asked me if the Black Dragon is Shaolong's idea. I dare not lie to him and Tu Xian wants me to tell you that he is really impressed with you. This marvelous plan is even better than stabbing Lu Buwei with your sword. Lu Buwei was livid with anger when he went home and guessed that it was us who came up with all this balderdash but there's nothing he could do at all. Tu Xian said with Lu Buwei's character, he may choose to take a risk and told us to be even more careful."

Xiang Shaolong was secretly startled as he bowed his head in humble acknowledgement. Indeed victory has gone up to his head and he is on cloud nine, and this is very dangerous.

Teng Yi smiled, "Guan Zhongxie arrested a group of people but from what I see they are innocents. He's thinking of using these people as scapegoats but they were taken away by our Minister of Justice so he can't torture a confession out of them. This time even Guan Zhongxie has lost his authority."

Jing Jun complained, "The sight of Guoxing irks me yet Third Brother wants me to teach him the ropes. Ai!"

Xiang Shaolong grabbed his arms and pulled him closer, saying with a serious expression, "A fault confessed is half redressed. Xiao Jun, just be kindhearted this one time and give him a chance!"

Teng Yi stood up and announced, "It's almost time, let us leave for the Palace!"

Xiang Shaolong reminded him, "Remember to bring your Mozi sword. Tonight will be filled with great performances."

Tao Fang was surprised, "How can such things happen? This is the royal feast of Great Qin, without the approval of the ruler, who dares to create trouble?"

Xiang Shaolong tapped the Hundred Battles Sword hanging from his waist and laughed, "We are the ones the ruler gave approval to, to save us the trouble of finding the Warrior School again in future."

Only then did Teng and Jing understand.

Xiang Shaolong led the way and walked towards the main door as he chortled, "Birth of the Black Dragon. It's a sign from heaven and also a joyous occasion. We'll just wish Qiu Risheng an early happy new year."

Teng, Jing and Tao laughed as they ran after him and stepped out together.

The 18 elite guards and the personal guards of Teng, Jing and Tao were already waiting outside with the horses.

After the four of them mounted their horses, they swept out of the main gates towards the direction of the Palace.

The whole of Xianyang City was covered with night fog and it looked eerily like a ghost city.

Once Xiang Shaolong thought of his impending return to the relaxing farm, he was in a happier mood.

Ever since Zhao Qian and the rest unfortunately lost their lives in another land, he has not felt so carefree like what he is feeling now, no longer having the feeling that he is being crushed by an invisible burden so heavy that he cannot breath.

Book 20 Chapter 1 – A Union Of Mutual Benefit

Under the escort of the 18 elite guards, Xiang Shaolong, together with his brothers Teng and Jing, and Tao Fang made their way towards the Palace. Suddenly they could hear hoof beats from the front and in the dark fog a lone rider was racing towards them, with another 10 odd riders chasing after him. It looked as if the long street has become a lane for races.

Teng Yi shouted, "Stop your horses."

The rider in front has rode into the ring of light cast by the lanterns and they could see he was bleeding all over his body as he shouted, "Great General save me."

Everyone took a closer look and was shocked to see that it was Guoxing.

Guoxing wanted to rein in his horse but obviously he could not hold up any longer as he fell sideways to the left of the horse.

Just before the warhorse skidded to a stop and Guoxing was about to crash onto the ground, the sound of the bowstring quivering was heard as an arrow was shot out from the hands of one of the riders at the back. It's accuracy was so unbelievable as it entered the back of Guoxing's neck and exited from the front of his neck. By the time Guoxing reached the ground, he is already a lifeless corpse.

Even though Xiang Shaolong's reflexes had always been fast, the scene was enough to make his body go numb.

The 18 elite guards drew their bows in unison and swiftly cocked their arrows.

The group of riders rode up to where Guoxing had fallen and reined in their horses. The leader, Guan Zhongxie was hanging his bow back onto his horse's back as he said loudly, "Commander Xiang have seen it for yourself, Guoxing tried to escape in guilt and your subordinate had no choice but to carry out orders and have him killed."

Xiang Shaolong's whole body went cold and at the same time a storm of fury went up in him. With a 'clang!', he drew out his Hundred Battles Sword and said with a cold snort, "Guan Zhongxie how dare you kill my Deputy Commander right in front of my face?"

Guan Zhongxie's personal guards raised their shields and went in front of him, forming a wall of shields.

Guan Zhongxie replied with a composed smile, "Commander Xiang please do not be mistaken and listen to my explanation. I am under his Majesty's order to arrest the killers who tried to assassinate his Majesty this morning and I found out that the killers were in cahoots with the owner of the Warrior School, Qiu Risheng, who brought them to Xianyang. Now Qiu Risheng and all the killers are arrested and Minister Lu questioned them personally. That Guoxing resisted arrest and ran away as Commander Xiang can very well see. If I have failed my duty in any way, you can always bring it up to his Majesty, Minister Lu and the Dowager."

He then added in a shout, "Take away the body!"

For a moment Xiang Shaolong did not know how to react as well as he shouted, "No one's allowed to touch him!"

Since Guan Zhongxie has gained the upper hand, he just laughed and said, "Commander Xiang has given his orders, would I dare to disobey? Let us leave!"

He slapped his horse and went away.

His men retreated on their horses for ten odd steps before shouting in unison as they turned their horses' head around and ran after Guan Zhongxie.

Xiang Shaolong and the rest looked at one another, their eyes finally resting on Guoxing's body, lying in a pool of blood with an arrow in his neck.

Tao Fang sighed, "In the end we still underestimated Lu Buwei. This move is indeed extremely vicious, not only destroying the Warrior School and at the same time cause us and Lao Ai a loss of face. He can also point the finger towards Lao Ai, or even Du Bi and Pu Hu now."

Teng Yi said seriously, "Maybe Lu Buwei will make use of this opportunity to cause more trouble and deal with Lao Ai and his men."

Xiang Shaolong shook his head, "He definitely will not be able to touch Lao Ai. Xiao Jun, send some men to help settle Guoxing's funeral affair and at the same time protect his family. I will enter the Palace immediately to see his Majesty and discuss how we should handle this matter."

He nudged his horse's belly and rode forward, unable to take another look at Guoxing's gruesome outcome.

All along, although Guan Zhongxie is his enemy, he still felt there are certain similarities between them and there's an inkling of understanding.

But at this moment, he only wants to tear him in pieces and he won't feel an ounce of pity at all.

When he reached the main road leading towards the Palace, it was jam packed with humans and carriages. The officials and royalty all behaved as if they had no idea of the bloody exchanges in Xianyang City and were all happily on their way to attend the feast.

When he reached the Palace gates, he met Lord Changwen, who came up to him with a grave expression and said, "His Majesty happens to be looking for Shaolong!"

Xiang Shaolong suddenly remembered something and instantly broke out in sweat as he told Teng Yi, "Xianyang City will definitely be heavily guarded tonight, Zhao Da and Dan Meimei…"

Teng Yi was hugely shaken as he replied, "I understand!" before turning back.

Xiang Shaolong hurriedly instructed Lord Wenchang to send a team of Imperial Guards to follow Teng Yi and protect him before he entered the Palace to attend to the summons.

He still can't come to terms with Guoxing's death.

Indeed his head has been clouded by victory, that he didn't even think about how widely spread is Lu Buwei's power in Xianyang City.

With his intelligence, how can he not come to the conclusion that with the assassination attempt on Xiao Pan's life, Du Bi and Pu Hu will certainly become implicated.

Now that Lu Buwei has arrested Qiu Risheng, it's obvious that he wants to deal with Lao Ai.

But he knows very well, or rather he knows from history that before Lao Ai public rebellion, there is nothing Lu Buwei can do to Lao Ai.

Once one makes an enemy out of Lu Buwei, one careless mistake can mean a huge loss.

Once he thought of how Guo Xing had just offered his allegiance and ended up being shot dead by Guan Zhongxie right in front of his eyes, the sense of fury and helplessness really made him feel the impulse to immediately rouse his Wu family's elite warriors and kill their way into Lu's residence.

At this point in time Xiao Pan is in the study talking with his trusted aides Lord Changping, Li Si, Wang Chi and Wang Ling, his expression strangely calm. When he saw him coming, he called out joyously, "Grand Tutor, dispense with ceremony."

Xiang Shaolong forced himself to suppress his tumultuous emotions and sat down below Wang Chi, asking solemnly, "What's the current situation?"

Wang Chi replied, "Guan Zhongxie sprung a surprise attack on the Warrior School earlier, Chang Jie and An Jinliang were killed immediately. Qiu Risheng's right arm was shattered when they beat him with poles and the 200 odd warriors in the school were all arrested. On top of that, they questioned two of the injured assassins and obtained evidence. There's no way Qiu Risheng can deny anything."

Li Si who was sitting opposite added, "Those people have been sent to my place, including Qiu Risheng, who all insisted they were under the orders of Lao Ai. Because the re-opening of the Weinan Warrior School was all due to the support and protection of Lao Ai, it'll be very difficult for Lao Ai to keep himself out of this matter."

Xiao Pan said, "I was looking for Grand Tutor because I want everyone to have a discussion, should we make use of this matter to get rid of Lao Ai?"

Xiang Shaolong suddenly understood. Although Xiao Pan was forced to accept his marvelous plan of using Lao Ai to curb Lu Buwei, but in face his hatred for Lao Ai is overwhelming because Lao Ai has taken Zhu Ji's attention away from him.

Xiao Pan would very much like to find a chance to seriously hurt Zhu Ji in order to satiate the anger in his heart. Now that the Black Dragon is born, he is no longer so afraid of Lu Buwei like in the past, that's why he feels that this idea is extremely tempting.

Once he, Xiang Shaolong, nods his head a little, Xiao Pan will give the orders. And maybe the other person who hates Lao Ai more than Xiao Pan, Lu Buwei will immediately send his men to kill all of Lao Ai's family and warriors, really castrate him and only hand him to Li Si, the Minister of Justice after beating him to submission.

Zhu Ji herself holds no real power and if Xiao Pan doesn't stand on her side, Lu Buwei will be able to do whatever he likes.

Xiang Shaolong heaved a sigh, "Where is Lao Ai now?"

Lord Changwen answered, "He and a huge group of his trusted warriors have hidden themselves at Sweet Spring Palace. The Dowager sent her people here to summon his Majesty twice but was rejected subtly both times."

Only now did Xiang Shaolong realize the danger of the situation. Things are happening too fast, Lu Buwei must have known long ago that Qiu Risheng is connected to this matter so he deliberately planned his attack before the start of the feast so that everyone will not be able to react in time.

Everyone's gaze landed on him, they obviously know Xiao Pan's intention and they dare not object, neither do they wish to object. So they're waiting for him, the person who can influence the future Emperor Qin's decision, to speak up.

In fact, Xiang Shaolong is hard pressed to find a strong reason why he should object.

He saw Xiao Pan's bright eyes, staring unwaveringly at him, filled with yearning and anticipation.

Ultimately Xiao Pan still treats him different from the others. Even though his authority is growing day by day, in the end he will still steadfastly respect his opinions.

He gave a sigh before he told them that Guan Zhongxie was killed right in front of his eyes.

Everyone's countenance changed.

Wang Ling cried out with fury, "This is going overboard."

Xiang Shaolong said calmly, "No one in here will give any sigh of regret over Lao Ai's death but we must also consider the consequences."

He then gave Li Si a look.

This can be considered a chance for Li Si to show if he is indeed a true friend.

Currently, besides Xiang Shaolong, the only other person Xiao Pan trusts the most is Li Si. The others fall way behind.

Li Si is an extremely smart person and knows what Xiang Shaolong is thinking of. He nodded his head slightly in affirmation and said, "If we get rid of Lao Ai now, the person most affected would of course be the Dowager. If this were to happen, the Dowager's power will be shaken and it'll be difficult for her to interfere in court affairs. Under such circumstances, if Lu Buwei join forces with the senior officials in court, maybe he will really be able to become the Regent. Then the current favorable situation we created with the Black Dragon will go down the drain."

Wang Chi said solemnly, "We can always propose Shaolong become the Regent in his capacity as the Grand Tutor, especially since Shaolong has already proven his merit by saving his Majesty. Besides, with the birth of the Black Dragon, Wang Guan, Cai Ze and the rest knows who the true ruler is. Even if Lu Buwei wants to twist the situation, I'm afraid there's nothing much he can do."

Lord Changwen agreed, "There is no one else more suitable to become the Regent other than Shaolong."

Xiang Shaolong smiled wryly, "Naturally I am very happy that his Majesty and all of you think so highly of me but since Lu Buwei chose to make things difficult for Lao Ai this time, it must be because he's worried that we will remove Guan Zhongxie from his post and he may not be able to point the finger at the Dowager. Obviously he has something up his sleeves and his ultimate motive will be to deal with our precious dragon."

Xiao Pan was silent for a moment before he nodded his head, "Even we know that Qiu Risheng is in cahoots with Du Bi and Pu Hu so there's no reason for Lu Buwei not to know. But this time his only target is Lao Ai, with no mention of Du Bi and Pu Hu at all. There must be more to this."

Li Si's expression changed, "Could it be that Lu Buwei has already reached a secret agreement with Du Bi and Pu Hu to sacrifice Qiu Risheng in order to topple Lao Ai and the Dowager. Then next he'll just have to… hei!"

Everyone's expression changed immediately.

Lord Changwen exclaimed hoarsely, "This is definitely not without basis. Because when Pu Hu was on the way back from the religious rite, he was invited by Lu Buwei to share his carriage. Maybe they've reached an agreement in the carriage."

This is politics.

No matter how impossible it seems, but under the sudden change of circumstances, enemies may become collaborators after weighing the pros and cons.

From Lu Buwei's perspective, he is already on opposing ends with Lao Ai and Zhu Ji. The political corporation with Xiao Pan and Xiang Shaolong as the leader is all the more causing him hate. If he did not have the support of Meng Ao's power, he would have lost his life long ago. But if he collaborates with Cheng Qiao, who cares only for gains, his situation will naturally be very different.

Xiao Pan said with a somber expression, "I had not considered this point."

Wang Ling heaved out a cold breath, "Ever since Black Dragon was born, Lu Buwei and Du Bi were at a loss and in their effort to regain their authority, it's not surprising that they will do this. The problem now is that all of us dislike Lao Ai, so should we take this opportunity to drag him down?"

Everyone's gaze landed on Xiang Shaolong again.

Once again, Xiang Shaolong is beginning to feel that fate cannot be changed. Lao Ai is fated not to die so early, that's why this thought suddenly sprouted in all their heads.

To Lu Buwei, Cheng Qiao's influence is so much lower than Xiao Pan's, and Du Bi and Pu Hu will never be the match of Wang Chi, Li Si and the rest of their own people. So if Cheng Qiao replaces Xiao Pan as the ruler of Qin, he can only be a puppet ruler and will never be able to have a mind of his own.

From this it can be seen that he is now utterly disappointed in his 'son' Xiao Pan.

He smiled and said, "What is Lao Ai? Right now our biggest enemy is only Lu Buwei so for now the smartest thing to do is to keep Lao Ai to keep Lu Buwei in check and after that try to get rid of Cheng Qiao and the rest. By then we won't have to worry what Lu Buwei will be capable of doing."

Xiao Pan is still a little worried as he asked with a furrowed brow, "Then how should we deal with Cheng Qiao?"

Xiang Shaolong smiled, "That's easy. Order him to lead an army to take down the state of Zhao, and his relationship with the Zhao will come to light."

Everyone marveled at the brilliant suggestion.

This is the importance of information. If Xiang Shaolong is not aware of the relationship betweeb Pu Hu and General Peng Ai from Zhao, he won't be able to think of such a marvelous plan.

Xiao Pan was stunned for a moment before he chortled out in laughter, "There's no simpler and more direct way than this, but we must wait for the right time. The Black Dragon has just been born recently, I still need some time to consolidate my power."

After Li Si became the Minister of Justice, his status has changed greatly. He is no longer trying to conceal his abilities as he announced, "Since that is the case, then we should let Lao Ai know very clearly that Lu Buwei wants to destroy him, then he'll be at greater odds with Lu Buwei."

Wang Ling said somberly, "But there's pros and cons to this. We can imagine that after this incident, the Dowager will be clear that Lao Ai's power is too little and in future will go all out to help him fight for more power."

Wang Chi snorted, "No matter how hard she fights, he will never be able to become a Great General, so what good use can he be?"

Xiao Pan stood up and the rest hurriedly stood up and bowed.

Xiao Pan said energetically, "I will go and host the Spring Feast immediately. Grand Tutor Xiang can bring a team of Imperial Guards to escort the Dowager and that fake eunuch to the Palace to attend the feast. Just take it that his life is still not the end this time."

He then gave a cold snort before leaving.

The rest hurried after him.

Once Xiang Shaolong thought of visiting Zhu Ji, he immediately felt a headache coming on.

Who would have expected that situations will suddenly arise. He'll be grateful if his plan of taking a long 'vacation' is not disrupted because of this.

Xiang Shaolong led the 18 Guardsmen and a 50-strong team from Xiao Pan's best Imperial guards and went grandly to the Sweet Spring Palace. A group of warriors dashed out from the side to block their paths.

Xiang Shaolong had already guessed that Guan Zhongxie would order his men to surround Sweet Spring Palace so he unsheathed his Hundred Battles Sword and shouted, "Who dares to stop me, Xiang Shaolong."

The Guardsmen and Imperial guards roared as they brandished their shields, bows and spears and made a formation, protecting Xiang Shaolong right in the middle with their arrows and spears pointing outwards, ready to fly out at any moment.

None of those warriors dare to retaliate as they fled from all sides.

The drawbridge to Sweet Spring Palace was drawn and the gates shut tightly.

Xiang Shaolong and his men went to the little moat protecting the palace and reined in their horses.

Guan Zhongxie led Xu Shang and 50 to 60 warriors and went up to them, the former asking icily, "Haven't Commander Xiang gone to join in the Spring Feast?"

Xiang Shaolong thought of Guoxing and wished he could kill him with a stab now. He waited until he came near and reined in his horse before saying with a smile, "If I were to throw my flying needles at Official Guan, I wonder how confident will you be at avoiding them?"

Guan Zhongxie and Xu Shang's expression paled at the same time, their eyes on his right hand which he deliberately left hanging near the horse's body. The former managed to force out a smile and say, "Commander Xiang must be joking, death will of course be my only outcome."

Xiang Shaolong gave a nonchalant reply, "The both of you had better not move rashly, I am not joking. By surrounding Sweet Spring Palace like this, the both of you have already committed the offence of offending the Dowager. If I were to execute the both of you, who would dare to say that I've done wrong."

Xu Shang's reply was calm and steady, "Great General Xiang is mistaken, we are just under Lu Buwei's orders to protect her Majesty!"

Xiang Shaolong pretended to be surprised and said, "So I see, in that case you can retreat immediately, just leave the task of protecting her to me."

A flash of anger was seen on Guan Zhongxie's features as he lowered his head, "As the Great General commands."

He shouted, "Everyone, retreat!"

He turned his horse's head and galloped away.

Sounds of hooves galloping rose.

In an instant all the warriors were gone.

Xiang Shaolong called out towards the gates of Sweet Spring Palace, "Lord Ai please lower the drawbridge."

Sounds of machinery were heard as the drawbridge lowered.

Xiang Shaolong ordered his men to keep their weapons and led the way, marching grandly into the Palace.

He had just stepped past the gates when Lao Ai, Han Xie, Ling Qi, Lao Si came up to him, all dressed to fight.

Xiang Shaolong jumped off his horse and extended his hand to shake hands with Lao Ai as he said with a laugh, "Lord Lao, please forgive Shaolong for coming late. Is the Dawager alarmed?"

Lao Ai had a look of gratitude as he said quietly, "This matter…"